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Assessment of the percentage of full

recombinant adeno-associated virus particles
in a gene therapy drug using CryoTEM
Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc ID1☯*, Roman Raim2☯, Christian Fiedler2, Stefan Reuberger2,
Johannes Lengler2, Rickard Nordström1, Martin Ryner1, Ioana Mihaela Folea1,
Barbara Kraus2, Juan A. Hernandez Bort ID2, Ida-Maria Sintorn1,3
1 Vironova AB, Stockholm, Sweden, 2 Baxalta Innovations GmbH, A Part of Takeda Companies, Orth an der
Donau, Austria, 3 Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
a1111111111 ☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.
a1111111111 *
In spite of continuous development of gene therapy vectors with thousands of drug candi-
OPEN ACCESS dates in clinical drug trials there are only a small number approved on the market today
stressing the need to have characterization methods to assist in the validation of the drug
Citation: Colomb-Delsuc M, Raim R, Fiedler C,
Reuberger S, Lengler J, Nordström R, et al. (2022) development process. The level of packaging of the vector capsids appears to play a critical
Assessment of the percentage of full recombinant role in immunogenicity, hence an objective quantitative method assessing the content of
adeno-associated virus particles in a gene therapy particles containing a genome is an essential quality measurement. As transmission elec-
drug using CryoTEM. PLoS ONE 17(6): e0269139.
tron microscopy (TEM) allows direct visualization of the particles present in a specimen, it
naturally seems as the most intuitive method of choice for characterizing recombinant
Editor: Chen Ling, Fudan University, CHINA
adeno-associated virus (rAAV) particle packaging. Negative stain TEM (nsTEM) is an
Received: December 22, 2021 established characterization method for analysing the packaging of viral vectors. It has how-
Accepted: May 16, 2022 ever shown limitations in terms of reliability. To overcome this drawback, we propose an
Published: June 3, 2022 analytical method based on CryoTEM that unambiguously and robustly determines the per-
centage of filled particles in an rAAV sample. In addition, we show that at a fixed number of
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review vector particles the portion of filled particles correlates well with the potency of the drug. The
process; therefore, we enable the publication of method has been validated according to the ICH Q2 (R1) guidelines and the components
all of the content of peer review and author investigated during the validation are presented in this study. The reliability of nsTEM as a
responses alongside final, published articles. The
method for the assessment of filled particles is also investigated along with a discussion
editorial history of this article is available here: about the origin of the observed variability of this method.
Copyright: © 2022 Colomb-Delsuc et al. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original Introduction
author and source are credited.
After decades of research and development, gene therapy is nowadays a mature field allowing
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
versatility for the treatment and curation of a broad range of severe and life-threatening dis-
within the paper and its Supporting information
files. The source data can be found at the following
eases [1]. Thanks to this versatility several gene therapy products have been approved by
repository: the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [2, 3]
8931zcrsp. the last few years while thousands of drug candidates are still undergoing clinical trials [4, 5].

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PLOS ONE Assessment of the percentage of full recombinant AAV particles in a gene therapy drug using CryoTEM

