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NSET Annual Report 2020

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Annual Report

National Society for Earthquake

Technology-Nepal (NSET)
NSET Annual
Report 2020

National Society for

Technology-Nepal (NSET)

Cover Photo (Back)

Glimpses of NSET Activities

June 2020

Book Publication Series:


Mr. Varun Prasad Shrestha

I would like to share my immense pleasure to present you NSET Annual Report
for the year of 2020, the efforts and achievements that we have made within 2019-
2020. During past 26 years, NSET has been contributing towards building
disaster resilience in Nepal and in the region. This annual publication is expected
to assist DRR stakeholders to accurately evaluate NSET's works vis-a-vis its
stated mission and vision statements.
NSET strongly believes that the earthquake resiliency of communities can be
achieved through enhancing awareness and building capacity by helping them to
understand seismic risk and providing them with simple and practical methods in
mitigating the risks. We are proud for the wider acceptance of concepts,
methodologies and safety measures NSET has been facilitating, developing and
propagating in Nepal and the region.
NSET understands that mere implementation of successful model projects and
development of methodologies are not enough. These programs and approaches
need to be scaled up and institutionalized in order to achieve the goal of
earthquake safety for all. Accordingly, we design our programs to expand
outreach and partnerships with local institution particularly with local authorities.
Apart from earthquakes, time has come for us to work on multi-hazard risk
mitigation. In the current context of COVID-19, our efforts for responding it and
mitigating the future risks should go effective as well.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all our key partners including
the government agencies, donors, international and national NGOs, civil society
organizations, and communities to continuously trsut NSET and work with us. .
I would also like to commend all the staff at NSET for their hard and dedicated
works. With your continued and sustained efforts, I'm sure we can achieve NSET
Vision of 'Earthquake Safe Communities in Nepal'.

Thank you!

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) i

Dr. Amod Mani Dixit

We feel proud that NSET has completed 26 worth years in serving Nepal towards
making our communities resilient. Our concerted efforts for earthquake risk
reduction and disaster risk mitigation in collaboration with government
authorities, national and international partners, and the communities has been a
great journey. The year 2019-2020 continued the same spirit in collaborating and
implementing earthquake and other disaster risk mitigation activities. It's our
pleasure to come with a new issue of NSET Annual Report covering the efforts
and achievements of the past year.
NSET is on the way to implement the mandates of different global platforms and
frameworks. In Nepal, newly formulated policies and strategies on disaster risk
reduction and management have well recognized the value and functions of civil
society organizations. We have the challenge, how we can embed our activities
in the line of formulated policies and strategies and how we can dive in line to
improve nation's position in disaster risk reduction and management. Definitely,
the federal structures and decentralization of authorities in Nepal provides great
opportunity to mainstreaming and instituionalizing disaster risk reduction and
management efforts at local level.
These days, innovation is primary subject of focus for NSET. We are encouraging
young scientists because an assortment of energetic scientific minds and use of
advanced technology will support to synthesize and sustain the scientific policies
in disaster management sector. Students and practitioners in the field of disaster
risk reduction and management can work collaboratively to better understand the
different aspects of disaster risk reduction and management practices. We
encourage the advancement of science and bring new technology and innovations
in practice to help make change in people’s living.
As usual we vow to cooperate and collaborate with you all. We request our
government agencies, donors, partners, urban and rural municipalities and wards
of every municipal units to guide us, collaborate with us and help us in pursuing
our institutional journey that aims to help building community resilience. We
appeal all the concerned to critically review our efforts and guide us by which
NSET can contribute better in making our communities resilient to disasters.

Thank you!

ii National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha
NSET has successfully completed another year of journey towards building
resilient communities. It was a great opportunity for us to serve the nation and
the region. As the Executive Director of NSET, I congratulate the staff and our
stakeholders on this occasion. I thank the members of the Management
Committee for the guidance and directives that have helped NSET to
productively engage in the task of disaster risk reduction and management as per
the aspirations of our mission, vision, objectives, strategies and values.
We are proud at the level of trust that NSET has built up with our national and
international partners, from the informal groups to the numerous municipalities,
and districts of Nepal, from the individual home-owners to the officials of
government, bi-lateral agencies, donor institutions, national and international
finance institutions, private sector businesses, Nepalese diaspora and their
organizations. This has been achieved because of the values we pursue, the
professional ethics and technical standards we adhere to, the strict financial and
performance discipline we exercise, and also because of collective belief in our
vision, mission and objectives.
This Annual Report of NSET presents the efforts and achievements of NSET
implemented projects during June 2019 – May 2020 along with the performance
in terms of financial and organizational development. This publication reports on
NSET's collaboration with national and international agencies, academia and
research institutions not only for ensuring high standards of our work in Nepal
but also in our collaborative work in exploring the solutions for hazard risk
reduction globally.
NSET is committed to contribute to the efforts of newly formed NDRRMA and
governments at federal, provincial and local levels as envisaged in legal and
policy documents.
The reconstruction of buildings and infrastructures devastated by 2015 Gorkha
Earthquake has now been near to completion. NSET provided technical
assistance for housing reconstruction in earthquake affected districts. We have
been continuously working with Municipalities for the effective enforcement of
building codes. We have has also started pilot works to develop Building Permit
systems and Building Codes implementation in Rural Municipalities. Making
safer schools is a flagship program of NSET that is being continued. We are
continuing community focused efforts working in various localities.
The world is now witnessing the increasing rate of COVID-19 infections, and
Nepal is not an exception. NSET has taken timely and needful measures to
safeguard its staff and made efforts to continue at the level best. COVID-19 has
come up with so many challenges but in the meantime brings opportunity to
redesign and test the approach and measures of preparedness and response to the

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) iii

We want to reassure our friends and well-wishers, federal and local authorities,
scientists and masons, and the people that we will continue in years to come to
serve the nation by continuing doing what we did so far and we will add more
dimensions to our services. We request for continued understanding and support
from all.

Thank you!

iv National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

Safer Society
NSET Report 2019

Table of Contents

Message from the President ........................................................................................... i

Message from the General Secretary ............................................................................ ii
Message from the Executive Director .......................................................................... iii
NSET Efforts in Past One Year (June 2019–May 2020) ............................................... 3
1 Build Back Better: Assisting Post Gorkha Earthquake Reconstruction ........................ 3
2 Resilient Cities: Technical Support to Municipalities for Building Code
Implementation in Nepal ............................................................................................. 12
3 Building Resilient Communities in Rural Municipalities .............................................. 23
4 Making Resilient Communities: Efforts on Community Based Disaster Risk
Management (CBDRM) in Nepal ................................................................................ 27
5 Making Resilient Schools: Efforts on School Safety in Nepal ..................................... 30
6 Enhancing Preparedness and Emergency Response Capacity: Efforts in Nepal
and Beyond ................................................................................................................. 36
7 Research and Development: Use of Science & Technology in Resilience
Building in Nepal ......................................................................................................... 42
8 Major Events of the Year ............................................................................................ 49
9 Sharing and Cross Learning: NSET’s involvement in National, Regional and
Global Initiatives .......................................................................................................... 56
10 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning at NSET ............................................................ 61
11 NSET: Organizational Updates ................................................................................... 67
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 82

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) i

NSET Annual Report 2020

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 1

NSET Annual Report 2020

NSET Accomplishments at a glance

2 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

NSET Efforts in Past One Year

(June 2019–May 2020)

1 Build Back Better: Assisting Post

Gorkha Earthquake Reconstruction

National Society for Earthquake Techonology – construction to achieve the goal of disaster-
Nepal (NSET) staretd implementing USAID resilient communities in Nepal.
funded Housing Reconstruction Technical
The program is being implemented during October
Assistance Program (HRTAP) with the name
2015–September 2021 in 4 districts (Kathmandu,
“Baliyo Ghar” under the guidance and directives
Dolakha, Dhading and Nuwakot) out of the 14
of National Reconstruction Authority (NRA),
most-affected districts.
Nepal to support Nepal Government’s owner
driven approach for the reconstruction of private The program primarily imparts knowledge, skills
houses after 2015 Gorkha Earthquake. and awareness regarding disaster resilient
construction techniques to earthquake affected
Baliyo Ghar Program aims to provide
communities in program districts. Further, the
comprehensive technical support to government’s
program assists the government in developing
reconstruction efforts, by empowering and
policies, guidelines, standards and training
supporting communities for “Build Back Better”.
curricula to standardize the entire process of
In shorter-term, the program aims at ensuring
reconstruction under the leadership of the National
earthquake safer construction of all houses being
Reconstruction Authority (NRA) and its project
reconstructed. For longer-term, the program aims
implementation units.
to establish a system of disaster-resilient

National BG (as of May 2020) BG Contribution

400,000 366,845 57% 60%
BG contribution


250,000 167,618

200,000 29% 25% 30%

88,150 20%
49,222 15% 9%
21,893 2,195 10%
50,000 5,430 7,755 1,246
- 0%
Orientation D2D TA Mason OJT(New Support Demo Model
Training Mason) Center
Components of Socio-Technical Assistance
*Source: In-house data & HRRP as of May 2020

Baliyo Ghar Contribution in National Reconstruction

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 3

NSET Annual Report 2020

Under Baliyo Ghar program, more than 15,000 door visits in the program areas and also through
skilled human resources including masons, mass media awareness in non-program areas. The
technicians and technical professionals have been community orientation program conducted
trained to enhance their skills in view of their through mobile teams not only raised awareness on
contribution to reconstruction process. earthquake safety and preparedness but also
Demonstration models and model houses changed the perceptions of people on safer housing
constructed during the training courses have been construction. NSET collaborated with local radios
very effective to transfer the earthquake resistant and national television channels for education and
technology in the quake hit communities. Efforts media advocacies.
on awareness raising carried on through door-to-

Accomplishments (June 2019 – May 2020)

Capacity Building of Construction Actors

permit system and building code implementation
through training courses for local authorities.
Mason Refresher Course
In the previous years, existing masons working in
rural areas and urban areas were trained on
reconstruction of safe houses. This year, refresher
course for the rural trained masons was organized
to acquaint them with the knowledge and
techniques for building urban houses. As many of
the rural masons are shifting to urban areas for the
new construction after the reconstruction is over in
rural areas, the refresher courses have enabled
Masons refresher course conducted in Dolakha
them to enhance their knowledge and skills on the
Baliyo Ghar program, in last one year has focused urban construction practices.
on capacity building and demonstration activities
Training for Contractors
for masons, engineers and house-owners regarding
retrofitting of partially damaged houses. Another Realizing the fact that the contractors are one
major focus of the year was to support on major stakeholder in making the communities
institutionalization of reconstruction efforts at resilient, Baliyo Ghar program conducted training
igniting local authorities by initiating building courses for contractors on earthquake safe
construction techniques.
Various training courses conducted under the program are enlisted in the chart below.

Number of Events Number of Participants

100000 10,022
10000 441 156 171 186 252 233

1000 63 51 54 54 37
100 6 6 7 9
2 2 2 2

Baliyo Ghar activities conducted from June 2019 - May 2020

4 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Institutionalization of Safer Construction Practices

Baliyo Ghar Program initiated various technical
support activities to support local governments to
Sharing and Learning Workshop
implement and enforce the National Building Code
(NBC) and building regulations. These activities
were primarily focused on training local
authorities, engineers and contractors on building
code, its implementation and building permit
process, and on supporting for the preparation and
review of policy documents related to
implementing the building code and permit
process. Coordination meetings, workshops and
exposure visits to share knowledge on BCI and
BPS among local authorities and stakeholders
were organized.
Exposure Visit for Representatives of Local

Sharing and Learning Workshop held in Vyas

A one-day workshop on "Sharing experiences,
enhancing knowledge and capacities on Building
Code Implementation" organized on March 2020
in Vyas Municipality. The objective was to
enhance understanding of elected representatives
and government officials in local governments
regarding building code implementation (BCI) and
building permit system (BPS). Urban and Rural
Municipalities all over the country are gradually
moving towards urbanization. The Gorkha
earthquake has spurred the construction of urban
buildings as well. So, municipalities, especially
rural have felt the need of having institutional
Consultation meeting held in Kawasoti framework in place to ensure safer building
construction and to curb haphazard development.
A team consisting of 22 representatives from 9 Rural municipalities, in particular, lack adequate
municipalities from Baliyo Ghar Program districts physical and technical resources to effectively
visited Vyas, Bandipur and Kawasoti implement the Building Code. In many Urban
Municipalities to learn about the strategies, issues Municipalities, building permit process is in place,
and lessons of building code implementation and but has not been effectively administered.
building regulations. The consultation meeting at Learnings of Vyas Municipality, the approaches,
Kawasoti Municipality had a total of 34 framework, structure, impacts, challenges and
participants, including local representatives, learnings of implementation of building code and
officials, house owners and masons from the other DRR measures were shared during the
municipality. As an outcome of these efforts, the workshop.
Bhimeshwar Municipality, Dolakha has started the
process for contractor registration.

Awareness activities to promote resilient communities

Awareness raising has been an integral part of reconstruction and also promote process of
Baliyo Ghar program since its inception. To building resilient communities, TV and radio
continue highlight issues relevant to safer housing programs were developed and broadcasted on safer

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 5

NSET Annual Report 2020

construction policies and practices, issues of printing and publication continued in this period
retrofitting, good practices, impact of socio- too. During June 2019-May 2020, eleven episodes
technical assistance, and advocacy for of TV program were produced and 69 episodes of
institutionalizing sustainability of reconstruction radio programs were produced. TV and radio
efforts. Updating and disseminating awareness programs got discontinued in the year 2020.
information through mass media, social networks,

Awareness through TV and Radio Progams

(June 2019 - Sep 2019)
Produced Broadcasted

Television Programs 11

Radio Programs 69

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


GESI in Baliyo Ghar Program

The on-the-job trainings conducted under Baliyo
Ghar program also contributed to support GENDER
reconstruction of houses belonging to the
vulnerable groups in the communities. The houses Female
constructed as demonstration models during OJTs
belong to highly vulnerable groups of people
prioritized by the National Reconstruction
Authority. In the course of program
implementation, inclusion of women and Male
disadvantaged social groups has been kept in high
priority. Nearly half of all the beneficiaries in
Baliyo Ghar activities belong to Janajati group,
followed by Brahmin, Newar, Dalit and Muslims. ETHNICITY
The program has also been able to support for the
Others Muslim Dalit Newar Janajati B/C
reconstruction of 910 houses, primarily belonging
to vulnerable beneficiaries during the 2%
Ethnicity Type

demonstration construction of On-the-Job 0%

Trainings. These beneficiaries were selected based 11%
on the priorities set by the NRA. Thus, through a 13%
wide range of activities, Baliyo Ghar program has 41%
been able to achieve inclusion and equality on 33%
gender and social aspects, focused towards
developing a disaster resilient community. 0% 20% 40% 60%

Gender and Ethnicity based inclusion in Baliyo

Ghar program activities (June 2019 to May 2020)

6 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Reconstruction support for vulnerable beneficiary: a case from Bhimeshwor

Ghar Program to provide technical support, DLPIU
(Building and GMALI) to facilitate inspection and
grant disbursement and the local forest committee
to support providing timber.
Three of her brothers equally contributed and
supported for the construction of a single room
concrete block house as prescribed in the NRA
manual. Baliyo Ghar program actively worked in
close coordination with the house owner, her
brothers, ward office and NRA/DLPIU to provide
support for the reconstruction. Now, her house

Meeting at Bhimeshwar-2 to discuss on issues has reached the lintel level, with only roofing work
and strategies for supporting vulnerable remaining.
population in reconstruction
Due to the proactiveness of the government
Ms. Mahendra Devi Yogi, a resident of agencies, her second tranche was also disbursed
Bhimeshwar Municipality-2 is a single woman in within half the normal time. The story of Ms. Yogi
her early forties. She also suffers from intellectual is testimony as to how the local governments, NRA
disability and has been enlisted as a vulnerable district offices and communities can collaboratively
beneficiary by the National Reconstruction work to support vulnerable beneficiaries in
Authority. Like many vulnerable beneficiaries reconstruction.
around the country, she was not able to reconstruct
her house for more than four years of the
earthquake. During a status survey of vulnerable
beneficiaries in the ward, Baliyo Ghar Program
found out she wasn't able to reconstruct her house
due to lack of support.
In January 2020, in accordance with the plan to
support vulnerable persons, a meeting was
conducted in Bhimeshwar-2 in presence of the
ward Chairperson, DLPIU representatives, local
forest committee and Baliyo Ghar Program team.
The meeting discussed the issues of vulnerable
beneficiaries in the ward, including Ms. Yogi and
devised strategies to support. As Ms. Yogi needed
both financial and physical support for Reconstruction works in the house of Ms.
Mahendra Devi Yogi at Bhimeshwor Municipality,
construction, the meeting decided to convince her
brothers to support, as well as requested Baliyo

15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 Above 35

18% 8% 10% 9% 54%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Agewise inclusion in Baliyo Ghar program activities (June 2019 to May 2020)

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 7

NSET Annual Report 2020

Technical support for promoting retrofitting

beneficiaries in Siddhalekh
Rural Municipality, Nalang,
Dhading. Total 54 houses
have been retrofitted under
the program.
Organizations like NSET
have developed retrofit
model houses. However, it
is not enough, we need to
scale up the retrofit to
strengthen the seismic
capacity of 70 thousand
houses that were partially
damaged by the
Mr. Sushil Gyewali, CEO of NRA handing over Addressing the ceremony, CEO Mr. Gyewali
the retrofitted house of Mr. Ram Prasad Naharki stressed on the need of retrofitting 70 thousand
in Nalang, Dhading more houses in quake-hit 32 districts. “There is no
Retrofitting of partially damaged houses has been other option either to demolish or retrofit the
a technical and social challenge. When it occurs, it partially damaged houses”, he said. He also
needs celebration. Mr. Sushil Gyewali, CEO of believed that retrofitted houses in Nalang can be
NRA along with officials from the NRA, CLPIU model houses for other areas.
GMALI, CLPIU Building and DLPIUs in Dhading, Through the technical support from Baliyo Ghar on
representatives from Siddhalek RM, USAID, retrofitting:
partner organizations and media personnel did just
that in Dhading. They attended the Retrofit • There has been significant progress on
Technology Handover Program organized by retrofitting of damaged houses.
Baliyo Ghar Program. 6 houses that were • Acceptance and ownership of retrofitting
retrofitted as part of trainings under NSET technology by the communities have been
implemented Baliyo Ghar were handed over to the increased.

