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1barut Alfa Cielo M. DLP Ways To Elucidate A Concept Definitionn

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A. Content Standards The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept paper.
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline.
C. Learning Competencies Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and clarification.
Write the LC code for each (CS_EN11/12A-Eapp-lg-j-20)
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, 80% of the learners are able to:
a. Define what is a concept, concept paper, and the first way; and eight techniques on how to
elucidate a concept by definition
b. Differentiate the eight techniques used in elucidating a concept
c. Use the eight techniques to elucidate a concept
A. References English for Academic and Professional Purposes QUARTER 1– MODULE 7: Ways to Elucidate a
1. Teacher’s Guide pages N/A
2. Learner’s Material pages pages 12 and 13
3. Textbook pages N/A
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

Good morning, class!

: Good morning, Ma’am.

Before we start, let's pray for guidance from the Lord to

enlighten our minds and understand today's lesson. (Name
of the student), could you lead us in prayer?
: (The student will lead the prayer.) Amen.
Is everyone present for today's discussion? Secretary,
could you inform me who is absent today?
: None, Ma’am. Everyone is present in
Great! Please tidy up your area by checking for any today’s discussion.
scattered pieces of paper or trash and arrange your chairs
before we start the class discussion.
: (The students will arrange their chairs
and will pick up the trashes.)
A. Reviewing previous lesson Before we start the discussion, let us have a game called
or presenting the new lesson “Guess me! To know me!”

Direction. Guess the object based on the given clues.

Who wants to read the direction of our game?

: (The students will raise the hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student) kindly read the direction.
: Direction. Guess the object based on the
given clues.
Thank you! As (Name of the student) have read you are to
guess the object through the clues that I am going to show

Are you ready!

: Yes, Ma’am!
If you’re ready then let us start
For item number one, who wants to read the given clues
and guess the object?
: (The students will raise the hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: 1. Clues: It is a piece of cloth, it is used
as a garment, and it is for the foot and
lower part of the leg.

Ma’am the answer is socks

Is (Name of the student) answer correct? Let’s find out.

(Present the picture)

Socks is correct! Next item, who wants to read and

answer? : (The students will raise the hands.)

Yes, (Name of the student) : 2. Clues: It is a thing that can be carried

and also carries your things. This thing
commonly seen at the back of students
when they go to school.

Ma’am the answer is a Backpack or a

school bag.

Very Good! It is a Backpack

(Present the picture)

Item number 3, who wants to read and answer? : (The students will raise the hands.)

Yes, (Name of the student) : 3. Clues: It is a thing that students wear

to identify their identity as a student of the
school. The student’s name and picture
are also printed on it.

Ma’am the answer is a School I.D.

Very Good! It is an I.D.

(Present the picture) : (The students will raise the hands.)

: 4. Clues: It is a piece of paper with

printed or written text and numbers that is
used in financial transactions. This thing is
also given to you after you have paid the
goods you bought in stores especially in
grocery shops.
And for the last item, Who wants to read and answer
Ma’am the answer is a receipt
Yes, (Name of the student)

Very Good! It is a receipt

(Present the picture)

B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson Who wants to enumerate the four things in our first activity?
: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student) please innumerate all the
things that your classmates have guessed
:1. Socks
2. Backpack
3. School I.D.; and
4. Receipt
Very Good!

And those things are called nouns. What does noun

means? These are?
: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: Nouns are used to name a place, things,
an object, a person.
Very Good!

Now that we have identified them as nouns specifically

tangible nouns; when we say tangible nouns, these are
nouns that is real and can be touch physically. Can we
consider them as ideas or a concept?
: No Ma’am, because as you have said
earlier that tangible nouns are things that
we can touch. So, it is not an example of
an idea.
Good, if those tangible things can be touch then what do
we mean by a concept?

: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student) what do we mean by a
concept? : A concept is an idea we have in our
minds and cannot be touch.

Very Good, When we say concept these are the things that
stuck in our minds that can be done in reality to be tangible
or just stays in our mind as a memory.

Who wants to read the definition of a concept?

: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: Concept is :
1. a general notion or idea; conception.
2. an idea of something formed by
mentally combining all its characteristics or
particulars; a construct.

As the definition have said a concept is only an idea, so we

cannot just imagine to have a good grades and our grades
will be as high as ninety. What do we do when we want to
have a high grade?

Anyone? None? I will call a random student in your class

list if no one wants to answer.

Yes, (Name of the student) what do you need to do to

boost up you grade?
: Ma’am we need to study hard and
comply to our teachers.

Yes very good! Your grades will not be boost if you will just
imagine to have a high grade, you need to work for it and
make it a reality.

Another is if you want to have new phone, you won’t just

imagine that you have a new phone without buying one.

Do you understand the meaning of a concept with those

given definitions and examples? Is concept clear to you
now? : Yes, Ma’am

After we have understood the meaning of a concept.

