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IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC

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Industrial PC Platform

IPC Machine Controller
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC

Built-in EtherNet/IP PortTM

User’s Manual

Industrial Panel PC
Industrial Box PC

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because
OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is
subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Neverthe-
less, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages
resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.

• Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other
countries for OMRON factory automation products.
• Microsoft, Windows, Excel, and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corpora-
tion in the United States and other countries.
• EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
• ODVA, CIP, CompoNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP are trademarks of ODVA.

• The SD and SDHC logos are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC.

• Intel and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and / or other countries.

Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.

Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

Thank you for purchasing an NY-series IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC.
This manual provides a collective term of Industrial Panel PC and Industrial Box PC which are applica-
ble products as the NY-series Industrial PC. This manual also provides the range of devices that are
directly controlled by the Controller functions embedded the Real-Time OS in the NY-series Industrial
PC as the Controller.
This manual contains information that is necessary to use the NY-series Controller. Please read this
manual and make sure you understand the functionality and performance of the NY-series Controller
before you attempt to use it in a control system.
Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical sys-
tems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
For programming, this manual is intended for personnel who understand the programming language
specifications in international standard IEC 61131-3 or Japanese standard JIS B 3503.

Applicable Products
This manual covers the following products.
• NY-series IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC
• NY532-15
• NY532-14
• NY532-13
• NY532-5400

• NY-series IPC Machine Controller Industrial Box PC

• NY512-15
• NY512-14
• NY512-13
Part of the specifications and restrictions for the Industrial PC are given in other manuals. Refer to Rel-
evant Manuals on page 2 and Related Manuals on page 21.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1
Relevant Manuals

Relevant Manuals
The following table provides the relevant manuals for the NY-series Controller.
Read all of the manuals that are relevant to your system configuration and application before you use
the NY-series Controller.
Most operations are performed from the Sysmac Studio Automation Software. Refer to the Sysmac Stu-
dio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for information on the Sysmac Studio.

Basic information

Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual

Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User's Manual

User's Manual
NJ/Y-series NC Integrated Controller
Troubleshooting Manual
Instructions Reference Manual

Motion Control User's Manual

Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC
NY-series IPC Machine Controller
Instructions Reference Manual
NY-series Motion Control

Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC

NY-series IPC Machine Controller

Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC

NY-series IPC Machine Controller
Hardware User’s Manual
Industrial Panel PC
NY-series IPC Machine Controller

Hardware User’s Manual

Industrial Box PC
NY-series IPC Machine Controller

Setup User's Manual

Software User’s Manual

Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC
NY-series IPC Machine Controller

Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC

NY-series IPC Machine Controller
Purpose of use

Introduction to NY-series Panel PCs 

Introduction to NY-series Box PCs 
Setting devices and hardware
Using motion control 
 
Using EtherCAT 
Using EtherNet/IP 
Making setup*1
Making initial settings 
Preparing to use Controllers
Software settings
Using motion control 
Using EtherCAT  
Using EtherNet/IP 
Using numerical control 
Writing the user program
Using motion control  
Using EtherCAT 
 
Using EtherNet/IP 
Using numerical control 
Programming error processing 
Testing operation and debugging
Using motion control 
Using EtherCAT  
Using EtherNet/IP 
Using numerical control 
Learning about error management and

Using motion control 
 
Using EtherCAT 
Using EtherNet/IP 

*1 Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Setup User’s Manual (Cat. No. W568) for how to set up and
how to use the utilities on Windows.
*2 Refer to the NY-series Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No. W564) for the error management concepts and the error items.

2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Manual Structure

Manual Structure
Some of the descriptions of functions in this manual are common to NJ/NX-series. Therefore, note the
following conditions.
• The same function names are used for the common functions of the NJ/NX/NY-series. If the term
“CPU Unit” is included in the function names, such as the CPU Unit names, CPU Unit write protection
and other functions, it indicates the “Controller” in the NY-series.
• The “CPU Unit” that is described in a list of function specifications in this manual also indicates the
“Controller” in the NY-series.

Page Structure
The following page structure is used in this manual.

4 Installation and Wiring Level 1 heading

Level 2 heading
Level 2 heading 4-3 Mounting Units Level 3 heading
Gives the current
Level 3 heading 4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components headings.
The Units that make up an NJ-series Controller can be connected simply by pressing the Units together
and locking the sliders by moving them toward the back of the Units. The End Cover is connected in the
same way to the Unit on the far right side of the Controller.

A step in a procedure 1 Join the Units so that the connectors fit exactly.

Indicates a procedure. Connector
Hook holes

4-3 Mounting Units

4 Page tab
2 Gives the number
4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components

The yellow sliders at the top and bottom of each Unit lock the Units together. Move the sliders
toward the back of the Units as shown below until they click into place. of the main section.
Move the sliders toward the back
until they lock into place.




Precautions for Correct Use

Special information The sliders on the tops and bottoms of the Power Supply Unit, CPU Unit, I/O Units, Special I/O
Units, and CPU Bus Units must be completely locked (until they click into place) after connecting
Icons indicate the adjacent Unit connectors.
precautions, additional
information, or reference

Manual name NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (W500) 4-9

This illustration is provided only as a sample. It may not literally appear in this manual.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3
Manual Structure

Special Information
Special information in this manual is classified as follows:

Precautions for Safe Use

Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.

Precautions for Correct Use

Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.

Additional Information
Additional information to read as required.
This information is provided to increase understanding or make operation easier.

Version Information
Information on differences in specifications and functionality for Controller with different unit versions
and for different versions of the Sysmac Studio is given.
Note References are provided to more detailed or related information.

Precaution on Terminology
In this manual, “download” refers to transferring data from the Sysmac Studio to the physical Controller
and “upload” refers to transferring data from the physical Controller to the Sysmac Studio.
For the Sysmac Studio, synchronization is used to both upload and download data. Here, “synchronize”
means to automatically compare the data for the Sysmac Studio on the computer with the data in the
physical Controller and transfer the data in the direction that is specified by the user.

4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Sections in this Manual

Sections in this Manual

1 10

2 11
1 Introduction 10 FTP Server

3 12
Installing Ethernet
2 Networks 11 FTP Client
4 13
System-defined Variables
3 Related to the Built-in Eth- 12 SNMP Agent
erNet/IP Port 5 14
Communications Per-
Determining formance and Commu-
4 IP Addresses 13 nications Load
6 A

Sysmac Studio Settings Checking Communications

for the Built-in Ether- Status of Network and 7 I
5 Net/IP Port
14 Troubleshooting
6 Testing Communications A Appendices

7 Tag Data Link Functions I Index

CIP Message
8 Communications I

9 Socket Service

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1

Relevant Manuals ...................................................................................................... 2

Manual Structure ....................................................................................................... 3

Sections in this Manual ............................................................................................ 5

Terms and Conditions Agreement ......................................................................... 12

Safety Precautions .................................................................................................. 14

Precautions for Safe Use........................................................................................ 15

Precautions for Correct Use................................................................................... 16

Regulations and Standards.................................................................................... 17

Versions ................................................................................................................... 18

Related Manuals ...................................................................................................... 21

Revision History ...................................................................................................... 23

Section 1 Introduction
1-1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1-2
1-1-1 EtherNet/IP Features .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1-1-2 Features of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port on NY-series Industrial PCs .............................................. 1-3
1-2 System Configuration and Configuration Devices............................................................... 1-5
1-2-1 Devices Required to Construct a Network .................................................................................. 1-5
1-2-2 Support Software Required to Construct a Network ................................................................... 1-6
1-3 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port.......................................................................................................... 1-7
1-3-1 Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 1-7
1-3-2 Part Names and Functions........................................................................................................ 1-10
1-4 Introduction to Communications Services ......................................................................... 1-12
1-4-1 IP Communications with Windows ............................................................................................ 1-12
1-4-2 CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) Communications Services.................................................. 1-12
1-4-3 IP Routing ................................................................................................................................. 1-14
1-4-4 BOOTP Client ........................................................................................................................... 1-17
1-4-5 FTP Server................................................................................................................................ 1-17
1-4-6 FTP Client ................................................................................................................................. 1-18
1-4-7 Socket Service .......................................................................................................................... 1-19
1-4-8 Specifying Host Names............................................................................................................. 1-19
1-4-9 SNMP Agent.............................................................................................................................. 1-20
1-5 EtherNet/IP Communications Procedures .......................................................................... 1-21

Section 2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-1 Selecting the Network Devices .............................................................................................. 2-2
2-1-1 Recommended Network Devices................................................................................................ 2-2
2-1-2 Ethernet Switch Types ................................................................................................................ 2-3

6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

2-1-3 Ethernet Switch Functions .......................................................................................................... 2-3

2-1-4 Precautions for Ethernet Switch Selection.................................................................................. 2-4
2-2 Network Installation ................................................................................................................ 2-6
2-2-1 Basic Installation Precautions..................................................................................................... 2-6
2-2-2 Recommended Network Devices ............................................................................................... 2-6
2-2-3 Precautions When Laying Twisted-pair Cable ............................................................................ 2-6
2-2-4 Precautions When Installing and Connecting Ethernet Switches ............................................... 2-9
2-3 Connecting to the Network ................................................................................................... 2-10
2-3-1 Ethernet Connectors................................................................................................................. 2-10
2-3-2 Connecting the Cable ................................................................................................................2-11

Section 3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in

EtherNet/IP Port
3-1 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port .................................... 3-2
3-2 System-defined Variables ....................................................................................................... 3-3
3-3 Specifications for Individual System-defined Variables .................................................... 3-13

Section 4 Determining IP Addresses

4-1 IP Addresses ............................................................................................................................ 4-2
4-1-1 IP Address Configuration ............................................................................................................ 4-2
4-1-2 Allocating IP Addresses .............................................................................................................. 4-3
4-1-3 Subnet Masks ............................................................................................................................. 4-3
4-1-4 CIDR ........................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4-2 Controller IP Address Settings............................................................................................... 4-5
4-2-1 Determining IP Addresses .......................................................................................................... 4-5
4-2-2 Setting IP Addresses .................................................................................................................. 4-6
4-2-3 Online Connection ...................................................................................................................... 4-8
4-2-4 Checking the Current IP Address ............................................................................................. 4-10
4-3 Private and Global Addresses.............................................................................................. 4-11
4-3-1 Private and Global Addresses ...................................................................................................4-11
4-3-2 Using a Private Address for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port ......................................................... 4-12
4-3-3 Using a Global Address for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port.......................................................... 4-13

Section 5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display .......................................................................................................... 5-2
5-2 Link Settings Display .............................................................................................................. 5-6
5-3 FTP Display .............................................................................................................................. 5-7
5-4 SNMP Settings Display ........................................................................................................... 5-8
5-5 SNMP Trap Settings Display................................................................................................. 5-10
5-6 CIP Settings Display.............................................................................................................. 5-12

Section 6 Testing Communications

6-1 Testing Communications ........................................................................................................ 6-2
6-1-1 PING Command ......................................................................................................................... 6-2
6-1-2 Using the PING Command ......................................................................................................... 6-2
6-1-3 Host Computer Operation........................................................................................................... 6-3

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7

Section 7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links ............................................................................................... 7-2
7-1-1 Tag Data Links ............................................................................................................................ 7-2
7-1-2 Data Link Data Areas .................................................................................................................. 7-3
7-1-3 Tag Data Link Functions and Specifications ............................................................................... 7-6
7-1-4 Overview of Operation ................................................................................................................ 7-7
7-1-5 Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links......................................................................................... 7-9
7-1-6 Controller Status ......................................................................................................................... 7-9
7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data .......................................................................................... 7-12
7-2 Setting Tag Data Links .......................................................................................................... 7-16
7-2-1 Starting the Network Configurator............................................................................................. 7-16
7-2-2 Tag Data Link Setting Procedure .............................................................................................. 7-18
7-2-3 Registering Devices .................................................................................................................. 7-19
7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets ...................................................................................................... 7-21
7-2-5 Connection Settings .................................................................................................................. 7-32
7-2-6 Creating Connections Using the Wizard ................................................................................... 7-42
7-2-7 Creating Connections by Device Dragging and Dropping......................................................... 7-45
7-2-8 Connecting the Network Configurator to the Network............................................................... 7-48
7-2-9 Downloading Tag Data Link Parameters................................................................................... 7-53
7-2-10 Uploading Tag Data Link Parameters ....................................................................................... 7-56
7-2-11 Verifying the Tag Data Links...................................................................................................... 7-59
7-2-12 Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links....................................................................................... 7-63
7-2-13 Clearing the Device Parameters ............................................................................................... 7-64
7-2-14 Saving the Network Configuration File...................................................................................... 7-66
7-2-15 Reading a Network Configuration File ...................................................................................... 7-68
7-2-16 Checking Connections .............................................................................................................. 7-69
7-2-17 Changing Devices ..................................................................................................................... 7-71
7-2-18 Displaying Device Status .......................................................................................................... 7-72
7-3 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links ............................................................................ 7-73
7-3-1 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links .................................................................................. 7-73
7-3-2 Status Flags Related to Tag Data Links .................................................................................... 7-77
7-4 Tag Data Links with Other Models ....................................................................................... 7-78

Section 8 CIP Message Communications

8-1 Overview of the CIP Message Communications Service..................................................... 8-3
8-1-1 Overview of the CIP Message Communications Service............................................................ 8-3
8-1-2 Message Communications Service Specifications...................................................................... 8-3
8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function................................................................ 8-4
8-2-1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 8-4
8-2-2 CIP Communications Instructions ............................................................................................... 8-5
8-2-3 Using CIP Communications Instructions..................................................................................... 8-6
8-2-4 Route Path .................................................................................................................................. 8-7
8-2-5 Request Path (IOI) .................................................................................................................... 8-10
8-2-6 Service Data and Response Data............................................................................................. 8-14
8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message Communications................ 8-15
8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message Communications ..................... 8-20
8-2-9 Operation Timing....................................................................................................................... 8-27
8-2-10 Response Codes....................................................................................................................... 8-28
8-3 CIP Communication Server Functions ................................................................................ 8-32
8-3-1 CIP Message Structure for Accessing CIP Objects .................................................................. 8-33
8-3-2 CIP Message Structure for Accessing Variables....................................................................... 8-33
8-4 Specifying Request Path ...................................................................................................... 8-34
8-4-1 Examples of CIP Object Specifications..................................................................................... 8-34
8-4-2 Examples of Variable Specifications ......................................................................................... 8-34
8-4-3 Logical Segment ....................................................................................................................... 8-35
8-4-4 Data Segment ........................................................................................................................... 8-36
8-4-5 Specifying Variable Names in Request Paths........................................................................... 8-37

8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

8-5 CIP Object Services............................................................................................................... 8-40

8-5-1 CIP Objects Sent to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port ..................................................................... 8-40
8-5-2 Identity Object (Class ID: 01 Hex) ............................................................................................ 8-40
8-5-3 TCP/IP Interface Object (Class ID: F5 hex).............................................................................. 8-44
8-5-4 Ethernet Link Object (Class ID: F6 Hex)................................................................................... 8-47
8-5-5 Controller Object (Class ID: C4 Hex)........................................................................................ 8-52
8-6 Read and Write Services for Variables ................................................................................ 8-53
8-6-1 Read Services for Variables ..................................................................................................... 8-53
8-6-2 Write Service for Variables ....................................................................................................... 8-55
8-7 Variable Data Types ............................................................................................................... 8-57
8-7-1 Data Type Codes ...................................................................................................................... 8-57
8-7-2 Common Format....................................................................................................................... 8-58
8-7-3 Elementary Data Types ............................................................................................................ 8-58
8-7-4 Derived Data Types .................................................................................................................. 8-60

Section 9 Socket Service

9-1 Basic Knowledge on Socket Communications .................................................................... 9-2
9-1-1 Sockets ....................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9-1-2 Port Numbers for Socket Services.............................................................................................. 9-2
9-2 Basic Knowledge on Protocols .............................................................................................. 9-3
9-2-1 Differences between TCP and UDP ........................................................................................... 9-3
9-2-2 Fragmenting of Send Data.......................................................................................................... 9-5
9-2-3 Data Reception Processing ........................................................................................................ 9-7
9-2-4 Broadcasting............................................................................................................................. 9-10
9-3 Overview of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Socket Services...................................................... 9-11
9-3-1 Overview....................................................................................................................................9-11
9-3-2 Procedure ..................................................................................................................................9-11
9-4 Settings Required for the Socket Services ......................................................................... 9-12
9-5 Socket Service Instructions ................................................................................................. 9-13
9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services ................................................................................. 9-14
9-6-1 Using the Socket Services........................................................................................................ 9-14
9-6-2 Procedure to Use Socket Services ........................................................................................... 9-15
9-6-3 Timing Chart for Output Variables Used in Communications.................................................... 9-17
9-6-4 UDP Sample Programming ...................................................................................................... 9-19
9-6-5 TCP Sample Programming....................................................................................................... 9-24
9-7 Precautions in Using Socket Services ................................................................................ 9-30
9-7-1 Precautions for UDP and TCP Socket Services ....................................................................... 9-30
9-7-2 Precautions for UDP Socket Services ...................................................................................... 9-30
9-7-3 Precautions for TCP Socket Services....................................................................................... 9-30

Section 10 FTP Server

10-1 Overview and Specifications................................................................................................ 10-2
10-1-1 Overview................................................................................................................................... 10-2
10-1-2 Specifications............................................................................................................................ 10-3
10-2 FTP Server Function Details................................................................................................. 10-4
10-2-1 Supported Files......................................................................................................................... 10-4
10-2-2 Connecting to the FTP Server .................................................................................................. 10-4
10-3 Using the FTP Server Function ............................................................................................ 10-7
10-3-1 Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 10-7
10-3-2 List of Settings Required for the FTP Server Function ............................................................. 10-7
10-4 FTP Server Application Example ......................................................................................... 10-8
10-5 Using FTP Commands ........................................................................................................ 10-10
10-5-1 Table of Commands................................................................................................................ 10-10

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9

10-5-2 Using the Commands.............................................................................................................. 10-11

10-6 Using SD Memory Card Operations................................................................................... 10-16
10-6-1 File Types................................................................................................................................ 10-16
10-6-2 Format of Variable Data .......................................................................................................... 10-17
10-7 Application Example from a Host Computer .................................................................... 10-18

Section 11 FTP Client

11-1 Using the FTP Client to Transfer Files................................................................................. 11-2
11-1-1 Transferring Files ...................................................................................................................... 11-2
11-1-2 Connectable FTP Servers......................................................................................................... 11-2
11-1-3 File Transfer Options................................................................................................................. 11-3
11-1-4 Other Functions......................................................................................................................... 11-4
11-2 FTP Client Communications Instructions ........................................................................... 11-5
11-2-1 Functions of the FTP Client Communications Instructions ....................................................... 11-5
11-2-2 Restrictions on the FTP Client Communications Instructions ................................................... 11-7
11-3 FTP Client Application Example........................................................................................... 11-9

Section 12 SNMP Agent

12-1 SNMP Agent ........................................................................................................................... 12-2
12-1-1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 12-2
12-1-2 Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 12-3
12-1-3 SNMP Messages ...................................................................................................................... 12-3
12-1-4 MIB Specifications..................................................................................................................... 12-4
12-2 Procedure to Use the SNMP Agent .................................................................................... 12-21
12-2-1 Procedures.............................................................................................................................. 12-21
12-2-2 Settings Required for the SNMP Agent................................................................................... 12-21

Section 13 Communications Performance and Communications

13-1 Communications System...................................................................................................... 13-2
13-1-1 Tag Data Link Communications Method ................................................................................... 13-2
13-1-2 Calculating the Number of Connections.................................................................................... 13-4
13-1-3 Packet Interval (RPI) Accuracy ................................................................................................. 13-5
13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load .................................................................................. 13-6
13-2-1 Checking Bandwidth Usage for Tag Data Links ........................................................................ 13-7
13-2-2 Tag Data Link Bandwidth Usage and RPI ................................................................................. 13-8
13-2-3 Adjusting Device Bandwidth Usage .......................................................................................... 13-9
13-2-4 Changing the RPI.................................................................................................................... 13-10
13-2-5 RPI Setting Examples ............................................................................................................. 13-16
13-3 I/O Response Time in Tag Data Links ................................................................................ 13-21
13-3-1 Timing of Data Transmissions................................................................................................. 13-21
13-3-2 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Data Processing Time...................................................................... 13-22
13-3-3 Relationship between Task Periods and Packet Intervals (RPIs) ........................................... 13-24
13-3-4 Maximum Tag Data Link I/O Response Time.......................................................................... 13-25
13-4 Message Service Transmission Delay ............................................................................... 13-27

Section 14 Checking Communications Status of Network and

14-1 Device Monitoring on the Network Configurator................................................................ 14-2

10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

14-1-1 Starting the Device Monitoring.................................................................................................. 14-2

14-1-2 Status Displays of the Device Monitoring ................................................................................. 14-2
14-2 Connection Status Codes and Troubleshooting ................................................................ 14-9

A-1 Functional Comparison of the EtherNet/IP Port with Other Series.....................................A-2
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)..................A-3
A-2-1 Overview of the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) Settings with the Sysmac Studio... A-3
A-2-2 Procedure to Make the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio .................... A-4
A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings ................................................................................................ A-5
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio ..................................... A-10
A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and Troubleshooting.................... A-33
A-2-6 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ A-37
A-3 EDS File Management ...........................................................................................................A-43
A-3-1 Installing EDS Files................................................................................................................... A-44
A-3-2 Creating EDS Files ................................................................................................................... A-44
A-3-3 Deleting EDS Files.................................................................................................................... A-45
A-3-4 Saving EDS Files...................................................................................................................... A-45
A-3-5 Searching EDS Files................................................................................................................. A-46
A-3-6 Displaying EDS File Properties................................................................................................. A-47
A-3-7 Creating EDS Index Files ......................................................................................................... A-47
A-4 Precautions for Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP, Windows Vista, or
Windows 7 or Higher...........................................................................................................A-48
A-4-1 Changing Windows Firewall Settings ....................................................................................... A-48
A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods ..................................................................................A-51
A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules ............................................................................................ A-51
A-5-2 Important Case Examples ........................................................................................................ A-59
A-6 Precautions When Accessing External Outputs in Controllers ........................................A-63
A-7 TCP State Transitions ...........................................................................................................A-64


NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11
Terms and Conditions Agreement

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Warranty, Limitations of Liability

 Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workman-
ship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in
writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.

 Limitations
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based
on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.

 Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally
shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-com-
plying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal
to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be
responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products
unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and
maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of
any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies
shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combi-
nation with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materi-
als or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in
writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.

See or contact your Omron representative for published information.

Limitation on Liability; Etc

Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on
which liability is asserted.

12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Terms and Conditions Agreement

Application Considerations

Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations
which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At
Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings
and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a com-
plete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, sys-
tem, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of
the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take applica-
tion responsibility in all cases.

Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or
any consequence thereof.


Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for
the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of
Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual perfor-
mance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.

Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other
reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or
when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be
changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish
key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to
confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.

Errors and Omissions

Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; how-
ever, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13
Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions
Refer to the following manuals for safety precautions.
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W557)
• NY-series Industrial Box PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W556)
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558)

14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Precautions for Safe Use

Precautions for Safe Use

Refer to the following manuals for precautions for safe use.
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W557)
• NY-series Industrial Box PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W556)
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558)

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 15
Precautions for Correct Use

Precautions for Correct Use

Refer to the following manuals for precautions for correct use.
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W557)
• NY-series Industrial Box PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W556)
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558)

16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Regulations and Standards

Regulations and Standards

Refer to the following manuals for regulations and standards.
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W557)
• NY-series Industrial Box PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W556)

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 17

Hardware revisions and unit versions are used to manage the hardware and software in NY-series Con-
trollers and EtherCAT slaves. The hardware revision or unit version is updated each time there is a
change in hardware or software specifications. Even when two Units or EtherCAT slaves have the
same model number, they will have functional or performance differences if they have different hard-
ware revisions or unit versions.

Checking Versions
You can check versions on the ID information indications or with the Sysmac Studio.

Checking Unit Versions on ID Information Indications

The unit version is given on the ID information indication on the back side of the product.
The ID information on an NY-series NY52- Controller is shown below.

ID information indication

Unit version


Checking Unit Versions with the Sysmac Studio

You can use the Sysmac Studio to check unit versions. The procedure is different for Units and for Eth-
erCAT slaves.

 Checking the Unit Version of an NY-series Controller

You can use the Production Information while the Sysmac Studio is online to check the unit version
of a Unit. You can only do this for the Controller.

1 Right-click CPU Rack under Configurations and Setup - CPU/Expansion Racks in the
Multiview Explorer and select Production Information.
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.

18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

 Changing Information Displayed in Production Information Dialog Box

1 Click the Show Detail or Show Outline Button at the lower right of the Production Information
Dialog Box.
The view will change between the production information details and outline.

Outline View Detail View

The information that is displayed is different for the Outline View and Detail View. The Detail View
displays the unit version, hardware revision, and other versions. The Outline View displays only the
unit version.

 Checking the Unit Version of an EtherCAT Slave

You can use the Production Information while the Sysmac Studio is online to check the unit version
of an EtherCAT slave. Use the following procedure to check the unit version.

1 Double-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer. Or, right-
click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup and select Edit from the menu.
The EtherCAT Tab Page is displayed.

2 Right-click the master on the EtherCAT Tab Page and select Display Production Information.
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.
The unit version is displayed after “Rev.”

 Changing Information Displayed in Production Information Dialog Box

1 Click the Show Detail or Show Outline Button at the lower right of the Production Information
Dialog Box.
The view will change between the production information details and outline.

Outline View Detail View

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 19

Unit Versions of Controllers and Peripheral Tool Versions

When you set tag data links for the built-in EtherNet/IP port on NY-series Controller, use the versions of
the Network Configurator and the Sysmac Studio that are given in the following table.

Network Configurator
CPU Unit Sysmac Studio
for EtherNet/IP
Version 3.59 Version 1.16
Model Version Version 3.60 Version 1.17
or lower or lower
NY52- Version 1.12 NA OK NA OK
or later

20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Related Manuals

Related Manuals
The followings are the manuals related to this manual. Use these manuals for reference.

Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description

NY-series W557 NY532- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NY-series system
IPC Machine Controller specifications of the is provided along with the following informa-
Industrial Panel PC NY-series Industrial tion on the Industrial Panel PC.
Hardware User’s Manual Panel PCs, including • Features and system configuration
introductory informa-
• Introduction
tion, designing, instal-
lation, and • Part names and functions
maintenance. • General specifications
Mainly hardware infor- • Installation and wiring
mation is provided. • Maintenance and inspection
NY-series W556 NY512- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NY-series system
IPC Machine Controller specifications of the is provided along with the following informa-
Industrial Panel PC NY-series Industrial tion on the Industrial Box PC.
Hardware User’s Manual Box PCs, including • Features and system configuration
introductory informa-
• Introduction
tion, designing, instal-
lation, and • Part names and functions
maintenance. • General specifications
Mainly hardware infor- • Installation and wiring
mation is provided. • Maintenance and inspection
NY-series W568 NY532- Learning the initial set- The following information is provided on an
IPC Machine Controller NY512- tings of the NY-series introduction to the entire NY-series system.
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Industrial PCs and • Two OS systems
Box PC preparations to use
• Initial settings
Setup User's Manual Controllers.
• Industrial PC Support Utility
• NYCompolet
• Industrial PC API
• Backup and recovery
NY-series W558 NY532- Learning how to pro- The following information is provided on the
IPC Machine Controller NY512- gram and set up the NY-series Controller functions.
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Controller functions of • Controller operation
Box PC an NY-series Industrial
• Controller features
Software User’s Manual PC.
• Controller settings
• Programming based on IEC 61131-3 lan-
guage specifications
NY-series Instructions Refer- W560 NY532- Learning detailed The instructions in the instruction set (IEC
ence Manual NY512- specifications on the 61131-3 specifications) are described.
basic instructions of
an NY-series Indus-
trial PC.
NY-series W559 NY532- Learning about motion The settings and operation of the Controller
IPC Machine Controller NY512- control settings and and programming concepts for motion control
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial programming con- are described.
Box PC cepts of an NY-series
Motion Control User's Manual Industrial PC.
NY-series W561 NY532- Learning about the The motion control instructions are described.
Motion Control Instructions NY512- specifications of the
Reference Manual motion control
instructions of an NY-
series Industrial PC.
NY-series W562 NY532- Using the built-in Eth- Information on the built-in EtherCAT port is
IPC Machine Controller NY512- erCAT port in an NY- provided.
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial series Industrial PC. This manual provides an introduction and pro-
Box PC vides information on the configuration, fea-
Built-in EtherCAT Port tures, and setup.
User’s Manual

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 21
Related Manuals

Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description

NY-series W563 NY532- Using the built-in Eth- Information on the built-in EtherNet/IP port is
IPC Machine Controller NY512- erNet/IP port in an provided.
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial NY-series Industrial Information is provided on the basic setup, tag
Box PC PC. data links, and other features.
Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
User’s Manual
NJ/NY-series NC Integrated O030 NJ501-5300 Performing numeri- Describes the functionality to perform the
Controller User’s Manual NY532-5400 cal control with numerical control. Use this manual together
NJ/NY-series Control- with the NJ/NY-series G code Instructions
lers. Reference Manual (Cat. No. O031) when pro-
NJ/NY-series O031 NJ501-5300 Learning about the The G code/M code instructions are
G code Instructions Reference NY532-5400 specifications of the described. Use this manual together with the
Manual G code/M code NJ/NY-series NC Integrated Controller User's
instructions. Manual (Cat. No. O030) when programming.
NY-series W564 NY532- Learning about the Concepts on managing errors that may be
Troubleshooting Manual NY512- errors that may be detected in an NY-series Controller and infor-
detected in an NY- mation on individual errors are described.
series Industrial PC.
Sysmac Studio Version 1 W504 SYSMAC- Learning about the Describes the operating procedures of the
Operation Manual SE2 operating proce- Sysmac Studio.
dures and functions
of the Sysmac Studio.
CNC Operator O032 SYSMAC Learning an introduc- An introduction of the CNC Operator, installa-
Operation Manual -RTNC0D tion of the CNC Oper- tion procedures, basic operations, connection
ator and how to use operations, and operating procedures for
it. main functions are described.

22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Revision History

Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front and back covers of the

Cat. No. W563-E1-05

Revision code

Revision code Date Revised content

01 September 2016 Original production
02 April 2017 • Added information on functional support for unit version
1.14 of the Controllers.
• Corrected mistakes.
03 October 2017 Corrected mistakes.
04 January 2019 Corrected mistakes.
05 July 2019 • Added information on functional support for unit version
1.21 of the Controllers.
• Corrected mistakes.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 23
Revision History

24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)


1-1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

1-1-1 EtherNet/IP Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-1-2 Features of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port on NY-series Industrial PCs . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1-2 System Configuration and Configuration Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1-2-1 Devices Required to Construct a Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1-2-2 Support Software Required to Construct a Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
1-3 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1-3-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1-3-2 Part Names and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
1-4 Introduction to Communications Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1-4-1 IP Communications with Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1-4-2 CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) Communications Services . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1-4-3 IP Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
1-4-4 BOOTP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17
1-4-5 FTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17
1-4-6 FTP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18
1-4-7 Socket Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1-4-8 Specifying Host Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1-4-9 SNMP Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
1-5 EtherNet/IP Communications Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-1
1 Introduction

1-1 Introduction

1-1-1 EtherNet/IP Features

EtherNet/IP is an industrial multi-vendor network that uses Ethernet. The EtherNet/IP specifications are
open standards managed by the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), just like DeviceNet. Eth-
erNet/IP is not just a network between Controllers. It is also used as a field network. Because Ether-
Net/IP uses standard Ethernet technology, various general-purpose Ethernet devices can be used in
the network.
Sysmac Studio (3) Ethernet switch
(Support Software)
(2) Twisted-pair cable

(1) Built-in EtherNet/IP (1) Built-in EtherNet/IP (1) Built-in EtherNet/IP

Ethernet (LAN) port 100 m port on NJ/NX-se- port on NJ/NX-se-
port on NY-series
max. ries Controller ries Controller

EtherNet/IP System Configuration Example

 High-speed, High-capacity Data Exchange through Tag Data Links

The EtherNet/IP protocol supports implicit communications, which allows cyclic communications
(called tag data links in this manual) with EtherNet/IP devices.

 Tag Data Link (Cyclic Communications) Cycle Time

Tag data links (cyclic communications) operate at the cyclic period specified for each application,
regardless of the number of nodes. Data is exchanged over the network at the refresh cycle set for
each connection, so the communications refresh cycle will not increase even if the number of nodes
is increased, i.e., the concurrency of the connection’s data is maintained. Because the refresh cycle
can be set for each connection, each application can communicate at its ideal refresh cycle. For
example, interprocess interlocks can be transferred at high speed, while the production commands
and the status monitor information are transferred at low speed.

1-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

1-1-2 Features of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port on NY-series Industrial PCs

1-1 Introduction
 Tag Data Links
Cyclic communications between Controllers or between Controllers and other devices are possible
on an EtherNet/IP network. Tag data links can quickly perform data exchanges.

 Message Communications
You can send CIP commands to devices on the EtherNet/IP network when required by execution of
CIP communications instructions in a program. As a result, it is possible to send and receive data
with devices on the EtherNet/IP network.

1-1-2 Features of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port on NY-series Industrial PCs

 BOOTP Client
If the NY-series built-in EtherNet/IP port is set in the BOOTP settings, the BOOTP client operates
when the Controller power is turned ON, and the IP address is obtained from the BOOTP server. It is
possible to set all of the IP addresses of multiple built-in EtherNet/IP ports at the same time.

 Built-in FTP Server for File Transfers to and from Host Computers
An FTP server is built into the Controller. You can use it to read and write data within the Controller
as files from workstations and computers with FTP clients. The FTP server enables the transfer of
large amounts of data from a client without any additional ladder programming.

 FTP Client for File Transfers to and from Host Computers

An FTP client is built into the Controller so that you can read and write files on workstations and
computers that have an FTP server from the Controller.
You can use the FTP client communications instructions to transfer one or more files between the
Controller and an FTP server.

 Socket Services
Socket services can be used to send/receive data between general-purpose applications and Con-
trollers. You can use these communications services to send and receive any data to and from
remote nodes, i.e., between host computers and Controllers or between Controllers. You can exe-
cute socket communications instructions in order in a program to execute communications pro-
cesses with the socket services. There are two socket services, the UDP socket service and TCP
socket service.

 Host Names
You can directly specify IP addresses, but you can also use the host names instead of the IP
addresses for SNMP managers, or the destinations of socket instructions and CIP communications
instructions (DNS client or hosts settings). This is useful, for example, when server IP addresses
change for system revisions because the IP addresses are automatically found when host names
are used.
* A separate DNS server is necessary to use host names with the DNS client.
* The DNS server is specified directly using its IP address.

 Network Management with an SNMP Manager

The SNMP agent passes internal status information from the built-in EtherNet/IP port to network
management software that uses an SNMP manager.
* A separate SNMP manager is necessary for network management.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-3
1 Introduction

 Complete Troubleshooting Functions

A variety of functions are provided to quickly identify and handle errors.
• Self-diagnosis at startup
• Event log that records the time of occurrence and other error details

 Transfer of IP Packets to Devices on Other Network Segments

The built-in EtherNet/IP ports have an IP routing function that sends IP packets to devices on other
IP network segments.
* To use the function, you must set the IP router table and default gateway settings for each device on the net-
work appropriately for your network configuration. For details on the settings, refer to 5-1 TCP/IP Settings

Additional Information

CIP (Common Industrial Protocol)

CIP is a shared industrial protocol for the OSI application layer. The CIP is used in networks
such as EtherNet/IP, CompoNet, and DeviceNet. Data can be routed easily between networks
that are based on the CIP. You can therefore easily configure a transparent network from the
field device level to the host level. The CIP has the following advantages.
• Destination nodes are specified by a relative path, without fixed routing tables.
• The CIP uses the producer/consumer model. Nodes in the network are arranged on the same
level and it is possible to communicate with required devices whenever it is necessary. The
consumer node will receive data sent from a producer node when the connection ID in the
packet indicates that the node requires the data. Because the producer can send the same
data with the same characteristics in a multicast format, the time required for the transfer is
fixed and not dependent on the number of consumer nodes. (Either multicast or unicast can
be selected.)

1-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

1-2 System Configuration and

Configuration Devices
1-2 System Configuration and
Configuration Devices

1-2-1 Devices Required to Construct a Network

The basic configuration for an EtherNet/IP system includes one Ethernet switch to which nodes are
attached in star configuration using twisted-pair cable.

1-2-1 Devices Required to Construct a Network

Sysmac Studio (3) Ethernet switch
(Support Software)
(2) Twisted-pair cable

(1) Built-in EtherNet/IP (1) Built-in EtherNet/IP (1) Built-in EtherNet/IP

port on NY-series port on NJ/NX-se- port on NJ/NX-se-
Ethernet (LAN) port 100 m Controller ries Controller ries Controller

The following products are also required to build a network. Obtain them in advance.

Network device Function

(1) Per Node These Units are used to connect to an EtherNet/IP net-
NY-series (built-in EtherNet/IP port) work.
NJ-series (built-in EtherNet/IP port)
(NJ501-, 301- or 101- )
NX-series (built-in EtherNet/IP port)

CJ2 (built-in EtherNet/IP port)
(CJ2H-CPU-EIP or CJ2M-CPU3)
CJ-series EtherNet/IP Unit*
CS-series EtherNet/IP Unit
(2) Twisted-pair cable The twisted-pair cable has a RJ45 Modular Connector
at each end. This cable is used to connect the built-in
EtherNet/IP port or EtherNet/IP Unit to an Ethernet
switch. Use an STP (shielded twisted-pair) cable of cat-
egory 5, 5e, or higher.
(3) Ethernet switch This is a relay device that connects multiple nodes in a
star LAN. For details on recommended devices to con-
figure a network, refer to 2-1-1 Recommended Network

* The CJ1W-EIP21 can be mounted only to an NJ-series CPU Unit with unit version 1.01 or later and Sysmac Stu-
dio version 1.02 or higher.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-5
1 Introduction

1-2-2 Support Software Required to Construct a Network

This section describes the Support Software that is required to construct an EtherNet/IP network. The
built-in EtherNet/IP port has Ethernet Settings and Tag Data Link Settings, which are stored in the non-
volatile memory of the Controller. Support Software is provided for each, as described below.

 Built-in Ethernet/IP Settings: Sysmac Studio

Use the Sysmac Studio to set the basic settings, such as the local IP address and subnet mask of
the built-in EtherNet/IP port. The Sysmac Studio can also be used to check if data I/O is being per-
formed correctly for tag data links.
Windows Computer
Sysmac Studio Edit Parameters
Dialog Box
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
settings (non-volatile memory)

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

NY-series Controller
Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for details on the Sysmac

 Tag Data Link Settings: Network Configurator

Use the Network Configurator to set the tag data links for the built-in EtherNet/IP port. (The Network
Configurator is included in the Sysmac Studio Standard Edition.) The main functions of the Network
Configurator are given below.

1) Setting and Monitoring Tag Data Links (Connections)

The network device configuration and tag data links (connections) can be created and edited. After
connecting to the network, the device configuration and tag data link settings can be uploaded and

2) Multi-vendor Device Connections

EDS files can be installed and deleted so that you can construct, set, and manage networks that
contain EtherNet/IP devices from other companies. The IP addresses of EtherNet/IP devices can
also be changed.
Windows computer with
Network Configurator
Edit Device
Tag Data Link Settings Parameters
(non-volatile memory) Dialog Box

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

NY-series Controller
For details on the Network Configurator, refer to Section 7 Tag Data Link Functions.

Additional Information

You can also use the Sysmac Studio to set the tag data links. Refer to A-2 Use the Sysmac Stu-
dio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) for details on setting the tag data links in
the Sysmac Studio.

1-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

1-3 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

1-3 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

1-3-1 Specifications
Item NY52- 1
Unit version 1.12 or later
Communications protocol TCP/IP or UDP/IP

1-3-1 Specifications
Sysmac Studio connection, tag data link, CIP message communi-
Supported services cations, socket services, FTP server, FTP client, SNMP agent,
DNS client, and BOOTP client
Number of ports 1 (With IP routing function)
100Base-TX, 10Base-T or 1000Base-T (1000Base-T or 100Base-
Physical layer
TX is recommended.) *1
Media access CSMA/CD
Modulation Baseband
Transmission Star form
Transmission Baud rate 1,000 Mbps (1000Base-T)
specifications Transmission Shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable, Category 5, 5e, or higher
Transmission dis- 100 m max. (distance between hub and node)
Number of cascade There is no limitation when an Ethernet switch is used.
Number of connec- 128
1 to 10,000 ms in 1-ms increments
Packet interval Packet intervals can be set independently for each connection.
(refresh cycle) (Data is refreshed over the network at the preset interval and does
CIP service: Tag not depend on the number of nodes.)
data links (cyclic Allowed communi- 20,000 pps *2
communications) cations bandwidth
Note The heartbeat is included.
per Unit
Number of regis- 256
trable tags
Network variables
Tag types
CIO, Work, Holding, DM, and EM Areas cannot be used.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-7
1 Introduction

Item NY52-
Unit version 1.12 or later
Number of tags per 8 (7 tags when the tag set contains the Controller status)
connection (= 1 tag
Maximum link data 184,832 bytes
size per node
1,444 bytes *3
Maximum data size Data concurrency is maintained within each connection. Refer to
per connection 7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data for methods to maintain
CIP service: Tag concurrency.
data links (cyclic Number of regis- 128 (1 connection = 1 tag set)
communications) trable tag sets
Maximum size of 1 722 words (The Controller status uses 1 word when the tag set
tag set contains the Controller status.)
Changing tag data Supported *4
link parameters
when Controller is
in RUN mode
Multi-cast packet Supported
filter *5
Class 3 (con- Number of connections: 64 (clients + servers)
UCMM (uncon- Number of clients that can communicate at one time: 32 max.
nected) Number of servers that can communicate at one time: 32 max.
CIP message ser- Supported.
vice: Explicit mes-
CIP routing is supported for the following remote Units: NY52-
sages *6
, NX701-, NJ501-, NJ301-,
CIP routing NJ101-, CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-CPU-EIP,
and CJ2M-CPU3.
Using a combination of any Units above, communication can be
extended up to a maximum of 8 levels.
Agents SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c
EtherNet/IP conformance test Conforms to CT13
10Base-T, 100Base-TX, or 1000Base-T
Ethernet interface
Auto negotiation or fixed settings

*1 If tag data links are being used, use 100Base-TX or 1000Base-T.

*2 Here, pps means “packets per second” and indicates the number of packets that can be processed in one sec-
*3 To use a data size of 505 bytes or higher, the system must support a large forward open (an optional CIP spec-
ification). The CS, CJ, NJ, NX, and NY-series Units support a large forward open, but before connecting to
nodes of other companies, confirm that those devices also support it.
*4 If the parameters of the built-in EtherNet/IP port are changed, the port is restarted. When other nodes are in
communications with the affected node, the communications will temporarily time out and automatically
recover after the restart.
*5 Because the built-in EtherNet/IP port is equipped with an IGMP client (version 2), unnecessary multicast pack-
ets can be filtered by an Ethernet switch that supports IGMP snooping.

1-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

1-3 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

*6 The built-in EtherNet/IP port uses the TCP/UDP port numbers shown in the following table.
Do not set the same port number for more than one TCP/UDP service.
Service Protocol Port number Remarks
EIP data links UDP 2222 Fixed values
Used by system UDP 2223, 2224
TCP 9610
TCP 9900
CIP messages TCP 44818 1
FTP client data transfer port TCP 20
DNS client TCP/UDP 53

1-3-1 Specifications
BOOTP client UDP 68
HTTP server TCP 80
Used by system, other TCP/UDP 9600 You can change the port number in
FTP client control port TCP 21 the Unit Settings on the Sysmac
SNMP agent UDP 161
SNMP trap UDP 162

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-9
1 Introduction

1-3-2 Part Names and Functions

Parts and Names

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

MAC Address Notation

A specific MAC address is allocated to each device connected to the Ethernet network.
A MAC address of the built-in EtherNet/IP port is given in 6-digit hexadecimal on the ID information
indication on the back side of the product as shown below.

ID information indication


MAC address of built-in EtherNet/IP port

1-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

1-3 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Indicators (LEDs)
The following provides information on indicators associated with the built-in EtherNet/IP port on NY-
series Controllers.

 LINK/ACT/10/100/1000
LINK/ACT 10/100/1000

1-3-2 Part Names and Functions

• LINK/ACT indicator: This shows the Ethernet communications status.
• 10/100/1000 indicator: This shows the baud rate status.

Indicator Color Status Operating status

Link not established.
--- Not lit • The cable is not connected.
LINK/ACT • The power supply is OFF or was reset.
Flashing Data communications in progress after establishing link.
Lit Links established.
Link established with a baud rate of 10 Mbps, or link not
-- Not lit
Green Lit Link established with a baud rate of 100 Mbps.
Orange Lit Link established with a baud rate of 1000 Mbps.

Additional Information

When the built-in EtherNet/IP port is set to disable, all the indicators will not light. Refer to 5-1
TCP/IP Settings Display for the information on setting the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-11
1 Introduction

1-4 Introduction to Communications


1-4-1 IP Communications with Windows

In an Industrial PC, both the Controller and Windows have an internal port, by which they can perform
IP communications to exchange data in IP packets over the internal communications network.
Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Setup User’s Manual (Cat. No. W568) for
details on data exchange between Windows and the Controller.
NY-series Industrial PC
Controller communications Windows
IP packets

Internal port

1-4-2 CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) Communications Services

Tag Data Links (Cyclic Communications)

A program is not required to perform cyclic data exchanges with other devices on the EtherNet/IP net-
work. Normally, a connection is started with the target device for each tag set that was created with the
Network Configurator to start communications for tag data links for a built-in EtherNet/IP port. One con-
nection is used per tag set.

Connection Information

• Target IP address
• Target tag set
• Originator tag set
• Packet interval (RPI) Connection

Tag Set (Input) Tag Set (Output)

Tag set name: SP1_IN Tag set name: SP1_OUT

Controller status Controller Status

Tag a Tag i
Tag b Tag ii
Data flow
Tag c

Tag g

Originator device Target device

* In this example, a connection is established with the originator’s tag list with tags a to g (inputs), which are in a
tag set called SP1_IN, and the target’s tag list with tags i and ii (outputs), which are in a tag set called SP1_OUT.

1-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

Communications Services
CIP Message Communications

1-4 Introduction to
User-specified CIP commands can be sent to devices on the EtherNet/IP network. CIP commands,
such as those for reading and writing data, can be sent and their responses received by executing the
CIP communications instructions from the user program in the NY-series Controller.
NY-series Industrial PC

Controller Windows
C IP _ S E N D

1-4-2 CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) Communications Services

CIP command
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
CIP response

By specifying a route path, you can send CIP messages (CIP commands and responses) to a device
on another CIP-based network segment via a built-in EtherNet/IP port or the EtherNet/IP Unit (CIP rout-
ing function for message communications). The maximum number of levels of CIP routing via the ports
is eight for any combination of CS, CJ, NJ, NX, and NY-series Controller. Note that the number of levels
of IP routing using an L3 Ethernet switch is not counted in the number of levels of CIP routing via the
In addition, CIP messages can be routed between Windows installed in an NY-series Industrial PC and
devices on an EtherNet/IP network via the internal ports and the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the Con-
NY-series Industrial PC
Controller communications Windows

Internal port

Built-in EtherNet/IP port CIP command

CIP response

Additional Information

In CIP routing, a node (Unit) that routes information subtracts the equivalent of one hop from the
timeout, deletes its own address from the route information, and relays the information to the
next node (Unit).
When a timeout is specified, the timeout for the actual request service processing is set in the
last hop. In the case of relay hops, the timeout for the relay route must be added to the timeout
for the request.
OMRON products that support CIP subtract 5 seconds per hop.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-13
1 Introduction

1-4-3 IP Routing
The two built-in EtherNet/IP ports on the NY-series Controller both have the IP routing function. The IP
routing function sends IP packets to other network segments based on the routing information set in the
IP router table.
To communicate with devices on other network segments, you must set the IP router table and default
gateway settings for the NY-series Controller and each device on the network appropriately for your
network configuration.

Precautions for Correct Use

• You cannot create tag data links between multiple Controllers using IP routing on the NY-
series Controller.

The following figure is an example of communications between the Controller in an NY-series Industrial
PC and an NJ-series Controller on a different network segment. Here, you need to set the route infor-
mation for communicating via the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the NX-series Controller in the IP router
table and default gateway settings for the Controller in an NY-series Industrial PC.
NY-series Industrial PC

Controller Internal Windows


IP router

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

EtherNet/IP Netwrok address:


EtherNet/IP Built-in EtherNet/IP port Netwrok address:

Controller IP router

IP address:
The NY-series Controller provides the following functions related to the IP routing function.
Refer to 5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display for the procedure to set each function.

1-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

Communications Services
 IP Forward Function

1-4 Introduction to
This function transfers IP packets received from a network to another network.
It allows the Controller in an NY-series Industrial PC to relay IP packets between the internal com-
munications network and machine networks. IP packets are transferred between the internal ports
and the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the Controller to be relayed to a different network.
NY-series Industrial PC

Controller Internal Windows

EtherNet/IP Transfer

1-4-3 IP Routing
Built-in EtherNet/IP port Internal port
Ethernet port

If the internal communications network needs to be divided from machine networks for security rea-
sons, you can set this function to disable the transfer of IP packets. When the transfer of IP packets
is disabled, the function discards IP packets that are not destined to the Controller.
NY-series Industrial PC

Controller Internal Windows

EtherNet/IP Discard

Built-in EtherNet/IP port Internal port Ethernet port

Additional Information

You can route IP packets to EtherNet/IP devices on a network segment different from that where
Windows in an NY-series Industrial PC is located.
In this case, you need the IP routing and default gateway settings in Windows.

NY-series Industrial PC
Internal communications Windows
Controller network
Network address: IP router table

Internal port

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

EtherNet/IP Network address:

IP router

IP address:

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-15
1 Introduction

 Packet Filter Function

This function checks IP packets received from a network to determine whether they should be either
received or relayed to another network.
It allows the Controller in an NY-series Industrial PC to limit the access to any machine network in
which a Controller exists via the internal port, based on a condition predefined by the user.
The function checks the IP packets received by the internal port of the Controller through the internal
communications network. It determines whether they can pass through the internal port based on a
user-specified condition.
By default, IP packets from only networks whose source IP address is set to the IP address of the
internal port will be received; otherwise, IP packets will be relayed to another network.
NY-series Industrial PC

Controller Internal Windows

EtherNet/IP Delay

Built-in EtherNet/IP port Internal port

Ethernet port

 NAT Function
This function converts the source IP address in IP packets to a different IP address when relaying IP
packets from one network to another.
Enabling the NAT function allows the built-in EtherNet/IP port to automatically convert the source IP
address in IP packets to its IP address.
You can disable the NAT function if there is no need to convert the source IP address in IP packets.
Converts IP address
NY-series Industrial PC

Controller Internal Windows

EtherNet/IP Delay

Built-in EtherNet/IP port Internal port Ethernet port

1-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

Communications Services
1-4-4 BOOTP Client

1-4 Introduction to
You set the built-in EtherNet/IP port in the BOOTP settings to use the BOOTP client to obtain settings,
such as the built-in EtherNet/IP port IP address.
BOOTP server

BOOTP command Ethernet
Built-in Built-in

1-4-4 BOOTP Client

IP address EtherNet/IP port EtherNet/IP port

BOOTP client
The built-in EtherNet/IP port IP address is obtained
from the BOOTP server when the power is turned ON.

1-4-5 FTP Server

An FTP server is built into the built-in EtherNet/IP port so that files can be read from and written to the
Virtual SD Memory Card in the Controller from computers at other Ethernet nodes. This makes it possi-
ble to exchange data files between a computer and the Controller with the computer as the FTP client
and the Controller as the FTP server.

(FTP client)


FTP command Built-in EtherNet/IP port

Virtual SD NY-series Controller


Computer to Controller Controller to Computer

File data File data

Virtual SD Virtual SD
Memory Memory
Card Card

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-17
1 Introduction

1-4-6 FTP Client

The built-in EtherNet/IP port contains an FTP client. With it, you can use FTP client communications
instructions to transfer files between the Controller and computers on Ethernet.
This makes it possible to exchange data files between a computer and the Controller with the Controller
as the FTP client and the computer as the FTP server.

(FTP sever)


File data Built-in EtherNet/IP port

Virtual SD NY-series Controller


Downloading Data Uploading Data

File data File data

Virtual SD Virtual SD
Memory Memory
Card Card

1-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

Communications Services
1-4-7 Socket Service

1-4 Introduction to
You can send data to and receive data from any node on Ethernet with the UDP or TCP protocol. To
send/receive data with a socket service, you execute multiple socket communications instructions in
sequence in an ST program to execute the required communications processes. After a connection
with the other communications device is opened with an open instruction, the values of the variables
that are specified for the send instruction are sent and the data that was received for a receive instruc-
tion is stored in the specified variables. The connection is closed with a close instruction, and communi-
cations end. For TCP, you can also read the socket status and received data. You can use a total of 16 1
TCP ports and UDP ports.

1-4-7 Socket Service

UNIX computer or
other node with socket
service interfaces

Built-in EtherNet/IP port


NY-series Controller

Communications processes are

performed with socket commu-
ST Programming nications instructions (for UDP).
SktUDPCreate(...) Open processing

SktUDPSend(...) Send processing


TCP/UDP SktUDPRcv(...) Receive processing

SktClose(...) Close processing

Built-in EtherNet/IP port Controller

1-4-8 Specifying Host Names

You can directly specify IP addresses, but you can also use the host names instead of the IP addresses
for SNMP managers, or the destinations of socket instructions and CIP communications instructions
(DNS client or hosts settings).
Example: Setting Host Names on the DNS Server
DNS server

IP address Ethernet

Host name

Built-in EtherNet/IP port


Precautions for Correct Use

A DNS server is required to use the server host names for the DNS client.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-19
1 Introduction

1-4-9 SNMP Agent

The SNMP agent has the following functions.

SNMP Agent
The SNMP agent passes internal status information from the built-in EtherNet/IP port to network man-
agement software that uses an SNMP manager.

Monitoring Ethernet/IP Devices


Built-in EtherNet/IP port


SNMP message

information Device that supports SNMP

SNMP agent SNMP agent SNMP agent

SNMP Traps
When specific conditions occur, the built-in EtherNet/IP port that is set as the SNMP agent sends
status notification reports to the SNMP manager. The SNMP manager can learn about changes in
status even without periodically monitoring of the built-in EtherNet/IP port. Status notification reports
are sent under the following conditions.
• When the Controller is turned ON
• When links are established
• When an SNMP agent fails to be authorized
SNMP manager

Trap turned ON.

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

SNMP agent

1-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

1-5 EtherNet/IP Communications

1-5 EtherNet/IP Communications

 Basic Operation
Section 2 Installing Ethernet
1 Wire the Ethernet network with twisted-pair cable. Networks

Section 4 Determining IP
2 Set the built-in EtherNet/IP port IP address with the Sysmac Studio. Addresses
1. Use the Sysmac Studio to create a new project.
2. Set the local IP address in one of the following ways:
• Defaults:
Built-in EtherNet/IP port 1 :
(subnet mask =
Internal port :
(subnet mask =

• Set any IP address.

• Obtain from BOOTP server.

3 Perform a communications test with a PING command from a com-

Section 6 Testing Communi-

4 Section 5 Sysmac Studio

Use the Sysmac Studio to set the initial settings of the EtherNet/IP Settings for the Built-in Eth-
Function Module. erNet/IP Port
Set the TCP/IP settings and Ethernet settings as required.

 Using Tag Data Links

1 Import the variable settings for the tags that were created on the
7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag
Sysmac Studio to the Network Configurator.

Section 7 Tag Data Link
2 Use the Network Configurator to create the tag data link table. Functions
• Create the network configuration.
• Set the tags, tag sets, and connections.

3 Connect the Network Configurator online.

4 Download the tag data link setting.

5 Start the tag data links (the links starts automatically when power is
turned ON).

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-21
1 Introduction

6 Check operation.
1-3-2 Part Names and Func-
• Check the built-in EtherNet/IP port indicators. Section 14 Checking Com-
• Use the Sysmac Studio to check the communications status with the All Tag munications Status of Net-
Data Link Communications Status system-defined variable. work and Troubleshooting
• Use the monitor function of the Network Configurator to confirm that the tag
data links are in normal operation.

 Using the CIP Message Communications Service

• CIP Communications Instructions
Section 8 CIP Message
1 Execute CIP communications instructions in the user program. Communications

2 Check operation.
1-3-2 Part Names and Func-
• Use the Sysmac Studio to check the communications status with the end codes Section 14 Checking Com-
of the instruction (Done, Error, and ErrorID). munications Status of Net-
work and Troubleshooting

 Using the Socket Services

1 Execute the socket service instructions in the user program.

Section 9 Socket Service

2 Check operation.
• Use the Sysmac Studio to check the communications status with the end codes
of the instruction (Done, Error, and ErrorID).

 Using the FTP Server

1 Use the Sysmac Studio to set the initial settings of the EtherNet/IP
Section 10 FTP Server
Function Module.
• Set the FTP settings (enabling FTP, login name, and password).

2 Connect to the FTP server in NY-series Controller from an FTP cli-

ent application.
• Input the FTP login name and password to log onto the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
• Check the event log to see if the FTP server started.

Precautions for Correct Use

To use the FTP server, you need to make the Virtual SD Memory Card settings in advance.
Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No.
W558) for information on making the Virtual SD Memory Card settings.

1-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction

1-5 EtherNet/IP Communications

 Using the FTP Client

1 Execute the FTP client communications instructions in the user pro-

Section 11 FTP Client


2 Check operation.
• Use the Sysmac Studio to check the communications status with the end codes 1
of the instruction (Done, Error, and ErrorID).

Precautions for Correct Use

To use the FTP client, you need to make the Virtual SD Memory Card settings in advance. Refer
to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No.
W558) for information on making the Virtual SD Memory Card settings.

 Using the SNMP Agent

1 Use the Sysmac Studio to set the initial settings of the EtherNet/IP
Section 12 SNMP Agent
Function Module.
• Set the SNMP settings.
• Set the SNMP trap settings.

2 Check operation.
• Check the event log to see if the SNMP agent started.

 Using BOOTP

1 Section 5 Sysmac Studio

Use the Sysmac Studio to set the initial settings of the EtherNet/IP Settings for the Built-in Eth-
Function Module. erNet/IP Port
• Set the BOOTP settings.

2 Check operation.
• Check the event log to see if BOOTP started.
• Check the Online system-defined variable.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-23
1 Introduction

1-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Installing Ethernet Networks

2-1 Selecting the Network Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2-1-1 Recommended Network Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2-1-2 Ethernet Switch Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-1-3 Ethernet Switch Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-1-4 Precautions for Ethernet Switch Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2-2 Network Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-2-1 Basic Installation Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-2-2 Recommended Network Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-2-3 Precautions When Laying Twisted-pair Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-2-4 Precautions When Installing and Connecting Ethernet Switches . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-3 Connecting to the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-3-1 Ethernet Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-3-2 Connecting the Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-1
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-1 Selecting the Network Devices

2-1-1 Recommended Network Devices

The following table shows the devices recommended for use with the EtherNet/IP.

 Ethernet Switches

Manufacturer Model Description

OMRON W4S1-03B • Packet priority control (QoS): EtherNet/IP control data priority
W4S1-05B • Failure detection: Broadcast storm, LSI error detection
W4S1-05C • 10/100Base-TX
• Auto negotiation
• Number of ports: three for the W4S1-03B, or five each for the
W4S1-05B and W4S1-05C
• Failure detection output (W4S1-05C only)
Cisco Systems, Inc. Consult the manufacturer.
CONTEC USA Inc. Consult the manufacturer.
Phoenix Contact USA Consult the manufacturer.

 Twisted-pair Cables and Connectors

Applicable EtherNet/IP communications cables and connectors vary depending on the used baud
rate. For 100Base-TX and 10Base-T, use an STP (shielded twisted-pair) cable of category 5 or
higher. You can use either a straight or cross cable. For 1000Base-T, use an STP (shielded twisted-
pair) cable (double shielding with aluminium tape and braiding) of category 5e or higher. You can
use either a straight or cross cable.
"100Base-TX" in the "Product" column of the table below indicates that either 100Base-TX or
10Base-T can be used.

Product Manufacturer Model

For 1000Base-T Sizes and conduc- Cables Hitachi Metals, Ltd. NETSTAR-C5E
and 100Base-TX tor pairs: AWG 24 × SAB 0.5 × 4P CP
4 pairs *1
Kuramo Electric Co., Ltd. KETH-SB
SWCC Showa Cable Sys- FAE-5004
tems Co. Ltd.
RJ45 Connectors Panduit Corporation MPS588
For 100Base-TX Sizes and conduc- Cables Kuramo Electric Co., Ltd. KETH-PSB-OMR
tor pairs: AWG 22 × JMACS Japan Co., Ltd PNET/B
2 pairs *1
RJ45 Assembly OMRON XS6G-T421-1

Sizes and conduc- Cables Fujikura Ltd. F-LINK-E 0.5mm ×

tor pairs: 0.5 mm × 4 4P
pairs *1 RJ45 Connectors Panduit Corporation MPS588
*1 We recommend that you use cables and connectors in above combinations.

2-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-1 Selecting the Network Devices

2-1-2 Ethernet Switch Types
 Unmanaged Layer 2 (L2) Ethernet Switches
These Ethernet switches use the Ethernet MAC address to switch ports. Ordinary Ethernet switches
have this function. Ethernet switch functions and settings cannot be changed.

 Managed Layer 2 (L2) Ethernet Switches

These Ethernet switches use the Ethernet MAC address to switch ports. Ethernet switch functions
and settings can be changed with special software tools for Ethernet switches running on a network
node. You can also collect analytical data. These Ethernet switches provide more-advanced func-
tions than unmanaged layer 2 Ethernet switches. 2

2-1-3 Ethernet Switch Functions

2-1-2 Ethernet Switch Types

This section describes the Ethernet switch functions that are important for an EtherNet/IP network. For
a built-in EtherNet/IP port, consider whether the Ethernet switch supports these functions when you
select the Ethernet switch.
• Multicast filtering
• QoS (Quality of Service) for TCP/UDP port numbers (L4)

 Multicast Filtering
Multicast filtering transfers multicast packets to the specific nodes only. This function is implemented
in the Ethernet switch as IGMP snooping or GMRP. “Specific nodes” are nodes equipped with an
IGMP client that have made transfer requests to the Ethernet switch. (OMRON built-in EtherNet/IP
ports are equipped with an IGMP client.) When the Ethernet switch does not use multicast filtering,
multicast packets are sent to all nodes, just like broadcast packets, which increases the traffic in the
network. Settings must be made in the Ethernet switch to enable this function. There must be
enough multicast filters for the network.

 QoS (Quality of Service) Function for TCP/UDP Port Numbers (L4)

This function controls the priority of packet transmissions so that packets can be sent with higher pri-
ority to a particular IP address or TCP (UDP) port. The TCP and UDP protocols are called transport
layer protocols, leading to the name L4 (layer 4) QoS function. When tag data links and message
communications are executed on the same network, tag data links can be sent at higher priority to
prevent problems such as transmission delays due to message communications traffic and packet
losses due to buffer overflow. Settings must be made in the Ethernet switch to enable this function
and give higher priority to tag data link packets.
Support for the above two functions is as follows for the different types of Ethernet switches.
Ethernet Switch Types Multicast filtering L4 QoS Remarks
Unmanaged L2 Ethernet None None ---
Managed L2 Ethernet Provided. Provided. Both functions must be set
switches with a special software tool.
OMRON W4S1-series None Provided. L4 QoS is set with a switch. No
Ethernet switches software tool is necessary.

Additional Information

If the Network Configurator is used to set the connection type in the connection settings to a mul-
ticast connection, multicast packets are used. If the connection type is set to a point-to-point con-
nection, multicast packets are not used.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-3
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-1-4 Precautions for Ethernet Switch Selection

The functions supported by the Ethernet switch may affect tag data link transmission delays and the
settings in the Controller configurations and setup. In addition, if the Ethernet switch supports advanced
functions, special settings are required for those functions. When you select an Ethernet switch, it is
necessary to consider whether to select the Ethernet switch based on the kind and amount of commu-
nications you want to execute in the network. Refer to the following precautions when you select an
Ethernet switch. Refer to 13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load to estimate the communications
load for tag data links.

Selecting the Ethernet Switch Based on the Types of Network

 Executing Tag Data Links Only
We recommend that you use an L2 Ethernet switch without multicast filtering or an L2 Ethernet
switch with multicast filtering. An L2 Ethernet switch with multicast filtering prevents increased traffic
due to unnecessary multicast packets, so the tag data links can operate at higher speed. If either of
the following conditions exists, the amount traffic will be the same for both kinds of L2 Ethernet
switches (with or without multicast filtering).
• The tag data links are set to share the same data with all nodes in the network. (The multicast
packets are transferred to all nodes in the network, just like a broadcast.)
• The tag data link settings are all one-to-one (unicast) and multicast packets cannot be used.
If multicast filters are being used, settings must be made in the Ethernet switch. There must be
enough multicast filters for the network being used.

 Executing Tag Data Links and Message Communications

We recommend an L2 Ethernet switch with multicast filtering and L4 QoS. If you set tag data links
for higher-priority transmission, it is possible to prevent problems such as transmission delays due
to message communications traffic and packet losses due to buffer overflow. You must make special
settings in the Ethernet switch when using the multicast filtering function and L4 QoS function.

2-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-1 Selecting the Network Devices

Selecting the Ethernet Switch Based on the Ethernet Switch’s
Supported Functions
 L2 Ethernet Switch without Multicast Filtering
We recommend this kind of Ethernet switch when only tag data links are executed and any of the
following conditions is met.
• The tag data links are set to share the same data with all nodes in the network. (The multicast
packets are transferred to all nodes in the network, just like a broadcast.)
• The tag data link settings are all one-to-one (unicast) and multicast packets cannot be used.
• There is little traffic in the tag data links.
No special settings are required for an L2 Ethernet switch without multicast filtering.

 L2 Ethernet Switch with Multicast Filtering

2-1-4 Precautions for Ethernet Switch Selection

We recommend this kind of Ethernet switch when only tag data links are executed and the following
condition is met.
• There are many 1:N links (where N represents some number of nodes in the network) in the tag
data link settings, i.e., there are many multicast packets used, or there is heavy traffic in the tag
data links.
Special settings are required for an L2 Ethernet switch with multicast filtering. There must be enough
multicast filters for the network.

