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Mechanics Analysis For Implant Soft Tissue Retained Overdenture ©2004

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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers

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Mechanics analysis for implant‐soft tissue

retained overdenture

Chwei‐Goong Tseng & Yuan‐Show Jiang

To cite this article: Chwei‐Goong Tseng & Yuan‐Show Jiang (2004) Mechanics analysis for
implant‐soft tissue retained overdenture, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 27:3,
405-415, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2004.9670887

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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 405-415 (2004) 405



Chwei-Goong Tseng* and Yuan-Show Jiang

This paper primarily compares retention among three types of stud attachments
of dentures and analyzes the stress associated with polarized photoelasticity to eluci-
date the stress distribution of various implants near the ambient surface of an implant
under different conditions of loading on the prosthetics of a tooth. The experimental
results yield many significant data. Using the two-force principle to measure the
retention of attachments yields two important areas of results. Under dry conditions,
the O-ring attachment has the largest retention force. While under wet conditions, the
Zest attachment has the largest retention force.
The photoelastic method is applied to analyze the stress distribution on the arch
mandible. When the implants are loaded, the magnetic attachment will generate the
largest stresses on the implant. The stresses associated with the Zest attachment are
the smallest and can be neglected. Concerning the materials of the experimental arch
model, PL-2 photoelastic birefringent material is used to make the experimental arch
model, which is similar to the true arch mandible. PSM-1 photoelastic birefringent
material is used to make a semicircular model, which is easier to manufacture and is
also used to simulate the human mandible. The experimental results indicate that the
stresses in the PL-2 arch model are concentrated on the bottom of the implant, and
those in the PSM-1 are on the circumference of the implant approximately one-third
of the height from the bottom. The stress on the PL-2 arch model clearly exceeds that
on the PSM-1 arch model. The PL-2 arch model more closely captures the practical
clinical situation because its implant is imbedded in the alveolar bone with no clearance.
Therefore, the PL-2 arch model is strongly recommended for future study.

Key Words: i m p l a n t - s o f t t i s s u e o v e r d e n t u r e , i m p l a n t , a t t a c h m e n t , s t r e s s ,
photoelasticity, retention, arch mandible.

I. INTRODUCTION material science have enabled dentists to use implant

technology to restore sick teeth (Lee, 1989). Artifi-
People may lose teeth due to cavities, gingivitis cial dental implants can reduce the disadvantage of
or accidents. In the treatment of a sick tooth, the traditional treatments without injuring neighbor
enamel of a healthy tooth near the sick tooth must be healthy teeth. Treatment by use of an artificial den-
ground down and a denture be implanted into the tal implant involves inserting the root into the snag
mandible of the sick tooth. However, this method (missing tooth) zone. In the first step, a sterile tita-
cannot fully restore the function of the original tooth. nium implant is inserted into the snag zone of the al-
During recent years, advancements in medicine and veolar bone. In the second step, when the implant
has cleaved to the alveolar bone (Huang, 2000), three
types of attachments are used to complete the assem-
*Corresponding author. (Tel: 886-2-27376486; Fax: 886-2- bly of the denture. This artificial dental implant tech-
27376460; Email:
C. G. Tseng and Y. S. Jiang are with the Department of Me-
nique has recently become the most popular method
chanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and for curing snag.
Technology, Taipei, Taiwan 106, R.O.C. In Taiwan, over 8.0% of the population is now
406 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2004)


Soft tissue
Arch model

Fig. 1 The overdenture (a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2 Three types of attachment (a) O-ring attachment; (b) mag-

