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Service Restoration in Distribution Networks Using Combination of Two Heuristic Methods Considering Load Shedding

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J. Mod. Power Syst.

Clean Energy (2015) 3(4):556–564

DOI 10.1007/s40565-015-0139-6

Service restoration in distribution networks using combination

of two heuristic methods considering load shedding

Abstract Two heuristic methods are proposed to find an 1 Introduction

effective and fast solution in modern power distribution
networks. For solving the service restoration problem in In each modern electrical distribution network, increas-
distribution networks, switch selection indices based on an ing reliability is considered as one of the most important
analytic approach and a practicable heuristic graph-based tasks for electrical distribution companies. With the sig-
method are given. The formulation of the problem includes nificant extension of modern power distribution networks in
four different objective functions: 1) maximizing the total the world, the possibility of the fault occurrence in the
load restored; 2) minimizing the number of switching network and the consequent blackout for one or more areas
operations; 3) maximizing the top priority restored load; 4) are increased. The frequency and the duration of blackouts
minimizing load shedding. A suitable evaluation of switch influence both network reliability and consumer’s satis-
indices is used for all candidate tie switches (TSs) in the faction. In order to maintain the consumer’s satisfaction and
network to find the best solution and decrease the number to increase network reliability, the fast restoration of the
of switching operations. A new graph-based approach is power supply to out-of-service un-faulted area is required.
utilized for finding the best sectionalizes switch (SS) and Due to the high number of switches, feeders and branches in
minimizing the voltage drop. The accuracy and the validity typical distribution systems, it is not easy to restore an out-
of the approach are tested in two standard electrical dis- of-service area solely depending on the past experiences of
tribution networks. The results of the approach are used for human operators [1]. Therefore, with the advent of com-
IEEE 69-bus and IEEE 119-bus test case. puters, changes in technologies and incorporation of smart
grid technologies, decreasing the out-of-service areas is
Keywords Service restoration, Modern distribution possible. Achieving fast service restoration, reducing
networks, Smart grid, Switch indices, Graph-based method operators’ errors and in consequence increasing network
reliability and consumer’s satisfaction are the important
advantages of restoration in the smart grid. In fact, the
service restoration problem is to find a suitable configura-
tion by transferring the loads in out-of-service un-faulted
CrossCheck date: 2 February 2015 areas to neighboring feeders after the fault occurrence. In
each service restoration plan, there exist several issues to be
Received: 28 October 2013 / Accepted: 16 June 2015 / Published considered. The main objective of service restoration plan is
online: 9 July 2015 to maximize the safety of out-of-service loads that must be
 The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at restored. Service restoration is implemented by changing
switch state, therefore, the time taken by the service restoration depends on the number of switching operations.
So, the number of switching operations should be controlled
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of to be at the minimum possible rate. In every distribution
Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran
network, there are some consumers that have high priority
West Regional Electrical Company, Kermanshah, Iran

Service restoration in distribution networks using combination of two heuristic methods… 557

(such as hospitals, police stations, and fire stations, etc.). In restoration in unbalanced three phase distribution networks
service restoration plan it must be considered that the sup- is presented. In this paper, two heuristic methods are pro-
ply must be restored to the consumers of highest priority. posed for running service restoration plans in modern
The most important constraint in each distribution network distribution networks.
is its radial structure due to various reasons, such as ease of The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
detecting the fault location, fault isolation and simply the formulation of a typical restoration problem. Section 3
coordination of protective devices. During the service shows indices for ranking networks’ switches. Section 4
restoration, if the structure in the network changes, the presents a graph-based method. Section 5 studies two
radial structure constraint must be considered. Bus voltage, heuristic algorithms for service restoration performances.
line current and element loading also change during the Section 6 shows a numerical example to demonstrate the
service restoration plan, therefore, it is important if these quickness and effectiveness of the proposed methods, and
constraints cross their operational limits. Consumers’ sat- finally the conclusion is drawn in Section 7.
isfaction closely depends on the interruption frequency and
the duration. Therefore, for finding a quick solution, the
restoration plan runtime must be minimized. 2 Problem formulation
In past years, many methods have been proposed to find
a solution for the restoration problem from different per- Service restoration in distribution networks is formu-
spectives. In [2–6], the heuristic method is used to solve lated as a multi-constraint and multi-objective problem,
service restoration problem. In [2], comparative studies for considering consumer’s priority and load shedding imple-
four modern heuristic algorithms (reactive tabu search, mentation. Four different objective functions are consid-
tabu search, parallel simulated annealing, and genetic ered: maximizing the total load restored, minimizing the
algorithms) are presented for the service restoration. In [6], number of switching operations, maximizing the top pri-
a new heuristic graph-based approach is proposed for ority restored load, and minimizing load shedding. These
solving the service restoration problems in distribution objectives are described briefly below.
networks. In [7, 8], combination methods are applied. In X
max Lk ; ð1Þ
[7], objective functions have been modeled with the fuzzy k2NTT
set, and then an optimization problem is solved by the X
genetic algorithm. In [8], the method includes the fuzzy max Lk ; ð2Þ
multi criteria evaluation and the grey relational analysis. In k2NHP

