Smart Medicine Box
Smart Medicine Box
Smart Medicine Box
Name of the Student 1 Roll no
Name of Guide
This is to certify that Student 1,2,3,4 have successfully completed the Project Stage-II on
entitled Smart Medicine Box under my supervision, in the partial fulfillment of
Bachelor of Information Technology Engineering of Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Date :
Place :
External Examiner
We take this opportunity with great pleasure to express our deep sense
of gratitude towards our guide ------------ for her valuable guidance,
encouragement and cooperation extended to us during this project
Acknowledgement II
Contents III
1 Introduction 3
2 Abstract 4
3 Literature review 5
3.1 Objective 6
4 Components Required 7
5 Methodlogy 9
6 Working 10
7 Fututre Scope 11
8 Conclusion 12
9 References 13
A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
In day-to-day life most of the people need to take medicines which was not there in
past couple of years and the reason behind this is diseases are increasing in large amount. So sooner
or later many people come in contact with these diseases. Some diseases are temporary diseases
while many are permanent life threatening diseases. Life threatening diseases gets mixes with the
human body in such a way that they can’t leave the body ever and they increases in rapid time. Life
span of humans became less because of such diseases and to overcome or to live a better life we need
to take medicines regularly and also in large amount. We need to be in advice of Doctor who tells us
to take desired pills in desired way so that patients face problems like forgetting pills to take at right
time and also when Doctor changes the prescription of medicine patients have to remember the new
schedule of medicine. This problem of forgetting to take pills at right time, taking wrong medicines
and accidentally taking of expired medicine causes health issues of patient and this leads to suffer
from unhealthy life. Our project is to made Arduino-Uno based Smart medicine box which uses Real
time clock. The new awaited feature in our project is our system is sensible that patient has taken
medicine or not and thus the patient can’t postpone the time on which he needs to take pills. It is
compulsory for the patient to take pills from the box at the right time otherwise our systems
continues to make large sound until the medicine is taken out from the box. This notification feature
adds life years to the patient and thus this thing is not available in any device which is the necessity
for present days.
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
The Smart Medicine Box is successfully designed in helping the introvert patients
taking their medicine without help of others. This project is to develop a robotic device that can
assist patient to take medicine alone by implementing an IOT apps system for controlling the Smart
Medicine Box where it will overcome an emotional disturbance experience by the introvert patients.
There are four sensors such as PIR, IR, temperature and ultrasonic sensors use for the project. The
purpose of PIR sensor is to detect hand movement near the device, while IR sensor is to detect the
line follower on the floor. The LM 35 acts as the detection of the temperature inside the box and the
ultrasonic acts as the detection of the obstacle in front of the device. The MIT Apps Invention 2 is
used to develop an apps and collect the data from sensors through Arduino microcontroller. A proof
of concept design has implemented and demonstrated successfully. Our smart pill box is
programmable that enables medical caretakers or clients to determine the pill amount and timing to
take pills, and the service times for every day. Our shrewd pills box contains nine separate sub-
boxes. In this manner, medical caretakers or clients can set data for nine distinct pills. At the point
when the pill time has been set, the pillbox will remind clients or patients to take pills utilizing sound
and light. The warning of pills should be taken will be shown by an android application which is held
by the patient. Contrasted and the conventional pill box that requires clients or attendants to stack the
crate each day or consistently. Our shrewd pill box would essentially discharge medical attendants or
clients' weight on much of the time preloading pills for patients or clients and overlook the
measurements which must be taken.
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
According to world Health Organization, over 80% of the people above the age of 60 years
are prescribed medicine that are to be administered 2-4 times a day with the increase in
cardiovascular disease and Diabetes among the peer group regular medicine administration has
become a necessity. Which had the sound reminder and was able to remind the user at once a day.
The current common techniques used in market for the reminder includes the normal alarm
with a smart medicine box. It only uses a clock which on passage of a set time generates an alarm.
Moreover the timely alerting for the re-filling of the smart medicine box to user is also absent
resulting often in breaks in the course of therapy. The survey for various modes of sensing the slots
has been performed both analytically and comparisons performed.
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
The main objective of this model will be to solve the above-mentioned problems by designing
and create a tool which will enable the owner to track every pill to ingest in an easy and simple way
requiring no training or complex learning from their side in order to operate the device. This device
will be an intelligent pill dispenser.
The pill dispenser will be designed to prevent errors in hospitals and retirement homes where
many pills have to be given daily to each one of the patients, each patient owning a device will not
only drastically reduce the chances of errors occurring but also well optimize and speed up work for
the caretakers/nurses by allowing the device to take care of pill management for them and freeing the
time slot usually dedicated to that.
This device is intended to log the pill name, number of pills and hours at which each pill is
actually taken versus the time it should have been taken. Nowadays there has been an increasing
awareness as the number of pills prescribed to elder people, stating that so many pills may have
negative effects on the patient's health. The pillbox's logs will help gather data concerning this
There is a need to ensure the device is wirelessly connected so device management (defining
the hours when a particular pill must be taken, number of pills in each compartment, etc…) as well
as possibility of emitting warnings to the owner's relatives or nurses if needed (such as the patient not
taking pills).
In essence, the device will have to be a wireless electronic apparatus, having special attention
to make it very precise as an error could prove fatal.
