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Learning Competency Learning Competency

-describe the natural objects that are found in the sky during -describe the effects of the sun. S4ES-IVj-11
daytime and night time.
At the end of the lesson, the
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
students should be able to:
a. Describe the harmful effects of the Sun’s heat and light on
a. Identify the objects seen in the sky during daytime and the living things
night time; b. Identify safety precautions on the effects of the sun’s heat
and and light;and
b. Appreciate the objects seen in the sky during daytime and c. Explain how the sun’s heat and light affects living things
night time; and d. Create a scenario that shows safety measures to avoid
c. Draw an objects in the sky that can be seen during daytime harmful effects of sun’s light and heat
and night time
Topic: The Sun
Topic: Natural Objects seen in the sky during daytime and Reference: Science IV Learner’s Materials
night time Author: Br. Armin A. Luistro
Reference: Science III Learner’s Materials Pages: 311-317
Author: Br. Armin A. Luistro Materials: Pictures and Visual aids.
Pages: 176-177 Values: Be cooperative and obedient
Materials: Pictures, graphic organizer, PowerPoint ,visual
aids, diorama
Values: Be Appreciative


A. Preparatory Activities
A. Preparatory Activities
Teacher’s Activity
Teacher’s Activity
a. Prayer
a. Prayer
Everybody stand and now let
us pray, close your eyes, bow Everybody stand and now let
your heads and feel the us pray, close your eyes, bow
presence of the Lord your heads and feel the
presence of the Lord
b. Greetings
b. Greetings
Good Morning Grade 3
pupils! Good Morning Grade 3
c. Classroom Management
c. Classroom Management
Okay class before you take
your seat, will you please Okay class before you take
arrange your chairs your seat, will you please
arrange your chairs
d. Checking of attendance
d. Checking of attendance
Is there any absent for today?
Is there any absent for today?

e. Review
e. Review
Okay pupils, can you tell me
the weather today? Children how’s your morning
Yes, it is Sunny day
Oh, It’s good to hear that.
On our past lesson, we
discussed about the different
kinds of weather conditions. Before we proceed to our
new lesson for today, I want
Now I am going to show you you to have a simple review
some pictures and you will from our previous lesson. All
guess what weather condition you have to do is to find the
it is. related words from our
previous lesson. We call it
Are you ready pupils? “Loop A word game”
(One pupil will lead the (One pupil will lead the
(teacher is going to show the prayer) prayer)
set of pictures)

f. Motivation
Now you are going outside
and after 3 minutes you will
Good Morning Ma’am! go back here inside our Good Morning Ma’am!
classroom and I will ask you
some questions.

what do you usually do if it’s

(Pupils will arrange their too hot? (Pupils will arrange their
chairs) chairs)
Very good pupils you all did
Okay, you’re right.
a great job!
When you go to the beach,
(Pupil will tell who’s absent what do you usually apply to (Pupil will tell who’s absent
for the day) your skin? for the day)
f. Motivation
g. Presentation
Class we are going to watch a
video entitled “What’s in the
Sky” Have you ever watched We are really fine, Ma’am
it? If not, watch and learn. I have here the sample of the
things you said earlier.
(Teacher will play a video) It’s Sunny Day
(Teacher present a hat)

After watching the video, the E F A Q S B
teacher will ask the following T O A SUNM H HOT
questions: W L Z HARM
What is this Jennica? L
When do we usually use the
Motive Questions: hat?
1. What can you say about Very good!
the objects in the sky?
2. What do you think is the Yes, Ma’am
video all about?
3. What is your favorite (Pupils are going to answer
object in the sky? And Why? the following pictures that (Teacher present an
show different kinds of umbrella)
g. Presentation weather conditions)

(Teacher will present pictures We bring umbrella, Ma’am

of objects that can be seen in We drink plenty of water,
daytime and night time) Ma’am.

What object can you see in What is this Dolores?

the picture? When do we usually use the
Sunblock lotion, Ma’am
Very good!

It can be seen in daytime or

night time?

Very Good!
(Teacher presents sunglasses)
What object can you see in
the picture?

What is this Loren?

When do we usually use the
Very good! Ma’am Hat.
(Pupils will answer the Ma’am when we will go
It can be seen in day time or questions orally) ( Teacher present Sunblock/ outside the weather is too hot
night time? lotion)

Very Good!
What is this Rowena?
When do we use the sunblock
h. Discussion /lotion?
Very good!
Are you ready to learn
h. Discussion
Our topic for today is all
about the Objects seen in the The Sun is the center of the
sky. I will show you some Solar System and It gives us
pictures about the objects in light, heat and energy. Ma’am umbrella.
the sky during daytime and Ma’am if it’s raining or if it’s
night time and you are going too hot to go outside
to tell me what are in the
picture shown

(Teacher will show the Too much exposure to sun’s

picture) heat and light can be harmful
Sun to us.
These are the objects that can
be seen during daytime It can cause sunburn that our
skin gets red and painful due
Children what did you see in to overexposure to sunlight
the picture?

Ma’am Sunglass
Great! It is Sun Ma’am, for protecting our
It can cause Dehydration. eyes in direct sunlight.
The Sun is the star at the Moon Too much perspiration can
center of the Solar System make us lose much more
and it gives light and heat to water from over exposure to
the earth. the sun.

Next picture, what did you

see? Ma’am sunblock /lotion.
Ma’am if we will have to
Looking directly to the Sun stay under the sun.
can caused temporary
Night time blindness that we may lose
our sight for a short amount
Very Good! It is cloud of time.

Clouds can be seen in the sky

both day and night

What did you see in the

Yes, Ma’am And it can cause heatstroke
that other people collapse
because their bodies cannot
twist sun’s heat.

