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2022 Impact Projects Report Rev2.23.2023

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A year's overview


Engi n e e r i ng for Change (E4C) is a non-profit In 2 0 2 2 , E4C welcomed our largest F e l l o w s h i p

orga n i z a t ion dedica ted to preparing, e d u c a t i n g , a n d coho r t e v er: 57 Fellows from all over t h e g l o b e .
acti v a t i n g the international technical workforce to This y e a r , the Autodesk Foundation co l l a b o r a t e d
impr o v e t h e quality of life of people and t h e p l a n e t . We with E 4 C to support 25 of these Fellows , m a t c h i n g
cult i v a t e change agents by providi n g resources, them w i t h practical design and researc h p r o j e c t s
plat f o r m s , and access to expertise to a c c e l e r a t e t h e from the Autodes k Foundation's po r t f o l i o of
deve l o p m e nt of solutions and infuse eng i n e e r i n g i n t o nonp r o f i t s and startups. These savvy e a r l y - c a r e e r
sust a i n a b le development. desi g n e r s and engineers from all over t h e w o r l d
drew o n t heir experi ence and expertise i n A u t o d e s k
E4C w a s founded j ointly by the Amer i c a n S o c i e t y o f tech n o l o g y to provide tangible impac t f o r t h e i r
Mech a n i c a l Engineers (ASME) and other leading part n e r organiza tions. Projects included
engi n e e r i ng societies. deve l o p m e nt or improvement of products,
adva n c e ment of wor kflows in organizati o n a l d e s i g n
E4C I m p act Proje cts advance the sustainability and A u t o d esk technology, and targeted r e s e a r c h .
obje c t i v e s of impact-driven organizatio n s b y s o u r c i n g
exce p t i o n al talent through our Fellowsh i p P r o g r a m t o In 2 0 2 3 , the Autodesk Foundation an d E 4 C a r e
addr e s s critical des ign needs and rese a r c h q u e s t i o n s coll a b o r a ting again to provide grantee
to a d v a n c e the UN's Sustainable Devel o p m e n t G o a l s . orga n i z a t ions the opportunity to recei v e t a r g e t e d
Impa c t P r o jects fall into one of our thr e e k e y s t r e a m s : tech n i c a l support while simultaneously g r o w i n g t h e
Desi g n f o r Good, Impact Research, a n d A d v a n c i n g huma n i n f rastructur e and local capacity o f t h e n e x t
Work f l o w s . gene r a t i o ns of technical professionals.

Read full reports at:

http s : / / w
rese a r c h /
E4C 2 0 2 2 Program Management Team:
Jona t h a n Kemp, Prog r a m S pecialist Read more about our Fellowship and Fellows:
Erin P e i f f e r, Prog r a m C oordinator http s : / / w e 4 c -
Caro l i n a Rojas, Prog r a m A ssociate fell o w s h i p/
Anna L i b e y, Int e r i m R esearch M anager
Saha r S h a msi, Inte r i m R esearch Manager To become a research partner, email:
part n e r s @
Publ i s h e d February 2023

Ana Milena Trujillo Castro Jorge Bravo Villegas

Colombia, Fellow Ecuador, Fellow

Christ Ruiz Ortiz Julio Diarte

Perú, Fellow Paraguay, Expert Fellow

Damiana Pacheco - Aviles Martin Ignacio Del Pino

Ecuador, Fellow Argentina, Expert Fellow

Elena Vazquez Peña Paulo Vela

Paraguay, Fellow Peru, Expert Fellow

Francisco X. Plaza Rosakebia Estela

Ecuador, Fellow Mendoza
Perú, Fellow



Catherine McManus Helen Lindsay

USA, Fellow USA, Expert Fellow

Charles Newman Jane Gachuche

USA, Senior Technical Canada, Fellow
Expert Fellow
Kyla Strickler
Christopher Mabey USA, Expert Fellow
USA, Fellow
Lauren Reinersman
Claudia Alemañy - Castilla USA, Fellow
Cuba, Fellow
Sahar Shamsi
Farid Hazameh Canada, Fellow
Panamá, Fellow
Shannon Tin Oi Lee
Gabriel Ayu Prado Canada, Fellow
Panamá, Fellow

Katerina Prokopiou
Cyprus, Fellow

Khaoula Trigui
Tunisia, Expert Fellow

Maryam Khaled Ahmed

Egypt, Fellow

Patricia Lamas
Spain, Fellow

Alex Inoma
Nigeria, Fellow

Deji Adebayo
Nigeria, Fellow

Eleazer Archer
Ghana, Fellow

Ibrahim Walaman-I
Ghana, Fellow
Kingsley Ukoba
Nigeria, Fellow

Nwalo Okechukwu
Nigeria, Fellow

Obiora Odugu
Nigeria, Fellow

Sydney Okoroafor
Nigeria, Fellow

Eric Bidong
D.R.C, Fellow

Joseph Kurebwa
Zimbabwe, Fellow

Joseph Mdumuka
Malawi, Fellow

Sonna Donko Maël

Cameroon, Fellow

Ben Wokorach
Uganda, Fellow
Lorine Ouma
Kenya, Fellow FELLOWS
Brighton Mogoka Nicolas Kalimba Rugamba
Kenya, Fellow Rwanda, Expert Fellow
Erion Bwambale Racheal Nalwoga
Uganda, Fellow Uganda, Fellow
Frida Korir Sandra Ineza Sinzi
Kenya, Fellow Rwanda, Fellow
Hamisa Rizgallah Sheila Atieno Ojwang
Kenya, Fellow Kenya, Fellow
Isaac Njoroge Valerie Eve Atieno
Kenya, Fellow Kenya, Fellow
Kithinji Muriungi
Kenya, Fellow



Anish Agarwal Harsh Vyas

India, Fellow India, Expert Fellow

Arijit Goswami Himanshu Panday

India, Fellow India, Fellow and Expert Fellow

Arya Sarkar K Shakthi Dhar Reddy

India, Fellow India, Fellow

Cheng Heung Mohammed Baaoum

China, Fellow Saudi Arabia, Fellow

Dean Ashton Plamenco Sudhamayee Pochiraju

Philippines, Fellow India, Fellow

Tanvir Khorajiya
India, Expert Fellow

19.4% 21%



16.1% 43.5%


2022 Impact Projects


Kheyti page 12
Structural Design and Optimization for Scaling Steel Modular

KickStart International page 13

Development of a Solar Pump Electronics Design Use Case for Training

Rebound Technologies page 14

Icepoint Mechanical Vapor Recompression Compressor Aerodynamics


Build Health International page 15

Battery Solutions for Healthcare Facilities in Low Resource Settings

MASS Design Group page 16

Advancing the Practice of Fire Safety in Rwanda

Engineering for Change
Advancing E4C Fellowship Program Workflows page 17

Engineering for Change page 18

Longitudinal Study: Assessing E4C Fellowship Program Impact

JFFLabs page 19
State of Data Capacity, Capability, and Maturity of Education & Workforce


Médecins Sans Frontières page 20

A Standard, Adaptable Catalogue of Water Tower Designs and Construction

Fresh Life page 21

A Breath of Fresh Air 2.0: Optimizing Sustainable Protein Production from
Splash Social Enterprises page 22
Product Engineering Support for Handwashing Station for Convid-19

UNHCR page 23
UNHCR WASH Design Details Library


Amped Innovation page 24

Gaining Customer Acceptance of PV-Based Inverters in Nigeria

Arizona State University page 25

Power System Modelling and Analysis for Rapid Mini-Grid Assessment

M2X Energy page 26

Design of Transportation and Storage System in Modular Gas to Methanol

Seattle University and Navajo Technical University page 27

Analyzing Battery Voltage Profiles of Off-Grid Power Systems on Tribal
Lands page 28
From Waste to Energy: Standardizing the Work-Stream of Biodigester

Sunvine Africa page 29

The Design of an LPG Tabletop Gas Burner for Rural Kenya: The JuaJiko


ASME page 30
Supporting the Development of ASME's FutureME Labor Market Intelligence


ASME Idea Lab page 31

Supporting ISHOW Idea Lab: Methodologies for Benchmarking Startups

ASME ISHOW page 32

ASME ISHOW Longitudinal Study on Social Return on Investment

ASME ISHOW page 33

Advancing ASME ISHOW Program Workflows
Partsimony page 34
Developing a Plug-in to Support Intelligent and Sustainable Manufacturing
Supply Chains


BamCore page 35
Improving Engineer-Architect Communication and Workflows for Bamboo-
Based Construction

Build Change page 36

Automating Structural Retrofits for Low-Income Households in Bogotá,

EarthEnable page 37
Affordable Housing Alternatives

Habitat for Humanity Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter (TCIS) page 38
A Landscape Analysis of Sustainable, Circular Housing Solutions in India

Habitat for Humanity Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter (TCIS) page 39
A Landscape Analysis of Sustainable, Green, and Circular Housing
Solutions in the Philippines

Hometeam Ventures page 40

Creating a System for Inbound Dealflow of Affordable Housing
Construction Technologies

Powward Mobility page 41

Developing e-Mobility Micro-Mobility Bicycle Solutions to Reduce Poverty


BamCore page 42
Reducing Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment Through Bamboo-
Based Material Usage Rules

The Industrial Commons - Material Return page 43

Improving System Management of Inventory Material Return for Circular

Vartega page 44
Global Recycling Standard Certification for Recycled Carbon Fiber and
Composite Recycling Database

ASME page 45
Development of ASME's Climate Action Position Statement

Towards Net Zero Buildings in Kenya page 46

Penn State
Digital Toolkits for Enhancing Flood and Extreme Heat Resilience of Low- page 47
income Housing


FabLab UTP and WeRobotics page 48

Design of an Adjustable Sensor for Water Monitoring


Engineering for Change page 49

Opportunities for Data-Enabled Interventions in Africa


University of Dayton page 50

A Landscape Analysis of the Field of Engineering and Human Rights


Autodesk Foundation page 51

An Innovative Approach to the Autodesk Foundation’s Partnership Success

Engineering for Change page 52

Maintaining a Living Database: Ensuring Value, Sustainability, and
Optimization of the E4C Solutions Library

ConservationX Labs page 53

Supporting the Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: the Amazon CoLab

Structural Design and Optimization for Scaling
Steel Modular Greenhouses
Fellow: Sonna Donko Maël, Cameroon

Expert Fellow: Harsh Vyas, India

Partner collaborators:
Ashdeep Seth, Engineering Design
Consultant, USA
Mohit Saxena, Business Strategy
Manager, India

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:

Autodesk technology used in this project: Diagonal wind pressure distribution on 3 stacked greenhouses
(3GH Model)
Fusion 360, Revit, and Robot Structural


The objective of this project was to support Kheyti in It was found that extending the greenhouses by
performing structural works to provide structurally stacking them together tends to increase the overall
viable and cost-efficient Greenhouses (GHs) to safety due to the faces of individual GHs that are
farmers. This would allow them to provide more being shaded from wind pressures by adjacent GHs.
modular options (reduced and extended versions) of On the other hand, extending by structurally linking the
its current greenhouse-in-a-box, to assure a year- GHs has to be studied case by case but has a
round income for bottom-of-the-pyramid farmers in tendency to provide safety. The latter option was
India. chosen as it comes with reduced material quantity,
thus ensuring cost efficiency. Also, the reduced
After noticing how good their activities have been greenhouses were all safe with the least being the 1/4
performing, some farmers (both present and future GH version. While ensuring safety, cost optimization
clients) wanted to experiment with larger will be achieved by using lower-strength pipes and/or
greenhouses to expand their activities, while others 5mm balcony cables.
would prefer smaller ones for nursery purposes. As
such, it was necessary to verify the safety of the Outcome: Design of structurally viable, cost-efficient
current conventional GH structure, then perform greenhouses for farmers
design and optimization works to obtain optimum
engineered dimensions and materials for the pipes,
wires and foundation of various geometries of the
reduced and extended GH structures.
The various parts of the conventional GH were
extracted from the existing Fusion 360 CAD files and
used in Revit for architectural modeling. Then
exported to Robot Structural Analysis where the
appropriate loads were applied to perform global
analysis, the results were then sent to Fusion 360 for
local analysis of the foundations. These structural
works helped to assign structurally fit parts to the
GHs based on the obtained stresses.

