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By if. A* Hoot~an and A, R* Jones
Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory
Langley Field, Va. .-

,- September 1942 ....,.y....

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. ..-
By J. A. Hootman and A. R. Jones i“’
-. ..-

SUMMARY . ..-.

I’or several years the National Advisory Committee for .
Aeronautics has b~en conducting an inve6tigition o.f”the
— —-
landing chara~teristics of re~.resentative azrplanes Wi-tih
particular reference to the problem of landi”ng”-gear desfgn. —.
Results of this investigation, which has included aii--- ‘-
. planes ranging in groes weight from approximately 1000 to
50,000 pounds and in spari from 2R. to 149 feet, a??e pre-
sented. SoIEe blind landings,. and also day” and night sery-
ice landings, were included in the program. The coiidi- -
tions imp-osed upon an airplane during a landing, as-di*er-
mined from experience with the 21 airplanes tested, arid.
the ground reactions produced. as a result of these ‘“Z-a-ri-
ding conditions are also outlined and discussed. . . . “%”
. ....+ .. .-
.-.+. -=.
—. The maximum vertical velocities attairie~ by the air-
,-.. planes in conventional landings ranged as ‘nigh as 10 feet
per second “for the lighter airplanes an”d=diminished. as
... . _:.-
the airplane weight increased until a value of about. 5“---
feet per se”cond ;as encountered with the large”st airplanes.
In ll~nd landings, vertical velocities .as high as 13 .f”eet .._-
per second were obtained. On the Basis of the dqta- for ‘-’
all the landings, a vertical velocity of 2 or” 3 feet pOY-” -.. ...... ....
second may be termed a *lnormallt conventional landing v6- ---- ...-.
locity fo,r all the aj.rplanes tested.
... ........ . :-... _l . ,
The aerodynamic support of the wings at the instant
of ground contact, which ranged from 0.6 to 1.0 ‘ti.ties”the’ ““-
airplane weight, was subtracted from the total airplane ,
vertical load factor in or~er to obtain the landing-gear -:..
vertical load factor. The Ianding+gear” maximum--v5&t~cal “--- - ‘-’“-
load factors for conventional landinrgs ~-p-p-roacheda v~lu~” - “’-’:-”
of 4 for the lighter airplanes and a value of- 1- ?o~-t”he - - “-
heavier airplane:. For hli.nd landings wit’h two of”the” ““
heaviast airplanes, a iandin&-ge”ar: ve2r2tiaal load factor - ------ ‘--
of about 2.was experience~, Based upon ‘a”cong”ider~tidn ..
of all ~he land~ngs, a l“anding~gear- ‘vertical load factor
of 1 may be termed normal for conventi-on”al la’fi~ings with --
all t’he airplanes tested. .— . . ,-
-::._-..-.- ;~.
. . .
. .
* ,.+ .,-

2 NACA Technic~l ‘N”ote No.”863
As the loads produced due to a landing impact under
any given set of landi,ng conditions depend upon the de-
sign of ,the shock-absorbing equipment, it is suggested .
that landing-gear design” be directeid toward the produc- ●

tion of equipment oapable of meeting presori.bed landing

conditions rather than toward aipacfty for carrying some

epecifled load,


When the landing of aircraft i~ studied for the pur-

pose of determining proper la-nding:~ear de’sign, two dis-
tinct iubjeots must be considered, The first IS the de-
termination of the oondttions to whi”ch the airplane may’
be subjected during the Xanding and the second is the cle-
terminatloh of the airplame produoed a-e a result
of these conditions. 3ecause of laak of knowledge @ori-
oerning landing conditions and because data on landing
loads can be used direotly, landing-gear ~esign at pres-
ent is usually based upon loads experienced with airplanes
sfmilar to the one under consideration,

A program of landing Investigations has been con-

ducted by the NACA at the Lan”gley Memorial Aeronautical
Laboratory, Langley Field, Va,, for the purpose of in-
creasing the existi”ng knowledge concerning landing con-=
ditions and resulting loads. These investigations were
‘ undertaken at the request of the Army Air Corps, the
Bureau’of Aeronautics, and the Civil Aeronautics Author-
ity; they were carried ,out, in general, as a secondary
study upon airplanes that hand been made available by ‘
these agencies for research of a“d,ifferent kind. As a
result , considerable data in regard to airplane type and
size were accumulated, hut the exterlt of each investiga-
tion was I.imited, for most of ‘the airplanes, to about 16
to 20 landings of ’varying severity within the pilOtle
discretion. ‘
I’or the majoritiy of the airplanes, the data obtained
were ,confined to vertical and horizontal velocity, longi-
tudinal attitude, and pitching accelerations as well as
accelerations perpendicular and parillel to the thrust
axis. In a few cases more data were eecured, and for one
airplane the vertical velocity and the attitude at oon-
tact were de,terrnined for some 200 landings.

NACA Technical Note No. 863 “3

3ecause the loading of the airplane for a given land-
ing depends considerably u~on.the characteristics of the

‘landing gear, it apyears most logical”to %ase landing-gear
w design upon lan~in-g conditions. Landing condition-s ‘were
therefore given as much attention in” the investigation as ..
. loading conditions. : .-- — .
..=_=._. , -+


The princip81 characteristics pf the airplanes used

in the investigation “are shown in table I. Throughout
this paper the number used to designate an airplane cor-
responds to the number assigned to that airplane in table
I. In general, the instruments installed in +he air--
planes for the landing t-eets included a two- or a three- ~
component recording accelerometer, one or two anglllar ve-’
Iocf.ty recorders, an airspeed. recQrde.r, and a timer”.”--In.
each case the accelerometer was mounted as near as pos-
sible to the center of gravity of the airplane and was
usually oriented to record directly the accele-rations
parallel to the principal airplane axes. Angular pitchi-
ng and rolling were determined by graphical
differentiation o? the records of -the corresponding angu-” —.
lar velocities. In one series of tests, two control-
position recorders were ,tiounted on the landing..gear aa&
were arranged to record the positiron of each of the main
wheels relative to that of the fixed portions of the
struts. The timer provided timing marks on each record
and also, by operating solenoids in all the instruments
simultaneously, provided a means Yor synchronizing the .-
recordsi .