 L3 Ethernet Switch with Multicast Filtering and L4 QoS Functions

We recommend this kind of Ethernet switch when both tag data links and message communications
are executed. If you set tag data links for higher-priority transmission, you can prevent problems
such as transmission delays due to message communications traffic and packet losses due to buffer
overflow. Special settings must be made in the Ethernet switch when using the multicast filtering
function and L4 QoS function. There must be enough multicast filters for the network.

Selecting the Ethernet Switch Based on the Network

Communication Speed
 Executing Tag Data Links at a Communication Speed Over 100 Mbps
If you will use data tag links with the following conditions, use an Ethernet switch with a multicast fil-
ter or an Ethernet switch that supports a communication speed of 1,000 Mbps.
• Multicast
• Communication speed over 100 Mbps
If there is an Ethernet device on the same network that communicates at a speed of 100 Mbps or
less, the device may affect tag data link communication and cause tag data links to be broken, even
if the device is not related to tag data link communication.

Precautions for Correct Use

• Ask the Ethernet switch manufacturer for setting procedures for the Ethernet switch.
• Install the Ethernet switch so that its environmental resistance specifications are not
exceeded. Ask the Ethernet switch manufacturer for information on the environmental resis-
tance of the Ethernet switch.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-5
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-2 Network Installation

2-2-1 Basic Installation Precautions

• Take the greatest care when you install the Ethernet System. Be sure to follow ISO 8802-3 specifica-
tions. Be sure you understand them before attempting to install an Ethernet System.
• Unless you are already experienced in installation of communications systems, we strongly recom-
mend that you employ a professional to install your system.
• Do not install Ethernet equipment near sources of noise. If a noisy environment is unavoidable, take
adequate measures against noise interference, such as installation of network components in metal
cases or the use of optical cable in the system.
• When using a shielded cable with the shields on both ends of the cable connected to connector
hoods, ground loops induced by improper grounding methods may decrease noise immunity and
cause device damage. To prevent ground loops caused by differences in potential between device
grounding points, the reference potential between the devices must be stabilized. Design grounding
appropriately so that noise current does not flow to ground lines between the devices. For grounding
methods, refer to the NY-series Industrial Box PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W556) or NY-
series Industrial Panel PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W557).
• To obtain information on laying EtherNet/IP cable, contact ODVA.
ODVA web site:
• When you install an EtherNet/IP network that combines an information network with the control sys-
tem, and the communications load may be heavy due to tag data links, we recommend that you set
up the network so that the load does not affect communications. For example, install the tag data
links in a segment that is separate from the information network.

2-2-2 Recommended Network Devices

Refer to 2-1 Selecting the Network Devices for the devices recommended for use with the built-in Eth-
erNet/IP port.

2-2-3 Precautions When Laying Twisted-pair Cable

Connecting the Shield to Connector Hoods

 Between an EtherNet/IP Port and an Ethernet Switch
Connect the shield to connector hoods as described below.

10Base-T 100Base-TX 1000Base-T

• Connect both ends Connect both ends
• Connect the Ethernet Switch side only. A clamp core
must be attached to the EtherNet/IP port side of the

• 10Base-T or 100Base-TX
Connect the cable shields to the connector hoods as described in either a) or b) below.
a) Connecting the shields at both ends of the cable
Connect the shields at both ends of the cables to connector hoods.

2-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

Ethernet switches
Connect shield to connector hood
GR Connector

2-2 Network Installation

NY-series Industrial PC
EtherNet/IP port
STP Connector

(Shield) FG

b) Connecting the shields on the Ethernet switch side only

2-2-3 Precautions When Laying Twisted-pair Cable

Connect only the shield at the end of the cable on the Ethernet switch side to the connector
hood.A clamp core must be attached at the end of the cable on the EtherNet/IP port side.
For the recommended clamp core and attachment method, refer to Recommended Clamp
Core and Attachment Method. To comply with EMC standards, it is mandatory that a clamp
core be attached when connecting the shield only to the connector hood on the Ethernet
switch side.

Ethernet switches
Connect shield to connector hood
Connector Do not connect shield to connector hood
NY-series Industrial PC
EtherNet/IP port
Clamp core
STP Connector

(Shield) FG

Additional Information

Noise immunity may be reduced and device damage may occur due to ground loops, which can
occur due to improper shield connections and grounding methods. When using a baud rate of
100 Mbps or less, it may be possible to alleviate this problem by connecting only the Ethernet
switch side as described in b), rather than connecting both ends as described in a).

• 1000Base-T
Connect the shields at the both ends of the cable to respective connector hoods. This connec-
tion is required with 1000Base-T to ensure compliance with EMC standards.

Ethernet switches
Connect shield to connector hood
GR Connector
NY-series Industrial PC
EtherNet/IP port

STP Connector

(Shield) FG

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-7
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

 Between two Ethernet switches

Regardless of which baud rate is used, check with the Ethernet switch manufacturers for information
about installing the network between Ethernet switches, and in particular whether or not it is neces-
sary to connect the cable shields to the connector hoods.

Other Precautions When Laying the Twisted-pair Cable

• Press the cable connector in firmly until it locks into place at both the Ethernet switch and the built-in
EtherNet/IP port.
• Do not lay the twisted-pair cable together with high-voltage lines.
• Do not lay the twisted-pair cable near devices that generate noise.
• Do not lay the twisted-pair cable in locations subject to high temperatures or high humidity.
• Do not lay the twisted-pair cable in locations subject to excessive dirt and dust or to oil mist or other

Recommended Clamp Core and Attachment Method

If you connect a shielded cable with only the Ethernet switch side connected to the connector hood, you
must attach a clamp core on the built-in EtherNet/IP port side. The recommended clamp core and
attachment method are given below.

 Recommended clamp core

Manufacturer Product Model

NEC TOKIN Clamp core ESD-SR-250

ESD-SR-250 dimensions

13 dia. max.
31.5 38.0

 Recommended attachment method

(1) Attaching a clamp core to a communications cable

Make two loops with the cable

as shown.

(2) Attaching a communications cable

port on Attach close to the cable
NY-series connection as shown.

2-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-2-4 Precautions When Installing and Connecting Ethernet Switches

2-2 Network Installation

Precautions When Installing Ethernet Switches
• Do not ground the Ethernet switch in the same location as a drive-system component, such as an
• Always use a dedicated power supply for the Ethernet switch’s power supply. Do not use the same
power supply for other equipment, such as an I/O power supply, motor power supply, or control
power supply.
• Before installation, check the Ethernet switch’s environmental resistance specifications, and use an
Ethernet switch that is appropriate for the ambient conditions. Contact the Ethernet switch manufac- 2
turer for details on Ethernet switch’s environmental resistance specifications.

2-2-4 Precautions When Installing and Connecting Ethernet Switches

Ethernet Switch Connection Methods
• To connect Ethernet switches with twisted-pair cables, observe the followings:
Connect an MDI port to an MDI-X port with a straight cable.
Connect two MDI ports or two MDI-X ports with a cross cable.
Note It is very difficult to distinguish cross cables and straight cables by appearance. Incorrect cables will cause
communications to fail. We recommend cascade connections with straight cables whenever possible.
MDI port
MDI-X port (cross)
Straight cable
Ethernet switch Cross cable

Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet

switch switch switch

• Some Ethernet switches can automatically distinguish between MDI and MDI-X. When this kind of
Ethernet switch is used, straight cable can be used between Ethernet switches.

Precautions for Correct Use

Adjust the built-in EtherNet/IP port’s link settings to match the communications settings of the
connected Ethernet switch. If the settings do not match, the link will be unstable and prevent nor-
mal communications. The following table shows the allowed settings for each Ethernet switch
communications mode. (Auto-Nego: Auto negotiation, Full: Full duplex, Half: Half duplex)
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
Ethernet switch Auto- 10 Mbps (fixed) 100 Mbps (fixed) Mbps
Nego (fixed)
Full Half Full Half Full
Auto-Nego Best --- OK --- OK ---
10 Mbps (fixed) Full --- OK --- --- --- ---
Half OK --- OK --- --- ---
100 Mbps (fixed) Full --- --- --- OK --- ---
Half OK --- --- --- OK ---
1,000 Mbps (fixed) Full --- --- --- --- --- Best

Best = Recommended; OK = Allowed; --- = Not allowed.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-9
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-3 Connecting to the Network

2-3-1 Ethernet Connectors

The following standards and specifications apply to the connectors for the Ethernet twisted-pair cable.
• Electrical specifications: Conforming to IEEE 802.3 standards.
• Connector structure: RJ45 8-pin Modular Connector (conforming to ISO 8877)
• For information on connecting shield wire to connector hoods, refer to 2-1-2 Ethernet Switch Types.

10Base-T and 100Base-TX

Signal direc-
Connector pin Signal name Abbr.
1 Transmission data + TD+ Output
2 Transmission data – TD− Output
3 Reception data + RD+ Input
4 Not used. --- ---
5 Not used. --- ---
6 Reception data – RD− Input
7 Not used. --- ---
8 Not used. --- ---


Signal direc-
Connector pin Signal name Abbr.
1 Communication data DA+ BI_DA+ Input/output
2 Communication data DA− BI_DA− Input/output
3 Communication data DB+ BI_DB+ Input/output
4 Communication data DC+ BI_DC+ Input/output
5 Communication data DC− BI_DC− Input/output
6 Communication data DB− BI_DB− Input/output
7 Communication data DD+ BI_DD+ Input/output
8 Communication data DD− BI_DD− Input/output

2-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-3-2 Connecting the Cable

2-3 Connecting to the Network

Precautions for Correct Use
• Turn OFF the Controller's power supply before connecting or disconnecting Ethernet commu-
nications cable.
• Allow extra space for the bending radius of the communications cable. For the CPU Unit
dimensions when the communications cable is connected to the Unit, refer to the NY-series
Industrial Box PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W556) or NY-series Industrial Panel PC
Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W557). The required space depends on the communica-
tions cable and connector that are used. Consult the manufacturer or sales agent.
1 Lay the twisted-pair cable.
2 Connect the cable to the Ethernet switch.

2-3-2 Connecting the Cable

3 Connect the twisted-pair cable to the connector on the built-in EtherNet/IP port. Be sure to press the
connectors (both the Ethernet switch side and Ethernet side) until they lock into place.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-11
2 Installing Ethernet Networks

2-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
System-defined Variables Related
to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-1 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port . . . . . . 3-2

3-2 System-defined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-3 Specifications for Individual System-defined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-1
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-1 System-defined Variables Related to

the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
You can use the system-defined variables that are provided for the built-in EtherNet/IP port in programs
to check the status of the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

 Checking for Errors in the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

You can check for built-in EtherNet/IP port errors, internal port errors, Sysmac Studio setting errors,
Network Configurator setting errors, TCP application errors (e.g., FTP or SNMP), etc. The following
hierarchy is used. The system gives the error status at each level by logically ORing the error status
information in the next lower level.
_EIP_ErrSta Error status variable for EtherNet/IP Function Module

Error status variable for

communications port

_EIP_MacAdrErr MAC Address Error

_EIP_LanHwErr Communications Controller Error
_EIP_IPAdrDupErr*1 IP Address Duplication Error
_EIP_EtnCfgErr Basic Ethernet Setting Error
_EIP_IPAdrCfgErr*1 IP Address Setting Error
_EIP_IPRTblErr IP Route Table Error
_EIP_BootpErr BOOTP Server Error
_EIP_DNSSrvErr DNS Server Connection Error
_EIP_DNSCfgErr DNS Setting Error

Error status variable for

CIP communications

_EIP_IdentityErr Identity Error

_EIP_TDLinkCfgErr Tag Data Link Setting Error
_EIP_TDLinkOpnErr Tag Data Link Connection Failed
_EIP_TDLinkErr Tag Data Link Communications Error
_EIP_MultiSwONErr Multiple Switches ON Error
_EIP_TagAdrErr Tag Name Resolution Error

Error status variable for

TCP application function

_EIP_TcpAppCfgErr TCP Application Setting Error

_EIP_NTPSrvErr NTP Server Connection Error
*1 Error status variables for errors related to NY-series Controllers are provided individually for communications
port 1 and internal port 1. Refer to Hierarchical Relationship of System-defined Variables Related to Ether-
Net/IP Errors in the NY-series Controller.

3-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-2 System-defined Variables

The variables are described in the tables as shown below.

3-2 System-defined Variables

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
This is the system- This is the mean- The function of the variable is described. The data The range of The page of
defined variable ing of the vari- type of the values that the the individual
name. The prefix able. variable is variable can system-
gives the category given. take is given. defined vari-
name. able specifi-
cations table
is given.

 Functional Classification: EtherNet/IP Communications Errors

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_ErrSta Built-in This is the error status variable for the WORD 16#0000 to page 3-13
EtherNet/IP Error built-in EtherNet/IP port. 16#00F0
NY-series Controllers: Represents the col-
lective status of the following error flags.
• _EIP1_PortErr (Communications Port1
• _EIPIn1_PortErr (Internal Port1 Error)
• _EIP_CipErr (CIP Communications
• _EIP_TcpAppErr (TCP Application
Communications Error)

Note Refer to information on the mean-

ings of the error status bits at the
end of this appendix for details.
_EIP_PortErr Communications Port This is the error status variable for the WORD 16#0000 to page 3-14
Error communications port. 16#00F0
NY-series Controllers: Represents the col-
lective status of the following error flags.
• _EIP1_MacAdrErr (Port1 MAC Address
• _EIP1_LanHwErr (Port1 Communications
Controller Error)
• _EIP1_EtnCfgErr (Port1 Basic Ethernet Set-
ting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr (Port1 IP Address Set-
ting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr (Port1 IP Address
Duplication Error)
• _EIP1_BootpErr (Port1 BOOTP Server
• _EIP_DNSCfgErr (DNS Setting Error)
• _EIP_DNSSrvErr (DNS Server Connec-
tion Error)
• _EIP_IPRTblErr (IP Route Table Error)

Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in

EtherNet/IP Processing Error
occurs, it is recorded in the event
log and then the corresponding bit
turns ON. Refer to information on
the meanings of the error status bits
at the end of this appendix for

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-3
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP1_PortErr Communications This is the error status variable for the WORD 16#0000 to page 3-14
Port1 Error communications port. 16#00F0
It represents the collective status of the
following error flags.
• _EIP1_MacAdrErr (Port1 MAC Address
• _EIP1_LanHwErr (Port1 Communications
Controller Error)
• _EIP1_EtnCfgErr (Port1 Basic Ethernet Set-
ting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr (Port1 IP Address Set-
ting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr (Port1 IP Address
Duplication Error)
• _EIP1_BootpErr (Port1 BOOTP Server
• _EIP_DNSCfgErr (DNS Setting Error)
• _EIP_DNSSrvErr (DNS Server Connection
• _EIP_IPRTblErr (IP Route Table Error)

Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in

EtherNet/IP Processing Error
occurs, it is recorded in the event
log and then the corresponding bit
turns ON.
Refer to information on the mean-
ings of the error status bits at the
end of this appendix for details.
_EIPIn1_PortErr Internal Port1 Error This is the error status variable for the WORD 16#0000 to page 3-15
internal port 1. 16#00F0
It represents the collective status of the
following error flags.
• _EIPIn1_IPAdrCfgErr (Internal Port1 IP
Address Setting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr (Internal Port1 IP
Address Duplication Error)
• _EIP_DNSCfgErr (DNS Setting Error)
• _EIP_DNSSrvErr (DNS Server Connec-
tion Error)
• _EIP_IPRTblErr (IP Route Table Error)

Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in

EtherNet/IP Processing Error
occurs, it is recorded in the event
log and then the corresponding bit
turns ON.
Refer to information on the mean-
ings of the error status bits at the
end of this appendix for details.
_EIP_CipErr CIP Communications This is the error status variable for CIP WORD 16#0000 to page 3-15
Error communications. 16#00F0

Note If a Tag Name Resolution Error

occurs, it is recorded in the event
log and this variable changes to
TRUE. Refer to information on the
meanings of the error status bits at
the end of this appendix for details.

3-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_TcpAppErr TCP Application This is the error status variable for TCP appli- WORD 16#0000 to page 3-15
Communications cation communications. 16#00F0
Error It represents the collective status of the
following error flags.

3-2 System-defined Variables

• _EIP_TcpAppCfgErr (TCP Application Set-
ting Error)
• _EIP_NTPSrvErr (NTP Server Connection

Note Refer to information on the mean-

ings of the error status bits at the
end of this appendix for details.
_EIP_MacAdrErr MAC Address Error NY-series Controller: Indicates that an BOOL TRUE or page 3-15
error occurred when the MAC address FALSE
was read on the communications port 1 at
TRUE: Error
FALSE: Normal
_EIP1_MacAdrErr Port1 MAC Address Indicates that an error occurred when the BOOL TRUE or page 3-16
Error MAC address was read on the communi- FALSE
cations port 1 at startup.
TRUE: Error
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_LanHwErr Communications Con- NY-series Controller: Indicates that a com- BOOL TRUE or page 3-16
troller Error munications controller failure occurred on FALSE
the communications port 1.
TRUE: Failure
FALSE: Normal
_EIP1_LanHwErr Port1 Communica- Indicates that a communications controller BOOL TRUE or page 3-16
tions Controller Error failure occurred on the communications FALSE
port 1.
TRUE: Failure
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_EtnCfgErr Basic Ethernet Setting NY-series Controller: Indicates that the BOOL TRUE or page 3-16
Error Ethernet communications speed setting FALSE
(Speed/Duplex) for the communications
port 1 is incorrect. Or, a read operation
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
_EIP1_EtnCfgErr Port1 Basic Ethernet Indicates that the Ethernet communica- BOOL TRUE or page 3-16
Setting Error tions speed setting (Speed/Duplex) for the FALSE
communications port 1 is incorrect. Or, a
read operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_IPAdrCfgErr IP Address Setting NY-series Controller: Indicates the IP BOOL TRUE or page 3-17
Error address setting errors for the communica- FALSE
tions port 1.
• There is an illegal IP address
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from
the BOOTP server is incon-
FALSE: Normal

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-5
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr Port1 IP Address Set- Indicates the IP address setting errors for BOOL TRUE or page 3-17
ting Error the communications port 1. FALSE
• There is an illegal IP address
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from
the BOOTP server is incon-
FALSE: Normal
_EIPIn1_IPAdrCfgErr Internal Port1 IP Indicates the IP address setting errors for BOOL TRUE or page 3-17
Address Setting Error the internal port 1. FALSE
• There is an illegal IP address
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from
the BOOTP server is incon-
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_IPAdrDupErr IP Address Duplica- NY-series Controller: Indicates that the BOOL TRUE or page 3-17
tion Error same IP address is assigned to more than FALSE
one node for the communications port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP1_IPAdrDupErr Port1 IP Address Indicates that the same IP address is BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
Duplication Error assigned to more than one node for the FALSE
communications port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIPIn1_IPAdrDupErr Internal Port1 IP Indicates that the same IP address is BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
Address Duplication assigned to more than one node for the FALSE
Error internal port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP_DNSCfgErr DNS Setting Error Indicates that the DNS or hosts settings BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
are incorrect. Or, a read operation failed. FALSE
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_BootpErr BOOTP Server Error NY-series Controller: Indicates that a BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
BOOTP server connection failure FALSE
occurred on the communications port 1.
TRUE: There was a failure to connect to
the BOOTP server (timeout).
FALSE: The BOOTP is not enabled, or
BOOTP is enabled and an IP
address was normally obtained
from the BOOTP server.
_EIP1_BootpErr Port1 BOOTP Server Indicates that a BOOTP server connection BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
Error failure occurred on the communications FALSE
port 1.
TRUE: There was a failure to connect to
the BOOTP server (timeout).
FALSE: The BOOTP is not enabled, or
BOOTP is enabled and an IP
address was normally obtained
from the BOOTP server.

3-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_IPRTblErr IP Route Table Error NY-series Controller: Indicates that the BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
default gateway settings or IP router table FALSE
settings are incorrect.
Or, a read operation failed.

3-2 System-defined Variables

TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_IdentityErr Identity Error NY-series Controller: Indicates that the BOOL TRUE or page 3-19
identity information for CIP communica- FALSE
tions 1 (which you cannot overwrite) is
incorrect. Or, a read operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_TDLinkCfgErr Tag Data Link Setting NY-series Controller: Indicates that the tag BOOL TRUE or page 3-19
Error data link settings for CIP communications FALSE
1 are incorrect. Or, a read operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed 3
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_TDLinkOpnErr Tag Data Link Con- NY-series Controller: Indicates that estab- BOOL TRUE or page 3-19
nection Failed lishing a tag data link connection for CIP FALSE
communications 1 failed.
TRUE: Establishing a tag data link con-
nection failed due to one of the
following causes.
• The information registered for
a target node in the tag data
link parameters is different
from the actual node informa-
• There was no response from
the remote node.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP_TDLinkErr Tag Data Link Com- NY-series Controller: Indicates that a time- BOOL TRUE or page 3-19
munications Error out occurred in a tag data link connection FALSE
for CIP communications 1.
TRUE: A timeout occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP_TagAdrErr Tag Name Resolution NY-series Controller: Indicates that tag BOOL TRUE or page 3-20
Error resolution for CIP communications 1 failed FALSE
(i.e., the address could not be identified
from the tag name).
TRUE: Tag resolution failed (i.e., the
address could not be identified
from the tag name). The follow-
ing causes are possible.
• The size of the network vari-
able is different from the tag
• The I/O direction that is set in
the tag data link settings does
not agree with the I/O direc-
tion of the variable in the Con-
• There is no network variable
in the Controller that corre-
sponds to the tag setting.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP_MultiSwONErr Multiple Switches ON NY-series Controller: Indicates that more BOOL TRUE or page 3-20
Error than one switch turned ON at the same FALSE
time in CIP communications 1.
TRUE: More than one data link start/stop
switch changed to TRUE at the
same time.
FALSE: Other than the above.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-7
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_TcpAppCfgErr TCP Application TRUE: At least one of the set values for a BOOL TRUE or page 3-20
Setting Error TCP application (FTP, NTP, FALSE
SNMP) is incorrect. Or, a read
operation failed.
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_NTPSrvErr NTP Server Connec- Always FALSE for an NY-series Control- BOOL TRUE or page 3-20
tion Error ler. FALSE
_EIP_DNSSrvErr DNS Server Connec- TRUE: The DNS client failed to connect to BOOL TRUE or page 3-20
tion Error the server (timeout). FALSE
FALSE: DNS is not enabled. Or, DNS is
enabled and the connection was

Additional Information

Hierarchical Relationship of System-defined Variables Related to EtherNet/IP Errors in the

NY-series Controller
The system-defined variables that are related to EtherNet/IP errors have the following hierarchi-
cal relationship. For example, if the value of any of the _EIP1_PortErr, _EIPIn1_PortErr, and
_EIP_TcpAppErr variables in the second level is TRUE, then the _EIP_ErrSta variable in the first
level also changes to TRUE. Therefore, you can check the values of system-defined variables in
a higher level to see if an error has occurred for a variable in a lower level.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Variable Name Variable Name Variable Name
_EIP_ErrSta Built-in _EIP1_Po Communi- _EIP1_MacAdrErr Port1 MAC Address Error
EtherNet/IP rtErr cations _EIP1_LanHwErr Port1 Communications Controller
Error Port1 Error
Error _EIP1_EtnCfgErr Port1 Basic Ethernet Setting Error
_EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr Port1 IP Address Setting Error
_EIP1_IPAdrDupErr Port1 IP Address Duplication Error
_EIP1_BootpErr Port1 BOOTP Server Error
_EIP_DNSCfgErr DNS Setting Error
_EIP_DNSSrvErr DNS Server Connection Error
_EIP_IPRTblErr IP Route Table Error
_EIPIn1_ Internal _EIPIn1_IPAdrCfgErr Internal Port1 IP Address Setting
PortErr Port1 Error
Error _EIPIn1_IPAdrDupErr Internal Port1 IP Address Duplication
_EIP_DNSCfgErr DNS Setting Error
_EIP_DNSSrvErr DNS Server Connection Error
_EIP_IPRTblErr IP Route Table Error
_EIP_Tc- TCP _EIP_TcpAppCfgErr (TCP Application Setting Error)
pAppErr Applica- _EIP_NTPSrvErr NTP Server Connection Error
tion Com-
ns Error
Note You can access the same values of the system-defined variables whose variable names with _EIP1
and the system-defined variables whose variable names with _EIP. For example, you can access the
same values of _EIP1_PortErr (Communications Port1 Error) and _EIP_PortErr (Communcations
Port Error).

3-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

 Meanings of Error Status Bits

Bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Meaning

3-2 System-defined Variables

15 Reserved)
14 Collective slave error status: This bit indicates if a Controller error was detected for levels (e.g., a Unit, slave,
axis, or axes group) that are lower than the event source (i.e., for a function module).
TRUE: A Controller error has occurred at a lower level.
FALSE: A Controller error has not occurred at a lower level.
(Valid for _MC_ErrSta, and _EC_ErrSta.)
8 to 13 Reserved.
7 This bit indicates whether a major fault level Controller error has occurred.
TRUE: A major fault level Controller error has occurred.
FALSE: A major fault level Controller error has not occurred.
6 This bit indicates whether a partial fault level Controller error has occurred. 3
TRUE: A partial fault level Controller error has occurred.
FALSE: A partial fault level Controller error has not occurred.
5 This bit indicates whether a minor fault level Controller error has occurred.
TRUE: A minor fault level Controller error has occurred.
FALSE: A minor fault level Controller error has not occurred.
4 This bit indicates whether an observation level Controller error has occurred.
TRUE: An observation level Controller error has occurred.
FALSE: An observation level Controller error has not occurred.
0 to 3 Reserved.

Note Bits 14 and 15 are never TRUE for the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

Precautions for Correct Use

Do not use _ErrSta (Controller Error Status) in the user program. There may be a delay in updat-
ing them and concurrency problems may occur with function module error status. Use this vari-
able only to access status through communications from an external device.

 Functional Classification: EtherNet/IP Communications Status

You can check the status of the built-in EtherNet/IP port (e.g., communications status).

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta Online NY-series Controller: Indicates that the BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications FALSE
can be used via the communications port
1 (that is, the link is ON, IP address is
defined, and there are no errors).
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications can be used.
FALSE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications is disabled due
to an error in initial processing,
restart processing, or link OFF

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-9
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP1_EtnOnlineSta Port1 Online Indicates that the built-in EtherNet/IP BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
port’s communications can be used via FALSE
the communications port 1 (that is, the link
is ON, IP address is defined, and there
are no errors).
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications can be used.
FALSE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications is disabled due
to an error in initial processing,
restart processing, or link OFF
_EIPIn1_EtnOnlin- Internal Port1 Online Indicates that the built-in EtherNet/IP BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
eSta port’s communications can be used via FALSE
the internal port 1 (that is, the link is ON,
IP address is defined, and there are no
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications can be used.
FALSE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications is disabled due
to an error in initial processing,
restart processing, or link OFF
_EIP_TDLinkRunSta Tag Data Link Com- NY-series Controller: Indicates that at BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
munications Status least one connection is in normal opera- FALSE
tion in CIP communications 1.
TRUE: Normal operation
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP_TDLinkAllRun- All Tag Data Link NY-series Controller: Indicates that all tag BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
Sta Communications Sta- data links are communicating in CIP com- FALSE
tus munications 1.
TRUE: Tag data links are communicating
in all connections as the origina-
FALSE: An error occurred in at least one
_EIP_RegTargetSta Registered Target NY-series Controller: Gives a list of nodes ARRAY TRUE or page 3-22
[255] Node Information for which built-in EtherNet/IP connections [0..255] OF FALSE
are registered for CIP communications 1. BOOL
This variable is valid only when the built-in
EtherNet/IP port is the originator.
Array[x] is TRUE:
The connection to the node with a tar-
get node ID of x is registered.
Array[x] is FALSE:
The connection to the node with a tar-
get node ID of x is not registered.
_EIP_EstbTargetSta Normal Target Node NY-series Controller: Gives a list of nodes ARRAY TRUE or page 3-22
[255] Information that have normally established Ether- [0..255] OF FALSE
Net/IP connections for CIP communica- BOOL
tions 1.
Array[x] is TRUE:
The connection to the node with a target
node ID of x was established normally.
Array[x] is FALSE:
The connection to the node with a tar-
get node ID of x was not established, or
an error occurred.

3-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_TargetPLC- Target PLC Operat- NY-series Controller: Shows the operating ARRAY TRUE or page 3-22
ModeSta [255] ing Mode status of the target node Controllers that [0..255] OF FALSE
are connected for CIP communications 1, BOOL
with the built-in EtherNet/IP port as the

3-2 System-defined Variables

The array elements are valid only when
the corresponding Normal Target Node
Information is TRUE. If the corresponding
Normal Target Node Information is
FALSE, the Target Node Controller Oper-
ating Information indicates the previous
operating status.
Array[x] is TRUE:
This is the operating state of the target
Controller with a node address of x.
Array[x] is FALSE:
Other than the above. 3
_EIP_TargetPLCErr Target PLC Error NY-series Controller: Shows the error sta- ARRAY TRUE or page 3-22
[255] Information tus (logical OR of fatal and non-fatal [0..255] OF FALSE
errors) of the target node Controllers that BOOL
are connected for CIP communications 1,
with the built-in EtherNet/IP ports as the
originator. The array elements are valid
only when the corresponding Normal Tar-
get Node Information is TRUE. The imme-
diately preceding value is retained if this
variable is FALSE.
Array[x] is TRUE:
A fatal or non-fatal error occurred in the
target Controller with a target node ID
of x.
Array[x] is FALSE:
Other than the above.
_EIP_TargetNodeErr Target Node Error NY-series Controller: Indicates that the ARRAY TRUE or page 3-23
[255] Information connection for the Registered Target [0..255] OF FALSE
Node Information for CIP communications BOOL
1 was not established or that an error
occurred in the target Controller.
The array elements are valid only when
the Registered Target Node Information is
Array[x] is TRUE:
A connection was not normally estab-
lished with the target node for a target
node ID of x
(the Registered Target Node Informa-
tion is TRUE and the Normal Target
Node Information is FALSE),
or a connection was established with
the target node but an error occurred in
the target Controller.
Array[x] is FALSE:
The target node is not registered for a
target node ID of x (the Registered Tar-
get Node Information is FALSE), or a
connection was normally established
with the target node (the Registered
Target Node Information is TRUE and
the Normal Target Node Information is
An error occurred in the target Control-
ler (the Target PLC Error Information is
_EIP_NTPResult NTP Operation Infor- --- _sNTP_ page 3-23
mation RESULT

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-11
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
.ExecTime NTP Last Operation NY-series Controller: No change from the DATE_AND_ Depends on page 3-23
Time initial value. TIME data type.
.ExecNormal NTP Operation Result NY-series Controller: No change from the BOOL TRUE or page 3-23
initial value. FALSE

Additional Information

Communications Status with Target Node

The communications status with the target node of an NY-series Controller is shown by the com-
bination of the values of four system-defined variables.
• _EIP_RegTargetSta (Registered Target Node Information)
• _EIP_EstbTargetSta (Normal Target Node Information)
• _EIP_TargetPLCErr (Target PLC Error Information)
• _EIP_TargetNodeErr (Target Node Error Information)

Value of Value of Value of Value of

Communications status with target
_EIP_RegTarget- _EIP_EstbTar- _EIP_Target- _EIP_Target-
Sta getSta PLCErr NodeErr
TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE A connection with the target node was
established normally and there is no error
in the target PLC.
TRUE TRUE A connection with the target node was
established but there is an error in the
target PLC.
FALSE Disabled TRUE A connection with the target node was
not established normally.
FALSE Disabled Disabled Disabled The information is not valid because the
target node is not registered.

 Functional Classification: EtherNet/IP Communications Switches

You can start and stop tag data links.

Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_TDLinkStart- Tag Data Link Com- NY-series Controller: Change this variable BOOL TRUE or page 3-23
Cmd munications Start to TRUE to start tag data links for CIP FALSE
Switch communications 1.
It automatically changes back to FALSE
after tag data link operation starts.

Note Do not force this switch to change

to FALSE from the user program or
from the Sysmac Studio. It changes
to FALSE automatically.
_EIP_TDLinkStop- Tag Data Link Com- NY-series Controller: Change this variable BOOL TRUE or page 3-23
Cmd munications Stop to TRUE to stop tag data links for CIP FALSE
Switch communications 1.
It automatically changes back to FALSE
after tag data link operation stops.

Note Do not force this switch to change

to FALSE from the user program or
from the Sysmac Studio. It changes
to FALSE automatically.

3-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-3 Specifications for Individual System-defined

3-3 Specifications for Individual System-
defined Variables
The specifications for each system-defined variable are given as described below.

Variable name This is the system-defined variable name. The prefix Members The member names are given for
gives the category name. structure variables.
Meaning This is the meaning of the variable. Global/local Global: Global variable, Local: Local

Function The function of the variable is described.
Data type The data type of the variable is given. Range of values The range of values that the vari-
able can take is given.
R/W access R: Read only, Retained The Retain attri- Network Publish The Network Publish attribute of the
RW: Read/write bute of the vari- variable is given. 3
able is given.
Usage in user program Whether you Related instruc- The instructions that are related to the variable are given.
can use the vari- tions If you cannot use the variable directly in the user program, the instructions
able directly in that access the variable are given.
the user pro-
gram is speci-

 Functional Classification: EtherNet/IP Communications Errors

Variable name _EIP_ErrSta

Meaning Built-in EtherNet/IP Error Global/local Global
Function This is the error status variable for the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
NY-series Controllers: Represents the collective status of the following error flags.
• _EIP1_PortErr (Communications Port1 Error)
• _EIPIn1_PortErr (Internal Port1 Error)
• _EIP_CipErr (CIP Communications Error)
• _EIP_TcpAppErr (TCP Application Communications Error)

Note Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status bits.
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related instruc- You can access this variable from the user program with the following
tions instruction.
• GetEIPError

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-13
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Variable name _EIP_PortErr

Meaning Communications Port Error Global/local Global
Function This is the error status variable for the communications port.
NY-series Controllers: Represents the collective status of the following error flags.
• _EIP1_MacAdrErr (Port1 MAC Address Error)
• _EIP1_LanHwErr (Port1 Communications Controller Error)
• _EIP1_EtnCfgErr (Port1 Basic Ethernet Setting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr (Port1 IP Address Setting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr (Port1 IP Address Duplication Error)
• _EIP1_BootpErr (Port1 BOOTP Server Error)
• _EIP_DNSCfgErr (DNS Setting Error)
• _EIP_DNSSrvErr (DNS Server Connection Error)
• _EIP_IPRTblErr (IP Route Table Error)

Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in EtherNet/IP Processing Error occurs, it is recorded in the event log and
then corresponding bit turns ON. Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related instruc- You can access this variable from the user program with the following
tions instruction.
• GetEIPError

Variable name _EIP1_PortErr

Meaning Communications Port1 Error Global/local Global
Function This is the error status variable for the communications port 1.
It represents the collective status of the following error flags.
• _EIP1_MacAdrErr (Port1 MAC Address Error)
• _EIP1_LanHwErr (Port1 Communications Controller Error)
• _EIP1_EtnCfgErr (Port1 Basic Ethernet Setting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr (Port1 IP Address Setting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr (Port1 IP Address Duplication Error)
• _EIP1_BootpErr (Port1 BOOTP Server Error)
• _EIP_DNSCfgErr (DNS Setting Error)
• _EIP_DNSSrvErr (DNS Server Connection Error)
• _EIP_IPRTblErr (IP Route Table Error)

Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in EtherNet/IP Processing Error occurs, it is recorded in the event log and
then corresponding bit turns ON. Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related instruc- You can access this variable from the user program with the following
tions instruction.
• GetEIPError

3-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-3 Specifications for Individual System-defined

Variable name _EIPIn1_PortErr
Meaning Internal Port1 Error Global/local Global
Function This is the error status variable for the internal port 1.
It represents the collective status of the following error flags.
• _EIPIn1_IPAdrCfgErr (Internal Port1 IP Address Setting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr (Internal Port1 IP Address Duplication Error)
• _EIP_DNSCfgErr (DNS Setting Error)
• _EIP_DNSSrvErr (DNS Server Connection Error)
• _EIP_IPRTblErr (IP Route Table Error)

Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in EtherNet/IP Processing Error occurs, it is recorded in the event log and
then corresponding bit turns ON. Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status

Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related You can access this variable from the user program with the following instruction.
gram instructions • GetEIPError 3
Variable name _EIP_CipErr
Meaning CIP Communications Error Global/local Global
Function This is the error status variable for CIP communications.
Note If a Tag Name Resolution Error occurs, it is recorded in the event log and this variable changes to TRUE.
Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status bits.
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related instruc- You can access this variable from the user program with the following
tions instruction.
• GetEIPError

Variable name _EIP_TcpAppErr

Meaning TCP Application Communications Error Global/local Global
Function This is the error status variable for TCP application communications.
It represents the collective status of the following error flags.
• _EIP_TcpAppCfgErr (TCP Application Setting Error)
• _EIP_NTPSrvErr (NTP Server Connection Error)

Note Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status bits.
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related You can access this variable from the user program with the following instruc-
instructions tion.
• GetEIPError

Variable name _EIP_MacAdrErr

Meaning MAC Address Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that an error occurred when the MAC address was read on the communications
port 1 at startup.
TRUE: Error
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-15
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Variable name _EIP1_MacAdrErr

Meaning Port1 MAC Address Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates that an error occurred when the MAC address was read on the communications port 1 at startup.
TRUE: Error
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

Variable name _EIP_LanHwErr

Meaning Communications Controller Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that a communications controller failure occurred on the communications port 1.
TRUE: Failure
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

Variable name _EIP1_LanHwErr

Meaning Port1 Communications Controller Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates that a communications controller failure occurred on the communications port 1.
TRUE: Failure
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

Variable name _EIP_EtnCfgErr

Meaning Basic Ethernet Setting Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that the Ethernet communications speed setting (Speed/Duplex) for the communi-
cations port 1 is incorrect. Or, a read operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

Variable name _EIP1_EtnCfgErr

Meaning Port1 Basic Ethernet Setting Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates that the Ethernet communications speed setting (Speed/Duplex) for the communications port 1 is incor-
rect. Or, a read operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

3-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-3 Specifications for Individual System-defined

Variable name _EIP_IPAdrCfgErr
Meaning IP Address Setting Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates the IP address setting errors for the communications port 1.
TRUE: • There is an illegal IP address setting.
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from the BOOTP server is inconsistent.
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

Variable name _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr
Meaning Port1 IP Address Setting Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates the IP address setting errors for the communications port 1.
TRUE: • There is an illegal IP address setting.
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from the BOOTP server is inconsistent.
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

Variable name _EIPIn1_IPAdrCfgErr

Meaning Internal Port1 IP Address Setting Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates the IP address setting errors for the internal port 1.
TRUE: • There is an illegal IP address setting.
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from the BOOTP server is inconsistent.
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_IPAdrDupErr

Meaning IP Address Duplication Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that the same IP address is assigned to more than one node for the communica-
tions port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-17
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Variable name _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr

Meaning Port1 IP Address Duplication Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates that the same IP address is assigned to more than one node for the communications port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---

Variable name _EIPIn1_IPAdrDupErr

Meaning Internal Port1 IP Address Duplication Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates that the same IP address is assigned to more than one node for the internal port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_DNSCfgErr

Meaning DNS Setting Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates that the DNS or hosts settings are incorrect. Or, a read operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_BootpErr

Meaning BOOTP Server Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that a BOOTP server connection failure occurred on the communications port 1.
TRUE: There was a failure to connect to the BOOTP server (timeout).
FALSE: The BOOTP is not enabled, or BOOTP is enabled and an IP address was normally obtained from the
BOOTP server.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP1_BootpErr

Meaning Port1 BOOTP Server Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates that a BOOTP server connection failure occurred on the communications port 1.
TRUE: There was a failure to connect to the BOOTP server (timeout).
FALSE: The BOOTP is not enabled, or BOOTP is enabled and an IP address was normally obtained from the
BOOTP server.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_IPRTblErr

Meaning IP Route Table Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that the default gateway settings or IP router table settings are incorrect. Or, a read
operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal

3-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-3 Specifications for Individual System-defined

Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_IdentityErr

Meaning Identity Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that the identity information for CIP communications 1 (which you cannot overwrite)
is incorrect. Or, a read operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE

R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TDLinkCfgErr

Meaning Tag Data Link Setting Error Global/local Global 3
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that the tag data link settings for CIP communications 1 are incorrect. Or, a read
operation failed.
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TDLinkOpnErr

Meaning Tag Data Link Connection Failed Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that establishing a tag data link connection for CIP communications 1 failed.
TRUE: Establishing a tag data link connection failed due to one of the following causes.
•The information registered for a target node in the tag data link parameters is different from the actual
node information.
•There was no response from the remote node.
FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TDLinkErr

Meaning Tag Data Link Communications Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that a timeout occurred in a tag data link connection for CIP communications 1.
TRUE: A timeout occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-19
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Variable name _EIP_TagAdrErr

Meaning Tag Name Resolution Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that tag resolution for CIP communications 1 failed (i.e., the address could not be identi-
fied from the tag name).
TRUE: Tag resolution failed (i.e., the address could not be identified from the tag name). The following causes are
•The size of the network variable is different from the tag settings.
•The I/O direction that is set in the tag data link settings does not agree with the I/O direction of the vari-
able in the Controller.
•There is no network variable in the Controller that corresponds to the tag setting.
FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_MultiSwONErr

Meaning Multiple Switches ON Error Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that more than one switch turned ON at the same time in CIP communications 1.
TRUE: More than one data link start/stop switch changed to TRUE at the same time.
FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TcpAppCfgErr

Meaning TCP Application Setting Error Global/local Global
Function TRUE: At least one of the set values for a TCP application (FTP, NTP, SNMP) is incorrect. Or, a read operation
FALSE: Normal.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_NTPSrvErr

Meaning NTP Server Connection Error Global/local Global
Function Always FALSE for an NY-series Controller.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_DNSSrvErr

Meaning DNS Server Connection Error Global/local Global
Function TRUE: The DNS client failed to connect to the server (timeout).
FALSE: DNS is not enabled. Or, DNS is enabled and the connection was successful.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

3-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-3 Specifications for Individual System-defined

 Functional Classification: EtherNet/IP Communications Status

Variable name _EIP_EtnOnlineSta

Meaning Online Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that the built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications can be used via the communications
port 1 (that is, the link is ON, IP address is defined, and there are no errors).
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications can be used.
FALSE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications is disabled due to an error in initial processing, restart pro-
cessing, or link OFF status.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---

gram instructions

Variable name _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta

Meaning Port1 Online Global/local Global
Function Indicates that the built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications can be used via the communications port 1 (that is, the link
is ON, IP address is defined, and there are no errors). 3
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications can be used.
FALSE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications is disabled due to an error in initial processing, restart pro-
cessing, or link OFF status.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta

Meaning Internal Port1 Online Global/local Global
Function Indicates that the built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications can be used via the internal port 1 (that is, the link is ON, IP
address is defined, and there are no errors.)
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications can be used.
FALSE: The communications of the built-in EtherNet/IP port’s internal port 1 is disabled due to an error in initial
processing, restart processing, or link OFF status.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TDLinkRunSta

Meaning Tag Data Link Communications Status Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that at least one connection is in normal operation in CIP communications 1.
TRUE: Normal operation
FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TDLinkAllRunSta

Meaning All Tag Data Link Communications Status Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that all tag data links are communicating in CIP communications 1.
TRUE: Tag data links are communicating in all connections as the originator.
FALSE: An error occurred in at least one connection.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-21
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Variable name _EIP_RegTargetSta [255]

Meaning Registered Target Node Information Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Gives a list of nodes for which built-in EtherNet/IP connections are registered for CIP commu-
nications 1.
This variable is valid only when the built-in EtherNet/IP port is the originator.
Array[x] is TRUE: The connection to the node with a target node ID of x is registered.
Array[x] is FALSE: The connection to the node with a target node ID of x is not registered.
Data type ARRAY [0..255] OF BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_EstbTargetSta [255]

Meaning Normal Target Node Information Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Gives a list of nodes that have normally established EtherNet/IP connections for CIP commu-
nications 1.
Array[x] is TRUE: The connection to the node with a target node ID of x was established normally.
Array[x] is FALSE: The connection to the node with a target node ID of x was not established, or an error occurred.
Data type ARRAY [0..255] OF BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TargetPLCModeSta [255]

Meaning Target PLC Operating Mode Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Shows the operating status of the target node Controllers that are connected for CIP commu-
nications 1, with the built-in EtherNet/IP port as the originator.
The array elements are valid only when the corresponding Normal Target Node Information is TRUE. If the corre-
sponding Normal Target Node Information is FALSE, the Target Node Controller Operating Information indicates
the previous operating status.
Array[x] is TRUE: This is the operating state of the target Controller with a node address of x.
Array[x] is FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type ARRAY [0..255] OF BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TargetPLCErr [255]

Meaning Target PLC Error Information Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Shows the error status (logical OR of fatal and non-fatal errors) of the target node Controllers
that are connected for CIP communications 1, with the built-in EtherNet/IP ports as the originator. The array ele-
ments are valid only when the corresponding Normal Target Node Information is TRUE. The immediately preced-
ing value is retained if this variable is FALSE.
Array[x] is TRUE: A fatal or non-fatal error occurred in the target Controller with a target node ID of x.
Array[x] is FALSE: Other than the above.
Data type ARRAY [0..255] OF BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

3-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-3 Specifications for Individual System-defined

Variable name _EIP_TargetNodeErr [255]
Meaning Target Node Error Information Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Indicates that the connection for the Registered Target Node Information for CIP communica-
tions 1 was not established or that an error occurred in the target Controller.
The array elements are valid only when the Registered Target Node Information is TRUE.
Array[x] is TRUE: A connection was not normally established with the target node for a target node ID of x (the Regis-
tered Target Node Information is TRUE and the Normal Target Node Information is FALSE), or a connection was
established with the target node but an error occurred in the target Controller.
Array[x] is FALSE: The target node is not registered for a target node ID of x (the Registered Target Node Informa-
tion is FALSE), or a connection was normally established with the target node (the Registered Target Node Infor-
mation is TRUE and the Normal Target Node Information is TRUE). An error occurred in the target Controller (the
Target PLC Error Information is TRUE).

Data type ARRAY [0..255] OF BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_NTPResult Member name .ExecTime 3

Meaning NTP Last Operation Time Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: No change from the initial value.
Data type Structure: _sNTP_RESULT Range of values Depends on data type.
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Not possible. Related You can read the contents of this variable with the GetNTPStatus instruction.
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_NTPResult Member name .ExecNormal

Meaning NTP Operation Result Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: No change from the initial value.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Not possible. Related You can read the contents of this variable with the GetNTPStatus instruction.
gram instructions

 Functional Classification: EtherNet/IP Communications Switches

Variable name _EIP_TDLinkStartCmd

Meaning Tag Data Link Communications Start Switch Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Change this variable to TRUE to start tag data links for CIP communications 1.
It automatically changes back to FALSE after tag data link operation starts.

Note Do not force this switch to change to FALSE from the user program or from the Sysmac Studio. It changes to
FALSE automatically.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R/W Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

Variable name _EIP_TDLinkStopCmd

Meaning Tag Data Link Communications Stop Switch Global/local Global
Function NY-series Controller: Change this variable to TRUE to stop tag data links for CIP communications 1.
It automatically changes back to FALSE after tag data link operation stops.

Note Do not force this switch to change to FALSE from the user program or from the Sysmac Studio. It changes to
FALSE automatically.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R/W Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-23
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

3-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Determining IP Addresses

4-1 IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

4-1-1 IP Address Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4-1-2 Allocating IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4-1-3 Subnet Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4-1-4 CIDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4-2 Controller IP Address Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4-2-1 Determining IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4-2-2 Setting IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4-2-3 Online Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4-2-4 Checking the Current IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4-3 Private and Global Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4-3-1 Private and Global Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-11
4-3-2 Using a Private Address for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
4-3-3 Using a Global Address for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-1
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-1 IP Addresses

4-1-1 IP Address Configuration

IP addresses are made up of 32 bits of binary data that specify the network number (net ID) and host
number (host ID). The network number identifies the network, and the host number identifies the node
(or host) on the network. IP addresses are divided into three classes, A, B, and C, so that the address
system can be selected according to the scale of the network. (Classes D and E are not used.)
Bit 31 23 0
Class A
0 Network ID (7 bits) Host ID (24 bits)

Bit 31 15 0
Class B 1 0 Network ID (14 bits) Host ID (16 bits)

Bit 31 7 0
Class C 1 1 0 Network ID (21 bits) Host ID (8 bits)

Bit 31 0
Class D 1 1 1 0 Multicast address (Cannot be used.)

Bit 31 0
Class E 1 1 1 1 Experimental address (Cannot be used.)

The number of networks in each class and the number of hosts possible on the network differ according
to the class.
Class Number of networks Number of hosts
Class A Small 224−2 max. (16,777,214 max.)
Class B Medium 216−2 max. (65,534 max.)
Class C Large 28−2 max. (254 max.)

The 32 bits of binary data in an IP address are divided into four sections of eight bits each. IP
addresses are represented by the decimal equivalent of each of the four octets in the 32-bit address,
each separated by a period.
For example, the binary address 10000010 00111010 00010001 00100000 would be represented as

4-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-1-2 Allocating IP Addresses

You must assign IP addresses nodes so that each IP address is assigned only once in the network or
between several networks.

4-1-3 Subnet Masks

Operation and management of a network can become very difficult if too many nodes are connected on
a single network. In such a case it can be helpful to configure the system so that a single network is
divided up into several subnetworks. Internally the network can be treated as a number of subnetworks,
but from the outside it acts as a single network and uses only a single network ID. To establish subnet-

4-1 IP Addresses
works, the host ID in the IP address is divided into a subnet ID and a host ID by using a setting called
the subnet mask. The subnet mask indicates which part of the host ID is to be used as the subnet ID.
All bits in the subnet mask that correspond to the bits in the IP address used either as the network ID or
subnet ID are set to “1,” and the remaining bits, which correspond to the bits in the IP address actually
used for the host ID, are set to “0.”
The following example shows the subnet mask for an 8-bit subnet ID used in class-B IP addresses.

Class B
Bit 31
1 0 Network number (14 bits)
Host number (16 bits)
Subnet mask 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FF FF FF 00

4-1-2 Allocating IP Addresses

Network ID Subnet ID Host ID

Set the same subnet mask for all of the nodes on that subnetwork. The built-in EtherNet/IP port sup-
ports CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing). The subnet mask can be set to to If subnetworks are not used, set the following subnet mask values for IP address
classes A to C.

Class Subnet mask

Class A
Class B
Class C

A network address is information derived from a subnet mask and used to identify each network. A net-
work address enables users to determine whether multiple nodes belong to the same network. A net-
work address is calculated by performing a logical AND operation on the IP address and subnet mask
of a node.
The following are examples of network address calculation.
In this example, the IP address of node 1 is set to, the IP address of node 2 is set to, and the subnet mask is set to The network addresses of the two nodes
are calculated as follows.
• Calculating network address of node 1

Item Decimal notation Binary notation

IP address 11000000.10101000.11111010.00010100
Subnet mask 11111111.11111111.11110000.00000000
Network address 11000000.10101000.11110000.00000000

• Calculating network address of node 2

Item Decimal notation Binary notation

IP address 11000000.10101000.11111010.00010100
Subnet mask 11111111.11111111.11110000.00000000
Network address 11000000.10101000.11110000.00000000

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-3
4 Determining IP Addresses

As shown in the above table, node 1 and node 2 have the same network address, which means these
nodes belong to the same network.

4-1-4 CIDR
CIDR, or classless interdomain routing, is used to assign IP addresses that do not use classes. IP
addresses that use classes are separated into blocks according to network IDs and host IDs, resulting
in inefficient usage of IP address space. CIDR does not use classes, so IP address space can be
divided as required to more efficiently use IP address space. For example, using a subnet mask setting
with CIDR enables building a horizontally distributed network exceeding 254 nodes even if a class C
address block (e.g., 192, 168...) is used.
Subnet Mask Range to

4-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-2 Controller IP Address Settings

4-2-1 Determining IP Addresses

4-2 Controller IP Address Settings

Use one of the following methods to set the IP address for the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the NY-series
Controller. The IP address for the internal port can be set only by using a user-specified address.

Setting a User-specified IP Address

If you need to change the default IP address of the built-in EtherNet/IP port or if you need to use the
built-in EtherNet/IP port with another EtherNet/IP node, set the IP address to the required value.
For an NX-series CPU Unit, you cannot set IP addresses that make two built-in EtherNet/IP ports
belong to the same network.

Automatically Obtaining the IP Address from the BOOTP Server

There are two methods to automatically obtain an IP address.
• Obtain the IP address from the BOOTP server each time the power is turned ON. 4
• Obtain the IP address from the BOOTP server once when the power is turned ON and then do not
allow it to change.

4-2-1 Determining IP Addresses

BOOTP server

BOOTP command Ethernet

NY-series Controller NJ/NX-series Controller

IP address

BOOTP client

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-5
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-2-2 Setting IP Addresses

Use the Sysmac Studio to set the IP addresses of the built-in EtherNet/IP port and the internal port.

Additional Information

You can also set these IP addresses by using the Industrial PC Support Utility, instead of the
Sysmac Studio.
Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Setup User’s Manual (Cat. No.
W568) for information on setting the IP addresses with the Industrial PC Support Utility.

1 Select the setting method for IP addresses.

Make the following settings on the TCP/IP Settings Display of the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Set-
tings Tab Page in the Controller Setup to set the local IP address.

Used to set a user-specified IP address.

Used to obtain the IP address from the BOOTP

server each time the power is turned ON.
Used to obtain the IP address from the BOOTP
server once and then not change it.

Precautions for Correct Use

You cannot set IP addresses that make the built-in EtherNet/IP port and the internal port belong
to the same network.

2 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the NY-series Controller via a USB connection or the Ethernet

3 Connect the Sysmac Studio online to the NY-series Controller. Refer to 4-2-3 Online Connection
for the procedure to connect online.

4 Use one of the following methods to download the IP addresses that were set on the Sysmac
Studio to the NY-series Controller.
• Go online with the Controller, and then select Synchronization from the Controller Menu.
The data on the computer and the data in the physical Controller are compared automatically.
• Click the Transfer to Controller Button.
Note Use the Synchronization Menu of the Sysmac Studio to upload and download data.

4-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses

5 After the IP address settings are downloaded, the IP address is reflected in the NY-series Con-
troller as follows:

Setting a User-specified IP Address

After the IP address settings are downloaded, the set IP address is automatically saved in the

Obtaining the IP Address from the BOOTP Server Each Time the Power Is Turned ON

4-2 Controller IP Address Settings

After the data is downloaded, the IP address from the BOOTP server is automatically saved in
the Controller. Each time the power supply is turned ON, the IP address from the BOOTP server
is automatically saved in the Controller.

Obtaining the IP Address from the BOOTP Server Once When the Power Is Turned ON
and Then Not Allow It to Change
After the I/O address is downloaded, the IP address from the BOOTP server is automatically
saved in the Controller and then the same address is used.

Additional Information

• The TCP/IP Settings Display is not updated even if the IP address is obtained normally from
the BOOTP server. To check the IP address that was obtained from the BOOTP server on the
TCP/IP Display, upload the project from the NY-series Controller.
• If you cannot obtain the IP address from the BOOTP server, the Fix at the IP address obtained

4-2-2 Setting IP Addresses

from BOOTP server Option is selected on the TCP/IP Display. Select Fixed Setting in the IP
Address Settings and manually set the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The
Controller will continue the request to obtain the IP address even if it fails to connect to the
BOOTP server.
• If the Controller power supply is turned ON when the IP address was not normally obtained
from the BOOTP server, the setting remains at Fix at the IP address obtained from BOOTP
• After the IP address is obtained from the BOOTP server, the built-in EtherNet/IP port IP
address setting is automatically set to Fixed setting. Therefore, the IP address will not match
when the program is verified on the Sysmac Studio.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-7
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-2-3 Online Connection

Connect the Sysmac Studio online to the Controller.

Types of Connections between the Controller and Computer That

Runs the Sysmac Studio
The Controller and the computer that runs Sysmac Studio are connected as shown below via USB or

Ethernet Connection
Direct Connection via Ethernet (1:1 Connection
Ethernet Connection via Hub (1: N Connection)
with AutoIP)


Note An Ethernet switch is required to connect. Refer

to 2-1-4 Precautions for Ethernet Switch Selec-
Note 1 An Ethernet switch is not necessarily required. tion for details.
2 You can use a straight or cross Ethernet cable
to connect.

Connection from USB Across Ethernet

Remote Connection via USB (1:N Connection)


Note 1 An NJ/NX-series Controller with a USB port is

required to connect.
2 An Ethernet switch is required to connect. Refer to
2-1-4 Precautions for Ethernet Switch Selection for

Additional Information

• Auto IP automatically assigns IP addresses in Windows 98 and later operating systems.

Unique IP addresses are automatically assigned from the address to
• If the IP address of the connected EtherNet/IP port is changed when the Sysmac Studio is
connected online via a built-in EtherNet/IP port, a timeout will occur in the Sysmac Studio. In
the case, switch the Sysmac Studio status to offline, change to the IP address of the con-
nected built-in EtherNet/IP port, and then switch back the Sysmac Studio status to online. This
will allow you to reconnect.

4-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses

Precautions for Correct Use

If there is more than one node with the same IP address in the EtherNet/IP network, the built-in
EtherNet/IP port will connect to the node that is detected first. An IP Address Duplication Error
will not occur.

4-2 Controller IP Address Settings

Online Connection Procedure
Connect the Controller and the computer that runs the Sysmac Studio via Ethernet, and then perform
the following procedure.

1 Select Controller - Communications Setup and click the OK Button in the Sysmac Studio
Project Window.
1:1 Connection 1:N Connection
Direct Connection Ethernet Connection

·Direct connection via Ethernet ·Remote connection via USB

4-2-3 Online Connection

EtherNet/IP Connection

·Ethernet connection via hub

Additional Information

If there is an error in the set IP address, an IP Address Setting Error is recorded in the event log.

Precautions for Correct Use

• If the IP address is duplicated or not set correctly, communications are not possible via the
EtherNet/IP network.
• The IP address range shown below is used by the system and cannot be specified. to to
• Due to Ethernet restrictions, you cannot specify the IP addresses that are described below.
• An IP address that is all 0’s or all 1’s
• IP addresses that start with 127, 0, or 255 (decimal)
• IP addresses that have a host ID that is all 0’s or all 1’s
• Class-D IP addresses ( to
• Class-E IP addresses ( to

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-9
4 Determining IP Addresses

Connecting from a Saved Project

The connection configuration that is set (EtherNet/IP) is saved in the project. (The file is xxx.smc.) If
you open a saved project on the Sysmac Studio, you can connect to the EtherNet/IP network without
redoing the settings.

4-2-4 Checking the Current IP Address

The current IP address can be confirmed in the Controller Status Pane of the Sysmac Studio either
when it is set manually or obtained from the BOOTP server.

• Basic Controller Status Pane • Controller Status Pane with Details

Additional Information

• If you obtain the IP address from the BOOTP server, you can check the obtained IP address
by synchronizing and uploading the controller settings from the Sysmac Studio.
• If the IP address of the built-in EtherNet/IP port is not registered due to the following reasons,
the IP address field shows “”.
• The IP address was not obtained from the BOOTP server.

4-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-3 Private and Global Addresses

4-3-1 Private and Global Addresses

There are two kinds of IP addresses, private and global.

4-3 Private and Global Addresses

IP address Description
Global address These are IP addresses that connect directly to the Internet.
Allocated by application to NIC, each address is unique in
the world, and as many as 4.3 billion can be allocated world-
Private address These are IP addresses for Intranet (LAN) use. Direct con-
nection to the Internet is not possible. Frames that include
private IP addresses are restricted by the router from being
sent outside the LAN.

Generally, as shown below, global addresses in the intranet are allocated only to IP routers (such as
broadband routers) interfaced with the Internet. All other nodes in the intranet, which includes the built-
in EtherNet/ IP port, are allocated private addresses.


4-3-1 Private and Global Addresses

Personal computer
(e.g., Sysmac Studio)

Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)

Firewall Controller

Private address
IP router
Private address

Cannot connect to Internet

Internet Global address (required)

Intranet Cannot connect to Internet

Global address
IP router Private address
Private address Personal computer
(e.g., Sysmac Studio)

Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)

Controller Controller

Private address Private address

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-11
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-3-2 Using a Private Address for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

CIP client on a Explicit message
computer, such as
Sysmac Studio or
Network Configurator

Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)

Communications in intranet
IP router
Built-in EtherNet/IP port: Private address


Explicit message
IP router CIP client on a computer,
such as Sysmac Studio
or Network Configurator
Communications in intranet

Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)

Controller Controller

Communications in

Built-in EtherNet/IP port: Private address Built-in EtherNet/IP port: Private address

 Conditions for Communications Applications

If the built-in EtherNet/IP port uses a private address, you can use explicit message communica-
tions service under the following conditions.
• The explicit message communications service can be executed on the intranet between built-in
EtherNet/IP ports with private addresses only.
• A device such as a personal computer (CIP applications including the Network Configurator) can-
not connect online and communicate over the Internet with a built-in EtherNet/IP port that has a
private address. Explicit message communications are also not possible over the Internet
between built-in EtherNet/IP ports with private addresses.

Precautions for Correct Use

Network Security and Firewalls
To set up an intranet through a global address involves network security considerations. Be sure
to consult with a network specialist in advance and consider installation of a firewall. After a fire-
wall has been set up by a communications company technician, there may be some applications
that cannot be used. Be sure to check first with the communications company technician.

4-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-3-3 Using a Global Address for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port


CIP client on a computer,

such as Network

4-3 Private and Global Addresses

Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)

Communications Firewall
over Internet
Private address
IP router

Cannot connect to Internet

Internet Global address (required)

Intranet Cannot connect to Internet

Global address
IP router Private address
Private address


Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)

4-3-3 Using a Global Address for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Communications Controller
in intranet

Built-in EtherNet/IP port: Global address

 Conditions for Communications Applications

You can use the explicit message communications service over the Internet under the following con-
• A device such as a personal computer (a CIP application including the Network Configurator) can
connect online and communicate over the Internet with a built-in EtherNet/IP port that has a global
• The TCP port number (44818) or UDP port number (44818) that is used for EtherNet/IP cannot be
used because it is prohibited by a firewall in the communications path.

Precautions for Correct Use

Network Security and Firewalls
To set a global IP address for a built-in EtherNet/IP port involves network security consider-
ations. It is recommended that the user contract with a communications company for a dedicated
line, rather than for a general line such as a broadband line. Also, be sure to consult with a net-
work specialist and consider security measures such as a firewall. After a firewall has been set
up by a communications technician, there may be some applications that cannot be used. Be
sure to check first with the communications technician.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-13
4 Determining IP Addresses

4-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Sysmac Studio Settings for the
Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

5-2 Link Settings Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 5
5-3 FTP Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
5-4 SNMP Settings Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5-5 SNMP Trap Settings Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5-6 CIP Settings Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-1
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display

 IP Address - EtherNet/IP Port

Setting Description Default

IP address setting Select one of the following IP address setting methods for Fixed setting
method the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
• Fixed setting
• Obtain from BOOTP server.
• Fix at the IP address obtained from BOOTP server.
IP address*2 Set the IP address for the built-in EtherNet/IP port.*3 Built-in EtherNet/IP port
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
Subnet mask*2 Set the subnet mask for the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

*1 These settings are required if you set IP address setting method to Fixed setting.
*2 Refer to 4-2 Controller IP Address Settings for details on setting IP addresses.

 IP Address - Internal Port

Setting Description Default

IP address Set the IP address for the internal port.*1

Subnet mask *1 Set the subnet mask for the internal port.

*1 Refer to 2-1-4 Precautions for Ethernet Switch Selection for details on setting IP addresses.

Precautions for Correct Use

You cannot set IP addresses that make the built-in EtherNet/IP port and the internal port belong
to the same network.

5-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port


Setting Description Default

DNS Enable using DNS if a DNS is used to resolve host names Do not use.
when host names are specified for the remote communica-
tions nodes in CIP communications and socket instructions.
A DNS server is required to use DNS.
Priority DNS server*1 Set the IP address of the DNS server. You can set priority None
and secondary IP addresses.
Secondary DNS server None
Domain name*1 Sets the domain name of the domain to which the built-in None
EtherNet/IP port belongs. (Single-byte alphanumeric char-
acters, dots, and hyphens: 48 characters max.)

5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display

*1 These settings are required when DNS is used.

 Host Name - IP Address

Setting Description Default

Host Name Addresses are converted according to this setting when None
host names are used to specify remote communications
They can be set even if DNS is not used. You can set up to
six host names. (You can use up to 200 single-byte alpha-
numeric characters, dots, and hyphens with up to 63 single- 5
byte alphanumeric characters between dots.)
IP Address Set the IP addresses of the registered hosts. None

 Keep Alive

Setting Description Default

Keep Alive Set whether to use the remote node keep alive function of Use.
connected servers and clients (such as socket services,
FTP server, Sysmac Studio, and TCP). If the keep-alive
function is used and the remote node does not respond
during the set keep-alive monitoring time, the connection is
disconnected. The connection is left open if the power sup-
ply to the remote node is turned OFF without warning. Use
the keep-alive function whenever possible.
• Use.
• Do not use.
Keep Alive Monitoring The connection is disconnected if the keep-alive function is 300
Time used and the remote node does not respond during the
monitoring time set in the Keep Alive Monitoring Setting.
Setting range: 1 to 65,535 (seconds)
Linger option Set whether to specify the Linger Option for connections to Do not specify.
TCP or socket services. If the Linger Option is specified,
the port number is immediately opened even before the
port number is released after the socket closes (approx. 1
• Specify.
• Do not specify.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-3
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

 Default Gateway

Setting Description Default

Default gateway Set the IP address of the default gateway for the built-in None
EtherNet/IP port. This setting is not required when the
default gateway is not used.*1

*1 Even if you select Fixed setting for both EtherNet/IP port and internal port, you can only set the default gate-
way for one of the ports.

 IP Router Table

Parameter Description Default

Destination IP address Set these settings when the built-in EtherNet/IP port is used None
Destination mask IP for tag data links or CIP message communications with
address nodes on other IP network segments via an IP router. Set
them also to use the IP routing function of the built-in Ether-
Gateway address Net/IP port as an IP router. None
You can set up to 128 combinations of IP addresses and
gateway addresses.
Specify 0 for the host portions of the IP addresses.