netic attachment; (c) Zest attachment
over 65 years old (Department of Health of Execu-
tive Yuan, 2000). The teeth of these people may be-
come loose or may atrophy. Research on the stress interference fringes can be used to compare and ana-
distribution on the implant in the mandible is required lyze the stresses and strain precisely. Therefore the
to solve this problem. stress distribution of the model when loaded can be
This paper covers two topics. The first topic is precisely obtained. In 1935, Zake first introduced
the magnitude of retention among three types of photoelas-ticity to research on stress on a dental ap-
attachments. The second topic is analysis of the stress pliance (Glickman et al., 1970). James and Angelo
distribution effects, photoelastic effects, among the (1974) used photoelasticity to analyze the stress dis-
three types of attachments near the implant, on the tribution on a loaded mandible. Kemper used photo-
prosthetics of the tooth under various loading elasticity to analyze the mechanical behavior of a
conditions. DIAKOR (Kemper et al., 1992) implant. Ziada used
Zuest (1982) showed that the attachment of a photoelas-ticity to analyze the stress distribution of a
denture would separate from its position, if the at- partial denture with a tooth bridge design (Ziada et
tachment of the denture was lost. It means that the al., 1995).
denture saddle does not fit properly. This phenom- Nishimura et al. (1999) used photoelasticity to
enon makes the denture unstable and causes it to compare the stresses of rigid and non-rigid implants,
rotate, causing pain or inflammation in the teeth. when the implant is inserted into the natural tooth.
Research shows that the decrease in retention is Tseng et al. (2000) used photoelasticity to analyze
caused mainly by the abrasion of the attachment. stresses of an O-ring and a magnetic attachment in
Stewart (1983) examined the retention and abrasion an implant-soft tissue retained overdenture. This
of a precise attachment. He found that the abrasion paper uses photoelasticity and stressed photoelastic
of an attachment increases the bad potential forces models in the field of a circularly polarized light to
and delivers them to the base of the tooth, reducing elucidate the distribution of stresses in three types of
the life of the precise attachment. Burns et al. (1995) attachments near the implant.
sought a predictive relationship between retention and One overdenture (Tseng et al., 2000) is com-
stability. These studies showed that retention is a prised of three components, as shown in Fig. 1. In
functional characteristic of attachments. However, the figure, the upper component is called the denture
the method for measuring retention used by these or the suprastructure, and the part inserted into the
studies was not accurate. Therefore, this paper con- mandible or the arch model is called the implant
siders three types of commercial attachments, mea- fixture. Between the denture and the implant is the
sures and compares their retention to overcome the attachment. This paper will use three types of at-
above defects. tachments to attach the denture to the implant. Their
The optical measurement of mechanical stress characteristics are as follows.
involves technology developed over many years
(Voloshin and Burger, 1983). Photoelasticity is pre- 1. O-ring Attachment
sented in polymeric photoelastically birefringent
materials that are transparent and elastic. A The O-ring attachment has two parts, as shown
photoelastic birefringent model is manufactured, of in the Fig. 2(a), the convex metal ball (male part)
the same size as the experimental element and can be and the concave plastic ring (female part) (Eiichi, et
inserted into a photoelastic system. When the model al., 1980). The male part is inserted into the female
is placed in a polarized light field and loaded, it pro- part to perform the function of retention, enabling uni-
duces interference fringes. The distribution of versal free rotation. Furthermore, it provides the
C. G. Tseng and Y. S. Jiang: Mechanics Analysis for Implant-Soft Tissue Retained Overdenture 407


Vertical loading
Vertical loading
Fig. 3 The relationship between the loading and duration of ex- Fig. 4 The relationship between the loading and duration of ex-
tension (O-ring attachment) tension (magnetic attachment)

