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Studies in The Book of Galatians

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“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called

you in the grace of Christ and
are turning to a different gospel--

not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you
and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach

to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you,
let him be accursed.

As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching

to you a gospel contrary to the one you received,
let him be accursed.”

(Galatians 1:6-9)
I. The INSPIRED AUTHOR of the book of GALATIANS — The apostle PAUL

A. It is stated TWICE in the book that PAUL is the author (Galatians 1:1; 5:2)


1. Much of Galatians chapter ONE and TWO are HISTORICAL, and they
record the TRAVELS and ACTIONS of Paul


Galatians 3. For example, “This is the only thing ‘I’ want to find out
from you .....” (Galatians 3:2). Please find more in this chapter.

3. The author makes some personal appeals to the readers in Galatians 4.

For example, study Galatians 4:12, 16.

4. The author speaks of his own sufferings for Christ in Galatians 6.

Examine Galatians 6:17.

C. This book contains so many PERSONAL REFERENCES that the letter cannot be
separated from the author, PAUL.

D. Early “Ante-Nicene” writers attribute the Galatian epistle to Paul

1. In the list that Marcion gave (About 144 A. D.), Galatians is named
first in the list of Paul’s letters.

2. In the Muratorian Fragment (About 185 A. D.), it is listed as Paul’s


3. At the close of the 2nd century, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and

Tertullian considered the letter authoritative.

E. Almost all scholars accept PAUL as the author.


A. Historical Background

1. At one time, the province of “Galatia” referred to the area occupied

by a group of about 20,000 “Gauls” or “Celts” who moved into
that section of Asia Minor which was northeast of Phrygia and
South of Pontus and Bithynia. This was approximately 276 B. C.

2. During the time of the apostles, there was a clear distinction between
the peoples of North Galatia and South Galatia.

a. The people of northern Galatia were “Gauls,” having their own

language and a pastoral way of life. There were few roads,
and very little commerce.

b. The area of Southern Galatia was very different. There were roads,
and much commerce. There were cities such as Antioch. A
road connected Antioch to Ephesus. This was a more
progressive area.

3. The question among scholars is whether PAUL is writing to the brethren

in Christ in Northern Galatia where little is known of the origin of
the church, OR, whether Paul is writing to the churches of Southern
Galatia such as Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe that were begun
on the 1st journey of PAUL and BARNABAS (Acts 13, 14).

4. If Paul used the term “Galatia” with a “provincial” meaning, he could be

speaking of the Southern Galatian churches of Iconium, etc..

B. Notice the SEVEN times that the words “Galatia” or “Galatians” are used in the
New Testament.

1. Galatians 1:2 “Churches of Galatia”

2. Galatians 3:1 “You Foolish Galatians”
3. I Corinthians 16:1 “Churches of Galatia”
4. II Timothy 4:10 Crescens had gone to “Galatia.”
5. Acts 16:6 Paul, Silas, and Timothy went through Phrygia and “Galatia”
6. Acts 18:23 They strengthened the churches in Phrygia and “Galatia.”
7. I Peter 1:1 “Galatia” was one of the 5 provinces where the churches
were located to whom PETER wrote.

C. REASONS for some to take the NORTHERN GALATIA position

1. It is contended that the characteristics of the Gauls were similar

to the sins that Paul viewed as “works of the flesh”
(Galatians 5:19-21)

2. Some feel that when Paul was forbidden by the Holy Spirit to go into
the province of “Asia,” the only way to go was NORTH, and that
Paul and companions must have preached in Northern Galatia
(Acts 16:6)

3. Some state that because Luke in the book of Acts does not say that
Antioch, Iconium, etc. were in GALATIA, Paul would also not
consider them as part of GALATIA.
D. REASONS for taking the position that PAUL was writing to the Southern
Galatian churches of Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, etc.

1. Paul usually referred to the ROMAN designations for the various

Provinces. In this case, Pisidia, Lycaonia, etc., would be part of

2. Since we have very little information about any churches in Northern

Galatia, it is unusual to see a major problem arise so quickly. This
problem fills the book of Galatians.

3. Barnabas is mentioned in Galatians 2:1, 9, 13 and would seem to be

well known to the Galatian churches. It is remembered that Barnabas
was with Paul on the 1st missionary journey (Acts 13, 14)

4. When Paul went to Jerusalem to deliver the contribution for “needy”

saints, with representative members from contributing churches,
Timothy and Gaius from SOUTH Galatia were with him, but
NO ONE from NORTH Galatia (Acts 20:3, 4). See also
I Corinthians 16:1-3)

5. It would be more natural to find Judaizing false teachers in population

centers such as Antioch, Iconium, etc. which were on a main road
from Palestine to the Aegean Sea. Examine Acts 13:14; 14:1 and

6. SOUTH Galatia would be more in harmony with PAUL’S MISSION

STRATEGY of going to urban centers to evangelize rather than
“rural” areas where the population was relatively low.

7. The term “Galatia” fits Southern Galatia just as it does North Galatia, etc.

8. “There is some merit to the North Galatian theory, but the evidence is more
impressive and convincing that the readers of this epistle were the
Christians found in the churches of South Galatia” (Johnson, pages 15, 16)

III. The DATE of Writing of the book of GALATIANS

A. If one takes the position that Paul was writing to the North Galatian churches,
the DATE of the book of Galatians would probably be set at the time of his
3rd missionary journey, perhaps 53-55, or 56-57 A. D..

B. If we take the position that Paul was writing Galatians to the South Galatian
churches, established on the 1st journey, the DATE may be as early as
49 A. D.. This would make the book of GALATIANS the earliest inspired
writing of the apostle Paul.

IV. Comparing Paul’s VISITS to JERUSALEM as seen in ACTS and GALATIANS

A. We know of Paul making VISITS to Jerusalem in the following Scriptures:

1. As a new convert to the Lord as noted in Acts 9:26-30 when Barnabas

introduced him to the church.

2. Later, Paul and Barnabas brought financial help from ANTIOCH to

Judea to assist in the time of famine (Acts 11:27-30)

3. Paul was present and spoke at the “council” in Jerusalem concerning

whether or not Gentile converts must be circumcised (Acts 15)

4. Paul and companions brought the CONTRIBUTION to Jerusalem for

needy disciples at the end of his 3rd journey. After his arrival, he was
arrested (Acts 21-23)

B. There are TWO POSSIBILITIES suggested by scholars concerning which

one of the VISITS noted above is IDENTIFIED with Paul’s visit as seen
in Galatians 2:1-10.

1. Some believe that Galatians 2:1-10 is identified with the VISIT of Paul
and Barnabas at the time of the DELIVERY of the financial
assistance in Acts 11:27-30.

2. Also, others believe that Galatians 2:1-10 is the SAME VISIT as the
“Council” in Jerusalem in Acts 15.

3. It is true that the “subject matter” to be discussed is very similar in the

“Council” on circumcision in Acts 15, and the meeting described
in Galatians 2. Both of these possibilities have questions to consider.

V. The PURPOSE of the book of GALATIANS

A. The REASON or OCCASION for writing is VERY CLEAR. False teachers

with a Jewish background were “perverting” the gospel (Galatians 1:6-9).

1. Paul had “preached the gospel” to the Galatians, and they had
obeyed the Lord (Galatians 1:6-9), Note also that they had been
”baptized into Christ” (Galatians 3:26, 27).

2. However, they were turning aside unto a “perverted” gospel

(Galatians 1:6-9)

3. These false teachers were trying to impose the Law of Moses on the
Galatian Christians

a. NOTE that, IF Paul is writing to South Galatian churches, there
had been opposition from Jews at the first preaching of the
gospel in Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, and Lystra (Acts
13:48-52; 14:1-3; 14:19-23)

b. However, there were Jews, who had become disciples, who also
tried to impose the Law of Moses on Gentiles. Study Acts

B. EXAMINE these Scriptures in Galatians to see a DESCRIPTION of


1. The Galatian disciples had been “BEWITCHED” (Galatians 3:1)

a. Did they receive the Holy Spirit by the “works of the Law”
or, “by hearing with faith?” (Galatians 3:2).

b. Did the one who worked miracles among them do these great
miracles by the “works of the Law” or, by the “hearing of
faith?” (Galatians 3:5).

2. Paul said that those who are by the “works of the Law” are under a
“CURSE,” for, “Cursed is everyone who does not abide by ALL
things written in the book of the law, to perform them”
(Galatians 3:10).

3. He also said, “No one is justified by the Law ....” (Galatians 3:11).

4. The Law was added by God because of “transgression” until “the

Seed (Christ) should come” (Galatians 3:19).

5. The Law was a “tutor,” a “guardian,” a “schoolmaster” to lead men

to Christ so they could be “justified by faith” (Galatians 3:24)

6. NOTE what the apostle Paul said: “But now that faith has come, we
are no longer under a tutor” (Galatians 3:25).

7. They should NOT RETURN to their former condition of “SLAVERY!”

(Galatians 4:9).

a. They were observing “days and months and seasons and years”
(Galatians 4:10).

b. PAUL WAS AFRAID FOR THEM! He feared that he had

“labored” over them in “VAIN” (Galatians 4:11).

8. Paul used the COMPARISON of an “allegory” that teaches a great
lesson. It is the “allegory” of HAGAR and SARAH (Galatians

a. The slave of Sarah was HAGAR and she represented the

“COVENANT” given at Mount Sinai (Galatians 4:24, 25).

b. SARAH represented the new covenant, and the Galatian disciples,

like ISAAC, were children of “promise.” (Galatians 4:26-28).

c. “CAST OUT THE BONDWOMAN” and her son! (Galatians

4:30), for the son of the “bondwoman” shall NOT INHERIT
with the son of the free woman! (Galatians 4:31).

d. CONSIDER: The TWO COVENANTS, one from Mount Sinai, and

TOGETHER! The Old Testament and the New Testament
CANNOT be MIXED! This would be a “perverted” gospel!

9. The CONCLUSION that Paul wrote to the Galatian churches:

(Galatians 5:1-4).

a. The word, “therefore,” (Galatians 5:1) introduces a conclusion

b. Stand in the “FREEDOM” IN CHRIST, and DO NOT RETURN

to a “YOKE OF SLAVERY” (The Law of Moses).

c. If the Galatians received “CIRCUMCISION,” Christ would NOT

be of “BENEFIT” to THEM! (Galatians 5:2).

d. If they practiced “circumcision,” they were OBLIGATED to

“KEEP THE WHOLE LAW!” (Galatians 5:3).

e. If they would seek to be “justified” by the Law, they would be

“severed,” cut off from Christ, and would have “FALLEN
FROM GRACE!” (Galatians 5:4).

VI. The NATURE of the GOSPEL that PAUL PREACHED (Galatians 1:6-10).

A. Paul defined this “gospel” clearly in I Corinthians 15:1-4. This “gospel”


1. Jesus “died for our sins.”

2. He was buried.

3. He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.

B. If anyone preaches “another gospel,” a “perverted” gospel, that person
will be “accursed” (Galatians 1:6-10).

C. A DESCRIPTION of the GOSPEL that was preached by PAUL

1. It is based on the “principle” of “FAITH” (Note Galatians 2:16)


a. There is SALVATION in NO ONE ELSE (Acts 4:11, 12).

b. Salvation is ONLY through Jesus’ BLOOD (Romans

3:24, 25).

3. In “salvation by faith,” MAN CANNOT BOAST that he himself

EARNED anything There is NO BOASTING!
(Romans 3:27.

a. It is NOT of “works” that we have done. It is through God’s

GRACE! (Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5).

b. It is a “faith” like that of ABRAHAM who relied completely

on GOD! (Galatians 3:6-9).

c. The one who tries to “EARN HIS SALVATION” is taking

the position that “God owes him something” (Romans 4:3-5).

d. The only thing we “EARN” is condemnation. Salvation is the

“GIFT OF GOD” through Jesus (Romans 6:23).

e. It is a “faith” that “glories” in the CROSS OF CHRIST, and

NOT “WORKS OF MERIT” (Galatians 6:14).

4. SALVATION in Christ DOES NOT come through the LAW OF

MOSES or any “system of law” that SEEKS TO MERIT or

a. By the works of Law, “shall no flesh be justified” (Galatians 2:16).

b. Did the Galatians receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or
by the hearing with “faith?” (Galatians 3:2).

c. When miracles were worked among the Galatians, were they done
by the “works of the Law” or by “hearing with faith?”
(Galatians 3:3).

d. Under a “system of law,” one is a DEBTOR to OBEY EVERY
LAW to “earn” his blessing (Galatians 3:10; 5:3).

e. Those who sought to be “justified by law” would “FALL” from

the GRACE OF GOD (Galatians 5:4).

5. CONCLUSION: If “righteousness” came through the system of “law

keeping,” THEN CHRIST “DIED FOR NOTHING” (Galatians 2:21; 3:21).
Therefore, the difference in a “system of works,” and a “system
of faith” is that “doing deeds” is man’s response to law, but, “faith”
(II Corinthians 5:20, 21)


Do we RELY on our “keeping laws,” or do we RELY on CHRIST?


I. Paul’s INTRODUCTION to the book (Galatians 1:1-10)

A. His greeting to the churches of Galatia (1:1-5)

B. An “Anathema” stated concerning the FALSE TEACHERS (1:6-10)


the GOSPEL preached by PAUL (1:11-2:21)

A. Paul’s gospel came by “revelation” of Jesus Christ, not from men

(1:11, 12)

B. In the past, before he obeyed Christ, Paul had been very zealous in
the Jews’ religion (1:13-17)

C. Paul had received the “right hand of fellowship” from the other
apostles who agreed with the gospel he preached (1:18-2:10)

D. On one occasion in Antioch, Paul withstood Peter concerning Peter’s

inconsistent actions (2:11-14)

E. Paul affirmed that the REAL CHOICE that MUST be made was a
choice BETWEEN CHRIST and the LAW (2:15-21)


(Galatians 3:1-4:31).

A. The Galatians, in listening to these Judaizing teachers, had been very

B. The Galatians had become Christians through the Spirit, and NOT
through the LAW! (3:2-5)

C. The blessings that came to ABRAHAM came through FAITH, NOT

through LAW (3:6-9)

D. The LAW could do nothing except bring a CURSE, but Christ became
a CURSE FOR US (3:10-14)

E. God’s PROMISE to ABRAHAM was NOT made void by the LAW,

for His promise was given BEFORE the Law (3:15-18)

F. The LAW OF MOSES had a wonderful PURPOSE! That purpose

was to PREPARE the WAY FOR CHRIST! (3:19-29)

G. A system of LAW makes “SLAVES,” but a system of FAITH makes

“SONS” and “HEIRS” (4:1-7)

H. Then, Paul made a PERSONAL APPEAL to the Galatians: (4:8-20)

1. He noted the poverty and barren nature of the old ritualism of

observing days, months, seasons, and years (4:8-11)

2. Paul and the Galatians had previously been VERY CLOSE, but
NOW, he is very concerned and perplexed about them

I. Paul gave a SCRIPTURAL “ALLEGORY” concerning SARAH and

HAGAR to show the CONTRAST between “FREEDOM in
CHRIST,” and the “SLAVERY of legalism” (4:21-31)

IV. Paul’s inspired ENCOURAGEMENT (Galatians 5:1-6:10). An exposition of true



of JUDAISM (5:1-6)




LIFE. If LOVE is permitted to control, this will not happen

D. Living by the “Spirit” is SO MUCH SUPERIOR to living by the

“Flesh” (5:16-26)

1. Living according to the “FLESH” brings destruction

2. Living according to the “SPIRIT” is the true walk of those

who are “spiritually minded” (5:22-26)

3. NOTE: “You who are spiritual ....” (6:1)

E. The Christian who is truly “SPIRITUAL” has a DEEP CONCERN

for the “BURDENS” of his brother (6:2-5)

F. The “SPIRITUAL” disciple, free in Christ, will be LIBERAL in

helping the teachers and others, especially the “household of
faith” (6:6). See also 6:10.