"I ignored advice to demolish my house"

couldn't do so as I was attached to the house
emotionally. In the due course, I happened to meet
Baliyo Ghar Program team who helped my house
get retrofitted. With 25 days intensive works, my
house has been retrofitted and turned into a quake
safe house. I am sure, no such earthquakes like
2015's would damage this house, as it has been
tied up by splint and bandage and jacketing around
the walls. The persons who used to force me to
demolish the house now come to see this and get
astonished. Local authorities appreciate my
decision to retrofit the house, I have preserved our
traditional and cultural identity. I am quite satisfied
and happy that upcoming generations can also use
Mr. Rudra Prasad Subedi and his retrofitted this house without worries. There were several
house at Mathani, Bhimeshwor-5 Dolakha houses enlisted for the retrofit in the village but
"My two-and-half-story house got partially almost all have been demolished just to receive 3
damaged during Gorkha earthquake. I had built the lakhs rupees of government grant. The house-
house with my earnings of more than 20 years owners never thought to preserve the traditional
service in the government. My family stayed in architecture with enough rooms to accommodate.
temporary shelter for 2 years. Many villagers Observing my home in its original form, now they
advised me to demolish the house, but my heart regret of what they did. "

8 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Preserving traditional identity in Dwalkha

Dwalkha, located 4.5km north east from Charikot, used to have or spilt up to receive the grant as
the district headquarter of Dolakha, boasts a long promised by the government.
history dating as far as the 13th century. It is well
To assist the reconstruction and preserve the
known for its traditional settlement of the ethnic
complex traditional semi-urban identity, retrofit of
Newar community with the famous Bhimsen
the magnificent houses which exhibits the original
Temple that draws thousands of devotees from all
Nepalese architecture is the best strategy.
over the country every year. Dwalkha has its own
However, this technology needed to go through a
unique language, culture and festivals that ought to
lot of scrutiny before being accepted by the
be preserved.
stakeholders involved in reconstruction.
The devastating earthquake of 2015 caused
As government has adopted owner driven
massive destruction in 32 districts of Nepal, among
approach for the process of reconstruction and has
which Dolakha was one of the most severely
provided the subsidy amount of three hundred
affected districts. In Dwalkha area, 45 houses
thousand Nepali Rupees, beneficiaries were more
collapsed while 188 houses had to be demolished
attracted towards the amount.
and around 105 houses needed repair and retrofit.
Thus, various influential approaches were needed
In urban areas, the reconstruction has been more
to intensify the adaptation of retrofit concept
complex. The major issue that hindered the
amongst the common people. Number of
reconstruction pace in Dwalkha area was a special
meetings, discussions, conslutations and studies
context in which multiple families lived together
held, that led local communities and householders
and shared common house due to their socio-
to find good solutions to rebuild their houses
cultural need and limited availability of land. The
ensuring traditional and cultural identities
houses were not habitable after the earthquake
preserved. Now the reconstruction process is,
and had to be rebuilt, but people were in dilemma
though lately, taking a pace.
on whether to make a single joint house as they

Intervention of Baliyo Ghar

Mr. Purusartha Shrestha who owns a magnificent own constraints as he was listed in reconstruction
traditional stone masonry house in Dwalkha was beneficiary and in addition, his house had multiple
approached by the mobile team of Baliyo Ghar to owners. He was sharing his house with his brother
assess his house for retrofitting. Mr. Shrestha was as a part of their tradition. They were in dilemma
impressed by the idea of retrofitting as he had as to whether to demolish the house and construct
witnessed the house of his neighbor, Mr. Ananda two separate houses as they were listed for two
Bahadur Shrestha being retrofitted. That retrofitted separate grants or whether to build a single joint
house functioned as demonstration model in the house that would not be as large as the existing
community which helped increase interest of one.
beneficiaries in the process. However, he had his

House of Ananda Bahadur Shrestha before House of Ananda Bahadur Shrestha after
retrofitting retrofitting

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 9

NSET Annual Report 2020

House of Purusartha Shrestha before retrofitting House of Purusartha Shrestha after


Retrofitting Mr. Ananda Bahadur Shrestha’s house These models of retrofit have helped preserve the
has created an environment in which people have features of traditional settlements and traditional
started to consider retrofitting as a feasible architecture. These houses have also provided
solution. Initially, people did not believe they sufficient space for residents who stay together in
could conserve these traditional houses because of families and this has helped preserve the social
the age of the house and the recent government structure.
norms. But they were later convinced that it was a
Dwalkha is a semi-urban settlement which carries
feasible technique and so was Mr. Purusartha
historical and traditional structural values. The
Shrestha. After convincing his brother and
traditional assets can be aptly utilized to uplift the
completeing necessaryformalities, he retrofitted
economy of the area. By preserving the traditional
his house with the technical support for design and
architecture, Dwalkha can attract the attention of
supervision from Baliyo Ghar program. His house
whole Nepal and set out as a model. There are
became one of the demonstration sites for the 25-
many other beneficiaries like Mr. Purusartha
day retrofit training that Baliyo Ghar Program is
Shrestha and Mr. Ananda Shrestha.
conducting in the district.

Impacts of the Program

Coming to the end of program implementation, • Several villages have completed housing
Baliyo Ghar program has left with some reconstruction and going back to normal.
significant impacts at the community level:
• As retrofit and institutionalization of
• As of May 2020, more than 85% of the 60- reconstruction efforts was the major focus of
thousand households in the program areas the program, acceptance to the retrofit
directly supported by Baliyo Ghar Program technology has widely increased.
have completed reconstruction of their • Local level initiatives for disaster risk
houses. reduction and management have begun.
• 97% of the the houses rebuilt in program area • Ward level disaster risk management
are compliant to the codes. committees have been formed in some of the
Municipalities in the program areas.

Way ahead
The post-earthquake housing reconstruction in check. Baliyo Ghar program is contributing in
Nepal has witnessed significant progress in technical assistance system through its program
rebuilding more than 65% of private houses after 4 interventions.
years of devastating earthquake with the support
Despite the progress, the institutionalization and
system for technical assistance, household-level
sustainability of reconstruction achievements is an
financial subsidy and the system of compliance

10 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

issue that must be on focus. Masons were trained, iii. Conduct awareness raising activities targeted
peoples were oriented and safer houses have been to house-owners and stakeholders to
constructed well, however, this all should go into propagate the knowledge of building permit
governance system and this is actually good systems and safer construction practices.
opportunity the country need to grab.
Ultimately, the program intends to develop a
Baliyo Ghar Program is now focused on major
model of building permit and building code
three areas of housing reconstruction:
implementation for the rural municipalities
i. Start the process of institutionalization of through the learnings from the implementation of
reconstruction efforts. This will eventually the building permit process. Also, the learnings
facilitate for implementation of building will guide for the decision support tools for
code. selecting appropriate housing reconstruction and
ii. Conduct capacity enhancing trainings to management strategies, if in-case local authorities
municipal staff and stakeholders by need to be involved for post-disaster
reconstruction in the future.
supporting them to develop mechanisms to
start the building permit system and

Housing reconstruction progressing in one of the rural areas of Dhading, where Baliyo Ghar team
discusses withhouse-owners and masons

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 11

NSET Annual Report 2020

2 Resilient Cities: Technical Support to Municipalities

for Building Code Implementation in Nepal

NSET has been implementing Technical Support the root cause of earthquake risk in Nepal
for Building Code Implementation in Nepal and possible ways of mitigating the risks,
(TSBCIN) program since 2017 with the funding 2. Building the capacities of construction
support from the United States Agency for workforce such as local masons and
International Development / Bureau for contractors in earthquake-resistant
Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) to support construction technology; and building
municipalities in implementing the National Building capacities of engineers and technical
Code (NBC). TSBCIN program is an extension and professionals to design and supervise
continuation of USAID/OFDA supported Building construction of safer building;
Code Implementation Program in Municipalities in
3. Building institutional capacity of
Nepal (BCIPN) that NSET implemented during
municipalities to effectively enforce
building code and institutionalize the code
Under the guidance and directives of the Department compliance system; and
of Urban Development and Building Construction 4. Expanding the concepts, cooperation and
(DUDBC), Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD) networking from ongoing successful
and the program municipalities, the program is being municipalities to nearby new
implemented in 30 municipalities scattered in 7 municipalities, collaboration with local
provinces of Nepal. organizations including other NGOs,
In order to achieve the program objectives, TSBCIN CBOs, technical colleges, local media
has adopted four main strategic components: among others as well as the use of existing
local capacity, accelerating local
1. Raising awareness of local community, related community interactions and generating
stakeholders and government representatives on local resources.

Accomplishments (June 2019 – May 2020)

Awareness and sensitization for 600
effective Building Code 462
During the period of June 2019 to May 2020, various 262
activities have been accomplished under the program. 180
Raising awareness is the first step towards improving
risk perception and creating demand for earthquake
risk reduction. One of the major activities of TSBCIN 0
House owner Orientations
program is promoting awareness on earthquake safer Orientations to municipal staff
construction. During the period, several awareness Mobile Clinic
Radio Program produced/braodacast
and sensitization programs have been conducted for

12 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

house-owners, political and social leaders, social provided by the team of field engineers and
mobilizers, community people, students and other respective municipal engineers or engineering
stakeholders through orientation sessions, earthquake students to house owners and construction
safety campaigns, mobile clinics and local radio workers. The main objectives of mobile
campaigns. These stakeholders are engaged to further earthquake clinic are to provide knowledge of
disseminate information on earthquake safer building safer building construction, assist on-site
construction practices. building code implementation, and further
stimulate the house owners and builders to
House-owner orientations
consider earthquake risks. A total of 180 mobile
House owner orientation is about to aware and orient clinics were conducted during the period
house owners for the roles and responsibilities to benefitting a total of 5400 people.
build their houses strong and earthquake resilience by Awareness campaigns through radios
following the building code. In this period, a total 462
house-owners got oriented in Itahari, Dhangadhi and Radio program is one very effective tool to
Nepalgunj Sub-Metropolitan Cities, and Dhankuta, promote awareness at community level. NSET
Mithila, Damak, Godawari and Kawasoti highly emphasizes in utilizing local radios and
Municipalities. mass media tools to promote the understanding
on earthquake risks in Nepal and ways to reduce
Orientation for municipal staff
it. In this period, total 40 episodes of radio
Municipal staff were oriented on the building permit programs produced and aired from 5 partner
system, building code and their role for effective radios.
implementation. Further, the municipality officials
The radio programs focused on earthquake and
were updated with the current status of building code
disaster safety such as earthquake resistant
implementation in the municipalities. A total of 246
building construction techniques, stakeholders’
municipal staff got oriented from Mithila, Kawasoti,
roles and responsibilities, municipal capacities
Sainamaina, Ghorahi, Nepalgunj, Godawari,
etc. In addition to this, Public Service
Suklaphanta, Dhangadhi and Bhimdatta
Announcements (PSAs) related to earthquake
Municipalities in this period.
safety produced and broadcasted everyday 10
Mobile Earthquake Clinic times by all the radio partners. 8 new additional
Mobile Earthquake Clinic is an on-site consultation PSAs produced and broadcasted from the
partner radios during the period.

activities as well. The university is taking lead on

Collaboration and Networking research work by involving students and
NSET/TSBCIN is taking lead for facilitating and
Collaboration is a key component of TSBCIN imparting training to engineering students. Similar
program to build cooperation among related MOU was also signed with Far-Western
stakeholders for providing effective support for University (FWU) to pave way for the activities in
building code implementation. During this period, capacity enhancement of teachers and students.
NSET has collaborated with various local
stakeholders; CBOs/NGOs, professional societies, A tripartite agreement has been signed among
academic institutions, local media, volunteers etc. Bharatpur Metropolitan City (BMC), United
to conduct various activities. Some of the major Technical College and NSET to assist municipality
collaborations undertaken are as follows: to conduct sensitization of House owners. As per
the agreement, the college provided required
Collaboration with Academic Institutions resources to conduct two orientations to the
An MOU was signed between Mid-Western potential new house-owners who have applied for
University (MWU), Civil Engineering Department building permits in the municipality. NSET helped
and NSET to work together for capacity develop instructors for the orientation.
enhancement of the students and teachers on Collaboration with Teach for Nepal
earthquake-resistant design and construction. The
university teachers and students are later mobilized “Teach for Nepal” is a movement of outstanding
to provide support to municipalities in conducting university graduates and young professionals who
further training programs. NSET and the are committed to end education inequity in Nepal
university are working to promote research

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 13

NSET Annual Report 2020

starting with two years of fellowship teaching in to demonstrate civil society’s contribution on
public schools. various social issues in Nepal. During the
exhibition, a booth was setup by NSET to display
Collaboration with ISET Nepal
safer construction techniques, the achievements
NSET and Institute for Social and Environmental made in Building Code Implementation in Nepal,
Transition - Nepal (ISET) collaborated for and other disaster risk reduction and preparedness
conducting three-day training to local contractors initiatives by NSET. Several government and non-
of selected wards of Kathmandu Metropolitan City government organizations participated in the
(KMC) and Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC). program and was attended by around 200 people.
Sharing with HRRP Nepal Collaboration with Nepal Geological Society
HRRP is a platform of non-government Nepal Geological Society (NGS) has collaborated
organizations who are supporting the government with Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of
initiatives for post 2015 Gorkha Earthquake Mines and Geology (DMG), NSET and other
Reconstruction. NSET organized a sharing session National and International organizations in
for Housing Recovery and Reconstruction celebrating International Day for Disaster Risk
Platform (HRRP) in Kathmandu. A total of 19 staff Reduction (IDRR), 2019. NSET participated in
from HRRP participated the session. NSET two different programs at Bharatpur and
professionals shared experiences, lessons learnt, Kathmandu. A one-day orientation program was
challenges and achievements of building code held in Bharatpur Metropolitan City Hall on
implementation. Discussions were held on the October 16, 2019 and discussed on the efforts
possibilities of future collaboration with HRRP in made in disaster risk reduction in Bharatpur along
building code implementation activities. Such with the future activities in Disaster Risk
session is helpful on bringing the lessons and Reduction. NGS organized a one-day symposium
practices of building code implementation in the in Kathmandu on October 18, 2019. NSET made a
reconstruction areas. presentation on "Towards Community Resilience
through Building Code Implementation".
Collaboration with Social Welfare Council
(SWC) Technical support to additional municipality
Social Welfare Council (SWC) is the regulatory NSET and Kushma Municipality of Parbat district
agency for all non-government organizations signed a MoU for working together on effective
(NGO) in Nepal. Social Welfare Council (SWC) building code implementation. One mason training
observed its anniversary on September 23, 2019 and one sensitization program for political and
organizing various events. As part of the social leaders conducted at the Municipality under
anniversary events, SWC organized an exhibition the technical support of TSBCIN.

Capacity enhancement of construction workers and other stakeholders

As part of capacity enhancement training Capacity Enhancement of Construction

programs, NSET trained construction workers, Workers
engineers, municipal staffs/engineers, and policy 16
Mason trainings
makers. The objectives of these training courses 16 Engineers' Training
had been to enhance the capacity of key
14 Municipal Engineers' Training
construction stakeholders on earthquake safer Social Mobilizer Training
construction practices and earthquake risk 12 Training for Contractors
management. Training for policy makers
10 8 Training for Journalists

4 2
1 1 1

14 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Training course for masons Training workshop for radio journalists

During past one year, 10 mason training courses A training workshop was organized for radio
and 6 mason refresher courses conducted. These program producers from partner radios. The
courses are to help masons build better purpose was to share the experiences, learning and
understanding on safer construction practices. challenges while producing radio programs on
methods and processes of safer building
Training course for masons on retrofitting
construction and key issues of effective building
Total 3 number of ‘On-the-job Training’ on code implementation in Nepal. Total 12 radio
retrofitting conducted in Birendranagar journalists participated. The training ended with
Municipality, 43 masons got trained through earthquake vulnerability walk in historical core
retrofitting of a public building. area of a local community in Patan.
Training course for engineers Training course for contractors
TSBCIN organized training course on "Seismic A three-day training course for contractors was
Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings” organized at Bharatpur Metropolitan City that
in Ghorahi Sub-Metropolitan City of Dang with focused on basic principles of construction
focus on seismic vulnerability assessment of management and its practical approaches. The
existing buildings and basic concepts of course covered: human resource management,
retrofitting. Total 30 engineers from different construction materials management at site,
municipalities and consulting firms of Province No equipment handling and operation, financial
5, 6 and 7 and from the Department of Urban and record keeping methods, basic methods on
Building Construction (DUDBC), Dang estimation of materials and learning key points on
participated the course. municipal drawing. Total 27 local contractors
Likewise, a five-day training on “Retrofitting
Design” was conducted. This was the second series Training for policy makers
of training for the same participants who already
A three-day training program was organised on
participated the basic training course. Total 27
Land Pooling in Vyas Municipality that focused on
participants attended the training on retrofitting
sharing the concept and overall process of land
design of residential buildings. NSWT also
pooling with the participants. The training
organized 3 Refresher courses for engineers on
consisted of a mixed participation of 34
earthquake resistant building design and
stakeholders consisting of representatives of user
committees, representatives of the concerned
Training for municipal engineers wards, engineers, architects, sub-engineers and
social mobilizers of project implementation unit
TSBCIN program organized training course for
and other technical staff of the municipality.
municipal engineers and sub engneers focusing on
building permit system. Total 84 technical staff Technical assistance for demonstration of
from Bheemdutta, Bhimeshwor and Vyas retrofitting
municipalities took part in the course.
The technical support for the assessment, design
Training for social mobilizer/social leader and estimate of retrofitting of a residential building
at Ghorahi Sub-Metropolitan City was prepared in
NSET organized 8 trainings on Earthquake Risk
this period. It plans to provide further technical
Management in Bharatpur and Vyas Municipality
assistance through field visits at critical points in
for municipality social mobilizers and local social
the phase of construction. Masons and engineers in
leaders. Total 289 social mobilizers and social
the city have already been trained and involved in
leaders got trained.
the previous retrofitting work.

Support for improving institutional system

NSET aims to provide technical inputs and municipalities, finalization of ‘houseowner and
supports for improving institutional systems of contractor training manual’, preparation of video
municipalities for building code implementation. documentaries, workshop on building code
As part of it, consultation meeting with updates and works on the land pooling were

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NSET Annual Report 2020

carried out during the period. The following are the Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan
major activities conducted during the period. (LDCRP)
Plan and program for building code NSET assisted Bharatpur Metropolitan City for
implementation developing Local Disaster and Climate Resilience
Plan (LDCRP). The plan is based on the LDCRP
NSET has been providing technical support to
Guidelines - 2074 developed by the Ministry of
municipal offices to develop plans and programs
Federal Affairs and General Administration
for building code implementation. These plans
(MOFAGA). In addition to LDCRP, 3-year Action
include programsa and activities related to
Plan was also prepared through series of meetings
building code enforcement by the municipalities
and discussion with the Municipality Officials.
together with budgetary allocation for conducting
Training program was also conducted for the
awareness and training activities. Numerous
members of Disaster Risk Management
orientation programs, capacity enhancement
Committee (DRMC) along with interaction
programs and building surveys have been
program with ward level DRMC members to share
conducted under the leaderships and with the
outcome of the planning process. Bharatpur
budget of the municipalities. Small external
Metropolitan City is second municipality to be
financial support has been key to generate
assisted in LDCRP preparation after Vyas
significant amount of resources from within the
Municipality. These LDCRPs prepared by the
municipality for building code enforcement. This
municipality offices have now been endorsed by
effort has ensured local ownership and is believed
the respective Municipal Councils and have now
to sustainably lead the programs in the
become the mandatory plan and policy of the

Support for planned urban development

Establishment of systems for retrofitting through land-pooling
NSET provided technical support to carry out With the view to develop disaster resilient
retrofitting of two existing buildings in western communities, Vyas Municipality is working to
region of Nepal. Seismic retrofitting of a private initiate and implement Land-Pooling Program
house has been done as a demonstration in Ghorahi with technical assistance from NSET. A
Sub-Metropolitan City and similar retrofitting of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was
one public building has been done in signed between Vyas Municipality and NSET to
Birendranagar Municipality. NSET assisted these initiate the program. A pilot Land-Pooling work is
two municipalities to develop systems and plans underway at Baireni of Vyas Municipality Ward
for promoting and enforcing retrofitting of other Number 10.
vulnerable buildings. These municipalities plan to
integrate the system of retrofitting into the existing
system of building permit.

