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Deliverable D2.2 Draft and Results From Pilot Application of Draft Cop

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Ares(2020)2000219 - 09/04/2020

Deliverable D2.2 /
Draft and results from pilot application of
draft CoP
Version: 1.0
Dissemination level: PU
Lead contractor: BMW
Due date: 31.10.2019
Version date: 02.04.2020

This project has received funding from the

European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 723051.
Document information


Felix Fahrenkrog – BMW Silvia Fabello – Veoneer

Moritz Schneider – BMW Oliver Brunnegard – Veoneer
Frederik Naujoks – BMW Adam Kucewicz – Jaguar Land Rover
Fabio Tango – CRF Stuart Whitehouse – Jaguar Land Rover
Andreas Knapp – Daimler Johannes Hiller – RWTH Aachen University (ika)
Stefan Wolter – Ford Frank Bonarens – Opel
Yu Cao – PSA Ulrich Eberle – Opel
Thibault Griffon – PSA Roland Schindhelm – BASt
Elias Demirtzis – Aptiv Elisabeth Shi – BASt
Jorge Lorente Mallada – Toyota Michael Moroff – Audi
Giancarlo Caccia Dominioni – Toyota


Aria Etemad
Volkswagen Group Research
Hermann-Münch-Str. 1
38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: +49-5361-9-13654

Project funding

Horizon 2020
ART-02-2016 – Automation pilots for passenger cars
Contract number 723051

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 ii

Legal Disclaimer

The information in this document is provided “as is”, and no guarantee or warranty is given that the
information is fit for any particular purpose. The consortium members shall have no liability for
damages of any kind including, without limitation, direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages
that may result from the use of these materials, subject to any liability which is mandatory due to
applicable law. Although efforts have been coordinated, results do not necessarily reflect the opinion
of all members of the L3Pilot consortium.
© 2020 by L3Pilot Consortium

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 iii

Table of contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation for the L3Pilot project 1
1.2 L3Pilot Objectives 1
1.1 Approach and scope 3

2 Introduction to the Code of Practice 5

2.1 History of the Code of Practice 5
2.2 Scope of the Code of Practice for Automated Driving 6
2.3 Application of the Code of Practice for Automated Driving 7

3 Development Process of the Code of Practice for Automated Driving 9

3.1 Description of the Development Process of the CoP for Automated Driving 9
3.2 Development Phases in the CoP-AD 10
3.3 Categories and Topics in the CoP-AD 11

4 Draft Code of Practice for Automated Driving 14

4.1 Overall Guideline and Recommendations 14
4.1.1 Minimal Risk Manoeuvre 15
4.1.2 Documentation 17
4.1.3 Existing Standards 19
4.2 Category “ODD Vehicle Level” 20
4.2.1 Requirements 21
4.2.2 Scenarios and Limits 26
4.2.3 Performance Criteria and Customer Expectations 28
4.2.4 Architecture 31
4.2.5 Testing 36
4.3 Category “ODD Traffic System Level & Behavioural Design” 45
4.3.1 Automated Driving Risks and Coverage Interaction with Mixed Traffic 46
4.3.2 V2X interaction 49
4.3.3 Traffic simulation 52
4.3.4 Ethical & Other Traffic Related Aspects 57
4.4 Category “Safeguarding Automation” 60
4.4.1 Functional Safety 61
4.4.2 Cybersecurity 66
4.4.3 Implementation of Updates 71

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4.4.4 Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) 76
4.4.5 Data Recording, Privacy and Protection 82
4.5 Category “Human-Vehicle Integration” 87
4.5.1 Guidelines for HVI 88
4.5.2 Mode Awareness, Trust & Misuse 92
4.5.3 Driver Monitoring 99
4.5.4 Controllability & Customer Clinics 102
4.5.5 Driver Training & Variability of Users 107

5 Pilot application of draft CoP-AD 110

5.1 Process of information collection 110
5.2 Identification of relevant topics for L3Pilot 110
5.3 Results to pilot application of draft CoP-AD in L3Pilot 112
5.3.1 Overall Guideline and Recommendations 112
5.3.2 Category “ODD Vehicle Level” 113
5.3.3 Category “ODD Traffic System Level & Behavioural Design” 115
5.3.4 Category “Safeguarding Automation” 117
5.3.5 Category “Human-Vehicle Integration” 118

6 Conclusion 121

Annex 1 Report of the L3Pilot SP “Methodology” on test and evaluation of ADF 131
Objective data collection 131
Subjective data collection 140

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List of figures

Figure 1.1: SAE Levels of Driving Automation J3016 (Copyright 2014 SAE International). .... 2
Figure 1.2: L3Pilot approach and the mechanism for deployment. ........................................ 3
Figure 1.3: L3Pilot testing areas and cross-borders............................................................... 4
Figure 2.1: Scope of the CoP-AD. ......................................................................................... 7
Figure 3.1: Development phases that have been proposed in deliverable D3.1 ....................10
Figure 3.2: Development phase applied in the draft CoP-AD. ...............................................11
Figure 3.3: Categories used for the draft CoP-AD. ...............................................................12
Figure 4.1: Development phase applied in the draft CoP-AD. ...............................................14

List of tables

Table 3.1: Overview of topics of the CoP-AD categories and the corresponding chapters ....12
Table 5.1: Overview on topics of the CoP-AD that are relevant in L3Pilot. ..........................111
Table A1.1: Overview pros and cons for different objective data collection tools by SP3. ...131
Table A1.2: Rating of the suitability of different objective data collection tools (1 of 3) ........133
Table A1.3: Rating of the suitability of different objective data collection tools (2 of 3) ........135
Table A1.4: Rating of the suitability of different objective data collection tools (3 of 3) ........137
Table A1.5: Overview pros and cons for different subjective data collection tools by SP3. .140
Table A1.6: Rating of the suitability of different subjective data collection tools (1 of 2) ......141
Table A1.7: Rating of the suitability of different subjective data collection tools (2 of 2) ......142

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1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation for the L3Pilot project

Over the years, numerous projects have paved the way for automated driving (AD).
Significant progress has been made, but AD is not yet ready for market introduction.
However, the technology is rapidly advancing and today is at a stage that justifies automated
driving tests in large-scale pilots.
L3Pilot is taking the last steps before the introduction of automated cars in daily traffic.
Drivers are used to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and numerous vehicles
are equipped with ADAS.
Automation is not solved simply by integrating more and better technology. This topic needs,
above all, a focus on user behaviour with automated driving functions. User acceptance is
the key to the success of AD on the market as well as an understanding of the legal
restrictions which first need to be discussed and solved on a broad level.
The idea of the vehicle controlling itself by a computer can create uneasiness among the
global populous akin to the first impression in the 1800s when a motor vehicle was
introduced. The lack of acceptance may hinder the introduction of driver assistance systems
with automation despite their obvious benefits for safety and efficiency. In order to overcome
public concerns, automated vehicles (AV) need to be designed according to user needs,
otherwise they will not be accepted.

1.2 L3Pilot Objectives

The overall objective of the L3Pilot project is to test and study the viability of automated
driving as a safe and efficient means of transportation and to explore and promote new
service concepts to provide inclusive mobility.
AD technology has matured to a level motivating a final phase of road tests which can
answer the key questions before market introduction. These newly‐attained levels of maturity
will ensure an appropriate assessment of the impact of AD, what is happening both inside
and outside the vehicles, how vehicle security can be ensured, evaluating societal impacts
and emerging business models.
Recent work indicates how driver assistance systems and AD functions can be best
validated by means of extensive road tests, with a sufficiently long operation time, to allow
extensive interaction with the driver and testable functions. The project will use large-scale
testing and piloting of AD with developed SAE Level 3 (L3) functions (Figure 1.1) exposed to
different users, mixed traffic environments, including conventional vehicles and vulnerable
road users (VRUs), along different road networks. Level 4 (L4) functions and connected
automation will also be assessed.

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Figure 1.1: SAE Levels of Driving Automation J3016 (Copyright 2014 SAE International).

The data collected in these extensive pilots will support the main aims of the project to:
● Lay the foundation for the design of future, user-accepted, L3 and L4 functions, to ensure
their commercial success. This will be achieved by assessing user reactions, experiences
and preferences of the AD functionalities.
● Enable non-automotive stakeholders, such as authorities and certification bodies, to
prepare measures that will support the uptake of AD, including updated regulations for the
certification of vehicle functions with a higher degree of automation, as well as incentives
for the user.
● Create unified de-facto standardised methods to ensure further development of AD
applications (Code of Practice).
● Create a large databank to enable simulation studies of the performance of AD over time
which can’t be investigated in road tests, due to the time and effort needed. The data will
be one product of the pilots.

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The consortium addresses four major technical and scientific objectives listed below:
1. Create a standardised Europe-wide piloting environment for automated driving.
2. Coordinate activities across the piloting community to acquire the required data.
3. Pilot, test and evaluate automated driving functions and connected automation.
4. Innovate and promote AD for wider awareness and market introduction.

1.1 Approach and scope

The L3Pilot project will focus on large-scale piloting of ADFs (Automated Driving Functions),
primarily L3 functions, with additional assessment of some L4 functions. The key in testing is
to ensure that the functionality of the systems used is exposed to variable conditions, and
performance is consistent, reliable and predictable. This will enhance a successful
experience for the users (Figure 1.2). A good experience of using AD will accelerate
acceptance and adoption of the technology and improve the business case to deploy AD.

Figure 1.2: L3Pilot approach and the mechanism for deployment.

The L3Pilot consortium brings together stakeholders from the whole value chain, including:
OEMs, suppliers, academic institutes, research institutes, infrastructure operators,
governmental agencies, the insurance sector and user groups. More than 1,000 users will
test approximately 100 vehicles across Europe with bases in 10 European countries,
including: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom, as shown in Figure 1.3. The project will last for 48
months, and includes 18 months of road tests.

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Figure 1.3: L3Pilot testing areas and cross-borders.

Since the development of ADF, especially at SAE L3, is fairly well progressed, the aim is not
only to pilot the functions, but also to study user preferences, reactions and willingness to
use vehicles equipped with AD applications. This information leads the consortium to create
plans for the market introduction of AD. The L3Pilot concept can be split into the following
two large parallel, but intertwined, activities:
(i) Development of test and evaluation methodologies, and actual testing and evaluation of
L3 and L4 ADFs. In this scientific part, a variety of controlled experiments will be carried out
in the three pilot areas shown above (see Figure 1.3).
(ii) Promotion of the project work for maximum impact. This includes dissemination of the
project results, and communication to the public, through showcases, to accelerate
deployment of AD.

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2 Introduction to the Code of Practice

The European research project L3Pilot combines different activities. The main objective of
this deliverable is to report on the draft version of the Code of Practice for automated driving
(CoP-AD). The CoP-AD is to provide comprehensive guidelines for supporting the
automotive industry and relevant stakeholders in the development of automated driving
technology. The guidelines are derived from knowledge gained in the industry as well as
from collected best practices on this topic. Thus the CoP-AD includes the following aspects:

 Collection of best practices on the topics that have been identified as relevant to L3Pilot;

 A typical process for the development and release of an automated driving function;

 Safety aspects and methods to confirm the safe operation of automated driving

 Hands-on checklists targeting engineers or to support the community.

It is important to note that this document presents only the draft version of the
CoP-AD. The main purpose of this document is to be the basis for discussion
and preparation of the final CoP-AD. All of this report’s findings are therefore
intermediate results that are still under discussion and will be subject to a future
review. The final version of the CoP-AD will be published in the upcoming L3Pilot
deliverable D2.3.

The document is structured as follows: After a general introduction to the L3Pilot Project, the
history of the Code of Practice is outlined and its scope for automated driving is described.
The third chapter presents the approach for the COP-AD and clarifies the adaptations that
have been necessary during the compilation of the CoP-AD as compared to the initial plan
presented in deliverable D2.1 (Wolter et al., 2018). The draft version of the Code of Practice
for automated driving is described in chapter four. The final chapter reports on the application
of the CoP-AD within L3Pilot. Note: As a reminder, the L3Pilot project does not cover the
entire development process of the vehicle. Thus the description of the application is limited to
topics actually covered as part of L3Pilot. A second aspect that must be considered is that
the L3Pilot project continues after the publication of this deliverable. Accordingly, this
document only contains a snapshot of the current status of the L3Pilot project at the time of
its writing and publication.

2.1 History of the Code of Practice

The CoP activities started with the rise of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) at the
end of last century. At that time it became clear that these functions have a great deal of
potential, however technical limits as well as liability issues could delay the market
introduction of ADAS. Starting from this issue, the Response 1 project (1998–2001) was

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conducted. The activity proposed the creation of a Code of Practice for the development and
validation of ADAS. These “principles” for the development and evaluation of ADAS were to
be established on a voluntary basis as a result of a common agreement between all involved
partners and stakeholders.
The requirements for an ADAS Code of Practice were further elaborated within the
RESPONSE 2 project (2002–2004). The RESPONSE 3 project (2004–2008) continued along
this path in the context of the PReVENT project. The outcome of RESPONSE 3 was the final
“Code of Practice for ADAS” (CoP) (Knapp et al., 2009). The CoP provided the vehicle
industry with tools and a common understanding for overcoming and managing the issues
around ADAS safety and liability.
Since the PReVENT project, the research and development has progressed and has led to
technologies that support the driver or even take over the driving task entirely in a wider
range of situations. These technologies that take over the lateral as well as the longitudinal
driving task are known today as automated driving functions (ADF). Similar to ADAS, ADF
faces different challenges that need to be addressed to avoid hindrance to their market
Therefore the CoP activities were continued in the European research project AdaptIVe
(2014–2017), which dealt with the development of automated driving functions. RESPONSE
4 – a subproject of AdaptIVe – focused on the classification (Bartels et al., 2015) and legal
aspects of automated driving (Bienzeisler et al., 2017). Furthermore, by identifying the
challenges within the development of automated driving (Eberle et al., 2017), it laid out the
basis for the development of the Code of Practice for Automated Driving in L3Pilot.
The Code of Practice for automated driving in L3Pilot must be seen in the tradition of the
RESPONSE 3 CoP, since it is to support the developers of these technologies in order to
overcome main developmental challenges. For L3Pilot, the focus is on automated driving
and, because of this, is complementary to the previous CoP documents.

2.2 Scope of the Code of Practice for Automated Driving

The Code of Practice for Automated Driving (CoP-AD) is to be used as a guideline for
developing and validating automated driving functions. The targeted user group includes
engineers and other stakeholders in the field of automated driving. The CoP-AD will serve as
a recommendation for a safe development of these functions. It is focused on SAE Level 3
and Level 4 functions for vehicles in which steering wheels and pedals are normally available
in the vehicle all the time. In addition, the driver shall be available:
● To take over the driving task upon request by the function (user ready to take over) at any
time, given a sufficient lead time for Level 3; at the end of the ODD for Level 4.
● To cover driving scenarios outside the scope of the function (e.g. function limits, outside of
the ODD, AD function switched off).

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● To retake control from the AD function at any time.
There is consensus that the first automated driving applications for passenger cars will be on
motorways and for parking of the vehicle (VDA 2015). Traffic Jam Chauffeur for lane
following in traffic jams or Motorway Chauffeur for lane following and lane changes are
L3Pilot examples of how to perform the dynamic driving task (SAE 2018) on motorways
instead of the driver. There will also be low speed parking functions completed without the
driver present (Bosch 2017).
Therefore, the scope for the CoP-AD is set to cover SAE Level 3 and Level 4 functions. Level
0, Level 1 and Level 2 functions are not in the focus of this document. They are covered by
the CoP for ADAS – see the RESPONSE 3 project (Knapp et al., 2009). In addition, three
areas may be considered as extensions to the initial scope:
1. The extended scope shall cover the application of the CoP-AD to one non-EU market
(e.g. China, Japan or the USA) yet to be selected.
2. The content of the CoP-AD will be checked for one robot taxi application. A robot taxi is a
driverless vehicle working in a geo-fenced ODD (SAE Level 4 or 5).
3. An example of an application working in an urban or rural traffic area to help understand
how to expand future automated driving functions.
The overall scope is summarised in Figure 2.1. In addition, the CoP-AD will provide relevant
references to specification documents, legal guidelines or literature. In this context, the CoP
for ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009) serves as a starting point for many aspects and is one of the
major references for this document.

Extent to selected non-
EU regions

Extent to selected level

4/5 robot taxi
0 1 2 3 4 5

Extent to driving
scenarios in urban /
Motorway & Parking rural environment

Figure 2.1: Scope of the CoP-AD.

2.3 Application of the Code of Practice for Automated Driving

The CoP is intended to support ADF developers by providing several questions that have
been defined based on the experience gained in the development process thus far. These

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questions should guide the user through different topics that are relevant to developing an
ADF. It is important to note that it is not necessarily required to answer all questions with
“yes” for developing an ADF. Depending on the question, a “no” might also be an
appropriated answer. Some questions might also not be relevant for particular ADFs. Thus
the purpose of the question is less to lead to a specific answer, but instead to prod
developers into thinking about questions and to report whether and how a certain topic has
been addressed in the development process. Furthermore, the questions enable
documentation of the decisions and approaches taken in development. In case a question
has not been addressed in the development of an ADF, it is strongly recommended that the
reason for this decision be documented. This will help lead the CoP-AD to a more
comprehensive view of the development of automated driving.
There is no clear recommendation from L3Pilot on how the CoP shall later be used within
companies developing ADFs. One option would be to address questions directly in a
dedicated process. Another option would be to include the questions in already existing
development processes. Thus each company must individually decide which approach will
be taken.
This document – the draft CoP-AD – is mainly intended to foster discussions and to prompt
feedback for the final CoP-AD (deliverable D2.3 due at the end of February 2021). It is thus
possible that the contents, formulations and structure of the CoP-AD may change over the
course of the work. Furthermore, the topics and questions of the draft CoP-AD will be
elaborated upon in more detail if they are considered relevant. These updates might also
include hands-on checklists for certain topics. This aspect has not been covered by the draft

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3 Development Process of the Code of Practice for Automated

This chapter describes the development process of the CoP-AD, beginning with a recap on
the CoP-AD framework as described in the L3Pilot deliverable D2.1 (Wolter et al., 2018).
Over the course of the project, certain updates related to the development phase and
categories have been necessary. These updates of the framework are described and
combined with an overview about the categories and topics of the CoP-AD.

3.1 Description of the Development Process of the CoP for Automated

The development of the CoP-AD was started by defining the CoP-AD framework (Wolter et
al., 2018). A survey was initially distributed among the L3Pilot partners to collect the relevant
topics and processes for the CoP-AD. Criteria were defined in order to evaluate whether a
certain topic was relevant for the CoP-AD. These criteria are as follows:
● The topic/process poses a common challenge in the development process that requires
● A wrongly applied approach for the topic/process would lead to serious consequences
(e.g. malfunctions in certain traffic situations leading to non-release of the function).
● A frequent misapplication of an approach for a topic/process is highly likely.
● The topic/process has already been identified as relevant by others, for instance the
German Ethics commission on AV (Fabio et al., 2017), Whitepaper “Safety first for
automated driving“ (Wood et al., 2019), the CoP for testing in the UK (DOT 2015), or the
AV Guidelines in the US (NHTSA 2017) or in Japan (MILT 2018).
● The topic/process can be described in a general way that does not lead to unreasonable
limitations in the development process (company independent).
● And the optional criteria: the topic/process is of relevance for L3Pilot prototype vehicles
and can be evaluated in this project.
The identified topics within this CoP-AD deliverable have been clustered into different
categories (see chapter 3.3). In addition, the topics have been classified according to the
addressed development stages (see chapter 3.2).
With the framework set, the actual work on the CoP-AD was started. The first step was to
collect and analyse relevant literature. Based on the literature research, a set of relevant
questions for the CoP-AD was defined and then improved and consolidated using an iterative
process. The outcome is the draft version of the CoP-AD that is presented in this deliverable.
A major objective of this draft CoP-AD is to initiate the discussion with further stakeholders
inside and outside the project. The stakeholders’ feedback is required in order to ensure

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broad acceptance of the CoP-AD. The collected feedback will be used to prepare the final
version of the CoP-AD that will be published in the L3Pilot deliverable D2.3.
Feedback to the L3Pilot project has also been collected in parallel to all of this. Thus the
leaders of the other subprojects of L3Pilot have been asked which topics of the CoP-AD
were dealt with in their subproject. Relevant topics were discussed in more detail. An
example is the findings of the “Methodology (SP3)” subproject, which prepared an internal
report summarising important aspects for evaluation tools related to automated driving
(see Annex 1). However, it must be taken into account that the L3Pilot project only focuses
on some issues of the testing of automated driving on public roads. For this reason, not all
topics outlined in the CoP-AD are covered by L3Pilot. The feedback of the subproject leaders
on the different topics has been analysed and reported in chapter 5.

3.2 Development Phases in the CoP-AD

When a technology is being developed, different aspects become relevant at different stages
of the development. In order to consider this aspect, the CoP-AD is split into different phases
along the development process. This decision was made in the CoP-AD framework (Wolter
et al., 2018), see Figure 3.1. For the definition of the development phase, the Response 3
CoP for ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009) serves as a baseline. The phases cover the concept
(light blue) as well as development phase (dark blue). For the CoP-AD, an additional phase
has been added that also considers the time after start of production phase. Although this
phase is traditionally not part of the development, this phase has become more relevant in
recent times, since it covers topics such as in-market updates and the importance of
monitoring the product in field as requested by the ISO 26262 part 2-7 (ISO 26262 -2 2018)
and 7-6 (ISO 26262 -7 2018).
Post Start of
Concept Proof of Design Validation
Definition Phase Verification Production
Selection Concept Phase & Sign off

Figure 3.1: Development phases that have been proposed in deliverable D3.1 (Wolter et al.,

A consensus was reached over the course of the work that merging two pairs of phases to
two single phases would improve the structure and comprehensibility of the CoP document
without leading to a loss of content (see Figure 3.2). The main changes are:
● “Concept Selection Phase” and “Proof of Concept Phase” are merged to one phase
“Concept Selection”, since the covered time frame of the “proof of concept” is rather short
and it can be seen as the final step of the concept selection;
● “Verification” and “Validation & Sign off” are merged to one phase “Validation &
Verification”, which still includes the sign-off process; the reason is to avoid confusion
between the two phases.

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The new phase structure is presented in Figure 3.2.
After the development phases, the CoP-AD categories and related topics are presented.
Each question is assigned to a certain topic and development phase. It has been decided
that one CoP question can be assigned to multiple development phases.

Validation & Post Start of

Concept Selection
Definition Phase Design Phase Verification Production
Phase Phase

Figure 3.2: Development phase applied in the draft CoP-AD.

3.3 Categories and Topics in the CoP-AD

The categories were derived from the survey amongst L3Pilot partners. Next to the
development phases, they represent the second dimension of the CoP-AD. Different topics
are grouped within a category. Five different categories were described in the framework
(Wolter et al., 2018). These five categories are:
1. Operational Design Domain (ODD) – Vehicle Level: description of the function and
scenarios at vehicle level.
2. Operational Design Domain (ODD) – Traffic System Level: description of the function at
the level of the overall environment.
3. Safeguarding Automation: how to ensure a safe operation of the function.
4. Human-Machine Interaction: interaction between the driver1 and the vehicle’s displays
and control elements.
5. Behavioural Design: how to take into account the behaviour of other road users.
During the work it became clear that Categories 2 and 5 have much overlap, so the two
categories were merged into one. Furthermore, certain topics were identified as relevant to
more than one category and have therefore been moved to an overall category. The updated
structure of the categories is provided in in Figure 3.3.

1Please note that in this deliverable the term “driver” also covers users outside the vehicle that are operating the

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 11

Overall Guidelines and Recommendations
Minimum Risk Manoeuvre, Documentation, Existing Standards

ODD Vehicle Level ODD Traffic Safeguarding Human-Vehicle

System & Automation Integration

Function Description, Automated Driving Functional Safety, Provide Guidelines for

System Limits, Risks, Mixed Traffic Cybersecurity, SOTIF, HMI, Mode Awareness/
Scenarios, Testing etc. Simulation Approach, Updates etc. Confusion,
Ethics, etc. Controllability etc.

Figure 3.3: Categories used for the draft CoP-AD.

The CoP-AD covers 22 different topics overall. The following table provides an overview of
the different topics and the related categories.
Table 3.1: Overview of topics of the CoP-AD categories and the corresponding chapters

Category Topics
Overall Guidelines and ● Minimal Risk Manoeuvre (4.1.1)
Recommendations ● Documentation (4.1.2)
● Existing Standards (4.1.3)

ODD Vehicle Level ● Requirements (4.2.1)

● Scenarios and Limitations (4.2.2)
● Performance Criteria and Customer Expectations (4.2.3)
● Architecture (4.2.4)
● Testing (including Simulation) (4.2.5)

ODD Traffic System & ● Automated Driving Risks and Coverage of Interaction with Mixed
Behavioural Design Traffic (4.3.1)
● V2X Interaction (4.3.2)
● Traffic Simulation (4.3.3)
● Ethics & Other Traffic-Related Aspects (4.3.4)

Safeguarding Automation ● Functional Safety (4.4.1)

● Cybersecurity (4.4.2)
● Implementation of Updates (4.4.3)
● Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) (4.4.4)

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Category Topics
● Data Recording, Privacy and Protection (4.4.5)

Human-Vehicle ● Guidelines for HVI (4.5.1)

Integration ● Mode Awareness, Trust & Misuse (4.5.2)
● Driver Monitoring (4.5.3)
● Controllability & Customer Clinics (4.5.4)
● Driver Training & Variability of Users (4.5.5)

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4 Draft Code of Practice for Automated Driving

This chapter presents each question of the draft CoP-AD in the design of a card. The sub-
chapters are structured by the CoP-AD categories and topics. All cards follow a template
presenting the main question, possible sub-questions and the relevant development phases.
Each card is followed by a short explanation of the questions, which can also include hints
regarding relevant literature.
The cards with the CoP-AD questions are presented according to this template:

Question X-Y-Z Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Main question  Sub-Question 1
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Sub-Question 2
 Sub-Question 3

In the upper left corner question is identified by a three-part ID X-Y-Z. The first “X” denotes
the category (0 - 4). The second, “Y” denotes the topic of the category. With the third, “Z”, the
number of the questions in the topic is identified. The cells on the upper right hand side are
intended to mark the development phase, for which the question is relevant. The colours
correspond with the previously defined development phases (see Figure 4.1). An abbreviated
title for each development phase has been used for improved readability of the template, e.g.
the Definition Phase is abbreviated to DF.

Validation & Post Start of

Definition Phase Concept Selection
Design Phase (DS) Verification Production
(DF) Phase (CO)
Phase (VV) Phase (PS)

Figure 4.1: Development phase applied in the draft CoP-AD.

The cell on the left side includes the main question, which should be answered by indicating
yes or no. In addition to the yes/no answer, there is room to elaborate more on the answers,
e.g. to describe why the question has not been considered in the ADF development process.
On the right side the cell can include (several) sub-questions that are related to the main
question. These sub-questions have two purposes: 1) they should indicate relevant sub
topics of the main question 2) they should support you in answering the main questions.
Following each main question you can find – depending on the question – additional
explanations on the question and relevant literature references.

4.1 Overall Guideline and Recommendations

Before the questions of the dedicated categories are presented, the topics that are relevant
to more than one category are discussed. These topics are the minimal risk manoeuvre, the
documentation and the compliance with existing standards.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 14

4.1.1 Minimal Risk Manoeuvre
The minimal risk manoeuvre (MRM) is the manoeuvre which is applied in case an ADF can
no longer perform the driving task or the driver does not respond to take over requests. The
general objective of the vehicle’s manoeuvre is to reach the safest possible state in the given

Question 0-1-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is there an appropriate mechanism for a fall back  If there is no appropriate reaction from the
solution of the ADF available? driver to take over request, is there an
( ) Yes / ( ) No MRM strategy (i.e. process to automatically
and safely stop a vehicle)?

Different characteristics for initiation and not-initiation of a MRM depending on the TOR
status (not issued, issued and noted, issued and not noted), automation level (level 3 or 4)
and the driver reaction (no reaction, reaction) are possible. In the following it is focused on
characteristics in which a TOR is issued and driver does not react. There could be two
different sequences for initiation of a MRM. In the first the ADF initiates a take-over request
(TOR) and at the same time MRM. In the second the MRM starts just after TOR fails and the
ADF does not detect any driver response. The TOR is a key consideration for a level 3 or
level 4 ADF. Information about the design of HMI can be found in chapter 4.5. The take-over
request must be carefully considered and designed, thus reducing the likelihood that the
MRM will need to be activated. This aspect is also of relevance, when considering SOTIF
(see chapter 4.4.4).
For more information please check:
● “Safety first for automated driving” (Wood et al., 2019).

Question 0-1-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO

Is an adequate and validated concept for MRM ● Is a concept for the MRM in the ADF
available? foreseen? (e.g. degradation, take over)
( ) Yes / ( ) No ● Is the concept defined for the different
driving situations and conditions?
● Is the targeted / final minimal risk condition
● Is the condition(s) clearly defined under
which the MRM shall / must be activated?
● Is a concept for a safe operation during
MRM available?
● Has the concept (e.g. timing, handling) of
the MRM been validated in terms of
effectiveness and safety?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 15

An adequate MRM concept shall be defined in conjunction with the ADF. The concept should
consider the option to implement different reactions depending on the given driving situation
and condition. The concept should define under which condition the MRM shall be activated
and when it should be not. Furthermore, it must be ensured in the concept that the MRM can
be operated safely (functional safety, Safety of the intended functionality). The analysis
should not only be limited to the ego vehicle but also consider the surrounding traffic.

