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DSI 2023 Data Science Roadmap

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d e n ce ba
ev i
The founder of Data Science Infinity, Andrew Jones is one of the best-known Data
Science instructors in the world – helping countless students move ahead of the
competition and into amazing roles in the field. His 15+ year career includes time
at global tech giants Amazon & Sony PlayStation, he has 5 patents to his name, has
interviewed hundreds & hundreds of candidates & authored a book on Data Science

This e-book is based upon Andrew’s experience in the field, as

well as his conversations with hundreds of hiring managers &
recruiters, making it the most reliable source of information
about the skills & tools that are in demand for a career in Data
Science & Analytics.

Subscribe on Follow Andrew

Youtube on Linkedln
2023: A big year for Data Science 4

Many fail on this journey. You will succeed. 5

I asked “Does your team utilize SQL for Data Science?” 6

Python vs. R 7

Stay focused when learning Python… 8

Math & Statistics 10

Machine Learning: Don’t try to learn every algorithm. Focus on these instead: 11
what’s inside

Important! Garbage in, garbage out… 14

Should I take on Deep Learning? 15

Do I also need to know about Data Engineering? 16

Think Data Science is just about technical skills. Far from it… 17

Communication is vital! 18

Build a portfolio that will get you HIRED! 20

Break your project write-ups into these sections 21

10 Project ideas to get you noticed! 22

Ace the coding test! 23

Ace the behavioral interview! 25

Data Science Infinity: The program focused entirely on your results 27

Check DSI Out For Yourself 28

More student feedback 29

A Big Year For
Data Science
Data Science is exciting, lucrative, and future-
proof – and 2023 will see the field accelerate even
“I’ve seen a huge
uptick in Data Science
With ever-increasing volumes of data being
generated and collected, advancements in opportunities since
computing technology, and the recent explosion in early January.We
Artificial Intelligence, companies from all industries
are hiring Data Scientists so they can:
have been very busy
focusing on this area
ሩ Build exciting products to drive new revenue
streams for our clients”
ሩ Optimise & automate processes & cut costs
ሩ Understand their customers & predict what they Joshua Smith
will do next
Associate Director, Data Science/
ሩ Make the right decisions in real-time to stay Analytics/Engineering Search at MBN
ahead of the competition Solutions)

When demand is high, those who have the right skills & tools
can expect to be valued highly.
Salary insights company PayScale calculated that the median salary for a Data
Scientist in the US is $103k (and remember that is the median, so half of Data
Scientists are indeed earning more than that!)
Many fail on this journey.
You will succeed.
There is an almost endless number of skills & tools to potentially focus on learning – it can
be overwhelming.

To be successful, you need to put your time & energy into learning the skills that hiring
managers genuinely need & want.

This document is a high-level distillation of my conversations with hundreds of hiring

managers & recruiters in the field. Use this as a framework, and you’ll be set for success!

"I landed my new role at Amazon totally thanks to

Andrew, DSI, and this wonderful community. DSI has
been the best academic choice of my life - it has
given me better results than two degrees"


Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 5

I asked “Does your team utilize
SQL for Data Science?"

I asked hundreds of Data Science hiring managers that


97% said yes. This is a must-have skill.

Thankfully, learning SQL, or at least learning the
90% of SQL that you need to know for Data Science
is not that difficult.

As an idea of what you need, make sure you build up confidence with:

ሩ General query structure, so SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY

ሩ Aggregation functions and the GROUP BY clause

ሩ Conditional logic using CASE WHEN

ሩ Combining data using INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, and CROSS JOIN

ሩ The use of Window Functions

ሩ How to stack data using UNION and UNION ALL

As a bonus, learn how to link together multiple queries into one using either
TEMP TABLES or CTE. These can come in really handy in interviews as they
can help you cleanly break the question down into multiple parts!

Long story short, SQL is non-negotiable if you want to become a Data

Scientist or Data Analyst, but what about more pure “programming

Both are great programming languages – but which should
you learn?

According to my research…55% of hiring managers in the field

said their team was using R for Data Science.

For Python - this was 87%

While R is an amazing language, if your goal is to become a

Data Scientist it just makes sense to put the odds in your favor
and learn Python.

I would advise strongly against trying to learn both languages at the start of
your career. Some courses look to teach both simultaneously and this can
make the whole learning process much harder. Pick one, and focus on that!

“I had over 40 interviews without an offer... After DSI

I quickly got 7 offers including one at KPMG and my
amazing new role at Deloitte!”


Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 7

Stay focused
when learning
There are an enormous number of Python libraries & packages. When you’re
getting started, don’t let this confuse you, or bog you down. Start with these:

>> Base Python

Gain an understanding of different data types (float, integer, boolean, string) as well as the
different data structures that are available (lists, sets, tuples, dictionaries). Be able to explain
why each exists.

>> Pandas
Pandas is a Python library used for data manipulation & helping Data Scientists understand &
explore the data they’re working with.

Get to grips with; importing data, creating Data Frames, accessing specific rows/columns/cells,
sorting data, joining & merging data, aggregating data, and dealing with missing values.

>> Numpy
Numpy is a Python library used for fast mathematical processes on data stored in array format.
It is also often utilized for storing & manipulating image data!

Get familiar with creating & manipulating arrays of differing dimensions as well as applying
mathematical operations on the data stored within!

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 8

>> Matplotlib
Matplotlib is the most used Data Visualization library in Python. Data Scientists rely on this to
showcase insights & trends in the data.

Get familiar with creating different chart types, utilizing subplots, formatting plot features,
colors & styles, and adding text to aid the interpretability of the plot for the viewer!

>> Scikit-Learn
Scikit-Learn is the most popular ML library in Python, containing dozens of algorithms for
Machine Learning as well as a whole host of data preprocessing techniques.

>> Streamlit
Streamlit is an amazing library that allows you to easily turn your code & projects into
interactive web apps. This is perfect for bringing your learning journey to life and for
showcasing your projects when applying for roles!

“The DSI content is truly the best. It genuinely

surpasses what I learned in my Master’s in Data
Science program”

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 9

Math & Statistics
Time and time again, you are going to hear about
“all the mathematics you need to know before you’re allowed to
become a Data Scientist”

My single piece of advice here: “Don’t be scared off by this”

There is no shortage of people in this field who will sneer at newcomers who
don’t know X, Y, or Z (I call them “gatekeepers”) but the reality is as follows:

Yes, you do need to know some mathematics.

There is no getting around that. It underpins a lot of what we do in the field.

But you DO NOT need to spend a year reading dusty textbooks before you’re
allowed to progress, or build things, or touch anything, or before you’re
allowed to land your first role.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Start with statistical concepts such as:

ሩ Types of Data

ሩ Statistical Distributions

ሩ Hypothesis tests

ሩ The Central Limit Theorem

ሩ Confidence Intervals.

From these foundations, you can start learning more advanced

mathematical concepts like Linear Algebra (which covers things like
regression algorithms, and gradient descent).

A great way to do this is to learn as you start applying things like Machine
Learning algorithms. It's so much more fun (and productive) learning while
testing and modifying things, and seeing what changes, and why!

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 10

Don’t try to learn
every algorithm. e i n s t e a d !
Focus on th e s

Many new Data Scientists fall into the trap of learning as many ML algorithms as they can.

This is detrimental to your progress, and your career prospects. The following list of
algorithms & concepts are used to solve 90%+ of business problems that require ML - get a
deep understanding of these, and you’ll position yourself ahead of other candidates.

Start by getting a good understanding of the difference between Supervised Learning vs.
Unsupervised Learning. Simply put, these are two areas within Machine Learning with
slightly different end goals, but it’s important to understand what each is, and which
algorithms might be useful for tasks that fall into each area.

Once you’ve got the grips with that, you want to learn how the following algorithms
work, and how to apply them in practice (these are the ones hiring managers said were
most commonly used to add value in their teams)

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 11

Supervised Learning
>> Linear Regression
This often is the go-to approach for regression tasks (i.e. where we’re predicting a number such
as sales, or salary, or price)

>> Logistic Regression

While still a “regression” algorithm, this often is the go-to approach for classification tasks (i.e.
we’re predicting a class or a type, so whether a customer will leave the business next month,
yes or no)

>> Decision Tree

These can be used for both regression & classification tasks, and are famously easy to interpret
for stakeholders!

>> Random Forest

Made up of many Decision Trees working in unison. These are very powerful, and can also be
used for both regression & classification tasks.

>> K-Nearest-Neighbours
Often simply referred to as KNN, this type of algorithm uses the distances between data points
to understand what its prediction should be.

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 12

Unsupervised Learning

>> K-Means
Often used as a clustering algorithm to group together data points based on distance, to create
useful products such as customer segmentations!

>> Principal Component Analysis

A dimensionality reduction technique often just referred to as PCA. It can come in handy to use
in conjunction with both k-means for clustering or any supervised learning tasks.

Bonus Algorithms
>> Association Rule Learning
An approach that discovers the strength of relationships between different data points. Think
of the “customers who purchased product A are likely to also purchase product B” you see on
sites like Amazon!

