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ICOMSE 2021 - RULES AND SCHEDULE - 02082021 (Updated)

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5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021

Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145

Phone: 0341-551312 Website:


1. All presenters, moderators, and operators should rename their Zoom ID according to
the breakout room code.
R17_8_Hendra Setiawan à Presenter [Room_Order of presentation_Name]
R3_Moderator_Mohammad Ahsan à Moderator [Room_Moderator_Name]
R6_Operator_Kevin Sanjaya → Operator [Room_Operator_Name]
2. Participants must dress modestly and behave politely when the session is held.
3. Participants are strongly reminded to mute the microphone during the session.
4. Keynote speakers are given 60 minutes (40 minutes of presentation - 20 minutes of
5. All participants may ask questions by typing “ASK” in the chat room, then writing down
their name, institution, and the questions briefly (example:
ASK_name_institution_question). The moderator will deliver several incoming
questions to the presenter due to limited discussion time.
6. Participants must attend two plenary sessions and a parallel session as a requirement
to get the certificate.
7. Participants must also fill in the attendance list via the link provided in the chat room
during plenary and parallel sessions.
8. We would also like to give you a kind reminder about the submission of the full paper.
Please do submit it via the link provided in the chat room during the conference by
August 5th, 2021.
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

1. All presenters, moderators, and operators should rename Zoom ID:

R17_8_Hendra Setiawan à Presenter [Room_Order of presentation_Name]
R3_Moderator_Mohammad Ahsan à Moderator [Room_Moderator_Name]
R6_Operator_Kevin Sanjaya → Operator [Room_Operator_Name]
2. Participants must dress modestly and behave politely when the session is held.
3. Participants are expected to mute the microphone during the session.
4. Participants are expected to turn on the video during the session.
5. Invited speakers are given 30 minutes (20 minutes of presentation - 10 minutes of QnA)
while the presenters are given 10 minutes each (7 minutes of presentation - 3 minutes
of QnA).
6. The operator will remind the moderator about the time limit on chat room. (two
reminders: 1. One minute left and 2. Time is up)
7. All participants are allowed to ask questions by: click the raise hand button, wait for the
moderator to let the participant unmute the microphone, then continue by mentioning
name, institution and the question.
8. If there is any trouble caused by a bad signal or an internet failure during presentation,
the moderator will move to the next presenters and let the previous presenter continue
their presentation after all participants done.
9. All power point is backed up by the operator to help presenters if there is any trouble or
internet failure.
10. Participants are required to fill in the attendance list link in the chat room.
11. Participants who do not fill in the attendance list during the plenary and parallel
sessions, will NOT get a certificate.
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Link Zoom:
Meeting ID: 916 2262 4223
Passcode: 698268


Tuesday, August 3rd 2021

Time Programs PIC
Agung Mulyo Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Si.,
07.00 – 07.45 Registration Hanumi Oktiyani Rusdi, S.Pd., M.Si.
Meyga Evi Ferama Sari, S.Si., M.Si.
Nova Ariani, S.Pd., M.Ed.
Opening Ceremony by MC
07.45 – 08.00 Endang Ciptawati, S.Si., M.Si.
Meyga Evi Ferama Sari, S.Si., M.Si.
08.00 – 08.10 Opening Prayer Dr. Ridwan Joharmawan, M.Si.
08.10 – 08.20 Indonesian National Anthem Erti Hamimi, S.Pd., M.Sc.
08.20 – 08.30 Welcoming Speech by Chairman of ICoMSE Habiddin, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D.
08.30 – 08.40 Welcoming Speech by Dean of the Faculty of Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si.
Mathematics and Sciences
08.40 – 09.40 Keynote Speaker I: Moderator:
Prof. Vicente A Talanquer, Ph.D. Dr. Suharti, S.Si., M.Si.
(University of Arizona, USA)
09.40 – 10.40 Keynote Speaker II: Moderator:
Dr. Igusti Darmawan, M.Sc. Khusaini, S.Pd., M.Ed.
(Adelaide University, Australia)
10.40 – 11.40 Keynote Speaker III: Moderator:
Dr. Marianne Achiam, M.Sc. Dr. Eli Hendrik Sanjaya, S.Si., M.Si.
(University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
11.40 – 13.00 Break MC
13.00 – 16.00 Parallel Sessions (Room 1- 9) Operators & Parallel Moderators
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Wednesday, August 4th 2021

Time Programs PIC
Agung Mulyo Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Si.,
07.45-08.00 Registration Hanumi Oktiyani Rusdi, S.Pd., M.Si.
Meyga Evi Ferama Sari, S.Si., M.Si.
08.00 – 09.00 Keynote Speaker IV: Moderator:
Dr. Sentot Kusairi, S.Pd., M.Si. Dr. Sumari, M.Si.
(Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia)
09.30 – 10.30 Keynote Speaker V: Moderator:
Prof. Zaidatun binti Tasir Dr. rer.nat. Safwatun Nida, S.Si., M.Pd.
(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
10.30 – 11.30 Keynote Speaker VI: Moderator:
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sözbilir Prof. Dra. Sri Rahayu, M.Ed., Ph.D.
(Atatürk University, Turkey)
11.30 – 12.00 Closing Speech by Dean Faculty of Mathematics Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si.
and Sciences
12.00 – 13.00 Break MC
13.00 – 16.00 Parallel Sessions (Room 10 - 18) Operators & Parallel Moderators
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Tuesday, August 3rd 2021

Moderator : Deny Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Operator : Azmy Afif Albahy

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Implementation of Augmented Reality Technology-
Invited Dr. Ferli Septi Irwansyah
1 12.50-13.30 based Learning Media in Molecular Hybridization
Speaker (UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung)
Flipbook Based on Problem-based Learning : Design and Eni K. Yomaki, Insar Damopolii, and Jan H.
2 13.30-13.40 BE-017001
Implemnetation to Bolster Student Critical Thinking Skills Nunaki
An Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills of Rural Student in Trika Nurul Iftiah, Insar Damopolii, and Silvia H.
3 13.40-13.50 BE-018002
Online Learning during Pandemic Era K. Sirait

Developing Academic Calendar of SMA Negeri 2 Malang

Firdha Ilman Nafi’a, Mimien Henie Irawati Al
4 13.50-14.00 BE-026003 for the Academic Year 2020/2021 Containing
Muhdhar, and Ruchimah Achmad
Environmental Literacy

Developing Poster Containing Environmental Literacy at Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar, Akmadanti
5 14.00-14.10 BE-027004
SMAN 2 Malang Elhanda F., and Ruchimah Achmad
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
The Relationship between Problem Solving Skills and
Melia Dita Silviana Putri, Mimien Henie Irawati
6 14.10-14.20 BE-034005 Environmental Literacy of Students at SMA Negeri 1
Al Muhdhar, Suradi, Idayati, Sri Utami
Understanding Content To Support Critical Thinking In
7 14.20-14.30 BE-037006 Avia Riza Dw Kurnia
Biological Education Research Methodology Courses

Application of the Li-Pro-GP learning model to improve Yuni Pantiwati, Fendy Hardian Permana, Tasya
8 14.30-14.40 BE-041007
students’ conceptual understanding and creativity Novian Indah Sari, and Endrik Nurrohman

Improving Critical Thinking Skill and Student Cognitive

Nurul Ahillah, Abdul Gofur, and Sri Rahayu
9 14.40-14.50 BE-050008 Learning Outcome Through Problem-Based Learning E-
Module Development
The Mistakes in Concept, Principles, and Writing Scientific
10 14.50-15.00 BE-060009 Sunarmi and Dwi Arianita Wulan Sari
Name on Biology Textbooks of Angiosperm

The Effect of Online RICOSRE on Tenth Graders’ Problem Prianka Delvina Putri, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti
11 15.00-15.10 BE-065010
Solving Skills at SMAN 3 Malang Zubaidah, Deny Setiawan

