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Executive Order No. 3

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WHEREAS, the necessity of an Administrative Code for the Supreme Student Council is
a must for the government to define their authority and extent throughout this institution
established within the Naga College Foundation.
WHEREAS, the Supreme Student Council proclaimed its Constitution-by-laws under and
by virtue of the authority vested in the duly ordained government, this formation of the
Administrative Code shall be in accordance with the Constitution hereinafter
promulgated by them therefor;
WHEREAS, in achieving the goal of a clean and well-governed institution, this
codification shall assist the officers elected and shall define their extent by this Order that
mandates and interprets certain powers bestowed upon them, and;
WHEREAS, a Government Code will of optimum benefit to the people and Government
officers as it embodies changes in administrative structures and procedures to serve the
Student Council, by the authority conferred upon me by the Constitution and laws, do
hereby promulgate the Administrative Code of the Supreme Student Council as follows:

SECTION 1. Title. – This Act shall be known as the “Administrative Code of the
Supreme Student Council.”
SEC 2. Definition of Terms. – The following phrases or terms specified in this section,
unless otherwise given with a different definition, the same shall have the following
(1) Supreme Student Council – refers to the main governing institution of the student
body either in the Junior and Senior High School and corporates to a specified
entity through which the functions of government are exercised throughout the
Naga College Foundation, by which the political authority is made effective in the
student body, whether in any part thereof that is under the jurisdiction of the
(2) Student Consulate – refers to the local or departmental elected set of officers in
replacement to the former Gubernatorial style of line-up then established by the
pioneers of this institution that exercise powers applicable and in accordance with
the SSC.
(3) Commissions – refers to the institutions created by the government whether
established by the Constitution or by law upon the acts of the President.
(4) Sections – refers to the subdivisions of grade levels through their respective
(5) Institution – refers to the duly created organizations inside or outside the Supreme
Student Council and within the school itself.
(6) Office – refers, within the framework of governmental organization, to any major
functional unit of a department or bureau including administrative councils of the
school. It may also refer to any position held or occupied by individual persons,
whose functions are defined by law or regulation.
(7) Vice-President – refers to the Vice-President for Internal Affairs and defined as the
second highest-ranking student officer of the Supreme Student Council.
(8) President Pro Tempore – refers to the Vice President for External Affairs and shall
have duties appurtenant to relations outside the organization of the Student Body.
(9) Prefect for Students Formation – refers to the institution that directs and supervises
all the operations that concern students’ discipline and provides guidance for the
integral development of students’ moral values, habits, ethics, and ideals to become
a responsible and better person in the future.
(10) Student Activity Coordinator – refers to a high-ranking faculty in Naga
College Foundation that supervises all activities hereinafter exercised by the
students especially in extracurricular affairs.
(11) Chairman – refers to the overall head of the Naga College Foundation’s
COMELEC. It may also refer to student chairmen appointed in either Junior and
Senior High School.
(12) Congress. – refers to the Two Houses of the Legislative body of the Supreme
Student Council on which shall comprise of the Student Assembly and the Student
(13) Student Tribunal. – refers to the duly constituted Supreme Court of the
Supreme Student Council organized and affixed by law under and by virtue of the
Chapter 1 – The Political Organization of the Student Body
SEC 3. What comprises the Supreme Student Council? – The Supreme Student Council
shall be a highest independent government in the Junior High School. It shall govern over
classes under Grades 7, 8, 9, and 10. Sovereignty resides to the people and all authority of
its governing body emanates from them. The exercise of SSC’s Government shall spread
throughout its designated areas. It shall inculcate terrestrial, aerial, and supernal domains,
which the Government has sovereignty and jurisdiction.
SEC 4. Political subdivisions of the Student Body. – The political subdivisions of the
Student Government are the main legislative body of the highest institution which is the
duly established Supreme Student Council, the Student Consulate, sections in all grade
levels, and the Class Officers.
Chapter 2 – The Students
SEC 5. Who are the students? – The following are students of Naga College Foundation:
(1) Those who are enrolled in Naga College Foundation at the time of the adoption of
the Constitution for the SSC;
(2) Those students enrolled before the promulgation of this Code;
(3) Those who are officers elected in the Student Council.
SEC 6. Alumni. – Students of Naga College Foundation who graduated in the same
institution shall be considered as pioneer of the aforesaid alma matter in their support and
utmost allegiance to the institution.
Chapter 3 – The Code, and Interpretation of Laws
SEC 7. The Code. – This Administrative Code shall be in accordance to the Constitution
that was promulgated by the government and shall have the full force and effect of law.
The Code therefor shall enact these policies that carry out the principles of the
Constitution as follows:
(1) The SSC shall ensure its officers that their duties are executed in accordance with
the Constitution;
(2) The SSC shall promote a government that embodies the ideals and aspirations of
the students for the common good of the institution;
(3) The SSC values and recognizes the equality of all officers to preserve and make a
long-lasting unity through officers who were designated inside the Department.
(4) The Government shall give priority to students in academic or any educational
affairs, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and
(5) The Government shall promote a God-Loving institution that improves spiritual
and religious affairs in broadening the faith to the Divine Almighty God.
(6) The Government shall ensure that their security is protected and shall have the
officers of law to defend its freedom and integrity.
(7) The Government shall develop and improve its economy controlled by all persons
under the jurisdiction of the Student Council.
(8) The Government shall pursue an independent policy. Its relations with other
departments the paramount consideration shall be departmental sovereignty and
integrity, governmental interest, and the right to self-determination.
Chapter 4 – Governmental Symbols and Paraphernalia
SEC 8. The Flag. – (1) The Flag of Naga College Foundation shall be Jade Green,
applied with the Logo of the school at the middle, and shall consist of a golden tassel in
the edges.
(1) The Supreme Student Council may, by law, create a separate flag for them and the
logo of Naga College Foundation or its name shall always be present in the design
that they may compose;
(2) The custody, ceremonial use, occasion, and manner of display, and proper care and
disposition of the flag shall be governed by appropriate rules and regulations.
(3) The flag shall always be properly displayed during the sessions of the Student
Body having the Philippine Flag vertically displayed at the middle, the school flag
on the left, and the SSC flag on the right if by law, creating a flag designed for the
SSC. Or unless otherwise, no law that mandates the creation of an SSC flag, the
proper display shall be the Philippine flag on the left, and the school flag on the
SEC 9. Anthem. – Until otherwise provided by law, the Naga College Foundation Hymn
shall be the official anthem for the institution. It shall be sung or played upon the closing
of all occasions or gatherings as may be prescribed by appropriate rules or regulations.
Should there be an anthem if there will be creation of a flag for the SSC, the anthem will
be used shall also be the NCF Hymn. No other song or march shall be played except for
the Philippine National Anthem and the Naga College Foundation hymn.
SEC 10. – Seal of the Supreme Student Council. – (1) Until otherwise provided by law,
the seal for the Supreme Student Council shall be the logo of Naga College Foundation.
If the law mandates the creation of the seal for the Supreme Student Council unless
otherwise, its design shall have an eagle holding the NCF flag on the right. The arms
shall have a paleways of eleven (11) pieces, gules and argent; a chief azure with six
mullets equidistant from each other; and, in point of honor, the Logo of Naga College
Foundation at the middle; together with two aureate lions from both sides holding the
shield. Beneath shall have a bush in whom the lion stands consisting of red roses, tulip,
and dandelions; and, a medal of honor attached on the shield above holding a scroll with
the words “Libertas et Gratia” or its equivalent in the national language, inscribed
(2) The seal shall be circular in form; with the arms as described in the preceding
paragraph but without the scroll and inscription thereon, and surrounding the whole, a
double marginal circle within shall appear the words “Supreme Student Council,” or its
equivalent in the national language.
SEC 11. Arms, Seals, and Banners of Government Offices. – The various offices of
government may adopt appropriate coat-of-arms, seals, and banners.
Chapter 5 – Operation and Effect of Laws
SEC 12. When Laws Take Effect. – Laws shall take effect after ten (10) days following
the completion of their publication in the official Facebook page of the Supreme Student
Council unless it is otherwise provided.
SEC 13. Prospectivity. – Laws shall have prospective effect unless the contrary is
expressly provided.
SEC 14. Interpretation of Laws and Administrative Issuances. – In the interpretation of a
law or administrative issuance promulgated in all the official languages, the English text
shall control, unless otherwise, specifically provided. In case of ambiguity, omission or
mistake, the other texts may be consulted.
SEC 15. No Implied Revival of Repealed Law. – When a law which expressly repeals a
prior law is itself repealed, the law first repealed shall not be thereby revived unless
expressly so provided.
SEC 16. Revival of Law Impliedly Repealed. – When a law which impliedly repeals a
prior law is itself repealed, the prior law shall thereby be revived, unless the repealing
law provides otherwise.
SEC 17. Ignorance of the Law. – Ignorance of the law excuses no one from compliance
