Strategic Change Process: Syllabus
Strategic Change Process: Syllabus
Strategic Change Process: Syllabus
Hopson’s Change Curve-Virginia Satir Change Model-Noer’s Redundancy Intervention
Model-Change Path Diagnostics-Reactive and Proactive Change Path-Nabisco’s Renewal Path-
Diagnostic Models for Organizational Change-Methods for Dealing with Resistance to Change-
Enablers and Barriers to Change-Model of Cognitive, Effective and Behavioral Responses to
Change-Five Stages of Planned Change.
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, one would be able to understand,
v Concept of Strategic Change Process.
v Hopson’s Change Curve.
v Virginia Satir Change Model and Noer’s Redundancy Intervention Model.
v Change Path Diagnostics and Types of Change Paths – Reactive and Proactive Change Path.
v Nabisco’s Renewal Path.
v Diagnostic Models for Organizational Change
v Meaning of Resistance to Change and Methods for Dealing with Resistance to Change.
v Enablers and Barriers to Change.
v Model of Cognitive, Effective and Behavioral Responses.
v Five Stages of Planned Change.
Strategic change process is a structured and intentional approach that organizations use to respond
to internal or external triggers for change. It involves analyzing the market, evaluating customer
and stakeholders relationship and assessing the organizations capabilities.
The Hopson’s change curve is a model that describes the emotional stages that individuals go through
when faced with change. This model was developed by clinical and management researchers Adams,
Hayes, and Hopson, who built upon the work of Elisabeth Kubler Ross’s five-stage model of grief.
Resistance to change refers to the psychological or emotional response of individuals or groups
when faced with changes in their environment, such as changes in organizational structure,
processes or procedures. Eventhough change is very essential in the organization, there are some
factor like stress, discomfort or dislocation which motivates the employees to resist change.
Renewal path is a strategy that companies use to adapt to changes in the market. It involves making
changes to a few elements of the organization to meet market demands. This strategy is suitable when
the company can reduce resistance to change and the scope of change is limited. The goal of this
strategy is to reduce the force of change by meeting the demands of the market.
Planned organizational change is defined as the process of changing the whole organizational
functioning or some of its important parts for bringing improved effectiveness. It is a type of
developmental change which is taken by the firms for enhancing their present operating conditions.
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2 Leadership and Change Management
3.1 Change
Q1. What do you mean by Change? Discuss its importance.
Answer :
Change is an unavoidable characteristic and reality of life which is managed by the individuals, groups
and organizations regularly so as to survive. It is a managing process and involves shifting from the existing
state to a desired state of an individual group or organization which arises in response to active internal and
external factors which change the present realities.
Change can also affect the time and the time may lose its significance in the absence of change. Change
displays itself in various ways, hence it does not hold the same perspective towards people, situations, contexts
Importance of Change
The importance of change can be explained with help of the following points,
1. Objective Setting and Competitive Advantage
Change plays an important role towards setting objectives of a company. In order to survive in the ever
changing environment, the organizational goals should be framed according to the existing environmental
conditions of the market. Change is important for effective objective setting and suitable strategy formulation.
In addition to this, it also helps in attaining competitive advantage over the organizations competitors.
2. Environmental Study
Organizations need to study and understand the external environmental conditions to built healthy
relationships with customers, government and the society. Change management helps the organizations in
obtaining a better understanding of the environment. It helps the managers in initiating suitable programmes
or campaigns and undertake other appropriate measures for establishing strong relationships with the society
and government.
3. Employees Training and Performance
Change affects the entire organization from top to bottom. It requires the employees ‘working at various
levels to adapt the change. The employees are trained to be able to enhance their performance during the
change. Thus change helps the organization to become reliable, improve performance and enhance the skills
and abilities of employees.
4. Globalization
Change which occurs at international level has an impact on various countries of the world. The
decision-making of the organizations relies upon the social and economic factors prevailing at global level.
The economic conditions and social issues of the globe effect the business activities of the organization. Being
aware of the changes at global level helps the organizations to conduct business by taking global interest into
5. Technological Change
The development in the field of technology has change the methods of conducting business to a great
extent. The changes in technology primarily enhance the application and output levels of the organization. The
top level management is always keen to acquire new technology and integrate it in the production process,
organizational structure and business strategy. Moreover, adapting to technological change helps an organization
to increase the productivity and leads to high performance.
Thus, it can be concluded that change and adapting to change is beneficial and essential for successful
running and functioning of an organization.’