16 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Publication of Houseowner Manual building code implementation and building permit

systems. These videos are meant to be used for the
An updated version of houseowner
house-owner orientation in the municipalities.
manual has been prepared and
These short videos are developed largely based on
published. The main objective of this
the orientation sessions conducted by the
booklet is to provide all necessary
municipalities. The videos cover concepts of
basic information for the houseowner
earthquake resistant building construction, quality
regarding earthquake resistant
of building materials and stages of building permit
construction, municipal building
permit process, and other practical
issues related to construction. Support for Planned Urban Development
Municipalities will provide this through Land-Pooling
manual to house-owners when they
NSET has been providing technical assistance to
purchase the building permit
Vyas Municipality for the implementation of land
application forms. House-owners can
pooling project at Baireni, Tanahu. As part of it, a
refer to this manual before they start
training on Land Pooling for Urban Development
the application and construct their
was conducted by NSET and Vyas municipality to
new houses.
the technical staff of Vyas municipality Land
Preparation of Manual for Contractors’ Pooling Project Implementation Unit (PIU) which
Training includes Architect, engineers, sub-engineers,
surveyors and Social Mobilizer from Vyas
A manual for contractors’ training (3-day course)
municipality and NSET both. Similarly,
has been prepared. This new course mainly focuses
representatives from the beneficiary groups and
on human resource management, construction
ward political persons were also trained.
materials management at site, equipment handling
and operation, financial record keeping methods,
basic methods on estimation of materials and
learning key points on municipal drawing. The
schedule, curricula, and lesson plan of each session
is incorporated in this training manual.
Preparation of Video Documentary
NSET collaborated with Panchakanya Pictures, a
private organization working in developing video
documentaries. NSET and Panchakanya Pictures
have jointly developed video documentaries on

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 17

NSET Annual Report 2020

Case Stories
Efforts of Vyas Municipality to improve seismic safety of buildings
Vyas Municipality, the headquarters of Tanahun occupies area of 248 sq. km and has a total
District in west Nepal, was declared as Municipality population of 70,335.
in 1991. The Municipality has 14 wards, that

Vyas Municipality initiated earthquake risk launched field supervision/ inspection through its
management efforts with the development of own team of engineers. Building Permit System
earthquake scenario in 2001, that helped in raising Software was installed in the Municipality to
public awareness. Then followed various convert existing permit system into digital system.
awareness programs in the area. Vyas declared In 2018, mandatory checks for structural design of
National Building Code mandatory in Vyas in 2011. B class Buildings was also initiated the same year.
According to Mr. Rabindra Mul, Senior Municipal In addition, Municipality is conducting orientations
Engineer, mason trainings, engineers' trainings regularly for house-owners focusing on earthquake
and orientations for house-owners and safety. Likewise, Mobile Earthquake Clinics are
communities were conducted massively since being organized to help house-owners.
In these efforts, NSET provided technical
Vyas went ahead with the formation of mason assistance and strategic guidance.
groups, preparing list of consultants and allocation
Now, Building Code Implementation has been
of budget for BCI in 2012. Trained Masons and
ensured through 14-steps Supervision from
Consultant Engineers were registered. In 2014, an
consultant and monitoring from Municipality in 3-
Advisory Committee of technical consultants was
steps. The reward and punishment mechanism
formed. The same year, licensing system for
initiated evaluating the performance of masons
trained Masons and Contractors started along with
and consultants. As per record of fiscal year
reward and punishment mechanism.
2017/18, total 709 number of houses were
Vyas started field supervision of under construction permitted for construction which is around 93% of
buildings since 2014 through consultants. In 2015, the building constructed in Municipality. In 2019-
municipality prepared and implemented building 2020 alone, 450 new buildings were constructed
permit guidelines and also developed and with permit. Currently there are 20059 building
implementated Revised Building Permit Book. In stock in the Municipality. Till date, Municipality has
2017, implementation of revised building permit provided earthquake resistant mason trainings to
form started. Further, Municipality increased 520 masons while a total 174 consultant engineers
technical workforce of the Municipality and have been trained so far.

18 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Mr. Baikuntha Neupane, the Mayor, believes that a social issue. It can’t be implemented without the
they have experienced challenges such as trust of community. It needs to be complemented
difficulties in bringing the non-compliant buildings by at least one percent of Municipality’s budget per
into the building permit system, development of annum" said, Mayor Neupane.
proper regulation for retrofitting of existing building
Vyas Municipality aims to continue awareness
stock, dispelling negative influence of other
promotion and capacity building programs. It also
neighboring municipalities, building permit process
aspires to accelerate proper site supervision
by government buildings and schools and bringing
activities and monitoring system. further, the
the rural part of municipality into building permit
municipality is planning to incorporate and
process which were recently merged into the
mainstreaming earthquake risk reduction in
municipality, among others.
municipality plans and policies and implement
Vyas Municipality has learned important lessons building permit software to digitize building permit
from its efforts. "BCI is not only a technical but also system.

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 19

NSET Annual Report 2020

A journey of Ms. Pema Chaudhary, a female mason from

Godawari Municipality
the training and he has not. It would have been
easier for me to work together with my own
husband, but he never took me to work with him.
Therefore, we always worked at different
construction sites.
My husband's income is not enough to support the
family and educate children. I also started earning
so that all the expenses are easily met. I have also
some savings. When I started working that helped
my husband and family to tackle financial burden.
As I am trained mason, I get work more easily.
After receiving the training, I feel that I am not only
earning money but also contributing to society and
the municipality by building earthquake-resistant
houses. I feel proud of my work. Now I am thinking
of building my house according to what I have
learned in the training.
There are many challenges in this profession, but
women face more challenges. I have 3 children.
I have been engaged in construction works since Doing all the housework, farming work, and also
past 10 years. Initially, I worked as a Labor but its go for construction works all day is very much
now 5 years I have been working as mason. Now, tiring for a woman. My husband leaves for work at
I am different from what I was 10 years back. I am around 8am in the morning but that’s not possible
a trained mason, who knows how to build an for me.
earthquake-resistant house.
It seems for the society that the skilled construction
I was willing to be a mason. Sometimes masons work is done only by men. It is true that in the past,
used to be absent at the construction site where I there were not many women in this profession. I
worked, that was an opportunity for me to hold the also face many problems to manage my household
trowel. This way, I started working as a mason. activities and my profession, but I wanted to earn
something for my family, and I took challenge to
In 2018, I got an opportunity to join mason training manage it.
course which focused on construction of an
earthquake-resistant house. Under USAID But again, it is very difficult for a woman to work
supported program, National Society for that requires more physical labor like a Mason. Not
Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) had only that, the salary I used to get when I was
conducted Mason Training that taught me many working for labor has not been increased even after
ideas and skills of earthquake resistant building receiving the training. If there was a male Mason in
construction. We came to know that we need to my place, his salary would have been doubled or
improve the way that we were doing every day. he would have become a contractor. I made
Earlier we used to build only houses but now we progress at my work, but the wage rate is same as
are building safe houses. Now, I am involved in the previous. But now this work becomes my habit, so
construction work from the foundation to the roof of I am thinking of doing this work as long as my
the house. My husband is also a mason. But I took health supports me.

20 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

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Overall progress and impacts of TSBCIN

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NSET Annual Report 2020

22 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

3 Building Resilient Communities in Rural


Nepal is predominantly a rural country and disaster The program covers following thematic areas:
risk factors are aggravated owing to poor Building and Infrastructures Regulation, Multi-
accessibility and livelihood conditions. To develop Hazard Risk Assessment and Planning, and
model for building community resilience, NSET is Preparedness and Response Planning.
implementing Technical Support for Resilient
Community Program (TESREC) with the name
“My Village is Resilient” Program during 2019-
2021 in 7 Rural Municipalities of Nepal. The
program is funded by United States Agency for
International Development / Bureau for
Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) and
implemented in collaboration with and under the
leadership of Rural Municipalities. It is expected
to contribute to building resilient Nepal by
strengthening local government's capacities to
cope with disasters.
The major objective of the intervention is to
support in establishing model for resilient rural
community through safer building practices and
Two major components of program are; 1)
establishing framework and systems for ensuring
safer building construction in rural municipalities;
and 2) developing model disaster resilient

Accomplishments (June 2019 – May 2020)

commitment in the rural municipalities. The
Exploratory Visits and Consultation interaction meetings were attended by the elected
Meetings members, municipal officials and technical
Exploratory visits were organized to understand professionals. A survey questionnaire was used for
and finalize the rural municipalities for program collecting pertinent information and data from the
implementation. NSET team, comprising of senior municipalities. Interaction through telephonic
professionals, made exploratory visits to the most conversations was done with few other
potential rural municipalities. Interaction meetings municipalities where filed visits could not be
were organized in the municipalities to verify conducted to understand their level of
collected information and to collect more data, to commitment. Likewise, consultation meetings
know the status of disaster risk reduction and were also organized with the Ministry of Federal
existing capacities, and to gauze the level of Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA) of

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 23

NSET Annual Report 2020

the Government of Nepal for the final selection of program areas were selected. The 7 selected
rural municipalities. program areas are: Tamakoshi Rural Municipality,
Dolakha; Babai Rural Municipality, Dang and
Selection of Program Rural Baijanath Rural Municipality, Banke; Simta Rural
Municipalities Municipality, Surkhet; Sinja Rural Municipality,
Jumla; Kailari Rural Municipality, Kailali; and
Through the preliminary analysis and further Chure Rural Municipality Kailali
verification during the field exploratory visits, 7

Tamakoshi Rural Municipality Babai Rural Municipality

Tamakoshi Rural Municipality is located in Dolakha Babai Rural Municipality located in Dang District in
District of Province No 3, Nepal. It lies in the east Province No. 5, Nepal. Babai Rural Municipality
of Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. The has area of 257.48 sq. km. It is surrounded by
municipality is located on the banks of the Khimti Shantinagar Rural Municipality and Dangisharan
and Tamakoshi River. Rural Municipality in the east, Banke District in the
west, Salyan District in the north and Dangisharan
This municipality is formed with the merger of
Rural Muncipality and Banke district in south. The
former 7 Village Development Committees (VDCs)
total population of Babai is 27,469.
consisting of Bhirkot, Jhule, Japhe, Malu, Shahre,
Chyama, and Hawa. Baiteshwar Rural Baijanath Rural Municipality
Municipality in the north, KhimtiKhola and
Gokulganga Rural Municipality of Ramechhap in Baijanath Rural Municipality is located in Banke
the south, Melung Rural Municipality in the west District of Province No. 5, Nepal. Kohalpur
and Jiri Municipality in the east are the adjoining Municipality in the east, Khajura Municipality in the
rural municipalities. Tamakoshi Rural Municipality south, Mankhola in the west and Bansgadhi
is known for its potential for development and Municipality in the north are the adjoining
prosperity. According to 2011 census, the total municipalities. This municipality was formed after
population of this municipality is 18849. This merging the earstwhile Chisapani VDC, Nauwasta
municipality has a total of 4345 houses. VDC, Bankatwa VDC and Titihiriya VDC. This rural
municipality has altogether 7 wards. The current
population of Baijanath is 54,987. There are total
11,066 buildings; 6020 are masonry buildings,

24 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

1178 timber buildings, 211 RCC buildings and east, Geryal Gaunpalika in north, Badikedar Rural
3614 others. Municipality in west and Godawari Municipality of
Kalali in south. The total area is 493.18 square
Simta Rural Municipality kilometer. There are total of 3478 buildings.
Simta Rural Municipality is situated in north east of As observed during the exploratory visit, the
Surkhet District of Karnali Province of Nepal. This program rural municipalities don’t have a system of
municipality comprises of then eight village Building Permit and neither they have inventory of
development committees namely Ghoreta, building of their municipality. There has been no
Kafalkot, Agrigaun, Bajedichaur, Rakam, effort on building code implementation (BCI) in
Kaprichaur, Dandakhali and Khanikhola. It shares these municipalities. Likewise, the program
borders with Salyan District in the east, Jajarkot municipalities have just started registration for
District in north, Chingad in west and Gurvakot RCC buildings only; Building Permit System needs
Municipality of Surkhet district in south. Inhabitants to be developed. Among the municipalities, only
are mostly Chhetri, Kaami, Thakuri, Damai, Chure municipality informed that they have started
Brahmin, Magar, Sarki and Sanyasi ethnic groups. building permit system while Simta and Babai are
The Municipality has not started building code in the process of starting. People come to
implementation. municipalities for getting the building permit only
Sinja Rural Municipality when they need bank loan otherwise for other
buildings they don’t come to the municipality.
Sinja Rural Municipality is located in Jumla District
of Karnali Province, Nepal. The municipality came Most of the municipalities lack the technical
into existence on 10 March 2017. Dhapa, professionals in their municipal office. Out of the 7
Sanigaun and Narakot Village Development municipalities, only two municipalities, Tamakoshi
Committees were merged to form this municipality. and Sinja have engineers while other have only
The headquarters of the municipality is situated at sub-engineers that too few in number. These
Narakot. The rural municipality is divided into 6 municipalities have at least 1 sub-engineers in their
wards. The total area of the rural municipality is office. There seem to be around 200 masons in
153.29 square kilometres (59.19 sq mi) and the average in these rural municipalities. Only Simta
total population as of 2011 Nepal census is 12,395. and Baijanath informed that they had trained
masons as there was 1 mason training each in both
Kailari Rural Municipality municipalities. Among the 7 municipalities, only 4
Kailari Rural Municipality is located at Kailali municipalities have municipal profile of their
District in Sudurpashchim Province of Nepal. It is respective municipalities. And none of the
surrounded by Bajani Municipality in the East, municipalities have Risk Sensitive Land Use Plan,
Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitan City in the West, Byelaws and other standard form of other disaster
Gauriganga Municipality and Ghodaghodi risk managements plans. Only one rural
Municipality in the North and Uttar Pradesh, India municipality (Simta) had drafted the Local Disaster
in the South. According to 2011 census, the total and Climate Resilient Plan; various other
population of this municipality is 47,987. documents and guidelines still needs to be
None of the Municipalities have the local risk
Chure Rural Municipality assessment, hazard data and information of the
municipalities. These municipalities also didn’t
Chure Rural Municipality is a Gaunpalika in Kailali
have any emergency response plans and
District in Sudurpashchim Province of Nepal. The
equipment stored for the same. And there were
population of Chure is 19157 with 9501 male and
also lack of trained municipal staff, community
9656 females. Chure Rural Municipality is
members on emergency preparedness and
surrounded by Mohanyal Rural Municipality in the
response (Search and Rescue/First Aid etc).
for model disaster resilient rural community and
MoU signed with Federal Ministry safer building construction practice.
and Advisory Committee formed
Similarly, an Advisory Committee formed under
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has the leadership of Joint Secretary of MoFAGA as
been signed between Ministry of Federal Affairs
and General Administration (MOFAGA) and per the provision in the MOU. The main objective
NSET to facilitate the effective implementation of of the committee is to provide guidance, feedback
the program. Both organizations agreed to work and monitoring of the program. The committee
together in establishing framework and foundation meets once in every six months.

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NSET Annual Report 2020

MoU signed with Rural effectively. The committee meets every month.
Municipalities Advisory committees are also formed in both rural
municipalities under the leadership of Chairman of
NSET signed MoU with two Rural Municipalities; the Rural Municipality to guide the coordination
Chure and Kailari for implementing program committee and program. The committee meets
activities at the municipal levels. The MOU guides once in every three months.
for joint works to develop systems of safer
building construction and establishing framework Orientation for Political Leaders
and foundation for model disaster resilient rural
community. Orientation programs were organized for political
leaders and municipal staff one each in Kailari and
As per MoU, Coordination Committees formed in Chure Rural Municipalities. A total of 62 persons
municipal level under the leadership of Vice sensitized through orientation program on the
Chairperson in both Rural Municipalities. The multi-hazard risk reduction and management and
main objective of the committee is to collaborate safer construction.
and implement the activities of the program

26 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

4 Making Resilient Communities: Efforts on Community

Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) in Nepal

Community members are the first ones to
respond to and provide immediate assistance
whenever any disaster occurs in a community.
NSET prioritizes and focuses on enabling
community members to respond to disaster
NSET’s CBDRM Division has been working
together with communities and local
governments on multi-hazard risk reduction
with special focus to earthquake. In such
efforts, main focus is on building community
resilience through local capacity building on
preparedness and response, community led
DRR efforts from planning to implementation,
as well as institutionalization of efforts.

Major accomplishments (July 2019 – June 2020)

per the request from the Ward 21. Total 34
Training on Non-Structural volunteers (30 Female, and 4 Male) participated.
Nonstructural Mitigation training program was Training Program on Local Disaster
held in Ward no. 21, Khokana of Lalitpur and Climate Resilience Planning
Metropolitan City (LMC) to promote women’s
Three-day Training on Local Disaster and Climate
engagement and contribution in Disaster Risk
Resilience Planning was conducted from 24-26,
Management efforts. NSET team performed
September 2019 at Namobuddha Municipality
practical sessions on non-structural mitigation as
Kabhrepalanchok. The program was jointly

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NSET Annual Report 2020

organized by Namobuddha Municipality, Lalitpur on 24 February 2020. The workshop was

Architectes Sans Frontières (ASF) and Habitat for organized to present the 3D Landslide
Humanity with technical support from Earthquake Demonstrator, its concept, the implementation and
Safety Solution (ESS). The objective of the reflections from the first set of field trials
training was to enable the members of Ward Level undertaken in 2019. It was aimed to get feedback,
Disaster Management Committees to initiate suggestions and creative comments from
planning and implemention of disaster risk participants from a range of institutions.
reduction activities.

A total of 25 participants from universities, civil

A total of 38 persons (13 female and 25 male) society organizations and research institutions
representing 11 wards including few ward were present at the program.
Chairpersons and Municipality officials actively
participated in the workshop. The training was The workshop discussed the knowledge gaps
delivered in six thematic sessions spread over three around landslide hazard and risk in rural Nepal, the
days. The participants came up with the list of need of science/knowledge for reducing landslide
actions to be carried out in the near future by the risk and effectiveness of communicating DRR
municipality. message to the vulnerable community.

Workshop on 3D Landslide
A one-day workshop on 3D Landslide
Demonstrator was organized at NSET office in

28 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

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3D Landslide Demonstrator test done in Sindhupalchowk

3D Landslide Demonstrator for rain induced landslide 3D Landslide Demonstrator for rain induced landslide
model before demonstration model after demonstration

intended to provide some techniques of landslide

A field testing of 3D Landslide Demonstrator was
monitoring at the community level, identify and
conducted at the premises of Shree Bhimsen
implement simple small-scale mitigation measures
Secondary School Tyangathali at the BhoteKoshi
at the community level.
Rural Municipality of Sindhupalchowk on 28
December 2019. The demonstration was observed The 3D Landslide Demonstrator is widely expected
by students and teachers of the school with to be useful to students in the school, college and
significant attendance of parents (mostly universities to help them understand the practical
housewives), youth and other villagers. Landslide aspects of landslide mechanism and soil stability
is one of the major hazards existing in all over the parameters. It is also considered a useful tool to
hilly areas of Nepal and making communities at the local area planners for basic infrastructure and
very high risk. The 3D Landslide Demonstrator settlements planning and development.
was conceptualized as an awareness tool to
First 3D Landslide Demonstrator was designed in
educate the community members about landslide
Durham University, UK by the NSET professionals.
preparedness and mitigation.
The mechanism of landslide and the model was
The field testing aimed to help communities to successfully tested.
understand that all types of landslides cannot be
mitigated, some may be reduced or retarded and
only a little of them can be mitigated. The tests also

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NSET Annual Report 2020

5 Making Resilient Schools: Efforts on School

Safety in Nepal

Schools in Nepal face extreme risk from earthquakes. Realizing the urgency of earthquake risk reduction
in the school sector in Nepal, NSET started School Earthquake Safety Program (SESP) back in 1997 with
a model retrofitting in one school. Building earthquake-safe communities through intervention at schools
is at the core of SESP approach.
NSET’s school program aims to raise awareness among schools, community and education stakeholders,
reduce earthquake risk and enhance preparedness in schools, protect children from the impact of potential
hazards and assists schools in continuation of education after hazard events.