Chapter 6 – The Publication of Official Documents
SEC 18. The Supreme Student Council’s Facebook Page. – This section in online posting
shall be used for official purposes. Laws that are adopted shall be posted within five (5)
days on which shall consist the whole document of that prior law.
SEC 19. Other Student Body Pages. – Until provided otherwise, the usage of pages that
are officially used in business purposes within the institution shall be legal and have the
force of law to be effective.
SEC 20. Unauthorized Pages. – The Supreme Student Council shall have at least two (2)
Facebook pages; one for the Junior High School, and another for the Senior High School.
Unless otherwise provided by law, have a single operative page therefor. Unauthorized
pages shall be prohibited and anyone who will be found accountable in this activity shall
fine for at least Two Hundred Pesos (200.00) or a punishment of mandatory school
service for at least seven (7) days.
SEC 21. Other Documents. – Other official documents may be posted in the official page
of the Supreme Student Council. However, documents pertaining to classified
transactions of the government shall not be disclosed to the public; and, other issuances
may be posted upon the direction of the President of the Supreme Student Council.
Chapter 7 – General Principles Governing Student Officers
SEC 22. Nature of Public Office. – Public office is a public trust. Student officers and
leaders must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead
modest lives.
SEC 23. Policy on Change of Alma Mater. – Student officers and employees owe the
School and this Constitution allegiance at all times, and any student officer who seeks to
change his alma mater or acquire the status of a foreign from another center of learning
during his tenure shall be dealt with by law.
SEC 24. Declaration of Assets, Liabilities, and Net-Worth. - A student officer or
employee shall, upon assumption of office and as often thereafter as may be required by
law, submit a declaration under oath of his assets, liabilities, and net worth. In the case of
the President, the Vice-President, the Supreme Court, and the Governmental
Commissions, the declaration shall be disclosed to the public in the manner provided by
SEC 25. Ethics in Government. – All student officers shall be bound by a Code of Ethics
to be promulgated by the Prefect for Students Formation.
Chapter 8 – Official Oaths
SEC 26. Oaths of Office of Student Officers. – Unless otherwise provided by the
COMELEC, all student officers of the government shall, before entering upon the
discharge of his duties, take an oath or affirmation to uphold and defend the Constitution;
that he will bear true faith and allegiance to it; obey the laws, legal orders and decrees
promulgated by the duly constituted authorities; will well and faithfully discharge to the
best of his ability the duties of the office or position upon which he is about to enter; and
that he voluntarily assumes the obligation imposed by his oath of office, without mental
reservation or purpose of evasion.
SEC 27. Officers Authorized to Administer Oath. – (1) The following officers have
general authority to administer oath: Members of the Guidance Office, Members of the
Student Tribunal, Secretary of the Supreme Student Council, Prefect on Students
Formation, the Student Activity Coordinator and any other officer in the service of the
student body whose appointment is vested in the President.
(2) Oaths may also be administered by any officers whose duties, as defined by law or
regulation, require presentation to him of any statement under oath.
Chapter 9 – Official Reports
SEC 28. Monthly Report. – Every head of a department under the Student Body shall
prepare and submit reports to the President before the fourth Friday of each month.
SEC 29. Annual Report. – The President of the Supreme Student Council shall prepare
and submit reports to the Student Activity Coordinator fourteen (14) days before the
termination of his regular term.
SEC 30. Contents of Report. – The contents of the annual or monthly report shall be
prescribed by law or, in the absence thereof, by executive order.
SEC 31. Special Reports. – Each chief of all departments or other officer of the
government under the Student Body shall make such special reports concerning the work
of his Bureau or Office as may from time to time be required of him by the President of
the Supreme Student Council or the Student Activity Coordinator.
SEC 32. Archives of Official Reports. – Each duration of the School Year, official copies
of reports shall be deposited in the Prefect for Students Formation and shall be open for
public inspection.
Chapter 1 – Basic Principles and Policies
SECTION 1. Guiding Principles and Policies in the Government. – Government power
shall be exercised in accordance to the following basic principles and policies:
(1) The Supreme Student Council shall be an independent functioning government.
All class and departmental government shall recognize its supreme authority under
its jurisdiction.
(2) The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect its students. They shall
ensure that the people under their jurisdiction shall at all times be preserved and
(3) The Government shall recognize the separation of church, classrooms and
government to protect the rights of the people with different beliefs thereof, and
prohibits any seclusion or exclusion of any activities wherefore indeed related to
such practices in religious concerns.
(4) The right of the people and their organizations to effective and reasonable
participation at all levels of social, political, and economic decision-making shall
not be abridged.
(5) The powers expressly vested in any branch of the government shall not be
exercised by, nor delegated to, any other branch of the government, except to the
extent authorized by the Constitution.
Chapter 2 – Legislative Power
SEC 2. Seat of Legislative Power. – The Legislative Power shall be vested in the
assembly of the Student Council and Student Consulate which shall consist of
Representatives and Officers of law provided by the Constitution and Laws.
SEC 3. Inhibitions against Members of the Assembly. – The members of the Legislature
shall not, during their tenure, hold any other office or enjoyment. Neither shall they
engage in the practice of any profession or in the active management or control of any
business which in any way be affected by the functions of their office, nor shall they be
financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract with, or in any franchise or
privilege granted by the Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies, or
instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations or their
subsidiaries, during their term without forfeiting their seat. Neither shall they be
appointed to any office which may have been created or the emoluments thereof
increased during their term for which they were elected.
SEC 4. Electoral Tribunal. – The COMELEC shall have the sole power to supervise all
activities of students in relevance to elections, referendum, and the qualifications of all
Officers. Headed by the Overall Comelec Chairman, he shall ensure that the duties of
their members shall be executed in accordance to the regulations herein provided by the
The COMELEC shall be the sole judge and shall be given authority to investigate, and
take charge to all actions in regards to controversies related to election process,
misconduct of candidates, and other concerns. The COMELEC Chairman shall be given
power to approve all campaign paraphernalia of candidates for the Supreme Student
Council. He shall also be responsible in making the questionnaires for referendum or
plebiscites, and other duties as may be prescribed by law.
In the manner as may be mandated by law, the Student Council may seat as the Electoral
Tribunal and exercise authority vested in the duly constituted COMELEC. Joining
together with at least four members from both the Student Council and the Consulate,
they shall have the exclusive power to proclaim the Constitution through the results of the
referendum. This authority shall only be vested to them during the exercise of the 21-day
period of the Article XVI of the Constitution of the Supreme Student Council, or
whenever a change of the Constitution may commence.
SEC 5. Commission on Appointments. – There shall be a Commission on Appointments
consisting of the Vice President of the Student Council, as ex officio Chairman, and 5
members of the SSC and Student Consulate. The Chairman of the Commission shall have
no vote unless they be equally divided. The Commission shall act on all appointments
submitted to it within fifteen (15) session days of the Assembly from their submission.
The Commission shall rule by a majority vote of all its members.
SEC 6. Legislative Investigation. – The Supreme Student Council or the Student
Consulate may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with its duly rules of
procedure. The rights of persons appearing in or affected by such inquiries shall be
SEC 7. Dissolution of the Assembly. – The Vice-President may advise the President in
writing to dissolve the Assembly whenever the need arises for a popular vote of
confidence on fundamental issues, but not on a matter involving his own personal
integrity. Whereupon, the President shall dissolve the Assembly not earlier than five days
nor later than ten days from his receipt of the advice, and call for an election on a date set
by the Vice-President which shall not be earlier than forty-five days nor later than sixty
days from the date of such dissolution. However, no dissolution of the Assembly shall
take place within two months immediately preceding a regular election or within nine
months immediately following any general election.
In case of dissolution of the Assembly or the termination of its regular term, the
incumbent Vice-President shall continue to conduct the affairs of government until the
new Assembly is convoked and a Vice-President is elected and has qualified.
SEC 8. The Organization of the Legislature. – The Legislative body of the Supreme
Student Council shall be a Bicameral Congress. Comprising of the Student Assembly
which consists of the Members elected in the Supreme Student Council. The Vice
President of the SSC shall be the President of the Assembly but shall have no vote unless
they be equally divided. The Student Consulate shall consist of elected students in every
grade level in Junior High School. Each of them shall represent the student in their
respective grade levels and have powers similar to the main SSC Assembly.
SEC 9. Powers and Responsibilities of the Legislature. – The Student Assembly shall be
the Upper House and the Student Consulate shall be the Lower House of the Supreme
Student Council. Its duties under the Constitution shall be the following:
a. The Assembly shall have the power to make laws. All laws shall originate in the
parliament in a form of a House Bill.

