IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC
IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC
IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC
IPC Machine Controller
Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC
User’s Manual
Industrial Panel PC
Industrial Box PC
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because
OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is
subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Neverthe-
less, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages
resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
• Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other
countries for OMRON factory automation products.
• Microsoft, Windows, Excel, and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corpora-
tion in the United States and other countries.
• EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
• ODVA, CIP, CompoNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP are trademarks of ODVA.
• Intel and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and / or other countries.
Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.
Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
Thank you for purchasing an NY-series IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC.
This manual provides a collective term of Industrial Panel PC and Industrial Box PC which are applica-
ble products as the NY-series Industrial PC. This manual also provides the range of devices that are
directly controlled by the Controller functions embedded the Real-Time OS in the NY-series Industrial
PC as the Controller.
This manual contains information that is necessary to use the NY-series Controller. Please read this
manual and make sure you understand the functionality and performance of the NY-series Controller
before you attempt to use it in a control system.
Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical sys-
tems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
For programming, this manual is intended for personnel who understand the programming language
specifications in international standard IEC 61131-3 or Japanese standard JIS B 3503.
Applicable Products
This manual covers the following products.
• NY-series IPC Machine Controller Industrial Panel PC
• NY532-15
• NY532-14
• NY532-13
• NY532-5400
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1
Relevant Manuals
Relevant Manuals
The following table provides the relevant manuals for the NY-series Controller.
Read all of the manuals that are relevant to your system configuration and application before you use
the NY-series Controller.
Most operations are performed from the Sysmac Studio Automation Software. Refer to the Sysmac Stu-
dio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for information on the Sysmac Studio.
Basic information
User's Manual
NJ/Y-series NC Integrated Controller
Troubleshooting Manual
Instructions Reference Manual
*1 Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Setup User’s Manual (Cat. No. W568) for how to set up and
how to use the utilities on Windows.
*2 Refer to the NY-series Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No. W564) for the error management concepts and the error items.
2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Manual Structure
Manual Structure
Some of the descriptions of functions in this manual are common to NJ/NX-series. Therefore, note the
following conditions.
• The same function names are used for the common functions of the NJ/NX/NY-series. If the term
“CPU Unit” is included in the function names, such as the CPU Unit names, CPU Unit write protection
and other functions, it indicates the “Controller” in the NY-series.
• The “CPU Unit” that is described in a list of function specifications in this manual also indicates the
“Controller” in the NY-series.
Page Structure
The following page structure is used in this manual.
A step in a procedure 1 Join the Units so that the connectors fit exactly.
Indicates a procedure. Connector
Hook holes
4 Page tab
2 Gives the number
4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components
The yellow sliders at the top and bottom of each Unit lock the Units together. Move the sliders
toward the back of the Units as shown below until they click into place. of the main section.
Move the sliders toward the back
until they lock into place.
Manual name NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (W500) 4-9
This illustration is provided only as a sample. It may not literally appear in this manual.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3
Manual Structure
Special Information
Special information in this manual is classified as follows:
Additional Information
Additional information to read as required.
This information is provided to increase understanding or make operation easier.
Version Information
Information on differences in specifications and functionality for Controller with different unit versions
and for different versions of the Sysmac Studio is given.
Note References are provided to more detailed or related information.
Precaution on Terminology
In this manual, “download” refers to transferring data from the Sysmac Studio to the physical Controller
and “upload” refers to transferring data from the physical Controller to the Sysmac Studio.
For the Sysmac Studio, synchronization is used to both upload and download data. Here, “synchronize”
means to automatically compare the data for the Sysmac Studio on the computer with the data in the
physical Controller and transfer the data in the direction that is specified by the user.
4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Sections in this Manual
1 10
2 11
1 Introduction 10 FTP Server
3 12
Installing Ethernet
2 Networks 11 FTP Client
4 13
System-defined Variables
3 Related to the Built-in Eth- 12 SNMP Agent
erNet/IP Port 5 14
Communications Per-
Determining formance and Commu-
4 IP Addresses 13 nications Load
6 A
7 Tag Data Link Functions I Index
CIP Message
8 Communications I
9 Socket Service
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
Versions ................................................................................................................... 18
Section 1 Introduction
1-1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1-2
1-1-1 EtherNet/IP Features .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1-1-2 Features of Built-in EtherNet/IP Port on NY-series Industrial PCs .............................................. 1-3
1-2 System Configuration and Configuration Devices............................................................... 1-5
1-2-1 Devices Required to Construct a Network .................................................................................. 1-5
1-2-2 Support Software Required to Construct a Network ................................................................... 1-6
1-3 Built-in EtherNet/IP Port.......................................................................................................... 1-7
1-3-1 Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 1-7
1-3-2 Part Names and Functions........................................................................................................ 1-10
1-4 Introduction to Communications Services ......................................................................... 1-12
1-4-1 IP Communications with Windows ............................................................................................ 1-12
1-4-2 CIP (Common Industrial Protocol) Communications Services.................................................. 1-12
1-4-3 IP Routing ................................................................................................................................. 1-14
1-4-4 BOOTP Client ........................................................................................................................... 1-17
1-4-5 FTP Server................................................................................................................................ 1-17
1-4-6 FTP Client ................................................................................................................................. 1-18
1-4-7 Socket Service .......................................................................................................................... 1-19
1-4-8 Specifying Host Names............................................................................................................. 1-19
1-4-9 SNMP Agent.............................................................................................................................. 1-20
1-5 EtherNet/IP Communications Procedures .......................................................................... 1-21
6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7
8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9
10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-1 Functional Comparison of the EtherNet/IP Port with Other Series.....................................A-2
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)..................A-3
A-2-1 Overview of the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) Settings with the Sysmac Studio... A-3
A-2-2 Procedure to Make the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio .................... A-4
A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings ................................................................................................ A-5
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio ..................................... A-10
A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and Troubleshooting.................... A-33
A-2-6 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ A-37
A-3 EDS File Management ...........................................................................................................A-43
A-3-1 Installing EDS Files................................................................................................................... A-44
A-3-2 Creating EDS Files ................................................................................................................... A-44
A-3-3 Deleting EDS Files.................................................................................................................... A-45
A-3-4 Saving EDS Files...................................................................................................................... A-45
A-3-5 Searching EDS Files................................................................................................................. A-46
A-3-6 Displaying EDS File Properties................................................................................................. A-47
A-3-7 Creating EDS Index Files ......................................................................................................... A-47
A-4 Precautions for Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP, Windows Vista, or
Windows 7 or Higher...........................................................................................................A-48
A-4-1 Changing Windows Firewall Settings ....................................................................................... A-48
A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods ..................................................................................A-51
A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules ............................................................................................ A-51
A-5-2 Important Case Examples ........................................................................................................ A-59
A-6 Precautions When Accessing External Outputs in Controllers ........................................A-63
A-7 TCP State Transitions ...........................................................................................................A-64
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workman-
ship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in
writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based
on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally
shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-com-
plying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal
to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be
responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products
unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and
maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of
any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies
shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combi-
nation with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materi-
als or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in
writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.
12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Application Considerations
Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations
which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At
Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings
and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a com-
plete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, sys-
tem, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of
the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take applica-
tion responsibility in all cases.
Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or
any consequence thereof.
Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for
the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of
Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual perfor-
mance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other
reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or
when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be
changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish
key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to
confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13
Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions
Refer to the following manuals for safety precautions.
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W557)
• NY-series Industrial Box PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W556)
• NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558)
14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Precautions for Safe Use
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 15
Precautions for Correct Use
16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Regulations and Standards
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 17
Hardware revisions and unit versions are used to manage the hardware and software in NY-series Con-
trollers and EtherCAT slaves. The hardware revision or unit version is updated each time there is a
change in hardware or software specifications. Even when two Units or EtherCAT slaves have the
same model number, they will have functional or performance differences if they have different hard-
ware revisions or unit versions.
Checking Versions
You can check versions on the ID information indications or with the Sysmac Studio.
ID information indication
Unit version
1 Right-click CPU Rack under Configurations and Setup - CPU/Expansion Racks in the
Multiview Explorer and select Production Information.
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.
18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Click the Show Detail or Show Outline Button at the lower right of the Production Information
Dialog Box.
The view will change between the production information details and outline.
The information that is displayed is different for the Outline View and Detail View. The Detail View
displays the unit version, hardware revision, and other versions. The Outline View displays only the
unit version.
1 Double-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer. Or, right-
click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup and select Edit from the menu.
The EtherCAT Tab Page is displayed.
2 Right-click the master on the EtherCAT Tab Page and select Display Production Information.
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.
The unit version is displayed after “Rev.”
1 Click the Show Detail or Show Outline Button at the lower right of the Production Information
Dialog Box.
The view will change between the production information details and outline.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 19
Network Configurator
CPU Unit Sysmac Studio
for EtherNet/IP
Version 3.59 Version 1.16
Model Version Version 3.60 Version 1.17
or lower or lower
NY52- Version 1.12 NA OK NA OK
or later
20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Related Manuals
Related Manuals
The followings are the manuals related to this manual. Use these manuals for reference.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 21
Related Manuals
22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Revision History
Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front and back covers of the
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 23
Revision History
24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-1
1 Introduction
1-1 Introduction
1-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
1-1 Introduction
Tag Data Links
Cyclic communications between Controllers or between Controllers and other devices are possible
on an EtherNet/IP network. Tag data links can quickly perform data exchanges.
Message Communications
You can send CIP commands to devices on the EtherNet/IP network when required by execution of
CIP communications instructions in a program. As a result, it is possible to send and receive data
with devices on the EtherNet/IP network.
Built-in FTP Server for File Transfers to and from Host Computers
An FTP server is built into the Controller. You can use it to read and write data within the Controller
as files from workstations and computers with FTP clients. The FTP server enables the transfer of
large amounts of data from a client without any additional ladder programming.
Socket Services
Socket services can be used to send/receive data between general-purpose applications and Con-
trollers. You can use these communications services to send and receive any data to and from
remote nodes, i.e., between host computers and Controllers or between Controllers. You can exe-
cute socket communications instructions in order in a program to execute communications pro-
cesses with the socket services. There are two socket services, the UDP socket service and TCP
socket service.
Host Names
You can directly specify IP addresses, but you can also use the host names instead of the IP
addresses for SNMP managers, or the destinations of socket instructions and CIP communications
instructions (DNS client or hosts settings). This is useful, for example, when server IP addresses
change for system revisions because the IP addresses are automatically found when host names
are used.
* A separate DNS server is necessary to use host names with the DNS client.
* The DNS server is specified directly using its IP address.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-3
1 Introduction
Additional Information
1-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
The following products are also required to build a network. Obtain them in advance.
CJ2 (built-in EtherNet/IP port)
CJ-series EtherNet/IP Unit*
CS-series EtherNet/IP Unit
(2) Twisted-pair cable The twisted-pair cable has a RJ45 Modular Connector
at each end. This cable is used to connect the built-in
EtherNet/IP port or EtherNet/IP Unit to an Ethernet
switch. Use an STP (shielded twisted-pair) cable of cat-
egory 5, 5e, or higher.
(3) Ethernet switch This is a relay device that connects multiple nodes in a
star LAN. For details on recommended devices to con-
figure a network, refer to 2-1-1 Recommended Network
* The CJ1W-EIP21 can be mounted only to an NJ-series CPU Unit with unit version 1.01 or later and Sysmac Stu-
dio version 1.02 or higher.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-5
1 Introduction
Additional Information
You can also use the Sysmac Studio to set the tag data links. Refer to A-2 Use the Sysmac Stu-
dio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) for details on setting the tag data links in
the Sysmac Studio.
1-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
1-3-1 Specifications
Item NY52- 1
Unit version 1.12 or later
Communications protocol TCP/IP or UDP/IP
1-3-1 Specifications
Sysmac Studio connection, tag data link, CIP message communi-
Supported services cations, socket services, FTP server, FTP client, SNMP agent,
DNS client, and BOOTP client
Number of ports 1 (With IP routing function)
100Base-TX, 10Base-T or 1000Base-T (1000Base-T or 100Base-
Physical layer
TX is recommended.) *1
Media access CSMA/CD
Modulation Baseband
Transmission Star form
Transmission Baud rate 1,000 Mbps (1000Base-T)
specifications Transmission Shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable, Category 5, 5e, or higher
Transmission dis- 100 m max. (distance between hub and node)
Number of cascade There is no limitation when an Ethernet switch is used.
Number of connec- 128
1 to 10,000 ms in 1-ms increments
Packet interval Packet intervals can be set independently for each connection.
(refresh cycle) (Data is refreshed over the network at the preset interval and does
CIP service: Tag not depend on the number of nodes.)
data links (cyclic Allowed communi- 20,000 pps *2
communications) cations bandwidth
Note The heartbeat is included.
per Unit
Number of regis- 256
trable tags
Network variables
Tag types
CIO, Work, Holding, DM, and EM Areas cannot be used.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-7
1 Introduction
Item NY52-
Unit version 1.12 or later
Number of tags per 8 (7 tags when the tag set contains the Controller status)
connection (= 1 tag
Maximum link data 184,832 bytes
size per node
1,444 bytes *3
Maximum data size Data concurrency is maintained within each connection. Refer to
per connection 7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data for methods to maintain
CIP service: Tag concurrency.
data links (cyclic Number of regis- 128 (1 connection = 1 tag set)
communications) trable tag sets
Maximum size of 1 722 words (The Controller status uses 1 word when the tag set
tag set contains the Controller status.)
Changing tag data Supported *4
link parameters
when Controller is
in RUN mode
Multi-cast packet Supported
filter *5
Class 3 (con- Number of connections: 64 (clients + servers)
UCMM (uncon- Number of clients that can communicate at one time: 32 max.
nected) Number of servers that can communicate at one time: 32 max.
CIP message ser- Supported.
vice: Explicit mes-
CIP routing is supported for the following remote Units: NY52-
sages *6
, NX701-, NJ501-, NJ301-,
CIP routing NJ101-, CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-CPU-EIP,
and CJ2M-CPU3.
Using a combination of any Units above, communication can be
extended up to a maximum of 8 levels.
Agents SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c
EtherNet/IP conformance test Conforms to CT13
10Base-T, 100Base-TX, or 1000Base-T
Ethernet interface
Auto negotiation or fixed settings
1-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
1-3-1 Specifications
BOOTP client UDP 68
HTTP server TCP 80
Used by system, other TCP/UDP 9600 You can change the port number in
FTP client control port TCP 21 the Unit Settings on the Sysmac
SNMP agent UDP 161
SNMP trap UDP 162
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-9
1 Introduction
ID information indication
1-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
LINK/ACT 10/100/1000
Additional Information
When the built-in EtherNet/IP port is set to disable, all the indicators will not light. Refer to 5-1
TCP/IP Settings Display for the information on setting the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-11
1 Introduction
Internal port
Connection Information
• Target IP address
• Target tag set
• Originator tag set
• Packet interval (RPI) Connection
Tag a Tag i
Tag b Tag ii
Data flow
Tag c
Tag g
1-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
Communications Services
CIP Message Communications
1-4 Introduction to
User-specified CIP commands can be sent to devices on the EtherNet/IP network. CIP commands,
such as those for reading and writing data, can be sent and their responses received by executing the
CIP communications instructions from the user program in the NY-series Controller.
NY-series Industrial PC
Controller Windows
C IP _ S E N D
By specifying a route path, you can send CIP messages (CIP commands and responses) to a device
on another CIP-based network segment via a built-in EtherNet/IP port or the EtherNet/IP Unit (CIP rout-
ing function for message communications). The maximum number of levels of CIP routing via the ports
is eight for any combination of CS, CJ, NJ, NX, and NY-series Controller. Note that the number of levels
of IP routing using an L3 Ethernet switch is not counted in the number of levels of CIP routing via the
In addition, CIP messages can be routed between Windows installed in an NY-series Industrial PC and
devices on an EtherNet/IP network via the internal ports and the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the Con-
NY-series Industrial PC
Controller communications Windows
Internal port
CIP response
Additional Information
In CIP routing, a node (Unit) that routes information subtracts the equivalent of one hop from the
timeout, deletes its own address from the route information, and relays the information to the
next node (Unit).
When a timeout is specified, the timeout for the actual request service processing is set in the
last hop. In the case of relay hops, the timeout for the relay route must be added to the timeout
for the request.
OMRON products that support CIP subtract 5 seconds per hop.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-13
1 Introduction
1-4-3 IP Routing
The two built-in EtherNet/IP ports on the NY-series Controller both have the IP routing function. The IP
routing function sends IP packets to other network segments based on the routing information set in the
IP router table.
To communicate with devices on other network segments, you must set the IP router table and default
gateway settings for the NY-series Controller and each device on the network appropriately for your
network configuration.
The following figure is an example of communications between the Controller in an NY-series Industrial
PC and an NJ-series Controller on a different network segment. Here, you need to set the route infor-
mation for communicating via the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the NX-series Controller in the IP router
table and default gateway settings for the Controller in an NY-series Industrial PC.
NY-series Industrial PC
IP router
Controller IP router
IP address:
The NY-series Controller provides the following functions related to the IP routing function.
Refer to 5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display for the procedure to set each function.
1-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
Communications Services
IP Forward Function
1-4 Introduction to
This function transfers IP packets received from a network to another network.
It allows the Controller in an NY-series Industrial PC to relay IP packets between the internal com-
munications network and machine networks. IP packets are transferred between the internal ports
and the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the Controller to be relayed to a different network.
NY-series Industrial PC
1-4-3 IP Routing
Built-in EtherNet/IP port Internal port
Ethernet port
If the internal communications network needs to be divided from machine networks for security rea-
sons, you can set this function to disable the transfer of IP packets. When the transfer of IP packets
is disabled, the function discards IP packets that are not destined to the Controller.
NY-series Industrial PC
Additional Information
You can route IP packets to EtherNet/IP devices on a network segment different from that where
Windows in an NY-series Industrial PC is located.
In this case, you need the IP routing and default gateway settings in Windows.
NY-series Industrial PC
Internal communications Windows
Controller network
Network address: IP router table
Internal port
IP router
IP address:
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-15
1 Introduction
NAT Function
This function converts the source IP address in IP packets to a different IP address when relaying IP
packets from one network to another.
Enabling the NAT function allows the built-in EtherNet/IP port to automatically convert the source IP
address in IP packets to its IP address.
You can disable the NAT function if there is no need to convert the source IP address in IP packets.
Converts IP address
NY-series Industrial PC
1-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
Communications Services
1-4-4 BOOTP Client
1-4 Introduction to
You set the built-in EtherNet/IP port in the BOOTP settings to use the BOOTP client to obtain settings,
such as the built-in EtherNet/IP port IP address.
BOOTP server
BOOTP command Ethernet
Built-in Built-in
BOOTP client
The built-in EtherNet/IP port IP address is obtained
from the BOOTP server when the power is turned ON.
(FTP client)
Virtual SD Virtual SD
Memory Memory
Card Card
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-17
1 Introduction
(FTP sever)
Virtual SD Virtual SD
Memory Memory
Card Card
1-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
Communications Services
1-4-7 Socket Service
1-4 Introduction to
You can send data to and receive data from any node on Ethernet with the UDP or TCP protocol. To
send/receive data with a socket service, you execute multiple socket communications instructions in
sequence in an ST program to execute the required communications processes. After a connection
with the other communications device is opened with an open instruction, the values of the variables
that are specified for the send instruction are sent and the data that was received for a receive instruc-
tion is stored in the specified variables. The connection is closed with a close instruction, and communi-
cations end. For TCP, you can also read the socket status and received data. You can use a total of 16 1
TCP ports and UDP ports.
NY-series Controller
IP address Ethernet
Host name
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-19
1 Introduction
SNMP Agent
The SNMP agent passes internal status information from the built-in EtherNet/IP port to network man-
agement software that uses an SNMP manager.
SNMP message
information Device that supports SNMP
SNMP Traps
When specific conditions occur, the built-in EtherNet/IP port that is set as the SNMP agent sends
status notification reports to the SNMP manager. The SNMP manager can learn about changes in
status even without periodically monitoring of the built-in EtherNet/IP port. Status notification reports
are sent under the following conditions.
• When the Controller is turned ON
• When links are established
• When an SNMP agent fails to be authorized
SNMP manager
Trap turned ON.
SNMP agent
1-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
Basic Operation
Section 2 Installing Ethernet
1 Wire the Ethernet network with twisted-pair cable. Networks
Section 4 Determining IP
2 Set the built-in EtherNet/IP port IP address with the Sysmac Studio. Addresses
1. Use the Sysmac Studio to create a new project.
2. Set the local IP address in one of the following ways:
• Defaults:
Built-in EtherNet/IP port 1 :
(subnet mask =
Internal port :
(subnet mask =
1 Import the variable settings for the tags that were created on the
7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag
Sysmac Studio to the Network Configurator.
Section 7 Tag Data Link
2 Use the Network Configurator to create the tag data link table. Functions
• Create the network configuration.
• Set the tags, tag sets, and connections.
5 Start the tag data links (the links starts automatically when power is
turned ON).
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-21
1 Introduction
6 Check operation.
1-3-2 Part Names and Func-
• Check the built-in EtherNet/IP port indicators. Section 14 Checking Com-
• Use the Sysmac Studio to check the communications status with the All Tag munications Status of Net-
Data Link Communications Status system-defined variable. work and Troubleshooting
• Use the monitor function of the Network Configurator to confirm that the tag
data links are in normal operation.
2 Check operation.
1-3-2 Part Names and Func-
• Use the Sysmac Studio to check the communications status with the end codes Section 14 Checking Com-
of the instruction (Done, Error, and ErrorID). munications Status of Net-
work and Troubleshooting
2 Check operation.
• Use the Sysmac Studio to check the communications status with the end codes
of the instruction (Done, Error, and ErrorID).
1 Use the Sysmac Studio to set the initial settings of the EtherNet/IP
Section 10 FTP Server
Function Module.
• Set the FTP settings (enabling FTP, login name, and password).
1-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
1 Introduction
2 Check operation.
• Use the Sysmac Studio to check the communications status with the end codes 1
of the instruction (Done, Error, and ErrorID).
1 Use the Sysmac Studio to set the initial settings of the EtherNet/IP
Section 12 SNMP Agent
Function Module.
• Set the SNMP settings.
• Set the SNMP trap settings.
2 Check operation.
• Check the event log to see if the SNMP agent started.
2 Check operation.
• Check the event log to see if BOOTP started.
• Check the Online system-defined variable.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 1-23
1 Introduction
1-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Installing Ethernet Networks
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-1
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
Ethernet Switches
2-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
Multicast Filtering
Multicast filtering transfers multicast packets to the specific nodes only. This function is implemented
in the Ethernet switch as IGMP snooping or GMRP. “Specific nodes” are nodes equipped with an
IGMP client that have made transfer requests to the Ethernet switch. (OMRON built-in EtherNet/IP
ports are equipped with an IGMP client.) When the Ethernet switch does not use multicast filtering,
multicast packets are sent to all nodes, just like broadcast packets, which increases the traffic in the
network. Settings must be made in the Ethernet switch to enable this function. There must be
enough multicast filters for the network.
Additional Information
If the Network Configurator is used to set the connection type in the connection settings to a mul-
ticast connection, multicast packets are used. If the connection type is set to a point-to-point con-
nection, multicast packets are not used.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-3
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
2-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-5
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
• 10Base-T or 100Base-TX
Connect the cable shields to the connector hoods as described in either a) or b) below.
a) Connecting the shields at both ends of the cable
Connect the shields at both ends of the cables to connector hoods.
2-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
Ethernet switches
Connect shield to connector hood
GR Connector
(Shield) FG
b) Connecting the shields on the Ethernet switch side only
Ethernet switches
Connect shield to connector hood
Connector Do not connect shield to connector hood
NY-series Industrial PC
EtherNet/IP port
Clamp core
STP Connector
(Shield) FG
Additional Information
Noise immunity may be reduced and device damage may occur due to ground loops, which can
occur due to improper shield connections and grounding methods. When using a baud rate of
100 Mbps or less, it may be possible to alleviate this problem by connecting only the Ethernet
switch side as described in b), rather than connecting both ends as described in a).
• 1000Base-T
Connect the shields at the both ends of the cable to respective connector hoods. This connec-
tion is required with 1000Base-T to ensure compliance with EMC standards.
Ethernet switches
Connect shield to connector hood
GR Connector
NY-series Industrial PC
EtherNet/IP port
STP Connector
(Shield) FG
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-7
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
ESD-SR-250 dimensions
13 dia. max.
31.5 38.0
port on Attach close to the cable
NY-series connection as shown.
2-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
• Some Ethernet switches can automatically distinguish between MDI and MDI-X. When this kind of
Ethernet switch is used, straight cable can be used between Ethernet switches.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-9
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
Signal direc-
Connector pin Signal name Abbr.
1 Transmission data + TD+ Output
2 Transmission data – TD− Output
3 Reception data + RD+ Input
4 Not used. --- ---
5 Not used. --- ---
6 Reception data – RD− Input
7 Not used. --- ---
8 Not used. --- ---
Signal direc-
Connector pin Signal name Abbr.
1 Communication data DA+ BI_DA+ Input/output
2 Communication data DA− BI_DA− Input/output
3 Communication data DB+ BI_DB+ Input/output
4 Communication data DC+ BI_DC+ Input/output
5 Communication data DC− BI_DC− Input/output
6 Communication data DB− BI_DB− Input/output
7 Communication data DD+ BI_DD+ Input/output
8 Communication data DD− BI_DD− Input/output
2-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 2-11
2 Installing Ethernet Networks
2-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
System-defined Variables Related
to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-1
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
3-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-3
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP1_PortErr Communications This is the error status variable for the WORD 16#0000 to page 3-14
Port1 Error communications port. 16#00F0
It represents the collective status of the
following error flags.