advantages of easy operation, maintenance and repair. into the denture such that only the head of the stud is
Accordingly, in clinical practice, the O-ring attach- visible. The other part is the concave metal part
ment is the most popular and preferred. (female porion), made of stainless steel, whose sur-
Kenny and Wrichurd (1998) analyzed the me- face is coated with a compound of titanium to increase
chanics of photoelastic stress in dentures and implants its hardness and decrease its abrasion (James, 1998a).
which were attached by bartype attachment and an The fitting of the Zest attachment involves inserting
O-ring attachment respectively. Their experimental the male portion into the female portion, allowing
results showed that the O-ring attachment was the best universal free rotation (James, 1998b), and allowing
choice. The commercial standard attachment called easy operation, maintenance and repair (Merill and
the Branemark system was used in the experiment, in Mehsor, 1990). So, in clinical practice, the Zest at-
which the metal ball’s diameter is 3.5 mm, and the tachment is very popular.
height is 4 mm.
2. Magnetic Attachment
Retention is defined as the maximum force that
Magnetic attraction has been used to support the can connect a denture and a mandible. If the reten-
retention of dentures. Behrman (Sasaki, et al., 1984) tion force is insufficient or in the incorrect direction,
presented the magnetic attachment in 1952. Behrman the denture will be easily loosened when the patient
embedded magnetic Tefloncoated Co-Pt (cobalt- opens his mouth or masticates.
platinum) attachments into the interior of the man- However, if the retention is too strong, the den-
dible and denture about 5-10 mm deep by hand, and ture cannot be easily removed, and will excessively
such that they attracted each other, ensuring the re- concentrate in the abutment of the denture. In this
tention of the denture. However, in 1964 and 1967, study, the tensile testing method is used to measure
Behrman and Winklev used an Alnico bar magnet, and compare the retention of different types of
which has been extensively researched (Barrie, 1981). attachments.
The volume of the Alnico bar magnet is too large and
its magnetic attraction is too weak for it to be con- 1. Measuring Retention
sidered optimally effective. In 1969, the CO5Sm was
discovered which had the advantages of double The experiment on retention can be divided into
strength magnet and smaller volume, and has been two parts. The first part directly extends dry attach-
used to serve as an attachment widely. The magnetic ments by adding vertical loading and measures their
attachment provides the advantages of easy operation, retention. However, in a mouth, the attachment is
maintenance and repair. Every magnetic attachment usually embedded in saliva (wet conditions), and the
consists of a magnet and a Keeper, as shown in Fig. wet conditions will reduce retention. The wet condi-
2(b). The magnet is a hard permanent magnet and tion of the mouth is simulated by adding normal
the Keeper an impermanent magnet made of soft saline. Hence, the second part of the experiments is
material. They are attached to the root and the to measure the retention under such conditions.
implant, respectively. The O-ring attachment is extended by vertical
loading. Fig. 3 plots the relationship between the
3. Zest Attachment loading and duration of extension. After a particular
period of time, loading does not increase but decreases
Figure 2(c) shows another ring attachment called slowly to zero. As shown in the figure, the retention
the Zest attachment (Robert, 1997). In 1972, Zest is defined as the maximum load in the curve.
Anchor designed the ZAAG (Zest Anchor Advanced A fastening system is designed to apply the two-
Generation), which has two parts. One is the stud- force principle when the attachments undergo tensile
type part made of plastic (male portion) and inserted testing.
408 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2004)

Table 1 Retention in dry conditions

Analysis O-ring Magnetic Zest
data attachment attachment attachment
Relax Average Deviation Average Deviation Average Deviation
time value percentage value percentage value percentage
2 Mins. 1222 1.92% 765 2.13% 1150 0.25%
30 Mins. 1238 1.14% 761 3.21% 1153 0.29%
60 Mins. 1243 1.22% 769 2.13% 1153 0.20%
(unit: gram)

Table 2 Retention in wet conditions

Analysis O-ring Magnetic Zest
data attachment attachment attachment
Relax Average Deviation Average Deviation Average Deviation
time value percentage value percentage value percentage
2 Mins. 1019 2.32% 665 1.93% 1135 1.66%
30 Mins. 1038 4.91% 664 5.19% 1109 1.75%
60 Mins. 1021 4.56% 682 2.69% 1104 0.99%
(unit: gram)

The magnetic attachment is extended by verti- Rentention

cal loading. Fig. 4 shows the relationship between
loading and duration of extension. When the vertical
Vertical loading
loading pass the critical point, the loading drops
quickly. Tensile
The Zest attachment is extended by vertical Time
loading. Fig. 5 plots the relationship between the
loading and period of extension. Fig. 5 is similar to Fig. 5 The relationship between the loading and duration of ex-
tension (Zest attachment)
Fig. 3, but beyond the highest point the loading drops
faster than in Fig. 5.
For some viscoelastic materials, it takes time to
relax after loading/unloading. During the measure- the O-ring attachment has the greatest retention, and
ments of retention, three relaxation periods were the magnetic attachment the least. Second, under wet
chosen, two minutes, thirty minutes and sixty minutes. conditions, the Zest attachment has the greatest
Measurements were made six times for each period. retention, and the magnetic attachment the least.
The wet conditions by adding saline reduce re-
2. Experimental Results tention of the attachments significantly. The conse-
quent fall in the retention of O-ring attachment is the
The speed of the testing machine is set to 2 mm/ greatest, at approximately 17.83%; that of the mag-
min to pull on the three attachments. In the dry con- netic attachment is 11.19%, and that of the Zest at-
dition test, the dry attachments are directly pulled to tachment is the least, at approximately 4.26%.
measure the retentions. Table 1 presents the experi- The magnetic attachment is most easily influ-
mental results. The data reveal that three relaxation enced by side forces and is thus most easily pulled
periods yield similar results. That indicates the at- off, reducing its retention. The Zest attachment is
tachments materials recover from loading/unloading not easily influenced by side forces or easily pulled
quite fast. off.
In the wet condition test, the attachments are wet
by normal saline to measure the retention. Table 2 III. THEORY OF PHOTOELASTIC STRESS
shows the experimental results. ANALYSIS
Comparing the results for retention yields the
following conclusions. First, under dry conditions, According to Maxwell’s stress-optical theorem
C. G. Tseng and Y. S. Jiang: Mechanics Analysis for Implant-Soft Tissue Retained Overdenture 409