Accomplishments (April 2019-March 2020)

"Students’ Summit" on Comprehensive School Safety
• Raise awareness and sensitize the school
students and teachers on comprehensive
school safety;
• Learn about rich knowledge and experience
of other countries;
• Promote inter-school exchange of knowledge
and experiences on disaster safety;
Students' Summit on Earthquake Safety was • Assist to set common goals and objectives on
organized as a collaborative effort by Ministry of school safety and preparedness.
Education, Science and Technology, CEHRD,
Chief Minister of Karnali Province, Mr. Mahendra
Maiko High School, Kobe, Japan, NSET, UKAID,
Bahadur Shahi formally inaugurated the Students’
UNOPS, UNICEF, Save the Children, NDRC,
Summit 2019 in Surkhet, Nepal.
PLAN International, USAID, NRCS, WVI, NSSP,
SAFER, British Red Cross, Teach for Nepal and Addressing the program Chief Minister Shahi said
EPSRC. that DRR has been high priority for the
government as Karnali Province is vulnerable to
Initiated in Nepal in 2002, the main purpose of this
hazards like earthquakes and landslides. "The
event has remained to exchange knowledge, ideas
government has taken initiative to build integrated
and information of earthquake safety and also
settlements to those who are developed from
safety from all types of disasters amongst students,
disaster risk zones," he said.
teachers and education stakeholders from Nepal,
Japan and other countries. Social Development Minister of Karnali Province,
Mr. Dal Rawal, Former Education Minister and
The 2-day “Students' Summit on Comprehensive
DRR Expert Dr. Gangalal Tuladhar, Mayor of
School Safety 2019” held in Birendranagar,
Birendranagar Municipality Mr. Dev Kumar
Surkhet in August 25-26, 2019. The major
Subedi, Under Secretary at Ministry of Education,
objectives of the program were to:
Science and Technology Mr. Jaya Prasad Acharya,

30 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

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Deputy Director General of Center for Education The Summit concluded with 7-point declaration
and Human Resource Development (CEHRD) Mr. that confirmed commitments of all stakeholders to
Chudamani Paudel and others addressed the work together for comprehensive school safety.
opening session of the summit.

Seismic Safety and Resilience of Schools in Nepal (SAFER)

SAFER (Seismic Safety and Resilience of Schools working in 4 districts i.e. Bardiya, Surkhet,
in Nepal) is a multi-disciplinary program for Achham and Jumla on September 17, 2019. After
improving the earthquake-related safety of school the training, a total of 127 blocks were inspected
buildings and the resilience of educational using the mobile application and the data were
communities in Nepal. SAFER is a three year uploaded to the SAFER database.
(2017-2020) program and being implemented by
Webinar for Field Engineers on use and
consortium of various partners; Bristol University, application of SAFER smart school
University of Southampton, California Institute of inspection app
Technology (CALTECH), University at Buffalo,
University of Roma Tre, NSET, Tribhuvan A webinar was conducted under SAFER in order
University, Institute of Engineering, Kathmandu to train Field Engineers on the use and application
University (KU), Arup International Development of the SAFER smart school inspection app. Field
(ARUP-ID) and Save the Children. personnel deployed at four districts i.e. Achham,
Jumla, Surkhet and Bardiya were trained via a
Webinar on SAFER Smart School Inspection Skype Webinar using video conference. The smart
Mobile Application (School Buildings Safety
school inspection app gives a relative vulnerability
in Nepal)
score for school buildings depending upon answers
given in the electronic form in the app, filled by
inspectors in the field. In the webinar, a
presentation was given followed by a question and
answer session. A total of 127 school blocks have
been inspected collectively from the four districts
and the data has been uploaded to the web server
at University of Bristol.
Online Training to Engineers and Architects
on the SAFER smart school inspection
mobile application conducted
An online session on use of mobile application to
assess the seismic vulnerability of a school
building under the SAFER project was conducted
An online training on usage of the SAFER mobile on May 30, 2020. A total of 35 registrations were
application (School Buildings Safety in Nepal) done for the online session. The program was
was provided to 14 engineers and sub engineers organized by Nepal Engineers Association,

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NSET Annual Report 2020

Bagmati Province, Professional Security and and data collection, the participants were given a
Capacity Building Committee with technical tutorial on the operations and features of the
support from NSET. After a brief overview on the application. A demonstration with three sample
growing importance of mobile-digital inspection structures followed the session

Nepal Safer School Project (NSSP)

curriculum and teacher training integrates disaster
NSSP is one of the programs under DFID's
“Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Nepal” that
includes a total of six programs. The major
objective of the NSSP is to support the
implementation of the Comprehensive School
Safety framework in four districts in the Far and
Mid-West and Support national-level capacity in
The Nepal Safer Schools Project (NSSP) is a DfID the Center for Education and Human Resource
funded project seeking to increase the safety of Division (CEHRD) to further develop policy and
approximately 250 vulnerable schools in Nepal guidance.
and build the resilience of pupils, staff and the
Formally launched on May 29, 2018, the NSSP has
wider community to disasters. It is a consortium of
successfully completed the inception period and is
Crown Agents, Save the Children, Arup
now in its implementation phase. The working area
international and NSET.
of the NSSP covers 17 local units of four
The NSSP is aligned with the Government of
districts- Bardiya of Province No. 5, Jumla and
Nepal's School Sector Development Plan (2016-
Surkhet of Karnali Province and Achham of
2023) which includes a focus on School Safety and
Sudurpaschim Province.
Disaster Risk Reduction, by upgrading physical
infrastructure to be more resilient and ensuring the

Here follows the brief description of NSET accomplishments under NSSP during past one year period.
Construction Manual and Training Materials
A Construction Manual has been developed for
NSSP which is designed to assist the field
technical team (construction technician, sub-
engineer and district engineer) in the construction
process for the works which are to be carried out
as part of NSSP. It has been developed in order to
help the teams at each school deliver the highest
quality of construction by providing support on
Quality Assurance, Health and Safety, Material
Specification and also by enhancing the
Engineering Construction Drawings through the contains safeguarding and gender equality and
provision of additional drawings, diagrams, step- social inclusion and leave no-one behind
by-step construction processes and checklists. (GESI/LNOB) requirements. Considering school
safety is the prime responsibility of SMCs under
NSSP has developed the Capacity Development CSSMP, NSSP is endeavoring to enhance the
Training Course for School Management project implementation skills of SMCs in overall
Committee (SMC) based on the identified school safety management, including resource
activities for implementation under the management, financial management and
Comprehensive School Safety Minimum Package construction quality management.
(CSSMP). The customized SMC training manual

32 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

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Consultation Meetings with Selected Palikas Development Centre- Education (HRDC-E)

Consultation Meetings were held to provide joined.
information to the selected Palikas regarding The resource persons for this training were from
NSSP, its objectives, and scope with planned the Central Roster of Trainers on school safety,
outcomes. Project staff also took the opportunity to being the former National Centre for Education
reinforce the importance of DRR and earthquake Development. Participants who completed the
resilient schools and the need for the stakeholders, training were awarded a certificate by the Director
including each Palika, School and local of the Provincial Directorate. These trainees will
community, to develop a sense of ownership on be registered on a roster in each District as key
disaster preparedness and resilience building in trainers available for School Safety training,
each area. NSSP team members were provided including for NSSP activities.
with feedback on how best to coordinate,
Assesment and design
communicate and collaborate with stakeholders to
allow for smooth implementation of NSSP Steps of selection and assessment have been done
activities. Each meeting was attended by the before finalizing the block to retrofit.
Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Ward Chairs, Education
Officials/Palika Education Focal Points, DRR
Officials and other stakeholders. The participants
requested the Project to start works as soon as
For NSSSP implementation, 17 MOUs signed
between NSSP and the individual municipalitiies.
The list of Palikas that executed a Project MOU is
provided below:

Screening Survey: NSSP completed the screening

survey in all four Project Districts with a total of
402 schools surveyed. This is the first step of
selection process and the demographic data of
school with minimum structural detail were
collected. The data collected were analyzed to get
list of 258 schools feasible for RVA.
The kick-off meetings endorsed by each Palika’s Rapid Vulnerability Assessment (RVA): The
nine-member Project Advisory Committee (PAC). structural details with visual inspection are
Training on DRR and Vulnerability collected during RVA and this assessment helps
Assessment Training of Trainers (ToT) to come into the decision weather to retrofit, no
requirement of retrofit or not feasible to retrofit.
Training on DRR and Vulnerability Assessment RVA to total 64 schools were done in first phase
Training of Trainers (ToT) on Comprehensive to finalize 52 schools to be worked in first phase.
School Safety (CSS) held in Surkhet during Detail Assessment and Design: The structural
December 10-12, 2019. Total 35 participants, test (destructive and non- destructive) are done
including 16 participants who were nominated by after RVA to get design parameter and material
Education Development Coordination Units properties of building. The result of test is used
(EDCUs) of Project Districts, and 3 trainers from for design.
the Surkhet Provincial Human Resource

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NSET Annual Report 2020

Construction works at schools Mason trainings

NSSP selected 4 schools as project’s pre-pilot 7-day mason training was conducted in Surkhet,
schools in Bardiya, Surkhet and Achham. These Bardiya, Achham and Jumla to enhance the
schools were selected following an assessment of capacity of practicing masons on earthquake
retrofit suitability, site visibility, efficacy, resistant building construction and retrofitting
replication potential, and following consultation technology. Total 6 trainings were conducted, and
with the relevant municipal authorities. These 186 masons got trained, who would be involved in
schools will establish points from which clusters construction activities under NSSP. The training
of schools are to be selected for retrofit under the covered theoretical as well as practical sessions.
project’s full implementation phases. The training was conducted coordinating with
municipality and ward offices. The mason nearby
to pilot and pre-pilot schools were involved so that
they could engage in construction. In addition to
support for construction of NSSP, the trained
masons will help on earthquake resistant building
construction in community.

The retrofitting of the buildings started right after

the MOU made with school management
committees in 4 pre-pilot schools.

Orientation and Evacuation Drill at Shramjit Kishor School

An orientation program has been organized at
Shramjit Kishor Secondary School in Lalitpur
Metropolitan City, Ward No.17 on August 20,
2019. The program was jointly organized by
Society of Urban Poor (SOUP) and Shramjit
Kishor School with technical support from NSET.
The objective of the orientation program was to
familiarize the participants with technique and
importance of the evacuation drill at the school
foscuing for the disaster situation mainly
Earthquake evacuation drill was conducted at the
10) of the school conducted with the involvement
school on September 10, 2019. The drill which was
of schoolteachers, students, NSET, SOUP and
targeted to the morning shift students (grade 6 to
Shapla Neer.

34 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

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Inter-School quiz contest focusing on school earthquake safety

A quiz contest focused on school earthquake

safety was conducted in Lalitpur on October 1,
2019. The main purpose was to help enhance level
of understanding and promote awareness of
school level students on School Earthquake
Safety. Shanti Bidhyashram Secondary School,
Lalitpur grabbed the title. Saraswati Niketan
Secondary School, Kathmandu and Prabhat
Secondary School, Lalitpur secured second and
third position while Mahendra Saraswoti Basic
School, Kathmandu placed in 4th position. The
quiz contest was jointly organized by Shapla Neer,
Society of Urban Poor (SOUP) and National
Society of Earthquake Technology (NSET).

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NSET Annual Report 2020

6 Enhancing Preparedness and Emergency

Response Capacity: Efforts in Nepal and Beyond

NSET through its Disaster Preparedness and basic emergency medical response (BEMR),
Emergency Response (DPER) Division develops designs relevant emergency trainings for
concepts and imparts skills and knowledge to community and institutional levels, and
enhance disaster preparedness and emergency develops/evaluates emergency plans of different
response capacity in institutions and the organizations and communities.
NSET is implementing USAID/OFDA funded
NSET organizes earthquake orientations on Program for Enhancement of Emergency
earthquake preparedness, conducts training Response (PEER) in South Asia.
courses on community search and rescue (CSAR),

Accomplishments (June 2019 to May 2020)

Nagarjun Municipality, Kirtipur Municipality and
TFI for Kathmandu Metropolitan City Dakshinkali Municipality. Most of the participants
‘Training for Instructors (TFI)’ conducted for the were senior officials working in disaster
officials of Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) management departments. The course was
during January 21-24, 2020 at Armed Police Force facilitated by a team of 9 instructors and 1 course
Nepal, Disaster Management Training School monitor.
(DMTS), Kurintar, Nepal. The course was
organized by Disaster Management Department of Orientations to staff of Nepal Police
KMC, with technical support from NSET and & APF Disaster Management
Earthquake Safety Solutions (ESS). There were 17 Training School
participants among which 14 were male and 3 were
female. The participants were from Kathmandu NSET has been regularly providing orientations
Metropolitan City, Gokarneshwor Municipality, and facilitating the field visit to Nepal Police and
Armed Police Force DMTS. The field visits to
NSET is integral to the “Basic Disaster
Management Training” of Nepali police forces.
Through these field visits to NSET, the trainees
from Nepal Police and Armed Police Force, Nepal
learn more about NSET’s initiatives/programs,
facilities and various emergency response training
equipment. NSET’s DPER division facilitated 3
visits from Nepal Police DMTS, and 2 from
Armed Police Force Nepal DMTS during June
2019 to May 2020.

36 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

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APF team during NSET visit A team from Nepal Police in orientation class at

Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER)

MFR and CSSR regional courses in Nepal
Program for Enhancement of Emergency
Response (PEER) is a regional training program
initiated by the USAID/OFDA in 1998 to
strengthen disaster response capacity of vulnerable
countries in Asia. NSET is implementing PEER
Stage-4 in four South Asian countries, namely,
Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan, with some
participation of other SAARC countries; which
include Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri
Lanka. PEER Stage-4 is a logical continuation of
previous program implementated by Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and NSET.
The core trainings that are provided under the
PEER are:
• Medical First Responder (MFR)
• Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue
• Community Action for Disaster Response
• Hospital Preparedness for Emergencies
• Swift Water Rescue (SWR), and
• Instructors’ development streams for MFR, Participants learning MFR and CSSR skills
CSSR, CADRE and HOPE courses
Maldives, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Both courses were
NSET and Armed Police Force (APF) Nepal facilitated by PEER regional instructors from
jointly organized MFR and CSSR regional courses Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Total 21
during the period of June-July 2019 at APF's graduates joined MFR Course, held on June 12-24,
Disaster Management Training School, Kurintar, 2019; while there were 20 participants who
Chitwan. Participants were from emergency successfully completed the CSSR Course, held on
response organizations in Afghanistan, Bhutan, June 28 to July 5, 2019.

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 37

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MFR/CSSR Regional Course Mark Driver expressed that through PEER, we are
creating chances to make sure that we are ready for
Home Secretary Mr. Prem Kumar Rai graced as tomorrow. Inspector General of Armed Police
the Chief Guest for the MFR/CSSR closing Force (APF) Nepal, Mr. Shailendra Khanal
program and certificate distribution held on July 6, mentioned the role of security forces in Nepal
2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal. Mr. Rai appreciated being the first line of rescuers and beneficiaries of
the US Government, NSET and all partnering PEER courses, would certainly gain the necessary
agencies for all the efforts they have been doing in knowledge and skills consistent with the
strengthening disaster response capacity in Nepal. internationally accepted guidelines.
Acting Mission Director from USAID Nepal Mr.

Group Photo of closing program of regional MFR CSSR course

Signing of extension of MoU between Nepal Police and NSET

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) made
between Nepal Police and NSET to extend the
MoU for the implementation of PEER Stage 4, in
line with the program’s no-cost extension that is
from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. All
clauses mentioned in the earlier MoU signed in
July 23, 2015 remain in effect.

MoU signing between NSET and Nepal Police

CADRE Course Review and CADRE Courses in India

NSET conducted CADRE Course Review Kispotta, 03 BN NDRF, in his message during the
Workshop in India during November 18-22, 2019, opening and the closing sessions of the training
followed by two CADRE courses during highlighted the importance of community
November 25-28 2019 and December 1-4, 2019. responders in case of disasters. Commandant
The PEER CADRE series in India was organized Kispotta also thanked USAID and NSET for
by NSET in collaboration with National Disaster conducting disaster-based training programs
Response Force (NDRF), at 03 Battalion of which would help in enhancing India’s disaster
NDRF, Mundali, India. Commandant Sh. Jacob response capacity.

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Participants during CADRE course in India

CADRE TFI/IW in Pakistan

NSET conducted PEER Community Action for
Disaster Response – Training for Instructors /
Instructors’ Workshop (CADRE-TFI/IW) in
collaboration with Pakistan Red Crescent Society
(PRCS) during November 21–28, 2019, in
Islamabad. There were 25 participants who had
completed CADRE course in 2016, under NSET-
led PEER Stage 4; and CADRE supported by other
organizations. The course was facilitated by
instructors from PRCS, Network of Disaster
Management Practitioners (NDMP) and Nepal
Police; and monitored by senior PEER CADRE Break out session during CADRE-TFI/IW in
instructor from Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS). Pakistan

H-TFI Regional Course

NSET conducted a regional course on Hospital
Preparedness for Emergencies -Training for
Instructors (H-TFI), during 27Feb-2Mar 2020 in
Kathmandu, Nepal. The participants in this H-TFI
were future HOPE instructors from the program
countries, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka
and Nepal. A group of ten instructors from Nepal,
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
facilitated the course.

Group discussion in H-TFI Regional Course,


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Summary of PEER Accomplishments

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Activation of NSET Emergency Medical Response Team (EMRT)

With the global threat of coronavirus disease 2019 technical advisory group formed consisting of
(COVID-19) pandemic situation, NSET also NSET partner-senior medical doctors and a
activated its Emergency Medical Response Team representative from NSET-partner hospital.
(EMRT). During the last week of January 2020,
On March 20, 2020, NSET provided individual
series of internal consultations on COVID-19
health and hygiene kit to all NSET staff,
crisis were conducted among NSET divisions,
containing essential medicines, mask, disinfection
programs and team leads; with NSET Emergency
liquid, had sanitizer, gloves, oral rehydration salt,
Response Team (ERT) and NSET Wellness
digital thermometer, etc. NSET also
Committee. NSET immediately implemented
prepared Guidelines for Work from Home
health and precautionary measures for all NSET
(WFH) as part of its business continuity plan
staff in Kathmandu, field staff assigned in various
(BCP) to manage and minimize the pandemic
districts of Nepal and NSET professionals who
impact on NSET operations. As part of NSET’s
were at that time on official trips overseas. NSET
precautionary measure, WFH arrangement was
EMRT has circulated health and other general
activated from March 23, 2020. General Staff
advisories on COVID-19 in Nepali and English
Meetings and all other official meetings were held
through emails and posters in locations in NSET
through virtual platforms. NSET WFH guidelines
premises. NSET also started temperature
has so far been effective in guiding NSET and its
screening of all staff and visitors at entrance,
staff for operating office businesses through
additional access to hand sanitizers and started
observing physical distancing in meetings. A

Construction of Display board

NSET, through support from PEER Stage
4, has set up a display case at NSET. This
has been a captivating showcase of the
major tools and equipment used in various
emergency response trainings like MFR,

Display board with MFR, CSSR and SWR rescue


National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 41

NSET Annual Report 2020

7 Research and Development: Use of Science &

Technology in Resilience Building in Nepal

NSET is prioritizing the research and development For that, NSET is involved in research works,
ever since its establishment. NSET Values states, technology development and technology transfer.
"NSET will seek, translate and transfer foreign and Therefore, various projects on earthquake risk
domestic knowledge and research results to the reduction, landslide mapping and monitoring,
earthquake problem in Nepal, as also to bring post-earthquake reconstruction, emergency
state-of -the-art earthquake technology to Nepal." response, seismic retrofitting among others
NSET’s role in Earthquake Risk Management is emphasizing the R&D as one of the important part
best placed to bridge Academia, Governments and of activities. In doing so, NSET has been also
Communities. NSET attempts to link Science and joining hands with US Geological Survey, Global
Technology with real-life situations of people. It Earthquake Model Foundation, Durham
tries to explore ways of using Science and University, Institute of Engineering, Nepal, and
Technology for building resilient communities. Kathmandu University among others.