No Bill shall be passed in the parliament will become a law unless it passed into three
readings in separate days. No amendment shall be passed on its final day of reading
and casting of votes thereon shall be taken immediately and yeas and nays therein be
recorded in the Parliament’s Journal.

The bill therefore, before it becomes a law, shall be presented to the President. If he
approves the same, then he shall sign it; otherwise veto it with his objections and
return it from where it originated. The Assembly re-reviewing the legislation amend it
within 5 days in accordance to the objections of the President and wherefore vote by
1/3 of the Assembly shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the
objections therein. Within ten days whenever the President shall sign it, therefore
becomes a law; otherwise, when the Assembly is out in session, in case of no
signature, it shall become a law thereafter.

b. The Student Consulate shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of
impeachment. A verified complaint for impeachment may be filed by any member of
the Student Consulate upon a resolution of endorsement by any Member thereof,
which shall be included in the Order of Business within ten session days, and referred
to the proper Committee within three session days thereafter. The Committee, after
hearing, and by a majority vote of all its Members, shall submit its report to the
Assembly within twenty-one session days from such referral, together with the
corresponding resolution. The resolution shall be calendared for consideration by the
Assembly within ten session days from receipt thereof.

A vote of one-third of all the Members of the same SCon joint assembly shall be
necessary either to affirm a favorable resolution with the Articles of Impeachment of
the Committee, or override its contrary resolution. All members must vote their yeas
and nays for affirmation. The vote of each member shall be recorded.

c. The Student Assembly shall have the power to try and decide all impeachments.
Having the joint resolution filed by the lower house, the verified complaint shall be
presented in their regular session and be included in the Order of Business thereof.
The Student Assembly shall seat as the Impeachment Court and no decision shall be
valid without the concurrence of 2/3 votes of all its Members.

d. The Student Assembly shall have the authority over the government’s income. They
may raise the monthly or annual budget and provide for some various projects
exercised by the government. The Student Assembly shall have power to oversee its
proper expenditure.

e. The Congress shall, as the acting Commission on Appointments, approve all nominees
in such government institution appointed by the President. The following offices that
require approval shall be the following: Justices of the Student Tribunal, Chairmen of
the Constitutional Commissions, Heads and members of the Student Task Force, and
as may be provided by law, Cabinet Members of the Executive Branch.

f. The Congress shall have an Oversight function and may conduct inquiries in aid of
legislation to investigate all malpractices of the officers in the government through
their respective Committees provided for in the Constitution.

SEC 10. Power to Propose Constitutional Amendments. – The SSC and SCON
assemblies shall have the exclusive power to propose or initiate amendments to the
Constitution; The same in one session assembled, upon a vote of three-fourths of all
members; or call for a constitutional convention.
Any amendment to, or revision to the Constitution may be proposed by: (a) the
Assembly, upon a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all its Members; or (b) call a
constitutional convention. The Assembly may, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all its
members, call a constitutional convention, or by a majority of all its members, submit to
the electorate the question of calling such a convention.
Should there be called a Constitutional Convention, all members of the same shall be
either elected or appointed by the President of the Supreme Student Council. The
Convention shall determine the rules of their proceedings and elect their administrative
officials thereon.
Any approval of resolution passed by the Convention or Assembly shall be submitted to
the President and he may exercise his veto powers; and return the resolution from where
it originated. In case of the approval of the President, the questions for the referendum
shall be submitted to the electorate and no ratification of the Constitution shall take effect
without the majority votes of all electors.
SEC 11. Validity of Constitutional Amendments. – Any amendment to or revision to the
Constitution proposed by the Assembly or a constitutional convention shall be valid when
ratified by a majority of votes cast in a plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than five
(5) days but not later than fifteen (15) days after the approval of such amendment or
Chapter 3 – Executive Power
SEC 12. Exercise of Executive Power. – The Executive Power shall be vested in the
President of the Supreme Student Council.
SEC 13. The Vice President. - There shall be a Vice-President who shall have the same
qualifications and term of office and be elected with and in the same manner as the
President. He may be removed from office in the same manner as the President.
SEC 14. Vacancy in Office of the President. – In case of death, permanent disability,
removal from office, or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall become the
President to serve the unexpired term. In case of death, permanent disability, removal
from office, or resignation of both the President and Vice-President, The Speaker of the
Student Consulate, or in case of his inability, the President Pro Tempore of the Assembly
shall then act as President until the President and Vice-President shall have been elected
and qualified.
The Assembly shall, by law, provide who shall serve as President in case death,
permanent disability, or resignation of the Acting President. He shall serve until the
President and Vice-President shall have been elected and qualified, and be subject to
tame restrictions of powers and disqualifications as the Acting President.
SEC 15. Vacancy in Office of the Vice-President. – Whenever there is a vacancy in the
Office of the Vice-President during the term for which he was elected, the President shall
nominate a Vice-President from among the Members of the Supreme Student Council or
the Student Consulate who shall assume office upon confirmation by a majority vote of
all Members of the Assembly voting separately.
SEC 16. Inhibitions Against Executive Officials. – The President, Vice-President,
Secretary, and other officials as may be appointed by the President by law, shall not,
unless otherwise provided by the Constitution, hold any other office or enjoyment during
their tenure. Neither shall they engage in the practice of any profession or in the active
management or control of any business which in any way be affected by the functions of
their office, nor shall they be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract
with, or in any franchise or privilege granted by the Government, any of its subdivisions,
agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations or
their subsidiaries, during their term without forfeiting their seat. Neither shall they be
appointed to any office which may have been created or the emoluments thereof
increased during their term for which they were elected.
Chapter 4 – Judicial Power
SEC 17. Judicial Power. - The Judicial Power shall be vested in the Supreme Court and
all other halls of justice as provided by laws. Judicial power includes the duty of the
courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally
demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been a grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch
or instrumentality of the Government.
SEC 18. Composition of the Supreme Court. - The Supreme Court shall be composed of a
Chief Justice, and other 4 associate justices from each year level. The 4 associate justices
shall be the justices appointed in each grade level. It may sit en banc, or in its discretion,
divisions of 3 members. Any vacancy shall be filled within 14 days from the occurrence
The number of the membership in the Supreme Court may be increased depending on the
disposition of the President. Each vacancy in the same shall be filled by the President
from the recommendation of the Judicial Bar Council and shall require no confirmation.
The Organization of the Supreme Court shall be determined by the President. He shall fix
all divisions in the same to avoid misunderstanding of positions in its sector and to
equally administer justice throughout the land.
SEC 19. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. – The Supreme Court shall have the
following Powers:
(1) Exercise original jurisdiction over cases affecting ambassadors, other public
ministers and consuls, and over petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo
warranto, and habeas corpus.

