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Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

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Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Paul Beringer, PharmD, BCPS

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy USC School of Pharmacy Los Angeles, CA



Diseases: Manifestations and Pathophysiology

Martin C Gregory, BM, BCh, DPhil Michael B Strong, MD

56 1111

This chapter provides a brief overview of certain basic information about some major diseases, the objective being to prepare students and practitioners of pharmacy for more effective service as drug information specialists and consultants on drug therapy. We include symptoms and signs, pathophysiology, etiology and epidemiology of the diseases. Some discussion of relevant physiology, biochemistry, anatomy, and pathology serves to provide a better understanding of the diseases. Clinical features and means of diagnosis are discussed. Some conditions are discussed more extensively than others; many are not discussed at all. This uneven treatment is the result of variables such as state of knowledge, frequency of disease, applicability of drug therapy and space constraints. For additional information the reader should refer to textbooks of medicine or to textbooks of basic science disciplines for amplification of the introductory material provided here.
cholesterol level, arterial blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and plasma homocysteine. Other risk factors associated with a high incidence of atherosclerotic disease include diet, lack of physical activity, obesity, and heredity. The role of a competitive aggressive personality (Type A) is debated. These factors may not be independent of the others already listed. PathologyAtherosclerosis is a patchy thickening and hardening of arterial walls that is characterized in the early stages by streaks of cholesterol and other lipids ("fatty streaks") and later by atheromas. Atherom a s consist of a fibrous cap that covers proliferating smooth muscle cells. When advanced they contain a necrotic core of lipids and proteins, the lesions initially involve the intima and progress to involve the media. Rupture of the fibrous cap precipitates thrombosis of the vessel. Pathophysiology The mechanism for the development is poorly understood, but increased stress associated with increased blood pressure and turbulent flow may foster development of lesions. The actual initiating event in the intima is unknown, but minute tears in this layer occur and may be important. Platelet aggregation and changes in endothelial permeability and fibrin deposition are important in the development of the atheroma. These changes may induce smooth muscle proliferation in the intima with subsequent lipid accumulation. Another hypothesis advocates lipid deposition as the inciting and most important event. Later, fibrosis, calcification, hemorrhage, ulceration, and thrombosis develop causing eventual rupture or further lumen narrowing causing tissue blood flow to be critically reduced. Blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) arc carried in combination with phospholipids and proteins, as lipoproteins. Acceleration of atherosclerosis correlates best with elevations of the LDL fraction (lawdensity lipoprotein), which is rich in cholesterol and poor in triglycerides. Elevation of the HDL fraction (high-density lipoprotein) protects against atherosclerosis. Symptoms and SignsManifestations of atherosclerotic disease depend on the location and degree of impairment of blood flow to an organ. Atherosclerotic disease presents as sudden death (probably due to a ventricular arrhythmia), angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, dissecting aneurysm, thrombosis of a major vessel, ischemic renal disease, or peripheral vascular disease. Only those that are not discussed elsewhere will be discussed here. Peripheral vascular disease may cause intermittent claudication (pain in the legs precipitated by exercise and relieved by rest), leg pain at night, atrophy, and weakness of leg muscles, loss of pulses in the feet, neuropathy, extreme sensitivity to cold and eventually, dry gangrene. Atherosclerosis of the mesenteric vessels may cause abdominal pain that is precipitated by eating (abdominal angina), weight loss, diarrhea, and steatorrhea. Thrombosis of these vessels will cause bowel infarction. The diagnosis of atherosclerotic disease usually is based on symptoms and signs of reduced organ perfusion. Noninvasive studies and angiography are often helpful in defining the sites of vessel narrowing.

This is the single most important cause of mortality in the US because it is involved in the development of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.
Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyArterial walls have three layers: the intima, media, and adventitia. The intima is composed of endothelial cells; the media of smooth muscle cells, and the adventitia of collagen, elastic fibers, fibroblasts, and some smooth muscle cells. Arteries are not inert conduits, but metabolically complex structures that regulate their own caliber and perform many endothelial cell functions, including local inhibition of blood clotting and maintenance of cellular integrity. Throughout life, arteries withstand tremendous physical forces. Areas of particular stress, friction, and turbulence include bifurcations and openings of branch arteries. Epidemiology In all populations studied, early changes of atherosclerosis have been seen in young individuals who died of unrelated causes. Mortality and morbidity is more common in men than premenopausal women. After menopause, the differences decrease. The incidence of atherosclerotic disease also is different in various nationalities. The mortality from atherosclerotic disease in North Americans and Scots is twice that of Swedes. The incidence is low in Japanese and in native Africans. The incidence of atherosclerotic disease in immigrants to the US is similar to that of native Americans rather than to that of agematched individuals who did not migrate. Primary relatives of individuals who become symptomatic from atherosclerotic disease before 50 years are likely to develop symptomatic atherosclerotic disease at an earlier age. Etiology Although the etiology is not known, clinical and epidemiological studies suggest that many factors contribute to the disease process. The two most important risk factors are advancing age and male sex. Other significant factors include diabetes mellitus, plasma

Coronary Artery Disease

This disease (CAD) also is referred to as ischemic heart disease (IHD) Inadequate oxygen supply for myocardial demand is




caused most commonly by coronary artery atherosclerotic disease. Other causes of decreased oxygen delivery to the myocardium include coronary embolism, coronary ostial stenosis in tertiary syphilis, and coronary artery spasm. Anemia, carboxyhemoglobinemia, and hypoxemia from lung disease can also reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Perfusion and 0 2 delivery of the myocardium is decreased in hypotension. Myocardial oxygen demand is increased with exertion, myocardial hypertrophy, thyrotoxicosis, and beriberi. In the majority of cases of CAD, atherosclerosis is the underlying disorder.
Normal AnatomyArteries from the aorta nourish the myocardium. The right coronary artery supplies the right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, posterior septum, AV node and, in over 50% of individuals, the SA node. The left coronary artery branches into two arteries. The circumflex supplies the anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, inferior lateral, and inferior wall of the left ventricle, left atrium and, in about 45% of individuals, the SA node. The left anterior descending supplies the anterior, anterolateral, and apical left ventricular wall, the septum, and the right ventricle adjacent to the septum. Normal PhysiologyUnder normal resting conditions, the myocardium extracts about 70% of the available oxygen from the coronary blood flow. This is in contrast to resting skeletal muscle, which extracts only 25% of available oxygen. Unlike skeletal muscle, the myocardium is capable of anaerobic metabolism for only a short time and cannot incur an oxygen debt. Increased myocardial oxygen demand must be met by increased coronary blood flow. The myocardium normally receives 5% of cardiac output. The normal heart can increase coronary blood flow by fivefold by a combination of coronary vasodilatation due to an autoregulatmy process and increasing cardiac output. Blood flow to the myocardium occurs almost exclusively during diastole. Local tissue hypoxia results in potent vasodilatation and may increase coronary blood flow. Local tissue factors are more important than neuronal factors in regulating vasodilatation. Systolic and diastolic wall tension, fraction of the cardiac cycle time spent in systole, and myocardial contractility determine myocardial oxygen consumption. The systolic wall tension (T) is determined by the systolic ventricular pressure (P), the radius (r) of the ventricular cavity and wall thickness (h) (T = Pr/2h). The greater the cavity size and pressure, the greater the tension. Aortic diastolic pressure (afterload) partly determines the ventricular systolic pressure. The fraction of time spent in systole is determined by heart rate and ejection time. Oxygen demand of the myocardium depends on the amount of work the muscle must perfbrm. PathologyMost atherosclerotic lesions occur in the proximal portion of the coronary arteries, because this is not a small vessel disease. Lesions in the left anterior descending artery are usually within 3 cm of the bifurcation of the left main coronary artery. Lesions in the right coronary artery usually occur within 6 to 8 cm of the ostium. A lesion that occludes less than 50% of the lumen of the vessel usually does not produce symptoms. PathophysiologyAs the lumen of the vessels begins to narrow, blood flow decreases. Vessels distal to the obstruction dilate to maintain flow, presumably in response to hypoxia. When the obstruction reaches a critical size, the distal vessels become dilated permanently. Ischemi a causes changes in the biochemical, electrical, and mechanical properties of the heart. Myocardium normally oxidizes glucose and free fatty acids completely to carbon dioxide and water. In ischemia, lactate, pyruvate and other metabolic products accumulate in the myocardium. Ischemia also alters the electrical properties of the heart and decreases the membrane potential. Decreased conduction velocity and altered action potential duration result; thus arrhythmias may occur. Ischemia causes decreased contractility transiently, and necrosis causes irreversible loss of contractility. Ischemia may cause asymmetry and asynchrony of ventricular contraction. The location of the lesion is important because this determines the size and location of the ischemia. The presence of collateral vessels may prevent the development of permanent injury. Unfbrtunately, the only known stimulus for collateral vessel formation is ischemia. A sudden decrease in lumen size, as with thrombosis or hemorrhage, is a catastrophic event as collateral vessels have not yet fbrmed and therefore cannot provide an alternative source of oxygen. There is a group of people in whom coronary artery spasm plays a role in ischemic heart disease with or without fixed atherosclerotic lesions. How ischemia produces pain is unknown. Angina pectoris is classified according to its frequency, severity, and precipitating event. Unstable angina describes a syndrome of attacks of recent onset or of increasing frequency, severity, or duration, or occurring with less exercise or at rest. Myocardial infarction and arrhythmias are more likely to develop during periods of unstable angina. Stable

angina describes a clinical picture of little-varying attacks. Nocturnal angina occurs during sleep and may be associated with either dreams and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep or increased venous return in a patient with congestive failure. Prinzmetal angina is atypical angina. It occurs at rest, is associated with ventricular arrhythmias, and is thought to be due to coronary artery spasm. Symptoms and SignsCAD may present as ventricular arrhythmias or myocardial infarction, which will be discussed below. The other manifestation of CAD is angina pectoris, which is a clinical syndrome that results from transient myocardial ischemia but with no evidence of permanent damage. The patient with angina pectoris usually describes the chest discomfbrt as heaviness, pressure, tightness, or squeezing. The patient often will not use the word "pain" or may ascribe his symptoms to indigestion. The substernal discomfort may radiate to the left arm, throat, jaw, shoulder, back, or abdomen. The discomfort typically is precipitated by exercise and also, but less often, by eating, emotional upset, exposure to cold, or cigarette smoking. Rest relieves it. The episodes usually last longer than 1 minute and not longer than 30 minutes. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of angina is made from the history. The physical examination of these patients may be normal between attacks. Evidence of ischemia on EKG stress testing is inversion of T waves and depression of the S-T segment. Angiography and a therapeutic response to nitroglycerin may be helpful in establishing the diagnosis. Other causes of chest pain such as other forms of heart disease, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal disease must be considered in the differential diagnosis. Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death among males over 35 years of age in the US and accounts for one-third of male deaths before age 65. The chief prognostic factors are the state of left ventricular function and the extent of the atherosclerotic disease.

Myocardial Infarction
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) may be totally asymptomatic, can be fatal, or cause a variety of complications.
PathologyThe coronary arteries show thrombosis in approximately 90% of cases; thrombosis is central to the pathogenesis of AMI. Infarction is death of myocardial tissue. Most infarctions involve the endocardial layer. If the area of necrosis exceeds 3 cm in diameter, the infarct is likely to be transmural. Twenty-four hours after the infarction occurs, myocardial fibers show clumping, coagulation, and interstitial edema. By the 4th day the area is necrotic and shows fatty change and phagocytosis of fibers by neutrophils. Between the 4th and 10th days the area shows distinct fatty change, may contain hemorrhage, and is maximally soft. By the 10th day vasculari zed scar tissue begins to replace the infarct. The infarction heals completely by the 6th to 8th week. Symptoms and SignsChest pain is usually the presenting complaint. It is described as severe, excruciating, deep, heavy, squeezing or crushing. No precipitating cause for the pain may be identified. The pain is similar to the pain of angina pectoris but is more severe, lasts longer, and is not relieved by rest or sublingual nitroglycerin. The pain may wax and wane. In 25% of patients, the substernal pain radiates to the arms; the pain also may radiate to the jaw, neck, abdomen, and back. Weakness, diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting, light-headedness, marked anxiety, and a sense of doom accompany the pain. The patient attempts in vain to find a comfbrtable position. In 15-20% of patients, AMI may be asymptomatic, particularly in diabetics. Elderly persons may complain of dyspnea rather than pain. Other presentations of MI include syncope, confusion, arrhythmias, and hypotension. Greater than 50% of the deaths following MI occur within the first 24 hours and are due to arrhythmias. Physical examination typically discloses an anxious patient who is sweating and has cool extremities. Auscultation of the heart may reveal decreased heart sounds, S3, S4, or the murmur of mitral regurgitation. Temperature may be elevated to 38'. Laboratory examination may reveal an increased white blood count to 15,000/mm'. Enzymes released from damaged myocardial cells are used to diagnose AMI. The serum concentrations of these enzymes follow a characteristic pattern, with creatine (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) rising and falling quickly while lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) rises later and remains elevated longer. Measurement of serum troponin I has largely supplanted these enzyme measurements because ofits greater sensitivity, specificity, and more rapid appearance after the infarction. The EKG initially shows T-wave inversion and S-T segment elevation. When the infarct is transmural, Q-waves appear. Infarction also may cause decreased voltage in the precordial leads.



Complie ationsArrhythmias are the most common cause of deaths in the early stages of AMI. Ventricular arrhythmias are the most ominous, and ventricular fibrillation is the most common fatal arrhythmia. Coronary care units that prevent or aggressively treat arrhythmias have decreased mortality from this complication. Cardiac failure is now the primary cause of death in hospitalized patients with AMI. If greater than 40% of the myocardium is destroyed, the prognosis is poor. Mitral regurgitation may occur as a result of rupture or dysfunction of the papillary muscles. This may decrease cardiac output and contribute to cardiac failure. Thromboembolism contributes to the cause of death in some cases. Mural thrombosis may develop on the endocardium of the left ventricle. Emboli from this thrombus may cause strokes or a new AMI. Deep venous thrombosis may develop in the legs and embolize to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Rupture of the infarct may occur during the first week when the infarcted area is weakest. The blood pressure falls rapidly and the patient loses consciousness. The ERG may not change immediately. Cardiac tamponade occurs as the pericardium fills with blood. This complication is almost always fatal. The septum may rupture leading to left-to-right shunting. A pansystolic murmur is heard, and cardiac output decreases. A weakening of the ventricular wall is called a ventricular aneurysm. When the remaining myocardium contracts, the aneurysm bulges. Because this portion of the wall has lost contractility, cardiac output decreases and congestive heart failure may develop. Systemic embolism may arise from a mural thrombus in the aneurysm. Arrhythmias are common with ventricular aneurysm and portend a poor prognosis. Pericarditis may develop 2 to 3 days after the infarction. Pericardial pain is usually sharp, knife-like, and substernal. It may radiate to the neck and shoulders, is relieved by leaning forward, and is worsened by deep breathing. A pericardial friction rub may be heard. The pericarditis usually resolves with the healing of the infarct.

Heart Failure
This is defined as an inability of the heart, under normal filling conditions, to pump blood at a rate sufficient to meet the metabolic demands of the tissues. The inability to pump blood can be due to various abnormalities in the myocardium, coronary circulation, or heart valves. When the heart pumps blood at an insufficient rate, the kidneys retain salt and water and fluid accumulates in interstitial spaces. Thus, the term congestive heart failure usually is used. However, not all types of fluid overload or congestion are due to heart failure. Other causes of fluid overload include nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, liver disease, and starvation. Heart failure may develop acutely or chronically and may be mild to severe. Severe heart failure is synonymous with cardiogenic shock.
Normal Physiology Function of the heart as a pump depends upon the number of functioning muscle fibers and their length at the onset of contraction. The end diastolic volume (EDV), which is referred to as preload, the cardiac impedance or afterload against which the blood is ejected, and the intrinsic myocardial activity or the contractile state determine fiber length. Heart rate and the stroke volume determine cardiac output (CO). The normal stroke volume (SV) is 70 ml, and the normal end systolic volume is 5 to 60 ml. SV is described by the equation: end diastolic volume minus end systolic volume. The heart contracts in two phases. In the isovolumic phase, the length of the fiber remains constant while the pressure increases. When the left ventricular pressure reaches aortic diastolic pressure, the ejection phase occurs, during which contraction occurs as the fibers shorten. Heart rate determines filling time for the ventricles. With a normal heart, cardiac output remains stable between 50 to 180 beats/min. The aft erload or the resistance against which the heart works influences cardiac outputthe higher the resistance, the lower the CO. Normally, the heart will pump out the blood that flows into it so that cardiac output is equal to venous return. Cardiac output can be increased within certain limits by autonomic stimulation, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, and an increase in blood volume. The heart has tremendous reserve capacity and can increase CO by increasing both heart rate and stroke volume. The Frank-Starling relation describes the relationship between the stroke volume, diastolic volume or filling pressure and the length of the fibers at the end of diastole. The Frank-Starling relation also describes the ability of the heart to adapt to changing amounts of inflowing blood.

Within physiological limits, the more the chamber is filled, the greater the quantity of blood that will be pumped. If the muscle fibers are stretched by volume, the muscle contracts with greater force, thereby increasing CO. Increased contractility results from sympathetic stimulation, and decreased contractility indicates a failing heart. This relationship shows that fiar a given end diastolic volume, the ventricles receive and eject a higher stroke volume when contractility is increased and a lower stroke volume when contractility is decreased. Etiology Processes that cause the heart to fail are those that increase the work of the heart, usually over many years, or that damage the myocardial fibers. As a result, cardiac output decreases. The most common cause of left ventricular failure is systemic hypertension. Stenotic (narrow) valves had to heart failure sooner than incompetent (leaky) ones. Congenital defects may result in increased cardiac work. Cardiomyopathies, atherosclerotic coronary disease, and myocardial infarction damage muscle fibers and impair contractility. Tachyarrhythmias and atrial-ventricular dissociation reduce ventricular filling and ventricular arrhythmias decrease contractility. Pericarditis may impair ventricular filling. The most-common cause of right heart failure is left heart. failure. Pulmonary embolism may precipitate acute right ventricular failure. Cor pulmonale is right heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension, which can occur as a complication of hypoxemia from lung disease. Increased metabolic demands or decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood may exceed cardiac reserve. Causes of high-output heart failure (see below) include hyperthyroidism, anemia, A-V fistulas, pregnancy, infections (particularly pulmonary infection), and beriberi. Pathophysiology The majority of cases of congestive heart failure (CHF) are due to low-output failure as occurs in hypertension, atherosclerotic heart disease, or valvular disease. Less commonly, the cardiac output is greater than normal, high-output heart. failure. This is due to the metabolic demands of the tissue being increased greatly or the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood being decreased greatly. Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy are causes of increased metabolic demands of the tissues. Anemia, arteriovenous fistulas, and hypoxemia are examples of decreased oxygen delivery. Compensatory Mechanisms of Low Cardiac Output When cardiac output falls, reflexes occur immediately. The baroreceptors sense the decreased arterial pressure and increase sympathetic tone while decreasing parasympathetic tone. This increases the force of contraction of the heart, increases heart rate, raises mean systemic arterial pressure, and increases venous return. These reflexes are maximal at 30 sec after a drop in arterial pressure. Redistribution of blood flow occurs resulting in maintenance of blood flow to the myocardium and brain. Blood flows to the skin and skeletal muscle are decreased greatly by norepinephrine-induced vasoconstriction. Blood flow also is decreased to the kidneys in CHF. Decreased cardiac output reduces the glomerular filtration rate because of both decreased renal blood flow and sympathetic vasoconstriction of afferent renal arterioles. Blood flow within the kidneys is redistributed by the vasoconstriction to the medulla at the expense of the cortex. Renin production by the juxtaglomerular apparatus is increased in response to decreased blood flow. Renin cleaves angiotensinogen to angiotensin I which is converted by angiotensin converting enzyme ( ACE) to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a potent peripheral vessel constrictor and stimulator of aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone promotes the retention of sodium and water by the distal convoluted renal tubule, causes expansion of the blood volume and accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces. Aldosterone may have other harmful effects because blockade of its effects prolongs survival in heart failure. Serum sodium remains normal or is decreased, although total body sodium is increased. Increased blood volume and increased systemic blood pressure increase venous return to the heart. Eventually, the heart can no longer keep pace with the increased venous return. In mild heart failure, the increased fluid volume helps to increase cardiac output by applying some stretch to the myocardial fibers. In severe heart failure, the amount of fluid overload becomes so great that the fibers are stretched beyond the limits of efficient contraction and the fibers descend to a lower Frank-Starling curve. A greater end-diastolic pressure is necessary to maintain CO on this lower curve. The increase in left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) is transmitted as increased hydrostatic pressure to the pulmonary veins, capillaries, and arteries. Eventually, the increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries causes the right ventricle to fail. Increased right ventricular end diastolic pressure translates into increased hydrostatic pressure in the systemic veins and capillaries. Edema Formation Most of the fluid accumulation in interstitial spaces results from increases in capillary hydrostatic pressures. The colloidal osmotic (oncotic) pressure of the blood that holds fluid in the



vascular compartment is about 25 to 30 mmHg. When the hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries exceeds 25 mmHg, fluid is pushed into the interstitial spaces. CHF involves fluid retention in both the intra- and extravascular space. Fluid retention also results in distention of the venous reservoirs in the liver and spleen. When LVEDP exceeds 25 mmHg, the pressure transmitted to the pulmonary capillaries causes pulmonary edema. Oxygen does not diffuse efficiently in alveoli filled with edema fluid so hypoxemia results. Symptoms and SignsPatients with left ventricular failure most commonly complain of a sensation of shortness of breath (dyspnea). Initially, the dyspnea is present only on exertion (DOE), but the amount of activity necessary to precipitate dyspnea progressively lessens until the patient is dyspneic at rest. Orthopne a is the sensation of breathlessness that occurs in the recumbent position and may be relieved by elevating the head on several pillows or by sitting. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) is severe dyspnea occurring at night that awakens the patient with a sensation of smothering. PND usually is accompanied by coughing and/or wheezing. The patient may produce frothy pink sputum. Patients with left ventricular failure also may experience fatigue, weakness, and alterations in mental status such as confusion, difficulty in concentrating, impaired memory, headache, insomnia, and anxiety. Physical examination of the patient with left heart failure reveals a person who may have lost considerable body mass. The patient may be unable to lie flat during the examination. The pulse may be weak, although the blood pressure remains normal until very late in the course. The extremities will be pale and cool. Cyanosis of the lips and nailbeds may be present. Examination of the heart reveals tachycardia and S3 gallop. Moist crepitant inspiratory crackles over the lung bases in moderately severe CHF and over the entire lung fields in pulmonary edema are heard. Chest radiograph shows the enlarged heart and signs of pulmonary venous congestion. Patients with right ventricular failure complain of weight gain and the accumulation of fluid. A 10% gain in body weight may occur before pitting edema occurs. In ambulatory patients the edema is symmetrical in the ankles and legs. Since gravity influences the distribution of the edema, the buttocks and sacrum may be edematous in bedfast patients. Anasarca is massive body fluid overload including generalized edema, ascites, and pleural effusions. As fluids accumulate in the pleural cavity, the patient may develop dyspnea. Patients experience an increased girth as fluid accumulates in the peritoneal cavity. The liver may become enlarged and tender, and there may be right upper quadrant pain. Anorexia, nausea, and abdominal fullness occur. The patient becomes jaundiced as impairment of liver function becomes severe. Physical examination of the patient with severe right-sided heart failure will reveal pleural effusions, ascites, jugular venous distention, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and pitting edema. Urine volume will be decreased, and prerenal azotemia may be present.

caused by blood flowing into the ventricles early in diastole, particularly into the dilated ventricles of CHF. A fourth heart sound (54) also emanates from the ventricles late in diastole, but is caused by forceful atrial contraction thrusting blood into ventricles whose compliance is decreased, as in hypertensive heart disease. EtiologyFormerly most valvular lesions followed rheumatic fever. Now the causes are more varied and include congenital lesions such as a bicuspid aortic valve, which may become significantly stenotic only in adult life as it calcifies. Another congenital condition is mitral valve prolapse, in which the mitral valve is redundant and billows into the left atrium during systole. A number of systemic diseases are associated with valvular lesions: seronegative spondylitides, polycystic kidney disease, and Marfan's syndrome are examples. Acute bacterial endocarditis can attack previously normal valves and destroy them rapidly. The aortic and tricuspid valves are particularly vulnerable, especially in intravenous drug users. Subacute bacterial endocarditis also damages valves, but it usually alights on previously abnormal valves. An increasingly common cause of mitral and tricuspid insufficiency is dilatation of the valve ring from chronic fluid overload as in CHF and end-stage renal disease. PathologyIn acute rheumatic fever, the valve leaflets become swollen and thickened and small bead-like nodules develop along the valve closure lines and on the chordae. These nodules are composed of fibrin, platelets, and white blood cells. The inflammation may subside with the acute attack or develop into a subacute or chronic process. The inflammation leads to erosion of the endothelial surface and deposition of collagen by fibroblasts. The fibrous scarring during organization leaves a permanently thickened, distorted, rigid valve. Contraction of the scar results in shortening of the leaflets and distortion of the architecture of the valve. The edges of the defbrmed valve fail to fit together during closure causing valvular incompetence. The chordae also may be involved in scarring and shortening. Fibrous adhesions may occur across the cusp edges. Irregular fibrous thickening and scarring also are associated with calcification. Adhesions and calcification increase the rigidity of the valve and cause stenosis. Stenosis and the uneven surface are associated with increased turbulence of flow across the valve.


PathophysiologyThe normal area of the mitral valve is 4 to 6 cm 2 in adults. Symptoms of MS occur when the area is reduced to 1.5 2 cm . If the valve is stenotic, greater pressures are required to pump the blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Normally mean pressure in the left atrium is 12 mmHg. A valve orifice less than 1 cm' requires a pressure of 25 mmHg in the left atrium to pump the blood into the left ventricle. The elevated atrial pressure is transmitted back into the pulmonary veins, capillaries, and arteries. Pulmonary arteries develop medial hypertrophy and intimal thickening, which leads to high resistance and pulmonary hypertension. Alveolar fibrosis may occur also. When the pressure in the pulmonary capillaries exceeds the osmotic pressure of blood, pulmonary edema develops although the patient does not have left ventricular failure and left ventricular end diastolic pressure is normal. Eventually, the right heart fails. Left ventricular output may be normal or decreased. The flow across the valve depends on heart rate as well as size of the opening. Increasing heart rate decreases the time available for flow across the mitral valve. Symptoms and SignsTwo decades usually elapse between the initial attack of rheumatic fever and the development of the symptoms and signs of MS. Most patients become symptomatic during the fourth decade of life. Once the symptoms occur, the prognosis is poor with death occurring in 2 to 5 years unless the valve is replaced. Symptoms begin with dyspnea and cough during extreme exertion, but over the years the amount of exercise necessary to produce symptoms decreases until dyspnea occurs at rest. Orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea may occur. With longstanding MS, atrial arrhythmias are common. Extensive fibrosis of the alveolar walls and pulmonary capillary thickening lead to decreased vital capacity, total lung capacity, maximum breathing capacity and oxygen uptake. VIQ mismatching occurs. Decreased compliance of th e lung increases the work of breathing and increases the sensation of breathlessness. Hemoptysis results from rupture of small vessels in the bronchioles. Patients with MS, particularly those with atrial fibrillation, are likely to embolize thrombi from the left atrium to the brain, kidneys, spleen, or extremities. The physical examination of patients with MS often discloses cyanosis of the lips and nails, and signs of right heart failure. The first heart soundis accentuated. The opening snap of the mitral valve may be heard. A low-pitched rumbling diastolic murmur is characteristic of mi-

Valvular Heart Disease

This disease occurs when the heart valves become damaged and no longer will open or close properly. If fibrous scar tissue forms or calcium deposits on the valve, the valve becomes stenotic and no longer opens easily. If the valve leaflets shrink or do not oppose each other properly when closing, due to scarring or are destroyed by infection, the valve no longer is competent and blood flows in a retrograde fashion. A single valve may be both stenotic and incompetent. More than one valve may be involved. The consequences ofvalvular disease include congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, and systemic emboli. The hallmark of valvular disease is a murmura noise representing turbulence of blood flow across the valve.
Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyThe valves between the atria and the ventricles, tricuspid on the right side and mitral on the left side, are large and normally offer little resistance to flow. The semilunar valves, the aortic and Rol monic, are smaller. The atrioventricular valves are supported by chordae tendineae, but the semilunar valves are not. All valves open and close passively in response to pressure gradients. The opening and closing of the valves cause the heart sounds. The first sound ("lub") occurs at the beginning of systole and represents the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves. The second sound ("dup") is heard at the beginning of diastole and signals closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves. In normal individuals, the second sound may be split because the aortic and pulmonic valves do not close simultaneously. The first sound is loud when the mitral valve leaflets are far apart at the onset of ventricular systole. This occurs in mitral stenosis and tachycardia of any cause. A loud second sound indicates an increased pressure, as in systemic and pulmonary hypertension. A third heart sound (S3) is



tral stenosis. Chest radiograph shows an enlarged left atrium, pulmonary arteries, and right ventricle, as well as markings of increased pulmonary venous pressure. ERG shows signs of left atrial enlargement and may disclose an atrial arrhythmia. Echocardiogram, the most useful noninvasive test shows inadequate valve separation, thickened leaflets, and left atrial enlargement.


PathaphysiologyWhen the mitral valve leaks, blood flows from the left ventricle in two directions: into the aorta and back into the left atrium. Left ventricular end diastolic volume increases. As left ventricular function deteriorates, left ventricular end diastolic pressure increases and cardiac output eventually falls. Symptoms and SignsPatients present with symptoms of decreased cardiac output such as fatigue, dyspnea, weakness, and, perhaps, cachexia. Palpitations due to atrial arrhythmias may be felt. If pulmonary vascular resistance is increased, right heart failure results. If pulmonary pressures are high the patient may complain of orthopnea, DOE, and PND. The symptoms of MR are less episodic than those of MS. Physical examination discloses a loud murmur that may radiate to the axilla. The murmur is usually pansystolic in MR caused by rheumatic heart disease, but it may be shorter if the MR is caused by mitral valve prolapse or ischemia. The ERG reveals evidence of left ventricular and/or right ventricular hypertrophy, left atrial enlargement and, in chronic cases, atrial fibrillation. Chest x-ray may show extreme left atrial enlargement and left ventricular enlargement. Echocardiogram shows left atrial enlargement, a hyperdynamic left ventricle, failure of coaption of the mitral valve leaflets, and a regurgitant jet on color Doppler examination. Calcifications of the mitral valve may be seen on chest radiograph.

volume increases to allow for greater stroke volume. The left ventricle dilates to accommodate the increased end diastolic volume. Eventually, left ventricular function fails, and cardiac output decreases. Symptoms and SignsA patient who develops AI is usually asymptomatic for 10 to 20 years. The first symptom is an awareness of the heart beat particularly in the supine position or during exertion or emotional upset. Next, exertional dyspnea develops as a sign of decreased cardiac reserve. Later, signs of left ventricular failure appear. The patient may complain of chest pain due to pounding of the chest wall. Typical or atypical angina may develop, may be prolonged, and will not respond to nitroglycerin. Finally, symptoms and signs of systemic fluid overload and right heart failure appear. The cause of death may be pulmonary edema. Syncope is rare. Physical examination of patients with AI reveals an increased systolic pressure and decreased diastolic pressure with a wide pulse pressure. A diastolic high-pitched blowing decrescendo murmur is heard. The murmur becomes louder and longer as the Al worsens. ERG shows left ventricular enlargement. Chest radiograph shows left ventricular enlargement and dilatation of the ascending aorta. Echocardiography shows left atrial and left ventricular enlargement and high frequency fluttering of the mitral valve. The prognosis in decompensated AI is porn - . Surgical correction is necessary before left ventricular deterioration occurs.

PathophysiologyTricuspid stenosis presents an obstruction to outflow from the right atrium and results in an increased end-diastolic pressure in the right atrium. The increased right atrial pressure causes backup of blood and congestion in the systemic circulation. Cardiac output decreases because of decreased return to the left atrium. Symptoms and SignsThe patient presents with the symptoms and signs of right heart failure. A diastolic murmur is characteristic of tricuspid stenosis.

PathophysiologyAortic stenosis causes obstruction to the flow of blood from the left ventricle. Cardiac output is maintained by the generation of increased pressures by the left ventricle. The left ventricle responds to this situation by developing concentric hypertrophy without dilatation if the obstruction develops gradually. The diameter of the normal aortic orifice is 3 to 3.5 cm 2 , and a reduction to 0.5 to 1.0 cm 2 is critical. The patient initially develops symptoms during exercise because cardiac output cannot be increased to meet the oxygen demands of exercise. Later, as the left ventricle begins to fail, cardiac output cannot be maintained at rest. Symptoms and SignsAortic stenosis may exist for years befiare symptoms develop. The onset of symptoms for rheumatic aortic stenosis is usually in the 4th or 5th decade. The characteristic symptoms are fatigue, exertional dyspnea, angina, and syncope. The syncope is usually exertional and occurs when cardiac output cannot be increased. Reduced cerebral blood flow may cause syncope. An arrhythmia also may result in decreased cardiac output and syncope. Very late in the course of the disease, the patient has the symptoms and signs of left ventricular failure and, finally, in the preterminal phase, symptoms and signs of right heart failure. When aortic stenosis occurs with mitral stenosis, less blood fills the left ventricle so less of a pressure gradient develops across the aortic valve. The left ventricle does not hypertrophy as much, and less angina occurs. When aortic stenosis occurs with mitral stenosis, the patient has more of the symptoms and signs of mitral stenosis. On physical examination of the patient with aortic stenosis, an ejection click may be heard as well as closure of the aortic valve if the valve is not calcified The pulmonary valve may close before the aortic valve resulting in paradoxical splitting of the second heart sound. A systolic ejection murmur, which begins after the first heart sound, increases in intensity reaching a peak in the middle of the ejection period and decreases in intensity until closure of the aortic valve is heard. The ejection murmur thus is referred to as crescendo decrescendo. Once the patient has become symptomatic, the prognosis is poor with 80% mortality at 4 years. Congestive heart failure accounts for mortality in up to two-thirds of the patients, and its onset suggests an average prognosis of 1 1/2 years. Ten to 20% of the patients die from an arrhythmia.

PathophysiologrySome blood from the right ventricle flows back into the right atrium leading to enlargement of the right atrium and increased right atrial pressure. The increased right atrial pressure leads to systemic venous congestion. Symptoms and SignsThe patient with advanced tricuspid insufficiency exhibits the signs of right heart failure and decreased cardiac output. A blowing systolic murmur is heard in tricuspid insufficiency. Atrial fibrillation may be present.

Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm (Electrophysiology)

Dysrhythmias ("arrhythmias") are irregularities in the heart rhythm that result from disturbances in the generation or conduction of the impulse. Certain dysrhythmias occur in the absence of any detectable disease of the heart. Other dysrhythmias occur characteristically in certain diseases of the heart or with toxic amounts of drugs. Predisposing factors for the development of a dysrhythmia include ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, hypoxemia, electrolyte imbalance, acidosis, and treatment with certain drugs such as sympathomimetics or antiarrhythmic drugs. The treatment of a dysrhythmia may be difficult unless all predisposing factors are corrected.
Normal PhysiologyThe conduction of an impulse through the myocardium proceeds in an orderly fashion so that both atria contract together shortly before both ventricles. The heart rate normally is controlled by the SA node, which fires at 60 to 100 beats/min. The electrophy siology of the pacemaker dictates that the faster pacemaker controls the heart. rate: SA node 60 to 100/minute; AV nude 40 to 60/minute; ventricular pacemaker 20 to 40/minute. An impulse is conducted from the SA node through the atria to the AV node. Atrial depolarization causes the P wave of the ERG. The AV node slows the impulse so that the atria may contract to fill the ventricles. The impulse then proceeds down the common bundle of His, the bundle branches and into the Purkinje fibers. The QRS complex of the ERG is caused by ventricular depolarization and the T wave is caused by ventricular repolarization. PathophysiologyMany dysrhythmias result from a decrease or increase in automaticity of myocardial tissue. Increased automaticity may result from a more-rapid rate of depolarization, more-negative


PathophysiologyIn AI a fraction of the stroke volume flows retrograde into the left ventricle so that cardiac output decreases. To compensate for the decrease in cardiac output, left ventricular end diastolic



threshold potential, less-negative resting potential, or a combination of these alterations. A decreased automaticity results from the opposite situations. Conduction disturbances, particularly slowing or failure of propagation, also may cause dysrhythmias. Conduction disturbances are caused electrophysiologically by low resting potential, a slowly rising action potential and delayed recovery from depolarization. Many paroxysmal tachycardias are due to reentrant phenomena (ie, a circus movement) in which an impulse is propagated continually in a circuit of excitable tissue. Such circuits may exist because of structural abnormalities, such as a bypass tract, or because of functional abnormalities of diseased heart tissue. When a critically timed impulse comes to two potential pathways with different refractory periods, it may be blocked down one pathway but conducted down the second. The impulse can then be conducted up the initially refractory pathway in a retrograde direction and back down the second pathway, thus setting up the circus movement. Dysrhythmias may have various or no effects on the individual. Significant changes in the heart rate may impair cardiac output. In pathological bradycardia, cardiac output fails to increase during conditions of increased demand such as exercise, infection, or stress. In tachycardia the synchrony of atrial-ventricular contraction may be lost or the time for ventricular filling may be decreased so that cardiac output is decreased. Heart rate is a determinant of myocardial oxygen consumption. Coronary artery blood flow to the ventricles occurs only in diastole. Tachycardia increases cardiac oxygen demand while decreasing supply. Pathophysiology and Symptoms and Signs of Common ArrhythmiasSinus bradycardia is a heart rate of less than 60 beats/minute with the impulse originating in the sinus node. Sinus bradycardia occurs in individuals who are in excellent physical condition, have increased parasympathetic tone, intracerebral pressure or hypothyroidism, or in patients with SA node dysfunction due to degenerative or ischemic heart disease. Sinus arrest refers to total cessation of sinus node activity. This may occur because of complete sinoatrial block (interference of conduction between sinus node and atrium) or loss of automaticity. There is a pause of at least 3 seconds between two P waves on the ERG. Causes of sinus arrest include excessive vagal stimulation, ischemic heart disease, and digitalis toxicity. Sinus arrhythmia usually is not a dysrhythmia but a normal change in heart rate (less than 10% variation in length of adjacent sinus cycles) that occurs with respiration. Heart rate increases during inspiration and decreases during expiration. Sinus tachycardia is a heart rate of greater than 100 beats/minute with the impulse originating in the sinus node. Usually sinus tachycardia is less than 140 beats/minute. The etiologies of sinus tachycardia include anxiety, fever, anemia, blood loss, thyrotoxicosis, pregnancy, pheochromocytoma, hypoxemia, various drugs, and electrolyte disturbances. Premature atrial depolarizations (PADs) are ectopic atrial beats. Usually PADs are of little significance, although they may precede a more serious atrial arrhythmia. The rhythm with PADs is usually irregular. The P wave is abnormal in PADs or may be hidden in the T wave. A PAD may be confused with a premature ventricular contraction. The etiology of PADs is related to stimulation by nicotine, caffeine, or sympathomimetics or the deranged electrophysiology of failing atria. Paroxysmal supra.ventrieular tachycardia (PSVT) is a sudden attack of atrial tachycardia that is sustained by reentry. The heartbeat is regular and 140 to 250 beats/minute. This is a benign arrhythmia unless the rate is very rapid. PSVT occurs in young people with no obvious cardiac disease, and the precipitating event is usually emotional upset, trauma, fatigue, indigestion, stimulant drugs, or alcohol ingestion. The patient may become very anxious because of prominent palpitations. PSVT may end abruptly, spontaneously, or be terminated by carotid massage or medications. The prognosis for PSVT is excellent unless the rapid rate results in CHF, angina, or myocardial infarction. Atrial flutter is a regular rhythm with an atrial rate of 250 to 350, usually 300 beats/min. The ventricular rate is 75 to 150 beatgminute reflecting AV block. The rhythm is sustained by reentry. The ERG shows sawtooth flutter waves instead of P waves. Atrial flutter occurs in patients with ischemic heart disease, mitral stenosis, thyrotoxicosis, hypertension, atrial septal defect, and hypoxemia due to chronic lung disease. Atrial fibrillation is an arrhythmia in which the atria do not contract. The atrial rate is 400 to 600, and the ventricular rate is 80 to 180. The ventricular rate, which is slower than the atrial rate because of AV block, is usually rapid and irregularly irregular. The ERG shows fibrillating undulations inste ad of P waves. Because the atria do not contract, cardiac output is decreased, and the symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure may be seen. Blood stagnates in the fibrillating atria, and thrombi may form and embolize to either the lungs or the systemic cir-

culation. The patient also may complain of palpitations due to the irregular rhythm. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation may precede the onset of permanent atrial fibrillation in patients with mitral stenosis, constrictive pericarditis, ischemic heart disease, CHF, and thyrotoxicosis. Premature ventricular depolarizations (PVD5) are beats that originate in an ectopic ventricular pacemaker. No P waves precede the QRS complex, which appears widened and bizarre. PVDs are a benign arrhythmia when they occur in young people without underlying heart disease. The precipitating factors in these individuals include the consumption of caffeine, nicotine or alcohol, emotional stress, and reflexes from the GI tract. PVDs may be a more serious arrhythmia when their frequency increases, they occur in pairs or runs, occur on the T wave, or originate from multiple fbci. In these cases, the arrhythmia may precede ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. PVDs are associated with ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, and digitalis intoxication. Ventricular tachycardia is an arrhythmia with a rate of 150 to 250 and a regular rhythm. The rhythm originates from an ectopic focus or occurs by a reentrant mechanism. The P wave is often independent of the QRS complex (A-V dissociation). Cardiac output is decreased markedly, and the patient is usually unconscious if the arrhythmia is sustained. Ventricular fibrillation may originate from ventricular tachycardia. Common causes of ventricular tachycardia are an acute myocardial infarction, chronic ischemic heart disease, digitalis, and Type 1 antiarrhythmic drug toxicity. Ventricular tachycardia rarely occurs in a healthy individual. Ventricular fibrillation. is an irregular chaotic rhythm that is associated with no cardiac output and death if the arrhythmia is prolonged. The ERG reveals disorganized wavefiirms.

Abnormalities of Conduction
Normally the AV node delays the impulse from the atria. In pathologic conditions, the impulse may be delayed abnormally or blocked completely. First-degree (1) heart block is a dysrhythmia that usually requires no treatment. In 1 0 heart block, the delay of atrial impulses by the AV node is prolonged (PR interval is greater than 0.20 sec). Each atrial impulse is conducted through the AV node and results in a ventricular impulse. First-degree heart block can result from any inflammatory or degenerative disease of the heart, ischemic heart disease, and multiple medications. In healthy persons, an increase in vagal tone may result in 1 heart block. Second-degree (2) heart block is a dysrhythmia in which the atrial rate is greater than the ventricular rate. Mobitz Type 1 ( Wenckebach) is progressive lengthening of the PR interval until an atrial impulse is not conducted to the ventricle and the corresponding QRS does not occur. The dropped ventricular beat may occur after every 2nd beat, 2:1 block or less frequently. The block may disappear during exercise or with a decrease in vagal stimulation. The atrial rate is regular while the ventricular rate is irregular. Mob itz Type 1 block is caused by ischemic heart disease, disease that involves the AV node, and by increases in vagal tone. The dysrhythmia requires no treatment unless cardiac output is impaired. Mobitz Type 2 is a more serious block of the lower His bundle complex that may progress to complete heart block. The EKG shows a normal or increased PR interval that remains constant. QRS complexes may be dropped after the P wave on a 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, or irregular basis. Mobitz Type 2 block occurs in myocardial infarction, chronic ischemic heart disease, myo carditis, and in sclerosing diseases of the myocardium. Complete or third degree (3) heart block involves a normal P wave that is unrelated to QRS complexes. The atrial impulse is blocked completely from conducting into the ventricles, and the CO is maintained by the ventricles' own pacemakers. Digitalis toxicity, myocardial infarction, and degeneration of the conduction tissue cause third degree heart block. The prognosis for 3 0 heart block depends on whether the patient is symptomatic and the exact site of the block. Treatment is by pacemaker insertion. Syncopal episodes due to bra dydysrhythmia s with resultant decreased CO are known as the Stokes-Adams-Morgagni syndrome.



This means abnormally elevated blood pressure. It may refer to increased pressure in any blood vessel, such as pulmonary or portal hypertension. However, it usually refers to an elevated systemic arterial blood pressure. Hypertension is not a disease but is a physical finding. Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure (SEP) ofgreater than 140 or a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of greater than 90 mmHg: an elevation of either SBP or DBP defines the presence of hypertension. Prehypertension, SBP 120-139 or DBP 80-89, may also merit treatment, because above 120/80 the frequency of complications due to hypertension rises significantly. Isolated systolic hypertension (SBP > 140 with DBP < 90) also may occur, particularly in the elderly. Above the age of 50, increased cardiovascular complications are more strongly associated with elevations of SBP than of DBP.
Normal Physiology Blood pressure is determined by cardiac output and peripheral resistance (BP CO x PR). Cardiac output is determined by stroke volume and heart rate (CO = SV x HR). Vascular resistance is inversely proportional to the 4th power of the internal radius of the blood vessels, according to the law of Poiseuille length (R --) Therefore, variations in the internal lumen of blood vesr4 sels profoundly affect the blood pressure. Blood pressure varies throughout the day in any individual and is affected by physical activity, emotional upset, and other factors. Epidemiology Approximately 20% of the population in the US has hypertension. The incidence depends on age, race, and gender. For example, Blacks at any age have twice the incidence of hypertension as Caucasians. Hypertension is slightly more common in males than in females. Etiology Between 5 and 10% of the cases have an identifiable cause, and these are called secondary hypertension. Causes include renal disease, renovascular disease, endocrine disorders, and coarctation of the aorta, which will be discussed below. The remaining 90 to 95% of the cases have no known cause and are called idiopathic, primary, or essential. The etiology of essential hypertension is probably multifactorial and may involve a number of abnormalities in physiological regulatory systems. The pressure receptors in the cardiovascular system, ie, barorenptors, may become reset at a higher pressure in response to chronic stress, overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, or heredity. The kidneys may retain too much salt and water in response to alter reflexes that tend to maintain abnormal intravascular fluid volumes. Statistical evidence correlates the incidence of hypertension with the quantity of dietary sodium chloride. Approximately 30% of patients with hypertension are salt-sensitive; their blood pressure falls significantly with salt restriction. Systolic hypertension most commonly occurs in elderly individuals and diabetics with stiff; noncompliant blood vessels, ie, atherosclerosis. Systolic hypertension also occurs in situations of increased cardiac output such as anemia, fever, beriberi, aortic valve insufficiency, arteriovenous fistulas, and thyrotoxicosis. Pathophysiology Hypertension is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular complications such as CHF, AMI, and angina pectoris (see previous discussions). Sustained hypertension results in damage in the target organs: the eyes, brain, heart, and kidneys. Damage to the eyes has been classified by Keith, Wagoner, and Barker. Grades I and II retinopathy correlate well with duration of hypertension, while Grades III and IV correspond to severity. Grade I: Arteriolar narrowing with mild depression of the venule by the crossing arteriole. Grade II: Greater arteriolar narrowing and compression of the venule by the crossing arteriole (AV nicking). Grade III: Arteriolar spasm, hemorrhages, and exudates. Grade IV: all other findings, plus papilledema. Hypertensive retinopathy leads to visual disturbances. Damage to the brain results from cerebral edema, thrombosis, and hemorrhage (see discussion of strokes). Strokes are 12 times more common in hypertensive patients. The stroke may be small and result in focal signs or a large, fatal, cerebral hemorrhage. The heart compensates for the increased work imposed by the increased afterload with left ventricul ar hypertrophy. Eventually, left ventricular function deteriorates; the chamber dilates and left ventricular failure occurs (see previous discussion of heart failure). Mortality from hypertensive congestive heart failure is 50%in 5 years. Hypertension accelerates coronary atherosclerotic heart disease and increases myocardial oxygen consumption. Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction are more common in hypertensive patients (see previous discussion of CAD). Hypertension causes intimal and muscular hypertrophy of afferent arterioles. Malignant hypertension causes fibrinoid necrosis in the afferent arterioles and rapid deterioration if renal function. Eventually renal failure occurs (see the discussion of chronic failure below).

Symptoms and SignsHypertension per se causes no symptoms or signs unless the BP is very high. The symptoms and signs of essential hypertension are secondary to target organ damage. For example, retinopathy causes scotomas, blurred vision, and finally, blindness. In severe accelerated hypertension, CNS symptoms may include lethargy, confusion, increased neuromuscular irritability, convulsions, and coma. Damage to the heart results in angina pectoris or the symptoms and signs of CHF or AMI. The symptoms and signs of chronic renal failure are described later. Elevated blood pressure may be an incidental finding during routine physical examination. The diagnosis of hypertension is based on documentation of increased blood pressure on several independent readings unless target-organ damage is already present. Adequate treatment of hypertension reduces its mortality and morbidity.

SECONDARY HYPERTENSIONThis presently accounts for only 5-10% of the cases. It may be cured or ameliorated if the underlying disorder is treated successfully. Renal vascular hypertension is mediated by the renin-angiotensin system. Renal blood flow is decreased by renal artery stenosis secondary to fibromuscular dysplasia or atherosclerosis. The renal artery lesion maybe either unilateral or bilateral. The decreased renal blood flow is sensed by the juxtaglomerular apparatus, which secretes renin. Benin cleaves angiotensinogen to angiotensin I (a decapeptide). Converting enzyme in the pulmonary circulation converts angiotensin Ito angiotensin IL Angiotensin II (an octapeptide) constricts blood vessels and stimulates aldosterone production. Aldosterone stimulates the retention of sodium and water and the excretion of potassium by the distal convoluted tubule. Renal parenchymal disease also is associated with hypertension; the mechanism is not understood well. The decreased excretion of sodium and water that occurs in renal failure results in volume expansion that contributes to hypertension. Endocrine disorders cause hypertension by the production of hormone by tumors or hyperplasia of endocrine glands. Hypertension is seen in Cushing's syndrome, primary hyperaldosteronism, and hyperparathyroidism (see later discussion of these disorders). A very rare cause of hypertension is a tumor of the adrenal gland known as pheochromocytoma, which secretes excessive quantities of norepinephrine and epinephrine. Elevations of blood pressure are often episodic. Accompanying symptoms of excessive catecholamines include acute pounding headache, tachycardia, and sweating. Administration of oral contraceptives can rarely cause hypertension. Estrogens increase hepatic synthesis of renin substrate and angiotensin-I. The hypertension reverts to normal when the oral contraceptives are discontinued. Coaretation of the aorta is a congenital malformation of the aorta exulting in a narrow area in the aorta, usually in the arch. Alterations in hemodynamics lead to a decreased renal blood flow, which activates the renin-angiotensin system.

Normal Physiology
Respiration involves all the processes in the transfer of oxygen from the air to the mitochondria of cells and of carbon dioxide from the cells back to the air. Four major steps are involved in respiration: ventilation, alveolar diffusion, transport, and tissu e diffusion. Ventilation is the functioning of the lungs to move air in and out to maintain the appropriate concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli. The process of ventilation requires proper functioning of the respiratory center in the brainstem, the peripheral nerves to the muscles, the muscles such as the diaphragm, the intercostals, the abdominals and others, and the lungs themselves. Spirometry is a technique that is used to measure the ventilatory functioning of the lungs. For purposes of measuring lung function, the lung is divided arbitrarily into various volumes and capacities. Tidal Volume (TV) is the amount of air moved in and out of the lungs during a normal breath. The amount of air remaining in the lungs after



a maximal exhalation is called the Residual Volume (RV). The level to which the lung volumes return after a normal breath is called the Functional Residual Capacity (FRC). If one takes a maximal inspiration, filling the lungs with as much air (or gases) as possible, one then reaches the Total Lung Capacity (TLC). The Vital Capacity (VC) is the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled following a maximal inspiration. The VC represents the ability of the subject to change the size of the thoracic cavity; ie, the bellows function of the lung. Age, sex, size, and disease may affect the vital capacity. When the vital capacity is forcibly exhaled, the measurement is called the Forced Vital Capacity (FVC). The rate of exhaling the FVC is measured at time intervals, ie, Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV,), FEV 2 , etc. The volume exhaled during the timed interval may be expressed as percentage of the vital capacity (FEV I /FVC). This value is useful in assessing the severity of obstructive airway disease. The measurement of the airflow during the middle 50% of the VC is relatively independent of patient effort and is useful in determining the mechanical properties of the lung. This is called the Forced Expiratory Flow (FE F) from 25% to 75% of the VC, (FEV25-75%). This measurement is a sensitive spirometric measurement for the detection of early obstructive lung disease. Each breath contains a portion of air that does not come in contact with a gas-exchanging membrane, such as the air in the large conducting airways. This is called dead space. The larger the dead space, the smaller the proportion of each breath which reaches a gas exchanging membrane and this affects the alveolar and arterial content of oxygen (0 2 ) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). In a steady state, the amount of CO 2 eliminated from the lung per minute is equal to the amount of CO 2 produced by the body. Since the partial pressure of CO 2 in the artery (PaCO 2 ) is almost equal to the partial pressure of CO 2 in the alveoli (PACO 2 ), the measurement of PaCO 2 assesses the adequacy of alveolar ventilation. An elevated PaCO 2 (>42 mmHg) means alveolar hypoventilation and a decreased PaCO 2 means alveolar hyperventilation.
Alveolar DiffusionGases are exchanged across the alveolarpulmonary capillary membranes. The ability for this diffusion to occur depends on (1) the surface area of the alveoli, (2) the gradient between the partial pressures of gases in the alveoli and those in the blood, (3) the condition of the membranes, and (4) the amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. When a person breathes 100% oxygen, the gradient between the partial pressure of 02 in the alveoli and that in the blood is so great the oxygen reaches the blood very rapidly regardless of reduction in surface area, changes in diffusion, or decreases in hemoglobin concentration. Under normal circumstances, the partial pressure of oxygen in the arteries (Pa0 2 ) approximates the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolus (PA0 2 ). The difference in these measurements, the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (P(A-a)02) is a measurement of the efficiency of the lungs in transferring oxygen into the blood. A normal P(Aa)0 2 is 10 to 15 mmHg in young people. This value increases with age. Transport in the BloodThe maximum amount of oxygen that the blood can carry is called oxygen capacity and is determined by the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. One gram of hemoglobin can carry 1,39 ml of oxygen. The presence of hemoglobin increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood by 30- to 100-fiald. Normally 97% of the oxygen is carried bound to hemoglobin. The actual amount of oxygen carried, which is usually less than the oxygen capacity, is the oxygen content. The oxyhemoglobin saturation (Sa0 2 ) is the 0 2 content divided into 0 2 -carrying capacity x 100 and is expressed as a percentage. The oxygen content can be calculated from the oxygen saturation and the hemoglobin content. The best measurement of tissue oxygenation is 02 delivery, which is the product of cardiac output and 0 2 content. A patient with normal lungs but with extremely low hemoglobin would have a normal Pa0 2 because the amount of 0 2 dissolved in the plasma would be normal but the blood actually would be carrying little 02 to the tissues because of the decreased carrying capacity. Also, the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin may be affected by physiological conditions that change the pH or temperature of the blood.

Low Inspired-Oxygen TensionThis is not a disease but the result of the person breathing air that has less than the normal amount of oxygen. Such conditions exist at high altitudes and in some deep mines where methane may replace oxygen. As long as the lungs are normal, the P(A-a)02 will be normal. Ventilation remains normal or may be increased so the elimination of CO 2 is normal or increased. Primary HypoventilationThis condition occurs when the lungs no longer move air in and out to maintain appropriate concentrations of gases. The lungs themselves may or may not be normal. Primary bypoventilation may be caused by abnormalities in the respiratory centers, the peripheral nerves to the muscles, the muscles of respiration, or the chest wall. If the lungs are normal, the Pa0 2 will be essentially normal but the PaCO 2 will be increased indicating inadequate alveolar ventilation. Drugs suppressing the ventilation centers are probably the most-common cause of primary hypoventilation. Mismatching of Ventilation to Perfusion (V/Q Abnormalities)If each alveolus were perfused with the appropriate amount of blood for maximum gas exchange, the ventilation-to-perfusion ratio would equal one. Normally, in the erect position, there is excess ventilation to perfinsion in the apices of the lung and excess perfusion to ventilation at the lung bases. At the apex V/Q 3 and at the bases VIQ 0.6. In normal individuals the overall VIQ = 0,8, Airflow obstruction decreases ventilation while perfusion remains unchanged. In this situation the VIQ ratio is less than normal. If blood flow to an area is restricted while ventilation remains normal, the VIQ ratio is very high. When no ventilation is present but perfusion is normal, V/Q = 0; this is defined as a true shunt. When there is no perfusion but ventilation is normal, V/Q _, this is defined as dead space. High VIQ ratios do not decrease the Pa02 as ventilation is more than adequate to supply 02 to the capillaries, which have decreased blood flow. However, low VIQ ratios do characterize hypoxemia, as ventilation is inadequate to oxygenate the relatively increased blood flow to that area. VIQ mismatching, which is the most common cause of hypoxemi a, may be corrected by allowing the patient to breathe 100% oxygen for 10 to 15 minutes. This is because replacing nitrogen (which is normally 79% of the gas in the alveolus) with oxygen raises alveolar P0 2 , Also VIQ mismatching results in an increased P(A-a)02. Low V/Q ratios, which occur normally at the lung bases, probably account for much of the normal P(A-a)02. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, and many other lung diseases cause hypoxemia by affecting ventilation and lowering the VIQ ratios in many areas of the lung. True Right-to-Left ShuntingThis occurs when venous blood goes from the right heart through the pulmonary circulation without contacting a gas-exchanging surface (ventilated alveolus). Such a situation exists in pulmonary arteriovenous malformations where the pulmonary capillaries are bypassed, in the adult respiratory distress syndrome, in atelectasis where alveoli are airless, and in pneumonia and pulmonary edema where the air in the alveoli is replaced by fluid. Since the blood is not in contact with an alveolar membrane that can exchange oxygen, breathing 100% oxygen will not correct hypoxemia that results from right-to-left shunting. Diffusion DefectsDiffusion defects are caused by thickened alveolar membranes. This is not a cause of significant hypoxemia in a resting patient but probably does play a role during exercise. Breathing 100% oxygen may increase the gradient across the alveolar membrane sufficiently to overcome a diffusion defect.

Airflow Obstructive Disease

Obstructive disorders, the most common diseases of the lungs, are characterized by an increase in airway resistance. Alterations in resistance may be acute or chronic, reversible or irreversible.
CHRONIC BRONCHITISChronic bronchitis is a disease associated with excessive tracheobronchial mucus production sufficient to cause daily cough with expectoration of sputum for at least 3 months/year for 2 consecutive years. Chronic bronchitis is a clinical diagnosis that is made after other pulmonary diseases are excluded. Emphysema is defined as distention of the airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles with destruction of the alveolar septa. The diagnosis of emphysema is based on anatomical alterations and frequently is made at autopsy. However, the entity can be considered to be present on the basis of certain physiological studies. These two diseases, although distinct processes, are often present simultaneously. EtiologyThe etiologies of these diseases have not been delineated clearly, although a variety of host and environmental factors have been implicated. Respiratory infections with viruses, Mycoplasma, and bacteria may play a role in the development of chronic bronchitis. Cigarette smoking correlates with the prevalence and severity of chronic bronchi-

This refers to decreased amounts of oxygen in the arterial blood. There are five general mechanisms for its development.



tis and emphysema and is by far the most common cause. Currently, these diseases occur more commonly in males over 35 years, although the incidence in females is increasing, paralleling the increase in cigarette smoking by women. Air pollution has been incriminated in the etiology of both chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Also, people who work in occupations associated with dusts and noxious gases have a higher incidence of chronic bronchitis. The hereditary deficiency of the enzyme alpha-l-antitrypsin is associated with the development of seven emphysema relatively early in life in both men and women. Pathology Chronic bronchitis is associated with hyperplasia and hype/trophy of the mucus-producing glands in the large airways. In the small airways, there is goblet-cell hyperplasia, mucosal and submucosal inflammation and edema, peribronchial fibrosis, and intraluminal mucus plugs. Ciliated cells are lost. Emphysema is classified according to the pattern of involvement distal to the terminal bronchioles. Centrilobular or centroacinar emphysema involves the respiratory bronchioles. Panacinar emphysema involves the respiratory bronchioles, the alveolar ducts, the alveoli, and their blood supply. Both forms of emphysema often occur in a single patient, although one form may predominate. Pathophysiology Both chronic bronchitis and emphysema can exist without clinically significant airflow obstruction. However, using sophisticated pulmonary function testing, early disease can be detected in young smokers. Both diseases result in narrowing of the airways with increased airway resistance and decreased FEF rates. Due to the altered pressure-airflow relationships, the work of breathing is increased in chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In both diseases, the TLC and RV are increased. The hypoxemia results from ventilation to perfusion mismatching. The PaCO 2 may be normal, be decreased because of hyperventilation, or be elevated in severe disease or during an acute exacerbation. The chronic hypoxia leads to pulmonary vascular constriction and pulmonary artery hypertension. The chronic increased afterload on the right heart ultimately leads to right heart. failure (cor pulmonale). Other sequelae of severe hypoxemia include polycythemia and alteration of the patient's mental status Symptoms and SignsDyspnea on exertion and functional disability result from severe airway obstruction with its increased work of breathing.

PREDOMINANT EMPHYSEMAThese patients have a long history of exertional dyspnea with little cough or sputum production. The typical patient is thin, uses accessory muscles to breathe, is tachypneic, with prolonged expiration through pursed lips, frequently leans forward when sitting, has a hyperresonant percussion note, and has diminished breath sounds by auscultation. The chest radiograph reveals low and flattened diaphragms and signs of hyperinflation. The clinical course is progressive, severe dyspnea for which little can be done. Resting blood gases become abnormal late in the course of the disease. PREDOMINANT BRONCHITIS ALONG WITH EMPHYSEMAThe typical patient has an impressive history of cough and sputum production for many years. Acute exacerbations increase in frequency, duration, and severity over the years. After each episode, the patient's baseline status may have deteriorated slightly. The presenting complaints may include cough, sputum production, exertional dyspnea, or peripheral edema secondary to right heart failure. This patient is usually overweight, cyanotic, and only slightly tachypneic. On auscultation coarse rhonchi and wheezes may be heard throughout the lung fields. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals hypoxia and hypercapnia. The VC is normal or only slightly decreased while the FEF rates are low. Some of these patients develop emphysema with the resultant symptoms. A patient with chronic bronchitis may experience many episodes of acute respiratory failure usually precipitated by a respiratory tract infection.

other third develop before age 40. Childhood asthma occurs in males predominantly (2:1), but after age 30 there is no sex difference. Because of the diversity of the disease, the classification of asthma is difficult. Allergic or extrinsic asthma usually is found in individuals with a history or a family history of atopy or allergic diseases such as rhinitis, urticaria, and eczema. Allergic asthma, which accounts for 25% of the cases, tends to be seasonal and occurs more commonly in children and young adults. Nonseasonal allergic asthma may be due to antigens such as animal dander, molds, and dust. In another group of patients, ingestion of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents may aggravate the asthma. Asthma also may occur during times of heavy industrial air pollution, physical exercise, or emotional upset. Pulmonary infections, congestive heart failure, pulmonary embolism, and treatment with cholinergic agents or bet a-adrenergic blockers may also provoke asthma. Asthma that occurs without an identifiable cause is labeled intrinsic or idiosyncratic. Pathology The hallmarks of acute asthma are over distention of the lungs, gelatinous plugs in the bronchioles, hypertrophy of the bronchial smooth muscle, mucosal edema, denudation of the surface epithelium, pronounced thickening of the basement membranes, and infiltration of the bronchial wall with inflammatory cells, particularly eosinophils and mast cells. Emphysematous changes are usually absent. Pathophysiology In those with allergic asthma, bronchoconstriction and alterations in bronchial secretions are the result of an immediate hypersensitivity reaction. In this response the interaction of antigen and antibody, particularly IgE, causes the release of chemical mediators from sensitized mast cells in the lungs. The mediators include histamine, leukotrienes, platelet-activating factor, eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis (ECF A), and neutrophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis (NCF-A). Secondary mediators include prostaglandins and bradykinin. These mediators constrict bronchial smooth muscle and increase vascular permeability. Adenylate cyclase catalyzes the formation of the cyclic nucleotide, cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP; cAMP), from adenosine triphosphate (ATP). cAMP is an intracellular mediator that inhibits the release of the chemical mediators. An increase in the concentration of cAMP causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle. It is thought that bronchoconstriction in asthmatics might result from a defect in cAMP as a result of nonresponsiveness to endogenous catecholamines due to downregulation of receptors. Catechol amines stimulate adenyl cyclase to increase the intracellular concentration of cAMP. A second cyclic nucleotide, cyclic 3',5'-guano sine monophosphate (cyclic GMP; cGMP), opposes the action of cAMP. Actions that are facilitated by cAMP are suppressed by cGMP and vice versa. cGMP promotes the release of bronchoconstrictor substances from mast cells. Guanylate cyclase catalyzes the synthesis of cGMP in response to stimulation by acetylcholine. Symptoms and Signs Symptoms include dyspnea, chest tightness, cough, and wheezing. Some patients with asthma do not wheeze and may have only dyspnea and/or cough. The symptoms are episodic and frequently occur at night. In asthma, the contraction of bronchial smooth muscle and the presence of mucosal edema and thick, tenacious mucus result in airflow obstruction. Hypoxemia is present during an acute severe attack. Blood-gas analysis usually shows decreased PaCO 2 and respiratory alkalosis. Normal or elevated levels of carbon dioxide during an acute episode should be viewed as impending respiratory failure. Clinical symptoms and signs are unreliable for judging tissue oxygenation. When severe symptoms persist for days or weeks, or fail to respond to basic therapy, the condition is known as status asthmaticus. Eosinophilia in sputum and blood suggests but is not specific for asthma. The chest radiograph shows hyperinflation and is not diagnostic.

Restrictive Lung Disease

This is a general term applied to a wide spectrum of diseases with a decrease in total lung capacity. In advanced cases, other lung volume components also are reduced. Most patients with restrictive lung diseases have intrinsic structural and functional abnormalities of the lung, which cause a stiff lung. Stiffness of the lungs is defined by a decrease in lung compliance or change in lung volume per unit change in pressure. A few of patients have normal lungs but have reduced lung volumes because of abnormalities of the chest wall, pleura, or abdomen.
Pathology Although some restrictive lung diseases have unique pathology, many have similar nonspecific end-stage changes. Such changes may include pulmonary fibrosis of the alveolar septa, peribronchiol ar fibrosis, mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate, smooth muscle proliferation within the interstitium, meta pla sia of the alveolar lining cells, and vascular obliteration with pulmonary hypertension.

Reversible Airway Obstruction

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA OR REACTIVE AIRWAYS DISEASEThis is defined as a disease characterized by increased responsiveness of the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles to various stimuli and is manifested by widespread narrowing of the airways that changes in severity either spontaneously or as a result of therapy.
Etiology and EpidemiologyAsthma affects at least 2% of the population. About one-half of the cases develop befbre age 10 and an-



EtiologyRestrictive lung disease may be acute or chronic. An example of an acute, reversible restrictive lung disease is pulmonary edema. Chronic restrictive lung diseases are diverse. In asbestosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug- or toxin-induced lung injury, the etiology is known, as it is for lung disease associated with sarcoid, collagen vascular disease, or other well-defined systemic illnesses. In pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, desquamative interstitial pneumonitis (DIP), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, the cause is not known. Symptoms and SignsThe hallmark of all restrictive lung diseases is dyspnea, a sensation of shortness of breath. This results from the increased work of breathing caused by stiff lungs. In addition, airflow resistance is increased because patients breathe at low lung volumes, which allows small airways to close. Tachypnea and a nonproductive cough are common findings. Although fine crackles may be heard, auscultatory findings are usually minimal compared to the degree of pathological changes. Patients with extensive fibrosis may experience recurrent pneumothorax. Pulmonary hypertension advancing to cor pulmonale may be seen as a late sequel. This complication is caused either by obliteration of the pulmonary vascular bed or by increased pulmonary resistance due to hypoxemia. The chest x-ray in restrictive lung diseases may show decreased lung volumes and increased interstitial markings. Arterial blood gases often reveal hypoxemia and hypocapnia. Abnormalities on physiological testing include an increased alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient and a decreased diffusion capacity.

Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome

This syndrome (ARDS) is a common cause of acute respiratory failure in a hospitalized patient. Its hallmark is damage to the pulmonary capillaries and alveolar epithelium leading to increased permeability and acute pulmonary edema. The etiology of this syndrome is multiple and includes shock, infection, near drowning, drug and toxin exposure, acute pancreatitis, and aspiration pneumonia. Despite the wide spectrum of diseases that may lead to ARDS, there is a similar clinical picture in all cases. Acute respiratory failure is accompanied by a diffuse infiltrate on chest x-ray and physiological disturbances of restrictive lung disease. On pathology there is edema, hemorrhage, hyaline membranes, inflammatory cells, and fibrosis.

Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

Both deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are significant causes of mortality and morbidity. Together they form a spectrum referred to as venous thromboemholism (VTE). The most important factor for decreasing morbidity and mortality is the prevention of DVT.
Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyVeins are thin-walled vessels composed mainly of collagen with some smooth muscle and little elastic tissue. They normally contain a large proportion of the circulating blood but at significantly lower pressures than arteries. The venous system of the lower extremities is composed of the deep, superficial and communicating veins. Blood return from lower extremities depends on the contraction of skeletal muscles, especially in the calves. Valves prevent retrograde flow of blood in the veins. These valves are present even in very small and their number decreases in the proximal veins. Valves are composed of elastic and collagen tissue and operate passively in response to pressure changes. The lung has two arterial blood supplies. The pulmonary artery exits from the right ventricle, immediately divides into the right and left branches, and carries deoxygenated blood from the systemic venous system to the lungs for gas exchange. The bronchial arteries branch off the aorta and carry oxygenated blood to the supporting tissue of the lung. Normally, clots do not form within the vascular system. The smooth endothelial surface of the blood vessels and a negatively charged protein layer on the endothelial surface that repels platelets are probably the most important factors in preventing clot formation. Two factors prevent excessive clotting. Approximately 85% of the thrombin fbrmed is adsorbed to the fibrin threads, which prevents the spread of the thrombin. The remaining thrombin is inactivated in 20 min by combining with antithrombin III. Plasma normally contains a protein called plasminogen which, when activated, forms plasmin. Plasmin is a proteolytic enzyme that digests

fibrin, fibrinogen, prothrombin, and Factors V, VIII, and XII. The process that activates plasminogen is understood poorly. Plasminogen is incorporated in all blood clots and is involved in dissolution of intravascular clots. EpidemiologyIt is difficult to estimate the incidence of DVT. The incidence of PE has been estimated as high as 500,000 caseslyear and is the cause of at least 50,000 deaths/year in the US. On autopsy, PE is found in 20 to 25% of deaths in general hospitals, 25% of deaths in nursing homes and as many as 50% of deaths due to congestive heart failure. The risk of VTE is increased markedly in individuals over 40 years. It is postulated that the diagnosis of PE is missed frequently in elderly chronically ill patients. EtiologyA number of conditions and situations have been associated with increased risk of VTE. These include prolonged bed rest, immobilization, cancers (particularly adenocarcinomas of the pancreas, lungs, or prostate), polycythemia vera, congestive heart failure, administration of estrogens, the postpartum state, orthopedic injuries, major surgery, trauma, chemical irritations, and infections. Approximately 85% of pulmonary embolic episodes are caused by DVT. PathophysiologyOver 100 years ago, Virchow described three factors that promote venous thrombosis: stasis, hypercoagulability, and vessel wall factors. Increased platelet adhesiveness and aggregation also may be involved. Stasis occurs at various sites in veins. The edges of the valves cause turbulent blood flow with eddy formation and stasis. Areas adjacent to the valves and the junctions of tributaries also are areas of stasis. Dilated veins (varicose veins) or previously damaged veins may have sluggish flow and incompetent valves. Lack of pumping of the blood in the veins by skeletal muscle contraction or compression of the veins by the muscle mass may explain the increased risk of DVT during bed rest or i mmobilization, and part of the increased risk during surgery. In polycythemia vera the blood is viscous and prone to stasis. Congestive heart failure also may increase the stasis of blood in the lower limbs. The stasis may allow the activation of factors as well as inhibit the dilution or removal of activated factors. Various risk factors for VTE are associated with hypercoagulable states. Cancers are thought to increase production of Factors V, VIII, IX, and XI, release tissue thromboplastin from necrotic tumor, and decrease the efficiency of the fibrinolytic system. Trauma and surgery may increase plasma concentration of fibrinogen and procoagulants, increase platelet adhesiveness, and decrease fibrinolysis. Estrogens increase the production of Factors I, II, VIII, IX, and X, increase platelet adhesiveness, and decrease the activity of antithrombin III. Estrogens also dilate veins and promote stasis. Congenital abnormalities of the coagulation cascade predispose strongly to VTE, often recurrent. These include the Factor V Leiden mutation, the prothrombin 20201A mutation, and congenital deficiencies of protein C and protein S. Increasing age predisposes individuals to thrombosis because of increased stasis caused by venous dilatation, malfunction of venous valves, decreased skeletal muscle mass, decreased physical activity, and decreased cardiac output. Increased Factor VIII and decreased antithrombin III activity enhance coagulation. If the vessel wall is disrupted, collagen is exposed and/or tissue thromboplastin is released. Exposed collagen and the extrinsic system activate the intrinsic coagulation system via tissue thromboplastin. Platelets adhere to the exposed collagen, aggregate to form a platelet plug and release platelet Factor III. Platelet Factor III is similar to tissue thromboplastin in that it initiates the extrinsic coagulation system. Platelet Factor III also can activate Factors VIII, IX, Xl, and XII. The end product of coagulation is the thrombus, which is composed of fibrin, trapped serum, and blood cells. The clot itself initiates a vicious cycle that promotes more clotting. The clot extends until it reaches an area of faster-flowing blood. The most-feared form of DVT involves the iliofemoral veins, since thrombi here are most likely to result in large emboli to the lungs. When an embolus lodges in a pulmonaiy artery, the area is being ventilated but not perfused. The area is now dead space. The alveoli transiently constrict due to hypocapnia. Surfactant is lost and atelectasis develops in 24 to 48 hours. Hypoxcmia usually develops. In massive PE, pulmonary hypertension may result and lead to acute right heart failure. Whether lung infarction occurs depends on the size of the embolus and the dual pulmonary blood flow. Many emboli are dissolved quickly by the fibrinolytic system. Recanalization may occur in 1 week. Some vessels, however, remain totally occluded with resultant loss of lung function. Symptoms and SignsDVT may present as swelling of the calf or thigh with edema of the lower extremity. The area over the thrombosis may be tender, warm, and erythematous. The thrombosed vein may be felt as a hard cord. Physical maneuvers of the limb or walking may worsen the pain. However, in many cases of DVT no symptoms or signs are present. More than 50% of patients with symptoms and signs normally attributed to DVT do not have VTE. The diagnosis of DVT is made conclusively by phlebography, but this invasive test is difficult to obtain



quickly, is painful, and may cause phlebitis. Noninvasive evaluation is most practicably carried out with Doppler flow studies. Elevated plasma levels of D-dimer are suggestive of VTE, and this test is becoming increasingly used. DVT can lead to PE, the postphlebitic syndrome (edema, pain, increased pigmentation, eczema, induration, and -ulceration) or recurrence of DVT. The symptoms and signs of PE depend on the size of the embolus and the presence of infarction. The classic presentation of PE is the sudden onset of dyspnea. If infarction occurs, pleuritic chest pain and hemoptysis also may be present. Hypoxemia and an increased alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient may be seen. Physical examination may or may not demonstrate the signs of DVT. Crackles, local wheezes, and a pleural friction rub may be heard on auscultation. Tachycardia and tachypnea are seen. Signs of acute right heart failure can be seen in massive PE. However, the physical examination may be completely normal. Laboratory examination is not diagnostic. The chest radiograph is often normal but may show a pleural effusion and/or infiltrate and/or changes in size or disappearance of blood vessels. A ventilation perfusion scan may give presumptive evidence for the diagnosis of PE. The test is associated with false negatives if the area involved is small or false positives if other lung diseases are present. Pulmonary arteriography is the most accurate method used to diagnose PE. CT angiography is somewhat more specific than ventilation-perfusion scanning and may even replace pulmonary angiography when the findings are definite.

food from the oropharynx to the stomach. It has a sphincter at both the top and the bottom end. The upper esophageal sphincter maintains a zone of high pressure between the oropharynx and the body of the esophagus. The sphincter pressure increases with respiration and prevents inspired air from entering the gastrointestinal tract. It also ads as a barrier against the regurgitation of esophageal contents into the pharynx. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) consists of highly specialized muscles, which is tonic in the resting state. It thus maintains a zone of high pressure between the esophagus and stomach. Its major function is to prevent reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. The two most specific symptoms of esophageal disease are dysphagia and heartburn. Dysphagia is the sensation of food sticking in the esophagus. It always indicates esophageal disease. Dysphagia may be of two typesto solids only, indicating a mechanical disorder such as stricture or tumor, or to both solids and liquids, indicating a motility such as diffuse spasm of achalasia. II eartburn refers to a burning discomfort that typically migrates from the abdomen up the retrosternal area of the chest. Less common symptoms are chest pain and odynophagia (painful swallowing and regurgitation).
Normal PhysiologyThe esophagus is a muscular organ that actively transports food by means of peristaltic waves. Swallowing involves the propulsion of a bolus of fbod from the oropharynx through the relaxed upper esophageal sphincter. Primary peristaltic waves then transport the bolus through the esophagus and past the LES, which relaxes in response to peristalsis. Secondary peristalsis is the same as primary peristalsis, but is initiated by a bolus of material in the body of the esophagus, such as occurs with the reflux of gastric contents. Tertiary contractions are nonpropulsive, =peristaltic waves that, for the most part, are pathologic and interfere with normal transport of food through the esophagus. Tertiary contractions are associated with dysphagia to solids and liquids and, in some patients, pain. The regulation of esophageal function is complex and modulated by the swallowing center in the brain. Afferent impulses from the pharynx and the esophagus are mediated by the vagus nerve. The efferent impulses also are mediated vagally through cholinergic fibers splayed around the esophagus in a myenteric network known as the plexus of Auerbach. The resting tone of the esophageal body is maintained largely by cholinergic stimulation, although sympathetic innervation probably plays some regulatory role. The resting pressure of the LES is maintained by specialized circular, smooth muscle. Relaxation of the LES is mediated by a balanced cholinergic-adrenergic stimulated release of noncholinergic, nonadrenergic neurotransmitters. The resting pressure of the LES is modified by a number of factors. Factors known to increase the LES pressure are certain G-1 hormones such as gastrin; foods such as a protein meal; drugs such as bethanechol, metoclopramide, erythromycin, cisapride, and domperidone; and increased gastric pH that occurs with eating. Factors known to decrease LES pressure are the GI hormones secretin and cholecystokinin; foods such as fat; certain drugs such as caffeine, alcohol, anticholinergics, calcium channel blockers, and theophylline; and a decreased gastric pH that occurs with fasting.

Cystic Fibrosis
This is a disease with diverse clinical manifestations characterized by abnormal exocrine gland secretions. It presents in childhood; with improved methods of detection in mild cases and better treatment, more adults are followed now for this disease.
Etiology and EpidemiologyCystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease carried by a gene on the long arm of chromosome 7 that codes for cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulatory protein (CFTR), a protein with a predicted molecular weight of 170 kD. There is one common mutation, the :1508 mutation, accounting for 70% of mutations, and over 1000 less common ones. Cystic fibrosis affects both sexes equally and occurs predominantly in Caucasians. In the past, cystic fibrosis was considered a fatal disease of childhood. With better techniques fiar earlier detection and improved methods of treatment, the median life expectancy has risen to 32 years. Pathophysiology Defects in CFTR protein, the chloride channel in the membrane of epithelial cells, impair cAMP-dependent chloride secretion by respiratory epithelium. Epithelial secretions become thick and difficult to clear. The high chloride concentration in secretions impairs bactericidal activity and predisposes to infection, particularly with Pseudomonas. Symptoms and Signs The initial manifestation may be inte stin al obstruction in the newborn secondary to abnormally thick meconium. Early in life pulmonary complications develop. Thick, tenacious mucus results in bronchial obstruction with subsequent atelectasis and infection. The initial bacterial pathogens, including S. aureu, are replaced later by P. neruginoa and other gram-negative organisms. Death in cystic fibrosis is usually clue to overwhelming pulmonary infection and respiratory failure. With longer survivals, cor pulmonale and recurrent hemoptysis are seen more frequently. Pancreatic insufficiency develops in approximately 80% of patients and causes malabsorption characterized by steatorrhea and deficiencies of vitamin B12, and the fat-soluble vitamins. Some patients experience recurrent bouts of pancreatitis. Biliary cirrhosis develops in approximately 10% of patients. The incidence of gallstones is increased. Most male patients are sterile because of a malformation or blockage of the vasa deferentia. Secondary sex characteristics are normal. The fertility rate among females is approximately one-fifth that of a control population. The reason for this is probably the increased viscosity of the cervical mucus. The best initial diagnostic test is the sweat test. There is usually a 3- to 5-fiald increase in the concentration of chloride in the sweat of patients with cystic fibrosis. The level of sweat electrolytes does not correlate with severity of disease. The sweat test is a difficult test to perform correctly and must be obtained in a reliable, experienced laboratory.

DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASEPathaphysiology This is the most common disorder of the esophagus and refers to the reflux of gastric content into the esophagus with subsequent injury to the esophageal mucosa. Gastroesophage al reflux disease (GERD) is caused, in most people, by an incompetent LES such that either the resting pressure (normally 12 to 20 mmHg) is decreased or, more commonly, the LES relaxes inappropriately allowing gastric contents to reflux into the esophagus. The gastric contents (primarily acid and to some extent bile) then damage the squamous epithelium of the esophagus. In some patients, a defect in secondary peristalsis caused by smoking, or a defect in gastric emptying caused by diabetes or a gastric stapling operation, may contribute. Inflammation of the mucosa and thickening of the basal layer of epithelial cells characterize esophagitis. In some patients, erosions and ulcerations may occur. In most patients, a hiatus hernia, a bulging of the stomach into the chest cavity, occurs, but its role in the patho physiology of GERD is thought to be relatively minor. Nevertheless, it is unusual to see severe GERD in the absence of a hiatus hernia. Symptoms and Signs The major symptom of GERD is heartburn, a retrosternal burning pain that migrates up the chest from the epigastrium. It is accompanied sometimes by an acid or bile taste in the back of the throat or a profusion of watery saliva (water brash). Typically' the

The esophagus is a muscular, hollow tube, which extends from the pharynx to the stomach. Its major function is to transport



heartburn is aggravated by overeating, bending, straining, or lying down after eating. Dysphagia may occur with GERD, either secondary to esophageal spasm (causing liquid and solid dysphagia) or due to stricture (causing dysphagia to solids only). DiagnosisThe diagnosis of GERD depends on the demonstration of esophagitis by endoscopy with biopsy and the demonstration of reflux of acid into the esophagus by direct measurement of pH in the distal esophagus with an esophageal pH probe. The treatment of GERD has two phases: (1) healing the esophageal mucosa, and (2) preventing recurrence: Since the injury is mediated by acid, the hallmark of therapy is acid reduction. This can be achieved with H2 receptor antagonists ( ci metidine, famotidine, nizatidine, ranitidine) or proton pump inhibitors flansoprazole and omeprazole): In general, the proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are approximately 50% more effective for treating all grades of esophagitis to healing and are thus the treatment of choice: After 8 weeks of therapy, PPIs will heal 90-95% of patients with mild disease and 80-90% of patients with severe disease, while H2RAs heal 50% of patients with mild disease and 20% of patients with severe disease. The proldnetic drugs, metoclopramide and cisapride, despite addressing the underlying problem of lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction, do not have sufficient healing rates, have a narrow therapeutic index and are not FDA approved as primary therapy for GERD. For most patients (ie, 90%), GERD is a lifetime disease requiring a lifetime of therapy. This can only be achieved with the proton pump inhibitors. Proldnetic drugs, because of their narrow therapeutic index and propensity for tachyphylaxis, have not been shown to maintain healing adequately: The H2RAs, because of tachyphylaxis, also do not maintain healing. To date, the only drugs shown to maintain healing above 80% are full dose proton pump inhibitorseither lansoprazole or omeprazole:

ESOPHAGEAL STRICTUREStrictures of the esophagus may be benign or malignant. Chronic GERD or the ingestion of toxic materials such as lye usually causes benign strictures. They are manifested anatomically by a symmetric narrowing of the esophagus that can be seen either by barium swallow or esophagoscopy. They are manifested clinically by dysphagia to solids only. Malignant strictures are caused either by esophageal squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma arising from the stomach or metaplastic columnar epithelium in the esophagus (so-called Barrett's esophagus). Malignant strictures are usually irregular and asymmetric on barium swallow or endoscopy and can be diagnosed by esophageal biopsy. They usually are associated with rapidly worsening dysphagia to solids along with weight loss. DIFFUSE ESOPHAGEAL SPASMThis is a motility disorder of the esophagus characterized by frequent and severe tertiary contractions. It occurs predominantly in elderly patients, but may be seen secondary to other disorders of the esophagus such as GERD. It is manifested clinically by intermittent dysphagia to solids and liquids and/or chest pain. Swallowing hot or cold drinks frequently precipitates the symptoms. Barium swallow or manometry makes the diagnosis. ACHALASIAThis is a motility disorder of the esophagus characterized by an increase in lower esophageal sphincter pressure and an absence of primary peristalsis. Pathophysiologically, achalasia is caused by a loss of the myenteric plexus. This may occur as a primary defect of unknown etiology or as a secondary defect due to invasive carcinoma of the lower esophagus or infestation from Trypanosoma cruzi, the cause of Chaga's disease. The diagnosis is made by manometry, which demonstrates an increase in the LES pressure, incomplete relaxation of the LES, and a total absence of primary and secondary peristaltic waves. Tertiary contractions may be seen. There is also a characteristic x-ray appearance with the body of the esophagus dilated and tapering down to a closed esophageal sphincter (so-called "bird beak" appearance). The disorder is seen more commonly in young people in their teens and twenties, but may be seen at any age. The patients typically are afflicted with intermittent dysphagia to solids and liquids. They may have regurgitation in the supine position with choking and coughing from aspiration. Weight loss occurs as the symptoms become more severe and more continuous.

digestion and subsequent absorption. The first step in this process is expansion of the stomach (so-called receptive relaxation) to accommodate the ingested liquid and solid food (chyme) without an increase in gastric pressure. The stomach then mixes, emulsifies, acidifies, and meters the chyme into the small bowel. This is achieved through gastric motility. The proximal and distal portions of the stomach have separate and distinct roles in motility. The proximal stomach receives and stores solids and is primarily responsible for the transfer of emulsified foodstuffs from the body of the stomach to the duodenum. The properties that allow this to occur are receptive relaxation (the ability to relax and receive food stuffs without increasing intragastric pressure), accommodation (the ability to distend to a large size without an increase in intragastric pressure), and contraction. The contraction waves of the proximal stomach are slow and sustained. They act to force solid meal components from the proximal to the distal portion of the stomach. The main function of the distal stomach is to retain and grind foodstuffs and to prevent reflux of duodenal content back into the stomach. The motor activity of the distal stomach is characterized by peristaltic waves sweeping downward toward the pylorus. These contractions are lumen-obliterating such that solid particles are retropelled for further emulsification. Only when the particles are smaller than 1 mm in diameter will they pass into the duodenum. The motor function of the stomach is regulated largely by the vagus nerve. The stomach also has a major secretory function. It secretes acid, pepsin, and intrinsic factor. The function of gastric acid is not entirely clear, but it does not play a particularly important role in digestion; rather, it seems to function more as a barrier to toxins and bacteria in the environment. It also plays a minor role in p11 homeostasis. There are two types of acid secretion-basal and stimulated. Basal acid secretion occurs continuously and independently of external stimuli. It is characterized by a circadian rhythm in which acid secretion is highest from about 10 pm until midnight and lowest from about 4 am until 8 am. This pattern of acid secretion is responsible for one of the characteristic features of peptic ulcer disease, which is nighttime waking with pain when acid secretion is high and un_neutralized by food. Stimulated acid secretion, on the other hand, occurs in response to the sight, smell, and ingestion of food. This acid secretion is stimulated by acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter of the vagus nerve; the hormone gastrin, secreted by G cells in the gastric antrum and histamine, secreted by enterochromafin cells in the wall of the stomach. Acid secretion is turned off by prostaglandin E, somatostatin, and some yet to be identified enterokinase. During most of the day, the food that stimulates acid secretion also neutralizes it, keeping the pH between 4 and 5. However, when the stomach is empty, approximately 2 to 3 hours after eating, the pH again drops and ulcer patients tend to get pain that is relieved by eating or antacids. The epithelium of the stomach, duodenum, and esophagus is protected from autodigestion by hydrochloric acid by means of a mucosal defense system. The most characteristic feature of this system is the secretion of mucous and bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is secreted by epithelial cells in the stomach and duodenum and is separated from luminal acid by a layer of mucous, which also is secreted by epithelial cells. These cells are largely under the influence of prostaglandin E 1 . Thus, the net effect of prostaglandin E i is to decrease acid secretion and increase mucosal defense. This is another example of the adaptive or protective effects of prostaglandins in the body. The function of the duodenum is to receive gastric contents and to mix them with secretions from the pancreas and gallbladder, which serve to digest (pancreatic enzymes) and solubilize (bile) the nutrients received from the stomach.


The major diseases of the stomach and duodenum are gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenitis, and duodenal ulcer, all of which are in some way related to gastric acid. PEPTIC ULCER DISEASEPeptic ulcer disease is a spectrum of diseases consisting of gastritis, gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer. They

Stomach and Duodenum

The main function of the stomach is to receive ingested food and then present it to the small bowel in tiny particles suitable for



are among the most frequently encountered disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Common to these disorders as well as gastric cancer is gastritis, an inflammation of the epithelial surface and gastric glands of the stomach. The most common cause of gastritis and thus of ulcer disease and gastric cancer, is Helicobacter pylori infection. EpidemiologyPeptic ulcer disease is on the decline in the developed world, having peaked early in the century, and probably reflecting the improved sanitary conditions that reduce the spread of enteric infections such as H pylori. Nevertheless, the point prevalence is still 1%, and the lifetime incidence 10%. Symptoms and SignsThe clinical presentation of ulcer disease is characteristic and is a reflection of the pH in the stomach. Thus, the typical burning epigastric pain occurs on an empty stomach, ie, 2-3 hours after eating and is relieved by eating. It also occurs in the lath evening and early morning hours when acid secretion is high and the acid is unneutralized by eating. Ulcer disease may also present with its complications of bleeding (manifested by hematemesis, melena, or anemia), obstruction ( manifested by early satiety and weight loss), and penetration/perforation ( manifested by persistent epigastric pain, back pain, and fever). These are the so-called alarm manifestations of ulcer disease and should always preclude empiric treatment and dictate further work-up. PathophysiologyUlcer disease occurs whenever there is an increase in acid secretion (eg, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome) or a decrease in mucosal defense (eg, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapy) or a combination of both (eg, H pylori infection). H pylori causes approximately 70% of ulcer disease in the developed world and more than 90% of ulcer disease in the undeveloped world. NSAIDs cause 5-10% of duodenal ulcers and 20-25% of gastric ulcers. Twenty to 30% of ulcer disease is idiopathic. H pylori is a unique organism that is exquisitely well adapted to the gastric environment and, in fact, cannot exist outside an acidified environment. It is a gram-negative, flagellated spirochete. The flagella allow it to burrow through the mucous layer of the stomach and attach to the epithelial surface. It is a facilitative acidophile, meaning it can adjust its cytoplasmic pH to its surrounding environment. It is also microaerophilic making it highly adaptive to the interface of the oxygen-reduced environment of the gastric lumen and the oxygen-enriched environment of the gastric mucosa. Finally, it has the unique enzyme, urease, which splits urea into bicarbonate and ammonia, thus creating an alkalinized ammonia shell to interface with the acidified gastric lumen. The pathogenesis of H pylori ulcer disease is only partially understood. It appears that 70-80% of ulcers are associated with H pylori, but that only 10% of H pylori infected individuals develop ulcers. Thus, host factors and co-factors are important in the pathogenesis. In general, there appear to be two patterns ofinfection. The first is characterized by diffuse antral gastritis that leads to increased acid secretion, secondary gastric metaplasia of the duodenum, duodenal ulcer in the gastric metaplasia, and in some patients, formation of lymphomas in the antrum. The second type of infection is a patchy atrophic gastritis involving the antrum and fundus of the stomach. It leads to gastric atrophy, decreased acid secretion, intestinal metaplasia of the stomach followed by gastric ulcer, and in some patients, gastric adenocarcinoma. In summary, H pylori accounts far 70-80% of ulcers, almost 100% of gastric mucosal lymphomas and 90% of gastric cancer. The World Health Organization has classified H pylori as a class I (ie, definite) carcinogen and estimates that eradication of H pylori would lead to a 90% reduction in gastric cancer worldwide. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease is best made by endoscopy. Helicobacter infection can be diagnosed by gastric biopsy, a pH color indicator test based on the production of ammonium by urease in Helicobacter-infected patients or by a serum antibody test. A radioisotope test based on the urease reaction has recently been developed. In this test, the patient ingests 14C urea. If urease H pylori) is present, the urea is converted to ammonium and carbon dioxide with the 14CO2 blown off in the breath. The specificity and sensitivity of this test are both greater than 95%. The treatment of acid peptic disease is (1) acid reduction to heal the ulcer and relieve symptoms and (2) prevention of recurrence by treating the underlying cause, either NSAIDs or H pylori. Acid reduction may be achieved with H2 receptor antagonists (ci metidine, famotidine, nizatidine, or ranitidine) or proton pump inhibitors (lansoprazole, omeprazole). The proton pump inhibitors are far superior and in the case of H pylori disease raise the pH to sufficient levels to improve antibiotic efficacy. Either discontinuing the NSAID or increasing mucosal resistance with the prostaglandin El analog, misoprostil can prevent NSAID-induced ulcers. H pylori ulcers can be prevented by antibiotic therapy. It should be noted that H pylori is an organism of great genetic diversity with a high mutation rate. It is therefore important to use multiple antibiotics. It is also important to keep the gastric pH above 5 in order to create an optimum environmental pH for the antibiotics. This can only be achieved with proton pump inhibitors given twice daily. The most widely used antibiotics are metronidazole,

and clarithromycin. It should he noted, however, that metronidazole has a 40% drug resistance rate. The best eradication rates at the time of publication have been achieved with lansoprazole (30 mg bid) or omeprazole (40 mg bid) and amoxicillin (1 g bid) and clarithromycin (500 mg bid). This will change as the organism evolves. Development of a prophylactic/therapeutic vaccine is underway.

GASTRIC CANCERThe two major types of gastric cancer are adenocarcinoma and lymphoma, both of which are seen most commonly with H pylori infections.
Adenocaminoma occurs almost exclusively in the presence of gastric atrophy caused by either environmental gastritis (mostly H pylori) or autoimmune gastritis (pernicious anemia). It is usually, clinically silent until well advanced at which time patients present with weight loss (96%), pain (70%), vomiting (50%), anorexia (25%), early satiety (10%), hematemesis ( 10%), or dysphagi a. Diagnosis is made by endoscopy with biopsy. The treatment is surgical with a 5-year survival rate of only 5-10%. Lymphoma is the second most common malignancy in the stomach. The stomach is ordinarily devoid of lymphatic tissue, thus, lymphomas comprise less than 5% of all gastric malignancies. Most lymphomas are derived from mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) and are B cell tumors. More than 90% are associated with H pylori. They may be associated with abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, or hemorrhage. Low-grade tumors regress after H pylori eradication. More advanced tumors require surgical resection followed by combined radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

The pancreas is located in the retroperitoneal space at approximately the level of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. The head of the pancreas fits into the C-loop, ie, the second portion of the duodenum. The body extends across the spine behind the stomach, and the tail lies in the hilus of the spleen. The pancreas has both exocrine and endocrine function.
Normal PhysiologyThe endocrine functions of the pancreas are mediated by hormones secreted by the islets of Langerhans. These cells account for less than 1% of the total mass of the pancreas and are scattered erratically throughout the gland. Within the islets are four distinct types of cells. The beta cells comprise 80% of the islet cell mass and secrete insulin. Alpha cells are found in the periphery of the islets and make up 16% of its mass. They secrete glucagon. Delta cells secrete somatostatin and the newly recognized polypeptide cells secrete yet to be identified products. Pancreatic exocrine function is mediated by bicarbonate and digestive enzymes secreted into the intestine. Bicarbonate is secreted by the intralobular ductal cells. It provides an appropriate pH environment for pancreatic enzymes and protects the duodenal mucosa from acid from the stomach. There are more than 15 digestive enzymes that have been identified to date. These are produced in the pancreatic acinar cells. The most important are lipase, which cleaves triglycerides to form fatty acids and monoglycerides; amylase, which is responsible for the digestion of complex carbohydrates; and trypsinogen, which activates various protease enzymes that break down complex proteins. Water and bicarbonate secretion are mediated by secretin, a 27 amino acid peptide secreted by S cells in the upper small intestine. Secretin release is induced by acidification of the duodenum. Pancreatic enzyme release is mediated by cholecystokinin, a 33 amino acid polypeptide release from mucosal cells in the upper small intestine in response to amino acids and triglycerides. Other hormones also are thought to play a role in pancreatic secretion although their precise function is not understood.


ACUTE PANCREATITISAcute pancreatitis is an acute inflammation of the pancreas. Gallstones and alcohol are the most common causes. Ilyperlipidemia is an important and increasingly recognized cause of acute pancreatitis. It usually is associated with lipoprotein lipase deficiency and causes the most severe form of acute pancreatitis. Triglyceride levels are generally over 1000 mg/L in these patients. Other causes include trauma, vasculitis, infections (mumps and Coxsackie virus are the most common), spider bites and drugs (azathioprine, steroids, and thiazides are the most common). The most common symptoms of pancreatitis are pain, nausea, and vomiting. The pain is usually mid-epigastric and bores through to the back. Fever may be present.



The diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is based on the clinical presentation and supported by a marked elevation of serum amylase or lipase. The white count usuallyis elevated, and mild jaundice may be present. X-rays of the abdomen usually show a dilated loop of bowel (so-called sentinel loop) near the pancreas. CT scan shows swelling of the pancreas. Treatment of acute pancreatitis is supportive. Intravenous fluids are required. Nasogastric suction maybe necessary to decrease nausea and vomiting. Pain is alleviated with narcotics. When patients are infected, antibiotics are given. CHRONIC PANCREATITISChronic pancreatitis is a chronic, relapsing inflammation of the pancreas that is manifested by rec uiTent episodes of abdominal pain, steatorrhea, and diabetes. The most important cause is alcoholism. The disease may be insidious in onset and present only with its end-stage manifestations of steatorrhea and diabetes. Bulky, foulsmelling, light-colored stools characterize steatorrhea. Malnutrition ensues from fat malabsorption, negative nitrogen balance, and diabetes. Malnutrition may be associated with weakness, anorexia, and signs of specific nutritional deficiencies. These include pathological bone fractures from vitamin D deficiency, bruising, and bleeding from vitamin K deficiency, night blindness from vitamin A deficiency, and muscle wasting and edema from protein deficiency. Pain may be a prominent feature of the disease. The treatment of chronic pancreatitis is directed toward the prevention of malnutrition and, if present, the relief of pain. Nutrition is restored with the use of good diet and pancreatic replacement enzymes. Pain management is very difficult in these patients because many are addicted. Narcotics should be avoided. There is evidence that pancreatic enzyme replacement relieves pain in some patients. PANCREATIC TUMORSThere are two major types of pancreatic tumors: adenocarcinomas arising from ductular epithelium and islet cell tumors arising from cells in the islets of Langerhans. Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is usually insidious in onset with nonspecific symptoms such as weight loss, mild abdominal pain, and back pain. Jaundice due to obstruction of the common bile duct ultimately ensues. Occasionally, systemic manifestations such as migratory thrombophlebitis, erythema multiforme, thrombocytosis, and fever of unknown origin occur. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is almost invariably incurable at the time of diagnosis. Patients with islet cell tumors frequently exhibit symptoms and signs related to the tumor secretory products. For example, hyperinsulinemia may produce hyperphagia, weight gain, and mental changes. Hypergastrinemia may be associated with aggressive ulcer disease. These tumors are frequently difficult to locate, often eluding CT scan and angiography. They are diagnosed most commonly based on the clinical history and measurement of their secretory products. CYSTIC FIBROSISCystic fibrosis is an inherited, autosomal recessive disease seen in about 1 in 1500 to 2000 live births. Severe pulmonary disease predominates, but there are also gastrointestinal manifestations, particularly steatorrhea with malnutrition. (See Respiratory section.)

defecate is resisted, the stimulus gradually diminishes, and sometimes constipation ensues. The colon's contribution to water balance in the intestine is relatively minor. Approximately 10 L of fluid enters the gut daily. This consists of oral intake of 2 L, saliva of 1 L, gastric juice of 2 L, bile of 1 L, pancreatic juice of 2 L, and jejunal secretions of 2 L. Of this amount, 8 to 9 L are reabsorbed in the small intestine. Another 1 to 2 L is reabsorbed in the colon, leaving 100 to 160 ml to be excreted daily as stool. It follows that the volume of the stool aids in defining the site of bowel dysfunction, which results in diarrhea. Large-volume diarrhea, ie, greater than 1 L per day, is usually due to a disorder of the small intestine, whereas small-volume diarrhea, consisting of less than 1 L per day, is usually of colonic origin. Diarrhea and constipation are difficult to define because the frequency and volume of defecation varies greatly among individuals and in varying parts of the world depending on the diet. In general, normal bowel activity is defined as between three bowel movements per day and three bowel movements per week.

CONSTIPATIONConstipation generally denotes the infrequent or difficult evacuation of feces. It is a symptom of a problem rather than a medical disorder itself. By far the most common cause is irritable bowel syndrome, but it also occurs in association with hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemic states, neurological disorders, and psychiatric disorders and in association with many drugs. Minor episodes of constipation may occur with changes in diet, particularly a decrease in fiber intake, and with alterations in daily routines such as travel and decreased physical activity. It also may occur in disorders of anal function that accompany neuromuscular disorders of the anal area. The law of Laplace (t = P.r) describes the important relationship between the tension in the muscle wall (t), the radius of the bowel lumen (r), and the pressure in the lumen (P). It forms the rationale for treatment of constipation with increased fiber. The important point is that increased muscle contraction, particularly in the colon, increases intraluminal pressure and retards the forward movement of feces, thus increasing the contact time for the reabsorption of water and the hardening of the stool. An increased fiber diet increases luminal diameter, thus decreasing intraluminal pressure and allowing more forward flow of the feces. Thus, fiber-containing laxatives form the most physiological basis for relieving constipation. DIARRHEADiarrhea is defined as increased frequency or decreased consistency of bowel movements. It usually is classified as either of small bowel or large bowel origin. Small bowel diarrhea is usually large volume, consisting of large rushes and is associated with periumbilical cramping. Colonic diarrhea is small volume consisting of small spurts and associated with hypogastric cramping. Diarrhea is classified further as osmotic or secretory. Osmotic diarrhea is typically smaller volume, aggravated by eating and partially relieved by fasting. Secretory diarrhea is usually large volume and persists with fasting. It is possible to distinguish osmotic and secretory diarrhea by measuring stool osmolality. However, the logistics of such an examination make it difficult at best and almost routinely inaccurate in most clinical settings. The major causes of osmotic diarrhea are inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal lactase deficiency, and various infections. The major causes of secretory diarrhea, which is uncommon, are villous adenoma and the various hormonal syndromes from non-GI tumors that secrete peptides that stimulate intestinal water secretion.

The colon, or large bowel, is a 3- to 4-foot long tubular organ. It extends around the periphery of the abdominal cavity. Its primary functions are the reabsorption of water and electrolytes and the storage of feces for evacuation at a convenient time.
Normal PhysiologyApproximately 1500 to 2000 ml of liquid chyme reaches the ileocecal valve each day. This is the net volume fbllowing ingestion, absorption, and secretion from the upper GI tract. The intestinal bolus empties slowly through the ileocecal valve into the cecum. In the ascending and transverse colon, the ring-like contractions further delay the movement of chyme. Sodium, fbllowed by water, is absorbed actively in this part of the bowel, transforming the chyme into a soft, fecal mass. In the transverse and descending colon, tonic contractions carry the globular mass downstream, often propelling it distances that reach 1/3 the length of the colon. These mass movements frequently occur as part of the gastrocolic reflex after eating. Defecation is initiated by distention of the rectum by the fecal mass. If the urge to


IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROMEIrritable bowel syndrome is the most common chronic G-1 disorder in the western world affecting close to 20% of those living in the US. It is characterized by intermittent abdominal pain, bloating, complaints of excess gas, food intolerance, and disordered bowel function consisting of either diarrhea or constipation or, most typically, both. The symptoms are thought to be the consequence of altered bowel motility, although specific disorders of motility have not been identified. The pain typically occurs in the lower



abdomen or the left- or right-upper quadrant. It is intermittent and often relieved by bowel movement or passage of flatus. It does not awaken the patient at night. When the pain occurs under the left coastal margin, it is known as splenic flexure syndrome, and when it occurs under the right costar mar gin, it is known as hepatic flexure syndrome. The diagnosis is made primarily on the basis of symptoms. It frequently occurs during stressful periods in people s lives or with changes in lifestyle with subsequent alterations in diet, particularly a change to diets that are low in fiber. It also is seen frequently with pharmacologic therapy, especially drugs with anticholinergic activity such as tricyclic antidepressants or major tranquilizers. Patients less than 30 years of age can be treated without diagnostic workup, but for those over 30, sigmoidoscopy and microscopic stool exam should be included. It is also important in these patients to rule out intestinal lactase deficiency. The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is reassurance, dietary modification to a regular high-fiber diet and fiber supplementation with bulk laxatives. Occasionally, antidepressants are needed for patients who are depressed. It is desirable to avoid antidepressants with anticholinergic activity in such patients.

itis, the diagnosis often is delayed, and the mortality rate is greater than 50%. Extracolonic manifestations also occur and include erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, uveitis, iritis, and a variety of liver diseases including chronic hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis, which, ultimately, usually requires liver transplant. The treatment of ulcerative colitis consists of drugs that reduce the inflammation. These include corticosteroids, azathioprine, and methotrexate. In addition, intestinally acting preparations of salicylate such as azulfidine, olsalazine, and mesalamine are used. The latter drugs are particularly useful in reducing the frequency of flare-ups of disease. The ultimate treatment, however, is total colectomy with ileo-anal pull through.

CROHN'S DISEASE (GRANULOMATOUS COLITIS)Crohn's disease is a granulomatous inflammation that affects

both the colon and small bowel. When it involves only the colon, it is frequently indistinguishable from ulcerative colitis. Like ulcerative colitis, the etiology is unknown, but immune mechanisms appear to be important. The clinical and laboratory features of Crohn's colitis are indistinguishable from ulcerative colitis. Distinction is made by bowel biopsy, which may show the characteristic granulomatous inflammation. When that inflammation is not present, Crohn's may be indistinguishable from ulcerative colitis for several years. The complications of Crohn's colitis are the same as those for ulcerative colitis. The medical treatment of Crohn's colitis is the same as that for ulcerative colitis. However, in Crohn's colitis, every effort is made to preserve the colon, since surgery has a tendency to chase the disease up the bowel. Surgery in Crohn's disease is indicated only for complications such as perforation and stricture. POLYPOID LESIONS OF THE COLONColonic polyps are very common. The adenomatous polyp is the most important polyp, affecting more than 20% of the population. Because of the frequency with which it occurs and because it is the precursor of colon cancer, adenomatous polyps are the targets of colon cancer screening. Colonic adenomatous polyps are seen in 5-15% of the general population over 45 years of age, and prevalence increases with age. Adenomas usually are found during screening examinations for colon cancer, but may also present with symptoms of rectal bleeding, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Most patients with polyps will have 1 to 3, but as many as 50 may be seen. Most are pedunculated and can be removed through the colonoscope by snare electrocautery. Following removal, they tend to recur, and thus, follow-up examinations are important. COLON CANCERMalignant lesions of the colon include adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoma, carcinoid tumors, and, rarely, metastatic tumors. However, 95% of colon malignancies are adenocarcinomas. There are approximately 150,000 new cases with 60,000 deaths per year in the US. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in men (following lung) and women (following breast). One in 20 Americans will develop this malignancy. The incidence of colon cancer increases with age and is most common in the seventh decade. Both environmental and genetic factors have been implicated in the cause of colon cancer. A high incidence has been linked to low dietary fiber intake and high animal fat consumption. An increased prevalence of colon cancer in relatives of colon cancer patients indicates that genetic factors are also important. Colon cancer may cause blood in the stools, a change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, and/or weight loss. In most patients, however, the symptoms are late. Thus, most cancers are not resectable for cure by the time they become symptomatic. Because of the frequency of colon cancer and its curability when detected early, routine screening is indicated. The current recommendations for screening include yearly rectal exam after age 40, stool Hemoccult testing yearly after age 50, and proctoscopic exam at age 50 and every 3 to 5 years thereafter. Widespread screening has been shown to reduce the death rate from colon cancer.