G. He will remember that we “Reap what we sow,” and he will NOT

grow weary in his “walk” (6:7-10)

V. Paul’s CONCLUSION (Galatians 6:11-18)

A. Paul was writing with his own hand (6:11)

B. A CONTRAST in the motives of the Judaizing teachers, and PAUL.

Paul gloried ONLY IN THE CROSS (6:12-14), but the false
teachers gloried in the flesh.

C. There is no profit in circumcision OR un-circumcision, BUT in

a “new creation” (6:15)

D. A BLESSING in Paul’s farewell (6:16-18)



1. How many times is Paul’s name found in the book of Galatians? Please give the
location of these verses.

2. Give some of Paul’s personal “history” that is found in Galatians 1, 2.

3. Give some names of some early writers of the second century who affirmed Paul’s
authorship of Galatians.

4. What group of people settled North Galatia before the time of Christ?

5. Describe the basic differences between North and South Galatia

6. Name towns that Paul visited in South Galatia on the first mission journey

7. Suggest passages of Scripture that mention “Galatians” or “Galatia.”

8. Give reasons for accepting South Galatian churches as the people who received
the book of Galatians.

9. What is the approximate DATE of the writing of the book of Galatians?

10. Which of Paul’s visits to Jerusalem, do you think, is the one mentioned in
Galatians 2:1-10?

11. What is the primary purpose that Paul had in writing the book of Galatians?

12. Give characteristics of the “perverted gospel” which are mentioned by Paul
throughout the book.

13. What does “Hagar” represent in the “allegory?” (4:21-31)

14. What does “Sarah” represent in the “allegory?”

15. What is the true “gospel” according to I Corinthians 15:1-4?

16. What is meant by the “principle of FAITH?”

17. What is meant by the “principle of WORKS” or “system of law?”



I. Paul’s INTRODUCTION to the Galatian Letter (Galatians 1:1-10)

A. Paul’s GREETING to the “churches of Galatia” (Galatians 1:1-5)

1. This is one of the shortest greetings that Paul used in his letters, and there
is NO COMMENDATION of these congregations. Notice commendations
in Romans 1:8; I Corinthians 1:4, Philippians 1:3.

2. The word, “apostle” (“apostolos”), one who is “sent forth,” is used of the 12
apostles as special “messengers” who affirmed the resurrection of Christ
(Acts 1:21-26)

3. Paul had received a “special” calling as an “apostle” to preach to the Gentiles

(Acts 26:16-18). He also had “seen the Lord,” an eye witness of the
resurrected Christ (I Corinthians 9:1)

4. The word, “apostle” was also used in a “general” sense to mean a “messenger”
“sent forth” by congregations

a. Epaphroditus was an “apostolon” (“messenger”) of the Philippian

congregation (Philippians 2:25).

b. There were “messengers” (“apostoloi”) “of the churches” (II Corinthians

8:23). These were “messengers” who were “sent out.”

5. In Galatians, Paul began the letter by affirming his “divine calling.” He was a
spokesman for the Lord, and his message carried the SAME AUTHORITY
as the other apostles. It is true that, because of his earlier life as a persecutor,
he considered himself the “least” of the apostles (I Corinthians 15:9)

6. His calling as an “apostle” was NOT FROM MAN, but through CHRIST, and the
Father who raised Christ from the dead (Galatians 1:1). Paul will show this
calling in the following verses of this chapter.

7. It is noted that Paul will be discussing his “DIVINE COMMISSION” as an

“apostle” a number of times in Galatians 1 and 2. The Lord appointed
him as an “apostle.” His apostleship came “through Jesus Christ and God
the Father.”

8. We are unaware of who is meant by “all the brethren” who were with Paul
(1:2). For information about the “churches of Galatia,” please see the
Introduction above

9. “Grace” to you and “Peace” is a normal greeting, but it does express Paul’s
prayer that God will be “gracious” to them, that God’s “favor” will be
upon them, and that they would have a feeling of “spiritual well-being”
(1:3). (Johnson, page 37). It is so true that man does NOT deserve God’s
“charis,” His grace. “Grace and peace” come from God, and from the
“Lord Jesus Christ.”

a. God’s wonderful “GIFT” (“grace”) is the true foundation of man’s

“justification” and:

b. “Peace” is the result that comes to man because of God’s grace! It is

a spiritual “well-being.”

10. NOTE: Paul began this book by stating the familiar expression that CHRIST
“gave Himself for our sins….” (1:4). Read Romans 4:25; I Corinthians
15:1-4; II Corinthians 5:15; Titus 2:11-15, etc.. He died willingly “in
behalf of us” (“huper”). THIS IS THE GOSPEL! The word, SIN,
(“hamartia”) means, “a failing to hit the mark” (Thayer’s Lexicon, page 30)

11. Paul could look back at his own life, and recall the “GRACE” of the Lord that
he had received as “the chief of sinners” (I Timothy 1:12-15).

12. God’s GRACE delivers the sinner from “this present evil age” (1:4). It was
this evil “age” that had crucified the Lord (I Corinthians 2:8). Disciples
of Jesus are NOT to be “conformed” to this “age” (Romans 12:2).

13. Praise be to God! (1:5) Please read also Romans 11:36.

B. A strong “ANATHEMA” against the FALSE TEACHERS who demanded obedience

to the LAW (Galatians 1:6-10).

1. NOTE CAREFULLY: The “PERVERTED” GOSPEL of the book of Galatians

was speaking specifically of the demand that Gentiles obey certain commands
of the Old Testament LAW such as CIRCUMCISION. For example, see
Galatians 5:1-4.

2. Paul was astonished that they had so quickly begun to desert the One who called
them “by the grace of Christ” (1:6). Study concerning how God’s GRACE
is made known through Christ (Titus 2:11). The word, “desert” or abandon
is in a tense that suggests they were presently, at that time, being affected by
these false teachers. Study the “CALL” of GOD through the gospel
(I Corinthians 1:9; I Thessalonians 2:12; 5:24; Romans 8:30; II Timothy
1:9, II Thessalonians 2:14) (McGarvey-Pendleton, page 250).

3. “Another gospel” was NOT really another “good news,” but these false teachers
were “PERVERTING,” “distorting,” the “gospel of Christ” (1:7).

a. Paul uses the word, “gospel” about 60 times in his writings (Johnson,
page 42).

(1) In the Scripture, sometimes it is called the “gospel of Christ”

(Philippians 1:27; Galatians 1:7).

(2) Sometimes, it is called the “gospel of God” (II Corinthians 11:7).

(3) Or, Paul would call it, “My gospel” (Romans 2:16).

(4) Or, just “the gospel” as seen in I Corinthians 15:1. In all of these,
the “gospel” is talking about CHRIST!

b. NOTE: The “gospel” is the (1) Death of Jesus for our sins, (2) His burial,
and (3) His resurrection (I Corinthians 15:1-4). Have we observed
that this Scriptural definition teaches very clearly that the basis of our
salvation is JESUS!. We do NOT deserve salvation! We CANNOT

c. The “PERVERSION” or DISTORTION of the gospel was the change
in the BASIS OF SALVATION! Was it CHRIST or was it the
keeping of the Old Testament Law? It must be CHRIST!

d. The word, “pervert” literally means to “turn into.” This is seen in

James 4:9 where the same word is used for a fundamental CHANGE.
“Let your laughter be TURNED INTO mourning….” It means to
“ALTER,” to “CHANGE” (Arndt-Gingrich Lexicon, page 514).

e. ONE THING IS TURNED INTO ANOTHER. These Jewish false teachers

were changing the very foundation of the gospel!

4. The Galatians MUST NOT PERMIT any “preacher” FROM ANY PLACE to
(Galatians 1:8-10).

a. Even if an angel came from heaven! Even, if Paul or his co-workers

should preach any other “gospel,” “let him be accursed.”

b. The word, “anathema” (“anathema”) means “accursed.” Paul uses

the same word in Romans 9:3 to convey the idea of “being cut off”
from Christ, spiritual death.

c. Paul wanted to be very EMPHATIC, so he REPEATED the warning in

verse 9.

d. QUESTION: Is Paul very DOGMATIC, and does he lack A SPIRIT of

TOLERANCE? Please consider the “WOES” that Jesus pronounced
in Matthew 23. Examine the strong words found in Scriptures such
as II Thessalonians 2:10-12; Romans 16:17; Philippians 3:18, 19.
Paul was concerned about LOSING SOULS! It was time for strong

e. Paul was NOT TRYING JUST TO PLEASE MEN, but GOD (1:10).

(1) Is it possible that his enemies were accusing Paul of trying to

“please” and get the favor of the GENTILES by denying
that they must obey the Law of Moses? (Johnson, page 45).

(2) NOTE: Paul was NOT a “religious politician” seeking the

favor of his “constituents.” Notice that Jesus always “pleased”
the FATHER (John 8:29).

(3) If Paul was seeking to PLEASE MEN, he could NOT be a

“SLAVE” of Christ. Read also Philippians 1:1 and
II Timothy 2:24 where Paul and Timothy are “bond servants.”
1. What is the primary meaning of the word, “apostle?”

2. What was Paul’s “special calling” as an “apostle?”

3. In what way was EPAPHRODITUS an “apostle?”

4. Please discuss: Does Paul give a good commendation of the Galatians

in the early verses of this book?

5. Why did Paul think of himself as the “least” of the apostles?

6. From whom did Paul receive his “apostleship?” From other “apostles?”

7. What is the meaning of “grace” and “peace” in Paul’s greeting?

8. In addition to Galatians 1:4, please find other Scriptures that speak of Christ
dying “for our sins.”

9. What is the basic meaning of the word, “SIN?” (“hamartia”)

10. What was the specific “demand” of those teaching the “perverted gospel?”

11. Approximately how many times is the word, “gospel” used in Paul’s writings?

12. In what sense does Paul use the phrase, “MY gospel?”

13. What is the correct “BASIS” for SALVATION? What is the false “basis”
which Paul discusses in the letter to the Galatians?

14. What is the literal meaning of the word, “PERVERT?”

15. What is the meaning of the word, “ANATHEMA?” Give another Scripture
where this word is used.

16. Discuss: Why was Paul quite “hard” and “dogmatic” in what he said in
1:8, 9? Was he lacking in “tolerance?” How “tolerant” should we be?

17. Discuss: Paul was NOT a “religious politician!”

18. Find other Scriptures, in addition to Galatians 1:10, where Paul speaks of
himself as a “SLAVE” of the Lord and his brothers.

PREACHED. BOTH CAME FROM THE LORD! (Galatians 1:11-2:21).

A. Paul’s GOSPEL came by “REVELATION,” NOT FROM MEN (1:11, 12.)

1. The “Judaizing” teachers were perhaps saying that Paul’s had received his
gospel from the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. HE HAD NOT!

2. NOTE: Paul will defend the fact that he is an “apostle” of the Lord, but his main
concern is the DIVINE ORIGIN of the gospel he preached. Read
I Thessalonians 2:13 and Galatians 1:1.

3. The expression “For I would have you know brethren…” (1:11) is similar to
Paul’s statement in I Corinthians 15:1.

4. Paul did NOT sit at the feet of the apostles or any other human to receive his
gospel. He received the gospel by “revelation.” (1:12). He was NOT even an
“apostle’s apostle,” but “a true apostle of God” (McGarvey-Pendleton, page

a. This may mean that JESUS revealed the gospel to Paul. Certainly,
Jesus spoke to Saul of Tarsus on the Damascus Road (Acts
9, 22, 26).

b. But, it may also mean that GOD revealed the gospel to Paul concerning
Jesus Christ. This seems to be the meaning in Galatians 1:16, “To
reveal His Son in me….”

5. The word, “REVELATION” is “apokalupseos” which means an “unveiling,”

or “uncovering.” Notice the word “apokalupsis” which is the first word in
Revelation 1:1. The book of “Revelation” is an “uncovering!”

in the Jewish Religion (Galatians 1:13-17).

1. He had been a PERSECUTOR! (1:13) The word “persecuted” is “ediokon”

which means he “continued pursuing” disciples of Jesus. Examine Acts 8:1-4;
26:9, 10; I Corinthians 15:9; I Timothy 1:12-15, etc..

2. He had been very “ZEALOUS” for the traditions of his ancestors (1:14).
The word for “zealous” is “zelotes” from which we get the word “Zealot.”
Study Philippians 3:1-11 concerning Paul’s accomplishments in Judaism,
and his zeal for his religion.

3. Paul had advanced beyond his own fellow men in Judaism.

4. Therefore, Paul “made no secret of his past life” (McGarvey, pages 253, 254).
See this in I Corinthians 15:9; I Timothy 1:13; Acts 22:4, 5; 26:10, 11.

5. BUT, God, who had “separated him from his mother’s womb,” called him
through “His grace,” (1:15)

a. God had CALLED different individuals throughout the Old Testament

to accomplish His Will

(1) Study the call of JEREMIAH (Jeremiah 1:4-10). Perhaps, Paul

was thinking of HIS call being similar to Jeremiah’s call
(McGarvey, page 254). See also Isaiah 49:1.

(2) Examine also Micah 1:1 and Joel 1:1, and the phrase, “The word
of the Lord came to ……”

b. Paul recognized that he was called “through God’s grace.” Note what
he said in I Timothy 1:12-15.

6. At his conversion, Paul was called to preach to the GENTILES (Galatians 1:16).

a. Examine what the Lord said to Saul on the Damascus Road

(Acts 26:15-18). He was to preach to the “Gentiles” to “open their

b. The word “Gentiles” is “ethnesi” which means the “NATIONS” outside

the Jewish nation. See also Romans 15:15, 16.

c. The word, “preach” in this passage is “euanggelizomai” which means

to “EVANGELIZE,” to speak of the “good news” of Christ.

7. At his conversion, Paul did NOT seek approval from the APOSTLES
in Jerusalem, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PERSONS (1:16, 17).
He did NOT confer with “flesh and blood.” He did NOT receive
his “apostolic appointment” from man, but from God!

a. After his baptism, (Acts 22:16), Paul went into ARABIA, and then
returned to Damascus (1:17). We are not certain of Paul’s
purpose for going to Arabia. Was it to reflect on his call by God,
his “commission” to preach to the Gentiles? (Ridderbos, page 65).

b. Examine also II Corinthians 11:32, Acts 9:19-25 and Acts 26:19, 20

concerning his preaching and the opposition in Damascus.

8. Notice this quote from McGarvey-Pendleton, pages 255, 256: “The gist of Paul’s
argument is this: My gospel did not come to me from Jerusalem, for (1)
I was in no haste to go there, (2) I did not go there for the purpose of
perfecting my knowledge of the gospel, (3) I was not there long enough to
perfect such knowledge, (4) Leaving there, I was conscious of no deficiency
of knowledge, but went at once to localities far distant and was not personally
known in the regions contiguous to Jerusalem….. (5) But, I was known to
them by my repentance.”


C. Paul received the “RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP” from the other apostles who
approved of the GOSPEL WHICH PAUL PREACHED (Galatians 1:18-2:10).

1. THREE YEARS AFTER his conversion, Paul went to Jerusalem to become

acquainted with “Cephas” (Peter), and he stayed 15 days (1:18).

2. This would be the VISIT when Barnabas introduced “Saul” (Paul) to the
disciples who were afraid of him (Acts 9:26-30).