Question 0-1-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS

Are the sensor(s) and the function setup ● Is the ADF capable of performing a MRM in
appropriate to perform the MRM in different all the various conditions that the vehicle
conditions? encounters in its ODD - including fault
( ) Yes / ( ) No conditions?
● Is the ADF able to decide for appropriate
characteristics of MRM (e.g. stop in lane)?
● If applicable, has a function redundancy
been taken into account for the chosen
architecture to support the MRM?

The MRM only becomes relevant when the ADF reaches its limits. Therefore, it is likely that
not all information that the ADF would provide in normal conditions will be available for the
MRM to use. It is important to compare exactly what information is available from the sensors
at this moment in time and what information is required in order to execute the MRM. If
significant gap is detected between available and required information, measures need to be
taken to ensure it is minimised.
For more information please check:
● NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases and Scenarios Final
Report” (Thorn et al., 2018);
● “Safety first for automated driving” (Wood et al., 2019).

Question 0-1-4 Relevant Phase(s) DS VV

Have appropriate MRM been implemented to  Have different characteristics of MRM been
cover all the various scenarios and conditions considered for different driving scenarios?
required? ( ) Yes / ( ) No  Has an adequate and appropriate
interaction with the driver (and with other
road users; e.g. direction indicator) been
ensured by the MRM (relevant criteria:
safety, driving experience, trust, situation
 Has the MRM been implemented according
to the concept and its specification?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 16

 Has the MRM implementation been tested
sufficiently in different conditions (criteria:
safety, performance, reliability /
 Do the MRM test scenarios consider
possible reactions of the surrounding road

Once a concept has been decided on, it must be ensured that the MRM is correctly
implemented. For this purpose, different verification steps are required in order to prove
completeness and correctness.
For more information please check:
● Thatcham Research Report (Thatcham 2018);
● “Safety first for automated driving” (Wood et al., 2019).

Question 0-1-5 Relevant Phase(s) VV PS

Have the test cases considered all the different  Has the ADF reached the safe state after
MRM activation conditions? MRM? (also during post start of production)
( ) Yes / ( ) No

In order to perform these verification tests, the test cases for the MRM need to be defined
beforehand. When defining the test cases, it must be ensured that they cover the entire
operation of the MRM including different traffic and environmental conditions. Furthermore, it
must be defined, which test methods (test track, simulation etc.) shall be applied for testing
the MRM.
4.1.2 Documentation
This sub-chapter deals with the documentation of results. The main purpose of the
documentation is to enable a later comprehension of the ADF’s capabilities, performance as
well as decisions made during the development.
Documentation is not only relevant for internal purposes, but can also be relevant for external
stakeholders, i.e. for homologation and certification of the ADF and liability issues.
Documentation does not mean explicitly that any kind of information is stored, it means that
information that is relevant today or might become relevant at a later stage shall be stored.
The following questions focus on the documentation in the context of test activities. This
does not mean that other development related information does not need to be documented.
This information is not covered by this document, since it is expected that this is defined by
company internal rules, which follow for instance the ISO 9001 (ISO 9001 2015), or external

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 17

guidelines. If uncertain whether information for another purpose needs to be documented or
not, please consult the responsible individuals in your company.

Question 0-2-1 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is there a documentation and reporting process  Has an operating procedure been
applied for assessing, testing and validating the established to document the performed
ADF capabilities and design decisions? tests and compliance (fail/pass)?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Has an operating procedure been
established to document updates of the test
 Does the documentation format comply with
requirements of external stakeholders?

The first question focuses on whether all test related aspects (test plan, test execution and
test result) have been documented properly. The term “test” covers the test and evaluation of
the ADF capabilities as well as the general validation & verification of the ADF including the
validation of design decisions. In addition to the test activities, the documentation shall cover
updates of the test plan, and for comprehensibility, it is also recommended to document the
reasons for these changes.
In case documentation of test activities needs to be shared with external stakeholders, i.e. for
homologation or certification purposes, it shall be checked, whether the documentation
format complies with their requirements.

Question 0-2-2 Relevant Phase(s) CO DS VV PS

Has a reporting system / procedure been created  Has a reporting procedure been created in
in which to record the knowledge / lessons learnt which faulty behaviour can be recorded
during testing and development? during testing?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Has a reporting procedure been established
to review the results obtained and to
address reporting of identified deficiency?
 Does the reporting system cover the
required steps to handle the identified
 Has a reporting procedure been established
to update test cases based on the
experiences of past projects?
 Does the reporting system consider data
from all test methods (test track, simulation
and test on public roads etc.)?
 Has a test report been prepared for all
detected failures?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 18

These questions address how lessons learnt can be collected during testing and
development of future ADF(s). Of particular importance is the correct handling of deficiencies
that are detected during testing. For each deficiency an adequate reporting procedure needs
to be applied that not only covers the reporting of the deficiency, but also how the
deficiencies have been handled. The reporting procedure shall cover all test methods.
The knowledge of the test activities cannot only be used for the ADF itself, but also for
updates of the tests. These updates can include a change of the tested parameters, the
number of tests as well as the methodology.
4.1.3 Existing Standards
A general requirement of technology development is that state-of-the-art is followed. This
applies in particular for safety related aspects in order to ensure the safety of users as well
as of others, who might be affected by the technology. Therefore, existing standards and
best practices must be adhered to in the development.

Question 0-3-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Are (industry) standards and best practices  Have / Are relevant standards and best
according to their current availability been practices (according to their current
followed? availability) been identified and evaluated?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

A non-complete list of example safety standards that are relevant in the context of ADF
development based on (Wood et al., 2019) is given below:
● Endangerment caused by the intended function (e.g. due to sensor performance
boundaries), ISO PAS 21448 “SOTIF“(ISO 21448 2019)
● Foreseeable misuse, ISO PAS 21448 “SOTIF“(ISO 21448 2019); ISO 26262 “Functional
Safety“ (ISO 26262 2018)
● Malfunctions due to e/e defects and systematic programming- and design errors, ISO
26262 “Functional Safety“(ISO 26262 2018)
● Deliberate manipulation of the system from security point of view, ISO/SAE 21434 „Road
Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering“ (ISO 21434 20XX)
● Influences from the (traffic) environment, ISO PAS 21448 “SOTIF“(ISO 21448 2019)
● Influences from the humans behaviour, ISO PAS 21448 “SOTIF“ (ISO 21448 2019)
The state of the art is changing over time. Therefore, the compliance with this question
requires a constant review and update process.
There are other related topics that are not covered in detail by the CoP-AD. For those topics
please have a look at previous CoP deliverables, Response 3 (Knapp et al., 2009) and

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 19

AdaptIVe (Bienzeisler et al., 2017). One example are questions related to liability, here the
AdaptIVe deliverable D2.3 (Bienzeisler et al., 2017) provides further insights.

4.2 Category “ODD Vehicle Level”

The Operational Design Domain describes the specific scenarios and conditions in which the
Automated Vehicles (AVs) are designed to function. The scope of the ODD is dependent on
the feature of the ADF embedded in the AVs. This chapter focuses on ODD at vehicle level,
that is, all the functional aspects of a vehicle are taken into consideration. In particular, the
following topics are illustrated:
● Requirements
● Scenarios and Limits
● Performance Criteria and Customer Expectations
● Architecture
● Testing
The first topic is about “Requirements”, which can be split into functional and non-functional
requirements. The requirements are considered related to the high-level function, to the
refinement of the ODD and to its final release of the ADF.
The second topic “Scenarios and Limits” depends on the automation level, since each ADF
will have certain restrictions as part of the specification. As described below, most of them
will be known and defined by intention, but others can occur during the development
The third topic is about “Performance Criteria and Customer Expectations”, which covers
both the performance criteria for the ADF developed and the customer expectations of the
ADF. End-users need a correct understanding (and expectations) of the functions behaviour.
This topic is strongly related to Category 4 “Human Vehicle Integration”.
The fourth topic deals with “Architecture”, which is fundamental since the complexity of the
software and hardware integrated in vehicles is continuously growing. Therefore, the function
architecture needs to be planned and verified from the early development stages, in order to
reduce development risks and costs.
The last topic is about “Testing”, which includes the assessment of the ADF at different
stages of the development process. The ADF will be verified and validated against the
functional and non-functional requirements to ensure it meets the design intent.
All the questions, to be included in the CoP-AD and related to these topics, are considered
and presented in the following paragraphs, including possible sub-questions (to specify the
main questions further) and indicating the most important stage of development related to
each question.

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4.2.1 Requirements
Right from the definition phase, it is imperative that the requirements are defined clearly. This
is essential in order to provide the basis for good testing. The requirements for automated
systems describe the system’s desired behaviour under a dynamic environment based on
available information. To limit the operational needs of the ADF, it is referred to the ODD
which is defined by numerous conditions that may vary within a short period of time.
Considering that these conditions need to be fulfilled in order to operate the ADF, the
following section discusses the ODD in order to scope the requirements for the ADF. Here,
the ADF shall be able to fulfil the requirements of particular driving modes. Therefore, the
following chapters focus on the high-level function requirements during the definition,
concept, design and validation phases.
The CoP questions described below provide a starting point for specifying the minimum level
of ADF requirements needed to define and verify that certain ODD conditions have been

Question 1-1-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are the different attributes of the requirements  Are target-values defined for all the
considered? (Specific, measurable, relevant, requirements across the whole project?
attainable, testable etc.)  Has the controllability been considered?
( ) Yes / ( ) No
 Have the feasibility and the usage condition
of the requirements been considered (i.e.
when and in which cases can the
requirement be realised)?
 Are the expected completion times for these
requirements been defined?
 Are appropriate metrics and thresholds

As a starting point for discussing requirements it is useful to have a common understanding

between all stakeholders of the rules and terms which are used for these requirements. A
requirement needs to meet several criteria to be considered attainable. Therefore, clear
technical requirements are required instead of abstract goals in order to be able to properly
trace component functionality. The following characteristics are generally accepted as those
defining a complete requirement:
● Specific – The requirement is simple and precise. It should not be open to various
● Measurable – The requirement should be measured against results. In other words it
vague statement like ‘acceptable’ should be avoided, but instead measurement units shall
be used.

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● Relevant – The requirements meets the actual ODD need.
● Attainable – The requirement can be implemented within the ODD constraints and the
resulting deployment of the release.
● Testable – It can be shown that the requirement has been met by the ADF and can be
inspected and verified.

Question 1-1-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are the requirements classified as functional and
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Functional requirements identify what the ADF should do. These can be conceptualised with
use cases or other specific functionalities that define what an ADF is supposed to
Functional requirements include descriptions of the ADF and detail the data to be held in the
ADF. Features needed to achieve the required functionality should be as specific as possible
including any limitations specific to the ODD.
Non-functional requirements specify how the ADF should work. These can be conceptualized
mainly with performance requirements, design constraints and quality attributes.
Non-functional requirements usually detail constraints, targets or control mechanisms related
with the qualities of the ADF and its success. They describe how well or to what standard an
ADF should be provided. In principle those requirements are difficult to measure and test.
Therefore, experience in the look and feel of the ADF as well as safety, security and privacy
requirements play an important role.

Question 1-1-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Does the ADF comply with the key requirements
(such as functional stability, performance,
( ) Yes / ( ) No

The core technical requirements for ADF must be addressed. Those requirements should be
the basis of operational approval. Meeting the key requirements and achieving operational
approval will determine whether the ADF is complying with the specifications and rules. For
example in addition to yes/no questions, it is helpful to explain how the requirements are met.
This can be done by describing the ADF by design and by providing a brief overview of the
system architecture focusing on items maximizing performance, reliability and overall system

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 22

Question 1-1-4 Relevant Phase(s) DF
Is a means (e.g. graphical representations and  Are the requirements been defined using
state diagrams) provided for comprehensive graphical representations and state
analysis of the requirements? diagrams?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is there a requirements specification

The main purpose of the question is to formulate a runtime representation of the operational
domain in which the requirements are linked with the ODD elements and the system
functionality. To ensure that the complete system is built according to the laid out
requirements a design methodology is required. Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
is one such engineering technique that exploits the use of models to define and analyse a
system. The MBSE approach is highly recommended by ISO 26262.
Modelling is a way to deal with the limitations of document-based approaches while being
capable of identifying problems and reducing the risk of having ambiguous requirements.
MBSE is utilising a System Modelling Language (SysML) which can use requirements
diagrams to efficiently capture functional, performance and interface requirements.

Question 1-1-5 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are the ADF states defined? Examples: Not operational, Operational without
( ) Yes / ( ) No notifications, Operational with some
notifications, Operational with all notifications

Fundamental to AD is the need to be safe even as real-life driving context changes. At the
same time operation under certain conditions and states should also be considered. Here, it
is assumed that there is redundancy in the system so that the ADF can always perform a
fallback. Therefore, any additional information relevant to the safe operation of the vehicle
must be effectively communicated to the driver. A simulation-based testing methodology
provides a structured approach to evaluate the operation state of the system in a wide variety
of operating conditions. Generally accepted operational scenarios may be considered the
● Not operational – ADF not available
● Operational without notifications – ADF available but unobservable state
● Operational with some notifications – ADF available with limitations on the state
● Operational with all notifications available – ADF available

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 23

Question 1-1-6 Relevant Phase(s) DF
Do the function limitations cover the identified /  Have the risks been analysed to understand
considered risks? which are acceptable and which
( ) Yes / ( ) No unacceptable?
 Has it been ensured that the ADF can
achieve a minimal risk condition?

ADFs are limited in the way their algorithms react on sensor and other hardware malfunction.
Measures must be provided that ensure that risks are minimised when systems fail to work
as intended. The ADF must be robust to uncertainties e.g. when system encounters an
exception or other situation for which it was not designed for. Please consider in this context
also the Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) (see chapter 4.4.4).

Question 1-1-7 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is the intended level(s) of driving automation
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Each level has a specific set of safety requirements that an ADF must meet before it can be
considered to operate at that level. The safe state of an ADF heavily relies on the situation in
which the state has to be maintained or reached. Low levels of automation rely on the human
driver in order to maintain a safe state. Higher levels of automation do not rely on the human
driver as fall back solution but they are also limited by ODD. Higher levels of automation
need more intelligence in processing, sensing and monitoring requirements. This results to
higher computing requirements to execute more complex software. From fully manual to fully
automated capabilities, the SAE’s approach to automated driving remains the industry’s most
widely accepted classification system. Please consider in this context also the Safety of the
Intended Functionality (SOTIF) (see chapter 4.4.4).

Question 1-1-8 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is a checklist considering ODD requirements for ● Is the ODD taxonomy of the ADF been
the ADF defined? derived from the concept of the AD feature?
(Like appendix A of Thorn et al., 2018)
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Such a list is unlikely to be complete, but an attempt to compile a list can be a starting point
for listing all possible considerations and help to ensure that ODD requirements do not
contain crucial gaps due to missing information. This list can be enhanced based on
significant experience and can prove essential for ensuring safe real-world operation.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 24

Question 1-1-9 Relevant Phase(s) DF
Is a general verification strategy for the chosen ● Has / is the right interaction between the
ODD defined? vehicle and its environment been ensured?
( ) Yes / ( ) No ● Has / is the coverage of the requirements by
your V&V tools (e.g. MiL, SiL, HiL, proving
ground and real-world driving) been

While any such question is unlikely to be answered completely, the question can serve as a
starting point to ensure that ODD verification efforts for the ADF do not contain crucial
process gaps. A conventional strategy on vehicle level should include:
● Requirements-based verification of function, sub-functions and components.
● Validation of a typical fail-operation function with all redundant components capable of
performing safe state transitions.
Whatever verification targets are set, the complexity of vehicles and their environment will
make testing challenging at a fundamental level. An essential next step will be finding ways
to manage the complexity of verification without missing critical effects that may cause
unexpected results. It is important to understand that the automated driving domain is
changing rapidly and all actors need to track emerging technology trends. Therefore, by
using a verification strategy, we maintain a consistent approach of identifying risks,
implementing solutions and verifying their effectiveness.

Question 1-1-10 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Have / are safety assurance targets been set? ● Is there any assurance of the ODD used by
( ) Yes / ( ) No other regulated industries
● Has / is any evidence been gathered from a
wide range of assurance methods?
● Has / is safety assurance been complete
beyond individual components?

An important goal for automated vehicle systems is to reduce the potential of risks occurring
during operation. Especially for safety assurance at all levels from individual components and
subsystems to the vehicle as a whole, a safety assurance methodology must be introduced.
Such methodology could include pre-market testing, design and manufacturing processes,
performance criteria and standards conforming to national guidance before system

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 25

Question 1-1-11 Relevant Phase(s) VV
Has / is the actual technical performance been ● Is the actual performance rated against the
verified that it is in line with the defined ODD? ODD requirements? (e.g. not-compliant vs.
( ) Yes / ( ) No compliant)

A typical ODD approach defines a limited number of performance expectation criteria which
allow the system designers to assess in terms of the ability to achieve the overall desired
operational capability within the ODD. The minimum performance criteria define how the
ADS is expected to perform and that all aspects of the ODD have been addressed either by
ensuring safe system operation or by ensuring that the system can control and mitigate any
exemptions beyond the defined ODD.

Question 1-1-12 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is a general strategy available to monitor
released vehicles in the field?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Perhaps the most logical way to assess an automated vehicle is to drive it in real traffic and
observe its performance. If an ADF system is expected to detect whether it has left the ODD,
then it must be able to monitor the ODD at runtime. Even after a vehicle is released a
mechanism to monitor performance results or safety trends by collecting the vehicle’s safety
data should be included as a next step. Developers of automated vehicles rely upon this
approach to evaluate and improve their systems

Question 1-1-13 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is a strategy available to feedback learnings into
the development cycle and to release updates for
already delivered vehicles?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

An automated system is not enabled by one single technology or component, but rather by a
combination of technologies. Numerous lessons could be learned during the development
and deployment of AD systems. A strategy must exist to explore and highlight challenges
associated with the deployment of the system in real-world.
4.2.2 Scenarios and Limits
Depending on the automation level (SAE 2018), each ADF will face certain restrictions as
part of its specification. These restrictions define the ODD of the ADF. Most of the restrictions
will be defined intentionally and are known, but it can be expected that there will be cases
where the intended ODD is either “smaller” or “larger” than the implemented ODD. Potential
causes for such inconsistencies could be for instance technical limitations of ADF (sensors,
logic, and actuators) or unexpected driving scenarios, which have not been considered

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 26

during the development. The following questions aim to support in dealing with the scenarios
and limits of the ADF.

Question 1-2-1 Relevant Phase(s) CO DS

Are the function limitations known? ● Are function limitations reproducible (e.g. in
( ) Yes / ( ) No the same situations/ under the same
● Have the ADF tasks (dynamic driving task)
that the function must cope with been
● Have limitations been considered in the
selection of the perception platform?
● Are function limitations measurable?

The ODD summarises operating conditions under which the ADF is specifically designed to
function. The ODD is comprised of elements that can be allocated to different categories
including, but not limited to, environmental, geographical, time-of-day restrictions, and/or the
required presence or absence of certain traffic or roadway characteristics (SAE 2018). In
addition, all objects classes which the driving automation function shall respond to must be
defined in the ODD.
Defining a consistent ODD is one of the key success factors for an ADF. For every element
in the ODD, the possible values or parameter ranges must be defined, e.g. the illumination
can be limited to values greater than 500 lx, to ensure that the driving automation function (or
feature) only operates during day time. The ODD might however change during the
development due to newly discovered limitations or changes in the development. In this
case, it is not feasible to cover the originally defined ODD any longer. Therefore a constant
review of the function limits in relation to the ODD is necessary. One indicator is an
inconsistent behaviour of the vehicle function while driving with an activated ADF.

Question 1-2-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO

Is the function operating under the ODD limit? ● Can each inherent ODD limitation be
( ) Yes / ( ) No detected by the function once it is reached

An ADF that operates outside of the ODD can instil false customer trust and overconfidence.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 27

The function shall be able to identify whether it is operating within or outside the ODD, which
● recognising all defined ODD elements and their parameter ranges;
● recognising the ODD boundaries before leaving them, with enough time to warn the driver
and/or to take necessary actions (depending on the feature itself, e.g. a safe stop on the
hard shoulder).
To secure that the function operates only insides the ODD limits, scenarios must be defined
to verify and validate the ADF at its ODD borders (see also next two questions and question

Question 1-2-3 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Has / is a structured-approach based on test ● Is a test catalogue utilised in order to guide
tools (e.g. simulation, X-in-the-Loop) been used the verification and validation activities?
to identify critical scenarios? ● Are functional, logical and concrete test
( ) Yes / ( ) No scenarios been considered for verification?

In order to identify limits and update the specification accordingly the identification of relevant
driving scenarios is required. Apart from “black box testing” of an integrated function, which
involves real world testing to try to find potential issues based on real world traffic in a
representative environment, there are several other approaches that can be applied to test
for such limitations at an early stage of development. One approach is to identify corner and
edge cases combined with robustness tests (e.g. by introducing noise). The underlying
assumption is that if the ADF can deal with these, it will also be capable of dealing with less
critical scenarios. Thus, it is necessary to expose the ADF to a repeatable set of driving
scenarios, an activity for which a simulation environment is most suitable.
In addition to the approach in 1-2-6 the application of a test catalogue supports reuse of past
experiences and company / vehicle specific test sets. A test catalogue will also be needed for
regression testing to re-run past tests for a system after a modification has been introduced
during development.
The tests should be defined in a way that they address all definition layers of test – ranging
from functional via logical up to concrete test scenarios. Additional information regarding this
topic is provided by the PEGASUS project (PEGASUS 2019).
4.2.3 Performance Criteria and Customer Expectations
This topic covers the performance criteria for the ADF developed as well as the customer
expectations of the ADF. The link between both aspects is required since the customer will
need to be supported in order to have an understanding about the ADF’s performance and
his or her role and responsibilities during automated driving (ITF 2018).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 28

Question 1-3-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF
Has a concept been defined to identify customer ● Have / are customer abilities and limitations
requirements? been considered?
( ) Yes / ( ) No ● Have / are customer preferences and
expectations of the ADF that is being
designed been considered?
● Has / is customer feedback in previous
projects been considered?

This question addresses the importance of considering customer expectations, which can be
translated to requirements when setting performance criteria for the ADF to be developed.
Customer expectations may cover a wide spectrum, not considering only comfort but also
safety, usability, controllability, acceptance etc. Additionally, customer’s abilities and
limitations shall be identified, considering different learning curves. In order to identify these
aspects, it may be relevant to segment the customers / users groups identified. Finally,
reflecting customer feedback refers to the information which can be obtained after
deployment and which can be fed into the next development or ADF update. These factors
shall be addressed at the definition phase.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● International Transport Forum “Safer Roads with Automated Vehicles” (ITF 2018).

Question 1-3-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Has a concept been defined to set realistic and
objective performance criteria?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

On top of customer expectations, it is important to consider which other performance criteria

the ADF should meet. This shall be addressed based on objective and realistic data and
shall address aspects such as safety, comfort, and drivability. This is something which is
particularly complex due to the lack of historic data and the wide diversity of technologies,
therefore appropriate testing activities including customer clinics shall be performed during
development. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● International Transport Forum “Safer Roads with Automated Vehicles” (ITF 2018).

Question 1-3-3 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Have / are forms of cooperative control between ● Is the specific performance of the ADF
the ADF and the driver been defined? (the driver (including performance boundaries) been
may be inside or outside the vehicle) clearly defined for the user?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 29

● Has / is a concept been developed to
validate each of the performance criteria
which has been set?
● Is a concept been developed for identifying
variable user requirements while driving and
adapting ADF driving characteristics

Transport systems can be improved in terms of efficiency and safety of systems by

cooperative behaviour among different traffic participants (Bartels et al., 2015). The CoP-AD
focuses on ADFs in which the driver needs to be ready to take control of the vehicle and so it
is essential that it is defined how the cooperation between the user and the ADF is
established. This should be defined in the design phase of the development process. This
cooperation can happen at either strategical level (e.g. navigation), tactical level (e.g.
guidance) and / or operational level (e.g. control) (Flemisch et al., 2016).
Additionally, it is necessary to identify the performance boundaries between the ADF and the
user. Shared control should communicate the proximity to task boundaries, environmental
constraints, or function limits to facilitate a need for adaptation in control strategy or
adaptation in the cooperation balance (Abbink et al., 2018).
Since this question shall be addressed at the design phase, it is also relevant to define a
concept to validate the defined performance criteria, although the validation concept will be
implemented in a later phase.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● A Topology of Shared Control Systems – Finding Common Ground in Diversity (Abbink et
al., 2018);
● Shared control is the sharp end of cooperation: Towards a common framework of joint
action, shared control and human machine cooperation (Flemisch et al., 2016);
● System Classification and Glossary, AdaptIVe Deliverable D2.1, 2015 (Bartels et al.,

Question 1-3-4 Relevant Phase(s) VV S

Has / is a method been implemented to validate ● Have / are performance boundaries been
the target performance and the customer validated?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

A validation and verification concept is required to ensure that the targets that were defined
in the design phase can be met. Therefore, the validation and verification concept must be
implemented. This validation and verification shall include not only the performance criteria

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 30

and customer requirements but also the identified boundaries which affect the cooperative
control. The applied method shall include different test tools depending on criteria or
customer requirements that are being tested (see chapter 4.2.5).
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Recent release of NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases
and Scenarios Final Report” (Thorn et al., 2018)

Question 1-3-5 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Has / is a process been established to  Does the process consider how customer
understand how customer expectations can be expectations evolve based on their driving
satisfied? experience in automated driving mode?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Does the process consider how customer
expectations evolve based on their driving
experience in manual driving?

As part of the validation phase, it is necessary to review whether the customer requirements
are in line with their expectations. Those expectations can evolve over time alongside with
the user’s driving experience. A higher level of driving experience might lead to evolving
capabilities of the user based on different learning curves (Abbink et al., 2018).
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● A Topology of Shared Control Systems – Finding Common Ground in Diversity (Abbink et
al., 2018).
4.2.4 Architecture
An architecture framework for an ADF is made by several standardised viewpoints, among
which typically a functional, a logical and physical architecture. As the complexity of software
and hardware integrated in vehicles grows, there is an increasing need to plan and verify the
architecture starting from the early development stages, to ensure safety and to reduced
development risks and costs. The questions in this section aim at highlighting fundamental
steps in the development and validation of the architecture at vehicle level, with a focus on
assuring safety when the ADF finds itself outside its ODD a detailed example of a testing
architecture and a scenario-based test framework for ADF features can be found in Thorn et
al., 2018.
However, the process of choosing an architecture includes going through different views, and
finally identifying the physical function elements capable of performing the desired AD
functions and identifying the physical interfaces capable of carrying the required data flows.
One of the critical aspects of developing an ADF is the interaction with its user, as the
function must be developed to be easily and safely operated by the user, and therefore one
of its critical elements is the HVI. Because of its relevance, a section of this CoP is devoted
to display and control concepts, i.e. the human-vehicle-integration (HVI – Section 4.5). In

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 31

particular, the first subsection covers the general guidelines on how to design the HVI, and
we refer the reader there for more information.

Question 1-4-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO

Has / is a rationale for the chosen physical  Has / is a rationale for the chosen sensor
architecture been put in place? set been put in place?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Has / is a rationale for the chosen
actuator(s) been put in place?
 Has / is a rationale for the chosen ECU
been put in place?

According to ISO 15288:2015 (ISO15288 2015), ‘the purpose of the Architecture Definition
process is to generate function architecture alternatives, to select one or more alternative(s)
that frame stakeholder concerns and meet function requirements, and to express this in a set
of consistent views’. At the end of the process, the optimal physical architecture should be
selected that implements all the stakeholder and function requirements. To select the final
architecture, criteria to compare the produced candidates should be defined and the
selection criteria should also be documented. A more detailed elaboration on architecture
selection activities can be found in (INCOSE 2015), where possible criteria for selection are
listed, together with additional activities like assessments, risks analysis, prototypes, etc.
which are generally performed in parallel to obtain “proven” requirements.
Purpose of this question is to ensure that the rationale for the final architecture, i.e. not only
requirements but also decision activities and steps, is recorded for later steps and to ensure
traceability. This allows design validation of the architecture against its specification. In later
iterations architectural decisions can still be understood and can be maintained or changed
based on the defined target.

