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Diversity of Flora As Affected by Time Consequences of Revegetation Age in Post Coal Mine Area at PT Berau Coal TBK, East Kalimantan Indonesia

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- Preface
Diversity of Flora as Affected by Time - A chronosequence study of soil properties
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Iskandar, D T Suryaningtyas, D P T
Mine Area at PT Berau Coal Tbk, East Kalimantan Baskoro et al.

Indonesia - Improvement of plant communities through

revegetation with Kochia prostrata and
Agropyron fragile on the desert zone of the
Republic of Kalmykia
To cite this article: M A Salim et al 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 528 012044 R Djapova, E Ayusheva, V Djapova et al.

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ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

Diversity of Flora as Affected by Time Consequences of

Revegetation Age in Post Coal Mine Area at PT Berau Coal
Tbk, East Kalimantan Indonesia

M A Salim1, SW Budi1*, L Setyaningsih2, Iskandar3, H Kirmi4

Department of Siviculture, Faculty of Forestry, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural
University), Bogor Indonesia
Faculty of Forestry, Nusa Bangsa University, Bogor Indonesia
Center Study of Mine Reclamation, Research and Community Services Center,
IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor Indonesia
Berau Coal Company, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Corresponding author:
Abstract. This study aims to examine the diversity of flora in various age classes of revegetation
of post-mining coal. This research was conducted at PT. Berau Coal, Binungan block, East
Kalimantan. Sampling plots were applied on revegetation land of post-mining coal aged 0, 2, 4, 6,
8 and 10 years, and natural forest as a control. Flora observations were carried out on sample plots
of size 25m x 40m for sapling, poles and trees, while sub-plots 1m x 1m for seedlings and
understorey. In natural forests observations were made on sample plots measuring 20m x 20m for
trees with sub plot 2m x 2m for uderstorey and seedlings, 5m x 5m for saplings, 10m x 10m for
poles. The analysis results show that the highest individual density per ha is found in natural
forests (seedlings, saplings and poles). The highest of flora index of diversity, richness and
evenness were found in natural forests. The flora from revegetation of eight-year has been able to
approach to natural forests conditions. The species of plants that predominate in some revegetation
age classes are Rhynchospora corymbose (understorey), Senna siamea (seedling, sapling, pole and
tree). Acacia mangium and Macarangan hypleoca grow naturally in some revegetation age.

1. Introduction
Indonesia has a forest with a fairly high contribution of biodiversity of flora and fauna. Some flora and
fauna including endemic species only be found in certain regions of Indonesia. Kalimantan is one of the
largest islands in Indonesia which has a large forest area. According to Mukhtar and Heriyanto [1],
Kalimantan’s forest have high flora richness with varied species diversity. However, the existing of
richness and diversity species were continue to decreases along with the increasing forest disturbance.
Forest disturbances are to the changes in tree structure and composition variation.
One of the forest disturbances in Kalimantan is the existence of mining activities that occur in several
areas, especially in East Kalimantan. East Kalimantan has a high reachness of natural resources, one of
them is coal. Generally coal mining activities in Indonesia are operated by using conventional techniques

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ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

namely open mining [2], [3], [4]. Open mining activities are one of the causes of forest degradation and
land damage [5]. Open mining activities have big impacts on the changes of environment. The impacts
are include of the changes in topography, soil surface damaged, high soil erosion, loss of flora and fauna,
changes in hydrological systems and ecosystem stability [6]. According to Cooke and Johnson [7], the
existence of coal mining can reduce existing of biodiversity.
Rehabilitation and revegetation activities are leading to restore the post-mining land condition. In
addition, post-mining rehabilitation and revegetation activities are expected to be able to restore
biodiversity and increase the land’s productivity in the long term [8]. Post-mining land recovery will
occurs along with the age of revegetation processes. As times goes by and age revegetation is increasing,
it will leading to the changes in physical characteristics of the environment which will establish
supporting to the succession process. According to Candra [9], showed that the increasing of vegetation
status will occur along with the ages of revegetation on post-mining land.
One of the revegetation techniques that are generally adopted on post-mining lands is by using local
pioneers with typical species of fast-growing, intolerant, produce a large amount of litter and easily
decomposed, have a good rooting system and capable to symbiosis with microorganisms [10]. Local
species can support the inclusion of other types that tend to be able to restore the environmental
conditions of the ecosystem which is close to its original condition [11]. The success of revegetation
activities depends on the choice of adaptive plants species and able to grow on infertile soils, such as
post-mining lands [12]. Over time, these species which is resulted from revegetation will form forest
ecosystem as similar as natural forests. The dynamics of plant communities in revegetation land can occur
until the ecosystem reach the climax stage. This study aims to examine the diversity of vegetation in
various age classes of revegetation land post-coal mining.