Fast axis

Slow axis

Slow Polarizer

Fast axis

A Model


Fig. 6 The circularly polariscope

(Dally and Riley, 1991), photoelastic material has Second, formed silica plastic material is used to make
light refractive indices of n 1 and n 2 in the directions the arch model by casting. Finally, the PL-2 liquid
of the maximum principal stress and the minimum photoelastic resin material is shot into the interior of
principal stress, respectively, after loading. They are the formed silica plastic model, following the opera-
related by, tional procedures supported by the manufacturer
(Measurements group Company).
n 1−n 2 =C( σ 1− σ 2) (1) After hardening, the arch model must be checked
for defects including air holes, impurity, irregularity
where C is called the relative stressoptical coefficient. of scale, or bending deformation. If any of these de-
When light passes through the circularly polarized fects are present, the model cannot be used in an
light system and model, it can obtain following for- experiment. If it has no defects, the arch model is
mulation placed in the field of the circularly polarized light to
determine its transmitance and whether it has residual
Nf σ stresses inside. If so, the model is placed in a hot
(σ 1 – σ 2 ) = (2)
h furnace for tempering. The arch model is then placed
again in the field of the circular polarized light to
where N is called the fringe order, and fσ is called the check whether it still has the residual stresses. If so,
material fringe value. Accordingly, the stress is pro- the model is discarded. Otherwise, it serves as an
portional to the fringe order. experimental model. The transmittance of the arch
Circularly polarized light can be divided into the model can be decided by the compound proportions
arrangement of dark field and of the bright field, and of base plastic and hardener. The shooting model
the arrangement of dark field is chosen. Fig. 6 shows must reserve suitable clearance.
the circularly polarized light through the combined
system. 2. Inserting the Implant

1. Manufacturing an Artificial Mandible This paper considers two types of arch model.
The first is made of material PSM-1 (hard plate),
An arch model is fabricated according to the which is formed into an arch model by CNC manufac-
normal occlusion condition of the natural mandible, turing. The second involves shooting PL-2 liquid
and considering the statistical data on arches pre- photoelastic resin material into a silica plastic model.
sented in (Lavelle, 1975; Robert, 1999). First, the These two types of models are manufactured using
statistical data are input into a CNC (computer nu- different processes, so the methods by which their
merical control) machine and the arch model is made. implants are inserted are also different.
410 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2004)

The implant can be inserted into the PSM-1 arch

model by screwing. This procedure is similar to
clinical practice. The experiment performed here
adopts Branemark’s implant with a diameter of
3.75 mm and a length of 10 mm. A sequential driller
can be used to drill holes in the arch model. Next,
the screw tap is used to tap the holes, and the implant
is finally screwed into the arch model. In practical
situations, a small clearance exists between the end
of the implant and the arch model. (a)
The implant is inserted into the PL-2 arch model
when the PL-2 liquid photoelastic resin material is
shot into the silica plastic model. The implant and
arch model are formed simultaneously, so no gap is
formed between them after hardening.