Question 1-4-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO

Has / is a verification/analysis been undertaken
to ensure that the selected architecture can
detect, recognise and classify any object within
the ODD?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Once the ODD is defined, the Object and Event Detection Response (OEDR) capabilities
must be specified. OEDR refers to ‘the subtasks of the DDT that include monitoring the
driving environment (detecting, recognizing, and classifying objects and events and
preparing to respond as needed) and executing an appropriate response to such objects and
events (i.e., as needed to complete the DDT and/or DDT fallback’ (SAE 2018)).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 32

The OEDR capabilities are derived from two inputs. First the objects defined in the ODD
must be analyzed regarding possible events that can be triggered by them, e.g. a pedestrian
(object) crossing the road (event). Second the tactical manoeuvres that the driving
automation function can implement must be analyzed, as they indicate which capabilities the
driving automation function has, to respond to the event, triggered by the object. Examples
for tactical manoeuvres are changing lanes, driving at constant speed, braking, etc. In case
of the example stated above (pedestrian crossing the road), a possible response is braking.
As one object can trigger multiple events that can lead to multiple possible responses by the
driving automation function, the task of defining the OEDR capabilities can become very
complex. A possible tool to handle the complexity is to define logical rules for the
combination of object-event-response, e.g. Object A cannot trigger Event B, etc. Thus, the
theoretical number of combinations (#O x #E x #R) is reduced to the number of feasible

Question 1-4-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO

Has / is a verification/analysis been completed to
ensure that the selected architecture responds to
any (relevant) object when the ADF is operating
under the ODD limit2?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

ODD and OEDR allow the derivation of logical scenarios. Logical scenarios, in combination
with requirements, form the input for testing the architecture response. Thorn et al., (Thorn
2018) suggests three testing techniques, i.e. modelling and simulation, closed-track testing
and open-road testing, which constitute a three-pillar approach becoming a standard in
validating complex ADF features. Test procedures can vary depending also on the selected
tools, but should always aim at “achieving repeatability, reliability, and practicality” (Thorn

Question 1-4-4 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Does the chosen function architecture satisfy the
defined SAE level and requirements?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

The SAE J3016 standard (see end of the Section) describes the classification for road-bound
vehicles with autonomous driving functions. Each of the six defined levels is classified by the
(minimum) requirements on how much the driver has to be involved in the Dynamic Driving

2 ODD limit includes here also the continued operation during a take-over request until the driver has taken over
the control or a minimum risk manoeuvres start. Operation during the minimum risk manoeuvre shall be also be
covered in an appropriated way.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 33

Task (DDT), i.e. how alert they need to be while in the vehicle and how much they are
supposed to remain in the loop.
The purpose of this question is therefore to ensure that the designed function has not only a
defined SAE level, but also that it will behave as expected within its ODD. Moreover, it is
fundamental to ensure that specific measurements are taken in case the ODD is exceeded.
For level 3, the DDT fall back strategy relies either upon the attentive driver to respond by
resuming manual driving or by achieving a minimal risk condition. For a level 4 or 5 ADF, the
function shall perform the fall back by automatically achieving a minimal risk condition (for
more information see chapter 4.1.1).

Question 1-4-5 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Are the architectural aspects between function
and other elements outside vehicles (V2X,
Backend etc.) been considered?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Ensure that the required interfaces of the function(s) to backend solutions are considered. By
doing this, the function(s) integrity is ensured for a specific context. An interface Control
Document should be available. Additionally, relevant documentation for functional safety and
cybersecurity (item definition, safety case, safety manuals, cybersecurity case, …) can
support safety and cybersecurity analyses. The functional safety concept and the
cybersecurity concept of the different involved systems, if safety and/or security relevant,
should be analyzed for consistency.

Question 1-4-6 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO

Are requirements for safety, security and  Based on the ADF scope, has a high-level
maintainability been considered for the selection sensor architecture been identified, which
of an appropriate architecture? can outline the technology to be used for
( ) Yes / ( ) No the required perception and functionality?
 Does ADF’s architecture fulfil standard like
the SAE architecture (SAE 2012) or other
state-of-the-art published architecture (e.g.
Wood et al., 2019)?

The architecture and the ADF shall be designed to satisfy additional non-functional
requirements from different disciplines and standards, of which most relevant are
requirements regarding safety, security and maintenance. Since such aspects have a huge
impact on the architecture and ADF design, the entire section 4.4 “safeguarding automation”
addresses these cross-functional topics.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 34

Some important aspects that shall not be neglected during the design phase, since they
could cause drastic harm during function operation, are:
● The function is safe with respect to state-of-the-art safety methods and standard (e.g.
ISO 26262);
● The function is secure with respect to state-of-the-art security methods and standards;
● The function achieves maintainability requirements.
Good practice is therefore to check if current architecture standards are available to provide
guidelines on designing the ADF architecture. We refer for example to the ISO/IEC/IEEE
42010:2011 standard (and reference inside) which specifies architecture viewpoints,
architecture frameworks and architecture description languages for use in architecture

Question 1-4-7 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Are sensing, perception, world modelling and
navigation and planning supported by your
software and hardware components?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

The purpose of this question is to investigate whether the mapping and allocation of the
desired functions or sub-functions to physical components is done properly. In addition it
checks if the selected ADF elements are reviewed to be capable to satisfy the defined

Question 1-4-8 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Do the selected tools satisfy quality and safety
standards and requirements?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

In the case a tool is used in the development of ADF, confidence in the use of the selected
tool is required. For software, confidence is achieved if the tool effectively minimises the risk
of systematic faults in the developed product, and the development process and the tool
complies with the processes of ISO 26262 (ISO 26262 2018). To evaluate the confidence of
a software tool in the development, following criteria shall be considered:
● the possibility that a malfunctioning software tool could produce erroneous outputs, which
could in turn:
● introduce errors in the function being developed;
● prevent errors in the function being developed to be detected; and
● the confidence in preventing or detecting such errors in the output.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 35

The evaluation contemplates two main aspects: the tool usage and the tool qualification. The
first one is based on the tool’s required functions and properties, considering the appropriate
usage in the user environment. The second one is carried out based on given or assumed
information regarding the tool usage (e.g. use cases, user requirements, ASIL). Based on
these aspects a Tool Confidence Level (TCL) can be determined. Finally, if a certification is
required, qualification methods are applied as per ISO 26262 (ISO 26262 2018).
Next to ensuring the quality of the tool, it is necessary to investigate and validate the selected
tools for development purpose, e.g. checking, whether the applied model deliver the required
level of realism of real world (see question 1-5-5 and 1-5-6).

Unfortunately the ISO 26262 standard does not address evaluation of HW tools, like
measurement equipment, reference systems for data collection. Nevertheless, the
verification strategy and the test equipment should be checked through a Functional Safety

4.2.5 Testing
At different stages of the development process the ADF needs to be assessed regarding the
technical capabilities, verified with respect to the compliance with the function requirements
and to be validated regarding their design. All these steps require testing by means of one or
more test tools (field test, test in controlled environments like test tracks, driving simulators,
computer simulation etc.).
The following question shall support a safe testing of ADF and cover the entire range from
the development of the test concept up to the execution of the tests with the ADF.
Furthermore, they are defined independently of the used test tool. However, not all sub-
questions are equally relevant for each test tool.

Question 1-5-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is a test concept for the development,  Has / is a test concept been defined which
certification / homologation, validation and verifies / validates the technical maturity of
verification of the ADF and its subcomponents the ADF?
available?  Has / is a test concept been defined that
( ) Yes / ( ) No verifies that the requirements for the ADF
are met?
 Has / is a test concept been defined which
proofs that the ADF fulfils its intended
 Has / is a test concept been defined which
investigates the safe operation of the ADF
in the corresponding ODD in conjunction
with the driver?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 36

 Has / is a test concept been defined that is
capable of proofing a positive balance of
 Has / is a test concept been defined which
investigates additional risks associated with
ADF in conjunction with the driver
compared to manual driving?
 Has / is any (specific) security testing been
planned covering not only the function and
architecture but also the AD scope (e.g.
operation as fleet vehicles)?
 Is testing with different penetration rates
been considered at every traffic layer (from
vehicle infrastructure up to network
 Does the concept define appropriate test
tools / environments for the tests?
 Considering the purpose of test (e.g.
homologation /certification of the ADF), has
/ is the required data be identified?
 Does the test concept include an execution
plan / time plan for the tests?
 Have / are all requested tests been
included in the concept?

Before the actual tests are performed, a test concept shall be defined which states the
respective purpose for the different tests and the various aspects that need to be tested.
First, the technical maturity of the ADF shall be tested at different stages of the development
and before the market introduction in order to ensure a safe enough operation of the ADF in
its ODD. Depending on the stage (e.g. first test in a closed environment, start of on-road
testing, market introduction), different safety thresholds might apply while testing.
Nevertheless, at any time all feasible measures must be taken in order to reduce the
potential risk for all involved persons to the technical minimum. The test concept needs to
include and detail the safety measures which must be taken while carrying out the test.
The test concept shall define the tests, which are required in order to verify that the function
meets its requirements. The requirements can be internal ones as well as external require-
ments that are relevant for the homologation or certification of the ADF in a market. The
homologation / certification of an ADF might require specific tests in certain markets. It must
be ensured that these tests are covered by the test concept.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 37

The tests of the test concept shall not only focus on the pure technical aspects of the
function, but also the interaction with the user(s) in different driving scenarios.
In the validation phase, it must be assessed, whether the ADF fulfils its purpose and meets
the external expectations. The external expectations cover the customer’s expectation as
well as societal expectation. One famous example for societal expectation is to reduce the
number of accidents compared to human driving. The German ethic commission on
automated driving refers here to a positive balance of risks (Fabio et al., 2017). The risk
balance implies that not only the situation, for which a positive effect of the ADF is expected,
shall be assessed, but also challenging situations, in which the ADF might have negative
consequences. The assessment of positive risk balance as part of the validation must
therefore also be covered by the test concept. Regarding simulation in the traffic context
please see also chapter 4.3.3)
Finally, the test concept can include tests that target specific operation purposes of the ADF
(e.g. fleets operating in specific environments) or the effects that might occur at higher
penetration rates of the ADF.
The test concept shall define which test tools or test environments should be used in order to
assess the ADF in order to get a reasonable level of validation. In addition, the test concept
can also include a time plan for the testing.
For more information please check:
● “Safety first for automated driving” (Wood et al., 2019).

Question 1-5-2 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is each single test of the (test) concept been  Have / are the test parameters (including
specified properly? ( ) Yes / ( ) No among others length, number of tests) been
defined for each test (e.g. the number of
test repetitions, test duration, test
 Are the test parameters in line with the
situations that the ADF will encounter in its
 Is defined, how many test repetitions / test
persons / driven mileage / driving time are
 Are guidelines for the conduction of tests
 Have / are success criteria for each test
been defined and is this is not met, has it
been defined when the test needs to be re-

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 38

 Has / is it been defined which information
from the tests needs to be documented?
 Has / is it been defined, how he information
from the tests should be stored?
 Has / is the reference data (ground truth
data) for the test been defined?
 Are data privacy aspects been considered?
 Have / are safety measures for the
participants been considered?
 Has / is the approach for the training of
safety drivers or remote operators been
defined / implemented?

When the tests are due to be carried out, it becomes necessary to specify the tests in more
detail. This automatically leads to the question, whether a certain test has been specified in a
proper manner. For this purpose, the specification shall include information about the
following items:
● The parameters to be tested must be specified. It is important that the parameters are in
line with the scenarios the ADF will encounter in its ODD. Therefore, it must be analysed
before the test, which situations and parameters occur in the ADF’s ODD.
● Depending on the test, the test amount (e.g. number of repetitions, number of test
persons, driven mileage, driven time) needs to be defined. It is important that the amount
of testing is chosen in a way that it ensures sufficient data to run a solid analysis. The test
amount covers also the duration of each test.
● The success criteria for a test must be defined. This could be a single criterion or multiple
criteria. It shall be also defined under which conditions a test needs to repeated or re-run.
● Guidelines on the test execution shall be defined in order to minimise the risk of false test
execution, which typically leads to useless data.
● It shall be defined, which data and information of the test must be documented and how
the data are stored (see also chapter 4.1.2).
● If reference data are required for or measured in the test, these reference data shall be
clearly defined. This includes information, which data should be used as a reference and
how they are collected respectively by which tool they are measured.
● It shall be checked for the different tests, whether privacy aspects are relevant and how
these can be ensured during testing.
● In case certain interactions (e.g. interaction with other users, V2X interactions) are
simulated in test, since the test environment does not provide the real interaction, the

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 39

modelled interactions shall be described (what is used? Is the required model
available? etc.).
● Develop training protocols that are used for the training of safety drivers. With no
standardised industry requirements, automated driving companies have taken a variety of
approaches to training safety drivers. Robust procedures to ensure the competency of
safety drivers and operators must be developed.

Question 1-5-3 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Has the test space been defined according to the  Are the relevant driving scenarios been
function design and the intended ODD? defined covering the entire ODD?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are rare driving scenarios been taken into
 Have scenarios been taken into account
that cover the entire operation of the ADF
(not available, ready, activation, active and
operating, deactivation)?

The tests have to be in line with the driving scenarios that the ADF will encounter while
operating in real traffic. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the driving scenarios as well
as their parameters before defining the test parameters. A general concept for determining
relevant test cases has been developed for instance by the German research project
Since the scenarios to be tested depend strongly on the ODD of the ADF as well as the
technical capabilities of the ADF, first a description of the intended ODD and the function are
required. In the second step the test space and test cases can be defined.
The selected test cases should not only cover scenarios that occur frequently, it is also
necessary to test the ADF in rare scenarios – in particular if these rare scenarios could lead
to serious consequences. The test scenarios shall cover all operation conditions of the ADF.
These include scenarios, in which the function is not operating (ADF not available, ADF
ready to be activated, activation) as well as those in which the function is operating (ADF is
operating, ADF is deactivated). Within these conditions different modes or sub-conditions
could exist (e.g. deactivation by the user, deactivation by the function). If this is the case, the
sub-condition must also be covered by the tests.

Question 1-5-4 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Has the test plan been implemented and  Have any deviations from the test concept /
followed correctly? plan been documented?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Have / are any reasons for the deviation
from test concept / plan been documented?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 40

 Are all required data for the sign-off,
homologation or certification process

Once the tests have been executed, the question, whether the test plan is correctly
implemented and followed, becomes relevant. While testing, different limitations or
constrains can occur that lead to intended or unintended deviations from the test plan.
Intended deviation might be necessary to overcome detected issues. In contrast the
unintended deviations might not be noticed. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to check
during the test execution as well as afterwards, whether the tests have been carried out
according to plan. This includes checking whether all relevant information has been
documented and stored correctly. If a deviation from the test plan has occurred, it should be
documented. The documentation should also cover the reasons for this deviation from the
test plan.
In the end it must be ensured that the required data for the sign-off, homologation or
certification process are available at required quality. If this is not the case, the tests need to
be repeated.

Question 1-5-5 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Are the tests realistically possible?  Is the ADF mature enough to conduct the
( ) Yes / ( ) No planned test?
 Have safety and security aspects been
investigated before test?
 Are the required test tools available?
 Have / are the applied test tools been
verified and validated before they were
 Are the required input data available?
 Are the interfaces for the test tools been
properly defined and implemented?
 Are all required licenses (incl. testing and
driving licenses) for the test available?

A test concept and test case description are the basis for the test. In order to prevent that the
concept and description do not stay abstract, testability of each test need to be checked and
ensured. In case the testability is not fulfilled, the test plan or description needs to be
updated or the test needs to be postponed in case of time limitations. It is recommended to
check the testability from the beginning in order to address issues as early as possible.
For the testability four primary aspects need to be assessed: test tool status, technical testing
requirements, status of ADF and the safety & security aspects.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 41

Regarding the test tool it must be ensured that it is available as well as capable of providing
the required quality. It is important that the test tool that the test tool has been validated and
verified before the test. A test tool which has not been validated could lead to false results.
This aspect needs careful attention in case complete virtual test tools (e.g. computer
simulation) or partly virtual test tools (e.g. driving simulator) are applied, since the output of
these tools is not necessarily a physical result.
Using test tooling often comes along with additional requirements which need to be
considered; certain additional equipment may be required, certain inputs (e.g. data) may be
required, the interfaces to other test tools or participants have need to be defined or that
certain licenses (incl. testing and driving licenses) for the testing may be required. It shall be
checked before the execution of the test, whether these requirements are fulfilled.
It must be assessed whether the function is mature enough to be tested in the target
environment. Depending on the test environment this could have different meanings. For
tests in a real environment this means the function must be capable of operating at a
technical maturity level, which allows safe testing of the function. For tests in a virtual
environment this means that an adequate model of the ADF must be available.
Safety and security have to be ensured while performing the tests. In the past the security
concerns mainly arose from keeping development information confidential. This does not
change with ADFs. Security aspects need to be thought through in a wider sense since new
cyber security risks have arisen, especially now communications such as V2X and remote
vehicle control are being developed. Examples of the cyber security threats which must be
avoided at all costs include signal jamming and hacking. These risks should be taken into
account for testing. The next questions investigate the safety aspect in more detail.
For more information please check:
● “Safety first for automated driving” (Wood et al., 2019).

Question 1-5-6 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Is the testing activity safe?  Is a risk assessment conducted before the
( ) Yes / ( ) No test?
 Does the risk assessment consider
individuals who are not directly involved
(e.g. surrounding traffic)?
 If verification and validation is carried out on
public roads, are potential effects to other
traffic participants considered and safety
measures defined?
 Have / are safety measures for the testing
process been taken?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 42

 Has / is it been defined how test engineers
should respond in the case of a failure
during the testing process?
 Has and is the staff (e.g. test and safety
driver, V2X-operator) involved in the test
been properly trained?
 Has / is it been ensured that vehicle
operators are allowed to operate a vehicle
(following company internal and legal
requirements) and have received
appropriate training?

A key aspect for the testing of ADF is to try to prevent any risk of material damage or
personal harm. It is also clear that there is no absolute guarantee that material damages or
personal harm can be prevented at all times. However, in the testing individuals involved
should take all necessary precautions to ensure the testing process is completed as safely
as possible.
These precautions which need to be taken are identified early on in the test planning
activities by conducting a risk assessment for the test. This risk assessment must also
include individuals that are not directly involved in the testing (e.g. other users of the test
track). This becomes even more relevant if tests are conducted on public roads, where other
road users (motorised as well as non-motorised road users) might not even be aware of the
ongoing tests. Before the testing it must be ensured that the planned safety measures are
available and operating successfully.
Furthermore, plans should be established that define how the individuals involved in the test
should react in case of a failure or malfunction. The test engineers should receive the
necessary training which informs them of the appropriate action to take in the case of an
issue during testing. In addition to training, it must also be ensured that the driver(s) have
the permission to operate the vehicle with the ADF at all times. Here, company internal rules
as well as governmental rules need to be followed.

Question 1-5-7 Relevant Phase(s) CO DS VV PS

Are the national testing guidelines / regulations
being followed?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

During the testing national testing guidelines and regulations must be followed. Ideally, the
testing regulations have already been considered in the test concept and the test
specification. However, it is also important to double check them once the actual testing is /
has been planned, since they can change over time. Example testing guidelines are:

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 43

● UK: The pathway to driverless cars: a code of practice for testing (DOT 2015)
● USA-CA: Testing of Autonomous Vehicles with a Driver (DCM 2019)
● AUS: Guidelines for trials of automated vehicles in Australia (NTC 2017)
Due to the high intensity of testing required for automated driving, regardless of whether it is
testing during the development or for the final sign-off process, it is expected that the
traditional approach will not be sufficient (Winner et al., 2013). It is highly likely that the
approach to testing will have to change; different tools may need to be used for certain tests
or the application and distribution of tools to individual tests may change. A concrete
assumption is that more testing needs to be conducted in a virtual environment, and it is to
this topic which the last few questions relate.

Question 1-5-8 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Are simulations part of the test concept and  Are SIL, MIL and / or HIL considered in the
testing? test plan?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Has it been analysed, which tests can be
performed as open- and as close-loop
simulation tests?
 Is it ensured that training data, validation
data and testing data are independent?

The application of simulation tools comes with some associated challenges. The challenge of
validation and verification is already addressed by the questions 1-5-5. However, there are
further aspects that need to be considered for the virtual testing:
● It must be decided in which way the ADF is represented in the simulation tool. The three
basis options are software-in-the-loop (SIL), model-in-the-loop (MIL) or hardware-in-the-
loop (HIL). For each options it must be ensured that the simulation tool provides the right
interface to connect the function to the simulation tool. It must be ensured that the function
makes use of the information provided by the simulation tool correctly.
● In addition to the type of simulation, it must be decided whether a test can be performed in
an open-loop manner (no feedback loop is required) or whether the test requires close-
loop testing. Close-loop testing requires a feedback loop from the environment and
vehicle back to the ADF. In simulation where the function is not in control of the lateral and
longitudinal movement of the vehicle, this feedback loop is typically the driver behaviour
● The final aspect which needs to be considered is the testing and the primary objective of
the tests. For example, if learning algorithms are applied for the ADF, it must be clearly
distinguished between training data (information used to find the requested parameters),
validation data (information to evaluate the model fit) and test data (information used for
the evaluation). These data sets must be independent.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 44

For more information please check:
● “Safety first for automated driving” (Wood et al., 2019).

Question 1-5-9 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Does the simulation take into account  Has the simulation objective been clearly
development and testing of AI within the ADF? defined as testing the ADF or developing an
( ) Yes / ( ) No ADF using AI?
 Is there an end-to-end AI function
development in your virtual environment?
 Is the quality of the applied simulation
models sufficient for the intended use case
(development / testing of ADF based on AI
 Is the applied dataset up to date?
 Is the applied dataset unbiased?
 Does the applied dataset comply with
ethical aspects?

A challenge with simulation is how to deal with an ADF which has been developed using an
AI method. The primary sub-question related to the application of simulations in the context
of an AI based ADF is, to make sure the purpose or objective of the simulation has been
clearly defined; is the focus on testing or development? Depending on the answer different
measures can be taken. If the focus is on the testing activity, the major challenge is to ensure
a high coverage of the situation space that the ADF or the component being tested will
encounter while driving in its ODD. But if the focus is on the development, it must be further
distinguished between the development of the entire system or of single components. The
latter case requires modelling of the related components and inclusion of all models which
interact with this component. For the entire system this task becomes even more demanding,
not only do all components require modelling but also the environment and other traffic
participants need to be modelled in a correct and sufficient manner. Following on from this, it
must also be noted that the interaction between the ADF and other traffic participants needs
to be modelled. Regardless of the simulation objective (development / testing) the integrity of
the input data needs to be ensured in all cases.

4.3 Category “ODD Traffic System Level & Behavioural Design”

Aspects of the operational design domain (ODD) with the focus on the AV have been
described in the previous category (chapter 4.2). Nevertheless, the operation of the AV
depend also in its surrounding. Therefore, this chapter deals with the ODD aspects related to
traffic system level and behavioural design. This chapter incorporates several key issues,
which mainly concern topics such as:

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 45

● Safety impacts in the context of mixed traffic system
● Interaction between automated driving cars and environment (V2X)
● Traffic simulations
● Ethical/other traffic related aspects
These topics will be covered in a similar way to the previous category, ODD Vehicle Level,
with a main question supported by sub questions and a brief explanation of why the question
is important to consider during the development of the ADF.
4.3.1 Automated Driving Risks and Coverage Interaction with Mixed Traffic
For an ADF there are several risks that need to be addressed, most notably, the interaction
with mixed traffic. Only if the risks are well understood, can mitigation strategies be
developed in order to solve or at least mitigate them. This topic has five questions which
focus on ensuring that the risks are understood and that mitigation strategies have been

Question 2-1-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV

Have / are the risks of the ADF within its ODD  Are the risks at entry to and exit from the
been considered? ODD considered?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are the risks from infrastructure or other
road users considered?
 Are unspecified or unexpected events
identified from studies in real traffic?
 Are unspecified or unexpected events
considered in the hazard analysis and risk
assessment (HARA)?
 Are the function limitations within the ODD
 Is a recording of ADF accident data or
disengagements considered to help identify

This question addresses directly, whether all ADF related risks have been considered and
identified within the ODD. The sub-questions should assist the analysis of this main question.
They target specific risk types, which could occur within the ODD and prompt further
thoughts whether the risks have been fully understood. Additional information regarding this
topic is provided by:
● Safer Roads for Automated Driving (ITF 2019).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 46

Question 2-1-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV
Are the ADF capabilities identified and verified in  Has / is the response of the ADF been
terms of OEDR? considered for road obstructions, lane
( ) Yes / ( ) No allocation & re-routing, road etiquette for
emergency vehicles and interpreting
gestures of other road users?
 Does the process consider detection and
response to other vehicles (in and out of its
travel path), pedestrians, bicyclists,
animals, and objects that could affect safe
operation of the vehicle?
 Has / is it been considered how to negotiate
aggressive drivers, jaywalkers, bicyclists,
delivery trucks, construction, unprotected
left turns, 4-way stop signs and other
factors that arise when driving in the city?

Focusing on the object detection and response capability of the ADF, this question verifies
whether the associated risks have been considered. The number of different types of objects
which need to be detected in mixed traffic is significant. The sub-questions refer to many
different object types that the ADF might encounter. Once an object is detected, it needs to
be classified. This step includes further risks. An incorrect classification may lead to an
incorrect response by the ADF. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Recent release of NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases
and Scenarios Final Report” (Thorn et al., 2019).

Question 2-1-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF VV

Is the interaction of the ADF with surrounding  Does the ADF operate with human-like
traffic identified, verified and validated? behaviour which is predictable and
( ) Yes / ( ) No comfortable?
 Have / are the active safety capabilities of
the vehicle been validated in normal driving
scenarios as well as in corner cases3?

3 Corner cases are very important to consider when defining and validating an ADF. These are scenarios which
are of very rare occurrence within the ODD of the ADF, but the ADF still needs to be able to respond
appropriately. Often validation efforts will have a high amount of focus on these corner cases so that the failure
modes of the ADF can be assessed. If the ADF performs well in the corner cases, it is also highly likely that it will
perform well in the nominal or high occurrence scenarios. It can be very difficult to determine the corner cases for
the ADF as they can be very rare scenarios which one may never have experienced. During the validation of the
ADF, real world testing is a very good way of validating how the ADF performs in a wide range of these corner

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 47

The interaction with mixed traffic can be extremely complex as the responses of different
road users vary significantly in different scenarios. Dangerous situation can occur if the ADF
is unable to interact with surrounding traffic in a human-like way. If the response to certain
scenarios is unexpected by other road users, there is the risk that misunderstandings occur
or other road users might take advantage of the ADF’s behaviour. For example if the ADF
has not been designed to be as assertive in junction scenarios as a human driver would be, it
may be possible that other road users take advantage of this and the ego vehicle will simply
fail to progress at the desired rate.
Active safety functionalities are another key aspect. If these features are too sensitive, false
positives might occur, which poses the risk of rear end collisions with the following traffic. If
the active safety is not sensitive enough, accidents might not be prevented. The active safety
of the ADF must be finely balanced in order to reduce the risks in mixed traffic.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Recent release of NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases
and Scenarios Final Report” (Thorn et al., 2019).

Question 2-1-4 Relevant Phase(s) CO DS

Have / are risks to the surrounding traffic during  Can the ADF recognise function or driver
transition of control been identified and limits that do not allow a safe driver take-
assessed? over, and react to minimise the risk?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Has it been considered how to initiate take-
over to the driver in a robust, safe and
intuitive manner?
 Does the overall safety of the ADF consider
the effect on the driver even once the
automated drive ended?

The transfer of control is likely to be associated with risks for the ego vehicle as well as for
the surrounding traffic. There will be some scenarios in which a transfer of control is
inappropriate and / or a driver take-over should not be allowed until the ADF is well within its
limits. The transfer itself must be designed in a robust and intuitive way in order to ensure
that the driver has regained situational awareness. The HVI is a key component to com-
municate, whether the driver is responsible for controlling the vehicle or the ADF. Even if the
driver is fully in control of the vehicle, there is still a significant risk that the driver has not
completely regained situational awareness and will not respond appropriately to all
scenarios. It is important that these risks are considered over the entire for all scenarios.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Safety first for automated driving (Wood et al., 2019).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 48

Question 2-1-5 Relevant Phase(s) DS
Have / Are the potential ADF failure modes been  Are potential failure mitigation strategies
identified within the ODD and have relevant considered including both fail-operational
failure mitigation strategies been implemented? and fail-safe techniques?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Has / is the limited capability of the ADF
been considered, based on the mitigation
strategies selected?
 Has / is setting a hierarchy of mitigation
strategies been considered depending on
its impact and effectiveness?

In order to minimise risks it is vital that the failure modes of the ADF are identified and
mitigation strategies are put in place. Whenever possible, fail operational strategies should
be implemented in a way that the ADF can remain in control of the driving task for at least a
certain time without initiating an emergency handover. Significant risks are introduced as
soon as such emergency handover manoeuvres are required, since this limits the time period
for the driver to regain the necessary situational awareness. There may be several mitigation
strategies to handle individual failure modes. These should be considered and prioritised
depending on their effectiveness. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Recent release of NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases
and Scenarios Final Report” (Thorn et al., 2019).
4.3.2 V2X interaction
Communication with other vehicles and / or the surrounding environment is an important and
complementary technology that is expected to enhance the benefits of automation at all
levels (USDOT 2018). V2X or Vehicle-to-X-communications refers to the technology that
allows vehicles to communicate with other objects around them; V2X encompasses vehicle
to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure (CATAPULT 2017).
This topic is addressing the V2X interactions that an AD vehicle may have to deal with. It is
not in the scope of this section to provide the details of which method may be used to deal
with them, such as WiFi-DSRC based systems or cellular network-based systems.

Question 2-2-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Have all the V2X interactions that the AD vehicle  Based on the identified V2X interactions, is
may encounter while performing any driving task, the high-level architecture planned
from strategic level (e.g. route planning, considering the interactions/relationship
interaction with infrastructure), down to between sensors and environment?
operational level (e.g. longitudinal and lateral)  Is the ODD defined considering the
been identified? identified V2X interactions?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 49

 Is the type and density of the required
infrastructure defined for the specific ODD?

At the concept phase and based on the scope of the ADF to be developed, it is necessary to
identify all the interactions that the vehicle may have to deal with. This should be done in a
holistic manner, considering any possible interaction that may happen from strategic level
down to operational level, and considering any type of road user (vehicles, VRU’s…) and
infrastructure (buildings, traffic, overhead structure etc.).
Once the interactions have been identified, a high-level system architecture needs to be
defined in order to understand how the AD Function will be able to cope with them. This
process will support the understanding of the relationship with the external environment and
defining the ADF’s ODD (Thorn et al., 2018). In this context it is also necessary to
understand whether the function is available at any time within the ODD.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Recent release of NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases
and Scenarios Final Report” (Thorn et al., 2018).

