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Cu and Ni Depostion Throwing Power

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HEH:HAN Department of Commerce Letter


^ LC 125
1 D> •'

July 28, 1924


1 - Introduction
In both electroplating and electroforming 1 it is desirable

The production or reproduction of articles by electrodeposi-

tion, including electrotyping and the production of tubes,
sheets, etc.

to secure a deposit of uniform thickness, but difficult to do

so upon irregularly shared or recessed surfaces. The solu-
tions from which the most nearly uniform metal distribution
can be secured, are said to possess good "throwing power".
The purpose of this paper is to explain the principles which
govern the throwing power of solutions, and to illustrate the
application of these principles in the deposition of copper
and nickel^,

Further details will be found in an article by H. E. Haring
and W. Blum - Trans. Am, Electrochem, Soc. Vol. 44, 313, (1923)
and one by H. E. Haring, Vol, 46, (1924). ,

2 -- Principles
Whenever an irregularly shaped article is made the cathode
in a plating solution, certain parts are -closer to the anode
than are others. The resistance through the solution from
the anode to a near part is less than to a far part, and the
current density (e.g. in amperes per square foot) will be
greater upon the near part than upon the far part. If then
the resistance through the solution were the only factor which


"Throwing Power" in Corner and Niche! Deposit ion-3 7/28/24

determined the proportion of the current passing to the near
and the far Points, we would have a certain distribution of
the current on the cathode which we may designate as the
T..P rimary current dis tr ibuti on". Thus if the resistance to
a near point were only one fifth of that to the far point,
the current density uron the near point would be five times
that on the far point; in which case the primary current
distribution ratio on these two parts would be 5 to 1. This
ratio represents the current distribution that would be ex-
pected iroai che snare of the article and its position with
respect to the anodes and the other cathodes in the bath«

Whenever current is passed through a metal salt solution

and metal is deposited upon the cathode, the concentration
of the metal salt (and metal ions) is reduced, to some extent
at least, in the film of solution immediately adjacent to the
cathode surface, because a fresh supply cf the metal salt is not
brought up as rapidly as it is consumed. For a given solution,
the metal concentration is depleted to a greater degree as the
current density is increased. It requires a higher potential
at the cathode surface tc deposit metal from a dilute than from
a concentrated solution, hence it requires a higher potential
to deposit metal at a high than at s low current density. The
increase in cathode potential required at any given current den-
sity, above the equilibrium potential when no current is flow-
ing, is called polari zation which when caused by such condi-

tions as the above is "concentration polari zation"

As a result of this polarization, which is greatest upon

the points with highest current density, the current density
at the near point is less than would be expected simply from
the resistance through the solution, and hence the secondary"

or actual current distribution ratio is always more nearly

uniform than the primary ratio. Thus, e.g, if the primary
ratio is 5 to 1, "the secondary current ratio may become 4.5
to 1 as a result of polarization.

If in any plating bath a certain voltage or potential is ap-

plied, it may for convenience be divided into three parts,
(a) the potential necessary to cause the anode to pass into
solution, which is determined by the "anode polarization",
caused by an increase in the metal and metal ion concentra-
tion near the anode; (b) the potential required to overcome
the resistance of the solution, and (c) the potential necessary
to deposit the metal, as determined by the cathode polarization.
For present purposes we will leave the anode potential out of
consideration, as it has no direct effect on throwing power.
If then the total potential is considered as enual to the sun
of (b) and (c), the relative effect of (c), the cathode polari-
zation, can be increased by decreasing (b), i.e, by increasing
the conductivity of the solution (or decreasing the resistivity).
"Throwing Power" in Coxier and Nickel D eposit ion-3 ?/28/24

We are interested however not so much in the current dis-

tribution unon different parts of the cathode as uron the
amounts (or thicknesses) of the metal deposits on these parts.
When a current is passed through a plating solution it may
be only partly used in denositing metal, the remainder being
usually consumed in the liberation of hydrogen. The catho de
gjjjicien cy is the percentage of the current used to deposit
metal. If this is much less than 100 per cent, hydrogen is
also liberated, as indicated by the "gassing" at the cathode.
If the cathode efficiency is 100 per cent or is equal at both
high and low current densities, the weights and thicknesses
of the metal deposits will be rroporticnal to the current
densities- If however the cathode efficiency is higher at a
low current density than at a high current density (as in cop-
per solutions) the derosit at the near roint will be relative-
ly thinner than corresponds to the secondary current ratio,
e.g. the metal ratio may be 4 to 1 when the actual current
ratio is 4,5 to 1. If, however, as in nickel deposition, the
cathode efficiency is less at a low than at a high current
density, the metal distribution will be less uniform than cor-
responds to the actual current ratio, e.g. it may be 6 to 1
when the actual current ratio is 4,5 to 1,

From the above considerations we may define throwing power

as "the deviation in per cent of the metal distribution ratio
from the primary current distribution ratio", Thus if the
primary ratio is 5 to 1, and the metal ratio is 4 to 1, the
distribution has been imrroved to the extent of

i5 or
30 per cent, which represents the throwing power.