UNIT-3 Strategic Change Process 3
Customer analysis
Stakeholder analysis
Organizational analysis
Firms and management capability and capacity building
Change initiatives
Alignment Attunement
More change
entat io
e Experim
status quo
Practice and
Chaos idea
Level three
(Focusing on the future)
Purposes: What
business are we in?
Leadership: Does
someone keep the
boxes in balance?
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12 Leadership and Change Management
Practitioners use this model as a cognitive map, identifying and determining the problem areas in
the organization. Six critical areas must be properly used in the organization to avoid major problems in the
This model consists of two dimensions formal and informal dimensions,
(a) Formal System
The formal system defines the official ways in which things are ‘supposed to happen’.
(b) Informal System
The informal system defines the ways in which things really happen.
The formal and informal system of the organization must be properly designed in order to improve
the performance and effectiveness of the organization by focusing upon each element of the six-box model.
Weisboard suggested to diagnose the six critical areas in the organization which would help in selecting
interventions. These elements forms the basis for an effective functioning of the organization.
2. 7-S Framework
7-S framework model was developed by Mc.Kinsey and the consultants of the company, Robert
Waterman Jr., Tom Peters and Julien Phillips. This model is based on two basic proposals,
(a) The effectiveness of the organization is derived from the interaction of multiple factors.
(b) Success can be attained by emphasizing on the relationship between variables.
The factors are classified into seven types which are as follows,
Strategy Systems
Skills Style
Vision direction,
competitive advantage
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14 Leadership and Change Management
(ii) Task (i) First Order Change (Transactional Change)
The task element refers to the activities that The first order change is a change in which
need to be performed in the organization to only some of the organizational features are
achieve its goals. It includes the design of jobs, changed. The fundamental/basic nature of the
work processes, and procedures that specify organizational is not changed in the first order
how tasks are performed. change. It is a continuous change and is adaptive,
(iii) Individuals evolutionary and incremental in nature.
The individuals element refers to the knowledge, Management
skills, abilities, and needs of the employees in
the organization. It includes their personalities, Structure (policies and
values, attitudes, and motivation, as well as procedures)
their training, education, and experience. Work unit
(iv) Formal Organization Arrangements climate
The formal organization arrangements refer to the
formal policies, procedures, and structures that
govern how the organization operates. It includes
the organizational structure, governance, policies, Motivation
procedures, and systems that are put in place to Task Individual
achieve the organization’s goals. and skills
needs and
5. Burke-Litwin Model
Warner Burke and George Litwin developed Individual and
the developed the Burke-Litwin model of individual performance
and organizational performance. This model helps
in examining the organizational change and its Figure: Factors Involved in Transactional Change
performance. (ii) Second Order Change (Transformational
The significance of Burke-Litwin change Change)
model is being explained with the help of the The second order change is a change which
following points, completely transforms the organization. Second
1. This model can be used as an effective order change is also called as transformational,
intervention tool which basically focuses upon revolutionary, radical or discontinuous change.
leadership, firms, mission, strategy and culture Organizational development programs focuses
in order to bring about revolutionary changes on both first order and second order change but
in the organization. it stresses more on second order change which
2. This model helps in changing the organizational is a transformational change.
climate by targeting management practices and External
internal systems.
3. This model is significantly modern when
compared to the other change model which
basically aims at bringing in the planned
(desired) change.
4. This model is not a process or a manual Leadership
model. It links the different variables of the
organization and helps in bringing about the Mission and Organization
strategy culture
desired change in the organization.
5. This model clearly explains the fact that Individual and
organizational change is directly influenced performance
by the external factors, leadership, corporate
mission and so on more than any other factors. Figure: Factors Involved in Transformational Change
The Burke-Litwin’s model exhibits the ways in 6. Four Frame Model
which the first order change and second order change Lee Bolman and Jerry deal argue that, when
is created in an organization. The first order change is the managers analyze and evaluate the organization
also called as transactional change and the second order from the perspectives of four different “frames” or
change is also known as transformational change. “lenses” then only he can be benefited.
UNIT-3 Strategic Change Process 15
These frames explains how the organizations (iii) Political Frame
functions in different angles and if the manager is not It proposes that organization is a place,
capable of using these multiple frames, then he may where participants interact and strive for
view the world in one preferred way. achieving wide range of objectives which
The four frames are, may be common differing, complementing,
(i) Structural frame or conflicting to them. An important feature
(ii) Human resource frame of this frame is it does not represent political
(iii) Political frame as equal to bad or underhand.
