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Life Cycle of Vermicomposting Earthworms Eisenia Fetida and Eudrilus Eugeniae

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ISSN: 2574-1241 Volume 5- Issue 4: 2018

DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.10.002015
Ali S. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res

Research Article Open Access

Life Cycle of Vermicomposting Earthworms

Eisenia Fetida and Eudrilus Eugeniae Under
Laboratory Controlled Condition
Ali S* and Kashem MA
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh

Received: : October 25, 2018; Published: : November 08, 2018

*Corresponding author: Ali S, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh


The study was initiated and reproductive efficiency of vermicomposting worms to see the growth, reproductive biology and life cycle of the
vermicomposting earthworms (Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae) at the lab Department of Soil Science during 15 February to 10 June 2018.
Determination of cocoon production rate, hatching success, number of hatchling and growth of Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae in the cowdung
media was conducted with plastic containers. The experiment was designed under the single treatment cowdung with three replications. Clitellum
development started earlier in 3rd week of Eisenia fetida than Eudrilus eugeniae (4th week). Number of cocoons produced per earthworm (21.8±3.0),
mean number of hatchlings from one cocoon (3.3±0.57), hatching success rate (86.6%) was recorded higher of Eisenia fetida.

Cocoon production of E. fetida was started to release cocoon on the 6th week and Eudrilus eugeniae was started to release cocoon on the 7th week.
Cocoon production ceased after 12 week for Eisenia fetida and 9 week Eudrilus eugeniae. Maximum weights achieved per earthworm (1116±16.4
mg), net weight gain per earthworm (819±12 mg), growth rate per worm per day (17.43±1.4 mg) were higher in Eudrilus eugeniae comparison to
Eisenia fetida. The overall result of this study showed that better hatching success of cocoons and number of hatchling per cocoon were recorded by
Eisenia fetida earthworm species.

Keywords: Eisenia Fetida; Eudrilus Eugeniae; Earthworms; Life Cycle

Earthworms are macroscopic clitellate oligochaete annelids Mature individuals of most vermicomposting species can
that live in soil. They are segmented worms, bilaterally symmetrical, be distinguished easily by the presence of the clitellum, the pale
with an external gland (clitellum) for producing the egg case or dark colored swollen band located behind the genital pores.
(cocoon), a sensory lobe in front of the mouth (prostomium), The clitellum secretes the fibrous cocoon, and the clitellar gland
and an anus at the end of the animal body, with a small number cells produce a nutritive albuminous fluid that fills the cocoon.
of bristles (setae) on each segment. They are hermaphrodite Earthworms display indeterminate growth and can continue to
animals, and reproduction normally occurs through copulation and grow in size after completing their sexual development although
cross-fertilization, following which each of the mated individuals they do not add segments. According to Reynolds and Wetzel [1],
produces cocoons containing 1-20 fertilized ova. The resistant there are more than 8300 species in the Oligochaeta, of which
cocoons, which are tiny and roughly lemon-shaped, with shape about half are terrestrial earthworms. On the basis of their feeding
differing between species, are usually deposited near the soil and burrowing strategies, into three ecological categories: epigeic,
surface, except in dry weather when they are laid at deeper layers. anecic, and endogeic [2]. Endogeic (soil feeders) and anecic species
Cocoons hatch after an incubation period that varies according to (burrowers) live in the soil and consume a mixture of soil and
the earthworm species and environmental conditions. Hatchling organic matter, and thus excrete organomineral feces. Epigeic
earthworms, unpigmented and only a few millimeters in length on species of earthworms are litter dwellers and litter transformers;
emerging from the cocoons, gain their adult pigmentation within they live in organic soil horizons, in or near the surface litter, and
a few days. Assuming favorable conditions, they reach sexual feed primarily on coarse particulate organic matter.
maturity within several weeks after emergence.

Biomedical Journal of
Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 10- Issue 5: 2018

