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Data Structures

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Data structures

(from Wikipedia and MSDN)

Compiled and edited by S. Chepurin, 2009

Contents C/C++ array, list, and map ................................................................................................. 3 Array .................................................................................................................................... 4

Properties ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Indexing ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Dynamic array ..................................................................................................................... 8 Linked list ............................................................................................................................ 10

Linearly-linked list ......................................................................................................................... 11 Singly-linked list ......................................................................................................................... 11 Doubly-linked list ....................................................................................................................... 11 Circularly-linked list ...................................................................................................................... 11 Implementation of linearly-linked lists .......................................................................................... 14 Singly-linked lists ....................................................................................................................... 14 Doubly-linked lists ...................................................................................................................... 15

Binary tree ........................................................................................................................... 20

Binary search tree.......................................................................................................................... 21 Binary heap.................................................................................................................................... 22 Balanced binary tree...................................................................................................................... 26 AVL tree...................................................................................................................................... 28

B-tree ................................................................................................................................... 32
B+ tree ........................................................................................................................................... 39

Stack .................................................................................................................................... 42 Queue ................................................................................................................................... 49 Deque ................................................................................................................................... 52 Circular buffer ..................................................................................................................... 54 Associative array (dictionary) ............................................................................................. 58
Multimap ........................................................................................................................................ 60

Hash table ............................................................................................................................ 61

Hash table using separate (direct) chaining .................................................................................. 71

Appendix A........................................................................................................................... 73
MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) ........................................................................................... 73 Hash tables in C++ libraries......................................................................................................... 74 Visual Basic ................................................................................................................................... 75

Appendix B: C/C++ samples ............................................................................................... 76

Linked list ...................................................................................................................................... 76 Sorting using binary search tree .................................................................................................... 80 STL samples ................................................................................................................................... 84 stack structure (class template) .................................................................................................. 84 map structure.............................................................................................................................. 87

C/C++ array, list, and map

(from MSDN, Microsoft Foundation Class Library and Templates) For handling aggregates of data, the class library provides a group of collection classes - arrays, lists, and "maps" - that can hold a variety of object and predefined types. The collections are dynamically sized. These classes can be used in any program, whether written for Windows or not. However, they are most useful for implementing the data structures that define your document classes in the application framework. You can readily derive specialized collection classes from these, or you can create them based on the template classes. For more information about these approaches, see the article "Collections" in Visual C++ Programmer's Guide and "Template Classes for Arrays, Lists, and Maps" in this overview for a list of the template collection classes. Arrays are one-dimensional data structures that are stored contiguously in memory. They support very fast random access since the memory address of any given element can be calculated by multiplying the index of the element by the size of an element and adding the result to the base address of the array. But arrays are slow if you have to insert elements into the array, since the entire array past the element inserted has to be moved to make room for the element to be inserted. Arrays can can be dynamically sized (if you use MFC array class, C/C++ have only fixed size arrays). Lists are similar to arrays but are stored differently. Each element in a list also includes a pointer to the previous and next elements, making it a doubly-linked list. Its fast structure to add or delete items because doing so only involves changing a few pointers. However, searching a list can be slow since all searches need to start at one of the lists ends. Maps (also called dictionaries) relate a key value to a data value. For instance, the key of a map could be a string and the data a pointer into a list. You would ask the map to give you the pointer associated with a particular string. Map lookups, adding and deleting items are fast because maps use hash tables for key lookups. Maps are often used with other data structures as auxiliary indices. MFC uses a special kind of map called a "message map" to map Windows messages to a pointer to the handler function for that message.

(From Wikipedia) Linear data structures Array Deque Heap Linked list Queue Stack In computer science, an array[1] is a data structure consisting of a group of elements that are accessed by indexing. In most programming languages each element has the same data type and the array occupies a contiguous area of storage.

Some programming languages support array programming (e.g., APL, newer versions of Fortran) which generalises operations and functions to work transparently over arrays as they do with scalars, instead of requiring looping over array members. Multi-dimensional arrays are accessed using more than one index: one for each dimension. Multidimensional indexing reduced to a lesser number of dimensions, for example, a two-dimensional array with consisting of 6 and 5 elements respectively could be represented using a one-dimensional array of 30 elements. Arrays can be classified as fixed-sized arrays (sometimes known as static arrays) whose size cannot change once their storage has been allocated, or dynamic arrays, which can be resized.

Arrays permit constant time (O(1)) random access to individual elements, which is optimal, but moving elements requires time proportional to the number of elements moved. On actual hardware, the presence of e.g. caches can make sequential iteration over an array (a consequence having good locality of reference because their elements occupy contiguous memory locations) noticeably faster than random access but this does not change the asymptotic complexity of access. Likewise, there are often facilities (such as memcpy) which can be used to move contiguous blocks of array elements faster than one can do through individual element access, but that does not change the asymptotic complexity either. Memory-wise, arrays are compact data structures with no per-element overhead. There may be a per-array overhead, e.g. to store index bounds, but this is languagedependent. It can also happen that elements stored in an array require less memory than the same elements stored in individual variables, because several array elements can be stored in a single word; such arrays are often called packed arrays. Properties in comparison Dynamic arrays have similar characteristics to static arrays, but can grow. The price for this is a memory overhead, due to elements being allocated but not used. With a constant per-element bound on the memory overhead, dynamic arrays can grow in constant amortized time per element. Associative arrays provide a mechanism for array-like functionality without huge storage overheads when the index values are sparse. Specialized associative arrays with integer keys include Patricia tries and Judy arrays.

Balanced trees require O(log n) time for index access, but also permit inserting or deleting elements in (log n) time.[4] Arrays require O(n) time for insertion and deletion of elements.

Arrays are used to implement mathematical vectors and matrices, as well as other kinds of rectangular tables. In early programming languages, these were often the applications that motivated having arrays. Because of their performance characteristics, arrays are used to implement other data structures, such as heaps, hash tables, deques, queues, stacks, strings, and VLists. One or more large arrays are sometimes used to emulate in-program dynamic memory allocation, particularly memory pool allocation. Historically, this has sometimes been the only way to allocate "dynamic memory" portably. Array accesses with statically predictable access patterns are a major source of data parallelism. Some algorithms store a variable number of elements in part of a fixed-size array, which is equivalent to using dynamic array with a fixed capacity; the so-called Pascal strings are examples of this.

The valid index values of each dimension of an array are a bounded set of integers (or values of some enumerated type). Programming environments that check indexes for validity are said to perform bounds checking. Index of the first element The index of the first element (sometimes called the "origin") varies by language. There are three main implementations: zero-based, one-based, and n-based arrays, for which the first element has an index of zero, one, or a programmer-specified value. The zerobased array is more natural in the root machine language and was popularized by the C programming language, where the abstraction of array is very weak, and an index n of a one-dimensional array is simply the offset of the element accessed from the address of the first (or "zeroth") element (scaled by the size of the element). One-based arrays are based on traditional mathematics notation for matrices and most, but not all, mathematical sequences. n-based is made available so the programmer is free to choose the lower bound, which may even be negative, which is most naturally suited for the problem at hand. The article Comparison of programming languages (array), indicates the base index used by various languages. Supporters of zero-based indexing sometimes criticize one-based and n-based arrays for being slower. Often this criticism is mistaken when one-based or n-based array accesses are optimized with common subexpression elimination (for single dimensioned arrays) and/or with well-defined dope vectors (for multi-dimensioned arrays). However, in multidimensional arrays where the net offset into linear memory is computed from all of the indices, zero-based indexing is more natural, simpler, and faster. Edsger W. Dijkstra expressed an opinion in this debate: "Why numbering should start at zero". The 0-based/1-based debate is not limited to just programming languages. For example, the ground-floor of a building is elevator button "0" in France, but elevator button "1" in the USA.

Index of the last element The relation between numbers appearing in an array declaration and the index of that array's last element also varies by language. In some languages (e.g. C) the number of elements contained in the arrays must be specified, whereas in others (e.g. Visual Basic .NET) the numeric value of the index of the last element must be specified. Indexing methods When an array is implemented as continuous storage, the index-based access, e.g. to element n, is simply done (for zero-based indexing) by using the address of the first element and adding n sizeof(one element). So this is a (1) operation.

Multi-dimensional arrays
Ordinary arrays are indexed by a single integer. Also useful, particularly in numerical and graphics applications, is the concept of a multi-dimensional array, in which we index into the array using an ordered list of integers, such as in a[3,1,5]. The number of integers in the list used to index into the multi-dimensional array is always the same and is referred to as the array's dimensionality, and the bounds on each of these are called the array's dimensions. An array with dimensionality k is often called k-dimensional. Onedimensional arrays correspond to the simple arrays discussed thus far; two-dimensional arrays are a particularly common representation for matrices. In practice, the dimensionality of an array rarely exceeds three. Mapping a one-dimensional array into memory is obvious, since memory is logically itself a (very large) one-dimensional array. When we reach higher-dimensional arrays, however, the problem is no longer obvious. Suppose we want to represent this simple two-dimensional array:

The first two forms are more compact and have potentially better locality of reference, but are also more limiting; the arrays must be rectangular, meaning that no row can contain more elements than any other. Arrays of arrays, on the other hand, allow the creation of ragged arrays, also called jagged arrays, in which the valid range of one index depends on the value of another, or in this case, simply that different rows can be different sizes. Arrays of arrays are also of value in programming languages that only supply one-dimensional arrays as primitives.

In many applications, such as numerical applications working with matrices, we iterate over rectangular two-dimensional arrays in predictable ways. For example, computing an element of the matrix product AB involves iterating over a row of A and a column of B simultaneously. In mapping the individual array indexes into memory, we wish to exploit locality of reference as much as we can. A compiler can sometimes automatically choose the layout for an array so that sequentially accessed elements are stored sequentially in memory; in our example, it might choose row-major order for A, and column-major order for B. Even more exotic orderings can be used, for example if we iterate over the main diagonal of a matrix. See also Array slicing Collection class Comparison of programming languages (array) Parallel array Set (computer science) Sparse array Variable-length array

References 1. ^ Paul E. Black, "array", in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures, Paul E. Black, ed., U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. 26 August 2008 (accessed 10 September 2008). [1] 2. ^ Tcl 8 lists are implemented using C vectors. 3. ^ This was the practice in some older languages, e.g. COBOL: Using Tables in COBOL 4. ^ Counted B-Tree

Dynamic array
In computer science, a dynamic array (also sometimes resizable array, dynamic table, or array list) is an array data structure that can be resized and allows elements to be added or removed. It is supplied with standard libraries in many modern mainstream programming languages. A dynamic array is not the same thing as a dynamically-allocated array, which is a fixedsize array whose size is fixed when the array is allocated (for more discussion of this type of array, see array). Bounded-size dynamic arrays and capacity The simplest dynamic array is constructed by allocating a fixed-size array and then dividing it into two parts: the first stores the elements of the dynamic array and the second is reserved, or unused. We can then add or remove elements at the end of the dynamic array in constant time by using the reserved space, until this space is completely consumed. The number of elements used by the dynamic array contents is its logical size or size, while the size of the underlying array is called the dynamic array's capacity, which is the maximum possible logical size. In applications where the logical size is bounded, this data structure suffices. Resizing the underlying array is an expensive operation, typically involving copying the entire contents of the array. Array expansion and resizing To avoid incurring the cost of resizing many times, dynamic arrays resize by a large amount, such as doubling in size, and use the reserved space for future expansion. The operation of adding an element to the end might work as follows: function insertEnd(dynarray array, element new_element) if (array.size = array.capacity) // resize array to twice its current capacity: array.capacity array.capacity * 2 // (copy the contents to the new memory location here) array[array.size] new_element array.size array.size + 1 As n elements are inserted, the capacities form a geometric progression. Expanding the array by any constant proportion ensures that inserting n elements takes O(n) time overall, meaning that each insertion takes amortized constant time. The value of this proportion a leads to a time-space tradeoff: the average time per insertion operation is about a/(a1), while the number of memory overhead is bounded above by (a1)n. The choice of a is application-dependent, but a=2 is commonly-used. Many dynamic arrays also deallocate some of the underlying storage if its size drops below a certain threshold, such as 30% of the capacity.

Performance Operation Linked list Indexing (random access) O(n) Insertion/deletion at end O(1) Insertion/deletion in middle O(1) Memory Memory overhead (average) O(n) Array O(1) not possible not possible 0 Dynamic array O(1) O(1) O(n) O(n)

The dynamic array has performance similar to an array, with the addition of new operations to add and remove elements from the end: getting or setting the value at a particular index (constant time); iterating over the elements in order (linear time, good cache performance); inserting or deleting an element in the middle of the array (linear time); inserting or deleting an element at the end of the array (constant amortized time). Dynamic arrays benefit from many of the advantages of arrays, including good locality of reference and data cache utilization, compactness (low memory use), and random access. They usually have only a small fixed additional overhead for storing information about the size and capacity. This makes dynamic arrays an attractive tool for building cache-friendly data structures. Compared to linked lists, dynamic arrays have faster indexing (constant time versus linear time) and typically faster iteration due to improved locality of reference; however, dynamic arrays require linear time to insert or delete at an arbitrary location, since all following elements must be moved, while linked lists can do this in constant time. This disadvantage is mitigated by the gap buffer and tiered vector variants. Also, in a highlyfragmented memory region, it may be expensive or impossible to find contiguous space for a large dynamic array, whereas linked lists do not require the whole data structure to be stored contiguously. Language support C++'s std::vector is an implementation of dynamic arrays, as are the ArrayList classes supplied with the Java API and the .NET Framework. The generic List<> class supplied with version 2.0 of the .NET Framework is also implemented with dynamic arrays. Delphi and D implement dynamic arrays at the language's core. Many scripting languages such as Perl offer dynamic arrays as a built-in primitive data type. References ^ Goodrich, Michael T. & John G. Kloss II (1999), "Tiered Vectors: Efficient Dynamic Arrays for Rank-Based Sequences", Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures: pp. 205-216 ^ Bagwell, Phil (2002), Fast Functional Lists, Hash-Lists, Deques and Variable Length Arrays, EPFL ^ Javadoc on ArrayList Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0-262-03293-7. Section 17.4: Dynamic tables, pp.416425. External links NIST Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures: Dynamic array

Linked list
In computer science, a linked list is one of the fundamental data structures, and can be used to implement other data structures. It consists of a sequence of nodes, each containing arbitrary data fields and one or two pointers ("links") to the next and/or previous nodes. A linked list is a self-referential datatype because it contains a pointer or link to another datum of the same type. The principal benefit of a linked lists is that it permits insertion and removal of nodes at any point in the list in constant time, but do not allow random access. The other advantage of a linked list over a conventional array is that the order of the linked items may be different from the order that the data items are stored in memory or on disk, allowing the list of items to be traversed in a different order. Several different types of linked list exist: singly-linked lists, doubly-linked lists, and circularly-linked lists. Elements of the list can be put in ascending or descending order (called ordered linked lists). Linked lists can be implemented in most languages. Languages such as Lisp and Scheme have the data structure built in, along with operations to access the linked list. Procedural or object-oriented languages such as C, C++, and Java use pointers to create linked lists. History Linked lists were developed in 1955-56 by Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw and Herbert Simon at RAND Corporation as the primary data structure for their Information Processing Language. IPL was used by the authors to develop several early artificial intelligence programs, including the Logic Theory Machine, the General Problem Solver, and a computer chess program. Reports on their work appeared in IRE Transactions on Information Theory in 1956, and several conference proceedings from 1957-1959, including Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conference in 1957 and 1958, and Information Processing (Proceedings of the first UNESCO International Conference on Information Processing) in 1959. The now-classic diagram consisting of blocks representing list nodes with arrows pointing to successive list nodes appears in "Programming the Logic Theory Machine" by Newell and Shaw in Proc. WJCC, February 1957. Newell and Simon were recognized with the ACM Turing Award in 1975 for having "made basic contributions to artificial intelligence, the psychology of human cognition, and list processing". The problem of machine translation for natural language processing (NLP) led Victor Yngve at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to use linked lists as data structures in his COMIT programming language for computer research in the field of linguistics. A report on this language entitled "A programming language for mechanical translation" appeared in Mechanical Translation in 1958. LISP (standing for "list processor") was created by John McCarthy in 1958 while he was at MIT and in 1960 he published its design in a paper in the "Communications of the ACM", entitled "Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I". One of LISP's major data structures is the linked list. By the early 1960-s, the utility of both linked lists and languages which use these structures as their primary data representation was well established. Bert Green of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory published a review article entitled "Computer languages for symbol manipulation" in IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics in March 1961 which summarized the advantages of the linked list approach. A later review article, "A comparison of list-processing computer languages" by Bobrow and Raphael, appeared in "Communications of the ACM" in April 1964. Several operating systems developed by Technical Systems Consultants (originally of West Lafayette Indiana, and later of Raleigh, North Carolina) used singly linked lists as file structures. A directory entry pointed to the first sector of a file, and succeeding portions of the file were located by traversing pointers. Systems using this technique included Flex (for the Motorola 6800 CPU), mini-Flex (same CPU), and Flex9 (for the


Motorola 6809 CPU). A variant developed by TSC for and marketed by Smoke Signal Broadcasting in California, used doubly linked lists in the same manner. The TSS operating system, developed by IBM for the System 360/370 machines, used a double linked list for their file system catalog. The directory structure was similar to Unix, where a directory could contain files and/or other directories and extend to any depth. A utility flea was created to fix file system problems after a crash, since modified portions of the file catalog were sometimes in memory when a crash occurred. Problems were detected by comparing the forward and backward links for consistency. If a forward link was corrupt, then if a backward link to the infected node was found, the forward link was set to the node with the backward link. A humorous comment in the source code where this utility was invoked stated "Everyone knows a flea caller gets rid of bugs in cats".