(2) Promulgate rules concerning the protection and enforcement of constitutional

rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, the admission to the practice
of law, the integrated bar, and legal assistance to the underprivileged. Such rules
shall provide a simplified and inexpensive procedure for the speedy disposition of
cases, shall be uniform for all courts of the same grade, and shall not diminish,
increase, or modify substantive rights. Rules of procedure of special courts and
quasi-judicial bodies shall remain effective unless disapproved by the Supreme
(3) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the law or the
Rules of Court may provide, final judgments and orders of lower courts in:

a) All cases in which the constitutionality and validity of all laws, and
intergovernmental decisions made by each executive officers therein are in
b) All cases regarding the jurisdiction of both departments wherein are in issue and
or in dispute.
SEC 20. Judicial and Bar Council. – A Judicial and Bar Council is hereby created under
the supervision of the Supreme Court composed of the Chief Justice as ex officio
Chairman, the Secretary of the Supreme Student Council, and a representative of the
Assembly as ex officio Member, a representative of the COMELEC, member of the BED
Faculty, and a class President from any grade level.
The regular members of the Council shall be appointed by the President with the consent
of the Commission on Appointments. Of the Members first appointed, the member of the
BED Faculty shall serve for three (3) years, the representative of the COMELEC for two
(2) years, and the class President from any grade level for one (1) year.
The Council shall have the principal function of recommending appointees to the
Judiciary. It may exercise such other functions and duties as the Supreme Court may
assign to it.
SEC 21. Appointments of Members of Judiciary. – The Members of the Supreme Court
shall be appointed by the President from a list of at least three (3) nominees prepared by
the Judicial and Bar Council for every vacancy. Such appointments shall require no
Chapter 5 – Constitutional Commissions
SEC 22. Constitutional Commissions. – The Commissions that will be appointed shall be
federal between the government and their organization, these are the Commission on
Student Improvement, Commission on Audit, Commission in Intergovernmental Affairs.
SEC 23. Inhibitions Against Constitutional Commissioners. – No Member of a
Governmental Commission shall, during his tenure, hold any other office or employment.
Neither shall he engage in the practice of any profession or in the active management or
control of any business which in any way be affected by the functions of his office, nor
shall he be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract with, or in any
franchise or privilege granted by the Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies, or
instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations or their
SEC 24. Promulgation of Rules. – Each Commission en banc may promulgate its own
rules concerning pleadings and practice before it or before any of its offices. Such rules
however shall not diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights.
SEC 25. Decisions of the Constitutional Commissions. – Each Commissions shall decide,
by a majority votes of all its Members, any case or matter brought before it within
twenty-five (25) days from the date of its submission or resolution. A case or matter is
deemed submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing of the last pleading, brief, or
memorandum required by the rules of the Commission or by the Commission itself.
Unless otherwise provided by the Constitution or by law, any decision, order, or ruling of
each Commission may be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by the aggrieved
party within fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy thereof.
Chapter 6 – Other Bodies
SEC 26. Other Bodies. – The President or Assembly may by law, create other institutions
within the Supreme Student Council in the manner that they can help the constituted
government. Considered as institutions of the SSC the organizations inside the school
whether non-governmental, school-controlled, or independent. Should the President
create another body of Government, this institution shall be under the supervision of the
Executive Branch and be part of the Cabinet of the President.

