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Hotel Handbook

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Southeast Asian Learning Framework on Inclusive, 7-11 November 2022

SEARCA, Los Baños, Laguna

The Staff:
Integrated, and Innovative Public Policy
Cycles for Family Farming Philippines
Dr. Nova A. Ramos/Nova Ms. Rosario B. Bantayan/
PARTICIPANTS’ HANDBOOK Mobile: +63 917 270 7726 Kim
E-mail: Mobile: +63 917 630 2873
The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in
Agriculture (SEARCA) warmly welcomes you to Los Baños, Laguna, and Dr. Maria Celeste H. Ms. Loise Ann M.
to the Southeast Asian Learning Framework on Inclusive, Cadiz/Cel Carandang/Loise
Integrated, and Innovative Public Policy Cycles for Family Mobile: +63 917 501 1956 Mobile: +63 917 489 0569
Farming (SEA LFPPC4FF). Our Training Management Team and staff Email: Email:
will be on hand to assist you during your stay in the Philippines for the
next six to seven days. We want to ensure your enjoyable and fruitful
participation in this training program. Please do not hesitate to approach Please feel free to approach us for any inquiry or assistance.
any one of us for any related concern.
We hope this Participant’s Handbook will guide you during your
participation in this learning event. Please read the Handbook carefully
and feel free to clarify with us any concern you may have regarding the
training program.
The following information is provided if you need to reach us any time
while you are in the Philippines. Be sure to have the numbers in your
personal possession in case of emergency.
College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031, Philippines
Tel. No.: +63 49 554-9330 to 9336 (Laguna Lines); +63
2 657 1300 to 1302 local 3502 & 3503 (Manila Line)
ƒ‰‡1‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡2‘ˆ26
Technical Working Group
up Advisory Group
Dr. Luiz Claudio Campos Dr. Anna Korzenszky
Learning Coordinator and Technical Trainer Family Farming and Partnerships with Civil Society Unit - Partnerships Division
PROCASUR, São Paulo, Brazil (PSP) Programme Support and Technical Cooperation Department
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN-FAO)
Mr. Pierre Ferrand Rome, Italy
Regional Focal Point for the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF)
FAO Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand Ms. Sara Hassan
Family Farming Engagement and Parliamentary Networks (PSUF)
Dr. Nova A. Ramos Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division (PSU), UN-FAO Headquarters
Head, Education and Collective Learning Department-Training for Development Unit Rome, Italy
Mr. Juan Moreno
Director, Procasur
Training 6XSSRUW
SS Team Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio
Director, SEARCA
Dr. Maria Celeste H. Cadiz Assoc. Prof. Joselito G. Florendo
SEARCA Liaison for the Partnership with PROCASUR and FAO Deputy Director for Administration, SEARCA
Ms. Rosario B. Bantayan Dr. Maria Cristeta N. Cuaresma
Program Specialist, ECLD-T4DU Senior Program Head, Education and Collective Learning Department, SEARCA
Ms. Ana Carolina M. Cubillos
Technical and Administrative Management, Procasur
Mr. Michael C. Salas
Head, Facilities and Management Unit (FMU)
Mr. Arjay B. Fuentes
Head, General Services Unit (GSU)
Mr. Melour L. Enriquez
Transport Services Support Staff, (GSU)
Ms. Bernisse Sabina R. Almazan
Guest Services Administrator
SEARCA Residence Hotel, FMU
Ms. Loise Ann M. Carandang
Project Associate, ECLD-T4DU
ƒ‰‡3‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡4‘ˆ26
Upon arrival at the airport of destination, check your belongings and other items you
You are required to secure your passport and other necessary travel documents might leave behind (documents, hand-carried bags, etc.) before disembarking from
needed to leave your country and enter the Philippines. the plane. As soon as you have disembarked from the plane:
Check your flight. Due to changing travel advisories and arrangements, there is a Do not lose your used boarding pass/plane ticket. Ms. Rosario “Kim” Bantayan
possibility for flights to be cancelled. Check your flight details and monitor emails from
will be collecting your boarding pass/plane ticket for scanning/ photocopying
your flight carrier. Please notify us immediately of any changes in your arrival or
and submission to Procasur.
departure schedule.