Linearly-linked list
Singly-linked list The simplest kind of linked list is a singly-linked list, which has one link per node. This link points to the next node in the list, or to a null value or empty list if it is the final node.

Doubly-linked list A more sophisticated kind of linked list is a doubly-linked list or two-way linked list. Each node has two links: one points to the previous node, or points to a null value or empty list if it is the first node; and one points to the next, or points to a null value or empty list if it is the final node.

Circularly-linked list
In a circularly-linked list, the first and final nodes are linked together. This can be done for both singly and doubly linked lists. To traverse a circular linked list, you begin at any node and follow the list in either direction until you return to the original node. Viewed another way, circularly-linked lists can be seen as having no beginning or end. This type of list is most useful for managing buffers for data ingest, and in cases where you have one object in a list and wish to see all other objects in the list. The pointer pointing to the whole list may be called the access pointer.


Applications Linked lists are used as a building block for many other data structures, such as stacks, queues and their variations. The "data" field of a node can be another linked list. By this device, one can construct many linked data structures with lists; this practice originated in the Lisp programming language, where linked lists are a primary (though by no means the only) data structure, and is now a common feature of the functional programming style. Sometimes, linked lists are used to implement associative arrays, and are in this context called association lists. There is very little good to be said about this use of linked lists; they are easily outperformed by other data structures such as self-balancing binary search trees even on small data sets (see the discussion in associative array). However, sometimes a linked list is dynamically created out of a subset of nodes in such a tree, and used to more efficiently traverse that set. Tradeoffs As with most choices in computer programming and design, no method is well suited to all circumstances. A linked list data structure might work well in one case, but cause problems in another. This is a list of some of the common tradeoffs involving linked list structures. In general, if you have a dynamic collection, where elements are frequently being added and deleted, and the location of new elements added to the list is significant, then benefits of a linked list increase. Linked lists vs. arrays Array Linked list Indexing Inserting/Deleting at end

O(1) O(1)

O(n) O(1) or O(n) O(1)

Inserting/Deleting in middle (with iterator) O(n)

Linked lists have several advantages over arrays. Elements can be inserted into linked lists indefinitely, while an array will eventually either fill up or need to be resized, an expensive operation that may not even be possible if memory is fragmented. Similarly, an array from which many elements are removed may become wastefully empty or need to be made smaller. Further memory savings can be achieved, in certain cases, by sharing the same "tail" of elements among two or more lists that is, the lists end in the same sequence of elements. In this way, one can add new elements to the front of the list while keeping a reference to both the new and the old versions a simple example of a persistent data structure. On the other hand, arrays allow random access, while linked lists allow only sequential access to elements. Singly-linked lists, in fact, can only be traversed in one direction. This makes linked lists unsuitable for applications where it's useful to look up an element by its index quickly, such as heapsort. Sequential access on arrays is also faster than on linked lists on many machines due to locality of reference and data caches. Linked lists receive almost no benefit from the cache. Another disadvantage of linked lists is the extra storage needed for references, which often makes them impractical for lists of small data items such as characters or boolean values. It can also be slow, and with a nave allocator, wasteful, to allocate memory separately for each new element, a problem generally solved using memory pools. A number of linked list variants exist that aim to ameliorate some of the above problems. Unrolled linked lists store several elements in each list node, increasing cache performance while decreasing memory overhead for references. CDR coding does both these as well, by replacing references with the actual data referenced, which extends off the end of the referencing record.


A good example that highlights the pros and cons of using arrays vs. linked lists is by implementing a program that resolves the Josephus problem. The Josephus problem is an election method that works by having a group of people stand in a circle. Starting at a predetermined person, you count around the circle n times. Once you reach nth person, take them out of the circle and have the members close the circle. Then count around the circle the same n times and repeat the process, until only one person is left. That person wins the election. This shows the strengths and weaknesses of a linked list vs. an array, because if you view the people as connected nodes in a circular linked list then it shows how easily the linked list is able to delete nodes (as it only has to rearrange the links to the different nodes). However, the linked list will be poor at finding the next person to remove and will need to recurse through the list until it finds that person. An array, on the other hand, will be poor at deleting nodes (or elements) as it cannot remove one node without individually shifting all the elements up the list by one. However, it is exceptionally easy to find the nth person in the circle by directly referencing them by their position in the array. Doubly-linked vs. singly-linked Double-linked lists require more space per node (unless one uses xor-linking), and their elementary operations are more expensive; but they are often easier to manipulate because they allow sequential access to the list in both directions. In particular, one can insert or delete a node in a constant number of operations given only that node's address. (Compared with singly-linked lists, which require the previous node's address in order to correctly insert or delete.) Some algorithms require access in both directions. On the other hand, they do not allow tail-sharing, and cannot be used as persistent data structures. Circularly-linked vs. linearly-linked Circular linked lists are most useful for describing naturally circular structures, and have the advantage of regular structure and being able to traverse the list starting at any point. They also allow quick access to the first and last records through a single pointer (the address of the last element). Their main disadvantage is the complexity of iteration, which has subtle special cases. Linked list operations When manipulating linked lists in-place, care must be taken to not use values that you have invalidated in previous assignments. This makes algorithms for inserting or deleting linked list nodes somewhat subtle. This section gives pseudocode for adding or removing nodes from singly, doubly, and circularly linked lists in-place. Throughout we will use null to refer to an end-of-list marker or sentinel, which may be implemented in a number of ways.


Implementation of linearly-linked lists

Singly-linked lists Our node data structure will have two fields. We also keep a variable firstNode which always points to the first node in the list, or is null for an empty list. record Node { data // The data being stored in the node next // A reference to the next node, null for last node } record List { Node firstNode // points to first node of list; null for empty list } Traversal of a singly-linked list is simple, beginning at the first node and following each next link until we come to the end: node := list.firstNode while node not null { (do something with node := } The following code inserts a node after an existing node in a singly linked list. The diagram shows how it works. Inserting a node before an existing one cannot be done; instead, you have to locate it while keeping track of the previous node. function insertAfter(Node node, Node newNode) { //insert newNode after node := := newNode } Inserting at the beginning of the list requires a separate function. This requires updating firstNode. function insertBeginning(List list, Node newNode) { // insert node before //current first node := list.firstNode list.firstNode := newNode } Similarly, we have functions for removing the node after a given node, and for removing a node from the beginning of the list. The following diagram demonstrates the former. To find and remove a particular node, one must again keep track of the previous element. function removeAfter(Node node) { // remove node past this one obsoleteNode := := destroy obsoleteNode } function removeBeginning(List list) { // remove first node obsoleteNode := list.firstNode list.firstNode := // point past deleted node destroy obsoleteNode }


Notice that removeBeginning() sets list.firstNode to null when removing the last node in the list. Since we can't iterate backwards, efficient "insertBefore" or "removeBefore" operations are not possible. Appending one linked list to another can be inefficient unless a reference to the tail is kept as part of the List structure, because we must traverse the entire first list in order to find the tail, and then append the second list to this. Thus, if two linearly-linked lists are each of length n, list appending has asymptotic time complexity of O(n). In the Lisp family of languages, list appending is provided by the append procedure. Many of the special cases of linked list operations can be eliminated by including a dummy element at the front of the list. This ensures that there are no special cases for the beginning of the list and renders both insertBeginning() and removeBeginning() unnecessary. In this case, the first useful data in the list will be found at Doubly-linked lists With doubly-linked lists there are even more pointers to update, but also less information is needed, since we can use backwards pointers to observe preceding elements in the list. This enables new operations, and eliminates special-case functions. We will add a prev field to our nodes, pointing to the previous element, and a lastNode field to our list structure which always points to the last node in the list. Both list.firstNode and list.lastNode are null for an empty list. record Node { data // The data being stored in the node next // A reference to the next node; null for last node prev // A reference to the previous node; null for first node } record List { Node firstNode // points to first node of list; null for empty list Node lastNode // points to last node of list; null for empty list }


Iterating through a doubly linked list can be done in either direction. In fact, direction can change many times, if desired. Forwards node := list.firstNode while node null <do something with> node := Backwards node := list.lastNode while node null <do something with> node := node.prev These symmetric functions add a node either after or before a given node, with the diagram demonstrating after:

function insertAfter(List list, Node node, Node newNode) newNode.prev := node := if = null := newNode list.lastNode := newNode else := newNode := newNode function insertBefore(List list, Node node, Node newNode) newNode.prev := node.prev := node if node.prev is null node.prev := newNode list.firstNode := newNode else := newNode node.prev := newNode We also need a function to insert a node at the beginning of a possibly-empty list: function insertBeginning(List list, Node newNode) if list.firstNode = null list.firstNode := newNode list.lastNode := newNode newNode.prev := null := null else insertBefore(list, list.firstNode, newNode) A symmetric function inserts at the end: function insertEnd(List list, Node newNode) if list.lastNode = null insertBeginning(list, newNode) else insertAfter(list, list.lastNode, newNode) Removing a node is easier, only requiring care with the firstNode and lastNode:


function remove(List list, Node node) if node.prev = null list.firstNode := else := if = null list.lastNode := node.prev else := node.prev destroy node One subtle consequence of this procedure is that deleting the last element of a list sets both firstNode and lastNode to null, and so it handles removing the last node from a oneelement list correctly. Notice that we also don't need separate "removeBefore" or "removeAfter" methods, because in a doubly-linked list we can just use "remove(node.prev)" or "remove(" where these are valid. Language support Many programming languages such as Lisp and Scheme have singly linked lists built in. In languages that support abstract data types (ADT) or templates, linked list ADT or templates are available for building linked lists. In other languages, linked lists are typically built using pointers together with records. Here is a complete example in C: Example:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* for printf */ /* for malloc */

typedef struct node { int data; struct node *next; } node_instance; node_instance *list_add(node_instance **p, int i) { /* some compilers don't require a cast of return value for malloc */ node_instance *n = (node_instance *)malloc(sizeof(node_instance)); if (n == NULL) return NULL; n->next = *p; *p = n; n->data = i; return n; } void list_remove(node_instance **p) { /* remove first item */ if (*p != NULL) { node_instance *n = *p; *p = (*p)->next; free(n); } } node_instance **list_search(node_instance **n, int i) { while (*n != NULL) { if ((*n)->data == i) { return n; } n = &(*n)->next; } return NULL; } void list_print(node_instance *n) { if (n == NULL) { printf("list is empty\n"); }


while (n != NULL) { printf("print %p %p %d\n", n, n->next, n->data); n = n->next; } } int main(void) { node_instance *n = NULL; list_add(&n, 0); /* list: 0 list_add(&n, 1); /* list: 1 list_add(&n, 2); /* list: 2 list_add(&n, 3); /* list: 3 list_add(&n, 4); /* list: 4 list_print(n); list_remove(&n); list_remove(&n->next); list_remove(list_search(&n, list_remove(&n->next); list_remove(&n); list_print(n); return 0; } */ 0 */ 1 0 */ 2 1 0 */ 3 2 1 0 */ /* remove first (4) */ /* remove new second (2) */ 1)); /* remove cell containing 1 (first) */ /* remove second to last node (0) */ /* remove last (3) */

Internal and external storage When constructing a linked list, one is faced with the choice of whether to store the data of the list directly in the linked list nodes, called internal storage, or merely to store a reference to the data, called external storage. Internal storage has the advantage of making access to the data more efficient, requiring less storage overall, having better locality of reference, and simplifying memory management for the list (its data is allocated and deallocated at the same time as the list nodes). External storage, on the other hand, has the advantage of being more generic, in that the same data structure and machine code can be used for a linked list no matter what the size of the data is. It also makes it easy to place the same data in multiple linked lists. Although with internal storage the same data can be placed in multiple lists by including multiple next references in the node data structure, it would then be necessary to create separate routines to add or delete cells based on each field. It is possible to create additional linked lists of elements that use internal storage by using external storage, and having the cells of the additional linked lists store references to the nodes of the linked list containing the data. In general, if a set of data structures needs to be included in multiple linked lists, external storage is the best approach. If a set of data structures need to be included in only one linked list, then internal storage is slightly better, unless a generic linked list package using external storage is available. Likewise, if different sets of data that can be stored in the same data structure are to be included in a single linked list, then internal storage would be fine. Another approach that can be used with some languages involves having different data structures, but all have the initial fields, including the next (and prev if double linked list) references in the same location. After defining separate structures for each type of data, a generic structure can be defined that contains the minimum amount of data shared by all the other structures and contained at the top (beginning) of the structures. Then generic routines can be created that use the minimal structure to perform linked list type operations, but separate routines can then handle the specific data. This approach is often used in message parsing routines, where several types of messages are received, but all start with the same set of fields, usually including a field for message type. The generic routines are used to add new messages to a queue when they are received, and remove them from the queue in order to process the message. The message type field is then used to call the correct routine to process the specific type of message.


Time to search an element Finding a specific element in a linked list, even if it is sorted, normally requires O(n) time (simple linear search). This is one of the primary disadvantages of linked lists over other data structures. In addition to some of the variants discussed in the above section, there are number of simple ways of improving search time. In an unordered list, one simple heuristic for decreasing average search time is the move-to-front heuristic, which simply moves an element to the beginning of the list once it is found. This scheme, handy for creating simple caches, ensures that the most recently used items are also the quickest to find again. Another common approach is to "index" a linked list using a more efficient external data structure. For example, one can build a red-black tree or hash table whose elements are references to the linked list nodes. Multiple such indexes can be built on a single list. The disadvantage is that these indexes may need to be updated each time a node is added or removed (or at least, before that index is used again). Related data structures

Both stacks and queues are often implemented using linked lists, and simply restrict the type of operations which are supported. The skip list is a linked list augmented with layers of pointers for quickly jumping over large numbers of elements, and then descending to the next layer. This process continues down to the bottom layer, which is the actual list. A binary tree can be seen as a type of linked list where the elements are themselves linked lists of the same nature. The result is that each node may include a reference to the first node of one or two other linked lists, which, together with their contents, form the subtrees below that node. An unrolled linked list is a linked list in which each node contains an array of data values. This leads to improved cache performance, since more list elements are contiguous in memory, and reduced memory overhead, because less metadata needs to be stored for each element of the list. A hash table may use linked lists to store the chains of items that hash to the same position in the hash table.


Binary tree
In computer science, a tree is a data structure consisting of an initial root node with connected to it subtrees consisting of parent, child (i.e. derived) and leaf nodes. Important that there is no left to right order:

Tree structure A binary tree is a tree data structure in which every node (except a leaf node) has at most two child nodes that, relative to the parent node, identified as left or right nodes. Binary trees are commonly used to implement binary search trees and binary heaps.

Binary tree for the expression 4 * 5 - 3 Used definitions: Binary tree is a tree with at most two child nodes for each node. A node is a unit of reference in a data structure (also called a vertex in graphs and trees). The root node of a tree is an initial node with no previous ones. There must be only one root node in a binary tree. The parent node is the node previous to the child node, and directly connected on the way from the root to the leaves. A child node is a node connected next after its parent node on the way from the root to the leaves. Relative to the parent node, the child nodes are identified as left or right. A subtree consists of some initial node and all nodes derived from it. A branch is a sequence of derived nodes such that the first is the parent of the second, the second is the parent of the third, etc. A leaf node has no child nodes (in other words has next null nodes). The depth of a node n is the length of the path from the root to the node. The set of all nodes at a given depth is sometimes called a level of the tree. The root node is at depth 0. The height of a tree is the depth of its furthest leaf. A tree with only a root node has a height of zero. Note: take into account that in a tree structure used in computer science the root node is an initial upper one and the leaves are at the bottom.


Binary search tree

(from Wikipedia) Inserting in a linked list is fast (changing a few pointers) but searching is slow (always starts from one of the list ends). Random access in an array is fast (by index) but insertion is slow (you have to shift all the elements after the inserted one). Binary search tree data structure tries to combine the performance advantages of a linked list and an array. In computer science, a binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree data structure which has the following properties: each node (item in the tree) has a value; a total order (linear order) is defined on these values; the left subtree of a node contains only values less than the node's value; the right subtree of a node contains only values greater than or equal to the node's value.

The major advantage of binary search trees over other data structures is that the related sorting algorithms and search algorithms such as in-order traversal can be very efficient. Binary search trees can choose to allow or disallow duplicate values, depending on the implementation. Binary search trees are a fundamental data structure used to construct more abstract data structures such as sets, multisets, and associative arrays. Binary search trees are often used to maintain a dictionary.


Binary heap
(from Wikipedia) A binary heap is a simple heap data structure created using a binary tree. It can be seen as a binary tree with two additional constraints: The shape property: all levels of the tree, except possibly the last one (deepest) are fully filled (each parent node has to child nodes), and, if the last level of the tree is not complete, the nodes of that level are filled from left to right. The heap property: each node is greater than or equal to each of its children according to some comparison predicate which is fixed for the entire data structure. "Greater than" means according to whatever comparison function is chosen to sort the heap, not necessarily "greater than" in the mathematical sense (since the quantities are not even always numerical). Heaps where the comparison function is mathematical "greater than" are called max-heaps; those where the comparison function is mathematical "less than" are called "min-heaps". Conventionally, min-heaps are used, since they are readily applicable for use in priority queues. Note that the ordering of siblings in a heap is not specified by the heap property, so the two children of a parent can be freely interchanged (as long as this does not violate the shape and heap property, compare with treap).

The binary heap is a special case of the d-ary heap in which each node can have d children (rather than just 2).


