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AP Statistics Syllabus Ramsay High School

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AP Statistics Syllabus

Ramsay High School

Course and AP Test Overview: The AP Statistics Course covers four main areas of
study: exploratory analysis, planning and conducting a study, probability, and statistical
 Exploratory analysis ( 20-30% of exam) – Students will make connections
between numerical and graphical techniques. They will look for patterns and work
on describing the important characteristics
 Planning and Conducting a study ( 10-15% of exam)- Students will learn to
develop a plan for conducting a study and understand that this is fundamental to
gathering valid information
 Probability (20-30% of exam)- Probability describes a pattern that will emerge
over a long time. Probability is fundamental to anticipating a distribution
 Statistical Inference (30-40% of exam)- Models are used to draw conclusions
about data. “Inference from data can be thought of as the process of selecting a
reasonable model, including a statement in probability language, of how confident
one can be about the selection” - AP College Board

The AP Statistics test is composed of 40 multiple choice questions and 6 free response
questions. Students have 90 minutes to complete the multiple choice section and 90
minutes to complete the free response section.

Reading and Writing: AP Statistics is not your typical course. In this course, students
will be analyzing a variety of data. This course focuses strongly on procedural
understanding and the ability to express findings. Statistics have a special language. In
order for students to gain a deep understanding of the language, students must read and
study the textbook and work practice problems. Students will need to develop a study
habit that allows time for deliberate reading of the text. Students will be required to write
in complete sentences using the appropriate vocabulary.
Communication is extremely important. Students will learn to be questioners and
investigators of data. They should asks questions, make decisions, and justify their
choices. Throughout the year, we will be collecting a variety of data, creating graphical
displays of the data, linking vocabulary to the data, and explaining the data within
context. The key is that students learn to formulate their thoughts and express them
clearly in a written form.
We will also have outside reading from newspapers where statistics are displayed.
Students will learn to question the statistics; they will look at the presentation, the design
of the study, and the interpretation to determine if they have been manipulated to
influence the average reader.
Students will apply their writing skills in various Homework and Classwork
exercises. The syllabus breaks down the Homework and Classwork for each week. They
will be given AP free response questions from previous years’ tests. Students should
complete these using their notes and the text. As students become comfortable with the
format, they should be able to complete a free response question in 12-minutes. Students
will learn about the grading procedure because we will look at the scoring rubrics
associated with the questions.

Activities: Various activities will be incorporated into the class to engage students in
collecting, displaying, and interpreting data; conducting hands-on simulation; and
creating valid studies. Many of these activities will include food such as M& Ms,
Skittles, Animal Crackers, and Jelly Beans. For this reason, I will need to know of any
food allergies. In addition, many of the activities will include the collection of personal
data such as, arm length, head circumference, hours worked…This information is not to
be invasive but rather to collect data that will engage students in the learning process.
Many of the activities are listed in the syllabus, but more will be added as I collaborate
with other teachers of AP Statistics

Primary Text: Starnes, Yates, & Moore. The Practice of Statistics 4th ed., W.H. Freeman
& Co., 2012.

 In Homework and Classwork section this will be referred to as TPS

Reference Materials: Peck, Olsen, & Devore. Statistics and Data Analysis 4th ed.,
Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2012

 In Homework and Classwork section this will be referred to as POD

Technology: Students will be using their calculators to perform many statistical tests.
The importance of the technology is for students to be able to explain why they have
chosen particular tests and what the calculator output means within context. They should
never use calculator- speak, such as “I then used two-sample T test and got…” They
should always show the basics of the formula and explain within context. Here are some
of the skills with the calculator that students will master during the course,
Experimental Design: random number generating
Univariate Data: graphical displays including histograms and modified boxplot. They
also learn how to calculate one-variable statistics
Bivariate Data: scatter plots, least-squares regression calculations, residual plots,
the use of lists and formulas, transformation of data using logarithms
Random Variables: using lists to calculate expected value and standard deviation
Probability Distributions: combinations, binomial probability distributions, binomial
cumulative distribution, geometric probability distributions, and geometric probability
cumulative distribution.
Inference: Z-interval, 1-Proportion Z Interval, 2-Proportion Z-interval, T-Test, 2-
Sample T-Test, 1-Proportion Z-Test, 2-Proportion Z-Test, Z-Test, entering a matrix,
Chi-squared Test, Linear Regression T-Test.
Overview of the Year