Funding: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Rickard However, continuous development relating to the efficiency and safety of the strategies is still
Nordström, Mihaela Folea, Martin Ryner and Ida- required [6], implying that there is a demand for objective characterization methodologies.
Maria Sintorn are employed by and received salary
Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (rAAV) represent one of the most widely used clas-
from Vironova AB. No personnel or department
other than the authors played a role in the study ses of vectors used in gene therapy for the encapsulation and delivery of a genetic sequence of
design, data collection and analysis, decision to interest [7, 8]. The objective is to; replace a mutated gene with its healthy version, inactivate or
publish, or preparation of the manuscript from repress the expression of mutated genes, edit genes in order to repair defects, or introduce new
Vironova AB. Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, genes to gain function in cells that help in fighting disease. rAAV vectors have become a prom-
Stefan Reuberger, Johannes Lengler, Barbara
inent vehicle for this purpose as they provide the advantages of a low immune response and
Kraus and Juan Hernandez Bort are employees and
received salary from Baxalta Innovations GmbH, a
are not known to be pathogenic. Clinical trials are currently ongoing for a broad range of dis-
part of Takeda companies. No personnel or eases using rAAV [5]. For example, Haemophilia B represents an ideal target for which rAAV
department other than the authors played a role in gene therapy has proven to lead to promising results [9–11], with several drug candidates cur-
the study design, data collection and analysis, or rently undergoing clinical trials. Small and large animal models can recapitulate this mono-
preparation of the manuscript from Baxalta genic disease and clinical results have shown a good correlation between the level of blood
Innovations GmbH, a part of Takeda companies. A
clotting factor and severity of disease [12–14]. Indeed, rAAV mediated expression of
read of the text an approval to publish was
performed by the legal department of Baxalta coagulation factor IX (FIX) of one or more percent in plasma as compared to normal already
Innovations GmbH, a part of Takeda companies. shifts the patient’s Haemophilia B status from severe to moderate. Taking into account that a
severe haemophilia patient profile corresponds to <1% clotting factor level [15], a clotting
Competing interests: Authors Mathieu Colomb-
Delsuc, Rickard Nordström, Mihaela Folea, Martin factor level increase of 1 to 2 percent in treated patients can be considered therapeutic.
Ryner and Ida-Maria Sintorn are all employed by Clinical grade rAAV vectors consist of mixtures of empty and filled virions present in variable
Vironova AB. Vironova AB provides electron ratios, varying along the drug manufacturing process. The role of empty particles is not yet
microscopy-based imaging and analysis services, fully grasped. Some studies suggest that they can facilitate the gene transfer [16–18] while pro-
as well as image analysis software for this purpose.
tocols are developed to reduce their presence as they are commonly considered as contami-
Authors Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, Stefan
Reuberger, Johannes Lengler, Barbara Kraus and
nants [19], with a potential immunotoxic risk [20, 21] or inhibiting transduction [22–24].
Juan Hernandez Bort are all employees of Baxalta These dichotomies highlight the need for a robust method to quantify the occurrence of each
Innovations GmbH, a part of Takeda companies, of the particle populations in a gene therapy drug to objectively elucidate their respective roles
which are involved in the development of gene [25].
therapy products. Employees of Baxalta For more than two decades now, negative stain transmission electron microscopy (nsTEM)
Innovations GmbH may be owner of stock and/or
has been used as one of the methods of choice for the assessment of rAAV packaging [26].
stock options and may be involved in the filing of
patents related to the research presented in this This approach allows for direct observation of the particles and a clear discrimination between
article. The presented work was funded by Baxalta different particle populations as they appear in the image. More recent studies however have
Innovations GmbH. been questioning the reliability and robustness of this method [27–29] and are pointing out
inconsistencies of the obtained results [27] due, among others, to the presence of intermediate
dense particles [28]. Other analytical methods, such as optical density measurements [30], ion
exchange chromatography (IEX) [28], ddPCR [31], qPCR combined with ELISA [32, 33] size
exclusion chromatography with multi-angle light scattering detection (SEC-MALS) [34], Ana-
lytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) [35, 36] and more recently charge detection Mass Spectrom-
etry [37, 38] have shown to provide promising results for this assessment. Each of these
techniques has its unique strengths and limitations. Some even allow discrimination of sub-
populations such as partially filled capsids or capsids with dimeric DNA species. No methodol-
ogy allowing the separation and identification of these sub-populations has been described
using Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy (CryoTEM) yet, and the method intro-
duced in this study only focuses on a binary discrimination of empty and full particle popula-
tions. However, in contrast to several of the other aforementioned methods, CryoTEM is
considered a platform method, meaning that it is almost not affected by changes in serotype,
packaged transgene or composition of the sample matrix. This versatility allows applying the
same method without any modifications for different Gene Therapy products which is helpful
in the comparative assessment of vector quality and anticipating immunogenic potential by
leveraging (pre-)clinical data from Gene Therapy products at more advanced stages of devel-
opment. As the method is based on a direct visualization of the internal features of particles,

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PLOS ONE Assessment of the percentage of full recombinant AAV particles in a gene therapy drug using CryoTEM

Table 1. Comparison of orthogonal techniques commonly used to quantitate the relative contents of full and empty AAV capsids.
cryoTEM vg/cp ratio AUC nsTEM IEX SEC-MALS
Throughput1 low high Low/medium3 Medium high high
Precision2 + - + + + +
Sample volume < 10 μL 100–200 μL > 200 μL < 10 μL 100–200 μL 100–200 μL
Sample concentration > 1E+12 cp/mL > 1E+08 cp/mL > 1E+13 cp/mL > 1E+1111 cp/mL > 1E+12 cp/mL > 1E+12 cp/mL
Platform capability (serotype/ transgene) Yes (+/+) No (-/-) Yes (+/+) Yes (+/+) Partly (-/+) Yes (+/+)
Detection of partially filled sub-population No No Yes No No No
cGMP compliance Challenging4 No challenges Challenging4 Challenging4 No challenges No challenges
Throughput: Low: � 2 samples/day; Medium: 3–10 samples/day; High: � 10 samples/day
%RSD— = > 20%; +/- = 10–20%; + = < 10%
Medium with � 8-place rotor
No or only limited availability of cGMP compliant data analysis software

CryoTEM in combination with image analysis allows an unambiguous discrimination between