If however
the metal ratio is 6 to 1, it is less uniform than the primary
ratio, hence the throwing -oower is negative, in this case -20
per cent.

The throwing rower as thus defined derends only upon three

factors, (a) the cathode polarization, (b) the conductivity
(or resistivity) of the solution, and (c) the cathode effi-

Of these factors, the one that largely determines the be-

havior of any given type of solution is the polarisation.
The rate of change of polarisation with current density dif-
fers greatly in different solutions. Thus e.g. solutions of
lead fluoborate, or of silver nitrate, have very little polari-
zation and hence verv roor throwing rower, Solutions of copper,
nickel or zinc sulphate have moderate pola.ri zaticn and only
iair throwing power. The cyanide solutions of corner, zinc
eud silver have very marked polarization and ver^ r good throw-
ing power.
"Throwing Power" in Copper and 'Nickel Deno sit ion-4 7/28/24

The conductivity is onl 3^ effective in increasing throwing

power provided there is an appreciable polarization.

In copper sulphate solutions the cathode efficiency is

usually nearly 100 per cent and therefore it has little
effect unon the throwing power. In copper cvanide solutions
however the efficiency is less at a high, than at a low cur-
rent density and therefore it improves the throwing power
above what would be exwected from the secondary current ratio.
In nicbel solutions, however, the efficiencv is less at low
than at high current densities, therefore the metal ratio is
less uniform than the actual current ratio, and the throwing
power is decreased.
3 - Apparatus and Method of Measurement
In order to measure throwing power, a simple annaratus,
shown in the attached figure, was devised. This consists of
a hard rubber box, the inside dimensions of which (up to the
height of the solution) are 10 x 10 x 60 cm (4 x 4 x 24 inches).
The anode, which consists of gauze of the metal to be used, is
in a slot 10 cm (4 in. ) from one brass cathod.e (the "near
plate") and 50 cm (20 in.) from the other (the "far plate").
By having each cathode fill the entire cross section of the
solution, a practically uniform current density is maintained
over the entire area of each cathode. This condition is es-
sential for obtaining definite and reproducible results. The
two cathodes are connected by a heavy brass rod, so that they
represent in effect the two corresnonding parts of any ir-
regularly sharped article.

To measure the throwing power, the box is filled to a

depth of 10 cm (4 in.) which requires 6 liters (about 1,6
gallons) of the solution to be tested. The two cathode
plates are carefully cleaned and dried, and weighed on a
fairly sensitive balance capable of weighing up to 50 grams
with an accuracy of 1 milligram. They are then inserted in
the appropriate slots and connected, and any desired current is
passed through the solution for a definite ueriod. The plates
are then rinsed and dried and reweighed. The throwing power
is calculated from the weights of the deposits on the two
plates, Suwnose the following data were obtained.

Near plate + deposit = 34,545 g

Wt, of near rla'te - 34,100
Deposit on near ulate= 0,445

"Throwing Power " in Copper and Nickel Deposit ion- 5 7/38/24

Far plate + de-no sit = 34,168 g

Ft. of far rlate = 34,062

Deposit on far -nlate = 0.106

"detal ratio" (ratio of weights on the two plates) =

C. 106
Primary ratio (as used in box) = 5,00. Deviation of metal
ratio froai primary ratio = 5,00 - 4,30 = 0,80, Throwing
power (deviation in percent) =

x 100 = +16^
If in another solution (e.g, nickel) the deposits on the two
plates weighed 0,432 g and 0,080 g reject ively, the uietal
ratio is -re/ngS - 5 40, Therefore the distribution is less
uniform than the -primary ratio, and the throwing rower is
0.40 100 = - 8 $.

