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Full-Stack Developer: Développement

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Full-stack Developer
Become a full-stack developer to write different kinds of code that handle front-
end and back-end tasks.

Average duration of
Path duration: Hired or Bachelor's-level
Personal mentor full-time study:
680 hours refunded** diploma *
12 months

*Développeur concepteur logiciel - code NSF 326t - Bachelor's-level diploma - certification professionnelle enregistrée au
Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP) par décision de France compétences publiée le 10/15/21
** Conditions available at

Training program last updated on Dec 12, 2022

At OpenClassrooms, we pinpoint the key skills needed for the most in-demand jobs
and develop courses and diplomas to train our students in those areas. That’s why
we've developed this one-year bachelor’s-level diploma in web development, which
you can complete entirely online with the help of a dedicated mentor.

What will I do as a full-stack developer?

The full-stack developer can handle both back-end and front-end tasks, although they
may not necessarily be an expert in either. If you're torn between learning multiple
technologies, this might be the path for you! Full-stack developers may:

Build a site backend in programming languages such as Ruby

Use front-end libraries or frameworks
Manage application deployment and put projects on servers
Perform sysadmin tasks
Run SQL queries on databases

Want to deep dive into web development? You can read about it here.

You may be wondering whether to take the full-stack developer path or

a more specialized path! If you're interested in an overview of both front-end and
back-end programming, without going deeply into different libraries, then you're in the
right place. (Or if you're completely new to programming, consider starting with our
associate's-level program, the Web Developer Path, which provides an intro to both the
front-end and the back-end.)

If, however, you prefer to attain a more advanced level in one type of programming
and find a more focused job, we recommend looking into one of our
other development paths. Think of the medical world as a parallel. As a doctor, you can
be a generalist or a specialist. Generalists can only go so far before specialists need to
take over. The same is true for development jobs. Full-stack developers can get jobs
in early-stage startups when there's a need for a developer to do many tasks
simultaneously. Specialized developers can get jobs in larger startups and large
companies because, by this point, the code base already exists and a more focused
talent is required.

How much will I earn?

Web development can be a lucrative career with many prospects opening up as you
continue to rack up valuable experience. Here is what you might expect to earn in your
career as a full-stack web developer:

Full-stack Developer 2
United States

Beginner: $50,000 - $80,000

2-5 years: $70,000 - $90,000

5+ years: $100,000 +

United Kingdom

Beginner: £30,000 - £40,000

2-5 years: £40,000 - £60,000

5+ years: £60,000 +

Salaries will vary depending on your location or the location of your employer.

What are my job prospects?

This path can prepare you for the following jobs:

Full-stack developer
Junior front-end developer
Junior back-end developer

Who is eligible to enroll?

To be eligible to earn this path's diploma, candidates must demonstrate proof of one of
the following prerequisites:

an associate's degree, or equivalent, in computer science, web development, or

software development
or a high school/secondary school degree, vocational certificate, or equivalent,
and at least 2 years of professional experience in IT, web development, or software

All other candidates will need to go through a specific admissions process. These
candidates must have:

an associate's degree, or equivalent, in any subject and at least 1 year of

professional experience in any field

Full-stack Developer 3
or a high school/secondary school degree, vocational certificate, or equivalent in
any subject and 3 years of professional experience in any field
and a completed placement test consisting of:
OpenClassrooms course completion certificates from Build Your First Web
Pages With HTML and CSS, Think like a computer: the logic of
programming, and Manage Your Code Project With Git & Github
a personal programming project, accompanied by a 10-minute recorded
video that explains the project itself and the code behind it

For all candidates, the admissions process starts with a form to validate the
aforementioned prerequisites, as well as the alignment between the candidate's
professional goals and this path. Any necessary documents for the candidate's
application will be collected via this form. If necessary, an individual interview with the
candidate will also be organized.