(iv) Symbolic frame. Even where the superordinate goals like
(i) Structural Frame organization’s mission are shared, then that
It considers organizations as machines, which mission is achieved by an anxious completion
converts inputs into outputs efficiently. Based between the individuals where they consider
on this perspective, they focus on achieving themselves as serving the best interests of the
the exact formal design as on the organization organization.
chart, rules and procedural manuals. It follows (iv) Symbolic Frame
the principle that, “if there is any problem, It suggests that the heart of an organization does
restructure”. not exist in its formal structure and processes
(ii) Human Resource Frame but it exists in its culture, which includes the
It focuses on the relationship between the fields of symbols, beliefs, values, rituals, and
organization and the people who constitutes meanings.
it and it based on the principle that, if the “What is most important is not what happens
relationship between the organizational needs but what it means”.
and the peoples wants is apt, then both the
parties will be benefited and viceversa.
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28 Leadership and Change Management
Q5. Hopson’s change curve. Dec.-12 | Jan-13, Q1(f)
Change Curve.
Answer : (May-14, Q1(g) | Dec.-15, Q1(e))
The Hopson’s change curve is a model that describes the emotional stages that individuals go through
when faced with change. This model was developed by clinical and management researchers Adams, Hayes,
and Hopson, who built upon the work of Elisabeth Kubler Ross’s five-stage model of grief. This model helps
individuals and organizations understand and manage the emotional impact of change and provides guidance
on how to effectively navigate the change process.
The various stages involved in the Hopson’s change curve are as follows,
y Integra
entat i
e r im
ce Exp
ce p
Behavioral responses refer to the actions that individuals take in response to the change. This may
include resistance, compliance or proactive participation. Some employees may resist the change because they
feel it threatens their job security, while others may comply with the change to avoid negative consequences.
On the other hand, some employees may pro-actively participate in the change by offering suggestions and
ideas to improve the process.
For example, if a company introduces a new software system, some employees may feel overwhelmed
or frustrated with the new technology and may resist learning how to use it. This resistance may display in
behavioral such as decreased productivity, absenteeism or passive-aggressive behavior to wards management
or colleagues. these behavioral responses can be a result of fear of the unknown, lack of training or support
or concerns about the impact of the change on their job security or workload.
Competition and
Conclusion Nabisco’s Renewal Path Response
Figure: Nabisco’s Renewal Path
Q9. Barriers to change
Answer : May-15, Q1(j)
Barriers to change refer to obstacles or challenge that hinder the successful implementation of a change
initiative with an organization. Effective change management involves identifying and addressing various
barriers to change. If the barriers are not property addressed, the change initiative may not be fully adopted,
which can result in delays, increased costs and ultimately, the failure of the change management effort.
Barriers to change can be categorized into two. They are as follows,
1. Individual Barriers
The various barriers to change management at the individual level are,
(i) Fear
(ii) Lack of input into the change.
2. Organizational Barriers
The various barriers to change management at the organizational level are,
(i) Undefined objectives and goals
(ii) Financial and environmental factors
(iii) Bad resource allocation
(iv) Structural
(v) Bad leadership
(vi) Lack of preparation for new roles.
Q10. Redundancy May/June-16, Q1(f)
Noer’s redundancy intervention model
Answer :
Redundancy refers to unnecessary repetition of data. Noer’s Redundancy Intervention Model involves
Interventions occurring at four different levels when tackling redundancy in an organizational context. Noer advises
managers to work with their people at all the four levels, rather than restricting their focus to only the first level.
The four levels of Noer’s redundancy intervention model is shown in the following figure,
Level one
(getting the process right)
Level three
(Focusing on the future)
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30 Leadership and Change Management
Essay Questions
Q1. What is strategic change process? Discuss various aspects involved in strategic change
Answer : Important Question
For answer refer Unit-III, Page No. _, Q.No. 3.
Q2. Discuss hopson’s change curve.
Answer : (Jan.-12, Q4(a) | Dec.-14, Q4(b)) 2
For answer refer Unit-III, Page No. _, Q.No. 5. TIMES
Answer : (May/June-18, Q4(b) | May/June-12, Q4(a)) 2
For answer refer Unit-III, Page No. _, Q.No. 6.
Q4. Write a detailed note on Nabisco’s renewal path.
Answer : Important Question
For answer refer Unit-III, Page No. _, Q.No. 10.
Q5. Explain diagnostic models for organizational change.
Answer : (June-13, Q5(b) | Dec.-15, Q4(b)) 2
For answer refer Unit-III, Page No. _, Q.No. 11. TIMES
Q6. What do you mean by resistance to change? Why people resist to change? What are the
methods to manage resistance to change?