We are now going to define what we mean by a concept

paper. Any idea what do we mean by a concept paper?
: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: It is a discussion of ideas that is written in
paper Ma’am.
Good, a concept paper is the discussion of your ideas. In
here we write what we mean by this and that. We also write
in our concept paper the ideas we have or the plans we
have to make it real.

(Name of the student) Please read the first meaning of a

concept paper.

: The concept paper defines an idea or a

concept and explains its essence in order
to clarify the “whatness” of that idea or
concept. It answers the questions: what is
it and about it (Dadufalza 1996:183).

Next, who wants to volunteer?

: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: A concept paper starts with a definition,
either formal or informal, of the term or the
concept and proceeds with an expanded
definition and an analytic description of the
aspects of the concept.
Thank you, is concept paper clear?
: Yes, Ma’am
C. Presenting examples/ Now that a concept paper is clear, I will present to you an
instances of the new lesson example of a concept paper.

(Present a concept paper)

According to the example, what is the topic or the idea that

is discussed in the concept paper that I have presented to

Please raise your hand if you want to recite.

: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: The idea being discussed is about the
personal concept of a successful life of the
Yes, very good the discussion is about how the author
narrates the hardship that they went through and the
meaning of a successful life according to the perception
and ideas of the author.
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #1 After we have unlock the meaning of a concept and a
concept paper, there are ways that we can use to elucidate
a concept.

What do we mean by the word elucidate? Anyone? None?

If none let me flash the definition of the word.

Who wants to read the definition of the word elucidate?

Yes, (Name of the student)

: (The students are raising their hands.)

: to explain something or make something

Now by the given meaning of the word, what does
elucidate means?

Yes, (Name of the student)

: (The students are raising their hands.)

: Ma’am elucidate means that we explain

the word or phases in a simple and clear
Yes, very good! Elucidating words helps us to understand way.
them better.

There are three ways that we can use to elucidate a


First is by definition.

Who want to read the definition of the first way to elucidate

a concept?

Yes, (Name of the student) : (The students are raising their hands.)

: 1. Definition is a logic technique by which

the remaining of a term is revealed.
Definition is important because it clarifies
the meaning of a word or a concept and it
also limit the scope of that particular word
or concept. Limiting the scope controls
and avoids misinterpretations, argue
notions, and/ or broad ideas.
Please explain what you have understood in what you have
: We use definitions to clear the vague
points so that we can understand it directly
and avoid miscommunications.
Yes, very good! Giving definitions are very important
because as (Name of the student) said we should avoid
vague points to avoid misinterpretations that can lead to
arguments or even debates.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2 Under Definition, we have eight techniques to help us
elucidate some concepts.

1. Formal
2. By synonym
3. By origin or semantic history
4. By Illustration
5. By function
6. By analysis
7. By contrast
8. By negation

First, let us discuss the first technique.

(Name of the student) please read.

: 1. Formal- follows a pattern or equation:

Term + genus + differentia (Differentiating
Ex. A robot is a machine that looks like a
human being and performs complex acts
How do we do that? It says that he have to follow some of a human being.
formula which is Term + genus + differentia (Differentiating

Let us dissect the example given. The term means the

main topic in the sentence, the subject or the thing that is
being talk about. The genus is the identification of our term.
For example our term is “robot”, our genus will be
“machine”. Our genus is the one identifying our term. And
lastly the differentia or the differentiating characteristics.
This is the two dependent clause that contrast definition of
our term, which is “looks like a human being” and “performs
complex acts of human being”

Is it clear or not?

Second, By synonym. (Name of the student) Please read

the definition. : Clear Ma’am

:2. By synonym- using a word or phases

that shares a meaning with the term being
I assume that all of you knows what a synonym means, defined.
because you have hear of it when you were in junior and Ex: Hashish- Marijuana
even in elementary days.

In this technique we search for the same meaning but

different in words of the highfalutin word to a more simple
words that we can understand. And highfalutin word means
a deep term of a simple term. For example the highfalutin
word of beautiful is aesthetic.

Third, By origin or semantic history. (Name of the student)

Please read the example.

Base on the given example, what does defining by origin or : 3. By origin or semantic history - Ex.
semantic history means? Your clue is the word history and Yoga comes from the Sanskrit “to join”
origin, what do we mean by those words?

: Ma’am we define the concept by their

Yes, very good. I hope that you have understood that history to where they come from, where
because it is very self-explanatory. they started or originated.

Next, By Illustration. (Name of the student) Please read the

definition and example.

: 4. By Illustration- a picture or diagram

that helps make something clear or
attractive. An example or instance that
helps make something clear.

Ex. Known for their shedding their leaves

So when we say illustration it gives you some pictures, in the fall, deciduous include oaks,
diagrams or some examples to make you understand the maples, and beeches.
concept. In the example, it gives some example of trees
that sheds in fall. It innumerate and gives a lot of similar
characteristics or examples of the concept that you wanted
to unlock and understand.