Additional Information

IP Router Table Setting Example

To enable the Controller in an NY-series Industrial PC to perform Ethernet communications with
node B to send a CIP message etc. through an IP router, set the IP router table of the Controller
as follows.
When you set the IP router table, Controller sends packets to the gateway IP address
( if communications instructions are executed on Controller and addressed to
node B.
NY-series Industrial PC

130. 25. XX. XX 130. 26. XX. XX

Internal port Internal port Built-in Node B
EtherNet/IP port
Windows Controller IP router or NX-series Controller

The host fields are set to 0 in the destination IP address.

On the other hand, for Windows in an NY-series Industrial PC to perform Ethernet communica-
tions with node B to send a CIP message etc. through the Controller in an NY-series Industrial
PC and an IP router, you need to set the default gateway and other settings for IP routing in Win-
dows, in addition to the IP router table of the Controller.

5-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

 Port Forward

Setting Description Default

IP Forward Specify whether to relay IP packets between the built-in Ether- Use
Net/IP port and the internal port on the Controller.
NAT Specify whether to convert the source IP address to the IP Use
address for the built-in EtherNet/IP port if packets from Windows
are relayed via the internal port to a network on the built-in Ether-
Net/IP port side.

 Packet Filter

Setting Description Default

5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display

Packet Filter Specify whether to set conditions for the IP packets received by the Use*1
internal port.
Pass Frame Specify the conditions for the IP packets permitted to be received ---
by the internal port by setting the items shown below. You can set a
maximum of 32 conditions for the IP packets permitted to be
This setting is valid only if you set Packet Filter to Use.
Specification Select from the following the specification method for the IP pack- Interface net-
method ets permitted to be received. work
• IP address specification*2 5
• any
• Interface network*3
IP address*4 Set the IP address for which you permit reception. None

Subnet mask*4 Set the subnet mask for which you permit reception. None
Protocol Select any, tcp, udp, igmp, or icmp. any
Range specifica- If you set Protocol to tcp or udp, specify whether to set a range of No check
tion port numbers for which you permit reception.
• Selected
Range specification is enabled. Specify a range by setting the
items Port A and Port B.
• No check
Range specification is disabled. Set an individual port number in
the item Port A.
Port A Set the starting IP address of the range for which you permit recep- None
Port B Set the ending IP address of the range for which you permit recep- None
tion. You need to set this only if you selected Range specification.

*1 By default, only the reception of IP packets transmitted from a network to which the internal port belongs (on
the Windows side) is permitted.
*2 Specify the IP address by setting the items IP address and Subnet mask.
*3 This indicates a network to which the IP address for the internal port belongs. Unlike IP address specification,
you do not need to change this setting even if you change the IP address for the internal port after setting this.
*4 You need to set this item only if you set Specification method to IP address specification.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-5
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

5-2 Link Settings Display

 LINK settings - EtherNet/IP Port

Set for each built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Setting Description Default
LINK settings Set the baud rate for the built-in EtherNet/IP port. Auto
• Auto
• 10 Mbps Half Duplex
• 10 Mbps Full Duplex
• 100 Mbps Half Duplex
• 100 Mbps Full Duplex
• 1000 Mbps Full Duplex

5-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

5-3 FTP Display

5-3 FTP Display

Setting Description Default
FTP server Specify whether to use the FTP server. FTP connections Do not use.
from external devices will not be possible if the Do not use
Option is selected.
Port No.*1*3 Set the FTP port number of the built-in EtherNet/IP port. It 21
is normally not necessary to change this setting. The FTP
control port is set here. The FTP data transfer port is
always port 20.
Login name*1 Set the login name to externally connect to the built-in Eth- None
erNet/IP port via FTP. (You can use up to 12 alphanumeric
Password*1 Set the password to externally connect to the built-in Ether- None
Net/IP port via FTP. (You can use 8 to 32 alphanumeric

*1 These settings are required to use the FTP server.

*2 The login name and password are case sensitive.
*3 The following ports are used by the system and cannot be set by the user: 20, 23, 25, 80, 110, 9610, 9900, and

Additional Information

Refer to Section 10 FTP Server for details on the FTP server.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-7
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

5-4 SNMP Settings Display

 SNMP Service
Setting Description Default
SNMP service Specify whether to use the SNMP monitor service.*1 Do not use.
If not using the SNMP monitor service is specified, an
SNMP manager cannot connect from an external
Port No.*2 Set the port number to use to connect to the SMTP 161
server that is used to connect from an SNMP man-
ager. This setting does not normally need to be
Address Set the communications device administrator name None
Location and installation location as text information. You do not None
necessarily have to input all items. This information is
read by the SNMP manager. (You can input up to 255
single-byte alphanumeric characters for each item.)
Send a recognition trap Set whether to send an authentication trap. If you Do not use.
select Send a recognition trap and there is access
from an SNMP manager that is not set in Recognition
1 or Recognition 2, an authentication trap is sent to the
SNMP manager. If you select Send a recognition trap,
specify the SNMP trap settings on the SNMP Trap Tab

*1 If you specify to use the SNMP trap, you also have to set the recognition 1 and 2 as described below.
*2 The following ports are used by the system and cannot be set by the user: 25, 53, 68, 110, 2222, 2223, 2224,
9600, and 44818.

Additional Information

Refer to Section 12 SNMP Agent for details on the SNMP service.

5-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

 Recognition 1
Setting Description Default
Recognition method Set the method to use to specify SNMP managers for which IP address
access is permitted.
• IP address
• Host name
Make these settings to permit access by only certain SNMP
managers. Access is not allowed unless an IP address or host
name is set.
IP address Set the IP address of the SNMP manager. If the default setting None
of is used, access is permitted from all SNMP manag-
ers. (Set this setting if the recognition method in the recognition
1 settings is set to the IP address Option.)

5-4 SNMP Settings Display

Host name Set the host name of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the recognition method in the recognition 1 settings is set to
the Host name Option.) (You can use up to 200 single-byte
alphanumeric characters, dots, and hyphens with up to 63 sin-
gle-byte alphanumeric characters between dots.)
Community name Set the community name to enable the SNMP manager to public
access information from the built-in EtherNet/IP port. (Single-
byte alphanumeric characters, dots, and hyphens: 255 charac-
ters max.)

 Recognition 2
Setting Description Default
Recognition 2 Specify whether to use the recognition 2 settings. Do not use.
• Use.
• Do not use.
Recognition method Set the method to use to specify SNMP managers for which IP address
access is permitted.
• IP address
• Host name
Make these settings to permit access by only certain SNMP
managers. Access is not allowed unless an IP address or host
name is set.
IP address Set the IP address of the SNMP manager. If the default setting None
of is used, access is permitted from all SNMP manag-
ers. (Set this setting if the recognition method in the recognition
2 settings is set to the IP address Option.)
Host name Set the host name of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the recognition method in the recognition 2 settings is set to
the Host name Option.) (You can use up to 200 single-byte
alphanumeric characters, dots, and hyphens with up to 63 sin-
gle-byte alphanumeric characters between dots.)
Community name Set the community name to enable the SNMP manager to public
access information from the built-in EtherNet/IP port. (Single-
byte alphanumeric characters, dots, and hyphens: 255 charac-
ters max.)

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-9
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

5-5 SNMP Trap Settings Display

 SNMP Trap
Setting Description Default
SNMP trap Specify whether to use the SNMP trap (network error detec- Do not use.
If the SNMP trap service is not used, SNMP traps are not sent
to the SNMP manager.
Port No.*2 Set the port number to use to connect to the SNMP server. It is 162
normally not necessary to change this setting.

*1 If you specify to use the SNMP trap, you also have to set the trap 1 and 2 as describe below.
*2 The following ports are used by the system and cannot be set by the user: 25, 53, 68, 110, 2222, 2223, 2224,
9600, and 44818.

Additional Information

Refer to 12-1-1 Overview for details on the SNMP trap.

5-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

 Trap 1
Setting Description Default
Specifying method Set the specifying method for the SNMP manager destination IP address
for SNMP traps.
• IP address
• Host name
IP address Set the IP address of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the specifying method in the trap 1 settings is set to the IP
address Option.)
Host name Set the host name of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the specifying method in the trap 1 settings is set to the Host

5-5 SNMP Trap Settings Display

name Option.) (You can use up to 200 single-byte alphanu-
meric characters, dots, and hyphens with up to 63 single-byte
alphanumeric characters between dots.)
Community name Set the community name. (You can use up to 255 single-byte public
alphanumeric characters.)
Version Set the version of the SNMP manager. SNMPv1
• SNMP version 1: SNMPv1
• SNMP version 2C: SNMPv2C

 Trap 2
Setting Description Default 5
Trap 2 Specify whether to use the trap 2 settings. Do not use.
• Use.
• Do not use.
Specifying method Set the specifying method for the SNMP manager destination IP address
for SNMP traps.
• IP address
• Host name
IP address Set the IP address of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the specifying method in the trap 2 settings is set to the IP
address Option.)
Host name Set the host name of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the specifying method in the trap 2 settings is set to the Host
name Option.) (You can use up to 200 single-byte alphanu-
meric characters, dots, and hyphens with up to 63 single-byte
alphanumeric characters between dots.)
Community name Set the community name. (You can use up to 255 single-byte public
alphanumeric characters.)
Version Set the version of the SNMP manager. SNMPv1
• SNMP version 1: SNMPv1
• SNMP version 2C: SNMPv2C

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-11
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

5-6 CIP Settings Display

 CIP Settings

Setting Description Default

CIP routing Specify whether to route the CIP messages received by the built-in Use
EtherNet/IP port or internal port to other ports.
If you select Do not use, CIP messages that you receive will be dis-

5-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Testing Communications

6-1 Testing Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

6-1-1 PING Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6-1-2 Using the PING Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6-1-3 Host Computer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 6-1
6 Testing Communications

6-1 Testing Communications

If the basic settings (in particular the IP address and subnet mask) have been made correctly for the
built-in EtherNet/IP port, then it is possible to communicate with nodes on the EtherNet/IP network. This
section describes how to use the PING command to test communications with the built-in EtherNet/IP

6-1-1 PING Command

The PING command sends an echo request packet to a remote node and receives an echo response
packet to confirm that the remote node communications are normal. The PING command uses the
ICMP echo request and responses. The echo response packet is automatically returned in the ICMP.
The PING command is normally used to check the connections of remote nodes when you set up a net-
work. The built-in EtherNet/ IP port supports both the ICMP echo request and response functions. If the
remote node returns a normal response to the PING command, then the nodes are physically con-
nected correctly and Ethernet node settings are correct.

Remote node
(e.g., host computer)
Built-in EtherNet/IP port



Echo request

Echo response

6-1-2 Using the PING Command

The built-in EtherNet/IP port automatically returns the echo response packet in response to an echo
request packet sent by another node (e.g., host computer).

6-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
6 Testing Communications

6-1-3 Host Computer Operation

The PING command can be executed from the host computer to send an echo request packet to a
built-in EtherNet/IP port. The following example shows how to use the PING command in the host com-

Application Method
Input the following command at the host computer’s prompt ($):
$ ping IP_address (host_name)
The destination is specified by its IP address or host name.

Additional Information

6-1 Testing Communications

The PING command is not supported by some host computers.

Application Example
In this example, a PING command is sent to the node at IP address The “$” in the exam-
ple represents the host computer prompt.

 Normal Execution
$ ping Executes the PING command.
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms

6-1-3 Host Computer Operation

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
: : : : :
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
Press the Ctrl+C Keys to cancel execution.
---- PING Statistics ----
9 packets transmitted, 9 packets received, 0% packets loss
round-trip ms min/avg/max = 0/1/16

 Error

$ ping Executes the PING command.

PING 56 data bytes
Press the Ctrl+C Keys to cancel execution.
---- PING Statistics ----
9 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packets loss

Refer to the command reference manual for your computer’s OS for details on using the PING com-

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 6-3
6 Testing Communications

6-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Tag Data Link Functions

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

7-1-1 Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7-1-2 Data Link Data Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
7-1-3 Tag Data Link Functions and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
7-1-4 Overview of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
7-1-5 Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7-1-6 Controller Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
7-2 Setting Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 7
7-2-1 Starting the Network Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
7-2-2 Tag Data Link Setting Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
7-2-3 Registering Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21
7-2-5 Connection Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32
7-2-6 Creating Connections Using the Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-42
7-2-7 Creating Connections by Device Dragging and Dropping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-45
7-2-8 Connecting the Network Configurator to the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-48
7-2-9 Downloading Tag Data Link Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-53
7-2-10 Uploading Tag Data Link Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-56
7-2-11 Verifying the Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-59
7-2-12 Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-63
7-2-13 Clearing the Device Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-64
7-2-14 Saving the Network Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-66
7-2-15 Reading a Network Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-68
7-2-16 Checking Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-69
7-2-17 Changing Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-71
7-2-18 Displaying Device Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-72
7-3 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-73
7-3-1 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-73
7-3-2 Status Flags Related to Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-77
7-4 Tag Data Links with Other Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-78

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-1
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links

7-1-1 Tag Data Links

Tag data links enable cyclic tag data exchanges on an EtherNet/IP network between Controllers or
between Controllers and other devices. Variables are assigned to tags. The settings for tag data links
are made with the Network Configurator. Refer to 7-2 Setting Tag Data Links for information on how to
make the settings.

Additional Information

You can also use the Sysmac Studio to set the tag data links. Refer to A-2 Use the Sysmac Stu-
dio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) for details on setting the tag data links in
the Sysmac Studio.

With a tag data link, one node requests the connection of a communications line to exchange data with
another node. The node that requests the connection is called the originator, and the node that receives
the request is called the target.
NY-series Controller EtherNet/IP Unit CJ-series CPU Unit

Input Outputs
Tag set name: ABC Tag set name: OUT1
Var_In_a Var-Out1(DM0)
I/O refreshed. • Var_In_a • Var-Out1
Var_In_b • Var_In_b Input tags Output tags • Var-Out2 Var-Out2(DM100)
• Var_In_c • Var-Out3 I/O refreshed.
Var_In_c Var-Out3(DM200)

Originator Target

Output Input DM00200

Var_Out_d Connection
Tag set name: XYZ Tag set name: IN1 WR300
Var_Out_e I/O refreshed.
I/O refreshed. • Var_Out_d • DM00200 DM20100
Var_Out_f • Var_Out_e
Output tags Input tags • WR300
• Var_Out_f • DM20100
Controller status
Target Originator
Controller status


For communications between Controllers, the connection information is set in the built-in EtherNet/IP
port of the Controller that receives (consumes) the data (i.e., the originator).

Additional Information

For communications between a Controller and an I/O device, the connection information is set in
the built-in EtherNet/IP port that is the originator. If an I/O device is used, the Network Configura-
tor must have an EDS file installed that includes connection information for the I/O device. Refer
to A-3 EDS File Management for the installation procedure.

The output words and input words for each node for which data is exchanged are set in the connection
information. These words are called the output tag set and input tag set. A tag set must specify at least
one tag. The size of the data for data exchange is the total size of the tags included in the tag set. The
size of the output tag set and the size of the input tag set must match.

7-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-1-2 Data Link Data Areas

A tag is a unit that is used to exchange data with tag data links. Data is exchanged between the local
network variables and remote network variables specified in the tags or between specified I/O memory

Precautions for Correct Use

To maintain concurrency in the values of network variables that are assigned to tags, you must
set refreshing tasks. Refer to 7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data for details.

Tag Sets
When a connection is established, from 1 to 8 tags (including Controller status) is configured as a tag

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links

set. Each tag set represents the data that is linked for a tag data link connection. Tag data links are
therefore created through a connection between one tag set and another tag set. A tag set name must
be set for each tag set.
Note A connection is used to exchange data as a unit within which data concurrency is maintained. Thus, data
concurrency is maintained for all the data exchanged for the tags in one data set.

Precautions for Correct Use

Data for the tags is exchanged in the order that the tags are registered in the tag sets. Register
the tags in the same order in the input and output tag sets.

7-1-2 Data Link Data Areas

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-3
7 Tag Data Link Functions

 Example
In the following example, input tags a to g at the originator are a tag set named SP1_IN and output
tags i and ii are a tag set named SP1_OUT. A connection is set between these two tag sets.
Originator device Target Device

IP address: N
Connection information
· Target IP address: N
· Originator tag set: SP1_IN
· Target tag set: SP1_OUT
· Packet interval (RPI)

Tag Set (Inputs) Tag Set (Outputs)

Tag set name: SP1_IN Tag set name: SP1_OUT
Controller status
Controller status

Tag a Tag i
Tag ii
Tag b

Tag c

Tag g


There are both input (consume) and output (produce) tag sets. Each tag set can contain only input
tags or only output tags. The same input tag cannot be included in more than one input tag set.

7-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

 Number of Tags in Tag Sets

You can set any tag sets containing one or more tags for the input and output tag sets for one con-
nection. For example, you can set a tag set with one tag for the input tag set and set a tag set with
more than one tag for the output tag set.

Tag Sets with Only One Tag Each

With basic Network Configurator procedures, each tag set contains only one tag.
NY-series Controller CJ-series CPU Unit

I/O memory

Tag set SP1_IN Tag set SP1_OUT

(tag a) (tag c)

Variable a Variable c

Individual tags

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links

Tag set SP2_OUT Tag set SP2_IN
(tag b) (tag d)

Variable b Variable d


Tag Sets Each with Multiple Tags 7

As shown below, tags can be grouped. You can place up to eight tags (up to 722 words in total) in
one tag set.

7-1-2 Data Link Data Areas

NY-series Controller CJ-series CPU Unit
I/O memory
Tag set SP1_IN
(group of tags a, b, and c)
Tag set SP1_OUT
Variable a Variable f


Variable b Variable g

Variable c Variable h Individual tags

Tag set SP2_OUT

Tag set SP2_IN
(group of tags d and e)

Variable d Connection Variable i

Variable e Variable j


Note To enable a connection, each tag set must include only input tags or only output tags. (Both input and output
tags cannot be included in the same tag set.)

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-5
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-1-3 Tag Data Link Functions and Specifications

The tag data link and performance specifications of the NY-series Controller are given below.
Item NY52-
Unit version 1.12 or later
Communications type Standard EtherNet/IP implicit communications (connection-type cyclic commu-
Setting method After you have set the tags, tag sets, and connections with the Network Config-
urator, you must download the tag data link parameters to all devices on the
EtherNet/IP network. You can export the network variables that you created on
the Sysmac Studio to a CSV file. You can then import the file to the Network
Configurator and assign the network variables to tags.
After the parameters are downloaded, the EtherNet/IP ports are restarted to
start the tag data links.
Tags Supported variable types You can specify the following network variables as tags. *1, *2
• Global variables
Maximum number of 722 words (1444 bytes)
words per tag
Maximum number of 256*3
Tag sets Maximum number of 8 (7 when Controller status is included)
tags per tag set
Maximum number of 722 words (1444 bytes)
words per tag set
Maximum number of tag 128
Connections Maximum number of connections per Unit: 128
Connection type Each connection can be set for 1-to-1 (unicast) or 1-to-N (multi-cast) communi-
Packet interval (RPI) 1 to 10,000 ms in 1-ms increments
The packet interval can be set separately for each connection.
Permissible communications band (pps) 20,000 pps
Note The heartbeat is included.

*1 You can import network variables created in the Sysmac Studio to the Network Configurator as tags.
However, variables with a Network Publish attribute that have variable names that are the same as the I/O
memory address notation, such as “0000” and “H0000” are not exported to CSV files.
*2 The following table lists the variables that you can specify as tags.

Type Example Specification

Variables with basic data types aaa Supported.
Enumerated variables bbb Supported.
Arrays ccc Supported.
Array variables
Elements ccc[2] Supported.
Structures ddd Supported.
Structure variables
Members Supported.
Unions eee Supported.
Union variables
Members eee.yyy Supported.

*3 The maximum number of tags is given for the following conditions.

• All tag sets contain eight tags.
• The maximum number of tag sets (32) is registered.

7-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-1-4 Overview of Operation

In this manual, the connection information that is set is called tag data link parameters. This section
describes how to set tag data links with the Sysmac Studio and the Network Configurator.

Setting Network Variables (Sysmac Studio)

First, create any variables that you want to use for tag data links as network variables in the Sysmac Studio.

1 Set the Network Publish attribute to Input or Output in the Global Variable Table for the vari-
ables you want to use for tag data links (i.e., as tags).

2 To maintain concurrency in tag data within a tag set, set all tags (i.e., variables with a Network
Publish attribute) within the same tag set as follows:
Set a refreshing task for variables with a Network Publish attribute to maintain concurrency as
described below for tag data link data.
Refer to 7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data for details on the concurrency of tag data link

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links

• Maintain concurrency in the tag data in a tag set.
• The timing of updating network variables that are assigned to tags is synchronized with the
execution period of the program that accesses the network variables.

Precautions for Correct Use

You cannot use the following notation, which specifies an I/O memory address, in the variable
name of any variable used in a tag data link.
1) Variable names that contain only single-byte numerals (Example: 001)
2) Variable names with the following single-byte letters (uppercase or lowercase) followed by
single-byte numerals
• H (Example: H30) 7
• W (Example: w30)
• D (Example: D100)

7-1-4 Overview of Operation

• E0_ to E18_

Setting and Downloading Tag Data Link Parameters (Network

Configurator or Sysmac Studio)
The tag data link parameters (e.g., connection information) that are described below are created with
the Network Configurator or the Sysmac Studio, and then the parameters are downloaded to all origina-
tor devices on the EtherNet/IP network. When the tag data links are used on the built-in EtherNet/IP
port, use the Network Configurator to make the following settings.

Additional Information

In the setting of the following tag data link parameter, the specifications of the settable numbers
and the ranges differ depending on the Controller or the version of the Controller. For details,
refer to 1-3-1 Specifications.

1 Creating the Configuration Information

Register the EtherNet/IP ports and EtherNet/IP Units to create the connections that define the
tag data links. Refer to 7-2-3 Registering Devices for details.

2 Setting Tags

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-7
7 Tag Data Link Functions

Create Controller variables for input (consume) tags and output (produce) tags. You can import
and export network variables that are created on the Sysmac Studio to CSV files. This allows
you to register them as tags on the Network Configurator. Output tags can be defined to clear
output data to 0 or to hold the output data from before the error when a fatal error occurs in the

3 Setting Tag Sets

Create output tag sets and input tag sets and assign tags to them. You can specify the Control-
ler status that indicates the Controller’s operating status (operating information and error infor-
mation) in a tag set.

4 Setting Connections
Link the output tag sets for the target device and the input tag sets for the originator device as

 Connection Setting Parameters

The connection settings in step 4 above have the following setting parameters.

Setting the Requested Packet Interval (RPI)

The RPI (Requested Packet Interval) is the I/O data refresh cycle on the Ethernet line when tag data
links are established. With EtherNet/IP, data is exchanged on the communications line at the RPI
that is set for each connection, regardless of the number of nodes.
With the built-in EtherNet/IP port, you can set RPI for each connection.

Setting Multi-cast and Unicast Communications

You can select a multi-cast connection or unicast (point-to-point) connection as the connection type
in the tag data link connection settings. With a multi-cast connection, you can send an output tag set
in one packet to multiple nodes and make allocations to the input tag sets. A unicast connection
separately sends one output tag set to each node, and so it sends the same number of packets as
the number of input tag sets. Therefore, multi-cast connections can decrease the communications
load if one output tag set is sent to multiple nodes. To use a multi-cast connection and send an out-
put tag set in one packet to multiple nodes, the following settings for the receiving node must be the
same as the settings of the sending node: the connection type (multi-cast), the connection I/O types,
packet internals (RPI), and timeout values.

Precautions for Correct Use

• The performance of communications devices is limited to some extent by the limitations of
each product’s specifications. Consequently, there are limits to the packet interval (RPI) set-
tings. Refer to 13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load and set an appropriate packet inter-
val (RPI).
• If multi-cast connections are used, however, use an Ethernet switch that has multi-cast filter-
ing, unless the tag set is received by all nodes in the network. If an Ethernet switch without
multi-cast filtering is used, the multi-cast packets are broadcast to the entire network, and so
packets are sent to nodes that do not require them, which will cause the communications load
on those nodes to increase.
• If you will use data tag links with multicast at a communication speed over 100 Mbps, use an
Ethernet switch that supports a communication speed of 1000 Mbps.
If there is an Ethernet device on the same network that communicates at a speed of 100
Mbit/sec or less, the device may affect tag data link communication and cause tag data links to
be broken, even if the device is not related to tag data link communication.

7-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

Additional Information

• To calculate the number of connections of each connection type, refer to 13-1-2 Calculating
the Number of Connections.
• If the maximum number of connections is exceeded, you must review the number of connec-
tions for the built-in EtherNet/IP port, or the number of nodes. When you use an NJ-series
CPU Unit, you can also consider adding EtherNet/IP Units.

7-1-5 Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links

Tag data links are automatically started when the data link parameters are downloaded from the Net-
work Configurator and the power supply to the NY-series Controller is turned ON. Thereafter, you can
start and stop tag data links for the entire network or individual devices from the Network Configurator.
Starting and stopping tag data links for individual devices must be performed for the originator. Further-
more, you can use system-defined variables to start and stop the entire network. Refer to 7-2-12 Start-
ing and Stopping Tag Data Links for details.

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links

7-1-6 Controller Status
You can include the Controller status as a member of a tag set in the data sent and received. The Con-
troller status is a set of flags that indicate the operating status of the Controller (operating information,
error information, Controller error level). If the Controller status is specified as an output (send) tag, the
Controller status is added to the start of the tag set in the following format. (Select the Include Option
for the Controller Status in the upper right of the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Controller Operating Flag 7

Minor fault level
Controller error
Controller Error Flag

7-1-5 Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links

Partial fault level Controller error
Major fault level
Controller error

* Of the flags in bits 5 to 7 that indicate the current error level, only the flag for the highest error level changes to
TRUE. For example, if a minor fault level Controller error and a major fault level Controller error occur at the
same time, only the flag for the major fault level Controller error (bit 7) will change to TRUE and the flag for the
minor fault level Controller error (bit 5) will remain FALSE.
To receive the Controller status, specify the Controller status for the In - Consume Tab Page in the dia-
log box used to edit the receive tag set. (Select the Include Option for the Controller Status in the upper
right of the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.) When a tag data link is started, the contents of the Controller sta-
tus is stored in the system variables that are given below.
• Target PLC Operating Mode

• Target PLC Error Information


NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-9
7 Tag Data Link Functions

Example: Using an NY-series Controller to send the Target PLC Operating Mode of the Target Node
with an IP Address of
IP address =
_EIP_TargetPLCModeSta (Target PLC Operating Mode)
Value of last byte = 2 1

Target ID = #002
Controller status
NY-series Controller CJ-series CPU Unit
Controller status
Controller status (when included) Controller status (when included)
Controller Status

I/O memory

Output tag set Input tag set

Variable a Variable f


Variable b Variable g

Variable c Variable h

Target data link status


Additional Information

The target ID may be duplicated depending on the IP addresses of the target nodes. In this case,
it is necessary to change the target ID with the Network Configurator so that the same address is
not used twice. For information on how to change the target node ID, refer to step 4 under 7-2-5
Connection Settings.

7-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

When you use multiple connections to communicate with one specific node, the information in the Con-
troller status is stored in the following variables if the Controller status is specified in the input tags and
the output tags for all connections.
Controller status Variable name Description of operation
Controller Operating Flag Target PLC Operating This flag shows the operation information of the Controller at the
Mode target node.
EIP_TargetPLCModeSta When the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Is the Originator of the Con-
The array element that corresponds to the target ID at the target
is TRUE when all information for all connections of the relevant
target node is shows operating status. You can change the target
ID of the IP address from the Network Configurator. This status
information is enabled when the Controller status is included in
the communications data in both the originator and target node.
This variable is updated when necessary.
Controller Error Flag Target PLC Error Informa- This variable shows the error status (logical OR of fatal and non-
tion fatal errors) of the target node Controllers.
_EIP_TargetPLCErr When the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Is the Originator of the Con-

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links

You can change the target ID of the IP address from the Network
Configurator. The Controller Error Flags are enabled when the
Controller status is included in the communications data for both
the originator and target. This variable is updated when neces-

Additional Information

Even if you specify including the Controller status in the output (produce) tags, you do not neces-
sarily need to include it in the input (consume) tags. If you do not include the Controller status in
an input (consume) tag, the contents of the Controller status is not updated in the Target PLC
Operating Mode and Target PLC Error Information variables, but it is sent in the input (consume)
tag. Therefore, you can use the Controller status data that was received in the input (consume)
tag as receive data.

7-1-6 Controller Status

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-11
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data

To maintain the concurrency of data in a tag data link, you must set a refreshing task for each network
variable that is assigned to a tag.
• Maintain concurrency in the tag data in a tag set.
• The timing of updating network variables that are assigned to tags is synchronized with the execution
period of the program that accesses the network variables.

Additional Information

A refreshing task maintains concurrency of the value of a global variable from all tasks that
access that global variable. This is achieved by specifying a single task that can write to that
global variable and not allowing any other task to write to that global variable. For details on
refreshing tasks, refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s
Manual (Cat. No. W558).

 Maintaining Concurrency in the Tag Data in a Tag Set

To maintain concurrency in the values of multiple tags in a tag set, the tags (variables with a Net-
work Publish attribute) must satisfy the following four conditions.
(1) The tags must be assigned to the same tag set (connection).
(2) A refreshing task must be set for the network variables assigned to the tags, and the
refreshing task must be the same for all tags in the tag set.*
(3) The variable access time set for each task must be set to a higher value than is
required to transfer the tag data. Refer to 13-3-3 Relationship between Task Periods
and Packet Intervals (RPIs) for details on the variable access time and data transfer.
* If you set a refreshing task for a network variable, you must set a variable access time to allocate
enough time to access the network variable from outside of the Controller.
• Setting Refreshing Tasks for Tags (Network Variables)
Concurrency of the tags in the tag set is maintained.
NY-series Controller NJ/NX-series Controller

Refreshing task Refreshing task

Value of variable Tag set Tag set Value of variable

Variable a 10010 Variable a Connection Variable d 10

The values of the

Variable b 10010 Variable b Tag data links updated. Variable e 10
tags in the tag set
are refreshed at
Variable c 10010 Variable c Variable f 10 the same time.


7-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

• Not Setting Refreshing Tasks for Tags (Network Variables)

Concurrency of the tags in the tag set is not maintained.
NY-series Controller NJ/NX-series Controller

Refreshing task Refreshing task

Value of variable Tag set Tag set Value of variable

Connection values of
Variable a 100 → 10 Variable a Variable d 10 Refreshed. tags in
the tag
Variable b 100 → 10 Variable b Variable e 10 Refreshed. set are
Tag data links updated.
Variable c 100 → 10 Variable c Variable f 100 Not refreshed. at the


7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links

 Synchronizing the Update Timing of Network Variables (Tags) with the User
Program Execution Period
To have the values of network variables (tags) updated to the latest tag data values each time the
user program that accesses those network variables is executed, set the refreshing task for the net-
work variables (tags) to the same type of the task as for the user program that accesses the network
variables (tags).
The difference between the operation of tags with a refreshing task that is the same as the user pro-
gram and tags without a refreshing task is described below.
(1) Tag (network variable) with a refreshing task
In this example, the primary periodic task is set as the refreshing task. Values are written to
the network variables (tags) in the next primary periodic task after the tag data link service. 7
Values are written to the network variables (tags) in the next primary
periodic task after the tag data links service.

7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data

Primary period

periodic task

Task period

periodic task

Tag data link


Task period

UPG Interrupted.
periodic task
Tag data is read
from the tag set.


NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-13
7 Tag Data Link Functions

(2) Tag (network variable) without a refreshing task

The values are written to the variables in a system service.
Primary period

periodic task

Task period

periodic task

Tag data link


Task period

UPG Interrupted.
periodic task
Tag data is read
from the tag set.
Low The values are written to the network variables (tags)
in a system service.

Additional Information

Relationship between Refreshing Tasks and Data Concurrency in Tag Data Links
If you do not specify a refreshing task for global variables in tag data links, the following may
1. When the data is sent for the output tag set, another task may have already written different
values before that data is sent, depending on the timing of the task.
2. When data is received by an input tag set, another task may write different values after that
data is received, depending on the timing of the task.
Therefore, to maintain the concurrency of data in tag data links, you must specify the same
refreshing task on both the output Controller and the input Controller.
NY-series Controller NJ/NX-series CPU Unit

Refreshing Refreshing
task task

This variable may Tag set Tag set

already be written This variable
by another task Variable a Connection Variable d may be written
before you send by another task
the data. after you receive
Variable b Tag data links Variable e the data.
Variable c Variable f

Data concurrency is not maintained
unless you assign the same
refreshing task for both the output
and the input tags.

7-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

 Required Processing Time to Maintain Concurrency

When you set a refreshing task for tags (network variables) to maintain the concurrency of data link
data, the processing time required for that specified task increases. Due to this increase in task pro-
cessing time, the refreshing of tag data link data may not occur during the packet interval (RPI)
period set for each connection. Therefore, you need to adjust the packet interval (RPI) settings to
match the period of the task specified as the refreshing task. Refer to 13-3-3 Relationship between
Task Periods and Packet Intervals (RPIs) for details.

 Task Setup Procedure

(1) Set the global variables for which to specify a refreshing task, and set the refreshing
tasks and accessing tasks in the Settings for Exclusive Control of Variables in Tasks
in the Task Setup on the Sysmac Studio.
(2) Set the variable access time for each refreshing task.
For details, refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual
(Cat. No. W558).

7-1 Introduction to Tag Data Links


7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-15
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Additional Information

You can also use the Sysmac Studio to set the tag data links. Refer to A-2 Use the Sysmac Stu-
dio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) for details on setting the tag data links in
the Sysmac Studio.

7-2-1 Starting the Network Configurator

Tag data links are set from the Network Configurator. Use the following procedure to start the Network

 Using the Windows Start Menu

To start the Network configurator, select OMRON - Sysmac Studio - Network Configurator for
EtherNetIP - Network Configurator from the Windows Start Menu.
When the Network Configurator starts, the following window is displayed.

7-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

Main Window
The Main Window consists of a Hardware List and a Network Configuration Pane, as shown in the fol-
lowing diagram.

Network Configuration Pane:

This is used to configure the network by placing
devices to be configured and monitored.

Hardware List:

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

This is a list of devices that
you can add to the network.

To manage two or more networks, you can select Network - Add to add a new Network Configuration
Pane. You can add a new Network Configuration Pane.

7-2-1 Starting the Network Configurator

To change the name displayed in the Network Tab Page, select Network - Property. You can change
the name set in the Comment Field of the Network Property Dialog Box.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-17
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-2 Tag Data Link Setting Procedure

This section describes the procedure to set tag data links (i.e., connection information). For data links
between Controllers, the connection information is set only in the originator, i.e., the node that receives

1 Create the network configuration.

(1) Register all built-in EtherNet/IP ports for which to cre-
ate connections in the EtherNet/IP Network Configura-
tion Pane. (Refer to 7-2-3 Registering Devices.)
* If a system has already been installed, connect online to the
EtherNet/IP network and upload the network configuration.
(Refer to 7-2-10 Uploading Tag Data Link Parameters.)

2 Create the tag and tag set connections.

Set the connections with one of the following methods.
(1) Basic Operation:
1. Create tags and tag sets for all registered devices (built-in Eth-
erNet/IP ports). (Refer to 7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets.)
2.Create a connection for the originator device (i.e., the
registered device that receives data as input data). (Refer to 7-
2-5 Connection Settings.)
(2) Create the connections by dragging registered
devices. (Refer to 7-2-10 Uploading Tag Data Link

3 Download the tag data link parameters. (Refer to 7-2-9

Downloading Tag Data Link Parameters.)

4 Make sure that the tag data links are operating normally by
using the indicators for the built-in EtherNet/IP port (refer
to NYseries Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No.W564)) and
the Network Configurator monitor functions. (Refer to 13-1
Communications System.)

5 Make sure that the output tag data is updated in the input
tags by using the Sysmac Studio’s Watch Tab Page.

Note Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.
W504) for the procedure.

7-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-3 Registering Devices

Register all of the devices required in the equipment (such as EtherNet/IP Units performing tag data
links) in the network configuration.

1 Register the devices that will participate in the tag data links by dragging the devices from the
Hardware List and dropping them in the Network Configuration Pane on the right. (To drag and
drop an icon, click and hold the left mouse button over the icon, move the icon to the destina-
tion, and release the mouse button.)
You can also select a device in the Hardware List and press the Enter Key to register it. The
icon of the device is displayed in the Network Configuration Pane, as shown in the following dia-

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Drag icons from the
hardware list. Select
device icons with the
same major CIP
revision (Rev ).

7-2-3 Registering Devices

The device names and major CIP revisions (Rev ) are displayed in the hardware list. For NY-series
Controller, device names and major CIP revisions are as shown in the following table.

Device name in CIP revisions

Unit version
hardware list Major revision Revision name in hardware list
NY512 Unit version 1.12 or later 2 None
NY532 Unit version 1.12 or later 2 None

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-19
7 Tag Data Link Functions

Precautions for Correct Use

Make sure that you select the devices with the same device names and the same major CIP
revisions as the devices that you use in actual operation. The following will occur if any device
names or CIP revisions are different when you attempt to download tag data link parameters on
the Network Configurator.
• If a device name is different, an error message “Specified device can not be accessed, or
wrong device type.” will be displayed and the download will fail.
• If a revision is different, “Wrong unit revision.” will be displayed and the download will fail.
The above also applies when uploading or comparing tag data link parameters. In any of the
above cases, refer to 7-2-17 Changing Devices and change the device.

2 Right-click the registered device’s icon to display the pop-up menu, and select Change
UNKNOWN Address.

3 Set the IP address to match the node address (IP address) actually used in the device and click
the OK Button.

4 Repeat steps 1 to 3, and register all of the devices that participate in the tag data links.

7-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets

You must create the tag sets and set member tags required to create connections for a registered Eth-
erNet/IP Unit. You can set the network variables used in control programs for tags.
This section first describes the basic procedure to create tags and tag sets (1, below). Then it explains
how to import variables with a Network Publish attribute from the Sysmac Studio to the Network Config-
urator (2, below).
Then it explains how to effectively use network variables for tags.
(1) Creating Tags and Tag Sets with the Network Configurator’s Device Parameter Edit-
ing Function
(2) Importing Variables with a Network Publish Attribute Created in the Sysmac Studio
to the Network Configurator

(1) Creating Tags and Tag Sets with the Network Configurator’s
Device Parameter Editing Function
 Creating a Tag Set

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Double-click the icon of the device for which to create a tag set, or right-click the icon to display
the pop-up menu and select Parameter − Edit.
The Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box is displayed.

7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-21
7 Tag Data Link Functions

2 Click the Tag Sets Tab at the top of the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box. There are two
kinds of tag sets: input (consume) and output (produce).

 Creating and Adding Tags

3 Click the Edit Tags Button.
The Edit Tags Dialog Box is displayed.
Register the input (consume) tags and output (produce) tags separately.

7-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

4 Click the In - Consume Tab, and then click the New Button. The Edit Tag Dialog Box is dis-

5 Enter the variable name directly into the Name Box. ( Example: Var_In_a)

Additional Information

• You can use the following characters in tag names. 0 to 9, A to Z, a to z, single-byte kana, _
(underbar), and multi-byte characters (e.g., Japanese)

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

• You cannot use the following characters in tag names. ! “ # $ & ‘ ( ) * + ‚ - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ ‘
% spaces or text strings that start with numerals (0 to 9)
• The maximum length of a tag name is 255 bytes.
• Specify array variables,structure variables, and union variables as shown below.
• Specifying array elements: array [2][3] (or array [2,3]) and array [2][3][4] (or array [2,3,4])
• Specifying structure members: Struct.member (Separate the member name with a period.)
• Specifying union members: Union.member (Separate the member name with a period.)

Precautions for Correct Use 7

You cannot use the following notation, which specifies an I/O memory address, in the variable
name of any variable used in a tag data link.

7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets

1) Variable names that contain only single-byte numerals (Example: 001)
2) Variable names with the following single-byte letters (uppercase or lowercase) followed by
single-byte numerals
• H (Example: H30)
• W (Example: w30)
• D (Example: D100)
• E0_ to E18_

6 Input the size of the tag in bytes in the Size Field. Input the tag size so that it is the same as the
data type size of the variable. Select the Use Bit Data Check Box and change the bit size to 1 to
use BOOL variables.

7 Click the Regist Button to register the tag. If an I/O memory address is specified for a tag name,
the Edit Tag Dialog Box is displayed with the next consecutive address as the tag name for the
next tag. After you have registered all of the tags, click the Close Button.

8 Click the Out - Produce Tab, and then click the New Button. The Edit Tag Dialog Box is dis-
played. Input the output tag in the same way. Use the Fault Action setting of the output (pro-
duce) tag to specify whether to clear the output data or continue to send it when a major fault
occurs in the Controller.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-23
7 Tag Data Link Functions

The Fault Action setting is not required for input (consume) tag sets.

• Retain output for major fault: Hold (default)

Output data maintains its previous status even after a major fault occurs.
• Clear output at major fault: Clear
Output data is cleared to 0 when a major fault occurs.

Select the Hold or Clear Option.

Precautions for Correct Use

Connections are cut off if any of the following errors occurs in the CPU Unit that is the originator
while tag data links are active.
• Major fault level Controller error
• Partial fault level Controller error

9 After you register all of the required tags, click the OK Button in the Edit Tags Dialog Box.

7-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

Precautions for Correct Use

Make the following settings to refresh all of the tag data in the same tag set at the same time.
• Use the Sysmac Studio to specify, in advance, the same refreshing task for all of the variables
that are assigned to tags in the tag set.
• Do not place tag variables that have AT specifications in I/O memory and tag variables that do
not have AT specifications in the same tag set.

10 At this point, a confirmation dialog box is displayed to check whether the registered tag names
are used as the tag set names. A tag set can contain up to eight tags, but tag sets are registered
with one tag per tag set if the tag names are registered as tag set names. In this case, click the
Yes Button.

If the No Button is clicked, you can add more tags to the tag set. Refer to step 18 for details on

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

how to register new tags first and add more tags to the tag set later.

 Changing and Registering Tag Sets

11 The following dialog box is displayed when the tags in the Edit Tags Dialog Box are registered
directly as tag sets.

7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-25
7 Tag Data Link Functions

12 If an input tag is already registered in an input tag set, and you want to change its registration to
a different input tag set, it is necessary to delete the tag from the tag set in which it was originally
registered. Open the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box, select the tag set containing the tag
that you want to delete on the Tag Sets Tab Page, and click the Delete Button in the Edit Tags
Dialog Box. (If there are other tags registered in that tag set, it is possible to delete just one tag
by selecting the tag that you want to delete in the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box and clicking the

A confirmation message is displayed.

If the No Button is clicked, only the tag set is deleted. Click the No Button.

7-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

13 To edit a registered tag set and add tags, either double-click the tag set, or select the tag set
and click the Edit Button. The Edit Tag Set Dialog Box is displayed.

The Tag List on the left side of the dialog box shows the tags that are already registered, and
the Candidate Tag List on the right side of the dialog box shows the other tags that are not reg-
istered yet. To add a tag, select it in the Candidate Tag List and click the Button.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

14 To include the Controller status in the tag set, select the Include Option at the upper-right corner
of the dialog box.

15 To confirm a change, click the OK Button in the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.

16 Click the OK Button in the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box.

17 If you want to just add new tags and register the tag set, first register the tags with steps 1 to 9. 7
In this example, input tags Var_In_e, Var_In_f are newly added.

7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-27
7 Tag Data Link Functions

18 After you register all of the required tags, click the OK Button at the bottom of the Edit Tags Dia-
log Box.

19 At this point, a confirmation dialog box is displayed to check whether the registered tag names
are used as the tag set names. Tags are just added in this case, so click the No Button. Just the
tags are registered. The tags are not registered as tag sets.

20 To register the newly added tags in a tag set, either double-click the desired tag set, or select
the tag set and click the Edit Button.

The Tag List on the left side of the dialog box shows the tags that are already registered, and
the Candidate Tag List on the right side of the dialog box shows the other tags that are not reg-
istered yet.

21 Select the tags that you want to add from the Candidate Tag List and click the Button.

You can register up to eight tags in a tag set. (If you include the Controller status in the tag set,
you can register up to only seven tags, and two bytes are added to the size.)
Data is sent and received in the order it is displayed in the tag list. To change the order of a tag,
select the tag and click the Up and Down Buttons ( ).

22 To confirm the changes, click the OK Button at the bottom of the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.

23 Click the OK Button in the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box.

7-28 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

(2) Importing Variables with a Network Publish Attribute Created on

the Sysmac Studio to the Network Configurator
You can create network variables in the Sysmac Studio and import these variables to the Network Con-
figurator to assign them to tags and tag sets. Use the following procedure.

 Creating Global Variables on the Sysmac Studio

1 Create a global variable with the Global Variable Editor of the Sysmac Studio and select Input or
Output for the Network Publish attribute of the variable. Save the project when you are finished.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Select Export Global Variables - Network Configurator... from the Tools Menu.
Any global variables with Input or Output set for the Network Publish attribute are imported from
the csv file for the import procedure described below (Importing to the Network Configurator).

 Importing to the Network Configurator

Precautions for Correct Use

Variables with a Network Publish attribute that have variable names that are the same as the I/O
memory address notation, such as “0000” and “H0000” are not exported to CSV files. 7
1) Variable names that contain only single-byte numerals (Example: 001)
2) Variable names with the following single-byte letters (uppercase or lowercase) followed by

7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets

single-byte numerals
• H (Example: H30)
• W (Example: w30)
• D (Example: D100)
• E0_ to E18_ (Example: EA_100)

1 Double-click the icon of the device registered in the Network Configurator for which you want to
import the variable with a Network Publish attribute to display the Edit Device Parameters Dia-
log Box.
Right-click the icon to display the pop-up menu, and select Device - Parameter - Edit.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-29
7 Tag Data Link Functions

2 Click the Tag Sets Tab at the top of the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box. Select Import
from File from the To/From File Button.

A confirmation dialog box is displayed that asks you how you want to import the variables as
shown below.
• To import all variables with a Network Publish attribute, click the Yes Button. To import only
some of these variables, click the No Button.

After you import the variables to the tags, click the Yes Button to automatically create tag sets,
or click the No Button to set up tag sets manually.

7-30 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

The variables will be imported as shown below on the Tag Sets Tab Page. Each variable will be
imported into a different tag set and the device parameters will be automatically edited. (The
variable name will be used for the tag set name.)

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

To place more than one input variable (input tag) imported from the Sysmac Studio into one tag
set, you must delete the input tags that were registered. Select the tag set containing the vari-
ables you want to put into a tag set, then click the Delete Button. A confirmation dialog box is
displayed to confirm that you want to delete the selected tag set and the tags contained in that
tag set. You only want to delete the tag set, so click the No Button.

7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets

Click the New Button to create a new tag set. To place more than one tag in an existing tag set,
double-click the tag set, or select it and click the Edit Button. The Edit Tag Set Dialog Box is dis-
played. Imported tags that are not registered in another tag set are displayed in the Candidate
Tag List on the right. Click the Button to add tags individually.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-31
7 Tag Data Link Functions

3 You can change tag set names in this dialog box. To confirm a change, click the Regist Button
in the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.

4 Perform steps 1 to 3 for all the devices to import variables and to create tag sets.

7-2-5 Connection Settings

After you create the tag sets, click the Connections Tab at the top of the Edit Device Parameters Dia-
log Box, and set the following connection information.
• The target devices with which connections are opened
• The connection type (multi-cast or unicast)
• The length of the packet intervals (RPI)
• Connection name (optional)
Make the connections settings in the originator only. The connections settings are not necessary in the
target device.

Precautions for Correct Use

Make the connections settings after you create tag sets for all of the devices involved in tag data

Connection Settings (Connections Tab Page)

 Registering Devices in the Register Device List
1 Double-click the icon of the device for which to make originator settings in the Network Configu-
ration Pane of the Network Configurator. The Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box is displayed.
Right-click the icon to display the pop-up menu, and select Parameter – Edit.

2 Click the Connections Tab in the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box. All of the devices regis-
tered in the network (except the local node) are displayed.

7-32 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

3 In the Unregister Device List, click the target device that requires connection settings so its color
changes to gray, and click the Button. The selected target device is displayed in the
Register Device List, as shown in the following diagram.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

4 Target node IDs are assigned to the devices that are registered in the Register Device List.
The target node ID serves as the bit array position for the following variables in the originator
Controller: Target Node Controller Mode, Target Node Controller Error Information, Target
Node Error Information, Registered Target Node Information, and Normal Target Node Informa-
tion. By default, the target ID is automatically set to the rightmost 8 bits of the IP address. In the
example above, the target device’s IP address is, so the device number is #002.
If a target node ID is duplicated and you want to change the device number, click the Change
Target Node ID Button and change the target ID.

7-2-5 Connection Settings

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-33
7 Tag Data Link Functions

 Editing Settings for Individual Connections

You can edit each connection separately.
Note Refer to the following section for information on how to perform batch editing in a table format.

1 Click the Connections Tab and then click the New Button. The following Edit Connection Dia-
log Box is displayed according to the type of device that is selected.

Using Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports as Targets (for Input Only)

Using Other EtherNet/IP Devices as Targets (for Settings Other Than Input

7-34 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

The settings are as follows:

Setting Description
Connection I/O Type Select Input Only (tag type) to use tag data links with a CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21,
CJ2B-EIP21, CJ2M-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2), CJ1W-EIP21(NJ), NX701, NJ501-
, NJ301-, NJ101, or NY52. When you create tag data links for other
devices, select the connection I/O type specified in that device’s EDS file. Use the Input
Only (ID type) setting when another company’s node is the originator and does not sup-
port connection settings with a Tag type setting.
Connection Type Select whether the data is sent in multi-cast or unicast (point-to-point) format. The
default setting is multi-cast.
• Multi-cast connection: Select when the same data is shared by multiple nodes.
This setting is usually used.
• Point-to-Point connection: Select when the same data is not shared by multiple
nodes. In a unicast transmission, other nodes are not
burdened with an unnecessary load.

Note Refer to 7-1-4 Overview of Operation for details on using multi-cast and unicast
connections, and counting the number of connections.
The Connection Structure Area and the following items are not displayed if the Hide Detail Button is clicked.
Packet Interval (RPI) Set the data update cycle (i.e., the packet interval) of each connection between the
originator and target. The default setting is 50 ms (i.e., data is updated once every 50

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Set the RPI to between 1 and 10,000 ms in 1-ms increments.
Timeout Value Set the time until a connection timeout is detected. The timeout value is set as a multi-
ple of the packet interval (RPI) and can be set to 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512 times
the packet interval. The default setting is 4 times the packet interval (RPI).
Connection Name Set a name for the connection. (32 single-byte characters max.)

2 After you make all of the settings, click the OK Button.

 Editing Settings for All Connections
You can edit the connection settings between the originator and all of the target devices selected in

7-2-5 Connection Settings

the Register Device List together in a table.

1 Click the Connections Tab, and then click the Edit All Button. The following Edit All Connec-
tions Dialog Box is displayed.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-35
7 Tag Data Link Functions

The settings are as follows:

Setting Description
Target Device Select the target device.
Connection Name Any name can be given to the connection (32 single-byte characters max.).
If this field is left blank, a default name is assigned. The connection name is
used as a comment.
Connection I/O Type Select InputOnly (tag type) to use tag data links with a CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2),
CJ1W-EIP21(NJ), NX701, NJ501-, NJ301-, NJ101, or
NY52. When you create tag data links for other devices, select the connec-
tion I/O type specified in that device’s EDS file. Use the Input Only (ID type)
setting when another company’s node is the originator and does not support
connection settings with a Tag type setting.
In/Out The connections I/O is automatically displayed based on the selected con-
• Input Only: Just In is displayed.
Target Variable Select the target node’s tag set to assign it.
• In: Select the target’s output (produce) tag set.
• Out: Select the target’s input (consume) tag set.
Originator Variable Select the originator node’s tag set to assign it.
• In: Select the originator’s input (consume) tag set.
• Out: Select the originator’s output (produce) tag set.
Connection Type Select whether the data is sent in multi-cast or unicast (point-to-point) form.
The default setting is multi-cast.
• Multi-cast connection: Select when the same data is shared by multi-
ple nodes. This setting is usually used.
• Point-to-point connection: Select when the same data is not shared by
multiple nodes. In a unicast connection, other
nodes are not burdened with an unnecessary

Note Refer to 7-1-4 Overview of Operation for details on using multi-cast and
unicast connections, and counting the number of connections.
RPI Set the data update cycle (i.e., the packet interval) of each connection
between the originator and target. The default setting is 50 ms (i.e., data is
updated once every 50 ms).
Set the RPI to between 1 and 20,000 ms in 1-ms increments.
Timeout Value Set the time until a connection timeout is detected. The timeout value is set
as a multiple of the packet interval (RPI) and can be set to 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 256, or 512 times the packet interval. The default setting is 4 times the
packet interval (RPI).

2 After you make all of the settings, click the OK Button.

7-36 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

 Confirming the Connections Settings

1 An overview of the connections that were set in the Register Device List is displayed in the Con-
nections Tab Page.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

2 Click the OK Button. The following kind of diagram is displayed.
Indicates the IP address of the
originator where the connection
was set.

7-2-5 Connection Settings

3 Repeat the connections setting procedure until all of the connections are set.

Precautions for Correct Use

After you have made all of the settings, always click the OK Button before you close the Edit
Device Parameters Dialog Box. If the Cancel Button is clicked and the dialog box is closed, the
new settings are discarded.

4 If the tag set’s size is changed in either the originator or target after the connection was set, the
size will not match the other node and a parameter data mismatch will occur. In this case, if you
change the connection settings, be sure to check the connections. (Refer to 7-2-16 Checking

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-37
7 Tag Data Link Functions

Automatically Setting Connections (Network - Auto Connection)

You can use automatic detection of the tag set names that are set for devices to automatically set con-
nections between input and output tag sets with the same name (or the same names excluding speci-
fied ellipses). Connections are automatically set under the following conditions.
Output tag set names for connec- Except for specified ellipses, the output tag set name must be the same as
tion setting the input tag set name. Ellipses can be set for the beginning or end of tag
set names.
Input tag set names for connection Except for specified ellipses, the input tag set name must be the same as
settings the output tag set name. Ellipses can be set for the beginning or end of tag
set names.
Connection type The connection type must be Input Only. Multi-cast or single-cast connec-
tions can be specified for a connection.
RPI The default setting is used.
Timeout The default setting is used.

Example 1: Automatic Connections with the Same Tag Set Names

The following connections are automatically set with the same tag set name (A_Signal) if there is an
output (produce) tag set named A_Signal at node A and input (consume) tag sets named A_Signal
at nodes B and C.

Node A Excluded characters: None Node B Node C

Output tag set: A_Signal Connection Input tag set: A_Signal Input tag set: A_Signal



Example 2: Automatic Connections with the Ellipses

The following connections are automatically set with the same tag set name (Signal) if there is an
output (produce) tag set named O_Signal at node A and input (consume) tag sets named I_Signal
at nodes B and C, and “O_” and “I_” are set as forward ellipses.

Node A Excluded characters: O_ and I_ Node B Node C

Output tag set: O_Signal Input tag set: I_Signal Input tag set: I_Signal



1 Set the same tag set names for the output and input tag sets for the connection. The tag set
names can also include forward and backward ellipses.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

2 Select Auto Connection Configuration from the Network Menu. The connections will be set
automatically. A dialog box will appear to set forward and backward ellipses for both output and
input tag sets as soon as automatic connection setting processing has begun.

Input the ellipses and click the OK Button. Processing for automatic setting is started.

3 If there are tag sets that meet the conditions for automatic connection setting, they are dis-

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links


7-2-5 Connection Settings

Click the OK Button. Processing for automatic setting is started.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

4 A device connection structure tree is displayed when processing is completed.

5 Use the device connection structure tree as required to change the RPI and timeout settings.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

Device Connection Structure Tree

Connection settings can be displayed on the network configuration. Select View Device’s Connection
Structure Tree from the Network Menu.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

• You can use the Display the detail of Connection Check Box to switch between device-level and con-
nection-level displays of tag data link communications.
• An asterisk is displayed after the device name of the originator set for the connection.
• The Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box is displayed if you select a connection and click the Edit But- 7
ton. You can edit the connections in this dialog box.

7-2-5 Connection Settings

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-6 Creating Connections Using the Wizard

You can use the Network Configurator's Wizard to easily create connections between OMRON PLCs
following the instructions provided by the Wizard.
Note The Wizard can be used only with the following OMRON EtherNet/IP devices.

Device name Remarks

CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to NJ-series Controller
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CJ1 CPU Unit
CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CJ2 CPU Unit
CJ2B-EIP21 Built-in EtherNet/IP port in CJ2H CPU Unit
CJ2M-EIP21 Built-in EtherNet/IP port in CJ2M CPU Unit
CS1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CS1 CPU Unit
NX701 Built-in EtherNet/IP port on NX-series CPU Unit
NJ301- Built-in EtherNet/IP port on NJ-series CPU Unit
NY52 Built-in EtherNet/IP port on NY-series Controller

Use the following procedure to create connections (i.e., data links) with the Wizard.

1 Set tags and tag sets for all devices before starting the Wizard. Refer to 7-2-4 Creating Tags
and Tag Sets for the setting procedure.

2 For tag data links between OMRON PLCs, a connection is created in the PLC (i.e., the origina-
tor device) that receives data as input data.
First, select the registered device for which you want to create a connection in the Network Con-
figuration Window of the Network Configurator, and then select Device - Parameters - Wizard
from the menus.

The following dialog box will be displayed before the Wizard starts.

Click the Yes Button to delete the connections that have been set with OMRON PLCs before
starting the Wizard.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

3 Create the connection following the instructions that are given by the Wizard after the Wizard
starts. (See the following figure.)

4 A list of tag sets is displayed on the right side of the Wizard Dialog Box with target devices that
support receiving input data.
Select the tag sets that you want to receive at the originator device.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

The following tables describes the meanings of the icons and check marks displayed in the tag
set list.

Icon Display position Status

All All output tag sets for all devices are selected.
Device All output tag sets for the applicable device are selected.
Tag set The applicable output tag sets are selected. These are the tag
sets that will be set in the connection.
All All or some output tag sets for some devices are selected.
Device Some output tag sets for applicable devices are selected. 7
All All output tag sets for all devices are not selected.
Device All output tag sets for applicable devices are not selected.

7-2-6 Creating Connections Using the Wizard

Tag set The applicable output tag sets are not selected. The connec-
tions for this tag set will be deleted.
Device No applicable tag sets.

Note Tag sets that are used in connections that are already set are not displayed.
The following display will appear when you click the Show Detail Button.

The specified values for detailed parameters will be displayed. Change the values as required. The
connection name cannot be set. They are automatically created using the following rule.
default_N (where N is a 3-digit number (001, 002, etc.) starting from 1)

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

5 Click the Next Button to switch to the table in the following Wizard Dialog Box. Follow the
instructions to select the input tag set of the originator device that receives the output tag set of
the target device from the list box.

• The blank area in the Input Tag Set Column is the connection that you are creating.
• The rows in which there are input tag sets are connections that are already set.
• To prevent duplicate settings, input tag sets that have been used are not displayed in the list
box for input tag sets.
• If there is no applicable input tag set, you can edit a tag set or create a new one by using the
Edit Tag Sets Button and Edit Tag Button.

6 Once the input tag set settings have been completed, click the Finish Button. You can check
the set connection by selecting Network - View Devices Connection Structure Tree from the
• The Wizard can be ended even if the input tag set includes a blank row. In that case, a con-
nection is not created for the blank row.
• You can delete a connection by deleting the input tag sets that were previously set.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-7 Creating Connections by Device Dragging and Dropping

You can create a connection to the originator by dragging a target device and dropping it at the origina-
tor device. Network Configurator version 3.10 or higher is required to drag and drop devices to make
Example: Drag the target device at and drop it at the originator device at
Drag & Drop

Additional Information

The EtherNet/IP originator device (i.e., a device in which connections can be set) must be one of

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

the following OMRON EtherNet/IP devices.

Device name Remarks

CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to NJ-series CPU Unit
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CJ1 CPU Unit
CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CJ2 CPU Unit
CJ2B-EIP21 Built-in EtherNet/IP port in CJ2H CPU Unit
CJ2M-EIP21 Built-in EtherNet/IP port in CJ2M CPU Unit
CS1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CS1 CPU Unit
NX701 Built-in EtherNet/IP port on NX-series CPU Unit
NJ301- Built-in EtherNet/IP port on NJ-series CPU Unit

7-2-7 Creating Connections by Device Dragging and Dropping

NY52 Built-in EtherNet/IP port on NY-series Controller

Use the following procedure to create connections (i.e., data links) by dragging and dropping devices.

1 Set the tags and tag sets for the target device that will be dragged.
(1) Refer to 7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets for information on creating the settings if
the target is one of the OMRON EtherNet/IP devices given above.
(2) If the target is another EtherNet/IP device, refer to the manual of that device and per-
form settings as required.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

2 A dialog box as in the following figure for connection allocation will be displayed when you drag
the target device and drop it at the OMRON EtherNet/IP device.
(1) Using One of the Above OMRON EtherNet/IP Devices As Target

Select the output tag set from Target Device Area on the right side of the Edit Connection
Dialog Box, and then select the input tag set to receive the output tag set in the Originator
Device Area on the left.
• If there is no applicable input tag set at the originator, you can create a new one by using
the Edit Tag Sets Button and Edit Tag Button.
(2) Using Other EtherNet/IP Devices as Target

The connection I/O type list box in the upper part of the Connection Settings Dialog Box dis-
plays the connection I/O types that can be selected. Select the connection I/O type accord-
ing to your application.
• The connection I/O types that can be selected depend on the target device.
• Items that can be selected will depend on the connection I/O type that is selected.
• Select the output, input, or both output and input tag sets at the target and specify the
corresponding input, output, or both input and output tag sets at the originator.
• If there is no applicable tag set at the originator, you can create a new one by using the
Edit Tag Sets Button and Edit Tag Button.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

The following display will appear when you click the Show Detail Button.

The specified values for detailed parameters will be displayed. Change the values as
required. Connection names are automatically created using the following rule.
default_N (where N is a 3-digit number (001, 002, etc.) starting from 1)

Additional Information

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

The following dialog box will be displayed if a target device that does not have I/O data is

Before dropping again, refer to the manual of the applicable device and create the I/O data (i.e.,
output tag sets) required to create a connection.

7-2-7 Creating Connections by Device Dragging and Dropping

3 After you have set all of the connection, click the Regist Button to create the connection. When
creating the connection has been completed, the input tag set and output tag set will be blank.
Next, you can continue to create connections by selecting the connection I/O type and setting a
tag set.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-8 Connecting the Network Configurator to the Network

This section describes how to Connect the Network Configurator online.

Connecting through Ethernet

Connect to the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the Controller via an Ethernet switch.

Precautions for Correct Use

The first time you connect via Ethernet with Windows XP (SP2 or higher), Windows Vista, or
Windows 7, you much change the Windows firewall settings. For the procedure, refer to A-4 Pre-
cautions for Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 or

1 Select Option - Select Interface - Ethernet I/F.

2 Select Network - Connect. If there are multiple Ethernet interfaces on the computer, the Select
Connect Network Port Dialog Box is displayed. Select the interface to connect, and press the
OK Button.
The following dialog box is displayed.

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3 Click the OK Button.

Select the network to connect.

The Network Configurator will connect to the EtherNet/IP network. If the Network Configurator
goes online normally, “Online” is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window. The
network connection icon is displayed in blue on the Network Tab Page in which the Network
Configurator is connected.
Network connection icon

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Select Network - Change Connect Network to switch the connected network.

7-2-8 Connecting the Network Configurator to the Network

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4 The following dialog box is displayed.

5 Click the OK Button.

Select the network to connect to.

Additional Information

If the following dialog box appears in the Network Configurator when you go online with an NY-
series Controller, refer to the following table for possible causes and corrections.

Assumed cause Correction

The cable is not connected correctly. Check if the cable is disconnected or loose.
Connection with the Controller is blocked If connection with the Controller is blocked due to the
due to the firewall settings. firewall settings, disable the blocking.
For the firewall settings, refer to A-4 Precautions for
Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP, Win-
dows Vista, or Windows 7 or Higher.

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Direct Connection via Ethernet to Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Use the following procedure to directly connect to the built-in EtherNet/IP port via Ethernet. You can
connect to the built-in EtherNet/IP port even if the IP address has not been set on the computer.

1 Select the communications interface.

Select Option - Select Interface - NJ/NX/NY Series Ethernet Direct I/F.

2 Select Network - Connect and click the OK Button.

The Setup Interface Dialog Box is displayed if there are several Controllers that you can con-
nect to.

3 Select the Interface Card to connect and click the OK Button.

Select from the options displayed as Controller model (IP number). The following dialog box is

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links


7-2-8 Connecting the Network Configurator to the Network

4 Select TCP:2 and then click the OK Button.

The following dialog box is displayed.

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5 Select the network to connect.

The Network Configurator will connect to the EtherNet/IP network. If the Network Configurator
goes online normally, “On-line” is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

Additional Information

If the following dialog box appears in the Network Configurator when you go online with an NY-
series Controller, refer to the following table for possible causes and corrections.

Assumed cause Correction

The cable is not connected correctly. Check if the cable is disconnected or loose.
Connection with the Controller is blocked If connection with the Controller is blocked due to the
due to the firewall settings. firewall settings, disable the blocking.
For the firewall settings, refer to A-4 Precautions for
Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP, Win-
dows Vista, or Windows 7 or Higher.

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7-2-9 Downloading Tag Data Link Parameters

To make tag data links, you must download tag data link parameters, such as tag set settings and con-
nection settings, to all devices in the EtherNet/IP network. When the download operation is executed,
the tag data link parameters are transferred to the EtherNet/IP Units that require the settings.
The following procedure shows how to download the tag data link parameters. Refer to 7-2-8 Connect-
ing the Network Configurator to the Network for information on how to Connect the Network Configura-
tor online.

