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MA1 Ethics Reviewer 1

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1. Mr.

A, the learning area chair of Philosophy Area, checked and evaluated the midterm
question prepared by his teachers if they are consistent with the institutional educational
● Philosophy of Education
2. This kind of inquiry refers to the sound judgement based on a simple perception of the
situation or facts.
● Common Sense
3. Parmenides, an ancient philosopher, argued that change is illusion in contrast to the claim of
Heraclitus that everything is in constant flux.
● Metaphysics
4. Which of the following does not belong to the classification of philosophy according to period
● Continental Philosophy
5. Karlitos and Zian argued whether or not petite girls are really sexy. What branch of
Philosophy does the statements properly belong?
● Axiology
6. In this philosophy, investigations may include inquiry into the nature of meaning, intentionality,
reference, the constitutions of sentences, concepts, learning and thought.
● Philosophy of Language
7. All Pigs are mammals All mammals are warm blooded Therefore, all pigs are warm blooded
● Logic
8. Only human beings are capable of philosophizing
● True
9. On the issue whether or not there are violations of the law, Congressman T argued that the
franchise of ABS-CBN should be renewed because many people will lose their job if it will not
be renewed. Hence, it is morally justifiable to vote in favor of the franchise
● Ethics
10. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, natural law refers to a set of manufacturer’ directions
written into our nature so that we can discover through reason how we ought to act. Hence,
human law must conform to natural law
● Philosophy of Law
11. In existential philosophy, school is an institution where human life is discussed and teachers
may vary in their methods.
● Philosophy of Education
12. Ardentia believed that beauty is relative and culturally defined
● Axiology
13. Deduction refers to the reasoning that begins with general idea and concludes on a specific
idea while induction refers to reasoning that begins with a specific idea and concludes with a
general idea
● Logic
14. Which of the following is Applied Philosophy?
● Normative Ethics
15. The following are philosophies according to region except
● Ancient Philosophy
16. In interpreting a text, Martin Heidegger claimed that one’s biases and presuppositions can
be employed as the starting point in understanding - Hermeneutics
17. In analyzing the meaning of a text, Schlelermacher proposed that author’s background
including his culture and language should be considered.
● Philosophy of Interpretation
18. Philosophy is both an activity and a way to understand the world and its meaning
● True
19. This kind of inquiry goes beyond the scientific inquiry. It is the one that inquires the
coherence quality, sense of human life itself as a comprehensive reality
● Philosophical Inquiry
20. Being a branch of Philosophy, it is proper to say that Ethics must be studied first to
understand Philosophy - False
21. According to this Philosopher, wonder is the feeling of Philosopher, and Philosophy begins
in wonder - Plato
22. The following are examples of limit situations except
● Love
23. In the context of philosophizing, inquiry is human being’s effort to integrate, to bring harmony
to the tension in human existence
● True
24. This philosopher believed that Philosophy is to be studied not for the sake of any definite
answers to it questions but for the sake of questions themselves
● Bertrand Russell
25. An ancient philosopher believed that happiness is the ultimate aim of human existence. As
such, our actions and decisions are geared towards achieving happiness
● Ethics
26. According to Wittgenstein, the activity of speaking of language is like the activity of playing a
game. They are governed by rules that are conventional and public. Like the rules of the games
that we play, the rules of language are just instituted by humans
- Philosophy of Language
27. A politician said that Philippine legal system is better than American legal system
● Philosophy of Law
28. Juana made a reading of Philippine literature and questioned their authenticity using
different methods of interpretation.
● Hermeneutics
29. Locke's philosophy was an attempt to understand the operations of human understanding,
Kant’s philosophy was an attempt to understand the conditions of the possibility of human
understanding and Russel’s philosophy was an attempt to understand how modern science
could be justified by appeal to sensory experience. -
● Epistemology
30. Karlitos and Zian argued that BIg Bang Theory is better than creationism
● Philosophy of Science
31. In understanding the cause of things a philosophical view explains that God is the first
cause. He is the Uncaused cause
● Metaphysics
32. “No more exams!” The real test of learning is not objective exams and evaluations. Rather, it
is student’s ability to apply and relate in real life the concepts studied in the classroom
● Philosophy of Education
33. Kulas used the philosophy of Georg Gadamer in providing as interpretation to his teacher’s
assigned reading
● Hermeneutics
34. Kalista argued that nude painting is just a form of art
● Axiology
35. Positivists School of thought claimed that laws are made and not found but Karl von Savigny
believed that laws are not made but found
● Philosophy of Law
36. Gottlob Frege’s Theory of meaning claims that the meaning of the word solely consists of its
reference or the objects it refers to
● Philosophy of Language
37. In an idealist philosophy, a teacher is someone who should be philosophically oriented,
someone who assists the students to critical thinking
● Philosophy of Education
38. Under the coherentist approach, a theory is validated if it makes sense of observations as
part of a coherent whole. This became prominent due to W.V Quine
● Philosophy of Science
39. According to one analyst, NBA valued profits over health and safety when it decided to
resume the games despite the threat to health and safety
● Axiology
40. Hedonist Philosophy believes that pleasure is the norm of morality
● Ethics
41. According to David Hume, moral distinctions are not derived form reason while Kant’s
Philosophy says duties and obligations may become a norm of right and wrong
● Axiology
42. John Locke argued that knowledge comes from experience while Rene Descartes argued
that knowledge comes from innate ideas
● Epistemology
43. It is impossible to attain knowledge - Epistemology
44. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, a tyrannical law, though not being according to reason, is
not a law, absolutely speaking, but rather a perversion of law (Arthur and Shaw: 1993; p. 72)
● Philosophy of Law
45. The following are philosophies according to topic except?
● Indian Philosophy
● Philosophy of Religion
● Philosophy of Education
● Philosophy of Mathematics