>> Causal Impact Analysis

Measures the change in a metric after some event has taken place. This could be the uplift in
sales after a promotion, the additional clicks, conversions, or signups generated by an online
ad campaign, or it could be the change in share price after a market event. A very important

“Since completing DSI I’ve had two interviews and

have received offers for both! This is definitely the
best course for those moving into Data Science”


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Garbage in, Garbage out…
Even the best ML algorithm can’t learn from bad data. Good knowledge of data preparation &
cleaning techniques will differentiate you from other candidates, and ensure your ML projects
are successful.

Key Data Preparation Concepts To Know

Processing missing values

Dealing with duplicate & low-variation data

Dealing with incorrect & irrelevant data

Processing Categorical Data using encoding techniques

Assessing & processing outliers

Feature Scaling

Feature Engineering & Selection

Splitting the data to validate performance

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 14

Should I take on
Deep Learning?
Yes, absolutely. But only when the time is right!

Don’t skip the foundational skills first - knowledge around concepts like Linear & Logistic
Regression make up a large part of Deep Learning, so you want to know these intimately first.

Deep Learning is being used to solve some very cool problems in the field these days, but
99% of Data Science tasks that even need something along the lines of Machine Learning can
be solved using the list we discussed earlier. Get the core skills first and then take on Deep

Other key Data

Science tools to know
There is no shortage of tools listed on Data Science job descriptions - but when starting out,
it’s important to be able to focus your time on the ones that are truly in demand. Here are two
tools that are widely used, and that many hiring managers will want to see:

>> Github
GitHub is a version-control platform used by virtually all Data Science teams, as it provides a
suite of tools for managing code, collaborating with others, and sharing work with the world!

>> Tableau
Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that allows users to easily connect, visualize, and
share data insights. It enables users to create interactive and dynamic dashboards, reports,
and charts without requiring programming skills.

Tableau supports various data sources including spreadsheets, databases, cloud services,
and big data. With Tableau, users can explore, analyze, and communicate insights from data,
helping organizations to make data-driven decisions.

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 15

Do I also need to know about
Data Engineering?
Yes, and no. Creating & training a Machine Learning model locally is great. Getting it
to a place where it can be used by end-users or customers is what will drive a lot of
business value. Often, this work will be done by Data Engineers but as a Data Scientist,
it is good to know the basics of:

>> ML Pipelines
These are simply what tie together all the steps from data ingestion, to preprocessing &
cleaning, to prediction, into one standalone object.

>> Parameter Tuning

Techniques to help us find the optimal parameters for our algorithms, ensuring they provide
the best possible accuracy or performance

>> Deployment
The process of placing the trained model pipeline where it can be used for prediction, i.e. in a
web app sitting behind a website. To start with, get familiar with GitHub, and build something
simple with the Python library Streamlit

Understanding where the data comes from, and knowing how to best work with Data Engineers
is certainly useful, but you don’t need to cover both skill sets!

“100% worth it, it is amazing. I have never seen such

a good course and I have done plenty of them!”


Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 16

Think Data Science is just about
technical skills? Far from it…

It is so important to emphasize that Data Science is

“The best Data
not all about technical skills. If you're transitioning
from another role or field, this is where your initial Scientists start
advantage lies.
with the business
In fact, the best Data Scientists I've worked with
in my career are not the “smartest" ones, by
problem, and
definition. Absolutely, they know their stuff in terms then work back
of coding, statistics, and other key data concepts
but what differentiates them is this:
to a Data Science
They understand what the business problem is, or
solution from
what the business is trying to achieve. They use there - not
data, and their unique skillset in clever and often
simple ways to solve these problems or to add the other way
tangible value to the team, business, or end-user. around!”

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 17

Communication is vital!

A good Data Scientist knows a lot of technical concepts. A great Data Scientist can simplify
these down in a way that gets everyone in the business onboard.

As Data Scientists we're here to solve problems, not introduce new ones...we're here to
enhance, and accelerate business decision-making - not get in the way of it!

If you're transitioning from another field, these softer skills can genuinely put you above the
competition - so you're in a strong position to become a great Data Scientist!

Something I say all the time to the aspiring Data Scientists in Data Science Infinity is “No one is
going to pay you just to be good at coding, or just to be good at maths, or just to know a lot of
machine learning algorithms...but they will pay you, and they'll pay you extremely well, to add
tangible value to their business or to the end-user”

“DSI is the best investment I have ever made. It gave me the

confidence to code & I’ve now landed an amazing role at an
incredible company. A special thanks to Andrew for being such a
great teacher and for his constant support through this journey!
I would 100% recommend this course to every aspiring Data


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e d g e !
s i d e -

Learning to
Now you know a bit more about the skills you need for this exciting, future-proof & lucrative
field - the next step is to move into a great role.