The results for throwing power included in this parser were

obtained in this box, w ith a primary ratio of 5 to 1. It
should be borne in mind that the throwing power box is merely
a diagrammatic representation of an irregular Iv shared object,
and that the results obtained are of value only in showing
the relative effects of different conditions. It is not
possible by any practicable means to measure the actual cur-
rent distribution on an irregularly shared object, or to pre-
dict the metal distribution upon it, Fe can however from such
results as are sriven here, predict whether the throwing power
and metal distribution will be improved by changing any given
condition of operation. This may be illustrated by an actual

It was found (Table 4) that under certain conditions a

nickel solution containing ammonium chloride had a throwing
power of +16,4 per cent, while one containing sodium fluoride
instead of ammonium chloride had a throwing power of -59 per
cent, A nuaiber of brass shaving soap boxes about 3 cm (1,2 in.
in diameter and 5.5 cm (2.2 in r ) deep were plated under the
same conditions in each of these solutions. The amount of
nickel deposited uron the inside of the bottom and the ad-
jacent parts, was determined, It was found that those plated
in the solution containing ammonium chloride had 1,7 times as
much nickel on the area tested, as those in the fluoride solu-
tion, which fact is in accord with the a>ove results for the
relative throwing powers of the two solutions.
o 4,

"Thr wing Powe r w in Copper and Nickel deposit ion-6 7 / 28 / 2

4 - Results Obtained

For each type of solution a definite composition and

definite conditions of operation were selected as r standard"

to serve as a basis of comparison. It is not implied* how-

ever, that such a solution and conditions are necessarily
desirable for any given purpose.

The results for copper sulphate, copper cvanide, and

nickel solutions will be listed and explained. Even though
the same factors affect the throwing power in each case,
it is preferable to discuss the three types of solution
separately, as the relative importance of the different fac-
tors(1)varies greatly,

(2) A - Copper Sulphate Solutions

(Table 1)
Cu rr ent Density - The throwing power is decreased
as the current density is raised.

- Tem peratur e - Warming the solution decreases throwing

(4) Although it improves the conductivity, it reduces
the polarization to a greater extent,

- Agi tati on - Stirring the solution, e.g, with air,

(5) the throwing power. In an acid copper solution
the throwing power would be improved if it were possible to
agitate the solution in the recesses, i»e, the parts with a
low current density, without stirring the solution on the
exposed parts,

- Metal and Acid Concentration - The throwing power is

decreased by the addition of copper sulphate, which reduces
the polarization; and increased by the addition of sulphuric
acid, which improves the conductivity.

- Addit ion Agent s - Colloidal addition agents such as

dextrin and gelatin, increase the throwing power, especially
at low current densities.

B - Copper Cyanide Solutions

(Table 2)
The most significant result of the experiments on copper
cyanide solutions is that in them the throwing power is
from 30 to 40 per cent, as compared with 2 to 18 per cent in
6 6 .

"Throwing Power” in Cor per s.n d Niche 1 Pe^osi t i o n- 7 7/28/24

Table 1
Throwing Power of Copper Sulphate Solutions
Temperature 70° E

Effect of Constituents Concen- Sesi S" Throwing p ower

tration tivity aU
oz/gal ohm- cm 1 . 0 2,0 3.0 4
70°F amperes
Current Copper sulphate"" 25* 4.45 9.6 9.4 8.2 7.'
Density Sulphuric acid 10*

Temperature Standard 4. 04 2.3


Air Agitation Standard 4.45 3.4


Acidity Copper sulphate 25 10.32 4.0

Sulphuric acid 3.3
Copper sulphate 25 6.26 6,
Sulphuric acid 6 .

Copper sulphate 25 3.44 10.8

Sulphuric acid 13.3

Copper Concen- Copper sulphate 16.7 4.08 10.8

tration Sulphuric acid 10
Copper sulphate 33.3 5.00 7.2
Sulphuric acid 10

Addition Standard + 0
Agents aluminum sulphate 0 27 5.73 8.4
Standard +
dextrose 13.3 5,50 7.0
Standard +
dextrin 1.3 4. 54 12.2 5.6
Standard +
gelatin 0.03 4.47 18.0 10.4
*” Standard" solution
^ Total current used on the two plates in the box^ with a com-
bined area of 33,
Crystallized, salts
i . ; ,

^Throwing Power" in Cooper and NiGbel Deposit i on-# 7/28/24

Table 2

Throwing Power of Copper Cyanide Solutions

CO o.Lwtion Composition ("Standard/); - Cooper Cyanide 3,0 oz/gal, ^

00 odium Cyanide 4,0 oz/ga'l. Sodium Carbonate (anbyd. ) 2 oz/'gal.