47. Which of the following is a philosophy according to period

● Modern Philosophy
48. This kind of inquiry refers to the careful investigation into some aspect of the natural world
whereby quantifiable relationships may be propounded
● Scientific Inquiry
49. The swans that I observed are white. Hence, all swans are white , Even the premise in this
argument is true, the conclusion can only be probably true
● Logic
50. Considering her strong adherence to Catholic principles, Mayor B did not approve the
contract which is contrary to law despite the possibility of losing
● Axiology
51. Juan purchased cheaper clothes than the one which has a check on it logo
- Axiology
52. What are the two major divisions of Philosophies
● Eastern Philosophy
● Western Philosophy
53. The following are characteristics of Philosophy except
● It is concerned with assumptions upon which a field of inquiry is based
● It is a subject of study (pili na lang kayo sa dalwa)
● It is an attitude, an approach
● It is sustained inquiry
54. There is fallacy of false cause when one says: Einstein became a great physicist because
his parents and his teachers left him alone to dream. Had they badgered him to study, he never
would have beyond the Swiss patent office.
● Logic
55. According to thomas kuhn “paradigm” -
● Philosophy of Science
56. According to Karl Jaspers, these are inescapable realities that we can only acknowledge but
could not change
- Limit Situations
57. All questions seek for philosophical answers - False
58. According to this philosopher, when man is confronted with mystery or something whose
causes are still unknown he wonders why - Socrates
59. According to Emmanuel Dy, the following are sources pf philosophical except - Wander
60. Ethics is a philosophical branch about right and wrong. It is not only about providing norms
or standards for right and wrong but also making sense and giving meaning to them
● Both statements are true
61. All philosophers are thinkers while all thinkers are philosophers
● False
62. Philosophy, etymology means love of wisdom, focuses on knowledge. It primarily aims to
acquire knowledge, giving more importance to knowing over learning - False

The following are philosophies according to topic except

● Platonism
● Philosophy of education
● Philosophy of science
● Aesthetics

The following are considered traditional branches of Philosophy except

● Epistemology
● Logic
● Axiology
● Metaphysics
● Hermeneutics

The following are applied ethics except

● Environmental Ethics
● Computer Ethics
● Normative Ethics
● Bioethics

For Forss, why is philosophy significant in one's future profession?

d.) not any of a, b, and c;
a.) it helps us to identify different ways of thinking about our future profession;
f.) a, b, and c.
b.) it helps us identify different approaches to the practices of our future profession;
c.) it helps to rationalize the ways of thinking and approaches in our future profession;
e.) a and b only

According to Scruton, philosophy is important because:

● it is a natural extension of interest in truth

When philosophical views consistently address a cluster of philosophical issues, they are
usually referred to as:
● Philosophical Systems

Philosophy is regarded as the queen of sciences. From this statement, it is not proper to infer
● Philosophy is supreme over all disciplines.

Argument is defined as a piece of reasoning expressed in words.

● Logic

It is proper to infer that there is philosophy because of people's desire to explain and understand
the world.
● True

It is impossible to attain genuine knowledge

● Epistemology
According to Thomas Kuhn, "paradigm" designates what the members of a certain scientific
community have in common, that is to say, the whole of techniques, patents and values shared
by the members of the community.
● Philosophy of Language
● Philosophy of Interpretation
● Philosophy of Science
● Philosophy of Education

A philosopher claims that virtues are habits and that the good life is a life of mindless routine
- Metaphysics
- Epistemology
- Logic
- Axiology

This philosopher believed that Philosophy is to be studies not for the sake of any definite
answers to its questions but for the sake of questions themselves
● Bertrand Russel

The professor clarified the contextual use of words “normal” and “natural” stating that not all
normal are natural and not all natural are normal.
What branch of Philosopy does the statement properly belong?
● Philosophy of Language

Which of the following is included in the major divisions of philosophy?