Chapter 1 – Power of Control
SECTION 1. Power of Control. - The President shall be the head of its council,
governing body, the legislation, consulates, class officers, and full authority shall be
given to him. The President shall be elected by the majority of vote by the people and
shall have a term of 10 months.
Chapter 2 – Ordinance Power
SEC 2. Executive Orders. - Acts of the President providing for rules of a general or
permanent character in implementation or execution of constitutional or statutory powers
shall be promulgated in executive orders.
SEC 3. Administrative Orders. - Acts of the President which relate to particular aspects of
governmental operations in pursuance of his duties as administrative head shall be
promulgated in administrative orders.
SEC 4. Proclamations. - Acts of the President fixing a date or declaring a status or
condition of public moment or interest, upon the existence of which the operation of a
specific law or regulation is made to depend, shall be promulgated in proclamations
which shall have the force of an executive order.
SEC 5. Memorandum Orders. - Acts of the President on matters of administrative detail
or of subordinate or temporary interest which only concern a particular officer or office
of the Government shall be embodied in memorandum orders.
SEC 6. Memorandum Circulars. - Acts of the President on matters relating to internal
administration, which the President desires to bring to the attention of all or some of the
departments, agencies, bureaus or offices of the Government, for information or
compliance, shall be embodied in memorandum circulars.
SEC 7. General or Special Orders. - Acts and commands of the President in his capacity
as Commander-in-Chief of the Students Disciplinary Task Force and or entity to maintain
law and order shall be issued as general or special orders.
Chapter 3 – Exercise of Powers in the Student Council
SEC 8. Other Executive Powers. – The President may, whenever the Assembly provides
otherwise, exercise his authorities provided under the Constitution and within his
SEC 9. Legislative Powers. – The President may, if the Assembly fails to do its duties as
legislature, the President shall also legislate to continue the duties of the Legislative
Department whenever there is no confidence in the duly constituted government. He may
enact laws in his conscience whenever he may deem necessary to take action in such
issues that requires immediate action.
SEC 10. Amnesty Powers. – The President may, with the consent of the Assembly,
exercise the power to give amnesty to persons whose charged by the Disciplinary Task
Force. He may give amnesty to persons which are under the supervision of the
Disciplinary Task Force upon the recommendation of the Supreme Court.
SEC 11. Subpoena Powers. – The President may, with the force of an Administrative
Order, issue subpoenas to persons whose presence is required in an investigation
conducted by the departments under the Executive Branch. In case of a legislative
investigation, he may issue subpoenas effective only to the Officers in the Executive
SEC 12. Basic Budgetary Powers. – The President shall have the power over the
student’s budget. He shall provide just compensation and exact budget to all institutions
under the Supreme Student Council upon the recommendation of the Treasurer or
Auditor of the SSC. All financial transactions must be audited.
SEC 13. Power to Remove Officers. – The President, upon the recommendation of the
Commission on Appointments, remove officers within the Executive Branch whenever it
may seem to be necessary. Removal of executive officers shall be effective with the force
of a Memorandum Circular and no such removal of officers shall take effect twenty (20)
days after the issuance of the Memorandum Circular.
Chapter 4 – Power of Appointment
SEC 14. Power of Appointment. – The President shall exercise the power to appoint such
officials as provided for in the Constitution and laws.
SEC 15. Power to Issue Temporary Designations. – The President may temporarily
designate an officer already in the government service or by any competent person to
perform the functions of an office in the executive branch, appointment to which is
vested in him by law, when: (a) the officer regularly appointed to the office is unable to
perform his duties by reason of illness, absence or any other cause; or (b) there exists a
Chapter 5 – General Supervision over the Student Council
SEC 16. General Supervision over the Student Council. – The President shall exercise
general supervision over the Student Council.
SEC 17. Powers Under the Constitution. – The President shall comply and exercise such
other powers as are or may be provided for in the Constitution.
SEC 18. Residual Powers. – Unless the Assembly provides otherwise, the President shall
exercise such other powers and functions vested in the President which are provided for
under the laws which are not specially enumerated above, or which are not delegated by
the President in accordance with law.
Chapter 6 – Organization of the Office of the President
SEC 19. Organization. – The Office of the President shall consist of the Office of the
President Proper and the agencies under it.
SEC 20. Office of the President Proper. – (1) The Office of the President Proper shall
consist of the Executive Office, Presidential Support System, Assistants/Advisers
(2) The Executive Office shall refer to the office of the Secretary of the Supreme
Student Council, and Assistant Secretaries. In the discretion of the Secretary, he may
appoint the Assistants under his office with the consent of the President.
(3) The Presidential Support System embraces the offices and units under the general
categories of development and management, general government administration and
internal administration; and
(4) The Presidential Assistants/Advisers System includes such officers and
administrators as may be needed by the President.
SEC 21. The Agencies under the Office of the President. – The agencies under the office
of the President refers to those offices placed under the chairmanship under the President,
those under the supervision and control of the President, those under the administrative
supervision of the President, those attached to it for policy and program coordination, and
those that are not placed by law or order creating them under any special department.
SEC 22. Members of the Agencies Under the Office of the President. – The Members of
the agencies in the preceding section shall be the officers of the Supreme Student Council
and the Student Consulate. Officers will be assigned in the act of the President. Such
appointment requires no confirmation.
Chapter 7 – Functions of the Different Offices in the Office of the President Proper
SEC 23. Declaration of Policy. – The Executive Office shall be fully responsive to the
specific needs and requirements of the President to achieve the purposes and objectives
of the Office.
SEC 24. The Executive Secretary, and Assistant Secretaries. – The Executive Office shall
be headed by the Secretary of the Supreme Student Council who shall be assisted by his
appointed Assistant Secretary, in which such appointment hereto shall be approved by the
SEC 25. Functions of the Executive Secretary. – The Executive Secretary shall, subject to
the control and the supervision of the President, carry out the functions assigned by law
to the Executive Office and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him.
He shall:
(1) Directly assist the President in the management of the affairs pertaining to the
Government of the Supreme Student Council;
(2) Implement presidential directives, orders, and decisions;
(3) Decide, for in behalf of the President, matters not requiring personal presidential
(4) Exercise supervision and control over the various units in the Office of the
President Proper including their administrative requirements;
(5) Exercise supervision, in behalf of the President, over the various agencies under
the office of the President;
(6) Provide overall coordination in the operation of the Executive Office;
(7) Appoint or remove Assistant Secretaries and other members of the Executive
Office as he may deem necessary with the consent of the President;
(8) Exercise primary authority to sign papers “By the authority of the President”, attest
executive orders and other presidential issuances unless attestation is specifically
delegated to other officials by him or by the President;
(9) Determine with the President’s approval, the appropriate assignment of office and
agencies not placed by law under any specific executive department;
(10) Assist the President in performance of functions pertaining to legislation;
(11) Provide secretarial and clerical services for the President, the Supreme
Student Council, and other advisory bodies to the President;
(12) Represent, in behalf of the President in all meetings, or in his unavailability,
the Assistant Secretary, or he may appoint other officers to represent the President;
(13) Perform such other functions as the President may direct;


SEC 26. Functions of the Presidential Support System. – The various staff units in the
Office of the President Proper shall form a common support system and shall be
organized along the various tasks of the Office namely:
(1) The Secretariat on which shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Supreme
Student Council shall assist the President in the establishment of agenda topics for
the departmental deliberations, facilitate the discussion of cabinet meetings. It shall
have such powers, and functions as may be prescribed by law;
(2) The Presidential Support System on which may be overseed by the Vice-President
shall be the primary governmental agency directly responsible to the Office of the
President for providing staff assistance in the Presidential exercise of overall
management of the development process.
SEC 27. Overall Head of the Office of the President Proper. – All executory powers and
overall direction and general administration in governing the Office of the President
Proper shall be vested in the Secretary of the Supreme Student Council.
SEC 28. Presidential Advisers. – In the discretion of the President, he may choose within
the members of the faculty to be the Adviser of the President for governmental and
internal affairs. The faculty that will be chosen shall also be the overall adviser for the
Supreme Student Council.
SEC 29. Student Consulate Advisers. – Either in the direction of the President or in the
discretion of the Speaker of the Consulate, exercise such provisions in the preceding
section to choose an Adviser for the Student Consulate. Each adviser shall have powers
as may be provided by law.
Chapter 1 – The Departments
SECTION 1. Other Institutions. – These institutions shall be under the supervision of the
President and other administrations as may be prescribed by law. The institutions
therewith shall be the Students’ Disciplinary Task Force, Bureau of Internal Revenue,
Counseling Agency, Health Management Bureau, social media and Information
Commission, and the Commission on Elections.
SEC 2. Declaration of Policy. – (1) Thereby it is declared that the departments that are
hereby established by law shall be organized and maintained to ensure their capacity to
plan and implement programs in accordance with established governmental policies;
(2) Bureaus and offices shall be grouped primarily on the basis of major functions to
achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency in government operations and minimize
duplication and overlapping of activities; and
(3) The functions of the different Departments shall be decentralized in order to reduce
red tape, free central officials from administrative details concerning field operations, and
relieve them from unnecessary involvement in routine and local matters. Adequate
authority shall be delegated to subordinate officials. Administrative decisions and actions
shall, as much as feasible, be at the level closest to the public.