KickStart International
Development of a Solar Pump Electronics
Design Use Case for Training
Fellow: Kithinji Muriungi, Kenya

Expert Fellow: Kyla Strickler, USA

Partner collaborators: lan Spybey,

Director of Product Intelligence &
Development, Kenya
Cynthia Musonye, Electronics
Engineer, Kenya

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
KickStart International

Autodesk technology used in this project:

Fusion 360 Electronics Virtual Sessions recordings on YouTube

The objective of this project was to give the design; basic electronics circuit understanding and
KickStart International product design and configurations; fundamentals of solar electronics
development team the end-to-end understanding of systems; electronics circuit design and simulations
the electronics design through a process workflow tools (Autodesk Fusion 360 Electronics and Proteus)
that can be adopted for future internal training. This understanding circuit design workflows; individual and
is a significant skill set to the KickStart team as the team basic circuit design (Buck, Boost, and Buck-
organization looks into upgrading the manual pumps Boost Converter); basic circuit assembly (breadboard
to solar-powered pumps. The project was and stripboard); PCB design; Manufacturer files
implemented in Nairobi, Kenya where KickStart generation (Gerber files); and electronics
International’s engineering and product intelligence manufacturer industrial visit at Gearbox Europlacer.
center is situated. The project involved both physical
and virtual engagement for a duration of five months The step-by-step build-up and iteration of the training
with 5 team members from KickStart International. material through regular feedback and customization
based on the KickStart team’s needs and use of both
The project scope included theoretical presentations Autodesk Fusion 360 Electronics and Proteus brought
and open-team discussions, hands-on practicals and a holistic delivery of both theory and hands-on
demonstrations, individual and team circuit design learning. At the end of the project engagement, all the
exercises, and an industrial visit to an electronics KickStart International design team members were
manufacturing facility. The virtual sessions able to understand the end-to-end process workflow
happened every week on Monday and Wednesday involved in electronics design and development.
and 2 Saturdays per month which were divided into
one virtual and one physical. The sessions ranged Outcome: Team capacity building in electronics
from 1 to 4 hours. Each session followed a step-by- design for solar-powered pumps
step outline and all the sessions were recorded and
shared on YouTube for future reference. The
electronics design and training delivered content
included: introduction to electronics engineering and


Rebound Technologies
Icepoint Mechanical Vapor Recompression
Compressor Aerodynamics Efficiency
Fellow: Gabriel Ayú Prado, Panama This work was supported by:
Autodesk Foundation
Expert Fellow: Harsh Vyas, India This work is in collaboration with:
Rebound Technologies
Partner collaborators: Russell Goldfarbmuren,
Chief Technology Officer, USA Autodesk technology used in this project:
Autodesk CFD

Pressure buildup (top) and velocity profile (bottom) in a cross section view of the compressor

This project provided Rebound Technologies with a A record was developed on how all these parameters
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of may interact with one another and what
the baseline aerodynamic performance of the considerations must be taken into account when
compressor used in their Mechanical Vapor applying them. A CFD model file was produced so that
Recompression (MVR) system. the partner organization can continue testing different
conditions in the simulation environment.
Rebound Technologies has performed lab tests to
determine the operating ranges of the compressor Rebound Technologies aims to provide a new
being implemented in their MVR system, but this refrigeration technology that not only is able to
project aims to establish the theoretical performance provide more flexibility to end-users which can lead to
of this compressor using the software package of massive reductions in energy consumption, but also
Autodesk CFD and determine if improvements can to provide a system which doesn’t require the use of
be made to the design. The work focuses primarily potentially hazardous refrigerants used in traditional,
on the current operating parameters being industrial refrigeration systems such as ammonia.
implemented in the system as well as the current The improvement of the MVR compressor can lead to
volute and impeller geometry. further improvements on the energy efficiency of the
A geometry assembly file was constructed to be
imported to the simulation environment. The current Outcome: CFD model of Mechanical Vapor
impeller and volute geometry were used as the basis Recompression system for safer, more energy
to construct the domain geometry where the flow efficient, refrigeration
path was simulated. Research and trials were
performed to determine the parameters, conditions,
and flow material in the simulation environment that
could ensure the highest fidelity and accuracy of the
simulation with respect to the behavior of the real


Build Health International

Battery Solutions for Healthcare Facilities in
Low Resource Settings

Fellow: Ibrahim Walaman-I, Ghana

Present and future battery technologies -
energy density comparison
Expert Fellow: Helen Lindsay, USA

Partner collaborators:
Omar Hernández, Sr. Dir. of
Engineering and Construction, USA
Sarah Sceery, Dir. of External
Relations and Engagement, USA
Tyler Morris, Project Manager, USA

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
Build Health International

This research provides technical guidance in Featured technologies included various types of
selecting an appropriate Battery Energy Storage Lead–Acid, Lithium–Ion, Nickel–Cadmium, Nickel–
System (BESS) to complement renewable energy Metal Hydride, Sodium–Sulfur, and Redox Flow
(solar PV) integration in health facilities in resource- Batteries. Several emerging battery technologies were
constrained settings. also highlighted for future consideration, including
Zinc–Air, Lithium–Sulfur, Lithium–Air, Solid-State,
The global challenge of quality healthcare provision, Lead-Acid Carbon and Saltwater batteries. Based on
particularly in marginalized communities, and interviews with battery manufacturers, industry
associated ramifications, such as alarming mortality professionals, and case studies, suitable
rates, impede sustainable development. Build Health commercially available batteries were suggested.
International (BHI) is committed to an equitable Quantitative and qualitative data were distilled into a
health future, providing infrastructure to deliver high- graphic, comparable framework to assist BHI in
quality care that can be operated and maintained in selecting the most suitable battery solution.
resource-constrained settings, contributing to
achieving SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being). In Electricity is vital in delivering quality healthcare.
pursuance of its mission, BHI, in collaboration with Clean electricity from solar PV, coupled with battery
Engineering for Change (E4C), conducted research to storage, is essential in reaching global sustainability
present a cross-section of appropriate Battery targets: achieving a net-zero carbon emission future
Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to guide and inform (SDG 7) and quality healthcare (SDG 3). This study
decision makers within BHI on efficiently integrating contributes to sustainable development by assisting
renewable energy generation (solar PV) at health BHI in selecting clean energy storage solutions.
facilities in marginalized communities globally with
unreliable or no access to grid electricity. Outcome: Technical battery solutions for health
facilities in resource-constrained settings
A detailed analysis of contemporary battery
technologies compared technical details, merits and
demerits, and ranked technologies, to guide in
selecting a suitable battery technology.

MASS Design Group

Advancing the Practice of Fire Safety in

Jane Gachuche, Canada
Fire incident at Gisozi Modern Market, Kigali,
Expert Fellow:
Helen Lindsay, USA

Partner collaborators:
Tilly Lenartowicz, Director, Building
Services Engineer, Environmental
Lead, Rwanda

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
MASS Design Group

The objective of this project was to provide guidance addition to a review of design, regulation and
for developing a contextualized framework to management capacities for construction projects.
advance fire safety practices in Rwanda. It also These guided the recommendations for the fire safety
proposes methods to raise awareness of fire safety management framework and ways to increase
engineering best practices amongst architects, understanding of the issues and the existing tools
designers and engineers. This research was available to address them.
conducted in collaboration with MASS Design Group,
Engineering for Change (E4C) and Kindling, a non-for- Developments proposed include ensuring multi-
profit organization for fire safety equality. disciplinary collaboration throughout the design
stages between architects, designers, fire safety
Over 95 percent of all fire deaths and injuries occur engineers and consultants. Additionally, existing
in low- and middle-income countries. Fire-related frameworks such as the Urban FRAME Diagnostic
deaths in Africa alone are predicted to increase to an tool, which identifies gaps and opportunities for fire
estimated one million deaths each year in 2050, in risk reduction, should be utilized at a local and
part due to rapid increases in population, national level to further assess the regulatory
urbanization and new technologies presenting new environment in Rwanda. As recommended in the
safety challenges. In Rwanda, there has been research, tools like this can also be used to engage
government recognition of the increase in fire with stakeholders on strategies for evaluating the
incidence in the country. MASS Design Group, an current situation and identifying areas for
international architecture firm, has sought to improvement and investment.
increase awareness and knowledge on fire safety
engineering best practices for their projects in Outcome: Proposed improvements for fire safety
Rwanda and in doing so contribute to advancement practices in Rwanda
of fire safety in the region.
Through desk research, design workshops and
expert interviews, an analysis was conducted of the
fire safety problem and risk profile in Rwanda, in

Engineering for Change

Advancing E4C Fellowship Program Workflows

Maryam K. Ahmed, Egypt

Partner collaborators:
Erin Peiffer, Research Manager

This work is in collaboration with:

Engineering for Change

Average percentage of women applicants for projects

requiring software

Since 2014, the Engineering for Change (E4C) Of the over 1,800 applicants for the Summer 2022
Fellowship Program has grown and evolved from Fellowship, only a third of those who applied were
supporting seven Fellows contributing primarily to women. Although this percentage is nearly double the
the Solutions Library, to over 55 Fellows working on global average for women in engineering (INWED,
nearly 40 Impact Projects with partners in addition to 2022), as an organization that values diversity, equity,
adding to the Solutions Library in 2022. Additionally, and inclusion, E4C was interested in understanding
for the Summer 2022 Fellowship alone, E4C received potential reasons for the low percentage of women
over 1,800 interested applicants. With this growth applicants and ways that they can encourage more
has come the need for scaling and improving current women to apply in the future. As such, a short study
processes across the Fellowship. The objectives of was conducted to analyze E4C’s applicant data by the
this project were to support Engineering for Change project including skillset, education, and location
with improving the efficiency of key programs, requirements. While this analysis is ongoing, Figure 1
particularly advancing Fellowship program shows the breakdown of the average percentage of
workflows. Specifically, this includes developing women applying to projects with specific software
operation management templates, and automation requirements.
of processes related to recruitment and other
management processes. Outcome: Improved workflows and application gender
analysis to support gender equity in the E4C
Fellowship Program
As part of this work, the Fellow assisted in the
creation of management templates to be used by the
management team as well as the consolidation of
Fellowship historical data in support of E4C’s impact
tracking. Additional work included mapping the
current recruitment process using Miro, indicating
the individuals involved and the tasks required. New
templates for recruitment were then developed with
automation added throughout.