2. Material and Method

2.1 Study site
The study was conducted in October 2018 that located at PT. Berau Coal, Berau Regency, East
Kalimantan. Geographically, PT Berau Coal is located between 01°52'26.67"LU-02° 2.5'09.78" LU and
117 "07'44.52" BT-117'38'26.46 "BT. PT. Berau Coal has a concession area of 118,400 hectares
consisting of three sites which are Lati, Sambarata, and Binungan. The study was conducted in the
Binungan block and in several revegetation age classes ranging from unvegetated, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
years. While natural forests are used as controls or comparisons. The research location can be seen in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Location map research.

2.2 Procedure

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

Determination of the sample plots to determine the diversity of vegetation adapted to the condition of
vegetation. The sampling intensity (IS) used is 5% [14]. The plot used for homogeneous vegetation
measuring 0.1 ha (25m x 40m), the plot was placed by purposive sampling in each stand age class.
Observations made on the 25m x 40m plot include: seedlings, saplings, poles and trees, while the
understorey is counted in the sub plot 1m x 1m made in the corner of the plot. For heterogeneous
vegetation (natural forest) used plots 20m x 60m, meanwhile seedlings and understorey are observed on a
sub plot of 2m x 2m, saplings in sub plot 5m x 5m, the pole on the sub plot of 10m x 10m and trees in the
sub-plot 20m x 20m.

2.3 Data Analysis

Data are analysis by using method of quantitative descriptive. Analysis of vegetation diversity index
value is calculated to find the important value index (IVI) which is used to determine the species
composition and dominance of a species on a stand. IVI calculation is based on the summation of relative
density, the relative frequency and relative dominance [15] [16].
Density (D) = Number of individuals of species
Sampel plot area
Relative density (RD) = Density of a species-i x 100%
Density of all species
Frequency (F) = Total of subplot that found a species
Total number of sub-plots examples
Relative frequency (RF) = Frequency of species-i x 100%
Frequency of all species
Dominance (D) = Basal area of a species
Sampel plot area
Relatif dominance (RD) = Dominance of a species-i x 100%
Dominance of all species
Important Value Index (IVI) = RD + RF+RD (for saplings, poles and trees)
Important Value Index (IVI) = RD + RF (for understorey and seedlings)
a. Species diversity index (H’)
The species diversity index is used to show the relationship between the number of species and
the number of individuals who make up a community. Index values for species diversity can be classified
into three categories namely low (H '<2), medium (2' H '' 3) and high (H '> 3) [17]. Besides, the diversity
index can show the stability of a community. According to Kent and Paddy [18], when the value of H '<1
then the community is said to be less stable, if the value of 2' H '' 3 then the community is said to be stable
and if the value of H '> 2 then the community is said to be very stable. The species biodiversity index
calculation uses the Shannon-Wiener equation [19].
H’ = − ∑ .

Where, H’: species diversity index; pi : proportion of individual specie n; ni : total of individu species and
N: total of all individual species.
b. Species richness index (R)
The species richness index shows the number of species found in a community. According to
Magurran [17], species richness index values can be categorized into three categories, when R <3.5
indicates low species richness, if 3.5 ≤ R ≤ 5 indicates medium species richness and if R> 5 shows high
species richness. The species wealth index is calculated using the Margalef index [19].
( − 1)
Where, R: species richness index; s: total of species; N : total of individu.