3. We OBSERVE that Paul went to Jerusalem at this time to VISIT, NOT TO


4. He stayed only FIFTEEN DAYS, and saw NO OTHER “pillars” except JAMES,
the Lord’s brother, and PETER (1:18, 19). We note that SAUL DID SOME

5. “James” that is mentioned here was one of the younger brothers of Jesus
(Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3).

a. During the personal ministry of Jesus, His brothers DID NOT BELIEVE
in Him (John 7:5).

b. But, Jesus’ brothers were present in Jerusalem before the day of Pentecost
(Acts 1:14).

c. James, the Lord’s brother, was NOT one of the TWELVE APOSTLES, but
he became a strong leader in the Jerusalem church (Acts 15:13;
21:18, Galatians 2:9). Was he an “apostle” in the GENERAL sense
of the word, meaning “one sent out?”

(1) The word, “apostolos” is used in a general way to mean a

“messenger” sent out by congregations (II Corinthians 8:23).

(2) Epaphroditus was the “messenger” (“apostolon”) of the church at

Philippi (Philippians 2:25).

d. When we notice that Barnabas brought Saul of Tarsus, the new disciple
to the “apostles,” it possibly suggests that Saul saw ONLY Peter and
James, the Lord’s brother (Acts 9:27).
6. Paul affirmed that HE WAS NOT LYING! (Galatians 1:20). It was so important
that the Galatians realize that Paul’s APOSTLESHIP and HIS GOSPEL did

7. Then, Saul (Paul) went NORTH to the regions of SYRIA and CILICIA in
eastern Asia Minor (1:21-24).

a. He went to his home town, TARSUS, where Barnabas found him and
brought him to ANTIOCH (Acts 11:20-26).

b. At that time also, Paul was NOT in any way influenced in his gospel
by the apostles at Jerusalem. He was still “unknown” by “sight” to
the churches of JUDEA that were “in Christ” (1:22).

c. These disciples “continued hearing” that Saul was now “evangelizing”

(“euanggelizetai”) (preaching) the “faith” that he once tried to
destroy (1:23).

(1) The word, “faith” is probably used here in an “objective” sense

to mean the “body of truth” that was being preached. Study
Jude 3 and similar passages.

(2) In Galatians 1:23, the word, “FAITH” may mean the same thing
as “GOSPEL.”

d. Because of Paul and his preaching of Christ, these Judean churches were
“GLORIFYING GOD” (1:24). NOTE; This would be a rebuke to
the Judaizing teachers who were opposing Paul’s “apostleship” and
the GOSPEL he preached!

8. Paul’s VISIT to Jerusalem FOURTEEN YEARS LATER, and the “RIGHT

HAND OF FELLOWSHIP” (Galatians 2:1-10).

a. It is difficult to determine if THIS VISIT is the same as Acts 11:27-30, or

the conference in Jerusalem in Acts 15. The evidence seems to favor
the visit in Acts 15.

(1) Paul’s visit in Acts 11:27-30 was evidently only for the purpose

(2) There is no indication that Paul saw any of the apostles in

Acts 11:27-30. At that time, the benevolent help was delivered
to the “elders.”

(3) The visit in Galatians 2:1-10 is the “second” visit when Paul had
contact with the apostles. He may have considered the

benevolence visit in Acts 11:27-30 as unimportant with respect
to his purpose in Galatians (Ridderbos, pages 77-80).

(4) There are a number of SIMILARITIES between the visit of Acts 15

and the events of Galatians 2:1-10. See brother Jim Massey’s
Study Notes On Galatians.

b. The time period of FOURTEEN YEARS may be the interval between Paul’s
visits with the APOSTLES (Galatians 2:1). His purpose is to show that
his “apostleship” and “gospel” did NOT come from the apostles

c. BARNABAS and TITUS were Paul’s companions (Galatians 2:2, 3).

Acts 15 mentions Barnabas, but not Titus. However, Acts 15:2 does
say that “certain others” went with them.

(1) Please see TITUS as Paul’s companion on other occasions

(II Corinthians 7:5-7, 13-15; 8:16, 17, 23).

(2) Titus, a GREEK, was not compelled to be circumcised! (2:3)

This decision would be in opposition to the Judaizing teachers
who were teaching that Gentiles must be circumcised.

d. Paul went up to Jerusalem “BY REVELATION” (2:2). He was NOT

summoned by the apostles! The Lord was involved in Paul’s visit.

(1) He submitted to those of “reputation” the gospel he preached

among the Gentiles! Three of those “pillars” are mentioned
in 2:8, 9, that is PETER, JAMES, and JOHN

(2) Paul did not say how the “revelation” came, whether it came to
the church or to him personally. Notice that, in Paul’s journeys,
the Lord was guiding Paul (Acts 13:2; 16:6-10; 20:22, 23).

e. Paul was deeply concerned that a wrong decision in Jerusalem would

seriously affect his teaching (2:2). “….For fear that I might be
running, or had run, in vain.”

f. “False brethren” were trying to take away the “freedom in Christ,” and
place disciples in “bondage” (2:4). Notice Paul’s statement in 5:1.

(1) Were these teachers from the “sect” of the Pharisees who
“believed?” (Acts 15:5).

(2) Were they, perhaps, some of the former Levitical priests that
had obeyed? (Acts 6:7). We do not know.

g. However, Paul would NOT YIELD, for “even an hour!” Why? “So
that the truth of the gospel might remain with you!” (2:5). Paul
would NOT endure a “PERVERTED GOSPEL” (1:6-9).

h. The “pillars” in the church did NOT add anything to Paul’s gospel
(2:6). The apostle Paul was NOT deeply impressed with the
reputation of some in the church. Please examine Romans 2:11
and Acts 10:34, 35 which point out that GOD SHOWS NO
PARTIALITY in His Kingdom! We are ALL EQUAL!

i. The “pillars” saw that Paul had been entrusted by God to take the
gospel to the GENTILES even as PETER had been entrusted to go
to the JEWS (2:7).

j. The same LORD had empowered Paul among the Gentiles as He had
blessed Peter in going to the Jews (2:8).

k. The “RIGHT HANDS” of “FELLOWSHIP” (“koinonias”) were given

to Paul and Barnabas by James, Cephas, and John (2:9). These
three good men had realized that the GRACE of God had been
given to Paul! Here are FIVE MEN UNITED IN A COMMON
CAUSE! Five men were EQUALS! Paul and Barnabas preaching
to the Gentiles, and the three “pillars” to the JEWS! See Psalm 133:1.

l. There was only ONE REQUEST made by PETER, JAMES, and JOHN:
They asked Paul to “continue remembering” the POOR! (2:10). Paul
was eager to do this. NOTE the benevolent work of Paul and
Barnabas in Acts 11:27-30, and the collection for the “poor among the
saints” (Romans 15:25-27; I Corinthians 16:1-3; II Corinthians 8, 9).
PAUL and BARNABAS had already done BENEVOLENT work as seen
in Acts 11:27-30.


1. Did Paul receive his “gospel,” or his “apostleship” from MAN? Please explain.

2. HOW did Paul receive his gospel?

3. Give TWO possible meanings of the phrase, “Revelation of Jesus Christ.”

4. What is the literal meaning of the word, “REVELATION?”

5. What does Paul say about his former life in 1:13-17? Please give details.

6. Give other Scriptures where Paul discussed his former life.

7. Discuss God’s “CALL” of men such as ISAIAH (Isaiah 6) and JEREMIAH

8. Discuss Paul’s “special call” by God’s grace. To what people was he “called?”

9. What is the meaning of the word, “GENTILES?”

10. Discuss Paul’s statement that, after his conversion, he “did not confer with
flesh and blood.”

11. Where did Paul go soon after his baptism?

12. Discuss the various points of Paul’s argument, as listed by “McGarvey=

Pendleton.” (See booklet on Galatians, page 17)

13. After his conversion, how long was it before Paul went to Jerusalem?

14. Who introduced Saul to the church in Jerusalem? With whom did he visit?
How long did he visit? Why is Paul speaking of these things?

15. Who was “James” mentioned in Galatians 1:18, 19?

16. Why is “James” called an “apostle?”

17. Where did Paul go AFTER his first visit to Jerusalem?

18. Which visit in Acts is Paul discussing in Galatians 2:1-10?

19. Who were Paul’s companions on this visit? (2:1-10)

20. Who was the one whom Paul would not have circumcised?

21. Paul went to Jerusalem by “revelation.” What does this mean? (2:2)

22. Who were the “pillar” members of the Jerusalem congregation?

23. Why did Paul refuse to “yield” to the false teachers? (2:5)


D. On one occasion in ANTIOCH, Paul CONFRONTED PETER because of his

INCONSISTENT BEHAVIOR (Galatians 2:11-14).

1. We are NOT certain about the SPECIFIC time of this event. It may have been
AFTER the Acts 15 meeting.

2. The problem arose over the matter of JEWISH and GENTILE disciples eating
3. Peter had learned a BASIC LESSON at the time of the conversion of
CORNELIUS (Acts 10:34, 35). He had learned that “what God has made
clean,” he should NOT consider unclean.

4. So, Peter ate with Gentile disciples BEFORE Jewish people came from James
(2:11, 12). When the visitors came, he withdrew, “FEARING THE PARTY
OF THE CIRCUMCISION.” Peter lacked “moral courage” to stand for
what was right!

5. The SERIOUS PROBLEM was that the JEWISH disciples followed PETER in
this HYPOCRISY, and even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy
(2:13). Peter was “pretending!”

6. There is GREAT DANGER in “RELIGIOUS COMPROMISE!” Consider the

great problem of permitting capable leaders, who do wrong, to influence
MANY! Consider the broken heart of Paul who saw this!

7. NOTE: A preacher can be teaching “doctrinal truth” BUT, NOT LIVING

AS HE SHOULD! Gospel preachers must “PRACTICE WHAT THEY

a. Paul “withstood,” opposed Peter to his “face!” They were “face to face!”

b. Paul did this in the “presence of all!” WHY? Because the “TRUTH
OF THE GOSPEL” WAS INVOLVED! (2:14). Paul’s entire
ministry of preaching salvation only through Christ could have been

c. Think about this QUOTE: “It was time to act, and the whole fate of the
church, humanly speaking, rested on one man, but that man (Paul)
was equal to the occasion” (McGarvey-Pendleton, page 261).


8. In his rebuke, Paul seems to be saying to Peter that PETER HAD BEEN
himself and “compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?” (Johnson, pages 64, 65).

9. There are SOME POSSIBLE EVIL CONSEQUENCES if Peter’s actions were to

become the “pattern” for Christian behavior:

a. Part of the Old Testament Law could become more important than a
person’s relationship to Christ.

b. Gentile disciples could be seen as “inferior.”

c. Peter’s actions would deeply affect and hurt the entire group of Gentile

d. It was even possible that DIVISION would take place in the Antioch


(2:15-21). Salvation is “NOT BY WORKS!”

1. Paul’s teaching here is very SIMILAR to his discussion of the CONTRAST

between “The Principle of Faith” and “The Principle of Works” (Romans
3:21-31; 4:1-25, Ephesians 2:8-10, etc..).

2. Paul is emphasizing that SALVATION in Christ is NOT “EARNED,” it is NOT

“DESERVED,” it is NOT “MERITED!” It is by God’s GRACE! It is by
His “UNMERITED FAVOR!” It is a “GIFT!” (Romans 6:23, etc.).

3. It cannot be determined exactly how much of 2:15-21 was directed specifically

to Peter. But, what Paul is saying would be profitable for BOTH Peter and
the Galatian disciples who were being urged by false teachers to obey parts of
the Law of Moses.

4. First, it is noted that Paul was SPEAKING AS A JEW! (2:15). He, Peter, and
other Jews did NOT come from the “sinners” of the Gentiles. Study the
sinful condition of GENTILES given by Paul in Romans 1:18-32.

5. AN IMPORTANT NOTE: In 2:16, Paul did NOT use the article “THE” in front
of the word, “LAW” (“nomou”). Paul was saying that we are NOT made
righteous by “WORKS OF LAW,” that is, by the principle of “works,” but
through faith in Christ! “….By works of law shall no flesh be justified.”

a. Brother Jim Massey gives the following passages in Galatians where, in the
Greek text, the article, “THE” is NOT FOUND!
(Galatians 2:16, 2:19, 2:21, 3:2, 3:5, 3:10, 3:11, 3:18, 3:21b,
3:21c, 3:23, 4:4, 4:5, 4:21a, 5:4, 5:18, 5:23, 6:13.
(Massey, pages 27, 28)

b. The “principle of works” is saying that a person can be made righteous by

KEEPING A LAW PERFECTLY, ANY LAW, and by this perfect
obedience, he, therefore, DESERVES or EARNS that salvation.

THIS IS “LEGALISM!” Notice Massey’s contrast (page 25) in True

Christianity and Legalism:

Pharisaism or Legalism Is: Christianity Is:

1. Salvation upon the basis of law-keeping. 1. Keeping God’s laws.

2. Trusting in good works. 2. Practicing good works.

3. Having confidence in obedience. 3. Obedience as expression of

4. Trusting in ourselves that we are righteous. 4. Trying to be righteous, but
trusting Jesus to make
us righteous.
5. Demanding perfection in order for salvation. 5. Seeking perfection or
trying to be perfect
6. Preaching baptism as the ground of salvation. 6. Preaching baptism as the
point of salvation
7. Emphasizing commands instead of the 7. Emphasizing the commands
Commander because of the
8. Concentrating on the letter, not the spirit, 8. Keeping the letter as the
of God’s commandments outgrowth of the spirit
of God’s commands
9. The Christian life is a relationship to commands. 9. Keeping commandments
as a relationship to a



c. Certainly, in the book of Galatians, the particular “law” under

consideration is the LAW OF MOSES of the Old Testament.

6. The word, “JUSTIFY” (“dikaiothesetai”) (2:16), or forms of this word, are

used by Paul a number of times, and means to “acquit,” “vindicate,” or
“treat as just” or “righteous” (Arndt-Gingrich Lexicon, page 196, etc..).
Study Romans 3:21-31.

7. BUT, on the principle of “faith,” a person MUST RELY on JESUS and what
He did on the CROSS. The RELIANCE, the TRUST is in Jesus to save.
NOTE quite carefully that, when the RELIANCE is on Jesus, NOT SELF,
there is NO PLACE FOR “BOASTING!” (Romans 3:21-28; 4:1-5,
Ephesians 2:8, 9).

8. Certainly, complete RELIANCE on JESUS does NOT eliminate OBEDIENCE.

Paul will show this in Galatians 3:26, 27, 5:6, etc..

9. Paul ANTICIPATED AN OBJECTION to “Salvation by grace through faith:”

(2:17). His enemies might say: “By teaching salvation by ‘faith,’ you are
opening the door for people to commit sin.”

a. NO! “May it never be!” Christ is NOT an “agent of sin!” Salvation

by “faith” does NOT promote sin!

b. NOTE: In Romans 5:21, Paul taught that when SIN CAME, God’s
GRACE came. So, the argument might be made, “If God’s grace
comes when I sin, I think I will SIN MORE SO THAT I CAN GET

(1) Paul said again, “May it never be!” (Romans 6:1, 2)

(2) The disciple has “DIED TO SIN,” then has been “BURIED”
by baptism, and “RAISED” to walk a “new life” (Romans
6:1-5). A life of “HOLINESS!” (Romans 6:19).

(3) God’s GRACE and man’s FAITH do NOT promote SIN!

10. If Peter, Paul, the Galatians, or others were to “re-build” what they had
surrendered in the old system, they would be “transgressors!” (2:18).
The Judaizers, by calling people back to the LAW of Moses, would be
the “transgressors” (“parabaten”). See this word in Romans 2:25, 27.

11. Paul had “DIED TO LAW” that he might live to God (2:19). See also
Romans 7:4. The Law of Moses could NOT give life (Galatians 3:21).

