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A Study On Consumer Behaviour Towards Online Shopping-With Special Reference To Kanchipuram

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Nat. Volatiles & Essent.

Oils, 2021; 8(6): 1412-1418

A Study On Consumer Behaviour Towards Online Shopping-

With Special Reference To Kanchipuram


Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, SSKV College Of Arts and Science for Women,

Abstract: The World Wide Web has impelled in no small extent of changes in the attitude and behavior of people all
over the world. Online shopping has emerged which influenced the lives of ordinary people. Online shopping is the
most recent remarkable development in the Indian online space. Everyone using the e-commerce websites regularly
and buy the requisites of life. The objective of the study is to identify the factors influencing consumers attitude
towards online shopping, to find the various factors which motivate a consumer towards online Shopping, to study
the problems they face during online shopping. The study is empirical in nature and the primary data was collected
through a structured questionnaire. A sample size of 50 respondents was taken in Kanchipuram by applying
convenience sampling method.

In Today’s world of Information and technology, Internet has been proved most powerful and
useful media for sharing our information, thoughts etc., and knowing very easily about world. There is a
hug influence of technique on our daily life. Electronic devices, multimedia and computers are things we
have to deal with everyday. Especially the Internet is becoming more and more important for nearly
everybody as it is one of the newest and most forward-looking media and surely “the” medium of the
Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods
or services from a seller over the internet using a web browser. Consumers find a product of interest by
visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching among best alternative vendors, which
displays the same products availability and pricing at different e-retailers.
Flipkart, Zomato, Snap deal, Shopclues,Amazon, Jabong and e-Bay etc are the popular online
retailing companies in India. The five dominant influencing factors of consumer perceptions for online
shopping are easy to use, information, security, satisfaction and proper utilization of available information
to compare the different products.


• To identify the factors influencing consumers attitude towards online shopping
• To find the various factors which motivates a consumer towards online Shopping.
• To study the problems they face during online shopping.

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 1412-1418


Ramirez Nicolas (2010) stated that "The Internet has changed many facets of our daily lives: the way we
relate and communicate with one another, how we interact with a bank, read newspapers or watch
television. Even the way we buy and sell. These changes have occurred due to the constant flow of
companies offering new business models and innovative formulae. Discount coupons have always been a
powerful marketing tool. Whether inserted in printed media or posted through letter boxes, they
attracted new customers and were also offered at the time of purchase to promote consumer loyalty by
encouraging repeat purchases at outlets.

Shanthi and Kannaiah (2015) studied that mostly the youngsters are attached to the online shopping and
hence the elder people don’t use online shopping much as compared to the younger ones. The study
highlights the fact that the youngsters between the ages of 20-25 are mostly poised to use the online
shopping. It is also found that the majority of the people who shop online buys books online as it is
cheaper compared to the market price with various discounts and offers. The study also revealed that the
price of the products have the most influencing factor on online purchase.

Rajayogan & Muthumani (2015)in theier studies, respondents were taken from 210 respondents and the
data was analysed using ANOVA and chi square test. It was found that there was no significant difference
between gender and their buying behaviour intention. The results further indicated that consumer buying
intention was affected by age, income and occupation. Majority of online shoppers were working males
from age group 26-30 years and consumer with higher income groups shopped more online.

Mahalaxmi and Nagamanikandan (2016) studied that the internet has given rise to great potential for
businesses through connecting globally. In case online purchasing stills more problems arising specially for
apparel. Every consumer has faced number of difficulties. Based on finding it is concluded that online
shopping is getting popular in the younger generation. The main barrier in the process of online shopping
is the safety issue and low level of trust on online stores therefore; sellers have to make proper strategies
to increase the consume’s level of trust on them.

The type of study adopted is empirical in nature and used convenience sampling method for data
collection. The samples were collected among various areas in around Kanchipuram.
The sample size that is taken here for the study is 100 which comprises of both males and females
of age ranging from under 18 years- above 35 years. Primary Data was collected by administering a
Structured Questionnaire by applying convenience sampling method. Secondary Data was collected
through the use of published journal, articles by authors who highlighted their views about this topic and
reports published in the newspapers.


Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 1412-1418

Gender of the Respondents

98% 100%


40% Total
20% 2%

Male Female Total


Sample Age and Background: As my research was all about knowing the consumer behaviour so the 1 st
question shows the different age criteria of the people in Kanchipuram and it was found that 98% of the
respondents are female remaining 2% of the respondents are male.