Accomplishments (May 2019-April 2020)

Experimental Tests
The second phase of experimental tests on Seismic tested, one of which was retrofitted using welded
Safety and Resilience of Schools in Nepal wire mesh at critical locations and GI wires in
(SAFER) was carried out at NSET premises. The other locations. The test very clearly showed the
trial pulldown tests on the retrofitted and non- improvement in both the strength and
retrofitted random rubble stone in mud masonry deformability upon retrofitting.
walls were carried out on Oct 24, 2019 and Nov 8,
SAFER is a holistic and multi-disciplinary
2019. The test showed influence of plaster on the
program for improving the earthquake-related
overall strength and deformation behavior of both
safety of school buildings and the resilience of
retrofitted and non-retrofitted stone masonry
educational communities in Nepal, a consortium of
walls. The main tests of this second phase of the
various organizations, led by University of Bristol.
experimental study were carried out on January 14,
2020. Two stone in mud masonry walls were

42 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

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Out of plane pulldown test of stone in mud wall retrofitted using welded wire mesh

Out of plane pulldown test of non retrofitted stone in mud wall

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NSET Annual Report 2020

Analysis on performance of Masonry School Building

Seismic evaluation of buildings is a core activity a computer program specifically developed for the
of NSET. During the period, state-of-the-art structural and seismic analysis of masonry
methodologies were practiced for the first time and buildings. The use of this program has allowed a
the performance of masonry school building more reliable means to study the behavior of
before and after retrofitting intervention were masonry structures, which can lead to more
compared using TreMURI Software. TREMURI is advanced design for masonry building retrofit.

Non – linear analysis of masonry structures using TreMURI

Confined masonry as a retrofitting technique for reinforced concrete

Retrofitting of any building is justifiable if its cost Retrofitting of RC frame building using the
is reasonable as compared to the cost of rebuilding. concept of confined masonry utilizes full
The major challenge faced in the design phase of potentiality of the inherent masonry infills in
NSSP school retrofit project was regarding the cost resisting lateral load which is regarded almost
of retrofit for Reinforced Concrete (RC) frames dormant in the case of RC frames with infills.
with masonry infills. Retrofit options such as Knowledge and experiences gained from the
global RC frame jacketing, external shear walls or research works carried out under Confined
any other designed for RC frames using Masonry Initiatives (CMI) – Nepal has been
conventional analysis procedures proves to be utilized in adapting the most practicable approach
costly, reducing its value. This demands for an of analysis. It is an experimentally verified and
alternative solution which is easily adaptable well-established method of confined masonry
among design and construction professionals/ analysis. Retrofitting as confined masonry
practitioners in Nepal and most importantly cost significantly reduces additional interventions on
effective. the building ultimately reducing retrofitting cost.
A considerable finding that the extensively used
Confined masonry, a state-of-the-art building and
external RC splints and bandages in retrofitting of
retrofitting technique, fits in all these qualities.

44 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

unreinforced masonry structures can also be involved in design and construction in the future.
effectively utilized in confining and bonding infill Furthermore, an evaluative study on the cost of
masonry to RC frames reinforces the cost- retrofitting the building as confined masonry
effectiveness and flexibility of retrofitting by this compared to other conventional methods is
method. necessary and can be a way forward in imprinting
it as a most effective retrofitting technique in RC
The knowledge gained during the project
frames. Study on incorporating nonlinear behavior
proceedings can be helpful for preparing research
and analysis procedures in wide column method of
works and guidelines and can be the subject of
confined masonry analysis can open a path to more
dissemination to the practicing personnel/ groups
desirable performance-based design approach.

3D model of confined masonry in retrofit design Construction sequence of confined masonry

of a school building under the NSSP

Collaboration on Earthquake Hazard Studies for Himalayan Region

Seminar on “Earthquake Hazard Studies for To begin with, Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha,
Nepal/Himalayan Region” was held in Kathmandu Executive Director of NSET had highlighted the
underscoring the need of building consensus objectives of the seminar. Total 5 presentations
among the Nepali stakeholders on Hazard studies were made. Mr. Mukunda Bhattarai from DMG
and development of hazard model, a half-day made presentation on ‘Earthquake Monitoring and
‘Seminar on Earthquake Hazard Studies for Hazard Assessment in Nepal’.
Nepal/Himalayan Region’ has been held in
Dr. Sudhir Rajaure, Deputy Director General of
Kathmandu on November 1, 2019. The seminar
DMG shared in his presentation about an overview
focused on understanding various studies related to
of recent hazard studies in Nepal. Dr. Mark
earthquake hazards in Nepal/Himalayan region
Peterson and Dr. Kishor Jaiswal from USGS
and introduced the US and Global Earthquake
jointly made a presentation on US Seismic Hazard
Hazard Studies.
Mapping and relevant efforts of USGS.
The seminar was jointly organized by the
Dr. Marco Pagani from GEM Foundation
Department of Mines and Geology (DMG),
highlighted GEM’s efforts on various fronts of
Government of Nepal, United States Geological
seismic studies and activities across the world. Dr.
Survey (USGS), Global Earthquake Model (GEM)
Susan Hough from USGS briefed on collaboration
Foundation and NSET with the support from
efforts and studies being carried out between
USAID/OFDA. The main objective of the seminar
USGS and Nepali stakeholders including
was to understand the ongoing efforts of
government, public and private organizations in a
earthquake monitoring and hazard assessment in
bid to develop a Model for seismic Hazard
Nepal and identify the need of capacity building
for Nepalese stakeholders, and potential
collaborative efforts for organizing earthquake
hazards studies in Nepal.

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 45

NSET Annual Report 2020

Study of Urban Development in Kathmandu Valley

A Workshop on 'Study of Urban Development in namely, Nepal Engineers' Association, Society of
Kathmandu Valley, Status of National Building Nepali Architects (SONA), Nepal Engineering
Code and Building By-Laws Implementation' was Council), Municipalities, INGOs and NGOs
held in Kathmandu on March 22, 2019.The among other professionals joined the program
workshop, which saw the participation of around made their contribution.
80 stakeholders, was organized with view to share
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
the survey findings among the stakeholders, get
collaborated with NSET to carry out the survey on
their feedback on the findings of the study, revise
'Study of Urban Development in Kathmandu
the findings in line with the feedback and make
Valley'. The Department of Urban Development
recommendations for the effective implementation
and Building Construction (DUDBC) has provided
of Building Code and Building By-Laws in the
guidance for carrying out the study. The study
focused on existing Acts and Regulations related
Representatives from Ministry of Urban to By-laws and Building Code enforcement, the
Development (MoUD), Department of Urban By-laws and Building Code compliance of
Development and Building Construction constructed buildings and drawings and priority
(DUDBC), Kathmandu Valley Development areas of interventions to enhance the by-laws and
Authority (KVDA), various professional societies, Building Code compliance rate.

Tomorrow’s Cities Program

transition from crisis management to multi-hazard
risk-informed planning and decision-making, for
cities in low-and-middle income countries. The
Kathmandu city hub comprising of Tribhuvan
University, PA(Practical Action), NSET, SIAS (
South Asian Institute of Advanced Studies),
Lumanti, NDRC (National Disaster Risk
Reduction Centre) and NDRI (Nepal Development
Research Institute) is led by Prof. Dr. Sangeeta
Singh, Professor of Urban Planning and Deputy
Director of Centre for Disaster Studies. For
Kathmandu, the specific impact objectives are:
• To reduce the risk of multiple, interacting
hazards on the poorest populations that do,
and will inhabit the rapidly expanding urban
Tomorrow’s Cities, the UK Research and development of the Kathmandu City region
Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Research
Fund (GCRF) Urban Disaster Risk Hub – a five- • To support city and community decision-
year global interdisciplinary research hub, has makers in the transition to equitable,
been formally launched in Kathmandu. With 4 integrated multi-hazard risk management as
focus cities i.e. Nairobi, Quito, Istanbul and part of urban development policy and
Kathmandu, the program aims to catalyze a practice.

Support for Inter-college “Earthquake Resistant Design Competition”

In one of the major yearly events organized by the University, took part in the competition where they
students’ society of Kathmandu Engineering had to build scaled-down model of multistoried
College, Dristi 2.0, NSET technically supported framed buildings of wooden sticks, meeting all the
for conducting an inter-college competition on competition requirements and primarily, being
“Earthquake Resistant Design Competition”, earthquake resistant. For the purpose, NSET
which was held from July 5 to July 7, 2019 for facilitated by providing a small scale electric
three consecutive days.Teams of students from powered Shaking Table as well as a structural
different colleges affiliated to Tribhuwan engineer to contribute as an expert in the jury panel

46 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

and help organizers to properly operate the shaking

table. Apart from the decision regarding the winner
of the competition, from the shaking of models
having different horizontal and vertical
configurations, it was also observed that regularity
in plan, inter-story distribution of masses, building
height, bracings, building materials and base
isolation can play vital role in the earthquake
resistant behavior of the buildings.

Views from the frontline 2019

“Views from the Frontline 2019” (VFL) is a survey representing urban and rural municipalities,
conducted to assess the impact of implementing province, geographical region, existing major
Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction hazard and the level of DRR intervention is
(SFDRR). VFL 2019 is the largest independent presented in table 1
global review of disaster risk reduction at the local
Table 1: the communities selected for VFL 2019
level. It aims to strengthen the inclusion and
collaboration between at-risk people, civil society SN Community Municipality-Ward Province
and governments in the design and Geographic Region Existing Hazard Level of DRR
implementation of policies and practices to reduce intervention Rural Urban
risks and strengthen resilience. Respective
government of the countries adhering SFDRR 1. Sharanapara + Kamal-1 1 Terai Fire/Flood
monitor and evaluate impact of Disaster Risk Minimum
Reduction (DRR) activities implemented every 2. Kharikhola + Khumbu Pas. Lhamo-1 1
year. This evaluation largely presents the Himal Landslide Minimum
assessment from the government prospect 3. TelteleFant + Udaypurgadi-5 1 Mountain
perspectives. Global Network for Disaster Fire/Fvlood Minimum
Reduction (GNDR) assists the Civil Society
4. Chappan + Triyuga-11 1 Mountain Fire
Organizations (CSO) of the countries following
SFDRR to assess the impact of DRR activities by Moderate
their respective governments from the civil society 5. Kalinchok + Kalinchok-1 Bagmati Himal
perspectives. GNDR is a worldwide network of not Landslide Minimum
for profit CSOs working in DRR with its head office 6. Lagenkhel + Lalitpur-12 Bagmati Mountain
in the United Kingdom. GNDR has been Fire Good
conducting this kind of evaluation survey 7. Pariyartol + Changunarayan-8 Bagmati
throughout the world in collaboration with the
Mountain Landslide Moderate
identified Regional Coordination Office (RCO) and
national CSOs from the respective countries since 8. Imakhel + Chandragiri-3 Bagmati Mountain
2009 every alternate year. Landslide Moderate
9. Gajedanda + Vyas-1 Gandaki Mountain
NSET has been conducting VFL-2019 in the
Flood/slide Good
capacity of National Coordination Office (NCO) in
collaboration with GNDR. A National Advisory 10. Mohandanda + Galyang-5 Gandaki
Board is formulated to provide overall directions Mountain Flood/ Landslide Moderate
and coordinate with the local, provincial and 11. Tanlichok Gandaki-2 Gandaki Mountain
federal government institutions whenever required. Landslide Minimum
15 communities each from one of the wards of 15 12. Ghursa Birendranagar-10 Karnali Mountain
municipalities spread over four provinces have Fire Moderate
been selected for the implementation of VFL - 13. Ghatgaun Chaukune-10 Karnali Mountain
2019. These communities represent all three
geographic regions, effects of existing major
Landslide Minimum
hazards, urbanization and level of disaster risk 14. Bistabada Sinja-2 Karnali Himal Landslide
reduction (DRR) intervention in the community. Minimum
The communities

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 47

NSET Annual Report 2020

15. Talium Chabdannath-9 Karnali Himal Change Resilient Plan. Implementation of National
Landslide Minimum Building Code and initiate Integrated Urban
Development Plan.
Level of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Geographical location of the selected 15 sites is
presented in the following map of Nepal.
“Minimum” refers to the availability of mandatory
Map of Nepal with selected municipalities, province
legal documents like disaster risk reduction and
and geographical region.
management act, establishment of disaster relief
fund and formation of municipal level Disaster Risk One local non-government organization working in
Management Committee in the municipality. the field of disaster risk reduction from each of the
four provinces were selected as Partner
“Moderate” refers to formation of Ward level
Organization to coordinate the survey and other
Disaster Risk Management Committee at the ward
level, prepare Disaster and Climate Change
Resilient Plan in the prescribed format based on The VFL survey as well as preliminary analysis of
the vulnerability and Capacity Assessment of the the data had been completed. It is in the process
municipality in addition to the “Minimum” level of of final analysis. Selected communities for VFL-
intervention. 2019 have also identified one small scale
mitigation activities in each of the 15 communities.
“Good” refers to the periodic improvement and
They have prepared action plan for to implement
implementation of Municipal Disaster and Climate
the identified mitigation measure. It is pending due
to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Discussion on the survey questionnaire Random Household Survey in the community

Focused Group Discussion in the training hall Data entry in the “Survey Gizmo” (GNDR

48 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

8 Major Events of the Year

Earthquake Safety Day 2020

would be a best way out for reducing the impact of

impending earthquake risks as country is at high
Nepal marks ESD every year on 15 or 16 January
risk of such disaster.
(Magh 2 according to Nepalese Calendar)
commemorating the Great Bihar-Nepal The National Meeting was chaired by Mr. Sunil
Earthquake of 1934 by organizing various Prajapati, Mayor of Bhaktapur Municipality.
activities nationwide. The main purpose of Mayor Mr. Prajapati highlighted Municipality's
marking this Day has been to re-affirm national efforts and progress in post-earthquake
commitment to enhance Earthquake Resilience of reconstruction campaign claiming that it has set an
Nepali communities and also share and review past exemplary model in the country especially in terms
experiences & strategize further. of reconstructing cultural and historical heritages.
Nepal marked 22nd Earthquake Safety Day (ESD) Addressing the meeting, Mr. Sushil Gyewali,
at central, provincial and local level with the Chief Executive Officer of National
slogan "Resilient Infrastructures for Sustained Reconstruction Authority (NRA), claimed that
Happiness and Prosperity". Bhaktapur post Gorkha Earthquake reconstruction campaign
Municipality hosted the National Meeting of 22nd in Nepal is moving ahead in right direction apart
ESD on Jan 16, 2020. from some initial hiccups.
Chief Guest of National Meeting of the 22nd ESD Mr. Prem Suwal, a federal parliament member
Minister for Home Affairs, Mr. Ram Bahadur from Bhaktapur, stressed on the need of
Thapa ‘Badal' said that construction of buildings introducing specific plans, programs and
and infrastructure that are resilient to earthquakes appropriate technology for effective
implementation and institutionalization of
initiative to combat earthquake risk in Nepal.
Ms. Valerie Julliand, Resident Coordinator of UN,
addressing the meeting, said that the
commemoration of ESD reminds the importance
and need of disaster preparedness.
At the program, Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Executive Chief
of National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Authority (NDRRMA), shared that
his institution, although it is newly established, is
already in action and working to formulate
workplans, budget and working modality and
approach in line with the assigned responsibilities.
Mr. Maniram Gelal, Coordinator of ESD Publicity
Sub-Committee and Director General of
Department of Urban Development and Building

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 49

NSET Annual Report 2020

Construction (DUDBC) briefed on how National Executive Director of NSET highlighted the
Building Code (NBC) implementation is significance and importance of marking the ESD.
progressing in Nepal. Briefly highlighting the achievements in Disaster
Risk Reduction so far in Nepal, Mr. Shrestha also
Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha, Member Secretary of
put forth the tasks and priorities to be done in the
ESD National Organizing Committee and
days to come.

messages, converted into Earthquake Memorial

Earthquake Safety Rallies Meeting organized at Bhaktapur Durbar Square.
The rally started from Lamgal Pukhu was led by
Sunil Prajapati, Mayor of Bhaktapur Municipality,
while the rally started from Bhajya Pukhu was led
by Ms. Rajani Shrestha Joshi, Deputy Mayor of
Bhaktapur Municipality.
The rallies were attended by various rank and file
government officials, elected representatives,
officials and participants from various
organizations including schools, colleges, business
community, non-government organizations,
security personnel, professionals & activists of
To elevate the level of public awareness, disaster risk reduction and people from the
perception, and attitude towards earthquake risks community. earthquake safety rally is one of the
as well as preparedness and to promote and major program events of ESD being held every
encourage safer construction practice, Earthquake year and it is held before the National Meeting.
Safety Rallies were organized in Bhaktapur.
Earthquake Memorial Meetings
The Earthquake Safety Rallies, started from two
As a key event of 22nd ESD, earthquake memorial
different places of Bhaktapur; Lamgal Pukhu and
meeting was held in historical Earthquake
Bhajya Pukhu, with the awareness-raising

50 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Monument at Bhugol Park in memory of 1934 The program was attended by Home Minister,
Great Nepal-Bihar Earthquake. On behalf of ESD Mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan City,
National Organizing Committee, the Kathmandu NDRRMA chief, elected representatives, senior
Metropolitan City (KMC) hosted the memorial government officials, chief & senior officials of
meeting on January 16, 2020 to pay tributes to all security agencies, DRR professionals,
those who lost lives in the past earthquakes in practitioners, volunteers, community
Nepal and to commit to work for enhancing representatives and many more.
earthquake safety of Nepali communities.

Also, earthquake memorial ceremony was held at converted into earthquake memorial meeting at
Patan durbar square, Mangal bazaar, Lalitpur, on Patan durbar square.
January 16, 2020 to pay tribute to those who lost
their lives during the past earthquakes in the Earthquake Safety Exhibition
To disseminate information regarding measures
Centenarian expert on culture, Mr. Satya Mohan related to Earthquake Risk Reduction and Safer
Joshi along with parliament members, elected Reconstruction to the general public as well as
representatives from Lalitpur Metropolitan City, other stakeholders, a three-day Earthquake Safety
officials and distinguished personalities from the Exhibition was organized at City Hall, Bhrikuti
government, non-government organizations, Mandap, Kathmandu during January 16-18, 2020.
security personnel, professionals & activists of Minister for Home Affairs, Mr. Ram Bahadur
disaster risk reduction, and people from the Thapa ‘Badal’ inaugurated the Exhibition. Along
community extended heartfelt tributes to the with Executive Chief of National Disaster Risk
victims of past earthquake. Reduction and Management Authority
Earlier, an earthquake safety rally was organized (NDRRMA), Mr. Anil Pokhrel, government
in Lalitpur. The rally was started from Jawalakhel officials, experts in the fields of disaster risk
with the awareness-raising messages had reduction in Nepal, Minister Thapa observed all
the stalls on the occasion.

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 51

NSET Annual Report 2020

During the exhibition, more than 300 persons emergency risk management and disaster risk
visited different stalls of exhibition. Altogether 20 management efforts.
stalls including Nepal Army, Armed Police Force,
Apart from the Exhibition held in City Hall, a
Nepal Police, Red Cross, IOM, NSET, DUDBC
separate one-day earthquake exhibition was
were placed in the exhibition where visitors could
organized in Bhaktapur durbar square in
get the information and ideas in regard to
Bhaktapur on January 16, 2020.