12. All of Paul’s accomplishments, hopes, aspirations, everything in his past life
were now “dead” to him. He was truly “crucified” with Christ (2:20).
NOTE: When we are “baptized into Christ,” we are “baptized into His
death” (Romans 6:1-5).

a. Paul’s pride and the feeling of the old Pharisee was gone.

b. Now, “Christ” lived in him, and controlled him. Paul did NOT live an
independent life. He was truly dependent on the Lord.

c. Jesus died for others, but Paul felt very personally that JESUS LOVED
him, and GAVE HIMSELF FOR HIM. The word “loved” is
“agapesantos,” the same LOVE that the Father had for the world when
He sent Jesus (John 3:16; Romans 5:8, 9).

d. NOTE: The preposition “huper” is used several times to express the idea
that Christ “died in behalf of us” (II Corinthians 5:15; Ephesians 5:25;
Titus 2:14, etc.).

13. Galatians 2:21 expresses a very vital truth. To return to the “LAW” would
make the DEATH OF CHRIST MEANINGLESS! Christ would have DIED

a. This would truly NULLIFY GOD’S GRACE expressed in Jesus’ death.

God’s grace appeared in the gift of Jesus, bringing salvation
(Titus 2:11)

b. Those teachers trying to bind the Law of Moses on Gentiles may have
accused Paul of “nullifying” God’s grace to Israel by teaching that
men are NOT under the Law of Moses. Paul did NOT nullify God’s
grace which is seen clearly in Jesus’ death! (2:21).




1. Do we know WHEN Paul’s confrontation with Peter took place?

2. What “hypocrisy” had taken place that caused this “confrontation?”

3. What great lessons had Peter learned at the house of Cornelius? (Acts 10)

4. WHO are the people who “imitated Peter” in his “hypocrisy?”

5. Give examples in Scripture of capable leaders who influenced people to do


6. WHY was it so important for Paul to confront Peter?

7. If Peter’s actions had spread to the church everywhere, what would have
been some bad consequences that could have taken place?

8. In Galatians, the CHOICE must be made between “Salvation by ____________

through __________,” and seeking salvation by “works of ____________.”

9. In addition to Galatians 2:16-21, give other Scriptures teaching the contrast

between a “system of faith” and a “system of law.”

10. Discuss the great contrast between these two systems.

11. What is the difference between a “GIFT” and a “SALARY.”

12. What is the meaning of “GRACE?”

13. What is the significance of the word “THE” NOT being found BEFORE
“law” in many verses in Galatians?

14. Discuss the several points of CONTRAST that brother Massey gave between
“Legalism” and true “Christianity.”

15. Can we “EARN” or “DESERVE” our salvation? If not, WHY NOT?

16. What is the meaning of the word, “JUSTIFY?”

17. Why is “BOASTING” NOT POSSIBLE under the system of “FAITH?”

18. Can people OBJECT by saying that living “by faith” will promote sin?
Give another Scripture in addition to Galatians 2:17 where Paul taught
against this.

19. Paul had “DIED to ___________” that he might “live to __________” (2:19)

20. What does it mean to be “crucified with Christ?” Please describe.

21. If one can be saved by “a law system,” then Christ died ___________.



(Galatians 3:1-4:31).

A. When the Galatian disciples listened to the FALSE JUDAIZING TEACHERS,

they were very “FOOLISH!” (3:1). “You foolish Galatians….”

1. In the first two chapters of Galatians, Paul had rehearsed his PERSONAL
experiences in becoming a Christian, the Lord’s revelation of the gospel
to him, etc.. NOW, he will present an argument from a DOCTRINAL,
BIBLICAL standpoint.

2. Paul had set before the Galatians the “CRUCIFIED CHRIST” in a very
forceful way! This was ALWAYS the topic of Paul in his preaching
(I Corinthians 1:17-23; 2:1, 2; 15:1-4, II Corinthians 13:3, 4, etc.).

3. NOTE: Paul had just stated in 2:21 that if “righteousness” could come
through the Law of Moses, “then Christ died needlessly!”

4. Were the Galatians “bewitched,” under the “spell” of these false teachers?
They had a severe problem of “spiritual perception.” They had forgotten
the great sacrifice of their Savior! Do we sometimes “forget” the CROSS?

5. One translation, the NEB, says, “Jesus Christ was openly displayed upon His
cross!” In Paul’s preaching to them, the cross was prominently displayed,
as if on a large SIGNBOARD! (Arndt-Gingrich Lexicon, page 711)
QUESTION: Is the CROSS always prominent in OUR PREACHING?

B. The Galatians had become Christians through the SPIRIT, not through the LAW!
(Galatians 3:2-5).

1. Paul asked them a very SHORT, SIMPLE QUESTION concerning how they
became disciples of Jesus, “Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the
Law, or by hearing with faith?” (3:2). They knew very well the answer
to this question! THROUGH CHRIST!

2. NOTE: In the conference in Jerusalem, PETER had pointed out that the
Gentiles (first of all Cornelius and family) had been given the HOLY
SPIRIT “just as he also did to us,” and their hearts had been “cleansed
by faith” (Acts 15:8, 9). See also Romans 8:15-23.

3. After they had begun their discipleship “by the Spirit,” were they going to
seek to be “perfected,” completed” (“epiteleisthe”) by the “FLESH?” (3:3).
This Greek word means, “to bring to an end,” or “finish.”

4. NOTICE AGAIN the contrast Paul used concerning being guided by the
“Spirit” (through the gospel), or “by the flesh” (Galatians 5:16-26;
II Corinthians 3:6-11; Romans 8:12-17, etc.)

5. Paul seems to be saying, “Has all your painful experience brought you to
nothing?” (3:4). The word, “experience” can mean a “pleasant” experience,
but, usually, it means to “suffer” or “endure” (Johnson, page 78).
See this word, “epathete” from “pascho,” to “suffer” (Luke 22:15). Have
you been suffering as a Christian “in vain?” Note I Peter 4:16 and
Philippians 1:29. We do not know any details about this suffering. But, if
they practiced Judaism, they would NOT be persecuted (McGarvey, page 265).

6. Paul’s question to the Galatians again would be: When the LORD provided for
you the “SPIRIT,” and WORKED MIRACLES among you, did He do it by
the “works of the Law” or by “hearing with faith?” (3:5). The “HE” in this
verse, the One who performed miracles, was GOD! Note also
I Corinthians 12:6-11. The kind of “hearing” Paul mentions would be a
“hearing” that places full trust in Jesus.

C. The BLESSINGS that came to ABRAHAM came through FAITH, and NOT
THROUGH LAW (3:6-9). Paul is referring here to Genesis 15:6.

1. Notice that ABRAHAM is the “father of all who believe” (Romans 4:11).
Abraham placed his full TRUST in God!

2. Those who LIVE by this same KIND OF FAITH are the “sons of Abraham”

3. CONSIDER: Abraham’s faith was “reckoned” to him as “righteousness” in

Genesis 15, but the command of CIRCUMCISION was NOT given to
him until Genesis 17. He was “counted righteous” BEFORE and
WITHOUT circumcision! Study also Romans 4:10-14.

4. The “GOSPEL” was preached beforehand unto ABRAHAM! (3:8).


a. EXAMINE FIVE WORDS that begin with the LETTER “P”

(1) The GOSPEL in “PURPOSE!” God planned to SAVE through

Christ before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3, 4;

(2) The GOSPEL in “PROMISE!” God promised Abraham that

In his “OFFSPRING,” all the “families of the earth would be
blessed” (Genesis 12:1-3). That “offspring” is JESUS!

(3) The GOSPEL in “PROPHECY!” The prophets foretold of the

coming of the “Messiah!” Study Isaiah 53:1-12; I Peter

(4) The GOSPEL in “PREPARATION!” The “forerunner,” JOHN,

the IMMERSER was to “…. Prepare your way” (Mark 1:1-8).

(5) The GOSPEL “PERFECTED” at the death and resurrection of


b. See below concerning, “….In you all the families of the earth shall be
blessed” (Genesis 12:3; 22:18; 26:4).

c. Only people of “faith” can be the “sons of Abraham.” Paul is saying

that “spiritual sonship” is not based on PHYSICAL descent, it is NOT
based on “blood relationship.” (3:9). Study Romans 4:16.

c. ABRAHAM was called the “FRIEND OF GOD” (II Chronicles 20:7;

Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23).

d. “When any man believes God’s promises, entrusts himself to God’s love
and mercy, and lives as an obedient son, he has shown his faith-
relationship to Abraham” (Johnson, page 82). Emphasis by editor.

US! (Galatians 3:10-14).
1. Paul quoted Deuteronomy 27:26. If one relies on the “works of law,” he is under
a “CURSE!” (3:10)

2. In order for the “LAW” to justify, and make righteous, EVERY COMMAND
MUST BE OBEYED. Breaking one “little law” is as serious as breaking
a “big” law. Any breaking of the law CONDEMNED! See also James 2:10.
The “LAW” is NOT the “WAY” of salvation!

3. Paul REPEATED the statement, “….No one is justified by law before God….”
(3:11). Study also Galatians 2:16 and Romans 3:20.

4. He then referred his readers to Habakkuk 2:4. The “righteous shall live by faith.”
Examine also Romans 1:17 and Hebrews 10:38.

5. A legalistic approach to “LAW” is NOT based on “FAITH,” on “TRUST,” BUT,

on “DOING” (3:12). Then, Paul quoted Leviticus 18:5, “So you shall keep
My statutes and My judgments, by which a man may live if he does them….”
PERFECT OBEDIENCE is required in such a legalistic situation! None of
us can do this!

6. Christ “REDEEMED” man from the “CURSE” of the LAW! (3:13). Christ
“liberated” man from this “curse” of condemnation! The word
“exegorasen” means to “buy back,” “buy one’s freedom….” Christ made
it possible for men to be “free” from the “curse” of the Law.

7. In doing this, Christ became A CURSE “FOR US!” “For us” is “huper hemon,”
“in behalf of us.” Observe what Jesus has done “FOR US” as seen in
II Corinthians 5:15; Titus 2:14, etc..

8. IN WHAT WAY did He become “A CURSE” FOR US? Paul referred to

Deuteronomy 21:23, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree!” God
did NOT “curse Jesus!” Jesus became a “CURSE FOR US!” NOTE also
II Corinthians 5:21 where the apostle said that the One “who knew no sin,
He made to be sin….”

9. Becoming a “CURSE FOR US” enables the blessing of Abraham to come to the
Gentiles so that we may receive the promise of the Spirit “THROUGH
FAITH” (3:14). The promised Holy Spirit came through the GOSPEL,
NOT through the Law!

E. God’s PROMISE to ABRAHAM was NOT MADE VOID by the coming of the Law
at Mount Sinai, for the PROMISE to Abraham came BEFORE the Law
(Galatians 3:15-18).

1. Paul used the word, “COVENANT” or “WILL” (“diatheken”) to emphasize

a “human example.”

a. When a “covenant” or “will” is ratified, no one can “SET IT ASIDE”
or “ADD” CONDITIONS to it (3:15).

b. God made a “COVENANT” with Abraham!

c. NOTE: The “diatheke” (“Testament” or “Will”) of JESUS went into

effect when JESUS DIED (Hebrews 9:15-17).

2. The “ONE SEED” or “OFFSPRING” of Abraham who would bless all

nations is JESUS CHRIST! (3:16). See also Luke 1:55 and Acts 3:25.

a. God made the PROMISES to Abraham and his descendants (Genesis

12:1-7; 13:15; 17:7).



3. The Law of Moses, which came 430 years later MUST NOT, and CANNOT
destroy or nullify the GREAT PROMISE to Abraham (3:17). The
false teachers coming to the Galatians were evidently setting the LAW
in OPPOSITION to the PROMISE TO ABRAHAM! See also Acts 7:6.

4. The “inheritance” did NOT come through the Law, but was given MUCH
EARLIER by PROMISE to Abraham (3:18). Examine the same thought
in Romans 4:14.

F. The LAW OF MOSES did have a WONDERFUL PURPOSE! It was a “GUIDE” to

LEAD THE WAY TO CHRIST! (Galatians 3:19-29).

1. BUT, WHY WAS THE LAW GIVEN? If the Law of Moses DID NOT affect
the fulfillment of the promise to Abraham, WHY was it given? Evidently,
Paul anticipated this question.

2. It was given in order to deal with the PROBLEM OF SIN (3:19). It was added
“because of transgressions!” It was intended to be temporary! Consult also
Jeremiah 31:31-34.

a. The nation of Israel must realize its SINFULNESS! Paul stated that the
Law revealed sin (Romans 7:7; Romans 3:20). Through the Law
came the “knowledge of sin.” (McGarvey, page 269).

b. That Law at Mount Sinai was “ordained” by angels through a mediator,

MOSES. Study Acts 7:38, and 7:53. Also, Hebrews 2:2. Yet, it came
FROM GOD! However, God gave the promise to Abraham
DIRECTLY! Human mediators DIE, but God remains eternally!

3. The meaning of Galatians 3:20 is difficult to determine. A “mediator” necessarily

involves MORE THAN ONE PERSON. As noted in 3:19, there was NO
“mediator” when God gave the PROMISE to Abraham. But, “GOD IS ONE”
(Deuteronomy 6:4). (Johnson, pages 94, 95).

4. The Law, then, was NOT contrary to GOD’S PROMISES! (3:21). “May it
never be!” Law could not really give “spiritual life!” It could NOT
bring “LIFE!” Notice that from Romans 8:1-4, CHRIST accomplished
WHAT “LAW” COULD NOT DO! Study also II Timothy 1:10 where Paul
stated that “LIFE” and “IMMORTALITY” were brought to light through
the gospel.

a. NOTE: In Galatians 3:21, the last time in the verse where the word
“Law” (“ ek nomou”) is given, there is NO ARTICLE, “THE.”
Spiritual LIFE cannot be attained under a “law system” where
salvation is sought on the basis of “MERIT,” in which the
person seeks to “EARN” salvation by his good deeds.

b. Paul was NOT OPPOSED to the Law. He “joyfully” concurred

in the Law (Romans 7:22)

5. Therefore, Paul affirmed that “Scripture shut up all men under sin” so that the
great Promise “by faith” in Christ Jesus might be realized (3:22). “Life”
does not come by law, it must ‘be given’” (Johnson, page 96). The phrase,
“shut up” (“sunekleisen”) literally means to “imprison.” “confine,” “close
up together,” “hem in,” “enclose” (Arndt-Gingrich Lexicon, page 781).
Examine this same thought in Romans 11:32. When men are “confined”
in sin, GOD SHOWS MERCY through Christ! All have sinned
(Romans 3:9).

6. Paul taught that BEFORE FAITH came in Christ, men, including himself, were
“confined under the Law,” “kept in custody” (3:23). This is the same
Greek word in participle form that is found in 3:22. So, the “Law” was in
God’s plan as part of His “Scheme of Redemption.”

7. EXAMINE THIS WONDERFUL PURPOSE! The “Law” was a “guardian,”

or “tutor,” or “custodian” (“paidagogos”) to lead men to Christ so that they
can be “justified by faith” (3:24). The “pedagogue” was a trusted servant
who was “in charge of” the child in a family. He was a “boy leader.”

a. Today, he would be like a “trusted” school bus driver taking the children
to the teacher. But, he was also a “guard” for the children, protecting
them from harm.

b. This word, “paidagogos” is also used in I Corinthians 4:15 where Paul

said that the Corinthians might have many “tutors,” (“guides” in
RSV), but he, Paul, was the one who had caused them to be “begotten”
in Christ through the gospel.
c. Men must be “JUSTIFIED BY FAITH!”

