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SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-I Exam: Reasoning

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Held On: 19-06-2011 (1st Sitting)

Directions (1-9): In each of the 17. In the following question, number
Directions (10-15): In each of the
following questions select the related of letters are skipped in between
following questions, find the odd
letters/word/number from the given by a particular rule. Which of the
alternatives. number/letters/word from the given following ser ies observes the
alternatives. rule?
1. CFIL : ORUX :: GDJM : ?
(a) HJLN (b) NQST (a) BAFHTU
10. (a) PQXZ (b) BCQN
(c) PSVY (d) RTVX (b) ACEGJL
(c) ABDF (d) MNPR
11. (a) ABYZ (b) CDWX
(a) JGDA (b) ROLI (c) EFUV (d) GHTV Directions: In the following question,
(c) WTQN (d) ZWTQ 12. (a) 626 (b) 841 which one of the given response would
3. 24 : 60 : : 120 : ?
(c) 962 (d) 1090 be a meaningful order of the following?
(a) 160 (b) 220
13. (a) 5720 (b) 6710
(c) 300 (d) 108 18. (1) Ocean (2) Rivulet
(c) 2640 (d) 4270
4. 392 : 28 : : 722 : ? (3) Sea (4) Glacier
14. (a) Swimming
(a) 18 (b) 28
(b) Sailing (5) River
(c) 38 (d) 48
(c) Dividing (a) 5,2,3,1,4 (b) 4,2,5,3,1
5. 123 : 36 : : 221 : ?
(d) Driving (c) 5,2,3,4,1 (d) 4,2,1,3,5
(a) 52 (b) 69
15. (a) Perception
(c) 72 (d) 25 Directions: Arrange the following words
6. Timid : Ass : : Cunning : ? (b) Discernment
as per order in the dictionary.
(a) Ant (b) Fox (c) Penetration
(c) Rabbit (d) Horse (d) Insinuation 19. (1) Preposition
7. Ecstasy : Gloom : : ? Directions: In the following question (2) Preperatively
(a) Congratulations : Occasion from among the given alternative select (3) Preposterous
(b) Diligent : Successful the one in which the set of numbers is (4) Preponderate
(c) Measure : Scale most like the set of number given in the (5) Prepossess
(d) Humiliation : Exaltation questions.
(a) 2,4,1,5,3 (b) 1,5,2,4,3
8. Architect : Building : : Sculptor : ? Give Set: (4, 25, 81) (c) 5,4,2,3,1 (d) 4,2,5,1,3
(a) Museum (b) Stone 20. Which one of set of letters when
16. (a) (4, 36, 79)
(c) Chisel (d) Statue sequentially placed at the gaps in
(b) (9, 48, 81)
9. MKQO : LNPR : : ? XVTZ the given letter series shall
(c) (16, 64, 100)
(a) YSUW (b) SVWY complete it?
(d) (9, 49, 143) Ac__cab__baca__aba__aca__
(c) VTWY (d) WYTS
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(a) acbcc (b) aacbc taken as the member. In how many GAIN is coded as 2468, what do
(c) babbb (d) bcbba different ways can the committee the figures 84615 stand for?
be constituted? (a) NAILS (b) SNAIL
Directions (21-24): In each of the (a) 11 (b) 12 (c) LANES (d) SLAIN
following questions, a series is given, (c) 13 (d) 14 36. A statement is given followed by
with one/two term(s) missing. Choose the 29. Find the wrong number in the four alternative arguments. Select
correct alternative from the given ones series. the alter native which is most
that will complete the series. 6, 12, 21, 32, 45, 60 appropriate.
(a) 6 (b) 12 Statements:
21. _?_DREQ, GUHT, JXKW (c) 21 (d) 32 Is it necessary that education
(a) EFRS (b) TGSF 30. Ramesh ranks 13th in a class of 33 should be job oriented?
(c) JWVI (d) AOBN students. There are 5 students Arguments:
22. 56, 90, 132, 184, 248, __?__ below Suresh rankwise. How many I. Yes, the aim of education is to
(a) 368 (b) 316 students are ther e between prepare person for earning.
(c) 362 (d) 326 Ramesh and Suresh? II. Yes, educated per son should
23. 0, 4, 8, 24, 64, 176, __?__ (a) 12 (b) 14 stand on his own feet after
(a) 180 (b) 480 (c) 15 (d) 16 completion of education.
31. Naresh’s age is 4 years 4 years III. No, education should be for sake
(c) 280 (d) 300
less than twice the age of his of knowledge only.
24. WTPMIFB __?__ __?__
brother. Which of the following IV. No, one may take up agriculture
(a) ZV (b) XU
represents the equation to find his where education is not necessary.
(c) YU (d) YV
age? (a) Only I and II arguments are
25. Mrs. Sushella celebr ated her
(a) 2x+ 4 (b) 4x+ 2 strong
wedding anniversary on Tuesday,
30th September 1997. When will (c) x – 4 (d) 2x – 4 (b) Only III and IV argument are
she celebrate her next wedding 32. Suresh’s sister is the wife of Ram. strong
anniversary on the same day? Ram is Rani’s brother. Ram’s father (c) Only I argument is strong
(a) 30 September 2003 is Madhur. Sheetal is Ram ’s (d) Only I and III arguments are
(b) 30 September 2004 grandmother. Rema is Sheetal’s strong
(c) 30 September 2002 daughter-in-law. Rema is Sheetal’s 37. A man started walking West. He
daughter-in-law. Rohit is Rani’s turned right, then right again and
(d) 30 October 2003
brother ’s son. Who is Rohit to finally turned left. Towards which
26. A clock gains five minutes every
Suresh? direction was he walking now?
hour. What will be the angle
(a) Brother-in-law (a) North (b) South
traversed by the second hand in
one minute? (b) Son (c) West (d) East
(a) 360o (b) 360.5o (c) Brother 38. Sudha travels 8 km to the South.
(c) 390 o (d) 380o (d) Nephew Then she turns to the right and
27. B is twice as odd as A but twice 33. In a sur vey, 70% of those walks 4 km. Then again the turns
younger than F.C is half the age of surveyed owned a car and 75% of to her right and m oves 8 km
A but is twice older than D. Who those surveyed owned a TV. If forward. How many km away is
is the second oldest? 55% owned both a car and a TV, she from the starting point?
what percent of those surveyed (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 8
(a) B (b) F
did not own either a car on a TV? 39. From the given alternative words,
(c) D (d) C
(a) 25% (b) 20% select the word which cannot be
28. A two member commi ttee
(c) 10% (d) 5% formed using the letters of the
comprising of one male and one
34. If DANCE is coded as GXQZH given words:
female member is to be constituted
then how will RIGHT be coded? ‘COMPREHENSION’
out of five males and thr ee
females. Amongst the females,
Ms. A refuses to be a member of
the committee in which Mr. B is 35. If LOSE is coded as 1357 and (c) ONION (d) PREACH

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40. From the given alternative words, (c) 70 – 2 + 4 ÷ 5 × 6 = 341 correct answer for the unsolved
select the wor d which can be (d) 70 – 2 + 4 ÷ 5 × 6 = 36 equation on that basis.
formed using the letters of the 44. The school result is increasing If324 × 289 = 35, 441 × 484 = 43,
given word: year after year. Forecast the result 625 × 400 = 45, find the value of
‘MULTIPLICATION’ of 2012 fr om the following 256× 729.
(a) MUTUAL(b) LIMITATION information. (a) 33 (b) 35 (c) 43 (d) 34
(c) APPLICATION (d) Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Directions: From the given answer
2011 2012
NOTION Result 34.25% 36.75% 39.75% 43.25% 47.25% figures, select the one in which the
Directions (41-42): In each of the 51.75% ? question figures is hidden/embedded.
following questions, select the missing (a) 51.75% 48. Question Figure:
number from the given response. (b) 56.75%
(c) 48.00%
(d) 57.25%
6 5 45. Which diagram cor rectly
41. r epr esents the relationship
125 ? Answer figures:
between politicians, poets and
(a) 127 (b) 31
(c) 217 (d) 328
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 1 2 Directions: If a mirror is placed on the
21 22 ? 46. How many triangles are there in line MN, then which of the answer
the following figures?
42. 1 2 5 figures is the correct image of the given
20 23 43 question figure?
49. Question Figure:
(a) 40 (b) 48 N
(c) 50 (d) 36
43. If ‘–‘ stands for division ‘+’ stands
for subtraction, ‘÷’ stands for M
multiplication, ‘×’ stands for Answer figures:
addition, then which one of the (a) 29 (b) 27
following equations is correct? (c) 23 (d) 30
(a) 70 – 2 + 4 ÷ 5 × 6 = 44 47. Some equations are solved on the
(b) 70 – 2 + 4 ÷ 5 × 6 = 21 basis of a certain system. Find the (a) (b) (c) (d)

51. In the budget for 2011-2012, the (b) Right against Exploitation (c) Law and order
fiscal deficit (% of GDP) for 2011- (c) Right to Constitutional (d) Public Utility Services
2012 has been projected at Remedies 54. In India, the concept of single
(a) 5.1 (b) 5.0 (d) Rights to Freedom of Religion citizenship is adopted from
(c) 4.6 (d) 3.4 53. Which is not the concern of the (a) England (b) U.S.A.
52. Which was described by Dr. B.R. local government? (c) Canada (d) France
Ambedkar as the ‘heart and soul’ (a) Public Health 55. Who had pr oposed par tyless
of the Constitution? (b) Sanitation democracy in India?
(a) Right to Equality
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(a) Jaya Prakash Narayan 63. Fa-hien visited India during the (c) Uranium
(b) Mahatma Gandhi region of (d) Plutonium
(c) Vinoba Bhave (a) Chandragupta II 72. Hydrogen bomb is based on the
(d) S.A. Dange (b) Samundragupta principle of
56. Disinvestment in Public Sector is (c) Ramagupta (a) controlled fission reaction
called (d) Kumaragupta (b) uncontrolled fission reaction
(a) Liberalisation 64. At which place in Bengal was the (c) controlled fusion reaction
(b) Globalisation East India Company given (d) uncontrolled fusion reaction
(c) Industrialisation permission to trade and build a 73. Troposphere is the hottest part of
(d) Privatisation factory by the Mughals in 1651? the atmosphere because
57. ‘Darwin finches’ refers to a group (a) Calcutta (a) it is closest to the Sun
of (b) Cassim Bazar (b) there are charged particles in
(a) Fishes (c) Singur it
(b) Lizards (d) Burdwan (c) it is heated by the Earth’s
(c) Birds (d) Amphibians 65. Diu is an island off surface
58. An individual’s actual standard of (a) Daman (d) heat is generated in it
living can be assessed by (b) Goa 74. The outermost layer of the Sun is
(a) Gross National Income (c) Gujarat called
(b) Net National Income (d) Maharashtra (a) Chromosphere
(c) Per Capita Income 66. Which from the following is a (b) Photosphere
(d) Disposable Personal Income land-locked sea? (c) Corona
59. As announced by the Finance (a) Red Sea (b) Timor Sea (d) Lithosphere
Minister in his Budget speech on (c) North Sea 75. Where was India’s computer
28th February 2011, with a view to (d) Aral Sea installed?
assist States in modernising their 67. Shivasamudram Falls is found in (a) Indian Institute of
stamp and registration the course of river Technology, Delhi
administration, E-stamping is (a) Krishna (b) Godavari (b) Indian Institute of Science,
expected to be rolled out in all the (c) Cauvery (d) Mahanandi Bangalore
districts of different States in a 68. Who gave the slogan “Inquilab (c) Indian Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.,
period of Zindabad”? Burnpur
(a) one year (b) two year (a) Chandrashekhar Azad (d) Indian Statistical Institute,
(c) three year(d) five year (b) Subhash Chandra Bose Calcutta
60. Which Sikh Guru called himself the (c) Bhagat Singh 76. The dried flower buds are used as
‘Sachcha Badshah’? (d) Iqbal a spice in
(a) Guru Gobind Singh 69. The position of India Railways (a) Cardamom(b) Cinnamon
(b) Guru Hargoving network in the world is (c) Cloves (d) Saffron
(c) Guru Tegh Bahadur (a) second (b) third 77. The tissue in man where no cell
(d) Guru Arjun Dev (c) fourth (d) fifth division occurs after birth is
61. The Civil Disobedience 70. The oldest international airline is (a) skeletal (b) nerves
Movement was launched by (a) Dutch. KLM (c) connective(d) germinal
Mahatma Gandhi in (b) Air Canada 78. DNA fingerprinting is used to
(a) 1928 (b) 1930 (c) Qantas Airways identify the
(c) 1931 (d) 1922 (d) Air Sahara (a) Parents (b) Rapist
62. What is the maximum strength 71. Which of the following can be (c) Thieves (d) All the above
prescribed for State Legislative used to absor b neutr ons to 79. The normal cholesterol level in
Assemblies? control the chain reaction during human blood is
(a) 350 (b) 600 nuclear fission? (a) 80 – 120 mg%
(c) 500 (d) 750 (a) Boron (b) Heavy water (b) 120 – 140 mg%
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(c) 140 – 180 mg% country’s main island, Honshu, by 95. Who of the following was not the
(d) 180 – 200 mg% about r ecipient of Nobel Pr ize in
80. Which of the following are warm- (a) two feet Economics 2010?
blooded animals? (b) three feet (a) Peter A. Diamond
(a) Whales (c) five feet (b) Christopher Pissarides
(b) Whale Sharks (d) eight feet (c) Lui Xiaobo
(c) Alytes 88. What is the commonly used unit (d) Dale Mortensen
(d) Draco for measuring the speed of data 96. Which tr oubled model was
81. Syrinx is the voice box in transmission? recalled recently by the Indian
(a) Amphibians (a) Mega Hertz automobile giant Maruti Suzuki for
(b) Reptiles (b) Character per second replacement of faulty fuel pump
(c) Birds (d) Mammals (c) Bits per second gasket?
82. The largest ecosystem of the Earth (d) Nano seconds (a) Maruti 800
is 89. Which type of reaction produces (b) Maruti A-Star
(a) Biome the most harmful radiation? (c) Wagon R
(b) Hydrosphere (a) Fusion reaction (d) Baleno
(c) Lithosphere (b) Fission reaction 97. As a part of Human Resource
(d) Biosphere (c) Chemical reaction Development Ministry’s ‘brain
(d) Photo-Chemical reaction gain’ policy to attract global talent,
83. In a food chain, the solar energy
90. Which type of glass is used for 14 world class universities to
utilized by plants is only
making glass reinforced plastic? attract global talents are proposed
(a) 10 per cent
(a) Pyrex glass to be set up in various states.
(b) 1 per cent
Name the state from the following
(c) 0.1 per cent (b) Flint glass
where no university of the
(d) 0.01 per cent (c) Quartz glass
aforesaid type is proposed to be
84. Supersonic jet causes pollution by (d) Fibre glass located.
thinning of 91. Which of the following metals (a) Punjab
(a) O3 layer (b) O2 layer causes Itai-Itai disease?
(b) Bihar
(c) SO2 layer (a) Cadmium
(c) Rajasthan
(d) CO2 layer (b) Chromium
(d) Uttaranchal
85. OTEC stand for (c) Cobalt
98. Who discovered South Pole?
(a) Ocean Thermal Energy (d) Copper (a) Robert Peary
Conservation 92. Glycol is added to aviation
(b) Amundsen
(b) Oil and Thermal Energy gasoline because it
(c) John Cabot
Conservation (a) reduces evaporation of petrol
(d) Tasman
(c) Ocean Thermal Energy (b) increases efficiency of petrol
99. Which of the following folk
Conversion (c) prevents freezing of petrol
dances is associated with
(d) Ocean Thermal Energy (d) reduces consumption of petrol Rajasthan?
Conversion 93. Who invented penicillin? (a) Rauf
86. As per Railway Budget for 2011- (a) Alexander Fleming (b) Jhora
2012, the senior citizen concession (b) Louis Pasteur (c) Veedhi
for men has been increased from (c) Dresser (d) Suisini
(a) 25 % to 30% (d) Edward Jenner 100. Which of the following books is
(b) 30 % to 40% 94. 2018 FIFA World Cup would be authored by V.S. Naipalu?
(c) 40 % to 50% held in (a) The Rediscovery of India
(d) 30 % to 50% (a) Russia
(b) A House for Mr. Biswas
87. The monster earthquake-cum- (b) Qatar (c) Witness the Night
tsunam i which his Japan on (c) France (d) Tender Hooks
March, 11, 2011 has moved the (d) Netherlands
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1.6: Solved Paper 19-06-2011 (1st Sitting)

0.2m at 20 km/hour. Then the time
101. If p = 124, 3
p ( p 2  3 p  3) 1 = 21 17
(in hour) for the water level in the
(a) (b)
? 13 3 tank to reach 8cm is
(a) 5 (b) 7 (a) 50 (b) 120
34 8
(c) 123 (d) 125 (c) (d) (c) 150 (d) 200
21 5
116. The product of two numbers is
x3 3 109. The unit digit in the product
102. If 1  , then x equals 2028 and their H.C.F. is 13. The
100 5 (122)173 is number of such pairs is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (a) 2 (b) 4 (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 16 (d) (136)1/3 (c) 6 (d) 8 (c) 3 (d) 4
103. I multiplied a natural number by 18 110. The value of 117. Two equal vessels are filled with
and another by 21 and added the 2 3 2 3 3 1 the mixture of water and milk in the
pr oducts. Which one of the   is ratio of 3:4 and 5:3 respectively. If
2 3 2 3 3 1
following could be the sum? the mixtures are poured into a
(a) 2007 (a) 16 3 (b) 4  3 third vessel, the ratio of water and
(b) 2008 milk in the third vessel will be
(c) 2  3 (d) 2  3 (a) 15 : 12 (b) 53 : 59
(c) 2006
(d) 2002 111. If a * b = 2a + 3b – ab, then the (c) 20 : 9 (d) 59 : 53
104. The product of two numbers is 45 value of (3 * 5 + 5 * 3) is 118. I am three times as old as my son.
and their difference is 4. The sum (a) 10 (b) 6 15 years hence, I will by twice as
of squares of the two numbers is (c) 4 (d) 2 old as my son. The sum of our
(a) 135 (b) 240 112. Simplify: ages is
(c) 73 (d) 106 0.0347  0.0347  0.0347  (0.9653)3 (a) 48 years (b) 60 years
(0.0347)2  (0.347)  (0.09653) 2 (c) 64 years (d) 72 years
105. (a) 0.9306 (b) 1.0009 119. Three bells ring simultaneously at
8  57  38 108 169
11 a.m. They ring at regular
(c) 1.0050 (d) 15
=? inter vals of 20 minutes, 30
113. A copper wire is bent in the form
(a) 4 (b) 6 minutes, 40 minutes respectively.
of an equilateral triangle, and has
(c) 8 (d) 10 The time when all the three ring
are 121 3 cm2. If the same wire is together next is
106. The square root of 14 + 6 5 is
bent into the form of a circle, the (a) 2 p.m. (b) 1 p.m.
(a) 2  5 (b) 3  5 area (in cm2) enclosed by the wire (c) 1.15p.m. (d) 1.30p.m.
22 120. A and B together can do a works
(c) 5  3 (d) 3  2 5 
in (Take ) in 12 days. B and C together do it
107. When 2 31 is divided by 5 the 7
in 15 days. If A’s efficiency is
remainder is (a) 364.5 (b) 693.5 twice that of C, then the days
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 346.5 (d) 639.5 required for B alone to finish the
(c) 2 (d) 1 114. A child reshapes a cone made up work is
of clay of height 24 and radius 6cm (a) 60 (b) 30
1 into a sphere. The radius (in cm) of
1 (c) 15 (d) 15
1 eh sphere is
1 121. A and B can do a work in 12 days,
1 (a) 6 (b) 12 B and C can do the same work in
108. The value of 1 (c) 24 (d) 48 15 days, C and A can do the same
2 115. Water flows into a tank which is time work in 20 days. The time
1 200m long and 150m wide, through
3 taken by A, B and C to do the
a pipe of cross-section 0.3m × same work is

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1.7: Solved Paper 19-06-2011 (1st Sitting)

(a) 5 days (b) 10 days (a) 88.95 kg (b) 89.25 kg by 80%. What was the net effect
(c) 15 days (d) 20 days (c) 89.55 kg (d) 86.85 Kg on the sale?
122. A is 50% as efficient as B. C does 128. The diameter of a wheel is 98 cm. (a) 44% increase
half of the work done by A and B The number of revolutions in (b) 44% decrease
together. If C alone does the work which it will have to cover a (c) 66% increase
in 20 days, then A, B and C distance of 1540 m is (d) 66% decrease
together can do the work in (a) 500 (b) 600 135. The price of sugar goes up by
2 2 (c) 700 (d) 800 20%. If a housewife wants the
(a) 5 days (b) 6 days 129. In an equilateral triangle ABC of expenses on sugar to remain the
3 3
side 10cm, the side BC is trisected same, she should r educe the
(c) 6 days (d) 7 days at D. Then the length (in cm) of consumption by
123. The ratio of the volumes of water AD is
and glycerine in 240cc of a mixture 1 2
(a) 3 7 (b) 7 3 (a) 15 % (b) 13 %
is 1 : 3. The quantity of water (in 5 3
cc) that should be added to the (c) 20% (d) 25%
10 7 7 10
mixture so that the new ratio of the (c) (d) 136. In a factory 60% of the workers
volume of water and glycerine 3 3
are above 30 years and of these
becomes 2:3 is 130. The cost price of an article is Rs. 75% are males and the rest are
(a) 55 (b) 60 800. After allowing a discount of females. If there are 1350 male
(c) 62.5 (d) 64 10%, a gain of 12.5% was made. workers above 30 years, the total
124. At present, the ratio of the ages of Then the marked price of the article number of workers in the factory
Maya and Chhaya is 6:5 and is (a) 3000 (b) 2000
fifteen years from now, the ratio (a) Rs. 1,000 (c) 1800 (d) 1500
will get changed to 9:8. Maya’s (b) Rs. 1,100
(c) Rs. 1,200 3
present age is 137. Walking at of his usual speed, a
(a) 21 years (b) 24 years (d) Rs. 1,300 4
(c) 30 years (d) 40 years 131. A man bought an article listed at 1
125. The ratio of the income to the Rs. 500 with a discount of 20% main is 1 hours late. His usual
expenditure of a family is 10:7. If offered on the list price. What
time to cover to same distance, in
the family’s expenses are Rs. additional discount m ust be
hours, is
10,500, then savings of the family offered to man to bring the net
is price to Rs. 1,104? 1
(a) 4 (b) 4
(a) Rs. 4,500 (b) Rs. 10,000 (a) 8% (b) 10% 2
(c) Rs. 4,000 (d) Rs. 5,000 (c) 12% (d) 15%
126. The average mathematics marks 1
a c e (c) 5 (d) 5
of two Sections A and B of Class 132. If   = 3, 2
b d f
IX in the annual examination is 74. 138. The selling price of 10 oranges is
The average marks of Section A is 2a 2  3c 2  4e 2 the cost price of 13 oranges. Then
77.5 and that of Section B is 70. then =? the profit percentage is
2b 2  3d 2  4 f 2
The r atio of the number of (a) 30% (b) 10%
students of Section A and B (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 13% (d) 3%
(a) 7 : 8 (b) 7 : 5 (c) 4 (d) 9 139. The marked price of a ratio is Rs.
(c) 8 : 7 (d) 8 : 5 133. The floor of a room is of size 4m × 480. The shopkeeper allows a
127. The average weight of a group of 3m and its height is 3m. The walls discount at 10% and gains 8%. If
20 boys was calculated to be 89.4 and ceiling of the room require no discount is allowed, his gain
kg and it was later discovered that painting. The area to be painted is percent would be
one weight was misread as 78kg (a) 66 m2 (b) 54 m2 (a) 18% (b) 18.5%
instead of 87 kg. The correct (c) 43 m2 (d) 33 m2 (c) 20.5% (d) 20%
average weight is 134. When the price of an article was 140. A man sold 20 apples for Rs. 1000
reduced by 20% its sale increased
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and gained 20%. How many apples

1 3
did he buy for Rs. 100? (c) 3 % (d) % 11% nt
3 10 Clothing Re
(a) 20 (b) 22 14
(c) 24 (d) 25 144. The difference between simple
9% Fuel
141. A rectangular sheet of metal is 40 interest and compound interest of
cm by 15 cm. Equal squares of a certain sum of money at 20% per 15% Education
side 4 cm are cut off at the corners annum for 2 years is Rs. 48. Then 45% food
the sum is

and the remainder is folded up to

form an open rectangular box. The (a) Rs. 1,000 (b) Rs. 1,200

volume of the box is (c) Rs. 1,500 (d) Rs. 2,000
(a) 896 cm3 (b) 986 cm3 145. Shr i X goes to his office by 147. If the total income of the family is
(c) 600 cm3 (d) 916 cm3 scooter at a speed of 30 km/h and Rs. 25,000, then the amount spent
142. If 78 is divided into three parts reaches 6 minutes earlier. If he on Rent and Food together is
goes at a speed of 24 km/h, he (a) Rs. 17,250(b) Rs. 14,750
1 1 r eaches 5 minutes late. The
which are in the ratio 1: : , the (c) Rs. 11,250(d) Rs. 8,500
3 6 distance of his office is
148. What is the ratio of the expenses
middle part is (a) 20km (b) 21km of Education to the expenses on
1 (c) 22km (d) 24km Food?
(a) 9 (b) 13 146. A sum of money becomes eight (a) 1 : 3 (b) 3 : 1
times in 3 years, if the rate is (c) 3 : 5 (d) 5 : 3
1 1 compounded annually. In how 149. Expenditur e on Rent is what
(c) 17 (d) 18 much time will the same amount at
3 3 percent of expenditure of Fuel?
the same compound rate become
143. The simple interest on a sum of (a) 135% (b) 156%
sixteen times?
(c) 167% (d) 172%
1 (a) 6 years (b) 4 years
money is of the principle and 150. Which three expenditures together
9 (c) 8 years (d) 5 years
haveacentral angleof 108o?
the number of years is equal to Directions (147-150): The pie chart (a) Fuel, Clothing and Others
rate per cent annum. The rate per given below show the spending of a (b) Fuel, Education and Others
annum is family on various heads during a month. (c) Clothing, Rend and Others
1 Study the gr aph and answer the
(d) Education, Rent and Others
(a) 3% (b) % questions 147 to 150.