Educational Qualification of the


2% 8%
Under graduate
20% Post graduate


As my study is based mainly on demographic profile so this question was asked to know about the
qualification of all the respondents and it was found that 66% of the respondents are having under
graduate, 24% of the respondents are having post graduate, 2% of the respondents are having
professionals., 2% of the respondents are having others.

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 1412-1418

Access to the Internet

88% 12%




Yes No


This question was asked as a matter of awareness to check whether people in Kanchipuram use internet
or not. The results were quite obvious. 88% of the respondents are using the internet and 12% of the
respondents are not using the internet.

Table.1 Using Internet for shopping

Chi-Square Tests

Asymptotic Significance (2-

Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 14.835a 16 .537
Likelihood Ratio 16.121 16 .445
Linear-by-Linear Association .060 1 .806
N of Valid Cases 50
a. 22 cells (88.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Ho= There is no significant difference between educational qualification of the respondents and their
level of using the internet shopping

Ho= There is significant difference between educational qualification of the respondents and their level of
using the internet shopping

Since P value =.537 is greater than 0.05 at 5% level of significance null hypothesis is accepted. Hence it is
concluded that there is no significant difference between educational qualification of the respondents
and their level of using the internet shopping.

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 1412-1418

Table.2 Satisfaction with Experience of online shopping

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 3.329a 4 .504
Likelihood Ratio 3.691 4 .449
Linear-by-Linear Association 3.031 1 .082
N of Valid Cases 50

a. 7 cells (70.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .40.
Ho= There is no significant difference between gender of the respondents and satisfaction with their
shopping experience.
H1= There is significant difference between gender of the respondents and satisfaction with their
shopping experience.

Since P value =.504 is greater than 0.05 at 5% level of significance null hypothesis is accepted. Hence it is
concluded that there is no significant difference between gender of the respondents and satisfaction with
their shopping experience.

Preference of customer on online store

40% 36%
30% 20% Flipkart
8% Snapdeal
10% 6%
0% Amazon

This question was asked to get a preliminary knowledge about the top online websites available and
people choice regarding the websites and it was found that 30% of the respondents are gave preference
toEbay, 28% of the respondents are choosing snapdeal, 26% of the respondents are preferred amazon
and 24% of the respondents are using paytm.

Table.3 Difference between expectation and the real products would influence satisfaction

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 1412-1418

Between 3.565 3 1.188 1.147 .340


Within Groups 47.655 46 1.036

Total 51.220 49

Since P value =.340 is greater than 0.05 at 5% level of significance null hypothesis is accepted. Hence it is
concluded that there is no significant difference between educational qualification of the respondents
and their level of using the internet shopping.



✓ 98% of the respondents are female remaining 2% of the respondents are male.
✓ 88% of the respondents are using the internet.
✓ 62% of the respondents are having online shopping experience.
✓ 30% of the respondents are using the flipkart to purchase through online.
✓ 28% of the respondents are using snapdeal for online shopping.
✓ 48% of the respondents are not facing any problem while conducting online purchase.
✓ Majority of the respondents that is 52% of are facing problem during online purchase having
problem on product damage.


✓ Goods and services offers the right value for money and which should provided by the merchants.
There should be transparency in policies of returns, shipping, privacy etc.,

✓ Vendors should inculcate the customers about e-commerce like educating them on safety tips like
reading the item description, looking for a seller’s feedback score and asking questions,detecting
spoof mails and informing them about the new online crimes which happen regularly.

✓ There are no appropriate laws for online purchases, they have to be implemented to forbid the
anonymous intruders. This will help to maintain the security and private information properly
concerning the respondents. Since, the website developers and service providers should take
required steps to overcome this problem.

✓ The vendors and service providers should avoid hidden charges. This will help to keep away from
the increase in price of the product.

✓ Even though the consumers having a basic knowledge about online shopping, they are unable to
implement it. since, the language becomes a barrier. Developing regional language oriented
websites would help new comers to enhance their knowledge and also to increase the online

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(6): 1412-1418

In the past decades, consumers had sufficient time to visit shopping centers and searching for various
products. Many consumers preferred to bargain and decide the purchases after physical examination of
the commodities. The whole process can range from a few hours to weeks depending on the product,
quantity, quality and source of purchase. In the present secnario, there is radical change in the entire
process. Now a days digital oriented like Electronic Data Interchange, E-commerce E-mail and E-business.
E-commerce is exchange of information using network-based technologies. In the present high cost
situation, e-commerce can be used as a competitive strategy. It successfully includes the entire online
process of developing, marketing, delivering, selling, servicing and paying for products and services.
Online shopping is a vast growing technology. If it is properly utilized with assured safety and security for
the transactions, it will thrive into a highly competitive and dynamic environment.


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