The attitude angles and the linear displacements of

the airplanes were determined from the records o%tai.ned ““
with one of the NACA, recording photctheodolites set up oh
the landing field 600 to 1500 feet from the landing runwa-y,
depending upon the “size of the airplane tested. The atti-
tude angle-s Were calculated from the records with the aid
of reference points on.the airplanee or of reference lines
painted on the sides of the fuselage. In most “o-fthe -
cases, alternate segments of the main wheels-were painted’ - -
in contrasting. colors so that “the frame in the phototheo- -.,
dolite record in w~ich rotation of the wheels began could
easily be determined. The beginning of rotation of the
wheele was taken as an indication of the time Of the first —
contact with the ground. Synchronization of the photothe-
o~olite records with the flight instrument recoids was .,
4 NACA Technical Note No. 863

effected by’ correlation ‘of the frame in which the first

ground contact occurred with the points on the instrument
records at which sharp breaks in the record lines indi-
cated the ‘beginning of the first” impact.

Hr)rizonta~ and vertical velocities of the airplane at

contact were determined ~y graphical differentiation Of
time histories of the ‘corresponding displacements, The
surface wind velocity at a height of 6 feet a?)ove the
ground was measured by means of an integrating anemometer,
or a vane-type wind-velocity indioator. The approximate
airspeed of the airpla~e’was calculated from the horizon-
tal velocity and the velocity of the surfaae wind.

The principal factor9 investigated for the various

airplanes are given in table 11. For each airplane the
tests consisted o’f a series of landings of varying sever-
ity. For a majority of the airplanes an attempt wa”s made
to achieve, in one or more l~ndings, ‘the highest vertical
velocity consistent with safety. !Fhe pilotfs judgment .
was accepted concerning the magnit~de. of the vertical ve-
locity that the airplane could withstand. Variations in
the’ contact”velocity were secured by varying the i“nsiant .
at which the landing flare’ (leveling off) was started. and
by employing whatever’power the pilot “felt necessary,
.> *-
In order to determine the forces developed in unsym-. r
metrical impacts, one-wheel landings were made with s“ev- .
eral of the airplanes. Tail-first landings were made with L
a majority’ of the airplanes equipped with conventional-
type landing gear. One nose-first impact was made, with
considerable difficulty, with’ ono of. the airplanes.
equipped with tricycle landing gear. .-.

The ~ta for one of the airplanes, a single-plaCe

pursuit type, airplane 13, obtained in the usual manner
from flight tests made by one of the NACA. test pilots
were supplemented by a statistical study of routine serv-
ice landings of airplanes of the same design under vari- ..
OUS conditions by Army pilots, singly and in fo~mation,
by day, and by night with the aid of landing flares.
Similarly, the data obtained in ordinary landings Of air-
planes 19 and 2.0 were supplemented by an investigation Of
the landing conditions and the resulting ground reaotions
experienced in..‘*blindt’or instrument landfngs of these
airplanes. The symbols, assumptions, and equations used
in calculating the ground rpactions are preeented in the

NACA Technical No.te,Eo. 863 5



!l?hetwo important design considerations that exist

in any airplane landing are the landing conditions-to
which the airplane is subjected and the loads resultin~
from these conditions. Although consideration of loads
“experienced has been used by the majority of designers,
the load factor ~chieved. in any given landing is greatly
affected by the characteristics of the landing gear and,
by equipping a given .airplene with v“arious gear, differ- —
ent load factors can be obtained for the same landing
condition. For this reason, the discussion of results.
has been divided into two parts; namely, a presentation
of the landing .oonditions and a corresponding prese~ta-
tion of the loads experienced. ..
The airplanes investigated wfll be considered under
the followingyeight classifications:
Class Type of airplane Weight .,

I Light _up to 3.,000

II Medium –3;oClo”to 10”,000”
111 Heavy # Gver 10,000


&ttitude.- 13? the angle between the thrust -axis and

the ground plane at the instant of ground contact is con.
sidered first, the test results may be divid”ed some~hat
roughly into four divisions, namely:

Attitude angle

Class I -4 ‘to 13.5

Classes Z~-~n~,~I~ 1 1 1 ;.: 1 ~ J : J ~ ~ 4 to 16
Blind landings, class. .lli . . . . . . . . -4,5 to 5
Airplanes with tricycle landing gear .. .. .. -5 to,.15
.. Numerical Valuee were not, a’btained for the lateral
and directional attitudes encountered. Landings we’re.
observed, however, during. which the inclination of the

lateral. axis was great enough to cause one wheel to ab- ..—
sorb the complete initial shock.