the particles containing a genome and the particles lacking it, as recently reported for the char-
acterization of rAAV particle packaging [39].
Table 1 provides an overview of methods commonly used for detecting full and empty cap-
sid particles. A recent comparison of these techniques demonstrated good correlation between
the listed methods [40]. Within this set of orthogonal methods, AUC is a popular technique
due to its capability of discriminating the population of partially filled capsids, a population
that is gaining more and more interest in the industry. This species is known to be heteroge-
nous and is subject to further characterization typically trough next generation sequencing or
even long read sequencing techniques.
However, this study focuses on analytical methods for the release of clinical grade AAV vec-
tors. Such methods need to fulfil the stringent cGMP requirements, which demands an analy-
sis software that ensures full data integrity and 21CFR part 11 compliance. In this respect AUC
is still suffering significant limitations. Since cryoTEM is often applied in research settings,
corresponding analysis software typically lack cGMP compliance. In contrast, the cryoTEM
method presented here overcomes these limitations and applies a fully validated and 21CFR
part 11 compliant software.
In the comparison of orthogonal methods that are commonly used to quantitate the relative
content of full and empty capsids in AAV preparations in Table 1, the assessment was based
on the experience the authors have gained with these techniques. Some of the parameters eval-
uated herein might be subjected to evolution as the techniques undergo further developments.
Depending on the exact assay set-up the assessment may differ slightly between different labo-
ratories. Due to the lack of an international reference standard for AAV with assigned relative
content of full and empty particles, a statement on method accuracy is challenging. In the
absence of such a reference standard, an assessment on the alignment and correlation between
orthogonal techniques adds valuable information on method reliability.
In the present study, we introduce a complete analytical method based on CryoTEM for
quantification of the packaging ratio of a gene therapy drug composed of rAAV8 vectors. The
scope of the study is restrained to the rAAV8 serotype, with a focus on proposing a broad set
of experiments on a single type of specimen. The CryoTEM images are subjected to image
analysis where the rAAV particles are segmented and classified based on their internal density.
A CryoTEM correlation study between the derived packaging ratio and the potency of the

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PLOS ONE Assessment of the percentage of full recombinant AAV particles in a gene therapy drug using CryoTEM

drug is performed, validating the importance of the packaging measurement and the presented
method. The method is then directly compared with results obtained by nsTEM, where the
advantages of CryoTEM in terms of robustness and reliability are highlighted.
This method has been validated according to the principles of Validation of Analytical Pro-
cedures, ICH Q2 (R1) [41] and can be used as a quality control in a Good Manufacturing Prac-
tice (GMP) workflow. It hence provides an analytical method compatible with established
production methodologies and regulatory requirements [27]. Specificity, precision, intermedi-
ate precision, linearity, dilutional accuracy, and robustness as defined in ICH Q2 (R1) are
assessed. It is the only successfully validated TEM method for the assessment of the percentage
of filled particles in an rAAV gene carrier used for gene therapy, hence validating CryoTEM as
the method of choice for vector packaging analysis.

Materials and methods

For this study two types of sample material were investigated. Sample set 1 refers to purified
ultracentrifugation fractions with varying degree of full and empty capsids that were directly
withdrawn from the production process. For sample set 2 an empty capsid preparation (refer-
ence empty) produced by purifying the ultracentrifugation fraction containing primarily
empty capsids was mixed at predefined ratio with a preparation containing a high degree of
full capsids (reference full) to generate samples with intermediate percentage of full capsids.

Sample set 1
AAV production. For this study, HEK293 cells adapted to growth in suspension and cul-
tivated in chemically defined serum-free media (FreeStyle™ F17, ThermoFisher, NY, USA),
were used to produce rAAV8 vectors. Batch cultures were cultivated in 10 L bioreactors at
37˚C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% carbon dioxide and with constant stirring at
235 rpm. Transient transfection of HEK293 cells with three plasmids containing Adenovirus 5
Helper genes, Rep2Cap8 and human FIX Padua sequence, respectively, was carried out with
Polyethylenimine (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) following the supplier transfection
protocol. Five days after transfection, the fermentation broth containing rAAV8 particles was
separated from cell debris with a clarification step, followed by ultrafiltration and diafiltration
step for product concentration and buffer exchange while also reducing impurities. AEX chro-
matography was used to continue reducing negatively charged impurities followed by a second
ultrafiltration and diafiltration step to further concentrate the product and remove protein
impurities. The concentrated and diafiltrated intermediate containing rAAV8 was subse-
quently processed with an ultracentrifugation step according to a Takeda proprietary buffer
and protocol, for separation of full and empty particles.
Sample preparation. Applying Takeda’s proprietary ultracentrifugation process (WO
2018/128688 A1) full rAAV8 particles were isolated from the empty particles and collected
separately: The ultracentrifugation step was performed using a core filled with 50% product
+ 50% TBS/sucrose buffer) for 6 hours at target rotation speed of 35000 rpm. The AAV8 parti-
cles contained in the starting material move into the TBS/sucrose buffer gradient until they
reach a point at which their density matches the density of the surrounding gradient. As full
and empty capsids differ in their density, this feature is used for the separation of full and
empty virus capsids.
For sample set 1, the gradient after centrifugation was subdivided in several fractions with
decreasing density. Each fraction was further purified by Ion exchange chromatography and
subsequently analysed by cryoTEM, qPCR, and ELISA. Table 2 allows for direct comparison
of full and empty capsid analysis through cryoTEM and calculation of the ratio of vector

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PLOS ONE Assessment of the percentage of full recombinant AAV particles in a gene therapy drug using CryoTEM

Table 2. Sample set 1.

Sample ID cryoTEM [%Full capsids] FIX-qPCR [vg/fraction] AAV8 ELISA [cp/fraction] qPCR/ ELISA ratio
[%Full capsids]
S1.1 2 1.79E+14 3.49E+15 5
S1.2 5 1.73E+14 3.75E+15 5
S1.3 10 1.28E+14 1.35E+15 9
S1.4 11 1.42E+14 8.50E+14 17
S1.5 18 1.16E+14 5.25E+14 22
S1.6 26 7.24E+13 2.89E+14 25
S1.7 43 4.25E+13 6.19E+13 69
S1.8 59 5.40E+13 6.47E+13 84
S1.9 70 7.81E+13 1.06E+14 74
S1.10 79 4.59E+14 3.81E+14 120

genomes (vg) as determined by qPCR and capsid particles (cp) as quantified by ELISA. How-
ever, while both methods show the same trend there is not a one-to-one correlation between
the methods. This meets the expectations as both methods rely on different technologies for
determining the percentage of full and empty capsids.