Engineering for Change

Longitudinal Study: Assessing E4C Fellowship
Program Impact
Fellows: Partner collaborators:
Ana Milena Trujillo Castro, Colombia Laura Maher, Head of External Engagement,
Arijit Goswami, India Program Manager, Siegel Family Endowment, USA
Erin Peiffer, Research Manager, Engineering for
Expert Fellow: Change, USA
Sahar Shamsi, Canada

This work was supported by:

Siegel Family Endowment
This work is in collaboration with:
Engineering for Change

Impact of E4C Fellowship on Alumni

E4C’s Fellowship Program offers fellows a unique Through a variety of tools (e.g., surveys, rubrics,
opportunity to learn new technical and professional interviews), results show that overall the vast majority
skills through Impact Projects with partner of Fellows from the 2022 E4C Fellowship program
organizations, attend 30+ hours of curated Learning (Summer Cohort) and partners were satisfied with
Modules, gain exposure to multidisciplinary their experience. Additionally, current Fellows
(physical, social, digital) infrastructure frameworks, indicated an average increase in their confidence in
and gain access to a vast network of experts and global professional and technical skills. Interviews
alumni. However, programs are prone to becoming with alumni highlighted how the fellowship influenced
outdated if they are not revamped regularly through their career progressions.
continuous improvements – both incremental and
large. Therefore, it was imperative for E4C to Current fellows and alumni (n = 14) provided feedback
investigate the strengths, gaps and opportunities for on how the program can be improved including
improvement that could make the fellowship rearranging when certain training is offered,
program more impactful. revamping the Learning Module curriculum, and how
to strengthen the alumni network. Additional
The goal of this project was to implement E4C’s recommendations for improving E4C’s Impact
Fellowship Program Impact Evaluation Strategy to Evaluation Strategy were provided based on desk
assess impact, capture concrete examples of how research on evaluation models and interviews with
Fellows are exposed to multidisciplinary other US-based workforce development organizations.
infrastructure, and provide recommendations and
actionable insights on ways to improve the program Outcome: Impact evaluation of E4C Fellowship
and their Impact Evaluation Strategy. Program


State of Data Capacity, Capability, and Maturity
of Education & Workforce Institutions
Exploring the US non-profit educational organization Fellow:
landscape at a glance
Arya Sarkar, India

Expert Fellow:
Martín Ignacio del Pino,

Partner collaborators:
Eshwar Eshwaran, Director LABS
Faye Ackeret, UX/Product Lead,

This work was supported by: Autodesk Foundation

This work is in collaboration with: JFF Labs

The objective of this project was to support JFFLabs suffering from a problem of tackling data security
in assessing the state of data capacity, capability, owing to their massive data warehouses.
and maturity of education and workforce institutions
across segments of the industry. From this research, Another challenge that organizations irrespective of
including desk research and interviews with subject their size are dealing with, is adapting to the post-
matter experts and industry stakeholders, it was pandemic world where the majority of the things
found that post-pandemic, every organization is which were previously done physically have been
trying to up their data game, as they have become automated with ease, virtually. To combat this
aware of the value of digital medium and data in challenge, many of the non-profits we talked to are
general. From collecting, to storing and analyzing investing in training existing employees who
data has been a major challenge given the limited specialize in a completely different skillset to adapt
resources for most non-profit education and get used to operating virtually.
organizations and workforce boards.
Now that most organizations have started getting
The major challenges faced by these non-profits is a used to the post-pandemic changes, the next few
severe shortage of staff, capable of utilizing the data years look much better for data maturity as most
they are collecting. Most of the smaller nonprofits do organizations (irrespective of their size) we talked to,
not have even one dedicated person capable of are certain that they would only upscale their
utilizing the data they collect. This is not because of investments into improving their data capacity and
a lack of awareness, but due to lack of funds that literacy going forward and try to solve the challenges
can be invested to improve the data infrastructure. they are facing in the process. This creates a major
Medium sized organizations generally have 1-2 opportunity for data service providers, to come in as
dedicated people in the data team and use more than vendors and aid in the improvement of the data
Excel. We found that these organizations use maturity and literacy at these organizations.
Tableau, Power BI and other tools to even make
interactive dashboards. Finally larger non-profits Outcome: Landscape analysis of data capacity,
which have been functional for many years have capability, and maturity of education and workforce
overcome staffing challenges and have dedicated institutions
data teams, capable of making vital organizational
decisions based on previous data. The large non-
profits however are not free of all problems, they are


Médecins Sans Frontières

A Standard, Adaptable Catalogue of Water
Tower Designs and Construction Typologies
Hamisa Rizgallah, Kenya

Expert Fellow:
Nicolas Kalimba Rugamba, Rwanda

Partner collaborators:
Paul Cabrera, MSF OCBA Construction
& Shelter Advisor, Italy
Benedict Waters, MSF Structural
Engineer, Canada
Simone Primosich, MSF Structural
Engineer, Italy

This work is in collaboration with:

MSF Water Tower Catalogue Cover Page and Médecins Sans Frontières
Sample Contents
Autodesk technology used in this project:
Revit, Robot Structural Analysis, Dynamo,
and Advanced Steel

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also referred to as team as well as the contactors and also produce
Doctors Without Borders, is an autonomous, Robot Structural Analysis reports to be consulted by
international humanitarian organization that offers the Engineers on site when necessary.
medical aid to those in need. Due to the nature of
their work, access to dependable and clean water is
necessary for their various programs to run The PDF packet produced by this project lays the
effectively, hence well-constructed and maintained foundation upon which other models will be produced
Water Towers are pivotal. This project served to catering to different steel sections such as H beams
lessen the gap between the inception of MSF’s and circular columns as well as different materials
programs and their execution by providing readily like concrete and also different risk categories such
available and adaptable models of Water Towers that as earthquake prone zones or weak bearing capacity
can be easily implemented upon approval and or soils.
modification by an Engineer in the area where the
program will be implemented. Outcome: Water tower designs for easier
implementation in areas of need
Being a continuation of the E4C 2021 Fellowship
project, this phase of the project aimed to firstly
validate all the models to the Kenya Building Code (KS
Code) since this code is comparable to those of the
regions of implementation within Sub-Saharan Africa
and there after produce detailed drawings of the
already designed models in order to make fabrication
and construction much easier, produce Bills of
Quantities of all models for easy costing for the MSF


Fresh Life
A Breath of Fresh Air 2.0: Optimizing
Sustainable Protein Production from Waste

Isaac Charles Kimani Njoroge, Kenya

Expert Fellow: Harsh Vyas, India

Partner collaborators:
Pavan Kumar, India
Evans Meme, Kenya
Gordy Zak, USA

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
Fresh Life

Autodesk technology used in this project:

Respiration chamber and larvae bed Fusion 360 and Autodesk CFD
arrangement in greenhouse

Fresh Life is a circular economy company which operating conditions in the greenhouses. A weighted
focuses on the conversion of organic waste (such as selection matrix was then utilized to select the final
sewer waste and plant waste) into organic fertilizer, design concept based on factors such as CAPEX,
briquettes, and insect-based animal feeds. The OPEX, ease of fabrication and installation as well as
project goal was to improve airflow control performance. The final design concept selected
(temperature and humidity) of the black soldier fly provides a significant improvement in airflow and
(BSF) larvae production greenhouse by evaluating and circulation in the bed region; promoting aeration, as
optimizing the current design. well as better temperature and humidity control.
These improvements in the microclimate would
Conversion of the organic waste into useful end provide conducive conditions for larvae growth thus
products is achieved through the use of BSF larvae. In resulting in increased yield (in relation to larvae body
order to ensure that the yield of the BSF larvae is mass) by the end of the growth cycle.
maximized, the rearing of the larvae is done in
greenhouses, where conditions such as temperature The final design concept which was selected based
and relative humidity can be controlled. Airflow and on the CAD and CFD work carried out in this phase of
circulation inside the greenhouse (macro climate) and the project will be fabricated and experimental pre-
in the bed region (micro climate) has a significant feasibility trials conducted in a specially designed
effect on BSF yield. Adequate fresh air has to be respiration chamber at Fresh Life. In addition to this,
supplied into the greenhouse and bed region to the selected design concept will provide the basis for
ensure that there is no build up of Ammonia and CO2 further CFD modeling for the full-scale greenhouse.
and also to make sure that temperatures are
maintained within an acceptable operational range. Outcome: Improved design to maximize larvae growth
Design concepts were modeled in Autodesk Fusion
360 and Autodesk CFD used to evaluate the air
circulation. The computational domain used in the
CFD analysis was modeled to mirror real-world


Splash Social Enterprises

Product Engineering Support for
Handwashing Station for Covid-19 Response

V1 handwashing station designed

Source: Splash Fellow:
Eleazar Archer, Ghana

Expert Fellow:
Helen Lindsay, USA

Partner collaborators:
Linzi Lee-Blodgett,
Project Manager, Splash
Social Enterprise, USA
Alec Wollen, Technical
Jason Yu, Manufacturing
Representative, E-Bi, USA

This work was supported by: Autodesk Foundation

This work is in collaboration with: Splash

Easy and reliable access to clean running water is the ends of the station to provide more shoulder-to-
critical for controlling the spread of viruses, especially shoulder spacing to minimize bottlenecks at washing
in high-risk areas like hospitals and schools. stations. Also, most features on the washing station
Handwashing stations are clean water access points were redesigned to be tamper-proof.
for hygiene enhancement in disease control. With the
onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the need arose for Extensive work also went into benchmarking and
low-cost hand washing solutions for schools and documenting the handwashing station design to serve
health facilities in underserved communities to curb as a reference for future development, with an
the spread of the disease among the most vulnerable. objective testing plan to verify the performance
The design needed to discourage hand contact, metrics. The new station design was complete and is
encourage social distancing, be easy to use, and in the final stages of preparations for low-volume
provide uninterrupted washing for at least a day at manufacturing. Bill of Materials, assembly drawings,
low cost. installation and user manuals, and testing plan
documentation have also been made to aid the
To address the need for an easy-to-use, contactless, verification and implementation of the new design.
and reliable hand washing solution, insights on the
factors that could make successful and effective The new handwashing station is expected to help
handwashing stations were gathered from a field build positive handwashing behaviors, especially
survey and review of literature on controlling the among children, to curb the spread of the Covid-19
spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and other water pandemic and minimize the occurrence of hygiene-
borne-related diseases to a first handwashing station. related diseases in its implementation locations.
The first version (V1) of Splash’s handwashing station
prototype was deployed to study its field performance Outcome: Improved handwashing station design
and failures in November 2021.
The pilot program led to a redesign increasing the
number of stations from two to three while sloping


UNHCR WASH Design Details Library

Fellow: Catherine McManus, USA

Expert Fellow: Helen Lindsay, USA

Partner collaborators:
Emmett Kearney, Sr. Global WASH Officer,
Anne Hyvärinen, Associate WASH Officer,
Jill Lauren Hass, former WASH Officer,

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
School children using a solar powered water point UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency
rehabilitated by UNHCR in Adagom community, Ogoja,
Cross River State.
Autodesk technology used in this project:

Credit: © UNHCR/Roland Schönbauer, Nigeria, 2022 AutoCAD

This impact project resulted in the digitization and Next steps will involve more iterations of feedback
improved functionality of the UNHCR’s WASH (water, from non-technical team members and subject matter
sanitation, and hygiene) design details library, which experts and the inclusion of context-specific
consists of detail drawings and preliminary bills of alternative materials and methods. The improved
quantities (BOQs) used in constructing essential WASH details library will contribute to the efficient
infrastructure. and safe implementation of WASH infrastructure in
refugee camps.
The Technical Support Section of UNHCR provides
technical support and guidance to field officers The library is free and available online at
working in UNHCR implementation contexts (such as
refugee camps). Part of this support is a library of
standard WASH details which are intended to be Outcome: Digitalization and improved functionality of
adapted for site-specific design and construction. WASH design details library for refugee camps

This impact project involved developing templates for

WASH details and preliminary BOQs and adapting the
pre-existing library to those templates, focusing on
consistency and modifiability of all documents.
Special attention was paid to ensuring that technical
and non-technical UNHCR staff could interpret and
use these documents. References to guidance texts
and referrals to specialists were included with the
documents. Feedback from field engineers was
incorporated into the final library package.