6 I?ACA Techpical Note No. 863 -.

VerticatieZOcity. - The maximum vertical Velocity. at
impact recorded fo,r each of the airplanes tieste,dis Plot- .
ted againsi airplane weight in figure 1. The numbers cor- .
respond to the order in which the airplane& are listed in
table II, which also gives the ~umber of landings for
each airplane. For most of the airplanes, attempte were
made to sectire as high vertical velocities ae possible)
the ,pllo,t!s judgment being ac.cepted-aq t? whether the a$r-
p~ane could withstand further shock. Because the test
pilots did attempt to cover a large ran~e Of tYPe5 of
landing and because they were all experienced, the manY ‘/
landings pre~i.ously.made by these pilots serve as a Sta-
tistical background”?or figure 1. Landing records of some
100 day and night service landings .with airplane 132 dur-
ing which the pflots were unaware that they were under ob-
servation, did not produce any data that would affect fig-
ure 1.

,The curve ABC in figure 1 represents the vertical

velocity to be expected in a severe conventional landing.
An examination of the Qata for all the landings, includ-
ing such. sources ae pilotst and oheerversf notes, leads
to the conclusion that a vertical velocity of 2 or 3 feet
per second comprised a normal conventional landing for
all the airplanes teeted.
● ✎

In order to obtain a clear p$cture of the signifi- ✌

cance of figure 1, what the pilot .is attempting to do in -

landing an airplane must be considered. Stated briefly,
his task is to achieve, if possib~e, zero vertical ve~oc-
ity at.ground contact by chooeing some instant at which
to start the landing,flare and then employing whatever
degree of control and power he considers necessary to
achieve his aim. Figure I indicates the maximum depar-
ture from the Ideal of zero vertical velocity produced
during the landi.n-gs by variations in piloting technique
or by factors beyond the pilotfs “controls

In practically all landings the pilot flares the air-

plane more than is necessary, although occasionally land-
ings are made with insufficient flare. In the vast ma-
jority of landings, the amount of excess flare is purely
a rn,,atterof piloting technique. The vertical velocity
that results, however, is governed by a combination of
piloting ability and airplane characteristics. If’ the
airplane has been leveled of”f at A height above the graynd
up to as high as 10 feet, its rate of descent will depend

NAOA “Technical Note No. 863 7

upon the amount of lift that can be retained, and this

. quantity depenils upon the wing characteristics and the
. pi.lot!e abilit’y to oontrol them. Tw6 important wing
characteristics involved. are the 10SS or lift on the
, wings when they are stalled and. the rolling or pitching
.“ produceil~ ..

The amount ‘of lift maintained unt-il the instant of”

ground contact varied. for the different airplanes %ut,
in general, the airplanes with winge of rectangular plan
form retained considerably more lift than those with
tapered wings. As .a result, the pilots flared the air-
planes of class I at a height of about 5 or 6 feet above
the ground in order to obtain the maximum velocities of
figure 1. Velocities”of similar magnitude were obtained
with several airplanes of class II by stalling only 2
feet from the ground.

The combined effect of high lift-loss, rolling after

stall, and piloting experience proauoes the decrease with
increasing air~lane weight in the envelope curve ABC of
figure 1. The airplanes in class 111 all had tapered
wings with high lift loss usually accompanied hy r“olling.
The experienced test pilots were aware of these facts and,
because of t~~ir increased sense o? responsibility with
..* such large airplanes, they used power i.n landing.
. -—
Although the &iscussion has d-ea~t mainly
with the type of landing in which the pilot employs more
flare than is necessary, the ty~e w-ith insufficient flare
was included in the tests and was res~onsible for some of
the test yoints in figure 1. The best examples of land-
ings with insufficient flare, or none at all, are blind
landings. In the Army system of blind landing, no flare
(’ is used and the attempt iS made’to hold a constant rate
of ~esoent of 6 feet per second. In figure-l it is of
interest to note that vertical, velocities O%tained in
%lind landings were very close to 6 feet per second
greater than values obtained from the curve representing
●ib’u, maximum deviation from .&he goal of zero vertical velocity
set for conventional landings. —

Pitching velocity .- The actual value of the pitching

velocity was not computed in every landing, but a careful
inspection of the records leads to the conclusion that a
value of *O-4 radian p“e~ second is a reasonable &imtt for
landings with conventi,onal-type gear.
----- —

8 NACA Technical’ Note Nom 863
For the airplanes equippg~ with tricycle-type land-
ing gear, difficu~ties were encountered in making a noOe-
wheel-first landing with the two airplanes tested and .
only one such landing was obtained, but the possibilities
of obtaining this type of landing might have been in-
creased had the pilots been more familiar with tricycle. ●

landing gear and had other airplanes, with a different

relation between landing-gear geometry and wing incidence,
been bested. I’OS airplane 6, the maximum negative pltOh-
ing velocities at th~ instant of ground 00ntaCt Were ap-
proximately 0-8 radian per second and for airplane 16,
approximately 0.6 r“adian per second. For one landing
with airplane 16, which had a rapid response to elevator
change, a negative pitching velocity of -2.33 radians Per
second was produced by em-ploying s-pecial technique. The
resulting energy of rotation of the airplane Was equiva-
lent tO the kinetio energy of translation of a velocity
of 10 feet per second.