This is often easier said than done as competition for roles is high.

Let me tell give you some inside knowledge from my time as an interviewer - to help you move
ahead of the pack, and into that role you want!

“DSI gave me the skills and confidence to step out

of my comfort zone and start applying for jobs. As a
result, I’ve now landed a job as a Data Scientist in an
absolute dream company!”


Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 19

Build a
that will
get you

A portfolio of projects can be an excellent way to showcase your skills when you’re early in
your Data Science or Analytics career.

But, I want to quickly bust a myth about portfolio projects (based on my experience
interviewing & screening hundreds & hundreds of candidates at companies such as Amazon &

Data Science portfolio projects need to use huge volumes of data

Myth and/or use extremely complex Machine Learning or Deep Learning

A portfolio containing varied, impactful, and clearly communicated

Truth projects is much more likely to get you hired.

Hiring Managers & Recruiters have very little time to get into the depths of your projects so
you must make it quick and easy for them to see your value, and the types of tasks you have
the ability to solve.

There are no right or wrong projects for a Data Science portfolio - it really all comes down to
how well they are written up!

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 20

Break your project write-ups
into these sections:
1. Project Overview:

Make it easy for the reader! Right at the top, showcase the highlights from
the full write-up

2. Concept Overview:

Showcase your understanding of the concepts you’ll be applying

3. Data Overview & Preparation:

So important in the real world, but almost always missed in portfolio


4. Application:

The application, the code, the nuts & bolts!

5. Analysing The Results:

The results, and importantly, what they mean!

6. Growth & Next Steps:

Explain what would you do to improve this, or what you would do if you had more time!

“I got it! Thank you so much for all your advice

and help with preparation - it truly gave me the
confidence to go in and land the job!”

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 21

10 Project Ideas To
Get You Noticed!
A varied portfolio of 5-10 clear & impactful projects will beat out a single long & convoluted
capstone project every time. This approach can really help a hiring manager get a feel for the
types of things you can do, and the ways you can tackle problems. In Data Science Infinity, we
build the following projects based on ideas hiring managers were interested in seeing.

Please use them for inspiration for your own portfolio!

Assessing Campaign Performance using Chi-Square (A/B Testing)

Predicting Customer Loyalty with Machine Learning (Regression)

Enhancing Targeting Accuracy with Machine Learning (Classification)

The “You Are What You Eat” Customer Segmentation (Clustering)

Compressing Feature Space for Classification (PCA)

Assessing Alcohol Product Relationships (Association Rule Learning)

Quantifying Sales Uplift using Causal Impact Analysis

Fruit Image Classification using CNN (Deep Learning)

Creating An Image Search Engine (Deep Learning)

Finding All Prime Numbers Under 1,000,000 Using Python

“DSI is incredible - everything is taught in such

a clear and simple way, even the more complex

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 22

Ace The Coding Test!

10 29 +
From my research with Data Science leaders, hiring managers, and recruiters from various
companies around the world while creating Data Science Infinity - it came out that 61% did get
candidates to undertake a coding or technical test, 29% did sometimes, and the remaining 10%
did not.


Do you give
candidates a Yes
Sometimes coding test? 61%

Those numbers would suggest that is it very important to be prepared for something like this
when interviewing!

For most entry-level Data Science or Data Analyst positions the test will simply be based in
SQL, or potentially Python.

The level of difficulty will vary - and often it will start with basic questions and move up to
more complex ones.

If the role is focused more on insights & analytics, then the test will probably be less complex
than for a role focused more on data engineering or software engineering.

Get as much information about what it will entail - and then practice. There is nothing better
for this type of test than being in the right mindset, and this comes from consistent practice.

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 23

There are lots of online resources for this, but make sure you’re focusing on the right thing.
Don’t get super stressed trying to answer all sorts of insanely complex software engineering-
type problems when you aren’t going to need that.

When completing the test, if you don’t know the answer, or the exact syntax - don’t worry.

Put what you think should happen in words. You can still get a lot of kudos for knowing what
steps to follow, or what considerations are important.

Don’t leave any question blank!

“I’ve taken a number of Data Science courses, and

without doubt, DSI is the best”


Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 24

Ace The Behavioral Interview!
In non-technical interviews, you’ll mostly be asked to discuss projects that you’ve worked on in
the past.