Question 2-2-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Has / is a plan been defined to integrate and  Does the plan include the assessment of
validate the V2X interactions within the sensor potential cyber-security threats that could
architecture? affect these interactions?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Does the plan also consider a back-up
solution when a required infrastructure is no
longer available?
 Does the plan include a
methodology/toolchain to single out critical
V2X scenarios within the ODD of the ADF?

It is not in the scope of this question to address the requirements and details of the ADF and
sensor architecture, since there are already several related standards. Instead, this question
addresses how the identified interactions will be integrated into the sensor architecture. It is
expected that a plan drafts how each sensor will be able to deal with the different
interactions, including a validation strategy by means of appropriate testing. The plan should
also include a reference on how to address potential cyber security threats and consider
alternative strategies in case the required infrastructure is not available.
Some of these alternative strategies – like the back-up solutions can be considered as critical
scenarios, therefore it is expected that this plan includes a methodology / toolchain to identify
all of them.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 50

● Recent release of NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases
and Scenarios Final Report” (Thorn et al., 2018).

Question 2-2-3 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Has / Is a validation strategy been defined for the  Are potential failure modes of V2X
safe operation of a combined V2X sensor interactions identified?
architecture (e.g. comprising sensor and  Are appropriate countermeasures for each
communication errors or in case of missing potential failure drafted and planned?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

After identifying the V2X interactions and developing a plan for its integration into the sensor
architecture, it is necessary to have a clearly defined strategy to validate and verify the
operation of the sensor architecture. This strategy should consider possible errors or failures
that could happen either due to external communications (e.g. network being down,
unavailable infrastructure) or internal events (e.g. sensor misdetection, sensor
communication delay…). Additionally, the development of appropriate countermeasures shall
be included.
At this stage it is important that the validation strategy considers appropriate testing methods
to provoke every identified potential failure, including countermeasures. A clear
documentation of the tests shall also be part of the validation strategy.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Recent release of NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases
and Scenarios Final Report” (Thorn et al., 2018).
At the validation and verification stage, it must be ensured that the validation strategy of the
concept phase is implemented and followed (see chapter 4.2.5 testing). This testing shall
include proper documentation of tests and actions taken when failures happened, showing
the countermeasures taken and their effect.

Question 2-2-4 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is the validation strategy for V2X of concept  Is a test report generated for all the V2X
selection phase followed and implemented interactions use cases that were identified?
according to the plan?  Is a test report prepared for all the potential
( ) Yes / ( ) No failures identified in the concept?

At the validation and verification stage, it must be ensured that the validation strategy of the
concept phase is implemented and followed. This testing shall include proper documentation
of tests and actions taken when failures happened, showing the countermeasures taken and
their effect.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 51

4.3.3 Traffic simulation
The traffic simulation is an important method of evaluating ADF in a virtual traffic
environment. It is required to ensure the viability and robustness of an ADF via different
driving scenarios and traffic flow models, as well as providing an assessment of the safety
implications on the traffic flow and the interaction effect between automated vehicles and
traffic environment. This topic consists of nine CoP questions from definition phase to
validation/verification phase regarding traffic simulation.

Question 2-3-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO

Has the technological state-of-the-art of the  Are the sensor suite and vehicle
simulation been addressed and researched? architecture documented?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are the appropriate toolchains or models
selected for satisfying the needs of traffic
simulation and ADF within the chosen
 Does the simulation approach comply with
one of the three approaches in ISO
 Has a state of the art review (benchmark)
been performed covering existing solutions
including their strength and weaknesses?
 Has / is the hardware and software of the
simulation well defined and documented?

The technological state-of-the-art should be investigated during the definition phase. The
preliminary research is deployed in a wide range, which includes:
1. Studies of present toolchains or models in both research and industry, which may
provide the possibility to use exchangeable ADF, evaluation metrics and parameter
spaces suitable for the intended identification process, and could be applied in the traffic
flow simulation and response to the requirements of the simulation task (Hallerbach et
al., 2018).
2. Studies of ISO 21934-1, which provide a prospective safety performance assessment of
pre-crash technology by virtual simulation (ISO 21934 20XX).
3. Studies of benchmark activities, which is an action of gathering, analysing, and applying
information, measures or practices about the latest technology of simulation in the
automobile industry.
In addition to the sensor suite of the vehicle, the vehicle architecture and the potential
hardware/software for the simulation process should also be considered and documented

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 52

during the early definition phase of the simulation. This will enable a full reference vehicle
model to be used in the simulation of the ADF in different traffic and environment scenarios.

Question 2-3-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Does the applied ADF have an impact on traffic  Does the impact analysis of applied ADF
flow simulation? consider the safety, the efficiency and the
( ) Yes / ( ) No interaction with infrastructure or other road

This question provides a preliminary analysis and assessment of the impact of the ADF on
the traffic flow simulation. The impact of the applied ADF on traffic flow simulation could be
related to the safety aspect, the efficiency aspect and the interaction aspect. The traffic flow
simulation can be characterised in several ways, two examples are presented below (Maurer
et al., 2016):
1. The microscopic approach describes the relevant characteristics of a single vehicle, like
its speed, temporal headway or spatial separation;
2. The macroscopic approach takes several vehicles into account and the relevant
properties of a traffic flow, like the traffic volume, traffic density and mean speed.
The impact of the safety aspect focusses on the potential risks that may arise from the
limitation of the performance of ADF or the unpredicted behaviour of other road users. The
impact on the efficiency aspect is related to the density of the platoon of vehicles and the
speed with which the platoon passes through the cross-section. The impact on the
interaction aspect takes into account the interaction between ego vehicle and infrastructure
or other road users.

Question 2-3-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are traffic flow simulations used to evaluate ADF  Are different scenarios and traffic flows
evolution by using different scenarios and traffic considered and implemented in the
models? simulation?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are emergent, cooperative and
interoperability aspects addressed in the
 Are there appropriate metrics to identify the
critical scenarios in the traffic flow

Several scenarios and traffic flows could be implemented in the simulation approach in order
to evaluate the ADF evolution. ADF applied in the traffic flow simulation will surely improve
the safety circulation of the ego vehicle, as well as other road users. All scenarios identified
as potentially critical, such as hard deceleration or an accident, will be addressed and

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 53

studied. Feedback from the simulations will allow the evolution of the ADF and could help
ensure it handles real world driving safely.
Different aspects during the implementation of scenarios and traffic flows need to be
addressed, such as emergent test case, cooperative behaviour between different other road
users (in simulation often called traffic agents), as well as interaction between different sub-
models, need to be addressed by the traffic flow simulation in order to achieve a realistic
The critical scenarios mainly arise from malfunctions of automated vehicles but also from
unpredictable manoeuvres from other road-users and the traffic flow. It is clear that the
identification of critical scenarios is a key factor in the validation of the ADF. A method to
identify critical scenarios in the traffic flow simulation is to canvass expert opinions and use
peer reviews (Hallerbach et al., 2018).

Question 2-3-4 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Has / is a strategy defined to validate/verify the  Are the different test scenarios defined?
traffic flow simulation?  Have the main research questions been
( ) Yes / ( ) No clarified for traffic flow simulation?
 Is there a strategy towards higher levels of
realism concerning your simulation

During the design phase of the simulation approach, it is recommended to consider a

strategy to validate/verify the traffic flow simulation in order to facilitate execution of
simulation tests. All test scenarios, especially the critical ones, should be defined, whether
the scenario’s requirements are functional or non-functional. The main research questions
should also be clarified, in order to easily validate/verify the traffic flow simulation (Hallerbach
et al., 2018).
Compared with real-world tests, one challenge of the simulation approach is to model the
systems as realistically as possible, since the model quality decides how close the simulation
is to the real world. Thus, a strategy towards higher levels of realism of the simulation is very
important to ensure a high quality of simulation (Ragan et al., 2015).

Question 2-3-5 Relevant Phase(s) CO DS

Is the concept capable of taking multiple  Does the simulation consider separate
simulations into account? details of traffic simulation, vehicle dynamic
( ) Yes / ( ) No simulation and cooperation simulation?
 Can the applied simulations be
 Can the applied simulations exchange data
between them?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 54

A global simulation concept should take into account several parallel simulations, which may
incorporate mixed elements such as traffic environment, traffic flow, vehicle architecture,
sensor data, and communication aspects. It could consist of a coupled traffic simulation, a
vehicle dynamics simulation, and a cooperation simulation. The traffic simulation provides
the surrounding traffic environment for the automated vehicle, which incorporates different
scenarios and traffic models. The vehicle dynamics simulation contains a detailed model of
the vehicle and includes the ADF that has to be tested. In order to capture the cooperative
aspects of these vehicles in the simulation, a cooperation simulation needs to be considered
in which cooperative aspects and communication models can be included (Hallerbach et al.,
In order to guarantee a high quality of the global simulation concept, parallel simulations
should be synchronised within the same simulation environment. In the meantime, data
generated by different simulations also needs to be shared between simulations.

Question 2-3-6 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Are the requirements for the level of fidelity of the  Is there a right fidelity for specific simulation
Software-in-the-loop (SIL) defined? components?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is there more hardware-based XIL, which is
beyond SIL applied?

In a virtual environment, High fidelity is not always necessary or advantageous. The relevant
fidelity for specific simulation components has to be considered in order to keep the
effectiveness of the simulation as well as a relative low cost of either hardware or software.
The relevant fidelity will be based on the requirement and specification for the overall
simulation approach and/or for a specific scenario.
Furthermore, the hardware-based XIL approaches use virtualisation of the physical
components and the embedded function architectures to allow engineers to test different
components in the model. Thus, by using these approaches faster development cycles could
be achieved (Riedmaire et al., 2018).

Question 2-3-7 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is there real driving data guiding your simulation  Is the behaviour of the traffic agent in line
approaches? with the real world behaviour?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Have variations of the parameters been
applied in this context?
 Are the applied simulations based on NDS
database, accident database or records of
real-world drives?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 55

Simulation of the ADF leads to an enormous amount of simulated miles. In order to ensure
these miles are worthwhile and useful having realistic virtual scenarios is extremely
important. These driving scenarios can be built up from the real world traffic environment or
from different driving databases (e.g. intersections, lanes, kerbs, traffic lights, pedestrians,
etc.).This information shall be used to refine existing test manoeuvres or to define new test
manoeuvres in a realistic way.
Simulation can explore thousands of varying scenarios, by applying parameter variations,
such as speed, trajectory or position of oncoming vehicles and the timing of traffic lights.
Even the more complex scenarios need to be taken into account, by adding simulated traffic
agents (pedestrians, joggers, motorcycles, vehicles, animals, objects, etc.), with realistic
behaviours. However, to utilise real world data, the aspect of traceability of the data source
and the influence on the result of the simulation also need to be considered and studied
(Waymo 2018).

Question 2-3-8 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is a driver behaviour model used in the  Does the driver behaviour model
simulation? appropriately cover driving tasks?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is the driver behaviour model in line with
driver behaviour of human drivers?
 Does the driver behaviour model cover the
interaction of non-automated drivers to
automated vehicles?

A driver model could generate different types of control inputs to the vehicle model, such as
steering angle for each time step and braking behaviour as a deceleration value. It should be
in line with the real human drivers behaviours. In addition to the input on the stabilisation
level, the driver behaviour model must consider decisions on the vehicle guidance level, such
as lane keeping, lane change or evasive manoeuvres. At the same time, the potential
reaction from non-automated drivers towards automated vehicle also needs to be covered.
A driver behaviour model is typically applied in the simulation in order to predict driver control
inputs to the ADF, to decide on the right action in the situation and to accomplish the driving
task in the test scenarios. Each traffic participant possesses its own adjustable driver model.
Different types of driver behaviour models have been studied and designed, such as control
perspective (Prokop 2001), behaviour perspective (Markkula et al., 2012) and cognitive
perspective (Wann et al., 2004). Depending on the purpose of the simulation, the right driver
behaviour model should be used.

Question 2-3-9 Relevant Phase(s) VV PS

Are internal and external stakeholders involved  Are internal processes of the company
to approve your simulation approach? followed / complied with and are they

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 56

( ) Yes / ( ) No compatible with a community/industry-wide
 Has the public been informed about your
use of the simulation in the validation of
ADF, the impact of ADF, as well as the
validation process?

The designed vehicles need to be capable of complying with federal, state and local laws
within their geographic area of operations. The validation process should follow local
regulation. Besides the internal processes of the company, it is recommended to follow the
framework(s) or the guideline(s) of the automobile community/industry (SAE, NHTSA, ACEA,
OICA, etc.).
It is assumed that communication of the validation strategy through immersive simulation will
improve the public acceptance of the AV. Therefore it is important that these communications
are done carefully in order to produce a positive impression with members of the public.
4.3.4 Ethical & Other Traffic Related Aspects
This topic covers the ethical and legal aspect related to the ADF and its development.
Overall, this topic consists of three questions. It should be noted that these questions are
quite high level. And therefore the sub questions should be addressed carefully.

Question 2-4-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV

Have / are all the laws and regulations  Have / are the applicable traffic laws been
associated with the development, testing and considered and followed by the ADF?
sale of the ADF been considered?  Have / are country specific laws been
( ) Yes / ( ) No considered and followed by the ADF?
 Have / are laws & regulations for testing
been considered and followed?
 Have / are data protection laws /
regulations been followed through the entire
 Have / are anti-trust laws been followed?

By means of this question, it should be ensured that the development as well as the function
behaviour follows the laws. An important aspect is that laws can differ from country to
country. Therefore, it is important to know, in which countries the function is developed, in
which countries test drives are conducted and in which countries drivers can use the ADF.
Regarding the national laws, it is strongly recommended to consult individuals who are
familiar the national regulations and laws.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 57

This question is not only relevant for the homologation but also for any development activity.
The design of the function should take the national road traffic laws into account. During the
development process it must be ensured that the legislative requirements are always
considered. Before any testing activities are undertaken, it must be ensured that testing laws
are followed. For the testing on public roads, different countries have established different
regulations for operating an ADF on public roads.
In addition to the laws related to the ADF behaviour or testing activities, there are laws that
are relevant to the development process itself. Here, for instance the national data protection
and antitrust laws must be considered and followed.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Adaptive Deliverable D2.3 “Legal aspects on automated driving” (Bienzeisler et al., 2017)
● National road laws;
● National civil liability laws;
● National testing guidelines (see chapter 4.2.5);
● National antitrust laws.
For the all aspects related to data protection please also refer to the topic “Data Recording,
Privacy and Protection” (chapter 4.4.5).

Question 2-4-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Have / are research and development activities  Have / are mechanisms been established to
planned according to the applicable (national) minimise the risk of harm to people in the
ethical standards? development, testing and operation
( ) Yes / ( ) No phases?
 Are ethical standards been considered
during the test planning process and the
collection and analysis of data?
 Does the ADF consider the protection of
human lives as a paramount?

In addition to the legislation, it is also essential to comply with ethical standards. The ethical
standards do not need to be explicit standards but can also be implicit societal agreements.
Ethical standards can change over time.
One fundamental principle is to prevent causing physical or mental harm to people. This
should be ensured, within the realms of technical possibility, through the entire development
process. To achieve this goal tests where human actors are involved need to be planned
very carefully and risk assessments need to be completed in order to minimise any harm to
the individuals both inside and outside of the vehicle. It is also important that ethical

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 58

standards are followed during the test planning process and that reviews are established in
order to assess that the standards are being upheld correctly.
For the operation of the ADF the protection of human lives must be the paramount. However,
it must also be considered, that according to the German ethic commission “in the event of
unavoidable accident situations, any distinction based on personal features (age, gender,
physical or mental constitution) is strictly prohibited” and that “it is also prohibited to offset
victims against one another” (Fabio et al., 2017). The safety first white paper (Wood et al.,
2019) for instance transferred these ethical standards into twelve principles for automated
driving. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Report of German ethic commission (Fabio et al., 2017);
● “Safety first for automated driving” (Wood et al., 2019).

Question 2-4-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF VV

Does the ADF achieve a positive balance of risks  Has / is the positive risk balance been
compared to risk associated with human driving considered all the way through the life cycle
(e.g. reported in accident statistics)? of the ADF; from concept through to end of
( ) Yes / ( ) No use?
 Have / are the risked induced by the ADF
been minimised?
 Does the ADF reach a consistent
improvement of the overall safety balance
in comparison to human drivers /
comparable functions while minimising new
risks induced by the automated function?
 Is a (validated) method / tool available to
investigate the risk balance? (see
chapter 4.2.5 and 4.3.3).
 Is the baseline (human) and treatment (with
ADF) condition correctly defined for

By means of this question it should be investigated, whether the ADF is beneficial in terms of
traffic safety compared to human drivers. According to the German Ethic Commission
prerequisite for the market introduction of a technology is: “The licensing of automated
systems is not justifiable unless it promises to produce at least a diminution in harm
compared with human driving, in other words a positive balance of risks” (Fabio et al., 2017)].
For this purpose, a baseline condition (human driving) must be compared to the treatment
condition with the ADF in place.
The challenges for investigating the risk balance is that it needs to be performed
prospectively, i.e. already before the market introduction of ADF. Therefore, methods that

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 59

purely rely on retrospective information (e.g. comparison of accident data for both conditions)
cannot be applied at this stage. This method might be applicable at later stage, once a
sufficient market penetration rate of the ADF is reached. Therefore, other methods (e.g.
simulation based prospective impact assessment, ISO 21934 20XX) shall be applied instead.
When applying a method, it must be ensured that it is capable of providing valid results,
although it is clear that any assessment before the market introduction is a forecast with
different uncertainties.
Next to the method, it is important to describe detailed and explicitly, how the conditions for
the assessment are defined and which driving / accidents scenario are analysed. For the
baseline, additional data sources, such as accident data or NDS / FOT, might be required.
For the treatment condition, the ADF itself must be described. Furthermore, the ODD of ADF
must be considered as well as the (expected) penetration rate. Regarding the driving
scenarios, it is important to note that for a balance of risk all relevant driving scenarios must
be considered and analysed. This means that driving scenarios with potential positive effects
in terms of traffic safety as well as with potential negative consequences need to be part of
the assessment.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● P.E.A.R.S. (PEARS 2019);
● ISO (ISO 21934 20XX);
● Report of the German Ethic commission (Fabio et al., 2017);
● “Safety first for automated driving” (Wood et al., 2019);
● SAKURA project in Japan (SAKURA Project 2019).

4.4 Category “Safeguarding Automation”

The category of “safeguarding automation” addresses cross functional topics that need to be
considered to develop an ADF in a way that it behaves in a safe manner for the customer /
driver and all other traffic participants who interact with an ADF vehicle. In general, the
achievement of a safe product benefits from a seamless integration of safety measures in the
overall development. The category covers the following topics of:
● functional safety;
● cybersecurity;
● the implementation of updates;
● safety of the intended functionality;
● data recording, privacy and protection.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 60

Some of the principles that are essential to develop a safe product (e.g. requirements
elicitation and management) are not specific to this category and can be addressed from
different points of view. Therefore, there are safety related aspects also covered in the other
categories (e.g. when defining ODD). In case topics are considered to be of high relevance,
they will be repeated in this category to support the reader in (re-)considering a question
within the given specific context.
4.4.1 Functional Safety
The work in functional safety is closely linked to the ISO 26262 standard (ISO 26262 2018).
ISO 26262 serves as a basis for this subchapter. This subchapter does not necessarily apply
the same terms as used in the ISO standard. It rather tries to point out the sense of specific
important aspects in this context in the language used throughout the document.
The first main task when starting a functional safety activity based on the function description
(item definition) is to identify the hazards that may arise by the functionality to be developed.
For hazards that are identified as potential sources of harm for an ADF, the possible risk that
might result under specific situational circumstances shall be evaluated. This process will
lead to integrity requirements for the development of the ADF.
At the definition phase of the development process, only little details about the
implementation of the ADF might be known. This is not necessarily a drawback for the
analysis of relevant hazards, since the analysis of the ADF is agnostic to the potential causes
of a specific implementation. Causes will be identified later during the development process,
if a need for hazard mitigation arises from this first step.

Question 3-1-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are possible malfunctioning behaviour and the  Are the relevant hazards identified for the
related hazardous events analysed? considered function based on its description
( ) Yes / ( ) No (item definition)?
 Is inadequate control by a driver or a
function identified?
 Is a systematic approach used (e.g.
HAZOP) for the analysis?
 Is malfunctioning behaviour identified for
cases where the vehicle is in manual
driving mode and in automated driving
 Is the potential absence of a take-over
ready driver considered that may have an
impact on the controllability of the vehicle in
case of malfunctioning behaviour?
 Is the role of the infrastructure to be

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 61

 Is the vehicle reaction in case of a failure
defined to avoid malfunctioning behaviour
when no take over ready driver is present"?

Specific consideration during this activity has to be given to the driver. The driver and other
involved traffic participants play an important role in mitigating a certain hazard by actively
reacting to a certain hazardous scenario and taking appropriate action(s) to avoid harm or
damage. In this context the infrastructure might also be relevant. ADF specific aspects like
an ADF that does not require a take-over ready driver needs to be reflected in the analysis.
Based on this the risks are assessed.

Question 3-1-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are safety requirements (including safety goals)
derived to avoid unsafe functional behaviour?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Following the identification of hazards and risks, a concept needs to be drafted on a

functional level that defines, how an ADF will react to avoid a certain hazard. This may
depend on the current state of the vehicle and the ADF, e.g. is automation switched “on” or
“off”, is a take-over ready driver available or has the ADF erroneously exceeded its ODD.
The definition of a safety concept according ISO 26262 (ISO 26262 2018) includes
● the required reaction to bring the vehicle in a safe state,
● the required time within which the transition needs to be achieved,
● the required involvement of persons (the driver or other traffic participants),
● information about warning strategy and / or applied degradation concepts (an important
aspect in this context is the MRM, which is described in detail in chapter 4.1.1).
Note that the definition of the safety concept needs to be consistent with the overall OEDR
strategy and other vehicle reactions that may be required, e.g. resulting from security
activities, as well as aligned with the cybersecurity concept.

Question 3-1-3 Relevant Phase(s) CO DS PS

Are there measures to confirm the effectiveness  Does a strategy exist to validate the
of the safety concept? feasibility of the concept?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Do criteria exist that allow to define whether
a vehicle behaviour can be accepted as

Once a safety concept has defined the required reactions to mitigate the potential hazards of
an ADF, a confirmation of the effectiveness of the measures is needed. In this sense

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 62

effectiveness means that the risk of the original hazardous event is reduced and no
inacceptable new risks are introduced. One example is the following case: in case a level 3
ADF loses the ability to further follow the lane, therefore switches itself off and alerts the
driver, it has to be confirmed that switching off and alerting the driver is indeed avoiding harm
and that the driver will be able to take over within the required time frame.

Question 3-1-4 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Are there mechanisms included in the design
that collect safety relevant data, which will be
needed for documentation purposes (e.g.
required by law or for certification)?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Requirements for data collection may result from several sources and depend on whether
the vehicle is a prototype or a series production vehicle. Requirements may also be country
or state specific. Before a vehicle is used for development in public areas (e.g. road testing)
or introduced to the market, the existing requirements within the specified ODD need to be
collected, please see also sub-chapter 4.2.1. The requirements have to be considered
already during the design phase as this may have an impact on the overall vehicle
architecture and on the required bandwidth of the communication bus and storage size.
Examples for such requirements are EDR data for post-crash evaluation or data for
disengagement reports as required for automated vehicles by the State of California (DCM

Question 3-1-5 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS

Are the included safety mechanisms based on  Is there a clear concept how to avoid the
accompanying safety analysis? propagation of faults through the function
( ) Yes / ( ) No and avoid an unsafe function reaction (on
which level of the function architecture are
failures addressed)?
 Are child-requirements covering the higher
level requirements (correctness and

A clear structure of the requirements for an ADF and a systematic approach to requirements
elicitation are key to argue safety for any vehicle function. Using safety analyses to support
the process of breaking down the requirements from one level of detail to the next and
identifying gaps in the requirements structure at the same time, are common practice when
deriving and defining requirements.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 63

Question 3-1-6 Relevant Phase(s) DS
Are function reactions specified that transition the  Is degraded operation or transition to a safe
function to a safe state in the presence of a fault state sufficiently safe for the specific failure
(depending on the kind of fault)? scenarios?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are the restrictions to the function
behaviour specified, which result from the
transition to the safe state (e.g. reduction of
the ODD while operating in a safe state or
operating a function for a limited amount of
time before further transitioning to a final
safe state)?

A fault in an ADF may occur at any time, independent from the current operating mode or the
driving scenario of the vehicle. At each possible operating mode an appropriate safety
mechanism has to keep the vehicle in a safe state in case of a failure. To achieve this there
are several options:
● switch off the function and inform the driver (e.g. when driving in manual mode and a
sensor which is required for an ADF fails, meaning the ADF is no longer available for the
● provide a backup with full functionality for a limited amount of time (e.g. if driving in an
automated mode provide a backup for sufficient time to transfer the control to the driver)
● Switch to a degraded mode (e.g. if one sensor in a set of sensors fails that results in a
reduced resolution of environmental data, then reduce the ODD, e.g. the maximum
vehicle speed)
For different operating modes and failure scenarios the ADF’s reaction may be different in
order to achieve a safe vehicle reaction. Consider operating modes that are generally
applicable for all ADF (ADF on/off, inside/outside ODD, handover driver-ADF etc.) but also
function specific modes such as diagnostic mode or decommissioning. These modes might
be part of a MRM, see section 4.1.1.

Question 3-1-7 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is a verification and validation process defined,  Is the successful mitigation of all findings
which is covering the various integration steps of from the hazard analysis confirmed during
software, hardware, function, and vehicle? verification activities?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

During the integration of the elements that are needed for an ADF several stakeholders will
be involved, e.g. suppliers for hardware elements, software and ECU, and on the OEM side
the function and vehicle integration (and most likely also part of the software). To finally

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 64

achieve a safe function, the workshare for “who is verifying what, how and why”, i.e. workers,
test goals, test methods and test targets need to be defined and described. For functional
safety it is essential that there are no gaps in the overall verification. From a more general
point of view it is desirable to avoid redundant verification at different stakeholders and
perform the required verification steps at the most suitable integration level.

Question 3-1-8 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Are risks to equipment and involved persons and  If verification and validation is carried out on
equipment resulting from safety public roads, are potential effects to other
verification/validation activities assessed? traffic participants considered and safety
( ) Yes / ( ) No measures defined?
 Is ensured that vehicle operators are
allowed to operate a vehicle (following
company internal and legal requirements)
and have received appropriate training?

When verification is based on tests (and not simulation or similar), it needs to be considered
that the tests could be either passed or failed. Note ISO 26262 is applied to achieve safe
products and does not have a focus on a safe development. Even more, it may be necessary
to manipulate the function under development to stimulate a certain faulty behaviour for the
verification of safety mechanisms. Before executing any test, assess what the possible
outcome would be in the case the test failed, if this may result in material damage or harm to
people, and if there are additional measures that should be taken to prevent any damage or

Question 3-1-9 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Do the test cases for the safety requirements
cover the entire operational design domain?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Test cases have to cover the entire ODD. This is practically impossible. When designing the
test cases, an approach needs to be defined how the relevant test cases will be determined,
e.g. choosing representative operating profiles, building equivalence classes for test cases,
etc. One approach for testing of the safety requirements is that faults need to be injected to
stimulate the safety mechanisms and, as described above, if these mechanisms depend on
the operating state, at least all these states need to be tested.

Question 3-1-10 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Does the function transit to a safe state when
being erroneously operated outside of ODD?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

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One specific case that is not considered for functional testing is the violation of the ODD as a
fault itself. This has to be included in the testing to sufficiently cover the safety requirements.

Question 3-1-11 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is the vehicle behaviour safe when transitioning
to a safe state (behaviour may be evaluated with
simulations or testing)?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

When all the safety requirements are verified and have been successfully implemented there
is one final step: it needs to be validated, whether the implemented safety concept with all its
safety mechanisms is appropriate and keeps the vehicle safe in the case of a fault.
Independent of the automation level it must also be checked whether the safety concept
avoids that involved people are harmed in the case of a failure. The involved people may be
the driver, passengers or other traffic participants outside the vehicle, depending on the
automation level and current operating mode.
4.4.2 Cybersecurity
One of the topics to be addressed within the Category “Safeguarding Automation” is the
cybersecurity. As summarized by Mcity researchers in their report Identifying and Analysing
Cybersecurity Threats to Automated Vehicles (Mcity2018), automated vehicles will probably
have to face all the security threats that nowadays disrupt our computer networks, on top of
the ones that could be unique to them. Therefore, one of the first steps towards mass market
introduction of automated vehicles is the need of establishing robust and sophisticated
cybersecurity measures.
For reference, the information contained in this section is aligned with the L3Pilot D4.2 Legal
Requirements to AD piloting and cybersecurity analysis. For more details, refer to this

Question 3-2-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Are a threat analysis and risk assessment  Has the threat analysis considered all
performed based on the ADF scope and the possible types of attack vectors and their
previously defined high level architecture? characteristics (e.g. description of attack,
( ) Yes / ( ) No likelihood, impact, risk...)?
 Are external factors considered in the threat
analysis? Examples of external factors are
remote diagnostics and maintenance
 In the case of remote operated vehicles,
has remote fleet management been
considered in the threat analysis?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 66

Based on the ADF scope and the defined high level architecture, the first step to address this
topic, is the threat analysis. It shall be performed considering all development phases, in
order to understand what the function will have to face during its lifetime.
This is done in order to identify function weaknesses which could make the function
vulnerable for an attack. To do so, it is also necessary to perform a risk assessment in order
to prioritize the risks that the function may be exposed to.
The threat analysis and risk assessment shall consider all possible entry points of the
potential attack (so called attack vectors), the likelihood of the attack, the impact, the risk,
and more details such as the expertise required to perform such attacks and the possible
attack methods.
As addressed by the sub-questions, this threat analysis and risk assessment shall be done
considering not only threats during “normal operation” but also considering specific cases
where the ADF may have a higher exposure to threats. One example is performing remote
function diagnostics or function maintenance operations. Another example is when dealing
with remotely operated fleet vehicles. Those vehicles may have remote management
functions which could also be specifically vulnerable for any attack.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● ACEA principles of Automobile Cybersecurity (ACEA 2017);
● Draft Recommendation on Cybersecurity of the Task Force on Cybersecurity and Over-
the-air issues of UNECE WP.29 GRVA;
● The key principles of vehicle cybersecurity for connected and automated vehicles (HMG
● L3Pilot D4.2 Legal Requirements to AD piloting and cybersecurity analysis (Vignard et al.,
● Documents that are under preparation, such as SAE J3061 (SAE International 2016) ISO
21434 that is in preparation (ISO 21434 20XX).

