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Lecture E Introduction To Algorithms

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Lecture E

Introduction to Algorithms
Unit E1 – Basic Algorithms

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 1 of 53.

Lesson or Unit Topic or Objective

Demonstrate the
notion of an
algorithm using two
classic ones

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 2 of 53.

Computational problems

• A computational problem specifies an input-output

▪ What does the input look like?
▪ What should the output be for each input?
• Example:
▪ Input: an integer number N
▪ Output: Is the number prime?
• Example:
▪ Input: A list of names of people
▪ Output: The same list sorted alphabetically
• Example:
▪ Input: A picture in digital format
▪ Output: An English description of what the picture shows

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 3 of 53.


• An algorithm is an exact specification of how to solve a

computational problem
• An algorithm must specify every step completely, so a
computer can implement it without any further
• An algorithm must work for all possible inputs of the
• Algorithms must be:
▪ Correct: For each input produce an appropriate output
▪ Efficient: run as quickly as possible, and use as little memory as
possible – more about this later
• There can be many different algorithms for each
computational problem.

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 4 of 53.

Describing Algorithms

• Algorithms can be implemented in any programming

• Usually we use “pseudo-code” to describe algorithms

Testing whether input N is prime:

For j = 2 .. N-1
If j|N
Output “N is composite” and halt
Output “N is prime”

• In this course we will just describe algorithms in Java

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 5 of 53.

Greatest Common Divisor

• The first algorithm “invented” in history was Euclid’s

algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of
two natural numbers
• Definition: The GCD of two natural numbers x, y is the
largest integer j that divides both (without remainder). I.e.
j|x, j|y and j is the largest integer with this property.
• The GCD Problem:
▪ Input: natural numbers x, y
▪ Output: GCD(x,y) – their GCD

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 6 of 53.

Euclid’s GCD Algorithm
public static int gcd(int x, int y) {
while (y!=0) {
int temp = x%y;
x = y;
y = temp;
return x;

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 7 of 53.

Euclid’s GCD Algorithm – sample run
while (y!=0) {
int temp = x%y;
x = y;
y = temp;
Example: Computing GCD(48,120)

temp x y
After 0 rounds -- 72 120
After 1 round 72 120 72
After 2 rounds 48 72 48
After 3 rounds 24 48 24
After 4 rounds 0 24 0

Output: 24

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 8 of 53.

Correctness of Euclid’s Algorithm

• Theorem: When Euclid’s GCD algorithm terminates, it

returns the mathematical GCD of x and y.
• Notation: Let g be the GCD of the original values of x and
• Loop Invariant Lemma: For all k  0, The values of x, y
after k rounds of the loop satisfy GCD(x,y)=g.
• Proof of lemma: next slide.
• Proof of Theorem: The method returns when y=0. By the
loop invariant lemma, at this point GCD(x,y)=g. But
GCD(x,0)=x for every integer x (since x|0 and x|x). Thus
g=x, which is the value returned by the code.
• Still Missing: The algorithm always terminates.

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 9 of 53.

Proof of Lemma

• Loop Invariant Lemma: For all k  0, The values of x, y

after k rounds of the loop satisfy GCD(x,y)=g.
• Proof: By induction on k.
▪ For k=0, x and y are the original values so clearly GCD(x,y)=g.
▪ Induction step: Let x, y denote that values after k rounds and x’, y’
denote the values after k+1 rounds. We need to show that
GCD(x,y)=GCD(x’,y’). According to the code: x’=y and y’=x%y, so
the lemma follows from the following mathematical lemma.
• Lemma: For all integers x, y: GCD(x, y) = GCD(x%y, y)
• Proof: Let x=ay+b, where y>b 0. I.e. x%y=b.
▪ (1) Since g|y, and g|x, we also have g|(x-ay), I.e. g|b. Thus
GCD(b,y)  g = GCD(x,y).
▪ (2) Let g’=GCD(b,y), then g’|(x-ay) and g’|y, so we also have g’|x.
Thus GCD(x,y)  g’=GCD(b,y).