Precautions for Correct Use

• If the node addresses (IP addresses) are not set correctly, you may connect to the wrong Con-
troller and set incorrect device parameters. Download data only after you confirm that you are
connected to the correct Controller.
• If incorrect tag data link parameters are set, it may cause equipment to operate unpredictably.
Even when the correct tag data link parameters are set, make sure that there will be no effect
on equipment before you transfer the data.
• When network variables are used in tag settings, a connection error will result if the variables
are not also set in the Controller. Before downloading the tag data link parameters, check to
confirm that the network variables are set in the Controller. Check whether the network vari-

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

able, tag, and connection settings are correct. On the Connection and Tag Status Tab Pages
described in 14-1-1 Starting the Device Monitoring.
• If a communications error occurs, the output status depends on the specifications of the
device being used. When a communications error occurs for a device that is used along with
output devices, check the operating specifications and implement safety countermeasures.
• The built-in EtherNet/IP port is automatically restarted after the parameters are downloaded.
This restart is required to enable the tag set and connection information. Before you download
the parameters, check to confirm that problems will not occur with the equipment when the
port is restarted.
• Make sure that the major CIP revision of the device registered with the Network Configurator 7
is the same as the major CIP revision of the NY-series Controller that you use. If major CIP
revisions are not the same, the parameters may not be downloaded. To determine whether

7-2-9 Downloading Tag Data Link Parameters

downloading is possible, refer to 7-2-3 Registering Devices.
• Do not disconnect the Ethernet cable during the parameter download.
• Tag data links (data exchange) between relevant nodes is stopped during a download. Before
you download data in RUN mode, make sure that it will not affect the controlled system. Also
implement interlocks on data processing in ladder programming that uses tag data links when
the tag data links are stopped or a tag data link error occurs.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

1 Connect the Network Configurator online.

2 There are two ways to download the parameters.

Downloading to All Devices in the Network

Select Network - Download.
The following dialog box is displayed.

Downloading Individually to Particular Devices

Select the icon of the EtherNet/IP Unit to which you want to download. To select multiple nodes,
hold down the Shift Key or the Ctrl Key while you click the icons. (In the following example, 2
nodes are selected: and Right-click the icon to display the pop-
up menu, and select Parameter - Download.

The following dialog box is displayed.

7-54 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

3 Click the Yes Button to download the tag data link parameters to the EtherNet/ IP Unit. The fol-
lowing dialog box is displayed if any of the Controllers is not in PROGRAM mode.

If the Download after changed to Program mode Button is clicked, all Controllers are
changed to PROGRAM mode and the parameters are downloaded. Confirm safety for all con-
trolled equipment before you change the Controllers to PROGRAM mode. You can restore the
operating modes after the parameters are downloaded.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

You can click the Download with Current mode Button to download the parameters even
when one or more Controllers is in RUN mode. The Download with Current mode Button is
disabled if the EtherNet/IP Unit does not support this function (e.g., revision 1 of CJ1W-EIP21 or
During the download, the following progress monitor is displayed to show the progress of the

7-2-9 Downloading Tag Data Link Parameters

If the operating mode of one or more Controllers was changed to download the parameters, you
can return the Controllers to the previous operating modes. If the No Button is clicked, the Con-
trollers remain in PROGRAM mode.

4 The following dialog box is displayed to show that the download was completed.

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7-2-10 Uploading Tag Data Link Parameters

You can upload tag data link parameters (such as the tag set settings and connection settings) from
EtherNet/IP Units in the EtherNet/IP network. The following procedure shows how to upload the param-
eters. For details on how to connect to the network from the Network Configurator, refer to 7-2-8 Con-
necting the Network Configurator to the Network.

Precautions for Correct Use

Make sure that the major CIP revision of the device registered with the Network Configurator is
the same as the major CIP revision of the Controller that you use. If the major CIP revisions are
not the same, the parameters may not be uploaded. To determine whether uploading is possi-
ble, refer to 7-2-3 Registering Devices.

There are two ways to upload the parameters.

Uploading from All Devices in the Network

1 Connect the Network Configurator online, and then select Upload from the Network Menu.

2 The following dialog box is displayed.

Clicking the Yes Button:

The tag data link parameters in the current project are uploaded.

Clicking the No Button:

You open a new project to upload the tag data link parameters. The current project is closed.

Clicking the Cancel Button:

The upload operation is cancelled. The upload is not performed.

3 If you click the Yes Button in step 2, the following dialog box is displayed.

Clicking the Yes Button:

Parameters are uploaded only from the devices registered in the Network Configuration Pane.
Parameters are not uploaded from devices that are not registered in the Network Configuration

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Clicking the No Button:

Performing a Batch Upload over the Network
Parameters are uploaded from all devices on the network. The current Network Configuration
Information will be lost.
The following dialog box will be displayed. Select the devices for which to upload parameters
and click the OK Button.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Clicking the Cancel Button:
The upload operation is cancelled. The upload is not performed.

4 If you click the No Button in step 2, the following dialog box is displayed.
Select the devices for which to upload parameters and click the OK Button.

7-2-10 Uploading Tag Data Link Parameters

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Uploading Individually from Particular Devices

1 Connect the Network Configurator online and select the icon of the EtherNet/IP Unit from which
you want to upload the parameters. To select multiple nodes, press and hold the Shift Key or
the Ctrl Key while you select additional icons. (In the following example, 2 nodes are selected: and
Right-click the icon to display the pop-up menu, and select Parameter - Upload.

2 The following dialog box is displayed.

Click the Yes Button or the No Button.

3 During the upload, the following progress monitor is displayed to show the progress of the

4 The following dialog box is displayed to show that the upload was completed.

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7-2-11 Verifying the Tag Data Links

Tag data link parameters (such as the tag set settings and connection settings) can be compared with
the parameters of the built-in EtherNet/IP ports in the EtherNet/IP network. The following procedure
shows how to compare the parameters. For details on how to connect to the network from the Network
Configurator, refer to 7-2-8 Connecting the Network Configurator to the Network.

Precautions for Correct Use

Make sure that the major CIP revision of the device registered with the Network Configurator is
the same as the major CIP revision of the Controller that you use. If the major CIP revisions are
not the same, the parameters may not be compared. To determine whether comparison is possi-
ble, refer to 7-2-3 Registering Devices.

Verifying the Network Configuration

You can use the following procedure to compare the list of registered devices in the Network Configura-
tion Pane with the devices connected on the EtherNet/IP network, and check the IP addresses and
device types. This function does not verify device parameters.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

1 Connect the Network Configurator online.

2 Select Network - Verify Structure.

The following progress monitor is displayed to show the progress as data is read from the net-
work and compared.

3 The results of the comparison between the network configuration file and data from the network

7-2-11 Verifying the Tag Data Links

are displayed as shown below.

Differences Not Found in the Comparison

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

Differences Found in the Comparison

Differences Found in the Device Type

Click the OK Button or the Close Button.

Verifying the Device Parameters

Use the following procedure to compare the device parameters for the devices selected in the Network
Configuration Pane with those of the devices connected on the EtherNet/IP network. The IP addresses,
device types, and device parameters are compared.

1 Connect the Network Configurator online.

2 Click the icon of the built-in EtherNet/IP port to verify. To select multiple nodes, press and hold
the Shift Key or the Ctrl Key while you select additional icons. (In the following example, 2
nodes are selected: and
Right-click the icon to display the pop-up menu and select Parameter - Verify.

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3 The following dialog box is displayed.

Click the Yes Button or the No Button.

4 The following dialog box is displayed.

Differences Not Found in the Comparison

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Differences Found in the Comparison

7-2-11 Verifying the Tag Data Links

Differences Found in the Device Type

Click the OK Button or the Close Button.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

5 If multiple nodes have been selected and compared, the following message is displayed. Click
the Yes Button.

The comparison results are displayed in order of the selected nodes.

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7-2-12 Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links

Automatically Starting Tag Data Links

Tag data links are automatically started immediately after the data link parameters are downloaded
from the Network Configurator. (They are automatically started after the CPU Unit’s power is turned ON
or the Unit is restarted.)

Additional Information

A Tag Data Link Connection Timeout error will occur if a connection is not established with the
target device within 1 minute after the tag data links are started in operation as the originator
device. Reconnection processing is continued periodically even after this error occurs to auto-
matically recover. If the application environment allows this error to be ignored, such as when a
target device is started later than the originator device, you can change the event level to the
observation level.

Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links for the Entire Network

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

You can start and stop tag data links for the entire network from the user program or from the Network

Precautions for Correct Use

Use the same method (i.e., either the user program or the Network Configurator) to both start
and stop tag data links. For example, if you use the _EIP_TDLinkStopCmd (Tag Data Link Com-
munications Stop Switch) system-defined variable stop tag data links, you cannot start them
from the Network Configurator.

 Using Commands in the User Program

7-2-12 Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links

You can change the corresponding elements in the following system-defined variables to TRUE in
the user program to start and stop tag data links for individual devices. (Refer to Section 3 System-
defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port.)
• _EIP_TDLinkStartCmd (Tag Data Link Communications Start Switch)
• _EIP_TDLinkStopCmd (Tag Data Link Communications Stop Switch)

Additional Information

• Change the Tag Data Link Start Switch to TRUE, while the Tag Data Link Communications
Stop Switch is FALSE. If the Tag Data Link Stop Switch is TRUE, the tag data links do not start
even if the Tag Data Link Start Switch is changed to TRUE. Furthermore, if the Tag Data Link
Start Switch and the Tag Data Link Stop Switch are both TRUE, an error occurs, the Multiple
Switches TRUE Error system-defined variable changes to TRUE, and the event is recorded in
the event log.
• After you start the tag data links, do not force the Tag Data Link Start Switch to change to
FALSE from the user program or from the Sysmac Studio. It will change to FALSE automati-

 Using the Network Configurator

You can select I/O Connection - Start or I/O Connection - Stop from the Network Menu to start
and stop tag data links for individual devices.

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7 Tag Data Link Functions

Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links for Individual Devices

 Using the Network Configurator
You can start and stop tag data links for individual devices using the Connection Tab Page in the
Monitor Device Dialog Box. This applies only to tag data links for which the device is the originator.
Select Monitor from the Device Menu to access the Monitor Device Dialog Box. When using an NX-
series CPU Unit, you can individually start and stop the tag data links of the built-in EtherNet/IP
ports 1 and 2 connected to the Network Configurator.

Start Connection Button:

Starts all connections for which the device is the originator.
Stop Connection Button:
Stops all connections for which the device is the originator.

7-2-13 Clearing the Device Parameters

You can clear the tag data link settings (or return them to their factory settings) that are saved in the
registered EtherNet/IP device. The following procedure shows how to clear the tag data link settings.
For details on how to connect to the network from the Network Configurator, refer to 7-2-8 Connecting
the Network Configurator to the Network.

1 Connect the Network Configurator online.

2 Select the icon of the device from which you want to clear the device parameters. In the follow-
ing example, 2 nodes are selected: and To select multiple nodes,
press and hold the Shift Key while you select additional icons.

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3 Select Device - Reset. You can also right-click the icon and select Reset from the popup menu.

4 The following dialog box is displayed.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Yes Button:
The following dialog box is displayed.

7-2-13 Clearing the Device Parameters

Select the Initialize tag data link configuration, and then emulate cycling power Option and then click
the OK Button.

Precautions for Correct Use

The Controller is not restarted. Both the built-in EtherNet/IP port and internal port are reset.

No Button:
The tag data link settings will not be cleared and the built-in EtherNet/IP port and internal port will
not be reset.

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Additional Information

You can also execute the Reset service of the Identity object for the Controller to clear the tag
data link settings. The procedures to execute the service from the Network Configurator is given
(1) Connect the Network Configurator to the network.
(2) Select Tool - Setup Parameters on the main window.
Then the dialog box for the general parameter settings are displayed.
(3) Specify the target device and message to send.
• Target Node Address: Enter the IP address of the target device.
• Service: Select Reset.
• Class: Enter 01.
• Instance: Enter 01.
• Attribute: Enter 00.
• Data: Enter 02.
(4) Click the Send Button.

7-2-14 Saving the Network Configuration File

You can save device parameters set in the Network Configurator or device parameters uploaded from
the network in a network configuration file.

1 Select File - Save As.

The following dialog box is displayed.

Untitled.nvf is displayed as the default file name.

7-66 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

2 Input the file name, and then click the Save Button.

This completes the network configuration file save operation.

3 When the network configuration is changed later, you can overwrite the existing network config-

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

uration file if you select File - Save or click the Button.

4 You can select the Select target network Check Box in the Option Area to save a network con-
figuration file with only the required networks.

7-2-14 Saving the Network Configuration File

Select the check boxes of the networks to save and click the OK Button.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-67
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-15 Reading a Network Configuration File

You can read a previously saved network configuration file into the Network Configurator.

1 Select File - Open or click the Button.

The following dialog box is displayed.

If the network configuration file that you want to read is not displayed, change to another folder.

2 If you select the network configuration file that you want to read, that file name is displayed in
the File name Field.

3 Click the Open Button to read the network configuration file.

7-68 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

4 The Network Configurator’s Title Bar will display the name of the file that was read.

5 Select any of the options as necessary. The options are listed below.
Setting Description
Select target network Allows you to select specific networks from the network configuration
and open them.

7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

Add to current document Allows you to add the networks from the network configuration file
that is currently open to the current configuration file.

Additional Information

The save format will depend on the Network Configurator version. You can import configuration
files (*.ncf) created with the Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP (version 2 or lower) if you
select External Data - Import from the File Menu.

7-2-16 Checking Connections

7-2-16 Checking Connections

You can check the consistency of connection parameters for network configuration files with device
parameters that were set with the Network Configurator or device parameters uploaded from the net-

1 Select Check Connection from the Network Menu.

The following dialog box is displayed if parameters are normal.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-69
7 Tag Data Link Functions

The following dialog box is displayed if there are parameter errors. Check the displayed details
and review the settings.

If an inconsistency is found, open the originator’s Edit Device Parameter Dialog Box and click
the Connection Tab. The inconsistent connection in the Register Device List is displayed with a
icon (instead of the normal icon).To change the connection setting and select a different
target variable, select the connection as shown below and click the Edit Button.

icon (normally )

7-70 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-17 Changing Devices

You can change devices that are registered in a network configuration with the Network Configurator.
Select Change Device from the Device Menu to display a list of the possible devices to change to.
Select the desired device. You can change a device only when there is complete or upward compatibil-
ity with the device.

Device Changes
CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) NJ501- NX701 NY52
Model after change NJ301-
Model before CIP
Rev2 Rev3 Rev1 Rev2 Rev2 Rev2
change Rev
CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) Rev2 --- Yes * * Yes *

Rev3 Yes --- * * Yes *

NJ501- Rev1 Yes Yes --- Yes No No


7-2 Setting Tag Data Links

NJ101 Rev2 Yes Yes Yes --- Yes Yes

NX701 Rev2 Yes Yes No * --- *

NY52 Rev2 Yes Yes No * Yes ---

Yes: Can be changed.

No: Cannot be changed.
* Cannot be changed in any of the following cases:
• The number of I/O connections, number of tags, number of tag sets, or size of one tag set exceeds the per-
missible settings for the device after the change. 7
• RPI exceeds the permissible settings or is set in 0.5-ms increments (such as 10.5 ms).

7-2-17 Changing Devices

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-71
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-2-18 Displaying Device Status

Device status is displayed using the following icons in Maintenance Mode. To enter Maintenance
Mode, select Large Icons - Maintenance Mode from the View Menu.

Icon Status

Default (including no Controller Configurations and Setup)

Idle (including when CPU Unit of Controller is in PROGRAM
Normal communications state (including when Controller is
in RUN mode)
Warning status (including when there is a partial fault or non-
fatal error)
Alarm status (including when there is a major fault or fatal
error in the Controller)

7-72 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-3 Ladder Programming for Tag Data


7-3-1 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links

If data in the ladder program is linked by tag data links, add conditions 1 to 3 in the ladder program for
that data. If you want to use target node Controller information in the input conditions, add conditions 4
and 5.

 Conditions to enable the NY-series Built-in EtherNet/IP Port’s tag data links:
(1) The following error bits in the Built-in EtherNet/IP Error variable (_EIP_ErrSta) are

7-3 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links

Major fault: Bit 7,
Partial fault: Bit 6,
and Minor fault: Bit 5
(2) Also, the Online variable (_EIP_EtnOnlineSta)*1 is TRUE.

 Conditions showing that connections are established with the target device,
and tag data links are operating:
(3) The bit corresponding to the target node address in the Normal Target Node Informa-
tion variable (_EIP_EstbTargetSta) is TRUE.

 Condition for the Controller operating mode (operating or stopped) of the

target node (valid for OMRON Controllers only):
(4) The bit corresponding to the target node address in the Target PLC Operating Mode 7
(_EIP_TargetPLCModeSta) is TRUE.

7-3-1 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links

 Condition for the Controller error status (fatal or non-fatal error) of the target
node (valid for OMRON Controllers only):
(5) The bit corresponding to the target node address in the Target PLC Error Information
(_EIP_TargetPLCErr) is FALSE.
When you want to use the Target Node Controller Error Flag, the Controller status must be
included in the tag sets for both the originator and target. Include the Controller status by
using the Network Configurator to select the Include Options in the Edit Tag Set Dialog
*1 Replace this with the following variable name, depending on which port you use.
Built-in EtherNet/IP port: _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta
Internal port: _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-73
7 Tag Data Link Functions

 Programming Example to Detect Normal Operation

The following programming can be used to confirm that normal communications are being per-
formed for each target node. If the Controller status is included in the tag data, the status of the Con-
troller can also be detected.
• Programming Example 1 to Detect Normal Operation
Normal Target Node Target PLC Operating Target PLC Error
Online Information (#1) Mode (#1) Information (#1)
(_EIP_EtnOnlineSta) _EIP_EstbTargetSta[1] _EIP_TargetPLCModeSta[1] _EIP_TargetPLCErr[1]
Node 1 data
link operation

Normal Target Node

Information Target PLC Operating Target PLC Error
(#2) Mode (#2) Information (#2)
_EIP_EstbTargetSta[2] _EIP_TargetPLCModeSta[2] _EIP_TargetPLCErr[2]
Node 2 data
link operation

• Programming Example 2 to Detect Normal Operation

All Tag Data Links

Online Communications Status
(_EIP_EtnOnlineSta)*1 _EIP_TDLinkAllRunSta
Data link

Target PLC Target PLC

Operating Mode (#1) Error Information (#1)
_EIP_EstbTargetSta[1] _EIP_TargetPLCErr[1]
Node 1 data
link operation

Target PLC Target PLC

Operating Mode (#2) Error Information (#2)
_EIP_EstbTargetSta[2] _EIP_TargetPLCErr[2]
Node 2 data
link operation

*1 Replace this with the following variable name, depending on which port you use.
Built-in EtherNet/IP port: _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta
Internal port: _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta

7-74 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

 Programming Example to Detect Errors

The following programming can be used to check for tag data link errors for each target node. This
programming is used to detect errors only after the data links for all nodes have started normally.
Normal Target
Online Node Information (#1)
(_EIP_EtnOnlineSta)*1 _EIP_EstbTargetSta[1]
Node 1 error output

Normal Target
Node Information (#1) Node 1
_EIP_EstbTargetSta[1] error output

Normal Target
Node Information (#2)

7-3 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links

Node 2 error output

Normal Target
Node Information (#2) Node 2
_EIP_EstbTargetSta[2] error output

*1 Replace this with the following variable name, depending on which port you use.
Built-in EtherNet/IP port: _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta
Internal port: _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta

 Data Processing Programming Example

• The following type of programming can be used to process data only when the data links are
operating normally. 7

The parts of the ladder 7-3-1 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links
Normal operation flag program that use the data
Additional parts
link area for the relevant
node are processed only
when the corresponding
Normal operation flag normal operation flag is ON.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-75
7 Tag Data Link Functions

• You can use MC - MCR instructions and JMP instructions to process data only when the data
links are operating normally as shown below.

Node A data link

normal operation flag

Node A data processing

Node B data link
normal operation flag

Node B data processing

Node C data link
normal operation flag

Node C data processing


Precautions for Correct Use

Even if an error occurs in communications with a target device, the input data from the target
device will remain stored in words allocated in memory to the local node. To prevent malfunc-
tions, write the user program so that no input processing is performed when the following Built-in
EtherNet/IP Error (_EIP_ErrSta) bits are TRUE.
Major fault: Bit 7
Partial fault: Bit 6
Minor fault: Bit 5

7-76 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-3-2 Status Flags Related to Tag Data Links

The status of the tag data links is reflected in the following system-defined variables.

Variable name Description

_EIP_TargetPLCModeSta[255] (Target PLC This variable shows the operating status of the target node
Operating Mode) Controllers that are connected with the built-in EtherNet/IP
* Corresponds to the Controller Operating Flag port as the originator. The information in this area is valid
in the Controller status. only when the corresponding Normal Target Node Informa-
tion is TRUE. If the corresponding Normal Target Node Infor-
mation is FALSE, the Target Node Controller Operating
Information indicates the previous operating status.
Array[x] is TRUE: The target Controller with a node address
of x is in operating status.
Array[x] is FALSE: Other than the above.

7-3 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links

_EIP_TargetNodeErr[255] (Target Node Error This variable indicates that the connection for the Registered
Information) Target Node Information was not established or that an error
* Corresponds to the Controller Error Flag in the occurred in the target Controller. The information in this area
Controller status. is valid only when the Registered Target Node Information is
Array[x] is TRUE: The Registered Target Node Information
for a node address of x is TRUE, and the Normal Target
Node Information is FALSE or the Target PLC Error Informa-
tion is TRUE.
Array[x] is FALSE: When the Registered Target Node Infor-
mation for a node address of x is FALSE, or when the Regis-
tered Target Node Information is TRUE, the Normal Target
Node Error Information is TRUE, and the Target PLC Error
Information is FALSE.
_EIP_EstbTargetSta[255] (Normal Target Node This variable gives a list of nodes that have normally estab-
Information) lished EtherNet/IP connections.
* This status is not included in the Controller sta- Array[x] is TRUE: The connection to the node with a node
tus. address of x is established normally.
Array[x] is FALSE: A connection is not established or an

7-3-2 Status Flags Related to Tag Data Links

error has occurred.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-77
7 Tag Data Link Functions

7-4 Tag Data Links with Other Models

The performance of tag data links depends on the Controller and EtherNet/IP Unit model as shown
below. When you use tag data links between the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the NY-series Controller
and another Controller or EtherNet/IP Unit, use tag data link settings of the Unit with the lower commu-
nications performance.

7-78 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions

 Differences in Tag Data Link Performance Specifications

NJ-series CPU Unit EIP21,
Unit version
NY-series NX-series CJ1W-
Item Unit ver- Unit ver-
Controller Controller EIP21, or
sion 1.00 sion 1.03 2.0 2.1 or later CJ2H-
to 1.02 or later CPU6-EIP
Tags Total size of 92,416 184,832 9,600 words 640 words 184,832
all tags words words words
(total of
words with
two ports)
Maximum 722 words (721 words when 300 words (299 words 20 words (19 640 words 722 words
size of 1 tag the tag set includes the Con- when the tag set words when (639 words (721 words
troller status) includes the Controller the tag set when the tag when the tag
status) includes the set includes set includes
Controller the Control- the Control-

7-4 Tag Data Links with Other Models

status) ler status) ler status)
Number of 256*3 256 (total 256*3 32 256
registrable of 512 tags
tags with two
Tag sets Maximum 722 words (721 words when 300 words (299 words 20 words (19 640 words 722 words
size of 1 tag the tag set includes the Con- when the tag set words when (639 words (721 words
set troller status) includes the Controller the tag set when the tag when the tag
status) includes the set includes set includes
Controller the Control- the Control-
status) ler status) ler status)
Number of 8 (7 tags when the tag set includes the Controller status)
tags per tag
set Note Input and output variables cannot be combined.
Number of 128 256 (total 32 32 256
registrable of 512 tags
tag sets with two
Connections Number of 128 256 (total 32 32 256
connections of 512 con-
with two
Maximum 722 722 300 words (Refer to 7-1- 20 words 640 words 252 words
data size per words*2 words*2 7 Concurrency of Tag (Data concurrency is or 722
connection (Data con- (Data con- Data Link Data for infor- maintained within each words*2
currency is currency is mation on the condi- connection.) (Data con-
main- main- tions to maintain currency is
tained tained concurrency in the data main-
within each within each for one connection.) tained
connec- connec- within each
tion.) tion.) connec-
Packet intervals (RPIs) 1 to 10,000 0.5 to 10 to 1 to 10,000 1 to 10,000 ms in 0.5-ms 0.5 to
ms in 1-ms 10,000 ms 10,000 ms ms in 1-ms increments 10,000 ms
increments in 0.5-ms in 1-ms increments in 0.5-ms
increments increments increments
Communications bandwidth 20,000 pps 40,000 pps 1,000 pps 3,000 pps 3,000 pps 12,000 pps
used (pps)*1

*1 Here, pps means “packets per second” and indicates the number of packets that can be processed in one sec-

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-79
7 Tag Data Link Functions

*2 To use a data size of 505 bytes or more, the system must support a large forward open (an optional CIP spec-
ification). The SYSMAC CS/CJ-series Units support Large_Forward_Open, but before you connect to nodes of
other companies, confirm that those devices also support it.
*3 The maximum number of tags is given for the following conditions.
• All tag sets contain eight tags.
• The maximum number of tag sets (32) is registered.

 Specifying Tags
You can specify where to assign a tag either with a variable or with a I/O memory address. However,
some Controllers may not support both of these methods. Communications with the devices are
possible regardless of whether the remote node tags are set using I/O memory addresses or net-
work variables.
The supported tag specification methods for each Controller are listed in the table below.
Yes: Supported, No: Not supported
Controller Name in Hardware List of Network variable I/O memory address
EtherNet/IP Unit Network Configurator name specification specification
NY-series Controller --- NY512 Yes No
NX-series Controller --- NX701 Yes No
NJ-series Controller --- NJ501- Yes Yes*
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) Yes Yes*
CJ2H-CPU6-EIP --- CJ2B-EIP21 Yes Yes
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) Yes Yes
CJ2H-CPU6 CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) No Yes
CJ2M-CPU3 --- CJ2M-EIP21 Yes Yes
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) Yes Yes
CJ2M-CPU1 CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) No Yes
CJ1 CPU Unit CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21 No Yes
CS1 CPU Unit CS1W-EIP21 CS1W-EIP21 No Yes

* To specify an I/O memory address for a tag, do not specify the I/O memory address for the tag directly. Instead, create a
variable, set an AT specification of the I/O memory address on the Sysmac Studio, and then specify the variable with the AT
specification for the tag.

7-80 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
CIP Message Communications

8-1 Overview of the CIP Message Communications Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3

8-1-1 Overview of the CIP Message Communications Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
8-1-2 Message Communications Service Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
8-2-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
8-2-2 CIP Communications Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8-2-3 Using CIP Communications Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
8-2-4 Route Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
8-2-5 Request Path (IOI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
8-2-6 Service Data and Response Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-14
8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-15
8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-20
8-2-9 Operation Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-27
8-2-10 Response Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-28
8-3 CIP Communication Server Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-32
8-3-1 CIP Message Structure for Accessing CIP Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33
8-3-2 CIP Message Structure for Accessing Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33
8-4 Specifying Request Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34
8-4-1 Examples of CIP Object Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34
8-4-2 Examples of Variable Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34
8-4-3 Logical Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-35
8-4-4 Data Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-36
8-4-5 Specifying Variable Names in Request Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-37

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-1
8 CIP Message Communications

8-5 CIP Object Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-40

8-5-1 CIP Objects Sent to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-40
8-5-2 Identity Object (Class ID: 01 Hex) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-40
8-5-3 TCP/IP Interface Object (Class ID: F5 hex) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-44
8-5-4 Ethernet Link Object (Class ID: F6 Hex) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-47
8-5-5 Controller Object (Class ID: C4 Hex) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-52
8-6 Read and Write Services for Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-53
8-6-1 Read Services for Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-53
8-6-2 Write Service for Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-55
8-7 Variable Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-57
8-7-1 Data Type Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-57
8-7-2 Common Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-58
8-7-3 Elementary Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-58
8-7-4 Derived Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-60

8-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

8-1 Overview of the CIP Message

Communications Service

8-1-1 Overview of the CIP Message Communications Service

CIP commands can be sent to devices on the EtherNet/IP network whenever they are required. You
execute CIP_SEND instructions in a program in the NY-series Controller to send CIP commands, such
as those to read and write data and to receive the responses.


8-1 Overview of the CIP Message Communications Service


CIP command


CIP response

NJ/NX/NY-series EtherNet/IP
Controller port
You can use CIP messages from the client to read and write memory in the Controller with the server
without adding any special programming to the user program of the Controller with the server.

EtherNet/IP or host computer

CIP command


CIP response

EtherNet/IP 8
Controller port

8-1-1 Overview of the CIP Message Communications Service

8-1-2 Message Communications Service Specifications
Item Specification
Message type Either of the following can be selected.
CIP UCMM connectionless messages
CIP class 3 connection messages
Execution method CIPSend (Send Explicit Message Class 3) instruction or CIPUC-
MMSend (Send Explicit Message UCMM) instruction
Data contents Sending required CIP commands and receiving responses
Communications parameters Message type, timeout value, and root path specification
Maximum length Non-connection 502 bytes
per connection type (UCMM)
Connection type • Using Forward_Open
(class 3) 502 bytes
• Using Large_Forward_Open
8192 bytes

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-3
8 CIP Message Communications

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications

Client Function

8-2-1 Overview
The CIP Messaging Communications Client function is available for an NY-series Controller. This func-
tion allows you to request a service by sending CIP messages to an external device and specifying a
self-contained object of a device supporting the CIP Communication Server functions.
The NY-series Controller executes CIP communications instructions in the user program and send CIP
messages. In this way, you can use CIP messages to execute instructions such as reading and writing
variables (data) of the NJ/NX-series Controller on the EtherNet/IP network.
NY-series NJ/NX-series
Controller Built-in EtherNet/IP port Controller Built-in EtherNet/IP port

CIP_SEND CIP communications instruction Specify a variable name.


Specify the CIP communications parameters,

such as the route path, as well as the service
code, the request path, and the service data.

8-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

8-2-2 CIP Communications Instructions

The following CIP communications instructions are available. For details on CIP communications
instructions, refer to the NY-series Instructions Reference Manual (Cat. No. W560).

Instruction Name Description
tions method
Read Variable Reads the value of a variable with a Network Publish attribute from CIP UCMM
CIPUCMMRead UCMM Explicit the specified remote Controller on the CIP network and stores the connectionless
value in a variable at the local Controller. messages
Write Variable Writes the value of a variable at the local controller to a variable
CIPUCMMWrite UCMM Explicit with a Network Publish attribute at the specified remote Controller
on the CIP network.
Send Explicit Sends a specified CIP command to the specified remote Controller
Message on the CIP network.
CIPUCMMSend UCMM Refer to 8-2-10 Response Codes and 8-5 CIP Object Services for

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

information on the service codes and response codes that are used
with the NY-series Controllers.
Open CIP Class Opens a CIP class 3 connection (Large_Forward_Open) with the CIP class 3 con-
3 Connection specified remote node. nection mes-
(Large_For- sage
Open CIP Class Opens a CIP class 3 connection with the specified remote node that
CIPOpenWithD 3 Connection allows class 3 explicit messages of the specified data length or
ataSize with Specified shorter to be sent and received.
Data Size
Read Variable Reads the value of a variable with a Network Publish attribute from
CIPRead Class 3 Explicit the specified remote Controller on the CIP network and stores the
value in a variable at the local Controller.
Write Variable Writes the value of a variable at the local controller to a variable
CIPWrite Class 3 Explicit with a Network Publish attribute at the specified remote Controller
on the CIP network.
Send Explicit Sends a specified class-3 CIP command to the specified remote
Message Class Controller on the CIP network.
CIPSend 3 Refer to 8-2-10 Response Codes and 8-5 CIP Object Services for 8
information on the service codes and response codes that are used
with the NY-series Controllers.

8-2-2 CIP Communications Instructions

Close CIP Class This instruction closes the CIP class 3 connection that is specified
3 Connection by the handle.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-5
8 CIP Message Communications

8-2-3 Using CIP Communications Instructions

CIP message communications include the following processes. If CIP class 3 connections are used,
the open and close processes are required before and after the data is sent and received.

Process Description Instruction

Open process Execute this process before you use a CIP message. Open pro- CIPOpen
(only for CIP cessing is continued until a CIP class 3 connection is established. CIPOpenWithDataSize
class 3 connec-
Sending and This process is used to read and write data for specified variables CIPUCMMRead
receiving vari- with the Network Publish attributes. CIPUCMMWrite
able data*2 CIPRead
Sending CIP You can set the required CIP command. CIPUCMMSend
commands CIPSend
Close process This process closes the connection. CIPClose
(only for CIP
class 3 connec-

*1 The maximum number of connection handles that you can obtain simultaneously by the opening process is 32.
Even if a connection is broken for a timeout, the handle is not released. Execute the CIPClose instruction.
*2 Addresses in memory for CJ-series Units (e.g., D0000) cannot be specified directly.
Local Controller (1) Variable Remote Controller


Handle (2) Reads data
‘VAR_1’ SrcDat starting at D0000 D00000
5 Size for the number of Assigned D00001
elements. VAR : ARRAY[0..9] OF WORD AT %D0
DstDat D00002
MyArray Network Publish attribute …….
RcvSize D00009
Addresses in the memory for
* To access memory for CJ-series Units in
CJ-series Units are assigned to the
the local Controller, you also must assign
variable and the variable is given
the required addresses to variables.
the Network Publish attribute.
MyArray : ARRAY[0..9] OF WORD:
MyArray[0] : Value of D00000 in remote Controller
Value of D00001 in remote Controller
Value of D00002 in remote Controller
MyArray[9] : Value of D00009 in remote Controller

Precautions for Correct Use

You can execute up to 32 CIP communications instructions at the same time regardless of the
instruction types.
Use exclusive control in the user program so that the number of CIP communications instruc-
tions executed at the same time does not exceed the above numbers.

8-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

8-2-4 Route Path

The route path indicates the path from the local Controller to the remote Controller on the network.
Routing is performed for CIP communications instructions based on route paths.

Route Path Notation

The EPATH data type is used to give route paths. The basic format is shown below.
Network_type_number \Remote_address
The network type number and the destination address for the Controller in an NY-series Industrial PC
are determined as shown in the following table.

Route path notation

Network type Network type number Destination address

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

(hexadecimal) (hexadecimal)
Backplane port #01 Remote Unit address (Refer to
Additional Information below.)
Built-in EtherNet/IP port #02 IP address
Internal Port #03

NY-series Industrial PC
Controller Windows

Backplane port
(Unit address #00) port (#03)
(IP address) IP address
Internal port
(IP address)
port (#02)
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
IP address
(a) port

8-2-4 Route Path

(1) When Routing the Output from the Controller in an Industrial PC to a Node on the
EtherNet/IP Network
Output the command to the built-in EtherNet/IP port. Specify the IP address as the address
of the remote node.

(2) When Routing the Output from the Controller to Windows in an Industrial PC
Output the command to the internal port. Specify the IP address as the address of the
remote node.

Additional Information

Unit Addresses
A unit address is used to discriminate between several devices connected to a single node on a
Set the unit address as shown below.
• Controller: 00 hex

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-7
8 CIP Message Communications

Route Path Notation Examples

This section provides examples of route paths.

 Output from the Controller in an Industrial PC to a Node on the EtherNet/IP


Communicating between Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports

Example: Communicating between Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports on Controller 1 and Controller 2
Controller 1 Controller 2

IP address:
port (#02)

Built-in EtherNet/IP port Built-in EtherNet/IP

• Network type number: “#02” (Output the command via EtherNet/IP port.)
• Remote address: Specify the remote IP address.
• Route path: 02\

Communicating from a Built-in EtherNet/IP Port to an EtherNet/IP Unit

Example: Communicating from the built-in EtherNet/IP port on Controller 1 to Controller 2 via the
EtherNet/IP Unit mounted to Controller 2
Controller 1 Controller 2 EtherNet/IP Unit 2

Unit address Backplane

00 hex port #01

port (#02)
IP address:

Built-in EtherNet/IP port EtherNet/IP port

(1) Controller 1 to EtherNet/IP Unit 2

• Network type number: “#02” (Output the command via EtherNet/IP port.)
• Remote address: Specify the remote IP address.
(2) EtherNet/IP Unit 2 to Controller 2
• Network type number: “#01” (Output the command via internal backplane port.)
• Remote address: “#00” (unit address of Controller)
Route path : 02\\01\#00
(1) (2)

8-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

Accessing via a Relay Node

Example: Communicating from Controller 1 to Controller 3 via Controller 2
Controller 1 Controller 2 EtherNet/IP Unit 2 Controller 3 EtherNet/IP Unit 3

IP address: Backplane Unit address Backplane port #01 00 hex port #01

Communica- Unit address

tions port 12 hex
(#02) Built-in IP address:
EtherNet/IP port

port (#02)
Built-in EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP port
EtherNet/IP port
(1) Controller 1 to Controller 2
• Network type number: “#02” (Output the command via EtherNet/IP port.)

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

• Remote address: Specify the remote IP address.
(2) Controller 2 to EtherNet/IP Unit 2
• Network type number: “#01” (Output the command via internal backplane port.)
• Remote address: “#12” (Unit address of EtherNet/IP Unit (Unit number: 2+10 hex =
12 hex))
(3) EtherNet/IP Unit 2 to EtherNet/IP Unit 3
• Network type number: “#02” (Output the command via EtherNet/IP port.)
• Remote address: Specify the remote IP address.
(4) EtherNet/IP Unit 3 to Controller 3
• Network type number: “#01” (Output the command via internal backplane port.)
• Remote address: “#00” (unit address of Controller)
Route path : 02\\01\#12\02\\01\#00
(1) (2) (3) (4)

 When Routing the Output from the Controller to Windows in an Industrial PC

NY-series Industrial PC

Controller Windows

IP address: 8-2-4 Route Path

port (#03)

Internal port

• Network type number: “#03” (Output the command via internal port.)
• Destination address: Specify the destination IP address
• Route path: 03\

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-9
8 CIP Message Communications

8-2-5 Request Path (IOI)

A request path indicates an object of a device on the network.
A CIP communications instruction uses the request path to access an object of a device.

Overview of Request Path

In the CIP world, each device is modeled as a collection of objects. An Object abstractly represents the
specific configuration elements of a device.

External request
Object (example: read)
Service Data

Object Instance

In the CIP Common Specification, “Object,” “Class,” “Instance,” “Attribute” and “Service” are defined as
follows: (Source: CIP Common Specification)
Term Definition
Object An abstract representation of a particular component within a device.
Class A set of objects that all represent the same kind of system component.
Instance A specific and real (physical) occurrence of an object.
Attribute A description of an externally visible characteristic or feature of an object.
Service A request from an external object (e.g., to read data).

You use the Class ID, Instance ID, and Attribute ID to access an object.
You specify these three IDs to designate an object in a device. When you make a request from an
external device for a service, you must specify the Class ID, Instance ID, and Attribute ID. (The
Instance ID and Attribute ID are not required for some services.)

Example: Reading the Name of a Device

(Identity Object Class ID = 01)
Class ID = 1
Service Request Destination Instance ID = 1
Get_Attribute_ Class: 1 Instance ID = 1
Single Instance: 1
Attribute: 7 Attribute 1

Attribute 6
Product Name Attribute 7
Class ID = 2
Attribute = 7


These are called Internal Object Identifiers (IOI) because they identify the Class ID, Instance ID, and
Attribute ID within the device. Refer to 8-5 CIP Object Services for the class ID, instance ID, attribute
ID, and service code for each object.

8-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

Providing the Structure Variables to Input Request Paths

For a CIP commincations instruction, you prepare a variable to store the request path. In this variable,
you specify the object to access with the user program.
A structure in which the Class ID, Instance ID and Attribute ID are specified is provided for the data type
of a variable for a request path.
There are two types of structures: standard structure (_sREQUEST_PATH) and extension structure
(_sREQUEST_PATH_EX). When you use an extension structure, it is possible to specify the size
according to the size of values of the Class ID, Instance ID and Attribute ID of the object that you
access. When you use a standard structure, the size is always set to 16 bits.

 When a Standard Structure Variable Is Used

Example: Using a standard structure variable to input values into RqPath (Request Path) for the
CIPSend instruction

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

Create variable A with a variable with
the standard structure (_sREQUEST_PATH).
RqPath data type
CIP communications instruction
Member Value
ClassID 2
(Class ID)
Variable A RqPath
(Request Path) InstanceID 3
(Instance ID)
(Attribute usage) TRUE

(Attribute ID) 1

1 Create a standard structure variable.

To use a standard structure variable to input values into RqPath (Request Path) for a CIP com-
munications instruction, first you need to create a standard structure user-defined variable.
When you create a variable in a variable table, select the pre-registered standard structure 8
(sREQUEST_PATH) for a CIP communications instruction.

8-2-5 Request Path (IOI)

Variable table
Name Data type

Select a standard structure for the data type of variable A.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-11
8 CIP Message Communications

2 Input a value for each standard structure variable member.

Input the following values into the communications parameters that were registered as mem-
bers of the standard structure variable.

Variable name
2 IN1 OUT1 A. ClasslD

Member name of RqPath data type
3 IN1 OUT1 A . InstancelD

TRUE IN1 OUT1 A . isAttributeID

1 IN1 OUT1 A . AttributelD

 When an Extension Structure Variable Is Used

Example: Using an extension structure variable to input values into RqPath (Request Path) for the
CIPSend instruction
Create variable A with a variable with
the extension structure (_sREQUEST_PATH_EX).
RqPath data type
CIP communications instruction
Member Value
ClassIDLogicalFormat _8BIT
(Class ID logical format)
Variable A RqPath
(Request Path) ClassID 3
(Class ID)
InstanceIDLogicalFormat _16BIT
(Instance ID logical format)
InstanceID 256
(Instance ID)
isAttributeID TRUE
(Attribute usage)
AttributeID _8BIT
(Attribute ID logical format)
AttributeID 1
(Attribute ID)

1 Create an extension structure variable.

To use an extension structure variable to input values into RqPath (Request Path) for a CIP
communications instruction, first you need to create an extension structure user-defined vari-
When you create a variable in a variable table, select the pre-registered extension structure
(_sREQUEST_PATH_EX) for a CIP communications instruction.

8-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

Variable table
Name Data type

Select an extension structure for the data type of variable A.

2 Input a value for each extension structure variable member.
Input the following values into the communications parameters that were registered as mem-
bers of the extension structure variable.

Variable name
_8BIT IN1 OUT1 A . ClassIDLogicalFormat


8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

Member name of RqPath data type
3 IN1 OUT1 A. ClasslD

_16BIT IN1 OUT1 A . InstanceIDLogicalFormat

256 IN1 OUT1 A . InstancelD

TRUE IN1 OUT1 A . isAttributeID

_8BIT IN1 OUT1 A . AttributeIDLogicalFormat

8-2-5 Request Path (IOI)

1 IN1 OUT1 A . AttributelD

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-13
8 CIP Message Communications

8-2-6 Service Data and Response Data

CIP communications instructions send and receive data that is stored in array variables.

Preparing Array Variables to Input and Output Service Data and

Response Data
This section describes the array variables for storing service data and response data that CIP commu-
nications instructions send and receive.

 Creating Array Variables

To input a value into the array variable of a CIP communications instruction, you must create a vari-
able with the same configuration as the array variable in advance.
Example: Creating a Variable to Input Data to the CIPSend Instruction Array Variables
CIP communications instruction

Variable A ServiceDat
(Command Data)
Variable B Size
(Number of Elements)

(Response Variable D
Data Size)

(2) Variable C (Response Data)

(1) Input the service data to send. (2) The data that is received is stored in vari-
The data to send is stored in array able C. The byte size of the data that was
variable A. If only certain elements are spec- actually received is stored in variable D.
ified in array variable A, specify the number
of elements in variable B.
Array variable: A Array variable: C[0..9]
[1] [2]
Number of elements: 2 [4]
[3] Variable D
: 10
If the service data (ServiceDat) is [7]
Array[2] and number of elements [8]
(Size) = 2, Array[2] and Array[3] [9]
are sent.

8-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

Use the following procedure to create a variable in the variable table.

1 Select the Array Check Box.

2 Specify the element first number, the element last number, and the data type.
Example: UINT Array

Variable table
Variable name Array Data type

Specify the array element first Specifies the data type.

number and last number.

 CIP Communications Instructions That Use Array Variables

Structure variable name

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

Input variable In-out variable Output variable
CIPRead --- --- DstDat (Read Data)
CIPWrite SrcDat (Write Data) --- ---
CIPSend ServiceDat (Command RespServiceDat (Response ---
Data) Data)

8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message

This sample uses CIP UCMM messages to write a variable, read a variable, and send a message. The
Controllers are connected to an EtherNet/IP network. The IP address of the remote node is The following procedure is used.

1 The CIPUCMMWrite instruction is used to write the value of a variable at a remote node. The
variable name at the remote node is WritingDat and the contents of the WriteDat is written to it.
WritingDat must be defined as a global variable at the remote node and the Network Publish
attribute must be set. 8
2 The CIPUCMMRead instruction is used to read the value of a variable at a remote node. The

8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message
value of the variable OriginalDat at the other node is read and the read value is stored in the
ReadDat variable. OriginalDat must be defined as a global variable at the remote node and the
Network Publish attribute must be set.

3 The CIPUCMMSend instruction is used to send an explicit message to a remote node. The con-
tents of the message is to read identity information (product name). The class ID, instance ID,
attribute ID, and service code are as follows. The response data is stored in the RespDat vari-

Item Value
Class ID 1
Instance ID 1
Attribute ID 7
Service code 16#0E

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-15
8 CIP Message Communications

IP address:

Built-in EtherNet/IP port Built-in EtherNet/IP port

Value of variable written. Variable name: WritingDat

WriteDat Global variable
Network Publish attribute

Value of variable read. Variable name: OriginalDat

ReadDat Global variable
Network Publish attribute
Message sent to read identity
information (product name).

Variable Data type Initial value Comment
OperatingEnd BOOL False Processing finished.
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
Operating BOOL False Processing
WriteDat INT 1234 Source data
ReadDat INT 0 Read data
ReqPath _sREQUEST_ (ClassID:=0, InstanceID:=0, Request path
PATH isAttributeID:=False, AttributeID:=0)
RespDat ARRAY[0..10] OF [11(16#0)] Response data
Dummy BYTE 16#0 Dummy
RS_instance RS
CIPUCMMWrite_instance CIPUCMMWrite
CIPUCMMRead_instance CIPUCMMRead
CIPUCMMSend_instance CIPUCMMSend

Determine if instruction execution is completed.

CIPUCMMWrite_instance.Done CIPUCMMRead_instance.Done CIPUCMMSend_instance.Done OperatingEnd




Accept trigger.
Trigger _instance.Busy _instance.Busy _instance.Busy Operating
Set Q1
OperatingEnd Reset1

8-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

Execute instructions.
Operating CIPUCMMWrite
Execute Done
‘02\’ RoutePath Busy
UINT#20 TimeOut Error
‘WritingDat’ DstDat ErrorID
UINT#1 Size ErrorIDEx
WriteDat SrcDat

CIPUCMMWrite_instance.Done CIPUCMMRead
Execute Done
‘02\’ RoutePath Busy
UINT#20 TimeOut Error
‘OriginalDat’ SrcDat ErrorID
UINT#1 Size ErrorIDEx
ReadDat ReadDat

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function


UINT#1 In Out ReqPath.ClassID

UINT#1 In Out ReqPath.InstanceID

TRUE In Out ReqPath.isAttributeID

UINT#7 In Out ReqPath.AttributeID

Execute Done
‘02\’ RoutePath Busy
UINT#20 TimeOut Error
BYTE#16#0E ServiceCode ErrorID 8
ReqPath RqPath ErrorIDEx
Dummy ServiceDat RespSize
UINT#0 Size

8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message
RespDat RespDat

Processing after normal end

CIPUCMMSend_instance.Done Inline ST
1 // Processing after normal end
2 ;

Processing after error end.

CIPUCMMWrite_instance.Error Inline ST
1 // Processing after error end.
2 ;



NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-17
8 CIP Message Communications

Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
DoUCMMTrigger BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
WriteDat INT 1234 Write data
ReadDat INT 0 Read data
ReqPath _sREQUEST_ (ClassID:=0, InstanceID:=0, Request path
PATH isAttributeID:=False, Attribu-
RespDat ARRAY[0..10] OF [11(16#0)] Response data
Dummy BYTE 16#0 Dummy
CIPUCMMWrite_instance CIPUCMMWrite
CIPUCMMRead_instance CIPUCMMRead
CIPUCMMSend_instance CIPUCMMSend

Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online

*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.

// Start sequence when Trigger changes to TRUE.

IF ((Trigger=TRUE) AND (DoUCMMTrigger=FALSE) AND (_EIP_EtnOnlineSta=TRUE))
DoUCMMTrigger :=TRUE;
Stage :=INT#1;
Execute :=FALSE, // Initialize instance.
SrcDat :=WriteDat); // Dummy
CIPUCMMRead_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE, // Dummy
DstDat :=ReadDat); // Dummy
Execute :=FALSE, // Initialize instance.
ServiceDat := Dummy, // Dummy
RespServiceDat :=RespDat); // Dummy

1: // Request writing value of variable.
Execute :=TRUE,
RoutePath :='02\', // Route path
TimeOut :=UINT#20, // Timeout value
DstDat :='WritingDat', // Source variable name
Size :=UINT#1, // Number of elements to write
SrcDat :=WriteDat); // Write data

8-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

IF (CIPUCMMWrite_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPUCMMWrite_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end
2: // Request reading value of variable.
Execute :=TRUE,
RoutePath :='02\', // Route path
TimeOut :=UINT#20, // Timeout value
SrcDat :='OriginalDat', // Source variable name
Size :=UINT#1, // Number of elements to read
DstDat :=ReadDat); // Read data

IF (CIPUCMMRead_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPUCMMRead_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#40; // Error end

3: // Send message
Execute :=TRUE,
RoutePath :='02\', // Route path
TimeOut :=UINT#20, // Timeout time
ServiceCode :=BYTE#16#0E, // Service code
RqPath :=ReqPath, // Request path 8
ServiceDat := Dummy, // Service data
Size :=UINT#0, // Number of elements

8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message
RespServiceDat :=RespDat); // Response data

IF (CIPUCMMSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPUCMMSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end

0: // Processing after normal end

Trigger :=FALSE;

ELSE // Processing after error end

Trigger :=FALSE;

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-19
8 CIP Message Communications

8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message

This sample uses CIP class 3 messages to write a variable, read a variable, and send a message. The
Controllers are connected to an EtherNet/IP network. The IP address of the remote node is The following procedure is used.

1 The CIPOpen is used to open a class 3 connection (Large_Forward_Open). The timeout time is
2 s.

2 The CIPWrite instruction is used to write the value of a variable at a remote node. The variable
name at the remote node is WritingDat and the contents of the WriteDat is written to it. Writing-
Dat must be defined as a global variable at the remote node and the Network Publish attribute
must be set.

3 The CIPRead instruction is used to read the value of a variable at a remote node. The value of
the variable OriginalDat at the other node is read and the read value is stored in the ReadDat
variable. OriginalDat must be defined as a global variable at the remote node and the Network
Publish attribute must be set.

4 The CIPSend instruction is used to send an explicit message to a remote node. The contents of
the message is to read identity information (product name). The class ID, instance ID, attribute
ID, and service code are as follows: The response data is stored in the RespDat variable.
Item Value
Class ID 1
Instance ID 1
Attribute ID 7
Service code 16#0E

5 The CIPClose instruction is used to close the class 3 connection.

IP address:

Built-in EtherNet/IP port Built-in EtherNet/IP port

Value of variable written. Variable name: WritingDat

WriteDat Global variable
Network Publish attribute

Value of variable read. Variable name: OriginalDat

ReadDat Global variable
Network Publish attribute
Message sent to read identity
information (product name).

8-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

Variable Data type Initial value Comment
OperatingEnd BOOL False Processing finished.
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
Operating BOOL False Processing
WriteDat INT 1234 Source data
ReadDat INT 0 Read data
ReqPath _sREQUEST_ (ClassID:=0, InstanceID:=0, isAt- Request path
PATH tributeID:=False, AttributeID:=0)
RespDat ARRAY[0..10] OF [11(16#0)] Response data
Dummy BYTE 16#0 Dummy
RS_instance RS
CIPOpen_instance CIPOpen
CIPWrite_instance CIPWrite
CIPRead_instance CIPRead

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

CIPSend_instance CIPSend
CIPClose_instance CIPClose

Determine if instruction execution is completed.

CIPWrite_instance.Done CIPSend_instance.Done OperatingEnd
CIPOpen_instance.Done CIPRead_instance.Done CIPClose_instance.Done






8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message
Accept trigger.
CIPOpen_ CIPWrite_ CIPRead_ CIPSend_ CIPClose_ RS_instance
Trigger instance.Busy instance.Busy instance.Busy instance.Busy instance.Busy Operating
Set Q1
OperatingEnd Reset1

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-21
8 CIP Message Communications

Execute instructions.
Operating CIPOpen
Execute Done
‘02\’ RoutePath Busy
UINT#20 TimeOut Error

CIPOpen_instance.Done CIPWrite
Execute Done
CIPOpen_instance.Handle Handle Busy
‘WritingDat’ DstDat Error
UINT#1 Size ErrorID
WriteDat SrcDat ErrorIDEx

CIPWrite_instance.Done CIPRead
Execute Done
CIPOpen_instance.Handle Handle Busy
‘OriginalDat’ SrcDat Error
UINT#1 Size ErrorID
DstDat ErrorIDEx
ReadDat ReadDat

UINT#1 In Out ReqPath.ClassID

UINT#1 In Out ReqPath.InstanceID

TRUE In Out ReqPath.isAttributeID

UINT#7 In Out ReqPath.AttributeID

Execute Done
CIPOpen_instance.Handle Handle Busy
BYTE#16#0E ServiceCode ErrorID
ReqPath RqPath ErrorIDEx
Dummy ServiceDat RespSize
UINT#0 Size RespSize
RespDat RespDat

CIPSend_instance.Done CIPClose
Execute Done
CIPOpen_instance.Handle Handle Busy

8-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

Processing after normal end

CIPClose_instance.Done Inline ST
1 // Processing after normal end
2 ;

Processing after error end.

CIPOpen_instance.Error Inline ST
1 // Processing after error end.
2 ;




8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function


8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message

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8 CIP Message Communications

Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
DoCIPTrigger BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
WriteDat INT 1234 Write data
ReadDat INT 0 Read data
ReqPath _sREQUEST_ (ClassID:=0, InstanceID:=0, Request path
PATH isAttributeID:=False, AttributeID:=0)
RespDat ARRAY[0..10] OF [11(16#0)] Response data
Dummy BYTE 16#0 Dummy
CIPOpen_instance CIPOpen
CIPWrite_instance CIPWrite
CIPRead_instance CIPRead
CIPSend_instance CIPSend
CIPClose_instance CIPClose

Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online

*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.

// Start sequence when Trigger changes to TRUE.

IF ((Trigger=TRUE) AND (DoCIPTrigger=FALSE) AND (_EIP_EtnOnlineSta=TRUE))THEN
Stage :=INT#1;
CIPOpen_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE, // Initialize instance.
SrcDat :=WriteDat); // Dummy
CIPRead_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE, // Dummy
DstDat :=ReadDat); // Dummy
Execute :=FALSE, // Initialize instance.
ServiceDat := Dummy, // Dummy
RespServiceDat :=RespDat); // Dummy
CIPClose_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.

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8 CIP Message Communications

1: // Open CIP Class 3 Connection (Large_Forward_Open)
Execute :=TRUE,
TimeOut :=UINT#20, // Timeout time: 2.0 s
RoutePath :='02\'); // Route path

IF (CIPOpen_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPOpen_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end

2: // Request writing value of variable.

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

Execute :=TRUE,
Handle :=CIPOpen_instance.Handle, // Handle
DstDat :='WritingDat', // Source variable name
Size :=UINT#1, // Number of elements to write
SrcDat :=WriteDat); // Write data

IF (CIPWrite_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPWrite_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end

3: // Request reading value of variable.

Execute :=TRUE, 8
Handle :=CIPOpen_instance.Handle, // Handle
SrcDat :='OriginalDat', // Source variable name

8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message
Size :=UINT#1, // Number of elements to read
DstDat :=ReadDat); // Read data

IF (CIPRead_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPRead_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end

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8 CIP Message Communications

4: // Send message
ReqPath.ClassID :=UINT#01;
ReqPath.InstanceID :=UINT#01;
ReqPath.AttributeID :=UINT#07;
Execute :=TRUE,
Handle :=CIPOpen_instance.Handle, // Handle
ServiceCode:=BYTE#16#0E, // Service code
RqPath :=ReqPath, // Request path
ServiceDat :=Dummy, // Service data
Size :=UINT#0, // Number of elements
RespServiceDat:=RespDat); // Response data

IF (CIPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#5; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#40; // Error end

5: // Request closing CIP class 3 connection.

Execute :=TRUE,
Handle :=CIPOpen_instance.Handle); // Handle

IF (CIPClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0;
ELSIF (CIPClose_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#50;

0: // Processing after normal end

Trigger :=FALSE;

ELSE // Processing after error end

DoCIPTrigger :=FALSE;
Trigger :=FALSE;

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-2-9 Operation Timing

Output Variable Operation and Timing

You can monitor the values of the output variables to determine the status throughout instruction exe-
cution. The following timing chart shows the operation of the output variables.
(3) (4) (5) (8)

Changes to FALSE
because Execute
changes to FALSE.
Done Changes to FALSE

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

because Execute
changes to FALSE.


(2) (7)
ErrorID 0x0000 0x1234

1 When Execute changes to TRUE, the instruction is executed and Busy changes to TRUE.

2 After the results of instruction execution are stored in the output variables, Done changes to
TRUE and Busy changes to FALSE.

3 When Execute changes to FALSE, Done returns to FALSE.

4 When Execute changes to TRUE again, Busy changes to TRUE.

5 Execute is ignored if it changes to TRUE during instruction executed (i.e., when Busy is TRUE).

6 If an error occurs, several retries are attempted internally. The error code in the ErrorID is not
updated during the retries.

8-2-9 Operation Timing
When a communications error occurs, Error changes to TRUE and the ErrorID is stored. Also,
Busy and Done change to FALSE.

8 When Execute changes to FALSE, Error changes to FALSE.

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8 CIP Message Communications

Precautions for Correct Use

If Execute changes back to FALSE before Done changes to TRUE, Done stays TRUE for only
one task period. (Example 1)
If you want to see if Done is TRUE at any time, make sure to keep Execute TRUE until you con-
firm that Done is TRUE. If Execute is TRUE until Done changes to TRUE, Done stays TRUE
until Execute changes to FALSE. (Example 2)

Example 1 Example 2
Execute Execute When Execute
Changes to changes to
FALSE in next Busy FALSE, Done
Busy task period.
(Executing) (Executing) returns to FALSE.

Done Done

8-2-10 Response Codes

This section describes the response codes stored in the output variable ErrorIDEx if an error occurs
during the execution of a CIP message communications instruction.

General Status Codes

As response codes, general codes are stored in the ErrorIDEx output variable (DWORD data) after
execution of a CIP communications instruction is completed. If an additional code is added, the addi-
tional code is also stored.
General status code (1 byte)

31 24 23 16 15 0


Additional code (1 word)

General sta-
Status name Description of status
tus code (hex)
00 Success Service was successfully performed by the object speci-
01 Connection failure A connection related to service failed along the connection
02 Resource unavailable Resources needed for the object to perform the requested
service were unavailable.
03 Invalid parameter value See Status Code 20 hex.
04 Path segment error The path segment identifier or the segment syntax was
not understood by the processing node. Path processing
stops when a path segment error occurs.
05 Path destination unknown The path is referencing an object class, instance, or struc-
ture element that is not known or is not contained in the
processing node. Path processing stops when a Path
Destination Unknown Error occurs.
06 Partial transfer Only part of the expected data was transferred.
07 Connection lost The message connection was lost.

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General sta-
Status name Description of status
tus code (hex)
08 Service not supported The requested service was not supported or was not
defined for this object class/instance.
09 Invalid attribute value Invalid attribute data was detected.
0A Attribute list error An attribute in the Get_Attribute_List or Set_Attribute_List
response has a non-zero status.
0B Already in requested mode/state The object is already in the mode/state being requested
by the service.
0C Object state conflict The object cannot perform the requested service in its cur-
rent mode/state.
0D Object already exists The requested instance of object to be created already
0E Attribute not settable A request to modify a non-modifiable attribute was

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

0F Privilege violation A permission/privilege check failed.
10 Device state conflict The device’s current mode/state prohibits the execution of
the requested service.
11 Reply data too large The data to be transmitted in the response buffer is larger
than the allocated response buffer.
12 Fragmentation of a primitive value The service specified an operation that is going to frag-
ment a primitive data value, i.e. half a REAL data type.
13 Not enough data The requested service did not supply enough data to per-
form the specified operation.
14 Attribute not supported The attribute specified in the request is not supported.
15 Too much data The service supplied more data than was expected.
16 Object does not exist An object that does not exist was specified for the
requested service.
17 Service fragmentation sequence The fragmentation sequence for this service is not cur-
not in progress rently active for this data.
18 No stored attribute data The attribute data of this object was not saved prior to the
requested service.
19 Store operation failure The attribute data of this object was not saved due to a 8
failure during the attempt.
1A Routing failure (request packet The service request packet was too large for transmission

8-2-10 Response Codes

too large) on a network in the path to the destination. The routing
device was forced to abort the service.
1B Routing failure (response packet The service response packet was too large for transmis-
too large) sion on a network in the path from the destination. The
routing device was forced to abort the service.
1C Missing attribute list entry data The service did not supply an attribute in a list of attributes
that was needed by the service to perform the requested
1D Invalid attribute value list The service is returning the list of attributes supplied with
status information for those attributes that were invalid.
1E Embedded service error An embedded service resulted in an error.
1F Vendor specific error A vendor-specific error occurred. The Additional Code
Field of the error response defines the error. This is a gen-
eral error code that is used only for errors that do not cor-
respond to any of the error codes in this table and are not
in an object class definition.
20 Invalid parameter A parameter for the requested service is invalid. This code
is used when a parameter does not meet the requirements
of the specification and/or the requirements defined in an
application object specification.

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General sta-
Status name Description of status
tus code (hex)
21 Write-once value or medium An attempt was made to write to a write-once medium
already written (e.g. WORM drive or PROM) that was previously written
or cannot be changed.
22 Invalid Reply Received An invalid reply was received. (For example, the reply ser-
vice code does not match the request service code, or the
reply message is shorter than the minimum expected
reply size.) This status code is used for other causes of
invalid replies.
23-24 Reserved by CIP for future extensions.
25 Key Failure in path The key segment that was included as the first segment in
the path does not match the destination module. The
object specific status must indicate which part of the key
check failed.
26 Path Size Invalid The size of the path that was sent with the service request
is either too large or too small for the request to be routed
to an object.
27 Unexpected attribute in list An attempt was made to set an attribute that is not able to
be set at this time.
28 Invalid Member ID The member ID specified in the request does not exist in
the specified class, instance, and attribute.
29 Member not settable A request to modify a non-modifiable member was
2A Group 2 only server general fail- This error code is reported only by group 2 only servers
ure with 4K or less of code space and only in place of Service
not supported, Attribute not supported, or Attribute not set-
2B-CF Reserved by CIP for future extensions.
D0-FF Reserved for Object Class and This range of error codes is to be used to indicate object
service errors class-specific errors. This code range is used only when
none of the error codes in this table accurately reflect the
error that occurred. The additional code field is used to
describe the general error code in more detail.

 Examples of Additional Status When General Status Is 01 Hex

(Status of Connection Manager Object)
General Sta-
Additional Status (hex) Description
tus (hex)
01 0100 Connection in use or duplicate forward open.
01 0103 Transport class and trigger combination not supported.
01 0106 Ownership conflict.
01 0107 Connection not found at target application.
01 0108 Invalid connection type. There is a problem with either the
connection type or priority of the connection.
01 0109 Invalid connection size.
01 0100 Device not configured.
01 0111 RPI not supported. May also indicate problem with con-
nection time-out multiplier, or production inhibit time.
01 0113 Connection Manager cannot support any more connec-
01 0114 Either the vendor ID or the product code in the key seg-
ment does not match the device.
01 0115 Device type in the key segment does not match the device.

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General Sta-
Additional Status (hex) Description
tus (hex)
01 0116 Major or minor revision information in the key segment
does not match the device.
01 0117 Invalid connection point.
01 0118 Invalid configuration format.
01 0119 Connection request failed because there is no controlling
connection currently open.
01 011A Target application cannot support any more connections.
01 011B RPI is smaller than the production inhibit time.
01 0203 Connection cannot be closed because the connection has
timed out.
01 0204 Unconnected_Send service timed out while waiting for a
01 0205 Parameter error in Unconnected_Send service.

8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function

01 0206 Message too large for unconnected message service.
01 0207 Unconnected acknowledgement without reply.
01 0301 No buffer memory available.
01 0302 Network bandwidth not available for data.
01 0303 No tag filters available.
01 0304 Not configured to send real-time data.
01 0311 Port that was specified in port segment is not available.
01 0312 Link address that was specified in port segment is not
01 0315 Invalid segment type or segment value in path.
01 0316 Path and connection were not equal when closing the con-
01 0317 Either the segment is not present or the encoded value in
the network segment is invalid.
01 0318 Link address to self is invalid.
01 0319 Resources on secondary are unavailable. 8
01 031A Connection is already established.
01 031B Direct connection is already established.

8-2-10 Response Codes

01 031C Others
01 031D Redundant connection mismatch.
01 031E There are no more reception resources available on the
sending module.
01 031F No connection resources exist for the target path.
01 0320-07FF Vendor specific.

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-3 CIP Communication Server

The CIP Communication Server functions are exclusively available for the NY-series Controllers. These
functions execute services for a specified self-contained object in the Controller after receiving the CIP
messages from external devices.
This section provides information on CIP message structure along with information about how to use
the CIP message communications server functions to read and write the values of variables in pro-
grams such as the following:
• Programs running on a computer on the EtherNet/IP network
• Windows programs installed in an NY-series Industrial PC
To read and write CIP objects or the values of variables between NJ/NX/NY-series Controllers, use the
CIP communications instructions. Refer to 8-2 CIP Messaging Communications Client Function for
information about how to use CIP communications instructions for CIP message communications.

Request Computer
The variable to access
is specified in the
request path of the
CIP object or the Response
explicit message
to read or write data. The writing results of the
specified CIP object or
variable, or the value that was
NY-series Controller read from the specified CIP NJ/NX/NY-series Controller
object or variable are stored
in the response.
Variable Variable

You can read and write variables with

CIP communications instructions.

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-3-1 CIP Message Structure for Accessing CIP Objects

This section shows how to specify messages to access CIP objects.
The CIP objects to access are expressed by connecting the segments that are defined in the CIP Com-
mon specifications in the request path field in a CIP explicit message.

Example: Performing the Reset service (0x05) to the Instance (01 hex) of the Identity object (class: 01

CIP Explicit Message (Request)

Request Path Request
Service Service
Code Data
Path Length [1] [2]
(20 01) (24 01)
(0x05) (num of

Logical Segment Logical Segment

(Class ID) (Instance ID)

8-3 CIP Communication Server Functions

Specify the performed service Specify the Class ID and Specify the Request Data
code. Refer to 8-5 CIP Object Instance ID to access. according to the service.
Services for information about
the service codes.