The Impact of Online Platform-Based RICOSRE on

Zemira Shine Galingging, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti
12 15.10-15.20 BE-067011 Eleventh Graders’ Scientific Reasoning Skills in Movement
Zubaidah, Deny Setiawan,
System and Circulatory System at SMAN 1 Singosari

Enhancing Students’ Decision-Making Skills through Fahrul Ghani Muhaimin, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti
13 15.20-15.30 BE-068012
Online Platform-Based RICOSRE Zubaidah, Deny Setiawan

The Effectiveness of Online Platform-Based RICOSRE in Mahdiyani Nur Fadhilah, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti
14 15.30-15.40 BE-069013
Improving Information Literacy Skills Zubaidah, Deny Setiawan,
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Yunita Rakhmawati, S.Gz., M.Kes.
Operator : Hikmah Fatimah

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Invited Analysis of Eleventh Graders' Scientific Literacy on Dr. Muntholib, M.Si.
1 12.50-13.30
Speaker Buffer (Universitas Negeri Malang)
The Effect of RICOSRE via Online Platform on Tenth-
Izjaachwatul Diah, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti
2 13.30-13.40 BE-070014 Graders’ Analytical Thinking Skills in Classification of
Zubaidah, Deny Setiawan
Living Things
Implementation of PBL (Problem-based Learning) to
3 13.40-13.50 BE-072015 Improve Interdisciplinary Thinking Skills and Biology Firnindia Putri, and Hadi Suwono
Learning Outcomes

Potentials of PBL to Fostering Student’s Critical Thinking Iqbal Bilgrami Biruni, Aninda Yulianti Rahmana,
4 13.50-14.00 BE-073016
and Scientific Literacy in Boarding School Astri Yulianti, Yoga Tribakti Rachmad

Online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari, Herawati Susilo,
Relationship of online learning application using the
5 14.00-14.10 BE-081017 Ibrohim, Devi Alvionita, Lia Astuti, Siti Marirotuz
problem-based learning model based on lesson study and
Zahro’, Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat
student collaboration skills

Analysis of Laboratory Facilities, Interests, and Problems Abdul Rasyid Fakhrun Gani, Nicky Nur Fitri
6 14.10-14.20 BE-082018 of Student’s Online Practices In Science Learning For Ariani , Andi Basliahwanti Murti, Devi Alvionita,
Junior High School Putri Windartianto, Rezky Aulianur Syahbana
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Mimien Henie Irawati Al-Muhdhar, Fikri Syahir

Developing an e-UKBM by Integrating Environmental
7 14.20-14.30 BE-091019 Robi, Racy Rizky Abdillah, and Ruchimah
Literacy and Discovery Learning

The Implementation of STEAM Based Design Thinking

8 14.30-14.40 BE-097020 Learning to Improve Students Critical Thinking Skills and Aulia Renais Ariesta, Hadi Suwono
Learning Outcomes
Evrialiani Rosba, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati
Student Creativity through Online Learning with Digital
9 14.40-14.50 BE-098021 Mahanal,
Mind Map-Assisted Group Investigation
Asham Bin Jamaluddin

Correlation between Argumentation Skills, Collaboration Fiqih Zahra, Husna Nur Wanah, Siti Zubaidah,
10 14.50-15.00 BE-100022
Skills and Biology Learning Outcomes in High School Susriyati Mahanal, and Fitri Arsih

The Correlation between Gadget Ownership Status,

Types of Internet Access, and Gender in the Online Sunarmi, Dwi Arianita Wulan Sari, Ahmad Kamal
11 15.00-15.10 BE-102023
Learning Process of High School Students in Malang Sudrajat
How Can The Relationship Between Scientific Literacy
Skills and Communication Skills Enhance Students' Ferry Irawan, Rabiatul Adawiyah, Siti Zubaidah,
12 15.10-15.20 BE-104024
Creative Thinking Skills Through The Remap-Stad Fitri Arsih
Learning Model?
Critical Thinking, Communication Skills and Biology Husna Nur Wanah, Fiqih Zahra, Siti Zubaidah,
13 15.20-15.30 BE-105025
Learning Outcomes: Are They Correlated? and Fitri Arsih

The Relationship between Creative Thinking Skills and

Rabiatul Adawiyah, Ferry Irawan, Siti Zubaidah,
14 15.30-15.40 BE-106026 Learning Motivation in Improving Student Learning
Fitri Arsih
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Ajeng Daniarsih, S.Si., M.Si.
Operator : Puji Putri Isnaini

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

SIRI Learning Model to Promote Creative Thinking Skills in Asham Bin Jamaluddin, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati
1 13.00-13.10 BE-107027
Higher Education Mahanal, Arsad Bahri
Online Learning of Cell Biology from Biology Students’ Nur Lina Safitri, Siti Zubaidah, Fatchur Rohman,
2 13.10-13.20 BE-108028
Perspectives Sulisetijono
The Effect of LCMR Model on Biology Students’ Critical Any Fatmawati, Siti Zubaidah, Sutopo, Susriyati
3 13.20-13.30 BE-109029
Thinking Perceived from Academic Ability Mahanal
The Implementation of STEAM Based Design Thinking in
4 13.30-13.40 BE-111030 The Ethical Dillema Story Project to Improve Student’s Adelia Dwinta Pramashela, Hadi Suwono
Creative Thinking and Learning Outcomes
The Development of Monopoly Learning Media as a
Rachmawati Rizky Melati, Munzil, and Isnanik
5 13.40-13.50 BE-113031 Mobile Educational Game on the Material of Life
Juni F.
Organization Systems
The Development of Learning Tools Based on STEM-PJBL
Noviansyah Kusmahardhika, Bela Mulia Wati,
6 13.50-14.00 BE-120032 to Increase Creative Thinking Skills and Cognitive Learning
and Triastono Imam Prasetyo
Outcomes for 10th Grade Students

The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model Combined

with Project Based Learning (PBL) on the Increasing Dita Perdana, Murni Saptasari, and Hendra
7 14.00-14.10 BE-126033
Student’s Science Literacy Skills and Creative Thinking Susanto
Skills of Biology Learning in High School
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Being A Teacher: Will Life Skills and Metacognitive Skills Linda Tri Antika, Moch. Haikal, and Primadya
8 14.10-14.20 BE-136034
Correlate to Teaching Skills? Anantyarta
Choice of Learning Models by Prospective Biology
9 14.20-14.30 BE-139035 Teachers in Online Learning Practices and its Effectivity: Herawati Susilo, and Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat
Micro-teaching Case

The Effect of Problem Based Learning

10 14.30-14.40 BE-140036 on Critical Thinking Skills of Biology Learning Dani Ramdani, Herawati Susilo, Suhadi, Sueb
in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis Study

Web-Based Learning Integrated With PBL in Biology

Hanina Salmah, Hendra Susanto, and Hadi
11 14.40-14.50 BE-141037 Learning to Encourage Self-Regulated Learning in Senior
High School
Mar’atus Sholihah, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati
12 14.50-15.00 BE-148038 Biology Students’ Collaboration Skills in the Pandemic Era
Mahanal, Dwi Listyorini
An Overview of the Potential for Learning Models to Maya Agustin, Siti Zubaidah, Aloysius Duran
13 15.00-15.10 BE-149039
Promote Metacognitive Skills Corebima
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Nur Candra Eka Setiawan, S.Si., S.Pd., M.Pd.
Operator : Dhiyandra Imansari Kurniawan