SEC 3. Formation of all Departments. – Unless otherwise provided by law, this

establishment of all departments shall have the force of an Executive Order. As defined
by this code, it shall perform its duties as may be prescribed by this chapter unless
specified by an Executive Order.
SEC 4. Chairmanship of All Departments. – All created departments within this code
shall have at least a Chairman appointed by the President. The Chairman, shall have
overall control and jurisdiction to his designation and appoint members thereof in such
institution he may be assigned.
The term of the Chairman shall be at one (1) year, and its members for nine (9) months.
Each members assigned thereto shall have the consent of the President. All performance
of duties therefore shall be in accordance with law.
SEC 5. Inhibitions Against Officers of Each Department. – All Chairmen, Members of
each department shall not, during their tenure, hold any other office or enjoyment.
Neither shall they engage in the practice of any profession or in the active management or
control of any business which in any way be affected by the functions of their office, nor
shall they be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract with, or in any
franchise or privilege granted by the Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies, or
instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations or their
subsidiaries, during their term without forfeiting their seat.
SEC 6. Submission of Reports of Every Institution. – Unless otherwise provided by law,
all departments shall, for every 30 days, submit a report of its operations and activities
exercised in their office to the President.
Chapter 2 – General Provisions
SEC 7. Students’ Disciplinary Task Force. – The Students’ Disciplinary Task Force shall
be the Junior High School’s Police Force to attain law and order, purvey discipline and
peace throughout the land, and to exercise its duties within and in accordance with law.
SEC 8. Prefect on Students’ Formation. – The Prefect of Discipline shall be the interim
Chairman of the Police Force and shall have supervision to the Force and perform such
powers as may be provided and defined by law.
SEC 9. The President. – The President shall be the Commander-In-Chief of all the
Students’ Disciplinary Task Force and shall have the power to command and give
directives to the Force and shall exercise its emergency powers effective to the same as
may the Assembly provides thereafter.
Chapter 3 – Organization
SEC 10. Chain of Command. – There shall be a Chain of Command in the Task Force to
issue such orders from the highest ranking official to disseminate information to the
members therein. The organization of command shall be as follows:

 Interim Chairman (Head of the Prefect for Students Formation)

 Commander-In-Chief (President of the Supreme Student Council)
 Vice-President of the Supreme Student Council (Pro Tempore)
 Chief of Staff
 Vice Chief of Staff
 Club Director
 Unit Counselor
 Division Leaders (Per Grade Level)
SEC 11. Interim Chairman. – The Head of the Prefect for Students Formation shall be the
Chairman and adviser of the Students’ Disciplinary Task Force. He shall have the
following powers:
(1) He shall have the authority to exercise general supervision in the task force;
(2) In the discretion of the chairman, he may direct or advise the President in matters
of issuing orders;
(3) Advise and direct the institution in matters of employing discipline;
(4) Appoint other officers in the Task Force as may be provided by law;
(5) Provide the application for the Students’ Disciplinary Task Force; and
(6) As may be provided by law, appoint temporary officials in the institution with the
consent of the Commission on Appointments.
SEC 12. Commander-In-Chief. – In accordance to section 9 of the preceding chapter, the
President shall be Commander-In-Chief of all the Students’ Disciplinary Task Force. He
shall have the power to give direct orders to the officials and members herewith as
provided for in the laws.
He may direct the Chief of Staff with the force of a General or Special Orders in his
capacities as commander in the Force. The President may exercise powers as may the
Interim Chairman provides.
SEC 13. Vice President of the Supreme Student Council. – The Vice President shall only
be present in the absence of the President to exercise such powers provided for as the
Commander-In-Chief. He shall automatically have emergency powers whenever in the
absence of the President.
SEC 14. Chief of Staff. – The Chief of Staff of the Students’ Disciplinary Task Force
shall be appointed by the President. He shall be the Senior Commanding Officer after the
President and shall exercise military powers as may be defined by law. He shall have the
power to appoint Division Leaders per grade level with the consent of the Interim
Chairman and of the Commander-in-chief. He may advise the President in matters of
taking actions in attaining law and order in all Junior High School. The Chief of Staff
shall also submit a report to the Prefect of Students Formation every thirty (30) days, a
report of their operations and activities conducted in the Students’ Disciplinary Task
SEC 15. Qualifications of the Chief of Staff. – Unless the law provides otherwise, the
qualifications of the Chief of Staff shall be as follows:
(1) Bona fide student of Naga College Foundation and a Grade 10 student;
(2) Having at least a general average of 85 and above;
(3) Able to read and write;
(4) Has not been subjected to any disciplinary action
(5) Has proven capacity to do multi-tasking, with a sense of leadership, commitment,
and responsibility.
SEC 16. Vice Chief of Staff. – The Vice Chief of Staff of the Students’ Disciplinary Task
Force shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Assembly and with the
recommendation of the officials of the Force. He shall have the same qualifications of the
Chief of Staff.
The Vice Chief of Staff shall be the principal deputy to the Chief of Staff, and is the
second-highest-ranking officer on active duty in the Students’ Disciplinary Task Force.
He shall also handle the day-to-day administration and affairs of the Force, freeing the
chief of staff to attend to the interservice responsibilities of the Heads and Board of