Directions (151-155): In the following known mechanism s (2) / of blanks to be filled in with an appropriate
question, some of the sentences have physical growth, (3) / No error. (4) word. Four alternatives are suggested
errors and some are correct. Find out 153. Children enjoy listening to (1) / for each question. Choose the correct
which part of a sentence has an error. ghosts stories (2) / especially on alternative out of the four.
The number of the part is you answer. If Halloween night. (3) / No error. (4) 156. The building is not safe and must
a sentence is free from errors, then you 154. I (1) / have (2) / many works to do. be _____ down.
answer is (d) i.e., No error. (3) / No error. (4) (a) pull (b) pulling
151. A senior doctor (1) / expressed 155. There are so many filths (1) / all
(c) pulled (d) pulls
concern (2) / about physicians around (2) / the place. (3) / No
157. There is something wonderful ___
recommended the vaccine. (3) / No error. (4)
error. (4) Directions (156–160): In the following (a) of (b) about
152. We have discussing (1) / all the questions, sentences are given with (c) for (d) inside

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158. The song in the play cannot be 166. INVINCIBLE (b) to adjust
deleted it is ____ to the story. (a) Small (c) to understand
(a) intervened (b) Invisible (d) to tolerate
(b) innate (c) Vulnerable(d) Reachable 175. To call it a day
(c) exacting 167. INOFFENSIVE (a) to conclude proceedings
(d) integral (a) Sensitive (b) to initiate proceedings
159. She remained a _____ all her life. (b) Organic (c) to work through the day
(a) spinster (c) Sensible (d) None of the above
(b) bachelor (d) Rude Directions (176-180): In the following
(c) unmarried 168. DIVULGE questions, a sentence or bold part
(d) single (a) Conceal thereof is given which may need
160. Do not stay in the grasslands after (b) Disguise improvement. Alternative are given at
dark, as some animals become (c) Oppress (A), (B) and (C) below, which may be a
____ when they see humans. (d) Reveal better option. In case, no improvement
(a) provoked 169. DISCORD is needed, your answer is (D).
(b) alerted (a) Harmony 176. The man whom I thought was
(c) aggressive (b) Serenity thoroughly honest proved to be a
(d) threatened (c) Acceptance swindler.
Directions (161-165): In the following, (d) Placidity (a) The man whom I thought was
questions out of the four alternatives, 170. MAMMOTH thoroughly honest proved as
choose one which best expresses the (a) Quiet swindler.
meaning of the given word. (b) Significant (b) The man who I thought was
161. LUCIDITY (c) Huge (d) Small thoroughly honest proved to
(a) Fluidity Directions (171-175): In the following be a swindler.
(b) Politeness four alter natives are given for the (c) The man to whom I thought
(c) Clarity meaning of the given Idiom/Phrase. was thor oughly honest
(d) Fluency Choose the alternative which best proved to be a swindler,
162. INDICT expresses the meaning of the Idiom/ (d) No improvement
(a) Implicate Phrase. 177. No sooner had the dividend been
(b) Elude 171. To take to heart declared, the notices were sent
(c) Appreciate (a) to be encouraged out.
(d) Judge (b) to grieve over (a) The company had hardly
163. DELUGE (c) to like declared the dividend till the
(a) Confusion (d) to hate notices were sent for mailing.
(b) Deception 172. Yeoman’s service (b) They had no sooner declared
(c) Flood (a) medical help to dividend then the notices
(d) Weapon (b) excellent work were sent out.
164. PREPONDERANCE (c) social work (c) Hardly had the dividend been
(A) Pre-eminence (d) hard work declared than the notices were
(B) Dominance 173. To face the music sent out.
(C) Domineering (a) to enjoy a musical recital (d) No improvement.
(D) Preoccupation (b) to bear the consequences 178. Riding upon his horse, the tiger
(c) to live in a pleasant jumped at him.
Directions (166-170): In the following
atmosphere (a) Riding upon the tiger, the
question no. 166 to 170, out of the four
horse jumped at him.
alternatives, choose the word opposite (d) to have a difficult time
(b) The tiger jumped at him while
in meaning to the given word. 174. To put up with
he was riding upon his horse.
(a) to accommodate

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(c) The tiger rode at him while he (c) Spectacle Science (197) with facts, but not with
was jumping upon his horse. (d) Specimen facts which have (198) to do with each
(d) No improvement 185. The practice of submitting a other, like the facts about our dog, cricket
179. I in black and white must have proposal to popular vote and the Mughal ruler; those facts are not
your terms down. (a) Election (b) Reference related (199), and so have nothing (200)
with scienc e. S cien ce stars with
(a) I must have in black in white (c) Popularity(d) Referendum
your terms down. Directions (186-190): In the following
(b) I must have your terms in black 191. (a) grandson
questions, groups of four words are
and white down. given. In each group, one wor d is (b) grandfather
(c) I must have your terms down correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt (c) grand nephew
in black and white. word. (d) son
(d) No improvement. 192. (a) gone
186. (a) mandatary
180. When we ar e came out of the (b) died
(b) circulatory
restaurant it was half past eleven. (c) disappeared
(c) temporary
(a) When we had come out of the (d) absented
(d) regulatory
restaurant 193 (a) on
(b) After we came out of the 187. (a) convinience
(b) in
restaurant (b) initative
(c) since
(c) When we have come out of the (c) concessional
(d) from
restaurant (d) exaggerate
194. (a) old
(d) No improvement 188. (a) diologue(b) giraffe
(b) ordinary
(c) scissors
Directions (181-185): In the following (c) latest
questions, out of the four alternatives, (d) humourous
(d) outdated
choose the one which can be 189. (a) assiduous
195. (a) pieces
substituted for the given words/ (b) nefarious
(b) peace
sentence. (c) macabre
(c) whole
181. Code of diplomatic etiquette and (d) loquacious
(d) block
precedence 190. (a) cortege
196. (a) lies
(a) Statesmanship (b) damage
(b) charges
(b) Diplomacy (c) milege
(c) facts
(c) Hierarchy (d) plumege
(d) blame
(d) Protocol Directions (191-200): In the following 197. (a) starts
182. To renounce a high position of passage some of the words have been
(b) stops
authority or control left out. First read the passage over and
(c) passes
(a) Abduct try to understand what it is about. Then
fill the blanks with the help of the (d) drives
(b) Abandon
alternative given. 198. (a) no
(c) Abort
(b) neither
(d) Abdicate Passage (c) nor
183. Not to be moved by entreaty
Science means knowledge, but not all (d) nothing
(a) Rigorous
knowledge is science. I know from my 199. (a) by that way
(b) Negligent
own eyesight that our dog Chippy lies (b) in any way
(c) Inexorable
papaya; I know from a book that Akbar (c) from the side
(d) Despotic
was the (191) of Babar, and (192) in (d) in addition to
184. An object or portion serving as a 1605; and I know (193) the ratio that India 200. (a) to lie
sample did not do well in the (194) Test matches.
(a) Specification (b) to speak
W e can call these (195) of knowledge
(b) Spectre (c) to sleep
(196) but they are not science.
(d) to do

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1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (d) 40. (c)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (b) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (c)
51. (c) 52. (c) 53. (c) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (d) 57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (b)
61. (b) 62. (c) 62. (a) 64. (b) 65. (c) 66. (d) 67. (c) 68. (c) 69. (c) 70. (a)
71. (d) 72. (d) 73. (c) 74. (c) 75 (d) 76. (c) 77. (b) 78. (d) 79. (d) 80. (a)
81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (c) 84. (a) 85. (d) 86. (b) 87. (d) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (d)
91. (a) 92. (c) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (c) 96. (b) 97. (d) 98. (b) 99. (d) 100. (b)
101. (d) 102. (b) 103. (a) 104. (d) 105. (a) 106. (b) 107. (b) 108. (c) 109. (b) 110. (a)
111. (a) 112. (d) 113. (c) 114. (a) 115. (d) 116. (b) 117. (d) 118. (b) 119. (b) 120. (c)
121. (b) 122. (b) 123. (b) 124. (c) 125. (a) 126. (c) 127. (d) 128. (a) 129. (c) 130. (a)
131. (a) 132. (d) 133. (b) 134. (a) 135. (b) 136. (a) 137. (a) 138. (a) 139. (d) 140. (c)
141. (a) 142. (c) 143. (c) 144. (b) 145. (c) 146. (b) 147. (b) 148. (a) 149. (b) 150. (b)
151. (c) 152 (a) 153. (c) 154. (c) 155. (a) 156. (c) 157. (b) 158. (d) 159. (a) 160. (c)
161. (c) 162. (c) 163. (d) 164. (c) 165. (b) 166. (c) 167. (d) 168. (a) 169. (a) 170. (d)
171. (b) 172. (a) 173. (b) 174. (d) 175. (d) 176. (d) 177. (a) 178. (b) 179. (c) 180. (d)
181. (d) 182. (d) 183. (d) 184. (d) 185. (d) 186. (c) 187. (d) 188. (c) 189. (b) 190. (a)
191. (a) 192. (b) 193. (a) 194. (c) 195. (a) 196. (c) 197. (a) 198. (d) 199. (b) 200. (d)

5. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6; (6)2 = 36 by 11.
C F I L O R U X 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 ; (5)2 = 25 5720 6710
+12 6. Ass is considered at Timid. Fox is = 520; = 610;
+12 11 11
1. considered as Cunning.
7. Ecstasy is opposite of Gloom. 2640
+12 = 240
Similarly, Humiliation is opposite of 11
Similarly, Examination.
8. Architect construct buildings. 4270
D G J M P S V Y But,
Similarly, Sculptor carves statue. 11
+12 = 388.18
+1 +7 +2
+12 P A X Z 14. Except (Dr iving), all other
+1 +14 -3 activitiers are performed in water.
+12 B C Q N 15. Insinuation is different from the
3. 24 × 2.5 = 60 10. A +1 B +2 D +2 F other words.
12 × 2.5 = 300 Insinuate (Verb) means “to
+1 +2
4. 14 × 14 × 2 = 722 M N +2 P R suggest sombody/something in an
14 × 2 = 28 12. The number 841 is a perfect square. unpleasant and indirect way”.
Similarly, 841 = 29 × 29 Insinuation (Noun) means “the
19 × 19 × 2 = 392 13. Except the number 4270, all other action of insinuating something”.
19 × 2 = 38 numbers are completely divisible 16. The numbers given in the Set are

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Perfect Squares. 25. 30th September 1998 Suresh is material uncle of Rohit.
4 = (2)2; Wednesday Therefore, Rohit is nephew of
25 = (5)2; 30the Semptember 1999 Suresh.
81 = (9)2 Thursday
Similarly, 30th September 2000
TV Car
16 = (4)2; Saturday 20 55 15
64 = (8)2; Beause 2000 is a Leap Year and
100 = (10)2 there is one extra day in the month
of February. Per cent of those surveyed who
-2 +2 +2 +5 +2
30th September 2001 Sunday did not own either a car or a TV
30th Sepeember 2002 Monday = 100 – (20 + 55 + 15)
17. A
30th Sempember 2003 Tuesday = 100 – 90 = 10%
+2 +2 +2 +2
A D F H J L An ordinary year has one odd day. L O S E G A I N
18. Meaningful order of the given 26. Each second-space equals 1o. A
words: clock gains five minutes every 35.
4. Glacier hour. 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8

5 8 4 6 1 5
2. Rivulet It means the clock gain Therefore,
minutes in one minute. NA I L S
36. Only I and II arguments ar e
5. River 5 strong. Education is meant for
 360 = 30
60 both knowledge and securing a
3. Sea 27. B = 2A job. Any skills is acquired to use it
F = 2B purposefully.
A = 2C 37.
1. Ocean C = 2D
19. Ar rangement of wor ds as per F > B >A> C > D North
dictionary 28. Total number of way in which the
2. Preparatively committee can be formed
West East
= 5 × 3 =15
4. Preponderate But Ms A refused to be a member
of treh committee in which Mr. B is South
taken as a memeber. T h er e for e , Now, he is walking towards North.
1. Preposition the required answer
Starting Point
= 15 – 1 = 14
5. Prepossess 5 12 21 32 45 60

+7 +9 +11 +13 +15

3. Preposterous 29.
8 km 8 km
20. ac a c / ab a b / a c a +2 +2 +2 +2

Therefore, the number 6 is wrong. 38.

c / aba b / a c a c
in the series.
0 4 8 24 64 176 300 30. The rank of Suresh = 28th 4 km
13th 28th
+4 +4 +16 +40 +112 +124 14 Students S
R ..................
23. 39. Ther e is no ‘A’ letter in the
31. Suppose the age of Naresh’s
+0 +12 +24 +72 +12 brother = x years keybord.
40. Ther e is only one ‘U’ in the
-3 -4 -3 -4  Age of Naresh = 2x – 4
W T P M I 32. Ram is brother of Rani. keyword.
24. -3 -4 -3 -4 There are one ‘A’ and one ‘P’ in
Rohit is son of Ram.
the keyword.
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Ther e is only one ‘O’ in the AIL; When p = 124,

keyword. p + 1 = 124 + 1 = 125
102. 1 
FBN; JFG; GJK; KGH; 100 25
IBM; MIJ; JMN; NJK; Squaring both sides,
41. (5)3 + 1 = 125 + 1 = 126
(6)3 + 1 = 216 + 1 =217 x3 9
42. (21 + 1) – 2 = 22 – 2 = 20 47. 324 = 18; 289 = 17 1 
(22 + 2) – 1 = 24 – 1 = 23
100 25
18 + 17 = 35
(? + 5) – 2 = 43 
 ? = (43 + 2 ) – 5 441 = 21; 484 = 22
21 + 22 = 43
x3 9 25  9 16
 ? = 45 – 5 = 40  1  
43. 70 ÷ 2 – 4 × 5 + 6 = 44 100 25 25 25
625 = 25; 400 = 20
 15 + 6  44 25 + 20 = 45 16
70 ÷ 2 – 4 × 5 + 6 = 21  x3 =  100 = 64
 35 – 20 + 6 = 21 256 = 16; 729 = 27 25
 41 – 20 = 21 16 + 27 = 43  x = 3 64  3 4  4  4 = 4
44. 34.25 + 2.50 = 36.75 103. Let the natural numbers be x and
36.75 + 3.00 = 39.75 y.
39.75 + 3.50 = 43.25  Required sum = 18x + 21 y
43.25 + 4.00 = 47.25 = 3(6x + 7y)
47.25 + 4.00 = 47.25 Hence, the sum is divisible by 3.
47.25 + 4.50 = 51.75  Required answer = 2007
51.75 + 5.00 = 56.75 104. Let teh numbers b x and y and x >
45. Some politicians may be poets and y.
vice-versa.  xy = 45
No poet can be women as women  x2 + y2 = (x – y)2 + 2xy
poet is called poetess. 49. = (4)2 + 2 × 45 = 16 + 90
= 106
105. Expression

Poets Women =

8  57  38  108  169

101. Expression
D E 88 57  38  108  13
= 3 p ( p 2  3 p  3)  1

46. = 3 p3  3 p 2  3 p  1
8  57  38  38  121
3 3
=  ( p  1)  = 8  57  3811
The triangles are: = ( p  1) 3 = 8  57  49
ABC; ADE; AFH; = p+1
= 8 57 7
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=  3*5+5*3
88 1 = (2 × 3 + 3 × 5 – 3 × 5) + (5 × 2 + 3
1 × 3 – 5 × 3)
= 16 1 1
1 1
1 =(6 + 15 – 15) + (10 + 9 – 15)
=4 1 1
= 1 = 85 = 6 + 4 = 10
106. 14 + 6 5 112. Let 0.0347 = a
5 = 14 + 2 × 3 × 5 8
8 and, 0.9653 = b
=9 + 5 + 2 × 3 × 5
1 a 3  b3
=(3)2 + ( 5 )2 + 2 × 3 × 5 1 1  Expression =
8 1
13 8 a 2  ab  b 2
= 1 =
= (3 + 5 )2 13 13 =a+b
= 0.0347 + 0.9653 = 1
 14  6 5 13 21  13 34 113. Area of the equilateral triangle
= 1 = =
2 21 21 21 3
= 3  5  109. 21 = 2; 22 = 4; =
23 = 8; 24 = 16; 25 = 32
= 3+ 5  Unit’s digit in the producet of 3
8 4 (122)173 = 121 3=  side2
107. 231 = (2 ) + 2 = (256)4 ÷ 2 =Unit’s digit in (122)1 = 2 4
(1 = remainder when 173 divided
.....6 by 4). 121 3  4
= = .......3  Side2 = = 121 × 4
2 110. Expression 3
Clearly, the remainder will be 3
when divided by 5.  2 3 2 3  Side = 121  4
=   +
Illustration:  2 3 2  3 = 11 × 2 = 22 cm
23 ÷ 5 gives remainder = 3  Total length of wire = 3 × 22
83 ÷ 5 gives remainder = 3 = 66cm
108. Expression 3 1 3 1 If the radius of the circly be r cm,

1 3 1 3 1 then
1 2 r = 66
1  (2  3)2  (2  3) 2 
1 = + 2  22
1  (2  3)(2  3)   r=  r = 66
= 1 7
3 2 2
66  7 21
3  3 1  r= =
2  22 2

1 3 1
1  Area of the circle = r 2
1 2(4  3) 3  1  2 3
1 =  22 21 21
1 =  
= 1 = 43 2 7 2 2
1 = 346.5 cm2
5 • (a  b ) 2  ( a  b)2 
  1 2
1  =2 a 2  b 2    114. Volume of the cone =
r h
1 =14 + 2 + 3 = 16 + 3
1 =  6  6  24 cm3
5 3 111. Given that 3
5 a * b = 2a + 3b – ab

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= Volume of the sphere

3 5 4  1
If the radius of the sphere be r =  :  (C + A)’s 1 days work =
cm, then 7 8 7 8 20
Adding all three,
4 3 24  35 32  21
r =  6  6  24 = : 2(A + B + C)’s 1 day’s work
3 3 56 56
= 59 : 53 1 1 1
 r3 = 6 × 6 × 6 =  
118. Let the son’s present age 12 15 20
 r = 6  6  6 = 6 cm. = x years.
5  4  3 12 1
115. Water supplied by pipe in 1 hour  Father’s present age = = 
= (0.3 × 0.2 × 20 × 1000) = 3x years 60 60 5
cubic meter = 1200 cubic metre After 15 years,  (A + B + C)’s 1 day’s work
 Total time 3x + 15 = 2(x + 15)
=  3x + 15 = 2x + 30 =
Volume of water to be filled in the tank  x = 30 – 15 = 15
 Sum of their present ages  Required answer = 10 days
1200 122. If B alone complete the work in x
= x + 3x= 4x
200  150  8 =4 × 15 = 60 years days, Awill do the same in 2x days.
= 119. LCM of 20, 30 and 40 minutes =  (A + B)’s 1 day’s work
= 200 hours 120 minutes 1 1 2 1 3
116. Let the number be 13x and 13y Hence, the bells will toll together =   
x 2x x 2x
where x and y are prime to each again after 2 hours i.e., at 1 p.m.
other. 120. (A + B)’s 1 day’s work 3
 LCM = 13xy  C’s 1 day’s work =
1 4x
 Product of numbers = (i)
12 3 
(B + C)’s 1 day’s work  
 2028 = 13 × 13xy 4 x 20
1  4x = 3 × 20
2028 = (ii)
 xy = = 12 15
13  13 3  20
Pairs satisfying the condition  Difference between A and C’s 1  x= = 15
day’s work 4
= (1, 12), and (3, 4).  (A + B + C)’s 1 days work
117. Let the capacity of each vessel 1 1 54 5 4 1
= 1 litre =     1  3 1 1 1
12 15 15 60 60 =     
 First Vessel 2 x x 4 x 30 15 20
 x= 30
3 B’s 1 day’s work 2 43 9 3
Water = litre =  
7 1 1 60 60 20
=  [From equation (i)] Hence, all three together will
4 12 30
Milk = litre complete the work in
7 5 2 3 1
Second Vessel =   20 2
60 60 20  6 days.
5 3 3
Hence, B alone will complete the
Water = litre work in 20 days. 123. In the original mixture,
8 water = 60 cc
3 1 Glycerine = 180 cc
Milk = litre 121. (A + B)’s 1 day’s work = Let x cc of water be mixed.
8 12
In 2 litres of mixture, 1 60  x 2
(B + C)’s 1 day’s work =  
Water : milk 180 3
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 180 + 3x = 360 1540  100  a = 3b; c = 3d; e = 3f

 3x = 360 – 180 = 180 = = 500
308 2a 2  3c 2  4e2
180  2b 2  3d 2  4 f 2
x= = 60 cc A
124. Let the original mixture, 2  9b2  3  9d 2  4  9 f 2
water = 60 60 cc 2b2  3d 2  4 f 2
Let x cc of water be mixed.
60  x 2

B D E C 
9 2b 2  3d 2 4 f 2  =9
 = 2 2 2
180 3 AE  BC 2b  3d  4 f
 48x + 120 = 45x + 135  BE = EC = 5 cm, AC = 10 cm 133. Area of thefour walls of the room
 48x – 45x = 135 – 120 =2 × height (length × breadth)
 3x= 15
AE = 10 2  52 =2 × 3 (4 + 3) = 42 sq. metre
 x= 5 = 100  25  75  5 3 cm Area of ceiling = 4 × 3
Maya’s present age = 6x = 12 sq. metre
DE = DC – EC
=6 × 5 = 30 years  Required area = 42 + 12
125. Income of the family 2 5 = 54 sq. metre
=  10  5  cm 134. Required effect
10 3 3
=  10500 =Rs. 15000  80  20 
7 25 25  675 =  80  20  %
Saving = 15000 – 10500   75   100 
9 9
= Rs. 4500 = (60 – 16)%
126. If the number of students in 700 10 7 = 44%
section A be x and that in section =  cm Positive sign shows increase.
B by y, then 9 3
135. Required percentage
130. Let the marked price of the article
77.5  x  y  70 be Rs. x. 20
74 = =  100
x y 100  20
90 x 800  112.5
 74x + 74y= 77.5x + 70y  
100 100 20
 77.5x – 74x = 74y – 70y =  100
 3.5x = 4y 9x 900  10
 = 900; x =
50 2
x 4 8 10 9
= = 16 %
 y  35  7 = Rs. 1000 3 3
131. SP after a discount of 20% 136. Let the total number of workers in
127. Difference in weight the factory be x.
= 87 – 78 = 9 kg 1500  80
= = Rs. 1200
 Correct average weight 100 60 75
Second discount  x  = 13500
9 100 100
= 89.4 + = 1200 – 1104, = Rs. 96 x
20 If the discount per cent be x% then
= 89.4 + 0.45 = 89.85 kg 1350  100  100
128. Distance covered by wheel in one 1200  x = = 3000
= 96 60  75
revolution = circumference of the 100 137. Time and speed are inversely
wheel proportional.
22 x= =8
= × diameter =  98 = 308 1200 4
7  of usual time –
a c r 3
 Number of revolutions 132.   =3 usual time
b d f
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= 40 – 2 × 4 = 32 cm
3 5 x  4 x 11
= Breadth of the box = 15 – 2 × 4  
2 = 7cm 120 60
Height of the box = 4 cm
1 3 x 11
 × usual time =  Volume of the box = 32 × 7 × 4  
3 2 = 896 cu. cm. 120 60
33 9 1 1 11
 Usual time =  142. Ratio = 1 : : x=  120
2 2 3 6 60
=6:2:1 = 22 km.
= 4 hours Sum of the ratios = 6 + 2 + 1 = 9 146. Let the principle be Re. 1
2 T
138. Let the CP of 1 orange 2  R 
 Middle part =  78  A = P  1+ 
= Re. 1 9 100 
 SP or 10 oragnes = Rs. 13
52 1 3
13  10 =  17  R 
 Gain percent =  100 3 3  8 = 1  1+ 
10 100 
= 30% Simple interest 1
143.  R 
139. If the CP of ratio be Rs. x, then Principal 9 
 23 =  1+ 
If the annual rate of interest be r%, 100 
108 480  90
of x = then 1
100 100  r 
S.I. × 100  2 =  1+
x  108 Rate = 100 
 = 432 Principal × Time
100 4
1 100  r 
 24 =  1+
432  100
= Rs. 400
r= 
9 r  100 
 Time = 4 years
Gain per cent if no discount is 100 147. • 100% = Rs. 25000
allowed  r2 =
80  59% =  59
=  100 100 10 1 100
400  r=  3 %
9 3 3 = Rs. 14750
= 20% 148. Required ratio = 15 : 45
140. If the CP of 20 apples be Rs. x, 144. Difference of two years
then  r2  149. Required percentage
=P 
x  120  10000  14
= 100 =  100
100 9
 400  = 156
100  100 250  48 = P  10000 
x= = Rs. 150. • 360o = 100%
120 3
P 100
250  48 =  108O =  108
• Rs. = 20 apples 25 360
3 = 30%
 P = 48 × 25 = Rs. 1200
20  3  100 145. Let the distance of office be x km. Fuel + Education + Others
 Rs. 100 = = 9 + 15 + 6
250 x x 11
  = 30%
= 24 apples 
24 30 60
141. Length of the box

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Held On: 08-07-2012 (1st Sitting)