[9, 10], a restoration problem in distribution networks with min NSO ; ð3Þ
dispersed generation (DG) is implemented. In [9], the X
maximum power supply range of DGs is transformed into a min LLS ; ð4Þ
0-1 Knapsack problem and used branch-and-interface
method to solve the restoration problem. In [11], a quan- where Lk ; NTT ; NHP ; NSO ; LLS and NLP are the energized
titative evaluation framework is presented for ranking load in the network, the restorable total buses, the restor-
restoration plans with their performance indexes, using the able buses with high priority, the number of switch oper-
analytical hierarchy process-based fuzzy-grey approach. In ation, the total load shedding, and the buses with low
[12], mathematical programming is presented to reconfig- priority, respectively.
ure the network un-faulted section of the system. In [13], 1) Bus voltage limits:
reliability assessment of complex radial distribution net- Vmin \Vk \Vmax ð5Þ
work systems is presented. In [14], service restoration with
load curtailment of in-service customers via direct load where Vk is the voltage in k bus, Vmin is the minimum
control is implemented. In [15], a fuzzy decision-making acceptable bus voltage and Vmax is the maximum accept-
approach is applied to determine the most desirable able bus voltage.
restoration plan with consideration different practical fac- 2) Line current limits:
tors. In [16], fuzzy cause-effect networks are used to model Imin \Ij \Imax ð6Þ
the heuristic knowledge inference involved in the restora-
tion plan, however, fuzzy method does not guarantee the where Ij is the current in j line, Imin is the minimum
optimal solution. In [17], Petri net combined with a rule- acceptable line current and Imax is the maximum acceptable
based expert system is used to implement the service line current.
restoration plan. In [18], G-net inference mechanism with The amount of the bus voltage and the line current are
operation rules is applied and the expert system approach is obtained from the load flow calculation. We must try to
adopted in [19]. In [20], a novel formulation for service maintain the amount of these limits in the restoration process.

558 Meysam GHOLAMI et al.

In this study, Two heuristic methods are used based on the Area 1
switch indices and a graph-based approach for finding the
A 1 3 4
best solution to restore the maximum total consumers in de-
energized areas considering the minimum switch operations. 2