8-3-2 CIP Message Structure for Accessing Variables

This section shows how to specify messages to access variables.
The variables to access are given by connecting the segments that are defined in the CIP Common
specifications so that explicit message can be set in the request path field.
The following elements are combined to make the specification.
Specifying the variable to access: The elements are stored in the CIP segments and then joined to
make the message.
Example: Reading the Present Value of One Member of the VarAA.MemB[1.2] Structure Variable 8
Example for Using the CIP Read Data Service for a Variable Object

8-3-1 CIP Message Structure for Accessing CIP Objects

CIP Explicit Message for a Request
Request Path Request
Service Service
Code Data
Path Length “VarAA” “MemB” [1] [2]
(91 05 45 61 72 41 41 00) (91 04 4D 65 6D 42) (28 01) (28 02)
(4C hex) (num of

ANSI Extended Symbol Segment Logical Segment

(Member ID)

Refer to 8-6 Read and Write Refer to 8-4-5 Specifying Vari- Refer to 8-7 Variable Data Types
Services for Variables for infor- able Names in Request Paths for details about how to specify
mation about the service codes. for information about how to data formats.
specify variables names.

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-4 Specifying Request Path

The CIP object, variable name, structure member name, and array index are specified for the request
path. In CIP, the EPATH data type is used for the request path. With this method, the request path is
divided into segments and a value is assigned to each segment. The request path notation shows the
path to the final destination when the data segments are joined together. Each segment includes the
segment type information and the segment data.

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4

The first byte gives the interpretation method for the segment. It consists of two parts; a 3-bit segment
type and a 5-bit segment format.

Segment Type Segment Format

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The segment type specifications are defined as follows in the CIP specifications.

Segment Type
7 6 5
0 0 0 Port Segment
0 0 1 Logical Segment
0 1 0 Network Segment
0 1 1 Symbolic Segment
1 0 0 Data Segment
1 0 1 Data Type
1 1 0 Data Type
1 1 1 Reserved

The specifications of segment format are different for each segment type. Use the segment format to
request a service from a particular object of a particular device. Logical segments and data segments,
which are needed to specify variables in CIP message communications, are described below.

8-4-1 Examples of CIP Object Specifications

Logical Segments are joined to form the request path that specifies the object to access.
Logical Segment Logical Segment Logical Segment
(Class ID) (Instance ID) (Attribute ID)

Specify the Class ID. Specify the Instance ID. Specify the Attribute ID.

8-4-2 Examples of Variable Specifications

Segments are joined to form the request path that specifies the variable to access.

Data Segment Logical Segment

(ANSI Extended Symbol Segment) (Member ID)

Specify the variable name and Specify the array index.

the member name.

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-4-3 Logical Segment

A logical segment is used to give the range of the CIP Object or variable (array) in the request path.

Segment Format Bits

Segment Type Logical Type Logical Format

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 1

Logical Type
4 3 2
0 0 0 Class ID
0 0 1 Instance ID
0 1 0 Member ID
0 1 1 Connection Point
1 0 0 Attribute ID
1 0 1 Special (Do not use the logical addressing definition for the Logical Format.)
1 1 0 Service ID (Do not use the logical addressing definition for the Logical Format.)
1 1 1 Reserved

8-4 Specifying Request Path

Logical Format
1 0
0 0 8 bit logical address
0 1 16 bit logical address
1 0 32 bit logical address
1 1 Reserved

An 8-bit or 16-bit logical address can be used for the class ID and attribute ID.
An 8-bit,16-bit, or 32-bit logical address can be used for the instance ID.

8-4-3 Logical Segment

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8-4-4 Data Segment

A data segment is used to give the specified variable name in the request path.

Segment Type Segment Sub-Type Data Segment Data

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 0 0 Variable length

Segment Sub-Type
4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 Simple Data Segment
1 0 0 0 1 ANSI Extended Symbol Segment

A data segment is mainly used for an ANSI extended symbol segment.

This segment sub-type is used to read and write the values of variables.

ANSI Extended Symbol Segment

Segment Type Segment Sub Type Symbol Size

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Symbol (ANSI) Symbol (ANSI)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

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8-4-5 Specifying Variable Names in Request Paths

Variable Names
A variable name is specified as a symbolic segment (ANSI extended symbol segment).
Variable Name Specification Format

BYTE 91 hex ANSI Extended Symbol Segment

BYTE Length in BYTE Length of variable name in bytes
Array of : Variable name encoded in UTF-8
octet Variable_name
Octet (pad) 00 hex. One byte is padded if the variable name
length is an odd number of bytes.

Variable Names
Variable names are encoded in UTF-8.

Structure Member Names

Structure member names are specified in the same way as variable names. (Store UTF-8 character

8-4 Specifying Request Path

codes in the ANSI extended symbol segment.)

Array Indices
Specify the array index in a logical segment that is set as a member ID. You can specify an array index
([x]) in a variable name.
Specification Method 1: 8-bit Index

BYTE 28 hex Logical Segment (Member ID)

USINT Index Array index from 0 to 255 8
Specification Method 2: 16-bit Index

8-4-5 Specifying Variable Names in Request Paths

BYTE 29 hex Logical Segment (Member ID)
octet 00 hex Pad
UINT Index (L) Array index from 0 to 65,535

Range Specifications with the Num of Element Field

There is a Num of Element field in the request data for the variable read and variable write services.
You can use these services to access the specified range of an array with the following specifications.
• Specify the first element in the range of elements to access in the array variable as the variable to
read or write.
• Specify the number of elements to access in the Num of Element field.

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8 CIP Message Communications

Specification Examples
This example shows how to specify VarAA.MemB[1.2] for the following structure variable.

BOOL MemB[10][10];
} VarAA;

Variable Name Specification Format

BYTE 91 hex ANSI Extended Symbol Segment

BYTE 05 hex Length of variable name in bytes
Array of 'V' Variable name
octet 'a'
Octet 00 hex Pad
BYTE 91 hex ANSI Extended Symbol Segment
BYTE 04 hex Length of variable name in bytes
Array of 'M' Variable name
octet 'e'
BYTE 28 hex Logical Segment (Member ID)
USINT 01 hex Array index for first element
BYTE 28 hex Logical Segment (Member ID)
USINT 02 hex Array index for second element
The variable name that is specified in the symbolic segment (ANSI extended symbol segment) must be
converted to a text string to pass it to the communications thread. The following conversion rules apply.

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8 CIP Message Communications

Specification Example for Structure Members and Array Elements

0x91 0x05“VarAA”0x00 0x91 0x04“MemB” 0x28 0x01 0x28 0x02

This example shows how to specify VarAA[1].MemB[1.2] for the following structure variable.

BOOL MemB[10][10];
} VarAA[3];

Variable Name Specification Format

BYTE 91 hex ANSI Extended Symbol Segment

BYTE 05 hex Length of variable name in bytes
Array of 'V' Variable name

8-4 Specifying Request Path

octet 'a'
Octet 00 hex Pad
BYTE 28 hex Logical Segment (Member ID)
USINT 01 hex Array index
BYTE 91 hex ANSI Extended Symbol Segment
BYTE 04 hex Length of variable name in bytes
Array of 'M' Variable name
octet 'e' 8

8-4-5 Specifying Variable Names in Request Paths

BYTE 28 hex Logical Segment (Member ID)
USINT 01 hex Array index for first element
BYTE 28 hex Logical Segment (Member ID)
USINT 02 hex Array index for second element

Specification Example for Structure Array

0x91 0x05 “VarAA” 0x00 0x28 0x01 0x91 0x04 “MemB” 0x28 0x01 0x28 0x02


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8 CIP Message Communications

8-5 CIP Object Services

This section shows services that specify the CIP object in the Request Path and access the CIP mes-
sage server function of the NY-series Controllers.

8-5-1 CIP Objects Sent to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

The following CIP objects can be sent to an EtherNet/IP port.

Object name Function Reference

Identity object • Reads ID information from the Controller. page 8-40
• Resets the built-in EtherNet/IP port and internal port.
TCP/IP interface object • Writes and reads TCP/IP settings. page 8-44
Ethernet link object • Reads Ethernet settings. page 8-47
• Reads Ethernet status.
Controller object • Gets the Controller status. page 8-52
• Changes the operating mode of the Controller.

8-5-2 Identity Object (Class ID: 01 Hex)

This object reads the ID information of the Controller and resets the built-in EtherNet/IP port and inter-
nal port.

Service Codes
Specify the service to execute with the service code.

Service Supported services

Parameter name Description
code Classes Instances
01 hex Get_Attribute_All Reads the values of the attributes. Supported. Supported.
0E hex Get_Attribute_Single Reads the value of the specified attribute. Supported. Supported.
05 hex Reset Resets the built-in EtherNet/IP port and internal port. This parame- Not sup- Supported.
ter is used to reset the port when you change the IP address or ported.
other parameter settings and want to apply them. Input one of the
following values for the ServiceDat input variable to the CIPSend
instruction to specify the reset method.
00 hex: Resets the port.
02 hex: Clears the saved tag data link settings and resets the

Class ID
Specify 01 hex.

Instance ID
Specify 00 or 01 hex.

Attribute ID
The attribute ID specifies the information to read.

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8 CIP Message Communications

 Class Attribute ID
The class attribute ID specifies the attribute of the entire object.

Read data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Revision Revision of the object Read UINT 0001 hex
02 hex Max Instance The maximum instance number Read UINT 0001 hex

 Instance Attribute ID
The instance attribute ID specifies the attribute of the instance.

Read data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Vendor ID Vendor ID Read UINT 002F hex
02 hex Device Type Device type Read UINT 000C hex
03 hex Product Code Product code Read UINT Refer to (1) Product Codes for
Each Model, below
04 hex Revision Device revision Read Struct ---
Major Revision Major revision Read USINT Refer to (2) Major and Minor CIP
Minor Revision Minor revision Read USINT Revisions for Each Unit Version,
05 hex Status Status of the built-in EtherNet/IP Read WORD Refer to (3) Status Details of the
port Built-in EtherNet/IP Port, below
06 hex Serial Number Serial number Read UDINT Set value

8-5 CIP Object Services

07 hex Product Name Product name Read STRING Set value

(1) Product Codes for Each Model

Model Product Code

NY512- 0685 hex
NY532- 0686 hex

(2) Major and Minor CIP Revisions for Each Unit Version
CIP revisions
Unit version
Major revision Minor revision
Unit version 1.12 to 1.19 02 hex 05 hex

8-5-2 Identity Object (Class ID: 01 Hex)

Unit version 1.21 or later 06 hex

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8 CIP Message Communications

(3) Status Details of the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Bit Name Description
0 Owned Indicates when the built-in EtherNet/IP port has an open connection as the
target of a tag data link.
1 Reserved Always FALSE.
2 Configured Tag data link settings exist.
3 Reserved Always FALSE.
4 to 7 Extended Device Status Indicates the status of the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

b7 b6 b5 b4
0 1 0 1 A major fault occurred.
0 0 1 0 A timeout occurred in one or more target con-
0 0 1 1 Indicates that there are no tag data link settings.
0 1 1 0 Indicates that one or more connections are per-
forming communications normally.
0 1 1 1 Other than the above.

8 Minor Recoverable Fault TRUE when any of the following errors occurs.
• IP Route Table Setting Error
• DNS Server Connection Failed
• Tag Data Link Setting Error
• Tag Data Link Timeout
• Tag Data Link Connection Timeout
• FTP Server Setting Error
• NTP Client Setting Error
• SNMP Setting Error
• NTP Server Connection Failed
• Tag Name Resolution Error
9 Minor Unrecoverable Fault TRUE when the following error occurs.
• Identity Error
10 Major Recoverable Fault TRUE when any of the following errors occurs.
• IP Address Duplication Error
• BOOTP Server Connection Error
• Basic Ethernet Setting Error
• IP Address Setting Error
11 Major Unrecoverable Fault TRUE when any of the following errors occurs.
• Communications Controller Failure
• MAC Address Error
12 to 15 Reserved Always FALSE.

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8 CIP Message Communications

Request Paths (IOIs) to Specify Objects

When you specify an object, specify the request path (IOI) for each service code as given below.

Service code Class ID Instance ID Attribute ID

01 hex Get_Attribute_All 01 hex • Specifying a service for a class: 00 hex Not required.
0E hex Get_Attribute_Single • Specifying a service for an instance: • Reading a class attribute: 01 or 02
Always 01 hex hex
• Reading an instance attribute: 01 to
07 hex
05 hex Reset Always 01 hex Not required.

8-5 CIP Object Services


8-5-2 Identity Object (Class ID: 01 Hex)

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-43
8 CIP Message Communications

8-5-3 TCP/IP Interface Object (Class ID: F5 hex)

This object is used to read and write settings such as the IP address, subnet mask, and default gate-

Service Codes
Specify the service to execute with the service code.

Service Supported services

Parameter name Description
code Classes Instances
01 hex Get_Attribute_All Reads the values of the attributes. Sup- Not sup-
ported. ported.
0E hex Get_Attribute_Single Reads the value of the specified attribute. Sup- Sup-
ported. ported.
10 hex Set_Attribute_Single Writes a value to the specified attribute. The built-in EtherNet/IP port Not sup- Sup-
restarts automatically after the value is written to the attribute. When ported. ported.
the restart process is not completed and the next Set_Attribute_Single
is executed, the general status “0C hex” (Object State Conflict) is

Class ID
Specify F5 hex.

Instance ID
Specify 00 to 02 hex.
00: Specify the class
01: Built-in EtherNet/IP port
02: Internal port

Attribute ID
The attribute ID specifies the information to read.

 Class Attribute ID
The class attribute ID specifies the attribute of the entire object.

Read data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Revision Revision of the object Read UINT 0004 hex
02 hex Max Instance The maximum instance number Read UINT 0002 hex
03 hex Num of Instance The number of object instance Read UINT 0002 hex

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8 CIP Message Communications

 Instance Attribute ID
The instance attribute ID specifies the attribute of the instance.

Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Interface Configuration Indicates the IP address set- Read DWORD Bits 0 to 3: Interface Configuration Sta-
Status tings status of the interface. tus:
0 = IP address is not set. (This
includes when BOOTP is starting.)
1 = IP address is set.
Bits 4 and 5: Reserved (always
Bit 6: AcdStatus:
FALSE = IP address collisions
have not been detected.
TRUE = IP address collisions have
been detected.
Bits 7 to 31: Reserved (always FALSE).
02 hex Configuration Capability Indicates a Controller Config- Read DWORD Bit 0: BOOTP Client:
urations and Setup that can FALSE = Internal port
be set to the interface.
TRUE = Built-in EtherNet/IP port
Bit 1: DNS Client: Always TRUE.
Bit 2: DHCP Client: Always FALSE.
Bit 3: DHCP-DNS Update: Always
Bit 4: Configuration Settable: Always

8-5 CIP Object Services

Bit 5: Hardware Configurable: Always
Bit 6: Interface Configuration Change
Requires Reset: Always FALSE.
Bit 7: ACD Capable: Always TRUE.
Bits 8 to 31: Reserved (always FALSE).
03 hex Configuration Control Sets the method used to set Read/Wri DWORD Bits 0 to 3: IP Address Setting Method:
the IP address when the te 0 = Setting the static IP address.
interface starts.
1 = Setting by BOOTP. 8
Bits 4: DNS Enable/Disable Setting:
FALSE = DNS disabled.

8-5-3 TCP/IP Interface Object (Class ID: F5 hex)

TRUE = DNS enabled.
Bits 5 to 31: Reserved (always FALSE).
04 hex Physical Link Object The path to the link object in Read Struct ---
the physical layer.
Path size The path size (WORD size). UINT 0002 hex
Path The path to the link object in EPATH 20 F6 24 02 hex = Internal port
the physical layer (static). 20 F6 24 01 hex = Built-in EtherNet/IP
05 hex Interface Configuration The interface settings. Read/Wri Struct ---
IP Address IP address. te UDINT Set value
Network Mask Subnet mask. UDINT Set value
Gateway Address The default gateway. UDINT Set value
Nama Server The primary name server. UDINT Set value
Nama Server2 The secondary name server. UDINT Set value
Domain Name The domain name. STRING Set value*1
06 hex Host Name The host name (reserved). Read/Wri STRING Set value*2
*1 The value is the size of domain name (2 bytes) + domain name (48 bytes max.).
*2 The value is the size of host name (2 bytes) + host name (64 bytes max.).

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8 CIP Message Communications

Request Paths (IOIs) to Specify Objects

When you specify an object, specify the request path (IOI) for each service code as given below.

Service code Class ID Instance ID Attribute ID

01 hex Get_Attribute_All F5 hex • Specifying a service for a class: 00 hex Not required.
0E hex Get_Attribute_Single • Specifying a service for an instance: 01 • Reading a class attribute: 01 or 02
10 hex Set_Attribute_Single or 02 hex hex
• Reading and writing an instance
attribute: 01 to 06 hex

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-5-4 Ethernet Link Object (Class ID: F6 Hex)

This object is used to set and read Ethernet communications and read Ethernet communications status

Service Codes
Specify the service to execute with the service code.

Service Supported services

Parameter name Description
code Classes Instances
0E hex Get_Attribute_Single Reads the value of the specified attribute. Supported. Supported.
10 hex Set_Attribute_Single Writes a value to the specified attribute. Supported. Supported.
4C hex Get_and_Clear Specify Attribute4 or Attribute5 to reset the value of the attribute to 0. Not sup- Supported.

Class ID
Specify F6 hex.

Instance ID
Specify 00 to 02 hex.

8-5 CIP Object Services

00: Specify the class
01: Built-in EtherNet/IP port
02: Internal port

Attribute ID
The attribute ID specifies the information to read.
 Class Attribute ID
The class attribute ID specifies the attribute of the entire object.

8-5-4 Ethernet Link Object (Class ID: F6 Hex)

Read data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Revision Revision of the object Read UINT 0004 hex
02 hex Max Instance The maximum instance number Read UINT 0002 hex
03 hex Num of Instance The number of object instance Read UINT 0002 hex

 Instance Attribute ID
The instance attribute ID specifies the attribute of the instance.

Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Interface Speed Gives the baud rate for the inter- Read UDINT Reads the current value.
02 hex Interface Flags Gives the status of the interface. Read DWORD Refer to (1) Interface Flag Details,

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8 CIP Message Communications

Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
03 hex Physical Address Gives the MAC address of the Read ARRAY Reads the current value of the
interface. [0...5] OF MAC address.
04 hex Interface Counters The number of packets Read Struct ---
sent/received through the inter-
In Octets The number of octets received UDINT Reads the current value.
through the interface.
This includes unnecessary multi-
cast packets and discarded pack-
ets counted by InDiscards.
In Unicast Packets The number of unicast packets UDINT Reads the current value.
received through the interface.
This does not include discarded
packets counted by InDiscards.
In NonUnicast Packets The number of packets besides UDINT Reads the current value.
unicast packets received through
the interface. This includes
unnecessary multicast packets,
but does not include discarded
packets counted by InDiscards.
In Discards The number of discarded incom- UDINT Reads the current value.
ing packets received through the
In Errors The number of incoming packets UDINT Reads the current value.
that had errors. This is not
included in InDiscards.
In Unknown Protos The number of incoming packets UDINT Reads the current value.
that were of an unknown protocol.
Out Octets The number of octets sent UDINT Reads the current value.
through the interface.
Out Unicast Packets The number of unicast packets UDINT Reads the current value.
sent through the interface.
Out NonUnicast Packets The number of packets besides UDINT Reads the current value.
unicast packets sent through the
Out Discards The number of discarded sent UDINT Reads the current value.
Out Errors The number of sent packets that UDINT Reads the current value.
had errors.

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8 CIP Message Communications

Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
05 hex Media Counters Media counters for the communi- Read Struct ---
cations port.
Alignment Errors Number of frames received that UDINT Reads the current value.
were not octets in length.
FCS Errors Number of frames received that UDINT Reads the current value.
did not pass the FCS check.
Single Collisions Number of frames sent success- UDINT Reads the current value.
fully with only one collision.
Multiple Collisions Number of frames sent success- UDINT Reads the current value.
fully with two or more collisions.
SQE Test Errors Number of times a SQE test error UDINT Reads the current value.
message was generated.
Deferred Transmissions The number of frames for which UDINT Reads the current value.
the first attempt to send was
delayed because the media was
Late Collisions The number of collisions detected UDINT Reads the current value.
in packets that were sent after
512 bit times.
Excessive Collisions The number of frames that failed UDINT Reads the current value.
to be sent because of excessive
MAC Transmit Errors The number of frames that failed UDINT Reads the current value.
to be sent due to an internal MAC
sublayer transmission error.
Carrier Sense Errors The number of times the carrier UDINT Reads the current value.

8-5 CIP Object Services

sense condition was lost or the
number of times an assertion did
not occur when an attempt was
made to send the frame.
Frame Too Long The number of frames received UDINT Reads the current value.
that exceeded the maximum
allowed frame size.
MAC Receive Errors The number of frames that could UDINT Reads the current value.
not be received through the inter-
face due to an internal MAC sub-
layer reception error. 8
06 hex Interface Control Control settings for the interface. Read/Wri Struct ---
Control Bits Auto Nego for Ethernet communi- te WORD Refer to (2) Control Bit Details,
cations that specifies full duplex. below.

8-5-4 Ethernet Link Object (Class ID: F6 Hex)

Forced Interface Speed Gives the set value of the Ether- UINT Reads the set value.
net baud rate.

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8 CIP Message Communications

Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
0C hex HC Interface Counters The number of packets Read Struct ---
sent/received through the HC
HCInOctets The number of octets received ULINT Reads the current value.
through the interface.This counter
is the 64-bit edition of In Octets.
HCInUnicastPkts The number of unicast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
received through the interface.
This counter is the 64-bit edition
of In Ucast Packets.
HCInMulticastPkts The number of multicast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
received through the interface.
HCInBroadcastPkts The number of broadcast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
received through the interface.
HCOutOctets The number of octets sent ULINT Reads the current value.
through the interface.This counter
is the 64-bit edition of Out Octets.
HCOutUnicastPkts The number of unicast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
sent through the interface.
HCOutMulticastPkts The number of multicast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
sent through the interface.
HCOutBroadcastPkts The number of broadcast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
sent through the interface.
0D hex HC Media Counters Media counters for the comunica- Read Struct ---
tions port.
HCStatsAlignmentErrors Number of frames received that ULINT Reads the current value.
were not octets in length.This
counter is the 64-bit edition of
Alignment Errors.
HCStatsFCSErrors Number of frames received that ULINT Reads the current value.
did not pass the FCS check.This
counter is the 64-bit edition of
FCS Errors.
HCStatsInternalMac The number of frames that failed ULINT Reads the current value.
TransmitErrors to be sent due to an internal MAC
sublayer transmission error.This
counter is the 64-bit edition of
MAC Transmit Errors.
HCStatsFrameTooLongs The number of frames received ULINT Reads the current value.
that exceeded the maximum
allowed frame size.This counter is
the 64-bit edition of Frame Too
HCStatsMacReceiveEr- The number of frames that could ULINT Reads the current value.
rors not be received through the inter-
face due to an internal MAC sub-
layer reception error.This counter
is the 64-bit edition of MAC
Receive Errors.
HCStatsMacSymbolEr- The number of frames that could ULINT Reads the current value.
rors not be received through the inter-
face due to an internal MAC sub-
layer symbol error.

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8 CIP Message Communications

(1) Interface Flag Details

Bit Name Description

0 LinkStatus FALSE: The link is down.
TRUE: The link is up.
1 Half/FullDuplex FALSE: Half duplex
TRUE: Full duplex
2 to 4 Negotiation Status 00 hex: Auto-negotiation is in progress.
01 hex: Auto-negotiation and speed detection failed.
02 hex: Auto-negotiation failed, but speed detection succeeded.
03 hex: Speed and duplex mode negotiation succeeded.
04 hex: Auto-negotiation was not attempted.
5 Manual Setting Requires Speed Always FALSE: Changes can be applied automatically.
6 Local Hardware Fault Always FALSE
7 to 31 Reserved Always FALSE

(2) Control Bit Details

Bit Name Description

0 Auto-negotiate FALSE: Auto-negotiation is disabled.
TRUE: Auto-negotiation is enabled.
1 ForcedDuplex Mode FALSE: Half duplex
TRUE: Full duplex
* When auto-negotiation is enabled (bit 0 is TRUE), this should always be FALSE.
2 to 16 Reserved Always FALSE

8-5 CIP Object Services

Request Paths (IOIs) to Specify Objects
When you specify an object, specify the request path (IOI) for each service code as given below.

Service code Class ID Instance ID Attribute ID

0E hex Get_Attribute_Single F6 hex • Specifying a service for a class: 00 hex • Reading a class attribute: 01 to 03
10 hex Set_Attribute_Single • Specifying a service for an instance: 01 hex
or 02 hex • Reading and writing an instance
attribute: 01 to 06 hex, 0C hex or 8
0D hex
4C hex Get_and_Clear Specify an attribute to reset its value

8-5-4 Ethernet Link Object (Class ID: F6 Hex)

to 0: 04 hex, 05 hex, 0C hex or 0D

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-5-5 Controller Object (Class ID: C4 Hex)

This object is used to get the status of the Controller or to change the operating mode of the Controller.

Service Codes
Specify the service to execute with the service code.

Service Supported services

Parameter name Description
code Classes Instances
0E hex Get_Attribute_Single Reads the value of the specified attribute. Supported. Not supported.
10 hex Set_Attribute_Single Writes a value to the specified attribute. Supported. Not supported.
51 hex Reset_System_Alarm_All Resets all errors in the Controller. Supported. Not supported.

Class ID
Specify C4 hex.

Instance ID
Specify 00 hex.

 Class Attribute ID
The class attribute ID specifies the attribute (value) of the entire object.

Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Revision Revision of the object Read UINT Always 0002 hex.
02 hex Max Instance The maximum instance number Read UINT Always 0001 hex
64 hex PLC Mode This can be used to read and Read/Wri UINT Specify this when you want to
modify the Controller operating te write to an attribute.
mode. 0000 hex: PROGRAM mode
0004 hex: RUN mode
65 hex PLC Error Status Indicates when there is a Control- Read UINT 0000 hex: There is no Controller
ler error. Changes to TRUE when error.
a fatal or non-fatal error occurs. 0001 hex: There is a Controller
66 hex PLC Model Indicates the model of the Con- Read STRING
troller. The length is always 2
bytes for the size + 20 bytes for
the name. Unused area is padded
with spaces.

 Instance Attribute ID

Request Paths (IOIs) to Specify Objects

When you specify an object, specify the request path (IOI) for each service code as given below.

Service code Class ID Instance ID Attribute ID

0E hex Get_Attribute_Single C4 hex 00 hex Specifies the attribute of the class to
10 hex Set_Attribute_Single read or write: 01 hex, 02 hex, or 64 to
66 hex

8-52 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

8-6 Read and Write Services for Variables

This section shows services that specify the CIP object in the Request Path and access the CIP mes-
sage server function of the NY-series Controllers.

8-6-1 Read Services for Variables

Specify service code 4C hex to read the value of the variable that is specified by the request path.

Service Code: 4C Hex

 Request Data Format
Request Path Data
Variable name specification

8-6 Read and Write Services for Variables

Request Service Data
+0 Num of Element (L) UINT Specify the number of elements to read for an array variable.
+1 (H)

Response Service Data

Data Type USINT Data type of variable to read
AddInfo Length USINT Additional information: Field length in bytes
(AddInfo) Additional information: CRC value of structure
Actual data*
* The actual data is stored in little-endian format.

Data Type Code for data type of variable to read

Refer to 8-7-1 Data Type Codes.
AddInfoLength The size of the AddInfo area is stored only when accessing a structure variable. Set 02 8
hex for a structure variable. Otherwise, set 00 hex.
AddInfo The CRC code of the structure definition is stored only when accessing a structure vari-
able. In this case, the size of AddInfo will be 2 bytes.

8-6-1 Read Services for Variables

Actual data The actual data is stored in little-endian format. If 0001 hex is specified for an array, the
actual data is stored in the same format as when you access a variable with the data
type of the elements of the array.

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8 CIP Message Communications

Response Codes

Meaning Cause
status status
00 SUCCESS --- The service ended normally.
02 RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE --- The internal processing buffer is not avail-
04 PATH_SEGMENT_ERROR --- The request path specification is not cor-
05 PATH_DESTINATION_UNKNOWN --- The variable specification is not correct.
0C OBJECT_STATE_CONFLICT 8010 Downloading, starting up
8011 There is an error in tag memory.
11 REPLY_DATA_TOO_LARGE --- The response exceeds the maximum
response length.
13 NOT_ENOUGH_DATA --- The data length is too short for the specified
15 TOO_MUCH_DATA --- The data length is too long for the specified
1F VENDOR_SPECIFIC_ERROR 0102, 2104 An attempt was made to read an I/O vari-
able that cannot be read.
0104, 1103 The specified address and size exceed a
segment boundary.
8001 An internal error occurred.
8007 An inaccessible variable was specified.
8031 An internal error occurred. (A memory allo-
cation error occurred.)
20 INVALID_PARAMETER 8009 A segment type error occurred.
800F There is an inconsistency in data length
information in the request data.
8017 More than one element was specified for a
variable that does not have elements.
8018 Zero elements or data that exceeded the
range of the array was specified for an
8023 An internal error occurred. (An illegal com-
mand format was used.)
8024 An internal error occurred. (An illegal com-
mand length was used.)
8025 An internal error occurred. (An illegal
parameter was used.)
8027 An internal error occurred. (A parameter
error occurred.)
8028 • An attempt was made to write an out-of-
range value for a variable for which a sub-
range is specified.
• An attempt was made to write an unde-
fined value to an enumeration variable.

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-6-2 Write Service for Variables

Specify service code 4D hex to write the value of the variable that is specified by the request path.

Request Data Format for Writing a Variable

Request Path Data
Variable name specification

Request Service Data

Data Type USINT Data type of variable to write
AddInfo Length USINT Additional information: Field length in bytes
(AddInfo) Additional information: CRC value of structure
Num of Element (L) UINT
Actual data*

8-6 Read and Write Services for Variables

Response Service Data
There is no response service data.
* Data to write: Store the data to write in little-endian format

Data Type Code for data type of variable to write

Refer to 8-7 Variable Data Types.
AddInfoLength Specify the size of the AddInfo area only when accessing a structure variable. Set 02
hex for a structure variable. Otherwise, set 00 hex.
AddInfo The CRC code of the structure definition is specified only when accessing a structure
variable. In this case, the size of AddInfo will be 2 bytes.
NumOfElement Specifying the number of elements in the array. Do not specify 0000 hex (an error
will occur). For variables other than arrays, set 0001 hex.
Actual data Specify the actual data in little-endian format. If 0001 hex is specified for an array,
specify the actual data in the same format as when you access a variable with the
data type of the elements of the array.

8-6-2 Write Service for Variables

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8 CIP Message Communications

Response Codes

Meaning Cause
status status
00 SUCCESS --- The service ended normally.
02 RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE --- The internal processing buffer is not
04 PATH_SEGMENT_ERROR --- The request path specification is not cor-
05 PATH_DESTINATION_UNKNOWN --- The link was followed to the end, but the
variable was not found.
0C OBJECT_STATE_CONFLICT 8010 Downloading, starting up
8011 There is an error in tag memory.
13 NOT_ENOUGH_DATA --- The data length was too short for the
specified service.
15 TOO_MUCH_DATA --- The data length was too long for the
specified service.
1F VENDOR_SPECIFIC_ERROR 0102, 2103 An attempt was made to write a constant
or read-only variable.
0104, 1103 The specified address and size exceed
a segment boundary.
8001 An internal error occurred. (An informa-
tion inconsistency was detected in the
interface in the Module.)
8007 An inaccessible variable was specified.
8029 A region that all cannot be accessed at
the same time was specified for Simple-
8031 An internal error occurred. (A memory
allocation error occurred.)
20 INVALID_PARAMETER 8009 A segment type error occurred.
800F There is an inconsistency in data length
information in the Request Data.
8017 More than one element was specified for
a variable that does not have elements.
8018 Zero elements or data that exceeded the
range of the array was specified for an
8021 A value other than 0 or 2 was specified
for an AddInfo area.
8022 The data type that is specified in the
request service data does not agree with
the tag information. The AddInfo Length
in the request service data is not 0.
8023 An internal error occurred. (An illegal
command format was used.)
8024 An internal error occurred. (An illegal
command length was used.)
8025 An internal error occurred. (An illegal
parameter was used.)
8027 An internal error occurred. (A parameter
error occurred.)
8028 • An attempt was made to write an out-
of-range value for a variable for which
a subrange is specified.
• An attempt was made to write an
undefined value to an enumeration

8-56 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

8-7 Variable Data Types

This section provides the data types of variables that can be used with CIP message communications.

8-7-1 Data Type Codes

The following codes are given to variable data types.

Data Type Code(Hex) Group*

Boolean (bit) C1 CIP Common
SINT (1-byte signed binary) C2 CIP Common
INT (1-word signed binary) C3 CIP Common
DINT (2-word signed binary) C4 CIP Common
LINT (4-word signed binary) C5 CIP Common
USINT (1-byte unsigned binary) C6 CIP Common
UINT (1-word unsigned binary) C7 CIP Common
UDINT (2-word unsigned binary) C8 CIP Common
ULINT (4-word unsigned binary) C9 CIP Common
REAL (2-word floating point) CA CIP Common
LREAL (4-word floating point) CB CIP Common

8-7 Variable Data Types

BYTE (1-byte hexadecimal) D1 CIP Common
WORD (1-word hexadecimal) D2 CIP Common
DWORD (2-word hexadecimal) D3 CIP Common
TIME (8-byte data) DB CIP Common
LWORD (4-word hexadecimal) D4 CIP Common
Abbreviated STRUCT A0 CIP Common
UINT BCD (1-word unsigned BCD) 04 Vendor Specific 8
UDINT BCD (2-word unsigned BCD) 05 Vendor Specific
ULINT BCD (4-word unsigned BCD) 06 Vendor Specific

8-7-1 Data Type Codes

ENUM 07 Vendor Specific
DATE_NSEC 08 Vendor Specific
TIME_NSEC 09 Vendor Specific
DATE_AND_TIME_NSEC 0A Vendor Specific
TIME_OF_DAY_NSEC 0B Vendor Specific
Union 0C Vendor Specific
* “CIP Common” indicates codes that are defined in the CIP Common Specifications. “Vendor Specific” indicates
codes that are assigned by OMRON.

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-7-2 Common Format

The basic format on the data line is shown below.

Data Format

USINT Data Type Refer to Data Type Codes on page 8-57 for specific values.
USINT AddInfo Length Additional information: Field length in bytes
(AddInfo) Additional information: CRC value of structure or other
UINT Num of Element (L) information
(H) This field exists only in the parameters for the variable write
Actual data service.

8-7-3 Elementary Data Types

Fixed-length Byte Data

Applicable data types: BYTE, USINT, and SINT
Data Format

USINT Data Type

UINT Num of Elem (L) 01 hex
(H) 00 hex
USINT 0 (padding) 00 hex

Fixed-length 2-byte Data

Applicable data types: INT, UINT, UINT BCD, and WORD
Data Format

USINT Data Type

UINT Num of Elem (L) 01 hex
(H) 00 hex
Data (L)

Fixed-length 4-byte Data

Applicable data types: DINT, UDINT, UDINT BCD, REAL, and DWORD
Data Format

USINT Data Type

UINT Num of Elem (L) 01 hex
(H) 00 hex
Data (LL)

8-58 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

Fixed-length 8-byte Data

Applicable data types: LINT, ULINT, ULINT BCD, LREAL, and LWORD
Data Format

USINT Data Type

USINT 00 hex
UINT Num of Elem (L) 01 hex
(H) 00 hex
Data (Least-significant byte)
(Most-significant byte)

Boolean Data
Data Format

USINT Data Type C1 hex

USINT 00 hex

8-7 Variable Data Types

UINT Num of Elem (L) 01 hex
(H) 00 hex
USINT Status 01 hex: TRUE, 00 hex : FALSE
USINT Forced set/reset information* 01 hex: Forced, 00 hex: Not forced
* Specify 0 when writing data.

8-7-3 Elementary Data Types

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-7-4 Derived Data Types

Arrays and structures are handled as derived data types.

Accessing One Member

The data format for accessing one element of an array or one member of a structure is the same as
the data format for the corresponding elementary data type.
Example: If you specify Var[5] to access a variable defined with UINT Var[10], use the same data
format as for UINT data.

Accessing More Than One Element at the Same Time

 Arrays
• Accessing an Entire Array
If you access an array variable without specifying an element, the entire array is accessed. The
following data format is used.
Data Format

USINT Data Type Data type of array elements (A1 hex is not used.)
USINT 00 hex
UINT Num of Elem (L) Gives the number of elements in the array.
Data The actual data for the elements of the array are
: given in order in the same format as when the
Data elements are accessed individually.*
* For STRING data, the output format differs from the format when accessing individual elements in the following
• There are no fields for the text string lengths. Only the text strings (including NULL) are given.
• The transferred data length is not the combined lengths of the text strings, but the memory size
that is allocated to the STRING variable.
• Upper and lower bytes are reversed.

Example: The outputs will be as follows for a STRING array named s that has two elements (with the
data quantity around elements is set to 4 bytes) when s[0] is “ab” and s[1] is “d”.
Individual [0]: D0 00 03 00 61 62 63 (hex)
Entire array: D0 00 62 61 ?? 00 00 64 ?? ?? (hex) (??: Invalid data.)

8-60 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications

• Handling Multi-dimensional Array

Elements for a multi-dimensional array are given in order from the deepest elements. For exam-
ple, the data is read in the following format when Var is specified for a variable defined with UINT
Data Format

USINT C7 hex Data type code for UINT

USINT 00 hex
UINT Value of Var[0][0] (L)
UINT Value of Var[0][1] (L)
UINT Value of Var[1][0] (L)
UINT Value of Var[1][1] (L)

The following data format is used for a BOOL array (using BOOL b[2][3] as an example).
Data Format

USINT C1 hex (data type code for BOOL)

USINT 00 hex
(WORD) rsv rsv b[1][2] b[1][1] b[1][0] b[0][2] b[0][1] b[0][0]
rsv rsv rsv rsv rsv rsv rsv rsv

8-7 Variable Data Types

• Exceptions When Specifying the Num of Element Field
The following data format is used if a specification is made in the Num of Element field for a BOOL
array. (Refer to 8-4-5 Specifying Variable Names in Request Paths for information on the Num of
Element field.) The status (TRUE/FALSE) is given in order for each element of the BOOL variable.
Data Format

USINT Data Type C1 hex

USINT 00 hex
UINT Num of Elem (L) Gives the number of elements in the array. 8
USINT Status 01 hex: TRUE, 00 hex: FALSE

8-7-4 Derived Data Types

: :
USINT Status

 Structure Variables
• Accessing an Entire Structure
If a structure variable is specified, it is treated as an access request for all of the members of the
Data Format

USINT Data Type A0 Hex (Abbreviated STRUCT)

USINT 02 hex
UINT CRC (L) CRC value for the structure definition
UINT Num of Elem (L) 01 hex
(H) 00 hex

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8 CIP Message Communications

8-62 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Socket Service

9-1 Basic Knowledge on Socket Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2

9-1-1 Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9-1-2 Port Numbers for Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
9-2 Basic Knowledge on Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
9-2-1 Differences between TCP and UDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
9-2-2 Fragmenting of Send Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
9-2-3 Data Reception Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
9-2-4 Broadcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
9-3 Overview of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
9-3-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11
9-3-2 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11
9-4 Settings Required for the Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
9-5 Socket Service Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
9-6-1 Using the Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14 9
9-6-2 Procedure to Use Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15
9-6-3 Timing Chart for Output Variables Used in Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-17
9-6-4 UDP Sample Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19
9-6-5 TCP Sample Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-24
9-7 Precautions in Using Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30
9-7-1 Precautions for UDP and TCP Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30
9-7-2 Precautions for UDP Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30
9-7-3 Precautions for TCP Socket Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-1
9 Socket Service

9-1 Basic Knowledge on Socket


9-1-1 Sockets
A socket is an interface that allows you to directly use TCP or UDP functions from the user program. In
a host computer (e.g., personal computer), sockets are provided in the form of a C language interface
library. If you load the library, you can program communications via TCP and UDP in the user program.
In a UNIX computer, a socket interface is provided in the format of system calls. For the built-in Ether-
Net/IP port, you execute instructions in the user program to use sockets. You can use these communi-
cations services to send and receive any data to and from remote nodes, i.e., between host computers
and Controllers or between Controllers. The built-in EtherNet/IP port provides a UDP socket service
and a TCP socket service.

9-1-2 Port Numbers for Socket Services

Ports 0 to 1023 used for TCP/IP are reserved as well-known ports . In addition, ports 1024 to 49151 are
reserved as registered ports by the protocols that are used. Therefore, we recommend that you use
port numbers 49152 to 65535 for applications other than the protocols that are registered with the
socket service.
You cannot specify port number 0 for the built-in EtherNet/IP port. Also, make sure that the following
ports, which are used by the built-in EtherNet/IP port, are not used for other purposes.

Application UDP TCP

FTP server --- 20, 21*
DNS 53 ---
BOOTP client 68 ---
HTTP server --- 80
NTP server 123* ---
SNMP Agent 161* ---
SNMP trap 162* ---
UDP 9600 ---
TCP --- 9600*
Used by system. 2222, 2223, and 2224 9610, 9900
CIP messages 44818 44818
* These are the default port numbers. You can change the port numbers in the settings.

9-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

9-2 Basic Knowledge on Protocols

9-2-1 Differences between TCP and UDP

The TCP and UDP functions used on socket services differ as shown below.

TCP Communications
The following operations are performed each time data is sent to ensure that it reaches the destination
node. The destination node returns an acknowledgement (ACK) when data is received normally. The
sending node sends the next data after ACK is returned. It resends the same data if ACK is not
received within a certain length of time.
Send data

Send Receive
request Acknowledgement (ACK) request

Resend data
Sending node If ACK is not returned Destination node

In TCP, the remote IP address and the remote TCP port number are specified when a request is made

9-2 Basic Knowledge on Protocols

to open a socket. The variables that store the data to send are specified when the send request is

UDP Communications
Data is simply sent to the destination node and no acknowledgement or resends are performed like
they are for TCP. To increase the reliability of communications, the user application must perform data
resend processing.
Send data

request Acknowledgement (ACK)
request 9
(When ACK processing is performed by user application)
9-2-1 Differences between TCP and UDP

Sending node Destination node

In UDP, the remote IP address and the remote UDP port number are not specified when a request is
made to open a socket. The variables that store the remote IP address, the remote UDP port number,
and the data to send are specified when the send request is made. (The received data is stored in the
response data to specify which UDP port was used from which IP address.) Furthermore, once a
socket is open in UDP, communications with other remote nodes is possible even if the socket is not

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-3
9 Socket Service

TCP Communications Procedure

You execute socket communications instructions in sequence to perform TCP communications for the
built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Client Server

SktTCPAccept Instruction
Socket Listen
• Execution of Socket Functions
SktTCPConnect Instruction Accept Socket(), Bind(), Listen(), and
Connect SYN Accept()
• Execution of the Socket Function
Connect() • Timeout monitoring until Connect is
The connection is established by SYN ACK completed
the normal completion of the Instruction The connection is established by the
SktTCPConnect instruction. completed. normal completion of the SktTCPAc-
cept instruction.
ACK Instruction

SktSetOption Instruction
• Execution of the Socket Function Setopt
SktSetOption Instruction
The option for TCP socket is set
• Execution of the Socket Function
by the normal completion of the Setopt setsoketopt()
SktSetOption instruction. (Note)
The option for TCP socket is set
by the normal completion of the
SktSetOption instruction. (Note)

SktTCPSend Instruction
• Execution of the Socket Function Send
Send() Recv SktTCPRcv Instruction
The data is stored in the send • Execution of Socket Function Recv()
buffer by the normal completion of Instruction • Timeout monitoring until data is
the SktTCPSend instruction. completed. received from the remote node
ACK Writing the received data to the variable
is completed by the normal completion
of the SktTCPRcv instruction.

SktClose Instruction Close

• Execution of the Socket Function FIN
The acknowledgment (ACK) of Socket interface
FIN from the remote node is
received by the normal comple- ACK Packets sent by the TCP/IP layer
tion of the SktClose instruction.
Packets sent by higher layers
However, RST (not FIN) is sent if Instruction
the Linger Option is specified. completed.

Note Set the socket option as required. Refer to the NY-series Instructions Reference Manual (Cat.
No. W560) for the socket option.

9-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

9-2-2 Fragmenting of Send Data

The receive buffer for the built-in EtherNet/IP port is a maximum of 9,000 bytes per socket handle. If
any data that is larger than 9,000 bytes is received, any data over 9,000 bytes is discarded.
Up to 2,000 bytes can be received for a single request. In this case, the data is sent in fragments as
described below.

Using TCP
The conditions shown in the following figure occur when data is sent in fragments in TCP communica-
(1) A send request is sent from the user program at the sending node. It specifies a vari-
able with a data length of 2,000 bytes.
(2) The built-in EtherNet/IP port separates the send data into 1,024 bytes in data A and
976 bytes in data B.
(3) Data A and data B are sent in sequence by the sending node.
(4) After data A is received, the remaining data B is received.
Sending node (Controller) Receiving node (host computer)

User program Built-in Receiving node User program

EtherNet/IP port
Ethernet line
(4) Receive request
(1) Send request (2) Fragmenting (3)

9-2 Basic Knowledge on Protocols

Data A and
data B are
2,000 bytes 1,024 bytes 2,000 bytes
sent in
Original data Data A Data A Data A

1,024 bytes

(5) Receives remaining 976 bytes.

2,000 bytes

Data B Data B Data B

976 bytes 976 bytes

(6) Receive request
(request for 2,000 bytes)
Data in TCP communications is delivered to the user program in a fragmented form, as shown
9-2-2 Fragmenting of Send Data

above. The number of bytes of data that is received must be checked to confirm all data was
received before the next receive request is made. (You can use the RecvDataSize output variable of
the socket receive request instruction to check the received data.)

Additional Information

If TCP is used to send data to a different segment, the data is separated into 536-byte frag-

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-5
9 Socket Service

Using UDP
The conditions shown in the following figure occur when data is sent in fragments in UDP communica-
(1) A send request is sent from the user program at the sending node. It specifies a vari-
able with a data length of 2,000 bytes.
(2) The built-in EtherNet/IP port separates the send data into 1,472 bytes in data A and
528 bytes in data B.
(3) Data A and data B are sent in sequence by the sending node.
(4) Data A and data B are joined to restore the original send data, and the data is passed
to the user program.
Sending node (Controller) Receiving node (host computer)

User program Built-in Receiving node User program

EtherNet/IP port Ethernet line

(1) Send request (2) Fragmenting (3)

Data A and
data B are
2,000 bytes 1,472 bytes
and sent.
Original data Data A

(4) Receive request

2,000 bytes

Data B Data A Data B

528 bytes

Because UDP communications are performed in datagram units as shown above, send data is
returned to the original data format before it is passed to the user program.

9-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

9-2-3 Data Reception Processing

This section describes data reception processing for TCP and UDP.

 TCP Receive Processing

With TCP communications, the receive data that is stored in the receive buffer can be separated
and received. (The receive buffer holds up to 9,000 bytes.) This can be used to receive data that
exceeds the size that can be received with one data request (2,000 bytes), i.e., more than one
receive request is used to receive all of the data. Also, all of the receive data can be received if there
is less data in the receive buffer than the size of the variable that was specified in the receive
Example: Receiving 3,000 Bytes of Receive Data in Two Sections
1. The data that was sent from the sending node in two sends is stored in the receive buffer.
2. Two receive requests are used to receive all of the send data.
Sending node (host computer) Receiving node (Controller)

User program Built-in EtherNet/IP port User program

(1) Data received to

Ethernet line receive buffer. (2) The data is received in
two sections.
Receive buffer
(9,000 bytes)
1st send 1st receive request
request (Request for 1,000 bytes)

9-2 Basic Knowledge on Protocols

1,000 bytes Data A Data A
Data A 1,000 bytes
2,000 bytes Data B Data B
2nd send
2nd receive request
3,000 bytes (request for 2,000 bytes)

Data B 2,000 bytes

9-2-3 Data Reception Processing

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-7
9 Socket Service

 UDP Receive Processing

With UDP communications, the receive data that is stored in the receive buffer cannot be separated
and received. (The receive buffer holds up to 9,000 bytes.) Therefore, the data that is sent for each
send request must be received with one receive request. Because of this, attention must be given to
the following at the receiving node when data is received.
• When the Size of the Variable Specified in the Receive Request Is Smaller Than the Data Size
Sent with the Send Request
The received data that exceeds the size of the variable that is specified in the receive request is
discarded. All of the receive data is received if there is less data in the receive buffer than the size
of the variable that was specified in the receive request.

Example 1: Receive Request for 1,000 Bytes when 2,000 Bytes of Data Was Received
1. The data that was sent from the sending node in two sends is stored in the receive buffer.
2. If a receive request is made for 1,000 bytes for the first send data, the remaining 1,000 bytes is
3. If the next receive request is for 2,000 bytes, all of the send data for the second send is received.
Sending node (host computer) Receiving node (Controller)
User program Built-in EtherNet/IP port User program
(1) Data received to
Ethernet line receive buffer.
(2) 1st receive
Receive buffer request (request
(9,000 bytes) for 1,000 bytes)
1st send
request Data A (upper bytes) Data A (upper bytes) 1,000 bytes
2,000 bytes Data A
Data A (lower bytes)
The remaining
2,000 bytes data is discarded.
Data B Data B
2nd send Data A (lower bytes) 1,000 bytes

4,000 bytes (3) 2nd receive

request (request
for 2,000 bytes)

Data B 2,000 bytes

9-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

• When There Is Only One Receive Request for Data Sent for Multiple Send Requests
You cannot use just one receive request to receive the data that was sent for multiple send
requests, regardless of the size of the data.
Example 2: Receive Request for 1,000 Bytes when 200 Bytes of Data Was Sent for Two Send
1. The data that was sent from the sending node in two sends is stored in the receive buffer.
2. Even if a receive request is made for 2,000 bytes of data, only the 100 bytes that was sent for the
first send request is received.
Sending node (host computer) Receiving node (Controller)

User program Built-in EtherNet/IP port User program

(1) Data received to

Ethernet line receive buffer.
(2) 1st receive request
Receive buffer (request for 1,000
(9,000 bytes) bytes)
1st send
100 bytes Data A Data A Data A

100 bytes Data B Data B 100 bytes

2nd send
request You can receive the rest
of the data with another
200 bytes
receive request.

9-2 Basic Knowledge on Protocols

Data B

9-2-3 Data Reception Processing

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-9
9 Socket Service

9-2-4 Broadcasting
You can set the destination IP address to a broadcast address for a UDP socket to broadcast data to
the host and all nodes on the same network as the EtherNet/IP port. If there is a router on the network,
packets are not sent beyond the router. You can broadcast up to 1,472 bytes of data. Data larger than
1,472 bytes cannot be broadcast.
You can specify either of the two following types of broadcast addresses.
• Local Broadcast
If no destination IP address is specified, the following IP address is specified automatically.
Network segment: The network segment of the local IP address is set.
Host segment: All bits are set to 1.
• Global Broadcast
Specify this type when the IP address of the local node or the subnet to which the local node belongs
is unknown. As shown below, every bit of the 32-bit address is set to 1.

9-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

9-3 Overview of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port

Socket Services

9-3-1 Overview
Socket services on the built-in EtherNet/IP port are used to exchange data between Controllers and
general-purpose applications that do not support CIP message communications. The Controller
requests the socket service from the user program.

General purpose (non-CIP communications) application

At the host, system calls of sockets, e.g.,
from a C language interface library, can
be used to directly use TCP/IP or UDP/IP
to access Controller data.

9-3 Overview of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Socket Services


Built-in EtherNet/IP port


At the Controller, socket instructions can

be executed in the user program to
directly use UDP or TCP to exchange
data with the host computer.

Overview of Socket Services with Socket Service Instructions

You can use socket service instructions to use the socket services. The maximum total number of UDP
and TCP sockets that you can use is given in the following table.

Number of sockets
NY-series Controller
UDP socket service Total of 30 sockets
TCP socket service

9-3-2 Procedure 9-3-1 Overview

1 Make the settings that are required for socket services.

Refer to 9-4 Settings Required for the Socket Services.

2 Execute the socket service instructions from the user program.

Refer to 9-5 Socket Service Instructions.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-11
9 Socket Service

9-4 Settings Required for the Socket

Make the following settings in the Unit Setup to use the socket services.

Sysmac Studio
Unit Settings Tab Setting Setting conditions
Setting Local IP Address Required
Subnet Mask Required
TCP/IP Keep Alive Optional
(Change when the default setting of 5 minutes is unacceptable.)
Linger Option Optional

Additional Information

Make this setting in the TCP/IP Dialog Box. Refer to 5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display for information
on the TCP/IP Dialog Box.

9-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

9-5 Socket Service Instructions

You can use the following socket service instructions for socket services use. Refer to the NY-series
Instructions Reference Manual (Cat. No. W560) for information on the socket service instructions.

UDP/TCP Instruction Socket service

UDP sockets SktUDPCreate Create UDP Socket instruction
SktUDPRcv UDP Socket Receive instruction
SktUDPSend UDP Socket Send instruction
TCP sockets SktTCPAccept Accept TCP Socket instruction
SktTCPConnect Connect TCP Socket instruction
SktTCPRcv TCP Socket Receive instruction
SktTCPSend TCP Socket Send instruction
SktGetTCPStatus Read TCP Socket Status instruction
Services for both SktClose Close TCP/UDP Socket instruction
UDP and TCP SktClearBuf Clear TCP/UDP Socket Receive Buffer instruction
SktSetOption Set TCP Socket Option instruction

Precautions for Correct Use

You can execute a maximum of 32 socket service instructions at the same time. Use exclusive
control in the user program so that no more than 32 socket service instructions are executed at

9-5 Socket Service Instructions

the same time.

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9 Socket Service

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

9-6-1 Using the Socket Services

The built-in EtherNet/IP port has the total number of sockets for TCP and UDP that is given in the fol-
lowing table.

Number of sockets
NY-series Controller
UDP socket service Total of 30 sockets
TCP socket service

To use these sockets for communications, special ST instructions for sockets are executed to execute
the following processes.

Open processing: This process places the socket in a usable state. This is the first process that is exe-
cuted when using socket services. With TCP, open processing is performed until a
connection is established.
Close processing: This process ends the use of the socket. With TCP, it closes the connection.
Send processing: This process sends data from the socket.
Receive processing: This process receives data from the socket.
Clear processing: This process clears data in the receive buffer received from the remote node.

9-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

9-6-2 Procedure to Use Socket Services

You execute special instructions for sockets in sequence to use the socket services according to the
procedure shown below. Use the values of the output variables for each instruction to confirm that each
instruction is completed normally.

Opening a Connection Accepting a Connection
Execute SktTCPConnect instruction. Execute SktTCPAccept instruction.

Error End
Check error details based on
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE

Send Processing
Execute SktTCPSend instruction.

Error End

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Normal End Output variable: ErrorID
Output variable: Done = TRUE

Checking TCP Status

Execute SktGetTCPSatus

Output variable BufferDataByte

≤ Number of send bytes

All data received?

Output variable BufferDataByte

≥ Number of send bytes

Receive Processing
Execute SktTCPRcv instruction. 9
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
9-6-2 Procedure to Use Socket Services

Instruction end normally? the error code and take

suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE

Close Processing
Execute SktClose instruction.

Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Normal End Output variable: ErrorID
Output variable: Done = TRUE

End socket communications.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-15
9 Socket Service

Open Processing
Execute SktUDPCreate instruction.

Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE

Send Processing
Execute SktUDPSend instruction.
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE

Receive Processing
Execute SktUDPRcv instruction.

Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE

Close Processing
Execute SktClose instruction.
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Normal End Output variable: ErrorID
Output variable: Done = TRUE

End socket communications.

9-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

9-6-3 Timing Chart for Output Variables Used in Communications

Output Variable Operation and Timing

You can monitor the values of the output variables to determine the status throughout instruction execu-
tion. The following timing chart shows the operation of the output variables.
(3) (4) (5) (8)

Changes to FALSE
because Execute
changes to FALSE.
Done Changes to FALSE
because Execute
changes to FALSE.


(2) (7)
ErrorID 0x0000 0x1234

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

1 When Execute changes to TRUE, the instruction is executed and Busy changes to TRUE.

2 After the results of the instruction execution of the instruction are stored in the output variables,
Done changes to TRUE and Busy changes to FALSE.

3 When Execute changes to FALSE, Done returns to FALSE.

4 When Execute changes to TRUE again, Busy changes to TRUE.

5 Execute is ignored if it changes to TRUE during instruction executed (i.e., when Busy is TRUE).

6 If an error occurs, several retries are attempted internally. The error code in the ErrorID is not
updated during the retries.

7 When a communications error occurs, Error changes to TRUE and the ErrorID is stored. Also,
Busy and Done change to FALSE.

8 When Execute changes to FALSE, Error changes to FALSE.

9-6-3 Timing Chart for Output Variables Used in

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-17
9 Socket Service

Precautions for Correct Use

If Execute changes back to FALSE before Done changes to TRUE, Done stays TRUE for only
one task period. (Example 1)
If you want to see if Done is TRUE at any time, make sure to keep Execute TRUE until you con-
firm that Done is TRUE. If Execute is TRUE until Done changes to TRUE, Done stays TRUE
until Execute changes to FALSE. (Example 2)

Example 1 Example 2
Execute Execute When Execute
Changes to changes to
FALSE in next Busy FALSE, Done
Busy task period.
(Executing) (Executing) returns to FALSE.

Done Done

9-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

9-6-4 UDP Sample Programming

In this sample, the UDP socket service is used for data communications between the NY-series Con-
troller and a remote node.

IP address:
IP address: UDP port number: 6001
UDP port number: 6000

Data sent.

Remote node
Data received.

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

Ethernet line
The processing procedure is as follows:

1 The SktUDPCreate instruction is executed to request creation of a UDP socket.

2 Execute the SktUDPSend instruction to request sending. The data in SendSocketDat[] is sent.

3 The SktUDPRcv instruction is executed to request reception. The receive data is stored in

4 The SktClose instruction is executed to close the socket.

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condi-
DoSendAndRcv BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
RcvSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Receive data
WkSocket _sSOCKET (Handle:=0, Socket
SrcAdr:=(PortNo:=0, IpAdr:=’’), 9
DstAdr:=(PortNo:=0, IpAdr:=’’))
SendSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Send data
9-6-4 UDP Sample Programming

SktUDPCreate_instance SktUDPCreate
SktUDPSend_instance SktUDPSend
SktUDPRcv_instance SktUDPRcv
SktClose_instance SktClose

Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online

*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-19
9 Socket Service

// Start sequence when Trigger changes to TRUE.

IF((Trigger=TRUE) AND(DoSendAndRcv=FALSE) AND (_EIP_EtnOnlineSta=TRUE))THEN
DoSendAndRcv :=TRUE;
Stage :=INT#1;
SktUDPCreate_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.
SktUDPSend_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE,
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0]); // Dummy
SktUDPRcv_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE,
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Dummy
SktClose_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.

1: // Request creating socket.
Execute :=TRUE,
SrcUdpPort:=UINT#6000, // Local UDP port number
Socket =>WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktUDPCreate_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPCreate_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end

2: // Send request
WkSocket.DstAdr.PortNo :=UINT#6001;
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0], // Send data
Size :=UINT#2000); // Send data size

IF (SktUDPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end

9-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

3: // Request receiving data.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
TimeOut :=UINT#0, // Timeout value
Size :=UINT#2000, // Receive data size
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Receive data

IF (SktUDPRcv_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPRcv_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end

4: // Request closing data.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

ELSIF (SktClose_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#40; // Error end

0: // Normal end
Trigger :=FALSE;

ELSE // Interrupted by error.

Trigger :=FALSE;


 Remote Node Programming

9-6-4 UDP Sample Programming

In this example, programming is also required in the remote node. The order of sending and receiv-
ing is reversed in comparison with the above procedure.

1 The SktUDPCreate instruction is used to request creating a UDP socket.

2 The SktUDPRcv instruction is executed to request reception. The receive data is stored in

3 Execute the SktUDPSend instruction to request sending. The data in SendSocketDat[] is sent.

4 The SktClose instruction is executed to close the socket.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-21
9 Socket Service

Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
DoSendAndRcv BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
RcvSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Receive data
WkSocket _sSOCKET (Handle:=0, Socket
SrcAdr:=(PortNo:=0, IpAdr:=’’),
DstAdr:=(PortNo:=0, IpAdr:=’’))
SendSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Send data
SktUDPCreate_instance SktUDPCreate
SktUDPSend_instance SktUDPSend
SktUDPRcv_instance SktUDPRcv
SktClose_instance SktClose

Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online

*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.

// Start sequence when Trigger changes to TRUE.

IF((Trigger=TRUE) AND (DoSendAndRcv=FALSE) AND (_EIP_EtnOnlineSta=TRUE))THEN
DoSendAndRcv :=TRUE;
Stage :=INT#1;
SktUDPCreate_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.
SktUDPSend_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE,
SendDat:=SendSocketDat[0]); // Dummy
SktUDPRcv_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE,
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Dummy
SktClose_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.

1: // Request creating socket.
Execute :=TRUE,
SrcUdpPort:=UINT#6001, // Local UDP port number
Socket =>WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktUDPCreate_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPCreate_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end

9-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

2: // Request receiving data.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
TimeOut :=UINT#0, // Timeout value
Size :=UINT#2000, // Receive data size
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Receive data

IF (SktUDPRcv_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPRcv_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end

3: // Send request
WkSocket.DstAdr.IpAdr :='';
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0], // Send data

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

Size :=UINT#2000); // Send data size

IF (SktUDPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end

4: // Request closing data.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end 9-6-4 UDP Sample Programming

ELSIF (SktClose_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN

Stage :=INT#40; // Error end

0: // Normal end
Trigger :=FALSE;
ELSE // Interrupted by error.
Trigger :=FALSE;


NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-23
9 Socket Service

9-6-5 TCP Sample Programming

In this sample, the TCP socket service is used for data communications between the NY-series Control-
ler and a remote node.
IP address:
TCP port number: 6000
IP address:
TCP port number: Automatically assigned.

Data sent.

Remote node
Data received.

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

Ethernet line

The processing procedure is as follows:

1 The SktTCPConnect instruction is executed to request connecting to the TCP port on the
remote node.

2 The SktClearBuf instruction is executed to clear the receive buffer for a TCP socket.

3 The SktGetTCPStatus instruction is executed to read the status of a TCP socket.

4 The SktTCPSend instruction is executed to request sending data. The data in SendSocketDat[]
is sent.

5 The SktTCPRcv instruction is executed to request receiving data. The receive data is stored in

6 The SktClose instruction is executed to close the socket.

Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
DoTCP BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
RcvSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Receive data
WkSocket _sSOCKET (Handle:=0,SrcAdr:=(PortNo:=0, Socket
IpAdr:=’’), DstAdr:=(PortNo:=0,
SendSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Send data
SktTCPConnect_ SktTCPConnect
SktClearBuf_instance SktClearBuf
SktGetTCPStatus_ SktGetTCPStatus
SktTCPSend_instance SktTCPSend
SktTCPRcv_instance SktTCPRcv
SktClose_instance SktClose

Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online

*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.

9-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

// Start sequence when Trigger changes to TRUE.

Stage :=INT#1;
SktTCPConnect_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.
SktClearBuf_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.
SktGetTCPStatus_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.
SktTCPSend_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE,
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0]); // Dummy
SktTCPRcv_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE,
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Dummy
SktClose_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.

1: // Request a connection.
Execute :=TRUE,

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

SrcTcpPort :=UINT#0, // Local TCP port number: Automatically assigned.
DstAdr :='', // Remote IP address
DstTcpPort :=UINT#6000, // Destination TCP port number
Socket =>WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktTCPConnect_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPConnect_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end

2: // Clear receive buffer.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket); // Socket 9-6-5 TCP Sample Programming

IF (SktClearBuf_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktClearBuf_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-25
9 Socket Service

3: // Request reading status.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktGetTCPStatus_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktGetTCPStatus_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end

4: // Send request
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0], // Send data
Size :=UINT#2000); // Send data size

IF (SktTCPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#5; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#40; // Error end

5: // Request receiving data.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
TimeOut :=UINT#0, // Timeout value
Size :=UINT#2000, // Receive data size
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Receive data

IF (SktTCPRcv_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#6; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPRcv_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#50; // Error end

6: // Request closing data.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktClose_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#60; // Error end

9-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

0: // Normal end
Trigger :=FALSE;

ELSE // Interrupted by error.

Trigger :=FALSE;


 Remote Node Programming

In this example, programming is also required in the remote node. The order of sending and receiv-
ing is reversed in comparison with the above procedure.

1 The SktTCPAccept instruction is executed to request accepting a TCP socket.

2 The SktTCPRcv instruction is executed to request receiving data. The receive data is stored in

3 The SktTCPSend instruction is executed to request sending data. The data in SendSocketDat[]
is sent.

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

The SktClose instruction is executed to close the socket.

Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condi-
DoTCP BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
RcvSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Receive data
WkSocket _sSOCKET (Handle:=0, Socket
SendSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Send data
SktTCPAccept_instance SktTCPAccept
9-6-5 TCP Sample Programming

SktTCPSend_instance SktTCPSend
SktTCPRcv_instance SktTCPRcv
SktClose_instance SktClose

Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online

*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-27
9 Socket Service

// Start sequence when Trigger changes to TRUE.

Stage :=INT#1;
SktTCPAccept_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.
SktTCPSend_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE,
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0]); // Dummy
SktTCPRcv_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute :=FALSE,
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Dummy
SktClose_instance(Execute:=FALSE); // Initialize instance.

1: // Request accepting a socket connection.
Execute :=TRUE,
SrcTcpPort:=UINT#6000, // Local TCP port number
TimeOut :=UINT#0, // Timeout value
Socket =>WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktTCPAccept_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPAccept_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end

2: // Request reception.
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
TimeOut :=UINT#0, // Timeout value
Size :=UINT#2000, // Receive data size
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Receive data

IF (SktTCPRcv_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPRcv_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end

9-28 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

3: // Send request
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0], // Send data
Size :=UINT#2000); // Send data size

IF (SktTCPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end

4: // Request closing data.

Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket); // Socket

IF (SktClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end

9-6 Details on Using the Socket Services

ELSIF (SktClose_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#40; // Error end

0: // Normal end
Trigger :=FALSE;
ELSE // Interrupted by error.
Trigger :=FALSE;

9-6-5 TCP Sample Programming

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-29
9 Socket Service

9-7 Precautions in Using Socket


9-7-1 Precautions for UDP and TCP Socket Services

• Communications processing are sometimes delayed when multiple functions of the built-in Ether-
Net/IP port are used simultaneously or due to the contents of the user program.
• Communications efficiency is sometimes reduced by high communications traffic on the network line.
• The close processing for a close request instruction discards all of the buffered send and receive
data for the socket. For example, send data from a send request instruction immediately before the
close processing is sometimes not sent.
• After a socket is open, the built-in EtherNet/IP port provides a receive buffer of 9,000 bytes per TCP
socket and 9,000 bytes per UDP socket to enable data to be received at any time. If the receive buf-
fer is full, data received by that socket is discarded. Make sure that the user application always exe-
cutes receive requests to prevent the internal buffer from becoming full.

9-7-2 Precautions for UDP Socket Services

• The destination IP address can be set to a broadcast address for a UDP socket to broadcast data to
all nodes on the network. However, in this case, the maximum length of send data is 1,472 bytes.
Data lengths broken into multiple fragments (1,473 bytes or more in UDP) cannot be sent.
• For UDP socket, controls to confirm the reliability of communications, such as the confirmation of
send data, are not performed. To improve the reliability of communications when you use UDP sock-
ets, make sure the user program confirms that data is sent and resends data when necessary.

9-7-3 Precautions for TCP Socket Services

• If the TCP socket is closed on the remote node without warning during communications (i.e., if the
connection is closed), the socket at the local node must also be closed. You can use the Read TCP
Socket Status instruction (SktGetTCPstatus) to see if the connection is closed. Immediately close the
socket at the local node if the TCP socket at the remote node is closed.
• If the remote node’s TCP socket closes without warning, the data to send may remain in the buffer at
the local node. The remaining data is discarded in the local node’s TCP close processing. The steps
that are required in applications to avoid this include sending data from the sending node that permits
closing and closing the socket only after checking the remote node.
• While open processing is performed for a TCP socket, a port that was closed first cannot be opened
again for 60 seconds from the time the close processing is performed for the remote socket. How-
ever, this is not true if you specified 0 (automatic assignment by the Unit) as the port for the SktTCP-
Connect instruction.
• You can use Connect from another socket to open a connection to a socket that was opened with
Accept. A connection is not opened if you try to use Connect from another socket to open a connec-
tion to a socket that was opened with Connect. Also, a connection is not opened if you attempt to use
Accept from another socket to open a socket that was opened with Accept. Furthermore, you cannot
use Connect from more than one other node to establish multiple connections with a single TCP
socket that was opened with Accept on the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
• You can use the keep-alive function for TCP sockets at the built-in EtherNet/IP port. The keep alive
function checks whether a connection is normally established when no data is sent or received for a
certain period on the communications line where the connection was established. The built-in Ether-
Net/IP port responds to checks from other nodes even if keep alive is not specified.

9-30 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service

• For TCP sockets, the send data is resent up to 12 times if an acknowledgment (ACK) from the
remote node is not received. The resend interval increases to between one second and 64 seconds
for each resend.
• For TCP sockets, a connection request (SYN) is sent by performing an open connection. SYN is
resent up to four time if an acknowledgment (SYN + ACK) from the remote node is not received. An
error will occur if SYN + ACK is not received even 75 seconds elapsed since the open processing is

9-7 Precautions in Using Socket Services

9-7-3 Precautions for TCP Socket Services

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-31
9 Socket Service

9-32 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

FTP Server

10-1 Overview and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2

10-1-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
10-1-2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
10-2 FTP Server Function Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
10-2-1 Supported Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
10-2-2 Connecting to the FTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
10-3 Using the FTP Server Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10-3-1 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10-3-2 List of Settings Required for the FTP Server Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10-4 FTP Server Application Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8
10-5 Using FTP Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10
10-5-1 Table of Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10
10-5-2 Using the Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11
10-6 Using SD Memory Card Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
10-6-1 File Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
10-6-2 Format of Variable Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17
10-7 Application Example from a Host Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-1
10 FTP Server

10-1 Overview and Specifications

10-1-1 Overview
The built-in EtherNet/IP port contains an FTP (file transfer protocol) server. You can therefore send FTP
commands from an FTP client software application on a computer on an Ethernet network to upload
and download large files on the Virtual SD Memory Card.
FTP client
Specify the file and upload or download it by
Intranet using FTP commands such as get and put.


Large file

Virtual SD Memory Card

EtherNet/IP port

Precautions for Correct Use

To use a Virtual SD Memory Card, you need the settings for the SD Memory Card operations in
the Controller. For information on setting the SD Memory Card operations, refer to the NY-series
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558).

10-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-1-2 Specifications

10-1 Overview and

Item Specification
Executable commands open: Connects the specified host FTP server.
user: Specifies the user name for the remote FTP server.
ls: Displays file names in the remote host.
mls: Displays file names in the remote host.
dir: Displays file names and details in the remote host. 10
mdir: Displays file names and details in the remote host.
rename: Changes a file name.

10-1-2 Specifications
mkdir: Creates a new directory in the working directory in the remote host.
rmdir: Deletes a directory from the working directory in the remote host.
cd: Changes the work directory in the remote host to the specified directory.
pwd: Displays the work directory on the remote host.
type: Specifies the data type of transferred files.
get: Transfers the specified remote file to the local host.
mget: Transfers the specified multiple remote files to the local host.
put: Transfers the specified local file to the remote host.
mput: Transfers the specified multiple local files to the remote host.
delete: Deletes the specified file from the remote host.
mdelete: Deletes the specified multiple files from the remote host.
append: Uses the currently specified file data type and appends a local file to the
remote host.
close: Disconnects the FTP server.
bye: Closes the FTP client.
quit: Closes the FTP client.
Protection Login name (up to 12 characters)
Password consists of 8 to 32 characters
Protocol used FTP (port number: 20/TCP, 21/TCP)
Number of connections 6

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-3
10 FTP Server

10-2 FTP Server Function Details

10-2-1 Supported Files

The file system in the Controller that can be accessed by the built-in EtherNet/IP port includes files in
any Virtual SD Memory Card in the NY-series Controller. The directory tree is shown below.
/: root

bin Used by system
A connection is initially made to the root directory.

Additional Information

• The date of the MEMCARD1 directory displayed for ls, dir, or mkdir commands in the root
directory is the date of the file system volume label.
• The login date is displayed for MEMCARD1 if a volume label has not been created.

10-2-2 Connecting to the FTP Server

Input the FTP login name and password to login to the built-in EtherNet/IP port from an FTP client appli-
cation. Use the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings in the Sysmac Studio to set the FTP login name and

Additional Information

When a general-purpose FTP application is used, you can use a graphical user interface similar
to Explorer to transfer and read files.

 Login Name and Password Setting

The FTP login name and password are not set by default. Use the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings
to set any login name and password.

 Login Messages
Status Message
Normal connection 220 xxx.xx.xx.xx FTP server ready.
xxx.xx.xx.xx: Controller model (example: NY512-1500-131513F10)

Connected to maximum num- 530 FTP server busy, Goodbye.

ber of connections (6)

10-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-2 FTP Server Function Details

 Restrictions on Login Name and Password Setting
The following restrictions apply to login names and passwords.
• Only single-byte alphanumeric characters can be used in the login name and password. The login
name and password are case sensitive.
• A login name consists of up to 12 characters.
• A password consists of 8 to 32 characters.
• Always set a password when you set a new login name. The login name will not be valid unless a
password is set for it. 10
• The login name is invalid if the login name is not set or characters other than single-byte alphanu-
meric characters are used.

10-2-2 Connecting to the FTP Server

 FTP File Transfer Mode
FTP has two file transfer modes: ASCII mode and binary mode. Before you start to transfer files, use
the type command (specifies the data type of transferred files) to select the required mode.
• To transfer a file in binary format: Select binary mode.
• To transfer a file in ASCII format: Select ASCII mode.

 Multiple Accesses to the Same File

Files accessed with the FTP server may be simultaneously accessed from multiple sources with
communications commands from other FTP servers or programming instructions. Exclusive control
is required to prevent multiple accesses. This is to prevent reading and writing the same file at the
same time. The Controller automatically performs exclusive control as shown below only when the
following combinations of instructions are used. In other cases, use file operation instructions
(Change File Name, Copy File, etc.) or communications commands and perform exclusive control.

• Exclusive Control When Accessing the Same File on the Virtual SD Memory Card
First access
File Operations from
Instructions*1 FTP server
the Sysmac Studio
Reading Writing Reading Writing Reading Writing
Exclusive control is per- Exclusive Perform Exclusive Perform
Later access

formed automatically, control is exclusive control is exclusive

and an error occurs for not control. not control.
Instruc- the instruction that is required. required.
tions executed later. Perform Perform
Writing exclusive exclusive
control. control.
Exclusive Perform --- --- Exclusive
File control is exclusive control is
operations not control. not
from the required. required.
Sysmac Perform exclusive con- --- --- Perform
Studio Writing trol. exclusive
Exclusive Perform Exclusive Perform --- ---
control is exclusive control is exclusive
FTP server not control. not control.
required. required.
Writing Perform exclusive control. --- ---

*1 The instructions include the SD Memory Card operation instructions and the FTP client communications

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-5
10 FTP Server

 Restrictions on Connection to FTP Server

If you repeat connection to and disconnection from the FTP server frequently in a short period of
time, your access may be restricted temporarily to protect the system. If you cannot connect to the
FTP server, wait for 10 minutes and try again.

10-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-3 Using the FTP Server

10-3 Using the FTP Server Function

10-3-1 Procedure

1 Make the basic settings. 10

Refer to 1-5 EtherNet/IP Communications Procedures for basic operations.

10-3-1 Procedure
Set up the FTP server on the Sysmac Studio. (Refer to 5-3 FTP Display.)

3 Select Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings under Configuration - Controller Setup on the Sys-
mac Studio. Make the following settings on the FTP Settings Display.
• FTP server
• Port number
• Login name
• Password

4 Place the Controller online and transfer the settings to the Controller.

5 Connect to the built-in EtherNet/IP port from an FTP client.

6 Input the FTP login name and password that you set in the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings to
log in to the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Note Once logged in, the ftp commands can be used, such as cd (Change Directory), and get (Obtain

7 After you are logged in, you can use the ftp commands, such as cd (Change Directory) and get
(Obtain File) for the MEMCARD1 directory in the Virtual SD Memory Card in the Controller.

8 Close the connection.

10-3-2 List of Settings Required for the FTP Server Function

Make the following settings for the unit setup when the FTP server function is used.
Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings
Setting Setting conditions Reference
Tab Page on Sysmac Studio
FTP FTP server Required page 5-7
Port No. Optional*
Note Required when changing the
default value of 21.
Login name Required*
Password Required*

* Settings are not required if the FTP server is not used.

Additional Information

Make the settings in the FTP Settings Dialog Box if the FTP server is used. Refer to 5-3 FTP Dis-
play for information on the FTP Settings Dialog Box.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-7
10 FTP Server

10-4 FTP Server Application Example

An example application of the FTP server when the login name is “user1” and the password is “pass-
word” is shown below.

Additional Information

When a general-purpose FTP application is used, you can use a graphical user interface similar
to Explorer to transfer and read files.

 Step
1 Turn ON the power supply to the Controller.

2 Connect to the FTP server from a computer on the Ethernet by entering the text that is under-
lined in the following diagram.
IP address of built-in EtherNet/IP port

Connected to
220 NY512-1500-131513F10 FTP server ready.

User ( (none)) : user1 Login name

331 Password required for user1.
Password: Password
230 User user1 logged in. (hidden)
ftp> bye
Data traffic for this session was 0 bytes in 0 files.
Total traffic for this session was 204 bytes in 0 transfers.
221 Thank you for using the FTP service on


10-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-4 FTP Server Application

3 Enter FTP commands (underlined in the following diagram) to read and write files. The following
directory tree is used in this example.
/ (root directory)


ABC (subdirectory)


ftp>ls File names read.

200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for ‘file list’
bin Results
226 Transfer complete.
ftp:** bytes received in 0 seconds(**bytes/s) Change to
ftp>cd MEMCARD1 MEMCARD1 directory
250 CWD command successful. Results
ftp>get ABC/DEF.BIN Get DEF.BIN from ABC
200 PORT command successful. directory
150 opening ASCII mode data connection for ‘ABC/DEF.BIN’(**bytes).
226 Transfer complete
**bytes received in *.*** seconds(**bytes/s)

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-9
10 FTP Server

10-5 Using FTP Commands

This section describes the FTP commands which the host computer (FTP client) can send to the FTP
server of the built-in EtherNet/IP port. The descriptions should also apply to most workstations, but
slight differences may arise. Refer to your workstation’s operation manuals for details.

10-5-1 Table of Commands

The FTP commands which can be sent to the built-in EtherNet/ IP port are listed in the following table.
Command Description
open Connects the specified host FTP server.
user Specifies the user name for the remote FTP server.
ls Displays file names in the remote host.
mls Displays file names in the remote host.
dir Displays file names and details in the remote host.
mdir Displays file names and details in the remote host.
rename Changes a file name.
mkdir Creates a new directory in the working directory in the remote host.
rmdir Deletes a directory from the working directory in the remote host.
cd Changes the work directory in the remote host to the specified directory.
pwd Displays the work directory on the remote host.
type Specifies the data type of transferred files.
get Transfers the specified remote file to the local host.
mget Transfers the specified multiple remote files to the local host.
put Transfers the specified local file to the remote host.
mput Transfers the specified multiple local files to the remote host.
delete Deletes the specified file from the remote host.
mdelete Deletes the specified multiple files from the remote host.
append Uses the file data type that is specified by the type command to append the local file to
the remote host.
close Disconnects the FTP server.
bye Closes the FTP client.
quit Closes the FTP client.

Note 1 “Remote host” refers to the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

2 A “remote file” is a file on the Virtual SD Memory Card in the Controller.
3 “Local host” refers to the host computer (FTP client).
4 “Local file” refers to a file on the host computer (FTP client).

10-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-5 Using FTP Commands

10-5-2 Using the Commands

 Format
open [IP_address or host_name_of_FTP_server]
 Function
Connects the FTP server. Normally when the FTP client is booted, the FTP server IP address is

10-5-2 Using the Commands

specified to execute this command automatically.

 Format
user [user_name]

 Function
• Specifies the user name. Specify the FTP login name set in the built-in EtherNet/IP port system
• The user name is automatically requested immediately after connection to the FTP server.

 Format
ls [-l] [remote_file_name [local_file_name]]

 Function
• Displays the names of files on the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• Set the switch [-l] to display not only the file names but the creation dates and sizes as well. If the
switch is not set, only the file names are displayed.
• Specify a file on the Virtual SD Memory Card for the remote file name.
• If a local file name is specified, the file information is stored in the specified file.

 Format
mls remote_file_name local_file_name

 Function
• Displays a list of the names of files on the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• Specify the directory or file name on the Virtual SD Memory Card you wish to list for remote file
name. Input an asterisk (*) to display a list of the current working directory.
• If a local file name is specified, the file information is stored in the specified file. Input a hyphen (-)
to display a list of the remote host but not store the list of file names.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-11
10 FTP Server

 Format
dir [remote_file_name [local_file_name]]

 Function
• Displays the names, creation dates, and sizes of files on the remote host (on the Virtual SD Mem-
ory Card).
• It displays the same information as command [ls -l].
• Specify a file on the Virtual SD Memory Card for the remote file name.
• If a local file name is specified, the file information is stored in the specified file.

 Format
mdir remote_file_name local_file_name

 Function
• Displays the names of files, subdirectories, creation dates, and sizes on the remote host (on the
Virtual SD Memory Card).
• Specify the directory or file name on the Virtual SD Memory Card to list as the remote file name.
Input a hyphen (-) to display a list of the current working directory.
• If a local file name is specified, the file information is stored in the specified file. Input a hyphen (-)
to display a list of the remote host and not store the list of file names.

 Format
rename current_file_name new_file_name

 Function
• Changes the specified current file name to the specified new file name.
• If the new file name is already used on the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card), the
existing file is overwritten by the file for which the name was changed.
• rename can be used only to change the file name. It cannot be used to move the file to a different

 Format
mkdir directory_name

 Function
• Creates a directory of the specified name at the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• An error will occur if a file or directory of the same name already exists in the working directory.

10-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-5 Using FTP Commands

 Format
rmdir directory_name

 Function
• Deletes the directory with the specified name from the remote host (from the Virtual SD Memory
• The directory must be empty to delete it.

10-5-2 Using the Commands

• An error will occur if the specified directory does not exist or is not empty.

 Format

 Function
• Displays the work directory on the remote host.

 Format
append local_file_name [remote_file_name]

 Function
Uses the file data type that is specified by the type command to append the local file to the remote
host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).

 Format
cd [directory_name]

 Function
• Changes the remote host work directory to the specified remote directory.
• Files on the Virtual SD Memory Card are stored in the MEMCARD1 directory under the root direc-
tory (/).
• The root directory (/) is the directory that is used when you log onto the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
The MEMCARD1 directory does not exist if a Virtual SD Memory Card is not set in the Controller.

 Format
type data_type

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-13
10 FTP Server

 Function
• Specifies the file data type.
• The following data types are supported:
ascii: Files are transferred as ASCII data.
binary (image): Files are transferred as binary data. The Controller handles binary files. Use the
type command to specify binary transfers before you upload or download files. File contents can-
not be guaranteed if transferred as ASCII data.
• The default file type is ASCII.

 Format
get file_name [receive_file_name]

 Function
• Transfers the specified remote file from the Virtual SD Memory Card to the local host.
• A receive file name can be used to specify the name of the file in the local host.

 Format
mget file_name

 Function
• You can include wildcards (*) in the file name to transfer multiple remote files from the Virtual SD
Memory Card to the local host.

 Format
put file_name [destination_file_name]

 Function
• Transfers the specified local file to the remote host (to the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• You can specify the destination file name to specify the name the file is stored under on the Virtual
SD Memory Card.
• Any existing file with the same name in the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card) is over-
written by the contents of the transferred file.

 Format
mput file_name

 Function
• You can include wildcards (*) in the file name to transfer multiple local files to the remote host (to
the Virtual SD Memory Card).

10-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-5 Using FTP Commands

• Any existing file with the same name in the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card) is over-
written by the contents of the transferred file.

 Format
delete file_name
 Function
• Deletes the specified remote file (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).

10-5-2 Using the Commands

 Format
mdelete file_name

 Function
• You can include wildcards (*) in the file name to delete multiple remote files from the Virtual SD
Memory Card.

 Format

 Function
• Disconnects the FTP server of the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

 Format

 Function
• Ends the FTP sessions.

 Format

 Function
• Ends the FTP sessions.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-15
10 FTP Server

10-6 Using SD Memory Card Operations

The built-in EtherNet/IP port can be used to upload and download the following data between the Vir-
tual SD Memory Card in the NY-series Controller and the FTP server.
• Variables files (binary format)

The following three methods are used by the Controller to store and read data on the Virtual SD Mem-
ory Card.
Sysmac Studio

1) Creating and reading files

from the Sysmac Studio
2) File operations from Windows NY-series Controller

Virtual SD 3) Reading and writing variable files with

Memory SD Memory Card instructions
Uploading data to or downloading
data from the FTP server

Precautions for Correct Use

To use a Virtual SD Memory Card, you need the settings for the SD Memory Card operations in
the Controller. For information on setting the SD Memory Card operations, refer to the NY-series
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558).

10-6-1 File Types

File Names
Files are distinguished by assigning file names and extensions. The following characters can be used
in file names and extensions: File names are not case sensitive.
A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, and the following symbols: $ % ’ - _ @ ! ‘ ( ) ~ = # & + ^ [ ] { } , . ;

The following characters cannot be used in files names and extensions:

Blanks, multi-bytes characters, and the following symbols: / \ ? * ” : < > etc.

The maximum file name length with the extension is 65 characters. The first period (.) in a file name is
taken as the delimiter between the file name and extension. Extensions are determined by the file type.

You can create up to five levels of directories to store files on the Virtual SD Memory Card (count the
root directory as one level). A maximum of 65 characters can be used in a directory name.

10-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-6 Using SD Memory Card

File Names Handled by Controller
The files described in the following table can be read or written by the Controller.

File type File names Extension Contents Description
Variables file (binary Refer to .bin Specified variables This variables file contains the val-
format) 10-6-1 File ues of specified variables (which
Types. include arrays and structures) in
binary format (.bin).
Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558)
for details.

10-6-2 Format of Variable Data

10-6-2 Format of Variable Data

Binary Format
The IOM format is a data format used for binary data specified by the ladder instructions, FileReadVar
(Read Variables File) and FileWriteVar (Save Variables File), in the Controller. You can also read and
save arrays and structures. Data is created as shown below when the data of variable Var_A is placed
in an attached file in binary format.
Virtual SD Memory Card
SaveVar instruction Var_A
Variable values are 16#4567
written to the binary 16#abcd
file in sequence 16#0987

from the beginning.
Binary file

Additional Information

• When you handle a binary file on the NY-series Controller, always specify the binary data type
with the type command before you read or write the file via FTP. (Refer to 10-5-2 Using the
• For details on how to use ladder diagram instructions to process files, refer to the NY-series
Instructions Reference Manual (Cat. No. W560).

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-17
10 FTP Server

10-7 Application Example from a Host

The following procedure provides an example of FTP operations from a host computer. In this example,
the following assumptions are made.
• The IP address of the built-in EtherNet/IP port is registered in the hosts as host name [nj].
• The FTP login name is “LogIn”.
• Manufacturing results is stored in the Virtual SD Memory Card in the NY-series Controller in a file that
is named RESULT.BIN.
• A processing instructions data file called PLAN.BIN already exists on the workstation.
In the following procedure, the manufacturing results file (RESULT.BIN) in the Virtual SD Memory Card
in the Controller is transferred to a workstation, and then a manufacturing instructions file (PLAN.BIN)
on the workstation is transferred to the Virtual SD Memory Card in the Controller. Underlined text is
keyed in from the FTP client. The workstation prompt is indicated as $ and the cursor is indicated as .

1 Start the FTP application and connect to the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

$ ftp nj FTP started.

connected to nj
220 **IPaddress** NY512-1300 FTP server(FTP**version**)ready

2 Enter the login name.

Name(nj:root):LogIn Enter the login name.

331 Password required for LogIn.
Password: Enter the password.
230 LogIn logged in.

3 Make sure the Virtual SD Memory Card settings are correctly made. The MEMCARD1 directory
is displayed if the Virtual SD Memory Card settings are correctly made.

ftp> ls Make sure the

200 PORT command successful. Virtual SD Memory Card
150 opening data connection for ls(**IPaddress**port#**)(0 bytes). settings are correctly
MEMCARD1 made.
226 Transfer complete.
15 bytes received in 0 seconds(**bytes/s)

4 Change to the MEMCARD1 directory.

ftp> cd MEMCARD1 Change the directory.

250 CWD command successful.

5 Change data type to binary.

ftp> type binary Set binary data type.

200 Type set to I.

10-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server

10-7 Application Example from a

6 Read the file RESULT.BIN and transfer it to the workstation.

Host Computer
ftp> get RESULT.BIN Read file.
200 PORT command successful.
150 opening data connection for result.bin (**IPaddress**port#**) (**bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
** bytes received in *.*** seconds (**bytes/s)

7 Write the file PLAN.BIN to the Virtual SD Memory Card.

ftp> put PLAN.BIN Write file.

200 PORT command successful.
150 opening data connection for plan.bin (**IPaddress**port#**) .
226 Transfer complete.
** bytes received in *.** seconds (**bytes/s)

8 End the FTP session.

ftp> bye FTP ended.

221 Goodbye.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-19
10 FTP Server

10-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
FTP Client

11-1 Using the FTP Client to Transfer Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2

11-1-1 Transferring Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-2
11-1-2 Connectable FTP Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-2
11-1-3 File Transfer Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-3
11-1-4 Other Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-4
11-2 FTP Client Communications Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5
11-2-1 Functions of the FTP Client Communications Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-5
11-2-2 Restrictions on the FTP Client Communications Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-7
11-3 FTP Client Application Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-1
11 FTP Client

11-1 Using the FTP Client to Transfer Files

You can use the FTP client to transfer files between the FTP client and an FTP server. You can transfer
files in either direction: download data from the FTP server to the FTP client or upload data from the
FTP client to the FTP server.

11-1-1 Transferring Files

All file transfers that use the FTP client are executed with FTP client communications instructions in the
user program. The file transfer settings are all made with the parameters of the FTP client communica-
tions instructions. No settings are required from the Sysmac Studio.
The FTP client communications instructions and their functions are given in the following table. You can
execute up to three FTP client communications instructions at the same time.

Instruction Function
FTPGetFileList Gets a file list from the FTP server.
FTPGetFile Downloads one or more files from the FTP server.
FTPPutFile Uploads one or more files to the FTP server.
FTPRemoveFile Deletes one or more files on the FTP server.
FTPRemoveDir Deletes a directory on the FTP server.

Downloaded files are stored on the Virtual SD Memory Card. When uploading files, files that are stored
on the Virtual SD Memory Card are uploaded to the FTP server. Therefore, to upload or download files,
a Virtual SD Memory Card must be set in the NY-series Controller.

FTP server

Uploading and downloading files are executed

with FTP client communications instructions.

NY-series Controller

Virtual SD
FTP client

Precautions for Correct Use

To use a Virtual SD Memory Card, you need the settings for the SD Memory Card operations in
the Controller. For information on setting the SD Memory Card operations, refer to the NY-series
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558).

11-1-2 Connectable FTP Servers

An NY-series Controller can connect to the following FTP servers. Refer to the relative manuals for
information on setting and using the FTP servers.
• Built-in EtherNet/IP port on NY-series Controller

11-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client

11-1 Using the FTP Client to Transfer Files

• FTP server in a built-in EtherNet/IP port on NJ/NX-series Controller
• CJ-series EtherNet/IP Unit with unit version 2.0 or later
• CJ-series CJ2 CPU Unit with Built-in EtherNet/IP
• CJ-series CJ1M CPU Unit with Ethernet Functions
• CJ-series Ethernet Unit
• Windows7: Windows Server 2008 R2 (Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5)
• Windows8: Windows Server 2012 (IIS8.0)
• Linux

11-1-3 File Transfer Options 11

You can use the following options for file transfers. All options are specified in the parameters of the
FTP client communications instructions.

11-1-3 File Transfer Options

• File transfer mode
• Open mode for data connection
• Deleting files after transfer
• Overwriting
The following sections describe each of these options.

 File Transfer Mode

There are two file transfer modes, ASCII Mode and Binary Mode, which differ in how line feeds in
the text data are processed. The following table describes the differences.

Transfer mode Handling of line feeds in text data

ASCII Mode Line feeds are converted to the line feed code of the destination system, e.g., Unix
or Windows.
Binary Mode Line feeds are transferred without conversion.

 Open Mode for Data Connection

Opening a TCP connection between the FTP server and FTP client is necessary to transfer files.
TCP connections include control connections to control communications and data connections to
transfer data. There are also an Active Mode and a Passive Mode to open a data connection that
differ in which party makes the connection request. The following table describes the differences.

Open mode Request to establish a connection

Active Mode The FTP server makes the connection request.
Passive Mode The FTP client makes the connection request.

For example, if the FTP server is not on the Internet and you use Active Mode to open the data con-
nection, the connection request from the FTP server may not be permitted due to security policies.
In that case, you must use Passive Mode to open the data connection when you request a connec-
tion from the FTP client.

 File Deletion after Transfer

You can specify whether to delete the source files after the file transfer. If the file transfer fails for any
reason, the source files are not deleted even if deletion is specified.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-3
11 FTP Client

 Overwriting
You can specify whether to overwrite a file of the same name at the file transfer destination. If you
specify not overwriting files and a file of the same name as the transferred file exists at the transfer
destination, the source file is not transferred.

11-1-4 Other Functions

You can also use the following two functions for file transfers.
• Retrying connection processing with the FTP server
• Using wildcards to specify the files to transfer

These functions are described in the following sections.

 Retrying Connection Processing with the FTP Server

You can specify automatically retrying connection processing up to three times when connection
processing to the FTP server fails. You can set the timeout time that is used to determine connection
failure, the number of retries, and the retry interval.

 Using Wildcards to Specify the Files to Transfer

You can use wildcards to specify the names of the files to transfer. This allows you to transfer more
than one file at one time.

11-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client

11-2 FTP Client Communications

11-2 FTP Client Communications

All file transfers that use the FTP client are executed with FTP client communications instructions. The

FTP client communications instructions and their functions are given in the following table.

Instruction Function
FTPGetFileList Gets a file list from the FTP server.
FTPGetFile Downloads one or more files from the FTP server.
FTPPutFile Uploads one or more files to the FTP server.
FTPRemoveFile Deletes one or more files on the FTP server.

11-2-1 Functions of the FTP Client Communications Instructions

FTPRemoveDir Deletes a directory on the FTP server.

For details on the FTP client communications instructions, refer to the NY-series Instructions Reference
Manual (Cat. No. W560).

11-2-1 Functions of the FTP Client Communications Instructions

This section describes the functions of the FTP client communications instructions.

FTPGetFileList Instruction
The FTPGetFileList instruction gets a list of the files and folders in a specified directory on the FTP
The following information is obtained.
• The number of files and folders in the specified directory
• The names of the files and folders
• The last updated dates of the files and folders
• The file sizes
• The read-only attributes of the files and folders

You can specify the following option.

• Open mode for data connection
FTP server


File and folder information from

the specified directory on the FTP server

FTP client

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-5
11 FTP Client

Additional Information

The updated dates of files at 12 am and 12 pm are improved in the CPU Unit with unit version
1.14 or later.

FTPGetFile Instruction
The FTPGetFile instruction downloads the specified file from the specified directory on the FTP server
to the specified directory in the Virtual SD Memory Card.
You can use wildcards to specify the file name to allow you to download more than one file at the same
If the directory specified for the download does not exist in the Virtual SD Memory Card, the directory is
created and the data is downloaded in it.
You can specify the following options.
• Transfer mode
• Open mode for data connection
• Deleting files after transfer
• Overwriting
FTP server


One or more files

Virtual SD
FTP client

FTPPutFile Instruction
The FTPPutFile instruction uploads the specified file from the specified directory in the Virtual SD Mem-
ory Card to the specified directory on the FTP server.
You can use wildcards to specify the file name to allow you to upload more than one file at the same
If the directory specified for the upload does not exist on the FTP server, the directory is created and
the data is uploaded in it.
You can specify the following options.
• Transfer mode
• Open mode for data connection
• Deleting files after transfer
• Overwriting

11-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client

11-2 FTP Client Communications

FTP server



One or more files

Virtual SD
FTP client
FTPRemoveFile Instruction

11-2-2 Restrictions on the FTP Client Communications Instructions

The FTPRemoveFile instruction deletes the specified file in the specified directory on the FTP server.
You can use wildcards to specify the file name to allow you to delete more than one file at the same
You can specify the following option.
• Open mode for data connection
FTP server

One or more files are deleted. Ethernet

FTP client

FTPRemoveDir Instruction
The FTPRemoveDir instruction deletes the specified directory from the FTP server.
FTP server

Directory is deleted.

FTP client

11-2-2 Restrictions on the FTP Client Communications Instructions

The following restrictions apply to the FTP client communications instructions. Be careful not to exceed
these restrictions when you create the user program.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-7
11 FTP Client

• If you execute more than one FTP client communications instruction to read and write data in a Vir-
tual SD Memory Card at a time, unexpected operation may result, such as reading data from a file to
which data is being written. Perform exclusive control of the instructions in the user program.
• If you execute an FTP client communications instruction to read or write data in a Virtual SD Memory
Card at the same time as an operation to read or write data in the Virtual SD Memory Card, unex-
pected operation may result, such as reading data from a file to which data is being written. Perform
exclusive control of the instructions in the user program. Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC /
Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558) for information on exclusive control of file
access in Virtual SD Memory Cards.

11-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client

11-3 FTP Client Application Example

11-3 FTP Client Application Example
All FTP client functionality is executed with FTP client communications instructions. This section pro-
vides sample programming that uses the FTP client communications instructions.

This programming executes an SD Memory Card backup and then uploads all of the backup-related
files to the /Backup/yyyy-mm-dd directory on the FTP server.

FTP server
IP address: 11
UDP port number: 21
User name: FtpUser
Password: 12345678

The backup-related files are uploaded

FTP client
to the /Backup/yyyy-mm-dd directory on the FTP server.

Virtual SD
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
The Controller is connected to the FTP server through an EtherNet/IP network. The settings of the
parameters to connect to the FTP server are given in the following table.

Parameter Value
IP address
UDP port number 21
User name FtpUser
Password 12345678

The following procedure is used.

1 The BackupToMemoryCard instruction is used to save NY-series Controller backup-related files

to the root directory on the Virtual SD Memory Card.

2 The FTPPutFile instruction is used to upload the backup-related files to the /Backup/yyyy-mm-
dd directory on the FTP server.
The wildcard specification *.* is used to specify the names of the files to transfer.

3 Normal end processing is executed if all processing ends normally. Processing for an error end
is performed if an error occurs.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-9
11 FTP Client


Vari- Variable Data type Initial value Comment
FTPPutFile_in- Instance of FTPPutFile
stance instruction
_sFTP_CON- (Adr := '', PortNo := 0, User- Connected FTP server
NECT_SVR Name := '', Password := '') settings
ARRAY[0..0] OF [(Name := '', TxError := False,
PutResult _sFTP_FILE_RE- RemoveError := False, Uploaded file results
SULT Reserved := [4(16#0)])]
RS_instance RS Instance of RS instruction
OperatingEnd BOOL FALSE Processing completed
Trigger BOOL FALSE Execution condition
Operating BOOL FALSE Processing
BackupToMemo- BackupToMemory- Instance of Backup-
ryCard_instance Card ToMemoryCard instruction

11-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client

11-3 FTP Client Application Example

Prepare connected FTP server settings.
P_First_RunMode MOVE MOVE
'' In Out FTPAddr.Adr UINT#21 In Out FTPAddr.PortNo

'FTPUser' In Out FTPAddr.UserName '12345678' In Out FTPAddr.Password

Determine if instruction execution is completed.

BackupToMemoryCard_instance.Done FTPPutFile_instance.Done OperatingEnd


Accept trigger. RS_instance

Trigger BackupToMemoryCard_instance.Busy FTPPutFile_instance.Busy Operating
Set Q1
OperatingEnd Reset1
Execute BackupToMemoryCard and FTPPutFile instructions.
Operating BackupToMemoryCard
Execute Done
DirName Busy
Cancel Error
Option Canceled
Execute Done
FTPAddr ConnectSvr Busy
'/Backup/yyyy-mm-dd' SvrDirName CommandCanceled
'/' LocalDirName Error
'*.*' FileName ErrorID
ExecOption ErrorIDEx
RetryCfg PutNum
PutResult PutResult
Processing after normal end
Operating BackupToMemoryCard_instance.Done Inline ST
1 // Processing after normal end
2 ;

Processing after error end

Operating BackupToMemoryCard_instance.Error Inline ST
1 // Processing after error end
2 ;


NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-11
11 FTP Client


Vari- Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Instance of R_TRIG
R_TRIG_instance R_TRIG
UP_Q BOOL FALSE Trigger output
FTPPutFile_in- Instance of FTPPutFile
stance instruction
Execution condition for
DoFTPTrigger BOOL FALSE BackupToMemoryCard
and FTPPutFile
_sFTP_CON- (Adr := '', PortNo := 0, User- Connected FTP server
NECT_SVR Name := '', Password := '') settings
ARRAY[0..0] OF [(Name := '', TxError := False,
PutResult _sFTP_FILE_RE- RemoveError := False, Uploaded file results
SULT Reserved := [4(16#0)])]
Instruction execution
Stage UINT 0
Trigger BOOL FALSE Execution condition
BackupToMemo- BackupToMemory- Instance of Backup-
ryCard_instance Card ToMemoryCard instruction

// Prepare connected FTP server settings.

IF P_First_RunMode THEN
FTPAddr.Adr := '';// Address
FTPAddr.PortNo := UINT#21; // Port number
FTPAddr.UserName := 'FtpUser'; // User name
FTPAddr.Password := '12345678'; // Password

// Accept trigger.
R_TRIG_instance(Trigger, UP_Q);
IF ( (UP_Q = TRUE) AND (BackupToMemoryCard_instance.Busy = FALSE) AND
(FTPPutFile_instance.Busy = FALSE) ) THEN
DoFTPTrigger := TRUE;
Stage := INT#1;
BackupToMemoryCard_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute := FALSE) ;
FTPPutFile_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute := FALSE,
ConnectSvr := FTPAddr,
SvrDirName := '/Backup/yyyy-mm-dd',
LocalDirName := '/',
FileName := '*.*',
PutFileResult := PutResult) ;


1: // Execute BackupToMemoryCard instruction.
Execute := TRUE, // Execution
IF (BackupToMemoryCard_instance.Done = TRUE) THEN
Stage := INT#2; // To next stage
ELSIF (BackupToMemoryCard_instance.Error = TRUE) THEN
Stage := INT#10; // Error end
2: // Execute FTPPutFile instruction.

11-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client

11-3 FTP Client Application Example

Execute := TRUE, // Execution
ConnectSvr := FTPAddr, // Connected FTP server
SvrDirName := '/Backup/yyyy-mm-dd',// FTP server directory name
LocalDirName := '/', // Local directory name
FileName := '*.*', // File name
PutFileResult := PutResult) ; // Uploaded file results
IF (FTPPutFile_instance.Done = TRUE) THEN
Stage := INT#0; // Normal end
ELSIF (FTPPutFile_instance.Error = TRUE) THEN
Stage := INT#20; // Error end
0: // Processing after normal end
Trigger :=FALSE; 11
ELSE // Processing after error end
Trigger :=FALSE;

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-13
11 FTP Client

11-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
SNMP Agent

12-1 SNMP Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2

12-1-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
12-1-2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
12-1-3 SNMP Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
12-1-4 MIB Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
12-2 Procedure to Use the SNMP Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21
12-2-1 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21
12-2-2 Settings Required for the SNMP Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-1
12 SNMP Agent

12-1 SNMP Agent

The SNMP (simple network management protocol) is a network management protocol. You can use the
SNMP to manage any network that consists of devices that support SNMP. The server that manages
the network is called the SNMP manager. The managed network devices are called SNMP agents.

EtherNet/IP devices are monitored.

Management information
database SNMP manager


Scheduled status SNMP agent SNMP agent SNMP agent


Device that supports SNMP

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

12-1-1 Overview

SNMP Agent
The built-in EtherNet/IP port has its own management information called the MIB (management infor-
mation base). This information can be provided to the SNMP manager. The SNMP manager is software
that gathers and processes information about devices on the SNMP network and provides that informa-
tion to the network administrator. You can use the SNMP manager to monitor the built-in EtherNet/IP
SNMP manager

Information requested
(SNMP command). SNMP agent

Information sent
(management MIB
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
The SNMP manager has a SNMP command to request MIB information. The built-in EtherNet/IP port
SNMP agent function supports SNMPv1 (RFC1157) and SNMPv2C (RFC1901). Use the SNMPv1 or
SNMPv2C protocol to manage the built-in EtherNet/IP port with the SNMP manager. You can also use
both the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2C protocols together at the same time.

12-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

SNMP Traps
When a failure or some other specific problem occurs, a status report called a trap is sent. This enables
monitoring changes in status even if the SNMP manager does not monitor the built-in EtherNet/IP port
periodically. However, traps use UDP. Therefore, you cannot check to see if the SNMP manager
receives traps from the EtherNet/IP port. Thus, depending on the network status, some traps may not
reach the SNMP manager.
SNMP manager

12-1 SNMP Agent

Controller power supply
turned ON.

Built-in EtherNet/IP port

SNMP agent

12-1-2 Specifications
12-1-2 Specifications

Item Specification
Protocol SNMP
Agent SNMPv1, SNMPv2c
Port No. SNMP agent: 161 (UDP)
SNMP trap: 162 (UDP)
These can be changed in the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings from the Sysmac
Timing of SNMP trap opera- Status reports are sent to the SNMP manager at the following times.
tion • When the Controller is turned ON
• When links are established
• When an SNMP agent fails to be authorized
Supported MIB commands GetRequest/GetNextRequest

12-1-3 SNMP Messages

The structure of SNMP messages is as follows:
Variable length (1,472 bytes max.)

MAC header IP header UDP header SNMP message

Version Community PDU

Item Set value

Version This value gives the SNMP version.
SNMPv1: 0
SNMpv2c: 1
Community Community name for verification
PDU This depends on the PDU type.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-3
12 SNMP Agent

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

This section describes the specifications of the MIB that is supported by the built-in EtherNet/IP port.

MIB System Diagram

The built-in EtherNet/IP port MIB consists of the following tree structure.
iso (1)

org (3)

dod (6)
internet (1)

mgmt (2)

mib-2 (1)
-system (1) Unit information

interface (2) Interface information

ip(4) IP information

icmp(5) ICMP information

tcp(6) TCP information

udp(7) UDP information

snmp(11) SNMP information

MIB Groups

MIB group Stored information

Standard MIB system group The MIB for information related to the device.
interfaces group The MIB for information related to the inter-
ip group ip The MIB for IP information.
ipAddrTable The MIB for addressing table information
related to IP addresses.
ipRouteTable The MIB for information related to IP routing
ipNetToMediaTable The MIB for information related to IP address
conversion tables.
ipForward The MIB for information related to IP forward-
ing tables.
icmp group The MIB for ICMP information.
tcp group tcp The MIB for TCP information.
udp group udp The MIB for UDP information.
snmp group snmp The MIB for SNMP information.

12-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

Detailed Descriptions of MIB Objects

 System Group
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support Implementation specifications
sysDescr (1) RO Sup- “OMRON Corporation” + CPU
Device information (including hardware, OS, ported. Unit model + CPU Unit version
software names, and versions) • CPU Unit model (example):

12-1 SNMP Agent

ASCII characters only. NY512-1300
• CPU Unit version (example):
Version 1.12
sysObjectID (2) RO Sup-
Vendor OID. ported.
Tells where this device information was
assigned in the private MIB.
sysUpTime (3) RO Sup- According to the standard. 12
The time elapsed since the system was started ported.
(unit: 1/100 s).

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

sysContact (4) RW Sup- Set by the user.
How to contact the administrator and informa- ported.
tion on the administrator.
sysName (5) RW Sup- CPU Unit name
The name for management. Sets the full ported.
domain name of the device.
sysLocation (6) RW Sup- Set by the user.
The physical location of the device. ported.
sysServices (7) RO Sup- 64
The value of the provided service. ported.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-5
12 SNMP Agent

 Interfaces Group
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ifNumber (1) RO Sup- 3
The number of network interfaces. ported.
ifTable (2) NA ---
Interface entity table
ifEntry (1) NA ---
Row data for interface information
The index is ifIndex.
ifIndex (1) RO Sup- 1 to 3
A number used to identify the interface. ported.
ifDescr (2) RO Sup- 1. Loop Back
Information related to the interface (includes man- ported. 2. 10/100/1000M
ufacturer name, product name, and hardware Gigabit Ethernet
interface version). Port
3. Internal Network
ifType (3) RO Sup- ethernet-csmacd(6)
The type of interface classified according to the ported.
physical/link layer protocol directly under the net-
work layer of the protocol stack.
ifMtu (4) RO Sup- 1,500
MTU value ported.
The maximum size (in octets) of datagrams that
can be sent and received through this interface.
ifSpeed (5) RO Sup- 10000000/
Estimated bandwidth ported. 100000000/
If a stable, accurate value cannot be obtained for 1000000000
the bandwidth, a nominal value is set instead.
ifPhysAddress (6) RO Sup- The MAC address of
MAC address ported. the EtherNet/IP port.
The physical address under the network layer of
the interface.
ifAdminStatus (7) RW Sup- According to the
The preferred status of the interface. ported. standard.
You cannot send normal packets in the testing state.
ifOperStatus (8) RO Sup- According to the
The current status of the interface. ported. standard.
You cannot send normal packets in the testing state.

12-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ifLastChange (9) RO Sup- According to the
The sysUpTime (in 0.01seconds) at the last ported. standard.
change in ifOperStatus for this interface.
ifInOctets (10) RO Sup- According to the
The number of octets received through this inter- ported. standard.
face. This includes framing characters.
ifInUcastPkts (11) RO Sup- According to the

12-1 SNMP Agent

The number of unicast packets reported to a ported. standard.
higher level protocol.
ifInNUcastPkts (12) RO Sup- According to the
The number of non-unicast packets (broadcast or ported. standard.
multicast packets) reported to a higher level proto-
ifInDiscards (13) RO Sup- According to the
ported. standard.
The number of packets that had no errors but
could not be passed to a higher level protocol (i.e.,
the number of packets received but discarded due
to a buffer overflow).

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

ifInErrors (14) RO Sup- According to the
The number of packets discarded because they ported. standard.
contained errors.
ifInUnknown (15) RO Sup- According to the
Protos The number of packets received, but discarded ported. standard.
because they were of an illegal or unsupported
For example, Ethernet packets did not have IP set
for the field that identifies their higher level proto-
ifOutOctets (16) RO Sup- According to the
The number of octets of packets sent through this ported. standard.
This includes framing characters.
ifOutUcast (17) RO Sup- According to the
Pkts The number of unicast packets sent by higher ported. standard.
level protocols.
This includes discarded packets and unsent pack-
ifOutNUcast (18) RO Sup- According to the
Pkts The number of non-unicast packets sent by higher ported. standard.
level protocols.
This includes discarded packets and unsent pack-
ifOutDiscards (19) RO Sup- According to the
The number of packets that had no errors but ported. standard.
were discarded in the sending process (due to a
send buffer overflow, etc.).
ifOutErrors (20) RO Sup- According to the
The number of packets that could not be sent ported. standard.
because of an error.
ifOutQLen (21) RO Sup- Always 0.
The size of the send packet queue (i.e., the num- ported.
ber of packets).

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-7
12 SNMP Agent

Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ifSpecific (22) RO Sup- 0.0
The object ID that represents a reference to the ported.
media-specific MIB for the interface.
For example, for Ethernet, set the object ID of the
MIB that defines Ethernet. If there is no informa-
tion, set { 0.0 }.

12-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

 Ip Group: Ip
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipForwarding (1) RW Sup- • Forwarding (1)
Indicates if the device operates as a gateway. IP ported. • Not-forwarding (2)
gateways can transfer datagrams, but IP hosts
Depends on the set-
can perform only source routing. Some nodes
take only one of these values. Therefore, if you
attempt to change this object from the SNMP

12-1 SNMP Agent

Manager, a badValue error is returned.
Forwarding (1)
Not-forwarding (2)
IpDefaultTTL (2) RW Sup- 64
The default value set for the IP header TTL if no ported.
TTL value was given by the transport layer proto-
IpInReceives (3) RO Sup- According to the 12
The number of all IP datagrams that reached the ported. standard.
interface, including errors.

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

IpInHdrErrors (4) RO Sup- According to the
The number of received datagrams that were dis- ported. standard.
carded because of an IP header error (checksum
error, version number error, format error, TTL
error, IP option error, etc.).
IpInAddrErrors (5) RO Sup- According to the
The number of packets that were discarded ported. standard.
because the destination address in the IP header
was not valid.
ipForwDatagrams (6) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that were transferred ported. standard.
to their final destination. If this node does not
operate as an IP gateway, this is the number of
datagrams that were successfully transferred
through source routing.
ipInUnknownProtos (7) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that were received ported. standard.
but discarded because they were of an unsup-
ported or unrecognized protocol.
ipInDiscards (8) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that could have con- ported. standard.
tinued to be processed without any problems, but
were discarded (for example, because of insuffi-
cient buffer space).
ipInDelivers (9) RO Sup- According to the
The number of datagrams delivered to an IP user ported. standard.
protocol (any higher level protocol, including
ipOutRequests (10) RO Sup- According to the
The number of times a send request was made for ported. standard.
an IP datagram by a local IP user protocol (any
higher level protocol, including ICMP). This
counter does not include ipForwDatagrams.
ipOutDiscards (11) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that could have been ported. standard.
sent without any problems, but were discarded
(for example, because of insufficient buffer

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-9
12 SNMP Agent

Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipOutNoRoutes (12) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that were discarded ported. standard.
because there was no transmission path. This
counter includes datagrams that attempted to be
sent through ipForwDatagrams, but were dis-
carded because they were set with no-route. This
value indicates the number of datagrams that
could not be transferred because the default gate-
way was down.
ipReasmTimeout (13) RO Sup- 60 s
The maximum number of seconds to wait to ported.
receive all IP datagrams for reassembly if a frag-
mented IP datagram is received.
ipReasmReqds (14) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams received that require ported. standard.
reassembly. There is a flag in the IP header that
indicates if the datagram is fragmented. You can
use that flag to identify fragments.
ipReasmOKs (15) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams received that were ported. standard.
successfully reassembled.
ipReasmFails (16) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams received that were ported. standard.
not successfully reassembled.
ipFragOKs (17) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that were success- ported. standard.
fully fragmented.
ipFragFails (18) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that were not suc- ported. standard.
cessfully fragmented. (For example, because the
Don’t Fragment flag was set for the IP datagram.)
ipFragCreates (19) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams created as a result of ported. standard.
ipAddrTable (20) NA --- ---
An address information table for IP addresses.
ipAddrEntry (1) NA --- ---
Row data of address information for IP addresses.
The index is ipAdEntAddr.
ipAdEntAddr (1) RO Sup- According to the
The IP address. ported. standard.
ipAdEntIfIndex (2) RO Sup- According to the
The index value of the interface that this entry ported. standard.
applies to.
This is the same value as ifIndex.
ipAdEntNet (3) RO Sup- According to the
Mask The subnet mask for the IP address of this entry. ported. standard.
ipAdEntB- (4) RO Sup- According to the
castAddr The value of the least significant bit of the address ported. standard.
when an IP broadcast is sent. An address repre-
sented by all 1 bits is used for broadcasting as an
Internet standard. In that case, this value is always 1.

12-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipAdEn- (5) RO Sup- According to the
tReasmMax- The maximum IP packet size that can be reas- ported. standard.
Size sembled from IP fragmented input IP datagrams
received through the interface.
ipRouteTable (21) NA --- ---
The IP routing table for this entity.
ipRouteEntry (1) NA --- ---

12-1 SNMP Agent

Route information for a specific destination.
The index is ipRouteDest.
ipRouteDest (1) RW Sup- According to the
The destination IP address for this route. A value ported. standard.
of for this entry indicates the default route.
ipRouteIfIndex (2) RW Sup- According to the
ported. standard.
The ID number of the interface required to send to
the next destination host in this route. This ID
number is the same number as ifIndex, which is
used to identify the interface.

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

ipRouteMetric1 (3) RW Sup- According to the
The primary routing metric for this route. This ported. standard.
value is determined based on the protocol speci-
fied in ipRouteProto. Set to -1 if you do not want to
use this metric (this is also the same for ipRoute-
Metric 2 through 4).
ipRouteMetric2 (4) RW Sup- According to the
The alternative routing metric for this route. ported. standard.
ipRouteMetric3 (5) RW Sup- According to the
The alternative routing metric for this route. ported. standard.
ipRouteMetric4 (6) RW Sup- According to the
The alternative routing metric for this route. ported. standard.
ipRouteNext (7) RW Sup- According to the
Hop The IP address of the next hop in this route (for ported. standard.
routes connected by a broadcast or media, this is
the agent address or address of that interface).
ipRouteType (8) RW Sup- According to the
The type of route. ported. standard.
Other (1): Not any of the following types.
Invalid (2): An invalid route.
Direct (3): A direct connection.
Indirect (4): An indirect connection (not con-
nected to LOCAL).

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-11
12 SNMP Agent

Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipRouteProto (9) RO Sup- According to the
This is the routing mechanism used to determine ported. standard.
routes. Some values correspond to gateway rout-
ing protocols, but be aware that the host may not
support those protocols.
Other (1): Other than the following items.
Local (2): A route set on the local machine.
Netmgmt (3): A route set by network manage-
Icmp (4): A route set by an ICMP redirect or
some other ICMP function.
Egp (5): EGP
The following are gateway protocols:
Ggp (6): GGP
Hello (7): HELLO
Rip (8): RIP
is-is (9)
es-is (10)
ciscolgrp (11)
bbnSpflgp (12)
ospf (13): OSPF
bgp (14)
ipRouteAge (10) RW Sup- Always 0.
The elapsed time since this route was updated (in ported.
ipRouteMask (11) RW Sup- According to the
The subnet mask value in relation to ipRouteDest. ported. standard.
On systems that do not support a custom subnet
mask value, this value is based on the address
class of the ipRouteDest field. If ipRouteDest is, this value is also
ipRouteMetric5 (12) RW Sup- According to the
The alternative routing metric. ported. standard.
ipRouteInfo (13) RO Sup- 0.0
The MIB object ID for the routing protocol used by ported.
this route. If not defined, set to {0.0}.

12-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipNetToMediaTable (22) NA --- ---
The IP address conversion table used to map IP
addresses to physical addresses.
ipNetToMediaEntry (1) NA --- ---
Row data for the conversion table. The indices are
ipNetToMediaIfIndex and ipNetToMediaNetAd-

12-1 SNMP Agent

ipNetToMedi- (1) RW Sup- According to the
aIfIndex The interface ID number for this entry. The value ported. standard.
of ifIndex is used for this value.
ipNetToMedi- (2) RW Sup- According to the
aPhysAddress The media-dependent physical address. ported. standard.
ipNetToMedi- (3) RW Sup- According to the
aNetAddress ported. standard.
The IP address that corresponds to the media-
dependent physical address.
ipNetToMedia- (4) RW Sup- According to the
Type The address conversion method. ported. standard.

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

Other (1): A method other than the following
Invalid (2): An invalid value.
Dynamic (3): Dynamic conversion.
Static (4): Static conversion.
ipRoutingDiscards (23) RO Sup- According to the
The number of routing entries that were valid but ported. standard.
discarded. For example, if there was not enough
buffer space because of other routing entries.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-13
12 SNMP Agent

 Ip Group: Icmp
Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
icmpInMsgs (1) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of received ICMP messages. ported. standard.
This includes messages counted by icmpInErrors.
icmpInErrors (2) RO Sup- According to the
The number of received ICMP message errors. ported. standard.
(Checksum errors, frame length errors, etc.)
icmpInDestUnreachs (3) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Destination Unreachable mes- ported. standard.
sages received.
icmpInTimeExcds (4) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Time Exceed messages received. ported. standard.
icmpInParmProbs (5) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Parameter Problem messages ported. standard.
icmpInSrcQuenchs (6) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Source Quench messages ported. standard.
icmpInRedirects (7) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Redirect messages received. ported. standard.
icmpInEchos (8) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Echo (request) messages ported. standard.
icmpInEchoReps (9) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Echo Reply messages received. ported. standard.
icmpInTimestamps (10) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Timestamp messages received. ported. standard.
icmpInTimestampReps (11) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Timestamp Reply messages ported. standard.
icmpInAddrMasks (12) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Address Mask Request messages ported. standard.
icmpInAddrMaskReps (13) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Address Mask Reply messages ported. standard.
icmpOutMsgs (14) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of ICMP messages sent. This ported. standard.
includes messages counted by icmpOutErrors.
icmpOutErrors (15) RO Sup- According to the
The number of ICMP messages that could not be ported. standard.
sent because of an error.
icmpOutDestUnreachs (16) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Destination Unreachable mes- ported. standard.
sages sent.
icmpOutTimeExcds (17) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Time Exceed messages sent. ported. standard.
icmpOutParmProbs (18) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Parameter Problem messages ported. standard.
icmpOutSrcQuenchs (19) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Source Quench messages sent. ported. standard.

12-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
icmpOutRedirects (20) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Redirect messages sent. ported. standard.
icmpOutEchos (21) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Echo (request) messages sent. ported. standard.
icmpOutEchoReps (22) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Echo Reply messages sent. ported. standard.

12-1 SNMP Agent

icmpOutTimestamps (23) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Timestamp messages sent. ported. standard.
icmpOutTimestampReps (24) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Timestamp Reply messages sent. ported. standard.
icmpOutAddrMasks (25) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Address Mask Request messages ported. standard.
icmpOutAddrMaskReps (26) RO Sup- According to the 12
The number of Address Mask Reply messages ported. standard.

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-15
12 SNMP Agent

 Ip Group: Tcp
Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
tcpRtoAlgorithm (1) RO Sup- According to the
The algorithm used to determine the timeout value ported. standard.
for resending.
Other (1): Other than the following items.
Constant (2): A constant RTO value.
Rsre (3): The algorithm specified by the MIL-
STD-1778 standard.
Vanj (4): The Van Jacobson algorithm.
tcpRtoMin (2) RO Sup- According to the
The minimum resend timeout value (in 0.01 s). ported. standard.
This value depends on the algorithm used to
determine the resend timeout value.
tcpRtoMax (3) RO Sup- According to the
The maximum resend timeout value (in 0.01 s). ported. standard.
This value depends on the algorithm used to
determine the resend timeout value.
tcpMaxConn (4) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of supported TCP connections. ported. standard.
If the maximum number of connections is
dynamic, this value is -1.
tcpActiveOpens (5) RO Sup- According to the
The number of times the TCP connection ported. standard.
changed from the CLOSE state directly to the
SYN-SENT state. (Active connection establish-
tcpPassiveOpens (6) RO Sup- According to the
The number of times the TCP connection ported. standard.
changed from the LISTEN state directly to the
SYN-RCVD state. (Passive connection establish-
tcpAttemptFails (7) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of times the TCP connection ported. standard.
changed from the SYN-SENT or SYN-RCVD state
directly to the CLOSE state and from the SYN-
RCVD state directly to the LISTEN state.
tcpEstabResets (8) RO Sup- According to the
The number of times the TCP connection ported. standard.
changed from the ESTABLISHED or the CLOSE-
WAIT state directly to the CLOSE state.
tcpCurrEstab (9) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of TCP connections currently in ported. standard.
the ESTABLISHED or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
tcpInSegs (10) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of received segments. This ported. standard.
includes the number of error segments.
tcpOutSegs (11) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of sent segments. This includes ported. standard.
the number of segments for the current connec-
tion, but does not include the number of segments
for resent data only.
tcpRetransSegs (12) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of resent segments. ported. standard.

12-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
tcpConnTable (13) NA --- According to the
The information table specific to the TCP connec- standard.
tcpConnEntry (1) NA --- According to the
Entry information related to a specific TCP con- standard.
nection. This value is deleted if the connection
changes to the CLOSE state. The indices are tcp-

12-1 SNMP Agent

ConnLocalAddress, tcpConnLocalPort, tcpConn-
RemAddress, and tcpConnRemPort.
tcpConnState (1) RW Sup- According to the
The status of the TCP connection. ported. standard.

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

tcpConnLoca- (2) RO Sup- According to the
lAddress The local IP address of this TCP connection. A ported. standard.
value of is used for connections in the LIS-
TEN state that accept connections from any IP
interface related to the node.
tcpConnLocal- (3) RO Sup- According to the
Port The local port number for this TCP connection. ported. standard.
tcpConnRe- (4) RO Sup- According to the
mAddress The remote IP address for this TCP connection. ported. standard.
tcpConnRem- (5) RO Sup- According to the
Port The remote port number for this TCP connection. ported. standard.
tcpInErrs (14) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of error segments received ported. standard.
(TCP checksum errors, etc.).
tcpOutRsts (15) RO Sup- According to the
The number of segments sent with the RST flag ported. standard.
(the number of times the TCP connection was

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-17
12 SNMP Agent

 Ip Group: Udp
Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
udpInDatagrams (1) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The total number of UDP datagrams (i.e., the ported. dard.
number of packets) sent to the UDP user.
udpNoPorts (2) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The number of UDP datagrams that were ported. dard.
received but did not start an application at the
destination port.
udpInErrors (3) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The number of UDP datagrams that were not sent ported. dard.
to a higher level protocol for a reason other than
udpOutDatagrams (4) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The total number of sent UDP datagrams. ported. dard.
udpTable (5) NA --- According to the stan-
The information table for the UDP listener. dard.
udpEntry (1) NA --- According to the stan-
An entry related to a specific UDP listener. The dard.
indices are udpLocalAddress and udpLocalPort.
udpLocal (1) RO Sup- According to the stan-
Address The local IP address of this UDP listener. A value ported. dard.
of is used for UDP listeners that accept
datagrams from any IP interface related to the
udpLocalPort (2) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The local port number for this UDP listener. ported. dard.

 Ip Group: Snmp
Standard [(identi-
fier) attribute]
snmpInPkts (1) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of SNMP messages received. ported. standard.
snmpOutPkts (2) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of SNMP messages sent. ported. standard.
snmpInBadVersions (3) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of messages received of an ported. standard.
unsupported version.
snmpInBadCommuni- (4) RO Sup- According to the
tyNames The total number of messages received from an ported. standard.
unregistered community.
snmpInBadCommunityU- (5) RO Sup- According to the
ses The total number of messages received that spec- ported. standard.
ify an operation that is not allowed by that commu-
snmpInASNParseErrs (6) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of messages received that ported. standard.
resulted in an ASN.1 error or BER error during
snmpInTooBigs (8) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs received with an error ported. standard.
status of tooBig.

12-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

Standard [(identi-
fier) attribute]
snmpInNoSuchNames (9) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs received with an error ported. standard.
status of noSuchName.
snmpInBadValues (10) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs received with an error ported. standard.
status of badValue.
snmpInReadOnlys (11) RO Sup- According to the

12-1 SNMP Agent

The total number of PDUs received with an error ported. standard.
status of readOnly.
snmpInGenErrs (12) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs received with an error ported. standard.
status of genErr.
snmpInTotalReqVars (13) RO Sup- According to the
ported. standard.
The total number of MIB objects read normally
after receiving GetRequest or GetNextRequest.
snmpInTotalSetVars (14) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of MIB objects updated normally ported. standard.

12-1-4 MIB Specifications

after receiving SetRequest.
snmpInGetRequests (15) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of GetRequest PDUs received. ported. standard.
snmpInGetNexts (16) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of GetNextRequest PDUs ported. standard.
snmpInSetRequests (17) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of SetRequest PDUs received. ported. standard.
snmpInGetResponses (18) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of GetResponse PDUs received. ported. standard.
snmpInTraps (19) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of trap PDUs received. ported. standard.
snmpOutTooBigs (20) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs sent with an error sta- ported. standard.
tus of tooBig.
snmpOutNoSuchNames (21) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs sent with an error sta- ported. standard.
tus of noSuchName.
snmpOutBadValues (22) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs sent with an error sta- ported. standard.
tus of badValue.
snmpOutGenErrs (24) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs sent with an error sta- ported. standard.
tus of genErr.
snmpOutGetRequests (25) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of GetRequest PDUs sent. ported. standard.
snmpOutGetNexts (26) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of GetNextRequest PDUs sent. ported. standard.
snmpOutSetRequests (27) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of SetRequest PDUs sent. ported. standard.
snmpOutGetResponses (28) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of GetResponse PDUs sent. ported. standard.
snmpOutTraps (29) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of trap PDUs sent. ported. standard.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-19
12 SNMP Agent

Standard [(identi-
fier) attribute]
snmpEnableAuthen (30) RW Sup- According to the
Traps Determines if the agent generates verification ported. standard.
failed traps.
Enabled (1)
Disabled (2)

12-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent

12-2 Procedure to Use the SNMP Agent

12-2 Procedure to Use the SNMP Agent

12-2-1 Procedures

1 Make the basic settings.

Refer to 1-5 EtherNet/IP Communications Procedures for the flow of basic operations.

2 Select Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings from the Controller Setup on the Sysmac Studio,
and then set the following on the SNMP Settings Display or SNMP Trap Settings Display.
• SNMP Service
• Recognition 1
• Recognition 2

3 Select Transfer to Controller from the Controller Menu and click the Yes Button. The built-in

12-2-1 Procedures
EtherNet/IP port settings are transferred to the Controller.

12-2-2 Settings Required for the SNMP Agent

The following Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings are made from the Sysmac Studio to use the SNMP

Tab page Setting Setting conditions Reference

SNMP Settings SNMP service Required. page 5-8
Port No. Specified by user.

Note Required to change from the

default value of 161.
Contact, location Specified by user.
Send a recognition trap Specified by user.
Select this check box to send a recogni-
tion trap if there is access from an SNMP
manager that is not specified (Access
other than Recognition 1 and 2).
Recognition 1 and Rec- Specified by user. page 5-9
ognition 2 Make these settings to permit access by
IP address only certain SNMP managers.
Host name

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-21
12 SNMP Agent

Tab page Setting Setting conditions Reference

SNMP Trap Settings SNMP trap Required. page 5-10
Port No. Specified by user.

Note Required to change from the

default value of 162.
Trap 1 and trap 2 page 5-11
IP address Required.
Host name Set an IP address or a host name as the
SNMP trap destination.
Community Specified by user.
Version Required.
Set the version of the SNMP manager.

Additional Information

Make the settings in the SNMP Settings Dialog Box and SNMP Trap Dialog Box if the SNMP
agent is used.
Refer to 5-4 SNMP Settings Display for information on the SNMP Settings Dialog Box. Refer to
5-5 SNMP Trap Settings Display for information on the SNMP Trap Dialog Box.

12-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Communications Performance
and Communications Load


13-1 Communications System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2

13-1-1 Tag Data Link Communications Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
13-1-2 Calculating the Number of Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4
13-1-3 Packet Interval (RPI) Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-5
13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6
13-2-1 Checking Bandwidth Usage for Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7
13-2-2 Tag Data Link Bandwidth Usage and RPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8
13-2-3 Adjusting Device Bandwidth Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-9
13-2-4 Changing the RPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10
13-2-5 RPI Setting Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16
13-3 I/O Response Time in Tag Data Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-21
13-3-1 Timing of Data Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-21
13-3-2 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Data Processing Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-22
13-3-3 Relationship between Task Periods and Packet Intervals (RPIs) . . . . . . . . 13-24
13-3-4 Maximum Tag Data Link I/O Response Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-25
13-4 Message Service Transmission Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-27

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-1
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-1 Communications System

13-1-1 Tag Data Link Communications Method

Requested Packet Interval (RPI) Settings

In tag data links for the built-in EtherNet/IP port, the data transmission period is set for each connection
as the RPI.
The target device will send data (i.e., output tags) once each RPI, regardless of the number of nodes.
Also, the heartbeat frame is sent from the originator to the target for each connection. The target uses
the heartbeat to check to see if errors have occurred in the connection with the originator. The data
transmission period of the heartbeat frame depends on the RPI settings.