Directions (1-9): In each of the 10. (a) VWY (b) QRT (a) 3, 1,2,4,5 (b) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4
following questions, select the related (c) LMO (d) JKL (c) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
letters / words / numbers from the given 11. (a) B E (b) G J (d) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
alternatives. (c) N P (d) Q R Directions (22-23) : In each of the
1. 9 : 80: : 100 : ? 12. (a) 400 (b) 484 following questions, which one set of
(a) 901 (b) 1009 (c) 625 (d) 729 letters when sequentially placed at the
(c) 9889 (d) 9999 13. (a) 1000 (b) 1725 gaps in the given letter series shall
2. 25: 125 :: 36 : ? (c) 2744 (d) 4096 complete it ?
(a) 180 (b) 206 14. (a) 12-16 (b) 60-80
(c) 30-50 (d) 36-48 22. c _ ab _ ca _ bc _ a
(c) 216 (d) 318 (a) bcab (b) abcb
3. 335: 21 6:: 987:? 15. (a) C X (b) D W
(c) J Q (d) L R (c) bacb (d) cbac
(a) 868 (b) 867 23. _ ba _ bab _ babb _ b
(c) 872 (d) 888 16. (a) Cyclotron (b) Basic
(c) Pascal (d) Fortran (a) baaa (b) abbb
4. BEGK:ADFJ :: PSVY:? (c) babb (d) abab
(a) ROUX (b) ORUX 17. (a) Rooster (b) Buck
(c) LQUT (d) LOQT (c) Gander (d) Peahen Directions (24-27): In each of the
5. AZBY: CXDW:: EVFU: ? 18. (a) Booklet (b) Pamphlet following questions, select the missing
(a) GTHS (b) GHTS (c) Voucher (d) Brochure number from the given responses.
(c) GS.TH (d) TGSH 19. Which word will appear third in 24. 500, 484, 459, __?__, 374
6. BDFH: SUWY :: CEGI : ? the dictionary? (a) 384 (b) 432
(l) QTWZ (b) PTVX (a) BALLIUM (c) 418 (d) 423
7. food: man:: fuel:? (c) BALLERINA (a) A (b) E
(a) wood (b) fire (d) BALLISTITE (c) 1 (d) F
(c) heat (d) smoke 20. Which word will appear last in the 26. 60, 69, 85, ___?__ ,146
8. Spiritual: Belief:: Orchestral:? dictionary? (a) 110 (b) 117
(a) Theatre (b) Situation (a) laugh (c) 109 (d) 120
(c) Music (d) Direction (b) latch 27. 46, 50, 47, 55, 49, 61, __?__
9. Latter :Former :: Hazardous: ? (c) laurels (d) latitude (a) 54 (b) 52
(a) Risky (b) Comfortable 21. Arrange the given words in a (c) 57 (d) 51
(c) Safe (d) Harmful meaningful order: 28. The average age of 25
1. INFANT subordinates in an office is 30
Directions (10-18): In each of the 2. ADOLESCENT
following questions, find the odd word/ years. If the age of Manager is
3. CHILD added, the average age increases
number / letters / number pair from the 4. OLD
given alternatives. to 31 years. What is the age of the
5. ADULT Manager?
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(a) 26 (b) 36 (a) FQPMGA (b) YEKNOD Directions (44-45): In the following
(c) 46 (d) 56 (c) GWCVKJ (d) PQKUCW questions, one statement is given,
29. Class A has students twice that of 37. If38 + 15 = 66 and 29 + 36 = 99, followed by two conclusions I and II.
class B. After adding 20 students then 82 + 44 = ? You have to consider the statements to
to class A and 30 students to class (a) 77 (b) 88 be tr ue even if they seem to be at
B, the total number of students in (c) 80 (d) 94 variance from commonly known facts.
both the classes is 140. What is 38. If + means ÷, - means x, x means +, You have to decide which of the given
the number of students in class A ÷ means –, give the value for conclusions, if any, follow from the
in the beginning? 45 + 9 - 3 × 15 ÷ 2 given statements.
(a) 30 (b) 60 (a) 40 (b) 36 44. Statement
(c) 80 (d) 140 (c) 56 (d) 28 To keep myself updated, I always
30. Find the lowest number which is Directions (39-40): In each of the listen to 9 O’clock news on radio.
divided by 8, 12, 15 and 20 leaves following questions, select the missing Conclusions:
the remainder 2. number from the given responses. I. The per son does not read
(a) 360 (b) 242 newspaper.
(c) 122 (d) 82 39. 7 8 6
4 9 5 II. Recent news is available only on
31. If B becomes A and P becomes O, radio.
what will K become in the English 3 2 ?
25 70 29 (a) Only conclusion I is implicit
alphabet? (b) Only conclusion II is implicit
(a) L (b) J (a) 9 (b) 8
(c) 1 (d) 5 (c) Neither conclusion I nor II is
(c) H (d) N implicit
32. The given word is followed by 4 40. 3 4 5
6 7 8 (d) Both conclusions I and II are
responses, one of which cannot implicit
be formed by using the letters of 9 1 2
57 11 ? 45. Statement
the word given ‘CAMBRIDGE’. All wealthy people are happy in
Find out the word. (a) 42 (b) 21
(b) 11 (d) 18 life.
(a) BRIDGE (b) BRIDE Conclusions:
(c) CAME (d) CAMP 41. From the given details, estimate
the number of people affected by I. Wealth and happiness are directly
33. If SEASONAL is wr itten as related.
ESSANOLA, howcan SEPARATE Tuberculosis in particular locality
in the year 1994. II. Wealth leads to happiness in life.
be written in that code? (a) Only conclusion I follows
(a) SEAPARET 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
? 92 113 141 176 (b) Only conclusion II follows
(b) ESPARATE (c) Both conclusions I and II
(c) ESPAARTE(d) ESAPARET (a) 9 9 (b) 8 5
(c) 7 1 (d) 7 8 follow
34. In certain code, RAGHAVAN is (d) Neither conclusion I nor II
written as GARVAHNA. In that 42. A man started from a place walked
towards Nor th for 5 km then follows
code which word will be written as
MATHAVAN? turned 90° to his right and walked Directions: In the following questions,
(a) TAMVAHNA another 5 km. Then he turned 45° which answer figure will complete the
(b) TAMVAHAN to his right and walked 2 km and question figure?
(c) TAMHAVNA turned 45° to his left. What is his 46. Question Figure
(d) MATVAHNA direction now?
35. If ‘FRIEND’ is coded as (a) South (b) South East
‘IULHQG’, how will you code (c) East (d) South West
‘ENEMY’? 43. A boy running towards South,
(a) HQHPB (b) HQHPA turns to his right and runs, Then
he turns to his right and finally Answer figure
36. In a coded language, if the word turns to his left. Towards which
EQUATION is coded as direction is he running now?
GSWCVKQP, then how is the (a) East (b) West
(c) South (d) North (a) (b) (c) (d)
word DONKEY coded?
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47. From the given answer figures, 49. Select the correct option that will 50. MATRIX-I
select the one in which the be the mirror reflection of the
question figur e is hidden! problem figure. 0 1 2 3 4
embedded. Question Figure
0 P A I V R
Question Figure
1 I P R A V
2 A R V P I
Answer Figures 3 V I P R A
4 R V A I P

Answer Figures MATRIX·II

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions: In the following question, a 5 6 7 8 9

word is represented by only one set of
(a) (b) (c) (d)
numbers as given in anyone of the 5 S L K M E
Directions: In the following question, a alternatives. The sets of numbers given 6 K M S E L
piece of paper is folded and cut as in the alternatives are represented by
shown below in the question figures. 7 M E L K S
two classes of alphabets as in two
From the given answer figures, indicate matrices given below. The columns and 8 L K E S M
how it will appear when opened. rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to
9 E S M L K
48. Question Figures: 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered
from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices (a) 55, 20, 56, 69
can be represented first by its row and (b) 79, 13, 69, 75
next by its column, e.g., ‘P’ can be (c) 96, 34, 76, 89
Answer Figures: represented by 11, 32, etc. and ‘K’ can (d) 67, 21, 85, 97
be represented by 65, 78, etc. Similarly,
you have to identify the set for the
word SALM.
(a) (b) (c) (d)

51. Which one of the following is an (c) Open market operations Act that has introduced
example for a non-economic good? (d) Credit rationing safeguards against the misuse of
(a) Doctor’s service 54. The 13th Five Year Plan will be proclamation of national
(b) Teacher’s service operative for the period emergency is the
(c) Mother’s service (a) 2010- 2015 (a) 42nd Amendment Act
(d) Banker’s service (b) 2011- 2016 (b) 43rd Amendment Act
52. Which one of the following (c) 2012- 2017 (c) 44th Amendment Act
commi ttee is associat ed with (d) 2013- 2018 (d) 45th Amendment Act
banking sector reforms in India ? 55. The national income of a nation is 57. The Fundamental Rights can be
(a) L. C. Gupta (b) Narsimhan the suspended by the
(c) Chakravarty(d) Kelkar (a) Government’s annual revenue (a) Governor
53. Which one of the following is not (b) Sum total of factor incomes (b) President
a qualitative cr edit control (c) Surplus of public sector (c) Law Minister
measure of the RBI? enterprises (d) Prime Minister
(a) Fixing margin requirements (d) Exports minus imports 58. The main reason for the growth of
(b) Variable interest rates 56. The Constitutional Amendment communalism in India is

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(a) Educational and economic I. Dandi March 72. During respiration, the gases
backwardness of minor ity II. Simon Commission enter into the blood and leave
groups III. Poona Pact the same by the process of
(b) Political consciousness IV. Gandhi Irwin Pact (a) Active transport
(c) Social inequalities (a) II, I, III, IV (b) Diffusion
(d) Imposing ban on communal (b) II, I, IV, III (c) Diffusion and active transport
organisations (c) IV, III, I, II (d) Osmosis
59. A Retired Judge of a High Court is (d) IV, III, II I 73. Heart is devoid of
not permitted to practice as a 66. Which one of the following is not (a) Cardiac muscle
lawyer in correctly matched? (b) Involuntary muscle
(a) Supreme Court (a) Darjeeling - West Bengal (c) Voluntary muscle
(b) Any Court in India (b) Mount Abu - Rajasthan (d) Smooth muscle
(c) High Courts (c) Kodaikanal - Tamil Nadu 74. The soil salinity is measured by
(d) Except the High Court where (d) Simla - Uttar Pradesh (a) Conductivity meter
he retired 67. The earth is at its maximum (b) Hygrometer
60. Which one of the following does distance from the Sun on (c) Psychrometer
not match? (a) January 30th (d) Auxanometer
(a) Hindu Marriage Act : 1955 (b) December 22nd 75. Which of the following is a fungal
(b) Medical Termi nation of (c) September 22nd disease?
PregnancyAct: 1971 (d) July 4th (a) Leucoderma
(c) Domestic Violence on Women 68. Consider the following pairs; (b) Eczema
Act: 1990 Tributary Main Piver (c) Ringworm
(d) Cruelty against Women: 1995 1. Chambal Yamuna (d) Elephantiasis
61. Who among the following was 2. Sone Narmada 76. Chickenpox is caused by
the First Viceroy of India ? 3. Manas Brahmputra (a) DNA virus
(a) Lord Ripon Which one of the pairs given (b) Variola virus
(b) Lord Curzon above is/are cor rectly (c) Streptococcus
(c) Lord Mountbatten matched? (d) Vi rio cholerae
(d) Lord Canning (a) 1, 2 and 3 77. Instruments can be shielded from
62. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was defeated (b) 1 and 2 only outside magnetic effects by
in the Second Battle of Tarain by (c) 2 and 3 only surrounding them with
(a) Mahmud Ghazni (d) Only 3 (a) Iron shield
(b) Muhammad Ghori 69. A form of condensation that (b) Rubber shield
(c) Qutbuddin Aibak r educes visibility and causes (c) Brass shield
(d) Yalduz breathing problems is (d) Glass shield
63. The original name of Nana (a) Dew (b) Frost 78. Find the odd one.
Phadnavis was (c) Smog (a) Marble (b) Blackboard
(a) Mahadaji Sindhia (d) Mist (c) Chalk (d) Slaked lime
(b) Tukoji Holkar 70. The total population divided by 79. The following is a pseudo-force
(c) Narayan Rao available arable land area is (a) Centrepetal force
(d) Balaji Janardan Bhanu referred to as (b) Centrifugal reaction force
64. Who among the following first (a) Population density (c) Centrifugal force
pr opounded the idea of Basic (b) Nutritional density (d) Strong nuclear force
Education? (c) Agricultural density 80. The hydraulic brake used in
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru (d) Industrial density automobiles is a direct application
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy 71. Green glands are associated with of
(c) Mahatma Gandhi (a) Reproduction (a) Archimedes principle
(d) Dayanand Saraswati (b) Excretion (b) Torricellean law
65. Arrange the following in (c) Respiration (c) Bernoulli’s Theorem
chronological order: (d) Digestion (d) Pascal’s law

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81. Of the following, which is the 89. Supersonic air planes create a (c) SaifAli Khan
fastest? shock wave called (d) Anil Kapoor
(a) CD-ROM (a) Transition wave 95. The city of Prayag was named
(b) RAM (b) Ultrasound Allahabad -the city of Allah by
(c) Registers (c) Transverse wave (a) Aurangzeb
(d) Cache
(d) Sonic boom (b) Akbar
82. An alter n ate nam e for the
90. The main factor which determines (c) Shahjehan
completely interconn ected
balance of nature is (d) Bahadur Shah Zafar
network topology is
(a) Mesh (b) Star (a) human activities 96. Spot the odd one fr om the
(c) Tree (b) Rabit and habitat following:
(d) Ring (c) environmental conditions (a) Tsunami
83. Amides can be converted to (d) availability of food (b) Earthquakes
amines by the reaction named 91. The danger signals are red while (c) Windmills
(a) Perkin the eye is more sensitive to yellow (d) Cyclones
(b) Claisen because 97. Who among the following has
(c) Claisen (a) absorption in red is less than won the Pantaloon’s Femina Miss
(d) Clemmesen yellow and hence red is visi India World, 2012 Award?
84. The base used as an antacid is ble from a distance (a) Prachi Misra
(a) Calcium hydroxide (b) scattering in yellow light is
(b) Barium hydroxide (b) Vanya Misra
less than red (c) RocheIla Maria
(c) Magnesium hydroxide
(c) the wavelength of red light is (d) Sandhya Agarwal
(d) Silver hydroxide
more than yellow light
85. A process which is not helpful in 98. Which one of the following
the prevention of rusting of iron is (d) none of the above reasons statements is not correct about
(a) annealing 92. One of the following Chief India’s population as per the 2011
(b) applying grease Ministers received the Highest census?
(c) galvanising Civilian Award “Bharat Ratna” (a) Literacy rate has gone up to
(d) painting (a) Lalu Prasad Yadav of Bihar 74% from 65%
86. Denatured alcohol (b) Late M. G. Ramachandran of (b) Kerala has the highest literacy
(a) is a form of alcohol Tamil Nadu rate
(b) is unfit for drinking as it (c) Jyothi Basu of West Bengal (c) Bihar has the lowest literacy
contains poisonous substances (d) Late N. T. Rama Rao ofAndhra rate
(c) contains coloured impurities Pradesh (d) Men outnumber women in
(d) is sweet’ to taste 93. The first ‘disabled athelete’ to growth of literates
87. Phenolics as pollutants can be qualify for an able bodied event in 99. Who advocated the adoption of
removed from waste water by u s e the 2012 London Olympics in 400 ‘PURA’ model to eradicate rural
of metres race is poverty ?
(a) Ion exchange resin technique
(a) Oscar Pistorius (a) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
(b) Electrolyte decomposition
(b) Walter Rallis (b) Sri Abhijit Sen
(c) Reverse osmosis method (c) Raymond Irchovich (c) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(d) Polymeric adsorbents (d) Gerald Hangovin (d) Prof. A. M. Patha
88. The stability of a pond ecosystem 94. Which one of the following film 100. Which one of the following
depends on actors has been conferr ed the though called a garden is infact,
(a) micro-organisms and fishes Honorary Doctorate in Arts and not a garden?
(b) micr o-or ganism s and zoo Culture by the Bedford University, (a) Vrindavan Garden of My sore
planktons London?
(b) Hanging Garden of Mumbai
(c) fishes and reptiles (a) Shahrukh Khan
(c) Eden Garden of Kolkata
(d) producers and consumers (b) Amir Khan (d) Shalimar Garden of Kashmir

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101. The next term of the series 1, 5, 107. A rectangle garden is 100 m × 80 increased by 12%. Then the
12 24, 43 is m. There is a pat h al ong the increase in revenue collection will
(a) 51 (b) 62 garden and just outside it. Width be
(c) 71 (d) 78 of the path is 10m. The area of the (a) 40% (b) 35%
102. The least multiple of 13 which path is (c) 45% (d) 48%
when divided by 4, 5, 6, 7 leaves (a) 1900 sq m (b) 2400 sq m 114. A ship is moving at a speed of 30
remainder 3 in each case is (c) 3660 sq m (d) 4000 sq m km/hr. To know the depth of the
(a) 3780 (b) 3783 108. A dealer offered a machines for ocean beneath it, it sends a radio
(c) 2520 (d) 2522 sale for Rs. 27,500 but even if he wave which travels at a speed 200
103. The simplest value of had charge 10% less, the would m/s. The ship receives the signal
1 1 have made a profit of 10%. The after it has moved 500 m. The
 + actual cost of the machine is depth of the ocean is
2  3 3  4 (a) Rs. 22000 (b) Rs. 24500
(c) Rs. 22500 (d) Rs. 22275 143
1 1 (a) km (b) 12km
 is 109. An employer reduces the number 2
4  5 5  6
of employees in the ratio 8 : 5 and (c) 6 km (d) 8km
(a) 3 ( 2  1) increases their wages in the ratio 7 115. A person takes a loan of Rs.
: 9. As a result, the overall wages 10,0000 partly from a bank at 8%
(b) 2 ( 3  1)
bill is p.a. and remaining from another
(c) 3  1 (d) 2 1 (a) Increased in the ration 56 : 69 bank at 10% p.a. He pays a total
104. A and B are partners in a business. (b) Decreased in the ratio 56 : 45 interest of Rs. 950 per annum.
(c) Increased in the ratio 13 : 17 Amount of loan taken from the
A contributes of the capital for (d) Decreased in the ratio 17 : 13 first bank (in Rs.) is
4 110. The average age of a jury of 5 is (a) 2500 (b) 5200
2 40. If a member aged 35 resigns (c) 2050 (d) 5020
15 months and B received of and man aged 35 resigns and a
3 1
man aged becomes a member, 2
the profit. Find for how long B’s 116. If a  = 98(a > 0), then the
then the average age of the new a2
money was used?
jury is 1
(a) 6 months (b) 8 months 3
(a) 30 (b) 38 (c) 40 (d) 42 value of a  will be
(c) 10 months (d) 12 months
111. With average speed of 40 km/ a3
105. If 21 is added to a number, it (a) 535 (b) 1030
hour, a train reaches its
becomes 7 less than thrice of the (c) 790 (d) 970
destination in time. If it goes with
number. Then the number is
an average speed of 35 km hour, it 117. If x = 1 + 2 + 3 , then the
(a) 14 (b) 16
(c) 18 (d) 19
is late by 15 minutes. The total value of (2x4 – 8x3 – 5x2 + 26 x –
journey is 28) is
106. Two men A and B started a job in
(a) 30km (b) 40km (a) 6 6 (b) 0
which A was thrice as good as B
(c) 70km (d) 80km
and therefore took 60 days less (c) 3 6 (d) 2 6
112. A man makes a profit of 20% on
than B to finish the job. How
the sale by selling 20 articles for 118. If the distance between two point
many days will they take to finish
Rs. 1. The number of articles he (0, -5) and (x, 0) is 13 unit, then x
the job, if they take to finish the
bought by Rs. 1 is =
job, if they start working
(a) 20 (b) 24 (a) 10 (b)  10
(c) 25 (d) 30 (c) 12 (d)  12
(a) 15 days (b) 20 days
113. The num ber of seats in an 119. If 4x = 18y, then the value of
1 auditorium is increased by 25%.
(c) 2 2 days(d) 25 days x 
2 The price of a ticket is also   1  is
 y 
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150 BC is the chord of a circle with

1 7 2 3
(a) (b) (c) (d) (b) sq. unit centre O. A is a point on major are
3 2 3 2 13
BC as shown in the above figure.
1 140 What is the value of B AC +
120. If x + = 5, then the value of (c) sq. unit
x 13 OB C ?
(d) 10 sq. unit (a) 120° (b) 60°
x4  126. If an obtuse-angled triangle ABC, (c) 90° (d) 180°
x 2 is
2 A is the obtuse angle and O is 133. Two circles with radii 5cm and 8
x  3x 1 cm touch each other externally at
the orthocenter. If B OC = 54°,
(a) 70 (b) 50 (c) 110 (d) 55 a point A. If a straight line through
then B AC is
121.If x = 2 + 3 ,y= 2- 3 , then the the point A cuts the circles at
(a) 108° (b) 126°
points P and Q respectively, the
x2 y2 (c) 136° (d) 116°
AP : AQ is
value of is 127. If the ratio of areas of two similar
x3 y3 triangles is 9 : 16, then the ratio
(a) 8 : 5 (b) 5 : 8
(c) 3 : 4 (d) 4 : 5
7 7 of their corresponding sides is
(a) (b) (a) 3 : 5 (b) 3 : 4(c) 4 : 5 (d) 4 : 3 134. If I is the In-centre of AB C and
38 40 <A = 60°, then the val ue of
128. Let BE and CF be the two
7 7 medians of a AB C and G be B IC is
(c) (d)
19 26 their intersection. Also let EF cut (a) 100° (b) 120°
122. If a2 + b2 + c 2 = 2 (a – b – c) – 3 AG at O. Then AO : OG is (c) 150° (d) 110°
then the value of 2a – 3b + 4c is (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2(c) 2 : 1 (d) 3 : 1 135. The external bisectors of B and
(a) 3 (b) 1
129. If S is the circumcentre of AB C C of AB C meet at point P. If
(c) 2 (d) 4
and A = 50°, then the value of B AC = 80°, the B PC is
123. If 2 x  = 6, then the value of B CS is (a) 50° (b) 40°
2x (c) 80° (d) 100°
(a) 20° (b) 40° (c) 60° (d) 80°
1 130. AC and BC are two equal cords of 136. When a pendulum of length 50
x2  is cm oscillates, it produces an arc of
16 x 2 a circle. BA is produced to any
point P and CP, when joined cuts 16 cm. The angle so formed in
19 17 the circle at T. Then degree measure so formed in
(a) (b)
2 2 (a) CT : TP = AB : CA degree measure is (approx)
18 15 (b) CT : TP = CA : AB (a) 18°25’ (b) 18°35’
(c) (d) (c) CT : CB= CA : CP (c) 18°20’ (d) 18°08’
3 2
(d) CT : CB =CP : CA 137. If x, y are positive acute angles, x
1 131. PQ is a direct common tangent of + y < 90° and sin (2x – 20°) = cos
124. If 5 a  = 5, the value of (2y + 20°), then the value of sec
3a two circle of radii r 1 and r 2
touching each other externally at (x + y) is
9a 2  is A. Then the value of PQ2 is 1
2 5a 2 (a) r1r2 (b) 2 r1r2 (a) (b)
2 2
34 39 (c) 3 r 1r2 (d) 4r1r2
(a) (b) (c) 1 (d) 0
5 5
138. If 5 tan  = 4, then the value of
42 52
(c) (d)  5sin - 3cos 
5 5   is
125. The area of the triangle formed by  5sin  3cos 
the line 5x + 7y = 35, 4x + 3y = 1 2
12 and x-axis is 132. (a) (b)
7 7
160 2
(a) sq. unit 5
13 (c) (d)
7 5
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139. The least value of 2 4 (a) S1 (b) S3

4sec2  + 9cosec2  ) is (c) S5 (d) S4
5 3 5 3 147. The number of males in the areas
(a) 1 (b) 19
(c) 25 (d) 7 144.A rail road curve is to be laid out on S1 and S4 together is
140. If tan (x + y) tan (x – y) = 1, then a circle. What radius should be (a) 13.8 lakh
used if the track is to change (b) 8.2 lakh
 2x  direction by 25° in a distance of (c) 16.2 lakh
the value of tan   is 40 metres?
 3  (d) 15.8 lakh
(a) 91.64 metres(b) 90.46 metres 148. The ratio of number of females in
1 2 (c) 89.64 metres(d) 93.64 metres
(a) (b) the areas S2 in the areas S5 is
3 3 145. If sin  + sin 2  = 1, then the (a) 7 : 9 (b) 36 : 13
(c) 3 (d) 1 value of cos 12  + 3cos 10  + (c) 9 : 7 (d) 13 : 36
cos6  - 1 is 149. If, in the year 2010, there was an
141. If x = cosec  - sin  and y = sec 
(a) 0 (b) 1 increase of 5% population in the
- cos  , then the value of x2y2 (x2 areas S 1 and 8% increase in
+ y2 + 3) is (c) -1 (d) 2
population of the area S 3
      Directions (146-150): Population of the compared to the previous year,
  five adjacent areas of a town, in the year then the ratio of population in the
of 2020, are represented in the following areas S1 and S2, in the year 2009
142. If 0    , 2y cos  = sin  Pie-chart. The ratio of the numbers of was
2 males to that of females in these areas (a) 3 : 10
and 2x sec  - y cosec  = 3, then are states in the table below. The total of (b) 27 : 10
the value of x2 + 4y2 is the population in all the five areas is 72 (c) 27 : 70
      lakh. Study the Pie-chart and the table (d) 10 : 3
  and then answer the questions. 150. The average of female population
143. When the angle of elevation of the FIGURE in all the five areas is lower than
sun increases from 30° to 60°, the the female population in each of
shadow of a post is diminished by Ratio of number of males (M)
to females (F) the areas
5 metres. Then the height of the (a) S1 and S2
post is Ar eas S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 (b) S2 and S5
Ratio M:F 3 : 2 4 : 1 7 : 3 2:3 13 : 7 (c) S2 and S4
5 3 2 3
(a) m 146. 12 lakh in the population of the (d) S4 and S5
2 2

D ir ec tion s (151-155): In the 153. What is (a)/ the use of me (b)/ blanks to be filled in with an appropriate
following questions, some parts of the attending the session? (c)/ No word(s). Four alternatives are suggested
sentences have errors and some have error (d) for each question. Choose the correct
none, Find out which part of a sentence
154. We met our prospective employer alternative out of the four as your
has an error. The number of that part is
your answer. If there is no error then your (a) // for a briefing session(b) / in answer.
answer is (d) i.e. No error. the Taj Hotel. (c) / No error (d). 156. ______ pollution control measures
151. Air pollution, together with 155. Because of the severe snow storm are expensive, many industries
littering. (a)/ are causing many and the road blocks, (a)/ the air hesitate to adopt them.
problems(b)/ Vin our cities. (c)/ force dropped food and (b)/ (a) Although
No error (d) medical supplies close to the city. (b) However
152. The accused refused (a)/ to (c) No error (d) (c) Because (d) Despite
answer to the policeman (b)/ on Directions (156-160): In the following 157. It is not for a man to be confined
duty.(c)/No error (d). questions, sentences are given with to the pursuit of wealth.

