CAt-2 (D Slot)
CAt-2 (D Slot)
CAt-2 (D Slot)
School SCOPE
Course Code cs3009 Course Title NoSQL Databases
Semester Date of exam
Faculty Name
Slot Dr. Karthika Natarajan & 70279
& ID
Duration 110 mins Total Marks 50
Q1. Mr. Sanjeev wants to development a database using MongoDB for his sales especially car
which has details such as Sale_id, Brand_name, Supplier_id, Payment-method, Number_of_
car_ordered and Date & Year of Purchase. (15)
For the following occurrences, write an answer.
1. Very first he planned to insert every brand of car details individually.
2. Later he decided to add all the car details at a time upon the database.
3. While adding the details, he found out that there is an error, so he has decided to update
the Payment_method from COD to Card payment for all the cars purchased.
4. Now he decided to update the database with Customer_id.
5. He wants to delete a car detail which matches with Brand_name “ TOYOTA”.
Q2. Mr. Baskar intends to develop an app using MongoDB which deals with hospital report. The
details are Hoapital_id, Hospital_name , Patient_id , Doctor_id, Consultation_payment,
Visiting_hour, in_patient, Out_patient (10)
1. He wants to find the patients who is visiting the Doctor_3.
2. He wishes to note down the number of patients admitted in hospital.
3. He wants to know total visiting hours by the doctor_id 2 for the patient-id 3.
4. He wants to know the number of in-patient waiting for the Doctor id 2 at today.
5. He wants to calculate the average payment done by the patients in the year 2021.
Q3. Write commands using REDIS datastore (15)
QP Mapping