DIVERTICULOSIS AND DIVERTICULITISDiverticula are acquired herniations of the mucosa through the muscular layers of the bowel. Diverticulitis is inflammation in a diverticulum resulting from microperforation. Diverticula may be the ultimate expression of irritable bowel syndrome and are rare before age 35 but present in 40-50% of people over 70. They are most common in the sigmoid colon, which has the highest intraluminal pressure. Diverticula are usually asymptomatic although they occasionally bleed. The treatment of diverticulosis consists of a high-fiber diet as used in the management of irritable bowel syndrome. Diverticulitis, resulting from a perforation of a diverticulum, occurs in only 10-20% of people with diverticula. It manifests with acute, left lower-quadrant abdominal pain, fever, and constipation. Barium enema or colon oscopy usually makes diagnosis. The treatment of diverticulitis consists of the administration of antibiotics and, initially, a low residue diet consisting of enteral formulas. Once recovery occurs, the treatment is the same as that for diverticulosis. ULCERATIVE COLITISUlcerative colitis is a chronic disease of unknown etiology. It is an immune-mediated disease, but it is not known what triggers the immune response. The disease occurs predominantly in adults, 20 to 50 years of age, but may be seen at any age. It is more common in women, Caucasians, and Jews and in those who reside in urban settings. It is rare among Africans, Asians, and North American Indians The pathology of the disease is very characteristic. The mucosa of the rectum and bowel is edematous with a bloody purulent exudate. The rectum is virtually always involved with the disease, having a tendency to spread from the rectum to more proximal areas in a continuous pattern. Bloody diarrhea is the most characteristic presentation of ulcerative colitis. The stool also may be purulent. Diarrhea with as many as 20 to 30 bowel movements per day is common. Lower abdominal pain, hematochezia, and fever also occur. Laboratory data usually show leukocytosis and anemia. Diagnosis is made by sigmoidoscopy with mucosal biopsy. The clinical course of ulcerative colitis is variable but intractable. Spontaneous remission does occur but, in general, the course of the disease is one of exacerbations and remissions. It is a lifetime disease. Because of the risk of colon cancer and the superimposition of complications, most patients have a total colectomy within the first 10 years of the onset of disease. Complications include perforation with peritonitis, toxic megacolon resulting from a dilated functionless bowel, and adenocarcinoma of the colon. The risk of adenocarcinoma increases with age. It is about 2-3% at 10 years and 20-25% after 20 years of disease. The diagnosis of carcinoma in the presence of ulcerative colitis is difficult because the symptoms of ulcerative colitis mask the symptoms of carcinoma. Because of the difficulty in diagnosing colon cancer in patients with ulcerative col-



The liver is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol, bile salts, phospholipids and various proteins. It also stores and transforms carbohydrates. A major function of the liver is the detoxification and excretion of exogenous substances. Amino acids are synthesized by the liver to tissue and plasma proteins, especially albumin. It also synthesizes nonessential amino acids as well as all of the coagulation factors except Factor 8. Glucose is stored in the liver as glycogen. A visible function of the liver is its conjugation of bilirubin, a product of hemoglobin degradation. The liver converts bilirubin to a polar form that can be excreted in bile and to some extent in the urine. Failure to metabolize bilirubin results in jaundice, a yellow discoloration of the skin and sclera that is a common symptom of liver disease. Virtually all lipid-soluble exogenous substances are metabolized in the liver. This function is carried out largely by hydroxylation by the mixed-function oxidases, followed by conjugation. This process is responsible for most drug metabolism and is at the heart of many drug interactions. The liver is unique in having two blood supplies. The veins from the GI tract and spleen form the portal vein, which perfuses the liver and normally accounts for about 70% of its blood supply. The liver also receives arterial blood from the hepatic artery. Approximately one-fifth of cardiac output normally flows through the liver. The liver has a limited number of ways of responding to injury. These include acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, and fibrosis and tumor formation. In addition, there are a number of storage diseases of the liver. The remarkable ability of the liver to regenerate spares it from end-organ failure in most of these diseases. DISEASES OF THE LIVER ACUTE HEPATITISAcute hepatitis is caused by either viruses or toxins. The most important causes of acute hepatitis in the US are hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. The important drugs causing hepatitis are halothane, isoniazid and acetaminophen. The various types of viral hepatitis are compared in Table 56-1. HEPATITIS AHepatitis A virus was first identified in 1973. Type A hepatitis occurs in epidemics, particularly in younger people. There is, however, a disturbing trend toward an increased age of acquisition. This is particularly problematic because hepatitis A virus, while causing a mild, flu-like illness in children, causes a very serious illness in middle-aged and older adults.

In the typical clinical course, a prodrome of malaise, anorexia, headache, mild fever, and alteration of taste occurs 6 to 8 weeks after exposure. Soon after, the patient notices dark urine, light stool, and some right-upper quadrant discomfort. Jaundic e may follow after a few days. It is noteworthy that only a small percentage of patients actually become jaundiced; thus, the illness tends to be missed and attributed to flu. While hepatitis A occasionally becomes fulminant and causes death, the overwhelming majority of patients, (ie, greater than 99%) recover without se quelae. HEPATITIS BThe hepatitis B virus was discovered in the mid 1970s. Hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus that has a tendency to cause chronic disease. The acute illness is indistinguishable from other types of viral hepatitis, but about 10% of patients develop a chronic hepatitis with some of these going on to ultimately develop cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. The primary mode of transmission throughout the world is vertical (ie, from infected mother to newborn infant), but in the US, the primary modes of transmission are sexual and 1V drug abuse. There is now an effective vaccine for hepatitis B. At present, only people at high risk of acquiring the disease are being vaccinated, but it is hoped that universal vaccination will be underway soon. HEPATITIS CHepatitis C virus is the major cause of transfusion-associated hepatitis, although transfusion is not the major mode of spread. Over 50% of cases are acquired by an unknown mode of transmission. The clinical course of hepatitis C virus is indistinguishable from other forms of viral hepatitis, although it tends to be milder. The most characteristic feature of this illness is its propensity to become chronic. At least 70% of patients who are infected, ultimately developing chronic disease, and about 20% of these ultimately going on to develop liver failure or liver cancer. There is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C. There is some evidence, however, that treating the acute illness with alpha-interferon reduces the incidence of chronic disease.


Hepatitis AOptimum control lies in good general hygiene, safe disposal of feces, and identification of epidemics. Immune serum globulin is effective in preventing or modifying type A hepatitis in over 5046 of those exposed. A worrisome feature, however, is that with the declining incidence of hepatitis A in the young population, less and less of the pooled immune specific globulin is effective in preventing hepatitis A. A hepatitis A vaccine has been developed and should be available commercially in the near future.

Table 56-1. Comparison of Types of Hepatitis


Virus Incubation Range (days) Mean (days) Transmission Fecal-oral Household Vertical Blood Sexual Carrier state Risk of chronic hepatitis Risk of liver cancer Prevention Vaccine I mmunoglobulin Mortality rate
Min = minimal.


DNA 30-150 75 No Mine Yes Yes Yes Yes 10% Yes Yes Yes




15-50 30 Yes Yes Rare No No No Yes Yes 15%

15-160 50 Min ,3 Min , ? Mind Yes Mind Yes 70/0-90% Yes No No ==0.5%


20-40 27 Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No 0.5%-1.5%

No No High



Hepatitis BAvoidance of multiple sexual partners and IV drug use is the most useful way of preventing hepatitis B. Hepatitis B immune specific globulin (HBIG) appears to be effective in preventing hepatitis B in about 755k of cases. There is also an effective vaccine for preventing hepatitis B (Energix B or Recombivax BB). Hepatitis CThere is no known mechanism for preventing hepatitis C. Pooled immune globulin is not effective. There is as yet no vaccine. Chronic HepatitisChronic hepatitis is the pathological and clinical manifestation of a heterogeneous group of disorders, both genetic and acquired. What they have in common is a chronic inflammatory reaction directed against the hepatocyte. By far the most common causes are hepatitis B and C viruses, which account for 70-80% of cases in most series. Autoimmune chronic hepatitis, Wilson's disease, and drugs account fiar the remainder. The disorders can be distinguished on the basis of several serological tests. Our understanding of these diseases has evolved largely over the past 20 years and was propelled by the discovery of the hepatitis viruses. Chronic infection with hepatitis B is the most important worldwide cause of chronic hepatitis. The liver injury results from an inflammatory i mmune attack against hepatocytes. In most patients, the hepatitis B virus itself is not cytopathic. The infected cells are not eliminated, allowing the attack to continue. In the usual circumstance, the hepatocyte expresses cell surface markers (in this case HBcAg and HLA Class I antigen). Primed lymphocytes then attack the infected hepatocytes. The expression of the HLA markers is stimulated by interferon. There is now considerable evidence that patients with chronic hepatitis B are deficient in interferon and, by inference, unable to express HLA markers that would attract an appropriate lymphocyte response. This deficiency is probably genetic in some populations and acquired in others. The acquired deficiency occurs as a consequence of transfection of chromosome 9 at the site that codes fiar interferon. The discovery of interferon deficiency in chronic hepatitis B has led to the successful use of interferon as therapy in some of these patients. Approximately half of the patients respond with a loss of viral replication, a reduction in inflammation and, in some cases, a loss of the markers of hepatitis B infection including HBsAg. In general, patients with aminotransferase enzyme (ALT or AST) levels of 100 to 200, DNA levels of less than 100 and positive HBeAg respond best. The treatment is 5 million units subcutaneously daily for 6 months. At about the 12th or 14th week, one can expect to see a flare-up of the hepatitis. This is a good sign and usually associated with conversion of HBeAg to anti-HBe and loss of viral replication. The response, when obtained, usually is prolonged with a relapse rate of only 2-3% per year.

WILSON'S DISEASEWilson's disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism that manifests primarily as either neuropsychiatric disease or liver disease. It has a gene frequency of 1/200 and a disease frequency of 1/30,000. More than 30 different mutations on chromosome 13 have been found. Wilson's disease usually presents prior to age 30, although several patients in their 50s and 60s have been reported. For reasons that are unknown, children tend to have predominantly hepatic involvement while adolescents and adults have the neuropsychiatric manifestations. The hepatic manifestations include fulminant hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Hepatocellular carcinoma is virtually unknown in Wilson's patients. Approximately 25% of patients have evidence of involvement of more than one organ system at the time of diagnosis. The characteristic laboratory features include moderately elevated aminotransferase enzymes (2-5 fold), normal ornear normal alkaline phosphatase and absence or near absence of the copper carrier protein, ceruloplasmin. The role of ceruloplasmin in the pathogenesis of Wilson's disease is unknown. The ceruloplasmin gene, however, is on chromosome 3, rather than 13, and thus the deficiency of ceruloplasmin is probably a secondary feature. The underlying pathophysiology, whatever the mechanism, is an inability to excrete biliary copper that accumulates in various tissues leading to the characteristic clinical features consisting of neuropsychiatric changes including behavioral change, psychosis, extrapyramidal signs, and cerebellar or pseudobulbar signs. Corneal rings known as Kayser-Fleischer rings are virtually pathognomonic. However, they are frequently not present in younger patients with liver disease. Other manifestations of Wilson's disease include proximal renal tubular dysfunction, osteopenia, osteoarthropathy, and hemolysis. The diagnosis is based on finding disturbances in copper metabolism including decreased or absent serum ceruloplasmin, urinary copper excretion of greater than 100 mg per day

and hepatic copper concentration of greater than 250 ilg/g of liver tissue. Untreated Wilson's disease is fatal. The treatment consists of chelation therapy with D-penicillamine and is lifelong. Patients who develop fulminant hepatitis die unless they receive a liver transplant. Patients with chronic hepatitis eventually progress to cirrhosis despite treatment and eventually require liver transplantation. AUTO IMMUNE CHRONIC HEPATITISThis is also a heterogeneous group of disorders that can be distinguished on the basis of serological tests. It is not yet known, however, whether the different types of autoimmune hepatitis have different courses or response to treatment. It is less common than chronic hepatitis B or C. The typical clinical features are female predominance, young age, association with autoantibodies and other autoimmune disorders, presence of hyperglobulinemia, and virtually universal response to corticosteroids. It is associated with HLA phenotypes B8 and DR3. Interestingly, patients with either autoimmune or viral chronic hepatitis that is associated with other autoimmune disorders are more likely to be IJR4 phenotype. The disease usually is progressive with development of cirrhosis and liver failure within a few years. Corticosteroids greatly improve the prognosis of autoimmune chronic hepatitis. The initial steroid therapy is titered to the serum aminotransferase enzyme levels. Patients should be maintained on low-dose steroids indefinitely after the initial response. Azathioprine may be used for a steroid-sparing effect. Wilson's disease is a rare cause of chronic hepatitis. It usually occurs before age 30, but several patients in their 50s and 60s have been reported. For reasons that are not known, patients have predominantly either the liver or the neuropsychiatric form of the disease. In children, hepatic involvement tends to dominate, while in adolescents and adults the neuropsychiatric disease tends to dominate. Approximately 25% of patients have evidence of involvement of more than one organ system at the time of diagnosis. The consequence of missing the diagnosis is disastrous with virtually all patients subsequently developing acute liver failure. Patients with Wilson's disease tend to have normal or near-normal serum alkaline phosphatase and alanine (ALA) levels. They also tend to have periportal Mallory's hyaline on liver biopsy, unlike other forms of chronic active hepatitis (CM1). Early intervention with chelation therapy (D-penicillamine) leads to stabilization and improvement in the liver disease. Development of fulminant hepatic failure is always fatal and an indication for emergency liver transplantation. The final cause of chronic hepatitis among the major categories is drug-induced. A number of drugs have been reported including methyldopa, nitrofurantoin, isoniazid, ketoconazole, and acetaminophen Women appear to be more susceptible, and there is frequently a background of autoimmune disease. The clinical presentation mimics autoimmune chronic hepatitis. The treatment is drug withdrawal. CIRRHOSISCirrhosis ( Gk, kirrhos = yellow) is defined as a diffuse increase in fibrous tissue within the liver plus the presence of regenerative nodules. The fibrosis is the result of active fibrogenesis. The fibrogenesis generally is thought to be stimulated by cytokines released during inflammation and necrosis. Virtually all chronic liver diseases ultimately can end with cirrhosis. The fibrous tissue leads to a distortion of the architecture of the liver with loss of normal function. Even though regeneration of hepatocytes occurs, the distorted architecture compromises their overall function. By far the most common cause of cirrhosis in this country is alcohol consumption. Other causes include chronic active hepatitis of all types, primary biliary cirrhosis, hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. The typical patient with alcoholic cirrhosis has consumed approximately a pint of whiskey per day for 15 years. However, the majority of patients who drink this much alcohol never develop cirrhosis. It probably is determined genetically whether or not



cirrhosis occurs. In the case of alcoholic cirrhosis, only about 20% of patients who are alcoholic develop cirrhosis. The clinical presentation of cirrhosis is related primarily to the development of portal hypertension and the loss of hepatocellular function. Portal hypertension results from the resistance of flow through the liver. The increased pressure in the portal system is transmitted within that system, especially the coronary vein leading to esophageal varices, the gastric veins leading to gastric varices, and the inferior mesenteric vein leading to hemorrhoids. When the pressure reaches a certain level, these veins tend to burst, causing gastrointestinal hemorrhage. This is particularly true for the esophageal varices. Another manifestation of cirrhosis is ascites, the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The pathophysiology of ascites formation is complex, but the two most important features appear to be an increase in hydrostatic pressure M the portal circulation as the consequence of portal hypertension and decreased oncotic pressure due to the development of hypoalbuminemia. The hypoalbuminemia is caused by decreased synthesis of albumin by hepatocytes and the loss of albumin from the surface of the liver. This results in decreased oncotic pressure in the circulation (from decreased albumin synthesis) and increased oncotic pressure in the free peritoneal space (from albumin in the perinatal space). These factors in combination favor fluid accumulation in the abdominal space. The loss of fluid from the intravascular space causes secondary hyperaldosteronism, which activates the renin angiotensin system causing the kidneys to retain sodium and water. Thus, a vicious cycle is formed, all directed toward fluid retention. Porto-systemic encephalopathy (PSE) is another manifestation of cirrhosis and is characterized by a spectrum of decreased mental and neurologic function. PSE is thought to occur because of the failure of the liver to remove noxious products of protein metabolism, particularly ammonia. Typical symptoms include sleep reversal, hypersomnia, apathy, personality changes, and intellectual deterioration. There maybe neurological abnormalities such as slurred speech, asterixis, and exaggerated deeptendon reflexes. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical presentation and a characteristic delta wave pattern on electroencephalogram. Other clinical features include the manifestations of excess feminization due to the toxic effect of alcohol on testicular function and the failure of the liver to metabolize estrogen. The net effect of excess feminization is spider angioma, palmar erythema, Dupuytren's contracture, parotid enlargement, gynecoma stia, and testicular atrophy.
Symptoms and SignsThe most characteristic manifestations of cirrhosis are jaundice and ascites. However, an insidious onset characterized by weakness, fatigue, anorexia, and ultimately the signs of PSE, including sleep reversal, apathy, forgetfulness, confusion, euphoria, and personality changes, may occur. Social graces are often lost. Stupor and coma eventually ensue. Neurological findings, at this time, might include asterixis, slurred speech, muscle rigidity, hyperreflexia, and occasionally, localizing neurological signs. Primary biliary cirrhosis may have some unique features such as pruritus, dark urine, pale stools, steatorrhe a, and xanthelasma. Laboratory abnormalities include hyperhilirubinemia, hypoalbuminemia, prolonged prothrombin time, hyponatremia, and mildly elevated AST and ALA levels. Pancytopenia may be present. In primary biliary cirrhosis, the serum alkaline phosphatase is elevated markedly as is the serum cholesterol. Antimitochondrial antibodies are present in the serum. The clinical course of cirrhosis is usually relentlessly downward. In alcoholic patients, this downward course may continue despite abstinence. The fatal event is usually bleeding from esophageal varices or an infection. There is no specific curative treatment for any farm of cirrhosis. However, the prognosis in alcoholic cirrhosis is improved by abstinence. The prognosis in autoimmune chronic active hepatitis is improved by continuous low-dose corticosteroid therapy. A preliminary study has shown methotrexate to be partially effective in the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis. The cirrhosis of hemachromatosis is treated by iron removal by phlebotomy, but there is little evidence that once the patient has become cirrhotic that the prognosis is improved. The prognosis of Wilson's disease is improved with copper chelation therapy with D-peni-

cillamine. Preliminary studies have shown that the course of chronic hepatitis B may be improved with alpha-interferon therapy. Nevertheless, liver transplantation remains the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage liver disease.

Gallbladder and Gallstones

The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile. It is the usual site of gallstone formation.
Normal PhysiologyThe gallbladder fills passively with bile secreted by the liver. The filling process is facilitated by the secretion of bile and the closing of the sphincter of Oddi between meals, which enables the gallbladder to fill with bile, concentrate the bile, and then contract after meals to empty into the intestine where the bile solubilizes lipids far ultimate digestion and absorption. The gallbladder contracts and empties its concentrated bile in response to cholecystokinin released from the duodenal mucosa during a meal. Bile is the major secretory product of the liver. It is composed of water in which small amounts of cholesterol, phospholipids, and bile salts are solubili zed. It also contains bilirubin, which gives bile its characteristic yellow color. Bile is increasingly concentrated as it proceeds through the biliary tree and is concentrated 10- to 20-fold in the gallbladder, which absorbs water. Cholesterol is insoluble in water but is dissolved in bile by incorporation into mixed micelles and small vesicles. Mixed micelles are composed of bile acids, which are detergents, and lecithin, which together solubilize cholesterol. There is a limit to the quantity of cholesterol that can be dissolved in micelles. If this quantity is exceeded, cholesterol precipitates, which predisposes to gallstone formation. Bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol in liver cells. The primary bile acids, chalk acid and chenodeoxycholic acid, are conjugated in the liver, excreted into the bile, and eventually reach the small intestine, where they participate in the solubilization of lipids. About onethird of the primary bile acids secreted into bile are converted by intestinal bacteria to the secondary bile acids, lithoeholic acid and deoxycholic acid, which are lost in the stool. The remaining primary bile acids are reabsorbed in the terminal ileum and returned to the liver to be recycledthe enterohepatic circulation. This mass of recirculating bile acids, called the bile acid pool, recirculates approximately twice with each meal. Most of the reabsorption takes place in the last 100 cm of the terminal ileum, leaving a high concentration of bile acids to participate in digestion in the jejunum and proximal ileum. Loss of the last 100 cm of the terminal ileum, as occurs with surgery or regional enteritis (Crohn's disease), leads to malabsorption of fats, decreased fat absorption, and diarrhea (induced by bile acids in the colon).

CHOLELITHIASIS (GALLSTONES)Gallstones are classified according to their composition: cholesterol, pigment, and mixed. Mixed stones are by far the most common. They are predominantly cholesterol but also contain bile pigments, calcium salts, and protein. They probably have a pathogenesis similar to that of pure cholesterol stones. They are often multiple, with a brown center, hard shell, and faceted surface. Pigment stones contain b ile pigment such as bilirubinate. They are black, round to amorphous, and hard. Two-thirds of gallstones in the US are predominantly cholesterol. EpidemiologyAn estimated 24 million Americans have gallstones. In those over age 65, the incidence approaches 3046. Cholesterol and mixed stones are three times more common in women of child-bearing age than in men. The incidence is increased in individuals who are obese, elderly, multiparous, or cirrhotic. The incidence exceeds 704 in women of some Native American tribes. PathophysiologyThe pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstone formation has been clarified. Failure of cholesterol-volatilization leads to precipitation and potentially to a gallstone. Normal people may secrete iatrogenic bile (supersaturated with cholesterol) during fasting when bile acid secretion is minimal but not all people develop gallstones. Nevertheless, certain defects have been identified in patients with cholesterol gallstones. Lean people with gallstones tend to have reduced biliary secretion of bile acids and phospholipids. Obese individuals secrete excessive quantities of cholesterol into bile. Some individuals have a contracted bile acid pool because their bile acid loss exceeds the maximum rate of liver synthesis of bile acids. For example resection or chronic inflammatory disease of the ileum may cause the net loss of bile acids as may the chronic ingestion of the binding resin, cholestyramine. Once a crystal is farmed as a result of cholesterol precipitation from bile, the crystal may grow or several crystals may aggregate. This phase of gallstone formation is poorly understood. Nucleating factors exist in bile and appear to foster precipitation of cholesterol crystals. The process of gallstone growth appears to involve the entrapment of crystals



by gallbladder mucus, and the process may be fostered by impaired gallbladder emptying. Information regarding pigment stone formation is scarce. Many patients have increased bilirubin production as a result of chronic hemolysis. Thus, the liver conjugates and excretes increased quantities of bilirubin. Beta-glucuronidase in bile may deconjugate bilirubin, making it less soluble in bile and possibly fostering precipitation. Gallstones cause morbidity by irritating the gallbladder mucosa directly (cholecystitis) or by impacting in the cystic duct. They also may pass into and obstruct the common duct. Symptoms and SignsMost patients with gallstones are asymptomatic. The characteristic symptom is epigastric pain that may lateralize to the right side and radiate to the tip of the right scapula. The pain is a severe, aching sensation that is not influenced by body position. The pain begins rapidly, grows in intensity, and disappears rather abruptly. The duration of pain is variable but usually is about 2 to 6 hours. Nausea and vomiting may accompany the pain. Jaundice may appear in several days if the stones remain in the common bile duct. Fever and chills often occur with acute cholelithiasis because of infection in the biliary tree. Sepsis may occur. The symptoms of flatulence, bloating, and fatty food intolerance, frequently attributed to gallbladder disease, are not characteristic of gallbladder disease and are more likely due to irritable bowel syndrome. Physical examination in the acute case reveals tenderness, muscle guarding, and rigidity over the area of the gallbladder. A mass is rarely palpable. Serum levels of alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin may be increased; WBC count is elevated in infection. Ultrasound discloses gallstones in most cases.

Symptoms and SignsTypically symptoms and signs develop late in the evolution of the renal disease. Hypertension, proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome, and chronic renal failure (see descriptions below).

EtiologyGlomerulonephritis has diverse causes. Several potential i mmunological mechanisms can give rise to glomerulonephritis. For example, in Goodpasture syndrome or antiglomerular basement membrane nephritis, an endogenous antigen attaches to the basement membrane of glomerular capillaries and incites a destructive inflammatory nephritis. In lupus nephritis and postinfectious glomerulonephritis, antigen-antibody complexes deposit and initiate inflammation. In lupus nephritis, the antigen is DNA; in postinfectious glomerulonephritis, the antigen is a protein associated with the organism infecting some other part of the body; streptococcal antigen is a well-researched example. In IgA nephropathy, the immune mechanism is not clear. Broadly similar glomerular damage can also occur from non-immunological mechanisms, for example in vasculitis and hereditary nephritis (Alport syndrome). EpidemiologyGlomerulonephritis is the leading cause of chronic renal failure after diabetes. IgA nephropathy is the most common cause of glomerulonephritis worldwide and is particularly common in Asians. Glomerulonephritis occurs in two-thirds of patients with lupus. PathologyDiverse types of histological damage reflect the diverse etiologies. In acute GN, such as poststreptacaccal, the glomeruli are swollen, infiltrated with PMNs, and there is proliferation of endothelial and epithelial glomerular cells. In severe cases, epithelial crescents fbrm in Bowman's capsule. In immune complex GN granular, nodular, or "lumpy bumpy" deposits of immunoglobulin are found in the glomeruli. In antiglomerular basement membrane nephritis, immunofluorescence microscopy shows antibodies in a linear pattern alongthe capillary walls of the glomeruli. The pathological classification of chronic GN includes IgA nephropathy, membranoproliferative, membranous, focal or diffuse proliferative and rapidly progressive GN. A description of the histopathologi cal features of these fbrms of GN is beyond the scope of this chapter. PathophysiologyAll cases of GN are the result of immune reactions. Many cases involve formation of antibodies against circulating extrarenal antigens. These antibodies are usually IgG and al so circulate in the blood. Antigen-antibody complexes are formed when a critical ratio of antibody to antigen is reached in the blood. The complexes become trapped in the glomeruli during filtration, hence the name immune complex glomerulonephritis. The process actually is more complex than simple trapping and involves dysfunction of the mesangial cells, the reticuloendothelial cells in the glomeruli that normally remove foreign materials. The antigen-antibody complexes in the glomeruli activate the complement cascade via the classic or alternate pathways. Activation of complement also activates Factor XII and the clotting system, which leads to the deposition of fibrin. Factor XII also activates the ldnin system, which causes release ofchemotactic factors, and substances that increase permeability of blood vessels. The inflammatory reaction with the release of lysosomal enzymes damages the glomeruli. Fibrosis ensues. The remaining of cases of GN are due to the development of antibodies against glomerular basement membrane. These antibodies also are active against alveolar basement membrane. The inflammatory reaction is responsible far the damage to the glomeruli and alveoli. Symptoms and SignsThe hallmarks of GN are gross or microscopic hematuria (11Bes in the urine), hypertension, proteinuria, and facial, periorbital, and pedal edema. Edema is also part of the nephrotic syndrome and will be discussed below. Glomerulonephritis also may be associated with hypertension, fatigue, anorexia, and congestive symptoms such as orthopnea and dyspnea on exertion. The urine also may contain RBC casts, WBCs, granular or hyaline casts, and epithelial debris. Chronic GN eventually leads to the symptoms and signs of chronic renal failure. Oliguria, "coke-colored" or "smoky" urine, bilateral steady flank pain, and malaise typically herald the onset of acute poststreptacaccal glomerulonephritis. Edema develops in a few days unless salt and fluid are restricted. The prognosis of acute poststreptacoccal GN is excellent in children: 90% recover completely, although the urinary signs may persist for 1 year. The prognosis for chronic GN is variable. Some forms progress slowly while others deteriorate rapidly to chronic renal failure.

Normal PhysiologyThe kidneys receive about 20% of the resting cardiac output. From this torrential blood flow, the one million glomeruli in each kidney create an ultrafiltrate (glomerular filtrate) at a rate of 120 mllminute. The glomerular filtrate contains all small molecules in the same concentration as they are dissolved in the plasma but does not allow the escape of large molecules (protein). Each glomerulus is connected to a renal tubule. The tubule reabsorbs about 99% of the glomerular filtrate and most of the dissolved solutes, returning to the bloodstream what is required for maintenance of the internal environment and allowing any excess to escape into the urine. Waste products such as urea and creatinine are reabsorbed to a much lesser extent or not at all and are thus preferentially eliminated. Relevant details of physiology are included in the appropriate sections below.

Glomerular Disease
As might be expected from the physiology above, disease of the glomeruli tends to reduce glomerular filtration rate and to allow leakage of protein into the urine. Common features of glomerular disease thus include fluid overload, hypertension, proteinuria, and renal failure. Diabetes is the most common cause of glomerular disease in western countries. Most other forms of glomerulonephritis (GN) involve immunologically mediated inflammation of the glomeruli in both kidneys symmetrically. GN must be differentiated from interstitial nephritis, which is inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding the glomeruli and tubules.

Defini tion/OverviewDiabetic nephropathy is characterized clinically by a stereotyped march from normality to subtle increase in glomerular filtration rate (hyperfiltratian) to excretion of albumin in minimally increased quantities (microalbuminuria) to heavy urinary protein loss, and eventually decline of renal function to uremia. EpidemiologyIn the absence of effective treatment, 25-45% of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes will develop nephropathy during their lifetime. Certain groups (Native Americans)not only have a higher prevalence of diabetes than average, but also a greater likelihood of developing nephropathy Pathology and PathogenesisGlyeosylation of tissue proteins appears to lie at the root of the microvascular damage in diabetic nephropathy. High blood pressure and activation of cytakines including TGF-I3 magnifies the damage. By elect = microscopy, uniform thickening of the glomerular basement membrane, diffuse expansion of the mesangium, and later the appearance of glomerular nodules (Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion) characterize diabetic nephropathy.



Nephrotic Syndrome
This is not a single disease but a constellation of abnormalities that occur when the glomerular capillary wall becomes permeable to protein.
Normal PhysiologyOnly small quantities of protein are filtered by normal glomeruli, a situation largely explained by the barriers to protein filtration and the nature of plasma proteins. The normal glomerular capillary wall is almost impermeable to protein. The endothelium is not a barrier, but the glomerular basement membrane prevents filtration of large proteins and blood cells. The negative charge on the glomerular basement membranes repels protein molecules. Thus, only proteins with a molecular weight of less than 40,000 may be filtered normally by the glomeruli, and the tubules reabsorb these proteins so that insignificant quantities of protein appear in the urine. EtiologyAny glomerular disease that damages the basement membrane and allows leakage of protein may cause the syndrome. The most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children is minimal change disease. In adults diabetes mellitus is far and away the most common cause; other causes include glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, collagen vascular diseases, and nephrotoxins such as mercury, gold, anticonvulsant drugs, and penicillamine. Tubular disorders may cause mild to moderate proteinuria but do not cause nephrotic syndrome. PathophysiologyLarge quantities of protein, mainly albumin, are lost in the urine in nephrotic syndrome. In adults the proteinuria is at least 3 to 4 g/day but may be as high as 30 to 40 Wday. Some filtered protein is degraded by tubules. Thus, measured proteinuria underestimates the total protein loss. Albumin synthesis by the liver can contend with a 15 g/day loss if dietary protein intake is adequate. When the loss exceeds the synthetic capacity of the liver, hypoalbuminemia occurs. Hypoalbuminemia results in a decreased oncotic pressure within blood vessels. Decreased oncotic pressure causes a decrease in fluid reabsorpCon in the venous capillaries resulting in edema. Loss of vascular fluid volume causes hypotension. The kidneys respond to the fall in blood pressure and volume by retaining sodium and water via the renin-angiotensin system. Up to 20 L of water may be retained in a futile attempt to restore blood volume, as the retained water simply becomes more edema fluid. Proteinuria leads to cast formation in the tubules. These may be hyaline, granular or waxy. Hypercholestero lemi a and hypercoagulability arise from overproduction of apolipoproteins and coagulation factors respectively Lipiduria also occurs, but not as a consequence of hyperlipidemia. Symptoms and SignsThe classical symptoms and signs are proteinuria (greater than 3.5 Wm 2 /day), hypoalbuminemia, and edema. The edema may be dependent and occur in the feet and ankles, or accumulate in compliant periorbital and facial tissue. The edema occasionally involves the entire body, a condition known as anasarca. Hyperlipidemia and lipiduria may or may not be present and are not essential for the diagnosis. Complications of nephrotic syndrome include hypotension and possibly shock, intravascular fluid overload or depletion, protein malnutrition, and a predisposition to thrombosis. The prognosis is related to the prognosis of the underlying cause. However, the syndrome due to any cause may be fatal if fluid overload is not corrected.

neys from correcting hypokalemia if there are ongoing losses from the GI tract. A person ingesting 70 g of protein forms 40 to 60 mEq of acid/day. The range of blood pH compatible with life is 6.9 to 7.6 but the normal range is much narrower. One half of the acid is excreted as titratable acid: HPO4 2- + H 2 PO4 - . The other half is excreted by ammonia formation: + NH 3 NH4 '. Filtered bicarbonate is reabsorbed completely unless the patient is alkalemic. The kidneys are responsible for excreting other waste products. Approximately 20% of filtered phosphate is excreted in the urine. A diet of 80 g of protein/day results in the formation of 20 grams of urea, which is excreted. The blood level of urea (blood urea nitrogen, BUN) is normally maintained below 20 mg/dl. The kidneys also excrete uric acid, magnesium, calcium, and other substances to maintain homeostasis. The kidneys have several endocrine or metabolic functions. They produce erythropoietin, which regulates the red-blood-cell mass and renin, which regulates blood pressure and sodium and water balance. The kidneys degrade insulin and gastrin. The kidneys also participate in vitamin D metabolism and thus calcium homeostasis by converting a derivative of vitamin D, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, to the biologically active form, L25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.

ACUTE RENAL FAILUREThis is most commonly due to acute tubular necrosis (ATN) but also may be due to hypovolemia (prerenal a z otemia) or to obstruction of the ureters, bladder or urethra. All excretory renal function can be lost within a few days.
EtiologyATN is due most commonly to ischemia or toxins. Any event that leads to shock and intense vasoconstriction within the renal vascular bed may lead to it. Hemorrhage, hypotension during anesthesia, burns, sepsis, crush injuries, massive intravascular hemolysis, heart surgery requiring extracorporeal oxygenation, and childbirth may cause it. Toxins that may cause ATN include aminoglycoside antibiotics, radiographic contrast media, bichloride of mercury, carbon tetrachloride, ethylene glycol, methanol, myoglobin from crush injuries, and hemoglobin from intravascular hemolysis. Some cases have no identifiable cause. PathologyIschemia causes patchy necrosis of the tubular epithelial cells and basement membrane. Other areas of the tubule may appear normal. Toxins cause diffuse necrosis of the tubular endothelial cells but do not injure the basement membrane. The glomeruli are spared in ATN unless the injury is severe and prolonged. The lesions are reversible if the patient survives. PathophysiologyImmediately after the injury renal blood flow may be reduced by as much as 50% by arteriolar constriction. Fluid filtered by the glomeruli leaks back into the interstitium through damaged tubules. The subsequent edema of the interstitium increases interstitial hydrostatic pressure, which further decreases renal blood flow and causes the tubules to collapse. Casts of degenerating epithelial cells block urine flow in the lumens and cause further increases in interstitial fluid. The kidneys can no longer maintain homeostasis by the excretion of sodium, water, and waste products. Symptoms and SignsOliguria (urine volume of less than 400 to 500 ml/day) usually is the first sign of ATN but may not appear until several days after the injury. The composition of the urine formed is little changed from glomerular filtrate, but also contains protein and RBCs. The sodium concentration of the urine is fixed at about 50 mEq/L. BUN begins to rise and acidemia and hyperkalemia develop. If fluid therapy is not managed appropriately, hyponatremia and edema develop. The patient complains of nausea and lethargy. Death may occur within a few days because of acidosis and/or hyperkalemia. During the second week, nausea, somnolence, weakness and thirst ensue. The BUN continues to rise and acidosis, edema, hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia worsen. Complications are common during this phase. Pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure, and hypertension may develop because of fluid overload. Hyperkalemia may cause cardiac arrhythmias. Metabolic encephalopathy, possibly due to urea, hyponatremia, and hypocalcemia results in neurological deterioration, convulsions, and coma. Anemia due to decreased RBC production, increased RBC destruction and dilution appears in the second week. Nosocomial infection is the most common cause of death in this phase. During the recovery phase, urine volume increases daily. The BUN may continue to rise until urine volume has exceeded 1000 mllday for several days. Polyuria (urine volume of greater than 3000 mllday) may develop. Weight loss is rapid as the edema resolves. Since the tubules may not yet be able to conserve water, sodium or potassium, dehydration, hyponatremia and hypokalemia may develop. The diuresis may continue for 1 to 3 weeks. The GFR may never return to normal, but the symptoms and signs of renal failure resolve.

Renal Failure
Renal failure is the inability of the kidney to perform its usual physiological functions and maintain homeostasis. Renal failure may be classified as acute, subacute or chronic, depending on the time course.
Normal PhysiologyThe kidneys perform many functions. The fluid volume and serum osmolality are maintained by regulation of both sodium and water excretion. The pH of body fluids is maintained within narrow limits, normally 7.40 0.04. The kidneys excrete many waste pro ducts. The normal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is 125 mllminute and decreases with increasing age. The kidneys have a remarkable ability to adjust their excretion of water and solutes. They can excrete 20% of the glomerular filtrate if blood volume is expanded, which means that water intake could be as high as 35 Llday. The daily osmolar load obligates a urine output of 400 to 500 ml. The kidneys can excrete as much as 500 mEq of sodium/day or maintain sodium balance if intake of sodium is li mited to 5 mEq/day. The kidneys normally excrete 50 to 80 mEq of potassium/day. The kidneys cannot produce urine virtually free of potassium, as they can in the case of sodium. This usually poses no problem as any mixed diet contains potassium, but it may prevent the kid-

CHRONIC RENAL FAILURECRF is a loss of kidney function that occurs over a number of years. Azotemia is the ac-



cumulation of nitrogenou s w aste products in the blood c ause d by renal failure. Uremia refers to the symptoms and signs caused by CRF when renal function is less than about 10% of normal.
EtiologyMany diseases can destroy renal parenchymal tissue and result in CRF. These include chronic glomerulonephritis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, polycystic kidney disease, analgesic nephropathy, nephrocalcinosis, reflex nephropathy, chronic pyelonephritis, obstructive uropathy, and interstitial nephritis. In certain patients, more than one disease may have caused the CRF. In some cases it is not possible to establish the cause. PathophysiologyCRF develops because the number of functioning nephrons decreases below that necessary to maintain homeostasis. Uremia and end stage renal disease (ESRD) occur when 90-95% of the nephrons are destroyed. As renal function deteriorates, hypertrophy occurs in the remaining nephrons and the amount of solute and water excreted per nephron may increase. Compensatory mechanisms eventually are overwhelmed by even the normal daily intake of water, sodium, potassium, acid, and nitrogen. Uremia, electrolyte disturbances, and fluid overload ensue. The earliest renal impairment is the loss of ability to concentrate urine. This is due partially to the increased solute load per nephron. The patient then must increase water intake to prevent dehydration. The diurnal pattern of water excretion is reversed. Most patients develop a tendency to retain salt and water early in the course of CRF. In a few forms of renal failure, salt wasting occurs because the kidneys are unable to conserve sodium even when sodium intake is restricted. The osmotic diuresis of the solute load causes an obligatory sodium loss. Hyponatremia and hypovolemia may occur and worsen renal failure by reducing the GFR. Salt-wasting eventually ceases and the kidneys are then unable to excrete dietary sodium. Sodium and water retention then results in edema and hypertension. Serum potassium is normal during the early stages of renal failure. Renin-angiotensin-induced production of aldosterone stimulates potassium excretion and the osmotic diuresis further enhances potassium excretion. Eventually, the urine volume may fall below 500 mllday, and serum potassium will begin to rise. Acidosis worsens hyperkalemia by causing the movement of potassium out of cells. As renal function deteriorates, ability to form ammonia and therefore to excrete hydrogen is impaired. Ability to reabsorb filtered bicarbonate is also impaired. Acidosis ensues. The percentage of phosphate excreted decreases as the GFR declines. The increased serum phosphate level and other factors described below cause a drop in the serum calcium level. Hypocalcemia stimulates the production of parathyroid hormone, which increases renal excretion of phosphate and resorption of calcium from bones. When the GFR reaches less than 20 mllminute, the increased serum PTH level is no longer effective in increasing phosphate excretion. Hypocalcemia is due to other factors besides the increased serum phosphate. Hypoalbuminemi a reduces the quantity of carrier proteins for calcium. Absorption of calcium from the GI tract is impaired because of lack of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, the active metabolite of vitamin D. The ionized fraction of serum calcium is decreased because ions such as sulfate, phosphate, and citrate hind the calcium. Magnesium levels usually do not rise until the GFR is below 30 mllminute. Uric acid levels rise, but not usually above 10 mg/di, and gouty arthritis is uncommon. Urea is poorly excreted in CRF, and the BUN rises. The magnitude of the rise correlates poorly with the symptoms ofuremia except for the gastrointestinal symptoms. Increased quantities of urea are excreted into the intestinal lumen, presumably contributing to irritation and ulceration. Other presumably toxic substances accumulate in uremia. These include indoles, phenols, amino acids, organic acids, and derivatives of guanidine. The accumulation of carotene-like pigments results in sallow skin color. A normochromic normocytic anemia parallels the severity of the azotemia. Decreased RBC production occurs because erythropoietin deficiency and iron deficiency due to chronic GI blood loss. The anemia of chronic disease also is found in these patients. (See Hematology section.) Several complications may occur. A bleeding tendency is caused by platelet dysfunction. The accumulation of guanidinosuccinic acid may be responsible for loss of platelet adhesiveness and aggregation. Osteomalacia occurs in part because vitamin D is not converted to the active metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Hypertension is exacerbated by fluid retention. A peripheral de myelin ating neuropathy, mostly in the legs, results in decreased nerve conduction and impairment of motor and sensory function. Pericarditis may or may not cause chest pain and occasionally causes pericardial tamponade or constriction. Renal-failure patients are predisposed to infections because of poor nutrition, pulmonary edema, lack of physical activity, vascular insuffi-

ciency, and indwelling tubes and catheters. Repeated transfusions increase the risk of viral hepatitis. Symptoms and SignsThe onset of renal failure is insidious. The first symptoms may be polyuri a or nocturia or both. Hypertension and anemia are common early signs, but lack specificity. As renal function deteriorates, the symptoms and signs relate to the organ systems involved. Fluid accumulation produces the symptoms and signs of edema, congestive heart failure, and hypertension. Hyponatremia causes inability to concentrate, drowsiness, lethargy, psychotic disturbances, stupor, and coma. Hyperkalemia may cause cardiac arrhythmias. Acidosis contributes to nausea, fatigue, malaise, and dyspnea, and causes Kussmaul respiration. Hypocalcemia may result in tremor, muscle twitching, muscle cramps and convulsions. The increased PTH level leads to the erosive and cystic changes and bone pain of osteitis fibrosa cystica. Phosphate deposition in the skin contributes to severe itching, in the eyes, to conjunctivitis; in the blood vessels, to gangrene; and around the joints, to pain. Hypermagnesemia results in drowsiness, muscle weakness, and coma. Ammonia formation from urea in the GI tract contributes to the unpleasant taste, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and hiccups. Pericarditis may cause pain and he detected by hearing a friction rub. Pulmonary congestion from hypervolemia may cause dyspnea and hypoxemia. Urea in sweat precipitates on the skin and is known as "uremic frost.' The symptoms and signs of anemia are seen when the hematocrit falls below 15-20%. Patients with renal failure experience ecchymoses, epistaxis, and oozing of blood from mucous membranes due to coagulation abnormalities. Neuropathy causes numbness, tingling, muscular weakness and, on occasion, paralysis. The symptoms and signs of uremia progressively worsen. Renal failure is fatal unless the patient is treated by hemp- or peritoneal dialysis or receives a renal transplant.

Acid-Base and Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances

Acid-base and fluid and electrolyte disturbances can be caused by a wide variety of diseases, including the kidney disorders previously discussed in this section. They also may be caused by gastrointestinal (eg, severe diarrhea), pulmonary (eg, chronic obstructive lung disease), or metabolic (eg, diabetes) disorders. The defects observed with these diseases have been described in earlier sections of this chapter.
Normal PhysiologyA number of mechanisms act to maintain normal plasma pH (7.35 to 7.45), one of which is the chemical buffering by extra and intracellular buffer systems. These include hemoglobin, plasma proteins, and the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system. Hydrogen ions (H+) migrate into or out of cells in exchange for potassium ( K+) to maintain electrical neutrality. The respiratory system contributes through the exchange of carbon dioxide (an acid-former). Lastly, the kidneys help to maintain normal pH through the elimination or retention of H+ and bicarbonate (HCO3). Each of these mechanisms acts to maintain a constant He 03 : C 02 ratio of approximately 20:1. As long as this ratio is maintained, the pH will be 7.4 (see Chapter 17). The human body is composed largely of water. Fifty to 60% of total body weight is water. Body water is distributed between the intracellular space (intracellular fluid or ICF) and the extracellular space (extracellular fluid or ECF). Two-thirds of all body water is contained in the ICF and the remaining one-third in the ECF. The ECF is further divided into intravascular fluid (IVF) and interstitial fluid, which contain onefourth and three-fburths of the ECF, respectively. Electrolytes are unequally divided between ICF and ECF. Potassium is the major ICF cation, and phosphate and organic ions are the ICF anions. Sodium is the major ECF cation, and chloride and bicarbonate are the ECF anions. Although water moves readily in and out of cells, electrolytes do not, often requiring active transport. Although electrolyte composition differs between the ICF and ECF, osmolality is equal. Water homeostasis is regulated by the interrelationships between water intake, kidney function, and water loss through the lungs, skin, and GI tract. A decrease in ECF volume or an increase in osmotic pressure of plasma both stimulate water intake. The kidneys act to preserve water homeostasis through their relationship to antidiuretic hormone ( ADH), which was discussed under Endocrinology. ADH release is under the control of both osmotic and volume factors. Increased osmotic pressure or decreased ECF volume stimulates increased ADH production and secretion. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is normally 125 mllminute. The GFR is affected by renal blood flow, hydrostatic pres-



sure in Bowman's space, and plasma protein concentration. Essentially everything in the plasma, except protein, is filtered. The kidney tubules both reabsorb and secrete solutes via active transport and passive diffusion. Almost all water (90%) and electrolytes initially filtered are reabsorbed by active transport in the tubules and Henle's loop. Ammonia and urea are secreted into the filtrate. Pathophysiology Acid base disorders may be divided into respiratory acidosis and alkalosis and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis. Respiratory acidosis is associated with disorders that cause an impairment of gas exchange and thus CO 2 retention. Arterial blood gases (ABGs) show a decreased pH, elevated pCO2 (dissolved CO2 gas) and elevated bicarbonate. Respiratory alkalosis is caused by conditions that result in hyperventilation with an abnormally large loss of CO 2 . ABGs reflect an increased pH and decreased PCO 2 and HCO 3 -. Metabolic acidosis occurs as a result of either the addition of acid or a loss of bicarbonate. Acids may be endogenous, as in the case of diabetic ketoacidosis, or exogenous, as in the case of methanol ingestion. Bicarbonate may be lost through diarrhea or through the kidneys as in renal tubular acidosis. ABCs show low pH, HCO3-, and PCO2. Calculation of the anion gap (Na+ - Cl - + HCO 3 -) is helpful in determining whether metabolic acidosis is due to addition of acid or loss of HCO3-. The normal anion gap is 10 to 12 mEq/L and is elevated when acidosis is due to addition of organic acid. Metabolic alkalosis usually is due to the loss of acid (H+) but may occur occasionally with excessive HCO 3 - ingestion. Elevated pH and HCO 3 - characterize it. Once one of the above conditions occurs, the body compensates. For example, in cases of metabolic acidosis, the body compensates with increased respiratory activity, thus removing CO 2 and thereby blunting the fall in pH. The causes of fluid and electrolyte imbalances are many. Such derangements may be interrelated, occurring together, or may occur independently. Fluid losses occur with gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting and diarrhea. In such cases, electrolytes are lost with the water. In others, the losses of electrolytes and water are not proportional resulting in hypo- or hyperosmolality. In the various renal disorders, a number of fluid and electrolyte shifts are common. In the diuretic phase of acute tubular necrosis, large volumes of fluid are lost due to lack of reabsorption. In nephrotic syndrome, large shifts of water are often involved. This water is not lost necessarily from the body but may be lost from the vascular compartment, frequently in the form of edema. In addition to the fluid shifts, electrolyte disturbances ensue. Secondary to decreased renal blood flow and thus, decreased glomerular filtration rate, the renin-angiotensin system is activated causing further fluid retention. The specific renal diseases associated with fluid and electrolyte disturbances have been described in greater detail earlier in this section. Symptoms and SignsSigns of volume depletion include postural hypotension and tachycardia and decreased jugular venous pressure. Less reliable signs include decreased skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, and cloudy sen.sorium. Severe hypovolemia can result in shock. Fluid excess may be manifested by hypertension or peripheral or pulmonary edema. Of all electrolyte disturbances, only two of the more serious, those involving K+, will be discussed here. Others have been discussed in previous sections. Signs of hyperkalemia include muscle weakness and cardiac dysrhythmias. Severe hyperkalemia results in cardiac standstill. Hypokalemia also may be reflected as muscle weakness. Abdominal distress may occur from impaired intestinal smooth muscle mobility. Abdominal distention and depressed deep tendon reflexes may be evident. Cardiac rhythm disturbances also occur with bypokalemia. The measurement of ABGs, plasma electrolytes, urine volume, and electrolytes are all helpful in assessing a patient with acid-base or fluid and electrolyte disorders, but the most helpful information frequently comes from careful physical examination (blood pressure, pulse rate, and jugular venous pressure).

Epilepsy and Convulsive Disorders
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of cerebral function. It may be defined as a paroxysmal disturbance of CNS function that is recurrent, stereotyped in character, and associated with excessive neuronal discharge that is synchronous and self-limited. The episodic manifestations of epilepsy are dependent on the portion(s) of the CNS involved.
Epidemiology A total of 0.5 1% of the population suffers from epilepsy. Epilepsy can begin at almost any age. However, the age of onset often is related to the etiolagy of the seizure disorder. One example is that

of generalized absence seizures or petit mal, which typically present in early childhood. Etiology Epilepsy is a symptom complex that has many causes. In many cases, the precipitating factor(s) or cause of the seizure disorder is not apparent, and the condition is referred to as idiopathic. Severe hypoxi a, genetic metabolic defects, developmental brain defects, and perinatal injuries can lead to seizures in newborns and infants. Certain metabolic disorders such as hypoglycemia, hypo calcemi a, and vitamin B6 deficiency also can lead to seizures during infancy. Brain infections such as meningitis and encephalitis can trigger seizures during childhood. Seizures during childhood are less often caused by tumors, toxins, vascular disease, degenerative disease, or trauma. In young adults, head trauma is a major cause of seizures. Likewise, ruling out the presence of a brain tumor is important for anyone over the age of 20. In patients over the age of 50, cerebrovascular disease is the most identified cause of seizures. In certain forms of epilepsy, genetic predisposition plays a role. Individuals with a first-degree relative with epilepsy are at a somewhat greater risk than the normal population of developing a seizure disorder. Despite our growing understanding of the disorder itself, an etiological diagnosis cannot he made with certainty in about two-thirds of epileptic patients. In all age groups, a wide variety of drugs can provoke seizures. Pathology Various lesions in the brain, such as congenital lesions, gliotic scars, abnormal vascularization, and degenerative brain disease in the elderly have been associated with epilepsy in some patients and not in others. Even when the clinical information suggests that a seizure is of focal origin, it is not always possible to identify the epileptogenic lesion. Pathophysiology The convulsion results from sudden hypersynchronization of electrical discharge in neuronal networks in an apparently normal or a diseased cerebral cortex. The mechanisms and reasons for the discharge are not well understood. One hypothesis is that a group of di encephalic neurons normally exerts a constant inhibitory influence on cortical neurons, thereby preventing excessive discharge. In epilepsy, the neurons are deafferented, supersensitive, and susceptible to activation or depolarization by a variety of stimuli. Seizures may result from a reduction of inhibitory neurotransmission mediated by the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) or by enhancement of the excitatory neurotransmitter system mediated by glutamate and aspartate. During a seizure, consciousness may be unaffected, lost completely, or altered but not completely lost. Patients may experience only minor interruptions in their motor activity or they may experience intense muscular activation that leads to motor behavior characteristic of generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Symptoms and Signs The frequency of seizures within individual patients can vary from as few as one per year to dozens per day depending on the particular seizure type. Thus, the need for accurate diagnosis of the seizure type is of more than just theoretical interest. Since there are so many different seizure types, each of which may require a different therapeutic approach, an accurate diagnosis permits the clinician to select the most appropriate anticonvulsant drug while avoiding the use of contraindicated drugs. The International Classification of Epileptic Seizures classifies seizure types as either partial or generalized. Partial seizures generally are categorized as simple, complex, or secondarily generalized and would include those traditionally called focal motor and temporal lobe seizures. Partial seizures all begin from a discrete brain region and may or may not be preceded by an aura. An aura consists of sensations or experiences often recognized by the patient as a warning of an impending seizure. Partial seizures may or may not involve loss of consciousness. The symptoms of simple partial seizures result from abnormal discharges originating in specific areas of the cortex, and often remain unilateral regardless of whether the seizure is motor, somatosensory, psychic, autonomic, or a combination. The aura of a simple partial seizure may include somatasensmy symptoms or hallucinations (eg, tingling, light flashes, or buzzing); autonomic symptoms including epigastric sensation, pallor, sweating, flushing, piloerection, and pupillary dilation; or psychic symptoms. One form of a simple partial seizure is that traditionally known as Jacksonian. It usually begins with twitching of the fingers of one hand, the face, or one foot. The movement then spreads (marches) to other muscles along the same side of the body. If the movements generalize to include both sides of the body and the patient loses consciousness, the seizure is said to have became secondarily generalized. One type of a partial seizure with complex symptomatalogy is traditionally known as a psychomotor seizure. In a complex partial seizure, consciousness is lost. Complex partial seizures are associated often with a lesion in the temporal lobe. The patient acts as though he/she were conscious, although he/she is amnesic. The patient may continue an activity or perform tasks but may not be able to respond to questions or commands. The seizure often is preceded



by an aura. Motor activity due to the seizure may include chewing, lipsmacking, and tonic spasms of the extremities. Generalized seizures, on the other hand, involve both hemispheres from the beginning. Consciousness is lost at the outset, and patients experiencing generalized seizures usually do not experience aura or display focal motor manifestations. The two most widely recognized generalized seizure disorders include generalized tonic-clonic (formerly grand mal) and generalized absence (formerly petit mal). Generalized tonicclonic seizures are characterized by a sudden loss of consciousness, a cry, falling, tonic then clonic movements of the muscles, and incontinence of sphincters. After the motor seizure has ceased, the patient may be unconscious for many minutes. On awakening, the patient may complain of a headache. Generalized absence seizures almost always begin between 4 and 12 years of age. They are characterized by a brief loss of consciousness lasting for a few seconds. The child typically displays a blank facial expression and may or may not display a characteristic blinking of the eyelids. Absence seizures are almost always associated with a typical EEG abnormality of spike and slow wave discharges of approximately 3 Hz. Other generalized seizures include myoclonic seizures, clonic seizures, tonic seizures, and atonic seizures. The International Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes takes into consideration the fact that some patients with epilepsy display more than one seizure type. After all, seizures are only a symptom of the underlying disorder. The prognosis is often a product of the epileptic syndrome whose diagnosis depends on numerous factors including family history, age of onset, rate of progression, presence or absence of neurological impairment and interictal EEG abnormalities, and a patient's response to pharmacological treatment. In this respect, the epileptic syndrome generally is classified according to whether an individual patient's seizures are localization-related (focal, local, partial) or generalized and whether they are idiopathic or symptomatic. They may be classified further as to anatomical localization (eg, frontal lobe, Rolandic, occipital, or temporal epilepsy). To date, more than 50 epileptic syndromes have been proposed. The diagnosis of epilepsy is based on the clinical history and the EEG. The first steps to an accurate diagnosis usually involve obtaining an accurate and complete history from the patient as well as from a witness. A detailed physical exam is followed by an even more in-depth neurological exam. The EEG can provide precise information that may be useful for classifying the seizure type. It is characteristically abnormal during a seizure but may be normal between seizures. Specialized diagnostic procedures may include computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These two noninvasive techniques can be useful in identifying a particular brain lesion that may have led to the development of a patient's seizure disorder. Intensive monitoring employing closed circuit television and EEG recording is an expensive procedure that should be considered when a patient's seizures are not responsive to drug therapy. This latter procedure also can he helpful in determiningwhether difficult-to-diagnose seizures are nonepileptic in nature.

Autosomal recessive and sporadic juvenile cases are often caused by mutations in the parkin gene located at 6q25.2-27. PathologyMelanin is lost from nerve cells in the brainstem, particularly in the substantia nigra, and accompanied by extensive loss of dopaminergic nerve cells and reactive gliosis. Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, Lewy bodies, also can be found in surviving neurons in the affected areas. PathophysiologyLoss of inhibition and the unbalance of opposing pathways in the thalamus and caudate nucleus result in the movement difficulties of Parkinsonism. The origin of the tremor is less clear. Decreased dopamine is found in the substantia nigra, caudate nucleus, and putamen. Symptoms and SignsThe clinical features are characteristic. There is often a prodromal phase consisting of nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue, musculo skeletal pain, declining performance, and depression. Within 1 to 2 years, more definitive symptoms appear. The typical tremor occurs at rest and lessens with voluntary movement. The tremor may involve the hands, legs, lips, tongue, and eyelids when the eyes are closed. In the early stages of the disease, the tremor is unilateral but becomes bilateral later in the course. The tremor occurs at a frequency of 4 to 8 cycles/second. The hand tremor is described as "pill rolling." In the early stage of the disease, there is bradykinesia as all movement is slowed. Later, the patient has particular difficulty initiating movement. Finally, there is absence of movement or akinesia. The spontaneous movements of posture change, such as arm swinging while walking, disappear. The face becomes expressionless and is known as mask-like facies. The voice becomes monotonous. The posture is stooped. Because the patient cannot make reflex adjustments to the posture changes of walking, "he walks with quick shuffling steps at an accelerating pace, as if attempting to catch up with his center of gravity.' Passive movement of the extremities elicits "lead pipe rigidity" because both flexors and extensors are contracted or "cog wheel" motion from the superimposition of tremor on rigidity. Anxiety and tension aggravate the symptoms. The patient also may have seborrhea, excessive sweating, and salivation. Eventually the patient is incapacitated by the rigidity, and the tremor disappears. The clinical course is one of gradual deterioration.

Stroke Syndromes
A stroke is a process involving one or more blood vessels in the brain, which results in the sudden and dramatic development of a focal neurological deficit. The deficit reflects the location and size of brain injury. Three separate entities are recognized: transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke in evolution, and completed stroke. While TIAs are transient, evolving and completed strokes are not.
EtiologyThe vast majority of strokes are caused by atherosclerotic thrombosis of the cerebral arteries. Embolism from the heart or ulcerated atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries also causes them. Cerebral hemorrhages are due most often to hypertension but also may be due to the rupture of an aneurysm. Less frequent causes include trauma, excessive anticoagulation, hypercoagulable disorders, and inflammatory diseases of cerebral blood vessels. Normal PhysiologyThe effects of the blood vessel occlusion relate to the location and availability of collateral or anastomotic blood flow. The circle of Willis provides collateral circulation and protects the brain from ischemia that would otherwise result from occlusion of a carotid or vertebral artery. Retrograde flaw from the external carotid may prevent damage when the internal carotid is occluded. Col laterals for the vertebral artery exist. Other anastomoses may prevent or lessen damage if the lesion is distal to the circle of Willis. PathophysiologyInfarction results from occlusion of arteries of the brain as elsewhere in the body (see the discussion of atherosclerosis). Thrombotic stroke results when a thrombus develops on an atherosclerotic plaque: the lumen of the vessel is narrowed or may be occluded completely, and collaterals are insufficient to preserve function. Extension of the thrombus may block collateral blood flow. Dural sinus (venous) thrombosis may cause hemorrhagic infarction. Cerebral embolism most commonly originates from a thrombus in the heart, particularly during atrial fibrillation. Other sources of embolic strokes are mural thrombi that occur after myocardial infarction and pieces of intra-arterial thrombi. The emboli usually lodge at bifurcations. Intracranial hemorrhage is the third most frequent cause of stroke. Intracranial hemorrhage is due most commonly to hypertension, rupture of saccular aneurysm, and bleeding disorders. Cerebral hemor-

This disease, also called paralysis agitans, is a disorder of the extrapyramidal system that originally was described in 1817. James Parkinson described a syndrome that consisted of a resting tremor, rigidity, postural abnormalities, and bradykinesia, but spared the senses and intellect.
Normal PhysiologyThe basal ganglia normally control postural tone and provide the background adjustments for intentional movements. The dopaminergic pathway from the caudate nucleus to the thalamus inhibits the inhibition of voluntary movement. The cholinergic pathway opposes this pathway, which is excitatory for the inhibition of voluntary movement. A dopaminergic pathway inhibits the cholinergic pathway in the caudate nucleus from the substantia nigra. EpidemiologyParldnsonism usually occurs in middle ar lath life, though it rarely is seen in young people. The prevalence of this disease is estimated to be between 59 and 353 cases per 100,000 in various populations worldwide, re suiting in 300,000 to 400,000 cases in this country. EtiologyAlthough the actual cause of Parkinson's disease remains undetermined, there is accumulating evidence that multiple genetic and environmental factors interact to cause damage to extrapyramidal dopamine neurons. It is believed that 70-80% of these neurons must be lost before symptoms of Parkinson's disease become evident. Many of the persons who survived the pandemic of von Economo encephalitis in 1918 and 1922 developed Parkinsonism 20 to 30 years later. Psychoactive drugs such as the phenothiazines and butyrophenones can cause a syndrome similar to Parkinsonism. Infections, tumors, and certain chemicals and drugs may cause an identical but reversible disorder. The term Parkinson's disease is reserved for paralysis agitans of unknown cause.



rhages due to hypertension involve a penetrating artery and occur within the brain tissue. Adjacent tissue is compressed and displaced by the mass of blood. Saccular aneurysms or berry aneurysms are thinwalled blisters protruding from the arteries of the circle of Willis or major branches of the circle at bifurcations. Developmental defects in the media of the arteries cause the aneurysms, which are composed of intima and adventitia. The defect in the wall structure is congenital, but enlargement and eventual rupture occur during later life, reaching a peak at 35 to 65 years. Rupture of the aneurysm results in bleeding into the subarachnoid space and occasionally into the brain as well. Symptoms and SignsThe location of the lesion determines the nature of the deficit. Lesions in the carotid system result in unilateral signs of hemiplegia, hemihypoesthesia, hemianopia, aphasia, and agnosi a. Lesions in the basilar system result in bilateral signs, motor and sensory deficit, brainstem deficit, and variable cranial nerve abnormalities. Cerebellar infarction results in severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ataxia, and nystagmus. In most cases of thrombotic stroke, a TIA has occurred previously. A TIA due to temporary or partial occlusion of all or part of the carotid or middle cerebral artery system may consist of hemiplegia, hemiparesthesia, monocular blindness, or other focal signs, depending on the area of brain affected. A TIA due to temporary or partial occlusion of the vertebral-basilar system consists of dizziness, diplopia, numbness, impaired vision, and dysarthria. A TIA usually lasts for about 10 minutes but may last from a few seconds up to 24 hours. Between the TIM, the patient may have no neurological deficit. A bruit may be heard over the carotid arteries if they are severely atherosclerotic. A thrombotic stroke begins suddenly but may progress over several days. Parts of the body may become involved in a stepwise fashion. A completed stroke is defined as 18 to 24 hours without progression for the carotid system and /2 hours without progression for the vertebralbasilar system. Prognosis in a thrombotic stroke is difficult to predict. Comatose patients have a poor prognosis. Improvement generally occurs as functions are taken over by other parts of the brain or when edema surrounding an infarct subsides. If improvement has not begun by the second week, prognosis is poor. Any deficit that remains at the end of 6 months is likely to be permanent. Embolic strokes develop the most rapidly and are fully developed within minutes. No warning symptoms precede an embolic stroke. Focal deficits such as motor aphasia, receptive aphasia, or a sensori motor paralysis may occur. The ultimate prognosis depends upon the correction of the underlying disease. Cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertension occurs without warning and evolves over hours. It occurs more commonly and at a younger age in blacks. The symptoms and signs depend on the site and size of the hemorrhage. Hemorrhage is most common in the putamen, where it causes hemiplegia, hemisensory loss, homonymous visual loss, and aphasia when the lesion is on the dominant side. Severe headache and vomiting occur at the onset. A total of 854 of patients with cerebral hemorrhages due to hypertension do not survive the first 8 hours. A CT scan reliably detects intracerebral and intracerebellar hemorrhages of 1 cm or more if the study is performed within 2 weeks of the hemorrhage. Rupture of a saccular aneurysm may present with sudden unconsciousness with or without preceding excruciating headache. There are no lateralizing neurological signs when the blood is confined to the subarachnoid space. The hemorrhage tends to recur if surgical correction is not carried out or is unsuccessful. Prognosis is poor if the patient is comatose; however, if the patient awakes, recovery is likely.

Symptoms and SignsMigraine with aura occurs in three stages, prodrome, aura, and headache. The first stage or prodrome lasts from hours to days and may involve changes in mood or appetite and fluid retention. The prodrome may be unapparent or not recognized. The aura is most commonly visual (blurred or cloudy vision, scotomas, and/or flashes of light), but vertigo, chills, tremors, unilateral numbness, aphasia, photophobia, or pallor also may occur. As the aura subsides, the patient experiences a severe, throbbing headache, which initially is unilateral in most cases. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, tremors, and perspiration also may occur at this time. During recovery the pain decreases markedly, but the head is tender and exhaustion is present. The migraine without aura lacks the aura phase, but the actual headache may last longer (more than 2 hours) than in migraine with aura. Cluster headaches are usually unilateral, nonthrobbing, and are more common in males. The patient experiences excruciating pain lasting 20 to 90 minutes. Autonomic features such as nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhea, tearing, and pupillary changes frequently accompany the pain. Bouts may follow one another several times a day for 4 to 8 weeks, not to recur again for 6 to 12 months, Tension-type headaches may cause intermittent, recurrent, or constant pain. Patients may describe scalp soreness with pain on combing their hair, band-like pain or tightness, and pressure.

Neuromuscular Disease
This acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy results M flaccid paralysis with spontaneous recovery.
Epidemiology Annual incidence is 0.6 to 2.4 cases/100,000Iyear. It is now the most common cause of flaccid paralysis. Etiology The cause of most cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome is unknown. Most cases follow within 3 months of an acute respiratory or gastrointestinal illness, most commonly campylobacter. Cases have been associated with many other infections or medical illnesses. Pathophysiology Pathological changes observed in patients who die of Guillain-Barre syndrome include perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates usually associated with demyelination of the affected nerves. Infiltrates also may occur in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and heart. Although the pathogenesis is unclear, the syndrome may involve a cell-mediated immunological reaction directed at peripheral nerves. Symptoms and Signs The principal symptom is muscle weakness of both proximal and distal limbs. The weakness may advance to muscles of the trunk. While loss of sensation is unusual, paresthesias often occur. Affected patients are afebri le. In severe cases, the respiratory system may be affected, requiring ventilator support. Death is rare, and complete recovery occurs in the majority of cases. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid shows few cells but a distinct elevation in CSF protein. Nerve conduction studies show slowed motor nerve conduction with temporal dispersion and prolonged distal latencies.

This is a disease characterized by muscle fatigability and weakness most prominently affecting the muscles of the eye and cranium.
Incidence and Epidemiology The incidence is 1 in 20,000 in the general population. All age groups are affected with females in the 20to 40-year age group predominating. Etiology and Pathophysiology While the underlying cause remains a mystery, the physiological defect has been clarified. The disease is due to a reduction in number and effectiveness of acetylcholine receptors at the motor and plate. This reduction is secondary to an autoimmune mechanism that destroys the receptors. In experimental models, massive phagocytic infiltration of motor end plates with large areas of postsynaptic membrane destruction and associated decrease in acetylcholine receptors is observed. This process results in the denervation of muscle fibers. There are other forms of myasthenia that are not associated with disturbed immunity, including inherited deficiencies in biosynthesis of acetylcholine or its receptors. Symptoms and Signs The typical clinical presentation includes drooping eyelids, aphasia, and the inability to perform usually simple muscular functions. Early in the disease, only a few muscles are affected. Neuromuscular fatigue is a cardinal sign: patients are unable to sustain or repeat muscular movements. Electromyography is a useful diagnostic technique and shows a rapid decline in the amplitude of muscle action potentials with repetitive muscle contraction. Other tests used in diagnosis include the use of

The three major types of primary headaches are migraine, cluster, and tension-type headaches. Migraine is divided into migraine with and without aura, (formerly called classic and common migraine respectively).
Epidemiology Migraine affects about 12% of the population. It is four times as common in women, and frequently runs on families. Tension-type headache is several times more common than migraine. Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology The pathogenesis of migraine has been exhaustively investigated, but remains incompletely understood. An abnormality of the trigeminal nerve vasculature provoked by release of nitric oxide appears central, but other mediators, such as serotonin likely also play a role. Tension-type headaches are not a result of scalp or neck muscle contraction. Their pathogenesis is debated but shares some features with migraine.



anticholinesterase agents and the detection of antibodies to acetylcholine receptors, which can be demonstrated in 90% of patients with myasthenia gravis.

Normal Physiology Joints allow movement of one bone upon another. The ends of the bones are covered with hyaline cartilage, and diarthrodial joints are covered by collagenous tissue called the joint capsule. The synovial membrane lines the joint space side of the joint capsule. The synovial membrane is a relatively acellular, highly vascular, delicate membrane that secretes the synovial fluid. Cartilage, which is avascular, derives its nutrition from the synovial fluid. Various inflammatory diseases, trauma, and degeneration may involve the joint.

A number of neurological disorders are characterized by the degeneration of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. Of these, only multiple sclerosis (MS) will be discussed. Other dieases falling into this classification include acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (postvaccinial and postinfectious encephalomyelitis) and acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis.
Normal PhysiologyMany of the nerve fibers of the body are covered with a layer of lipid material called myelin. This myelin sheath is interrupted at intervals by spaces termed nodes of Ranvier. Myelinated nerves are found in great number in cranial and spinal processes and in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. The myelin sheath facilitates rapid nerve impulse conduction. Etiology and EpidemiologyThe etiology is unclear although several epidemiological factors may offer some clues. This disease is rare between the equator and latitudes 30' to 35' north and south. It occurs more frequently with increasing latitude. MS is more common in some families, suggesting simultaneous exposure to some etiological agent or perhaps a hereditary factor. These factors suggest, to some, an infectious etiology with a resultant autoimmune response. PathophysiologyThe pathologic lesions vary in size and appearance but always include or reflect demyelination. The lesions ("plaques') occur throughout the white matter of the CNS. They are located most commonly in subpial and periventricular white matter of the cerebrum, optic nerves, cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord. The associated pathophysiological change is a decrease in speed of nerve impulse conduction. Symptoms worsen with age, reflecting the ongoing nature of the disease. Symptoms and SignsWhile most patients present with evidence of spinal cord or brainstem involvement, about 40% present with only optic neuritis. The former presentation may include paresthesias, numbness, or wealmess in an asymmetrical distribution. Diplopia, nystagmus, and cerebellar ataxia also may occur. The latter presentation may include partial or complete blindness in one or both eyes, scotomas, or pain with eye movement. This disease progresses with time with interspersed exacerbations and eventually may result in quadraplegia and coma. The usual patient survives 20 years or more from the time of the initial diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are the most sensitive means of detecting lesions. Cerebral spinal fluid may contain oligoclonal hands, myelin basic protein, or elevated IgG. Visual, somatosensory, or brainstem auditory evoked potentials may be abnormal and assist in the diagnosis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology. It is characterized by chronic, symmetric, and erosive destruction of the peripheral joints. The severity of the joint disease may fluctuate over time, but generally, joint destruction and deformity are the end results of this disease. There are also common manifestations of this disease affecting other body systems. For instance, subcutaneous nodules, pulmonary nodules and fibrosis, vasculitis, pericarditis, and episcleritis of the eye, are just some of the examples of extra-articular involvement.
EpidemiologyApproximately 3 million people in the US have RA. The onset is most common in the 3rd and 4th decades but may affect all age groups, including children. Women develop the disease more commonly than men do by a ratio of 2.5:1. The prevalence of disease increases with age fbr both males and females. EtiologyThe etiology is unknown. Histocompatibility typing has proven that a predisposition for the disease is inherited. Unknown environmental factors may play a role in the development of RA. Viruses and bacteria are suspected as possible causes, although to date there is no convincing evidence to support their etiologic role. PathophysiologyThe disease is characterized by inflammation of the synovium. Infiltration by mononuclear leukocytes occurs along with edema, vascular congestion, and fibrin deposition. As a result of chronic inflammation, the synovium thickens, and forms large villi, which protrude into the joint space. This is referred to as a pannus. The pannus erodes the underlying cartilage and bona The inflammatory process and destruction of normal joint anatomy results in weakening of tendons, ligaments, and other supporting structures. This leads to instability and partial dislocation (subluxation) of the joint. Rheumatoid nodules, characteristic of RA, are fbund most commonly in subcutaneous tissue over pressure points such as the extensor surface of the forearms. However, they also may be found in the lung, heart, or vocal cords. Microscopically, the nodules contain a central area of necrosis surrounded by palisading epitheloid cells and chronic inflammatory cells. Severe RA also may be complicated by vasculitis involving multiple organs. Antibodies against immunoglobulin G (IgG) are fbund in the serum and synovial fluid of most patients with RA. The antibodies are of the IgM, IgG, and IgA classes of immunoglobulins and are called rheumatoid factors. Chronic antigenic stimulation is thought to induce production of these antibodies. The exact role of rheumatoid factor in the development of RA has not been demonstrated. However, immunologic mechanisms do appear to play a role in the pathogenesis of RA. Immune complexes of immunoglobulins, rheumatoid factor, and complement generate vasoactive and chemotactic substances in the joint. Lysosom al enzymes, which cause tissue injury, are released after phagocyte cells ingest the immune complexes. It is the release of these vasoactive substances and enzymes that are primarily responsible for the joint erosion and destruction that characterizes this disease. Symptoms and SignsThe onset is usually insidious. Fatigue, weakness, joint stiffness, arthralgias, and myalgias may precede signs of joint inflammation. The joints gradually become tender, swollen, hot, and painful. Joint stiffness, particularly after a prolonged period of rest ("gelling"), is a major complaint of patients with RA. Morning stiffness is a particular and almost universal complaint of patients with RA. In contrast to the rather brief (5-10 minutes) of gelling seen in patients with osteoarthritis, the morning stiffness of RA is prolonged, sometimes lasting in excess of 1 hour. Nearly all patients with RA will have synovitis of the wrist, metacarpophalangeal joints (MCP), and proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP) of the hands. Typically the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP) are spared. The cervical spine is frequently involved but interestingly, disease of the thoracic and lumbar spine is exceptionally rare. Other commonly affected joints are the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankles, and metatarsophalangeal joints (MTP) of the feet.

This is a generic term referring to a syndrome of declining cognitive function. The clinical course of the disorder is extremely variable, and the causes are probably multiple. About 70% of progressive dementias are believed to be due to Alzheimer's disease (AD).
PathophysiologyMany types of dementia involve structural disease of the cerebrum and diencephalon. Degeneration and loss of nerve cells with secondary changes in the cerebral white matter often are observed. These changes may occur in one or many parts of the brain. AD is characterized by neurofibrillaiy tangles and senile plaques, found prominently in the hippocampus and association cortex. While the underlying etiology is often undetectable, dementia with its various lesions may be due to identifiable disorders such as chronic hydrocephalus, syphilis, and certain virus infections. Symptoms and SignsThe initial presentation is quite variable. Symptoms include irritability, lack of interest, distractibility, unclear thinking, loss of memory, and wide mood swings. As the disorder progresses, incontinence, aphasia, and speech disorders often develop. Eventually, the patient becomes unable to care for himself and apparently has no interest in doing so. The course is variable with progression occurring over months or years. It should be stressed that the disease may be due to a wide variety of disorders, many of which are treatable. Therefore, a detailed diagnostic effort is warranted.



The hypertrophied synovium of involved joints may he palpated. Muscle weakness and atrophy often parallel the severity of the joint disease. Range of motion, especially extension, becomes limited and can lead to flexion contractures. Swan-neck, boutonniere, and cock-up toes are terms used to describe the defbrmities of the hands and feet. Ulnar deviation of the fingers can occur. Duration of morning stiffness, which usually is measured in hours, may he used to monitor disease activity. Other indicators include grip strength, time required to walk a certain distance, number and clinical assessment of joints involved, and radiographs demonstrating erosion of bone, loss of joint space, and soft-tissue swelling. RA is a systemic disease involving multiple organ systems besides the joints. Rheumatoid nodules are found in 20% of RA patients. Less than 5% of the patients have vasculitis. However, the vasculitis may be severe and can result in peripheral neuropathy, nail-fold thrombi, digital gangrene, and leg ulcers. The most common ocular manifestation is keratoconjunctivitis sicca (SjOgren's syndrome); episcleritis also may occur. In the lungs, interstitial fibrosis, rheumatoid nodules, and pleural effusions are seen. Inflammation of the pericardium may cause pericarditis. Rarely this may result in cardiac tamponade. Rheumatoid nodules on the heart valves may lead to murmurs and nodules in the heart muscle that can cause electrical conduction disturbances. Patients with severe arthritis may develop Felty's syndrome. Felty's syndrome was originally described as RA, splenomegaly, leukopenia, and leg ulcers. However, subsequent observations have shown that there is an additional association with lymphadenopathy and thrombocytopenia. Mild to moderate anemia that is normochromic or hypochromic is found in patients with RA. The severity of the anemia parallels the activity of the disease. The defect is thought to be in iron utilization in hemoglobin synthesis (see anemia of chronic disease). Other abnormal laboratory tests include a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which may be used to monitor disease activity. The latex aggregation test for IgM rheumatoid factor is positive in 70-80% of patients. Unfortunately, other diseases of chronic inflammation also are associated with a positive rheumatoid factor test, therefbre, it is not specific to RA despite its name. Analysis of the synovial fluid, while not diagnostic, typically shows neutrophils (10,000-50,000/mm 3 ) and elevated protein levels. DiagnosisThe highly variable clinical course of RA makes prognosis difficult in individual patients. Spontaneous remissions and exacerbations are characteristic. Remissions occur most frequently in the early stages of the disease. Some patients may experience a complete remission with little or no joint deformity. Others have a chronically progressive course over many years with development of varying degrees of joint damage. A smaller group, 10-15%, has a relentless destructive course that results in severe deformities and crippling. The unpredictable course of RA also makes evaluation of therapy particularly difficult and contributes to the quackery seen in this field. The diagnosis of RA is based on the clinical picture of symmetrical inflammatory arthritis usually involving small joints, characteristic radiograph changes, and a positive rheumatoid factor test. Other causes of inflammatory arthritis are Reiter's syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease must be excluded. The arthritis associated with Lyme disease or hepatitis B may mimic RA. Degenerative joint disease may occur simultaneously.

tilage. The precise mechanisms of cartilage loss in DJD are unknown. Obesity has also been linked to increased prevalence of OA, especially of the knee. Likewise, genetic factors seem to have additional roles in the development of DJD. For instance, in a woman with DJD of her distal interphalangeal joints (Heberden's nodes), her mother is twice as likely and her sister three times as likely to have the same findings than the mother or sister of an unaffected woman. The mechanism of transmission appears to he autosomal dominant in women and recessive in men. Pathophysiology Degenerative joint disease essentially develops in two settings: when there is normal cartilage and bone but abnormal stress or excessive loads placed on the joint which cause the tissues to fail; and when there is a normal applied stress but the underlying joint tissues are defective. DJD may be classified as either primary or secondary. No predisposing cause can be identified in primary DJD. Causes of secondary DJD include infection, trauma, fractures, unusual use, and damage by inflammation as in RA, and congenital abnormalities. In addition, acromegaly, alkaptonuria, hemochromatosis, and chrondrocalcinosis are predisposing factors for secondary DJD. In either case, histologically degenerative changes are seen in cartilage as progressive loss of metachromasia, which is evidence of proteoglycan loss. Chondracytes increase in number and form clusters. The surface of the cartilage loosens, flakes off, and fissures fbrm as deeper layers become involved. The cartilage may be lost completely. The bone at joint margins responds by osteophyte formation and hypertrophy. The subchondral bone, which has lost the covering cartilage, becomes dense, smooth, and glistening (eburnation). Cystic areas may develop below the joint surface. Inflammation of the synovium and joint capsule is usually mild. Collagen fibers and proteoglycans give normal cartilage the properties of compressibility and elasticity. The proteoglycan molecules bind large numbers of water molecules that are released when the cartilage is compressed and are regained when the force is removed. The proteoglycan content of DJD cartilage is diminished and the molecular species is altered. In contrast to normal adult cartilage, the chrondracytes proliferate. The chrondrocytes are continuously rebuilding the cartilage matrix in DJD. The amount of hydrolases is increased. As the disease progresses, the destruction exceeds the rate of repair, resulting in a net loss of cartilage. Cartilage laid down during the rebuilding process is of the type normally found in tendons and skin but not in bone. Simultaneously, the subchondral hone sclerosis and marginal bone overgrowths (spurs) dove lop. Symptoms and Signs Pain in the joints particularly with motion or weight bearing is characteristic of DJD. Joint stiffness occurs after rest and quickly subsides after resuming movement. The duration of morning stiffness is measured in minutes rather than hours as in RA. Examination of the joints reveals decreased range of motion, local tenderness, bony enlargement, but usually no heat or erythema. DJD commonly involves the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints, in contrast to RA. Bony enlargement of the DIP joints is called Heberden's nodes. Enlargement of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints is known as Bouchard's nodes. DJD involvement of the spine may cause compression of spinal nerve roots by the bony spurs, which can lead to a variety of complaints. DJD of the hips and knees may be the most disabling form of the disease. Diagnosis There is no laboratory abnormality characteristic of DJD. The diagnosis is based on symptoms and signs and the radiographic changes of joint space narrowing and bony spur formation.

Degenerative Joint Disease

Loss ofjoint cartilage and hypertrophy of bone characterize degenerative joint disease ( DJD), also known as osteoarthritis ( OA).
EpidemiologyApproximately 40 million Americans have radiographic evidence of DJD, but many have no symptoms attributable to the disease. The prevalence of DJD increases with age, 85% of people 75 years or older have characteristic radiographic changes. DJD is a major cause of disability. Severe osteoarthritis of the knee is more likely to result in disability than significant involvement of any other joint. There are racial and gender differences in both the prevalence and pattern of joint involvement fiar DJD. For example, Caucasians have a higher rate of hip osteoarthritis than do Blacks, Native Americans, or Asian races. Women are twice as likely as men to have OA of the knees, and Black women twice as likely as Caucasian women. Etiology Evidence indicates that heavy use of a joint, so-called "wear and tear" may play a role in initiating the degeneration of cartilage. In other patients, degenerative changes occur when infection, acute trauma, excessive use, or congenital deformities have damaged the car

Crystal-Induced Arthritis: Gout and Pseudogout

Several distinct diseases are characterized by crystal deposition in and about joint spaces. This deposition can lead to acute inflammation of the joint. Gout is a disorder of sodium urate deposition whereas pseudogout is characterized by deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. Recently, a form of arthritis has been attributed to hydroxyapatite deposition.
Epidemiology Contrary to folklore, gout is not related to socioeconomic class. Few individuals with gout consume excessive quantities of purine-containing foods. Primary gout is a disease primarily of the adult male with a peak incidence in the 5th decade. Only 10-15% of cases occur in females, and these are usually in the postmenopausal group. Hyperuricemia is found in 5% of all asymptomatic persons at least one time during adulthood. However, fewer than one in five will develop clinically evident crystal deposition. Diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, coronary and cerebral atherosclerosis, and hypertriglyceridemia all occur more frequently among gouty patients for unknown reasons.



EtiologyThe etiology of gout is either the overproduction or the underexcretion of uric acid. Overproduction may be primary and due to enzyme deficiencies in the metabolic pathway for purines; or may he secondary due to increased purine turnover as in hemolytic or myeloproliferative diseases. Occasionally, increased dietary consumption may cause increased levels as can ethanol abuse. Uric acid underexcretion may be caused by diminished renal function, interaction with various medications, or may be idiopathic. Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease (CPPD) is due to hereditary causes, trauma, or may be associated with certain metabolic diseases such as hemochromatosis, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, and amyl oidosis, PathophysiologyThe rates of production and elimination of uric acid determine the amount of uric acid in the body. Exogenous (dietary) and endogenous purines are oxidized to uric acid and eliminated. Of the uric acid eliminated, the kidney excretes two-thirds and the gastrointestinal tract excretes the remainder. The two most important processes in the development of hyperuricemia are abnormalities of endogenous purine production and of uric acid excretion by the kidneys. The majority of patients with gout have a defect of uric acid clearance through the kidneys. Specific enzyme abnormalities that have been identified include decreased hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase and increased PP-ribose-P synthetase, which result in the overproduction of uric acid. Uric acid is filtered by glomeruli, but 98% of the filtered amount is reabsorbed by the tubules. The majority of the uric acid excreted (80-85%) is secreted actively into the urine by the renal tubules. The exact reason for undersecretion of uric acid by the tubules is unknown. Metabolic acidosis or increased acid load as occurs in chronic renal failure after a prolonged fast or with ethanol ingestion, inhibits the secretion of uric acid. Hyperuricemia is defined statistically as a serum uric acid level of above 7.5 mg per 100 ml for males and above 6.6 mg per 100 ml for females using the automated calorimetric method of determination. The risk of developing gout correlates with the serum uric acid level. Gout is rare in patients with uric acid levels of less than 7 mg per 100 ml, whereas 83% of patients with a uric acid level greater than 9 mg per 100 ml develop gout. Although the exact reason for the sudden attack ofgout in a hyperuricemic patient is unknown, acute attacks may be precipitated by acute fluctuations in serum uric acid level and trauma to the joint. The likelihood of developing gout increases with age. When urate crystal precipitate in the joint fluid, they are able to stimulate an intense inflammatory reaction. Neutrophils infiltrate the joint space attempting to remove the foreign crystals. During this process, they release bradykinin, proteases, interleukins, and other inflammatory mediators. The clinical result is a swollen, painful, red joint. The pathognomonic lesion of gout is the tophus, which is sodium urate deposit surrounded by a foreign-body reaction. The water-soluble crystals are anisotropic (negatively birefringent) when viewed under a polarized light microscope. Sodium urate is deposited in cartilage, epiphyseal bone, periarticular structures, and kidneys. Common sites fiar tophi include the earlobe, the olecranon, and patellar bursas and tendons. Urate deposits in the joints result in cartilage degeneration synovial proliferation and pannus formation, destruction of suhchondral bone, proliferation of marginal bone, and fibrous or bony ankylosis. Sodium urate crystals are found in the medulla of the kidneys with interstitial inflammatory or vascular reaction. The interstitial inflammation, which may be acute or chronic, results in tubular damage. Acquired hyperuricemia occurs in patients with polycythemia vera, secondary polycythemia, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myelama, chronic hemolytic anemia, and after radiation or chemotherapy for a variety of cancers. Both overproduction and undersecretion of uric acid play roles in the development of secondary gout. Serum and urinary levels of uric acid tend to be higher than in primary gout. Drugs that interfere with secretion of uric acid, such as the thiazide diuretics, also may cause secondary gout. Chronic renal disease may cause hyperuricemia, but gouty arthritis usually is not seen. Patients who have had lead intoxication may develop gout due to damage to the kidneys. The pathophysiology of CPPD is similar to that described for gout excepting that the inflammatory response is not generally as intense. Symptoms and SignsPrimary gout has three manifestations: asymptomatic hyperuricemia, acute gouty arthritis (which recurs after asymptomatic intervals), and chronic gouty arthritis. For unknown reasons many patients with hyperuricemia never develop gouty arthritis, urolithiasis, or renal damage. Acute Gouty Arthritis The onset of the attack is abrupt and typically involves the great toe, although the instep, ankle, or knee may be involved. The pain is intense or excruciating. Fever may be present. The initial attack usually subsides in a few days to a few weeks, and recovery is complete.

The interval following the initial attack may be from a few weeks to many years. Later, the attacks become more frequent, may involve more joints, and are often more severe. Chronic Gouty Arthritis Without treatment and after many years, visible tophi develop, permanent joint destruction occurs, and symptoms become chronic. The tophi are relatively painless. However, there is progressive stiffness and persistent aching of affected joints. Destruction ofjoints and large tophi may lead to grotesque deformities and crippling. The tophi may ulcerate and extrude the chalky sodium urate. UrolithiasisUric acid stones occur in approximately 20% of patients with gout. The development of urolithiasis may precede the acute attack of gout. A predisposing factor to urate renal stone formation is the excretion of acidic urine throughout the day. Calcium. Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Deposition Disease CPPD is characterized by chondrocalcinosis and acute attacks of pseudogout. The prevalence increases with age. Associations with other diseases such as hemochromatosis, hyperparathyroidism, ochronosis, Wilson's disease, and hypothyroidism have been demonstrated. Pseudogout describes acute inflammatory arthritis in which positively birefringent rhomboid crystals of CPPD are identified on synovial fluid analysis. By far the most commonly involved joint is the knee. Between attacks the joint may be entirely asymptomatic or show changes of osteoarthritis. Radiographic evidence of calcinosis in cartilage and other joint-related structures usually is found. Hydroxyapatite crystals have been described recently in the synovial fluid of acutely inflamed joints. They are not resolvable by light microscopy and require elect= microscopic or microanalytic techniques for identification. The knee and shoulder are most commonly involved. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of gout requires the examination of affected joint fluid or tophus material under a polarizing microscope, which will reveal the presence of negatively birefringent, yellow, needleshaped crystals. In CPPD, the crystals are rod-shaped and show a weakly positive or no birefringence by polarizing, compensated microscopy. Patients with CPPD will also commonly have linear densities noted in the articular cartilage of affected joints on x-ray.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

This condition is a multisystem disease of unknown etiology that predominately affects young women but can affect men and women of all ages. It often is viewed as the prototypic autoimmune disease in which antibodies are formed against one's own tissues.
EpidemiologySystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is most commonly seen in women between ages 15 and 40, although all ages may be affected. Females predominate over males 5:1. In the United States, Blacks and Hispanics have a higher incidence of disease compared with Caucasians. There is also a strong familial pattern with first-degree relatives of patients having a higher likelihood of disease. EtiologyAlthough many potential etiologies, (eg, viral infections) have been proposed, none have been clearly substantiated. A small percentage of patients given procainamide or hydralazine develop a syndrome, which mimics SLE. PathophysiologyAntibodies are formed against one's own DNA. These autoantibodies bind the antigen (DNA) and complement, forming immune complexes which, when deposited in various organs, cause injury. The cause for the formation of these antibodies remains unknown. Symptoms and SignsThe manifestations of SLE are multiple and involve several body systems. The most frequently involved areas are: skin, musculoskeletal, renal, neurological, and hematological. Skin Manifestations The most recognized manifestation of SLE is the malar or "butterfly rash" of the face. This is an erythemataus elevated rash across the nose and cheeks. SLE may also cause a discoid rash. Discoid lesions begin as erythematous papules or plaques that may scale and become hypopigmented in the center. They may eventually produce scarring. Patients with SLE are frequently photosensitive to sun exposure. Ulcers of the mucous membranes including the mouth and vagina are often seen as well. Musculoskeletal ManifestationsArthritis and art.hralgias are the most common presenting symptoms and signs of SLE. The arthritis may involve any,jaint but most often involves the small joints of the hands, wrists, and knees. Generally involvement of the joints is symmetrical. The arthritis is not destructive or erosive, in contrast to rheumatoid arthritis. Renal Manifestations Nephritis is suspected by the finding of proteinuria, hematuria, casts, or elevated serum creatinine. The glomerulonephritis may be of several different types. Renal destruction can be rapid and severe in some cases.



Neurological ManifestationsN=opsychiatric signs and symptoms include seizures, strokes, peripheral neuropathies, cranial neuropathies, intractable headaches, organic brain syndrome, and psychosis. Hematological Manifestations Ane mia, leukopenia, lymphopenia, and thrombocytopenia are common findings in patients with SLE. The anemia may be due to chronic inflammation, renal disease, or drugs. However, the most significant is a hemolytic anemia due to antibodies directed against red cell antigens. A variety of clotting abnormalities have been described in patients with SLE. The most common of these is lupus anticoagulant. The name is paradoxical as these patients do have a prolonged PTT and yet generally fhrm both venous and arterial clots causing DVT, PE, and arterial thrombosis. Recurrent fetal loss is associated with the presence of lupus anticoagulant. Other common manifestations found in patients with SLE include serositis meaning inflammation of the serosa of various internal organs. Most often this involves pericarditis, pleurisy, or peritonitis. Splenomegaly and non-specific lymphadenopathy are also frequent findings. Laboratory abnormalities may include leukopenia, anemia, thrombacytopenia, false-positive serological test for syphilis, abnormal urinary sediment, and proteinuria, antinuclear antibodies (ANA), antibodies against double-stranded DNA, and hypocomplementemia. DiagnosisNo single test establishes the diagnosis of SLE. Rather, the diagnosis is classically made by the finding of four of eleven possible criteria as established by the American Rheumatologic Association though finding two or three criteria may be sufficient in some cases. The criteria are a combination of many of the above noted physical manifestations and laboratory findings. Most patients with SLE with have a positive ANA.

proteins, and other cytoplasmic proteins have been identified. Unfiartunately, these can also be found in other autoimmune disorders and none is specific for either PM or DM. Symptoms and SignsMuscle weakness is generally the presenting symptom. It is usually slow in onset and gradually progressive. Often patients will have some symptoms for several months before seeking medical attention. The weakness is most often in the proximal muscle groups and symmetrical. Myalgias and muscle tenderness occur in about half of patients. Muscle atrophy is not usually present until late in the disease even when there is severe weakness. PM and DM may overlap with features of other connective tissue diseases, particularly scleroderma and systemic lupus erythematosus. Raynaud's phenomena, inflammatory arthritis, fever, and weight loss may also be evident. In DM, there are several characteristic rashes that distinguish it from PM, although the rash may be transient and may have resolved by the time the patient presents with weakness. The most common rash seen is Gottron's sign. This is a violaceous, erythematous, symmetrical rash that occurs on the extensor surfaces of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the hands. Similar lesions can occur over the elbows and knees. The heliotrope rash is a reddish-purple rash that occurs on the eyelids and often has associated swelling of the eyelid. Periungual erythema, abnormal nail-bed capillary loops, and cracldng ofthe skin of the tips of the fingers may also be seen. DiagnosisThe diagnosis is suspected in patients with proximal muscle weakness, elevated muscle enzymes, and abnormal electromyogram. Confirmation is by muscle biopsy showing inflammation and necrosis. The presence of the skin rash distinguishes DM from PM.

Scleroderma is a disease of unknown etiology characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs.
EpidemiologyScleroderma is a rare disease estimated to have a prevalence of between 19 and 75/100,000. The peak incidence is in the 5th decade of life. Females are affected more commonly than males, and Black females more commonly than Caucasian. EtiologyThe etiology of scleroderma is unknown. PathophysiologyThis disease is characterized by increased fibrous tissue disposition and obliteration of small vessels in many organs. Lymphocytic and monacytic cell infiltration is frequently seen in the skin early in the disease. Later, the skin is relatively ace llular. The vascular lesions are characterized by widespread endothelial abnormalities and an exuberant proliferation of the vascular intima. Symptoms and SignsThe first symptoms for most patients are Raynaud's phenomenon, swelling or puffiness of the fingers or hands. The skin of hands typically becomes swollen and then firm, thickened, and leathery in appearance. Gradually, this sclerosis of the skin progresses to involve the face and trunk. Fibrosis of the lungs, GI tract, heart, and kidneys is a later finding. Patients also may manifest one or more of a collection of findings referred to as "CREST" (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal involvement, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasis). The most-feared complication of scleroderma is malignant hypertension with rapid onset of renal failure. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of scleroderma is made clinically. There is no laboratory test available to secure the diagnosis.

This is a term used to describe inflammatory changes in blood vessels that can lead to necrosis, thrombosis, and obliteration of the involved vessels. Vasculitis can be a manifestation of an underlying systemic disease or constitute the primary process. Understanding of the vasculitides has been hampered by the lack of a universally accepted and clear classification system. Classifications have been based on clinical, histopathological, and etiological considerations. A major obstacle to classification is the fact that vasculitis is a manifestation of several diseases, and most individual cases do not fit precisely into a well-defined category. Since vasculitis can involve all organs, a multitude of clinical expressions is seen. Many patients have constitutional complaints such as fever, malaise, anorexia, weight loss, myalgias, and arthralgias. Other features include glomerulonephritis, ischemic heart disease, peripheral neuropathy (mononeuritis multiplex) or CNS involvement, pulmonary infiltrates or effusions, ischemic bowel disease, and rash. Laboratory tests usually suggest a nonspecific inflammatory reaction (eg, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Diagnosis is based on the clinical presentation in conjunction with biopsy and angiographic results. POLYARTERITIS NOD OSA primarily involves mediumsized vessels and is characterized by infiltration of the vessels with polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In a majority of cases, the etiology is unknown but a few patients have hepatitis B antigenemia. The vessel injury may be mediated through deposition of immune complexes of hepatitis B antigen, antibody, and complement, with resultant damage by neutrophils drawn to the lesions by chemotaxis. HYPERSENSITIVITY ANGIITIS is a small-vessel vasculitis predominantly involving the skin. It appears to be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to an exogenous (drug, infection) or endogeneous (tumor) antigen. The histopathology is described as "leukocytoclastic angiitis," which is vasculitis with neutrophils and their nuclear dust, extravasated red blood cells, and fibrinoid necrosis of the vessel wall. WEGENER'S GRANULOMATOSIS is characterized by granulomato us vasculitis of the upper respiratory tract (sinusitis, nasal ulcerations, otitis media), lower respiratory tract (cavitary and nodular infiltrates), and glomerulonephritis. There may also be a variable degree of small vessel involvement. GIANT-CELL ARTERITIS (also called temporal arteritis) is characterized by segmental involvement of large vessels (pri-

Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis

Polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM) are idiopathic inflammatory diseases of the skeletal muscle. Dermatomyositis also has skin involvement and is often associated with underlying malignancy.
EpidemiologyBoth palymyositis and dermatomyositis are rare

conditions with an estimated prevalence of 1/100,000 in the general population. Female outnumber males 2:1. The peak incidence is in the 5th decade of life. EtiologyThe etiology of both PM and DM is unknown. However, there is an association with both conditions and malignancy. Patients with PM and DM have been shown to have an underlying malignant tumor and 15% of the time, respectively. Nearly all tumor types can he associated with PM and DM, although there may be a higher incidence of ovarian, lung, pancreatic, gastric, cervical, bladder, and nonHodgkin lymphoma. PathophysiologyThe myositis is characterized by both degenerating and regenerating muscle fibers with a mononuclear cell infiltrate. Several antibodies directed at cytoplasmic RNA synthetases, ribonucle-



marily branches of the carotid artery) with a mononuclear infiltrate including giant cells and destruction of the internal elastic lamina. The most dreaded complication of giant-cell arteritis is sudden blindness due to is chemic optic neuritis.

DIABETES INSIPIDUS (DI)Central diabetes insipidus is a disorder due to decreased production of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) also known as vasopressin. A decrease in the responsiveness of the kidneys to ADH is called nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
EpidemiologyNo specific epidemiological pattern is described. EtiologyThe most common causes of central DI are neurosurgery or trauma, primary tumors (craniopharyngioma, meningioma, lymphoma), metastatic tumor (breast, lung), infiltrative diseases (sarcoid, histiocytosis X), and idiopathic DI. Rarely, central DI is transmitted as an inherited disorder in an autosomal dominant pattern. PathophysiologyWithout ADH, the kidney is not able to adequately concentrate the urine. This results in increased urine flow and may lead to dehydration. Typically, the thirst mechanism is stimulated and polydipsia ensues. Hypematremia occurs if the increase in fluid intake is not sufficient to compensate for the loss of free water. DiagnosisCentral DI must be distinguished from other causes of polyuria and polydipsia. This can be done by using the water restriction test and serially monitoring urine osmolality, volume, and serum sodium concentration. Symptoms and SignsThe hallmark of diabetes insipidus is polyuria with excessive thirst and polydipsia. In severe forms, the urine volume is 16 to 24 Ilday. Micturition may be required every half-hour, day or night. Urine osmolality is low and urine specific gravity is less than 1.005. If intake does not equal output, the patient may become dehydrated severely.

Endocrine glands are organs that secrete hormones directly into the blood. The major endocrine glands are the anterior pituitary, posterior pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, parathyroids, pancreas, and ovaries or testes. The anterior pituitary gland controls the function of the other glands with the exception of the parathyroids, pancreas, and posterior pituitary. The hypothalamus and the central nervous system control the pituitary. Hormones regulate metabolism. Endocrine disorders arise when there is excess or a deficiency of a hormone. Most patients with endocrine dysfunction can be treated successfully.

The Hypothalamus
This organ is responsible for the integration of the central nervous system and endocrine system and is particularly related to the physiological response to stress.
Normal PhysiologySee Chapter 64.

SYNDROME OF INAPPROPRIATE ADH SECRETION (SIADH)This is caused by continual release of ADH regardless of plasma osmolality.
EpidemiologySIADH is typically a disease of adults. EtiologyIncreased and unregulated ADH secretion may be caused by CNS disorders such as stroke, hemorrhage, infection, trauma, or psychosis. Several drugs are known to enhance the secretion of ADH or its effect. Drugs commonly associated with SIADH are chlorpropamide, carb amazepine, cyclophosphamide, SSRIs, anti-psychotics, and some chemotheraputic agents. Pain especially following surgery can lead to increased ADH secretion. Lung diseases (pneumonia, Tb, asthma) and HIV also cause SIADH. PathophysiologyIncreased levels of ADH acts to interfere with the excretion of free water by the kidneys. This leads to progressive dilution of the serum. Hyponatremia is the result of this dilution and can lead to mental status changes, especially in the elderly. Symptoms and SignsIngested fluids are retained, so that volume expansion and dilutional hyponatremia occur. The patient complains of weight gain, weakness, lethargy, and mental confusion. The serum sodium is low, as is plasma osmolality, and the urine is concentrated. DiagnosisThe combination of hyponatremia, hypo-osmolality, and urine osmolality above 100 mOsmollkg establishes the diagnosis of SIADH. Generally the urine sodium will be above 40meq/L.

Anterior Pituitary Disorders

The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica. The cells of the anterior lobe secrete the hormones described below.
Normal PhysiologySee Chapter 64. EpidemiologyTumors of the anterior pituitary account for 6-18% of all brain tumors. The peak incidence is age 40 to 50 years. There is a similar incidence in men and women with the exception of prolactin secreting tumors, which are more common in women. EtiologyPituitary adenomas originate from one of the adenohypophyseal cell types of the pituitary gland. Some forms are associated with certain inherited disorders though the majority arise spontaneously. Pa thophysiologyTumors that cause increased production of TSH, ACTH, GH, and prolactin develop in the anterior pituitary. Only a few tumors that produce increased amounts of gonadotropins have been identified. A tumor that secretes excess TS H is a rare cause of hyperthyroidism. A tumor may secrete excess ACTH and result in Cushing's disease. Growth hormone-secreting tumors cause gigantism or acromegaly. If the tumor occurs before puberty and closure of the epiphyseal plate, gigantism with generalized overgrowth of the skeleton and soft tissue occurs. After puberty, a GH-secreting tumor causes acromegaly, which is characterized by overgrowth of bone and cartilage in the distal parts of the body such as the face, head, hands, and feet. Acromegaly also is associated with early osteoarthritis, psychological disturbances, glucose intolerance, and hypertension. Prolactin-secreting tumors, the most common of the functioning pituitary tumors, cause galactorrhea and amenorrhea. Sheehan's syndrome is destruction of the pituitary due to hypotension during delivery. The clinical manifestations of panhypopituitari sm depend on whether the destruction occurs pre- or post puberty. Prepubertal destruction results in stunted growth and lack of sexual development, and may result in thyroid and adrenal insufficiency. Postpubertal destruction results in gonadal, thyroid, and adrenal insufficiency. Large tumors of the pituitary may also lead to generalized destruction and panhypopituitarism. Symptoms and SignsPituitary tumors may cause headaches, loss of temporal visual fields, bilateral hemianopia, loss of visual acuity, and blindness. The other symptoms and signs relate to the excess or lack of hormone(s). DiagnosisThe diagnosis of the pituitary disorders is made by the determination of serum levels of the respective hormones combined with imaging (usually MRI) of the pituitary gland.

Thyroid Disorders
The thyroid gland, which is located in the anterior neck, secretes thyroid hormones that control a number of metabolic processes.
Normal PhysiologyFor the biosynthesis and actions of the thyroid hormones, see Chapter 64. Disorders that affect serum proteins can affect the amount of bound T3 or T4 but not the metabolic status of the patient. Actions of thyroid hormone include maintenance of body temperature and weight, control of skin texture, stimulation of protein catabolism, stimulation of heart rate and myocardial contractility, increased metabolism of cholesterol, and proper functioning of the CNS. At the tissue level the actions of thyroid hormone are synergistic with those of epinephrine.

HYPOTHYROIDISMThis is a state of deficient thyroid hormone production. Cretinism is hypothyroidism that begins at birth and results in developmental abnormalities and severe mental retardation. Myxedema is severe hypothyroidism with the accumulation of hydrophilic mucopolysaccharides in the dermis.
EpidemiologyThe prevalence of hypothyroidism is estimated at 0.1-2% of the population. Women are affected 5 to 8 times more often then men. EtiologyVarious mechanisms may cause hypothyroidism. The most common etiology is autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland ( Hashimoto's thyroiditis). Other causes are inherited defects in thyroid hormone synthesis, dietary deficiency of iodine, and disruption of TSH production by the pituitary. The treatment of hyperthyroidism by either surgery or radioactive iodide usually results in hypothyroidism.

Posterior Pituitary Disorders

The posterior pituitary secretes ADH and oxytocin
Normal PhysiologySee Chapter 64.



PathophysiologyThe lack of thyroid hormone leads to decrease in overall metabolic rate, changes in skin and hair, and affects on some neurological function. The replacement of thyroid hormone generally restores all of these functions. Symptoms and SignsThe cretin is constipated and somnolent and has a hoarse cry and feeding problems. Physical abnormalities include short stature, coarse features, protruding tongue, broad flat nose, widely set eyes, a protuberant abdomen, and an umbilical hernia. The child is mentally retarded. Hypothyroidism in adults is insidious in onset. Complaints include cold intolerance, lethargy, constipation, menorrhagia, slowing of intellectual and motor activity, a modest weight gain, dry hair that falls out, dry skin, stiff aching muscles and a deep-hoarse voice. Patients with myxedema have a dull expressionless face, sparse hair, periorbit al puffiness, a large tongue, and pale, cool, rough, doughy skin. Coma is a poor prognostic sign. Physical examination of patients with hypothyroidism is remarkable for the skin changes, bradycardia, and prolonged relaxation phase of deep tendon reflexes. Goiter is caused by hyperplasia of the thyroid gland because of excessive stimulation by TSH in conditions where there is a defect in thyroid hormone synthesis. DiagnosisThe most sensitive indicator of thyroid function is the TSH level. As thyroid hormone levels fall, the pituitary responds by increasing the production of TSH. Elevated TSH levels are the hallmark of primary hypothyroidism. In some cases, direct measurement of the thyroid hormone level is required.

adrenal gland, or secondary, due to a problem outside the adrenal gland.

Normal PhysiologySee Chapter 64.

CUSHING'S SYNDROMECushing's syndrome refers to the presence of excess glucocorticoids.

EpidemiologyACTH producing adenoma (Cushing's disease) is the most common cause of Cushing's syndrome (other than iatrogenic administration of corticosteroids). There is a female predominance with a female to male ratio of 8:1. The age range is most frequently 20 to 40 years. Ectopic ACTH producing tumors (oat cell carcinoma of the lung) occur 3 times more commonly in males. Cortisol-producing tumors of the adrenal gland occur equally in males and females but are rare with a prevalence of only 2/million in the general population. EtiologyCushing's disease is the result of increased cortisol production due to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia caused by an ACTH-producing tumor of the pituitary gland, which acts independently of feedback mechanisms. This accounts for 68% of cases. Nonendocrine tumors, such as bronchogenic carcinoma, bronchial adenoma and pancreatic carcinoma secrete an ACTH-like peptide that causes the syndrome in 15% of cases. Adrenal adenomas or carcinomas are the cause 95 and 8% of the time. PathophysiologyIncreased levels of glucocorticoids lead to the symptoms and signs that are seen in Cushing's disease and are similar regardless of the underlying mechanism. Symptoms and SignsThe syndrome is characterized by truncal obesity, hypertension, weakness and fatigability, hirsutism, amenorrhea, purple abdominal striae, edema, and osteoporosis. Approximately 80% of patients have the first four symptoms and signs. The symptoms and signs of the syndrome are secondary to the excess cortisol. Increased cortisol levels promote the deposition of adipose tissue in the face (the moon facies), in the interscapular area (the buffalo hump), and in the mesenteric bed (the truncal obesity). The obesity is modest, not extreme. Mobilization ofprotein from peripheral supporting tissue results in muscle weakness, fatigability, osteoporosis, striae, ecchymoses, and easy bruising. Because of increased hepatic gluconeogenesis and insulin resistance, glucose intolerance or diabetes mellitus occurs. Hypertension is almost always present. Marked emotional changes from irritability, emotional instability, and euphoria to severe depression and psychosis occur. Amenorrhea, acne, and hirsutism are seen in females. Acne is seen in both sexes. Laboratory tests reveal a mild neutrophilic leukocytosis, normal serum sodium, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, and increased serum glucose with intermittent glycosuria. Radiographs show generalized osteoporosis, particularly of the spine and pelvis, and perhaps compression fractures of the vertebrae. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of the syndrome is based on elevated serum levels of cortisol. Dexamethasone in sufficient doses can suppress ACTH release and subsequently cortisol production in the syndrome due to a pituitary tumor, but will not affect cortisol secretion in the syndrome due to other causes. Patients with an adrenal tumor have increased scrum cortisol but decreased serum ACTH.

HYPERTHYROIDISMThis is a state of excess thyroid hormone production and may arise from several different etiologies.
EpidemiologyGraves' disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism. It is the most common autoimmune disorder with a prevalence of 0.5/1000. Females are 5 to 10 times more likely to have Graves' disease than males. The peak incidence is 40 to 60 years. There is a similar occurrence in Caucasians and Asians, but it is less common in Blacks. EtiologyThere are several causes of hyperthyroidism. The most common, Graves' disease, is caused by autoantibodies to the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor (TSHR-Ab) that activate the receptor, thereby stimulating thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion and thyroid growth (causing a diffuse goiter). Graves' disease is also associated with ophthalmopathy. Toxi c adenoma and toxic multinxIular goiter are conditions in which there is focal or diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid follicular cells, which leads to overproduction of thyroid hormone. Increased iodine load (such as with IV contrast) can lead to hyperthyroidism. Rarely, hyperthyroidism results from a TSH secreting tumor. PathophysiologyThe excess thyroid hormone leads to increased metabolism, tremor, weight loss, tachycardia, etc. that are characteristic of the disease. In Graves' disease, there is also an increase in the retro-orbital fat that leads to the exophthalmos that is seen. Symptoms and SignsPatients with hyperthyroidism may complain of a goiter, a fine tremor particularly when the fingers are spread, increased nervousness, emotional instability, increased sweating, heat intolerance, weight loss, palpitations, weakness, increased appetite, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, and amenorrhea. Physical examination reveals wasting of muscles, sinus tachycardia, atrial arrhythmias, and perhaps congestive heart failure. The skin is warm, moist, and velvety and the hair, fine and silky. The goiter is usually diffuse, and a bruit may be heard over the gland. In Graves' disease, the patient also may complain of decreased lacrimation, eye redness, and a sensation of sand in the eyes. The ocular signs include the characteristic stare and frightened facies, infrequent blinking, lid lag, failure of convergence, and failure to wrinkle the brow on upward gaze. Varying degrees of ophthalmoplegia and proptosis occur. Corneal ulceration may occur as a complication. The exophthalmos is usually bilateral. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is made by detecting depressed levels of TSH and an elevated level of thyroid hormone (except in rare cases of a TSH producing tumor). Radioactive thyroid scans are useful for differentiating hyperthyroidism caused by autoimmune stimulation from autonomously functioning adenoma or goiter. Antibodies to the TSH receptor can also be detected in the serum of affected individuals.