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(a) healthy (b) easy (a) Disseminate printed in bold. Below are given
(c) possible (d) common (b) Dissemble alternatives to the bold part at (a), (b)
158. ___ his being innocent of the (c) Publicize (d) Transmit and (c) which may improve the
crime, the judge sentenced him to 169. Appreciation sentence. Choose the cor rect
one year imprisonment. (a) Aspersion (b) Admiration alternative. In case no improvement is
(a) Inspite of (c) Commendation needed your answer is (d).
(b) In case of (d) Compliment 176. You shall have attended if the
(c) On account of 170. Supple court had instructed you to do so.
(d) In the event of (a) Pliant (b) Pliable (a) would have had to attend
159. It is a story of two men and a (c) Rigid (d) Flexible (b) would attend
batch of armoured cars. Directions (171-175): In the following (c) would have to
(a) deceased (b) diseased questions’, four alternatives are given (d) No improvement
(c) decrepit (d) defeated for the idiom/phrase and bold italicised 177. The relics of Greece over which
160. Although there is ________ gun- in the sentence. Choose the alternative such a great deal of evidence has
fire, there is no stiff resistance to which best expresses the meaning of the been collected should be
the revolutionary army, idiom/phrase as your answer. - preserved.
(a) bitter (b) meagre (a) from which
(c) continuous (d) sporadic 171. Once the case reached the court,
the police washed their hands off (b) on which
Directions (161-165): In the following it. (c) ascent which
questions, out of the four alternatives, (a) waited for a response to (d) No improvement
choose the one which best expresses (b) claimed credit for 178. When the beverage was ready,
the meaning of the given ‘word as your (c) disassociated themselves from they drank possibly as much as
answer. (d) seemed eager to continue they could.
161. Vociferous 172. She wanted to go hitch-hiking but (a) as much as they possibly
(a) violent (b) loud her mother put her foot down and could
(c) secret (d) true now she’s ‘going by bus. (b) as much as possibly they
162. Fictional (a) took a firm stand could
(a) genuine (b) authentic (b) expressed her displeasure (c) as much as they could
(c) fanciful (d) real (c) scolded her badly possibly
163. Trivial (d) got irritated (d) No improvement
(a) crucial (b) significant 173. Adolescence is a period of halo 179. A citizen is expected to give
(c) vital (d) ordinary cyan days. allegiance to his country of origin.
164. Impudent (a) hard days (a) homage
(a) Vigilant (b) Astute (b) of mental pressure (b) loyalty
(c) Insolent (d) Arrogant (c) happy days (c) obedience
165. Pompous (d) days of preparation (d) No improvement
(a) Pretentious (b) Supportive 174. My sincere advice to my maid- 180. We were with daggers dr awn
(c) Demanding (d) Flashy servant fell on stony ground. despite attempts to understand
(a) was counter productive each other;
Directions (166·170) : In the following (a) in (b) on
questions, choose the word opposite in (b) had a strong impact
(c) made one stubborn (c) at
meaning to the given word as your (d) No improvement
answer. (d) had little success
175. He has all his ducks in a row, he is Directions (181-185): In the following
166. Cultivated complacent. questions, out of the four alternatives.
(a) Crude (b) Genteel (a) has everything ready choose the one which can be
(c) Suave (d) Refined (b) is wall organised substituted for the given wor ds/
167. Impertinent (c) always scores a zero sentence.
(a) Insolent (b) Impudent (d) never gets confused
(c) Cheeky (d) Courteous 181. A round or cylindrical container
168. Divulge Directions (176-180): In the following used storing things such as food,
questions, a part of the sentence is chemicals or rolls of film
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(a) tankard (b) vessel what behaviour they should be (b) Some suggest a follow-up
(c) canister (d) casket reinforcing back on the job. Others training day to review the
182. A place of permanent residence include a follow-up training day to progress of the participants
(a) abode (b) dormitory review the progress of the participants. (c) Some go to the extent of
(c) domicile (d) apartment None of this is really going far enough. br iefing the participants’
183. That cann ot be al tered or The real problem is that course managers on what behaviour
withdrawn promoter s view developm ent as they should be reinforcing
(1 ) irrevocable (b) irretrievable something which primarily, takes place in back on the job
(c) irrefutable (d) irresistible a classroom. A course is an event and (d) The r eal pr oblem is that
184. Money paid to employees on events are, by definition limited in time. course pr omoter s view
retirement When you talk about follow-up after a development as ‘something
(a) gratuity (b) gift course, it is seen as a nice idea, but not which does not take place
(c) pension (d) arrears as an essential part of the participants’ during a course
185. A place where clothes are kept development programme. Any rational, 193. The writer’s attitude, as reflected
(a) closet (b) drawer empowered individual should be able to in the passage, is
(c) wardrobe (d) cupboard take what has been learnt in a course and (a) critical (b) ironic
Directions (186-190): In the following transfer it to the work place or so the (c) sympathetic
questions four words are given in each argument goes. Another negative aspect (d) philosophical
question, out of which only one word is of the course mindset is that, primarily, 194. The course promoters’ attitude is
correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt development is thought to be about skill- (a) self-righteous
word as your answer. acquisition. (b) indifferent (c) easy-going
186. (a) garulous (b) garrulous So, it is felt that the distinction (d) unprogressive
(c) garullous (d) garrullous between taking the course and behaving 195. The words ‘mindset’ here means
187. (a) marquee (b) markue differently in the work place parallels the (a) determined mind
(c) marnuei (d) marquie distinction between skill-acquisition and (b) a (fixed) attitude of mind
188. (1 ) puissant (b) puiscant skill-application. But can such a sharp (c) an open mind(d) mindful
(c) puiscent (d) puissent distinction be maintained ? Skills are PASSAGE II
189. (a) disconncerting really acquired only in the context of (Question Nos. 196 to 200)
(b) disconserting applying them on the job, finding them One may look at life, events,
(c) discuncerting(d) disconcerting effective and therefore, reinforcing them. society, history, in another way. A way
190. (a) exilarate (b) exsilerate The problem with courses is that which might, at a stretch, be described as
(c) exsilarate (d) exhilarate they are events, while development is an the Gandhian way, though it may be from
Directions (191-200): In the following on-going pr ocess which, involves, times before Mahatma Gandhi came on
questions, you have two brief passages within a complex environment, continual the scene. The Gandhian reaction to all
with 5 questions in each passage, Read inter action, regular feedback and the grim poverty, squalor and
the passages carefully and choose the adjustment. As we tend to equate degradation of the human being would
best answer to each question out of the development with a one-off event, it is approximate to effort at self-change and
four alternatives. difficult to get seriously motivated self-improvement, to a regime of living
PASSAGE –I about the follow-up. Anyone paying for regulated by discipline from within. To
(Question Nos. 191 to 195) a course tends to look at follow-up as an change society, the individual must first
Stuck with be development unnecessary and rather costly frill. change himself. In this way of looking at
dilemma? Stay away from management 191. What is the passage about? life and society, words too begin to mean
courses. Seriously, one of the biggest (a) personal management differently. Revolution, for instance, is a
com plaints that organisations have (b) development dilemma term frequently used, but not always in
about management courses is that they (c) management courses the sense it has been in the lexicon of
fail to impact the participants’ on-the-job (d) course promoters’ attitude the militant. So also with words like
behaviour. Some management trainers 192. Which of the following statements peace and struggle. Even society may
stress the need for follow-up and is false? mean differently, being some kind of
reinforcement on the job. Some go so far (a) Some management trainers organic entity for the militant, and more
as briefing the participants’ managers on stress the need for follow-up or less a sum of individuals for the
and reinforcement on the job
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Gandhian. There is yet another way, 196. The Gandhian reaction to poverty (b) A militant
which might, for want of a better is (c) A mystic
description, be called the mystic. The (a) a total war on poverty (d) A Gandhian who disciplines
mystic’s perspective measures these (b) self-discipline himself from within
concerns that tr anscend political (c) self-abnegation 199. The expression ‘water will to
ambition and the dynam ism of the (d) a regulated distribution of water, dust to dust’ means
reformer, whether he be militant or wealth (a) water and dust can mix well
Gandhian. The mystic measures the 197. According to Gandhianism, the (b) man will become water after
terror of not knowing the remorseless individual who wants to change death
march of time; he seeks to know what society (c) man will one day die and
was before birth, what comes after death. (a) should destroy the existing become dust
The continuous presence of death, of society (d) man will become dust and
the consciousness of death, sets his (b) must re-form society water after death
priorities. and values: militants and (c) must change himself 200. What does society mean to a
Gandhians kings and prophets must (d) may change society without Gandhian?
leave all that they have built; all that they changing himself (a) a sum of individuals
have un-built and depar t when 198. Who, according to the passage, (b) an organic entity
messengers of the buffalo-riding Yama finds new meaning for words like (c) a regime of living regulated by
come out of the shadows. Water will to revolutions, peace and struggle? discipline from within
water, dust to dust. Think of (a) A Gandhian who believes in (d) a disciplined social community
impermanence. Everything passes. nonviolent revolution

1.(d) 2.(c) 3. (a) 4.(b) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (d) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (b)
51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (*) 55. (b) 56. (c) 57. (b) 58. (a) 59. (d) 60. (c)
61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (d) 64. (c) 65. (b) 66. (d) 67. (d) 68. (a) 69. (c) 70. (a)
71. (b) 72. (b) 73. (c) 74. (a) 75. (c) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78.(a) 79. (c) 80. (d)
81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (c) 84. (c) 85. (a) 86. (b) 87. (d) 88. (d) 89. (d) 90. (c)
91. (a) 92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (b) 96. (c) 97. (b) 98. (d) 99. (a) 100. (c)
101. (c) 102.(b) 103. (b) 104. (c) 105. (a) 106. (c) 107. (d) 108. (c) 109. (b) 110. (b)
111. (c) 112. (b) 113. (a) 114. (a) 115. (a) 116. (d) 117. (a) 118. (c) 119. (b) 120. (d)
121. (d) 122. (b) 123. (a) 124. (b) 125. (a) 126. (b) 127. (b) 128. (c) 129. (b) 130. (c)
131. (d) 132. (c) 133. (b) 134. (b) 135. (a) 136. (c) 137. (a) 138. (a) 139. (*) 140. (a)
141. (b) 142. (d) 143. (a) 144. (a) 145. (a) 146. (c) 147. (a) 148. (c) 149. (*) 150. (c)
151. (b) 152. (b) 153. (b) 154. (b) 155. (a) 156. (c) 157. (c) 158. (a) 159. (c) 160. (d)
161. (b) 162. (c) 163.(d) 164. (c) 165. (a) 166. (a) 167. (d) 168. (b) 169. (a) 170. (c)
171. (c) 172. (a) 173. (c) 174.(d) 175. (b) 176.(a) 177. (b) 178. (a) 179. (b) 180. (c)
181. (b) 182. (a) 183. (a) 184. (a) 185. (c) 186. (b) 187. (a) 188. (a) 189. (d) 190. (d)
191. (b) 192. (d) 193. (a) 194. (d) 195. (b) 196. (b) 197. (c) 198. (d) 199. (d) 200. (a)

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1. The relationship between the Hazardous and Safe are C. BALLERINA

number is antonymous to each other. 
x : (x2 - 1) B. BALLISTICS
(9)2 - 1 = 81 - 1 = 80
(100)2 - 1 = 10000 - 1 = 9999 
2. The relationship between the D. BALLISTITE
number is: 
x2 : x3 But
(5)2= 25; (5)2= 5 20. Arrangement of words as per
(6)2= 36; (5)6= 216 dictionary:
3. The relationship between the B. Latch
number is: 11.
x : x - 119 
335 - 119 = 216 In let ter group BE, one is D. Latitude
987 - 119 = 868 cosonant and the other is a vowel. 
12. Except the number 729, all other
A. Laugh
are perfect squares.
4. 400 = 20 × 20; 484 = 22 × 22; 
625 = 25 × 25 C. Laurels
But, 729 = 9 × 9 × 9 21. Meaningful order of words:
13. Except the number 1725, all other
A. Infant
numbers are completely divisible
by 4. The num ber 1725 is 
completely divisible by 5. C. Child
14. Except the number pair 30 - 50, all
other numbers pairs follow the 
5. Pairs of consecutive opposite
pattern : x × 3 - x × 4 B. Adolescent
letters are given:
AZ, BY; CX, DW; EV, FU; 4 × 3 = 12, 4 × 4 =16 
GT, HS 20 × 3 = 60; 20 × 4 = 80
E. Adult
12 × 3 = 36; 12 × 4 = 48
But, 
10 × 3 = 30; 10 × 5 = 50 4. Old
15. Except LR, all other pairs are of
Opposite Letters. 22. c b a / b a c / a c b / c b a
C  X : D  W: 23. a b / a b b / a b b b / a bb b b
J  Q
24. 500 - (4)2 = 484
L  O (Not R)
16. Except Cyclotron, all other are 484 - (5)2 = 459
7. Food is necessary for man. languages of computer. 459 - (6)2 = 4 2 3
Similarly, fuel is necessary to 17. Rooster, Gander and Peahen are
produce heat. birds. Buck is an animal. 423 - (7)2 = 374
8. Spiritual and Belief are inter- 18. Except Voucher, all other are 2
25. M N O P   R S TU
relat ed terms. Similarly, small book containing
Orchestral and music are related. information on a specific subject. 2
W X Y Z   B CD E
9. Latter and Former are antonymous 19. Arrangeement of words as per
26. 60 + (3)2 = 69
to each other. Similarly, dictionary:
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69 + (4)2 = 85 Therefore, Third Column

5+ (5)2 = 1 1 0
110 + (6)2 = 146  5 + 16 = 2 1
41. 78 + 14 = 92
46 34. 72 + 21 = 113
27. 113 + 28 = 141
Similarly, 141 + 35 = 176
28. Age of Manager = New Average
Age + (No. of Subordinates ×
Change in Average)
= 31 + (25 × 1) = 56 years 42.
29. Suppose, in the beginning the
number of students in Class B = a
Therefore, the number of students 36.
in Class A = 2a
2a + 20 + a + 30 = 140
 3a = 140 - 50 43.
a= = 30
Number of students in Class A 44. Neither Conclusion I nor
= 2a = 2 × 30 = 60 37. (3 + 8) × (1 + 6) Conclusion II follows. The person
 11 × 6 = 66 always listens to 9 O’clock news
30. LCM of 8, 12, 15 and 20
on radio to keep himself
(2 + 9) × (3 + 6)
upadated. This does not imply
 11 × 9 = 99
that he does not read newspaper.
The use of term ‘only’ in the
(8 + 2) × (4 + 4)
Conclusion II makes it unsuitable.
 10 × 8 = 8 0 45. Clearly both the conclusions
38. 45 + 9 - 3 × 15 ÷ 2 follow. If all wealthy people are
 LCM = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 2  ? = 45 ÷ 3 × 15 - 2 happy in life, then it can be said
= 120 that wealth and happiness are
 ? = 5 × 3 + 15 - 2 directly related.
Since the remainder to be left is 2,
the number can be given by 120K  ? = 30 - 2 = 2 8 50. S  55, 67, 79, 88, 96
+ 2, where K is a positive integer 39. First Column A  01, 13, 20, 34, 42
120 × 1 + 2 = 122 (K = 1) 7 × 4 - 3 = 28 - 3 = 25 L  56, 69, 77, 85, 98
31. B  Second Column M  58, 66, 75, 89, 97
 A
8 × 9 - 2 = 72 - 2 = 70 Option S A L M
P 
 O Third Column (a) 55 20 56 59
1 6 × 5 - ? = 29
K   J (b) 79 13 69 75
32. There is no ‘P’ letter in the given  ? = 30 - 29 = 1 (c) 96 34 76 89
word. 40. First Column (d) 67 21 85 97
3 + 6 × 9 = 3 + 54 = 57 101.The pattern is
Second Column 1+4=5
4 + 7 × 1 = 4 + 7 = 11 5 + 7 (= 4 + 3) = 12

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12 + 12 (= 7 + 5) = 24 1 110 27500  90
24 + 19 (= 12 + 7) = 43 = x× =
2 100 100
43 + 28 (=19 + 9) = 71
x 1 1x
102. LCM of 4, 5, 6 and 7 = 420 1 5  1 0 = 275 × 90
4 1 15 1
 Required number  3x =  
n 2 3n 2 275  900
= 420k + 3 which is exactly 4 x= = Rs. 22500
divisible by 13. 11
= 32 × 13k + 4k + 3  n = 10 months 109. Required ratio = 8 × 7 : 5 × 9
Hence, 4k + 3 should be divisible 105. If the number is x, then = 56 : 45
by 13 for some value of k x + 21 = 3x - 7 110. Required average
For k = 9, 4k + 3 = 39 which is  3x - x = 21 + 7
40  5  35  25
divisible by 13.  2x = 28 =
 Required number  x = 14
= 420 × 9 + 3 = 3783 106. If time taken by A is x days, then 190
= = 38 years
1 time taken by B = 3x days 5
103. • 3x - x = 60 111. If the total length of journey is x
2  3
 2x - 60 km, then
1 3  2  x = 30 x x x
=  
3  2 3  2 Time taken by B = 90 days =
35 40 60
• •(A + B)’s 1 days’ work
3  2 8x  7x 1
= 1 1 3 1 4  =
3 2 =  =  280 4
30 90 90 90
= 3  2 x 1
2  280 =
= 4
1 45
 = 4  3 ; 1
4  3 • The work will be completed in x= ×280 = 70 km
1 45 1
= 5  4 ; i.e., 2 2 days. 112. C.P. of 20 articles
4  5 2 2
100 5
1 = = Re.
= 6  5 120 6
5  6
 Number of articles bought for
 Expression Re. 1
3 2 4  3  5 4 6  5
107. = × 20 = 24
= 6  2
113. Required increase
= 2  3 1   2 5 1 2 
Area of the shaded region = 25 12  %
104. A’s profit : B’s profit  100 
= (100 + 2 × 10) (80 + 2 × 10) -
1 2 100 × 80 = 40%
= : =1:2
3 3 = 120 × 100 - 8000 114. Speed of ship = 30 kmph
= 4000 sq.metere 30  5 25
A's equ ivlen t ca p it a l
 B's equ iva len t ca p ita l 108. If the C.P. of machine is Rs. x, = m/sec. = m/sec.
18 3
Time taken in covering 500 metre

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500  3 1
2 x  9 7
= = 60 seconds    1  1 
25   a   - 2 = 98 4  2 2
 a

2 1
 1 120. x  =5
  a   = 100 x
 a
 x2 - 5x + 1 = 0
1  x2 + 3x + 1 = 2x
 a  a = 10
On cubing both sides, x4 
 x2
3 2
 1 x  3x 1
Speed of radio waves  a   = 1000
 a
200 1  4 1 
= km/sec. = km/sec. 1 1 x  2 
10 00 5  1  x 
 a3 + + 3  a   = 1000 = 
a3  a 2 
x 

1  
x2  1
4 x  a3 + = 1000 - 30 = 970
• 1 1 = 60 a3 1  3 1 
2 x  3 
5 5 117. x - 1 = 2  3  x 
On squaring, 3
1 1 1  1  1 
 x2   x =  60 x2 - 2x + 1 = 2 + 3 + 2 6 = 2  x    3  x   
4 5 x  x  
 
= 12  x2 + 2x - 4 = 2 6
On squaring again, 1
1 = (1 2 5  3  5 )
(12 - x)2 = x2 + x4 + 4x2 + 16 + 16 - 4x3 - 8x2 + 2
16x = 24 1
1  x4 - 4x3 - 4x2 + 16x - 8 = 0 =  1 1 0 = 55
 144 + x2 - 24x = x2 + 2
4  2x4 - 8x3 - 8x2 + 32x -16 = 0
121. x = 3 + 3 ,y= 2- 3
1 575  2x4 - 8x3 - 5x2 + 26x - 28 - 3x2
 24x = 144 - =
+ 6x + 12 = 0
x + u = 4; xy = 4 - 3 = 1
4 4
575  2x4 - 8x3 - 5x2 + 26x - 28 x2 y2
x= = 6km = 3x2 - 6x - 12 
4  24 x3 y3
= 3(x2 - 2x - 4)
115. If the amount of loan taken from
the first bank is Rs. x, then = 3× 2 6 = 6 6 (x  y )2  2 x y
(x  y )3  3 xy (x  y )
x  8  1 (1 0 0 0 0  x )  1 0 118. 2 2 = 13
 (x  0 )  (0  5 )
100 100 16  2 14 7
 x2 + 25 = 169 = = =
= 950 64  3  4 52 26
 x2 = 169 - 25 = 144
 8x + 100000 - 10x = 95000 122. a2 + b2 + c2 = 2(a - b - c) - 3
 2x = 10000 - 950000 = 5000  x = 1 4 4 = 12  a2 + b2 + c2 – 2a - 2b - 2c + 3
 x = Rs. 2500 119. 4x = 18y =0
1 x 18 9  a2 + 2a + 1 + b2 + 2b + 2c + 3
116. a  2 = 98  y  4 2 =0
 a2 - 2a + 1 + b2 + 2b + 1 + c2 +

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2c + 1 = 0 20x + 15y = 60 130. It is bsed on fundamental concept.

 (a - 1)2 + (b +1)2 + (c + 1)2 = 0 – – – 131. PQ2 = (r1 + r2)2 - (r1 - r2)2
[If x2 + y2 + z2 = 0 13y = 80 =4r1r2
 x = 0; y = 0, z = 0]  5x + 7 × 0 = 35,  5x = 35 132. B OC = 2 B A C
a-1=0 a=1  x = 7,  (7, 0) OB + OC
b + 1 = 0  b = -1 Similarly, point of intersection
c + 1 = 0  c = -1  Base = 7 - 3
 2a - 3b + 4c = 2 + 3 - 4 = 1 =4

1 1 80
 Area = 4 
123. 2x - =6 2 13

1 160
= sq.unit
x= 4x
=3 13
126. B A C = 180° - B OC  OB C = OCB
[On dividing by 2] = 180° - 54° B OC
= 126°  OB C = 90° -
1 1 2
 x4 + 2 x  =9 127. Ratio of corresponding sides
16 x 2 4x = 90°- B A C
1 9  B A C + OB C
1 19 =
 x4 + 2 =9  16
16 x 2 2 = 90° - B A C + B A C
3 = 90°
1 =
124. 5a + =5 4
128. AF = FN
3 AE = EC
On multiplying by ,
5  FE || BC
1 3 1 133.
3a + =5× =3 = BC
5a 5 2
On squaring,  AO : OG
1 1 =2:1  AP : AQ = 5 : 8
9a2 + 2
 2  3a  =9
2 5a 5a A
134. B IC = 90° +
1 2
 9a2 + = 90° + 30° = 120°
2 5a 2
6 45  6 135. B PC = 90° -
=9- = 129. 2
5 4
= 90° - 40° = 50°
39 136. s = 16 cm
5 r = 50 m
B A C = 50°
125. 5x + 7y = 35 16
 B S C = 100° s
(i) = =
BS = SC = radius r 50
4x + 3y = 12 (ii)
By equation (i) × 4 - (ii) × 5 1 8
 B CS = (1 8 0  1 0 0 ) = 40° = radian
20x + 28y = 140 2 25

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8 180  tan (x + y) = cot (x - y) cos2  .sin2  = 1

= × = tan (90° - x + y) 142. 2y cos  = x sin 
25 
 x + y = 90° - x + y  x sec  = 2y = cosec 
8 180 1008
= × 7   2x = 90°  2x sec  - y cosec  = 3
25 22 55
2x 1  4y cosec  - y cosec  = 3
18  tan = tan 30° =
= 18  3 3  3y cosec  = 3
141. x2y2 (x2 + y2 + 3)  y cosec  = 1
18  = (cosec  - sin  ) 2 (sec  -  y = sin 
= 18°   6 0 '   1 8 2 0 '
 5 5  cos  )2
 sec  = 2y cosec 
137. sin (2x - 20°) = cos (2y + 20°) [(cosec  - sin  ) 2 + (sec  -
= 2sin  .cosec  = 2
 sin (2x - 20°) cos  )2 + 3]
 x = 2cos 
= sin (90° - 2y - 20°) 2 2
= sin (70° - 2y)
 1   1
 s in   

 cos    x2 + 4y2 = 4cos2  = 4
 sin    cos   143. AB = Pole = h metre
 2x - 20° - 70° - 2y
2 2 BD = x metre
 2(x + y) = 90°  1   1  cos   
 s in     3
 s in    cos  
 x + y = 45°    
 sec (x + y) = sec 45°
138. 5 tan  = 4  1  s in 2    1  cos 2  
=    
5 s in   3 c os   s in    cos  

5 s in   3 cos  2 2
 2  1  cos 2   
 1  sin   
      3 
5sin 3cos  s in    cos   

cos cos
= 5sin 3cos 2 2
  cos 2    s in 2   From A B C ,
cos cos =    
 s in    cos   h
5 tan  3 tan 30° =
= x 5
5 tan  3  cos 2    s in 2   
      3  1 h
4  s in    c os     
5 3 3 x 5
5 1
= = = cos2  × sin2 
4 x+5= 3h (i)
5 3 7
5 2 6 2
 cos   s in   3 cos . s in   2
From ABD ,
 
139. 4sec2  + 9cosec2   cos 2 . s in 2  
= 4(1 + tan2  ) + 9(1 + cot2  ) =cos6  + sin6  + 3cos2  sin2  tan 60° =
= 4 + 4 tan2  + 9 + 9 cot2 
= 13 + 4 (tan 2  + cot 2  ) +  2
= cos     s in 2   
3 3

3 = x
5cot2  + 3cos2  .sin2  h
= 13 + 4 [tna  - cos  )2 + 2] + 5 =(cos2  + sin2  )3 x=
cot2 
- 3cos2  .sin2 
= 13 + 8 + 4 (tan  - cot  )2 +  x+5= 3h
(cos2  + sin2  ) + 3 cos2  .sin2 
5cot2  (tan  - cot  )2  0 h+ 5 3
=1-3cos2  .sin2  + 3
140. tan (x + y), tan (x - y) = 1
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 2h = 5 3 146. • 72 lakh = 360° Required ratio =

360 5.4 : 4.2 = 9 : 7
5 3 • 12 lakh = 1 2 149. Population in 2009
h= metre 72
2 = 60° = S6 100
Region S1 = 9 
25   147. Population of region S1 105
144.  = 25° = radius
180 45 60
=  7 2 = 9 lakhs = lakhs
5 360 7
= radians Region S2
36 3
Males =  9 = 5.4 lakhs
s 5 100 15
=   72
 = t Population of region S4 108 360
105 25
40 =  7 2 = 21 lakh = lakhs
s 40  36 360 9
 r = t = 5 = 5
36 2 60 2 5
Male =  2 1 = 8.4 lakhs ,
5  Required ratio =
40  36  7 7 9
 metre Sum = 5.4 + 8.4 = 13.8 lakhs
5  22 12 5
148. Population of region S2 :
= 91.64 metre = = 108 : 35
7 9
145. sin  + sin2  = 1 =  7 2 = 27 lakhs 150. Number of females:
 sin  = 1 - sin2  Region S1 = 9 - 5.4 × 3.6 lakhs
1 Region S2 = 5.4 lakhs
 sin  = cos2  Females =  2 7 = 5.4 lakhs
• cos12  + 3cos10  + 3 Population of region S5
Region S3  3 
cos8  +cos6  -1 10
= (cos4  + cos2  )3 – 1 =  7 2 = 12 lakhs = 0.9 lakhs
360 Region S4 = 21 - 8.4 = 12.6 lakhs
= (sin2  + cos2  )3 – 1 = 1 - 1
7 Region S6 = 4.2 lakhs
=0 Females =  1 2 = 4.2 lakhs
20 Average = 5.35 lakhs

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 
PRE. EXAM 2013
Held On: 19-05-2013 (Morning Shift)


Directions (Q. Nos. 1-4) Select the 7. b_ab_b_aab_b 16. C - 3, E - 5, G - 7, I - 9, ?,
related letters/ words / numbers from the (a) abbb (b) abba (a) X - 24, M - 21
given alternatives. (c) baaa (d) aabb (b) K - 11, M - 13
1. Tanning : Leather : : Pyrotechnics 8. _bcab_cabc_abca_b (c) O - 15, X - 24
:? (a) abca (b) aabc (d) M - 18, K - 14
(a) Bombs (b) Fireworks (c) bbca (d) abac 17. 5, 16, 51, 158, ?
(c) Wool (d) Machinery Directions (Q. Nos. 9-13) Find the odd (a) 1452 (b) 483
2. King : Throne : : Rider : ? word/number/number-pair from the (c) 481 (d) 1454
(a) Chair (b) Horse given alternatives. 18. 9 * 2 : 9 * 9 : : 9 * 5 : ?
(c) Seat (d) Saddle (a) 9 × 4 (b) 9 × 6
     (c) 9 × 7 (d) 9 × 8
3. F : 216 : : L : ?    
(a) 1728 (b) 1700 19. Priti scored more than Rahul.
   Yamuna scored as much as Divya.
(c) 1600 (d) 1723  
4. MOUSE : KPSTC : : LIGHT : ? Lokita scored less than Manju.
  Rahul scored more than Yamuna.
(a) MGHFU (b) JGEFR  
(c) JJEIR (d) MJHIU Manju scored less than Divya.
   Who scored the lowest?
5. If 264 * 2 = 6, 870 * 3 = 11, then  
what should 735 * 5 be? (a) Manju (b) Yamuna
  (c) Lokita (d) Rahul
(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 03 (d) 05  
6. Which one of the given response 20. A man showed a boy next to him
     and said “He is the son of my
would be a meaningful order of the  
following? wife’s sister-in-law but I am the
  only child of my parents.” How is
1. Implementation 13. 10, 13, 234, 681, 997
2. Conceptual Modelling my son related to him?
(a) 10 (b) 234 (a) Cousin (b) Brother
3. Requirements Analysis (c) 13 (d) 681
4. Logical Modelling (c) Uncle (d) Nephew
5. Physical Model Directions (Q. Nos, 14-18) A series is 21. Find the correct group of signs to
6. Schema Refinement given, with one term missing. Choose solve the equation.
(a) 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 1 the correct alternative from the given 24 * 16 * 8 * 32
(b) 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 4 ones that will complete the series. (a)  – = (b) – + =
(c) 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 1(d) 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 5 14. AFI, JOR, MRU, ? (c) ×  = (d) + – =
(a) GJN (b) HMP 22. Sunil is the son of Kesav. Simran,
Directions (Q. Nos. 7 and 8) Which one Kesav’s sister, has a son Maruti
set of letters when sequentially placed (c) PMO (d) RJL
15. bc, cde, de, efg, fg, ? and daughter Sita. Prem is the
at the gaps in the given letter series shall maternal uncle of Maruti. How is
complete it? (a) ghi (b) fgh
(c) hij (d) ijk Sunil related to Maruti?
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(a) Cousin (a) 3, 8 35. Raj is standing in the middle of a

(b) Maternal Uncle (b) 8, 9 square field. He starts walking
(c) Brother (d) Nephew (c) 3, 5 diagonally to North-East. Then, he
Directions (Q. Nos. 23-25) From the (d) 3, 9 turns right and reaches the far end
given alternatives, select the word 30. Put the correct mathematical signs of the field. Then, he turns right
which cannot be formed using the in the following equation from the and starts walking. In the midway,
letters of the given word. given alternatives. he again turns right and starts
33 ? 11 ? 3 ? 6 = 115 walking. In halfway, he turns to
23. MANUSCRIPT (a) +, –, × his left and reaches new far end. In
(a) PRIMUS (b) ×, , – what direction is Raj now?
(b) SMART (c) , ×, × (a) North
(c) RUSTIC (d) –, ×, + (b) South
(d) MASTER 31. Select the correct combination of (c) North-West
24. SEGREGATION mathematical signs to replace * (d) South-West
(a) NATION signs and to balance the given 36. A boy starts from home in early
(b) GREAT equation. morning and walks straight for 8
(c) GREETINGS 15 * 24 * 3 * 6 * 17 km facing the Sun. Then, he takes
(d) SEATING (a) +  – = a right turn and walks for 3 km.
25. CONSTITUTIONAL (b) + × =  Then, he turns right agian and
(a) TUITION (c) – × = + walks for 2 km and then turns left
(b) TALENT (d) –  + = and walks for 1 km. Then, he turns
(c) LOCATION right, travels 1 km and then turns
(d) CONSULT Directions (Q. Nos. 32-34) Select the
missing number fr om the given right and travels for 4 km straight.
26. If each of the letters in the English How far is he from the starting
alphabet is assigned an even responses.
numerical value by giving A = 2, (a) 5km
32. 84 81 88
B = 4 and so on, what would be (b) 6km
the total value of the letters for the 14 12 18 9 ? 11
(c) 2km
wor d ‘LADY’ when similarly (d) 4km
coded? (a) 10
(a) 74 (b) 72 (c) 84 (d) 82 (b) 12 Directions (Q. Nos. 37 and 38) One /I two
27. If the word ‘LEADER’ is coded as (c) 14 statements are given, followed by two /
20 - 13 - 9 - 12 - 13 - 26, how would (d) 16 three conclusions I, II and III. You have
you write ‘LIGHT’? to consider the statements to be true
(a) 20 - 16 - 17 - 15 - 27 33. 3 5 8 7 even if they seem to be at variance from
(b) 20 - 15 - 16 - 18 - 23 4 6 4 6 commonly known facts. You have to
(c) 20 - 17 - 15 - 16 - 28 decide which of the given conclusions,
5 2 2 3 if any, follow from the given statements.
(d) 20 - 16 - 15 - 17 - 22
58 58 62 ?
28. If the first and second letters in 37. Statement
the word ‘COMMUNICATIONS’ (a) 126 Sick people need medicine.
were interchanged, also the third (b) 122 Conclusions
and the fourth letters, the fifth and (c) 128 I. Healthy people do not need
sixth letters and so on, which letter (d) 124 medicine.
would be the tenth letter counting II. People keep medicine in their
from your right? 34. 4 3 2 home.
(a) U (b) A 6 9 10 (a) Only Conclusion I follows
(c) T (d) N (b) Only Conclusion II follows
9 27 ?
29. Which of the following (c) Both Conclusions I and II
interchanges of numbers would (a) 30 follow
make the given equation correct? (b) 20 (d) Neither Conclusion I nor II
8 × 20  3 + 9 – 5 = 38 (c) 50 (d) 54 follows
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38. Statements 42. Which one of the following 45.