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

c. Species evennees index (E)

The species abundance index is used to see the distribution of a species in a community. According to
Magurran [20], species abundance values can be categorized into three categories, when the value of E
<0.3 indicates low evenness, if 0.3 ≤ E ≤ 0.6 indicates moderate species evenness and if E> 0.6 indicates
high evenness. The species abundance index is calculated using the Margalef index [19].
H' H'
E = max = ln(S)
Where, E: species eveness index; H’: species diversity index, S: number of species and ln: log base.
3. Result and Discussion
3.1 Result
3.1.2 Density of vegetation on various age classes
The density of the vegetation can describe the structure of the vegetation structure in the
ecosystem. Vegetation density shows the number of plants in one hectare. Vegetation density in the
natural forest has the highest value than revegetation land on various age classes except on understorey
growth rate (Table 1). Understorey density in revegetation age classes is higher than in natural forests. At
the seedling level, the increasing of revegetation’s age will reduce the individual density per ha. This
situation is caused by the seedlings that exist at the beginning of revegetation had been grown and
developed into saplings. At the growth rate of tree, the highest level of the tree density is found in the age
of 8 years revegetation. This shows that the presence of revegetation activities can improve tree density
per ha. Revegetation activities on the revegetation age class of 8 years have been able to approach the
density of individuals per ha in natural forests.
Table 1. Vegetation density per ha of growth rates in various age classes of revegetation.
Revegetation age class Natural
Growth rate
0 year 2 year 4 year 6 year 8 year 10 year forest
Understorey 250000.00 335714.30 288571.40 240000.00 237500.00 120000.00 5833.33
Seedling 185.00 62.86 25.71 35.00 15.00 0.00 15000.00
Sapling 515.00 475.71 575.71 595.00 185.00 202.00 5333.33
Poles 0.00 102.86 27.14 250.00 240.00 174.00 633.33
Tree 0.00 0.00 5.71 10.00 675.00 120.00 141.67

3.1.2 Composition of species on various age classes

The species composition shows the species which is set the ecosystem or community. Based on
observations, the number of species in natural forests is higher than in revegetation age classes, except at
the understorey level (Table 2). In revegetation age classes, the number of species tends to increase along
with the increasing revegetation ages. The number of species in the revegetation age class at 8 years has
the highest value among the other revegetation age classes. Those conditions indicated that the
revegetation age class of 8 years was able to approach the condition of natural forests. The number of
individual species that exist in each revegetation age class can be seen in Table 3.
Dominant species are species that have the highest important value index (IVI) values in each age
class revegetation. Three dominant species were found in each revegetation age class and natural forest at
the understorey growht rate as shown in Table 3. At the level of understorey species of Rhynchospora
corymbose be the most dominant species that found in revegetation age class 0, 4, 6, 8 and 10 years old
(Table 3). Centrocema pubescens and Calopogonium mucunoides are cover crop types that dominate the
revegetation age at in 0 and 2 years revegetation age classes. Cyrtococcum patens is another species of
poaceae family that is also found and dominates in the 10-year revegetation age class. Mikani micrantha

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

also dominates in revegetation age classes 2 and 6 years of revegetation age class and Dicranopteris
linearis dominates the revegetation age classes of 6 and 8 years. Besides, there are other types of plants
that are only found in one age class such as Melastoma malabatricum, Nephrolepis biserrata,
Dicranopteris linearis and Cymbopogon sp.. In a natural forest, Korthalsia rostrate is dominant species at
the understorey growth rate.