Assignments are subject to change. Projects and additional assignments will be added at
appropriate times. Quizzes will be given as needed on any previously covered material.
Midpoint tests, 9-weeks tests, and semester exams are cumulative.

*** Special Note: Practice Tests have answers in the back of the book. When I
assign a practice test in the book, please follow directions. For all multiple choice,
choose an answer and write your explanation for choosing that answer. Upon
completing the chapter test, take out another color pen and correct the entire test.
For each problem missed, go back to the chapter and indicate why the answer is “c”
rather than “b”****

Week One (8/20/12 – 8/24/12) Goals:

 Categorical Data vs. Quantitative Data Chapter 1 Intro
o Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
 Categorical – Display and Describe Chapter 1.1
o Bar graph, pie charts
o Marginal and joint frequencies
o Conditional frequency
o Comparing Distributions

August 20th: Housekeeping: Sign out books

Handouts: syllabus, parent/student letter, policies & procedures, major concepts in
statistics, calculator rules, grading scale, formula page, AP statistics outline, stats
vocabulary, LTF Box and Whiskers
Discussion/Grade: Introductions and expectations
Organize Binders
Discuss three scenarios from summer assignment 1
Discuss typical income from summer assignment
Homework: Read Chapter 1 Intro
POD AP- 3 13
TPS Pp 7-8 2, 6, 7, 8
Summer Assignment 1

August 21st: Discussion/Grade: LTF Bar Graph lesson from summer

LTF Stem and Leaf lesson from summer
5 Homework Problems
Homework: Read Chapter 1.1
pp22-26 10, 14, 16, 17
Summer Assignment 2

August 22nd/August 23rd: Discussion/ Grade: Summer Assignment 3 and 4

4 Homework Problems
Activity: LTF Samantha Lesson
M & M Activity with Pie Chart and Bar Graph
Classwork: TPS Check for Understanding page 14 and 17
Homework: TPS pp22-26 18, 20, 23, 24
POD AP-3 1, 2
Read Section 1.2 and 1.3 (Due Monday)
Stem and Leaf Plots

August 24th: Discussion/Grade: Example page 696

6 Homework Problems
Discuss Quantitative Displays
Homework and Classwork: TPS pp 22-26 25, 27 – 32
POD AP- 2 1, 2, 6
Read Section 1.2 and Section 1.3 (Due Monday)
Bar Graphs and Histograms

Week Two and Three (8/27/12 – 9/7/12)

 Quantitative Data Chapter 1.2, 1.3
o Display – histograms, dot plots, stem and leaf, cumulative frequency by
hand and by calculator (cum frequency will be in section 2.1)
o Describe – CUSS
 General overview CUSS
 Center- median appropriate when skewed, mean appropriate when
roughly symmetric
 Spread- range, IQR (use with median), standard deviation (use
with mean) [calculate all by hand]
 Shape – unimodal, bimodal, multimodal, skewed, roughly
 Unusual features – calculating outliers, gaps, clusters and
defending interpretation
o Find all quantitative features on calculator
o Box plot (median, Q , Q , max, min)
o Quartiles
August 27 : Discussion/Grade
10 Homework Problems
Describing Distributions CUSS
Classwork/Homework: LTF Box and Whiskers
TPS pp 42-43 38, 40, 42
August 28 : Discussion/Grade
LTF Box and Whiskers and 3 problems
Describing Distributions CUSS
Focus on center and spread
Classwork 2007 B #1- AP-P1
Introduction to EPI
Grade first AP Free Response Problem
Homework Read 2.1 pp 85-89
TPS pp 45 46, 50, 52
August 29th/August 30th: Discussion/ Grade Cumulative Frequency Graphs
Classwork: 2006B #1- AP-P2
Grade Free Response
Activity: President’s Ages
Homework: Finish President’s Ages
2005 B # 1 AP-P3
APMC 2002 #27
August 31st: Discussion/Grade: President’s Age and Free Response
Five Number Summary
CUSS continued
POD AP-3 3 – 10, 14, 15
POD AP-4 2, 10, 14
APMC 2002 14, 27
Re-read and Study Chapter 1 pp 1-89 (Test Sept 12th/13th )
September 4th: Discussion/ Grade: 15 multiple choice and 1 free response
Modified Boxplots
Calculating Outliers
Check for understanding page 55
Check for understanding page 61
Homework: Sample AP Questions 1, 2, and 3 LTF pp 64-66
Pp 70 80, 82, 90
September 5th/September 6th: Discussion/ Grade:
Calculator Day
Cup Stacking Competition Activity
Homework: Calculator Practice Worksheet
2004 #1 AP-P4
Pp 70 94, 98, 107-110