Heap operations Adding to the heap If we have a heap, and we add an element, we can perform an operation known as up-heap, bubble-up, percolate-up, or sift-up in order to restore the heap property. We can do this in O(log n) time, using a binary heap, by following this algorithm: 1. Add the element on the bottom level of the heap. 2. Compare the added element with its parent; if they are in the correct order, stop. 3. If not, swap the element with its parent and return to the previous step. We do this at maximum for each level in the tree the height of the tree, which is

O(log n). However, since approximately 50% of the elements are leaves and 75% are in
the bottom two levels, it is likely that the new element to be inserted will only move a few levels upwards to maintain the heap. Thus, binary heaps support insertion in average constant time, O(1). Say we have a max-heap

and we want to add the number 15 to the heap. We first place the 15 in the position marked by the X. However the heap property is violated since 15 is greater than 8, so we need to swap the 15 and the 8. So, we have the heap looking as follows after the first swap:

However the heap property is still violated since 15 is greater than 11, so we need to swap again:

which is a valid max-heap. Deleting the root from the heap The procedure for deleting the root from the heap effectively extracting the maximum element in a max-heap or the minimum element in a min-heap starts by replacing it with the last element on the last level. So, if we have the same max-heap as before, we remove the 11 and replace it with the 4.


Now the heap property is violated since 8 is greater than 4. The operation that restores the property is called down-heap, bubble-down, percolate-down, or sift-down. In this case, swapping the two elements 4 and 8, is enough to restore the heap property and we need not swap elements further:

In general, the wrong node is swapped with its larger child in a max-heap (in a min-heap it would be swapped with its smaller child), until it satisfies the heap property in its new position. Note that the down-heap operation (without the preceding swap) can be used in general to modify the value of the root, even when no element is being deleted. Building a heap A heap could be built by successive insertions. This approach requires O(nlgn) time because each insertion takes O(lgn) time and there are n elements. However this is not the optimal method. The optimal method starts by randomly putting the elements on a binary tree (which could be represented by an array). Then starting from the lowest level and moving upwards until the heap property is restored by shifting the root of the subtree downward as in the deletion algorithm. More specifically if all the subtrees starting at some height h (measured from the bottom) have already been "heapified", the trees at depth h+1 can be heapified by sending their root down, along the branch with maximum child nodes. This process takes O(h) operations (swaps). In this method most of the heapification takes place in the lower levels. The number of nodes at height h is. Therefore, the cost of heapifying all subtrees is:

Heap implementation It is perfectly acceptable to use a traditional binary tree data structure to implement a binary heap. There is an issue with finding the adjacent element on the last level on the binary heap when adding an element which can be resolved algorithmically or by adding extra data to the nodes, called "threading" the tree that is, instead of merely storing references to the children, we store the inorder successor of the node as well. However, a more common approach, and an approach aligned with the theory behind heaps, is to store the heap in an array. Any binary tree can be stored in an array, but because a heap is always an almost complete binary tree, it can be stored compactly. No space is required for pointers; instead, the parent and children of each node can be found by simple arithmetics on array indices. Details depend on the root position (which in turn may depend on constraints of a programming language used for implementation). If the tree root item has index 0 (n tree elements are a[0] .. a[n1]), then for each index i, element a[i] has children a[2i+1] and a[2i+2], and the parent a[floor((i1)/2)], as shown in the following picture:


Binary tree stored in an array If the root is a[1] (tree elements are a[1] .. a[n]), then for each index i, element a[i] has children a[2i] and a[2i+1], and the parent a[floor(i/2)]. This is a simple example of an implicit data structure. This approach is particularly useful in the heapsort algorithm, where it allows the space in the input array to be reused to store the heap. However it requires allocating the array before filling it, which makes this method not that useful in priority queues implementation, where the number of tasks (heap elements) is not necessarily known in advance. The upheap/downheap operations can be stated then in terms of an array as follows: suppose that the heap property holds for the indices b, b+1, ..., d. The sift-down function extends the heap property to b-1, b, b+1, ..., d. Only index i = b-1 can violate the heap property. Let j be the index of the largest child of a[i] (for a max-heap, or the smallest child for a min-heap) within the range b, ..., d. (If no such index exists because 2i > d then the heap property holds for the newly extended range and nothing needs to be done.) By swapping the values a[i] and a[j] the heap property for position i is established. At this point, the only problem is that the heap property might not hold for index j. The sift-down function is applied tail-recursively to index j until the heap property is established for all elements. The sift-down function is fast. In each step it only needs two comparisons and one swap. The index value where it is working doubles in each iteration, so that at most log2 d steps are required. The merge operation in a binary heap takes (n) for equal-sized heaps. When merging is a common task, a different heap implementation is recommended, such as a binomial heap. See also

Binomial heap D-ary heap Fibonacci heap


Balanced binary tree

A balanced tree is a tree where no leaf is much farther away from the root than any other leaf. Different balancing schemes allow different definitions of "much farther" and different amounts of work to keep them balanced. For example, in an AVL tree, the heights of the two subtrees of any node must differ by at most 1. Note: usually "balanced" means "height balanced". Balanced trees have a predictable depth (how many nodes are traversed from the root to a leaf, root counting as node 0 and subsequent as 1, 2, ..., depth). This depth is equal to the integer part of log2(n) where n is the number of nodes on the balanced tree. Example 1: balanced tree with 1 node, log2(1)=0 (depth = 0). Example 2: balanced tree with 3 nodes, log2(3)=1.59 (depth=1). Example 3: balanced tree with 5 nodes, log2(4)=2.32 (depth of tree is 2 nodes). Balancing binary tree If we can estimate how often each item will be accessed, we can construct an optimal binary search tree, which is a search tree where the "average cost" (number of calculations needed) of looking up an item (the expected search cost) is minimized. For example, the following unbalanced binary search tree was one of the tallest from a sample of a hundred 15-node trees built by inserting nodes in random order:

The number of comparisons required to find a node depends on the node's depth, and the average number of comparisons is proportional to the tree's height (number of levels). Thus, in this unbalanced tree the average number of comparisons required to find a random node is:

leveli *(1+ (number_of _level_nodes - 1)) / number_of_nodes = (1 + 2 + (3 * 2) + (4 * 4) + (5 * 4) + 6 + 7 + 8) / 15 = 4.4 comparisons (i = 1,2,3n).

In contrast, after balancing the corresponding optimal binary tree, shown below, requires only (1 + (2 * 2) + (3 * 4) + (4 * 8))/15 = 3.3 comparisons, on average. Moreover, because the tree's height was shortened the optimal tree requires a maximum of 4, as opposed to 8, comparisons for any search:

Besides this inefficiency in time, trees that grow too tall can cause inefficiency in space, leading to an overflow of the stack in insertion, copy, or other functions. For both reasons, it is helpful to have a routine to rearrange a tree to its minimum possible height, that is, to balance the tree.


For efficiency, some of the BST routines use a stack of a fixed maximum height. This maximum height affects the maximum number of nodes in any given tree, because a binary tree of height n contains at most 2**n - 1 nodes. For example, the value of 32 allows for trees with up to 2**32 - 1 =4,294,967,295 nodes. On today's common 32-bit computers that supportonly 4 GB of memory at most, this is hardly a limit, because memory would be exhausted long before the tree became too big. Self-balancing binary tree In computer science, a self-balancing binary tree or height-balanced binary tree is a binary tree structure that attempts to keep its height, or the number of levels of nodes beneath the root, as small as possible at all times, automatically. It is one of the most efficient ways of implementing ordered lists and can be used for other data structures such as associative arrays, sets. Overview Most operations on a binary tree take time directly proportional to the tree's height, so to achieve better performance it is desirable to keep the height as small as possible. Ordinary binary trees have the primary disadvantage that they can attain very large heights in rather ordinary situations, such as when the keys are inserted in order. The result is a data structure similar to a linked list, making all operations on the tree relatively slow ("expensive"). If we know all the data ahead of time, we can keep the height small on average by adding values in a random order, but we don't always have this luxury, particularly in online algorithms. Self-balancing binary trees solve this problem by performing transformations on the tree (such as tree rotations) at key times, in order to reduce the height. Although a certain overhead is involved, it is justified in the long run by drastically decreasing the time of later operations. k The height must always be at least the ceiling of log2 n, since there are at most 2 nodes on the k-th level; a complete or full binary tree has exactly this many levels. Balanced binary trees are not always so precisely balanced, since it can be expensive to keep a tree at minimum height at all times; instead, most algorithms keep the height within a constant factor of this lower bound. Times for various operations in terms of number of nodes in the tree n: Operation Lookup Insert Delete Big-O time

O(log n) O(log n) O(log n)

In-order iteration over all elements O(n) For some implementations these times are worst-case, while for others they are amortized. Applications Self-balancing binary trees can be used in a natural way to construct and maintain ordered lists, such as priority queues.


AVL tree In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary tree, and it is the first selfbalancing data structure to be invented. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two subtrees of any node differ by at most 1, therefore, it is also said to be "height-balanced". Lookup, insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst cases. Additions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more tree rotations. The AVL tree is named after its two inventors, G.M. Adelson-Velsky and E.M. Landis, who published it in their 1962 paper "An algorithm for the organization of information". The balance factor of a node is the height of its right subtree minus the height of its left subtree. A node with balance factor 1, 0, or -1 is considered balanced. A node with any other balance factor is considered unbalanced and requires rebalancing the tree. The balance factor is either stored directly at each node or computed from the heights of the subtrees. AVL trees are often compared with red-black trees because they support the same set of operations and because red-black trees also take O(log n) time for the basic operations. AVL trees perform better than red-black trees for lookup-intensive applications. The AVL tree balancing algorithm appears in many computer science curricula. Basic operations The basic operations of an AVL tree generally involve carrying out the same actions as would be carried out on an unbalanced binary tree, but preceded or followed by one or more operations called tree rotations, which help to restore the height balance of the subtrees. Insertion Insertion into an AVL tree may be carried out by inserting the given value into the tree as if it were an unbalanced binary tree, and then retracing one's steps toward the root updating the balance factor of the nodes. If the balance factor becomes -1, 0, or 1 then the tree is still in AVL form, and no rotations are necessary. If the balance factor becomes 2 or -2 then the tree rooted at this node is unbalanced, and a tree rotation is needed. At most a single or double rotation will be needed to balance the tree. There are basically four cases which need to be accounted for, of which two are symmetric to the other two. For simplicity, the root of the unbalanced subtree will be called P, the right derived node of that node will be called Q, and the left child node will be called O. If the balance factor of P is 2, it means that the right subtree outweighs the left subtree of the given node, and the balance factor of the right child node (Q) must then be checked. If the balance factor of the Q is 1, it means the insertion occurred on the (external) right side of that node and a left rotation is needed (tree rotation) with P as the root. If the balance factor of Q is -1, this means the insertion happened on the (internal) left side of that node. This requires a double rotation. The first rotation is a right rotation with Q as the root. The second is a left rotation with P as the root. The other two cases are identical to the previous two, but with the original balance factor of -2 and the left subtree outweighing the right subtree. Only the nodes traversed from the insertion point to the root of the tree need be checked, and rotations are a constant time operation, and because the height is limited to O(log n), the execution time for an insertion is O(log n).


Deletion If the node is a leaf, remove it. If the node is not a leaf, replace it with either the largest in its left subtree or the smallest in its right subtree, and remove that node. The node that was found as replacement has at most one leaf. After deletion retrace the path back up the tree (parent of the replacement) to the root, adjusting the balance factors as needed. The retracing can stop if the balance factor becomes -1 or 1 indicating that the height of that subtree has remained unchanged. If the balance factor becomes 0 then the height of the subtree has decreased by one and the retracing needs to continue. If the balance factor becomes -2 or 2 then the subtree is unbalanced and needs to be rotated to fix it. If the rotation leaves the subtree's balance factor at 0 then the retracing towards the root must continue since the height of this subtree has decreased by one. This is in contrast to an insertion where a rotation resulting in a balance factor of 0 indicated that the subtree's height has remained unchanged. The time required is O(h) for lookup plus maximum O(log h) rotations on the way back to the root; so the operation can be completed in O(log n) time. Lookup (search) Lookup in an AVL tree is performed exactly as in an unbalanced binary tree. No special provisions need to be taken, and the tree's structure is not modified by lookups. (This is in contrast to splay tree lookups, which do modify their tree's structure). If each node additionally records the size of its subtree (including itself and its descendants), then the nodes can be retrieved by index in O(log n) time as well. Once a node has been found in a balanced tree, the next or previous node can be obtained in additional constant time. (In a few cases, about 2*log(n) links will need to be traversed. In most cases, only a single link need be traversed. On the average, about two links need to be traversed). Rotations A rotation is a transformation of a binary tree that looks like this:

In this diagram, X and Y represent nodes and a, b, and c are arbitrary binary trees that may be empty. A rotation that changes a binary tree of the form shown on the left to the form shown on the right is called a right rotation on Y. Going the other way, it is a left rotation on X. This figure also introduces new graphical conventions. First, the line leading vertically down to the root explicitly shows that the BST may be a subtree of a larger tree. Also, the use of both uppercase and lowercase letters emphasizes the distinction between individual nodes and subtrees: uppercase letters are nodes, lowercase letters represent (possibly empty) subtrees. A rotation changes the local structure of a binary tree without changing its ordering as in inorder traversal. Rotations have the following properties: Rotations change the structure of a binary tree. In particular, rotations can often, depending on the tree's shape, be used to change the height of a part of a binary tree.


Rotations change the local structure of a binary tree. Any given rotation only affects the node rotated and its immediate child node. Rotations do not change the ordering of a binary tree. If a binary tree is a binary search tree before a rotation, it is a binary search tree after a rotation. So, we can safely use rotations to rearrange a BST-based structure, without concerns about upsetting its ordering.

Example: insert the following keys, in the order given, into an AVL tree: 342, 206, 444, 523, 607

Performance comparisons Both AVL trees and red-black trees are self-balancing binary trees, so they are very similar mathematically. The operations to balance the trees are different, but both occur in constant time. The real difference between the two is the limiting height. While insertions, deletions, and lookups in both types of trees would be O(logn), an AVL tree is shorter in the worst case, so will generally require less time for each of those operations. Note: since to insert or delete node you operate by the pointers it takes almost no time, but on large binary trees with many insertion/deletion operations it can get slower because of bad locality of reference. Binary trees can also be stored as an implicit data structure in arrays. However, as with any array structure, it is slow on insertion and deletion operations. See also

Binary search Binary tree Self-balancing binary search tree Randomized binary search tree B-tree Data structure Trie Ternary search tree Hash table Tree rotation Splay tree Red-black tree


B-tree T-tree


Pfaff, Ben (June 2004). Performance Analysis of BSTs in System Software (PDF). Stanford University.

External links

Presentation of AVL. AVL description from NIST. Stanford course on data structures.


In computer science, a B-tree (not to be confused with binary tree) is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic amortized time. It is most commonly used in databases and filesystems. In B-trees, internal nodes can have a variable number of child nodes within some predefined range (because it can have a variable number of child nodes, it is not a binary, but B-tree). When data is inserted or removed from a node, its number of child nodes changes. In order to maintain the pre-defined range, internal nodes may be joined or split. Because a range of child nodes is permitted, B-trees do not need re-balancing as frequently as other self-balancing search trees, but may waste some space, since nodes are not entirely full. The lower and upper bounds on the number of child nodes are typically fixed for a particular implementation. For example, in a 2-3 B-tree (often simply referred to as a 2-3 tree), each internal node may have only 2 or 3 child nodes. A B-tree is kept balanced by requiring that all external nodes are at the same depth. This depth will increase slowly as elements are added to the tree, but an increase in the overall depth is infrequent, and results in all leaf nodes being one more hop further removed from the root.

B tree example. B-trees have substantial advantages over alternative implementations when node access times far exceed access times within nodes. This usually occurs when most nodes are in secondary storage such as hard drives. By maximizing the number of child nodes within each internal node, the height of the tree decreases, balancing occurs less often, and efficiency increases. Usually this value is set such that each node takes up a full disk block or an analogous size in secondary storage. While 2-3 B-trees might be useful in main memory, and are certainly easier to explain, if the node sizes are tuned to the size of a disk block, the result might be a 257-513 B-tree. A B-tree of order m (the maximum number of children for each node) is a tree which satisfies the following properties : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Every node has <= m children. Every node (except root and leaves) has >= m/2 children. The root has at least 2 children. All leaves appear in the same level, and carry no information. A non-leaf node with k children contains k 1 keys

The B-tree's creators, Rudolf Bayer and Ed McCreight, have not explained what, if anything, the B stands for. The most common belief is that B stands for balanced, as all the leaf nodes are at the same level in the tree. B may also stand for Bayer, Branching Tree, or for Boeing, because they were working for Boeing Scientific Research Labs at the time. Node structures Each internal node's elements act as separation values which divide its subtrees. For example, if an internal node has three child nodes (or subtrees) then it must have two separation values or elements a1 and a2. All values in the leftmost subtree will be less


than a1 , all values in the middle subtree will be between a1 and a2, and all values in the rightmost subtree will be greater than a2. Internal nodes in a B-tree nodes which are not leaf nodes are usually represented as an ordered set of elements and child pointers. Every internal node contains a maximum of U children and other than the root a minimum of L children. For all internal nodes other than the root, the number of elements is one less than the number of child pointers; the number of elements is between L-1 and U-1. The number U must be either 2L or 2L-1; thus each internal node is at least half full. This relationship between U and L implies that two half-full nodes can be joined to make a legal node, and one full node can be split into two legal nodes (if there is room to push one element up into the parent). These properties make it possible to delete and insert new values into a B-tree and adjust the tree to preserve the B-tree properties. Leaf nodes have the same restriction on the number of elements, but have no children, and no child pointers. The root node still has the upper limit on the number of children, but has no lower limit. For example, when there are fewer than L-1 elements in the entire tree, the root will be the only node in the tree, and it will have no children at all. A B-tree of depth n+1 can hold about U times as many items as a B-tree of depth n, but the cost of search, insert, and delete operations grows with the depth of the tree. As with any balanced tree, the cost grows much more slowly than the number of elements. Some balanced trees store values only at the leaf nodes, and so have different kinds of nodes for leaf nodes and internal nodes. B-trees keep values in every node in the tree, and may use the same structure for all nodes. However, since leaf nodes never have children, a specialized structure for leaf nodes in B-trees will improve performance. Algorithms Search Search is performed in the typical manner, analogous to that in a binary search tree. Starting at the root, the tree is traversed top to bottom, choosing the child pointer whose separation values are on either side of the value that is being searched. Binary search is typically (but not necessarily) used within nodes to find the separation values and child tree of interest. Insertion All insertions happen at the leaf nodes. 1. By searching the tree, find the leaf node where the new element should be added. 2. If the leaf node contains fewer than the maximum legal number of elements, there is room for one more. Insert the new element in the node, keeping the node's elements ordered. 3. Otherwise the leaf node is split into two nodes. 1. A single median is chosen from among the leaf's elements and the new element. 2. Values less than the median are put in the new left node and values greater than the median are put in the new right node, with the median acting as a separation value. That separation value is added to the node's parent, which may cause it to be split, and so on.


