EC8652 Wireless Communication
EC8652 Wireless Communication
EC8652 Wireless Communication
Anna University | Polytechnic | Schools
Reg. No. :
Sixth Semester
(Regulations 2017)
1. What is Small Scale fading?
2. Write the significance of link budget.
3. Define frequency reuse.
4. What is the trade off that exists between system capacity and coverage?
5. How PAPR issue can be addressed?
6. Why GMSK is better than QPSK?
7. How equalization is achieved through Zero Forcing Algorithm?
8. How error probability is computed for fading channel in SISO system?
9. Define Pre-coding.
10. How beam forming can improve performance of communication system?
PART B — (5 × 13 = 65 marks)
11. (a) Derive the two ray ground model expressing the relationship between
received power and path loss component.
(b) (i) Find the Fraunhofer distance for an antenna with maximum
dimension of 1 m and operating frequency of 60 GHz. If antennas
have unity gain, calculate the path loss. (3)
(ii) If a transmitter produces 50W of power, express the transmit power
in units of dBm, dBW. If 50 W is applied to a unity gain antenna
with a 900 MHz carrier frequency, find the received power in dBm
at a free space distance of 100m from the antenna. What is Pr
(10 Km)? Assume unity gain for the receiver antenna. (10)
Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools
Anna University | Polytechnic | Schools
12. (a) With neat sketch, illustrate the first tier co-channel interference caused
in a cluster size of 7. Also derive the expression that relates the system
capacity in terms of co-channel reuse ratio.
(b) How many users can be supported for 0.5% blocking probability for
following the trunked channels in a blocked calls cleared systems? 1,5,10,
20, 100. Assume each user generates 0.1 Erlangs of traffic.
13. (a) Compare and contrast QPSK, p/4 QPSK, MSK and GMSK.
(b) Explain the working principal of OFDM, also the significance of cyclic
prefix and windowing.
(ii) Space Diversity and
15. (a) Discuss about the Space Time Block codes and Derive Alamouti Block
Codes for a 2 × 1 MIMO system.
(b) Compare the error performance of digital modulation techniques for
AWGN channel, wireless fading channels and discuss the impact made
by diversity techniques in the performance.
PART C — (1 × 15 = 15 marks)
16. (a) Given a foot print by the service provider, prepare and illustrate the
frequency planning addressing all practical limitations that can be
envisaged. (Hint: N=7).
(b) Design a cellular network in a hilly terrain using knife edge Diffraction
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Anna University, Polytechnic & Schools