Question 3-2-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Is there an established and followed  Is there a similar culture existing at sub-
cybersecurity process within your organisation to contractors, suppliers and potential 3rd
ensure the security architecture of the overall parties directly or indirectly working with
function? your organisation?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is the use of appropriate control considered
based on the principle of least privilege?
 Is the management of keys and accesses
implemented based on the principle of least

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 67

In order to ensure that everyone (dealing directly or indirectly with this topic) can follow the
required steps and behaves responsibly, it is necessary to establish a cybersecurity culture
within the organisations through self-audit processes, awareness and training programmes.
These can be adapted depending on employee’s roles and responsibilities, meaning that
those dealing closely with cybersecurity concerns shall have higher awareness, follow
appropriate processes with allocated accountabilities and have access to the required
As part of the cybersecurity culture, access control and means of appropriate control shall be
established based on the principle of least privilege, to make sure that each function or
component has the least authority necessary to perform its duties (ACEA 2017).
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● ACEA principles of Automobile Cybersecurity (ACEA 2017);
● Draft Recommendation on Cybersecurity of the Task Force on Cybersecurity and Over-
the-air issues of UNECE WP.29 GRVA;
● The key principles of vehicle cybersecurity for connected and automated vehicles (HMG

Question 3-2-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS

Are (cyber-)security requirements identified for  Are clear methods defined to address
the whole function, including not only those confidentiality and data privacy such as by
related to hardware/software development but using publicly available and well tested
also those related to network design and cryptographic methods?
communication?  Are standard and publicly available IP
( ) Yes / ( ) No security protocols used for back end
connectivity functions?
 Are recovery measures implemented in
case of function outage for back end
connectivity functions?

Every cybersecurity requirement has to be implemented considering that ADF’s weaknesses

and vulnerabilities may happen from the component level (e.g. ECU) up to extended vehicle
level (which includes network communication, intra-vehicle communication, function
architecture and backend at OEM such as HD maps information or over-the-air updates).
This shall be performed at the definition phase.
Additionally, and to ensure robustness of the function, publicly available IP security protocols
and cryptographic methods shall be used. Also, it shall be considered that a function
downtime may happen and therefore data may not be available. For such cases, recovery
measures shall be put in place securely
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 68

● ACEA principles of Automobile Cybersecurity (ACEA 2017);
● Draft Recommendation on Cybersecurity of the Task Force on Cybersecurity and Over-
the-air issues of UNECE WP.29 GRVA;
● The key principles of vehicle cybersecurity for connected and automated vehicles (HMG

Question 3-2-4 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Is a self-audit process established to gather  Does the self-audit process include a
information about the policies and procedures procedure to log the (hazardous) events
followed? (e.g. potential security breach) with impact
( ) Yes / ( ) No on security and report eventual
 Does the self-audit process include a list of
the tests performed including the test

During the whole development cycle, a self-audit process shall be considered. This is part of
the cybersecurity culture to ensure that the whole function from a component level up to
vehicle level is secure enough. To do so, self-audits shall be put in place not only internally
but also at Tier 1’s and subcontractors.
The audit shall be able to collect all the information related to the policies and procedures
established by the company. Additionally, it should also contain logging of hazardous events,
report eventual vulnerabilities and include a documentation with the test reports.
● ACEA principles of Automobile Cybersecurity (ACEA 2017);
● Draft Recommendation on Cybersecurity of the Task Force on Cybersecurity and Over-
the-air issues of UNECE WP.29 GRVA;
● L3Pilot D4.2 Legal Requirements to AD piloting and cybersecurity analysis (Vignard et al.,

Question 3-2-5 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is an update of the high-level sensor architecture  Has the separation of safety critical from
- defined in the concept phase - based on the non-safety critical infrastructure been
threat analysis performed and the identified considered?
requirements considered?  Has a decentralised architecture been
( ) Yes / ( ) No considered in order to increase the difficulty
of attacks succeeding?

During the concept selection phase, and once the threat analysis has been performed, some
vulnerabilities may have been identified and the sensor architecture may need to be revised.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 69

This question focuses on how the outcome of the threat analysis is reflected in the
development, prior to the design phase.
It is important that at this stage and knowing the threats that the ADF will face, the ADF
architecture is structured in a way that a separation exists between safety critical and non-
safety critical infrastructure. The background is that a decentralised architecture is more
challenging for possible attacks.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Recent release of NHTSA’s “Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases
and Scenarios Final Report” (Thorn et al., 2018);
● L3Pilot D4.2 Legal Requirements to AD piloting and cybersecurity analysis (Vignard et al.,

Question 3-2-6 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Is security by design considered in order to  Are secure programming and software
minimise the risks/threats and responding development guidelines followed?
appropriately to them once identified?  Are methods related to protection against
( ) Yes / ( ) No new and developing security risks
 Are methods related to ensuring software
updates fixing security risks considered?

At the design phase, cybersecurity by design means that from the beginning the design shall
be secure. In order to comply with this principle, secure programming and software
development guidelines need to be followed.
Also, as the development process evolves, new and developing risks may appear and
therefore appropriate protection mechanisms shall be put in place. One example is the
software update, which may have not been considered at the beginning of the development
but that will take place in time based on the existing architecture. Therefore, those new
potential risks have to be identified and appropriate actions have to be taken by for example
performing an additional threat analysis and risk assessment, which as shown in the first
question, has to be addressed along the whole development process.
● ACEA principles of Automobile Cybersecurity (ACEA 2017);
● Draft Recommendation on Cybersecurity of the Task Force on Cybersecurity and Over-
the-air issues of UNECE WP.29 GRVA;
● L3Pilot D4.2 Legal Requirements to AD piloting and cybersecurity analysis (Vignard et al.,

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 70

Question 3-2-7 Relevant Phase(s) PS
Is an information sharing and analysis centre  Is a procedure established to tackle the
(ISAC) to report incidents / exploits / identified incidents/vulnerabilities?
vulnerabilities established? (Including threat analysis and validation
( ) Yes / ( ) No through appropriate testing?)
 Is a procedure established to properly
inform the user when system security
support is no longer available?
 Is a procedure established to properly
inform the user when a security breach
 Has a clear strategy for OTA updates been
defined based on cybersecurity

The last step to be covered within cybersecurity refers to the importance of sharing with
others the concerns identified such as threats and vulnerabilities. Some consortiums already
exist to share such information within the industry such as Auto-ISAC established in 2015
with the aim of sharing within global automakers the emerging cybersecurity risks. The sub-
questions show examples of possible risks that may happen after sign-off and which have to
be addressed.
● Auto-ISAC Best practices (2016) (AUTO-ISAC 2016);
● ACEA principles of Automobile Cybersecurity (AECA 2017);
● L3Pilot D4.2 Legal Requirements to AD piloting and cybersecurity analysis (Vignard et al.,
4.4.3 Implementation of Updates
This topic addresses the implementation of updates using traditional forms, as well as those
completed over the air (OTA). The following questions are to be used as prompts for
consideration at the different development stages.

Question 3-3-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF DS

Are international regulations and standards being  Are the relevant type approval
followed where appropriate during the organisations informed of any updates and
development of the software update processes? foreseen changes? (i.e. in cases where the
( ) Yes / ( ) No performance of an ECU / vehicle
component is modified in such a way that
the type approval or regulatory standards
compliance are affected)

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 71

 Is compliance with the existing type
approval ensured?

When developing the update life cycle and future updates for a function it is essential to
consider and follow both international and national laws, as well as obtaining the relevant
type approvals. These should be reviewed and resubmitted where necessary for any updates
or modifications to the vehicle.
As this is a fast developing field in the automotive sector, it is important to continuously check
for new legislative standards that are required in the relevant markets. See section 4.1.3 for
more information on existing standards. Also, the following documents provide current
information as of the day of publication:
● 24. UNECE WP29 GRVA Draft Recommendation on Software Updates (UNTF 2018).
● Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and Functional
Requirements (Sena 2015).

Question 3-3-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO VV

Is hardware / software compatibility for the  Does the update enable new/ additional
lifetime of a vehicle and future updates functionality?
considered?  Will any other vehicle functionality be
( ) Yes / ( ) No altered due to the software update?
 Is the possibility of performing an OTA
update on the ADF considered?
 During vehicle design, is the future
compatibility of ECUs on-board known?

When defining/ developing the update strategy it is essential to consider both the vehicle’s
hardware and functional capability as well as its lifecycle. Considering the short development
cycles – in particular for software – it is inevitable that there will be a necessity to make
updates throughout the lifetime of the vehicle. The vehicle and the ADF should be designed
in such a way as to allow for a safe and seamless update process for the user. These
documents provide initial guidance to consider:
● A System-Theoretic Safety Engineering Approach for Software-Intensive Systems
(Abdulkhaleq 2017);
● Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and Functional
Requirements (Sena 2015).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 72

Question 3-3-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF DS VV
Is a clearly defined OTA and software update  Location - are certain updates only
strategy developed to manage the end to end available at predefined locations, such as
process? ( ) Yes / ( ) No the registered address of the vehicle?
 Status of network connectivity - do updates
require local wireless networks, or can
some be installed using a cellular network
 Vehicle state - Is a robust strategy put in
place to manage updates when the vehicle
is required to be stationary?
 Is there a clear strategy to notify users
about the updates?
 Has due consideration been given to
ensure the software update is conducted in
a safe and secure manner?
 Is there an appropriate verification and
validation strategy to check software
updates before they are sent out?

The vehicle is a complex collection of interconnected ECUs that must endure extreme
variations in environment, as well as having a lifetime far exceeding that of any ordinary
electronic consumer device. It is therefore essential that a clear update strategy is developed
during the design of the vehicle to ensure that future updates are compatible with the
hardware on the vehicle. Furthermore, it is essential that sufficient V&V testing is done
before releasing updates to the customer. Additional information can be found here:
● A System-Theoretic Safety Engineering Approach for Software-Intensive Systems
(Abdulkhaleq 2017);
● Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and Functional
Requirements (Sena 2015).

Question 3-3-4 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are software safety requirements identified at a  Where applicable, are relevant standards
function level? (ISO 26262, ISO 21434 etc.) followed
( ) Yes / ( ) No during the definition of OTA processes and
software updates?

It is essential that both holistically and on a function by function basis the relevant software
safety requirements are identified and incorporated into the design. As safety standards
develop, the system’s functional safety should be modified to comply.

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For more information, see these documents:
● Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and Functional
Requirements (Sena 2015);
● ISO 26262 (ISO 26262 2018);
● ISO/PAS 21448:2019 Road vehicles - Safety of the intended functionality (ISO 21448
● ISO 21434 (ISO 21434 20XX).

Question 3-3-5 Relevant Phase(s) DF DS PS

Is there a clear strategy for improving the OTA
update process based on cybersecurity
developments and lessons learnt from vehicles
already in the field?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Previous development and project experience, as well as lessons learnt (both in and out of
the field) are an invaluable improvement tool. It is recommended to establish a process for
implementing this learning back into the development phases and even update the current
OTA update process.

Question 3-3-6 Relevant Phase(s) CO PS

Is the function being updated safety critical?  Has a robust V&V procedure been
( ) Yes / ( ) No developed to ensure OTA updates on
safety critical functions are sufficiently
tested prior to release?

A vehicle contains both safety and non-safety critical functions. Depending on the safety
criticality of the effected function, the requirements for the update might differ. A failure in the
vehicle infotainment introduced by a bug in a software update might lead to user frustration.
On the other hand a failure caused by an update to a safety critical component might lead to
serious consequences and must be prevented.
For more information, see Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and
Functional Requirements (Sena 2015).

Question 3-3-7 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV PS

Is a method implemented to notify the user and
OEM of each successful update installation?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

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It is important that users are informed when updates are successfully installed and the
vehicle is ready to use. In failure cases it is important that the user is notified to enable him /
her to take further actions (e.g. contact the manufacturer/ dealership). The manufacturer
should also be aware of successful or failed updates to enable it to react promptly in cases of
failure and to provide an updated software version.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided in the document see Secure Over-the-
Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and Functional Requirements (Sena 2015).

Question 3-3-8 Relevant Phase(s) DS PS

Is a process for managing failed updates  As part of the update process is there a
implemented? method for identifying the reason for a
( ) Yes / ( ) No failed update?
 As part of the process is there a clearly
defined method for pushing updates to the
customer vehicle?
 Is a method for reverting back to the
previous software version until a bug fix has
been developed implemented into the
update process?

Any updates sent out to customers should have been sufficiently tested beforehand to
ensure the updates are bug free. However, there are always factors that may be overlooked.
In these cases, there should be a “failsafe strategy”, which ensures that the vehicle is still
operational by for example reverting back to a former software version. Combined with this
there should be some form of warning and information on how the user can resolve the
issue. In extreme failure cases the response might be to stop the user from being able to use
the vehicle. In this case the manufacturer must be informed to resolve the issue.
For more information see Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and
Functional Requirements (Sena 2015).

Question 3-3-9 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is a clear strategy developed to ensure the user
knows the update is authentic?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

With the introduction of OTA updates manufacturers will move – at least partly – away from
the traditional customers visiting a dealership approach for servicing to a remote service
approach used by software companies. This approach has risks, which are potentially safety
critical. This means that the customer has to have confidence that updates are from a trusted

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 75

source and not a malicious attack. Typically, software and phone companies use
certifications to show software updates authenticity.
For further information see Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and
Functional Requirements (Sena 2015).

Question 3-3-10 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is a (robust) method for the authorised owner of  Does this method consider the fact that the
the vehicle developed to accept or reject owner is not necessarily the driver of the
updates? vehicle?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Just as it is important for the manufacturer to provide proof of the authenticity of the update, it
is also important that only authorised people can accept or decline provided updates. This is
to stop interference from individuals who may seek to install malicious software or may try to
stop new updates from being installed for some benefit to themselves or a third party.
4.4.4 Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF)
Unlike functional safety of automated vehicles, the safety of the intended functionality
(SOTIF) mainly focuses on systems that rely on sensing the external or internal environment.
The potential hazardous behaviour related to the intended functionality or performance
limitation of a system are in the scope of SOTIF (ISO/PAS 21448).
The cause of hazardous event in the scope of SOTIF could incorporate the source with
system aspect, as well as external factor aspect, for instance:
● Performance limitations, insufficient situational awareness with or without conjunction with
a foreseeable user misuse;
● Reasonably foreseeable misuse, incorrect HVI (user confusion, user overload);
● Impact from car surroundings (other users, “passive” infrastructure, environmental
conditions, weather, electromagnetic interference, etc.) (ISO/PAS 21448, 2019).
The following definitions shall support the interpretation of relevant terms:
● Intended use: Any use of the product consistent with the manner in which it is
promoted/advertised and described by the manufacturer and which can be justifiably
expected in accordance with the knowledge and skills of the intended user.
● Foreseeable misuse/reasonably foreseeable misuse: Usage of a product in a way not
intended by the manufacturer and in a manner inconsistent with the user manual, but
which may result from foreseeable human behaviour.
● Misuse: Describes an improper and inappropriate usage of the product, which in a
particular circumstance can be deemed irresponsible and in complete contradiction to the
intended purpose or function of the product

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In this topic, we will discuss the issue of the SOTIF during definition, conception, design
phase as well as verification/validation phase regarding the development of ADF.

Question 3-4-1 Relevant Phase DF CO DS VV PS

Is the development of SOTIF compliant with the
latest international standards and regulations?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

The development of SOTIF should comply with the latest international standards, such as the
homologation of state-of-the-art ISO/PAS 21448. The first version of ISO/PAS 21448, which
refers to the safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF) and provides guidance on the
design, verification and validation measures, will be published around 2020. It aims to avoid
a malfunctioning behaviour in the system in the absence of technical faults, which might
result from technological and definitional shortcomings.
Additionally, the latest guidelines or regulations of the development of SOTIF should also be
taken into account. Such as the latest guidelines of NHTSA and SAE for the US. The
organizations OICA and ACEA work to modify and update the Geneva Convention and
provide advice on the regulation regarding the development and deployment of automated
vehicles to European Union.

Question 3-4-2 Relevant Phase DF

Is there a definition regarding a functional and  Does the functionality, its dependencies on,
system specification about ADF? and interaction with the environment be
( ) Yes / ( ) No defined and described?

A definition and description of the functionality, its dependencies on and interaction with the
environment and other functionalities can help to elaborate a functional and system
specification. This functional and system specification can be the beginning for the
improvement regarding the safety of intended functionalities. Similar to the functionality and
system definition of ISO 26262-3, Clause 5, an appropriate description of the functionality
and system is developed to serve as an input to the development of SOTIF.
The description of the functionality provided by the system to the vehicle mainly including:
1. The use cases in which it is activated;
2. The sensing and arbitration concept and technologies;
3. The level of authority over the vehicle dynamics;
4. The interfaces with the other systems and functionalities of the vehicle and the road
Besides, system related description, such as the system and elements implementing the
intended functionality, the limitations and their countermeasures, need to be taken into

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 77

account in this case. The description of ADF regarding both functionality and system
specification could elaborate and serve as the first step of SOTIF activities. (ISO/PAS 21448

Question 3-4-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is there a hazard analysis in order to conduct the
identification of necessary SOTIF activities/
( ) Yes / ( ) No

A hazard analysis is employed to identify the different hazards that may arise from a function
or its environment. A hazard represents a “condition, event, or circumstance that could lead
to or contribute to an unplanned or undesirable event, like an accident, a functional failure,
performance limitations or misuse” (ISO 26262-3:2018).
The SOTIF activities/ measures should be derived from the hazard analysis, which can help
to identify all the potential hazards that may occur during a driving task of automated
vehicles. The identification of SOTIF activities/ measures of an ADF shall be conducted in an
earlier phase of development of SOTIF. Later, the SOTIF risk identification and evaluation
shall be conducted, which represent a consistency check of functional safety concept in
chapter 4.4.1.

Question 3-4-4 Relevant Phase DF

Is there a systematic identification and evaluation  Is there an assumption of the risk of how
for the SOTIF risks such that the possible the intended functionality makes use of
hazardous events arise from system or external inputs from other vehicle elements, and
environment? vice versa?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is there an assessment of severity and
controllability to determine whether a
credible harm can result of the SOTIF risk?
 Has the assessment of safety impact
looked at not only the direct intended
effects of ADF but also the indirect and
unintended effects?

Based on the identification of hazard events caused by the system or external environment,
the systematic identification and evaluation for the SOTIF risks can be executed in order to
ensure the safety and reliability of intended functionalities. This process can be achieved by
applying the methods proposed in ISO 26262-3:2018. For this purpose the same items such
as the severity, exposure and controllability of the hazardous events need to be derived by
the method as proposed by ISO 26262 (ISO 26262 2018).

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In the context of SOTIF, severity and controllability are considered to determine the scenario
for which a credible harm can result from functional insufficiencies of the intended
functionality or foreseeable misuse. The definition of the severity and controllability classes
are the same as ISO 26262, but their determination for a given hazardous event can be
specific for SOTIF hazards.
Here, the assessment of safety impact of SOTIF risks should be taken into account. Not only
the direct and intended effects within the scope of ADF’s limits (e.g. limit of detection and
perception of objects in road by sensor suite); but also indirect and unintended effects
beyond the scope of detection and perception limits are in the scope of assessment (such as
behavioural adaptations or car surroundings, after a long-term automated driving task).

Question 3-4-5 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is there an appropriate mechanism to address
SOTIF risks related to the take-over request?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

A take-over request (TOR) of ADF is a key issue for the level 3 or level 4 of automated
vehicles, which can transfer the driving control from vehicle to human within some situation
that is beyond the ADF’s capabilities. This mechanism is intended to remind the driver to
take over the control of vehicle within an appropriate reaction time, as well as support him /
her in order to reduce the risk via human-vehicle-interface (HVI) system. Thus, an
appropriate HVI can significantly avoid the occurrence of misuse and mitigate the risks under
hazardous events. For the aspects regarding HVI, please see also topic “Mode awareness,
Trust & Misuse” (chapter 4.5.2).
Additionally, a MRM will be performed by the system in case the driver does not respond to
take-over request. The MRM leads to a MRC (such as limited/ end of ADF operation) to
minimize the risk and ensuring the safety of the driver (Resende et al., 2010). For the
aspects related to MRM, please see also topic “Minimal Risk Manoeuvre” (chapter 4.1.1).

Question 3-4-6 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Does the ADF monitor the driver in order to
ensure his / her controllability of the ADF?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

A possibility to ensure the controllability of the ADF is to use a driver monitoring system that
can detect distractions or drowsiness of a driver during automated mode. This system could
also invoke action to remind and maintain driver’s attention in both manual and automated
driving. The monitoring allows several functionalities such as: identification of the driver in
order to allow the vehicle to automatically restore its preferences and settings; monitor driver
fatigue and alert the driver when potential drowsiness situation is detected, etc.

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An appropriate driver monitoring function can help automated vehicle to make better
decisions to improve its comfort and safety. Especially it can ensure the controllability of the
intended function of vehicle from drivers. For the aspects related to driver monitoring, please
see also topic “Driver Monitoring” (chapter 4.1.1).

Question 3-4-7 Relevant Phase DF VV

Is there a validation and verification (V&V)  Does V&V strategy make sure that the test
strategy to prove the compliance of SOTIF goals and V&V targets (such as acceptance
criteria) are sufficiently covered?
( ) Yes / ( ) No
 Is there an appropriate testing environment
that matches your validation strategy?

A V&V strategy can support the process of ensuring an appropriate performances and safety
capabilities of the ADF. This strategy should support the argumentation for the safety of the
intended functionalities. Additionally, V&V activities of the intended functionalities with regard
to the risk of safety violations without system faults include integration-testing activities to
address the following scope:
1. The ability of sensors and the sensor processing algorithms to model the encountered
driving environment;
2. The ability of the decision algorithm to recognize both known and unknown situations
and make the appropriate decision according to the environment model and the system
3. The robustness of the system or function.
4. The ability of the HVI to prevent reasonably foreseeable misuse; and
5. The manageability of the handover scenario by the driver.
In order to achieve this strategy, several information, which is based on the driving test cases
should be addressed, especially the test goals and V&V targets. The test goals and V&V
targets can be derived from the specifications and safety requirements of vehicle design
architecture. These goals and targets should consider known unsafe use cases but should
also aim at discovering unknown unsafe use cases. The different test environment should
also be specified to match the validation strategy (ISO/PAS 21448 2019).

Question 3-4-8 Relevant Phase DF

Are users of the ADF informed about the  Are users of the ADF informed about their
functional limitations? responsibilities?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are users of the ADF informed about their
correct / appropriate interaction with the
ADF? ( avoid misuse)

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Before the usage of the automated vehicles in real-life conditions, the users need to be
informed about the functionalities in order to improve the knowledge of the ADF. The taken
approach to deliver the information, how to use the ADF safely within the scope of ODD, to
the users (e.g. instructions, training) need to be decided in accordance with the technical
capabilities of the ADF.
The right information about the functional limitations can support users to comprehend the
limit of the ADF during a driving task so that they can use the automated vehicle safely and
appropriately. Additionally, the notification about the consequences of system misuses can
significantly reduce the misuses of functionalities by users (MILT 2018).

Question 3-4-9 Relevant Phase CO

Are there functional improvements to avoid or  Are there triggering events related to
mitigate SOTIF risks? sensors, algorithms and actuators
( ) Yes / ( ) No identified?
 Is there an assessment whether the system
appropriately responds to triggering

Triggering events4 represent specific conditions of a driving scenario that serve as an initiator
for a subsequent system reaction possibly leading to a hazardous event.
The analysis of triggering events could help to identify the system weaknesses (related to
sensors, algorithms and actuators) and the related scenarios that could result in an identified
hazard. Once the triggering events are identified that could trigger a hazardous event with
credible harms, we need functional improvements of ADF to appropriately respond to
triggering events and reduce SOTIF risks.
Functional improvements could incorporate several aspects, for instance sufficient
performance /accuracy of sensor, sufficient performance of detection and decision
algorithms, as well as appropriate Human-Machine Interface regarding the controllability of
vehicle and avoidance of misuse, etc. (ISO/PAS 21448 2019).

Question 3-4-10 Relevant Phase DS VV

Is the ADF performance verified in hazardous  Is the ADF validated regarding aspect that it
events and foreseeable misuse case by does not cause any unreasonable level of
conducting appropriate testing (XIL, real world risk in real-life use cases?
and test track test)?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

4 Triggering event means a scenarios that serves as an initiator for automated action. E.g. while operating on a
highway, a vehicle’s autonomous emergency braking (AEB) system misidentifies a road sign as a lead vehicle
resulting in braking.

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Several methods of the V&V of system performance, such as model-in-the-loop (MIL),
software-in-the-loop (SIL), hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), test track experiments and long-term
endurance test (real world test) with the injection of potential triggering events, could be
addressed in order to ensure the safety of intended functionalities. Besides, various
conditions such as parts characters, process, phenomenon, and environment condition could
affect the system performance; these influencing factors need to be considered during the
testing process.
Additionally, according to the ISO/PAS 21448, the ADF should be validated to ensure that it
causes the minimum risks, especially the unreasonable level of risks, in real-life use cases.
Therefore, two different approaches could be applied as below (ISO/PAS 21448):
1. Minimize the SOTIF risks caused by known scenarios to an acceptable level by SOTIF
by means of technical measures, such as function improvement, limitation of use,
limitation of the performance of the intended functionality, etc.
2. Minimize the SOTIF risks caused by unknown scenarios as possible by the SOTIF V&V
measures, such as endurance testing, test track of the ADF or industry best practice, etc.
These two solutions can significantly help to achieve SOTIF safety goals
4.4.5 Data Recording, Privacy and Protection
The realization of ADF will enable the collection of massive amounts of data. In order to
protect the customers’ data recorded, this process needs to be done in accordance with
international laws.
The vast amount of data needs to be stored off-board of the vehicle in large data clouds. It
must be ensured that only those parties with a rightful and reasonable justification have
access to the personal data gathered from the customers. Following established procedures,
misuse will be minimised and the benefits of the data collection highlighted. Especially the
advantages offered by data harvesting such as driving data and accident analysis justify its
collection, if done in an adequate and proper way. Customers need to be furthermore aware
of how their data is handled and processed. This topic provides the guidelines on how to
handle these issues.

Question 3-5-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF DS PS

Is the purpose of the data collected made clear  Is the customer informed about the
to the customer / user? information considered as personal data,
( ) Yes / ( ) No and in which categories it is divided?
 Is the customer informed about the
purpose, third parties (categories of third
parties) the data is shared with and the
identity of the company (group of
companies) that governs data processing?

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 Is this information made available clearly
and easily accessible (contract, website,
manual etc.)?
 Are contact points for the customer
 Is the customer given the choice to share or
not share data where possible?
 Is the data securely stored
 Can data be provided to relevant authorities
upon request?

The customer requires an understanding of why personal data is collected. There shall be
information material available explaining the reasons. There must be a clear communication
which data is supposed to be regarded as personal information and which is not. If
applicable, the customer should also be informed about different data categories. It also
includes information about other organisations accessing the data and the reasons for it.
Information about data sharing must be available via different means, such as manuals or
websites. Contact points for the customer shall be provided. Ideally, the customer has the
choice to decide to share data or not, depending on the purpose. The data must be stored
securely. In case requested by authorities, the data shall be made available in an appropriate
manner and in accordance with the law.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● FESTA Handbook (Barnard et al., 2017);
● ACEA principles of data protection in relation to connected vehicles and services (ACEA
● The pathway to driverless cars: a code of practice for testing (DOT 2015).

Question 3-5-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF DS

Is it defined who owns the data?  Is it authorized if third parties may access
( ) Yes / ( ) No the data?
 Is it clear where the data will be stored?
 Is it clear who is responsible for maintaining
the data?
 Is there a process to ask for the deletion of
 Is personal data accurate and kept up-to-
date if necessary?