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
1) Arduino UNO:
We are using Arduino UNO because it use 8 bit microcontroller ATmega328P and it
has 32KB flash memory. These features are beneficial in our project and that’s why we used Arduino
UNO. Arduino UNO board is connected with all other modules also it controls all other modules &
made the interfacing easier. It also has internal EEPROM which stores real time data in it.Our project
is based on embedded system we are using Arduino Uno for interfacing all things In that Arduino is
an open-source which is easy-to-use hardware and connected software. So Arduino is path between
hardware and software. Arduino boards read inputs from a press a button- and turn it into an output,
turning on an LED and buzzer, you can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to
the microcontroller of Arduino. To do so you use the Arduino programming language , and the
Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing. The programming platform is Arduino IDE and
programming language is standard C. we made program for all different module that we are using in
our project. Like RTC module, LCD module 16*2 so firstly we have to add library in Arduino IDE
software and after that we made programming.
2) LCD interfacing:
We used 16*2 LCD module in our project which is connected to Arduino UNO
through a LCD interface IC or directly to its address and data bus and few control pins. LCD shows
the current time and date which RTC sends the data to LCD module.
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
3) RTC module:
We used Tiny RTC I2C module which uses I2C protocol and it is useful in our project.
RTC module has internal CMOS cell so it does not needs external power supply to update time and
4) Buzzer:
Buzzer will ring at proper time when pills have to be taken.
5) LED:
We have 7 boxes having an LED in each box which blinks to show us the specific box from
which the pills needs to be taken at given time.
6) Pushbuttons:
We used 3 push buttons from which first one is used for setting medicine, second one is
used for increment and third one is used for next. First button takes us to the menu of setting
medicine, second button is used to increment the number of hour and minute which we needs to set
and third button takes us forward from hour to minute and from minute to the next time
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
All the components and hardwares like GSM, PV89RD51, IR sensors, LCD, Buzzer, Motor drivers,
peltier sensors, RF Transmitter and Reciever, voice APR Kit. The user gets a customised Android
application The prescription from doctor is broken down into
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
In this system we have used Arduino for controlling the whole system. Working of this
project is very simple. In this system ds1307 real time clock chip is used for running the time
accurate and to prevent the time after light failure by using 3 volt li-on battery connected with this
real time clock chip at pin number 3. SDA and SCK pin of real time clock chip is directly connected
with SDA and SCK pin of Arduino (A5 and A4) respectively. These two pins should be pull-
up using 10K resistor.
When we start this system real time clock runs the time on 16×2 LCD. And if we want to
set alarm time for medication we have to press set_mad buttons which is connected with pin number
8 of arduino. After pressing this button LCD shows Set Time 1. And then we can selects the time as
we want to set for medication by using INC and Next button which is connected to pin 9 and 10
respectively of arduino. After set time 1, LCD shows set Time 2. Now using previous process set the
time again. And after second time set, LCD shows again set time 3. And set this time like previous.
In this system “Group medicine” indication (take group 1 medicine, take group 2 medicine and take
group 3 medicine) is used instead of medicine name. When any alarm occurs LCD indicates Group
medicine 1, Group medicine 2, Group medicine 3.
Medication alarm time is also feed in arduino’s internal eeprom to save from lose data after
light failure. And real time is continuously checked with saved Arduino’s internal eeprom time. If
any match occurs. LCD shows medication group name and buzzer starts beeping continuously.
Buzzer is directly connected with pin number 13 of arduino for medication time indication. 16×2
LCD’s data pin D4, D3, D2, D2 are connected with pin5, 4, 3, 2 of arduino. And command pin
RS and EN is directly connected with pin 7, 6 of arduino. RWpin of LCD is directly connected with
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
There are several aspects we need to work on our device in the future to meet the
user needs. Firstly, we should develop strategies and modify the device based on the user’s
evaluation results. This includes creating a user manual, choosing a large LCD display, using the
metal or plastic box cover the entire circuitry placing switch and LCD display on the surface of the
box and using the pill boxes. We can also use this sort of implementation, not only in medical
applications, but also in industrial and automotive applications where time management is critical.
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
There is a great need for timely intake of medicines which is often skipped by many
people. This Smart Pill Box helps to remind us to take medicines regularly and also which on time.
Thus this implementation, though small and simple, will be a very great and useful step in the field
of medicine.This paper has focused on the problems faced by senior citizens concerning adherence to
their prescribed medication. It not only aids the elderly who live independently but also the
caretakers of the elderly by reminding right amount of medicine at the right time. The smart
medicine box has been experimentally proven to work satisfactorily. This medicine box which is a
sort of semi-automatic is not only useful for geriatrics but instead it is can prove useful and a user
friendly tool for all of us. It provides a greater efficiency to our paper. It helps it to be cost efficient
also. The other advantage of this box is that it is very easy to use and the complexity is less.
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A Project Report On " The Smart Medicine Box "
I. Viral Shah, Jigar Shah, Nilesh Singhal, Harsh Shah & Prof. Prashant Uapdhyay, “Smart Medicine Box”,
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Vol-2, Issue-5 ,2016.
II. Naga Udayini Nyapathi1, Bhargavi Pendlimarri2, Karishma Sk3 , Kavya Ch4,” Smart Medicine Box using
ARM 7 Micro controller”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) , Volume:
03 Issue: 05 | May-2016.
III. Aakash Sunil Salgia*, K. Ganesan and Ashwin Raghunath, “Smart Pill Box”, Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol 8(S2), 189–194, January 2015.
IV. P. Raga Lavima1, Mr. G. Subhramanya Sarma2, “AN IOT BASED INTELLIGENT MEDICINE BOX”,
IJCSMC, Vol. 4, Issue. 10, October 2015, pg.186 – 191.
V. Suneetha Uppala1, B. Rama Murthy2, Smart Medicine Time Indication Box, International Journal of Science
and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017.
VI. Aakash Sunil Salgia*, K. Ganesan and Ashwin Raghunath(January 2015), Smart Pill Box, US2009/0299522
VII. Bo pi, Halton pi (May 5, 2016), Smart pill container, control method and system, US 20160120758 A1.
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