They ingest large amounts of under composed litter and excrete biomass was measured in batch of earthworm in each container
holorganic fecal pellets. These species are small in body size and and three phases of the life cycle were observed, Pre-clitelleate
uniformly pigmented with high metabolic and reproductive rates, (incipient development of the clitellum, identified by appearance
which represent adaptations to the highly variable environmental of tuber culapubertasis), clitelleate (well-developed clitellum) and
conditions at the soil surface. Different species of earthworms have regression (loss of the clitellum). At the same time, the first cocoon
different life histories, occupy different ecological niches. Loh et al. production date for each worm was also determined. No additional
[3] reported higher cocoon production and weight gain by E. fetida feed was added at any stage during the study period. On the basis
in cattle waste than in goat waste. Gunadi et al. [4] have studied of the obtained data on the biomass of the worms other parameters
growth, reproduction, and mortality of E. foetida for over a year in of earthworm such as growth rate or biomass increase rate (g/
solid manure, pig manure, and supermarket waste solids. Worms earthworm/day), maximum weight achieved, and net weight gain
could not survive in fresh cattle solids, pig solids, fruit wastes, or were calculated.
vegetable wastes. The growth of E. foetida in pig wastes was faster Reproductive Potential (Cocoon Production Rate)
than in cattle solids. Understanding the growth and reproductive Determination
efficiency of vermicomposting worms in various substrates is highly
The experiments were conducted in cylindrical plastic
essential for effective utilization of earthworms in sustainable
containers. Each container was filled with waste material based on
waste management system [5-6].
the feeding rate explanation of [13]. Three replicates were prepared
As huge amount of wastes can be managed through more for each substrate and worm combination. Two freshly clitellated
population of earthworms [7] reproductive and growth species, in good health condition, were collected from the stock
performance of various species of earthworms in a range of culture and rinsed with distilled water to remove any adhering
substrates can act as useful biomarkers to measure the efficiency material, dried briefly on paper towel, weighed with electronic
of an earthworm species in vermicomposting or earthworm based balance and finally introduced in each container containing. The
biotechnology [8]. Neuhauser et al. [9] have reported that the substrate in treatment container was examined daily in order
weight gain by Eisenia fetida is positively correlated with food type. to determine the onset of cocoon production. Once the cocoons
Similarly, Nath et al. [10,11] have also described substrates that appeared, they were separated by hand sorting, washed lightly
provide earthworms with sufficient amount of easily metabolizable in distilled water and counted so as to determine total number of
organic matter, facilitate growth and reproduction. Hence, in the cocoon and the fecundity or reproductive rate (cocoon/worm/day).
present study, to see the growth, reproductive biology and life cycle
Cocoon Incubation Period, Number of Hatchlings and
of the vermicomposting earthworms.
Hatching Success
Material and Methods To determine the incubation period (time lapse from cocoon
Life cycle experiments were carried out in the lab Department formation until the first hatchling emerged in days), hatching success
of Soil Science with average room temperature of 21-28°C and 60 to (total number of hatched cocoons), and number of hatchlings per
80% moisture of the culture media during 15 February to 10 June cocoons, fifteen freshly laid cocoons from treatment were taken
2018. For moisture determination, the sample substrates were from the above containers and placed in containers which contained
taken regularly (at 3 days interval) weighed, oven dried at 105°C the same material in which their parents were reared. Three
and cooled in desiccators for 1 hr and reweighed. The difference replicates were prepared. The beddings were observed daily for
between moist and dried samples were taken and then the moisture the emergence of hatchlings in order to determine the incubation
content of beddings was adjusted to 60 to 80% and the temperature period. As soon as the appearance of hatchling started, they were
was kept within the range of 21-28°C throughout the study period removed daily using a fine painting brush and counted by hand
[12]. In this experiment was designated as single treatment and sorting in order to determine the total number of hatchlings that
two earthworm species (Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae) with emerged from a single cocoon. The number of unhatched cocoons
three replications. For experimentation 500g cowdung was filled was also counted in order to determine the hatching success of
in the container. Twenty each earthworm species having individual cocoons.
live weight (225 mg of Eisenia fetida and 284 mg of Eudrilus Results and Discussion
eugeniae) were released into each experimental container.
Growth Rate of Earthworm Species
Biomass, Maturation and Cocoon Production Date
The growth rate of two earthworm species in investigating
Five hatchlings of earthworm species in good health condition during the study period is given in Table 1. The biomass of
were taken from the above containers for reproductive potential earthworm species showed progressive raise up to 6th week in E.
determination. The hatchlings were rinsed with distilled water to fetida and 7th week in E. eugeniae. In E. fetida where maximum
remove any adhering material, dried briefly on paper towel, weighed growth attained, E. fetida achieved their maximum weight achieved
on electronic balance and finally introduced in each respective 889±90 mg/worm at a growth rate of 16.3±0.52 mg/worm/day in
experimental container. Three replicates were established. the 6th week. In E. eugeniae where maximum growth attained, E.
To monitor the growth and maturation progress weekly, the

Cite this article: Ali S, Kashem MA. Life Cycle of Vermicomposting Earthworms Eisenia Fetida and Eudrilus Eugeniae Under Laboratory Con-
trolled Condition. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res 10(5)-2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.002015. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.10.002015.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 10- Issue 5: 2018

eugeniae achieved their maximum weight achieved 1116±16.4 mg/ was preclitelated on the second week and mature individual with
worm at a growth rate of 17.43±1.4 mg/worm/day in the 7th week. clitellum totally developed started to emerge on the 3rd week and E.
Regarding the sexual maturity (clitellum development), E. fetida eugeniae was developed in 4th week of this experiment.