, Rolling velocity.- ‘The rolling at contact ‘

can reaoh in aypreOiab~e value and should probably be
considered as contributing_to the Loads involved h 8in-
gle main-wheel impacts. High rolling velocities were
generally developed only for airplanes subject -to unsym-
metrical or wing-tip st,allinga <
The rolling velocities encountered were ap”proxirnately
the same for convent~onql ..landings , with both types Of &-
landing gear, and for blind landi’ngs. “The “teat result-s
reveaZea a lower rolling yel~ci~.y at contact ‘for the .
larger airplanes, these results confir,rning thosemof flight
tests of flying qualities, wh”ich usually indica?e more
sluggish ‘action with the larger ~lrplanes. On, the basis
of the “data se’cured, sirigle-engine ,airplanes.,.$?l=do.~ex- -
ceeded- A rolling velocity of 0.5 rddi”~”nper second at the
instant of ground contact; an equivalent figure for two-,
and four-engine airplanes was 0.3 r“adian per second,
Because of th”e location o,f the nose wheel Or the 1
tail wheel in the plane of symmet~”y” of the airplane, they
are not appreciably affected by rolling during landing.
Singl’e main-wheel impacts are often due, hOwever, to
rolling immediately prior to contact, and it appears
questionable whether the increase in energy ,due to roll-
ing can be neglected for landings o-f thie type.

Lateral veloaity, or side drift.- 3ecause the land- +-

ing tests were a eecondary investigation, as has been


NACA Technicai Note No. 863 -9

mentioned, the lack of necessary instruments and time re-

quired for side-load investigations, resulted in few data

being obtained on the subject of lateral velocity. Vith

two of the airplanes, a“ few landings were made in a cross

wind of 10 miles per hour. The pilot, exercising control
to maintain the airplane in a level attitude, slipped
into the wind and deoreased his lateral ground speed to ‘
a value of approximately 2 feet ,per second. For.these .
two airplanes, and also for a few other airplanes equipped
to record side loads but not purposely landed with side
drift , the lateral forces encountered were small and well
below present design values,

The determination of design conditions for a side-

f3rift landing, or the determination of iesign stale loads
themselves, appears to he a difficult problem. The proc-
ess of equipping an airplane to record side forces and
then attempting landings until.a design limit force is
decided upon is too hazardous and uncertain io be ‘feasi-
ble. Furthermore, the design limit force so.established
would be of minor value unless $t could ‘~e e~~elated
with lateral velocity and airplane direct$on. In fact,
lateral velocity and airplane direction, tihich establish
the side-drift landing conditions, are pro%ably more im-
portant than the f,orce because, if the conditions ”’cati”%e
. .. set, the forces may be determined more safely in a lab-
oratory. The lateral velocity couZd- he determined %Y
proper use of phototheo~olites, or by photographing the .

r ground from a oamera fixed beneath the airplane, but both

methods have operational difficulties, and flight inves-
tigations become hazardous as the lateral ve,locltY in- .
creases. It is quite possible that a reasonable limit
for lateral velocity could be %ased upon present expe-
. rience without further tests,


s Vertical loads, main and nose wheels.- The —ratio
the maximum vertical impact force on the landing gear
corded for each of the airplanes tested to the weight
the airplane as flown has been plotted against the verti-
cal velocity at contact in figure 2(a). (Symbols used on
the figures in this paper are defined in the appendix-)

NACA Technical Dot”e No. 863

Considerable scattering of the data is to be expec+ed

because, as has been previously mentioned, the maximum .
load resulting from ~ landing at a given: vertical velocity ..
is determined by the characteristics of’ the shock-absorb-
ing sye’tei.nemployed. This effect was evaluated roughly .t”-
by a comparison of the landing-gea? vertical load factors .
developed by the different airplanes for an assumed ver-
tical velocity of 6 feet per second, The load factors
were taken from the Ioad-factor-.vertical-vel OCfty curves
that were plotted for each airylane, and this approximate
“stiffness~f relationship: is given in-table 111. The ind-
ividual airplq~e~ of classes I and III conform to a fair
degree with the other airylanes in their classes, but the
airplanes of class II apparently have landing-gear systems
differing considerably in stiffness. Airplane 20, having
a load factor of 1, may be taken” as a basis for comparison.

The data plotted in figure 2(a) and “the information .

available in the pilots?,and observqrsl notes indicate
that a vertical load. factor of 4 -for thb landing-gear main
wheels.may be termed a s-evere landing, an,d that a vertical
load factor of 1 for the main wheels may be termed normal
for conventional landings with the airplanes tested. Be-
cause the lift of the airplane at the instant of ground
contact was approximately 0,8 Of- the ai”rplane weight, the
total vertical load factor for a conventional “la”nding with .
the airplanes tested was about 2. The fact that none of ,‘i
the large airplanes experienced a“ Iand,ing-gear load fac- .-
tor greater than 2. is to be expected beaause lower verti-
Cal velocities are frequent with ,~hese large airplanes.’
The larg~st .landing-gqar load factor foi a“ blind landing
Was attained with,.airp~ane. 2..9,but ih~ ~alue of 1~’33,
shown in figure 2(a), Vas undoubtedly. exceeded during the
tests becauee the vertical, vel”oci-%y for the landing shown
i.n figure 2(a) was about 8 feet per second while the maxi-
mum vertical velocity record’ed for airplane Z9 In a blind
landing was 13 feet per second (fig. 1).

The maximum vertical nose-wheel load encountered in

a three-point landing was greater than the maximum nose c.
load produced by main-wheel impact followed by pitching ‘
forward upon Abe’ nose unit. T,oo few ‘data were available, .
however, to indicate whether the type of “loadtqg.~g _@ .
three-point landing i-a more &eriou-s Ehafi”a ‘condition of .
nose-wheel-first impact. “that the passi%ility
Of a, nose-wheel-first blind landing should be considered.
In figure 2(a), the load factor of 1.06 four the nose r
wheel of airplane 16 was the result of a three-point land-
ing coml)ined with high negative pitching velocity.