PRIMARY HYPERALD 0 STERONISMThis is due to excessive production of aldosterone independent of angiotensin II.
EpidemiologyThe prevalence is estimated to be 0.5% of all hypertensive patients. It occurs in all age groups but most commonly in the 3rd or 4th decades. Conn's syndrome (adrenal adenoma producing aldosterone) occurs twice as often in females than males. EtiologyCoon's syndrome is primary hyperaldosteronism due to an adrenal adenoma. Approximately 60% of primary aldosteronism is due to an adrenal adenoma, 30% due to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia and the remainder to carcinoma, nodular hyperplasia, or undetermined causes. Secondary hyperaldosteronism occurs in states of overstimul ation of the renin-angiotensin system such as in renal vascular hypertension or in hepatic cirrhosis, nephritic syndrome, or congestive heart failure in which there is a decrease in the intravascular volume. PathophysiologyExcess production of mineralocorticoids, primarily aldosterone, leads to sodium retention and hypokalemia due to the effects of these hormones on the kidneys. This results in volume overload and hypertension most commonly. Symptoms and SignsThe hallmarks of the disease are hypokalemia, hypertension, and volume expansion. The hypokalemia leads to muscle weakness and fatigue, particularly in the legs, and ERG changes. Hypokalemia may predispose to the development of pyel nephritis. The patients complain of polyuria and polydipsia. DiagnosisThe diagnosis is based on a normal renin levels and elevated urine aldosterone level from a 24-hour collection.

Adrenal Disorders
The adrenal glands produce three principal hormones. Disorders may involve excess or a deficiency of any one or a combination of the hormones. The disorders may be primary, in the

PRIMARY ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY (ADDISON'S DISEASE)This is a disease originally described by Addison, which refers to the autoimmune destruction of the adrenal gland with the resultant loss of sufficient cortisol production.



EpidemiologyThe prevalence of Addison's disease has been reported to be 39 to 60/million of the general population. The mean age is 40 years. EtiologyThe adrenal glands are destroyed. Approximately 90% of the glands must be destroyed before clinical manifestations occur. Chronic granulomatous infections such as tuberculosis or fungal infection or acute infections such as meningococcemia can cause the destruction. Most cases are due to atrophy of the adrenal glands, which is immunologically mediated and may have a genetic predisposition. PathophysiologyDestruction of the adrenal gland is mediated by autaantibodies. Cortisol, which is vitally important for the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein, control of the immune system, and control of vasopressin, is not produced in adequate amounts. Often there is accompanying autoimmune disease of the thyroid or other endocrine glands. In autoimmune adrenalitis, the adrenal medulla,which is the portion oft he gland responsible fin- the production of epinephrine, is usually spared. However, the synthesis of epinephrine depends on high local cortisol concentration. This may lead to inadequate production of epinephrine under physiological stress conditions. Symptoms and SignsThis disease presents as progressive fatigability, weakness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, increased skin and mucosal pigmentation, and hypotension. Other symptoms include those due to hypoglycemia and abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, salt craving, and syncope. Hyperkalemia and hyponatremia due to lack of aldosterone are typically present. The most prominent symptom is fatigue. The hyperpigmentation is brown, tan, or bronze in both exposed and nonexposed areas and particularly over pressure points or in skin creases. The hyperpigmentation results from the over production of ACTH by the pituitary in an effort to stimulate cortisol release from the adrenal gland. ACTH binds to melanacortin-1 receptors in addition to its effects on the adrenal gland and this leads to the hyperpigmentation that is seen clinically. DiagnosisA serum cortisol level obtained between 8 am and 9 am is useful to rule out the presence of adrenal insufficiency if the level is >19 04/d1. Levels <-304/d1 are indicative of the disease. All other patients need dynamic testing. This consists of corticotropin stimulation testing and measurement of serum ACTH levels.

Diabetes Mellitus
This is a disorder of glucose metabolism that results from an absolute or relative lack of insulin and of complications that include accelerated atherosclerosis, retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. The interrelationship between the glucose intolerance and the vascular disease has not been defined clearly. Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes, formerly called "juvenile onset diabetes") is believed to be an autoimmune disorder. It is characterized by marked insulin deficiency and rapid onset. Late onset and a diminished insulin response characterize type 2 diabetes (also called noninsulin-dependent diabetes, formerly adult onset diabetes).
EpidemiologyThis is a disease that occurs worldwide with about 4.2 million diabetics in the US. The incidence is higher in relatives of diabetics, people older than 45 years, and those who are currently or were obese. EtiologyBoth types have a genetic predisposition, which is more obvious in the case of Type 2 diabetes. Destruction of the pancreas by chronic pancreatitis, hemachromatasis, or carcinoma results in diabetes. Other endocrine disorders, such as Cushing's syndrome, hyperpituitarism, and hyperthyroidism, are associated with the disease. Glucose intolerance may occur during pregnancy or times of excessive stress, and at times with the administration of glucocorticosteroids, thiazides, and oral contraceptives. PathophysiologyThe beta cells of the pancreas are decreased in number or are degranulated in diabetes. The reduction in number of beta cells corresponds to the lack of insulin. In Type 1 diabetes, there are no betanlls. In Type 2 diabetes, only about one-half of them are present. In some cases, these cells are infiltrated with lymphocytes, suggesting an autoimmune mechanism fin- Type 1 diabetes. The presence of anti-islet antibodies also supports an autoimmune hypothesis in Type I diabetes. The atherosclerosis that occurs in diabetes is the same as the atherosclerosis previously discussed, but it occurs as frequently in females as males and at an earlier age. In the kidneys, nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson's) is seen, which is the deposition of glycoprotein in ball-like masses in the mesangial regions of the capillary tufts. Diffuse glomerulosclerosis, which is the deposition of glycoprotein in the mesangium, also is seen, as well as tubular basement membrane thickening. The earliest finding of diabetic retinopathy is microaneurysms. Proliferative retinopathy (the formation of new blood vessels around the optic disk) occurs with long-standing diabetes. Repeated hemorrhages cause scar formation that may lead to retinal detachment. The changes of hypertensive retinopathy also are seen in diabetics with hypertension. The lack ofinsulin results in a peripheral underutilization and a hepatic overproduction of glucose, which leads to hyperglycemia. Insulin facilitates the entry of glucose into cells of adipose tissue and muscle, stimulates fat synthesis in cells, and induces protein synthesis. See Chapter 50. The lack of glucose in muscle cells leads toglycogenolysis and the release of amino acids for gluconeogenesis. Lack of insulin and glucose in adipose tissue impairs triglyceride synthesis and promote the release of free fatty acids. The liver metabolizes free fatty acids to ketones, which are used by muscles for energy, to a limited extent. Lack of insulin also results in hepatic overproduction of glucose from glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Another hormone, glucagon, is increased in diabetes. Glucagon effects oppose insulin physiologically. Hyperglycemia results in glycosuria when the serum level of glucose exceeds the renal threshold for reabsorption of glucose. The osmotic diuresis results in polyuria and polydipsia and may result in dehydration. Excess ketones also are excreted in the urine, as strong acids. This results in urinary loss of bicarbonate and potassium and dehydration. Normally insulin is released only in response to a glucose load such as a carbohydrate-containing meal. Serum insulin levels rise within 15 to 20 minutes after eating. Patients with Type 1 diabetes do not produce insulin. Those with Type 2 diabetes produce too little insulin and produce it too late to prevent hyperglycemia. Obese people have hypertrophied adipose cells, which, because of their size, are less sensitive to the action of insulin. The vascular complications of diabetes mellitus have been related to the hyperglycemia. It is postulated that glycoprotein is deposited in the capillaries when glucose levels are elevated. Formation of cataracts and neuropathy are thought to occur because glucose is metabolized to sorbitol by aldose reductase in hyperglycemia. The sorbitol causes osmotic swelling and damage. Symptoms and SignsThe onset of Type 1 diabetes is sudden and characterized by polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, decreased muscle strength, irritability, and perhaps a return of bed-wetting. Often the initial presentation may be ketaacidosis. About one-third of these patients have a remission shortly after the onset of the diabetes.

SECONDARY ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCYThis is an ACTH deficiency caused by pituitary destruction or pituitary atrophy secondary to prolonged administration of exogenous corticosteroids. The patient has the same symptoms and signs as the patient with primary adrenal insufficiency (above) but not the hyperpigmentation. ACTH deficiency due to pituitary destruction usually occurs along with other hormone deficiencies. Generally, hypotension is not as problematic because the release of aldosterone is more dependent on Angiotensin II than on ACTH. For this same reason, hyperkalemia is not seen in secondary adrenal insufficiency. The diagnosis of secondary adrenal insufficiency is made by the finding of low morning cortisol levels and is confirmed by using the insulin-induced hypoglycemia test and following the rise of cortisol in response to hypoglycemia. With secondary adrenal insufficiency, this response will me minimal or absent. A second test known as the short metyrapone test is also available. ADRENAL CRISISThis is a state of acute adrenal insufficiency and is life-threatening. Adrenal crisis should be suspected in any patient w ith unexplained c at e chol a mine -resistant hypotension, especially if they have hyperpigmentation, vitiligo, scanty axillary and pubic hair, hyponatremia, or hyperkalemia.
EtiologyStress, surgery, trauma, or infection may precipitate acute adrenal insufficiency in a patient who has been chronically adrenally insufficient. Adrenal hemorrhage due to septicemia or anticoagulants or rapid withdrawal of exogenous steroids may precipitate an acute adrenal crisis in a patient with previously normal adrenal function. PathophysiologyThe symptoms and signs are due to the relative lack of cortisol and catecholamines under conditions of physiological stress. Symptoms and SignsThe symptoms and signs of chronic adrenal insufficiency become severe and intractable. The nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain are difficult to control and contribute to the dehydration. Somnolence is profound. The blood pressure is low, and the patient may die of hypovolemic shock. DiagnosisFinding low serum cortisol levels in a patient with physiological stress makes the diagnosis. A cortisol level of >25 g/d1 in a patient requiring intensive care probably rules out adrenal insufficiency however, a safe cutoff is unknown. A "normal" cortisol level in an acutely ill patient does not exclude this diagnosis, as the level may be normal but insufficient for the physiological state of the patient.



The remission may last for weeks to 1 year, and the patient does not require insulin during this time. After the remission, Type 1 diabetics require insulin for the remainder of their lifetime. They are very sensitive to the effects of insulin and physical activity. Both hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis punctuate their course. The clinical presentation of Type 2 diabetes may be the insidious onset of weight lass, nocturia, vascular complications, decreased or blurred vision, fatigue, anemia, or symptoms and signs of neuropathy. The disease may be diagnosed from an elevated glucose level without any symptoms. Type 2 diabetics usually are not prone to ketaacidosis. The majority of Type 2 diabetics respond to weight loss. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is based on the documentation of elevated fasting blood sugar, elevated blood glucose 2 hours after a meal, or an abnormal glucose tolerance test. Diet, physical activity, age, underlying diseases, and drugs influence the accuracy of a glucose tolerance test. Complications of DiabetesKetoncidosis occurs in diabetic patients who develop high levels of glucose and ketones plus metabolic acidosis. The usual cause is lack of compliance with insulin therapy but ketaacidosis may be the first episode fiar an undiagnosed diabetic or a manifestation of an infection. The symptoms and signs of ketaacidasis include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and air hunger (Russmaul breathing - heavy labored breathing as a compensatory mechanism to the decreased pH). The dehydration may be severe. Oliguria and hypotension may be present. Hyperglycemia, decreased bicarbonate, hypokalemia, azotemia, and acidosis may be seen on laboratory evaluation. Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma occurs in Type 2 diabetics. The patients are usually elderly and have some renal impairment. Polyuria and polydipsi a precede neurological manifestations. The patient presents with hyperpyrexia, hypotension, tachycardia, hyperventilation, and the signs of dehydration. Hyperreflexia, mild disorientation, confusion, seizures, or coma reflect the intracellular dehydration of the CNS. Laboratory examination is remarkable for increased serum osmolality and hyperglycemia without ketosis or hypernatremia. Retinopathy occurs in the majority of diabetics after many years of the disease. Venous dilatation, the formation of microaneurysms and small hemorrhages into the retina occur but do not interfere with vision. Hemorrhages into the vitreous cause temporary blindness. Retinal detachment occurs due to repeated hemorrhages and scar formation. Secondary hemorrhagic glaucoma occurs in proliferative retinopathy. Diabetes is the second leading cause of blindness. Cataracts also are associated with the disease. Neuropathy may result from the sorbitol pathway or from ischemi a resulting from the vascular disease. Diabetic neuropathy most frequently involves the peripheral nerves but can involve any nerve. Manifestations of diabetic neuropathy include sexual dysfunction in the male, gastric atony, nocturnal diarrhea, fecal incontinence, orthostatic hypotension, neurogenic bladder, paresthesias, and loss of sensation. Diabetic ulcers and gangrene result from the neuropathy, the vascular disease, or both. The painless foot is more prone to injury. The ischemic foot is less likely to heal. The patient usually has a history of intermittent claudication, nocturnal leg pain and cramps, loss of hair, and muscle atrophy. Both feet and legs usually become involved. Nephropathy typically occurs with diabetes of 15 years or more duration and usually occurs along with the other complications. The first sign of diabetic nephropathy is mild proteinuria. Later, the nephrotic syndrome may appear, and renal function deteriorates or progressive renal failure occurs without the nephrotic syndrome. Diabetic nephropathy may cause hypertension. Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis are more common in the diabetic and may contribute to the renal failure.

of phosphate by the kidneys. Vitamin D promotes phosphate absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. See also Chapters 64 and 65.

PRIMARY HYPERPARATHYROIDISMThis is an overproduction of PTII with increased serum calcium and decreased serum phosphate.
EpidemiologyPrimary hyperparathyroidism is the most common cause of hypercalcemia. It occurs in 0,2% of women over age 65 years and 0.1% of men in that same age group. The majority of cases are sporadic, although there are some with a hereditary cause. EtiologyMost cases are caused by benign adenomas of one parathyroid gland (80% of cases). Other cases are caused by chief cell hyperplasia in all four parathyroid glands, and a few are caused by carcinoma of the parathyroids. Nonendocrine neoplasms without metastases to the bone that secrete PTH-related peptide cause pseudohyperparathyroidism. PathophysiologyThe increased level of PTH leads to increased bone resorption, calcium absorption by the gut, and re absorption in the kidneys resulting in hypercalcemia. Symptoms and SignsThe majority of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism are asymptomatic, and the diagnosis is discovered after routine screening demonstrates elevated serum calcium. Some patients present with recurrent nephrolithiasis that leads to urinary tract obstruction, recurrent urinary-tract infections, a predisposition to pyelonephritis, and chronic renal failure. The stones are usually either calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate. Nephrocalcinosis or deposition of calcium in the renal parenchyma also can occur as a result of hyperparathyroidism. Nephrocalcinosis may lead to chronic renal failure. The effect of increased levels of PTH on the bone results in decreased number of trabeculae, increased osteoclasts, and replacement of normal bone by fibrous tissue, which is known as osteitis fibrosa cystica. The hands and skull are affected most commonly. Radiographs show phalangeal resorption. Increased serum calcium can result in mental status changes from mild personality disturbances to severe psychotic disorders, obtundation, and coma. Proximal muscle weakness, easy fatigability, and muscle atrophy are caused by increased serum calcium. Patients with hyperparathyroidism have a high incidence of duodenal ulcers that may be related to the increased serum calcium. Other causes of hypercalcemia, such as osteolytic metastases from various malignancies, prostaglandins from various cancers without metastases to the bone, vitamin D intoxication, milk-alkali syndrome, and prolonged immobilization must be excluded. The serum level of PTH is not elevated in these situations. DiagnosisFinding an elevated level of PTH in the presence of hypercalcemia makes the diagnosis.

SECONDARY HYP ERP ARAT HYR 0 ID ISMThis occurs in situations in which serum calcium levels fall and the parathyroids are intact. Chronic renal failure causes secondary hyperparathyroidism. The failing kidney is not able to hydroxylate vitamin I) to the active form resulting in low serum calcium levels. The parathyroid glands secrete more PTH in an effort to stimulate more vitamin D hydroxylation and more bone resorption. Thus, osteitis fibrosa cystica is a part of the bone disease of chronic renal failure. The serum calcium level is normal, although the serum phosphate and PTH levels are high. HYPOPARATHYROIDISM The production of PTH is decreased. Pseudohypoparathyroidism is a resistance of the renal tubules to the action of PTII. Serum calcium is low, and serum phosphate and PTH are high.

Disorders of Calcium Metabolism

These disorders may relate to dysfunction of the parathyroid glands or to vitamin D deficiency.
Normal PhysiologyCalcium and phosphate homeostasis is maintained by parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D, and calcitonin. The normal serum calcium varies only slightly for an individual. Dietary vitamin D or that produced in the skin by sunlight is inactive. Vitamin D must be hydroxyl ated at the 25-position by the liver and at the 1-position by the kidneys to form the active 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciforal. Parathyroid hormone is necessary for the hydroxylation in the kidneys. Parathyroid hormone and vitamin D work together to stimulate gastrointestinal absorption of calcium, bone resorption, and renal reabsorptio n of calcium. The actions of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone are opposed by calcitonin. Parathyroid hormone promotes the excretion

EtiologyHypoparathyroidism is caused most commonly by surgicalremoval or damage to the glands. A congenital absence of PTH occurs rarely. Pseudohypoparathyroidism is an X-linked inherited disorder. Symptoms and SignsHypocalcemia causes neuromuscular irritability, which is manifested by tingling and numbness around the lips, and at' the hands and feet. Tetany and convulsions are the most serious manifestations of hypocalcemia. The patient with pseudohypoparathyroidism is of short stature and has short metacarpals and metatarsals. The serum PTH level is high. In addition to the symptoms and signs of hypocalcemia, these patients may have resorption of bone and soft tissue calcifications as in primary hyperparathyroidi sm.

OSTEOMALACIA AND RICKETS This is due to defective mineralization of the normal bone matrix. Osteomalacia refers to the disorder that occurs after the bones have ceased growing; rickets refers to the disorder in growing bones.
EtiologyThe defect is a deficiency of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency may result from consumption of a deficient diet, inadequate exposure to the sun, intestinal malabsorption of vit amin D (a fat-soluble vi-



tamin), chronic acidosis, renal tubular defects, and therapy with anticonvulsants. Pathophysiology A precise concentration of calcium and phosphate is required for mineralization of bone matrix. A deficiency of vitamin D results in decreased absorption of calcium and phosphate from the gastrointestinal tract. Hypocalcemia stimulates the production of PTH, which increases calcium resorption from the bone and phosphate excretion by the kidneys. Mineralization cannot occur because of the decreased calcium and decreased phosphate. Symptoms and Signs A child with rickets has skeletal defarmities, an increased susceptibility to bone fractures, muscular weakness, hypotonia, delayed dental eruption, defects in the enamel of the teeth, and in severe cases, tetany. Adults with osteomalacia have skeletal pain, bone tenderness, muscular weakness, and fractures of the bones with minimal trauma. Diagnosis X rays of the bones show typical findings. In children, there will be widening of the epiphyseal growth plates, a frayed appearance of the metaphysis, and cupping and widening of the metaphySeg. In adults, the radiographic findings are similar to those found in patients with osteoporosisa generalized loss of bone density with thinning of the cortex. Serum levels of vitamin D and vitamin D metabolites can assist in the diagnosis.

Pathophysiology The defects occurring with this disorder are an inability to bind and/or transport LDL into cells for subsequent catabolism and regulation of cholesterol-synthesizing mechanisms. Thus plasma LDL is elevated. More is taken up by the reticuloendothelial system resulting in accumulations in various locations in the body. These accumulations are called xanthomas. LDL also infiltrates the walls of blood vessels, ultimately resulting in atherosclerosis. Symptoms and Signs Patients have high LDL blood levels from birth and throughout life. The chief manifestation is myocardial infarction, which results from coronary atherosclerosis. Myocardial infarctions may occur as early as the 1st decade in homozygotes and generally by the 3rd or 4th decade in heterozygotes. Xanthomas, a common sign of this disorder, increase in frequency with age. They tend to occur in tendons and the eyelids. With the homozygous form of this disease, xanthomas also may form in the skin over the knees, elbows, and buttocks as well as between fingers. High plasma cholesterol (or LDL) yet normal triglyceridc levels suggest the diagnosis. Diagnosis The diagnosis of FH requires elevated cholesterol levels with usually normal triglycerides and genetic or cellular confirmation of a defect in the LDL receptor. Supportive evidence is the presence of premature coronary artery disease in a first-degree relative or two or more second-degree relatives.

OSTEOPOROSISThis is not a disorder of calcium

metabolism. The amount of calcium per unit mass of bone is normal in osteoporosis, but the amount of bone is decreased. The condition occurs with aging as bone resorption exceeds bone formation. It occurs in the spine leading to back pain, collapse of vertebrae, and deformity of the spine. Long bones and hips are also susceptible to the disease with subsequent ease of fracture.

FAMILIAL HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIAThis disease involves elevated blood levels of VLDL with resultant hypertriglyceridemia.
Epidemiology Familial hypertriglyceridemia occurs in approximately 1 in 500 persons. EtiologyThis is caused by an autosomal dominant disorder. It is often associated with obesity, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and hyperuricemia. The underlying disorder is a mutation in the lipoprotein lipase gene (LPL). Pathophysiology The underlying defect is one of several inactivating mutations in the gene for LPL. The incidence of diabetes mellitus and obesity is higher in this patient population and both contribute to the hypertriglyceridemia. Symptoms and Signs These patients usually exhibit hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinism, and obesity in addition to hypertriglyceridemia. Such findings usually are not manifested until after puberty. As with familial hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis is frequent and may lead to myocardial infarction. Unlike in hypercholesterolemia, xanthomas are not common. In addition to the inherent complications of diabetes and obesity, both contribute to this condition and thus to the atherosclerosis. The diagnosis is suggested by the finding of elevated plasma triglycerides with normal cholesterol levels. Some patients have elevated chylomicron levels in addition to the increased VLDL.

The Hyperlipoproteinemias
These result from disturbances in the synthesis or degradation of lipoproteins. The morbidity and mortality associated with this family of disease result from the ability of abnormally high lipoprotein levels to cause atherosclerosis and pancreatitis. Primary lipoproteinemias are due to disorders in lipoprotein metabolism and have a genetic basis, while secondary hyperlipoproteinemias occur because of a concurrent disease such as diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism. As a complete discussion of all hyperlipoproteinemias is not possible here, only two of the more common primary types, familial hypercholesterolemia and familial hype rtriglyceridemia, will be presented.
Normal Physiology The physiological role of the lipoproteins is to transport lipids (ie, triglycerides, and cholesterol esters) through plasma. Lipoproteins are comprised of triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, and protein (apoprotein). Various lipoproteins differ in the quantity of these components and thus density and size. Lipids are transported in the body by lipoproteins through exogenous and endogenous pathways. In the exogenous pathway, dietary lipids are incorporated into chylomicrons that are transported to adipose and muscle tissue where the triglycerides are removed. The remainder of the chylomicron, or remnant particle, is transported to the liver for further metabolism. The endogenous pathway has its base primarily in the liver, where carbohydrates and other substrates are converted to triglycerides. The liver secretes these triglycerides into the blood as very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). These particles are handled in much the same way as chylomicrons except that after removal of the triglycerides by adipose tissue, a further transformation occurs. Most of the protein is removed, yielding low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is composed chiefly of cholesterol. These LDL particles supply cholesterol for various uses, including cell-membrane composition and glucocorticoid synthesis. In addition, some LDL particles are degraded by the reticuloendothelial system. As the cells of this system turn over, cholesterol is released and incorporated in the high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Certain components of the HDL apoprotein are transferred to VLDL, and cholesterol is transported back to the liver, a major site of cholesterol synthesis.

Normal Physiology-HematopoiesisBlood is an organ that performs many functions. It is the transport system for the body. Oxygen, glucose, amino acids, and fats are transported to cells for metabolism. Waste products of metabolism are transported to organs for excretion. Hormones transported by blood regulate the functions of organs and tissues. Blood cells and proteins are responsible for host defenses against infection and cancer. Blood also has the selfpreserving function of hemostasi s or clot formation. Blood is composed of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), platelets, and plasma. In the embryo, the yolk sac is the blood-forming organ until about 3 months of gestation. The liver and spleen then become the blood-forming organs. These organs do not normally continue to farm blood cells after birth. The bone marrow becomes a hematopoietic organ at 6 months of gestation and continues so after birth. An adult has active bone marrow in the axial skeleton whereas hematopoiesis during childhood also occurs in the long bones. With age the bone marrow in the long bones becomes progressively replaced by fat. In disease states where the need for rod blood cells (RBCs) is increased greatly, bone marrow may revert to the infant pattern, increasing RBC production 5- to 8-fold. When this compensatory mechanism is exceeded, the spleen and liver may assume some hematopoietic functions. The fetus makes hemoglobin F, which carries oxygen more efficiently at low oxygen tensions. At birth hemoglobin F is replaced largely by hemoglobin A, although production of hemoglobin F continues throughout life, especially in certain diseases. The fetus has a high RBC count, which falls at birth since the increased number of RBCs is no longer needed. Blood cells fallow certain principles of maturation. Bone-marrow stem cells are pluripotent and can become a RBC, WBC, or platelet. During maturation, the size of a blood cell decreases. Young cells are capable of protein synthesis while mature cells, except lymphocytes and

FAMILIAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIAEpidemiology This common type affects approximately 1 in 500 individuals in the general population. Etiology Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) is caused by an autosomal defect in the gene that codes far the LDL receptor. A rare autosomal recessive form is caused by a defect in an adaptor protein for the LDL receptor or for a ligand on the LDL receptor.



macrophages, are not. The nucleus in a young cell is large and contains loose fine chromatin. A mature cell has a small nucleus without nucleoli and with dense chromatin. The reticulocyte is the next-to-last step of maturation of the red blood cell. The nucleus is absent in the reticulocyte, but some RNA and ribosomes are still present. These are absent in mature RBCs. Reticulocytes are seen in the peripheral circulation and normally compose 1% of the RBCs. A normal RBC has a life span of 120 days. The production of red blood cells is stimulated by erythropoietin, which is synthesized, in part, in the kidneys in response to hypoxia. Androgens also increase RBC production probably through their effect on erythropoietin. White blood cells (WBC) are the second component of blood and are primarily responsible far immune functions. The earliest white blood cells evolve along a differentiation line to become several different cell types, each with a distinct function. These include: polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs), lymphocytes, easinaphils, monacytes, and basophiles. Platelets are small cellular entities that are involved in hemostasis. They are responsible for initiating blood clotting and help farm a physical plug at a bleeding site. The precursor cell in the bone marrow is a megakaryacyte. Plasma contains various proteins. The most abundant of these is albumin. The various coagulation proteins are also faund in plasma. Hematological disorders can affect any or several of these components of blood.

hemogl obinopathies, or myelofibrosis. Malabsorption of falic acid occurs in inflammatory small bowel diseases. Certain drugs such as methotrexate, pyrimethamine, triamterene, pentamidine, trimethoprim, and nitrous oxide inhibit conversion of folic acid to its biologically active form. Oral contraceptives, barbiturates, phenytoin, and ethanol have been associated with megalohlastic anemia that responds to treatment with folic acid. Symptoms and SignsIn addition to the other symptoms and signs of anemia, the patient with folic-acid deficiency may appear wasted. Diarrhea is a prominent complaint. No neurological deficits are attributed to folic-acid deficiency.

ANEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASEThis is seen in association with a number of chronic inflammatory or infectious diseases.
PathophysiologyThe problem involves a defect that prevents transport of iron from storage depots. The impaired RBC production along with a mildly reduced RBC survival leads to the development of anemia. Symptoms and SignsThe anemia is usually normocytic normochromic but may be microcytic normochromic or even hypochromic. The serum iron is low, and the total iron binding capacity (TIBC) is normal or low. The saturation index is greater than 10%. The serum ferritin level is normal to high. Increased amounts of iron are stared in the bonemarrow reticuloendothelial system. DiagnosisThe combination of low serum iron, normal or low TIBC, and an underlying inflammatory or infectious process is adequate for the diagnosis.

Anemia is defined as a decrease in the number of red blood cells. This may occur as a result of RBC loss (bleeding), RBC destruction, or decreased RBC production. PERNICIOUS ANEMIA This is a defect in RBC production caused by lack of vitamin 1312.
EpidemiologyPernicious anemia is most commonly seen in people of North= European decent and African-Americans. It is uncommon in Asian people. The average age of onset is 60 years andis rare under age 30 years. The incidence is substantially increased in patients with autoimmune diseases such as Graves', thyroiditis, vitiligo, adrenal insufficiency, and hypoparathyroidism. EtiologyMost cases are caused by autoimmune destruction of the parietal cells of the stomach that make a protein known as intrinsic factor which is responsible for permitting absorption of vitamin B12 by the ileum. A total of 90% will have anti-parietal cell antibodies, and 60% have antibodies directed at intrinsic factor as well. Other causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include total gastrectomy, stomach damage due to corrosives, intestinal malabsorption due to inflammatory disease, resection of the ileum, and competition for vitamin B12 by bacterial overgrowth or the fish tapeworm. PathophysiologyIt is characterized by lack of intrinsic factor secretion, and consequent atrophy of the gastric mucosa. As a result, vitamin B12, which is needed far proper RBC production, is not absorbed by the ileum of the small intestine. This leads to the decreased production of RBCs by the bone marrow. Those that are produced are characteristically larger than normal RBCs (macracytic). Vitamin B12 is also important for normal neurological function. Lack of vitamin B12 leads to demyelination of nerves followed by axonal degeneration. Symptoms and SignsThe nonspecific symptoms and signs of anemia occur and because of defects in epithelial cells a red, sore, glazed tongue is seen. The neurological abnormalities consist of numbness, tingling, and loss of vibratory sense in the extremities, loss of position sense, loss of fine coordination, spasticity, irritability, memory loss, and mild depression. The GI complaints include anorexia and significant weight loss. Examination of the blood shows oval macrocytes. The red blood cells may be shaped bizarrely (poikilocytosis) and of different sizes (anisacytosis). The reticulacyte count is decreased. The nuclei of the neutrophils may have five or more lobes (hypersegmentation), and there may be mild to moderate neutrope ni a and thrombacytopeni a, with the platelets also bizarre in appearance. The bone marrow shows the megaloblasts, erythroid hyperplasia, abnormal mitoses in the red cell series, large leukocytes with bizarrely shaped nuclei, and decreased numbers of megakaryacytes. DiagnosisMacracytic anemia with low vitamin B12 levels makes the diagnosis.

ANEMIA OF RENAL FAILUREThis anemia is usually severe and multifactorial in origin.

PathophysiologyThe kidneys are the source of erythropoietin, and production of erythropoietin is decreased in chronic renal failure. The anemia also may be due to iron deficiency because blood is lost from the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts in uremia. A hemolytic anemia occurs possibly because of toxins in the blood. Bone marrow is suppressed by the accumulation of toxins. Symptoms and SignsAnemia is usually severe, with hematacrit values of 15-30%. However, patients are not as symptomatic as the severity of the anemia would suggest. The anemia is normochromic normocytic unless iron deficiency is also present. DiagnosisTypically a low serum erythropoietin level is detected in the presence of renal failure.

HEMOLYTIC ANEMIASThese involve the destruction of RBCs in the blood stream or by macrophages in the liver and spleen.
EtiologyHemolysis may be caused by a variety of factors. Antibodies may develop toward RBCs as a result of sensitization, exposure to drugs, infections, or spontaneously. Excessive external trauma, such as marching or jogging, or excessive internal trauma such as occurs with a prosthetic cardiac valve may cause hemolysis. Toxins from the venom of a cobra, the brown recluse spider, and Clostridium welchii cause hemolysis. Infections of the RBCs with malaria and bacteremia due to pneumacaccus, Staphylococcus, and E colz cause hemolysis. The RBCs may be made defectively because of an inherited error or have hereditary errors in metabolic enzyme systems.

AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIAThis is characterized by development of IgG or IgM antibodies against the patient's own RBCs.
Etiology and EpidemiologyThe disease can occur at any age and may be idiopathic or occur in association with another immune disorder such as lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, or systemic lupus erythematosus. PathophysiologyThe RBCs are coated with an antibody that is directed at one of the many RBC surface antigens. The RBCs are then destroyed in the spleen. Symptoms and SignsThe anemia ranges from mild to severe. The reticulacyte count is increased. Spheracytes are seen on the peripheral blood smear. Bilirubin is increased. The course is variable but may end in fatal massive hemolysis. The direct Coombs' test is positive. This test uses specific antisera to detect IgG, IgM, or C3 coating the circulating RBCs. DiagnosisThe diagnosis is based on the evidence of hemolysis (anemia, elevated hiliruhin, low haptoglohin) and a positive direct Coombs' test.

FOLIC-ACID DEFICIENCY ANEMIAThis is a megaloblastic anemia due to folic-acid deficiency that may be confused with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia.
EtiologyMost cases are due to an inadequate diet. Folic-acid deficiency is seen frequently in alcoholics. A dietary deficiency also may be combined with increased demand, as in pregnancy, hemolytic anemia,

DRUG-INDUCED IMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA Three types may occur. Methyldopa induces an autoimmune hemolytic anemia identical to the idiopathic form. The antibody is an IgG against components of the Rh antigen. The direct Coombs' test is positive in about 15% of patients who take methyldopa. There is extravascular hemolysis.



Penicillin and cephalosporins produce a hemolytic anemia by serving as a hapten. The hapten forms a complex with the REC and antibodies are produced against the drug-red blood cell complex. The hemolysis is extravascular. The direct Coombs' test is positive. Quinine and quinidine cause hemolysis by the "innocent bystander" mechanism. The drug forms a complex with plasma proteins and IgG and IgM antibodies form against the drugprotein complex. The antibody-drug-plasma protein complex settles on the RBC and fixes complement. C3 remains attached to the REC. The direct Coombs' test is positive. Intravascular hemolysis occurs. Hemoglobin appears in the urine and acute tubular necrosis may result. See also Chapter 45. HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA DUE TO HEXOSE MONOPHOSPHATE SHUNT DEFECTSGlucose metabolism via the hexose monophosphate shunt increases several times when the REC is exposed to oxidants. The shunt generates glutathione to protect the sulfhydryl group of the hemoglobin from oxidation. Oxidized hemoglobin precipitates in RBCs, forming Heinz bodies. The spleen removes RECs with Heinz bodies from the circulation. The most common defect in the hexose monophosphate shunt is a hypofunction of glucose 6-phosphodehydrogenase ( G6PD) of which there are more than 100 variants. The G6PD gene is located on the X chromosome (sex-linked trait).
EpidemiologyThe two most clinically significant forms of G6PD deficiency occur in blacks who originated in Central Africa, and in Eastern Mediterraneans, particularly Sephardic Jews. PathophysiologySome patients with G6PD deficiency are only symptomatic when the RBCs are subject to the stress of infections or oxidants including drugs such as sulfbnamides, antimalarials, or nitrofurantoin Heterozygous women have two populations of cells, one with normal enzyme concentration and one deficient. Symptoms and SignsWithin a few hours of infection or exposure to a drug, the patient has acute hemolysis. Generally, the older RBCs are deficient in G6PD and are destroyed. Therefbre, the hemolysis is self-limited even if the exposure to the oxidant continues. The Mediterranean form is characterized by more severe hemolysis. The patient has a decreased hematocrit, increased level of unconjugated bilirubin and hemoglobinuria. A test for G6PD will be falsely negative if done shortly after a hemolytic crisis. DiagnosisDeficiency of G6PD can be determined directly by analyzing RBCs in suspected individuals.

formation resulting in severe pain in the chest, abdomen, joints, or other sites. An infection or exposure to cold resulting in vasospasm or conditions that lead to dehydration may precipitate a crisis. The crisis may be mistaken for an "acute abdomen." Chronic organ damage results from recurrent crises. Lung function is decreased because of recurrent pulmonary infarcts. CHF results from the chronic severe anemia, hypoxemia, and pulmonary hypertension. Gallstones develop because of increased bilirubin turnover. Hepatic infarcts may become hepatic abscesses. The hypertonic, hypoxic, acidosis renal medulla is most susceptible to infarction. After repeated infarctions, the ability to concentrate urine is lost. Papillary necrosis also occurs. Prolonged hematuria may result in iron-deficiency anemia. Osteomyelitis may develop in bony infarcts. Aseptic necrosis of the femur occurs. Retinal infarcts, vitreous hemorrhage, and retinal detachment occur. Chronic skin ulcers are seen on lower extremities. Cerebral vascular occlusion can result in stroke, seizures, or coma. With repeated splenic infarcts, splenic function becomes impaired so susceptibility to infection, particularly pneumococcal, increases. DiagnosisThe diagnosis is made by finding HbS on hemoglobin electrophoresis.

Blood dyscrasia is a term used to indicate a general disorder of the blood. The most common blood dyscrasias include aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, and thrombocytopenia. Many drugs and chemicals have been cited as the causative agents in blood dyscrasias. APLASTIC ANEMIAThis term is actually a misnomer. A more accurate description is pancytopenia resulting from damaged pluripotent stem cells. All three cell typesRECs, WBCs, and plateletsare affected. It is characterized by an acellular or hypocellular bone marrow.
EpidemiologyThe overall incidence of aplastic anemia is estimated at 5 to 10 cases per million persons. There are approximately 1000 new cases annually in the United States. Young adults (15-30 years) and the elderly (>60 years) are the most commonly affected. EtiologyA number of drugs and chemicals have been associated with its production including benzene, chloramphenicol, phenylbutazone, gold, and cancer chemotherapeutic agents. Radiation, infectious hepatitis, and other diseases may also be associated with the condition. Approximately one-half of the cases have no identifiable cause, but recent evidence suggests that many may be due to increased activity of suppressor lymphocytes. PathophysiologyThe pathogenesis of aplastic anemia is only partially understood. In general, there is one of two pathologic processes that had to the pancytopenia seen: (1) an acquired intrinsic stem cell defect or (2) an immune-mediated suppression of the bone marrow stem cells. Symptoms and Signs The patient complains of progressive weakness and fatigue, mild bleeding from mucous membranes, ecchymoses, and petechiae. The usual signs of infection are not present even though an infection may exist. Symptoms and signs of anemia are present. Examination of the blood reveals a severe normochromic, normocytic anemia with no reticulacytes. The WBC count is low and is comprised mostly of lymphocytes. There is no increase in bilirubin unless liver disease also is present. DiagnosisBone marrow biopsy is required to make the diagnosis of aplastic anemia.

SICKLE-CELL ANEMIAThis is the most common conjoint hemolytic anemia. It is due to the substitution of valine for glutamic acid on the [3-chain of hemoglobin, which results in hemoglobin S (HbS).
EpidemiologyApproximately 8% of Black Americans are heterozygous or carry the sickle-cell trait. The disease or homozygous form is seen in 0.15% of Black American children. EtiologyThe disorder is inherited according to Mendelian genetics, so that one-fourth of the offspring from heterozygous parents are homozygous, one-fourth are normal and one-half are heterozygous. PathophysiologyRBCs must be able to withstand distortion of shape in order to traverse the capillary circulation. RBCs that contain HbS change from biconcave discs to elongated crescent shaped (sickle) cells on deoxygenation. The sickled cells obstruct capillary blood flow, resulting in tissue hypoxia, further deoxygenation of RBCs, and further sickle fbrmation. A small area of ischemia may become a large area of infarction as the process continues. Formation of sickle cells is initially a reversible process, but with time RBC-membrane damage occurs and the sickle fbrmation becomes irreversible. Patients who are homozygous also have 2-20% hemoglobin F, which prevents polymerization of hemoglobin S. RBCs with a high concentration of hemoglobin F do not irreversibly sickle. Any condition that causes hypoxia or dehydration of RBCs increases sickle-cell fbrmation. HbS has decreased affinity for oxygen so the oxygen content of the blood is decreased. Sickled cells are removed from the circulation by the spleen and have an average life span of 15 days. Symptoms and SignsIndividuals with the sickle-cell trait, but not the disease, usually do not have significant clinical problems. Severe hypoxia is necessary to cause a sickle-cell crisis in these individuals. A person who is homozygous for sickle-cell anemia develops symptoms at about 6 months when much of the hemoglobin F has been replaced. Initial symptoms may be impairment of growth and development. Later, a severe hemolytic anemia develops. The mortality and morbidity of sickle-cell anemia is related to recurrent episodes of vascular occlusion. A crisis is an episode of sickle-cell

AGRANULOCYTOSISThis is characterized by a marked reduction or disappearance of neutrophilic granulocytes in the peripheral blood. Severe neutropenia is defined as less than 500 polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)/mm'. The incidence of infection directly correlates with the number of PMNs. Etiology Various drugs may cause agranulocytosis, including can

cer chemotherapeutic agents, thiouracils, phenothiazines, sulfonamides, or thiazide diuretics. PathophysiologySeveral mechanisms convey a decreased number of circulating PMNs. Drugs used in cancer chemotherapy as well as radiation will decrease predictably the production of PMNs. This interference with production is usually reversible when the agent is discontinued, unless precursor cells in the bone marrow have been destroyed. Other drugs decrease production of PMNs in an unpredictable fashion and by an unknown mechanism. These drugs include the phenothiazines, sulfonamides, and thiouracils. The decrease in PMNs occurs about 10 days after initiation of therapy with the drug. When the drug is withdrawn the WBC count returns to normal. In some cases the drug may be re administered without problems.



Neutropenia may also result from increased destruction of PMNs. In severe infections the rate of PMN use may exceed the rate of production. Aminopyrine is the prototype for drug-induced granulocytopenia via the "innocent bystander" mechanism. The drug serves as a hapten with plasma proteins, and antibodies are formed against the drug protein complex. The antibody-drug-protein complex settles on the granulocyte and fixes complement. The WBC is removed from the circulation by the spleen. Initially, with increased destruction, production increases but eventually the bone marrow is not able to keep pace. Symptoms and SignsThe patient may have fever, chills, severe prostration, severe sore throat, and oral ulcers. There is no accumulation of pus at the sites of infection. DiagnosisThe diagnosis is made by finding an absolute neutrophil count of <500/mm 3 on a CBC with differential.

the blood vessels together. Clot retraction occurs within 1 hour. Cloth that fiarm in repairing an injured blood vessel are replaced later by scar tissue. Other clots dissolve.

IDIOPATHIC THROMB 0 CYTOPENIC PLTRPURA (ITP)This usually occurs in young women. An acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura may occur in children following a URI.
EpidemiologyAcute ITP following a viral illness accounts for 90% of cases of thrombocytopenia in children. Most adults with ITP have a more indolent disease that affects women more commonly than men (3:1). Typically it is seen in patients age 20 to 40 years. EtiologyAcute ITP in children is caused by antibodies directed against viral antigens that cross react with platelet antigens. Adult ITP is an idiopathic autoimmune disorder. PathophysiologyIgG, which sensitizes platelets for sequestration by the spleen or liver, develops so that platelet life span is shortened. Symptoms and SignsConsists of purpura over the limbs, upper chest and back, and mucosal bleeding. The onset is sudden. No adenopathy, fever, or malaise is associated with the bleeding. The bone marrow shows a normal or increased number of megakaryacytes. The platelet count is low. The bleeding time is prolonged. DiagnosisITP is primarily a diagnosis of exclusion.

THROMBOCYTOPENIAA blood dyscrasia characterized by a platelet count of less than 100,000/mm". Spontaneous bleeding may occur when the count is less than 20,000/mm". EtiologyThrombacytopenia is caused by one of three mechanismsdecreased production in the bone marrow, increased splenic sequestration, or increased destruction of platelets in the blood stream. There are several causes in each of these categories. PathophysiologyDecreased marrow production. The most common causes of decreased platelet production are processes that result in infiltration of the marrow. Lymphoma, leukemia, and other tumors can invade the marrow and crowd and reduce the number of megakaiyocytes. A number of drugs, such as cancer chemotherapeutic agents, gold, ethanol, thiazides, and sulfonamides, can decrease production of platelets through direct toxic effects on the megakaiyocytes. Splenic sequestration. One third of the platelet mass is normally sequestered in the spleen. Disease states causing splenomegaly such as portal hypertension, splenic infiltration with tumor, or storage diseases such as Gauches, cause this percentage of sequestered platelets to increase resulting in lower numbers of circulating platelets. Accelerated destruction. Destruction of platelets may be immunologic or non-immunologic. The most common immune-mediated causes are viral or bacterial infections, drugs, and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Drugs may act as haptens and induce formation of antibodies against the drug-platelet complex. These include quinidine, quinine, analgesics, antibiotics, sedatives, and sulfonamides. Heparin causes thrombocytopenia in approximately 10-15% of patients treated with this agent. The mechanism is generally the formation of a drug-antibody complex binding to the platelet. Non-immunological mechanisms for platelet destruction may be due to abnormal vessels, fibrin thrombi, and intravascular prostheses. Patients with vasculitis have abnormal vessels that cause platelet destruction. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), hemolyticuremic syndrome (HITS), and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura ETTP) are all examples of diseases that cause intravascular fibrin thrombi that destroy platelets. Patients with prosthetic heart valves may have low platelet counts from mechanical sheering of the platelets. Symptoms and SignsThe patient complains of petechiae, purpura, and ecchymoses over the back, upper chest, and limbs and of mucosal bleeding. Blood-filled bullae are found in the mouth. Bleeding may occur from any mucosal surface. Spontaneous bleeding may occur, which may last for several days. The most serious site of bleeding is into the brain. Bleeding time is prolonged. DiagnosisSimply finding a low platelet count makes the diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. The underlying cause may require a bone marrow biopsy or antibody titers. Splenomegaly found on physical exam my also provide a clue to the underlying process.

HEMOPHILIA AThis is due to an inherited deficiency of Factor Viii activity. Epidemiology and EtiologyThis is a sex-linked recessive trait
that occurs in one in 10,000 people. Males and, rarely, homozygous females have the disease. PathophysiologyFactor VIII is a large glycoprotein found in trace amounts in normal plasma. It has three components: clot-promoting or antihemophiliac factor activity, antigen, and the von Willebrand factor (VWF). The defect is a deficiency of clot-promoting activity. It may be a defect in the activity of Factor VIII rather then the amount. Symptoms and SignsIn severe hemophilia, bleeding is often spontaneous, whereas in milder cases excessive bleeding may occur only after injury or surgery. The severity of the bleeding depends on the degree of Factor VIII deficiency. Spontaneous bleeding occurs into joints and muscles. Recurrent hemarthroses are characteristic of the disease and result in permanent joint damage and deformity. Bleeding into the =genital or gastrointestinal tracts also occurs. Hemorrhage may occur into any organ and may be fatal. Patients with severe hemophilia do not have a normal life span. Tests of platelet function, bleeding time, and platelet count are normal. The prothrombin time is normal, but the partial thromboplastin time is prolonged. DiagnosisAn assay finding a low Factor VIII level makes the diagno si s.

HEMOPHILIA BThis is due to an inherited deficiency of Factor DC activity.

EpidemiologyThis is a rare sex-linked form of hemophilia. Pathophysiology and Symptoms and SignsThese are similar to those of hemophilia A.

VON WILLEBRAND'S DISEASEThis is due to an inherited deficiency in von Willebrand Factor (VWF) activity.
EpidemiologyThis autosomal dominant condition may be the most common inherited bleeding disorder. PathophysiologyVWF is the high molecular-weight component of the Factor VIII complex. VWF supports platelet interaction with the subendothelium. It also carries Factor VIII coagulation activity and prevents its elimination. Defective VWF causes unpaired platelet adhesion and decreased Factor VIII levels. Symptoms and SignsBleeding usually is in mucocutaneous sites. Homozygotes may have symptoms and signs as severe as those in hemophilia. Heterozygotes are often asymptomatic. The bleeding time is prolonged. DiagnosisPatients with von Willebrand's disease will have a low Factor VIII level along with an abnormal VWF antigen and ristocetin cofactor assay

Blood-clotting disorders may result from a defect in any of the steps of coagulation. They may be mild or severe. The coagulation defect may be inherited or acquired. Normal PhysiologyWhen a blood vessel is cut, two events occur
to prevent blood lossplatelet plug formation and blood coagulation. Platelets adhere to the injured vessel surfaces and also aggregate to each other. During adherence and aggregation, platelets assume bizarre shapes with many protruding processes or pseudopodia that overlap. The next step in hemostasis is blood coagulation. Either the intrinsic or extrinsic coagulation pathway is activated by the surfaces of the injured vessel or by substances liberated by the traumatized tissue or platelets. This process is complete within less than 10 minutes. The clot is composed of a fibrin meshwork with entrapped blood cells, platelets, and serum. The final step in hemostasis is clot retraction, which expresses the serum from the clot and physically draws the torn edges of

VITAMIN H DEFICIENCYThis results in deficiencies of Factors II, VII, IX, and X. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin found in leafy green vegetables. Stores of vitamin K are limited and deficiency develops in 1 to 3 weeks if intake is stopped. Etiology and PathophysiologyVitamin K deficiency is multifactorial in etiology and involves decreased absorption due to decreased bile acids, impaired intestinal absorption due to inflammatory bowel disease, and changes or decreases in the gut flora, which synthesize vitamin K. Symptoms and SignsThey are those of bleeding seen in other coagulopathies. The prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time are prolonged.



Liver disease results in coag-ulopathy due to decreased synthesis of all factors except Factor VIII. Also, removal by the liver of proteases or enzymes that inactivate the clotting factors is de creased, causing a consumption coagulopathy. The symptoms and signs of the coagulopathy due to liver disease are similar to those of other coagulopathies. The prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time are prolonged. In addition, hemostasis is further impaired by thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction. DiagnosisPatients with vitamin K deficiency will have a prolonged prothrombin time (VP), a normal or prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT), normal bleeding time, and normal platelet count. Confirmation is made by normalization of the VP and PTT following administration of Vitamin K.

Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyThe skin is the largest organ in the body. The functions of the skin include sensation, temperature control, prevention of water loss or penetration, synthesis of vitamin D, and protection from organisms and irritants. The skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermic or subcutaneous tissue. The outer layer of the epidermis is the stratum corneum or horny layer. The cells of the stratum corneum are keratinized fully and are without nuclei or granules. In the process of keratinizati on, the cells from the basal layer migrate upward, flatten, lose water, and fill with keratin. This process normally requires 28 days from formation of a daughter cell (through mitotic division of a cell in the basal layer of the epidermis) until that cell is shed at the surface of the stratum corneum. The cells of the stratum corneum normally are shed invisibly as scales. The dermis is composed of connective tissue in which are found blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves, arrectores pilorum muscles, fibroblasts, mast cells, and dermal appendageshair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. Elastin and collagen embedded in mucopolysaccharide give the skin its elasticity. Blood vessels in the papillae of the dermis bring nutrients to the avascular epidermis. Sebaceous glands are attache d to hair follicles and produce sebum that lubricates the skin and may help prevent water loss. Sebum also has some antiseptic and antifungal properties. Hairs and nails are specialized structures composed of modified types of keratin. The subcutaneous tissues are composed of connective tissue and fat. Certain microorganisms may be found on the skin as normal flora. Other microorganisms transiently may colonize the skin.

Acne most commonly occurs on the oily areas of the skin, primarily the face, ears, neck, and upper trunk. Healed acne may result in atrophic, pitted, or hypertrophic scars. Androgens cause sebaceous glands to mature and to produce large quantities of sebum. Both males and females produce androgens. The sebaceous glands respond to very low levels of androgens. Obstruction of flow of sebum from the sebaceous gland to the surface of the skin results in a comedo. Increased amounts of sebum, as well as increased viscosity of sebum and keratin debris, contribute to the obstruction. Chronic obstruction of the sebaceous gland leads to follicular dilatation (enlarged pores). Sebum is composed of triglycerides, waxes, cholesterol, squalene, and minute amounts of free fatty acids. Normally, sebum is not inflammatory. However, bacterial flora in the follicle hydrolyze the triglycerides to free fatty acids, which are extremely irritating and initiate the inflammatory process. In addition, propionibacterium acnes, an anaerobic bacterium that is a normal component of skin flora, thrives on the increased production of sebum. P acne.s then release chemotactic factors, which enhance the inflammatory process. The inflamed follicle may rupture and spread the process to the adjacent dermis causing increased inflammation via a foreign-body reaction. Symptoms and SignsThe comedones and other lesions, including scars, are the physical abnormalities of acne. The course is usually chronic throughout adolescence until hormonal balance is achieved, usually in the early 20s. Occasional flares are common during the course. The objective of treatment is to clear the lesions, prevent scarring, and minimize psychological distress. DiagnosisDiagnosis is by clinical exam and identification of the classical lesions.

This is a chronic disease characterized by epidermal hyperplas ia and a greatly accelerated rate of epidermal turnover. The lesions are characteristically red, slightly raised, and scaly. Though psoriasis is usually a minor disorder, generalized forms and systemic manifestations also occur.
EpidemiologyApproximately 1-3% of individuals in the US have some form of psoriasis. A higher incidence occurs in Northern European countries, while the disease is rare or absent among Native Americans, Western Africans, Japanese, and Eskimos. Males and females are affected equally. Peak incidence occurs in early and middle adulthood but psoriasis may occur at any time during life. EtiologyThe etiology is unknown. Heredity is thought to play a role, transmission being autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance or multifactorial. Frequently, the first lesions are associated with previous injury to the site, which is known as the Koebner phenomenon.

Acne Vulgaris
This is a common disease, which affects teenagers primarily and has, as the characteristic lesions, the open comedo (blackhead) and closed comedo. Most patients have only mild acne and never consult a physician, although they may spend large sums of money on OTC acne aids. In severe forms, acne may lead to extensive scarring. Even the milder forms may cause considerable psychological distress for the patients.
EpidemiologyAcne vulgaris is the most common disorder of the skin in the US. It affects over 17 million patients annually and accounts for 10% of all patient visits to a primary care physician. Almost everyone has some acne during the adolescent years. It may continue in some people until 30 to 40 years of age or appear postmenopausally in women. Administration of certain drugs, such as corticosteroids, halogens, androgens, lithium, and anticonvulsants may result in acne. Acne also may be associated with certain occupations in which tars, oil, and chlorinated hydrocarbons come in contact with the skin. The application of certain cosmetics, including moisturizers, has been associated with acne. EtiologyThe etiology is multifactorial. Heredity plays a role. Androgenic simulation of sebum production by the sebaceous glands at puberty is important, but the main factor in precipitating acne appears to be occlusion of the ducts draining sebaceous glands. There is no scientific evidence that diet commonly plays a role in the development of acne. Anxiety, fatigue, heat, and humidity probably do aggravate acne. PathophysiologyThe characteristic lesions are the open comedo (blackheads) and closed comedo (whiteheads), which are sebaceous glands that have become plugged with sebum and keratin debris. The black color is he result of oxidation of pigment granules in shed cells farming the plug. When the epidermis covers the opening of the sebaceous gland so that oxidation cannot occur, the lesion is known as a whitehead. Comedones are not inflamed. When they become inflamed, other lesions are formed: papules, pustules, and nodular-cystic lesions.

Environmental factors such as decreased humidity may aggravate psoriasis.

PathophysiologyThe histopathological changes include parakeratosis (retention of nuclei in cells in the keratin layer), hyperkeratosis (increased thickness of the keratin layer), hypogranulosis (loss of the granular layer), elongation of the epidermal rete ridges, pustules with surrounding intercellular edema (spongiform pustules), and papillomatosis (increased height of the dermal papillary pegs) with thinning of the suprapapillary epidermis. There is an inflammatory infiltrate in the upper dermis and proliferation of small blood vessels in the papillae (vascular ectasia). Mitotic figures are seen in the bottom three cell layers of the epidermis rather than just in the basal layer. The characteristic change is the markedly shortened rate of turnover and accelerated production of the epidermal cells. Instead of the normal 28 days from cell division in the basal layers until the cell is shed from the stratum corneum, in psoriasis it takes only 3 to 4 days far this to occur. The mechanism for this and the other symptoms and signs of psoriasis is not understood at this time. Symptoms and SignsThe lesions of psoriasis are discrete or confluent erythematous plaques and papules covered with white or silvery scales. The lesions are characteristically found on the extensor surfaces such as the elbows and knees and also on the back and scalp. However, any area of skin can be involved. Nails commonly are involved with pitting and ridging, while mucous membranes rarely are involved. The lesions may be localized or generalized and are usually asymptomatic but may cause discomfort from burning and itching. Auspitz sign is characteristic (punctate bleeding that occurs when psoriatic scales are removed). The onset of psoriasis is usually insidious, although it may be explosive. The clinical course is chronic and recurring with periods of remission. Spontaneous cures rarely occur. Most cases are only cosmetically disfiguring. Some forms such as psoriatic erythroderma and pustular psoriasis may be life threatening. Although pustular psoriasis



looks like an infection, the lesions are sterile. A fiarm of arthritis that resembles rheumatoid arthritis, but affects the distal joints is associated with psoriasis in some cases. There are no characteristic laboratory abnormalities of psoriasis. DiagnosisDiagnosis is by clinical exam and identification of the classical lesions.

Allergic Skin Diseases

URTICARIA (HIVES)Urticaria is a skin reaction composed of transient wheals (edematous papules and plaques, usually pruritic). Urticaria may be acute or chronic Immediate reactions occur within 1 to 60 minutes of exposure to the antigen and are manifested by generalized pruritus and urticaria. IgE is the mediator of immediate reactions. These reactions are the most dangerous, since they may be associated with laryngeal edema and/or anaphylaxis. Accelerated reactions occur within 1 to 72 hours of contact with the antigen and also are manifested by generalized urticaria and pruritus. An exanthem is seen rarely with this type of reaction. A late reaction may occur from 3 to 21 days after exposure to the antigen. The urticaria in this case may subside even though the exposure to the antigen is not terminated because of the development of IgG and IgA blocking antibodies. Chronic urticaria lasts longer than 30 days and is rarely IgE mediated. The etiology is unknown in 80-90% of the cases. Emotional stress often exacerbates this condition.
EpidemiologyApproximately 15-23% of the population will experience at least one episode of urticaria. Young adults are afflicted most frequently by the acute fhrm. The chronic fhrm, lasting longer than 4 weeks, usually is seen in patients over 35 years. Individuals with urticaria, or their family members, are likely to be allergic to a number of antigens and also suffer from seasonal rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis. EtiologyUrticaria can be caused by IgE or complement mediated reactions usually in response to an antigen. Common antigens are fbod (milk, eggs, shellfish, nuts, wheat), drugs (penicillin), and parasites. Urticaria is also caused in some individuals by physical stimuli. Cold urticaria occurs most often in children or young adults. These individuals develop urticarial lesions when the skin contacts extremely cold stimuli such as ice. Similarly, exposure to sunlight may cause urticaria in others. Urticaria may also result from exercise to the point of sweating, prolonged pressure on the skin, or vibration. Hereditary angioedema is a severe form of recurrent, episodic urticaria that is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. This fbrm is characterized by low levels of Cl esterase inhibitor. Urticaria has also been associated with some connective tissue disorders such as SLE or Sjogren's syndrome. Often this is a sign of underlying urticarial vasculitis. Some bacterial infections, and underlying occult malignancy may also cause urticaria. PathophysiologyUrticaria may develop as a result of several different processes, although all involve liberation of histamine from mast cells in the dermis. Systemic exposure to an antigen may result in formation of IgE antibodies toward that antigen. The antibodies are fixed to mast cells in the dermis and lungs and to circulating basophiles. The interaction of antigen and antibody results in liberation of histamine and other mediators (prostaglandin E and kinins). These substances cause arteriolar dilatation and increased capillary permeability in the skin. Histamine is degraded quickly in tissues so urticaria seldom lasts for more than 48 hours. A degranulated mast cell is refractory to further stimulation until histamine granules reform. Other antibodies may be involved in the liberation of histamine and mediator substances from mast cells. IgG and IgM may be formed against antigens. These antibodies, when they interact with antigens, may activate the complement cascade, which results in histamine release. Cold and solar urticaria are mediated by antibodies (IgE) that are only active at decreased temperature or upon exposure to light. Histamine may be released from mast cells by nonimmunological mechanisms. Certain chemicals stimulate mast cells directly to liberate histamine. These chemicals include drugs such as morphine, codeine, dextrans, and crayfish toxin or snake venom. Direct physical pressure may also cause release of histamine from mast cells. Symptoms and SignsUrticarial lesions are well-circumscribed discrete wheals with erythematous raised serpiginous borders and blanched centers. The lesions, which involve only the superficial layer of

the skin may be scattered, localized, or may coalesce. The patient will complain of intense pruritus or burning. Urticaria alone is seldom life threatening, but it may indicate a future anaphylactic reaction. Skin testing is usually of little value in these individuals in that they are allergic to numerous antigens. The acute form usually lasts less than 6 weeks. The chronic form may last for years but usually does not last for life. DiagnosisDiagnosis is by clinical exam and identification of the classical lesions.

ATOPIC DERMATITIS (ECZEMA)Eczema is chronic pruritic inflammatory skin disease of the epidermis and dermis. It is usually associated with a personal or family history of hayfever, asthma, allergic rhinitis, or atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is characterized by itching. The appearance and distribution of the lesions depends on the age of onset.
EpidemiologyThe onset is typically early in life, often in the first 2 months and by 1 year of age in 60% of cases. There is a slight male predominance. Over two thirds of patients have a personal or family history of allergic rhinitis, hay fever, or asthma. EtiologyThe etiology is unknown. Those with onset in early childhood tend to improve after a period of time. Irritants, excessive bathing, wide temperature variation, low humidity, and nervous tension may aggravate the condition. PathophysiologyPathological changes are those of nonspecific dermatitis. Epidermal vesicles due to intercellular edema, parakeratosis, acanthosis, and an inflammatory infiltrate of the epidermis and dermis are seen in acute atopic dermatitis. In the chronic form, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, acanthosis, and a lymphocytic infiltrate of the thickened upper dermis are seen. The mechanisms for the development are not understood. Various i mmunological hypotheses have been put forth to explain the development of atopic dermatitis, but none of these explains all cases. Some patients with the disease have elevated levels of IgE and perhaps elevated levels of IgG and IgM. It also occurs commonly in immune-deficient individuals and may be due to an impairment of delayed hypersensitivity or impaired phagocytosis. Depressed IgA also has been reported in atopic patients. Symptoms and SignsInfant-type atopic dermatitis (infantile eczema) begins during the first few months of life, perhaps as a reaction to food, although this is controversial. The eruption may be local or generalized, acutely inflamed, vesicular or popular, and spreads rapidly. The scalp, face, trunk, extremities, and diaper area are frequently involved. There is considerable oozing and crusting associated with the lesions along with intense pruritus. The skin may become infected secondarily. The child usually outgrows the disease spontaneously at 2 to 3 years. Childhood-type atopic dermatitis may be a recurrence of infant type or may be the first appearance of the disease. In contrast to the vesicles and oozing of the infant type, these lesions are dried, lichenified plaques and patches. The lesions also are more localized in the childhood type and are found on the flexor surfaces and the face, neck, feet, genitalia, and scalp. Again, there is intense pruritus. The disease may clear or persist into adulthood. In adult type atopic dermatitis, the lesions consist of chronic lichenified patches, which are intensely pruritic and may be hyperpigmented. Commonly flexures and the creases of the neck and eyelids are involved as well as the same areas as in the childhood type. The clinical course is chronic and characterized by spontaneous exacerbations and remissions. Eventually, the disease fades.

ALLERGIC CONTACT DERMATITISThis is an extremely common skin disease caused by direct contact with the substance and the development of delayed hypersensitivity. Primary irritant contact dermatitis is caused by contact with noxious agents such as acids or corrosives or excessive contact with soap and water. The inflammatory skin reaction that results from such a contact occur in all individuals exposed to these agents and does not involve the development of hypersensitivity.
EpidemiologyMany patients have this disease, which affects any age group and is equally common in both sexes. EtiologySubstances capable of forming a stable bond with cutaneous proteins and being transported to a lymph node are allergens for contact dermatitis. These include Rims (poison ivy and poison oak), ragweed preservatives, solvents, rubber, low-molecular-weight polymers, metals, particularly nickel, and medications. PathophysiologyThe chemical group binds to skin protein and is transported to the lymph nodes. Cellular proliferation occurs in the paracortical area of the lymph nodes. Small lymphocytes become sensitized to the antigen within 7 to 10 days of the first exposure. The sensi-



tired lymphocytes react with the antigen and release soluble chemotactic factors, which attract other lymphocytes and macrophages into the area. Also, the sensitized lymphocytes release migratory inhibitory factors that inhibit the movement of macrophages and other cells away from the area lysosomal enzymes released from the macrophages result in skin destruction. On subsequent exposures, reaction will occur within 24 to 48 hours. Symptoms and SignsThe distribution of the lesions is characteristic the rash occurs where the allergen comes in contact with the skin. The scalp is rarely involved. The lesions begin as intense, relatively limited areas of erythema that are soon associated with edema. Papules and vesicles form, with subsequent oozing and weeping. Sometimes the lesions are bullous. The erythema lessens and is replaced with crusting and scaling. Pruritus in varying degrees of severity is always present. If contact with the allergen is eliminated, healing occurs in 1 to 3 weeks. With chronic exposure, a chronic contact dermatitis may develop with thickening, fissuring, scaling, and hyperpigmentation of the area. Vesiculation is minimal in the chronic form. Intense itching and burning may result in excoriation and secondary infection. The disease will recur if there is another contact with the allergen DiagnosisDiagnosis may be made via patch testing, although the patient may react to a variety of allergens including some, which he/she is not allergic to.

matitis, or in association with leukemia or lymphoma. In 10-20% of patients no underlying cause can be identified. PathophysiologyThe pathophysio logy is entirely unknown. Symptoms and SignsThere is a generalized erythematous eruption with scaling involving the entire skin surface. In extensive exfaliative erythroderma syndrome, the metabolic demand is such that the patient develops negative nitrogen balance, edema, hypoalbuminemia, and loses muscle mass. Serious water and electrolyte imbalance can result from the greatly increased loss of water through the skin. The cause and complications determine the course. The erythroderma syndrome persists in patients with malignancy. If psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, or other skin diseases cause EES, improvement occurs over 8 to 10 months. Prognosis is better if the etiological factor can be removed. Approximately 30% of patients with EES die. DiagnosisThe finding of generalized skin erythema and scaling make the diagnosis.

ERYTHEMA MULTIFORMEThis is a characteristic skin disorder that occurs as a result of a systemic allergic reaction to various agents. The syndrome may include only a few typical skin lesions or become a more severe illness known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
EpidemiologyErythema multiforme most often affects patients age 20 to 30 years, although 50% of cases are in patients under age 20 years. EtiologyInfectious agents including herpes virus and Mycoplama pneumoniae, drugs (especially penicillin, aspirin, phenytoin, allopurinol, and sulfonamides), and malignancy may cause this condition. More than 50% of cases are idiopathic. Patho physiologyHi stopathologically, the changes seen are those of spongiotic dermatitis with epidermal necrosis, ballooning, and vacuolar alteration. An associated superficial perivasculitis and interface lymphohistiocytic infiltrate is present. This disease is probably antigen-antibody-mediated. Symptoms and SignsThe lesions may be papules, macules, urticaria, vesicles, or bullae. The type of lesion may change as the disease progresses. The lesions are symmetrical in distribution and are found most commonly on extensor surfaces, the backs and palms of hands, and the tops and soles of feet. Both mucous membranes and skin are involved in the severe form. The lesions begin as a bright redness that extends peripherally as the center pales, becomes firm, and may contain bullae. These classical lesions are called target lesions because of their appearance, but do not always occur in the disease. In Stevens -Johnson syndrome, the skin, conjunctiva, and mucous membranes are involved. This reaction includes toxemia, prostration, high fever, cough, and inflammation of the lungs. The disease usually resolves within a few weeks after the inciting agent is removed although the severe form may be fatal. DiagnosisThe diagnosis is made by the finding of the typical skin lesions on physical exam and supported by skin biopsy.

PHOTOALLERGIC REACTIONUncommon delayed hypersensitivity reactions that require three factors: light, skin, and an allergen. Distribution is limited to the areas exposed to light. Photoallergic reactions must be distinguished from the more common phototoxic reaction, which occurs when a photosensitizing substance ingested or applied externally, plus minimal exposure to sunlight or artificial lighting, results in an exaggerated sunburn in 6 to 18 hours. No immunologic mechanisms are involved in phototoxic reactions, which can occur with the first exposure to the substance. Pigment is protective in the phototoxic reaction and tanning results as the reaction subsides.
EpidemiologyThe se reactions are rare but occur predominantly in males (7:1) and in the age group of 40 to 60 years. Pigment and dark skin are not protective for this reaction. EtiologyNumerous drugs, chemicals, and cosmetics can cause both phototoxic and photoallergic reactions. PathophysiologyThe energy of light depends on the wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. A molecule, when exposed to light, may dissipate the absorbed energy as heat or may undergo one of numerous photochemical reactions including chemical-bond formation. The chemical and the cutaneous protein are the antigen for the development of delayed hypersensitivity Symptoms and SignsA photoallergic reaction occurs as an urticarial or eczematous eruption in the areas of sun exposure. The initial eruption will not be seen until 7 to 10 days after the first exposure but occurs within 24 to 48 hours on subsequent exposures. No tanning occurs as the reaction subsides. The reaction may recur with each re-exposure. Photopatch testing may make the diagnosis.

Skin Infections
IMPETIGOThis is a common superficial bacterial infection of the skin that may arise in normal skin or as a secondary infection of dermatitis, intertrigo, infestations, other infections, or trauma.
EpidemiologyImpetigo occurs primarily in children and young adults. EtiologyThe causative organisms are beta hemolytic streptococci and coagulase-positive staphylococci. In secondary forms, gramnegative organisms also may be faund. The lesions may be autoinoculable and are somewhat contagious. PathophysiologyImpetigo is caused by the invasion of the superficial layers of the skin by the offending organism. Symptoms and SignsThe disease begins as a macule that progresses to a vesicle covering about 2 to 3 cm' in area. The vesicle, which is located just below the stratum corneum, becomes a pustule filled with polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The pustule ruptures and may spread the bacteria to the adjacent skin. The lesion then becomes denuded and seeps. The seropurulent fluid quickly dries, farming the characteristic friable honey-colored crust of the disease. DiagnosisThe diagnosis is made by the identification on physical exam of the typical lesions and may be confirmed by Gram's stain and culture.

Adverse Reactions to Drugs as Manifested by the Skin

Cutaneous reactions are among the most common adverse reactions to drugs. The significance of these reactions varies from minor to life threatening. Nonallergic drug reactions of the skin include alopecia, purpura, secondary infections, and phototoxic reactions. Allergic reactions include urticaria, the rash seen with serum sickness, allergic contact dermatitis, and photoallergic reactions as already discussed. In addition, several lesscommon but potentially more serious reactions may occur. EXFOLIATIVE ERYTHRODERMA SYNDROMEExfoliative erythroderma syndrome (EES) is a serious, and at times life-threatening reaction of the skin characterized by generalized erythema and scaling associated with fever and generalized lymphadenopathy. It may be a reaction to a drug or may be an extension of a preexisting skin disorder.
EpidemiologyExiblative erythroderma syndrome is almost always seen in patients over age 50 years and is more common in males. EtiologyEES is seen as a generalized spreading of a drug reaction, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic der-



PA ycotic Infections
Dermatophytoses are mycotic infections of the skin that involve the epidermis, nails, and hair. The diseases differ as to causative organism, area affected, mode of transmission, and response to therapy. These infections may occur in any age group.
Tinea capitis usually occurs in prepubertal children and may occur in epidemics in schools or institutions. The lesions are found on the scalp and appear as scaly, crusted patches with the hair broken off close to the scalp. Inflammation and deeper lesions may occur and may result in scarring alopecia. The fungus is of the Microsporum genus. Tinea corporis is classic ringworm. The lesions occur anywhere on the glabrous skin of the body. A papule begins and spreads centrifugally as a scaly red rim with central clearing. The border of the lesions may contain vesicles. The causative organisms are of the Microsporum and Trichophyton genera. Tinea cruris is known more commonly as "jock itch." The lesions begin as a symmetrical scaly rod eruption of the groin and inner thighs. Chronic lesions are browner in color. The lesions have specific margins and the margins are more inflamed than the center. Severe pruritus accompanies the eruption. The fungus belongs to either Epidermophyton or Trichophyton genus. Heat and humidity are aggravating factors for the development of Tinea cruris. This condition must be distinguished from a similar eruption that is caused by another fungus, Candida al bica ns Tinea pedis (athlete's foot) is perhaps the most common of the dermatophytase s. Darkness, heat, and humidity predispose an individual to the development of this infection. Trichophyton mentagrophytes causes an inflammatory eruption with vesicles and weeping. Trichophyton rubrum causes a dry, scaly eruption. Tinea unguum is a fungal infection of the nails; most commonly the toe nails. The nails became yellow in color, brittle, thickened and raised by the underlying debris. Infections of the nails are difficult to eradicate. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of any of the mycotic skin infections depends on the physical findings during examination. It is confirmed by skin scrapings and microscopic examination revealing the invading fungus.

Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infection (UTI) refers to bacteria multiplying in the urinary tract. It is the most common bacterial infection seen in the US. UTIs are broadly divided into complicated and uncomplicated UTIs. An uncomplicated UTI, exemplified by cystitis, is a UTI in an anatomically normal urinary tract. Complicated UTIs are those infections of the urinary tract that are associated with a condition that increases the risk of treatment failure. These conditions may include anatomical abnormalities of the urinary tract or the presence of a catheter. Acute pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection of the kidney. It primarily arises under one of two circumstances. First, if there is vesicoureteral reflux of infected urine. This is a potential long-term problem that can result in recurrent episodes of infection and is due to an anatomical abnormality. Second, a normal urinary tract may become infected with an uropathogenic strain of E coli whose P fimbriae permit ascent of the urethra without being washed out. This demands adequate immediate treatment but is not a long-term hazard. Prostatitis and urethritis are infections of the prostate gland and urethra, respectively. Prostatitis often requires a longer course of therapy for complete eradication of the infection. Each of these infections may be asymptomatic but each has characteristic symptoms and signs. All urinary tract infections may be either acute or chronic.
Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyThe urinary tract is a closed system for drainage of urine from kidneys to bladder and eventually to the outside via the urethra. Under normal circumstances the entire urinary tract except for the anterior urethra is sterile. Various defense mechanisms prevent infection in the urinary tract. The outward flow of urine serves to wash out organisms. This is probably the most important defensive mechanism and can clear 99% of

organisms experimentally inoculated into the bladder. Urinary tract anatomy prevents retrograde flow of urine. Valves at the ureterovesical junction prevent reflux of urine from bladder into the ureters and thence the kidneys. Females have a shorter urethra than males (4 cm versus 12 cm), which contributes to the much higher incidence of urinary tract infections in women. Also organisms from the adjacent vagina or rectum colonize the urethra in women easily. The urine itself has certain characteristics that discourage bacterial growth. These include an acidic pH (5.5), as bacteria prefer a more alkaline medium (pH = 6 to 8); low osmolality, usually below that required for optimal bacterial growth; and the presence of urea and weak organic acids. Prostatic secretions also are probably antibacterial. The kidney is particularly susceptible to infection because of the hypertonic state of the papillae and medulla. This leads to impairment of leukocyte migration, complement activity, and phagocytosis, as well as development of spheroplasts or protoplasts by bacteria, which make them less susceptible to antibiotics. EpidemiologyThe incidence of urinary tract infections depends on the age, sex, sexual activity, and underlying diseases in the population. Women have a 10-20% lifetime risk of a UTI. The annual incidence is around 1% until adolescence and rises to 10% by age 50. Incidence is much lower in celibate women and higher during pregnancy. A total of 20% of pregnant women with bacteriuria develop acute pyelonephritis. In infancy, the rate of UTIs in males, usually associated with a structural anomaly, exceeds that of females. Urinary obstruction from an enlarged prostate accounts for the rate in elderly men being even higher than that in women. Men under 50 years rarely have UTI unless they are uncircumcised, have an anatomic abnormality of the urinary tract, engage in unprotected insertive anal intercourse, or have AIDS with a CD4 T cell count under 2004.1.1. Lang-term indwelling catheters facilitate entry of uropathogens and hinder their clearance. EtiologyMost UTIs are caused by gram-negative organisms that normally inhabit the large intestine. Escherzchza colt accounts for 85% of first urinary tract infections. Other organisms, including Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Proteus, and Pseudomonas, are seen less commonly. Instrumentation of the urinary tract is a predisposing factor for development of an infection, particularly with Prote us or Pseudom.onas Ne isseria Chlamydza, and vaginal organisms may cause urethritis. PathophysiologyBacteria that ascend the urinary tract through the urethra cause most urinary tract infections. This ascent is easier in the shorter urethra of females. The anterior urethra is normally colonized by bacteria from the largo intestine in females. The trauma to the female urethra that occurs during sexual intercourse can result in the entrance of bacteria in to the bladder. Instrumentation of the lower urinary frequently results in infection. Bacteriuria commonly occurs within 24 to 48 hours after the placement of an indwelling urinary catheter. The rate of acquisition of catheter-associated bacteriuria is 2-6% per day for each day of catheterization. Normally, flow of urine washes out any bacteria that enter the bladder. However, certain conditions interfere with this flow and therefore predispose the individual to the development of UTIs. Tumors, stones, strictures, bladder diverticulum, anatomical abnormalities, and prostatic hypertrophy may impede flow of urine. Structural abnormalities, as well as a neurogenic bladder, may prevent complete emptying of the bladder and allow bacteria to remain and multiply in the residual urine. Conditions that allow retrograde flow of urine increase the incidence of infection. In vesicoureteral reflux, urine from the bladder is fin - cod up the ureters and perhaps into the renal parenchyma by increased pressure in the bladder during voiding. Urethrovesical reflux may draw contaminated urine back into the bladder from the urethra during coughing, sneezing, or laughing. In pregnancy the urine flow is obstructed partially by the enlarged uterus. This results in dilation of the ureters and decreased peristaltic activity of the bladder, allowing for reflux. Certain uropathogenic strains of E coif possess adhesins that hind to receptors on the surface of urinary epithelium. These adhesins allow E colt to resist being "washed out" from the urinary tract. The best known form of adhesion is by P fimbrzae on the bacterial cell wall. P fimbruze attach to the carbohydrate moiety of a glycolipid in the epithelial cell. It is adhesion to this receptor that is apparently interrupted by substances in cranberry juice. Rarely, UTIs may be caused by the hematogenous spread of bacteria from other sites. This usually involves seeding of the kidney by staphylococci. Symptoms and SignsUrethritis is accompanied by symptoms related to micturition, including urgency and dysuria. Cystitis is characterized by symptoms of frequency, urgency, dysuria, and perhaps pain or pressure in the lower abdomen. Systemic symptoms or signs are uncommon with cystitis. Acute pyelonephritis is manifested by symptoms



that develop over a few hours to 2 days, including aching pain in the lumbar region (flank pain), fever to 39, shaking chills, nausea, vomiting, and local symptoms of urgency and dysuria. On physical examination, there may be tenderness over the kidney in the area of the costovertebral angle. The urinalysis in a LTTI may show bacteria, leukocytes, red blood cells, and epithelial debris. White blood cell casts indicate pyelonephritis. In patients with acute urinary tract infections, the symptoms may resolve with or without therapy. Acute pyelonephritis may resolve spontaneously or recur over many years. Patients without underlying disease usually do not have continuing asymptomatic bacteriuria. However, for patients with stones, obstruction, reflux, or other anatomical abnormalities, eradication of the organism is difficult. These patients are at risk of septicemia or recurrent urinary tract infections that are often caused by persistence of the same organisms. DiagnosisMicroscopy of the urine for leukocytes suffices to diagnose a UTI in most circumstances. Ten or more leukocytes/high-powered field is considered abnormal. If complicated UTI is suspected or if infections have been resistant to therapy, culture and sensitivity of the urine are indicated. The culture is taken from a midstream, cleanvoided, urine specimen. The adequacy of the collection can be judged by the absence of squamous epithelial cells or multiple organisms on culture. Squamous epithelial cells and multiple organisms indicate contamination. If fewer than 1000 bacterial coloniegml of urine are cultured, significant infection is not present as the bacteria are probably contaminants from the urethra or perineal areas. If between 10 and 10 4 organismgml of urine is cultured, interpretation depends on the apparent degree of contamination of the specimen and the plausibility of the organism cultured: often the culture should be repeated. If there are more than 10 5 organisms/ml of urine, the diagnosis of a UTI will be correct in 80% of the cases. When urine is obtained from the bladder, ureters, or renal pelvis by sterile technique, the presence of any number of bacteria indicates a UTI. The extent of the diagnostic workup of a patient with a UTI depends on whether it is the first infection, the age and sex of the patient and the presence of underlying disease. Male children and adult men presenting with a second UTI should receive a complete evaluation to rule out anatomical abnormalities. A female in the childbearing years may be diagnosed on the basis of urinalysis and gram stain of bacteria in the urine if this is the first infection. Cultures are obtained in other situations. Recurrent UTIs require a complete diagnostic workup in certain circumstances.

Symptoms and SignsClinical manifestations of gonorrhea depend on the site and duration of infection and whether there has been local or systemic spread. A profuse, purulent, yellow urethral discharge associated with dysuria and frequency develops in 90-955 of infected males. If untreated, the urethritis will resolve in 8 weeks. Anorectal infections are usually asymptomatic but may produce anorectal burning or itching, tenesmus, and a bloody, mucopurulent, rectal discharge. These symptoms may subside without treatment. Pharyngeal infections may produce an exudative tonsillitis but are most commonly asymptomatic. Only 5-10% of infected females develop symptoms, which include dysuria, frequency, increased vaginal discharge, abnormal menstrual bleeding, and anorectal discomfort.. The symptoms of urethritis may be confused with a urinary tract infection, and the increased vaginal discharge may be attributed to vaginitis. Vaginitis and UTI may occur concomitantly with GC. Lower abdominal tenderness and pain suggest pelvic inflammatory disease. Fever chills, nausea, vomiting, and leukocytosis may also occur. Physical examination reveals signs of pelvic peritonitis. Gonococcemi a may be the first sign of disseminated infection and includes fever, polyarthralgias and skin lesions that usually are located on the distal extremities. The skin lesions may be papular, petechial, pustular, hemorrhagic, or necrotic. Tenosynovitis or a septic arthritis of a single, large joint or of several joints usually follows but may precede symptoms and signs of gonococcemia. The synovial fluid is purulent, and joint destruction occurs very rapidly without proper treatment. DiagnosisDiagnosis of gonorrhea in a male is made on a gram stain of the urethral discharge by the presence of gram-negative diplococci within leukocytes. If gram-negative diplococci are seen but are extracellular, a culture is required for diagnosis. The diagnosis of gonorrhea in females is made by culture of the cervix. The anal canal and pharynx should also be cultured in women and homosexual men. Blood cultures are unlikely to be positive for gonococcus 48 hours after the onset of gonococcemia.

SYPHILISSyphilis is a chronic systemic infection that is seen in three stages: primary, secondary, and tertiary, that progress over many years. In untreated syphilis, degeneration eventually occurs in the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.
EpidemiologyThe incidence of syphilis has increased over the past decade. The incidences of tertiary and congenital syphilis had been declining since 1943 but rose in epidemics in 1982 and 1990. As with other sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis is more common among indigent nonwhites living in urban areas, illicit drug users, homosexuals, and patients infected with HIV. EtiologySyphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponem.a pallidum , a spiral-shaped organism that is not seen under an ordinary light microscope but that can be visualized using the dark-field technique. The organisms have not been cultured because their growth requirements are so precise. The only naturally occurring host for T pallidum is man. PathophysiologyNearly all cases of syphilis are acquired by sexual contact with infectious lesions. Syphilis may be acquired rarely by nonsexual personal contact, contact with contaminated fiamites, blood transfusions, and in utero. The spirochete penetrates intact mucous membranes or abraded skin and enters the lymphatics and blood within a few hours. The average incubation time for syphilis is 21 days; however, it ranges from 10 to 90 days depending on the size of the inoculum. The immune response to infection with T pallidum begins with the migration to the site of infection by polymorphonuclear cells that coincide with the formation and eventual resolution of the primary chancre. Antibodies also form that can be detected relatively early in most infected patients. Despite this immune response, without treatment widespread dissemination of organisms occurs which leads to the secondary and tertiary stages of the disease. Symptoms and SignsThe hallmark of primary syphilis is the chancre. The chancre begins as a papule, which rapidly becomes eroded and forms an ulcer that is generally painless. The chancre is most commonly found on the external genitalia or the anal canal but can be located anywhere. This primary chancre heals spontaneously in 2 to 6 weeks. The chancre is highly infectious. Approximately 25% of patients with untreated disease will progress to secondary syphilis. Secondary syphilis appears approximately 6 weeks after the chancre has healed and is characterized by appearance of nonpruritic red or pink macules on the trunk and proximal extremities. In about 1 to 2 months, red papular lesions also appear that may progress to pustular or necrotic lesions. The lesions are widespread and may involve the palms, soles, face, and scalp. The papules may scale, but vesicles are not

Sexually Transmitted Disease

Sexually transmitted disease (STD) refers to a disease acquired through sexual activity. There are many diseases in this category, and STD refers to no specific one; therefore, the term is confu sing. GONORRHEA (GC)This is an extremely common disease that is transmitted by genital, anal-genital, or oral-genital contact.
EpidemiologyGonorrhea is pandemic in the US, particularly in poor urban settings. The highest incidence is in persons aged 15 to 24 years, minorities, and persons living in the Southeastern United States. Historically, gonorrhea has been reported more commonly in men. This difference has been ascribed to the higher prevalence of asymptomatic disease in women. However, since 1980 there has been a decreased incidence in homosexual men coupled with better case finding in women that has resulted in a near equal rate of disease for both men and women in the US currently. EtiologyGonorrhea is caused by the fastidious, nonspore-forming gram-negative diplococcus, Nersserza gonorrhoeae. This organism requires precise conditions for growth. It dies quickly on a dry swab, survives only briefly on a moist towel, and does not grow at room temperature. Certain strains of N gonorrhoeae are resistant to penicillin and tetracycline. There are no nonhuman reservoirs of gonorrhea. PathophysiologyAfter an infected person inoculates gonococci onto a mucous membrane, local invasion occurs. The hallmark of GC is copious, yellow pus. Common sites of inoculation are the pharynx, urethra, cervix, and anus. The incubation period for gonorrhea is 3 to 5 days. Once inoculated in the genital tract, the infection may ascend, particularly in the female. However, in men, epididymitis and prostatitis are rare. In the female, the gonococcus does not survive well in the uterus but does infect the fallopian tubes in about 15% of cases. This may cause scarring and later sterility. About 1-35 of affected adults develop gonococcemia; two-thirds of these are females. Distant sites of infection include joints, meninges, and heart valves.



seen. Lymphadenopathy and headache are common. Just as in primary syphilis, the manifestations of secondary syphilis typically resolve spontaneously even in the absence of therapy. Occasionally, patients may experience relapsing secondary syphilis for up to five years after the initial episode. Tertiary syphilis may occur 1 to 30 years after the primary infection. It is not necessary for individuals to have experience clinically symptomatic primary syphilis prior to the development of tertiary symptoms. The most common manifestations of tertiary syphilis are central nervous system involvement, cardiovascular disease, and gummataus syphilis. Central nervous system involvement is manifested primarily in one of three ways and is seen in 5% of patients. First, meningovascular syphilis may erupt 5 to 10 years after the primary infection and involves inflammation of the pia and the arachnoid. There may be either focal or widespread symptoms. Second, general paresis reflects widespread parenchymal damage to the brain. It causes changes in personality, affect, intellect, judgment, orientation, calculating ability, and insight. There will likely he hyperactive reflexes, difficulty with speech, and small irregular pupils that react to near, but not to light. General paresis is seen about 20 years after infection. Third, tabs dorsalis is due to demyelination of the posterior columns, dorsal roots, and dorsal-root ganglia of the spinal card. Symptoms and signs include ataxia, widebased gait, foot-slap, paresthesias, and bladder disturbances. There may be impotence and loss of position, deep pain, and temperature sensations. Trophic degeneration of joints and ulcers of the feet may develop as a result of loss of pain sensation. Tabes dorsalis occurs 25 to 30 years after infection. Cardiovascular syphilis generally begins 15 to 30 years after the initial infection. Classically the aorta is involved with resulting dilation of the aorta (aneurysm). The aortic valve may also become incompetent with regurgitation of blood through the weakened valve. The onset is generally insidious, and most patients present with an asymptomatic murmur or sometimes with congestive heart failure. The coronary arteries may also he compromised and coronary thrombosis may occur. Gummas are granulomatous, nodular lesions that may occur anywhere but are most common on the skin or in the bones. Gummas involving the internal organs may appear as mass lesions. Gummas are rare but are being seen more frequently in HIV-infected individuals. In HIV-coinfected people, persistent chancres, secondary infection, and early neurosyphilis may be more common.

techniques can help in the diagnosis of a primary infection though these generally take 4 to 6 weeks to became positive.

Respiratory Tract Infections

These infections are the most common of acute illnesses. Etiologic agents include viruses, bacteria, Mycoplasma, and rarely other organisms. Lower respiratory tract infections usually indicate an impairment of host defenses.
Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyA number of organisms normally colonize the nasopharynx (normal flora). Most of these organisms are not pathogenic and return after antibiotic therapy. Normal flora may inhibit growth of pathogenic organisms. Potential pathogens often colonize the upper respiratory tract; although they will not often result in infection to the individual, they may transmit disease to others (eg, meningocaccus). Transient colonizers may become infectious in some individuals. Anaerobic organisms constitute 90% of the normal flora of the upper respiratory tract. Also, normal flora does not usually extend below the larynx. The lower respiratory tract is sterile in healthy people. The lungs are protected from infection by several defense mechanisms. The lining of the respiratory tract is composed of sticky surfaces on which particles adhere. Particles larger than 5 p.m are usually filtered efficiently and do not reach the alveoli. The lungs also have mechanisms to remove particles that reach the bronchi or alveoli. Coughing and sneezing are natural defenses for removing particles. Ciliated epithelial cells line the lower respiratory tract. Mucus secretion by goblet cells helps to trap particles and suspend them for transport by the cilia. This mucociliary transport system is the most important means for clearing particles. Macrophages located in alveoli can engulf particles. Specific antibodies and other soluble factors, such as lactoferrin and lysozyme, also contribute to clearance. If a particle cannot be removed or destroyed within the lung, a granuloma forms around it to wall it off Environmental factors such as air pollution, cigarette smoking, drugs such as alcohol and anesthetics, and various disease states such as congestive heart failure and leukemia can suppress the normal defensive mechanisms of the lung.

UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONSEpidemiology URIs follow seasonal variation, with the incidence being highest in winter and lowest in summer. This type of virus infection is transmitted mainly through the coughing and sneezing of infectious aerosolized droplets, but transmission occurs principally through contamination of hands and objects by nasal secretions and saliva. Infection depends on the size of the inoculum and the response of the host. Etiology Approximately 95% of upper respiratory tract infections are due to viruses. More than 150 serotypes, representing 12 groups of viruses, have been associated with URIs. Rhinoviruses cause 40% of respiratiny illness; adenoviruses cause 2 to 10%, with the remainder being caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), coronavirus, or influenza viruses. Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, and at times bacteria primarily cause the remaining 5% of URIs with Streptococci being the most common of these. Pathophysiology Respiratory viruses cause mucosal sloughing and consequently decreased lung defense mechanisms. This predisposes to serious bacterial infections, although this suprainfection occurs in only a minority of patients. Symptoms and Signs The symptoms and signs of a viral URI are familiar and are known as the "common cold." These include a coryzal syndrome characterized by nasal stuffiness and discharge, sneezing, moderate sore throat, and mild constitutional symptoms. Fever may or may not be present. Children with rhinoviruses may develop bronchitis, bronchialitis, and pneumonia. Both children and adults with adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, or influenza viruses may develop lower respiratory infection. Diagnosis The diagnosis of URI is made on clinical grounds. Rarely is any additional testing required as these are primarily self-limiting viral infections for which there is no specific therapy. Occasionally, such as in cases of suspected influenza or RSV, nasallthroat washings for viral culture might be considered to confirm the diagnosis when antiviral therapy has been initiated.

GENITAL HERPESGenital Herpes or herpes genitalis is a common sexually transmitted disease in the US. It occurs in acute (primary) and recurrent forms.
Epidemiology Genital herpes has reached epidemic proportions in this country, and the rate of occurrence seems to be increasing. The peak incidence is during the sexually active years, although all age groups are affected. Herpes infections occur in all socioeconomic groups. Recurrent episodes may he more frequent than primary ones. Genital herpes is the most common ulcerative sexually transmitted disease. Pathophysiology Genital herpes is contracted primarily through sexual contact with an individual who has an active infection. The primary infection consists of grouped vesicles on an inflamed base. It is spread by lymphatics, blood, and ascending sensory nerves. The virus resides in dorsal root ganglia and periodically descends to the skin to cause lesions. Causes of reactivation from the latent stage are not clear. It is often difficult to identify primary cases of herpes genitalia, since many cases are asymptomatic. Recurrent episodes generally are shorter in duration, less severe, and less likely to be associated with systemic involvement than are primary cases. Symptoms and Signs A prodromal stage usually precedes the appearance of skin lesions. Symptoms during this phase may include pain, tingling sensations, or itching. Usually, within 24 hours, lesions appear that initially are papular and rapidly progress through vesicular, ulcer, and crusting stages in an otherwise asymptomatic patient. Systemic involvement may occur in neonates and immunacompromised patients. A typical primary episode lasts 2 to 3 weeks, whereas recurrent cases are much shorter (5-10 days). Recurrent disease is more likely to occur in patients with a more severe initial episode, a prior recurrence, a history of sexually transmitted disease, younger age, and immunosuppression. While lesions often are limited to the genitals and perineal area, they also may occur on the thighs and buttocks. Etiology Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) causes the vast majority of cases of genital herpes. Avery small number may be caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) or a concurrent infection with both types. HSV is a DNA virus and is identified through cultures and serological testing for antibodies to the virus. Diagnosis The diagnosis of herpes genitalis is made through history, physical exam, and culture of scrapings or biopsies. Serological

STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONSStreptococcal infections are important because of the seriousness of the acute illness as well as the late complications that are not infective but are mediated immunologically. Acute respiratory tract infections with streptococci may manifest as streptococcal pharyngitis, scarlet fever, or pneumonia. The late complications include acute rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease, and acute gl o me rul onephriti s.



EpidemiologyStreptococcal infections occur throughout the population. Respiratory streptococcal infections are more common during the colder months. Scarlet fever is usually a disease of children between 6 months and 10 years. Infants less than 3 months rarely have streptococcal infections. Streptococcal pharyngitis occurs commonly among children and young adults. As many as 20% of the population are asymptomatic carriers of Group A streptococcus. A streptococcal URI may be spread by inhalation of respiratory secretions. Epidemics of streptococcal URIs occur. EtiologyStreptococci are gram-positive cocci that tend to form chains. Three groups have been identified by their ability to hemolyze red cells in culture media by the enzymes streptolysin 0 and S. Alpha streptococci or viridans streptococci), beta hemolytic streptococci, and gamma-nonhemolytic streptococci are the three groups. There are 13 serologic types of streptococci designated by the letters A to O. Most bacterial URIs are caused by Group A streptococci. The late complications of rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis have been attributed only to Group A streptococci. PathophysiologyStreptococci are inhaled into the nasopharynx and normally are cleared by defense mechanisms or become transient colonizers. The size of the inoculum, the virulence of the organism, the presence of type-specific immunity, and the defense mechanisms of the host determine if an infection is to occur. Type-specific immunity lasts for years. Symptoms and SignsStreptococcal infections present a variable clinical syndrome ; and as many as 40% of individuals may be asymptomatic. The incubation period usually lasts 3 to 5 days. The onset is acute, and the illness includes fever, chills, headache, sore throat, anorexia, malaise and, in children, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms reach a maximum in 1 to 2 days. Swallowing worsens the sore throat, hoarseness is present, and nasal stuffiness, nasal discharge, and a nonproductive cough may occur. Earache is common. Scarlet fever is streptococcal pharyngitis followed by a rash with circumoral pallor. Patients with streptococcal pharyngitis may be mildly to moderately ill, with fever to 40. Tachycardia and a diffusely red posterior pharynx and soft palate are common. The uvula is edematous. Characteristically, there is an exudate on the tonsils, which may be scraped off without bleeding. The nasal discharge is thick, mucopurulent, and may contain blood. The clinical course of a streptococcal URI is short with the fever resolving in 3 to 4 days or 5 to 9 days in adults and children, respectively. If scarlet fever develops, exfoliation of the epithelium begins as the rash fades. DiagnosisA positive rapid optical immunoassay or throat culture for Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci in the setting of the characteristic history, symptoms and signs makes the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis.

PNEUMONIAPneumonia is an infection in the alveoli that only occurs when impairment of host defenses allows the organism access to alveoli and the infectious process cannot be contained. Pneumonia occurs more frequently in individuals with underlying chronic cardiopulmonary disease, immunologic compromise, habitual cigarette smoking, or alcoholism, although it is not uncommon is otherwise healthy individuals. It is also more likely in individuals who recently had a viral pneumonia or general anesthesia.
EpidemiologyCommunity-acquired pneumonia is the 6th most common cause of death in the US and the most common infectious cause with approximately 6 million cases annually. Approximately 5-60% of the population are asymptomatic carriers of the pneumococcus, depending on the season. The infection is more prevalent in winter and spring. Nearly 500,000 patients with pneumonia are admitted to hospital each year with more than half of these being patients over the age of 65 years. However, the incidence of pneumonia is actually highest among persons younger than age 65 years. The incidence of pneumococcal pneumonia has changed little, although the mortality has decreased greatly with the advent of antibiotics except in the elderly where the mortality rate continues to rise. Pneum.ococcus accounts for 30-60% of community-acquired for which a cause is found. Atypical organisms are felt to be present in up to 25% of cases and may be found as single causative organisms but not infrequently can also he found as mixed infections with other bacteria. Staphylococcus is uncommon as a cause of pneumonia except in patients who are hospitalized or those who have had influenza recently. Anaerobic bacteria are often the causes of pneumonia in patients with impairment of swallowing who aspirate oral contents into the lung. All causes of pneumonia are more frequent in patients with underlying lung disease such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

EtiologyPneumonia may be caused by bacteria, atypical organisms ( Mycoplasma, Chlamydia), or viruses. Rarely fungi are causes of pneumonia. Bacterial causes of pneumonia are the most common. Prteumococcus (Streptococcus przeum.orziae), the most frequent bacterial cause of pneumonia, is a gram-positive encapsulated coccus that usually grows in pairs, hence, the name diplococcus. Other common bacterial causes are Haemophilus ittflueizzae, Moraixiia catarrhalis, enteric gram negative organisms, Staphylococcus acre us, Legiortella piteumoMae, and anaerobic bacteria. However, a specific etiology can be identified in approximately 50-60% of cases. Pneumonia is broadly divided into community-acquired pneumonia and hospital-acquired pneumonia. This division allows for differentiation in terms of expected pathogens, diagnostic approach, expected mortality, and treatment. Community-acquired pneumonia has traditionally been divided into broad categories of "typical" verses "atypical" pneumonia. This classification was based on clinical presentation, patient demographics, and chest x-ray findings and was felt to provided clues to likely underlying pathogens. However, recent data has shown that this classification is inaccurate and not useful. PathophysiologyBacterial pneumonia occurs when pathogens are aspirated or inhaled into the lungs and the normal defbnse mechanisms fail in their ability to promptly remove the offending organisms. Bacteria that are aspirated into the lung and usually lodge in the rightlower, right-middle, or left-lower lobe, where they multiply rapidly. The response to the multiplying organisms involves transudation of fluid into the alveoli, which becomes a growth medium for the organism and a mode for local spread to other alveoli, segments, lobules, lobes, and pleura. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes migrate to the site of infection to phagocytose the bacteria. Macrophages appear later to clean up the fibrin and debris. Antibodies against the Przeum.ococcus or other bacteria enhance phagocytosis and cause organisms to agglutinate and adhere to the alveolar wall, thus slowing spread of the infbction. Bacteremia is usually transient. The most common complication is the migration of infection to the pleural space causing the formation of an empye ma. Lung abscess formation and spread of infection to distant sites such as meninges, pericardium, or joints are other complications but are less common. Symptoms and SignsThe clinical course of pneumococcal pneumonia is classic. A URI syndrome may precede the pneumonia by a few days. The onset is abrupt, and patients often can state the hour of onset. In 80% of patients, there is a sudden shaking chill and a rapid rise in temperature with tachycardia and tachypnea. In 75% of patients, pleuritic chest pain and a productive cough develop. The sputum is mucoid and pink or rusty in color. Dyspnea is a common complaint. The patient will appear acutely ill but will not complain of nausea, headache, or malaise. If untreated, the symptoms and signs last for 7 to 10 days. Then there is diaphoresis, a sudden drop in temperature, and dramatic i mprovement. Circulatory collapse and heart failure are common in fatal cases. With other bacterial causes of pneumonia, the onset of symptoms may be more insidious, but fever, productive cough, and dyspnea are still typically present regardless of the underlying pathogen. On physical examination, breath sounds are decreased, and crackles and rhonchi are present. The chest radiograph shows a homogeneous density in the affected areas. There is a le ukocytosis with 70-90% of the WBC being mature or immature polymorphonuclear leukocytes, the "shift to the left." Blood culture is positive in only 10-20% ofcases. Gram stain of the sputum shows many PMNs and gram-positive cocci usually in pairs in cases of pneumococcal pneumonia. The Gram stain is less sensitive and specific for other bacterial etiologies. Poor prognostic signs include leukopenia, bacteremia, multilobar involvement, extrapulmonary infection, underlying systemic disease, and circulatory collapse. The fatality rate in pneumococcal pneumonia is about 5% despite appropriate treatment. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of pneumonia is suspected by the clinical findings of cough, fever, and dyspnea. A chest x-ray confirms the clinical suspicion. No other specific tests are available for diagnosis. However, an elevated WBC, sputum Gram stain, blood culture, serological tests, and low oxygen saturation can assist in determining prognosis and/or etiology.

MYCOPLASMAMycoplasma pneumoniae, (previously called pleuropneumonia-like organisms (PPLO) or Eaton's agent), causes asymptomatic infections, upper respiratory infections, and pneumonia. Mycoplasma pneumonia has been called atypical pneumonia or walking pneumonia, to distinguish it from pneumococcal pneumonia, but the clinical distinction is not crisp.
EpidemiologyThe infection is spread by inhalation of respiratory secretions and is characterized by occurrence among many family mem-



bers or in large numbers of people living in crowded environments such as military bases and college dormitories. Mycoplama infections are common among children and young adults. Traditionally Mycoplasma has been felt to be rare in older adults. However, recent data shows that the incidence rises consistently with age. ellycopla5ma pneumnniae accounts fnr 15-20% of all pneumnnias. Mycop/asma infections are more common in the winter. EtiologyMycoplama is a unique organism of extremely small size. Instead of a cell wall, a unit membrane surrounds each Mycoplasma. Lacking cell walls, Mycoplama resistant top-lactam antibintics. Mycoplama frequently may be found as normal flora in the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms and SignsThe incubation period for ellycopla ma varies from 9 to 12 days. The disease begins as a URI that progresses to bronchitis and subsequently to pneumonia in 3-10% of cases. A nonproductive cough is the most characteristic symptom. In cases of pneumonia, the cough may become productive of blood-tinged sputum later in the course. Headache, general malaise, muscle aches, nasal congestion, and sore throat are common. The clinical course of the disease is variable. Fever may persist fin - 2 weeks in untreated cases. The pneumonia is usually multilohar and may he bilateral. Lower lobes are involved more commonly than upper lobes. The infiltrate is less dense than in bacterial pneumonia and often is of an interstitial pattern. The physical findings on chest examination usually are much less striking than the severity of disease noted on the chest radiograph. Complications are rare even without treatment. DiagnosisThe diagnosis, as with other forms of pneumonia, is based on the history and clinical picture and the chest radiograph. There is a minimal increase in WBC count without a "shift to the left.' Lymphocytosis with atypical forms may be present. Cold agglutinins are positive in 50% of the cases after the second week of the illness. A rise in specific antibodies to MycopIasma is a more sensitive and specific test. It takes 2 to 4 weeks to culture ellycoplas:m a.


EpidemiologyIn early 2003, a new, virulent, and apparently highly contagious URI appeared in Guangdong Province of China and has spread to other countries in South East Asia and to Toronto, Canada. EtiologyThe causative agent appears to be a coronavirus. PathologyDiffuse alveolar damage and consolidation. Symptoms and SignsPatients present with high fever, dry cough, rigor, dyspnea, malaise, and headache. Examination of the chest shows crackles and dullness to percussion. Lymphopenia is common. The chest x-ray shows progressive consolidation. DiagnosisDiagnosis is based on the clinical picture in a patient who has been in an endemic area or who has had contact with known cases. Serological tests and culture methods are being developed.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that has greatly decreased in prevalence in the US but remains a threat. Although TB can involve many organs, pulmonary TB is the most common EpidemiologySince the beginning of the 20th century the incidence of TB has been declining in the US, but this decline was punctuated by an increase around 1980 when there was an influx of refugees from Indochina. A second rise of about 20% followed in 1985-92, largely in HIV-infected people. In 1997, under 20,000 cases were reported, an all-time low. Microepidemics often occur in nursing homes and families. Tubercle bacilli are aerosolized as droplets during coughing by a person with cavitary disease. After evaporation, droplet nuclei, which are 1 to 5 p.m in diameter, can reach the alveoli and establish an infection in a susceptible host. The infectivity of a patient is related to the severity of the disease, the number of bacilli in the lesion, and the closeness and length of the contact. An infected person is considered no longer contagious after about 2 weeks of appropriate chemotherapy. EtiologyMycobacterium tuberculosis is a rod-shaped organism that requires high oxygen tension for optimum growth and produces no toxins or enzymes. The organism has unique staining properties due to the lipid composition of the cell wall. Carbol-fuchsin stain does not wash off with acid, hence the name "acid fast." The bacilli can be cultured. PathophysiologyTubercle bacilli are inhaled and deposited in peripheral alveoli throughout the lung. Before the infection can be contained by a local cellular response, the bacilli are drained to lymph nodes in the hilum and then disseminated throughout the body by the bloodstream.

Sites that are seeded by bacilli include the apices of the lungs, the kidneys, the growing ends of bones, and other areas of high oxygen tension. Cellular immunity involving lymphocytes, macrophages, and giant cells develops in several weeks. Once cellular immunity develops, the reaction forms granulomas at the sites of infection, and in time caseous necrosis may develop in these granulomas. During caseation, cytotoxic material released from T lymphocytes destroys the bacilli as well as the surrounding tissue. The sites then heal by resolution, fibrosis, and calcification. In some cases the immunity is inadequate, and overwhelming infection develops. Healed lesions still contain viable tubercle bacilli. These may remain dormant for the life of the individual. In 10% of cases, these lesions develop into clinical disease sometime after the initial infection. Symptoms and SignsThe initial infection of primary TB usually produces few symptoms or signs. The incubation period is 4 to 8 weeks. Mild fever and malaise may occur as tuberculin hypersensitivity develops. In some cases, especially in a child less than 3 years, an overwhelming infection may result from the primary infection. Pulmonary tuberculosis usually occurs after a period of dormancy in a previously infected individual. The onset is insidious. The patient may be asymptomatic with a routine chest radiograph leading to the diagnosis. Fever to 40 may occur in the late afternoon or evening. Night sweats are common. General malaise, fatigue, irritability, and weight loss may occur. A cough, productive of green or yellow sputum that may be blood-streaked is common. When cavitation occurs, highly infectious material spills into the bronchi and is coughed up. Spread of pulmonary tuberculosis to the pleura results in pleuritic chest pain and the formation of a pleural effusion as part of the inflammatory reaction. The presence of a large effusion may compromise lung function and result in the complaint of dyspnea. Tuberculosis also can spread from the lung or the lymph nodes into the pericardium where the same inflammatory process occurs. A friction rub may be heard. Later, the inflamed pericardium may scar down, calcify, restrict cardiac motion, and present as congestive heart failure. During the dissemination phase, bacilli are seeded in the kidneys, bone, adrenals, and meninges. At each site the same inflammatory process occurs with caseation and liquefaction. If the infection cannot be contained, local spread may occur. Tuberculosis in the kidneys may result in infection of the rest of the genitourinary tract and present as cystitis, epididymitis, or prostatitis. In females, tuberculosis of the fallopian tubes and uterus may result in abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, sterility, or ectopic pregnancy. Spondylitis may result in localized back pain or compression of the spinal cord. Tuberculosis of the adrenal glands may cause total destruction of the glands and result in Addison's disease. Tuberculous meningitis also is seen. Symptoms and signs include headache, restlessness, irritability, nausea, vomiting, and stiffness of the neck. A change in mentation may be the only sign of the disease. Miliary tuberculosis is a massive dissemination of tubercle bacilli throughout the body. Lesions are found in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and other organs (which do not have a high oxygen tension) in addition to the previously mentioned sites of typical spread. The symptoms and signs are nonspecific and include dyspnea, weight loss, weakness, fever, night sweats, and gastrointestinal disturbances. Death is certain unless appropriate treatment is instituted promptly. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of tuberculosis rests on the use of a skin test with tuberculin, which is the protein fraction of the tubercle bacilli. However, this test cannot discriminate between dormant and active disease. Sensitized lymphocytes accumulate at the site of intradermal injection of tuberculin. Five tuberculin units are injected and the skin test is read in 48 to 72 hours. The criterion for a positive test depends on the age of the patient, degree of exposure, and HIV status. False negative tests occur in 15-20% of patients with clinical tuberculosis. The skin test does not become positive until the development of cellular immunity. In patients with a decreased number of lymphocytes, an overwhelming infection, a pleural effusion, or a fever, the skin test may be falsely negative. The chest radiograph also is essential to the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. It shows multinodular infiltrates, with or without cavitation, in one or both upper lobes. The Ziehl-Neelsen stain for acid-fast bacilli has been largely supplanted by fluorescent staining methods and nucleic acid amplification techniques: the latter require less than 6 hours, but are expensive. Sputum also may be cultured for the organisms. With modern BACTEC radiometric culture systems, growth can often be detected within 10 days.

Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease

Many mycobacteria live freely in our environment and are not generally pathogenic unless host defenses are impaired. They have become important causes of disease in patients with AIDS.