Go to Immigration Section. The easiest way to find the Immigration Section is to follow
Vaccination Status. Participants of SEARCA activities should be fully vaccinated, with
the other passengers or look for directional signs pointing to the direction of arrival or
at least one booster shot received. Full vaccination refers to receiving the 2nd dose
immigration area. In this section, the Immigration Officer will request you to show your
series or single dose vaccine, AND AT LEAST ONE BOOSTER SHOT for more than 14 days
passport and the forms you filled out on the aircraft. Be ready to answer questions
prior to departure from the country of origin. Proof of vaccination status will be
pertaining to the purpose of your visit, how long you are staying, and where you will
required upon on-site registration.
be staying for the duration of your visit. Since the purpose of your visit is to attend the
SEA LFPPC4FF, be prepared to show a copy of your Acceptance Letter1. The
Acceptable Proof of Vaccination as per IATF (Inter Agency Task Force) Resolution
Immigration Officer will then stamp on your passport the date of your entry into the
168 s2022, (
country and will return every document to you except the arrival card.
• World Health Organization International Certificate of Vaccination and
Get your luggage. Look for the luggage counter where your flight number is indicated.
Your luggage will be in the conveyor belt or designated carousel for you to pick up.
• VaxCertPH (for those vaccinated here in the Philippines)
Make sure that you have your luggage tickets with you as there are airport ground
• National or state manual/digital vaccination certificate of your country/
personnel that might check the luggage ticket against the one clipped on your
luggage to make sure that it bears the same number, and that the luggage belongs
to you.
If you recently received your additional booster shot, do secure the updated
certificate from your Department/Ministry of Health which reflects the latest dose.
Exit at the gate. You will arrive either
at NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International
e-Arrival Card. A new electronic ARRIVAL CARD (“eARRIVAL CARD”) has officially
Airport) 1, NAIA 2, or NAIA 3. If you
replaced the One Health Pass (OHP) as an entry requirement for arrival in the
are unable to find the driver holding
Philippines. This new eARRIVAL CARD is easier to fill out and requires less information,
the SEARCA signage, wait for about
in line with a decision by Philippine health authorities to simplify the arrival process.
20 to 30 minutes as the driver may
SEARCA signage.
have encountered difficulty in
To avoid long lines at the airport, we highly encourage you to fill out the eARRIVAL
locating an appropriate parking
CARD within 72 hours prior to departure from your country of origin. If you are unable
to do so before departure, personnel from the Philippine Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ)
and airport staff will assist you in completing and uploading the eARRIVAL CARD upon
We shall provide you with the contact information of the drivers in the schedule for
your arrival in the Philippines.
vehicle pick-up so you may contact them directly. Should you need immediate
assistance and are not able to contact the drivers who are supposed to meet you at
Other arrival protocols remain the same and follow Resolution 168 of the Philippine
the airport, you may do the following:
Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-
EID). For more information, visit
• If you have internet connection, send us a message via our WhatsApp chat. It
is better to send a chat in the group so all SEARCA staff included may see it
Important Note: If you suddenly feel unwell prior to your departure schedule,
instead of sending a private chat to select people only.
we recommend not continuing with the trip for everyone's safety.
1 Invitation letter in the case of Mr. Noor Avianto.
ƒ‰‡5‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡6‘ˆ26
• Activate your roaming and you may text or call the SEARCA Staff (kindly refer For those arriving at NAIA Terminal 3, exit on the left side, and the driver will be waiting
to page 2 of the Information Note). with the SEARCA signage. Do not go out of the lobby without meeting the driver. The
driver will inform you where you will wait as he gets the vehicle.
You may opt to purchase a local sim at the airport if you find a stall selling them there.
Please DO NOT LEAVE THE AIRPORT BY HIRING A TAXI. The cost will not be reimbursed.
Travel/Traveler SIM. The Travel/Traveler SIM is a local Philippine SIM powered either by The SEARCA drivers will be looking for you at the airport and will not leave until they
Globe Telecom or Smart - the two leading telecommunications companies in the find you during the arrival date and time indicated in the air ticket issued by Procasur.
country. Should you wish to purchase a Travel/Traveler SIM, just look for the Globe or
Should you need immediate assistance and are not able to contact the SEARCA
Smart booth located at the Arrival Area of NAIA Terminals 1, 2, and 3. Smart offers free driver who is supposed to meet you at the airport, you may text or call the following
Smart LTE Travel SIM for non-Philippine residents. Just present a copy of your foreign staff:
passport and foreign resident card at the Smart booth in the Arrival Area. For more
information on the Travel/Traveler SIM, please visit: • Ms. Rosario (Kim) B. Bantayan (+63917 630 2873),; • Ms. Loise M. Carandang (+63 917 489 0569), • Mr. Arjay B. Fuentes (+63 942 976 5748), and
• Mr. Melour L. Enriquez (+63 946 483 5726)
For those arriving at NAIA Terminal 1, when you exit the terminal, cross the road toward
the Greeters’ Area, turn right (see photo), and go through the covered walkway, cross We shall be sending a separate email regarding your airport pick-up schedule (name
the street again until you reach the waiting area. Our driver will be waiting under of driver, mobile number, type of vehicle, and vehicle plate number) as soon as it is
Section “S” holding the SEARCA signage. The driver will lead you to the vehicle in the finalized. We will be grouping the participants whose arrival times are quite near each
adjoining parking area. other and thus, will be sharing one vehicle in going to the SEARCA Residence Hotel
We request your understanding should there be cases of delayed flights of your co-
participants who are within your group in going to Los Baños.