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 10 of 53.

Termination of Euclid’s Algorithm

• Why does this algorithm terminate?

▪ After any iteration we have that x > y since the new value of y is
the remainder of division by the new value of x.
▪ In further iterations, we replace (x, y) with (y, x%y), and x%y < x,
thus the numbers decrease in each iteration.
▪ Formally, the value of xy decreases each iteration (except, maybe,
the first one). When it reaches 0, the algorithm must terminate.

public static int gcd(int x, int y) {

while (y!=0) {
int temp = x%y;
x = y;
y = temp;
return x;

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 11 of 53.

Square Roots

• The problem we want to address is to compute the square

root of a real number.
• When working with real numbers, we can not have
complete precision.
▪ The inputs will be given in finite precision
▪ The outputs should only be computed approximately
• The square root problem:
▪ Input: a positive real number x, and a precision requirement 
▪ Output: a real number r such that |r-x|

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 12 of 53.

Square Root Algorithm
public static double sqrt(double x, double epsilon){
double low = 0;
double high = x>1 ? x : 1;
while (high-low > epsilon) {
double mid = (high+low)/2;
if (mid*mid > x)
high = mid;
low = mid;
return low;

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 13 of 53.

Binary Search Algorithm – sample run
while (high-low > epsilon) {
double mid = (high+low)/2;
if (mid*mid > x)
high = mid;
low = mid;
Example: Computing sqrt(2) with precision 0.05:
mid mid*mid low high
After 0 rounds -- -- 0 2
After 1 round 1 1 1 2
After 2 rounds 1.5 2.25 1 1.5
After 3 rounds 1.25 1.56.. 1.25 1.5
After 4 rounds 1.37.. 1.89.. 1.37.. 1.5
After 5 rounds 1.43.. 2.06.. 1.37.. 1.43..
After 6 rounds 1.40.. 1.97.. 1.40.. 1.43..

Output: 1.40…

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 14 of 53.

Correctness of Binary Search Algorithm

• Theorem: When the algorithm terminates it returns a value

r that satisfies |r-x|.
• Loop invariant lemma: For all k  0, The values of low,
high after k rounds of the loop satisfy: low  x  high.
• Proof of Lemma:
▪ For k=0, clearly low=0  x  high=max(x,1).
▪ Induction step: The code only sets low=mid if mid  x, and only
sets high=mid if mid>x.
• Proof of Theorem: The algorithm terminates when
high-low, and returns low. At this point, by the lemma:
low  x  high  low+. Thus |low-x|.
• Missing Part: Does the algorithm always terminate? How
Fast? We will deal with this later.

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 15 of 53.

In General…

• This type of binary search can be used to find the roots of

any continuous function f.
• Mean Value Theorem: if f(low)<0 and f(high)>0 then for
some low<x<high, f(x)=0.
• In our case, to find 2, we solved f ( x) = x 2 − 2 = 0

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 16 of 53.

Lecture E
Introduction to Algorithms
Unit E1 – Basic Algorithms

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 17 of 53.

Lecture E
Introduction to Algorithms
Unit E2 – Running Time Analysis

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 18 of 53.

Lesson or Unit Topic or Objective

Analysis of Running
Times of Algorithms

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 19 of 53.

How fast will your program run?

• The running time of your program will depend upon:

▪ The algorithm
▪ The input
▪ Your implementation of the algorithm in a programming language
▪ The compiler you use
▪ The OS on your computer
▪ Your computer hardware
▪ Maybe other things: temperature outside; other programs on your
computer; …
• Our Motivation: analyze the running time of an algorithm
as a function of only simple parameters of the input.

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 20 of 53.