6 Area 2
3 Switch ranking DIR1 7 9
B 5
The base of the presented methods for the indices is to DIR3 DIR4
achieve the objective functions defined in Section 2, con- 11 8
sidering the minimum voltage drop in the network. Due to
the radial structure of distribution networks and long paths
10 12 13
in the network, it is possible to form a new structure in
which the voltage magnitude for some buses at end of paths DIR2
is unsatisfactory. Under this condition, the voltage drop
should be considered as an important index. In this paper, Fig. 1 16-bus distribution network
two switch indices are used for making the best selection.
The first and the most important index is H which is pro-
portionate to the voltage drop between the substation bus and TS2 is one of the candidate switches for the imple-
and the primary side of each candidate tie switch (TS). For mentation of the service restoration. For TS2, Zpath is the
each TS, Hi is defined as: impedance of direction3 (DIR3) and direction4 (DIR4).
These utilized indices help to both reduce the search space
P i Ri þ Q i X i and rank the switches to find the best solution for the service
Hi ¼ ð7Þ
V restoration plan. In fact, when the search space is reduced,
where Pi ; Qi ; Ri ; Xi and V are the sum of active loads the runtime of the plan is decreased, thus guarantying the
between the substation bus and primary side of TS i (per- speed of the implementation of the service restoration.
unit), the sum of reactive loads between the substation bus
and primary side of tie switch i (per-unit), the sum of
resistance of lines between the substation bus and primary 4 Graph-based method
side of tie switch i (per-unit), the sum of inductance of lines
between the substation bus and primary side of tie switch The graph-based method is used to solve the problem of
i (per-unit) and the substation voltage, respectively. A service restoration in [6]. For referring to one defect of this
16-bus distribution network is shown in Fig. 1. Supposing reference, the weight factor is determined by the types and
that one fault has taken place at point A. Therefore, Area 1 characteristics of the branches in the network, not the entire
is the downstream un-faulted area and TS1 is one of can- network characteristics. This paper attempts to apply some
didate switches for the implementation of the service changes to the method used in [6] in order to obtain good
restoration. For TS1, Hi is obtained from node number 5 results. Before describing this method to find the minimum
and 6 that are proportionate to direction1 (DIR1). TS3 is voltage drop in the tree (network), we define three groups.
another candidate switch for implementing service For any node (bus) belonging to the graph (network), the
restoration. For TS3, Hi is obtained from node numbers 10, following definitions are valid:
12 and 13 that are proportionate to direction2 (DIR2). 1) Sub-graph DH consists of the nodes that have already
The second index is Zpath that is the direction impedance been added to the tree.
(per-unit) for lines lying in the path between the secondary 2) Sub-graph DN consists of the nodes that have not been
side of each TS and the end bus in the network. For each added to the tree.
TS, the index is defined as: 3) Sub-graph B consists of the branches that can be
Zpath ¼ Zb ð8Þ connected to the nodes of sub-graph DH.
b2Nbr When one branch of the tree with minimal weight is
In this regard, Zb is the impedance (per-unit) of branch selected in each iteration, one node (sending side of branch
b and Nbr is the lines lying in the path between the secondary or node S) of the branch is in sub-graph DH and the other
side of each TS and the end bus in the network. node (receiving side or node R) is in sub-graph DN.
As shown in Fig. 1, supposing that one fault has taken Therefore, node R is added to the sub-graph D and deleted
place at point B, Area2 is the downstream un-faulted area from the sub-graph DN, as shown in Fig. 2. This approach

Service restoration in distribution networks using combination of two heuristic methods… 559