Amped Innovation
Gaining Customer Acceptance of PV-Based
Inverters in Nigeria
Fellow: Alex Inoma Olisa, Nigeria

Expert Fellow:
Martin Ignacio del Pino, Argentina

Partner collaborators:
Kurt Kulhman, Co-CEO, USA
Andi Kleissner, Co-CEO, USA
Nicholas Maina, VP of Sales, Kenya

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
Amped Innovation
Amped Innovation's Solar Generator Powerhub
Credit: Amped Innovation Autodesk technology used in this project:
Fusion 360

Unreliable electricity supply has continued to prevail The project approach began with qualitative
as a major challenge in Nigeria and several interviews across several stakeholders along the
developing nations. This has led to the adoption of value-chain who served as key informants for their
fossil fuel-based backup generators as an alternative group. The interviewees were primarily distributors of
source of electricity. The use of these generators is solar products and small business owners requiring
not only dangerous to the environment but typically regular electricity. They answered questions on the
costly to acquire and maintain. Some reports have energy challenges faced in Nigeria, the cost burden of
estimated that Nigeria spends about three times the fuel generator, and their perspective towards solar
what it does on the grid on backup generators. The energy products. Distributors, in particular, were given
effect of this is a strain on businesses and a glimpse of the specification sheet for the PowerHub
households to afford the much-needed electricity from which they highlighted the specifications that
supply. they prioritized and identifying areas of improvement
for better representation of the product.
Amped innovation, to solve the energy crisis and
reduce the reliance on fossil fuel generators, Following the synthesis of the interviews and taking
developed the PowerHub. The PowerHub (also into consideration the key takeaways, a specification
referred to as a solar generator), has the goal of booklet was developed for the PowerHub. This revised
utilizing solar energy to provide electricity access to specification document was scrutinized by
millions of business owners in Nigeria at a cost well distributors of solar products in the second round of
below that of the fuel based generators while interviews and the feedback was effected in the
utilizing the flexible “pay as you go” model. To gain design of the final document. Alongside this
customer acceptance for the PowerHub in Nigeria, specification booklet, was also developed a sell-sheet
Amped Innovation partnered with Engineering for which will be used to communicate the PowerHub
Change. This involved acquiring an “on-the-ground” with potential customers.
understanding of the solar energy landscape in
Nigeria and identifying the pain points of the Outcome: Increased customer acceptance of solar
customers and distributors. energy solutions


Arizona State University

Power System Modelling and Analysis for
Rapid Mini-Grid Assessment Process

Brighton Ombuki, Kenya
Eric Bidong, Democratic Republic of

Expert Fellow:
Paulo Vela, Peru

Partner collaborators:
Dr. Nathan Johnson, Director Laboratory
for Energy and Power Solutions - LEAPS,
Elena Van Hove, Director of Global
Energy Access - LEAPS, USA

This work is in collaboration with:

Example of a QGIS Designed Mini-Grid in West-Africa Laboratory for Energy and Power
Solutions, Arizona State University

Across the globe, especially in developing countries, In this project, we proposed the optimization of the
the majority of the population lack access to mini-grid design process through the adoption of a
electricity or have inadequate access that is often PostgreSQL database. The adoption of this database
unreliable, unsafe, and/or unaffordable. Also, due to is expected to reduce the time taken in the design of
the need to mitigate climate change, there is a the grids. We also developed guides on the use of
significant commitment toward the adoption of clean various power system analysis tools to aid in the
and sustainable sources of energy for electrification analysis of designed mini-grids. Overall, the current
efforts. process is projected to improve mini-grid project
estimates by over 60% and speed up the scoping
This project aimed to optimize the current processes process for mini- and micro-grids by over 90%.
employed by Arizona State University’s Laboratory
for Energy and Power Solutions (LEAPS) in the rapid Outcome: Improved processes and efficiencies of
design and implementation of mini- and micro-grids. mini-grid design
The current process incorporates the use of power
engineering, machine learning, and geospatial
information systems to remotely conduct feasibility
assessments of mini-grids for unelectrified rural
communities globally.


M2X Energy
Design of Transportation and Storage
System in Modular Gas to Methanol Plant
Fellow: Jorge Bravo, Ecuador Dr. Paul Yelvington, CSO, USA
Expert Fellow: Kyla Strickler, USA Kyle Merical, Principal Engineer, USA
Partner collaborators: This work was supported by: Autodesk Foundation
Dr. Josh Browne, CTO, USA This work is in collaboration with: M2X Energy
Dr. Anthony Dean, COO, USA
Autodesk technology used in this project:
Inventor, Navisworks, and AutoCAD

Rendering of the trailer and storage volumes

Gas flaring is the burning of natural gas associated maintainability of the modular skid so that it could
with oil extraction and is a prominent source of become an integral design and the construction
VOCs, CO, CO2, SO2, PAH, NOX and soot (black process could begin. The next steps would be to
carbon), all of which are important pollutants which provide a weight distribution assessment of all the
interact, directly and indirectly, in the Earth's climatic equipment on the trailer, and also find ways to
processes. One way to mitigate its impact is to reuse optimize weight considering different setups and
the gas to produce methanol, which can be used as materials.
an alternative fuel source.
The Autodesk Foundation has sponsored the project
M2X Energy's main goal with this project is to by facilitating training and tools for CAD and rendering
increase access to clean, affordable energy in of the components of the plant. Inventor was majorly
remote areas. For that purpose they are designing a used, but Navisworks and AutoCAD were also part of
modular plant system that can be transported on a the process.
trailer unit and maintained on site without special
equipment required. This project elaborated a Outcomes: Design development of modular system
detailed CAD design of a trailer and analyzed the use for methanol plant
of storage units underneath it to support M2X
Energy’s ongoing design process. The main objective
of the project was to contribute to the decision-
making process regarding the transportability and


Seattle University and Navajo Technical University

Analyzing Battery Voltage Profiles of Off-
Grid Power Systems on Tribal Lands
Mohammed Ba-Aoum, Saudi

Expert Fellow:
Kyla Strickler, USA

Partner collaborators:
Dr. Henry Louie, Director of the
Humanitarian Engineering
Applications Lab, USA
Time series plot for battery voltage and other supplementary variables

This work was sponsored by: Siegel Family Endowment

This work is in collaboration with: Seattle University and
Navajo Technical University

Energy poverty impacts over one billion people The developed method analyzed battery voltage levels
worldwide, which can have serious consequences on to determine what time of day the voltage reached the
their health, education and economic life. Off-grid charge controller’s absorption level set-point–
electrification could serve in addressing this indicating the battery is almost fully charged. The
problem. Tribal utilities and other organizations have earlier in the day this level was achieved, the more
made small solar-powered systems available to likely it is that the solar array could support additional
provide modest but critical access to electricity for electricity usage by the home. The findings of this
Native American reservations. However, there is little project supports the important societal goal of
data on how the systems perform after they have increasing electricity access among underserved
been installed; this critical information is required to populations.
improve designs, lower costs, and better meet user
needs. Outcome: Analysis of the performance of off-grid
solar systems on tribal lands
This project addresses this issue by developing and
analyzing a new dataset of field measurements
collected from approximately 200 off-grid systems
on Native American reservations. The methods used
include desk research, data analytics, and time
series and statistical analyses. The software used in
this project is R- Studio. The main variable of interest
in this research was battery voltage while other
supplementary variables used in the analysis include
battery temperature, power output, inverter power,
battery input current, and photovoltaic array power.

From Waste to Energy: Standardizing the
Work-Stream of Biodigester Solutions
Frida Korir, Kenya

Expert Fellow:
Julio Diarte, Paraguay

Partner collaborators:
Maxence Affre, Global Technical
Director, Kenya
Vipin Kale, Tech Manager, India

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
Rendered Overground constructed semicontinuous
pretreatment tank and distribution chamber for S200
Autodesk technology used in this project:
AutoCAD empowers farmers to sustainably A layer-based approach was used to enable different
convert farm and animal waste into energy. This teams to quickly customize and scale accordingly. As
project was aimed at standardizing designs and a result, has become more efficient in
drawings of the biodigester to improve delivery.
work streams and quality of workmanship. Farmers
can improve their productivity and farm output with Teams are now able to obtain customizable drawings
the biofertilizer produced by the biodigester and burn and designs from the repository created. This has
biogas for cooking and energy, reducing reliance on enabled ease in supervision and monitoring of works,
biomass or LPG. The biodigester is a low- and in general, better workmanship and durable
maintenance solution that offers long-term benefits. infrastructure which go a long way in ensuring that the
Quality of life has improved for farmers as they can client gets value for money.
now use biogas, an environmentally-friendly source
of energy, to prepare meals. Outcome: Increased efficiency in workstreams of
biodigester designs
With expanding to Kenya, India, Mexico
and Colombia, new challenges arose. Different
farmers’ needs must be catered for uniformly to
maintain organizational standards. Initially, the team created design drawings for the
biodestor that varied based on different contexts. To
remedy this, Engineering For Change came up with
universal designs suitable for use globally.


Sunvine Africa
The Design of an LPG Tabletop Gas Burner for
Rural Kenya: The JuaJiko
Fellow: Sydney Okoroafor, Nigeria

Expert Fellow: Harsh Vyas, India

Partner collaborators:
Isaac Kiragu, CEO, Kenya
Esther Mburu, Technical lead, Kenya
Lilian Maina Customer relations, Kenya
Julius Karungi Mechanical Engineer,

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
The JuaJiko: a unique, low-cost, durable LPG cooker with
favorable thermal efficiency and energy-harvesting Sunvine Africa
Autodesk technology used in this project:
Fusion 360

More than ¾ of rural Kenyans burn biomass for We did a study for the rural population in Kenya where
cooking. This inspired Sunvine Africa, a clean energy we aim to evaluate our prototypes and conducted
start-up, to work on clean cookstoves, particularly interviews with important stakeholders to support our
LPG tabletops and cylinders as a means of user-centered design approach, our judgments, and
combating climate change by providing innovative assumptions. The comments we received improved
energy solutions to the rural and off-grid our decision-making, enabled us to improve the
communities in Kenya. The Sunvine gas tabletop - concepts, and helped us choose two enclosure
“The JuaJiko” is designed to be a low-cost, durable, concepts to move on to the prototype step.
unique LPG tabletop burner with favorable thermal
efficiency and energy-harvesting capabilities. The Sunvine gas tabletop - “The JuaJiko,” is an
inclusive product designed for developing countries
We began with an extensive product benchmarking will help in the fight against climate change by
exercise, broke down our design into modular providing affordable, dependable equipment that uses
components and then began to research and ideate clean fuel and gives off extremely low emissions. It
on each component. We proposed unique, low-cost, would also help to improve public health by reducing
sustainable, and efficient designs for each respiratory diseases from unclean cookstoves.
component while leaving room for future innovation Additionally, the “Sun Ring”, a thermal energy
on each component. We settled on an infrared burner harvesting product compatible with other cookstoves,
for the burner assembly along with its controls. For seeks to expand the value proposition Sunvine can
the enclosure (housing) we developed four major offer its users.
concepts made from interlocking plates, composite
materials and clay/ceramic materials in varying Outcome: Design of LPG tabletop cooker for rural
configurations. Kenya
For our energy-harvesting capabilities, we designed
the “Sun Ring” to capture residual energy in a
particularly important heat zone. The “Sun Ring” is a
promising product that can work with various third-
party cookstoves, but it still needs extensive product
development and testing.

