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Effectiveness of Online Learning Modality On STEM Students Learning Outcomes During The COVID 19 Pa

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Effectiveness of Online Learning Modality on STEM Students’ Learning

Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Thesis Title Presented to

Instr. Jomar U. Unggad

Cotabato State University – Laboratory High School

A Partial Requirement for Practical Research 2


Karel Rahelah M. Guialil

October 2021

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) firstly recognized as a pneumonia

of unspecified origin in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019.

And was later named as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-

CoV-2) formulated from phylogenetic study of International Committee on

Taxonomy of Viruses. COVID-19 outbreak spreads rapidly and continuously

evolves within the human population not only in China, but also globally,

therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced it as pandemic

on March 12, 2020. Several governmental measures have been taken in order to

halt the spread of virus. These measures include travel restrictions, mandatory

quarantines for travelers, self-isolation, business closures, asking people to work

at home, curfews, lockdowns, compulsory physical distancing, and bans of public

gatherings, resulting in nationwide school and university closures. These

measures have a negative impact on business, health, tourism, and education

around the world.

In accordance with the data from UNESCO (2020), the peak in school

closures was registered at the beginning of April 2020, affecting almost 1.6 billion

students in 194 countries, accounting for more than 90% of total enrolled learners.

Due to this, education policy makers, school principals and teachers had to find

alternatives to face-to-face instruction in order to ensure children’s right to

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education. A transition to an online learning gives an alternative option to

minimize either the contact between students themselves or between the students

and lecturers to sustain skills development during school closures. Online learning

is a term used to describe learning that takes place "wholly online" and takes

place outside of the classroom. It is considered similar to distance learning but

uses online platforms. (Oblinger et al. 2005). The online delivery mode can

provide efficient and convenient approaches to attain learning outcomes (Junco et

al. 2013). There are 2 classification of online learning: synchronous and

asynchronous. Synchronous allows for “live” interaction between the instructor

and the students (Finkelstein J. 2006), media like videoconferencing and chat are

frequently used to support this while asynchronous is commonly facilitated by

media such as e-mail and discussion boards, supports work relations among

learners and with teachers, even when participants are unable to be online at the

same time (Hrastins, S. 2008). STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics) - based education teaches children more than science and

mathematics, the emphasis on hands-on learning with real-world application aids

in the development of a wide range of talents, including creativity and 21st-

century competencies making the transition to online learning difficult for

students in this strand.

Amidst this difficult and uncertain time, it has become necessary

for every educational institution to maintain their teaching standards as well as

sustaining the students’ enrollments. Students’ online learning outcomes also

become a matter of concern for universities in particular and the society in

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general. Thus, this study will analyze the effectiveness of online learning on

STEM students particularly in terms of enhancing students' ability to think


Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine online learning and evaluate the

Effectiveness of Online Learning Modality to Cotabato State University –

Laboratory High School STEM Students’ Learning Outcomes during the COVID-

19 Pandemic.

In order to obtain necessary knowledge, data, and information, the

research study should address the following key questions:

1. What practices are linked to more effective online learning?

2. What are the factors affecting the Students’ Performance during the

Coronavirus Pandemic?

3. Does implementing face-to-face instruction with online instruction

enhance learning?


The following hypothesis that are formulated and to be tested in the

present study.

H0: There is no significant effectiveness of online learning modality to the

learning outcomes of STEM Students.

H1: There is a significant effectiveness of online learning modality to the

learning outcomes of STEM Students.

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Significance of the Study

The study will focus on determining the effectiveness of online learning

modality to learning outcomes of the STEM students and to improve their

academic competence with the help of innovative online learning system.

This will discuss the benefits of the following throughout the study.

For the Teachers, this result of the study will provide them appropriate

tactics to ensure the effectiveness of online learning.

For the Students, this study can be a help to the students in terms of their

learning outcomes. This will give them information about the factors that may

hinder them to have better performance.

For the Parents, the outcome of this study will inform the parents

regarding to their child’s performance.

For the Future Researchers , the information acquired by the researchers

of this study may give future researchers who are interested in conducting similar

study an insight to the new educational system and this can be used as a reference.

Scope and Delimitation

This study mainly focused on evaluating the effectiveness of online

learning to the STEM students’ learning outcomes during the COVID-19

Pandemic. This study would be carried out using survey questionnaires. The

primary subjects of this research study will consist of Grade 11 and Grade 12

students enrolled in academic year 2021-2022. The respondents will be limited to

five Grade 11 students and ten Grade 12 students who are in the STEM Section of

Cotabato State University – Laboratory High School.

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Definition of Terms

Asynchronous Class. Does not involve a live video lecture component

and allows students to view educational materials at any time they choose.

Coronovirus Disease/COVID-19. Is an infectious disease caused by the

SARS-CoV-2 virus

Learning Modality. Referred to as "learning styles," this implies that each

learner has a "style" of learning that should be optimized in all learning contexts.

Learning Outcomes. Specify what students should know, be able to do,

and value as a result of integrating knowledge, abilities, and attitudes gained

throughout the course.

Online. Is connected to, served by, or available through a system or

telecommunications system such as the Internet.

Pandemic. A disease outbreak that affects multiple countries or continents.

Synchronous Class. Implies that you will virtually attend a class session

each week.

STEM. Developed for students who want to pursue college degrees

centered on Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics.

WHO.World Health Organization

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Hrastins, S. (2008) Asynchronous and Synchronous E-Learning

Finkelstein, J. E. (2006). Learning in real time: Synchronous teaching and

learning online. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-bass.

Junco, R., Elavsky, C. M., & Heiberger, G. (2013). Putting twitter to the test:

Assessing outcomes for student collaboration, engagement and success. British

Journal of Educational Technology, 44(2), 273–287.

Oblinger, D., Oblinger, J. L., & Lippincott, J. K. (2005). Educating the net

generation. Brockport Bookshelf. 272.

UNESCO (2020), COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response,

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