Language: Candidates whose native language is not English will need to submit
proof of a B2 English level on the CEFR scale, an IELTS band score of 6.5, or a
TOEFL score of 80.
Equipment: Candidates must also have access to a computer (PC or Mac),
headphones, a microphone, a webcam, and a good internet connection for
mentoring sessions (3.2 Mbps upload and 1.8 Mbps for download). In addition, to
master the skills on this path, you will need to:
Have at least 8 GB of RAM (16 GB is more comfortable) and 100 GB of storage
space available on your computer.
Have administrator rights to your computer in order to install required

What will I learn?

In this path, you'll learn how to:

Create web projects with JavaScript

Use React, a popular JavaScript library
Write backend Ruby code
Create Ruby on Rails applications
Integrate React with Ruby on Rails
Query a database that uses and stores information
Deploy a website online
Implement unit and integration tests
Write project documentation
Optimize performance
Analyze a project and choose a technical solution
Design technical architecture using UML diagrams

Full-stack Developer 4
How will I learn at OpenClassrooms?

Our learning method is unique and revolves around two elements: professional
projects and dedicated mentoring sessions.

At OpenClassrooms, learning is project-driven because that’s the fastest way to
become proficient. Projects offer hands-on experience so you can hit the ground
running when you start your new job.

Want to see an example of a project? Read our blog post here.

During your path, you will be assigned a mentor who will offer one-to-one support via
weekly video conference sessions. This mentor will offer guidance on your projects,
help define objectives and guide you until you reach them. Our mentors are dedicated
professionals who are experts in their field and have experience in sharing their know-
how with our students.

Any questions? Contact our student advisors at +44 20 3868 9900 or +1 (929) 376 0101,
or request more information here. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am- 6.00pm
UK time, until 1 pm Eastern Time.

Full-stack Developer 5
Project 1 - 10 hours

Get started with your training

Set yourself up for success in your path. Find out what you are going to learn and
get to know your mentor. You will also define your learning goals in this first project!

Prepare for your training

Associated courses

Understanding the Web

Easy 4 hours

Does the web interest you, but you aren’t totally clear on how
the whole thing works behind the scenes? Learn internet
history, vocabulary, logistics, and more with this course!

Learn How to Learn

Easy 6 hours

The ability to learn quickly and effectively is a key skill that can
open the door to any domain or career throughout your life.
Follow this course to improve your learning capacity and to
take control of your personal and professional development!

Full-stack Developer 6
Project 2 - 80 hours

Integrate a WordPress theme for

a client
Your new client, a real estate agency in the mountains, needs a website to show the
chalets they sell. You'll use WordPress to build their site!

Adapt a WordPress theme to client needs
Select a WordPress theme based on client needs
Write documentation destined for non-technical users

Associated courses

Build Your First Web Pages With HTML and CSS

Easy 10 hours

Learn to create your first web pages using HTML and CSS, the
two most important languages on the web. No coding
experience required!

Create Web Page Layouts With CSS

Easy 10 hours

Go beyond basic HTML and CSS skills and learn how to create
great layouts using CSS layout techniques!

Full-stack Developer 7
Build quick and beautiful WordPress sites
Easy 10 hours

WordPress is an indispensable tool for building any type of

website. It'll serve you well to know how to launch a good-
looking site quickly on the platform.

Full-stack Developer 8
Project 3 - 80 hours

Analyze a client's needs for their

film festival
Learn how to translate the needs of a client into a clear, attainable solution!

Write a project brief
Choose an appropriate technical solution
Detail project specifications
List functionalities requested by the client

Associated courses

Manage your code project

Easy 10 hours

Writing code is great, but you've gotta keep an eye on what

you're doing! You'll need to manage your project (whether
using Agile, Scrum, or a different workflow) from start to finish
in order to hit your deadlines and keep everyone happy.

Create Responsive Websites Efficiently With

Bootstrap 4
Medium 12 hours

Bootstrap, a popular CSS framework created by Twitter

developers, will save you design time and allow you to quickly
build attractive, responsive websites! Learn the latest version,
Bootstrap 4.