I. Some years are decades. diagrams best depicts the
II. All centuries are decades. relationship among Earth, Sea and
Conclusions Sun?
I. Some centuries are years.
II. Some decades are years. (a)
III. No century is a year.
(a) Conclusions I and II follow
(b) Conclusions I and III follow
(c) Only Conclusion I follows 46.
(d) Only Conclusion II follows
39. There is a ball and a rectangular jar.
Four positions are shown below to
keep then balanced. Which of the
following will not be balanced (d)
43. Read the figure and find the region
representing persons who are 47. Which of the answer figur es
educated and employed but not includes the separate components
confirmed. found in the question figure?

40. Which one of the four boxes (a) ac (b) abc

given below is created by folding (c) bd (d) adc
the given key design in the 48. A piece of paper is folded and
44. In the given diagram , circle
question figure? punched as shown below in the
represents professionals, square
question figures. From the given
r epr esents dancer s, triangle
answer figures, indicate how it will
represents musicians and rectangle
appear when opened.
represents Europeans. Different
r egions in the diagr am ar e
numbered 1 to 11. Who among the
following is neither a dancer nor a
musician but is professional and
not a European?

41. How many cubes are there in the

group? 49. Choose the right water image of
the question figure from the given
answer figures.

(a) 8 (b) 11
(c) 1 (d) 10
Directions (Q. Nos. 45 and 46) In these
questions which answer figures will
(a) 10 (b) 16 complete the pattern in the question
(c) 18 (d) 20 figure?

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50. A word is represented by only one and that of Matrix II are numbered
set of numbers as given in anyone from 5 to 9. A letter from these
of the alternatives. The sets of matrices can be represented first
numbers given in the alternatives by its row and next by its column,
e.g., ‘D’ can be represented by 02,
are represented by two classes of 14 etc. and ‘R’ can be represented
alphabets as in two matrices given by 57, 76 etc. Similarly, you have
below. The columns and rows of (a) 24, 22, 76, 97
to identify the set for the word
Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 (b) 24, 21, 77, 97
(c) 24, 22, 77, 97(d) 24, 22, 77, 96

51. Social accounting system in India (c) Excess of income over 61. Pulakesin II was the greatest ruler
classified into is expenditure of the
(a) enterprise, households and (d) Dividends pai d to shar e (a) Chalukyas of Badami
government holders (b) Chalukyas of Kalyani
(b) assets, liabilities and debt 56. Who pr esides over the joint (c) Pallavas of Kanchi
position session of Indian Parliament? (d) Cholas of Tamil Nadu
(c) public sector, private sector (a) President of India 62. The Uttaram erur inscription
and joint sector (b) Chairperson of Rajya Sabha provides information on the
(d) incom e, pr oduct and (c) Senior most Member of administration of the
expenditure Parliament (a) Satavahanas
52. Forced savings refer to (d) Speaker of Lok Sabha (b) Pallavas
(a) taxes on individual income and 57. Division of power s and (c) Cholas (d) Chalukyas
wealth independent Judiciary are the two 63. Pitts India Act of 1784 was a/an
(b) compulsory deposits imposed important features of (a) regulating act
on income tax payers (a) unitary form of Government (b) ordinance
(c) provident fund contribution (b) democrati c for m of (c) resolution (d) white paper
of private sector employees Government 64. Which one of the following
(d) reduction of consumption (c) federal form of Government statements is not true in respect of
consequent to a rise in prices (d) socialist form of Government AO Hume?
53. The demand for labour is called 58. Which ar ticle of the Indian (a) He was a member of the
(a) direct demand Constitution did Dr BR Ambedkar Indian Civil Service
(b) derived demand term as the ‘Heart and Soul of the (b) He founded the Indian
(c) factory demand Indian Constitution’? National Congress
(d) market demand (a) Article 19 (b) Article 356 (c) He presided over the
54. Which of the following is not an (c) Article 32 (d) Article 14 Congress Annual Sessions
investment expenditure in goods 59. Who was the first to use the term twice
and services? ‘State’? (d) He was an ornithologist
(a) Purchase of a house (a) Plato 65. Which of the following
(b) Purchase of a machinery (b) Aristotle movements saw the biggest
(c) An increase in business (c) Machiavelli peasant guerilla war on the eve of
inventories (d) Hobbes independence?
(d) Expansion of the main plant of 60. Under which ar ticle of the (a) Tebhaga Movement
a company Constitution of India, can the (b) Punnapra Vayalar Movement
55. Which one of the following fundamental rights of the members (c) Telangana Movement
repr esents the savings of the of the Armed Forces be (d) Noakhali Movement
private corporate sector? specifically restricted? 66. Maps on large scale, representing
(a) Total profits of a company (a) Article 19 (b) Article 21 both natural and man-made
(b) Undistributed profits (c) Article 25 (d) Article 33 features are called
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(a) Topographic maps 76. The Sigmoid Colon is part of (a) Lunar caustic
(b) Thematic maps (a) anal canal (b) German silver
(c) Atlas maps (d) Wall maps (b) large Intestine (c) Horn silver
67. Which river in India flows in a rift- (c) ileum (d) Ruby silver
valley? (d) small Intestine 86. The presence of cobalt in vitamin
(a) Tapti (b) Narmada 77. A good conductor while carrying B12 was established for the first
(c) Krishna (d) Cauvery current is time by
68. A nar row strip of land that (a) negatively charged (a) spectroscopy
connects two larger land masses is (b) positively charged (b) borax-Bead test
called (c) electrically neutral (c) sodium nitroprusside test
(a) peninsula (b) cape (d) alternately charged positive (d) hydrolysis test
(c) isthmus (d) strait and negative 87. Which bacterial strain developed
69. Tiny marine animals which 78. The angle between the magnetic from natural isolates by genetic
constitute limestone skeletons are meridian and the geographical manipulations can be used for
called meridian at a place is treating oil spills?
(a) foraminifera (a) dip (b) declination (a) Agrobacterium
(b) coral reefs (c) latitude (d) azimuth (b) Clostridum
(c) diatoms 79. The device used for measuring the (c) Nitrosomonas
(d) clamitomonous wavelength of X-rays is (d) Pseudomonas
70. Apatanis are the major tribal group (a) cyclotron 88. Coating of solid waste with
of (b) bragg spectrometer impervious material is known as
(a) Nagaland (b) Sikkim (c) mass spectrometer (a) Chemical fixation
(c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) GM counter (b) landfill
(d) Jharkhand 80. Alpha particle is the nucleus of an (c) capping
71. Which of the following plant atom of (d) encapsulation
pigments absorbs in red and far- (a) hydrogen (b) helium 89. Ultraviolet rays can used in water
red region of light? (c) oxygen (d) lthium treatment as
(a) Chlorophyll 81. Who is the founder of ‘Facebook’ (a) precipitator
(b) Phytochrome which is currently the No.1 social (b) hydrolyser
(c) Cryptochrome networking website in India? (c) disinfectant
(d) Carotenoids (a) Martin Cooper (d) flocculator
72. The pr ocess thr ough which (b) Orkut Buyukkokten 90. Thiamidine dimer formation in
excess of light ener gy is (c) Mark Zuckerberg DNA is caused by
dissipated in photosynthesis is (d) Bill Gates (a) X-rays (b)  and  -rays
known as 82. In programming, repeating some (c) UV-rays (d) IR-rays
(a) scavenging statements is usually called 91. Winner of the Australian Open
(b) photolysis (a) structure (b) looping Men’s Singles Title in 2013 is
(c) photophosphorylation (c) control structure (a) Andy Murray
(d) quenching (d) compiling (b) Rogaer Federer
73. AIDS virus destroys 83. Silicon is a polymer of (c) Novak Djokovic
(a) rnonocytes (b) neutrophils (a) Silicon tetrachloride (d) David Ferrer
(c) basophils (d) lymphocytes (b) Dialkyl dichloro silane 92. Who among the following
74. Teeth and Bones acquire strength (c) Silane Presidents of MCC was a non-
and rigidity from (d) Tetraalkyl silane professional cricketer?
(a) fluorine (b) chlorine 84. Which is a natural colloid? (a) Colin Cowdrey
(c) sodium (d) calcium (a) Urea (b) Cane-sugar (b) Peter May
75. The type of tail found in Shark is (c) Blood (c) Christopher Martin Jenkin
(a) homocercal (d) Sodium chloride (d) Ted Dexter
(b) heterocercal 85. Which one of the following does 93. Who won the Nobel Prize for
(c) diphycercal(d) protocercal not contain silver? Peace in 2012?

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(a) UN Intergovernmental Panel (b) Nirad C Choudhuri (a) Justice JS Verma

on Climate Change (c) Mark Tully (d) RK Narayan (b) Justice KG Balakrishnan
(b) International Atomic Energy 96. Which one of the following pairs (c) Justice DK Jain
Agency is wrongly matched? (d) Justice Usha Mehra
(c) Liu Xiaobo (a) Red Square - Moscow 99. Julia Gillard is the Prime Minister
(d) European Union (b) Tiananmen Square – Beijing of
94. Who won the Jnanpith Award for (c) Tahrir Square - Abu Dhabi (a) Belgium
2011? (d) Trafalgar Square - London (b) Canada
(a) Sitakant Mahapatra 97. The term of a non-permanent (c) Australia
(b) Sachidananda Routray member of the UN Security (d) New Zealand
(c) Pratibha Ray Council is 100. Which is the first state in India to
(d) Gopinath Mohanty (a) 6 months (b) 1 yr pass the Food Security Law?
95. Who is the author of the book (c) 2 yr (d) 3 yr (a) Kerala
“No Full Stops in India”? 98. Who is the Chairman of the 20th (b) Chhattisgarh
(a) Ved Mehta Law Commission? (c) Gujarat (d) Punjab

101. A and B together can complete a 106. The diameters of two circles are 109. A dozen pairs of socks quoted at
piece of work in 12 days, B and C the side of a squar e and the Rs. 180 are available at discount of
can do it in 20 days and C and A diagonal of the square. The ratio 20%. How many pairs of socks can
can do it in 15 days. A, B and C of the areas of the smaller circle be bought for Rs. 48?
together can complete it in and the larger circle is (a) 4 pairs (b) 2 pairs
(a) 6 days (a) 1 : 4 (c) 5 pairs (d) 3 pairs
(b) 8 days (b) 110. The marked price of a table is Rs.
2: 3
(c) 10 days 12000. If it was sold for Rs. 10500
(d) 12 days (c) 1: 2 (d) 1 : 2 after allowing a certain discount,
102. A and B together can complete a 107. The total surface area of a sphere then the rate of discount is
work in 3 days. They star t is 8 square unit. The volume of (a) 10% (b) 12.5%
together but, after 2 days, B left the sphere is (c) 15% (d) 17.5%
the work. If the work is completed (a) 8/3  cu unit 111. The marked price of a radio set is
after 2 more days, B alone could (b) 8 3  cu unit Rs. 480. The shopkeeper allows
do the work in discount of 10% and gains 8%. If
(a) 4 days (b) 6 days 8 3 no discount is allowed, his gain
(c) 8 days (d) 10 days (c)  cu unit percent would be
103. A does 20% less work than B. If A (a) 18% (b) 18.5%
can complete a piece of work in 8 2 (c) 20% (d) 25%
(d)  cu unit 112. The prices of a school bag and a
1 3
7 h, then B can do it in 108. A conical flask is full of water. The shoe are in the ratio 7 : 5. The price
2 of school bag is Rs. 200 more than
(a) 4 h (b) 6 h flask has base radius r and height
h. This water is poured into a the price of a shoe. Then, the price
(c) 8 h (d) 10 h of a shoe is
104. A rational number between 3/4 and cylindrical flask of base radius mr.
The height of wat er in the (a) Rs. 700 (b) Rs. 500
3/8 is (c) Rs. 1200 (d) Rs. 200
(a) 7/3 (b) 16/9 cylindrical flask is
113. A sum of Rs. 300 is divided among
(c) 9/16 (d) 1/7 h 2 2h P, Q and R in such a way that Q
105. Product of two coprime numbers is (a) m (b)
2 m gets Rs. 30 more than P and R
117. Then their LCM is gets Rs. 60 more than Q. The ratio
(a) 9 (b) 13 h m
(c) (d) of their shares is
(c) 39 (d) 117 3m2 2h
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(a) 2 : 3 : 5 (b) 3 : 2 : 5 121. If x2 – 3x + 1 = 0, then value of 128. If x2 = y + z, y2 = z + x and z2 =

(c) 2 : 5 : 3 (d) 5 : 3 : 2
1 1 1
114. The average of nine numbers is 50. x2 + x + + 2 is x + y, then the value of +
The aver age of the first five x x 1 x
numbers is 54 and that of the last (a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 10
1 1
three numbers is 52. Then, the 4x – 3 4y – 3 4z – 3 + is
1 y 1 z
sixth number is 122. If + + = 0,
x y z (a) 1 (b) 2
(a) 34 (b) 24
(c) 44 (d) 30 (c) 0 (d) – 1
1 1 1
115. The average of the first nine then the value of + + is 129. In a ABC, A = 90°, C = 55°,
x y z
integral multiples of 3 is AD  BC . What is the value of
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 9
(a) 12 (b) 15 (c) 18 (d) 21 BAD?
116. An article is sold for Rs. 300 at a 123. Find the simlest value of 2 50 + (a) 60° (b) 45°
profit of 20%. Had it been sold for (c) 55° (d) 35°
18 – 72 (given 2 = 1414).
Rs. 235, the loss percentage would 130. If G is the centroid of ABC and
(a) 9.898 (b) 10.312
have been ABC = 48 cm2, then the area of
(c) 8.484 (d) 4.242
(a) 3 (b) 5 BGC is
124. If a2 + b2 + 4c2 = 2(a + b – 2c) – 3
(c) 6 (d) 16 (a) 8 cm2 (b) 16 cm2
and a, b, c are real, then the value
117. A box has 100 blue balls, 50 red (c) 24 cm 2 (d) 32 cm2
of (a2 + b2 + c2) is
balls and 50 black balls. 25% of 131. The diagonals AC and BD of a
blue balls and 50% of red balls are 1 cyclic quadr ilateral ABCD
taken away. Then, percentage of (a) 3 (b) 2
4 intersect each other at the point P.
black balls at present is Then, it is always true that
1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (a) AP . CP = BP . DP
(a) 25% (b) 33 % 4 (b) AP . BP = CP . DP
3 125. A number x when divided by 289 (c) AP . CD = AB . CP
(c) 40% (d) 50% leaves 18 as the remainder. The (d) BP . AB = CD . CP
118. Two cars are moving with speeds same number when divided by 17 132. N is the foot of the perpendicular
v1 and v2 towards a crossing along leaves y as a remainder. The value from a point P of a circle with
two roads. If their distance from of y is radius 7 cm, on a diameter AB of
the crossing be 40 m and 50 m at (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 5 the circle. If the length of the
an instant of time, then they do 126. An equation of the form ax + by + chord PB is 12 cm, the distance of
not collide, if their speeds are such c = 0. Where, a  0, b  0 and the point N from the point B is
that c = 0 represents a straight line
(a) v1 : v2  4 : 5 which passes through 2 5
(a) 12 cm (b) 3 cm
(b) v1 : v2  5 : 4 (a) (2, 4) (b) (0, 0) 7 7
(c) v1 : v2  25 : 16 (c) (3, 2) 2 5
(d) v1 : v2  16 : 25 (d) None of these (c) 10 cm (d) 6 cm
119. A certain distance is covered at a 7 7
127. The numerator of a fraction is 4
certai n speed. If half of this 133. If O be the circumcentre of a PQR
less than its denominator. If the
distance is covered in double the and QOR = 110°, OPR = 25°,
numerator is decreased by 2 and
time, the ratio of the two speeds is then the measure of PRQ is
the denominator is increased by 1,
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 4 (a) 50° (b) 55°
then the denominator becomes
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 2 (c) 60° (d) 65°
eight times the numerator. Find the
120. The simple interest on Rs. 4000 in 134. A vertical stick 12 cm long casts a
3 yr at the rate of x% per annum shadow 8 cm long on the ground.
equals to the simple interest on 3 4 At the same time, a tower casts a
(a) (b)
Rs. 5000 at the rate of 12% per 7 8 shadow 40 m long on the ground.
annum in 2 yr. The value of x is The height of the tower is
2 3
(a) 6% (b) 8% (c) (d) (a) 60 m (b) 65 m
7 8 (c) 70 m (d) 72 m
(c) 9% (d) 10%
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135. A, B, C, D are four points on a Directions (Q. Nos. 147-150) The

circle. AC and BD intersect at a 141. If cos4  – sin 4  = , then the following pie chart shows the marks
point E such that BEC = 130° and 3 scor ed by a student in different
ECD = 20°. Then, BAC is value of 1 – 2 sin 2  is subjects- viz. Physics (Ph), Chemistry
(a) 90° (b) 100° 2 (Ch), Mathematics (M), Social Science
(c) 110° (d) 120° (a) 0 (b) (SS) and English (E) in an examination.
136. In a triangle, if three altitudes are Assuming that total marks obtained for
equal, then the triangle is 1 4 the examination is 810, answer the
(c) (d)
(a) equilateral 3 3 questions given below.
(b) right
(c) isosceles 142. If tan  = and  is acute, then
(d) obtuse 4 Chem Phy
cosec  is equal to 70° 85°
137. The tops of two poles of height 24
m and 36 m are connected by a 5 5 Eng 60°
wire. If the wire makes an angle of (a) (b) Math
3 4
60° with the horizontal, then the 90° Social
length of the wire is 4 4 55°
(c) (d)
(a) 8 3 m (b) 8 m 3 5
147. The marks obtained in English,
(c) 6 3 m (d) 6 m 1
143. The value of + Physics and Social Science exceed
(1  tan 2 ) the m arks obtained in
138. The value of – Mathematics and Chemistry by
cosec – cot 1
is (a) 10%
1 (1  cot 2 )
is 1
sin (a) 1 (b) 2 (b) 10 %
(a) cot  1 1
(c) (d) (c) 11%
(b) cosec  2 4
(c) tan  1
144. The selling price of 20 articles is (d) 11 %
(d) 1 equal to the cost pr ice of 22 9
139. If cos  + sin  = 2 cos , then articles. The gain percentage is 148. The difference of marks between
cos  – sin  is (a) 12% Physics and Chemistry is same as
(b) 9% that between
(a) – 2 cos  (a) Physics and English
(c) 10%
(b) – 2 sin  (d) 11% (b) Mathematics and English
145. A man gains10% by selling an (c) English and Social Science
(c) 2 sin  article for a cetain price. If he sells (d) Chemistry and Social Science
(d) 2 tan  it at double the price, then the 149. The m arks obtained in
140. If tan  = n tan  and sin  Q = m profit made is Mathematics and Chemistr y
sin , then cos2  is (a) 120% exceed the mar ks obtained in
(b) 20% Physics and Social Science by
m2 (c) 40% (a) 30
n2 (d) 100% (b) 40
(c) 45
m2 – 1 1 (d) 50
(b) 146. A number increased by 137 %
n2 – 1 2 150. Thu subject in which the student
and the increm ent is 33. The obtained 135 marks is
m2  1
(c) number is (a) Physics
n2  1 (a) 27 (b) Chemistry
m2 (b) 22 (c) Mathematics
(d) (c) 24 (d) 25 (d) English
n2  1
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Directions (Q. Nos. 151-155) In these 160. Many prem ier educational (a) walk away with a cake
questions some parts of the sentences institutions come forward to have (b) a difficult achievement
have errors and some are correct. Find a _______ with flour shing (c) a walkway made with cakes
out which part of a sentence has an industries. (d) an easy achievement
error. If a sentence is free from error, (a) tie-down (b) tie-up 168. Let sleeping dogs lie.
your answer is (d). (c) tie-in (d) tie-on (a) Do not br ing up an old
151. We have been knowing (a)/ each Directions (Q. Nos. 161-163) In these controversial issue
other (b)/ since we were children. questions out of the four alternatives, (b) Dogs can raise tempers
(c)/ No error (d) choose the one which best expresses (c) Do not allow dogs to stand
152. Neither of the teams (a)/ ar e the meaning of the given word. (d) Prevent dog mobility
sensible enough (b)/ to do this 169. To get admission in present day
161. Stern educational institutions, all
task. (c)/ No error (d) (a) Lenient (b) Young
153. If I was he (a)/ I wouldn’t accept children should be be born with a
(c) Stem (d) Strict silver spoon in the mouth.
(b)/ this project. (c)/ No error (d) 162. Citadel
154. The teacher advised to (a)/ the (a) be born to silver spoon
(a) Metropolis (b) Mansion manufacturer
student to borrow (b)/ a book from (c) Fortress (d) Palace
the library within three days. (c)/ (b) always hold a silver spoon
163. Aberration (c) be born with silver spoon
No error (d) (a) Justification
155. I insisted (a)/ on his going (b)/ (d) be born in a rich family
(b) Intensification 170. A man of straw means
there immediately. (c)/ No error (d) (c) Deviation (a) a worthy fellow
Directions (Q. Nos. 156-160) In these (d) Rationality (b) an unreasonable person
questions sentences are given with Directions (Q. Nos. 164-166) In these (c) a man of no substance
blanks to be filled with an appropriate questions choose the word opposite in (d) a very active person
word(s). Four alternatives are suggested meaning to the given word and mark it. 171. Children complain about their
for each question. Choose the correct parents’ gifts. They should learn
alternative out of the four. 164. Dormant
(a) Active (b) Inactive not to look gift horse in the
156. The Infor mation and (c) Dorsal (d) Domestic mouth.
Communication Technology has 165. Tranquility (a) not to look at a horse’s mouth
_____ age and employes very (a) Disturbance (b) not to find fault with the gifts
highly paid technocrats. (b) Quiet received
(a) come of (c) Serenity (c) not to ask for more gift
(b) come upon (d) Peace (d) not to find goodness in the
(c) come out of 166. Dwindle gifts
(d) come through (a) Decrease (b) Diminish Directions (Q. Nos. 172-181) In these
157. They reached the railway station (c) Shrink (d) Increase questions a sentence/ par t of the
before the train __________ . sentence is bold. Below are given
(a) had left (b) had been left Directions (Q. Nos. 167-171) In these
questions four alternatives are given for alternatives to the bold sentence/ part of
(c) left (d) was leaving the sentence at (a), (b) and (c) which
158. He slipped _______ his old ways the Idiom/ Phrase bold in the sentence.
Choose the alternative which best may improve the sentence. Choose the
and started drinking again. cor r ect alternati ves. In case no
(a) into (b) off expresses the meaning of the Idiom/
Phrase. improvement is needed, your answer is
(c) by (d) in (d).
159. All is not well _______ the 167. Acquiring a job a cakewalk for a
automobile sector. student who has good academic 172. If I had the money I would have
(a) of (b) down performance coupled with the bought the house.
(c) in (d) to good attitude. (a) If I had had the money I would
have bought the house
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1.10: Solved Paper (19-05-2013) (1st Sitting)