1 1 The branches 1 and 2 (in sub-graph B) are between sub-

2 graphs DH and DN.
2 3 4
2 3
The first iteration (selection of branch with minimum
6 4 5 6 4 5
weight) is as shown in Fig. 2a.
Weight coefficients for branches 1 and 2:
7 5 6 7 5 6
10 8 10 8
11 7 9 11 7 9 W 1 ¼ X 1 þ Z1 and W 2 ¼ X 2 þ Z2
10 8 9 10 8 9
Therefore, the branch with the minimum of W is
13 12 13 12
14 14
selected (supposing that the coefficient is W1).
12 11 12 11
Updating sub-graphs:
(a) Iteration 1 (b) Iteration 2
f 1; 2g 2 DH
1 1
f 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 ; 11 ; 12 g 2 DN
2 2
1 1
3 3 f 2; 3; 4g 2 B
4 2 3 4 2 3
6 4 5 6 4 5 Updating DH, DN and B is done for the next iteration.
7 5 6 7 5 6 When sub-graph DN gets empty, the iteration procedure is
10 8 10 8
11 7 9 11 7 9 finished. In order to maintain the radial structure of the
10 8 9 10 8 9 network, all branches belonging to sub-graph B should be
13 12 13 12 opened after the last iteration. The final structure of the
14 14 network is shown in Fig. 2f.
12 11 12 11
(c) Iteration 3 (d) Iteration 4 f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 ; 11 ; 12g 2 DH
1 1 f u g 2 DN
2 1
2 f8; 10; 14g 2 B
3 3
4 2 3 4 2 3
To achieve a better understanding of the use of the graph-
6 4 5 6 4 5
based method technique, service restoration simulation for a
7 5 6 7 5 6
10 8 10 8 graph-based method is shown Fig. 3. Following the fault
11 7 9 11 7 9
occurrence at point A, a number of the loads get de-
10 8 9 10 8 9
energized, and the network gets ready to form a new structure
13 12 13 12 for implementing service restoration plan. If two switches
14 12 14 11
12 11 (TS3 and TS4) are obtained from the previous section for
(e) Iteration 5 (f) Final structure performing the service restoration, a loop is created in the
network. So, an SS switch should be opened to maintain the
Fig. 2 Example of a graph-based method
radial structure of the network. This switch must be selected
is used to find the best sectionalizes switch (SS) after in such a way as to cause the minimal magnitude of the
finding the best TS. The evaluation of the weight coeffi- voltage drop in the network. In this case, before closing the
cient is described as follows: switches TS3 and TS4, the initial conditions for the sub-
X graphs are determined according to the following state.
W ¼Xþ Zb ð9Þ
b2Nbr f27; 29g 2 DH
where X is the branch state (0 for close branches and inf for f24 ; 25 ; 26 ; 28 ; 30 g 2 DN
open branches); Zb is the impedance of the branch b and f27  26; 29  28g 2 B
Nbr is the branches lying in the path between the secondary
node (node R) of the branch in sub-graph DN and the
substation node. 5 Service restoration algorithm
The starting state and the major steps in the first iteration
are described as follows: To describe the problem of multi-objective service
Starting state: restoration in distribution networks, the fault scenario
should be described. When a short-circuit fault occurs on a
f1g 2 D H feeder, the circuit breaker at the outset of feeder operates to
f2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12g 2 DN clear the fault. All boundary line switches operate to isolate
f1; 2g 2 B the faulted area. The circuit breaker of the feeder is then

560 Meysam GHOLAMI et al.

3 4 5 areas are formed in the network: Firstly, the upstream out-
1 2 6 7 8 9 11 12
of-service area is first restored by closing circuit breaker of
F1 the feeder. Secondly, the damaged area must been repaired.
10 Finally, the downstream un-faulted area is transferred to
the neighboring feeders according to the proposed algo-
15 16 17 18
rithms. Before applying the method, we must define switch
(TS and SS) candidates for the first algorithm. All tie
CB 13 14 23 24 25 26 28
22 30 switches connected to the out-of-service un-faulted area are
A the tie switch candidates for service restoration imple-
27 mentation. All sectionalize switches in the out-of-service
19 20 21 TS4
un-faulted area are the sectionalize switch candidates.
out-of-service un-
faulted area H and Zpath are obtained for each candidate TS. A weight
Closed switch; Opened switch factor is utilized to transform these two indices into an
equivalent single index. The final index is described as:
Fig. 3 Service restoration simulation for graph-based method
F ¼ aHi þ b maxðZpath Þ ð10Þ
closed to restore the upstream consumers. For the down- where a and b are two weight factors (0 \ a \ 1 and
stream area, the switch indices for the best switch selection 0 \ b \ 1). The first and the most important index has
are implemented based on the first heuristic approach greater weight factor than the second index. The amount of
(switch index). The proposed approach is calculated and weight factor can be initialized by PDN operators. a is 0.7.
implemented quickly, using automated switches in the The F list is formed in an increasing order. One TS oper-
distribution network. Four objective functions are consid- ates according to the smallest member of F (the first
ered in the following order: 1) maximizing the amount of member of TS list), load flow is calculated, and network
total load to be restored; 2) minimizing the number of the constraints are checked. Network constraints have been
switching operations; 3) considering consumers’ priority; described in Section 2. If all network constraints are sat-
4) minimizing total load shedding. The fault location is isfactory, the restoration plan is identified and restoration
selected to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed process is stopped. If an overload or voltage violation
algorithm. The proposed algorithm is described as follows: exists, load shedding must implemented. After load shed-
ding implementation, if the network constraints are unsat-
1) Isolating the fault;
isfactory, the next TS candidate must be operated.
2) Creating a list of the candidate tie switches;
3) Selecting one TS according to the first proposed
5.1 Load shedding process
method in Section 3, implementing the load flow, and
studying the network constraints. If no constraint
For implementing load shedding in the network, low
violation exists, go to step 5;
priority consumers in out-of-service un-faulted area are
4) Selecting next the TS according to the first proposed
identified. The SS is identified which belongs to the lines
method in Section 3, selecting the respective SS
connected to low priority consumers in this area. The SS list
according to the graph-based method, implementing
is formed in an increasing order according to the amount of
the load flow, and studying the network constraints. If
load shedding, and the first candidate for load shedding
no constraint violation exists go to step 5; otherwise,
(minimum load shedding amount) is identified. The load
repeat this step;
flow calculation is applied to the network and the network
5) Recognizing the best service restoration plan.
constraints are checked. If all network constraints are sat-
This paper uses the fast load flow technique [21] for fast isfactory, the restoration plan is identified; otherwise, the
service restoration performance. When a fault occurs in the next load shedding candidate must be implemented.
distribution network, the fault line, the sending and
receiving bus sides are detected. The adjacent buses and 5.2 Next TS selection
lines in all directions are wended sequentially to clear the
fault; the first circuit breaker in these directions is found The next TS from the F list is firstly operated. And then
and starts operating. Therefore, the feeder in which the there is one direction in the network that creates one loop
fault has occurred and its circuit breaker are detected. For in the network. For removing this loop, the graph-based
isolating the fault, the adjacent buses and lines in each method is applied in order to find the best SS in the loop
direction are wended sequentially. The first switch in each direction. So the best SS is operated for minimizing the
direction is found and starts operating. Therefore three voltage drop in the network. After TS and SS operations,