At the airport, foreign participants are advised to exchange enough money to
Philippine Peso (PHP) to cover your expected expenses during your stay in the
Philippines. We suggest that you get at the airport enough local currency that you
would need for your stay. The current exchange rate is about PHP58.95 to US$1. (Rest
assured that your accommodation, meals, and airport transfers are already covered.)
For those arriving at NAIA Terminal 2, after you exit the Arrival Area, proceed to the
right, and please wait at Bay 17 by the Driveway (see photo below). Our driver will be
there with the SEARCA signage. After you meet with the driver, he will need to leave Los Baños is approximately two (2) hours away from the airport during moderate
you and get the vehicle. Wait for him to return with the vehicle at Bay 17. traffic. For your safety, there will be no unnecessary stopovers during the trip to
minimize your exposure to the crowd, except for emergency toilet breaks. It is
recommended that you also take a toilet break inside the airport arrival lobby before
you leave the building.
Light snacks will be made available inside your vehicle.
ƒ‰‡7‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡8‘ˆ26
acceptable Proof of Vaccination (as per IATF (Inter Agency Task Force) Resolution 168
SRH staff will be there to guide you. Local participants may proceed with checking in
1. About the Accommodation at the Front Desk while participants from abroad shall be directed to the receiving
area beside the lobby to undergo a health assessment check. If the participant does
We have reserved accommodation for you at the not have any symptoms and passes the health assessment, he/she may proceed to
SEARCA Residence Hotel (SRH) during the training the Front Desk for check-in. For those with apparent symptoms during the health
program. The event will cover your stay at SRH assessment, a rapid antigen test will be administered.
given your final room assignment, from the
afternoon of the day of your arrival for the training • If tested negative in the antigen test, the participant may proceed for check-
program until the morning after the event. Check- in.
out is at 12 noon. • If tested positive in the antigen test, the participant will be transferred to the
Executive House via the same vehicle used from the airport. FMU (Facilities and
Kindly approach the reception desk at the lobby Management Unit) will arrange for the concerned participant to take an RT-
of SRH for your room assignment. Please note that PCR test at the University Health Service. If the result is positive, the participant
the SEARCA Headquarters (training venue) and will remain at the Executive House. Standard protocol for positive cases will
SRH (accommodation) are different buildings in apply.
separate locations. SEARCA Residence Hotel.
The Front Desk staff at the reception lobby will maintain a respectful distance during
House rules and regulations are posted at the back of the door of every room for your the health assessment, check-in, and check-out.
guidance. However, please be specifically reminded of the following:
Room keys are properly sanitized and shall be picked up/dropped off at the Front
x Visitors may only be entertained at the lobby until 10:00 p.m. Desk.
x Curfew hour for guests is 12 midnight.
x Guests are expected to be responsible for their own valuables. 3. Inside the room
SRH staff members are available for assistance 24 hours daily. Rooms are disinfected and sanitized before checking in. Basic bathroom amenities
are likewise provided.
You may use the following contact information of the accommodation for the
immigration forms/disembarkation forms: Rooms will be cleaned once a week, but basic sanitation amenities will be provided
so participants can clean up after themselves.
SEARCA Residence Hotel Garbage inside the rooms will be collected daily. Bed linens and towels will be
College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines changed during the weekly cleaning, but towels may also be changed upon request.
Telephone: (63-49) 536-2236 We recommend requesting a fresh set of towels every after three days.
A laundry area, iron, and ironing board are available at the hotel. Participants may
ask the Front Desk for assistance.
Please note that electrical currents in the Philippines are
220-240 volts, 60 Hertz. The power plugs used in the We encourage participants to observe strict personal hygiene such as, but not limited
Philippines are the two-pin type (see photo). to:
• washing your hands and using alcohol frequently
2. Hotel Check-in • taking a bath at least twice a day
• changing your clothes daily
Upon arrival at the SEARCA Residence Hotel, go through • packing personal items such as alcohol, deodorant, soap, shampoo,
the thermal check and foot bath at the security post. toothpaste, and toothbrush
Please present your proof of vaccination status. Kindly refer to page 5 for the list of • pack also your medicines (maintenance medicines, if any), sunscreen, and
mosquito repellant
ƒ‰‡9‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡10‘ˆ26
4. Getting around
Please be reminded that face masks continue to be mandatory in indoor private and
public establishments, including in all public transportation, and in outdoor settings 1. About the Training Venue
where physical distancing cannot be maintained. At SEARCA, wearing well-fit face
mask is still strictly enforced. Wearing masks that completely cover the mouth and The Opening Program on Monday, 7 November 2022,
nose reduces the spread of COVID-19. We do not encourage the participants to take will be held at the SEARCA Umali Auditorium. This is also
public transportation when going around the campus or traveling outside the campus where the daily training sessions will be held.