3. Soft Tissue

Between the arch model and the denture is a soft

plate, which simulates the mucosa (periodontal
membrane) of the mouth, and can buffer the forces
when the denture comes into contact with the arch. Fig. 7 (a) The image of dark field; (b) the image of bright field
The experiment uses Molloplast-B as the soft plate.
The method of manufacture involves painting
the Molloplast-B material on the surface of the gyp-
sum model, which is simulated periodontal number corresponds to greater signal and noise. Im-
membrane. Next, the model is surrounded in a flask, age processing technology can thus be used to
and a pressure of 100 kg is applied. Finally, the model perform more precisely photoelastic analysis. The
is placed in water at 100 °C to boil for 120 minutes. middle value filter method and the image minus
The model will then be covered with a soft layer of 2 method can be used to minimize the noise further.
mm, so the layer can be taken out of the gypsum model The image minus method can be applied to superim-
and attached to the arch model. pose the dark field image on the bright field image to
reduce the noise. The middle value filter method can
4. Full Denture be used again to reduce the noise. After these treat-
ments, more fringes are obtained and the fringe order
Photoelastic fringe patterns may be blocked by of every fringe band is clarified. Finally, the fringe
the extension of the denture flange, therefore, the order value near the implant can be accurately and
denture flange is cut down to a suitable size. quickly determined.
Furthermore, the attachment imbeds into the end of In the first step, the model can be loaded and a
the denture using a self-fixing resin. dark field image obtained. In the second step, the
analyzer is rotated 90 degrees and the circularly po-
IV. IMAGING PROCESS lariscope is switched to the bright field. The theo-
rem of photoelasticity yields the gray level of the dark
In practical applications, the subject of the im- and bright field images, as follows.
age is surrounded by noise. It is necessary to reduce
the noise before one can analyze the subject. This I d=ACOS2φ (dark field) (3)
can be done by computer image processing techni-
ques. Mathematically, the gray level of every pixel I b=ASIN 2φ (bright field) (4)
point of a digital image can be expressed as a matrix,
which can be used to ana- lyze the stress fringe order. where I d and I b are the gray values of images.
The left corner of a fringe image can be set for the Now, Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) can be used to describe
original point, and the matrix is used to process the the operation of the middle value filter method and
image. the image minus method. Fig. 7(a) shows the dark
The photoelastic pattern of stress fringes on field image and Fig. 7(b) shows the bright field image.
implant is imaged using a CCD camera, which is lim- Fig. 8 is the photoelastic image pattern of the
ited by the number of pixels of CCD. A higher pixel bright field minus dark field: subtracting the images
C. G. Tseng and Y. S. Jiang: Mechanics Analysis for Implant-Soft Tissue Retained Overdenture 411

b a a b

d c c d
e e

Fig. 10 The five selective points

Fig. 8 The image of bright field minus dark field

Comparing Fig. 9(b), after treatment by doubling and

the middle value filter method, to Fig. 9(a) shows that
the noise is effectively eliminated.



Under general conditions, the following method

can be used to determine the fringe order:
(a) 1. At the free end of the arch model, the stresses are
zero; that is, the fringe order is the least.
2. The fringe order is counted from the zero stress
points or lines. A larger fringe order corresponds
to a greater stress concentration and a greater prin-
cipal stresses difference ( σ 1− σ 2 ).
3. The Id for the stress concentration index can be
set to compare the stresses in different positions,
yield the equation

Nf σ
Id = (σ 1 – σ 2) = (6)
(b) h
Fig. 9 (a) The fringe doubling method; (b) the fringe doubling The homemade plate model can be used to cali-
plus the middle filter method
brate the material fringe value of the PL-2 photoelas-
tic model, f σ = 2.015 Kpa-m/fringe and the material
fringe value of the PSM-1 photoelastic model, f σ =
decreases the environmental noise. The absolute 6.62 Kpa-m/fringe. The experiment results also yield
value Eq. (3) minus Eq. (4) is used. the fringe order of selecttive points of every model at
positions a, b, c, d and e, as shown in Fig. 10. Now,
I r = I d – I b = A COS(2φ) (5) these fringe orders can be substituted into Eq. (6),
and the stress concentration index at every point can
It is worthwhile to observe that the frequency is be derived. Furthermore, these data are obtained ex-
doubled, since the argument in the periodic function perimentally to calculate and compare the stresses of
is 2 φ instead of φ. Fig. 9(a) displays the photoelastic each model.
pattern of fringe doubling, governed by Eq. (5). The
doubling and subtracting treatment result in a 1. Experimental Results
photoelastic pattern that may still include some noise,
so the middle value filter method is applied again to The bite positions or the loading positions are
reduce the noise (Miu, 1999). If the photoelastic pat- shown in Fig. 11. Points 46 and 36 indicate the posi-
tern includes very strong noise, the difference be- tions of premolars, and points 43 and 33 indicate the
tween the gray levels of neighboring pixels will be positions of the cuspids.
relatively large. While the middle value filter method Tseng et al. (2000) used practical statistical arch
can be used to force the gray levels to be similar data and hard material to create an arch model. The
among neighboring pixels, thus the noise is reduced. experiment performed here on the PL-2 arch model
412 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2004)