£— emp era tur e 7 0°F

Effect of Resistivity Throwing Power ($) at^-

Ohm- cm
. 05 amp * 1.0 amp

Current Density 17,4 36.0 40*2

•3="3rz--_T£gai •
jar as. . .srso aesc jaacgg rcrrr:

Temperature 115°F 11.6 45.0 41.8

Air Agitation 17,4 38.0

Total, current used on the two plates in the box., with a com-
bined area of 32
"Throwing Power* 1
in Copper and Nickel Deposit ion-9 7/28/34

copper sulphate solutions,, This difference is in. agreement

with the well known superior throwing power of the cyanide

The effects of the various conditions are less marked in

the cyanide than in the sulphate baths. The throwing power
is improved slightly by increasing either the current density
or the temperature.

C - Nickel Solutions
(Tables 3 and 4)

It will be noted that in nickel solutions the throwing

power is frequently negative because, as previously mentioned,
the cathode efficiency is lower at a low than at a high cur-
rent density. In order to improve she cathode efficiency
and the throwing power, it is desirable to increase the nickel
content (or more strictly sneaking the nickel ion content) of
the solution, and to decrease the acidity (the hydrogen ion
content) i.e, to the pli of the solution.

The effects of the principal factors on the throwing power

are as follows.

(1) Current De nsity - An increase in current density causes

the throwing power to approach zero- whether it is positive
or negative at low current densities. At first it might there-
fore appear that at the usual average current densities all
nickel solutions would have the same throwing power. Actually
however when recessed articles are plated, relatively low aver-
age current densities are used, or at least on the farthest
parts the current density is low.

(2) T emperature - Warming the solution decreases throwing

power because it lowers the efficiency at low current densi-

(3) Agi tation - The chief advantage of agitation in plat-

ing is that it permits the use of higher current densities,
i.e. of more rawid dating. If the solution were agitated
equally over the entire surface of the article, the throwing
power would be decreased. In practice however the agitation,
e.g. in a convevor tank, is more marked on the exnosed parts,
on which the current densitv is highest. To represent these
conditions ("local agitation") the solution close to the near
plate was agitated out not that at the far plate. The results
show that such agitation improves the throwing power.

(4) Acidi ty and Nickel Concentr ati on - As previously indi-

cated, the throwing power may be improved by increasing the
nickel content or decreasing the acidity (increasing the pH).

"Throwing Power" in Cooper and. Nickel Deposition-- 1 7/28/24

Table 3

Throwing Power of Nickel Solutions

Results of Changes in Operating Conditions

Solution Comoosi tion A (** Standard” ) - Nickel ;

Sulphate 19 oz/gal, Ammonium Chloride 1,8 oz/gal,

Boric Acid 2 oz/gal, pH 5,7. Temperature 70°F

Effect of Throwing Power (fo) at 1

, Od .25 .50 1,00 1.50


Current Density 16.4 0.8 1.6 0.0 0. 8

Temperature 115°F -9.4 2.4

Agitation Air -104.2 -15,6

iVIechanical -71.2 -20.0


Mechanical 43.8 4.0

( local)

Acidity pH 4,5 12.4 0.6

pH 6.5 18.0 4.8

Total current used on the two plates in the box, with a com-
bined area of 32 so. in 4
n 0

"Throwing Power" in Copper and Nickel Deposition-12 7/23/24

Table 4
Throwing Power of Nickel Solutions
Results of Changes in Solution Composition

Effect of Solu- Co not i tuent s Concent Re si s- Throwing 0


tion in add i t i c n t r at i o tivi ty Power (rfo) at~

to Boric Acid oz/gal 1 ohm- cm .05 .50
2 oz/gal 70°F amp . amp •

Nickel Con- B Nickel sulnhate S 5 , 26 6,2 -0.3

centrat ion Amm o n ium chloride 1.8
A* Nickel sulphate 19 21 16.4 1.6
Ammonium chloride 1,8
C Nickel su Inn a, t e 38 18 22.0 4.2
Ammonium chloride 1,8
Substitutions D Nickel sulohate 19 23 14,4 1.2
for Ammonium Sodium chloride 2.0
Chloride E Nickel sulnhate 14 28 11.0 1.4
Nickel chloride 4.0
F Nickel sulnhate 19 23 12.4 -1.2
Magnesium chloride 3,3
G Nickel sulphate 19 37 -6.0 -1.2
("No chloride")
H Nickel sulphate 19 24 -46.8 -11,2
Ammonium sulphate 2.3
I Nickel sulphate 19 27 -59.0 -9.0
Sodium fluoride 1.5
"All Chlor- J Nickel chloride 16 15 35.4 5.6
ide Solu-
t ions K Nickel chloride 16 12 31.6 10.0
Ammonium chloride 1.8
Additions L Standard +
sodium citrate 8.0 17 18.4 -0.8
ivl Standard +
dextrin 0.7 21 19.6 0.3
N Standard +
hydrogen neroxide 1,3 21 •
-342. -53.8
(fl.oz . )