Next, By Function (Name of the student) Please read the


: 5. By Function- means the concept was

defined by how we use or utilize it.
(Name of the student) can you give another example, give
a word and define it according to its function. Ex. A thermometer measures temperature

Very good!
: An eyeglasses helps the eyes see
Next, By analysis. (Name of the student) Please read the clearer.

: 6. By analysis- Breaking down wholes

into parts, aspects into levels, and a
process into steps
We can see in the example given, the republican form of
government is being define here and we analyze the Ex. The republican form of government
meaning of our term by its branches which is the has three branches: The executive, the
legislative, executive, and the judiciary. legislative, and the judiciary.

Seventh, By contrast (Name of the student) Please read

the definition.

Explain to us your understanding on how we use the : 7. By contrast- use of opposites.

technique by contrast.
Ex. Unlike those of gas, the particles of
Who wants to help him? plasma are electrically charged.

Yes, (Name of the student)

: (Students are raising their hands to
Okay good, from the word contrast, we find the opposite answer.)
meanings or characteristics of the concept to explain it.
And your big clue in the example is the word “unlike”. : By contrast means we use the antonyms
of the concept to explain it clearly.
And lastly, By negation (Name of the student) Please read
the definition.

: 8. By Negation- stating what a term is

Remember that we use the word “term” to refer to the not.
concept or the main topic in the phase. So, here in
negation, we are defining the concept as not it’s meaning Ex. Wild rice, an American delicacy, is not
at all. rice at all but the seed of a tall aquatic

F. Developing Mastery (Leads

to Formative Assessment 3) How many techniques do we have under definition again?
: (Students are raising their hands to
Yes, (Name of the student) kindly innumerate the eight
techniques that we have discussed a while ago.
: Ma’am,

1. Formal
2. By synonym
3. By origin or semantic history
4. By Illustration
5. By function
6. By analysis
7. By contrast; and
8. By negation

Did you understand the different techniques under

definition? : Yes, Ma’am!
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and Did you know that we are defining concepts like what we
skills in daily living have discusses subconsciously?
: No Ma’am we have no idea
If so, I will give you some real life situations where in we
use defining to elucidate concepts or ideas.

For example, when you are inside a class, anything that we

are not familiar with are being cleared as the teacher define
the new concepts that you have just encountered.

Isn’t it?

Can you give another situation where we define some : Yes, Ma’am.
concepts? Who wants to volunteer?

: (Students are raising their hands to

Yes, (Name of the student) answer.)

:For example, when we encounter difficult

and new words, we use the dictionary to
find the synonyms of the unknown word to
understand it.
Yes, very good!
(Name of the student) example is right. Another is when
someone went to you and ask if you have seen or know a
certain person.

Didn’t we describe or illustrate the person’s physical

appearance to make them think of the person you are
looking for? This situation is very familiar with us because
we always like to illustrate people.

Are the given examples clear?

:Yes, Ma’am
H. Making generalizations and Now, before we end our lesson, who can summarize our
abstractions about the lesson today’s discussion? : (The students are raising their hands to
Yes, (name of the student)?
: Our lesson for today is the different ways
and techniques to elucidate a concept.
Specifically, the Definition. Under definition
there are eight techniques these are:

: 1. Formal- follows a pattern or equation:

Term + genus + differentia (Differentiating
:2. By synonym- using a word or phases
that shares a meaning with the term being
: 3. By origin or semantic history - Ex.
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit “to join”
: 4. By Illustration- a picture or diagram
that helps make something clear or
: 5. By Function- means the concept was
defined by how we use or utilize it.
: 6. By analysis- Breaking down wholes
into parts, aspects into levels, and a
process into steps
: 7. By contrast- use of opposites.
: 8. By Negation- stating what a term is

Very well said! It seems that you already understood

today’s discussion.
I. Evaluating Learning
Direction. In a whole sheet of yellow paper, Elucidate the
terms that is in the first column which is the term/concept
column using the eight techniques under the first way of
explaining a concept; the Definition.

Term/Concept Elucidate/ Explain Ways

Mother Board 1. formal
2. synonym
3. origin
4. illustration
5. function
6. analytic
7. contrast
8. negation
Humanity 1. formal
2. synonym
3. origin
4. illustration
5. function
6. analytic
7. contrast
8. negation
Scientific 1. formal
2. synonym
3. origin
4. illustration
5. function
6. analytic
7. contrast
8. negation

J. Additional activities for Do you have any questions about our lesson?
application or remediation : None, Ma’am.
Okay! If you don’t have any questions our class will end

So, that’s ends our lesson for today. I hope you understand
the discussion and hopefully you will keep in mind what
you have learned today.

Goodbye class. See you next meeting.

: Goodbye, Ma’am.

A. No. of learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned 80% above
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require _______ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
continue to require mediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? Why ___ Group collaboration
did this work? ___ Games
___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
___ Carousel
___ Dyads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ Poems/ Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method

___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Students’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s cooperation in doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I __ Bullying among students
encounter which my principal __ Students’ behavior/attitude
or supervisor can help me __ Colorful IMs
solve? __ Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:


Practice Teacher
Checked by:


Critic Teacher

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