Epidemiology M avium. is ubiquitous and is particularly found in water sources and wet environments. M kansasii is concentrated in the urban midwest of the US. Person-to-person transmission has never been shown, but infection is extremely common. Skin testing indicates that at least 40 million Americans have been infbcted, but few of these became ill. EtiologyMycobacterium acium differs from M tuberculosis in growth rate, colony morphology and pigment formation, DNA composition, and pathogenicity. It is readily seen with conventional acid-fast staining. PathophysiologyPulmonary infection is the most common site. Infection is presumably by inhalation. Generally the disease progresses slowly, but occasionally it advances rapidly. In patients with AIDS dissemination is common. Symptoms and SignsPatients with AIDS usually present with fever. The liver and spleen may be enlarged. The organism can be readily grown from many sites including blood. Organisms grow within 5 days in appropriate liquid media, and DNA probes permit rapid species identification.

Infections Of the GI Tract


See Gastroenterology section.

INFECTIOUS DIARRHEA Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyThe gastrointestinal tract has several defenses against infection. Gastric acid keeps the stomach sterile. If intragastric pH increases, fewer pathogens are needed to establish an infection. The remainder of the gastrointestinal tract has a normal bacterial flora that inhibits the growth of other organisms. The flora of the large intestine is composed predominantly of anaerobes. Some species of the normal flora produce short-chain fatty acids or antibiotics such as clostin that prevent the growth of pathogens. Other members of the normal flora compete with pathogens for nutrients. Antibiotics that suppress normal flora predispose to bacterial infection. Cells that produce mucus line the gastrointestinal tract. This mucus forms a barrier to bacterial invasion of the gut wall. Locally produced IgA antibodies and antibodies produced elsewhere, such as IgG, enhance phagocytosis of bacteria within the GI tract. Motility of the gastrointestinal tract moves organisms out and thus prevents infections. Diarrhea increases transit and rids the body of organisms. Antimotility agents interfere with this defense. Diarrhea is defined as an increase in numbers of stools per day and/or an increase in stool volume. Acute diarrhea is sudden in onset, lasts for less than 2 weeks, and usually is caused by an infectious agent. Chronic diarrhea is of longer duration and usually is due to noninfectious gastrointestinal disease. Epidemiology The transmission of the causative agent is by the fecal-oral route in most cases. Contaminated objects, hands, food, and water may transmit the agent. The incidence of infectious diarrhea in the general population has been estimated to be approximately 20 to 40 cases per 100 person years. Fxdborne diseases account for roughly 76 million cases, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5000 deaths in the US annually. These rates are most likely underestimates, as many patients do not seek medical attention. EtiologyBacterial toxins, bacterial organisms, viruses, or parasites may cause diarrhea. Diarrhea need not be caused by a pathogen but may be due to changes in normal flora or by normal colonic flora reaching the small intestine. Bacteria that commonly cause diarrhea by the production of toxins include enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Clostridium perfringens, and Clostridium difficile. Bacterial diarrhea is caused by Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, and Yerinia enteroco/itica in the US and Vibrio cholerae in other countries. Reovirus-like agent (Norwalk agent), echo, and coxsacide viruses commonly cause diarrhea, whereas influenza viruses do not. Parasites include Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia as common causes of diarrhea. The frequency of identifying an organism is 2-40%. PathophysiologyViral diarrhea may cause villous shortening in the small intestine, an increase in the number of crypt cells, and widening of the lamina propria. Diarrhea caused by bacterial invasion results in hyperemia, leukocyte infiltration, and frank ulceration of the bowel wall. Entamoeba histolytica produces an inflammatory colitis similar to ulcerative colitis except for the presence of the parasite and larger, flask-shaped ulcers of the colonic mucosa. Bacteria may cause diarrhea via enterotoxin-induced hypersecretion or invasion of the gut wall by the bacteria. Enterotoxins stimulate adenyl cyclase in the mucosal cells of the intestine that results in massive secretion of fluid and electrolytes into the bowel lumen. Mucosal integrity is preserved and absorption is normal. In bacterial invasion, the damage to the mucosa results in defective absorption. Giardia probably produces diarrhea by the same

mechanism since invasion of the small bowel occurs. C difficile causes pseudomembranous colitis (antibiotic-associated colitis). Symptoms and Signs Systemic symptoms including fever, headache, anorexia, vomiting, malaise, and myalgias may accompany diarrhea regardless of the etiology except when toxins are ingested. Twelve to 24 hours after eating food contaminated by Clostridium perfringens or Staphylococcus, diarrhea with abdominal pain, cramps and nausea, but no vomiting or systemic symptoms occurs. The diarrhea contains no pus or blood. Recovery occurs in 12 to 24 hours. In diarrhea in which the mucosa is invaded by organisms, such as Shigella or Salmonella, systemic symptoms occur along with lower abdominal cramps, tenesmus, and rectal urgency. Pus and erythrocytes or gross blood are found in the stool. Shigella causes explosive diarrhea and fever. The disease is usually self-limited with the fever subsiding in 4 days and the diarrhea subsiding in 1 wk. Shigella also produces a neurotoxin that may cause seizures in children. Salmonella produces a less acute clinical picture. Enterotoxigenic E coli, frequently the causative agent in "turista" or "traveler's diarrhea,' may produce mild or severe symptoms. The incubation period is 24 to 48 hours, and the diarrhea lasts for 2 to 7 days. The stools contain no blood and few white blood cells. Nausea and vomiting and other systemic symptoms usually accompany viral diarrhea. The diarrhea is usually mild, recovery occurs in 48 hours, but malabsorption due to lactase deficiency may persist for several weeks. No red blood cells or white blood cells are seen in examination of the stool. The prognosis of acute infectious diarrhea is usually excellent when treated with adequate fluid replacement. Complications are rare except in infants or extremely debilitated patients who are unable to tolerate the dehydration. Pseudomembranous colitis usually responds promptly to discontinuation of the causative antibiotic, although some cases require treatment with an antibiotic directed at C difficile. Diagnosis Diagnosis of the specific cause of infectious diarrhea is frequently made on clinical grounds alone as the majority of cases are self-limited. In cases where there is persistent fever, bloody diarrhea, or symptoms lasting for more than 4 days, a stool culture can be useful. Stool examination for the presence of WBCs is also beneficial to exclude non-infectious or non-inflammatory causes. With the proper history, stool analysis for C difficile toxin is beneficial as there is specific therapy for this condition. Likewise, when suspected by history, a stool examination for ova and parasites may yield a specific diagnosis.

Central Nervous System Infection

Meningitis and encephalitis are medical emergencies requiring rapid diagnosis and specific therapy. While meningitis involves only the leptomeninges, encephalitis involves the brain tissue itself and also may involve the meninges.
Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyThe central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. These structures are enveloped by the meninges, a three-layered fibrous structure within which flows the cerebral spinal fluid. This is a closed structure and is normally sterile. Epidemiology There are between 30,000 and 40,000 cases of meningitis annually in the US. People of any age may become infected; however, the frequency of infection and the type of organism varies with age. The highest incidence is found in neonates who are primarily infected with Group B streptococcus during the birth process. Gram-negative bacteria, enterococci, and Listeria monocytogenes are also seen. From age 1 month to 23 months Streptococcus pne umoniae and Neisseria menrng tries are the most common organisms. From age 2 to 8, N meningitides accounts for more than half of all cases with S pne.u.m.oniae being second in frequency. Haem.ophilus influenzae type b used to have a high rate of infection in this age group but vaccination has dramatically curtailed this organism. In adults up to age 60, S pneumoniae and N meningitides are most common. Over age 60, S pneumoniae still accounts for most cases but Listerra m.onocytogenes is also common. Meningitis is most common in the winter and spring. The lowest incidence is noted in the summer months. Epidemics are uncommon in the US but are still seen in developing countries worldwide. EtiologyBacteria often cause meningitis with the most common pathogens in most age groups being Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Neisseria m.eningitidis. In neonates, Escherichia coli and Group B streptococci are common. Viruses such as enteroviruses and mumps virus also cause meningitis. Fungal meningitis occurs predominantly in immunocompromised patients. Viruses such as mumps and herpes viruses are the usual cause of concomitant encephalitis. Pathophysiology Meningitis most commonly results from the colonization of the nasopharynx with potential pathogens, which gain



access to the CNS by mucosal invasion. Other causes are direct extension of bacteria through skull fractures caused by trauma. Also, hematological spread of bacteria associated with cases of endocarditis or UTI for example is known to occur. Immunacompromi se from HIV, asplenia, corticosteroid use, etc. predisposes to meningitis. Bacteria that cause meningitis have the ability to invade the mucosa of the nasopharynx as opposed to other normal flora. This leads to transient bacteremia. Generally, the immune system is able to clear these bacteremic episodes befbre infection begins. However, circumstances that allow for large numbers of bacteria to invade and escape rapid clearance can lead to infection of the CSF. When infection of the CSF occurs, the organisms multiply rapidly. This initiates an intense inflammatory host response. It is the inflammatory response that is responsible for most of the symptoms and signs of meningitis that are seen clinically. Symptoms and SignsSystemic manifestations of CNS infection include fever, irritability, and somnolence. A single seizure prior to diagnosis is not uncommon. Nuchal rigidity and headache are often present. The headache is usually described as severe and generalized. Frequently there is hypersensitivity to light and/or sounds. Nuchal rigidity may not be a specific complaint but usually can be found on physical exam. It is manifested by inability of the patient to touch their chin to their chest with either passive or active flexion of the neck. Changes in mental status, seizures, and other focal neurological signs can be seen but usually are later findings. DiagnosisThe definitive diagnosis of meningitis usually depends on analysis of CSF obtained through lumbar puncture. Every patient should have a lumbar puncture unless contraindicated. Of note however, antibiotic therapy should he given promptly in suspected cases even if the lumbar puncture has not been obtained. In classical bacterial meningitis, CSF glucose is decreased, protein is increased, and white blood cells (predominantly polymorphonuclear cells) and bacteria are present. These findings are quite variable in viral and fungal meningitis, however. Blood cultures are positive in at least half of the cases of bacterial meningitis and can be useful diagnostically especially when CSF cannot be obtained prior to the administration of antibiotics. Similar CSF findings also may be present with encephalitis. These patients often have more severe CNS dysfunction with symptoms such as coma and paresis. A culture of brain material obtained through biopsy is often necessary to identify clearly the etiologic agent in encephalitis.

Infective Endocarditis
This is an infection of the heart valves or the endocardial lining of the heart wall. The etiologic agent is most commonly bacterial but may be fungal. Based on the clinical course the endocarditis is said to be either acute or subacute (duration greater than 6 weeks).
Normal Anatomy and PhysiologyThe heart valves are fibrous tissue structures that have no intrinsic blood supply. As a result, infection of these valves does not generate a host immune response to the infection (ie, migration of PMNs to the site of infection). As a result, antibiotics are essentially the only treatment for endocarditis. Bacterial or fungal infection of the valves form clusters of organisms known as vegetations that can often be seen by echocardiography. EpidemiologyA total of 10,000 to 15,000 new cases of infective endocarditis occur annually in the US. There is a male predominance for endocarditis. More than half of patients are in over the age of 60. Endocarditis is uncommon in children. Risk factors for the development of endocarditis are IV drug use, prosthetic heart valves, and structural heart disease (especially rheumatic heart disease). EtiologyEndocarditis can be classified in three categories: native valve endocarditis, endocarditis in IV drug abusers, and prosthetic valve endocarditis. These categories are associated with different infecting organisms. Endocarditis can also be classified as acute or subacute. Acute disease is caused by Staphylococcus aure us infecting native, normal heart valves. It is aggressive and rapidly destructive. It is fatal within 6 weeks if not treated. Subacute endocarditis is usually caused by viridans streptococci on damaged heart valves and is much more indolent in its course. Native valve endocarditis may be caused by any organism but most commonly is due to viridans streptococci (55%), enterococci, and S aureu.5. Most patients will have some prior damage to the heart valves (eg, rheumatic, age-related degeneration); however, S aureus can attack normal valves. Endocarditis in IV drug users is due to S a ureus in more than 50% of the cases. Streptococci, enterocacci, gram-negative organisms, and fungi also are seen. Polymicrobial infections can also be seen in this pop-

ulation. Unlike native valve endocarditis, IV drug users have infection of the tricuspid valve 50% of the time. Prosthetic valve endocarditis is divided into early-onset (<60days from placement of the prosthetic valve) and late-onset (>60 days). S epi dermidis and S a ureus constitute more than 505 of the cases of earlyonset disease with gram negatives and fungi also being common. Lateonset disease is most frequently caused by streptococci or other organisms that are indigenous flora. A group of gram-negative fastidious organisms known as the HACEK group (Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella) are responsible for "culture negative" endocarditis. Although it is possible to grow these organisms in culture, special growth conditions are generally required making the diagnosis more difficult. PathophysiologyIn subacute endocarditis, the congenital or acquired abnormal valve causes flow disturbances that injure the endocardial lining of the heart valves or wall. This area of injury becomes a focus of thrombus formation, which is seeded with bacteria during transient periods of bacteremia. Dental work or manipulation of either the gastrointestinal or genitourinary tracts with endoscopes, catheters, and surgical instruments can cause bacteremia with indigenous flora. The mass of adherent thrombus and organisms is known as a vegetation. Vegetations grow, erode the valve, and may create myocardial abscesses. Fragments can break off as emboli. Acute endocarditis results from direct attack of normal valves by aggressive organisms that can destroy valves rapidly. Abscess formation and disruption of cardiac conducting tissue is more common in acute endocarditis. Emboli are also more common in acute endocarditis especially with S Wire us. Endocarditis is associated with injury to many organs. The pathophysiology involves emboli (both septic and sterile) from the heart focus and immune complexes. In the setting of chronic infection with continued stimulation of the immune system, immune complexes of antibody and antigen form and deposit in various organs, thereby initiating a potentially harmful inflammatory response. Some manifestations of emboli and immune complex deposition are described in the following section. Symptoms and SignsSubacute endocarditis often begins with non-specific constitutional complaints. Fever, sweats, anorexia, malaise, myalgias, and arthralgias are prominent. These symptoms often persist and the patient may receive several courses of antibiotics, a practice that interferes with correct diagnosis. A previous heart murmur may change or a new murmur may occur. Petechiae may appear in the optic fundi, conjunctiva, mucosal surfaces, or skin. Subungual splinter hemorrhages are a feature of this disease as are peculiar lesions on the hands and fingertips (Janeway lesions and Osler's nodes). In acute endocarditis, skin pustules occur. Arthritis and osteomyelitis, splenomegaly, and retinal lesions may develop. Renal manifestations (flank pain, hematuria) may be secondary to renal infarction by emboli or immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis. Pulmonary infiltrates caused by septic emboli may occur with rightsided endocarditis. Cardiac conduction defects or congestive heart failure may develop as the infection erodes into the conduction system or chordae tendineae, respectively. Stroke, seizures, or meningitis resulting from emboli are seen more commonly in patients with acute bacterial endocarditis. DiagnosisNo single test makes the diagnosis of endocarditis. Rather, a constellation of findings from history, physical exam, blood cultures, and echocardiogram are required. Of these however, positive blood cultures are of paramount importance. Culture negative endocarditis is possible but is rare. Because of the difficulty in making an accurate diagnosis, criteria have been established to assist clinicians with suspected cases. These criteria are divided into major and minor criteria. The presence of two major or one major and three minor or five minor criteria is highly associated with endocarditis. The major criteria focus on the presence of multiple positive blood cultures and echocardiogram evidence of valvular vegetations or paravalvular abscess.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

This syndrome (AIDS) is a condition characterized by the development of life-threatening opportunistic infection or malignancies in a patient with severe depression of the T-cell-mediated immune system caused by infection with human i mmunodeficiency virus (HIV). AIDS was first described as a specific entity in the US in 1981, and its frequency and mortality since have increased geometrically. As of December 2000, a total of 58 million individuals have become infected with HIV,



and 2L8 million have died since the beginning of the epidemic. A total of 36.1 million are now living with IIIV/AIDS, and 90% of these persons are living in developing countries with over 25 million in sub-Saharan Africa alone. Half of those infected are women and less than 25 years of age. In the year 2000, 5.3 million people became newly infected (2.2 million women and 600,000 children). It is estimated that worldwide there are 15,000 people who become infected daily.
EpidemiologyIn the US, AIDS was first described in 1981 in previously healthy homosexual men with Pneumocptis carina pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma. In the US, the number of cases of AIDS has risen steadily over the past 20 years to over 750,000 total cases and 430,000 deaths. While the incidence of new cases peaked in the late 1980s, there are still approximately 45,000 new cases annually. The number of persons currently living with HIV infection or AIDS in the US is estimated to be approximately 920,000 and 320,000, respectively. Historically most cases have been in homosexual men and intravenous drug users, with different proportions in different areas. Currently, the proportion of cases is still most common in homosexual men. However, the number of new cases infected heterosexually has now surpassed the number infected by injection drug use. Advances in the treatment of HIV have caused a marked reduction in the number of deaths in the US and Western Europe. From 1996 to 1999 the number of deaths due to AIDS decreased by 50%. However, this trend slowed from the latter part of 1998 through 2000. EtiologyAIDS is a syndrome that results from infection with either the IIIV-1 or HIV-2 virus. HIV-1 was discovered to be the causative agent for AIDS in 1984, 3 years after the first reports of the disease. In 1986, a second type of HIV called HIV-2 was isolated from AIDS patients in West Africa. Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 have the same mode of transmission and cause the same immunodeficient syndrome. However, persons infected with HIV-2 seem to develop immunodeficiency more slowly and have a milder clinical syndrome. There are only a few reported cases of HIV-2 in the US at this time. The human retroviruses all share certain important functional features. Like all retroviruses, they produce reverse transcriptase that produces a DNA copy of the RNA material of the virus. They also are unusually trophic for T4 lymphocytes. All retroviruses that cause human disease tend to live silently within their target cells until they are activated to replicate. The HIV viruses, but not the other human retroviruses, attach to the CD4 receptor of their target cells, which are principally T4 lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages. PathophysiologyHIV has been isolated from the blood, semen, vaginal fluid, urine, and tears of AIDS patients. Blood, semen, and vaginal fluid are believed to contain sufficient viruses for transmission. Thus, sexual contact, injection of blood or blood products, and birth to an infected mother are well-established modes of transmission. Casual contact with infected individuals has not been found to transmit HIV. Sexual transmission presently is the predominant mode of transmission. Receptive anal intercourse is more effective than other forms of sexual activity in transmitting HIV in homosexual men. Vaginal intercourse is largely responsible for transmission from men to women and from women to men. Intravenous inoculation of infected blood accounts fbr transmission of the virus among intravenous drug abusers who share needles. Inoculation of blood or blood products such as Factor VIII or XI concentrates has transmission infection in patients who have received such products and have not engaged in other risky activities. With current blood screening methods, the risk of transmitting HIV by a blood transfusion is estimated at between 1:40,000 and 1:225,000. Approximately 50% of babies born to infected mothers appear to develop HIV infections. Perinatal transmission occurs in utero or during delivery. Breast-feeding possibly transmits the virus as well. Pathogenesis AIDS results from the infection and subsequent destruction of T4-lymphocytes by HIV. T4 lymphocytes play a key role in maintaining cellular immunity; their depletion had to a multitude of abnormalities, which collectively undermine the immune response to infections. The infections often are lethal. The virus also infects other cells and promotes the development of certain tumors. The activities and features of the viruses and T4 lymphocytes are central to understanding the pathogenesis of AIDS. HIV penetrates cells that contain CD4 receptors. Within the cytoplasm of the cell, the reverse transcriptase of the virus produces a DNA copy of its RNA genetic information. The DNA copy then is integrated into the genome

the host cell. A latency period ensues, after which immune activation results in viral replication and release from the cell, a process that destroys it. T4 lymphocytes are the main target of HIV. T4 lymphocytes are responsible for inducing nearly every aspect of the immune response, including cytotoxic cells, suppressor cells, macrophages, B cells, natural killer cells, and even bone-marrow progenitor cells. Thus, replication of the virus leads in turn to depletion of the T4 lymphocytes and impairment of a multitude of immune responses. Other cells with CD4 receptors also may be infected, including monacytes and macrophages. The monocytes are important in the pathogenesis of AIDS. Unlike T4 lymphocytes, the virus does not kill them rapidly. The monacytes thus harbor HIV and disseminate it to brain, bone marrow, and other organs. Most of the clinical manifestations of AIDS result from opportunistic infections such as Pneumoeptis carinn pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcal meningitis, disseminated mycobacterium avium intracellulare cytomegalovirus, candida esophagitis, and several others. Other clinical manifestations result from the release of cytotoxins and growth factors from infected cells. Dementia in AIDS patients is fostered or caused by cytoknes released from HIV-infected macrophages or monocytes rather than by HIV infection of neurons. Similarly, Kaposi's sarcoma appears to be due to the release of tumor-promoting factors from infected cells. Symptoms and SignsInfection by HIV usually is followed in a few days by an illness lasting 2 to 3 weeks. Symptoms include malaise, fever, weakness, rash, myalgia, and headache. The patient is then asymptomatic for several months or even several years. During this period antibodies to HIV can be detected in nearly all patients, but the virus and the clinical picture are in a period of latency. When HIV is activated and replicates, the number of T4 lymphocytes declines, and symptoms and signs begin to appear. Over 5 to 10 years after infection, 25-50% of persons will progress to overt AIDS without treatment. Most patients first experience fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, and unexplained fever. Chronic lymph node enlargement, particularly in the neck, is common. Diarrhea often ensues. Nonproductive cough and dyspnea ten herald the presence of opportunistic pneumonia. A host of neuropsychiatric symptoms may occur, including confusion, headache, seizures, focal weakness, personality changes, and impaired memory. This is an abbreviated list since every organ may he involved. The possible clinical expressions are vast. DiagnosisThe diagnosis of HIV infection is made by the detection of the HIV virus using any of the following methods: detecting antibodies to the virus, detecting the viral p24 antigen, detecting viral nucleic acid, or culturing the virus from tissue or blood. The most widely used of these methods is the serology test for antibodies. Antibodies to HIV are first detectable 6 to 12 weeks after infection though may be delayed as much as 6 months. AIDS is a clinical definition. In 1993 the criteria for AIDS was re-defined. Patients are now classified as having AIDS if they have any of several clinical diseases known as "AIDS indicator conditions" and/or a CD4 count of less than 200/mm 3 . AIDS indicator conditions are mostly opportunistic or recurrent infections that have become associated with advanced HIV disease.

Mandell GL, Douglas RG, Bennett JE, eds. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practices of Infectious Diseases, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, 2000. Callen JP et al, eds. Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2002. Kelley WN, et al, eds. Textbook of Internal Medicine, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. Felig P, Frohman LA, eds. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. Klippel JH, Weyand CM, Crofford LJ, et al, eds. Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases, 12th ed. Atlanta: Arthritis Foundation, 2001. Kjeldsberg CR, ed. Practical Diagnosis of Hematologic Disorders, 3rd ed. Chicago: ASCP Press, 2000. George RB, a al, eds. Chest Medicine: Essentials of Pulmonary and Critical Care medicine, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2000.

Drug Absorption, Action, and Disposition

Michael R Franklin, PhD Donald N Franz, PhD

face or subcellular structure, and elicit a response or alter ongoing processes. The drug may be distributed simultaneously or sequentially to a number of tissues, bound or stored, metabolized to inactive or active products, or excreted. The history of a drug in the body is summarized in Figure 57-1. Each of the processes or events depicted relates importantly to therapeutic and toxic effects of a drug and to the mode of administration, and drug design must take each into account. Since the effect elicited by a drug is its raison d'tre, drug action, and effect are discussed first in the text that follows, even though they are preceded by other events.

Although drugs differ widely M their pharmacodynamic effects and clinical applications; in penetration, absorption, and usual route of administration; in distribution among the body tissues; and in disposition and mode of termination of action, there are certain general principles that help explain these differences. These principles have both pharmaceutic and therapeutic implications. They facilitate an understanding of both the features that are common to a class of drugs and the differences among the members of that class. For a drug to act it must be absorbed, transported to the appropriate tissue or organ, penetrate to the responding cell sur-


The word drug imposes an action-effect context within which the properties of a substance are described. The description of necessity must include the pertinent properties of the recipient of the drug. Thus, when a drug is defined as an analgesic, it is implied that the recipient reacts to a noxious stimulus in a certain way, called pain. (Studies indicate that pain is not simply the perception of a certain kind of stimulus but rather, a reaction to the perception of a variety of kinds of stimuli or stimulus patterns.) Both because the pertinent properties are locked into the complex and somewhat imprecise biological context and because the types of possible response are many, descriptions of the properties of drugs tend to emphasize the qualitative features of the effects they elicit. Thus, a drug may be described as having analgesic, vasodepressor, convulsant, antibacterial, etc, properties. The specific effect (or use) categories into which the many drugs may be placed are the subject of Chapters 64 through 89 and are not elaborated upon in this chapter. However, the description of a drug does not end with the enumeration of the responses it may elicit. There are certain intrinsic properties of the drug-recipient system that can be described in quantitative terms and that are essential to the full description of the drug and to the validation of the drug for specific uses. Under Definitions and Concepts below, certain general terms are defined in qualitative language; under Dosehiffect Relationships, the foundation is laid for an appreciation of some of the quantitative aspects of pharmacodynamics. derstanding of pharmacology. It is necessary to differentiate among action, effect, selectivity, dose, potency, and efficacy. ACTION VS EFFECT The effect of a drug is an alteration of function of the structure or process upon which the drug acts. It is common to use the term action as a synonym for effect. However, action precedes effect. Action is the alteration of condition that brings about the effect. The final effect of a drug may be far removed from its site of action. For example, the diuresis subsequent to the ingestion of ethanol does not result from an action on the kidney but instead from a depression of activity in the region of the hypothalamus, which regulates the release of antidiuretic hormone from the posterior pituitary gland. The alteration of hypothalamic function is, of course, also an effect of the drug, as is each subsequent change in the chain of events leading to diuresis. The action of ethanol was exerted only at the initial step, each subsequent effect being then the action to a following step. MULTIPLE EFFECTS No known drug is capable of exerting a single effect, although a number are known that appear to have a single mechanism of action. Multiple effects may derive from a single mechanism of action. For example, the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by physostigmine will elicit an effect at every site where acetylcholine is produced, is potentially active, and is hydrolyzed by cholinesterase. Thus, physostigmine elicits a constellation of effects. A drug also can cause multiple effects at several different sites by a single action at only one site, providing that the function initially altered at the site of action ramifies to control other functions at distant sites. Thus, a drug that suppresses steroid synthesis in the liver may not only lower serum cholesterol, impair nerve myelination and function, and alter the condition of the skin (as a consequence of cholesterol deficiency) but also may affect digestive functions (because of a deficiency m bile acids) and alter adrenocortical and sexual hormonal balance.


In the field of pharmacology, the vocabulary that is unique to the discipline is relatively small, and the general vocabulary is that of the biological sciences and chemistry. Nevertheless, there are a few definitions that are important to the proper un-












Figure 57 1. The absorption, distribution, action, and elimination of a drug (arrows represent drug movement). Intravenous administration is the only process by which a drug may enter a compartment without passing through a biological membrane. Note that drugs excreted in bile and saliva may be resorbed.

Although a single action can give rise to multiple effects, most drugs exert multiple actions. The various actions may be related, as for example, the sympathomimetic effects of phenylephrine that accrue to its structural similarity to norepinephrine and its ability to exert sympathetic responses, or the actions may be unrelated, as with the actions of morphine to interfere with the release of acetylcholine from certain autonomic nerves, block some actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), and release histamine. Many drugs bring about immunological (allergic or hypersensitivity) responses that bear no relation to the other pharmaco dynamic actions of the drug. SELECTIVITYDespite the potential most drugs have for eliciting multiple effects, one effect is generally more readily elicitable than another. This differential responsiveness is called selectivity. It usually is considered to be a property of the drug, but it is also a property of the constitution and biodynamics of the recipient subject or patient. Selectivity may come about in several ways. The sub cellular structure (receptor) with which a drug combines to initiate one response may have a higher affinity for the drug than that for some other action. Atropine, for example, has a much higher affinity for muscarinic receptors that subserve the function of sweating than it does for the nicotinic receptors that subserve voluntary neuromuscular transmission, so that suppression of sweating can be achieved with only a tiny fraction of the dose necessary to cause paralysis of the skeletal muscles. A drug may be distributed unevenly, so that it reaches a higher concentration at one site than throughout the tissues generally, chloroquine is much more effective against hepatic than intestinal (colonic) amebiasis because it reaches a much higher concentration in the liver than in the wall of the colon. An affected function maybe much more critical to, or have less reserve in, one organ than in another, so that a drug will be predisposed to elicit an effect at the more critical site. Some inhibitors of dopa decarboxyla se (which is also 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase) depress the synthesis of histamine more than that of either norepinephrine or 5- hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), even though histidine decarboxylase is less sensitive to the drug, simply because histidine decarboxylase is the only step and, hence, is ratelimiting in the biosynthesis of histamine. Dopa decarboxylase is not rate limiting in the synthesis of either norepinephrine or 5hydroxytryptamine until the enzyme is nearly completely inhibited. Another example of the determination of selectivity by the

critical balance of the affected function is that of the mercurial diuretic drugs. An inhibition of only 1% in the tubular resorption of glomerular filtrate usually will double urine flow, since 99% of the glomerular filtrate is normally resorbed. Aside from the question of the possible concentration of diuretics in the urine, a drug-induced reduction of 1% in sulthydryl enzyme activity in tissues other than the kidney usually is not accompanied by an observable change in function. Selectivity also can be determined by the pattern of distribution of inactivating or activating enzymes among the tissues and by other factors. DOSEEven the uninitiated person knows that the dose of a drug is the amount administered. However, the appropriate dose of a drug is not some unvarying quantity, a fact sometimes overlooked by pharmacists, official committees, and physicians. The practice of pharmacy is entrapped in a system of fixed-dose formulations, so that fine adjustments in dosage are often difficult to achieve. Fortunately, there is usually a rather wide latitude allowable in dosages. It is obvious that the size of the recipient individual should have a bearing upon the dose, and the physician may elect to administer the drug on a body-weight or surface-area basis rather than as a fixed dose. Usually, however, a fixed dose is given to all adults, unless the adult is exceptionally large or small. The dose for infants and children often is determined by one of several formulas that take into account age or weight, depending on the age group of the child and the type of action exerted by the drug. Infants, relatively, are more sensitive to many drugs, often because systems involved in the inactivation and elimination of the drugs may not be developed fully in the infant. The nutritional condition of the patient, the mental outlook, the presence ofpain or discomfort, the severity of the condition being treated, the presence of secondary disease or pathology, and genetic and many other factors affect the dose of a drugnecessa ry to achieve a given therapeutic response or to cause an untoward effect (Chapter 61). Even two apparently well-matched normal persons may require widely different doses for the same intensity of effect. Furthermore, a drug is not always employed for the same effect and, hence, not in the same dose. For example, the dose of a progestin necessary for an oral contraceptive effect is considerably different from that necessary to prevent spontaneous abortion, and a dose of an estrogen for the treatment of the menopause is much too small for the treatment of prostatic carcinoma. From the above, it is evident that the wise physician knows that the dose of a drug is not a rigid quantity but rather that which is necessary and can be tolerated and individualizes the regimen accordingly. The wise pharmacist also recognizes that official or manufacturer's recommended doses are sometimes quite narrowly defined and should serve only as a useful guide rather than as an imperative. POTENCY AND EFFICACYThe potency of a drug is the reciprocal of dose. Thus, it will have the units of persons/unit weight of drug or body weighVunit weight of drug, etc. Potency generally has little utility other than to provide a means of comparing the relative activities of drugs in a series, in which case relative potency, relative to some prototypic member of the series, is a parameter commonly used among pharmacologists and in the pharmaceutical industry. Whether a given drug is more potent than another has little bearing on its clinical usefulness, provided that the potency is not so low that the size of the dose is physically unmanageable or the cost of treatment is higher than with an equivalent drug. If drug is less potent but more selective, it is the one to be preferred. Promotional arguments in favor of a more potent drug thus are irrelevant to the important considerations that should govern the choice of a drug. However, it sometimes occurs that drugs of the same class differ in the maximum intensity of effect; that is, some drugs of the class may be less efficacious than others, irrespective of how large a dose is used. Efficacy connotes the property of a drug to achieve the desired response, and maximum efficacy denotes the maximum achievable effect. Even huge doses of codeine often cannot achieve the relief from severe pain that relatively small doses



ofoy- osympiote maximum effect = efficacy

140 13, E 120 La ,100

my It is necessary to define two types of relationships: (1) doseintensity relationship, ie, the manner in which the intensity of effect in the individual recipient relates to dose, and (2) dosefrequency relationship, ie, the manner in which the number of responders among a population of recipients relates to dose.


n 60
0 1111

g- 60

40 s.

20 g








DOSE Lug/kg)
Figure 57 2. The relationship of the intensity of the blood-pressure response of the cat to the intravenous dose of norepinephrine.

of morphine can; thus, codeine is said to have a lower maximum efficacy than morphine. Efficacy is one of the primary determinants of the choice of a drug.

The importance of knowing how changes in the intensity of response to a drug vary with the dose is virtually self-evident. Both the physician, who prescribes or administers a drug, and the manufacturer, who must package the drug in appropriate dose sizes, must translate such knowledge into everyday practice. Theoretical or molecular pharmacologists also study such relationships in inquiries into mechanism of action and receptor the-

Whether the intensity of effect is determined in vivo (eg, the blood-pressure response to epinephrine in the human patient) or in vitro (eg, the response of the isolated guinea pig ileum to histamine), the doseintensity of effect (often called dose-effect) curve usually has a characteristic shape, namely a curve that closely resembles one quadrant of a rectangular hyperbola. In the dose-intensity curve depicted in Figure 57-2, the curve appears to intercept the x axis at 0 only because the lower doses are quite small on the scale of the abscissa, the smallest dose being L5 x 10' pg. Actually, the x intercept has a positive value, since a finite dose of drug is required to bring about a response, this lowest effective dose being known as the threshold dose. Statistics and chemical kinetics predict that the curve should approach the y axis asymptotically. However, if the intensity of the measured variable does not start from zero, the curve possibly may have a positive y intercept (or negative x intercept), especially if the ongoing basal activity before the drug is given is closely related to that induced by the drug. In practice, instead of an asymptote to the y axis, dose-intensity curves nearly always show an upward concave foot at the origin of the curve, so that the curve has a lopsided sigmoid shape. At high doses, the curve approaches an asymptote that is parallel to the x axis, and the value of the asymptote establishes the maximum possible response to the drug, or maximum efficacy. However, experimental data in the regions of the asymptotes generally are too erratic to permit an exact definition of the curve at very low and very high doses. The example shown represents an unusually good set of data. Because the dose range maybe 100- or 1000-fold from the lowest to the highest dose, it has become the practice to plot dose-intensity curves on a logarithmic scale of abscissa (ie, to plot the log of dose versus the intensity of effect). Figure 57-3 is such a semilogarithmic plot of the same data used in Figure 57-2. In the figure the intensity of effect is plotted both in absolute units (at the left) or in relative units, as percentages (at the right). Although no new information is created by a semilogarithmic representation, the curve is stretched in such a way as to facilitate the inspection of the data; the comparison of results

100 140 - may- asymptote maximum effect maximum efficacy

20 -

00 'IA c 80 0 0 60 -

- 75

2 7 2 ................ .... ........


w U

Z. 40 -

-- 25

cc 0.

2C -

lo g En 50
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 2

LOG DOS (lOg pgikg)


Figure 57 3. The relationship of the intensity of the blood-pressure response of the cat to the log Df the intravenous dose Df norepinephrine.



from multiple observations and the testing of different drugs also is rendered easier. In the example shown, the curve is essentially what is called a sigmoid curve and is nearly symmetrical about the point that represents an intensity equal to 50% of the maximal effect (ie, about the midpoint). The symmetry follows from the rectangular hyperbolic character of the previous Cartesian plot (see Fig 57-2). The semilogarithmic plot reveals better the dose-effect relationships in the low-dose range, which are lost in the steep slope of the Cartesian plot. Furthermore, the data about the midpoint are almost a straight line; the nearly linear portion covers approximately 50% of the curve. The slope of the linear portion of the curve or, more correctly, the slope at the point of inflection, has theoretical significance (see Drug Receptors and Receptor Theory). The upper portion of the curve approaches an asymptote, which is the same as that in the Cartesian plot. If the response system is completely at rest before the drug is administered, the lower portion of the curve should be asymptotic to the x axis. Both asymptotes and the symmetry derive from the law of mass action. Dose-intensity curves often deviate from the ideal configuration illustrated and discussed above. Usually, the deviate curve remains sigmoid but not extended symmetrically about the midpoint of the linear segment. Occasionally, other shapes occur. Deviations may derive from multiple actions that converge upon the same final effector system, from varying degrees of metabolic alteration of the drug at different doses, from modulation of the response by feedback systems, from nonlinearity in the relationship between action and effect, or from other causes. It is frequently necessary to identify the dose that elicits a given intensity of effect. The intensity of effect that is generally designated is 50% of maximum intensity. The corresponding dose is called the 50% effective dose, or individual EDOO (see Fig 57-3). The use of the adjective individual distinguishes the ED50 based upon the intensity of effect from the median effective dose, also abbreviated ED50, determined from frequency of response data in a population (see Dose-Frequency Relationships, this chapter). Drugs that elicit the same quality of effect may be compared graphically. In Figure 57-4, five hypothetical drugs are compared. Drugs A, B, C, and E all can achieve the same maximum effect, which suggests that the same effector system may be common to all. D possibly may be working through the same effector system, but there are no a priori reasons to think this is so. Only A and B have parallel curves and common slopes. Common slopes are consistent with, but in no way prove, the idea that A and R not only act through the same effector system but also by the same mechanism. Although drug-receptor theory (see Drug Receptors and Receptor Theory) requires that the curves of identical mechanism have equal slopes, examples of exceptions are known. Furthermore, mass-law statistics require that all simple drug-receptor interactions generate the same slope; only when slopes depart from this universal slope in accordance with distinctive characteristics of the response system do they provide evidence of specific mechanisms. The relative potency of any drug maybe obtained by dividing the ED50 of the standard, or prototypic, drug by that ofthe drug

in question. Any level of effect other than 50% may be used, but it should be recognized that when the slopes are not parallel, the relative potency depends upon the intensity of effect chosen. Thus, the potency ofA relative to C (see Fig 57-4) calculated from the ED50 will be smaller than that calculated from the ED25. The low maximum intensity inducible by D poses even more complications in the determination of relative potency than do the unequal slopes of the other drugs. If its dose-intensity curve is plotted in terms of percentage of its own maximum effect, its relative inefficacy is obscured, and the limitations of relative potency at the ED50 level will not be evident. This dilemma underscores the fact that drugs can be compared better from their entire dose-intensity curves than from a single derived number like ED50 or relative potency. Drugs that elicit multiple effects will generate a dose-intensity curve for each effect. Even though the various effects may be qualitatively different, the several curves may be plotted together on a common scale of abscissa, and the intensity may be expressed in terms of percentage of maximum effect; thus, all curves can share a common scale of ordinates in addition to a common abscissa. Separate scales of ordinates could be employed, but this would make it harder to compare data. The selectivity of a drug can be determined by noting what percentage of maximum of one effect can be achieved before a second effect occurs. As with relative potency, selectivity may be expressed in terms of the ratio between the ED50 for one effect and that for another effect, or a ratio at some other intensity of effect. As with relative potency, difficulties follow from nonparallelism. In such instances, selectivity expressed in dose ratios varies from one intensity level to another. When the dose-intensity curves for a number of subjects are compared, it is found that they vary considerably from individual to individual in many respects; eg, threshold dose, midpoint, maximum intensity, and sometimes even slope. By averaging the intensities of the effect at each dose, an average dose-intensity curve can be constructed. Average dose-intensity curves enjoy a limited application in comparing drugs. A single line expressing an average response has little value in predicting individual responses unless it is accompanied by some expression ofthe range ofthe effect at the various doses. This may be done by indicating the standard error of the response at each dose. Occasionally, a simple scatter diagram is plotted in lieu of an average curve and statistical parameters. An average dose-intensity curve also may be constructed from a population in which different individuals receive different doses; if sufficiently large populations are employed, the average curves determined by the two methods will approximate each other. It is obvious that the determination of such average curves from a population large enough to be statistically meaningful requires a great deal of work. Retrospective clinical data occasionally are treated in this way, but prospective studies infrequently are designed in advance to yield average curves. The usual practice in comparing drugs is to employ a quantal (allor-none) endpoint and plot the frequency or cumulative frequency of response over the dose range, as discussed below.

DOSEFREQUENCY OF RESPONSE RELATIONSHIPSWhen an endpoint is truly all-or-none, such as death, it

is an easy matter to plot the number of responding individuals (eg, dead subjects) at each dose of drug or intoxicant Many other responses that vary in intensity can be treated as all-or-none if simply the presence or absence of a response (eg, cough or no cough, convulsion or no convulsion) is recorded, without regard to the intensity of the response when it occurs. When the response changes from the basal or control state in a less abrupt manner (eg, tachycardia, miosis, rate of gastric secretion), it may be necessary to designate arbitrarily some particular intensity of effect as the endpoint. if the endpoint is taken as an increase in heart rate of 20 beats/min, all individuals whose tachycardia is less than 20 beats/min would be recorded as nonresponders, while all those with 20 or above would be recorded as responders. When the percentage of responders in the population is plotted against the dose, a characteristic dose-response curve, more

/00 D 2 75

, u50 7 u, cr.


ui C,) cc LT


figure 57 4. Log doseintensity of effect curves of five different hypothetical drugs (see text for explanation).




80 UJ C8 70 0 (..) 60

1 50 .7X


U_ 30 0

quency distribution is normal, the ED50 is both the arithmetic mean and the median dose and is represented by the midpoint on the curve; if the distribution is log-normal, the ED50 is the median dose but not the arithmetic mean dose. The efficacy is the cumulative frequency summed over all doses; it is usually, but not always, 100%. The slope is characteristic ofboth the drug and the test population. Even two drugs of identical mechanism may give rise to different slopes in dose-percentage curves, whereas in dose-intensity curves the slopes are the same. Statistical parameters (such as standard deviation), in addition to ED50, maximum cumulative frequency (efficacy) and slope, characterize dose-cumulative frequency relationships (see Chapter 12). There are several formulations for dose-cumulative frequency curves, some of which are employed only to define the linear segment of a curve and to determine the statistical parameters of this segment. For the statistical treatment of dosefrequency data, see Chapter 12. One simple mathematical expression of the entire log-symmetrical sigmoid curve is log dose
= K

+f log


ED 50=322 mg/Kg

(34) response 100% - response



2 1.3 1.4


1. 6 17



1_0G DOSE Clog mg/kg) Figure 57 5. The relationship of the number of responders in a population of mice to the dose of pentylenetetrazole.

properly called a dose-cumulative frequency or dose-percentage curve, is generated. Such a curve is, in fact, a cumulative frequency-distribution curve, the percentage of responders at a given dose being the frequency of response. Dose-cumulative frequency curves are generally of the same geometric shape as dose-intensity curves (namely, sigmoid) when frequency is plotted against log dose (Fig 57-5). The tendency of the cumulated frequency of response (ie, percentage) to be linearly proportional to the log of the dose in the middle of the dose range is called the Weber-Fechner law, although it is not invariable, as a true natural law should be. In many instances, the cumulative frequency is simply proportional to dose rather than log dose. The Weber-Fechner law applies to either dose-intensity or dose-cumulative frequency data. The similarity between dose-frequency and dose-intensity curves may be more than fortuitous, since the intensity of response will usually have an approximately linear relationship to the percentage of responding units (smooth muscle cells, nerve fibers, etc) and, hence, is also a type of cumulative frequency of response. These are the same kind of statistics that govern the law of mass action. If only the increase in the number of responders with each new dose is plotted, instead of the cumulative percentage of responders, a bell-shaped curve is obtained. This curve is the first derivative of the dose-cumulative frequency curve and is a frequency-distribution curve. The distribution will be symmetricalie, normal or Gaussian (see Chapter 12)only if the dose-cumulative frequency curve is symmetrically hyperbolic. Because most dose-cumulative frequency curves are more nearly symmetrical when plotted semilogarithmically (ie, as log dose), dose-cumulative frequency curves are usually log-normal. Since the dose-intensity and dose-cumulative frequency curves are basically similar in shape, it follows that the curves have similar defining characteristics, such as ED50, maximum effect (maximum efficacy), and slope. In dose-cumulative frequency data, the ED50 (median effective dose) is the dose to which 50% of the population responds (see Fig 57-5). If the fre-

where percentage response may be either the percentage of maximum intensity or the percentage of a population responding. The equation is thus basically the same for both log normal dose-intensity and log normal dose-percentage relationships. K is a constant that is characteristic of the midpoint of the curve, or ED50, and 1/f is characteristically related to the slope of the linear segment, which, in turn is closely related to the standard deviation of the derivative log-normal frequency-distribution curve. The comparison of dose-percentage relationships among drugs is subject to the pitfalls indicated for dose-intensity comparisons, namely, that when the slopes of the curves are not the same (ie, the dose-percentage curves are not parallel), it is necessary to state at which level of response a potency ratio is calculated. As with dose-intensity data, potencies generally are calculated from the ED50, but potency ratios may be calculated for any arbitrary percentage response. The expression of selectivity is, likewise, subject to similar qualifications, inasmuch as the dose-percentage curves for the several effects are usually nonparallel. The term therapeutic index is used to designate a quantitative statement of the selectivity of a drug when a therapeutic and an untoward effect are being compared. If the untoward effect is designated T (for toxic) and the therapeutic effect, E, the therapeutic index may be defined as TD50/ED50 or a similar ratio at some other arbitrary levels of response. The TD and the ED are not required to express the same percentage of response; some clinicians use the ratio TD1/ED99 or TD5/ED95, based on the rationale that if the untoward effect is serious, it is important to use a most-severe therapeutic index in passing judgment upon the drug. Unfortunately, therapeutic indices are known in man for only a few drugs. There will be a different therapeutic index for each untoward effect that a drug may elicit and, if there is more than one therapeutic effect, a family of therapeutic indices for each therapeutic effect. However, in clinical practice, it is customary to distinguish among the various toxicities by indicating the percentage incidence of a given side effect.

VARIATIONS IN RESPONSE AND RESPONSIVENESS From the above discussion of dose-frequency relationships and Chapter 12, it is obvious that in a normal population of persons there may be quite a large difference in the dose required to elicit a given response in the least-responsive member of the population and that to elicit the response in the most-responsive member. The difference ordinarily will be a function of the slope of the dose-percentage curve or, in statistical terms, of the standard deviation. If the standard deviation is large, the extremes of responsiveness of responders are likewise large. In a normal population, 95A6% of the population responds to doses within two standard deviations from the ED50 and



99.73% within three standard deviations. In log-normal populations, the same distribution applies when standard deviation is expressed as log dose. In the population represented in Figure 57-5, 2.25% of the population (two standard deviations from the median) would require a dose more than L4 times the ED50; an equally small percentage would respond to 0.7 of the ED50. The physician who is unfamiliar with statistics is apt to consider the 2.25% at either extreme to be abnormal reactors. The statistician will argue that these 4.5% are within the normal population and that only those who respond well outside the normal population, at least three standard deviations from the median, deserve to be called abnormal. Irrespective of whether the criteria of abnormality that the physician or the statistician obtain, the term hyporeactive applies to those individuals who require abnormally high doses and hyperreactive to those who require abnormally low doses. The terms hyporesponsive and hyperresponsive also may be used. It is incorrect to use the terms hyposensitive and hypersensitive in this context; hypersensitivity denotes an allergic response to a drug and should not be used to refer to hyperreactivity. The term supersensitivity correctly applies to hyperreactivity that results from denervation of the effector organ; it is often more definitively called denervation supersensitivity. Sometimes hyporeactivity is the result of an immunochemical deactivation of the drug, or immunity. Hyporeactivity should be distinguished from an increased dose requirement that results from a severe pathological condition. Severe pain requires large doses of analgesics, but the patient is not a hyporeactor; what has changed is the baseline from which the endpoint quantum is measured. The responsiveness of a patient to certain drugs sometimes may be determined by the history of previous exposure to appropriate drugs. Tolerance is a diminution in responsiveness as use of the drug continues. The consequence of tolerance is an increase in the dose requirement. It may be due to an increase in the rate

of elimination of drug (as discussed elsewhere in this chapter), to reflex or other compensatory homeostatic adjustments, to a decrease in the number of receptors or in the number of enzyme molecules or other coupling proteins in the effector sequence, to exhaustion of the effector system or depletion of mediators, to the development of immunity, or to other mechanisms. Tolerance may be gradual, requiring many doses and days to months to develop, or acute, requiring only the first or a few doses and only minutes to hours to develop. Acute tolerance is called tachyphylaxis. Drug resistance is the decrease in responsiveness of microorganisms, neoplasms, or pests to chemotherapeutic agents, antineoplastics, or pesticides, respectively. It is not tolerance in the sense that the sensitivity of the individual microorganism or cancer cell decreases; rather, it is the survival of normally unresponsive cells, which then pass the genetic factors of resistance on to their progeny. Patients who fail to respond to a drug are called refractory. Refractoriness may result from tolerance or resistance, but it also may result from the progression of pathological states that negate the response or render the response incapable of surmounting an overwhelming pathology. Rarely, it may result from a poorly developed receptor or response system. Sometimes a drug evokes an unusual response that is qualitatively different from the expected response. Such an unexpected response is called a meta-reaction. A not uncommon meta-reaction is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant rather than depressant effect of phenobarbital, especially in women. Pain and certain pathological states sometimes favor meta-reactivity. Responses that are different in infants or the aged from those in young and middle-aged people are not metareactions if the response is usual in the age group. The term idiosyncrasy also denotes meta-reactivity, but the word has been so abused that it is recommended that it be dropped. Although hypersensitivity may cause unusual effects, it is not included in meta-reactivity.

Most drugs act by combining with some key substance in the biological milieu that has an important regulatory function in the target organ or tissue. This biological partner of the drug goes by the name receptive substance or drug receptor. The receptive substance is considered mostly to be a cellular constituent, although in a few instances it may be extracellular, as the cholinesteras es are, in part. The receptive substance is thought of as having a special chemical affinity and structural requirements for the drug. Drugs such as emollients, which have a physical rather than chemical basis for their action, obviously do not act upon receptors. Drugs such as demulcents and astringents, which act in a nonselective or nonspecific chemical way, also are not considered to act upon receptors, since the candidate receptors have neither sharp chemical nor biological definition. Even antacids, which react with the extremely well defined hydronium ion, cannot be said to have a receptor, since the reactive proton has no permanent biological residence. Because of early preoccupation with physical theories of action and the classical and illogical dichotomy of chemical and physical molecular interaction, there is a reluctance to admit receptors for drugs such as general anesthetics, certain electrolytes, etc, which generally are not accepted to combine selectively with distinct cellular or organelle membrane constituents. The word receptor often is used inconsistently and intuitively. However, the term is a legitimate symbol for that biological structure with which a drug interacts to initiate a response. Ignorance of the identities of many receptors does not detract from, but rather increases, the importance ofthe term and general concept. Once a receptor is identified, it frequently is no longer thought of as a receptor, although such identification may afford the basis of profound advances in receptor theory. Since the effects of

anticholinesterases are derived only indirectly from inhibition of cholinesterase and no drugs are known that stimulate the enzyme, it may be argued that it is not a receptor. Nevertheless, a number of drugs ultimately act indirectly through the inhibition of such modulator enzymes, and it is important for the theoretician to develop models based upon such indirect interrelations. Enzymes, of course, readily suggest themselves as candidates for receptors. However, there is more to cellular function than enzymes. Receptors may be membrane or intracellular constituents that govern the spatial orientation of enzymes, gene expression, compartmentalization of the cytoplasm, contractile or compliant properties of subcellular structures, or permeability and electrical properties of membranes. For nearly every cellular constituent there can be imagined a possible way for a drug to affect its function; therefore, few cellular constituents can be dismissed a priori as possible receptors. All the receptors for neurotransmitters and autonomic agonists are membrane proteins with agonist-binding gro ups projecting into the extracellular space. The transducing apparatus, whereby an occupied receptor elicits a response, is called a coupling system. Excitatory neurotransmitters in the CNS, and ACh receptors elsewhere, are coupled to ion channels that, when opened, permit the rapid ingress, especially of sodium ions. Each ion channel is composed of five subunits, and each subunit has four transmembrane, spanning regions. GABA (y-aminobutyric acid) and glycine are coupled to inhibitory chloride channels. Each of these receptors is composed of pentameric proteins, each of which has two to four different types of subunits. Benzodiazepine receptors are coupled to the GABA-receptor. Betaadrenergic receptors, histamine (H2) receptors, and a number of receptors for polypeptide hormones interact with a stimula-



tiny GDP/GTP-binding protein (G-protein) that can activate the enzyme adenylate cyclase. The cyclase then produces 3',5'cyclic AMP (cAMP), which, in turn, activates protein kinases. Other receptors interact with inhibitory G-proteins. Some receptors couple to guanylate cyclase. Alpha- adrenergic some muscarinic (M, and M ;3 ), and various other receptors couple to the membrane enzyme, phospholipase-C, which cleaves inositol phosphates from phosphoinositides. The cleavage product, 1,4,5-inositol triphosphate (113 ;3 ), then causes an increase in intracellular calcium, whereas the product, diacylglycerol (DAG), activates kinase-C. There are a number of other less ubiquitous coupling systems. Substances such as CAMP, cGMP, 113;3 , and DAG are called second messengers. It has been found that there may be several different receptors for a given agonist. Differences may be shown not only m the types of coupling systems and effects but also by differential binding of agonists and antagonists, desensitization kinetics, physical and chemical properties, genes and amino acid sequences. The differentiation among receptor subtypes is called receptor classification. Receptor subtypes are designated by Greek or Arabic alphabetical prefixes and/or numerical subscripts. There are at least two each of beta-adrenergic, histaminergic, serotoninergic, GABAergic, and benzodiazepine receptors; three each of muscarinic and alpha-adrenergic; and five of opioid receptor subtypes.

upon which formulations are based is that the drug-receptor interaction is at equilibrium. Another common assumption is that the number of molecules of receptor is negligibly small compared with that of the drug. This assumption is undoubtedly true in most instances, and departures from this situation greatly complicate the mathematical expression of drug-receptor interactions. The first clearly stated mathematical formulation of drugreceptor kinetics was that of Clark.' In his equation

100 -


where I( is the affinity constant, x is the concentration of drug, a is the molecularity of the reaction, and y is the percentage of maximum response. Clark assumed that y was a linear function of the percentage of receptors occupied by the drug, so that y could also symbolize the percentage of receptors occupied. When the equation is rearranged to solve for y 100Ke
- 1 4- K-14.



Drug-receptor interactions are governed by the law of mass action. However, most chemical applications of mass law are concerned with the rate at which reagents disappear or products are formed, whereas receptor theory usually concerns itself with the fraction of the receptors combined with a drug. The usual concept is that only when the receptor actually is occupied by the drug is its function transformed in such a way as to elicit a response. This concept has become known as the occupation theory. The earliest clear statement of its assumptions and formulations is often credited to Clark in 1926, but both Langley and Hill made important contributions to the theory in the first two decades of the 20th century. In all receptor theories, the terms agonist, partial agonist, and antagonist are employed. An agonist is a drug that combines with a receptor to initiate a response. In the classical occupation theory, two attributes of the drug are required: (1) affinity, a measure of the equilibrium constant of the drug-receptor interaction, and (2) intrinsic activity, or intrinsic efficacy (not to be confused with efficacy as intensity of effect), a measure of the ability of the drug to induce a positive change in the function of the receptor. A partial agonist is a drug that can elicit some but not a maximal effect and that antagonizes an agonist. In the occupation theory it would be a drug with a favorable affinity but a low intrinsic activity. A competitive antagonist is a drug that occupies a significant proportion of the receptors and thereby preempts them from reacting maximally with an agonist. In the occupation theory the prerequisite property is affinity without intrinsic activity. A noncompetitive antagonist may react with the receptor in such a way as not to prevent agonist-receptor combination but to prevent the combination from initiating a response, or it may act to inhibit some subsequent event in the chain of action-effect-action-effect that leads to the final overt response. The mathematical formulation of the receptor theories derives directly from the law of mass action and chemical kinetics. Certain assumptions are required to simplify calculations. The key assumption is that the intensity of effect is a direct linear function of the proportion of receptors occupied. The correctness of this assumption is most improbable on the basis of theoretical considerations, but empirically it appears to be a close enough approximation to be useful. A second assumption

A Cartesian plot of this equation is identical in form to that shown in Figure 57-2. When y is plotted against log x instead of x, the usual sigmoid curve is obtained. Thus, it may be seen that the dose-intensity curve derives from mass action equilibrium kinetics, which in turn derive from the statistical nature of molecular interaction. The fact that dose-intensity and dosepercentage curves have the same shape shows that they involve similar statistics. If Equation 2 is put into log form log IC +
11 log

x log leo _


a plot oflog y/100 - y against log x then will yield a straight line with a slope of a; n is theoretically the number of molecules of drug that react with each molecule of receptor. At present, there are no known examples in which more than one molecule of agonist combines with a single receptor, hence, a should equal 1, universally. Nevertheless, n often deviates from 1. Deviations occur because of cooperative interactions among receptors (cooperativity), spare receptors (see below), amplifications in the response system (cascades), receptor coupling to more than one sequence (eg, to both adenylate cyclase and calcium chanels), and other reasons. In these departures from n = 1, the slope becomes a characteristic of the mechanism of action and response system. The probability that a molecule of drug will react with a receptor is a function of the concentration of both drug and receptor. The concentration of receptor molecules cannot be manipulated as the concentration of a drug can. But, as each molecule of drug combines with a receptor, the population of free receptors is diminished accordingly. If the drug is a competitive antagonist, it will diminish the probability of an agonist-receptor combination in direct proportion to the percentage of receptor molecules preempted by the antagonist. Consequently, the intensity of effect will be diminished. However, the probability of agonist-receptor interaction can be increased by increasing the concentration of agonist, and the intensity of effect can be restored by appropriately larger doses of agonist. Addition of more antagonist will again diminish the response, which can, again, be overcome or surmounted by more agonist. Clark showed empirically and by theory that as long as the ratio of antagonist to agonist was constant, the concentration of the competitive drugs could be varied over an enormous range without changing the magnitude of the response (Fig 57-6). Since the presence of competitive antagonist only diminishes the probability of agonist-receptor combination at a given concentration of agonist and does not alter the molecularity of the reaction, it also follows that the effect of the competitive antagonist is to shift the dose-intensity curve to the right in proportion to the amount of antagonist present; neither shape nor slope of the curve is changed (Fig 57-7).

o -3
2 _

IIME 11 111111
-5 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 Log Molar cone Atropine




The phenomena that neither the classical occupation nor the rate theory could explain can be explained by various theories in which the receptor can exist in at least two conformational states, one of which is the active one; the drug can react with one or more conformers. In a two state model`'

R=R* where R is the inactive and R* is the active conformer. The agonist combines mainly with R.*, the partial agonist can combine with both R and R*, and the antagonist can combine with R, the equilibrium being shifted according to the extent of occupation of R and R. Other variations of occupation theory treat the receptor as an aggregate of subunits that interact cooperatively.'

Figure 57 6. Direct proportionality of the dose of agonist (acetylcholine) to the dose of antagonist (atropine) necessary to cause a constant degree of inhibition (50%) of the response of the frog heart. (Adapted from Clark AJ. 1 Physiol (London) 1 926; 61:547.)


Drugs are distributed to many or all parts of the body by the circulation. However, they do not act everywhere; they would have extremely limited usefulness if they did. Clinically useful drugs act only on certain existing biological systems. Although drugs cannot create new systems, some drugs can temporarily or permanently damage existing functional systems that are susceptible to them, thereby producing toxic effects. Almost all drugs act more or less selectively on large specific proteins, glycoproteins, or lipoproteins located on the cell membrane or in the cell cytoplasm, nuclei, or other intracellular organelles. These specific proteins are referred to as receptors. Although they often are regarded as drug receptors, they are in reality receptors for endogenous substances that mediate normal biological and physiological regulatory processes. Virtually all cells of the body have multiple receptors, since they are regulated by a variety of endogenous substances that act continuously, intermittently, or only occasionally. Similarly, cells theoretically can be influenced by a variety of drugs that act on the different receptors that the cells contain. The chemical na ture of many of the endogenous substances that activate receptors is known, but new ones continue to be identified and sought. For example, the former mystery of why animals have receptors for morphine, which is produced by some species of poppy plants, was solved when endogenous opioid peptides were identified in the brain and some peripheral tissues in the mid-1970s. Drugs that selectively activate receptors and produce the same effects normally produced by a respective endogenous substance are calle d agonists. Drugs that selectively block receptors are called antagonists because they antagonize, or block, the normal effects of the respective endogenous substance. Pure antagonists do not activate their receptors. Some experimental drugs stimulate or activate certain enzymes, but none are useful therapeutic agents because their effects are too widespread. Forskolin is one such example; it directly stimulates the enzyme adenylyl cyclase to synthesize cyclic AMP, which is a second messenger in many cellular systems throughout the body. On the other hand, many very useful therapeutic drugs are enzyme inhibitors, which selectively inhibit the normal activity of only one type of enzyme, thereby reducing the ability of the enzyme to act on its normal biochemical substrate. In this context, the enzymes are the drug receptors. Although the chemical nature of receptors and enzymes and their interactions with drugs was often vague in the past, the application of new techniques in molecular biology, biochemistry, and pharmacology since the mid-1980s has made unprecedented progress in defining the structures of receptors and enzymes and the consequences of drug-receptor interactions.

Many refinements of the Clark formula have been made, but they will not be treated here; details and citations of relevant literature can be found in various works on receptors cited in the Bibliography. Several refinements are introduced to facilitate studies of competitive inhibition. The introduction of the concepts of intrinsic activity' and efficacy' required appropriate changes in mathematical treatment. Another important concept has been added to the occupation theory, namely the concept of spare receptors. Clark assumed that the maximal response occurred only when the receptors were completely occupied, which does not account for the possibility that the maximum response might be limited by some step in the action-effect sequence subsequent to receptor occupation. Work with isotopically labeled agonists and antagonists and with dose-effect kinetics has shown that the maximal effect sometimes is achieved when only a small fraction of the receptors are occupied. The mathematical treatment of this phenomenon has enabled theorists to explain several puzzling observations that previously appeared to contradict occupation theory. The classical occupation theory fails to explain several phenomena satisfactorily, and it is unable to generate a realistic model of intrinsic activity and partial agonism. A rate theory, in which the intensity of response is proportional to the rate of drug-receptor interaction instead of occupation, was proposed to explain some of the phenomena that occupation theory could not, but the rate theory was unable to provide a realistic mechanistic model of response generation, and it had other serious limitations as well.

1 5

1 0

-7 - .., -5 -4 -3 -2



8 0

Log Molar Conc Acetylcholine

I 0


Figure Si-]. Effect of an antagonist to shift the log dose-intensity curve to the right without altering the slope. The effector is the isolated heart. I: no atropine; II: atropine, 10 -8 M; 1 0 -7 M; IV: 1 0 -8 M; V 10 -5 M; -4 -3 VI: 10 M; VII: 10 M; % of maximum intensity of response. The function fog y/(100 - y) converts the log dose-intensity relationship to a straight line. (Adapted from Clark AJ . 1 Physiol (London) 1 926; 61:547.)


Drug effects are the result of drug actions. Drug action may be defined as the drug-receptor interaction, whereas drug effects are the consequences of that action. For example, the interaction of epinephrine with 13-receptors in the heart sets into mo-



tion a cascade of intracellular events (actions) that lead to increases in heart rate and strength of contraction (effects). The interaction of epinephrine with a-receptors in the vasculature sets into motion a cascade of intracellular events (actions) that lead to vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure (effects). Typical responses that involve drug-receptor interactions are those that involve agonist or antagonist interactions at a receptor. Agonists also can act through various transduction mechanisms to produce a variety of intracellular changes that alter cellular activity. Transduction mechanisms are considered in more detail near the end of this section. Against actions may be direct, as with acetylcholine acting on the nicotinic receptors at the neuromuscular junction to briefly open sodium channels. This produces rapid depolarization of skeletal muscle, leading to muscle contraction. Drugs also can act directly on ion channels to block their activity. For example, lidocaine (Xylocaine) and other local anesthetics block sodium channels in nerve fibers (axons) so that the conduction of action potentials is blocked, and the area served by those nerve fibers is anesthetized. Drugs also can act directly on ion channels to modulate their activity. The benzodiazepines, characterized by diazepam (Valium), produces multiple effects (sedation, hypnosis, anticonvulsant and antianxiety activity, and muscle relaxation) by modifying the actions of GABA on its receptors in the CNS. GABA is the predominant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS, and it acts on GABA,-receptor complexes by opening chloride channels on neurons to hyperpolarize them and render them less excitable. The benzodiazepines act on a different receptor on the GABA A -receptor complex to enhance the actions of GABA on its receptors, thereby rendering target neurons even less excitable. Many drugs act by inhibiting enzymes so that they cannot perform their normal functions as efficiently. One such drug, omeprazole (Prilosec), reduces the ability of parietal cells in the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid by inhibiting the enzyme, or proton pump, H, K+-ATPase, which is found only in these parietal cells. It is used to facilitate healing of peptic ulcers and control esophageal reflux (heartburn). The body's normal enzymes also can convert false substrates into active drugs. For example, a-rnethyldopa (Aldomet) is converted into a-methylnorepinephrine by the enzymes that normally synthesize dopamine and norepinephrine from dopa. -Methylnorepinephrine acts on brain receptors to reduce sympathetic activity to blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Antimetabolites used to treat cancer are also false substrates, which are similar in structure to endogenous metabolites involved in cell-cycle reactions but function abnormally to interfere with synthesis of essential metabolites. Some drugs are, or have been, designed to be inactive until they are converted, usually by liver drug-metabolizing enzymes such as cytochrome P450, to active drug; the inactive drug is called a

Drugs that bind to certain receptors selectively at pharmacological concentrations are known as receptor ligands; they can be agonists or antagonists. Many drugs also bind nonselectively to nonreceptor proteins throughout the body where they exert no pharmacological actions or effects. Many drugs bind to plasma proteins, especially albumin Albumin-bound drug can act as a reservoir for free drug, with which it is in equilibrium, and competition among drugs for plasma protein binding can lead to increased free drug levels and drug interactions as they displace one another. Drugs and endogenous ligands or substrates bind selectively to certain receptors because of both a chemical attraction and a proper fit to the protein. The lock-and-key analogy provides a useful concept of proper fit. Carried a step further, an agonist fits the lock and turns it, but an antagonist only fits the lock but cannot turn it; yet, it does block entry of the agonist key. Generally, a number of drugs with both characteristics can combine with the same receptor. The study of structure-activity relationships among similar drugs and their receptors always has been an important and fruitful approach of both pharmacology and medicinal chemistry. Highly selective drugs tend to bind to only one or several closely related receptors. However, some drugs can combine with and activate or inactivate a number of different receptors that have similar structures, thereby diminishing selectivity and magnifying side effects. The types of chemical bonds by which drugs bind to their receptors are, in decreasing order of bond strength: covalent, ionic, hydrogen, hydrophobic, and van der Waals bonds. Relatively few drugs form covalent bonds with their receptors. Covalent bonds are irreversible and very long-lasting; new receptors or enzymes must be synthesized to restore function, and this process takes a week or two. Most drugs rely on combinations of the other weaker bonds to bind tightly but reversibly to receptors. For example, the binding of acetylcholine, a relatively simple molecule, to nicotinic receptors at the neuromuscular junction, involves ionic, hydrogen, and van der Waals bonds, with ionic and hydrogen bonds being the most important. It is no accident that receptor-binding drugs are partially ionized at body pH, because receptor proteins also are partially ionized. Drugs and proteins contain positively charged nitrogen groups and negatively charged carboxyl groups that strongly attract one another and usually provide the initial drug-receptor bonds. Hydrogen bonds, formed between bound hydrogen atoms and oxygen, nitrogen, fluoride, or sulfur atoms, further orient the drug molecule to its receptor to enhance the proper fit. One or several hydrogen bonds can be involved. Hydrophobic bonds form among nonpolar ring structures (eg, benzene) or chains of methylene groups to stabilize orientation further. Finally, the very weak van der Waals forces provide some additional, electrostatic bonding over very short distances. Drug molecules that contain asymmetrical carbon atoms can exist as stereoisomers, only one of which is oriented to bond well with its receptors. For example, the side chain of epinephrine contains an asymmetrical carbon atom in the alpha position of the side chain, with a hydroxyl group attached, permitting epinephrine to exist in n- and L- forms (mirror images). The endogenous i.-form is about 1000 times more potent than the synthesized n-form because the T.-form has a much greater binding affinity for its receptors because of its preferred configuration (see Chapter 28). In the past, drugs synthesized as mixtures of stereoisomers were formulated as racemic mixtures, but improved chemical separation techniques now often allow isolation of the more active isomer for formulation.

Various carriers are used by cells to take up neurotransmitters that have been released. The actions of dopamine released from dopamine nerve terminals in the brain are terminated by reuptake into the nerve terminals by a dopamine carrier. The dopamine then is reused for neurotransmission. If the carrier is blocked by a reuptake blacker such as cocaine, dopamine concentrations between the nerve terminals and the dopamine receptors build up for a time and produce greater effects. Finally, antibiotics and antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic drugs owe their selectivities to selective actions on certain biochemical processes that are essential to the offending organism but are not shared by the mammalian host. The penicillins and related antibiotics interfere with the synthesis of rigid cell walls by growing bacteria, but mammalian cells are contained only by plasma membranes and, therefore, are not affected by penicillins. Antiparasitic drugs target enzymes found only in parasites, enzymes that are indispensable only in parasites, or biochemical functions with different pharmacological properties in the parasite and the host.


The number of receptors and their subtypes continues to grow at a rapid pace as a result of identifying new endogenous ligands and applying advancing techniques to study them. De-



spite this large number, most receptors can be classified structurally and functionally into only a few basic types that are described below. No attempt is made to provide detailed descriptions of individual receptors within each category. Rather, one or two examples will suffice for each, with brief reference to some prominent types that are therapeutically relevant. VOLTAGE-SENSITIVE CHANNELSWhile not generally classified as receptors, voltage-sensitive channels contain receptors that are acted upon by drugs or toxins to block or modify their normal function. The voltage-sensitive sodium channels in axons allow initiation and conduction of action potentials in response to a voltage change in the plasma membrane. When sodium channels open, sodium ions rush into the cytoplasm, thereby causing depolarization and propagation of the action potential. The crucial component of the sodium channel is a single protein composed of a chain of about 2000 amino acids and called the u subunit. Several 3 subunits with minor roles are also associated with the 04 subunit. The 04 subunit has four repeating domains composed of about 250 amino acids each, and each domain contains six, a-helical, 22to 25amino acid, transmembrane, spanning segments. Each domain forms one of four clusters of the six membrane-spanning regions to encircle the sodium channel so formed. On end, the channel resembles 24 cylinders neatly arranged around the sodium channel that, at rest, is charged positively due to positive charges on the four transmembrane helices that surround the channel. Upon activation, these particular helices are thought to rotate upward, thereby moving the positive charges away from the channel and allowing the positive sodium ions to rush through. The channel remains open for only about 1 msec because the voltage changes attract a protein loop of the channel in the cytoplasm to shut the channel like a tether ball. Local anesthetics block the sodium channel from the cytoplasmic side by binding to receptors inside the channel. Several neurotoxins block from the outside. Axons are repolarized by brief (-1 msec) opening of voltageactivated potassium channels that are constructed similarly to sodium channels but are composed of four identical subunits of peptide that associate in the membrane to form the potassium channel. Each subunit spans the membrane six times. It probably functions much like the sodium channel, including inactivation by a tether-ball segment of cytoplasmic peptide. Quinidine, an antiarrhythmic drug, will block this potassium channel in the heart. Voltage-activated calcium channels of the I.-type are composed of five similar protein subunits that assemble across heart muscle and vascular smooth muscle membranes to form the calcium channel. Its arrangement in the membrane is similar to that of the sodium and potassium channels. Calcium channel blockers such as verapamil (Galan) and nifedipine (Procardia) are used to treat several cardiovascular conditions by virtue of their ability to block calcium channels in the heart and blood vessels. LI GAND -ACTIVATED ION CHANNELSThe be stcharacterized ligand-activated ion channel is the nicotinic receptor complex at the neuromuscular junction. As the name implies, these channels are activated by receptor ligands, in this case acetylcholine. The nicotinic receptor complex is composed of five subunit proteins with similar structures that associate across the plasma membrane to form a sodium channel. The receptor complex is formed from two rx and one each of p, y , and 8 subunits (Fig 57-8). In contrast to the voltage-activated ion channels, each of the five proteins crosses the membrane only four times. The two a subunits contain the nicotinic receptors, which acetylcholine activates, and both must be activated to open the sodium channel to 6.5 A for about 4 msec. The receptors can be blocked by neuromuscular blocking agents such as curare. The nicotinic receptors on autonomic ganglia are similar in structure but are composed of a different set of subunits, which accounts for the long-known differences in selective antagonists at the two sites.

Figure 57 8. Nicotinic receptor complex.


Other ligand-activated ion channels, GABAA, glycine, and glutamate, have structures that are similar to that of the nicotinic receptor complex. GABA and glycine channels are chloride channels, which permit chloride influx into neurons to produce hyperpolarization and decreased neuronal excitability. Glutamate channels are primarily sodium channels, and they also contain modifying receptors for glycine and polyamines. The GABA,-receptor complex contains receptors not only for GAGA but also separate receptors for benzodiazepines (eg, Valium), barbiturates, and steroids, which modify the actions of GABA on the chloride channel. The convulsant activity of strychnine is due solely to its ability to block glycine receptors, primarily in the brainstem and spinal cord. G PROTEINCOUPLED RECEPTORSThese receptors comprise a very large family of receptors that are activated by monoamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin), acetylcholine (muscarinic receptors), opioids, and a host of active peptides including a number of hormones. Structurally, these receptors are single proteins, most of which are composed of chains of 350 to 550 amino acids and cross the plasma membrane seven times in a serpentine arrangement (Fig 57-9). Each

Figure 57-9. G-Protein cou pled receptor complex.



of the seven transmembrane domains is composed of 22 to 30 amino acids configured into an a-helix. The third of three introcellular (cytoplasmic) loops is much longer than the other two and is responsible for coupling with the G proteins. Rather than residing at the extracellular surface ofthe receptor, the actual receptor-binding sites often lie within the membrane between the seven transmembrane domains. For example, the p-adrenergic receptor lies 11 A below the extracellular surface, or about onethird of the distance through the membrane. The positively charged nitrogen on the side chain of the epinephrine molecule forms an ionic bond with the negatively charged carboxyl group on an aspartate amino acid (residue 113) in the third transmembrane domain (TM3). The two catechol hydroxyl groups of epinephrine form hydrogen bonds with the free hydroxyl groups of two serine amino acids at residues 204 and 207 in TM5, and the aromatic ring of epinephrine forms a hydrophobic bond with that of a phenylalanine at residue 290 in TM6. The location of G protein-coupled receptors within the membrane underscores the importance of size and configuration in the molecular structure of both agonists and antagonists for these receptors. Some negatively charged and peptide ligands do bind to an extracellular domain, however. Among some families of G protein-coupled receptors there is considerable structural homology; ie, the same amino acids and the same sequences make up large portions of a number of different receptors. Consequently, a number of antagonist receptor ligands bind to these similar arrangements of amino acids in the transmembrane domains. For example, many of the antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) are antagonists not only at dopamine receptors, where they are thought to exert their therapeutic effects, but also at a r adrenergic, serotonin, histamine, and muscarinic receptors, thereby producing hypotension, sedation, blurred vision, dry mouth, and constipation as side effects. The G proteins closely associated with the third cytoplasmic loop of the receptors are heterotrimers composed of three different subunits, t p, and y. Upon receptor activation, the subunit exchanges a bound GDP for a GTP and dissociates from the Fay subunits to activate a membrane enzyme such as adenylyl cyclase or to influence an ion channel. In some cases, the fay subunits may interact with the same or a different intracellular effector. The duration of action of the active GTPrte subunit is determined by the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP by a GTPase, which is intrinsic to the a subunit, and its reassociation with the Fay subunits. This process is of longer duration than the association of the ligand with the ligand-G protein-coupled receptor, resulting in amplification of the original signal. In the case of adenylyl cyclase activation, this enzyme synthesizes cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) from ATP. As a second messenger, cAMP then goes on to activate one or several protein kinase As that phosphoiylate one or several other proteins to produce the appropriate cellular effects. The targeted protein may be an enzyme, a transport protein, a contractile protein, or an ion channel. The specificity of these regulatory effects depends on the distinct protein substrates that are expressed in different cells (eg, liver vs smooth muscle). The actions of cAMP are terminated by several types of intracellular phosphodiesterases that convert cAMP to 5`-AMP. Competitive inhibition of phosphodiesterases to prolong the actions of cAMP is one of the mechanisms by which caffeine produces its effects. As if the foregoing is not sufficiently complicated, the activity of adenylyl cyclase can also be inhibited by activation of different G proteincoupled receptors. The G proteins coupled to inhibitory receptors are designated Gi proteins, as opposed to those coupled to stimulatory receptors and designated Gs proteins. Gi proteins are also heterotrimers, and receptor activation of Gi also leads to GTP binding to the Er subunit and its dissociation from the 13y, but Gi proteins differ structurally from Gs proteins. Examples of Gs-coupled receptors are 13-adrenergic, dopamine-1, histamine-2, glucagon, and ACTH. Examples of Gi-coupled receptors are Ex 2 -a drenergic, dopamine-2, mus,

carinic, and opioid. A number of different Gs and Gi proteincoupled receptors can exist on the same cell, so that the activity of adenylyl cyclase can be fine-tuned between zero and maximum. Another important group of G proteincoupled receptors activate the enzyme phospholipase C (PLC) to hydrolyze a minor component of the plasma membrane, phosphatidylinosito1-4,5biphosphate, into two second messengers, diacylglycerol (DAG) and inosito1-1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3). In contrast to the cAMP systems, receptors coupled to PLC are only excitatory. Examples are a l -adrenergic, muscarinic, Substance P, and thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptors. The second messenger DAG is confined to the membrane, where it activates a protein kinase C, of which nine distinct types have been identified. The other second messenger, IP3, diffuses through the cytosol to release calcium from intracellular stores. Calcium is involved in many cellular regulatory activities including activation of calcium-calmodulin, which regulates the activities of other enzymes including other kinases. The kinases in turn phosphorylate enzymes, ion channels, or other proteins to produce cellular effects. When the phosphoinositide and cAMP signaling systems coexist, they can oppose or complement one another in complex ways. A third second-messenger system uses cyclic guano sine 3 ',5'-monophosphate (c GMP) in intestinal mucosa and vascular smooth muscle. It is synthesized from GTP by activation of guanylyl cyclase and activates protein kinase G, which then dephos pho iylates myosin light chains in vascular smooth muscle, thereby producing muscle relaxation. Agonists, eg, acetylcholine and histamine, cause the release of nitric oxide from vascular endothelial cells, which then diffuses into the smooth muscle cells to activate guanylyl cyclase. A direct receptor-mediated activation is produced by atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), a blood-borne peptide hormone. In this case, the receptor domain is outside the membrane and is connected through a single transmembrane domain to the intracellular guanylyl cyclase enzyme, which is activated by receptor binding. TYROSINE KINASELINKED RECEPTORSThese receptors are composed of an extracellular receptor domain, a single transmembrane domain, and an intracellular catalytic domain that catalyzes phosphorylation of tyrosine residues on target proteins. Some receptors are composed of single proteins, whereas others are assembled from two subunits (eg, insulin receptors). Activation of insulin receptors triggers increased uptake of glucose and amino acids and regulates metabolism of glycogen and lipids in the cell. The catalytic actions persist for a number of minutes after insulin leaves the binding site. Several growth factors also exert their complex cellular effects by activating tyrosine kinase or similar receptors. Growth factors trigger changes in membrane transport and other metabolic events including regulation of DNA synthesis. INTRACELLULAR RECEPTORS THAT CONTROL DNA TRANSCRIPTIONActivation of intracellular receptors for steroids (glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, sex steroids, vitamin D) and thyroid hormones stimulates the transcription of certain genes by binding to specific DNA sequences in the nucleus. The receptors generally are composed of a single protein with a ligand-binding domain, a DNA-binding domain, and a transcription-activating domain. In the inactivated state, the receptor protein is bound to another protein, a heat shock protein (hsp 90), which dissociates upon activation by a hormone, permitting DNA binding and transcription of TAMA, which then is translated into new protein. This process typically takes several hours, and the effects can last for days or weeks if there is a slow turnover of the newly synthesized proteins. A similar process accounts for the induction of drug-metabolizing enzymes in the liver by certain drugs and other chemicals. In this process, formation of a heterodimeric complex between a second protein and the ligand-bound receptor is required for DNA binding. ENZYME INHIBITIONEnzymes are very large, complex proteins or associated proteins that evolved to catalyze specific



biochemical reactions that are essential to normal cellular function. A number of very selective drugs exert their effects by inhibiting particular enzymes, so that their abilities to process their normal substrates are blocked or impaired. Enzyme inhibitors can produce competitive blockade at a substrate or cofactor binding site on the enzyme. For example, the stimulant effect of digitalis glycosides on cardiac muscle contraction is mediated by competitive inhibition of a sodium pump, Na ,K + -ATPase, which leads indirectly to an increase in intracellular calcium to interact with contractile proteins. Other enzyme inhibitors act noncompetitively at allosteric sites (sites remote from the substrate bindMg site), which prevent the enzyme from performing its catalytic function. For example, aspirin binds irreversibly to a site on cyclooxygenase that is remote from the binding site for arachidonic acid, which is normally converted to prostaglandins by the enzyme. The binding of related drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil) is reversible. Irreversible inhibition by the formation of covalent bonds between a drug and an enzyme is typically long la sting because new enzyme must be synthesized to restore function.

RECEPTOR REGULATIONThe regulation of receptor numbers or density is normally constant, as synthesis keeps pace with degradation of the proteins. However, continuous stimulation of receptors with agonists can lead to desensitization or down regulation of receptor sensitivity or number. Desensitization can occur rapidly without a change in receptor number, whereas down-regulation usually implies a decline in receptor number. For example, excess use of p -adrenergic agonists for treating bronchial asthma can lead to loss of receptor sensitivity to the against, caused by changes in coupling mechanisms to the G proteins. Chronic blockade of receptors can lead to up-regulation, which, in some cases, is due to synthesis of new receptors. An example is chronic blockade of p-adrenergic receptors in the heart, in which new p -receptors are synthesized, leading to supersensitivity upon abrupt withdrawal of the blocker. Another form of supersensitivity is demonstrated by denervation of skeletal muscle, which is followed by a proliferation of nicotinic receptors within and adjacent to the neuromuscular junction.


No matter by which route a drug is administered it must pass through several to many biological membranes during the processes of absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and elimination. Since membranes are traversed in all of these events, this section begins with a brief description of biological membranes and membrane processes and the relationship of the physicochemical properties of a drug molecule to penetration and transport. extensive. Where membranes are double, the inner and outer layers may differ considerably, the inner and outer membranes of mitochondria have been shown to have strikingly different compositions and properties. Some authorities have expressed doubt as to the existence of the protein layers in biological membranes, although the evidence is preponderantly in favor of at least an outer glycoprotein coat. Sugar moieties also are attached to the outer proteins, most often to the asparagine residue. These sugar moieties are important to cellular and immunological recognition and adhesion and have other functions as well. The cell membrane appears to be perforated by water-filled pores ofvarious sizes, varying from about 4 to 10 A, most ofwhich are about 7 A. Probably all major ion channels are through the large globular proteins that traverse the membrane. Through these pores pass inorganic ions and small organic molecules. Since sodium ions are more hydrated than potassium and chloride ions, they are larger and do not pass as freely through the pores as potassium and chloride. The vascular endothelium appears to have pores at least as large as 40 A, but these seem to be interstitial passages rather than transmembrane pores. Lipid molecules small enough to pass through the pores may do so, but


The concept that a membrane surrounds each cell arose shortly after the cellular nature of tissue was discovered. The biological and physicochemical properties of cells seemed in accord with this view. Microchemical, x-ray diffraction, electron microscopic, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, and other investigations have established the nature of the plasma, mitochondrial, nuclear, and other cell membranes. The description of the plasma membrane that follows is much oversimplified, but it will suffice to provide a background for an understanding of drug penetration into and through membranes. STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITIONThe cell membrane has been described as a bimolecular layer of lipid material entrained between two parallel monomolecular layers of protein. However, the protein does not make continuous layers, but rather is sporadically scattered over the surfaces, like icebergs; ie, much of the protein is below the surface. In Figure 5710 the lipid layers are represented as a somewhat orderly, closely packed, lamellar array of phospholipid molecules associated tail-to-tail, each tail being an alkyl chain or steroid group, and the heads being polar groups, including the glycerate moieties, with their polar ether and carbonyl oxygens and phosphate with attached polar groups. In reality, the lamellar portion is probably not so orderly, since its composition is quite complex. Chains of fatty acids of different degrees of saturation and cholesterol cannot array themselves in simple parallel arrangements. Furthermore, the polar heads will assume a number of orientations depending upon the substances and groups involved. Moreover, the lamellar portion is penetrated by large globular proteins, the interior of which, like the lipid layers, has a high hydrophobicity, and some fibrous proteins. The plasma membrane appears to be asymmetrical. The lipid composition varies from cell type to cell type and perhaps from site to site on the same membrane. There are, for example, differences between the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum and the plasma membrane, even though the membranes are co-








* IF)'`
(tiA .


Li o)


CY- (D

Figure 57-10. Simplified cross section of a cell membrane (components are not to scale). The lipid interior of the lamellar portion of the membrane consists of various phospholipids, fatty acids, cholesterol, and other steroids. Ions are indicated to illustrate differences in size relative to the channel. Pr, protein; Su, sugar.



they have a higher probability of entering into the lipid layer, from where they will equilibrate chemically with the interior of the cell. From work on monolayers, some researchers contend that it is not necessary to postulate pores to explain the permeability to water and small water-soluble molecules. STRATUM CORNEUMAlthough the stratum corneum is not a membrane in the same sense as a cell membrane, it offers a barrier to diffusion, which is of significance in the topical application of drugs. The stratum corneum consists of several layers of dead, keratinized, cutaneous epithelial cells enmeshed in a matrix of keratin fibers and bound together with cementing desmosomes and penetrating tonofibrils of keratin. Varying amounts of lipids and fatty acids from dying cells, sebum, and sweat are contained among the dead squamous cells Immediately beneath the layer of dead cells and above the viable epidermal epithelial cells is a layer of keratohyaline granules and various water-soluble substances, such as a-amino acids, purines, monosaccharides, and urea. Both the upper and lower layers of the stratum corneum are involved in the cutaneous barrier to penetration. The barrier to penetration from the surface is in the upper layers for watersoluble substances and the lower layers for lipid-soluble substances, and the barrier to the outward movement of water is in the lowest layer. MEMBRANE POTENTIALSAcross the cell membrane there exists an electrical potential, always negative on the inside and positive on the outside. If a cell did not have specialmembrane electrolyte-transport processes, its membrane potential would be mainly the result of the Dorman equilibrium (see Chapter 14) consequent to the semipermeability of the membrane. Such potentials generally lie between 2 and 5 mV. A cell with a membrane across which diffusible electrolyte distribution is purely passive would be expected to have a high internal concentration of sodium, which is true for the erythrocytes of some species. However, the interior of most cells is high in potassium and low in sodium, as depicted in Figure 57-10. This unequal distribution of cations attests to special electrolyte-transport processes and to differential permeabilities of diffusible ions, so that the membrane potential is higher than that which would result from a purely passive Donnan distribution. In nerve tissue or skeletal and cardiac muscle, the membrane potential ranges upward to about 90 mV. The electrical gradient is on the order of 50,000 V/cm, because of the extreme thinness of the membrane. Obviously, such an intense potential gradient will influence strongly the transmembrane passages of charged drug molecules.

rate of return is likewise proportional to the concentration on the opposite side of the boundary. It follows that although molecules are moving in both directions, there will be a net movement from the region of higher to that of lower concentration, and the net transfer will be proportional to the concentration differential. If the boundary is a membrane, which has both substance and dimension, the rate of movement is also directly proportional to the permeability and inversely proportional to the thickness. These factors combine into Fick's law of diffusion, d()

DA(C I C2 ) (5)

where Q is the net quantity of drug transferred across the membrane, t is time, C I is the concentration on one side and C2 that on the other, x is the thickness of the membrane, A is the area, and D is the diffusion coefficient, related to permeability. Since a biological membrane is heterogeneous, with pores of different sizes and probably with varying thickness and composition, both D and x probably vary from place to place. Nevertheless, some mean values can be assumed. It is customary to combine the membrane factors into a single constant, called a permeability constant or coefficient, P, so that P = Dlx, and A in Equation 5 has unit value. The rate of net transport (diffusion) across the membrane then becomes dQ T = P(Ci C2] it


Transport is the movement of a drug from one place to another within the body. The drug may diffuse freely in uncombined form with a kinetic energy appropriate to its thermal environment, or it may move in combination with extracellular or cellular constituents, sometimes in connection with energy-yielding processes that allow the molecule or complex to overcome barriers to simple diffusion. SIMPLE NONIONIC DIFFUSION AND PASSIVE TRANSPORTMolecules in solution move in a purely random fashion, provided they are not charged and moving in an electrical gradient. Such random movement is called diffusion; if the molecule is uncharged, it is called nonionic diffusion. In a population of drug molecules, the probability that during unit time any drug molecule will move across a boundary is directly proportional to the number of molecules adjoining that boundary and, therefore, to the drug concentration. Except at dilutions so extreme that only a few molecules are present, the actual rate of movement (molecules/unit time) is directly proportional to the probability and, therefore, to the concentration. Once molecules have passed through the boundary to the opposite side, their random motion may cause some to return and others to continue to move further away from the boundary. The

As diffusion continues, C I approaches C2, and the net rate, dQ I dt, approaches zero in exponential fashion, characteristic of a first-order process. Equilibrium is defined as that state in which C, = C2. The equilibrium is, of course, dynamic, with equal numbers of molecules being transported in each direction during unit time. If water also is moving through the membrane, it may either facilitate the movement of drug or impede it, ac cording to the relative directions of movement of water and drug; this effect of water movement is called solvent drag. IONIC OR ELECTROCHEMICAL DIFFUSIONIf a drug is ionized, the transport properties are modified. The probability of penetrating the membrane is still a function of concentration, but it is also a function of the potential difference or electrical gradient across the membrane. A cationic drug molecule will be repelled from the positive charge on the outside of the membrane, and only those molecules with a high kinetic energy will pass through the ion barrier. If the cation is polyvalent, it may not penetrate at all. Once inside the membrane, a cation simultaneously will be attracted to the negative charge on the intracellular surface of the membrane and repelled by the outer surface; it is said to be moving along the electrical gradient. If it also is moving from a higher toward a lower concentration, it is said to be moving along its electrochemical gradient, which is the sum of the influences of the electrical field and the concentration differential across the membrane. Once inside the cell, cations will tend to be kept inside by the attractive negative charge on the interior of the cell, and the intracellular concentration of drug will increase until, by sheer numbers of accumulated drug particles, the outward diffusion or mass escape rate equals the inward transport rate, and electrochemical equilibrium is said to have occurred. At electrochemical equilibrium at body temperature (37 0 ), ionized drug molecules will be distributed according to the Nernst equation, slog Co ZE = C2 61 (7)

where C, is the molar extracellular, and Ci the intracellular, concentration; Z is the number of charges per molecule, and E is the membrane potential in millivolts. Log C/ C is positive when the molecule is negatively charged and negative when the molecule is positively charged. FACILITATED DIFFUSION Sometimes a substance moves more rapidly through a biological membrane than can be accounted for by the process of simple diffusion. This acceler



ated movement is termed facilitated diffusion. It is thought to be due to the presence of a special molecule within the membrane, called a carrier, with which the transported substance combines. There is considered to be greater permeability to the carrier-drug complex than to the drug alone, so that the transport rate is enhanced. After the complex traverses the membrane, it dissociates. The carrier must either return to the original side of the membrane to be reused or constantly be produced on one side and eliminated on the other for the carrier process to be continuous. Many characteristics of facilitated diffusion, formerly attributed to ion carriers, can be explained by ion exchange. Although facilitated diffusion resembles active transport, below, in its dependence upon a continuous source of energy, it differs in that facilitated diffusion will only transport a molecule along its electrochemical gradient. ACTIVE TRANSPORTActive transport may be defined as energy-dependent movement of a substance through a biological membrane against an electrochemical gradient. It is characterized by
1. The substance is transported from a region of lower to one of higher electrochemical activity. 2. Metabolic poisons interfere with transport. 3. The transport rate approaches an asymptote (ie, saturates) as concentration increases. 4. The transport system usually shows a requirement for specific chemical structures. 5. Closely related chemicals are competitive for the transport system.

Many drugs are secreted from the renal tubules into urine, from liver cells into bile or blood, from intestinal cells into the lumen of the GI tract, or from the cerebrospinal fluid into blood by active transport, but the role of active transport of drugs in the distribution into most body compartments and tissues is less well documented. Active transport is required for the penetration of a number of sympathomimetics into neural tissue and for the movement of several anticancer drugs across cell membranes. PINOCYTOSIS AND EXOCYTOSISM any, perhaps all, cells are capable of a type of phagocytosis called pinocytosis. The cell membrane has been observed to invaginate into a saccular structure containing extracellular materials and then pinch off the saccule at the membrane, so that the saccule remains as a vesicle or vacuole within the interior of the cell. Since metabolic activity is required and since an extracellular substance may be transported against an electrochemical gradient, pinocytosis shows some of the same characteristics as active transport. However, pinocytosis is relatively slow and inefficient compared with most active transport, except in GI absorption, in which pinocytosis can be of considerable importance. It is not known to what extent pinocytosis contributes to the transport of most drugs, but many macromolecules and even larger particles can be absorbed by the gut. Mnocytosis probably explains the oral efficacy of the Sabin polio vaccine. Some drugs themselves affect pinocytosis; eg, adrenal glu cocortico ids markedly inhibit the process in macrophages and other cells involved in inflammation. Exocytosis is more or less the reverse of pinocytosis. Granules, vacuoles, or other organelles within the cell move to the cell membrane, fuse with it, and extrude their contents into the interstitial space.


Drugs and other substances may traverse the membrane primarily either through the pores or by dissociation into the membrane lipids and subsequent diffusion from the membrane into the cytosol or other fluid on the far side of the membrane. The physicochemical prerequisites differ according to which route is taken. To pass through the pores, the diameter of the molecule must be smaller than the pore, but the molecule can be longer

than the pore diameter. The probability that a long, thin molecule will be oriented properly is low unless there is also bulk flow, and the transmembrane passage of large molecules is slow. Water-soluble molecules with low lipid solubility usually are thought to pass through the membrane mainly via the pores and, to a small extent, by pinocytosis, although work with lipid monolayers suggests that small, water-soluble molecules also may be able to pass readily through the lipid, and the necessity of postulating the existence of pores has been questioned. Nevertheless, experimental data on penetration overwhelmingly favor the concept of passage of water-soluble, lipid-insoluble sub stances through pores. If there is a membrane carrier or active transport system, a low solubility of the drug in membrane lipids is no impediment to penetration, since the drug-carrier complex is assumed to have an appropriate solubility, and energy from an active transport system enables the drug to penetrate the energy barrier imposed by the lipids. Actually, the lipids are not an important energy barrier; rather, the barrier is the force of attraction of the solvent water for its dipolar-to-polar solute, so that it is difficult for the solute to leave the water and enter the lipid. Drugs with a high solubility in the membrane lipids pass easily through the membrane. Even when their dimensions are small enough to permit passage through pores, lipid-soluble drugs primarily pass through the membrane lipids, not only because chemical partition favors the lipid phase but also because the surface area occupied by pores is only a small fraction of the total membrane area. LIPID SOLUBILITY AND PARTITION COEFFICIENTSAs early as 1902, Overton investigated the importance of lipid solubility to the penetration and absorption of drugs. Eventually, it was recognized that more important than lipid solubility was the lipid-water distribution coefficient; ie, a high lipid solubility does not favor penetration unless the water solubility is low enough so that the drug is not entrained in the aqueous phase. In Figure 57-11 is illustrated the relationship between the chloroform-water partition coefficient and the colonic absorption of barbiturates. Chloroform probably is not the optimal lipid solvent for such a study, and natural lipids from nerve or other tissues have been shown to be superior in the few instances in which they have been employed. Nevertheless, the correlation shown in the figure is a convincing one. When the water solubility of a substance is so low that a significant concentration in water or extracellular fluid cannot be achieved, absorption may be negligible in spite of a favorable partition coefficient. Hence, mineral oil, petrolatum, etc, virtually are unabsorbed. The optimal partition coefficient for permeation of the skin appears to be lower than that for the permeation of the cell membrane, perhaps being as low as one. DIPOLARITY, POLARITY, AND NONIONIC DIFFUSIONThe partition coefficient of a drug depends upon the polarity and the size of the molecule. Drugs with a high dipole moment, even though un-ionized, have a low lipid solubility and, hence, penetrate poorly. An example of a highly dipolar substance with a low partition coefficient, which does not penetrate into cells, is sulfisoxazole. Sulfadiazine is somewhat less dipolar, has a chloroform-water partition coefficient 10 times that of sulfisoxazole, and readily penetrates cells. Ionization not only diminishes lipid solubility greatly but also may impede passage through charged membranes (see Ionic Diffusion). It often is stated that ionized molecules do not penetrate membranes, except for ions of small diameter. This is not necessarily true, because of the presence of membrane carriers for some ions, which effectively may shield or neutralize the charge (ion-pair formation). The renal tubular transport systems, which transport such obligate ions as tetraethylammonium, probably form ion-pairs. Furthermore, if an ionized molecule has a large no npolar moiety such that an appreciable lipid solubility is imparted to the molecule in spite of the charge, the drug may penetrate, although usually at a slow rate. For example, various morphinan derivatives are absorbed passively from the stomach even though they are ionized completely at









tions-barbital, sulfaguanidine, and acetylaminoantipyrinemay be explained by the dipolarity of the un-ionized molecules. With barbital, the two lipophilic ethyl groups are too small to compensate for the considerable dipolarity of the un-ionized barbituric acid ring; also it may be seen that barbital is appreciably ionized, which contributes to the relatively small permeability constant. Sulfaguanidine and acetylaminoantipyrine are both very polar molecules. Mecamylamine also might be considered an exception, since it shows a modest permeability even though strongly ionized; there is no dipolarity in mecamylamine except in the amino group.

bsorption of Drugs





BARBITAL 0.5 0 20 40 6C

Absorption is the process of movement of a drug from the site of application into the extracellular compartment ofthe body. Inasmuch as there is a great similarity among the various membranes that a drug may pass through to gain access to the extracellular fluid, it might be expected that the particular site of application (or route) would make little difference to the successful absorption ofthe drug. In actual fact, it makes a great deal of difference; many factors, other than the structure and composition of the membrane, determine the ease with which a drug is absorbed. These factors are discussed in the following sections, along with an account of the ways that drug formulations may be manipulated to alter the ability of a drug to be absorbed readily.

PERCENTAGE ABSORBED Figure 57-11. The relationship of absorption of the un-ionized forms of drugs from the colon of the rat to the chloroform:water partition coefficient. (From Schanker LS. Adv Drug Res 1 964; 1:71.)

Drugs may be administered by many different routes. The various routes include oral, rectal, sublingual or buccal, parenteral, inhalation, and topical. The choice of a route depends upon both convenience and necessity. ORAL ROUTE-This is obviously the most convenient route for access to the systemic circulation, providing that various factors do not militate against this route. Oral administration does not always give rise to sufficiently high plasma concentrations to be effective; some drugs are absorbed unpredictably or erratically; patients occasionally have an absorption malfunction. Drugs may not be given by mouth to patients with GI intolerance or who are in preparation for anesthesia or who have had GI surgery. Oral administration also is precluded in coma. RECTAL ROUTE - Drugs that ordinarily are administered by the oral route usually can be administered by injection

the pH of gastric fluid. Nevertheless, when a drug is a weak acid or base, the un-ionized form, with a favorable partition coefficient, passes through a biological membrane so much more readily than the ionized form that for all practical purposes, only the un-ionized form is said to pass through the membrane. This has become known as the principle of nonionic diffusion. This principle is the reason that only the concentrations ofthe unionized form of the barbiturates are plotted in Figure 5741. For the purpose of further illustrating the principle, Table 57-1 is provided.' In the table, the permeability constants for penetration into the cerebral spinal fluid of rats are higher for un-ionized drugs than for ionized ones. The apparent excep-

Table 57-1. Rates of Entry of Drugs in CSF and the Degrees of Ionization of Drugs at pH 7.4 7


Drugs mainly ionized at pH 7.4 5-Sulfosalicylic acid

N-Methylnicotinamide 5-Nitrosalicylic acid

Salicylic acid
Mecamylamine Quinine Drugs mainly un ionized at pH 7.4 Barbital Thiopental Pentobarbital Aminopyrine Aniline Sulfaguan id i ne

22 <10 42 40
20 76

(strong) (strong) 2.3 3.0 11.2 8.4 7.5 7.6 8.1 5.0 4.6 >10.0 6 1.4 0.5

0 0

0.001 0.004 0.016 9.09

55.7 61.3 83.4 99.6 99.8 >99.8 >99.9 >99.9

<0.0001 0.0005 0.00006 0.001 0.0001 0.006 0.0004 0.021 0.0016 0.078 0.0061 0.026 0.0022 0.50 0.051 0.17 0.014 0.25 0.020 0.40 0.042 0.003 0.0002 0.12 0.013 0.012 0.0010

<2 75 40 20 15

Antipyrine N-Acetyl-4-aminoantipyrine

8 <3

The dissociation constant of both acids and bases is expressed as the p1(, the negative logarithm of the acidic dissociation constant. Sulfaguanidine has a very weakly acidic group (p1( > 10) and two very weakly basic groups (pK. 2.75 and 0.5). Consequently, the compound is almost completely undissociated at pH 7.4.



E. 50





. . 1 .1 . .... 1

Time After Administration -

Figure 57 12. Blood concentration in mg/100 mL of theophylline (ordinate) following administration to humans of aminophylline in the amounts and by the routes indicated. Doses: per 70 kg. Theophyllineethylenediamine by various routes: intravenous, 0.5 g;retention enema, 0.5 g; oral tablets-Pl, 0.5 g; oral tablets-Pl, 0.3 g; n n rectal suppository, 0.5 g. (Adapted Truitt EB, et al. 1 Pharmacol Exp Ther 1 950; 100:309.)

or by the alternative lower enteral route, through the anal portal into the rectum or lower intestine. With regard to the latter, rectal suppositories or retention enemas formerly were used quite frequently, but their popularity has abated somewhat, owing to improvements in parenteral preparations. Nevertheless, they continue to be valid and, sometimes, very important ways of administering a drug, especially in pediatrics and geriatrics. In Figure 57-12' the availability of a drug by retention enema may be compared with that by the intravenous and oral routes and rectal suppository administration. It is apparent that the retention enema may be a very satisfactory means of administration but that rectal suppositories may be inadequate when rapid absorption and high plasma levels are required. The illustration is not intended to lead the reader to the conclusion that a retention enema always will give more prompt and higher blood levels than the oral route, for converse findings for the same drug have been reported,' but rather to show that the retention enema may offer a useful substitute for the oral route. SUBLINGUAL OR BUCCAL ROUTEEven though an adequate plasma concentration eventually may be achievable by the oral route, it may rise much too slowly for use in some situations when a rapid response is desired. In such situations parenteral therapy usually is indicated. However, the patients with angina pectoris may get quite prompt relief from an acute attack by the sublingual or buccal administration of nitroglycerin, so that parenteral administration may be avoided. When only small amounts of drugs are required to gain access to the blood, the buccal route may be very satisfactory, providing the physicochemical prerequisites for absorption by this route are present in the drug and dosage form. Only a few drugs may be given successfully by this route. PARENTERAL ROUTESThese routes, by definition, include any route other than the oral-GI (enteral) tract, but in common medical usage the term excludes topical administration and includes only various hypodermic routes. Parenteral administration includes the intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous routes. Parenteral routes may be employed whenever enteral routes are contraindicated (see above) or inadequate. The intravenous route may be preferred on occasion, even when a drug may be well absorbed by the oral route. There is no delay imposed by absorption before the administered drug

reaches the circulation, and blood levels rise virtually as rapidly as the time necessary to empty the syringe or infusion bottle. Consequently, the intravenous route is the preferred route when an emergency calls for an immediate response. In addition to the rapid rise in plasma concentration of drug, another advantage of intravenous administration is the greater predictability of the peak plasma concentration, which, with some drugs, can be calculated with a fair degree of precision. Smaller doses generally are required by the intravenous than by other routes, but this usually affords no advantage, inasmuch as the sterile injectable dosage form costs more than enteric preparations, and the requirements for medical or paramedical supervision of administration also may add to the cost and inconvenience. Because of the rapidity with which drug enters the circulation, dangerous side effects to the drug may occur, which are often not extant by other routes. The principal untoward effect is a depression of cardiovascular function, which is often called drug shock. Consequently, some drugs must be given quite slowly to avoid vasculotoxic concentrations of drug in the plasma. Acute, serious, allergic responses also are more likely to occur by the intravenous route than by other routes. Many drugs are too irritant to be given by the oral, intramuscular, or subcutaneous route and must, of necessity, be given intravenously. However, such drugs also may cause damage to the veins (phlebitis) or, if extravasated, cause necrosis (slough) around the injection site. Consequently, such irritant drugs may be diluted in isotonic solutions of saline, dextrose, or other media and given by slow infusion, providing that the slower rate of delivery does not negate the purpose of the administration in emergency situations. Absorption by the intramuscular route is relatively fast, and this parenteral route may be used when an immediate effect is not required but a prompt effect is desirable. Intramuscular deposition also may be made of certain repository preparations, rapid absorption not being desired. Absorption from an intramuscular depot is more predictable and uniform than from a subcutaneous site. Irritation around the injection site is a frequent accompaniment of intramuscular injection, depending upon the drug and other ingredients. Because of the dangers of accidental intravenous injection, medical supervision generally is required. Sterilization is necessary. In subcutaneous administration the drug is injected into the connective tissue just below the skin Absorption is slower than by the intramuscular route but, nevertheless, may be prompt with many drugs. Often, however, absorption by this route may be no faster than by the oral route. Therefore, when a fairly prompt response is desired with some drugs, the subcutaneous route may not offer much advantage over the oral route, unless for some reason the drug cannot be given orally. The slower rate of absorption by the subcutaneous route is usually the reason why the route is chosen, and the drugs given by this route are usually those in which it is desired to spread the action out over a number of hours, to avoid either too intense a response, too short a response, or frequent injections. Examples of drugs given by this route are insulin and sodium heparin, neither of which is absorbed orally, and both of which should be absorbed slowly over many hours. In the treatment of asthma, epinephrine usually is given subcutaneously to avoid the dangers of rapid absorption and consequent dangerous cardiovascular effects. Many repository preparations, including tablets or pellets, are given subcutaneously. As with other parenteral routes, irritation may occur. Sterile preparations also are required. However, medical supervision is not required always and self-administration by this route is customary with certain drugs, such as insulin. Intradermal injection, in which the drug is injected into, rather than below, the dermis, is rarely employed, except in certain diagnostic and test procedures, such as screening for allergic or local irritant responses.



Occasionally, even by the intravenous route, it is not possible, practical, or safe to achieve plasma concentrations high enough so that an adequate amount of drug penetrates into special compartments, such as the cerebrospinal fluid, or various cavities, such as the pleural cavity. The brain is especially difficult to penetrate with water-soluble drugs. The name bloodbrain barrier is applied to the impediment to penetration. When drugs do penetrate, the choroid plexus often secretes them back into the blood very rapidly, so that adequate levels of drugs in the cerebrospinal fluid may be difficult to achieve. Consequently, intrathecal or intraventricular administration may be indicated. Body cavities such as the pleural cavity normally are wetted by a small amount of effusate that is in diffusion equilibrium with the blood and, hence, is accessible to drugs. However, infections and inflammations may cause the cavity to fill with serofibrinous exudate that is too large to be in rapid diffusion equilibrium with the blood. Intracavitaly administration, thus, may be required. It is extremely important that sterile, nonirritating preparations be used for intrathecal or intracavitary administration. INHALATION ROUTEInhalation may be employed for delivering gaseous or volatile substances into the systemic circulation, as with most general anesthetics. Absorption is virtually as rapid as the drug can be delivered into the alveoli of the lungs, since the alveolar and vascular epithelial membranes are quite permeable, blood flow is abundant, and there is a very large surface for absorption. Aerosols of nonvolatile substances also may be administered by inhalation, but the route is used infrequently for delivery into the systemic circulation because of various factors that contribute to erratic or difficult-to-achieve blood levels. Whether or not an aerosol reaches and is retained in pulmonary alveoli depends critically upon particle size. Particles larger than 1m in diameter tend to settle in the bronchioles and bronchi, whereas particles smaller than 0.5 pJal fail to settle and mainly are exhaled. Aerosols are employed mostly when the purpose of administration is an action of the drug upon the respiratory tract itself. An example of a drug commonly given as an aerosol is isoproterenol, which is employed to relax the bronchioles during an asthma attack. TOPICAL ROUTETopical administration is employed to deliver a drug at, or immediately beneath, the point of application. Although occasionally enough drug is absorbed into the systemic circulation to cause systemic effects, absorption is too erratic for the topical route to be used routinely for systemic therapy. However, various transdermal preparations of nitroglycerin and clonidine are employed quite successfully for systemic use. Some investigations with aprotic solvent vehicles such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) also have generated interest in topical administration for systemic effects. A large number of topical medicaments are applied to the skin, although topical drugs are also applied to the eye, nose, throat, ear, vagina, etc. In man, percutaneous absorption probably occurs mainly from the surface. Absorption through the hair follicles occurs, but the follicles in man occupy too small a portion of the total integument to be of primary importance. Absorption through sweat and sebaceous glands generally appears to be minor. When the medicament is rubbed on vigorously, the amount of the preparation that is forced into the hair follicles and glands is increased. Rubbing also forces some material through the stratum corneum without molecular dispersion and diffusion through the barrier. Rather large particles of substances such as sulfur have been demonstrated to pass intact through the stratum corneum. When the skin is diseased or abraded, the cutaneous barrier may be disrupted or defective, so that percutaneous absorption may be increased. Since much of a drug that is absorbed through the epidermis diffuses into the circulation without reaching a high concentration in some portions of the dermis, systemic administration may be preferred in lieu of, or in addition to, topical administration.


