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BSP - Basic Guidelines in Establishing Banks

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(Central Bank of the Philippines)
Maynila, Pilipinas


Supervisory Reports and Studies Office





1. Banks to be established shall comply with the required minimum capital

enumerated below or as may be prescribed by the Monetary Board:

Type of Bank Revised Amounts

(In Million Pesos)
a. Universal Banks 4,950.0
b. Commercial Banks 2,400.0
c. Thrift Banks
- With head office within Metro Manila 325.0
- With head office outside Metro Manila 52.0
d. Rural Banks
- within Metro Manila 26.0
- Cities of Cebu and Davao 13.0
- In 1st, 2nd & 3rd class cities and 1st class 6.5
- In 4th, 5th & 6th class cities and in 2nd, 3rd 3.9
& 4th class municipalities
- In 5th & 6th class municipalities 2.6

2. At least 25% of the total authorized capital stock shall be subscribed by the
subscribers of the proposed bank, and at least 25% of such subscription shall
be paid-up, provided that in no case shall the paid-up capital be less than the
minimum required capital stated in Item 1above.

3. The Stockholdings of an individual, family, corporate or business group in any

bank shall be subject to the following limits:

a. Foreign individuals and non-bank corporations may own or control up to

forty percent (40%) of the voting stock of a domestic bank: Provided,
That the aggregate foreign-voting stocks owned by the foreign individuals
and non-bank corporations in a domestic bank shall not exceed forty
percent (40%) of the outstanding voting stock of the bank. The
percentage of foreign-owned voting stock in a bank shall be determined
by the citizenship of the individuals stockholders in that bank.

b. A Filipino individual and a domestic non-bank corporation may each own

up to forty percent (40%) of the voting stock of a domestic bank. There
shall be no aggregate ceiling on the ownership by such individuals and
corporations in a domestic bank.

c. The citizenship of the corporation which is a stockholder of a bank shall

follow the citizenship of the controlling stockholders of the corporation,
irrespective of the place of incorporation. For purposes hereof, the term
“controlling stockholders” shall refer to individuals holding more than fifty
percent (50%) of the voting stock of the corporate stockholders of the

4. At least 60% of voting stock of any commercial bank shall be owned by

Filipino citizens. For any thrift bank, at least 40% of its voting stock shall be
owned by Filipino citizens. Subject to Section 4 of Republic Act. No. 7353, all
of the capital stock of any rural bank shall be fully owned and held, directly or
indirectly, by Filipino citizens or corporations, associations or cooperatives
qualified under Philippine laws to own and hold such capital stock.


1. The incorporators/subscribers and proposed directors and officers must be

persons of integrity and of good credit standing in the business community.
The subscribers must have adequate financial strength to pay for their
proposed subscriptions in the bank.

2. The incorporators/subscribers and proposed directors and officers must not

have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude, and unless
otherwise allowed under the provisions of existing laws are not officers or
employees of a government agency, instrumentality, department or office
charged with the supervision of, or the granting of loans to banks.

3. A bank may be organized with not less than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15)
incorporators. In case there are more than fifteen (15) persons initially
interested in organizing and investing in the proposed bank, the excess may
be listed among the original subscribers in the Articles of Incorporation.

4. The number of members of the board of directors of the bank shall not be less
than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15) and shall always be in odd numbers
and at least two (2) of the directors are “independent directors”. An
“independent director” shall mean a person other than an officer or employee
of the bank, its subsidiaries or affiliates or related interests.

5. At least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the board of directors of any

commercial bank shall be Filipino citizens; at least a majority of the members
of the board of directors of any thrift bank shall be Filipino citizens; and all
members of the board of directors of a rural bank shall be Filipino citizens.

6. No appointive or elective public official, whether full-time or part-time shall at

the same time serve as officer of a commercial bank or a thrift bank except in
cases where such service is incident to financial assistance provided by the
government or a government-owned or –controlled corporation to the Bank.
7. The proposed directors and officers of the bank shall be subject to
qualifications and other requirements of existing laws, rules and regulations
of the BSP, as follows:

a. Qualifications of a director. A director shall have the following minimum


1) He shall be at least twenty-five (25) years of age at the time

of his election or appointment; and

2) He shall be at least a college graduate or have at least five

(5) years experience in business, or have undergone training
in banking acceptable to the appropriate supervision and
examination department of the BSP.