Sample set 2
For this study, HEK293 cells adapted to growth in suspension and cultivated in chemically
defined serum-free media (FreeStyle™ F17, ThermoFisher, NY, USA), were used to produce
rAAV8 vectors. Batch cultures were cultivated in 10L bioreactors at 37˚C in a humidified
atmosphere containing 5% carbon dioxide and with constant stirring at 235 rpm. Transient
transfection of HEK293 cells with three plasmids containing Adenovirus 5 Helper genes,
Rep2Cap8 and human FIX Padua sequence, respectively, was carried out with Polyethyleni-
mine (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) following the supplier transfection protocol. Five
days after transfection, the fermentation broth containing rAAV8 particles was separated from
cell debris with a clarification step, followed by ultrafiltration and diafiltration step for product
concentration and buffer exchange while also reducing impurities. AEX chromatography was
used to continue reducing negatively charged impurities followed by a second ultrafiltration
and diafiltration step to further concentrate the product and remove protein impurities. The
concentrated and diafiltrated intermediate containing rAAV8 particles was subsequently pro-
cessed with an ultracentrifugation step according to a Takeda proprietary buffer and protocol,
for separation of full and empty particles. While for samples S2.1 and S2.6 ultracentrifugation
fractions with high degree of full particles were collected, for sample S2.5 fractions with mainly
empty capsids were pooled for further processing.
Subsequently, product fractions (S2.1, S2.5, S2.6) were further purified by Ion exchange
chromatography and IEX Eluates for samples S2.1 and S2.5 were nanofiltrated. The resulting
starting materials for the spiking (S2.1 “reference full” and S2.5 “reference empty”) were thor-
oughly analysed. The mixed samples with intermediate degrees of full particles (S2.2—S2.4)
were prepared based on the AAV ELISA titres as well as on an initial CryoTEM result. The
“reference empty” material was prediluted to adjust for differences in particle concentration
followed by the mixing with the “reference full” sample to yield the theoretical degree of full
capsids with a nominal value of 40%, 60% and 70% full particles. The list of specimens analysed
in this study are summarised in Table 3.

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Table 3. Samples used for the specificity, linearity and comparative studies. Theoretical value calculations are described in section 4 of the Supplementary
Sample Theoretical percentage of full particles In-vitro BP [rel. BPU] In-vivo BP [IU/mL] Imaging method Type of analysis
S2.1 79.32% (reference full) 1.61 7.70 CryoTEM Specificity / Linearity
S2.2 71.30% 1.33 6.63 CryoTEM Specificity / Linearity
S2.3 61.28% 1.37 6.07 CryoTEM Specificity / Linearity
S2.4 41.24% 0.74 3.15 CryoTEM Specificity / Linearity
S2.5 1.17% (reference empty) 0.00 0.20 CryoTEM / Specificity / Linearity / Method
nsTEM comparison
S2.6 n/a; rich in full particles n.d. n.d. nsTEM Method comparison

Specimen S2.1 was used as the “full reference” specimen, and specimen S2.5 as the “empty reference.” Specimens S2.2, S2.3 and S2.4 were prepared by mixing specimen
S2.1 “reference full” and S2.5 “reference empty.” Specimens S2.5 and S2.6 were rich in empty and full particles, respectively, and used for directly comparing CryoTEM
and nsTEM.

The commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA; Progen AAV8 titra-
tion ELISA kit, cat. No. PRAAV8) uses a monoclonal antibody (ADK8) specific for a confor-
mational epitope on assembled AAV8 capsids. This plate-immobilized antibody captures
AAV-8 particles from the specimen. Captured particles are then detected by the binding of
biotinylated anti-AAV8 ADK8 since the epitope targeted is repeatedly expressed on the assem-
bled AAV8 capsid. Streptavidin peroxidase and a peroxidase substrate is then used for measur-
ing bound anti-AAV8 and thus the concentration of AAV8 capsid. The color reaction was
measured photometrically at 450 nm. The kit contains an AAV2/8 particle preparation as cali-
bration standard with a labelled AAV8 particle concentration. However, an internal reference
standard was used for quantification of capsid particles. This standard was assigned a μg/mL
value based on densitometric analysis of a Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE. The assigned μg/mL
value was then correlated against the ATCC recombinant Adeno-associated virus 8 (VR-1816)
standard, which led to a conversion factor of 8.5E+13 cp/mg.

Samples were treated with DNAse (NEB) to remove extraneous ITR target sequences. After treat-
ment with Proteinase K (NEB) the AAV genome is released from the capsid. Subsequent restric-
tion enzyme digest with BssHII (NEB) was performed to resolve AAV ITR T-shape structures.
For quantification, a Taqman-based method with FIX-specific primers and probe was used.
Forward primer: 5’-CCG GTA CGT GAA CTG GAT CAA-3’ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Reverse primer: 5’-CAG CGA GCT CTA GGC ATG CT-3’ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Probe 5’-6FAM-AAA CCA AGC TGA CCT GAT MGB-3’ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Plasmid encoding for FIX transgene as well as regulatory elements was linearized by ScaI
(NEB) restriction digest, separated on Agarose Gel, and the band specific for full length vector
genome was purified from gel (QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit) to serves as reference standard.