September 7th: Discussion/ Grade 2004 #1

Classwork: 2006 #1 AP-P5
Grade and Discuss 2006 #1
Homework: Chapter 1 Practice Test
Re-read and Study Chapter 1 pp 1-89 (Test Sept 12th/13th )

Week Four (9/10/11- 9/14/11)

 Major Test
 Quantitative Data Chapter 2.1 and 2.2
o Percentiles
o Z-scores
o Changing units (addition and multiplication and change in graph)
o Normal curve and interpreting z-scores

September 10th: Discussion/ Grade: Chapter 1 Practice Test

Changing units
Homework: POD AP-4 1, 4-9, 15
Read pp 85-91
Page 106 1,2, 5, 8, 10, 11
Re-read and Study Chapter 1 pp 1-89 (Test Sept 12th/13th )
September 11th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over Homework
Changing units (addition and multiplication and change in graph)
Begin normal distributions
Homework: Study Chapter 1
September 12th/ 13th: CHAPTER ONE TEST (Use 2009 B #1, 2009 #1 a, b and 2010 B
Homework: page 107 13, 14, 16, 19, 20
APMC 2002 #7
Read section 2.2
September 14th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over Homework
Normal curve and interpreting z-scores
Reading a z-table
Using a calculator to find area under curve
Homework: Re-read section 2.2
Page 131-133 48, 50, 52, 54, 56
APMC 2002 #3, 6

Week Five (9/17/12 – 9/21/12)

 Review Test
 Bivariate Data Chapter 3.1
o Compare for association
 i.e. height and weight
 i.e. shoe size and height
o Scatter plot (calculator)
 Direction- up or down
 Unusual Features
 Form- linear or curved
 Strength – introduction of r
o Linearity

September 17th: Review multiple choice and free response from test
Activity: Collect data from the Wave activity to introduce linear regression
Homework: TPS pp 136-137 R2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8
TPS pp 138-139 1- 13 (AP Stats Test)
POD AP-4 3, 11, 12, 13
September 18th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over Homework
Calculator Entry and Interpretation
Homework Read section 3.1
pp 158- 163 3, 6,8 , 18, 20, 24
September 19th / 20th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over Homework
Activity Age Guessing Activity or Bouncing Ball Activity
Homework Read section 3.1
TPS pp 158-163 26 27 – 32
AP 1998 #2, AP-P6
September 21st: Discussion/ Grade: Go over Homework
Homework POD AP-3 11, 12
POD AP- 5 1
AP 2001 #1 AP-P7

Week Six (9/24/12- 9/28/12)

 Bivariate Data Continued Chapter 3.1 and 3.2
o Correlation -1<r<1 : how to interpret r scores
o Correlation: Association – only correlation if linear
o Least squares regression
o Finding a residual
o Focus on sentences