0 Standard +
sodium sulnhite 0. 13 21 4,8 9.0
Impurities P Standard +
cadmium chloride 0.015 21 6.0 -2.6
Q Standard 4-
copper sulnhate 0.017 21 28.0 3.4
R Standard -+•

zinc sulphate 0.019 21 11,2 -1.0

^Concentrations are given for the crystallized salts.

Total current used on the two plates in the box, with a com-
bined area of 32

"Throwing; Power" in Copper and Nickel Deposition-12 7/28/34

(5) Substitutions for Ammonium Chlorid e - All chlorides

used improve the throwing power, while ammonium sulphate
(which is present in the "double" nickel salt) and sodium
fluoride each decrease the throwing power.

(6) Nickel Chloride So lution s - Solutions containing all

the nickel^as chloride (such as were used in the early days
of plating) possess very good throwing rower,, The deposits
obtained by us were darker than normal, so that further work
will be needed before the use of such solutions could be jus-

(7) Additions to Nickel Paths .

a ~ Sodium Citrate, This salt, often used in nickel plat-

ing on zinc, slightly improves throwing rower, but not suffi-
ciently to warrant its addition for this purpose.

Dextrin is a tvrical colloid, present as an

b - D extrin,
impurity in commercial glucose and occasionally added in that
form to nickel baths. While it slightly improves the throwing
power, its use is hardly warranted, especially as nickel solu-
tions are so susceptible to any excess cf colloids, the con-
centrations of which are hard to determine or control.

c -
Hydrogen Peroxide This is an oxidizing agent, the

use of which has recently been recommended by C* P. Madsen to

prevent pitting. The very grear decrease in throwing power
is due to the fact that it requires a lower potential to re-
duce hydrogen peroxide than to deposit hydrogen or nickel,
hence at low current densities the cathode efficiency is very

d - Sodi um Sulphite, This compound was tried as a simple

reducing agent. It improves throwing power at the higher cur-
rent density, but produces dark and unsatisfactory deposits.
It is included here simply because it suggests possible bene-
fits in throwing power by the use of reducing agents*

(8) Imnur i t i e - Previous work has shown that copper and

zinc are the most detrimental metal impurities in nickel baths.
Cadmium has often been used as a bright ener, but its effects
are so close to those of zinc that it may be included under
this head. The effects of these metals upon the character
of the deposits are more significant than those uron the
throwing power.

In the amounts used, cadmium causes gray streaked deposits

at low current densities, and bright deposits at higher cur-
rent densities. In equivalent amounts, zinc gives g'ood,
bright deposits at both high and low current densities. Cop-
per even in very small amounts causes dark spongy deposits at
"Throwing Power" in Cooper and Nickel Deposi tiorr- 13
rar.yr '•~Wr.TT~~ 7% W5C ~~*^a5ET

low current densities* but has little effect at the
current densities. In general the injurious exf ec - s
such metallic impurities will be most pronounc°a , ,

rent densities* or when the solutions are hea oeci or g *

For such conditions nickel salts of greater purity b

formerly specified by this Bureau may be desirable.

5 - Conclusion
three fac
Because the throwing power is the resultant of
tors, each of which may vary with different metals*
genei p
t ions or conditions, it is difficult to make any
for improving throwing power. It is possible
few simple measurements in the apparatus described
mine the probable direction and magnitude of the e
any specified change in conditions* and thus be gui. e
their proper selection.
In any case, it should be remembered that an
re ^ r S
in throwing power as here defined and measured*
a i 0 WPr
simply a more uniform distribution of metal, i.e,
con sump ti on of metal to produce any specified
ness of denosit on the article. Frequently however l

more economical to plate under conditions which yie

throwing power* e g, at a higher current density, in

to save time and increase production* even though .

greater amount of metal is used to produce the desire

suit. The final choice of conditions must therefor g
ed largely by expediency.

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