NACA Techntcal Note No. 863 11

comparison of figures 1 and z(a) shows that the maxi-

mum vertical loaddid not ‘altiays occur in the landing of
the greatest vertical velocity. An incomplete explana-
tion of this fact is the effect of lateral attitude UPOD
the force developed. A survey of the test data indicated
that , for a. given vertical velocity at coti”tact, the normal
. acceleration recorded at the center of gravity of the air-
plane increased as the time interval %etween ground con-
tact of the two main wheels decreased, reaching a maximum -.—
under the condition of simultaneous contact of the wheels.

In order to investigate the distribution between the

two wheels of-the total vertical force developed in a def-
inite one-wheel landing, control-position recorders were
placed upon each landing etrut of airplane 14 and time”
histories cf the” ~ertical mction of the “wh”e”61srelative
to the fuselage were obtained. Several one-wheel land”ings,
during which the force on this wheel reached a maximum and
“started to deorease he-fore the other wheel made contact,
were recorded. An attempt was made to compare the verti-
cal forces resulting from these definite one-wheel impacts
with those resulting frcm exact two-point i.myacts. The
comparison indicated that the single-wheel .fo_rces de~el-
oped were approximately two-thirds ‘as great as the ‘s’um-of
the forces developed an %oth wheels under the condition
. of simultaneous ccntact. This result does n-et agree with
,*-. ; the conventional assumption that the sing~e-whe-el force
in a one-wheel landing is half of the total force in a
:,. laterally level landing of equal vertical veloci%y. An
explanation may he %ased in part Up On t“”heex~sien—c”~ ~- ..
. considerable rolling velocity at the ins’tant of-contact
in a majority of the one-wheel landings. The difficulty
of securing symmetrical two-point landings and definite
one-wheel landings limited the ava~la%”la- data for these

. Horizontal loads, main and nose wheels.- The ratio

of the maximum rearward force on the landing gear recorded
for eaoh airplane during a landing impact to the weight 0’? —
.# the airplane as flown has been plotted against vertical ,
velocity at contact in figure 2(b). T4e scattering of the
points is pronounced, as might be expected, %ecause in
. such a plot many factors involved in determining the r_ea.r-
ward ground reaction are neglected.
Although the maximum vertical and the ‘maxZmum rear-
ward forces frequently oocurred toget”her$ the’ number of
-. \ landings for which this type of loading did not occur .-.—

. —

1.2 NACA Technical Note No. 863

indicated that the assumption of simultaneously occurring

maximums for all designs would impose an unnecessarily
severe Loading consideration on some airplanes. Some un-
derstanding of the development of the friction force be- , ‘
tween the tires ani$ the ground, ‘and &specially the rela-
tionshi~ between this friction force and the verticaZ .
force, was considered desirable. The following analysis
iS an attempt to provide that understanding,

In order to discuss more clearly the relation that

exists between the normal and the horizontal decelerating
fGrces during the first impact, attention is directed to
a time history of these forces (fig. .3). E’or practically
all of the landings, “th,eincrease in the forces during
the time interval Atx was approximately uniform, as .
shown by straight lines AB and DE. @he data are not suf-
ficiently conclusive, however, to insure that the fric-
tion coefficient is exactly constant. (Data in reference
1 indic”ate that the coefficient of friction is almost in-
dependent of slippage until this slipp’age is ,redu”ced be-
low 10 percent, whereupon the coefficient rapidly ap-
proaches zero.) Apparently the wheels rotate and slide
during the period Atx, but at 1 the wheel peripheries
reach, a ‘veloc,ity equal”.to more’ than 90 percent of the air-
plane ground” speed, a“fter which the decelerating force be- d.
comes practically negligible. .
If’”it is assumed that the vertical load increases *
uniformly over the period Atz and that the coefficient
of fric$ion remains con”stant until the ??e.riPh.eral ~eloc-
ity of the wheel reaches the groum.d speed of the airplane
(at which time it drops to aiproxi,mately zero), the value
of the maximum decelerating Yorce for any one wheel maY
be found from the relation .—

‘ ..“)
where ,

‘h max maximum rearward horizontal force that acts on .

wheel , pounds
re effective rolling radius .of wheel under imps.c.,t i
loading, feet ,.

NACA Technical Note No. 863 -“13

Iw moment of inertia of wheel, slug-feet square

‘h ground. speed of ai~plane at time’of contact, feet

. per second

E’ maximum ‘vertical force on wheel, pounds .

. ‘max
!JJ coefficient .of friction

Atz time interval elapeing between first ground

contact of wheel and attainment of m&iimum .
vertical force on wheel, secon~s . —
I.t was decid’ed. to c~eck the validity of equation (1)
after a bl’ind landing with airplane 19 had resulted in a
rearward ground reaction exceeding the-we”ight of the air-
plane. Congeque~tly, the moment of inertia of one “6”?’-%he”
wheels of airplane 19 W~S measured ,by raising the wheel .
and attaching a cord to the tire tread, wrapping the cor~
several times around the wheel, and uging a fall_ing weight
to unwrap the cord and. thus rotate the wheel. The mofient
8 of inertia so determined was 12 slug-feet square. “The
actual weight of the wheel was found to he 276 pounds.
. !l?hevaluee of Fvmax, ‘h, and Atz were o%t-ained””frorn.
..- records of the landtng in question, and the quantities
and. v were assumed. Substitution of these values ‘ -.
. ‘e
in eauation (1) resulted in a maximum re&-rw”a~ horizontal
G force slightly greater than the weight .of the airp-lane.
These calculations, therefore, confirmed the measured
value of the rearward ground reaction and proved tha fun-
damental soundness of equation”. -

A further indication that the decelerating force in

a landing is strongly affected by wheel rotation is the
fact that this force is almost negligible during second
impacts, for which the wheels are already ‘rup-%o speea. s
The use of devices to cause wheelrotation 2rior to
ground contact would undoubtedly reduce the decelerating
, force considerably, there%y alleviating the serious prob-
lem of tire maintenance.