• _EIP1_MacAdrErr (Port1 MAC Address
• _EIP1_LanHwErr (Port1 Communications
Controller Error)
• _EIP1_EtnCfgErr (Port1 Basic Ethernet Set-
ting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr (Port1 IP Address Set-
ting Error)
• _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr (Port1 IP Address
Duplication Error)
• _EIP1_BootpErr (Port1 BOOTP Server
• _EIP_DNSCfgErr (DNS Setting Error)
• _EIP_DNSSrvErr (DNS Server Connection
• _EIP_IPRTblErr (IP Route Table Error)
3-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_TcpAppErr TCP Application This is the error status variable for TCP appli- WORD 16#0000 to page 3-15
Communications cation communications. 16#00F0
Error It represents the collective status of the
following error flags.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-5
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr Port1 IP Address Set- Indicates the IP address setting errors for BOOL TRUE or page 3-17
ting Error the communications port 1. FALSE
• There is an illegal IP address
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from
the BOOTP server is incon-
FALSE: Normal
_EIPIn1_IPAdrCfgErr Internal Port1 IP Indicates the IP address setting errors for BOOL TRUE or page 3-17
Address Setting Error the internal port 1. FALSE
• There is an illegal IP address
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from
the BOOTP server is incon-
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_IPAdrDupErr IP Address Duplica- NY-series Controller: Indicates that the BOOL TRUE or page 3-17
tion Error same IP address is assigned to more than FALSE
one node for the communications port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP1_IPAdrDupErr Port1 IP Address Indicates that the same IP address is BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
Duplication Error assigned to more than one node for the FALSE
communications port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIPIn1_IPAdrDupErr Internal Port1 IP Indicates that the same IP address is BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
Address Duplication assigned to more than one node for the FALSE
Error internal port 1.
TRUE: Duplication occurred.
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP_DNSCfgErr DNS Setting Error Indicates that the DNS or hosts settings BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
are incorrect. Or, a read operation failed. FALSE
TRUE: Setting incorrect or read failed
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_BootpErr BOOTP Server Error NY-series Controller: Indicates that a BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
BOOTP server connection failure FALSE
occurred on the communications port 1.
TRUE: There was a failure to connect to
the BOOTP server (timeout).
FALSE: The BOOTP is not enabled, or
BOOTP is enabled and an IP
address was normally obtained
from the BOOTP server.
_EIP1_BootpErr Port1 BOOTP Server Indicates that a BOOTP server connection BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
Error failure occurred on the communications FALSE
port 1.
TRUE: There was a failure to connect to
the BOOTP server (timeout).
FALSE: The BOOTP is not enabled, or
BOOTP is enabled and an IP
address was normally obtained
from the BOOTP server.
3-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_IPRTblErr IP Route Table Error NY-series Controller: Indicates that the BOOL TRUE or page 3-18
default gateway settings or IP router table FALSE
settings are incorrect.
Or, a read operation failed.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-7
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_TcpAppCfgErr TCP Application TRUE: At least one of the set values for a BOOL TRUE or page 3-20
Setting Error TCP application (FTP, NTP, FALSE
SNMP) is incorrect. Or, a read
operation failed.
FALSE: Normal
_EIP_NTPSrvErr NTP Server Connec- Always FALSE for an NY-series Control- BOOL TRUE or page 3-20
tion Error ler. FALSE
_EIP_DNSSrvErr DNS Server Connec- TRUE: The DNS client failed to connect to BOOL TRUE or page 3-20
tion Error the server (timeout). FALSE
FALSE: DNS is not enabled. Or, DNS is
enabled and the connection was
Additional Information
3-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Bit Meaning
Note Bits 14 and 15 are never TRUE for the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta Online NY-series Controller: Indicates that the BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
built-in EtherNet/IP port’s communications FALSE
can be used via the communications port
1 (that is, the link is ON, IP address is
defined, and there are no errors).
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications can be used.
FALSE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications is disabled due
to an error in initial processing,
restart processing, or link OFF
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-9
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP1_EtnOnlineSta Port1 Online Indicates that the built-in EtherNet/IP BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
port’s communications can be used via FALSE
the communications port 1 (that is, the link
is ON, IP address is defined, and there
are no errors).
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications can be used.
FALSE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications is disabled due
to an error in initial processing,
restart processing, or link OFF
_EIPIn1_EtnOnlin- Internal Port1 Online Indicates that the built-in EtherNet/IP BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
eSta port’s communications can be used via FALSE
the internal port 1 (that is, the link is ON,
IP address is defined, and there are no
TRUE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications can be used.
FALSE: The built-in EtherNet/IP port’s
communications is disabled due
to an error in initial processing,
restart processing, or link OFF
_EIP_TDLinkRunSta Tag Data Link Com- NY-series Controller: Indicates that at BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
munications Status least one connection is in normal opera- FALSE
tion in CIP communications 1.
TRUE: Normal operation
FALSE: Other than the above.
_EIP_TDLinkAllRun- All Tag Data Link NY-series Controller: Indicates that all tag BOOL TRUE or page 3-21
Sta Communications Sta- data links are communicating in CIP com- FALSE
tus munications 1.
TRUE: Tag data links are communicating
in all connections as the origina-
FALSE: An error occurred in at least one
_EIP_RegTargetSta Registered Target NY-series Controller: Gives a list of nodes ARRAY TRUE or page 3-22
[255] Node Information for which built-in EtherNet/IP connections [0..255] OF FALSE
are registered for CIP communications 1. BOOL
This variable is valid only when the built-in
EtherNet/IP port is the originator.
Array[x] is TRUE:
The connection to the node with a tar-
get node ID of x is registered.
Array[x] is FALSE:
The connection to the node with a tar-
get node ID of x is not registered.
_EIP_EstbTargetSta Normal Target Node NY-series Controller: Gives a list of nodes ARRAY TRUE or page 3-22
[255] Information that have normally established Ether- [0..255] OF FALSE
Net/IP connections for CIP communica- BOOL
tions 1.
Array[x] is TRUE:
The connection to the node with a target
node ID of x was established normally.
Array[x] is FALSE:
The connection to the node with a tar-
get node ID of x was not established, or
an error occurred.
3-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_TargetPLC- Target PLC Operat- NY-series Controller: Shows the operating ARRAY TRUE or page 3-22
ModeSta [255] ing Mode status of the target node Controllers that [0..255] OF FALSE
are connected for CIP communications 1, BOOL
with the built-in EtherNet/IP port as the
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-11
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
.ExecTime NTP Last Operation NY-series Controller: No change from the DATE_AND_ Depends on page 3-23
Time initial value. TIME data type.
.ExecNormal NTP Operation Result NY-series Controller: No change from the BOOL TRUE or page 3-23
initial value. FALSE
Additional Information
Range of
Variable name Meaning Function Data type Reference
_EIP_TDLinkStart- Tag Data Link Com- NY-series Controller: Change this variable BOOL TRUE or page 3-23
Cmd munications Start to TRUE to start tag data links for CIP FALSE
Switch communications 1.
It automatically changes back to FALSE
after tag data link operation starts.
3-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Variable name This is the system-defined variable name. The prefix Members The member names are given for
gives the category name. structure variables.
Meaning This is the meaning of the variable. Global/local Global: Global variable, Local: Local
Function The function of the variable is described.
Data type The data type of the variable is given. Range of values The range of values that the vari-
able can take is given.
R/W access R: Read only, Retained The Retain attri- Network Publish The Network Publish attribute of the
RW: Read/write bute of the vari- variable is given. 3
able is given.
Usage in user program Whether you Related instruc- The instructions that are related to the variable are given.
can use the vari- tions If you cannot use the variable directly in the user program, the instructions
able directly in that access the variable are given.
the user pro-
gram is speci-
Note Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status bits.
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related instruc- You can access this variable from the user program with the following
tions instruction.
• GetEIPError
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-13
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in EtherNet/IP Processing Error occurs, it is recorded in the event log and
then corresponding bit turns ON. Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related instruc- You can access this variable from the user program with the following
tions instruction.
• GetEIPError
Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in EtherNet/IP Processing Error occurs, it is recorded in the event log and
then corresponding bit turns ON. Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related instruc- You can access this variable from the user program with the following
tions instruction.
• GetEIPError
3-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Note If a Link OFF Detected or Built-in EtherNet/IP Processing Error occurs, it is recorded in the event log and
then corresponding bit turns ON. Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related You can access this variable from the user program with the following instruction.
gram instructions • GetEIPError 3
Variable name _EIP_CipErr
Meaning CIP Communications Error Global/local Global
Function This is the error status variable for CIP communications.
Note If a Tag Name Resolution Error occurs, it is recorded in the event log and this variable changes to TRUE.
Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status bits.
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related instruc- You can access this variable from the user program with the following
tions instruction.
• GetEIPError
Note Refer to Meanings of Error Status Bits for the meanings of the error status bits.
Data type WORD Range of values 16#0000 to 16#00F0
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related You can access this variable from the user program with the following instruc-
instructions tion.
• GetEIPError
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-15
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
3-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Variable name _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr
Meaning Port1 IP Address Setting Error Global/local Global
Function Indicates the IP address setting errors for the communications port 1.
TRUE: • There is an illegal IP address setting.
• A read operation failed.
• The IP address obtained from the BOOTP server is inconsistent.
FALSE: Normal
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user program Possible. Related ---
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-17
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
3-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-19
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
3-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
gram instructions
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3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
3-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Data type ARRAY [0..255] OF BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions
Note Do not force this switch to change to FALSE from the user program or from the Sysmac Studio. It changes to
FALSE automatically.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R/W Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions
Note Do not force this switch to change to FALSE from the user program or from the Sysmac Studio. It changes to
FALSE automatically.
Data type BOOL Range of values TRUE or FALSE
R/W access R/W Retained Not retained. Network Publish Published.
Usage in user pro- Possible. Related ---
gram instructions
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 3-23
3 System-defined Variables Related to the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
3-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Determining IP Addresses
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-1
4 Determining IP Addresses
4-1 IP Addresses
Bit 31 15 0
Class B 1 0 Network ID (14 bits) Host ID (16 bits)
Bit 31 7 0
Class C 1 1 0 Network ID (21 bits) Host ID (8 bits)
Bit 31 0
Class D 1 1 1 0 Multicast address (Cannot be used.)
Bit 31 0
Class E 1 1 1 1 Experimental address (Cannot be used.)
The number of networks in each class and the number of hosts possible on the network differ according
to the class.
Class Number of networks Number of hosts
Class A Small 224−2 max. (16,777,214 max.)
Class B Medium 216−2 max. (65,534 max.)
Class C Large 28−2 max. (254 max.)
The 32 bits of binary data in an IP address are divided into four sections of eight bits each. IP
addresses are represented by the decimal equivalent of each of the four octets in the 32-bit address,
each separated by a period.
For example, the binary address 10000010 00111010 00010001 00100000 would be represented as
4-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses
4-1 IP Addresses
works, the host ID in the IP address is divided into a subnet ID and a host ID by using a setting called
the subnet mask. The subnet mask indicates which part of the host ID is to be used as the subnet ID.
All bits in the subnet mask that correspond to the bits in the IP address used either as the network ID or
subnet ID are set to “1,” and the remaining bits, which correspond to the bits in the IP address actually
used for the host ID, are set to “0.”
The following example shows the subnet mask for an 8-bit subnet ID used in class-B IP addresses.
Class B
Bit 31
1 0 Network number (14 bits)
Host number (16 bits)
Subnet mask 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FF FF FF 00
Set the same subnet mask for all of the nodes on that subnetwork. The built-in EtherNet/IP port sup-
ports CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing). The subnet mask can be set to to If subnetworks are not used, set the following subnet mask values for IP address
classes A to C.
A network address is information derived from a subnet mask and used to identify each network. A net-
work address enables users to determine whether multiple nodes belong to the same network. A net-
work address is calculated by performing a logical AND operation on the IP address and subnet mask
of a node.
The following are examples of network address calculation.
In this example, the IP address of node 1 is set to, the IP address of node 2 is set to, and the subnet mask is set to The network addresses of the two nodes
are calculated as follows.
• Calculating network address of node 1
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-3
4 Determining IP Addresses
As shown in the above table, node 1 and node 2 have the same network address, which means these
nodes belong to the same network.
4-1-4 CIDR
CIDR, or classless interdomain routing, is used to assign IP addresses that do not use classes. IP
addresses that use classes are separated into blocks according to network IDs and host IDs, resulting
in inefficient usage of IP address space. CIDR does not use classes, so IP address space can be
divided as required to more efficiently use IP address space. For example, using a subnet mask setting
with CIDR enables building a horizontally distributed network exceeding 254 nodes even if a class C
address block (e.g., 192, 168...) is used.
Subnet Mask Range to
4-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses
BOOTP client
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-5
4 Determining IP Addresses
Additional Information
You can also set these IP addresses by using the Industrial PC Support Utility, instead of the
Sysmac Studio.
Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Setup User’s Manual (Cat. No.
W568) for information on setting the IP addresses with the Industrial PC Support Utility.
2 Connect the Sysmac Studio to the NY-series Controller via a USB connection or the Ethernet
3 Connect the Sysmac Studio online to the NY-series Controller. Refer to 4-2-3 Online Connection
for the procedure to connect online.
4 Use one of the following methods to download the IP addresses that were set on the Sysmac
Studio to the NY-series Controller.
• Go online with the Controller, and then select Synchronization from the Controller Menu.
The data on the computer and the data in the physical Controller are compared automatically.
• Click the Transfer to Controller Button.
Note Use the Synchronization Menu of the Sysmac Studio to upload and download data.
4-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses
5 After the IP address settings are downloaded, the IP address is reflected in the NY-series Con-
troller as follows:
Obtaining the IP Address from the BOOTP Server Each Time the Power Is Turned ON
Obtaining the IP Address from the BOOTP Server Once When the Power Is Turned ON
and Then Not Allow It to Change
After the I/O address is downloaded, the IP address from the BOOTP server is automatically
saved in the Controller and then the same address is used.
Additional Information
• The TCP/IP Settings Display is not updated even if the IP address is obtained normally from
the BOOTP server. To check the IP address that was obtained from the BOOTP server on the
TCP/IP Display, upload the project from the NY-series Controller.
• If you cannot obtain the IP address from the BOOTP server, the Fix at the IP address obtained
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-7
4 Determining IP Addresses
Ethernet Connection
Direct Connection via Ethernet (1:1 Connection
Ethernet Connection via Hub (1: N Connection)
with AutoIP)
Additional Information
4-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses
1 Select Controller - Communications Setup and click the OK Button in the Sysmac Studio
Project Window.
1:1 Connection 1:N Connection
Direct Connection Ethernet Connection
Additional Information
If there is an error in the set IP address, an IP Address Setting Error is recorded in the event log.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-9
4 Determining IP Addresses
Additional Information
• If you obtain the IP address from the BOOTP server, you can check the obtained IP address
by synchronizing and uploading the controller settings from the Sysmac Studio.
• If the IP address of the built-in EtherNet/IP port is not registered due to the following reasons,
the IP address field shows “”.
• The IP address was not obtained from the BOOTP server.
4-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses
Generally, as shown below, global addresses in the intranet are allocated only to IP routers (such as
broadband routers) interfaced with the Internet. All other nodes in the intranet, which includes the built-
in EtherNet/ IP port, are allocated private addresses.
Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)
Firewall Controller
Private address
IP router
Private address
Global address
IP router Private address
Private address Personal computer
(e.g., Sysmac Studio)
Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)
Controller Controller
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-11
4 Determining IP Addresses
CIP client on a Explicit message
computer, such as
Sysmac Studio or
Network Configurator
Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)
Communications in intranet
IP router
Built-in EtherNet/IP port: Private address
Explicit message
IP router CIP client on a computer,
such as Sysmac Studio
or Network Configurator
Communications in intranet
Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)
Controller Controller
Communications in
Built-in EtherNet/IP port: Private address Built-in EtherNet/IP port: Private address
4-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
4 Determining IP Addresses
Communications Firewall
over Internet
Private address
IP router
Global address
IP router Private address
Private address
Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 4-13
4 Determining IP Addresses
4-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Sysmac Studio Settings for the
Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-1
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
*1 These settings are required if you set IP address setting method to Fixed setting.
*2 Refer to 4-2 Controller IP Address Settings for details on setting IP addresses.
Subnet mask *1 Set the subnet mask for the internal port.
*1 Refer to 2-1-4 Precautions for Ethernet Switch Selection for details on setting IP addresses.
5-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Keep Alive
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-3
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Default Gateway
*1 Even if you select Fixed setting for both EtherNet/IP port and internal port, you can only set the default gate-
way for one of the ports.
IP Router Table
Additional Information
5-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Port Forward
Packet Filter
Subnet mask*4 Set the subnet mask for which you permit reception. None
Protocol Select any, tcp, udp, igmp, or icmp. any
Range specifica- If you set Protocol to tcp or udp, specify whether to set a range of No check
tion port numbers for which you permit reception.
• Selected
Range specification is enabled. Specify a range by setting the
items Port A and Port B.
• No check
Range specification is disabled. Set an individual port number in
the item Port A.
Port A Set the starting IP address of the range for which you permit recep- None
Port B Set the ending IP address of the range for which you permit recep- None
tion. You need to set this only if you selected Range specification.
*1 By default, only the reception of IP packets transmitted from a network to which the internal port belongs (on
the Windows side) is permitted.
*2 Specify the IP address by setting the items IP address and Subnet mask.
*3 This indicates a network to which the IP address for the internal port belongs. Unlike IP address specification,
you do not need to change this setting even if you change the IP address for the internal port after setting this.
*4 You need to set this item only if you set Specification method to IP address specification.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-5
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
5-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Additional Information
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-7
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
SNMP Service
Setting Description Default
SNMP service Specify whether to use the SNMP monitor service.*1 Do not use.
If not using the SNMP monitor service is specified, an
SNMP manager cannot connect from an external
Port No.*2 Set the port number to use to connect to the SMTP 161
server that is used to connect from an SNMP man-
ager. This setting does not normally need to be
Address Set the communications device administrator name None
Location and installation location as text information. You do not None
necessarily have to input all items. This information is
read by the SNMP manager. (You can input up to 255
single-byte alphanumeric characters for each item.)
Send a recognition trap Set whether to send an authentication trap. If you Do not use.
select Send a recognition trap and there is access
from an SNMP manager that is not set in Recognition
1 or Recognition 2, an authentication trap is sent to the
SNMP manager. If you select Send a recognition trap,
specify the SNMP trap settings on the SNMP Trap Tab
*1 If you specify to use the SNMP trap, you also have to set the recognition 1 and 2 as described below.
*2 The following ports are used by the system and cannot be set by the user: 25, 53, 68, 110, 2222, 2223, 2224,
9600, and 44818.
Additional Information
5-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Recognition 1
Setting Description Default
Recognition method Set the method to use to specify SNMP managers for which IP address
access is permitted.
• IP address
• Host name
Make these settings to permit access by only certain SNMP
managers. Access is not allowed unless an IP address or host
name is set.
IP address Set the IP address of the SNMP manager. If the default setting None
of is used, access is permitted from all SNMP manag-
ers. (Set this setting if the recognition method in the recognition
1 settings is set to the IP address Option.)
Recognition 2
Setting Description Default
Recognition 2 Specify whether to use the recognition 2 settings. Do not use.
• Use.
• Do not use.
Recognition method Set the method to use to specify SNMP managers for which IP address
access is permitted.
• IP address
• Host name
Make these settings to permit access by only certain SNMP
managers. Access is not allowed unless an IP address or host
name is set.
IP address Set the IP address of the SNMP manager. If the default setting None
of is used, access is permitted from all SNMP manag-
ers. (Set this setting if the recognition method in the recognition
2 settings is set to the IP address Option.)
Host name Set the host name of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the recognition method in the recognition 2 settings is set to
the Host name Option.) (You can use up to 200 single-byte
alphanumeric characters, dots, and hyphens with up to 63 sin-
gle-byte alphanumeric characters between dots.)
Community name Set the community name to enable the SNMP manager to public
access information from the built-in EtherNet/IP port. (Single-
byte alphanumeric characters, dots, and hyphens: 255 charac-
ters max.)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-9
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Setting Description Default
SNMP trap Specify whether to use the SNMP trap (network error detec- Do not use.
If the SNMP trap service is not used, SNMP traps are not sent
to the SNMP manager.
Port No.*2 Set the port number to use to connect to the SNMP server. It is 162
normally not necessary to change this setting.
*1 If you specify to use the SNMP trap, you also have to set the trap 1 and 2 as describe below.
*2 The following ports are used by the system and cannot be set by the user: 25, 53, 68, 110, 2222, 2223, 2224,
9600, and 44818.
Additional Information
5-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
Trap 1
Setting Description Default
Specifying method Set the specifying method for the SNMP manager destination IP address
for SNMP traps.
• IP address
• Host name
IP address Set the IP address of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the specifying method in the trap 1 settings is set to the IP
address Option.)
Host name Set the host name of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the specifying method in the trap 1 settings is set to the Host
Trap 2
Setting Description Default 5
Trap 2 Specify whether to use the trap 2 settings. Do not use.
• Use.
• Do not use.
Specifying method Set the specifying method for the SNMP manager destination IP address
for SNMP traps.
• IP address
• Host name
IP address Set the IP address of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the specifying method in the trap 2 settings is set to the IP
address Option.)
Host name Set the host name of the SNMP manager. (Set this setting if None
the specifying method in the trap 2 settings is set to the Host
name Option.) (You can use up to 200 single-byte alphanu-
meric characters, dots, and hyphens with up to 63 single-byte
alphanumeric characters between dots.)
Community name Set the community name. (You can use up to 255 single-byte public
alphanumeric characters.)
Version Set the version of the SNMP manager. SNMPv1
• SNMP version 1: SNMPv1
• SNMP version 2C: SNMPv2C
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 5-11
5 Sysmac Studio Settings for the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port
CIP Settings
5-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Testing Communications
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 6-1
6 Testing Communications
Remote node
(e.g., host computer)
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
Echo request
Echo response
6-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
6 Testing Communications
Application Method
Input the following command at the host computer’s prompt ($):
$ ping IP_address (host_name)
The destination is specified by its IP address or host name.
Additional Information
Application Example
In this example, a PING command is sent to the node at IP address The “$” in the exam-
ple represents the host computer prompt.
Normal Execution
$ ping Executes the PING command.
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
Refer to the command reference manual for your computer’s OS for details on using the PING com-
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 6-3
6 Testing Communications
6-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Tag Data Link Functions
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-1
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
You can also use the Sysmac Studio to set the tag data links. Refer to A-2 Use the Sysmac Stu-
dio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) for details on setting the tag data links in
the Sysmac Studio.
With a tag data link, one node requests the connection of a communications line to exchange data with
another node. The node that requests the connection is called the originator, and the node that receives
the request is called the target.
NY-series Controller EtherNet/IP Unit CJ-series CPU Unit
Input Outputs
Tag set name: ABC Tag set name: OUT1
Var_In_a Var-Out1(DM0)
I/O refreshed. • Var_In_a • Var-Out1
Var_In_b • Var_In_b Input tags Output tags • Var-Out2 Var-Out2(DM100)
• Var_In_c • Var-Out3 I/O refreshed.
Var_In_c Var-Out3(DM200)
Originator Target
For communications between Controllers, the connection information is set in the built-in EtherNet/IP
port of the Controller that receives (consumes) the data (i.e., the originator).
Additional Information
For communications between a Controller and an I/O device, the connection information is set in
the built-in EtherNet/IP port that is the originator. If an I/O device is used, the Network Configura-
tor must have an EDS file installed that includes connection information for the I/O device. Refer
to A-3 EDS File Management for the installation procedure.
The output words and input words for each node for which data is exchanged are set in the connection
information. These words are called the output tag set and input tag set. A tag set must specify at least
one tag. The size of the data for data exchange is the total size of the tags included in the tag set. The
size of the output tag set and the size of the input tag set must match.
7-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
A tag is a unit that is used to exchange data with tag data links. Data is exchanged between the local
network variables and remote network variables specified in the tags or between specified I/O memory
Tag Sets
When a connection is established, from 1 to 8 tags (including Controller status) is configured as a tag
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-3
7 Tag Data Link Functions
In the following example, input tags a to g at the originator are a tag set named SP1_IN and output
tags i and ii are a tag set named SP1_OUT. A connection is set between these two tag sets.
Originator device Target Device
IP address: N
Connection information
· Target IP address: N
· Originator tag set: SP1_IN
· Target tag set: SP1_OUT
· Packet interval (RPI)
Tag a Tag i
Tag ii
Tag b
Tag c
Tag g
There are both input (consume) and output (produce) tag sets. Each tag set can contain only input
tags or only output tags. The same input tag cannot be included in more than one input tag set.
7-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
I/O memory
Variable a Variable c
Individual tags
Variable b Variable d
Variable b Variable g
Variable e Variable j
Note To enable a connection, each tag set must include only input tags or only output tags. (Both input and output
tags cannot be included in the same tag set.)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-5
7 Tag Data Link Functions
*1 You can import network variables created in the Sysmac Studio to the Network Configurator as tags.
However, variables with a Network Publish attribute that have variable names that are the same as the I/O
memory address notation, such as “0000” and “H0000” are not exported to CSV files.
*2 The following table lists the variables that you can specify as tags.
7-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
1 Set the Network Publish attribute to Input or Output in the Global Variable Table for the vari-
ables you want to use for tag data links (i.e., as tags).
2 To maintain concurrency in tag data within a tag set, set all tags (i.e., variables with a Network
Publish attribute) within the same tag set as follows:
Set a refreshing task for variables with a Network Publish attribute to maintain concurrency as
described below for tag data link data.
Refer to 7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data for details on the concurrency of tag data link
Additional Information
In the setting of the following tag data link parameter, the specifications of the settable numbers
and the ranges differ depending on the Controller or the version of the Controller. For details,
refer to 1-3-1 Specifications.