B Tree insertion example with each iteration. If the splitting goes all the way up to the root, it creates a new root with a single separator value and two children, which is why the lower bound on the size of internal nodes does not apply to the root. The maximum number of elements per node is U-1. When a node is split, one element moves to the parent, but one element is added. So, it must be possible to divide the maximum number U-1 of elements into two legal nodes. If this number is odd, then U=2L and one of the new nodes contains (U-2)/2 = L-1 elements, and hence is a legal node, and the other contains one more element, and hence it too is legal. If U-1 is even, then U=2L-1, so there are 2L-2 elements in the node. Half of this number is L-1, which is the minimum number of elements allowed per node. An improved algorithm supports a single pass down the tree from the root to the node where the insertion will take place, splitting any full nodes encountered on the way. This prevents the need to recall the parent nodes into memory, which may be expensive if the nodes are on secondary storage. However, to use this improved algorithm, we must be able to send one element to the parent and split the remaining U-2 elements into two legal nodes, without adding a new element. This requires U = 2L rather than U = 2L-1, which accounts for why some textbooks impose this requirement in defining B-trees. Deletion There are two popular strategies for deletion from a B-Tree.

locate and delete the item, then restructure the tree to regain its invariants


do a single pass down the tree, but before entering (visiting) a node, restructure the tree so that once the key to be deleted is encountered, it can be deleted without triggering the need for any further restructuring

The algorithm below uses the former strategy. There are two special cases to consider when deleting an element:


1. the element in an internal node may be a separator for its child nodes 2. deleting an element may put it under the minimum number of elements and children. Each of these cases will be dealt with in order.

Deletion from a leaf node

Search for the value to delete. If the value is in a leaf node, it can simply be deleted from the node, perhaps leaving the node with too few elements; so some additional changes to the tree will be required.

Deletion from an internal node Each element in an internal node acts as a separation value for two subtrees, and when such an element is deleted, two cases arise. In the first case, both of the two child nodes to the left and right of the deleted element have the minimum number of elements, namely L-1. They can then be joined into a single node with 2L-2 elements, a number which does not exceed U-1 and so is a legal node. Unless it is known that this particular B-tree does not contain duplicate data, we must then also (recursively) delete the element in question from the new node. In the second case, one of the two child nodes contains more than the minimum number of elements. Then a new separator for those subtrees must be found. Note that the largest element in the left subtree is the largest element which is still less than the separator. Likewise, the smallest element in the right subtree is the smallest element which is still greater than the separator. Both of those elements are in leaf nodes, and either can be the new separator for the two subtrees.

If the value is in an internal node, choose a new separator (either the largest element in the left subtree or the smallest element in the right subtree), remove it from the leaf node it is in, and replace the element to be deleted with the new separator. This has deleted an element from a leaf node, and so is now equivalent to the previous case.

Rebalancing after deletion If deleting an element from a leaf node has brought it under the minimum size, some elements must be redistributed to bring all nodes up to the minimum. In some cases the rearrangement will move the deficiency to the parent, and the redistribution must be applied iteratively up the tree, perhaps even to the root. Since the minimum element count doesn't apply to the root, making the root be the only deficient node is not a problem. The algorithm to rebalance the tree is as follows:

If the right sibling has more than the minimum number of elements. o o o Add the separator to the end of the deficient node. Replace the separator in the parent with the first element of the right sibling. Make the first child of the right sibling into the last child of the deficient node

Otherwise, if the left sibling has more than the minimum number of elements.


o o o

Add the separator to the start of the deficient node. Replace the separator in the parent with the last element of the left sibling. Make the last child of the left sibling into the first child of the deficient node

If both immediate siblings have only the minimum number of elements o Create a new node with all the elements from the deficient node, all the elements from one of its siblings, and the separator in the parent between the two combined sibling nodes. Remove the separator from the parent, and replace the two children it separated with the combined node. If that brings the number of elements in the parent under the minimum, repeat these steps with that deficient node, unless it is the root, since the root may be deficient.

o o

The only other case to account for is when the root has no elements and one child. In this case it is sufficient to replace it with its only child. Creating a B-tree When a large amount of information needs to be put into B-tree form, it might be assumed that simply repetitively inserting the data would be the quickest. In practice this is a slow operation due to the rearrangement of the tree that occurs. It is very much quicker to sort the data first, and then insert it as a monolithic block. Notes Each node will always have between L and U children, inclusively, with one exception: the root node may have anywhere from 2 to U children inclusively. In other words, the root is exempt from the lower bound restriction. This allows the tree to hold small numbers of elements. The root having one child makes no sense, since the subtree attached to that child could simply be attached to the root. Giving the root no children is also unnecessary, since a tree with no elements is typically represented as having no root node. Multi-way combining and splitting It is possible to modify the above algorithm to, when trying to find extra elements for a deficient node, examine other siblings, and if one has more than the minimum number of values rearrange values across a larger number of siblings to make up the deficit in one. Similarly, when a node is split, extra elements can be moved to nearby, less populated siblings; or the split can involve a number of siblings, redistributing elements among them rather than splitting a node. In practice, the most common use of B-trees involves keeping the nodes on secondary storage, where it is slow to access a node which is not already being used. Using only two-ways splits and combines helps decrease the number of nodes needed for many common situations, but may be useful in others.

Relationship between U and L It is almost universal to split nodes by choosing a single median and creating two new nodes. This constrains the relationship between L and U. Trying to insert an element into a node with U elements involves redistributing U elements. One of these, the median, will move to the parent, and the remaining elements will be split as equally as possible among the two new nodes.


For example, in a 2-3 B-tree, adding an element to a node with three child nodes, and thus two separator values, involves three values the two separators and the new value. The median becomes the new separator in the parent, and each of the other two becomes the sole elements in nodes with one value and two children. Generally, if U is odd, each of the two new nodes has (U+1)/2 children. If U is even, one has U/2 children and the other U/2+1. If full nodes are split into exactly two nodes, L must be small enough to allow for the sizes after a node is split. But it is possible to split full nodes into more than two new nodes. Choosing to split a node into more than two nodes would require a lower value of L for the same value of U. As L gets smaller, it allows for more unused space in the nodes. This might decrease the frequency of node splitting, but it is also likely to increase the amount of memory needed to store the same number of values, and the number of nodes that have to be examined for any particular operation. Theoretical results Robert Tarjan proved that the amortized number of splits/merges is 2. Access concurrency Lehman and Yao [1] showed that linking the tree blocks at each level together with a next pointer results in a tree structure where read locks on the tree blocks can be avoided as the tree is descended from the root to the leaf for both search and insertion. Write locks are only required as a tree block is modified. Minimizing lock to a single node held only during its modification helps to maximize access concurrency by multiple users, an important consideration for databases and/or other B-Tree based ISAM storage methods. See also

B+ tree B*-tree B# tree binary tree red-black tree, a simpler representation for the 1-3 B-tree dancing tree skip list R-tree radix tree UB-tree k-d tree Splay tree

References Original papers:

Rudolf Bayer, Binary B-Trees for Virtual Memory, ACM-SIGFIDET Workshop 1971, San Diego, California, Session 5B, p. 219-235. Rudolf Bayer and McCreight, E. M. Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes. Acta Informatica 1, 173-189, 1972.


Donald Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley, 1997. ISBN 0-201-89685-0. Section 6.2.4: Multiway Trees, pp.481491. Also, pp.476477 of section 6.2.3 (Balanced Trees) discusses 2-3 trees.


Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0-262-03293-7. Chapter 18: B-Trees, pp.434454.

External links

B-Tree video B-Tree Applet by Kubo Kovac B-Tree animation (Java Applet) (Animates the case U = 2L-1 but not the case U=2L) NIST's Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures: B-tree B-tree algorithms B-tree variations C++ source code for a balanced tree (B-tree) (Windows required for test timings) B-Tree implementation in C Language WB disk-based B-tree C-library B-tree algorithms in YTE B-Trees in Perl Spataro Fabrizio e Todaro Michelangelo - Emulatore Java BTree - BTree Java Emulator Hi-concurrency B-Tree implementation in C


B+ tree
In computer science, a B+ tree is a type of tree which represents sorted data in a way that allows for efficient insertion, retrieval and removal of records, each of which is identified by a key. It is a dynamic, multilevel index, with maximum and minimum bounds on the number of keys in each index segment (usually called a "block" or "node"). In a B+ tree, in contrast to a B-tree, all records are stored at the lowest level of the tree; only keys are stored in interior blocks.

A simple B+ tree example linking the keys 1-7 to data values d1-d7. Note the linked list (red) allowing rapid in-order traversal. The primary value of a B+ tree is in storing data for efficient retrieval in a block-oriented storage context. Given a storage system with a block size of b, a B+ tree which stores a number of keys equal to a multiple of b will be very efficient when compared to a binary search tree (the corresponding data structure for non-block-oriented storage contexts). The ReiserFS filesystem (for Unix and Linux), XFS filesystem (for IRIX and Linux), JFS2 filesystem (for AIX, OS/2 and Linux), HammerFS filesystem (for DragonFly BSD), and NTFS all use this type of tree for block indexing. Relational databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL also often use this type of tree for table indices. Details The order of a B+ tree measures the capacity of nodes in the tree. It is defined as a number d such that d <= m <= 2 d, where m is the number of entries in each node. For example, if the order of a B+ tree is 7, each internal node (except for the root) may have between 7 and 14 keys; the root may have between 1 and 14. Furthermore, every internal node has at least d+1 and at most 2d+1 children. Search The algorithm to perform a search for a record r follows pointers to the correct child of each node until a leaf is reached. Then, the leaf is scanned until the correct record is found (or until failure). function search(record r) u := root while (u is not a leaf) do choose the correct pointer in the node move to the first node following the pointer u := current node scan u for r This pseudocode assumes that no repetition is allowed.


Characteristics For a b-order B+ tree with h levels of index:

The maximum number of records stored is n = bh The minimum number of keys is 2(b / 2)h 1 The space required to store the tree is O(n) Inserting a record requires O(logbn) operations in the worst case Finding a record requires O(logbn) operations in the worst case Removing a (previously located) record requires O(logbn) operations in the worst case Performing a range query with k elements occurring within the range requires O(logbn + k) operations in the worst case.

Relationship to other data structures The B+ tree (and most other "B..." trees) are all specializations of the (a,b)-tree, in which the minimum and maximum order is explicitly defined (the a and b, respectively). The B+ tree is a variant of the B-tree, the latter of which can store both keys and records in its interior nodes; in this sense, the B+ tree is a specialization of the B-tree. The B# Tree is a specialization of the B+ tree, which adds additional restrictions. Implementation The leaves (the bottom-most index blocks) of the B+ tree are often linked to one another in a linked list; this makes range queries simpler and more efficient (though the aforementioned upper bound can be achieved even without this addition). This does not substantially increase space consumption or maintenance on the tree. If a storage system has a block size of B bytes, and the keys to be stored have a size of k, arguably the most efficient B+ tree is one where b = (B / k) 1. Although theoretically the one-off is unnecessary, in practice there is often a little extra space taken up by the index blocks (for example, the linked list references in the leaf blocks). Having an index block which is slightly larger than the storage system's actual block represents a significant performance decrease; therefore erring on the side of caution is preferable. If nodes of the B+ tree are organised as arrays of elements, then it may take a considerable time to insert or delete an element as half of the array will need to be shifted on average. To overcome this problem elements inside a node can be organized in a binary tree or a B+ tree instead of an array. B+ trees can also be used for data stored in RAM. In this case a reasonable choice for block size would be the size of processor's cache line. However some studies have proved that a block size few times larger than processor's cache line can deliver better performance if cache prefetching is used. Space efficiency of B+ trees can be improved by using some compression techniques. One possibility is to use delta encoding to compress keys stored into each block. For internal blocks, space saving can be achieved by either compressing keys or pointers. For string keys, space can be saved by using the following technique: Normally the ith entry of an internal block contains the first key of block i+1. Instead of storing the full key, we could store the shortest prefix of the first key of block i+1 that is strictly greater (in lexicographic order) than last key of block i. There is also a simple way to compress pointers: if we suppose that some consecutive blocks i, i+1...i+k are stored contiguously, then it will suffice to store only a pointer to the first block and the count of consecutive blocks. All the above compression techniques have some drawbacks. First, a full block must be decompressed to extract a single element. One technique to overcome this problem is to divide each block into sub-blocks and compress them separately. In this case searching or inserting an element will only need to decompress or compress a sub-block instead of a full block. Another drawback of compression techniques is that the number of stored


elements may vary considerably from a block to another depending on how well the elements are compressed inside each block. History B+ tree was first described in the paper Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indices. Acta Informatica 1: 173-189 (1972) by Rudolf Bayer and Edward M. McCreight. See also

NTFS Databases Binary Search Tree B# Tree B Tree Bitmap index JFS Reiserfs

External links

B+ tree in C language Open Source C++ B+ Tree Implementation B+ tree implementation as C++ template library Perl implementation of B+ trees java/C#/python implementations of B+ trees Study notes for B+ Trees - Insertion and Deletion Dr. Monge's B+ Tree index notes Link to how BTrees work Evaluating the performance of CSB+-trees on Mutithreaded Architectures Effect of node size on the performance of cache conscious B+-trees Fractal Prefetching B+-trees Towards pB+-trees in the field: implementations Choices and performance Cache-Conscious Index Structures for Main-Memory Databases B+Tree Java SortedMap Implementation



Simple representation of a stack In computer science, a stack is a temporary abstract data type and data structure based on the principle of Last In First Out (LIFO). Stacks are used extensively at every level of a modern computer system. For example, a modern PC uses stacks at the architecture level, which are used to run an operating system. The operating system also uses stacks, which are used to run a Java Virtual Machine, which is stack oriented, and the Java language itself has a class called "Stack", which can be used by the programmer. A stack-based computer system is one that stores temporary information primarily in stacks, rather than hardware CPU registers (a register-based computer system). Abstract data type As an abstract data type, the stack is a container (data structure) of nodes and has two basic operations: push and pop. Push adds a given node to the top of the stack leaving previous nodes below. Pop removes and returns the current top node of the stack. A frequently used metaphor is the idea of a stack of plates in a spring loaded cafeteria stack. In such a stack, only the top plate is visible and accessible to the user, all other plates remain hidden. As new plates are added (pushed), each new plate becomes the top of the stack, and hides each plate below. As plates are removed (popped) from the stack, they can be used, and second plate becomes the top of the stack. Two important principles are illustrated by this metaphor, the "Last In First Out" principle is one. The second is that the contents of the stack are hidden. Only the top plate is visible, so to see what is on the third plate, the first and second plates will have to be removed. Operations In modern computer languages, the stack is usually implemented with more operations than just "push" and "pop". The length of a stack can often be returned as a parameter. Another helper operation peak (also known as top and peek) can return the current top node of the stack without removing it from the stack. This section gives pseudocode for adding or removing nodes from a stack, as well as the length and peak functions. Throughout we will use null to refer to an end-of-list marker or sentinel, which may be implemented in a number of ways. record Node { data // The data being stored in the node next // A reference to the next node; null for last node } record Stack { Node stackPointer // points to the 'top' node; null for an empty stack } function push(Stack stack, Node newNode) { // push node onto Stack := Stack.stackPointer stack.stackPointer := newNode }


function pop(Stack stack) { // increase the stack pointer and return 'top' node // You could check if stack.stackPointer is null here. // If so, you may wish to error, citing the stack underflow. node := stack.stackPointer stack.stackPointer := return node } function peak(Stack stack) { // return 'top' node return stack.stackPointer } function length(Stack stack) { // return the amount of nodes in the stack length := 0 node := stack.stackPointer while node not null { length := length + 1 node := } return length } As you can see, these functions can easily be edited to accept and return the node's data, instead of the nodes themselves (these functions assume you have already set the node's data attribute). Implementation A typical storage requirement for a stack of n elements is O(n). The typical time requirement of O(1) operations is also easy to satisfy with an dynamic array or (singly) linked list implementation. C++'s Standard Template Library provides a "stack" templated class which is restricted to only push/pop operations. Java's library contains a Stack class that is a specialization of Vector. Related data structures The abstract data type and data structure of the First In First Out (FIFO) principle is the queue, and the combination of stack and queue operations is provided by the deque. For example, changing a stack into a queue in a search algorithm can change the algorithm from a depth-first search (DFS) into a breadth-first search (BFS). Hardware stacks A common use of stacks at the Architecture level is as a means of allocating and accessing memory.