Biopotency assays
For the determination of in vitro biopotency, HepG2 cells were infected in duplicates with
AAV8 vector carrying FIX transgene as described previously [42]. Subsequently, the

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chromogenic activity of FIX in the supernatant was measured using the Rox Factor IX kit
(Rossix AB, Moelndal, Sweden). The results are given as biopotency unit (BPU) representing
the relative FIX activity at a dose of 3.27 x 103 capsid particles (cp) per cell. In the course of the
in vivo biopotency assay, 2.47 x 1011 cp/kg of FIX encoding AAV8 particles were infused intra-
venously into seven hFIX-knockout mice (B6;129P2-F9tm1Dws) per group [43] that were bred
by Charles River GmbH (Sulzfeld, Germany) and kept as described [44]. Human FIX activity
in mouse citrate plasma drawn at day 14 was tested by a one-stage activated partial thrombo-
plastin time (APTT) assay using human FIX-deficient plasma as substrate as already described
[43]. Results refer to a human plasma standard which was calibrated against an international

TEM specimen preparation and imaging

CryoTEM. 400 mesh copper grids coated with a carbon film, overlaid with a Formvar1
film (TedPella, Inc., CA, USA) were hydrophilized using a glow discharger (Pelco EasiGlow™,
TedPella Inc., CA, USA). A glow discharged grid was mounted on a vitrification robot (Vitro-
bot™ Mark II, FEI, OR, USA). 3 μL of sample were placed onto the grid in the specimen cham-
ber of the vitrification robot, under temperature and humidity-controlled conditions (16˚C,
99% relative humidity (rH)). After an adsorption time of ca. 10 sec, the grid was blotted-off
and subsequently plunge-frozen in liquid ethane. The specimen was then stored in liquid
nitrogen until insertion in the microscope.
The frozen specimen was mounted onto a Gatan 626 single tilt cryo holder (Gatan Inc., CA,
USA) under cryogenic conditions and subsequently inserted in a CM200 electron microscope
(Phillips N.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands) equipped with a Field Emission Gun operating at
200 kV. The grid was visually assessed and several areas containing thin amorphous ice, suit-
able for imaging, were identified. Low-dose images were acquired in areas representative of
the sample, i.e. areas containing AAV particles with minimal presence of ice contaminant and
a homogenous spreading of particles in thin amorphous ice. The images were acquired at a res-
olution of 2048 x 2048 pixels using a TVIPS F224HD camera (Tietz Video and Image Process-
ing Systems GmbH, Gauting, Germany).
Negative stain TEM. 400 mesh copper grids coated with a carbon film, overlayed with a
Formvar1 film (TedPella, Inc., CA, USA) were hydrophilized using a glow discharger (Pelco
EasiGlow™, TedPella Inc., CA, USA). A glow discharged grid was mounted on tweezers and
3 μL of sample were placed onto the grid. After an adsorption time of ca. 10 sec, the excess of
liquid present on grid was blotted-off using Grade 1 filter paper pre-wetted with 12 μL of water
and immediately washed with 3 μL of distilled water. Excessive liquid was then blotted-off
after ca. 10 sec and 3 μL of Uranyl acetate 2% (Electron Microscopy Sciences, PA, USA) was
immediately added to the grid and blotted-off after ca. 10 sec. The grid was then inserted in a
Tecnai G2 Spirit BioTwin electron microscope (FEI, OR, USA) equipped with a tungsten fila-
ment operating at 100 kV. The grid was visually screened and areas suitable for imaging were
identified. Representative images were subsequently acquired at a resolution of 2048 x 2048
pixels using a Veleta CCD camera (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan).

Image analysis
Particle detection. The acquired images were analysed using VAS (Vironova Analyzer
Software, Vironova AB, Stockholm, Sweden), a 21CFR part 11 compliant validated software.
The particle detection settings used are shown in S4 and S5 Tables. Briefly, potential rAAV
particles within a size range of 18–28 nm and 25–35 nm for the CryoTEM and nsTEM images
respectively, were detected by local ellipse detection in the gradient magnitude image. The

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PLOS ONE Assessment of the percentage of full recombinant AAV particles in a gene therapy drug using CryoTEM

difference in the size range used between the two analysis methods can be explained by
hypotheses such as the presence of stain in nsTEM surrounding the particle, thus increasing
the apparent size, by the changes in osmotic effects due to the stain, inducing a swelling of the
particles or by a flattening of the AAV particles on the support in nsTEM upon embedding in
the stain. A minimum of 3 images per sample were processed until at least 1500 particles were
detected. Manual curation and verification of the images and detected particles were per-
formed to remove falsely detected particles and add non-detected particles.
Particle classification. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the parti-
cles’ radial density profiles (RDPs), i.e. the mean intensity at each radial distance from a parti-
cle’s centre. In a 2-D scatter plot of the two principal components, two separable clusters are
observed, one corresponding to full particles, the other one corresponding to empty particles.
A particle class (“Full” or “Empty”) was attributed to each of the clusters by selecting manually
the particles of one cluster on the displayed plot and assigning them the corresponding class.
Particles for which the classification was not unambiguous were attributed the class “Uncer-
tain”. The corresponding data was extracted from the plot and used for the analyses. Interme-
diate results from the different steps of the image analysis workflow are shown in section 5 of
the Supplementary information.