Correct! It is a rainbow

Rainbow is an arc of color in

the sky that can be seen when
the sun shines through falling
rain. The pattern of colors
starts with Red, Orange,
Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo
and Violet (ROYGBIV)
We can avoid harmful effects
The next pictures that I will of the sun’s heat and light
show to you are the objects through Safety measures.
that can be seen in the sky
during night time Sun  Drink plenty of water
to prevent dehydration
What did you see in the or heat stroke.
pictures?  Use sunglasses when
you stay under the sun.
 Use hat, umbrella or
anything that can
cover your head.
 Use long sleeve when
working under the sun.
Very good! It is star  Apply sunblock.

Star is an object seen in the So, if your mother or father

sky during night time. It is advise you to bring umbrella
shining and twinkling at during Sunny Day, we must
night. follow them because they
Clouds know what are the best and
Next picture, what did you safe for us.

i. Generalization
The umbrella, hat,
sunglasses, sunblock lotion
are the things that we can use
to protect us from the
excessive heat of the sun.

Great! It is a shooting star

Rainbow Why do we need to drink
Shooting Star is an object in plenty of water?
the sky that can be seen
during night and as it enters We can avoid harmful effects
the atmosphere it becomes of the sun’s heat and light
meteor. through Safety measures.

j. Application
Last one, what did you see in
the picture? I will group you into Three
Groups. Each group has an
assigned activity card. After
5 minutes, every group will
perform it in front of the
class. The group that will
perform well in their
Correct! It is Moon. assigned activity will be the
Moon is an object seen in the
sky during night. It is Activity card#1-You will go
sometimes round, crescent, swimming with your friends
half and it gives light at this weekend. What should
night. you do to avoid sunburn?
i. Generalization Activity card#2- You walk to
and from the school on a
Sunny Day, what should you
What are the objects that can
bring to protect you from the
be seen in the sky during
sun’s heat and light?
Activity card #3- You have a
What are the objects that can
family trip or outing to the
be seen in the sky during
beach, how can you protect
night time?
your eyes from the glares of
the sun?
Very Good! All your answers
are correct
(Teacher will show the Shooting Star Direction: Put a smiley
Diorama of day time and
face :) opposite to the
Night time)
statement if it is a GOOD
practice and sad face :( if it is To prevent dehydration and
Here’s the Diorama of park
not good practice. heatstroke
in Daytime and Night time. I
__1. Playing under the sun at
hope you appreciate the
noon time.
Natural Objects that are
__2. Wearing a wide
found in the sky during
brimmed hat on sunny days.
Daytime and Night time.
__3. Looking at the sun
__4. Using an umbrella on
J. Application sunny days.
__5. Lying on beaches all
I will give you two pieces of day.
papers and you will draw __6. Drink atleast 8 glasses
your favorite object that can of water daily.
be seen in the sky during __7. Use long-sleeved
Daytime and Night Time clothes when working under
the sun
__8. Wear sunglasses when
IV. EVALUATION Moon staying under the sun.
__9.Apply sunblock.
Direction: Choose the letter __10. Don’t cover your head
of the correct answer and when you go outside
write it in your ¼ sheet of

1. It is the center of the Solar INFUSION VALUES:

system and it gives light to Who doesn’t love a
the earth bright Sunny Day ?

a. Moon b. Stars c. Sun The Sun can give us heat,

light and energy and It can
also give us some harmful
2. The following objects can effects.
be seen in sky during night
time, except? If we become obedient and
we follow the safety
a. Sun b. Moon c. Stars Sun, Clouds, Rainbow measures, we can protect
ourselves for the harmful
3. It is an object seen in the effects of the Sun.
sky during night. It is
sometimes round, crescent, Moon, Stars and Shooting ADDITIONALACTIVITY/
half and It gives light at REMEDIAL
night. __1. Looking at the sun
a. rainbow b. Sun c. Moon __2. Using an umbrella on
sunny days.
__3. Lying on beaches all
4. It has a pattern of colors
__4. Drink atleast 8 glasses
of water daily.
A. Rainbow b. Stars c. Moon __5. Use long-sleeved
clothes when working under
5. It is shining and twinkling the sun
at night

a. Stars b. Moon c. Rainbow V. ASSIGNMENT

Write a jingle on the
6. When one half of earth is safety measures in protecting
in daytime, the other half is yourselves from the sun's
in what? heat and light. This will
always remind you when
a. daytime working or playing under the
b. night time sun.
c. both a and b

7. The ____ shines during


a. Sun b. Star c. cloud

8. The following objects can

be seen in sky during day
time, except?

a. Sun b. Rainbow c. Stars

9. It has patterns of colors.

a. Sun b. Moon c. Rainbow

10. The Sun is ____

a. orbit b. Star c. asteroid

What if the Philippines
experiencing only sunlight
and does not having

What if the Philippines

experiencing only darkness
and does not having sunlight?

So, we are thankful because

God allowed the earth to
rotate for us to experience
daytime and night time. It is
important for us to appreciate
the objects that can be seen in
the sky during daytime and
night time.


1. It is the center of the Solar

system and it gives light to
the earth

a. Moon b. Stars c. Sun

2. The following objects can

be seen in sky during night
time, except?

a. Sun b. Moon c. Stars

3. It is an object seen in the

sky during night. It is
sometimes round, crescent,
half and It gives light at

a. rainbow b. Sun c. Moon

4. It has a pattern of colors


A. Rainbow b. Stars c. Moon

5. It is shining and twinkling

at night

a. Stars b. Moon c. Rainbow

Direction: Draw a rainbow
in your notebook and color it
according to its color pattern.

No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
No. of learners who require additional activities for
Did the remedial lessons work?
N. of learners who have caught up in the lesson.
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my strategies worked well? Why did these

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