2 Setting Tags
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-7
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Create Controller variables for input (consume) tags and output (produce) tags. You can import
and export network variables that are created on the Sysmac Studio to CSV files. This allows
you to register them as tags on the Network Configurator. Output tags can be defined to clear
output data to 0 or to hold the output data from before the error when a fatal error occurs in the
4 Setting Connections
Link the output tag sets for the target device and the input tag sets for the originator device as
7-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
• To calculate the number of connections of each connection type, refer to 13-1-2 Calculating
the Number of Connections.
• If the maximum number of connections is exceeded, you must review the number of connec-
tions for the built-in EtherNet/IP port, or the number of nodes. When you use an NJ-series
CPU Unit, you can also consider adding EtherNet/IP Units.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
* Of the flags in bits 5 to 7 that indicate the current error level, only the flag for the highest error level changes to
TRUE. For example, if a minor fault level Controller error and a major fault level Controller error occur at the
same time, only the flag for the major fault level Controller error (bit 7) will change to TRUE and the flag for the
minor fault level Controller error (bit 5) will remain FALSE.
To receive the Controller status, specify the Controller status for the In - Consume Tab Page in the dia-
log box used to edit the receive tag set. (Select the Include Option for the Controller Status in the upper
right of the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.) When a tag data link is started, the contents of the Controller sta-
tus is stored in the system variables that are given below.
• Target PLC Operating Mode
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-9
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Example: Using an NY-series Controller to send the Target PLC Operating Mode of the Target Node
with an IP Address of
IP address =
_EIP_TargetPLCModeSta (Target PLC Operating Mode)
Value of last byte = 2 1
Target ID = #002
Controller status
NY-series Controller CJ-series CPU Unit
Controller status
Controller status (when included) Controller status (when included)
Controller Status
I/O memory
Variable b Variable g
Variable c Variable h
Additional Information
The target ID may be duplicated depending on the IP addresses of the target nodes. In this case,
it is necessary to change the target ID with the Network Configurator so that the same address is
not used twice. For information on how to change the target node ID, refer to step 4 under 7-2-5
Connection Settings.
7-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
When you use multiple connections to communicate with one specific node, the information in the Con-
troller status is stored in the following variables if the Controller status is specified in the input tags and
the output tags for all connections.
Controller status Variable name Description of operation
Controller Operating Flag Target PLC Operating This flag shows the operation information of the Controller at the
Mode target node.
EIP_TargetPLCModeSta When the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Is the Originator of the Con-
The array element that corresponds to the target ID at the target
is TRUE when all information for all connections of the relevant
target node is shows operating status. You can change the target
ID of the IP address from the Network Configurator. This status
information is enabled when the Controller status is included in
the communications data in both the originator and target node.
This variable is updated when necessary.
Controller Error Flag Target PLC Error Informa- This variable shows the error status (logical OR of fatal and non-
tion fatal errors) of the target node Controllers.
_EIP_TargetPLCErr When the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Is the Originator of the Con-
Additional Information
Even if you specify including the Controller status in the output (produce) tags, you do not neces-
sarily need to include it in the input (consume) tags. If you do not include the Controller status in
an input (consume) tag, the contents of the Controller status is not updated in the Target PLC
Operating Mode and Target PLC Error Information variables, but it is sent in the input (consume)
tag. Therefore, you can use the Controller status data that was received in the input (consume)
tag as receive data.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-11
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
A refreshing task maintains concurrency of the value of a global variable from all tasks that
access that global variable. This is achieved by specifying a single task that can write to that
global variable and not allowing any other task to write to that global variable. For details on
refreshing tasks, refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s
Manual (Cat. No. W558).
7-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
periodic task
Task period
periodic task
Task period
UPG Interrupted.
periodic task
Tag data is read
from the tag set.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-13
7 Tag Data Link Functions
periodic task
Task period
periodic task
Task period
UPG Interrupted.
periodic task
Tag data is read
from the tag set.
Low The values are written to the network variables (tags)
in a system service.
Additional Information
Relationship between Refreshing Tasks and Data Concurrency in Tag Data Links
If you do not specify a refreshing task for global variables in tag data links, the following may
1. When the data is sent for the output tag set, another task may have already written different
values before that data is sent, depending on the timing of the task.
2. When data is received by an input tag set, another task may write different values after that
data is received, depending on the timing of the task.
Therefore, to maintain the concurrency of data in tag data links, you must specify the same
refreshing task on both the output Controller and the input Controller.
NY-series Controller NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
Refreshing Refreshing
task task
Data concurrency is not maintained
unless you assign the same
refreshing task for both the output
and the input tags.
7-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-15
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
You can also use the Sysmac Studio to set the tag data links. Refer to A-2 Use the Sysmac Stu-
dio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) for details on setting the tag data links in
the Sysmac Studio.
Tag data links are set from the Network Configurator. Use the following procedure to start the Network
7-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Main Window
The Main Window consists of a Hardware List and a Network Configuration Pane, as shown in the fol-
lowing diagram.
Hardware List:
To manage two or more networks, you can select Network - Add to add a new Network Configuration
Pane. You can add a new Network Configuration Pane.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-17
7 Tag Data Link Functions
4 Make sure that the tag data links are operating normally by
using the indicators for the built-in EtherNet/IP port (refer
to NYseries Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No.W564)) and
the Network Configurator monitor functions. (Refer to 13-1
Communications System.)
5 Make sure that the output tag data is updated in the input
tags by using the Sysmac Studio’s Watch Tab Page.
Note Refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.
W504) for the procedure.
7-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
1 Register the devices that will participate in the tag data links by dragging the devices from the
Hardware List and dropping them in the Network Configuration Pane on the right. (To drag and
drop an icon, click and hold the left mouse button over the icon, move the icon to the destina-
tion, and release the mouse button.)
You can also select a device in the Hardware List and press the Enter Key to register it. The
icon of the device is displayed in the Network Configuration Pane, as shown in the following dia-
The device names and major CIP revisions (Rev ) are displayed in the hardware list. For NY-series
Controller, device names and major CIP revisions are as shown in the following table.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 Right-click the registered device’s icon to display the pop-up menu, and select Change
UNKNOWN Address.
3 Set the IP address to match the node address (IP address) actually used in the device and click
the OK Button.
4 Repeat steps 1 to 3, and register all of the devices that participate in the tag data links.
7-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
(1) Creating Tags and Tag Sets with the Network Configurator’s
Device Parameter Editing Function
Creating a Tag Set
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-21
7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 Click the Tag Sets Tab at the top of the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box. There are two
kinds of tag sets: input (consume) and output (produce).
7-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
4 Click the In - Consume Tab, and then click the New Button. The Edit Tag Dialog Box is dis-
5 Enter the variable name directly into the Name Box. ( Example: Var_In_a)
Additional Information
• You can use the following characters in tag names. 0 to 9, A to Z, a to z, single-byte kana, _
(underbar), and multi-byte characters (e.g., Japanese)
6 Input the size of the tag in bytes in the Size Field. Input the tag size so that it is the same as the
data type size of the variable. Select the Use Bit Data Check Box and change the bit size to 1 to
use BOOL variables.
7 Click the Regist Button to register the tag. If an I/O memory address is specified for a tag name,
the Edit Tag Dialog Box is displayed with the next consecutive address as the tag name for the
next tag. After you have registered all of the tags, click the Close Button.
8 Click the Out - Produce Tab, and then click the New Button. The Edit Tag Dialog Box is dis-
played. Input the output tag in the same way. Use the Fault Action setting of the output (pro-
duce) tag to specify whether to clear the output data or continue to send it when a major fault
occurs in the Controller.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
The Fault Action setting is not required for input (consume) tag sets.
9 After you register all of the required tags, click the OK Button in the Edit Tags Dialog Box.
7-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
10 At this point, a confirmation dialog box is displayed to check whether the registered tag names
are used as the tag set names. A tag set can contain up to eight tags, but tag sets are registered
with one tag per tag set if the tag names are registered as tag set names. In this case, click the
Yes Button.
If the No Button is clicked, you can add more tags to the tag set. Refer to step 18 for details on
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-25
7 Tag Data Link Functions
12 If an input tag is already registered in an input tag set, and you want to change its registration to
a different input tag set, it is necessary to delete the tag from the tag set in which it was originally
registered. Open the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box, select the tag set containing the tag
that you want to delete on the Tag Sets Tab Page, and click the Delete Button in the Edit Tags
Dialog Box. (If there are other tags registered in that tag set, it is possible to delete just one tag
by selecting the tag that you want to delete in the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box and clicking the
If the No Button is clicked, only the tag set is deleted. Click the No Button.
7-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
13 To edit a registered tag set and add tags, either double-click the tag set, or select the tag set
and click the Edit Button. The Edit Tag Set Dialog Box is displayed.
The Tag List on the left side of the dialog box shows the tags that are already registered, and
the Candidate Tag List on the right side of the dialog box shows the other tags that are not reg-
istered yet. To add a tag, select it in the Candidate Tag List and click the Button.
15 To confirm a change, click the OK Button in the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.
17 If you want to just add new tags and register the tag set, first register the tags with steps 1 to 9. 7
In this example, input tags Var_In_e, Var_In_f are newly added.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
18 After you register all of the required tags, click the OK Button at the bottom of the Edit Tags Dia-
log Box.
19 At this point, a confirmation dialog box is displayed to check whether the registered tag names
are used as the tag set names. Tags are just added in this case, so click the No Button. Just the
tags are registered. The tags are not registered as tag sets.
20 To register the newly added tags in a tag set, either double-click the desired tag set, or select
the tag set and click the Edit Button.
The Tag List on the left side of the dialog box shows the tags that are already registered, and
the Candidate Tag List on the right side of the dialog box shows the other tags that are not reg-
istered yet.
21 Select the tags that you want to add from the Candidate Tag List and click the Button.
You can register up to eight tags in a tag set. (If you include the Controller status in the tag set,
you can register up to only seven tags, and two bytes are added to the size.)
Data is sent and received in the order it is displayed in the tag list. To change the order of a tag,
select the tag and click the Up and Down Buttons ( ).
22 To confirm the changes, click the OK Button at the bottom of the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
1 Double-click the icon of the device registered in the Network Configurator for which you want to
import the variable with a Network Publish attribute to display the Edit Device Parameters Dia-
log Box.
Right-click the icon to display the pop-up menu, and select Device - Parameter - Edit.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 Click the Tag Sets Tab at the top of the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box. Select Import
from File from the To/From File Button.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed that asks you how you want to import the variables as
shown below.
• To import all variables with a Network Publish attribute, click the Yes Button. To import only
some of these variables, click the No Button.
After you import the variables to the tags, click the Yes Button to automatically create tag sets,
or click the No Button to set up tag sets manually.
7-30 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
The variables will be imported as shown below on the Tag Sets Tab Page. Each variable will be
imported into a different tag set and the device parameters will be automatically edited. (The
variable name will be used for the tag set name.)
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
3 You can change tag set names in this dialog box. To confirm a change, click the Regist Button
in the Edit Tag Set Dialog Box.
4 Perform steps 1 to 3 for all the devices to import variables and to create tag sets.
2 Click the Connections Tab in the Edit Device Parameters Dialog Box. All of the devices regis-
tered in the network (except the local node) are displayed.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
3 In the Unregister Device List, click the target device that requires connection settings so its color
changes to gray, and click the Button. The selected target device is displayed in the
Register Device List, as shown in the following diagram.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
1 Click the Connections Tab and then click the New Button. The following Edit Connection Dia-
log Box is displayed according to the type of device that is selected.
Using Other EtherNet/IP Devices as Targets (for Settings Other Than Input
7-34 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Note Refer to 7-1-4 Overview of Operation for details on using multi-cast and unicast
connections, and counting the number of connections.
The Connection Structure Area and the following items are not displayed if the Hide Detail Button is clicked.
Packet Interval (RPI) Set the data update cycle (i.e., the packet interval) of each connection between the
originator and target. The default setting is 50 ms (i.e., data is updated once every 50
1 Click the Connections Tab, and then click the Edit All Button. The following Edit All Connec-
tions Dialog Box is displayed.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
Note Refer to 7-1-4 Overview of Operation for details on using multi-cast and
unicast connections, and counting the number of connections.
RPI Set the data update cycle (i.e., the packet interval) of each connection
between the originator and target. The default setting is 50 ms (i.e., data is
updated once every 50 ms).
Set the RPI to between 1 and 20,000 ms in 1-ms increments.
Timeout Value Set the time until a connection timeout is detected. The timeout value is set
as a multiple of the packet interval (RPI) and can be set to 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 256, or 512 times the packet interval. The default setting is 4 times the
packet interval (RPI).
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
4 If the tag set’s size is changed in either the originator or target after the connection was set, the
size will not match the other node and a parameter data mismatch will occur. In this case, if you
change the connection settings, be sure to check the connections. (Refer to 7-2-16 Checking
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
Output tag set: A_Signal Connection Input tag set: A_Signal Input tag set: A_Signal
Output tag set: O_Signal Input tag set: I_Signal Input tag set: I_Signal
1 Set the same tag set names for the output and input tag sets for the connection. The tag set
names can also include forward and backward ellipses.
7-38 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 Select Auto Connection Configuration from the Network Menu. The connections will be set
automatically. A dialog box will appear to set forward and backward ellipses for both output and
input tag sets as soon as automatic connection setting processing has begun.
Input the ellipses and click the OK Button. Processing for automatic setting is started.
3 If there are tag sets that meet the conditions for automatic connection setting, they are dis-
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
5 Use the device connection structure tree as required to change the RPI and timeout settings.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
Use the following procedure to create connections (i.e., data links) with the Wizard.
1 Set tags and tag sets for all devices before starting the Wizard. Refer to 7-2-4 Creating Tags
and Tag Sets for the setting procedure.
2 For tag data links between OMRON PLCs, a connection is created in the PLC (i.e., the origina-
tor device) that receives data as input data.
First, select the registered device for which you want to create a connection in the Network Con-
figuration Window of the Network Configurator, and then select Device - Parameters - Wizard
from the menus.
The following dialog box will be displayed before the Wizard starts.
Click the Yes Button to delete the connections that have been set with OMRON PLCs before
starting the Wizard.
7-42 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
3 Create the connection following the instructions that are given by the Wizard after the Wizard
starts. (See the following figure.)
4 A list of tag sets is displayed on the right side of the Wizard Dialog Box with target devices that
support receiving input data.
Select the tag sets that you want to receive at the originator device.
Note Tag sets that are used in connections that are already set are not displayed.
The following display will appear when you click the Show Detail Button.
The specified values for detailed parameters will be displayed. Change the values as required. The
connection name cannot be set. They are automatically created using the following rule.
default_N (where N is a 3-digit number (001, 002, etc.) starting from 1)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-43
7 Tag Data Link Functions
5 Click the Next Button to switch to the table in the following Wizard Dialog Box. Follow the
instructions to select the input tag set of the originator device that receives the output tag set of
the target device from the list box.
• The blank area in the Input Tag Set Column is the connection that you are creating.
• The rows in which there are input tag sets are connections that are already set.
• To prevent duplicate settings, input tag sets that have been used are not displayed in the list
box for input tag sets.
• If there is no applicable input tag set, you can edit a tag set or create a new one by using the
Edit Tag Sets Button and Edit Tag Button.
6 Once the input tag set settings have been completed, click the Finish Button. You can check
the set connection by selecting Network - View Devices Connection Structure Tree from the
• The Wizard can be ended even if the input tag set includes a blank row. In that case, a con-
nection is not created for the blank row.
• You can delete a connection by deleting the input tag sets that were previously set.
7-44 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
The EtherNet/IP originator device (i.e., a device in which connections can be set) must be one of
Use the following procedure to create connections (i.e., data links) by dragging and dropping devices.
1 Set the tags and tag sets for the target device that will be dragged.
(1) Refer to 7-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets for information on creating the settings if
the target is one of the OMRON EtherNet/IP devices given above.
(2) If the target is another EtherNet/IP device, refer to the manual of that device and per-
form settings as required.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-45
7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 A dialog box as in the following figure for connection allocation will be displayed when you drag
the target device and drop it at the OMRON EtherNet/IP device.
(1) Using One of the Above OMRON EtherNet/IP Devices As Target
Select the output tag set from Target Device Area on the right side of the Edit Connection
Dialog Box, and then select the input tag set to receive the output tag set in the Originator
Device Area on the left.
• If there is no applicable input tag set at the originator, you can create a new one by using
the Edit Tag Sets Button and Edit Tag Button.
(2) Using Other EtherNet/IP Devices as Target
The connection I/O type list box in the upper part of the Connection Settings Dialog Box dis-
plays the connection I/O types that can be selected. Select the connection I/O type accord-
ing to your application.
• The connection I/O types that can be selected depend on the target device.
• Items that can be selected will depend on the connection I/O type that is selected.
• Select the output, input, or both output and input tag sets at the target and specify the
corresponding input, output, or both input and output tag sets at the originator.
• If there is no applicable tag set at the originator, you can create a new one by using the
Edit Tag Sets Button and Edit Tag Button.
7-46 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
The following display will appear when you click the Show Detail Button.
The specified values for detailed parameters will be displayed. Change the values as
required. Connection names are automatically created using the following rule.
default_N (where N is a 3-digit number (001, 002, etc.) starting from 1)
Additional Information
Before dropping again, refer to the manual of the applicable device and create the I/O data (i.e.,
output tag sets) required to create a connection.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-47
7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 Select Network - Connect. If there are multiple Ethernet interfaces on the computer, the Select
Connect Network Port Dialog Box is displayed. Select the interface to connect, and press the
OK Button.
The following dialog box is displayed.
7-48 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
The Network Configurator will connect to the EtherNet/IP network. If the Network Configurator
goes online normally, “Online” is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window. The
network connection icon is displayed in blue on the Network Tab Page in which the Network
Configurator is connected.
Network connection icon
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-49
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
If the following dialog box appears in the Network Configurator when you go online with an NY-
series Controller, refer to the following table for possible causes and corrections.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
If the following dialog box appears in the Network Configurator when you go online with an NY-
series Controller, refer to the following table for possible causes and corrections.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
3 Click the Yes Button to download the tag data link parameters to the EtherNet/ IP Unit. The fol-
lowing dialog box is displayed if any of the Controllers is not in PROGRAM mode.
If the Download after changed to Program mode Button is clicked, all Controllers are
changed to PROGRAM mode and the parameters are downloaded. Confirm safety for all con-
trolled equipment before you change the Controllers to PROGRAM mode. You can restore the
operating modes after the parameters are downloaded.
4 The following dialog box is displayed to show that the download was completed.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
1 Connect the Network Configurator online, and then select Upload from the Network Menu.
3 If you click the Yes Button in step 2, the following dialog box is displayed.
7-56 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
4 If you click the No Button in step 2, the following dialog box is displayed.
Select the devices for which to upload parameters and click the OK Button.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-57
7 Tag Data Link Functions
1 Connect the Network Configurator online and select the icon of the EtherNet/IP Unit from which
you want to upload the parameters. To select multiple nodes, press and hold the Shift Key or
the Ctrl Key while you select additional icons. (In the following example, 2 nodes are selected: and
Right-click the icon to display the pop-up menu, and select Parameter - Upload.
3 During the upload, the following progress monitor is displayed to show the progress of the
4 The following dialog box is displayed to show that the upload was completed.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
3 The results of the comparison between the network configuration file and data from the network
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 Click the icon of the built-in EtherNet/IP port to verify. To select multiple nodes, press and hold
the Shift Key or the Ctrl Key while you select additional icons. (In the following example, 2
nodes are selected: and
Right-click the icon to display the pop-up menu and select Parameter - Verify.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
5 If multiple nodes have been selected and compared, the following message is displayed. Click
the Yes Button.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
A Tag Data Link Connection Timeout error will occur if a connection is not established with the
target device within 1 minute after the tag data links are started in operation as the originator
device. Reconnection processing is continued periodically even after this error occurs to auto-
matically recover. If the application environment allows this error to be ignored, such as when a
target device is started later than the originator device, you can change the event level to the
observation level.
Starting and Stopping Tag Data Links for the Entire Network
Additional Information
• Change the Tag Data Link Start Switch to TRUE, while the Tag Data Link Communications
Stop Switch is FALSE. If the Tag Data Link Stop Switch is TRUE, the tag data links do not start
even if the Tag Data Link Start Switch is changed to TRUE. Furthermore, if the Tag Data Link
Start Switch and the Tag Data Link Stop Switch are both TRUE, an error occurs, the Multiple
Switches TRUE Error system-defined variable changes to TRUE, and the event is recorded in
the event log.
• After you start the tag data links, do not force the Tag Data Link Start Switch to change to
FALSE from the user program or from the Sysmac Studio. It will change to FALSE automati-
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 Select the icon of the device from which you want to clear the device parameters. In the follow-
ing example, 2 nodes are selected: and To select multiple nodes,
press and hold the Shift Key while you select additional icons.
7-64 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
3 Select Device - Reset. You can also right-click the icon and select Reset from the popup menu.
No Button:
The tag data link settings will not be cleared and the built-in EtherNet/IP port and internal port will
not be reset.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-65
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Additional Information
You can also execute the Reset service of the Identity object for the Controller to clear the tag
data link settings. The procedures to execute the service from the Network Configurator is given
(1) Connect the Network Configurator to the network.
(2) Select Tool - Setup Parameters on the main window.
Then the dialog box for the general parameter settings are displayed.
(3) Specify the target device and message to send.
• Target Node Address: Enter the IP address of the target device.
• Service: Select Reset.
• Class: Enter 01.
• Instance: Enter 01.
• Attribute: Enter 00.
• Data: Enter 02.
(4) Click the Send Button.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
2 Input the file name, and then click the Save Button.
3 When the network configuration is changed later, you can overwrite the existing network config-
4 You can select the Select target network Check Box in the Option Area to save a network con-
figuration file with only the required networks.
Select the check boxes of the networks to save and click the OK Button.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
If the network configuration file that you want to read is not displayed, change to another folder.
2 If you select the network configuration file that you want to read, that file name is displayed in
the File name Field.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
4 The Network Configurator’s Title Bar will display the name of the file that was read.
5 Select any of the options as necessary. The options are listed below.
Setting Description
Select target network Allows you to select specific networks from the network configuration
and open them.
Additional Information
The save format will depend on the Network Configurator version. You can import configuration
files (*.ncf) created with the Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP (version 2 or lower) if you
select External Data - Import from the File Menu.
7-2-16 Checking Connections
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
The following dialog box is displayed if there are parameter errors. Check the displayed details
and review the settings.
If an inconsistency is found, open the originator’s Edit Device Parameter Dialog Box and click
the Connection Tab. The inconsistent connection in the Register Device List is displayed with a
icon (instead of the normal icon).To change the connection setting and select a different
target variable, select the connection as shown below and click the Edit Button.
icon (normally )
7-70 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Device Changes
CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) NJ501- NX701 NY52
Model after change NJ301-
Model before CIP
Rev2 Rev3 Rev1 Rev2 Rev2 Rev2
change Rev
CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) Rev2 --- Yes * * Yes *
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-71
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Icon Status
Default (including no Controller Configurations and Setup)
Idle (including when CPU Unit of Controller is in PROGRAM
Normal communications state (including when Controller is
in RUN mode)
Warning status (including when there is a partial fault or non-
fatal error)
Alarm status (including when there is a major fault or fatal
error in the Controller)
7-72 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Conditions to enable the NY-series Built-in EtherNet/IP Port’s tag data links:
(1) The following error bits in the Built-in EtherNet/IP Error variable (_EIP_ErrSta) are
Conditions showing that connections are established with the target device,
and tag data links are operating:
(3) The bit corresponding to the target node address in the Normal Target Node Informa-
tion variable (_EIP_EstbTargetSta) is TRUE.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
*1 Replace this with the following variable name, depending on which port you use.
Built-in EtherNet/IP port: _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta
Internal port: _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta
7-74 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
7 Tag Data Link Functions
Normal Target
Node Information (#1) Node 1
_EIP_EstbTargetSta[1] error output
Normal Target
Node Information (#2)
Normal Target
Node Information (#2) Node 2
_EIP_EstbTargetSta[2] error output
*1 Replace this with the following variable name, depending on which port you use.
Built-in EtherNet/IP port: _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta
Internal port: _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta
The parts of the ladder 7-3-1 Ladder Programming for Tag Data Links
Normal operation flag program that use the data
Additional parts
link area for the relevant
node are processed only
when the corresponding
Normal operation flag normal operation flag is ON.
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
• You can use MC - MCR instructions and JMP instructions to process data only when the data
links are operating normally as shown below.
Node B data link
normal operation flag
Node C data link
normal operation flag
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
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7 Tag Data Link Functions
*1 Here, pps means “packets per second” and indicates the number of packets that can be processed in one sec-
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 7-79
7 Tag Data Link Functions
*2 To use a data size of 505 bytes or more, the system must support a large forward open (an optional CIP spec-
ification). The SYSMAC CS/CJ-series Units support Large_Forward_Open, but before you connect to nodes of
other companies, confirm that those devices also support it.
*3 The maximum number of tags is given for the following conditions.
• All tag sets contain eight tags.
• The maximum number of tag sets (32) is registered.
Specifying Tags
You can specify where to assign a tag either with a variable or with a I/O memory address. However,
some Controllers may not support both of these methods. Communications with the devices are
possible regardless of whether the remote node tags are set using I/O memory addresses or net-
work variables.
The supported tag specification methods for each Controller are listed in the table below.
Yes: Supported, No: Not supported
Controller Name in Hardware List of Network variable I/O memory address
EtherNet/IP Unit Network Configurator name specification specification
NY-series Controller --- NY512 Yes No
NX-series Controller --- NX701 Yes No
NJ-series Controller --- NJ501- Yes Yes*
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) Yes Yes*
CJ2H-CPU6-EIP --- CJ2B-EIP21 Yes Yes
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) Yes Yes
CJ2M-CPU3 --- CJ2M-EIP21 Yes Yes
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) Yes Yes
CJ1 CPU Unit CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21 No Yes
CS1 CPU Unit CS1W-EIP21 CS1W-EIP21 No Yes
* To specify an I/O memory address for a tag, do not specify the I/O memory address for the tag directly. Instead, create a
variable, set an AT specification of the I/O memory address on the Sysmac Studio, and then specify the variable with the AT
specification for the tag.