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There needs to be a clear definition on who owns the data that is generated by the ADF. This
includes information about who is responsible for maintaining the data, and who may be
allowed to access it for which reason. The place of data storage shall be well defined. In
case a data retention deadline is reached, there must be a known and easy process that
establish to ask for the deletion of data. This process shall also be available in case data
deletion is requested by a customer at any time. In case it is necessary to keep personal
data, it must be accurate and up to date. Additional information regarding this topic is
provided by:
● FOT-Net Data - Data Sharing Framework (Gellerman et al., 2017);
● FESTA Handbook (Barnard et al., 2017);
● GDPR Guide to the general data protection regulation (ICO 2018).

Question 3-5-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is necessary data collected which is related to  Does data contain the status of the ADF
the occurrence of malfunctions or failures to and whether the driver or ADF was in
establish the cause of any crash? control at the time leading up to, during and
( ) Yes / ( ) No following an incident or crash?
 Is relevant information shared with the
government authorities for crash

In order to help with the analysis of crashes and the improvement of ADFs, pertaining data
will be collected. This data shall include the status of the ADF, the occurrence of
malfunctions and the arbitration of control between the driver and the ADF before and during
an accident or incident. The data shall be shared with relevant authorities to enable crash
reconstruction up on request. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Automated driving systems 2.0: a vision for safety (NHTSA 2017).

Question 3-5-4 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Is data protection impact assessment carried  Is the societal impact as of customer
out? rejection assessed?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is the impact assessed as data is used as
evidence of ADF operation in accident

There must be an assessment conducted analysing the impact of the data protection
measures employed. This includes the impact on the societal level such as customer
acceptance and rejection. In addition, the safety impact is of interest, as data protection
might make it harder to use data in case of accident investigations involving ADFs. Additional
information regarding this topic is provided by:

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 84

● ACEA principles of data protection in relation to connected vehicles and services (ACEA

Question 3-5-5 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Are appropriate measures (technical, security,  Are contractual safeguards to protect
organizational) to protect customer data personal data in case of outsourcing
implemented? imposed?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is anonymization, pseudonymization and
de-identification applied where appropriate?
 Is the data processed based on a contract,
with consent of customers, to comply with
legal obligation?
 Is the data processed lawfully, fairly and in
a transparent manner in relation to
 Are data collected for specified, explicit and
legitimate purposes only?
 Is personal data adequate, relevant and
limited to what is necessary in relation to
purposes for which they are processed?
 Is personal data kept in a form that permits
identification of data subjects for no longer
than it is necessary for the purposes for
which it is stored?
 Is the user enabled to erase sensible data
on functions and connected functions?
 Is personally identifiable data managed
appropriately (what is stored/transmitted,
usage, control of data owner)?
 Is personal data retained only as long as

The measures implemented to protect customer data must be appropriate. This includes the
technical, security and organisational levels. It is especially problematic in the case of
outsourcing personal data. Only relevant and adequate personal data shall be processed,
including means to anonymise them. The data must furthermore only be processed with
permission of the customers. Personal data shall be analysed according to the applicable
laws in a transparent way. Data may only be collected for legitimate and explicitly specified
purposes. In case personal data are stored, it must be limited to what is necessary, given the
reason for which it is processed. Personal data shall be kept in a form allowing to identify an
individual only when and not longer than necessary.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 85

Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● ACEA principles of data protection in relation to connected vehicles and services (ACEA
● GDPR Guide to the general data protection regulation (ICO 2018).

Question 3-5-6 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Is responsibility for complying with the GDPR  Is evidence of the steps taken to comply
taken, at the highest management level and with the GDPR available?
throughout the organisation?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

It has to be ensured that the developed ADFs are compliant with the data protection
regulation that apply in the respective countries. For the European Union, the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) has to be considered. Most important, evidence of the steps
taken to comply with the GDPR is necessary. Additional information regarding this topic is
provided by:
● GDPR Guide to the general data protection regulation (IOC 2018).

Question 3-5-7 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Are (security) risk assessment and management  Are security risks identified and managed
procedures in place? by secure coding practices including supply
( ) Yes / ( ) No chain, contractors etc.?
 Is authenticity and origin of all supplies
 Is data privacy addressed by using publicly
available and well tested cryptographic

As vehicles get smarter, cybersecurity is becoming an increasing concern in the automotive

industry (further information is provided in chapter 4.4.2). As a consequence, measures need
to be put into place in order to protect personally identifiable data. This includes the definition
of risk assessment and management procedures as well as the development of secure
coding practices. Besides, authenticity and origin of all supplies needs to be ascertained.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● The key principles of vehicle cybersecurity for connected and automated vehicles (HMG

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 86

Question 3-5-8 Relevant Phase(s) DS
Are back-end-functions protected appropriately?  Is a process established that treats data
( ) Yes / ( ) No from incoming sources as unsecure until

A key enabling technology for road vehicle automation is V2X-communication requiring back-
end functions (please consider also chapter 4.3.2). However, back-end functions might
provide access to personal data on other functions. In consequence, remote and back-end
functions, including cloud based servers, should have appropriate levels of protection and
monitoring in place to prevent unauthorised access. Additional information regarding this
topic is provided by:
● The key principles of vehicle cybersecurity for connected and automated vehicles (HMG

Question 3-5-9 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Is the function able to withstand reception of  Is the function designed resilient and fail-
corrupt, invalid or malicious data or commands safe if safety critical functions are
(internally and externally received) and remain compromised (link to functional safety)?
available for primary use (link to functional
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Nevertheless, principles of functional safety have to be considered for cyber-security issues

as well. Thus, the function must be designed to be resilient to attacks and should respond
appropriately when its defences or sensors fail. Additional information regarding this topic is
provided by:
● The key principles of vehicle cybersecurity for connected and automated vehicles (HMG

4.5 Category “Human-Vehicle Integration”

The human-vehicle integration (HVI) category comprises all factors related to the interaction
between the vehicle and the user. This ranges across a broad area covering user
experience, usability, human factors and cognitive ergonomics.
Display and control concepts, i.e. the Human-Machine Interface (HMI), must be developed in
a way that they are easily and safely operated by the user of an ADF. Whereas the HVI is
about the harmonious interaction between the user and the vehicle in a broader sense, the
HMI is more specifically about the hardware and software interface between them. In order to
streamline the various aspects related to HVI, this category is subdivided into five different
topics: The first topic covers the general guidelines on how to design the HVI. This includes

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 87

the acceptance of the ADF as well as usability and user experience related aspects. The
mode awareness, trust and misuse topic is about the awareness of the ADF’s current driving
mode. This also relates to the users’ trust in the ADF and their potential for misuse. Driver
monitoring is about assessing the user’s state when operating an ADF. This is closely related
to the users’ mental models and their workload. An important aspect of this is the impact of
non-driving related activities (in the following referred to as secondary tasks) operated while
driving with a highly automated function. On the one hand controllability and customer clinics
refer to the question of an ADF’s controllability from the user’s perspective. On the other
hand, this is related to the question on how to conduct a study to test the controllability of
such a function and other properties of an ADF under development. Driver training and
variability of users is the final topic. It covers the area of user training required for an ADF.
Furthermore, it also relates to the variability of users to be taken into account. Together these
topics form a comprehensive overview on the overall category of Human-Vehicle Integration.
4.5.1 Guidelines for HVI
Guidelines for the ADF’s HVI are proposed within this topic. A clear and well-designed HVI is
a key factor in gaining the user’s acceptance of the ADF. The impact of the HVI on user
experience, usability and the underlying safety of the ADF are very important and should not
be underestimated.
There are six main questions within this topic, and it is important that the sub-questions are
also considered carefully to ensure the HVI meets the customer expectations.

Question 4-1-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO VV

Are design guidelines followed when defining,  Are user requirements collected based on
assessing & validating the HMI concept? market research or based on other sources
( ) Yes / ( ) No of data?

Design guidelines should be followed during the development of the HVI. This ensures that
all aspects of the HVI are considered. A point to note is that there are many different HVI
guidelines (e.g., TRL, 2011; Campbell et al.,, 1996) and the guidelines used during the ADF
development should be selected carefully to ensure they are suitable for the application.
Guidelines adapted to HVIs for conditionally automated vehicles were presented by Naujoks
et al., (2019-1) and validated in empirical studies (Forster et al.,, 2019; Naujoks et al.,, 2019-
2) Guidelines may differ for certain demographics as different groups of people may prefer
different communication methods such as, symbols or colour coding. However, HVI should
be standardised where possible following industry standards that are consistent with user’s
mental models. This will minimise the time required to familiarise oneself with the HVI,
therefore improving the experience of first time users.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 88

Question 4-1-2 Relevant Phase(s) CO
Are unintentional activations and deactivations of
the ADF prevented?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Unintentional deactivation of an ADF by the user is an event which needs to be avoided at all
costs. The driver may be concentrating on a non-driving task and will not be ready to take
control of the driving task immediately. The HVI concept should be designed so that it is not
possible for the driver to inadvertently initiate a transfer of control – in particular not if the
driver has not regained situational awareness yet. Similarly it is important to prevent
unintentional activations of the ADF by the user. Unexpected longitudinal or lateral input from
the ADF may have a detrimental effect on the user’s trust in the ADF and even the vehicle
guidance as a whole.
There are many possible concepts for activating and deactivating the ADF, but the safety of
the transition of control should not be overlooked while designing this part of the HVI.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1);
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016);
● Guidelines for In-vehicle Display Systems — Version 3.0 (JAMA 2004);
● AdaptIVe D3.3 (Kelsch et al., 2017).

Question 4-1-3 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is the visual interface designed to be easy to  Do the text size, aspect ratio and contrast
read and interpret? designed follow the standards?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are commonly accepted or standardised
symbols used?
 Are non-standard symbols supplemented
by additional text explanations?
 Are the texts and symbols designed to be
easily readable and understandable from
the user's seating position?
 Is the visual interface designed to have a
sufficient contrast in luminance and/or
colour between foreground and
 Are the messages designed to convey the
correct information in the language of the

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 89

 Are text messages designed to be as short
as possible?
 Are HVI elements grouped together based
upon their function?

This question focuses on the importance of having a clear strategy for the visual HVI.
Guidelines and standards need to be followed to ensure that the visual feedback is easy and
intuitive to understand. Icons can be designed to be interpreted quickly if standard symbols
and colours are used where possible. Where icons cannot be used, text messages shall be
used. However, it is important that the text can be understood in short glances, so that the
driver is not forced to remove the eyes from the road for extended periods of time. Finally, it
is important to cluster relevant HVI elements in similar locations so that the driver can
intuitively understand where a HVI should appear. It can be confusing if the HVI is spread
across different locations as the driver may then have to check in multiple locations for the
HVI feedback, leading to a longer period of time where the driver is distracted from the road.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1);
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016);
● Guidelines for In-vehicle Display Systems — Version 3.0 (JAMA 2004);
● AdaptIVe D3.3 (Kelsch et al., 2017).

Question 4-1-4 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is the HVI designed to portray the urgency of the  Are the semantics and tone of a message
message? designed to be in accordance with its
( ) Yes / ( ) No urgency?
 Are high priority messages presented in a
multimodal way?
 Are communications of sensor failures, their
consequences and required user steps
considered? Are warning messages
designed to orient the user towards the
source of danger?
 Are messages containing high priority
information positioned close enough to the
user's line of sight?

During the use of an ADF the user may be subject to many types of HVI feedback with
various levels of urgency. It is important that the driver understands which HVI elements are
high priority and are conveying urgent feedback to the driver. Equally, it is important that the
driver understands that other messages are provided primarily for informational purposes

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 90

and therefore do not require immediate action. The urgency of the message can be
portrayed in numerous ways and when choosing the most appropriate way it is useful to
consider the scenario in which the urgent feedback will be provided. A simple example is an
urgent transfer of control where the driver needs to re-gain situational awareness in a very
short period of time. In this situation visual feedback will not be sufficient. A multi-modal
feedback approach would be much more effective.
Feedback can be designed to help orient the driver to the source of danger using directional
audio or strategically placed visual or haptic feedback. In other scenarios, in which the driver
is engaged in the driving task, it might be more effective to position the visual feedback in a
position closer to the line of sight to minimise eyes off the road time.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1);
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016);
● Guidelines for In-vehicle Display Systems — Version 3.0 (JAMA 2004);
● AdaptIVe D3.3 (Kelsch et al., 2017).

Question 4-1-5 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is the user acceptance of ADF assessed?  Is the user acceptance assessed as part of
( ) Yes / ( ) No a customer clinic?
 Is the user acceptance assessed based
upon the guidelines in the CpP questions?
 Is it determined that users are willing to use
the ADF?

The impact of the HVI on the user acceptance of the ADF has previously been eluded to, but
assessing the user acceptance of the ADF should not be overlooked. Customer clinics,
heuristic expert assessments and various other user trials can be carried out to gain both
subjective and objective data on user acceptance. Having a clear and high quality HVI which
meets all the guidelines outlined in this CoP and the additional material is a good first step to
ensuring user acceptance. It is crucial that this exercise is completed before the ADF is
introduced to the market to ensure that customers are able to trust the ADF and are willing to
use it. It is worth noting that even if the HVI meets the correct standard, the user acceptance
is also heavily influenced by many other factors.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1);
● L3 HMI Test protocol (Naujoks et al.,, 2019-3).

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4.5.2 Mode Awareness, Trust & Misuse
This topic addresses the correct understanding of the role shared between the user and the
ADF, as well as the correct usage of the ADF. Alongside the main question, the sub-
questions shall also be carefully addressed.

Question 4-2-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are all possible automated driving modes
explicitly defined in terms of how the driver
should acknowledge them?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

The goal of this question is to ensure that the possible AD modes are clearly defined not only
from an engineering viewpoint but also from a user’s perspective. It is important that a user is
aware of the possible automated driving modes of the ADF to avoid misunderstandings. This
is the first step which provides the users with an overview of the ADF, to grasp its capabilities
as well as the driver’s roles. The driver’s role may vary depending on the automated driving
mode. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Ford Safety report (Ford 2018).

Question 4-2-2 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are the modalities to communicate the relevant  Are the communication ways to the driver
active (automated) driving modes described? about the relevant active (automated)
( ) Yes / ( ) No driving modes described?

This question focuses on how the currently active automated driving modes are
communicated to both the driver and the other road users, in terms of modalities (visual,
auditory, haptic, and so on). It is important that these communication ways are considered
from the definition phase because the chosen modality will impact both the hardware and the
software of the vehicle.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Ford Safety report (Ford 2018);
● GM Safety report (GM 2018).

Question 4-2-3 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are all the reasonably foreseeable mistakes and  Are all of the possible driver mistakes
misuse cases of the ADF in relation to the HVI related to the HVI considered?
described?  Are all of the possible driver failures related
( ) Yes / ( ) No to the HVI considered?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 92

 Are all of the possible intentional misuse
cases considered?

The purpose of this question is to ensure that possible driver mistakes, failures and misuses
have been addressed in the best possible way, in order to be able to define
countermeasures for them. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016);
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-2-4 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is the impact of HVI on relevant driver indicators  Are possible HVI countermeasures to
(e.g. eyes-on-road time) described? mitigate driver distraction considered?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

This question is related to the negative and positive impacts that a HVI has on important
indicators. The purpose is to trigger a definition of important indicators, related to driver
distraction, situational awareness and “in-the-loop” level, and to study the impact and the
countermeasures that should be implemented.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Human Factors Design Guidance for Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016).

Question 4-2-5 Relevant Phase(s) DF CO DS VV

Is an appropriate and clear way to communicate  Are the appropriate number of different
the automated driving modes to the driver automated driving modes communicated to
investigated and confirmed? the driver investigated and confirmed?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is the necessity, to permanently display to
the driver the active automated driving
mode, investigated and confirmed?
 Is the necessity, to communicate to the
driver the automated driving mode
changes, investigated and confirmed?
 Is the appropriate recognition by the driver
of automated driving mode changes
investigated and confirmed?
 Is the appropriate recognition by other road
users of the active automated driving mode
investigated and confirmed?
 Is the current function mode designed to
display continuously to the user?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 93

 Is communication of mode changes easily
and quickly recognised by the users?
 Are colours used to communicate function
states in accordance with common
conventions and stereotypes?

For ADF, a clear communication of the mode is crucial. The driver must understand when he
/ she is in control of the vehicle and when a transfer of control occurs. If the mode is not
clearly understood by the driver, the results could lead to an incident. There are many ways
to communicate the mode to the driver and these should be considered when defining the
This question focuses on the HVI to communicate the AD modes, the consideration of a
permanent display of the modes, how to communicate the mode changes, and how well
these HVI are recognised by both the driver and other road users. This question focuses on
more details in comparison to question 4-2-2, which focuses on the modalities (visual,
auditory, haptic etc.).
In the later stages of development, the clarity of mode should also be assessed with a high
level of scrutiny to ensure that there is no ambiguity. A test procedure to assess that basic
mode indicators are capable of informing the driver about relevant modes and transitions has
been proposed by Naujoks et al., (2019-3). Additional information regarding this topic is
provided by:
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1);
● L3 HMI Test protocol (Naujoks et al.,, 2019-4)
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016);
● Guidelines for In-vehicle Display Systems — Version 3.0 (JAMA 2004);
● AdaptIVe D3.3 (Kelsch et al., 2017).

Question 4-2-6 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is a multimodal HVI to improve driver alertness  Are different HVI modality combinations
and time to get back in-the-loop investigated? investigated?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is speech being considered for a TOR?

The purpose of this question is to draw the attention on the crucial topic related to whether
the driver is “in-the-loop”, and how to help the driver to get back “in-the-loop”.
Of course, the necessary uninterrupted time span of the driver being “in-the-loop” can vary
depending on the situation and on the capability of the function, among others. Nevertheless,
it is important to recognise this necessary level, and to ensure it, because it is strongly
related to safety.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 94

The driver is supposed to be kept “in-the-loop” as much as possible during stretches of
automated driving, not only during and after a TOR. In case of an unplanned take over event,
this would be needed (until Level 3) in order to shorten the time that drivers would need to
gain back the necessary alertness / awareness.
On the other hand, it shall not be forgotten that the HVI is assumed to be not more intrusive
than necessary. It should not be a burden, but rather an aid to the users. It is therefore
necessary to find a (good) balance between the effectiveness of the HVI, and the level of
annoyance that it may cause the users, including the passengers. Speech is another
possibility to communicate a TOR.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016);
● A method to improve driver's situation awareness in automated driving (Yan et al., 2017).

Question 4-2-7 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is the ODD information provided to the driver  Is the information provided to the driver
considered? about the vehicle currently being in the
( ) Yes / ( ) No ODD investigated?
 Is the information provided to the driver
about the start of the next ODD
 Is the information provided to the driver
about the end of the current ODD

The purpose of this question is to consider how and to what extent the ODD information
should be displayed to the driver. Three major kinds of information are especially relevant:
1. The vehicle is currently in the ODD: the function should inform the driver so that the
driver can decide whether to activate the function.
2. The vehicle is not yet in the ODD but will soon get into the next one: the function should
inform the driver so that the driver can get ready for it and possibly decide to activate the
3. The vehicle is currently in the ODD, and the end of the current ODD is known: the
function should inform the driver so that the driver can prepare for taking over the
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1);
● L3 HMI Test protocol (Naujoks et al.,, 2019-3).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 95

Question 4-2-8 Relevant Phase(s) CO
Is the information provided to the driver about an ●
ADF-initiated MRM being considered?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

A MRM typically happens if the driver fails to appropriately take over the controls, or if the
function does not have enough time to make a proper TOR (for example due to a sudden
unexpected situation). This question aims to consider how to inform the driver in case the
function has initiated the MRM in order to provide the driver with the necessary information,
such as what is going on, why, and what the driver could do after that.

Question 4-2-9 Relevant Phase(s) CO DS VV

Is the communication to the driver, of the driver's  Is a method implemented to clearly inform
responsibilities in each defined automated driving the user of his responsibilities and of
mode(s) investigated and confirmed? vehicle capabilities and possibly of the
( ) Yes / ( ) No result of not acting within these
 Is the communication to the driver, of the
ADF’s capabilities in each defined
automated driving mode(s) investigated and
 Is there clear information in the user's
manual, about the ADF’s boundaries, and
has this been confirmed?
 Is additional training material to
communicate the ADF’s boundaries and the
user's responsibilities considered?
 Is a process defined on how the user will be
informed about any new potential
functionality of the ADF based on software

One of the crucial aspects of HVI is to make sure that the driver fully understands her / his
responsibilities during each of the defined AD modes, and therefore to understand the
function’s capabilities under these modes. Drivers may be informed by several means,
including advertisement and owner’s manual written explanations. Drivers may get explicit
information by the in-vehicle HVI, during the AD activation itself, just before and just after it.
Drivers may of course also learn by experience. Additionally, a simple and intuitive HVI can
help the drivers understand the situation and take the correct actions with respect to it. This
concept complements the above mentioned concept of situational awareness and “in-the-
loop” (4.2.6). Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 96

● A method to improve driver's situation awareness in automated driving (Yan et al., 2017);
● Ford Safety Report (Ford 2018).

Question 4-2-10 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is the impact that driving scenarios have on  Is there different feedback information to
driver's understanding of the automated driving the driver depending on the driving
modes communication being investigated? scenarios investigated?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

The purpose of this question is that the driving scenarios may impact the way and the level
drivers understand the communication provided by the ADF. Typically, a more critical
situation would require more attention and – if necessary – a faster reaction from the driver.
In order to ensure these, the displayed feedback information needs to be appropriate and
according to the situation.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016).

Question 4-2-11 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is driver awareness of automated driving modes ●
being investigated?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Driver awareness is a very important topic. Other than “situational awareness” treated by
questions 4-2-6 and 4-2-10 , it is extremely important to ensure driver “mode awareness”, as
previous addressed by questions 4-2-1, 4-2-2, 4-2-5, 4-2-11. Question 4-2-13 focuses on the
resulting awareness, and the need to confirm, for example by clinics and/or by experts, what
has been previously assumed.

Question 4-2-12 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Are driver expectations regarding the ADF’s  Does the function provide the information
features considered? the driver is expecting?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Can the driver easily find the necessary
 Is the information presented in such a way
as to not annoy or distract the driver?

During the Validation and Verification Phase, it is important to confirm whether users’
expectations are met. This is a very broad subject that would need to be narrowed down to
precise specifications, and this question is there to make sure that the process will be

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 97

considered. In terms of Human-Vehicle Integration, for example the balance between the
amount of information and its conciseness or simplicity can be considered. Additional
information regarding this topic is provided by:
● SP3 Input to CoP (see Annex 1).

Question 4-2-13 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Are the drivers’ trust in the ADF being  Is the ADF trusted by the driver?
investigated?  Is the ADF not over-trusted?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

Trust is also a very crucial aspect. It is necessary that the users trust the function, so that
they will use it. On the other hand, it is necessary to avoid over-trust, as this may lead to
unintended misuse of the function. Again, a good balance must be targeted in order to
ensure the correct amount of trust. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Ford Safety Report (Ford 2018).

Question 4-2-14 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is the appropriate usage of the ADF by  Is the appropriate usage of the system
customers confirmed? sufficiently described in the user manual?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are other methods of conveying the
appropriate usage to the customer
 Is there a way to give immediate feedback
to the driver when using the ADF in an
inappropriate way (e.g. HMI message)?
 Is there a feedback loop to the OEM in case
the ADF is used in an inappropriate

This question is a general summary confirming that customers would appropriately use the
ADF. Also, they shall not misuse the system. In order to make sure the appropriate usage is
known, the user manual shall contain a description of how to appropriately use the ADF. In
the event the customers do not read the manual, we need to ensure that other methods are
available to ensure that customers use the ADF appropriately. There must be direct and
immediate feedback, for instance via the vehicle HMI to the driver, in case the ADF is
misused. Statistics shall be gathered via the vehicle to inform the OEM about the about the
occurrence of misuse. The measures can be taken to prevent further misuse.

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 98

Question 4-2-15 Relevant Phase(s) PS
Are long-term effects of the ADF on the  Are all the appropriate metrics to evaluate
customers investigated? the long-term effects of the ADF
( ) Yes / ( ) No considered?
…in terms of driving skill degradation?
…in terms of trust in the function?
…in terms of misuse of the function?

Long-term effects of the AD function need to be fully understood. Every opportunity shall be
used to continuously improve the functions, by understanding these effects and applying
appropriate countermeasures. Designers, developers and evaluators do the utmost to
release a mature function to the market, minimising the negative effects of ADF as much as
possible. Nevertheless, the actual impact on real customers shall be continuously monitored,
and measures need to be applied in order to do so. Typically, the main risks of long-term
effects are skill degradation and building over-trust in the function.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-2-16 Relevant Phase(s) PS

Is the HVI impact on driver workload over long ●
journeys being investigated?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

This question is addressing the impact of the HVI over long journeys. It could be investigated
by taking advantage of dedicated fleets with typically long travel times, for example.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016).
4.5.3 Driver Monitoring
This topic addresses the correct understanding of driver monitoring, specifically the
identification and classification of the cognitive status of the driver and the recognition of the
actions made inside the vehicle. This consists of several questions; however, the sub-
questions shall be carefully addressed as well.
Real time monitoring of a driver’s intention / attention is a crucial topic, especially when
discussing automated driving. In fact, not only is driver distraction one of the main causes of
accidents on the roads, but also the knowledge of driver status is fundamental before a TOR
is issued. Since driving is a complex phenomenon, involving the performance of various
tasks (including simultaneous quick and accurate decision making), fatigue, workload and

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 99

distraction drastically increase human response time, which results in an inability to drive
correctly and – above all – to respond properly to a TOR.

Question 4-3-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are all relevant secondary tasks considered?  Are plausible secondary tasks possible
( ) Yes / ( ) No today and in the near future taken into
 Which secondary tasks are legal and in
what timeframe will they become legal?
 Which metrics shall be measured via a
driver monitoring function?
 Are the metrics appropriate for the
automated driving function defined?
 Which apps/secondary tasks can be
integrated into the vehicle HVI?

This question (and related sub-questions) addresses which secondary tasks are allowed
during automated driving (at least from SAE level 3). The idea is to consider what is currently
available and what will become available in the future. In addition, one sub-question focuses
on metrics that shall be considered, when a driver monitoring function is on-board. It is
important to address these items from the beginning of the function development (definition
phase). Moreover, the possibility to add additional apps/secondary tasks to the vehicle HVI in
the future should be considered as well.

Question 4-3-2 Relevant Phase(s) CO VV

Is the HVI connected with the driver monitoring  Does it give feedback to the driver?
function?  Are unusual driver states (e.g. drowsiness)
( ) Yes / ( ) No communicated to the driver?

It is essential to provide crucial information on driver’s state directly to the driver – for
example drowsiness – because driver impairment (even if only temporarily) can compromise
the safety of the ego-vehicle and other traffic participants (e.g. driver is sleeping when a TOR
is issued by the ADF). These unusual driver states (e.g. drowsiness) need to be
communicated effectively to the driver.

Question 4-3-3 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is it possible to mirror the customers' devices on  Is it possible to restrict certain apps or
the vehicle HVI? certain activities altogether (e.g. laptop) in
( ) Yes / ( ) No general due to their potential distraction

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 100

 In cases where mirroring is possible, is the
content restricted according to the driving
 Is it possible to show warning messages
despite the mirroring?

This question focuses on the problem of mirroring contents / apps from user’s own mobile
device directly on to the vehicle’s display(s), especially if some mobile content can create a
strong potential distraction level. This issue has to be considered when a TOR is provided by
the ADF with particular attention (e.g. in a situation, when the ADF leaves its ODD). The
crucial questions are: can the mirroring be limited? If allowed, how can the driver be taken
back into the control loop?

Question 4-3-4 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Is the impact of typical secondary tasks on take-  Is a customer clinic or expert assessment
over time(s) and quality identified? data available on this?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Can this be simulated?

Strongly related to the previous question, we need to measure and to understand the impact
of secondary tasks on the TOR provided by the function in the validation phase. From here,
an answer to the previous point can be given: if the impact is high (i.e. affecting the vehicle
safety) some secondary tasks (e.g. mirroring) shall be forbidden.

Question 4-3-5 Relevant Phase(s) PS

Can data be measured after the start of  Is there consideration for which types of
production to assess the usage of secondary data should be measured after the start of
tasks and their impact on driving behaviour, production?
traffic safety, etc.?
( ) Yes / ( ) No

The last question of the driver monitoring section is related to measuring the long term
effects of secondary tasks on driver behaviour, considering data if available. The selection of
appropriate data for this long-term evaluation aims at continuously monitoring the actual
impact on real customers.
As aforementioned, long-term effects (at every automation level, including allowed secondary
tasks) of the ADF have to be fully understood, in order to continuously improve the functions,
by understanding these effects and applying appropriate countermeasures.
Additional information regarding the topic mentioned in the questions is provided by:
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016);

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 101

● A method to improve driver's situation awareness in automated driving (Yan et al., 2017);
● SIP-adus HMI 2017 report (SIP-adus 2017);
● Effects of system information on drivers' behaviour (Makoto 2017);
● Evaluation of driver's condition and keeping driver's state by HMI (Sato 2017);
● Driver distraction and inattention in the realm of automated driving (Cunningham 2018);
● Real-time Driver Drowsiness Detection for Embedded System Using Model Compression
of Deep Neural Networks (Reddy et al., 2017);
● Real-time detection of driver distraction: random projections for pseudo-inversion-based
neural training (Botta et al., 2019);
● MIT Advanced Vehicle Technology Study: Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Study of Driver
Behavior and Interaction with Automation (Fridman et al., 2019);
● Driver Fatigue Detection based on Eye State Recognition (Zhang et al 2017).
4.5.4 Controllability & Customer Clinics
Level 3 automated driving will still require the driver to take over the driving task in case of
system failures and malfunctions. Thus, it has to be ensured that drivers are able to control
transitions to manual or assisted driving and avoid safety critical consequences with regards
to themselves, passengers and other road users. Driver-initiated transitions should also be
considered from this perspective. This chapter outlines measures to support the
controllability of Level 3 ADF in different levels of the development cycle.