(b) If I have the money I would 179. The game is more important than (a) Acronym
have bought the house the winning of the prize. (b) Abridgement
(c) If I have had the money I (a) The gaming is more important (c) Almanac
would have bought the house than the winning of the prize (d) Anachronism
(d) No improvement (b) The game is more important 187. A person of obscure position who
173. I wish I knew what is wrong with than winning of the prize has gained wealth.
my car. (c) Gaming is more important than (a) Extrabagant
(a) I wish I had known what is winning of the prize (b) Promiscuous
wrong with my car (d) No imporovement (c) Parvenu
(b) I wish I know what is wrong 180. The actor is out of jail, and not (d) Sumptuary
with my car exactly a free man, since he will 188. A study of sounds is known as
(c) I wish I knew what was wrong be under house arrest for an (a) semantics (b) sylistics
with my car additional 90 days. (c) linguistics (d) phonetics
(d) No improvement (a) but not exactly a free man Directions (Q. Nos. 189-190) In these
174. Just before he died, Amar, who is (b) though exactly a free man questions, four words are given in each
a poet, wrote this poem. (c) if not exactly a free man question, out of which only one word is
(a) Just before he died, Amar, who (d) No improvement correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt
was a poet, wrote this poem 181. Some players on the team suffer word.
(b) Amar, who is a poet, wrote from chronic knee problems and
this poem just before he died will not play in the next playoff.   
(c) Amar wrote this poem, who is (a) Some player on the team  
poet, just before he died suffered  
(d) No improvement (b) Some player on the team suffer  
175. The flag will be risen on the 15th (c) Some players on the team   
of August. suffers  
(a) The flag will be roused on the (d) No improvement  
15th of August  
Directions (Q. Nos. 182-188) In these
(b) The flag will be rising on the questions out of the four alternatives, Directions (Q. Nos. 191-200) In these
15th August choose the one which can be questions you have a passage with 10
(c) The flag will be raised on the substituted for the given wor ds/ questions. Read the passage carefully
15th of August sentence. and choose the best answer to each
(d) No improvement question out of the four.
176. Sushma has wisdom, charm and 182. To reduce to nothing
(a) Cull (b) Lull The postmaster first took up his
she has a good sense of humour. duties in the village of Ulapur. Though
(a) Sushma had a good sense of (c) Null (d) Annul
183. An obviously true or hackneyed the village was a small one, there was an
humour indigo factory nearby and the propritor,
(b) a good sense of humour statement
(a) Truism (b) Syllogism an Englishman, had managed to get a
(c) has a good sense of humour post office established.
(d) No improvement (c) Iconic (d) Imagism
184. Words inscribed on a tomb Our postmaster belonged to
177. They knocked down ten houses Calcutta. He felt like a fish out of water in
when they built the new road. (a) Epilogue (b) Epitaph
(c) Epitome (d) Epistle this remove village. His office and living-
(a) ruptured room were in a dark thatched shed, not
(b) removed 185. The act of producing beautiful
handwriting using a brush or a far from a green, silmy pond, surrounded
(c) pulled down on all sides by a dense growth.
(d) No improvement special pen
(a) Hieroglyphics The men employed in the indigo
178. Don’t sit in the grass. It’s wet. factory had no leisure, moreover they
(a) by the side of (b) Calligraphy
(c) Stencilling were hardly desirable companions for
(b) on decent folk. Nor is a Calcutta boy an
(c) beside (d) Graphics
186. A wor d composed of the fir st adept in the art of associating with
(d) No improvement others. Among strangers he appears
letters of the words in a phrase.
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1.11: Solved Paper (19-05-2013) (1st Sitting)

either proud or ill at ease. At any rate the (a) Convenient (a) Bad friendship
postmaster had but little company, nor (b) Unknown (b) Hardly any friends
had he much to do. (c) Close (d) Remote (c) Small business
At times he tr ied his hand at 193. Find a word in the passage which (d) Business-like
writing a ver se or two. That the means ‘the owner of a business’. 197. At times, the postmaster wrote
movement of the leaves and clouds of (a) Constructor (a) poems
the sky were enough to fill life with joy - (b) Businessman (b) novels
such were the sentiments to which he (c) Entrepreneur (c) short stories
sought to give expression. But God (d) Proprietor (d) dramas
knows that the poor fellow would have 194. The adjective used to describe the 198. The postmaster wrote on the
felt it as the gift of a new life, if some postmaster’s living-room is (a) beauty of nature
genie of the Arabian Nights had in one (a) bright (b) beauty of himself
night swept away the trees, leaves and (b) dark (c) beauty of the weather
all, and replaced them with a (c) light (d) beauty of the village
macadamised road, hiding the clouds (d) deep 199. The word ‘genie’ means
from view with rows of tall houses. 195. What does the phrase ‘ill at ease’ (a) monster (b) spirit
191. What does the idiom ‘fish out of
in the passage mean? (c) ghost (d) soul
water’ suggest?
(a) Forward 200. Which factory was situated near
(a) In unfamiliar surroundings
(b) Disease the village Ulapur?
(b) can die any moment
(c) Comfortable (a) Chemical
(c) grasping for breath
(d) Uneasy (b) Rubber
(d) amphibious creature
196. What does the phr ase ‘little (c) Clothes
192. Find a word in the passage which
company’ in the passage mean? (d) Dyes
is the opposite of ‘near’.

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (d) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (d) 45. (c) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (d) 50. (c)
51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (c) 54. (c) 55. (a) 56. (d) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (d)
61. (a) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (c) 65. (a) 66. (a) 67. (b) 68. (d) 69. (b) 70. (c)
71. (a) 72. (b) 73. (d) 74. (d) 75. (b) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (c) 79. (b) 80. (b)
81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (a) 84. (b) 85. (b) 86. (b) 87. (a) 88. (b) 89. (c) 90. (c)
91. (c) 92. (c) 93. (d) 94. (c) 95. (c) 96. (c) 97. (c) 98. (c) 99. (c) 100. (b)
101. (c) 102. (b) 103. (b) 104. (c) 105. (d) 106. (d) 107. (d) 108. (c) 109. (a) 110. (b)
111. (c) 112. (b) 113. (a) 114. (b) 115. (b) 116. (c) 117. (b) 118. (d) 119. (b) 120. (d)
121. (d) 122. (b) 123. (a) 124. (c) 125. (c) 126. (b) 127. (a) 128. (a) 129. (c) 130. (b)
131. (b) 132. (c) 133. (c) 134. (a) 135. (c) 136. (a) 137. (a) 138. (a) 139. (c) 140. (b)
141. (b) 142. (a) 143. (a) 144. (c) 145. (a) 146. (c) 147. (d) 148. (d) 149. (c) 150. (d)
151. (a) 152. (b) 153. (a) 154. (a) 155. (b) 156. (a) 157. (c) 158. (a) 159. (c) 160. (b)
161. (d) 162. (c) 163. (c) 164. (a) 165. (d) 166. (d) 167. (d) 168. (a) 169. (d) 170. (c)
171. (b) 172. (a) 173. (c) 174. (a) 175. (b) 176. (b) 177. (c) 178. (b) 179. (b) 180. (a)
181. (d) 182. (c) 183. (a) 184. (b) 185. (b) 186. (a) 187. (c) 188. (d) 189. (c) 190. (a)
191. (a) 192. (d) 193. (d) 194. (b) 195. (d) 196. (b) 197. (a) 198. (a) 199. (b) 200. (d)

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1.12: Solved Paper (19-05-2013) (1st Sitting)

1. As for finishing the ‘Leather’, meaning of ‘Raisin’ is a partially 19. Making equations by given
‘Tanning’ method is used, in the dried grapes which is different information.
same way for ‘Pyrotechnics’, from all others. Priti > Rahul ...(i)
‘Fireworks’ is used. 12. Except option (d) difference of all Yamuna = Divya ...(ii)
2. As ‘King’ sits on the ‘Throne’, in other numbers are divisible by 2. Lokita < Manju ...(iii)
the same way ‘Rider’ sits on the 13. 10, 13, 234, 681, 997 Rahul > Yamuna ...(iv)
‘Seat’.  1 + 0, 1 + 3, 3 + 4 + 2 Manju < Divya ...(v)
3. As, F=6 6 + 8 + 1, 9 + 9 + 7 On adding all the equations, we
 (6)3 = 216  1, 4, 9, 15, 25, get
Same as, L = 12 16 Priti > Rahul > Yamuna = Divya >
 (12)3 = 1728 Manju > Lokita
2 2 2 2 2
 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Hence, it is clear that Lokita
13 15 21 19 5 11 16 19 20 3
4. scored the lowest.
M O U S E K P S T C Hence, number 681 is wrong in the
series. 20. Son of sister-in-law of wife of the
14. From option (b), man means that boy is the son of
his brother-in-law and the son of
the man is cousin to that boy.
+5 +3 +5 +3 21. Given equation = 24 * 16 * 8 * 32
Same as, Taking the sign of option (d),
12 9 7 8 20 10 10 5 9 18 M R U H M P  24 + 16 – 8 = 32
L I G H T J J E I R  40 – 8 = 32
+5 +3 +5 +3  32 = 32
15. bc, cde, de, efg, fg, ghi Hence, correct group of sign is
+1 In this series, last letter of a term is option (d).
–2 started to new term and next two 22. Making relation tree from the
letter is included in the term. given information.
264 16. C - 3, E - 5, G - 7, I - 9, K - 11, (+) (-) (+)
5. As, = 132 Kishav Sister Simran
2 M - 13
 1+3 +2 =6 In this series every letter has given
its alphabetical number and one
and = 290 letter is skip in between. (+) (+) (-)
3 17. The sequence of the series is as Sunil Maruti Sita
 2 + 9 + 0 = 11 follows From above relation tree it is clear
735 5 × 3 + 1 = 16 that Sunil is maternal uncle of
Same as = 147 16 × 3 + 3 = 51 Maruti.
5 23. Word ‘MASTER’ cann ot be
51 × 3 + 5 = 158
 1 + 4 + 7 = 12 formed by using the letters of
158 × 3 + 7 = 481 given word because letter ‘E’ is
6. The meaningful order of the given
Hence, next term will be 481 in the not present in the given word.
words are 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 1.
series 24. Word ‘NATION’ cannot be formed
7. ba/ab/ab/ba/ab/bb
18. Given equation by using the letters of given word
8. abc/abb/cab/cca/bca/ab
9× 2:9 ×9: :9×5 :? because in given word, letter ‘N’ is
9. ‘Head’ is different from all other.
 18 : 18 : : 45 : ? use only once whereas in word
10. Except ‘Influenza’ all other disease
 18 : 81 : : 45 : 54 ‘NATION’, letter ‘N’ is used
are caused by lack of any
vitamins. 9×2:9× 9::9 ×5 :96 twice.
11. Here, all options are related to rain 25. Word ‘TALENT’cannot be formed
Hence, 9 × 6 will come in place of by using the letters of given word
or wat er except Rai sin. The question mark.
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1.13: Solved Paper (19-05-2013) (1st Sitting)

because letter ‘E’ is not present in  15 + 8 – 6 = 17 even, then people keep medicine in
the given word.  23 – 6 = 17 their home is also right.
26. LADY = 2 (12 + 1 + 4 + 25)  17 = 17 Hence, both Conclusions I and II
= 2 × 42 = 84 follow.
27. As, 12 5 1 4 5 18 32. As, × 2 = 14 Years Decades
+8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 81 38.
and × 2 = 18
20 13 9 12 13 26 9
Same as, Hence the option (d) is true.
12 9 7 8 20 Same as, × 2 = 16 41. Number of cubes in first row
L I G H T 11
= 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10
+8 +8 +8 +8 +8 Hence, number 16 will be come in Number of cubes in second row
place of question mark. =3+2+1=6
20 17 15 16 28
33. As, (3 × 4 × 5) – 2 = 60 – 2 = 58 Number of cubes in third row
28. Given word  and (5 × 6 × 2) – 2 = 60 – 2 = 58 =2+1=3
COMMUNICATIONS and (8 × 4 × 2) – 2 = 64 – 2 = 62 Number of cubes in fourth row
New word after interchanging the Same as, =1 =1
place of letters
(7 × 6 × 3) – 2 = 126 – 2 = 124  Total cubes = 10 + 6 + 3 + 1
O C M M N U C I T A O I S N = 20
Hence, number 124 will be come in
10th from right place of question mark. 102. Work done by A and B in 1 day
Hence, required letter is N. 34. 4 × 9 = 36 = (6)2 1
29. Given equation  27 × 3 = 81 = (9)2 =
8 × 20  3 + 9 – 5 = 38 x × 2 = 100 = (10)2
From option (c). interchanging the 1 2
x = 50 Their 2 days work = 2 × =
sign of 3 and 5. 3 3
8 × 20  5 + 9 – 3 = 38 35. Way of Raj is as follows.
2 1
N  Remaining work = 1 – =
3 3
8× + 9 – 3 = 38
5 W E
 32 + 9 – 3 = 3 So, B complete work in 2 days.
S-W 3
 41 – 3 = 38 S
 38 = 38  B alone can do it in 3 × 2 = 6
It is clear from the above figure days
30. Given equation  that now Raj is in South-West
33 ? 11 ? 3 ? 6 = 115 direction. 1
From option (b), subsitute the 103. Efficiency 
36. Way of the boy is as follows. Time taken
33 × 11  3 – 6 = 115 A
8 km
G 3 km B
So, if B is 100% efficient, then A is
80% efficient.
11 N
4 km
3 km
 33 × – 6 = 115 D 2 km 80 x
3 W E
1 So, = 15 here, x = Time
 11 × 11 – 6 = 115 F E 2 km H 100
 121 – 6 = 115 S 2
 115 = 115 Let point A is the starting point taken by B
31. Given equation  and G is the final point. 106. Diagonal of a square
15 * 24 * 3 * 6 * 17 Now, distance between starting = 2 × Side
From option (a), substitute the point and final point  Ratio of area of smaller circle to
signs (AG) = AB – BG = (8 – 3) km
15 + 24  3 – 6 = 17 = 5 km r12
larger circle =
37. As per Conclusion I, healthy r22
 15 + – 6 = 17 people don’t medicine is right but
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1.14: Solved Paper (19-05-2013) (1st Sitting)

= Rs. x
2 50
 a 108  x = × 100
  (75  25  50)
 2 Then, = 432
= 2
 2a  50 1
 432  100 = × 100 = 33 %
 2  x= = Rs. 400 150 3
If discount is not allowed, then Distance
Here, a = Diameter of smaller circle 119. Case I Speed =
1 80
= =1: 2 gain is = × 100 = 20% Distance
2 400 Case II Speed =
107. Total surface area of sphere = 8  113. Let the share of P = Rs. x 2
4 r2 = 8 Then Q’s share = Rs. x + 30 2  Time
and R’s share = (x + 30) + 60
r = 2 unit Distance
= Rs. x + 90 =
4 3 Sum of money with P, Q and R 4 × Time
 Volume of sphere = r = Rs. 300
3 1
 x + x + 30 + x + 90 = 300  Required ratio = =1:4
4 8 2  3x + 120 = 300
= ×  × ( 2 )3 =  cu unit 120. Hence, the two simple interests are
3 3 300 –120 equal.
108. Volume of water = Volume of x= = Rs. 60 Then,
1 2  Required ratio 4000  3  x 5000  12  2
conical flask = r h = 60 : (60 + 30) : (60 + 90) = 2 : 3 : 5 =
3 100 100
Now, the water is poured in 114. Required number
 x = 10%
cylindrical flask. = 50 × 9 – (54 × 5 + 3 × 52)
121. x2 – 3x + 1 = 0
So, volume of cylinder = Volume of = 450 – (270 + 156) = 450 – 426 = 24
x2 + 1 = 3x
water 116. Let the cost price of article = Rs. x
Dividing both side by x, we get
Then, 120% of x = Rs. 300
1 2 1
=  (mr 2) × Height = r h 120  x x2 + +2=9 ...(i)
3  = 300 x2
h 1
 Height = 300  100 x =3 ...(i)
3m 2 x= = Rs. 250 x
109. Cost of a dozen pair of socks after 120
discount Now, if SP = Rs. 235 1
Then, loss percentage x2 + =7 ...(ii)
180  80
= = Rs. 144 250 – 235 Saving both side by, we get
100 = × 100 = 6% So, from Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
144 117. After removing 25% of blue balls, 1 1
 Cost of 1 pair of socks = x2 + x + + 2 = 7 + 3 = 10
12 total blue ball left x x
= Rs. 12
75  100 4x – 3 4y – 3 4z – 3
So, with Rs. 48 total pairs of socks = 75% of 100 = = 75
100 122. + + =0
x y z
48 After removing 50% of red balls,
can be bought = = 4 pairs
12 total red ball left 4x 3 4y 3 4z 3
 – + – + – =0
111. Marked price = Rs. 480 x x y y z z
50  50
480  90 = 50% of 50 = = 25
100  1 1 1
So cost after discount =  4 + 4 + 4 – 3  x  y  z  = 0
100  Required percentage
= Rs. 432
Let actual cost of the radio set  1 1 1
 12 = 3    
 x y z
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1.15: Solved Paper (19-05-2013) (1st Sitting)

128. x2 = y + z, y2
1 1 1 132. P
So, + + =4 =z+x
y 12
x z and z2 = x + y cm

123. 2 50 + 18 – 72 Satisfies only when N

x= y 7 cm O 7 cm
= 2 552 + 33 2 – =z=2
662 1 1 1
 + +
=2×5 2 +3 2 –6 2 1 x 1 y 1 z On joining AP,
= 10 2 + 3 2 – 6 2 1 1 1
Now, APB = 90°
= + + =1 (• Angle in a semicirlce = 90°)
= 13 2 – 6 2 = 7 2 3 3 3 AB2 = AP2 + PB2
= 7 × 1.414 = 9.898 (14)2 = AP2 + (12)2
124. a2 + b2 + 4c2 = 2 (a + b – 2c) – 3 129. B AP2 = 52 cm
a2 + b2 + 4c2 = 2a + 2b – 4c – 3 Now, let AN = xcm
(a2 – 2a + 1) + (b2 – 2b + 1) + (4c2 Then, NO = (7 – x) cm
+ 4c + 1) – 1 – 1 – 1 = – 3 In APN, AP2 = x2 + PN2
(a – 1)2 + (b – 1)2 + (2c + 1)2 = 0 D PN2 = AP2 – x2
Thus, PN2 = 52 – x2 ...(i)
(a – 1) = 0  a = 1 In PNO, PO2 = PN2 + NO2
(b – 1) = 0  b = 1 A
90° 55°
C (7)2 = PN2 + (7 – x)2
(2c – 1 = 0) 49 – (7 – x)2 = PN2 ..(ii)
B = 180° – (90° + 55°) = 35° From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
c= – Now, in ADC,  52 – x2 = 49 – (49 – 14x + x2)
2 ADC + ACD + DAC = 180°  52 – x2 = 49 – 49 + 14x – x2
 1 DAC = 180° – 90° – 55° = 35°  14x = 52
 a2 + b2 + c2 = 12 + 12 +  –   BAD = 90° – 35° = 55°
 2 52 26
x= = cm
130. A 14 7
1 1
=1+1+ =2 26
4 4  Length of NO = 7 –
125. By shortcut method, remainder 7
18 49 – 26 23
= =1 = = cm
17 7 7
127. If denominator of fraction = x, B C 23
Then numerator = x – 4 So, length of NB = 7 +
Area of ABC
x–4 Area of BGC = 2
 Fraction = 3 = 10 cm
x 7
Now, according to the question, 48
= = 16 cm2 133. P
( x  1) 3
(x – 4) – 2 =
8 131. A B
x 1
x–6= P
8 Q R
 8x – 48 = x + 1
 8x – x = 48 + 1
x=7 OPR = ORP = 25°
D C (angles opposite of radius)
7–4 3 So, AP . BP = CP . DP Now, in QOR,
 Fraction = =
7 7 QOR+ OQR + ORQ = 180°
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 QOR + ORQ + ORQ (n2 – 1) cos2  = m2 – 1

sin 1
=180° = –
1 – cos sin m2 – 1
(• angles opposite to equal side  cos2  =
in a triangle are equal) n2 – 1
sin 2 – (1 – cos )
 2ORQ = 180° – 110° = 2
(1 – cos ) sin 141. cos4  – sin 4  =
70 3
ORQ = = 35° 1 – cos 2 –1  cos
2 = 2
 PRQ = 25° + 35° = 60° (1– cos ) sin (cos2 )2 – (sin 2 )2 =
134. Let the height of tower = x cm
cos (1– cos ) (cos2  – sin 2 ) (cos2  + sin 2 )
12 x = = cot 
Then, = (1 – cos ) sin 2
8 40 =
139. cos  + sin  = 2 cos  3
12  40 On squaring both sides, we get
 =x 2
8 1– sin2 sin 2 =
(cos  + sin )2 = ( 2 cos )2 3
 x= 60 m
cos2  + sin2  + 2sin  cos  2
135. CED = 180° – 130°
= 2cos2  1 – 2 sin 2  =
= 50° 3
2sin  cos  = cos  – sin 2 
Now, in CED,
2 sin  cos  = (cos  – sin ) 142.
ECD+ CED+ CDE = 180°
(cos  + sin )
CDE = 180° – 50° – 20° = 110°
 BAC = CDE = 110° 2sin cos 3

(angles in same segment are equal) cos  – sin  =

(cos  sin ) 
D 4
137. 2sin cos
= = 2 sin
2 cos 3 P
A 60° tan  = =
F 140. tan  = n tan  4 B
36 m

sin H2 = P2 + B2
24 m =n H2 = 32 + 42
cos cos
60° H = 9  16
B C m sin sin
=n = 25 = 5
So, in ADE, cos cos
H 5
DE m  cosec  = =
sin 60° = cos  = cos  P 3
AD n Hence,
(AD = length of wire) On squaring both sides, we get P = Perpendicular
sin2  = m2 sin 2  H = Hypotaneos
DE 12
 AD = = 1 – cos2  = m2 (1 – cos2 ) B = Traea
sin 60 3 1 – cos2  = m2 – m2 cos2 
1 1
12  2 (1 – cos 2 – m 2 ) 143. + ;
= – = cos2  1  tan 2 1  cot 2
3 m2
1 1
= 8 3m (cos 2  m 2 – 1) +
= cos2  ..(ii) sin 2 cos 2
m2 1 1
1 1 cos 2 sin 2
138. – From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
cosec – cot sin
cos 2 sin

m 2 (cos 2  m 2 – 1) = +
1 1 cos2= 2 × 2
cos  sin 2
sin  cos
2 2

= – n m2
1 cos sin = cos2  + sin2  = 1
– n cos  = cos  + m2 – 1
2 2 2
sin sin
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144. Here, x= 20 148. Difference of marks in Physics and

33  100
and y = 22,  x= = 24 Chemistry
Then 1375
147. Marks in English, Physics and 85 – 70
y–x = × 810
Social Science 360
 Percent gain = × 100%
60  85  55 15
22 – 20 = × 810 = × 810 = 33.75
360 360
= × 100% = 10%
20 They are equal to Chemistry and
145. Let CP of the article be Rs. x. = × 810 = 450 Social Science
Then, SP = 110% of x = 1.1x 360
Marks in Maths and Chemistry 70 – 55
If SP be double i.e., 2.2x, then = × 810 = 33.75
= 810 – 450 = 360 360
2.2 x – x  Required percentage 149. Required number
Profit percent = × 100%
450 – 360 90 (90  70) – (85  55)
= 120% = × 100 = × 100 = × 810
146. Let the number be x. 810 810 360
Then, 137.5% of x = 33 1 (160 –140)  810
= 11 % =
9 360
20  810
= = 45

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 
PRE. EXAM 2014
Held On: 26-10-2014 (Morning Shift)

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) In the following      Dir ections (Q. Nos. 16-18) In the
questions, select the related word/     Following questions, a series is given,
letters/number from the given 12. Which one of the given response with one term missing. Choose the
alternatives. would be a meaningful order of correct alternative from the given ones
1. Optimist : Cheerful : : Pessimist :? the following? that will complete the series.
(a) Petty (b) Selfish 1. Seed 2. Plant 16. 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 6, ?, 12, 9, 20
(c) Gloomy (d) Mean 3. Germination 4. Embryo (a) 9 (b) 10
2. YTOJ : XSNI : : WRMH : ? 5. Flower 6. Fruit (c) 7 (d) 8
(a) VQLG (b) TOJE (a) 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6 17. SHG, RIF, QJE, PKD, ?
(c) RMHC (d) UPKF (b) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6 (a) NME (b) NLB
3. EIGK : EACY : : RVTY : ? (c) 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 (c) OLE (d) OLC
(a) RVSQ (b) RNPL (d) 1, 5, 6, 4, 2, 3 18. 7, 8, 18, 57, ?, 1165
(c) RWUY (d) RMPL 13. Arrange the following words as (a) 174 (b) 232
4. 720 : 840 : : 60 : ? per order in the English (c) 224 (d) 228
(a) 76 (b) 80 dictionary. 19. There are five friends – Sachin,
(c) 70 (d) 74 1. Live 2. Litter Kamal, Mohan, Arun and Ram.
5. 225 : 256 : : 289 : ? 3. Little 4. Literacy Sachin is shorter than Kamal, but
(a) 234 (b) 361 5. Living taller than Ram. Mohan is the
(c) 324 (d) 432 (a) 3, 4, 2, 1, 5 tallest. Arun is a little shorter than
6. Money : Misappropriation : : (b) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1 Kamal and a little taller than
Writing : ? (c) 4, 3, 5, 2, 1 (d) 4, 2, 3, 1, 5 Sachin. Who is the second tallest?
(a) Deception (b) Mistake 14. Which one set of letters when (a) Ram (b) Sachin
(c) Plagiarism (d) Theft sequentially placed at the gaps in (c) Kamal (d) Arun
the given let ter series shall 20. A is the brother of B, B is the
Directions (Q. Nos. 7-11) Select the one complete it?
which is different from other three daughter of C and D is the father
ipi_upog_pig_pogi_g of A. Then, how is C related to D?
alternatives. (a) iupgg (b) upgii (a) Husband (b) Wife
   (c) puigp (d) giupi (c) Granddaughter
  15. In the following series, how many (d) Grandfather
    KGN occur in such a way that ‘G’ 21. From the given alternative words,
     is in the middle and ‘K’ and ‘N’ select the word which can be
    are adjacent to it on both sides? formed using the letters of the
     AKGLMNDQKGCSNGK given word.
    TGKGNDZ PUXG KE DEMOCRACY
     (a) 3 (b) 5 (a) SECRECY (b) MICRO
    (c) 1 (d) 2 (c) MARCY (d) DEMON
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22. From the given alternative words, (a) 272 (b) 112 (c) 210 (d) 254 (a) 6 (b) 7
select the word which cannot be 28. Some letters are given with (c) 4 (d) 5
formed using the letters of the numbers from 1 to 6. Select the
given word sequence of numbers which 33. 4 10 22
INCARCERATION arranges the letters into a 8 5 14
(a) RELATION meaningful word 10 3 ?
(b) TERRAIN 1 2 3 4 5 6
(c) INACTION G I C O D N (a) 13 (b) 14
(d) CREATION (a) 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5 (c) 11 (d) 12
23. Mr. Mani’s age is 47 yr and (b) 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 1
John’s age is 13 yr. In how many (c) 6, 5, 2, 3, 1, 4 34. 2 3 4
years will Mr. Mani’s age be (d) 3, 4, 5, 2, 6, 1 3 4 5
double of John’s age? 29. Select the correct combination of 13 ? 41
(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 10 (d) 15 mathematical signs to replace *
24. If in a certain code signs and to balance the (a) 31 (b) 46
‘INTELLIGENCE’ is written as following equation (c) 23 (d) 25
‘ETNIGILLECNE’, then how can (8 * 7 * 6) * 5 * 10 35. Some statements are given
‘MATHEMATICAL’ be written in (a) × –  = followed by two Conclusions I
the same code? (b) – ×  + and II. You have to consider the
(a) AMHTMETACILA (c) + –  × statements to be true, even if they
(b) TAMMEHITALAC (d) × + =  seem to be at variance from
(c) HTAMTAMELACI 30. If ‘>’ stands for ‘division’, ‘’ commonly known facts. You are
(d) LACITAMEHTAM stands for ‘multiplication’, ‘–’ to decide which of the given
25. If in a certain code stands for ‘greater than’, ‘×’ conclusions can definitely be
‘CHARACTER’ is written as standsd for ‘less than’, ‘<’ stands drawn from the given statements.
‘241612376’ and ‘CHILDREN’ is for ‘addition’, ‘’ stands for Indicate your answer.
written as ‘24859670’, then how ‘subtraction’, ‘+’ stands for ‘equal Statements
can ‘HIRALAL’ be written in the to’, then which of the following All files are papers.
same code? equation is correct? Some papers are books.
(a) 4861551 (a) 10  3 < 5 < 4 + 16 Some books are journals.
(b) 4861515 (b) 4  6 < 4 < 4 + 16 Conclusions
(c) 4685151 (c) 12  3 < 5 < 4 + 12 I. All files are journals.
(d) 4685511 (d) 11  12 < 5 < 4 + 12 II. All books are not journals.
26. Given below are capital letters in 31. Some equations are solved on the (a) Both Conclusions I and II
the first line and symbols in the basis of a certain system. Find the follow
second line. Symbols and letters correct answer for the unsolved (b) Neither Conclusion I nor II
are codes for each other. Choose equation on that basis. follows
the correct code for the given 5 * 3 = 125; 4 * 3 = 64; 8 * 2 = ? (c) Only Conclusion I follows
letters. (a) 28 (b) 16 (d) Only Conclusion II follows
(c) 32 (d) 64 36. Pratap starts from school and
Directions (Q. Nos. 32-34) In these walks 7 km towards East. He takes
+ –  × = ( ) [ ]  || # | > < questions, select the missing number a left and walks 4 km, then takes
BEAST from the given responses. a right and walks 2 km, again
(a) | + | | (b) |  × # | | takes a right and walks 3 km.
(c) |  + # | | (d) |  +  = 32. Which direction is he facing now?
9 7 4
27. In an examination, 78% of the (a) South (b) North
total students who appeared were 5 4 3 (c) East (d) West
successful. If the total number of 6 8 ? 37. Vijay travelled 12 km Southward,
failures was 176 and 34% got first 49 52 25 then turned right and travelled 10
class, then how many students got km, then turned right and
first class?
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travelled 12 km. How far was