September 24th Discussion/ Grade: Go over HW

Least squares regression
Homework Read section 3.2
pp 191-192 36, 38, 40
APMC 2002 #17, 20
September 25 th
Discussion/ Grade: Go over HW
Least squares regression
Homework Read section 3.2
pp 191-192 42, 44, 46, 48

September 26th/ 27th Discussion/ Grade: Go over HW

Free Response Sentences
Activity: Spaghetti Bridges
Homework TPS pp 191-192 50, 52, 54
POD AP-5 2-13

September 28th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over HW

Residual plots
Classwork: AP 2002B #1 AP-P8
Grade Free Response
Homework Read Section 3.2
TPS pp 191-192 56, 60, 66 71-78
Week Seven (10/1/12- 10/5/12)
 Bivariate Data Chapter 3.2
o Residual plots, outliers, influential points
o Transformations log and power- introduction only Chapter 12. 2
 Major Test

October 1st: Discussion/Grade: Go over Homework

Residual plots, outliers, influential points
Classwork 1997 #6 AP-P9
Homework TPS pp 200-203 1-13 (Practice AP Stats Test)
POD AP-5 14, 15

October 2nd: Discussion/Grade: Go over Homework

Activity Standard Normal Calculations with M and Ms
Classwork: 2004 B #1 AP-P10
Grade Free Response
Homework APMC 2002 #28
October 3rd/4th: Major Test on Chapters 2 and 3 (Use 2011 #1, 2011 #5, 1999 4a)
Homework: Read Section 4.1
 Create a foldable that includes different types of samples (convenience
sample, voluntary response sample, simple random sample, stratified
sample, cluster sample)
 Compare and contrast undercoverage and nonresponse
 APMC 2002 #15
October 5 : Go over answers to multiple choice and free response from test

Homework : Read Section 4.2

 Compare and contrast observational study and experiment
 What are the principles of experimental design
 Compare and contrast block design and matched pair design
 Compare and contrast block design and stratified sampling
 APMC 2002 #1

Week Eight and Week Nine (10/8/12 – 10/19/12)

 PLANNING A STUDY Chapter 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
and 5.1
o Data collection
 Census, Sample survey, experiment, observational survey
o Surveys
 Design Characteristics
 Populations/ Samples/ Random Selection
 Sources of Bias
o Sampling
 SRS, Stratified random sampling, cluster sampling
o Experiments
 Experimental characteristics
 Treatments, control groups, experimental units, random
assignment, replication
 Bias, confounding, placebo, blinding
 Completely randomized design
 Randomized block design, matched pairs
o Generalizability of results and conclusions
o Simulation (probability and patterns)
 Small Test on Planning a Study
October 8th: Data Collection
Homework: Read Section 4.3
Creatively copy the chart at the top of page 262
P 226 2, 8, 12, 18, 22, 26,
October 9 : Discussion/Grade: Go over Homework

Homework: p 226 27-32
P 253 46, 54, 60, 64, 68, 76, 88, 91-98
AP MC 2002 #4, 9, 22
October 10 / 11 : Discussion/Grade: Go over Homework
th th

Classwork: AP 2002 B #3 AP P-11

Grade AP Free Response
Activity: Brownie Activity to establish double blind concept
Homework: TPS pp. 271- 273 R 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4. 10, 4.12
POD AP-2 3-5, 7-9, 10- 15
October 12 : Discussion/Grade: Go over Homework

Classwork : AP 2005 #3 AP P-12

Grade AP Free Response
AP 2006 #5 AP P-13
Grade AP Free Response
Homework: 2007B #3 AP P-14
2009 #3 AP P-15
APMC 2002 #16, 25
October 15th: Discussion/Grade: Go over Homework
Activity Jelly Blubber Activity
Homework TPS pp. 274-276 1-14 (Practice AP test)
October 16 : Discussion/Grade: Go over Homework

Classwork: AP 2001 #3 AP P-16

Grade Free Response
Activity: I Have/ Who Has Vocabulary
Homework: Study for Test
October 17th/18th: Test on chapter 4 (Use AP 2004 #2, 2010 #1, 2011 #3)
Homework: Read Section 5.1
What is the purpose of simulation
October 19 : Review of Chapters 1- 4: Review of Chapters 1-4