Structure of a stack

A typical stack, storing local data and call information for nested procedures. This stack grows downward from its origin. The stack pointer points to the current topmost data item on the stack. A push operation decrements the pointer and copies the data to the stack; a pop operation copies data from the stack and then increments the pointer. Each procedure called in the program stores procedure return information (in yellow) and local data (in other colors) by pushing them onto the stack. This type of stack implementation is extremely common, but it is vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks. A typical stack is an area of computer memory with a fixed origin and a variable size. Initially the size of the stack is zero. A stack pointer, usually in the form of a hardware register, points to the most recently referenced location on the stack; when the stack has a size of zero, the stack pointer points to the origin of the stack. The two operations applicable to all stacks are: a push operation, in which a data item is placed at the location pointed to by the stack pointer, and the address in the stack pointer is adjusted by the size of the data item; a pop or pull operation: a data item at the current location pointed to by the stack pointer is removed, and the stack pointer is adjusted by the size of the data item. There are many variations on the basic principle of stack operations. Every stack has a fixed location in memory at which it begins. As data items are added to the stack, the stack pointer is displaced to indicate the current extent of the stack, which expands away from the origin (either up or down, depending on the specific implementation). For example, a stack might start at a memory location of one thousand, and expand towards lower addresses, in which case new data items are stored at locations ranging below 1000, and the stack pointer is decremented each time a new item is added. When an item is removed from the stack, the stack pointer is incremented. Stack pointers may point to the origin of a stack or to a limited range of addresses either above or below the origin (depending on the direction in which the stack grows); however, the stack pointer cannot cross the origin of the stack. In other words, if the origin of the stack is at address 1000 and the stack grows downwards (towards addresses 999, 998, and so on), the stack pointer must never be incremented beyond


1000 (to 1001, 1002, etc.). If a pop operation on the stack causes the stack pointer to move past the origin of the stack, a stack underflow occurs. If a push operation causes the stack pointer to increment or decrement beyond the maximum extent of the stack, a stack overflow occurs. Some environments that rely heavily on stacks may provide additional operations, for example: Dup(licate): the top item is popped and pushed again so that an additional copy of the former top item is now on top, with the original below it. Peek (or Top): the topmost item is popped, but the stack pointer is not changed, and the stack size does not change (meaning that the item remains on the stack). This is also called top operation in many articles. Swap or exchange: the two topmost items on the stack exchange places. Rotate: the n topmost items are moved on the stack in a rotating fashion. For example, if n=3, items 1, 2, and 3 on the stack are moved to positions 2, 3, and 1 on the stack, respectively. Many variants of this operation are possible, with the most common being called left rotate and right rotate. Stacks are either visualized growing from the bottom up (like real-world stacks, or, with the top of the stack in a fixed position (see image), a coin holder [1]) or growing from left to right, so that "topmost" becomes "rightmost". This visualization may be independent of the actual structure of the stack in memory. This means that a right rotate will move the first element to the third position, the second to the first and the third to the second. Here are two equivalent visualisations of this process: apple banana cucumber cucumber banana apple banana cucumber apple apple cucumber banana

==right rotate==> ==right rotate==>

A stack is usually represented in computers by a block of memory cells, with the "bottom" at a fixed location, and the stack pointer holding the address of the current "top" cell in the stack. The top and bottom terminology are used irrespective of whether the stack actually grows towards lower memory addresses or towards higher memory addresses. Pushing an item on to the stack adjusts the stack pointer by the size of the item (either decrementing or incrementing, depending on the direction in which the stack grows in memory), pointing it to the next cell, and copies the new top item to the stack area. Depending again on the exact implementation, at the end of a push operation, the stack pointer may point to the next unused location in the stack, or it may point to the topmost item in the stack. If the stack points to the current topmost item, it will be updated before a new item is pushed onto the stack; if it points to the next available location in the stack, it will be updated after the new item is pushed onto the stack. Popping the stack is simply the inverse of pushing. The topmost item in the stack is removed and the stack pointer is updated, in the opposite order of that used in the push operation. Hardware support Many CPUs have registers that can be used as stack pointers. Some, like the Intel x86, have special instructions that implicitly use a register dedicated to the job of being a stack pointer. Others, like the DEC PDP-11 and the Motorola 68000 family have addressing modes that make it possible to use any of a set of registers as a stack pointer. The Intel 80x87 series of numeric coprocessors has a set of registers that can be accessed either as a stack or as a series of numbered registers. Some microcontrollers, for example, some PICs, have a fixed-depth stack that is not directly accessible. There are also a number of microprocessors which implement a stack directly in hardware: Computer Cowboys MuP21 Harris RTX line


Novix NC4016 Many stack-based microprocessors were used to implement the programming language Forth at the microcode level. Stacks were also used as a basis of a number of mainframes and mini computers. Such machines were called stack machines, the most famous being the Burroughs B5000.

Software support In application programs written in a high level language, a stack can be implemented efficiently using either arrays or linked lists. In LISP there is no need to implement the stack, as the functions push and pop are available for any list. Adobe PostScript is also designed around a stack that is directly visible to and manipulated by the programmer. Applications Expression evaluation and syntax parsing Calculators employing reverse Polish notation use a stack structure to hold values. Expressions can be represented in prefix, postfix or infix notations. Conversion from one form of the expression to another form needs a stack. Many compilers use a stack for parsing the syntax of expressions, program blocks etc. before translating into low level code. Most of the programming languages are context-free languages allowing them to be parsed with stack based machines. Note that natural languages are context sensitive languages and stacks alone are not enough to interpret their meaning. For example, the calculation: ((1 + 2) * 4) + 3 can be written down like this in postfix notation with the advantage of no precedence rules and parentheses needed: 1 2 + 4 * 3 + The expression is evaluated from the left to right using a stack: push when encountering an operand and pop two operands and evaluate the value when encountering an operation. push the result Like the following way (the Stack is displayed after Operation has taken place): Input Operation 1 2 + 4 * 3 + Stack

Push operand 1 Push operand 1, 2 Add Multiply Add 3 12 15 Push operand 3, 4 Push operand 12, 3

The final result, 15, lies on the top of the stack at the end of the calculation. Runtime memory management Main articles: Stack-based memory allocation and Stack machine A number of programming languages are stack-oriented, meaning they define most basic operations (adding two numbers, printing a character) as taking their arguments from the stack, and placing any return values back on the stack. For example, PostScript has a return stack and an operand stack, and also has a graphics state stack and a dictionary stack. Forth uses two stacks, one for argument passing and one for subroutine return addresses. The use of a return stack is extremely commonplace, but the somewhat unusual use of an argument stack for a human-readable programming language is the reason Forth is referred to as a stack-based language.


Many virtual machines are also stack-oriented, including the p-Code machine and the Java virtual machine. Almost all computer runtime memory environments use a special stack (the "call stack") to hold information about procedure/function calling and nesting in order to switch to the context of the called function and restore to the caller function when the calling finishes. They follow a runtime protocol between caller and callee to save arguments and return value on the stack. Stacks are an important way of supporting nested or recursive function calls. This type of stack is used implicitly by the compiler to support CALL and RETURN statements (or their equivalents) and is not manipulated directly by the programmer. Some programming languages use the stack to store data that is local to a procedure. Space for local data items is allocated from the stack when the procedure is entered, and is deallocated when the procedure exits. The C programming language is typically implemented in this way. Using the same stack for both data and procedure calls has important security implications (see below) of which a programmer must be aware in order to avoid introducing serious security bugs into a program.

Solving search problems Solving a search problem, regardless of whether the approach is exhaustive or optimal, needs stack space. Examples of exhaustive search methods are bruteforce and backtracking. Examples of optimal search exploring methods are branch and bound and heuristic solutions. All of these algorithms use stacks to remember the search nodes that have been noticed but not explored yet. The only alternative to using a stack is to use recursion and let the compiler do the remembering for you (but in this case the compiler is still using a stack internally). The use of stacks is prevalent in many problems, ranging from simple in-order traversals of trees or depth-first traversals of graphs to a crossword puzzle solver or computer chess game. Some of these problems can be solved by alternative data structures like a queue, when a different order of traversal is required. Security Some computing environments use stacks in ways that may make them vulnerable to security breaches and attacks. Programmers working in such environments must take special care to avoid the pitfalls of these implementations. For example, some programming languages use a common stack to store both data local to a called procedure and the linking information that allows the procedure to return to its caller. This means that the program moves data into and out of the same stack that contains critical return addresses for the procedure calls. If data is moved to the wrong location on the stack, or an oversized data item is moved to a stack location that is not large enough to contain it, return information for procedure calls may be corrupted, causing the program to fail. Malicious parties may attempt to take advantage of this type of implementation by providing oversized data input to a program that does not check the length of input. Such a program may copy the data in its entirety to a location on the stack, and in so doing it may change the return addresses for procedures that have called it. An attacker can experiment to find a specific type of data that can be provided to such a program such that the return address of the current procedure is reset to point to an area within the stack itself (and within the data provided by the attacker), which in turn contains instructions that carry out unauthorized operations. This type of attack is a variation on the buffer overflow attack and is an extremely frequent source of security breaches in software, mainly because some of the most popular programming languages (such as C) use a shared stack for both data and procedure calls, and do not verify the length of data items. Frequently programmers do not write code to verify the size of data items, either, and when an oversized or undersized data item is copied to the stack, a security breach may occur.


History The stack method of expression evaluation was first proposed in 1955 and then patented in 1957 by early German computer scientist Friedrich L. Bauer, who received the IEEE Computer Society Pioneer Award in 1988 for his work on Computer Stacks. See also Compare with queue, deque Call stack The computer networking term protocol stack


Linear data structures Array Deque Linked list Queue Stack A queue is a particular kind of collection in which the entities in the collection are kept in order and the principal (or only) operations on the collection are the addition of entities to the rear terminal position and removal of entities from the front terminal position. Queues provide services in computer science, transport and operations research where various entities such as data, objects, persons, or events are stored and held to be processed later. In these contexts, the queue performs the function of a buffer. Queues are common in computer programs, where they are implemented as data structures coupled with access routines, as an abstract data structure or in objectoriented languages as classes. The most well known operation of the queue is the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue process. In a FIFO queue, the first element added to in the queue will be the first one out. This is equivalent to the requirement that whenever an element is added, all elements that were added before have to be removed before the new element can be invoked. Unless otherwise specified, the remainder of the article will refer to FIFO queues. There are also non-FIFO queue data structures, like priority queues. There are two basic operations associated with a queue: enqueue and dequeue (or deque). Enqueue means adding a new item to the rear of the queue while dequeue refers to removing the front item from the queue and returning it to the calling entity. Theoretically, one characteristic of a queue is that it does not have a specific capacity. Regardless of how many elements are already contained, a new element can always be added. It can also be empty, at which point removing an element will be impossible until a new element has been added again. A practical implementation of a queue e.g., with pointers of course, does have some capacity limit, that depends on the concrete situation it is used in. For a data structure the executing computer will eventually run out of memory, thus limiting the queue size. Queue overflow results from trying to add an element onto a full queue and queue underflow happens when trying to remove an element from an empty queue. A bounded queue is a queue limited to a fixed number of items.


Types of queues The first data entry is at both the back and the front of the queue. It will be the first data accessed when the time comes. Front/Back Data 1 Now a second piece of data has been added to the queue. Just like a new customer in line to buy a movie ticket, the piece of data is sent to the back of the queue. Back Front Data Data 2 1 And now the third data piece is added, and placed at the end. Back Front

Data Data Data 3 2 1 Another addition to the queue. Back Front

Data Data Data Data 4 3 2 1 The time has come to take something from the queue. The only thing that can be taken is the first data piece, since it is at the front of the line. Back Front

Data Data Data 4 3 2 Another addition to the queue. Back Front

Data Data Data Data 5 4 3 2 Another addition to the queue. Back Front

Data Data Data Data Data 6 5 4 3 2 Time to take another piece of data. Data 2 is at the front of the queue, so it is it's turn. Back Front

Data Data Data Data 6 5 4 3 Time to take another piece of data. Data 3 is at the front of the queue, so it is it's turn. Back Front

Data Data Data 6 5 4


Time to take another piece of data. Data 4 is at the front of the queue, so it is it's turn. Back Front Data Data 6 5 Circular queues Circular queues are generally of a fixed length, and are generally implemented as arrays. The concept is that the start of the queue and the end of the queue can be anywhere in the array while still maintaining the order. It is much faster than normal queues typically, since you are only manipulating one piece of data, and don't need to allocate space, and deallocate space, or redo the pointers. The downside is the fixed size. The fixed size can be an advantage depending on what you are doing. If you just want to keep a set number of items, like lets say the most recent sets of data from a sensor, this is a perfect design. You could just as easily start overwriting things in the array when you are out of room, which would force the list to only contain the last "n" items. So, here is a circular queue. Notice that the back isn't at any particular spot in the array, just pointing at the most recent data block added. Front data 1 Back data data data data data 2 3 4 5 6

Take something off the queue: Front data 2 Back data data data data 3 4 5 6

The first object of the queue, which in this case was also the first object in the array, was just removed. The front pointer was changed by just a simple increment. Now lets remove another item, and add, lets say, 5 more items. Back data 11 Front data 3 data data data data data data data 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The data just wraps around the array. What happens when you reach the beginning of the queue from behind is up to you. You could stop any adding to the queue until an item is removed, or just keep on writing. If you kept on writing, the oldest data in the queue (which is at the front) would be replaced. You would be changing the front pointer on every add and remove.


In computer science, a deque (short for double-ended queue) is an abstract (meaning it is defined by data access algorithm) data structure for which elements can be added to or removed from the front or back (you can select FIFO or LIFO method). Use a vector if you need insertions and deletions only at one end (as is typical). Use a list if you need frequent insertions and deletions in the middle. This differs from a common queue, where elements can only be added to one end and removed from the other. Both queues and stacks can be considered specializations of deques, and can be implemented using deques. Note: Deque is usually pronounced "deck". Naming Deque is sometimes written dequeue, but this is generally not preferred because dequeue is also a verb meaning "to remove from a queue". Nevertheless, several libraries and some writers, such as Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman in their textbook Data Structures and Algorithms, spell it dequeue. DEQ and DQ are also used. Operations The following operations are possible on a deque: operation insert element at back insert element at front remove last element remove first element examine last element examine first element C++ push_back push_front pop_back pop_front back front Java offerLast offerFirst pollLast pollFirst peekLast peekFirst

Implementations There are at least two common ways to efficiently implement a deque: with a modified dynamic array or with a doubly-linked list. For information about doubly-linked lists, see the linked list article.

Dynamic array implementation Deque are often implemented using a variant of a dynamic array that can grow from both ends, sometimes called array deques. These array deques have all the properties of a dynamic array, such as constant time random access, good locality of reference, and inefficient insertion/removal in the middle, with the addition of amortized constant time insertion/removal at both ends, instead of just one end. Two common implementations include: Storing deque contents in a circular buffer, and only resizing when the buffer becomes completely full. This decreases the frequency of resizings, but requires an expensive branch instruction for indexing. Allocating deque contents from the center of the underlying array, and resizing the underlying array when either end is reached. This approach may require more frequent resizings and waste more space, particularly when elements are only inserted at one end.


Language support C++'s Standard Template Library provides the templated classes std::deque and std::list, for the dynamic array and linked list implementations, respectively. As of Java 6, Java's Collections Framework provides a new Deque interface that provides the functionality of insertion and removal at both ends. It is implemented by classes such as ArrayDeque (also new in Java 6) and LinkedList, providing the dynamic array and linked list implementations, respectively. Python 2.4 introduced the collections module with support for deque objects. Complexity In a doubly-linked list implementation, the time complexity of all operations is O(1), except for accessing an element in the middle using only its index, which is O(n). In a growing array, the amortized time complexity of all operations is O(1), except for removals and inserts into the middle of the array, which are O(n).

See also Array Circular buffer Congestion Deque Linked list Pipeline Priority queue Queueing theory Spooling Stack (data structure) - the "opposite" of a queue: LIFO (Last In First Out) References Donald Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley, 1997. ISBN 0-201-89683-4. Section 2.2.1: Stacks, Queues, and Deques, pp. 238243. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0-262-03293-7. Section 10.1: Stacks and queues, pp.200204. External links Pointers to queue visualizations Queue program in c++ Queue STL Quick Reference: Queue Paul E. Black, Bounded queue at the NIST Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures.


Circular buffer

A ring showing, conceptually, a circular buffer. This visually shows that the buffer has no real end and it can loop around the buffer. However, since memory is never physically created as a ring, a linear representation is generally used as is done below. A circular buffer or ring buffer is a data structure that uses a single, fixed-size buffer as if it were connected end-to-end. This structure lends itself easily to buffering data streams. Uses A key advantage of a circular buffer is that it has a static size and elements need not be shuffled around when a portion of the buffer is used. This means that only new data is written to the buffer and the computational cost is independent of the length of the buffer. For example, in implementing a Transmission Control Protocol stack the windows used to hold the data can be circular buffers. When the receiver acknowledges the reception of a packet then the amount of data acknowledged is used to advance the start of the buffer. This allows the stack to restrict the amount of unacknowledged data by the transmitter. (This is an example of when it is not permitted for the start of the buffer to be overwritten.) An example that could possibly use an overwriting circular buffer is with multimedia. If the buffer is used as the bounded buffer in the producer-consumer problem then it is probably desired for the producer (e.g., an audio generator) to overwrite old data if the consumer (e.g., the sound card) is unable to momentarily keep up. Another example is the digital waveguide synthesis method which uses circular buffers to efficiently simulate the sound of vibrating strings or wind instruments. The "prized" attribute of a circular buffer is that it does not need to have its elements shuffled around when one is consumed. (If a non-circular buffer were used then it would be necessary to shift all elements when one is consumed.) In other words, the circular buffer is well suited as a FIFO buffer while a standard, non-circular buffer is well suited as a LIFO buffer.