● Western Philosophy

Philosophy etymologically means love of wisdom. From this, which of the following is not a
proper inference?
● A.) Philosophy is merely about acquiring facts, information, and knowledge about
the world

According to Socrates, to know the good is to do the good while humanistic philosophy says
that good is a reverence
What branch of Philosophy does the statement properly belong?
● Axiology

When philosophy started at around 600 B.C.E, it was not only a matter of seeing or believing,
but of thinking, and philosophy meant thinking about the basic questions with an attitude of
genuine and free inquiry. The statement is:
● True, because philosophy began because of early Greeks attempt to explain some
of the basic questions about the world.
Upon seeing that he got the lowest grade in their project, Juan complained and asked his
teacher about it. His teacher explained to him that he got the lowest score from the peer
evaluation because he did almost nothing in their project.
Which philosophical view on distributive justice was employed by Juan’s groupmates in their
peer evaluation?
● Capitalist Justice, because the score of Juan is proportionate to his contribution
in the group’s output.

For egalitarian philosophy on justice, it is not whether a distribution is just. Rather, it si whether
distribution is morally good according to its own standard of morality.
● The statement is false because Egalitarianism concerns with justice based on
equal share of the distribution.

Which of the following is not correct in Rawls’ philosophy of Justice as Fairness?

● Veil of ignorance is not being aware or being ignorant of what justice is.

During the community lockdown, local government of Lipa distributed food packs among all the
households. Everyone received food packs regardless of their status. In view of distributive
justice philosophy, what is the basis of food pack distribution?
● Capitalist Justice
● Socialist Justice
● Libertarianism
● Egalitarianism

The vaccination campaign against COVID-19 prioritizes A1 (Frontliners), A2 (Senior Citizens)

and A3 (Persons with Comorbidity) categories to receive vaccine. What philosophy best justifies
the basis of vaccination campaign?
● Socialist Justice

In Existential Philosophy, learning of students should focus on freedom of choice, meaning, and
● Philosophy of Education

Last March-May 2020, the entire country was placed under ECQ. "Ayuda" became a famous
word once again during that time. However, not all Filipinos were entitled or given such financial
assistance. The distribution of ayuda and other socio-economic goods were meant for the
benefit of the least advantaged members of the society and greatly affected financially due to
the pandemic. A group of people argued that every citizen must receive ayuda regardless of
their status.
Which philosophical view about distributive justice may properly be applied in their argument?
● Egalitarianism, because every citizen is equal in terms of their possession of
human rights and ought to be equal too in possession of legal rights.
Since Agnes is the only social worker present in the office, Agnes ought to finish the case study
to attend to the client's needs. In view of distributive justice philosophy, what did Agnes fulfill in
accomplishing the case study?
● Duty

Agnes is permitted by her Boss to pursue her Master's Degree in Social Works to allow herself
career growth. Agnes pursuing her studies is a manifestation of her ___
● Right

It refers to love, one’s care, concern, and kindness to others, which is unconditional
● Christian love

This ethical theory considers good all that serves life and evil all that serves death. It abhors
vices like too much alcoholism, smoking, and drug abuse
● Humanistic Ethics

A mother gave birth to a baby with severe deformities, she opted for multiple operations. His
friend considered her act as immortal because it goes against the course of nature. What ethical
theory did her friend apply in giving her judgment?
● Natural law ethics

Deontology is also known as Duty Ethics while Pragmatism is also known as

● Experimentalism

Antonina and Antonino argued wheter classes should resume despite the pandemic….
● Pragmatism

Which should not be part of the group?

Culture, Historic Period, Desire, Group of people
● Desire

Under natural law ethics, why is abortion not morally justifiable?

● Abortion is not morally justifiable under natural law because we are naturally
inclined to propagate our species which is viewed as a natural good

Which should not be part of the group?

Control, Patience, Epicureanism, Stoicism
● Epicureanism

In understanding the cause of things, a philosophical view explains that God is the First cause.
He is the Uncaused cause.
What brand of Philosophy does the statement properly belong?
● Axiology
● Metaphysics
In the short video Ethics by BrainPop in Module 2, it was stated that human beings have selfish
urges, which could have resulted to total breakdown in the society. From the short clip, which of
the following is wrong:
● D) all of the choices
● Both A and C
● C.) Ethics and justice are closely related
● Both B and C
● B.) Ethics is a set guidelines for behaving morally
● A.) Morality is our sense of right and wrong
● Both A and B
● E.) None of the choices

People philosophize because there is tension in human existence that calls for inquiry,
questioning, and/or search for meaning. Philosophizing also means searching for meaning
about human existence.
● True

Which of the following statements is not correct

● Metaphysics, Logic, Epistemology, and Ethics are the traditional branches of

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