The value of the coefficient of friction w varied

during the teets from ?,2 to 1,.O,”the maximum value being
recorded for landings on dry caicrete. Although it iS
possible that the brakes may have been appliad_.prior to
contact in a fe”w cases,” such application was not i-nte”n-
tional because in a so-called lraked landing the pilot

14 NACA Technical Note No. 863

normally withholds application of the brakes pending the
results of the initial shock. The calculated values of
the coefficient of fri~tion ffir various landings indicated ●

that the magnitude of this coefficient was mainly a funo- .

tion of the character of the landing surface and was af-
fected only slightly, if a+ all, by the degree of wheel
rotation existing, provided that some sliding was still .
present. The seriousness of a landing made with brakes
e“et prior to ground contact lies not in the magnitude of
the friction coefficient to be expeoted (becauee coeffi-
cients just as large can be the result “of wheel inertia
in unbraked landings) but in the presenoe of a large fric- —
tion coefficient at the time of maximum vertical force.

Tall loads.- The vertical force acting upon the tail

wheel or skid oould be calculated only for those airplanes
whose moments of inertia about the lateral axis were’ known. “
This requirement confines the data on tail load to fiVe
airplanes, all falllng in class 11. Of these, three ex-
perienced a vertical tail load faotor of approximately
0.3, one a factor of 0.6, and on? a factor of 1.0. The
rearward forces upon the tail wheel were not measured but
were assumed equal to the productof the corresponding
vertical force and the coefficient of rolling friction. .
For swiveling tail wheels the lateral ground reaction maY
reasonably be assumed negligible. ,.
Lateral loadea- The instrument installation in the
majority of the airplanes tested did not provide for th,e +
measurement of-–accelerations parallel to the lateral axis.
This fact, together with the previously mentioned diffi-
culty of bbtainlng landings ~~$th appreciable lateral “
ground speed, l~mlted the data available. The maximum
landing-gear lateral load~ factor experienced in the firet
impact occurred in a one-wheel landing with airplane 1
and reached a value equal to one-half the airplane weight.
For the rest of the airplanes ”lnvestigated (all below
7000 lb in weight), the maximum landing-gear lateral
forces, which average approximately one-third the airplane .“
weight , occurred while taxying. 1—

As the lateral loads encountered in taxying were

greater than any observed during a landing, the possibil- .
ity that taxying may determine the desfg~ side load should .
be considered, especially where ground. looping may be en- ●

countered, Prom discussions with pilots .and observations *=

of many landings, it appeare that the present design -b:–

lTACA Technical Note No. 963 15

lateral loads are sufficient for ~he vast majority Of .i

landings and that almost all cases of landfqg-g~ar ?sfl-

✼ ure due to side loading are caused by ground looping. ““

whether or not an airplane should be designed to with-
stand a ground loop and what magnitude of ground looP
should be considered the d“esign ease are questions re-

quiring an answer, if the possibility of baeing design ———
side loads on this condition is to be considered.

‘laxying.- forces on the

Il?he vertical landing gear
during taxying were recorded for 13 ‘o: the “21 airP-’-aneE”-
tested.. The maximum landing-gear vertical load factors
for taxying and for landing impacts are comqared in fig-
ure 4. .Logari%hmic paper was useh for the Plot bEcaUse .—
of the large variation in airplane weight? Fgr,~~rplanee
of class I the.taxying lqads were of them,same or5er--07’–
— —- -. —
magnitude as the landing impact loads. For class IT ~h~
impact loads ‘were, with a single “exceptton, “ap.prec~ak~l ?“-l
greater than the taxying loads. For clase III the taxy-
ing loads were greater than the impact loads for normal -.
landing8, and taxying thus becomes ,a facto.r_of_COnsi!er-
able importance for ordinary opqratlon_s.?_.afrP~a~? ~ ‘f .
clase 111. “ “
Because the, taxying load is similar to the landing
. impact load in its dependence upon the sliock-a%sorbing
. cb.aracteristics of the landin~ gear, the desirability of
establishing some design condition that can ‘be applied -
1 to eatii airplane to represent application--~f the l~mf~ , _...
taxying load is evident. “The acceleration_produced by .-
application of the test condition woul~ “then be i.n;esti-
gated to see if it were an important design consideration.
One suggested procedure is the determination of an ‘teqUiv-
alent’f vertical velocity that would repreeent, in a droP
test, the imposition of the limit taxying load. The
taxying operation of the landing-gear system would have
to be considered in such a test. A simpler solution to
the problem might be to Use the taxying forcee to he ex- .
pscted as a minimum limit for deeign, and a study of fig-
. ure 4 would” suggest a load factor of 2 for all three afr-

plane classes.
. A description of the condition of the surface Of .—
the field ueed in the taxying runs would be more or less
relative, but no att”empts were made ‘“toroll ov.%r un- . .,
usually rough ground. The maximum rearward loads o“ccu~-~-—-–”—__ ._.,
ring during ground runs varied from 10 to 70 percent of —
the weight of the airplane, but in no case did these loads
16 NACA Technical Note No. 863

exoeed the maximum values obtained In landing impacte.