National Symposium on Earthquake Risk Reduction and Management

Under the Earthquake Safety Day (ESD), National
Symposium on Earthquake Risk Reduction and
Management in Nepal has been held in Kathmandu
on January 27, 2020. The Symposium discoursed
on issues of Building Code implementation, Post-
Earthquake Reconstruction and Future Directions
of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in
Addressing the brief inaugural session, Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) of National
Reconstruction Authority (NRA) Mr. Sushil
Gyewali wished to handover all the
accomplishments achieved and experiences gained
Organizations in reducing the Disaster Risk
in the course of Post-Earthquake Reconstruction to
Reduction in Nepal.
the nation with the view to help build our
communities resilient to future disasters. Dr. Som Nath Sapkota, Director General of
Department of Mine and Geology (DMG),
Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Chief Executive of National
highlighted various efforts that DMG has carried
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
out in the past year regarding identifying and
Authority (NDRRMA) shared his experience and
communicating earthquake hazards in Nepal.
progress made so far after being appointed him as
head of NDRRMA. Mr. Sunil Prajapati, Mayor of From the Chair, Mr. Ramchandra Dangal, Deputy
Bhaktapur Municipality, briefed about the efforts Director General of Department of Urban
and progress of post-earthquake reconstruction Development and Building Construction
with major focus on reconstruction of heritage in (DUDBC) briefed about various efforts that
the Municipality as the reconstruction of historical DUDBC is working with in the past one years.
and cultural heritage is considered exemplary in
To begin with, Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha,
Executive Director, NSET briefed about the
Ms. Valerie Julliand, Resident Coordinator of UN objectives of the National Symposium which is
expressed happiness over the ongoing efforts of being organized in Nepal as part of ESD since past
Government of Nepal (GoN) and Civil Society 22 years. He also highlighted the significance of
the program as it has been a forum for various

52 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

stakeholders involved in DRR sectors in Nepal for • Thematic Session TS2: Panel Discussion on
sharing their efforts, activities and experiences, to Post-earthquake Reconstruction: Current
discourse and develop consensus on burning issues Status, Challenges and Potentials
of DRR and to devise common plan for future • Thematic Session TS3: Panel Discussion on
work plans. Future Direction of Disaster Risk Reduction
The symposium intensively discussed on the & Management in Nepal
various issues of earthquake risk reduction and • The Symposium was organized jointly by
safer reconstruction and reviewed the efforts on DUDBC, Bhaktapur Municipality and NSET
reconstruction, risk reduction and preparedness in association with various government and
In this year’s Symposium, there were three non-government organizations. More than
thematic sessions conducted: 200 persons representing different DRR
stakeholders, professionals, teachers and
• Thematic Session TS1: Panel Discussion on students participated the program. The
Implementation of Building Code in Nepal: National Symposium is a regular program as
Status, Challenges and Way Forward a part of the annual ESD.

Awareness Raising activities on Earthquake Safety and Preparedness

As part of 22nd ESD 2020, various awareness causalities was
events, namely, Street Drama, First Aid, simulated
Community Search and Rescue, exhibition and enabling people
awareness dance were held in Bhaktapur district. to assess and
respond to the
Street Drama emergency. This
As an event under 22nd included
Earthquake Safety providing First
Day, a street drama was Aid to casualties
performed by a group and evacuation
of artists in Lamgal using stretchers
Pukhu and Bhajya among others.
Pukhu in Bhaktapur. At
Fire Fighting Response Simulation
a Bhajya Pukhu, a
drama called ‘Malati With view to
ko Bihe’ was making
performed while a community
drama called ‘Bhukampa’ was performed at people aware on
Lamgal Pukhu.The street drama was conducted by the basics of fire
Khwopa Engineering College, Bhaktapur. The safety and also
drama focused on raising public awareness on help teach
various aspects of safer construction techniques a hands-on skills
building. on responding to
fire disasters that
First Aid Simulation could be useful
First Aid is one of important tools to support in during
disaster response activities. As part of raising emergency situation, a fire response simulation
awareness of community people about the basic was conducted at Bhajya Pukhu. The simulation
techniques of First Aid, which could be useful basically demonstrated how to extinguish gas
them during emergencies, a simulation exercise cylinder fires and also operating fire extinguishers.
was conducted in Bhaktapur as part of 22nd ESD Nepal Red Cross had conducted the simulation.
2020. Nepal Scout organized the event
demonstrating how to respond during emergencies
situations with available means. During the
simulation, emergency situations with mock
National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 53
NSET Annual Report 2020

Earthquake Safety Demonstration coinciding with the devastating 1934 Earthquake.

The safe behavior (Drop, Cover and Hold on)
Earthquake Safety Demonstration is one of the demonstration was conducted by a team of NSET.
regular events of ESD. During the National Then, each of the participants joined into a Human
Meeting, a special siren was aired from Radio Chain by holding hands as a symbolic gesture of
Nepal and other FM stations across the country at working together in reducing the earthquake risk
2.24 PM as a notification of an earthquake, in days to come.

Awareness Activities in Municipalities out of Kathmandu

Various awareness raising activities organized to mark ESD around the country.

Municipality, Birendranagar Municipality and

ESD activities in Dolakha, Dhading Ghorahi Municipality with various awareness
and Nuwakot districts raising activities including rallies, demonstrations
On the occasion of 22nd ESD, various awareness and street dramas.
raising programs like Street Drama, Information
Hub, Rally, and Essay Competition were held in
Dolakha, Dhading and Nuwakot districts. Under
the guidance of and coordination with DAO, DCC,
NRA, POs, municipality and ward level
stakeholders, NSET through Baliyo Ghar program
supported organize these events.

Awareness Activities in Janakpur,

Vyas, Birendranagar & Ghorahi
On January 16, 2020, the 22nd ESD was marked
in Janakpur Submetro-politan City, Vyas
Awareness Raising activities in Awareness Raising Campaigns including
schools formation of child clubs and dissemination of
The 22nd Earthquake Safety Day has been marked information regarding the precautionary and
in schools with various awareness raising preventative measures to be deployed to control
campaigns. NSSP has conducted various the spread of COVID-19 to mark the Earthquake
Safety Day.

54 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

NSET Day 2019

Nepal, acknowledged the

impact that NSET work has
made in Nepal's school safety,
earthquake risk reduction and
preparedness. Mr. Rajesh
Thapa, President of SCAEF,
highlighted the contribution of
NSET in Nepal's Earthquake
Risk Management.
Dr. Amod Mani Dixit, NSET
General Secretary, presenting
the various milestones of
NSET’s 25 years' history,
briefed about NSET's various
activities and efforts from past
to present. Mr. Surya Narayan
Shrestha, Executive Director
of NSET thanked guests and participants. During
NSET marked 26 years of its journey with a
the program, the distinguished guests also unveiled
ceremony at NSET Headquarters, Bhainsepati,
the publications published by NSET.
Lalitpur and also in Dhading, Dolakha and Surkhet
districts. Interaction Programs and Photo On the occasion, a photo exhibition was also
Exhibitions along with in-house sharing session organized at NSET office premises with the view
were also held to mark the occasion. to share experiences of reconstruction through
USAID supported and NSET implemented Baliyo
Established in 1993 with its mission to enhance
Ghar program. Guests and invitees from various
seismic safety of Nepali communities, NSET
organizations observed the exhibition.
observes the day on June 18 every year as 'A Day
to Reaffirm the Commitments to Earthquake Total 150 persons including guests representing
Safety". Prominent professionals from different various Government Offices, Local Governments,
government agencies, partner organizations and Security Forces, Diplomatic Missions,
other stakeholders joined the celebrations. Bilateral/Multilateral Agencies, Donors/Partners,
I\NGOs, CBOs, Professional Societies, Private
Addressing the formal NSET Day program held in
Sector, Media, Local Communities and various
NSET Headquarters, Dr. Chandra Bahadur
DRR stakeholders as well as NSET Staff and
Shrestha, Executive Member of National
Members joined the ceremony held in Kathmandu.
Reconstruction Authority (NRA), appreciated
NSET efforts in Nepal’s post earthquake Formal programs were also held in three districts;
reconstruction. Addressing the program, Mr. Dhading, Dolakha and Surkhet where participants
Bamshi Kumar Acharya, Under Secretary at and stakeholders from various agencies and
Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), highlighted institutions were present. Inhouse sharing
the role played by NSET in national and programs were held in the three districts as well on
international arena. the occasion prior to formal program.
Highlighting the long partnership with NSET, Mr.
Mark Driver, Acting Mission Director of USAID

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 55

NSET Annual Report 2020

9 Sharing and Cross Learning: NSET’s involvement

in National, Regional and Global Initiatives

NSET is paying organize efforts on sharing Network (ADRRN), Global Disaster Network of
information, developing and strengthening CSOs in Disaster Reduction (GNDR) Disaster
networking, cooperation and collaboration among Preparedness Network (DPNet-Nepal), Disaster
the like-minded organizations, disaster Management Network-Nepal (DiMANN),
management practioners, policy makers and others Coalition for Global School Safety (COGSS),
at national, regional and global level with the aim International Live Lessons Transfer Network
of induce synergy and additiobal capabilities to (TeLLNet), International Association for
deal with potential threats and help build resilient Earthquake Engineering (IAEE) and World
communities. NSET, therefore, has been actively Seismic Safety Initiative (WSSI) and many more.
involved in cross learning processes. It has NSET has been contributing to various initiatives
developeded connection, cooperation and bonding at national, regional and global level as well. It also
with many national and international organizations constantly participates in various regional and
including Asian Disaster Reduction and Response international meetings, workshops and seminars.

Accomplishments (June 2019 – May 2020)

Modeling Exposure through Earth Observed Routine (METEOR)
A workshop on "Modeling Exposure Through to deliver country-wide openly available exposure
Earth Observed Routine (METEOR)" held in data, which will help in DRM decision making for
Nepal during November 13-14, 2019. NSET in the government.
collaboration with other international partners
jointly organized the Workshop with the objective
to understand the METEOR work and its targeted
outcomes in Nepal.
Focusing on earthquake, landslide and flood
hazard in Nepal, NSET in collaboration with other
international partners (BGS, FATHOM, GEM,
HOT, ImageCAT, OPM) with funding support
from the UK Space Agency is developing
innovative application of Earth Observation (EO)
technologies to improve understanding of
exposure under "Modeling Exposure Through
Earth Observed Routine (METEOR)". METEOR
takes a step-change in the application of EO
exposure data by developing and delivering
rigorous and open routines (protocols) and The workshop Day 1 was focused on planning and
standards to allow quantitative assessment of policy level where the METEOR national scale
exposure, with explicit uncertainties. METEOR is hazard (earthquake, flood and landslide) model

56 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

and the national scale exposure model can be used workshop and how it can be integrated into
in disaster risk management in Nepal and how it national DRM policy and planning.
can be used in the country by different
The participants of the workshop were form
different government and non-government
The Workshop Day 2 was focused on organizations mainly focused on disaster
understanding the process and methodology of management and METEOR hazards (earthquake,
developing the exposure model from EO data and flood and landslide).
hazard model with the technical participants of the

GNDR National Coordination Workshop

A one-day “GNDR National

Co-ordination Workshop’
was jointly organized in
Kathmandu by Global
Network of Civil Society
Organizations for Disaster
Reduction (GNDR), NSET
and Practical Action. The
Workshop was organized on
Dec 31, 2019 as an event on
the occasion of Earthquake
Safety Day (ESD), 2020 to
mark in the country with
month-long activi-ties.
The workshop focused on developing and
associations and networks working in the field of
enhancing the effectiveness in coordination among
Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) including GNDR,
the GNDR members and CSOs working in the
Disaster Management Network Nepal (DiMaNN),
areas of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Nepal,
NSET, FAYA, FSCN, Nava Prabhat, FIRDO,
increasing collaboration and networking; and
working jointly on DRR planning and initiatives UMN, Deprosc Nepal, SIAS, Mercy Corps,
among others. NDRC, SUM Nepal, Dalit Welfare Association,
Kirtipur Women Network, Eco-Nepal among
The event saw the participation of total 28 people
representing various civil society organizations,

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 57

NSET Annual Report 2020

CityNet’s International Seminar in Nepal

CityNet organized series of sharing & learning Established in 1987 with the support of
events and discussions in Nepal. The 38th UNESCAP, UNDP and UN-Habitat, the Network
Executive Committee Meeting held during of cities has grown to include over 135
November 6-7, 2019 in conjunction with the municipalities, NGOs, private companies and
International Seminar on November 8, 2019. research centers.
Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC), a member of
Addressing the meeting, Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan,
the CityNet Executive Committee hosted the
Mayor, Lalitpur Metropolitan City briefed the
involvement in CityNet and the importance of the
outcome from the National Chapter’s meeting. Mr.
Hari Bahadur Mahat, Mayor, Hetauda Sub-
Metropolitan City emphasized on the city to city
collaboration for sustainable development. Mr.
Kendra Hirata , Director, CityNet Yokohama
Office, shared about the importance of the local
level networking, recent ongoing projects of Nepal
Chapter and key points of planning along with the
timeframe for the newer cities to join the
Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha, Executive Director
NSET, drafted and proposed the short term, mid-
term and long-term goals for the Nepal chapter.
Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Officers and
professionals from various municipalities,
Earlier, Nepal National Chapter Meeting of Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC),
CityNet held on November 5, 2019 in Kathmandu. Research for Environment, Forest, Agriculture,
Current Chair of National Chapter, the Mayor of Development Nepal, Lekhnath Small Town Water
Hetauda Municipality and NSET through the Supply & Sanitation User Committee, Municipal
CityNet Secretariat, facilitated organizing of the Association of Nepal and Lumanti Support Group
National Chapter Meeting. for Shelter participated the program.
CityNet is the regional network of local authorities
for the management of human settlements.

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) 2019

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
(IDDRR) 2019 was marked with awareness
activities at national and local levels on October
13, 2019. NSET was also actively participated in
the program organized to mark the occasion. Nepal
marked IDDRR under the leadership of Ministry
of Home Affairs (MoHA) and coordinated by
DPNet-Nepal in association with different
Government Agencies, CBOs, NGOs, INGOs and
professional societies. NSET is also the member of
A rally started from world heritage site of Patan
Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-
that walked along city core areas and assembled at
Nepal, shared that Nepal’s efforts in DRR&M are
Jawalakhel. Addressing the gathering, Ms. Indu
better than past and local levels are also focused on
Ghimire, Joint Secretary and Head of Disaster and
mainstreaming DRR. On the occasion of IDDRR
Conflict Management Division of MoHA,
2019, there were other activities also held in
highlighted the importance of the Day.
capital city and in various parts of the country.

58 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

NSET participation in 40th Social Service Day

Nepal marked 40th Social
Service Day on September 23,
2019. The national level event
organized by Social Welfare
Council (SWC) in association
with government agencies,
non-government &
organizations and their
networks. NSET also
participated in the various
programs organized to mark the
occasion. Vice President Nanda
Bahadur Pun was the chief
On the occasion, he urged to
focus social efforts in less privileged areas. Ms.
many stalls managed to showcase efforts of
Tham Maya Thapa, Minister for Women, Children
various agencies and organizations.
and Senior Citizen highlighted the roles of Social
Welfare Council to mobilizing and monitoring Earlier, an Awareness Rally walked from Bhrikuti
non-government organizations for the upliftment Mandap along city core areas around Tundikhel,
of women, children, senior citizen, persons with Kathmandu and assembled back in starting point.
disability and others who are marginalized. NSET joined both in rally and exhibition. Social
Welfare Council (SWC) was established in 1977
On the occasion, Vice President Pun conferred
with the mandate of facilitation, coordination and
social service awards to individuals and
monitoring & evaluation of non-government
organizations who have made significant
organizations (NGOs). Nepal has now around 250
contribution in the areas of social service in Nepal.
international NGOs and more than 50-thousand
Vice President also visited Exhibition Stalls
including one managed by NSET. There were

NSET Participation/Contribution in Learning & Sharing on

Earthquake/ Disaster Risk Management
• Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha, Executive Baskota from NSET attended Mercy
Director and Monitoring and Evaluation Malaysia International Humanitarian
Manager at NSET Ms. Nisha Shrestha Conference (MMIHC,2019) and ADRRN
attended Social Vulnerability Workshop and Executive Council Meeting organized by
GEM Governing Board Meeting with OGS at Mercy Malaysia & ADRRN in Kualalumpur,
Pavia, Italy held during 17-27 June 2019. Malaysia during 5-7 Aug 2019.
• Dr. Ramesh Guragain, Deputy Executive • Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha, Executive
Director of NSET and Director at SESP Director and Mr. Ganesh Kumar Jimee,
Division, Dr. Narayan Marasini participated Director at DPER division, NSET attended
at a workshop on Recent advances and GNDR Meeting held at Bangkok, Thailand 4-
perspectives in multi-hazard risk and 5 Sept, 2019.
resilience at Bristol University during 1-7 • Deputy Executive Director of NSET, Dr.
July 2019. Ramesh Guragain participated at
• Mr. Ganesh Kumar Jimee, Director at DPER International Symposium on Green
division, NSET and Mr. Sharad Wagle Development and Integrated Risk
attended METEOR Quarterly meeting held at Governance in Schenzen, China during 13-16
Edinburg, UK during 1-6 July 2019. Oct 2019. He also visited the Lab at the
• Dr. Amod Mani Dixit, General Secretary of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental
NSET, Ms. Rita Thakuri & Mr. Ayush
National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 59
NSET Annual Report 2020

Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University Professionals in Disaster Risk Reduction

in Chengdu, china on the occasion. Research: Mobilizing Youth Through
• Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha, Executive International Collaboration held in Chengdu,
Director and Mr. Ganesh Kumar Jimee, China during 6-9 Dec 2019. The program
Director of DPER division, NSET attended was organized by Institute for Disaster
PEER coordination Meeting and GNDR Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan
Meeting held at Bangkok, Thailand 4-5 Sept University.
2019. The program was organized by • Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha, Executive
OFDA/ADP. Director, attended GEM Governing Board
• Ms. Sarmila Paudyal attended a Workshop on meeting held at Pavia, Italy 5-6 Dec 2019.
Modern Analytical Geochemistry and its • Dr. Amod Mani Dixit, NSET General
Application held in Beijing, china. The Secretary, attended as speaker on
program is organized by Institute of Geology International Symposium on Disaster Risk
and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of reduction during Dec12- 16, 2019 at Beijing,
Science (IGGCAS). China. It was organized by
• Dr. Amod Mani Dixit, General Secretary and • Institute of Mountain Hazards and
Executive Director of NSET, Mr. Surya Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Narayan Shrestha held meeting and Further, he also attended the 4th Digital Belt
interaction with various people in USA. They and Road Conference during Dec 16-19,
held meeting with Dr. Christopher G. Burton 2019 at Shenzhen, China. On the occasion, he
Assistant Professor, Geoscience Faculty of also visited Institute of Mountain Hazards
Auburn University, Alabama on 14 Nov and Environment, Chinese Academy of
2019. A meeting was also held to discuss Sciences during 21 Dec 2019 at Chengdu,
potential collaboration of NSET with China.
GeoHazards International also attending • Dr. Ramesh Guragain, Deputy Executive
Brian Tucker’s Retirement Celebration on Director of NSET, and Vivek Manandhar of
15-16 Nov 2019 at Palo Alto, San Francisco, NSET attended Seismology workshop,
CA. Likewise, a meeting with Susan Hough, working on the design and planning for the
USGS held on 17-18 Nov,2019 at Pasadena, seismological aspect for the project GCRF:
LA California. A meeting with Prof. Binod Urban Disaster Risk Hub (Tomorrow's cities)
Tiwari, and Mr. Kanhaiya Kayastha was also and identify collaboration opportunities
held on 18 Nov 2019 at LA, California. between Turkey and Nepal in the project held
Similarly, a meeting with Mr. Ambika at London, UK during 21-22 Jan, 2020. Thhe
Adhikari held in Nov 2019 at Phoenix. They program was organized by University
also participated a seminar in Arizona States College London.
University, Phoenix on 22 Nov 2019.
• Dr. Amod Mani Dixit, General Secretary of
• Dr. Narayan Marasini, Director at SESP NSET, attended High-Level Symposium on
Division, attended Asian Conference on Disaster Management Panelist and
Disaster Reduction 2019 (ACDR2019) held presentation on the session "Understanding
at Ankara, Turkey during 25-27 Nov 2019. the likelihood for prevalent risks, political
On the occasion, he made Presentation on dynamic of hazard and disaster policymaking
NSET Experiences on Safer Schools in South-East Asia" held in Indonesia during
Initiative: School DRR Education for 26-27 Feb 2020. The program was organized
Enhancing Capabilities to Cope with by ASEAN.
Unexpected Situation in Disasters.
• Ms. Manisha Pantha attended International
Workshop for Youth and Young

60 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

10 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning at NSET

NSET, in the year 2014, established the evaluations and final evaluations based on the life
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Unit to track cycle of the programs/ projects. NSET uses
implementation and outputs systematically, and mobile-based applications (KOBO Collect,
measure the effectiveness of its activities. NSET’s Google forms, Survey Monkey) for quantitative
monitoring and evaluation system includes quality data. Evidences are generated through different
monitoring (checking quality against the set sources of information (primary and secondary)
standards), output/outcome monitoring, mid-term for informed decision-making.

