Earnings Statement: Non-Negotiable
Earnings Statement: Non-Negotiable
Earnings Statement: Non-Negotiable
BD9 907891 S 0000501088 1 Earnings Statement
SPIRE MISSOURI INC. Period Beginning: 11/29/2021
700 MARKET STREET Period Ending: 12/12/2021
ST LOUIS, MO 63101 Pay Date: 12/17/2021
Filing Status: Single/Married filing separately 4812 LITTLE FOX COURT
Federal: Standard Withholding Table,$5 Extra
rate hours this period year to date this period year to date
Regular 38 3450 80 00 3 067 60 69 388 51 Checking 1 -1 994 10
Overtime 57 5175 5 02 288 74 28 822 17 Savings 1 -210 00
On Call 1 0 38 3450 1 00 38 35 1 648 84
Net Check $0 00
Bonus Award 5 766 00
Fl Holiday 920 28
Holiday 1 877 02 Excluded from federal taxable wages
Ot 2 0 6 126 26
Premium Pay 26 84 Your federal taxable wages this period are
Sick 1 016 01 $2 979 36
Vacation 3 000 01
Other Benefits and
Weather Stby 1 793 30
this period total to date
Gross Pay $3 394 69 120 385 24
Er Dental 12 84 308 16
Er Medical 216 81 5 203 44
Statutory Er Vision 2 04 48 96
Federal Income Tax -390 74 17 081 99 Grp Trm Lif Tax 2 64 61 56
Social Security Tax -205 76 7 350 89 401K Elig Wage 3 394 69 120 385 24
Medicare Tax -48 12 1 719 16 401K Er Match 169 73 6 019 28
MO State Income Tax -128 00 4 920 00
Sick Bal 53 00
Volunteer Bal 8 00
Deferral 401K -339 47* 11 461 96
Dental -4 00* 96 00
Medical -72 50* 1 740 00
Vision -2 00* 48 00 Taxable Marital Status:
Iexpense Reimb -281 72 MO: Single
Pre Tax Aip 576 60 MO: 1
Sw Union Due 1 626 52