as this increases the risk of getting and spreading COVID 19. However, this does not
prevent participants visiting places within the campus, outside of SEARCA activity As mentioned, SEARCA vehicles will pick you up and
hours or during free time. Those who do so must log on at the Front Desk and return your co-participants from the SRH lobby starting at
within an hour. Kindly refrain from entering university buildings. 8:15 a.m. in time for the Registration and Opening
Program. Please be at the lobby of SRH during this
A shuttle service will be provided for the participants in the period.
morning from SRH to SEARCA Headquarters (HQ) starting at 8:15 Upon arrival at SEARCA, go through the handwash
AM, and in the afternoon from SEARCA HQ to SRH at 5:30 PM. station, foot bath at the entrance, and the thermal
check at the security post. A staff member will be at
the SEARCA Lobby to guide the participants during
The service will not take you outside of the campus. the activities.
5. During your stay at SRH 2. Daily Attire
Participants are allowed only in the reception lobby, hotel rooms and common study SEARCA conducts learning events in an informal manner. Thus, you may dress in smart
area, and hotel conference room during meals. Breakfast shall be served from 6AM casual attire. However, we suggest wearing business attire (e.g., a blazer you may
to 8AM in the Conference Room of the hotel. take off later) for our group photo-taking right after the Opening Program.
Please contact the Front Desk (dial 0) for any needs or inquiries you may have, and Los Baños has also started experiencing rain in the late afternoon and evening.
we will attend to these and arrange delivery of the requested items to you, if any. Accordingly, we are expected to have mostly cloudy skies with showers during the
week of the workshop (
The Front Desk will provide the instructions on how you can request for the purchase ba%C3%B1os/263798/daily-weather-forecast/263798?page=2). Since the venue will
and delivery of requested sundries. be air-conditioned, wearing a light jacket or shawl would be appropriate as the
training auditorium can get uncomfortably cold for some.
Any guest who exhibits COVID-19-related symptoms must inform the Front Desk. Do
not go outside your room, and instead dial 0 for Front Desk assistance. For international participants, please remember to pack your umbrella in your check-
in luggage.
3. Training Kit
Your Training Kit will contain the following: a) Participants’ Handbook printout; b)
identification card (ID); c) notebook; d) pen; e) hand sanitizer; and f) face mask. Your
Training ID will be given to you upon your registration on 7 November.
4. House Rules
To ensure that the training program flows smoothly, please take note of the following:
a) Kindly set in “silent” mode or switch off your mobile phones while inside the
auditorium so as not to distract the Technical Coordinator/Resource
Persons/Facilitators and the other participants.
ƒ‰‡11‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡12‘ˆ26
b) An identification card is included in your training kit. We advise you to wear it Los Baños restaurants and fast-food chains, are within walking distance from
when going to and around the workshop venue for security purposes. SEARCA headquarters. Again, please do not forget to wear your face mask
c) Please bring your own laptop. The training program aims to limit paper use; and have your hand sanitizer handy.
hence, all course materials and reference materials shared with us by the • We have arranged stand-by vehicles for you to take you to the Vega
Resource Persons will be emailed to all participants at the end of the sessions. Center (near the UPLB Gate) for your dinner during this period. The driver on
d) We request you to limit internet browsing and emailing only during coffee duty may take you to the Vega Center right after the training session (6:00
breaks, lunch breaks, and after the sessions. Your full attention and p.m.) or pick you up at SRH, should you wish to freshen up after the training
participation during the presentations would ensure your best gains. session. Please note that the driver will drop you off at Vega Center and
e) Certificates of Completion will be given only to those who have completed wait for you there until 9:00 p.m. only to take you back to SRH. Kindly inform
participation in the training program since Day 1. Otherwise, those who will us beforehand if you will not be joining these rides for proper headcount.
not be able to attend all sessions will be given certificates of attendance only,
indicating the dates they attended in the five-day training program.