8. BUT, now that “THE faith” has come, THEY WERE NO LONGER UNDER
THAT “paidagogos!” (3:25). Men and women must be SAVED through
God’s system of “FAITH” and “RELIANCE” on JESUS! The Law did
NOT have power to REDEEM FROM SIN!

9. People become “CHILDREN OF GOD” by faith in Christ Jesus (3:26). Study

the expression “sons (children) of God” as seen in Romans 8:14-17.


(Galatians 3:27).

a. There must be a “LIKENESS” of the DEATH, BURIAL, and

“BURIED” through baptism, and “RAISED” to walk a new life
(Romans 6:1-5). Note also Colossians 2:11, 12.

b. Notice that in Romans 6:1-5, Paul spoke of being “BAPTIZED INTO

CHRIST” (Romans 6:3).

c. “IN CHRIST” there is: (“Through” Christ, and “In” Christ)

(1) “Every spiritual blessing” (Ephesians 1:3).

(2) “Redemption” and “forgiveness” (Ephesians 1:7; Colossians


(3) A “New creation” (II Corinthians 5:17).

(4) “Salvation” (II Timothy 2:10)

(5) “Eternal Life” (I John 5:11, 12).

d. Paul used an expression “PUT ON CHRIST” as one would “put on”

clothing to emphasize that Christians are to develop the HEART
and ACTIONS that are like Christ. But, many times, this is a process
that requires a PERIOD OF TIME. Christ had NOT YET been
“formed” in the Galatians (Galatians 4:19). Study the need for
Christians to have the “MIND OF CHRIST” (Philippians 2:4-8).

11. The Galatian Christians, who were Gentiles, must realize that they were NOT
required to become JEWS in order to be saved (Galatians 3:28).

a. “IN CHRIST” there is neither JEW nor “GREEK” (Gentiles), neither

slave nor free men, neither male nor female. Read Colossians 3:11,
I Corinthians 12:13, and Romans 10:12.
b. By its very nature, TRUE CHRISTIANITY destroys the practice of
SLAVERY! Examine Philemon 10-16.

c. Would this verse be a “shock” to JEWISH MEN who many times had
been thankful that they were “NOT BORN A GENTILE OR A

12. If a person “belongs to Christ,” he or she is ABRAHAM’S SPIRITUAL

“SEED,” (spiritual offspring), and “HEIRS” of the promise given to
Abraham (3:29). Blessing is NOT based on PHYSICAL DESCENT! It is



1. How did Paul describe the Galatian disciples in Galatians 3:1?

2. How had the Galatians received the HOLY SPIRIT? (3:2). Under “Law”
OR under “FAITH?”

3. When the Lord worked miracles among them, was it by “Law” or by “Faith?”

4. Did Abraham receive BLESSINGS from God through “Law” or “Faith?”

5. WHICH CAME FIRST ---- (1) Abraham receiving the command of circumcision,
OR, (2) Abraham being “declared righteous” by God?

6. In WHAT WAY was the “gospel” preached to Abraham? (3:8)

7. Give FIVE words beginning with “P” that summarize God’s ETERNAL

8. Who are the “spiritual sons” of Abraham?

9. In WHAT WAY did the “Law” bring a “CURSE?”

10. In WHAT WAY did Christ “become a CURSE?”

11. How many years BEFORE the “Law” was given did God give the
PROMISE to Abraham?

12. Who is the “SEED” or descendant of Abraham that would “BLESS ALL
NATIONS?” (Genesis 12:3; Galatians 3:16)

13. What was the GREAT PURPOSE of the “Law?” (3:19-25)

14. What GREAT PROBLEM was “revealed” by the “Law?”

15. What is it that the LAW COULD NOT DO? (3:21)

16. The “Law” was a “PEDAGOGUE.” What does this mean?

17. How does one get “INTO CHRIST?” Consult also Romans 6:1-5;
Colossians 2:11, 12.

18. Please suggest some BLESSINGS that are found “IN CHRIST”

19. Discuss “UNITY” in Christ from Galatians 3:28, 29. Include a

consideration of the problem of “discrimination.”

20. How does true Christianity ELIMINATE SLAVERY?

21. If a person “belongs to Christ,” what is his or her relationship to Abraham?


G. A System of “LAW” makes SLAVES, but the System of “FAITH” in Christ makes
“SONS” (Galatians 4:1-7).

1. These verses are a continuation of the last several verses of chapter 3. There is
NO BREAK in the thought. Under Christ, disciples are “SONS” (4:1).

2. While a child in the family is a “minor,” he does NOT YET have the inheritance
of the family. He is like a slave even though he will inherit the entire
possessions of the father of the family! (4:1).

4. The child is under “guardians” (epitropous”) and “managers” (“oikonomous”)

until the date set by the father (4:2). The word, “guardian” is also used in
Matthew 20:8 for a “foreman.” The word, “managers” is the common word
for “steward,” the “manager” of a “house.” Note I Corinthians 4:1, 2. In
some examples, a child would be under guardians until age fourteen, and,
perhaps, under a “trustee” caring for the estate until age twenty-five.
(Johnson, page 103).

5. In the same way, Paul said that the disciples, while children, had been kept
under “bondage” (4:3). “Elemental things” (“stoicheia”) is difficult to
define. McGarvey, page 272, said that both Jews and Gentiles, before
Christ, were in a condition of “bondage,” either under the Law of Moses, or
paganism, and that this condition of slavery under “LAW” is called,
“rudiments of the world.”

6. When, in the wisdom of God, the “time” (“chronou”) was “full,” God sent
His Son, born of woman, born “under Law” (4:4).
a. It was the “RIGHT TIME” for Jesus to come. From a human standpoint,
it was a good time! There was peace in the Roman Empire, many
Roman roads, a common language, Greek, etc..

b. BUT, more than that, RELIGION at that time was in a terrible condition.
Idolatry was worshiping the “creature” (Romans 1:18-32). Judaism
was steeped in “tradition,” and sectarianism abounded.

c. The phrase, “God sent forth” and “born of woman” would emphasize,
BOTH the “pre-existence of Christ” and the “Virgin Birth.”

(1) NOTE the “pre-existence of Christ” in the following Scriptures:

(John 6:38; 8:58; 17:5, 1:1-3; Colossians 1:14-17; Hebrews
1:1-3, etc.). Read the gospel of John and see every passage stating
that Jesus was “SENT” from the Father. Also, note the phrase,
“I came down out of heaven….” (John 6:41, 42, 50, 51, etc.).
He “descended” and then “ascended” (Ephesians 4:9, 10).

(2) NOTE the “virgin birth” in Matthew 1, 2, but also see the
“Incarnation” in Philippians 2:5-11; Hebrews 2:14-18.

7. Jesus came to “REDEEM” (“exagorase”) those that were “under Law” (4:5).
This is the same word, “redeem” that Paul used in 3:13. It means to gain
“freedom!” “to buy back!” When the redemption takes place, the redeemed
ones are “adopted” as sons! This is done when people are “baptized into
Christ” (Galatians 3:26, 27). Study also Romans 8:14-17; Ephesians 1:5.

8. Paul used the pronoun, “WE” in 4:5. Then, in 4:6, he used the pronoun “YOU”
in the first part of the verse. The Galatians were “SONS!” Because they
were “SONS,” “God sent forth” the Spirit of His Son “into our hearts.”

a. The phrase “God sent forth” is exactly the same as in 4:4. God “sent
forth” His Son from heaven, and God “sent forth” the Spirit “into our
hearts.” NOTE Scriptures that teach the Spirit is within the disciple
(II Corinthians 1:21, 22; Ephesians 1:13, 14; Acts 2:38; 5:32, etc.)

b. The word, “ABBA” is an Aramaic word and means “father.” Jesus used
this term in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:36). Examine also
Romans 8:15.

9. Because the Galatians were no longer slaves, but SONS, they were also “HEIRS”
through God (4:7). Study again Romans 8:14-17. God’s grace had made
it possible for them to be “sons” and “heirs.” Please note that the phrase,
“YOU ARE” (“ei”) in this verse is SINGULAR. It seems that Paul is seeking
to be personal and individual with EACH ONE of these brethren.

H. Paul’s PERSONAL APPEAL to the Galatians (Galatians 4:8-20).

1. The barrenness of the old ritualism of observing DAYS, MONTHS, SEASONS,
and YEARS (Galatians 4:8-11).

a. Paul had emphasized to them that they were no longer slaves, BUT SONS
and “HEIRS!” (4:7).

b. In 4:8, he is evidently talking to GENTILE disciples, who had been

“enslaved” in serving those which “by nature are no gods” (4:8).
They had been idolaters. This is quite similar to what Paul said in
I Corinthians 8:4-6. Notice also Isaiah 37:19 and Jeremiah 10:1-5.
To serve the “created” rather than the “CREATOR” is idolatry
(Romans 1:25).

c. Now that they had come to the point of “KNOWING GOD,” or rather
to be “KNOWN BY GOD,” why would they want to return to a
condition of “slavery” from which they had escaped? (4:9).

(1) Whether these Galatians be JEWS who should NOT return to

a “yoke” of bondage (“The Law”), or GENTILES, who had
come out of idolatrous “slavery,” they should NOT return to
such “weak and worthless elemental things.”

(2) Concerning “knowing God,” please examine such Scriptures as

John 17:3 and 7:29. In the Old Testament, the nations did
NOT “know God” (Jeremiah 10:25).

(3) Many will hear the Lord say in JUDGMENT, “I never knew you!”
(Matthew 7:21-23).

(4) Paul said that if a man “loves God,” he is “known by God”

(I Corinthians 8:3).

(5) The Greek word, “turn back” (“epistrephete”) (4:9) is in the present
tense which suggests that the Galatians were, AT THAT TIME,
beginning to turn back from the Lord.

d. The “DAYS, MONTHS, SEASONS, and YEARS” of 4:10 evidently refer

to Jewish holidays. Perhaps, the Judaizing teachers were imposing
these observances on the Galatians (4:10). Perhaps, these teachers
were saying that salvation depended on the observance of these holidays.

(1) The “DAYS” may refer to the Sabbath day being enjoined

(2) The “MONTHS” possibly refer to “new moon” observances. See

Colossians 2:14-17 and Isaiah 66:23.

(3) The “SEASONS” could refer to the ANNUAL feasts that involved
more than one day such as the Feast of Tabernacles, Passover, etc.

(4) The “YEARS” could possibly refer to the year of “JUBILEE,” etc..
(Ridderbos, pages 161, 162).

e. Because of their “bondage” in observing the “Law,” PAUL FEARED FOR

THEM! (4:11). He was afraid that his preaching, his “labor” would be
in vain. Examine the same thought concerning the Thessalonians
(I Thessalonians 3:5), and the church at Philippi (Philippians 2:16).
The word, “labored,” conveys the idea of work to the point of “fatigue.”

2. At one time, Paul and the Galatians had been VERY CLOSE, but NOW, he was
very concerned and PERPLEXED ABOUT THEM (Galatians 4:12-20).

a. Paul made an earnest APPEAL! (4:12). He “begged” them (“deomai”).

This word suggests a pleading “please.” Please see its use in
II Corinthians 8:4, where the Macedonians “begged” earnestly to
be able to share in the “grace” of GIVING.

(1) He begged them to BECOME AS HE WAS! This probably means

that Paul wanted them to GET OUT of the “bondage” of the

(2) Paul had BECOME AS THEY WERE! Paul was a Jew, but, he
had given up all that he had attained in Judaism. He was
identified with the Gentiles. See Philippians 3:1-11.

b Paul had PREACHED THE GOSPEL to them at the time when he had a
“bodily illness” (4:13). We do NOT know what this illness was. Some
have guessed that it was MALARIA, others EPILEPSY, or even a
severe EYE problem. We do know that he had been seriously hurt when
he was “STONED” at Lystra (Acts 14:19, 20). But, WE DO NOT
KNOW! Could it be that his “thorn in the flesh” was the same as this
illness? This is unknown (II Corinthians 12:7, 8).

c. BUT, the Galatians had NOT “SCORNED” Paul (4:14). They had
received him as an “angel,” a messenger from God, even as they would
Jesus Christ. Paul had been WARMLY WELCOMED by the Galatians.
Why have they changed?

d. Yes, what has happened to that GREAT WELCOME? (4:15). They had
even been willing to “pluck out” their eyes for him! Because eyes were
thought to be so PRECIOUS, this would be a figurative expression that
suggests they would do anything for Paul! They had a great “utang”
(debt of gratitude) because of what Paul had done for them. The NEB
translates this verse, “Have you forgotten how happy you thought
yourselves in having me with you?”

e. Because Paul spoke TRUTH to them, had he NOW become THEIR ENEMY?
(4:16). When we speak the TRUTH, there is the risk of making
“enemies.” Certainly, God’s people must ALWAYS “SPEAK THE
TRUTH IN LOVE” (Ephesians 4:15).

f. The false teachers were “seeking” the Galatians, but NOT

COMMENDABLY! It was NOT a good “seeking” (4:17).

(1) The Greek phrase here literally means, “They zealously seek you, but
NOT WELL! “Not sincerely,” “Not honestly.” Their MOTIVES

(2) These Judaizers wanted to “shut them out,” evidently making them
the “true disciples” and considering others LOST! It seems that
they wanted honor and prestige from the Galatians, for they
wanted the Galatians to “seek them.”

g. BUT, Paul said that if teachers are “seeking others” in a GOOD WAY,
that is COMMENDABLE! (4:18). It is always good to have the favor of
congregations of God’s people, and to be appreciated, even when Paul
was NOT present with them! Is this NOT TRUE of US?


THEM! (4:19). The phrase, “My little children” shows a tenderness,
but the passage is also reproving their actions. “Christ” is to be
“formed” within them! It had not yet happened!

(1) Like a mother, Paul had “given birth” to them. Note how similar
this is to I Corinthians 4:15 where Paul stated that he had
“begotten” the Corinthians “through the gospel.” Paul had
borne the PAIN of their “childbirth.”

(2) When Paul had evangelized at Thessalonica, he had treated the new
Christians like a “NURSING MOTHER” treats her children
(I Thessalonians 2:7, 8).

(3) NOTE: Every Christian must be molded in his life so that he


i. Paul wanted to be PRESENT with the Galatians and “change his tone”
(4:20). Being with them, talking to them, is always better than the
written word. Paul was truly “PERPLEXED” about the Galatians!
See this word also in II Corinthians 4:8. This word, “aporoumai” means
“to be at a loss,” “to be in doubt,” “to be uncertain.” HAVE WE

I. Paul gave a SCRIPTURAL “ALLEGORY” concerning SARAH and HAGAR to

(Galatians 4:21-31).

1. An allegory is a “….discourse, in which the principal subject is described by

another subject resembling it in its properties and circumstances.” (Dungan,
page 258). It has been described as “an extended metaphor.” It uses
historical facts as the basis for teaching a lesson.

2. Paul asked the Galatians to consider, if they desired to be under a “system of

law,” would they listen to what “THE LAW” said? (4:21). In this verse,
the article, “THE” is found with the second use of the word, “Law.”
Here, Paul used “The Law” in a GENERAL SENSE, for he will consider the
story of Sarah, Hagar, Isaac, and Ishmael in Genesis 21.

3. We are reminded that Paul had ALREADY spoken of ABRAHAM in this book
(Galatians 3:6-18). He had emphasized that the TRUE SONS of Abraham
are those of “FAITH” (Galatians 3:7). Those with “faith” in Christ are the
true “HEIRS” of the promise given to Abraham!

4. The familiar expression, “IT IS WRITTEN” (4:22) is in a tense in Greek that

says, “It was written previously, and it is still written.” Paul discussed TWO
SONS of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, one by the “slave,” HAGAR, and one
by the “free woman,” SARAH.” (Genesis 16:1-16; 21:1-21).