Full-stack Developer 9
Break Down and Integrate a Mockup
Medium 6 hours

Web developers should be able to break down the mockups

they receive from designers. How can they integrate these
designs in HTML and CSS?

Full-stack Developer 10
Project 4 - 100 hours

Build your portfolio site using

A portfolio site allows you to show your projects and is a great asset for any
developer. Build your first portfolio site using the hottest front-end technology:

Build a React single-page app
Build components with React

Associated courses

Learn Programming With JavaScript

Easy 15 hours

Build a strong foundation in web development by learning

and practicing JavaScript, one of the major programming
languages on the web. You'll even create a simple application!

Write JavaScript for the Web

Medium 10 hours

Use your JavaScript skills to build interactive, dynamic web

apps. Learn to interact with your users and to leverage external
APIs to build rich, immersive user experiences.

Full-stack Developer 11
Manage Your Code Project With Git and GitHub
Easy 6 hours

Install Git and GitHub and learn basic Git commands to

manage your code and deploy your development projects.

Full-stack Developer 12
Project 5 - 100 hours

Map out a technical solution for

the food delivery site
ExpressFood allows people to order their favorite meals and desserts for delivery at
home! Help them set up a data structure that ensures no one goes hungry.

Create technical architecture using UML diagrams
Design a database schema
Use a schema when designing a database

Associated courses

Apply a Domain-Driven Design Approach to

Easy 4 hours

Use DDD to communicate the technical architecture to the

various stakeholders in your project, and learn functional
modeling using UML use-case diagrams and class diagrams.

Design the Logical Model of Your Relational Database

Easy 4 hours

Ready to store your application's data? Let's cover the basics of SQL
and design the structure of your first relational database with an
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

Full-stack Developer 13
Implement a Relational Database with SQL
Easy 4 hours

Ready to put your database modeling skills to use? Design and

build a physical relational database with Structured Query
Language (SQL) and learn the tools to manipulate your table

Full-stack Developer 14
Project 6 - 100 hours

Track your fitness habits

Combine a Ruby on Rails back-end with a front-end in React to build a cool activity
tracker, allowing you to add activities and monitor your overall fitness trends.

Use Ruby with a database
Create a Rails app
Handle user logins securely with the Devise Rubygem
Perform basic programming tasks with Ruby

Associated courses

Learn the Command Line in Terminal

Easy 4 hours

The command line in Terminal is where a lot of programming

efficiency happens. Take this course to better communicate
with your computer!

Full-stack Developer 15
Project 7 - 100 hours

Create a website for a

prestigious bike race
Allow people to track riders, see Flickr photos from the event, and more via a site
back-end, front-end, and external APIs!

Design a database schema
Develop a website for a client
Use an external API in JavaScript
Write tests that assess the functionality of a program

Associated courses

Build Your Web Projects With REST APIs

Easy 4 hours

Enhance your web projects with REST APIs by accessing data

that can be integrated into your own applications. APIs will
add a whole new dimension to your software!

Full-stack Developer 16
Project 8 - 100 hours

Build an aid platform for your

Help those in need by building a platform that links people needing help with
volunteers in the vicinity. You'll create the back-end and front-end yourself, use an
external maps API for localization, and make sure the whole thing looks great on

Deploy Rails apps
Design wireframes for web or mobile
Create a Rails app

Associated courses

Learn the Command Line in Terminal

Easy 4 hours

The command line in Terminal is where a lot of programming

efficiency happens. Take this course to better communicate
with your computer!

Full-stack Developer 17
Project 9 - 10 hours

Survey the technology

Create your own dashboard to stay up to date on all the latest and greatest tech

Set up a system for staying up to date with technology
Identify tools and resources for staying up to date with technology

Associated courses

Stay Up to Date With Innovations in Your Field

Easy 4 hours

Learn how to stay abreast of industry changes, pinpoint areas

for professional development, and work more efficiently in the
digital age.

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