Classwork and Homework TPS pp 276- 279 1-17 (Cumulative practice AP test)
Homework ,

Week Ten- Week Twelve (10/22/12 – 11/9/12)

 Probability Chapter 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 6.1
o Basic Probability
 Addition
 Multiplication
 Conditional- Two Way Tables and Venn Diagram
 Independent
 Tree Diagrams
o Long-run
o Law of large numbers
o Expected values
o Discrete random variables Chapter 6.2 and 6. 3
 Binomial and Geometric
Combining Independent Random Variables
 The Normal Distribution Chapter 2.2
o Review percentiles
o Review z – scores
o Find on table
o Find with calculator
October 22nd: Discussion/ Grade: Review the normal curve and probabilities
Homework: TPS pp 131-135 42, 44, 47, 49, 60, 64, 69- 74
Read 5.2
October 23rd: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Law of long run
Basic probabilities- addition and multiplication
Homework: Worksheet on the normal curve and probability problems
Read 5.3
October 24th/ 25th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Conditional – two way tables and venn diagrams
Homework: Worksheet on basic probabilities and conditional probabilities
Read 6.1
October 29 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Tree Diagrams
Activity Probability and Paper Wads
Homework page 293 2, 4, 8, 15, 16, 18
AP MC 2002 #23
Read 6.2
October 30th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Law of large numbers
Expected Value
Classwork 2003B #2- AP P 17
Grade 2003#2
2009B #2 AP P 18
Grade 2009 B #2
Homework: page 309 46, 50, 52, 54
October 30th/ November 1st: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Expected Value
Combining Independent Random Variables
Classwork: Antibiotic Problem
Homework: TPS pp. 334-336 R5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9
TPS pp. 336-337 1-14 (Practice AP Test)
November 2nd: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Combining Independent Random Variables
Binomial and Geometric
Homework POD AP – 6 1-15
APMC 2002 #5
November 5th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Binomial and Geometric
Homework 2005 B #2 AP P 19
November 6th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Binomial and Geometric
Review of normal distributions and z –scores
Activity: Roll till double
Homework: POD AP-7 1, 4 – 7, 9 -11, 13, 14
November 7 /8 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
th th

Activity: Skittles Geo and Bin and/ or Probability Problem Trail

Homework: POD AP-7 2, 3, 8, 12, 15
APMC 2002 #32
November 9th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Activity: German Tanks – Introduction to Sampling Distributions
Homework: TPS pp 408-409 R6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.8
TPS pp 409- 411 1-13 (Practice AP Test)
Week 13 (11/13/12- 11/16/12)
 Introduction to Sampling Distributions Chapter 7.1
 Major Test on Chapters 5 and 6

November 13th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Activity: Pennies and Sampling Distributions
Homework: Study for test
November 14th/ 15th: Test on Chapters 5 and 6 (Use 2001 #2, 2011 #2, 2003 #3)
Homework: Read Section 7.1
November 16th: Go over Chapter 5 and 6 test multiple choice and Free Response
Homework: p 428-432 2, 4, 6, 10, 21-24, 26

Week Fourteen and Week Fifteen (11/19/12 – 11/30/11)

 Sampling and Distributions Chapter 7. 2 and 7. 3
o Proportions and means
o Central Limit Theorem
o Sums and Differences Distributions
November 19th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Means and Standard Deviation with Proportions
November 20th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Means and Standard Deviation with Means

Thanksgiving Assignment: Read Sections 7.2 and 7.3 and Study Chapter 7
2000 #3 AP P 20
1998 #4 AP P 21
November 26 : Discuss/ Grade: Free Response from Thanksgiving

Introduction to Conditions: RIN

Normality for proportions and means
Homework: 2008 #3 AP P 22
November 27th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Independence Sentence
Homework 2005 #2 AP P 23
November 28th / 29th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Check for understanding p. 437
Check for understanding p. 448
p. 441 #41
p. 456 #63
Homework: POD AP- 8 1 – 15