5. Ishmael was born “according to the flesh,” BUT, Isaac, the son of the “free
woman, was born “through the promise” (4:23). NOTE that Sarah was
90 years old when Isaac was born, and Abraham 100 years old (Genesis
17:17; 21:1-8; Read also Romans 4:17-21).

6. ALLEGORICALLY SPEAKING, (“allegoroumena”) the TWO WOMAN

represent TWO COVENANTS (4:24).

a. The word “covenants” (“diathekai”) would refer to the “Old Covenant”

given at Mount Sinai, and the “New Covenant” of Jesus. Study
` Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:6-13; 9:15-17, etc..

b. The “slave woman,” HAGAR is the covenant from MOUNT SINAI

which bears children who are to be “SLAVES.” Paul will speak
of a “YOKE OF SLAVERY” in Galatians 5:1.

c. Examine, at the conference in Jerusalem, that Peter said, “…Why do you

put God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a
YOKE (“zugon”) which neither our fathers nor we have been able
to bear?” (Acts 15:10).

7. Hagar, the “bond woman” is MOUNT SINAI in Arabia, and corresponds to

the present Jerusalem for “SHE IS IN SLAVERY WITH HER CHILDREN”
(4:25). In the Old Testament, usually the child of a slave was also a slave
(Genesis 17:12, 13), but, it is possible that Abraham could have selected the
status of Ishmael. Paul’s point is that those who are under the Old Covenant
are in a condition of SLAVERY! Slavery to “The Law!”

a. Mount Sinai is in Arabia in the general area where the ISHMAELITE

nation grew Note that the descendants of Hagar are the Ishmaelites
(Psalm 83:6). Observe the word, “Hagrites.” Read also I Chronicles
5:10, 19.

b. Paul’s emphasis is that Jerusalem is the center of JUDAISM and the

Jews are in spiritual slavery under the LAW!

c. We must SEE AGAIN that the TRUE SONS of Abraham are people
of “FAITH” in Christ and “heirs” of the promise to Abraham
(Galatians 3:6-16; Romans 4:13-17).

8. The spiritual Jerusalem, the one from above, is “our mother” (4:26). She is
“FREE!” There is “freedom” in CHRIST! Both Jews and Gentiles are
“FREE” in Christ!

a. Study the Biblical emphasis on the “spiritual Jerusalem,” the “heavenly

Jerusalem” (Hebrews 12:22, 23; Revelation 21:1-11) (Ridderbos,
pages 178, 179).

b. Those “in Christ” have a “citizenship” in heaven (Philippians 3:20, 21).

c. NOTE: Paul will speak about the “FREEDOM” in Christ

(Galatians 5:1). He will urge them NOT to return to a “YOKE” of

9. Paul may have been meditating about the “barren” woman SARAH (4:27).
He quoted Isaiah 54:1. Paul was stressing the fact that the spiritual
children of Abraham are MANY! Both JEWS and GENTILES can be
those “spiritual children.”

10. The CONCLUSION of Paul is that the GALATIANS, even uncircumcised

Gentiles who have been “baptized into Christ,” like ISAAC, are “children”
of the “promise” made to Abraham (4:28).

11. From the text in Genesis 21:9, it seems that the “child” of the “flesh,” ISHMAEL,
was “mocking” the “child of promise,” ISAAC (4:29). Paul used the word,
“persecuted,” (“edioke”). The imperfect tense of the Greek of this word
suggests that ISHMAEL continued this kind of treatment of ISAAC. Paul
said, “So it is now also!” Evidently, Paul has in mind the thought that the
false teachers of the Galatians were OPPOSING the “true children” of

12. Paul then quoted Genesis 21:10 where SARAH told Abraham to “Cast out the
bondwoman and her son.” (4:30). The slave, Hagar, and son, Ishmael MUST
NOT BE AN HEIR with the child, ISAAC, of the free woman, SARAH!

a. In the Genesis account, God told Abraham to fulfill the demand of SARAH
(Genesis 21:12, 13). So, Abraham sent away Hagar and Ishmael, but
GOD blessed them (Genesis 21:14-21).

b. In this ALLEGORY, the apostle Paul emphasized that the TWO COULD
NOT INHERIT TOGETHER! The Galatians must learn that the
OLD and the NEW COVENANTS cannot be mixed.

13. THE FINAL WORD: Paul and the Galatians were NOT children of the
bondwoman but children of the free woman (4:31). Therefore, DO NOT



1. In what way does a “law system” make “SLAVES?” (4:1-3; 5:1; Acts 15:10)

2. Discuss the “Pre-existence” of Christ from several Scriptures beginning at

Galatians 4:4.

3. How is the “Virgin Birth” found in Galatians 4:4?

4. What is the meaning of the word, “REDEEM?” (4:4, 5)

5. Discuss the “indwelling Spirit” in “our hearts” (4:4-6). How does He “indwell?”

6. What is the meaning of “ABBA?” Show another Scripture where this word
is found.

7. What were the Galatians observing that concerned Paul very deeply?
(4:8-11). In what way were their actions considered “slavery?”

8. Describe the possible meaning of, “DAYS, MONTHS, SEASONS, and YEARS.”

9. From 4:12-20, why was Paul “PERPLEXED” about the Galatians?

10. Discuss the “bodily illness” of Paul while he was with them (4:13)
What might this illness be? Do we know?

11. What is the meaning of the Galatians receiving Paul as an “angel?”


12. Explain: They would have “plucked out their eyes” (4:15)

13. What caused the Galatians to “lose” their WARM WELCOME of Paul?

14. Discuss HOW “TRUTH” can make enemies (4:16). Discuss HOW we
should always approach people with “TRUTH.”

15. What were the WRONG MOTIVES of the false teachers? (4:17)

16. What does it mean to have CHRIST “formed in you?” (4:19)

17. What is the literal meaning of “PERPLEXED?” (4:20)

18. What is an “ALLEGORY?” (4:21-31)

19. What do the two women in the “allegory,” Hagar and Sarah, represent?

20. Who would ISAAC and ISHMAEL represent?

21. What is the GREAT MEANING of the statement, “Cast out the bondwoman
and her son!” (4:30). NOTE: “For the son of the.….”



(Galatians 5:1-6:10).


(Galatians 5:1-6).

1. The apostle Paul will now turn to a PRACTICAL discussion concerning “freedom
in Christ” and the RIGHT USE OF THAT FREEDOM. “Freedom” in Christ
DOES NOT mean the right to live in an ungodly way!

2. CONSIDER: The principle of “FREEDOM” is found in such passages as John

8:31-36 and Galatians 5:13. Paul has already discussed the fact that CHRIST
delivers men from the “CURSE” of the LAW (Galatians 3:13). It is for
“freedom” that Christ sets men “free!” (5:1).
3. One must “continue to stand” and NOT be “entangled” again in the “YOKE” of
“SLAVERY” (5:1). Do NOT RETURN to the LAW!

a. The word, “zugon” (yoke) was also used by Peter in Acts 15:10. Peter said
that they and their fathers were NOT ABLE to bear such a “YOKE”
on their necks, the requirements of the LAW. The “yoke” of the LAW
is a “slave’s law” (Johnson, page 134).

b. We NOTE that the JEWS had their “YOKE,” and SO DID the GENTILES

c. The word, “YOKE” is also used concerning physical “SLAVES” (I Timothy

6:1), and the statement of Jesus that HIS “YOKE” is “LIGHT!”
(Matthew 11:29, 30).

4. Paul is saying, “LISTEN!” (5:2). “Behold, I Paul say to you” is emphatic! This
is so very important! If they insisted on CIRCUMCISION, Christ would
be of NO VALUE to them! If Gentiles must be circumcised TO BE SAVED,
then what has happened to the SACRIFICE of JESUS? Paul strongly
opposed this!

5. If these false teachers demanded that GENTILES be circumcised, then they

are “BOUND” (“opheiletes”) to OBEY THE ENTIRE LAW! (5:3). This
word means, “to owe something to someone,” “to be indebted to” (Arndt-
Gingrich Lexicon, page 603). Examine again Galatians 3:10 and James

6. If the Galatians would try to be “justified by the Law,” they would be “severed”
from Christ, they were “FALLEN FROM GRACE” (5:4).

a. The first thing to be observed is that the Galatians were Christians. They
were God’s children.

(1) They were “brethren” (Galatians 4:12; 5:11; 6:1).

(2) They had been “baptized into Christ” (3:27).

(3) They were “sons” of God (3:26; 4:5-7).

(4) Because they were “sons,” the “Spirit of Christ” was in their
hearts (4:6).

(5) They “knew God” and were “known by God” (4:9).

b. BUT, if they sought to be “justified by law,” they would FALL FROM

“THE GRACE!” (tes charitos”). Study other passages that teach
the same truth (Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26-31; II Peter 2:20-22 etc.)
c. The word, “severed,” (“katergethete”) means “released from an
association with someone…” or “estranged” (Arndt-Gingrich
Lexicon, page 418). If a person would try to be righteous by his own
merit, salvation is no longer by “GRACE!” “Grace” is the “unmerited
favor of God!”

7. Paul, and other men and women of “FAITH,” will RELY on Christ to make them
righteous (5:5). Notice how Paul brings together four of his MAIN words,
“Spirit,” “Faith,” “Hope,” “Righteousness” (Johnson, page 137). Also,
Paul was evidently looking ahead to the final judgment, to his being declared
righteous at that time, for he speaks of waiting for the “hope of righteousness.”
NOTE: “Justification” and “righteousness” come from the same Greek word,
forms of “dikaioosune.”

8. When a person is “IN CHRIST JESUS,” neither “circumcision” or

un-circumcision” has any value. What is VITAL is “FAITH WORKING
THROUGH LOVE! (5:6). Examine Galatians 6:15 and I Corinthians 7:19.

a. A TRUE “LIVING” FAITH will always be expressed in what is DONE!

b. The person DOES NOT “EARN” his salvation on the basis of what is
DONE, BUT, the person of FAITH must always have an “ACTIVE
FAITH” (I Thessalonians 1:3, etc.).

c. Notice how Paul connects “FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE” (I Corinthians

13:13; Colossians 1:4, 5 in addition to these verses).

B. Those who were leading the GALATIANS away from the TRUE GOSPEL were
CONDEMNED (Galatians 5:7-12).

1. The Galatians had been “RUNNING WELL” in the past. But, they had been
“hindered” from “OBEYING THE TRUTH” (5:7). Paul sometimes used
the illustration of a “RACE” to describe the Christian life (I Corinthians
9:24-27; Philippians 2:16; 3:14; II Timothy 4:6-8). Paul did NOT want
to “run in vain” (Galatians 2:2). See also Hebrews 12:1-3. “Truth is the
cry of all, but the game of few” (Johnson, page 140).

QUESTION: Was there a main man, a “ring leader” of the false teachers?
(See number “4” below).

2. Those who were persuading the Galatians NOT to continue in the TRUTH were
NOT from the One who had CALLED THEM (5:8).

a. The One who had CALLED them was GOD! (Galatians 1:6).

b. People are “CALLED” through the GOSPEL, the message of God

(II Thessalonians 2:13, 14; I Thessalonians 2:12, 13).
3. The apostle Paul than used a well known illustration: The work of “LEAVEN”

a. “LEAVEN” is sometimes used with a GOOD MEANING. For example,

the kingdom of the Lord is compared to “Leaven” (Matthew 13:33).

b. However, it seems to be USED MORE with a BAD MEANING! There

can be an EVIL INFLUENCE! Study I Corinthians 5:1-6. False
teachers can affect adversely the lives of MANY PEOPLE! We
wonder HOW MANY GALATIAN CHURCHES were being troubled
by these “Judaizing” teachers?

4. BUT, Paul had a confidence and an optimism that the Galatians would accept
NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH (5:10). Then, Paul stated that the “one” who
was troubling them would “bear his judgment, whoever he is.” He used a
singular number here, evidently referring to the “main” man, or “ring leader.”
That judgment would be the ETERNAL JUDGMENT! See Galatians 1:6-9.

5. Evidently, some thought that Paul was still preaching circumcision (5:11).
Perhaps, the false teachers would say that Paul would preach
circumcision whenever he thought it wise to do so. Paul denied this.

a. Paul reasoned that, if he was still preaching circumcision, why was he

opposed and persecuted? Could it be, that, because Paul
circumcised Timothy, they would say this? (Acts 16:1-3). WE

b. If Paul were preaching circumcision, then the “stumbling block of the

CROSS would be “abolished.” We get the word, “SCANDAL” from
“stumbling block,” (“skandalon”). The CROSS was a “scandal” to
the JEWS (I Corinthians 1:23). They could NOT accept a “crucified”

c. The “CROSS” was the very CENTER of Paul’s preaching

(I Corinthians 2:1, 2; 15:1-4, etc.).

6. Paul made one of the strongest statements found in any of his writings (5:12).
WHY? He was deeply troubled! The future of the church in Galatia
was “at stake.” He said, “I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate
themselves.” It may be that the New English Bible is correct when it
translates this verse, “As for these agitators, they had better go the whole
way and make eunuchs of themselves.” The Greek word translated
“mutilate” (“apokopsontai”) means “to cut off” a limb, and even to
“castrate” “make a eunuch of” (Arndt-Gingrich Lexicon, page 92)
(Ridderbos, pages 194, 195).

C. “FREEDOM” in Christ must NOT lead to a CARNAL, FLESHLY LIFE (5:13-15).
If Christians are controlled by LOVE, this will NOT HAPPEN!

1. The word, “freedom” (“eleutheria”) and other forms of the same Greek word
are found 11 times in the book of Galatians, 7 times in the book of Romans,
and 8 times in I and II Corinthians. (Johnson, page 146).

2. It is true that, if Christians misuse the “freedom” in Christ, WRONG ACTIONS

and ungodly living can be the result. READ: I Peter 2:16; I Corinthians 8:9.

3. “Freedom” should NOT lead to “FLESHLY LIVING,” but, LOVE (“agape”)

should be the controlling emotion in our lives (5:13). See I Corinthians 13.

a. “Agape” (Love), will cause us to be “SLAVES” “serving” (“doulouete”)

our brothers and sisters in Christ! Study the fact that Paul was a
“SLAVE” (“doulous”) of the brothers and sisters at Corinth
(II Corinthians 4:5).

b. This verse is one of the “ONE ANOTHER” passages in Scripture. Study

Galatians 6:2; John 13:34, 35; I Peter 1:22; Hebrews 10:24, 25, etc.,

4. If the Galatians wanted to follow the LAW, they should realize that the whole
Law is summed up in one statement concerning HOW we treat others:
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (5:14).

a. Examine Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 7:12; 22:37-40, Luke 10:25-37,

Romans 13:8-10.

b. Is it true that God’s people must place a “PRIORITY” on helping those

in the “household of faith?” (Galatians 6:9, 10).

5. There was dissension and trouble among the Galatian disciples (5:15). If they
would “bite” and “devour” one another, they would “consume” one another!
They would “destroy” one another! The Greek word, “ei” is used for the word
“IF” in this verse, and it suggests the idea that they were really guilty of this
evil. “If” they do these things, and they were….”

a. The word, “devour” (“katesthiete”), means “to eat up” and is used for the
scribes who would “devour widows’ houses” (Mark 12:40)
(Arndt-Gingrich Lexicon, page 423).

b. The “ONE ANOTHER” passages are almost universally “POSITIVE” in

nature. We SHOULD LOVE one another, ENCOURAGE, “BEAR
BURDENS,” etc.. However, this Scripture (5:15) is a NEGATIVE
“one another” passage, discussing a thing WE MUST NOT DO!

(Galatians 5:16-26).