Table 2. Number of species of growth rates in various age classes of revegetation

Growth Revegetation age class Natural
rate 0 year 2 year 4 year 6 year 8 year 10 year forest
Understorey 5 11 13 8 13 13 1
Seedling 6 6 7 6 3 - 14
Sapling 2 7 11 10 18 14 23
Poles 0 5 3 2 9 8 11
Tree 0 0 1 2 6 3 17

Table 3. Understorey species dominant on each varous age class revegetation

Revegetation age
Species INP (%)

0 year Centrosema pubescens 95.33

Rhynchospora corymbosa 28.67
Nephrolepis biserrata 28.67
2 year Calopogonium mucunoides 25.24
Centrosema pubescens 20.92
Mikania micrantha 33.58
4 year Melastoma malabathricum 28.14
Paspalum conjugatum 45.32
Rhynchospora corymbosa 40.14
6 year Dicranopteris linearis 37.94
Mikania micrantha 29.99
Rhynchospora corymbosa 49.49
8 year Cymbopogon sp. 23.72
Dicranopteris linearis 36.9
Rhynchospora corymbosa 51.19
10 year Centotheca lappacea 13.89
Cyrtococcum patens 78.89
Rhynchospora corymbosa 28.33
Natural forest Korthalsia rostrata 300

Seedling, sapling, pole and tree species that dominate in some revegetation age classes are Senna
siamea (Table 4).

Table 4. Species dominant on each various age class revegetation.

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

Revegetati Seedling Sapling Pole Tree

Species Species Species Species
class (%) (%) (%) (%)
Senna 386.
0 year siamea 1
Syzygium 41.3
polyanthum 1 - - - - -
Enterolobium 69.1
cyclocarpum 1
Hevea 61.3 Falcataria Falcataria 135.
2 year brasiliensis 6 moluccana 34.35 moluccana 59
Swietenia 59.0 Senna Senna 111.
macrophylla 9 siamea 111.8 siamea 77 - -
Syzygium 45.4 Enterolobium Enterolobium 25.4
polanthum 5 cyclocarpum 24.74 cyclocarpum 3
Dryobalanops 47.2 Shorea Acacia 111. Acacia
4 year beccarii 2 balangeran 14.23 mangium 63 mangium 300
Shorea 38.8 Gliricidia Neolamarckia 29.8
leprosula 9 sepium 13.74 cadamba 8
Shorea 44.4 Senna 158.
smithiana 4 siamea 120.06 Senna siamea 49
Shorea 60.6 Shorea Acacia 29.5 Acacia
6 year balangeran 1 balangeran 31.63 mangium 7 mangium 235.85
Dryobalanops 60.6 Hevea Senna 270. Senna
beccarii 1 brasiliensis 18.89 siamea 43 siamea 64.15
Hevea 27.7 Senna
brasiliensis 1 siamea 97.86
Shorea 25.0 Senna Senna 214. Senna
8 year agami 0 siamea 91.47 siamea 40 siamea 79.51
Senna 75.0 Mallotus Mallotus 19.2 Albizia
siamea 0 paniculatus 12.75 paniculatus 3 saman 40.28
Dryobalanops 100. Vitex Macaranga 22.2 Falcataria
beccarii 00 pinnata 12.08 gigantea 3 moluccana 122.49
Senna Senna 116, Senna
10 year siamea 21.52 siamea 76 siamea 65.05
Dryobalanops Vitex 65.7 Falcataria
- - beccarii 58.88 pinnata 9 moluccana 202.61
Macaranga Falcataria 55.3 Neolamarckia
hypoleuca 15.94 moluccana 1 cadamba 32.35
Natural Knema 18.2 Dipterocarpus um 47.9 Dipterocarpus
forest cinerea 5 sublamellatus 14.40 tapos 0 cf tempehes 21.28
Lithocarpus 23.8 Cleistanthus Dipterocarpus 67.0 Syzygium
korthalsii 1 caudatus 10.95 cf tempehes 6 lineatum 24.16
Xanthophyllum 18.2 Lithocarpus Lithocarpus 44.6 Shorea
eurhynchum 5 korthalsii 20.34 coopertus 8 ochracea 21.70