Fig. 11 The bite and loading position of photoelastic model

is the same as was performed by Tseng, but liquid

material is used. This arch model’s flange is so long
that it blocks some photoelastic fringes. Accordingly,
PSM-1 material is used to make the arch model
because the simple semi-circular type of model can
be easily formed. The CCD camera can be conve- (b)
niently used to photograph the fringe pattern. Both
arch models are compared in terms of the distribu-
tion of the fringe pattern and the maximum stress.
Whether the simple semi-circular arch model can rep-
resent the true model will be determined.
Comparing the fringe patterns of both PL-2 and
PSM-1 model yields the following results.

(i) Arch Model of PL-2 Material

PL-2 arch models with various attachments are Fig. 12 The stress fringe patterns of PL-2 arch model in point 43
studied. Vertical loading is applied to point 43. The by vertical loading; (a) Magnetic attachment; (b) O-ring
CCD camera and imaging process software are used attachment; (c) Zest attachment
to obtain the fringe pattern at point 43 close to the
implant, to inspect the stress fringe. The fringe pat- Id=16.15Kpa, as shown in Fig. 12(b).
tern yields the following results.
(3) Zest attachment
(1) Magnetic attachment The Zest attachment includes clearance and a
The loading is transmitted from the attachment black plastic ring. Loading causes the cap of the at-
to the implant, so the fringe order near the implant tachment to press upon the base. The load can be
increases linearly with loading. When the loading reduced by the clearance, black plastic ring and soft
reaches 58.86N, the fringe order is N=6, as shown in tissue. So, for a given load, the fringe order of Zest
Fig. 12(a), and point e has the most fringes, so point attachment is less than that of the magnetic attach-
e is the point of stress concentration. If the load is ment. When the loading reaches 58.86N, the fringe
1N, then the stress concentration index is Id= order is N=4, and again point e has the most fringes
19.38Kpa. and is the point of stress concentration. If the load-
ing is 1N, the stress concentration index is Id=
(2) O-ring attachment 12.92Kpa, as shown in Fig. 12(c).
The O-ring attachment includes clearance and
black plastic ring in its interior. The load can be sepa- (ii) Arch Model of PSM-1 Material
rated by the clearance, black plastic ring and soft
tissue. So, for a given load, the fringe order of the PSM-1 material is used to make arch models
O-ring attachment is less than that of the magnetic with various attachments. Vertical loading is applied
attachment. When the loading reaches 58.86N, the to point 43. A CCD camera and imaging process soft-
fringe order is N=5, and the point e has the most ware are used to obtain the fringe pattern at point 43
fringes and so is the point of stress concentration. If close to the implant to inspect the stress fringes. The
the loading is 1N, the stress concentration index is fringe pattern yields the following results.
C. G. Tseng and Y. S. Jiang: Mechanics Analysis for Implant-Soft Tissue Retained Overdenture 413

Table 3 The comparison of maximum stress among the different models and attachments
Attachment Magnet O-ring Zest
Model attachment attachment attachment
PL-2 arch model 19.38Kpa 16.15Kpa 12.92Kpa
PSM-1 arch model 10.61Kpa 7.63Kpa None
PSM-1 semi-circle model 10.90Kpa 8.49Kpa 6.37Kpa

(1)Magnet attachment
When the loading reaches 294.3N, the fringe
order is N=5, and point d has the most fringes and so
is the point of stress concentration. If the loading is
1N, then the stress concentration index is Id=
10.61Kpa, as shown in Fig. 13(a).

(2)O-ring attachment
When the loading reaches 294.3N, the fringe (a)
order is N=4, and points c and d have the most fringes,
and so are the points of stress concentration. If the
loading is 1N, the stress concentration index is Id=
8.49Kpa, as shown in Fig. 13(b).