Basic idea: counting operations

• Each algorithm performs a sequence of basic operations:

▪ Arithmetic: (low + high)/2
▪ Comparison: if ( x > 0 ) …
▪ Assignment: temp = x
▪ Branching: while ( true ) { … }
▪ …
• Idea: count the number of basic operations performed on
the input.
• Difficulties:
▪ Which operations are basic?
▪ Not all operations take the same amount of time.
▪ Operations take different times with different hardware or

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 21 of 53.

Testing operation times on your system
import java.util.*;
public class PerformanceEvaluation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i=0; double d = 1.618;
SimpleObject o = new SimpleObject();
final int numLoops = 1000000;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();;
for (i=0 ; i<numLoops ; i++){
// put here a command to be timed
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long duration = endTime - startTime;
double iterationTime = (double)duration / numLoops;
System.out.println("duration: "+duration);
System.out.println("sec/iter: "+iterationTime);
class SimpleObject {
private int x=0;
public void m() { x++; }

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 22 of 53.

Sample running times of basic Java operations
Operation Loop Body nSec/iteration
Sys1 Sys2

Loop Overhead ; 196 10

Double division d = 1.0 / d; 400 77

Method call o.m(); 372 93

Object Construction o=new 1080 110


Sys1: PII, 333MHz, jdk1.1.8, -nojit

Sys2: PIII, 500MHz, jdk1.3.1

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 23 of 53.

Asymptotic running times

• Operation counts are only problematic in terms of constant

• The general form of the function describing the running
time is invariant over hardware, languages or compilers!
public static int myMethod(int N){
int sq = 0;
for(int j=0; j<N ; j++)
for(int k=0; k<N ; k++)
return sq;
• Running time is “about” N .
• We use “Big-O” notation, and say that the running time is
O(N 2 )

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 24 of 53.

Asymptotic behavior of functions

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 25 of 53.

Mathematical Formalization

• Definition: Let f and g be functions from the natural

numbers to the natural numbers. We write f=O(g) if there
exists a constant c such that for all n: f(n)  cg(n).
f=O(g)   c n: f(n)  cg(n)
• This is a mathematically formal way of ignoring constant
factors, and looking only at the “shape” of the function.
• f=O(g) should be considered as saying that “f is at most g,
up to constant factors”.
• We usually will have f be the running time of an algorithm
and g a nicely written function. E.g. The running time of
the previous algorithm was O(N^2).

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 26 of 53.

Asymptotic analysis of algorithms

• We usually embark on an asymptotic worst case analysis

of the running time of the algorithm.
• Asymptotic:
▪ Formal, exact, depends only on the algorithm
▪ Ignores constants
▪ Applicable mostly for large input sizes
• Worst Case:
▪ Bounds on running time must hold for all inputs.
▪ Thus the analysis considers the worst-case input.
▪ Sometimes the “average” performance can be much better
▪ Real-life inputs are rarely “average” in any formal sense

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 27 of 53.

The running time of Euclid’s GCD Algorithm

• How fast does Euclid’s algorithm terminate?

▪ After the first iteration we have that x > y. In each iteration, we
replace (x, y) with (y, x%y).
▪ In an iteration where x>1.5y then x%y < y < 2x/3.
▪ In an iteration where x  1.5y then x%y  y/2 < 2x/3.
▪ Thus, the value of xy decreases by a factor of at least 2/3 each
iteration (except, maybe, the first one).
public static int gcd(int x, int y) {
while (y!=0) {
int temp = x%y;
x = y;
y = temp;
return x;

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 28 of 53.

The running time of Euclid’s Algorithm

• Theorem: Euclid’s GCD algorithm runs it time O(N), where

N is the input length (N=log2x + log2y).
• Proof:
▪ Every iteration of the loop (except maybe the first) the value of xy
decreases by a factor of at least 2/3. Thus after k+1 iterations the
value of xy is at most ( 2 / 3) the original value.
▪ Thus the algorithm must terminate when k satisfies: xy(2 / 3) k  1
(for the original values of x, y).
▪ Thus the algorithm runs for at most 1+ log3 / 2 xy iterations.
▪ Each iteration has only a constant L number of operations, thus
the total number of operations is at most (1 + log3 / 2 xy) L
▪ Formally, (1 + log3 / 2 xy) L  L(1 + 2 log2 x + 2 log2 y )  3LN
▪ Thus the running time is O(N).