7-80 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
CIP Message Communications
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-1
8 CIP Message Communications
8-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
CIP command
CIP response
NJ/NX/NY-series EtherNet/IP
Controller port
You can use CIP messages from the client to read and write memory in the Controller with the server
without adding any special programming to the user program of the Controller with the server.
EtherNet/IP or host computer
CIP command
CIP response
EtherNet/IP 8
Controller port
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-3
8 CIP Message Communications
8-2-1 Overview
The CIP Messaging Communications Client function is available for an NY-series Controller. This func-
tion allows you to request a service by sending CIP messages to an external device and specifying a
self-contained object of a device supporting the CIP Communication Server functions.
The NY-series Controller executes CIP communications instructions in the user program and send CIP
messages. In this way, you can use CIP messages to execute instructions such as reading and writing
variables (data) of the NJ/NX-series Controller on the EtherNet/IP network.
NY-series NJ/NX-series
Controller Built-in EtherNet/IP port Controller Built-in EtherNet/IP port
8-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Instruction Name Description
tions method
Read Variable Reads the value of a variable with a Network Publish attribute from CIP UCMM
CIPUCMMRead UCMM Explicit the specified remote Controller on the CIP network and stores the connectionless
value in a variable at the local Controller. messages
Write Variable Writes the value of a variable at the local controller to a variable
CIPUCMMWrite UCMM Explicit with a Network Publish attribute at the specified remote Controller
on the CIP network.
Send Explicit Sends a specified CIP command to the specified remote Controller
Message on the CIP network.
CIPUCMMSend UCMM Refer to 8-2-10 Response Codes and 8-5 CIP Object Services for
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-5
8 CIP Message Communications
*1 The maximum number of connection handles that you can obtain simultaneously by the opening process is 32.
Even if a connection is broken for a timeout, the handle is not released. Execute the CIPClose instruction.
*2 Addresses in memory for CJ-series Units (e.g., D0000) cannot be specified directly.
Local Controller (1) Variable Remote Controller
Handle (2) Reads data
‘VAR_1’ SrcDat starting at D0000 D00000
5 Size for the number of Assigned D00001
elements. VAR : ARRAY[0..9] OF WORD AT %D0
DstDat D00002
MyArray Network Publish attribute …….
RcvSize D00009
Addresses in the memory for
* To access memory for CJ-series Units in
CJ-series Units are assigned to the
the local Controller, you also must assign
variable and the variable is given
the required addresses to variables.
the Network Publish attribute.
MyArray : ARRAY[0..9] OF WORD:
MyArray[0] : Value of D00000 in remote Controller
Value of D00001 in remote Controller
Value of D00002 in remote Controller
MyArray[9] : Value of D00009 in remote Controller
8-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
NY-series Industrial PC
Controller Windows
Backplane port
(Unit address #00) port (#03)
(IP address) IP address
Internal port
(IP address)
port (#02)
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
IP address
(a) port
(2) When Routing the Output from the Controller to Windows in an Industrial PC
Output the command to the internal port. Specify the IP address as the address of the
remote node.
Additional Information
Unit Addresses
A unit address is used to discriminate between several devices connected to a single node on a
Set the unit address as shown below.
• Controller: 00 hex
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-7
8 CIP Message Communications
IP address:
port (#02)
port (#02)
IP address:
8-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
port (#02)
Built-in EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP port
EtherNet/IP port
(1) Controller 1 to Controller 2
• Network type number: “#02” (Output the command via EtherNet/IP port.)
Controller Windows
Internal port
• Network type number: “#03” (Output the command via internal port.)
• Destination address: Specify the destination IP address
• Route path: 03\
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-9
8 CIP Message Communications
External request
Object (example: read)
Service Data
Object Instance
In the CIP Common Specification, “Object,” “Class,” “Instance,” “Attribute” and “Service” are defined as
follows: (Source: CIP Common Specification)
Term Definition
Object An abstract representation of a particular component within a device.
Class A set of objects that all represent the same kind of system component.
Instance A specific and real (physical) occurrence of an object.
Attribute A description of an externally visible characteristic or feature of an object.
Service A request from an external object (e.g., to read data).
You use the Class ID, Instance ID, and Attribute ID to access an object.
You specify these three IDs to designate an object in a device. When you make a request from an
external device for a service, you must specify the Class ID, Instance ID, and Attribute ID. (The
Instance ID and Attribute ID are not required for some services.)
Attribute 6
Product Name Attribute 7
Class ID = 2
Attribute = 7
These are called Internal Object Identifiers (IOI) because they identify the Class ID, Instance ID, and
Attribute ID within the device. Refer to 8-5 CIP Object Services for the class ID, instance ID, attribute
ID, and service code for each object.
8-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
(Attribute ID) 1
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-11
8 CIP Message Communications
Variable name
2 IN1 OUT1 A. ClasslD
Member name of RqPath data type
3 IN1 OUT1 A . InstancelD
TRUE IN1 OUT1 A . isAttributeID
1 IN1 OUT1 A . AttributelD
8-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Variable table
Name Data type
Variable name
_8BIT IN1 OUT1 A . ClassIDLogicalFormat
_16BIT IN1 OUT1 A . InstanceIDLogicalFormat
256 IN1 OUT1 A . InstancelD
TRUE IN1 OUT1 A . isAttributeID
_8BIT IN1 OUT1 A . AttributeIDLogicalFormat
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-13
8 CIP Message Communications
Variable A ServiceDat
(Command Data)
Variable B Size
(Number of Elements)
(Response Variable D
Data Size)
(2) Variable C (Response Data)
(1) Input the service data to send. (2) The data that is received is stored in vari-
The data to send is stored in array able C. The byte size of the data that was
variable A. If only certain elements are spec- actually received is stored in variable D.
ified in array variable A, specify the number
of elements in variable B.
Array variable: A Array variable: C[0..9]
[1] [2]
Number of elements: 2 [4]
[3] Variable D
: 10
If the service data (ServiceDat) is [7]
Array[2] and number of elements [8]
(Size) = 2, Array[2] and Array[3] [9]
are sent.
8-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
2 Specify the element first number, the element last number, and the data type.
Example: UINT Array
Variable table
Variable name Array Data type
1 The CIPUCMMWrite instruction is used to write the value of a variable at a remote node. The
variable name at the remote node is WritingDat and the contents of the WriteDat is written to it.
WritingDat must be defined as a global variable at the remote node and the Network Publish
attribute must be set. 8
2 The CIPUCMMRead instruction is used to read the value of a variable at a remote node. The
8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message
value of the variable OriginalDat at the other node is read and the read value is stored in the
ReadDat variable. OriginalDat must be defined as a global variable at the remote node and the
Network Publish attribute must be set.
3 The CIPUCMMSend instruction is used to send an explicit message to a remote node. The con-
tents of the message is to read identity information (product name). The class ID, instance ID,
attribute ID, and service code are as follows. The response data is stored in the RespDat vari-
Item Value
Class ID 1
Instance ID 1
Attribute ID 7
Service code 16#0E
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-15
8 CIP Message Communications
IP address:
Variable Data type Initial value Comment
OperatingEnd BOOL False Processing finished.
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
Operating BOOL False Processing
WriteDat INT 1234 Source data
ReadDat INT 0 Read data
ReqPath _sREQUEST_ (ClassID:=0, InstanceID:=0, Request path
PATH isAttributeID:=False, AttributeID:=0)
RespDat ARRAY[0..10] OF [11(16#0)] Response data
Dummy BYTE 16#0 Dummy
RS_instance RS
CIPUCMMWrite_instance CIPUCMMWrite
CIPUCMMRead_instance CIPUCMMRead
CIPUCMMSend_instance CIPUCMMSend
Accept trigger.
Trigger _instance.Busy _instance.Busy _instance.Busy Operating
Set Q1
OperatingEnd Reset1
8-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Execute instructions.
Operating CIPUCMMWrite
Execute Done
‘02\’ RoutePath Busy
UINT#20 TimeOut Error
‘WritingDat’ DstDat ErrorID
UINT#1 Size ErrorIDEx
WriteDat SrcDat
CIPUCMMWrite_instance.Done CIPUCMMRead
Execute Done
‘02\’ RoutePath Busy
UINT#20 TimeOut Error
‘OriginalDat’ SrcDat ErrorID
UINT#1 Size ErrorIDEx
ReadDat ReadDat
UINT#1 In Out ReqPath.ClassID
UINT#1 In Out ReqPath.InstanceID
TRUE In Out ReqPath.isAttributeID
UINT#7 In Out ReqPath.AttributeID
Execute Done
‘02\’ RoutePath Busy
UINT#20 TimeOut Error
BYTE#16#0E ServiceCode ErrorID 8
ReqPath RqPath ErrorIDEx
Dummy ServiceDat RespSize
UINT#0 Size
8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message
RespDat RespDat
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-17
8 CIP Message Communications
Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
DoUCMMTrigger BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
WriteDat INT 1234 Write data
ReadDat INT 0 Read data
ReqPath _sREQUEST_ (ClassID:=0, InstanceID:=0, Request path
PATH isAttributeID:=False, Attribu-
RespDat ARRAY[0..10] OF [11(16#0)] Response data
Dummy BYTE 16#0 Dummy
CIPUCMMWrite_instance CIPUCMMWrite
CIPUCMMRead_instance CIPUCMMRead
CIPUCMMSend_instance CIPUCMMSend
Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online
*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.
1: // Request writing value of variable.
Execute :=TRUE,
RoutePath :='02\', // Route path
TimeOut :=UINT#20, // Timeout value
DstDat :='WritingDat', // Source variable name
Size :=UINT#1, // Number of elements to write
SrcDat :=WriteDat); // Write data
8-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
IF (CIPUCMMWrite_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPUCMMWrite_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end
2: // Request reading value of variable.
Execute :=TRUE,
RoutePath :='02\', // Route path
TimeOut :=UINT#20, // Timeout value
SrcDat :='OriginalDat', // Source variable name
Size :=UINT#1, // Number of elements to read
DstDat :=ReadDat); // Read data
IF (CIPUCMMRead_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
3: // Send message
Execute :=TRUE,
RoutePath :='02\', // Route path
TimeOut :=UINT#20, // Timeout time
ServiceCode :=BYTE#16#0E, // Service code
RqPath :=ReqPath, // Request path 8
ServiceDat := Dummy, // Service data
Size :=UINT#0, // Number of elements
8-2-7 Sample Programming for CIP Connectionless (UCMM) Message
RespServiceDat :=RespDat); // Response data
IF (CIPUCMMSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPUCMMSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-19
8 CIP Message Communications
1 The CIPOpen is used to open a class 3 connection (Large_Forward_Open). The timeout time is
2 s.
2 The CIPWrite instruction is used to write the value of a variable at a remote node. The variable
name at the remote node is WritingDat and the contents of the WriteDat is written to it. Writing-
Dat must be defined as a global variable at the remote node and the Network Publish attribute
must be set.
3 The CIPRead instruction is used to read the value of a variable at a remote node. The value of
the variable OriginalDat at the other node is read and the read value is stored in the ReadDat
variable. OriginalDat must be defined as a global variable at the remote node and the Network
Publish attribute must be set.
4 The CIPSend instruction is used to send an explicit message to a remote node. The contents of
the message is to read identity information (product name). The class ID, instance ID, attribute
ID, and service code are as follows: The response data is stored in the RespDat variable.
Item Value
Class ID 1
Instance ID 1
Attribute ID 7
Service code 16#0E
8-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Variable Data type Initial value Comment
OperatingEnd BOOL False Processing finished.
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
Operating BOOL False Processing
WriteDat INT 1234 Source data
ReadDat INT 0 Read data
ReqPath _sREQUEST_ (ClassID:=0, InstanceID:=0, isAt- Request path
PATH tributeID:=False, AttributeID:=0)
RespDat ARRAY[0..10] OF [11(16#0)] Response data
Dummy BYTE 16#0 Dummy
RS_instance RS
CIPOpen_instance CIPOpen
CIPWrite_instance CIPWrite
CIPRead_instance CIPRead
8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message
Accept trigger.
CIPOpen_ CIPWrite_ CIPRead_ CIPSend_ CIPClose_ RS_instance
Trigger instance.Busy instance.Busy instance.Busy instance.Busy instance.Busy Operating
Set Q1
OperatingEnd Reset1
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-21
8 CIP Message Communications
Execute instructions.
Operating CIPOpen
Execute Done
‘02\’ RoutePath Busy
UINT#20 TimeOut Error
CIPOpen_instance.Done CIPWrite
Execute Done
CIPOpen_instance.Handle Handle Busy
‘WritingDat’ DstDat Error
UINT#1 Size ErrorID
WriteDat SrcDat ErrorIDEx
CIPWrite_instance.Done CIPRead
Execute Done
CIPOpen_instance.Handle Handle Busy
‘OriginalDat’ SrcDat Error
UINT#1 Size ErrorID
DstDat ErrorIDEx
ReadDat ReadDat
UINT#1 In Out ReqPath.ClassID
UINT#1 In Out ReqPath.InstanceID
TRUE In Out ReqPath.isAttributeID
UINT#7 In Out ReqPath.AttributeID
Execute Done
CIPOpen_instance.Handle Handle Busy
BYTE#16#0E ServiceCode ErrorID
ReqPath RqPath ErrorIDEx
Dummy ServiceDat RespSize
UINT#0 Size RespSize
RespDat RespDat
CIPSend_instance.Done CIPClose
Execute Done
CIPOpen_instance.Handle Handle Busy
8-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-23
8 CIP Message Communications
Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
DoCIPTrigger BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
WriteDat INT 1234 Write data
ReadDat INT 0 Read data
ReqPath _sREQUEST_ (ClassID:=0, InstanceID:=0, Request path
PATH isAttributeID:=False, AttributeID:=0)
RespDat ARRAY[0..10] OF [11(16#0)] Response data
Dummy BYTE 16#0 Dummy
CIPOpen_instance CIPOpen
CIPWrite_instance CIPWrite
CIPRead_instance CIPRead
CIPSend_instance CIPSend
CIPClose_instance CIPClose
Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online
*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.
8-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
1: // Open CIP Class 3 Connection (Large_Forward_Open)
Execute :=TRUE,
TimeOut :=UINT#20, // Timeout time: 2.0 s
RoutePath :='02\'); // Route path
IF (CIPOpen_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPOpen_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end
IF (CIPWrite_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPWrite_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end
8-2-8 Sample Programming for CIP Connection (Class 3) Message
Size :=UINT#1, // Number of elements to read
DstDat :=ReadDat); // Read data
IF (CIPRead_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPRead_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-25
8 CIP Message Communications
4: // Send message
ReqPath.ClassID :=UINT#01;
ReqPath.InstanceID :=UINT#01;
ReqPath.AttributeID :=UINT#07;
Execute :=TRUE,
Handle :=CIPOpen_instance.Handle, // Handle
ServiceCode:=BYTE#16#0E, // Service code
RqPath :=ReqPath, // Request path
ServiceDat :=Dummy, // Service data
Size :=UINT#0, // Number of elements
RespServiceDat:=RespDat); // Response data
IF (CIPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#5; // Normal end
ELSIF (CIPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#40; // Error end
IF (CIPClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0;
ELSIF (CIPClose_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#50;
8-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Changes to FALSE
because Execute
changes to FALSE.
Done Changes to FALSE
(2) (7)
ErrorID 0x0000 0x1234
1 When Execute changes to TRUE, the instruction is executed and Busy changes to TRUE.
2 After the results of instruction execution are stored in the output variables, Done changes to
TRUE and Busy changes to FALSE.
5 Execute is ignored if it changes to TRUE during instruction executed (i.e., when Busy is TRUE).
6 If an error occurs, several retries are attempted internally. The error code in the ErrorID is not
updated during the retries.
8-2-9 Operation Timing
When a communications error occurs, Error changes to TRUE and the ErrorID is stored. Also,
Busy and Done change to FALSE.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-27
8 CIP Message Communications
Example 1 Example 2
Execute Execute When Execute
Changes to changes to
FALSE in next Busy FALSE, Done
Busy task period.
(Executing) (Executing) returns to FALSE.
Done Done
31 24 23 16 15 0
General sta-
Status name Description of status
tus code (hex)
00 Success Service was successfully performed by the object speci-
01 Connection failure A connection related to service failed along the connection
02 Resource unavailable Resources needed for the object to perform the requested
service were unavailable.
03 Invalid parameter value See Status Code 20 hex.
04 Path segment error The path segment identifier or the segment syntax was
not understood by the processing node. Path processing
stops when a path segment error occurs.
05 Path destination unknown The path is referencing an object class, instance, or struc-
ture element that is not known or is not contained in the
processing node. Path processing stops when a Path
Destination Unknown Error occurs.
06 Partial transfer Only part of the expected data was transferred.
07 Connection lost The message connection was lost.
8-28 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
General sta-
Status name Description of status
tus code (hex)
08 Service not supported The requested service was not supported or was not
defined for this object class/instance.
09 Invalid attribute value Invalid attribute data was detected.
0A Attribute list error An attribute in the Get_Attribute_List or Set_Attribute_List
response has a non-zero status.
0B Already in requested mode/state The object is already in the mode/state being requested
by the service.
0C Object state conflict The object cannot perform the requested service in its cur-
rent mode/state.
0D Object already exists The requested instance of object to be created already
0E Attribute not settable A request to modify a non-modifiable attribute was
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-29
8 CIP Message Communications
General sta-
Status name Description of status
tus code (hex)
21 Write-once value or medium An attempt was made to write to a write-once medium
already written (e.g. WORM drive or PROM) that was previously written
or cannot be changed.
22 Invalid Reply Received An invalid reply was received. (For example, the reply ser-
vice code does not match the request service code, or the
reply message is shorter than the minimum expected
reply size.) This status code is used for other causes of
invalid replies.
23-24 Reserved by CIP for future extensions.
25 Key Failure in path The key segment that was included as the first segment in
the path does not match the destination module. The
object specific status must indicate which part of the key
check failed.
26 Path Size Invalid The size of the path that was sent with the service request
is either too large or too small for the request to be routed
to an object.
27 Unexpected attribute in list An attempt was made to set an attribute that is not able to
be set at this time.
28 Invalid Member ID The member ID specified in the request does not exist in
the specified class, instance, and attribute.
29 Member not settable A request to modify a non-modifiable member was
2A Group 2 only server general fail- This error code is reported only by group 2 only servers
ure with 4K or less of code space and only in place of Service
not supported, Attribute not supported, or Attribute not set-
2B-CF Reserved by CIP for future extensions.
D0-FF Reserved for Object Class and This range of error codes is to be used to indicate object
service errors class-specific errors. This code range is used only when
none of the error codes in this table accurately reflect the
error that occurred. The additional code field is used to
describe the general error code in more detail.
8-30 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
General Sta-
Additional Status (hex) Description
tus (hex)
01 0116 Major or minor revision information in the key segment
does not match the device.
01 0117 Invalid connection point.
01 0118 Invalid configuration format.
01 0119 Connection request failed because there is no controlling
connection currently open.
01 011A Target application cannot support any more connections.
01 011B RPI is smaller than the production inhibit time.
01 0203 Connection cannot be closed because the connection has
timed out.
01 0204 Unconnected_Send service timed out while waiting for a
01 0205 Parameter error in Unconnected_Send service.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-31
8 CIP Message Communications
Request Computer
The variable to access
is specified in the
request path of the
CIP object or the Response
explicit message
to read or write data. The writing results of the
specified CIP object or
variable, or the value that was
NY-series Controller read from the specified CIP NJ/NX/NY-series Controller
object or variable are stored
in the response.
Variable Variable
8-32 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Example: Performing the Reset service (0x05) to the Instance (01 hex) of the Identity object (class: 01
Refer to 8-6 Read and Write Refer to 8-4-5 Specifying Vari- Refer to 8-7 Variable Data Types
Services for Variables for infor- able Names in Request Paths for details about how to specify
mation about the service codes. for information about how to data formats.
specify variables names.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-33
8 CIP Message Communications
The first byte gives the interpretation method for the segment. It consists of two parts; a 3-bit segment
type and a 5-bit segment format.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The segment type specifications are defined as follows in the CIP specifications.
Segment Type
7 6 5
0 0 0 Port Segment
0 0 1 Logical Segment
0 1 0 Network Segment
0 1 1 Symbolic Segment
1 0 0 Data Segment
1 0 1 Data Type
1 1 0 Data Type
1 1 1 Reserved
The specifications of segment format are different for each segment type. Use the segment format to
request a service from a particular object of a particular device. Logical segments and data segments,
which are needed to specify variables in CIP message communications, are described below.
Specify the Class ID. Specify the Instance ID. Specify the Attribute ID.
8-34 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
0 0 1
Logical Type
4 3 2
0 0 0 Class ID
0 0 1 Instance ID
0 1 0 Member ID
0 1 1 Connection Point
1 0 0 Attribute ID
1 0 1 Special (Do not use the logical addressing definition for the Logical Format.)
1 1 0 Service ID (Do not use the logical addressing definition for the Logical Format.)
1 1 1 Reserved
An 8-bit or 16-bit logical address can be used for the class ID and attribute ID.
An 8-bit,16-bit, or 32-bit logical address can be used for the instance ID.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-35
8 CIP Message Communications
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 0 Variable length
Segment Sub-Type
4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 Simple Data Segment
1 0 0 0 1 ANSI Extended Symbol Segment
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
8-36 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Variable Names
A variable name is specified as a symbolic segment (ANSI extended symbol segment).
Variable Name Specification Format
Variable Names
Variable names are encoded in UTF-8.
Array Indices
Specify the array index in a logical segment that is set as a member ID. You can specify an array index
([x]) in a variable name.
Specification Method 1: 8-bit Index
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-37
8 CIP Message Communications
Specification Examples
This example shows how to specify VarAA.MemB[1.2] for the following structure variable.
BOOL MemB[10][10];
} VarAA;
8-38 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
This example shows how to specify VarAA[1].MemB[1.2] for the following structure variable.
BOOL MemB[10][10];
} VarAA[3];
0x91 0x05 “VarAA” 0x00 0x28 0x01 0x91 0x04 “MemB” 0x28 0x01 0x28 0x02
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-39
8 CIP Message Communications
Service Codes
Specify the service to execute with the service code.
Class ID
Specify 01 hex.
Instance ID
Specify 00 or 01 hex.
Attribute ID
The attribute ID specifies the information to read.
8-40 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Class Attribute ID
The class attribute ID specifies the attribute of the entire object.
Read data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Revision Revision of the object Read UINT 0001 hex
02 hex Max Instance The maximum instance number Read UINT 0001 hex
Instance Attribute ID
The instance attribute ID specifies the attribute of the instance.
Read data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Vendor ID Vendor ID Read UINT 002F hex
02 hex Device Type Device type Read UINT 000C hex
03 hex Product Code Product code Read UINT Refer to (1) Product Codes for
Each Model, below
04 hex Revision Device revision Read Struct ---
Major Revision Major revision Read USINT Refer to (2) Major and Minor CIP
Minor Revision Minor revision Read USINT Revisions for Each Unit Version,
05 hex Status Status of the built-in EtherNet/IP Read WORD Refer to (3) Status Details of the
port Built-in EtherNet/IP Port, below
06 hex Serial Number Serial number Read UDINT Set value
(2) Major and Minor CIP Revisions for Each Unit Version
CIP revisions
Unit version
Major revision Minor revision
Unit version 1.12 to 1.19 02 hex 05 hex
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-41
8 CIP Message Communications
b7 b6 b5 b4
0 1 0 1 A major fault occurred.
0 0 1 0 A timeout occurred in one or more target con-
0 0 1 1 Indicates that there are no tag data link settings.
0 1 1 0 Indicates that one or more connections are per-
forming communications normally.
0 1 1 1 Other than the above.
8 Minor Recoverable Fault TRUE when any of the following errors occurs.
• IP Route Table Setting Error
• DNS Server Connection Failed
• Tag Data Link Setting Error
• Tag Data Link Timeout
• Tag Data Link Connection Timeout
• FTP Server Setting Error
• NTP Client Setting Error
• SNMP Setting Error
• NTP Server Connection Failed
• Tag Name Resolution Error
9 Minor Unrecoverable Fault TRUE when the following error occurs.
• Identity Error
10 Major Recoverable Fault TRUE when any of the following errors occurs.
• IP Address Duplication Error
• BOOTP Server Connection Error
• Basic Ethernet Setting Error
• IP Address Setting Error
11 Major Unrecoverable Fault TRUE when any of the following errors occurs.
• Communications Controller Failure
• MAC Address Error
12 to 15 Reserved Always FALSE.
8-42 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-43
8 CIP Message Communications
Service Codes
Specify the service to execute with the service code.
Class ID
Specify F5 hex.
Instance ID
Specify 00 to 02 hex.
00: Specify the class
01: Built-in EtherNet/IP port
02: Internal port
Attribute ID
The attribute ID specifies the information to read.
Class Attribute ID
The class attribute ID specifies the attribute of the entire object.
Read data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Revision Revision of the object Read UINT 0004 hex
02 hex Max Instance The maximum instance number Read UINT 0002 hex
03 hex Num of Instance The number of object instance Read UINT 0002 hex
8-44 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Instance Attribute ID
The instance attribute ID specifies the attribute of the instance.
Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Interface Configuration Indicates the IP address set- Read DWORD Bits 0 to 3: Interface Configuration Sta-
Status tings status of the interface. tus:
0 = IP address is not set. (This
includes when BOOTP is starting.)
1 = IP address is set.
Bits 4 and 5: Reserved (always
Bit 6: AcdStatus:
FALSE = IP address collisions
have not been detected.
TRUE = IP address collisions have
been detected.
Bits 7 to 31: Reserved (always FALSE).