Accomplishments (May 2019-April 2020)

Particularly over the last couple of years, NSET- coordination, reporting and data management; data
MEL is trying to establish a system of visualization and analysis, and intuitive data entry.
measurement, evaluation and learning throughout The aim of this data portal is to improve access to
NSET. Some of the guidelines/process that we NSET data so that it can be used for decision
have been working on during this past one year are making and advocacy. The focus will be on
as follows; various project indicators of NSET and their
linkages with NSET indicators and with global
NSET Data Policy indicators on a broader perspective. The
system/framework has been designed and we are
NSET recognizes that reliable data and now in the stage of data migration into the system.
information is fundamental in supporting its goal.
The purpose of the document is to set out a policy
Knowledge Management and
framework for ensuring highest standard of all data
produced, reported/collected, stored, analyzed and Learning Framework
shared during the implementation of NSET Knowledge management and Learning is needed
activities. The developed NSET data policy will in every project to process the learnings that are
guide the data quality assessment works to ensure generated from the activities and it should be well
that all data possess key data quality attributes. documented and shared to the related stakeholders.
At NSET, DQA is carried out in all the programs Realizing the importance of Knowledge
where large data is being collected. Generally, data Management and Learning (KML), NSET MEL is
quality assessment is done in three steps for all working towards developing the KML framework
kinds of data i.e. Before Data Collection, During of NSET.
Data Collection and After Data Collection. Baseline Status Survey of Rural
NSET Management Information
System Exploratory visits were organized to understand
and finalize the rural municipalities for program
NSET’s Management Information System (MIS) implementation. NSET team, comprising of senior
is an integrated system being designed to improve professionals, made exploratory visits to the most

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 61

NSET Annual Report 2020

potential rural municipalities and conducted Key conducted to measure the perception of the
Informant Interview and Interaction with the residents on earthquake risk and risk reduction
Municipal staffs to gather more data and activities. KAP Survey which stands for
information on the status of disaster risk reduction Knowledge, Attitude and Practice approach is
and existing capacities, and explore the level of being employed to measure the change in the
commitments in the rural municipalities. The perception of the residents due to program
interaction meetings were attended by the elected interventions.
members, municipal officials and technical
professionals. A survey questionnaire was used for Building Code Implementation
collecting pertinent information and baseline data Status Survey in Municipalities
from the municipalities. During the baseline
survey it was observed that the program rural A sound institutional system, capable manpower
municipalities lack trained human resource in their within and outside the municipal office, and
building permit section, to look after the budget are vital for the effective implementation of
construction. It was observed that municipalities building code in the municipalities. As a
lack the number of engineers in their component of the M&E plan of TSBCIN, the
municipalities. Most of the municipalities only change in the status of municipalities in terms of
have sub-engineers to look after the construction. institutional mechanisms, technical capacities and
In those rural municipality, it was observed that budget allocation for building code
there is no registered engineering consultancy or implementation is being studied. The respondents
even an engineer. There were few numbers of petty were mostly the engineers at the municipality. The
contract and masons available but most of them results of the municipalities of western region
were not trained on disaster resilient construction. shows that there has been significant improvement
There is a huge need of trained human resources in in the capacity of municipalities towards
those municipalities so that they can then work implementing building code over the years. Of the
towards achieving safer communities. three major elements of BCI Status, the
Institutional System (S1) has had a greater change
than the other two components. The value
increased from 43% to 72% for Institutional
System, 36% to 54% for Technical Capacity and
not much change in Budget Allocation.

Continuous Monitoring and

Evaluation under Baliyo Ghar
The overall success and failure of a program is
ascertained by its ability to reach the outputs of the
activities that it had set. The regular monitoring
Most of the rural municipalities of Nepal doesn’t and evaluation of performance ensure the activities
have building permit system and same goes with will able to reach the goal of program and change
the TESREC program municipalities. Almost all happened. The learnings from program give
the program municipalities lack proper plans and evidence for informed decision. The Figure below
system for disaster risk reduction in their shows the achieved M&E milestones and future
communities. The municipal staff themselves lack plan for milestones.
proper knowledge and information on disaster and
The regular information and data are collected
resilient communities.
through standard forms and formats. To assure the
data quality the Data Quality Assurance guideline
Risk Perception Survey (RPS) of the is developed and is in regular use. This guideline
residents of the TSBCIN program ensures data Validity, Reliability, Precision,
Municipality Timeliness and Integrity. An activity monitoring
Risk Perception Survey of the residents of the checklist is in use to ensure quality and
TSBCIN program municipalities is being effectiveness of program activities.

62 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Interventions on Retrofit of Houses

Baliyo Ghar program had incorporated Retrofit • The respondents had perceived the
Mason Training activity as one of the key influencing actors for promotion of retrofit
interventions to promote retrofitting in the housing as; Policy Makers; Creditor;
program area. There are two folds of retrofitting Municipality; Technical Assistance provider;
interventions under the program 1) Hands on skill Civil Society; Trained construction
transformation on retrofitting among mason workforce and House owner
groups and 2) Demonstration of retrofitting works • House owners are key actor and most
for house owner at local level. Qualitative method powerful influential actor in terms of
was adopted for the evaluation of the intervention. successful implementation of housing
In depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion retrofitting.
(FGD) techniques were used for data collection.
• NRA and Local elected representatives are
Some of the key findings generated from the second most key actor and most powerful
qualitative data analysis are as follows: influential actor in terms of successful
• The respondents’ information source for implementation of housing retrofitting
knowledge on retrofit was the orientation
activity of Baliyo Ghar Mason Retention Survey
• The Local Government had played Seven days mason training (MT) is one of the key
coordination role between Baliyo Ghar and activities of Baliyo Ghar program. Number of
Retrofit beneficiary to implement mason Construction workforce Trained is the output
retrofit training and construction of retrofit indicator of this activity while retention of trained
demo house. mason after one year of training is the expected
• The implementation of Mason retrofit outcome of this output. The defined indicator for
training and construction of demo house; the outcomes is: Percentage of trained construction
built up the confidence of community, house workforce who continue working in the field one
owner as well as of Local Government year after training
representative. To measure this indicator, mason retention survey
• The desire to build new house and associated is planned annually. This survey consists
social benefit had opted the retrofit collection of information of all trained masons
beneficiary to drop the retrofitting idea of old who had crossed one year of mason training. But
house. The social benefit includes the do not include the mason who had been surveyed
damage house could be utilized somehow for before. The design of survey was quantitative with
any purpose and “Arma parma” sharing. some qualitative information collected via open-
ended questions. The main objective of the survey

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 63

NSET Annual Report 2020

was to know the effectiveness of the mason by the mason one year after the completion of
training among trained construction workforce. training.
Mason Retention Survey is the measurement of
The survey results indicate that majority (80%) of
Baliyo Ghar trained masons’ retention in terms of
the masons have been working as a mason in
work and knowledge.
respective VDC/Municipalities after participating
A total of 1593 masons were trained from 57 the mason training conducted by Baliyo Ghar
different 7 days mason trainings during this period. Program. And the mean knowledge score of
The survey is not a sample survey but a population trained masons after one year was 77 out of 100,
survey. Of the total sample size, 87% were male which indicates that the average knowledge score
and the remaining 13% were female. Retention in of respondents was very good. Extensively, about
work means, masons had continued the 93 % of active masons had utilized gained skill in
construction work even one year after the training full-fledged during construction of houses.
and knowledge retention is the knowledge retained

During Mason Retentions Survey at Chaturale-7 SDO interviewing for Mason Retention Survey in
Lapse, Sikre-9.

Risk Perception Survey (Endline) under Baliyo Ghar

The Endline Risk Perception Survey conducted in respondents’ demographic characteristics,
three districts of Baliyo Ghar program; in Dhading, knowledge about earthquake and risks in their
Dolakha and Nuwakot. The endline survey community, their attitude towards earthquake risk
covered 33 former VDCs and 2 municipalities of reduction and uptake of earthquake resilient
three districts where the project was implemented. construction practice. From the survey, people’s
During January-March 2020, an end-line survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) towards
the project was conducted to assess the change in Earthquake risk resilience is measured.
the perception of the people due to program
The difference between KAP value at baseline and
endline survey was used to reflect program impact
The survey was conducted using structured and change achieved towards sustainable
questionnaire among sample respondents selected earthquake reconstruction. The Knowledge score
using random sampling based on Stratified increased from 36 (Baseline) 48 (Endline). The
Systematic Area Sampling Procedure. Total attitude score has also increased in endline, the
number of households in each program wards were baseline score was 41 and the endline score was
treated as population to calculate the sample size 57. Drastic change was seen in Practice Score, it
in each program wards. The survey was increased from 11 to 46 reflecting significant
administered to 3,073 samples respondents in three improvement in the perception of the program
program districts: Nuwakot, Dhading and communities.
Dolakha. The questionnaire attempted to measure

64 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Field enumerator conducting Endline Risk Field enumerator conducting Endline Risk
Perception Survey in Dhading Perception Survey in Dolakha

Evaluation of Trainings and visit are to enhance understanding among

Workshops municipal representatives regarding building code
implementation and building permit process
As a part of the MEL activities under Bliyo Ghar through sharing of experience, challenges and
progarm, qualitative and quantitative surveys and strategies, observation of institutional framework
analyses is being done to evaluate the usefulness, and provide opportunity for collaboration for
effectiveness of the conducted training effective exchange of expertise, knowledge and
courses/workshops and also to evaluate the wisdom. Altogether, 22 representatives from nine
retention of knowledge and skills imparted during local governments in Dhading, Dolakha, Nuwakot
the training courses. Below are few highlights of and Kathmandu participated in the exposure visit.
the result of evaluations undertaken during the To evaluate the effectiveness of the visit, an
reporting period. evaluation survey was carried out. The feedback of
Evaluation of Exposure Visit of 18 participants who responded to the evaluation
survey on the effectiveness of the visit in different
Local Government Representatives aspects is depicted in Figure. As evident from the
Baliyo Ghar Program had conducted an exposure figure, most of the participants agree that the
visit of local government representatives and exposure visit was effective in different aspects
officials from its program municipalities to Vyas such as learning opportunity, raising awareness,
and Kawasoti Municipalities. The objectives of the capacity building and others.

Participants’ opinion on different aspects of the exposure visit

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 65

NSET Annual Report 2020

Evaluation of Engineer’s Training on Different activities were conducted during the half
“Seismic Retrofit Design of Masonry day workshop such as: i. Peak and Valley Method,
Buildings” ii. Challenges and Learning Via Meta Card
Posting, iii. Thematic Groups Discussion and iv.
The national level Engineers Training on “Retrofit Satisfaction Survey of the staff. The data collected
Design of Masonry Buildings” was organized in during workshop was coded and then categorized
order to acquaint Engineers and Professional into broader themes. After coding and re-coding,
Designers with the current practices of retrofit and the data analysis the peer reviewed learned
design of masonry buildings. lessons for the three major components Capacity
The key findings of the survey from two Engineers Building, Awareness Raising and Networking are
training held at Kathmandu in fourth quarter (July- summarized as the following recommendations
August) of 2019 is discussed here forth.
Capacity Building
The trainees had felt the contents covered during
the training are relevant to their work. The • Involvement of the local stakeholders for the
strengths of training were concentered on coordination and conduction of the desired
“Practical based training”, “Dedicated teaching of programs for effective outcome.
instructors” and “Designed content of training”. • Involvement of the Baliyo Ghar staffs in
For the needs improvement the trainees had engaging local authority, beneficiaries and
mentioned that time allocated for practical sessions trainees.
was not enough. • Communicating and co-ordinating timely and
effectively about the programs like trainings
Evaluation of Media Workshop to be conducted.
To measure the effectiveness of the national media • Difficulty in engaging masons in the training
workshops conducted by Baliyo Ghar, NSET due to their busy schedule.
conducted both quantitative and qualitative • Need to increase the technical manpower
surveys at the end of the workshops. Key findings from office.
from survey results were;
• Difficulty in convincing the houseowners of
• Workshopp was more effective in retrofit as well as to ward chairperson too.
understanding of institutionalization of • Community highly influenced by the political
reconstruction efforts and promotion in deep-rooted issues and geographical
scaling up of housing retrofitting. difficulties as the other major issues.
• Discussionn on retrofitting had been very
effective and became the takeaway message
of the workshop. • Learned to work with the community people
• Overall rating of workshop from the majority engaging with them in their environment.
of participants was ‘Good’. • Involvement of the local stakeholders is
effective in raising awareness among the
Baliyo Ghar Field Staff Learning community people, but it takes time to
Workshop convince them.
• The beneficiaries can be engaged in
Baliyo Ghar Staff Learning Mini Workshop was
awareness raising through the videos.
conducted to generate and apply learning from BG
field staff to improve the program’s effectiveness Networking
in safer reconstruction in a gender sensitive and
• Networking is inevitable while engaging the
socially inclusive manner. The objective of the
authority, beneficiaries and trainees in the
workshop was to learn from BG staff on what has
worked, not worked, and what can be better in the
next disaster recovery process. The learnings • Difficulty in engaging the local stakeholders.
during the program intervention was gathered • Difficulty for field staff in networking.
conducting different activities in the workshop.

66 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

11 NSET: Organizational Updates

Introduction • To build a strong, well-resourced and credible

institution that will be the national focal point
NSET was established in 1993 by a group of for earthquake risk management actions, a facil-
professionals dedicated to reducing earthquake risk itator and coordinator in the network of earth-
of Nepal. It was registered with the Government of quake disaster management, and a source of all
Nepal in 1994 as a non-governmental organization. available information on the subject.
It is a multi-disciplinary professional society of
professionals belonging to various physical and
social sciences related with aspects of earthquake
NSET completes 26 years of action
risk management. NSET is the national member of NSET that started operating with a few
the International Association for Earthquake professionals has now completed 26 years in
Engineering (IAEE), and it also sits in various action. Last year, NSET marked 26th NSET Day.
regional and global networks on earthquake and Over the years, NSET has contributed to support
disaster risk management. efforts on Earthquake Risk Management and
Disaster Risk Reduction at the local and national
Vision level, and also at the regional and global levels.
Earthquake Safer Communities in Nepal. NSET’s 26-year long journey has been a landmark
in terms of quality & effectiveness of its services to
Mission help communities and nations in building their
resilience. NSET has now grown significantly with
To assist all communities in Nepal to become a large number of qualified professionals and with
earthquake safer by developing and implementing adequate physical facilities.
organized approaches to managing and minimizing
earthquake risks. With a total of 4 staff back in 1997, we are now 234
professionals and supporting staff (as of May 2019)
Objectives who dedicatedly serve in various programs/projects
across the country and beyond.
NSET has a three-pronged strategy:
250 235
• To sensitize, educate and facilitate all institu-
tions to undertake organized approaches to man- 200
aging and minimizing earthquake risk by trans-
ferring information, technical knowledge and 150
skills, and helping them to mobilize resources
for this purpose. 100 82
• To advocate for favourable and supportive poli- 58
cies, legal mechanisms, increased investments 50 34
and a unified and effective national earthquake 15
response mechanism and a system of incentives 0
and disincentives to enable communities to be- 1997 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016 2018 2020
come earthquake safe.

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 67

Section 2 Organizational Development

NSET Staff: Gender Mix NSET Staff: Level of Education

NSET staff consists of professionals from diverse
23% academic backgrounds in terms of level of education
and disciplines they come from.
77% Female
Male 4.5% 3.9%
5.2% Bachelor
29.7% 54.2%
NSET Professionals
Civil Engineer 2.6%

21% 25% Geo Tech.

8% Engineer
Also, there is a diversity in age-groups too with big
14% 23% 1% Jr. Engineer
majority of youths.
Proffesionals NSET Staff: Age Groups
Development NSET Staff Different Age Group
NSET Staff: Ethnic Mix 50

Brahmin 30
chhetri 20
16.8% 10
17.4% Newar 0
25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60
25.8% upto > > > > >

Capacity of Emergency Response

NSET In-House Capacity BEMR: Basic Emergency Medical

180 164 Response
140 CSAR: Community Search and Rescue
100 MFR: Medical First Responder
80 49
60 EU: End User
40 12 6 11 5 12 9 15
20 3 CSSR: Collapsed Structure Search and
0 Rescue
TFI: Training for Instructors
IW: Instructors' Workshop
MIW: Master Instructors' Workshop

68 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

HR Management and Development

NSET In-House Capacity: NSET staff are trained trained on specialized courses on Emergency
on various life-saving skills to ensure their own Response. NSET manages Instructor development
safety first and also viewing their potential roles in and other various professional courses for enhancing
disaster emergencies. Many of NSET staff are quality services in the work areas.