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 29 of 53.

Running time of Square root algorithm

• The value of (high-low) decreases by a factor of exactly 2

each iteration. It starts at max(x,1), and the algorithm
terminates when it public static double
goes below . sqrt(double x, double epsilon){
double low = 0;
• Thus the number of double high = x>1 ? x : 1;
iterations is at most while (high-low > epsilon) {
double mid = (high+low)/2;
log2 (max( x,1) /  ) if (mid*mid > x)
high = mid;
• The running time is else
low = mid;
O(log x + log  −1 ) }
return low;

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 30 of 53.

Newton-Raphson Algorithm
public static double sqrt(double x, double epsilon){
double r = 1;
while ( Math.abs(r - x/r) > epsilon)
r = (r + x/r)/2;
return r;

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 31 of 53.

Newton-Raphson – sample run
while ( Math.abs(r - x/r) > epsilon)
r = (r + x/r)/2;

Example: Computing sqrt(2) with precision 0.01:

r x/r
After 0 rounds 1 2
After 1 round 1.5 1.33..
After 2 rounds 1.41.. 1.41..

Output: 1.41…

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 32 of 53.

Analysis of Running Time

• Correctness is clear since for every r the square root of x

is between and r and x/r.
• Here we will analyze the running time only for 1<x<2
• Denote: r ' = (r + x r ) / 2
r 4
+ 2 r 2
x + x 2
− 4 r 2
x ( r 2
− x ) 2
r '2 − x = ( r + x / r ) 2 / 4 − x = 2
4r 4r 2
Thus  n   n−1 , where  n = r − x after n loops
2 2

• At the beginning  0  1 , and 1  1 / 4
In general we have that  n  2
−2 n

At the end it suffices that  n   , since | r − x || r − x |

• Thus the algorithm terminates when n = log log  −1

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 33 of 53.

In General…

• The Newton-Raphson method can be used to find the

roots of any differentiable function f.
• In our case, to find 2, we solved = −2 =0
f ( r ) r
• So, f (r ) r2 − 2 r + 2 r
r' = r − =r− =
f ' (r ) 2r 2

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 34 of 53.

Lecture E
Introduction to Algorithms
Unit E2 – Running Time Analysis

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 35 of 53.

Lecture E
Introduction to Algorithms
Unit E3 - Recursion

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 36 of 53.

Lesson or Unit Topic or Objective

Using and

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 37 of 53.

Designing Algorithms

• There is no single recipe for inventing algorithms

• There are basic rules:
▪ Understand your problem well – may require much mathematical
▪ Use existing algorithms (reduction) or algorithmic ideas
• There is a single basic algorithmic technique:
Divide and Conquer
• In its simplest (and most useful) form it is simple induction
▪ In order to solve a problem, solve a similar problem of smaller size
• The key conceptual idea:
▪ Think only about how to use the smaller solution to get the larger one
▪ Do not worry about how to solve to smaller problem (it will be solved using
an even smaller one)

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 38 of 53.


• A recursive method is a method that contains a call to

• Technically:
▪ All modern computing languages allow writing methods that call
▪ We will discuss how this is implemented later
• Conceptually:
▪ This allows programming in a style that reflects divide-n-conquer
algorithmic thinking
▪ At the beginning recursive programs are confusing – after a while
they become clearer than non-recursive variants

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 39 of 53.

public static void Factorial {
public static void main() {
System.out.println(“5!=“ + factorial(5));

public static long factorial(int n){

if (n == 0)
return 1;
return n * factorial(n-1);

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 40 of 53.