In addition to the physicochemical properties of drug molecules and biological membranes, various factors affect the rate of absorption and determine, in part, the choice of route of administration. CONCENTRATIONIt is self-evident that the concentration, or, more exactly, the thermodynamic activity, of a drug in a drug preparation will have an important bearing upon the rate of absorption, since the rate of diffusion of a drug away from the site of administration is directly proportional to the concentration. Thus, a 2% solution oflidocaine will induce local anesthesia more rapidly than a 0.2% solution. However, drugs administered in solid form are not absorbed necessarily at the maximal rate (see Physical State of Formulation and Dissolution Rate, below). After oral administration the concentration of drugs in the gut is a function of the dose, but the relationship is not necessarily linear. Drugs with a low aqueous solubility (eg, digitoxin) quickly saturate the GI fluids, so that the rate of absorption tends to reach a limit as the dose is increased. The peptizing and solubilizing effects of bile and other constituents of the GI contents assist in increasing the rate of absorption but are in themselves somewhat erratic. Furthermore, many drugs affect the rates of gastric, biliary, and small intestinal secretion, which causes further deviations from a linear relationship between concentration and dose. Drugs that are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly also may not always show a direct linear relationship between the rate of absorption and the concentration of drug in the applied solution, because osmotic effects may cause dilution or concentration of the drug, if the movement of water or electrolytes is different from that of the drug. Whenever possible, drugs for hypodermic injection are prepared as isotonic solutions. Some drugs affect the local blood flow and capillary permeability, so that at the site of injection there may be a complex relationship of concentration achieved to the concentration administered. PHYSICAL STATE OF FORMULATION AND DISSOLUTION RATEThe rate of absorption of a drug may be affected greatly by the rate at which the drug is made available to the biological fluid at the site of administration. The intrinsic physicochemical properties, such as solubility and the thermodynamics of dissolution, are only some of the factors that affect the rate of dissolution of a drug from a solid form. Other factors include not only the unavoidable interactions among the various ingredients in a given formulation but also deliberate interventions to facilitate dispersion (eg, comminution, Chapter 38 and dissolution, Chapter 35) or retard it (eg, coatings, Chapter 46 and slow-release formulations, Chapter 47). There also are factors that affect the rate of delivery from liquid forms. For example, a drug in a highly viscous vehicle is absorbed more slowly from the vehicle than a drug in a vehicle of low viscosity; in oil-in-water emulsions the rate depends upon the partition coefficient. These manipulations are the subject of biopharmaceutics (see Chapter 47). AREA OF ABSORBING SURFACEThe area of absorbing surface is an important determinant of the rate of absorption. To the extent that the therapist must work with the absorbing surfaces available in the body, the absorbing surface is not subject to manipulation. However, the extent to which the existing surfaces may be used is subject to variation. In those rare instances in which percutaneous absorption is intended for systemic administration, the entire skin surface is available. Subsequent to subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, the site of application may be massaged to spread the injected fluid from a compact mass to a well-dispersed deposit. Alternatively, the dose may be divided into multiple small injections, although this recourse is generally undesirable. The different areas for absorption afforded by the various routes account, in part, for differences in the rates of absorption by those routes. The large alveolar surface of the lungs allows



extremely rapid absorption of gases, vapors, and properly aerosolized solutions; with some drugs the rate of absorption may be nearly as fast as with intravenous injection. In the gut the small intestine is the site of the fastest, and hence most, absorption because of the small lumen and highly developed villi and microvilli; the stomach has a relatively small surface area, so that even most weak acids are absorbed predominately in the small intestine despite a pH partition factor that should favor absorption from the stomach (see The pH Partition Principle). VASCULARITY AND BLOOD FLOWAlthough the thermal velocity of a freely diffusible, average drug molecule is on the order of meters per second, in solution the rate at which it will diffuse away from a reference point will be much slower. Collisions with water and/or other molecules that cause a random motion, and the forces of attraction between the drug and water or other molecules, slow the net mean velocity. The time taken to traverse a given distance is a function of the square of the distance; on average it would take about 0.01 sec for a net outward movement of 1 /km, 1 sec for 10 100 sec for 100 tan, etc. In a highly vascular tissue, such as skeletal muscle, in which there may be more than 1000 capillaries/mm' of cross-section, a drug molecule would not have to travel more than a few microns, hence less than a second on average, to reach a capillary from a point of extravascular injection. Once the drug reaches the blood, diffusion is not important to transport and the rate of blood flow determines the movement. The velocity of blood flow in a capillary is about 1 mm/sec, which is 100 times faster than the mean net velocity of drug molecules 1 mm away from their injection site. The velocity of blood flow is even faster in the larger vessels. Overall, less than a minute is required to distribute drug molecules from the capillaries at the injection site to the rest of the body. From the above discussion it follows that absorption is most rapid in the vascular tissues. Drugs are absorbed more rapidly from intramuscular sites than from less vascular subcutaneous sites, etc. Despite the small absorbing surface for buccal or sublingual absorption, the high vascularity of the buccal, gingival, and sublingual surfaces favors an unexpectedly high rate of absorption. Because of hyperemia, absorption will be faster from inflamed than from normal areas, unless the presence of edema lengthens the mean distance between capillaries and, thus, negates the effects of hyperemia on absorption. Vasoconstriction may have a profound effect upon the rate of absorption. When a local effect of a drug is desired, as in local anesthesia, absorption away from the infiltered site may be impeded greatly by vasoconstrictors included in the preparation. Unwanted vasoconstriction sometimes may cause serious problems. For example, on World War II battlegrounds many wounded soldiers were given subcutaneous morphine without evident effect. As a result, injections were sometimes repeated more than once. When the patient was removed to the field hospital, toxic effects would occur suddenly. The explanation is that cold-induced vasoconstriction occurred in the field; when the patient was warmed in the hospital, vasodilation would result and the victim would be flooded with drug. Shock also contributes to the effect, since during shock the blood flow is diminished, and there also may be a superimposed vasoconstriction; repair of the shock condition then facilitates absorption. Extravascularly injected molecules too large to pass through the capillary endothelium will, of necessity, enter the systemic circulation through the lymph. Thus, the lymph flow may be important to the absorption of a few drugs. MOVEMENTA number of factors combine so that movement at the site of injection increases the rate of absorption. In the intestine, segmental movements and peristalsis aid in dividing and dispersing the drug mass. The continual mixing of the chyme helps keep the concentration maximal at the mucosal surface. The pressures developed during segmentation and peristalsis also may favor a small amount of filtration. Movement at the site of hypodermic injection also favors absorption, since it tends to force the injected material through

the tissue, increasing the surface area of drug mass and decreasing the mean distance to the capillaries. Movement also increases the flow of blo od and lymph. The selection of a site for intramuscular injection may be determined by the amount of expected movement, according to whether the preparation is intended as a fast-acting or a repository preparation. GASTRIC MOTILITY AND EMPTYINGThe motility of the stomach is more important to the rate at which an orally administered drug is passed on to the small intestine than it is to the rate of absorption from the stomach itself, since for various reasons noted above, absorption from the stomach is usually of minor importance. The average emptying time of the unloaded stomach is about 40 min, and the half-time is about 10 min, though it varies according to its contents, reflex, and psychological factors, and the action of certain autonomic drugs or disease. The effect of food to delay absorption is due, in part, to its action to prolong emptying time. The emptying time causes a delay in the absorption of drug, which may be unfavorable or favorable according to what is desired. In the case of therapy with antacids, gastric emptying is a nuisance, since it removes the antacid from the stomach where it is needed. SOLUBILITY AND BINDINGThe dissolution of drugs of low solubility is generally a slow process. Indeed, low solubility is the result of a low rate of departure of drug molecules from the undispersed phase. Furthermore, since the concentration around the drug mass is low, the concentration gradient from the site of deposition to the plasma is small, and the rate of diffusion is low, accordingly. When it is desired that a drug have a prolonged action but not a high plasma concentration, a derivative of low solubility is often sought. The insoluble estolates and other esters of several steroids have durations of action of weeks because of the slow rates of absorption from the sites of injection. Insoluble salts or complexes of acidic or basic drugs also are employed as repository preparations; for example, the procaine salt of penicillin G has a low solubility and is used in a slow-release form of the antibiotic. The solubility of certain macromolecules depends critically on the ionization of substituent groups. When they are amphiprotic, they are least soluble at their isoelectric pH. Insulin is normally soluble at the pH of the extracellular fluid, but by combining insulin with the right proportion of a basic protein, such as protamine, the isoelectric pll can be made to be approximately 7.4 from 5.1, and the complex can be used as a low-solubility, prolonged-action drug. For more details, see Chapter 77. Some drugs may bind with natural substances at or near the site of application. The strongly ionized mucopolysaccharides in connective tissue, ground substance, and mucous secretions of the gut retard the absorption of a number of drugs, especially large cationic or polycationic molecules. In the gut, the binding is the least at low pH, which should favor absorption of large cations from the stomach; however, absorption from the stomach is slow (see above), so that the absorption of large cations occurs mainly in the upper duodenum where the pH is still relatively low. Pharmacologically inactive quaternary ammonium compounds sometimes are included in an oral preparation of a quaternary ammonium drug for the purpose of saturating the binding sites of mucin and other mucopolysaccharides and, thereby, enhancing the absorption of drug. In addition to mucopolysaccharides in mucous secretions, food in the GI tract binds many drugs and slows absorption. Antacids, especially aluminum hydroxide plus other basic aluminum compounds and magnesium trisilic ate, bind amine and ammonium drugs and interfere with absorption. DONNAN EFFECTThe presence of a charged macromolecule on one side of a semipermeable membrane (impermeable to the macromolecule) will alter the concentration of perme ant ionized particles according to the Donnan equilibrium. Accordingly, drug molecules of the same charge as the macromolecule will be constrained to the opposite side of the membrane. The presence of appropriately charged macromolecules



not only will influence the distribution of drug ions in accordance with the Donnan equation but also increase the rate of transfer of the drug across the membrane, because of mutual ionic repulsion. This effect is sometimes used to facilitate the absorption of ionizable drugs from the GI tract. The Donnan effect also operates to retard the absorption of drug ions of opposite charge; however, the mutual electrostatic attraction of a macromolecule and drug ion generally results in actual binding, which is more important than the Donnan effect. VEHICLES AND ABSORPTION ADJUVANTSDrugs that are to be applied topically to the skin and mucous membranes often are dissolved in vehicles that are thought to enhance penetration. For a long time it was thought that oleaginous vehicles promoted the absorption of lipid-soluble drugs. However, the role and effect of the vehicle has proven to be quite complex. In the skin at least five factors are involved:
1. The effect of the vehicle to alter the hydration of the keratin in the harrier layer. 2. The effect of the vehicle to promote or prevent the collection of sweat at the surface of the skin. 3. The partition coefficient of the drug in a vehicle-water system. 4. The permeability of the skin to the undissolved drug. 5. The permeability of the skin to the vehicle.

The effect of the vehicle to aid in the access of the drug to the hair follicles and sebaceous glands also may be involved, although in man the follicles and glands are probably ordinarily of minor importance to absorption. A layer of oleaginous material over the skin prevents the evaporation of water, so that the stratum corneum may become macerated and more permeable to drugs. In dermatology it is sometimes the practice to wrap the site of application with plastic wrap or some other waterproof material for the purpose of increasing the maceration of the stratum corneum. However, the layer of perspiration that forms under an occlusive vehicle may become a barrier to the movement of lipid-soluble drugs from the vehicle to the skin, but it may facilitate the movement of water-soluble drugs. Conversely, polyethylene glycol vehicles remove the perspiration and dehydrate the barrier, which decreases the permeability to drugs; such vehicles remove the aqueous medium through which water-soluble drugs may pass down into the stratum corneum but at the same time facilitate the transfer of lipid-soluble drugs from the vehicle to the skin. Even in the absence of a vehicle, it is not clear what physicochemical properties of a drug favor cutaneous penetration, high lipid-solubility being a prerequisite, according to some authorities, and an ether-water partition coefficient of approximately one, according to others. Yet, the penetration of ethanol and dibromomethane are nearly equal, and other such enigmas exist. It is not surprising, then, that the effects of vehicles are not altogether predictable. A general statement might be made that if a drug is quite soluble in a poorly absorbed vehicle, the vehicle will retard the movement of the drug into the skin. For example, salicylic acid is 100 times as permeant when absorbed from water than from polyethylene glycol, and pentanol is five times as permeant from water as from olive oil. Yet, ethanol penetrates five times faster from olive oil than from either water or ethanol, all of which denies the trustworthiness of generalizations about vehicles. For several decades there has been much interest in certain highly dielectric, aprotic solvents, especially dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Such substances generally prove to be excellent solvents for both water- and lipid-soluble compounds and for some compounds not soluble in either water or lipid solvents. The extraordinary solvent properties probably are due to a high polarizability and van der Waals bonding capacity, a high degree of polarization (dipole moment), and a lack of association through hydrogen bonding. As a vehicle, DMSO greatly facilitates the permeation of the skin and other biological membranes by numerous drugs, including such large molecules as insulin. The mechanism is understood poorly. Such vehicles have a potential for many important uses, but they are at pre-

sent only experimental, pending continuing investigations on toxicity. From time to time, a claim is made that a new ingredient of a tablet or elixir enhances the absorption of a drug, and a comparison of plasma levels of the old and new preparations seems to support the claim. Upon further investigation, however, it may be revealed that the new so-called absorption adjuvant is replacing an ingredient that previously bound the drug or delayed its absorption; thus, the new adjuvant is not an adjuvant but rather it is only a nondeterrent. OTHER FACTORSA number of other, less well-defined factors affect the absorption of drugs, some of which may operate, in part, through factors already cited above. Disease or injury has a considerable effect upon absorption. For example, debrideme nt ofthe stratum corneum increases the permeability to topical agents, meningitis increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, biliary insufficiency decreases the absorption of lipid-s oluble substances from the intestine, and acid-base disturbances can affect the absorption of weak acids or bases. Certain drugs, such as ouabain, that affect active transport processes may interfere with the absorption of certain other drugs. The condition of the ground substance, or intracellular cement, probably bears on the absorption of certain types of molecules. Hyalu ronida se, which depolymerizes the mucopolysaccharide ground substance, can be demonstrated to facilitate the absorption of some, but not all, drugs from subcutaneous sites.

Drug Dis sitio

The term drug disposition is u sed here to include all processes that tend to lower the plasma concentration of drug, as opposed to drug absorption, which elevates the plasma level. Consequently, the distribution of drugs to the various tissues is considered under Disposition. Some authors use the term disposition synonymously with elimination, that is, to include only those processes that decrease the amount of drug in the body. In the present context, disposition comprises three categories of processes: distribution, biotransformation, and excretion.


The term distribution denotes the partitioning of a drug among the numerous locations where a drug may be contained within the body. Biotransform.ations are the alterations in the chemical structure of a drug that are imposed upon it by the life processes. Excretion is, in a sense, the converse of absorption, namely, the transportation of the drug or its products out of the body. The term applies whether or not special organs of excretion are involved.

D istribution
The body may be considered to comprise a number of compartments: enteric (GI), plasma, interstitial, cerebrospinal fluid, bile, glandular secretions, urine, storage vesicles, cytoplasm or intracellular space, etc. Some of these compartments, such as urine and secretions, are open-ended, but since their contents relate to those in the closed compartments, they also must be included. At first thought, it may seem that if a drug was distributed passively (ie, by simple diffusion) and the plasma concentration could be maintained at a steady level, the concentration of a drug in the water in all compartments ought to become equal. It is true that some substances, such as ethanol and antipyrine, are distributed nearly equally throughout the body water, but they are more the exception than the rule. Such substances are mainly small, uncharged, nondissociable, highly water-soluble molecules.



The condition of small size and high water solubility allows passage through the pores without the necessity of carrier or active transport. Small size also places a limit on van der Waals binding energy and configurational complementariness, so that binding to proteins in plasma, or cells, is slight. The presence of a charge on a drug molecule makes for unequal distribution across charged membranes, in accordance with the Donnan distribution (see below). Dissociability causes unequal distribution when there is a pH differential between compartments, as discussed under The pH Partition Principle (see below). Thus, even if a drug is distributed passively, its distribution may be uneven throughout the body. When active transport into, or rapid biotransformation occurs within, some compartments, uneven distribution also is inevitable. THE pH PARTITION PRINCIPLEAn i mportant consequence of nonionic diffusion is that a difference in pH between two compartments will have an important influence upon the partitioning of a weakly acidic or basic drugbetween those compartments. The partition is such that the un-ionized form of the drug has the same concentration in both compartments, since it is the form that is freely diffusible; the ionized form in each compartment will have the concentration that is determined by the pH in that compartment, the pK and the concentration ofthe unionized form. The governing effect of pH and pK on the partition is known as the pH partition principle. To illustrate the principle, consider the partition of salicylic acid between the gastric juice and the interior of a gastric mucosal cell. Assume the pH of the gastric juice to be 1, which it occasionally becomes. The pK a of salicylic acid is 3 (Martin i ' provides one source of pK values of drugs). With the Renderson-Hasselbalch equation (see Chapter 17) it may be calculated that the drug is only 1% ionized at p11 1. (The relationship of ionization and partition to pH and pK has been formulated in several different ways, but the student may calculate the concentrations from simple mass law equations. More sophisticated calculations and reviews of this subject are available." 1-16 ) The intracellular pH of most cells is about 7. Assuming the pH of the mucosal cell to be the same, it may be calculated that salicylic acid will be 99.99% ionized within the cells. Since the concentration of the un-ionized form is theoretically the same in both gastric juice and mucosal cells, it follows that the total concentration of the drug (ionized + un-ionized) within the mucosal cell will be 10,000 times greater than that in gastric juice. This is illustrated in Figure 5743. Such a relatively high intracellular concentration can have important osmotic and toxicological consequences.

Had the drug been a weak base instead of an acid, the high concentration would have been in the gastric juice. In the small intestine, where the pH may range from 7.5 to 8.1, the partition of a weak acid or base will be the reverse of that in the stomach, but the concentration differential will be lower, because the pH differential from lumen to mucosal cells, etc, will be lower. The reversal of partition as the drug moves from the stomach to the small intestine accounts for the phenomenon that some drugs may be absorbed from one GI segment and returned to another. The weak base atropine is absorbed from the small intestine, but because of pH partition, it is secreted into the gastric juice. The pH partition of drugs has never been demonstrated to be as marked as that illustrated in Figure 57-13 and in the text. Not only do many drug ions probably pass through the pores of the membrane to a significant extent, but also some may pass through the lipid phase, as explained above for the morphinans and mecamylamine. Furthermore, ion-pair formation in carrier transport also bypasses nonionic diffusion. All processes that tend toward an equal distribution of drugs across membranes and among compartments will cause further deviations from theoretical predictions of pH partition.

ELECTROCHEMICAL AND DONNAN DISTRIBUTIONA drug ion may be distributed passively across a membrane in accordance with the membrane potential, the charge on the drug ion, and the Donnan effect. The relationship of the membrane potential to the passive distribution of ions is expressed quantitatively by the Nernst equation ( Eq 7) and already has been discussed. Barring active transport, pH partition, and binding, the drug will be said to be distributed according to the electrical gradient or to its equilibrium potential. If the membrane potential is 90 mV, the concentration of a univalent cation will be 30 times as high within the cell as without; if the drug cation is divalent, the ratio will be 890. The distribution of anions would be just the reverse. if the membrane potential is but 9 mV, the ratio for a univalent cation will be only L4 and for a divalent cation only 2.0. It thus can be seen how important membrane potential may be to the distribution of ionized drugs. It was pointed out under Membrane Potentials, that large potentials derive from active transport of ions but that small potentials may result from Donnan distribution. Donnan membrane theory is discussed in Chapter 20. According to the theory, the ratio of intracellular/extracellular concentration of a permeant univalent anion is equal to the ratio of extracellular/intracellular concentration of a permeant univalent cation. A more general mathematical expression that includes ions of any valence is






1.C.Un-iciriaad] .4
Clin-ionizE17 = 1\

99.99= Elonizedl C Ionized] 0,01

Figure 57-13. Hypothetical partition of salicylic add between gastric juice and the cytoplasm of a gastric mucosal cell. It is assumed that the ionized form cannot pass through the cell membrane. The intragastric concentration of salicylic acid is arranged arbitrarily to provide unit concentration of the un-ionized form. Bracketed values, concentration; arrows, relative size depicts the direction in which dissociation-association is favored at equilibrium.

where A, is the intracellular and A, the extracellular concentration of anion, Z, is the valence of cation, Z, is the valence of anion, C, is the intracellular and C, the extracellular concentration of cation, and r is the Donnan factor. The value of r depends upon the average molecular weight and valence of the macromolecules (mostly protein) within the cell and the intracellular and extracellular volumes. Since the macromolecules within the cell are charged negatively, the cation concentration will be higher within the cell; that is, C, > C,. Since a Donnan distribution results in a membrane potential, the distribution of drug ion also will be in keeping with the membrane potential. The Donnan distribution also applies to the distribution of a charged drug between the plasma and interstitial compartment, because of the presence of anionic proteins in the plasma. Equation 8 applies by changing the subscript i to p, for plasma, and e to i, for interstitial. The Donnan factor, r, for plasmainterstitial space partition is about 1.05:1.

BINDING AND STORAGEDrugs frequently are bound to plasma proteins (especially albumin), interstitial substances,
intracellular constituents, and bone and cartilage. If binding is






FREE (1)

1 BOUND (I) TOTAL= (a)

BOUND (9) TOTAL =(10)

Figure 57 14. Distribution of a drug between two compartments in which the degrees of binding to protein differ. The percentage of binding is indicated. Only the unbound drug can pass through the membrane. Bracketed values: concentration. (From Schanker LS. Pharmacol Rev 1 961; 14:501.)

extensive and firm, it will have a considerable impact upon the

distribution, excretion, and sojourn of the drug in the body. Obviously, a drug that is bound to a protein or any other macromolecule will not pass through the membrane in the bound form; only the unbound form can negotiate among the various compartments. The partition among compartments is determined by the binding capacity and binding constant in each compartment. As long as the binding capacity exceeds the quantity of drug in the compartment, the following equation generally applies: log Ph = log K + a log Di where Ph is the concentration of bound drug, Df is the concentration of free drug, and a and K are constants characteristic of the drug and binding macromolecule. The equation is that of a Freundlich isotherm. As the binding capacity is approached, the relationship no longer holds. For a nondissociable drug at equilibrium, Df will be the same in all communicating compartments, so that it would be possible to calculate the partition if K and a are known for each compartment. Except for plasma, the values of K and a are generally unknown, but the percentage bound is often known. From the percentage bound, the partition also can be calculated, as in Figure 57-14. 12 However, the logarithmic relationships shown in Equation 9 serve as a reminder that the percentage bound changes with the concentration, so that the partition will vary with the dose. If the drug is a weak acid or base, the un-ionized free form negotiates among the compartments, but the ionized form is often the more firmly bound, and calculations must take into account the dissociation constant and the different Ks and as of the ionized and un-ionized forms. It is misbelieved commonly that binding in the plasma interferes with the activity of a drug and the intracellular binding in a responsive cell increases activity or toxicity. Both binding in plasma and in the tissues decreases the concentration of free drug, but this is easily remedied by adjusting the dose to give a sufficient concentration for pharmacological activity. The distribution and activity of the free form are not affected by binding. The principal effect of binding is to increase the initial dose requirement for the drug and create a reservoir of drug from which the drug may be withdrawn as the free form is excreted or metabolized. However, ifthe binding is extremely firm and release is slow, the rate of release may not be enough to sustain the free form at a level sufficient for pharmacological activity; in such instances the bound drug cannot be considered a reserve. The effect of binding upon the sojourn of a drug may be considerable. For example, quinacrine, which may be concentrated in the liver to as much as several thousand times the concentration in plasma, may remain in the body for months. Some iodine-containing, radiopaque, diagnostic agents are bound strongly to plasma protein and may remain in the plasma for as long as 2 yr. In pathological conditions, such as nephrosis, diabetes, or cirrhosis, in which plasma protein levels may be

decreased, the plasma protein binding, loading dose, and duration of action all may be decreased. If a drug is bound to a functional macromolecule, binding may relate to pharmacological activity and toxicity, providing that the binding is at a critical center ofthe macromolecule. The binding by nucleic acids of certain antimalarials, such as quinacrine, undoubtedly contributes to the parasiticidal actions as well as to toxicity. Most drugs are bound to proteins by relatively weak forces, such as van der Waals (London, Keesom, or Debye) forces, or hydrogen or ionic bonds. Consequently, binding constants generally are small, and binding is usually readily reversible. The larger the molecule, the greater the van der Waals bonding, so that large drug molecules are more likely to be bound strongly than are small ones. Just as shape and the nature of functional groups are important to drug-receptor combination, so they also are to binding. Drugs of similar shape and/or chemical affinities may bind at the same sites on a binding protein and hence compete with one another. For example, phenylbutazone displaces warfarin from human plasma albumin, which may cause an increase in the anticoagulant effect of warfarin. Some drugs also may displace protein-bound endogenous constituents. For example, sulfisoxazole displaces bilirubin from plasma proteins; in infants with kernicterus the freed bilirubin floods the CNS and causes sometimes fatal toxicity. Depending on the lipid-water partition coefficient, a drug may be taken up into fatty tissue. The ratio of concentration in fat to that in the plasma, will not be the same as dictated by the partition coefficient, because of the content of water and nonlipids in adipose tissue, and because electrolytes and other solutes alter the dielectric constant and hence solubilities from those of pure water. Lipoproteins and even nonpolar substituents on plasma proteins also take up lipid-soluble molecules, so that solubility in plasma can be considerably highe r than that in water. The relatively high solubility of ether in plasma makes plasma a pool for ether, the filling of which delays the onset of anesthesia. However, ether and other volatile anesthetics are taken up gradually into the adipose tissue, which acts as a store ofthe anesthetic. The longer the anesthetic is administered, the greater the store, and the longer it takes for anesthesia to terminate when inhalation has been discontinued. Another notable substance that is taken up readily into fat is thiopental. Even though there is a high solubility of this barbiturate in fat, the low rate of blood flow in fat limits the rate of uptake. Because the blood flow in the brain is very high, thiopental rapidly enters brain tissue. However, it soon equilibrates with the other tissues, and the brain concentration falls as that in the other tissues (eg, muscle or liver) increases. As the brain concentration falls, anesthesia ceases. Gradually, the fat accumulates the drug at the expense of other compartments. The gradual entry of thiopental into fat at the expense of plasma, muscle, or liver is illustrated in Figure 57-15.


40 30
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a 2

Figure 57 15. Predisposition of thiopental for fat; 25 mg/kg was given to a dog. After a brief sojourn in the more vascular tissues, thiopental gradually transfers to fat, where the lipid-soluble drug dissolves in fat droplets. (From Brodie BB, Hogben CA. 1 Pharm Pharmacol 1957; 9:345.)



NONE QUILIBRIUM AND RED I STRIB UTI ONThu s far, the distribution of drugs has been discussed mainly as though equilibrium or steady-state conditions exist after a drug is absorbed and distributed. However, since most drugs are administered at intervals and the body content of drug rises and falls with absorption and biotransformation-excretion, neither a true equilibrium among the body compartments nor a steady state exist. The term equilibrium is used misleadingly to describe the conditions that exist when the plasma concentration and the concentration in a tissue are equal, as exemplified at the point of intersection of the curves for plasma and muscle or plasma and fat in Figure 57-15. But such equilibrium with fat occurs much later than equilibrium with muscle, so that no true equilibrium really exists among all the compartments. Furthermore, the crossover point for plasma and any one tissue is not necessarily an equilibrium point, because the rates of ingress and egress from the tissue are not necessarily equal when the internal and external concentrations are equal, since there are numerous factors that make for unequal distribution (pH partition, Donnan effect, electrochemical distribution, active transport, binding, etc). A study of Figure 57-15 shows that the distribution of thiopental continually changed during the 3.5 hr of observation. At the end of the period, the content in fat was still increasing, while that in each of the other compartments was decreasing. This time-dependent shift in partition is called redistribution. Eventually, the content in fat would have reached a peak, which would represent as nearly a true equilibrium point as could be achieved in the dynamic situation where biotransformation and a slight amount of excretion of the drug was taking place. Once the concentration in the fat had reached its peak, its content would have declined in parallel with that in the other tissues, and the partition among the compartments would have remained essentially constant. Redistribution, then, takes place only until the concentration in the slowest-filling compartment reaches its peak, so long as the kinetics of elimination are constant. An index of distribution known as the volume of distribution (amount of drug in the body divided by plasma concentration) is of considerable usefulness in pharmacokinetics but is of limited value in defining the way in which a drug is partitioned in the body. The word space often is used synonymously with volume of distribution. It is employed especially when the distributed substance has a volume of distribution that is essentially identical to a physical real space or body compartment. N-acetyl-4aminoantipyrine is distributed evenly throughout the total body water and is not bound to proteins or other tissue constituents. Thus, the acetylaminoantippine space, or volume of distribution, coincides with that of total body water. lnulin, sucrose, sulfate, and a number of other substances essentially are confined to extracellular water, so that an inulin space, for example, measures the extracellular fluid volume. Evans blue is confined to the plasma, so that the Evans blue space is the plasma volume. Such space measurements with standard space indicators are a necessary part of studies on the distribution of drugs, since it is desirable to compare the volume of distribution of a drug with the physiological spaces.

Most drugs are acted upon by enzymes in the body and converted to metabolic derivatives called metabolites. The process of conversion is called biotransformation. Metabolites are usually more polar and less lipid-soluble than the parent drug because of the introduction of oxygen into the molecule, hydrolysis to yield more highly polar groups, or conjugation with a highly polar substance. As a consequence, metabolites often show less penetration into tissues and less renal tubular resorption than the parent drug, in accordance with the principle of the low penetration of polar and high penetration of lipid-soluble substances. For

similar reasons, metabolites, particularly conjugates, are usually less active than the parent drug and often inactive. Even if they are appreciably active, they generally are excreted more rapidly. Therefore, the usual net effect of biotransformation may be said to be one of inactivation or detoxication. There are, however, numerous examples in which biotransformation does not result in inactivation. There are also examples in which the parent drug has little or no activity of its own but is converted to an active metabolite: parathion, malathion, and certain other anticholinesterases require metabolic activation; inactive chloroguanide is converted to an active triazine derivative; phenylbutazone is hydroxylated to the antirheumatic hydroxyphenylbutazone; inactive pentavalent arsenicals are reduced to their active trivalent metabolites, and there are other examples of an activating biotra nsfo rm ati on. When a delayed or prolonged response to a drug is desired or an unpleasant taste or local reaction is to be avoided, it is a common pharmaceutical practice to prepare an inactive or nonoffending precursor, such that the active form may be generated in the body. This practice has been termed drug latentiation. Chloramphenicol palmitate, dichloralphenazone, and the estolates of various steroid hormones are examples of deliberately latentiated drugs. Because inactive metabolites do not always result from biotransformation, the term detoxication should not be used as a synonym for biotransformation. Biotransformations take place principally in the liver, although the kidney, skeletal muscle, intestine, or even plasma may be important sites of the enzymatic attack of some drugs. Biotransformations in plasma are mostly hydrolytic. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM AND MICROSOMAL SYSTEMMany biotransformations in the liver occur in the endoplasmic reticulum.. The endoplasmic reticulum is a tubular system that courses through the interior of the cell but also appears to communicate with the interstitial space, and its membrane is continuous with the cell membrane. Some of the reticulum is lined with ribonucleoprotein particles, called ribosomes, which are engaged in protein synthesis; this is the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum lacks such a granular appearance. The endoplasmic reticulum is invested heavily with numerous enzymes, which biotransform many drugs and some endogenous substances. When a broken-cell homogenate of the liver is prepared, the reticulum becomes fragmented, and the fragments form vesicular structures called microsomes. Although the microsomes are artifacts, it is often the practice to refer to drug metabolism as occurring in microsomes rather than in the endoplasmic reticulum. The microsomal system is peculiar in that both oxidations and reductions usually require the reducing cofactor, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). This is because microsomal oxidations proceed by way of the introduction of oxygen rather than by dehydrogenation, and NADPH is essential to reduce one of the atoms of oxygen. The drug first binds to an oxidized cytochrome P450. The drugcyto chrome complex then is reduced by NADPHcytochrome P450 reductase; the reduced complex then combines with oxygen, after which the metabolite is released and oxidized cytochrome P450 is regenerated. Cytochrome P450 is a generic term for a superfamily of enzymes.' The general designation of the cytochromes P450 is CYP followed by number (the family) and letter (the subfamily) subdivisions. The classification is based on amino acid sequence homology. To belong to the same family, the homology must be greater than 40% and to the same subfamily greater than 59%. The form is indicated by a number that is based upon the chronological discovery order. The major human forms involved in drug metabolism are CYP1A1 and CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C8, CYP2C9/10, CYP2C18/19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A7. In concentration, CYP3As comprise 40% of the liver P450, CYP2Cs comprise 25%, and CYP1A2 about 15%. Despite its limited concentration (2%), CYP2D6 metabolizes about one-fourth of currently used drugs and is widely tested for because of a genetic polymor-



phism in which 5 to 10% of the population are poor metabolizers. The different isozymes present in humans, together with which drugs they metabolize, are of increasing importance in understanding drug interactions and toxicities and individual responses to standardized doses. In addition to cytochrome P450, the endoplasmic reticulum contains flavoprotein monooxygenases, which are also responsible for the oxidative metabolism of drugs. The mechanism of oxidation differs from that of cytochrome P450, and their substrate (any drug containing a nucleophilic heteroatom) selectivity is much less. FMO3 is the major human liver form. Some of the enzymes of the microsomal system are quite easily induced; that is, a drug may increase considerably the activity of the enzyme by increasing the biosynthesis of the enzyme. An increase in the amount of endoplasmic reticulum sometimes occurs concomitantly with enzyme induction. The mechanism of induction is best documented for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (Ah)-type inducers but is thought to be similar for all agents; however, it involves different receptors, which interact with different regulatory elements on the DNA (Fig 57-16). The cytosol contains proteins that have a high affinity for the inducing agents. In normal drug therapy, the drug (D) enters the liver cell and, if adequately metabolized, is discharged as metabolites. Inefficient clearance from the cell, possibly due to high dosage, results in accumulation (ie, excess), and some is able to bind to the protein, which has a high affinity for the accumulating drug. When the inducing agent binds to its receptor, there is a conformational change (for an Ah receptor, chaperone proteins are displaced) allowing the receptor-inducer complex to translocate into the nucleus, link with additional nuclear factors, and initiate the transcription of raRNA to a limited number of proteins, by binding to DNA regions termed a drug-response element (DEE) (xenobiotic response element for the Ah receptor complex) that activate gene transcription. (For polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the activated genes including specific isozymes of cytochrome P450, glutathione S-transferase, and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase.) These mRNA molecules move out of the nucleus and are translated into new proteins on the ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. The drug-metabolizing enzymes differ in their ability to be induced. For cytochrome P450s, CYP1A2 is induced preferentially by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other chemicals contained in cigarette smoke and charcoal-broiled meats, as well as by components in cruciferous vegetables. CYP2A6 is induced by barbiturates as are CYP2C9 and CYP3A4. CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 are all induced by rifampicin, but CYP3A4 is additionally induced by many drugs including carbamazepine, phenytoin, glucocorticoids (dexamethasone), clotrimazole, sulfinpyrazone, and macrolide antibiotics such as troleandomycin. CYP2E1 can be induced by ethanol and isoniazid. There are no known inducers of CYP2D6. Treatment of an experimental subject with phenobarbital will increase the rate of metabolism of phenobarbital, which

necessitates larger and more frequent doses of the drug to maintain a constant sedative effect. Moreover, phenobarbital may induce an increased metabolism of some other, but not all, barbiturates as well as some unrelated drugs, such as strychnine and warfarin. Oddly, warfarin does not induce its own biotransformation readily. Induction may create therapeutic problems. For example, the use of phenobarbital during treatment with warfarin increases the dose requirement for warfarin. If the physician is unaware of this interaction and fails to increase the dose, the patient may suffer a thrombotic episode. if the dose of warfarin has been increased and the phenobarbital is then discontinued, the rate of metabolism of warfarin may drop to its previous level, so that the patient is overdosed, with hemorrhagic consequences. Some drugs inhibit rather than induce the microsomal enzymes, which reduces the dose requirement and may lead to toxicity. Cimetidine is an example of a drug that inhibits the hepatic metabolism of a number of other drugs. The activity of the micro somal biotransformation enzymes is affected by many factors other than the presence of drugs. Age, sex, nutritional states, pathological conditions, and genetic factors are among the influences that have been identified. Age, particularly, has received considerable attention. Infants have a poorly developed microsomal biotransformation system, which accounts for the low dose requirement for morphine and also explains the high toxicity of chloramphenicol in infants. The activity and selectivity of the microsomal biotransformation system varies greatly from species to species, so that care must be exercised in extrapolating experimental findings in laboratory animals to man. TYPES OF BIOTRANSFORMATIONSBiotransformaflans may be degradatice, wherein the drug molecule is diminished to a smaller structure, or synthetic, wherein one or more atoms or groups may be added to the molecule. Very few drugs are degraded completely. However, it is more useful to categorize biotransformations with respect to metabolic (nonconjugative) biotransformations and conjugative biotransformations. The former is called Phase 1 and the latter, Phase II. In Phase I, pharmacodynamic activity may be lost; however, active and chemically reactive intermediates also may be generated. The polarity of the molecule may or may not be increased sufficiently to increase excretion markedly. In Phase 11, metabolites from Phase I may be conjugated, and sometimes the original drug may be conjugated, thus bypassing Phase I. Phase II generates metabolites of high polarity, which are excreted readily. Biotransformations may be placed into four main categories: (1) oxidation, (2) reduction, (3) hydrolysis, and (4) conjugation. Oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis comprise Phase I. Conjugation comprises Phase II.
OxidationOxidation is more common than any other type of biotransformation. Oxidations that occur primarily in the liver microsomal system include side-chain hydroxylation; aromatic hydroxylation; deamination (which is oxidative and results in the intermediate formation of RCH0); N , 0-, and S-dealkylation (which probably involves hydroxylation of the alkyl group fhllowed by oxidation to the aldehyde); and sulf+axide formation. Oxidations that occur elsewhere, other than the microsomes, are generally dehydrogenations followed by the addition of oxygen or water. Examples are the oxidation of alcohols by alcohol dehydrogenase, the oxidation of aldehyde by aldehyde dehydrogenase, and the deamination of monoamines by monoamine oxidase and diamines by di amine oxidase. ReductionReductions are relatively uncommon. They mainly occur in liver microsomes, but they occasionally take place in other tissues. Examples are the reduction of nitro and nitroso groups (as in chloramphenicol, nitroglycerin, and organic nitrites), of the azo group (as in prontosil), and of certain aldehydes to the corresponding alcohols. HydrolysisHydrolysis is a common biotransformation among esters and amides. Esterases are located in many structures besides the microsomes. For example, cholinesterases are found in plasma, erythrocytes, liver, nerve terminals, junctional interstices, and postjunctional structures, and procaine esterases are found in plasma. Various phosphatases and sulfatases also are distributed widely in tissues and plasma, although few drugs are appropriate substrates. The hydrolytic deamidation of me peridine occurs primarily in the hepatic microsomes.

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m RNAs

(CYPs, 1.1 0Ts. GSTs, 00R, mEH, etc.)


Figure 57-16.



The hydrolysis of epoxides, often generated by cytochrome P450 oxidations, to form dihydrodiols is an important detoxification reaction. Desulfumtion, in which oxygen may replace sulfur, takes place in the liver. Thiopental is converted in part to pentobarbital by desulfuration, and parathion is transfbrmed to paraoxon. Dehalogenation of certain insecticides and various halogenated hydrocarbons may take place, principally in the liver but not in the microsomes. ConjugationA large number of drugs, or their metabolites, are conjugated. Conjugation is the biosynthetic process of combining a chemical compound with a highly polar and water-soluble natural substance to yield a water-soluble, usually inactive, product. Conjugations generally involve either esterification, amidation, mixed anhydride formation, he miacetal formation, or etherization. Giucuronic acid is the most frequent partner to the drug in conjugation. Actually, the drug reacts with uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid rather than with simple glucuronic acid. The drug or drug metabolite combines at the number 1 carbon (aldehyde end) and not at the carboxyl end of glucuronic acid. The hydroxyl group of an alcohol or a phenol attacks the number 1 carbon of the pyran ring to replace uridine diphosphate. The product is a hemiacetal-like derivative. Since the product is not an ester, the term glucuronide is appropriate. Rarely, thiols and amines may fbrm analogous glucuronides. Carboxyl compounds form esters, appropriately called glucuronates, in replacing the uridine diphosphate. Sulfuric acid is also a frequent conjugant, especially with phenols and to a lesser extent with simple alcohols. The sulfurated product is called an ethereal sulfa.te. Occasionally sulfuric acid conjugates with aromatic amines to form Phosphoric acid also conjugates with phenols and aromatic amines. The conjugation of benzoic acid with glycine to yield hippuric acid is a classical example of an amidation conjugative process. Many electrophilic compounds conjugate with the nucleophilic tripeptide, glutathione. Through a series of enzymatic reactions, the yglutamyl and glycyl residues are removed, the remaining cysteine conjugate is N-acetylated, and the product spontaneously dehydrates to form a mercapturic acid. Amidations with amino acids are less frequent than acetylation, partly because few drugs are carboxylic compounds. Aromatic amines and occasionally aliphatic amines or heterocyclic nitrogen frequently are acetylated. Acetyl-CoA is the biological reagent rather than acetic acid itself. Unlike most other conjugates, the acetylate (amide) is usually less water-soluble than the parent compound. The acetylation of the para-amino group of the sulfonamides is a prime example of this type of conjugation. Although most conjugations occur in the liver, some occur in the kidney or in other tissues. Many amines, especially derivatives of g-phenylethylamine and heterocyclic compounds, are methylated in the body. The products are usually biologically active, sometimes more so than the parent compound. N-Methylation may occur in the cytoplasm of the liver and elsewhere, especially in chromaffin tissue in the case of phenylethylamines. Phenolic compounds may be 0-methylated. O-Methylation is the principal route of biotransformation of catecholamines such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, the methyl group being introduced on the meta-hydroxy substituent. Both N- and 0-methylation require Sadenosylmethionine.

Acetylation is catalyzed by cytoplasmic N-acetyltransferases, NAT1, and in the liver, NAT2. NAT2 exhibits a genetic polymorphism, giving fast and slow a cetylator phenotypes with differing incidences in various populations (slow is high in Middle Eastern, low in Asian).

Some drugs are not biotransformed in the body. Others may be biotransformed, but their products still remain to be eliminated. It follows that excretion is involved in the elimination of all drugs and/or their metabolites. Although the kidney is the most important organ of excretion, some substances are excreted in bile, sweat, saliva, or gastric juice or from the lungs. RENAL EXCRETIONThe excretory unit of the kidney is called the nephron (Fig 57-17). There are several million nephrons in the human kidney. The nephron is essentially a filter funnel, called Bowman's capsule, with a long stem, called a renal tubule. It also is recognized now that the collecting duct is functionally a part of the nephron. The blood vessels that invest the capsule and the tubule are also an essential part of the nephron. Bowman's capsule is packed with a tuft of branching interconnected capillaries (glomerular tuft), which provide a large surface area of capillary endothelium (filter paper) through which fluid and small molecules may filter into the capsule and begin passage down the tubule. The glomerular tuft, together with Bowman's capsule, constitute the glomerulus. The glomerular capillary endothelium and the supporting layer of Bowman's capsule have channels ranging upward to 40 A. Consequently, all unbound crystalloid solutes in plasma, and even a little albumin, pass or are forced by pressure into the glomerular filtrate. The postglomerular vessels, which lie close to the tubules, are critically important to renal function in that substances resorbed from the filtrate by the tubule are returned to the blood along these vessels. The tubule is not straight but rather first


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All the drug conjugation reactions are catalyzed by specialized enzymes present in multiple forms. Glucuronidation is catalyzed by UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, UGTs, located in the endoplasmic reticulum. UGTs are classified in two major classes, UGT1As and UGT2Bs, based on amino acid homology, but the two classes also differ in substrate selectivity, with UGT1As preferring planar drugs and UGT2Bs preferring bulkier molecules. As with cytochrome P450s, these enzymes are inducible, and the two classes differ in their response to various drugs and other chemicals. Sulfation is catalyzed by sulfotransferases, SULTs, located in the cytoplasm. The many isozymes exhibit substrate selectivity, and some differ in thermal stability. Unlike most major drug-metabolizing enzymes, SULTs are refractory to induction by drugs. Glutathione conjugations are catalyzed by glutathione-Stransferases, GSTs, also located in the cytoplasm. The multiple isozymes are designated into four major classes: alpha, mu, pi and theta. The isozymes have relatively low substrate (electrophile) selectivity. Methylation reactions are catalyzed by cytoplasmic 0-, N-, and S-methyltransferases, and each exists in multiple forms.

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Figure 57 - 17. Diagram of a mammalian nephron. Note how the lower

loops of the postglomerular capillaries course downward and double back along with the tubule. This allows countercurrent distribution to maintain hyperosmolar urine within the thin segment.



makes a number of convolutions (called a proximal convoluted tubule), then courses down and back up a long loop (called the loop of Heide), makes more convolutions (the distal convoluted tubule) and finally joins the collecting duct. The loop of Henle is divided into a proximal (descending) tubule, a thin segment and a distal (ascending) tubule. As the glomerular filtrate passes through the proximal tubule, some solute may be resorbed (tubular resorption) through the tubular epithelium and returned to the blood. Resorption occurs in part by passive diffusion and in part by active transport, especially with sodium and glucose. Chloride follows sodium obligatorily. In the proximal region, the tubule is quite permeable to water, so that resorbed solutes are accompanied by enough water to keep the resorbate isotonic. Consequently, although the filtrate becomes diminished in volume by approximately 80% in the proximal tubule, it is not concentrated. Some acidification occurs in the proximal tubule as the result of carbonic anhydrase activity in the tubule cells and the diffusion of hydronium ions into the lumen. In the lumen the hydronium ion reacts with bicarbonate ion, which is converted to resorb able nonionic CO 2 . There is also active transport of organic cations and anions into the lumen (tubular secretion), each by a separate system. These active transport systems are extremely important in the excretion of a number of drugs; for example, penicillin G is secreted rapidly by the anion transport system, and tetraethylammonium ion by the cation transport system. Probenecid is an inhibitor of anion secretion and, hence, decreases the rate of loss of penicillin from the body. As the filtrate travels through the thin segment it becomes concentrated, especially at the bottom, as a result of active resorption and a countercurrent-distribution effect enabled by the recurrent and parallel arrangement of the ascending segment, the parallel orientation of the collecting duct, and the similar recurrent geometry of the associated capillaries. In the thick segment of the ascending loop of Henle, both sodium and chloride are transported actively. In the distal tubule, sodium resorption occurs partly in exchange for potassium (potassium secretion) and for hydronium ions. Adrenal mineralocorticoids promote distal tubular sodium resorption and potassium and hydronium secretion. Ammonia secretion also occurs, so that the urine either may be acidified or alkalinized, according to acid-base and electrolyte requirements. Water is resorbed selectively from the distal end of the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting ducts; water resorption is under the control of the antidiuretic hormone. Drugs also may be resorbed in the distal tubule; the pH of the urine there is extremely important in determining the rate



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Figure 57 19. The effect of urinary pH on the excretion of sulfaethidole in a human subject after oral administration of 2 g. Bars (l ower half): urinary pH; circles (open and closed, top): log of the amount of drug remaining in the body; negative slopes (of lines defined by the circles): a function of the rate constant of excretion. Note the abrupt increase in rate when the urinary pH is changed from acidic to neutral or slightly alkaline. (From Kostenbauder NB, et al./ Pharm Sci 1 962; 51:1084.)

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of resorption, in accordance with the principle of non-ionic diffusion and pH partition. The pH of the tubular fluid also affects the tubular secretion of drugs. As an example of the importance of urinary pH, in humans the secondary amine mecamylamine is excreted more than four times faster when the urinary pH is below 5 5 than when it is above 7.5; Figure 57-18 illustrates the effect of urinary pH on the excretion of this amine. The effect of urinary pH on the excretion of a weak acid, sulfaethidole, is shown in Figure 57-19. The urinary pH and, hence, drug excretion may fluctuate widely according to the diet, exercise, drugs, time of day, and other factors. Obviously, the excretion of weak acids and bases can be controlled partly with acidifying or alkalinizing salts, such as ammonium chloride or sodium bicarbonate, respectively. Comparative studies on potency and efficacy in man have demonstrated the importance of controlling urinary pH. Urinary pH is important only when the drug in question is a weak acid or base of which a significant fraction is excreted. The plasma levels will change inversely to the excretory rate. For example, it has been shown clinically with quinidine that alkalinization of the urine not only decreases the urine concentration but also increases the plasma concentration and toxicity. The collecting duct also resorts sodium and water, secretes potassium, and acidifies and concentrates the urine. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) controls the permeability to water of both the collecting duct and the distal tubule. Renal clearance and the kinetics of renal elimination are discussed in Chapter 58.


Many drugs are secreted into the bile and then pass into the intestine. A drug that is passed into the intestine via the bile may be reabsorbed and not lost from the body. A drug conjugate entering the intestine may be deconjugated by enzymes and the parent drug reabsorbed. This cycle of biliary secretion and intestinal resorption is called enterohepatic circulation. Examples of drugs enterohepatically circulated are morphine, and the penicillins. The biliary secretory systems greatly resemble those of the kidney tubules. The enterohepatic system may provide a considerable reservoir for a drug. if a drug is not absorbed completely from the intestine, the unabsorbed fraction will be eliminated in the feces. An unabs orbable drug that is secreted into the bile will likewise be eliminated in the feces. Such fecal elimination is called fecal

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Figure 57 18. The effect of urinary pH on the mean cumulative excretion in man of mecamylamine during the first day after oral administration of 1 0 mg. Vertical broken lines: standard deviation. (From Milne MD, et al. Clin Sci 1 957; 16:599.)



excretion. Only rarely are drugs secreted into the intestine through the succus entericus (intestinal secretions), although a number of amines are secreted into gastric juice. ALVEOLAR EXCRETIONThe large alveolar area and high blood flow make the lungs ideal for the excretion of appropriate substances. Only volatile liquids or gases are eliminated from the lungs. Gaseous and volatile anesthetics essentially are eliminated completely by this route. Only a small amount of ethanol is eliminated by the lungs, but the concentration in the alveolar air is related so constantly to the blood alcohol concentration that the analysis of expired air is acceptable for legal purposes. The high aqueous solubility and relatively low vapor pressure of ethanol at body temperature account for the reten-

tion of most of the substance in the blood. Carbon dioxide from those drugs that are partly degraded also is excreted in the lungs.

Pharmacokinetics is the science that treats the rate of absorption, extent of absorption, rates of distribution among body compartments, rate of elimination, and related phenomena. Because of its importance, Chapters 58 and 59, Basic Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, have been devoted to the subject.


Frequently a patient may receive more than one drug concurrently. Case records show that surgical patients commonly receive more than 10 drugs, and the patient is often under the influence of several drugs at once. Multiple-drug administration also is common for patients hospitalized for infections and other disorders. Furthermore, a patient may be suffering from more than one unrelated disorder that demands simultaneous treatment with two or more drugs. In such instances, interactions are unsolicited and often unexpected. In addition to the administration of drugs concurrently for their independent and unrelated effects, drugs are sometimes administered concurrently deliberately to make use of expected interactions. and Receptor Theory, homo dynamic drugs will generate doseintensity of effect curves with parallel slopes but not necessarily with identical maxima or efficacies, if one of the drugs is a partial agonist. From mass-law kinetics and dose-effect data of the separate drugs, it is possible to predict the combined effects of two agonists to the same receptor. If both drugs are full agonists, theory predicts that an EDx of D rug A a d de d to an EDy of Drug B should elicit the same effect as an EDy of Drug A added to an EDx of Drug a An example is shown in Figure 57-20. Dose-percentage data with homodynamic drugs can be treated in the same way.' Drugs whose combined effects fit the above conditions are called additive. lfthe response to the combination exceeds the expected value for additivity, the drugs are considered to be supraadditive. Purely homodynamic drugs do not show supra-additivity; however, if one drug in the pair has an additional action to affect the concentration or penetration of the other or to prime the response system in some way, two agonists to the same receptor may exhibit supra-additivity. Two homergic drugs are infra-additive if their combined effect is less than expected from additivity. As with supra-additivity, infra-additivity must involve an action elsewhere than on a common receptor. Two drugs are said to be summative if a dose of drug that elicits response x added to a dose of another drug that elicits response y gives the combined response x + y. Very little significance usually can be attached to summation. Unless the doseintensity curve of each drug is linear, rather than log-linear,


A drug may affect the response to another drug in a quantitative way. On one hand, the intensity of either the therapeutic effect, or side effect, may be augmented or suppressed. On the other hand, a qualitatively different effect may be elicited. The mechanisms of such interactions are many and are not always well understood. A drug may not necessarily affect either the quality or initial intensity or effect of another drug, but may cause significant to profound changes in the duration of action. The nature of this type of interaction generally is understood fairly well, although it may not yet have been ascertained for any particular drug combination. The deliberate use of combined interacting drugs is most valid when the mechanism of the interaction is understood and the combined effects are both quantifiable and predictable. The rationales of drug combination and the principles involved are discussed below. COMBINATIONS TO INCREASE INTENSITY OF RESPONSE OR EFFICACYSometimes the basis for the action of one drug to increase the intensity of response to another is well understood, but often the reason for a positive interaction is obscure. A terminology has arisen that frequently is not only enlightening as to mechanisms and principles but which also is somewhat confusing. Drugs that elicit the same quality of effect and are mutually interactive are called homergic, regardless of whether there is anything in common between the separate response systems. Thus, the looseness of the term admits a pressor response consequent to an increase in cardiac output to be homergic with one resulting from arteriolar constriction, even though there is not one common responsive element, the blood pressure itselfbeing but a passive indicator. However, homergic drugs usually have in common at leastpart ofa response system. Thus ,both norepinephrine and vasopressin stimulate some of the same vascular smooth muscle, even though they do not excite the same receptors. Two homergic drugs can be agonists of the same receptor, so that the entire response system is common to both. Such drugs are called homodynamic. As discussed under Drug Receptors

100 90

0 -0 -1E4 .A -- A C.6 Ineofchcat Eine 'or r,';+ TEA i1 gdditiye 45 o :.per.r.ew,-,1 C.;C: + TEA

7D 60


30 20 IC)

0. 2 0.4


1. 5




Figure 57-20. Additive inhibitory effects of tetraethylammonium (TEA) and hexamethonium (C6) on the superior cervical ganglion of the cat. The theoretical line for additivity was calculated on the basis that an increment of TEA added to an EDx of C6 should have the same effect as if it were added to an EDx of TEA. When TEA and C6 were administered together, an equal amount of each was given. The dose is the sum of the doses of the two components. (From Harvey SC. Arch Intern Pharmacodyn 1 958; 114:232.)



summation cannot be predicted from the two curves. When summation does occur with the usual clinical doses of two drugs, it almost never occurs over the entire dose range; indeed, if the dose of each of the two drugs is greater than an ED50, summation is theoretically impossible unless it is possible to increase the maximal response. At best, summation is an infrequent clinical finding, limited to one or two doses. Two drugs are said to be heterergic if the drugs do not cause responses ofthe same quality. When hetereru is positive, ie, the response to one drug is enhanced by the other, synergism is said to occur. The word often has been used to describe any positive interaction, but it should be used only to describe a positive interaction between heterergic drugs. The term potentiation has been used synonymously with synergism, but misuse of the term has led to the recommendation that the term be dropped. Synergism is often the result of an effect to interfere with the elimination of a drug and, thus, to increase the concentration; synergism also may result from an effect on penetration or on the responsivity ofthe effector system. Examples of a synergistic effect, in which r esp ns ivity is enhanced, are the action of adrenalcorticoids to enhance the vasoconstrictor response to epinephrine and the increase of epinephrine- induced hyperglycemia consequent to impairment by theophylline of the enzymatic destruction of the cAMP that mediates the response. In clinical practice two homodynamic drugs rarely are coadministered for the purpose of increasing the response, since a sufficient dose of either drug should be able to achieve the same effect as a combination of the two. Most clinical combinations with positively interacting drugs involve heterergic drugs.

ministration of ephedrine to correct hypotension resulting from spinal anesthesia.


Only a few drugs presently are used purposefully to elevate or prolong plasma levels by interfering with elimination, although continued interest in such drugs probably will increase the number. Probenecid, which already has been mentioned to antagonize the renal secretion of penicillin, was introduced originally for this purpose. However, because penicillin G is inexpensive and available in repository forms as well as oral forms (obviating the need for injection), it is less imperative to retard the excretion of penicillin. The low, nonallergenic toxicity of penicillin permits very large doses to be given without concern for the high plasma concentrations that result, which also means that there is little necessity for increasing the biological half-life of the drug. Consequently, probenecid is not used routinely today in combination with penicillin. The use of vasoconstrictors to increase the sojourn of local anesthetics at the site of infiltration continues, but few other clinical examples of the deliberate use of one drug to interfere with either the distribution or elimination of another can be cited. Nevertheless, the subject of the effect of one drug on the elimination of another has become immensely active. Innumerable drugs affect the fate of others, and the therapist must be aware of such interactions. Drugs that induce cytochrome P450s and other drug- metabolizing enzymes enhance the elimination of drugs that are metabolized by the liver. There would be very little point ordinarily in soliciting combinations that would shorten the duration of action or lower plasma levels, unless it were to reduce an overdosage. However, since such combinations are used unwittingly or unavoidably, this type of interaction is of great clinical importance. Drugs that inhibit cytochrome P450 will, of course, reduce the metabolism of a wide range of additional drugs and serve to prolong or elevate plasma concentration. COMBINATIONS TO ALTER ABSORPTIONIn the section Vehicles and Absorption Adjuvants, it was mentioned that certain substances facilitate the absorption of others. The use of such absorption adjuvants generally is included under the subject of formulation rather than under drug combination. Although drugs that increase blood flow, motility, etc, have an effect to increase the rate of absorption, the use of such drugs so far has not proved to be very practical. When it is desired to slow the absorption of drugs, various physical or physicochemical means prove to be more effective and less troublesome than drug combinations.


coadministered, it is usually for the purpose of decreasing toxicity. If the toxicities of two homo dynamic drugs are infra-additive, the toxicity of combined partial doses of the two drugs often will be less than with full doses of either drug. This principle is valid for trisulfapyrimidines mixture (see RPS-18, page 1181).

one organ or tissue may be affected or events at more than one locus may bear upon the ultimate perturbation. For example, in duodenal ulcer, psychic factors appear to increase activity in the vagus nerve, which modulates gastric secretion, so that it is rational to explore the effects of sedatives, ganglionic blocking drugs, antimuscarinic drugs, and antacids, singly and in combination. In heart failure the decrement in renal plasma flow and changes in aldosterone levels promote the retention of salt and water, so that diuretics and digitalis usually are employed concomitantly. Pain, anxiety, and agitation or depression are frequent accompaniments of various pathological processes, so that it is to be expected that analgesics, tranquilizers, sedatives, or antidepressives frequently will be given at the same time, along with other drugs intended to correct the specific pathology.

Fixed Combinations of Drugs

Concomitant treatment with two or more drugs frequently is unnecessary, and generally, it immeasurably complicates therapy and the evaluation of response and toxicity. Nevertheless, it is often warranted, even essential, and cannot be condemned categorically. However, with fixed-dose or fixed-ratio combinations, in which the drugs are together in the same preparation, there are certain disadvantages, except for a few rare instances such as trisulfapyrimidines. The disadvantages are as follows: patients differ in their responsivity or sensitivity to drugs, and adjustments in dosage or dose-interval may be necessary. If adjustment of only one component of the mixture is required, it is undesirable that the schedule of the second component be adjusted obligatorily, as it is in a fixed combination. According to which way the dose is adjusted, either toxicity or loss ofthe therapeutic effect may res ult. Furthermore, when adverse effects to either component occur, both drugs must be discontinued. The fixed combination denies the physician flexible control of therapy. Especially when one component in a mixture is superfluous yet potentially toxic, as is often the case, the promotion affixed combinations is reprehensible. However, the separate administration of drugs used in

COMBINATIONS TO ANTAGONIZE UNTOWARD ACTIONSThe side effects of a number of drugs can be prevented or suppressed by other drugs. An antagonist may compete with the drug at the receptor that initiates the side effect, depress the side-effector system at a point other than the receptor, or stimulate an opposing system. Antagonism at the receptor is competitive antagonism if the antagonist attaches at the same receptor group as the agonist (see page 1104). Antagonism at a different receptor group or inhibition elsewhere in the response system is noncompetitive antagonism. Both competitive and noncompetitive antagonism are classified as pharmacological antagonism. The stimulation of an opposing system is physiological antagonism. Examples of pharmacological antagonism are the use of atropine to suppress the muscarinic effects of excess acetylcholine consequent to the use of neostigmine and the use of antihistaminics to prevent the effects of histamine liberated by tubocurarine. Examples of physiological antagonism are the use of amphetamine to correct partially the sedation caused by anticonvulsant doses of phenobarbital and the ad-



combination often complicates treatment for patients, who, in an outpatient situation and sometimes in the hospital, may not take all of their medication or may take it at inappropriate intervals. The resulting consequences may be worse than those of fixed combinations in certain instances. Consequently, a summary dismissal affixed combinations is unwarranted. Rather, the fundamentals of pharmacokinetics and clinical experience must be brought together with biopharmaceutics to analyze present combinations and to predict possible new allowable combinations.


Some objections to fixed-dose combinations were stated above. Also the unanticipated effects of drug combinations have been touched upon, particularly with respect to effects upon elimination. But it should be made clear that more is at stake than simply the biological half-life of a drug. An example is given of the grave clinical consequences of the effect of phenobarbital enhancing the biotransformation of warfarin. Other examples of dangerous interactions, such as the effect of several antidepressants in greatly synergizing catecholamines, may be cited. Even some antibiotics antagonize each other and increase mortality. In addition to the obvious pitfalls posed by the interactions themselves, the use of multiple-drug therapy fosters careless diagnosis and a false sense of security in the number of drugs employed. Multiple-drug therapy should never be employed without a convincing indication that each drug is beneficial beyond the possible detriments or without proof that a therapeutically equivocal combination is definitely harmless. Finally, the expense to the patient warrants consideration.

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Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Raymond E Galinsky, PharmD Craig K Svensson, PharmD, PhD

netics of drugs. Drug concentration in the blood is the sum of several processes (Fig 58-4). 4 Initially, visual characterization of the processes controlling the concentration of drug in the blood can be made by constructing a drug concentration versus time profile (ie, a plot of drug concentration in the blood versus time). As can be seen from Figure 58-5, several useful pieces of information can be derived from such a profile. For example, the time at which the peak concentration occurs can be approximated and the peak concentration quantified. If the minimum concentration needed to maintain a desired effect is known, the onset and duration of effect also can be approximated. While useful information can be drawn casually from a simple graph as depicted in Figure 58-5, a more rigorous description of the pharmacokinetics of a drug is necessary to achieve the accuracy in dosage regimen design required for the safe and effective use of drugs. This higher degree of accuracy necessitates the development of mathematical models for describing the time course of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination.

The goal of pharmacotherapy is to provide optimal drug therapy in the treatment or prevention of disease. A major barrier to the achievement of this goal is the large variability in pharmacological effect that is observed following drug administration (Fig 58-1). 1 The ability to implement drug therapy in a safe and rational manner necessitates an understanding of the factors that cause this variability. One of the most important factors is the concentration of drug that is achieved at the site of action.


The quantitative response to a drug depends highly on the concentration of drug at the site of action. In most situations, one cannot quantify drug concentration at the actual site of action. Rather, drug concentrations are measured in an easily accessible site that is believed to be in equilibrium with the site of action (eg, blood or one of its components). Figure 58-2' provides a good illustration of a drug whose pharmacological effect is particularly sensitive to changes in blood concentration. Numerous studies have been published that substantiate the critical nature of the concentration-effect relationship for a wide variety of drugs. It is recognized now that drug therapy may be optimized by designing regimens that account for the concentration of a drug necessary to achieve a desired pharmacological response. However, there is often significant difficulty in achieving such target concentrations. In particular, it often is observed that if a fixed dose of a drug is administered to a gro up of individuals, the drug concentration measured in plasma can vary widely. For example, the peak concentration of 6-mercaptopurine achieved in a group of 20 patients who received a standard 1 mg/m 2 dose is shown in Figure 58-3.' The concentrations ranged from 0 to 660 ng/mL. Taken together, this suggests that variability in drug concentration is a major source of variability in drug effect, and there may be a significant degree of variability among individuals in the drug concentrations produced by a given dose of drug. A basic understanding of the factors that control drug concentration at the site of action is important for the optimal use of drugs. This is the area of study referred to as pha rmacokinetics, which is the study of the time course of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination.

One of the primary objectives of pharmacokinetic models is to develop a quantitative method to describe the relationship of drug concentration or amount in the body as a function of time. The complexity of the pharmacokinetic model will vary with the route of administration, the extent and duration of distribution into various body fluids and tissues, the processes of elimination, and the intended application of the pharmacokinetic model. Often, numerous potential mathematical models exist for a particular drug. In such cases, the simplest model that will adequately and accurately describe the pharmacokinetics of the drug is the model that should be chosen. There are a wide variety of potential uses for pharmacokinetic models, which include
1. Prediction of drug concentration in blood/plasma or tissue. 2. Calculation of a dosage regimen. 3. Quantitative assessment of the effect of disease on drug disposition. 4. Elucidation of the mechanism of disease-induced alterations in drug disposition. 5. Determination of the mechanism for drug-drug interactions. 6. Prediction of drug concentration versus effect relationships.


Blood (or its components, plasma or serum) represents the most frequently sampled fluid used to characterize the pharmacoki-

There are three primary types of pharmacokinetic models: compartmental, noncompartmental, and physiological. Compartmental models describe the pharmacokinetics of drug disposition by grouping body tissues that are kinetically indistinguishable and describe the transfer of drug between body tissues in terms of rate constants.





6 z



10-14 15-19 M-24 25-29 :11434 35-39 40-44 1549 50-64 >51

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 6Mercaptopurine concentration (ng/mL)
Figure 58 3. Distribution of peak 6-mercaptopurine concentrations achieved in a group of 20 patients receiving an oral dose of 1 mg/m 2 , (Data from Sulh H, et al. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1 986; 40:604.)

Depression of blood glucose (ex-pressed as percent of control)

Figure 58 1. Decrease in blood glucose in 97 subjects 3D min after an intravenous dose of 1 g of tolbutamide. Note the large variability observed after the equivalent dose was administered in this group. (Data from Swerdloff RS, et al. Diabetes 1967; 16:161.)

Noncompartmental models describe the pharmacokinetics of drug disposition using time- and concentration-averaged parameters. Physiological models attempt to describe drug disposition in terms of realistic physiological parameters, such as blood flow and tissue-partition coefficients.


Many pharmacokinetic models use parameters that are analogous to rate constants in chemical kinetics. For example, consider the case of a drug (D) that is metabolized to a metabolite ( M).

This reaction may be described as a function of either the disappearance of the drug or as a function of the appearance of the metabolite. If the amount of the drug that is converted to a metabolite is a constant with respect to time, the reaction is said to be zero - order and is expressed as

Patient A 2

Patient B

Patient C


k t


where Ko is the zero-order rate constant with units of mass per time (eg, mg/min). A plot of the time-course of the amount of the drug in the body that is converted to a metabolite by zero-order kinetics is shown in Figure 58-6. Integration of Equation 1 yields an equation for a straight line, which describes the amount of the drug in the body at any time (0 Amount t =

k o t + Amount t = o = ki t + Dose


i I 0.5 0.8 0.2 EI7 0.5 0.8 I 0.2 I I 0.5 0.8

I 0.2

Pethidine concentration (1.ig/mL)

Figure 58 2. Blood-pethidine concentration-response curves for three individual patients, illustrating a typical range in interpatient responses. (From Edwards DJ, et al. Clin Pharmacokinet 1 982; 7:421.)

Zero-order rate processes typically are found when an enzyme or transport system becomes saturated and the rate process becomes constant and cannot be increased by increases in the concentration of substrate. Zero-order rate processes are typical of constant-rate intravenous infusions and prolonged- release dosage forms. If the amount of the drug in the body is converted to a metabolite at a rate that is a constant fraction of the amount of the drug in the body, the conversion of D to M is said to be a first-order reaction described by






Drug in dosage form Release V Drug particles Peripheral compartment (tissue)


Lipoid barriers Metabolizing enzymes n n

in body fluid Dissolution Drug in solution Iv IM GI

I i


; .1 I n; 11



Central compartment Free drug Protein bound drug

Liver I




" Biologic effect Compensatory mechanisms

Absorption Gastrointestinal Percutaneous Subcutaneous Intramuscular Ocular, nasal Pulmonary Sublingual, etc

Metabolism Activation Deactivation Polarization

Excretion Urinary Biliary Pulmonary Salivary

Reabsorption Renal, tubular Enterohepatic

Site of action Observed response Enzyme systems Therapeutic or "receptors" Toxic in specific organs

figure 58 4. Diagram illustrating the factors that influence onset, duration, and intensity of drug effects. Note that the drug must dissolve before being absorbed and that it passes across many lipoid barriers and some metabolizing systems before reaching the site of action, (From Barr WH. Am 1 Pharm Educ 1968; 52:958.)


0 C
where k is the first-order rate constant expressed in units of reciprocal time (eg, min -1 ). Rearrangement of Equation 3 leads to
dD k,di



and integration of this expression yields

1.,) I Jo 7 n D = kt + In D c,



where In is the natural logarithm. This equation also can be expressed in the exponential form 0 Di =D o e -Id (6)

0 20

Graphically, the integrated form usually is expressed in terms of log in rather than in natural logarithms (see Fig 58-6): C

kt "D



0 0 1

3 Time (hours)

Any discussion of pharmacokinetics presumes that the drug concentrations can be determined with a high degree of accuracy and precision. One of the most frequent causes of highvaiiability in pharmacokinetic parameters is poor data resulting

Figure 58 5. Hypothetical plot of drug-concentration data after oral ad-

ministration of a drug.





Slope =


[ D]

Slope = k o

Log [ D]



Figure 58 6. Plots illustrating a zero-order and a first-order reaction. from imprecise analytical procedures. Evaluation of pharmacokinetic data in the literature must begin with an assessment of the validity of the assay used under the conditions in which the study was conducted. An assay must be tested for specificity, sensitivity, reproducibility, stability, and accuracy. Because drug metabolites are frequently present in the fluid to be measured and are similar in structure to the parent compound, differentiation of drug from any putative metabolites must be ensured.

= 7 +8f + 27 VI



The disposition of a drug from its site of administration and its distribution and elimination from the body occurs via the vascular system. Most drugs are low-molecular-weight compounds of sufficient lipophilicity that they are able to distribute readily into the intra- and extracellular fluid compartments in the body. The transfer of drug from the circulation to these fluid compartments and then into tissues is called distribution. The pharmacokinetic parameter volume of distribution is a proportionality constant that relates drug concentration in a reference fluid, typically plasma, to the amount of drug distributed throughout the body.

This model has been extremely useful in predicting the magnitude of changes in the apparent volume of distribution due to alterations in (1) plasma protein binding, (2) tissue protein binding, and (3) the volume of extracellular and intracellular fluid. For example, if a drug distributes into extracellular fluid but not intracellular fluid, the apparent volume of distribution can be expressed as VD

= 7 + 8 f


Volume of distribution


Amount of drug in body (DO (8) Drug concentration (Op)

Drugs that distribute widely to tissues will have large volumes of distribution and low plasma concentrations relative to the dose administered, whereas drugs that are highly bound to plasma proteins (eg, warfarin, phenylbutazone) or do not readily enter cells (eg, a mikacin) will have low volumes of distribution and high plasma concentrations relative to the administered dose. ie and Tozer" have developed a physiological model for expression of the apparent volume of distribution, which takes into account the extracellular water, including plasma- and protein-binding of the drug in both plasma and tissue. For an average 70-kg male, total body water is about 42 L, of which 3 L is plasma and 12 L is extracellular fluid space. Moreover, 55-60% of the albumin in the extracellular space is found outside of plasma. Thus, for drugs that are largely bound to albumin, the apparent volume of distribution can be expressed as VD = 7 + 8 f + VT{ 4,
J ?' r.

and will vary between 7 and 15 L, depending upon the extent of plasma protein binding to albumin. For such a compound, with a relatively small volume of distribution, alterations in the plasma protein binding will not produce proportional changes in the apparent volume of distribution. Indeed, as reported by Williams et al,' the free fraction of tolbutamide in plasma increases in patients with cirrhosis by 28%, from 0.068 to 0.087, yet the apparent volume of distribution increases less than 10%, from 0.15 to 0.164 MT. Conversely, drugs with a volume of distribution greater than total body water indicate drug distribution and binding to tissue proteins and other cellular components. Such compounds also may be bound highly to plasma proteins. With drugs having a large volume of distribution (>50-100 L), the contribution of plasma and extracellular water space can be ignored, and Equation 3 simplifies to

v = 27 [


Volume = Vcy


(el i minoticn)



Figure 58 7. The open one-compartment pharmacokinetic model. The

amount of the drug dose (D)that enters the body is De ; in the case of intravenous injection, this is the entire dose, whereas in the case of extravascular administration, some fraction of the dose (F) is absorbed with a rate constant of k a . The compartment has an apparent volume of distribution (14) into which drug distributes instantaneously to achieve a concentration of Cp . Drug is eliminated from the compartment with a rate constant k ey . D is the amount excreted into urine, feces, bile, expired air, sweat, milk, etc; D, is the amount of drug metabolized.


where f is the fraction of the drug in plasma that is unbound (often referred to as the free fraction), f T is the free fraction of drug in tissue, and VT is the volume of intracellular tissue water. Equation 9 can be simplified further to




0.693 0.693 A


E I 25 0

I .0
.2 0.7 5

0 0.50
) L 0. 25 ca

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hours Figure 58-8. Elimination curve of average blood levels of theophylline in 11 human subjects after intravenous administration of 0.5 g aminophyiline per 70 kg to each. (Data from Truth EB Jr, et al. 1 Pharmacol Exp Ther 1 950; 100:309.)

As shown, the half-life is related inversely to the elimination rate constant. When the elimination rate constant, k.1, is determined from the slope of the concentration versus time plot, one must keep in mind that the data need to be plotted on a semilog scale. From Figure 58-9, the 1?,.2 is determined to be 0.22 hr This is the instantaneous rate constant and indicates that 22% of the theophylline in the body is lost per hour. The rate constant for elimination (see Fig 58-7) is shown without reference to the route of elimination. It must be recognized that ki represents the overall elimination by all competing, parallel pathways and is equal to the sum of the rate constants that define the various simultaneous (ie, parallel) contributory processes (eg, metabolism, renal excretion, or biliary secretion). Thus, the overall rate constant, 14/ ki + k 2 + k ;3 + kN, where k i + k 2 + k ;3 + are the rate constants of the separate contributory processes. Half-life is a clinically useful pharmacokinetic parameter in that it indicates when the next dose of a drug needs to be administered and is therefore helpful in designing an optimal dosing regimen. The half-life also is useful in determining
1. The fluctuation of plasma concentrations between doses; 2. The time required to reach steady-state equilibrium after beginning continuous drug administration; and 3. The persistence of drug in the system once drug administration has ceased.

Changes in the plasma or plasma-free fraction will produce proportional changes in the apparent volume of distribution. For example, a twofold increase in the free fraction of drug in tissue, fT, will decrease the apparent volume of distribution by twofold. Less drug will be distributed to tissue, reflected by an increase in plasma concentrations. The volume necessary to account for the total amount of drug in the body will appear to have been decreased. Once a drug is in the vascular system, it is transported by the blood to tissues where it can be eliminated from the circulation by distribution into tissue, metabolism by the tissue, or excretion from the tissue (see Fig 58-4). All of these processes lower the plasma concentration of drug. Each separate process may be described by a first-order rate constant, and the overall change in the plasma concentration is the net effect of all of these parallel, competing, firstorder processes. Intravenous injection of a drug that has nearly instantaneous distribution and first-order elimination can be described by an open one-compartment model (Fig 58-7). The body behaves as if it were a homogeneous compartment. In the onecompartment model, distribution is very rapid and can be considered instantaneous and is, therefore, ignored. After intravenous administration the plasma concentration declines exponentially according to C = Co e ' (13)

Under some conditions, it is not possible to obtain plasma concentration data over sufficient time to obtain accurate estimates of the half-life for designing dosage regimens. The elimination rate constant, and hence the half-life, may be estimated from the excretion rate of unchanged drug. Because the first-order elimination rate constant is independent of the amount of drug in the body, the instantaneous excretion rate, dDIdt is directly proportional to the total amount of drug in the body.

= ke D b (15)

where DB and D r, are the amount of drug in the body at time zero and the amount of drug excreted in the urine, respectively, and k, is the urinary excretion rate constant. A plot of log dD, I dt versus time yields a straight line with slope of 102.3. One also may estimate the half-life from urinary excretion data using the cumulative amount of drug excreted (sigma-minus) method. Using this approach

where Co is the initial concentration and X is the overall elimination rate constant. Such an exponential elimination of theophylline given intravenously, is shown in Figure 58 8. 7 According to Equation 13, if the data of Figure 58-8 are plotted on semilog paper, a straight line should result, and such a plot is shown in Figure 58-9. Several derived data can be obtained from a plot of log concentration versus time. Extrapolation to zero time (ie, the y-intercept) gives an estimated theoretical concentration in plasma at time zero, from which the apparent volume of distribution (VD) can be estimated by simply dividing the dose by C o . It is a theoretical concentration because neither the injection nor distribution are actually insta ntane ous. The half- life of a drug is the time required to reduce the amount of drug in the body or the plasma concentration by 50%. For a first-order process, the half-life is constant and is independent of the starting value of the amount of drug in the body (or plasma concentration). The plasma half-life, t 1 , 2 , can be determined directly from the graph or from the elimination rate constant, X or 14i, by means of the relationship

Theoretical blood concentration it distriPution had been instantaneous upon injection

I .0

%, '10 Cr+

E 0.7
0 0 0.5


0.3 0.25

Half-time,3.2 hours 0.22 hr-I ID I 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 58-9. Semilog plot of the elimination curve in Figure 58-8. Note the fog scale of the ordinate.




D, = DB

kp l




The one-compartment model adequately describes the pharmacokinetics of drugs with instantaneous distribution. flowever, for some compounds, distribution requires some finite time to reach equilibrium. During this time, the drug undergoes distribution and elimination, and drug concentrations decrease rapidly. When distribution equilibrium is established, the loss of drug from the body is due to elimination, and plasma concentrations decline more slowly. This biexponential time-course of plasma concentrations can be described by a two-compartment model. In this model, the body appears to behave as if it is comprised of two compartments, a central compartment and a peripheral compartment. By convention, drug absorption (or injection) and drug elimination occur from the central compartment and the peripheral compartment is closed and communicates with the environment only through the central compartment (Fig 58-10). The movement of drug between compartments following rapid intravenous injection with elimination from the central compartment can be described by

k I k represents the fraction of the drug in the body that eventually is excreted in urine as unchanged drug and D,' represents the total amount of unchanged drug excreted in urine. A plot of the log of the amount of drug remaining to be excreted 12.303. This (D' D) versus time yields a slope equal to method requires collecting urine for at least 6 to 8 half-lives to achieve an accurate measure of D " For a drug eliminated by first-order kinetics, the elimination rate constant, k,4, can be expressed as the fraction of the volume of distribution that is presented to an eliminating organ and cleared of drug per unit time (clearance) relative to the total volume of distribution, VD . Thus, k 1 represents the fractional removal rate of drug from the system, and the elimination rate constant can be expressed in terms of clearance and volume of distribution: Clearance

Elimination-rate constant (Icl )


As written in Equation 17, the elimination rate constant (and hence, plasma half-life) is a dependent parameter that, by itself, is not always the most reliable indicator of drug removal from the body. Disease or altered physiology (eg, aging, pregnancy) can alter protein binding, thereby affecting the apparent volume of distribution, or alter organ function, thereby affecting clearance, but these changes may not be reflected by changes in the half-life. For example, the volume of distribution may be altered due to changes in tissue or plasma protein binding, independent of specific organ function (clearance). In this instance, the half-life of a drug may be changed, but clearance could remain constant. Although a useful parameter, one must always bear in mind that half-life is a dependent or derived parameter that does not reliably reflect irreversible removal of drug from the body. A more accurate way to express half-life (Equation 14) therefore is
t113 =11693

= k,,D, - k, Tir 2D ,

k o D,

dD2 = k 9 D I ,,, D -1 2


where D2 is the amount of drug in the peripheral or tissue compartment, D I is the amount of drug in the central compartment, k 21 and k i2 are the apparent first-order intercompartmental distribution rate constants, and k io or k 1 is the apparent firstorder elimination rate constant from Compartment 1. After intravenous injection of a drug that obeys twocompartment pharmacokinetics, the plasma concentration de-


Clearance is the most useful pharmacokinetic indicator of irreversible loss of drug from the body and refers to a volume of fluid from which drug appears to be removed in a given amount of time. Clearance also can be expressed as the quotient of overall rate of elimination of a drug relative to the drug concentration at a particular organ of elimination,

Compartment 2
(peripheral comps Iment)
I ..

Volume = V2



Rate of elimination Concentration


k ey
[er mino?iorl)



and, if time-averaged over the time course of plasma concentrations, drug clearance can be expressed as Clearance Amount of drug removed

COMpartMerli (central coirporlmentl

VOlUrrie t V /


Figure 58-10. Diagram of open two-compartment pharmacokinetic

model. The amount of dose that enters the body for an intravenous injection is the entire dose, and administration is instantaneous. The amount of dose absorbed from an extravascular dose is F D, where F is the fraction of dose absorbed with a rate constant, Some of the absorbed drug enters Compartment 2 with a first-order rate constant of k i2 and is returned to Compartment 1 with a first-order rate constant of kn. Di is the amount of drug in Compartment 1, and Eh in Compartment 2; C I and C2 are the respective concentrations in Compartments 1 and 2 (C I = Cr ). Drug is eliminated from Compartment 1 with a first-order rate constant, Ice/. which, however, is obscured by the lag in transfer of drug from Compartment 2 to Compartment 1. D is the amount excreted into urine, feces, expired air, sweat, milk, etc; D, is the amount of drug metabolized. The relative volumes V I and V7 may vary greatly, Vi sometimes being the larger and other times the smaller.

where AEIC is the area under the concentration-versus-time curve. Total body clearance, CLT, also can be estimated as the quotient of dose and area under the concentration-versus-time curve from zero to infinity.
Dose iv



Total body clearance is the sum of all the separate clearances that contribute to drug elimination





CI. 25.5 mgim L

Co = C I +

C2; V, - Cl 2 (28) C

IC c



-0 OeSit +


-0 0Oesst

The hybrid rate constants, A l and X2, can be defined using the following two equations:


r? 5.0 C 2 =5.6 Atg/mL

Experimental values Residuals

XI + Al

= k12 + k21 + ket =

Al A,


Simin A2= 0.00855min -4

(31) (32) (33)

1I/2 . 11min 1,0 XI. 0.0631min



+ C2 A i A+

k- 1 , =

k,, - k,


1 0.5

1 1.0

I 1.5 Time (iv)

I 2.0

Subject # 2663 Dose 1 0mcp/kg 1 1 2.5 3.0

The reader is referred to Gibaldi and Perrier (see Bibliography) for a more in-depth derivation of these expressions. The slope of the final phase of biexponential disposition, X2, can be related to the elimination-rate constant, lt,r, by
X2 fekPI

Figure 58-11. Resolution of the plasma concentration curve for pralidoxime into its distribution and elimination components after intravenous administration. Note that plasma concentration is plotted on a logarithmic scale. The time constant for the elimination phase is determined from the slope, -0.434 X 2 ; it is a hybrid constant and X 2 is not the same as k e (see text). Likewise, the time constant for distribution, X i , is obtained from the slope, -0.434X i , of the distribution line; X i is also a hybrid constant. (From Gibaldi M, Perrier D. Pharmacokinetic 2nd ed. New York: Dekker, 1982.)


where fc is the fraction of the drug that is in the central compartment after distribution equilibrium has been achieved. After distribution, the fraction of the drug in the central compartment is a constant.
k2i - A2

k, + k, 2 - A-2


dines in a complex biexponential fashion. When plotted on semilog graph paper, the separate processes of distribution and elimination can be identified by the method of residuals (Fig 5811). 8 Figure 58-11 shows such a resolution of the biexponential decay into the two components of distribution and elimination. From the slopes and intercepts of the residuals, the plasma concentration, C, at any time, t, can be described as the sum of two exponentials, namely



The terminal disposition constant, X2, reflects disposition from the entire body and is a function of distribution and elimination. The rate constant, k t, 1 , represents only elimination from the theoretical central compartment. The volume of distribution, VD, can be determined in a twocompartment system; however, the estimation is complicated by the noninstantaneous nature of the distribution phase between the two compartments and results in the apparent volume of distribution being time-dependent. From Equation 18, it can be seen that the volume of distribution of the central compartment, V I , can be obtained following administration of an intravenous dose, D fv, of drug from (36)

Dose(A 1 - k 21 ) Cl VI N - A 2 )

C, + C,

Clearance can be calculated from the product of ki and V1 , and the volume of the central compartment can be expressed as
Div -





lc, 0 [AUC1 0 _


V i(Al

Distribution is more rapid than elimination, such that at some point, the first term in Equation 24, C l e A l t approaches zero and the biological half-life can be determined from the slope of the terminal phase
0.693 tra (27)

The most accurate method of estimating the volume of distribution is to estimate the steady-state volume of distribution. The volume of distribution at the steady state, Vss, represents the steady state with respect to distribution of the drug from the central compartment to the tissue compartments and is not altered by changes in drug elimination or clearance. The total amount of the drug in the body at the steady state is the sum of the amounts in all compartments, thus
k i2

C I , C2, X I , and X2 are hybrid constants, representing the intercepts, CJ, C2, and slopes, A ,, X 2 , of the two exponential phases, which can be obtained by computer-fitting the biexponential data. The zero-time intercept and the volume of the central compartment, V I , and the actual pharmacokinetic parameters k 12 , k 21 , and ka can be derived from the hybrid rate constants using the following relationships. At time t = 0

Vss = V, -I-


Notice that Vss is independent of the elimination rate constant, 141, and X. The volume of distribution by area, Vp , is an alternate method of estimating the apparent volume of distribution and relies on



the assumption that the plasma and the amount of drug in the body decline in parallel during the postdistributive phase.

VI ke,


The least accurate method of estimating the volume of distribution for a drug that follows biexponential elimination kinetics is by extrapolation, Vg.xTR,41 , , because changes in distribution can alter the estimation of the hybrid intercept, C2.




Distribution to various tissues depends upon both blood flow to that tissue and the rate of uptake (effective partition coefficient) into a particular tissue and its cells. The overall pattern of drug distribution is governed by both tissue perfusion and diffusion of drug within tissues. Tissues with the highest blood flow, such as liver, kidney, and brain, equilibrate more rapidly than tissues that are perfused less well, such as skin and fat. Once in the tissue vasculature, drug distribution into tissue is controlled largely by diffusional barriers of cell membranes. Rowland and Tozer (see Bibliography) present a useful expression for the firstorder rate constant for distribution of drug into tissue.
kr18511 5




Time fhr)

Figure 58-12. Semilogarithmic plot of plasma concentration during and

after cessation of a constant intravenous infusion of a drug in a one-compartment system. Whether infusion is stopped prior to the attainment of a plateau or after, the plasma concentration will fall log-linearly with a slope of 0.434k e . In the figure, K is k o and 1/2.303 = 0.434. C is the steady-state concentration, Cp ". (From Gibaldi M, Perrier D. Pharmacokinetics, 2nd ed. New York: Dekker, 1982.)



where kPARTITION is the equilibrium distribution ratio of tissue and venous drug concentration, Q is tissue blood flow, VTISSUE is the tissue volume, and the quotient of Q and VTIssuE is the tissue perfusion rate. The time to reach tissue equilibrium is the reciprocal of Equation 41. For a poorly perfused tissue such as fat, the kPARTmom may be quite high and the Q / VT!SSUE low, resulting in a long time to reach tissue equilibrium. Even for highly perfused tissues, such as the brain, the distribution of some drugs may be quite variable and will depend upon diffusion across cell membranes. In this case, distribution is said to be diffusion-rate-limited and will depend upon both the oilto-water partition coefficient and the degree of ionization at physiological pH. For most drugs, distribution usually occurs more rapidly than elimination, resulting in complete distribution before most of the drug has been eliminated. For some drugs, once injected, distribution is so rapid that the overall plasma-concentration time-course represents elimination (see Fig 58-7). Thus, both administration and distribution appear to be instantaneous, and the pharmacokinetics can be modeled by the simplest one-compartment model (see Fig 58-7). For such a drug, the volume of distribution can be calculated as the quotient of the intravenous dose and the extrapolated plasma concentration at time zero, C o .


= R o - (lco DB )


The plasma concentration ( C) at any time during the constant infusion is Ro C -(1 - e -4 ""+f) CL T


where t,f equals the time of the infusion. As the time of the infusion increases, the exponential expression approaches zero, and the concentration approaches steady state. At steady state, the rate of infusion is equal to the rate of elimination, and the simplified expression can be expressed as ess Ro CL, (44)

The fraction of the steady state that is achieved in some time, t,,, f, after the start of the infusion can be calculated as

e-1,44,,r) (45)

and can be expressed in terms of half- lives as


= (1 2 - n)

It is sometimes desirable to administer a drug continuously to maintain constant plasma concentration. This is often the case for drugs with very rapid elimination or for those that have a low therapeutic index. Continuous input commonly is thought of in terms of intravenous infusion; however, sustained-release oral dosage forms and delivery of drugs through the skin from patches also are examples of continuous input, and the pharmacokinetics of drug administration is similar for all systems with continuous input. With constant intravenous infusion, the plasma concentration rises in a logarithmic fashion and eventually reaches a plateau (Fig 58-12). 8 The time to reach the plateau or steadystate concentration is determined by the elimination rate constant. The rate of change of drug in the body (D B ) during a constant rate infusion (R 0 ) is the difference between the zeroorder infusion rate and the first-order elimination rate.

where n is the ratio of infusion time and half-life. For example, when the infusion time equals three half-lives (n = 3), the concentration is at 87.5% of the steady state, and when the infusion has lasted for four half-lives = 4), the concentration has achieved 93.75% of the steady state. Theoretically, one never reaches steady-state conditions because this is an exponential process; however, for clinical purposes one can assume, with little error, that steady-state concentrations are achieved within four to five half-lives. If a drug has a relatively long half-life and the therapeutic situation demands rapid attainment of therapeutic plasma concentrations, it is sometimes desirable to give a loading dose at the beginning of the constant-rate infusion. The loading dose should approximate the amount of drug in the body at steady state. If the apparent volume of distribution and target concentration is known, the loading dose can be calculated simply as

(Target c oncentration)(VD)




The plasma concentration is the sum of the contributions from the loading dose and the infusion and can be estimated at any time after the loading dose has been given and infusion started from
Dom koAninrc

_ k4r)


equal to D + 0.5D. At the end of each dose interval, the total amount of drug in the body is half of the postinjection peak and is the sum of the amount remaining from all of the previous doses. The maximum, C AfAX,SS, and minimum, Cmmcss, concentrations at steady state are described by


e kElii,f)

(48) ,

(1 -


and if the half-life of the drug is known, the loading dose can be estimated from the quotient of infusion rate, R 0 and elimination rate constant, k z . For some drugs, such as lidocaine, the entire loading dose cannot be given in a single bolus injection because there is a significant distribution phase. In such a case, fractional loading-dose schemes can be used in which the loading dose is divided into several smaller bolus doses and given during the beginning of the infusion. Finally, it should be noted that whether or not a loading dose is given, the attainment of steady state is determined by the elimination half-life and not by the rate of the infusion or the use of bolus loading doses to achieve concentrations rapidly.

and,sse - (50)

The concentration at the midpoint of a dosing interval at the steady state is a time-averaged concentration, C Av over the entire dosing interval and is described by


1.44t 1 /9Div

VDk ei7


Continuous administration of a drug is often impractical, and multiple-dose regimens are used to maintain the concentration of a drug within an acceptable range that mimimizes the development of toxicity and avoids loss of efficacy. Usually, the dose of a drug is administered with a constant dose interval, referred to as T. Some features of a multiple dosage scheme are shown in Figure 58-13. The drug is administered at a fixed dose and a fixed interval. Each successive dose is administered before the previous dose has been eliminated entirely, and thus drug accumulation occurs. As with the constant intravenous infusion, the time to reach a steady-state fluctuation depends upon the elimination half-life and not on the size of the dose or the dosing interval. In Figure 5843, the dose, D, is administered at a dosing interval equal to the half-life. After the first dose is given, the amount of drug in the body is equal to that dose. When the next dose is given, the amount of drug in the body is


There are numerous disadvantages associated with viewing drug disposition from a compartmental perspective, not the least of which is the lack of physiological relevance of such models. Noncompartmental models have been developed and are generally the preferred method for assessing overall drug disposition, in part because parameters such as volume of distribution and clearance can be calculated directly from the data, without computer fitting. Moreover, parameters estimated by these methods generally are less sensitive to variability in the data. Noncompartmental methods characterize drug disposition using time- and concentration-averaged parameters and have been described by J usko. 9 This analysis also is known as nonparametric analysis and assumes that all processes are first-order and that the parameters of the model reflect steadystate behavior. A primary tool used in this methodology is that of statistical moments.'

ASYrf nPi

;,,o+ 0+ Fo+zo+go D+ i(D,


V (I +


13.i6 ,- 32 4')

P-F 4D


.N. -



o+ i o






TIME, in intervalsof r

Figure 58 13. The accumulation of drug in the body during a regimen of multiple dosing. Dose, D, is administered intravenously at intervals, T, equal to the half-life, t 1 , 2 . Thus, after each dose, the amount in the body, D e, has decreased to half the previous peak amount at the time each dose is administered. When the cumulated amount in the body after injection reaches 2D, the body content will fluctuate from 2D to 1 D during each dose interval thereafter. Approximately five half-lives are required before this leveling off (plateau) of the body content occurs. The stippled area is the area under the elimination curve of a single injection, if no second dose had been given. The cross-hatched area is the area under the curve during a single-dose interval at steady state. The two areas are equal.



STATISTICAL MOMENTSThe use of statistical moments in the analysis of the time-course of drug concentrations is especially useful because it frees the investigator from the use of such models as the compartmental, which often are derived empirically and do not represent physiological events. The time-course of drug concentration in blood generally can be viewed as a statistical distribution curve and described in a similar manner as any other array of data. A moment is simply a mathematical description of a discrete distribution of data. In the field of statistics, for example, the sample size (n), mean, and variance are the zero (M0 ), first (M 1 ) and second (M 2 ) moments, respectively, for an array of data. In physics, for example, weight, center of mass, and moment of inertia represent (M0 ), (M1), and (M 2 ), respectively. In statistics, the mean of a population is estimated by the sample mean. Similarly, in pharmacokinetics one may calculate estimates of the true function that describes the drug concentration versus time using statistical moments. Assume the existence of a theoretical relationship for C(t) as a function of time. The nonnormalized moments, 5-, where r = 0, 1, 2, . . m th moment, about the origin are calculated as S, = f irC(t) di (r = 0, i, 2, Hence (52)

where QIN, QOUT, CA, and Cv are the blood flow in and out and the concentration of the drug in arterial and venous blood, respectively. If Cv < CA, the organ is capable of elimination and is referred to as a clearing organ, or an organ of elimination. The elimination of a drug can be described using mass balance considerations: Rate of the drug entering the organ -= QCA Rate of the drug leaving the organ = QCv Rate of elimination of the drug = QCA

(59) (60)

QCv = Q(CA Cv)


The ratio of the rate of drug elimination and the rate at which the drug enters the organ is defined as the extraction ratio, E. E

Rate of elimination Q(CA Cri,-) Rate of entry QCA

(Ca Cv )


The extraction ratio is a measure of the efficiency with which an organ eliminates a drug. From this parameter, the organ clearance of a drug can be described as CL T QE

Q(C 4 C v )


So = J C(t)dt AUC o

(53) (54)

S, = f 1C(t)dt AUMC o

where AUMC is the area under the C t versus time curve, whereas S o and S I are the zero and first nonnormalized moments, respectively. These two parameters, AUC and A UMC, are derived from the drug concentration versus time data and are used to calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters of inte re st. The use of noncompartmental methods requires a means of determining the A UC. While several methods are available for such determinations, the simplest is the use of the trapezoidal rule.'' This permits calculation of the AUC or the A UMC from zero to the time of the last sample (t"). However, it generally is necessary to determine the area from zero to infinity If one assumes that there is log-linear decline from r to infinity, then AUC; = f C dt =

Recall that clearance is defined as the volume of blood from which all of the drug would appear to be removed per unit time. By analogy to the definition of organ clearance, one can define the total or systemic clearance as the ratio of overall elimination rate, dXI dt, to drug concentration in blood, C: CL T dXIdt c (64)

Integrating from zero to infinity yields





C dt where the numerator is the total amount of the drug ultimately eliminated (the IV dose) and the denominator is the AUC from zero to infinity. Thus, the total clearance is the quotient of intravenous dose and the A UC from zero to infinity. CL T Dose fr AUCo '

where Xz is the slope of the terminal exponential. Thus, the A UC from zero to infinity can be calculated as AUC = AUC lo + for the A UMC AUMC;. and CC" (56)


c , VC"

The volume of distribution at the steady-state, Vss, most reliably measured during a steady-state infusion, now can be determined using data from single-dose experiments and employing statistical moment analysis.' 2 Vss (Doseiv )(AU711C) (AUC)2


Aumq =

+ +2 (4) AZ



Equation 67 assumes that

1. All processes involved in drug disposition (eg, distribution, elimination) are linear. 2. The drug is administered to and eliminated via the sampling site. 3. There is instantaneous input.

PHARMACOKINETIC PARAMETERS DERIVED FROM STATISTICAL MOMENTSThere are four parameters of primary interest that are derived using statistical moments, the most important of which is clearance. A conceptual consideration of clearance is provided by considering an organ through which blood containing a drug flows.

If the drug is administered via a short infusion, the volume of distribution at the steady state can be estimated from
Vss RoT2 (Ro T)(AUMC) (68) 2 (AUC ) 2 (AUC)




where R 0 is the rate of infusion and T is the duration of the infusion.



Another important pharmacokinetic parameter that can be determined using statistical moment analysis is the systemic availability, F, which is a measure of the fraction of the administered dose that reaches the systemic circulation following oral administration. This parameter can be calculated as

A UCK,Dose n,



where A UCpo and Dosepo are the oral area under the concentration-versus-time curve and oral dose, respectively. When administering a drug, the amount administered in terms of gross weight (eg, mg, g, or p, g) often is considered. It is, however, probably more appropriate to focus on molecules when considering pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic events. Even the administration of a relatively small dose of drug may represent a large number of molecules. Consider the administration of 1 mg of a drug with a molecular weight of 300 daltons. The number of molecules in this dose is approximately 2 x 10'. Instantaneous administration of the entire dose will result in drug molecules spending various amounts of time in the body. After the intravenous injection of a drug, one can imagine that some of the drug molecules are eliminated immediately, whereas some of the molecules require a longer time to be eliminated, and some molecules even require a very long time to be eliminated. The time spent in the body, for a given molecule, is its residence time. The mean residence time, MRT, is the sum of all the residence times divided by the number of molecules. A conceptual understanding of this can be gained from the following example. Assume a child receives 20 dimes for his birthday and immediately places them in his piggy bank. Over the next month, he periodically removes one or more dimes from the piggy bank to purchase candy. Specifically, 3 days after placing the coins in his bank, he removes 5 dimes, on day 10 he removes 4 dimes, on day 21 he removes 6 dimes, and on day 30 he removes 5 dimes. At the 30th day after placing the coins in his bank, all of the coins have been removed. Hence, the elimination of dimes from the bank is complete. The MRT of dimes in the piggy bank is simply the sum of the times that coins spend in the bank divided by the number of dimes placed in the bank:

quotient ofA UMCpo and A ETCpo. When calculated in this manner, it often is stated that the MRT is a function of the route of administration. Actually, MRT is independent of the route of administration because the mean time that molecules reside in the body is not influenced by the route of administration.' However, the interpretation of the ratio of A UMC and AUC does change as a function of administration because this ratio only yields the MRT when the input is instantaneous. A better way to express the route dependence of the AUMC I AUC is to refer to this ratio as the mean transit time, MTT. The MTT is the average time required for drug molecules to leave a kinetic system after administration. Thus, because an IV bolus assumes instant input, A ETA/Cry/MX/I: = MRT whereas

= MTTiv



= M7Tpo = MTTn. + MAT = MRT + MAT


where MAT is the mean absorption time. Thus, for oral absorption, the A UMC I AUC provides an MTT in the kinetic system that is composed of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the body. The MRT also can be calculated as the quotient of the Vss and clearance. Finally, one can relate the MRT to the elimination half-life by considering the situation in which a drug displays monoexponential decline. The MRT can be written as


and represents the time required for 63.2% of an intravenous dose to be eliminated from the body.

If a drug is administered intravenously in a single, rapid injection, the process of absorption is bypassed. The time for this injection is typically so short compared with other pharmacokinetic processes that it is ignored. As previously described for a one-compartment model, peak plasma concentration and distribution equilibrium are achieved instantaneously. This is depicted in Figure 58-14A' In the model for the figure, there is no elimination, and the concentration remains constant following administration. With a constant intravenous infusion (B), the concentration rises rectilinearly so long as the infusion is maintained at a constant, zero-order rate. With other routes of administration, there are delays in the appearance of drug in the vascular system because the drug must be absorbed from the site of administration (oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, rectal). Drug absorption depends upon both the physicochemical properties of the drug (pfd, dosage form, partition coeffi-

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 10 + 10 + 10+ 10 + 21 + 21 + 21 + 21 + 21 +21 +30 +30+30 +30 +30


3*5 + 10*4 + 21*6 + 30*5

20 MRT = 16.55 days

This provides a relationship with which one can determine the MRT for any given number of drug molecules, A, which spend a given amount of time in the body of, thus


E A Ftf i=1

Rapid intravenous A injection

Constant intro 8 venous infusion

C administration

(70) 5

where n equals the total number of residence times. The mean rate of drug leaving the body relative to the total amount eliminated also can be expressed in terms of concentration.

In f us i on


I .1

10 12

10 12 0 2

4 6 8 10 12 Hours


t C(t) dt AUMC


C(0 dt



Equation 71 is not a definition of MRT, rather it is the derived expression from which one can calculate MRT when clearance is constant. The mean residence time assumes instantaneous administration, and therefore, it is technically incorrect to calculate the mean residence time following an oral dose using the

Figure 58-14. Time-concentration curves for injection (A), infusion (6), and extravenous (C) administration of drug in the one- compartment model. The volume of the compartment is 100 L (VV = 100 L); the amount of drug administered in each instance is 1000 mg. Drug elimination has been set to zero, so that the time- concentration curve for each model of administration can be examined without the complication of simultaneous elimination. (Adapted from Bigger JT. Am 1 Med 1 975; 58:479.)



cient) and the physiology of the site of absorption (surface area, blood flow). Most drugs are absorbed by simple diffusion, and the kinetics are first-order. Zero-order absorption occurs for some processes that are saturable and for sustained-release dosage forms. Absorption and elimination of a drug are a sequential process, and the rate of change of drug in the body is the difference between the rate of uptake (absorption) and rate of efflux (elimination). For a drug that is absorbed by a first-order process and eliminated by a first-order process, with instantaneous distribution, the rate of change of the amount of drug in the body can be expressed as


k .0.35 hr 1 o
k 1 el 391-r 1


Threshold concentration

dD B

= RATEJN - RATE om (75)

0 5D

For a drug that is absorbed from the GI tract, the rate of change of the amount of drug in the body is



FkP cd - kDsoor


The time-course of absorption and elimination is shown in Figure 58-15. 7 The plasma concentration at any time t is equal to

Figure 58 16. The effect of the size of the dose of a drug on the peak concentration, time of peak concentration, and duration of action. The data were calculated from a one-compartment model.


k aD o F VD (k, - kei )

(B. - A.4r. - 6.-kr:,


where F is the fraction of the dose, D o , that is absorbed from the GI tract and 14.1 and k are the first-order rate constants for elimination and absorption, respectively. The time to reach the maximum concentration, tmAx, can be determined from

log (k.1 k)

tztx -

k -k k


and this time substituted into Equation 77 will determine the maximum concentration, CmAx, The rising phase of the plot (see Fig 58-15) is not log-linear because absorption and elimination are occurring simultaneously. At CmAx, the absorption rate is equal to the elimination rate, and after absorption is complete, the plot declines in a log-linear manner. This log-linear line described by the elimination phase, when extrapolated to zero time, yields a theoretical zero-time concentration. The absorption rate constant, k, can be obtained from the difference between the empirical curve and the extrapolated line using the

method of residuals. This is a commonly used technique in pharmacokinetics to separate a curve into its component parts and is often referred to as feathering, stripping, or peeling the curve. The reader is referred to Gibaldi and Perrier (see Bibliography) for a more comprehensive discussion with examples of the application of this technique. That the peak concentration should vary with the dose is self-evident from Equations 77 and 78 and from Figure 58-16. The time of the peak concentration is the same for all doses. The time to peak concentration can be affected by both the absorption rate and the elimination rate. In Figure 58-17, the effect of altering the absorption rate on the time to peak concentration is shown. With faster absorption, the time to peak concentration occurs earlier and is higher than with slower absorption. Figure 58-18 shows the effect of altering the elimination rate constant on the tmAx, With a rapid elimination rate (shorter half-life), the peak concentration occurs sooner and is lower than with slower elimination (longer half-life). The maximum concentration at the steady state for an oral regimen is given by FDose I 1
-k1 PEAK

VD 1 6 -k '


4.0 Theoretical blood concentration if 3.0 /absorption had been instantaneous r 2.0 v . 1 E o . ' ; 1.0 5

The minimum concentration at the steady state is


k. .

2 2) % -- el/ \ .2 / ; ,...) Rate of absorption equals li ..i`-' rate of disposition : I . r i Equilibrium time , -:' 1 C3

(e C


kFD ( 1 ) -kM c, 1- e e -


0.5 0.4


ov Absorpfion

complete Absorption Time

O0 . 3

To design multiple oral dosing regimens, the equations that describe the maximum and minimum concentrations at the steady state are somewhat unwieldy. In clinical practice, values for k are not always readily available, and in such instances the equations for the maximum and minimum concentrations at the steady state following intravenous administration will generally suffice as long as one recalls that because absorption is not instantaneous, the peak concentration and time to peak concentration will not occur immediately.


o 0.2 ci]
01 0

xj ,% )

12 14

6 H ours

Figure 58-15. Kinetics of absorption and disposition of theophylline in a

human subject after oral administration of 0.5 g of aminophylline per 70 kg. Blood concentration is plotted on a log scale. (Data from Truitt EB Jr, et al. 1 Pharmacol Exp Ther 1 950; 100:309.)

The total clearance of a drug from the body almost always involves more than one organ of elimination. The anatomy of the human body is such that the clearance from the composite clearing organs occurs in parallel and is, therefore, additive. For example, if a drug is eliminated solely by hepatic and renal elimination, the total clearance, CL T , of the drug is given as






=20 hr -1

k,i = 02 hr - I
if,*2 hrl

ka 0.5 hr-I
ke /z

HEPATIC CLEARANCE It was shown previously that the ratio of the rate of drug elimination and the rate at which drug enters the organ of elimination is defined as the extraction ratio, E, and is a measure of the efficiency with which an organ eliminates a given drug. One can define the organ clearance of a drug as the product of blood flow to the organ, Q, and the extraction ratio, and for hepatic clearance the equation becomes






0 I. I 2 0


"ka Oihr ) *el= 0.2 hr - I

5 Hours 6


Figure 58-17. The effect of differences in the rate of absorption of drugs

on the peak concentration, time of peak concentration, and sojourn in the body. The rate of elimination is the same for all curves. The dotted li ne (k,, = is approximately what the concentration curve would be, had the drug been given intravenously. The data were calculated from a one-compartment model.

where CL H and CLR are the hepatic and renal clearance, respectively. Measurement of the total amount of drug excreted unchanged in urine, Du, after an intravenous dose, D iv , allows the calculation of the fraction of the drug eliminated renally, where

where QH is the hepatic blood flow. While an initial examination of this simplistic model for hepatic clearance would suggest that CL H is directly proportional to QH, this conclusion is not correct because E varies inversely with QH. Specifically, as QH increases, E decreases. This observation indicates that a more complex model of hepatic clearance is necessary if quantitative and qualitative predictions of hepatic drug clearance are to be made. In particular, this parameter must be described in terms that are physiologically independent. Numerous models have been proposed and tested to describe the hepatic clearance of drugs. While a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the various models proposed is beyond the scope of this chapter, the venous equilibrium model of hepatic clearance has shown substantial utility in the prediction of both pathophysiological and drug-induced changes in hepatic clearance. For a good discussion of the various models of hepatic clearance, see the review by Morgan and Smallwood. I In the venous equilibrium model, the hepatic extraction is described by



Fr =



The renal clearance, CLR, may be determined as the product of total clearance and the fraction of the drug eliminated by the kidney. If the liver is the only other eliminating organ, the hepatic clearance is given by

where f1, and are the unbound fraction in blood and the unbound intrinsic hepatic clearance, respectively. The unbound intrinsic clearance reflects the ability of the liver to remove drug from blood in the absence of other confounding factors, such as QH and f r,. Since it has already been shown that hepatic clearance is the product of QH and E CLH


= CLT CLH > (1 F,-)CLT


One exception to the principle of the additivity of organ clearances is pulmonary drug elimination. This exception is because the lung is in circulatory series with the rest of the body organs such that 100% of cardiac output passes through the lungs. Few drugs exhibit significant elimination by the lungs so that this exception is rarely of concern in the overall assessment of drug elimination.

Q H -h fub arcmf


This model for hepatic clearance provides a powerful tool for predicting changes in drug clearance and, subsequently, steady-state drug concentrations, when certain limiting conditions are met. In particular When QH >> fun CL,, t , CLH can be approximated by fli b CL, i . i (87) When QH << ful,

CLH can be approximated by QH (88)

=0 5 hr-I

kel = 0.2hr - I



Figure 58-18. The effect of differences in the rate of elimination of drugs

on the peak concentration, time of peak concentration, and sojourn in the body. The rate of absorption is the same for all curves. The data were calculated from a one-compartment model.