NSET’s Actions during COVID-

19 pandemic situation
Safeguarding NSET staff from COVID-19: In the
context of COVID-19 pandemic, NSET has taken
timely actions for safeguarding its staff from
COVID-19 while during the operations of
organization’s businesses. As the Coronavirus
infection was spreading in many parts of the world,
NSET started taking account of the developments.
In last week of January 2020, internal consultations
among NSET divisions, programs and team leads;
and also with NSET Emergency Response Team
(ERT), Emergency Medical Response Team
(EMRT) and Wellness Committee were conducted.
NSET started serious considerations about this Based on the Government’s Travel Advisory on
global outbreak and precautionary measures were March 2, 2020, NSET decided to restrict non-
immediately applied and advised for NSET staff.On essential official international and domestic travels
Jan 31, General Advisory on NOVEL immediately, minimize or avoid meetings,
CORONAVIRUS (2019-NCOV) were prepared workshops and mass-gatherings, complete planned
both in Nepali and English, and circulated among activities with highest precautionary measures, and
NSET Staff. That information is based on WHO and advised to take sick leave and stay on self-quarantine
CDC advisories. Awareness materials also pasted in for staff exhibiting flu-like symptoms and to seek
cafeteria, reception area and near at the entrance. medical advice. The staff on self-quarantine were
Each staff made aware of prevention and control of suggested to work from home. NSET adapted and
COVID-19. prepared awareness materials on COVID-19 and
NSET then started managing for precautionary displayed in visible places of NSET’s offices.
provisions at NSET Office. Hand sanitizer was NSET’s Disaster Preparedness and Emergency
placed in the reception. Mask bought in adequate Response (DPER) Division and the Emergency
amount. Staff and the visitors entering NSET Medical Response Team (EMRT) were asked to
premises were advised to wash their hands with regularly monitor and share updates on global and
sanitizer. Nepal’s COVID-19 situations.
NSET Emergency Medical Response Team
(EMRT) was activated on March 5. EMRT
conducted Orientation on COVID-19 to all key

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 69

Section 2 Organizational Development

professionals and support staff. All who use public online Orientation on COVID-19 was conducted by
transport were advised to take special precautions. Senior Surgeon and Expert on Hospital
Similarly, reminder for washing hand was posted in Preparedness for Emergency Prof. Dr. Pradeep
all washrooms. EMRT developed information Vaidya. All NSET executives, directors, managers,
materials for self-quarantine and household in and relevant staff attended the orientation session.
both English and Nepali for field staff. Dr. Vaidya shared information on COVID-19, its
prevention measures, facts, misinformation, way
On March 18, following WHO’s declaration of
forward and possibility of NSET's involvement in
COVID-19 as Pandemic and Nepal as a vulnerable
COVID-19 situation.
to COVID-19 and released updated travel advisory,
NSET made further precautionary
decision/activities for program events, surveillance
and observance of precautions at office premises,
travels, international staffs and others. NSET started
temperature screening of the staff and visitors at
entrance and started maintaining distances in
meetings also. A technical advisory group was
formed consisting of relevant medical doctors and
representative of nearest hospital. A self-assessment
tool based on the algorithm published by EDCD was
NSET on March 20 provided Health and Hygiene kit
to all NSET staff with essential medicines, mask,
disinfection liquid, gloves etc. The kit contained 1
alcohol-based hand rub/hand sanitizer (with at least
70% isopropyl alcohol), 5 disposable masks, 2 pairs
of Latex gloves, 1 Ziploc bags (for kit distribution,
drugs like Paracetamol- 1 Strip, Sinex -1 Strip, 3
ORS (Jeevanjal) and 1 Mercury thermometer.
NSET prepared Guidelines for Work from Home
(WFH) with the view to guide and manage NSET
operations in case NSET staff are to work from
home. On March 21, NSET Executive Director
declared of Work from Home (WFH) for all NSET
staff from March 23 to April 3, 2020. March 23,
2020 was the first day for NSET staff to Work from
Home. General Staff Meeting held online where
almost 80% staff participated. NSET Executive All these decisions and actions of NSET helped to
Director briefed about the situation and gave build confidence of all staff and families to become
instructions to team leads and all staff to Work from safe from COVID-19. NSET intends to continue
Home. Since then, NSET has been operating office such actions and help propagate accurate
businesses from distance by its staff working from information and knowledge to the communities.
For updaes, please visit
USAID/OFDA’s Program for Enhancement of
Emergency Response (PEER) under NSET Regular Orientation: NSET has been providing
appealed a call for the PEER trained responders to regular orientation to its staff members to update
assist during the COVID-19 situation from their with NSET policies and to enhance the capacity of
level. This was done in a "PEER Community", an NSET staff members. The past year, NSET held
active group in Facebook. orientations on New Procurement Manual, Personal
Policy, Travel Policy, IT Policy and Security, Health
NSET has also consulted medical professionals to Insurance and Orientation on Roles and
have their guidance to cope with the threat. An Responsibilities of Secretary and Receptionists.

70 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

NSET Finances
Financial Volume of NSET Activities
The financial volume of NSET has been increasing 2004/2005 has reached in 2018/2019 the amount of
with the growth in the number of staff and programs. 4.8 Million USD. This shows the growth in the
The annual turnover of around 80 thousand USD financial volume of NSET.
that was back in 1997 from 2.2 Million USD in

Financial Volume of NSET Activities



4,991,859 5,159,022

2,257,323 2,272,598

FY 2004- FY 2009- FY 2014- FY 2015- FY 2017- FY 2018-
2005 2010 2015 2016 2018 2019

Sources of Fund then and Now

There is a gradual increase in NSET funds generated diversify the sources of fund. It has also expanded
through its services in the form of building its funding sources and now there are several key
vulnerability assessment of existing buildings, sources of funds including USAID project funding
orientation programs and emergency preparedness other bilateral agencies, and funds generated by
planning and drills. NSET has been prioritizing to selling technical services.

Sources of Fund - then & now

100% 1.81% 6.96%
15.54% 18.16% 13.35%
28.44% 19.25% 0.12%
80% 36.44%
60% 48.07% 14.31%

40% 86.54%
61.75% 57.26% 63.23%
20% 36.39%
FY 2004-2005 FY 2009-2010 FY 2014-2015 FY 2015-2016 FY 2017-2018 FY 2018-2019


26th AGM of NSET held programs, challenges and way forward. On the
occasion, the Treasurer of NSET Executive
26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of NSET held Committee, Mr. Yogeshwor Krishna Parajuli
on October 26, 2019. NSET General Secretary Dr. submitted Financial Report of the organization
Amod Mani Dixit presented NSET’s Progress including Auditor’s Reports for the last Fiscal Year.
Report for the past one year with special glimpses of A total of 26 General & Life members including
26 years’ achievements, its completed and ongoing Executive Committee Members attended the
National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 71
Section 2 Organizational Development

meeting. The General Meeting unanimously Treasurer. The AGM also appointed new Auditing
endorsed both the Reports of General Secretary and Firm for next Fiscal Year.

72 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

NSET Organogram

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 73


Annex 1: Income and Expenditure Statement

74 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Annex 2: Balance Sheet

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 75


Annex 3: Executive Committee

Mr. Varun Prasad Shrestha Dr. Amod Mani Dixit

President General Secretary

Mr. Yogeshwor K. Parajuli Mr. Shreeram S. Mr. Surya Narayan Shrestha

Treasurer Basnet Executive Member
Executive Member

Mr. Manohar Rajbhandari Mr. Tika Sharma Dr. Ramesh Guragain

Executive Member Executive Member Executive Member

76 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

Annex 4: Institutions that helped us grow through collaboration

and support
• Armed Police Force (APF) • Ministry of Environment, Science and
• Bhaktapur Sub-Metropolitan City Technology
• Bagmati Rural Municipality • Ministry of Physical Infrastructure &
Transport (MoPIT)
• Department of Education (DoE)/(Center for
Education and Human Ressource • Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD)
Development ) • Ministry of Women, Children and Social
• Curriculum Development Center (CDC) Welfare
• Department of Archeology (DoA) • Municipalities of Kathmandu Valley and
other districts
• Department of Mines and Geology
• National Disaster Management Network of
• Department of Urban Development and
Nepal (DiMaNN)
Building Construction
• National Network of Women for Community
• Disaster Management Committee, Alapot
• Disaster Management Committee, Ward
• Nepal Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA)
No.12, Lalitpur Sub Metropolitan City
• Nepal Amateur Radio Operators' Society
• Disaster Management Committee, Ward No.
18, Kathmandu Metropolitan City
• Nepalese Army (NA)
• Disaster Preparedness Network (DPNet),
Nepal • Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agent
• Diploma Engineers’ Association, Nepal
• Nepal Bankers' Association (NBA)
• Federation of Contactors' Associations of
Nepal (FCAN) • Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology
• Federation of Nepalese Chamber of • Nepal Engineering Council (NEC)
Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) • Nepal Engineers Association (NEA)
• Heavy Equipment Association Nepal • Nepal Forum for Environmental Journalists
• Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN) • Nepal Geological Society (NGS)
• Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan • Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS)
University • Nepal Mediciti Hospital
• Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University • Nepal Police (NP)
• Initiative Outdoor (IO), Nepal • Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA)
• Kamal Rural Municipality • Nepal Tourism Board (NTB)
• Kathmandu Valley Development Authority • Nepal USA Chamber of Commerce and
(KVDA) Industry (NUSACCI)
• Kathmandu University • National Police Academy
• Kirtipur Women’s' Network • Rotary Club, Bhainsepati
• Lalitpur Metropolitan City • Sakha & Co. Private Limited
• Lumanti Support Group for Shelter • Shivam Cement Private limited
• Ministry of Education, Science and • Social Welfare Council
• Society of Consulting Architectural and
• Ministry of Health Engineering Firms
• Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) • Society of Nepalese Architects
• Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local • Disaster Management Committee, Ward
Development (MoFALD) No.12, Lalitpur Sub Metropolitan City

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 77


• Bhaise, Bagmati Gaupalika- 3, Lalitpur • Bhimdutta Municipality

• Society for Urban Poor (SOUP) • Nepalgunj Sub-Metropolitan City
• Shaplaneer • Thankot Women's Cooperative Network
• Forum for Awareness and Youth Activity, • Karnali Integrated Rural Development and
Nepal (FAYA) Kailai Research Center (KIRDARC)
• Ratanchura VDC (Golonjor Gaupalika-5) • Nepal Mediciti Hospital
sindhuli • Nawa Prabhat Nepal
• Jhagajholi Ratmata VDC (Sunkoshi • Architects Sans Frontiers Nepal
Gaupalika 3,4) Sindhuli
• Institute for Social and Environmental
• Katunjebeshi VDC (Roshi Gaupalika 7) Transition-Nepal (ISET)
• JICA Nepal
• Banepa Municipality, Kabhre
• Earthquake Safety Solutions
• Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitan City
• Three H Management

Media Partners

• All Three Media Ghar, Ktm • Samad FM, Siraha

• Bhimeshwor FM, Dolakha • Saptakoshi FM, Sunsari
• Bulbule FM, Surkhet • Radio Makalu, Dhankuta
• Dinesh FM, Kailali • Kalinchowk FM, Dolakha
• Hamro Radio, Dolakha • Radio Triveni, Chitwan
• Kalinchowk FM, Dolakha • Radio Rudrakchya, Mahottari
• Media Helpline, Ktm
• Radio Sarlahi, Sarlahi
• Mero FM, Ktm
• Radio Sagarmatha, Lalitpur
• Nuwakot FM, Nuwakot
• Ujyalo FM, Lalitpur
• Radio Audio, Ktm
• Radio Audio, Kathmandu
• Radio Bihani, Dhading
• Radio Dhading, Dhading • Star FM, Kathmandu
• Radio Upatyaka FM • Radio Myagdi, Myagdi
• Radio Jalapa, Nuwakot • Vijay FM, Nawalparasi
• Radio Janasanchar FM, Bhaktapur • Butwal FM, Rupandehi
• Radio Krishnasar FM, Banke • Radio Marshyangdi, Lamjung
• Radio Sagarmatha 102.4MHz, Ktm • Shreenagar FM, Palpa
• Radio Trishuli, Nuwakot • Radio Annapurna, Kaski
• Sailung FM, Dolakha • Bulbule FM, Surkhet
• Saptakoshi FM, Sunsari • Community Radio Nepali Awaj, Kalikot
• Ujyalo 90 Network, Ktm • Radio Krishnasar, Banke
• Vijaya FM, Nawalparasi • Radio Karnali, Jumla
• Watch Dog Media
• Radio Madhyapachchim, Dang
• Media Helpline
• Saipal FM, Bajhang
• Radio Khandbari, Sankhuwasabha
• Radio Mahakali, Kanchanpur
• Nepalbani FM, Ilam
• Dinesh FM, Dhangadi
• Radio Sargam, Jhapa

78 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020


• Action Aid International Nepal • Durham University, Institute of Hazard, Risk

• All India Institute of Hygiene & Public and Resilience (IHRR)
Health (AIIH&PH), India • Earthquake and Megacities Initiatives (EMI)
• Ambulance 118, Indonesia • Earthquake Engineering and Research
• American Heart Association Institute
• American Red Cross • Emergency Rescue Unit Foundation of
• American Society of Nepalese Engineers
• Emergency Medical Relief (EMR)/
• Amity Public Safety Academy of Philippines
Directorate of Health Services, New Delhi,
• Asian Development Bank (ADB) India
• Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) • Earthquake Reconstruction and
• Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), Pakistan
• Asian Disaster Reduction and Response • European Center of Training and Research in
Network (ADRRN) Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE), Italy
• Asian Seismological Commission • EHIME University, Japan
• Alliance for Adaptation & Disaster Risk • Fire National Training Institute of Philippines
Reduction, India • Fire Service and Civil Defense Directorate of
• Badan Koordinasi National of Indonesia Bangladesh
• Badan Search and Rescue National of • Focus Humanitarian Assistance, Pakistan
Indonesia • GeoHazards International
• Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre • Give2Asia
• Global Network of Civil Society • Global Earthquake Model (GEM)
Organisations for Disaster Reduction Foundation, Italy
• Global Network of Civil Society
• Bangladesh Red Cresent Society (BDRC) Organizations for disaster Reduction
• Beijing Normal University, China (GNDR)
• Boarder Security Force of India • Graduate Research Institute for Policy
• Building Research Institute of Japan Studies (GRIPS) of Japan
• CAN-USA • Handicap International
• Central Reserve Police Force, India • Indian Tibetan Boarder Police (ITBP), India
• Central Industrial Security Force, CISF, India • Indian Medical Association, (IMA), India
• Chittagong University of Engineering & • Indonesian Red Cross
Technology (CUET) • Institute of Mountain Hazards and
• Christian Aid-UK Environment, Chengdu
• Commissioner ate of Health & Medical • Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR)
Services, Gujarat, India • International Association of Earthquake
• Center for Participatory Research and Engineering
Development, Bangladesh • International Centre Integrated Mountain
• Crown Agents, UK Development
• Danish Cultural Institute, Denmark • International Federation of Red Cross
• Directorate General of Health Services Crescent Societies (IFRC)
(DGHS), Bangladesh • International Resources Group
• Disaster Management Bureau of Bangladesh • Janathaksan, Sri Lanka
• Disaster Prevention Research Institute • Jakarta Fire Services, Indonesia
DPRI/Kyoto University • Japanese International Cooperation Agency

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 79


• Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduates • Practical Action, Nepal

Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), • Philippines General Hospital
• Punjab Emergency Services, Rescue 1122,
• Johns Hopkins University - Center for Pakistan
International Emergency, Disaster, and
• Reynolds Geo-Sciences Limited, UK
Refugee Studies
• SAARC Disaster Management Center,
• Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
• Kunming University, China
• Safety Solutions Incorporated, USA
• Lutheran World Federation
• Save the Children, Nepal
• MERCY Malaysia
• Sustainable Environment and Ecological
• Mercy Corps, Nepal Development Society (SEEDS/India)
• Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, • Shanti Volunteer Association
• The International Institute for Geo-
• Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Information Science and Earth Observation
Bangladesh (ITC)
• Ministry of Health, Indonesia • The World Bank
• Ministry of Home Affairs, India • United Mission to Nepal
• National Disaster Management Authority of • United Nations Center for Regional
Pakistan Development - Disaster Management
• National Disaster Coordinating Council of Planning Hyogo Office
the Philippines • United Nations Development Programme,
• National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Geneva, Pakistan, India, Nepal, China,
India Thailand offices)
• National Health Emergency Preparedness and • United Nations International Strategy for
Response Network (NHEPRN), Pakistan Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
• National Industrial Security Academy of • United Nations Educational, Scientific and
India Cultural Organization
• Nat’l Institute of Preventive and Social • United Nations International Children's
Medicine of Bangladesh Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
• National Research Institute for Earth Science • United Nations World Food Programme
and Disaster Prevention of Japan (WFP)
• Network of Disaster Management • University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
Practitioners (NDMP), Pakistan • University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy
• New Zealand Society for Earthquake • University of Durham
• United Nations Human Settlements
• OGS, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Programme ( UN-Habitat )
Geofisica Sperimentale (National Institute of
• U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Oceanography and Applied Geophysics)
• Oxfam GB Nepal
• World Health Organization
• Pakistan Red Crescent
• World Seismic Safety Initiatives (WSSI)
• Plan Nepal

BCIPN & TSBCIN Municipalities

• Amargadhi Municipality, Dadeldhura • Bardibas Municipality, Mahottari

• Baglung Municipality, Baglung • Besishahar Municipality, Lamjung
• Bardaghat Municipality, Nawalparasi • Bhadrapur Municipality, Jhapa

80 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

NSET Annual Report 2020

• Bharatpur Metropolitan City, Chitwan • Khandbari Municipality, Sankhuwasabha

• Bheriganga Municipality, Surkhet • Kohalpur Municipality, Banke
• Bhimeshwor Municipality, Dolakha • Lalitpur Metropolitan City
• Biratnagar Metropolitan City, Morang • Manthali Municipality, Ramechhap
• Birendranagar Municipality, Surkhet • Mithila Municipality, Dhanusha
• Birtamod Municipality, Jhapa • Narayan Municipality, Dailekh
• Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City, Rupandehi • Nepalgunj Sub Metropolitan City, Banke
• Damak Municipality, Jhapa • Phidim Municipality, Panchthar
• Dhangadhi Sub Metropolitan City, Kailali • Putalibazar Municipality, Syangja
• Dhankuta Municipality, Dhankuta • Sainamaina Municipality, Rupandehi
• Dharan Sub-Metropolitan City, Sunsari • Shuklagandaki Municipality, Tanahun
• Gaindakot Municipality, Nawalparasi • Shuklaphata Municipality, Kanchanpu
• Ghorahi Municipality, Dang • Siddharthanagar Municipality, Bhairahawa
• Godawari Municipality, Kailali • Tansen Municipality, Palpa
• Gorkha Municipality, Gorkha • Triyuga Municipality, Udaypur
• Guleriya Municipality, Bardiya • Tulsipur Municipality, Dang
• Hetauda Sub Metropolitan City, Makwanpur • Vyas Municipiality, Tanahun
• Inaruwa Municipality, Sunsari • Tamakoshi Rural Municipality, Dolakha
• Itahari Sub-Metropolitan City, Sunsari • Baijanath Rural Municipality, Banke
• Janakpur Sub-Metropolitan City, Dhanusha • Sinja Rural Municipality, Jumla
• Kamal Rural Municipality, Jhapa • Kailari Rural Municipality,
• Kamalamai Municipality, Udaypur • Kailali Simta Rural Municipality, Surkhet
• Karyabinayak Municipality, Lalitpur • Babai Rural Municipality, Dang
• Kawasoti Municipality, Nawalparasi • Chure Rural Municipality, Kailali

National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) 81



ADRRN Asian Disaster Reduction and LSMC Lalitpur Sub Metropolitan City
Response Network
MFR Medical First Responder
BCIPN Building Code Implementation
MIW Master Instructors’ Workshop
Program in Nepal
MT Mason Training
BEMR Basic Emergency Medical Response
NBC National Building Code
BTT Basic Technical Training
NRCS Nepal Red Cross Society
CSSR Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue
NRRC Nepal Risk Reduction Consortium
DMC Disaster Management Committee
NRTC National Reconstruction Technology
DRM Disaster Risk Management
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
NSET National Society for Earthquake
DUDBC Department of Urban Development Technology – Nepal
and Building Construction
OJT On-the Job Training
EPRP Earthquake Preparedness and
PEER Program for Enhancement of
Response Plan
Emergency Response
ERM Earthquake Risk Management
3PERM Promoting Public Private Partnerships
ERR Earthquake Risk Reduction for Earthquake Risk Management
ESD Earthquake Safety Day SESP School Earthquake Safety Program
ESS Earthquake Safety Solutions SM Social Mobilizers
GEM Global Earthquake Model TFI Training for Instructors
HSS Higher Secondary School TOT Training of Trainers
HOPE Hospital Preparedness for Emergencies UNDP United Nations Development Program
IAEE International Association for UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
Earthquake Engineering
USAID United States Agency for International
IOE Institute of Engineering Development
KMC Kathmandu Metropolitan City VCA Vulnerability Capacity Assessment

82 National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET)

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