1. Living ACCORDING TO THE “FLESH” brings DESTRUCTION (5:16-21).

a. Paul’s statement, “But, I say” is placing great emphasis on what he is

about to encourage them to do (5:16). It is important!


by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:4-14). “Walking by the Spirit” will
cause the disciple of Christ to “flee” the evil things of the flesh!

c. “….Do not gratify the desires of the flesh!” Of course, these are EVIL
desires (5:16).

(1) The word, “desire” (“epithumian”) can refer to GOOD desires.

Paul had a “desire” (“epithumian”) to depart and be with Christ
(Philippians 1:23). That is a GOOD DESIRE!

(2) But, much of the time in Scripture, this word is used for BAD
DESIRES. For example, the word “LUST” is the same
word, It is used for BAD desires in I John 2:15-17 for the
“LUST” (“epithumia”) of the FLESH, and the “LUST” of
the EYE! The CONTEXT of the passages helps with the

d. “FLESH” and “SPIRIT” are always in OPPOSITION to each other

(5:17). But, the Christian, if he “walks by the Spirit,” will be
victorious with the Lord! See also Romans 8:12, 13.

e. Paul then RETURNED to his discussion of the LAW! (5:18). NOTE

that he has shown the CONTRAST between the following:

(1) Contrast between “SPIRIT” and “LAW” (Galatians 3:2).

(2) Contrast between “FAITH” and “LAW” (Galatians 3:22-25).

(3) Contrast between “FREEDOM” and “SLAVERY” (Galatians

4:21-31; 5:1).

(4) Contrast between “SPIRIT” and “FLESH” (Galatians 5:16-26).

(Johnson, page 151).

f. When led by the “Spirit,” the Galatians would NOT be under a “law
system,” but rather “faith” in Christ (5:18). Consider Romans 6:14.

g. Now, Paul listed the “WORKS” of the “FLESH” (5:19-21). The apostle will
show a CONTRAST between a life governed by FLESHLY DESIRES,
and a life led by the “SPIRIT.” The works of the flesh are very PLAIN!
We NOTE that Paul had WARNED THE GALATIANS about these

A LIST OF THE “WORKS OF THE FLESH:” (Definitions taken from

Arndt-Gingrich Greek Lexicon). English words are from the
New American Standard Version.

(1) “Immorality” (“porneia”). The common word for “fornication.”

(5:19). It means “prostitution,” and is a general word for “every
kind of unlawful sexual intercourse” (Arndt-Gingrich, page 699).
Read I Corinthians 5:1.

(2) “Impurity” (“akathartia”). It referred to “refuse,” but in a MORAL

sense to “immorality,” “viciousness,” especially of sexual sins
(A. and G., page 28). Study its use in II Corinthians 12:21;
Ephesians 5:3 and Colossians 3:5.

(3) “Sensuality” (“aselgeia”). It means “licentiousness,” “debauchery,”

To “follow the inclination of sensuality.” (A. and G., page 114).
See its use in Ephesians 4:19, I Peter 4:3, II Peter 2:2.

(4) “Idolatry” (“eidololatria”). (5:20). It is not only used for the

worship of idols, but even “GREED” is called “idolatry”
(Colossians 3:5). It is also used in context with terrible deeds
connected with idol worship (I Peter 4:3). (A. and G. page 220).

(5) “Sorcery” (“pharmakeia”). “Sorcery,” “Magic arts,” and it was

associated with drugs. One form of the word was used for
“poisons,” and “mixing poisons” (A. and G., page 861).

(6) “Enmities” (“echthrai”). It suggests “hostile feelings and actions.”

One can have “enmity” toward God (James 4:4), or there can
be “enmity” between people (Luke 23:12). (A. and G., page 331)

(7) “Strife” (“eris”). It means “discord” and “contention.” (A. and G.

page 309). Examine its use in Philippians 1:15 and Titus 3:9.

(8) “Jealousy” (“zelos”). This word is sometimes used in a very good

way to mean “ZEAL,” for example in II Corinthians 9:2. BUT,
in other contexts, it has a bad meaning, similar to “ENVY.”
See this use in II Corinthians 12:20 (A. and G., page 338).

(9) “Outbursts of Anger” (“thumoi”). This word means “passionate

wrath,” “to reach such a pitch of fury” (II Corinthians 12:20).
(A. and G., pages 365, 366).
(10) “Disputes” (“epitheiai”). At one time, this word conveyed the
meaning of the “self-seeking pursuit of political office by unfair
means.” It is “selfishness” and “selfish ambition” “disputes
or outbreaks of selfishness” (A. and G., page 309). Observe
its use in II Corinthians 12:20 and Philippians 1:17.

(11) “Dissensions” (“dichostasiai”). NOTE that this word is used in

Romans 16:17 to refer to those causing “DIVISIONS” as seen in
the American Standard Version.

(12) “Factions” (“haireseis”). This is the familiar word for “SECT,”

such as the “sect” of Sadducees (Acts 5:17), “sect” of the
Pharisees (Acts 15:5) and means a “party,” or “school.”
Thayer’s Greek Lexicon says, “a body of men separating
themselves from others and following their own tenets (a sect
or party)” (page 16).. This would be similar to a
“denomination” today. Examine this word, “faction” in
I Corinthians 11:19 and “destructive heresies” in II Peter 2:1.

(13) “Envying” (“phthonoi”). (5:21) It means “envy” or “jealousy”

(A. and G., page 865). “Envy” is similar to “jealousy,” and
suggests “ill will” or “malice” toward someone. Examine
its use in Mark 15:10; Titus 3:3; I Timothy 6:4; I Peter 2:1.

(14) “Drunkenness” (“methai”). “Dissipation” and “drunkenness.”

Consider this word in Romans 13:13 and Luke 21:34 (A. and G.,
page 500).

(15) “Carousing” (“komoi”). “Excessive feasting,” “carousing,”

(A. and G., page 462). This word is seen also in Romans 13:13
and I Peter 4:3. This behavior was usually seen in “drinking

NOTE: At some time in the past, PAUL HAD WARNED the

Galatians about the “works of the flesh” (5:21). Now,
he affirmed that those “who practice” these will NOT
“inherit the kingdom.” This is speaking of the future
“ETERNAL” aspect of God’s kingdom such as is found
in II Peter 1:11, I Corinthians 15:20-28, 50-58, etc.

2. Living according to the “SPIRIT” is the TRUE WALK of those who are
“SPIRITUALLY MINDED” (Galatians 5:22-26).

a. The opposite of the “works of the flesh” is the “FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT”
(Galatians 5:22, 23).

(1) The word “FRUIT” is a SINGULAR word. Perhaps, Paul was

saying that there is a beautiful UNITY found in these qualities
of the “Spirit Led” person. Some writers speak of the “harvest”
of the “Spirit.”

(2) Paul considered qualities like these to be “SUPERIOR!” For

example, NOTE that “LOVE” (“agape”) is superior to
miraculous gifts (I Corinthians 12:31; 13:1-13).

(3) “LOVE” is “agape” love, (5:22), the love of God for man (John
3:16), It is the love of man for God and for his brothers
(Matthew 22:37; John 13:34, 35). God is “LOVE!” (I John 4:8).
It is a love that “seeks the very best” for the one who is loved.
This is the LOVE that Christians are to have for “ENEMIES”
(Matthew 5:43, 44).

(4) “JOY” (“chara”) is closely connected with the Holy Spirit (Romans
14:17; I Thessalonians 1:6), and conveys the sense of “spiritual
well-being” because of our HOPE in Christ. The “JOY” of the
“spiritual person” is NOT destroyed by adverse situations such
as SUFFERING (II Corinthians 6:10; Hebrews 12:1-3).

(5) “PEACE” (“eirene”) is a word that seems to be similar to the

Hebrew word, “shalom” (Johnson, page 158). It is a feeling of
calm assurance because of one’s relationship to God. Examine
Romans 5:1; Philippians 4:4-7).

(6) “PATIENCE” (“makrothumia”) is translated “longsuffering” in

the King James Version. If we are “patient,” we will
“bear with” the weaknesses of others. We will be “patient” with
them, NOT excusing wrong, but attempting to help. It is the
quality of “forbearance” toward others (Arndt-Gingrich
Lexicon, page 489). Note Ephesians 4:1-3.

(7) “KINDNESS” (“chrestotes”) is a quality of “goodness,” and

“generosity.” It is used of GOD’S kindness (Romans 2:4), as
well as that of MAN (Colossians 3:12; II Corinthians 6:6)
(Arndt-Gingrich Lexicon, page 894).

(8) “GOODNESS” (“agathosune”) seems to be the practical

application of kindness in the heart. How will our kindness
be expressed? Arndt-Gingrich, page 3 states that it may mean
“GENEROSITY” in this passage. Study also Romans 15:14;
Ephesians 5:9; II Thessalonians 1:11.

(9) “FAITHFULNESS” (“pistis”) not only suggests conviction about

the Lord, but here probably the quality of “trustworthiness.”
Another word would be “loyalty.” One who can be trusted.
Notice the “reliability” of GOD, the “faithfulness” of God
(Romans 3:3), and then, the “trustworthiness” of slaves toward
their “masters” (Titus 3:10) (Arndt-Gingrich, page 668).

(10) “GENTLENESS” (5:23) (“prautes”). This word means

“gentleness, humility, courtesy, consideration” (Arndt-Gingrich,
page 705), and is translated “meekness” in the older versions.
Gentleness is NOT a sign of weakness or fear! There is GREAT
STRENGTH that is UNDER CONTROL! See “meekness” in
Colossians 3:12, Ephesians 4:2 and the “Beatitudes” (Matthew
5:5). Consider the “meekness” of Jesus (Matthew 11:29;
21:5; II Corinthians 10:1).

CONSIDER: We will see this word again in Galatians 6:1 where

Paul encouraged “spiritual” people to “restore” those
guilty of “trespasses” in a spirit of “GENTLENESS!”

(11) “SELF-CONTROL” (“egkrateia”). This means that we are the

“masters” of our own bodies, in control of SELF! If people do
NOT have sexual self-control, “let them marry” (I Corinthians
7:9). NOTE that in ATHLETICS, in the athlete’s training, he
must be “self-controlled” in all things (I Corinthians 9:25).
Consider other Scriptures such as Acts 24:25 and II Peter 1:6.

NOTE: There is “NO LAW” that would be in opposition to these

beautiful qualities which are based on LOVE! (5:23).

b. Those who “BELONG TO CHRIST” have “CRUCIFIED” the “FLESH”

with all its desires and passion (5:24). Examine a similar expression
in Colossians 3:5 where those “raised” with Christ (Romans 6:1-5) are
to “PUT TO DEATH” the sinful ways of their former life.

(1) The word, “passion” may be used in a GOOD or BAD sense. It can
be used for the “passion,” the “suffering” of Christ (Hebrews
2:10), OR for the evil “passions” of the flesh as it is in Galatians
5:24. The Context must determine the meaning.

(2) In the same way, the word “DESIRES” (“epithumiais”) can be

used with either a GOOD or BAD meaning. Paul had a “desire”
to DIE and “be with Christ” (Philippians 1:23). BUT, there is
also a BAD meaning, “LUST,” an “evil desire.” Study “LUST”
in I John 2:15-17. The emphasis is on “living according to the
Spirit,” living for Him who DIED FOR US! (II Corinthians
5:14, 15).

c. “WALK by the Spirit” in 5:25 is NOT the same word as “Walk by the
Spirit” in 5:16. The word here, “stoichomen” is sometimes used for
a “RULE,” a PATH by which to walk. Walk a “straight” line! This
word is used in Galatians 6:16, and is translated, “Walk by this rule.”
NOTE also that the idea found in Philippians 3:16, “living by that same
standard….” would emphasize the same thought. Follow the Spirit!

d. Paul included himself (5:26) and said, “Let us not become boastful,” do
NOT “challenge” one another, and do NOT “envy.” HUMILITY, and
NOT PRIDE, is Paul’s encouragement! Read Philippians 2:3. Let us
“boast” “only in the Lord!” (I Corinthians 1:31). The word,
“challenge” means to “PROVOKE” someone, to be combative. Paul
told Timothy, “…The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome….”
(II Timothy 2:24).




1. From what were the Galatians “set free?” (Consider two possible answers from
Galatians 5:1-4; 3:13; John 8:32-36)

2. What was the “YOKE” of the Jews? (Read Acts 15:10)..How were they in “slavery?”
What was the “yoke” of Gentile Christians?

3. If these false teachers “bound” circumcision, they were also OBLIGATED to

_______________________ (5:3)

4. If the Galatians tried to be “justified by the Law,” they would _____________

from the “grace” of God (5:4)

5. Give Scriptures which teach that the Galatians were truly saved, and, yet,
they could “fall away,” and be LOST! “Once saved, always saved” is NOT
Biblically correct!

6. Give other Scriptures which show clearly that a child of God can “fall away”
and be LOST!

7. When a person is “IN CHRIST,” what is it that HAS NO VALUE? (5:6). What

8. Suggest Scriptures which teach that in “salvation by grace through faith,”

OBEDIENCE is still in harmony with “faith,” and is commanded.

9. Give Scriptures which compare the Christian life to a “RACE.” (5:7)

10. HOW does God “CALL” people? (5:8, etc.)

11. Show the “GOOD” and “BAD” usages and meanings of the word “LEAVEN.”

12. If Paul were still preaching the necessity of circumcision, why was he being
______________ ? (5:11)

13. In WHAT WAY is the “CROSS” of Christ a “stumbling block?” (5:11)

14. What is the meaning of ”mutilate” in 5:12?

15. Give some of the beautiful, positive “ONE ANOTHER” passages, and
discuss their meaning.

16. Show that Paul was a “slave” of his brothers and sisters (Note first 5:13)

17. What great command, found in 5:14, “sums up” the “Law?”

18. What was one of the serious problems among the Galatians which is found
in 5:15?

19. What is the meaning of the phrase, “Walking by the Spirit?” (5:16-18)

20. Give BOTH a “GOOD” and “BAD” meaning of the word, “DESIRE”

21. “Flesh” and “Spirit” are ALWAYS in _______________ to each other


22. Show several GREAT CONTRASTS which Paul gave in the book of

23. Discuss the meaning of the words that are found in the “Works of the
flesh” (5:19-21)

24. Discuss in detail the beautiful qualities found in the “Fruit of the Spirit”
(5:22, 23)

25. If people “BELONG TO CHRIST,” they have ______________ the “flesh”


26. What are THREE “prohibitions” given by Paul in 5:26?


3. “SPIRITUAL” disciples are CONCERNED about a brother in the Lord who

has SINNED (Galatians 6:1).

a. If a brother has been “overtaken” in a sin, the “SPIRITUAL” brother

will “restore” him in gentleness. The word, “overtaken” is
“prolemphthe” and may mean, “taken by surprise” (Harper’s Analytical
Greek Lexicon, page 345). The Arndt-Gingrich Lexicon has “detect,
overtake, surprise,” page 715. It may also be translated, “On a
sudden impulse.”

b. The “spiritual” person will “restore” the one who sins in a spirit of
“gentleness,” for all of us can be tempted. NOTE that Timothy was
to use “gentleness” in opposing those who contradicted truth
(II Timothy 2:25).

c. Examine the need for “gentleness,” “humility,” “courtesy” in Titus 3:2;

I Corinthians 4:21 and II Corinthians 10:1.

d. Treat the brother in Christ as a “brother” (II Thessalonians 3:15).