November 30th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Wrap-up Sampling Distributions

Week Sixteen and Week Seventeen (12/3/12- 12/14/12)

 Sampling and Distributions
 Estimation Chapter 8. 1
o All confidence intervals
 Margin of error
 Point estimation
 Logic of confidence interval
December 3rd: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
What is a confidence interval and why is it important?
Confidence interval sentences
December 4th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Point estimation
What is a margin of error?
Homework 2008 B #2 AP P 24
December 5th/6th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Constructing a confidence interval
Review of conditions
Homework Read Section 8.1
2007 #3 AP P 25
December 7th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Overview of how chapter 7 and 8 will meld and work
Homework 2004 #3 AP P 26
APMC 2002 #10
December 10th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Review of 7 and 8.1
Homework: TPS pp. 458-459 R 7.2, 7.4, 7.6
TPS pp. 459- 461 1 -13 (Practice AP test)

December 11th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Classwork 2006 B # 3 AP P 27
Homework: Study for Chapter 7 test
December 12th/ 13th: Test on Chapter 7 (Use 2010 #2)
Homework TPS pp 481-484 1. 2. 6, 9, 10, 12

December 14th: Review Test multiple choice and free response

Homework TPS pp 481-484 18, 20, 21- 26

Week Eighteen – Week Twenty (12/17/12 -1/11/13)

We will be using this time to catch up in case we are behind, review for the final exam,
complete the final exam, and correct the final exam. We must have completed all of the
above content before the final exam week. If we have gotten off pace, we will finish all
content prior to reviewing. But the free response homework assignments for each day will
be completed even if we are wrapping up other material.

December 17th: 2008B #5 AP P 28

1999 #1 AP P 29
Homework: 2003 #4 AP P 30
December 18th: 2002 #4 AP P 31
2008 #2 AP P 32
Homework: 2004 #4 AP P 33
December 19th/20th: 2004 B #2 AP P 34
2002 #2 AP P 35
2002B #2 AP P 36
Homework: Begin Major Holiday Packet
December 21st: TPS pp 461-465 1-25 (Cumulative Practice AP Test)
Homework Major Holiday Packet

January 3rd: Review Christmas Packet

January 4th: Review Christmas Packet
January 7th: EXAM
January 8th: EXAM
January 9th/ 10th: Go over exam
January 11th: Go over exam
Review of 8.1 and confidence intervals

Week Twenty One (1/14/13 – 1/18/13)

o Confidence Intervals Continued Chapter 8.2, 8.3

 Confidence Intervals for means

 Confidence Intervals for proportions

January 14th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Confidence Intervals for proportions
2008B #4 AP P 37
Read 8.2
January 15 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Confidence Intervals for means

2009 B #4 AP P 38
Read 8.3
January 16th/ 17th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Working with both proportions and means
Finding sample sizes
Activity APS Reeses Activity
Homework 2005 #5 AP P 39
2000 #6 AP P 40
AP MC 2002 #8, 13, 26
January 18th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Working with both proportions and means
Activity Confidence Interval Wording Quiz
Homework: TPS pp 522- 523 R8.4, 8.8, 8.10
TPS pp 524- 525 1- 13 (Practice AP Test)

Week Twenty Two (1/22/13 – 1/25/13)

 Significance Chapter 9.1, 9.2
o Hypothesis Testing
 Power
 Null and Alternative Hypotheses
 Type I and Type II errors
 P- values
January 22 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Introduction of significance tests

Introduction to Ho and Ha
One Sided and Two Sided Hypothesis
Homework POD AP-9 1-15
2002 #6 AP P 41