02 hex Configuration Capability Indicates a Controller Config- Read DWORD Bit 0: BOOTP Client:
urations and Setup that can FALSE = Internal port
be set to the interface.
TRUE = Built-in EtherNet/IP port
Bit 1: DNS Client: Always TRUE.
Bit 2: DHCP Client: Always FALSE.
Bit 3: DHCP-DNS Update: Always
Bit 4: Configuration Settable: Always
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-45
8 CIP Message Communications
8-46 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Service Codes
Specify the service to execute with the service code.
Class ID
Specify F6 hex.
Instance ID
Specify 00 to 02 hex.
Attribute ID
The attribute ID specifies the information to read.
Class Attribute ID
The class attribute ID specifies the attribute of the entire object.
Instance Attribute ID
The instance attribute ID specifies the attribute of the instance.
Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Interface Speed Gives the baud rate for the inter- Read UDINT Reads the current value.
02 hex Interface Flags Gives the status of the interface. Read DWORD Refer to (1) Interface Flag Details,
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-47
8 CIP Message Communications
Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
03 hex Physical Address Gives the MAC address of the Read ARRAY Reads the current value of the
interface. [0...5] OF MAC address.
04 hex Interface Counters The number of packets Read Struct ---
sent/received through the inter-
In Octets The number of octets received UDINT Reads the current value.
through the interface.
This includes unnecessary multi-
cast packets and discarded pack-
ets counted by InDiscards.
In Unicast Packets The number of unicast packets UDINT Reads the current value.
received through the interface.
This does not include discarded
packets counted by InDiscards.
In NonUnicast Packets The number of packets besides UDINT Reads the current value.
unicast packets received through
the interface. This includes
unnecessary multicast packets,
but does not include discarded
packets counted by InDiscards.
In Discards The number of discarded incom- UDINT Reads the current value.
ing packets received through the
In Errors The number of incoming packets UDINT Reads the current value.
that had errors. This is not
included in InDiscards.
In Unknown Protos The number of incoming packets UDINT Reads the current value.
that were of an unknown protocol.
Out Octets The number of octets sent UDINT Reads the current value.
through the interface.
Out Unicast Packets The number of unicast packets UDINT Reads the current value.
sent through the interface.
Out NonUnicast Packets The number of packets besides UDINT Reads the current value.
unicast packets sent through the
Out Discards The number of discarded sent UDINT Reads the current value.
Out Errors The number of sent packets that UDINT Reads the current value.
had errors.
8-48 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
05 hex Media Counters Media counters for the communi- Read Struct ---
cations port.
Alignment Errors Number of frames received that UDINT Reads the current value.
were not octets in length.
FCS Errors Number of frames received that UDINT Reads the current value.
did not pass the FCS check.
Single Collisions Number of frames sent success- UDINT Reads the current value.
fully with only one collision.
Multiple Collisions Number of frames sent success- UDINT Reads the current value.
fully with two or more collisions.
SQE Test Errors Number of times a SQE test error UDINT Reads the current value.
message was generated.
Deferred Transmissions The number of frames for which UDINT Reads the current value.
the first attempt to send was
delayed because the media was
Late Collisions The number of collisions detected UDINT Reads the current value.
in packets that were sent after
512 bit times.
Excessive Collisions The number of frames that failed UDINT Reads the current value.
to be sent because of excessive
MAC Transmit Errors The number of frames that failed UDINT Reads the current value.
to be sent due to an internal MAC
sublayer transmission error.
Carrier Sense Errors The number of times the carrier UDINT Reads the current value.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-49
8 CIP Message Communications
Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
0C hex HC Interface Counters The number of packets Read Struct ---
sent/received through the HC
HCInOctets The number of octets received ULINT Reads the current value.
through the interface.This counter
is the 64-bit edition of In Octets.
HCInUnicastPkts The number of unicast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
received through the interface.
This counter is the 64-bit edition
of In Ucast Packets.
HCInMulticastPkts The number of multicast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
received through the interface.
HCInBroadcastPkts The number of broadcast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
received through the interface.
HCOutOctets The number of octets sent ULINT Reads the current value.
through the interface.This counter
is the 64-bit edition of Out Octets.
HCOutUnicastPkts The number of unicast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
sent through the interface.
HCOutMulticastPkts The number of multicast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
sent through the interface.
HCOutBroadcastPkts The number of broadcast packets ULINT Reads the current value.
sent through the interface.
0D hex HC Media Counters Media counters for the comunica- Read Struct ---
tions port.
HCStatsAlignmentErrors Number of frames received that ULINT Reads the current value.
were not octets in length.This
counter is the 64-bit edition of
Alignment Errors.
HCStatsFCSErrors Number of frames received that ULINT Reads the current value.
did not pass the FCS check.This
counter is the 64-bit edition of
FCS Errors.
HCStatsInternalMac The number of frames that failed ULINT Reads the current value.
TransmitErrors to be sent due to an internal MAC
sublayer transmission error.This
counter is the 64-bit edition of
MAC Transmit Errors.
HCStatsFrameTooLongs The number of frames received ULINT Reads the current value.
that exceeded the maximum
allowed frame size.This counter is
the 64-bit edition of Frame Too
HCStatsMacReceiveEr- The number of frames that could ULINT Reads the current value.
rors not be received through the inter-
face due to an internal MAC sub-
layer reception error.This counter
is the 64-bit edition of MAC
Receive Errors.
HCStatsMacSymbolEr- The number of frames that could ULINT Reads the current value.
rors not be received through the inter-
face due to an internal MAC sub-
layer symbol error.
8-50 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-51
8 CIP Message Communications
Service Codes
Specify the service to execute with the service code.
Class ID
Specify C4 hex.
Instance ID
Specify 00 hex.
Class Attribute ID
The class attribute ID specifies the attribute (value) of the entire object.
Read/write data
Attribute ID Parameter name Description Attribute Data
01 hex Revision Revision of the object Read UINT Always 0002 hex.
02 hex Max Instance The maximum instance number Read UINT Always 0001 hex
64 hex PLC Mode This can be used to read and Read/Wri UINT Specify this when you want to
modify the Controller operating te write to an attribute.
mode. 0000 hex: PROGRAM mode
0004 hex: RUN mode
65 hex PLC Error Status Indicates when there is a Control- Read UINT 0000 hex: There is no Controller
ler error. Changes to TRUE when error.
a fatal or non-fatal error occurs. 0001 hex: There is a Controller
66 hex PLC Model Indicates the model of the Con- Read STRING
troller. The length is always 2
bytes for the size + 20 bytes for
the name. Unused area is padded
with spaces.
Instance Attribute ID
8-52 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-53
8 CIP Message Communications
Response Codes
Meaning Cause
status status
00 SUCCESS --- The service ended normally.
02 RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE --- The internal processing buffer is not avail-
04 PATH_SEGMENT_ERROR --- The request path specification is not cor-
05 PATH_DESTINATION_UNKNOWN --- The variable specification is not correct.
0C OBJECT_STATE_CONFLICT 8010 Downloading, starting up
8011 There is an error in tag memory.
11 REPLY_DATA_TOO_LARGE --- The response exceeds the maximum
response length.
13 NOT_ENOUGH_DATA --- The data length is too short for the specified
15 TOO_MUCH_DATA --- The data length is too long for the specified
1F VENDOR_SPECIFIC_ERROR 0102, 2104 An attempt was made to read an I/O vari-
able that cannot be read.
0104, 1103 The specified address and size exceed a
segment boundary.
8001 An internal error occurred.
8007 An inaccessible variable was specified.
8031 An internal error occurred. (A memory allo-
cation error occurred.)
20 INVALID_PARAMETER 8009 A segment type error occurred.
800F There is an inconsistency in data length
information in the request data.
8017 More than one element was specified for a
variable that does not have elements.
8018 Zero elements or data that exceeded the
range of the array was specified for an
8023 An internal error occurred. (An illegal com-
mand format was used.)
8024 An internal error occurred. (An illegal com-
mand length was used.)
8025 An internal error occurred. (An illegal
parameter was used.)
8027 An internal error occurred. (A parameter
error occurred.)
8028 • An attempt was made to write an out-of-
range value for a variable for which a sub-
range is specified.
• An attempt was made to write an unde-
fined value to an enumeration variable.
8-54 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-55
8 CIP Message Communications
Response Codes
Meaning Cause
status status
00 SUCCESS --- The service ended normally.
02 RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE --- The internal processing buffer is not
04 PATH_SEGMENT_ERROR --- The request path specification is not cor-
05 PATH_DESTINATION_UNKNOWN --- The link was followed to the end, but the
variable was not found.
0C OBJECT_STATE_CONFLICT 8010 Downloading, starting up
8011 There is an error in tag memory.
13 NOT_ENOUGH_DATA --- The data length was too short for the
specified service.
15 TOO_MUCH_DATA --- The data length was too long for the
specified service.
1F VENDOR_SPECIFIC_ERROR 0102, 2103 An attempt was made to write a constant
or read-only variable.
0104, 1103 The specified address and size exceed
a segment boundary.
8001 An internal error occurred. (An informa-
tion inconsistency was detected in the
interface in the Module.)
8007 An inaccessible variable was specified.
8029 A region that all cannot be accessed at
the same time was specified for Simple-
8031 An internal error occurred. (A memory
allocation error occurred.)
20 INVALID_PARAMETER 8009 A segment type error occurred.
800F There is an inconsistency in data length
information in the Request Data.
8017 More than one element was specified for
a variable that does not have elements.
8018 Zero elements or data that exceeded the
range of the array was specified for an
8021 A value other than 0 or 2 was specified
for an AddInfo area.
8022 The data type that is specified in the
request service data does not agree with
the tag information. The AddInfo Length
in the request service data is not 0.
8023 An internal error occurred. (An illegal
command format was used.)
8024 An internal error occurred. (An illegal
command length was used.)
8025 An internal error occurred. (An illegal
parameter was used.)
8027 An internal error occurred. (A parameter
error occurred.)
8028 • An attempt was made to write an out-
of-range value for a variable for which
a subrange is specified.
• An attempt was made to write an
undefined value to an enumeration
8-56 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-57
8 CIP Message Communications
Data Format
USINT Data Type Refer to Data Type Codes on page 8-57 for specific values.
USINT AddInfo Length Additional information: Field length in bytes
(AddInfo) Additional information: CRC value of structure or other
UINT Num of Element (L) information
(H) This field exists only in the parameters for the variable write
Actual data service.
8-58 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
Boolean Data
Data Format
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 8-59
8 CIP Message Communications
USINT Data Type Data type of array elements (A1 hex is not used.)
USINT 00 hex
UINT Num of Elem (L) Gives the number of elements in the array.
Data The actual data for the elements of the array are
: given in order in the same format as when the
Data elements are accessed individually.*
* For STRING data, the output format differs from the format when accessing individual elements in the following
• There are no fields for the text string lengths. Only the text strings (including NULL) are given.
• The transferred data length is not the combined lengths of the text strings, but the memory size
that is allocated to the STRING variable.
• Upper and lower bytes are reversed.
Example: The outputs will be as follows for a STRING array named s that has two elements (with the
data quantity around elements is set to 4 bytes) when s[0] is “ab” and s[1] is “d”.
Individual [0]: D0 00 03 00 61 62 63 (hex)
Entire array: D0 00 62 61 ?? 00 00 64 ?? ?? (hex) (??: Invalid data.)
8-60 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
8 CIP Message Communications
The following data format is used for a BOOL array (using BOOL b[2][3] as an example).
Data Format
Structure Variables
• Accessing an Entire Structure
If a structure variable is specified, it is treated as an access request for all of the members of the
Data Format
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8 CIP Message Communications
8-62 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Socket Service
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-1
9 Socket Service
9-1-1 Sockets
A socket is an interface that allows you to directly use TCP or UDP functions from the user program. In
a host computer (e.g., personal computer), sockets are provided in the form of a C language interface
library. If you load the library, you can program communications via TCP and UDP in the user program.
In a UNIX computer, a socket interface is provided in the format of system calls. For the built-in Ether-
Net/IP port, you execute instructions in the user program to use sockets. You can use these communi-
cations services to send and receive any data to and from remote nodes, i.e., between host computers
and Controllers or between Controllers. The built-in EtherNet/IP port provides a UDP socket service
and a TCP socket service.
9-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
TCP Communications
The following operations are performed each time data is sent to ensure that it reaches the destination
node. The destination node returns an acknowledgement (ACK) when data is received normally. The
sending node sends the next data after ACK is returned. It resends the same data if ACK is not
received within a certain length of time.
Send data
Send Receive
request Acknowledgement (ACK) request
Resend data
Sending node If ACK is not returned Destination node
In TCP, the remote IP address and the remote TCP port number are specified when a request is made
UDP Communications
Data is simply sent to the destination node and no acknowledgement or resends are performed like
they are for TCP. To increase the reliability of communications, the user application must perform data
resend processing.
Send data
request Acknowledgement (ACK)
request 9
(When ACK processing is performed by user application)
9-2-1 Differences between TCP and UDP
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-3
9 Socket Service
SktTCPAccept Instruction
Socket Listen
• Execution of Socket Functions
SktTCPConnect Instruction Accept Socket(), Bind(), Listen(), and
Connect SYN Accept()
• Execution of the Socket Function
Connect() • Timeout monitoring until Connect is
The connection is established by SYN ACK completed
the normal completion of the Instruction The connection is established by the
SktTCPConnect instruction. completed. normal completion of the SktTCPAc-
cept instruction.
ACK Instruction
SktSetOption Instruction
• Execution of the Socket Function Setopt
SktSetOption Instruction
The option for TCP socket is set
• Execution of the Socket Function
by the normal completion of the Setopt setsoketopt()
SktSetOption instruction. (Note)
The option for TCP socket is set
by the normal completion of the
SktSetOption instruction. (Note)
SktTCPSend Instruction
• Execution of the Socket Function Send
Send() Recv SktTCPRcv Instruction
The data is stored in the send • Execution of Socket Function Recv()
buffer by the normal completion of Instruction • Timeout monitoring until data is
the SktTCPSend instruction. completed. received from the remote node
ACK Writing the received data to the variable
is completed by the normal completion
of the SktTCPRcv instruction.
Note Set the socket option as required. Refer to the NY-series Instructions Reference Manual (Cat.
No. W560) for the socket option.
9-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
Using TCP
The conditions shown in the following figure occur when data is sent in fragments in TCP communica-
(1) A send request is sent from the user program at the sending node. It specifies a vari-
able with a data length of 2,000 bytes.
(2) The built-in EtherNet/IP port separates the send data into 1,024 bytes in data A and
976 bytes in data B.
(3) Data A and data B are sent in sequence by the sending node.
(4) After data A is received, the remaining data B is received.
Sending node (Controller) Receiving node (host computer)
1,024 bytes
2,000 bytes
above. The number of bytes of data that is received must be checked to confirm all data was
received before the next receive request is made. (You can use the RecvDataSize output variable of
the socket receive request instruction to check the received data.)
Additional Information
If TCP is used to send data to a different segment, the data is separated into 536-byte frag-
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-5
9 Socket Service
Using UDP
The conditions shown in the following figure occur when data is sent in fragments in UDP communica-
(1) A send request is sent from the user program at the sending node. It specifies a vari-
able with a data length of 2,000 bytes.
(2) The built-in EtherNet/IP port separates the send data into 1,472 bytes in data A and
528 bytes in data B.
(3) Data A and data B are sent in sequence by the sending node.
(4) Data A and data B are joined to restore the original send data, and the data is passed
to the user program.
Sending node (Controller) Receiving node (host computer)
2,000 bytes
528 bytes
Because UDP communications are performed in datagram units as shown above, send data is
returned to the original data format before it is passed to the user program.
9-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
9-2-3 Data Reception Processing
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-7
9 Socket Service
Example 1: Receive Request for 1,000 Bytes when 2,000 Bytes of Data Was Received
1. The data that was sent from the sending node in two sends is stored in the receive buffer.
2. If a receive request is made for 1,000 bytes for the first send data, the remaining 1,000 bytes is
3. If the next receive request is for 2,000 bytes, all of the send data for the second send is received.
Sending node (host computer) Receiving node (Controller)
User program Built-in EtherNet/IP port User program
(1) Data received to
Ethernet line receive buffer.
(2) 1st receive
Receive buffer request (request
(9,000 bytes) for 1,000 bytes)
1st send
request Data A (upper bytes) Data A (upper bytes) 1,000 bytes
2,000 bytes Data A
Data A (lower bytes)
The remaining
2,000 bytes data is discarded.
Data B Data B
2nd send Data A (lower bytes) 1,000 bytes
9-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
• When There Is Only One Receive Request for Data Sent for Multiple Send Requests
You cannot use just one receive request to receive the data that was sent for multiple send
requests, regardless of the size of the data.
Example 2: Receive Request for 1,000 Bytes when 200 Bytes of Data Was Sent for Two Send
1. The data that was sent from the sending node in two sends is stored in the receive buffer.
2. Even if a receive request is made for 2,000 bytes of data, only the 100 bytes that was sent for the
first send request is received.
Sending node (host computer) Receiving node (Controller)
9-2-3 Data Reception Processing
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-9
9 Socket Service
9-2-4 Broadcasting
You can set the destination IP address to a broadcast address for a UDP socket to broadcast data to
the host and all nodes on the same network as the EtherNet/IP port. If there is a router on the network,
packets are not sent beyond the router. You can broadcast up to 1,472 bytes of data. Data larger than
1,472 bytes cannot be broadcast.
You can specify either of the two following types of broadcast addresses.
• Local Broadcast
If no destination IP address is specified, the following IP address is specified automatically.
Network segment: The network segment of the local IP address is set.
Host segment: All bits are set to 1.
• Global Broadcast
Specify this type when the IP address of the local node or the subnet to which the local node belongs
is unknown. As shown below, every bit of the 32-bit address is set to 1.
9-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
9-3-1 Overview
Socket services on the built-in EtherNet/IP port are used to exchange data between Controllers and
general-purpose applications that do not support CIP message communications. The Controller
requests the socket service from the user program.
Number of sockets
NY-series Controller
UDP socket service Total of 30 sockets
TCP socket service
9-3-2 Procedure 9-3-1 Overview
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-11
9 Socket Service
Sysmac Studio
Unit Settings Tab Setting Setting conditions
Setting Local IP Address Required
Subnet Mask Required
TCP/IP Keep Alive Optional
(Change when the default setting of 5 minutes is unacceptable.)
Linger Option Optional
Additional Information
Make this setting in the TCP/IP Dialog Box. Refer to 5-1 TCP/IP Settings Display for information
on the TCP/IP Dialog Box.
9-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-13
9 Socket Service
Number of sockets
NY-series Controller
UDP socket service Total of 30 sockets
TCP socket service
To use these sockets for communications, special ST instructions for sockets are executed to execute
the following processes.
Open processing: This process places the socket in a usable state. This is the first process that is exe-
cuted when using socket services. With TCP, open processing is performed until a
connection is established.
Close processing: This process ends the use of the socket. With TCP, it closes the connection.
Send processing: This process sends data from the socket.
Receive processing: This process receives data from the socket.
Clear processing: This process clears data in the receive buffer received from the remote node.
9-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
Opening a Connection Accepting a Connection
Execute SktTCPConnect instruction. Execute SktTCPAccept instruction.
Error End
Check error details based on
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE
Send Processing
Execute SktTCPSend instruction.
Error End
Receive Processing
Execute SktTCPRcv instruction. 9
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
9-6-2 Procedure to Use Socket Services
Close Processing
Execute SktClose instruction.
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Normal End Output variable: ErrorID
Output variable: Done = TRUE
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-15
9 Socket Service
Open Processing
Execute SktUDPCreate instruction.
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE
Send Processing
Execute SktUDPSend instruction.
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE
Receive Processing
Execute SktUDPRcv instruction.
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Output variable: ErrorID
Normal End
Output variable: Done = TRUE
Close Processing
Execute SktClose instruction.
Error End
Output variable: Error = TRUE
Check error details based on
Instruction end normally? the error code and take
suitable actions.
Normal End Output variable: ErrorID
Output variable: Done = TRUE
9-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
Changes to FALSE
because Execute
changes to FALSE.
Done Changes to FALSE
because Execute
changes to FALSE.
(2) (7)
ErrorID 0x0000 0x1234
2 After the results of the instruction execution of the instruction are stored in the output variables,
Done changes to TRUE and Busy changes to FALSE.
5 Execute is ignored if it changes to TRUE during instruction executed (i.e., when Busy is TRUE).
6 If an error occurs, several retries are attempted internally. The error code in the ErrorID is not
updated during the retries.
7 When a communications error occurs, Error changes to TRUE and the ErrorID is stored. Also,
Busy and Done change to FALSE.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-17
9 Socket Service
Example 1 Example 2
Execute Execute When Execute
Changes to changes to
FALSE in next Busy FALSE, Done
Busy task period.
(Executing) (Executing) returns to FALSE.
Done Done
9-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
IP address:
IP address: UDP port number: 6001
UDP port number: 6000
Data sent.
Remote node
Data received.
Ethernet line
The processing procedure is as follows:
2 Execute the SktUDPSend instruction to request sending. The data in SendSocketDat[] is sent.
3 The SktUDPRcv instruction is executed to request reception. The receive data is stored in
SktUDPCreate_instance SktUDPCreate
SktUDPSend_instance SktUDPSend
SktUDPRcv_instance SktUDPRcv
SktClose_instance SktClose
Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online
*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-19
9 Socket Service
1: // Request creating socket.
Execute :=TRUE,
SrcUdpPort:=UINT#6000, // Local UDP port number
Socket =>WkSocket); // Socket
IF (SktUDPCreate_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPCreate_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end
2: // Send request
WkSocket.DstAdr.PortNo :=UINT#6001;
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0], // Send data
Size :=UINT#2000); // Send data size
IF (SktUDPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end
9-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
IF (SktUDPRcv_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPRcv_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end
IF (SktClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end
0: // Normal end
Trigger :=FALSE;
In this example, programming is also required in the remote node. The order of sending and receiv-
ing is reversed in comparison with the above procedure.
2 The SktUDPRcv instruction is executed to request reception. The receive data is stored in
3 Execute the SktUDPSend instruction to request sending. The data in SendSocketDat[] is sent.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-21
9 Socket Service
Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
DoSendAndRcv BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
RcvSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Receive data
WkSocket _sSOCKET (Handle:=0, Socket
SrcAdr:=(PortNo:=0, IpAdr:=’’),
DstAdr:=(PortNo:=0, IpAdr:=’’))
SendSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Send data
SktUDPCreate_instance SktUDPCreate
SktUDPSend_instance SktUDPSend
SktUDPRcv_instance SktUDPRcv
SktClose_instance SktClose
Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online
*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.
1: // Request creating socket.
Execute :=TRUE,
SrcUdpPort:=UINT#6001, // Local UDP port number
Socket =>WkSocket); // Socket
IF (SktUDPCreate_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPCreate_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end
9-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
IF (SktUDPRcv_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPRcv_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end
3: // Send request
WkSocket.DstAdr.IpAdr :='';
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0], // Send data
IF (SktUDPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktUDPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end
IF (SktClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end 9-6-4 UDP Sample Programming
0: // Normal end
Trigger :=FALSE;
ELSE // Interrupted by error.
Trigger :=FALSE;
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-23
9 Socket Service
Data sent.
Remote node
Data received.
Ethernet line
1 The SktTCPConnect instruction is executed to request connecting to the TCP port on the
remote node.
2 The SktClearBuf instruction is executed to clear the receive buffer for a TCP socket.
4 The SktTCPSend instruction is executed to request sending data. The data in SendSocketDat[]
is sent.
5 The SktTCPRcv instruction is executed to request receiving data. The receive data is stored in
Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condition
DoTCP BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
RcvSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Receive data
WkSocket _sSOCKET (Handle:=0,SrcAdr:=(PortNo:=0, Socket
IpAdr:=’’), DstAdr:=(PortNo:=0,
SendSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Send data
SktTCPConnect_ SktTCPConnect
SktClearBuf_instance SktClearBuf
SktGetTCPStatus_ SktGetTCPStatus
SktTCPSend_instance SktTCPSend
SktTCPRcv_instance SktTCPRcv
SktClose_instance SktClose
Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online
*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.
9-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
1: // Request a connection.
Execute :=TRUE,
IF (SktTCPConnect_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPConnect_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end
IF (SktClearBuf_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktClearBuf_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-25
9 Socket Service
IF (SktGetTCPStatus_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktGetTCPStatus_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end
4: // Send request
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0], // Send data
Size :=UINT#2000); // Send data size
IF (SktTCPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#5; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#40; // Error end
IF (SktTCPRcv_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#6; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPRcv_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#50; // Error end
IF (SktClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktClose_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#60; // Error end
9-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
0: // Normal end
Trigger :=FALSE;
2 The SktTCPRcv instruction is executed to request receiving data. The receive data is stored in
3 The SktTCPSend instruction is executed to request sending data. The data in SendSocketDat[]
is sent.
Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Trigger BOOL False Execution condi-
DoTCP BOOL False Processing
Stage INT 0 Status change
RcvSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Receive data
WkSocket _sSOCKET (Handle:=0, Socket
SendSocketDat ARRAY[0..1999] OF [2000(16#0)] Send data
SktTCPAccept_instance SktTCPAccept
9-6-5 TCP Sample Programming
SktTCPSend_instance SktTCPSend
SktTCPRcv_instance SktTCPRcv
SktClose_instance SktClose
Variable Data type Constant Comment
_EIP_EtnOnlineSta*1 BOOL Online
*1 Replace the variable name with _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta (Port1 Online) or _EIPIn1_EtnOnlineSta (Internal Port1
Online), depending on which communications port you use.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-27
9 Socket Service
1: // Request accepting a socket connection.
Execute :=TRUE,
SrcTcpPort:=UINT#6000, // Local TCP port number
TimeOut :=UINT#0, // Timeout value
Socket =>WkSocket); // Socket
IF (SktTCPAccept_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#2; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPAccept_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#10; // Error end
2: // Request reception.