Heartbeat Frame Transmission Period

• If packet interval < 100 ms, the heartbeat frame transmission period is 100 ms.
• If packet interval ≥ 100 ms, the heartbeat frame transmission period is the same as the RPI.

In this example, 2 tag data link connections are set for node 2 (the originator) and node 1 (the tar-
The RPI for output data 1 is set to 10 ms.
The RPI for output data 2 is set to 15 ms.
In this case, output data 1 is sent from node 1 to node 2 every 10 ms, and output data 2 is sent from
node 1 to node 2 every 15 ms, as shown in the following diagram.
Also, data is sent from node 2 (the originator) to node 1 (the target) with a heartbeat of 100 ms for
connection 1 and a heartbeat of 100 ms for connection 2.

Node 1 Node 2

Target Output data 1 Originator

Connection 1 heartbeat
100-ms interval
Output data 2
10 ms
Connection 2 heartbeat
100-ms interval

Output data 1
15 ms

10 ms

Output data 2

Output data 1

13-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

Requested Packet Interval (RPI) and Bandwidth Usage (PPS)

The number of packets transferred each second is called the used bandwidth or PPS (packets per sec-
The PPS is calculated from the RPI and heartbeat as follows for each connection:

PPS used in a connection (pps) = (1,000 ÷ RPI (ms)) + (1,000 ÷ Heartbeat transmission period (ms))

13-1 Communications System

Use the following equation to calculate the total number of packets transferred by each built-in Ether-
Net/IP port (Unit) in 1 second.

Built-in EtherNet/IP port’s total PPS = Total PPS of originator connections + Total PPS of target connec-
* Connections set as target connections must be added, too.
The maximum number of packets that the built-in EtherNet/IP port for each series can transfer in 1 sec-
ond (called the allowed Unit bandwidth) is as follows, so set the connection below this maximum value.
• NY-series Controller: 20,000 pps
Example: 13
Node 1 has both originator and target connections, with send RPI of 200 ms and 2 ms, and receive RPI
of 500 ms.

13-1-1 Tag Data Link Communications Method

Node 2 has originator connections only, with receive RPIs of 200 ms, 2 ms, and 5 ms.
Node 3 has target connections only, with send RPIs of 5 ms and 1 ms.

Node 1 O: Originator
T: Target
HB: Heartbeat
RPI: 200 ms
HB: 200 ms
RPI: 500 ms
RPI: 2 ms HB: 500 ms
HB: 100 ms

Node 2 Node 3
O RPI: 5 ms T
HB: 100 ms
Each node’s total PPS is calculated as follows:
• Total PPS of node 1’s Unit
= 1000 / 200 ms + 1000 / 2 ms + 1000 / 500 ms (for data)
+ 1000 / 200 ms + 1000 / 100 ms + 1000 / 500 ms (for heartbeat)
= 524 pps
• Total PPS of node 2’s Unit
= 1000 / 200ms + 1000 / 2 ms + 1000 / 5 ms (for data)
+ 1000 / 200ms + 1000 / 100 ms + 1000 / 100 ms (for heartbeat)
= 730 pps
• Total PPS of node 3’s Unit
= 1000 / 5 ms + 1000 / 500 ms (for data)
+ 1000 / 100 ms + 1000 / 500 ms (for heartbeat)
= 214pps
All of the Units are within the allowed Unit bandwidth, so they can transfer data.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-3
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-1-2 Calculating the Number of Connections

The maximum number of connections for the built-in EtherNet/IP port for each series is as follows:
• NY-series Controller: 128
The number of connections must be set to the above numbers or less combining both connections that
the Unit opens as the originator and connections that are opened from an originator with the Unit as the
Node 1 opens two connections as the target with node 2 and one connection as the originator with
node 3. Therefore, the total is three connections.
Node 2 opens two connections as the originator with node 1 and one connection as the originator with
node 2. Therefore, the total is two connections.
Node 3 opens one connection as the target with node 1 and one connection as the target with node 2.
Therefore, the total is two connections.
In either case, the connections can be opened because the numbers of connections for all nodes are
within the maximum number of connections for the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
O: Originator
Node 1
T: Target

Node 2 Node 3
Also, if multicast is set, one packet will be sent, but the number of connections will be consumed.
Node 3 sends one multicast packet to node 1 and node 2. Node 3 opens one connection as the target
with node 1 and one connection as the target with node 2.
Caution is required because the number of connections consumed is the same as for unicast connec-
tions even when multicast connections are set.
O: Originator
Node 1
T: Target


Multicast T
Node 2 Node 3

13-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-1-3 Packet Interval (RPI) Accuracy

The send processing delay occurs in the built-in EtherNet/IP port when data packets are sent once
each packet interval (RPI). This delay varies with the RPI error shown in the following graph, so the
send processing delay time is the maximum value for each RPI.

Packet interval (RPI) RPI error (±) (%)

1 ms to 1,000 ms 15 - (RPI [ms]/100)

13-1 Communications System

1,000 to 10,000 ms 5% of the RPI



RPI error (±) (%)


4 13

13-1-3 Packet Interval (RPI) Accuracy

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

RPI [ms]

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-5
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load

In an Ethernet network using an Ethernet switch, the network bandwidth is not shared by all of the
nodes; independent transmission paths are established between individual nodes through the Ethernet
A dedicated communications buffer is established in the Ethernet switch for communications between
the nodes and full-duplex communications (simultaneous transmission and reception) are performed
asynchronously with other transmission paths. The communications load in other transmission paths
does not affect communications, so packet collisions do not occur and stable, high-speed communica-
tions can be performed.
The Ethernet switch functions shown in the following table determine the performance of tag data links.
Item Description
Buffer capacity This is the amount of data that can be buffered when packets accumulate at
the Ethernet switch.
Multicast filtering This function transfers multicast packets to specific nodes only.
QoS function This function performs priority control on packet transfers.

The following table shows the setting ranges of the tag data link settings that can be made for a built-in
EtherNet/IP port.

Item Description NY-series Controller

Network bandwidth Physical Ethernet baud rate 1,000 Mbps
Allowed tag data link communi- Maximum number of tag data link pack- 20,000 pps max.
cations bandwidth ets that can be processed in 1 second
(pps: packets per second)
Connection resources Number of connections that can be 128 max.
Packet interval (RPI: Refresh period for tag data 1 to 10,000 ms in 1-ms increments
Requested Packet Interval)

When the tag data link settings exceed the capabilities of the Ethernet switch being used, increase the
packet interval (RPI) value. Particularly when using an Ethernet switch that does not support multicast
filtering, the settings must be made considering that multicast packets will be sent even to nodes with-
out connection settings.

Additional Information

If the Network Configurator is used to set the connection type in the connection settings to a mul-
ticast connection, multicast packets will be used. If the connection type is set to a point-to-point
connection, multicast packets are not used.

In addition, if the required tag data link performance cannot be achieved with the Ethernet switch’s
capabilities, re-evaluate the overall network configuration and correct it by taking steps such as select-
ing a different Ethernet switch or splitting the network.
The following sections show how to check the device bandwidth being used by the tag data links in the
designed network, and how to set the appropriate values.

13-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-2-1 Checking Bandwidth Usage for Tag Data Links

The Network Configurator can display the bandwidth actually used for tag data links at each built-in Eth-
erNet/IP port, based on the connections set in the network configuration. The device bandwidth used by

13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load

tag data links can be checked by clicking the Detail Button in the Usage of Device Bandwidth Area at
the bottom of the Network Configuration Window.


13-2-1 Checking Bandwidth Usage for Tag Data Links

Item Description
# The IP address of the device.
Comment A description of the device. The comment is displayed below the device icon.
The model number of the device is displayed by default.
Usage of Capacity (without Multi- The percentage of the allowable communications bandwidth used for tag
cast Filter) data links for the device is displayed. Bandwidth used ÷ Allowable tag data
link bandwidth
The values outside parentheses are for when multicast filtering is used.
The values inside parentheses are for when multicast filtering is not used.
Mbit/s (without Multicast Filter) The bandwidth used for communications by the device of the network band-
width is shown.
The values outside parentheses are for when multicast filtering is used.
The values inside parentheses are for when multicast filtering is not used.
Usage of IP Multicast Addresses The number of multicast IP addresses actually used for communications by
the device is shown.
Total usage of IP multicast The number of multicast IP addresses used in the entire network is shown.
addresses This value is used to estimate the number of multicast filters for switching.
Network Total of Max. Mbit/s The total network bandwidth used for tag data link communications in the
entire network is shown. Tag data links will not operate normally if the net-
work bandwidth that can be set is exceeded.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-7
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

 Checking the Usage of Capacity and Network Bandwidth for Tag Data Links
The percentage of the allowable communications bandwidth for tag data links for each built-in Ether-
Net/IP port is displayed as the Usage of Capacity and the bandwidth used for tag data link commu-
nications in the entire network is displayed as the Mbit/s. The usage of capacity and used network
bandwidth that are displayed in parentheses are for an Ethernet switch that does not use multicast
filtering. In this case, multicast packets will be sent to even the nodes without connection settings, so
the displayed values will include these packets as well. These values can be adjusted according to
instructions in 13-2-4 Changing the RPI.

 Checking the Total Number of Multicast IP Addresses in the Network

When using an Ethernet switch that provides multicast filtering, there must be enough multicast fil-
ters for the network being used. The number of multicast IP address used in the entire network that
is displayed by the Network Configurator is based on connection settings. Make sure that the num-
ber of multicast IP addresses used in the entire network does not exceed the number of multicast fil-
ters supported by the Ethernet switch. If necessary, change to an Ethernet switch with enough
multicast filters, or adjust the usage of capacity and network bandwidth for tag data links (Mbit/s) val-
ues given for an Ethernet switch without multicast filtering (i.e., the values in parentheses). These
values can be adjusted according to instructions in 13-2-4 Changing the RPI.

 Checking the Total Maximum Network Bandwidth

The Network Configurator displays the total maximum bandwidth that can be used for the entire net-
work. This value indicates the maximum bandwidth that can be used on the transmission paths
when Ethernet switches are cascaded. If the value exceeds the bandwidth of a cascade connection
in the actual network (e.g., 1,000 Mbps), the maximum bandwidth for part of the communications
path may be exceeded, depending on how the network is wired. This may prevent the tag data links
from operating correctly. If this occurs, either calculate the bandwidth usage for each communica-
tions path and be sure that the maximum bandwidth is not exceeded for any cascade connection, or
adjust the bandwidth for all cascade connections so that the total maximum network bandwidth is
not exceeded. Adjust the bandwidth according to instructions in 13-2-4 Changing the RPI.

13-2-2 Tag Data Link Bandwidth Usage and RPI

The usage of capacity without multicast filtering can be adjusted against the tag data link’s allowable
bandwidth by using the packet interval (RPI) setting. If the RPI is made shorter, the usage of capacity
will increase. If the RPI is made longer, the usage of capacity will decrease.
The RPI can be set in any one of the following ways.
• Setting the same interval for all connections
• Setting a particular device’s connection
• Setting a particular connection
When the same RPI is set for all connections, the usage of capacity will basically increase proportion-
ally as the RPI is made shorter.
Example:If the RPI is set to 50 ms for all connections and the usage of capacity is 40%, the usage of
capacity may increase to 80% when the RPI is reduced to 25 ms for all connections.

Precautions for Correct Use

Performing message communications or other network operations from the Network Configura-
tor (such as monitoring or other operations that place a load on the network) or from the user
application when the tag data link bandwidth usage of capacity is between 80% and 100% can
temporarily create an excessive load on the network and result in timeouts. If timeouts occur,
increase one or all of the RPI settings and reduce the usage of capacity.

13-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-2-3 Adjusting Device Bandwidth Usage

This paragraph provides the method to adjust the device bandwidth usage for tag data links.

13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load

Precautions for Correct Use
Ethernet switch must be corresponding to the maximum values of the network bandwidth, which
can be set to Controller. The maximum value of the network bandwidth for NY-series Controller
is 1,000 Mbit/s.

 Ethernet Switches without Multicast Filtering

• Is the network bandwidth usage without multicast filtering under the network bandwidth that can
be set for each node?
If any node exceeds its maximum network bandwidth that can be set, change the connections set-
tings, such as the RPI.
• Is the usage of capacity without multicast filtering under 100% for each node?
If any node exceeds 100%, change the connections settings, such as the RPI.
• Is the total network bandwidth usage under the network bandwidth that can be set? 13
If the total bandwidth usage exceeds the network bandwidth that can be set, the bandwidth of part
of the transmission path (e.g., an Ethernet switch or media converter) may be exceeded as the
result of how the network was wired (e.g., cascade connections of Ethernet switches), causing a

13-2-3 Adjusting Device Bandwidth Usage

tag data link to operate abnormally. Check the bandwidth of the transmission path for all cascade
connections. If the bandwidth is exceeded, rewire the network or increase the bandwidth between
Ethernet switches (e.g., to 1 Gbps). If these countermeasures are not possible, change the con-
nection settings, e.g., the RPI settings, and adjust the bandwidth for all cascade connections until
the total network bandwidth is not exceeded.

 Ethernet Switches with Multicast Filtering

• Is the network bandwidth usage under the network bandwidth that can be set for each node?
If any node exceeds its maximum network bandwidth that can be set, change the connections set-
tings, such as the RPI.
• Is the usage of capacity under 100% for each node?
If any node exceeds 100%, change the connections settings, such as the RPI.
• Is the total network bandwidth usage under the network bandwidth that can be set?
If the total bandwidth usage exceeds the network bandwidth that can be set, the bandwidth of part
of the transmission path (e.g., an Ethernet switch or media converter) may be exceeded as the
result of how the network was wired (e.g., cascade connections of Ethernet switches), causing a
tag data link to operate abnormally. Check the bandwidth of the transmission path for all cascade
connections. If the bandwidth is exceeded, rewire the network or increase the bandwidth between
Ethernet switches (e.g., to 1 Gbps). If these countermeasures are not possible, change the con-
nection settings, e.g., the RPI settings, and adjust the bandwidth for all cascade connections until
the total network bandwidth is not exceeded.
• Is the network bandwidth usage without multicast filtering under the network bandwidth that can
be set for each node or is the usage of capacity without multicast filtering under 100% for each
If any node exceeds the maximum network bandwidth that can be set or the usage of 100%,
check whether the multicast filtering on the Ethernet switch is functioning correctly. If the number
of multicast filters on the Ethernet switch is less than the total usage of IP multicast addresses,
bandwidth overloads may occur in some paths and prevent tag data links from operating correctly
depending on the network connection (e.g., cascade connections of Ethernet switches). Calculate
the number of multicast filters required by each Ethernet switch on the network and make sure
that the number does not exceed the number of Ethernet switch multicast filters. If the number of
Ethernet switch multicast filters is not sufficient, use switches with enough multicast filters or
revise connection settings, such as the RPI settings.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-9
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-2-4 Changing the RPI

You can check the usage of capacity offline without multicast filtering against the tag data link’s allow-
able bandwidth by following the procedures in 13-2-1 Checking Bandwidth Usage for Tag Data Links.
The usage of capacity without multicast filtering can be adjusted against the tag data link’s allowable
bandwidth by changing the packet interval (RPI).
If the required communications performance cannot be achieved by changing the settings, re-evaluate
the network starting with the network configuration.

1 Make the required settings in the Network Configurator’s Network Configuration Window.

2 Click the Detail Button in the Usage of Device Bandwidth Area at the bottom of the Network
Configuration Window.

The Usage of Device Bandwidth Dialog Box will be displayed.

The Usage of Capacity (without multicast filter) column will show the percentage of the allowed
tag data link bandwidth being used, and the Mbit/s (without multicast filter) column will show the
network bandwidth being used.

13-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

3 The usage of capacity without multicast filtering can be adjusted against the tag data link’s
allowable bandwidth by changing the associated devices’ packet interval (RPI) settings.
The RPI settings can be changed with the following three methods.
Method 1:
Change All Connections to the Same RPI

13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load

The usage of capacity without a multicast filter can be adjusted for all devices by changing the
packet intervals (RPI) settings for all of the device’s connections to the same RPI at the same
(1) Click the Set Packet Interval (RPI) Button at the bottom of the Usage of Device Band-
width Dialog Box.

(2) The Set Packet Interval (RPI) Dialog Box will be displayed. Input a new RPI value, and
click the OK Button.


13-2-4 Changing the RPI

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-11
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

Method 2:
Change a Particular Device’s Packet Interval (RPI) Setting:
The usage of capacity without multicast filtering can be adjusted for only a particular device
against the tag data link’s allowable bandwidth by changing the packet intervals (RPI) settings
for all of the device’s connections together. In this case, the usage of capacity will also change
for the target devices of the connection for which the packet interval is changed.
(1) Click the Set Packet Interval (RPI) Button at the bottom of the Usage of Device Band-
width Dialog Box.

(2) The Set Packet Interval (RPI) Dialog Box will be displayed. In the Target Device Area,
deselect the target devices that are not being adjusted by removing the check marks.

(3) Input a new RPI value, and click the OK Button.

13-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

Method 3:
Changing a Particular Connection’s Packet Interval (RPI) Setting:
The usage of capacity without multicast filtering can be adjusted against the tag data link’s
allowable bandwidth by individually changing the packet interval (RPI) for a particular connec-
tion. In this case, the usage of capacity will also change for target device of the connection for

13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load

which the packet interval is changed.
(1) Click the Close Button at the bottom of the Usage of Device Bandwidth Dialog Box.
(2) Double-click the device that is set as the originator of the desired connection. The
Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box will be displayed.


13-2-4 Changing the RPI

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-13
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

(3) In the Register Device List, select the connection for which you want to change the
RPI, and click the Edit Button.

(4) The device’s Edit Connection Dialog Box will be displayed. Input a new packet inter-
val (RPI) value, and click the OK Button.

13-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

4 If the usage of capacity cannot be adjusted to the desired level when the setting described
above has been performed, reconsider the network configuration considering the following
points. Refer to 13-2-3 Adjusting Device Bandwidth Usage.
• Reduce the number of nodes and number of connections.
• Split the network.

13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load

5 Check the bandwidth usage again.
If you have changed the connection settings, click the Detail Button in the Usage of Device
Bandwidth Area at the bottom of the Network Configuration Window and check bandwidth
usage according to the instructions in 13-2-1 Checking Bandwidth Usage for Tag Data Links. It
is particularly important to check the usage of capacity when an individual connection’s RPI set-
ting was changed without using the Set Packet Interval (RPI) Button.

6 Run user tests to verify that there are no problems with the new settings.


13-2-4 Changing the RPI

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-15
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-2-5 RPI Setting Examples

The following examples explain how to calculate the packet intervals (RPIs) in the following network


• Connections:
Example:Seventeen NJ501-1300 Units are connected to the network.
Each device has one 100-word tag for transmission and sixteen 100-word tags for recep-
tion, so that the Units exchange data mutually. By default, the packet intervals (RPIs) are
set to 120 ms for all of the connections. The devices’ IP addresses range from to
IP address:
NJ501-1300 NJ501-1300 NJ501-1300 NJ501-1300

100CH In_02_a In_03_a In_17_a
100CH In_01_b In_03_b In_17_b
100CH In_01_c In_02_c In_17_c 17 network variables,
100 words each

100CH In_01_t In_02_t In_03_t

NJ501-1300: 17 Units
Connection RPI: 120 ms

13-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

Checking the Device Bandwidth Usage

When the Detail Button is clicked in the Usage of Device Bandwidth Area, it is apparent that the per-
centage of the allowed tag data link bandwidth being used by each device’s tag data link (Usage of
Capacity) is 40.83%, as shown in the following dialog box.

13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load


13-2-5 RPI Setting Examples

Changing Settings
Method 1: Same Packet Interval Setting for All Connections
The percentage of the allowed tag data link bandwidth being used (Usage of Capacity) was 40.83%
with the RPI set to 120 ms for all of the connections, so the RPI will be set to 40 ms, with a target of
80% or less of the allowable bandwidth.
Click the Set Packet Interval (RPI) Button at the bottom of the Usage of Device Bandwidth Dialog
Box to display the Set Packet Interval (RPI) Dialog Box. Input 40 ms as the new RPI value, then
click the OK Button.

If the packet interval for all connections has been set to the same setting, the dialog box will show
that the usage of capacity for the tag data link’s allowable communications bandwidth is 74.50% and
the fastest set value is 40 ms.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-17
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

Method 2: Changing the Packet Interval (RPI) of Only Specific Devices

In this example, we want faster tag data links for devices and only.
To do this, click the Set Packet Interval (RPI) Button at the bottom of the Usage of Device Band-
width Dialog Box. The Set Packet Interval (RPI) Dialog Box is displayed.
In the Target Device Area, clear the selections of all devices other than and Input 30 ms as the new RPI value, then click the OK Button.

The percentage of the allowed tag data link bandwidth being used (Usage of Capacity) increases to
87.00% for devices and, which indicates that the RPI is set to a
higher speed for these devices’ connections.
The Usage of Capacity values also indicate that the Usage of Capacity has increased (from 40.83%
to 44.67%) for all of the other devices, which connect with devices and

13-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-2 Adjusting the Communications Load

In this case, if there is no multicast filter, the value becomes 100.33%. If there is no multicast filter for 13
an Ethernet switch, communications errors may occur depending on the communications load of the
built-in EtherNet/ IP Unit port.

13-2-5 RPI Setting Examples

Method 3: Changing the Packet Intervals (RPIs) of Only Specific Connections
In this example, we want a faster tag data links for just a particular connection of device Double-click device in the Network Configuration Window.

Information about the connection with device is registered in the Register Device
List. Double-click this connection to edit the settings.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-19
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

In the Edit Connection Dialog Box, input 10 ms as the new RPI value, and click the OK Button. The
tag data link bandwidth used by device (Usage of Capacity) increases to 50.17%,
which indicates that a RPI is set to a higher speed for this device.

In this case, the tag data link bandwidth that is used by device (Usage of Capacity)
also increases (from 40.83% to 51.00%).

13-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-3 I/O Response Time in Tag Data Links

13-3 I/O Response Time in Tag Data Links

Additional Information

This section describes the response time of the NY-series Controller built-in Ethernet/IP port.
The data processing times for the EtherNet/IP Unit, the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the NX- and
NJ-series Controller, the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the CJ2H-CPU6-EIP CPU Unit and the
built-in EtherNet/IP port on the CJ2M-CPU3 CPU Unit are different. For details, refer to 7-4
Tag Data Links with Other Models.

13-3-1 Timing of Data Transmissions

The following diagram shows the timing of tag data link transfers between the built-in EtherNet/IP port
and the Controller. Data is transferred when system common processing 2 is performed for the task set
as the refreshing task.
Data received.

13-3-1 Timing of Data Transmissions

Primary periodic task

I/O refresh Control processing System common

System common
Output data

Output data

Input data

processing 2
processing 1

System common Execution of

Processing processing 1 programs

Data exchange processing

Controller task period

You can set either of the following types of tasks as the refreshing task.
• Primary periodic task
The primary periodic task has the highest execution priority. It executes processes with high speed
and high precision.
• Periodic tasks
Periodic tasks are executed during the time between executions of the primary periodic task.
The task during which to perform tag data link processing is specified for each tag. Set the refreshing
task on the Sysmac Studio for each variable you want to set as a tag. Refer to the Sysmac Studio Ver-
sion 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for details on setting refreshing tasks.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-21
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-3-2 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Data Processing Time

This section describes the data processing time required to transfer data between the built-in Ether-
Net/IP port and the Controller.

Data Processing Time Overview

The time required for data processing consists of the following three elements.

1. Variable Access Time

First, calculate the time required to transfer tag data (or the time required to access variables).
This calculation is performed for each task. Therefore, if the same refreshing task is set for multiple
tag sets, calculate the total time required for all tags in the tag sets.
Use the following equation to calculate the variable access time.
Variable access time [μs] = Total size of variables [bytes] × a + Number of variables × b
+ Number of accesses × c + d
Number of accesses: Number of tag sets
a to d: Constant values as given below

Constant value [μs]

Controller model
a b c d
NY52- 0.0006 0.100 1.40 6.6

2. Number of Data Transfers

Tag data is transferred as a part of task processing.
If the time required to process the data transfer is greater than the "variable access time" *2, the data
cannot be sent entirely in one task period and is sent separately instead.
Number of data transfers = "Time required to send the data entirely" *1
÷ "Variable access time" *2 set for the task
*1 This is the variable access time as calculated in step 1 above.
*2 The "variable access time" refers to the maximum processing time for accessing variables. Set the time for
each task on the Task Setup Display, which is displayed by selecting Configurations and Setup - Task Setup
in the Sysmac Studio.

Precautions for Correct Use

The maximum number of tag data link words that can be transferred through the built-in Ether-
Net/IP port is 92,416 words. If the number of tag data link words exceeds the number of words
that can be exchanged with the Controller at one time, the data is divided and transferred in mul-
tiple data exchanges.

3. Actual Time Required for Data Transfer

You can use the task period of the refreshing task and the number of data transfers as calculated in
(2) above to calculate the actual time required to transfer the data.
Task period × Number of data transfers

13-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

Data Processing Time Calculation Example

Here we provide an example of how to perform the tag data link calculations described earlier for the
following tag data transfers.

13-3 I/O Response Time in Tag Data Links

• Model Numbers of Controllers for Tag Data Links
• Refreshing Task
Primary periodic task
Task period: 500 μs (variable access time: 2%)
• Setting Tag Sets
Tag set Refreshing task Number of variables Total size of variables
Tag set A Primary periodic task 8 600 bytes
Tag set B Primary periodic task 4 200 bytes
Tag set C Primary periodic task 10 1,000 bytes

1 Calculate the variable access time as shown below.

[(600 + 200 + 1,000) bytes × 0.0006 μs] + [(8 + 4 + 10) variables × 0.100 μs] + 3 × 1.40 μs + 13
6.60 μs = 11.28 μs

2 Calculate the number of data transfers.

13-3-2 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Data Processing Time

Time required for data transfer: “Variable access time” in step 1 = 11.28 μs
Variable access time set for the task: 500 μs × 0.02 = 10 μs
Number of data transfers: 11.28 μs ÷ 10 μs = 1.128 times
Thus, approximately two data transfers are required.

3 Calculate the actual time required for the data transfer.

500 μs × 2 times = 1,000 μs

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-23
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-3-3 Relationship between Task Periods and Packet Intervals (RPIs)

Effect of Tag Data Links on Task Periods

The tag data is transferred during task processing. Therefore, the tag data transfer process is added to
the task processing for tasks set as a tag’s refreshing task. This requires you to make adjustments to
the variable access time and task period in the Task Setup so that these processes are completed
within a single task period.

1 Calculate the time required for the data transfer and set the result as the "variable access
For the formula for calculating the time required for the data transfer, refer to Data Processing
Time Calculation Example.
* If the same refreshing task is set for multiple tag sets, calculate the total time required for all tags in tag

2 Set the variable access time in the Task Setup to a value equal to or greater than the value cal-
culated in step 1 above.
Adjust the task period time after adding in the time calculated in step 1. Use the Sysmac Studio
to set the variable access time and task period settings. For details, refer to the NY-series Indus-
trial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558).

Adjusting Packet Intervals (RPIs) According to the Task Periods

Tag data is transferred based on the actual time required for the transfer (task period × number of data
transfers), regardless of the packet interval (RPI) setting. Therefore, set the packet interval (RPI)
according to the following guideline.
Actual time required for data transfer (Task period × Number of data transfers) < RPI
For details on the actual time required to transfer data, refer to 13-3-2 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Data
Processing Time.
Example: Relationship between the RPI Setting and the Time Required for Data Transfer
• Task period: 10 ms
• Number of data transfers: 2
• Actual time required for data transfer: 10 ms × 2 times = 20 ms
Regardless of the RPI value, the time required for the data transfer is 20 ms.
OI I/O refreshing
UPG User program execution
MC Motion control
Data link processing
RPI of 10 ms RPI of 20 ms (system common processing 3)

Example: Primary periodic task Example: Primary periodic task




(1) (2) (1) (2)

Task period: 10 ms Task period: 10 ms

Send data Send data
processing Task period × 2 processing Task period × 2

Tag data link service Refreshing period Tag data link service
Refreshing period
during RPI during RPI:
20 ms

10 ms

To Controller #2 To Controller #2

Time required to transfer data from Controller #1: 20 ms

13-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-3-4 Maximum Tag Data Link I/O Response Time

You can find the maximum I/O response time from the total of (1) to (6) in the following figure.
OI I/O refreshing

13-3 I/O Response Time in Tag Data Links

UPG User program execution
MC Motion control
Data link processing (system
Tag data link I/O response time common processing 2)

(4) Network transmission delay time

(5) Receive Data
Processing Time
(1) Input ON
response time (2) Send data (6) Output ON
processing time (3) RPI response time

Input device

Example: Primary periodic task


Controller #1 processing
(1) (2) (3)

Example of data transfer processing over 3 task periods

Task period Tag data link service

13-3-4 Maximum Tag Data Link I/O Response Time


Tag data link


refresh period

Tag data link service



Task period


(1) Input ON Response Time

This is the delay time for the external input device from when the input occurs until the switch actu-
ally changes to ON and the time until the input data is stored in the memory area of the Controller.
Refer to the input delay of each device for the input switch delay time. Also, one task period is
required until the data is stored in the memory area of the Controller. Therefore, the input ON
response time is obtained as shown below.
Input ON response time = Input device delay time + Controller task period

(2) Send Data Processing Time

This is the time until the variables in the Controller are transferred to the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Data is transferred during task processing. Therefore, the time required for send data processing is
the same as the task period. If the data that is transferred is larger than the amount of data that can
be sent during a single task (as set in the variable access time for the task), the data is transferred
over multiple task periods. Therefore, add (task period × the number of transfers) to the time
required. For details on how to determine the time required to send data, refer to 13-3-2 Built-in Eth-
erNet/IP Port Data Processing Time.

(3) Packet Interval (RPI)

This is the communications refresh period set for each connection using the Network Configurator.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-25
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

(4) Network Transmission Delay Time

The transmission delay on an Ethernet line is 50 μs or less. This delay time can be ignored.

(5) Receive Data Processing Time

This is the time required to transfer data received on the built-in EtherNet/IP port to a variable in the
Controller. Data is received during task processing. Therefore, the time required for receive data
processing is the same as the task period. If the data that is transferred is larger than the amount of
data that can be received during a single task (as set in the variable access time for the task), the
data is transferred over multiple task periods. Therefore, add (task period × the number of transfers)
to the time required. For details on how to determine the time required to receive data, refer to 13-3-
2 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Data Processing Time. Data is transferred once in each task period.
Therefore, if data transfer has ended in the task period in which data is received, the start of trans-
mission for received data will be delayed by one Controller task period.

Additional Information

The total amount of data transferred increases if there are connections with multiple nodes, and
the data that is transferred may exceed the amount that can be processed in a single transfer. In
this case, the number of data transfers increases.

(6) Output ON Response Time

This is the delay time for the external output device from when the Controller specified turning ON
the output until the output is actually turned ON.
Output ON response time = Output device delay time + Controller task period

Additional Information

The I/O response time may be longer due to noise, or other events.

13-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

13-4 Message Service Transmission Delay

This section describes the delay time that occurs in CIP communications instruction (CIPWrite) service

13-4 Message Service Transmission Delay

Instruction (CIPWrite) executed. Instruction completed.



Command generated. Received response interpreted.

System System
service × service

Line Line
Transmission path


IO UPG MC IO UPG MC Variable written.

Received command interpreted. Response generated.

System System
service service

Transmission System Transmission Receive System Variable System Transmission Receive System
delay service delay delay service written. service delay delay service

Task period Line Task period Task period Line Task period
(local node) (remote node) (remote node) (local node)

Maximum transmission delay time = Send delay + System service execution time + Transmission delay + Receive delay + System service execution time

(Local node task period) (Remote node task period)

+ Variable write time + System service execution time + Transmission delay + Receive delay + System service execution time

(Remote node task period) (Local node task period)

Processes that cause a delay time are processed in the task periods at each node as shown in the
above diagram. Line-based delays are as follows:

 Transmission Delay
The transmission delay on an Ethernet line is 50 μs or less. This delay time can be ignored.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-27
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load

Additional Information

• Depending on the actual operating environment, the transmission time may be longer than the
one calculated with the equations given here. The following factors can cause longer transmis-
sion times: other traffic on the network, window sizes of network nodes, other traffic at the
built-in EtherNet/ IP port itself (e.g., simultaneous tag data link communications), and the sys-
tem configuration.
• CIP communications processing is executed as a system service. If a timeout occurs for a CIP
communications instruction, reconsider the execution time for system services.

13-28 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Checking Communications Status
of Network and Troubleshooting
This section describes how to use the Network Configurator to check the communica-
tions status on the EtherNet/IP network, and how to identify and correct errors based
on the connection status of tag data links.

14-1 Device Monitoring on the Network Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14-1-1 Starting the Device Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14-1-2 Status Displays of the Device Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14-2 Connection Status Codes and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-9

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-1
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

14-1 Device Monitoring on the Network


This section describes how to start the device monitoring and status to display on the Network Configu-

14-1-1 Starting the Device Monitoring

Connect the Network Configurator online, select the device to be checked, right-click to display the
pop-up menu, and select Monitor.

The Monitor Device Dialog Box will be displayed.

Additional Information

If a communications error occurs during monitoring, the dialog box will continue to show the last
information that was collected. To start monitoring again, close the Monitor Device Dialog Box,
and then open the dialog box again.

14-1-2 Status Displays of the Device Monitoring

 Status 1 Tab Page
The following check boxes are displayed for the status. If a check box is selected, the status is

Classification Item Corresponding system-defined variable

Ethernet Status Com. Controller Error An error occurred in the communications controller.
IP Address Duplicated The same IP address is assigned to more than one node.
On-Line Indicates that the Unit is online. (The EtherNet/IP Unit can perform
communications processing.)
Multiple Switch ON Indicates that more than one data link start/stop switch changed to
TRUE at the same time.

14-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

Classification Item Corresponding system-defined variable

Data Link Status Comparison Error The remote node information in the tag data link parameters was
different from the actual node information.
Main causes:• The specified target does not exist.
•The variable name does not match.
•The connection size is different.

14-1 Device Monitoring on the Network Configurator

•Connection resources are not sufficient.
Tag Data Link Error There were two or more errors in a connection as an originator.
Invalid Parameter An error was found in the validation check of the parameters for
tag data links that are saved in non-volatile memory.
All Tag Data Links Tag data links are communicating in all connections as the origina-
Tag Data Link Tag data links are communicating in one or more connections as
the originator.
Configuration Error Ethernet Link Status TRUE when a link is established with the Ethernet switch.
Status Ethernet Basic Settings Logic TRUE when the following settings are incorrect:
Error • TCP/IP settings (IP address, subnet mask, or link settings)
IP Router Table Error TRUE when there is a mistake in the IP router table information.
Ethernet Ext Config Logical Error Always FALSE.
BOOTP Server Error TRUE when one of the following errors occurs when using the
BOOTP server.
• The IP address received from the BOOTP server is incorrect.
• A communications timeout occurred with the server.
Information about the target node that acts as the originator is displayed. If all tag data link connec-
tions to the node are established and normal, this information is displayed in blue. However, if any
connection is broken it is displayed in red. 14

14-1-2 Status Displays of the Device Monitoring

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-3
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

 Status 2 Tab Page

This tab page displays information on nodes with tag data link originator settings based on
_EIP_TargetPLCModeSta (Target PLC Operating Mode) and _EIP_TargetPLCErr (Target PLC Error
Information) in the _EIP_EstbTargetSta (Normal Target Node Information) system-defined variable.
This information is in blue if the connection is normal, or red if an error occurred.

Additional Information

The target Controller status can be used when the Controller status is selected for all the target
sets for both originator and target connections. If it is not selected, it is grayed out on the display.

14-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

 Connection Tab Page

Information about the target node that acts as the originator is displayed. If all tag data link connec-
tions to the node are established and normal, this information is displayed in blue. However, if any
connection is broken it is displayed in red. However, this information is displayed in gray if the con-
nection to the node is stopped. In addition, the Connection Status Area shows the current status of

14-1 Device Monitoring on the Network Configurator

each connection that is set as the originator. This information can be used to identify the cause of
tag data link errors. Refer to 14-2 Connection Status Codes and Troubleshooting for details on the
connection status.


14-1-2 Status Displays of the Device Monitoring

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-5
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

 Controller Log Tab Page

This tab page displays the Controller event log that is stored in the Controller. The error history
shows errors that have occurred. It can be saved in a file in the computer. Refer to the operation
manual of the Controller for details on error information.

14-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

 Tag Status Tab Page

This tab page displays if the tag settings for each tag for tag data links are set so that data can be
exchanged with the Controller. The following status is displayed depending on the status that is set.

14-1 Device Monitoring on the Network Configurator

• Normal resolution completed: Normal data exchange is possible.
• Resolving: The variables with tags are being resolved. When the
resolution is completed normally, a connection will be
established and the data exchange will start.
• Size does not match error: Different sizes are set for the network variables and the
tag settings. A connection will not be established for a
tag for which this error occurs.
• No tag: A network variable is not set in the variable table in the
Controller for the specified tag setting. A connection will
not be established for a tag for which this error occurs.
• Attribute error: 1. Writing is not possible for Read Only and Constant
2. The I/O direction that is set in the tag data link set-
tings does not agree with the I/O direction of the vari-
able in the Controller. There is an error in the setting
of a Network Publish attribute for a Controller vari-
A connection will not be established for a tag for which
this error occurs.
If the status is not “Normal resolution completed,” check the tag data link settings or the network vari-
able settings in the variable table in the NY-series Controller.

14-1-2 Status Displays of the Device Monitoring

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-7
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

 Ethernet Information Tab Page

This tab page displays the communications status at the communications driver level of the built-in
Ethernet/IP port. The error counter information can be used to confirm whether communications
problems have occurred. The tag data link information can be used to confirm characteristics such
as the bandwidth usage (pps).

14-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

14-2 Connection Status Codes and

This section explains how to identify and correct errors based on the tag data link’s connection status.

14-2 Connection Status Codes and Troubleshooting

The connection status can be read using the Connection Tab Page of the Network Configurator’s Mon-
itor Device Window. Refer to 14-1 Device Monitoring on the Network Configurator for details.

Additional Information

The connection status has the same meaning as the Connection Manager’s General and Addi-
tional error response codes, as defined in the CIP specifications.

The following table shows the likely causes of the errors causes for each configuration and connection
status (code).

Originator Target
Configuration 1 CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-CPU- CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-
EIP, CJ2M-CPU3, NJ501-, NJ301- CPU-EIP, CJ2M-CPU3, NJ501-
, NJ101-, and NX701- , NJ301-, NJ101-,
, NY52- and NX701-, NY52-
Configuration 2 CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-CPU- Products from other manufacturers 14
EIP, CJ2M-CPU3, NJ501-, NJ301-
, NJ101-, and NX701-
, NY52-
Configuration 3 Products from other manufacturers CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-
CPU-EIP, CJ2M-CPU3, NJ501-
, NJ301-, NJ101-,
and NX701-, NY52-

Connection status Handling

General Additional Source of error
Status Status Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
(hex) (hex)
00 0000 Normal status code: --- --- ---
The connection has been opened
and the tag data link is communicat-
ing normally.
01 0100 Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Depends on the origi-
Attempted to open multiple connec- occur. get’s specifications. nator’s specifications.
tions for the same connection. (This error should not (This error should not
occur. If is does, con- occur. If is does, con-
tact the target device’s tact the originator
manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
01 0103 Error code returned from target: This error does not Confirm that the target Confirm that the origi-
Attempted to open a connection with occur. supports Class 1. nator supports Class 1.
an unsupported transport class.
01 0106 Duplicate consumers: If the tag data link is Depends on the tar- If the tag data link is
Attempted to open multiple connec- stopped or started, get’s specifications. stopped or started, this
tions for single-consumer data. this error may occur (Contact the target error may occur
according to the tim- device’s manufacturer.) according to the tim-
ing, but the system ing, but the system will
will recover automat- recover automatically.
01 0107 Error code returned from target: This error does not This error does not This is not an error
Attempted to close a connection, but occur. occur. because the connec-
that connection was already closed. tion is already closed.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-9
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

Connection status Handling

General Additional Source of error
Status Status Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
(hex) (hex)
01 0108 Error code returned from target: This error does not Check which connec- Check which connec-
Attempted to open a connection with occur. tion types can be used tion types can be used
an unsupported connection type. by the target. (Contact by the originator. (An
the manufacturer.) Only error will occur if a con-
multicast and point-to- nection other than a
point connections can multicast or point-to-
be set. point connection is set.)
01 0109 Error code returned from target: Check the connection sizes set in the originator and target.
The connection size settings are dif-
ferent in the originator and target.
01 0110 Error code returned from target: Check whether the Depends on the tar- Check whether the tag
The target was unable to open the tag data link is get’s specifications. data link is stopped at
connection, because of its operating stopped at the tar- (Contact the target the target. (Restart the
status, such as downloading set- get. (Restart the tag device’s manufacturer.) tag data link communi-
tings. data link communi- cations with the soft-
cations with the soft- ware switch.)
ware switch.)
01 0111 Error code returned from target: This error does not Check the target’s RPI Set the originator’s RPI
The RPI was set to a value that occur. setting specifications. setting to 10 seconds
exceeds the specifications. or less.
01 0113 Error code generated by originator Check the connec- Check the connection Check the connection
or returned from target: tion settings (number settings (number of settings (number of
Attempted to open more connec- of connections) at connections) at the connections) at the
tions than allowed by the specifica- the originator and originator and target. originator and target.
tions (32). target. Check the connection Check the connection
specifications for specifications for
devices from other devices from other
manufacturers. manufacturers.
01 0114 Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Check the originator’s
The Vendor ID and Product Code occur. get’s specifications. connection settings.
did not match when opening con- (Contact the target
nection. device’s manufac-
turer.) Check that the
target device’s EDS file
is correct.
01 0115 Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Check the originator’s
The Product Type did not match occur. get’s specifications. connection settings.
when opening connection. (Contact the target
device’s manufac-
turer.) Check that the
target device’s EDS file
is correct.
01 0116 Error code returned from target: Check the major and Depends on the tar- Check the originator’s
The Major/Minor Revisions did not minor revisions set get’s specifications. connection settings.
match when opening connection. for the target device (Contact the target
and connection. If device’s manufac-
necessary, obtain turer.) Check that the
the most recent EDS target device’s EDS file
file and set it again. is correct.
01 0117 Error code returned from target: Check whether the Depends on the tar- Check the originator’s
The tag set specified in the connec- originator and target get’s specifications. connection settings.
tion’s target variables does not exist. tag sets and tags are (Contact the target Check whether the tar-
set correctly. device’s manufacturer.) get tag sets and tags
are set correctly.

14-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

Connection status Handling

General Additional Source of error
Status Status Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
(hex) (hex)
01 011A Error code generated by originator: Unexpected network Unexpected network Depends on the tar-
Connection could not be established traffic may have traffic may have been get’s specifications.
because the buffer was full due to been received. Use received. Use the Net- (Contact the target

14-2 Connection Status Codes and Troubleshooting

high traffic. the Network Configu- work Configurator device’s manufacturer.)
rator Device Monitor Device Monitor or the
or the Ethernet Tab Ethernet Tab Page to
Page to check the check the bandwidth
bandwidth usage, usage, and correct the
and correct the load. load. If there are places
If there are places where broadcast
where broadcast storms occur, such as
storms occur, such loop connections in the
as loop connections network connection for-
in the network con- mat, then correct them.
nection format, then
correct them.
01 011B Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Set the originator’s RPI
The RPI was set to a value that is occur. get’s specifications. setting to 1 ms or
below the specifications. (Contact the target greater.
device’s manufacturer.)
01 0203 Error code generated by originator: Tag data link communications from the target timed out. Check the power
The connection timed out. supply and cable wiring of the devices in the communications path,
including the target and switches. If performance has dropped due to
heavy traffic, change the performance settings. For example, increase 14
the timeout time or RPI setting.
01 0204 Error code generated by originator: There was no response from the target. Check the power supply and
The connection open process timed cable wiring of the devices in the communications path, including the tar-
out. get and switches.
01 0205 Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Depends on the origi-
There was a parameter error in the occur. get’s specifications. nator’s specifications.
frame used to open the connection. (Contact the target (Contact the originator
device’s manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
01 0302 Error code generated by originator Check the connec- Check the target’s con- Check the connection
or returned from target: tion settings (number nection settings (num- settings (number of
The tag data link’s allowable band- of connections and ber of connections and connections and RPI)
width (pps) was exceeded. RPI) at the origina- RPI). Check the con- at the originator and
tor and target. nection settings (num- target.
ber of connections and
RPI) at the originator
and target.
01 0311 Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Depends on the origi-
There was a parameter error in the occur. get’s specifications. nator’s specifications.
frame used to open the connection. (Contact the target (Contact the originator
device’s manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
01 0312 Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Depends on the origi-
There was a parameter error in the occur. get’s specifications. nator’s specifications.
frame used to open the connection. (Contact the target (Contact the originator
device’s manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
01 0315 Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Depends on the origi-
There was a parameter error in the occur. get’s specifications. nator’s specifications.
frame used to open the connection. (Contact the target (Contact the originator
device’s manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
01 0316 Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Depends on the origi-
There was a parameter error in the occur. get’s specifications. nator’s specifications.
frame used to close the connection. (Contact the target (Contact the originator
device’s manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
01 031C Error code generated by originator: This error does not The originator gener- Depends on the origi-
Some other error occurred. occur. ates this code when an nator’s specifications.
unsupported response (Contact the originator
code is returned from device’s manufacturer.)
the target in reply to an
open request.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-11
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting

Connection status Handling

General Additional Source of error
Status Status Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3
(hex) (hex)
08 --- Error code returned from target: This error does not Depends on the tar- Depends on the origi-
There is no Forward Open or Large occur. get’s specifications. nator’s specifications.
Forward Open service in the target (Contact the target (Contact the originator
device. device’s manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
D0 0001 Error code generated by originator: The connection was The meaning of this Depends on the origi-
The connection operation is stopped because the error code is defined by nator’s specifications.
stopped. Tag Data Link Stop each vendor, so it (Contact the originator
Bit was turned ON, depends on the target’s device’s manufacturer.)
or the settings data specifications. (Con-
is being downloaded. tact the target device’s
Either turn ON the manufacturer.)
Tag Data Link Start
Switch, or wait until
the settings data has
been downloaded.
This code includes
fatal Controller errors
and Unit failure. To
handle these errors,
refer to the.NY-
series Troubleshoot-
ing Manual (Cat. No.
D0 0002 Error code generated by originator: Wait until the open- The meaning of this Depends on the origi-
The connection is being opened ing processing is error code is defined by nator’s specifications.
(opening processing in progress). completed. each vendor, so it (Contact the originator
depends on the target’s device’s manufacturer.)
specifications. (Con-
tact the target device’s
OMRON error code
01 0810 Error code returned from target: This error may occur The meaning of this The meaning of this
New data could not be obtained from if the Controller’s error code is defined by error code is defined by
the Controller when opening con- task period was long each vendor, so it each vendor, so it
nection. (The Unit will automatically when opening the depends on the target’s depends on the origina-
recover, and attempt to open the connection or some specifications. (Con- tor’s specifications.
connection again.) problem in the Con- tact the target device’s (Contact the originator
troller caused the manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
Controller to stop. If
the task period was
too long, operation
recovers automati-
cally. If the Controller
has stopped, iden-
tify the error from the
error information in
the Controller.
01 0811 Error code generated by originator: This error may occur The meaning of this The meaning of this
New data could not be obtained from if the Controller’s error code is defined by error code is defined by
the Controller when opening con- task period was long each vendor, so it each vendor, so it
nection. (The Unit will automatically when opening the depends on the target’s depends on the origina-
recover, and attempt to open the connection. If the specifications. (Con- tor’s specifications.
connection again.) task period was too tact the target device’s (Contact the originator
long, operation manufacturer.) device’s manufacturer.)
recovers automati-

14-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-1 Functional Comparison of the EtherNet/IP Port with Other Series . . . . . . A-2
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links
(EtherNet/IP Connections) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
A-2-1 Overview of the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) Settings with the
Sysmac Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
A-2-2 Procedure to Make the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with A
the Sysmac Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio . . . . . A-10
A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio
and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-33
A-2-6 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-37
A-3 EDS File Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43
A-3-1 Installing EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44
A-3-2 Creating EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44
A-3-3 Deleting EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
A-3-4 Saving EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
A-3-5 Searching EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
A-3-6 Displaying EDS File Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
A-3-7 Creating EDS Index Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
A-4 Precautions for Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP,
Windows Vista, or Windows 7 or Higher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
A-4-1 Changing Windows Firewall Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
A-5-2 Important Case Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-59
A-6 Precautions When Accessing External Outputs in Controllers . . . . . . . . A-63
A-7 TCP State Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-64

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-1

A-1 Functional Comparison of the

EtherNet/IP Port with Other Series
OK: Supported., ---: Not supported.
Built-in Built-in Built-in EtherNet/IP Unit (built-in port
Ether- Ether- Ether- on CJ2 CPU Unit)
Net/IP Net/IP Net/IP CJ-
port on port on port on series
Item Unit Unit Unit
NY- NX- NJ- Ether-
series series series net Unit version version version
Control- Control- Control- 1.0 2.0 2.1
ler ler ler
Tag data link communications ser- OK OK OK --- OK OK OK
CIP message communications OK OK OK --- OK OK OK
IP routing OK OK --- --- --- --- ---
Socket service OK OK OK OK --- --- ---
FTP server OK OK OK OK --- OK OK
FTP client OK OK OK --- --- --- ---
Mail send/receive --- --- --- OK --- --- ---
Web functions --- --- --- OK --- --- ---
Automatic adjustment of --- OK OK OK --- OK OK
PLC/Controller’s internal clock
Error history OK*1 OK*1 OK*1 OK OK OK OK
Response to PING command OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
SNMP/SNMP trap OK OK OK --- --- OK OK
CIDR function for IP addresses OK OK OK --- --- OK OK
Online connection via EtherNet/IP --- --- --- OK --- OK OK
using CX-One
Online connection via EtherNet/IP OK OK OK --- OK OK OK
using Network Configurator
Connection settings using the OK OK OK --- --- --- OK
Sysmac Studio

*1 This is equivalent to the event log in the built-in EtherNet/IP.

A-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)

A-2-1 Overview of the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)

Settings with the Sysmac Studio
You can use the Sysmac Studio to set the settings required for creating tag data links (EtherNet/IP con-
nections)*1 between NY-series Controllers.

*1 The tag data links and EtherNet/IP connections enable cyclic tag data exchanges on an EtherNet/IP network
between Controllers or between Controllers and other devices. Here, "EtherNet/IP connection" refers to both
the tag data links and the EtherNet/IP connections.

Acceptable System Configuration Conditions for Setting the

EtherNet/IP Connection Settings on the Sysmac Studio
If an NY-series Controller operates as the originator device, you can use the Sysmac Studio to set the
originator device settings for the EtherNet/IP connections.
Similarly, if an NY-series Controller operates as the target device, you can use the Sysmac Studio to set
the tags and tag sets of the target device.
Settings for the originator device Settings for the target device A
NX-series Controller

A-2-1 Overview of the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) Settings with the Sysmac Studio
NY-series Controller
(Two built-in
EtherNet/IP ports)

NJ-series Controller
EtherNet/IP port) Tag and tag set settings

Setting with the Sysmac

Studio is possible.
(Controller built-in EtherNet/IP port
or EtherNet/IP Unit)
Tag and tag set settings
CS-/CJ-series PLC
Setting only with the Network
Configurator is possible.

FH/FZ/FQ/ZW-series Sensor
or another similar unit Tag and tag set settings

Settings not required.

Tag and tag set settings Connection settings

Setting with the Sysmac Setting with the Sysmac
Studio is possible. Studio is possible.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-3

Use the Network Configurator if a CS-/CJ-series PLC operates as the originator device.
Settings for the originator device Settings for the target device

CS-/CJ-series PLC NY-series Controller

Setting only with

the Network Configurator is possible.

A-2-2 Procedure to Make the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the

Sysmac Studio

1 Registering devices
• Main Window

Register devices with which the EtherNet/IP connec-

tions are established to the project.
Setup Window

2 Creating network variables(*1)

... Refer to Registering the Net-
work Variable for the Origi-
Global Variable Table on the
Sysmac Studio
nator Device on page A-11.

3 Registering tags and tag sets

... Refer to Registering the Tag
and Tag Set on page A-13.
EtherNet/IP Connection Set-
tings (Tag Set Display)
Register the network variables that are set in step 2 as
tags and tag sets.

4 Setting Connections
... Refer to Setting Connections
for the Originator Device on
EtherNet/IP Connection Set-
tings (Connections Display)
page A-16.
Specify devices (i.e., target devices and originator
devices) and tag sets to communicate with using the
EtherNet/IP connections.

5 Going online from the Sysmac

... Refer to Transferring the
Connection Settings Data on
• Main Window

Studio page A-28.

6 Downloading EtherNet/IP con-

... Refer to Transferring the
Connection Settings Data on
• Synchronization Window /
Transfer to Controller Dia-
nection settings page A-28. log Box
Note Connections automatically • EtherNet/IP Connection
start after the download. Settings

7 Checking operation
... Refer to A-2-5 Checking
Communications Status with
EtherNet/IP Connection
Monitor Tab Page
Stopping and starting connections the Sysmac Studio and Trou-
bleshooting on page A-33.

*1 Variables with its Network Publish attribute set to Output or Input in the Global Variable Table are called net-
work variables.

A-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings
This section describes the screen configuration for EtherNet/IP connection settings.

 Screen Transitions in the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings

• Connection Settings
Select EtherNet/IP Connection Settings from the Tools Menu.

EtherNet/IP Device List Tab Page

Double-click or right-click the

device to set and select Edit EtherNet/IP Connection Settings (Tag Set Display)
from the menu.
Use the tab icons to switch
between displays .
EtherNet/IP Connection Settings
(Connection Display)

Right-click the device to set

and select Monitor from the EtherNet/IP Connection Monitor Tab Page

• Transferring connection settings to the Controller from the computer

Select EtherNet/IP Connection
Settings from the Tools Menu to
display the device list. Right-
Select Synchronization Select Transfer - To Controller click the device and select Edit
from the Controller Menu. from the Controller Menu. from the menu.

A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings

Transfer to Controller Dialog EtherNet/IP Connection
Synchronization Window
Box Setting Tab Page

Precautions for Correct Use

To transfer only the connection settings, execute Transfer from the EtherNet/IP Connection Set-
ting Tab Page.
The connection settings are not transferred from the Synchronization Window, the Transfer to
Controller Dialog Box, and the Transfer from Controller Dialog Box, even if you clear the Do not
transfer the connection setting Check Box, as long as the data in the computer and in the Con-
troller is the same.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-5

 EtherNet/IP Device List Tab Page (Refer to Registering the Tag and Tag Set on
page A-13.)
The list indicates the devices to which EtherNet/IP connections can be set.

A-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings (Tag Set Display) (Refer to Registering the

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Tag and Tag Set on page A-13.)
Register tag sets required to create connections. Each tag set represents the data that is sent and
received through a connection. You can register up to eight tags in one tag set.
The name and size of the tag must be the same as those of the network variable*1.
Set whether to include the Controller status information in tags for the tag sets. You can also set the
data output operation at a fatal error occurrence for output tags.
*1 Variables with its Network Publish attribute set to Output or Input in the Global Variable Table are called net-
work variables.

A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-7

 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings (Connection Display) (Refer to Setting

Connections for the Originator Device on page A-16.)
Specify the target devices and set their connections.
For each connection, set the following information: Connection Name, Connection I/O Type, I/O, tar-
get device tag set (target variable), originator device tag set (originator variable), Packet Interval
(RPI), and Timeout Value.

Precautions for Correct Use

If you changed the IP address, model or revision of the target device after making the connection
settings, change the connection settings entirely.

A-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

 EtherNet/IP Connection Monitor Tab Page (Refer to A-2-5 Checking

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and Troubleshooting on
page A-33.)
You can check the EtherNet/IP connection setting status offline and communications status online.
When online, you can start and stop connections.

A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-9

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac

This section describes the procedure to make the EtherNet/IP connection settings with the Sysmac Stu-
Here, we take the following system configuration as an example to describe how to set the EtherNet/IP
connection settings.

Example: System that connects the built-in EtherNet/IP port on Controller 1 and the built-in EtherNet/IP
port on Controller 2 via Ethernet
• Set the settings so that values in the network variable Net_Out1 allocated for Controller 2 are sent to
the network variable Net_In1 allocated for Controller 1 at the set RPI of 50 ms cycle.
• This example assumes the programs for both Controllers 1 and 2 are registered in the same project.
Sysmac Studio
Project on the Sysmac Studio

Controllers 1 and 2 are respectively named as follows and registered in the same project.
· Controller_1 (Controller 1: NY512-1500 (Built-in EtherNet/IP port))
· Controller_2 (Controller 2: NJ501-1500)


Originator device Target device

Controller 1 Controller 2 CJ1W-EIP21

(NY512-1500: (NJ501-1500) (NJ)
Built-in EtherNet/IP

Originator device tag set Target device tag set

Net_In1 (Tag set) Net_Out1 (Tag set)

Net_In1 (Tag) Net_Out1 (Tag)

Convert the network variable to the tag.

Network variable Network variable

(Network Publish attribute: Input) (Network Publish attribute: Output)
Net_In1 Net_Out1
(Data type: WORD) (Data type: WORD)

A-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

Follow the flow below to set the settings to Controllers 1 and 2 for which to establish EtherNet/IP con-

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
The required settings for the originator device and the target device are shown below.

Settings for the originator device (Controller 1) Settings for the target device (Controller 2)

Registering the network variable Registering the network variable

(Refer to page A-11.) (Refer to page A-24.)

Registering the tag and tag set Registering the tag and tag set
(Refer to page A-13.) (Refer to page A-24.)

Setting connections (Refer to page A-16.)

Transferring settings for the connection, Transferring settings for the tag and
the tag, and the tag set (Refer to page A-28.) the tag set (Refer to page A-28.)

Registering the Network Variable for the Originator Device

Register the network variable that is sent and received using the EtherNet/IP connections.
Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for the operations for register-
ing variables.

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
Assign the network variable to the tag used for the EtherNet/IP connection for Controller 1 (orig-
inator device).
This network variable receives data from Controller 2 (target device).

Set the Network Publish attribute to Input or Output in the Global Variable Table for the variable
so that the variable serves as a network variable, i.e., the variable can be used for the Ether-
Net/IP connections.
In this example, set the network variable for Controller 1 as shown below.

• Variable name: Net_In1

• Data type: WORD
• Network Publish attribute: Input

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-11

 Network Variables Used for the EtherNet/IP Connections

• Network variable name
You cannot specify an I/O memory address for a tag name in the EtherNet/IP connection settings.
Thus, do not specify an I/O memory address for the network variable name that is to be assigned
to a tag.
The following text strings are recognized as the I/O memory address names.
(1) Variable names that contain only single-byte numerals from 0000 to 6143
(2) Variable names with the following single-byte letters (uppercase or lowercase) fol-
lowed by single-byte numerals
• H (H000 to H511)
• W (W000 to W511)
• D (D00000 to D32767)
• E0_ to E18_ (E0_00000 to E0_32767, to E18_00000 to E18_32767)

• Size of variables
To use an EtherNet/IP Unit as an EtherNet/IP device, set an even number of bytes for the size of
the network variable used for the EtherNet/IP connections regardless of an odd number of bytes
for the tag size.
Network variable Tag
(4 bytes) (3 bytes)

The Controller memory is consumed in units of two bytes. To assign tags of odd numbers of bytes
to network variables, specify even byte numbers (i.e., sizes of the tags + 1) to the network variables.

• Data concurrency
To maintain concurrency in the values of network variables that are assigned to tags, you must set
refreshing tasks.
Refer to 7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data for details.

A-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Registering the Tag and Tag Set
Register the required tag and tag set for the EtherNet/IP connections.
You can register tags and tag sets in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.

Precautions for Correct Use

Make the following settings to refresh all of the tag data in the same tag set at the same time.
• Use the Sysmac Studio, in advance, to specify the same refreshing task for all of the variables
that are assigned to tags in the tag set.

1 Select EtherNet/IP Connection Settings from the Tools Menu.

The EtherNet/IP Device List Tab Page is displayed.

2 In this example, right click Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings for the originator device and select
Edit from the menu to open the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.

3 Click the (Show Tag Set Display) icon in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.

4 Click the Input tab to switch to the Input Tab Page. Register the tag set and the tag. A
Use one of the following methods to register the tag set and the tag.

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
• Independent registration : Manually registers network variables in the Controller
as tags.
• Batch registration : Registers all network variables in the Controller as tags
at the same time.

5 Register tags and tag sets independently.

(1) Right-click anywhere in the Input Tab Page of the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab
Page and select Create New Tag Set from the menu.
(2) Enter tag set name Net_In1 directly into the list in the Input Tab Page.
(3) Right-click anywhere in the Input Tab Page and select Create New Tag from the
(4) Enter tag name Net_In1.

Tag set name

Tag name

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-13

Precautions for Correct Use

Any name can be specified for the tag set if the name matches one of the registered network
variable names in the Controller.
As you enter characters (or immediately after you press the Ctrl + Space Keys), the Sysmac Stu-
dio Entry Assistance provides a list of variable names registered in the Controller. Select the
variable name from the list.

Additional Information

You can register up to 8 tags in a tag set.

Set as shown below to register multiple tags.

Tag set name

 Network_Input_Value .... (Tag set name)
Net_In1 .... (Tag name)
Net_In2 .... (Tag name)

6 Register all tags and tag sets at the same time.

(1) Right-click anywhere on the Input Tab Page of the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings
Tab Page and select Register All Tag Sets or click the Registration All Button to dis-
play the Tag Set Registration Setting Dialog Box.
This dialog box lists the variables that are registered in the Global Variable Table and also
have the Network Publish attribute set to Input or Output.

(2) Select the variable to register as a tag, and then click the Register Button.

A-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

(3) The automatically registered tag is added to the list in the EtherNet/IP Connection

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Setting Tab Page.
With automatic registration, the tag is registered under a tag set having the same name as
the tag, i.e., a single tag is registered in a single tag set.

Tag set name

Tag name

7 Set the following settings for the registered tag and tag set.

• Setting for Tag Sets

Name Item
Tag Set Name Enter the tag set name.
You can change the names as required.
Size (Byte) Gives the total size of the tag in bytes.
Instance ID Gives the instance ID.
• Auto
• IN_{min}...IN_{max} A
{min} represents the minimum number of Produced Assembly identifica-
tion numbers recorded in the EDS files for the relevant devices.

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
{max} represents the maximum number of Produced Assembly identifica-
tion numbers recorded in the EDS files for the relevant devices.
Controller Status Specify whether to include the Controller status in the tag set.

• Setting for Tags

Name Item
Tag Name Enter the tag name.
Specify the tag name that matches one of the registered network variable
names in the Controller.
Bit Selection Specify whether to set the tag data size in bits.
Selected: Set the size in bits.
Not selected: Set the size in bytes.
Size (Byte) Gives the size of the tag in bytes.
Size (Bit) Gives the size of the tag in bits.
Output at Fatal Error Specify whether to clear the output data or continue to send it when a
major fault level Controller error occurs in the Controller.
• Retained
• Cleared

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-15

Setting Connections for the Originator Device

After the tag set registration, set the connection settings for transferring data using the EtherNet/IP con-
Make the connection settings in the originator device (i.e., Controller 1 in this example) only.

Register the tag and tag set for Controller 2 (Target device) before setting the connection settings as
described in this example.
Refer to Registering the Tag and Tag Set for the Target Device on page A-24 for the operations for reg-
istering tags and tag sets.

Precautions for Correct Use

If you change the IP address, model, or revision of the target device after making the connection
settings, you must also change the target device settings that are included in the connection set-
tings. For information on how to change the target device settings in the connection settings,
refer to Changing the Target Device Settings After Making Connection Settings.

1 Select EtherNet/IP Connection Settings from the Tools Menu to display the EtherNet/IP
Device List Tab Page.

2 Right click Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings for Controller 1 (originator device in this example)
and select Edit from the menu.
The EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page is displayed.

3 Click the (Show Connection Display) icon in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.

4 Select CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) from Target Device in the Toolbox on the right of the tab page.
This operation displays the target device tag set Net_Out1 that is set for Controller 2 in the
Variable Name column.

A-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

5 Drag the target device tag set Net_Out1 in the Variable Name column of the Toolbox to the con-

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
nection list.
As you enter characters (or immediately after you press the Ctrl + Space Keys), a list of target
device variables that can be set for the connection is provided. Select the value from the list.


6 Specify Originator Variable and its Size [Byte] for the tag set Net_Out1 added in step 5.
Here, specify Net_In1 for Originator Variable and 2 for its Size [Byte].

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
Change the other settings as required.
You can set the following items in the connection settings.

Name Setting Methods

Target Device Select the target device.
Connection Name Any name can be given to the connection (32 single-byte characters
Connection I/O Type Input Only (Tag type) is selected if EtherNet/IP connections are used
with a CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2B-EIP21, CJ2M-EIP21, CJ1W-
EIP21(CJ2), CJ1W-EIP21(NJ), NX701, NJ501-, NJ301-
, NJ101, or NY52.
When you create EtherNet/IP connections for other target devices,
select the connection I/O type specified in that device's EDS file.
Use the Input Only (ID type) setting when another company's node is
the originator and does not support connection settings with a Tag type
Input/Output The connection's input/output is automatically displayed based on the
selected connection.
Input Only: Just Input is displayed.
Target Variable Select the target node's tag set to assign it.
• Input is specified for Input/Output: Select the target's output (pro-
duce) tag set.
• Output is specified for Input/Output: Select the target's input (con-
sume) tag set.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-17

Name Setting Methods

Size [Byte] The data sizes of the target variables are displayed.
Originator Variable Select the originator node's tag set to assign it.
• Input is specified for Input/Output: Select the originator's input (con-
sume) tag set.
• Output is specified for Input/Output: Select the originator's output
(produce) tag set.
Size [Byte] Enter the data sizes of the originator variables.
Connection Type Select whether the data is sent in multi-cast or unicast (point-to-point)
form. The default setting is multi-cast.
• Multi-cast connection: Select when the same data is shared by multi-
ple nodes. This setting is usually used.
• Point-to-point connection: Select when the same data is not shared
by multiple nodes.
In a unicast transmission, other nodes are not burdened with an unnec-
essary load.