A RELEVANT QUESTION: Should brothers in Christ AVOID
BROTHERS in Christ?

e. The “spiritual” disciple will help the brother who has sinned, recognizing
that HE ALSO CAN BE “TEMPTED!” Read also James 5:19, 20.
“The emphasis is especially upon living with each other spiritually,
not in haughtiness but in modesty and in the consciousness of one’s
own imperfections” (Ridderbos, page 211).

f. The “SPIRITUAL” disciple of Jesus will “LOOK” in at least FOUR


(1) As a person begins the “SPIRITUAL” life, he must “LOOK

DOWN,” with a feeling of his own weakness and need of the
Grace of God! He realizes his own sin! See the “tax collector”
in Luke 18:9-14 who was “looking down” in humility. Read
also Psalm 51:16, 17.

(2) The “spiritual” person is able to “LOOK INSIDE” himself and

examine HIS OWN MOTIVES. What motivates him from
within himself? Is he motivated by GENUINE LOVE?
(I Corinthians 13:1-3).

(3) The “spiritual” disciple is always “LOOKING OUT THERE”

to see people and THEIR NEEDS! The “spiritual” person
will “restore” his brother. NOTE that Jesus saw people as
“sheep” without a “shepherd” and He wanted to help them
(Matthew 9:35-38). Paul was deeply concerned about his own
people, the JEWS (Romans 9:1-3; 10:1-3). He became “all
things” to “all men” so that HE COULD SAVE SOME!
(I Corinthians 9:22).
(4) The “spiritual disciple” will always “LOOK UP,” recognizing
the presence and guidance of the LORD! Paul “walked”
“WITH” the Lord, and “UNDER” the Lord! He was always
“fixing” his “eyes on Jesus!” (Hebrews 12:1-3). He had a sense
of “MISSION” to testify concerning the “gospel of the grace of
God” whether his mission ended in life or death (Acts 20:22-24).

g. READ AGAIN the “spiritual” person in the “fruit of the Spirit”

(Galatians 5:22, 23).

E. The child of God who is TRULY “SPIRITUAL” will have a great CONCERN for
the BURDENS of his brothers in Christ (Galatians 6:2-5).

1. We have a responsibility to help our brothers with the BURDENS they carry
(Galatians 6:2). This would include the weakness of another, their sin,
their heartaches, etc.. HELP THEM!

a. Consider these same thoughts in Romans 15:1-3. Bear the “infirmities”

the “failings” of others!

b. This is fulfilling the “law of Christ.” This is showing the true LOVE of
a disciple (John 13:34, 35). Read carefully I Peter 1:22.

2. The spiritual person will be CRITICAL of HIMSELF! (Galatians 6:3).

a. The Lord wants us TO EXAMINE OURSELVES! Notice this ALSO in

Galatians 6:1.

b. We may NOT see our own WEAKNESSES, and may feel that we are
BETTER THAN OTHERS. With such an attitude, we may have
no sympathy for the BURDENS OF OTHERS. Examine these
thoughts in I Corinthians 8:2 and Romans 12:3.

c. It is so easy for a person to COMPARE himself to OTHERS rather

than by the Lord’s standard. The important question is, “Whom
does the Lord commend?” (II Corinthians 10:17, 18).

d. When we think of ourselves as “something,” when we are “nothing,”

we actually “deceive” (“phrenapata”) ourselves (“eauton”). We need
to examine ourselves so that we will NOT deceive ourselves. NOTE:
Men can also deceive OTHERS (Titus 1:10) (Arndt-Gingrich, page

e. “Self-inflation is also self=deceit” (Ridderbos, page 213). When we exalt

ourselves, we are just “fooling ourselves.”

f. The Christian must NOT be ARROGANT! (I Corinthians 13:4).

3. Christians must NOT use the problems, the weaknesses, the failures of
others as the standard for themselves (Galatians 6:4).

a. The word, “TEST” (“doximazeto”) means to examine, to “approve.”

Notice its use in I Corinthians 11:28 and II Corinthians 13:5. In this
last passage, it is translated “PROVE” in the American Standard

b. One should never boast about himself, because he only sees the FAILURE
in the life of OTHERS! He must examine his own work, for this is
what the Lord will do in judgment (I Corinthians 3:12-15). Study
also II Corinthians 10:17. When one examines his own work, and
finds that he has done something good, let him be humble and
thankful to God.

4. When one “bears his own burden” (load), (Galatians 6:5), this is NOT a
contradiction of 6:2. There are always SOME “loads” that a person
MUST BEAR BY HIMSELF. All must be responsible for their own

F. The “spiritual” disciple of Christ will be LIBERAL in ASSISTING those who have
TAUGHT HIM (Galatians 6:6).

1. The “WORD” (“ton logon”) in this verse refers to the WORD OF GOD!
Note also Colossians 4:3 and I Thessalonians 1:6-8, where we see
the “word of the Lord.”

2. The one WHO IS TAUGHT (“katechoumenos”) should “share” with the one
WHO TAUGHT (“katechounti”) HIM! The word, “catechism” comes
from the Greek word used here.

3. The Scriptures teach that the GOSPEL TEACHER should be “SUPPORTED”


a. Congregations SUPPORTED GOSPEL PREACHERS (I Corinthians

9:1-17; II Corinthians 11:8, 9; Philippians 4:15-18, etc.). Elders
who labor in the Word may be supported (I Timothy 5:17, 18).

b. As seen here, INDIVIDUALS may also SUPPORT the preacher.

4. The word, “SHARE” (“koinoneito”) is the very beautiful word for

“FELLOWSHIP” It is a “PARTNERSHIP!” Notice this beautiful
sharing in the work of the Lord by GIVING (Philippians 4:15-18;
Romans 15:25-27).

a. Many Christians do NOT know, have never experienced the JOY of

GIVING, even out of “deep poverty” (II Corinthians 8:1-5).
b. Many Christians have NOT YET learned that it is “more blessed to
GIVE than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

5. The SHARING might be in the form of money, clothing, or a place to stay.

Paul asked Philemon to prepare a room for him (Philemon 22).

6. The Greek word, “propempein” was a word used for preacher support by the
providing of lodging, food, or even fare to go to the next place to evangelize.
The English translation may say, “Speed them on their way,” or “Set them
forward” on their way. Study I Corinthians 16:6, 11; Titus 3:13; III John 6.

7. NOTE: Financial support is NOT the only kind of support. “SPIRITUAL”

SUPPORT, encouragement, prayer, etc. is also very important
(II Corinthians 1:11; Philippians 1:19; I Thessalonians 3:6-8, etc.).

G. The “spiritual” person will remember the “LAW OF THE HARVEST” and will NOT
GROW WEARY IN DOING GOOD (Galatians 6:7-10).

1. People will “REAP WHAT THEY SOW!” (Galatians 6:7, 8).

a. “Do not be deceived” (“me planasthe”). This word means, “lead astray,”
or “cause to wander” (Arndt-Gingrich, page 671). Study this
expression in I Corinthians 6:9; 15:33 and James 1:19.

b. Men cannot “MOCK” (“mukterizetai”) God. This word literally means

to “turn up the nose at,” “treat with contempt” (Arndt-Gingrich,
page 531). Men may try to “FOOL” God, but they cannot.

c. The HARVEST LAW says that we will “REAP” EXACTLY WHAT WE

“SOW” (Read Matthew 7:16; II Corinthians 9:6).

(1) Observe that Paul is still contrasting “walking” after the “FLESH,”
or after the “SPIRIT.” Here, it is “the one who sows to his
own flesh,” or the “one who sows to the Spirit”

(2) The one who “SOWS” after his own “FLESH” will REAP
DESTRUCTION. This word, “phthoran” means “subject
to decay,” “perishable.” See a form of this word in
I Corinthians 9:25 concerning “corruptible crowns,” and
I Peter 1:18 where there is perishable gold, etc.. The Christian’s
“crown” is “imperishable” (“aphtharton”) (I Corinthians 9:25).

(3) Those who “SOW” after the “SPIRIT” will “REAP” ETERNAL
LIFE! See “ETERNAL LIFE” in Paul’s writings (Romans
2:7; 6:22, 23; I Timothy 6:12, etc.).

2. The one who does NOT grow weary and discouraged in doing what is GOOD
and beautiful will eventually “REAP” (Galatians 6:9). Those “walking”
after the “Spirit” WILL NEVER GIVE UP! Read II Thessalonians 3:13.
The phrase, “DUE SEASON” is “kairo.” Note its use in Romans 13:11.
CONSIDER: “WELL-DOING” would be a wonderful SUMMARY of
what it means to “WALK AFTER THE SPIRIT.”

3. As the “spiritual” disciple has “OPPORTUNITY,” (“kairon”), he should DO

GOOD to ALL MEN, but especially those of the “household of faith”
(Galatians 6:10). It is noted that the word for “opportunity” is the SAME
WORD translated “DUE SEASON” in the previous verse, Galatians 6:9.
Priority must be given TO GOD’S PEOPLE! It is observed that III John 7, 8
emphasizes that “missionaries” had gone forth taking nothing from the
“Gentiles,” the “outsider,” and that such as these should be SUPPORTED
as “fellow workers for the truth.” PUT GOD’S FAMILY FIRST!

V. Paul’s CONCLUSION (Galatians 6:11-18).

A. Paul was writing with HIS OWN HAND (Galatians 6:11).

1. In Paul’s epistles, a “secretary” or “amanuensis” will do the writing for Paul.

NOTE: In Romans 16:22, Tertius did the actual writing. Another brother
may have written down the book of Galatians for Paul, but for the sake of
EMPHASIS here, Paul took up the PEN HIMSELF in these last verses!
Some feel that Paul wrote this entire letter with his own hand, but this is
perhaps not likely.

2. Writing with “LARGE LETTERS” may NOT refer to Paul having poor eyesight,
or deformity in his fingers, but rather to the fact that HE DESIRES TO

B. Paul spoke out concerning the MOTIVES of the “Judaizing” TEACHERS who were
troubling the Galatians (Galatians 6:12-14). Please see the CONTRAST between
“gloried in the flesh.”

1. By teaching the Galatians to be CIRCUMCISED, these teachers could escape

persecution for the cross of Christ (Galatians 6:12). This is ONE of their
MOTIVES! They wanted to “present a good face” (“euprosopesai”) to
others. They wanted to “make a good showing before men” (Arndt-Gingrich,
page 324).

2. A second WRONG MOTIVE was that these teachers would “BOAST IN YOUR
FLESH!” (Galatians 6:13). They “merely wanted to glory over the
circumcision of their converts” (Johnson, page 177). This was done at a
time when they did NOT keep the law in its entirety.

3. “May it not be” (“me genoito”) (Galatians 6:14). The old translation says, “GOD
FORBID” that Paul should “glory” except IN THE CROSS OF THE LORD
JESUS CHRIST! The CROSS was everything to Paul. Jesus made the
atoning sacrifice (Romans 3:24-27; I John 2:1-3; Romans 5:9, 10, etc.).
Paul’s desire was to preach only “Christ and Him crucified” (I Corinthians
2:1, 2).

a. Paul was “crucified” to the world, and the world to him. See also
Galatians 2:20.

b. All that was strictly “earthly” was completely discarded by Paul. Note
Philippians 3:3-11. Examine the book, “The Agony and the Glory
of the Cross” by brother Charles Hodge.

C. Neither CIRCUMCISION nor UNCIRCUMCISION counted for anything.

What was IMPORTANT is a “NEW CREATURE” (Galatians 6:15).

1. Observe how SIMILAR this verse is to Galatians 5:6.

2. Circumcision or uncircumcision had no more meaning!

3. It is “IN CHRIST” where people become “NEW CREATURES”

(II Corinthians 5:17).

4. The “circumcision” is a circumcision of the HEART, and NOT an

external PHYSICAL cutting (Romans 2:28, 29).

5. IN CHRIST, the distinction between JEW and GENTILE has been

abolished in the “CREATION” of one “NEW MAN”
(Ephesians 2:11-18).

D. A BLESSING in PAUL’S FAREWELL (Galatians 6:16-18).

1. “Walking by this rule” seems to refer back to the previous verses where the
CROSS of Christ is supreme in one’s life. The word, “RULE” is “kanon”
from which we get the word, “CANON” referring to the list of books in
the Bible, the CANON of Scripture. See also this word in Philippians 3:16,
“…whereunto we have attained, by that same rule let us walk” (American
Standard Version).

2. May “peace” and “mercy” be upon those WHO WALK BY THIS RULE!
The “ISRAEL OF GOD” here evidently refers to the CHURCH, those
who are “walking by this rule.” God’s “Israel” today is “spiritual Israel.”
Study Romans 2:28, 29 as well as Philippians 3:3 and Romans 9:6, 7.

3. Paul cried out, “Henceforth, let no man trouble me…” (Galatians 6:17). The
apostle had suffered SO MUCH because of his OPPONENTS. This is seen
in the book of Galatians, but also in many other places.
a. Read the stoning of Paul in Acts 14:19, 20.

b. Examine his suffering as seen in I Corinthians 4:9-11; II Corinthians

6:4, 5; II Corinthians 11:23-28.

c. He truly had “branded” on his body the “marks of Jesus!” Many times,
a SLAVE was branded with the name of his master (Johnson, page
181). Paul was the “BOND-SERVANT” of Jesus (Philippians 1:1, etc.)
Examine also II Corinthians 4:10.

4. The “grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren.” AMEN!
Compare this closing of the epistle with what Paul said at the end of other
of his writings. Notice the beautiful ending in II Corinthians 13:14.

a. The expression, “our Lord” and the word, “brethren” suggest that Paul
recognized that the Galatians were a part of the brotherhood. In
spite of their many problems, they were still a part of God’s family.

b. This is the only time that Paul concluded a letter with the word, “brethren.”
Paul LOVED these “BRETHREN!”

c. By using the last word, “AMEN,” Paul seems to be expressing a deep

fervency and earnest concern for these disciples.



1. What is a good “definition” of a “spiritual person?” (6:1). Please discuss

characteristics of this kind of disciple.

2. What is our responsibility toward a brother who has done wrong?

3. What should be our “spirit,” our attitude, as we help him?

4. What are at least FOUR DIRECTIONS in which a “spiritual” person LOOKS?

5. How can we “BEAR ONE ANOTHER’S BURDENS” and yet “BEAR OUR
OWN BURDENS?” (6:2, 5). Please explain.

6. Please explain this phrase: The “spiritual” person will be CRITICAL of

himself” (6:3)

7. Are we to examine and be critical of OUR OWN WORK? Please explain (6:4)

8. What is the “SHARING” of 6:6? What responsibility does the Christian have
in “sharing?”

9. Discuss the verse: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35)

10. What is the meaning of the Greek word, “propempein?”

11. What is the “LAW OF THE HARVEST?” (6:7, 8)

12. What does it mean to attempt to “MOCK” God?

13. What do you think is the great lesson of 6:9?

14. Should Christians HELP BOTH their BROTHERS, AND OUTSIDERS?

Where is the “priority?” (6:10)

15. What do you think is the meaning of Paul writing WITH BIG LETTERS?

16. What were the BAD MOTIVES of the false teachers? (6:12-14)

17. What is the ONLY THING in which PAUL “GLORIED?” (6:14)

18. Paul said that “circumcision” was NOT important! What was important?

19. What is the “ISRAEL OF GOD?” (6:16)



Arndt, William F. and Gingrich, F. Wilbur. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969.

Dungan, D. R.. Hermeneutics. Cincinnati, Ohio: The Standard Publishing Company, No Date.

Johnson, Robert L.. The Letter of Paul to the Galatians. Austin, Texas: R. B. Sweet Co. Inc.,

Massey, Jim. Study Material on the Book of Galatians.

McGarvey, J. W. and Pendleton, Philip Y.. Commentary on Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians,

Romans. Cincinnati, Ohio: The Standard Publishing Foundation, No Date.

Ridderbos, Herman N.. The Epistle of Paul to the Churches of Galatia. Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1953.

Thayer, J. H.. The New Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson
Publishers, 1981.


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