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
TimeOut :=UINT#0, // Timeout value
Size :=UINT#2000, // Receive data size
RcvDat :=RcvSocketDat[0]); // Receive data
IF (SktTCPRcv_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#3; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPRcv_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#20; // Error end
9-28 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
3: // Send request
Execute :=TRUE,
Socket :=WkSocket, // Socket
SendDat :=SendSocketDat[0], // Send data
Size :=UINT#2000); // Send data size
IF (SktTCPSend_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#4; // Normal end
ELSIF (SktTCPSend_instance.Error=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#30; // Error end
IF (SktClose_instance.Done=TRUE) THEN
Stage :=INT#0; // Normal end
0: // Normal end
Trigger :=FALSE;
ELSE // Interrupted by error.
Trigger :=FALSE;
9-6-5 TCP Sample Programming
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9 Socket Service
9-30 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
9 Socket Service
• For TCP sockets, the send data is resent up to 12 times if an acknowledgment (ACK) from the
remote node is not received. The resend interval increases to between one second and 64 seconds
for each resend.
• For TCP sockets, a connection request (SYN) is sent by performing an open connection. SYN is
resent up to four time if an acknowledgment (SYN + ACK) from the remote node is not received. An
error will occur if SYN + ACK is not received even 75 seconds elapsed since the open processing is
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 9-31
9 Socket Service
9-32 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
FTP Server
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-1
10 FTP Server
10-1-1 Overview
The built-in EtherNet/IP port contains an FTP (file transfer protocol) server. You can therefore send FTP
commands from an FTP client software application on a computer on an Ethernet network to upload
and download large files on the Virtual SD Memory Card.
FTP client
Specify the file and upload or download it by
Intranet using FTP commands such as get and put.
Large file
10-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
10-1-2 Specifications
10-1-2 Specifications
mkdir: Creates a new directory in the working directory in the remote host.
rmdir: Deletes a directory from the working directory in the remote host.
cd: Changes the work directory in the remote host to the specified directory.
pwd: Displays the work directory on the remote host.
type: Specifies the data type of transferred files.
get: Transfers the specified remote file to the local host.
mget: Transfers the specified multiple remote files to the local host.
put: Transfers the specified local file to the remote host.
mput: Transfers the specified multiple local files to the remote host.
delete: Deletes the specified file from the remote host.
mdelete: Deletes the specified multiple files from the remote host.
append: Uses the currently specified file data type and appends a local file to the
remote host.
close: Disconnects the FTP server.
bye: Closes the FTP client.
quit: Closes the FTP client.
Protection Login name (up to 12 characters)
Password consists of 8 to 32 characters
Protocol used FTP (port number: 20/TCP, 21/TCP)
Number of connections 6
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-3
10 FTP Server
bin Used by system
A connection is initially made to the root directory.
Additional Information
• The date of the MEMCARD1 directory displayed for ls, dir, or mkdir commands in the root
directory is the date of the file system volume label.
• The login date is displayed for MEMCARD1 if a volume label has not been created.
Additional Information
When a general-purpose FTP application is used, you can use a graphical user interface similar
to Explorer to transfer and read files.
Login Messages
Status Message
Normal connection 220 xxx.xx.xx.xx FTP server ready.
xxx.xx.xx.xx: Controller model (example: NY512-1500-131513F10)
10-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
• Exclusive Control When Accessing the Same File on the Virtual SD Memory Card
First access
File Operations from
Instructions*1 FTP server
the Sysmac Studio
Reading Writing Reading Writing Reading Writing
Exclusive control is per- Exclusive Perform Exclusive Perform
Later access
*1 The instructions include the SD Memory Card operation instructions and the FTP client communications
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-5
10 FTP Server
10-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
10-3-1 Procedure
10-3-1 Procedure
Set up the FTP server on the Sysmac Studio. (Refer to 5-3 FTP Display.)
3 Select Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings under Configuration - Controller Setup on the Sys-
mac Studio. Make the following settings on the FTP Settings Display.
• FTP server
• Port number
• Login name
• Password
4 Place the Controller online and transfer the settings to the Controller.
6 Input the FTP login name and password that you set in the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings to
log in to the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Note Once logged in, the ftp commands can be used, such as cd (Change Directory), and get (Obtain
7 After you are logged in, you can use the ftp commands, such as cd (Change Directory) and get
(Obtain File) for the MEMCARD1 directory in the Virtual SD Memory Card in the Controller.
Additional Information
Make the settings in the FTP Settings Dialog Box if the FTP server is used. Refer to 5-3 FTP Dis-
play for information on the FTP Settings Dialog Box.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-7
10 FTP Server
Additional Information
When a general-purpose FTP application is used, you can use a graphical user interface similar
to Explorer to transfer and read files.
1 Turn ON the power supply to the Controller.
2 Connect to the FTP server from a computer on the Ethernet by entering the text that is under-
lined in the following diagram.
IP address of built-in EtherNet/IP port
Connected to
220 NY512-1500-131513F10 FTP server ready.
10-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
ABC (subdirectory)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-9
10 FTP Server
10-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
open [IP_address or host_name_of_FTP_server]
Connects the FTP server. Normally when the FTP client is booted, the FTP server IP address is
user [user_name]
• Specifies the user name. Specify the FTP login name set in the built-in EtherNet/IP port system
• The user name is automatically requested immediately after connection to the FTP server.
ls [-l] [remote_file_name [local_file_name]]
• Displays the names of files on the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• Set the switch [-l] to display not only the file names but the creation dates and sizes as well. If the
switch is not set, only the file names are displayed.
• Specify a file on the Virtual SD Memory Card for the remote file name.
• If a local file name is specified, the file information is stored in the specified file.
mls remote_file_name local_file_name
• Displays a list of the names of files on the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• Specify the directory or file name on the Virtual SD Memory Card you wish to list for remote file
name. Input an asterisk (*) to display a list of the current working directory.
• If a local file name is specified, the file information is stored in the specified file. Input a hyphen (-)
to display a list of the remote host but not store the list of file names.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-11
10 FTP Server
dir [remote_file_name [local_file_name]]
• Displays the names, creation dates, and sizes of files on the remote host (on the Virtual SD Mem-
ory Card).
• It displays the same information as command [ls -l].
• Specify a file on the Virtual SD Memory Card for the remote file name.
• If a local file name is specified, the file information is stored in the specified file.
mdir remote_file_name local_file_name
• Displays the names of files, subdirectories, creation dates, and sizes on the remote host (on the
Virtual SD Memory Card).
• Specify the directory or file name on the Virtual SD Memory Card to list as the remote file name.
Input a hyphen (-) to display a list of the current working directory.
• If a local file name is specified, the file information is stored in the specified file. Input a hyphen (-)
to display a list of the remote host and not store the list of file names.
rename current_file_name new_file_name
• Changes the specified current file name to the specified new file name.
• If the new file name is already used on the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card), the
existing file is overwritten by the file for which the name was changed.
• rename can be used only to change the file name. It cannot be used to move the file to a different
mkdir directory_name
• Creates a directory of the specified name at the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• An error will occur if a file or directory of the same name already exists in the working directory.
10-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
• Deletes the directory with the specified name from the remote host (from the Virtual SD Memory
• The directory must be empty to delete it.
• Displays the work directory on the remote host.
append local_file_name [remote_file_name]
Uses the file data type that is specified by the type command to append the local file to the remote
host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).
cd [directory_name]
• Changes the remote host work directory to the specified remote directory.
• Files on the Virtual SD Memory Card are stored in the MEMCARD1 directory under the root direc-
tory (/).
• The root directory (/) is the directory that is used when you log onto the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
The MEMCARD1 directory does not exist if a Virtual SD Memory Card is not set in the Controller.
type data_type
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-13
10 FTP Server
• Specifies the file data type.
• The following data types are supported:
ascii: Files are transferred as ASCII data.
binary (image): Files are transferred as binary data. The Controller handles binary files. Use the
type command to specify binary transfers before you upload or download files. File contents can-
not be guaranteed if transferred as ASCII data.
• The default file type is ASCII.
get file_name [receive_file_name]
• Transfers the specified remote file from the Virtual SD Memory Card to the local host.
• A receive file name can be used to specify the name of the file in the local host.
mget file_name
• You can include wildcards (*) in the file name to transfer multiple remote files from the Virtual SD
Memory Card to the local host.
put file_name [destination_file_name]
• Transfers the specified local file to the remote host (to the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• You can specify the destination file name to specify the name the file is stored under on the Virtual
SD Memory Card.
• Any existing file with the same name in the remote host (on the Virtual SD Memory Card) is over-
written by the contents of the transferred file.
mput file_name
• You can include wildcards (*) in the file name to transfer multiple local files to the remote host (to
the Virtual SD Memory Card).
10-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
delete file_name
• Deletes the specified remote file (on the Virtual SD Memory Card).
• You can include wildcards (*) in the file name to delete multiple remote files from the Virtual SD
Memory Card.
• Disconnects the FTP server of the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
• Ends the FTP sessions.
• Ends the FTP sessions.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-15
10 FTP Server
The following three methods are used by the Controller to store and read data on the Virtual SD Mem-
ory Card.
Sysmac Studio
File Names
Files are distinguished by assigning file names and extensions. The following characters can be used
in file names and extensions: File names are not case sensitive.
A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, and the following symbols: $ % ’ - _ @ ! ‘ ( ) ~ = # & + ^ [ ] { } , . ;
The maximum file name length with the extension is 65 characters. The first period (.) in a file name is
taken as the delimiter between the file name and extension. Extensions are determined by the file type.
You can create up to five levels of directories to store files on the Virtual SD Memory Card (count the
root directory as one level). A maximum of 65 characters can be used in a directory name.
10-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
File type File names Extension Contents Description
Variables file (binary Refer to .bin Specified variables This variables file contains the val-
format) 10-6-1 File ues of specified variables (which
Types. include arrays and structures) in
binary format (.bin).
Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558)
for details.
Binary Format
The IOM format is a data format used for binary data specified by the ladder instructions, FileReadVar
(Read Variables File) and FileWriteVar (Save Variables File), in the Controller. You can also read and
save arrays and structures. Data is created as shown below when the data of variable Var_A is placed
in an attached file in binary format.
Virtual SD Memory Card
SaveVar instruction Var_A
Variable values are 16#4567
written to the binary 16#abcd
file in sequence 16#0987
from the beginning.
Binary file
Additional Information
• When you handle a binary file on the NY-series Controller, always specify the binary data type
with the type command before you read or write the file via FTP. (Refer to 10-5-2 Using the
• For details on how to use ladder diagram instructions to process files, refer to the NY-series
Instructions Reference Manual (Cat. No. W560).
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-17
10 FTP Server
1 Start the FTP application and connect to the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
3 Make sure the Virtual SD Memory Card settings are correctly made. The MEMCARD1 directory
is displayed if the Virtual SD Memory Card settings are correctly made.
10-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
10 FTP Server
Host Computer
ftp> get RESULT.BIN Read file.
200 PORT command successful.
150 opening data connection for result.bin (**IPaddress**port#**) (**bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
** bytes received in *.*** seconds (**bytes/s)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 10-19
10 FTP Server
10-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
FTP Client
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-1
11 FTP Client
Instruction Function
FTPGetFileList Gets a file list from the FTP server.
FTPGetFile Downloads one or more files from the FTP server.
FTPPutFile Uploads one or more files to the FTP server.
FTPRemoveFile Deletes one or more files on the FTP server.
FTPRemoveDir Deletes a directory on the FTP server.
Downloaded files are stored on the Virtual SD Memory Card. When uploading files, files that are stored
on the Virtual SD Memory Card are uploaded to the FTP server. Therefore, to upload or download files,
a Virtual SD Memory Card must be set in the NY-series Controller.
FTP server
NY-series Controller
Virtual SD
FTP client
11-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client
Opening a TCP connection between the FTP server and FTP client is necessary to transfer files.
TCP connections include control connections to control communications and data connections to
transfer data. There are also an Active Mode and a Passive Mode to open a data connection that
differ in which party makes the connection request. The following table describes the differences.
For example, if the FTP server is not on the Internet and you use Active Mode to open the data con-
nection, the connection request from the FTP server may not be permitted due to security policies.
In that case, you must use Passive Mode to open the data connection when you request a connec-
tion from the FTP client.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-3
11 FTP Client
You can specify whether to overwrite a file of the same name at the file transfer destination. If you
specify not overwriting files and a file of the same name as the transferred file exists at the transfer
destination, the source file is not transferred.
11-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client
FTP client communications instructions and their functions are given in the following table.
Instruction Function
FTPGetFileList Gets a file list from the FTP server.
FTPGetFile Downloads one or more files from the FTP server.
FTPPutFile Uploads one or more files to the FTP server.
FTPRemoveFile Deletes one or more files on the FTP server.
For details on the FTP client communications instructions, refer to the NY-series Instructions Reference
Manual (Cat. No. W560).
FTPGetFileList Instruction
The FTPGetFileList instruction gets a list of the files and folders in a specified directory on the FTP
The following information is obtained.
• The number of files and folders in the specified directory
• The names of the files and folders
• The last updated dates of the files and folders
• The file sizes
• The read-only attributes of the files and folders
FTP client
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-5
11 FTP Client
Additional Information
The updated dates of files at 12 am and 12 pm are improved in the CPU Unit with unit version
1.14 or later.
FTPGetFile Instruction
The FTPGetFile instruction downloads the specified file from the specified directory on the FTP server
to the specified directory in the Virtual SD Memory Card.
You can use wildcards to specify the file name to allow you to download more than one file at the same
If the directory specified for the download does not exist in the Virtual SD Memory Card, the directory is
created and the data is downloaded in it.
You can specify the following options.
• Transfer mode
• Open mode for data connection
• Deleting files after transfer
• Overwriting
FTP server
Virtual SD
FTP client
FTPPutFile Instruction
The FTPPutFile instruction uploads the specified file from the specified directory in the Virtual SD Mem-
ory Card to the specified directory on the FTP server.
You can use wildcards to specify the file name to allow you to upload more than one file at the same
If the directory specified for the upload does not exist on the FTP server, the directory is created and
the data is uploaded in it.
You can specify the following options.
• Transfer mode
• Open mode for data connection
• Deleting files after transfer
• Overwriting
11-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client
One or more files
Virtual SD
FTP client
FTPRemoveFile Instruction
FTP client
FTPRemoveDir Instruction
The FTPRemoveDir instruction deletes the specified directory from the FTP server.
FTP server
Directory is deleted.
FTP client
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-7
11 FTP Client
• If you execute more than one FTP client communications instruction to read and write data in a Vir-
tual SD Memory Card at a time, unexpected operation may result, such as reading data from a file to
which data is being written. Perform exclusive control of the instructions in the user program.
• If you execute an FTP client communications instruction to read or write data in a Virtual SD Memory
Card at the same time as an operation to read or write data in the Virtual SD Memory Card, unex-
pected operation may result, such as reading data from a file to which data is being written. Perform
exclusive control of the instructions in the user program. Refer to the NY-series Industrial Panel PC /
Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558) for information on exclusive control of file
access in Virtual SD Memory Cards.
11-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client
This programming executes an SD Memory Card backup and then uploads all of the backup-related
files to the /Backup/yyyy-mm-dd directory on the FTP server.
FTP server
IP address: 11
UDP port number: 21
User name: FtpUser
Password: 12345678
Virtual SD
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
The Controller is connected to the FTP server through an EtherNet/IP network. The settings of the
parameters to connect to the FTP server are given in the following table.
Parameter Value
IP address
UDP port number 21
User name FtpUser
Password 12345678
2 The FTPPutFile instruction is used to upload the backup-related files to the /Backup/yyyy-mm-
dd directory on the FTP server.
The wildcard specification *.* is used to specify the names of the files to transfer.
3 Normal end processing is executed if all processing ends normally. Processing for an error end
is performed if an error occurs.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-9
11 FTP Client
Vari- Variable Data type Initial value Comment
FTPPutFile_in- Instance of FTPPutFile
stance instruction
_sFTP_CON- (Adr := '', PortNo := 0, User- Connected FTP server
NECT_SVR Name := '', Password := '') settings
ARRAY[0..0] OF [(Name := '', TxError := False,
PutResult _sFTP_FILE_RE- RemoveError := False, Uploaded file results
SULT Reserved := [4(16#0)])]
RS_instance RS Instance of RS instruction
OperatingEnd BOOL FALSE Processing completed
Trigger BOOL FALSE Execution condition
Operating BOOL FALSE Processing
BackupToMemo- BackupToMemory- Instance of Backup-
ryCard_instance Card ToMemoryCard instruction
11-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client
'FTPUser' In Out FTPAddr.UserName '12345678' In Out FTPAddr.Password
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-11
11 FTP Client
Vari- Variable Data type Initial value Comment
Instance of R_TRIG
R_TRIG_instance R_TRIG
UP_Q BOOL FALSE Trigger output
FTPPutFile_in- Instance of FTPPutFile
stance instruction
Execution condition for
DoFTPTrigger BOOL FALSE BackupToMemoryCard
and FTPPutFile
_sFTP_CON- (Adr := '', PortNo := 0, User- Connected FTP server
NECT_SVR Name := '', Password := '') settings
ARRAY[0..0] OF [(Name := '', TxError := False,
PutResult _sFTP_FILE_RE- RemoveError := False, Uploaded file results
SULT Reserved := [4(16#0)])]
Instruction execution
Stage UINT 0
Trigger BOOL FALSE Execution condition
BackupToMemo- BackupToMemory- Instance of Backup-
ryCard_instance Card ToMemoryCard instruction
// Accept trigger.
R_TRIG_instance(Trigger, UP_Q);
IF ( (UP_Q = TRUE) AND (BackupToMemoryCard_instance.Busy = FALSE) AND
(FTPPutFile_instance.Busy = FALSE) ) THEN
DoFTPTrigger := TRUE;
Stage := INT#1;
BackupToMemoryCard_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute := FALSE) ;
FTPPutFile_instance( // Initialize instance.
Execute := FALSE,
ConnectSvr := FTPAddr,
SvrDirName := '/Backup/yyyy-mm-dd',
LocalDirName := '/',
FileName := '*.*',
PutFileResult := PutResult) ;
11-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
11 FTP Client
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 11-13
11 FTP Client
11-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
SNMP Agent
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-1
12 SNMP Agent
Management information
database SNMP manager
12-1-1 Overview
SNMP Agent
The built-in EtherNet/IP port has its own management information called the MIB (management infor-
mation base). This information can be provided to the SNMP manager. The SNMP manager is software
that gathers and processes information about devices on the SNMP network and provides that informa-
tion to the network administrator. You can use the SNMP manager to monitor the built-in EtherNet/IP
SNMP manager
Information requested
(SNMP command). SNMP agent
Information sent
(management MIB
Built-in EtherNet/IP port
The SNMP manager has a SNMP command to request MIB information. The built-in EtherNet/IP port
SNMP agent function supports SNMPv1 (RFC1157) and SNMPv2C (RFC1901). Use the SNMPv1 or
SNMPv2C protocol to manage the built-in EtherNet/IP port with the SNMP manager. You can also use
both the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2C protocols together at the same time.
12-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
SNMP Traps
When a failure or some other specific problem occurs, a status report called a trap is sent. This enables
monitoring changes in status even if the SNMP manager does not monitor the built-in EtherNet/IP port
periodically. However, traps use UDP. Therefore, you cannot check to see if the SNMP manager
receives traps from the EtherNet/IP port. Thus, depending on the network status, some traps may not
reach the SNMP manager.
SNMP manager
SNMP agent
12-1-2 Specifications
12-1-2 Specifications
Item Specification
Protocol SNMP
Agent SNMPv1, SNMPv2c
Port No. SNMP agent: 161 (UDP)
SNMP trap: 162 (UDP)
These can be changed in the Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings from the Sysmac
Timing of SNMP trap opera- Status reports are sent to the SNMP manager at the following times.
tion • When the Controller is turned ON
• When links are established
• When an SNMP agent fails to be authorized
Supported MIB commands GetRequest/GetNextRequest
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-3
12 SNMP Agent
org (3)
dod (6)
internet (1)
mgmt (2)
mib-2 (1)
-system (1) Unit information
ip(4) IP information
MIB Groups
12-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-5
12 SNMP Agent
Interfaces Group
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ifNumber (1) RO Sup- 3
The number of network interfaces. ported.
ifTable (2) NA ---
Interface entity table
ifEntry (1) NA ---
Row data for interface information
The index is ifIndex.
ifIndex (1) RO Sup- 1 to 3
A number used to identify the interface. ported.
ifDescr (2) RO Sup- 1. Loop Back
Information related to the interface (includes man- ported. 2. 10/100/1000M
ufacturer name, product name, and hardware Gigabit Ethernet
interface version). Port
3. Internal Network
ifType (3) RO Sup- ethernet-csmacd(6)
The type of interface classified according to the ported.
physical/link layer protocol directly under the net-
work layer of the protocol stack.
ifMtu (4) RO Sup- 1,500
MTU value ported.
The maximum size (in octets) of datagrams that
can be sent and received through this interface.
ifSpeed (5) RO Sup- 10000000/
Estimated bandwidth ported. 100000000/
If a stable, accurate value cannot be obtained for 1000000000
the bandwidth, a nominal value is set instead.
ifPhysAddress (6) RO Sup- The MAC address of
MAC address ported. the EtherNet/IP port.
The physical address under the network layer of
the interface.
ifAdminStatus (7) RW Sup- According to the
The preferred status of the interface. ported. standard.
You cannot send normal packets in the testing state.
ifOperStatus (8) RO Sup- According to the
The current status of the interface. ported. standard.
You cannot send normal packets in the testing state.
12-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ifLastChange (9) RO Sup- According to the
The sysUpTime (in 0.01seconds) at the last ported. standard.
change in ifOperStatus for this interface.
ifInOctets (10) RO Sup- According to the
The number of octets received through this inter- ported. standard.
face. This includes framing characters.
ifInUcastPkts (11) RO Sup- According to the
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-7
12 SNMP Agent
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ifSpecific (22) RO Sup- 0.0
The object ID that represents a reference to the ported.
media-specific MIB for the interface.
For example, for Ethernet, set the object ID of the
MIB that defines Ethernet. If there is no informa-
tion, set { 0.0 }.
12-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
Ip Group: Ip
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipForwarding (1) RW Sup- • Forwarding (1)
Indicates if the device operates as a gateway. IP ported. • Not-forwarding (2)
gateways can transfer datagrams, but IP hosts
Depends on the set-
can perform only source routing. Some nodes
take only one of these values. Therefore, if you
attempt to change this object from the SNMP
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-9
12 SNMP Agent
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipOutNoRoutes (12) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that were discarded ported. standard.
because there was no transmission path. This
counter includes datagrams that attempted to be
sent through ipForwDatagrams, but were dis-
carded because they were set with no-route. This
value indicates the number of datagrams that
could not be transferred because the default gate-
way was down.
ipReasmTimeout (13) RO Sup- 60 s
The maximum number of seconds to wait to ported.
receive all IP datagrams for reassembly if a frag-
mented IP datagram is received.
ipReasmReqds (14) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams received that require ported. standard.
reassembly. There is a flag in the IP header that
indicates if the datagram is fragmented. You can
use that flag to identify fragments.
ipReasmOKs (15) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams received that were ported. standard.
successfully reassembled.
ipReasmFails (16) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams received that were ported. standard.
not successfully reassembled.
ipFragOKs (17) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that were success- ported. standard.
fully fragmented.
ipFragFails (18) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams that were not suc- ported. standard.
cessfully fragmented. (For example, because the
Don’t Fragment flag was set for the IP datagram.)
ipFragCreates (19) RO Sup- According to the
The number of IP datagrams created as a result of ported. standard.
ipAddrTable (20) NA --- ---
An address information table for IP addresses.
ipAddrEntry (1) NA --- ---
Row data of address information for IP addresses.
The index is ipAdEntAddr.
ipAdEntAddr (1) RO Sup- According to the
The IP address. ported. standard.
ipAdEntIfIndex (2) RO Sup- According to the
The index value of the interface that this entry ported. standard.
applies to.
This is the same value as ifIndex.
ipAdEntNet (3) RO Sup- According to the
Mask The subnet mask for the IP address of this entry. ported. standard.
ipAdEntB- (4) RO Sup- According to the
castAddr The value of the least significant bit of the address ported. standard.
when an IP broadcast is sent. An address repre-
sented by all 1 bits is used for broadcasting as an
Internet standard. In that case, this value is always 1.
12-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipAdEn- (5) RO Sup- According to the
tReasmMax- The maximum IP packet size that can be reas- ported. standard.
Size sembled from IP fragmented input IP datagrams
received through the interface.
ipRouteTable (21) NA --- ---
The IP routing table for this entity.
ipRouteEntry (1) NA --- ---
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-11
12 SNMP Agent
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipRouteProto (9) RO Sup- According to the
This is the routing mechanism used to determine ported. standard.
routes. Some values correspond to gateway rout-
ing protocols, but be aware that the host may not
support those protocols.
Other (1): Other than the following items.
Local (2): A route set on the local machine.
Netmgmt (3): A route set by network manage-
Icmp (4): A route set by an ICMP redirect or
some other ICMP function.
Egp (5): EGP
The following are gateway protocols:
Ggp (6): GGP
Hello (7): HELLO
Rip (8): RIP
is-is (9)
es-is (10)
ciscolgrp (11)
bbnSpflgp (12)
ospf (13): OSPF
bgp (14)
ipRouteAge (10) RW Sup- Always 0.
The elapsed time since this route was updated (in ported.
ipRouteMask (11) RW Sup- According to the
The subnet mask value in relation to ipRouteDest. ported. standard.
On systems that do not support a custom subnet
mask value, this value is based on the address
class of the ipRouteDest field. If ipRouteDest is, this value is also
ipRouteMetric5 (12) RW Sup- According to the
The alternative routing metric. ported. standard.
ipRouteInfo (13) RO Sup- 0.0
The MIB object ID for the routing protocol used by ported.
this route. If not defined, set to {0.0}.