Algorithm A circular buffer first starts empty and of some predefined length. For example, this is a 7-element buffer:

Assume that a 1 is written into the middle of the buffer (exact starting location does not matter in a circular buffer):

Then assume that two more elements are add 2 & 3 which get appended after the 1:

If two elements are then removed from the buffer then they come from the end. The two elements removed, in this case, are 1 & 2 leaving the buffer with just a 3:

If the buffer has 6 elements added then it is completely full:

A consequence of the circular buffer is that when it is full then a subsequent write is performed then it starts overwriting the oldest data. In this case, two more elements A & B are added and they overwrite then 3 & 4:

Alternatively, the routines that manage the buffer could easily not allow data to be overwritten and return an error or raise an exception. Whether or not data is overwritten is up to the semantics of the buffer routines or the application using the circular buffer. Finally, if after overwriting elements two elements are removed then what would be returned is not 3 & 4 but 5 & 6 because A & B overwrote the 3 & the 4 yielding the buffer with:

Circular buffer mechanics What is not shown in the example above is the mechanics of how the circular buffer is managed. Start / end pointers Generally, a circular buffer requires three pointers:

one to the actual buffer in memory one to point to the start of valid data one to point to the end of valid data


Alternatively, a fixed-length buffer with two integers to keep track of indices can be used in languages that do not have pointers. Taking a couple examples from above. (While there are numerous ways to label the pointers and exacting semantics can vary, this is one way to do it.) This image shows a partially-full buffer:

This image shows a full buffer with two elements having been overwritten:

What to note about the second one is that after each element is overwritten then the start pointer is incremented as well. Difficulties Full/empty buffer distinction Some small disadvantage of relying on indicators (pointers, indices) of the start and end of data is, that in the case the buffer is entirely full, both pointers pointing at the same element:

This is the exact the same situation if the buffer is empty:

To solve this problem there are a number of solutions:

Always keep one byte open. Use a fill count to distinguish the two cases. Use read and write counts to get the fill count from.

Always keep one byte open This simple solution always keeps one byte unallocated. A full buffer has at most size 1 bytes. If both pointers are pointing at the same location, the buffer is empty. The advantages are:

Very simple and robust. You need only the two pointers.

The disadvantages are:

You can never use the entire buffer. If you cannot read over the buffer border, you get a lot of situations where you can only read one element at once.

Use a fill count The second simplest solution is to use a fill count. The fill count is implemented as an additional variable which keeps the number of readable bytes in the buffer. This variable has to be increased if the write (end) pointer is moved, and to be decreased if the read (start) pointer is moved.


In the situation if both pointers pointing at the same location, you consider the fill count to distinguish if the buffer is empty or full. The advantages are:

Simple. Needs only one additional variable.

The disadvantage is:

You need to keep track of a third variable. This can require complex logic, especially if you are working with different threads.

Read/write counts Another solution is to keep counts of the number of items written to and read from the circular buffer. Both counts are stored in unsigned integer variables with numerical limits larger than the number of items that can be stored and are allowed to wrap freely from their limit back to zero. The unsigned difference (write_count - read_count) always yields the number of items placed in the buffer and not yet retrieved. This can indicate that the buffer is empty, partially full, completely full (without waste of a storage location) or in a state of overrun. The advantage is:

The source and sink of data can implement independent policies for dealing with a full buffer and overrun while adhering to the rule that only the source of data modifies the write count and only the sink of data modifies the read count. This can result in elegant and robust circular buffer implementations even in multithreaded environments.

The disadvantage is:

You need two additional variables.

Multiple read pointers A little bit more complex are multiple read pointers on the same circular buffer. This is useful if you have n threads, which are reading from the same buffer, but one thread writing to the buffer. Chunked buffer Much more complex are different chunks of data in the same circular buffer. The writer is not only writing elements to the buffer, it also assign this elements to chunks. The reader should not only be able to read from the buffer, it should also get informed about the chunk borders. Example: The writer is reading data from small files, writing them into the same circular buffer. The reader is reading the data, but needs to know when and which file is starting at a given position.


Associative array (dictionary)

An associative array (also associative container, map, mapping, hash, dictionary, finite map, lookup table, and in query-processing an index or index file) is an abstract data type composed of a collection of keys and a collection of values, where each key is associated with one value. The operation of finding the value associated with a key is called a lookup or indexing, and this is the most important operation supported by an associative array. The relationship between a key and its value is sometimes called a mapping or binding. For example, if the value associated with the key "bob" is 7, we say that our array maps "bob" to 7. Associative arrays are very closely related to the mathematical concept of a bijective function with a finite domain. As a consequence, a common and important use of associative arrays is in memoization. From the perspective of a programmer using an associative array, it can be viewed as a generalization of an array: while a regular array maps integers to arbitrarily typed objects (integers, strings, pointers, and, in an object-oriented sense, objects), an associative array maps arbitrarily typed objects to arbitrarily typed objects. Though, implementations of the two data structures are usually considerably different. The operations that are usually defined for an associative array are: add: bind a new key to a new value; reassign: bind an old key to a new value; remove: unbind a key from a value and remove the key from the key set; lookup: find the value (if any) that is bound to a key.

Examples One can think of a telephone book as an example of an associative array, where names are the keys and phone numbers are the values. Using the usual array-like notation, we might write telephone['ada']='01-1234-56' telephone['bert']='02-4321-56' and so on. These entries can be thought of as two records in a database table: name telephone ada bert 01-1234-56 02-4321-56

Another example would be a dictionary where words are the keys and definitions are the values. dictionary['toad']='four legged amphibian' dictionary['cow']='female four-legged domesticated mammalian ruminant' Since a database equivalent is that of a table containing precisely two fields - key and value, we can use an associative array to store any information which can be held in this form. capital['england']='london' capital['france']='paris' bossof['subeditor']='editor' bossof['reporter']='subeditor' salary['editor']=50000 salary['reporter']=30000


Data structures for associative arrays Associative arrays are usually used when lookup is the most frequent operation. For this reason, implementations are usually designed to allow speedy lookup, at the expense of slower insertion and a larger storage footprint than other data structures (such as association lists).

Efficient representations There are two main efficient data structures used to represent associative arrays, the hash table and the self-balancing binary search tree (such as a red-black tree or an AVL tree). Skip lists are also an alternative, though relatively new and not as widely used. Btrees (and variants) can also be used, and are commonly used when the associative array is too large to reside entirely in memory, for instance in a simple database. Relative advantages and disadvantages include:

Hash tables have faster average lookup and insertion time (O(1) compared to a balanced binary search tree's O(log n)). Hash tables have seen extensive use in real-time systems, but trees can be useful in high-security realtime systems where untrusted users may deliberately supply information that triggers worst-case performance in a hash table, although careful design can remove that issue. Hash tables shine in very large arrays, where O(1) performance is important. Skip lists have worst-case operation time of O(n), but average-case of O(log n), with much less insertion and deletion overhead than balanced binary trees. Hash tables can have more compact storage for small value types, especially when the values are bits. There are simple persistent versions of balanced binary trees, which are especially prominent in functional languages. Building a hash table requires a reasonable hash function for the key type, which can be difficult to write well, while balanced binary trees and skip lists only require a total ordering on the keys. On the other hand, with hash tables the data may be cyclically or partially ordered without any problems. Balanced binary trees and skip lists preserve ordering allowing one to efficiently iterate over the keys in order or to efficiently locate an association whose key is nearest to a given value. Hash tables do not preserve ordering and therefore cannot perform these operations as efficiently (they require the data to be sorted in a separate step). Balanced binary trees can be easily adapted to efficiently assign a single value to a large ordered range of keys, or to count the number of keys in an ordered range. (With n elements in the array and performing the operation on a contiguous range of m keys, a balanced binary tree will take O(log n + m) time while a hash table would need O(n) time as it needs to search the entire table.) In cases where the number of elements in the array fluctuates a lot, trees have other benefits over a hash table. A hash table of a given size can only hold some number of keys before it becomes inefficient, and if the size grows too much it must allocate a new backing store, rehash all the keys, and copy the data to the larger table; this takes O(n) time but can be amortised over multiple access, which retains the O(1) property. A balanced search tree will always take O(log n) time for insertion. Once a hash table grows, if the size decreases the keys can be again rehashed and copied to a smaller space. In contrast, the memory demands of a tree grow and shrink in smaller steps with the number of elements currently in the tree, potentially causing more chance of fragmentation of the program's heap.


Association lists A simple but generally inefficient type of associative array is an association list, often called an a list for short, which simply stores a linked list of key-value pairs. Each lookup does a linear search through the list looking for a key match. Strong advantages of association lists include: No knowledge is needed about the keys, such as an order or a hash function. For small associative arrays, common in some applications, association lists can take less time and space than other data structures. Insertions are done in constant time by adding the new association to the head of the list.

Specialized representations If the keys have a specific type, one can often use specialized data structures to gain performance. For example, integer-keyed maps can be implemented using Patricia trees or Judy arrays, and are useful space-saving replacements for sparse arrays. Because this type of data structure can perform longest-prefix matching, they're particularly useful in applications where a single value is assigned to most of a large range of keys with a common prefix except for a few exceptions, such as in routing tables. String-keyed maps can avoid extra comparisons during lookups by using tries.


A variation of the map (associative array) is the multimap, which is the same as map data structures, but allows a key to be mapped to more than one value. Formally, a multimap can be thought of as a regular associative array that maps unique keys to nonempty multisets of values, although actual implementation may vary. C++'s Standard Template Library provides the "multimap" container for the sorted multimap, SGI's STL provides the "hash_multimap" container, which implements a multimap using a hash table, and some varieties of LPC have built-in multimap support. Language support Associative arrays can be implemented in any programming language as a package and many language systems provide them as part of their standard library. In some languages, they are not only built into the standard system, but have special syntax, often array-like subscripting. Built-in syntactic support for associative arrays was introduced by Snobol4, under the name "table". MUMPS made multi-dimensional associative arrays, optionally persistent, its key data structure. SETL supported them as one possible implementation of sets and maps. Most modern scripting languages, starting with awk and including Perl, tcl, Javascript, Python, and Ruby, support associative arrays as a primary container type. In many more languages, they are available as library functions without special syntax. Associative arrays have a variety of names. In Smalltalk, Objective-C and Python they are called dictionaries; in Perl and Ruby they are called hashes; in C++ and Java they are called maps (see std::map and Map) and in Common Lisp and Windows PowerShell they are called hashtables (since both typically use this implementation). In PHP all arrays can be associative, except that the keys are limited to integers and strings and can only be a single level of subscripts. In the scripting language Lua, associative arrays, called tables, are used as the primitive building block for all data structures, even arrays. Likewise, in JavaScript, all objects are associative arrays. In MUMPS, the associative arrays are typically stored as B-trees.


Hash table
In computer science, a hash table, or a hash map, is a data structure that associates keys with values. The primary operation it supports efficiently is a lookup: given a key (e.g. a person's name), find the corresponding value (e.g. that person's telephone number). It works by transforming the key using a hash function into a hash, a number that is used as an index in an array to locate the desired location ("bucket") where the values should be. Hash tables support the efficient insertion of new entries, and the time spent searching for the required data is often independent of the number of items stored on average.

A small phone book as a hash table.

Time complexity and common uses of hash tables Hash tables are often used to implement associative arrays, sets and caches. Like arrays, hash tables provide constant-time O(1) lookup on average, regardless of the number of items in the table. While theoretically the worst-case lookup time (when you have to look up all elements in the table) can be as bad as O(n), this is for practical purposes statistically impossible unless the hash function is badly designed or unless the set of keys is maliciously chosen with the given hash function in mind. Compared to other associative array data structures, hash tables are most useful when large numbers of records are to be stored, especially if the size of the data set can be predicted. Hash tables may be used as in-memory data structures. Hash tables may also be adopted for use with persistent data structures; database indices sometimes use diskbased data structures based on hash tables, although balanced trees are more popular. Choosing a good hash function One of the more important but possibly most difficult aspects of hash tables is writing a hash function. A hash function needs to take your data (possibly fixed-size, possibly variable-sized) and turn it into a fixed-size number that has "good distribution" (best distribution for hash values is an uniform distribution). If you manage this, you wont get a lot of collisions. This means that in the worst case a hash lookup will have to look only a few buckets in the table and so will be fast. A good hash function is essential for good hash table performance. A poor choice of a hash function is likely to lead to clustering, in which probability of keys mapping to the same hash bucket (i.e. a collision) is significantly greater than would be expected from a random function (a nonzero collision probability is inevitable in any hash


implementation). In addition, some hash functions are computationally expensive, so the amount of time (and, in some cases, memory) taken to compute the hash may be burdensome. Choosing a good hash function is tricky. The literature is replete with poor choices, at least when measured by modern standards. For example, the very popular multiplicative hash advocated by Donald Knuth in "The Art of Computer Programming" has particularly poor clustering behavior. However, since poor hashing merely degrades hash table performance for particular input key distributions, such problems commonly go undetected. The literature is similarly sparse on the criteria for choosing a hash function. Unlike most other fundamental algorithms and data structures, there is no universal consensus on what makes a "good" hash function. The remainder of this section is organized by three criteria: simplicity, speed, and strength. In addition, it will survey algorithms known to perform well by these criteria. Simplicity and speed are readily measured objectively (by number of lines of code and CPU benchmarks, for example), but strength is a more slippery concept. Obviously, a cryptographic hash function such as SHA-1 would satisfy the relatively lax strength requirements needed for hash tables, but their slowness and complexity makes them unappealing. In the absence of a standard measure for hash function strength, the current state of the art is to employ statistical tests to measure whether the hash function can be readily distinguished from a random function. Arguably the most important test is to determine whether the hash function displays the avalanche effect, which essentially states that any single-bit change in the input key should affect, on average, half the bits in the output. Some advocate testing the strict avalanche condition in particular, which states that, for any single-bit change, each of the output bits should change with probability one-half, independent of the other bits in the key. Purely additive hash functions such as CRC fail this stronger condition. In a function with the avalanche property any one-bit change in the input string will on average influence about half the bits in the output. Thats good because it means that similar inputs will have very different hash codes, and thats useful because real-world input sets actually tend to have a structured similarity. Its also good because it means every bit of the hash code is useful, so you can make a smaller good hash just by masking off the low couple of bits. It also means that you cant use the popular methods of hashing strings that take only the length and the last and first few characters. Doing so makes your hash function highly susceptible to input sets that will cause collision rates, because any set of inputs that is identical on the ends but differs in the middle will hash to the same thing. Clearly, a strong hash function should have a uniform distribution of hash values. A "chi-squared test" can be proposed, based on power of two hash table sizes ranging from 21 to 216. This test is considerably more sensitive than many others proposed for measuring hash functions, and finds problems in many popular hash functions. Fortunately, there are good hash functions that satisfy all these criteria. The simplest class all consume one byte of the input key per iteration of the inner loop. Within this class, simplicity and speed are closely related, as fast algorithms simply don't have time to perform complex calculations. A mathematical byte-by-byte implementation that performs particularly well is the oneat-a-time hash, adapted here from an article by Bob Jenkins (for working sample of this hash function see example in the end of the article).
uint32_t jenkins_one_at_a_time_hash(unsigned char *key, size_t key_len) { uint32_t hash = 0; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < key_len; i++) { hash += key[i]; hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3);


hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return hash; }

Each of the 24 rows corresponds to a single bit in the 3-byte input key, and each of the 32 columns corresponds to a bit in the output hash. Many commonly used hash functions perform poorly when subjected to such rigorous avalanche testing. The widely favored FNV hash, for example, shows many bits with no mixing at all, especially for short keys. If speed is more important than simplicity, then the class of hash functions which consume multibyte chunks per iteration may be of interest. One of the most sophisticated is "lookup3" by Bob Jenkins, which consumes input in 12 byte (96 bit) chunks. Note, though, that any speed improvement from the use of this hash is only likely to be useful for large keys, and that the increased complexity may also have speed consequences such as preventing an optimizing compiler from inlining the hash function. One desirable property of a hash function is that conversion from the hash value (typically 32 bits) to a bucket index for a particular-size hash table can be done simply by masking, preserving only the lower k bits for a table of size 2k (an operation equivalent to computing the hash value modulo the table size). This property enables the technique of incremental doubling of the size of the hash table - each bucket in the old table maps to only two in the new table. Because of its use of XOR-folding, the FNV hash does not have this property. Some popular hashing techniques compute the bucket index as the hash value modulo the table size (this way the remainders, and thus the hash values, will lie within the range equal the size of table), and require table sizes to be a prime number rather than a power of two. Using a prime number for a divisor results in less probability of collisions. Ideal if a greatest common divisor = 1. That makes a large enough prime number the best choice for a divisor. In general, such a requirement is a sign of a collision prone hash function; using a prime for a table size is a poor substitute for using a more reliable hash function.

Table organization techniques for collision resolution If two keys hash to the same index, the corresponding records cannot be stored in the same location. So, if it's already occupied, we must find another location to store the new record, and do it so that we can find it when we look it up later on. Ideally, to avoid collisions a hash function must be designed in such a way that it does not produce the same hash values for different keys (without collisions). But in practice there is always a probability of collision (even if you have developed a hash function with uniform distribution of values), so the methods of table organization to store/access keys with the same hashes were designed. Collision resolution scheme is a way of handling collisions, when the table's indices (hashes) for two or more different items are the same (i.e. different items must be stored in the same location). The general ways are keeping subsequent items within the table and computing possible locations (open addressing), keeping lists for items that "collide" (chaining), or keeping one special "overflow area" (can be any searchable data structure, even another smaller hash table). The most popular collision resolution techniques are separate (or direct) chaining and open addressing: separate (direct) chaining: a collision resolution scheme in which the hash table is an array of links to lists. Each list holds all the items with the same hash value. Note: the items in the list may be searched and maintained with any list search algorithms. Any searchable data structure may be used instead of a list. Chaining, i.e. the use of external data structures to resolve collisions, has no clustering in the usual sense.


open addressing: a class of collision resolution schemes in which all items are stored within the hash table. In case of collision, other positions are computed, giving a probe sequence, and checked until an empty position is found. Some ways of computing possible new positions are less efficient because of clustering. Typically items never move once put in place, but in Robin Hood hashing and other techniques, previously placed items may move. Another technique that may move previously-placed items, like Robin Hood hashing, is LCFS (last come, first served) where the most recent item always displaces an existing item. linked list inside the table (coalesced hashing) Here each table entry is a record containing one item that hashed to this location and a record number for another item in the table that hashed to this location, which may have the record number of another that hashed to the same spot, etc.

buckets When each location in the table is a bucket that holds a fixed number of items, all of which hashed to the same location. rehash function A second function can be used to select a second table location for the new item. If that location is also in use, the rehash function can be applied again to generate a third location, etc. Separate chaining

Hash collision resolved by separate chaining. In the strategy known as separate chaining, direct chaining, or simply chaining, each slot of the bucket array is a pointer to a linked list that contains the key-value pairs that hashed to the same location. Lookup requires scanning the list for an entry with the given key. Insertion requires adding a new entry record to either end of the list belonging to the hashed slot. Deletion requires searching the list and removing the element. (The technique is also called open hashing or closed addressing, which should not be confused with 'open addressing' or 'closed hashing'.)