Compounds with a high frz i, CL,, are said to exhibit perfusion ratelimited elimination; that is, their elimination rate will be rate-limited by hepatic blood flow. Compounds with a low f ra,CL.,,ni are said to be perfusion rate-independent. These limiting conditions allow us to place many drugs into classifications that exhibit similar pharmacokinetics. For example, agents with an fi,CL,,,,, < 0.2 Limin can be classified as low intrinsic clearance drugs, whereas those with an f r a,CL,, > 5 Idrain are defined as exhibiting a high intrinsic clearance (Table 58-1). The venous equilibrium model also serves as a useful tool in the assessment of the impact of changes in protein binding on hepatic clearance. Recall in Equation 87 that for a drug exhibiting a low intrinsic clearance, changes in protein binding will result in proportional changes in hepatic clearance. This type of drug is said to exhibit restrictive clearance; that is, only the free (or unbound) drug is available for clearance by the liver. High intrinsic clearance drugs, on the other hand, are said to exhibit nonrestrictive clearance. These relationships provide important insight into the effect of changes in protein-binding on the steady-state concentration



Table 58-1. Examples of Drugs with Low and high Intrinsic Clearances That Are Eliminated Largely by Hepatic Metabolism
LOW f,,hCL,, ,(--z0.2 Umin) HIGH (>5.0 Umin)

Similar to the limiting conditions described for CLR, one can define two limiting conditions for systemic availability, F. Specifically, when QH << F approaches 1.0, whereas when QH << F approaches zero. These limiting conditions indicate that a drug with a high f ,hC1.1,1 will exhibit low systemic availability after oral administration, because of extensive first-pass metabolism. On the other hand, drugs with a low f rz i, CL,,, will not be subject to significant first-pass metabolism. Generally, the parameter most commonly determined to assess overall drug availability after oral administration is the area under the drug concentration-versus-time curve, AUC. Recall from Equation 67 that the total clearance is equal to the quotient of intravenous dose and AUC from zero to infinity. If the drug is eliminated entirely by metabolism, the hepatic clearance is defined as
Dosei FaAepo AUC, AUCp o

Antipyrine Barbiturates Diazepam Digitoxin Isoniazid Phenytoin Theophyl line Tolbutamide Warfarin

Chlorpromazine Encainide Meperidine Metoprolol Organ onitrates Propafenone Propranolol Tricyclic antidepressants Verapamil

of drugs. Consider the case of a drug being administered as a

constant-rate intravenous infusion. As described previously


C. = Ro lCLT Ro lCLH


Substituting Equation 86 for CLH and Equation 94 for F yields

Qu -F

for a drug solely eliminated by the liver. In the case of a drug with a low intrinsic clearance, Equation 89 can be simplified to

\AUCp0) Qg + f h CL, i ,)


= RCM rACErz,int)



If fo, were to be increased, for example, by displacement from protein-binding sites, the steady-state concentration would decrease. This may lead one to the conclusion that the infusion rate needs to be increased to maintain the original steady-state concentration. However, one needs to examine the effects of altered physiology on the free or unbound drug concentration,
C11,232i f Ube

fli i, CL, th , DosepoIAUCm



C ri,Fdrhb


substituting for

C. in Equation 90 and solving for C, yields C, R o/CL,,


It can be seen that the steady-state concentration of unbound (active) drug is independent of changes in the free fraction, and no dosage adjustment would be necessary. This conclusion also is valid following the oral administration of a drug with a low intrinsic clearance. In contrast, for a drug with a high intrinsic clearance, a change in f r a) will result in a proportional change in the steady-state unbound drug concentration during a constantrate infusion. An additional consideration, which must be accounted for with high intrinsic clearance drugs, is the impact of the firstpass effect. When a drug is absorbed from the stomach and small intestine, the venous blood from the sites of absorption enters into the portal venous flow. This results in all of the absorbed drug passing through the liver prior to entry into the systemic circulation. For drugs that exhibit a high intrinsic clearance, the consequence of presystemic hepatic metabolism is a substantial reduction in the systemic availability of the drug when administered orally. This phenomenon explains the marked discrepancy between an oral and an intravenous dose of a given drug required to achieve identical plasma concentrations. For example, the therapeutic dose of propranolol ranges between 1 and 6 mg intravenously, whereas the oral doses necessary to achieve therapeutic effect range from 40 to 200 mg. The systemic availability, F, of a drug that is absorbed completely from the GI tract after oral administration is the fraction of the absorbed dose that escapes extraction and is given as

Thus, for a high intrinsic hepatic clearance drug, the A UCro is independent of QR. Additionally, the steady-state A UC for unbound drug is independent of the free fraction. For a more indepth discussion of these concepts on hepatic clearance, see the paper by Wilkinson and Shand RENAL CLEARANCEPhysiologists studied the renal clearance of endogenous and exogenous substances long before the use of clearance concepts became popular in pharmacokinetics. Indeed, the basis for the understanding of drug clearance in pharmacokinetics has its roots in the decades of work by renal physiologists. Moreover, there are significant differences in the complexity of processes involved in hepatic and renal handling of drugs. In the kidney, there are three primary processes (and one minor process) responsible for the renal elimination of drugs, namely filtration, secretion, and reabsorption (and metabolism), respectively. Each of the major processes are affected by common, yet unique, determinants. The rate of filtration in the kidney for a drug is given as Rate of filtration

(GFR)(C rz )


where GFR is the glomerular filtration rate and C r, is the previously defined free-drug concentration. The clearance by filtration is the quotient of the rate of filtration at a given concentration; therefore, the renal clearance, CLR, of a drug due to filtration is

CLR (GFR)(fu)




Rearranging Equation 85 and substituting for E in Equation 93 yields

F QH ,


The renal clearance of a drug that is eliminated only by filtration can be estimated if the glomerular filtration rate and the free fraction of drug are known. There are two substances commonly used to estimate the GFR, namely creatinine, an endogenous by-product of muscle metabolism, and inulin, a polysaccharide. Both are essentially 100% eliminated in the urine by filtration and, thus, the CLT of these two substances can be used as reasonable estimates for the GFR. Another primary process involved in the renal elimination of drugs is active tubular secretion, AM. There are several activetransport systems in the proximal renal tubule that are capable of excreting drugs from the flood into the urine. There appears to be a multiplicity of systems for the ATS of cations and anions. Whenever the renal clearance is greater than the product of the GFR and the free fraction, there must be net tubular secretion in addition to clearance by filtration. The renal clear-



ance due to ATS, which is CLATS, is given as





where QRP and CL,,, n , represent effective renal plasma flow and unbound intrinsic secretory clearance, respectively. Similar to the situation described for hepatic clearance, drugs may exhibit a high or low intrinsic secretory clearance. The impact of changes in plasma proteinbinding on renal clearance would substantially differ between these two situations. For drugs that undergo both filtration and ATS, the renal clearance is simply the sum of the clearance due to filtration and the clearance due to secretion

is able to traverse biological membranes and reach the site of drug action. While there have been few direct tests of this hypothesis, those investigations that have been conducted support the assumption that the free drug is the principal pharmacologically active species. There are several methods by which drug protein-binding may be described quantitatively, though the most frequent and useful is the free fraction, f . The f, can be determined as

fit_ C. + CB




CLR = (frz)(GFR) + CLArs


In addition to these two processes, some drugs undergo tubular reabsorption, whereby some fraction of the drug excreted into the urine by filtration and secretion is reabsorbed into the body. Therefore, the full expression for renal clearance, taking into account all three processes, is given by CLR = (f,)(GFR) + CLATS Fm((f.)(GFR) + CLATS) or CLR = (1 Fri? )((frz)(GFR) + CLATS) (102)

where C is the concentration of unbound or free drug, CR is the concentration of drug bound to protein, and CT is the concentration of total drug (bound plus free). Obviously, f can range from 0 to 1. This relationship provides a means by which free drug in vivo can be calculated if the total concentration and the free fraction are known. C u = (CT)(f.) (105)

where F TR is the fraction undergoing tubular reabsorption. These relationships provide the basis for determining the primary mechanisms involved in the renal handling of a given drug. Specifically, determination of the ratio of renal clearance and that of inulin provides a clinically useful means to determine the processes that are primarily responsible for renal excretion. if the ratio is equal to 1, the drug would appear to be filtered exclusively by the kidney. Both ATS and TR also could be occurring, but at equal rates (an unlikely occurrence). If the ratio of renal clearance to inulin clearance is greater than 1, it is clear that the drug is undergoing net tubular secretion as well as filtration. Similarly, if the ratio is less than 1, the drug must be undergoing net tubular reabsorption. Assessment of the mechanisms for the renal excretion of specific drugs is important because different factors will alter CLR. For example, if a drug undergoes net tubular secretion, other drugs secreted by the same transport processes may compete for secretory sites, resulting in an overall decrease in the renal excretion of the drug. Alternatively, if a drug undergoes tubular reabsorption and is a weak acid (eg, salicylate) or a weak base (eg, amphetamine), the renal clearance may be altered by manipulation of the urine p11 or urine flow. See the review by Tucker ' for a description of the methods for calculation of CL R . PROTEIN-BINDINGDrugs circulating in the blood may bind reversibly to a number of components including plasma proteins. This reversible binding may be described by simple mass-law relationships.
[ Dunhomnd]

Recognizing changes in protein-binding is important because it may substantially alter the pharmacokinetics of a drug. The previous section described the impact of protein-binding on clearance, referenced to total drug concentration. Protein- binding changes also may result in alterations in other pharmacokinetic parameters. The volume of distribution at the steady state can be expressed as
S3 =


+ VTIV f


[P] <> ED P]


where [Drz.h.nd], [P], and ED P] are the molar concentrations of the free drug, the protein to which the drug binds, and the drugprotein complex, respectively. It is obvious from this relationship that the amount of drug-protein complex formed is a function both of the concentration of the drug and protein and the affinity between the protein and the drug. Thus, changes in the protein concentration may alter binding, as may changes in the total drug concentration. For most drugs and their respective binding proteins, the concentration of protein far exceeds the concentration of drug, such that the fraction of drug that is bound to protein is independent of drug concentration in plasma or blood. Because plasma proteins often have a molecular size that restricts their passage across cell membranes and capillary walls, drugs that are bound to plasma proteins are restricted similarly. Thus, plasma protein-binding can have a marked effect on the distribution and elimination of drugs. It is a basic tenet of pharmacology that only the unbound (free) drug is pharmacologically active, because it is assumed that the unbound drug

where VTR, is the volume of tissue water and f T is the free fraction of drug in tissue. From the relationship in Equation 106 (which is analogous to Equation 12, for drugs with a volume of distribution >50 L), it is clear that a decrease in proteinbinding (ie, an increase in f,) will result in an increase in the V. The impact of changes in f on the half-life of a drug with a large volume of distribution can be assessed from Equation 18 and either Equations 87 or 88. The impact resulting from a change in protein-binding of a drug depends upon the magnitude of such binding alterations on both Vss and CLT. The two major drug-binding proteins in plasma are albumin and o'-acid glycoprotein (AAG). Albumin is the major protein both in plasma and in the extracellular space outside of plasma and is present in concentrations ranging from 3.5 to 5.5 g/d1, in normal, healthy individuals. Albumin is the primary binding protein for acidic drugs, such as salicylate, tolbutamide, or warfarin. Numerous diseases can result in marked reductions in the concentration of albumin, including nephrotic syndrome, severe burns, liver disease, malnutrition, and some chronic inflammatory conditions.' Thus, disease is most likely to produce an increase in f, for those drugs highly bound to albumin. The substance AAG belongs to the family of acute-phase reactants, endogenous substances that are markedly increased in concentration secondary to some type of stress. While normal AAG concentrations range from 80 to 120 mg/d1L, concentrations may increase above 300 mg/dE in patients experiencing major stress, such as surgery, trauma, or burns. More-moderate elevations of AAG have been observed in patients following a myocardial infarction or in inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease. The increase in AAG concentration results in a decrease in f, and AAG is the major binding protein for many basic, lipophilic drugs. A major source of drug interactions is competition for protein-binding sites. Each albumin molecule contains at least four different drug-binding sites, two of which are the sites where most drugs that bind to albumin interact with the other molecule. If two drugs bind to the same site on a protein, they may compete with each other for binding Thus, the addition of a drug to the existing therapeutic regimen of a patient may result in displacement of existing bound drug molecules from their protein-binding sites. However, as described in the Hepatic Clearance section of this chapter, these types of interactions rarely are clinically significant (ie, these interactions do



not significantly alter the free-drug concentration). Hence, while protein-binding interactions are probably the most widely reported drug interaction, they rarely necessitate alterations in drug therapy (citation Benet and Hoerner, CPT.

Table 58-2. Examples of Mechanisms for Dose- and Time-Dependent Pharmacokinetics {Nonlinear Drug Disposition)


Up to this point, the processes for drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination have been assumed to be characterized by first-order rate constants, and the general concepts and equations presented are applicable to a wide variety of drugs, with modification. Moreover, with any of the pharmacokinetic models (compartmental, noncompartmental, or physiological), a number of basic assumptions apply, in particular, the principle of superposition holds. In other words, measurements of the concentration of drug plasma, urinary excretion of unchanged drug, or amount of metabolite recovered in bile increase proportionally with increases in dose. When these measurements or other observations are corrected for dose, the values are identical or superimposable. Thus, the pharmacokinetic parameters VD, U T, and F remain constant with respect to time and with dose or concentration. But the processes controlling the disposition of drugs are biological and therefore involve processes that are mediated by specialized carriers or enzymes. Under some conditions, these processes can become saturated, and changes in dose may produce nonproportional changes (eg, in concentration, amount of metabolite(s) produced, etc.) Table 58-2 delineates some of the various causes of nonlinear pharmacokinetic behavior. Nonlinearity is a term applied to all situations in which a semilogarithmic plot of plasma concentration versus time data cannot be resolved completely into log-linear components (ie, first-order processes). There are a wide variety of causes for nonlinearity, such as capacity-limited metabolism, capacitylimited absorption, saturable first-pass metabolism, changes in blood supply to the site of absorption and/or the organ of elimination, low or erratic dissolution or release rates from dosage forms, low solubility of the drug, or drug-induced changes in organ function or body temperature. Nonlinear drug disposition primarily has been determined by measuring the pharmacokinetics at several dosage levels. When a capacity-limited enzyme metabolism is the source of the nonlinearity, the HenriMicha elis-Menten equation

Gastrointestinal absorption Saturable transport Intestinal metabolism Biotransformation Saturable metabolism Product inhibition Cosubstrate depletion Plasma protein-binding Renal excretion Glomerular filtration/ protein-binding Tubular secretion Tubular reabsorption Biliary excretion Biliary secretion Enterohepatic cycling Tissue distribution Plasma protein-binding Hepatic uptake CSF transport Cellular uptake Tissue-binding

Riboflavin, penicillins Salicylamide Phenytoin, salicylate Phenytoin (rat) Acetaminophen Prednisolone, disopyramide Naproxen p-Aminohippuric acid, mezlocillin Riboflavin, cephapirin lodipamide, BSP Cimetidine, isotretinoin Prednisolone, ceftriaxone Indocyanine green, warfarin (rat) Ben zy Ipenicillins Methici I lin (rabbit) Cyclosporine, dideoxyinosine (rat)

+ Gs


can be applied to assess the velocity versus substrate (drug) concentration relationship. There are several techniques for the determination of the direct cause of nonlinearity in drug kinetics, including direct calculation of CL T , CL ORAL, F, Vss, and V,. Most commonly, lack of superposition (disproportionate increase in A UC with increasing dose) is an indication of nonlinearity in the system. PROTEIN-BINDINGWhen the amount of drug bound to plasma proteins approaches saturation, the percentage of the drug that is unbound may vary considerably with increasing dose. Under the conditions of saturation, for example, after a salicylate overdose, the f may vary considerably with the total amount of drug in the body and hence, certain pharmacokinetic parameters, such as apparent volume of distribution, will be influenced. TIME-DEPENDENT KINETICSCarbamazepine is a drug with low-to-intermediate intrinsic clearance, which also induces an increase in the activity of the biotransforming enzyme system by which it is metabolized. This increase will increase total clearance and decrease half-life. Because such autoinduction of metabolism does not occur until several dose-intervals of repetitive dosing, the pharmacokinetics vary with time and are called time-dependent. Allosteric (feedback)

inhibition by accumulated metabolites of a drug, or an effect of a drug to impair its route of elimination, also will cause doseand time-dependent changes in pharmacokinetics. Drugs that cause the depletion of some slowly replaceable intermediary factor, such as the depletion of norepinephrine by reserpine or the depletion of inorganic sulfate by acetaminophen, will manifest time-dependent effects. DOSE DEPENDENT KINETICS When the elimination route is saturated by either capacity-limited metabolism or capacity-limited renal excretion, it is evident that the total clearance of a drug will decrease and the half-life will increase with increases in doses. Examples of important drugs that demonstrate dose-dependent kinetics are salicylic acid, phenylbutazone, probenecid, levodopa, phenytoin, heparin, and dicumarol. Ethanol obeys essentially zero-order elimination kinetics at blood concentrations above 0.02 to 0.04%, which is a fact of considerable social and legal importance. Salicylic acid is one of the most interesting examples of dosedependent kinetics from multiple sources. Salicylic acid is eliminated from the body by at least five, parallel, competing processes.' Two of these are saturable processes for the formation of salicyluric acid (the glycine conjugate of salicylic acid) and salicylphenol glucuronide. The other three processes of elimination, excretion of unchanged salicylic acid in urine and formation of gentisic acid and salicyl glucuronide are first-order processes. The half-life of salicylic acid increases from about 3 hr to over 20 hr as the dose is increased upward from 300 mg to 10 g. At low doses, the half-life is about 3 hr, the apparent volume of distribution is approximately 9L, and a total clearance can be estimated to be 2 Mir. The binding of salicylic acid to albumin also is capacity-limited (saturable), and saturation occurs even at therapeutic (low) doses of the drug. Therefore, as the amount of salicylic acid in the body increases, the CL,,,, decreases, whereas the f increases. These two effects tend to oppose each other, such that the total clearance of salicylic acid remains relatively unchanged within the anti-inflammatory range of unbound concentrations (between 10 and 60 mg/L; Fig 58-19). 20 Finally, the renal excretion of salicylic acid (pK, = 3.5) can be increased by increasing urinary pH, resulting in a decrease in renal tubular reabsorption (data not shown). The toxicological consequences of a salicylic acid overdose are well known, but it is not always appreciated that as the concentration of salicylic acid increases, the total amount of drug in the body increases out of proportion to the total plasma concentration.



0.25 o.) co



79.17.; ei 0.15

0.10 z 0,05

0 0 0.00


exhibit stereoselective hepatic clearance. For example, the oral clearance of verapamil (a high intrinsic clearance drug) displays profound stereoselectively such that the oral clearance ratio of the R to S isomers is approximately 4. RENAL EXCRETIONFiltration in the kidney is a pas0.20 5 sive process; however, if a drug exhibits stereoselective proteinbinding, one might anticipate that the drug enantiomers would exhibit differential filtration rates. Active tubular secretion, being an active process, also may demonstrate stereoselectively 0.15 for some drugs. Indeed, numerous drugs, including chloroquine, disopyramide, and terbutaline, have been found to be secreted stereoselectively by the kidney. While passive tubular reabsorption would not be expected to show stereoselective ef0.10 fects, active reabsorption may demonstrate these effects as has been shown for certain endogenous substances such as glucose and amino acids.

10 20 30 40 50 60 Ca 106 179 220 250 272 292 C Salicylic acid concentration (nig/liter)


In addition to considering the relationship between drug concentration and time, proper design of therapeutic regimens often necessitates an understanding of the relationship between concentration and response. These two relationships can be combined to produce a time course of pharmacologic response, and this is referred to as pharmacodynamics. This area of investigation provides important quantitative information regarding the onset, duration, and intensity of pharmacologic effect often in relation to drug concentration. Full characterization of these elements can involve the development of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models. Modeling the kinetics of effect requires an understanding of the mechanism of pharmacologic action, of which there are many. These include receptor stimulation (eg, 2 -adrenoceptor agonists), receptor antagonism (eg,Ii i -histamine receptor antagonists), transporter inhibition (probenecid, diuretics), enzyme inhibitors (eg, angiotensin converting enzyme), substrate replacement (eg, thyroxine, testosterone), non-receptor-mediated drug action (eg, chelation) and chemotherapy (eg, antibiotics). Clinically useful information can often be derived from relatively simplistic models. The relationship between drug response and concentration is usually graded, that is, the rise in concentration results in a progressively increasing magnitude of effect (Fig 58-20). There is essentially always a ceiling, or maximum, to the intensity of effect, such that further increases in drug concentration will not result in additional increases in the intensity of pharmacologic response. In practice, plasma concentrations rarely, if ever, reach the maximum effect because toxicities often develop. Thus, only the linear portion of the concentration-effect curve may be observed. The placement of the curve along the x-axis may vary among compounds, resulting in differences in the potency the drugs. Moreover, the steepness of the curve (the rate at which the intensity of the effect changes as a function of concentration) will vary among drug responses. For some drugs, such as narcotic agonists, a small change in the drug concentration can result in marked changes in drug effect (see Fig 58-20). There are certain agents that appear to exhibit an allor-none response. Rather than the typical graded increase in effect as concentration increases, these compounds exhibit a threshold of response that once reached result in the detection in the response. While a given individual's response to the drug is identified by the presence or absence of the effect, the fraction of subjects in a sample population responding will increase as the concentration of drug is increased. A good example of this is seen in the conversion to normal sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation treated with an antiarrhythmic agent (Fig 5821). In this instance, there is variation within the patient population in the concentration that must be achieved to convert a specific patient from atrial fibrillation to normal sinus rhythm Thus, the higher the concentration achieved in a patient, the more likely they are to exhibit the pharmacologic effect.

Figure 58-19. The clearance of unbound drug ), determined under

steady-state conditions, and the fraction unbound in plasma (0) vary inverseiy with each other as the salicylic acid concentration is increased. The corresponding total plasma salicylic acid concentrations are superimposed on the linear scale of the concentration of unbound drug; 1 mg/L = 7.2 micromolar. (Redrawn from Furst DE, Tozer TN, Melmon KL. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1979; 26:380.)

Chiral drugs constitute approximately 60% of the drugs that are currently commercially available. Most of these are marketed as racemic mixtures. These facts obviously indicate the importance of understanding the impact of stereochemistry on both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. While it has long been appreciated that optical isomers often differ in the potency of pharmacological or toxic effect, it is only recently that significant attention has been paid to the influence of chirality on pharmacokinetic processes involved in absorption, distribution, and elimination. This is primarily due to the previous lack of analytical methodology required to separate drug enantiomers. The recent development of reasonably inexpensive methods for the separation of stereoisomers has led to a more comprehensive assessment of the pharmacokinetics of drugs that are administered as racemic mixtures. Enantiomers possess identical physical and chemical properties, despite significant differences in spatial configuration. Thus, biological processes that are passive in nature (and thereby depend only upon physical and chemical characteristics of the molecule) do not display selectivity for one isomer over another. In contrast, biological processes that require the interaction of a drug molecule with a macromolecule (such as protein-binding or metabolism) may exhibit stereoselectivity. This knowledge permits some generalizations about when pharmacokinetic processes may differ between enantiomers. ABSORPTIONSince most drugs are absorbed by passive diffusion, most will not exhibit stereoselective alterations in absorption. Drugs that are absorbed by a carrier-mediated or acfive process may display such stereoselectivity. Indeed, demonstration of stereos elective absorption would be strong evidence that a drug is absorbed via a carrier-mediated process. PROTEIN-BINDINGDrug association with plasma proteins requires interaction of a small molecule with a macromolecule, which depends upon the spatial configuration of both components. It should not be surprising, therefore, that plasma protein-binding has been found to exhibit stereoselectivity for some drugs, including disopyramide, ibuprofen, mexilitene, pro pra nolol, and verapamil. METABOLISMBiotransformation requires the interaction of a drug with an enzyme, an interaction in which spatial arrangement is critical. Many drugs that undergo metabolism




INTENSITY OF EFFECTThe intensity (or magnitude) of pharmacologic effect is given as


of Effect

x (108) EC,' + C Y

where E, = maximum effect, EC50 = concentration necessary to achieve 50% E,,

C = concentration of drug, and 7 = Hill coefficient.

This equation is similar to that which describes the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin. One significant difference is that when used to quantify pharmacologic effect, the Hill coefficient has no physical or mechanistic meaning. However, the larger the value of the Hill coefficient, the steeper will be the concentration-response relationship. For some measured pharmacologic responses, there is a baseline physiological value that must be taken into consideration when modeling the pharmacologic effect. For example, there are a number of therapeutic agents that induce methemoglobinemia after ingestion. There is, however, a low level of methemoglobin (1-2%) in drug-naive subjects that needs to be accounted for in modeling the intensity of effect of agents that induce methemoglobinemia. Equation 108 can be adjusted to account for baseline effect:


Figure 58-20. A graded pharmacologic response to a drug, showing a progressive increase in the intensity of effect as concentration increases, until the maximal effect is achieved when effect is plotted as a function of the log concentration. (Redrawn from Nies AS, Spielberg SP, Principles of Therapeutics, In: Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacologic Basis of Therapeuti cs , 9 th edition, Hardman JG, Limbird LE, Molinoff PB, Ruddon RW (eds). McGraw Hill, San Francisco, 1996.)

+ E ni . x C Y Intensity of Effect E 0 EC,' +


Although visual inspection of concentration-response graphs can yield much useful information, rigorous comparisons between agents requires a more quantitative analysis of concentration response data. The models that are used for such analyses are highly dependent upon the mechanism of action of the drug. In general, the mechanisms of pharmacologic agents can be divided into three categories: direct acting reversible agents, indirect acting reversible agents, and irreversibly acting agents.





where E 0 = baseline effect. Such a quantitative approach permits comparison of the intensity of drug effect between various agents. For example, while the antimicrobial agent dapsone is widely reported to cause methemoglobinemia in patients treated with the drug, the antimicrobial agent sulfamethoxazole is rarely associated with methemoglobinemia; despite the fact that both form a reactive hydroxylamine metabolite and that sulfamethoxazole is administered at much higher doses than dapsone. It was unclear whether this difference was due to differences in the potency of their respective hydroxylamine metabolite or due differences in the pharmacokinetics of the drugs and/or metabolites. This question was addressed by comparing the ability of the two hydroxylamine metabolites for forming methemogobin when incubated with human erythrocytes in vitro and modeling the effects using Equation 109. 21 As shown in Table 58-3, the maximal effect of the two metabolites studied were similar, but the potency (E C FA) ) of dapsone hydroxylamine was 20-fold greater than that of sulfamethoxazole hydroxyl amine. DURATION OF EFFECTA measurable pharmacologic effect will be observable as soon as drug concentration reaches the minimal effect concentration (MEC). The duration of effect is determined by how long the concentration remains above the MEC, which is influenced by the dose administered and the rate of elimination of the drug. Consider the linear range of the log concentration-effect curve, such that 0.2Eoia.< E< 0.8E.... The effect within this boundary may be expressed as


E = mlogC + r


4 quinidine conc.



Table 58-3. Pharmacodynamics of Dapsone Hydroxylamine (DNOH) and Sulfamethoxazole Hydroxylamine (SNOH) Induced Methemoglobin Formation in Human Erythrocytes

Figure 58-21. Cumulative frequency of conversion to normal sinus rhythm (expressed as percent of patients) as a function of quinidine concentration in a group of subjects with atrial fibrillation treated with the antiarrhythmic quinidine. (Redrawn from Gibaldi M, Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharrnacokinetics, 4 th edition, Lea & Febiger, 1991.)



ECso (M)

26 (5) 89 (4)

463 (105) 84 (5)

Data from Reilly TP, et al. I Pharmacol Exp Ther 199; 288:951.



where m = slope of E versus log C plot and r = constant. This equation can be rearranged, such that log C

E r


removed from the initial biochemical effect of the drug. The time course of the effect therefore lags behind the time course of concentrations. In these circumstances, there may appear to be no direct association or relationship between the concentration of the drug in blood or plasma and the pharmacologic response.

Recall that for a drug exhibiting instantaneous distribution, following instantaneous administration log C = log C o 2.303 (112)

C <-> CR + R <-> CR R


The maximal effect elicited by this dose, E , will occur when C = C o . Thus, log Co
m (113)

Substituting the equivalents in Eq. 111 and 113 into Eq. 112 yields

E = E,



Thus, the intensity of effect should decline at a constant rate that is a function of the elimination rate constant and the slope of the response versus log concentration curve. It should be noted that though the decrease in concentration is first-order, the decrease in effect is zero-order. But how can we quantify the actual duration of action following a given dose of a drug? Recall from Equation 13 that

C = C oe''
Expressed in terms of dose

and "" represents a 'transduction' of the response that may depend on several factors including the rate of turnover and trafficking of endogenous substrates or other mediators of drug effect. In this instance, the drug-receptor interaction may not easily be reversible and the pharmacologic effect is prolonged, such as the acetylation by aspirin of the serine moiety at the active site of cyclooxygenase. For some drugs with an indirect pharmacologic response, the drug-receptor interaction is easily reversible but the pharmacologic effect is prolonged. An example might be corticosteroids which bind with nuclear receptor proteins resulting in RNA transcription and protein synthesis. A classic example of an indirect pharmacologic response is the oral anticoagulant warfarin (Fig. 58-22). In this instance, the dissociation between the pharmacologic effect and the concentration is readily understood by a consideration of the mechanism action. Warfarin inhibits the synthesis of the vitamin K-dependent factors that determine the prothrombin time. However, there is a time lag for this effect to be observed since circulating clotting factors must be degrading by the normal metabolic processes before an anticoagulant effect is observed. Thus, the turnover rate of the clotting factors and not the time course of warfarin concentrations, becomes key determinant for the onset, duration and offset of effect. This was accounted for by models that incorporated the endogenous degradation and synthesis rates of the clotting factors, thereby providing a good relationship between the concentration and 'true' pharmacologic effect.'





The duration time (td) is that time at which the plasma concentration drops just below the MEC, such that


Solving to duration time


IC 5.0




30 1 00
(117) C.) -t1 X SO lParr


[log D 1 , log (MEC)Vd]

DIRECT ACTING, REVERSIBLE AGENTSIt could be argued that few, if any, drugs are truly 'direct acting.' Most drugs interact with a receptor that produces the effect. Sometimes this interaction results in a cascade of events that ultimately produce the measured pharmacologic response. Thus, it might be appropriate to designate a category of drugs as rapid acting, reversible agents. The drug-receptor interaction is easily reversible, the pharmacological effect is easily reversible, and the time course of the effect is not delayed with respect to the time course of the drug-receptor interaction. For example, the i -adrenoceptor antagonists (metoprolol) and the suppression of exercise-induced heart rate. There is a reversible (ie, non-covalent) interaction with a cellular macromolecule, which, as a consequence of the binding of the drug, stimulates a cellular response. This can expressed as

X 60 E1 0 40


7 5 3




C CH +


TIME, days
Figure 58 22. Time course of plasma warfarin concentration (top panel) and pharmacologic response, measured as % decrease in normal prothrombin activity (bottom panel). Note that the pharmacologic effect does not become evident until the concentration has reduced substantially from its maximal value. (Redrawn from Nagashima R, et al. din Pharmacol Ther 1 969; 10:22.)

where C = concentration in plasma, CR concentration at receptor site, R = receptor, CR R = drug receptor complex. The intensity and duration of response can be readily quantified by measuring the 'response' at several different concentrations. INDIRECT ACTING, REVERSIBLE AGENTSFor many drugs, the response measured clinically is several steps




more complex, but has been successfully accomplished. The most intensely studied agents are those used in the treatment of cancer or infections. Modeling the ability of such agents to kill tumor or bacterial cells necessitates incorporation of cellcycle kinetics. Such models have been useful in determining whether agents are best administered infrequently at high doses or in continuous exposure regimens.


1. Swerdloff RS, et al. Diabetes 1967; 16:161. 2. Edwards DJ, et al. Clio Pharmacokinet 1982; 7:421. 3. Sulh H, et al. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1986; 40:604. 4. Barr WH. Am. J Pharm Educ 1968; 52:958. 5. ie S, Tozer TN. -.I Pharm. Sci 1979; 68:1203. 6. Williams RL, a al. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1977; 21:301. 7. Truitt EB Jr, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1950; 100:309. 8. Gibaldi M, Perrier D. Pharmacokinetics, 2nd ed. New York: Dekker, 1982, pp 30, 276, 441. 9. Jusko WI In Applied Pharmacokinetics:. Principles of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 3rd ed. Evans WE, Schentag JJ, Jusko WJ, eds. Spokane, WA: Applied Therapeutics, 1992, 2-1. 10. Nuesc.h EA. Drug Metab Rev 1984; 15:103. 11. Yeh KC, Kwan KG. J Pharmacokinet Biopharm 1978; 6:79. 12. Benet LZ, Galeazzi RL. J Pharm Sci 1979; 68:1071. 13. Karol MD. Biopharm Drug Dispos 1990; 11:179. 14. Bigger JT. Am. J Med 1975; 58:479. 15. Morgan DJ, Smallwood RA. Clin Pharmacokinet 1990; 18:61. 16. Wilkinson GR, Shand DG. Clio Pha.rm.acol Ther 1975; 18:377. 17. Tucker GT. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1981; 12:761. 18. Svensson CK, et al. Clin Pharmacokinet 1986; 11:450. 19. Levy G, Tsuchuya T. N Eng/ J Med 1972; 287:430. 20. Furst DE, Tozer TN, Melmon KL. Clio Pharmacol Ther 1979; 26:380. 21. Reilly TP, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1999; 288:951. 22. Nagashima R, et al. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1969; 10:22. 23. Sharma A, Jusko WJ. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1998; 45:229. 24. Jusko WJ, Ko He. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1994; 56:406.

Pl asma Concentration Figure 58 23. A counterclockwise hysteresis is observed following administration of a drug that exhibits non-instantaneous distribution and for which the site of action is in the slowly equilibrating tissues. Open circles represent a single effect measurement at a given concentration, and numbers indicate time (in hours) that measurements were made.

If distribution of a drug to its site of action is delayed, a counterclockwise hysteresis curve can be observed when plotting the effect versus plasma concentration after a dose of the drug, particularly when administered via a slow infusion (Fig 58-23). Thus, the intensity of effect observed for a given concentration shortly after administration (while concentrations are rising) is less than the intensity observed at that same concentration during the decline in concentration. This is due to the fact that during the distribution phase most of the drug is in the rapidly equilibrating tissues (ie, the central compartment), while in the latter time periods the larger fraction of the drug is in the slowly equilibrating tissues (ie, the peripheral compartment). Hence, the relationship between effect and plasma concentration for such a drug will be time dependent. This type ofhysteres is can also be observed if the response is due to an active metabolite rather than the parent drug. A clockwise hysteresis is observed when tolerance occurs. Sheiner et al ( CPT 25:358, 1979) and Sheiner and Holford (Cliin PK- 6:429, 1982) originally modeled the time delay in pharmacological response with a hypothetical 'effect compartment' Using regression analysis to estimate the rate constants for the `effect compartment,' the hysteresis loop was collapsed, thereby making it possible to model indirect effects. Jusko and colleagues 24 have developed a series of comprehensive physiologic indirect response models that incorporate an understanding of the mechanism(s) producing a particular pharmacologic effect. These indirect response models envision a given pharmacologic response that is based on the inhibition or stimulation of the input or the output factors controlling the pharmacologic effect. These complex models have increased our understanding of a variety of pharmacologic effects, such as induction of protein synthesis, cell trafficking, altered hormone secretion.' IRREVERSIBLE ACTING AGENTS-Modeling the pharmacodynamics of irreversible acting agents is considerably

Evans WE, Schentag JJ, Jusko WI Applied Pharm.acokinetics. Principles of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 3rd ed. Spokane, WA: Applied Therapeutics, 1992. Gibaldi M. Biopharm.aceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1991. Gibaldi M, Perrier D. Pharmacokinetics, 2nd ed. New York: Dekker, 1982. Pecile A, Rescigno A. Pharm.acokinetics. Mathematical and Statistical Approaches to Metabolism and Distribution ofChemicals and Drugs. New York: Plenum Press, 1988. Pratt WB, Taylor P. Principles of Drug Action. The Basis of Pharmacology, 3rd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1990. Reidenberg MM, Erill S, eds. Drug Protein Binding, Esteve Found Symp I. New York: Praeger, 1986. Rowland M, Tozer TN: Clinical Pharm.acokinetics. Concepts and Apphcations, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1995. Shargel L, Yu ABC. Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, 4' 1 ' el, Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange, 1999. Winter ME. Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 3rd ed. Spokane, WA: Applied Therapeutics, 1994.

Clinical Pharmacokinetics and


Paul M Beringer, PharmD Michael E Winter, PharmD

In Chapter 58, the basic principles of pharmacokinetics were presented. Clinical pharmacokinetics is the discipline in which basic pharmacokinetic principles are applied to the development of rational dosage regimens. In this chapter, the concepts of pharmacokinetics are placed into perspective with the development of individualized drug dosage regimens. The clinical significance of drug absorption, distribution, and elimination and influence of disease states on these processes are emphasized. Examples are given of the ways pharmacokinetic principles can be applied in the calculation and adjustment of dosage regimens designed to fit the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of drugs and specific disease states that alter drug disposition. The principles of therapeutic drug monitoring and the rational use of this clinical science in the management of patients also are discussed.

Drugs with Narrow Versus Wide Therapeutic Range

The therapeutic range is a concentration range that is likely to result in the desired clinical or therapeutic response with an acceptable risk or likelihood of developing a toxic response. For every drug, there is a therapeutic range, but it is those drugs in which the minimum concentration that is likely to result in the desired drug effect is relatively close to the higher drug concentration that is likely to result in a toxic response. The therapeutic index is the ratio of the maximum desired concentration relative to the minimum desired concentration. The application of pharmacokinetic principles may be limited in the use of some drugs. Drugs that have a wide therapeutic index may not require precise dose adjustments when drug disposition is altered and a simple approximation may be satisfactory to limit the probability of toxicity and assure efficacy. Other drugs may have a complex series of biological events that result in an obscure relationship between the pharmacologic effects and the drug dose or drug concentration making it difficult to apply the usual pharmacokinetic principles to the daily care of a patient. Drugs with a narrow therapeutic range, however, tend to lend themselves to careful dose adjustments and plasma drug concentration monitoring to help ensure optimal patient outcomes. For those drugs that are monitored with plasma drug concentrations, there is usually a Normal Therapeutic Range that attempts to define the drug concentrations where the benefit to risk ratio is optimal (Fig 59-1). While the Normal Therapeutic Range is important, it is only a guide, and it is the patient and not the drug concentration that is therapeutic or toxic. There are patients with an optimal clinical outcome whose plasma drug concentrations fall outside the usual range and others who develop unacceptable side effects or toxicities when drug concentrations are within or even below the usual Therapeutic Range.

Overview of Clinical Pharmacokinetics

The application of pharmacokinetic principles to patient care can aid the clinician in making rational drug use decisions. However, knowing the relationship between the time course of drug concentration and the pharmacologic effect is critical to the application of pharmacokinetic principles and the interpretation of plasma drug concentrations in the patient care setting. As a general rule traditional pharmacokinetic research is an intensive study of a limited number of subjects resulting in very precise pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameter estimates. Clinical pharmacokinetics, on the other hand, is usually limited to very few and sometimes no plasma drug concentrations, requiring the clinician to make an educated guess about key elements of drug disposition and the drug use process. In the research setting, it is common to obtain 10 or more samples for drug concentration measurements within a single dosing interval. In the clinical setting, it is uncommon to obtain more than two or three samples for a patient during a hospitalization or within a year for ambulatory care patients. Therefore, understanding the usual manner in which drugs are absorbed, distributed, and eliminated as well as the known factors that alter drug disposition and which of these elements is most likely to be altered in the individual patient is key to the clinician's ability to effectively use pharmacokinetics. A basic knowledge of pharmacokinetics provides guidance to the clinician when selecting a drug product, dosing regimen, the anticipated onset of drug effect, and determining an appropriate sampling strategy if drug concentrations are to be obtained.

Plasma Protein Binding and the Therapeutic Range

One potential factor that can change the Normal Therapeutic Range is alterations in plasma protein binding. In most cases, clinical laboratories use assay procedures that measure and report the total plasma drug concentration, ie, the drug concentration that is bound to plasma protein and the unbound plasma drug concentration. It is only the unbound drug in plasma that can cross into the tissue where the receptors are located.




1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0
1 1 1 1 I I I I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

T herapentic Ran g






Drug Concentration
Figure 59-1. "Normal therapeutic range." The "normal therapeutic range" defines the region of drug concentrations where the probability of a positive therapeutic response is good and the risk for development of a significant dose-related adverse effect is acceptable. For most agents the normal therapeutic range is quite wide; however, for certain agents there is a relatively narrow therapeutic range and monitoring of drug concentrations may be necessary to maximize the potential for efficacy and minimize the risk of toxicity.

Therefore, it is the unbound drug concentration that is proportional to the tissue and receptor drug concentration and the pharmacodynarnic response (Fig 59 2). Any change in plasma protein binding would be expected to alter the potential for any plasma drug concentration, reported as both bound and unbound drug, to result in a toxic or therapeutic response. Many drugs have significant binding to plasma proteins and the relationship between the unbound drug concentration and the total drug concentration is referred to as the free fraction or fu.

In any case for drugs with high plasma binding, care should be taken in the interpretation of assayed drug concentration. Most weak acid drugs with high plasma binding (eg, phenytoin) are bound almost exclusively to albumin. The most commonly encountered reasons for alterations in plasma binding for these drugs are hypoalbuminemia, end stage renal failure or dialysis and displacement by other drugs. Basic compounds tend to have a more complex plasma-binding pattern and extensive binding to a number of plasma proteins including alpha-l-ac idglycoprotein, other globulins and albumin is common In addition to plasma binding alterations, clinical conditions can change a patient's response to a given dose or drug concentration. As an example, a change in renal function can change a patient's ability to eliminate drugs whose route of elimination is via the kidneys (eg, aminoglycoside antibiotics). The addition of a new drug that either inhibits the elimination or metabolism (eg, amiodarone when added to a patient receiving digoxin) or induces metabolism (eg, carbamazepine inducing the metabolism of warfarin) can alter the relationship between the drug dosing regimen and the resultant drug concentrations and drug effect. In addition, alterations in electrolyte or acid base balance might alter the potential of a drug to produce toxicity (eg, hypokalemia in a patient receiving digoxin). While the normal therapeutic range is usually thought of as fixed upper and lower boundaries, there are many situations that require the clinician to make adjustments in dosing regimens and target drug concentrations. Knowing both the drug's pharmacokinetic and pharmac dynamic characteristics allow the clinician to design drug regimens that have an optimal chance of producing a beneficial outcome for the patient.

Absorption, Distribution, and Elimination In the application of pharmacokinetics to the clinical practice
setting, the ability to estimate a patient's absorption, distribution, and elimination characteristics is an important step in initiating drug therapy. For many drugs, clinicians simply learn the "usual" dose and use that dose for all patients. In a number of situations, knowing the principles behind the usual dose allows the clinician to make adjustments in drug therapy for those patients where therapeutic problems, toxicity or lack of efficacy, are likely to occur.

fu or

Unbound Drug Concentration Total Drug Concentration


Unbound Drug Concentration = (fu)(Total Drug Concentration) (2) Any factor that alters plasma protein binding will result in an altered free fraction (fu'). Therefore, when interpreting assayed drug concentrations with altered plasma binding, the clinician should make some type of adjustment when using the assayed drug concentration. One approach is to calculate a normal plasma binding drug concentration: Normal Plasma Binding Drug Concentration _ ( ( Assayed Drug Concentration with fu ) Altered Plasma Binding



C bound

C Non-Specific Binding

C unbound C unbound C Receptor

and then compare the normal plasma binding drug concentration to the normal therapeutic range to evaluate the drug's potential for either efficacy or toxicity An alternative approach is to calculate an adjusted therapeutic range: Adjusted =f ) (Normal Therapeutic Range) (4) Therapeutic Range fir and compare this adjusted therapeutic range to the assayed drug concentration with altered plasma binding to evaluate the drug's potential for either efficacy or toxicity.

Metabolism Elimination


Figure 59-2. Note that it is the unbound drug concentration (C unbound) that is able to cross into the tissue and equilibrate with the tissue binding sites and the drug receptor. While C bound may be a significant percentage of the plasma drug pool, in most cases very little drug is in plasma and therefore C bound represents relatively little of the total drug in the body.



Absorption/Bioava i labi I ity

The absorption of a drug is a key element in determining a drug-dosing regimen. The extent of absorption is referred to as bioavailability and is usually expressed as either a fraction (F) or percent of an administered drug that is available to produce a pharmacologic effect. An E value of 1 represent 100% of an administered dose is bioavailable. Most drugs when given by the intravenous route are assumed to be 100% bioavailable (F of 1.0). Absorption by other routes of administration (oral, rectal, etc) may or may not be complete. A number of factors influence the bioavailability of a drug. To be orally absorbed, drugs must have a reasonable degree of water solubility so that they can dissolve in the gastrointestinal (GI) fluids. In addition, they must also have some lipid solubility characteristics so that the drug can cross the lipid membranes of the cell wall in the GI tract and enter the general circulation and eventually cross the cell walls of other tissues in the body. Aminoglycoside antibiotics are an example of a drug class whose water solubility is so high (lipid solubility very low) that they are not absorbed to any significant extent when administered by the oral route and must be given parenterally to achieve systemic effects. Drugs that are unstable in the GI tract may have low bioavailability because they are broken down or decompose before they can be absorbed. The proton pump inhibitors (eg, omeprazole) are an example of a drug class that is unstable in the gastric acid and are administered orally as an entericcoated tablet. In addition, although some drugs are absorbed, they are metabolized by the enzymes in the gut wall or the liver prior to reaching the systemic circulation. Lidocaine is an example of a drug that is metabolized so extensively as it passes through the liver following oral absorption that effective systemic effects require parenteral administration. Extensive hepatic metabolism following oral absorption is referred to as a First Pass Effect (see Chapter 58 Hepatic Clearance). Recently a greater appreciation for the impact of drug transporters on oral bioavailability of a number of compounds has been realized. In particular, the xenobiotic transporter P-glycoprotein has been shown to significantly affect the oral bioavailability of cyclosporine and other large hydrophobic compounds. Similar to the knowledge gained by studying the CYP450 enzymes responsible for metabolism of commonly prescribed drugs, knowledge of the substrate specificity of P-glycoprotein is integral to predicting the bioavailability of drugs that are substrates for this transporter. Bioavailability or F, refers only to the extent of absorption. The rate of drug absorption can also be in important factor in drug administration. Extended release tablets and capsules are often designed for the drug to be slowly released from the dosage form so that drug absorption is relatively constant over the entire dosing interval. Asa result these types of oral dosage forms tend to produce relatively little fluctuation in the plasma drug concentrations within a dosing interval. While this may be ideal for a drug with a narrow therapeutic index, these drug products may not be useful when relatively rapid drug onset is desired. In addition the drug release characteristics are usually designed to be consistent with a specific dosing interval. If a drug product is designed to be absorbed over 12 hours, extending the doing interval to 24 hours may result in unacceptable swings in plasma concentrations. Patients with certain gastrointestinal diseases may have a very short gastrointestinal transit time and thereby limiting the use of some extended release drug products. One example of a slowly absorbed drug with a limited bioavailability is phenytoin in the newborn. While not designed as an extended release product, phenytoin is so limited in its water solubility that several hours are required for complete absorption following oral administration. The newborn child has such a short G-I transit time that when infants are changed from parenteral to equal oral doses of phenytoin, the plasma concentrations almost always decline dramatically because of a limited oral bioavailability.

Volume of Distribution (V)

Following absorption, drugs distribute throughout the body. Each drug has its own characteristics that result in an apparent volume of distribution (V) and can be expressed mathematically as: Volume of Distribution = or V Amount of Drug in the Body C (5) Amount of Drug in the Body Plasma Concentration

where V is the volume of distribution and C is the plasma drug concentration. As can be seen from the equation above, volume of distribution is the volume required to account for the drug assuming the tissues have the same concentration as plasma. Volume of distribution is an important pharmacokinetic parameter when calculating the loading dose required to rapidly increase the plasma drug concentration to some desired concentration: )(V) Loading Dose -(C F where C is the desired plasma concentration and F the bioavailability. In some cases, there may be drug already present and only a partial or incremental loading dose is needed to achieve the desired CrrargetIncremental _ ( Grarg.t Cinitio)(V ) Loading Dose (6)

In the above equation Gr a ,t is the desired concentration following and C E iti , is the drug concentration just prior to the incremental loading dose.

Body Composition and Volume of Distribution

Volume of distribution is most often reported as L/kg. The applicability of this LAT value assumes that the physical characteristics of the patient are similar to the study population. Patients who are obese, emaciated, or have extensive third spacing of fluid (ascites or edema) may have an altered volume of distribution based on total body weight. Therefore some assessment of body composition is important when making initial estimates of V. OBESE VERSUS IDEAL BODY WEIGHTWhen patients are obese the most common approach is to calculate the patient's Ideal Body Weight (IBW): IBW male , = 50 kg + 2.3(Height in inches > 60) IBWgTha l e , = 45 kg + 2.3(Height in inches > 60) (7) (8)

IBW in the above equations is in kg, and it is this weight that is generally assumed to represent a "non-obese" weight. When the volume of distribution is known to correspond best to ideal or non-obese weight, itis the IBW that should be used for obese patients. As a practical approach, if a patient who weighs more than their IBW, most clinicians consider the patient to be clinically obese only if the patient is greater than 120% of their IBW: Clinically Obese (

Patient ' s Weight


) 100 > 120


There are a few drugs that either part or all of the excess adipose weight in the clinically obese patient is used in calculating the apparent volume of distribution. Care should be taken to



carefully evaluate the patient's weight as well as the characteristics of the specific drug in question.

Two Compartment Volume Of Distribution

While it is often useful to think of the body as a single compartment, in reality we are made of hundreds if not thousands of individual spaces into which a drug distributes. However, for most drugs the volume of distribution can be conceptualized into two individual compartments. An initial first volume (V i ) consisting of plasma and other rapidly equilibrating tissues and a second more slowly equilibrating volume (V 2 ) (Fig 59-3). LOCATION OF TARGET ORGANThe two-compartment model has two important clinical implications. First is related to the location of the target organ for clinical response (therapeutic or toxic). Some drugs have an end organ for clinical response (efficacy or toxicity) that equilibrates very rapidly with plasma. Therefore, large doses administered rapidly into the smaller first compartment will result in elevated drug concentrations and have the potential for causing drug toxicity. It is also possible to give a smaller first dose that achieves an initial therapeutic concentration and response that is quickly lost as the drug concentration declines during distribution into the larger volume. Drugs whose target organ respond as though it were located in the initial volume of distribution must be administered in such a way as to avoid the transiently elevated drug concentrations during the administration process. This is most common when drugs are administered by the intravenous route. Most drugs have a maximum recommended rate of infusion. Usually this rate is designed to allow drug distribution to take place as the drug is being infused. Occasionally it is recommended to divide a dose into portions that are administered at set intervals, again allowing for distribution to be completed before the next part of the dose is administered. For some drugs, the intravenous administration rate has to be controlled because of an agent in the injectable dosage form that has the potential for toxicity. As an example, penicillin is most commonly available as the potassium salt. While rapid injection of penicillin itself can be potentially harmful, it is the potassium that is probably the most dangerous and the reason for controlling the infusion rate of IV potassium penicillin. When drugs

EXCESS THIRD SPACE FLUID (EDEMA AND ASCITES)S ome patients have extensive edema or ascites. This
fluid accumulates in the interstitial space between the va sculature and the intracellular compartment or the peritoneal cavity. The degree to which a patient's vascular volume and/or intracellular volume can change is limited. Therefore, in most cases, significant changes in body water occur in the intraperitoneal and interstitial or third space. Depending on the drug's distribution characteristics the presence of third space fluid may alter how the apparent volume of distribution is calculated. In most cases, the presence of third space fluid is evaluated by changes in weight, with 1 kg of weight gain representing 1 liter of third space fluid. Alternatively, an experienced clinician can often approximate in patients with ascites or edema the number of excess third space liters present. One method that can be used to account for any third space fluid is to calculate the contribution that one would expect for each liter (kg) of excess edema or ascites. The apparent V for each liter can be calculated by multiplying the fraction of unbound drug in plasma (fu) times the number of liters of excess third space fluid.
VExcess 3rd space fluid =

(fu)(Liters of Excess 3 1 '1 Space Fluid) (10)

The units of V are liters. The liters of excessive third space fluid gain are usually estimated by subtracting the patient's current weight from their usual weight in kilograms. Care should be taken to evaluate whether or not the weight gain is in fad excess third space fluid. Usually this is accomplished by determining the time course of the weight gain. Muscle mass and adipose weight gain generally takes many months, but third space weight gain can occur over weeks, days, or even a few hours. The presence of or change in the patient's edema or ascites is also a factor that should be considered when estimating excess third space fluid weight. As an example, a patient who gains 10 kg of weight in 2 days may have been initially dehydrated and simply replaced a fluid deficit rather than have gained 10 L of excess third space fluid. On the other hand if the patient has extensive edema before gaining the 10 kg, the amount of excess third space fluid may be much more than the most recent 10 kg weight gain would suggest. In most cases the amount of excess fluid gained is in the range of 5 to 10 L and is seldom more than 20 L. Because the contribution of 5 to 20 L is not significant for most drugs, the weight used in calculating the volume of distribution need only consider the patient's usual weight. However, if the volume of distribution is small and plasma protein binding is low (fu approaches 1), then excess third spacing of fluid should be considered in the calculation. This would be accomplished by first calculating the patient's weight without the excess third space weight and using the non-excess third space weight to calculate the patient's V in the usual way. In addition, Equation 10 above can be used to determine the additional contribution of VE,,, eaa 3rd space fluid- The sum of these two values would be the most reasonable value to use for the patient's volume of distribution. Digoxin and aminoglycoside antibiotics are two drugs that represent the extremes. Digoxin has a fu of approximately 0.9 and a V of approximately 500 L (7 L/Kg). If a patient accumulated 10 liters of excessive third space fluid, the increase in V would only be 9 L lie, (0.9) (Liters of Excess 3rd Space Fluid)]. This increase in V is less than 2% of the total volume of distribution and therefore not clinically significant. It is important to note that the patient's weight without the excess third space fluid should be used to calculate the volume of distribution for digoxin and most other drugs with a large volume of distribution. Aminoglyc aside antibiotics also have a fu of approximately 0.9 but the usual V is approximately 15 to 20 liters. Therefore, the increase in V of 9 L associated with 10 liters of excess third space fluid would be significant and would be incorporated in the calculation of V.

Drug Input


Drug Elimination

log C

Ti me
Figure 59-3. Drug first enters the body into V I . The initial rapid decrease in drug concentration ( c phase) is primarily due to drug moving into the larger more slowly equilibrating V,. the more slowly declining drug concentrations (13 phase) are primarily due to drug being eliminated from the body.



are administered orally, the absorption process is usually sufficiently slow so that elevated concentrations in the initial volume of distribution are limited. Digoxin and lithium are two exceptions, but fortunately both drugs have the end organ or response located in the tissue compartment and the transiently elevated concentrations in the initial volume of distribution do not result in an augmented clinical response. For drugs that have the end organ for response in the deeper more slowly equilibrating volume, administration rate is not usually very critical. Digoxin is an example of a drug where the end organ for response, in this case the myocardium, is in the deep compartment. However, it is still a common clinical practice to divide large loading doses because digoxin has a significant potential for toxicity. The loading doses are divided so that the patient can be evaluated and the remaining part of the loading dose withheld if adverse events are observed.

Clearance (CL) is a measure of the body's potential to eliminate drug. Clearance is expressed as volume/time and can be thought of as the proportionality constant between the average steady-state drug concentration (Css ave) and the rate of drug administration. At steady state the rate of drug administration must equal the rate of drug elimination. Rate of Administration = Rate of Elimination Rate of Administration = (CL) (Css ave) If the Rate of Administration is expressed as F Dose/T, where F is the bioavailability, Dose is the amount of drug administered, and T is the interval between doses we have the following: F Dosek = (CL) (Css ave) (11)

where age is in years, weight in kg, and SCrss is the steadystate plasma creatinine in mg/dL. There are a number of assumptions inherent in the above equations. First is that the plasma creatinine is stable and not rising or falling (ie, at steady state and the patient not receiving dialysis), and the second is that the patient's muscle mass is average for his/her age, weight, and sex. In obese patients, IBW should be used in the equation to calculate CLcr. Also if a patient has extensive third spacing of fluid, that weight should not be included in the patient's weight, and for those patients who weigh less than their IBW, their actual and not IBW should be used. Once a patient's CLcr is known or estimated, then maintenance dose adjustments can be made based on the degree of renal impairment and the fraction of the total clearance that is renal. In addition, the impact of adding to a patient's regimen a drug that can inhibit the secretion or reabsorption of a renally eliminated drug should be considered. In some instances, it is appropriate to collect urine to directly measure creatinine clearance. The urine is collected usually over a 24-hour period, the creatinine concentration in plasma is measured, and the patient's creatinine clearance calculated by the following equation: CLer (mL/min) = (U )(V)


This equation can be rearranged to calculate the desired dose necessary to achieve a desired Css ave if CL and F are known and a dosing interval T is selected. Dose =

(CL)(Css ave)(r) F


Alternatively, if a dose has been prescribed, the anticipated Css ave can be calculated. Css ave = F Dose/T CL (13)

Clearance is often expressed as L/day, L/hr, or mL/min To allow adjustment for size, clearance values are usually expressed as L/hr per kg or L/hr per m 2 . There is some evidence that clearance values are best adjusted using surface area of m 2 , but in clinical practice this is usually limited to patients who are substantially different from the usual 70 kg or L73 m 2 adult, and there is no representative patient population for a more direct comparison. The two primary elimination pathways are elimination of unchanged drug by the renal route and hepatic metabolism. CREATININE CLEARANCE (CLCR) AND RENAL CLEARANCE (CLR,..1)Renal elimination parallels renal function, and the most common measure of renal function is creatinine clearance (CLer). The equation by Cockcroft and Gault is the most common method of estimating CLcr or renal function: CLer for males (ml/min) = (140 Age)(Weight) (72)(SCrss) (140 Age)(Weight) (72)(SCrss) (14)

CLcr for females (ml/min) = (0.85)


where U is the urine concentration of creatinine in mg/dL, V is the urine volume in mL divided by the collection time in minutes. In the above equation, Pis in units of mg/dL and is analogous to the value of SCrss in Equation 14 or 15 above. The value of (U)(V) is the production rate of creatinine and analogous to the 140 - Age, Weight and 72 in Equations 14 and 15. The advantage of obtaining a urine collection to measure creatinine clearance is that it is a direct measurement and does not make an assumption about creatinine production as do the methods that do not utilize a urine collection (eg, Equations 14 and 15). There are two major disadvantages of 24-hour urine collections for creatinine clearance. The first and most obvious is that the information required to make clinical decisions may be unacceptably delayed because of the time required to collect the patient's urine. The second is that urine collections are often inaccurate. It is common for patients and even health care professionals to inadvertently discard a portion of the urine during the collection process or on occasion to collect for longer than the time listed on the collection document. Whenever a creatinine collection is obtained, it is important to evaluate whether or not the collection appears to be adequate or complete. Although there are a number of methods that could be used, the most straightforward is to compare the CLcr from the 24-hour urine collection to the CLcr calculated from Equation 14 or 15 above. If the two values are in close agreement, it is usually a good indication that the patient is average in terms of their muscle mass, creatinine production, and the collection was properly obtained. However, if the two values are substantially different, one of the values is more likely to be the better estimate of the patient's renal function. Because both the urine collection and Equations 14 and 15 use the same value for the plasma creatinine, the difference has to be in either the accuracy of the 24-hour urine collection or the inherent assumptions in Equations 14 or 15 about the patient's muscle mass and ere atinine pro du cti on. Inmost cases where there are significant differences, the 24hour collection CLcr is lower than the value calculated by Equation 14 or 15. This is because the most common error is either not collecting all of the urine in the 24-hour collection period or that Equations 14 or 15 over-predicts the patient's muscle mass and creatine production. Therefore if the patient has a reasonably normal body stature and muscle mass, it is likely that Equation 14 or 15 would be the better estimate of the patient's renal function. On the other hand, if a patient is very thin and emaciated with a lower than average muscle mass, it is likely that the 24-hour collection is the better estimate of the patient's



renal function. There are other possibilities, but the examples above are the most common scenarios. Once creatinine clearance is known, CLR.0 can be calculated by multiplying the patient's creatinine clearance by a "factor" or ratio of the usual drug clearance to CLcr. As an example, procainamide CLR. a l is about 3 times CLcr and so a patient's creatinine clearance would be multiplied by 3 to obtain an estimate of renal clearance for procainamide. Aminoglycosides have a CLR,-,m that is approximately equal to CLcr while the factor for phenobarbital is so small that CLcr is not considered in calculating the clearance of phenobarbital. HEPATIC CLEARANCE (CLHepatic)Hepatic metabolism or CL H ,ti , usually represents the conversion of active drug into a more polar and inactive compound by changing one or more of the functional groups on the compound. Hepatic clearance is a function of both the number and the quality of the hepatic enzymes. Clearly there are a number of factors that influence the liver's ability to metabolize drugs. Genetic composition as well as environmental factors and disease play a role in a patient's hepatic metabolic capabilities. Currently genetic profiles are not commonly available, but there are a number of drugs that are known to either inhibit or induce hepatic metabolism and we are learning more about which enzymes are responsible. Accurate assessment of hepatic function and a patient's ability to metabolize drugs is difficult. Elevated plasma enzymes such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase (Alk Thos) represent ongoing liver damage but are a poor reflection of function. More direct but still relatively unreliable predictors of hepatic dysfunction and decreased drug metabolism are an increased plasma bilirubin (Bili), decreased plasma albumin (Alb), and an increased prothrombin time (PT). These three biological indicators are useful in that they each represent a metabolic function of the liver. However, there are a number of factors that influence each of these laboratory tests. As an example, a patient with a low plasma albumin may have a gastroenteropathy or nephritis and have a low albumin because of a protein wasting problem and not because of decreased hepatic synthesis. Similarly, a high PT may be due to warfarin and not a reflection of a patient's hepatic metabolic capacity for drugs. Patients with severe liver failure and cirrhosis would be expected to have an elevated bilirubin and prothrombin time as well as a decreased plasma albumin. However, the presence of these abnormal laboratory test, even in the face of obvious liver disease, are not always good predictors of the extent to which a patient's ability to metabolize drugs will be decreased. Similarly congestive heart failure is known to be associated with decreased metabolism of a number of drugs. The exact mechanism of this disease-drug interaction is not known but is assumed to be secondary to either decreased hepatic blood flow or an increase in portal pressure and thereby a decrease in the ability of the hepatic enzymes to function properly. In most clinical settings, when there is evidence of significant hepatic dysfunction the tendency is to assume that the patient's hepatic capacity is approximately half normal. Clearly this "yes" or "no" approach to estimating the presence and the extent of hepatic disease on drug metabolism leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, with few exceptions, this is the state of the art in clinical pharmacokinetics with regard to hepatic metabolism. OTHER CLEARANCE MECHANISMSRenal elimination of unchanged drug and hepatic metabolism are the most common routes of elimination. However, on occasion other elimination pathways play an important role. As an example, succinylcholine is hydrolyzed and inactivated (cleared from the body in a pharmacokinetic sense) by butyiylcholinesterase enzymes located in the liver and to a significant extent in the circulating in plasma. There are other examples of in-vivo and invitro drug interactions that essentially act as a clearance mechanism. Aminoglycoside antibiotics with a primary amine group (eg, gentamicin) can form a covalent bond with beta-

lactam antibiotics (eg, penicillin) and as a result the aminoglycoside is inactivated. This interaction is not very rapid, and significant inactivation of an aminoglycoside antibiotic only occurs when the amino glycoside and beta-lactam antibiotic are mixed in the same IV bag or in-vivo when the two drugs are administered to a patient with end-stage renal failure. In these types of patients, the additional "clearance" can be equivalent to as much as 5 mL/min. Other potential routes of elimination are via dialysis, either hemp- or peritoneal. Some drugs are significantly removed by dialysis and care should be taken to adjust the initial dosing regimen for patients with very poor renal function and to determine if any supplemental doses would be required because of the dialysis process. The overall approach to using pharmacokinetics and assessment of a patient's renal and hepatic function needs to be combined with the urgency of the clinical situation, the available options, and the consequences of either drug toxicity or a therapeutic failure.

Drug Drug Interactions


With today's trend towards polypharmacy, drug-drug interactions are common and can result in therapeutic misadventures. Care should be taken to evaluate how adding or removing a drug from a patient's regimen will affect the absorption, distribution, and elimination of the other drugs the patient may be taking. Knowing the direction of the interaction (ie, increase or decrease), the time course of the onset, and the magnitude of the interaction are all important considerations when evaluating drug-drug interaction. Understanding the specifics of a drug-drug interaction helps the clinician know how and when to monitor the patient and the probable adjustments in the dosing regimen that will be necessary. As an example, both quinidine and amiodarone will approximately double a patient's steady state digoxin concentration. The doubling in the steady state digoxin concentration is due to the fact that quinidine and amiodarone both reduce by half the total clearance of digoxin; however, quinidine has a half-life of about 6 hours and accumulates to steady state within 1 day. In addition, quinidine reduces the volume of distribution digoxin, and as a result digoxin concentrations will increase rapidly within 24 hours following the initiation of quinidine therapy. Amiodarone, on the other hand, has a very long half-life and appears to have little influence on the volume of distribution for digoxin. Therefore, the increase in digoxin concentrations following the addition of amiodarone occurs over 1 to 2 weeks. Understanding these differences in how quinidine and amiodarone affect digoxin's volume of distribution vs. clearance helps to explain the difference in clinical management when either quinidine or amiodarone are added to a patient's therapy. When quinidine is initiated, a daily dose of digoxin is usually withheld to blunt the rapid rise in digoxin due to the decrease in volume of distribution, and the maintenance dose is halved to compensate for the reduction in clearance in an attempt to maintain the same digoxin concentration at steady state. In contrast, when amiodarone is added to a patient's regimen, the usual practice is to simply reduce the digoxin maintenance dose in half to compensate for the reduction in clearance. Again knowing which parameter is affected, in which direction the parameter will be altered, and the time course as well as the expected magnitude of the change will provide the clinician with a logical approach to dealing with the drug-drug interaction.

Elimination Rate Constant (K) and HalfLife (t 1/2)

In physical chemistry, the K or rate constant is the independent parameter that controls the rate of change in a reaction. In the physiologic model used in clinical pharmacokinetics, CL and V


1 197

are the independent parameters and the relationship of CL to V that controls the rate of change of drug in the body. The fractional rate of change or K constant has the units of inverse time, usually hours' or days) and its relationship to CL and V is represented in the following equation. C K = (17) V or CL =

input at a rate of (F)(Dose/T). Alternatively the concentration of drug remaining some time t later can be expressed by the following:

c,=(co(e - Kt)


(K) (V)


Note that although Equation 18 appears to represent CL as a function of K and V, it is Equation 17 that represents the true dependence of K on CL and V. Half-life is a common clinical tool and is related to K or CL and V in the following way:

t 1/2 -=



where C I is the initial concentration, e -Kt is the fraction remaining at t hours later, and C2 is the remaining concentration. Equation 22 assumes that CL and V are constant, that the V behaves as a one-compartment model and that there is no additional drug input between C I and C2. Clearly an equation can become complex when it is composed of a series of equations representing the concentration at C 1 . Take for example a drug that is infused for 10 hours and then the infusion is discontinued and 5 hours later a drug concentration is to be calculated. This could be accomplished by using Equation 21 to calculate the concentration (C t ) at the end of the 10-hour infusion and then substituting that value for C i in Equation 22 and calculating the value of C2 5 hours later. Alternatively Equations 21 and 22 could be combined as follows:

0.693 V t 1/2 CL

(F)(Dosek) CL


e K hours.)


K r, hours)



The half-life of a drug is the time required for half of the drug to be eliminated from the body or the time required for a drug concentration to decline by half (Fig 59-4). This definition assumes a single compartment volume of distribution and that CL and V are constant values, independent of dose or concentration. The utility of half-life is in estimating the rate of change of drug within the body. When a drug is administered at a consistent dosing rate, the drug will accumulate to 50% of steady state after one t 1/2, 75% after 2 t 1/2 and after 3.3 t 1/2's will be at 90% of the final steady-state or plateau value. Similarly during decline, after one t 1/2 50% will be eliminated (50% remaining), after two t 1/2's 75% will be eliminated (25% remaining) and after 3.3 t 1/2's 90% will be eliminated (10% remaining). The equation that predicts drug accumulation towards steady-state assuming continuous input (see PK models section) is as follows: = (F)(Dose/T)

Either approach is reasonable, but equations can become somewhat complex depending on the number of dose manipulations that are made and the time when the drug concentration is to be calculated.


The goal of clinical PK/PIJ is to develop individualized drug therapy regimens to maximize the likelihood of therapeutic success. The doses utilized in clinical practice typically are derived from phase II/III clinical trials in which the safety and efficacy of an agent are evaluated. The information from clinical trials as well as preclinical work from animal and in-vitro studies provides data on the doses necessary to obtain concentrations in the "usual therapeutic range." As discussed previously, the therapeutic range defines the range of concentrations in which most patients have a therapeutic effect and a low incidence of toxicity; however, for drugs exhibiting a narrow therapeutic index, it may be necessary to more precisely define the dosage regimen for an individual based on (1) patient factors (severity of disease), (2) concentrations achievable at site of drug action (distribution, elimination), and (3) the level of sensitivity to the drug (pharmacodynamics). For example, it is widely recognized that higher doses of the aminoglycoside antibiotics are necessary in the treatment of sepsis versus a urinary tract infection. The high mortality rate from sepsis requires early aggressive therapy in order to control the infection before serious end organ damage occurs. Higher doses are also necessary where penetration into the site of the infection is reduced (ie, pneumonia or meningitis), whereas lower doses would be appropriate when renal function is compromised. These differences can be characterized and are based on knowledge of the pharmacokinetics of the drug being administered. Over the past decade, our understanding of the pharmacodynamics of drugs has improved significantly. This recognition stemmed from the observation that despite achievement of concentrations in the desired range, not all patients exhibit the same clinical response. Subsequently, a number of studies have evaluated the relationship between measures of drug exposure (Cmax, AUC), measures of disease sensitivity (eg, minimum inhibitory concentration for bacteria), and clinical outcomes (efficacy and toxicity). For the aminoglycoside antibiotics, it has been shown that the bactericidal activity and clinical improvement is correlated with the peak to MIC ratio (Fig 59-5). According to this analysis, the probability of normalizing the temperature and leukocyte count is maximized when the peak/11/11C ratio exceeds 10. Therefore, higher doses would be necessaryfor


(1 eT KL


(F)(DosePT) represents the eventual Css ave, and (1-e .) CL represents the fraction of steady-state achieved after t hours of

1.0 Half Lives %Comic

1 50% 75 87.5% 90.0% 93.7%



2 3

3.3 4 1

Time: Number of Half Lives

Figure 59 4. Drug Accumulation and Decline. The ascending curve rep-

resents drug concentration accumulating towards steady-state and the descending curve represents drug concentration declining after the drug is discontinued. After one t 1/2 the drug is at 50% of steady-state, two t 1/2's 75% and 3.3 t 1/2's 90-% of steady-state. In the declining phase the drug concentration declines to half of the previous concentration in each t 1/2 after 3.3 t 1/2's 90% of the drug will have been eliminated.

1198 1 0.9

O 0.8


iD 0.6 6 0.5
CART-Derived Breakpoints


L'" 0,4 g 0.3

n !Lyn pel alum Caulyd1/10 = 43

lewcacyle Cmax4110


larar.st0mooliC= 236

2 0.2 U0.1 0 0 5 10 15

Logistic Regression-Derived Breakpoint c rre,ose0 .ic




First Cmax/MiC Figure 59-5. Probability of clinical improvement with aminoglycoside therapy based on the pharmacodynamic endpoint of Cmax:MIC. Resolution of temperature and leukocyte count is optimal in patients in whom the Cmax:MIC exceeds 10. (From Kashuba et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1999; 43:623.)

of efficacy while minimizing the risk of serious toxicity. Similar to vancomycin, weight and renal function are important variables in describing the pharmacokinetics within an individual. Therefore nomograms incorporating these factors are widely used in clinical practice to individualize the dose. However, in addition, factors such as third space fluid (edema, ascites), obesity, certain clinical conditions (ie, cystic fibrosis, burns, spinal cord injury) can alter the pharmacokinetics of the aminoglycosides. It is under these circumstances that more sophisticated Ph/PD methods may be required to individualize the dosing regimen. The use of models to determine the optimal dose using patient demographics and clinical characteristics are often referred to as a priori dosing since the dosage prediction is done before direct measures of drug disposition are available (ie, measured drug concentrations). Most clinical laboratories are capable of quantifying the amount of certain drugs (drugs exhibiting a narrow therapeutic range) in biological fluids (ie, plasma), which enables a more direct assessment of the appropriateness of a dosing regimen. A posteriori dosing refers to development of a revised dosing regimen based on feedback from measured drug concentrations. The drug concentration data along with the dosing history is incorporated into the PK model to determine the revised PK parameters and then are utilized to calculate a revised dosing regimen to achieve the desired concentrations.

treating infections involving less susceptible organisms (ie, P. aeruginosa vs. E. coli). Similarly, the probability of experiencing an adverse reaction has been linked to measures of drug exposure. The probability of a nephrotoxic event is associated with the daily AUC (>100 mg x hIL for gentamicin and tobramycin) and concomitant use of other nephrotoxic agents. In particular, in the presence of vancomycin, the amount of aminoglycoside exposure as measured by 24-hr AUC to maintain a similar risk for nephrotoxicity as aminoglycoside monotherapy is significantly reduced (Fig 59-6). Therefore, lower doses may be required when the aminoglycosides are prescribed in combination with other potentially nephrotoxic agents (ie, vancomycin). The importance of these observations is that truly individualized drug therapy cannot be established without consideration of patient factors, pharmacokinetics and pharma codynamics, and weighing their relative importance.

Compartmental pharmacokinetic models, in particular the linear one-compartment open model (see Basic PKIPD chapter), have been extensively studied and applied to the individualization of a number of drugs used in clinical practice (aminoglycosides, procainamide, theophylline, valproic acid, vancomycin etc.). The advantage of this model is its simplicity enabling determination of dosage regimens using a handheld calculator. The disadvantage of this model is that many drugs do not exhibit instantaneous distribution. If drug levels are drawn to check the accuracy of the predictions the levels need to be appropriately timed to avoid the distribution phase. Alternatively, multicompartmental models have been employed to more accurately describe the disposition of drugs such as digoxin that exhibit a significant distribution phase. The availability of computers facilitates the relatively complex calcula-

Methods for Dosage Individualization

Numerous methods for dosage individualization have been described in the literature and can be grouped based on their level of precision in achieving specific concentration goals. Dosage individualization for drugs that have a relatively wide therapeutic range is typically performed using nomograms incorporating an assessment of patient demographics (ie, weight) and clinical characteristics (ie, renal function). Since renal function and weight are the principal covariates affecting the pharmacokinetics of drugs that are predominately renally cleared (ie, vancomycin), they are frequently incorporated into nomograms to reduce the variability in drug exposure between individuals within the population when compared with fixed dosing regimens (ie, vancomycin 1 gm ql2h). The use of dosing nomograms such as these are most applicable for the "average" patient whose pharmacokinetics can be easily predicted based on estimates of variables such as weight and renal function. In contrast, in clinical situations where the pharmacokinetics of the drug is likely to differ significantly from the "average" patient or if the risk of therapeutic failure or toxicity is great, then a more precise measure of dosing is necessary. The aminoglycoside antibiotics are an example of a class of drugs that often meet this latter category. For many years, it has been recognized that there is a relatively narrow range of concentrations that result in efficacy and avoidance of toxicity. As a result, it is vital to determine the dose that will maximize the probability
1 00
COACUrterlt Veraomy Gin Use

0.130 D.70 0.60

0.50 [L40
020 0.20

0.10 0.00
50 100 150 200 250 Daily AUC (r+g T hrf L)

Figure 59-6. Probability of experiencing a nephrotoxic event while receiving gentamicin or tobramycin according to Daily AUC (mg x hr/L). The probability of a nephrotoxic event increases significantly when the daily AUC exceeds 100 mg x h/L. The risk is compounded by the concomitant administration of vancomycin as evidenced by a left shift in the probability curve. (From Rybak et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1 999; 43:1549.)



tions necessary to determine the revised pharmacokinetic parameters necessary to individualize the dose. The disadvantage of the multicompartment models is that typically more assay measurements are needed in order to provide good estimates of the additional PK parameters needed to describe these models. While multiple plasma concentration measurements are commonly obtained in the drug development process, typically in the clinical setting we are limited to fewer samples (eg, peak and trough). As a result, the linear one-compartment model is the most commonly employed model for predicting and revising drug dosage regimens in the clinical setting.

24, which is the one-compartment intermittent bolus equation that assumes instantaneous absorption and distribution. The input may be considered instantaneous even if administered orally or as a short infusion as long as the absorption/input is short relative to the elimination half-life (ie,< 1/6 t1/2 -- 10% drug loss during absorption/input). In the example, figure the drug was absorbed or infused over 1 hour and had an elimination half-life of 6 hours.
Intermittent Bolus (tin <116 1112)

Steady State In the clinical setting typically multiple doses of a medication are given to the patient, which necessitates the use of models taking into considerationpotential drug accumulation. The dose and dosing interval determine the rate of drug administration RF)(Dose/T)] and help to establish the type of drug input process that would be most appropriate. Drugs that are administered with a dosing interval that is much shorter than the drug t 1/2 (eg, T 1/3 t 1/2) can usually be modeled as a continuous infusion as represented by Equation 13 described previously.
Continuous input Css ave F Doseh(13)


VD (1 e - kiT )



As can be seen in Figure 59-7, when the T is very short compared to the drug t 1/2, the difference between the peak and trough concentration is very small (<20%), and all concentrations within the dosing interval are a good representation of the Css ave. This assumption that all drug concentrations are an approximation of Css ave when T 1/3 t 1/2 is based on a one compartment model and is not valid when drug concentrations are obtained during the distribution phase. The dosage form is also important in terms of evaluating the drug input process. For many orally administered drugs, absorption is relatively rapid, and peak concentrations will occur within 1 to 2 hours. As an example, if a drug is administered every 12 hours as a non-sustained-release product, it might be thought of as an intermittent dose and modeled with Equation

where Csst is the steady-state drug concentration at any time t after the Dose or Css max concentration. However, if absorption is slow or a sustained-release dosage form is used, the drug input process may be more appropriately thought of as a continuous process. As an example, if a drug product is administered every 12 hours as a sustained-release dosage form with an absorption time of approximately 12 hours (time of absorption equal to T), there would be very little change in the drug concentration within the dosing interval. The drug concentrations could therefore be modeled as a continuous infusion using Equation 13. In contrast, the input may not be considered instantaneous when administered as a short infusion or orally if the input is considered long relative to the elimination half-life (ie,  1/6 t1/2). For example, if the same drug product with a 12-hour absorption time were administered with a dosing interval of 24 hours, the drug concentration time curve would be most appropriately modeled by Equation 25 as follows:
Intermittent Infusion (t in  116 tI12)
(F)(Dosefti n )



t,,, ) -kt


where Dose/ti n is the rate of infusion, ti n is the duration of the infusion, and t is the time from the end of the infusion to when the drug concentration at steady state (Css t ) is obtained.



a 1 .0 O


0.80.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0


Loading Dose As can be seen readily from the figures (Figs 59-8 and 59-9), it may take only a few doses if T t1/2 or many doses if T <- t1/2 for concentrations to reach steady. Under these circumstances, it may be clinically beneficial to administer a loading dose to rapidly achieve therapeutic concentrations. As discussed previously, the incorporation of the initial concentration into the loading dose equation (Equation 6) to account for any existing drug in the body that may be present prior to administration of the loading dose should be considered.


Drug Dosing in Renal Disease
2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time (days)
Figure 59-7. Serum concentration time profile for a drug administered as

a continuous infusion. Continuous input model can also be assumed if the input time is less than one-third of a half-life.

Dosage adjustment of drugs in patients with renal impairment should be based on a knowledge of the pharmacokinetic parameters of the drug and, when indicated, on monitoring of plasma drug concentration. The aim of individualizing dosing regimens for patients with impaired elimination is to maintain plasma concentrations similar to that of patients with normal elimination and, thus, to avoid unnecessary toxicity or loss of efficacy.



CD 25


0 0 12
1 36

In the literature, there are a variety of nomograms and equations available to aid in calculating dosage regimens for patients with renal impairment as discussed previously. Each is based on a set of assumptions that provide limitations to its use. Therefore, a nomogram or an equation used to determine a dose of a drug to be given to a patient with renal impairment must be used only as a guideline and, when possible, should be used along with monitoring of plasma drug concentration, when indicated, and careful clinical observation to ensure optimal therapy. The fractional drug clearance in patients with renal insufficiency (FeL) can be estimated from the relationship of the creatinine clearance in the renally impaired patient, the creatinine clearance of normal persons, and the fractional renal and nonrenal clearance of drug in patients with normal renal function according to the equation: 48


Time (h)
Figure 59 8. Serum concentration time profile for a drug administered as an intermittent bolus dose. Bolus input can also be assumed if the input ti me is less than one-sixth of a half-life.

[ (CL,-)N (fel +


- fe) (26)

FCL = (Fractional renal clearance) + (Fractional extrarenal clearance) where FcL is the fractional drug clearance in a patient with renal insufficiency, ( C1,.,),,v is the normal creatinine clearance, ( C/, , ,-)r is the creatinine clearance in the patient, and fe (is the fraction of drug excreted unchanged in the urine in patients with normal renal function. The creatinine clearance in normal 70 kg individuals is typically in the range of 100-120 ml/min. If the patient's body size differs significantly from 70 kg then the creatinine clearance estimate should be normalized to 70 kg. Values for fe are readily available in the product information for most currently marketed drugs. An example of how this PK dosage adjustment method can be applied is as follows. Insofar as the maintenance dose is concerned, the dosage regimen for the patient in renal failure can be modified by adjusting the dose, the dosage interval, or a combination of both according to the calculated dose fraction.

In Chapter 58 it can be seen that C fr,, ) is a direct function of dose (D) and bioavailability (F) and an inverse function of the dosing interval (T) and clearance. In the patient with impaired elimination or decreased clearance, C fr,, ) will increase until a new steady state is achieved. if clearance is impaired markedly or if the therapeutic index of the drug is small, toxicity may occur. It is apparent from the same equation that either an appropriate decrease in dose or increase in the dosing interval will offset a decrease in elimination, and a C fr,,) can be attained that is similar to that in a nonimpaired patient. In the patient with renal impairment, individualization of drug therapy requires knowledge of the degree of impairment and its effect on drug elimination, to choose a proper dose or dosing interval to achieve a desired C fr, 0 . As discussed above, the endogenous creatinine clearance is usually the most practical index of GFR, and it is used widely (with the limitations indicated) to determine the degree of renal impairment in a patient with renal disease.

(D I Tri.) = (D I .3 ) , (Pct.)

(27) [ fractional drug clearance

Adjusted regimen in renal disease

Regimen in normal renal function


where (D / T,.,) is the dose and dosing interval in renal insufficiency, (D I T) is the usual dose and interval for normal persons, and the fractional drug clearance is the value determined from the equation as described above. An example of an adjustment in a ganciclovir dosage regimen for a patient with an impaired creatinine clearance of 35 mt./min is as follows: the usual ganciclovir dosage regimen in a patient with normal renal function is 5 mg/kg every 12 hr. The fraction of ganciclovir excreted unchanged in the urine is 0.90. For '

(35 milmin)
(120 milmin) (119) ]

+ (1 0.9) = 0.26 + 0.1 = 0.36



0 (-) 2 -

The fractional renal and extrarenal clearance totals 0.36 indicating that the dosage regimen for this patient should be approximately one-third of the normal dose. The dose, interval, or a combination of the two can be used to determine the appropriate adjusted regimen.

0 0
24 48


(D /TH.) = /

(Pct.) 5mg/kg/0.5 days (0.36) = 3.6 mg/kg/day or 1.8 mg/kg ql2h

Time (h)
Figure 59 9. Serum concentration time profile for a drug administered as an intermittent infusion dose. The intermittent infusion model (zero order input) can also be assumed for most oral dosage forms where the input time exceeds one-sixth of a half-life.

Thus, for this patient with impaired renal function, a once-aday dose of 3.6 mg/kg or 1.8 mg/kg ql2h is likely to maintain therapeutic plasma concentrations. The decision to adjust the dose or the dosage interval also should be individualized. Fluctuations in plasma concentrations of ganciclovir will be lower if



the dosage interval remains 12 rather than 24 hours. However, for some drugs there may be a therapeutic reason to achieve a higher peak plasma concentration by administering a higher dose less frequently (eg, once-daily aminoglycosides). As mentioned above, this or any other nomogram or calculation for dosage adjustment is only an approximation. Once the dosage adjustment has been made, careful clinical observation and, when indicated, monitoring of plasma concentrations is warranted. Since the loading dose depends primarily on the V, a change only in clearance does not typically necessitate a change in the loading dose.

Adjustments Based on Targeted Concentration and/or Pharmacodynamic Response/Surrogates

OBTAINING CLINICAL DATAAdjustment in a patient's drug regimen requires a careful assessment of the relationship between the drug dosing regimen, laboratory data and the patient's clinical response. DOSING REGIMENKnowing the dose, dosage form, frequency of administration, and duration of a drug regimen is an important piece of information. Clearly an accurate history of the patient's drug intake is one of the key elements required for pharmacokinetic interpretation. The dose of each drug administered as well as the dosage form is important. The route of administration can alter the bioavailability (F) for a number of drugs. Some drugs have a low oral bioavailability that must be considered when the route of drug administration is changed from the intravenous to the oral route. Linking the drug input characteristics and the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug to the appropriate equation is an important step in the data gathering process. The duration of drug therapy for a specific regimen is important in determining whether or not steady state has been obtained. As previously indicated, when a patient is receiving a dose at a constant interval, 90% of steady state will be achieved after 3.3 half-lives. While 90% of steady state is probably a reasonable approximation, many clinicians use 4 to 5 half-lives as the time required for steady state to be achieved. This is because in clinical practice the drug's t 1/2 in an individual patient may be shorter or longer than the usual value. Using 4 to 5 t 1/2 as the time required to achieve steady state helps to ensure that steady state has been achieved and decreases the chances that a false assumption about steady state will be made. (See revision of parameters.) MONITORING EFFICACY AND TOXICITYIn the clinical setting, there are a number of factors that should be considered when evaluating a patient's response to drug therapy. Efficacy of the drug is usually focused on the disease or symptom being treated. As an example in the treatment of an infection, a reduction in a patient's fever, and a decrease in the inflammatory process would be signs of efficacy. Depending on the site of the infection, the inflammatory symptoms could range from swelling and erythema for soft tissue infections to pain or burning on urination for cystitis to mental acuity or headache for central nervous system infections. In addition, laboratory data such as a reduction in white blood cell count could also be used to monitor efficacy. For patients who are being treated for arrhythmias, suppression of the arrhythmia is often the goal and can be monitored by something as simple as taking a patient's pulse and noting that the rhythm is regular (eg, even beats with no intermittent pauses) and the rate is not excessively slow (bradycardia) or rapid (tachycardia). In other arrhythmias, electrocardiograms are used to evaluate a patient's response to therapy. Efficacy in the case of seizures is often the frequency and character of the patient's seizures. Approximately half of the patients with epilepsy are seizure-free, but the other half are only partially controlled with drug therapy.

Monitoring to is equally important. Most of the drug for which pharmacokinetic calculations and plasma drug concentrations are used as an aid to determining dosing regimens have a narrow therapeutic index and or have significant toxicities. For many drugs, the order of drug toxicity is not progressive from what a clinician might consider to be "mild" to "serious." As an example, while gastrointestinal symptoms (anorexia, nausea, or vomiting) are perhaps the most commonly reported digoxin toxicities, some patients may initially present with a life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia. The aminoglycoside antibiotics are an example of a drug that requires dose adjustment in patients with altered renal function, and plasma drug concentrations can be used to help assure that the patient is not put at additional risk for further nephrotoxicity.

Optimal Sampling Times

DRUG INPUT AND DISTRIBUTION PHASEIn almost all cases, obtaining plasma samples for drug concentrations during or shortly after the administration of a drug is not advisable. When drugs are administered by the intravenous route, there is a distribution phase that is transient and will result in either invalid or at best more complicated pharmacokinetic and clinical interpretations when employing a one-compartment model. For most drugs, the distribution phase is relatively short, and distribution is complete within 1 hour after the end of the drug infusion. Digoxin is an exception and following IV administration at least 4 hours is required for equilibrium to be attained between the plasma and more slowly equilibrating deeper compartment. Some drugs may equilibrate more rapidly and aminoglycoside antibiotics following a 30-minute infusion will distribute within 30 minutes. Clearly, sampling during the IV administration of a drug is not advisable and results in drug concentrations that are, in the clinical setting, useless. Most drugs following oral administration are absorbed at a rate that is sufficiently slow so that the two-compartment distribution phase is not observed. Two exceptions to the limited distribution phase following oral administration are digoxin and lithium. Following oral administration, digoxin requires at least 6 hours for absorption and distribution to be complete, and lithium takes even longer. In addition, following oral administration, the onset of absorption is often delayed and/or the rate of absorption is sufficiently altered so that drug samples obtained shortly after the administration of an oral dose are difficult to interpret. For this reason, for most orally administered drugs, the preferred time to sample is at the trough. On occasion sampling at the middle of the interval is acceptable and is most common when sustained-release products are used or the trough occurs at a time that would be very inconvenient to obtain a sample. NON-STEADY STATEIn most clinical settings, routine samples for therapeutic drug monitoring are obtained at steady state or more than 3 to 5 half-lives after starting or changing the maintenance regimen. In some cases, however, it may be advisable to obtain drug samples prior to steady state. Early sampling may allow the clinician to detect the unusual patient who is accumulating the drug rapidly and will, at steady state, have very high and potentially dangerous drug concentrations or the patient who can clear the drug unusually well and would have an unnecessarily prolonged time with low and non-therapeutic concentrations. As a general rule drug samples obtained within 2 half-lives of starting therapy are useful only for assessing the patient at that time. If the drug concentration is unacceptably high, it might indicate that drug administration should be stopped to allow the drug concentration to decline. If the drug concentration is unacceptably low, it might indicate that an incremental loading dose should be administered to rapidly move the drug concentration into the desired concentration range. If the drug concentration is within a reasonable range, however, it does not mean that the maintenance regimen is appropriate because



drug samples obtained within the first 2 half-lives of starting or changing therapy are not useful for revising clearance and predicting steady-state concentrations. Drug concentrations obtained after 2 half-lives but before 3.3 to 5 half-lives do contain some information about clearance and steady state but generally require more complex, nonsteady state pharmacokinetic calculations and are most easily done using a computer program. STEADY STATE At steady state, most plasma samples for routine monitoring are obtained at specific times that allow pharmacokinetic interpretation. As previously discussed, no sample should be obtained during the drug administration/absorption or distribution time. In addition, comparing the expected or usual drug t 1/2 and the dosing interval as well as the dosage form type (rapid vs. sustained) helps to determine the optimal time for obtaining samples. For drugs that are administered with a dosing interval that is less than 1/3 of the drug's t 1/2 or if the dosage form is designed to release the drug over the entire dosing interval (Fig 59-7), then a single sample obtained at almost any time is acceptable so long as the absorption and distribution phase is avoided. However, for simplicity these drugs are usually recommended to be sampled at the trough or just before a dose. In some cases, sampling at the trough is not convenient, and midpoint sampling may be acceptable. Under these conditions, all of the drug concentrations within the dosing interval are assumed to be a close approximation of the Css ave concentration, making clearance the pharmacokinetic parameter of interest. For drugs that are administered with a dosing interval that is more than 1/3 of a t 1/2 but less than one t 1/2 (Fig 59-8), it is usually recommended that a single trough concentration be obtained. Additional samples only increase the cost and do not usually increase substantially the amount of pharmacokinetic information that can be determined. Pharmacokinetic manipulations to calculate clearance require a literature estimate of volume of distribution. While the peak and trough concentrations are not a good direct approximation of Css ave, it is still clearance that is the pharmacokinetic parameter most respon

sible for determining both the steady state peak and trough drug concentrations when the dosing interval is less than t 1/2. When the dosing interval exceeds t 1/2 and especially when the dosing interval is several t 1/2's (Fig 59-9), both volume of distribution and clearance play an important role in determining the steady-state peak and trough concentrations. Therefore, if both peak and trough concentrations are of clinical interest, two samples are required. In the clinical setting, the most common drugs following this type of dosing and plasma monitoring routine are the aminoglycoside antibiotics. In most cases, it is recommended to obtain a 'peak sample" sometime after the distribution phase is complete, usually 30 minutes to 1 hour after the end of the infusion and trough concentrations within 30 minutes of the next dose. For convenience, it is common for the trough concentration to be obtained before a dose and then the peak after the dose. Although an accurate time of sampling is always appropriate, the short t 1/2 of the aminoglycoside antibiotics makes recording the time of sampling especially important.


they need to be analyzed to determine the appropriateness of the current dosage regimen in achieving the desired goals (ie, peak, AUC). Several different methods have been described for analyzing such data and include log-linear regression, non-linear regression, and maximum a posteriori Bayesian analysis.
Log-Linear RegressionLog-linear regression analysis is used most widely in the clinical setting due to its simplicity requiring only a handheld calculator to determine the revised parameters. This method of analysis was first proposed for dosage individualization of aminoglycosides by Sawchuk and Zaske for use in the clinical setting. This method is based on the observation that fiar drugs for which the disposition can he adequately described using a one-compartment model, the concentrations decline in a log-linear relationship. As illustrated in the figure below (Fig 59-10), the concentrations decline in a nonlinear fashion when plotted on a linear scale; however, if plotted on a natural logarithm scale, the concentrations decline in a linear fashion. The importance of this observation is that the elimination rate constant can be readily determined from slope K.

In the clinical setting typically we are able to obtain a peak and trough concentration to assess the adequacy of the dosing regimen. These concentrations can then be utilized to revise our estimates for the elimination rate constant using the aforementioned log-linear model as demonstrated below. The halflife can then be calculated from the revised K using equation 19

as described earlier. Revise K and T 1127

ln K
t 1/2 . 0 12 24 . . . 36 . . , 48


(28) (19)

0 693



100 E


C 0
0 10 -0

The estimated volume of distribution can then be revised using the one compartment model substituting values for the dose, measured drug concentration, revised elimination rate constant, and time within the dosing interval that the drug concentration was obtained relative to the start of the dose. The revised clearance estimate can then be calculated from the revised K and V. Revise V and CL:
u t -I

17,1 C,


1 e -Kr


(29) (18)





Time (h)

CL = (K) (V)

Figure 59-10.

Nonlinear (a) and log-linear (b) decline in concentrations.

As stated earlier, the simplicity of this model accounts for its widespread use in clinical practice. One significant limitation of



this model is that it requires that the levels to be analyzed are all within the same dosing interval or are obtained at steady state with the same dosing regimen. Therefore, this method cannot be used in situations where multiple sets of drugs levels are available or when the levels are from different dosing intervals under non steady state conditions.
Nonlinear RegressionNonlinear regression analysis is a tool available in many statistical and commercially available pharmacokinetic software programs. This method employs regression analysis on the unaltered drug concentration data (ie, no log transformation). The parameter values that are identified using this method are those that result in the minimum error between the fitted and measure concentration data. The advantage of this type of analysis is that multi-compartmental models can be utilized to fit the data if necessary. In addition, data from multiple dosing intervals obtained under steady state or nonsteady state conditions can be analyzed. One limitation to this method is that the revised parameters are determined based on the best fit to the measured drug concentration data without regard to the expected or a priori estimates of the parameters. Since many different combinations of the parameters might equally well explain the data it is possible to identify parameter values which are well described by the model but may not correlate well with values from the population particularly if the data is sparse (ie, single peak and trough concentrations). Maximum A Posteriori BayesianMAP Bayesian analysis is a data analysis tool which seeks to identify the parameter values that best fit the measured data (similar to nonlinear regression) and which are most likely given the prior expectations for the values within the population. The initial parameter values utilized in the data fitting are those obtained from prior pharmacokinetic studies performed in similar types of patients. Additional iterations are perfbrmed to identify the parameter values that minimize the residual error between the fitted and measured drug concentrations as well as the difference between the revised and expected parameter values. Therefore, MAP Bayesian analysis is thought to provide the most likely estimates of the parameters. Similar to =line ar regression, multicompartmental models can be utilized to fit the data if necessary, and data from multiple dosing intervals obtained under steady state or nonsteady state conditions can be analyzed.
Digoxin Case History

(140 70 year0(69 kg) (72)(3.2 mgldL) 21 Rd/min or 21 ml/min 69 kg

= 0.30 mUmin/kg Using this estimate of e'er of 0.3 mUmin/kg for T.Y. and the following equation for VDigoyin: = [(3.12)(Cik,) + 3.84](weight) where VDigoria is liters, CL, is mUmin/kg, weight is kg of non-obese, non-excess third space fluid weight. Substituting the appropriate values fbr TY, we calculate a VDigorin of 330 L.

[(3.12)(0.3) + 3.8069)

= [0.94 + 3.84](69) = [4.78](69) 330 L Note that this value of 330 L for is smaller than the commonly quoted value of approximately 500 L. The lower estimate is because of TY's decreased renal function. The reason for the smaller in patients with decreased renal function is not known but is assumed to be the result of decreased tissue binding of digoxin. We can estimate TY's CLDigoy.i,, using the equation below. [(0.88)(CL,,) + 0.33Hweight) CLoigoyia is mL/min, CI, is in mUmin/kg and weight is the nonobese, non- excess third space fluid weight. This equation is indicated for patients with congestive heart failure. Substituting the appropriate values for TY, we calculate a CLoigo2thi of 41 mUmin. CLmgc,..rt = U0.88)(0.3) + 0.33](69) = [0.264 + 0.33](69) = [0.594](69) = 41 mL/min While the CL digoxin of 41 mL/min could be used to calculate a digoxin maintenance dose, units of Llday would be more convenient, given that the dosing interval of digoxin is usually one day. The conversion to Llday is as follows:

7Y is a 70-year-old, 5 foot 7 inch, 77 kg man who was admitted to the Coronary Care Unit for CHF and atrial fibrillation. He is in stable condition, but because of his rapid ventricular response it is decided that he should receive an IV loading dose of digoxin followed by an oral maintenance dose with the target digoxin concentration of 1.5 meg/ mL. TY has lower extremity edema, and review of his previous records indicate.s that one month ago his weight was 69 kg. Laboratory:

Na -


134 mEq/L 101 mEq/L 4.4 mEq/L 23 mEq/L 41 mgldL

HCT Hgb WBC Plts Albumin

36 % 12.2 gmldL 5.4 KfmcL 170 1mm 3 3.9 gmldL


T. Bili

28 IU/L 55 IU/L 3 mIU/mL 0.6 mgldL 119 mgldL


3.2 mgldL

In order to calculate the expected pharmacokinetic parameters, clearance (CL), volume of distribution (V), half-life (t 1/2), and the elimination rate constant (K) we first need to evaluate the patient's weight. At 5 feet 7 inches and 77 kg TY would not be considered to be obese. However TY's current weight of 77 kg when compared to his weight 1 month ago of 69 kg suggests that he has approximately 8 liters of third space fluid (77 69 8). The assumption that the weight gain is all excess third space fluid is based on the presence of lower extremity edema and that an 8-kg increase in either muscle mass or adipose tissue in one month is unlikely. When calculating creatinine clearance and digoxin's CL and V, it is the non-obese, non-excess third space fluid weight that should be used. Therefbre for TY, we will use his weight of 69 kg. In order to calculate the CL and V fbr digoxin, we will first calculate TY's creatinine clearance using Equation 14: (140 Age)(Weight) Clcr for males (mllmin) (72)(SCrss)

CL in Liday = CL in

mL/min ( 1440 min/day ) 1000 mL/L

41 mL/min = 59 Llday

(1440 min/day)
1000 mL/L

Using the values for VEligoxin and CLeigoy.ia we can now calculate the t 1/2 and K for digoxin in TY. t 1/2 = 0.693 V CL 0.693(330 L) 59 Lfday = 3.9 days

1204 and


Aminoglycoside Case History CL K = -V 59 Llday

330 Z.

DS, a 65-year-old, 5 foot 5 inch, 62 kg woman, is hospitalized and recovering from total hip replacement surgery. On postoperative day 5, she develops shortness of breath and becomes febrile. A chest x-ray is performed, and she is diagnosed with a nosocomial-acquired pneumonia. She is initiated empirically on cefepime 2 gm intravenously q 12h and tobramycin 440 mg intravenously over 1 hour q24h.
Pertinent Laboratory values:

= 0.179 day -1 Now that we have the expected pharmacokinetic parameters for digoxin in TY, we can calculate a loading dose and maintenance dose to achieve and maintain a steady-state digoxin concentration of 1.5 meg/L. To calculate the loading dose we would use Equation 6. Loading Dose (CXV) BUN 14 mg/dL SCr 1.0 mg/dL WBC 16.2 KImcL

By substituting 330 L for V, 1.5 mcg/L for C, and 1 for F, assuming the loading dose is to be administered by the intravenous route, we calculate a loading dose of approximately 500 meg. ( CXV) Loading Dose = -F (1.5 meg/LX330 L) 1 = 495 mcg or 500 mcg Digoxin is one of the drugs whose end organ for response, in this case the myocardium, responds as though it were located in the deeper more slowly equilibrating tissue compartment. The loading dose is usually divided so that one-half of the total loading dose is administered followed by one fourth and then the final one-fourth. The interval between the loading dose increments is usually from 1 to 6 hours, depending on the clinical urgency. Dividing the loading dose and waiting for it to distribute into the tissue allows the clinician to evaluate the patient's clinical response (toxicity or efficacy) before subsequent portions of the loading dose are administered. If the patient developed toxicity or achieved the desired therapeutic goal before the entire loading dose had been administered the remaining part of the loading dose would he withheld. To estimate the daily dose necessary to maintain TY's digoxin steady-state concentration at 1.5 mcg/L we would use Equation 12 below. Dose (CL)(Css ave)(y) F Using the equation above to calculate the maintenance dose required is appropriate based on the t 1/2 of almost 4 days and the dosing interval of 1 day. Under these conditions, there should be relatively little fluctuation in the digoxin concentrations within the 1 day dosing interval. Substituting 59 L/day for CL, 1.5 mcg/L for Css ave, 1 day for T, and 0.7 for F, assuming that the daily digoxin dose will be administered orally as tablets, we calculate a maintenance dose of 126.4 meg/day. Dose

Is the current tobramycin regimen appropriate? In order to assess the current dosing regimen it is necessary to calculate the predicted (a priori) pharmacokinetic parameters. As discussed previously, the aminoglycosides can he adequately described using a one-compartment linear model. Since aminoglycosides are almost exclusively excreted unchanged in the urine the clearance is typically approximated by creatinine clearance. DS's ideal body weight can be estimated using equation 8: IBW = 45 + 2.3 [Ht (in) 60] = 45 + 2.3 (65 60) = 56.5 Since DS's actual weight is only 110% of her ideal body weight, it would be reasonable to assume she is not obese, and therefore we can utilize her actual body weight in estimating the clearance and volume of distribution of tobramycin. Therefore, the tobramycin clearance can be estimated using equation 15: (140 AgeXWeight) Clcr for females (ml/min) = (0.85)

(140 65 years)(62 kg)

(0.85) (72)(1.0 mg/dL) = 55 ml/min This estimated creatinine clearance indicates that DS has mild renal insufficiency (normal creatinine clearance 100-120 mllmin/70kg), which is most likely due to an age related decline in renal function. This estimate of renal function can be used then to estimate tobramycin clearance. The clearance is then converted from ml/min to Lihr for convenience since the dosing interval is usually 8, 12, or 24 hours. CLrobramycia (L/hr) = CLer (ml/min) ( 60 min/hr

55 ml/min (0.06) 3.3 L/hr The volume of distribution of tobramycin approximates extra ce llular fluid volume and therefore can be estimated based on 25% of a patient's normal weight. If the patient is significantly obese (ie, >120% of ideal body weight) or exhibits significant third spaced fluid (edema or ascites), then these need to be taken into consideration in estimating the volume of distribution as follows: VdT,A.

(CLXCss aveXT)
F (59 L/day)( 1.5 mcg/L)(1 day) 0.7

= 0.25 L/kg (IBW) + 0.1 (TBW IBW) -h 1 (kg of fluid excess)

126.4 mcgklay
Given that a daily dose of 126.4 meg would be difficult to administer, the patient would be given 125 meg (0.125 mg) of digoxin daily. To monitor for efficacy the patient's heart rate and symptoms of congestive heart failure would be closely followed. In addition the patient would also he monitored for symptoms of toxicity (eg, nausea or vomiting, anorexia, visual changes, or a new cardiac arrhythmia). If digoxin concentrations are to be obtained, care should be taken to avoid the distribution phase (no sampling for digoxin levels within 4 hours of an intravenous dose or 6 hours of an oral dose). In addition because of the expected t 1/2 of approximately 4 days any sample obtained before 12 to 20 days (3 to 5 t 1/2's) should be viewed with caution as steady state may not yet have been achieved. where IBW is the ideal body weight (equation 8), TBW is the total nonfluid weight, and the kg of fluid excess is typically estimated from the difference between the patients current weight and admission weight. Since DS is not obese and does not exhibit significant third space fluid, her volume of distribution can be estimated as follows:
VT0 6,

0.25 Ukg [Wt (kg)]

0.25 11kg (62 kg)

15.5 L
The elimination rate constant and half-life can then he calculated using the following equations:



KIh -1 ) -


3 3 Lib

' ' -1 15.5 L - 0.21 h

then 2 to 3 half-lives from the peak concentration may be more useful is determining the level of drug exposure (ie, AUC24).

T1/2(h) =


0.21 h-1-

- 3.3 h

AUC24 AUC 24 -

Dose 24 CL

The predicted steady state peak and trough tobramycin concentrations can be predicted using the intermittent bolus equation 24. V

44 /h r_ 133 mg x hit 3 30: g

(F)(Dose) This measure of drug exposure exceeds the target of 70-100 mg x h/L Css i (1 - and may place the patient at increased risk fbr toxicity. Exposure fbr elderly with seemingly normal renal function (normal SCr) is much greater than for younger patients given the equivalent doses due to agerelated decline in renal function. While extended interval dosing may still be appropriate, the actual dose administered may need reduction to achieve similar levels of drug exposure. Since the dose and concentraLions are linearly related, a revised dose and peak estimate can be determined using a proportional adjustment. To achieve a target AUC 24 of -100 the dose should be:

where Css 1 is the steady state plasma concentration at time (t1) from the end of infusion, to the time of sampling, and T is the dosing intery al.

(1)(440mg) Pe ak
15.5E (1 -1 )( 24h)) e -(0.2111

23.1 mg/L
CZV"' Cbs'"'d

This peak concentration is therapeutic based on the target of > 10 times breakpoint for susceptibility; MIC = 2mcg/mL. The trough concentration can be calculated using the same equation or by decaying the peak concentration to the time of the trough assuming monaexponential decay. Trough = Peak e" Trough = 23.1mg/L(e - ' 21h- 1)i 2 3h Trough = 0.17 mgfL Trough concentrations <0.5 mcglmL are typically below the limit of assay detection and are therefore not useful for assessing the degree of drug exposure. Therefore, midpoint or concentrations obtained greater

Target AUC OtPerved AUC


DoseN,, Dosead Observed AUG Dose m ,, = 440mg 100ro,exhIL '133rogxhIL

Target AUG

= 330 mg given intravenously q24h

eiv,a, = 23.1rng/L (

10 OmAochli,


17.3 mg/L



Principles of Immunology
Susie H Park, PharmD Stan G Louie, PharmD

Our lives are filled with stresses and problems, and yet the effort to perform the cellular and biochemical processes required for survival are closely regulated. The regulation of normal physiological activity is called homeostasis, which is activated or "inducible" in times of stress and down regulated to basal levels when the stress is eliminated. One component of this complex system is a defense mechanism more commonly known as the "immune system." The immune system is a network of defense mechanisms classified as the humoral and cellular compartment. The humoral and cellular compartment can be further subdivided into three distinctive classes know as antibodies, complement factors, and cytokines. However the humoral compartment cannot function alone, rather, it must coordinate its activities with the cellular compartment. The combination of the two compartments will orchestrate an effective defense against any foreign intrusion. The cellular compartment is often divided into regulatory and effector components. The regulatory role is primarily carried out by T-lymphocytes bearing the cell differentiating cluster-4 (CD4+), which elaborates cytokines that in turn can regulate immune function. The effector component of the immune system is made up of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) and natural killer cells (NKCs) where they have the capacity to kill foreign organisms (Table 60-1). Cellular immunity is not restricted to lymphocytes. Close coordination with myeloid cells such as macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils is necessary in response to specific antigenic challenges. Macrophages function primarily as scavengers, seeking out antigens that have traversed the barrier defenses such as the skin and mucosal membranes. Macrophages are important in the eradication of fungal and bacterial infections, and control of tumor proliferation. Neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils all have granules in the cytoplasm and are grouped as granulocytes. Neutrophils are important in suppressing bacterial and fungal infections, where a reduction in the number of neutrophils will predispose the individual to life-threatening infections. Eosinophils are important components in response to allergens; however, they are also important in immune response against parasitic infections. This chapter will highlight the various functions of the immune system and how the various components work together to orchestrate a defense. An overview will also be presented on the biological consequence(s) that may occur when one of the compartment(s) is not functioning sufficiently.

The various organs that make up the immune system include the bone marrow, thymus gland, spleen, and lymph nodes.

These organs are connected by a network of lymphatic vessels, filled with lymphatic fluid and cellular elements that allow immune elements to circulate from one organ to another. The lymphatic system is similar to the circulatory system; however, the lymphatic fluid is devoid of erythrocytes. The lymphatic fluid contains high levels of leukocytes, important in response to local infections and antigenic intrusion. Circulating cells found in the blood and lymphatic fluid are all derived from a common parental source, the pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), which reside in the marrow of long bone and the pelvis. It is estimated that PSCs make up only 0.1% of all the cells found in the marrow, yet they provide a continuous supply of cells found in the circulatory system. The ability to produce seemingly unlimited number of cells is achieved through a unique capacity called self renewal. In this process, the stem cell is able to divide into two daughter cells, where one cell will further undergo the maturation and differentiation process to form circulating cells. In contrast, the second daughter cell will maintain quiescent and rejoin the pool of stem cells. Self-renewal will maintain the number of parental cells and allow the stem cells to constantly replenish the various cells found in the circulation. A more intriguing question is what regulates the type of cells being produced. It appears that the maturation and differentiation processes are under strict control of hematopoietic cytokines or growth factors. Cytokines can influence the formation and function of either myeloid or lymphoid progenitor cells, where the binding of one cytokine can down regulate other cytokine receptors, thus preferentially regulating the maturation process. The maturation of lymphoid progenitor is influenced by the presence of lymphokines and interferons, whereas the formation of myeloid progenitor cells are influenced by programmed myeloid growth factors or colony stimulating factors ( CSFs) such as erythropoietin (EPO), thrombopoietin (TPO), granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), granulocyte-CSF (GCSF), and macro phage-CSF (M-CSF) (Table 60-2). The thymus is the primary lymphoid tissue that regulates differentiation and maturation of lymphocytes. In this role, i mmature lymphocytes (CD3+) that enter into the circulation migrate into the thymus. In the thymic environment, a number of cytokines, growth factors, and interactions with the basement membrane will initiate cellular maturation and differentiation. In organ ablation studies, the specific role of the thymus has been delineated. In mature mice whose thymus was removed, profound cellular immunodeficiency developed. Significantly lowered number of circulating lymphocytes was a hallmark of these mice when compared to mice with intact thymus. In genetically engineered-athymic mice that were transplanted with thymus, functional T-lymphocytes were identified in the blood.