Vijay from the starting point? 46.
(a) 22km (b) 44km
(c) 12km (d) 10km
38. Fertilizer consumption in India in
1984-85 was 8.21 MT. By 1990 it 42. In the given figure, which letter
was 13.75 MT and by 2000 it was represents those Actors who are
expected to reach 16 MT. What also Dancers, Singers as well as
conclusion can you draw from Violinists?
this data?
(a) Fertilizer consumption does
not show any trend
(b) There is a steady increase of
the fertilizer consumption 47. A piece of paper is folded and cut
(c) Fer tilizer consumption is as shown below in the question
steady (a) S (b) Q figures. From the given answer
(d) There is a steady decrease in (c) P (d) U figures, indicate how it will
the fertilizer consumption. Directions (Q. Nos. 43 and 44) In the appear when opened.
39. How many triangles are there in following questions, identify the
the given figure? diagr am that best r epresents the
relationship among the classes given
43. Factory, Machinery, Product

(a) 18 44. Travellers, Train, Bus

(b) 20 or more 48. From the given answer figures,
(c) 12 select the one is which the
(d) 16 question figure is hidden/
40. Among the four answer figures, embedded.
which figure can be formed the
cut-pieces given below in the Directions (Q. Nos. 45 and 46) In these
question figure? questions, which answer figure will
Question Figure complete the pattern in the question


Answer Figures

49. A word is represented by only one

set of numbers as given in any
one of the alternatives. The sets of
numbers given in the alternatives
41. Choose the cube which will be
are represented by two classes of
formed on folding the given
alphabets as in two matrices given
question figure.
below. The columns and rows of

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Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 the image of the question figure?

and that of Matrix II are numbered
from 5 to 9. A letter from these
matrices can be represented first
by its row and next by its column.
e.g., ‘E’ can be represented by 02,
43, 68 etc., and ‘N’ can be
represented by 21, 65, 95 etc. (a) 04, 30, 31, 41
Similarly, you have to identify the (b) 88, 57, 69, 32
number set for the word given (c) 04, 11, 41, 76
below. (d) 88, 78, 99, 89
Cost 50. If a mirror is placed on the line MN,
then which of the answer figures is

51. he famous economist Thomas 56. The word ‘Economics’ is taken (a) Imad Shahi (b) Nizam Shahi
Robert Malthus, in his views from which language? (c) Qutb Shahi (d) Adil Shahi
regarding population, is (a) French (b) Greek 61. Who regarded the second
(a) optimistic (c) German (d) English chamber as needless, useless and
(b) partly optimistic and partly 57. Which of the following is a merit worse?
pessimistic of the pr esidential form of (a) Laski (b) Maclver
(c) pessimistic government? (c) Bentham (d) Seeley
(d) None of the above (a) The fixed tenur e of the 62. The tenure of the Swiss President
52. Non-insurable or uncertainty risk executive gives it a great is
is sense of stability (a) 3 yr (b) 2 yr
(a) change in fashion (b) It ensures speedy execution of (c) 4 yr (d) 1 yr
(b) fire policies 63. Haemolymph is observed in
(c) flood (c) It safeguards the liberty of the (a) Arthropods
(d) change in the price of that people (b) Echinoderms
commodity (d) All of the above (c) Ascaris (d) Annelids
53. ‘Gold Bullion Standard’ refers to 58. The two chambers of the Swiss 64. The virus without capsid but only
(a) gold coin as an unlimited legal Federal Assembly are called with nucleic acids is called
tender (a) National Council and Council (a) Capsomere (b) Nucleoid
(b) gold as the measure of value of States (c) Prion (d) Virion
(c) free coinage of gold (b) House of Lords and House of 65. The immunity caused by the B-
(d) no restriction on import and Commons lymphocytes is called
export of gold (c) Senat e and House of (a) Sterileimmunity
54. Laws made by the executive are Representatives (b) Acquired Immunity
called (d) None of the above (c) Cellular Immunity
(a) Delegated Legislation 59. Name the Italian traveller who (d) Humoral Immunity
(b) Preferred Legislation visited the Vijayanagar empire in 66. Who among the following
(c) Rule of Law 1420AD enjoyed the patronage of Sultans
(d) Administrative Law (a) Domingos Paes from Balban to Ghiyas-ud-din
55. The word ‘Oikonomia’ means (b) Edoardo Barbosa Tughlaq?
(a) Household Management (c) Nicolo de Conti (a) Ibn Batutah
(b) Individual Management (d) Abdur Razzag (b) Badauni
(c) Political Management 60. Which one of the following (c) Zia-ud-din Barani
(d) Fiscal Management dynasties established an (d) Amir Khusrow
independent rule in Bijapur?
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67. The Sufi movement originally 77. Which of the following is not a 87. CAD stands for
started from form of carbon? (a) Computer Automatic Design
(a) Persia (b) Delhi (a) Soot (b) Hematite (b) Computer Aided Decode
(c) Lahore (d) Kabul (c) Graphite (d) Charcoal (c) Computer Automatic Decode
68. Humayun was driven out of 78. What is Dry Ice? (d) Computer Aided Design
Hindustan in 1540 AD after the (a) Solid carbon dioxide 88. Unix operating system is generally
battle of (b) Liquid nitrogen known as
(a) Chausa (b) Dourah (c) ice cubes and saw dust (a) Multi User Operating System
(c) Surajgarh (d) Kannauj (d) Ice cubes and salt (b) General Application
69. Poly metallic nodules (also called 79. The gas commonly used in (c) Single User Operating System
manganese nodules) are found in advertisement sign-boards and (d) Single User Application
concentrations decorative lights is Program
(a) on continental shelves (a) nitrogen (b) chlorine 89. Who holds the world record as
(b) in deep ocean beds (c) hydrogen (d) neon the youngest per son to climb
(c) on lake beds 80. Flow of blood in dorsal blood Mount Everest?
(d) in beach sands vessel of earthworm is (a) Santosh Yadav
70. Spot the odd item in the following (a) sideward (b) downward (b) Phu Dorjee
(a) Meander (b) Delta (c) backward (d) forward (c) Bachendri Pal
(c) Bolson (d) Ox-bow lake 81. Which of the following is (d) Dicky Dolma
71. Kandla port is located at biodegradable? 90. Hyperplasia means
(a) Gulf of Khambat (a) Leather belts (a) abnormal increase in number
(b) Kori Creek (b) Silver foil of cells
(c) Gulf of Kutch (c) Iron nails (d) Plastic mugs (b) an increase in size of a cell
(d) None of these 82. Fungi that grow on bark are said (c) excessive motility of muscle
72. Which of the following forests to be (d) voracious eating
grows in waterlogged areas? (a) Xyiophilous 91. The part of root involved in water
(a) Mangrove (b) Evergreen (b) Saxicolous absorption is
(c) Deciduous (d) Coniferous (c) Coprophilous (a) zone of elongation
73. Nag Tiba and Mahabharat ranges (d) Corticolous (b) zone of root cap
are included in 83. To an astronaut in space the sky (c) zone of cell division
(a) Sub-Himalayas will appear to be (d) zone of root hairs
(b) Trans-Himalayas (a) violet (b) red 92. Who is the Prime Minister of
(c) Greater Himalayas (c) blue (d) black Australia?
(d) Lesser Himalayas 84. On a rainy day, small oily films on (a) Tony Abbott
74. Pink mould is the common namefor water show brilliant colours. This (b) Kevin Rudd
(a) Aspergillus is due to (c) Julia Gillard
(b) Rhizopus (a) scattering (b) dispersion (d) None of these
(c) Neurospora (c) refraction (d) polarisation 93. Which of the parent country of
(d) Mucor 85. Natural r adioactivity was mobile giant ‘Nokia’?
75. The sleeping sickness is caused discovered by (a) Finland (b) Sweden
by (a) Rutherford (b) Marie Curie (c) Spain (d) Germany
(a) Escherichia (c) Henri Becquerel 94. Where was the Joint G-20 Finance
(b) Neisseria (d) EnricoFermi and Labour Ministers Meeting
(c) Entamoeba 86. Rainbow formation is due to held on July 19, 2013?
(d) Trypanosoma (a) absor ption of sunlight by (a) NewYork (b) Paris
76. Combustion is a water droplets (c) Moscow (d) London
(a) physicai and chemical process (b) diffusion of sunlight through 95. Which is the largest man-made
(b) biological process water droplets lake?
(c) physical process (c) ionisation of water droplets (a) Baikal (b) Wullar
(d) chemical process (d) refraction and reflection of (c) Govind Sagar
sunlight by water droplets (d) Rana Pratap Sagar
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96. Who took oath as the President of (c) ZalmayKhalizad (a) Adly Mansour
Iran on August 4, 2013? (d) Susan Rice (b) Sasikumar Venkat
(a) Hassan Rouhani 98. Who won the Roger s Cup (c) Amal Allana
(b) Mohammad Bashir Ahmad women’s singles in lawn tennis in (d) Ratan Thiyam
(c) Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf 2013? 100. To which channel did the
(d) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (a) VictoriaAzarenka International Olympic Committee
97. Who was sworn-in as the United (b) Agnieszka Radwanska sell the broadcasting rights for
States Ambassador to the United (c) Maria Sharapova 2014 and 2016 Olympics?
Nations by Joe Biden on August 1, (d) Serena Williams (a) Set Max
2013? 99. Who was appointed as the (b) Zee sports
(a) RosemaryDiCarlo Chair person of the Nati onal (c) STAR India
(b) Samantha Power School of Drama on August 19, (d) Doordarshan z

101. Subhash can copy 50 pages in 10 (a) 27 days (b) 12 days (a) 6427.50 (b) 6415.40
h; Subhash and Prakash can copy (c) 15 days (d) 18 days (c) 6400.30 (d) 6423.90
300 pages in 40 h. In how much 105. A certain number of men can 110. The surface area of two spheres
time can Prakash copy 30 pages? finish a piece of work in 100 days. are in the ratio 4 : 9. What is the
(a) 12 h (b) 9 h However, if there were 10 men less, ratio of their volumes?
(c) 13 h (d) 10 h then it would take 10 days more for (a) 8 : 27 (b) 16 : 81
102. Rajesh is in-charge of buying the work to be finished How many (c) 2 : 3 (d) 4 : 9
bread rolls and buns for a party. men were there originally? 111. On increasing the diameter of a
There are 10 buns in each box of (a) 110 (b) 75 (c) 50 (d) 100 circle by 75%, the percentage
buns and 8 bread rolls in each box 106. A square lawn has path 4 m wide increase in the perimeter is
of bread rolls. Rajesh wants to buy around it. If the area of the path is (a) 75% (b) 80%
exactly the same number of buns 196 m2, then each side of the lawn (c) 65% (d) 70%
and bread r olls. What is the is 112. If the perimeter of an equilateral
sm allest number of boxes he (a) 7.25 m (b) 9.25 m triangle is 42 cm, its area, (in sq
should buy for buns alone? (c) 8.25 m (d) 8 m cm) will be
(a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 5 107. A cloth merchant has announced (a) 24 3 (b) 49 3
103. Simplify 25% rebate on marked price. If one
needs to have a rebate of Rs. 40, (c) 7 3 (d) 14 3
4 2
 x – 1 then how many shirts, each with a
1  1
 –2 x 2  marked price of Rs. 32, should he 113. If x+
= 1, (x  0), then the value
x4  1 x2  1 (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 6 x 2  3x  1
(a) (b) 108. One dozen pairs of socks quoted of is
2x2 2x x2  7x  1
at Rs. 160 are available at a
x4  2x 2 – 1 discount of 10%. Find how many 1
(c) (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d)
2 x2 pairs of socks can be bought for 2
Rs. 60. 114. If a + b + c = 0, find the value of
x4 – 1 (a) 6 pairs (b) 8 pairs
(d) 1 1 1 1
2 x2 (c) 5 pairs (d) 7 pairs + + 3 +
104. If a job is to be completed in 10 109. A machine is marked at Rs. 7500 a3 b 3
c ( a  b )3
days, it requires 270 persons. If 180 for sale. The shopkeeper allows
successive discounts of 8%, 5% 1 1
persons take up the same job, they + 3 +
and 2% on it. The net selling price (b  c ) (b  c ) 3
will finish it in
(in Rs.) is
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1.7: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

(a) –1 (b) 3abc The time taken by the train to pass (a) Side – Angle – Side
(c) 1 (d) 0 a man standing on the platform (b) Angle – Side – Side
(a) 7s (b) 8s (c) Angle – Side – Angle
1 1
115. If x + y = 4 and + = 4, then (c) 5s (d) 6s (d) Side – Side – Side
x y 123. A, B and C start together from the 130. If an equilateral triangle ABC is
the value of x3 + y3 is same point to travel around a inscribed in a circle with centre at
(a) 52 (b) 64 (c) 4 (d) 25 cir cular island 30 km in 0, then BOC, COA and AOB
116. (a2 + 2a)2 + 12(a2 + 2a) – 45 can be circumfer ence. A and B ar e are respectively
expressed as travelling in the same direction and (a) 50°, 60°, 70°
(a) (a – 1) (a –3) (a2 + 2a + 15) C is in the opposite direction. If A (b) 120°, 120°, 120°
(b) (a – 1) (a + 3) (a2 + 2a + 15) travels 5 km, B travels 7 km and C (c) 60°, 60°, 60°
(c) (a + 1) (a + 3) (a2 + 2a + 15) travels 8 km in an hour, then they (d) 80°, 120°, 160°
(d) (a + 1) (a – 3) (a2 + 2a + 15) all come together again after
131. If x = 3 + 2 2 , then the values of
117. The ratio of the first and second (a) 25 h (b) 30 h
class fares between two stations (c) 15 h (d) 20 h 1 1
is 4 : 1 and that of the number of x3 + and x 3 – 3 ar e
124. At what rate will a sum of Rs. 1000 x3 x
passengers travelling by the first amount to Rs. 1102.50 in 2 yr at respectively
and second class is 1 : 40. If Rs. compound interest?
11000 is collected as total fare, (a) 6% (b) 6.5% (a) 140 2, 198(b) 234, 216
then the amount collected from the (c) 5% (d) 5.5% (c) 216, 234 (d) 198,140 2
first class passengers is 125. Radii of two circles are 6.3 cm and 132. Given that a + b +c = 2 and ab + bc
(a) Rs. 1375 (b) Rs. 3150 3.6 cm. If they touch each other + ca = 1, then the value of (a + b)2
(c) Rs. 800 (d) Rs. 1000 inter nall y, then the distance + (b + c)2 + (c + a)2 is
118. The average age of three boys is between their centres is (a) 10 (b) 16
15 yr. If their ages are in the ratio (a) 9.1 cm (b) 2.7 cm (c) 6 (d) 8
of 3 : 5 : 7, then the age of the (c) 3.7 cm (d) 10.1 cm 133. If x2 + 4x + 3 = 0, then the value of
youngest boy (in yr) is 126. There is a circle of radius 5 cm and
(a) 18 (b) 21 (c) 9 (d) 15 the perpendicular distance from x3
119. Of three numbers, the first is twice the centre of the circle to the chord x 6  27 x 3  27
the second and the second is of the circle is 3 cm. Then, the
thrice the third. If the average of length of the chord is (a) –1 (b) –
the three numbers is 10, then the (a) 6 cm (b) 5 cm 2
largest number is (c) 8 cm (d) 4 cm 1
(a) 12 (b) 18 (c) 30 (d) 15 127. In a ABC, A – 20°, B –C (c) 1 (d)
120. A man purchased a car for Rs. = 32°. Then, the A is
134. Find the ar ea of the triangle
135000 and spent Rs. 25000 on (a) 84° (b) 90°
repairs. At what price was the car (c) 75° (d) 80° 9C
formed by the graph F = + 32
sold if he suffered 10% loss on it? 128. The bisector of BAC of ABC 5
(a) Rs. 176000 (b) Rs. 144000 cuts BC at and D and the with the F-axis and C-axis.
(c) Rs. 121500 (d) Rs. 150000 circumcircle of the triangle at E. If
121. In the certain examination, 77% 2760
DE = 3 cm, AC = 4 cm and AD = 5 (a) sq unit
candidates passed in English and cm, then the length of AB is 9
34% failed in Mathematics. If 13% (a) 9 cm (b) 10 cm 2760
failed in both the subjects and 784 (c) 7 cm (d) 8 cm (b) sq unit
candidates passed in both the 9
129. In two ABC and PQR,
subjects, then the total number of 2860
candidates was BC = QR , AB = PQ and (c) sq unit
(a) 1600 (b) 1800 extended m ABC = 120° and
(c) 1200 (d) 1400 extended m PQS = 120°. Then, by 2560
122. A train 120 m long runs through a (d) sq unit
which condition ar e the two 9
station at the speed of 54 km/h. triangles congruent?
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1.8: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

135. If in a ABC, AB is smaller than (a) cot A cot B

AC, then AC – AB is (b) sec A cosec B
(c) tan A tan B
(a) =BC (b) < AC (d) None of these
2 141. The angle subtended at the centre
(c) <BC (d) > BC of a circle by an arc length equal in
1  sin length to the radius of the circle is
136. is equal to defined as
1 – sin
(a) one radian
(a) sec  + tan  (b) 90 degrees
(b) sec  – tan  (c) one grade 145. If in the year 1998, the boxes were
(c) cosec  + cot  (d) one degree exported at the same rate per box
(d) cosec  – cot  142. If sin x + sin 2 x = 1, then the value as that in 1997, what would be the
3 of cos2 x + cos4 x is value (in crore of Rs.) of export in
137. If tan  = and 0 <  < and (a) 2 1998?
4 2
(b) 2.5 (a) 330 (b) 400
25x sin2 cos  = tan2, then the
(c) 1 (c) 352 (d) 375
value of x is
(d) 1.5 146. What is the difference between
7 143. The value of a sector in a pie-chart boxes (in lakh) exported in the
(a) years 1996 and 1997?
64 is equal to
(a) 50
9 Angle of the sector (b) 25
(b) (a) × 100
64 360 (c) 100
3 Angle of the sector (d) None of these
(c) (b) × Total 147. In which year was the value per
64 360
aluminium box theminimum?
value of the data
5 (a) 1996
(d) Angle of the sector (b) 1998
64 (c) × Total
138. A kite flying at a height of 45 m 180 (c) 1999
from the level ground is attached value of the data (d) 1995
to string inclined t 60° to the 148. What is the difference (in lakh)
Angle of the sector between the boxes exported in the
horizontal. The length of the (d) × 100
180 years 1997 and 1998?
string is
144. In the figure, AB || CD and EF (a) 100000
30 intersects them. Then, the value of (b) 1000000
(a) m x is
2 (c) 10
E (d) 1000
(b) 30 5 m 149. What was the aproximate
(c) 30 3 m A B percentage increase in export
value from the years 1995 to 1999?
(d) 30 2 m (a) 375
4x + 12°
139. If a sec  = x and b tan  = y, then C D (b) 200
how are x and y connected with a (c) 333.3
and b? (d) None of these
(a) a2x2 –b2y2 = a2b2 150. What was the percentage drop in
(a) 18° (b) 14°
(b) b2x2 – a2y2 = a2b2 export quantity from the years 1995
(c) 28°
(c) a2x2 + b2y2 = a2b2 to 1996?
(d) 24°
(d) b2x2 + a2y2 = a2b2 (a) 75
Directions (Q. Nos. 145-150) Study the
tan A  tan B (b) 25
140. is equal to following chart and answer the
(c) 50
cot A  cot B questions given below the chart.
(d) None of these
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1.9: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

Directions (Q.Nos. 151-155) In the (b) to deliver given for the Idiom/Phrase underlined in
following questions, some parts of the (c) to be delivering the sentence. Choose the alternative
sentence have errors and some are (d) not to be delivered which best expresses the meaning of the
cor rect. Find out which par t of a 160. Her true feelings manifested Idiom/Phrase.
sentence has an error. If a sentence is themselves in her sar castic 167. Ask Mr. Das. He can give you all
free from error, mark (d) as your answer. remarks, only then was her ........ the news you need. He is always
151. With our great annoyance (a)/we revealed. in the swim.
found the ground (b)/filled with (a) sweetness (b) bitterness (a) in search of news
broken glasses. (c)/No error (d) (c) sarcasm (d) charm (b) well-informed and upto date
152. The new device (a)/aims at Directions (Q.Nos. 161-163) In the (c) giving news to others
eliminating (b)/the risk of short- following questions out of the four (d) at the swimming pool
circuiting. (c)/No error (d) alternatives, choose the one which best 168. You have been trying to solve
153. I wish to heartily (a)/congratulate expresses the meaning of the given this puzzle for a long time, be
you for (b)/your astounding word. careful, so that you avoid barking
success. (c)/No error (d) 161. Brutalize up the wrong tree.
154. The visitor took the vacant seat (a) Devise (b) Strike (a) keep working constantly
(a)/next from mine (b)/one of the (c) Stir (d) III-treat (b) climbing the wrong tree
many huge sofas in the room. (c)/ 162. Pinnacle (c) trying to solve problems
No error (d) (a) Summit (b) Pit (d) trying to find something at a
155. He was (a)/a learnt man among (c) Capusle (d) Heart wrong place
lords, (b)/and a lord among 163. Garble 169. I’ll be able to do my job very well
learned men. (c)/No error (d) (a) Communicate when I know the ropes.
Directions (Q.Nos. 156-160) In the (b) Explain (a) learn the procedures
following questions sentences ar e (c) Confuse (b) gain confidence
given with blanks to be filled in with an (d) Hide (c) become bolder
appropriate word (s). Four alternatives (d) work in silence
Directions (Q.Nos. 164-166) In the 170. The secr etar y’s thoughtless
are suggested for each question. following questions choose the word
Choose the correct alternative out of the remark added fuel to the fire.
opposite in meaning to the given word. (a) helped in im pr oving the
164. Seamy situation
156. The book provides an overview of (a) Unpleasant (b) prevented the situation
European wines that should prove (b) Sincere (c) added humour to the situation
inviting to both the virtual ........ (c) Honest (d) worsened the difficult
and the experienced connoisseur. (d) Pure situation
(a) prodigal (b) novice 165. Cease 171. He could not get money from his
(c) zealot (d) glutton (a) Confront master because he rubbed him up
157. The Sun is shining brightly, please (b) Confiscate the wrong way.
........... the light. (c) Abandon (a) suggested a wrong method
(a) put off (b) put out (d) Initiate (b) advised him to be strict
(c) take off (d) put on 166. Denounce (c) Irked or irritated him
158. This practice was brought ........... to (a) Grant (d) asked him to speed up
prevent certain abuses. (b) Praise
(a) about (b) in Directions (Q.Nos. 172-181) In the
(c) Signify following questions sentence /a part of
(c) down (d) off (d) Confirm
159. This package was supposed the sentence is underlined. Below are
........... yesterday. Directions (Q.Nos. 167-171) In the given alternatives to the underlined part
(a) to have been delivered following questions four alternatives are at (a), (b), (c) which may improve the