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

Enterolobium cyclocarpum species predominate at seedling, sapling, and pole of growth rate in some
revegetation age classes. Falcataria moluccana species dominate at the growth rate of sapling, poles and
trees. Neolamarcia cadammba is dominant at the pole, and tree of growth rate and Albizia samman
species only dominate at the tree of growth rate in the eight-year revegetation age class. Other species
such as Swietenia macrophylla, Hevea brasiliensis, Syzygium polanthum, Dryobalanops beccarii, Shorea
leprosula, Shorea smithiana, Shorea balangeran and Shorea agami are dominate at the seedling and
sapling of growth rate in several revegetation age classes. These species are inserts planted in several
revegetation age classes. Besides, several local species found growing naturally in several revegetation
age classes, such as Acacia mangium, Gliricidia sepium, Vitex pinnata, Macaranga hypoleuca and
Mallotus paniculatus. Gliricide sepium and Vitex pinnata are only dominated by the sapling growht rate
of four and six years revegetation age classes. Macaranga hypoleuca and Mallotus panicultaus species
dominate at the sapling and pole of growth rate in the six and eight-year revegetation age classes, while
the Acacia mangium dominant species at the pole and tree growth rate in the four and six-year
revegetation age classes. This species of Acacia mangium is one tree species that grow naturally in
several age classes of revegetation land.
In natural forests, the species that dominate are different from the species that found in each
revegetation age class. The species that dominates at the seedling, sapling, and pole of growth rate are
Lithocarpus korthalsii while the Dipterocarpus cf tempehse species dominates at the pole and tree of
growth rate. Other species that predominate at the tree level are Syzigium lineatum and Oleo ochera.
3.1.3 Species Diversity Index (H’)
The species diversity index value varies between revegetation age classes and in natural forests. The
species diversity index value is low (H '<1) to moderate (1' H '3) in each revegetation age class. In the
eight-year revegetation age class, the diversity index value at the tree and sapling growth rate is highest
compared to other revegetation age classes (Figure 2) and is classified as medium criteria. The value of
species diversity index in the revegetation age class is lower than natural forests. In natural forests, the
species diversity index value is classified as high category (H '> 3) at the sapling, classified as medium
category (1 ≤ H ’≤ 3) in the seedling, pole, and tree of growth rate, and is classified as low at the
understorey growth rate.
The value of species diversity also illustrates the stability of a community in an ecosystem. In
revegetation age classes community conditions vary from very stable (H ’> 2), stable (1 ≤ H’ ≤ 2) and less
stable (H ’<1). Very stable and stable community conditions exist at the understorey growth rate. at the
tree growth rate, stable community conditions are found in the eight and 10-year revegetation age classes.
While the condition of natural forests as a control tends to have reached a very stable level at the growth
rate of seedlings, saplings, and trees, classified as stable at the pole growth rate and unstable in the
Diversity indexs

0 year 2 year 4 year 6 year 8 year 10 year Natural
Revegetation age classes forest
Understorey Seedling Sapling Pole Tree

Figure 2. Species diversity index in growth rate at revegetation age class.

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

3.1.4 Species Richness Index (R)

The value of species richness index in revegetation age class is low (R <3.5) at each growth rate. Eight-
year revegetation age classes have a higher species richness value than other revegetation age classes. In
contrast to natural forests which have a high species richness (R> 5) at the sapling and tree growth rate, it
is classified as moderate (3.5 ≤ R ≤ 5) at the seedling and pole growth rate. The value of species richness
index in each revegetation age class can be seen in Figure 3.

Richness indeks

0 year 2 year 4 year 6 year 8 year 10 year Natural
Revegetation age class forest
Understorey Seedling Sapling Pole Tree

Figure 3. Species richness index in growth rate at revegetation age class.

3.1.5 Species Evenness Index (E)
The values of species evenness index in various revegetation age classes tend to vary from low, medium
and high (Figure 4). The value of species evenness in six and eight-year revegetation age classes has a
higher evenness value compared to other revegetation classes. Meanwhile, the evenness of species in
natural forests is high (E> 0.6) at the seedling, sapling, pole, and tree growth rate.