(3)Zest attachment
When the loading reaches 294.3N, the fringe
order is N=3, and point c and d have the most fringes
and so are the points of stress concentration. If the
loading is 1N, the stress concentration index is Id=
6.37Kpa, as shown in Fig. 13(c). (b)
The above results indicate that the stress dis-
tribution of the Zest attachment near the implant is
the smallest, that of the O-ring attachment is next
smallest, and that of the magnetic attachment is the
largest. Therefore, the Zest attachment exhibits the
best buffer effect under vertical loading.
Table 3 shows that the PL-2 arch model has
about twice the stress as the PSM-1 model has. The
implant of the PL-2 arch model is inserted into the
arch by casting and there is no clearance between the (c)
implant and the arch. However, the implant of the Fig. 13 The stress fringe patterns of PSM-1 arch Model in point
PSM-1 arch model is inserted into the arch by 43 by vertical loading; (a) Magnetic attachment (b) O-ring
threading, and, that leaves clearance between the attachment; (c) Zest attachment
implant and arch. Therefore a vertical loading ap-
plied to point 43 is directly delivered through the In Table 3 the maximum stresses among the dif-
implant to the PL-2 arch model, and the stress is con- ferent models and attachments are compared. Al-
centrated at the bottom of the implant. In the PSM-1 though different shapes are used, the stress values are
arch model, under the same loading conditions, the similar and the points of stress concentration are the
loading will be taken by the circumference of the same. Accordingly, the experimental results show
implant because the bottom of the implant is not in that the semi-circular model can be used to replace
contact with the arch model. Therefore, the majority the arch model.
of the loading cannot be delivered to the bottom of
the implant or the PSM-1 arch model. Therefore, un- (iii) Non-Direct Loading in Implant
der the same conditions, the stress on the PSM-1 arch
model will be much less than that on the PL-2 arch Loading on point 46 and inspecting the fringe
model. pattern at point 43 of the implant reveal that the
414 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2004)

5. When the magnetic attachment is used to attach

the denture to the implant, the ambient of the im-
plant will undergo the greatest stress. The 0-ring
and Zest attachments act as buffers because they
include clearance and a plastic ring between the
implant and the denture. The Zest attachment has
a stronger buffer effect than the 0-ring attachment.
6. The stresses of the PL-2 arch model are concen-
trated on the bottom of the implant, and those of
the PSM-1 model are on the side of the implant.
The distance from the bottom of the implant to the
side of the implant is about onethird of the height
of the implant. The results for PL-2 and PSM-1
arch models differ greatly, and the PL-2 arch model
more closely approaches the practical clinical
situation. Accordingly, the PL-2 injection will be
used to simulate the clinical situation in the future.
7. The stress distributions of the simple semi-circu-
lar model and the practical arch model are similar.
Therefore, in the future, the simple semi-circular
model will be used in preference to the complex
scale arch model.
8. The PL-2 arch model has almost double the stress
of the PSM-1 because the implant of the PL-2 arch
model is inserted into the arch with no clearance
(b) between the implant and the arch.
Fig. 14 The stress fringe patterns in point 43 by loading on point 9. The non-direct loading on the implant has very low
46 (a) PL-2; (b) PSM-1 stress and can be neglected.

non-direct loading produces very low stresses on the
implant, which can be neglected. This situation is The writers are thankful to the reviewers for
shown in Fig. 14. their valuable suggestions and comments.


The above analysis and discussion yields the C the relative stress-optical coefficient
following conclusions. fσ the material fringe value
1. Under dry conditions, the orders of retention of h thickness of model
the three attachments is, 0-ring attachment > Zest Ib gray level of the bright field image
attachment > magnetic attachment. Id gray level of the dark field image
2. Under wet conditions, the orders of retention of Ir gray level of the bright field image minus the
the three attachments is, Zest attachment > 0-ring dark field image
attachment > magnetic attachment. Id the stress concentration index
3. After normal saline is added, the retention of each n1 the light refractive index in the direction of the
attachment is compared under dry and wet maximum principal stress
conditions. Finally, the drop in retention under wet n2 the light refractive index in the direction of the
conditions is greatest for the O-ring attachment at minimum principal stress
about 17.83%, next largest for the magnetic N the fringe order of a photoelastic pattern
attachment, at about 11.19%, and the least for the σ1 the maximum principal stress
Zest attachment, at about 4.26%. σ2 the minimum principal stress
4. Experimental results indicate that the method of
photoelasticity can be practically used to analyze REFERENCES
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