Supporting the Development of ASME's
FutureME Labor Market Intelligence Tool

Fellows: Partner collaborators:

Chris Mabey, USA Nida Ahmed, Program Manager, EFx, USA
Himanshu Panday, India Serosh Shahid, Director, USA
Joseph Mdumuka, Malawi
This work is in collaboration with: ASME

Labor Market Intelligence Map

The ASME FutureME community provides resources Fellows used automatic data sourcing, validation,
and support to early career engineers to ensure their and cleanup to compile the employment datasets.
success. The FutureME Labor Market Intelligence Additionally, a subset of career pathways were
Tool allows engineers to explore career opportunities mapped to identify trends in career progression.
by region to map out their career trajectories and Interviews were then carried out with engineering
gather market insights based on occupation, salary, professionals to further explore career milestones
and more. and the skills necessary for navigating various career
Fellows supported in the development of the tool by
identifying datasets for employment (labor market Outcome: Development of tool for engineers to map
insights) in India as well as exploring potential career out their career trajectories
roadmaps for mechanical engineers in the United
States and India.


ASME Idea Lab

Supporting ISHOW Idea Lab: Methodologies
for Benchmarking Startups
Fellow: Partner collaborators:
Katerina Prokopiou, Cyprus James Creel, Senior Program Manager, USA
Expert Fellow: Adam Horbinski, Senior Product Designer, USA
Paulo Vela, Peru
This work is in collaboration with: ASME Idea Lab

With the Launch of Idea Lab, ASME will be supporting the Full
Spectrum of Tech Development

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers This project focused on the design and
(ASME) Foundation mission is to support and implementation of the application selection
promote hardware innovations that tackle global process for Idea Lab, using insights from existing
challenges. One of the Foundation’s initiatives is the incubators. With a long term vision, the selection
ASME ISHOW, an accelerator of hardware-led social process includes factors such as, hardware
innovation. Since its launch in 2015, the accelerator production feasibility, potential social impact, as
has supported more than 200 hardware ventures to well as future investment attraction. A layered
develop their prototypes into a market-ready solution. approach also meant that at each stage of the
review process, different levels of expertise were
As the accelerator developed, a gap was identified in utilized in order to make an informed decision on
early stage idea innovations. Applicants to the ISHOW the selection of applicants.
accelerator did not have a prototype but had
promising solutions. In order to provide guidance to Outcome: Methodology for the selection process
hardware innovations at these early stages, ASME of Idea Lab applicants
ISHOW has launched Idea Lab. Idea Lab is a new
initiative to guide aspiring social entrepreneurs
through the design process, from problem statement
to low-fidelity prototype. Idea Lab acts as an
incubator and provides mentorship, seed capital,
resources, tools and space to aspiring social
entrepreneurs with an innovative and impactful idea,
concept, or developed concept who have not yet
created a first iteration prototype.


ASME ISHOW Longitudinal Study on Social
Return on Investment

Tanvir Khorajiya, India
Erion Bwambale, Uganda

Expert Fellow:
Paulo Vela, Peru

Partner collaborators:
James Creel, Senior
Program Manager, USA

This work is in
collaboration with:
Preliminary survey results from past ISHOW finalists indicated
how much more confident they feel since participating in

The aim of the report is to contribute to a longitudinal Ventures acknowledge the ISHOW’s recognition
study on ISHOW´s accelerator impact by informing and visibility as a major contributor to their grant
the future strategy for data collection for the past success and customer trust. Ventures have seen a
ISHOW applicants, finalists (ISHOW regional), and steady growth in revenues, partnerships and
winners (who have participated in ISHOW Bootcamp). continuous product improvements attributed to
This was achieved by identifying best practices for ISHOWs Bootcamp. As a result, past winners are
assessing process due diligence (for past applicants) willing to join the ISHOW Alumni Network.
and measuring both qualitative and quantitative data Ventures expect a lot of networking, benchwork
pertaining to return on investment (ROI)/social return marking, knowledge sharing during the ISHOW
on investment (SROI) (for finalists and winners). Alumni network sessions. Alumni network will
enhance direct and collective engagement of past
The results indicate that the Ventures have a winners with ISHOW. It is recommended that the
tremendous downstream impact on the communities Alumni network is piloted in 2023 to improve
they serve in terms of service delivery, job creation ISHOW engagements and networking amongst
and improvement in living standards. Additionally, past ISHOW winners.
interviewees alluded that the ISHOW Bootcamp
sharpened their skills in hardware development, Outcome: Impact evaluation of ASME ISHOW and
business model implementation, marketing which has recommendations for further participant
led to overall growth of the business. engagement


Advancing ASME ISHOW Program Workflows

Fellow: Anish Agarwal, India This work is in collaboration with:

Partner collaborators: ASME ISHOW
James Creel, Senior Program Manager, USA
Erin Peiffer, Research Manager, USA

Key supported provided to ASME ISHOW

With an emphasis on the design and engineering Specific tasks completed included the
process of bringing physical items to market, ASME development of an improved template for tracking
ISHOW is a global accelerator for hardware-led social ISHOW India, Kenya, and USA applicants and
innovations with a focus on bringing physical goods events to ensure more efficient delivery of the
to market that benefit society and the environment. program. Additionally, notes from the judges and
ISHOW finalists have the opportunity to win seed facilitators for all three 2022 ISHOWs were
funds, in-kind support, design services, travel compiled and synthesized to provide finalists
stipends, and marketing and business development useful feedback to enhance their products, go-to-
assets. They also join the ISHOW alumni network, a market strategies, and business models. Lastly,
global group of hardware innovators and stakeholders survey data from ISHOW applicants were analyzed
with access to special resources and experts. as part of the organization’s ongoing impact
evaluation strategy.

The objectives of this project were to support ISHOW Outcome: Improved efficiency of ISHOW program
by improving the efficiency of the program, workflows
particularly by advancing program workflows through
the development of templates for program
management and data analysis.


Developing a Plug-in to Support Intelligent
and Sustainable Manufacturing Supply Chains
Nwalo Okechukwu, Nigeria
Expert Fellow:
Paulo Vela, Peru

Partner collaborators:
Hugo Meissner, Frontend Lead,
Moses Arigbede, DevOps Lead,

This work is in collaboration

with: Partsimony

A supply chain network or platform to connect designers, Autodesk technology used in this project:
manufacturers and end users together Forge, Fusion 360, and Inventor

This work was supported by: Autodesk Foundation

Due to enhanced industrialization, today’s product When products are designed by engineers, most
designers and manufacturers face complexity in times, these designs are complicated for the designer
producing and delivering a product or service to end- to fabricate. Then comes the struggle to find a
users. Some factors which contribute to this include competent manufacturer that can manufacture the
increasing demand variability, product designs being product at optimal cost and time.
more complicated than ever, manufacturing capacity
constraints, intense global competition, and Using a smart network and supply chain system,
increasing customer expectations. Like other sectors, Partsimony and E4C innovates a bespoke method to
the manufacturing industry is seeing an increase in drastically reduce downtime in production by
reliance on technology to complete the production integrating a plugin or add-in unit to CAD software
process. With an estimated 80% of the world’s such as Autodesk Fusion 360, Autodesk Inventor,
manufacturers being subcontractors, placing a focus Solidworks, BIM 360, and so on to aid and connect
on the functionality of the supply chain will help designers with reputable companies that can
manufacturers avoid having a weak link in their manufacture their design at a low cost and minimum
supply chain that could set back production or time, and also relate the designs to the precise target
negatively affect product quality. market or audience. The artificial intelligence system
extracts production and manufacturing information
Partsimony helps hardware companies turn designs from the software (designer) and sends the data to
into products with less time, capital, and frustration Partsimony which uses its IoT and smart networking
than ever before. It develops an intelligent supply to get the best manufacturer for the product.
chain platform that combines data-driven insights
with deep industry expertise to help hardware Outcome: Development of method to reduce
companies conquer the chaos of distributed downtime and costs in manufacturing production
manufacturer networks. Partsimony, in alliance with
Engineering for Change (E4C), is developing a smart
supply chain system that eliminates the stress and
hassle which occurs in the design and manufacturing
of products.


Improving Engineer-Architect Communication
and Workflows for Bamboo-Based Construction
Fellow: Patricia Lamas, Spain Partner collaborators:
Brenden Morton, Director, Platform & Job Engineering,
Expert Fellow: Julio Duarte, USA
Paraguay Nich Allan, Director, QC & Product Development, USA

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:

Autodesk technology used in this project:

Revit, Robot Structural Analysis, and

Meshed Robot’s BamCore model with an implemented

service load

Living up to BamCore’s goal of “reduce carbon, cost, This new procedure allowed us to cut time on
labor, and time” this project’s purpose was to technical exchanges, using the model as the main
simplify BamCore’s bamboo panel design process by support. The Robot model also allowed us to obtain
opening a new communication channel between the the calculation results such as shear efforts and
architect and the engineer. This interaction has been deflections on the bamboo panels. Engineers can,
made possible by implementing a new feature of the from this output, verify the panel’s resistance and
BIM procedure with Revit and Robot, software from whether it meets design criteria.
The workflow proposed opens the door to a new
The goal was to link the architectural designs of design perspective. On this basis, architects and
BamCore’s bamboo-based prime wall solution with engineers are no longer isolated agents of the design
the calculations and verification procedure process but a workforce that collaborates within the
conducted by the engineers. To get started, we same model, pushing each other into new ways to
surveyed our engineer collaborators to understand achieve a more efficient and sustainable design.
their design methods and needs, gathering
information on how to make BamCore’s design Outcome: Improving team collaboration and
procedure more efficient. workflows for more efficient design of bamboo based
We realized the engineering team was very attached
to their calculation methodology, yet they struggled
with the translation of an architectural design to a
structural design. It was noted that the best way to
gain efficiency could be to enhance a workflow to
upgrade the architect-engineer communication. We
explored replacing conventional communication
channels such as Autocad with a new Revit to Robot


Build Change
Automating Structural Retrofits for Low-Income
Households in Bogotá, Colombia
Fellow: Deji Adebayo, Partner collaborators:
Nigeria Stefano Pompei, Technology for Engineering Project Manager,
Expert Fellow: Nicolas Spain
Kalimba, Rwanda Charles Jonathan Ciro Tabares, Tech Coordinator, Colombia

Main Form to select the files and run

This work was supported by: Autodesk Foundation Autodesk technology used in this project:
This work is in collaboration with: Build Change Revit

In Colombia, substandard housing is a major issue Through the deployment of a plugin that will be
affecting metropolitan areas because most dwellings integrated into Autodesk Revit, the fellowship aimed
are built informally, without following national or to help Build Change initiatives by further simplifying
international building standards and without the workflows put in place. The plugin will help in both
technical supervision during construction. Large managing files because it will connect directly to
communities are now subject to earthquakes, floods, predefined Build Change Google Drive folders to
and landslides because of the increased rural-to- access Dynamo scripts, and managing users' access,
urban migration. Build Change has been so users can only access script files assigned to their
collaborating with Colombia's governmental entities email addresses and run the Dynamo script assigned
to use Autodesk software to create tools able to to them.
streamline and partially automate the design of
structural retrofits for these vulnerable dwellings. Outcome: Streamlining and automating design of
structural retrofits for low-income households


Affordable Housing Alternatives

Fellow: Ben Wokorach, Uganda

Expert Fellow: Julio Duarte, Paraguay

Partner collaborators:
Athanase Nzayisenga, Sr. Global Research
& Development Manager, Rwanda
Jeanne D' Arc Akayezu Mizero, Civil
Engineer, Rwanda

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:

Autodesk technology used in this project:

Artistic impression of two different 35sqm housing Revit
options with a Hipped roof

EarthEnable affordable housing alternatives are 3. Rendering the 3D models in Artlantis studios
simple adobe earth structures with five different 4. Compiling the outcomes in a graphic support
floor area sizes (25sqm, 35sqm, 45sqm, 50sqm and package, a catalog containing JPEG files of the
55sqm) designed for the low-income population of floor plans and rendered images of the housing
rural Rwanda. The organization’s goal is to increase models for marketing purposes to users and
accessibility to decent, durable and affordable customers
housing in the region.
This work will help EarthEnable in visualizing and
Access to decent, durable and affordable housing is analyzing construction implementation scenarios that
a challenge in most parts of rural Rwanda. As a make efficient use of limited resources, assist in
result, the majority of the population resorts to run- obtaining user feedback on the design, and inform
down adobe block housing structures with dirt floors, marketing activities. Overall it aims to increase their
which according to EarthEnable, is proven to cause impact in the Habitat sector, providing affordable,
many health and sanitation problems such as durable and beautiful housing options for the rural
childhood asthma, diarrhea, malnutrition, and population of Rwanda.
parasitic infestations. EarthEnable has been at the
forefront of reversing these negative health impacts Outcome: Development of designs and layouts for
through their proprietary improved earth floors. Now affordable housing solutions in Rwanda
they are scaling their impact by offering access to
entire house designs.