Eveeness indeks




0 year 2 year 4 year 6 year 8 year 10 year Natural
Revegetation age class forest

Understorey Seedling Sapling Pole Tree

Figure 4. Species evenness index in growth rate at revegetation age class.

3.2 Discussion
The condition of natural forest which is the control in the study is classified as normal. This condition is
shown by the balanced vegetation structure, where the number of individuals per hectare decreases with
increasing growth rates (seedlings> piles> trees>) [20]. These conditions are followwing with normal

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

tropical rain forests and show the condition of natural forest regeneration is going well [21]. The high
individual per ha in the early stages of growth can guarantee the sustainability of standing in the future.
The structure and composition of vegetation can decrease along with the presence of coal mining
activities. This condition is shown by the decrease in individual density per ha and the number of species
(Table 1 and Table 2). According to Blońska et al. [22], mining activities can reduce the number of
species. However, the presence of revegetation activities can increase individual density per ha and the
number of species (Table 3 and Table 4). These results are following the study of Hendrychová [23],
where the composition of species in the community will increase with revegetation and will greatly affect
the age and type of plant. Vegetation planting in post-mining revegetation activities will provide many
advantages, namely accelerating the jumps-start process, providing shelter and repairing land damage due
to mining activities [24].
The presence of understorey in the reclamation area is greatly influenced by soil conditions and
canopy cover conditions [25]. According to Novak and Konvicks [26], communities in ecosystems will
be able to develop well in areas close to natural forests (seed sources). The results of the vegetation
analysis showed that at the growth rate, Rhynchospora corymbose became the dominant species in some
revegetation age classes. Rhynchospora corymbose is a species of sedges that grows mostly in open and
closed land. The species of grass can grow and adapt to extreme land (low fertility), such as post-mining
land coal [27]. Another understorey that is quite dominant in revegetation land post-coal mining is
Mikania micrantha. According to Fernandes et al. [28], Mikania micrantha is one of the species of
understorey that grows in Berau, East Kalimantan and is widely used as a natural wound medicine.
Mikania micrantha is an understorey that grows in post-mining reclamation in PT Kideco Jaya Agung,
East Kalimantan [29].
Generally, several species planted on post-mining revegetation land are types of pioneers that are fast
growing and able to adapt to low nutrient conditions [30]. Species of fast growing pioneers can grow
quickly and can adapt to infertile lands (post-mining land) [31]. The species of fast growing pioneers are
generally derived from the Fabaceae family which can help restore degraded soils through the production
and decomposition of leaf litter that is rich in nitrogen and able to symbiosis with rhizobium bacteria that
are able to fix nitrogen in the air [32]. According to Duan et al. [33], the species of Fabaceae
(Leguminoceae) are more effective in reclaiming degraded lands compared to other species. The main
species of pioneers planted in post-coal mining land include Senna siamea, Falcataria moluccana,
Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Albizia saman and Neolamarcia cadamda. These species are mostly
classified into the Fabaceae (Leguminoceae) family and are predominantly found in various revegetation
age classes (Table 4). Senna siamea is the most dominant species and is found in every revegetation age
class. Senna Siamea can grow well on post-coal mining land. Senna siamea is one of the species found in
post-coal mining land in India [34] [35]. The results of Komara et al. [36] and Budiana et al. [37] showed
that the Cassia siamea, Falcataria moluccana and Samanea samman species were able to dominate the
post-coal land reclamation land in East Kalimantan. Research results by Riswan et al. [8], Falcataria
moluccana is a species that is widely planted in post-mining land and dominates in post-coal reclamation
land in South Sumatra.
Revegetation activities can improve the condition of the post-coal mining land. In addition, the
existence of vegetation planting for revegetation can encourage and accelerate the succession process.
According to Yao et al. [38], each species has a different adaptability to post-mining land conditions.
Only certain types can grow and develop on coal mining areas. The results showed that local pioneers,
such as Gliriside sepium and Acacia mangium have begun to grow at the age of four years revegetation
land (Table 4). Besides, the increasing age of revegetation can encourage the pioneers species to grow.
According to Chodak and Niklinska [39], changes in vegetation in an ecosystem are strongly influenced
by soil properties. The presence of vegetation can affect soil characteristics (physical, chemical and