12-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
Subtree name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
ipNetToMediaTable (22) NA --- ---
The IP address conversion table used to map IP
addresses to physical addresses.
ipNetToMediaEntry (1) NA --- ---
Row data for the conversion table. The indices are
ipNetToMediaIfIndex and ipNetToMediaNetAd-
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-13
12 SNMP Agent
Ip Group: Icmp
Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
icmpInMsgs (1) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of received ICMP messages. ported. standard.
This includes messages counted by icmpInErrors.
icmpInErrors (2) RO Sup- According to the
The number of received ICMP message errors. ported. standard.
(Checksum errors, frame length errors, etc.)
icmpInDestUnreachs (3) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Destination Unreachable mes- ported. standard.
sages received.
icmpInTimeExcds (4) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Time Exceed messages received. ported. standard.
icmpInParmProbs (5) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Parameter Problem messages ported. standard.
icmpInSrcQuenchs (6) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Source Quench messages ported. standard.
icmpInRedirects (7) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Redirect messages received. ported. standard.
icmpInEchos (8) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Echo (request) messages ported. standard.
icmpInEchoReps (9) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Echo Reply messages received. ported. standard.
icmpInTimestamps (10) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Timestamp messages received. ported. standard.
icmpInTimestampReps (11) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Timestamp Reply messages ported. standard.
icmpInAddrMasks (12) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Address Mask Request messages ported. standard.
icmpInAddrMaskReps (13) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Address Mask Reply messages ported. standard.
icmpOutMsgs (14) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of ICMP messages sent. This ported. standard.
includes messages counted by icmpOutErrors.
icmpOutErrors (15) RO Sup- According to the
The number of ICMP messages that could not be ported. standard.
sent because of an error.
icmpOutDestUnreachs (16) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Destination Unreachable mes- ported. standard.
sages sent.
icmpOutTimeExcds (17) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Time Exceed messages sent. ported. standard.
icmpOutParmProbs (18) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Parameter Problem messages ported. standard.
icmpOutSrcQuenchs (19) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Source Quench messages sent. ported. standard.
12-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
icmpOutRedirects (20) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Redirect messages sent. ported. standard.
icmpOutEchos (21) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Echo (request) messages sent. ported. standard.
icmpOutEchoReps (22) RO Sup- According to the
The number of Echo Reply messages sent. ported. standard.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-15
12 SNMP Agent
Ip Group: Tcp
Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
tcpRtoAlgorithm (1) RO Sup- According to the
The algorithm used to determine the timeout value ported. standard.
for resending.
Other (1): Other than the following items.
Constant (2): A constant RTO value.
Rsre (3): The algorithm specified by the MIL-
STD-1778 standard.
Vanj (4): The Van Jacobson algorithm.
tcpRtoMin (2) RO Sup- According to the
The minimum resend timeout value (in 0.01 s). ported. standard.
This value depends on the algorithm used to
determine the resend timeout value.
tcpRtoMax (3) RO Sup- According to the
The maximum resend timeout value (in 0.01 s). ported. standard.
This value depends on the algorithm used to
determine the resend timeout value.
tcpMaxConn (4) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of supported TCP connections. ported. standard.
If the maximum number of connections is
dynamic, this value is -1.
tcpActiveOpens (5) RO Sup- According to the
The number of times the TCP connection ported. standard.
changed from the CLOSE state directly to the
SYN-SENT state. (Active connection establish-
tcpPassiveOpens (6) RO Sup- According to the
The number of times the TCP connection ported. standard.
changed from the LISTEN state directly to the
SYN-RCVD state. (Passive connection establish-
tcpAttemptFails (7) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of times the TCP connection ported. standard.
changed from the SYN-SENT or SYN-RCVD state
directly to the CLOSE state and from the SYN-
RCVD state directly to the LISTEN state.
tcpEstabResets (8) RO Sup- According to the
The number of times the TCP connection ported. standard.
changed from the ESTABLISHED or the CLOSE-
WAIT state directly to the CLOSE state.
tcpCurrEstab (9) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of TCP connections currently in ported. standard.
the ESTABLISHED or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
tcpInSegs (10) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of received segments. This ported. standard.
includes the number of error segments.
tcpOutSegs (11) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of sent segments. This includes ported. standard.
the number of segments for the current connec-
tion, but does not include the number of segments
for resent data only.
tcpRetransSegs (12) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of resent segments. ported. standard.
12-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
tcpConnTable (13) NA --- According to the
The information table specific to the TCP connec- standard.
tcpConnEntry (1) NA --- According to the
Entry information related to a specific TCP con- standard.
nection. This value is deleted if the connection
changes to the CLOSE state. The indices are tcp-
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-17
12 SNMP Agent
Ip Group: Udp
Name Standard [(identifier) attribute] Support
udpInDatagrams (1) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The total number of UDP datagrams (i.e., the ported. dard.
number of packets) sent to the UDP user.
udpNoPorts (2) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The number of UDP datagrams that were ported. dard.
received but did not start an application at the
destination port.
udpInErrors (3) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The number of UDP datagrams that were not sent ported. dard.
to a higher level protocol for a reason other than
udpOutDatagrams (4) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The total number of sent UDP datagrams. ported. dard.
udpTable (5) NA --- According to the stan-
The information table for the UDP listener. dard.
udpEntry (1) NA --- According to the stan-
An entry related to a specific UDP listener. The dard.
indices are udpLocalAddress and udpLocalPort.
udpLocal (1) RO Sup- According to the stan-
Address The local IP address of this UDP listener. A value ported. dard.
of is used for UDP listeners that accept
datagrams from any IP interface related to the
udpLocalPort (2) RO Sup- According to the stan-
The local port number for this UDP listener. ported. dard.
Ip Group: Snmp
Standard [(identi-
fier) attribute]
snmpInPkts (1) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of SNMP messages received. ported. standard.
snmpOutPkts (2) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of SNMP messages sent. ported. standard.
snmpInBadVersions (3) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of messages received of an ported. standard.
unsupported version.
snmpInBadCommuni- (4) RO Sup- According to the
tyNames The total number of messages received from an ported. standard.
unregistered community.
snmpInBadCommunityU- (5) RO Sup- According to the
ses The total number of messages received that spec- ported. standard.
ify an operation that is not allowed by that commu-
snmpInASNParseErrs (6) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of messages received that ported. standard.
resulted in an ASN.1 error or BER error during
snmpInTooBigs (8) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs received with an error ported. standard.
status of tooBig.
12-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
Standard [(identi-
fier) attribute]
snmpInNoSuchNames (9) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs received with an error ported. standard.
status of noSuchName.
snmpInBadValues (10) RO Sup- According to the
The total number of PDUs received with an error ported. standard.
status of badValue.
snmpInReadOnlys (11) RO Sup- According to the
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-19
12 SNMP Agent
Standard [(identi-
fier) attribute]
snmpEnableAuthen (30) RW Sup- According to the
Traps Determines if the agent generates verification ported. standard.
failed traps.
Enabled (1)
Disabled (2)
12-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
12 SNMP Agent
2 Select Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings from the Controller Setup on the Sysmac Studio,
and then set the following on the SNMP Settings Display or SNMP Trap Settings Display.
• SNMP Service
• Recognition 1
• Recognition 2
3 Select Transfer to Controller from the Controller Menu and click the Yes Button. The built-in
12-2-1 Procedures
EtherNet/IP port settings are transferred to the Controller.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 12-21
12 SNMP Agent
Additional Information
Make the settings in the SNMP Settings Dialog Box and SNMP Trap Dialog Box if the SNMP
agent is used.
Refer to 5-4 SNMP Settings Display for information on the SNMP Settings Dialog Box. Refer to
5-5 SNMP Trap Settings Display for information on the SNMP Trap Dialog Box.
12-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Communications Performance
and Communications Load
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-1
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
In this example, 2 tag data link connections are set for node 2 (the originator) and node 1 (the tar-
The RPI for output data 1 is set to 10 ms.
The RPI for output data 2 is set to 15 ms.
In this case, output data 1 is sent from node 1 to node 2 every 10 ms, and output data 2 is sent from
node 1 to node 2 every 15 ms, as shown in the following diagram.
Also, data is sent from node 2 (the originator) to node 1 (the target) with a heartbeat of 100 ms for
connection 1 and a heartbeat of 100 ms for connection 2.
Node 1 Node 2
Connection 1 heartbeat
100-ms interval
Output data 2
10 ms
Connection 2 heartbeat
100-ms interval
Output data 1
15 ms
10 ms
Output data 2
Output data 1
13-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
PPS used in a connection (pps) = (1,000 ÷ RPI (ms)) + (1,000 ÷ Heartbeat transmission period (ms))
Built-in EtherNet/IP port’s total PPS = Total PPS of originator connections + Total PPS of target connec-
* Connections set as target connections must be added, too.
The maximum number of packets that the built-in EtherNet/IP port for each series can transfer in 1 sec-
ond (called the allowed Unit bandwidth) is as follows, so set the connection below this maximum value.
• NY-series Controller: 20,000 pps
Example: 13
Node 1 has both originator and target connections, with send RPI of 200 ms and 2 ms, and receive RPI
of 500 ms.
Node 1 O: Originator
T: Target
HB: Heartbeat
RPI: 200 ms
HB: 200 ms
RPI: 500 ms
RPI: 2 ms HB: 500 ms
HB: 100 ms
Node 2 Node 3
O RPI: 5 ms T
HB: 100 ms
Each node’s total PPS is calculated as follows:
• Total PPS of node 1’s Unit
= 1000 / 200 ms + 1000 / 2 ms + 1000 / 500 ms (for data)
+ 1000 / 200 ms + 1000 / 100 ms + 1000 / 500 ms (for heartbeat)
= 524 pps
• Total PPS of node 2’s Unit
= 1000 / 200ms + 1000 / 2 ms + 1000 / 5 ms (for data)
+ 1000 / 200ms + 1000 / 100 ms + 1000 / 100 ms (for heartbeat)
= 730 pps
• Total PPS of node 3’s Unit
= 1000 / 5 ms + 1000 / 500 ms (for data)
+ 1000 / 100 ms + 1000 / 500 ms (for heartbeat)
= 214pps
All of the Units are within the allowed Unit bandwidth, so they can transfer data.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-3
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Node 2 Node 3
Also, if multicast is set, one packet will be sent, but the number of connections will be consumed.
Node 3 sends one multicast packet to node 1 and node 2. Node 3 opens one connection as the target
with node 1 and one connection as the target with node 2.
Caution is required because the number of connections consumed is the same as for unicast connec-
tions even when multicast connections are set.
O: Originator
Node 1
T: Target
Multicast T
Node 2 Node 3
13-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
RPI error (±) (%)
4 13
RPI [ms]
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-5
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
The following table shows the setting ranges of the tag data link settings that can be made for a built-in
EtherNet/IP port.
When the tag data link settings exceed the capabilities of the Ethernet switch being used, increase the
packet interval (RPI) value. Particularly when using an Ethernet switch that does not support multicast
filtering, the settings must be made considering that multicast packets will be sent even to nodes with-
out connection settings.
Additional Information
If the Network Configurator is used to set the connection type in the connection settings to a mul-
ticast connection, multicast packets will be used. If the connection type is set to a point-to-point
connection, multicast packets are not used.
In addition, if the required tag data link performance cannot be achieved with the Ethernet switch’s
capabilities, re-evaluate the overall network configuration and correct it by taking steps such as select-
ing a different Ethernet switch or splitting the network.
The following sections show how to check the device bandwidth being used by the tag data links in the
designed network, and how to set the appropriate values.
13-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-7
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Checking the Usage of Capacity and Network Bandwidth for Tag Data Links
The percentage of the allowable communications bandwidth for tag data links for each built-in Ether-
Net/IP port is displayed as the Usage of Capacity and the bandwidth used for tag data link commu-
nications in the entire network is displayed as the Mbit/s. The usage of capacity and used network
bandwidth that are displayed in parentheses are for an Ethernet switch that does not use multicast
filtering. In this case, multicast packets will be sent to even the nodes without connection settings, so
the displayed values will include these packets as well. These values can be adjusted according to
instructions in 13-2-4 Changing the RPI.
13-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-9
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
1 Make the required settings in the Network Configurator’s Network Configuration Window.
2 Click the Detail Button in the Usage of Device Bandwidth Area at the bottom of the Network
Configuration Window.
The Usage of Capacity (without multicast filter) column will show the percentage of the allowed
tag data link bandwidth being used, and the Mbit/s (without multicast filter) column will show the
network bandwidth being used.
13-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
3 The usage of capacity without multicast filtering can be adjusted against the tag data link’s
allowable bandwidth by changing the associated devices’ packet interval (RPI) settings.
The RPI settings can be changed with the following three methods.
Method 1:
Change All Connections to the Same RPI
(2) The Set Packet Interval (RPI) Dialog Box will be displayed. Input a new RPI value, and
click the OK Button.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-11
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Method 2:
Change a Particular Device’s Packet Interval (RPI) Setting:
The usage of capacity without multicast filtering can be adjusted for only a particular device
against the tag data link’s allowable bandwidth by changing the packet intervals (RPI) settings
for all of the device’s connections together. In this case, the usage of capacity will also change
for the target devices of the connection for which the packet interval is changed.
(1) Click the Set Packet Interval (RPI) Button at the bottom of the Usage of Device Band-
width Dialog Box.
(2) The Set Packet Interval (RPI) Dialog Box will be displayed. In the Target Device Area,
deselect the target devices that are not being adjusted by removing the check marks.
13-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Method 3:
Changing a Particular Connection’s Packet Interval (RPI) Setting:
The usage of capacity without multicast filtering can be adjusted against the tag data link’s
allowable bandwidth by individually changing the packet interval (RPI) for a particular connec-
tion. In this case, the usage of capacity will also change for target device of the connection for
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-13
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
(3) In the Register Device List, select the connection for which you want to change the
RPI, and click the Edit Button.
(4) The device’s Edit Connection Dialog Box will be displayed. Input a new packet inter-
val (RPI) value, and click the OK Button.
13-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
4 If the usage of capacity cannot be adjusted to the desired level when the setting described
above has been performed, reconsider the network configuration considering the following
points. Refer to 13-2-3 Adjusting Device Bandwidth Usage.
• Reduce the number of nodes and number of connections.
• Split the network.
6 Run user tests to verify that there are no problems with the new settings.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-15
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
• Connections:
Example:Seventeen NJ501-1300 Units are connected to the network.
Each device has one 100-word tag for transmission and sixteen 100-word tags for recep-
tion, so that the Units exchange data mutually. By default, the packet intervals (RPIs) are
set to 120 ms for all of the connections. The devices’ IP addresses range from to
IP address:
NJ501-1300 NJ501-1300 NJ501-1300 NJ501-1300
100CH In_02_a In_03_a In_17_a
100CH In_01_b In_03_b In_17_b
100CH In_01_c In_02_c In_17_c 17 network variables,
100 words each
100CH In_01_t In_02_t In_03_t
NJ501-1300: 17 Units
Connection RPI: 120 ms
13-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
If the packet interval for all connections has been set to the same setting, the dialog box will show
that the usage of capacity for the tag data link’s allowable communications bandwidth is 74.50% and
the fastest set value is 40 ms.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-17
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
The percentage of the allowed tag data link bandwidth being used (Usage of Capacity) increases to
87.00% for devices and, which indicates that the RPI is set to a
higher speed for these devices’ connections.
The Usage of Capacity values also indicate that the Usage of Capacity has increased (from 40.83%
to 44.67%) for all of the other devices, which connect with devices and
13-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Information about the connection with device is registered in the Register Device
List. Double-click this connection to edit the settings.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-19
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
In the Edit Connection Dialog Box, input 10 ms as the new RPI value, and click the OK Button. The
tag data link bandwidth used by device (Usage of Capacity) increases to 50.17%,
which indicates that a RPI is set to a higher speed for this device.
In this case, the tag data link bandwidth that is used by device (Usage of Capacity)
also increases (from 40.83% to 51.00%).
13-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
This section describes the response time of the NY-series Controller built-in Ethernet/IP port.
The data processing times for the EtherNet/IP Unit, the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the NX- and
NJ-series Controller, the built-in EtherNet/IP port on the CJ2H-CPU6-EIP CPU Unit and the
built-in EtherNet/IP port on the CJ2M-CPU3 CPU Unit are different. For details, refer to 7-4
Tag Data Links with Other Models.
Output data
Input data
processing 2
processing 1
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-21
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
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13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-23
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
1 Calculate the time required for the data transfer and set the result as the "variable access
For the formula for calculating the time required for the data transfer, refer to Data Processing
Time Calculation Example.
* If the same refreshing task is set for multiple tag sets, calculate the total time required for all tags in tag
2 Set the variable access time in the Task Setup to a value equal to or greater than the value cal-
culated in step 1 above.
Adjust the task period time after adding in the time calculated in step 1. Use the Sysmac Studio
to set the variable access time and task period settings. For details, refer to the NY-series Indus-
trial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558).
Tag data link service Refreshing period Tag data link service
Refreshing period
during RPI during RPI:
20 ms
10 ms
To Controller #2 To Controller #2
13-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Input device
Controller #1 processing
(1) (2) (3)
refresh period
Task period
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-25
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Additional Information
The total amount of data transferred increases if there are connections with multiple nodes, and
the data that is transferred may exceed the amount that can be processed in a single transfer. In
this case, the number of data transfers increases.
Additional Information
The I/O response time may be longer due to noise, or other events.
13-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Line Line
Transmission path
System System
service service
Transmission System Transmission Receive System Variable System Transmission Receive System
delay service delay delay service written. service delay delay service
Task period Line Task period Task period Line Task period
(local node) (remote node) (remote node) (local node)
Maximum transmission delay time = Send delay + System service execution time + Transmission delay + Receive delay + System service execution time
+ Variable write time + System service execution time + Transmission delay + Receive delay + System service execution time
Transmission Delay
The transmission delay on an Ethernet line is 50 μs or less. This delay time can be ignored.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 13-27
13 Communications Performance and Communications Load
Additional Information
• Depending on the actual operating environment, the transmission time may be longer than the
one calculated with the equations given here. The following factors can cause longer transmis-
sion times: other traffic on the network, window sizes of network nodes, other traffic at the
built-in EtherNet/ IP port itself (e.g., simultaneous tag data link communications), and the sys-
tem configuration.
• CIP communications processing is executed as a system service. If a timeout occurs for a CIP
communications instruction, reconsider the execution time for system services.
13-28 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Checking Communications Status
of Network and Troubleshooting
This section describes how to use the Network Configurator to check the communica-
tions status on the EtherNet/IP network, and how to identify and correct errors based
on the connection status of tag data links.
14-1 Device Monitoring on the Network Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14-1-1 Starting the Device Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14-1-2 Status Displays of the Device Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
14-2 Connection Status Codes and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-9
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-1
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
This section describes how to start the device monitoring and status to display on the Network Configu-
Additional Information
If a communications error occurs during monitoring, the dialog box will continue to show the last
information that was collected. To start monitoring again, close the Monitor Device Dialog Box,
and then open the dialog box again.
14-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-3
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
Additional Information
The target Controller status can be used when the Controller status is selected for all the target
sets for both originator and target connections. If it is not selected, it is grayed out on the display.
14-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-5
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
14-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-7
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
14-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
Additional Information
The connection status has the same meaning as the Connection Manager’s General and Addi-
tional error response codes, as defined in the CIP specifications.
The following table shows the likely causes of the errors causes for each configuration and connection
status (code).
Originator Target
Configuration 1 CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-CPU- CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-
EIP, CJ2M-CPU3, NJ501-, NJ301- CPU-EIP, CJ2M-CPU3, NJ501-
, NJ101-, and NX701- , NJ301-, NJ101-,
, NY52- and NX701-, NY52-
Configuration 2 CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-CPU- Products from other manufacturers 14
EIP, CJ2M-CPU3, NJ501-, NJ301-
, NJ101-, and NX701-
, NY52-
Configuration 3 Products from other manufacturers CS1W-EIP21, CJ1W-EIP21, CJ2H-
, NJ301-, NJ101-,
and NX701-, NY52-
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) 14-9
14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
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14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
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14 Checking Communications Status of Network and Troubleshooting
14-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-1 Functional Comparison of the EtherNet/IP Port with Other Series . . . . . . A-2
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links
(EtherNet/IP Connections) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
A-2-1 Overview of the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) Settings with the
Sysmac Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
A-2-2 Procedure to Make the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with A
the Sysmac Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio . . . . . A-10
A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio
and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-33
A-2-6 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-37
A-3 EDS File Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43
A-3-1 Installing EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44
A-3-2 Creating EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44
A-3-3 Deleting EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
A-3-4 Saving EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
A-3-5 Searching EDS Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
A-3-6 Displaying EDS File Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
A-3-7 Creating EDS Index Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
A-4 Precautions for Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP,
Windows Vista, or Windows 7 or Higher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
A-4-1 Changing Windows Firewall Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
A-5 Variable Memory Allocation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
A-5-1 Variable Memory Allocation Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
A-5-2 Important Case Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-59
A-6 Precautions When Accessing External Outputs in Controllers . . . . . . . . A-63
A-7 TCP State Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-64
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-1
A-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
*1 The tag data links and EtherNet/IP connections enable cyclic tag data exchanges on an EtherNet/IP network
between Controllers or between Controllers and other devices. Here, "EtherNet/IP connection" refers to both
the tag data links and the EtherNet/IP connections.
A-2-1 Overview of the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections) Settings with the Sysmac Studio
NY-series Controller
(Two built-in
EtherNet/IP ports)
NJ-series Controller
EtherNet/IP port) Tag and tag set settings
FH/FZ/FQ/ZW-series Sensor
or another similar unit Tag and tag set settings
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-3
Use the Network Configurator if a CS-/CJ-series PLC operates as the originator device.
Settings for the originator device Settings for the target device
1 Registering devices
• Main Window
4 Setting Connections
... Refer to Setting Connections
for the Originator Device on
EtherNet/IP Connection Set-
tings (Connections Display)
page A-16.
Specify devices (i.e., target devices and originator
devices) and tag sets to communicate with using the
EtherNet/IP connections.
7 Checking operation
... Refer to A-2-5 Checking
Communications Status with
EtherNet/IP Connection
Monitor Tab Page
Stopping and starting connections the Sysmac Studio and Trou-
bleshooting on page A-33.
*1 Variables with its Network Publish attribute set to Output or Input in the Global Variable Table are called net-
work variables.
A-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
A-2-3 EtherNet/IP Connection Settings
This section describes the screen configuration for EtherNet/IP connection settings.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-5
EtherNet/IP Device List Tab Page (Refer to Registering the Tag and Tag Set on
page A-13.)
The list indicates the devices to which EtherNet/IP connections can be set.
A-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Tag and Tag Set on page A-13.)
Register tag sets required to create connections. Each tag set represents the data that is sent and
received through a connection. You can register up to eight tags in one tag set.
The name and size of the tag must be the same as those of the network variable*1.
Set whether to include the Controller status information in tags for the tag sets. You can also set the
data output operation at a fatal error occurrence for output tags.
*1 Variables with its Network Publish attribute set to Output or Input in the Global Variable Table are called net-
work variables.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-7
A-8 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and Troubleshooting on
page A-33.)
You can check the EtherNet/IP connection setting status offline and communications status online.
When online, you can start and stop connections.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-9
Example: System that connects the built-in EtherNet/IP port on Controller 1 and the built-in EtherNet/IP
port on Controller 2 via Ethernet
• Set the settings so that values in the network variable Net_Out1 allocated for Controller 2 are sent to
the network variable Net_In1 allocated for Controller 1 at the set RPI of 50 ms cycle.
• This example assumes the programs for both Controllers 1 and 2 are registered in the same project.
Sysmac Studio
Project on the Sysmac Studio
Controllers 1 and 2 are respectively named as follows and registered in the same project.
· Controller_1 (Controller 1: NY512-1500 (Built-in EtherNet/IP port))
· Controller_2 (Controller 2: NJ501-1500)
A-10 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Follow the flow below to set the settings to Controllers 1 and 2 for which to establish EtherNet/IP con-
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
The required settings for the originator device and the target device are shown below.
Settings for the originator device (Controller 1) Settings for the target device (Controller 2)
Registering the tag and tag set Registering the tag and tag set
(Refer to page A-13.) (Refer to page A-24.)
Transferring settings for the connection, Transferring settings for the tag and
the tag, and the tag set (Refer to page A-28.) the tag set (Refer to page A-28.)
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
Assign the network variable to the tag used for the EtherNet/IP connection for Controller 1 (orig-
inator device).
This network variable receives data from Controller 2 (target device).
Set the Network Publish attribute to Input or Output in the Global Variable Table for the variable
so that the variable serves as a network variable, i.e., the variable can be used for the Ether-
Net/IP connections.
In this example, set the network variable for Controller 1 as shown below.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-11
• Size of variables
To use an EtherNet/IP Unit as an EtherNet/IP device, set an even number of bytes for the size of
the network variable used for the EtherNet/IP connections regardless of an odd number of bytes
for the tag size.
Network variable Tag
(4 bytes) (3 bytes)
The Controller memory is consumed in units of two bytes. To assign tags of odd numbers of bytes
to network variables, specify even byte numbers (i.e., sizes of the tags + 1) to the network variables.
• Data concurrency
To maintain concurrency in the values of network variables that are assigned to tags, you must set
refreshing tasks.
Refer to 7-1-7 Concurrency of Tag Data Link Data for details.
A-12 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Registering the Tag and Tag Set
Register the required tag and tag set for the EtherNet/IP connections.
You can register tags and tag sets in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.
2 In this example, right click Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings for the originator device and select
Edit from the menu to open the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.
3 Click the (Show Tag Set Display) icon in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.
4 Click the Input tab to switch to the Input Tab Page. Register the tag set and the tag. A
Use one of the following methods to register the tag set and the tag.