The major project goals and activities were;

1. Making adjustments on 13 existing layouts for
the house designs to improve on functionality,
constructability and aesthetics
2. 3D modeling of the layouts in Revit, exploring
different finish materials, color, texture and
roofing styles common within the Rwandan


Habitat for Humanity Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter (TCIS)

A Landscape Analysis of Sustainable, Circular
Housing Solutions in India
Sudhamayee Pochiraju, India

Partner collaborators:
Anoop Nambiar, Country
Shyam Chander Kunagaran,
Senior Market Systems
Deepak Visvanathan, Senior
Technical Advisor
Juan Pablo Vargas, Senior
Advisor, Innovation,
Entrepreneurship, and Markets
A framework to define the status of sustainability within the scope Systems, Applied Innovation
of the study steps of the value chain of construction
Jennifer Oomen, Director,
Applied Innovation, TCIS

Click here to view the full report

This work is in collaboration with: Habitat for Humanity TCIS

This research report details a landscape analysis of but there is still a lack of awareness among users and
sustainable housing solutions in India for Habitat for fraternity for promotion of these new materials. Being
Humanity. As India is a large and heterogeneous a part of the schedule of rates, approval from various
country, this research used a case study approach standards and testing organizations to enter the
through desk research and interviews with experts to mainstream construction value chain still remains a
identify new sustainable construction solutions challenge. Further support such as lowering the goods
which were then benchmarked against national and services tax, increasing incentives and access to
institutional guidelines and policies on sustainable funding, as well showcasing new solutions at large
construction. events can help users become familiar with these new
The benchmarking framework was used to identify
where solutions addressed various sustainability Overall, there is a positive step being taken by various
considerations. From the solutions benchmarked, private stakeholders to come up with materials that
there appears to be positive growth towards are sustainable across various parameters, but there
promoting environmentally friendly materials that are is still a long way to go for them to completely replace
also price competitive in the market. All the products the conventional materials through the adoption of the
reviewed are currently strengthening their supply masses.
chains by using local resources, making the
manufacturing more efficient than conventional Outcome: Analysis of sustainable housing solutions in
methods, and ensuring operational efficiency, in India
addition to maintaining price competitiveness.
Additionally, there appears to be a positive policy
push to support pilot projects and relevant seminars,

Habitat for Humanity Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter (TCIS)

A Landscape Analysis of Sustainable, Green, and
Circular Housing Solutions in the Philippines
Dean Ashton Plamenco, Philippines

Partner collaborators:
Jessan Catre, TCIS, Habitat for Humanity
Jerick Axalan, Market Systems and
Entrepreneurship Specialist at Habitat
for Humanity International
Juan Pablo Vargas, Senior Advisor,
Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and
Markets Systems, Applied Innovation
Jennifer Oomen, Director, Applied
Innovation, TCIS

This work is in collaboration with:

Habitat for Humanity TCIS
Theory of Change to achieve a sustainable and functional
housing market that offers green, resilient, and inclusive
Click here to view the full report

This study aimed to answer the question “how might and innovations identified across the value chain
we make green housing more affordable and include passive design strategies and energy and
accessible for financial service providers, builders, water capture technologies; more efficient
and end-users” in the Philippines for Habitat for construction technologies to reduce resources, waste,
Humanity. This was accomplished by 1.) defining and cost; and waste reuse models in material
and analyzing sustainable, green, and circular sourcing and production. Additionally, it was found
housing and construction concepts, 2.) mapping the that innovative financing and policy can be used to
housing value chain to identify stages, stakeholders, accelerate housing production by attracting
approaches, challenges and opportunities to homebuilders to venture into green housing
greening the affordable housing value chain, and 3.) development. Lastly, the Theory of Change developed
developing a Theory of Change to explain how a through this study found that transforming the
green and circular housing value chain can be housing value chain to green unlocks necessary
achieved. preconditions to ensure a functional housing value
chain that can enable homebuilders to participate in
Through mapping the housing value chain, emerging the production of housing stock through green
themes, solutions and innovations, enabling financing mechanisms, and at the same time provide
interventions, and capabilities and preconditions green and resilient shelter for end-users.
were identified. One emerging theme is that the
business case for green, while largely enabled by Outcome: Analysis of sustainable and affordable
financing and policy, does not necessarily require housing solutions in the Philippines
newer construction technologies, they simply must
allow for increased supply of housing units.
Additionally, there is an opportunity to establish
planning and design codes standards that are
aligned to green principles. Some of the solutions

Hometeam Ventures
Creating a System for Inbound Dealflow of
Affordable Housing Construction Technologies
Fellow: K Shakthi Dhar Reddy, India

Expert Fellow: Martín Ignacio del Pino,


Partner collaborators:
Julieta Moradei, Partner and Founding
Member, USA
Alexandria Lafcsi, Founder and Managing
Partner, USA
Luisa Mendes Brasil, Project Manage and
Head of Research Fellowship, USA
Andra Stanciu, Strategic Research Lead, USA
Courtney Hoffchen, Operation Administration,
Statistics for Venture Capital investment in
Construction Technology
This work was supported by:
Innovating in the construction industry is necessary
to close the housing gap worldwide. Hometeam Autodesk Foundation
Ventures invests in and scales double-bottom-line This work is in collaboration with:
startups that improve the construction life cycle by
reducing cost, increasing speed, and improving Hometeam Ventures
quality, resulting in more adequate housing globally.
An estimated 3+ billion people will be living without
access to adequate shelter by 2030. Proper housing This project aimed to support Hometeam Ventures in
is a human right, and its absence negatively affects streamlining their current processes for scouting potential
urban equity and inclusion, health and safety, and construction technologies to fund that address affordable
livelihood opportunities. housing bottlenecks, inputting information into their
database, technology and company vetting / due diligence,
A breakthrough in building efficiency, affordability, and tracking timelines. The goal of this fellowship project
and quality will be necessary to meet the world's was to identify the best entrepreneurs that fit their criteria,
housing needs. Startups are early-stage businesses which are firms in the construction and housing sectors
with huge ideas, and they frequently demonstrate headquartered in the United States who are actively
great innovation, they create a lot of jobs and seeking capital. The previous process involved searching
introduce innovative goods and services that boost through many platforms to select from over 300 million
our economy. For these reasons, Hometeam entrepreneurs worldwide formed each year before adding
Ventures primarily targets young pre-seed and seed them to a database for interviews and funding rounds.
entrepreneurs in the building sector. Hometeam This project identified ways to automate this process,
ventures aid firms in ensuring that they have good better identify startups and ensure new innovative
"unit economics" - the revenues and costs connected concepts are not missed. Through this project, the process
with the fundamental components of the company's of collecting organizations' data is now accelerated and
business model – in addition to providing financing streamlined, allowing for data collection on 10 to 1000+
to startups. more startups in the time it would have previously taken
for one.
As more investors enter the market and several
venture capital organizations are established with Outcome: Streamlining and increasing funding for
the intention of investing in building technology, it is innovative construction startups
crucial for the Hometeam ventures to identify these
new businesses at an extremely early stage.

Powward Mobility
Developing e-Mobility Micro-Mobility Bicycle
Solutions to Reduce Poverty

Shannon Tin Oi Lee, Canada

Expert Fellow:
Kyla Strickler, USA

Partner collaborators:
Paul Muhia, CEO, Kenya
Warren Ondanje, Advisor, Kenya

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with:
Powward Mobility

The JUA electric trike with passenger module

Powward Mobility have developed the JUA Trike, a The trike has two drivetrains: the primary resembles
product aimed to inspire and sustain the growth of the drivetrain of a standard bicycle; while the second
small enterprises by providing affordable and clean is entirely confined within the flatbed structure of the
transport solutions to enterprising youth, learners, trike (protecting the components from damage) and
and workers of rural and urban areas. This project is powered by rechargeable lithium ion batteries.
aimed to further develop the design of the zero-
emission 3-wheeler, making it adaptable for three The flatbed structure is supported by motorcycle
transportation modes (passenger, cargo, and mobile- shocks to ensure passengers and transported goods
shop mode), suitable for rough terrain, and easily built are undisturbed during transport. The passenger
through a 2-step assembly without the need of mode can transport up to two adults and three
special tools. children in addition to the driver. The cargo and
mobile-shop mode can transport goods of up to
The project considered the design requirements, 450kg (including the driver).
design constraints, manufacturability and assembly
of the modular trike. Modelling and stress simulations With these design considerations and
were conducted on CAD software, and the bill of manufacturability in place, the JUA trike can be locally
materials was completed and evaluated for supplier assembled without the need of experts and its
and shipping logistics. optimized design in modularity for efficient shipping
and delivery can ensure every aspect of the world can
The trike was designed for manufacturability and have access to clean energy and sustainable
offers a competitive edge in its modular structure. transportation.
The trike can be disassembled into two parts
resulting in the smallest shipping crate for trikes on Outcome: Development of zero-emission 3-wheeler
the market. This opens the opportunity for air
shipment distribution, accelerating delivery time while
increasing its accessibility on a global scale.
Reducing Embodied Carbon in the Built
Environment Through Bamboo-Based Material
Usage Rules
Elena Vazquez, Paraguay - USA

Expert Fellow:
Nicolas Kalimba Rugamba, Rwanda

Partner collaborators:
Brenden Morton, Director, Job
Engineering, USA

This work was supported by:

Original model and the panel design for the entire building Autodesk Foundation
envelope, highlighting the waste pieces from cutting the panels This work is in collaboration
for openings and edges.
with: BamCore
Autodesk technology used in this project:
Revit and Dynamo