Table 60-1. Types of Lymphocytes


T-lymphocytes Helper T-lymphocytes


Regulate the activation

of the immune cascade Regulate cellular immunity Regulate humoral immunity Down-regulate the immune cascade

TH I CD4 TH 2 CD4 CD8 Suppressor T-lymphocytes Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes CD8 Natural killer Cells N K 1.1 B-lymphocytes CD19

Cellular cytotoxic activity Antibody dependent cellular

cytotoxic Antibody production

However, mice that received shammed transplants developed viral infections and malignancies. The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body and is located just below the diaphragm stretching from the middle to the left side of the abdomen. It serves as a filter, where reticular and macrophage-like cells line the vascular sinusoids. The spleen plays an important role in host defense against microorganisms that have penetrated barrier defense. Antigens that are found in the circulation will be filtered within the confines of the spleen. While in the spleen, the antigen will encounter a rapid and intense immune response. In addition to its ability to remove antigens, the spleen is important in eliminating old circulating cells. The numbers of B-lymphocytes, the cells that produce antibodies, found in the spleen explain why it is an important antibody-producing organ. Lymphatic fluid circulates through the lymphatic vessels and a series of bean-shaped lymphatic tissue called lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are comprised of lymphatic vessels that lead into a connective tissue network that is filled with lymphocytes and macrophages. These connective tissue complexes are produced by reticular cells, which are specialized fibroblasts. Similar to other lymphatic tissues, lymph nodes function as a biological filter, where lymphatic fluids flow through them. Antigens and microorganisms found in the lymphatic fluid will be trapped within the connective tissue lattice. The presence of foreign intrusion will activate lymphocytes and macrophages residing within the confines of the lymph nodes and will induce proliferation of the cells and activate the inflammatory process. In the event of intense immune response, there can be noticeable enlargement of the lymph node and is referred to as lyrnphadenopathy.

The presence of antibodies in all fluids and secretion demonstrate its role in preventing antigenic intrusion. Antibodies are glycoproteins that can neutralize any foreign antigen. Im-

munoglobulins or antibodies exist in two forms, cellular and soluble forms. The cell-associated antibodies are expressed on the surfaces of resting B-lymphocytes and serve as antigen receptors. In contrast, the soluble form neutralizes foreign agents and activates the immune cascade. CLASSES OF ANTIBODIESAntibodies can be divided into five categories that are designated as immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin immunoglobulin E (IgE), immunoglobulin G (IgG), and immunoglobulin M (IgM). The difference among the various immunoglobulins is in the nature of polypeptides that makes the entire complex lmmunoglobulin typically has identical heavy chains but different light chains. This difference in immunoglobulin structure is called isotypic variation. However, immunoglobulins from different individuals may be different due to genetic variations. These changes are referred to as allotypic variation and are usually minor and involve only one or two amino acids along the constant region (Fe) along the immunoglobulin complex. Although not important in terms of immune response, they are important as markers for the study of immunogenetics and for the detection of genetic diseases. IgA is the major secretory antibody and is found in all physiological fluids such as tears, saliva, gastrointestinal fluids, milk, and mucous. IgA neutralizes microorganisms and toxins before such pathogens can cross epithelia. IgD exists predominantly on the surface of B-lymphocytes, and is present in very low concentration (<0.1 mg/mL) in the serum. The half-life of Ign is less than 3 days. The physiological role of IgD is not well delineated, but these antibodies act like antigenic receptors able to stimulate B-lymphocyte after antigen binding. In contrast, IgE is found almost exclusively on the surface of mast cells. Upon binding to an antigen molecule, IgE can cross-link to each other on the surface of the mast cell and stimulate the release of many allergic mediators. In addition, IgE is elevated when the host encounters a parasitic infection. IgG is the most abundant immunoglobulin found in the serum, where normal serum concentration is 15 mg/mL, accounting for 75% of total serum immunoglobulin. The half-life of IgG is approximately 3 weeks and is dependent on the presence of antigens. IgG is capable of crossing the placenta and the immature intestinal epithelium to provide immunity to the fetus and the newborn infant. IgG is the most important antibody in the serosal immunity. IgG has a high affinity to antigen and IgG-antigen complexes can be recognized by complement factors and by Fe (fragment constant)-receptors on the surface of phagocytes. In both cases, IgG binding leads to the elimination of antigen-bearing cells. More importantly, IgG binding facilitates natural killer cell (NKC) activity that is more commonly called antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). In this process, NKCs with receptors for the Fc region of IgG will attach onto the antibody and elicit its biological activity by secreting cytotoxins. The polymeric IgM is found in the pentameric and hexameric form in the blood, where the structure is formed through disulfide linkages between the immunoglobulin moieties and a polypeptide J chain Although 1gM can exist in the monomeric form, this form is found only on the surfaces of B cells. IgM is

Table 60-2. Myeloid Cytokines


IL-3 Multi-CSF

133 127
1 74 256, 554, 438 1 65 332

1 4-28

1 4-35

1 8.8 30

Influence differentiation of immature progenitors of RBC, monocytes, granulocytes, and platelets influence differentiation of mature progenitors of RBC, monocytes, granulocytes, and platelets Terminal differentiation of neutrophi Is Terminal differentiation of monocytes Terminal differentiation of RBC Terminal differentiation of platelets



lymphocytes derived from the bursa of Fabricius, thus giving rise to the name B-lymphocytes. In humans, the ontogeny of Blymphocytes starts in bone marrow, where stem cells form lymphocyte progenitors. These progenitor cells will differentiate and mature into plasma cells. Following antigenic challenge, circulating B-lymphocytes serve as the progenitor to plasma cells and will produce immunoglobulin type M or IgM. Subsequent antigenic exposure to the same antigen can induce the expression of immunoglobulin type G (IgG), A (IgA), or E (IgE). Other immune cells include those that are classified as myeloid cells, which include granulocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets. These cells have a wider variety of biological activities as compared to lymphocytes. A subpopulation of myeloid cells called granulocytes and monocytes are important in host defense. Morphologically, granulocytes have pigmented granules in the cytoplasm. Other distinctive morphologies include multi-lobed nuclei. In contrast, macrophages have an unsegmented nuclei and lack granules in the cytoplasm. Biologically, granulocytes and monocytes work in concert to eliminate foreign intrusion, particularly bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Granulocytes are subdivided into eosinophils, neutrophils, and basophils. Eosinophils have granules filled with histamine that are released during allergic reactions. The release of histamine results in vasodilatation and pulmonary constriction that prevent more antigens from entering the body. Although eosinophils play an important role in allergic reactions, they are also important in resisting parasitic infections. Similar to eosinophils, basophils provide an inflammatory response to allergic reactions, however, the exact role of these cells is still unclear. The most prominent granulocyte is the neutrophil, which plays a crucial role in the defense against bacterial and fungal infections. When the absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) drops below 500 cells/mm', an individual may become more susceptible

to life-threatening infections. Most notable of these infections is gram-negative bacteremia, which is responsible for the majority of deaths associated with severe neutropenia. In the presence of foreign organisms, neutrophils will produce and secrete hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2 ), which has anti-infective properties. The presence of H 2 0 2 will also serve as an intracellular signal and increase transcription of stimulating cytokine production, which will initiate the immune cascade. The immune system can also be activated through the presence of nitric oxide, which has vascular dilation activity. Similar to neutrophils, macrophages are essential in the eradication of bacterial and fungal pathogens. Macrophages are antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which ingest or phagocytose and break down the antigen into recognizable fragments for immune recognition. This serves as one type of activating signal to stimulate naive T-lymphocytes.

Once an antigen has penetrated the barrier defense, the immune response usually results in non-specific antibodies and complement factors binding. This coating process is also known as opsonization, which serves two purposes: (1) neutralize the antigen and (2) recruit cells to the affected site. After the antibody has attached onto the antigen, a conformation change within the structure of the antibody will allow cells with antibody receptors to attach onto it. Once the antigen is recognized by antigen-presenting cells (APC), primed B-lymphocytes or mature monocytes/ macrophages and then internalized via phagocytosis or endocytosis, it is degraded into smaller fragments inside an intracellular compartment, an endosome. The degradation of the antigen will make it recognizable to lymphocytes when the antigen is presented along with class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (Fig 60-1). Antigen fragment-MHC class II

Cytokine Elaboration




TH 0 \

Neve T-lymphocytes I mmune Cascade Activation

TH 2

.4. Memory IILymphocyte


Plasma cell

Cytokine Prostaglandin


1'6 44 11"

Antibody Binding onto Antigen

Figure 60 1. I mmune activation cascade. See Color Plate 20.




the first antibody produced by the fetus and is also the first antibody to respond when presented with a new antigen challenge. In the primary response against a new antigen, the appearance of 1gM in the blood precedes that of IgG. The production of IgM decreases when the production of IgG increases. Therefore, IgM in the serum amounts only about L5 rag/mL with a half-life in the blood of less than a week. Usually, the affinity of each antigen-binding site in IgM is lower than that in IgG because specificity has not been defined. However, the multivalent attachment of pentameric 1gM provides it with very high affinity toward the surface of antigen-bearing microbials. The antigen-IgM complex can activate the complement system, but unlike IgG complexes, it cannot activate macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity.

Complement Factors
Serum has been shown to have some bacteriolytic properties; however, it was found that this antibacterial activity was lost following heat inactivation. This heat-labile activity was later called alexin. The biological activity of alexin could be restored by the addition of a second component that Paul Ehrlich called non-immune serum. Since alexin worked in complement with antibodies, he reasoned that alexin should be renamed as complement factor. What is now known is that antibodies can recognize pathogens through antibody-antigen interaction. Antibody binding cannot only neutralize the antigen, but it can also activate the immune cascade. H owever, antibody binding rarely results in cytotoxic effects where the organism is killed by the addition of antibodies alone. At first, this appears incongruous with the above observation, where humoral-mediated immunity can induce cytotoxicity. It has been shown that antibodies must work in conjunction with complement factors to initiate cellular lysis of the targeted cell. Complement factors are a group of serum glycoproteins, designated as Cl to C9. Unlike antibodies, complement factors require some assembly before it is able to carry out its functions. Complement factors will form a pore-like complex that allows intracellular contents to leak into extracellular space. The complement cascade is activated in response to ADCC. Although the complement-mediated immunity usually works in conjunction with antibodies, it can act independently of antibodies. The complement cascade can be initiated by two distinct pathways, which are classified as the classical and alternative cascade pathways. The classical pathway is initiated when antibody binding onto the antigen causes a structural change in the Fc region of the antibody. This structural change in the Fc will activate Cl. The activation of one factor will activate subsequent factors, finally forming the pore-like complex that will allow intracellular leakage to occur. Cl consists of six Clq subunits with six binding sites at one end and is held together by the six long fibrous peptides at the other end, an arrangement that resembles six tulips held together by tightening their six stems. In addition, there are two Clr and two Cls molecules associated with the "stem" structure. The six Clq binding sites can interact with the Fc domains of antibody-antigen complexes. The six binding units in Clq can form a cross linkage between two IgG molecules. 1gM molecules are the only isotype of immunoglobulins other than IgGs that are also recognized by Clq. Since IgM molecules consist of five immunoglobulin units, Clq can bind more than one Fc domain in each 1gM molecule. Upon Clq binding onto the Fc portion of IgG or 1gM molecule, the Clr proenzyme is activated. Activated Clr can in turn convert Cls to an active enzymatic form, which can initiate the classic complement pathway. C4 is the first complement component that is activated by Cls. Activation of C4 will cause the glycoprotein to split and form two polypeptides, where the shorter component is referred to as C4a and the larger component is designated as C4b.

C4b is an activated enzyme capable of converting C2 to the active form, C2b. This polypeptide has enzymatic activity. When C2b is combined with Cls, C2a, and C4b, they form a complex known as C3 convertase, which converts C3 into C3a and C3b. The formation of C3b is an important step for both the alternative and the classic complement pathways. C3b is able to bind onto target cell membrane that has antibody-antigen complex together with C2a and C4b. The binding of C3b can enhance the phagocytosis of the target cell by phagocytes with C3b receptors present on the surface. The membrane bound complex of C4b, C2b, and C3b is called the C5 convertase, which produces a membrane-bound C5b fragment by cleaving off a small C5a fragment from C5 component. During the activation process from Cl to C5, three small polypeptide fragments are generated: C3a, C4a, and C5a. While these three peptides are not directly involved in complement complex formation, they are important in the induction of inflammatory responses. C3a, C4a, and C5a are called anaphylatoxins because they are able to bind onto mast cells and has ophils, thus stimulating degranulation. Mediators released by the granules can activate anaphylactic responses such as smooth muscle contraction. The anaphylactic response is inactivated by carboxypeptidase B, which removes the carboxyl terminal arginine residue of anaphylatoxins. In addition to anaphylaxis, C5a also acts as a factor of chemotaxis and an activator of neutrophils. However, the chemotactic activity of C5a is not reduced by the action of carboxypeptidase B. Unlike factors Cl to C5, complement components following C5b in either the classical or the alternative pathway do not require modification or activation. Thus, intact C6, C7, and CS molecules aggregate sequentially around C5b to form a membrane-associated complex, which, in turn, polymerizes C9 molecules to form a transmembrane channel. This transmembranous channel, known as the membrane attack complex (MAC), consists of an average of 15 molecules of C9 and acts as a pore to cause the leakage of electrolytes and other cytoplasmic components from the antigen-bearing cells. Eventually, the target cells are killed by this cytolytic action.


Each cell plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis of the body. As stated above, there are various types of lymphocytes, which are divided as either B or T lymphocytes. B-lymphocytes will mature to form plasma cells that have the capacity to produce and secrete antibodies. The activity of Tlymphocytes include both regulatory and effector type activity. In contrast, myeloid cells are important in maintaining homeostasis and cell defenses. In the early 1960s, lymphocytes isolated from lymph nodes were found to attack and destroy target cells from other animals. When these lymphocytes were introduced into tumorbearing mice, the size of the neoplasm was reduced. In addition, these cells were able to eradicate virally infected cells, whereby giving rise to the name cytoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs). CTLs are one of two types of effector cells that are found in humans. The second effector cell is named natural killer cells (NKCs). Unlike CTLs, this subpopulation of lymphocytes are able to attack and destroy tumor cells without prior sensitization, thus giving rise to the name natural killer cells. The cellular origin of NKCs has not been clearly defined. Despite this, there is little controversy regarding the role of NKC in the immune system, where the primary role of NKCs is to eliminate antibody-coated pathogen by ADCC. On the surface of NKC are receptors for the constant region of antibodies or Fc-y receptors, which allow these cells to attach onto antibody-coated or opsonized pathogenic organisms. NKCs carry out their cytotoxic function through the release of cytotoxins. Chick embryos whose lymphoid tissue was ablated developed into chickens that were unable to produce adequate concentrations of irnmunoglobulins . This was attributed to a reduction of



complexes expressed on the surface of APC are easily recognized by both B- and T-lymphocytes with surface-binding antigen recognizing moieties and T-cell receptors, respectively. Band T-lymphocytes may bind to an identical portion of the antigen fragment, but at different distinct sites. Thus, it is not unusual for most antigen molecules possessing multiple antigenic recognition sites. Helper T lymphocytes (CD4+ cells), the cornerstone of immune activation, will only recognize antigens when they are presented on the membrane of the APC. This is to prevent producing an immune response against its own antigen. In order for the T-lymphocytes to recognize the antigen, MHC class Il protein must also accompany the processed antigen. Processed antigen presentation to T-lymphocytes must also be accompanied by a co-stimulus, which includes B7 binding onto CD28. B7 is present on APC, whereas CD28 is found on the surface of CD4 cells. In the absence of this costimulation with B7/CD28, T-lymphocytes are anergic and will enter a state where it is unresponsive to antigen stimulation. hi the anergic state where B7/CD28 interaction is absent, T-lymphocyte activation can utilize a secondary pathway where cytokine activation will serve as the co-stimulus. Cytokine expression occurs as the antigen is being processed. Activation of the immune system occur when there is increased expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and the number of IL2 receptors found on the surfaces of T-lymphocytes. Thus the production of IL-2 not only increases the activity of CTLs and NKC, but also of itself (autocrinic activation). This will enable autocrinic expansion, where ligand produced by the induced cells can also utilize cytokines they produce themselves. The activation of T-lymphocytes will not only increase expression of IL-2, but there is also a substantial increase in the primary inflammatory cytokines 1L-1 and TNF. Similar to IL-1, 1L-2 is both a paracrinic and autocrinic factor. Paracrinic factors are stimulatory cytokines that are stimulating neighboring cells. Whereas autocrinic factors are factors that are produced by the cell, which can also be utilized by the cell itself to further enhance its proliferation and/or stimulation. There are various monocyte-derived cytokines, most notable are the primary inflammatory mediators like IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNT-ot). CD4+ cell activation will in turn initiate immune activation resulting in synthesis of IL-1, this will expand the number of committed progenitor stem cells. Additionally, activated CD4+ cells also produce IL-2, which will expand the population of helper-T-lymphocytes and cytotoxic Tlymphocytes, and suppress T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells, and B-lymphocytes. There are two major types of T Helper (TH) cells that are designated as TH 1 and TH 2 . TH 1 regulates cellular immunity, whereas TH 2 regulates humoral immunity. The regulation of cellular immunity is controlled by TH i through expression of IL2, IL-12, and IFN--y. These cytokines will modulate CTLs and NKCs, where IL-2 and IL-12 will increase their cytotoxic effects, respectively. IFN--y is a cytokine synergistic with both IL-2 and IL-12, and is able to increase expression ofMH C I on target cells. In contrast, TH 2 cells regulate humoral immunity through expression of 1L-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-10. IL-4 is able to induce the production of TH 2 cells, eosinophils, and mast cells. An increase in IgE expression is seen after IL-4 administration. In the process of activating both eosinophils and humoral immunity, 1L-4 and 1L-10 are also able to suppress the induction and function of TH, cells. 1L-1 can also stimulate the recruitment of cells to the affected site. There are two ways this can be accomplished: (1) demargination of cell immune cells adhering onto the vascular walls, and (2) stimulation of the maturation and differentiation of stem cells to increase production of circulating cells. In addition, IL-1 is also able to induce expression of CSFs and lymphokines, which regulate the differentiation, proliferation, and maturation of myeloid cells. T-lymphocyte activation will also enhance the expression of 1L-2, which was originally named T-cell growth factor (TCGF).

IL-2 is a pleiotropic factor that can activate CTLs, TH lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and NK cells. The expression of IL-2 rec eptor, or IL-2R, is one indicator that the cells are activated. In order for IL-2 to exert its activity, it must first bind onto a receptor and thus activate a series of intracellular signals resulting in cellular activation.

Inability to respond adequately to an antigen intrusion is usually considered an immunodeficiency, whereby the immune system is unable to neutralize or eliminate the pathogen. However, immune dysfunction is often the term that is used when immunodeficiency is partially impaired. Immunodeficiency occurs when one or more immune compartments are significantly affected Immunodeficiency disorders are characterized by partial (specifically humoral or cellular) or complete impairment of immune response to an antigenic challenge. These disorders can be classified as humoral (B-cell mediated), cellular (T-cell mediated), combined immunodeficiency, phagocytic dysfunction disorders, and complement deficiencies. The emergence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS) has highlighted the importance of an intact immune system. Various causes of immunodeficiency include chemical, autoimmune-, malignancy-, and viral-induced syndromes. These disparate causes accentuate the paradigm that the various components of the immune system must work in concert to orchestrate a defense against foreign invasion. lmmunodeficiencies occur in either the humoral or cellular compartment of the immune system. humoral immunodeficiency includes individuals who produce either inadequate quantity of antibodies or non-functional antibodies. Pre-term infants and patients with chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) are examples of individuals who may have low concentrations of antibodies or hypogammaglobulinemia. These individuals are susceptible to pyrogenic bacterial infections. Alternatively, patients with cellular immunodeficiency such as patients with cyclic neutropenia, severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), and HIV are susceptible to non-bacterial forms of opportunistic infections. Advances in our understanding of the immune system have led to the emergence of therapies that increase patient survival.

Humoral Immune Dysfunction

Individuals who have depressed levels of either antibodies or complements are associated with increased risk of bacterial infections. The reduction of these humoral factors will impair the ability to opsonize pathogens such as Streptococcus pneumoniae or Hoemophilus influenzae. Reduced levels of immunoglobulin may account for the inability to neutralize antigens and recruit cellular re sponse. However, patients with multiple myeloma have high levels of antibodies, yet these patients are susceptible to recurrent pneumococcal infections. In this situation, the issue of antigen specific antibodies is illustrated where both antibody concentration and specificity are crucial to eliminate infections. X-LINKED AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIAThe importance of B-lymphocytes in the immune system is highlighted in B-cell dysfunction disorders. One disorder is X-linked agammaglobulinemia (X-LA), which is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder found primarily in males. The hallmark manifestation of X-LA is low levels of IgG. This is attributed to a defect in normal lymphopoiesis. Pre-B-lymphocytes isolated from X-LA patients are unable to form mature plasma cells, thus they are unable to produce antibodies. Two possible causes of this disorder are the inability to form lymphoid progenitor cells and/or to produce inadequate cytokine signals that are required for differentiation.



Patients with X-LA are usually diagnosed relatively young, usually between 5 and 36 months of age. Clinically, these patients develop recurrent bacterial sinusitis or pulmonary infections caused by Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Escherichia coil, and Haemophilus influenzae. Although these infections are common in this age range, X-LA patients are also susceptible to viral and protozoal infections despite having an adequate number of circulating T-cells with normal function. The inability to produce specific antibodies against a foreign organism will reduce immune response. The loss of antibody production will also reduce the cellular response and more specifically, ADCC. SELECTIVE IGA DEFICIENCYIgA deficiency (IgA-D) is the most common primary immunodeficiency where patients with IgA-D may not have any clinical manifestation, due to the capacity to yet compensate for IgA deficiency. Patients with primary IgA-D normally have low IgA concentration (<5 mg/dL). Inadequate IgG and IgM compensation may manifest as recurrent infections, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune syndromes, allergic diseases, and malignancies. The actual pathogenesis of IgA-D is not well delineated, however, there is evidence suggesting that patients with this disorder also have a defect in HLA-Al, HLA-B8, and HLA-D expression. There is also a decrease in the number of circulating B-lymphocytes in these patients. These B-cells are able to synthesize IgA but are unable to secrete the immunoglobulins across the epithelium into extracellular space. This would suggest that IgA-D is a disorder caused by the inability to secrete the immunoglobulin. COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCYCommon variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a primary B-lymphocyte deficiency syndrome that is characterized by low levels of serum IgG <250 mg/d1, Unlike IgA-D, low antibody levels may be seen in one or more classes. Paradoxically, low levels of IgG are not accompanied by a reduction of 13-cell levels. In this disorder, circulating B-cells can be low, normal, or above normal, suggesting the cause of this disorder may be due to inadequate immunoglobulin synthesis or secretion. Other causes of CVID have been attributed to increased numbers of suppressor T-lymphocytes. This could be a consequence of the failure to adequately stimulate B -lymphocyte maturation. These findings led to the thought that CVID may be caused by viruses, such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Clinical presentation of these patients support the viral-mediated etiology because these patients may develop an autoimmune defect, increases in autoantibodies, and viral-associated hypogammaglobulinemia. CELLULAR IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROMES In contrast to humoral immunodeficiency, patients with T-cell immunodeficiencies are susceptible to viral and fungal infections. They are at risk for severe reactions to childhood disease such as varicella zoster (Chicken pox) and measles. These individuals are also at risk of developing acute infections following vaccination with live attenuated vaccines because of inadequate immune capacity to prevent subacute infection from increasing its virulence. In addition, they are more likely to develop graft versus host disease (GvHD) after transfusion contaminated with lymphocytes or allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. DiGeorge syndrome is a T-lymphocyte immunodeficiency caused by abnormal pharyngeal pouch developmental. This normally occurs between the 6th to 10th weeks of gestation that may affect thymus, parathyroid, thyroid, heart, and certain facial features. Absence or partial absence of thymus in the newborn can inhibit T-lymphocyte development. The thymus is vital in T-lymphocyte maturation. Immature T-cells migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus. In the thymic environment, various signals and cytokines will regulate T-lymphocyte maturation and differentiation. Thus patients with DiGeorge syndrome are unable to produce mature and functional T-lymphocytes. This is evident by the lack of T-cell receptor (TCR) found in the peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from patients with DiGeorge syndrome, suggesting even the most primitive

T-cells are not developed due to the loss of thymic functions. Although antibody levels are oftentimes normal in these patients, they may have difficulties in producing T-cell dependent antibodies, such as specific IgG. In contrast, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is a chromosomal auto somal recessive immunodeficiency found primarily in males. WAS is caused by the inability to produce antibodies directed against polysaccharide antigens. Asa consequence, abnormal granules are found in the macrophages and platelets in WAS patients. The macrophages are unable to process antigen for presentation to naive T-cells, thus leading to immunodeficiency in both B- and T-lyraphocytic lineages. At birth, WAS patients have normal lymphocyte counts but develop a decline in circulating lymphocytes with aging. More specifically, lymphocyte decline is accompanied by a drop in the number of helper T-cells along with an abnormal CD4/CD8 ratio. Furthermore, these lymphocytes do not respond to antigenic stimuli. In later stages, WAS patients can clinically present with markedly reduced T- and B-cells, low serum immunoglobulin, anergic response to exposed antigens, and recurrent infections. Severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) is another autosomal recessive disorder. Patients with SCID have profound immunodeficiency in both T- and B-c ell lineages, thus have frank lymphopenia, where lymphocytes bearing CD3, CD4, and CD8 are significantly diminished or even absent. As the name describes, lymphopenia is not restricted to T-lyraphocytes; circulating B-cell may also be absent. This condition will render afflicted individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP). The only treatment for SCID is allogeneic transplantation for reconstituting the immune system using donor bone marrow. The identification of the specific genetic defect that causes this disorder has enabled researchers to develop methods to deliver the gene into stem cells, where the introduction of the wild type gene may ameliorate the effect of this deadly disorder. Similar to SCID, patients with adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency have severe immunodeficiency. ADA is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of adenosine and 2'-deoxyadenosine (dAdo) to inosine and 2'-deoxyinosine, resulting in the accumulation of dAdo in body fluids and tissue. dAdo is phosphoiylated to deoxy-ATP which can act as an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, resulting in cellular death. The principle site where ADA deficiency causes damage is in T-lymphocytes; however, B-cells are also affected. The molecular mechanism of ADA deficiency has been tracked to either a point mutation or deletion of the ADA gene. The identification of a genetic mutation in patients with ADA deficiency has provided important insights into the strategies to treat this disorder. One such therapy includes bone marrow transplantation where the allogeneic stem cells have functional ADA gene. Unfortunately, allogeneic BMT has significant morbidity associated with it. Thus, other therapeutic modalities must be developed. Irradiated red blood cells (RBes) transfusions, a rich supply of ADA, have been used to treat patients with the deficiency. Other alternatives have included bovine ADA conjugated with polyethylene glycol (PEG-ADA), which has proven to be effective in reducing levels of dAdo. PEG-ADA provides several advantages over irradiated RBCs because it eliminates the transfusion related adverse effects. In addition, PEG conjugation prolongs ADA elimination thus decreasing the frequency of administration. CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASEOne genetic disorder that reduces phagocytic activity is chronic granulomatons disease (CGD) syndrome, where macrophages accumulate particles in large granules in their cytoplasms. These granules are fused to each other but are unable to digest the ingested material. CGD is a rare X-linked or autosomal genetic disorder that affects phagocytic activity in the host defense. More specifically, these individuals with CGD have a defect in the NADPH oxidase system that is important in host defense against various microorganisms. The resultant effect is decreased



production of superoxide radicals, which is an important component of microbicidal mechanism. A reduction of superoxide formation can lead to recurrent serious life-threatening infections and granuloma formation. The most commonly encountered recurrent infections are catalase positive microorganisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Aspergillus sp. Other organisms that are frequently encountered in CGD patients include Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas cepacia, Klebsiella sp., Escherichia coli and Nocardia sp. CGD is a heterogeneous disorder that is characterized by a disorder of phagocytic oxidative metabolism. CGD can occur as a result of defects in either the cytosolic or membrane component of the NADPH oxidase system. Estimates suggest that 60% of patients have a defect in the membrane oxidase system. Patients with cytosolic defects are linked to patients with autosomal recessive traits. The majority of these patients have a defect in 47 kDa cytosolic protein of the cytochrome b-558.

order that leads to progressive destruction of the thyroid gland and symptoms of altered thyroid function. Autoantibodies to tissue-specific antigens such as thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin are found in very high levels in the thyroid gland for a chronic period of time. This leads to an inflammatory process that leads to fibrosis of the gland and the development of a goiter.

SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory disease

The immune system normally responds specifically against foreign antigen while sparing host tissue, thus able to discriminate between self and foreign antigens. In autoimmune disorders, there are aberrations altering the ability to distinguish between foreign and self-antigens, thus permitting the immune system to attack host tissues. Occasionally, these aberrations may be initiated by infection, while at other times antigens from the infectious organisms may have structural similarities to host cellular surface markers. This can lead to immune cross reactivity, also known as immune mimicry. There are various autoimmune disorders that are defined by the affected tissue or organ. Regardless of tissue or organ, autoimmunity is a condition where the immune system recognizes these tissues as foreign. Inflammatory bowel syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus, and rheumatoid arthritis are all diverse examples of autoimmune disorders (Table 60-3). TYPE I DIABETES Type I diabetes, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, is a disease in which the selective destruction of insulin-producing 13 cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans by specific T cells results in insulin deficiency. This disease is seen almost entirely in people under the age of 30 years and peaks at age of onset between 10 and 14 years. Unlike most of the autoimmune disorders, type I diabetes occurs mostly in males. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Itheumatoid arthritis is a complex, pathological inflammatory condition whereby autoantibodies, called rheumatoid factors such as anti-IgM, are formed against IgG. The resultant IgG:IgM immune complexes cause inflammation of the small joints of the hands and feet. This will lead to immune activation causing an increase in inflammatory cytokines such as TM' and IL 1. Individuals may experience stiffness and joint pain, accompanied by signs of articular inflammation, including swelling, warmth, erythema, as well as tenderness on palpation. HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS Hashimoto's thyroiditis, also known as chronic thyroiditis, is an inflammatory dis

that involves multiple organ systems and follows a course of alternating episodes of exacerbations and remissions. The hallmark of SLE is autoantibody production directed against double-stranded DNA. These autoantibodies are also directed against other components of the cell nucleus such as histones and ribonuclear proteins. It is the complexes of these autoantibodies and their antigen that damage tissues by activating complement. Some of the clinical features associated with SLE include the classic "butterfly" rash on the cheeks, polyarthralgia, avascular bone necrosis, myalgias, pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, glomerulonephritis, anemia, leukopenia, and thromb o cytop eni a .


Hypersensitivity reactions are immune responses to environmental antigens resulting in symptomatic reactions upon secondary exposure to the same antigen, more commonly referred to as "allergen." Hypersensitivity reactions are classified as type I to IV. Types 1, 11, and III are antibody-mediated reactions, whereas Type IV reaction is cell-mediated. Each type of hypersensitivity reaction, however, is unique and is summarized in Table 60-4.

Hypersensitivity Types
Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction is the most common category of allergic reaction and is commonly refer -red to as immediate or anaphylactic immune response. As the name describes, this hypersensitivity occurs after antigen (eg, pollen) binds onto IgE found on the surfaces of mast cells. Re-exposure to the same allergen will result in a cross-linking of the cell-bound IgE leading to degranulation, thus releasing its contents that include histamines and prostaglandins. Rapid release of these mediators causes profou va s o d flat io n, increased capillary permeability, and contraction of smooth muscle. Other clinical manifestations include the development of urticaria, allergic rhinitis, angioedema, and even anaphylaxis. Systemic anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, represents an extreme example of type 1 hypersensitivity and is considered an acute, life-threatening immunologic reaction manifesting as diffuse erythema, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema, circulatory collapse, suffocation due to tracheal swelling, hyperperistalsis, hypotension, or cardiac arrhythroias. Symptoms of anaphylaxis can develop rapidly, often reaching peak severity within 5 to 30 minutes of following allergen exposure. These clinical manifestations are primarily mediated by rapid release of eosinophil mediators such as histamine, chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis (ECF-A), and prostaglandins. Other factors include the production of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A), a group of leukotrienes produced during the anaphylactic reaction. Type 11 hypersensitivity reaction is classified as cytotoxic reactions that is initiated by antibody directed against antigens found on the cell membrane of a given target cell (eg, erythrocytes, leukocytes). Antibody binding activates the complement cascade, whereby the antibody (ie, IgG or IgM) attaches to the antigen at the Fab region whereby acting as a bridge in order to complement through the Fe region. This composes a membrane attack complex which subsequently damages the cell membrane.

Table 60-3. Examples of Autoimmune Disorders


Thyroid Vasculature Islet of Langerhans Myocardial cells Platelets Red blood cells Joints and synovium Intestinal cells Skin

Grave's disease or thyroiditis Goodpasture's disease Diabetes mellitus myocarditis Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura Systemic lupus erythematosus Rheumatoid arthritis Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis Dermatitis and psoriasis



Table 60-4. Four Different Types of Hypersensitivity Reactions


Name Mediator
Antigen Target tissues Target cell

Immediate; Anaphylactic
Antibody: IgE Atopic Smooth muscle Mast cells Histamines, leukotrienes IgE antibody is induced by an allergen and binds to mast cells and basophils. when exposed to the allergen again, the allergen cross-links the bound IgE, leading to an induction of degranulation and the release of mediators (eg, histamine). Hay fever Anaphylaxis The most common form of allergic reaction

Cyt oto xi c
Antibodies: IgG, IgM Cell membrane-associated

Mediators Mechanism

Erythrocytes Complements Antigens on a cell surface combine with antibody. Complement-mediated lysis then occurs.

I mmune Complex Antibody: IgG Soluble Kidneys Endothelium Complements, vasodilators Antigen-antibody immune complexes are deposited into tissue leading to complement is activation. Polymorphonuclear cells are attracted to the site. This causes release of lysosoma I enzymes, resulting in tissue damage.

Delayed Cellular Tissue-associated varies Macrophages Interleukins Helper T lymphocytes sensitized by an antigen release lymphokines after subsequent contact with the same antigen. Lymphokines induce inflammation and activate macrophages, which lead to the release of mediators.

Examples Other Characteristics

Blood transfusion reactions

Serum sickness

Contact dermatitis

Immune complex hypersensitivity, or Type III hypersensitivity reaction, is caused by the formation of soluble antibodyantigen complexes that aggregate in blood or tissue. These complexes adhere to various sites such as the endothelium of blood vessels subsequently leading to tissue damage. Conditions associated with immune complex include serum sickness and the Arthus reaction. Serum sickness occurs when foreign serum or serum proteins like antilymphocyte immunoglobulin derived from animals such as rabbit, goat, and horse enters the host. The recipient may then develop chills, fever, arthralgias, and nephritis. These symptoms subside as the immune system removes these agents which it recognizes as antigens. Arthus reaction is a cutaneous reaction following subcutaneously or intradermally administration leading to immune response with IgG disposition to the affected site. This leads to complement activation and phagocytic cells producing a local inflammatory response. Deposits of antigen, antibody and complement form on vessel walls, leading to polymorphonuclear cell infiltration and aggregation of platelets. Ultimately, this can lead to vessel occlusion and tissue necrosis. Unlike the other reactions previously described, Type IV hypersensitivity reaction is a cell-mediated reaction, in particular by T-lymphocytes. Type IV hypersensitivity reaction is commonly referred to as delayed-type hypersensitivity since an immune response may not occur until hours or even days after initial contact with the triggering agent. The reaction commonly lasts several days. A classic example of this particular type of hypersensitivity reaction is allergic contact dermatitis. Antigen is processed by antigen-presenting cells and presented on MHC class 11 molecules, which interacts with antigen-specific T helper cells which recognized it, thus stimulates the production of IL-1 and up-regulates T lymphocyte synthesis of 1L-2 and IFN y.

late mast cells. Low-molecular-weight molecules (eg, penicillin,

phenytoin) become antigenic via haptenation, a chemical process by which the drug molecule reacts with host proteins in order to become immunogenic and stimulate an antibody response. Prevention of anaphylactic reactions due to drug hypersensitivity is vital. It is important to take a complete history of a patient's past medication use and note any reactions to medications that may have induced an allergic response. Prudent clinical knowledge, and its application to medications that commonly cause allergic reactions and those agents that cross-react with them, is essential. Diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity can be accomplished via three main methods (Table 60-6): (1) in vivo skin testing for immediate reaction to a suspected agent, (2) in vitro analysis of drug-specific IgE from a person's affected blood, (3) oral challenge testing. Treatment of anaphylaxis consists of maintaining airway, breathing, and circulation control by using agents such as epinephrine and implementing supportive care.

Table 60-5. Agents Associated with Causing Allergic Reactions



Anesthetics Antiarrhythmics Antihypertensives Antipsychotics Anti-Inflammatory Agents

These induced cytokines act on vascular endothelium and recruit

the infiltration of inflammatory cells, particularly macrophages. This causes fluid and protein accumulation and consequently, local tissue destruction and lesions ensue. Acute lesions are characterized by erythema, pruritus, and vesicle formation.

Allergic Drug Reactions

Drugs are commonly implicated in causing hypersensitivity reactions (Table 60-5). Antibody-mediated hypersensitivity reactions (ie, anaphylactic, cytotoxic, serum sickness) are involved in drug allergy. Either the drug molecule itself, or its metabolite, can elicit the allergic response upon re-exposure to the identical drug. Some medications (eg, aspirin) directly stimu-

Proteins/Peptides Antibodies

muscle relaxants Other

Penicillin Sulfonamides Isoniazid Propofol Quinidine Procainamide Hydralazine methyldopa Phenothiazine Acetyl salicylic acid Indomethacin Ibuprofen Naproxen Celecoxib Insulin Antisera Monoclonal i mmunoglobulins Chlorzoxazone metaxalone Monosodium glutamate



Table 60-6. Methods for Testing Drug Allergy





Immediate skin prick; intraderma I (none) Intraderma I Arthus test Patch test





Lymphocyte proliferation

RAST = raclioallergosorbent assay.

ELISA = enzyme-immunosorbent assay.

The field of psychoneuroinimunology (PNI) explores the complex relationship between the nervous and immune systems. Neurology and immunology are converging as the role of neuroimmune interactions between neurotransmitters and cytokines has intertwined in health and diseases. Examples include depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, Alzheimer's disease, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, and sickness behavior. This section will address some of these disorders in the context of neuroimmunological dysregulation in relation to changes in behavior. The common factors that link the two areas of study in explaining the pathophysiology of these disorders are cytokines. These pleiotropic proteins are the chemical messengers be-

tween cells that can function as both immunomodulators as well as neuromodulators. They mediate brain function as well as regulate the immune system. In addition, specific cytokines can induce the expression of neurochemical, neuroimmune, and neuroendocrine elements. Neurotropic cytokines can be secreted by cells found in the brain; these include astrocytes and microglia (immunoc ompetent cells within the brain). Along with secreting these cytokines, neuronal cells are also found to express receptors for the cytokines, suggesting that they are responsive to them. It was originally thought that large molecules such as cytokines could not cross the bloodbrain barrier (BBB), an anatomical and functional separation between brain parenchyma and peripheral tissues that consists of vascular endothelium, basement membrane, neuroglial membrane, and glial perivascular feet. Elaborated cytokines, regardless of the source, can exert their effects on the brain via indirect and direct routes. Peripheral tissues are innervated by the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems and can send direct signals to the brain via peripheral nerves. Brain vasculature can send signals through secondary messengers such as nitric oxide (NO) or prostanoids (any group of complex fatty acids derived from arachidonic acid, including prostaglandins and the thromboxanes). These types of secondary signals are elaborated in response to cytokine activation. These secondary messengers mediate the effects of the immune molecules on brain function. Finally, cytokines can directly act on the brain by crossing the B1313 or after entering an area of the brain that lacks a BBB. Cytokines released by activated immune cells influence activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and are, in turn, influenced by glucocorticoid secretion (Table 60-7). More-

Table 60-7. Biological, Behavioral, and Psychiatric Effects of Cytokines




IL 6

Cytotoxic Activates T cells Pyrogenic Antitumor Septic Shock Activates T, B, and endothelial cells Induces acute phase proteins Pyrogenic Hematopoiesis Activates T cells Produces Immunoglobulin-G Induces acute phase proteins Pyrogenic Hematopoiesis

Stimulates activity of the HPA axis

Somnolence Anorexia Cognition Somnolence Confusion Delusions Sickness behavior Stress Somnolence Depression Psychosis Stress

Increases catecholamines


Stimulates activity of the HPA axis modulates many central monoamine activity Stimulates activity of the HPA axis Differentiates and promotes growth of neuronal cells Increases serotonin and mesocortical dopamine activity in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex Increases hypothalamic and hippocampal norepinephrine utilization Increases dopamine turnover in the prefrontal cortex Neuromodulation

Serotonin Dopamine Norepinephrine

Serotonin Dopamine Norepinephrine


Inflammatory 11-2 (T cell growth


Activates T, B, and natural killer cells Antitumor

Depression Psychosis Confusion Delirium memory Cognition Fatigue Depression Suicidal ideation Psychosis Cognitive impairment


Norepinephrine Acetylcholine


Activates macrophages Enhances expression of MHC Induces acute phase proteins Pyrogenic Antitumor




over, central nervous system functioning during an immune response is modulated not only by cytokines from the periphery, but also by cytokines that are synthesized in the brain. Genes that encode for many of the cytokines and cytokine receptors are often constitutively expressed in the brain in response to immune system molecules or the cytokine itself. Within the central nervous system, cytokines can then induce changes in brain monoaminergic and cholinergic neural pathways. Cytokines modulate centrally mediated responses such as neurologic and neuroendocrine changes including the activation of the HPA axis. Cytokine receptors are localized with high densities in the hippocampus and hypothalamus of the brain.

Psychiatric Disturbances
Exogenous cytokines can influence certain behaviors such as sleep and eating, as well as modify mood states. Cytokines used therapeutically are associated with a number of adverse drug reactions including depression, mania, anxiety, irritability, decreased concentration, confusion, psychosis, and suicidal ideation. Interferons, in particular, have been implicated in causing many of these psychiatric disturbances in a dose-dependent fashion. In addition, interleukins and tumor necrosis factor-a have also been associated with causing psychological adverse effects. Since the severity of these effects appears to be dose-dependent and are reversible when the cytokine is discontinued, this would represent a causal relationship. The mechanism by which cytokines produce neuropsychiatric effects, in part, is caused by their ability to alter levels of neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain. It is the relationship between cytokines and neurotransmitters that may explain certain behavioral disturbances.

1L-2 correlating with clinical variables such as more negative symptoms of schizophrenia (eg, flat and inappropriate affect, cognitive deficit, alogia) and a younger age of onset ofthe illness. Notably, this decrease in IL-2 production is found especially in paranoid schizophrenics. This suggests that low 1L-2 production occurs at an early stage in the course of schizophrenia and that IL-2 production may serve as a marke r for a subtype of illness of severity of schizophrenia. Low IL-2 production maybe the result of the inability of T lymphocytes to produce more IL-2 or the decreased number of T-cells that secret IL-2, as well as to the intrinsic disorder of T-cells. However, there have also been investigations that suggest an increase in IL-2 production. Furthermore, there are high concentrations of IL-2 receptors in the hippocampus and striatum; therefore it is proposed that IL2 serves as a neuromodulator possibly by increasing dopaminergic neurotransmission. The actual effects of this postulate are unknown at this time. In addition to changes in IL-2 production, the observation has been made that there are elevated serum levels of IL-6 in schizophrenia. There is also an association with serum IL-6 and the state of schizophrenia in which acutely ill patients appear to have higher levels than patients in remission. In order to explain decreases in IL-2 with concomitant increases in IL6 in schizophrenic patients, it is thought that there is an imbalance with the TH 1 :TH 2 with a shift to the TH 2 system. These findings that represent evidence of an autoimmune pathogenesis are gaining more acceptance. More investigations, however, are needed to ascertain the correlation between IL-2 and IL-6 changes and the severity of the symptoms of schizophrenia.

Major Depression Alzheimer's Disease

Inflammatory processes have been implicated in Alzheimer's dementia (AD) since epidemiology studies have demonstrated a lower incidence of AD in those patients using anti-inflammatory agents. Other correlative evidence includes elevated levels of inflammatory mediators in the brains of AD patients. Data suggests that inflammatory processes may initiate or enhance the pathological process that leads to the development of cerebral amyloid that may eventually lead to neuronal death. Acute phase proteins, such as a-1-antichymotlypsin, are elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of AD patients and appear to become integrated into the amyloid deposits that are characteristic of the pathophysiology of AD. Moreover, there are elevated levels of IL-1 and 1L-6 in the serum of AD patients and IL-6 has been observed in plaques. Moreover, both of these cytokines induce the synthesis of 13 - amyloid precursor protein by human astrocytoma cells. Evidence that immunological disturbance of acute phase proteins (ie, significantly increased haptoglobulin) and cellular immune response in patients with depression comes from the observation that there is a significant decrease in lymphocyte proliferation in response to a mitogen, in severely and moderately depressed patients. Acute phase proteins are mediated by the pro-inflammatory cytokines, mainly 1L-1, IL-6, and TNF. It has been reported that serum and plasma concentrations of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgM) and C3 and C4 complement are also changed in depressed patients. Furthermore, there is much clinical and experimental data to support the relationship between cytokines and depressive symptoms, such as depressed mood, decreased appetite, anhedonia, psychomotor retardation, changes in sleep patterns, fatigue, and cognitive deficits. Depression increases the production of proinflammatory cytokines from activated macrophages in the periphery and brain, including IL-1, TNF and 1L-6. The consequence of the hypersecretion of these cytokines results in the malfunctioning of noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmission in the brain. There is evidence that IL-1 can activate the serotonin transporter, whereby increasing reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neuron and decreasing the amount of serotonin in the synaptic cleft. Likewise, IL-2 alters the functional activity of the central noradrenergic system. Serotonin and norepinephrine are two of the primary neurotransmitter deficits found in depressed patients. Other findings include high CSF concentrations of IL-I3 and lower IL-6 in depressed patients. With respect to the effects that antidepressant medications have on cytokines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) administration has been associated with an increase in IL-10, a decrease in the synthesis of IFN-11, and a decrease in the release of IL-6. Moreover, the tricyclic antidepressant ( TCA), desipramine, impairs the secretion of both IL-1 and TNF; paroxetine, an SSRI, and venlafaxine, a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, do not. Whatever the alteration in cytokine production and levels, HPA axis changes induced by these cytokines are found in depressed patients. Research on cytokine regulation in depression is rather

Immune abnormalities, found in some forms of schizophrenia, may reflect immunor egulation dysfunction in either the etiology or pathogenesis of this psychiatric disorder. The idea that the immune process is involved in a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia correlates with the fact that psychosis is associated with the autoimmune disease, systemic lupus erythematosus. Schizophrenia has a chronic but episodic course similar to that seen in many autoimmune disorders. Earlier investigations have reported an elevation of serum immuno glob ulin levels, abnormally large lymphocytes, and antibody to the brain in schizophrenic patients. More current research has focused on investigating specific cytokine abnormalities. Findings of altered interleukin regulation have been regarded as confirmation that schizophrenia has an autoimmune etiology, at least in part. Conclusive findings illustrate a decrease in IL-2 production in untreated schizophrenics as well as a decreased production of



controversial. Despite the amount of research currently done in an attempt to describe the relationship between the immuneendocrine-neurotransmitter systems, further investigation is required to measure these changes (in serum, plasma, CSF) and to correlate them to the severity of depressive illness and treatment response.

Effects and Responses to Stress

Stress in humans influences cytokine production and function by activating the HPA axis and increasing circulating glucocorticoids. It is generally stated that stress is "immunosuppressive." Specifically, induced stress and emotional distress leads to decreased IFN--y and IL-6 and increased IL-2, as well as other effects on additional cytokines. Studies have concluded that the explanation for the changes in cytokine secretion is that stress induces an increase in the ratio TH I /TH 2 . An excessive HPA response to inflammation can mimic a condition of stress or Impercortisolemia, whereby increasing susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections

Immunotherapy is now an established modality in the treatment of several types of cancers, including malignant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, multiple myeloma, and carcinoid tumor Immunologically based anticancer therapy is based on two different types of strategies: (1) immune activation leading to specific tumor cytotoxicity, and (2) antibody therapy on tumor specific antigens. lmmuno stimulants to enhance immune response against tumors have used cytokines that regulate immune response. Cytokines such as interferons (IFNs) and interleukins (ILs) are commonly used in this scenario. Although myeloid cytokines such as colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) have been investigated, their antitumor activity appears to be limited. The rationale to this disparity in biological activity is due in part to the role of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTLs) and natural killer cells in tumor clearance. These effector cells play a major role in tumor suppression. IFN is a family of cytokines that can induce cellular production of antiviral agents and thus block viral replication. Since a close relationship with viral infections and oncogenesis exists, it stands to reason that IFN, which can inhibit viral replication, may be able to inhibit cancer proliferation. Alpha IFN, or IFNot, is the most frequently used biological agent used in cancer. It is approved for a broad range of cancers such as hairy cell leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, and AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma. The mechanism by which IFN-ot exerts antitumor activity have included suppression of on cogenic viruses, inhibition of oncogenes, and stimulation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. In addition, IFN-u appears to have anti-neovascularization activity, thus it can reduce the formation of new blood vessels critical in tumor progression. IFN-u is a key component of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), a slowly progressing blood disorder with a number of clinical phases. Patients typically present in the chronic phase and later they develop transformation into the accelerated and blastic phase of the disease where the disease becomes resistant to conventional chemotherapy. As the disease progresses, production and function of white blood cells and platelets diminish, thus infections and spontaneous bleeding and bruising may ensue. Approximately 10% to 20% of patients who use IFN-ot, alone or in combination, have complete cytogenetic response with no evidence of bcr-abl translocation (the etiological event in CML), suggesting response to therapy. These patients often times are disease-free beyond 10 years, however, maintenance of therapy with interferon is required to maintain this clinical status.

IFN-a is also used frequently in AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). This is the most prevalent form of KS with increasing incidence as patients become immunodeficient. KS usually presents with cutaneous lesion(s) but may present as lesions lining the mucocutaneous tracts such as the oropharynx, lungs and gastrointestinal system. Cytotoxic treatment is often given concomitantly with IFN in order to stimulate the immune system and make treatment more effective. Recombinant human IL-2 (rhIL-2) is another lymphokine with potent antitumor activity. IL-2 is a potent stimulator of CTLs and NKCs, both responsible for immune response to the presence of cancers. Although it is approved for renal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma, IL-2 has been used to augment a number of standard cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is diagnosed in approximately 30,000 individuals annually in the US, where more than 40% have metastases at the time of detection. rhIL-2 is able to activate CTLs which are able to suppress progression of the disease. When rh1L-2 is combined with IFN-o, there appears to be no additional benefit as compared to high-dose rhIL-2 alone. Another role of rh1L-2 includes the development of therapeutic cancer vaccines directed against melanoma, breast and prostate cancers. This strategy stimulates the immune system to direct its attack against cells overexpressing a specific antigen found in cancer cells. This has taken the form of priming the patient's own immune system to directly attack their own tumors, or more commonly referred to as therapeutic vaccines. The use of therapeutic vaccines may be used alone or in combination with interleukins or interferons which can act as immune stimulators or adjuvants. Currently there are a number of monoclonal antibodies used in the cancer arena. The production of monoclonal antibodies is summarized in Figure 60-2. Monoclonal antibodies that are used as therapeutic agents include Herceptin and Rituxan which are mainstays for breast cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Other monoclonal antibodies have recently received FDA approval suggesting that this therapeutic platform will be an avenue by which new drugs will be developed.

Organ Transplantation
Allograft transplantation is now more commonly employed as a modality in patients with end stage organ failure. Visceral organs such as heart, liver, lung, and kidney are commonly harvested from donors and subsequently transplanted into recipients. The surgical transplantation of organs procured from donors with different types of antigens present an immunological obstacle. The immune system of the recipient will recognize the newly transplanted organ as a foreign antigen and thus will mount an immunological response. Crucial to the survival of the transplanted organ is immunosuppression allowing the transplanted organ to thrive in such a new and hostile environment immunosuppression must be balanced to preserve immune function in order to prevent intrusion of unwanted foreign antigens. Initiation of immune response against allograft can be from one of many types of circulating cells including neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages. These cells can infiltrate into grafted tissues and stimulate cytokine release and promote vascular endothelial injury. The resultant immune activation will lead to more tissue destruction, hemorrhage and ultimately organ failure. Although allo graft rejections are often categorized as an immunological response against the graft, there are various types of rejections which vary significantly. In clinical transplantation, three main types of rejection may occur: hyperacute, acute, and chronic. Regardless of the type of rejection, warning signs include fever, flu-like symptoms, hypertension, edema or sudden weight gain, changes in heart rate, and shortness of breath.



Primed B-lymphocytes


Multiple Myeloma

I mmunization



HAT medium

Monoclonal Antibody Production

Figure 60-2. Production of monoclonal ant bodies. See Color Plate 21.


Hyperacute Rejection
Hyperacute rejection can occur within minutes to days of following surgical organ transplantation. One factor that may predispose an individual to hyperacute rejection is the presence of preformed IgG antibodies directed against class I HLA of the allograft. Organ vitality and function is lost as a result of antibody deposition and complement activation, which will ultimately result in vascular destruction and organ failure. Transplanted kidneys are most susceptible to hyperacute rejection, since patients with end stage renal dysfunction often present with chronic anemia requiring multiple red blood cell transfusion. Blood transfusions have been correlated with enhanced production of IgG. However, hyperacute rejection can be prevented by detecting the antibody with simple crossmatching prior to transplantation, and it is now rare. In addition, chronic anemia can be managed with the administration of erythropoietin which is a myeloid growth factor that enhances the production of erythrocytes.

cause organ failure. Of all of the mechanisms of rejection, acute graft rejection is most responsive to immunosuppressive drugs

Chronic Rejection
Chronic rejection is the term used when allograft function slowly deteriorates. Histological evidence of chronic rejection include intimal hypertrophy and fibrosis. Chronic rejection has been well characterized in heart transplants, where it presents similar to progressive coronary artery disease. In lung transplants, chronic graft rejection can present as bronchiolitis oblitera ns. In kidney transplantation, the onset of chronic rejection manifests similar to progressive interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and glomerular ischemia. The liver appears to be less affected by chronic rejection, but when it does occur, biliary epithelium is lost, eventually leading to hyperbilirubinemia and graft failure. The etiology of chronic rejection is unclear, however, there is evidence suggesting that chronic rejection may represent a low-grade acute rejection. This type of rejection may be a consequence of organ injury during the organ procurement and preservation process. This process appears to be independent of the type of organ that is transplanted and present. Progressive intimal hypertrophy of the small to mediumsized arteries occurs, that in turn leads to interstitial fibrosis, atrophy, and eventual failure of the organ transplant. Although chronic rejection is most likely to occur later in the post-transplantation course, it may develop as early as 6 to 12 months after transplantation. Unfortunately, there is no standard treatment for chronic rejection.

Acute Rejection
Acute graft rejection is the most common form which is most frequently encountered within the first 6 months after transplantation. This type of allograft rejection is mediated by Tlymphocyte infiltration into allograft tissue that leads to in situ clonal expansion. Tissue destruction will then ensue, and thus



Immunosuppressive agents have been used for a number of years in organ transplantation with little success. This changed with the advent of cyclosporine which was found to preferentially suppress lymphocytes by inhibiting the synthesis of IL-2 (Fig 60-3). Since then, a number of immunosuppressive regimens have been developed around cyclosporine and cyclosporine-like compounds. Other cyclosporine agents have been classified as calcineurin, which exert its pharmacological activity by inhibiting intracellular signals that ultimately lead to IL-2 synthesis. Other immunophilins include tacrolimus and sacrolimus, which are both macrolideswith immunosuppressive activity. Similar to cyclosporine, these immunophilins bind onto intracellular enzymes and terminate the signals to activate IL2 transcription. Immunophilins are often coupled with other immunosuppressants such as corticosteroid and antimetabolites. Corticostero ids such as prednisone induce apoptosis of activated T-lymphocytes. In addition, corticosteroids can block lymphocyte activation through increased expression of an intracellular inhibitor, more commonly known as 1kb. 1kb binds onto a known nuclear factor, NFkb, which in turn activates T-lymphocytes to replicate and stimulate cytokine activation. In the following section, immunomodulators are discussed in more detail regarding their biological activity to prevent acute graft rejection.

consequence, nearly all functional T-cells are eliminated transiently from the peripheral circulation. Muromonab bound Tlymphocytes are cleared from circulation through monocyte mediated phagocytosis found in the reticuloendothelial system. Muromonab-CD3 is 68% to 95% effective in reversing rejection, which is especially beneficial for patients experiencing renal failure induced by cyclosporine. Muromonab-CD3 has also been shown to be effective in reversing acute cardiac and hepatic allograft rejection in patients who are unresponsive to high doses of steroids. Reversal rates in acute cardiac allograft rejection have been reported at 83% and 90% for hepatic allograft rejection. Additionally, investigational trials have shown it to be effective in pancreas and lung transplant rejection resistant to steroid or other therapy. However, when used for prophylaxis, it does not reduce the incidence of rejection or prolong graft survival. OKT3 has also been investigated for use in multiple sclerosis and psoriasis vulgaris, but is not FDA-approved for these indications.

Basiliximab (Simulect)
Basiliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody (IgG,) produced by recombinant DNA technology, targeting IL-2R or CD25 and thus inhibiting the binding of IL-2. Through chimerization, basiliximab maintains a high affinity for the ot subunit of the 1L 2R complex, which is selectively expressed on the surface of activated T-lymphocytes, only. A study involving 348 patients who were also receiving cyclosporine microemulsion and corticosteroids were randomized to receive either basiliximab or placebo for renal transplant. Patients receiving basiliximab had reduction in the number of patients who experienced biopsy-confirmed acute rejection episodes by 28% as compared with patients who received placebo. Serious adverse events associated with basiliximab occurred in 54% of patients as compared to 61% of patients receiving placebo. There was no difference in the incidence of infection between basiliximab and placebo where incidences were 75% and 73%, respectively.


Muromonab, or OKT3, is a murine antibody directed against a glycoprotein (the 20-kilodalton side chain) found on the CD3 complex which is present in all active circulating T-cells. The binding of muromonab onto CD3 interaction initially results in a transient activation of T-cells with release of cytokines, but ultimately block T-cell proliferation and differentiation. As a

Mechanism of Actions of I mmunosuppressive Therapy

Graft Cells
Helper Tlymphocyte


117 0



4111 111101L:

II '

Daclizumab Basliximab



Cytotaxic T lymphocyte
Figure 60-3. Immunosuppressants' mechanism of actions. See Color Plate 22



Daclizumab (Zenapax)
Daclizumab is another chimeric IgG, monoclonal antibody directed against the a subunit of the IL-2R. Daclizumab binds to lymphocytes expressing CD25 but does not activate them. Two phase III international, multicenter, double blinded, placebocontrolled studies involving 535 patients receiving their first cadaveric renal transplant were performed to evaluate efficacy and safety. Daclizumab was administered every 14 days for a total of five doses and was given with either double (cyclosporine and prednisone) or triple (cyclosporine, prednisone, and azathioprine) therapy. Two hundred and seventy-five patients were enrolled in the double therapy and 260 patients were enrolled in the triple therapy. Daclizumab resulted in a significant reduction in the incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection during the 6 months and the year after transplantation (p > 0.001) and a significantly lower dose of steroids were required as compared with placebo. Daclizumab was not associated with any immediate side effects.


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is an infectious disorder in which the progression of disease will ultimately lead to lysis of infected cells, such as lymphocytes and monocytic cells. Progressive lysis of these cells without adequate compensation will lead to a clinical state more commonly known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In this clinical state, there is reduced immune capacity as evident by low levels of regulatory Helper T-lymphocytes or CD4+ cells. Clinically, these patients will be unable to immunologically respond to normally non-pathogenic organisms, where the development of disease is more commonly referred to as opportunistic infections. Efforts to enhance the immune system have been previously explored in concert with the development of recombinant hemopoietic growth factors. A number of these factors can modulate immune activities and have been tested in patients infected with HIV. In the following sections, the use of interleukins, interferons and myeloid growth factors (aka colony stimulating factors or CSFs) in HIV infected patients will be reviewed.

I mmunomodulators in HIV
INTERLEUKIN-2Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a T-lymphocyte growth factor that enhances immune response against viral infection such as Epstein Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV). Clinically, T-lymphocytes isolated from HIV-infected patients were found to have lower levels of IL-2 expression when compared to non-infected individuals. It was thought that the reduction of 1L-2 expression may lower the capacity to expand T-cells, thus accounting for reduced antigenic response. Clinical trials to test the effectiveness of recombinant IL-2 (HI, 2) to enhance immune capacity in HIV were initiated. Despite more than ten years of experience, there is still no conclusive evidence regarding its benefit in HIV infected patients. Initial data with regard to rIL-2 in HIV was encouraging, where this lymphokine was able to enhance expansion of CD4+ cells. This enthusiasm was hampered when 1L-2 was found to stimulate IIIV replication, which was attributed to its ability to stimulate the HIV transactivatory (tat) gene, leading to increased viral proliferation. Moreover, IL-2 can induce expression of other inflammatory factors such as interleukin-1 (1L-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which can in turn activate tat expression. High doses of rh1L-2 administered as an intermittent continuous infusion with antiretroviral agents, T-lymphocytes isolated from these patients had an increased expression of 1L-2 receptor (1L-2R). As expected, HIV patients treated with

rIL-2 had increased CD4+ levels that were 50% above their baseline levels. However, elevation of CD4 counts appeared to be based on baseline CD4 counts. Clinical response was seen only in patients with an intact immune system, defined as baseline CD4 levels above 200 cells/min'. CD4 elevation was blunted in patients whose CD4 counts were below 200 cells/ram', where CD4 elevation was seen in only 20% in patients. Analysis of patients whose baseline CD4 was below 100 cells/min' further supported the hypothesis that initial immune capacity is crucial in response to rhIL-2 therapy. Patients with baseline CD4 below 200 cells/mm" did not benefit from rhlL-2 administration where CD4 elevation was in this category. GRANULOCYTE-MACROPHAGE COLONY STIMULATING FACTORThe myeloid factors have also been investigated in humans for their abilities to enhance immune response. initially, recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) was given to AIDS patients with leukopenia. The administration of rhGM-CSF resulted in a dose-dependent increase in circulating white blood cell count, in particular neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes. rhGMCSF administration reversed neutrophil dysfunction, where neutrophils isolated from rhGM-CSF patients were compared to neutrophils prior to drug administration demonstrated enhance neutrophil activities. This includes increased neutrophil chemotaxis toward f-Met-Leu-Phe, a chemoattractant, and superoxide production (an indicator of cytotoxic activity). Although a transient lymphocyte elevation was seen in a few patients, rhGM-CSF did not alter the CD4/CD8 ratio. Similar to rhIL-2, rhGM-CSF also activated replication of HIV, thus limiting it use in this scenario. There were studies suggesting that GM-CSF can activate HIV replication, thus serum p24 levels were measured. In patients receiving rhGM-CSF, a notable increase of HIV p24 (HIV protein with molecular weight of 24 kilodalton) was observed suggesting that GM-CSF can enhance HIV replication. The p24 levels returned to baseline after cessation of rhGM-CSF. Despite an increase in p24, no clinical signs of HIV progression were noted. Therefore, the co-administration of antiviral agents should be encouraged in HIV patients who are receiving rhGMCSF support. Recently, rhGM-CSF was used in HIV patients in combination with antiretroviral therapy. In a phase II trial, rhGM-CSF was able to down-regulate HIV chemokine receptor expression in monocyte/macrophage, which is critical for HIV infection of CD4+ cells. The thought is that a down regulation of chemokine receptors will reduce the HIV infection leading to enhancement of the immune system. In a follow-up phase III trial, the presence of rhGM-CSF along with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) led to a substantial increase CD4+ cells after 6 months of therapy. More importantly, rhGM-CSF prevented the need to change antiretroviral regimens due to viral failures as defined by detectable levels of HIV. This study suggests that the concomitant administration of rhGM-CSF at 250 iLg three times a week may make antiretroviral therapy more effective. This antiviral activity is based on the theory that low levels of sargramostim inhibit the expression of chemokine receptor vital for viral entry into CD4 cells. INTERFERONSThe first interferon (IFN) was first isolated back in 1957, when lymphocytes that were exposed to inactivated viruses produced a soluble factor capable of inhibiting viral replication. This ability to "interfere" with viral or "virion" replication gave rise to its name, interferon. IFNs released from virus-infected cells are able to bind onto receptors found on neighboring cells, and activated defenses against potential viral intrusion. Intracellularly, IFN induces the expression 2'-5' oligo adenylate synthetase, which in turn can activate ribonucleases and protein kinase. These enzymes are capable of inhibiting viral protein synthesis, and thus preventing viral proliferation and integration into potential target cells. IFN treated cells are able to prevent HIV infection,

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which suggests that IFN can activate the immune system to prevent serious infections such as HIV and hepatitis C virus as well. Unfortunately, resistance against viral infection is short lived, which was found to be correlated with the levels of IFN found in the blood. Since these types of cytokines have low circulating levels, the protection against new viral infection is limited. Abbreviations: C SA = Cycl o sporin e FK5 06 = Ta c rolim us RPM =Rap a mycin= Sirolimus

Davies D, Halablab M, Clarke J, et al. Infection and Immunity. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 1999. Janeway C, Travers P. Im.mursobiology, 3rd ed. New York: Current Biology/Garland, 1997. Ruby J. Immunology. New York: Freeman, 1997. Roitt I, BrostoffJ, Male D. Immunology, 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1998. Stites D, Terr A, Parslow T. Medical Immunology, 9th ed. Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange, 1997. Shen WC, Louie SG. Immunology for Pharmacy Students. Philadelphia: Gordon & Breach: 1998.

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Adverse Drug Reactions and Clinical Toxicology
Robert Middleton, PharmD


Drug availability and use have risen steadily for the last several decades. In 1961, only 656 drugs were marketed in the United States. By 1989, this number had increased to 8,000, and by 2003 more than 11,700 drugs are marketed in the United States.' A total of 60% of the world's drugs are first introduced in the US,' and an average of 30 new molecular entities (ie, a new chemical entity marketed for the first time in the US) have been approved each year from 1993 to 2002, 4 a 42% increase over the period from 1975 to 1985.' Two thirds of patient visits to a physician result in a prescription,' resulting in 3.3 billion outpatient prescriptions filled in 2001." In that same year, prescription pharmaceutical sales totaled $208 billion.' Prescription drug spending is projected to approach $4 billion by 2011.' Additionally, consumers are using an increasing number of over-the-counter medicines, dietary supplements, and "natural" or alternative pro ducts. Medications unquestionably have provided tremendous benefits to society. Whether preventing childhood illness through vaccination, treating or preventing infections with antimicrobials, or forcing cancer into remission with antineoplastic agents, the benefits of modern drug therapy are immense. However, such therapy is not without risk. Encephalitis has been associated with vaccines; allergic reactions to antimicrobials are well documented; and antineopla stic agents can severely impair a patient's immune system, exposing them to life-threatening infections. The negative and undesirable effects of drug therapy are adverse drug reactions or ADRs All medical products, whether drugs, biologicals, diagnostic agents (eg, radiocontrast dye), natural products, or nutritional agents can cause adverse reactions. These reactions may be caused by the drug itself or one of its metabolites; from an interaction between two or more drugs or between a drug and food; or maybe caused by an excipient in the product, such as a dye or preservative. Some reactions occur with most or all drugs in the class, so called "class effects," for example cough from angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Other reactions are unique to the drug. Among antibiotics, chloramphenicol causes aplastic anemia, a reaction rarely seen with other antimicrobials. Some drugs can affect multiple organ systems; for example, amiodarone may cause pulmonary fibrosis, dermatological reactions, hyper- or hypothyroidism, ophthalmologic changes, and arrhythmias. Adverse effects from other drugs can be highly specific, for example, toxicity from aminoglycoside antibiotics is limited primarily to the kidney and vestibular/cochlear systems. And while drugs and biologicals marketed in the US are required to be proven safe and effective, safe does not mean risk-free. Thus, the decision to use any medicinal product is always the result of examining its risk to benefit ratio.

What is an ADR?
Although there are many definitions of an adverse drug reaction,'" an internationally accepted description is that of the World Health Organization (WHO):
"A response to a drug that is noxious and unintended, and that occurs at doses normally used in humans for the prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of disease or for the modification of physiological function," 1

Notably, this definition tacitly excludes the failure of a drug to have its intended effect (ie, a therapeutic failure), and situations of drug abuse, drug overdose, or poisonings. It is important to distinguish an adverse drug reaction from an adverse drug event (ADE). While the two terms have been used interchangeably, the differences are important. An adverse drug re action is the result of the intrinsic properties of the drug and cannot be prevented. An adverse drug event is an injury resulting from medical intervention related to a drug'' and includes ADRs, but also includes preventable reactions, including those caused by human error. The WHO definition of an ADR does not necessarily include drugs administered or taken in error or given by an erroneous method. Tremendous attention has been paid to adverse medical events and medical errors, which includes adverse drug events, largely as a result of the Institute of Medicine publication To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System.' This report reviewed and summarized the literature on medical errors in the US health care system and concluded that between 44,000 and 98,000 deaths occur annually as a result of preventable medical mistakes. Drug-related errors account for an estimated 7,000 of these deaths. As progress is made toward better assessment and management of drug risk, the line between adverse drug reactions and adverse drug events blurs. While much of the research in recent years has been on identifying risk factors for adverse drug events and ADE prevention, much of what is learned can apply to ADRs as well. Indeed, comprehensive management of drug risk requires that adverse drug reactions and adverse drug events be considered equally. To this end, FDA has identified four sources of risk from medical products: known side effects (both avoidable and unavoidable), medication errors, product defects, and "remaining uncertainties," which include side effects not yet known or reported, long-term effects, and unstudied uses and unstudied populations." All sources of risk must be considered and evaluated to truly improve drug safety. While the focus of this chapter will be on adverse drug reactions, references to adverse drug events are made throughout.

How Common Are ADRs?

An exact incidence rate for adverse drug reactions is difficult to determine for several reasons. Different trials and national re1221



porting programs have used differing definitions of an ADR, resulting in varying reporting rates. Differing means of gathering ADR data (eg, computerized vs manual surveillance), differing areas of research (eg, all hospitalized patients vs a specific unit within a hospital vs an ambulatory setting), differences in reporting statistics (eg, adverse reactions may be reported as a percentage, a rate per unit of time, or a rate per number of doses dispensed), underreporting of reactions, and difficulty in determining numerators and denominators for drug exposure and drug use, all lead to heterogeneous results and difficulty in defining a precise figure or comparing figures. To address some of these issues, a meta-analysis of published studies of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients was conducted.' Thirty-nine studies meeting predetermined criteria were reviewed, and an overall incidence of serious and fatal ADRs was determined. The authors included only prospective trials and excluded "possible" ADRs in an effort to improve the quality of the data (ie, only definite ADRs were studied). Notably, only trials that used the WHO definition of an ADR were included and trials that reported adverse events from medication errors were excluded. The overall incidence of serious ADRs (defined as an ADR. that required hospitalization, prolonged hospitalization, was permanently disabling, or resulted in death) was found to be 6.7%. The incidence of fatal ADRs was 0.32%. Based upon 1994 hospitalization figures, the authors estimated that over 2 million hospitalized patients experienced a serious ADR during that year; in over L5 million of these cases the ADR was the cause of hospitalization. Additionally 76,000-106,000 deaths due to ADRs were projected, making ADRs between the 4th and 6th leading cause of death in the US for that time period. The range of ADRs occurring during hospitalization reported from other trials varies tremendously between 1.5 and 43.5%,' as does the number of deaths from ADRs (200-200,000 annually"). Interestingly, the aforementioned Institute of Medicine report' estimated between 44,000 and 98,000 deaths annually from all medical errors, making fatality from adverse drug reactions possibly more common than fatality from all medical errors combined. The frequency of ADRs in non-hospital settings is less well reported but is becoming increasingly available, often as part of medical error research. For example, a study of nursing home residents examined the incidence and preventability of adverse drug events.' Of the adverse drug events documented, 50% were considered nonpreventable and therefore adverse drug reactions resulting in an ADR rate of 0.94 per 100 resident months. Based upon these figures, 175,000 ADRs may occur in US nursing homes annually. A review of drug misadventuring' noted between 2% and 50% of ambulatory patients experienced an ADR; a more recent trial reported a much lower rate, 0.19%, of all hospital outpatient visits were due to an adverse drug reaction. 17 The occurrence of ADRs in the non-adult population is also less well studied than in the adult age group. However, studies in vulnerable populations such as pediatrics and the elderly are increasing. One trial of adverse drug events in hospitalized pediatric patients found 5.3 nonpreventable adverse drug reactions per 1000 patient-days,' while 15.1 ADRs per 1000 children was reported through a network of pediatricians seeing patients in an ambulatory setting.' A trial in ambulatory Medicare enrollees found the overall adverse drug event rate to be 50.1 per 1000 person-years; of these events, 72% were nonpreventable ADEs (36.3 ADRs per 1000 patient-days).' A largely unexplored and poorly quantified area is adverse reactions to alternative or "natural" products, the use of which may rival that of traditional medicines. Numerous reports document the toxicities of such products. For example, several deaths and complications have been reported with ephedra,' and hepatotoxicity has been described with chaparral.' Because herbal products are considered dietary supplements and not drugs, manufacturers are not required to seek premarket approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), perform a risk-benefit analysis, or perform safety surveillance af-

ter the product is launched. In fact, it is FDA and not the product sponsor that is tasked with proving the safety, or lack thereof, of alternative products, which is the reverse of the requirements for drugs and biologicals. To assist with this assessment, the Institute of Medicine has proposed a framework for FDA to evaluate the safety of dietary supplements.'

How Costly Are ADRs?

The cost associated with ADRs is considerable and takes many forms. Studies have consistently shown that patients experiencing an ADR have longer hospitalizations, sometimes doubling the length of stay, relative to the non-affected population. '" Not surprisingly, the cost of hospitalization for such patients is greater as more resources are used to manage and treat drug-induced illnesses. 27 ' One matched case-control study at a tertiary care hospital found the cost of hospitalization for patients experiencing an adverse drug reaction to be $2200 greater relative to control patents who did not experience an ADR." Similar results have been found in other trials.' FDA has estimated that if the incidence of hospitalizations related to adverse drug reactions can be reduced by just 2%, the annual cost savings to the nation would be $368 million.' In addition to the direct increase in the cost of hospitalization, there is the cost to patients themselves in terms of lost time at work, decreased productivity, and possibly permanent disability. Patients or their families may utilize legal means to seek financial remuneration if a serious ADR is experienced. Litigation costs can be significant and place a burden on the court system, individual practitioners, and health care institutions. For example, there were greater than 4,200 lawsuits filed against the maker of troglitazone (Rezulin), after it was linked to hepatotoxicity and several deaths.' Although uncommon, some manufacturers have filed for bankruptcy as a result of ADR-related litigation.' Additionally, litigation influences liability and malpractice insurance costs for health care providers and institutions, contributing to the malpractice insurance crisis experienced in several states.' A final consideration is the cost of lost confidence and distrust of health care providers and the health care system. A patient's fear of drug-related harm may cause delays in seeking medical assistance at some future point when it is truly needed, possibly causing prolonged illness and severe outcome. The total annual cost to the nation of ADRs is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify but is certainly quite large and is likely in the billions of dollars.'''''

Classification of Adverse Drug Reactions

Adverse drug reactions have historically been placed into two broad classes: A and B.'" Type A reactions are common and predictable with most identified prior to marketing. Type A reactions are dose related and result directly from the pharmacological action of the drug, but can be due to drug-drug interactions, drug-food interactions, or concomitant illness as well. About 80% of all ADRs fall into this category. Although type A reactions are common and have high morbidity, they usually have low mortality. Examples of type A reactions include hypoglycemia from oral sulfonylureas, tachycardia from albuterol, or diarrhea from an antibiotic. By contrast, type B reactions are uncommon, cannot be predicted, are not dose-related, and have no relation to the pharmacological action of the drug. In most cases, the mechanisms involved in type B reactions are unknown. Although rare in occurrence, mortality from type B reactions can be high. These reactions predominantly affect the liver, skin, and hematopoietic systems. Type B reactions include hypersensitivity reactions such as anaphylaxis from penicillin, idiosyncratic reactions such as malignant hyperthermia from an antipsychotic, and pseudoallergic reactions such as flushing and hypotension from vancomycin. Type B reactions may be influenced by genetic and environmental factors and are frequently not discovered until after a drug is marketed.



Additional classifications, types C, D, E, and F have been suggested. Type C reactions are uncommon, dose- and timerelated, and associated with the cumulative dose of the drug. Prolonged corticosteroid administration causing adrenal suppression and benzodiazepine dependence are examples of type C reactions. Type D reactions are rare, delayed in onset and are usually dose-related. Examples include carcinogenesis, te ratagene sis, and tardive dyskinesia from antipyschotic agents. Type E reactions are withdrawal symptoms. These generally occur shortly after stopping the drug and are uncommon; opiate withdrawal is an example of this reaction type. Last, a type F reaction is an unexpected failure of therapy. These reactions are common, dose-related, and may result from drug-drug interactions. Note that type F reactions may not be considered an ADR under the WHO definition. ADRs can also be classified according to their onset or severity. The timing of the reaction can be acute (occurring within 1 hour of exposure), subacute (occurring within 24 hours of exposure), or latent (appearing 2 or more days after drug exposure). Reaction severity may be mild (bothersome but not requiring treatment or a change in therapy), moderate (requiring a change in therapy, treatment, or continued hospitalization), or severe or significant. FDA defines significant reactions as those that are fatal, life-threatening, permanently or significantly disabling, require or substantially prolong hospitalization, results in a congenital abnormality, or require an intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage.

Risk Factors for ADRs

Many factors appear to increase the likelihood of an adverse drug reaction, including age, multiple medications, duration of drug exposure, gender, concurrent illness, narrow therapeutic index drugs, and genetics. Recognition of these risk factors is important in ultimately leading to their prevention. AGEThe very young and the very old are particularly vulnerable to ADR.s. Young children, especially neonates, lack fully developed organs for drug metabolism and elimination. As children grow, drug dosing can be affected by changes in body weight, drug distribution, and drug elimination. Many reports have shown the incidence of ADRs increases with increasing age, being the highest in the very elderly.'' 3R Age-related changes in body composition and organ function, such as decreased liver and kidney function, and increased sensitivity to medications predispose the elderly patient to drug toxicity. Additionally, this population tends to use more drugs and have more illnesses than younger age groups.' Last, neither pediatrics nor geriatrics is generally included in the clinical trials conducted to gain drug approval. Thus, experience is limited in these populations. CONCURRENT MEDICINES Taking multiple prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, and/or alternative or natural products increases the risk of experiencing an adverse drug reaction. The number and severity of adverse reactions increase disproportionately with the number of drugs taken, and some trials have found that the best predictor of ADRs is the number of concurrent medicines. One study over an 18-month period found that patients who experienced an ADR had almost three times the drug exposures as those who did not.' Clearly the potential for drug-drug interactions increases as the number of medical products used rises. DURATION OF THERAPYThe greater the degree of drug exposure, the greater the likelihood an ADR will occur. This is particularly true for already predisposed persons (the very young and very old), and or those with existing organ dysfunction such as renal or hepatic failure. GENDERFemales have a L5- to 1.7-fold greater risk of developing an ADR compared to males.' A review of drug safety over a 10-year period found that almost three-quarters of the reactions reported were in women.' Numerous explanations for these disparities have been suggested, including over-

dosing, gender-based differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, differences in immunological and hormonal makeup, women are more likely to report adverse events than men, or women take more medications than men." Women are another group that as historically been poorly represented in clinical trials. C MORBID CONDITIONS Patients with concurrent medical problems are more likely to experience an adverse drug reaction than comparatively healthy persons. Illnesses such as congestive heart failure, malnutrition, obesity, hepatitis, cirrhosis, or diabetes can alter the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs, leading to drug accumulation and toxicity. Additionally, such patients are typically using multiple medicines, further increasing their risk. NARROW THERAPEUTIC INDEX DRUGSAgain noting that the majority of AL/Rs are dose-related, those drugs with little separation between therapeutic and toxic concentrations are highly associated with adverse reactions. Examples include aminoglycosides, anticonvulsants, digoxin, heparin, the ophylline, and warfarin. ETHNICITY AND GENETICSIt is well known that there are inherited or genetic differences to drug response. Responses may vary from minimal effect to the desired therapeutic response to an untoward result, manifested as an ADR. Some, but not all, of this variability can be attributed to differences in the genes encoding for drug-metabolizing enzymes, drug transporters, or drug targets. In fact, adverse drug reactions are often the clinical events that ultimately lead to discovery of such genetic variations. The study of these differences is called pharmacogenetics." Pharmacogenetics can influence drug therapy in one of three ways.' First are genetic polymorphisms that are associated with altered drug metabolism. Increased or decreased drug metabolism can alter the concentration of a drug and/or its metabolites, whether active, inactive, or toxic. For example, 5-10% of the population carries two decreased activity alleles for the drug-metabolizing enzyme CYP2D6. These "poor metabolizers" can have a higher frequency of toxicity from antidepressants metabolized via this enzyme because of decreased elimination and drug accumulation. A recent study found that 59% of the drugs cited in ADR studies are metabolized by at least one enzyme with a variation known to cause poor drug metabolism.' Second, genetic variations can produce unexpected or idiosyncratic reactions, such as hemolytic anemia in persons with a deficiency in glucose-6phosphate dehydrogena se. Last, genetic variation in a drug target or transporter can alter the clinical response and frequency of toxicity. For example, 1-2% of the population may have mutations in the genes encoding for cardiac ion channels, predisposing them to sudden cardiac death due to long-QT syndrome after exposure to antiarrhythmics or certain drugs such as terfenadine.

Reporting Requirements and HospitalBased Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring

Institutional settings play an important role in monitoring and reporting adverse drug reactions and having a program for this function is a requirement for gaining accreditation by the Joint Committee on Accreditation of Healthcare organizations (JCAHO). Development and coordination of the program commonly falls to the pharmacy department, although the most effective programs involve all disciplines:" An ADR program must have the following basic components: (a) a definition of an ADR that clearly describes what is a reportable adverse drug reaction; (b) a method of monitoring and reporting adverse drug reactions; (c) a system for evaluating reactions for severity, causality, and preventability; and (d) a system for using the results of the ADR program. The guidelines published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) provide a detailed explanation of each of these components.`'



Hospital-based programs use several methods for detecting adverse reactions, including retrospective chart review, concurrent surveillance, and prospective monitoring. JCAHO requires hospitals to have a concurrent monitoring system in place, while ASHP recommends both concurrent and prospective monitoring programs. In particular, prospectively identifying high-risk drugs and high-risk patients and utilizing knowledge of the risk factors for ADRs can help with the monitoring and ultimately the prevention of adverse reactions. Concurrent monitoring, particularly when coupled with ongoing advances in information technology, is clearly superior to retrospective monitoring of adverse drug reactions. 29 Once reported, an adverse reaction is evaluated for its severity, causality, and preventability. Determining the causality of a drug reaction (ie, the likelihood that the drug in question is the reason for the reaction) is somewhat arbitrary but usually assigns the probability to one of a few categories such as definite, likely, possible, and unlikely. Several algorithms are available, some complex, to assist with this assessment, but often clinicians must rely upon clinical judgment, literature review, and communication with the manufacturer or other health professionals to make a determination. Regardless of the method used, assessing the causal relationship involves several elements: the timing between drug administration and the appearance of the reaction (also called the temporal or chronological relationship); (b) whether the drug was withdrawn or a specific antidote administered with improvement in the symptoms (positive dechallenge); (c) whether the drug was reintroduced or the dose increased with recurrence or worsening of the symptoms (positive rechallenge); (d) whether the reaction has been previously described or reported; (e) whether objective data (eg, drug levels, other laboratory findings) support that the reaction is an ADR; and (f) whether the reaction has an alternative etiology, ie, can it be explained by an existing condition or another agent? Many algorithms use a weighted scoring system, allocating points for responses to questions about each of these areas.' Perhaps the most widely used algorithm is that by Naranjo et al." The reaction must also be categorized by its severity as previously described. It is becoming increasingly important to also assess the preventability of an ADR and criteria for making such a determination have been published.' As noted, drug errors resulting in adverse reactions account for significant morbidity and mortality. Determining which ADRs are preventable and at what point in the medication process an error occurred will help to identify ways to improve the medication system. Information gained from ADR programs should be shared with all health care providers and should be integrated into hospital quality assurance and performance improvement programs. In some institutions a dedicated Drug Safety Committee or Medication Safety Committee may oversee this function, in others it falls to the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.

without a high frequency of adverse reactions. Phase II trials involve small numbers of patients with the disease to be treated. Although the primary focus of these trials is efficacy, safety data on short-term use are also gathered. Phase III trials involve several hundred to several thousand patients with the primary goals of confirming drug efficacy and safety at the doses to be used once the drug is marketed. It's important to note that the overall safety goal of prelicensure research is not to identify every ADR that may occur, but instead to establish the common dose-related effects that might be expected from its approved use, whether predictable or not. Most drugs approved by FDA are done so with a few thousand patient exposures, which may be sufficient to detect a reaction occurring in 1 of every 500-1000 patients.' However, for idiosyncratic reactions, rare side-effects (for example occurring in 1 in 10,000 patients), or reactions that may require a long induction period, premarketing clinical trials generally do not enroll enough subjects to detect such reactions and are too short in duration. But there are other limitations that prevent establishing a drug's entire toxicity profile before it's approved for use .' 1 52 Since the aim of premarketing trials is to show drug efficacy, such trials frequently exclude patients with complicated medical histories, significant comorbid conditions, or those who are receiving other drugs, since this may hinder establishing the drug's effectiveness. Therefore, the type and frequency of ADRs that will occur once the drug is used in a broader population using differing medications is unknown. Drug companies also generally seek drug approval for a single indication. Once marketed, the drug may be used to treat entirely different illnesses or diseases from what was studied. Premarketing trials have also historically excluded pediatric patients, pregnant or breast-feeding women, and elderly patients; how these populations will react to new drugs is frequently unknown. Significant headway has been made in addressing this last shortcoming, however, with rules adopted in 1997 and 1998 requiring pediatric safety data on new drugs, a specific "Geriatric use" section in the labeling of all drugs and biologicals, and the requirement that guidance documents be developed on the inclusion of women and minorities in clinical Recognizing the limitations of prelicensure studies, the FDA frequently requires that a drug manufacturer conduct one or more postmarketing phase IV trials as a condition of drug approval. Such trials are designed to further evaluate drug safety and efficacy, often in specific populations (eg, children), confirm safety in the target population and look for chronic effects from prolonged use.' However, one report suggests that phase IV trials are rarely completed as required, calling into question the ability of the FDA to monitor and enforce compliance with this re quire me nt.'

Drug Development and Its Relation to Adverse Drug Reactions

As noted above, all drugs and biologicals marketed in the US must be shown to be safe and effective. FDA, based upon information submitted by the pharmaceutical sponsor or developer, evaluates the data supporting these outcomes. The drug is approved if its benefits, as it's intended to be used in the proposed population, outweigh its foreseeable risks. The tolerance for toxicity is higher for drugs that treat serious or life-threatening illnesses, such as antineoplastic drugs. Safety and efficacy data are generated in the preclinical animal and toxicology studies and the premarketing human testing that all drugs and biologicals are required to undergo, known as phase I, II, and III testing.' Phase I trials are generally focused on drug safety. Studies are usually conducted in healthy volunteers and assess the most common acute side effects and evaluate the size of doses subjects can safely take

Drug-Development: Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics

Early in drug development, the toxicity of a candidate compound must be assessed to determine if further development and progression to human trials is warranted. This typically involves administration of doses that are several-fold higher than the human pharmacological dose eventually used. Such research obviously cannot be performed in humans, so preclinical (sometimes called nonclinical) toxicity studies in animals are undertaken. However, the majority of animal toxicity data generated during preclinical studies cannot be extrapolated to humans without an understanding of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics involved. The kinetics of a compound when given at toxic doses is termed toxicokinetics. More specifically, toxicokinetics is the study of the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of a xenobiotic (a foreign, natural, or synthetic chemical) at higher than therapeutic doses resulting in toxicity or excessive exposure.' The study of the relationship between the toxic levels of xenobiotics and the



ultimately observed clinical illness is toxicodynamics. Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics are areas of increasing importance in drug development and risk assessment that are relevant to the prediction of ADRs and their management. Although the WHO definition of an ADR excludes drug overdose and poisoning (ie, situations typically resulting in toxic drug exposure), toxicokinetic data gained during preclinical and toxicology testing in animals is relevant to treatment in humans. Furthermore, toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic studies are a prerequisite for all drugs submitted to FDA for approval, a requirement that extends globally as well as a result of the International Conference on Harmonization (see International Drug Monitoring)." Although toxicokinetics follows many of the same principles and mathematical models as pharmacokinetics," it is important to note the differences between these two disciplines. The essential difference is that the kinetics of a compound is frequently altered when that compound is administered at toxic doses compared to pharmacological doses. For example, high doses can alter drug solubility in the intestinal tract, leading to precipitation and differing patterns of absorption. High drug doses can overwhelm or saturate many processes, eg, enzymatic metabolism, protein binding, and active tubular secretion, leading to non-linear kinetics. The altered kinetics of a drug taken or administered at toxic levels may ultimately lead to cellular toxicity, manifested as the clinical symptoms of poisoning or overdose.' The ultimate goal of toxicokinetic (TK) and toxicodynamic (TD) studies is to relate the adverse reactions from drug toxicity observed in animals (both short term and long term) to safety and toxicity in humans, as well as to formulate strategies to manage human toxicity." TICTFD data are used in a variety of ways to meet this goal.' For example, researchers may use initial TIC/ID data to validate the choice of animal species and to provide information that will help in the design of subsequent experiments to provide animal safety data. Selecting the animal species that most closely models human toxicokinetics and pharmacokinetics is key to determining the safe starting dose of a candidate drug for human trials. TK data may be used to modify dose administration (ie, the dose administered, the route of administration, the time of administration, frequency of administration, dosage form, etc.). Clinicians use TKITD data to assist in establishing the margin of safety between preclinical safety trials and human trials and to determine the mechanism of toxicity. Pharmacokineticists use TIVTD data to help design pharmacokinetic studies to validate human safety and efficacy. Pathologists may use TK data to relate the pathology found on necropsy (eg, lesions) to drug exposure and to determine the target organs for toxicity that will eventually be part of the adverse drug reaction monitoring in future trials. Reproduction and developmental toxicologists use TIi data to aid in dose selection for reproduction and teratology studies, which will assist in monitoring for Type D (long-term) reactions in humans. Although much of the TK/TD data are discovered in preclinical animal trials, such data are in fact generated and refined throughout the entire drug development process, including postmarketing drug safety surveillance, which will be discussed later. Interested readers are referred to more in-depth discussions on the increasing role of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics in drug development' 4 and to references that describe fundamental toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic principles and models.''"

Drug Development: Pharmacogenomics

As noted earlier, genetics plays an important role in drug response. Pharmacogenomics harnesses the information gained from genome-wide research, notably the Human Genome Project, to understand the inherited differences in drug response between individuals as well as to optimize drug_therapy based upon a person's specific genetic information. ' Applying advances in pharmacogenomics to drug development means there

is the potential to stop many adverse reactions that are currently considered nonpreventable. The implication is that determining a priori an individual's genetic makeup, coupled with the knowledge of a drug's pharmacology may allow drug selection that optimizes the desired clinical response while reducing the risk of an adverse drug reaction. Additionally, coupling genetic advances with toxicokinetics is leading to the emerging field of toxicogenoinics," providing a genetic understanding for the response to toxic drug exposure. Undoubtedly as information on pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenetics, and toxicogenomics grows, drug developers will conduct trials in populations with specific genotypes and phenotypes to develop a clearer understanding of the AD Rs that may be anticipated and how best to avoid them. Readers are referred to Chapter 62 for a more in depth discussion of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics. POSTMARRETING SAFETY SURVEILLANCE The previously mentioned problems in detecting ADRs during premarket drug testing are well recognized by FDA. Additionally, drug approval times have become increasingly shorter' and critically important drugs can reach the market quickly by shortening the length of time required for premarket testing or eliminating some phases of testing altogether.' Thus, drugs can be marketed with less and less knowledge of their full toxicity profile. Accordingly, significant effort has been made to observe drugs after their approval to monitor their continued safety. This effort, termed postmarketing safety surveillance, also falls under the authority of FDA. The goals of the postmarketing surveillance system are to detect potential adverse drug reactions that were not seen in prelicensure trials as well as problems that may arise when a drug is used in ways or in populations that were not studied or anticipated. Postmarketing surveillance also provides an opportunity to ascertain toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic parameters in situations of human poisoning and drug overdose that were not possible during drug development. Such data assist clinical toxicologists in developing treatment strategies and can lead to revised drug labeling, requests by FDA for further safety assessment, or to phase IV postmarketing trials. Readers are referred to Chapter 103 on poison control and to detailed toxicokinetic references for more information." ' FDA utilizes a passive system for postmarketing safety surveillance that relies upon voluntary reporting of ADRs from health professionals and consumers, mandatory reporting by drug manufacturers, and reports from ongoing clinical trials. Manufacturers must file within 15 days of their detection or notification reports of any serious reaction not listed in the current product labeling, and any reports of drug overdose, cancer, or congenital defects. In addition to these "15-day" reports, manufacturers must submit periodic reports at least annually and as often as quarterly that describe serious labeled reactions and all nonserious reactions, as well as any reports of an increased frequency of serious, labeled reactions and deaths, beyond what might be anticipated from increased drug use alone.' Supplementing the manufacturer reports are voluntary reports from health professionals and consumers via the MedWatch program, which was started in 1993 under the Centers for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) at FDA. Although postmarketing surveillance by health professionals was established prior to this, MedWatch was designed to emphasize the responsibility of health care providers to identify and report adverse reactions related to the use of not only drugs and biologics, but to medical devices and certain nutritional products as well. Importantly, causality is not a prerequisite for MedWatch reporting; suspicion that a medical product may be related to a serious event is sufficient reason to submit a MedWatch report. While health professionals are encouraged to report any ADR considered significant, not every ADR need be reported. To do so would overwhelm FDA resources and reduce its ability to identify significant reactions. FDA is most interested in reports of serious reactions, defined as any event that is fatal, life threatening, is permanently or significantly disabling, requires or prolongs hospitalization, results in a congenital abnormality, or requires an intervention to prevent permanent impairment



or damage. MedWatch reports may he filed by completing a MedWatch form and mailing or faxing it to the FDA (forms are available in numerous medical and pharmacy journals, as well as reference texts such as the Physician's Desk Reference or AHFS Drug Information or it may be downloaded from the FDA web site); by filing the report electronically via the FDA web page (; or by telephone (1-800-FDA-1088)." A separate program, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) managed jointly by the Centers for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), performs a similar function to the MedWatch program but focuses solely on postmarketing safety surveillance of vaccines.' Also, the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) is scheduled to have an adverse event reporting system (CAERS) operational by mid-2003 that will track and perform trend analysis on adverse reactions to dietary supplements, foods, and cosmetics.' Both MedWatch and manufacturer reports are entered into a computerized database, the Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS). AERS contains more than 2 million reports that are continually analyzed, looking for trends in reactions or "safety signals". A safety signal is a seeming excess of adverse reactions associated with a drug's use, although it may also be a single well-documented case report. Safety signals may alert FDA to new unlabeled ADRs, an observed increase in the severity or specificity of an already known ADR, an increase in the frequency of a known ADR, new drug interactions (drug-drug, drug-food, or drug-supplement), or to confusion with a product's name, labeling, packaging or use. Such signals may form the basis for further epidemiological research.

Response to Significant ADR Detection

Once a significant toxicity has been detected and validated, FDA has several options.' Usually the first step is to modify the drug's labeling and communicate the new information (eg, new contraindications, warnings, adverse reactions, and precautions) to health professionals. Such communication may be from the pharmaceutical manufacturer or FDA (known within the FDA as "Dear Doctor" letters). Sometimes changes to the prescribing information are surrounded by a black box (so called "black box" warnings) to bring them greater attention. In some instances Medication Guides are used and may be developed before a drug is marketed if significant risk is identified early. These are written information specifically for patients that highlight significant risks and advise patients on how to detect and avoid them. The Medication Guide must be distributed when the prescription is dispensed. Medication Guides are not used indiscriminately; on average only 5-10 products a year may warrant this action. In other cases, a drug is designated as a "second line" therapy, to be used only in patients in whom other treatments have failed. FDA may also restrict distribution of a drug, making it available only under certain circumstances, to certain prescribers, or via certain institutions. As a last step, FDA may also request that a drug be removed from the market. While this is usually done voluntarily by the pharmaceutical company after discussion with FDA, FDA may also withdraw marketing approval and forcibly remove the drug. This has only been done once when FDA removed the antidiabetic drug phenformin, citing it as an imminent hazard to the public health because of several cases of drug-related lactic acidosis. Removal of a drug from the market is not always permanent. If additional safety processes can be developed, a drug may reintroduced. Such was the case with the antidepressant bupropion, removed because it caused seizures in bulimic patients/ 7 and alosetron, a drug for irritable bowel syndrome in women that was removed after cases of fatal ischemic colitis were discovered.' Both agents were reintroduced after additional safeguards were put in place. It is important to recognize that despite often receiving the most attention, withdrawing a drug from the market is seldom the first action taken by FDA when new safety information is discovered. Instead, this action usually follows several efforts to improve patient safety by one or more of the previously mentioned means. As stated earlier, FDA also examines the risk to benefit ratio a drug provides relative to other therapies, if they exist. For example, postmarketing surveillance revealed that terfenadine, a nonsedating antihistamine, was found to produce serious cardiac arrhythmia s in patients with liver failure or when used in combination with certain drugs. Terfenadine remained on the market, despite these toxicities, with revised labeling and warnings to health care providers because there were no safer therapeutic alternatives. Once a similar but safer agent became available (fexofenadine), terfenadine was withdrawn.'

Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovig i lance

Pharmacoepidemiology is the study of the use and effects of drugs in human populations.' A branch of pharmacoepidemiology is pharmacovigilance, which is defined as the postapproval scientific and data gathering activities related to the detection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse events or other product-related problems. ' 4 The safety signals detected during postmarketing surveillance can prompt epidemiologic studies to support or refute the signals observed and determine the need for further regulatory action.' 7r' Among other purposes, epidemiologic studies are also necessary to establish a causal relationship between the drug and the reaction and to quantify the degree of risk, both relative and absolute, that an ADR may pose to patients. Knowledge of these risks is important for practitioners to assist in their decision making process when prescribing drugs.' The overriding question that attempts to be answered is Do the benefits of the drug continue to outweigh its risks for the population described in its labeling? To the extent possible, how the toxicity compares with other available therapies for the same disease is also considered. Examples of the types of studies that may be performed include case report reviews, case series, case-control studies, cohort studies, and possibly randomized clinical trials. More serious ADRs have been identified first in case reports than by any other method of detection. Case reports are best at detecting rare or unusual reactions that occur during initial or prolonged drug use and are the major source for generating hypotheses about adverse drug effects. Case reports do, however, have several important limitations. They are subject to reporter bias and erroneous reporting, they are poor at detecting increases in common reactions or ADRs that occur remotely in time from the actual drug use; and there is no link between prescribing patterns and reporting rates.' Thus the need for the other types of studies mentioned, each with its own particular strengths and weaknesses. An indepth discussion of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance is beyond the scope of this chapter. Interested readers are referred to dedicated texts for more information on this field.'

How Effective is Postmarketing Surveillance?

Each year, approximately 25,000 MedWatch reports and 270,000 manufacturer reports are submitted to the AERS, and 12,000-14,000 reports are submitted to the VAERS.' Of the MedWatch reports, pharmacists have been the leading reporters among health professionals, although direct consumer reporting 9 has been steadily increasing.'9 These reports have lead to the detection of significant adverse drug effects leading to numerous labeling changes, tighter restrictions on use, and several drug removals. In 2002 alone, FDA averaged 30 safety changes to product labeling each month. Also, an average of 43 safety alerts were issued every month from 1997 to 2002. Safety-based market withdrawal has been remarkably consistent over the past two decades. From 1981 to 2002, 584 new molecular entities were approved and marketed in the US. During this time, 20 drugs



(3A%) were withdrawn from the market for safety reasons. Following a clustering of 5 drug withdrawals from 1997 to 1998, concern was raised that the shortened review time at FDA had undermined its ability to properly and objectively assess drug safety.' Shorter review times are largely the result of the 1992 Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), which provided additional resources to FDA to expedite drug review and improve efficiency. Fees paid by the pharmaceutical industry fund the additional resources. The contention that serious, unanticipated adverse effects were occurring more commonly after PDUFA has not been substantiated, however. A review of the frequency of drug removal before and after implementation of PDUFA demonstrated about the same percentage of withdrawals for both periods of time.' Another study compared the rate of labelMg changes of new molecular entities in the 11-year period?rior to PDUFA to the 3-year period after its implementation' Significant labeling changes due to adverse effects detected after drug approval were made to 5L5% of drugs in the pre-PDUFA period compared to 30.3% following PDUFA. Therefore, while efficiency at FDA improved following PDUFA allowing for more rapid review time and drug approval, it was not at the expense of drug safety. An analysis of how frequently postmarketing surveillance identifies important ADRs found that 10.2% of all new molecular entities (NMEs) approved in the US between 1975 and 1999 acquired a black box warning or were withdrawn from the market s ' The estimated probability of one of these events occurring over a 25-year period was 20%. Eighty-one major changes to drug labeling occurred over the study period, including addition of one or more black box warnings per drug, or drug withdrawal. Half of these changes occurred within 7 years of drug launch and half of the withdrawals within 2 years. Labeling changes were most commonly made for hepatotoxicity, hematologic toxicity, cardiovascular toxicity, and pregnancy risk. Another study looked at postmarketing drug dosage changes in new molecular entities approved between 1980 and 1999. Twenty-one percent of the NMEs underwent a dose change, 79% of these changes were a dose reduction. Almost 25% of all dose-related changes were attributed to renal-hepatic impairment and enzyme-mediated drug interactions.'

Further Enhancing Drug Safety

Notwithstanding the success of premarket testing and postmarket safety monitoring noted above, significant drug toxicity and patient harm continues to occur. The reasons are several. First, premarket clinical trials (ie, phase I, II, and III studies) continue to be conducted with the limitations already noted. In order for new drugs to become available rapidly and with reasonable cost, this is unlikely to change. However, improved premarketing assessment of the risks new medicines may pose and better integration and planning of pre- and postmarketing safety research can advance drug safety. FDA has drafted a concept paper to address these specific areas with the ultimate goal of publishing a guidance document on premarketing risk assessment for the pharmaceutical industry by late 2004." Second, despite the large number of ADR reports received by FDA and the fact that national reporting has improved since the introduction of Me dWatch, it is estimated that only 1-10% of ADRs are reported,' a trend not unique to the US." In hospitals with ADR monitoring programs, it is estimated that only 1 in 20 ADRs are reported.' The reasons for underreporting of ADIts are numerous and well documented ' and include lack of knowledge of a reporting program, lack of knowledge on how and what to report, fear of litigation, the time required to make a report, the inability to determine causality, the belief that most reactions are already reported and not unique, and the belief that the responsibility for reporting a reaction belongs to someone else. Underreporting is a significant drawback to passive postmarket safety monitoring because it delays the detection of significant ADRs. The system has also been criticized for

the lack of timeliness and detail in the reports received. Communication is also a key area that needs improvement. For example, research shows that "Dear Doctor" letters and labeling changes that are used to convey important safety information are relatively ineffective tools to manage drug risk'; more aggressive approaches using explicit language and utilizing available information technology are more effective but are not consistently employed. "' Noting these problems, a task force was convened by the Commissioner of the FDA to examine how the agency manages the risks associated with medical products, looking at both the quality of FDA's premarketing risk assessment as well as the strengths and weaknesses of its postmarketing surveillance program." The task force concluded that although the current system functioned as intended, the time was right for a new framework of drug risk assessment and management. In the years following its proposals, several of the task force recommendations have been implemented. I mprovements in premarketing and postmarketing safety continue building upon the recommendations of the task force. Notably, FDA is developing three guidance documents for the pharmaceutical industry to improve drug risk assessment and management that will be finalized in 2004. One is the guidance for premarketing risk assessment already mentioned.' Additionally, FDA is proposing that drug sponsors develop a risk management program to address safety. Such a program will include information beyond the drug's approved labeling and may consist of specialized education materials for health professionals and/or patients, or methods to modify prescribing, dispensing, and use of drugs to minimize risk.' A third guidance document addresses postmarketing surveillance and what constitutes good pharmacovigilance practices.' A concept paper on each topic was introduced in early 2003 for public comment. FDA is committed to better utilization of information technology to develop a "health information infrastructure" that will lead to earlier recognition of adverse drug effects and more rapid and meaningful communication of new information to health professionals' One way FDA is meeting this goal is by utilizing active surveillance systems to augment the existing passive system is to improve the timeliness of ADR monitoring. This has already begun with vaccines,"' and automated realtime drug safety data collection has started.' Additionally, improved data mining techniques for rapidly detecting safety signals within the AERS have been developed.' FDA has joined with a number of public and private organizations to improve patient safety. For example FDA recently partnered with a managed care organization and with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This collaboration will allow FDA to access high-quality data that can be used to analyze safety concerns in large patient populations. FDA plans on forming similar partnerships that will provide additional, timely information from modern electronic sources to FDA on the safety of medical products.' Other possibilities for augmenting the current system of drug safety surveillance include establishing registries of significant reactions (eg, hepatotoxicity, bone marrow toxicity), creating a network sentinel sites (emergency departments, hospitals, or clinics) that would provide surveillance for specific drugs in specific settings or populations (for example AIDS clinics could be identified and supported for monitoring of new antiretroviral medicines), and establishing an independent drug safety board, similar to the National Transportation Safety Board, which would have the responsibility of investigating significant adverse reactions.' Recognizing the importance of rapidly and effectively communicating safety information, FDA has undertaken a number of initiatives to improve this area. Working with the National Library of Medicine, FDA will electronically distribute up-todate, comprehensive medication information for use in information systems that support patient care. FDA has also developed new Web-based communication methods to better inform consumers and health care professionals about the risks associated with medical product use.'



In the first quarter of 2003, FDA proposed many additional far-reaching changes to drug safety, safety monitoring, and safety reporting."'"'" Among these were:
Mandating bar code labeling on all prescription and OTC drugs, biologicals, and vaccines. Adopting a new internationally accepted definition for suspected adverse drug reaction (SADR). Adoption of this definition will require reporting of a reaction unless the drug company is certain that the product is not the cause, thus increasing the number of reports made to FDA and improving safety signal generation. Requiring that greater emphasis be devoted to serious SADRs that have the potential for significant impact on the public health, with less importance and resources placed on non-serious SADRs. Additionally, more detailed information will be required for reports of serious SADRs increasing the value of such reports. Requiring reports of all unexpected reactions for which a determination of serious or nonserious cannot be made. Mandating reporting of medically significant reactions, whether expected or unexpected, and whether or not considered serious such as those that may jeopardize the patient and/or require medical or surgical intervention to treat the patient. n Mandating reporting of safety findings from animal or human studies, or other information, that is sufficient to consider changes in product administration. Establishing postmarketing periodic safety update reports that conthrm to international standards and use internationally accepted terminology to describe and classify SADRs. n Requiring submission from industry of spontaneously reported individual cases of serious, expected SADRs that occur outside the US (current rules only require reporting of such cases if they occur domestically). Requiring that a health care professional at the company speak directly to the initial reporter of an SADR when additional information is needed. n Requiring that a licensed physician at the pharmaceutical company be responsible for the content and medical interpretation of postmarketing safety reports submitted to FDA. Requiring companies to submit to FDA, within 15 calendar days, all reports they receive of actual or potential m.edication errors occurring in the US whether they resulted in a serious SADR, nonserious SADR, or no SADR at all. This also includes potential medication errors that do not involve a patient but instead describe information or a complaint about packaging, labeling, or similar product names.

Canada, Switzerland, and Japan to improve the quality, consistency, and usefulness of these reports. Many of the proposed enhancements to the US pre- and postmarketing safety programs noted above are a direct result of participation in ICH. As the pharmaceutical industry becomes an increasingly global enterprise, participation in international drug safety endeavors will become increasingly important.

Drug use continues to increase in the US and will likely do so for many years to come. While drug therapy offers tremendous benefits, it does so with the potential for patient harm. Adverse drug reactions are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and have a significant financial, emotional, and societal impact. ADRs are part of a spectrum of drug safety that includes adverse drug events that may be due to medical error. There are numerous risk factors for developing ADRs; the role genetics plays in drug response is being increasingly recognized and will likely have an impact on future drug development and testing. Progress is being made toward comprehensive risk management that addresses both ADRs and ADEs. Postmarketing safety monitoring of drugs is essential, as not all reactions a drug may cause are known at the time of its approval. Institutional settings can play a significant role in monitoring for ADRs. Although postmarketing surveillance has functioned as intended, significant improvements are needed to make drug therapy safer. Several initiatives are underway that will meet this goal.

1. Manasse HR Jr. Am. J Hosp Pharm. 1989; 46:929. 2. Remarks by Mark B. McClellan, MD, PhD, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to the Generic Pharmaceutical Association, January 29, 2003. Available at . Accessed February 15, 2003. 3. Keynote address by Mark B. McClellan, MD, PhD, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, for Health Services and Outcomes Research Conference, Houston, Texas, November 25, 2002. Available at oc/speeches/2002Thealthservice.html. Accessed February 15, 2003. 4. US Food and Drug Administration. Approval times for priority and standard NMEs calendar years 1993-2002. Available at Accessed February 15, 2003. 5. Pharmaceutical sales continue upward momentum in 2001. Drug Topics 2002; (April 1):62. 6. Drug and formulary trends. Formulary 2003; 38:28. 7. Karch FE, Lasagna L. JAMA 1975; 234:1236. 8. Edwards IR, Aronson JK. Lancet 2000; 356:1255. 9. American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists. Am J HealthSpt Pharm 1995; 52:417. 10. World Health Organization. International Drug Monitoring: The Role of National Centres. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization 1972. Technical Report Series No. 498. 11. Bates DW, Cullen DJ, Laird N, et al. JAMA 1995; 274:29. 12. Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS, eds. To Err is Human Building a Safer Health System. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in America; 1999. 13. Task Force on Risk Management. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. Managing the risks from medical product use. Creating a risk management framework. May 1999. Available at http://www.fda.goviocitfrm/ Tableofcontents.htm. Accessed November 12, 2002. 14. Lazarou J, Pomeranz BH, Corey PN. JAMA 1998; 279:1200. 15. Chyka PA. Am Med 2000; 109:122. 16. Gurwitz JH, Field TS, Avorn J, et al. Am J Med 2000; 109:87. 17. Aparasu RR, Helgoland DL. Manag Care Interface 2000; 13:70. 18. Kaushal R, Bates DW, Landrigan C, et al. JAMA 2001; 285:2114. 19. Menniti-Ippolito F, Raschetti R, Da Gas R, et al. Lancet 2000; 355:1613. 20. Gurwitz JH, Field TS, Harrold LR, et al. JAMA 2003; 289:1107. 21. Haller CA, Benowitz NL. N Engl J Med 2000; 343:1833. 22. Sheikh NM, Philen RM, Love LA. Arch Intern Med 1997;157:913.