Chained hash tables with linked lists are popular because they require only basic data structures with simple algorithms, and can use simple hash functions that are unsuitable for other methods. The cost of a table operation is that of scanning the entries of the selected bucket for the desired key. If the distribution of keys is sufficiently uniform, the average cost of a lookup depends only on the average number of keys per bucketthat is, on the load factor. Chained hash tables remain effective even when the number of table entries n is much higher than the number of slots. Their performance degrades more gracefully (linearly) with the load factor. For example, a chained hash table with 1000 slots and 10,000 stored keys (load factor 10) is five to ten times slower than a 10,000-slot table (load factor 1); but still 1000 times faster than a plain sequential list, and possibly even faster than a balanced search tree. For separate-chaining, the worst-case scenario is when all entries were inserted into the same bucket, in which case the hash table is ineffective and the cost is that of searching the bucket data structure. If the latter is a linear list, the lookup procedure may have to scan all its entries; so the worst-case cost is proportional to the number n of entries in the table. The bucket chains are often implemented as ordered lists, sorted by the key field; this choice approximately halves the average cost of unsuccessful lookups, compared to an unordered list[citation needed]. However, if some keys are much more likely to come up than others, an unordered list with move-to-front heuristic may be more effective. More sophisticated data structures, such as balanced search trees, are worth considering only if the load factor is large (about 10 or more), or if the hash distribution is likely to be very non-uniform, or if one must guarantee good performance even in the worst-case. However, using a larger table and/or a better hash function may be even more effective in those cases. Chained hash tables also inherit the disadvantages of linked lists. When storing small keys and values, the space overhead of the next pointer in each entry record can be significant. An additional disadvantage is that traversing a linked list has poor cache performance, making the processor cache ineffective. Separate chaining with list heads Some chaining implementations store the first record of each chain in the slot array itself.[3] The purpose is to increase cache efficiency of hash table access. To save memory space, such hash tables often have about as many slots as stored entries, meaning that many slots have two or more entries. Separate chaining with other structures Instead of a list, one can use any other data structure that supports the required operations. For example, by using a self-balancing tree, the theoretical worst-case time of common hash table operations (insertion, deletion, lookup) can be brought down to O(log n) rather than O(n). However, this approach is only worth the trouble and extra memory cost, if long delays must be avoided at all costs (e.g. in a real-time application), or if one expects to have many entries hashed to the same slot (e.g. if one expects extremely non-uniform or even malicious key distributions).


The variant called array hash table uses a dynamic array to store all the entries that hash to the same slot.[6][7][8] Each newly inserted entry gets appended to the end of the dynamic array that is assigned to the slot. The dynamic array is resized in an exact-fit manner, meaning it is grown only by as many bytes as needed. Alternative techniques such as growing the array by block sizes or pages were found to improve insertion performance, but at a cost in space. This variation makes more efficient use of CPU caching and the translation lookaside buffer (TLB), because slot entries are stored in sequential memory positions. It also dispenses with the next pointers that are required by linked lists, which saves space. Despite frequent array resizing, space overheads incurred by operating system such as memory fragmentation, were found to be small.

Hash collision by separate chaining with head records in the bucket array. An elaboration on this approach is the so-called dynamic perfect hashing,[9] where a bucket that contains k entries is organized as a perfect hash table with k2 slots. While it uses more memory (n2 slots for n entries, in the worst case), this variant has guaranteed constant worst-case lookup time, and low amortized time for insertion.

Open addressing

Hash collision resolved by linear probing (interval=1).


Open addressing hash tables store the records directly within the array. This approach is also called closed hashing. A hash collision is resolved by probing, or searching through alternate (neigboring) locations in the array (the probe sequence) until either the target record is found, or an unused array slot is found, which indicates that there is no such key in the table. Well known probe sequences include:

linear probing - in which the interval between probes is fixed - often at 1 (next location). quadratic probing - in which the interval between probes increases proportional to the hash value (the interval thus increasing linearly and the indices are described by a quadratic function). double hashing - in which the interval between probes is computed by another hash function.

Open addressing versus chaining Chained hash tables have the following benefits over open addressing:

They are simple to implement effectively and only require basic data structures. From the point of view of writing suitable hash functions, chained hash tables are insensitive to clustering, only requiring minimization of collisions. Open addressing depends upon better hash functions to avoid clustering. This is particularly important if novice programmers can add their own hash functions, but even experienced programmers can be caught out by unexpected clustering effects. They degrade in performance more gracefully. Although chains grow longer as the table fills, a chained hash table cannot "fill up" and does not exhibit the sudden increases in lookup times that occur in a near-full table with open addressing. (see right) If the hash table stores large records, about 5 or more words per record, chaining uses less memory than open addressing. If the hash table is sparse (that is, it has a big array with many free array slots), chaining uses less memory than open addressing even for small records of 2 to 4 words per record due to its external storage.

For small record sizes (a few words or less) the benefits of in-place open addressing compared to chaining are:

They can be more space-efficient than chaining since they don't need to store any pointers or allocate any additional space outside the hash table. Simple linked lists require a word of overhead per element. Insertions avoid the time overhead of memory allocation, and can even be implemented in the absence of a memory allocator. Because it uses internal storage, open addressing avoids the extra indirection required for chaining's external storage. It also has better locality of reference, particularly with linear probing. With small record sizes, these factors can yield better performance than chaining, particularly for lookups. They can be easier to serialize, because they don't use pointers.

On the other hand, normal open addressing is a poor choice for large elements, since these elements fill entire cache lines (negating the cache advantage), and a large amount of space is wasted on large empty table slots. If the open addressing table only stores references to elements (external storage), it uses space comparable to chaining even for large records but loses its speed advantage.


Generally speaking, open addressing is better used for hash tables with small records that can be stored within the table (internal storage) and fit in a cache line. They are particularly suitable for elements of one word or less. In cases where the tables are expected to have high load factors, the records are large, or the data is variable-sized, chained hash tables often perform as well or better. Ultimately, used sensibly any kind of hash table algorithm is usually fast enough; and the percentage of a calculation spent in hash table code is low. Memory usage is rarely considered excessive. Therefore, in most cases the differences between these algorithms is marginal, and other considerations typically come into play. Table resizing With a good hash function, a hash table can typically contain about 70%80% as many elements as it does table slots and still perform well. Depending on the collision resolution mechanism, performance can begin to suffer either gradually or dramatically as more elements are added. To deal with this, when the load factor exceeds some threshold, it is necessary to allocate a new, larger table, and add all the contents of the original table to this new table. In Java's HashMap class, for example, the default load factor threshold is 0.75. This can be a very expensive operation, and the necessity for it is one of the hash table's disadvantages. In fact, simple methods for doing this, such as enlarging the table by one each time you add a new element, reduce performance so drastically as to make the hash table useless. On the other hand, some hash table implementations, notably in real-time systems, cannot pay the price of enlarging the hash table all at once, because it may interrupt time-critical operations. One simple approach is to initially allocate the table with enough space for the expected number of elements and forbid the addition of too many elements. Another useful but more memory-intensive technique is to perform the resizing gradually:

Allocate the new hash table, but leave the old hash table and check both tables during lookups. Each time an insertion is performed, add that element to the new table and also move k elements from the old table to the new table. When all elements are removed from the old table, deallocate it.

Problems with hash tables Although hash table lookups use constant time on average, the time spent can be significant. Evaluating a good hash function can be a slow operation. In particular, if simple array indexing can be used instead, this is usually faster. Hash tables in general exhibit poor locality of referencethat is, the data to be accessed is distributed seemingly at random in memory. Because hash tables cause access patterns that jump around, this can trigger microprocessor cache misses that cause long delays. Compact data structures such as arrays, searched with linear search, may be faster if the table is relatively small and keys are cheap to compare, such as with simple integer keys. According to Moore's Law, cache sizes are growing exponentially and so what is considered "small" may be increasing. The optimal performance point varies from system to system. More significantly, hash tables are more difficult and error-prone to write and use. Hash tables require the design of an effective hash function for each key type, which in some situations is more difficult and time-consuming to design and debug than the simple comparison function required for a self-balancing binary search tree. In open-addressed hash tables it is difficult to select a good hash function.


Implementations While many programming languages already provide hash table functionality (see language support for associative arrays), there are several independent implementations worth mentioning.

Google Sparse Hash: the Google SparseHash project contains several hash-map implementations in use at Google, with different performance characteristics, including an implementation that optimizes for space and one that optimizes for speed. The memory-optimized one is extremely memory-efficient with only 2 bits/entry of overhead. SunriseDD: an open source C library for hash table storage of arbitrary data objects with lock-free lookups, built-in reference counting and guaranteed order iteration. The library can participate in external reference counting systems or use its own built-in reference counting. It comes with a variety of hash functions and allows the use of runtime supplied hash functions via callback mechanism. Source code is well documented. uthash:This is an easy-to-use hash table for C structures. A number of language runtimes and/or standard libraries use hash tables to implement their support for associative arrays. Software written to minimize memory usage can conserve memory by keeping all allocated strings in a hash table. If an already existing string is found a pointer to that string is returned; otherwise, a new string is allocated and added to the hash table. (This is the normal technique used in Lisp for the names of variables and functions; see the documentation for the intern and intern-soft functions if you are using that language.) The data compression achieved in this manner is usually around 40%.

Example: one-at-a-time hash, from an article by Bob Jenkins (adapted by S.Chepurin).

#include <stdio.h> void main() { int key_length=8; char key[40]; unsigned short hash; // with values diapason from 0 to 65535. int i; printf ("input key: "); gets(key); for (i = 0; i < key_length; i++) { hash += key[i]; hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); printf ("hash value: %d\n",hash); }


References 1. ^ Cormen, Thomas H.; Leiserson, Charles E.; Rivest, Ronald L.; Stein, Clifford (2001). Introduction to Algorithms, second edition, MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, pp. 222. ISBN 978-0-262-53196-2. 2. ^ a b Tenenbaum, Aaron M.; Langsam, Yedidyah & Augenstein, Moshe J. (1990), Data Structures Using C, Prentice Hall, pp. pp. 456-461, pp. 472, ISBN 0-13199746-7 3. ^ Pedro Celis (1986). "Robin Hood hashing". University of Waterloo. 4. ^ Litwin, W. (1980). "Linear hashing: A new tool for file and table addressing". Proc. 6th Conference on Very Large Databases: pages 212-223. External links

Tables and Hashing - presentation ( A Hash Function for Hash Table Lookup by Bob Jenkins Hash functions by Paul Hsieh Hashtables, Part 2 by Maciej Stachowiak A basic explanation of how the hash table works by Reliable Software Explanation of Hash tables and source code with pointers for C++ NIST Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures: Hash tables


Hash table using separate (direct) chaining

(from As we saw with binary search, certain data structures such as a binary search tree can help improve the efficiency of searches. From linear search to binary search, we improved our search efficiency from O(n) to O(logn). A hash table will increase efficiency to O(1), or constant time. In computer science, a hash table, or a hash map, is a data structure that associates keys with values. The primary operation it supports efficiently is a lookup: given a key (e.g. a persons name), find the corresponding value (e.g. that persons telephone number). It works by transforming the key using a hash function into a hash, a number that is used to index into an array to locate the desired location ("bucket") where the values should be. Hash tables are often used to implement associative arrays, sets and caches. Like arrays, hash tables provide constant-time O(1) lookup on average, regardless of the number of items in the table. (O(1) means that it takes a constant amount of time independent of the number of items involved.) However, the rare worst-case lookup time can be as bad as O(n). Compared to other associative array data structures, hash tables are most useful when large numbers of records are to be stored, especially if the size of the data set can be predicted. Hash tables may be used as in-memory data structures. Hash tables may also be adopted for use with persistent data structures; database indexes sometimes use diskbased data structures based on hash tables, although balanced trees are more popular. Example: hash table using separate (direct) chaining
// This program creates a table (can be used as hash table) as a set of linked // lists. Here 10 pointers are used to address 10 linked lists of the table. #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> void main() { int i,k,num; struct node { int n; struct node* next; }; struct node *temp,*ptr1,*ptrArray[10]; //assign null to array's elements: for(i=0;i<10;i++) ptrArray[i]= NULL; //input list's data: printf("Input numbers: \n"); for( i=0;i<20;i++) { scanf("%d", &num); //take modulo 10 to define the node: k=num%10; ptr1=( struct node*) malloc ( sizeof(struct node)); ptr1->n=num; ptr1->next=NULL;


if(ptrArray[k]==NULL) ptrArray[k]=ptr1; else { ptr1->next=ptrArray[k]; ptrArray[k]=ptr1; } } //output list's data: for(i=0;i<10;i++) { temp=ptrArray[i]; //number of the list: printf("List number %d :", i); //output list's elements: while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%5d",temp->n); temp=temp->next; } printf("\n"); } }


Appendix A
MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes)
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library provides collection classes to manage groups of objects. These classes are of two types: Collection classes created from C++ templates Collection classes not created from templates

Advice: The nontemplate collection classes have been provided by MFC beginning with MFC version 1.0. If your code already uses these classes, you can continue to use them. If you write new type-safe collection classes for your own data types, consider using the newer template-based classes. Collection structures (list, array, map) A collection class is characterized by its "shape" (structure) and by the types of its elements. The shape refers to the way the objects are organized and stored by the collection. MFC provides three basic collection shapes: lists, arrays, and maps (also known as dictionaries). You can pick the collection shape most suited to your particular programming problem. Each of the three provided collection shapes is described briefly below. the table Collections: Choosing a Collection Class compares the features of the shapes to help you decide which is best for your program. List The list class provides an ordered, nonindexed list of elements, implemented as a doubly linked list. A doubly linked list has a "head" and a "tail", and adding or removing elements from the head or tail, or inserting or deleting elements in the middle, is very fast.

Array The array class provides a dynamically sized, ordered, and integer-indexed array of objects. Map (also known as a dictionary) A map is a collection that associates a key object with a value object.

The template-based collection classes The easiest way to implement a type-safe collection that contains objects of any type is to use one of the MFC template-based classes. For examples of these classes, see the MFC Advanced Concepts sample COLLECT. The following table lists the MFC template-based collection classes. Collection template classes: Collection contents Collections of objects of any type Collections of pointers to objects of any type Arrays CArray Lists CList Maps CMap





Hash tables in C++ libraries (from

Hash tables were part of the Standard Template Library when the language standard was ratified in 1998. And while most of the Standard Template Library was incorporated into the standard library at that time, the hash_set and hash_map classes were excluded. According to Bjarne Stroustroup: "they would have been in C++98 had we had the time to do a proper detailed design and specification job. There was no doubt that a hash_map was needed as an alternative to map for large tables where the key was a character string and we could design a good hash function. In 1995, Javier Barreirro, Robert Fraley and David Musser tried to get a proposal ready in time for the standard and their work became the basis for many of the later hash_maps. The committee didnt have the time, though" While these containers will be added to the standard library under the awkward names unordered_map and unordered_set when Technical Report 1 (TR1) is adopted, there is no reason we have to wait that long. Despite the fact that they are missing from the standard, virtually every modern C++ compiler (gcc or Visual C++ .NET 2003/2005) has adopted a reasonable variant of hash_map and hash_set. The hash_map container has a caveat, though. You'll need the key to your hash table to be some subset of the input parameters. That's all fine if your key is a single value using a built-in type, such as int, a std::string, or a pointer. These key values are supported implicitly by most implementations of hash_map. Things get a little more complicated if you are using multiple values or your own structures as a key into the map. Owing to the lack of a standard, implementing nonstandard keys requires slightly different techniques, depending on your compiler.


Visual Basic
(from MSDN, "Hardcore Visual Basic") Although Visual Basic doesnt do pointers, it does do objects. It is possible to use objects to create data structures in the same way that other languages use pointers to create data structures. Lets take a brief look at a linked list class and see if you agree with my conclusionwhich is that you should think twice before using this technique in real life. Object-oriented linked lists are usually written with two classesa link class representing the items in the list, and a list class that manages the links. Often theres a third class an iterator classthat walks through the list. Users interact with the list and the iterator classes; the link class is private. We will follow this pattern.

Note: the Collection class implemented from Visual Basic 4.0 can replace the doubly linked lists and resizable arrays (with some additional features such as hash table to look up string keys). A Collection is what some computer science books refer to as a dictionary, that is, a table of items in which you can look up an entry by using a key. When Visual Basic version 4 was released, many programmers saw the new Collection class as an improved version of arrays. They started automatically replacing their arrays with Collections. Then they discovered the high performance cost and started changing Collections back to arrays. The advantage of arrays is their fixed size and structure. If you put an element in a certain position in an array, you can be sure that it will be there when you come back. You can access an element easily and efficiently as long as you remember its location. The disadvantage of arrays is their fixed size and structure. If you dont know how many items you have, you dont know how big to make the array. If you remove or add items, you have to jump through hoops to keep track of where everything is. Often, Collections are used if a variable number of elements is all you need to handle. If string indexing and other Collection features dont do anything for you, perhaps you need a simpler, faster data structure known as a resizeable array, or vector. For detailed information see MSDN, Books and Periodicals, "Hardcore Visual Basic", chapter 4 "The Collection class".