This project developed a digital workflow to reduce The digital workflow is intended to be a design tool
waste material in implementing BamCore's bamboo- that can aid the user in deciding how to design the
based Prime Wall system. The company produces an panels for different projects. The waste material in
environmentally-sound bamboo paneling system that this process is generated due to cutting the standard
can be used in commercial and residential low-rise bamboo panels to fit defined wall dimensions. In the
buildings. BamCore operates in a design-driven digital tool, the generated waste is automatically
scenario where it is crucial to know which evaluated using custom nodes in Dynamo, both in
panelization rules lead to the least waste, thus, quantity and quality. At the same time, the script also
reducing the systems’ carbon footprint. We, therefore, estimates the percentage of reusable waste pieces,
developed a digital workflow in Dynamo that will help representing the pieces that are large enough to be
BamCore optimize its building panelization process easily reused in other projects. The tool, therefore,
for reduced material waste. allows for real-time feedback on how different panel
star points affect the total waste generated in the
The first step in developing the workflow was to project.
understand the variables that come into play in
defining the panelization of buildings. The variables While the user can use the tool manually to try out
identified include the location of windows and doors, different panel start points and variables, users can
whether or not the openings need lintels, the bamboo also automatically define the panelization star points
panel standard dimensions, and the location and for all the walls. Generative Design, a feature now
quantity of walls. Most of these variables are not available in Revit, can be used to automatically find
defined by BamCore but, instead, a consequence of the most optimal panel start point for all the walls in
project constraints for design and structural the project. Generative Design helps save time in
requirements. What can be determined, however, is defining the panel design for each partition in the
the paneling start point, i.e. where to place the first project while ensuring that the least amount of
panel in each one of the walls to be panelized. material goes to waste.
Consequently, the digital workflow developed uses
the start point of panelization as the primary variable Outcome: Reduction of waste material in bamboo-
to define reduced waste production. based paneling system


The Industrial Commons - Material Return

Improving System Management of Inventory
Material Return for Circular Economy
Fellow: Partner collaborators:
Christ Stefany Ruiz Ortiz, Peru Bob Carswell, R&D director from Material Return,
Expert Fellow: USA
Martin del Pino, Argentina

Main view of Odoo system implemented as a solution for Material Return

This work was supported by: Autodesk Foundation

This work is in collaboration with: The Industrial Commons – Material Returns

Material Return, part of The Industrial Commons, is an traceability, and to document procedures. To
industrial enterprise that creates high quality products implement the system, servers were purchased, a
from textile waste. The goal of this project was to private IP was created, and the system was adapted
develop an integrated process for inventory to reflect the inventory and manufacturing
management that would streamline their current processes as modules within the Odoo system. The
workflows and provide visualization of their system was then tested and reviewed by the partner
transactions and processes. Additionally, an improved for approval. Documentation was developed and
system would provide more data security, reduced shared with the partner to ensure proper knowledge
manual effort, and better integration with other transfer to the partner so that they are able to
systems. continue to utilize this system going forward.
After reviewing the main process workflows and Outcomes: Inventory management system to
establishing design specifications for the new system, streamline workflows and visualize inventory
alternative solutions were evaluated against these information
Odoo was selected as it allows Material Return to
visualize all of their inventory information, to maintain

Global Recycling Standard Certification for
Recycled Carbon Fiber and Composite
Recycling Database
Fellow: Partner collaborators:
Chung Heung, Australia Andrew Maxey, Founder & CEO, USA
Ed Pilpel, Director, USA
Expert Fellow:
Martín Ignacio del Pino, Argentina This work was supported by: Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration with: Vartega

Logos may be used for Global Recycled Standard certified products

In recent years, it has been observed that enterprises While Vartega is preparing to demonstrate
must demonstrate a commitment to environmental compliances and SCS will be conducting the site
sustainability, protecting natural resources, and audits, the focus of the project has later shifted to
diverting material from waste streams. In the creating a database mapping the existing composite
recycling industry, Global Recycled Standard (GRS) recycling companies assist the American Composites
which was authored by Textile Exchange has become Manufacturers Association (ACMA). A Google form
increasingly popular and sometimes becomes a was created and an introductory email was drafted to
hurdle requirement for companies to enter specific be used as means for requesting information from the
markets. Similar to the International Standards composite recyclers in the industry.
Organization (i.e. ISO standards), GRS has a series of
requirements that an applicant needs to satisfy. Thus, Future works regarding the GRS certificate include
this research project partnered with Vartega is completing a full set of policies in accordance with
pertaining to contributing to Vartega’s mission of the checklist and preparing for SCS’s on-site audits.
obtaining a GRS certification for their carbon fiber This certificate might allow Vartega to sell their low-
recycling business by conducting research on the cost recycled carbon fiber to the Chinese EV market
certification process and developing a plan to achieve to reduce the overall emissions in the vehicle
this. industry.
It has been recognized that Vartega’s core business, Outcome: Research and planning for GRS certification
which is recycling operation on composite materials, for carbon fiber recycling business
is eligible for a GRS certification, and a series of
requirements listed in such standard were identified.
A certification body, Scientific Certification Systems
(SCS Global Services) has been appointed and an
exhaustive checklist of required documents regarding
the GRS certification has been obtained.


Development of ASME's Climate Action Position
Kingsley Ukoba, Nigeria/South Africa

Expert Fellow:
Sahar Shamsi, Canada

Partner collaborators:
Iana Aranda, Engineering for Change
President, USA; Anand Sethupathy, Managing
Director, Programs at ASME; Aaron
Weinerman, Senior Manager, International
Development at ASME; Neil Yeoh, Founder &
CEO, OnePointFive; Matthias Muehlbauer, co-
founder, OnePointFive; Jack Kozyrski,
Sustainability Associate, OnePointFive
Fellow supporting project with solar and
hydroturbines - the future engineering workforce
will be essential for addressing climate change This work is in collaboration with: ASME

Founded in 1880, the American Society of The due-diligence process informed ASME's approach
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has a longstanding to addressing climate change with the following
history of responding to new challenges, as drivers:
demonstrated through the development of boiler Support the global consensus of climate science
codes and standards to ensure safety during the and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
industrialization period. Over 140 years later, the Change (IPCC)’s target, currently limiting global
threat of climate change demands the attention of warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-
professional engineering societies and standards industrial levels.
organizations to help ensure a safe future for people Enable engineers in accelerating the drive towards
and planet. ASME is uniquely positioned to take net-zero emissions and a carbon negative future.
action again climate change through the Facilitate communication on climate policy among
development of new relevant codes and standards government, industry, and academia–leveraging
for technologies towards decarbonization and by ASME’s successful history of providing
attracting, training, and mobilizing engineers to nonpartisan expertise to policymakers.
deliver climate solutions towards a sustainable Develop and engage the international engineering
future for all. workforce that meets our present and future
climate challenges.
The objective of this project was to support in the Align ASME’s sustainability and climate strategy to
development of ASME's Climate Action Strategy. In the United Nations’ Sustainable Development
collaboration with the ASME team and consultants at Goals.
OnePointFive, ~90 documents reviewed and
synthesized and interviews were conducted with 22 Outcome: Advancement of ASME Climate Action
stakeholders to understand perspectives, current Strategy
ASME aligned initiatives, and leading organizational
practices and insights.


Towards Net Zero Buildings in Kenya

Combined bar graph showing the embodied carbon of Fellows:

BXS Case Projects for BXS materials and typical Kenyan
construction materials Sheila Atieno Ojwang, Kenya

Expert Fellow:
Kalimba Rugamba Nicolas, Rwanda

Partner collaborators:
Carolin Schramm, BuildX Head of
Impact, Kenya
Esther Segero, BuildX Head of
Construction, Kenya
Alice Wachera, Graduate
Structural and Civil Engineer,

This work was supported by: Autodesk Foundation Autodesk technology used in this project:
This work is in collaboration with: BuildX Revit

BuildX Studio is dedicated in working towards net A subsequent comparative analysis of the results of
zero carbon buildings in Kenya by measuring and the Global Warming Potential of modules A1-A3 from
lowering the carbon footprint of building projects. the BuildX Studio’s carbon calculator and Tally was
The objective of the fellowship was to improve carried out. The deviation of the results which
BuildX Studio’s internal approaches for carbon averages 22%, is attributed to the different databases
analysis and the data generated provides the firm used by each calculator, the data input methods
with insights on the design of their internal carbon accuracy and the error margins allowed by each
calculator in terms of further development and platform.
implementation. Furthermore, the fellowship set out
to establish carbon benchmarks for traditional The research concludes that BuildX Studio is a more
building approaches by contributing to the body of sustainable practice than typical Kenyan construction.
knowledge on sustainable design in Kenya by The choice of construction material has a significant
providing local Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) data. impact on project carbon footprints. The project will
position BuildX to optimise project carbon analysis
The fellowship mainly focused on carbon analysis of and has generated internal capacity for the use of
different types of design projects in BuildX Studio’s Tally, an Autodesk software for carbon life cycle
portfolio: Zima Homes (a high-rise affordable analysis.
housing project), the Alchemist (a commercial
project) and Green Heart Village (GHV - a residential Outcome: Development of carbon analysis
project featuring individual homes). The scope of the approaches and benchmarks for sustainable design in
carbon analysis compared the Global Warming Kenya
Potential (GWP) of the product stage (also known as
‘cradle to gate’ boundary) by calculating the
embodied carbon for modules A1–A3 of the LCA.


Penn State
Digital Toolkits for Enhancing Flood and Extreme
Heat Resilience of Low-income Housing
Types of digital toolkits used for disaster risk awareness Valerie Eve Atieno, Kenya
and resilience approaches in the housing sector Lorine Ouma, Kenya

Expert Fellow:
Julio Diarte, Paraguay

Partner collaborators:
Esther Obonyo, Director Global
Building Network, Penn State, USA

This work is in collaboration with:

Penn State Global Building

This project assessed the application of digital An in-depth review of related literature through desk
toolkits to enhance awareness and uptake of research coupled with stakeholder brainstorming
recommendations on design, materials, and sessions and subject matter interviews provided a
strategies for flood and extreme heat-resilient roadmap that shaped the outcomes of this study. The
housing among community members in Florida and resilience of low-income housing relies on a holistic
Pennsylvania in the United States. The specific areas approach to the development of design solutions,
of focus include low-income housing, sustainable materials, and strategies that promote flood and
materials, vulnerable housing retrofit measures, extreme heat mitigation. Dissemination of these
climate change responsive design strategies, and solutions through digital toolkits that are easily
toolkits for resilient design solutions. accessible to communities in vulnerable areas
enhances the uptake of solutions and creates
The objectives were: awareness of flood and heat risks.
1. Assess the current housing needs for Existing toolkits are limited in their accessibility and
communities exposed to flooding and extreme efficiency due to the siloed and top-down
heat in Florida and Pennsylvania development, and limited contextual focus. Integration
2. Identify the most commonly used materials, of these toolkits can enhance their use by the
technologies, and engineering design strategies stakeholders within the flood and extreme heat risk
for flooding and extreme heat resilience reduction within Florida and Pennsylvania. This
3. Review existing toolkits for disseminating research provides a proposal for an information and
information on housing risks and potential knowledge collating platform that can integrate, filter,
improvement for communities in vulnerable and simplify flood and extreme heat risks or solutions
areas of Florida and Pennsylvania for the different stakeholders.
4. Determine the gaps in knowledge dissemination
for existing engineering solutions for climate Outcome: Development of digital platform providing
change resilience of low-income housing information on solutions for resilient housing in low-
5. Develop a conceptual framework for a digital co- income areas
learning platform that can be used by community
members to access information on solutions for
resilient housing in Florida and Pennsylvania

FabLab UTP and WeRobotics

Design of an Adjustable Sensor for Water

Fellow: Farid Hazameh, Panama

Expert Fellow: Kyla Strickler,


Partner collaborators:
Humberto Rodriguez, Director
from the FabLab UTP, Panama

This work was supported by:

Autodesk Foundation
This work is in collaboration
with: FabLab UTP and
Rendering of the camera stabilizer and water
monitoring system assembled to the USV
Autodesk technology used in this project:

The adjustable sensor for water monitoring seeks to The main goal for this stage of the project is to design
automate the data acquisition process for the mechanism and its parts to be manufactured and
monitoring the conditions on the Caribbean coast of assembled, so in subsequent project stages the
Panama for sea cucumber growth. The scope of program could be designed and integrated to the
work of the project resulted in the evaluation of a whole system.
different design mechanism for the camera stabilizer
that could work appropriately under water and sea This project contributes to PanaSeas’ ultimate
conditions, mounted in an Unmanned Surface mission of regenerating local populations of sea
Vehicle (USV). cucumbers after their population has been depleted
by overfishing to support the environmental benefits
Firstly, a data acquisition module was developed they bring to an ecosystem.
which consists of a camera stabilizer that enhances
the image that will be used in future stages of the Outcome: Design of sensor to monitor water
implementation for both image and deep learning conditions for sea cucumber growth
processing. Secondly, a 1 DOF module was designed
which is equipped with 5 water conditions sensors:
conductivity sensor, PH sensor, turbidity sensor,
dissolved oxygen sensor, and a temperature sensor.
The mechanism of the module allows it to acquire
data at different levels under water.


