Me6504 QB 2marks
Me6504 QB 2marks
Me6504 QB 2marks
2. What is Resolution?
The minimum value of the input signal is required to cause an appreciable
change in the output known as resolution.
3. Differentiate between sensitivity and range with suitable example.
Example: An Instrument has a scale reading of 0.01mm to 100mm.
Here, the sensitivity of the instrument is 0.0lmm i.e. the minimum value in the
scale by which the instrument can read. The range is 0.01 to 100mm i.e. the
minimum to maximum value by which the instrument can read.
4. lts
Define system error and correction
Error: The deviation between the results of measured value to the actual
Correction: The numerical value which should be added to the measured
value to get the correct result.
5. Define – Measurand
Measurand is the physical quantity or property like length, diameter, and
angle to be measured.
8. Give any four methods of measurement
1. Direct method.
2. Indirect method.
3. Comparison method.
4. Coincidence method
4. Instruments for deviations.
10. What is Hysteresis?
All the energy put into the stressed component when loaded is not recovered
upon unloading. So, the output of measurement partially depends on input
called hysteresis.
11. Differentiate accuracy and Uncertainty with example.
Accuracy - Closeness to the true value.
Example: Measuring accuracy is ± 0.02mm for diameter 25mm.
Here the measurement true values lie between 24.98 to25.02 mm
Uncertainty about the true value = ± 0.02mm
value is 1500C
means span = 200 - 150 = 50'C
Accuracy - The maximum amount by which the result differ from true value.
Precision - Degree of repetitiveness. If an instrument is not precise it will give
different results for the same dimension for the repeated readings.
15. Explain the term magnification
It means the magnitude of output signal of measuring instrument time’s
increases to make it more readable.
17. What is the basic Principle of measurement?
It is the physical phenomenon utilized in the measurement. If energy kind of
quantity measured, there must be a unit to measure it. So this will give the
quantity to be measured in number of that unit.
UNIT II – Linear and Angular Measurements
2. How do you calibrate the slip gauges?
Comparators are used to calibrate the slip gauges.
3. List the various linear measurements?
(i) Length (ii) Heights and (iii) Thick fiess
4. lts
What are the various types of linear measuring instruments?
The various devices used for measuring the linear measurements are
i.Vernier calipers ii. Micrometers iii. Slip gauge or gauge blocks
iv. Comparator
5. List out any four angular measuring instrument used in metrology
(i) Angle gauges (ii) Divided scales (iii) Sine bar with slip gauges (iv)
Autocollimator (v) Angle dekkor
6. What is comparator?
Comparators are one form of linear measurement device which is quick and
The common types are: (i) Mechanical comparators (ii) Electrical
comparators (iii) Optical comparators (iv) Pneumatic comparators.
9. State the best example of a mechanical comparator.
A dial indicator or dial gauge is used as a mechanical comparator.
10. Define least count and mention the least count of a mechanical
Least count. - The least value that can be measured by using any measuring
instrument known as least count. Least count of a mechanical comparator is
0.0 1 mm
11. How the mechanical comparator is used? State with any one example.
Let us assume that the required height of the component I s 32.5mm. Initially,
this height is built up with slip gauges. The slip gauge blocks are placed under
the stem of the dial gauge. The pointer in the dial gauge is adjusted to zero.
The slip gauges are removed- Now, the component to be checked is
introduced under the stem of the dial gauge. If there is any deviation in the
height of the component, it will be indicated by the pointer.
12. State any four advantages of reed type mechanical comparator.
(i) It is usually robust, compact and easy to handle.
(ii) There is no external supply such as electricity, air required
(iii) It has very simple mechanism and is cheaper when compared to other
(iv) It is suitable for ordinary workshop and also easily portable.
(ii) It has more moving parts and hence friction is more and accuracy is less.
16. How is the accuracy of an electrical comparator checked?
To check the accuracy of a given specimen or work, first a standard specimen
is placed under the plunger. After this, the resistance of wheat stone bridge is
adjusted that the scale reading shows zero. Then the specimen is removed.
Now, the work is introduced under the plunger.
18. What are the advantages of electrical and electronic comparator?
It has less number of moving parts
Magnification obtained is very high.
Two or more magnifications are provided in the same instrument to
use various ranges.
The pointer is made very light so that it 'IS more sensitive to vibration
19. What are the disadvantages of electrical and electronic comparator?
External agency is required to meter for actuation.