Characterization of the particle populations present in the specimen
Recombinant AAV vectors of serotype 8 (rAAV8) containing a gene coding for FIX were ana-
lysed by CryoTEM. Visual analysis of the rAAV preparation S2.1 images reveal that two main
populations of particles can be observed in the specimen. A first population exhibits a distinct
outer layer with a minute internal density, appearing as dark circles in the images, while a sec-
ond population of particles displays a uniform inner density with no clear distinction between
the inner core and the edges of the particles, appearing in the images as homogenous dark
disks. This second population supposedly represents full particles, i.e. particles filled with
material, hence the higher internal density, while the particles appearing as circles are empty
particles (Fig 1a). Note that in most of the samples analysed, a small proportion of the observed
particles appear as incomplete or improperly assembled (Fig 1b). Particles sharing features of
both classes, which could represent intermediately filled particles, were seldom observed in

Fig 1. CryoTEM images of specimen S2.1. (a) Representative CryoTEM image of specimen S2.1, containing filled AAV particles (black arrow) and
empty AAV particles (white arrow). (b) CryoTEM image of S2.1 in which incomplete particles (black arrowhead) as well as improperly assembled
particles (white arrowhead) are observed. (c) Representative CryoTEM image of AAV specimen S2.5, reference empty. Scale bar represents 100 nm.

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this study, as shown with the high confidence interval displayed in the image analysis. As the
characterization of such particles is not unambiguous, they are however classified as “uncer-
tain” in the image analyses.
Representative sets of images were acquired for each sample and subjected to image analysis
to evaluate the percentage of full particles according to the above definitions present in the
specimen. A population of at least 1500 particles was included in each dataset, this value having
been evaluated to provide robust statistical relevance (See supplementary section 7). For the
experiments in which replicates were used, the mean value of the analyses is reported for each
population. Note that the particles identified as broken or incomplete, representing a neglect-
able amount of the observed particles were not included in the image analysis. Indeed, adding
such particles to the analysis would induce a bias towards the empty population as some parti-
cles putatively fully can lose their cargo upon breakage while empty particles remain empty
upon breakage. Moreover, the discrimination between broken particles and other specimen
debris might lead to erroneous interpretation. Including such particles in the analysis might be
relevant for the evaluation of the stability of AAV particles or the resistance to stress between
the particle types, but this is not within the scope of this study, hence the exclusion of such par-
ticles. For the same reasons, particles appearing as broken AAV doublets or triplets were not
included in the analysis.

Correlation of CryoTEM results to biopotency assays and qPCR/ELISA

First, we investigated the correlation of the biopotency and the degree of full rAAV capsid par-
ticles as determined by CryoTEM. For this purpose, samples with intermediate ratios of full
and empty capsids were prepared by mixing a rAAV preparation containing mostly empty
capsids with one containing predominantly full capsids (S2 samples). In vitro biopotency
results refer to the infection of 3.27 x 103 cp/cell, and in vivo dosing was performed at a dose of
2.47 x1011 cp/kg. Both the in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that the biopotency
of the drug per capsid particle increases with the percentage of full particles. The results, pre-
sented in Fig 2, suggest a clear correlation between biopotency of the drug and the percentage

Fig 2. Correlation between CryoTEM and biopotency. Correlation between the in-vitro biopotency (a) and in-vivo biopotency (b) of the drug and the
percentage of full particles as detected by CryoTEM for a set of specimens with varying ratios of full particles.

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of full particles observed by CryoTEM. This observation underlines the reliability of the results
generated by cryoTEM and emphasizes the importance of controlling the ratio of filled parti-
cles for reaching consistent biopotency at consistent level of empty particles.
Furthermore, good correlation of CryoTEM data with the orthogonal determination of full
and empty capsids by calculation of the ratio of vector genomes and total particles was demon-
strated and is shown in Fig 3. However, it should be noted that the latter approach bears the
risk of inaccurate (e.g. significant over- or underestimation of the full and empty ratio) data
due to the nature of the underlying methods (e.g. dependency of PCR based methods on loca-
tion of amplification target or dependency on reference standards). This potential inaccuracy
of qPCR and ELISA based methods is a possible explanation to that the slope of the linear
regression as depicted in Fig 3 is > 1.
This indicates that the vg/cp ratio finds higher percentage of full capsids compared to cryo-
TEM and that this is (more pronounced for preparations with higher degree of full capsids.
Another reason for this observation may be the presence of a population of AAV vectors that
are detected in PCR based techniques but not in cryoTEM. Such a population may come from
AAVs packaged with incomplete transgenes of relatively small size and therefore detected as
empty by cryoTEM but still carrying the PCR target sequence.