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Students’ Teachers’ Engagement in Education as
Invited Yuli Rahmawati, M.Sc., Ph.D
1 12.50-13.30 Sustainability: Integrating Dilemmas Stories and
Speaker (Universitas Negeri Jakarta)
STEAM Project Based Learning
Implementation of Hots-Based Questions of Learning
Hayuni Retno Widarti, Herunata, Oktavia
2 13.30-13.40 CE-015001 Outcome Assessment in Chemistry For Senior High
Sulistina, Habiddin, and Yenin Nadhifah
School in Malang
Acid-Base Misconception Using Diagnostic Test Based
Hayuni Retno Widarti, Nazriati and Isnaini
3 13.40-13.50 CE-016002 Multiple Representation On Different Grades Students
In University
Cognitive Dissonance Based On Multiple
4 13.50-14.00 CE-022003 Representations: Misconception Reduction Strategies In Hayuni Retno Widarti
Chemistry Learning
Effects of Metacognition Strategies on Senior High
Nur Fiki Maharani, Parlan Parlan and Siti
5 14.00-14.10 CE-033004 SchoolStudents’ Learning Motivation and Chemistry’s
Cognitive Achievement
Analysis of Students Creative Thinking Ability on Kasmudin Mustapa, Ratman Ratman, Minarni
6 14.10-14.20 CE-011005
Chemistry During COVID-19 Pandemic Rama Jura
Correlational Analysis of Conceptual Understanding,
Herunata, Icha Mala Octavia, Husni Wahyu
7 14.20-14.30 CE-078006 Chemical Representation, and Representational
Wijaya and Parlan
Competence on Acid-Base
The application of A Five-Component Blended Learning
8 14.30-14.40 CE-085007 Nur Candra Eka Setiawan and Mohd Shafie Rosli
Strategy in Rate Reaction Lab Work
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Correlations Analysis of Conceptual Understanding, Herunata Herunata, Shofia Dwi Kusumawati,
9 14.40-14.50 CE-092008 Chemical Representation, and Representational Husni Wahyu Wijaya,
Competence on Stoichiometry Parlan Parlan

The Effect of POGIL Classroom on Students’

10 14.50-15.00 CE-101009 Sumari, Augusto Daniel Setiadi, Aman Santoso
Achievement and Motivation on Acid-Base Topics
Effect of Task Hierarchy Analysis Model in Cooperative
11 15.00-15.10 CE-121010 Learning To 11th Students’ Learning Outcome on Salt Sumari, Anugrah Oktandi Aji, Aman Santoso
Hydrolysis Topic
The Effect of Chemistry Instruction Strategy
Maryone Saija, Sri Rahayu, Parlan and Fauziatul
12 15.10-15.20 CE-129011 Contextualized by Local SSI - OE3C on The High School
Students’ Argumentation Skills
The Role of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
13 15.20-15.30 CE-163012 (POGIL) and Its Potential to Improve Students’ Rosalita Gita Purnama and Sri Rahayu
Metacognitive Ability: a Review
The Development of Ill-Structured Problem-Solving
14 15.30-15.40 CE-175013 Skills Test Using Local Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) on The Cety Anggun Widyorini and Sri Rahayu
Topic of Solution Chemistry
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Latifah Mustofa Lestyanto, S.Si., M.Pd.
Operator : Arifa Nurlaili

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Design of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) Based on
1 13.00-13.10 ME-013001 Augmented Reality (AR) for Three-Dimensional Geometry Mohamad Yasin, Rizqi Agus Utomo
Development of Google Slide-Based Learning Media on
2 13.10-13.20 ME-028002 Abd. Qohar, Wiwin Indah Lestari
The Topic of Social Arithmetic
Development of Android-Based M-Learning Applications
3 13.20-13.30 ME-029003 Abd. Qohar, Ahmad Ihfan Khalif Fahmi
on The Topic of Similarity
Study of Technological Pedagogic Content Knowledge
4 13.30-13.40 ME-035004 Ika Wahyuni, Kartono, Masrukan
(TPACK) Candidate Mathematics Teachers
The Creative Thinking Process of 8th Grade Junior High
5 13.40-13.50 ME-038005 School Students in Solving Sequence of Number Problems Sukoriyanto, Ahmad Faiq Afandi
based on Wallas Theory
PISA Problem Solving of Student with Proportional Aning Wida Yanti, I Ketut Budayasa, Raden
6 13.50-14.00 ME-039006
Reasoning and Adversity Quotient Sulaiman
Statistical Reasoning of Junior High School Students in
7 14.00-14.10 ME-040007 Solving Central Tendency Problems Mean, Median, Sukoriyanto, Khurin’in
Student Interaction in Mathematics Learning Using Comic
8 14.10-14.20 ME-043008 Hajar Ahmad Santoso, Nisa Rachmi Istiqomah
Educational History of Mathematics
Mathematical Misconceptions of 7th Grade Students on
9 14.20-14.30 ME-045009 Sukoriyanto1, Vani Husniah Anggraini
Geometry Problem Using Three-tier Diagnostic Test
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
What We Say and How We Do: The Role of Metacognitive
10 14.30-14.40 ME-046010 Blindness in Mathematics Online Learning using Surya Sari Faradiba, Alifiani, Siti Nurul Hasana
Educational Game Learning Media "Astromat" On Tryska Azizah Novianti1, Lestyanto, Latifah
11 14.40-14.50 ME-047011
Algebra for 7th Grade Junior High School Mustofa1
Android-Based Interactive Learning Media On Social
12 14.50-15.00 ME-053012 Yusron Nasrullah, Latifah Mustofa Lestyanto
Arithmatic Materials For 7th Grade Junior High School

The Profile of Mathematical Belief of Class X Students of

SMKN 8 Malang in Solving Mathematical Problems on the
13 15.00-15.10 ME-059013 Erry Hidayanto, Amanatul Haqqil Ibad
Material of Linear Equations and Inequalities in One
Variable with Absolute Value
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa, M.Pd.
Operator : Tiara Novia Sanggrawati

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Validity and Reliability of Critical Thinking Skills
1 13.00-13.10 PE-036001 Assessment Instruments in Ethno-Stem-Based Physics Dewi Dewantara, Eko Susilowati
Development of DGBL Based PBL-STEM to Stimulate
Fitri Zuhriatun Nafidiah, Parno, Isnanik Juni
2 13.10-13.20 PE-042002 Science Literacy of Junior High School Students grade VII
in Climate Change Analyzing Activities
Evaluation in physics education during the COVID-19
3 13.20-13.30 PE-049003 Khusaini
pandemic in Indonesia: a case study

4 13.30-13.40 PE-054004 What Students Do When Solving Physics Problems? Cicyn Riantoni, Rusdi, Maison, Upik Yelianti

First Year Physics Student's Misconception Analysis with Muhammad Al Furqan, Muhammad Reyza Arief
5 13.40-13.50 PE-074005
Four-Tier Test: Study Focus on Photoelectric Effect Taqwa

Misconceptions Reduction of Newton's Laws through Purbo Suwasono, Nugroho Adi Pramono,
6 13.50-14.00 PE-075006
Contextualization of Problems in PBL Supriono Koes, Eleeyah Saniso

Analysis of Students Scientific Consistency and

Handy Faishal Rahim, Sentot Kusairi, Nanda
7 14.00-14.10 PE-076007 Representations in 1 Dimensional Kinematics:
Rizky Aulia
Quantitative Descriptive Studies
How are Physics Student’s Ability in Interpretating
8 14.10-14.20 PE-084008 Kinematic Graphs? Case Study Learning of the Covid-19 Maulana Aflah, Seli Aditya, Sentot Kusairi
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Analysis of Conceptual Understanding and
Vanisa Putri Tananda, Muhammad Reyza Arief
9 14.20-14.30 PE-087009 Representation Consistency In 1-D Kinematics: Focus on
Taqwa, Agus Suyudi
Position-Time Case
Kinematics Students' Conceptual Understanding in Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa, Agus Suyudi,
10 14.30-14.40 PE-088010
Mathematical and Visual Representations: Is it Different? Fauzan Sulman, Revnika Faizah
Analysis of Concept Mastery and Representation Ability
Rahma Widya Kusumanigrum, Bagus Hadi
11 14.40-14.50 PE-089011 of Pre-service Physics Teacher in Static Electricity
Saputra, Sentot Kusairi
Development of Isomorphic Problems on the Linear
Ediyanto Ediyanto , Asep Sunandar, Sentot
12 14.50-15.00 PE-090012 Motion Kinematics Concept to Analyze Students with
Hearing Impairment Representational Ability
Identification of Students’ Conceptual Understanding
Puspita Hidayati, Muhammad Reyza Arief
13 15.00-15.10 PE-093013 Levels and Resources on the Topic of Faraday and Lenz
Taqwa, Agus Suyudi
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Bakhrul Rizky Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Operator : Irma Jayanti