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1.10: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

sentence. Choose the cor r ect 179. He denied that he had not forged (a) Topology
alternative. In case no improvement is my signature. (b) Numismatics
needed, your answer is (d). (a) would not forge (c) Speleology
172. The government representative (b) had forged (d) Seismology
furnished the reporters all details. (c) did not forge 187. Government be the few.
(a) provided the reporter s all (d) No improvement (a) Monarchy
details 180. There is an error in grammar in the (b) Anarchy
(b) furnished reporters all details sentence. (c) Oligarchy
(c) furnished the reporters with (a) a written error (d) Autocracy
all the details (b) a grammar error 188. Materials that change naturally by
(d) No improvement (c) a grammatical error the action of bacteria.
173. It was raining so heavily yesterday (d) No improvement (a) Biological
that I could not move out for may 181. To his astonishment and (b) Biodegradiable
usual walk. admiratior, he got the information (c) Inflammable
(a) I could not go out for my that it was only the picture of a (d) Perishable
usual walk curtain. Directions (Q.Nos. 189 and 190) In the
(b) I could not move for my usual (a) found following questions four words are
walk (b) saw clearly given in each question, out of which
(c) I could not go to my usual (c) received the information only one word is correctly spelt. Find
walk (d) No improvement the correctly spelt word.
(d) No improvement Directions (Q.Nos. 182-188) In the   
174. Ram filled ink into his pen before following questions out of the four  
leaving for school. alternatives, choose the one which can  
(a) filled ink in his pen be substituted for the given words/  
(b) filled his pen with ink sentence.   
(c) filled ink on his pen 182. Having a stale small or taste.  
(d) No improvement (a) Savoury  
175. The toys he bought for Suzy are (b) Tepid  
too to be cheap. (c) Rancid
(a) are so much good to be cheap Directions (Q.Nos. 191-200) You have
(d) Insipid two brief passages with five questions
(b) are so good that to be cheap 183. A wooden object used for
(c) were so good to be cheap following each passage. Read the
connecting animals that ar e passages carefully and choose the best
(d) No improvement pulling a vehicle.
176. I did one mistake in the dictation answer to each question out of the four
(a) Whip alternatives.
test today. (b) Yoke
(a) I made a mistake in (c) Rein Passage I
(b) I did a mistake in (d) Leash A crucial element that defines the
(c) I did a mistake at 184. A man who knows a lot about soap opera is the open-ended nature of
(d) No improvement things like food, music and art. the narrative, with stories spanning
177. John has been detai ned at a (a) Hostage several episodes. One of the defining
meeting. (b) Connoisseur features that makes a television program
(a) by the meeting (c) Priest a soap oper a, accor ding to Alber t
(b) on a meeting(c) in meeting (d) Optimist Moran, is “that form of television that
(d) No improvement 185. A doctor who specializes in works with a continuous open narrative.
178. The butler was as devoted as a diseases of the nose. Each episode ends with a promise that
faithful dog. (a) Pathologist the stor yline is to be continued in
(a) a faithful cat (b) Podiatrist another episode.”
(b) a faithful pet (c) Rhinologist In 2012, Robert. Lloyd of the Los
(c) a faithful friend (d) Otologist Angeles Times wrote of daily dramas,
(d) No improvement 186. Study of caves. “Although melodramatically eventful,
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1.11: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

soap operas such as this also have a (b) different concurrent narrative streak that there’s snag there in a current
luxury of space that makes them seem threads which breaks on it and makes that streak
more naturalistic, indeed, the economics (c) more time spent with minor look that way.
of the form demand long scenes and characters 196. How did the days and nights go
conversations that a 22-episodes-per- (d) apparent villains that grow by, according to the writer?
season weekly series might dispense less apparent villainous (a) They slid along so smooth
with half a dozen lines of dialogue may 195. Soap operas that run for a part of and soft and quietly
be drawn out, as here, for pages. You the year usually end in (b) They slid along so quietly and
spend more time even with the minor (a) a cliffhanger smooth and softly
characters the apparent villains grow less (b) a sequence (c) They slid along so quiet and
a apparently villainous. (c) a cliff smooth and lovely
Soap opera stor ylines run (d) an episode (d) They slid along so smooth
concurrently, intersect and lead into Passage II and quietly
further developments An individual 197. They stopped navigating
episode of a soap opera will generally Two or three days and nights went
by, 1 reckon I might say they swam by (a) at daytime
switch between several differ ent (b) at dawn
concurrent “.arrative threads that may at they slid along so quiet and smooth and
(c) at night
times interconnect and affect one lovely. Here is the way we put it in the
(d) at dusk
another or may run entirely independent time. It was a monstrous big river down
198. After a swim in the moor they
of each other. Evening soap operas and there-sometimes a mile and a half wider
(a) set down on the sandy shore
serials that run for only a part of the year we ran rights, and laid up and hid
and watched the daylight
tend to bring things to a dramatic end-of- daytimes, soon as night was most gone
season cliffhanger. we stopped navigating and tied up nearly
(b) set down on the sandy
191. What does the author mean ‘by always in the dead water under a
bottom and watched the
the open -ended nature of soap towhead and then cut young cotton
daylight come
operas? woods and willows and hid the roft with
(c) set down on the sandy
(a) Every episode ends shruptly them-Then, we set out the lines. Next we bottom where the water was
(b) Consecutive episodes nave slid into the river and had a swim, so as about ankle deep and watched
no connection to freshen up and cool, off then we set the daylight come
(c) Each episode ends with a down on the sandy bottom where the (d) set down on the sandy
promise that the storyline is to water was about knee deep and watched bottom where the water was
be continued in another the daylight com e. Not a sound about knee deep and watched
episode anywhere-perfectly shill just like the the daylight come
(d) Every episode has a different whole word was asleep, only sometimes, 199. In the stillness of the night
story the bullfrogs a cluttering maybe. The (a) the whole world was asleep
192. A soap opera has the space for it first thing to see, looking away over the (b) a sweep creaking or jumbled
to be more water, was a kind of dull line- that was the up voices could be heard
(a) dramatic woods on other side, you couldn’t make (c) sound come so far
(b) tragic
nothing else out, then a pale place in the (d) the bullfrogs also were asleep
(c) artistic
sky, then m or e paleness spr eading 200. The streak on the water looks as it
(d) naturalistic
around, then the river softened up away does because
193. The economics of a soap opera
off and warm black any more, but gray (a) of a sang there in the swift
form demands for it to have
you could see little dark spots drifing current which breaks on it
(a) melodramatic events
along ever so far away-trading scowe (b) the streak has been swept by
(b) promising storylines
(c) long scenes and such things and long black streaks- the swift current
(d) luxurious space rafts sometimes you could hear a sweep (c) the swift current has broken
194. An individual episode of a soap creaking, jumbled up voices, it was so the streak
opera generally switches between still and sounds comes so far and by (d) the streak has been swept by
(a) successive intersections of and by you could see a streak on the the swift current to the shore
events water which you know by the look of the
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1.12: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (*) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (b) 45. (c) 46. (d) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (b)
51. (c) 52. (c) 53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (d)
61. (c) 62. (d) 63. (a) 64. (b) 65. (d) 66. (c) 67. (a) 68. (d) 69. (b) 70. (c)
71. (c) 72. (a) 73. (d) 74. (b) 75. (d) 76. (d) 77. (b) 78. (a) 79. (d) 80. (d)
81. (a) 82. (d) 83. (d) 84. (b) 85. (c) 86. (d) 87. (d) 88. (a) 89. (d) 90. (a)
91. (d) 92. (a) 93. (a) 94. (c) 95. (c) 96. (a) 97. (b) 98. (d) 99. (d) 100. (c)
101. (a) 102. (c) 103. (a) 104. (c) 105. (a) 106. (c) 107. (c) 108. (c) 109. (d) 110. (a)
111. (a) 112. (b) 113. (d) 114. (d) 115. (a) 116. (b) 117. (d) 118. (c) 119. (b) 120. (b)
121. (d) 122. (b) 123. (b) 124. (c) 125. (b) 126. (c) 127. (a) 128. (b) 129. (b) 130. (c)
131. (d) 132. (c) 133. (a) 134. (d) 135. (c) 136. (a) 137. (d) 138. (c) 139. (b) 140. (c)
141. (a) 142. (c) 143. (b) 144. (c) 145. (c) 146. (d) 147. (d) 148. (c) 149. (c) 150. (b)
151. (a) 152. (c) 153. (b) 154. (b) 155. (b) 156. (b) 157. (b) 158. (b) 159. (b) 160. (b)
161. (d) 162. (a) 163. (c) 164. (d) 165. (d) 166. (b) 167. (b) 168. (d) 169. (a) 170. (d)
171. (c) 172. (c) 173. (a) 174. (b) 175. (d) 176. (a) 177. (d) 178. (d) 179. (b) 180. (c)
181. (a) 182. (c) 183. (b) 184. (b) 185. (c) 186. (c) 187. (c) 188. (b) 189. (a) 190. (a)
191. (c) 192. (d) 193. (c) 194. (b) 195. (a) 196. (c) 197. (b) 198. (d) 199. (a) 200. (a)

1. As, Optimist is always Cheerful, in 8. Except 35, all other are multiples of
4. As,
the same way Pessimist is always 9.
Gloomy. 9. Except 11-115, in all others options
r ight side number can get by
2. As
multiplication of left number and
one less from left number.
10. Except OPRS, all other ar e
Same as, increasing by + 1, + 1, + 2.
Same as, 11. Cape is different from others.
12. The meaningful order of the given
words is as follows
Seed  Embryo  Germination 
5. As, 225 : 256  (15)2 : (15 + 1)2 Plant  Flower  Fruit
3. As,
Same as, 289 : 324 13. The order of given words as per
the English dictionar y is as
 (17)2 : (17 + 1) 2 follows
6. As, Money can be Literacy  Litter  Little  Live
Misappropriation, in the same way
Same as,  Living
Writing can be Plagiarism. 14. ip/ig/up/og/ip/ig/up/og/ip/ig
7. Except Ally, all other are harmful Hence, option (d) is the right
for us. answer.
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1.13: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

15. A K G L M N D Q K G C S Hence, it is clear from diagram that

C is wife of D.  ×x = 176
21. ‘MARCY’ word can be formed
GK E using the letters of the given main 176  100
Thus, in the given ser ies two word DEMOCRACY.  x=
‘KGN’ occur in such a way that ‘G’ 22. Due to absence of letter ‘L’ in the = 8 × 100
is in the middle and ‘K’ and ‘N’ are given main word, ‘RELATION’  x= 800
adjacent to it on both sides. word cannot be formed. Now number of student got first
23. Given, Mr. Mani’s present age class = 34% of 800
= 47 yr
and John’s present age = 13 yr 34
= × 800
Let, in x yr Mr. Mani’s age be 100
double of John’s age. = 34 × 8 = 272
Therefore, in the above series, 7 According to the question, 28. Meaningful word can be formed
will be come in the place of 47 + x = 2 (13 + x) from the given word is CODING.
question mark.  47 + x = 26 + 2x Sequence of this word is as below
 2x – x = 47 – 26 C O D I N G
17.  x = 21 yr 3 4 52 6 1
Hence, after 21 yr Mr. Mani’s age 29. Given equation, (8 * 7 * 6) * 5 * 10
be double of John’s age. Now, replacing * sign with the
Hence, in the above series, OLC 24. As, mathematical sign of option (a),
will be come in the place of (8 × 7 – 6)  5 = 10
question mark.  (56 – 6)  5 = 10
18. The sequence of given series is as  50  5 = 10
follows  10 = 10
7× 1+1=8 Hence, option (a) is the right
 8 × 2 + 2 = 18 answer.
18 × 3 + 3 = 51 30. After changing th e sign of
 57 × 4 + 4 = 232 equation given in option (a) as per
232 × 5 + 5 = 1165 25. As, the question,
Hence, in the series, 232 will be CH A R A C T E R 10 – 3 + 5 + 4 = 16
come in the place of question           7 + 5 + 4 = 16
mark. 2 4 1 6 1 2 3 7 6  16 = 16
19. According to the question, and Hence, option (a) is the rith
Mohan > Kamal > Sachin > Ram CH I L D R E N answer.
...(i)         31. As, 5 * 3 = 125
and 2 4 8 5 9 6 7 0  (5)3 = 125
Kamal > Arun > Sachin ..(ii) Similarly, and 4 * 3 = 64
So, from Eqs. (i) and (ii), H I R A L A L  (4)3 = 64
Mohan > Kamal > Arun > Sachin        Same as, 8 * 2 = ?
4 8 6 1 5 1 5
>Ram ...(iii)  (8)2 = 64
It is clear from Eq. (iii) that the 26. According to the question,
 ? = 64
second tallest is Kamal. 32. As, 9 × 6 – 5 = 49
20. Making the relation diagram from and 7 × 8 – 4 = 52
information given, Same as 4 × ? – 3 = 25
 4 × ? = 25 + 3 = 28
27. Let total student appeared in an 28
exam = x  ?= =7
Then, 22% of x = 176
?= 7
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1.14: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

33. As, 4 + 22 – 10 = 16 49. C  04, 88,

and 8 + 14 – 5 = 17 39. A B O  11, 30, 57, 78, 89,
Same as, S  14, 23, 41, 69, 99,
10 + ? – 3 = 18 O
T  31, 33, 76, 96
 7 + ? = 18  COST  04, 11, 41, 76
 ? = 18 – 7 = 11 L K 50. Answer figure (b) is the correct
mir ror im age of the question
 ? = 11 D C
F figure.
34. As, (2) 2 + (3)2 = 4 + 9 = 13
101. Number of pages copied by
and (4)2 + (5)2 = 16 + 25 = 41 Number of such triangles are as
Same as, follows 50
AGI, AEI, EBJ, BHJ, HCK, Subhash in 1 h = = 5 and
(3)2 + (4)2 = 9 + 16 = 25 CFK, FDL,DLG, OGE,OEH, number of pages copied by
OHF, GAE, EBH, HCF, FDG, Subhash and Prakash in 1 h
35. FGE, GEH, EHF, HFG= 20
40. Answer figure (a) can be formed 300 15
Files Books Journals = =
from the cut-pieces given in the 40 2
Papers question figure. Subhash + Prakash can copy 15/2
41. Answer figure (a) will be formed Pages in 1 hour. So Prakash can
It is clear from the diagram that on folding the question figure.
15 5
only Conclusion II follows. 42. Letter Q represents those Actors copy = 5 = pages is 1
36. Walking diagram of Pratap is as who are also Dancers, Singers as 2 2
follow well as Violinists. hour.
2 km 43. Machinery comes under the group Therefor Prakash can copy 30
N of Factory and Product can be pages in 12 hour
3 km formed by the Machinery. 102. Smallest number of boxes for buns
4 km alone
LCM of 10 and 8
7 km Product = Number of buns in a box

S Machinery 40
It is clear from diagram that he is Factory = =4
facing South direction now. 44. Both Train and Bus are different
37. Walking diagram of Vijay is as types of transport medium used by 2
 x 4 – 1 ( x 4 –1) 2
follow. Travellers. 103. 1  = 1
D A  –2 x 2  4 x4
10 km
4 x 4  x8  1 – 2 x 4
12 km 12 km =
W E Train Bus 4 x4
10 km
( x 4  1) 2  x 4  1
= =  
Point A is the starting point and D (2 x 2 ) 2  2x2 
45. Answer figure (c) will complete the
is the ending point of walking of
pattern of the question figure. x4  1
46. Answer figure (d) will complete the =
Now, Vijay’s distance from starting 2x2
pattern of the question figure.
point = AD = BC = 10 km
47. Answer figure (c) will appear when 104. Men Days
38. As per the conclusion we may
a piece of paper is folded and cut 270 10
conclude that ....... there is a steady
as shown in the question figure. 180 x
increase of the fertilizer
48. Question figure is hidden/
consumption. 270 x
embedded in the answer figure (d). =
180 10
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1.15: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

 x× 180 = 270× 10
144 V1  2  3
Now, cost of 1 pair of socks = 
270  10
= 15
12 V2 =  3 
180 = Rs. 12 [From Eq. (i)]
 x= 15 days • Number of socks obtain in
105. Let, men in beginning = x Rs. 12 = 1 pair V1 8
 Number of socks obtain in  V2 = 27
Men Days
x 100 1  V1 : V2 = 8 : 27
Rs. 1 = pair 111. Let, diameter of circle = d
(x–10) 110 12
 Number of socks obtain in Perimeter = 2r = 2d [• d = 2r]
x 110
 = 1 d  75
x – 10 100 Rs. 60 = × 60 pair = 5 pairs Then, new diameter = d +
12 100
 100x = 110x– 1100
 110x– 100x = 1100 109. Selling price of machine 3d 7d
 10x = 1100 =d+ =
 100 – 8   100 – 5 4 4
 x= 110 = 7500 ×   × 
100   100  7d
106. Let each side of the square lawn Now, new perimeter =  ×
=x m 4
 100 – 2 
Then, according to the question, ×   7 d
100 
 (x + 4 + 4)2 – (x)2 = 196 =
 (x + 8)2 – x2 = 196 92 95 98
 x2 + 64 + 16x – x2 = 196 = 7500 × × ×  Increase in perimeter
100 100 100
7 d  7d 
3  92  95  98 =
– d =  4 – d 
x =
100  4
(x+4+4)  3d  3 d 3
3  23  95  98 642390 =  4  = 4 = d × 4
= =
100 100
= Rs. 642390 Now, percentage increase in
 16x = 196 – 64 = 132 110. Given, 3
132 Surface area of first sphere 4 × 100%
x= = 8.25 perimeter =
16 Surface area of second sphere d
 x = 8.25 m
4 r12 4 = × 100% = 75%
25 = = 4
107. Rebate on one shirt = 32 × 4 r22 9
100 112. We know that per imeter of
= Rs. 8 2 equilateral triangle = 3 × side
 r1  4
Now, rebate of Rs. 8 gets = 1 shirt   r  = 9  42 = 3 × side
1 42
 Rebate of Rs. 1 gets = shirts  Side = = 14
8 r1 2 3
 r2 = 3 ...(i)  Side = 14 cm
 Rebate of Rs. 40 gets = × 40 Now, area of equilateral triangle
8 Volume of first sphere
= 5 shirts Now, Volume of second sphere 3
= × (side)2
108. Cost price of 1 dozen pairs of 4
socks. 4 3 3
r  r1  3 3
160  10 3 1 = × (14)2 = × 14 × 14
= =
= 160 –
= 160 – 16 4 3  r2  4 4
= Rs. 144 3 = 49 3 cm2

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1.16: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

We know that, = 3 × 3 = 9 yr
113. Given, x + =1 x3 + y3 = (x + y) (x2 – xy + y2) 119. Let, third number = x
x x3 + y3 = (x + y) [(x2 + y2) – xy] Then, second number = 3x and
= (x + y) [x2 + y2 - xy+ 2xy - 2xy] first number = 6x
 1
x x  3  = (x + y) [x2 + y2 + 2xy - 3xy] Now, according to the question,
x  3x  1  x
 2 = = (x + y) [(x + y)2 - 3xy]
 1 6 x  3x  x
x  7x  1 x x  7   = (x + y) [x + y)2 - 2xy - xy] = 10
 x = (x + y) [x + y)2 - 3xy] 3
= (4) [(4)2 - 3 × 1] 10 x
1 = 4 (16 - 3) = 4 × 13 = 52  = 10
x   3 1 3 3
x 116. Given, (a2 + 2a)2 + 12(a2 + 2a) – 45 x=3
= =
1 1 7 Let, a2 + 2a = x  Largest number = 6x = 6 × 3 = 18
x 7
x x + 12x – 45 = x2 + 15x – 3x – 45
120. Total CP of car = 135000 + 25000
= x (x + 15) – 3(x + 15) = Rs. 160000 and Loss = 10%
 1  = (x + 15) (x – 3) Now,
• x  x  1 Now, putting the value of x in
these factors. (100 – Loss percent)
4 1 SP of car = CP ×
= (a2 + 2a + 15) (a2 + 2a – 3) 100
= =
8 2 = (a2 + 2a – 3) (a2 + 2a + 15)
(100 –10)
114. Given, a + b + c = 0 = (a2 + 3a – a – 3) (a2 + 2a + 15) = 160000 × = 1600 × 90
= [a(a + 3) – 1(a + 3)] (a2 + 2a + 15) 100
 a + b =– c
b + c =– a = (a + 3) (a – 1) (a2 + 2a + 15) = Rs. 144000
c + a =– b 117. Let number of passengers in first 121. Let, total number of candidates = x
class be x and number of candidate passed in English
1 1 1 1 passengers in second class be 40x. = 77%
 3 + 3 + 3 + +
a b c ( a  b )3 Then, total amount of first class  Candidates failed in English
=4x = (100 – 77)% = 23%
1 1 and candidat es failed in
3 +
and total amount of second class
(b  c ) ( c  a) 3 =40x Mathematics = 34%
 Ratio of the amounts collected Now, candidate failed in both the
1 1 1 1 subjects = 13%
= 3 + + 3 + + from the first class and the second
a b 3
c (– c )3 class passengers = 4 : 40  candidates passed in both the
 Amount collected from the first subjects
1 1 = {100 – (23 + 34 + 13)}%
3 +
class passengers
(– a) (–b )3 = (100 – 44)% = 56%
a Now, it is given that 56% of x = 784
1 1 1 1 1 = × 11000
= 3 + 3 + 3 – 3 – 3 – ab
a b c c a x  56
Where, a = 4 and b = 40  = 784
1 4 4  11000
=0 = × 11000 = 784  100
b3 4  40 44  = 14 × 100
115. Given, x+ y=4 ...(i) = Rs. 1000 56
118. Let, ages of all three boys are 3x,  x = 1400
1 1
and + =4 5x and 7x respectively. Hence Total number of candidates
x y = 1400
According to the question,
122. Here, Distance = Length of train
yx 3x  5 x  7 x
 =4 = 15 = 120 m and speed of train
xy 3 = 54 km/h
 x + y = 4xy  15x = 45
 4 = 4xy [From eq. (i)] x=3 = 54 × m/s = 15 m/s
 xy = 1 ...(iii)  Age of youngest boy = 3x 18
 Time taken by train to pass a
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1.17: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

man standing on the plateform AC = 6.3 cm, BC = 3.6 cm

AB 5
Now, distance between centre of  =
Distance 120 m 8 4
= = 15 m/ s = 8 s both the circles = AB
Speed = AC – BC = 6.3 – 3.6 = 2.7 cm 85
 AB = = 10
30 126. In figures, OM  AB, radius 4
123. Time taken by A = h, Time OC = 5 cm  AB = 10 cm
and perpendicular distance from A P

30 129.
centre to chord AB = 3 cm
taken by B = h
7 B C D Q R S
30 In figure, ABC and PQR are
Time taken by C = h similar triangle.
8 O
Time to come to all together Here, BC = QR and AB = PQ
3 cm
30 30 30 and B = Q = 120°
= LCM of , and A 4 cm M B Hence, both triangle are congruent
5 7 8
Now, OA = OC = 5 cm by the condition of Angle-Side-
LCM of 30, 30, 30 Side.
= HCF of 5, 7, 8 = 30 h • Point M, bisect chord AB
 AB = 2 AM 130. Since, given ABC is an
124. Given, P = Rs. 1000, t = 2 yr, Now, In OAM, equilateral triangle.
A = Rs. 110250, r = ? (OA)2 = (AM)2 + (OM)2
t [By Pythagoras Theorem]
 r   (AM)2 = (OA)2 – (OM)2
By A = P  1 
 100   (AM)2 = (5)2 – (3)2
= 25 – 9 = 16 O
 r   (AM)2 = (4)2
 110250 = 1000 P 1 
 100   AM = 4 cm B C

Now, length of chord So, angle formed by incentre is
110250  100  r  AB = 2 × AM = (2 × 4) cm = 8 cm also equal.
 =  
1000 100  127. Given, A – B = 20° ...(i) BOC, COA and AOB is
and B – C = 32° ...(ii) equal to 60°.
11025  100  r  We know that,
 =  131. Given, x = 3 + 2 2
10000  100  A + B + C = 180° ...(iii)
Now, solving to Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii)  x3 = (3 + 2 2 )3 = 33 + (2 2 )3
2 2
 105   100  r  We get A = 84°
   =   + 3.3.2 2 (3 + 2 2 )
100 100  128. From figure,
AE = AD + DE = 5 + 3 = 8 cm = 27 + 16 2 + 18 2 (3 + 2 2 )
105 100  r ABC = CED
 = = 27 + 16 2 + 54 2 + 72
100 100 Now, In ADB and AEC,
 105 = 100 + r AB AD = (99 + 70 2 )
 r = 105 – 100 = 5% = [Similar
AE AC 1 1
 r = 5% Now,
Triangles] 3 =
125. From figure, x (99  70 2)

(99 – 70 2)

(99  70 2)(99 – 70 2)

C 5 cm
A B 3.6
(99 – 70 2)
D =
3 cm (99)2 – (70 2)2

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1.18: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

= putting x = 1 Then, in ABC,

99 – 70 2
= = 99 – 70 2 1 A
9801– 9800
1 = ( 1)3  27  x
 x3 + = (99 + 70 2 ) + (99 – ( 1)3
x3 45 m
2) 1
= = –1 60°
= 99 + 70 2 + 99 – 70 2 = 198 1  27  27
1 1  sin (1  sin )(1  sin ) AB 45
and x3 – = (99 + 70 2 ) – (99 136. = sin 60° = =
x3 1 – sin (1 – sin )(1  sin ) AC x
– 2) 45
(1  sin ) 2 (1  sin ) 3
= 99 + 70 2 – 99 + 70 2 = =  =
1 – sin 2 cos 2 2 x
= 140 2 2  45
(1  sin ) 1 sin x=
132. (a + b)2 + (b + c)2 + (c + a)2 = = + 3
= a2 + b2 + 2ab + b2 + c2 + 2bc + cos cos cos
c2 + a2 + 2ca = sec  + tan 
2  45  3
2 2 2
= a + b + c + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca + 137. Given,  x= = 30 3
a2 + b2 + c2
= (a + b + c) + a + b + c2
2 2 2  x = 30 3 m
= 2(a + b + c)2 – 2(ab + bc + ca) 3
Hence, length of string is 30 3 m.
= 2(a + b + c)2 – 2(ab + bc + ca)
139. Taking option (b), which is
= 2 × (2)2 – 2 × (1) = 8 – 2 = 6 B 4 A
b2x2 – a 2y2 = a2b2 ...(i)
133. • x2 + 4x + 3 = 0
3 BC Now, putting the value of x and y
 x2 + 3x + x + 3 = 0 tan  = =
4 AB in Eq. (i)
 x(x + 3) + 1(x + 3) = 0
Now, in ABC  b2(a sec )2 – a2(b tan )2
 (x + 3)(x + 1) = 0
(AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2 = a2b2
 x = – 3 and – 1s
(AC)2 = (4)2 + (3)2 = 16 + 9 = 25  b2a2 sec2  – a2b2 tan 2  = a2b2
x3  a2b2 (sec2  – tan 2 ) = a2b2
Now, AC = 25 = 5  a2b2 = a2b2 [• sec2
x 6  27 x 3  27
3 BC – tan 2  = 1]
x3 Again in ABC, sin  = = Hence, option (b) is the right
= 5 AC
 27  answer.
x 3  x 3  27  3  4 AB
 x  and cos  = = tan A  tan B tan A  tan B
5 AC 140. =
cot A  cot B 1 1
1 Now, 25x sin 2  cos  = tan 2  
= tan A tan B
27 2 2
x 3  27   3 4  3
x3  25x .   × =   tan A  tan B
 5 5  4 = = tan A . tan B
Since, we have x = – 3 and x = – 1 tan B  tan A
So, putting x = – 3, we get 9 4 9 tan A  tan B
 25x × × =
1 25 5 16 141. The length subtended at the
= centre of a circle by an arc length
27 x94 9
(–3)3  27   = equal in length to the radius of the
(–3)3 5 16 circle is defined as one radian.
59 5 142. • sin x + sin2 x = 1
1 1 x= =
= = =–1 9  4  16 64  sin x = 1 – sin2 x = cos2 x ...(i)
27 –1
–27  27 – 138. Let, length of string = x m Now, cos2 x + cos4 x = sin x + cos4x

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1.19: Solved Paper (26-10-2014) (1st Sitting)

= sin x + sin 2 x [From eq. (i)] value of per box was minimum in
=1 = = 2.2 lakh the year 1995.
143. The value of a sector in a pie chart 150 148. Boxes exported in the year 1998
Now, boxes exported in the year = 160 lakh
r2 1998= 160
= Boxes exported in the year 1997
360  Export value in 1998 = 150 lakh
= 160 × 2.2 = 352 crore  Required difference
Angle of the sector
= × Total 146. Number of boxes exported in year = (160 – 150) lakh = 10 lakh
360° 1997= 150 149. Export value in 1995
value of the data and number of boxes exported in = Rs. 150 crore
144. From figure, year 1996 = 75 Export value in 1999
EOB = EMD= 2x°  Required difference = Rs. 500 crore
(Corresponding angle) = 150 – 75 lakh  Required percentage increase
150 500 –150
2x° 147. Per box value in 1995 = = × 100%
A B 100 150
= Rs. 1.5 lakh
4x+12° 350
C D 150 = × 100% = 333.33%
M Per box value in 1996 = 150
75 150. Quantity of export in 1995 = 100
F = Rs. 2 lakh lakh box
Now, EMD + EMC = 180°
330 Quantity of export in 1996 = 75
 4x + 12° + 2x = 180° Per box value in 1997 =
150 lakh box
 6x+ 12° = 180°
= Rs. 2.2 lakh  Required percentage drop in
 6 x = 180° – 12°
export quantity
 6x = 168° 400
Per box value in 1998 = 75 –100
168 160 = × 100%
 x= = 28° 100
6 = Rs. 2.5 lakh
 x= 28° –25
500 = × 100% = – 25%
145. Per box export rate in 1997 Per box value in 1999 = 100
= Rs. 2.5 lakh Here, negative sign show the
So, it is clear from above that the percentage drop in export quantity.

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