Fig 3. Correlation between CryoTEM and qPCR/ELISA. Sample Set 2 with increasing degrees of full capsids were purified from ultracentrifugation
fractions. Vector genomes per capsid particle titres were calculated from qPCR and AAV8 capsid particle ELISA results and correlated to the CryoTEM

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Repeatability and linearity

The reliability of the CryoTEM method was evaluated by performing a repeatability study. Six
grids of the same sample were consecutively prepared and imaged, aiming to assess the analyti-
cal method variance under the same operating conditions over a short interval of time. The
results show a relative standard deviation of 0.6% (see S2 Table), suggesting a robust repeat-
ability of the method with a low variance. These results are comparable to the values for AUC,
where a standard deviation of 0.7% corresponding to a calculated relative standard deviation
of 1.8% is reported [35].
The linearity of the method within a range was then evaluated to assess the ability to obtain
test results which are directly proportional to the percentage of filled particles in the sample by
CryoTEM. Two AAV preparations, used as reference were mixed to obtain a set of specimens
with intermediate contents of full particles. AAV preparation S2.1 was used as the reference
full specimen, packed with the best achievable ratio of full particles, containing 79.3 ± 0.8% of
full particles and referred to as “reference full” while preparation S2.5, containing 1.17 ± 0.37%
of full particles was used as the reference empty specimen, containing the lowest achievable
ratio of full particles and referred to as “reference empty” (Fig 1, S1 Appendix). Since Cryo-
TEM is the first validated method as per ICH Q2 (R1) guidelines, no orthogonal method was
available for accuracy assessment, hence the linearity experiments are based on dilution series
and the accuracy limited by dilutional accuracy.
A total of 6 grids were prepared for CryoTEM and imaged for each of the 5 samples (S2.1—
S2.5) investigated. Fig 4 shows the correlation between the data obtained experimentally and
the estimated theoretical values (see section 4 in Supplementary information). The method
appears to display a robust linearity, with the two particle populations being detected to a same
extent regardless of their respective concentration in solution, and is therefore deemed reliable
within the range evaluated, i.e., at least up to percentages of 79% of full particles present in the

Fig 4. Relation between the theoretical filled values and the obtained experimental data. Each data point from the plot corresponds to the mean
value of twelve repeats (cf. S3 Table), with the error bars corresponding to the standard deviation of each population.

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specimen. As the image analysis implies a binary discrimination between two well identified
populations, with no overlap of the 99% confidence interval from the principal component
analysis of the radial density profile the of the two classes, one can postulate that the linearity
of this method could be extrapolated to be valid up to specimen containing exclusively full par-
ticles. This assumption, however, remains to be confirmed experimentally.

Comparison between CryoTEM and nsTEM

Negative stain transmission electron microscopy (nsTEM) has been routinely used for the
assessment of the ratio of filled AAV particles for more than two decades [26]. Unlike in Cryo-
TEM where the specimen is quickly plunge-frozen into a cryogen, allowing its conservation
and observation in a near native hydrated state, the preparation in nsTEM involves a staining
step, where a salt containing electron rich elements is added, acting both as a contrasting agent
and as an embedding agent. The preparation involves drastic local osmotic and pH changes
which might affect the particles integrity, and the conservation of the prepared specimen is
then done at room temperature which might result in dehydration in areas of the support
where the embedding agent was not efficiently spread. As this method is routinely used for the
quantification of the percentage of full particles, it was therefore evaluated in the early stages of
the drug development of the rAAV8 particles described in this study. When assessing results
obtained by nsTEM and CryoTEM, discrepancies were observed. The results presented in
Fig 5 suggest that the population of particles appearing as bright with a smooth surface, typi-
cally referred to as “full” [22], are over-represented in the nsTEM images, constituting the
main population in all samples analysed, with values of 98% for compound S2.6 and 100% for
compound S2.5, when CryoTEM results show that specimen S2.1 contains 83% “full” particles

Fig 5. Comparison of specimens in CryoTEM and nsTEM. (a) CryoTEM image of specimen S2.1, rich in AAV particles carrying a genome. (b)
nsTEM image of specimen S2.6. (c) CryoTEM image of specimen S2.5, rich in empty particles. (d) nsTEM image of specimen S2.5. Scale bar represents
200 nm. (e) Comparison on the assessment of the percentage of full particles between nsTEM and CryoTEM. The population of full particles in
specimen S.2.5, rich in empty particles, is overrepresented in nsTEM. Scale bar represents 200 nm.

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while compound S2.5 contains mainly empty particles, with only 6% of the particles identified
as full.