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Analysis of High School Textbooks on Earth Materials Syifa Alfiah Fahrunnisa,Winny Liliawati, Mimin
1 13.00-13.10 PE-094014
Based on Representation of Multiple Intelligences Iryanti
Science Process Skill Analysis of Physics Education
Debora Wanudya Kalyana, Bakhrul Rizky
2 13.10-13.20 PE-099015 Students of Universitas Negeri Malang on Dynamic
Kurniawan, Frida Setia Tarisalia
Electrical Material
Level of Student Concept Understanding and Resource Ike Hilma Wahyuni, Muhammad Reyza Arief
3 13.20-13.30 PE-103016
Theory View: Study Focus on Geometric Optics Taqwa, Agus
Students' Concept Understanding on the Topic of AC
Eni Kusuma Wardani, Muhammad Reyza Arief
4 13.30-13.40 PE-110017 Circuits: Viewed from the Level of Understanding and
Taqwa, and Agus Suyudi
Resource Theory
Students’ Conceptual Understanding Levels and Resource Mega Anggun Pratiwi, Muhammad Reyza Arief
5 13.40-13.50 PE-114018
on Lorentz Force Topics Taqwa, Agus Suyudi

Identification of Student Concept Understanding on

Wardhatur Rokhmatul Mauludiyah, Muhammad
6 13.50-14.00 PE-117019 Magnetic Field Topics: Focus of Study on Understanding
Reyza Arief Taqwa, and Agus Suyudi
Level and Resource Theory

Building Students' Creative Thinking Ability through STEM

7 14.00-14.10 PE-123020 Integrated Project-Based Learning with Formative Syifa’ul Hasanah, Parno, Arif Hidayat
Assessment on Thermodynamics Topics
Improving Students' Critical Thinking Ability Through
8 14.10-14.20 PE-130021 Model Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) Integ Tomy Suganda, Parno, Sunaryono
rated STEM
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Developing Student’s Critical Thinking Skills Through Rahmad Prastiyan, Endang Purwaningsih, and
9 14.20-14.30 PE-131022
STEM-PjBL with TPACK in Static Fluid Supriyono Koes Handayanto

Challenges In Implementing Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) Anis Nadirah Roslan, Fatin Aliah Phang,
10 14.30-14.40 PE-132023
In Physics Jaysuman Pusppanathan
Development of Multirepresentation and Motion
Lutfi Mahmudah, Muhammad Reyza Arief
11 14.40-14.50 PE-133024 Diagrams-Based Student Worksheets on the Topic of
Taqwa, Arif Hidayat
Uniform Circular Motion
Development of Free-Body Diagrams-Based Textbooks in Mega Putri Kurniawati, Muhammad Reyza Arief
12 14.50-15.00 PE-134025
the Topic of Particle Dynamics Taqwa, Arif Hidayat

Exploration of Students' Scientific Argumentation Ability

13 15.00-15.10 PE-135026 on Thermodynamics through Authentic PBL with STEM Aurelia Astria L. Jewaru, Parno, Nasikhudin
approach and Formative Assessment
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Indra Fardhani, S.Pd., M.Sc., M.I.L., Ph.D.
Operator : Haniza Nurina Shofiana

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Ecology Field Work during Pandemic: Attitudes of Science
1 13.00-13.10 SE-020001 Indra Fardhani
Education Students

Silvi Dwi Pangestu, Mimien Henie Irawati Al

The Link Between Social Attitudes and Environmental
2 13.10-13.20 SE-030002 Muhdhar, Dyah Istami Suharti, Nur Handayani,
Literacy of Students at MAN 1 Malang
Slamet Priyanto

Kahoot-based Quiz Game to Improve Science Student’s Isnanik Juni Fitriyah, Munzil, Yessi Affriyenni,
3 13.20-13.30 SE-051003
Motivation at SMPN 16 Malang Erti Hamimi
Increasing Students’ Learning Motivation in Learning
Isnanik Juni Fitriyah, Munzil, Yessi Affriyenni
4 13.30-13.40 SE-052004 Science by Developing Learning Media in The Form of
and Erti Hamimi
Development of Science Textbook Based on PBL-STEM
with Formative Assessment to Improve Problem Solving Parno, Zuana Habibaturrohmah, and Isnanik
5 13.40-13.50 SE-055005
Skills of Class VII Junior High School Students in Juni Fitriyah
Environmental Pollution Topics
Portraying Science Activities of Elementary School
6 13.50-14.00 SE-062006 Student that Promote Scientific Literacy: A Need Pinkan Amita Tri Prasasti, Sri Rahayu
Verbal Report Protocol in Heuristic Inquiry Research on Siti Hajar Ramzan, and Nor Farahwahidah Abdul
7 14.00-14.10 SE-083007
Teachers` Habit of Mind Rahman
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
An Augmented Reality-Based Science Book for Junior Erni Yulianti, Vita Ria Mustikasari, Nurhadi
8 14.10-14.20 SE-096008 High School Students: Case Study on Environmental Muhlisin, Nor Farahwahidah Abdul Rahman,
Pollution and Global Warming Topics and Fatin Aliah Phang
The Development of Electronic Module Based on
9 14.20-14.30 SE-112009 Problem Based Learning on Vibration and Wave Material Nita Andriani, Arif Hidayat, and A. M. Setiawan
Class VIII
Development of Project Based Learning-STEM-Based E-
Eva Silfiyah, Parno, Isnanik Juni Fitriyah dan Erti
10 14.30-14.40 SE-115010 Modules with Formative Assessments to Improve
Creative Thinking Skills in Biotechnology Materials
Development of E-Module Based on Problem Based
Anisah Hanun, Hadi Suwono, and Muhammad
11 14.40-14.50 SE-116011 Learning (PBL) on Human Excretion System Material for
Fajar Marsuki
Class VIII Junior High School Students
Research Trends on Argumentation in Science Education
12 14.50-15.00 SE-125012 Arum Setyaningsih, Sri Rahayu
from the Year 2010 to 2020
Development Of Interactive Science Learning Media To
Dita Rofi’atul Afrida, I Wayan Sumberartha, and
13 15.00-15.10 SE-127013 Increase Learning Motivation In Human Digestive System
Agung Mulyo Setiawan
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Rini Retnosari, S.Pd., M.S.i.
Operator : Febriana Nur Fauziah

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Development of Biodegradable Foam from Cellulosic
Invited Prima Luna, S.T.P., M.Si., Ph.D.
1 12.50-13.30 Hemicellulosic, and Lignin Fractions from Durian Skin
Speaker (Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia)
Fibre and Its Application
Variation of Covid-19 Examination Results between PCR Fitriana, Syahroni, Febri Setyo Nugroho, Maria
2 13.30-13.40 CS-044-001
Reagent Kits Holly Herawati
HYDROXYPHENYL)-3,4,5,6,7,9-HEXAHYDRO-1H- Rini Retnosari, Rafika Rizki Mutiarahma, Siti
3 13.40-13.50 CS-095-002
Synthesis and Application of CaO/MnFe2O4 as Catalyst Yeri Lukvi Fribandari, Muhammad Rafli,
4 13.50-14.00 CS-122-003
for Transesterification Reaction of Palm Oil Fauziatul Fajaroh
Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO/Silica Aerogel Yuli Agustina, Nazriati, Fauziatul Fajaroh, Adrian
5 14.00-14.10 CS-124-004
Nanocomposites Nur

Identification of Potential Anticancer Compounds in

Fatimah Fatimah, Rahma Diyan Martha, Danar
6 14.10-14.20 CS-128-005 Majapahit (Crescentia cujete L.) Stem Bark and In Silico
Danar, Asmarani Kusumawat
Prediction of The Cytotoxic Activity