For thrift banks and rural banks, at least one (1) of

the members of the Board of Directors must, in addition to
the abovementioned minimum qualifications, have at least
one (1) year experience in banking and/or finance, provided
that this requirement may be waived if the thrift bank or rural
bank is to be established in a municipality or city where there
is no existing bank.

The foregoing qualifications for directors shall be in

addition to those already required or prescribed under
existing laws.

b. Qualifications of an officer. An officer shall have the following minimum


1) He shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age; and

2) He shall be at least a college graduate, or have at least five

(5) years experience in banking or trust operations or related
activities or in a field related to his position and
responsibilities, or have undergone training in banking or
trust operations acceptable to the appropriate supervision
and examination department of the BSP, provided, however,
that trust officers shall have at least two (2) years of actual
experience or training in trust operations or fund
management or other related fields.

For commercial banks, the President must, in

addition to the abovementioned minimum qualifications, have
at least two (2) years experience in banking and/or finance.
For thrift banks and rural banks, any one of the President,
Chief Operating Officer or General Manager must, in addition
to the abovementioned minimum qualifications, have at least
two (2) years experience in banking and/or finance.

The foregoing qualifications for officers shall be in

addition to those already required or prescribed under
existing laws.

c. Disqualifications of a director. Without prejudice to specific provisions

of law prescribing disqualifications for directors, the following are
disqualified from becoming directors:
1) Persons who have been convicted judicially or
administratively of an offense involving moral turpitude, or
judicially declared insolvent, spendthrift or incapacitated to

2) Persons who shall refuse to disclose the extent of their

business interest to the appropriate supervision and
examination department of the BSP when required for the
proper implementation of a provision of law or, of a circular,
memorandum or rule or regulation of the BSP. This
disqualification shall be in effect as long as the refusal

3) Those who are delinquent in the payment of their obligations

as defined hereunder:

a) Delinquency in the payment of obligations means

that an obligation of a person with a bank where he
is a director or officer or where he may be elected or
appointed to said position, or at least two (2)
obligations with other banks and with non-bank
financial intermediaries performing quasi-banking
functions under different credit lines or loan
contracts, are past due for at least three (3) months.

b) Obligations shall include all borrowings from a bank

or from a non-bank financial intermediary performing
quasi-banking functions obtained by:

i. A director or officer for his own account or as

the representative or agent of others or
where he acts as a guarantor, indorser, or
surety for loans from such financial

ii. The spouse or child under the parental

authority of the director or officer;

iii. Any person whose borrowings or loan

proceeds were credited to the account of, or
used for the benefit of a director or officer;

iv. A partnership of which a director or officer, or

his spouse is the managing partner or a
general partner owning a controlling interest
in the partnership; and

v. A corporation, association or firm wholly-

owned or majority of the capital of which is
owned by any or a group of persons
mentioned in the foregoing items (i), (ii) and

4) Persons found by the Monetary Board to have willfully failed

or refused to comply with any banking law, order, instruction
or regulation issued by the Monetary Board or by the
Governor, or to have committed irregularities or to have
conducted business in an unlawful, unsafe or unsound
manner as determined by the Monetary Board in any
institution supervised by the BSP; and

5) Person who have been dismissed for cause from any

institution under the regulation or supervision of the BSP.

The foregoing disqualifications for directors shall be in

addition to those already required or prescribed under existing laws.

d. Disqualification of an Officer

3) The disqualifications for directors mentioned above shall

likewise apply to officers.

4) Except as may be authorized by the Monetary Board or the

Governor, the spouse or a relative within the 2nd degree of
consanguinity or affinity of any person holding the position of
Chairman, President, Executive Vice President or any
position of equivalent rank, General Manager, Treasurer,
Chief Cashier or Chief Accountant is disqualified from holding
or being elected or appointed to any of said positions in the
same bank.

5) Except in the case of technical personnel whose employment

may be specially authorized by the Secretary of Justice,
foreigners cannot be officers of banks, except thrift banks.
Institutions concerned shall file with the Department of
Justice the necessary request for authority to employ any
foreign technical personnel, in accordance with the
procedure prescribed in Office Circular of the Department of
Justice dated May 18, 1976.

The foregoing disqualifications for officers shall be in addition to those already required or
prescribed under existing laws.

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