The CryoTEM results presented herein relate to characterizing particle populations, linearity
and repeatability of full particles in a rAAV preparation. The proposed CryoTEM method has
been validated according to the principles of Validation of Analytical Procedures, ICH Q2
(R1)) as used in a GMP workflow [41], for the assessment of the percentage of full particles in
a rAAV8 preparation. As no other validated methods were available at the time of the study,
the assessment of the method accuracy was challenging. However, this study can now facilitate
the validation of any new methodology, as it will be possible to use CryoTEM analysis as an
orthogonal method.
Observations of discrepancy between nsTEM and other orthogonal methods e.g. AUC have
been reported [29], without further insights on the origin of these disparities. One hypothesis
to explain the differences observed between nsTEM and CryoTEM in this study resides in the
way the particles are identified and defined. In nsTEM, the particles that display an inner den-
sity either contain stain or could be collapsed particles with stain deposited on top of them,
indicating that they do not contain a gene and are thereof indeed empty, as per the commonly
reported definitions. On the other hand, particles with an even density do not contain any
stain and are not collapsed, indicating that they are intact, are commonly referred to as full.
However, their apparent intactness does not provide information about their content, for a
particle could be intact and packed with a gene (i.e. full), or still be intact but empty, but with
the current definitions, both would be classified as full. On the contrary, in CryoTEM, no stain
is added, and the specimen is preserved in a hydrated native state [45], enabling a direct corre-
lation of the inner density of the particles to their packaging level. An AAV particle containing
a gene will be electronically denser than an empty one, hence appearing darker on the image.
The proposed hypothesis is therefore that in the case of the sample analysed here by nsTEM,
the evaluation of the content of full particles might be biased by an incorrect classification of
the particles, resulting in an over-expression of the population of full rAAV particles, leading
to significant divergences between CryoTEM and nsTEM when the particles are well embed-
ded in stain as observed in Fig 5. For these reasons, nsTEM was not chosen as a method of
choice in the case of the specimen studied herein.
The results presented in this study demonstrate the relevance of CryoTEM as a robust and
reliable method for the assessment of the percentage of filled particles in a recombinant
rAAV8 gene delivery drug product. The repeatability, linearity and robustness of the method
demonstrates the suitability of this method as a method of choice that can be used during the
different phases of the drug development process as well as validation and quality control in
the production phase. Although the scope of the study was restrained to the rAAV8 serotype,
available data from CryoTEM analyses of other serotypes (e.g. AAV9) have indicated that find-
ings within the scope of this study can likely be leveraged to other serotypes as well (See S2
Fig). In the presented comparison, nsTEM proved to be a poor technique for the assessment of
the content of filled particles for this sample type. Potency data are in line with the results
obtained by CryoTEM, reinforcing the reliability of the method. Further studies to broaden
the scope of the method to other rAAV serotypes and other types of carriers could prove valu-
able. More developments could also be performed using CryoTEM, exploring new approaches
to allow the discrimination of several levels of particle packaging, including partially filled
rAAV particles, both from a preparation and an image analysis perspective. Such advances
would benefit the methods in place for the characterization of rAAV drug products.

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PLOS ONE Assessment of the percentage of full recombinant AAV particles in a gene therapy drug using CryoTEM

Supporting information
S1 Table. Specificity study data.
S2 Table. Repeatability study data.
S3 Table. Linearity study data.
S4 Table. VAS detection settings for the image analysis of CryoTEM AAV particles.
S5 Table. VAS detection settings for the image analysis of nsTEM AAV particles.
S1 Fig. Intermediate results in the image analysis workflow.
S2 Fig. Packaging assessment on AAV9 particles by CryoTEM.
S1 Appendix. Determination of the theoretical values of the percentage of full particles (%
F) in the specimen used for the linearity assessment.
S2 Appendix. In silico study for the determination of a statistically relevant number of
detected particles. A graphical representation of the standard deviation for each sample size
and theoretical full ratio.

We gratefully acknowledge Ngarita Kingi for her help in proof-reading this manuscript.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, Stefan Reuber-
ger, Johannes Lengler, Rickard Nordström, Martin Ryner, Ioana Mihaela Folea, Barbara
Kraus, Juan A. Hernandez Bort, Ida-Maria Sintorn.
Data curation: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, Stefan Reuberger,
Johannes Lengler, Rickard Nordström, Martin Ryner, Ioana Mihaela Folea.
Formal analysis: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, Stefan Reuberger,
Johannes Lengler, Rickard Nordström, Martin Ryner, Ioana Mihaela Folea.
Investigation: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, Stefan Reuberger,
Rickard Nordström, Ioana Mihaela Folea, Ida-Maria Sintorn.
Methodology: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Stefan Reuberger, Johannes Lengler,
Martin Ryner, Ioana Mihaela Folea, Juan A. Hernandez Bort.
Project administration: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Stefan Reuberger, Barbara
Kraus, Juan A. Hernandez Bort, Ida-Maria Sintorn.

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Resources: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Rickard Nordström, Barbara Kraus, Juan
A. Hernandez Bort, Ida-Maria Sintorn.
Software: Martin Ryner.
Supervision: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Johannes Lengler, Juan A. Hernandez
Bort, Ida-Maria Sintorn.
Validation: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Rickard Nordström, Ioana Mihaela
Folea, Barbara Kraus, Juan A. Hernandez Bort, Ida-Maria Sintorn.
Visualization: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Juan A. Hernandez Bort.
Writing – original draft: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, Stefan
Reuberger, Johannes Lengler, Rickard Nordström, Martin Ryner, Ioana Mihaela Folea,
Juan A. Hernandez Bort, Ida-Maria Sintorn.
Writing – review & editing: Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, Stefan
Reuberger, Johannes Lengler, Rickard Nordström, Martin Ryner, Barbara Kraus, Juan A.
Hernandez Bort, Ida-Maria Sintorn.

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