Mucuna pruriens as Nano Herbal Medicine: Synthesis, R Gunawan, R E Sardjono, B Anwar,

7 14.20-14.30 CS-142-006
Characteristics and Pharmacological Activity Erdiwansyah, R Mama
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
ABW Structured LiZnPO4 Crystal Growth Analysis with X- Alfitrah Bachtiar, Husni Wahyu Wijaya, Meyga
8 14.30-14.40 CS-178-007
Ray Diffraction and CrystalGrower Simulation Evi Ferama Sari, Nani Farida
Synthesis and Application of CaO/Fe3O4 as a Catalyst of Ega Silvia Lutviana, Muhammad Rafli, Fauziatul
9 14.40-14.50 CS-204-009
Transesterification Reaction of Kapok Seed Oil Fajaroh, Sumari1, Adrian Nu
10 14.50-15.00 CS-206-010 Mieke Alvionita,Puspa Rahmadina
11 15.00-15.10 CS-209-011 AND SALT POND PATUGARAN PASURUAN EAST JAVA AS Mieke Alvionita, Nia Rahayu
Synthesis and Characterization THBA-intercalated Mg/Al-
12 15.10-15.20 CS-220-012 Danar Danar, Sri Juari Santosa, Eko Sri Kunarti
LDH for reductive adsoption of AuCl4-

Synthesis of Biodiesel from waste Cooking Oil using

Aman Santoso, Titanua N Kasanah, Sumari
13 15.20-15.30 CS-222-013 Heterogeneous Catalyst Na2O/ -Al2O3 with the help of
Sumari, Anugrah Ricky
Ultrasonic Waves

Performance Analysis of the Liquid-Liquid Extraction Irma Kartika Kusumaningrum, Yudhi Utomo,
14 15.30-15.40 CS-270019 Experimental Procedure as Teaching Materials of Hanumi Oktiyani Rusdi, Surjani Wonorahardjo,
Analytical Chemistry Habiddin Habiddin, Ika Fitri
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Wednesday, August 4th 2021

Moderator : Rifka Fachrunnisa, S.Pd., M.Ed.
Operator : Azmy Afif Albahy

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Invited Students’ Motivation and Chemical Literacy on Context- Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi, S.Pd.Si., M.Sc.
1 12.50-13.30
Speaker Based Learning: A Case of Chemical Bonding Topic Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)
A Systematic Review of Genetic Literacy Interventions in Hidayati Maghfiroh, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati
2 13.30-13.40 BE-150040
Secondary Schools Mahanal, Hendra Susanto
Relationship of Critical Thinking Skills and Creative Fitri Arsih, Siti Zubaidah, Heffi Alberida, Asham
3 13.40-13.50 BE-152041
Thinking Skills through the RANDAI Learning Model Bin Jamaluddin
Student Perceptions of An Integrated TPACK Virtual Erni Angraini, Mohamad Amin, Siti Zubaidah,
4 13.50-14.00 BE-166042
Classroom For Genetics Instruction Hendra Susanto
Students’ Perspective on Problem Solving Process
Hidayati Maghfiroh, Hadi Suwono, Rifka
5 14.00-14.10 BE-170043 through The Visible Designed Problem Solving Based on
Ethical Dilemma Story Learning Model
An Analysis Using Three Tier Diagnostic Test: Did
Unce Uti Fadhilah, Herawati Susilo, and Murni
6 14.10-14.20 BE-173044 Misconceptions Occur during Covid-19 Pandemic in
Sapta Sari
Movement and Circulatory System Subjects?
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
The Development of Learning Tools Based on STEM with
PBL model on Bacteria Material to Train Critical Thinking Bela Mulia Wati, Noviansyah Kusmahardhika,
7 14.20-14.30 BE-174045
Skills, Creative, and Cognitive Learning Outcomes for and Triastono Imam Prasetyo
10th Grade Students
Development of Digital Identification Keys as an
Umi Fitriyati, Deni Setiawan, and Wachidah
8 14.30-14.40 BE-181046 e-Practicum Media for Plant Diversity Course in Industry

Enhancing Students’ Scientific Argumentation Skills on

Maisuna Kundariati, Maria Rosalia Ijung Anggur,
9 14.40-14.50 BE-187047 Socio-scientific Context through Problem-based Learning:
Nanda Bhekti Fadilla, Wa Ode Nurhawa
A Lesson Study

Implementation of Problem-based Learning Model Rahel Natalia Saragih Munthe, Aushofusy

10 14.50-15.00 BE-193048 through Lesson Study for Improving Prospective Biology Syarifah Agustin, Zhangswe Ariandina Putri,
Teachers’ Communication and Collaboration Skills Maisuna Kundariati

The Effect of Discovery Learning Based Google Classroom

Herawati Susilo, Murni Sapta Sari, and Ena
11 15.00-15.10 BE-195049 on Information Literacy for Class XI High School Students
Milada Tri Handayani
in Biology Learning During a Pandemic

Deny Setiawan, Susriyati Mahanal, and Siti

12 15.10-15.20 BE-200050 Profile of Student Digital Literacy on LMS-based RICOSRE
The Effect of Monograph on Bioremediation Using
Ahmad Yani, Mohamad Amin, Fatchur Rohman
13 15.20-15.30 BE-201051 Indigenous Bacteria as learning sources to increasing
and Endang Suarsini
New Ecological Paradigm
The Investigating Students’ Readiness in Guided Inquiry- Muhammad Mifta Fausan, Herawati Susilo,
14 15.30-15.40 BE-203052
Concept Mapping (GuICoM) Learning Integration Abdul Gofur, and Sueb
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Muhammad Andry Prio Utomo, S.Si., M.Si.
Operator : Hikmah Fatimah

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

The Effect of Guided Inquiry based Google Classroom on

Lidiya Praktika Rosa, Herawati Susilo, Siti
1 13.00-13.10 BE-208053 Scientific Literacy and Critical Thinking of
Students Biology at SMAN 1 Genmore

Development of Interactive Multimedia Based on

I Wayan Sumberartha, Muhammad Fajar
2 13.10-13.20 BE-213054 Android Applications to Facilitate Students' Independent
Marsuki, and Hindun Mar’atus Sholihah
Learning on Respiratory System Materials

Validity and Practicality of the PBL E-Module Assisted by

3 13.20-13.30 BE-226055 Augmented Reality on Virus Material to Improve Student Diani Feralia Rahmadani, Sunarmi
Learning Outcomes, Retention, and Science Literacy

Learning to Know: Biology Pre-Service Teachers’ Umi Fitriyati, Rifka Fachrunnisa, Wachidah
4 13.30-13.40 BE-234056
Reported Value and Evaluation of Learning in The Class Hayuana and Adelia D. Pramashela

Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills through

5 13.40-13.50 BE-256057 Rina Wahyuningsih, Dwi Listyorini, and Ibrohim
Ecosystems and Water Pollution Electronic Module
The Effectiveness of Google Workspace Assisted Problem
Marosa Robi’atul Adawiyah, Ibrohim, dan
6 13.50-14.00 BE-257058 Based Learning on Students' Critical Thinking Skills in
Mohamad Amin
Biology Learning during The Pandemic
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Improvement of Creative Thinking Skills and Cognitive
7 14.00-14.10 BE-258059 Learning Outcomes in the Implementation of Guided Elvira Harum Permatasari, Ibrohim, Amy Tenzer
Inquiry Learning Models
Improvement of Science Literacy and Cognitive Learning
8 14.10-14.20 BE-259060 Outcomes in The Implementation of Guided Inquiry Nanda Choirun, Ibrohim, Abdul Gofur
Learning Model
Improvement of Metacognitive Skills and Cognitive
Learning Outcomes of 11th Grade Students SMAN 2 Aini Fathiyyatur Rohmah, Ibrohim, and Amy
9 14.20-14.30 BE-260061
Malang at Biology Subjects Through Guided Inquiry Tenzer
Learning Models
Effect of Electronic Modules Based on Mangrove
10 14.30-14.40 BE-261062 Diversity Research Results on Critical Thinking of High Louis Ivana Sasea, Ibrohim, Sueb
School Students
Improvement of Critical Thinking Skills and Cognitive
Risma Afrida Rosania, Ibrohim, and Nursasi
11 14.40-14.50 BE-262063 Learning Outcomes Through Guided Inquiry Learning
Development of Module Ecosystem and Environmental
Change Mangrove Duta Paiton Beach – Probolinggo Esat
12 14.50-15.00 BE-263064 Java Based on Problem Based Learning to Improve Dewi Agustin, Herawati Susilo, Ibrohim
Cognitive Learning Outcomes of Senior High School
Ecosystem Module Development and Environmental
Changes of Brackish Pond in PBL-Based toward Improving
13 15.00-15.10 BE-264065 Nanik Sri Ayu Utami, Ibrohim, Herawati Susilo
Critical Thinking Skills and Student Cognitive Learning
Mandarin Language Material using Artificial Intelligence
14 15.10-15.20 ET-058002
for Z-Generation student
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Dr. Yahmin, S.d., M.Si.
Operator : Puji Putri Isnaini

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Developing Students' Scientific Argumentation Skill
Invited Dr. Oktavia Sulistina, S.Pd., M.Pd.
1 13.00-13.30 using Explicitly Argument-Driven Inquiry (eADI) in
Speaker (Universitas Negeri Malang)
Chemistry Classroom
Effect of the LC 5E-Think Pair Share Learning Model on
Nevia Pradani, Suharti Suharti and Hayuni
2 13.30-13.40 CE-182014 Students' High Order Thinking Skills on Reaction Rate
Retno Widarti
Identification of Science Teacher Practices and Barriers in Deni Ainur Rokhim, Hayuni Retno Widarti, Maya
3 13.40-13.50 CE-031015 Preparation of Minimum Competency Assessment in the Oki Septiani and Mohammad Hilfi Azra
Covid-19 Pandemic Era Dzikrulloh

Development of Senior High School Students' Workbook

4 13.50-14.00 CE-191016 “Redox and Electrochemistry” using SSI as a Context in Oktavia Sulistina and Rita Salimaturosidah
Inquiry-Based Learning

The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model with SETS

Approach (Science, Environment, Technology and
5 14.00-14.10 CE-192017 Randi Cahyono
Society) on Cognitive Learning Outcomes and
Metacognitive Awareness in Buffer Solution Material

Chemistry Teachers’ Understanding in HOTs and Rosida Amalia, Hayuni Retno Widarti, and Yudhi
6 14.10-14.20 CE-196018
Its Construction Utomo
A Survey of Elementary School Students' Digital Literacy
7 14.20-14.30 CE-199019 Arnelia Dwi Yasa, and Sri Rahayu
Skills in Science Learning
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Analysis of Student’s Misconceptions on Chemical Nuchrurita Rosida, Hayuni Retno Widarti, and
8 14.30-14.40 CE-205020
Equilibrium Material Using Four-tier Diagnostic Test Yahmin
Analysis of Salt Hydrolysis Misconceptions of Students
Fikriyatul Maulidiyah, Hayuni Retno Widarti,
9 14.40-14.50 CE-218021 with Different Scientific Thinking Ability Based on Four
Yudhi Utomo
Tier Diagnostic Test Results
Development and Utilization of Instrument with PISA
10 14.50-15.00 CE-221022 Framework to Improve Chemical Literacy Ability : A Fadhilla Agustina Suwahyu and Sri Rahayu
Systematic Review
Development of Teaching Materials on Chemical Bond
Muntholib, Dea Ayu Dwicahyaningrum, Yudhi
11 15.00-15.10 CE-223023 Based on POGIL Instruction to Improve Students' Critical
Utomo, Yahmin
Thinking Skills
Acid-Base Properties of Salt Solution: Study at a
12 15.10-15.20 CE-246024 Desna Ardina and Habiddin Habiddin
Secondary School in Banyuwangi
A Survey to Investigate Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions
Aodah Diamah, Yuli Rahmawati, Irwanto
13 15.20-15.30 CE-265025 of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Irwanto, Maria Paristiowati, and Ella Fitriani
in Indonesia
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Mochammad Hafiizh, S.Pd., M. Si., Ph.D.
Operator : Dhiyandra Imansari Kurniawan

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Invited Questioning to Promote Critical Thinking Skills in Prof. Dr. Abdur Rahman As'ari, M.Pd., M.A.
1 13.00-13.30
Speaker Mathematics (Universitas Negeri Malang)

2 13.30-13.40 ME-061014 Jambi Culture Potential in Mathematics Learning Sutrimo, Kamid, Asrial, Bambang Hariyadi


3 13.40-13.50 ME-077015 SOLVE MATHEMATICS PROBLEMS IN COMPUTATIONAL Mohamad Yasin, Toto Nusantara
Niluh Sulistyani, Cyrenia Novella Krisnamurti,
The Use of Instagram to Facilitate Mathematical
4 13.50-14.00 ME-086016 Leonardo Amaris Liaupati, Filipus Kevin Hendar
Literacy in Junior High School

Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) Development for Robertus Budi Istiyarso, Elyza Krisnasari
5 14.00-14.10 ME-119017
Point-to-Line Distance Materials in Three Dimension Puspandari
Students’ Numeracy Skills in Solving Numeracy Task:
6 14.10-14.20 ME-137018 Heri Purnomo, Cholis Sa’dijah, Hendro Permadi
Analysis of Junior High Schools Students
Mathematical Creative Process Ability of Junior High
7 14.20-14.30 ME-138019 Heri Purnomo, Cholis Sa’dijah, Hendro Permadi
School Students’ on Numeracy Task
Students’ Mathematical Literacy in Solving PISA-Like Yenny Fitria Novitasari, Purwanto, Hendro
8 14.30-14.40 ME-156020
Problems Based on Personality Types Permadi
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Investigating Mathematical Problem Solving of
Mohammad Nurwahid, Hendro Permadi, Hery
9 14.40-14.50 ME-165021 Elementary Students on Cube and Block Material in
Terms of Adversity Quotient


10 14.50-15.00 ME-167022 Hendro Permadi, Urbach Aisa Kemal

Students’ Mathematical Connection Error in Solving the

11 15.00-15.10 ME-180023 Rahayu Setyawati, Purwanto, Sukoriyanto
Problem of Polyhedron
Students’ Problem Solving Ability in Material System of
12 15.10-15.20 ME-186024 Linear Equations in Two Variables Based on Cognitive Siti Nur Rohmah, Purwanto, Hendro Permadi

The Capability in Mathematics Problem Posing by Santi Irawati, Mohammad Agung, Mochamad
13 15.20-15.30 ME-202025
Mathematics Prospective Teachers Hafiizh, Tjang Daniel Chandra

The Existence of Almost Clean Rings of Matrices on an

14 15.30-15.40 ME-214026 Rasdadik, Santi Irawati, Tjang Daniel Chandra
Integral Domain
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Dr. Cahyo Aji Hapsoro, M.Si.
Operator : Arifa Nurlaili

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Science Literacy Analysis of Physics Textbooks in
1 13.00-13.10 PE-143027 Pagan, MM, Sarwanto, Nurosyid, F
Temperature Heat and Expansion Material

Development of Android-Based Tutorial Problem

Muhammad Ibnu Shodiqin, Muhammad Reyza
2 13.10-13.20 PE-144028 Solving: Innovation in covid-19 pandemic to Improve
Arief Taqwa
Student's Concept Acquisition on Dynamics Topics
Implementation of Computer-Based Tutorial Problem
Muhammad Ibnu Shodiqin, Muhammad Reyza
3 13.20-13.30 PE-1445029 Solving to Improve Student's understanding of
Arief Taqwa
Dynamics Topics
Analysis of the level of students' conceptual
4 13.30-13.40 PE-151030 understanding of the concept of Momentum and Anggreni Indika Seprapti, Lia Yuliati, parno
Effectiveness of Digital Modules with Recitation
Programs to Improve Students' Conceptual
5 13.40-13.50 PE-158031 Alvi Hasanati, Edi Supriana, Nandang Mufti
understanding and Critical Thinking Skills in Learning
Work and Energy