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

biological), including soil fertility [40]. Increasing the age of revegetation can improve soil properties, so
that it can encourage local species to grow. Local species that grow naturally and dominate in various age
classes of revegetation include Acacia mangium, Macaranga hypoleuca, Vitex pinnata and Mallotus
paniculatus. Acacia mangium was able to dominate the post-coal mining land in PT. Singlurus Pramata of
East [41], PT. Bukit Asam of South Sumatera [8] and post-coal reclamation land in Kutai District of East
Kalimantan [42]. Acacia mangium and Acacia auriculiformis are the species commonly found in post-
mining coal fields in India [34]. Macarangan gigantea are quite abundant in the post-coal reclamation
area in East Kalimantan [43]. According to Nussbaum et al. [44] and Zakaria et al. [45], macaranga is
pioneer species, fast growing and able to grow throughout the year. The distribution of a vegetation is
influenced by animal species and the distance between the reclamation area and the nearest seed source
(natural forest) [46].
The increasing age of revegetation can increase the value of species diversity index, species rechness
index [47] [48] and species evenness index (Figure 2 to Figure 4). The highest species diversity index
value in natural forests compared to each revegetation age class. This shows that the condition of natural
forests tends to be quite stable to stable. According to Wirakusumah [49], a high species diversity index
value indicates that the community tends to be more stable. The species richness index value indicates
species richness in a community. The specis richness index value is strongly influenced by the number of
species found in a community. Several species on the natural forests is greater than on revegetation land
at various classes (Table 2), so the value of species richness in natural forests is higher. A number of
species is showing proportional relation with species richness index, the higher the number of species is
found, the species richness index also will be high [50]. The species evenness index shows the spread of a
type within a community and also illustrates the stability of a community. Evenness of species in natural
forests tends to be evenly and stable compared to revegetation in post-coal mining areas. This is indicated
by the evenness index value that is close to one. The higher the value of species evenness in the
community, the diversity of species in a community is more stable and vice versa when the value of
species evenness is low the more unstable species diversity [51]. The existence of differences in dominant
species can cause differences in species evenness between natural forests and revegetation land.
According to Setiadi [52], species evenness will be maximum and homogeneous when the number of
individual species found at the same observation location.
Revegetation activities can improve the condition of the post-coal mining land. Revegetation age
classes 8 and 10 years have been able to approach the condition of natural forests if observed by the result
of individual density per ha, number of species, diversity index value, wealth and evenness of species.
Post-mining land conditions can recover along with the increase in revegetation age [53]. Lei et al. [54]
shows that the time needed for revegetated land to reach conditions close to the condition of natural
forests is between 23-25 years. According to Holl [55], the increasing age of reclamation will be able to
decimate the condition of natural forests, which is indicated by the increasing diversity of species and
number of species and several new types that colonize reclaimed land.
4. Conclussion
Revegetation activities can improve the condition of the post-coal mining land. The plantations of variety
vegetation are able to encourage and enhance the process of succession. The increase on age revegetation
can increase the number of individuals per ha, number of species, index value of diversity, rechness and
evenness of species. Revegetation age 8 and 10 years have able to approach the condition of natural
forest. The main species that dominate the land post-coal mining are Senna siamea, Falcataria
moluccana, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Albizia saman dan Neolamarcia cadamda. In addition, there are
pioneer species that grow naturally, such as Acacia mangium, Macaranga hypoleuca, Vitex pinnata, and
Mallotus paniculatus.

ICEFC2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 528 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/528/1/012044

This research was funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia, in
the scheme of PMDSU Programme. The authors would like to thank to PT Berau Coal which has given
permission as a research location.

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