• Observe physical distancing, frequent handwashing, and use of
alcohol. Sanitary amenities are provided in the training venue. WIFI connection is available at the SEARCA building (training venue) and the shared
• SEARCA and the municipality of Los Baños implement a Smoking areas of SEARCA Residence Hotel (accommodation). SEARCA internet access will be
Ban (UPLB Memorandum 007-100 and Municipal Ordinance 2011- given to you at the venue.
16). Participants are enjoined to strictly observe the smoking ban
on all premises and facilities to avoid sanctions and charges. SRH WIFI
PASSWORD: searca2019
MEALS AND SNACKS It is requested that you limit personal internet browsing and emailing during breaks
and after the training sessions only. Your full attention and participation during the
course would ensure your best gains.
The event shall cover all your meals starting on the evening of your arrival on 6
November (the day before the workshop) up to the morning of your departure date. All participants who are already using WhatsApp have
Breakfast will be served starting at 6:30 a.m. been added to the WhatsApp chat group- MTP on
PPC4Family Farming. For those who have yet to use this
The meal schedules and venues are as follows: Messenger App, you need to install WhatsApp Messenger
on your mobile phone (android or iPhone), Mac or
Time Meals/Snacks Venue Windows PC. Visit to download the
6:30- 8:00 a.m. Breakfast SRH Conference Room app. After downloading the app, you may now join the
10:30-11:00 a.m. Coffee/Tea Break Umali Auditorium Lobby group by scanning the code here.
12:30-2:00 p.m. Lunch Makiling Lounge
3:00-3:30 p.m. Coffee/Tea Break Umali Auditorium Lobby Announcements will be made through this chat group,
and you may also send your inquiries here.
• Dinner will be served upon your arrival on 6 November. Please ask the SRH
staff for instructions on going to the dinner venue.
• For those arriving late on 6 November, the hotel staff will be serving you
packed meals in your rooms.
• On 7 November, SEARCA will be hosting Cocktails and a Welcome Dinner DEPARTURE
for all training participants. Cocktails will be served starting at 6:00 p.m. at
the SRH Rooftop Garden. Attire is smart casual.
• For your dinners on 8-11 November, you will receive a modest dinner The last day of the training program is 11 November 2022.
allowance and will be free to explore, experience, and enjoy available
cuisine at Los Baños. The Grove and Raymundo areas, which house many Upon check out, drop the keys at the designated key basket at the front desk.
ƒ‰‡13‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡14‘ˆ26
Participants who tested positive for COVID19 before their departure and are still in Overview of the Training Program
isolation could not proceed with their flight. They must be cleared by the MHO and
issued a medical clearance before departure. If necessary, departure flight tickets will Background and Rationale
be rebooked.
Family farmers constitute a key sector driving our food systems. But their sector reels
Depending on your flight details, a vehicle for airport transfers will be provided. The from crisis after crisis, among them the socio-economic impacts of the war in Ukraine
schedule will be provided to you during the closing program on 11 November 2022. and the COVID-19 pandemic on top of disasters wrought by the changing climate
Participants with the same or near departure times will be sharing one vehicle going amid the growing vulnerability and degradation of our natural environment.
to the airport. We request your understanding as the driver drops off your fellow These contemporary challenges underscore the necessity of an enabling
participant in his or her designated terminal. environment paved by better public policy solutions subjected to rigorous
scrutiny, debate, and analysis to ensure our thriving food systems largely driven by
Should you have other plans about going to the airport, please inform us immediately family farming (FF).
so we may assist you accordingly.
During this United Nations (UN) Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028) (UNDFF), the
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research and Agriculture
(SEARCA) and Procasur, with technical assistance from the UN Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), jointly offer the Learning Framework on
Inclusive, Integrated and Innovative Public Policy Cycles for Family Farming.
The Learning Framework on Inclusive, Integrated and Innovative Public Policy Cycles
for Family Farming, jointly designed by FAO and IFAD, was developed under the
framework of the UNDFF to support policymakers, family farmers’ organizations and
other relevant stakeholders to increase their understanding of public policy cycles
and family farming related policies. This technical and methodological capacity
development programme offers a holistic perspective to building knowledge and
capacity of the various actors involved in the design, implementation and review of
effective and coherent policies and programmes.
Learning Objectives
The training program will equip participants to:
1. Understand the relevance of public policies for family farming sectors within
the current, complex context of food systems and the rural sector;
2. Assess, reflect on, dialogue, and evaluate existing solutions and ways to
develop proposals and policy responses to problems and opportunities faced
by family farmers;
3. Demonstrate adeptness with tools, instruments, and competencies in
addressing public policy issues relevant to family farming and family farming-
centered food systems; and
4. Promote multistakeholder work and the capacity to disseminate knowledge
and strengthen coalitions and linkages to create an enabling environment for
the benefit of family farming.