Problem Solving Ability Analysis of Physics Education Nely Qurrota A’yuni, Bakhrul Rizky Kurniawan,
6 13.50-14.00 PE-159032
Department Student of Universitas Negeri Malang Meliska Suelsy, Nanda Dwi Nugraha
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Integration of Multi-representation-Based Student
Revnika Faizah, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa,
7 14.00-14.10 PE-164033 Worksheets in Straight Motion Learning: An Alternative
Muhammad Ibnu Shodiqin
for Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Identification of Difficulties of First-Year College Revnika Faizah, Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa,
8 14.10-14.20 PE-168034
Students on Static Electricity Concept Muhammad Ibnu Shodiqin
High School Students’ Misconception in Force and
9 14.20-14.30 PE-169035 A S Adam, T A Ansyah, S Kusairi
Motion through Pandemic Era

Student Perceptions of Problem Solving Learning and Sentot Kusairi, Yustinus Maksimilianus Dhey
10 14.30-14.40 PE-172036
Peer Assessment Nesi, Arrika Wifqotu Lailin Nafisah

Exploration of Students' Conceptual Changes through

11 14.40-14.50 PE-176037 Phenomenon Based Distance Learning with Multimedia inal Haqqo, Lia Yuliati, Eny Latifah
Videos Momentum and Impulse

Contrasting-cases problems: learning material to

12 14.50-15.00 PE-177038 Mokhamad Alvan Rifa’i, Arif Hidayat, Parno
improve students’ HOTS on geometric optics

Development of Tutorial Interactive Media as an

Opportunity to Overcome Student’s Misconceptions in
13 15.00-15.10 PE-184039 Putri Rahayu, Parno, Sentot Kusairi, Sulur
Newton’s Law Topics for Xth Grade of Senior High
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Dr. Yayuk Mulyati, S.Si., S.Pd., M.Si.
Operator : Tiara Novia Sanggrawati

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

Learning Activities based on Social Constructivism
Invited Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noor Azean Atan
1 12.50-13.30 Theory to Promote Social Interaction and Student’s
Speaker (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
Performance (EPSISM)
Development Learning Media Based Interactive
Husnul Hotima, I Wayan Sumberartha, Agung
2 13.30-13.40 SE-146014 Multimedia To Increase Students Learning Motivation
Mulyo Setiawan
on Plant Movement Materials

Development of STEAM-based Digital Textbooks to Farin Natasya Panjaitan, Hadi Suwono, dan
3 13.40-13.50 SE-153015
Increase Students’ Awareness of Air Polution Muhammad Fajar Marsuki

Development Of Ebook Teaching Materials Critical

Andri Putri Rachmawati, Hadi Suwono, Erti
4 13.50-14.00 SE-154016 Thinking Skills On The Interaction Of Living Things With
Their Environment Seven Grades

Improving Scientific Literacy of Junior High School Vita Ria Mustikasari, Erni Yulianti, Novida
5 14.00-14.10 SE-155017 Students on Substance Pressure Material Through Pratiwi, Finny Tessa Avionita, I Wayan
Problem Based Learning Sumberartha, and Fatin Aliah Phang

Analysis of the Facilitation Ability of Physics Students

for KPL Participants in 2020/2021 in Developing Febi Dwi Putri, Sugiyanto, Endang Purwaningsih,
6 14.10-14.20 SE-157018
Students' Problem-Solving Competencies on Agus Suyudi, Parno
Temperature and Heat Materials
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Development Of Teaching Materials On The Topic Of
Zhafira Afifah Zein, Hadi Suwono, Yessi
7 14.20-14.30 SE-161019 Plastic Pollution With 5R In The Form Of Mobille
Learning Application (Android System)
Analyze of Enhancing Students’ Understanding of
Mahda Yulia Astary, Erni Yulianti, Vita Ria
8 14.30-14.40 SE-162020 Concepts in Learning Cycle 5E Integrated with Web-
Based Formative Assessments

Development Of Science Learning Media Based on

Natasia Paramita, Munzil, and Muhammad Fajar
9 14.40-14.50 SE-171021 Android Applications Assisted By 3D Hologram on
Human Respiratory System Materials

Development of Application-Based Interactive Teaching

Zaela Purwita Cahyaningrum, Hadi Suwono, dan
10 14.50-15.00 SE-183022 Materials to Improve Students' Understanding of
Agung Mulyo Setiawan
Vibration and Wave Materials for Class VIII SMP/MTs
Development Of The Board Game Monopoly Fun Game
11 15.00-15.10 SE-185023 Integrated Augmented Reality on The Classification Of Munzil, Erti Hamimi, Oktarista Yusi Pangestuti
Living Things

Development Of Digital Teaching Materials Assited by

Mahasti Wiandita, Hadi Suwono, Yessi
12 15.10-15.20 SE-189024 Flip Pdf Application Professional In Human Excretion
System Material, Class VII

Development of Teaching Materials on Temperature

and Heat Novilia Fajrin Nur Fatika, Isnanik Juni Fitriyah,
13 15.20-15.30 SE-207025
Based on Explicit Scientific Inquiry Instruction Oriented Muntholib
to Science Process Skills
Development of Digital 3D-Based Learning Media Light
Materials and Optical Instruments Utilizing Holography Sugiyanto, Wiwin Rosiningtias, and Agung
14 15.30-15.40 SE-228026
Technology to Improve Students' Concept Mulyo Setiawan
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Yessi Affriyenni, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Operator : Irma Jayanti

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

The Contextuality Analysis of Science-Study Junior High
School Materials of Interaction with The Environment
Sugiyanto, Muhammad Adi Widodo, and
1 13.00-13.10 SE-230027 and Population Dynamics as a Result of those
Muhammad Fajar Marsuki
Interactions with The Online Mode Study during The
Covid-19 Pandemic
Primary School Teacher Challenges Science Learning In
2 13.10-13.20 SE-231028 Nurhairani, Haryanto
a Constructivist Perspective
Integrative Online Learning : The Effectiveness Of Yessi Affriyenni, Isnanik Juni Fitriyah, and Erti
3 13.20-13.30 SE-232029
Contextual Problem-Solving On Wave and Optics Course Hamimi

Development of Wet Preservation Learning Media

4 13.30-13.40 SE-233030 Based on Mobile Application Integrated Augmented Elok Lailatus Sarifah, Herunata, and Erti Hamimi
Reality on Invertebrate Material

Chemical Solution Bottle with QR Code as an Innovation Isnanik Juni Fitriyah, Munzil, Yessi Affriyenni
5 13.40-13.50 SE-235031
for Learning Media in The Laboratory and Erti Hamimi

Development of Edukit Digital Comics as a Learning tool

6 13.50-14.00 SE-241032 Smoking Awareness for Elementary and Junior High Munzil, Lia Yuliati, Fatchur Rohman, Saida Ulfa
School Students
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

TPACK Perception Mapping as a Frame Work in the

Munzil, Muhammad Fajar Marsuki, Yayuk Sri
7 14.00-14.10 SE-242033 Development of Science Learning Teachers PPG IPA
Universitas Negeri Malang

Development of Media Pembebas (Adobe Flash Based

8 14.10-14.20 SE-243034 Ghulam Irhamni, Munzil, Yessi Affriyenni
Learning) On Eclipse Theme For 7th Grade Student

Development Of Assesment Instruments To Measure

Students Conceptual Understanding On The Subject Anisyah Fadhillah, Muhammad Fajar Marsuki,
9 14.20-14.30 SE-244035
"Additional and Addictive Substances and Their Impact and Sugiyanto
on Health" During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Development Of Learning Tools "Tuban Mangrove