January 23rd/24th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Statistical Significance
Homework Read 9.1
APMC 2002 2, 24
January 25th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Type I and II errors
Homework Read 9.2 and 9.3
Week Twenty Three (1/28/13- 2/1/13)
January 28th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Introduction of 6 steps of hypothesis testing
One Sample z-test for proportions
Homework: TPS pp 562- 565 34, 38, 48, 54, 57- 60
January 29th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
One Sample t-test for means
Homework: TPS pp 587- 593 64, 68, 70, 74, 99 - 104
January 30 / 31 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
th st

One sample z-test for proportions

One Sample t-test for means
Apply six steps of hypothesis testing to both proportions and means
Homework TPS pp 594- 596 R 9.4, 9.8
TPS pp. 597-599 1- 13 (Practice AP Test)
February 1st: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
One sample z-test for proportions
One Sample t-test for means
Apply six steps of hypothesis testing to both proportions and means
Classwork 2006B #6 AP P 42
Homework POD AP-10 1-15

Week Twenty Four through Week Twenty Six (2/4/13- 2/22/13)

 Significance continued Chapter 9.2 and 9.3
o Tests for proportions and means
 Paired T- tests
 Comparing two proportions Chapter 10.1
 Comparing two means Chapter 10.2
 Review
February 4th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Paired t- tests
Homeowork APMC 2002 #18
February 5th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Classwork 1998 #5 AP P 43
2005 #4 AP P 44
Homework Study for test
February 6th/7th: Test on chapters 8 and 9 (Use 2004B #5, 2006 #4, 2010 #3)
Homework 2003 #6 AP P 45
February 8th: Go over test on chapters 8 and 9
Homework Read 10.1
February 11 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Comparing two proportions

Homework 2003 B #6 AP P 46
February 12th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Comparing two proportions
Homework Read 10.2
February 13th/ 14th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Comparing two means
Homework: TPS pp. 662- 664 R 10.2, 10.6, 10.8,
February 15th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Comparing two means
Homework: TPS pp 664 -666 1-13 (Practice AP Stats Test)
February 19th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Comparing two proportions
Comparing two means
Homework POD AP-11 1-15

February 20th/ 21st: TPS pp 667- 673 1- 35 (Practice AP Stats Cumulative Test)
Homework 2006 #3 AP P 47
2007 #5 AP P 48
APMC 2002 #29, 30
February 22nd: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Classwork 2004 B #6 AP P 49
2006B #2 AP P 50
Homework 2004 B #3 AP P 51
2009 #2 AP P 52

Week Twenty Seven and Week Twenty Eight (2/25/13 – 3/8/13)

 Chi- squared test Chapter 11.1 and 11.2
February 25 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Introduction to Chi Square GOF

February 26 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Chi Square Activity

Homework Read 11.1
February 27 / 28th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Chi Square GOF

Introduction to Chi Square for Homogeneity/ Association
Example p. 696
Check for understanding p. 698
Homework Read 11.2
March 1st: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Finding expected counts
Check for understanding p. 713
Homework 2009 #1 AP P 53
2005B #5 AP P 54
APMC 2002 #11. 12, 19
March 4th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Classwork: 2004 #5 AP P 55
2003 #5 AP P 56
Homework : TPS pp. 732 – 733 R11.2, 11.4, 11. 6
March 5th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Classwork 1999 #2 AP P 57
2002 B #6 AP P 58
Homework : TPS pp 733- 735 1- 13 (Practice AP test)
March 6th/ 7th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Homework: POD AP-12 1-15

March 8th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Homework: Take home Test Chap 10 & 11 (Use 2008 #5, 2010 #5, 2010 #6, 2011 #4)

Week Twenty Nine (3/11/13- 3/15/13)

 Test for slope of least-squares of regression line Chapter 12.1
 Confidence interval for slope
 Return to transformations and power Chapter 12.2

March 11th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Test for slope of least-squares of regression line
Homework APMC 2002 #21, 31, 36, 37
March 12 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Confidence interval for slope

Homework APMC 2002 #33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40
March 13th/ 14th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Return to transformations and power
Classwork: 2007B #6 AP P 59
2008 #6 AP P 60
Homework: TPS pp 794- 795 R12.1 – 12.3. 12.4
TPS pp 796- 798 1- 12
March 15th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Classwork: 2008 #4 AP P 61
Homework POD AP – 13 1- 15

Week Thirty (3/18/13 – 3/22/13)
 Practice Stats Test during Graduation Exam
 You will be expected to be at Lincoln at 8:15 a.m. We will test from 8:30- 11:30
take a short lunch break and review the test until 3:30pm. This will be the length
of a regular school day but will be held at a different location.