ƒ‰‡15‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡16‘ˆ26
Expected Course Outcome He has extensively researched the role of plant diseases in causing epidemics and
crop losses in several continents, working cooperatively with a network of national
Enhanced conceptual, methodological, and instrumental competence of 16+ program scientists, and published over 250 journal papers, eight books, and numerous
leaders, men, and women, from family farming organizations and public institutions in conference papers, and recognition by peer organizations. His pioneering work on
Southeast Asia participating and influencing the cycle of emergence, design, using system analysis and computer modelling techniques to quantify and predict
biological phenomena and conduct risk assessments is still having impact today in the
formulation, implementation, and evaluation of effective public policies that address US and Asian rice growing countries.
the contemporary challenges facing the rural sector and food systems.
Currently the Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Service for the
Participants Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), Dr. Teng was the first Asian to obtain
a PhD in Agricultural Microbiology/Systems Research from the Lincoln College,
Participants will include men and women leaders of family farming organizations; University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
technical teams of relevant public institutions; and young leaders of rural networks
and organizations. Dr. Julian F. Gonsalves is an internationally recognized scientist in the field of
agriculture and rural development. He has served as evaluator of programs
Learning Methods concerning food security, agrobiodiversity, value chain, and climate smart
agriculture. He has served as Vice President of the International Institute of Rural
Participants will listen to lectures and interact with experts, resource persons, and each Reconstruction (IIRR). Add he also served as the Scientific Advisory Committee for
other; watch short videos; work on exercises/assignments in groups; and share CIFSRF program on food security at IDRC (International Development Research
experiences, among others, during the five-day training. Centre) Canada and sits on the Strategic Partnership Committee of CGIAR Research
Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Currently, he is
Technical Trainer and Resource Persons a technical advisor and team leader of various IIRR programs/projects. He has
received several awards including the Sustainable Agriculture and Rural
Dr. Luiz Claudio Campos serves as the Learning Coordinator and Technical Trainer for Development Award from Germany, and the Global 500 Roll of Honour Award from
this training program. He is a senior-level policy manager with extensive experience in the United Nations Environment Programme.
formulating, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating strategic programmes in
different fields, namely, water supply, food security, family farming, health, and Dr. Gonsalves has proposed, field-tested, and developed the participatory workshop
human rights, in Brazil's vulnerable and deprived regions. With a PhD in Public process for documenting best practices. For the past three decades Julian has
Administration and several years working in NGOs (non-government organizations) promoted regenerative and agri-ecological approaches for smallholder farms. He
and different government levels in core projects for Brazil’s recent development, he earned his doctorate degree in Extension Education and International Agricultural
has acquired leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, budget planning, and and Rural Development from Cornell University.
negotiation skills which enabled him to work with various stakeholders in the most
challenging conditions. He has been involved in coordinating national drinking water Mr. Pierre Ferrand is an agronomist, specializing in tropical agronomy and rural
policies and rural infrastructure programmes. He also managed key projects in the development. He has over 18 years’ experience in implementing food security,
Education and Human Rights departments of one of the largest cities in the globe, agriculture, and rural development projects in developing countries, with a strong
São Paulo, Brazil. He recently joined UN agencies to develop a Modular Training focus on Asia. With a Master of Science in Agriculture, Environmental and Food
Programme to support family farming public policies worldwide. Sciences and a Master of Science in Tropical Agriculture Development, he spent more
than14 years working in Southeast Asia and Africa for a French Research Institute (IRD
Dr. Paul Teng, a SEARCA Senior Fellow, is Dean and Managing Director of the National (Institute for Development)) and a French Non-Government Organization (GRET). Mr.
Institute of Education (NIE) International Pte Ltd., and Adjunct Senior Fellow, Centre for Ferrand joined the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand, in
non-Traditional Security Studies, RSIS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. December 2018, as Agriculture Officer and Regional focal point for Agroecology and
He specializes in epidemiology, agricultural/food systems research, science the UN Decade of Family Farming. He is currently involved in the backstopping and
communication, and development management and has served in many national supervision of a broad range of projects, such as but not limited to providing technical
and international committees. He is also a regular consultant for the United Nations assistance to governments, facilitation of policy dialogue, and knowledge generation
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Bank, and other international and and dissemination.
regional organizations.