Elements of a recursive program

• Basis: a case that can be answered without using further

recursive calls
▪ In our case: if (n==0) return 1;
• Creating the smaller problem, and invoking a recursive
call on it
▪ In our case: factorial(n-1)
• Finishing to solve the original problem
▪ In our case: return n * /*solution of recursive call*/

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 41 of 53.

Tracing the factorial method
System.out.println(“5!=“ + factorial(5))

5 * factorial(4)
4 * factorial(3)
3 * factorial(2)
2 * factorial(1)
1 * factorial(0)
return 1
return 1
return 2
return 6
return 24
return 120

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 42 of 53.

Correctness of factorial method

• Theorem: For every positive integer n, factorial(n)

returns the value n!.
• Proof: By induction on n:
• Basis: for n=0, factorial(0) returns 1=0!.
• Induction step: When called on n>1, factorial calls
factorial(n-1), which by the induction hypothesis
returns (n-1)!. The returned value is thus n*(n-1)!=n!.

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 43 of 53.

Raising to power – take 1

public static double power(double x, long n) {

if (n == 0) return 1.0;
return x * power(x, n-1);

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 44 of 53.

Running time analysis

• Simplest way to calculate the running time of a recursive

program is to add up the running times of the separate
levels of recursion.
• In the case of the power method:
▪ There are n+1 levels of recursion
• power(x,n), power(x,n-1), power(x, n-2), … power(x,0)
▪ Each level takes O(1) steps
▪ Total time = O(n)

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 45 of 53.

Raising to power – take 2

public static double power(double x, long n) {

if (n == 0) return 1.0;
if (n%2 == 0) {
double t = power(x, n/2);
return t*t;
return x * power(x, n-1);

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 46 of 53.


• Theorem: For any x and positive integer n, the power

method returns x n .
• Proof: by complete induction on n.
▪ Basis: For n=0, we return 1.
▪ If n is even, we return power(x,n/2)*power(x,n/2). By the induction
hypothesis power(x,n/2) returns x , so we return ( x ) = x .
n/2 n/2 2 n

▪ If n is odd, we return x*power(x,n-1). By the induction hypothesis

n −1 n −1
power(x,n-1) returns x , so we return x  x = x .

• The running time is now O(log n):

▪ After 2 levels of recursion n has decreased by a factor of at least
two (since either n or n-1 is even, in which case the recursive call
is with n/2)
▪ Thus we reach n==0 after at most 2log2n levels of recursion
▪ Each level still takes O(1) time.

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 47 of 53.

public class Reverse {

static InputRequestor in = new InputRequestor():

public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void printReverse() {
int j = in.requestInt(“Enter another Number”+
” (0 for end of list):”);
if (j!=0){

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 48 of 53.

Recursive Definitions

• Many things are defined recursively.

• Fibonaci Numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …
▪ fn = fn-1 + fn-2
• Arithmetic Expressions. E.g. 2+3*(5+(3-4))
▪ A number is an expression
▪ For any expression E: (E) is an expression
▪ For any two expressions E1, E2: E1+E2, E1-E2, E1*E2, E1/E2 are
• Fractals

• In such cases recursive algorithms are very natural

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 49 of 53.

Fibonaci Numbers
public class Fibonaci {

public static void main(String[] args) {

for(int j = 1 ; j<20 ; j++)

public static int fib (int n) {

if (n <= 1) return 1;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 50 of 53.

public class TurtleFractal {
static Turtle turtle = new Turtle();
public static void main(String[] args) {

public static void drawFractal(int length, int level){

if (level==0)
else {
drawFractal(length/3, level-1) ;
drawFractal(length/3, level-1) ;
drawFractal(length/3, level-1) ;
drawFractal(length/3, level-1) ;

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 51 of 53.

FractalTurtle output

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 52 of 53.

Lecture E
Introduction to Algorithms
Unit E3 - Recursion

Lesson E – Introduction to Algorithms Slide 53 of 53.

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