Table 1: Growth parameters of two earthworm species.

Maximum Clitellum
Earthworm Initial weight/ Maximum weight Net weight gain/ Growth rate/
weight achieved/ development
species earthworm (mg) achieved on earthworm (mg) worm/day (mg)
earthworm (mg) started in

Eisenia fetida 196±69 889±90 6th week 686±22 16.3±0.52 3rd week

Eudrilus eugeniae 297±4.1 1116±16.4 7th week 819±12 17.43±1.4 4th week

Note: All values were introduced as the mean ± SD (standard deviation).

Edwards et al. [14] and Monroy et al. [15] also reported that the earthworms attained the matured stage. So, they utilized the
rapid pre-reproductive phase of growth, followed by a phase of energy for reproduction purpose such as laying eggs, mating and
progressive biomass and growth reduction once sexual maturity cocoon formation [6]. Reinecke et al. [16] reported a maximum
was attained. These losses in worm biomass might be associated weight gain for E. eugeniae of 150 mg per week, at 25°C. Hait and
with the exhaustion of food. As supported by [9] who reported Tare [17] reported that temperature influences the biology of the
that when E. fetida received food below a maintenance level, it earthworm by modifying metabolic activity.
lost weight. The weight reduction was also occurred because

Table 2: Rate of cocoon production by two earthworm species.

Earthworm Cocoon production Total no. of No. of cocoons No. of cocoons produced/ Cocoon production
species started in cocoons produced produced/ earthworm earthworm/day ceased after
Eisenia fetida 6th week 21.8±3.0 0.39±0.05 12th week
(12 weeks)
Eudrilus eugeniae 7th week 12.61±1.0 0.21 ± 0.07 9th week
(9 weeks)

Note: All values were introduced as the mean ± SD (standard deviation).

Rate of Cocoon Production by Earthworm Species a shorter time than the 6-8 weeks previously quoted for E. fetida
[20], and the 51 days reported for E. eugeniae [21].
In this experiment, E. fetida was started to release cocoon on
the 4th week and Eudrilus eugeniae was started to release cocoon Incubation Period and Hatching Performance of Cocoons
on the 5th week (Table 2). The highest total number of cocoon was by Earthworm Species
attained in Eudrilus eugeniae (1016±31 cocoons at a reproduction
The incubation period range of two earthworm species were
rate of 0.21 ± 0.07 cocoon/earthworm/day) at 9 weeks and E.
completed in 18-26 days of Eisenia fetida and 12-21 days of
fetida (109 ± 14.9 cocoons at cocoon production rate of 0.39±0.05
Eudrilus eugeniae. The mean number of hatchlings from one cocoon
cocoon/earthworm/day) was recorded in this study. Cocoon
was 3.3±0.57 in Eisenia fetida which comparison 2.23 ± 0.18 in
production ceased after 12th week of Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus
Eudrilus eugeniae. The cocoons produced generally demonstrated
eugeniae cocoon production was ceased in 9th week. Giraddi et al.
good hatching performance in Eisenia fetida (86.6%) than Eudrilus
[18] who reported that better hatching success of cocoons that
eugeniae (75.3%) (Table 3). Shalabi [22] who reported that the
indicate the cocoon viability. E. eugeniae reached sexual maturity in
average standard time taken to reach sexual maturity for E. fetida
as little as five weeks compared with E. fetida which took 6-8 weeks
was about 70 days. The result also varied from the result of Venter et
to produce its first cocoon [19]. Reinecke et al. [16] who reported
al. [23] who recorded 60 days for E. fetida to reach sexual maturity.
that E. eugeniae started producing cocoons after 46 days. This is
Table 3: Incubation period and hatching performance of cocoons by two earthworm species.

Number of hatchlings from one Mean number of hatchlings from one

Earthworm Incubation period (in days) Hatching success
cocoon cocoon

Eisenia fetida 18-26 2-4 3.3±0.57 86.6%

Eudrilus eugeniae 12-21 2-3 2.23 ± 0.18 75.3%

Note: All values were introduced as the mean ± SD (standard deviation).

Cite this article: Ali S, Kashem MA. Life Cycle of Vermicomposting Earthworms Eisenia Fetida and Eudrilus Eugeniae Under Laboratory Con-
trolled Condition. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res 10(5)-2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.002015. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.10.002015. 8112
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 10- Issue 5: 2018

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Cite this article: Ali S, Kashem MA. Life Cycle of Vermicomposting Earthworms Eisenia Fetida and Eudrilus Eugeniae Under Laboratory Con-
trolled Condition. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res 10(5)-2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.002015. DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.10.002015.

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