ƒ‰‡17‘ˆ26 ƒ‰‡18‘ˆ26
Dr. Aileen Virrey Lapitan is an Assistant Professor at the College of Public Affairs and
Development, University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB), where she is also Director
of the Center for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies. As a faculty member, she is Pre-training activity
Day 0, Friday, 21 October 2022 (via Zoom)
involved in curriculum development and student mentoring in Development
Management and Governance, Public Affairs, as well as Development Studies 9:00-11:00 a.m. (Manila Time): Participants getting to know each other, presentation of
graduate programs. She is a member of the American Evaluation Association, a the agenda and goals of the training and first assignments:
Certified Expert in Adaptation Finance, and a John Dillon Fellow. Dr. Lapitan holds a
bachelor's degree in Agricultural Economics from UPLB, Master of Arts (Economics) Zoom meeting link:
from the University of the Philippines-Diliman, and a doctorate degree in Public Policy
from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. Meeting ID: 827 6502 0194
Passcode: 801243
Ms. Sara Hassan is currently a Family Farming Consultant in the FAO Partnerships and Day 1, Monday, 7 November 2022
UN Collaboration Division and works in the FAO - IFAD Joint Secretariat of the United Morning
Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028. She worked as a researcher at 8:45-9:00 Registration and Coffee
University La Sapienza and at CeSPI focusing on rural development, women’s
9:00-9:30 Welcome and Opening Program
empowerment, family farming, and as an evaluator of rural development programs
in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Near East.
.T Hassan holds a master’s degree in Development and International Cooperation 9:30-10:00 Participants’ unfreezing with each other
and a postgraduate specialization in Development Planning and Project Cycle Course Orientation
1. Context Analysis
1.1. Analysis of the challenges of current food systems
10:00-12:00 noon
Dr. Paul Teng
Dean and Managing Director,
National Institute of Education (NIE) International Pte Ltd,
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Continuation of 1.1. Analysis of the challenges of current
food systems
2:30-3:10 1.2. Family Farming in the country context
Dr. Julian Gonsalves
Senior Advisor
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)
Silang, Cavite, Philippines
3:10-3:30 Coffee Break
3:30-5:30 Continuation of 1.2 Family farming in the country
5:30-6:00 Free Time
Venue: SEARCA Residence Hotel Main Rooftop Garden
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Day 3, Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Day 2, Tuesday, 8 November 2022 3.4 Policy Implementation
8:45-9:00 Registration Dr. Aileen Virrey-Lapitan
11:00-12:00 Assistant Professor
9:00-9:30 Recap of Day 1 Institute for Governance and Rural Development
College of Public Affairs and Development
2. Principles of Public Policies for Family Farming
University of the Philippines Los Baños
2.1 The concept of public policy 12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break Afternoon
1:30-3:10 Continuation of 3.4 Policy Implementation
11:00-12:00 2.2 Introducing the Policy Cycle Model
3:10-3:30 Coffee Break
12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch 3:30-5:30 3.5 Monitoring and Evaluation
5:30 onwards Free Time
2.3 Public policies for Family Farming: National
Trajectories, Beneficiaries, and Themes
3:10-3:30 Coffee Break Day 5, Friday, 11 November 2022
3:30-5:30 2.4 Actors and Institutions in Policy Process Morning
8:45-9:00 Registration
5:30 onwards Free Time
9:00-10:30 4. Analytical Reflection: Public Policy Process for the Support
of Family Farming in the National Context
Day 3, Wednesday, 9 November 2022
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
5. Contextualized Planning: Public Policy Forum
8:45-9:00 Registration 11:00-12:00
9:00-9:30 Recap of Days 1-2 12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch
9:30-10:30 3. The Policy Cycle Model Afternoon
3.1 Agenda setting
1:30-3:10 Continuation of 5. Contextualized Planning: Public
Policy Forum Planning
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
3:10-3:30 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Continuation of 3.1 Agenda Setting
3:30-5:30 Wrap up
12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch
Afternoon Closing Program
1:30-3:10 3.2 The Formulation Stage 5:30 onwards Free Time
3:10-3:30 Coffee Break
3:30-5:30 Continuation of 3.2 The Formulation Stage
5:30 onwards Free Time
Day 4, Thursday, 10 November 2022
8:45-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:30 Recap of Days 3
9:30-10:30 3.3. The Adoption State
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
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List of Participants
Ms. Panida Moonnanut Dr. Doan Thu Thuy
CAMBODIA PHILIPPINES Wan Farm Women Group Technical Advisor
Petchaburi Province Consultative Institute for Socio-
Mr. Sotha Sok Ms. Rose Ann P. Leonor c/o Department of Agricultural Economic Development
Founder and Managing Director Project Evaluation Officer Extension of Rural and Mountainous Areas
Cambodian Farmer Federation Agricultural Training Institute Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives No 24, K80C, Vinh Phuc Street, Ba Dinh
Association of Agricultural Producers Department of Agriculture Bangkok, Thailand District
Krong Svay Rieng, Cambodia Elliptical Road, Quezon City Hanoi, Vietnam
Ms. Vong Phalla Dr. Hanilyn A. Hidalgo TIMOR LESTE Ms. Nguyen Thi Trang
Deputy Director Associate Professor Project Officer
Department of Agricultural Cooperative Central Bicol State University Mr. Gil Rangel Da Cruz Vietnam Organic Agriculture
