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Name:_______________________ Score: _______/10 Name:_________________________ Score: _______/10

Quiz 3- ME526-ME42S4 Quiz 3- ME526-ME42S1

Only write the letter of the correct answer Only write the letter of the correct answer
1. Air with a vapor pressure of 9 kPa at a d. 1.1190 e. 0.9328 f. 3358.1
pressure of 60°C is heated to a temperature of 100°C
10% RH. Find the heat in kJ/hr added for 60.16 kg/hr 2. An air compression with 5x10^99 stages has a
of air. suction and discharge pressure of 290 kPa and 8x10^99
@60°C hg= 2608.85 kj/kg kPa. Find the pressure in the 10x10^95 intercooler.
@100°C Psat=101.3 kPa hg= 2676.1 kJ/kg a. 209.2x10^96 b. Infinity c. 209.2
a. 66.961 b. 69.661 c. 4028.4 d. 303.3x10^95 e. Math Error f. 3.023x10^2
d. 1.1190 e. 0.9328 f. 3358.1
3. An air compression with 5 stages has a suction
2. An air compression with 5x10^99 stages has a and discharge pressure of 200 kPa and 9000 kPa. Find
suction and discharge pressure of 200 kPa and 9x10^99 the total heat rejected in kJ/kg if air enters each
kPa. Find the pressure in the 10x10^95 intercooler. stage at 15 K. Use Cp air=1.0062 kJ/kg-K
a. 209.2x10^96 b. Infinity c. 209.2 a. 1760.4 b. 70.416 c. 3.6675
d. 303.3x10^95 e. Math Error f. 3.023x10^2 d. 352.08 e. 18.338 f. 91.688

3. An air compression with 5 stages has a suction 4. Wet feed moving at 2 kg/s on a conveyor belt
and discharge pressure of 200 kPa and 9000 kPa. Find has 56% moisture(dry basis) and leaves the dryer at 2%
the total heat rejected in kJ/kg if air enters each moisture(wet basis). Find the amount of moisture
stage at 15 °C. Use Cp air=1.0062 kJ/kg-K removed in kg/hr.
a. 1760.4 b. 70.416 c. 3.6675 a. 3890.82 b. 3968.64 c. 2429.31
d. 352.08 e. 18.338 f. 91.688 d. 3980.82 e. 3976.35 f. 2490.42

4. Wet feed moving at 2 kg/s on a conveyor belt 5. For air with 15°C db and 5°C wb, Find the
has 56% moisture(wet basis) and leaves the dryer at 2% specific humidity in grains of air per lb of air.
moisture(dry basis). Find the amount of moisture @15°C, Psat = .001706 Mpa hg= 2528.36 kj/kg
removed in kg/hr. @5°C. Psat = 0.000873 Mpa hg= 2510.07 kj/kg
a. 3890.82 b. 3968.64 c. 2429.31 a. 0.0014 b. 9.8 c. 0.0016
d. 3980.82 e. 3976.35 f. 2490.42 d. 0.0013 e. 9.0 f. 11.2

5. For air with 15°C db and 5°C wb, Find the 6. 50 m^3/hr of air enters a cooling tower with
specific humidity in grains of air per lb of air. 25°C db and 15°C wb and leaves at 35°C and 90% RH.
@15°C, Psat = .001706 Mpa hg= 2528.36 kj/kg Find the cooling tower heat rejected if water enters
@5°C. Psat = 0.000873 Mpa hg= 2510.07 kj/kg at 50 m3/hr , 18°C.
a. 0.0014 b. 9.8 c. 0.0016 @25°C db 15°C wb, Pv=1.052 kPa h=41.75 kJ/kgair
d. 0.0013 e. 9.0 f. 11.2 @35°C db 90%RH , h=119.11 kJ/kgair
a. 24.66 b. 2535 c. 39.66
6. 50 m^3/hr of air enters a cooling tower with d. 3.000 e. 87.8 f. 21.66
25°C db and 15°C wb and leaves at 35°C and 90% RH.
Find the cooling tower efficiency if water enters at 7. An evaporative cooler uses a 53°F water to
50 m3/hr , 18°C. pre-cool 8000 cfm of outdoor from 96°F DB, 55°F WB to
@25°C db 15°C wb, Pv=1.052 kPa h=41.75 kJ/kgair 62°F DB. Find the efficiency of this evaporative
@35°C db 90%RH , h=119.11 kJ/kgair cooler
a. 24.66 b. 2535 c. 39.66 a. 86.27 b. 95.35 c. 89.33
d. 3.000 e. 87.8 f. 21.66 d. 82.93 e.82.67 f.93.55

7. .An evaporative cooler uses a 53°F water to 8. A dryer has a 17% dry basis moisture wet feed
pre-cool 8000 cfm of outdoor from 96°F DB, 45°F WB to and 3% wet basis moisture of dried product. Find the
52°F DB. Find the efficiency of this evaporative moisture removed for every 5 kg of solids in the final
cooler product.
a. 86.27 b. 95.35 c. 89.33 a. 0.187 b. 0.234 c. 0.168
d. 82.93 e. 82.67 f. 93.55 d. 0.695 e. 0.934 f. 0.869

8. A dryer has a 17% wet basis moisture wet feed 9. 0.5m^3/s of Air enters an airconditioner at
and 3% wet basis moisture of dried product. Find the 50°F 85%RH and cools it to 21°C db at w=0.015.
moisture removed for every 5 kg of solids in the final Refrigerant (has n = 1.1, mw= 45 kg/kmol) flows at 10
product. kg/min and compressed from -20°C to 100°C. Find the
a. 0.187 b. 0.234 c. 0.168 Maximum COP for cooling
d. 0.695 e. 0.934 f. 0.869 a. 3.38 b. 2.11 c. 3.11
d. 4.38 e. 5.38 f. 6.38
9. 0.5m^3/s of Air enters an airconditioner at
50°F 85%RH and cools it to 21°C db at w=0.015. 10. A compressor has 1 x 10^99 stages has a
Refrigerant (has n = 1.1, mw= 45 kg/kmol) flows at 10 suction of 100 kPa and a discharge of 1x10^99 kPa.
kg/min and compressed from -20°C to 100°C. Find the Find the pressure(kPa) in the 9x10^98 intercooler.
Maximum COP for cooling a. 5.58x10^98 c. 5.58x10^95 e. infinity
a. 3.38 b. 2.11 c. 3.11 b. 5.58x10^89 d. Math Error f. none of these
d. 4.38 e. 5.38 f. 6.38

10. A compressor has 1 x 10^99 stages has a

suction of 100 kPa and a discharge of 1x10^99 kPa.
Find the pressure(kPa) in the 9x10^98 intercooler.
a. 5.58x10^98 c. 5.58x10^95 e. infinity
b. 5.58x10^89 d. Math Error f. none of these

1. Air with a vapor pressure of 9 kPa at a

pressure of 60°C is heated to a temperature of 100°C
10% RH. Find the heat in kJ/hr added for 60.16 kg/hr
of air.
@60°C hg= 2608.85 kj/kg
@100°C Psat=101.3 kPa hg= 2676.1 kJ/kg
a. 66.961 b. 69.661 c. 4028.4

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