Appendix B: C/C++ samples

Linked list
(from "Practical C++ programming" by S.Oualline)
// LinkedList.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // S. Chepurin - added function RemoveNode() and selection conditions for


program execution flow

#include "stdio.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> //#include "linked.h" using namespace std; //Definitions of used classes: class CLinkedListElement{ public: std::string sData; private: CLinkedListElement *pNext; friend class CLinkedList; }; class CLinkedList{ public: CLinkedListElement *pFirst; CLinkedList() {pFirst =NULL;} void m_InsertNode(string& sItem); void m_RemoveNode(); bool m_FindNode (const string& sItem); }; //global variables: char szItemsBuffer[100]; static int iNodes; //Function to insert new node in ordered list: void CLinkedList::m_InsertNode(string& sItem) { CLinkedListElement *pBefore; CLinkedListElement *pAfter; CLinkedListElement *pNew; pNew = new CLinkedListElement; //If this is first node on the list: if (iNodes==0) { pNew->sData =sItem; pNew->pNext = pFirst; pFirst = pNew; } else { pAfter=pFirst; //If "while" (expression) is true (nonzero), the body of the statement is executed //and the process is repeated from the beginning: while(pAfter !=NULL)


{ //compare with data of first node: if (sItem>=pAfter->sData) { pNew->sData =sItem; pNew->pNext = pFirst; pFirst = pNew; break; } pBefore = pAfter; pAfter = pAfter->pNext; //compare with data of every node starting from the second one: if ((pAfter==NULL)||(sItem>=pAfter->sData)) { pNew->sData = sItem; pBefore->pNext = pNew; pNew->pNext = pAfter; break; } }//close "while" block }//close "else" condition // Output list contents after inserting node: CLinkedListElement *pCurrent; pCurrent=pFirst; int iNumber=0; while(pCurrent !=NULL) { strcpy (szItemsBuffer, pCurrent->sData.c_str()); printf("\nItems in the list: %s, number: %i",szItemsBuffer,iNumber); pCurrent=pCurrent->pNext; iNumber++; }; iNodes++; } //Function to remove a node from the list: void CLinkedList::m_RemoveNode() { CLinkedListElement *pRemove; pRemove = pFirst; pFirst = pFirst->pNext; //free(pRemove); delete pRemove; pRemove = NULL; // Output list contents after removing node: CLinkedListElement *pCurrent; pCurrent=pFirst; int iNumber=0; while(pCurrent !=NULL) { strcpy (szItemsBuffer, pCurrent->sData.c_str()); printf("\nItems in the list: %s, number: %i",szItemsBuffer,iNumber); pCurrent=pCurrent->pNext; iNumber++; }; iNodes--;


printf("\n"); } //Function to find a node on the list: bool CLinkedList::m_FindNode(const string& sItem) { CLinkedListElement *pCurrent; pCurrent=pFirst; int iNumber=0; while(pCurrent !=NULL) { strcpy (szItemsBuffer, pCurrent->sData.c_str()); printf("\nItems in the list: %s, number: %i",szItemsBuffer,iNumber); pCurrent=pCurrent->pNext; iNumber++; }; // Output list contents after inserting a node: pCurrent=pFirst; iNumber=0; while(pCurrent !=NULL) { if (pCurrent->sData==sItem) { strcpy (szItemsBuffer, pCurrent->sData.c_str()); printf("\n\nNode is found: %s, number: %i ",szItemsBuffer,iNumber); break; } else { pCurrent=pCurrent->pNext; iNumber++; //break; } }; printf("\n"); return (pCurrent !=NULL); } //Main function: int main() { int iIndex = 0;//node's index CLinkedList LinkedList;//instance of the CLinkedList class char szBufferSelect[64];//input buffer string sItemsArray[12000];//array of string objects string sInputItem;//string object continueInput: printf("\nInsert node: "); gets(szItemsBuffer); sItemsArray[iIndex] = szItemsBuffer; sInputItem = sItemsArray[iIndex]; //add node to the list: LinkedList.m_InsertNode(sInputItem); iIndex++;


printf ("\nInsert node(1), find node(2), remove node(3), or exit (4): "); gets(szBufferSelect); //1.Insert node: if (szBufferSelect[0] == '1') { goto continueInput; } //2.Find node: else if (szBufferSelect[0] == '2') { printf ("\nItem to find: "); gets(szItemsBuffer); sInputItem = szItemsBuffer; LinkedList.m_FindNode(sInputItem); printf ("\nContinue(1), or exit (2): "); gets(szBufferSelect); if (szBufferSelect[0] == '1') { goto continueInput; } else if(szBufferSelect[0] == '2') exit(1); } //3.Remove node: else if (szBufferSelect[0] == '3') { printf ("\nRemove node."); LinkedList.m_RemoveNode(); printf ("\nContinue(1), or exit (2): "); gets(szBufferSelect); if (szBufferSelect[0] == '1') { goto continueInput; } else if(szBufferSelect[0] == '2') exit(1); } //4.Exit: else if (szBufferSelect[0] == '4') { exit(1); }

return 0; }


Sorting using binary search tree

(from "Practical C++ programming" by S.Oualline)
// // // // BinaryTree.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. Sample from "Practical C++ programming" by S.Oualline. Outputs a list of words in alphabetical order using a text file as an input. Example of command string: C:> binarytree.exe <input_file>.txt

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cctype>//to include the header <ctype.h> within the std namespace #include <cstdlib> //#include "BinaryTree.h" using namespace std; //Declarations of prototypes and global variables: string sItem;//string item to find char szItemsBuffer[100]; char szBufferSelect[100]; void ScanFile (const char* cFileName); //Definitions of used classes: class CNode { private: CNode *m_pRight;//tree to the m_pRight side CNode *m_pLeft;//tree to the left side public: string m_sWord;//word for a tree friend class CTree; }; class CTree { private: CNode *m_pRoot;//the top of the tree //insert a new node: void m_InsertWord (CNode *&m_rpNewNode, const string& m_sWord); //print a single node void m_PrintWord(CNode *m_pTop); //find a node CNode* FindWord(CNode* m_pCurrent,const string& Item); public: CTree() {m_pRoot=NULL;} //string& Info; //add a new word to a tree: void m_Insert(string& m_sWord){ m_InsertWord(m_pRoot, m_sWord); } //print the tree: void m_Print(){ m_PrintWord(m_pRoot); } //find a word: void m_Find(string& Item){ FindWord(m_pRoot, Item); } };


static CTree CInstanceWords;//list of words //Main function: int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc!=2) { cerr<<"Error: wrong number of parameters in the command line\n"; cerr<<"Example of command string: C:> BinaryTree.exe <input_file>.txt\n"; exit(8); } //call function ScanFile: ScanFile(argv[1]); //print the list of words in alphabetical order: CInstanceWords.m_Print(); continueInput: printf ("\nWord to find: "); gets(szItemsBuffer); sItem = szItemsBuffer; CInstanceWords.m_Find(sItem); printf ("\n Find word (1), insert word (2) or exit (3): "); gets(szBufferSelect); if (szBufferSelect[0] == '1') { goto continueInput; } else if(szBufferSelect[0] == '2') { //Insert a word into the list: printf ("\nWord to insert: "); gets(szItemsBuffer); sItem = szItemsBuffer; CInstanceWords.m_Insert (sItem); goto continueInput; } else if(szBufferSelect[0] == '3') exit(1); return 0; } //Function to read the file "name" and break it into the separate words: void ScanFile (const char* cFileName) { std::string sNewWord; int iLetter; ifstream InputFile; (cFileName, std::ios::in); //if error openning the file: if (InputFile.bad ()) { cerr<<"Error: unable to open file:"<<cFileName<<'\n'; exit(8); } while(true) { //Read the file starting from not scanned part (get() keeps track of //already read part of file), pass the whitespaces //or special characters till the first letter is met (using "isalpha" function): while(true) { iLetter=InputFile.get();//read the file //"isalpha" returns a non-zero value if character is within


//the ranges A - Z or a - z. //break if letter is found or EOF: if (isalpha(iLetter)||(iLetter==EOF)) break; } //Break if the end of file: if (iLetter==EOF) break; //Compose the word. //1. Assign first letter of the word: sNewWord=iLetter; //2. Add remaining letters of the word: while(true) { iLetter=InputFile.get(); if (!isalpha(iLetter)) break; sNewWord+=iLetter;//construct a word adding remaining letters } //3. Insert a word into the list: CInstanceWords.m_Insert (sNewWord); }//end of while() block }//end of function ScanFile //Function to insert node - creates an unbalanced binary tree structure. //Note: reference to a pointer is used as a function parameter. // Declaring a reference to a pointer yields a modifiable value // that is used like a normal pointer. void CTree::m_InsertWord (CNode *&m_rpNewNode, const string& m_sWord) { // 2. If we get to the end of the tree, create a new node: if (m_rpNewNode==NULL) { m_rpNewNode=new CNode; m_rpNewNode->m_pLeft =NULL; m_rpNewNode->m_pRight =NULL; m_rpNewNode->m_sWord =m_sWord; } // 3. Exit, if the word is already in the list: if (m_rpNewNode->m_sWord==m_sWord) { return; } // 1. Depending on the first letter, insert a new word in the right or left //branch. //right branch -- if the new word starts from the letter with greater ASCII //code value: if (m_rpNewNode->m_sWord <m_sWord) { //recursively call the m_InsertWord with m_pRight as first parameter: m_InsertWord(m_rpNewNode->m_pRight,m_sWord); } //left branch -- if the new word starts from the letter with less ASCII //code value: else { //recursively call the m_InsertWord with m_pLeft as first parameter: m_InsertWord(m_rpNewNode->m_pLeft,m_sWord);


} } //Function to print the list of words in alphabetical order: void CTree::m_PrintWord (CNode *m_pTop) { //Inorder traversal. //Initial value of m_pTop is the root word (first word in text file). //return if empty (null) tree: if (m_pTop==NULL) { // Control returns to the point at which the function was called // (recursive call of m_PrintWord). // If there are no words on the left branch->flow control goes to the // next statement after function called (cout() statement), prints the // word and then traverse the right branch. // Recursion stops and control returns to main() // when there are no words on the list. return; } //Traverse the left branch of the tree recursively //(recursively call the m_PrintWord with m_pTop->m_pLeft as a parameter): m_PrintWord(m_pTop->m_pLeft); //Print the current node: cout<<m_pTop->m_sWord<<'\n'; //Traverse the right branch of the tree recursively //(recursively call the m_PrintWord with m_pTop->m_pRight as a parameter): m_PrintWord(m_pTop->m_pRight); } //Function to find a certain word in a tree structure: CNode* CTree::FindWord(CNode* m_pCurrent,const string& sItem) { //Preorder traversal: if (m_pCurrent == NULL) { printf ("\nWord is not found.\n"); return NULL; } else if (sItem == m_pCurrent->m_sWord) { printf ("\nWord \""); cout<<m_pCurrent->m_sWord; printf ("\" is found at: %d\n", m_pCurrent); return m_pCurrent; } else if (sItem < m_pCurrent->m_sWord) return FindWord(m_pCurrent->m_pLeft, sItem); else return FindWord(m_pCurrent->m_pRight, sItem);


STL samples
stack structure (class template) Implementing class template member functions Implementing template member functions is somewhat different than implementing the regular class member functions. The declarations and definitions of the class-template member functions should all be in the same header file. Why do the declarations and definitions need to be in the same header file? Consider the following: //B.h template <class t> class b { public: b() ; ~b() ; } ; // B.cpp #include "B.h" template <class t> b<t>::b() { } template <class t> b<t>::~b() { } //main.cpp #include "B.h" void main() { b<int> bi ; b <float> bf ; }

When compiling B.cpp, the compiler has both the declarations and the definitions available. At this point, the compiler does not need to generate any definitions for template classes, since there are no instantiations. When the compiler compiles main.cpp, there are two instantiations: template classes B<int> and B<float>. At this point, the compiler has the declarations but no definitions! While implementing class-template member functions, the definitions are prefixed by the keyword template. Here is the complete implementation of the Stack class template:
//stack.h #pragma once template <class T> class Stack { public: Stack(int = 10) ; ~Stack() { delete [] stackPtr ; } int push(const T&); int pop(T&) ; // pop an element off the stack int isEmpty()const { return top == -1 ; } int isFull() const { return top == size - 1 ; } private: int size ; // Number of elements on Stack int top ; T* stackPtr ; } ; //Constructor with the default size 10 template <class T> Stack<T>::Stack(int s) { size = s > 0 && s < 1000 ? s : 10 ; top = -1 ; // initialize stack


stackPtr = new T[size] ; } //Push an element onto the Stack. template <class T> int Stack<T>::push(const T& item) { if (!isFull()) { stackPtr[++top] = item ; return 1 ; // push successful } return 0 ; // push unsuccessful } //Pop an element off the Stack. template <class T> int Stack<T>::pop(T& popValue) { if (!isEmpty()) { popValue = stackPtr[top--] ; return 1 ; // pop successful } return 0 ; // pop unsuccessful }

Using a class template is very easy. Create the required classes by plugging in the actual type for the type parameters. This process is commonly known as instantiating a class. Here is a sample driver class that uses the Stack class template:
#include <iostream> #include "stack.h" using namespace std; void main() { typedef Stack<float> FloatStack ; typedef Stack<int> IntStack ; FloatStack fs(5) ; float f = 1.1 ; cout << "Pushing elements onto fs" << endl ; while (fs.push(f)) { cout << f << ' ' ; f += 1.1 ; } cout << endl << "Stack Full." << endl << endl << "Popping elements from fs" << endl ; while (fs.pop(f)) cout << f << ' ' ; cout << endl << "Stack Empty" << endl ; cout << endl ; IntStack is ; int i = 1.1 ; cout << "Pushing elements onto is" << endl ; while (is.push(i)) { cout << i << ' ' ; i += 1 ; }


cout << endl << "Stack Full" << endl << endl << "Popping elements from is" << endl ; while (is.pop(i)) cout << i << ' ' ; cout << endl << "Stack Empty" << endl ; }

Pushing elements onto 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 Stack Full. Popping elements from 5.5 4.4 3.3 2.2 1.1 Stack Empty Pushing elements onto 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stack Full Popping elements from 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Stack Empty fs fs is is

In the above example we defined a class template Stack. In the driver program we instantiated a Stack of float (FloatStack) and a Stack of int(IntStack). Once the template classes are instantiated, you can instantiate objects of that type (for example, fs and is).


map structure The sample code below illustrates how to use the map::insert, map::find, and map::end STL functions in Visual C++. Required Header:

iterator map::end(); // Key is the data type of template argument #1 for map iterator map::find(const Key& key); pair<iterator, bool> map::insert(const value_type& x);

Note: The class/parameter names in the prototype do not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability. Description: My comment: this is a simple dictionary - it can read/write data from/to the file, add new words with corresponding meanings, and to find a word's meaning by a key word. This code is based on Microsoft's "map" STL sample.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Compile options needed: None // Visual C++ Project: Win32 Console Application->a simple application // // Based on Microsoft's "map" STL sample // Modified by S.Chepurin, 2008 // // <filename> : main.cpp // // Functions: // // end // find // insert ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma warning(disable:4786) #include <iostream> #include <fstream > #include <string> #include <map> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; typedef map<string, string> DICTIONARY; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // 1. Create a map of strings to strings DICTIONARY theMap; DICTIONARY::iterator theIterator; char szBuffer[512]; string theString = "";//initialize the string (zero length) string temp; string keyWord= ""; string meaning= "";


//Read file (for this sample the number of records is set=1000): int i; int iRecords=1000;//maximum number of records string sReadString; string sIndexArray[12000];//string array string sMeaningArray[12000]; int iIndex; char szBufferRead[64]; string strRead1, strRead2; ifstream inputFile("dictionary.txt"); for (i=1; i<=iRecords;i++) { getline(inputFile,sReadString, '\n'); strRead1=sReadString; strcpy (szBufferRead, sReadString.c_str()); iIndex = atoi(szBufferRead); sIndexArray[iIndex] = szBufferRead; getline(inputFile,sReadString, '\n'); strRead2=sReadString; strcpy (szBufferRead, sReadString.c_str()); sMeaningArray[iIndex] = szBufferRead; theMap.insert(DICTIONARY::value_type(strRead1,strRead2)); } //////////// for(;;) { cout << "Enter a dictionary word (or \"f\" to find a word): "; cin >>temp; if (temp=="f") { break; } else { keyWord=temp; gets(szBuffer); sIndexArray[iIndex] = temp; printf("Enter the meaning: ");//input full name gets(szBuffer); sMeaningArray[iIndex] = szBuffer; } meaning = szBuffer; theMap.insert(DICTIONARY::value_type(keyWord,meaning)); ////Write data in file "dictionary.txt": ofstream outputFile("dictionary.txt",ios::app); if(!outputFile) { cout<<"Error:can't open file! \n"; } outputFile<<sIndexArray[iIndex]<<"\n"<<sMeaningArray[iIndex]<<"\n"; outputFile.close(); }


// Find corresponding entry in the map (the word's meaning) // and print it: theIterator = theMap.end(); while(theIterator == theMap.end()){ cout << "Enter a word to search, or \"q\" to quit: "; cin >> theString; if(theString == "q")//exit the loop break; //print the word: if((theIterator = theMap.find(theString)) != theMap.end()) cout <<(*theIterator).first<<" - "<<(*theIterator).second<<"\n"; else // if input error cout << "[err] "; theIterator = theMap.end(); } return 0; }


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