Aulia Rosidatul Ilma, Muhammad Fajar Marsuki,
10 14.30-14.40 SE-245036 Center Ecosystem" With A Guided Inquiry Model On
and Sugiyanto
"Analyzing The Interaction Of Living Things"Activity
Development Of Science Learning Program Using
11 14.40-14.50 SE-247037 STEAM Approach With Brainstorming Method To Sugiyanto, Erti Hamimi, and Dinik Afrianingsih
Improve Students’ Analyzing Ability
Development of Handout Teaching Materials on
Fatmaningrum, Ariska, Sugiyanto, Isnanik Juni
12 14.50-15.00 SE-248038 Learning Activities to Analyze Environmental Pollution
To Improve Students' Ability in Problem Solving

Development of PBL-STEM Based Science Teaching

Sugiyanto, Seffy Mufidatur Rohmah, and Isnanik
13 15.00-15.10 SE-249039 Materials to Improve Student's HOTS Ability in Analysis
Juni Fitriyah
of The Concept of Temperature And Heat

Using Augmented Reality (AR) to Educate the Student: Muharman Lubis, Dini Oktarina Handayani, and
14 15.10-15.20 ET-032002
Bridging the Communication for Internet Addiction Qadhli Jafar Adrian
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Nani Farida, S.Si., M.Si., PhD.
Operator : Haniza Nurina Shofiana

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

1 13.00-13.10 CS-224014
Disposable Electrochemical-Based Sensor And Ihsan Budi Rachman, Nindya Widyanti, Rini
2 13.10-13.20 CS-225015
Applications In Environmental Analysis Retnosari,
Dewi Aperta Subagyo, Danar, Husni Wahyu

Hanumi Oktiyani Rusdi, Surjani Wonorahardjo,

The Production of Healthy Silk Cocoon Soap (Samia
4 13.30-13.40 CS-250017 Irma Kartika Kusumaningrum, Maisulah, Riza
Chynthia Ricini) and Its Physical-Chemical Properties
Agung Pribadi

The Development of Nanomagnetic Coated With

Ainayya Alfatihah, Irma Kartika
5 13.40-13.50 CS-267018 Carboxymethyl Kappa-Carrageenan Crosslinked With
Kusumaningrum, Hanumi Oktiyani Rusdi,
Citric Acid as Lead (II) Ion Selective Adsorbent

Fe3xCoxO4/PEG/GO Nanocomposite From Coconut Skin Soffy Septya Noviatin, Dea Berliani Ramadhan,
6 13.50-14.00 PS-210001
Waste for Radar Absorbing Materials Fiona Putri Parama Mallisa
Study of Zinc Oxide-Based Textile Coating for UV Soffy Septya Noviantin, Dea Berliana
7 14.00-14.10 PS-212002
Protection Application Ramadhan, Fiona Putri Parama Mallisa
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Local Wisdom and ICT in Education: A Bibliometric M. Misbah, P. D. Amrita, N. Muhammad, K.
8 14.10-14.20 PE-190040
Review and Analysis Syahidi
The Effect of Physics Interest, Physics Teacher
Widya Rohmawati, Sahal Fawaiz, and Sentot
9 14.20-14.30 PE-194041 Influence, Online Learning Access, and Physics Anxiety
on Student Learning Outcomes in Physics

Analysis of the Ability of Prospective Physics Teachers

for KPL Participants in 2020/2021 in Developing Basic Harist Permana Sandy, Sugiyanto, Endang
10 14.30-14.40 PE-197042
Competency Achievement Indicators (IPKD) in Purwaningsih, Sulur
accordance with 4C’s Abilities in Static Fluids

Analysis Of The Capability of Prospective Physics

Teacher Candidates Participants in Field Practice Study Ika Pratiwi Wulandari, Sugiyanto, Endang
11 14.40-14.50 PE-198043
(FPS) in Developing Contextual Phenomena of Dynamic Purwaningsih, Parno
Fluid Learning

The Comparison of Learning Style on Thermodynamic

Ratih Wulandari, Sentot Kusairi, Endang
12 14.50-15.00 PE-211044 Learning Outcomes of Public High School and Islamic
Boarding School

The Use of Electronic Conceptual Scaffolding in

Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa, Agus Suyudi,
13 15.00-15.10 PE-229045 Increasing Students' Ability to Understand the Concept
of Work and Energy
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:

Moderator : Intan Chairun Nisa, S.Si., M.Biotech.
Operator : Febriana Nur Fauziah

No Time ID Paper Abstract Title Author(s)

The Link Between Self-Efficacy and Environmental Karlina Syabania, Mimien Henie Irawati Al
1 13.00-13.10 BE-023066
Literacy of Students in SMA Negeri 10 Malang Muhdhar, Ellen Landriany, Nuri Rizki Setiawan

Mimien Henie Irawati Al-Muhdhar, Rif’atul

The Relationship Between Self-efficacy and
2 13.10-13.20 BE-024067 Chusnul Khuluq, Iskandar, Dwie Rahmatus
Environmental Literacy of Students at SMAN 9 Malang

The Relationship between Social Attitudes and Ilfia Kholifaturrohmah, Mimien Henie Irawati Al
3 13.20-13.30 BE-025068
Environmental Literacy at SMA Negeri 10 Malang Muhdhar, Ellen Landriany, Nuri Rizki Setiawan

Association Among Communication, Nutrition Literacy

Suci Ferdiana, Abdul Gofur, Sri Rahayu Lestari,
4 13.30-13.40 BE-266069 and Health Behavior in Undergraduate Nutrition
Exploring the Content Knowledge of Prospective
Cholis Sa’dijah, Wasilatul Murtafiah, Latiful
5 13.40-13.50 ME-216027 Mathematics Teacher Students in Designing HOTS
Anwar, Mukhtamilatus Sa’diyah
Profile of Mathematical Communication Skills of Melissa,M.M, Susanto,L.A.W, Yudanti,E,
7 14.00-14.10 ME-219029
Prospective Mathematics Teachers Salsabila,D
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145
Phone: 0341-551312 Website:
Math Anxiety Analysis on Online Learning Activities
8 14.10-14.20 ME-239030 Kresentia Peppy Rahayu, Purwanto, Abd. Qohar
during The Quarantine Period Of Covid-19 Pandemic
Pre-service Biology Teachers’ Perception on Project-
9 14.20-14.30 ME-240031 Kimura Patar Tamba, Jessica Bermuli,
based Transdisciplinary Assessment in Calculus Course
Analysis of Student’s Mathematical Proficiency in Solving
10 14.30-14.40 ME-252032 Contextual Mathematical Problems in terms of Self- Hendro Permadi, Rianti Hidaiyah
Expressive Learning and Understanding Learning Styles
Cognitive Potential Theory for the Design of Mathematics
11 14.40-14.50 ME-255033 Rustanto Rahardi, Eddy Budiono
Are There Differences in Students' Ability to Solve Vector Teddy Amin Romansyah,Muhammad Reyza
12 14.50-15.00 PE-237046
Problems in Mathematical and Visual Representations? Arief Taqwa

Students' Perceptions about Physics, Teacher’s

Widya Rohmawati, Sahal Fawaiz, Alif Syaiful
13 15.00-15.10 PE-238047 Influences, Learning Access, and Student’s Motivation: A
Adam, Endang Purwaningsih
Qualitative Descriptive Study on Online Physics Learning

Development of HOTS-Oriented Scientific Approach Sugiyanto, Isnanik Juni Fitriyah, and Narinda
14 15.10-15.20 SE-251040
Learning Tools to Improve The Students' Cognitive Wahyu Marthasiwi

Development of Encyclopedia of Indonesian Flora and Erti Hamimi, Zuana Habibaturrohmah, Wiwin
15 15.20-15.30 SE-253041 Fauna Based on Augmented Reality to Increase Rosiningtias, Narinda Wahyu Marthasiwi, Sisca
Conservation awareness from early on Kumara Dayu

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