Homework TPS pp 799- 809 1- 46 (Cumulative AP Practice Test)

AP 2005B #4 AP P 62, 2004 B #4 AP P 63, 2007 #4 AP P 64,
2008B #1 AP P 65, 2007 B #5 AP P 66
(To be completed the week of graduation exam and over spring break)

Week Thirty One and Thirty Two (4/1/13- 4/12/13)

April 1st and April 2nd
o Categorical Data
o Univariate Data
 Describing
 Summarizing
 Comparing
Homework: AP 2008 #1 AP P 67

April 3rd or April 4th

o Bivariate Data
 Assign groups for final project
Homework: 2002 B# 5 AP P 68
2003B #1 AP P 69
April 5 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Questions 1- 10

Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Free Response 1
Homework 2007B #4 AP P 70
April 8th Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Questions 11- 20
Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Free Response 2
Homework 2005#1 AP P 71
Develop proposal for final project
April 9 Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Questions 21- 30

Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Free Response 3
Homework 2007 #6 AP P 72
April 10th/ 11th Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Questions 31- 40
Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Free Response 4 and 5
Homework 2006 #2 AP P 73
2008B #6 AP P 74
April 12th Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Allwood Book: Practice Test 1 Free Response 6
Homework AP 2006B #4 AP P 74b
2003 #2 AP P 74c

Week Thirty Three (4/15/13 – 4/19/13)

April 15th
o Planning a Study
 Data Collection
 Surveys
 Sampling
 Experiments
 Generalizability
 Simulation
Homework 2003 #1 AP P 75
Collect data for final project (for the week)

April 16th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Questions 1- 10
Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Free Response 1
Homework 2007 #2 AP P 76
April 17th/ 18th Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Questions 11- 20
Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Free Response 2 and 3
April 19 Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework

Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Questions 21- 30

Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Free Response 4
Homework 2005 B #6 AP P 77
Week Thirty Four (4/22/13 through 4/26/13)
April 22nd: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Questions 31- 40
Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Free Response 5
Homework Allwood Book: Practice Test 2 Free Response 6
2008 B #3 AP P 78
Utilize technology to analyze data for final project – data analysis, graph creation…(all
April 23rd: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
o Probability
o Normal Distribution
Homework 1997 #3, AP P 79
2010 #4 AP P 80
April 24th / April 25th : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
o Combining Independent Random Variables
o Binomial and Geometric Distributions
Homework 1999 #4 AP P 81
April 26th : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
o Sampling Distributions
Homework 2007 B #2 AP P 82
2009 B #5 AP P –teacher print

Week Thirty Five (4/29/13 through 5/4/12)

April 29th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Confidence Intervals
Homework 2002 B # 4 AP P 83
2009 B #3 AP P 84
April 30th: Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
Hypothesis Testing – 1 sample z test and t test
Homework 2003B #5 AP P 85
2009 #4 AP P 86
May 1 / 2 : Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
st nd

Hypothesis Testing – 2 sample z test and t test

Homework 2001 #6 AP P 87
2009 B #6 AP P – teacher print
May 3 :
Discussion/ Grade: Go over homework
2006 #6, AP P 88
Homework 2009 #5 AP P 89
Work on rough draft of written report
Week Thirty Six (5/6/13- 5/10/13)
May 6th: 2009 #6 AP P –teacher print
2004 #6 AP P 90
May 7 :
2005 #6 AP P 91
2007 #1 AP P 92

Final projects will be presented in class during week 38

Activity Lucky 13 (Group Project)

Activity: Descriptive statistics the tough stuff
Activity Penny Activity (probability)

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