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
• Independent registration : Manually registers network variables in the Controller
as tags.
• Batch registration : Registers all network variables in the Controller as tags
at the same time.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-13
Additional Information
(2) Select the variable to register as a tag, and then click the Register Button.
A-14 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
(3) The automatically registered tag is added to the list in the EtherNet/IP Connection
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Setting Tab Page.
With automatic registration, the tag is registered under a tag set having the same name as
the tag, i.e., a single tag is registered in a single tag set.
7 Set the following settings for the registered tag and tag set.
Name Item
Tag Set Name Enter the tag set name.
You can change the names as required.
Size (Byte) Gives the total size of the tag in bytes.
Instance ID Gives the instance ID.
• Auto
• IN_{min}...IN_{max} A
{min} represents the minimum number of Produced Assembly identifica-
tion numbers recorded in the EDS files for the relevant devices.
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
{max} represents the maximum number of Produced Assembly identifica-
tion numbers recorded in the EDS files for the relevant devices.
Controller Status Specify whether to include the Controller status in the tag set.
Name Item
Tag Name Enter the tag name.
Specify the tag name that matches one of the registered network variable
names in the Controller.
Bit Selection Specify whether to set the tag data size in bits.
Selected: Set the size in bits.
Not selected: Set the size in bytes.
Size (Byte) Gives the size of the tag in bytes.
Size (Bit) Gives the size of the tag in bits.
Output at Fatal Error Specify whether to clear the output data or continue to send it when a
major fault level Controller error occurs in the Controller.
• Retained
• Cleared
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-15
Register the tag and tag set for Controller 2 (Target device) before setting the connection settings as
described in this example.
Refer to Registering the Tag and Tag Set for the Target Device on page A-24 for the operations for reg-
istering tags and tag sets.
1 Select EtherNet/IP Connection Settings from the Tools Menu to display the EtherNet/IP
Device List Tab Page.
2 Right click Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings for Controller 1 (originator device in this example)
and select Edit from the menu.
The EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page is displayed.
3 Click the (Show Connection Display) icon in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.
4 Select CJ1W-EIP21(NJ) from Target Device in the Toolbox on the right of the tab page.
This operation displays the target device tag set Net_Out1 that is set for Controller 2 in the
Variable Name column.
A-16 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
5 Drag the target device tag set Net_Out1 in the Variable Name column of the Toolbox to the con-
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
nection list.
As you enter characters (or immediately after you press the Ctrl + Space Keys), a list of target
device variables that can be set for the connection is provided. Select the value from the list.
6 Specify Originator Variable and its Size [Byte] for the tag set Net_Out1 added in step 5.
Here, specify Net_In1 for Originator Variable and 2 for its Size [Byte].
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
Change the other settings as required.
You can set the following items in the connection settings.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-17
7 The Toolbox displays the target devices if the devices are registered in the same Sysmac Studio
project as where the originator devices are registered.
You can use one of the following methods to add unregistered devices in the same Sysmac Stu-
dio project as where the originator devices are registered to the Target Device List.
Additional Information
You can add target devices to the Device List by installing EDS files that include connection
information for the devices in the Sysmac Studio and register the devices to the project.
Refer to Adding EDS Files on page A-21 for details.
A-18 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
(1) Click the (Import a device from another project) Button in the Toolbox on the
right of the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.
(2) The Import from Another Project Dialog Box is displayed. Click the Project Button,
select a project to import and click the Open Button.
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
(3) The list of EtherNet/IP devices registered in the selected project will be displayed.
Select the target devices to import, and click the Import Button.
Note Only the project for which the EtherNet/IP connection settings are set will be displayed.
The imported EtherNet/IP devices are added to the Target Device List in the Toolbox.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-19
Menu Description
Node address Enter the target device IP address.
Model name Select the target device model.
Revision Select the revision of the target device.
(3) Here, set the following items for Controller 3 and click the Add Button.
The target device is added to the Target Device List in the Toolbox.
Node address:
Model name: NJ501-1500
Revision: 2
(4) You can click the Import Tag Set Button to import the tag sets that are set in the Net-
work Configurator to the target devices.
Select Export to File from the To/From File Button in the Tag Sets Tab Page of the Edit
Device Parameters Dialog Box to generate CSV files to import.
A-20 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
1 Right-click anywhere in the Target Device List in the Toolbox of the EtherNet/IP Connection Set-
ting Tab Page and select Display EDS Library from the menu.
2 The EDS Library Dialog Box is displayed. Click the Install Button.
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
3 Select the EDS file to add, and then click the Open Button.
The EDS file is added.
4 The EtherNet/IP device with the EDS file installed is added to the EDS Library.
Devices listed in the EDS Library are used as a candidate device list when adding devices to the
Target Device List in the Toolbox of the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-21
2 The Node Address Change Dialog Box is displayed. Enter a new IP address in New IP address.
3 To apply the same change to other connections, select the Apply the change to other connec-
tions Check Box.
A-22 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
1 Right-click one of the connection lines and select Change Node Address from the menu.
2 The Target Device Change Dialog Box is displayed. Select a target device from New device.
3 To apply the same change to other connections, select the Apply the change to other connec-
tions Check Box.
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-23
Set the Network Publish attribute to Input or Output in the Global Variable Table for the variable
so that the variable serves as a network variable, i.e., the variable can be used for the Ether-
Net/IP connections.
In this example, set the network variable for Controller 1 as shown below.
• Name: Net_Out1
• Data type: WORD
• Network Publish attribute: Output
Registering the Tag and Tag Set for the Target Device
Set the tag and tag set for the target device.
2 Right-click CJ1W-EIP21, the EtherNet/IP Unit connected to the Controller 2 (originator device in
this example), and select Edit from the menu.
The EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page is displayed.
3 Click the (Show Tag Set Display) icon in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page.
4 Click the Output tab to switch to the Output Tab Page. Register the following tag and tag set.
The tag and tag set can be registered in the same way as for the target device. (Refer to Regis-
tering the Tag and Tag Set on page A-13.)
A-24 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Checking the Device Bandwidth Usage
The bandwidth usage for the device can be displayed from the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab
This value is for when multicast filtering is used.
Click the Device Bandwidth Button in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page for the target
Menu Description A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
PPS Gives the bandwidth used for each target device and total bandwidth used
for all target devices.
Set Packet Interval (RPI) for All Changes all Packet Interval (RPI) values for all target devices.
Additional Information
You can specify a value in Set Packet Interval (RPI) for All Connections and click the Update
Button to change packet interval (RPI) values set in the connection settings for all target devices
to the specified value.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-25
Calculation Example for Bandwidth Used (PPS) for Each Device by the
EtherNet/IP Connections
Establishing following three EtherNet/IP connections between Controllers (1) to (3) in the Ether-
Net/IP network
Device bandwidth
Connection type Relevant devices in the EtherNet/IP connections
usage (PPS)
Connection (1) NJ-series Controller 2 (target device) 50 pps
to NY-series Controller 1 (originator device)
Connection (2) NY-series Controller 1 (target device) 10 pps
to NJ-series Controller 2 (originator device)
Connection (3) NJ-series Controller 3 (target device) 210 pps
to NY-series Controller 1 (originator device)
EtherNet/IP network
Connection (2)
NJ-series Controller 3 NY-series Controller 1 NJ-series Controller 2
( ( (
Connection (1)
Connection (3)
A-26 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Connection (2)
In this example, the PPS for Connection (1) is 50 pps, the PPS for Connection (2) is 10 pps, and the
PPS for Connection (3) is 210 pps. Therefore, bandwidth used (PPS) for each EtherNet/IP device is
as given below. 270 pps = 50 pps (for Connection (1)) + 10 pps (for Connection (2)) + 210 pps (for
Connection (3)) 60 pps = 50 pps (for Connection (1)) + 10 pps (for Connection (2)) 210 pps = 210 pps (for Connection (3))
Adjusting Method
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
If the calculation result value exceeds the values in the specifications of the devices used in the Eth-
erNet/IP connections, re-evaluate the overall network configuration and correct it by taking steps
such as selecting a different Ethernet switch or splitting the network.
If the RPI is made longer, the PPS for the EtherNet/IP connections will decrease.
You can change the RPI value in the connection settings for all target devices by specifying a value
in Set Packet Interval (RPI) for All Connections in this dialog box.
Refer to 13-2-2 Tag Data Link Bandwidth Usage and RPI on page 13-8 for the relationship between
the PPS for the device and the RPI.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-27
A-28 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
You can synchronize and transfer the EtherNet/IP connection settings along with the program data.
You can also transfer all the EtherNet/IP connection settings along with the program data.
1 Establish an online connection between the computer and the Controller and then select
Synchronization from the Controller Menu. (Or, click the Button on the Toolbar.)
The Synchronization Window is displayed, and comparison of the user program and parameter
settings between the Sysmac Studio and the Controller is started.
2 The following Uploading and Downloading Data Window is displayed after the automatic com-
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
3 Clear the Do not transfer the EtherNet/IP connection settings (i.e., tag data link settings) Check
Box and then click the Transfer To Controller Button.
Then the EtherNet/IP connection settings are transferred along with the not-synchronized data.
If no EtherNet/IP connection settings are set in the Sysmac Studio, no data will be sent.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-29
1 Establish an online connection between the computer and the Controller and then select
Transfer - To Controller from the Controller Menu. (Or, click the Button on the Toolbar.)
2 Click the Transfer to Controller or Transfer from Controller Button in the EtherNet/IP Con-
nection Setting Tab Page.
The tag settings and connection settings set at that time are transferred to the Controller con-
nected online.
A-30 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 If the Controller connected online is in RUN mode, the dialog box to confirm whether to switch to
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
PROGRAM mode before transferring the settings is displayed.
The differences in the tag set and connection settings between the project and the EtherNet/IP
devices can be displayed.
1 Click the Compare Button in the EtherNet/IP Connection Setting Tab Page. A
A-2-4 Making the EtherNet/IP Connection Settings with the Sysmac Studio
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-31
Starting and Stopping the EtherNet/IP Connections for the Entire Network
You can start and stop EtherNet/IP connections from the user program or from the Sysmac Studio.
A-32 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and
You can monitor the communications status of the EtherNet/IP connections after their settings are set.
You can also check errors.
1 Select EtherNet/IP Connection Settings from the Tools Menu to display the EtherNet/IP
Device List Tab Page.
2 Right-click the Controller you want to check the communications status and select Monitor from
the menu.
The pane to monitor the EtherNet/IP connection is displayed. This pane has six tabs for each
communications status.
A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and Troubleshooting
3 Select one of the six tabs for which you want to confirm the communications status.
• Status Tab Page
This tab page gives the TRUE/FALSE status of the system-defined variables that monitors the
tag data link errors and communication status. If any of the variables are TRUE, the checkbox
in front of the variable will be selected. Refer to 14-1-1 Starting the Device Monitoring for
details on each status item.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-33
Name Description
Connection Name Gives the current status of each connection with the following text colors.
Blue: Normal
Red: There is at least one connection that has not been established.
Gray: There are no connections or the connection operation is stopped.
Type Gives the connection type.
Status Gives the current status on each connection with codes.
• Normal operation: 00:0000
• Abnormal operation: Gives an error code.
This information can be used to identify the cause of EtherNet/IP con-
nection errors. Refer to 14-2 Connection Status Codes and Trouble-
shooting on page 14-9 for details on the connection status.
Name Description
Tag Name The current status of each tag is indicated by its color.
Red: Tag name resolution error
Blue: Tag name resolution normal
Gray: Not yet transferred (no information in device).
Input/Output Gives the type of the tag.
Status The following status is displayed depending on the status that is set.
• Normally resolved: Normal data exchange is possible.
• Different sizes: Different sizes are set for the network variables and the
tag settings.
A connection will not be established for a tag for which this error
• No tag: A network variable is not set in the variable table in the Con-
troller for the specified tag setting.
A connection will not be established for a tag for which this error
• Attribute error: The following two factors cause this error.
1. Writing is not possible for Constant attributes.
2. The I/O direction that is set in the tag data link settings does not
agree with the I/O direction of the variable in the Controller. There is
an error in the setting of a Network Publish attribute for a Controller
A connection will not be established for a tag for which this error
A-34 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
You can monitor the status of each input/output tag set that is used for the EtherNet/IP con-
Note The tag set status monitor is not available for a built-in EtherNet/IP port on NJ-series Controller
version 1.08 or earlier.
Click of each tag to display its detailed information.
Name Description
Tag Set Name Gives the connection status.
If there is a connection error, "Not connected or error" is given. A
Tag set size Gives the size of the tag set in bytes.
Connected time Gives the total connection duration in milliseconds.
A-2-5 Checking Communications Status with the Sysmac Studio and Troubleshooting
Unconnected time Gives the total disconnection duration in milliseconds.
Number of connections (in Gives the number of connections.
the Output Tag Set Tab
Number of connected orig- Gives the number of the connected originator devices.
inators (in the Output Tag
Set Tab Page)
Originator list (in the Out- Gives the detailed information of the connected originators.
put Tag Set Tab Page),
Target list (in the Input Tag
Set Tab Page)
Originator name (in the Gives no information.
Output Tag Set Tab
Page), Produced tag
name (in the Input Tag
Set Tab Page)
IP address (in the Out- Gives the IP addresses allocated for the originators.
put Tag Set Tab Page),
Remote IP address (in
the Input Tag Set Tab
Connected time (in the Gives the total duration of connection with the originator in milliseconds.
Output Tag Set Tab
Unconnected time (in Gives the total duration of disconnection with the originator in millisec-
the Output Tag Set Tab onds.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-35
Name Description
Destination IP address Gives the destination IP addresses. If the multi-cast connections are
(in the Output Tag Set used, its own multi-cast address is displayed.
Tab Page)
O->T RPI (packet inter- Gives the RPI of connection from the originator to the target in millisec-
val) onds.
T->O Heartbeat trans- Gives the heartbeat transmission period of the connections from the tar-
mission cycle (ms) get to the originator in milliseconds.
O->T Timeout Gives the timeout time for the connections from the originator to the tar-
get in milliseconds.
T->O Timeout Gives the timeout time for the connections from the target to the origina-
tor in milliseconds.
O -> T API (actual Gives the API of connection from the originator to the target in millisec-
packet interval) onds.
T->O Actual heartbeat Gives the actual heartbeat transmission period of the connections from
transmission cycle (ms) the target to the originator in milliseconds.
O->T Connection ID Gives the connection identification for the connections from the origina-
tor to the target in hexadecimal.
T->O Connection ID Gives the connection identification for the connections from the target to
the originator in hexadecimal.
A-36 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
A-2-6 Troubleshooting
In the case that there is a setting error or a communications error in the EtherNet/IP networks, the Sys-
mac Studio displays the error in the Troubleshooting Dialog Box.
Refer to NYseries Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No.W564) for the confirmation methods for errors and
information on errors.
If you make other selections than above, there are cases when transferring and monitoring the Ether-
Net/IP connection settings cannot properly be performed even if the online connection is successfully
If the above problem occurs. take the following corrective method 1 or 2.
A-2-6 Troubleshooting
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-37
• The connection setting data cannot be transferred
Transfer to Controller Dialog The Sysmac Studio displays the following error dialog box and the data will
Box not be transferred.
EtherNet/IP Connection Set- The Transfer to Controller and Transfer from Controller Buttons are
ting Tab Page grayed out and the data cannot be transferred/compared.
A-38 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Monitor data items in the EtherNet/IP Connection Monitor Tab Page remain "---".
A-2-6 Troubleshooting
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-39
• Windows XP
1 Open the Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu and then select Windows Firewall
The Windows Firewall Dialog Box is displayed.
2 Click on the Exceptions tab and select Sysmac Studio in the Programs and Services list.
1 Open the Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu and then select Windows Firewall
The Windows Firewall Dialog Box is displayed.
A-40 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
3 Clear the Block all incoming connections, including those in the list of allowed programs
A-2 Use the Sysmac Studio to Set the Tag Data Links (EtherNet/IP Connections)
Check Box and click the OK Button.
A-2-6 Troubleshooting
The SysmacStudio Properties Dialog Box is displayed.
6 In the General Tab Page of the dialog box, set the following settings.
Select Enabled under the General section.
Select Allow the connection under the Action section.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-41
A-42 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-43
2 Select the EDS file to install and click the Open Button. Next, select the icon file (*.ico). The
EDS file is added to the Hardware List as a new device. If the hardware already exists, the new
Hardware List will overwrite the previous one. If the hardware versions are different, a hardware
device is added to the Hardware List for each version.
2 Set the device information. You can obtain the device information from the device on the net-
work if the network is online.
3 The device is added to the Hardware List as a new device, just like when you install an EDS file.
Additional Information
You cannot set device parameters with the Network Configurator’s EDS file creation function.
Obtain a proper EDS file from the manufacturer of the device to make device parameter settings
for the device.
A-44 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
2 Input the folder and file names and click the Save Button.
The EDS file is saved.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-45
2 Input the character string to search for and click the Find Next Button.
Additional Information
• The device is found only if it is located below the present cursor position in the Hardware List.
• To search all the devices, select Hardware in the Hardware List before you perform the search
A-46 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-47
Windows XP
1 When you attempt to connect to the NY-series Controller from the Network Configurator, the
Windows Security Warning Dialog Box is displayed.
1 Select Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu and change the display to Classic View.
A-48 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A-4 Precautions for Using the Network Configurator on Windows XP, Windows Vista, or
2 Open the Administrative Tools and select Windows Firewall with Advanced Security from the
dialog box that is displayed.
3 Select Inbound Rules under Windows Firewall with Advanced Security on Local Computer on
the left side of the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Dialog Box.
4 Select New Rule under Inbound Rules in the Actions Area on the right side of the dialog box.
Windows 7 or Higher
5 Make the following settings for each step in the New Inbound Rule Wizard Dialog Box, and click
the Next Button to move between steps.
Rule Type Select Custom. A
Program Select All Programs.
6 Click the Finish Button. The rule that you defined will be registered in the Inbound Rules (e.g.,
Close the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Dialog Box.
7 When you attempt to connect to the NY-series Controller from the Network Configurator, the
Windows Security Warning Dialog Box is displayed.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-49
(Windows 7)
An EtherNet/IP connection will be approved for the Network Configurator, and you will be able to
connect the Network Configurator in the future.
A-50 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
This information for determining the location of a variable in memory is called the alignment. The align-
ment is determined for each data type. The amount of memory and the memory locations for the vari-
ables are given below.
Item Specification
Amount of memory that is allocated An integral multiple of the alignment. However, the minimum amount of
memory is the data size.
Locations in memory At an integral multiple of the alignment starting from the start of the vari-
able in memory.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-51
The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for the basic data types and enumera-
tions are given below.
Amount of memory that
Data type Alignment [bytes]
is allocated [bytes]
BOOL 2 2
WORD, UINT, or INT 2 2
REAL 4 4
STRING[N+1]*1 1 N+1
Enumerations 4 4
*1 N is the maximum number of characters handled. For example, if a maximum of 10 single-byte characters are
handled, the NULL character is added, so memory for 11 characters must be reserved.
The elements of arrays and the members of structures and unions are located in memory for the most
efficient access. The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for arrays, structures,
and unions are determined by the variable declarations, as described below.
* BOOL arrays are an exception. Refer to Precautions for Correct Use, below, for the amount of memory that is
allocated for BOOL arrays.
A-52 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Therefore, the following formula gives the amount of memory that is allocated for a BOOL array.
For 1 to 16 elements, 2 bytes are allocated. For 17 to 32 elements, 4 bytes are allocated.
Number of
elements − 1
Amount of memory = 2 +2
Truncate the decimal portion of the result
of the calculation in brackets.
Specific examples of the rules for memory allocation for variables of each data type are given below.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-53
A-54 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
A continuous section of memory is allocated for the elements of the array based on the data size of the
data type of the array variable. The alignment of an array is the same as alignment of the data type of
the elements.
Example: Continuous variables in the following order: two BOOL variable, one BOOL array with five
elements, one BOOL array with 19 elements, and one BOOL array with four elements
For a structure variable, the members are located in memory in the order that they are declared. Each
member is located at an integer multiple of the alignment of the data type of the member. Therefore,
there can be unused memory between members or at the end of members. The alignment of a struc-
ture is the largest alignment of all of the members. The amount of memory that is allocated is the inte-
gral multiple of the alignment that is larger than the total amount of memory that is allocated when the
members are arranged in order at integral multiples of the alignment of the data types of the members.
Example: The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for the four variable declara-
tions given in the following figure are given in the following table.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-55
A-56 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Example: The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for the four variable declara-
tions given in the following figure are given in the following table.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-57
For a union variable, the members overlap in the same memory locations. The alignment of a union is
largest alignment of all of the members. The amount of memory that is allocated is the largest amount
of memory that is allocated for any of the members.
Example: The alignments and the amounts of memory that are allocated for the four variable declara-
tions given in the following figure are given in the following table.
A-58 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Additional Information
This is not necessary when you exchange data between NY-series Controllers.
Name Data type NY-series Structure Variable NY_X Name Data type CJ-series Structure Variable CJ_X
Structure Y STRUCT Bytes Structure Y STRUCT Bytes
a DINT First byte a a DINT First byte a
c DINT First byte + 4 b c DINT First byte + 4 b
Variable Table First byte + 6 Not used. Variable Table First byte + 6 c
Name Data type First byte + 8 c Name Data type
Variable NY_X Structure Y Variable CJ_X Structure Y A
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-59
A-60 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
To align the memory configurations in the NY-series Controller CJ-series CPU Units, offsets are set in the Sysmac Studio.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-61
(2) Add the dummy variable b2 that you created in the (1) Add a dummy member variable b2 that matches the
CJ-series CPU Unit to the NY-series Controller as well. unused memory location on the NY-series Controller.
A-62 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-63
The TCP state changes as requests and acknowledgements are received from the remote node, and
as TCP socket connection and close instructions are executed in the user program.
When the state changes, connection requests (SYN), close requests (FIN), and acknowledgements
(ACK) to those requests are sent to and received from the remote node.
A-64 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
Active OPEN
SYN sent.
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) A-65
A-66 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) Index-1
A batch editing .......................................................... 7-35
editing individual connections ................................ 7-34
Accept TCP Socket instruction .................................... 9-13 Register Device List ............................................... 7-32
addresses ...................................................................... 5-8 Connection Tab Page .................................................. 14-5
All Tag Data Link Communications Status .........3-10, 3-21 Connection Type ................................................7-35, 7-36
array variables connections
preparing array variables to input checking ................................................................. 7-69
and output service data and response data ........ 8-14 Controller Event Log Tab Page ................................... 14-6
Auto Connection Configuration ................................... 7-39 Controller Object ......................................................... 8-52
automatically setting connections ................................ 7-38 Controller status ............................................................ 7-9
Create UDP Socket instruction .................................... 9-13
B cyclic communications ................................................. 1-12
bandwidth usage
requested packet intervals ..................................... 13-3
tag data links ......................................................... 13-7 data areas ..................................................................... 7-3
Basic Ethernet Setting Error .................................3-5, 3-16 data processing time
binary format ............................................................. 10-17 calculation example ............................................. 13-23
BOOTP client .............................................................. 1-17 overview ............................................................... 13-22
BOOTP Server Error ............................................3-6, 3-18 data transmissions
broadcasting ................................................................ 9-10 timing ................................................................... 13-21
built-in EtherCAT port .................................................. 1-10 default gateway ............................................................. 5-4
Built-in EtherNet/IP Error ......................................3-3, 3-13 destination IP addresses ............................................... 5-4
built-in EtherNet/IP port ............................................... 1-10 destination mask IP addresses ..................................... 5-4
settings .................................................................... 5-1 device bandwidth usage
socket services adjusting ................................................................ 13-9
overview ......................................................... 9-11 Device Connection Structure Tree .............................. 7-41
specifications ........................................................... 1-7 device parameters
clearing .................................................................. 7-64
C verifying ................................................................. 7-60
device status
displaying ............................................................... 7-72
CIDR .............................................................................. 4-4
CIP Communications ................................................... 1-12
changing ................................................................ 7-71
CIP Communications Error ...................................3-4, 3-15
registering .............................................................. 7-19
CIP communications instructions .................................. 8-5
DNS ............................................................................... 5-3
using ........................................................................ 8-6
DNS Server Connection Error ..............................3-8, 3-20
CIP message communications ...................................... 8-4
DNS Setting Error .................................................3-6, 3-18
CIP message communications service
domain names ............................................................... 5-3
overview .................................................................. 8-3
specifications ........................................................... 8-3
Clear TCP/UDP Socket Receive Buffer instruction ..... 9-13
Close CIP Class 3 Connection instruction ..................... 8-5
Close TCP/UDP Socket instruction ............................. 9-13 EDS files
Communications Controller Error .........................3-5, 3-16 management ..........................................................A-43
communications load _EIP1_BootpErr ...................................................3-6, 3-18
adjusting ................................................................ 13-6 _EIP1_EtnCfgErr ..................................................3-5, 3-16
Communications Port Error ..................................3-3, 3-14 _EIP1_EtnOnlineSta ..........................................3-10, 3-21
Communications Port1 Error ................................3-4, 3-14 _EIP1_IPAdrCfgErr ..............................................3-6, 3-17
community names ................................................5-9, 5-11 _EIP1_IPAdrDupErr .............................................3-6, 3-18
Connect TCP Socket instruction ................................. 9-13 _EIP1_LanHwErr ..................................................3-5, 3-16
Connection I/O Type ...........................................7-35, 7-36 _EIP1_MacAdrErr ................................................3-5, 3-16
Connection Name ...............................................7-35, 7-36 _EIP1_PortErr ......................................................3-4, 3-14
connection settings _EIP_BootpErr .....................................................3-6, 3-18
automatically setting connections .......................... 7-38 _EIP_CipErr .........................................................3-4, 3-15
_EIP_DNSCfgErr ..................................................3-6, 3-18
Index-2 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) Index-3
Index-4 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563) Index-5
Index-6 NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (W563)
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