Promotion of Agriculture Senior Officer and Focal Point for Food Association/
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Naga, Camarines Sur, Philippines Security and Family Farming Participatory Guarantee System
and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Vietnam
Phnom Penh, Cambodia Dili, Timor Leste Hanoi, Vietnam
INDONESIA Ms. Angelee Fame R. Lena Ms. Pham Thi Hanh Tho
National Project Development and Mr. Manuel Lamberto Vitor Vice Director and Researcher
Ms. Ratih Kusuma Management Associate Head, National Food Security Council Centre for Agrarian Systems Research
Head, Woman Peasant Department and Focal Point for Family Farming Secretariat and Development
Serikat Petani Indonesio FAO Philippines, Mandaluyong City Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Hanoi, Vietnam
Jakarta, Indonesia Dili, Timor Leste
Mr. Priadi Dr. Consorcia E. Reaño
Deputy for Policy Advocacy and Legal Professor
Reform of Indonesian Human Rights Institute of Crop Science
Committee for Social Justice (IHCS) College of Agriculture and Food
Jl. Kalimantan No. 21, Megapolitan Science, University of the Philippines
Cinere Estate, Kel. Cinere, Kec. Cinere, Los Baños, College, Laguna
Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16514
Mr. Noor Avianto Ms. Carla O. Melodillar
Deputy Director University Research Associate
Directorate of Food and Agriculture Agricultural Systems Institute
Ministry of National Development College of Agriculture and Food
Planning (BAPPENAS) Science, University of the Philippines
Jakarta, Indonesia Los Baños, College, Laguna
Mr. Thisadee Choulamontry Ms. Nanpabhorn Kosin
Researcher Department of Agricultural Extension
Department of Agricultural Land Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
Management Bangkok, Thailand
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Vientiane, Lao PDR
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About the Organizers
Recognizing the success of the Year of Family Farming (2014) and having established
The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture
family farming at the center of agriculture, environmental and social policies, the
(SEARCA) is one of the 26 specialist institutions of the Southeast Asian Ministers of
United Nations subsequently adopted Resolution 72/23922 declaring 2019-2028 to be
Education Organization (SEAMEO). Founded on 27 November 1966, SEARCA is
the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF). The Resolution was adopted
mandated to strengthen institutional capacities in agricultural and rural development
unanimously – being endorsed by over 100 Member States – following a campaign by
in Southeast Asia through education and collective learning, research and thought
the Government of Costa Rica and the World Rural Forum, supported by the Food
leadership, and emerging innovation for growth. It serves the 11 SEAMEO member
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for
countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia,
Agricultural Development (IFAD) and a range of other partners. The Resolution calls
Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. SEARCA is
upon FAO and IFAD to lead the implementation of the Decade, in collaboration with
hosted by the Government of the Philippines on the campus of the University of the
other United Nations organizations.
Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) in Laguna, Philippines. It is supported by donations from
SEAMEO members and associate member states, other governments, and various
The Decade aims to shed new light on what it means to be a family farmer in a rapidly
international donor agencies. For further information, please visit
changing world and highlights more than ever before the important role they play in
eradicating hunger and shaping our future of food. Family farming offers a unique
opportunity to ensure food security, improve livelihoods, better manage natural
resources, protect the environment, and achieve sustainable development,
particularly in rural areas. Thanks to their wisdom and care for the earth, family farmers
are the agents of change we need to achieve Zero Hunger, a more balanced and
resilient planet, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Procasur is a global organization specialized in harvesting and scaling up homegrown
innovations. The organization’s mission is to foster local knowledge exchange to end
rural poverty. By sharing innovations through customized local knowledge-
management tools and methodologies, the organization connects global institutions
with local talents, providing the structured learning platforms necessary to spread
The Training Organizers would like to express its sincere gratitude to FAO
innovation. Procasur has facilitated learning opportunities in over 20 countries in
Africa, Latin America, and Asia, affecting the lives and livelihoods of thousands of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific for LWV financial and administrative
poor rural talents across the globe. To learn more, visit support before and during the conduct of the training program.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United
Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Established in 1945, its goal is
to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to
enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With over 194-member states,
FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide, with the belief that everyone can play a
part in ending hunger ( In the framework of its role in the UNDFF
Secretariat, FAO has provided technical and financial assistance to develop the
Learning Framework on inclusive, integrated, and innovative public policy cycles for
family farming.
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