Service restoration in distribution networks using combination of two heuristic methods… 561

the load flow calculation is applied to the network. If all s/s

network constraints are satisfactory, the restoration plan is
identified. If overload or voltage violation exists, the load
shedding program must be implemented. If the network 3

constraints are unsatisfactory after the load shedding is 3 4 2

implemented, the next TS and SS candidates must be 47 2
37 5
operated. 48 3
3 6
49 3
39 7
4 5 3
6 Numerical examples 8
4 5 9 3
Two different distribution networks are considered to 4 1 5 3
illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. The
4 1 5 3
methods are coded in MATLAB software. When a fault
4 66 5
occurs in the network, the protection devices start operating 1
immediately for detecting and isolating the fault. The total 4 68 1 67 56
numbers of switch operations for isolating the fault and 4 6 1 5
service restoration implementation are calculated. 69-bus
1 5
and 119-bus distribution networks [22, 23] are considered,
as shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. The SSs are con- 1 5

sidered both in the networks and in the sending side of all 1 60

lines. Two weight factors (a and b) are 0.7 and 0.3, 1 6
respectively. In order to demonstrate the validity and the 6
effectiveness of the proposed service restoration algorithm, 1
20 6
the fault simulation is considered in several locations. And
two scenarios are considered for the service restoration, 21 6
respectively. In the first scenario (Scenario A), the service 22 6
restoration is implemented without load shedding. In the
second scenario (Scenario B), the load shedding is con-
sidered to implement the service restoration plan. 24

6.1 Scenario A 27

Tables 1 and 2 show the service restoration results in

Bus s/s substation; Tie line; Switch
both 69-bus and 119-bus distribution networks without
load shedding implementation. In each network, four Fig. 4 69-bus distribution network
points have been considered as the fault locations. Sup-
posing that one fault has taken place in lines 5-6 in the
69-bus distribution network (Case1 in Table 1). 6.2 Scenario B
Two switch operations (SS 5–6 and SS 6-7) are required
for isolating the fault, and three switch operations (TS Tables 3 and 4 display the service restoration results for
11-43, 50-59 and SS 9-53) are needed for service restora- 69-bus and 119-bus distribution networks considering load
tion implementation have been required. This is shown in shedding plan implementation, respectively. For Case 1 in
Table 1. The choice of SS is based on the graph-based Table 3, a fault in lines 5–6, one switch operation for
method. The minimum voltage of the network in the bus 65 implementing service restoration and one switch operation
is almost 0.9 p.u.. The runtime of the plan for fault isola- for load shedding process are required. In this case, the
tion and service restoration implementation is 1.06 s. For number of switching is decreased. The minimum voltage
Case 2 in Table 1, three switch operations are required to happened in bus 27 is almost 0.95 p.u.. This demonstrates
isolate the fault. Thus, the fault location is isolated in all that load shedding process reduces both the number of
directions. For case 1 in Table 2, two switch operations are switch operations and software runtime. For cases 2 and 4
required for isolating the fault and one switch operation is in Table 4, the load shedding process is implemented, too.
required for service restoration implementation. The min- It is supposed that all the considered switches in both
imum voltage in the bus 76 is almost 0.9 p.u.. networks are remotely controlled.