Question 4-4-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Are user needs regarding controllability taken  Is controllability of function limits / failures
into account in the definition phase? from L3 to lower levels of automation
( ) Yes / ( ) No considered in the design phase?
 Are human factors design guidelines
followed when defining user needs
regarding these transitions?
 Are potential users of the ADF and samples
for customer clinics selected based on
adequate data (e.g. market research)?

During the definition phase, it should be ensured that user needs regarding controllability are
taken into account. For example, the design of the HVI should consider the transition from
automated driving to lower levels of automations with respect to function failures / limits as
well as driver-initiated transition. Relevant and applicable guidelines for the design of the HVI
should be considered in the design phase in order to ensure that they are in line with

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 102

generally accepted standards and best practices in view of the targeted user population.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Procedure to define use cases (Naujoks et al.,, 2018-1);
● Ko-HAF Procedure to define test cases (Gold et al.,, 2017);
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1);
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-4-2 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Are the limitations of the human driver taken into  Is colour blindness considered by avoiding
account based on available guidelines? non-suitable colour combinations?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is visual impairment considered by
choosing sufficiently large enough text and
icons for visually impaired drivers?
 Is it ensured that the flash rate of icons
does not cause epilepsy or similar
 Is it ensured that the audio tones can be
perceived by individuals without a full
hearing range?
 Is the controllability in the case of a function
failure also ensured for a driver with
impaired capability (e.g. elderly person,
acute medical conditions or motion

The concept selection should be based on a careful consideration of the driver’s sensory and
motor limitations. The concept selection should thus consider topics like colour-blindness,
general vision, sensory-motor and hearing impairments. Additional information regarding this
topic is provided by:
● L3 HMI Checklist (Naujoks et al., 2019-1);
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-4-3 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is the driver informed about function limits that  Does the user manual describe the
will trigger requests to intervene? functions, handling and limits in an
( ) Yes / ( ) No understandable way?
 Is the driver informed if a detectable
function malfunction or function limit

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 103

The concept selection phase should also account for a clear and understandable description
of the ADF and its limits. These should be described in the user manual, together with a
description of the expected reaction. This also comprises the selection of a transition-of-
control concept in case of reaching ADF limits. Additional information regarding this topic is
provided by:
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-4-4 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is the vehicle controllable in the case of a  Is it possible for the driver to deactivate or
function malfunction or limit by overruling or take back control of an ADF at any time?
switching off the function?  Is it ensured that driver actions, which
( ) Yes / ( ) No should overrule the function or take back
manual control, are intuitive?
 Is the possibility of function activation or
deactivation in situations, in which it would
lead to potentially hazardous driving
conditions, considered in the concept

In addition to a control concept in case of ADF malfunction, the design phase should
consider the safety of driver-initiated overrides and deactivations of the ADF (i.e. an
interaction concept for deactivation and overriding should be defined). For example, it should
be ensured that the user can take back control in an intuitive way to ensure an efficient
transition. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-4-5 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Does the behaviour of the ADF lead to non-  Is the vehicle behaviour predictable for
controllable situations from the perspective of other road users if they do not know
other road users? whether the vehicle was equipped or not
( ) Yes / ( ) No equipped with the function?
 Is the reaction performance of other road
users sufficient to interact with a vehicle
that is equipped with a rapidly (hard,
intensive) reacting ADF?

The design phase should also consider the limitations and perception of other traffic
participants that are not equipped with an ADF. The automated vehicle’s behaviour should
be designed in a way that it is controllable for these traffic participants and does not exceed
motion ranges of non-equipped drivers in non-emergency situations. Additional information
regarding this topic is provided by:

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 104

● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-4-6 Relevant Phase(s) DS

Is it possible to preliminarily verify the concept  Are preliminary controllability assessments
based on expert controllability assessments? and according concept changes carried out
( ) Yes / ( ) No during design iterations?
 Is the fidelity of the prototype sufficient?
 Are function limits, function failures, but
also normal transitions being taken into

In the design phase, a preliminary assessment of the controllability should be carried out,
which is normally based on expert assessments. For these, a suitable prototype should be
used that allows for an assessment of function limits / failures, but also normal driver-initiated
transitions. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Controllability test methods (Bengler et al.,, 2018);
● Expert-based Controllability Rating (Naujoks et al.,, 2018-2);
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-4-7 Relevant Phase(s) VV

Are the testing environments for controllability  Are the venues for the customer clinics
confirmation tests suitable? adequate (laboratory, test track etc.)?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Are adequate precautions taken for real
world testing, especially with naive

In the verification phase, controllability assessments should be carried out in suitable test
environments. When these are carried out on test tracks or on public roads, precautions
regarding the safety of participants and other road users should be taken. Additional
information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Controllability test methods (Bengler et al.,, 2018);
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 105

Question 4-4-8 Relevant Phase(s) VV
Is it possible to sign-off the controllability based  Can function outputs and information be
on customer clinic results and/or expert perceived by the drivers quickly enough to
assessments? enable them to react appropriately (e.g.
( ) Yes / ( ) No take over request)?
 Is it possible to verify that drivers respond
when they are required to retake control
(success of take-over)?
 Are the function limits clearly
understandable for the driver?
 Have the drivers’ behaviour adaptation over
time with respect to ADF’s limit been
 Are the limitations of correct operation /
function limits comprehensible and
predictable for the driver in different
environments, weather and visibility
conditions (e.g. fog, animals on the road)?
 Can the driver control the function after a
transition from full function functionality to a
degraded mode?
 Can the driver control the function after an
unintended or accidental function
 Can the driver control the function if they
want to activate the automated driving
function and it is not available? This refers
especially to the situation in which the
driver is not informed that the function is
 Is a MRM initiated by the ADF controllable?
 Are function reactions understood by other
road users? If not, can they still control the
situation (e.g. function based deceleration
without activation of brake lights)?

The final controllability verification can be based on different evaluation methods such as
expert assessments or controllability verification tests. A variety of use-cases that are listed
in the table above should be considered. Additional information regarding this topic is
provided by:
● Expert-based Controllability Rating (Naujoks et al.,, 2018-2);

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 106

● Ko-HAF Procedure to define test cases (Gold et al.,, 2017);
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-4-9 Relevant Phase(s) PS

Is the ADF adequately evaluated from a human  Is there any skill degradation due to the use
factors perspective after the start of production? of the ADF?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is there misuse of the ADF?
 Are there long-term effects on driver
behaviour and on the usage of the ADF?

A suitable post-production evaluation strategy should be implemented that assesses the

impact of the ADF on possible negative behavioural adaptations such as skill degradation
and misuse. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● CoP ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).
4.5.5 Driver Training & Variability of Users
This topic covers the training required for users and the variability of ADF users to be taken
into account. Firstly, the training aspect is about the issue of providing users with the
appropriate knowledge and skills to operate an ADF, if necessary. Secondly, there is a huge
variability of the users, as different age groups, gender, cultural backgrounds and previous
experiences need to be addressed. Both topics are interrelated and thus combined in one

Question 4-5-1 Relevant Phase(s) DF

Is the impact of different user groups taken into  Is the impact of different countries, regions
account? and their respective cultures taken into
( ) Yes / ( ) No account?
 Are different age groups and their needs
taken into account?
 Are differences in the users' physical
dimensions, anthropometry and (dis-)
abilities taken into account?

Firstly, these questions target the difference between countries and regions. Infrastructural
differences with regard to roads, traffic control functions and driver behaviour in general have
a huge impact on the design of ADFs. These differences need to be handled appropriately
An ADF designed with only a specific country or region without taking into account the
respective infrastructures and the needs and behaviours of their user groups must be
avoided. Secondly, there is a general trend towards an aging population. In addition, the
elderly prefer to drive their own vehicles for transportation. Due to degrading physical

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 107

abilities, this becomes more cumbersome. During the definition of ADFs, physical
impairments of elderly drivers need to be taken into account. Appropriate countermeasures,
if necessary, must be defined. Thirdly, there is a significant variability in users’ physical
dimensions and anthropometry. Size and strength differences between genders can play a
role. The ADF shall be designed to be operated by variety of different users. This also
includes non-age related disabilities. Additional information regarding this topic is provided
● Code of Practice for the Design and Evaluation of ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-5-2 Relevant Phase(s) CO DS

Is the information that the user needs to operate  Is there a training course needed for test
the ADF available to create a training course? drivers?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is there a driver training course for ordinary
users planned?
 Is a process to train users of an ADF
 Are the possible training methods for the
user defined (e.g. dealer training, online
material for home training, material in car,
manual, use of virtual reality, digital
assistants etc.)?

User training for the ADF requires a specification of the ADF’s operation. This serves as a
baseline to create a user training, if it is deemed necessary. Due to the complexity of ADFs,
a user training course might be required or at least recommended. In case such a training
course is regarded as necessary, appropriate measures need to be taken to realise it.
Furthermore, the training methods shall be defined in more detail. This may range from a
training course provided by the dealer to user manuals integrated within the vehicle, online
material for home training, the use of digital assistants and many more. A reasonable
combination of training methods shall be considered taking individual learning preferences
into account.
Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● SIP-adus HMI 2017 report (SIP-adus 2017);
● Effects of function information on drivers' behaviour (Brusque et al., 2007);
● Code of Practice for the Design and Evaluation of ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009);
● Human Factors Design Guidance For Driver-Vehicle Interfaces (Campbell et al., 2016).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 108

Question 4-5-3 Relevant Phase(s) CO

Is a representative test sample for customer

studies ensured, taking into account
demographic variables such as age, gender etc?

( ) Yes / ( ) No

Due to the high variability of users, customer studies evaluating the ADF need to take into
account various factors. Depending on the exact customer study to be conducted, this may
range from age, gender, socio-cultural background to previous experience with ADFs or
computers in general. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Code of Practice for the Design and Evaluation of ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009).

Question 4-5-4 Relevant Phase(s) PS

Is a solid mix of customer education and  Is user information and training supported
information made available to the users post start with appropriate information by marketing
of production? raising realistic expectations?
( ) Yes / ( ) No  Is training material made available inside
the car (e.g. integrated into infotainment

Developers shall ensure that there is enough information available for the users of an ADF to
properly operate it. There shall be sufficient training material available inside the vehicle to
provide users with the required knowledge to operate the ADF quickly and safely on the
road. Marketing a new ADF might tempt people to over-estimate the possibilities offered by
the function. To prevent this, marketing shall support user information and training with
realistic information regarding its abilities. This is aimed at e.g. at commercials and customer
sales information guides. Additional information regarding this topic is provided by:
● Code of Practice for the Design and Evaluation of ADAS (Knapp et al., 2009);
● Ford Safety Report (Ford 2018);
● GM Safety Report (GM 2018).

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 109

5 Pilot application of draft CoP-AD

This chapter reports on the application of the draft CoP-AD in the L3Pilot project. For this
purpose a questionnaire was prepared. The questionnaire was discussed with key persons
of the project (e.g. subproject leaders, vehicle manufactures). In addition, there were direct
contributions from other L3Pilot subprojects. More details are reported in chapter 5.1.
Both inputs were used to identify which CoP-AD questions are relevant in the context of the
L3Pilot project and how they should be managed in L3Pilot. The scope of the L3Pilot project
– testing of automated driving function prototypes on public roads – automatically limits the
overlap of CoP-AD topics, since the CoP itself is intended to cover the entire development
process. There are further aspects that need to be taken into account when the pilot
application in L3Pilot is analysed. These aspects are reported in subchapter 5.2, together
with an overview about the CoP-AD topics that have been addressed in L3Pilot. The final
subchapter 5.3 reports how each of the topics addressed have been handled in the project,
and whether the L3Pilot is in line with the approach suggested by the CoP-AD.

5.1 Process of information collection

The purpose of the information collection within the project was to check which topics of the
draft CoP-AD have been addressed in the L3Pilot and how they have been approached in
the project. For this purpose, the status of the project has been reviewed considering the
CoP-AD questions. The information used for this review is based on the following pillars:
1. Information that SP2 partners have due to their involvement in the other subprojects.
2. A questionnaire that has been prepared and sent out to the partners in order to collect
more detailed information about which topics have been approached. Addressees of the
questionnaire have been the subproject leaders as well as the owners of test vehicles.
3. Information directly transferred to SP2 from other subprojects. For instance SP3
“Methodology” provided a rating of the applicability of test tools for different assessment
in the pilot.
All the received information has been clustered and evaluated. Based on this consolidated
feedback, the extent to which questions of the draft CoP-AD are in the scope of L3Pilot have
been assessed and how they have been handled in the project. The results are presented in
the following sub-chapters in a condensed form.

5.2 Identification of relevant topics for L3Pilot

The L3Pilot project aims at testing automated driving functions on public roads with different
users. The prerequisite for this project is that prototype vehicles with an ADF are available for
testing. The vehicles are technically equipped or updated during the project to comply with
the testing requirements. However, the more resource consuming development of the ADF is

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 110

not in the scope of the L3Pilot. This limits the topics of the CoP-AD that are addressed by
L3Pilot itself.
A second challenge to the pilot application of the CoP-AD is that its writing and the testing
activities have started in parallel to the L3Pilot project. This means that it has not been
possible to provide the CoP-AD at the beginning and to check later whether the CoP-AD has
been followed throughout the course of the project. Instead, the approach taken and
explained in this document has been to check to which extent the CoP-AD is in line with the
independently taken L3Pilot approach. The results of this check are going to be an important
input for the final CoP-AD (L3Pilot deliverable D2.3 that is due in end of February 2021)
which will be based on this draft version.
The third aspect related to the reporting of the application of the CoP-AD in L3Pilot that
needs to be considered is that this draft document is due only approximately two years after
the start of the project. The project will continue its work for an additional two years.
Therefore, the application can only be reported up to the date when the darft document is
due (October 2019).
An overview about the different topics of the CoP-AD and their relevance in L3Pilot is given
in the following table. In order to provide a more detailed overview about the extent to which
a certain topic has been relevant in L3Pilot, we distinguish between “not in the scope”, “partly
in the scope” and “fully in the scope”.
Table 5.1: Overview on topics of the CoP-AD that are relevant in L3Pilot.

Not in the Partly in Fully in

scope the scope the scope
Category Overall Guideline and Recommendations
Minimal Risk Manoeuvre X
Documentation X
Existing Standards X
Category ODD Vehicle Level
Requirements X
Scenarios and Limitations X
Performance Criteria and Customer Expectations X
Vehicle Architecture X
Testing (incl. Simulation) X
Category “ODD Traffic System Level & Behavioural Design”
Automated Driving Risks and Coverage Interaction with X
Mixed Traffic
V2X Interaction X
Traffic Simulation X

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 111

Not in the Partly in Fully in
scope the scope the scope
Ethics & other Traffic related Aspects X
Category “Safeguarding Automation”
Functional Safety X
Cybersecurity X
Implementation of Updates X
Safety of the intended Functionality (SOTIF) X
Data Recording, Privacy and Protection X
Category “Human-Vehicle Integration”
Guidelines for HVI X
Mode Awareness, Trust & Misuse X
Driver Monitoring X
Controllability & Customer Clinics X
Driver Training & Variability of Users X

Considering the goal of the L3Pilot project, it is also obvious that the CoP-AD topics which
are relevant are the ones to be addressed in the “Design Phase” and “Validation &
Verification Phase”. It is in these final stages of a function development that the road tests
typically take place. The “Definition Phase” and “Concept Selection Phase” shall at this stage
normally be finished unless the evaluation has serious feedback on the design phase. The
“Post Start of Production Phase” will not be reached in L3Pilot, since these functions will not
be introduced in the market.

5.3 Results to pilot application of draft CoP-AD in L3Pilot

In the following section it is reported per category how L3Pilot has approached the different
relevant topics.
5.3.1 Overall Guideline and Recommendations
This category consists of three topics: the minimal risk manoeuvre, documentation and
existing standards.
By definition, a level 4 ADF includes a minimal risk manoeuvre, but most of the level 4
functions in L3Pilot are for parking. Although L3Pilot tested ADF include a MRM and some of
the tested level 3 ADF will include the possibility to initiate a MRM. The first of two questions
(question 0-1-1 and 0-1-2) of the CoP-AD are out of the L3Pilot scope, since these are
answered in early development stages.
The third question (0-1-3) for this topic is theoretically relevant for the testing in L3Pilot. Here,
it could be investigated under which condition a MRM occurs. However, it must be

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 112

considered that in most of the tested vehicles, the vehicles are prototypes and do not have
the level of performance they will have in a series production, and therefore have a safety
driver (see Penttinen et al., 2019) who will supervise the ADF. Since it is still under
discussion at which point in time the safety driver will intervene it is not clear, whether and
how many MRM will be detected in the test data.
The questions 0-1-4 and 0-1-5 are partially relevant to the project. The test scenarios for
motorway and urban driving include the MRM more in an implicitly way. Thus, the MRM
might be activated during the operation on public roads, but it is not explicitly when to
activate it. For the parking ADF it would also be possible to include tests for the MRM
explicitly. Up to the current knowledge such MRM specific tests are not foreseen in the
L3Pilot test. The reason is that this question addresses the aspects that the proper operation
of the MRM shall be ensured. This needs to be done before any tests on public roads are
conducted. Thus, the L3Pilot partners who include a MRM in their ADF will test the MRM
before the actual road tests start. These tests are not reported in L3Pilot.
The second topic of this category, documentation is fully in the scope of L3Pilot. The first
question 0-2-1 is implicitly requested by the different deliverables of the project. However, it
must be noted that the results differ in a research project from company internal reports. The
second question of the topic (question 0-2-2) is difficult to cover in a research project, since a
research project always has a defined end. Nevertheless, the results of L3Pilot that are
provided in terms of reports and data implemented will be used for future research outside
the project. Furthermore, the companies involved will use the data and knowledge gained for
future ADF development in addition to their defined processes.
The final topic of this category, existing standards, is fully in the scope of L3Pilot. The single
CoP-AD question 0-3-1 of this topic deals with the compliance with existing standards.
Regarding the function development and question, which standards have been followed, not
explicitly information are reported in the project. However, in most cases the standards (e.g.
ISO 26262 2018) are already covered and followed in the company internal development
processes and guidelines. These processes and guidelines have been applied for the ADFs
and prototype vehicles used in L3Pilot. Regarding the testing approach, L3Pilot follows the
FESTA Handbook (Barnard et al., 2018), which defines the process for conducting field tests
in Europe. For the work of this subproject (SP2) the existing documents are considered in the
5.3.2 Category “ODD Vehicle Level”
The category “ODD Vehicle Level” consists of five topics: requirements: scenarios and limits,
performance criteria and customer expectation, vehicle architecture as well as testing.
The first category requirements cover aspects. First, there are the direct requirements for the
function (e.g. questions 1-1-2, 1-1-5 and 1-1-7). These questions are relevant for the
development of the ADF, which is not in the direct scope of the L3Pilot project, which instead
focuses on the testing of the ADF. Obviously the requirements have to be taken into account

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 113

by the project, when defining the test and for the evaluation. The second type of question
considers the requirements related to the ODD (e.g. question 1-1-8 and 1-1-9). Also, here
the requirements are important for L3Pilot in the context of defining the right test
environment. However, it is less of a focus for the project to define these requirements.
However, the third type of question of this topic, which assesses whether risks are
considered and tackled beforehand, is clearly in the scope of the project (e.g. questions 1-1-
6), since tests in appropriated environments are essential before the actual pilot on public
roads start. The tests have been carried out by manufacturers of the test vehicles
individually. The question 1-1-11 has been approached individually by the partners. For
instance, the training of the safety driver describes which scenarios (e.g. ISO lane change at
different velocities) the potential safety driver must be capable to handle. For the question 1-
1-12 the pilot will provide useful information, since the testing on public roads ensures that
the ADF is confronted with a manifold of situations. It is also obvious that these experiences
will be used to improve future ADFs, which provides the answer to the question 1-1-14. The
question 1-1-13 is not directly in scope of L3Pilot, since during the pilot the vehicles will
regularly return to the manufactures’ workshops. Due to this and the fact that during the pilot
for most vehicles someone from the L3Pilot staff will be in the vehicle (e.g. safety driver,
investigator) the monitoring of the ADF is ensured anyway.
The questions of the scenario and limits topic are complete in the scope of L3Pilot. The limits
of the ADF need to be known in order to define the test environment correctly (questions 1-2-
1 and 1-2-2). The limitations have been described in the deliverable D4.1 (Griffon et al.,
2019). The data that are logged during the pilot will reveal, whether these descriptions are
also met by the tested ADF. At this point it must be borne in mind that the tested ADFs are
still prototype functions and not serial production ADFs. Therefore, deviation is likely to
occur. Regarding the identification of critical situations in the pilot (question 1-2-3) the
methodology subproject has provided criteria to identify such situations. The process is
based on two steps: 1. Numeric criteria to pre-select potential critical situations 2. Check
video data, whether a situation has been critical or not. In addition a classification for take-
over-situations has been defined, in order to assess controllability of this manoeuvre. More
information about this are given in the deliverable D3.3 (Metz et al., 2019).
The topic performance criteria and customer expectations is also fully in the scope L3Pilot
project. The aspect of the customer expectations (questions 1-3-1 and 1-3-5) is covered in a
series of international surveys investigating people’s expectations related to automated
driving. More details can be found in the L3Pilot deliverable D3.3 (Metz et al., 2019). The
performance criteria for the L3Pilot project have been defined in the deliverable D3.1 (Hilbert
et al., 2018). The performance criteria are set up to investigate the technical / traffic
performance and the user acceptance of the tested ADF (questions 1-3-2, 1-3-3 and 1-3-4).
The criteria have been defined based on the research questions and related hypotheses of
the projects and are going to be answered based on logged data of the pilot. However, it
must be taken into account that the objectives of research projects and development process
of serial products require different criteria. Thus, the general criteria of the L3Pilot

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investigation of automated driving have only a limited applicability for serial production
The four topics of this category “vehicle architecture” are very much related to the
development of ADFs, which is not in the scope of the L3Pilot project. It is obvious that test
vehicles require a certain architecture and additional technology to integrate the ADF and the
data acquisition systems for L3Pilot in the vehicle. However, due to confidentiality the
method of integration is specific to each of the manufacturers of the L3Pilot test vehicles.
This makes it hard to comment for the draft CoP-AD to what extent the questions are fulfilled.
The overall fact that the test vehicles fulfil the architecture questions can be derived from the
fact that they operate on public roads and that the data logging is operating properly.
The last topic “Testing” is the main purpose of the L3Pilot and therefore fully in the scope of
the project. The test and evaluation concept has been defined by the methodology
subproject in the deliverables D3.2 (Penttinen et al., 2019) and D3.3 (Metz et al., 2019)
(question 1-5-1).
It must be noted that the L3Pilot should be considered as tests for the future development
and rather than tests for certification.
The details of the pilot tests (questions 1-5-2, 1-5-3 and 1-5-5) are discussed between the
manufacturers of the test vehicles and their selected SP3/7 partner. This process allows
individual consideration of the ADF requirements, the national requirements (question 1-5-7)
as well as to ensure that the requirements of the methodology and evaluation subproject are
followed. With respect to the correct selection of test tools the methodology subproject team
investigated different tools and provided an overview of appropriateness of tools per
research question, which can be found in annex 1. To ensure the safest possible testing
(question 1-5-6) safety concepts have been developed for the test vehicles and the ADF. The
question, whether the test plans have correctly been implemented (question 1-5-4), can only
be assessed at the end of the project. Simulations contribute heavily to the impact
assessments in L3Pilot (questions 1-5-8 and 1-5-9). However, the simulated ADF is an
artificial ADF that is defined based on the function’s descriptions of the ADF that are tested in
the pilots. These so-called mature ADFs are simulated, since the objective is to provide a
general result of the capabilities of ADFs and not results for one single implementation. The
mature ADFs allow us to compensate expected shortcomings due to the prototype status of
the tested ADF and due to this will be closer to the expected serial products. The mature
ADFs do not consider AI technologies.
5.3.3 Category “ODD Traffic System Level & Behavioural Design”
The first topic of the category is “automated driving risks and coverage interaction with mixed
traffic”. This topic is in scope, since safe testing on public roads requires a careful
consideration of the topic’s questions. In particular the risks associated with the pilot activities
need to be analysed before testing (questions 2-1-1 and 2-1-2). The identified risks are
tackled by means of the safety concept for the test. The risk and safety concept depend on

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the capabilities of the tested ADF. It is obvious that testing a parking ADF is associated with
different risks to an urban ADF. Therefore, the assessment of the risk and safety concept is
done individually per ADF, which makes it impossible to have a common L3Pilot approach.
It’s important that the risk assessment does not only cover the ego vehicle, but accounts also
for the surrounding traffic. Often in L3Pilot the approach taken is to use a safety driver that is
capable of intervening in case of critical situations. A critical situation can be induced by the
surrounding traffic as well as a malfunction during the automated operation of vehicle. Some
partners in the project also consider using a second vehicle driving behind the automated
vehicle to reduce possible risks for the surrounding vehicles (questions 2-1-3, 2-1-4 and 2-1-
5). However, this could limit the pilot results related to the objective to investigate the
interaction with non-automated road users.
The second part of the category is the V2X interaction. According to the deliverable D4.1
(Griffon et al., 2019) the pilot tested ADFs do not consider V2X interaction. Thus, this
question is not in the scope of L3Pilot project. The only exception is that a show case related
to V2X is planned. However, details of the show case are not known at this point of time.
Therefore, it is not possible to make further statements related to the CoP-AD questions of
this topic.
Traffic simulations are applied in L3Pilot for the impact assessment, which examines:
efficiency, environmental impact, as well as the safety impact assessment (question 2-3-2).
The impact assessment will be conducted at the end of the project. The traffic simulations
are set up according to the state-of-the-art. This applies for the methodology as well as for
the simulation tools (question 2-3-1). Further information is available in the L3Pilot
deliverable D3.3 (Metz et al., 2019). The traffic simulation will cover different traffic scenarios
that represent the traffic in Europe (question 2-3-3) Different evaluations of ADFs are not
analysed. The aim of the impact assessment is to assess the potential of the technology.
Therefore, so-called mature ADFs have been defined in the project based on the pilot tested
prototype ADFs. These ADFs will be integrated in the simulation as software in the loop
(questions 2-3-5 and 2-3-6). The data of the pilot will be used for setting up the scenarios
with the correct values as well as to update the driver behaviour models for the surrounding
traffic. This step is necessary to ensure the correct interaction of the non-automated traffic
with the ADF (question 2-3-7). The validation and verification of the simulation tool is a key
aspect for its effective use. This aspect is covered by the partners that apply traffic
simulations in L3Pilot. However, the actual work of the validation and verification of the
simulation tool is outside the scope of the L3Pilot project (question 2-3-4). Up to now, no
external parties have been involved in the validation and verification process of the
simulation process (question 2-3-9). The extent to which traffic simulation is applied to the
development of ADFs at each of the different manufactures is out of the scope of L3Pilot.
However, it can be expected that traffic simulation plays a role in this field. Although not all
questions of this topic are confirmed, the topic itself is relevant for the L3Pilot project.

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The last topic of the category deals with the ethical and legal aspects. The compliance with
these relevant laws is vital for the L3Pilot consortium. More implication on local laws
(question 2-4-1) and ethical standards on the L3Pilot (question 2-4-2) are described in detail
in the L3Pilot deliverables D4.2. “Legal requirements to AD piloting” (Vignard 2018) and
D8.1-3 “Ethical Requirements” (Gellerman et al., 2019). The deliverable includes analysis of
regulations in different countries of the pilot. The regulations have to and will be followed by
the L3Pilot partners. The last question of this topic (question 2-4-3) is tackled by the project
in the upcoming safety impact assessment. The safety impact assessment will be conducted
at the end of project once the data from the pilot are available. The methodology is described
in the L3Pilot deliverable D3.3 (Metz et al., 2019).
5.3.4 Category “Safeguarding Automation”
The application of the CoP-AD to the pilot for the category “Safeguarding Automation” is
difficult to describe. The reason is that the topics of this category tackle core aspects to
development that are considered throughout the entire development life cycle. Therefore,
many of the questions in this category are not in the direct scope of L3Pilot and have been
dealt with prior to the project.
The second challenge related to this category is that a deep knowledge about the
development is required to answer its questions. The knowledge exists within the companies,
but it is not shared for confidentiality reasons in a research project. Therefore, it is hard to
make detailed statements to what extent the different questions are covered. However, the
project partners, who are conducting the studies, have a natural interest to ensure a safe
testing of ADFs on public roads. Therefore, it can be presumed that all the relevant safety
measures have been taken. Additionally each company can be presumed to have followed
their internal development processes and guidelines, which typically cover the principles that
are dealt with in this category.
A third aspect that is relevant for this category is the fact that the tested ADF and vehicle are
still prototypes. These vehicles normally run under a different certification process in order to
operate on public roads as serial production vehicles. The exact process depends on the
relevant country and can also involve approval by external testing organisations.
For the topic functional safety the question related to the development of ADFs, such as
question 3-1-2, are not in the scope of L3Pilot. The questions related to assessing the risk
during operation or testing (e.g. question 3-1-8) as well as the question to verify that the
function and safety measures behave as intended are relevant in the context of L3Pilot (e.g.
questions 3-1-3, 3-1-9 and 3-1-11). Here, tests with the test vehicle are performed in a
closed environment before the actual L3Pilot test on public roads start. Furthermore, the
L3Pilot vehicles are equipped with extra data loggers, which will measure relevant signals
and indicators during the drive. Therefore, additional related questions, such as question 3-1-
4 are covered by the L3Pilot.