Note Refer to 7-1-4 Overview of Operation for details on using multi-

cast and unicast connections, and counting the number of con-
RPI [ms] Set the data update cycle (i.e., the packet interval) of each connection
between the originator and target.
The default setting is 50 ms (i.e., data is updated once every 50 ms).
Timeout Value Set the time until a connection timeout is detected.
The timeout value is set as a multiple of the packet interval (RPI) and
can be set to 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512 times the packet inter-
The default setting is RPI x 4.
The timeout value must be at least 10 ms.

7 The Toolbox displays the target devices if the devices are registered in the same Sysmac Studio
project as where the originator devices are registered.
You can use one of the following methods to add unregistered devices in the same Sysmac Stu-
dio project as where the originator devices are registered to the Target Device List.

• Importing devices that are registered in another project

You can import NJ/NX/NY-series Controllers registered in another project data and add them
to the Device List.
• Registering devices using user-specified settings
You can manually add target devices to the device list.

Additional Information

You can add target devices to the Device List by installing EDS files that include connection
information for the devices in the Sysmac Studio and register the devices to the project.
Refer to Adding EDS Files on page A-21 for details.

A-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

8 Import devices that are registered in another project.

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
(1) Click the (Import a device from another project) Button in the Toolbox on the
right of the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.

(2) The Import from Another Project Dialog Box is displayed. Click the Project Button,
select a project to import and click the Open Button.

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
(3) The list of EtherNet/IP devices registered in the selected project will be displayed.
Select the target devices to import, and click the Import Button.
Note Only the project for which the EtherNet/IP connection settings are set will be displayed.
The imported EtherNet/IP devices are added to the Target Device List in the Toolbox.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-19

9 Register devices as required.

(1) Click the + Button under the Target Device List in the Toolbox.
The Add Target Device Pane is displayed.
(2) Enter relevant items for the target devices to add.

Menu Description
Node address Enter the target device IP address.
Model name Select the target device model.
Revision Select the revision of the target device.

(3) Here, set the following items for Controller 3 and click the Add Button.
The target device is added to the Target Device List in the Toolbox.
Node address:
Model name: NJ501-1500
Revision: 2

(4) You can click the Import Tag Set Button to import the tag sets that are set in the Net-
work Configurator to the target devices.
Select Export to File from the To/From File Button in the Tag Sets Tab Page of the Edit
Device Parameters Dialog Box to generate CSV files to import.

A-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

 Adding EDS Files

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
1 Right-click anywhere in the Target Device List in the Toolbox of the EtherNet/IP Connection Set-
ting Tab Page and select Display EDS Library from the menu.

2 The EDS Library Dialog Box is displayed. Click the Install Button.

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio

3 Select the EDS file to add, and then click the Open Button.
The EDS file is added.

4 The EtherNet/IP device with the EDS file installed is added to the EDS Library.
Devices listed in the EDS Library are used as a candidate device list when adding devices to the
Target Device List in the Toolbox of the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-21

 Changing the Target Device Settings After Making Connection Settings

If you change the IP address, model, or revision of the target device after making the connection
settings, you must also change the target device settings that are included in the connection set-
tings. You can change the target device settings entirely.

Changing the IP Addresses for All Target Devices

1 Right-click one of the connection lines and select Change Node Address from the menu.

2 The Node Address Change Dialog Box is displayed. Enter a new IP address in New IP address.

3 To apply the same change to other connections, select the Apply the change to other connec-
tions Check Box.

4 Click the OK Button.

A-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

Changing All Target Device Information including Model Names and

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
1 Right-click one of the connection lines and select Change Node Address from the menu.

2 The Target Device Change Dialog Box is displayed. Select a target device from New device.

Precautions for Correct Use

• Changeable target devices are limited to ones that have "OMRON" in the Vendor ID and is an
EDS device of the Communications Adapter in the Device Type.
• To display a device in the list of selectable new target devices, the device must be registered
as the target device in the Toolbox.

3 To apply the same change to other connections, select the Apply the change to other connec-
tions Check Box.

4 Click the OK Button.

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-23

Registering the Network Variable for the Target Device

1 Assign the network variable to the tag used for the EtherNet/IP connection for Controller 2 (tar-
get device).
This network variable stores data to send to Controller 1 (originator device).

Set the Network Publish attribute to Input or Output in the Global Variable Table for the variable
so that the variable serves as a network variable, i.e., the variable can be used for the Ether-
Net/IP connections.
In this example, set the network variable for Controller 1 as shown below.

• Name: Net_Out1
• Data type: WORD
• Network Publish attribute: Output

Registering the Tag and Tag Set for the Target Device
Set the tag and tag set for the target device.

1 Select EtherNet/IP Connection Settings from the Tools Menu.

The EtherNet/IP Device List Tab Page is displayed.

2 Right-click CJ1W-EIP21, the EtherNet/IP Unit connected to the Controller 2 (originator device in
this example), and select Edit from the menu.
The EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page is displayed.

3 Click the (Show Tag Set Display) icon in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.

4 Click the Output tab to switch to the Output Tab Page. Register the following tag and tag set.
The tag and tag set can be registered in the same way as for the target device. (Refer to Regis-
tering the Tag and Tag Set on page A-13.)

A-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Checking the Device Bandwidth Usage
The bandwidth usage for the device can be displayed from the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab
This value is for when multicast filtering is used.

Precautions for Correct Use

In the Device Bandwidth Dialog Box, you can only check the bandwidth being used for the Ether-
Net/IP connections from one originator device to its target devices.
The actual bandwidth used for the EtherNet/IP network must be calculated by taking into
account of all bandwidths used on the EtherNet/IP network (i.e., bandwidths used for connec-
tions for the other devices in the EtherNet/IP network than the one given on the dialog box must
be included into the calculation).

 Procedure
Click the Device Bandwidth Button in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page for the target

Menu Description A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio

PPS Gives the bandwidth used for each target device and total bandwidth used
for all target devices.
Set Packet Interval (RPI) for All Changes all Packet Interval (RPI) values for all target devices.

Additional Information

You can specify a value in Set Packet Interval (RPI) for All Connections and click the Update
Button to change packet interval (RPI) values set in the connection settings for all target devices
to the specified value.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-25

 Calculation Example for Bandwidth Used (PPS) for Each Device by the
EtherNet/IP Connections
Establishing following three EtherNet/IP connections between Controllers (1) to (3) in the Ether-
Net/IP network

Device bandwidth
Connection type Relevant devices in the EtherNet/IP connections
usage (PPS)
Connection (1) NJ-series Controller 2 (target device) 50 pps
to NY-series Controller 1 (originator device)
Connection (2) NY-series Controller 1 (target device) 10 pps
to NJ-series Controller 2 (originator device)
Connection (3) NJ-series Controller 3 (target device) 210 pps
to NY-series Controller 1 (originator device)

EtherNet/IP network

Connection (3) Connection (1)

Connection (2)
NJ-series Controller 3 NY-series Controller 1 NJ-series Controller 2
( ( (

Bandwidth used (PPS) for each EtherNet/IP device is as given below.

Connection (1)
Connection (3)

EtherNet/IP connection settings for Controller 1

A-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Connection (2)

EtherNet/IP connection settings for Controller 2

In this example, the PPS for Connection (1) is 50 pps, the PPS for Connection (2) is 10 pps, and the
PPS for Connection (3) is 210 pps. Therefore, bandwidth used (PPS) for each EtherNet/IP device is
as given below. 270 pps = 50 pps (for Connection (1)) + 10 pps (for Connection (2)) + 210 pps (for
Connection (3)) 60 pps = 50 pps (for Connection (1)) + 10 pps (for Connection (2)) 210 pps = 210 pps (for Connection (3))
 Adjusting Method

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
If the calculation result value exceeds the values in the specifications of the devices used in the Eth-
erNet/IP connections, re-evaluate the overall network configuration and correct it by taking steps
such as selecting a different Ethernet switch or splitting the network.
If the RPI is made longer, the PPS for the EtherNet/IP connections will decrease.
You can change the RPI value in the connection settings for all target devices by specifying a value
in Set Packet Interval (RPI) for All Connections in this dialog box.
Refer to 13-2-2 Tag Data Link Bandwidth Usage and RPI on page 13-8 for the relationship between
the PPS for the device and the RPI.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-27

Transferring the Connection Settings Data

Precautions for Correct Use

• If the node addresses (IP addresses) are not set correctly, you may connect to the wrong Con-
troller and set incorrect device parameters. Download data only after you confirm that you are
connected to the correct Controller.
• If incorrect connection settings are set, it may cause equipment to operate unpredictably. Even
when the correct connection settings are set, make sure that there will be no effect on equip-
ment before you transfer the data.
• A connection error will result if the network variables that are used in the tag settings are not
set in the Controller. Before downloading the connection settings, check to confirm that the
network variables used in the tag settings are set in the Controller.
• If a communications error occurs, the output status depends on the specifications of the
device being used. When a communications error occurs for a device that is used along with
output devices, check the operating specifications and implement safety countermeasures.
• The built-in EtherNet/IP port is automatically restarted after the parameters are downloaded.
This restart is required to enable the tag set and connection information. Before you download
the parameters, check to confirm that problems will not occur with the equipment when the
port is restarted.
• Do not disconnect the Ethernet cable during the parameter download.
• The EtherNet/IP connections between relevant nodes is stopped during a download. Before
you download data in RUN mode, make sure that it will not affect the controlled system.
Also implement interlocks on data processing in ladder programming that uses EtherNet/IP
connections when the connections are stopped or a connection error occurs.
• In the EtherNet/IP network, if the device bandwidth usage (PPS) exceeds the unit's allowable
bandwidth (PPS), the EtherNet/IP connection operations may not agree with the settings.
If you increase the RPI value in such a case, there are cases when the problem can be
resolved (i.e., the operations agree the settings).

A-28 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

 Synchronizing/Transferring a Whole Project

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
You can synchronize and transfer the EtherNet/IP connection settings along with the program data.
You can also transfer all the EtherNet/IP connection settings along with the program data.

• Synchronizing and transferring the data

1 Establish an online connection between the computer and the Controller and then select
Synchronization from the Controller Menu. (Or, click the Button on the Toolbar.)

The Synchronization Window is displayed, and comparison of the user program and parameter
settings between the Sysmac Studio and the Controller is started.

2 The following Uploading and Downloading Data Window is displayed after the automatic com-

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio

3 Clear the Do not transfer the EtherNet/IP connection settings (i.e., tag data link settings) Check
Box and then click the Transfer To Controller Button.
Then the EtherNet/IP connection settings are transferred along with the not-synchronized data.
If no EtherNet/IP connection settings are set in the Sysmac Studio, no data will be sent.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-29

• Transferring all data

1 Establish an online connection between the computer and the Controller and then select
Transfer - To Controller from the Controller Menu. (Or, click the Button on the Toolbar.)

2 The Transfer to Controller Dialog Box is displayed.

Clear the selection of the Do not transfer the EtherNet/IP connection settings (i.e., tag data link
settings) Check Box then click the Execute Button.

Precautions for Correct Use

To transfer only the connection settings, execute Transfer from the EtherNet/IP Connection Set-
ting Tab Page.
The connection settings are not transferred from the Synchronization Window, the Transfer to
Controller Dialog Box, and the Transfer from Controller Dialog Box, even if you clear the Do not
transfer the connection setting Check Box, as long as the data in the computer and in the Con-
troller is the same.

 Transferring Only the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings

You can transfer tag sets and connections to the EtherNet/IP devices.

1 Establish an online connection with the Controller.

2 Click the Transfer to Controller or Transfer from Controller Button in the EtherNet/IP Con-
nection Setting Tab Page.
The tag settings and connection settings set at that time are transferred to the Controller con-
nected online.

A-30 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

3 If the Controller connected online is in RUN mode, the dialog box to confirm whether to switch to

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
PROGRAM mode before transferring the settings is displayed.

 Comparison
The differences in the tag set and connection settings between the project and the EtherNet/IP
devices can be displayed.

1 Click the Compare Button in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page. A

A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-31

Starting and Stopping EtherNet/IP Connections

 Automatically Starting EtherNet/IP Connections
The EtherNet/IP device is automatically restarted and EtherNet/IP connections are automatically
started immediately after the connection settings are downloaded from the Sysmac Studio.

Precautions for Correct Use

Connections are adversely cut off if any of the following errors occurs in the Controller that is the
originator while EtherNet/IP connections are active.
• Major fault level Controller error
• Partial fault level Controller error

 Starting and Stopping the EtherNet/IP Connections for the Entire Network
You can start and stop EtherNet/IP connections from the user program or from the Sysmac Studio.

Precautions for Correct Use

Use the same method (i.e., either the user program or the tool software) to both start and stop
EtherNet/IP connections.
For example, if you use the _EIP_TDLinkStopCmd (Tag Data Link Communications Stop Switch)
system-defined variable to stop EtherNet/IP connections, you cannot start them from the Sys-
mac Studio and the Network Configurator.

A-32 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and
You can monitor the communications status of the EtherNet/IP connections after their settings are set.
You can also check errors.

Precautions for Correct Use

Make sure that the connection settings in both the Sysmac Studio and the Controller are consis-
tent before using the monitor functions. You can use the Comparison on page A-31 to see if they
are the same.

Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio

You can check the communications status on the EtherNet/IP connections in the EtherNet/IP Connec-
tion Monitor Tab Page.

1 Select EtherNet/IP Connection Settings from the Tools Menu to display the EtherNet/IP
Device List Tab Page.

2 Right-click the Controller you want to check the communications status and select Monitor from
the menu.
The pane to monitor the EtherNet/IP connection is displayed. This pane has six tabs for each
communications status.

A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and Troubleshooting
3 Select one of the six tabs for which you want to confirm the communications status.
• Status Tab Page
This tab page gives the TRUE/FALSE status of the system-defined variables that monitors the
tag data link errors and communication status. If any of the variables are TRUE, the checkbox
in front of the variable will be selected. Refer to 14-1-1 Starting the Device Monitoring for
details on each status item.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-33

• Connection Status Tab Page

Current status of each connection is given.

Name Description
Connection Name Gives the current status of each connection with the following text colors.
Blue: Normal
Red: There is at least one connection that has not been established.
Gray: There are no connections or the connection operation is stopped.
Type Gives the connection type.
Status Gives the current status on each connection with codes.
• Normal operation: 00:0000
• Abnormal operation: Gives an error code.
This information can be used to identify the cause of EtherNet/IP con-
nection errors. Refer to 14-2 Connection Status Codes and Trouble-
shooting on page 14-9 for details on the connection status.

• Tag Status Tab Page

This tab page gives if the tag settings for each tag for EtherNet/IP connections are set so that
data can be exchanged with target devices.

Name Description
Tag Name The current status of each tag is indicated by its color.
Red: Tag name resolution error
Blue: Tag name resolution normal
Gray: Not yet transferred (no information in device).
Input/Output Gives the type of the tag.
Status The following status is displayed depending on the status that is set.
• Normally resolved: Normal data exchange is possible.
• Different sizes: Different sizes are set for the network variables and the
tag settings.
A connection will not be established for a tag for which this error
• No tag: A network variable is not set in the variable table in the Con-
troller for the specified tag setting.
A connection will not be established for a tag for which this error
• Attribute error: The following two factors cause this error.
1. Writing is not possible for Constant attributes.
2. The I/O direction that is set in the tag data link settings does not
agree with the I/O direction of the variable in the Controller. There is
an error in the setting of a Network Publish attribute for a Controller
A connection will not be established for a tag for which this error

A-34 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

• Output Tag Set and Input Tag Set Tab Pages

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
You can monitor the status of each input/output tag set that is used for the EtherNet/IP con-
Note The tag set status monitor is not available for a built-in EtherNet/IP port on NJ-series Controller
version 1.08 or earlier.
Click  of each tag to display its detailed information.

Name Description
Tag Set Name Gives the connection status.
If there is a connection error, "Not connected or error" is given. A
Tag set size Gives the size of the tag set in bytes.
Connected time Gives the total connection duration in milliseconds.

A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and Troubleshooting
Unconnected time Gives the total disconnection duration in milliseconds.
Number of connections (in Gives the number of connections.
the Output Tag Set Tab
Number of connected orig- Gives the number of the connected originator devices.
inators (in the Output Tag
Set Tab Page)
Originator list (in the Out- Gives the detailed information of the connected originators.
put Tag Set Tab Page),
Target list (in the Input Tag
Set Tab Page)
Originator name (in the Gives no information.
Output Tag Set Tab
Page), Produced tag
name (in the Input Tag
Set Tab Page)
IP address (in the Out- Gives the IP addresses allocated for the originators.
put Tag Set Tab Page),
Remote IP address (in
the Input Tag Set Tab
Connected time (in the Gives the total duration of connection with the originator in milliseconds.
Output Tag Set Tab
Unconnected time (in Gives the total duration of disconnection with the originator in millisec-
the Output Tag Set Tab onds.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-35

Name Description
Destination IP address Gives the destination IP addresses. If the multi-cast connections are
(in the Output Tag Set used, its own multi-cast address is displayed.
Tab Page)
O->T RPI (packet inter- Gives the RPI of connection from the originator to the target in millisec-
val) onds.
T->O Heartbeat trans- Gives the heartbeat transmission period of the connections from the tar-
mission cycle (ms) get to the originator in milliseconds.
O->T Timeout Gives the timeout time for the connections from the originator to the tar-
get in milliseconds.
T->O Timeout Gives the timeout time for the connections from the target to the origina-
tor in milliseconds.
O -> T API (actual Gives the API of connection from the originator to the target in millisec-
packet interval) onds.
T->O Actual heartbeat Gives the actual heartbeat transmission period of the connections from
transmission cycle (ms) the target to the originator in milliseconds.
O->T Connection ID Gives the connection identification for the connections from the origina-
tor to the target in hexadecimal.
T->O Connection ID Gives the connection identification for the connections from the target to
the originator in hexadecimal.

• Ethernet Information Tab Page

This tab page displays the communications status at the communications driver level of the
built-in EtherNet/IP port. The error counter information can be used to confirm whether com-
munications problems have occurred. Under the Tag Data Link, you can confirm characteris-
tics such as the bandwidth usage (PPS).

Display example for an NY-series Controller

A-36 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
A-2-6 Troubleshooting
In the case that there is a setting error or a communications error in the EtherNet/IP networks, the Sys-
mac Studio displays the error in the Troubleshooting Dialog Box.
Refer to NYseries Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No.W564) for the confirmation methods for errors and
information on errors.

Troubleshooting When Transferring and Monitoring the EtherNet/IP

Connection Settings Fail
The first time you establish an online connection between the Controller and the computer with Win-
dows Firewall enabled, the dialog box to confirm the connection may be displayed. If that occurs, make
the following selection in the dialog box.
• Unblock (on Windows XP/Vista)
• Allow access (on Windows 7 higher)

If you make other selections than above, there are cases when transferring and monitoring the Ether-
Net/IP connection settings cannot properly be performed even if the online connection is successfully
If the above problem occurs. take the following corrective method 1 or 2.

A-2-6 Troubleshooting

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-37

 Problems
• The connection setting data cannot be transferred

Data Transmission Screen Problem

Synchronization Window The Sysmac Studio displays the following error message and the data will
not be transferred.

Transfer to Controller Dialog The Sysmac Studio displays the following error dialog box and the data will
Box not be transferred.

EtherNet/IP Connection Set- The Transfer to Controller and Transfer from Controller Buttons are
ting Tab Page grayed out and the data cannot be transferred/compared.

A-38 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

• Monitoring the settings cannot be performed

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Monitor data items in the EtherNet/IP Connection Monitor Tab Page remain "---".

A-2-6 Troubleshooting

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-39

 Method 1: Disabling Windows Firewall Settings

Precautions for Correct Use

The main function of the firewall is to prevent unwanted access from external sources (e.g., the
The changes that are made with the following procedures are to allow the Sysmac Studio and
the NY-series Controller to connect. If your computer is on an inhouse network, make sure that
security will not be jeopardized before you change the settings.

• Windows XP

1 Open the Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu and then select Windows Firewall
The Windows Firewall Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Click on the Exceptions tab and select Sysmac Studio in the Programs and Services list.

• Windows Vista, Windows 7, or later version

1 Open the Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu and then select Windows Firewall
The Windows Firewall Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Select Turn Windows Firewall on or off.

The Customize Settings Dialog box is displayed.

A-40 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

3 Clear the Block all incoming connections, including those in the list of allowed programs

A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Check Box and click the OK Button.

4 Select Advanced settings in the Windows Firewall Dialog Box.

The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Dialog Box is displayed.
5 Click Inbound Rules in the left pane and then double click SysmacStudio in the Inbound
Rules list.

A-2-6 Troubleshooting
The SysmacStudio Properties Dialog Box is displayed.

6 In the General Tab Page of the dialog box, set the following settings.
Select Enabled under the General section.
Select Allow the connection under the Action section.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-41

 Method 2: Cycle the power supply to the Controller

Cycle the power supply to the NY-series Controller and transfer/monitor the EtherNet/IP connections
settings again.
Note You may need to cycle the power supply when reflecting the changes in the IP address of the built-in Eth-
erNet/IP port or executing Transfer to Controller.

A-42 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-3 EDS File Management

This section describes the EDS file management functions used in the Network Configurator.

Precautions for Correct Use

For Windows Vista or Windows 7, we recommend that you start the Network Configurator as the
administrator. Otherwise, the following condition will result due to user management for Win-
dows security functions. The results of the following operations are not applied for logins with
other user accounts and must be repeated: installing, creating, and deleting EDS files, and creat-
ing EDS index files. You can run the Network Configurator as the administrator with the following
1. Select the Network Configurator from the Start Menu, and then right-click.
2. Select Run as administrator from the pop-up menu that is displayed.

A-3 EDS File Management


NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-43

A-3-1 Installing EDS Files

EDS File - Install

The Network Configurator can support new devices if the proper EDS files are installed.
To install the EDS file, use the following procedure.

1 Select EDS File - Install.

The Install EDS File Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Select the EDS file to install and click the Open Button. Next, select the icon file (*.ico). The
EDS file is added to the Hardware List as a new device. If the hardware already exists, the new
Hardware List will overwrite the previous one. If the hardware versions are different, a hardware
device is added to the Hardware List for each version.

A-3-2 Creating EDS Files

EDS File - Create

The EDS files are required by the Network Configurator to create a network configuration. To create an
EDS file, use the following procedure.

1 Select EDS File - Create.

2 Set the device information. You can obtain the device information from the device on the net-
work if the network is online.

3 The device is added to the Hardware List as a new device, just like when you install an EDS file.

Additional Information

You cannot set device parameters with the Network Configurator’s EDS file creation function.
Obtain a proper EDS file from the manufacturer of the device to make device parameter settings
for the device.

A-44 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-3-3 Deleting EDS Files

EDS File - Delete

To delete an EDS file, use the following procedure.

1 Select the device from the Hardware List.

2 Select EDS File - Delete.

The following confirmation dialog box is displayed.

A-3 EDS File Management

3 Click the Yes Button.
The selected device is deleted from the Hardware List together with the EDS file.

A-3-4 Saving EDS Files

EDS File - Save

To save the EDS file, use the following procedure. A
1 Select the target hardware device in the Hardware List, and then select EDS File - Save.

A-3-3 Deleting EDS Files

A Save EDS File Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Input the folder and file names and click the Save Button.
The EDS file is saved.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-45

A-3-5 Searching EDS Files

EDS File - Find

To search the devices (EDS files) displayed in the Hardware List, use the following procedure.

1 Select EDS file - Find.

The following dialog box is displayed.

2 Input the character string to search for and click the Find Next Button.

3 When a matching device is found, the cursor moves to that position.

4 To quit the search operation, click the Cancel Button.

Additional Information

• The device is found only if it is located below the present cursor position in the Hardware List.
• To search all the devices, select Hardware in the Hardware List before you perform the search

A-46 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-3-6 Displaying EDS File Properties

EDS File - Property

To display the properties of the EDS file, use the following procedure.

1 Select the desired hardware (device) from the Hardware List.

2 Select EDS File - Property.

The following dialog box is displayed.

A-3 EDS File Management

The time and date when the EDS file was created is displayed, along with the device informa-

A-3-6 Displaying EDS File Properties

A-3-7 Creating EDS Index Files

EDS File - Create EDS Index File

To manually add an EDS file or if a device is not displayed correctly in the hardware list, use the follow-
ing procedure to recreate the EDS index file. (This applies to Network Configurator version 3.30 or

1 Select EDS File - Create EDS Index File.

2 Restart the Network Configurator.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-47

A-4 Precautions for Using the Network

Configurator on Windows XP,
Windows Vista, or Windows 7 or
Better firewall security for Windows XP (SP2 or higher), Windows Vista, and Windows 7 higher has
increased the restrictions for data communications. Therefore, you must perform the corresponding
procedure given below to change the settings of the Windows firewall before you use the following
operations to perform communications with the Network Configurator connected to an NY-series
• If you select Option - Select Interface - Ethernet I/F
• If you select Option - Select Interface - NJ/NX/NY Series Ethernet Direct I/F

Precautions for Correct Use

The main function of the firewall is to prevent unwanted access from external sources (e.g., the
Internet). The changes that are made with the following procedures are to allow the Network
Configurator and the NY-series Controller to connect. If your computer is on an inhouse network,
make sure that security will not be jeopardized before you change the settings.

A-4-1 Changing Windows Firewall Settings

Windows XP

1 When you attempt to connect to the NY-series Controller from the Network Configurator, the
Windows Security Warning Dialog Box is displayed.

2 Click the Unblock Button.

An EtherNet/IP connection will be approved for the Network Configurator, and you will be able to
connect the Network Configurator in the future.

Windows Vista/Windows 7 or Higher

Use the following procedure to change the settings. Always perform steps 1 to 6 if you cannot go
online. The User Account Control Dialog Box may be displayed during this procedure. If it appears,
click the Continue Button and continue with the procedure.

1 Select Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu and change the display to Classic View.

A-48 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-4 Precautions for Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP, Windows Vista, or
2 Open the Administrative Tools and select Windows Firewall with Advanced Security from the
dialog box that is displayed.

3 Select Inbound Rules under Windows Firewall with Advanced Security on Local Computer on
the left side of the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Dialog Box.

4 Select New Rule under Inbound Rules in the Actions Area on the right side of the dialog box.

Windows 7 or Higher
5 Make the following settings for each step in the New Inbound Rule Wizard Dialog Box, and click
the Next Button to move between steps.
Rule Type Select Custom. A
Program Select All Programs.

A-4-1 Changing Windows Firewall Settings

Protocol and support Select ICMPv4 as the protocol type.

Scope Select Any IP address for everything.

Action Select Allow the connection.
Profile Select Domain, Private, and Public.
Name Enter any name, e.g., Omron_EIP.

6 Click the Finish Button. The rule that you defined will be registered in the Inbound Rules (e.g.,
Close the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Dialog Box.

7 When you attempt to connect to the NY-series Controller from the Network Configurator, the
Windows Security Warning Dialog Box is displayed.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-49

8 Click the Allow access Button.

(Windows 7)
An EtherNet/IP connection will be approved for the Network Configurator, and you will be able to
connect the Network Configurator in the future.

A-50 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods

You must be aware of the way in which memory is allocated to variables to align the memory locations
of the members of structure or union variables with variables in other devices. Adjustments are neces-
sary mainly when structure variables are used in the following type of communications with other
• When using EtherNet/IP tag data links or CIP messages to access variables between NY-series Con-
trollers and other Controllers
• When using structure variables to exchange data with devices other than Controllers, such as ID

A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods

A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules
The amount of memory and the memory locations that are allocated for a variable depend on the data
type of the variable. The amount of memory and the memory locations that are allocated for array ele-
ments, structure members, and union members depend on the data types, but also on the declarations
that are made for the arrays, structures, and unions.

Data Type Alignment and Memory Allocation Amounts

The data size is determined for each data type. The data size is the minimum amount of memory that is
required to store the value or values of that data type. On the other hand, memory for variables is auto-
matically structured by the Controller for the most efficient access. Therefore, the total amount of mem-
ory that is required for variables is not necessarily the total of the data sizes of the variables. For A
example, if WORD and DWORD variables are declared, the total of the data sizes is six bytes, but eight
bytes are allocated in memory, as shown in the following figure.

A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules

Memory Variable Table
Bytes Name Data type
Variable A First byte A WORD
First byte + 1 WORD data: 2 bytes
First byte + 2
First byte + 3 Not used: 2 bytes
Variable B First byte + 4
First byte + 5
DWORD data: 4 bytes
First byte + 6
First byte + 7

This information for determining the location of a variable in memory is called the alignment. The align-
ment is determined for each data type. The amount of memory and the memory locations for the vari-
ables are given below.

Item Specification
Amount of memory that is allocated An integral multiple of the alignment. However, the minimum amount of
memory is the data size.
Locations in memory At an integral multiple of the alignment starting from the start of the vari-
able in memory.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-51

The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for the basic data types and enumera-
tions are given below.
Amount of memory that
Data type Alignment [bytes]
is allocated [bytes]
BOOL 2 2
WORD, UINT, or INT 2 2
REAL 4 4
STRING[N+1]*1 1 N+1
Enumerations 4 4
*1 N is the maximum number of characters handled. For example, if a maximum of 10 single-byte characters are
handled, the NULL character is added, so memory for 11 characters must be reserved.
The elements of arrays and the members of structures and unions are located in memory for the most
efficient access. The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for arrays, structures,
and unions are determined by the variable declarations, as described below.

Data type Alignment Amount of memory that is allocated

Same as alignment of the data type (Amount of memory that is allocated for the data type of the
Array of the elements elements) × Number of elements*
The largest alignment of all of the The integral multiple of the alignment that is larger than the
members total amount of memory that is allocated when the mem-
bers are arranged in order at integral multiples of the align-
ment of the data types of the members
The largest alignment of all of the The largest amount of memory that is allocated for any of
members the members

* BOOL arrays are an exception. Refer to Precautions for Correct Use, below, for the amount of memory that is
allocated for BOOL arrays.

Precautions for Correct Use

Amount of Memory That Is Allocated for BOOL Arrays
Two bytes are allocated in memory for individual BOOL variables, BOOL structure members,
and BOOL union variables. However, for a BOOL array, two bytes of memory are not allocated
for each element. One bit is allocated in order for each element. For the entire array, a multiple of
two bytes of memory is allocated (including unused bits).

Memory Variable Table

Bytes Name Data type
Variable A First byte A BOOL
Two bytes are allocated.
First byte + 1 B ARRAY[1..5]OF BOOL
Variable B First byte + 2 C ARRAY[0..18]OF BOOL
Two bytes are allocated
First byte + 3
for 5 elements.
Variable C First byte + 4
First byte + 5
Four bytes are allocated
First byte + 6 for 19 elements.
First byte + 7

A-52 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

Therefore, the following formula gives the amount of memory that is allocated for a BOOL array.
For 1 to 16 elements, 2 bytes are allocated. For 17 to 32 elements, 4 bytes are allocated.
Number of
elements − 1
Amount of memory = 2 +2
Truncate the decimal portion of the result
of the calculation in brackets.

Specific examples of the rules for memory allocation for variables of each data type are given below.

Basic Data Types

A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods

 Variables with One-Byte Alignments (e.g., BYTE)
One byte of memory is allocated for the one-byte alignment.
Example: Two consecutive BYTE variables
Memory Variable Table
Bytes Name Data type
First byte Variable A, 1 byte A BYTE
First byte + 1 Variable B, 1 byte B BYTE

 Variables with Two-byte Alignments (e.g., BOOL and WORD)

Two bytes of memory are allocated for the two-byte alignment.
Example: Two consecutive BOOL variables A
First byte + Variable Table
(integer multiple of 2) Memory

A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules

Name Data type
First byte + First byte A BOOL
(integer multiple of 2) Variable A, 2 bytes
First byte + 1 B BOOL
First byte + 2
Variable B, 2 bytes
First byte + 3

 Variables with Four-byte Alignments (e.g., DWORD)

Four bytes of memory are allocated for the four-byte alignment.
The location of the first byte of data in memory is an integer multiple of four bytes. Therefore, if a
variable with a two-byte alignment, such as WORD data, is inserted, two bytes of unused memory
will remain.
Example: Consecutive variables in the following order: DWORD, WORD, and DWORD

First byte + Variable Table

(integer multiple of 4) Name Data type
First byte A DWORD
First byte + 1 Variable A, B WORD
First byte + C DWORD
First byte + 2 4 bytes
(integer multiple of 2)
First byte + 3
First byte + 4 Variable B,
First byte + 5 2 bytes
First byte +
(integer multiple of 4) First byte + 6 Not used.
First byte + 7
First byte + 8
First byte + 9 Variable C,
First byte + 10 4 bytes
First byte + 11

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-53

 Variables with Eight-byte Alignments (e.g., LWORD)

Eight bytes of memory are allocated for the eight-byte alignment.
The location of the first byte of data in memory is an integer multiple of eight bytes. Therefore, if a
variable with a two-byte alignment, such as WORD data, is inserted, six bytes of unused memory
will remain. If a variable with a four-byte alignment, such as DWORD data, is inserted, four bytes of
unused memory will remain.
Example: Consecutive variables in the following order: LWORD, WORD, and LWORD
First byte + Variable Table
(integer multiple of 8) Memory
Name Data type
First byte A LWORD
First byte + 1 B WORD
First byte + 2 C LWORD
Variable A,
First byte + 3
8 bytes
First byte + 4
First byte + 5
First byte +
(integer multiple of 2) First byte + 6
First byte + 7
First byte + 8 Variable B,
First byte + 9 2 bytes
First byte + 10
First byte + 11
First byte + 12
Not used.
First byte + 13
First byte + First byte + 14
(integer multiple of 8)
First byte + 15
First byte + 16
First byte + 17
First byte + 18 Variable C,
First byte + 19 8 bytes
First byte + 20
First byte + 21
First byte + 22
First byte + 23

A-54 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A continuous section of memory is allocated for the elements of the array based on the data size of the
data type of the array variable. The alignment of an array is the same as alignment of the data type of
the elements.
Example: Continuous variables in the following order: two BOOL variable, one BOOL array with five
elements, one BOOL array with 19 elements, and one BOOL array with four elements

First byte + Variable Table

(integer multiple of 2) Name Data type
First byte + First byte A BOOL
Variable A,
(integer multiple of 2)
First byte + 1 B BOOL
2 bytes

A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods

First byte + C ARRAY[1..5]OF BOOL
First byte + 2 Variable B,
(integer multiple of 2)
First byte + 3 D ARRAY[0..18]OF BOOL
2 bytes
First byte + E ARRAY[5..8]OF BOOL
First byte + 4 Variable C,
(integer multiple of 2)
First byte + 5 2 bytes
First byte + 6
First byte + 7 Variable D,
First byte + First byte + 8 4 bytes
(integer multiple of 2)
First byte + 9
First byte + 10 Variable E,
First byte + 11 2 bytes

Example: INT array with five elements

First byte + Memory Variable Table
(integer multiple of 2) Bytes Name Data type
First byte + A[0]
(integer multiple of 2)
First byte
First byte + 1
Variable A ARRAY[0..4] OF INT
First byte + A[1] First byte + 2
(integer multiple of 2) First byte + 3
Variable A,

A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules

First byte + A[2] First byte + 4 10 bytes
(integer multiple of 2)
First byte + 5
First byte + A[3] First byte + 6
(integer multiple of 2) First byte + 7

A[4] First byte + 8

First byte + 9

For a structure variable, the members are located in memory in the order that they are declared. Each
member is located at an integer multiple of the alignment of the data type of the member. Therefore,
there can be unused memory between members or at the end of members. The alignment of a struc-
ture is the largest alignment of all of the members. The amount of memory that is allocated is the inte-
gral multiple of the alignment that is larger than the total amount of memory that is allocated when the
members are arranged in order at integral multiples of the alignment of the data types of the members.
Example: The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for the four variable declara-
tions given in the following figure are given in the following table.

Variable Alignment [bytes] Amount of memory that is allocated [bytes]

A 4 8
B 4 8
C 4 16
D 4 16

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-55

First byte + Data Type Definitions

(integer multiple of 4) Memory
Name Data type
A.a First byte Structure STR_A STRUCT

First byte + 1 a DINT

First byte + 2 b INT

First byte + 3 Variable A, Name Data type

A.b First byte + 4 8 bytes Structure STR_B STRUCT
First byte + 5 c INT
First byte + First byte + 6 d DINT
(integer multiple of 4) Not used.
First byte + 7
Variable Table
B.c First byte + 8
Name Data type
First byte + 9
Variable A Structure STR_A
First byte + 10 Variable B,
Not used. Variable B Structure STR_B
First byte + 11 8 bytes
Variable C ARRAY[0..1] OF STR_A
B.d First byte + 12
Variable D ARRAY[0..1] OF STR_B
First byte + 13
First byte +
(integer multiple of 4) First byte + 14
First byte + 15
C[0].a First byte + 16
First byte + 17
First byte + 18
First byte + 19
C[0].b First byte + 20
First byte + 21
First byte + 22 Variable C,
Not used.
First byte + 23 16 bytes
C[1].a First byte + 24
First byte + 25
First byte + 26
First byte + 27
C[1].b First byte + 28
First byte + 29
First byte +
First byte + 30
(integer multiple of 4) Not used.
First byte + 31
D[0].c First byte + 32
First byte + 33
First byte + 34
Not used.
First byte + 35
D[0].d First byte + 36
First byte + 37
First byte + 38 Variable D,
First byte + 39 16 bytes
D[1].c First byte + 40
First byte + 41
First byte + 42
Not used.
First byte + 43
D[1].d First byte + 44
First byte + 45
First byte + 46
First byte + 47

A-56 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

Example: The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for the four variable declara-
tions given in the following figure are given in the following table.

Variable Alignment [bytes] Amount of memory that is allocated [bytes]

E 2 4
F 2 4
G 2 8
H 2 8

Data Type Definitions

First byte + Name Data type
(integer multiple of 2)
E.a[0] to E.a[7] First byte Structure STR_C STRUCT

A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods

First byte + 1 Not used. Variable E, a ARRAY[0..7] OF BOOL
E.b First byte + 2 4 bytes b BYTE
First byte +
First byte + 3 Not used.
(integer multiple of 2) Name Data type
F.c First byte + 4
Structure STR_D STRUCT
First byte + 5 Not used. Variable F, c BYTE
F.d[0] to F.d[7] First byte + 6 4 bytes
First byte + d ARRAY[0..7] OF BOOL
First byte + 7 Not used.
(integer multiple of 2) Variable Table
G[0].a[0] to G[0].a[7] First byte + 8
Name Data type
First byte + 9 Not used.
G[0].b Variable E Structure STR_C
First byte + 10
Variable F Structure STR_D
First byte + 11 Not used. Variable G,
G[1].a[0] to G[1].a[7] Variable G ARRAY[0..1] OF STR_C
First byte + 12 8 bytes
Variable H ARRAY[0..1] OF STR_D
First byte + 13 Not used.
G[1].b First byte + 14
First byte +
First byte + 15 Not used.
(integer multiple of 2)
H[0].c First byte + 16
First byte + 17 Not used.
H[0].d[0] to H[0].d[7] First byte + 18

A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules

First byte + 19 Not used. Variable H,
H[1].c First byte + 20 8 bytes
First byte + 21 Not used.
H[1].d[0] to H[1].d[7] First byte + 22
First byte + 23 Not used.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-57

For a union variable, the members overlap in the same memory locations. The alignment of a union is
largest alignment of all of the members. The amount of memory that is allocated is the largest amount
of memory that is allocated for any of the members.
Example: The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for the four variable declara-
tions given in the following figure are given in the following table.

Variable Alignment [bytes] Amount of memory that is allocated [bytes]

A 4 4
B 4 4
C 4 8
D 4 8

First byte + Data Type Definitions

(integer multiple of 4) Memory
Name Data type
A.a A.b First byte Union UNI_A UNION
First byte + 1 a DWORD
First byte + Variable A,
First byte + 2 b WORD
(integer multiple of 4) 4 bytes
First byte + 3 Name Data type
B.c B.d First byte + 4 Union UNI_B UNION
First byte + 5 c WORD
First byte + Variable B,
First byte + 6 d DWORD
(integer multiple of 4) 4 bytes
First byte + 7
Variable Table
C[0].a C[0].b First byte + 8
Name Data type
First byte + 9
Variable A Union UNI_A
First byte + 10
Variable C, Variable B Union UNI_B
First byte + 11
8 bytes Variable C ARRAY[0..1] OF UNI_A
C[1].a C[1].b First byte + 12
Variable D ARRAY[0..1] OF UNI_B
First byte + 13
First byte +
First byte + 14
(integer multiple of 4)
First byte + 15
D[0].c D[0].d First byte + 16
First byte + 17
First byte + 18
Variable D,
First byte + 19
8 bytes
D[1].c D[1].d First byte + 20
First byte + 21
First byte + 22
First byte + 23

A-58 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-5-2 Important Case Examples

When you exchange structure variable data between an NY-series Controller and a remote device, you
must align the memory configuration of the structure variable members with those of the remote device.
This section describes what to do in either the NY-series Controller or in the remote device.

Additional Information

This is not necessary when you exchange data between NY-series Controllers.

A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods

Aligning the Memory Configuration with a Remote Device
There are two methods that you can use to align the memory configuration with a remote device.
For example, the differences in the memory configuration for structure variables between an NY-
series Controller and a CJ-series CPU Unit are shown below.
This section describes how to align the memory configuration for these Units.
Data Type Definitions Data Type Definitions

Name Data type NY-series Structure Variable NY_X Name Data type CJ-series Structure Variable CJ_X
Structure Y STRUCT Bytes Structure Y STRUCT Bytes
a DINT First byte a a DINT First byte a
c DINT First byte + 4 b c DINT First byte + 4 b
Variable Table First byte + 6 Not used. Variable Table First byte + 6 c
Name Data type First byte + 8 c Name Data type
Variable NY_X Structure Y Variable CJ_X Structure Y A

A-5-2 Important Case Examples

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-59

 Method 1: Changing the Memory Configuration of the Structure Variable in

the NY-series Controller
With an NY-series Controller, you can specify member offsets to change the memory configuration
of the members of a structure variable. You can change the memory configuration of the members
of a structure variable in the NY-series Controller so that it is the same as the memory configuration
in a remote device that the Controller will communicate with. Specify the member offsets for a struc-
ture variable when you register the structure data type.
To communicate with a CJ-series CPU Unit, you can set the offset type to CJ to automatically use
the CJ-series memory structure. You can set the offset type to User to freely set your own offsets.
If you change the memory configuration of a structure variable by setting offsets, you must make the
same changes for the same structure variable in other NY-series Controllers on the network.
Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No W504-E1-03 or higher) for the
procedure to change the memory configuration of a structure variable.
Example: The following example shows how the memory configuration of the structure variable
members in the NY-series Controller is changed to match the memory configuration of the structure
variable members in the CJ-series CPU Unit.

A-60 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

Data Type Definitions NY-series Structure Data Type Definitions

CJ-series Structure
Name Data type Variable NY_X Name Data type Variable CJ_X
Structure Y STRUCT Bytes Structure Y STRUCT Bytes
a DINT First byte a a DINT First byte a
c DINT First byte + 4 b c DINT First byte + 4 b
Communications is
Variable Table First byte + 6 Not used. Variable Table First byte + 6 c
not possible
Name Data type First byte + 8 c because the memory Name Data type
Variable NY_X Structure Y configuration is not Variable CJ_X Structure Y
the same.

To align the memory configurations in the NY-series Controller CJ-series CPU Units, offsets are set in the Sysmac Studio.

A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods

Here, the following offsets are set for member c of data type Y of the structure variable NY_X.

(1) Offset type is set to CJ.

A-5-2 Important Case Examples

(3) Bit Offset
Set the location of the first bit of the member variable.
(2) Byte Offset
Set the location of the first byte of the member from
the beginning of the structure variable.
(1) Offset Type
Specify User.

Memory Bytes Memory Bytes

First byte First byte
(2) Byte Offset
First byte + 1 First byte + 1 Variable c starts from the 6th
Variable a Variable a
First byte + 2 First byte + 2 byte from the start of the
First byte + 3 First byte + 3 structure.
First byte + 4 First byte + 4
Variable b Variable b
First byte + 5 First byte + 5
First byte + 6 First byte + 6
Not used.
First byte + 7 First byte + 7
The location of Variable c
First byte + 8 First byte + 8
variable c changes
First byte + 9 First byte + 9
Variable c according to the
First byte + 10 offsets. First byte + 10
First byte + 11 First byte + 11

(3) Bit Offset

Variable c starts from the 0th bit
Set a byte offset of 6 and a bit offset from the start of the byte.
of 0 (no offset) for variable c.

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-61

 Method 2: Changing the Memory Configuration of the Structure Variable in

the Remote Device
You can insert a member into the structure variable of the remote device to change it to match the
memory configuration of the structure variable in the NY-series Controller. Both the memory configu-
ration and the data types must be the same between the two structure variables. You therefore need
to create the same members in both the remote device and the NY-series Controller.
Example: The following example shows how the memory configuration of the structure variable in
the CJ-series CPU Unit is changed to match the memory configuration of the structure variable in
the NY-series Controller.
Data Type Definitions Data Type Definitions
NY-series Structure Variable NY_X CJ-series Structure Variable CJ_X
Name Data type Name Data type
Structure Y STRUCT Bytes Structure Y STRUCT Bytes
a DINT First byte a a DINT First byte a
c DINT First byte + 4 b c DINT First byte + 4 b
Variable Table First byte + 6 Not used. Variable Table First byte + 6 c
Name Data type First byte + 8 Name Data type
Variable NY_X Structure Y c Variable CJ_X Structure Y

Make the following changes to align the memory configurations

in the NY-series Controller and CJ-series CPU Units.

Data Type Definitions Data Type Definitions

Name Data type NY-series Structure Variable NY_X Name Data type CJ-series Structure Variable CJ_X
Structure Y STRUCT Bytes Structure Y STRUCT Bytes
a DINT First byte a a DINT First byte a
b2 INT First byte + 4 b b2 INT First byte + 4 b
c DINT First byte + 6 b2 c DINT First byte + 6 b2
Variable Table First byte + 8 c Variable Table First byte + 8 c
Name Data type Name Data type
Variable NY_X Structure Y Variable CJ_X Structure Y

(2) Add the dummy variable b2 that you created in the (1) Add a dummy member variable b2 that matches the
CJ-series CPU Unit to the NY-series Controller as well. unused memory location on the NY-series Controller.

A-62 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

A-6 Precautions When Accessing

External Outputs in Controllers

A-6 Precautions When Accessing External Outputs in Controllers

Observe the following precautions when you access variables that are assigned to external outputs in
an NY-series Controller.

 Precaution on Writing from External Devices, Variables* That Are Assigned to

External Outputs
Any value that is written to a variable* that is assigned to an external output in an NY-series Control-
ler through a tag data link or communications instruction will be overwritten by the execution results
of the user program.
The value that is written from the tag data link or communications instruction will therefore not be
output to the external device.
The following types of variable are assigned to the external outputs.
• The devices variables (or global variables) that are assigned to an I/O port of an EtherCAT output-

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-63

A-7 TCP State Transitions

TCP protocol operates in 11 states for connections.
You can check the TCP state of the socket service with the TCP connection status that is output by the
SktGetTCPStatus (Read TCP Socket Status) instruction.
The TCP states and their meanings are given in the following table.
TCP state Meaning
CLOSED The connection was closed.
LISTEN The server is waiting for a connection request (SYN) with a passive open.
SYN SENT The client sent a connection request (SYN) for an active open and is waiting for
acknowledgement (SYN + ACK).
SYN RECEIVED The server sent an acknowledgement (SYN + ACK) to a connection request (SYN)
and is waiting for acknowledgement (ACK).
ESTABLISHED A connection was established.
CLOSE WAIT The server sent acknowledgement (ACK) to a connection close request (FIN) and is
waiting for the server application to be ready to close.
FIN WAIT-1 The client sent a connection close request (FIN) and is waiting for acknowledgement
CLOSING The client and server simultaneously received a connection close request (FIN) and
are waiting for acknowledgement (ACK).
LAST-ACK The server sent a connection close request (FIN) and is waiting for acknowledgement
FIN WAIT-2 The client is waiting for a connection close request (FIN).
TIME WAIT The client received acknowledgement (ACK) to a connection close request (FIN) and
is waiting for it to be received and processed by the server.

The TCP state changes as requests and acknowledgements are received from the remote node, and
as TCP socket connection and close instructions are executed in the user program.
When the state changes, connection requests (SYN), close requests (FIN), and acknowledgements
(ACK) to those requests are sent to and received from the remote node.

A-64 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

The following figure shows TCP state transitions.

The TCP states are given in the boxes in the figure. Between the states, the text on top is the condition
for a change in state and the text on the bottom is the action that is performed when the state changes.
(If no action is given, then none is performed.)
Example: When SYN and ACK are received in SYN SENT state, ACK is sent and the state changes to

Active OPEN
SYN sent.


A-7 TCP State Transitions

SYN received. SEND
SYN + ACK sent. SYN sent.
SYN SYN received. SYN
ACK for SYN received. SYN + ACK received.
ACK sent.
FIN sent. A
CLOSE FIN received.
FIN sent. ACK sent.
FIN received.
ACK for FIN received. CLOSE
ACK sent.
FIN sent.


FIN received. ACK for FIN received. ACK for FIN received.
ACK sent.


NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-65

A-66 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) Index-1

A batch editing .......................................................... 7-35
editing individual connections ................................ 7-34
Accept TCP Socket instruction .................................... 9-13 Register Device List ............................................... 7-32
addresses ...................................................................... 5-8 Connection Tab Page .................................................. 14-5
All Tag Data Link Communications Status .........3-10, 3-21 Connection Type ................................................7-35, 7-36
array variables connections
preparing array variables to input checking ................................................................. 7-69
and output service data and response data ........ 8-14 Controller Event Log Tab Page ................................... 14-6
Auto Connection Configuration ................................... 7-39 Controller Object ......................................................... 8-52
automatically setting connections ................................ 7-38 Controller status ............................................................ 7-9
Create UDP Socket instruction .................................... 9-13
B cyclic communications ................................................. 1-12

bandwidth usage
requested packet intervals ..................................... 13-3
tag data links ......................................................... 13-7 data areas ..................................................................... 7-3
Basic Ethernet Setting Error .................................3-5, 3-16 data processing time
binary format ............................................................. 10-17 calculation example ............................................. 13-23
BOOTP client .............................................................. 1-17 overview ............................................................... 13-22
BOOTP Server Error ............................................3-6, 3-18 data transmissions
broadcasting ................................................................ 9-10 timing ................................................................... 13-21
built-in EtherCAT port .................................................. 1-10 default gateway ............................................................. 5-4
Built-in EtherNet/IP Error ......................................3-3, 3-13 destination IP addresses ............................................... 5-4
built-in EtherNet/IP port ............................................... 1-10 destination mask IP addresses ..................................... 5-4
settings .................................................................... 5-1 device bandwidth usage
socket services adjusting ................................................................ 13-9
overview ......................................................... 9-11 Device Connection Structure Tree .............................. 7-41
specifications ........................................................... 1-7 device parameters
clearing .................................................................. 7-64
C verifying ................................................................. 7-60
device status
displaying ............................................................... 7-72
CIDR .............................................................................. 4-4
CIP Communications ................................................... 1-12
changing ................................................................ 7-71
CIP Communications Error ...................................3-4, 3-15
registering .............................................................. 7-19
CIP communications instructions .................................. 8-5
DNS ............................................................................... 5-3
using ........................................................................ 8-6
DNS Server Connection Error ..............................3-8, 3-20
CIP message communications ...................................... 8-4
DNS Setting Error .................................................3-6, 3-18
CIP message communications service
domain names ............................................................... 5-3
overview .................................................................. 8-3
specifications ........................................................... 8-3
Clear TCP/UDP Socket Receive Buffer instruction ..... 9-13
Close CIP Class 3 Connection instruction ..................... 8-5
Close TCP/UDP Socket instruction ............................. 9-13 EDS files
Communications Controller Error .........................3-5, 3-16 management ..........................................................A-43
communications load _EIP1_BootpErr ...................................................3-6, 3-18
adjusting ................................................................ 13-6 _EIP1_EtnCfgErr ..................................................3-5, 3-16
Communications Port Error ..................................3-3, 3-14 _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta ..........................................3-10, 3-21
Communications Port1 Error ................................3-4, 3-14 _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr ..............................................3-6, 3-17
community names ................................................5-9, 5-11 _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr .............................................3-6, 3-18
Connect TCP Socket instruction ................................. 9-13 _EIP1_LanHwErr ..................................................3-5, 3-16
Connection I/O Type ...........................................7-35, 7-36 _EIP1_MacAdrErr ................................................3-5, 3-16
Connection Name ...............................................7-35, 7-36 _EIP1_PortErr ......................................................3-4, 3-14
connection settings _EIP_BootpErr .....................................................3-6, 3-18
automatically setting connections .......................... 7-38 _EIP_CipErr .........................................................3-4, 3-15
_EIP_DNSCfgErr ..................................................3-6, 3-18

Index-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

_EIP_DNSSrvErr .......................................................... 3-8 mdelete ................................................................ 10-15

_EIP_ErrSta ......................................................... 3-3, 3-13 mdir ..................................................................... 10-12
_EIP_EstbTargetSta .................................. 3-10, 3-22, 14-4 mget .................................................................... 10-14
_EIP_EtnCfgErr ................................................... 3-5, 3-16 mkdir .................................................................... 10-12
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta .............................................. 3-9, 3-21 mls ....................................................................... 10-11
_EIP_IdentityErr ................................................... 3-7, 3-19 mput .................................................................... 10-14
_EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta ................................................ 3-10 open .................................................................... 10-11
_EIPIn1_IPAdrCfgErr ........................................... 3-6, 3-17 put ....................................................................... 10-14
_EIPIn1_IPAdrDupErr ................................................. 3-18 pwd ...................................................................... 10-13
_EIPIn1_PortErr ................................................... 3-4, 3-15 quit ....................................................................... 10-15
_EIP_IPAdrCfgErr ................................................ 3-5, 3-17 rename ................................................................ 10-12
_EIP_IPAdrDupErr ............................................... 3-6, 3-17 rmdir .................................................................... 10-13
_EIP_IPRTblErr ................................................... 3-7, 3-18 type ...................................................................... 10-13
_EIP_LanHwErr ................................................... 3-5, 3-16 user ..................................................................... 10-11
_EIP_MacAdrErr .................................................. 3-5, 3-15 FTP Display .................................................................. 5-7
_EIP_MultiSwONErr ............................................ 3-7, 3-20 FTP server ........................................................... 1-17, 5-7
_EIP_NTPResult ......................................................... 3-11 application example ............................................... 10-8
_EIP_NTPResult.ExecNormal ........................... 3-12, 3-23 application example from host computer ............. 10-18
_EIP_NTPResult.ExecTime ............................... 3-12, 3-23 application procedure ............................................ 10-7
_EIP_NTPSrvErr .................................................. 3-8, 3-20 commands ........................................................... 10-10
_EIP_PortErr ........................................................ 3-3, 3-14 overview ................................................................ 10-2
_EIP_RegTargetSta ........................................... 3-10, 3-22 specifications ......................................................... 10-2
_EIP_TagAdrErr ................................................... 3-7, 3-20 functions
_EIP_TargetNodeErr .......................................... 3-11, 3-23 functional comparison with other series .................. A-2
_EIP_TargetPLCErr ...........................3-11, 3-22, 7-9, 14-4
_EIP_TargetPLCModeSta .................. 3-11, 3-22, 7-9, 14-4 G
_EIP_TcpAppCfgErr ...................................................... 3-8
_EIP_TcpAppErr .................................................. 3-5, 3-15 gateway addresses ....................................................... 5-4
_EIP_TDLinkAllRunSta ...................................... 3-10, 3-21 general status ............................................................. 8-30
_EIP_TDLinkCfgErr ............................................. 3-7, 3-19 general status codes ................................................... 8-28
_EIP_TDLinkErr ................................................... 3-7, 3-19 global addresses ......................................................... 4-11
_EIP_TDLinkOpnErr ............................................ 3-7, 3-19 global broadcasting ..................................................... 9-10
_EIP_TDLinkRunSta .......................................... 3-10, 3-21
_EIP_TDLinkStartCmd ....................................... 3-12, 3-23 H
_EIP_TDLinkStopCmd ....................................... 3-12, 3-23
_EIP_TopAppCfgErr .................................................... 3-20 host names ................................................... 5-3, 5-9, 5-11
error status .................................................................... 3-9 specifying .............................................................. 1-19
Ethernet addresses ..................................................... 1-10
Ethernet connectors .................................................... 2-10 I
Ethernet Information Tab Page ................................... 14-8
Ethernet Link Object ................................................... 8-47
Identity Error ........................................................ 3-7, 3-19
Ethernet switches ................................................... 1-5, 2-2
Identity Object ............................................................. 8-40
functions .................................................................. 2-3
indicators ............................................................ 1-10, 1-11
selection precautions .............................................. 2-4
input ON response time ............................................ 13-25
types ........................................................................ 2-3
CIPClose ................................................................. 8-5
F CIPOpen .................................................................. 8-5
CIPOpenWithDataSize ............................................ 8-5
fragmenting CIPRead .................................................................. 8-5
send data ................................................................ 9-5 CIPSend .................................................................. 8-5
FTP commands CIPUCMMRead ....................................................... 8-5
append ................................................................ 10-13 CIPUCMMSend ....................................................... 8-5
bye ...................................................................... 10-15 CIPUCMMWrite ....................................................... 8-5
cd ........................................................................ 10-13 CIPWrite .................................................................. 8-5
close .................................................................... 10-15 SktClearBuf ........................................................... 9-13
delete .................................................................. 10-15 SktClose ................................................................ 9-13
dir ........................................................................ 10-12 SktGetTCPStatus .................................................. 9-13
get ....................................................................... 10-14 SktSetOption ......................................................... 9-13
ls .......................................................................... 10-11 SktTCPAccept ....................................................... 9-13

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) Index-3

SktTCPConnect ..................................................... 9-13 saving .................................................................... 7-66

SktTCPRcv ............................................................ 9-13 Network Configurator .................................................... 1-6
SktTCPSend .......................................................... 9-13 connections via Ethernet to NJ-series CPU Unit ... 7-51
SktUDPCreate ....................................................... 9-13 Ethernet connections ............................................. 7-48
SktUDPRcv ............................................................ 9-13 network transmission delay time ............................... 13-26
SktUDPSend ......................................................... 9-13 network variables .......................................................... 7-7
Internal Port1 Error ...............................................3-4, 3-15 importing to Network Configurator ......................... 7-29
Internal Port1 IP Address Duplication Error ..........3-6, 3-18 Normal Target Node Information ...............3-10, 3-22, 14-4
Internal Port1 IP Address Setting Error ................3-6, 3-17 NTP Last Operation Time ...................................3-12, 3-23
Internal Port1 Online .......................................... 3-10, 3-21 NTP Operation Information ......................................... 3-11
IOI ................................................................................ 8-10 NTP Operation Result ........................................3-12, 3-23
IP address configuration ................................................ 4-2 NTP Server Connection Error ..............................3-8, 3-20
IP Address Duplication Error ................................3-6, 3-17 number of connections
IP Address Setting Error .......................................3-5, 3-17 calculating .............................................................. 13-4
IP addresses ......................................... 5-2, 5-3, 5-9, 5-11
allocation ................................................................. 4-3 O
checking current addresses ................................... 4-10
setting ...................................................................... 4-6 Online ...................................................................3-9, 3-21
IP Communications ..................................................... 1-12 Originator Variable ....................................................... 7-36
IP Route Table Error .............................................3-7, 3-18 output ON response time .......................................... 13-26
output variables
K operation and timing .....................................8-27, 9-17

Keep Alive Monitoring Time setting ............................... 5-3 P

Keep Alive setting .......................................................... 5-3
Packet Interval (RPI) ................................................... 7-35
L passwords ..................................................................... 5-7
PING command ............................................................. 6-2
Linger option .................................................................. 5-3 port numbers .................................................5-7, 5-8, 5-10
LINK settings ................................................................. 5-6 Port1 Basic Ethernet Setting Error .......................3-5, 3-16
LINK/ACT .................................................................... 1-11 Port1 BOOTP Server Error ...................................3-6, 3-18
LINK/ACT indicator ...................................................... 1-11 Port1 Communications Controller Error ...............3-5, 3-16
local broadcasting ....................................................... 9-10 Port1 IP Address Duplication Error .......................3-6, 3-18
location Port1 IP Address Setting Error .............................3-6, 3-17
SNMP ...................................................................... 5-8 Port1 MAC Address Error .....................................3-5, 3-16
login names ................................................................... 5-7 Port1 Online .......................................................3-10, 3-21
PPS ............................................................................. 13-3
M precautions
socket services ...................................................... 9-30
MAC Address Error ..............................................3-5, 3-15 priority DNS server ........................................................ 5-3
message communications ........................................... 1-13 private addresses ........................................................ 4-11
message service programming
transmission delay ............................................... 13-27 CIP message communications .............................. 8-15
MIB ladder programming for tag data links ................... 7-73
groups .................................................................... 12-4 socket services .............................................9-19, 9-24
system design ........................................................ 12-4
MIB objects R
detailed descriptions .............................................. 12-5
multi-cast communications ............................................ 7-8 Read TCP Socket Status instruction ........................... 9-13
multicast filtering ............................................................ 2-3 Read Variable Class 3 Explicit instruction ..................... 8-5
Multiple Switches ON Error ..................................3-7, 3-20 Read Variable UCMM Explicit instruction ...................... 8-5
receive data processing time ..................................... 13-26
N Recognition 1 settings ................................................... 5-9
Recognition 2 settings ................................................... 5-9
NET RUN .................................................................... 1-11 recognition method ........................................................ 5-9
network configuration recognition trap
verifying ................................................................. 7-59 sending .................................................................... 5-8
network configuration file Registered Target Node Information ..................3-10, 3-22
reading ................................................................... 7-68 registering devices ...................................................... 7-19

Index-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)

request path ................................................................ 8-10 specifications ........................................................... 7-6

requested packet intervals ................................. 7-8, 13-25 Tag Data Link Communications Error .................. 3-7, 3-19
accuracy ................................................................ 13-5 Tag Data Link Communications Start Switch ..... 3-12, 3-23
adjusting according to task periods ..................... 13-24 Tag Data Link Communications Status .............. 3-10, 3-21
bandwidth usage ................................................... 13-3 Tag Data Link Communications Stop Switch ..... 3-12, 3-23
changing .............................................................. 13-10 Tag Data Link Connection Failed ......................... 3-7, 3-19
settings .................................................................. 13-2 tag data link parameters
response codes ........................................................... 8-28 downloading .......................................................... 7-53
route path ...................................................................... 8-7 setting and downloading .......................................... 7-7
RPI setting .................................................................. 7-36 uploading all .......................................................... 7-56
uploading from individual devices ......................... 7-58
S Tag Data Link Setting Error .................................. 3-7, 3-19
tag data links ............................................................... 1-12
SD Memory Cards automatically starting ............................................. 7-63
file types .............................................................. 10-16 bandwidth usage and requested packet intervals
format of variable data ........................................ 10-17 ........................................................................... 13-8
secondary DNS server .................................................. 5-3 communications method ....................................... 13-2
send data processing time ........................................ 13-25 data concurrency ................................................... 7-12
Send Explicit Message UCMM instruction .................... 8-5 effect on task periods .......................................... 13-24
Set TCP Socket Option instruction ............................. 9-13 introduction .............................................................. 7-2
settings .......................................................................... 5-1 maximum response time ..................................... 13-25
SNMP ............................................................................ 5-8 models other than NJ-series CPU Units ................ 7-78
SNMP agent ....................................................... 1-20, 12-2 setting .................................................................... 7-16
application procedure .......................................... 12-21 starting and stopping ............................................... 7-9
required settings .................................................. 12-21 starting and stopping for individual devices ........... 7-63
SNMP messages ........................................................ 12-3 verifying ................................................................. 7-59
SNMP Settings Display ................................................. 5-8 Tag Name Resolution Error .................................. 3-7, 3-20
SNMP specifications ................................................... 12-3 tag sets ......................................................................... 7-3
SNMP Trap Settings Display .............................. 5-10, 5-12 creating .................................................................. 7-21
SNMP traps ...................................... 1-20, 5-10, 5-12, 12-3 Tag Status Tab Page ................................................... 14-7
socket service ............................................................. 1-19 tags ............................................................................... 7-3
socket service communications Target Device .............................................................. 7-36
data reception processing ....................................... 9-7 Target Node Error Information ........................... 3-11, 3-23
fragmenting of send data ........................................ 9-5 Target PLC Error Information .............3-11, 3-22, 7-9, 14-4
socket service instructions .......................................... 9-13 Target PLC Operating Mode ..............3-11, 3-22, 7-9, 14-4
socket services Target Variable ............................................................ 7-36
application procedure ............................................ 9-14 task periods
built-in EtherNet/IP port relationship with requested packet intervals ........ 13-24
overview ........................................................ 9-11 TCP Application Communications Error ............... 3-5, 3-15
port numbers ........................................................... 9-2 TCP Application Setting Error .............................. 3-8, 3-20
precautions ............................................................ 9-30 TCP communications .................................................... 9-3
required settings .................................................... 9-12 procedure ................................................................ 9-4
sockets .......................................................................... 9-2 TCP Socket Receive instruction ................................. 9-13
specifying method ....................................................... 5-11 TCP Socket Send instruction ...................................... 9-13
Status 1 Tab Page ....................................................... 14-2 TCP/IP Display .............................................................. 5-2
Status 2 Tab Page ....................................................... 14-4 TCP/IP Interface Object .............................................. 8-44
structure variables Timeout Value .................................................... 7-35, 7-36
providing to input request paths ............................ 8-11 Trap 1 settings ............................................................ 5-11
subnet masks ......................................................... 4-3, 5-2 twisted-pair cable .......................................................... 1-5
Sysmac Studio .............................................................. 1-6 installation environment precautions ....................... 2-9
system-defined variables .............................................. 3-2 installation precautions ............................................ 2-6
EtherNet/IP communications errors ............... 3-3, 3-13
EtherNet/IP communications status ........................ 3-9 U
EtherNet/IP communications switches .................. 3-12
UDP communications ................................................... 9-3
T UDP Socket Receive instruction ................................. 9-13
UDP Socket Send instruction ...................................... 9-13
tag data link unicast communications ................................................ 7-8
functions .................................................................. 7-6 USB port ..................................................................... 1-10

NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) Index-5

variable memory allocation

rules .......................................................................A-51
versions ....................................................................... 5-11

Windows firewall settings

changing ................................................................A-48
Write Variable Class 3 Explicit instruction ..................... 8-5
Write Variable UCMM Explicit instruction ...................... 8-5

Index-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
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