The lateral forces that occurred during taxying have al-
ready been disoussed.


1. ‘ A vertical velocity of 2 or 3 feet per seaond

and a landing-gear vertical load factor of 1 may be con-
sidered as normal for conventional landings with any of
the airplanes tested.

2. In conventional landings.the maximum vertical

velocity at contact ranged from 1.0 feet per-second for
the lighter airplanes to 5 feet per second for the heav-
ier airplanes; the maximum vertical load factor imposed
on the landing gear ranged from 4 for the lighter air-
planes to 1 for the heavier airplanes. .

3. In blind landings v~rtical velocities as high

as 13 feet per second were. o~tained. With two of the
heaviest airplanes landing-gear vertieal load factors of
about 2 were experienced in the blind landings.

4. In the. design of the landing gear the shock- *

absorbing equipment and its supporting structure should .
be considered as a unit to be subjeoted to specified
landing conditions, Thie procedure is preferable to the
conventional method of designing the structure for a
specified load factor.

Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory,

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,
Langley Field’, Vs., Apr$,l 15, 1942.


NACA Technical Note No. 863 -17




Syrlb 01 s

The significance of the symbols used in the calcu-

lation of the ground
— reactions i-e as follows:
. .. . - -. -.
w weight of airplane as flown
-..— —.
az component of recorded acceleration at cente$
g of g“rayity that is -perpendicular to ground-
(positive upward) .

oomponent of recorded acceleration at center
~ of gravity that is parallel to ground (pOsi-
tive rearward)

ar resultant acceleration
~ )J . ..- .
. Zero subscripts are employed to indicate the ac-
celerations at the instant of the first ground oontact.
. to instant of first ground contact
1 At~ time interval elapsing between first ground con-
tact atid attainment of maximum verti6”aI ac-
celeration (also referred to as !~equivalent
quarter-period” of impact)
&tx t’ime interval elapsing between first ground con-
tact a’nd attainment of maximum horizontal ac-

F tOtal vertical component of ground reaction

‘g during interval Atz “-(positive upward)
. .

F total rearward component of ground ~eaction

‘~ during interval Atz (positive r@artiard-)

1?WIJ$ UT3 and Tnv vertical forces on main wheels,
tail wheel, and nose wheel, respectively
(positive upward). Note that Fwv is sum,
of’ main-wheel forces
18 VACA Technical Note No. 863

~wh I ~thl ~ and ‘n h horizontal forces on main wheels,

tail wheel, and nose wheel, respectively
(positive rearward)

Xw , Xn s and xt hori~ontal distance from oenter of

gravity to main wheels, nose wheel, and tail
wheel, respectively ~

z distance of center of gravity above ground

dq/dt pitching acceleration, positive for nose up

dp/dt rolling acceleration, positive for right wing


moment of inertia of airplane about its lateral


The application Qf the symbols relating to linear

acceleratio~ is illustrated in figure 3, which shows
typical time histories of the vertical and horizontal ac-
celerations experienced in the-firet and second landing
impacts of ~ Severe unbraked landing of a large Army .
Derivation of Equations
In the $eductlon of the instrument data, certain as-
sumptions were necessary for the calculation of the ground
reaotions occurring during the principal landing impacts.
In all cases it was assumed that the airplane reacted as
a rigid body a’nd that the accelerations recorded by an
instrument mounted at the center of gravity were those of
the structure as a whole. The validity of this assumption
is conditioned to some extent by the experience of the 01)-
server and hie judgment in the interpretation of the in-
strument records. The structural rigidity of the airplanes .
tested was such that a ~atisfaatory interpretation of the ,
records was yossible in all hut a few of the tests. It
was also assumed that the aerodynamic forces on the airp-
lane do not change appreciably during the small time
interval elapstng between the occurrence of the first
ground contact -and the attainment of the maximum vertical
acceleration, ,, #
On the basis of this last assumption, for all impacts:
. .

NACA Technical Hote No, 863 19

3’ = (azg - azgo)w “(2)


F= = (ax - ax )W (2a)
g g go

In a, one-point impact (tail-first landing, nose-

first landing, or , single main-wheel landing)

Ftv, Fnv, or Fwv = ‘Z (3)


‘thI Fnht Or Fwh = ~xg” (3a)

For the purposes of this report, landing impaots are

classed as one-point if the vertical force on the single
wheel or skid involved reaches a maximum value before any
other point of the airplane touches the ground. In the
case of a landing with simultaneous ground contact OY the
main wheels, the vertical and horizontal “loade as given
a. by equations (3) and (3a) must be divided equally between
the two wheels. For landings falling be$ween one point
and simultaneous, impact of the main wheels, equaf~ofi-” (3)
and (3a) will give the totale of the horizontal and ver-
tical forces acting without any indication of their dis-
tribution. For these nonsymmetrical main-wheel landings,
the distribution of the forces between the two wheels may
be found if the angular rolling acceleration and the mo-
ment of inertia of the airplane about the X axis are
known. In the present investigation, angular rolling
velocities were measured in only a few cases, ana there--
fore very few data are yresented concerning the distrihu-
tion of forces in such landings. ,

. In three-point impacts, only the sums of the forces .—

on the three wheels may be found. unless the moments of
inertia of the airplane are known. If the moment of
inertia in pitch is known, the equation for conventional
landing gear may he written:

20 NACA Technical Note No, 863

F x~ + ~xg .i
+ f dq
Fwv = - ‘g (4)
+x , .
‘w t .