The simplest way to nail questions in these interviews is to prepare in the same way you’d want
to answer. Here is a high-level framework from Data Science Infinity called the CRAIG System

For each project, make sure you are well versed on;

C = Context
Give context around the business problem and why it needed to be solved – this pulls the interviewer
into your story

R = Roles
What was your role in the project – quick and easy!

A = Action
The specific actions you took from inception to conclusion. Refine this to the most succinct &
compelling narrative but ensure you keep auxiliary context up your sleeve, for example, “why you
chose solution C over solution A and B”. A good interviewer *will* ask this!

I = Impact
What was the result of your work? Super important – but often missed or underemphasized. Use
tangible figures, for example “drove $x sales” or “saved y hours”

G = Growth
Ask yourself “If I could have started the project again, what would I do differently?”

This sort of thinking around your career and the projects within it, can be so much more
impactful than you might think.

It shows you have an awareness of business impact, it shows you have an understanding of the
nuance of what you do from a technical point of view as you’re thinking about why different
solutions would work more effectively, and in general, it just shows a growth mindset, that
you’re always looking to build, and to improve. And, trust me, that is a lethal combination!

“I did a lot of research before choosing DSI, I asked other students and their experience had
been really good. It was definitely worth it - I feel so confident in Data Science now!”


Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 25

I hope this has provided some direction for your exciting journey into
this fascinating, lucrative, and future-proof field.

If you have any questions about Data Science or indeed Data Science
Infinity, please do reach out using the links below - I’m here to help!


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Youtube Linkedln Directly

Your Time is Now

The program focused entirely on your results

Data Science Infinity focuses on the journey and obsesses over the results of students. Created
by former Amazon & PlayStation Data Scientist, Andrew Jones,

Learn the skills & tools that will get you hired
The curriculum of 300+ tutorials, downloadable resources, and quizzes are based upon input
from hundreds of hiring managers & recruiters in the field. The curriculum grows & evolves over
time - and therefore you as a Data Scientist do as well.

SQL Python Statistics Tableau A/B Testing Github Data Preparation & Cleaning

Machine Leaning Deep Leaning Project Best Practices Interviewing & Application Tips & Inside Knowledge

Learn at your own pace, in a way that works for you

You get unlimited access to all current & future content. Content is pre-recorded so you can
take things at your own pace, and revisit topics whenever you want in the future.

Get ahead of the competition with expert support & mentorship

You can opt for unlimited and dedicated guidance and support & mentorship for your entire
learning journey including personalized support through the application & hiring process,

Be part of a community
Join a community of equally invested peers also chasing success

Build a portfolio that will get you hired

Get a professionally designed portfolio site, and then you add 10 pre-built projects designed
specifically to impress hiring managers. This is moving students ahead of the competition
when applying for, and interviewing for roles.

The DSI Data Science Professional Certification

Prove your skills, and showcase the value you bring to hiring managers

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 27

Check DSI Out For Yourself!

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 28

More student feedback
“The best program I’ve been a part of, hands down”

“DSI gave me the confidence to apply for & land my amazing new
role! The support provided for technical questions & tackling the
hiring process is phenomenal”

“I’d completed my Master’s in Business Analytics, but DSI was the

first time I felt I had a solid foundation in Data Science to go forward
Scott K

“DSI is the best program. I learned the right skills and built a mindset
for success. I felt confident in interviews and I’ve now landed an
amazing DS role!”

“I started a bootcamp last summer through a well respected

University, but I didn’t learn half as much from them”


Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 29

More student feedback
“I’ve learned more than on any other course”

“Andrew’s guidance with my Resume & throughout the interview

process helped me land my amazing new role (and at a much higher
salary than I expected!)”

“I can’t emphasize how good this program is...well worth the


“One of the best purchases towards learning I’ve ever made”

Scott F

“DSI is a fantastic community & Andrew is one of the best


“This is a world-class Data Science experience. I would recommend

this course to every aspiring or professional Data Scientist!”

Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 30

More student feedback
“I’m now at University, and my Data Science related subjects are a
piece of cake after completing this course! I’m so glad I enrolled!”


“The fact this program is facilitated by someone with Andrew’s

experience & expertise was a huge factor when deciding to enroll -
and it was definitely the right choice”


“The course has such high-quality content. You get your ROI even
from the first module”


“DSI is the best program I’ve been part of. It’s given me so much
confidence to move forward and land a great job in the field”

“DSI truly surpasses the competition, it’s amazing. You get life-
long access, all the key knowledge is there, complicated topics are
made accessible, and there is so much hands-on learning to put into
practice in the real world”


Start Your Data Science Journey With A 25% Discount 31

Data Science

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