562 Meysam GHOLAMI et al.

12 13 14 15 16 17

10 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

2 4 5 6 7 8 9
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
30 31 32 33 34 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
28 29 35
56 57 58 59 60 61 62
96 97 98 99

89 90 91 92 93 94 95

1 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
79 80 81 82 83 84 85
78 87 88
101 102 103 104 106 107 109 110 112 113
100 105 108
115 116 117 118
114 111
Bus s/s substation; Tie line; Switch

Fig. 5 119-bus distribution network

Table 1 Restoration results for 69-bus network without load shedding

Case Fault Switch operation to Switch operation Min. voltage Switches to Runtime
location fault isolation to restoration load shedding (s)
Bus Value (p.u.)

1 5–6 5–6, 6–7 11–43, 50–59, 9–53 65 0.9003 – 1.06

2 10–11 10–11, 11–12, 11–66 46–15 65 0.9002 – 0.54
3 54–55 54–55, 55–56 50–59 65 0.9010 – 0.47
4 18–19 18–19, 19–20 13–21 65 0.9014 – 0.41

Table 2 Restoration results for 119-bus network without load shedding

Case Fault Switch operation Switch operation Min. voltage Switches to Runtime
location to fault isolation to restoration load shedding (s)
Bus Value (p.u.)

1 66–67 66–67, 67–68 91–73 76 0.9021 – 0.75

2 31–32 31–32, 32–33 49–62, 43–54, 51–52 34 0.9045 – 1.75
3 103–104 103–104, 104–105 110–118 107 0.9062 – 0.78
4 89–90 89–90, 90–91 91–73, 58–96, 91–96 76 0.9022 – 1.29

It is necessary to explain that the results (software run- between the results of the proposed method and the results
time) are the average of results after 10 times of service of some of the references (comparing the runtime of ser-
restoration implementation. vice restoration implementation). Table 5 shows the aver-
The most important indices for improving the service age software runtime for several fault points in the
restoration plan are the restoration time and the number of network. According to the results of Table 5, the software
switch operations. Table 5 displays the comparison runtime is decreased by proposed methods.

Service restoration in distribution networks using combination of two heuristic methods… 563

Table 3 Restoration results for 69-bus network considering load shedding

Case Fault Switch operation Switch operation Min. voltage Switches to Runtime
location to fault isolation to restoration load shedding (s)
Bus Value (p.u.)

1 5–6 5–6, 6–7 11–43 27 0.9525 57–58 0.91

2 10–11 10–11, 11–12, 11–66 46–15 65 0.9011 – 0.48
3 54–55 54–55, 55–56 50–59 65 0.9074 – 0.51
4 18–19 18–19, 19–20 13–21 65 0.9021 – 0.53

Table 4 Restoration results for 119–bus network considering load shedding

Case Fault Switch operation Switch operation Min. voltage Switches to Runtime
location to fault isolation to restoration load shedding (s)
Bus Value (p.u.)

1 66–67 66–67, 67–68 91–73 76 0.9020 – 0.69

2 31–32 31–32, 32–33 49–62 34 0.9273 50–51 1.15
3 103–104 103–104, 104–105 110–118 107 0.9139 – 0.76
4 89–90 89–90, 90–91 91–73 98 0.9212 91–92 1.62

Table 5 Comparing results (runtime software) of different methods use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
Method Test case network Average of
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were

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