SEC 17. Club Director. The Club Director on which shall also be appointed by the
President, shall exercise supervision to his inferiors and shall be the commanding officer,
on which commands may be direct order or such exercise of authority shall have the
consent of the Chief of Staff. The Club Director shall have the same qualifications as
with the Chief of Staff.
SEC 18. Unit Counselor. – The Unit Counselor shall also be appointed by the President.
He shall supervise the application for members of the Students’ Disciplinary Task Force
and shall have the power to approve, orient, and screen all applicants in the institution.
He shall have the sole power to supervise the Division Leaders and may give direct
orders or commands from his superior chiefs.
SEC 19. Qualifications of a Unit Counselor. – The Unit Counselor shall have the
following qualifications:
(1) He shall be a bona fide student of Naga College Foundation;
(2) He shall be at least Grade 9 or higher;
(3) He shall not be engaged in any disciplinary action;
(4) No failing grade and having at least a general average of 85 and above;
(5) Able to read and write;
(6) Has proven capacity to do multi-tasking, with a sense of leadership, commitment,
and responsibility.
SEC 20. Division Leaders. – There shall be a Division Leaders in all grade level
appointed by the Unit Counselor with the consent of the Chairman. The Division Leaders
shall be the head of his grade level in supervising his members. They may give orders to
his members as he may deem necessary without consultation to the Joint Chiefs. He shall
submit to the Chairman and President their monthly report of their activities and
operations in their department.
SEC 21. Members of the Students’ Disciplinary Task Force. – The Members who are
willing to apply shall be from every grade level. Their organization shall be determined
by law, or unless otherwise, provided by the Head of the Prefect on Students Formation.
The organization of the Members shall be ten (10) per grade level. Each of them, applied,
oriented, attended in the screening of the Prefect, passed and qualified, and certified by
the Unit Counselor.
The members therewith shall be a bona fide student of Naga College Foundation, able to
read and write, having at least a general average of 85 and above, has not been subjected
to any disciplinary action, resilient and confident, and will take this obligation freely
without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
Chapter 4 – General Provisions
SEC 22. Bureau of Internal Revenue. – The Bureau of Internal Revenue is hereby
created, patterned to the same institution which is established under the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines. Its functions shall be determined by law, the heads and
commissioners, and shall perform its duties and responsibilities as provided by law.
SEC 23. Powers and Duties of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. – The Bureau of Internal
Revenue shall be under the supervision and control of the Student Activity Coordinator
and its powers and duties shall comprehend the assessment and collection of all student
internal revenue funds, and other financial-related compliance that is originally collected
within the classrooms.
SEC 24. Class Treasurers. – The class treasurers elected by students within the
classroom shall have general supervision of the class funds, provide budget, and exercise
authority in accordance to the class rules in relevance to financial concerns. He shall have
the power to manage class funds by collecting budget to his constituents.
SEC 25. Supreme Student Council’s Budget and Finance. – The SSC Budget and Finance
Officer shall have the authority to determine and direct the usage of funds collected by
the class treasurers and transmitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. He shall
coordinate with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and direct the same to return the
remaining amount of funds collected therewith.
SEC 26. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. – There shall be a Commissioner of Internal
Revenue appointed by the President and shall have the power to interpret laws about
budgeting and to decide finance controversies. The power to interpret the provisions of
this chapter and other finance and budgeting laws shall be under the exclusive and
original jurisdiction of the Commissioner, subject to review by the Student Activity
SEC 27. Student Activity Coordinator. – The Student Activity Coordinator shall be the
overall head and adviser for the Internal Revenue. He shall have authority to check and
give advice in relate to financial budgeting, providing budget and releasing the records of
students’ income.
SEC 28. Authority to Declare the Students’ Income. – Before the end of each regular
session, both the Supreme Student Council shall, in joint session assembled, declare the
overall income of the Student Body, and the President shall, in every three (3) months,
approve the declaration passed by the Assembly.
Chapter 5 – Collection of Funds
SEC 29. Collection of Funds. – Under the supervision and conduction by the Bureau of
Internal Revenue, the Commissioner shall, order all the class treasurers every fifteen (15)
days, collect the funds collected in every section in Junior High School.
In the same manner, the Commissioner shall appoint a representative from the Bureau of
Internal Revenue to receive all income collected from every sections. All students
therewith are hereby compelled to contribute.
After the collection of weekly income of classrooms, the same shall be submitted to
SEC 30. Quorum. – The members of the quorum shall be determined by law. Under the
supervision of the Student Activity Coordinator, the quorum shall convene; consisting of
the Student Activity Coordinator, the Budget and Finance Officer of the Supreme Student
Council, and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
The quorum shall convene every fifteen (15) days, following the collection of funds
conducted by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, shall convene and; calculate the total
number of amounts acquired by the representative. All counting of income shall be
separated per section.
Whenever the quorum decides that their operation have been concluded, they shall
submit a report to the President the record of their proceedings and shall therefore
SEC 31. Return of the Class Funds. – Whenever the quorum declares the calculation of
total amounts acquired per section is accomplished, the same shall return the income
collected per section and remit at least 40% of the amount accumulated.
The remaining 60% shall be deposited to the accounts of the Supreme Student Council’s
treasury under the supervision and control of the Treasurer of the Supreme Student
SEC 32. Supreme Student Council Funds. – The total budget of the Supreme Student
Council following the submission of income collected and confirmed by the quorum shall
be presented to the Commission on Audit. Under the supervision of the Auditor of the
Supreme Student Council, he shall liquidate all funds collected and deposited to the
accounts of the Student Body.
SEC 33. Accounts of the Supreme Student Council. – The treasury of the Supreme
Student Council shall be supervised by the Bureau of Internal Revenue by which shall be
controlled by the Assembly. The President, with the approval of the Supreme Student
Council, may use the council’s income in relevance to its platforms or projects to be
conducted. The Assembly shall provide its budget for a particular platform.
SEC 34. Budget of All Institutions in the Student Body. – The Supreme Student Council
shall, provide a quarterly budget for all the institutions mentioned in BOOK IV, Chapter
1, Section 1 of this Code. The Supreme Student Council shall provide at least 20% of its
income to the institutions mentioned as well as to the Executive Branch, Student
Consulate, Student Tribunal, Constitutional Commissions, and other organizations
recognized by the Council.
Chapter 6 – Organization
SEC 35. Organization of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. – The Organization of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue shall be as follows:

 Student Activity Coordinator

 Commissioner of Internal Revenue
 Treasurer of the Supreme Student Council
 Auditor of the Supreme Student Council
 Members
SEC 36. Student Activity Coordinator. – The Student Activity Coordinator shall be the
Interim Chairman and Adviser of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Section 27 of this Title
shall be included in this provision as well.
SEC 37. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. – With the consent of the Commission on
Appointments, the President shall appoint a Commissioner wherein he shall have control
and supervision in the Bureau and exercise powers as may be defined by law. Section 26
of this Title shall be included in this provision as well.
SEC 38. Members. – There shall be at least five (5) members in the Bureau including the
Treasurer and Auditor of the Supreme Student Council. Each Members thereof shall be
appointed by the Commissioner upon recommendation and consent of the Student
Activity Coordinator.
SEC 39. Qualifications of Members for the Bureau of Internal Revenue. – The Members
of the Bureau of Internal Revenue shall have qualifications set by the Student Activity
Coordinator. Its basic requirements shall be as follows:
(1) Shall be a bona fide student of Naga College Foundation;
(2) At least 14 years old and above;
(3) Have experiences in auditing and financial budgeting;
(4) Have passed the screening and orientation conducted by the SSC;
(5) No record of disciplinary action in the Prefect on Students Formation, and;
(6) No failing grade and shall have an average of 85 and above.
Chapter 7 – General Provisions
SEC 40. Counseling Agency. – The Counseling Agency is hereby created under this Code
and shall perform its duties as may be provided for in accordance with law.
SEC 41. BED Guidance Office. – The Guidance Office shall have supervision over the
Counseling Agency. They shall be the Interim Chairman for the same institution and act
as the adviser of the students membered in the Agency.
SEC 42. Formation of the Institution. – This Counseling Agency shall exist in accordance
with this Code with the force of an executive order by the President. Its functions and
responsibilities shall be defined in the succeeding section therewith.
Chapter 8 – Organization
SEC 43. The Officers. – The Counseling Agency shall be composed of a Chairman, two
(2) Commissioners, and Members. Each of them shall be specified below as follows:
SEC 44. The Chairman. – The Guidance Counselor of the Guidance Office shall be the
Chairman of the Counseling Agency and shall exercise supervision over the institution.
He may direct or give advises to the members thereof in matters to counseling,
communicating with other students, and other concerns.
SEC 45. The Commissioners. – The two (2) Commissioners shall be appointed by the
President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments and recommendation of
the Guidance Counselor. They shall act as the Junior High School’s Peace Officers and
exercise duties as may be defined by law.
SEC 46. The Members. – The Members shall apply to the Counseling Agency. They shall
be screened, oriented and shall qualify the requirements therein. The Guidance
Counselor, together with the Two Commissioners shall choose, at least twelve (12)
students in Naga College Foundation. After which, they shall forthwith be official
Members of the Counseling Agency.
SEC 47. Duties of the Counseling Agency. - The duties of the Counseling Agency shall
accommodate students who are in need of special attention, similar to the peer facilitators
club pre-existed in the institution. They shall listen and may offer advises and guidance to
students that will help them in their personal concerns.
SEC 48. Qualifications of Counselors. – The following applicants shall have the
following qualifications:
(1) Bona fide student of Naga College Foundation;
(2) At least 13 years old of age;
(3) Having at least a general average of 85 and above and no failing grade;
(4) Open-minded;
(5) Having the ability to understand the problems of the person to give guidance and
advice to that particular student;
(6) Has not been subjected to any disciplinary action, and;
(7) Refrains from gossiping.
SEC 49. Conversation Between the Student and Counselor. – All conversation between
the student and counselor shall be always undisclosed to the public. He may only share
their talks within the Agency together with his fellow counselors and the head of the
Guidance Office for them to give more comments or additional advice for that particular
person. All communications between the student and counselors shall be in person and no
virtual conversation shall be conducted.
Chapter 9 – General Provisions
SEC 50. Health Management Bureau. – The Health Management Bureau is hereby
created under this Code having the force of an Executive Order by the President. Its
organization and responsibilities shall be defined by this code and be as follows:
SEC 51. School Clinic. – The School Clinic shall be the adviser and chairman of the
Health Management Bureau and shall have general supervision over this institution and
perform such duties and authority in regards to health standards.
Chapter 10 – Declaration of Policy
SEC 52. Basic Policies and Principles. – The Government shall promote and protect the
right to health to the people and preserve its healthy lifestyle against any comorbidities.
The policy of the Supreme Student Council in matters to health shall be in accordance to
the Constitution and in advice and recommendation of the Clinic.
SEC 53. COVID-19. – Due to this day, the still ongoing pandemic continues to affect our
daily lives. Therefore, the Supreme Student Council shall define health measures in
accordance to the Government-imposed standards in fighting Coronavirus Disease 2019.
The Supreme Student Council shall, in coordination with the school clinic, accommodate
students who are experiencing so called mild symptoms in a new face-to-face system of
learning in new normal. The Government shall also provide reminders to keep the
environment virus-free and safe for all people.
SEC 54. Cleanliness of the Classroom. – The Supreme Student Council shall pursue and
aim for the cleanliness of all classrooms. They shall ensure that all students will maintain
a clean environment in the school that complies with the rules and regulations of the
Chapter 11 – Organization
SEC 55. Organization of the Health Management Bureau. – The Organization of the
Health Management Bureau shall be as follows:

 Director/Adviser
 Chairman
 Deputy Chairman
 Members
SEC 56. Director. – The Director shall be the Head of the NCF Clinic. He shall exercise
general supervision over this bureau and may give advises in relevance to health
measures and community standards.
SEC 57. Chairman. – The Chairman shall be appointed by the President with the consent
of the Commission on Appointments. He shall exercise powers as may be provided by
law. He shall have authority to appoint its Deputy Chairman with the consent of the
Director of the Health Management Bureau.
He shall make all application forms for all who are willing to apply in the Health
Management Bureau. The Chairman shall also be responsible assisting the Director in
screening and orienting the applicants who wishes to enter the Bureau.
SEC 58. Members. – The Members of the Health Management Bureau shall apply, attend
the orientation, have been qualified and confirmed by the Chairman and Director of the
organization; after which, they shall be given tasks and duties that may be directed by the
SEC 59. Qualifications of Members. – The qualifications of Members for the Health
Management Bureau shall be as follows:
(1) Bona fide student of Naga College Foundation;
(2) Having at least a general average of 85 and above;
(3) Has not been subjected to any disciplinary action;
(4) Health-oriented person;
(5) Always active in extracurricular affairs;
(6) At least 14 years of age.
Chapter 12 – General Provisions
SEC 60. Social Media and Information Commission. – The Social Media and Information
Commission shall be the overall manager in posting in Facebook pages that belongs to
the Supreme Student Council. This Organization is hereby created within this Code with
the force of an Executive Order issued by the President.
SEC 61. Management of Facebook Pages. – The overall management of the Facebook
pages shall be under the Supervision of the Supreme Student Council. The Student
Government may assign certain students to assist in publishing to social media platforms
owned by the Student Body.
Chapter 13 – Organization
SEC 62. Adviser. – There shall be an adviser for the Social Media and Information
Commission in management for the publishing of posts and updates in any social media
platforms by the Supreme Student Council. The President may, choose within the
members of the faculty to advice and guide the members thereof in management of the
SEC 63. Chairman. – The Chairman of the SMIC shall be the Public Relations Officer of
the Supreme Student Council. He shall exercise general supervision and control over the
organization and shall exercise powers and may also give advises to the institution.
SEC 64. Members. – The Members will be chosen by the President of the Student
Council. He shall give application to anyone who are willing to enter the organization.
Each applicant shall have the following qualifications:
(1) Bona fide student of Naga College Foundation;
(2) At least 14 years of age;
(3) Has skills in visuals and editing;
(4) Has abilities in videography, photography and arts.
Each applicant shall undergo an orientation, screening, and must pass and be confirmed
by the President of the Supreme Student Council. In every discharge of duties, the
Members qualified shall abide to the rules and regulations that may be provided by law or
determined by the Chairman and Adviser.
Chapter 14 – General Provisions
SEC 65. Commission on Elections. – The Commission on Elections is an independent
organization pre-existed in the Naga College Foundation and shall have general authority
to supervise and conduct affairs in relevance to elections of student councils.
SEC 66. Declaration of Policy. – The Institution shall at all times, aim and pursue for a
free, peaceful, orderly, and credible elections in the Student Council. The COMELEC
shall have the overall control in the flow of elections under a two-party system in the
Basic Education Department on which shall be allowed to evolve according to the free
choice of the students in Naga College Foundation.
SEC 67. Powers and Functions. – In addition to the powers and functions of the
Commission on Elections in accordance to its Constitution-by-laws, the Commission
shall have exclusive charge of the enforcement and administration of all laws relative to
the conduct of elections for the purposes of insuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful and
credible elections, and shall:
(1) Promulgate rules and regulations implementing the provisions of the Constitution
or other laws which the Commission is required to enforce and administer;
(2) Fix other reasonable periods for certain pre-election requirements in order that
voters shall not be deprived of their right of suffrage and certain groups of right
granted in them in the Constitution.
Unless indicated by the Constitution, the Commission is hereby authorized to fix
the appropriate period for the various prohibited acts enumerated therein consistent
with the requirements of free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections;
(3) Refuse, motu proprio or upon verified petition, to give due course to or cancel a
certificate of candidacy if it shown that said certificate has been filed to put the
election process in mockery or disrepute or to cause confusion among the voters by
the similarity of the names of the registered candidates or by other circumstances or
acts which clearly demonstrate that the candidate has no bona fide intention to run
for the office which the certificate of candidacy has been filed and thus prevent a
faithful determination of the true will of the electorate;
(4) Exercise general supervision over the conduct of elections and may, sua sponte,
suspend a candidate who violates the Election Code, rules and regulations imposed
by the Commission.
(5) Summon the parties to a controversy pending before it, issue subpoena duces
tecum and take testimony in any investigation of hearing before it, and delegate
such power to any officer of the Commission. In case of failure of a witness to
attend, the Commission, upon proof of service of the subpoena to the said witness,
may issue a warrant with the recommendation of the Student Activity Coordinator
to arrest the witness and bring him before the Commission or the officer before
whom his attendance is required
Any controversy submitted to the COMELEC shall, after compliance with the
requirements of due process, be immediately heard and decided by it within fifteen
(15) days from the date of its submission for decision or resolution. No decision or
resolution shall be rendered by the Commission either en banc or by division unless
taken up in a formal session properly convened for the purpose;
(6) Have exclusive jurisdiction over all pre-proclamation controversies. It may motu
proprio or upon written petition, and after due notice and hearing, order the partial
or total suspension of the proclamation of any candidate-elect or annul partially or
totally any proclamation, if one has been made, as the evidence shall warrant.
Notwithstanding the pendency of any pre-proclamation controversy, the
Commission may, motu proprio or upon filing of a verified petition and under due
notice and hearing, order the proclamation of other winning candidates whose
election will not be affected by the outcome of the controversy.

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