These changes will be adopted internationally. Once implemented, the net effect will be to improve the prevention of medication errors and enable FDA to more quickly identify adverse reactions associated with the use of drugs and biologicals and to take more timely action to reduce patient harm.

International ADR Monitoring

FDA is a member of the World Health Organization (WHO)
Programme for International Drug Monitoring. The program houses the Global Database on Adverse Drug Reactions and, similar to FDA's AERS, the data collected are used to generate early warning signals of potential adverse reactions. Currently over 70 countries participate in the program that was established in 1968 with the goal of increasing early recognition of new and unexpected adverse reactions. Additionally, the program offers guidance and training courses on pharmacovigilance and establishes internationally accepted definitions for terms used in ADR reporting.' FDA and the US pharmaceutical industry also have had substantial input into the development of the standards proposed by the International Conference on harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) and in the World health Organization's Council for International Organization of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) drug safety working groups. In addition to efforts to harmonize the drug and biological product application process worldwide, these proposals establish international standards for safety reporting (including terminology used in reports, format of reports, and timing of reports) developed jointly by the US, the European Union,



23. Committee on the Framework for Evaluating the Safety of Dietary Supplements. Proposed Framework for Evaluating the Safety of Dietary Supplements-For Comment (2002). Available at http:// . Accessed January 23, 2003. 24. Melmon KL. N Engl J Med 1974; 284:1361. 25. Miller RR. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1973; 30:584. 26. Gardner P, Watson LJ. Clio Pharmacol Ther 1970; 11:802. 27. Wu WK, Pantaleo N. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2003; 60:253. 28. Classen DC, Pestotnik SL, Evans RS, et al. JAMA 1997; 277:301. 29. Suh DC, Woodall BS, Shin SK, et al.Ann Pharmacother 2000; 34:1373. 30. Department of Health and Human Services. FDA announces proposed rule to improve safety reporting for human drugs and biological products. Available at barcode-sadrlfs-sadr.html. Accessed March 25, 2003. 31. Ly P. Diabetes drug suit could set tone nationwide. MD drug suit could set tone for 4,200 in U.S. The Washington Post, December 31, 2001. Available atlittpliiny uglaupgitmailag2/311 112

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32. Willig SH. A view from the US courtroom. In Strom BL, ed. Pharmacoepidemiology. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1989, pp 85-103. 33. Associated Press. States consider solutions to malpractice insurance crisis. The Kansas City Star, February 3, 2003. Available at

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Timothy W Synold, PharmD Howard L McLeod, PharmD

Administering an identical dose of the same medication to apparently similar patients can often lead to quite different clinical responses. While variable response to drugs will be influenced by many environmental and demographic factors such as age, concomitant medications, kidney or liver function, and diet, there remains a significant degree of variation that cannot be explained by external causes. This suggests that a major component of inter-individual differences in drug response is inheritable. In fact, it has been proposed that genetics may account for 20-95% of variability in drug disposition and effects. There are now several examples where inter-individual differences in drug response have been traced to heritable genetic variations (genetic polymorphisms) in genes encoding drug metabolizing enzymes, drug transporters, or drug targets.' While it is dearly important to identify environmental factors that influence the effect of medications, inherited determinants of drug response remain stable for an individual's lifetime, can effect agents across number of different drug classes, and the effects can be profound. Clinical observations of inherited differences in the effects of drugs were first documented in the 1950s,' and led to the early development of the field of pharmacogenetics. More recently, as a result of the successful sequencing of the entire human genome and the development of genome wide analysis techniques, pharmacogenetics has been redefined by a broad spectrum of academia and industry, giving rise to pharmacogenomics. The goal of pharmacogenomics is to elucidate the inherited basis for inter-individual differences in drug response, using genome-wide approaches to identify the genetic polymorphisms that determine an individual's response to specific medications. In addition to conventional targeted genetic studies to identify functional variants, the field includes such diverse areas as RNA-based microarray analysis and genomewide DNA analysis to identify the major genetic sites (loci) associated with altered drug effects. Because a key principle in the practice of pharmacotherapy is the optimization of drug treatment through the identification of those patient-specific variables that affect the likelihood of a clinical response or toxicity, this chapter will focus on the examination of the genetic basis of differences in drug response. The discussion will center on well-described examples of variations in specific human genes that are involved in drug disposition and effect. However, in order to provide an adequate context for the specific examples, one must start with a brief background on the history and principles of modern genomics. Finally, technological considerations, along with current and future applications of pharmacogenomics will be examined.


The Human Genome Project
In 1990, the Human Genome Project was officially initiated in the United States under the direction of the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Energy with a 15year, $3 billion plan for completing the genome sequence of humans. This enormous multi-national effort was undertaken by a number of public and private laboratories, known collectively as the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium (IHGSC). The IHGSC first announced a draft sequence of the human genome in 2000, and by April of 2003, the entire 3.1 gigabases that makes up the human genome was essentially complete. In other words, greater than 99% of what can be done with current technology was done, and virtually all of the bases were identified in their proper order. Political leaders from the United States, Britain, China, France, Germany, and Japan issued a joint proclamation honoring their scientists who worked on the project, hailing their work as one of the most significant scientific breakthroughs of modern times. While much is now known about the structure the human genome, many mysteries remain. It is known, for instance, that less than 2% of the human genome are sequences that actually code for proteins, while over 50% represents repetitive sequences of several types, whose function is less well understood.' Moreover, it is still not known precisely how many genes the human genome contains. Current data indicate that the human genome includes approximately 30,000 to 35,000 genesa number that is substantially smaller than was previously thought.' Only about half these genes have recognizable DNA-sequence patterns, or motifs, that suggest their possible function. Furthermore, while it was once dogma that one gene encodes one protein, it now appears that, through the mechanism of alternative splicing, more than 100,000 different proteins can be derived from these 30,000 to 35,000 genes.' In addition to alternative splicing, a number of "epigenetic" phenomena, such as methylation, phosphorylation, and histone modification, can alter the effect of a gene. ' Furthermore, a complex array of molecular signals allows specific genes to be "turned on" (expressed) or "turned off" in specific tissues and at specific times. It is widely accepted that every human gene contains inherited genetic variants or mutations.' Mutations known to cause disease have been identified in approximately 1000 genes. However, it is likely that nearly all human genes are capable of causing disease or altering response to drug treatment if their function is altered significantly.




Variation in the Human Genome

One characteristic of the human genome with medical and social relevance is that, on average, two unrelated persons share over 99.9% of their DNA sequences." However, given that more than 3 billion base pairs constitute the human genome, this means that the DNA sequences of two unrelated individuals differ at millions of bases. Since a person's genotype represents the blending of parental genotypes, we are each thus heterozygous at about 3 million genetic loci. Many efforts are currently under way, in both the academic and commercial sectors, to catalogue these variants, commonly referred to as "singlenucleotide polymorphisms" (SNPs), and to correlate these specific genotypic variations with specific phenotypic variations relevant to health. The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Consortium was established in 1999 as a collaboration of several companies and institutions within the larger IIIGSC to produce a public resource of genetic variation in the human genome. SNPs, as the name implies, are single nucleotide changes in the DNA sequence that are present in the genome, and therefore, represent inheritable genetic variations. More than 1.4 million SNPs were identified in the initial sequencing of the human genome," with over 60,000 of these in the regions encoding for the proteins, and it is anticipated that >10 million common SNPs will ultimately be identified. Some of these SNPs have already been associated with significant changes in the metabolism or effects of medications and are beginning to make their way into clinical medicine as important molecular diagnostic tools.' Because most drug effects are determined by the complex interplay of gene products that influence both the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications, pharmacogenomics is increasingly focused on polygenic determinants of drug effects, including inherited difference in drug targets (eg, receptors) and drug disposition (eg, metabolizing enzymes, transporters). The human genes involved in many pharmacogenetic traits have now been identified, their molecular mechanisms detailed and their clinical importance more clearly defined. In some cases, SNPphenotype correlations occur as a direct result of the influence of the SNP on health. However, more commonly, the SNP is merely a marker of biologic diversity that happens to correlate with health because of its proximity to the genetic factor that is the actual cause of the clinical phenotype.' In this sense, the term "proximity" is only a rough measure of physical closeness. More specifically, proximity means that, as genetic material has passed through 5000 generations from our common ancestral pool, recombination between the SNP and the actual genetic factor has occurred only rarely. In genetic terminology, the SNP and the actual genetic factor are said to be in linkage di s e quil ib ri um . As an extension of the current efforts to catalogue individual SNPs and correlate them to phenotype, efforts are being made to map and use haplotypes.''' Whereas a SNP represents a single-base variant, a haplotype represents a considerably longer sequence of nucleotides (averaging about 25,000 bases), that tend to be inherited together." SNPs and haplotypes will be the key to the association studies (ie, studies of affected persons and control subjects) necessary to identify the genetic factors in complex, common diseases, just as family studies have been important to the identification of the genes involved in monogenic conditions. Also, until whole-genome sequencing of individual patients becomes feasible clinically, the identification of SNPs and haplotypes will prove instrumental in efforts to use genomic medicine to individualize health care.

Types of Genetic Variations

There are a number of ways to categorize genetic changes or mutations. One is according to the causative mechanism, whereas another is according to their functional effect. When

classified according to the mechanism, point mutationsthat is, a change M a single DNA base in the sequenceare the most common There are many types of point mutations. One type is a missense mutation, or a substitution that encodes for an alternative amino acid, because of the way in which it changes the three-base sequence, or codon, for the amino acid. Nonsense mutations are typically a more dramatic type of point mutation that changes the codon to a "stop" codon, a codon that causes the termination of the protein instead of producing an amino acid. Another type of genetic change is the frame-shift mutation, which changes the way the cell's transcription machinery reads the sequence of the gene downstream from the site of the mutation, often leading to a premature stop codon. In terms of functional effect, rather than mechanism, most variants in the human-genome sequence have no apparent phenotypic effect. Among these are silent mutations, which replace one base with another, so that the resultant co don still encodes for the same amino acid. Also, mutations may not change the behavior of the resulting protein if the altered codon substitutes one amino acid for another that produces very little change in the function of the protein. These are referred to as conservative mutations." In contrast, nonconservative mutations replace an amino acid with a very different one and are more likely to affect the phenotype. Although genetic mutations can result in altered protein function by a variety of means, the most common is loss of function. Loss-of-function mutations alter the phenotype of the affected individual by decreasing the quantity or the functional activity of a protein. Typically, loss of function mutations are the most easily identified due to their "all-or-none" phenotypic outcome. Therefore, examples of heritable genetic changes involving loss of function are plentiful. For instance, mutations in the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene on the X chromosome decreases the functional activity of the enzyme, leading to acute hemolytic anemia if a male (who would have only one copy of the X chromosome) with the mutation is exposed to certain drugs, including sulfonamides, primaquine, and nitrofurantoins.' Furthermore, since genes involved in metabolism do not exist merely to handle pharmacologic agents, variants that cause severe G6PD deficiency also lead to hemolytic anemia when affected males ingest fava beans (favism), since the enzyme is also important in the degradation of a toxic component of the beans."' Additional well described examples of loss of function mutations in drug metabolizing en),21,22 zymes include cyto chrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6 thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT), ' and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD).''' Alternatively, some mutations can result in a gain of function, whereby the protein can take on some new function or is simply more highly expressed. While fewer gain of function mutations have been identified, likely due to the subtlety of their phenotypic effects, some examples include mutations in the genes that cause such neurologic disorders as Huntington's disease and spinocerebellar ataxia which appear to lead to neuropathologic abnormalities by producing proteins with abnormally improved function. 272s Gain-of-function mutations are often dominantly inherited, since a single copy of the mutant gene is sufficient to alter function. Although it was previously assumed that mutations in the approximately 98.5% of the genome that does not code for proteins do not affect the phenotype, several recent examples of non-coding mutations with important phenotypic implications have changed this perception. Indeed, while the vast majority of these "non-coding" mutations do not affect protein function, other so called "regulatory mutations" may ultimately prove as important in the variability of drug metabolism and etiology of common diseases as the coding region variants. Such regulatory mutations act by altering the expression of a gene, and therefore, the level of its protein product. For instance, a regulatory mutation could lead to the loss of expression of a gene, to unexpected expression in a tissue in which it is usually silent, or to a change in the time at which it is expressed. Examples of regulatory mutations associated with disease include those in



the flanking region of the FMR1 gene (causing fragile X syndrome),'a regulatory site of the type I collagen gene (increasing the risk of osteoporosis)," and an intronic regulatory site of the calpain-10 gene (increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus).'" More recently, a regulatory mutation with important implications for drug metabolism has been identified in the gene that encodes cytochrome P450 3A5 (Schuetz Nat. Med. 2001). 132

examples of how the ever increasing knowledge of the pharmacogenomics of drug disposition might be applied in the future.

Pharmacogenetics of Phase I Drug Metabolism

CYTOCHROME P4502D6 The cyto chrome P450 enzyme CYP2D6 is probably the most extensively studied polymorphic drug metabolizing enzyme in humans and was the first to be characterized at the molecular level.' As was common in the pre-genomics era, the discovery of inherited differences in CYP2D6 activity was in part serendipitous, initially stemming from an investigator's own personal experience with marked hypotension following a dose of the antihypertensive agent debris oquine. Subsequent studies determined that a significant proportion of the general population had an impaired ability to hydroxylate, and therefore, inactivate debrisoquin. Approximately 5-10% of white subjects were found to have a relative deficiency in their ability to oxidize debrisoquin. 4 These individuals also had an impaired ability to metabolize the antiarrhythmic and oxytocic drug sparteine. 42 Subjects who were considered "poor metabolizers" of these two drugs had lower urinary concentrations of metabolites and higher plasma concentrations of the parent drug than did subjects who were "extensive metabolizers." Furthermore, the drugs had exaggerated effects in the poor metabolizers, and family studies demonstrated that poor oxidation of debrisoquin and sparteine was inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. ' In other words, subjects with poor debrisoquin metabolism had inherited two copies of a gene or genes that encoded an enzyme with either decreased CYP2D6 activity or one with no activity at all. Over 30 medications have now been identified as substrates for CYP2D6, and it has been shown that this genetic polymorphism translates into either exaggerated or diminished drug effects, depending on whether the enzyme inactivates (eg, nortriptyline, fluoxetine) or activates (eg, codeine) the medication.' A plot of the ratio of urinary debrisoquin to 4-hydroxydebrisoquina so-called metabolic ratiois shown in Figure 621. The higher the metabolic ratio, the less the metabolite is excreted. Therefore, subjects with poor metabolism are shown at the far right of the graph, with a few subjects at the far left of the frequency distribution who are now classified as having ultrarapid metabolism. ' ' Therefore, individuals with genetic variants of CYP2D6 can have either a slow or rapid acetylator phenotype. Debrisoquin and sparteine represent "probe drugs"compounds that could be used to classify subjects as having either poor metabolism or extensive metabolism. That strategy, the administration of a probe compound metabolized by a genetically polymorphic enzyme, has become a standard technique used in many pharmacogenetic studies. Unfortunately, even though it is useful for research purposes, the approach is not easily adapted for the routine clinical laboratory. Furthermore, phenotypic studies involving probe drugs are often unreliable due to the many sources of error that accompany pharmacokinetic research, as well as the concern over a lack of substrate specificity. Therefore, the application of molecular genetic techniques to pharmacogenetics not only has made it possible to determine underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for genetic polymorphisms, but also has created the possibility of high-throughput clinical tests that can be performed with DNA isolated from a single blood sample. This approach can then easily be adapted for routine diagnostic use in clinical laboratories. The application of molecular genetic techniques resulted in the cloning of a complementary DNA (cDNA) and the gene encoding CYP2D6.4 9.4 ' Those advances, in turn, made it possible to characterize a series of genetic variants that led to either low levels of CYP2D6 activity or no activity. The genetic changes ranged from single-nucleotide polymorphisms that altered the


Metabolism typically converts a drug to metabolites that are more water soluble and thus more easily excreted.' Metabolism can also convert prodrugs into therapeutically active compounds, and it may even result in the formation of toxic metabolites. Pathways of drug metabolism are classified as either phase I reactions (ie, oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis) or phase II conjugation reactions (eL acetylation, glucuronidation, sulfation, and methylation).' The names used to refer to these pathways for drug metabolism are purely historical, so phase II reactions can precede phase I reactions. However, both types of reactions typically convert relatively lipid-soluble drugs into relatively inactive and more water-soluble metabolites, allowing for more efficient systemic elimination. Approximately 40 years ago, the finding that impairment in the hydrolysis of the muscle relaxant succinylcholine by butyrylcholinesterase was an inherited trait served as a seminal event in the development of the field of pharmacogenetics. Approximately 1 in 3500 white subjects is homozygous for the gene encoding an atypical form of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase:' Individuals who have this inherited trait are relatively unable to hydrolyze succinylcholine, thus prolonging the drug-induced muscle paralysis and resulting apnea. At almost the same time as the discovery of inherited variability in butyrylcholinesterase activity, it was determined that genetic variability in the phase II metabolic inactivation by N-acetylation could result in striking differences in half-life and plasma concentrations of drugs metabolized by N-acetyltransferase. Such drugs include the antituberculosis agent isoniazid,' the antihypertensive agent hydralazine, ' and the a ntiarrhythmic drug procainamide,' ' and this genetic variation had clinical consequences in each of these cases.' These early examples of the influence of inheritance on the clinical effects of a drug set the stage for subsequent studies of genetic variation in other pathways of drug biotransformation. The subsequent elucidation of functional polymorphisms in CYP2D6 represents an excellent example of both the potential clinical implications of pharmacogenetics and the process by which pharmacogenetic research led from the phenotype to an understanding of molecular mechanisms at the level of the genotype. Similar approaches were subsequently applied to other phase I drug metabolizing enzymes, including CYP2C19, CYP2C9, DPD, and CYP3A5. While it is now known that polymorphisms exist in every human gene involved in drug metabolism, the functional and clinical implications of most of these genetic variants are still under investigation. Table 62-1 lists selected examples of clinically relevant genetic variations involving drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters. While for most of the genes listed in this table, the molecular basis of inherited variation in the drug-metabolizing enzymes has been determined, in some cases, the polymorphism has been found to be associated with a clinically important phenotype without an understanding of the underlying molecular mechanism. There are more than 30 families of drug metabolizing enzymes in humans, and essentially all have genetic variants, many of which translate into changes in the proteins they encode. In the discussion that followings, several of the most well described phenotype/genotype associations within the area of drug metabolism and transport are presented, along with some



Table 62-1. Genetic Polymorphisms in Genes that Can Influence Drug Metabolism and Transport

Phase I enzymes CYP1 Al CYP1 A2

CYP1 B1 CYP2A6 CYP2B6 CY P2 C8 CY P2 C9 CY P2 Cl 9

Benzo(a)pyrine, phenacetin Acetaminophen, amonafide, caffeine, paraxanthine, ethoxyresorufin, propanalol, fluvoxamine Estrogen metabolites Coumarin, nicotine, halothane Cyclophosphamide, aflatoxin, mephenytoin Retinoic acid, paclitaxel Tolbutamide, warfarin, phenytoin, NSAIDS Mephenytoin, omeprazole, hexobarbital, mephobarbital, propranolol, proquanil, phenytoin Beta blockers, antidepressants, antipsychotics, codeine, debrisoquin, dextromethorphan, encainide, flecainide, fluoxetine, guanoxan, methoxyamphetamine, phenacetin, propafenone, sparteine Acetaminophen, ethanol macrolides, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, calcium channel blockers, midazolam, teffenadine, lidocaine, dapsone, quinidine, triazolam, etoposide, teniposide, lovastatin, alfentanil, tamoxifen, steroids, benzo(a)pyrene Cyclophosphamide, vinyl chloride Ethanol 5-fluorouracil ljbiquinones, menadione, mitomycin C

Possible increased or decreased cancer risk Decreased theophylline metabolism

Possible increased cancer risk Decreased nicotine metabolism and cigarette addiction Significance unknown Significance unknown Anitcoagulant effect of warfarin Peptic ulcer response to omeprazole Tardive dyskinesia from antipsychotics; narcotic side effects, efficacy and dependence; imipramine dose requirement; beta blocker effects


CYP2E1 CYP3A4/3A53A7

Possible effect on alcohol consumption; possible increased cancer risk Tacrolimus dose requirement in pediatric cardiac transplant patients

Aldehyde dehydrogenase Alcohol dehydrogenase Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD)

NQO1 (DT-diaphorase)

SCE frequency in lymphocytes Increased alcohol consumption and dependence Increased 5-fluorouracil toxicity Menadione-associated urolithiasis; decreased tumor sensitivity to mitomycin C; possible increased cancer risk Possible increased cancer risk Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides; amonafide toxicity; hydra lazine-induced lupus; isoniazid neurotoxicity and hepatitis Possible increased cancer risk; cisplatin induced ototoxicity Possible increased cancer risk Possible increased or decreased cancer risk;
clinical outcome in women receiving

Phase II Enzymes

N-acetyltransferase ( NAT1) N-acetyltransferase ( NAT2)

Aminosalicylic acid, aminobenzoic acid,

Glutathione transferase
( GSTM1, M3, T1)

Glutathione transferase
( GSTP1)

Su If otransf era ses

sulfamethoxazole Isoniazid, hydra lazine, sulfonamides, amonifide, procainamide, dapsone, caffeine Busulfan, aminochrome, dopachrome, adrenochrome, noradrenochrome 13 - cis retinoic acid, busulfan, ethacrynic acid, epirubicin Steroids, acetaminophen, tamoxifen estrogens, dopamine Estrogens, levodopa, ascorbic acid Mercaptopurine, thioguanine, azathioprine irinotecan, troglitazone, bilirubin Opiods, morphine, naproxen, ibuprofen, epirubicin
Bile acid conjugates

Catechol-0-methyltransferase Thiopurine methyltransferase IJDP-g lucuronosyl-transferase

(IJGT1A1) IJDP - g lucuronosyl -transferase ( UGT2B) Transport Proteins Bile salt export pump (BSEP)

tamoxifen for breast cancer Decreased response to amphetamine; substance abuse; levodopa response Thiopurine toxicity and efficacy; risk of second cancers irinotecan glucuronidation and toxicity Significance unknown

Multidrug resistance gene 1

( MDR1) Organic anion transporter ( DATP) Organic cation transporter 1 ( OCT1)

Several anticancer agents, most CYP3A4 substrates, digoxin

Pravastatin, benzylpenicillin

MDR-related proteins (MRP's)

Serotonin, dopamine, creatinine, procainamide, desipramine, amantidine Glutathione, glucuronide and sulfate conjugates, nucleoside antiviral agents

Increased risk of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy Decreased p-glycoprotein expression and increased digoxin bioavailability Decreased total and renal clearance of pravastatin Significance unknown Significance unknown



j Chinese (nz695) 80


iill' IL!
Swedish (n.1011)

Figure 62 1. Frequency distribution of debrisoquin urinary metabolic ratios. Urinary metabolic ratios of debrisoquin to its metabolite, 4-hydroxydebrisoquin, are shown for 695 Chinese subjects and 1011 Swedish subjects. The arrows indicate the cutoff point between subjects with poor metabolism as a result of decreased or absent CYP2D6 activity and subjects with extensive metabolism. (From Bertilsson L, Lou YQ, Du YL, et al. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1 992; 51:388.)



pi 4'4_111.. 4 _

10 u

u ebrisoquin /4hydroxydebrisoquin metabolic ratio

amino acid sequence of the encoded protein to single-nucleotide polymorphisms that altered RNA splicing or even deletions of the CYP2D6 gene.' In addition, some subjects with very rapid CYP2D6-mediated metabolism have been shown to have multiple copies of the CYP2D6 gene' Such subjects may theoretically have an inadequate therapeutic response to standard doses of the drugs metabolized by CYP2D6. Although the occurrence of multiple copies of the CYP2D6 gene is relatively infrequent among northern Europeans, in East African populations, the frequency can be as high as 29 percent.' In total, more than 75 CYP2D6 alleles have now been described. CYTOCHROME P4502C SUBFAMILYIn humans, the CYP2C subfamily of cyto chrome P450's account for approximately 18% of the CYP content in the liver and catalyzes roughly 20% of the CYP-mediated metabolism of drugs.' Historically, the first polymorphism discovered in the CYP2C subfamily was a well-described deficiency in the ability to metabolize the antic onvulsant drug mephenytoin .' As in the case of CYP2D6, the inherited nature of the variability in metabolism was first identified phenotypically using a model substrate. Population studies performed in the 1980s using mephenytoin as the probe drug determined that individuals could be segregated into two phenotypic groups, extensive metabolizers (EMs) or poor metabolizers (PMs).' The PM trait is autosomal recessive, and is present in 3-5% of Caucasians and 12 23% of Asian populations.' Subsequent investigations determined that the inherited variability in the metabolism of mephenytoin was due to genetic variations in the gene coding for CYP2C19. In addition to mephenytoin, CYP2C19 catalyzes the metabolism of several proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole,' diazepam,' thalidomide,' and some barbiturates. Furthermore, CYP2C19 is partially responsible for the inactivation of pro pranolol,' as well as the metabolic activation of the antimalarial drug proquanil." At least seven different inactivating mutations in CYP2C19 have been described, including null mutations that prevent the expression of the protein, as well as single amino acid changes that effect the catalytic activity of the protein.' CYP2C19 catalyzes the 5-hydroxylation of omeprazole, and the metabolism of omeprazole has been found to correlate

closely with the metabolism of mephenytoin." Following a single dose of omeprazole, the plasma area under the concentration time curve (AUC) is significantly higher in CYP2C19 PMs than EMs. The significant increase AUC is because PM individuals have a 10-fold lower oral clearance of omeprazole. Furthermore, it has also been shown that CYP2C19 genotype predicts the likelihood of cure of H pylori infection in peptic ulcer patients receiving omeprazole and amoxicillin. In one study, the cure rate was 100% in patients homozygous for the PM genotype, 60% in heterozygous PM/EM patients, and 29% in homozygous EM patients.' Patients with the homozygous PM genotype had markedly highly plasma omeprazole concentrations and higher gastric pH, leading to higher antibacterial activity of amoxicillin. Several other proton pump inhibitors are also metabolized by CYP2C19, and therefore, their activity may also be dependent on CYP2C19 genotype.' The anti-anxiolytic agent diazepam is demethylated by CYP2C19. Plasma diazepam half-lives are dramatically longer in individuals who are homozygous for the defective CYP2C19 *2 allele compared to those who are homozygous for the wildtype allele. Furthermore, the half-life of the desmethyldiazepam metabolite is also longer in the CYP2C19 PMs." Asian populations have been reported to have slower diazepam metabolism than Caucasians, which has been attributed to the high frequency of the CYP2C19"2 allele in Asians.' As a result, diazepam induced toxicity may occur as a result of slower metabolism, and it has, therefore, been recommended that care be used when dosing diazepam in Asian individuals. CYP2C9 is the major CYP2C subfamily member in the liver and is primarily responsible for the oxidative metabolism of many clinically important compounds, including warfarin' phenytoin,' 0 tolbutamide,'' glipizide, 72 and losartan." As with CYP2C19, multiple genetic variants of CYP2C9 have been described. Six distinct polymorphisms, designated CYP2C9*1, *2, *3, *4, *5, and 6, have been identified in the sequence for the CYP2C9 protein, with CYP2C9"1 considered the wild type allele and the others as variants.' Because they were identified first, the CYP2C9*2 and *3 alleles have undergone the most thorough in vitro and in vivo investigation of the known variants. In contrast, considerably less is known about the more



recently identified *4, *5 and *6 alleles. The variant *2 and *3 alleles are found quite commonly in Caucasians (roughly 35%), however, they are significantly less prevalent in African-American and Asian populations.' In vitro data have consistently demonstrated that the CYP2C9*2 and *3 alleles are associated with reduced enzymatic oxidation of a variety of 2C9 substrates 7536 77 7 compared with CYP2C9* I . ' ' ' In addition, multiple in vivo investigations and clinical case reports have associated genotypes expressing the CYP2C9*2 and *3 alleles with significant reductions in the metabolism and clearance of selected CYP2C9 substrates.'' Genetic polymorphisms in CYP2C9 have been linked to both toxicity and dosage requirements for optimal anticoagulation with warfarin.' Patients with CYP2C9 genetic variants'* and *3 have a higher risk of acute bleeding complications than patients with a wild-type genotype,' and require 15-30% lower maintenance doses of warfarin to achieve the target INR. ' Because warfarin dosing can be titrated to a clear effect endpoint (ie, INR), genotyping CYP2C9 is not widely used in clinical practice. However, the recent demonstration that patients with a variant CYP2C9 genotype take a median of 95 days longer to achieve stable dosing compared with the wild-type group, providing an important example of how genotype studies can reduce the time a patient is receiving inadequate warfarin therapy.' In addition, the inclusion of these CYP2C9 SNPs among a panel of several thousand genotypes determined in a single genetic test, as discussed below, may allow the utilization of CYP2C9 genotype to select the optimal starting dose of warfarin. DIHYDROPYRIMIDINE DEHYDROGENASE An othe r important example of the pharmacogenetics of phase I drug metabolism involves metabolism of the antineoplastic agent fluorouracil. In the mid-1980s, fatal central nervous system toxicity developed in several patients after treatment with standard doses of fluorouracil.'" The patients were shown to have an inherited deficiency of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD), an enzyme that metabolizes fluorouracil and endogenous pyrimidines. While the exact frequency of DPD deficient patients is unknown, severe fluorouracil toxicity occurs in individuals with reduced DPI) activity (below 100 pmol/min/mg protein). Several variant alleles for the gene encoding DPD have now been described that place patients at risk for toxic effects when they are exposed to standard doses of fluorouracil.' Approximately 3% of the general population are thought to carry heterozygous mutations that inactivate DPD, and 0.1% are homozygous for the inactivating mutations. Total DPD deficiency (ie, homozygous mutants) is associated with severe neurological disorders due to impaired endogenous pyrimidine metabolism' However, individuals who are heterozygous for the inactivating mutation exhibit no phenotype until challenged with fluorouracil. Therefore, pharmacogenetics of DPD and its effect on the metabolism of fluorouracil serve as an excellent illustration of the importance of genetic variation in the context of drug therapy. Indeed, inherited variability in the response to drugs is most critical in the case of an agent with a narrow therapeutic index. Fluoruracil-induced toxicity can be life threatening in patients with severe DPI) deficiency, and prospective determination of DPD genotype may be useful for identifying those individuals at high risk for unacceptable toxicity. CYTOCHROME P4503A SUBFAMILYThe human CYP3A subfamily plays a critical role in the metabolism of more drugs than any other phase I enzyme.' CYP3A enzymes are expressed in the liver and small intestine and thus contributes to oral absorption, first-pass, and systemic metabolism.' Although CYP3A expression has been shown to vary by as much as 40-fold in the liver and small intestine,' CYP3A-dependent in vivo drug clearance appears to be normally distributed, suggesting that the wide inter-individual variability is the result of complex interaction between genes and environment. The expression of the CYP3A enzymes are highly inducible,' and therefore, the wide range in enzyme activity levels may be due to factors such as variable homeostatic

control mechanisms, up- or down-regulation by environmental factors (eg, alcohol, concomitant drugs, or diet), and genetic polymorphisms . Unlike other human P450s (eg, CYP2D6) there is no evidence of a deleted or 'null' allele for CYP3A4. However, more than 30 SNPs have been identified in the CYP3A4 gene.' Generally, variants in the coding regions of CYP3A4 occur at allele frequencies of <5% and appear as heterozygous with the wildtype allele. These coding variants may contribute to, but are not likely to be the major cause, of inter-individual differences in CYP3A-dependent clearance. The most common variant in CYP3A4, CYP3A4*1B, is an A392G transition in the promoter region referred to as the nifedipine response element.' Although the results of one clinical study indicated that the CYP3A4*1B polymorphism may be associated with a slower oral clearance of cyclosporine,' the functional impact of the CYP3A4*1 polymorphism on CYP3A4-mediated drug metabolism remains controversial.' In contrast, there are several reports about its association with various disease states including prostate cancer,' secondary leukemias,' and early puberty.' Linkage disequilibrium between CYP3A4*1B and another CYP3A allele (CYP3A5'' 1) may be the true cause of the clinical phenotype.' In contrast to CYP3A4, clinically relevant genetic variation in CYP3A5 has been demonstrated. CYP3A5 is polymorphically expressed in adults with detectable expression in about 10-20% in Caucasians, 33% in Japanese, and 55% in African Americans."' The primary cause for its variable expression is a mutation (CYP3A5*3) that confers low CYP3A5 expression as a result of improper mRNA splicing and reduced translation of a functional protein.' The CYP3A5*3 allele frequency varies from approximately 50% in African Americans to 90% in Caucasians. Functionally, microsomes from a homozygous CYP3A5*3/*3 liver contains very low CYP3A5 protein and displays reduced catalytic activity towards the model substrate midazolam.' Additional intronic or exonic mutations (CYP3A5*5, *6, and *7) also alter splicing and result in premature stop codons or exon deletions.' While several CYP3A5 coding variants have been described, they occur at relatively low allelic frequencies and their functional significance has not yet been established. Because CYP3A5 is the primary extrahepatic CYP3A isoform, its polymorphic expression has be implicated in disease risk and the metabolism of endogenous steroids or drug in tissues other than liver (eg, lung, kidney, prostate, breast, leukocytes). Furthermore, the presence of CYP3A5 genotype has been linked to tacrolimus dose requirements to maintain adequate immunosuppression in solid organ transplant patients `'s CYP3A7 is the form of CYP3A enzyme expressed in fetal liver during development. Although hepatic expression appears to be significantly down-regulated after birth, CYP3A7 protein and mRNA have been detected in some adults." Recently, increased CYP3A7 mRNA expression has been associated with the replacement of a 60 nucleotide fragment of the CYP3A7 promoter with the corresponding region from the CYP3A4 promoter (CYP3A7*1C allele)." This promoter "swap" results in increased gene expression due to enhanced transcriptional activation through the transfer of the pregnane X receptor (PXR) response element. PXR signaling serves as a central regulator of inducible CYP3A expression, as well as several other genes involved in drug detoxification.' Polymorphisms have recently been identified in PXR 121s suggesting that the observed variability in CYP3A enzymatic activity may, in part, be due to inherited differences in the upstream signaling proteins that control induction of gene expression. The genetic basis for polymorphic expression of CYP3A5 and CYP3A7 has now been established. Substrate specificity and tissue distribution of these enzymes can differ from that of CYP3A4, such that the impact of variability in CYP3A5 and CYP3A7 expression on drug disposition will be both drug and tissue dependent. In addition to genetic variation, other factors



that may affect CYP3A expression include tissue-specific splicing, variable control of gene transcription by endogenous molecules (circulating hormones) and exogenous molecules (diet or environment), and genetic variations in proteins that may regulate constitutive and inducible CYP3A expression (nuclear receptors). Thus, the complex regulatory pathways may confound evaluation of the effect of individual CYP3A genetic variations on drug disposition, efficacy and safety. However, because of the major contribution of the CYP3A subfamily to the metabolism of drugs, it is critically important that the genetic and epigenetic factors involved in the variability in this pathway be better understood.

Pharmacogenetics of Phase II Drug Metabolism

N-ACETYLTRANSFERASEThe N-acetylation of isoniazid represents one of the earliest examples of inherited variation in phase II drug metabolism. Wide inter-individual variability exists in the rates at which isoniazid acetylated." The original population studies demonstrated that the rate of isoniazid acetylation is an inherited trait, with individuals being classified as either slow or rapid acetylators (Fig 62-2). The distribution of the acetylator phenotype shows a striking ethnic variation.' For example, the proportion of slow acetylators in the Japanese population is about 10%, in the Chinese population about 20%, and among Caucasians about 60%. Molecular cloning studies demonstrated that there are two N-acetyltransfera se (NAT) genes in humans, NATI and NAT2.'' The NAT2 protein is the specific protein isoform that acetylates isoniazid. Seven missense (G191A, T341C, A434C, G590A, A803G, A845C, and G857A) and four silent (T111C, C282T, C481T, and C759T) substitutions have been identified thus far in the NAT2 coding sequence.' To date, 27 unique NAT2 alleles have been identified in humans, with NA72*4 considered the wildtype allele since it does not contain any of the known substitutions. However, NAT24 is not the most common allele in many ethnic groups, including Caucasians and Africans. NAT2 alleles containing the G191A, T341C, A434C, G590A, and/or G857A missense substitutions are associated with slow acetylator phenotype, while the other known nucleotide changes do not appear to affect enzyme activity. 107 Laboratory investigations






2 3 4 5 b 7 6 9 CONCENTRATION OF t5OWA2iD I P9PriLl

10 EI i2

Figure 62 2. Frequency distribution of isoniazid acetylation. Plasma isoniazid concentrations were measured in 267 subjects 6 hours after an oral dose. The bimodal distribution in the rate of acetylation is due to genetic polymorphism within they-acetyltransferase 2 gene. (From Price Evans DA, Manley KA, McKusick VA BM' 1 960; 2:485,1

on the recombinant proteins demonstrate that multiple mechanisms exist for the reduction in enzyme activity, including altered catalytic activity, decreased protein expression, and protein instability."" Striking ethnic differences exist in the frequencies of these missense substitutions in various ethnic populations, and these differences correspond to ethnic differences in frequency of the slow acetylator phenotype. Isoniazid is metabolized to acetylisoniazid via NATI' Acetylisoniazid undergoes further chemical hydrolysis to acetylhydrazine, which is then metabolized by CYP2E1 to a hepatotoxic intermediate. Importantly, the hydrolysis product acetylhydrazine is also acetylated by NAT2 to form a non-toxic metabolite. Acute or chronic hepatitis is a commonly encountered toxicity in patients receiving isoniazid-containing regimens for tuberculosis, with a reported incidence as high as 36%.' Several studies have investigated the relationship between acetylator status and the risk of hepatitis.' 1 ' 112 While the earliest of these studies suggested that rapid acetylators might have an increased risk of drug-induced hepatitis, several more recent studies concluded that slow acetylators have a greater susceptibility to developing hepatotoxicity. Most of the studies conducted to date have used phenotyping to determine acetylator status, however, at least one recent study using genotyping confirmed the association between slow acetylator status and increased risk of hepatitis. Because of this important genotype/phenotype relationship, it has been recommended that patients determined to be slow acetylators be monitored more regularly during therapy for signs of overt hepatotoxicity. The anticancer agent amonafide represents an example of how one might use pharmacogenetic information to guide the drug development process.'" Amonafide is a DNA intercalating agent and topoisomerase II inhibitor that is extensively metabolized to active and inactive metabolites. Acetylation of amonafide by NAT2 results in a metabolite of similar potency compared to the parent drug.' During the initial clinical trials, it was determined that the pharmacokinetics of amonafide was highly variable. Because of the importance of NAT2 to the disposition of amonafide, these early investigations also included phenotyping for acetylator status. It was demonstrated that the production of the acetylated metabolite was a major determinant of myelosuppression, since fast acetylators had significantly greater toxicity than slow acetylators.'Interestingly, the area under the plasma concentration-time curve of amonafide was significantly greater in the fast acetylators, who would have been expected to have a higher clearance and a lower area under the plasma concentration-time curve. This appeared to be an unusual finding compared with other drugs metabolized by N-acetylation. For most drugs, slow acetylators are at greater risk of adverse reactions. This unexpected finding was shown to be due to inhibition of parent amonafide oxidation by N-acetylamonafide.'' Once the relationship between acetylator status and myelosuppression was identified, subsequent studies prospectively dosed amonafide based on each individual's acetylator status.' ' Although the clinical development of amonafide was later abandoned due to a lack of anti-tumor activity and unacceptable toxicity, it still serves as an example of how clinical decisions regarding drug therapy may ultimately be guided by genetic considerations. In addition to their role in the metabolism of clinically administered drugs, phase I and II metabolizing enzymes are thought to play an important role in host defense against environmental toxins. Several well known environmental carcinogens, such as aromatic amines and heterocyclic amines, are present in cigarette smoke and cooked meats.'" Aromatic and heterocyclic amines have been shown to induce tumors in multiple experimental models. Following N- oxidation, N-hydroxyaromatic and N-hydroxy-heterocyclic amines are further activated by the N-acetyltransferases to unstable acetoxy intermediates, which react spontaneously with DNA to form carcinogenic DNA adducts.' '" Thus, it has been hypothesized that NA T I and NAT2 genotype may be related to a n individu al's



risk of environmentally induced cancers. While several epidemiological studies suggest that NATI and NAT2 genotype may contribute to ones predisposition to c ancers,''' there is a great deal of inconsistency in the published results. These inconsistencies are likely due to the difficulty one has in controlling for all of the possible contributory aspects of an epidemiologic study. Factors such as population differences in carcinogen exposures, genotyping and/or phenotyping methods, insufficient sample sizes, and the confounding effects of other susceptibility genes and factors all lead to noise in the final conclusions. Associations between slow NAT2 acetylator genotypes and bladder cancer and between rapid NAT2 acetylator genotypes and colorectal cancer are the most consistently reported associations." 191 Although individual risks associated with NATI and/or NAT2 genotypes are generally small, they increase when combined with measures of aromatic and heterocyclic amine carcinogen exposures. Ethnic differences in NATI and NA T2 genotype frequencies may be a factor in observed differences in cancer incidence. Large-scale molecular epidemiological studies that investigate the role of NATI and NAT2 genotypes together with other genetic susceptibility gene polymorphisms and biomarkers of carcinogen exposure are critical to improve our understanding of the role ofthe NATI and NAT2 acetylation polymorphisms in cancer risk. THIOPURINE METHYLTRANSFERASEOne of the most mature examples of applied clinical pharmacogenomics involves the genetic polymorphism of thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT). TPMT catalyzes the S-methylation of the thiopurine agents azathioprine, mercaptopurine, and thioguanine.'" These agents are used for a wide range of indications, including childhood leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, dermatologic disorders, and solid organ transplantation. The cytotoxic mechanism of these agents is mediated via the incorporation of thioguanine nucleotides (TGN) into DNA. Thiopurines are themselves inactive prodrugs that require activation to TGN to exert cytotoxicity.'''' Metabolic activation is a complex process catalyzed by multiple enzymes, the first of which is hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase. Alternatively, these agents can be inactivated via oxidation by xanthine oxida se or methylation by TPMT. In bone marrow, TPMT is the only inactivation pathway for the thiopurine s. Furthermore, TPMT activity is highly variable and polymorphic, such that approximately 90% of individuals have high enzyme activity, 10% have intermediate activity, and 0.3% 126,127 have low or no detectable activity. Family studies have shown that TPMT activity is inherited as an autosomal codominant trait. As a result, patients who inherit TPMT deficiency accumulate excessive cellular concentrations of TGN, predisposing them to potentially fatal hematological toxicity.' The molecular basis for polymorphic TPMT activity has been determined for the majority of individuals with this observed deficiency.' At least 8 TPMT variant alleles have been identified, with 3 of the alleles (TPMT*2, TPMT*3A, TPMT3C) accounting for about 95% of patients with intermediate or low enzyme activity. The mutant allele TPMr2 is defined by a single nucleotide transversion (G238C) in the coding sequence, leading to an amino acid substitution at codon 18 (Ala>Pro). 1 '3 TPMP3A contains two nucleotide transition mutations (G460A and A719G), leading to amino acid substitutions at codon 154 (Ala>Thr) and codon 240 (Tyr>eys), 131 whereas TPIVIT3C contains only the A719G transition mutation.'''''' All three alleles are associated with lower enzyme activity, owing to decreased protein stability and enhanced , rates of protein degradation.' Phenotypic deficiency in TPMT activity is a fairly rare event. Furthermore, studies in Caucasian, African, and Asian populations have revealed that the frequency of these mutant TPMT alleles differs among various ethnic populations. In Caucasians, TPMP3A is the most common mutant TPMT allele (3.2-5.7% of TPMT alleles), whereas TPMT*3C has an allele frequency of 0.2-0.8% and TPNIT*2 represents 0.2-0.5% of TPMT alleles:24 ' 125 East and West African populations have a

frequency of mutant alleles similar to that of Caucasians, but all mutant alleles in the African populations are TPMn3C.' Among African Americans, TPMT.3C is the most prevalent allele, but TPMT*2 and TPMT `3A are also found, reflecting the integration of Caucasian and African-American genes in the US population.'' In Asian populations, TPMP3C is the predominant mutant allele. The presence of TPMT*2, TPMr3A, or TPMP3C is predictive of phenotype. In other words, patients who are heterozygous for these alleles have intermediate activity, and subjects homozygous for these alleles are TPMT deficient."' In addition, compound heterozygotes (TPMT213A, TPMT3i 113C) are also TPMT deficient, as would be expected.' Whereas most studies have used erythrocytes as a surrogate tissue for measuring TPMT activity, studies have also shown that TPMT genotype determines TPMT activity in leukemia cells, 127 ' 1 ' as would be expected for germline mutations. Therefore, the enthusiasm for TPMT pharmacogenetics has been stimulated by the finding that TPMT genotype identifies patients who are at risk of toxicity from mercaptopurine or azathioprine. Numerous studies have shown that TPMT-deficient patients are at very high risk of developing severe hematopoietic toxicity when treated with conventional doses of thiopurines,''' while others have shown that patients who are heterozygous at the TPMT gene locus are at intermediate risk of dose-limiting toxicity. '" In a study of 67 patients treated with azathioprine for rheumatic disease, six patients (9%) were heterozygous for mutant TPMT alleles,' and therapy was discontinued in five of the six patients because of low white blood cell counts within one month of starting treatment. In contrast, patients with wild-type TPMT received therapy for a median of 39 weeks without complications compared with a median of 2 weeks in patients heterozygous for mutant TPMT alleles. ' A second study in Japanese patients with rheumatic disease receiving azathioprine recently confirmed the importance of a heterozygous TPMT genotype for predicting toxicity. 14 Furthermore, TPMT-deficient patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia were able to tolerate full doses of mercaptopurine for only 7% of scheduled weeks of therapy, whereas heterozygous and homozygous wild-type leukemia patients tolerated full doses for 65% and 84% of scheduled weeks of therapy, respectively.' Collectively, these studies demonstrate that the influence of TPMT genotype on hematopoietic toxicity is most dramatic for homozygous mutant patients, but is also of clinical relevance for heterozygous individuals, who represent about 10% of patients treated with these medications. TPMT deficiency has also been linked to a higher risk of second malignancies among patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, including topoisomerase-inhibitor-induced acute myeloid leukemia" 41.1421 and radiation-induced brain tumors.' Therefore, knowledge of a patient's genotypic TPMT status permits patient-specific dosages that reduce the risk of acute toxicity from thiopurine medications and may identify those at higher risk of second malignancies.

URID INE D IPH 0 SP HATE -GLUCURONO S YLTRANS FERA SES Uri dine diphosphate -gluc uro no syltransfe ra ses
( UGTs) are micros omal phase II enzymes that catalyze the glucuronidation of numerous endogenous and exogenous substrates.' Human UGTs are further classified into UGT1 and UGT2 families.' The UGT1 gene consists of at least 13 unique forms with a variable exon 1 and common exons 2 to 5. As a result, the UGT1 subfamily is further classified into multiple isoforms, ie, UGT1A1, UGT1A3, UGT1A4, up to UGT1Al2. The UGT1A1 isoform is responsible for the conjugation of bilirubin, 146 along with the glucuronidation of irinotecan and troglitazone." Clinically relevant polymorphisms in UGT1A1 are associated with familial hyperbilirubinemic syndromes such as Crigler-Najjar syndromes type I (CN-I) and type II (CN-II), and Gilbert's syndrome. CN-I syndrome is a rare disorder associated with severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. 1 ' Patients with ON-I syndrome have absent or reduced UGT1A1 activity with correspondingly high serum levels of unconjugated biliru-



Gilbert's syndrome is a more mild form of chronic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, with serum bilirubin levels usually <3 mg/dl, although higher levels are sometimes seen.'' A wide ethnic variation in the incidence of Gilbert's syndrome has been reported, ranging from 0.5 to 19% in various groups.' 51 Gilbert's syndrome is typically associated with a polymorphism in the regulatory region of the UGT1A1 promoter. A variant (TA) 7TAA sequence in the UGT1A1 promoter, instead of wildtype (TA) 6 TAA, results in reduced UGT1A1 expression levels and lower enzymatic activity.' In addition the (TA) 7 alleles, three other alleles with five, six, or eight TA repeats [(TA) 5 , (TA) 6 , and (TA) 6 1 have been identified. ' The (TA) 6 and (TA) 6 alleles are primarily present in African populations, and occur at much lower frequencies than the (TA) 6 and (TA) 7 alleles. UGT1A1 plays several roles in the metabolic inactivation of the anticancer drug irinotecan. Irinotecan (CPT-11) is a camptothecin derivative used in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Irinotecan is a prodrug, since it requires activation by carboxylesterases to SN-38 (7-ethy1-10-hydroxycamptothecin) in order to exert its antitumor activity mediated by the inhibition of topoisomerase I. SN-38 is in turn glucuronidated to form the inactive SN-38 glucuronide (SN38G)." SN-38 is associated with severe episodes of diarrhea occurring shortly after irinotec an therapy. Because of its extensive biliary excretion,' SN-38 is secreted directly into the lumen of gastrointestinal tract, resulting in high local tissue exposures to this very toxic compound. Glucuronidation of SN-38 to the inactive SN-38G via UGT1A1 protects against innatecan-induce d intestinal toxicities due to increased conversion to the inactive SN-38G and increased renal elimination of the more polar conjugated form.' Patients with the (TA) 7 polymorphism have significantly lower rates of SN-38 glucuronidation rates than those with the wildtype allele. In addition, more severe diarrhea is seen in patients who are either heterozygous or homozygous for the (TA) 7 sequence.'' The association between UGT1A1 genotype and risk of irinotecan-induced diarrhea might be exploited in the future in order to prospectively identify those individuals with a greater susceptibility to chemotherapy induced gastrointestinal toxicity.


1 53

Pharmacogenetic5 of Drug Transporters

Although passive diffusion accounts for some drug and metabolite distribution, increased emphasis is being placed on understanding the role of membrane transporters in absorption of oral medications across the gastrointestinal tract, excretion into the bile and urine, distribution of drug into "therapeutic sanctuaries," such as the brain and testes, and transport into sites of action, such as cardiovascular tissue, tumor cells, and infectious microorganisms. The most widely studied class of membrane transporters belong to the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding-cassette (ABC) family of membrane transporters, which share many physicochemical characteristics. ABC family members include P-glycoprotein, MRP1-6 (multidrug resistance proteins), OCT (organic cation transporter), OAT (organic anion transporter), and SPGP (sister of Pgp). While it has been established that Pgp is not an essential protein for life, since genetically engineered mice lacking the protein appear normal until they are challenged with toxic compound, Pgp function is critical to the cellular and systemic clearance of many commonly used pharmacologic agents. Moreover, other members of the ABC family play critical physiologic roles in transport of endogenous substances, such as bilirubin and glutathione conjugates, as well as some medications. Although polymorphisms in ABC family members have been have been reported,' and such genetic variation may have functional significance for drug absorption and elimination, the full clinical relevance of polymorphisms in drug transporters has yet to be fully elucidated.

ABCB1 (MDR1)Transport proteins play an important role in regulating the absorption, distribution and excretion of many medications. The many members of the ABC family of transporters are among the most extensively studied proteins involved in drug disposition and effect.' Among these, Pgp is the 170 kd transmembrane protein encoded by the human ABCB1 gene (also named MDR1). The principal function of Pgp is the energy-dependent cellular efflux of a wide variety of substrates, including bilirubin, several anti-cancer drugs, cardiac glycosides, immunosuppressive agents, glucocorticoids, HIV-1 protease inhibitors, and many other medications. 161-16 ' As a result of the striking overlap in substrate specificity between Pgp and CYP3A4, it is believed that this transporter plays a role in the bioavailability and/or biliary excretion of more drugs than any other. The relatively high expression of Pgp in normal tissues involved in drug uptake and elimination suggests that it plays a vital role in excreting xenobiotics and metabolites into urine, bile, and the intestinal lumen.' m Furthermore, Pgp in the blood-brain barrier has been shown to limit CNS accumulation of many drugs, including digoxin, ivermectin, vinblastine, dexamethasone, cyclospo rine A, domperidone, and loperamide. Pgp expression is highly variable among individuals, the molecular basis of which is still being explored. Among the many possible explanations for this observed variability in Pgp expression and function may be inherited differences in the ABCB1 gene. Figure 62-3 graphically depicts the functional consequences ofpolymorphisms inARCR I. A synonymous SNP (ie, a SNP that does not change the amino acid encoded) in exon 26 (3435C>T) has been identified, and despite the fact that the 3435C>T polymorphism does not result in an amino acid substitution, the variant has been associated with decreased duodenal Pgp expression. Patients who are homozygous for the variant allele had more than two-fold lower duodenal Pgp levels compared to patients with the homozygous wildtype genotype.''' Furthermore, laboratory studies have demonstrated that the rate of in vitro efflux of the Pgp substrate rhodamine in CD56+ natural killer cells is significantly higher in subjects homozygous for wildtype 3435C compared to those homozygous for the 3435T variant.' A clinical pharmacokinetic study of digoxin, a known Pgp substrate, also demonstrated significantly higher oral bioavailability in subjects with the 3435TT genotype (Fig 62-3A), consistent with the hypothesis that lower duodenal Pgp expression results in increased oral drug abs orption. 'However, results of other pharmacokinetic studies have shown that the 3435TT genotype is 170 associated with lower plasma concentrations of fexofena dine (Fig 62-3B) and nelfinavir' 71 (Fig 62-3C), contradicting the hypothesis that this polymorphism results in increased oral bioavailability. To further confuse the issue of the functional importance of the 34350>T polymorphism, it has also been shown that the rec overy of CD4 count in IIIV infected patients receiving protease inhibitors was significantly greater and more rapid in patients with the wildtype TT genotype than in patients with either CT or CC genotypes' 71 (Fig 62-3D), despite lower plasma levels of the protease inhibitors. It is not mechanistically clear how greater efficacy (CD4 recovery) could be linked to a polymorphism associated with lower plasma drug concentrations. Recently, a second, non-synonymous polymorphism (ie, a SNP causing an amino acid change) was identified in exon 21 (2677G>T) of ABCB1. The 2677T variant allele, resulting in a alanine to serine amino acid substitution, has been associated with increased Pgp function in vitro and lower plasma fexofenadine plasma concentrations ' 7 (Fig 62-3E). Interestingly, the 3435T allele has been shown to be in incomplete linkage disequilibrium with the 2677T allele. hi other words, individual who inherit the 3435T allele have a reasonable probability of also inheriting the 2677T allele, with their potentially opposite effects on drug transport. Recently, results from renal transplant patients receiving the immunosuppressive agent tacrolimus, demonstrated that the dose required to achieve

Digoxin 2.8


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I 10

i 15


Time (hr) Figure 62-3. Functional consequences of genetic polymorphisms in the human p-glycoprotein transporter gene ( M DR 1 or ABCB1). The schematic of the human P-glycoprotein was adapted from Kim RB, Leake BF, Choo EF, et al. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2001; 70:189, with each circle representing an amino acid and each color a different exon encoding the corresponding amino acids. Two SNPs in the human ABCB1 gene have been associated with altered drug disposition (Panels A,B,C,E) or altered drug effects (Panel ID) in humans. The synonymous SNP in exon 26 (nucleotide 3435 CST SNP), has been associated with higher digoxin oral bioavailability in patients homozygous for the T nucleotide 167 (Panel A), but lower plasma concentrations after oral does of fexofenadine 17 (Panel B) and neifinavir 171 (Panel C. This SNP has also been linked to better CD4 cell recovery in HIV infected patients treated with nelfinavir and other antiretroviral agents (Panel D). 171 The SNP at nucleotide 2766 (G>T) has been associated with lower fexofenadine plasma concentrations in patients homozygous for the T nucleotide at position 2766(Panei E). 17 cI Panels A-E have been adapted from the original reports of Kim RB, Leake BF, Choo EF, et al. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2001; 70: 189; Hoffmeyer S, Burk 0, von Richter 0, et al. Proc NatlAcad Sci LJ 5 A 2000; 97: 3473. and Fellay J, Marzolini C, Meaden ER, et al. Lancet 2002; 359: 30. (From Evans WE, McLeod HL. N Eng1 _1 Med 2003; 348:538.) See Color Plate 23.

124 u


optimal immunosuppression was correlated with ABCB1 genotype.' In patients one month after tacrolimus introduction, dose requirements were 40% higher in 2677T homozygotes than wild-type patients, consistent with the finding that the 2677T variant results in increased Pgp activity. Similar results have been seen in pediatric cardiac transplant patients.' The results of haplotype analyses suggest that both the 2677T and 3435T polymorphisms might be associated with tacrolimus dose requirements. The potential co-segregation of polymorphisms with opposite effects on protein function may explain the conflicting results reported when the investigators look only at the contribution of one genetic variant and not both. The pharmacogenomics of ABCB , therefore, serves a good example of the importance of considering multiple polymorphisms within the same gene (or haplotype) when evaluating the relationship between genotype and phenotype. ORGANIC ION TRANSPORTERSOrganic anion transporter polypeptides (OATPs) and organic cation transporters ( OCTs) are two major classes of secretory transporters expressed differentially in the kidney, liver, blood-brain barrier, lung, heart, intestine, placenta, and testis.' OATPs are mainly important for the hepatic uptake of large organic anions, organic cations and uncharged substrates,' whereas OCTs mediate uptake of predominantly small organic cations and anions in liver and kidney.' 74 The many different members of the OATP family have partially overlapping and partially distinct substrate preferences for organic solutes such as bile salts, steroid conjugates, thyroid hormones, anionic oligopeptides, drugs, and toxins.' 72 Although significant progress has been made in the characterization of these important classes of transporters at the molecular level, there is still much to learn about the functional and clinical importance of genetic variations in these secretory pathways. However, several non-synonymous variants in the OATP-C gene have recently been identified, and individuals with certain commonly occurring polymorphisms have a reduced clearance of the cholesterollowering agent pravastatin."'"' While the example of pravastatin represents the first report of a genotype/phenotype association within the organic anion transporter family, this highlights the potential for other important associations between genetic variants of transporters and clinical outcome. In addition, the paucity of published data regarding the pharmacogenomics of drug transporters underscores how little is currently known about many of the most important pathways of drug elimination and distribution.


Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Effects on Drug Response and Toxicity
There has recently been growing interest in determining genetic variations in drug targets, with the overall goal of defining their impact on drug efficacy and/or toxicity. A drug target, in this context, is defined as either the direct protein target of a drug (eg, a receptor or enzyme), proteins involved in a pharmacologic response (eg, signal transduction proteins or downstream proteins), or proteins associated with disease risk or pathogenesis that is somehow altered by the drug. The major objective of drug target pharmacogenomics research is to identify the inherited basis for interindividual variability in drug response and toxicity, particularly when the variability is not explained by differences in pharmacokinetics. Although studies of the pharmacogenetics of drug metabolism date back to the 1950s, the literature on drug target pharmacogenetics essentially began in the mid to late 1990s. In addition, the field of pharmacogenetics is moving from a monogenic (single gene or pharmacogenetic) to a polygenic (multiple genes or pharmacogenomic) approach, largely because of the acknowledgement that most drug effects are due to the complex interaction be-

tween several genes involved in both pharmacokinetics and cellular drug response. Furthermore, this shift towards a polygenic focus has been greatly facilitated by the recent development of new molecular tools for high throughput genotyping. Most of the early pharmacogenetic studies of therapeutic drug targets focused on a single polymorphism within a single gene, with the gene of interest being the direct target of the drug. Although single polymorphism drug target studies have identified numerous associations between polymorphisms and the anticipated alteration in drug response, such studies have also been somewhat disappointing with respect to the lack of consistency of the findings. For example, the insertion/deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene is one of the most extensively studied of all the drug target polymorphisms.' The homozygous deletion (DO) genotype has been associated with increased ACE activity and heterozygous ACE genotypes have been associated with various clinical effects of ACE inhibitors, including renoprotective effects,' 78 blood pressure reduction, left ventricular hypertrophy reduction,'"' and improvements in endothelial function.'' However, the results of studies are not always in agreement since some investigators have found no association between response and ACE genotype,'" some have shown that the homozygous insertion (II) genotype is associated with better drug response,"' and others have shown that the OD genotype is associated with the best response.''''' Drug target genes for which clinically relevant polymorphisms have been identified are listed in Table 62-2. The table includes examples of polymorphisms that have associated with both altered therapeutic drug response and risk of drug-induced toxicity. In addition to examples of polymorphisms in genes that encode for proteins that are direct targets of a drug (eg, 2adrenergic receptor), there are several examples where the genetic variant has an indirect effect on drug response (eg, apolipoprotein E). In other words, the polymorphism occurs in a gene that encodes a protein that is not a direct drug target for the therapeutic response nor involved in drug clearance or disposition. However, the genetic variation still results in altered response to drug treatment. Unlike many of the gene-therapeutic drug response associations, gene-drug toxicity relationships tend to be more robust across studies. In this case, when a drug known to cause a certain adverse event is given to an individual with a particular genetic polymorphism that has been associated with the adverse event, the result is a marked increase in the degree or risk of toxicity. For example, the use of oral contraceptive in patients with Factor V or prothrombin mutations leads to a significantly higher risk of a thrombotic event than in patients with the mutation alone or with oral contraceptive use alone. Similarly, gene mutations in cardiac potassium and sodium channels that are associated with long QT syndrome are also associated with increased risk of clarithromycin-induced Torsade de Pointes." The relative predictability of the relationship between a given polymorphism and drug-induced toxicity represents a useful therapeutic paradigm. Indeed, the clinical utility of pharmacogenomics of drug targets may emerge most rapidly as a valuable molecular diagnostic tool to identify those individuals who are most at risk for an adverse drug effect. The potential importance of direct target polymorphisms is illustrated below by the 2 -adrenergic receptor, while the apolipoprotein E gene represents an example of how polymorphisms can result in indirect effects on drug response. Finally, the relatively recent discovery of a genetic variation in thymidylate synthase is discussed as an example of how pharmacogenomics may ultimately be used to optimize drug therapy. B2-ADRENERGIC RECEPTORThe [3 2 -adrenergic receptor is a G proteincoupled receptor that interacts with endogenous catecholamines and various medications. These receptors are widely distributed and play an important role in regulating cardiac, vascular, pulmonary, and metabolic functions. ' Studies of the many physiologic functions of the 0 2 adrenergic receptor in humans have revealed substantial interpatient variation in receptor function and responsiveness to stimulation. In the heart, activation of 2-adrenergic receptor



Table 62-2. Genetic Polymorphisms in Genes that Can Influence Drug Response and Toxicity


ACE inhibitors (eg, enalapril)

Bradykinin B2 receptor 32 adrenergic receptor


ACE inhibitors

Pragonists (eg, albuterol) 3-blockers (eg, propranolol)

Fluvastatin Heparin Aspirin/glycoprotein Ilb/Illa inhibitors (eg, abciximab) Leukotriene biosynthesis inhibitors (eg, ART-761- zileuton-derivative) Conjugated estrogens Su lfonylureas (eg, tolbutamide) Lithium Antipsychotics (eg, haloperidol, clozapine, thioridazine)

Gs protein 0, ACE Platelet FC receptor (FCRII) Glycoprotein ilia subunit of glycoprotein iib/Illa receptor ALDX5 Estrogen receptor Sufonylurea receptor inositol-pip Dopamine receptors (D2, D3, D4) Dopamine receptor 5HT2A, SHT6 G protein E33 Seratonin transporter (5-HTT) Ryanodine receptor Thymidylate synthase ion channels (HERG, KvLQT1, Mink, miRP1) methylguanine methyltransferase Cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) HLA-B*5701

Renoprotective effects; blood pressure reduction; left ventricular mass reduction; endothelial function i mprovement; ACE inhibitor induced cough ACE inhibitor induced cough Bronchodilation; susceptibility to agonist-induced desensitization; cardiovascular effects (eg, increased heart rate, peripheral vasodilation) Antihypertensive effect Lipid changes (decreased LDL and apoliprotein B); progression/regression of atherosclerotic lesions Heparin induced thrombocytopenia Antiplatelet effect

I mprovement in FEVI
Bone mineral density increases

Levodopa and dopamine Antipsychotics (eg, clozapine)

Antidepressants (various) Antidepressants (eg, clomipramine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, fluvoxamine) Anesthetics (eg, halothane) 5-fluorouracil Erythromycin, terfenadine, cisapride, clarithromycin, quinidine Carmustine Statins Abacavir

Sulfonylurea-induced insulin release Response of manic depression Antipsychotic response (D2, D3, D4); antipsychoticinduced tardive dyskinesia and acute akathisia (D3); (D3); hyperprolactinemia (D2) Drug induced hallucinations Clozapine response; typical antipsychotic response and long term outcomes Response to antidepressant therapy 5-HT neurotransmission antidepressant response Malignant hyperthermia Response to 5-fluorouracil based therapy increased risk of drug-induced Torsade de pointes Response of glioma to carmustine methyltransferase Slowing of progression of atherosclerosis by pravastatin Hypersensitivity reaction

results in an increased rate and force of cardiac muscle, whereas

3 2 -adrenergic receptor stimulation in the lungs acts to relax airway smooth muscle. Influences on lipolysis in subcutaneous fat have also been described, possibly through regulation of lipid mobilization, energy expenditure, and glycogen breakdown. Several polymorphisms in the 3 2 -adrenergic receptor have been identified, and their effects on 3 2 -agonist mediated response have been the focus of multiple investigations. Understanding the molecular basis for variability in the 2adrenergic receptor has been facilitated by the identification of five distinct single nucleotide polymorphisms, each associated with either altered expression, down regulation, or coupling of the receptor.' Alteration at amino acid 16 (Arg>Gly) appears to have relevance in pulmonary disease, with patients homozygous for Arg exhibiting a greater response to 3 2 -agonist medications. ' ''') For example, the FEV I response to oral albuterol is 6.5-fold higher in patients with an Arg/Arg genotype at amino acid 16 compared with Gly/Gly patients, even though similar plasma drug concentrations are achieved.' In contrast, the alteration at codon 27 (Gln>Glu) does not appear to influence lung function, but there is an association between the GlnIGln genotype and an increased incidence of obesity. ' 92 This relationship appears to be more prominent in men and can be overcome with exercise.' While the 3 2 -adrenergic receptor alleles for amino acid 16 (frequency 0.61) and 27 (frequency 0.43) are relatively common and have been investigated thoroughly for their clinical relevance, a third much less common allele has been studied for in vivo function. A variation at amino acid 164 (Thr>lle) with an allele frequency of 0.05 has been associated with probability of survival in patients with congestive heart failure.' Patients with congestive heart failure and the Thr/Ile genotype have a

significantly poorer one-year survival rate compared to those with Thr/Thr (42 vs. 76%). Moreover, patients with the Thr/Ile

genotype show blunted cardiac beta(2)-AR responsiveness, which may help explain the decreased survival of patients with this genotype in the setting of congestive heart failure.' The potential clinical importance of the Thr>Ile variant has led to the suggestion that patients with the 11e164 polymorphism and heart failure should be considered as candidates for early aggressive intervention or cardiac transplantation. Although the three genetic variants discussed represent the most widely studied 3 2 -a drenergic receptor polymorphisms, at least 13 distinct variant alleles have been identified. 95 As a result of the many possible receptor genotypes, the importance of haplotype structure versus individual SNPs in determining receptor function and pharmacological response has been investigated. Interestingly, out of a possible 8,192 unique a drenergic receptor haplotypes, only 12 distinct haplotypes have been observed among subjects from several different ethnic groups. Subsequent assessment of the relationship between response to 3-agonist therapy in asthma patients and genetic variation revealed a better association of haplotype and bronchodilator response, than could be found with any single polymorphism.'" This is not surprising, as haplotype structure in the case of a gene with many polymorphisms in varying degrees of linkage disequilibrium should be a better predictor of phenotypic consequences than any ony variant. Examples such as the 3 2 -adrenergic receptor has provided the impetus to develop simple but robust molecular methods to determine haplotype structure for many important genes in patients.'' APOLIPOPROTEIN Ehuman apolipoprotein E (apoE) plays an important role in lipid metabolism and neurobiology through its interactions with the low density lipoprotein (LDL)



receptor and cell surface heparin sulfate proteoglyeans. 197 " ApoE exists as three major genetic variants, apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4, each differing by a cysteine or arginine at amino acids 112 and 158. ApoE3, the most common variant, contains cysteine at 112 and arginine at 158, whereas apoE2 contains two cysteines and apoE4 contains two a rginines.' These differences have profound effects on both the physical stability and biological function of apoE." For example, while both apoE3 and apoE4 bind to the LDL receptor with high affinity, apoE2 exhibits defective LDL receptor binding.' In addition, the presence of the apoE4 allele is associated with elevated plasma cholesterol levels and an increased risk for both coronary artery and Alzheimer's disease."' In addition to the increased risk of disease, genetic variability in apoE also appears to have a predictive role in the response to drug treatment in patients with Alzheimer's disease and those receiving lipid lowering therapy." ' In a study of the acetylcholine sterase inhibitor tacrine for patients with Alzheimer's disease, 83% of individuals without the apoE4 genotype showed improvement in total response and cognitive response after 30 weeks of drug treatment compared to only 40% of patients with the apoE4 genotype. 21 " However, the greatest individual improvement in this particular study was seen in a patient with the unfavorable apoE4 genotype, underscoring that a single gene will not always be predictive of response to a given treatment.' Indeed, additional studies have indicated that the interaction between tacrine therapy and apoE genotype was strongest for women, suggesting that the complexity of efficacy prediction goes beyond analysis of one gene. 21 ' Although the molecular basis for an association between apolipoprotein genotype and tacrine efficacy has not been elucidated, it has been postulated that apoE4 plays a role in cholinergic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease in a way that cannot be consistently overcome by therapy with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as tacrine. A randomized, placebo controlled study of the no ra dr energi c/v a s opre ssinergic agonist 512024 in patients with Alzheimer's disease found the greatest protection of cognition in patients with the apoE4 genotype. 12 Should these results be confirmed, it may offer a rational approach for prospective selection of initial therapy for Alzheimer's disease, with 512024 or similar medications being recommended for patients with the apoE4 genotype. In addition to the association between apoE genotype and response drug therapy for Alzheimer's disease, phenotypic and genotypic analyses have shown an association between 2is.2 a apoE ' status and response to lipid lowering medications.'' Most studies have demonstrated that patients with the apoE2 genotype have the greatest decrease of LDL cholesterol after drug therapy (E2 > E3 > E4). The association has been observed after treatment with a wide range of lipid lowering agents, including protocol, gemfibrozil, and many different HMG CoA-reductase inhibitors (ie, "statins")." However, a significant influence of apoE genotype on response to lipid lowering agents has not been observed in all studies.' In addition, although apoE4 genotype was associated with less reduction in total cholesterol and LDL and a smaller increase in HDL after fluvastatin therapy, there was no apparent influence of genotype , on coronary artery disease progression or clinical events.'" Thus, prospective clinical evaluations with robust clinical endpoints and sufficient sample size are needed to better quantitate the benefit of apoE genotype in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. The potential utility of apoE genotype must be balanced by concerns that it could be used by insurance companies, health systems, and federal programs to identify those at `high risk' for development of Alzheimer's disease, coronary artery disease, and possibly other illnesses.' THYMIDYLATE SYNTHASE Thymidylate syntha se (TS) is a key enzyme in the synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides, by catalyzing the methylation dUMP to dTMP. The TS reaction is the sole source of de novo thymidylate in the cell and is essential for DNA replication.' The critical role of TS in nucleotide metabolism has made it an important target for a

variety of anticancer drugs including 5-flu oroura cil and the 5fluorouracil <prodrug>, capecitabine, and to a lesser extent methotrexate.''''' Inhibition of TS by these agents causes tumor cell death depleting the intracellular pool of dTTP. Despite their clinical utility, resistance to TS inhibitors is an all too common problem. Fluoropyrimidine resistance arises through a variety of mechanisms, including elevated TS protein expression resulting from increases in TS transcription and translation. '' A polymorphism within the 5'-untranslated region of the TS gene, consisting of tandem repeats of a 28 base pair fragment, has been implicated in modulating TS mRNA expression and TS mENA translational efficiency. 222 Although there have been reports of four, five, and nine repeats within certain African and Asian populations, the vast majority of individual human TS alleles harbor either a double repeat (2R) or a triple repeat (3R) for this polymorphism, creating genotypes 27 of 2R12R, 2R1 3R, and 3R 13R, ' ' Individuals that are homozygous for the 3R have been shown to have elevated levels of TS mRNA and protein in their tumors compared with 2R homozygotes.' In recent pharmacogenomic studies evaluating the impact of TS polymorphisms on the clinical outcome in patients with locally-advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer treated with 5fluorouracil based chemotherapy regimens, patients with the 3R/311. polymorphism showed no significant response or survival benefit from chemotherapy, whereas those with the 2R12R or 2R/3R genotype showed significant better responses and gains in survival time from treatment."'' In addition, it has been shown that patients with metastatic colon cancer treated with the 5-fluorouracil prodrug capecitabine who are homozygous for the 3R allele have a dramatically poorer probability of a response to treatment.' Additional data in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) indicates that TS polymorphisms are associated with response to treatment, as well as risk of disease, for other cancers. 2 ' 2 Children with the 3R/3R genotype have been shown to have a poorer clinical outcome following treatment for ALL. Methotrexate, one of the key drugs in treatment regimens for ALL, is metabolized intracellularly to long-chain methotrexate polyglutamates, which then act as inhibitors of TS. Therefore, association between TS genotype and outcome in ALL makes sense mechanistically. The growing number of independent clinical investigations that point to a strong relationship between TS polymorphisms and outcome in patients with cancer has led some clinicians to recommend routine screening of TS genotypes to help guide therapeutic decisions. In the case of colon cancer, where there are now several active drugs to choose from when designing a treatment regimen, the ability to use genetic information to help decide which drug therapy might be best for each individual represents a clinically useful application of pharmacogenomics.

Technological Considerations
Although the examples provided in this chapter serve to illustrate the clinical importance of single nucleotide polymorphisms, for many of the genes that play a role in the regulation of drug activity, the true functional impact of genetic variations is not known. Furthermore, even for genes for which the genetic variants have been fully characterized with respect to function, results of genotype-phenotype investigations can be contradictory. For example, in the case of the drug transport gene MDR1, the 3435C>T has been associated with lower duodenal expression of the transport protein and either higher (eg, digoxin)" 7 or lower (eg, fexofenadine) vm drug concentrations in patients following oral dosing. Such contradictory results may be due to the presence complex multi-gene interactions so that the analysis of a single gene locus is not sufficient to explain the clinical outcome. Indeed, it is clear that in most cases, drug disposition and effect are



complex processes involving multiple genetic pathways. Therefore, considerable time and effort has now been invested in the production of large libraries of single nucleotide polymorphisms' that can be investigated for a possible association with drug response. These efforts include nonprofit ventures (eg, The SNP Consortium) that release all information to the public free of charge, as well as private SNP libraries from a number of biotech companies (eg, Genset, Celera Genomics, Incyte). SNPs may serve as both physical landmarks and as genetic markers whose transmission can be followed from generation to generation. According to theoretical models, if the genotype of a group of individuals with a certain phenotype (eg, poor drug clearance) and a group with a different phenotype (eg, rapid drug clearance) are studied, certain genotypes may be consistently associated with those individuals who have the disease. Owing to linkage disequilibrium, alleles of genetic markers in close proximity to the actual phenotype modifying mutation are often found to be associated with the phenotype in question, even though they themselves are not involved in the phenotype itself. This molecular/population genetic approach also provides a strategy to identify genes associated with other phenotypes, such as drug toxicity or therapeutic benefit. This approach can be used for genome-wide mapping in which no genes or genomic regions are assumed to be associated with the drug effect under investigation. The number of subjects and the numbers of markers needed for such a study depend on the level of contribution of the specific locus to the complex trait. In other words, a single causative mutation is easier to find than an alteration that is one of several contributors to the phenotype. It has been estimated that 60,000 markers, at 50-kb spacing, are needed to cover the genome in an association study of 1,000 individuals (eg, 500 patients with toxicity and 500 patients tolerating therapy).' If 1,000 individuals were to be genotyped for 60,000 markers, 60,000,000 genotyping assays would have to be completed. This approach would require a dramatic advance in high throughput genotyping techniques in order to be used in a timely and cost-efficient manner. An alternative, more practical approach uses an educated guess as to which of the genes in the human genome are likely to be important contributors to a given clinical phenotype.' This "candidate gene approach" narrows the search to the most likely informative polymorphisms in these genes. Such an approach is especially useful for classes of agents with clearly defined biochemistry, allowing for rational candidate gene selection. The candidate gene approach substantially reduces the number of loci under evaluation, but may miss important genes with no anticipated role in the particular phenotype in question. It is through efforts such as these that the next wave of pharmacogenetic predictive tools will emerge, requiring extensive in vitro and in vivo functional analyses to determine the role of each specific SNP in selecting optimal drug therapy. Although the principles of pharmacogenomics have been around for decades, the more recent rapid development of the field has been the direct result of new technological advances in high throughput DNA and mRNA analysis and in the processing of these large data sets in an efficient manner. The most dramatic change has been the introduction of gene arrays for the simultaneous assessment of multiple genes. studies used robotics-based systems to "imprint" a series of genes onto a silicone-coated glass slide. By labeling the mRNA of interest with a fluorescent probe, a correlation could be found between the fluorescence intensity emitted by each gene and the level of gene expression. The gene array approach has been modified to use large gene clones from the Human Genome Project, smaller fragments for specific genes, and cDNA derived from differential expression projects. The arrays are currently constructed on nylon filters or glass slides, with slides allowing greater density of genes per experiment and nylon generally being more reproducible. Im-

provements in robotics and fluid physics has allowed for the ability to evaluate up to 64,000 genes on a single 1-inch by 1 inch slide. The gene expression arrays have enabled a degree of genomic analysis not feasible in the recent past. It is estimated that the quantity of data available from a single array containing 64,000 genes (generated in approximately 48 hours) would have taken a researcher over 20 years to complete by Northern blot analysis. As in the case of gene expression analysis, the ability to obtain information on patient genotype in a rapid manner has also greatly improved in the past few years. Strategies such as fluorescence energy transfer detection, fluorescence polarization, real-time PCR, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, oligonucleotide ligationlflow cytometry, HPLC fragment analysis, and mini-sequencing have all been used to increase the throughput of genotype information from genomic DNA. Currently, analysis of 1,000 to 5,000 genotypes per day is routine in many pharmacogenomics laboratories, with automated multiplex assays extending this to 100,000 genotypes per day. While the ideal approach for rapid genotyping is not yet clear, a large amount of effort is currently being expended to test various approaches in the clinical setting. However, as the speed and efficiency with which genotyping can be performed increases, the need for improved methods of data analysis becomes critical. Computational biology, or bioinformatics, has been instrumental in the development of pharmacogenomics. The gene expression arrays and high throughput genotyping techniques generate a large amount of data in a single experiment, much more than can be evaluated using commonly available spreadsheets or manual approaches. Therefore, software has been developed that not only captures the experimental data, but includes the comparison of results with existing genome databases, generation of dendrograms for sequence homology, and pattern recognition to pull together genotypes with similar patterns of expression, as part of the initial algorithm This provides the investigator with a powerful and comprehensive output on which rapid interpretation and implementation of data can be made. The development of glass and nylon membrane microarrays has revolutionized the way gene expression is evaluated in all areas of medicine, including pharmacology. Initial studies focused on gene expression along biologic pathways and provided an increased understanding of the regulation of cellular proliferation and the cell's response to nutrient stimulation.' Gene expression arrays have also been used in the molecular classification of disease and have highlighted the great genetic heterogeneity among cells with histologically similar appearance. '" For example, gene expression profiling has been used to identify subclasses of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The clinical heterogeneity of DLBCL is such that 40% of patients respond well to current therapy, whereas the remainder eventually die of their disease. By using a "lymphochip" containing 17,856 genes that are preferentially expressed in lymphoid cells, investigators have demonstrated the presence of two molecularly distinct forms of the disease: germinal center B-like DLBCL and activated B-like DLBCL. More importantly, patients with germinal center B. like DLBCL have a superior overall survival following chemotherapy than those with activated B-like DLBCL." Based on each individual's gene expression profile, a patient with activated B-like DLBCL will not benefit from standard therapy, and experimental treatment approaches should be considered. Alternatively, a patient with germinal center B. like OLEO, may be currently "over treated" because of their "good risk" status, and treatment strategies with more manageable side-effect profiles may need to be considered. As the basic understanding of the underlying molecular biology of diseases such as DLBCL increases, gene profiling will become more sophisticated, allowing for the discrimination of many more subclasses with associated differences in outcome and best clinical management.



Molecular Diagnostics for Optimizing Drug Therapy

Just as gene expression array analysis may someday allow investigators to define a genetic "therapeutic signature" for specific agents and diseases, "SNP" arrays have been developed to facilitate the rapid and efficient genotyping of individuals across a wide range of genetic pathways. While both de novo (static) and post-treatment (dynamic) analysis of gene expression in normal and disease tissues are used for gene expression analysis, array-based genotyping is required only once, since a persons genotype is stable throughout their lifetime. In this regard, automated systems are currently being developed to allow the rapid determination of an individual's genotype for genes that are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of their disease, in the metabolism and disposition of medications, and in the critical targets of drug therapy. This strategy is illustrated by Fig 62-4, which depicts various genes that one might choose to include on a SNP assay to help guide drug selection and drug dosing for patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).' It has previously been shown that polymorphisms in drug-metabolizing enzymes can have a significant effect on toxicity and efficacy of medications used to treat patients with ALL,' and that individualization of drug dosages can improve clinical outcome. Moreover, it has been established that the genotype of leukemic blasts is an important prognostic variable that can be used to guide the intensity of treatment.' Furthermore, genetic polymorphisms are known to exist for various cytokines and other determinants of host susceptibility to infection, as well as polymorphisms in cardiovascular, endocrine, and other receptors that may be important determinants of an individual's susceptibility to drug toxicity. Therefore, by putting all of these polymorphic genes on a single ALL "SNP chip," one would potentially have a valuable molecular diagnostic tool that would allow the rapidly and objective selection of optimal drug therapy for each individual. The potential is enormous for pharmacogenomics to yield a powerful set of molecular diagnostics that will become routine tools by which clinicians select medications and drug doses for

individual patients. Furthermore, unlike essentially all biochemical tests (serum creatinine, bilirubin, etc), a patient's genotype would only need to be determined once for a given gene, because it will not change Using the amount of DNA that can be isolated from a few milliliters of blood, it is possible to determine thousands of genotypes. Currently available techniques such as primer extension followed by minisequencing (eg, Pyrosequencing), allele-specific signal (eg, Taqman, fluorescence polarization, molecular beacons) or mass spectrometry Sequenome) have brought high throughput genotyping within the reach of most clinical scientists. Ultimately, the process will be to collect a single blood sample from each patient ( DNA can be stored for decades), submit a small aliquot for analysis of a panel of genotypes (eg, 20,000 SNPs in 5,000 genes), and test for those that are important determinants of drug disposition and effects. Patient-specific gen typing results will need to be stored in a secure electronic repository that can be queried as new treatment decisions are made. These genotyping results will not be easily interpreted if reported as a list of SNPs, rather will need to be formatted and interpreted according to the patient's diagnosis and treatment options. These new tools will not replace the more conventional biochemical tests that are now routinely used to assess organ function and disease progression, rather they will complement these tests, and provide additional tools for selecting medications that are optimal for each patient. It is likely that clinical pharmacists will have an increasingly important role in the safeguarding and interpretation of pharmacogenetic data. The translation of pharmacogenetics into clinical practice is already underway, but will continue to evolve for decades to come. There are currently several examples where genotypes are already being used prospectively for the selection of medications and drug doses. '' At present, these clinical applications are limited to medications with narrow therapeutic indices, such as anticancer agents, and for genes with discrete, well described functional polymorphisms (eg, TPMT, DPD, and UGT1A1), but as additional pharmacogenomic relationships are identified, the use of genetically-targeted therapy will expand to include a broad range of medications. The field of




p 2AR Ion channels others

[ TPMT Thlopurines MSH2MSH6 others [ FPGS FPGH

A ntifolates

RFC : m Rps

MTHFR others [ CYP3A4 CYP2D6 Ana MDR Drugs UGT ALL

Ill CANCER GENOTYPES ETV6/CBFA2 MLL/AF4 BCR/ABL others [ RB Various MDM2 Cancers ARF BcI2, Bay, Mcl VEGF, etc. others


GST others

Figure 62-4. Molecular diagnostics of pharmacogenomic traits. DNA arrays are being made for automated, high-throughput detection of functionally i mportant mutations in genes that are important determinants of drug effects, such as drug-metabolizing enzymes, drug targets (receptors), disease pathogenesis, and other polymorphic genes that influence an individual's susceptibility to drug toxicities or environmental exposures (such as pathogens, carcinogens, and others). This figure exemplifies components of a potential diagnostic DNA array for genes that could influence a patient's response to chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, including genes that determine drug metabolism, disease sensitivity, and the risk of adverse effects of treatment (cardiovascular or endocrine toxicities, infections, and so forth). (Reprinted with permission from Evans WE, Relling MV. Science 1999; 286:487. Copyright 1999 AAAS.)



Absolutely critical to the future application of pharmacogenomics to clinical medicine, is the protection of the patients' right to privacy. While patient confidentiality is at the very heart of good medical care, genetic information adds a new layer of ethical complexity. In addition to pharmacogenomic data, an individuals' genotype contains features that will ultimately be associated with many other measures of outcome such as the risk of some future illness. While this information may be useful with respect to screening or chemopreventative strategies, a patient may want to keep such genetic data confidential. As a result, the ethics of genetic testing is currently an active area for discussion and debate. A system of trust and internal control has historically been utilized to prevent the inappropriate use of genetic information. Although this approach has been generally successful, with breach of trust being a rare event, the field of bioethics is now focused on prevention of potential or theoretical abuses of genetic information against individuals. Most of the discussion and debate centers around what information is needed, who should have access, and how should the information be used. Ethical issues such as these are obviously challenging, since the insurance carrier paying for the genetic testing will be the same entity that could potentially use the information to identify disease or therapy risks that could in turn be used to restrict or deny future coverage. However, while such patient confidentiality issues represent a significant challenge to the ultimate application of genetic testing, it is generally acknowledged that the potential gains from pharmacogenomics, in terms of patient well-being and cost of healthcare, heavily outweigh the risks. Indeed, the promise of pharmacogenomics is such that society must eventually find a way to ensure that the risk of exploitation does not overshadow the public good that will come from putting such powerful information in the hands of knowledgeable health care providers and those involved in the discovery of new approaches to disease treatment and prevention.

30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

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Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics in Drug Development

G L Drusano, MD

63 1111

Developing dr ugs re quires a long, expensive process of discovery and preclinic al development followed by clinical trials resulting in the submission of a package of data to a regulatory agency that will ultimately lead to licensure of that product for sale. The goal of drug development is to find a dose of a drug for a specific indication that attains the desired therapeutic outcome while engendering a low probability of the patient experiencing a toxic event. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics can straightforwardly lead to attaining this goal. Indeed, in the last one to two decades there has been a marked increase in our understanding of the relationship between drug exposure and response. This is related to wider availability of the appropriate mathematical modeling methodologies. The application of these techniques in the time-line of drug development is presented in Figure 63-1. The clearest example of employing a pharmacokinetic/pharmaco dynamic approach to drug development can be seen in the area of anti-infective agents. Part of the reason for this is that these drugs are unique in that we are not attempting to dock a molecule into a receptor in the human body. Rather, the target of drug action and the site to which we are attempting to bind the drug is a receptor in the pathogen of interest. This has several important consequences. The first is toxicity. Anti-infective targets are chosen specifically so that they have little sequence homology to similar mammalian targets. A straightforward example is the topoisomerase enzymes seen in bacteria but also in man The fluoroquinolone antimicrobials have a 100- to 1000-fold difference in the concentrations necessary for microbiological effect relative to activity for topoisomerase targets in man.' In contrast, there is often a narrow therapeutic index, for example, between normal human cells and cancerous cells, meaning that oncologic chemotherapy is often (but not always) saddled with considerable toxicity. The other important consequence is the ease with which pharmacodynamic relationships can be developed both preclinically as well as in clinical trials. The reason is that almost always (Hepatitis C is currently an exception to the rule) one can straightforwardly grow the pathogen of interest in vitro and determine a measure of drug exposure that will affect the growth of the pathogen in some standardized way. For example, for viruses, we can measure an EC 50 , a drug concentration that will cause a 50% downturn in the number of rounds ofreplication per unit time. For bacteria, we can measure indices such as MICs or MBC s, that are defined as drug concentrations that will keep the bacteria from growing enough over an 18- to 24-hour period to cause turbidity in the growth medium (MIC) or to cause the number of bacteria to be reduced by 1000 fold over the 18-24 hour time frame (MBC). This ability to measure the difficulty a drug will encounter inhibiting or killing different pathogens allows the drug exposure necessary to achieve different endpoints to be normalized across pathogens. In contrast, if one were to try

to develop an anti-hypertensive agent, the true between-patient variability in the affinity with which a drug will bind to the receptor cannot currently be measured. Certainly, in the near future, the widespread use of phamacogenornic profiling, looking, for example, for specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or deletions will allow identification of patients likely to respond less well to therapy. Currently, however, this true between-patient variance in receptor affinity is completely unobserved variability.

Creating a Pharmacodynamic Relationship

MEASURE OF DRUG EXPOSUREThe process of creating a pharmacodynamic relationship starts with the idea of linking some measure of drug exposure to the outcome of interest. There are a number of measures of drug exposure that can be employed. Some of the most common are Peak concentration, Area Under the concentration-time Curve (AUC) and Time > Threshold. Many other measures of drug exposure are possible (eg, trough concentrations), but are usually related in some way to those mentioned above. The critical idea behind which of these metrics is most closely linked to a specific measure of outcome is that the shape of the concentration-time curve may have an impact on the outcome measure. For example, for agents where the range of concentration that mediates minimal effect to that which mediates maximal effect is small, Time > Threshold will be the most useful metric for exposure. That is because higher concentrations will not produce significantly more effect than moderate concentrations. The overall effect will then be maximized by maintaining the drug concentration above the level that produces the degree of effect that is required. In contrast, many drugs are quite concentration-dependent in the effect that they produce. Here, much more effect will be produced at higher concentrations with much less being produced as concentrations decline. This will produce a situation where the total drug exposure will be linked to effect and AUC will be the most useful measure of drug exposure. Peak concentrations may be seen as linked to effect when an irreversible event occurs, such as covalent binding to a receptor that only occurs above a specific concentration. Here, only peak concentrations will produce enough exposure to have the binding occur in the appropriate time frame. This is the rarest situation seen in the development of pharmacodynamic relationships. Peak concentrations can also appear to be linked to outcome when there is a mixture of populations of sensitive and less sensitive targets present. This will be discussed in greater detail below under the topic of suppression of emergence of resistance. For the development of such relationships for anti-infective agents, the exposure measures are normalized to the measure 1249


Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development in Vitro Work Animal Model Pharmacodynamics Target Delineation Candidate Molecule Enters Clinical Trials Phase I Trials Population PK Modeling

Monte Carlo Simulation

Pathogen Collection Target Attainment Analysis Phase I Trials Stochastic Optimal Design ., Population PK Modeling MAP-Bayesian Estimation Linkage of Exposure to Effect* Phase Ill Trials

this circumstance, AUC/MIC ratio is the exposure variable most closely linked to outcome. In a study by Louie et al,' a mouse thigh infection model study was performed using methodology similar to that described above, but without the massive dose fractionation. An exposure-response curve was described (Fig 63- 3). On the steep part of the curve Q 24 hour, Q 12 hour, and Q 6 hour administration schedules were studied, so that the 24-hour AUC was the same for each group (same AUC/MIC ratio), but that the once daily dosing group had the highest Peak concentrations (and hence Peak concentration/MIC ratio) while the Q 6 hour dosing group attained the longest Time > M IC. When the results for these groups were tested for differences by analysis of variance, no differences could be discerned (Table 63-1). This indicates that for daptomycin, AUC/MIC ratio is the exposure variable most closely linked to outcome. CHOOSING THE TARGET In the examples given above, a microbiological endpoint was chosen. This is because we were dealing with animal model systems. It is important to recognize that in the drug development process, there will be a progression from a preclinic al stage to the performance of clinical trials to document safety and efficacy.

Effect an R aeruginosa

7 6 0-0 Control (saline)

Ari Bolus (murine)

Logistic Regression, Cox Modeling, Sigmoid [max Modeling, CART analysis Figure 63-1. Use of pharmacodynamics in the drug development process.

0- Man-adapted 4


LT E 80

Plasma kinetics
AA Munne (140 mgltg) T1I2 = 16.6 min AUC = 79 mg .


of susceptibility of the pathogen to the drug being studied (eg, M1C, EC 50 ). This produces a hybrid measure that explicitly depends on the drug exposure, but also on the pathogen being studied. So we can now measure Time > MIC, AUC/MIC ratio, or Peak Concentration/MIC ratio. As an example of the shape of the curve having an impact on the effect developed by drug exposure, the ii-lactam antibiotic imipenem/cilastatin was studied in a neutropenic mouse thigh infection model by Fluckiger, Segessenmann, and Gerber.' The actual idea that the shape of the curve can affect the endpoint measured was popularized by the laboratory of Craig,' but arguably the clearest demonstration was by Fluckiger. 2 In this study, the effect of a dose of drug was determined on the number of organisms present at the primary infection site. In parallel, a second cohort of animals received the same drug dose, but on a highly fractionated basis, so that the resultant concentration-time curve had a much lower peak concentration, but remained above the MIC for a much longer time interval. The AUC/MIC ratios developed in the two cohorts were nearly identical. The results are shown in Figure 63-2. The number of organisms killed was much greater when the Time > MIC was longer. This indicates that there was no benefit derived from the high peak concentrations developed in the first group and that keeping the drug concentrations in excess of the MIC was the effect driver in this circumstance. An example of exactly the opposite linkage can be seen with fluoroquinolone antimicrobials, as well as other agents like aminoglycosides, or the new anti-MRSA agent, daptomycin. For these drugs, there is a clear relationship between drug concentration and the rate of organism kill that is engendered. In

as 60 40

Man-adapted (140 mg ./kg) T1/2 = 65 min AUC = 74 mg .

E 20 0
-2 0
1 2 3 4

6 hr

35 30

1) 20

Fractonized dosing for man-adaptation

10 O

6 hr Figure 63-2. Effect of the shape of the concentration-time curve on the ability of imipenem-cilastatin to kill P aeruginosa in a mouse thigh infection model. (From Fluckiger U, Segessenmann C, Gerber AU. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1 991; 35:1905.)



C124h Dosir.g

o 012h Dosing

o06h Dosing


9 B 7 6 5 4

r2 = 0.992
80% Emu AUC/MIC Ratio = 92.4





0 3
2 1
0 0 50 100

sis ALI CAA IC Ratio = 43.4

Daly doses wens fractionated (024 h, 412 h, Q8 fit at circa 30%, 50% and 85% of Erna

ill Inili ................ illni111.

150 200 250

300 350 400 450 50C

DaptomycinAUC/MiC Ratio Figure 63 3. Relationship between the 24-h AUC/MIC ratio of dapto-

mycin and 1og10 CFU of 5. aureus per gram of thigh muscle (mean 1 SD) when the total daily dose of daptomycin is given as one dose in 24 h, two equally divided doses every 12 h, or four equally divided doses every 6 h. The total daily doses of 2.5, 5.6, and 15.0 mg of daptomycin/kg resulted in AUC/MIC ratios of approximately 21, 44, and 115, respectively. The AUC/MIC ratio for a given total daily dose was similar regardless of whether a total daily dose was administered as one, two, or four equally divided doses over 24 h. (From Louie A, Kaw P, Liu W, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2001; 45:845.)

Prior to the inception of clinical trials, animal model and in vitro systems are required for the determination of the true pharmacodynamic ally linked effect variable (eg, AUC/MIC ratio, Time > MIC). After the start of clinical trials, we can examine either clinical or microbiological endpoints. These endpoints can be dichotomous in nature (succeed/fail, eradication/persistence) or can be continuous (microbiological quantitative repetitive sampling from an infection site). The target that is chosen in either of these circumstances will determine, to a great degree, the dose that is required to attain the target. In the preclinical circumstance, one can examine the ability of a regimen (dose and schedule) to kill organisms at a primary infection site (as above, Figs 63-2 and 63 3). Alternatively, one could examine a mortality endpoint. In either circumstance, the model system could be developed so that the animal was either normal or rendered irrirounocompromised. In each instance, this will change the interpretation of the endpoint chosen and, in the case of an immunocompromised animal system, will require a larger drug exposure to achieve whatever endpoint is desired. The reason to perform these studies in immunocompromised animals is twofold. First, it is a conservative measure of the drug exposure required to achieve whatever target is desired. It is a more direct measure of "bug versus drug." Second, and perhaps as important, it is much easier to find strains of pathogens that will grow in whatever model is being used. In the presence of the full immune system of the animal, many pathogens will self-clear over the period of observation in the no-treatment control group. This renders the interpretation of the experiment much more difficult. It is also important to recognize that the animal system being employed should accurately reflect the local pharmacokinetics of the drug for the indication being sought. While a mouse thigh infection model may accurately represent the ability of the drug to kill organisms in a skin/skin structure infection, the lessons learned and exposure targets derived would not be helpful if the drug were going to be studied for a meningitis indication in clinical trials. This also raises the issue of what endpoint will be chosen. Do we wish merely to shut off organism growth or to kill the organ-

ism at the primary infection site to a specific degree (eg, 1 log in (CFU/g) kill, 2 log in (CFU/g) kill, 80% of maximal kill). Figure 63 - 3 demonstrates that an AUC/MIC ratio of 43.4 is required to shut off growth of the organism, whereas attaining 80% of the maximal bacterial kill for this strain of Staphylococcus aureus requires a larger exposure, with an AUC/MIC ratio of 92.4. For a relatively uncomplicated skin and skin structure infection, attaining an exposure target that will result in organism stasis is likely all that is required. However, for a complicated skin and skin structure infection, particularly if bacteremia would be likely, an exposure target that would drive some high percentage of the maximal bacterial kill (80-90% of maximal kill) would be more appropriate. This choice of target is crucial to the successful choice of an appropriate drug dose for clinical trial. SUPPRESSION OF EMERGENCE OF RESISTANCE AS AN ENDPOINT-Until recently, little has been done with suppression of emergence of resistance as an endpoint for the choice of drug dose. The key idea underlying the problem of emergence of resistance is the population burden of bacterial cells at an infection site relative to the inverse of the mutational frequency to resistance. If the population burden exceeds the inverse of the mutation frequency, there will be a high probability (but not a certainty) that organisms bearing a resistance mechanism will already be present. The larger the burden relative to the frequency, the higher will be the probability. This means there will be multiple populations of organisms present at the time that drug therapy is initiated. It is not surprising that the population bearing a resistance mechanism will respond quite differently to the pressure of drug therapy than will the population without this mechanism. Again, as above, the example used will be from the anti-infective literature, but the lessons are clearly applicable in the realm of oncolytic chemotherapy. In Figure 63-4 Panels A-D, the effect of different doses (including a no-treatment control) of the fluoroquinolone levofloxacin on the total and resistant populations of Pseudomortas aeruginosa is displayed.' As the effect was determined at multiple time points, it allowed the effect of the drug concentrations on the two populations to be modeled simultaneously for all regimens.' This allowed a calculation of dose to maximally amplify the resistant population as well as a dose to hold the number of clones in the resistant population steady. These doses were then studied prospectively over a longer time frame (24 versus 48 hours) as a validation of the modeling result. This is displayed in Figure 63-5. This is the first prospective validation that a target drug exposure can be derived to suppress the amplification of mutant subpopulations. This makes the point that the choice of the exposure target is flexible and is a choice that should be made with great care if the drug is to achieve the hoped-for results when it enters clinical trials. if the toxicity profile of the drug allows it, a suppression of resistance endpoint may be wise, as it will extend the lifetime of the drug. CHOOSING A DRUG DOSE FROM PRE CLINICAL PLUS PHASE I DATA-Once the appropriate animal or in
Table 63-1. Staphylococcus aureus Densities in Thigh Muscles of Mice That Were Treated With Various Doses of Daptomycin, Administered in One, Two, or Four Divided Doses

Staphylococcus au reus Densities

(log io (CHJ/g)

1 Standard Deviation) with:




2.5 5.6 1 5.0

6.54 0.98 5.12 0.66 3.73 0.48

6.83 0.88 4.96 0.59 3.82 0.55

6.61 0.93 5.02 0.52 3.68 0.43

0.64 0.73 0.59

'Statistical testing was performed by analysis of variance. A P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. 'One-half of the single dose was administered at 0 hour and then 12 hours later. `One-quarter the single dose was administered at 0 hour and then 6, 12 and 18 hours later.



Al Total Population A Resistant Population 10 9 AD Total Population A Resistant Population


7 6 7

0 9 12 Time (hours) 15 18 21 24

12 Time (hours)





fa Total Population

A Resistant Population
10 9 S "Ed 7

Total Population

Resistant Population

. . . . . . . .

0 24

12 Time (hours)




12 Time (hours)





Figure 63 4. Effect of 4 drug doses of levofloxacin on the total and resistant bacterial populations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa over 24 hours. Drug doses were 0, 90, 215, and 600 mg/kg (Figure 63-3, panels A-D, respectively). The 90 mg/kg dose allowed amplification of the resistant population by almost 2 log io (CFU/g). The 215 mg/kg dose allowed only minimal resistant mutant amplification. (From Jumbe N, Louie A, Leary R, et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2003; 112(2):275. Reproduced with permission from the American Society for Clinical Investigation.).

Prod. Total Pred. Res Ohs. To/al Ohs. Res Pred. Total Prod. Res Ohs. Total Ohs. Res

Observed [52/1] = 0.262x Predicted + 2 42 r = 0.775; p << 0.001 C 7

Observed [15711] = 2.09 r2 = 0.500


! mut of delacr






Time [hours}

Time (hours)




Figure 63 5. Model validation. The emergence of resistance model developed in this study was prospectively evaluated and validated by generating response predictions for doses not previously studied that would (A) encourage selection of resistance or (B) suppress emergence of resistance. An exposure of an AUC/MIC ratio of 157/1 was calculated to prevent emergence of resistance. Experiments were performed to 48, not 24 hours as in the studies performed to generate parameter estimates, using model predicted conditions. Levofloxacin dosing occurred at time 0 and at 24 hours. The lines are model predictions (not best-fit curves). () represents experimental measurements of the total population. (4) represents experimental measurements of the resistant subpopulation. The model predicted changes in the resistant mutant population well at both exposures. (From Jumbe N, Louie A, Leary R, et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2003; 112(2):275. Reproduced with permission from the American Society for Clinical Investigation.).



Levofloxacin Clinical Outcome

Probability of Clinical Success
1.00 0.90 0.80 070

El AUC/MIC Breakpoint= 49.8

n n

0.60 0.50 OA 0.30 020 0.10 0.00 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 AIX/MICR:10o


200 225 250

Figure 63-10. The relationship between the AUC/MIC ratio of levofloxacin and the probability of a good clinical outcome in 134 patients receiving this fluoroquinolone for community-acquired infections. Classification And Regression Tree (CART) analysis identified a breakpoint of a total drug AUC/MIC ratio of 50 (free drug AUC/MIC ratio of 35).

attainment rate by EC F, 0 values (not determined in the presence of binding proteins) is displayed. It is clear that if the EC F,f, value does not exceed 10 nM, there will be no difference in the target attainment rates for the three doses evaluated. This analysis resulted in the prediction that no difference in viral load decline would be observed in a clinical trial. This agent was examined in a 60 patient Phase 1/11 randomized, double-blind trial in which 15 HIV-infected patients were each given one of the doses examined in the Monte Carlo simulation, and 15 patients served as a no-treatment control in this short term trial. The results are displayed in Figure 9B. On the morning of day 8 of the trial (the end of monotherapy), the median viral load decline ranged from 1.48 to L52 log io (copies/m1), prospectively validating the predictions. Other Monte Carlo simulation-based trial predictions have also been prospectively validated. 12 " This technique where the sources of variability are quantified and integrated is a useful guide to determining drug doses for evaluation in the Phase 1/11

Given the extensive number of patients studied and the possibility for harm if an incorrect dose is chosen for Phase III clinical trial evaluation, it is important to validate the dose(s) chosen by the use of Monte Carlo simulation. In order to do this, it is critical to pay attention to the same sources of variability as in the integration of the preclinical information. It is important, therefore to have an index of drug exposure for each patient participating in the analysis, a pathogen identified, and an MIC determined to the drug being employed. Finally, it is important to decide upon an endpoint (eg, clinical success/fa ilure, organism eradication/persistenc e). The first prospective, multicentered trial of this type was published by Preston and colleagues.' Patients were enrolled in 22 centers for the therapy of community-acquired infections (respiratory tract infections, skin and skin structure infections, and urinary tract infections) with a fluoroquinolone antimicrobial (levofloxacin). A sampling scheme was derived using a stochastic D-optimal sampling technique. There were 272 patients who had pharmacokinetic data collected. These data

were analyzed employing a non-parametric population modeling technique ( NPEM 11 program of Schumitzky and Jelliffe). Individual estimates of exposure were calculated for each patient by obtaining patient-specific pharmacokinetic parameter values employing Maximum Aposteriori Probability (MAP) Bayesian parameter estimation. Of these patients, there were 134 patients with a documented outcome and identified pathogen that had a levofloxacin M1C. For clinical outcome, both Peak/MIC ratio as well as AUC/MIC ratio could be linked to outcome. As there has been considerable preclinical data linking AUC/MIC ratio to fluoroquinolone effect, this relationship will be presented in Figure 63-10. The breakpoint AUC/MIC value, determined by Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis, was 49.8. This was for total drug. The free drug value would be 34.9. A mouse thigh infection model developed in our laboratory examined levofloxacin for the therapy of Streptococcus prteumoniae.' The value for an organism kill of 1 log10(cfu/g) was 29.4 for a free drug AUC/MIC ratio. The free drug AUC/MIC value associated with a good outcome determined in a separate clinical study by Ambrose only for Streptococcus pneum.ortiae for two fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin and gatifloxacin) was 27.2-33.7.'' All these determinations are in excellent concordance. What is clear is that it is possible to identify targets for desired drug action preclinically and to bridge between animal and man employing Monte Carlo simulation techniques. Further, it is also clear that these findings are robust. They have been validated in clinical trials. The paradigm for clinical validation is simple. It is set forth in Table 63-2. It is important to obtain good individual-patient estimates of their pharmacokinetic parameter values in order to perform clinical pharmacodynamic analysis. While population modeling allows good estimates of population mean parameter values, the precision with which the values are determined for an individual patient after the MAP-Bayesian step depend explicitly on how much information is present in the samples that have been obtained for that patient. This problem can be solved without undue patient invasion (ie, minimizing the numbers of samples) by employing stochastic optimal design techniques.''' Once the patients have been studied, the population values are best attained using population modeling techniques, with patient-specific values determined through MAP-Bayesian estimation. Exposure variables can then be normalized (in the case of anti-infective agents) to some measure of the degree of susceptibility of that patient's pathogen to the drug in question (Peak/MIC ratio, AUC/MIC ratio or Time > MIC). These normalized exposure variables can then be linked to the probability of a good outcome (clinical/microbiological) through use of logistic regression. Breakpoints can be sought through use of CART analysis. If the outcome is a time-to-event, Kaplan-Meier analysis (when a breakpoint is available) or Cox proportional hazards analysis

Table 63-2. Paradigm for the Development of ExposureResponse Relationships 1. Decide on an endpoint 2. Make potency measurements of the cells to be inhibited/killed ( M IC/EC50, etc) 3. Obtain drug exposure estimates for patients in these trials a. Stochastic Optimal Sampling Design b. Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling c. MAP - Bayesian parameter determinations for individualpatient exposure estimates 4. Decide on an analytical tool for endpoint analysis (examples only) a. Sigmoid-Emax analysis for a continuous endpoint b. Logistic regression for dichotomous/polytomous outcomes c. Cox proportional hazards modeling (or a fully parametric variant) for time-to-event data d. Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis for breakpoint determination



(for a continuous variable) can be employed. If the outcome is a continuous variable (eg, viral load determination), some variant of a sigmoid-Emax effect model can be employed to link exposure to effect. Determination of a pharmacodynamically linked variable pre-clinically with an exposure target combined with a target attainment analysis from Phase I/11 data will allow identification of a dose for Phase 111 trials. Validation of this outcome in a (relatively) small Phase II trial will provide confidence that the dose chosen for large, Phase III clinical trial investigation is optimal for the effect target desired. This will maximize the speed of drug development and minimize drug failure.

1. Albertini S, Chetalat AA, Miller B, et al. Mutagenesis 1995; 10:343. 2. Fluckiger U, Segessenmann C, Gerber AU. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1991; 35:1905. 3. Gerber AU, Craig WA, Brugger HP, et a1. .J Infect Dis 1982; 146:691. 4. Vogelman B, Gudmundsson S, Leggett J, et al. J Infect Dis 1988; 158:831. 5. Leggett JE, Fantin B, Ebert S, et al. J Infect Dis 1989; 159:281. 6. Louie A, Kaw P, Liu W, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2001; 45:845. 7. Jumbo N, Louie A, Leary R, et al. JClin Invest 2003; 112:275-285.

8. Preston SL, Drusano GL, Berman AL, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1998; 42:1098. 9. Merriken DJ, Briant J, Rolinson GN. J Antimicrob Chemother 1983; 11:233. 10. Bilello JA, Bilello PA, Stellrecht K, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1996; 40:1491. 11. FDA Anti-Infective Drug Products Advisory Committee. October 15, 1998. 12. Drusano GL, Preston SL, Hardalo C, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2001; 45:13. 13. Drusano GL, Bilello JA, Preston SL, et al. J Infect Dis 2001; 183:1126. 14. Drusano GL, Moore KHP, Kleim JP, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chem.other 2002; 46:913. 15. Preston SL, Drusano GL, Berman AL, et al. Am. Med Assoc 1998; 279:125. 16. Tumbe NL, Louie A, Liu W, Miller MA, Drusano GL. 40th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Abstract 291,2000. 17. Ambrose PG, Grasela DM, Grasela TH, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2001; 45:2793. 18. Drusano GL, Forrest A, Snyder MJ, et al. Clin Pharmacol Therapeut 1988; 44:232. 19. Drusano GL, Forrest A, Plaisance KE, et al. Clin Pharmacol Therapeut 1989; 45:635. 20. Drusano GL, Forrest A, Yuen JA, et al. J Clin Pharmacol 1994; 34:967. 21. Tam VH, Preston SL, Drusano GL. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2003; 47:2888-2891.


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