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The topic “cybersecurity” has been dealt with in work package 4.6 “Legal aspects and cyber-
security”. The related work package has prepared the deliverable 4.2 “Legal requirements to
AD piloting and cyber security analysis” (Vignard et al., 2018). This deliverable has been the
basis for the work in the related CoP-AD. During the actual pilot the cybersecurity aspect will
play a minor role, since no dedicated analysis is planned.
Since the tested ADF is a prototype function, it is possible for ADFs to be updated during the
pilot. However, it is not possible to say at this time whether this will happen or how often this
might occur. Nevertheless, it is expected that the updates are developed and tested with the
same care as the original development process for the ADF. These updates in L3Pilot have
to be seen in a different context to the updates that the topic “implementation of updates”
(chapter 4.4.3) is dealing with. The updates in L3Pilot will be done in a workshop by experts
that have developed the functions / vehicles, whereas the updates that chapter 4.4.3 is
dealing with are updates to be done remotely. Therefore the CoP-AD questions of the topic
“implementation of updates” are not in the scope of L3Pilot.
For the topic “safety of the intended functionality” the situation is similar to the topic
“functional safety”. The aspects that are covered by the SOTIF CoP-AD questions need to be
dealt with in order to ensure safe development. Therefore, the company internal process
should already ensure that the SOTIF principles are addressed in the development process.
This also applies to prototype vehicles, which are used for the L3Pilot. In the context of
L3Pilot the user related SOTIF aspects are of particular importance to reduce the risk to the
users of technical failures. This includes for instance a risk assessment prior to the actual
pilot study (e.g. questions 3-4-4 and 3-4-8).
The last topics of the safeguarding category are “Data Recording, Privacy and Protection”.
This topic is of particular relevance, since the L3Pilot is going to collect a considerable
amount of data during the pilot and the related studies. Complying with GDPR is therefore an
absolute key aspect for the project. The data handling process of L3Pilot is described in the
L3Pilot deliverables 8.1-3 “Ethical Requirements” (Gellerman et al., 2019). This process
answers the majority of the CoP-AD question for this category. The question 3-5-3 is
confirmed by means of the extra logging equipment that is used in L3Pilot. Therefore, this
topic is fully in the scope of L3Pilot.
5.3.5 Category “Human-Vehicle Integration”
One major objective of L3Pilot is to investigate the interaction between potential users and
the ADF. The L3Pilot assessment rather aims to investigate the general attitude of users as
well as the general behaviour and acceptance of users while interacting with an ADF. Thus,
the aim is not to assess a single HMI solutions. Here, it must be taken into account that the
demonstrator vehicles used are still prototype vehicles, which differ in the level of maturity.
This aspect holds true for the HMI used and must be considered when reporting the
application of the draft CoP-AD in L3Pilot. Furthermore, it must also be considered that
L3Pilot – in contrast to other research project – does not include a development of HMI

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 118

solution. The applied HMIs in the demonstrator have been developed outside of the project.
A third important aspect is that the study design in L3Pilot required the adaptation of the test
vehicles. These adaptations, like installing additional cameras to study the users’ behaviour
or extra interfaces (e.g. pedals) in the front if the passenger’s seat in order to comply with the
safety concept to operate such vehicles on the road, would not be part of a series production
For the topic “Guidelines for HVI” the compliance with the draft CoP-AD depends completely
on the individual HMI solution in the test vehicles. It is clear that for each test vehicle the
developers tried to implement the design related CoP-AD question (question 4-1-1 to 4-1-5)
in the best possible manner. To what extent this task has been fulfilled will be shown in the
L3Pilot assessment. Here, it is important that different users will react differently to the HMI.
Regarding the effort that the different manufactures of the test vehicles have taken prior to
the project to have an adequate HMI is not available for confidentiality reasons. Regarding
the last question of this topic 4-1-6 it can be concluded that this is going to be assessed as
part of the applied HMI concepts in the separate L3Pilot studies.
The second topic of this category is “Mode awareness, trust & misuses”. Those CoP-AD
questions, which address the design phase concept phase, are outside the scope of L3Pilot
(questions 4-2-1 to 4-2-11). On the other hand, the questions that cover the validation and
verification phase are in the scope in the context that the L3Pilot logged data will support the
analysis of the applied HMI and might deliver input to future developments (questions 4-2-12,
4-2-13 and 4-2-14), However, the study designs of the on-road tests in L3Pilot do not allow in
most cases to investigate long term effect. These effects are investigated exemplarily in a
separate simulator study. Thus, the questions (questions 4-2-15 and 4-2-16) regarding long-
terms effects in this topic are only partly covered by L3Pilot.
The third topic of the category is driver monitoring. Due to the requirements that have been
defined by SP3 the test vehicles will be equipped with additional cameras, which will allow
the study of the inner compartment of the vehicle including the driver as well as the
surroundings of the vehicle. Some vehicles might also be equipped with an eye-tracking
system. However, at the time of the deliverable there has not been a final decision on this.
This approach will allow us to investigate secondary tasks and their impact during the studies
(questions 4-3-1, 4-3-2 and 4-3-4). This also covers customers’ devices (question 4-3-3). To
what extent the test vehicles are already equipped with in-vehicle driver monitoring systems
is not known at the point in time when this deliverable is written. However, it can be expected
that some test vehicles will be equipped with such systems, which are also linked to the HVI
concept (Is the HVI connected with the driver monitoring function?). The question regarding
the post-start of production phase (question 4-3-5) is out of scope for L3Pilot.
Prior to testing on the road, measures must be taken to ensure a safe testing process.
Therefore, the controllability of the ADF during testing must be ensured. Most of the
questions in this topic need to be addressed at an early stage of the development (questions
4-4-1 to 4-4-4). These questions have been covered prior to the L3Pilot project. Regarding

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 119

the question 4-4-5, the data of the L3Pilot project will deliver further results here. For the
L3Pilot more relevant questions are (questions 4-4-6 and 4-4-7), since safety needs to be
ensured before testing on public roads. This means that tests are required to prove the
function operation as well as the safety concept for the case that something goes wrong.
This typically includes tests in closed environments and assessment of the readiness of the
vehicle. This procedure is done in different manners for each of the partners’ L3Pilot test
vehicles. Again, the questions related to post start of production phase and the actual sign-
off process (questions 4-4-8 and 4-4-9) are out of the L3Pilot scope.
The last aspect of the category is the driver training. Here, it is important to distinguish
between the different driver types in L3Pilot (questions 4-5-1 and 4-5-2). For some test
vehicles only company internal drivers are allowed. This driver type can be divided further
into professional and non-professional drivers. The professional drivers normally have been
trained in a special way to control the vehicle also during critical situations. Whilst, non-
professional drivers may have special internal driving licences which is linked to company
specific driver training. But this can differ among the involved companies. For those test
vehicles that can be driven by normal users, the driver is expected to have had no known
driver training. In addition, many test vehicles use safety drivers that can intervene in a
critical situation as part of the safety concept for L3Pilot. These safety drivers are trained
beforehand. Regarding the question 4-5-3 it can be reported that the methodology subproject
provided guidelines regarding the study design and the preferred test group. However, there
are also limitations related to the operation of the vehicle, which do not allow for all test
vehicles to comply with these guidelines. For instance, the limitation of using internal
employees or just professional test drivers limits the option of doing the tests with different
user groups. For the test vehicles that can be driven by normal users a larger variety of users
is expected. The question of this topic, related to the post start of production phase (question
4-5-4) is as for the other topics not in the scope of L3Pilot.

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6 Conclusion

This deliverable presents the draft Code of Practice for Automated Driving (AD).
Furthermore, the deliverable also reports on the process of the L3Pilot project. Therefore this
document must be seen as an intermediate result of the L3Pilot “Code of Practice”
subproject. That is why the history of the Code of Practice to present, its development and
the CoP-AD structure are described in the first part of this document.
The core of the document is the draft CoP-AD (chapter 4). Overall, the draft CoP-AD consists
of 155 main questions that have been assigned to 1 of the 5 categories and 1 of the 22
topics. The document focuses on the draft CoP-AD. However, it must be considered that this
document took almost two years of work and included many intense discussions. The CoP-
AD questions were continuously reviewed and updated in several meetings and workshops
during this time. One key task was to reduce the number of questions from the 586 in the first
version to a more reasonable amount so as to make the CoP-AD more usable for readers.
This aspect is of particular importance since the intended purpose is to support developers
and stakeholders to design and develop meaningful ADFs.
In order to present the CoP-AD questions in a comprehensive way, a template was defined
that provides all the relevant information: the main question itself, the supporting sub-
question, the relevant stage in the development process, and the question’s ID. The template
provides a blank space to answer each of the main questions, which have been setup as
“yes/no” questions. Questions are followed by an explanation and literature references.
It must be noted that the scope of the document is not to provide technical solutions, but to
support the development of ADFs by ensuring that relevant aspects have been considered
and followed. This means that there is not necessarily a “right” answer to all the CoP-AD
questions. The purpose of the questions is instead to make the developers and other
relevant stakeholders aware of certain aspects and to ensure that the reasons for certain
decisions are documented. A “no” might mean that the intended topic has been considered in
another way or is not relevant for the particular ADF.
The draft CoP-AD document also describes how and to what extent the L3Pilot project has
applied and followed the draft CoP-AD (chapter 5) up to the due date of the deliverable
(September 2019). A series of interviews with the relevant consortium members were
conducted and summarized. L3Pilot focuses on the testing of automated driving and not on
the development of ADFs, therefore the application of the draft CoP-AD is limited to a few
topics. Deviations from the CoP-AD were found and they are described and explained in the
The draft CoP-AD is to serve as a basis for future work in the subproject. The main objective
of which is to finalise the CoP-AD within the course of the project. Therefore the draft CoP-
AD will be discussed and reviewed in the upcoming months with the internal as well as
external project stakeholders. The discussions will take place in workshops and bilateral

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 121

interviews. Feedback will be collected over the course of these interviews and workshops
and will be evaluated. Afterwards it will be used to update the CoP-AD in order to develop it
in the best possible way to the needs of the ADF developers and other relevant stakeholders.
As a document in the public domain, it is needed to help the necessary consolidation process
towards (not just) a European basis for future public acceptance of robust automated driving.
The final version of the CoP-AD is expected to be available in mid-2021.

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Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 129

List of abbreviations and acronyms
Abbreviation Meaning
AD Automated Driving
ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
ADF Automated Driving Function
AEB Autonomous Emergency Braking
ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Level
AV Automated Vehicles
CoP Code of Practice
DDT Dynamic Driving Task
ECU Electronic Control Unit
FOT Field Operation Test
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
HARA Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
HAZOP Hazard and Operability
HIL Hardware-In-the-Loop
HMI Human Machine Interface
HVI Human Machine Integration
HW Hardware
MIL Modell-In-the-Loop
MRM Minimal Risk Manoeuvre
MRC Minimal Risk Condition
MBSE Model Based Systems Engineering
NDS Naturalistic Driving Study
ODD Operation Design Domain
OEDR Object and Event Detection Response
OTA Over The Air
SDV Software Defined Vehicles
SIL Software-in-the-loop
SOTIF Safety Of The Intended Functionality
SysML System Modelling Language
TOR Take Over Request
V&V Validation and Verification
V2X Vehicle to X
VRU Vulnerable road users
XIL X-In-the-Loop (X: Hardware, Modell or Software)

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 130

Annex 1 Report of the L3Pilot SP “Methodology” on test and
evaluation of ADF
Objective data collection
Table A1.1: Overview pros and cons for different objective data collection tools by SP3.

Tool: Description: Pros: Cons:

- no real ADF testing,
- standardised conditions just a simulated system
- range from low- and for all participants (ADF behaviour cannot
medium- to high fidelity - naive drivers can be be evaluated)
simulators assessed - all experienced system
- stationary to dynamic - measures for assessing boundaries are
simulators driver state are available experimentally
- standardised driving tests and deliver comparably implemented, no test of
Driving simulator producing comparable good data quality (e.g. eye realistic ADF behaviour
results and reproducible tracking, video of all - prototype ADF is
results relevant perspectives) implemented based on
- allow for testing - layout of ADF can be available ADF
hazardous/dangerous systematically varied description, drawbacks
situations that cannot be - suitable to systematically of real ADF cannot be
tested in field tests study various aspects of detected
ADF and driver experience - not suitable to test real
ADF behaviour
- variation of driving
environment is limited
compared to public
- for certain ADFs,
- suitable to systematically
relevant traffic
study various aspects of
environments are difficult
AD-functionality and ADF-
to stage on a test track
- cars are driven on behaviour
(e.g. traffic jam)
specifically designed tracks - no permission needed to
- experience and
and not on public roads test prototype functions
evaluation of ADF by
Test track - controlled setting compared - relevant aspects of
naïve drivers might be
to road tests driving environment can be
influenced by artificial
- systematically test effects systematically varied
of ADF on driver behaviour (within certain limits)
- impact of ADF on
- offers experimental
certain driver aspects
control through test
cannot be assessed in
experimental tests
(mobility behaviour,
frequency of reduced
driver attention / driver
state, …)
- suitable to systematically
- experimentation carried out
study various aspects of - permission of road
with instrumented vehicles in
AD-functionality and ADF- authority for testing ADF
real traffic conditions on a
behaviour on public roads are
predefined test route
- realistic environment and needed
- in order to cover different
traffic conditions - impact of ADF on
experimental conditions,
- selecting public roads certain driver aspects
Experimental road test participants often have to
that are suited for testing cannot be assessed in
drive the same test route
the ADF, the amount of experimental tests
several times
data being not relevant for (mobility behaviour,
- generally, a researcher
the analysis is minimised frequency of reduced
accompanies participants
- offers experimental driver attention / driver
giving instructions and
control through test state, …)
observing behaviours
- method used to give the - more realistic than other - duration of experiment
Wizard of Oz appearance of an simulation methods in the limited due to strains on
app/system/function to be laboratory hidden driver

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 131

Tool: Description: Pros: Cons:
automated, when, in fact, in - drivers (adverse) reaction - demanding job for
hasn't (e.g.) an automated to ADF can be safely hidden driver
vehicle is controlled by a tested in the field - driver needs to be
hidden driver in the back - naive drivers can be trained well to be able to
seat assessed in real traffic control the vehicle from
- test effects of ADF on driver conditions the backseat
behaviour - suitable to systematically - 1st driver input (driver
study various aspects of in front seat) need to
ADF and driver experience correspond to the
automation reaction (2nd
hidden driver)
- replication of situations
- not suitable to test real
ADF behaviour
- field operational tests aim
- offers more experimental
at investigating the effect of
control than NDS (e.g.
one or more independent
driving with system:
variables (e.g. assistant - lack of specific
experimental – driving
systems, different groups, instructions and
without system: baseline)
different conditions) on naturalistic driving
- can be designed as
Field operational test driving behaviour
between-participant design
internal validity not as
- experimental design allows good as in lab studies
- external validity higher
for limited hypothesis testing - permission of road
than in simulator studies
and manipulation of authorities needed
- conclusions on the
effects of ADAS/ADF in
- data are collected
the field
- no experimental control
-> many factors may
influence driver
- participants usually drive an
instrumental car (often their
- participants are not - high variance in
own) for a period of time on
asked to alter their observed behaviour
their usual routes without any
behaviour -> observed requiring a large number
limiting instructions
behaviour is actual of participants and/or
- data are recorded
behaviour to a high degree kilometres driven
Naturalistic driving study continuously
- NDS data are very - factors influencing
- NDS follow no experimental
realistic behaviour are not
control in terms of group
- conclusions on general controllable -> NDS is
assignments or control
driving can be drawn -> internally not valid
conditions (variables are not
high external validity - replication studies only
actively manipulated)
produce the same
- no instructor present
results in very few cases
- permission of road
authorities needed
- Simulation tools mainly - Resource efficient way to
foreseen for the safety analyse different driving
impact assessment scenarios
- Different approaches can - Any physical harm is
be applied to assess the impossible. - Accuracy depends on
effect of technology in driving - Number of simulated values used for settings,
scenarios, such as re- scenarios and variations models as well as
simulation of accidents or can arbitrarily be chosen. validity of the tool.
stochastically generated - State (kinematic - Models for simulation
Driving driving scenarios. information, internal states sub-components are
scenario - Simulates the behaviour of etc.) of any agent required - in particular
simulation individual vehicles in a (combination of driver and function.
driving scenario using driving model) can be assessed at - Further input might be
behaviour models. any point of time of required in addition to
- The models that are applied simulation. get to the final safety
should be chosen according - Specific tools are able to impact (e.g. for scaling
to the purpose of assessing provide road safety up).
safety and the chosen measures which allow for
simulation approach, e.g. comprehensive
models of driving situation, conclusions on impact on
vehicle kinematics, and safety (e.g. injuries,

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 132

Tool: Description: Pros: Cons:
injuries/damages may be damages, number of
based on accident data accidents).
- Quality of the simulation
depends strongly on the
quality of the input.
- Commercial and open
source software available.
- Tool for the impact
assessment of various
measures. - Resource efficient way to
- Simulates the behaviour of analyse different traffic
individual vehicles on a road scenarios (varying driving
or road network -> allows for behaviour, penetration
analysis to predict changes rates etc.) - Accuracy depends on
following changes to the - Any physical harm is the values used for
traffic environment or to impossible. settings, models as well
driver or vehicle behaviour, - Number of simulated as validity of the tool.
using detailed driving scenarios can arbitrarily be - Models for simulation
behaviour models. chosen. sub-components are
Analytic Traffic (micro-) - Use cases for this - State (kinematic required - in particular
simulation simulation simulation type are road information, internal states function.
stretches or intersections to etc.) of any agent - As far as safety related
simulating traffic in entire (combination of driver and aspects are analysed, no
towns. model) can be assessed at final conclusion on
- Models are usually very any point of time of impact on safety can be
flexible, allowing for simulation. derived (e.g. injuries,
assessment of a wide range - Some safety related damages).
of different circumstances. aspects can be analysed
- Quality of the simulation to a extent (e.g. number of
depends strongly on the incidents, time headway,
quality of the input. and time to collision).
- Commercial and open
source software available.

Table A1.2: Rating of the suitability of different objective data collection tools (1 of 3) for the
L3Pilot research question by SP3 (: well suited, : moderately suited ,: little suited).

Evaluation Driving Experimental

RQ area RQ Test track
area simulator road test
How reliable is system
performance in a given driving  
Technical and traffic scenario?
performance of
the system How often and under which
circumstances does the ADF 
issue a TOR?
How do take-over requests affect
driving? 
Technical &
What is the impact of ADF on
driving dynamics?  
Impact on the
ego-vehicle’s What is the impact of ADF on the
driving accuracy of driving?  
What is the impact of ADF on the
driven speed?  

What are the impacts of ADF on

energy efficiency?  

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 133

Evaluation Driving Experimental
RQ area RQ Test track
area simulator road test
What is the impact of ADF on the
frequency of near-crashes / 
What is the impact of ADF on the
frequency of certain events? 

What is the impact of ADF on the

interaction with other road users 
in a defined driving scenario?
Impact on the
interaction with What are the impacts of ADF on
other road traffic efficiency? 
What is the impact of ADF on the
number of near-crashes / 
incidents with other road users?
How does the ADF influence the
behaviour of subsequent 
Impact on the
How does the ADF influence the
behaviour of
behaviour of preceding vehicles? 
other traffic
participants What is the impact of the ADF on
the number of near-crashes /
incidents of other traffic 
Are drivers willing to use the
ADF?   
Impact on user
What is the impact of the ADF on
acceptance &
driver state? 
What is the impact of the ADF
use on driver awareness?   

User & What is the drivers’ secondary

Acceptance task engagement during ADF  
Evaluation use?
How do drivers respond when
User they are required to retake
experience control? (Reaction time, success   
of takeover)
How often and under which
circumstances do drivers choose  
to activate/deactivate the ADF?
What is the impact of the ADF on
the number of accidents in a
certain driving scenario / for 
Impact on certain road users?
safety What is the impact of the ADF on
accidents with a certain injury
level / damage in a certain driving
Impact of the What is the impact on the
ADF on transport network efficiency

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 134

Evaluation Driving Experimental
RQ area RQ Test track
area simulator road test
environmental (throughput) in a certain traffic
aspects scenario?
What is the impact of ADFs on
the energy demand / pollution in a
certain traffic scenario?
What is the impact of the ADF on
the number of trips made?
What is the impact of the ADF on
the frequency of road type
Impact of the What is the impact of the ADF on
ADF on travel the trip duration/distance?
(Exposure) What is the impact of ADF on the
frequency of certain driving
scenarios (accidents / critical
situation / normal driving)?
How do the ADF's limitations
influence the impact on safety /

Table A1.3: Rating of the suitability of different objective data collection tools (2 of 3) for the
L3Pilot research question by SP3 (: well suited, : moderately suited ,: little suited).

Field Naturalistic
Evaluation Wizard of
RQ area RQ operational driving
area Oz
test study
How reliable is system
performance in a given driving and  
Technical traffic scenario?
performance of
the system How often and under which
circumstances does the ADF issue  
a TOR?
How do take-over requests affect
driving?  

What is the impact of ADF on

driving dynamics?  
Technical &
Traffic What is the impact of ADF on the
evaluation accuracy of driving?  
Impact on the
What is the impact of ADF on the
driven speed?  
behaviour What are the impacts of ADF on
energy efficiency?  

What is the impact of ADF on the

frequency of near-crashes /  
What is the impact of ADF on the
frequency of certain events?  

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 135

Field Naturalistic
Evaluation Wizard of
RQ area RQ operational driving
area Oz
test study
What is the impact of ADF on the
interaction with other road users in  
a defined driving scenario?
Impact on the
interaction with What are the impacts of ADF on
other road traffic efficiency?  
What is the impact of ADF on the
number of near-crashes / incidents  
with other road users?
How does the ADF influence the
behaviour of subsequent vehicles?  

Impact on the How does the ADF influence the

behaviour of behaviour of preceding vehicles?  
other traffic
participants What is the impact of the ADF on
the number of near-crashes /
incidents of other traffic  
Are drivers willing to use the ADF?   
Impact on user What is the impact of the ADF on
acceptance & driver state?   
What is the impact of the ADF use
on driver awareness?   

What is the drivers’ secondary

User & task engagement during ADF   
Acceptance use?
How do drivers respond when they
User are required to retake control?
experience (Reaction time, success of   
How often and under which
circumstances do drivers choose   
to activate/deactivate the ADF?
What is the impact of the ADF on
the number of accidents in a
 
certain driving scenario / for
Impact on certain road users?
safety What is the impact of the ADF on
accidents with a certain injury level

/ damage in a certain driving
Impact What is the impact on the
transport network efficiency
Impact of the 
(throughput) in a certain traffic
ADF on scenario?
aspects What is the impact of ADFs on the
energy demand / pollution in a 
certain traffic scenario?

Impact of the What is the impact of the ADF on

ADF on travel the number of trips made?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 136

Field Naturalistic
Evaluation Wizard of
RQ area RQ operational driving
area Oz
test study
behaviour What is the impact of the ADF on
(Exposure) 
the frequency of road type usage?
What is the impact of the ADF on

the trip duration/distance?
What is the impact of ADF on the
frequency of certain driving

scenarios (accidents / critical
situation / normal driving)?
How do the ADF's limitations
influence the impact on safety / 

Table A1.4: Rating of the suitability of different objective data collection tools (3 of 3) for the
L3Pilot research question by SP3 (: well suited, : moderately suited ,: little suited).

Evaluation simulation
RQ area RQ Driving
area Traffic
How reliable is system performance in a given
Technical driving and traffic scenario?
of the system How often and under which circumstances does
the ADF issue a Tor?

How do take-over requests affect driving?

What is the impact of ADF on driving

What is the impact of ADF on the accuracy of
Impact on the
Technical &
ego-vehicle’s What is the impact of ADF on the driven speed?
behaviour What are the impacts of ADF on energy

What is the impact of ADF on the frequency of

near-crashes / incidents?

What is the impact of ADF on the frequency of

certain events?
What is the impact of ADF on the interaction
Impact on the with other road users in a defined driving
interaction scenario?
with other
road users What are the impacts of ADF on traffic

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 137

Evaluation simulation
RQ area RQ Driving
area Traffic

What is the impact of ADF on the number of

near-crashes / incidents with other road users?

How does the ADF influence the behaviour of

subsequent vehicles?
Impact on the
How does the ADF influence the behaviour of
behaviour of
preceding vehicles?
other traffic
participants What is the impact of the ADF on the number of
near-crashes / incidents of other traffic

Are drivers willing to use the ADF?

Impact on
user What is the impact of the ADF on driver state?
acceptance &
awareness What is the impact of the ADF use on driver
User & What is the drivers’ secondary task
Acceptance engagement during ADF use?
How do drivers respond when they are required
User to retake control? (Reaction time, success of
experience takeover)

How often and under which circumstances do

drivers choose to activate/deactivate the ADF?

What is the impact of the ADF on the number of

accidents in a certain driving scenario / for  
certain road users?
Impact on
What is the impact of the ADF on accidents with
a certain injury level / damage in a certain  
driving scenario?

What is the impact on the transport network

efficiency (throughput) in a certain traffic  
Impact of the
Impact scenario?
ADF on
aspects What is the impact of ADFs on the energy  
demand / pollution in a certain traffic scenario?

What is the impact of the ADF on the number of

trips made?
Impact of the
ADF on travel What is the impact of the ADF on the frequency
behaviour of road type usage?
What is the impact of the ADF on the trip  

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 138

Evaluation simulation
RQ area RQ Driving
area Traffic

What is the impact of ADF on the frequency of

certain driving scenarios (accidents / critical  
situation / normal driving)?

How do the ADF's limitations influence the

impact on safety / efficiency?  

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 139

Subjective data collection
Table A1.5: Overview pros and cons for different subjective data collection tools by SP3.

Tool: Description: Pros: Cons:

- the awareness of being
- via human observer, camera
observed can manipulate the
or "medical" sensors - real behaviour can be
Observation - during test drive or during day- observed
- L3-ADF still cannot be
to-day mobility
observed in day-to-day mobility
- Creating an intensive
discussion between persons to - Possibility of influencing
- Getting answers on open
understand peoples opinion by other
Focus group their attitudes, expectations and
- Understanding the motivations
requirements - Risk of dominance by single
behind the answers
- Guiding these discussions via participants
a moderator
- Interviewing people to
understand their attitudes, - Costs a lot of time for the
Open-ended expectations interview itself and the analysis
and requirements - Understanding the motivations of the
interview - Can be face to face or via behind the answers interviews
questions telephone - Because of this only limited
- Getting answers on open number of interviewees possible
- Interviewing people to
understand their attitudes,
Close-ended - Costs personnel time for the
expectations - Limited time effort, greater
interview itself
interview and requirements number of interviews possible
- Insight into the motivation
questions - Can be face to face or via - Fast analysis
behind the answers rather small
- Getting predefined answers
- Asking people to understand
- Once the survey is prepared,
their attitudes, expectations - Insight into the motivation
higher number of respondents is
Close-ended and requirements behind the answers rather small
easy to realise (especially
survey/questions - Can be paper and pencil or - Seriousness of the answers
online can be a problem
- Fast analysis
- Getting predefined answers
- People write down their daily
travel experiences with ADF - Easier to realise than an
Travel diary - Requires a day-to-day use of observation
- Risk of oblivion
the vehicles
- Two inquiries: Before and after
test drive
Standardised - Conjunction with the
- Detection of the influence of - Insight into the motivation
questionnaire the test drive experience behind the answers rather small
representative survey

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 140

Table A1.6: Rating of the suitability of different subjective data collection tools (1 of 2) for the
L3Pilot research question by SP3 (: well suited, : moderately suited ,: little suited).

Evaluation ended
RQ area RQ Observation Focus group interview
area interview
Are drivers willing
to use an ADF?   

How much are

drivers willing to  
pay for the ADF?
What is the user
acceptance of the   
Impact on ADF?
acceptance What is the impact
& of the ADF on  
awareness driver state?
What is the impact
of the ADF use on  
driver awareness?
What are drivers'
regarding system   
User &
Acceptance What is the
drivers’ secondary
task engagement  
during ADF use?
How do drivers
respond when they
are required to  
retake control?
(Success of TOR)
How often and
under which
circumstances do
drivers choose to   
the ADF?
What is the impact
of the ADF use on    
motion sickness?
What is the impact
of motion sickness  
on the ADF use?

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 141

Table A1.7: Rating of the suitability of different subjective data collection tools (2 of 2) for the
L3Pilot research question by SP3 (: well suited, : moderately suited ,: little suited).

Evaluation Close-ended Standardised

RQ area RQ Travel diary
area survey/questions questionnaire
Are drivers willing to use an
ADF?   

How much are drivers willing

to pay for the ADF?  
What is the user acceptance
Impact on
of the ADF?   
acceptance What is the impact of the ADF
& on driver state? 
What is the impact of the ADF
use on driver awareness? 

What are drivers'

expectations regarding  
system features?
User &
Acceptance What is the drivers’
Evaluation secondary task engagement   
during ADF use?
How do drivers respond when
they are required to retake
control? (Success of 
How often and under which
circumstances do drivers
choose to activate/deactivate  
the ADF?
What is the impact of the ADF  
use on motion sickness?
What is the impact of motion
sickness on the ADF use? 

Deliverable D2.2 / 02.04.2020 / version 1.0 142

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