Engineering for Change

Opportunities for Data-Enabled Interventions
in Africa

Fellow: Partner collaborators:

Joseph Mdumuka, Malawi Iana Aranda, Engineering for Change President, USA
Anand Sethupathy, ASME Managing Director of
Expert Fellow: Programs and Strategy, USA
Himanshu Panday, India

Earth Observation data has tremendous potential for enabling

interventions in Africa

This work is in collaboration with: Engineering for Change

In this era of Big Data, there are a number of This EO data can be used in the decision making
opportunities in different development sectors for process of soil and coastal erosion, agriculture,
innovators to design products and services of high deforestation, desertification, water quality, climate
impact that meet end-user requirements and changes, and changes to human settlements.
demands, thereby forecasting their profitability, and
production. Harnessing the power of data can enable
organizations to develop business models. Through
However, to utilize data in Africa for interventions in data mining, explorations, modeling, and predictive
different development sectors, a robust data analysis; product developers can develop new
ecosystem needs to be developed to enable products or further make improvements on their
knowledge and insights to be shared across different existing products to project their market
decision makers. This may require a strong performance. Data journalists can also write stories
computing edge to pre-process the data to be made of importance that can bridge the knowledge gap on
readily available for usage. This process however is developments leveraging on the same data.
costly due to data gathering and conversion
techniques used which contain errors requiring huge Data can further enable organizations to streamling
amounts of cleaning efforts. efficiently their business goals and strategies
efficiently, thereby propelling their productivity and
In this research aiming to identify opportunities for profitability by comparing their baseline data with the
data-enabled interventions in Africa, we discovered interventions data to determine if their operations are
that African countries can leverage significantly on in fact driving the company to meet their set targets.
Earth Observation (EO) data to draw in-depth
knowledge and translate into actionable insights to Outcome: Identified opportunities for data-enabled
produce valuable and informed decisions on interventions in Africa
sustainable development across domains.


University of Dayton
A Landscape Analysis of the Field of Engineering
and Human Rights
Fellow: Lauren Reinersman, USA Partner collaborators:
Kelly Bohrer, Executive Director, Ethos Center, USA
Expert Fellow: Shelley Inglis, Executive Director, Human Rights
Himanshu Panday, India Center, USA

Engineers trained in human rights help balance and redistribute power to vulnerable
This work is in collaboration with:
University of Dayton School of Engineering and Human Rights Center

The University of Dayton collaborated with in employees regardless of whether the job
Engineering for Change (E4C) on a landscape specifically applies to human rights. Students can
analysis of the intersection between human rights also apply these skill sets and mindsets specifically to
and engineering (HRiE) with the goal of human rights in engineering jobs by leading projects
understanding current trends and gaps in research, in an ethical manner that is mindful of international
knowledge, and partnerships; existing labor laws, regional rights treaties, sustainable
challenges/barriers to vocational pathways, and development goals, and solutions that respect,
potential opportunities for the university and protect, and fulfill the dignity and rights of all people,
undergraduate curriculum. Twelve interviews across particularly those who are most marginalized or
industry, academia, community activism, and non- vulnerable.
profit organizations involving engineering and/or
human rights and 50+ articles contributed insights in Research: Research in HRiE specifically is nascent
three main areas: curriculum, career pursuits, and and often comes out of academic institutions
research. invested in developing their related programs and
pedagogical strategies. It is also conducted by
Curriculum: Education in human rights is itself a organizations investigating how to promote ethical
fundamental human right and responsibility: the business, diversify engineering skills and experiences,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights exhorts and utilize new technology in rights-conscious ways.
“every individual and every organ of society” to
“strive by teaching and education to promote respect After conducting the landscape analysis,
for these rights and freedoms.” Ergo, articles and recommendations for universities’ human rights in
interviews emphasize that academic institutions engineering programs include showing students
must strive to incorporate education in, at a examples of applying human rights frameworks to the
minimum, the basics of international human rights engineering design process, allowing the students to
law, norms, principles, and actors and how to apply practice that application themselves, and introducing
these in engineering scenarios locally, nationally and successful and inspirational role models in the field.
globally. Other university programs have found
mixed-discipline collaborative courses and Outcome: Recommendations for university human
community engaged learning to be successful in rights in engineering programs
demonstrating applicable practices of HRiE.
Career: Being well-versed and broad-minded in
matters outside of engineering is a highly-valued trait

Autodesk Foundation
An Innovative Approach to the Autodesk
Foundation’s Partnership Success Plans

Fellow: Partner collaborators:

Joseph Kurebwa, Zimbabwe Bobbie Casey, Autodesk Foundation Partner Success
Manager, USA
Expert Fellow:
Harsh Vyas, India This work is in collaboration with:
Autodesk Foundation

The proposed long-term partner success plan workflow

The Autodesk Foundation invests in a diverse range priority, the initiatives are then grouped on a quarterly
of organizations through funding, technology, and basis as SMART goals. The needed capabilities and
talent. It uses Partnership Success Plans (PSPs) to engagement plans for each quarter are then derived
document proposed and completed engagements from the goals. Finally, the outcomes and impact of
with its portfolio organizations. This project’s focus the engagement for each quarter are determined by
was to develop more interactive PSP creation quarterly check-ins with the organization. Color codes
methods that keep track of the goals, required are used to tie milestones to the rest of the activities
resources, desired outcomes and impact in both in the process.
short-term (<1 year) and long-term engagements. In
consultation with an Autodesk customer outcome The Autodesk Foundation developed templates to
executive, a new model was adapted from the incorporate Autodesk value-add services and
Autodesk commercial division’s customer success expected outcomes to facilitate quick and consistent
plan framework and tested with one of the completion. The information is recorded in MURAL
Foundation’s long-term investees. and then transferred to a PSP slide deck for
presentation and documentation.
It is designed to be pre-populated then finalized in a
two-hour workshop by representatives from the Based on the outcomes of the pilot project, this new
Foundation and portfolio organization. The PSP approach is set to become standard procedure
organization’s background details areas of for creating and documenting engagements across
excellence, areas for improvement and the the Foundation's portfolio, ensuring that organizations
organization’s mission. This information is used to get the needed support in a timely manner.
guide the formulation of three to five milestones for
the partnership. The milestones are then broken- Outcome: Development of new workflow for Autodesk
down into specific initiatives and ranked by a Foundation Partnership Success Plans
difficulty/importance matrix. Based on their level of

Engineering for Change
Maintaining a Living Database: Ensuring Value,
Sustainability, and Optimization of the E4C
Solutions Library
Solutions Library User Categories
Racheal Nalwoga, Uganda
Sandra Ineza Sinzi, Rwanda

Expert Fellow:
Sahar Shamsi, Canada

Partner collaborators:
Carolina Rojas, Engineering for
Change, Program Associate,

This work was sponsored by: Siegel Family Endowment

This work is in collaboration with: Engineering for Change

The Engineering for Change (E4C) Solutions Library In this way, the SL serves as a resource for mapping
(SL) is a living global database of technology-based out existing technologies that are available globally
solutions (i.e., products) that are designed to be and therefore helps to identify gaps where solutions
accessible and suitable for underserved are needed or where existing technologies fall short.
communities or individuals living in resource- Even though the SL grew exponentially from 2016 to
constrained environments. This 'knowledge platform' 2020 (and continues to grow), there have been some
was established in 2012 in response to the need for challenges in maintaining this platform and creating
readily available and dependable information on value to its intended users. Its maintenance requires a
existing technologies. Since then, hundreds of significant amount of time and resources, there is a
fellows, academic and industry experts, and others rapid advancement in technology, and streamlining
have contributed to the SL. The SL has grown new entries to the library.
exponentially (and continues to grow) with 1000+
solutions covering various sectors including ICT, The objectives for this project were assisting in
Energy, Water, Sanitation, Transport, Health, Habitat, understanding the value the SL brings to diverse
and Agriculture sectors, with a focus on solutions stakeholders, improving the current SL process from
appropriate for implementation and use by product sourcing, selection, inclusion, peer review, and
underserved communities. All information in the SL publication to reduce the time and resources required
is written for general audiences, while data included to maintain the database; and identify pathways to
on each technology is presented from a technical ensure long term sustainability of the SL.
lens, based on the guidance of expert advisors
regarding technical performance, market and Outcome: Improved workflows and value propositions
compliance, evaluation methods, and standards. The to ensure the platform's continuity as a living
information taxonomy is standardized across all database
products, enabling side-by-side comparison and


ConservationX Labs
Supporting the Artisanal Mining Grand
Challenge: the Amazon CoLab

Rosakebia Liliana Estela
Mendoza, Peru

Expert Fellow:
Francisco X. Plaza, Ecuador

Partner collaborators:
Carmen Zarate, CXL Program
Coordinator, Peru
Cassie Hoffman, CXL Global
Development & Innovation Lead,
Amazon CoLab Cohort 2 Innovator Teams at the USA
Innovation XChange in Lima, Peru (December 2022)

This work is in collaboration with: ConservationX Labs

The Amazon CoLab is a six-month acceleration Artisanal Gold Mining is such a complex and
program to support innovator teams identified challenging environment to innovate -limited
through the Challenge with developing, testing, and education of the community, hard-to-access regions,
advancing solutions to protect people and labour-intensive process, and limited flexibility on how
ecosystems in the Amazon, adapting and the mining cooperatives are set up makes technology
implementing their technologies in the Amazon of adoption particularly tough. Our work intended to
Colombia, Peru, Guyana, Suriname and Ecuador. provide the innovators with the right toolset for them
During our engagement, we supported two cohorts to to be able to navigate these complex environments.
a total of 18 innovator teams with technologies
ranging from hardware to software in all different Outcome: Innovator support for artisanal gold mining
stages of development. technologies in the Amazon

During the fellowship, we were in charge of

systematizing information, updating the databases
(search for impact investors and mentors) and
monitoring the use of customized tools created to
improve the team's ventures. The Amazon CoLab
assists teams with product development, market
validation, business development, and field-testing to
enable innovations’ uptake and adoption. We
focused on supporting these technologies through a
financial sustainability and environmental and social
impact lens in the Amazon region. Additionally, we
monitored impact and assessed capacity building
and satisfaction of the ventures accelerated to
inform continuous improvement of our processes.

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