(ii) Variation of voltage or frequency may affect the accuracy of
(iii) Due to heating coils, the accuracy decreases.
(iv) It is more expensive than mechanical comparator.
because the measuring head is kept away from the indicating device.
It is a suitable method to check ovalty and taperness of circular bore.
Unit III - Form Measurement
flanks of the thread on the pitch line.
This is one, having erratic pitch, in which the advance Of the helix is irregular
in one complete revolution of thread.
Errors in the flank cause a virtual increase in the effective diameter of a bolt
and decrease in that, of nut.
8. Define - Module
It is the angle between the tangent to the helix and plane perpendicular to the
axis of cylinder.
2. Thickness measurement: a) Chordal thickness method b) Constance chord
14. Define - Fullness and Emptiness in form factor.
Degree of fullness (K)= Area of metal /Area of enveloping rectangle
Degree of emptiness = 1 – K
Run out. -Total range of reading of a fixed indicates Or with the contact
points applied to a Surface rotated, without axial movement about 3 fixed
19. Define - lay
Lay: - Direction of the 'predominate surface pattern'
UNIT IV - Laser and advances in Metrology
1. What is interferometer?
Interferometer is optical instruments used for measuring flatness and
determining the lengths of slip gauges by direct reference to the wavelength
of light.
3. What is crest and trough?
The light is a form of energy being propagated by electromagnetic waves,
which is a sine curve. The high point of the wave is called crust and the low
Point is called is trough.
4. What is wavelength?
The distance between two crust or two rough is called the wavelength
8. What are the main spindle errors?
a) Out of round b) Eccentricity c) Radial throw of an axis d) Run out
e) Periodical axial slip
Test for true running of the main spindle and its axial movements.
10. Why the laser is used in alignment testing?
The alignment tests can be carried out over greater distances and to a greater
degree of accuracy using laser equipment. Laser equipment produces real
straight line, whereas an alignment telescope provides a, imaginary line that
cannot be seen in space.
11. What are the different types of geometrical tests conducted on machine
1. Straightness 2. Flatness 3. Parallelism, equi-distance and coincidence.
then it will cause the atom to return to ground state energy level E, by
called laser.
14. Define axial length measuring accuracy
It is defined as difference between the reference length of gauges aligned with
a machine axis and the corresponding measurement results from the machine.
16. Explain CNC, CMM briefly.
A computer numerical control system can be used with CN4M to do
calculations while measuring complex parts. Error can be stored in memory
while doing calculations. For automatic calibration of probe, determination of
co-ordinate system, calculation, evaluation and recording etc., special
software's are incorporated.
17. Write some features of CMM software.
Measurement of diameter, center distance can be measured as follows
1. Measurement of plane and spatial curves
2. Minimize CNC programme.
3. Data communications.
4. Digital input and output command
5. Interface to CAD software
20. Mention the application of CMM.
(i)CMM's to find application in automobile machine to electronics, space and
many other large companies.
(ii) These are best suited for the test and inspection Of test equipment, gauges
and tools.
(iii)For aircraft and space vehicles of hundred Percent inspections is carried
out by using CMM.
(iv)CMM can be used for determining dimensional accuracy of the
(v) CMM can also be used for sorting tasks to achieve optimum pacing of
components within tolerance limits.
r esu
UNIT V – Measurement of Power, Flow and Temperature related properties
to flow rate.
Venturi meter, orificemeter, rotameter, pitot tube.
Mention the principle involved in bimetallic strip.
It is based on change in dimension
6. What is thermocouple?
When two metals are joined together it will create an emf and it is primarily a
function of the junction temperature.
7. What is a Kentometer?
8. What is thermopile?
When thermocouples are connected in series it is called thermopile
10. What are the requirements of the Bourdon pressure gauges?
Bourdon tube
Mechanical linkage
Pivot Pinion
quantity to be measured into a mechanical signal.
Secondary transducer: The Electrical device which converts this
mechanical signal to the electrical signal.
12. What are the working principles of bimetallic thermometer?
Two piece of metal with different coefficients of thermal expansion are
bonded together to form together to form the bimetallic strip. It is in the form
of a cantilever beam. When the strip is subjected to temperature higher than
bonding temperature it will be bent in one direction
17. What are the important elements of measurements?
The important elements of a measurement is
principle is Seeback effect.
19. What are the differences between orifice and venturimeter?
Orifice meter Venturimeter