In this
equation it is assumed that the rotational ,
moment of of the tail wheel is so small that the
horizontal component of the tail-wheel load Is negligible.
The vertioql force on the tail is given by

Yt = Fz - Fwv (5)
P g

For tricycle landing gear in three-point impacts,

Fz Xn- Fx z - Iy,~
F= (6)
Wv Xw + Xn -.

F = Ez - rwv (7)
% ~’

It has been suggested that one critical type of A-

“loading of the nose wheel of an airplane equipped with

trioycle landing gear” occurs in a nose-high, fully braked
landing, in which high rotational velocities are built Up C
about the main wheels. If it is assumed, in a manner
similar to that already explained in connection with main-
wheel impacts, that the aerodynamic and main-wheel forces
on the airplane do not change appreciably during the time
interval between nose-wheel contact and attainment of max-
imum force on this wheel, it followe that the changes in
the vertical, the horizontal, and the angular Ditching ●

accelerations are caused by the nose-wheel loads; and It

is possible, by equating the moments about the main
wheels, to write for the vertical force on the nos”e wheel
AF Xw+AFx ’z+IyA~
‘g g’
7?= (8)
~v ‘n +Xw,

The calculation of the distribution of the horizon-

tal foroe in three-point impacts with tricycle landing
gear is complicated by the fact that the rotational

NACA Technical Note No. 863 21

moment of inertia of the nose wheel is considerable and,

. ic fact, for some designs is equal to that of the rear .
wheels. Experience has shown that l=rge horizontal forces
are developed during the initial in unbraked lafid-
ings in bringing the peripheral velocity of the wheels up
to the ground speed of the airplane, since the wheels con-
tinue to slide until this speed is attained. Airplane 6
Wa% equipped with tricycle landing gear having three
wheels of equal size, and in this case the horizontal
forces on the main-wheel and nose-wheel units were calcu-
lated by assuming the distribution of the horizontal
forces to te in the same ratio as that of the vertical

Records of the taxying loads experienced at low syeed

over rough ground were secured for a number of airplanes.
In such cases the aerodynamic lift was estimated andtthe
air-load factor subtracted from the vertical acceleration
to obtain the vertioal ground reaction.


1. Moyer , R. A,i Skidding Characteristics of Automobile

Tires on Roadway Surfaces and Their Relation to
Highway “Safety. Iowa Eng. Exp, Station Bull. 120,
vol. 33, no. 10, Iowa State College, Aug. 8, 1934,
p. 58,


IAOA ‘Seo3nioal 22


J+ ..
aii g

Num- Airplane Number Vertl- Eorl Re- Attl- Normal Longl-
b~r cal zmntal corded tude accel- tucllnal
● la%- veloc- veloo- air- of erationaccel-
illgs lty Lty speed thrust eration

Piper Cub J3L-50 15


: Tayloror%ftBC-6
3 Aeronoa 65-C ::
4 B%llanoa 14-9
5 Stinson 105 z
6 ~nd Y-1 25
7 Boeing P-26A 16 x
Boeing YP-29A 30 x
: NorthAmerican 20 x
10 Curtlss 12 x
11 ConsolMated 18 x
12 Chenoe-Vought 11

13 1Cu%%%36A
✎ lZ x x x
14 Chanoe-Vought 45
15 Northrop A-17A 22 x
✎ 16 Douglas Dolphln 18 x
17 Lockheed 14-H 6

18 Douglas DC-3 x
19 Douglas B-18 : x
2Douglas B-18A 111 x
20 ~~:$ :3-:
4: x
21 Boeing B-15 14

3Service land-

NACA Technical Note No. 863



Numb er Vertical landing-gear

in text Airplane load factor for verti-
cal velocity of 6 ft/sec

1 Piper Cub J3L-50 2.0

2 Taylorcraft 3C-65 2.5
3 .bronca 65-C 2.0
4 Bellanca 14-9 2.2
5 Stinson 105 2.3
6 Hammond Y-1 1.3
7 Boeing P-26A 2.6
8 Boeing YP-29A 3.0
9 North American BT-9A 2.1
10 Curtisfj XIT13C-3 1.5 —
11 Consolidated PB-2 2.-7
12 Chance-Vought, XSB3U-1 1.1
13 Curtiss P-36A 1.5
14 Chance-Vought SB2U-2 1.9
. .
15 Northrop A-17A 2.2 ‘ “
16 Douglas Dolphin OA-4A 1.9
17 Lookheed. 14-H ---
18 Douglas DC-3 ---
19 Douglas B-18 1.2
2a Boeing B-17 1.0
21 Boeing B.-15 1.3

.“ .— .-
YAOA Toobniod lfOtO MO. 863 rigs. l,a

12 +2()

f ~ 05 ~;‘%,+ ‘\ 0 Convenfkqo/ Ion ding”
+ Blho’ fmdmg
~ %9

* a6 0/6

r 0/. .7 ,.f9
Hu . ,=

=! 0/2

2 0,7

0 5 /0 15 20 25 90 35 40 exfo~
Airpfom weigh+as flown, lb ----
Figure1.- Muimm vertiod velocities experlenod by airpl=ee during lsmdingtests.

. .—

—. -..
. NACA Technical Mote Ho. 863 Flga. 3,4


J ---

Ttme,sec “/ .-=:
Figure 3.- Linearacceleration
In a typicallanding.

o Conveniio@ landing
+ Blind.landing
X ToxyIn9

+ 2021
f5 x 20

of7 0 20

8 10 20 30 40XD:

Figure 4.- Compuison of maximumvertloal foroesdue to landingImpaotand taxying

for 13 @rplsnese

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