Answer : (Dec.-12/Jan.-13, Q4(a) | Dec.-13, Q4(a) | May-14, Q4(b) | May/June-12, Q4(b) Jan.-12, Q4(b)) 5
For answer refer Unit-III, Page No. _, Q.No. 12.
Q7. What do you understand by ‘planned change’? Discuss about five stages of
planned change. 3
Answer : (Dec.-12/Jan.-13, Q4(b) | Dec.-13, Q4(b) | Dec.-15, Q4(a)) TIMES
For answer refer Unit-III, Page No. _, Q.No. 19.
Q8. What is Planned Change? What are the models of planned change.
Answer : (Important Question | Dec.-14, Q6(b))
For answer refer Unit-III, Page No. _, Q.No. 21.
Short Questions
internal Assessment
I. Multiple Choice
1. How many levels are discussed in Noer’s redundancy intervention model [ ]
(a) Three (b) Four
(c) Five (d) Six
2. Which of the following method is used in situations where other methods are not applicable or involves
too much cost [ ]
(a) Manipulation and co-optation (b) Explicit coercion
(c) Implicit coercion (d) Participation and involvement
3. Who proposed 7-S framework [ ]
(a) Mc.Kensey and consultants (b) Virginia Satir
(c) Grieves (d) French Bell
4. Who proposed “the star model” [ ]
(a) Michael Beer (b) Burke-Litwin
(c) Jay Galbraith (d) Kurt Lewin’s
5. Which of the following model assist managers in differentiating organizational culture from
organizational climate [ ]
(a) Lewin’s model (b) Burke-Litwin model
(c) Satir model (d) Star model
6. ________ refers to change initiated by an organization as a result of its assessment of the anticipated
future environment or organizational situation [ ]
(a) Reactive change (b) Normative change
(c) Proactive change (d) Both (a) and (c)
7. Factors or forces influencing organizal change classified into __________. [ ]
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
8. ________ change is under the control of the firm. [ ]
(a) Planned (b) Unplanned
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
9. ________ is the first stage of planned change. [ ]
(a) Diagnosing the problem (b) Scheduling the tracks
(c) Evaluating the results (d) Initiating the program
10. __________ is a type of planned change. [ ]
(a) Structural change (b) Technology change
(c) Cultural people change (d) All the above
II. Fill in the Blanks
1. ________ takes place as a response to dynamic internal and external factors that changes the current situation.
2. NABISCO stands for ____________ .
3. The 7S’s in the 7-S framework are, structure, strategy, systems, style, staff, ________ and ________.
4. Six-box model was introduced by ____________ .
5. The four frame model was proposed by ____________ .
6. ____________ frame suggests that the heart of an organization does not exist in its formal structure and
processes but, it exists in its culture which comprises of symbols, rituals, beliefs, values and meanings.
7. The six stages in the Virginia Satir model are, old status quo, introduction of foreign element,
____________, transforming idea, integration and practice and new status quo.
8. ____________ is a type of developmental change which is taken up by the firms for enhancing
their present operating conditions.
9. Kurt Lewin’s second idea was change process model. This model comprises of three stages. They
are, ____________ and refreezing.
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32 Leadership and Change Management
I. Multiple Choice
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b)
6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (d)
Answer :
Strategic change process is a structured and intentional approach that organizations use to respond to
internal or external triggers for change. It involves analyzing the market, evaluating customer and stakeholders
relationship and assessing the organizations capabilities.
Q2. Write a short note on hopson’s change curve.
Answer :
The Hopson’s change curve is a model that describes the emotional stages that individuals go through
when faced with change. This model was developed by clinical and management researchers Adams, Hayes,
and Hopson, who built upon the work of Elisabeth Kubler Ross’s five-stage model of grief.
Q3. What is resistance to change?
Answer :
Resistance to change refers to the psychological or emotional response of individuals or groups when
faced with changes in their environment, such as changes in organizational structure, processes or procedures.
Eventhough change is very essential in the organization, there are some factor like stress, discomfort or
dislocation which motivates the employees to resist change.
Q4. What do you mean by renewal path?
Answer :
Renewal path is a strategy that companies use to adapt to changes in the market. It involves making
changes to a few elements of the organization to meet market demands. This strategy is suitable when the
company can reduce resistance to change and the scope of change is limited. The goal of this strategy is to
reduce the force of change by meeting the demands of the market.
Q5. What is planned change?
Answer :
Planned organizational change is defined as the process of changing the whole organizational functioning
or some of its important parts for bringing improved effectiveness. It is a type of developmental change which
is taken by the firms for enhancing their present operating conditions.