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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur: III & IV Year B.Tech

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological

University Anantapur
(Established by Govt. of A.P., Act. No. 30 of 2008)
Ananthapuramu–515 002 (A.P) India

III & IV Year B.Tech

Course Structures and Syllabi
under R19 Regulations

1 Page
JNTUA Curriculum
Electrical & Electronics Engineering B. Tech Course Structure

III & IV Year Course Structure and Syllabus

Semester - 5 (Theory - 6, Lab - 3)

S.No Course No Course Name Category L-T-P Credits
1. 19A02501T AC Machines PCC 2-1-0 3
2. 19A02502 Control Systems PCC 2-1-0 3
3. 19A52601T English Language Skills PCC 3-0-0 3
4. 19A02504 Electrical Machine Design PCC 1-1-0 2
Professional Elective-I PEC-I 2-1-0 3
5. 19A02503a HVDC and FACTS
19A02503b DC Drives
19A02503c Programmable Logic Controllers
Analog and digital IC applications
19A02503d Solar Power Systems
Open Elective-I OEC-I 2-1-0 3
6. Experimental stress analysis.
19A01506b Building Technology
19A02506a Electrical Engineering Materials
19A03506a Introduction to Hybrid and Electric
19A03506b Rapid Prototyping
19A04506a Analog Electronics
19A04506b Digital Electronics
19A05506a Free and Open Sources Systems
19A05506b Computer Graphics and Multimedia
19A27506a Brewing Technology
19A27506b Computer Applications in Food
19A54506a Optimization Techniques
19A52506a Technical Communication and
Presentation Skills
7. 19A02501P AC Machines Lab PCC 0-0-3 1.5
8. 19A52601P English Language Skills Lab PCC 0-0-3 1.5
9. 19A02506 Power Electronics & Simulation Lab PCC 0-0-2 1
10. 19A02507 Socially Relevant Project PR 0-0-0.5 0.5
11. 19A99601 Research Methodology MC 3-0-0 0
Total 21.5

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Semester - 6 (Theory - 6, Lab - 2)
S.No Course No Course Name Cate L-T-P Credits
1. 19A04301 Signals & Systems PCC 2-1-0 3
2. 19A02601T Digital Computer Platforms PCC 2-1-0 3
3. 19A02602 Power System Analysis PCC 2-1-0 3
Professional Elective-II PEC- 2-1-0 3
4. 19A02603a Electrical Distribution system Automation II
19A02603b AC Drives
19A02603c Advanced Control systems
19A04703c Embedded Systems
19A02603d Wind Energy Systems
Open Elective-II OEC- 2-1-0 3
5. 19A01604a Industrial waste and waste water II
19A01604b Building Services & Maintenance
19A02604a Industrial Automation
19A02604b System Reliability Concepts
19A03604a Introduction to Mechatronics
19A03604b Optimization techniques through MATLAB
19A04604a Basics of VLSI
19A04604b Principles of Communication Systems
19A05604a Fundamentals of VR/AR/MR
19A05604b Data Science
19A27604a Food Toxicology
19A27604b Food Plant Equipment Design
19A54604a Wavelet Transforms & its applications
19A52604a Soft Skills
Humanities Elective-I HSM 3-0-0 3
6. 19A52602a Entrepreneurship & Incubation C
19A52602b Managerial Economics And Financial
19A52602c Business Ethics And Corporate Governance
19A52602d Enterprise Resource Planning
19A52602e Supply Chain Management
7. 19A02605 Control Systems & Simulation Lab PCC 0-0-3 1.5
8. 19A02601P Digital Computer Platforms Lab PCC 0-0-3 1.5
9. 19A02606 Socially Relevant Project PR 0-0-0.5 0.5
10. 19A99501 Constitution of India MC 3-0-0 0
Total 21.5

3 Page
Semester – 7 (Theory - 5, Labs -2 & Project – 1)
S.No Course No Course Name Category L-T-P Credits
1. 19A02701 Measurements & Sensors PCC 2-1-0 3
2. 19A02702 Power System Protection PCC 2-1-0 3
Professional Elective-III PEC-III 3-0-0 3
3. 19A02703a Power System Operation & Control
19A02703b Switched mode Power Converters
19A02703c Instrumentation
19A04602T Digital Signal Processing
19A02703d Applications of Power Electronics to
Renewable Energy Sources
Open Elective-III OEC-III 3-0-0 3
4. 19A01704a Air pollution and control.
19A01704b Basics of civil Engineering
19A02704a Renewable Energy Systems
19A02704b Electric Vehicle Engineering
19A03704a Finite element methods
19A03704b Product Marketing
19A04704a Introduction to Microcontrollers &
19A04704b Principles of Digital Signal Processing
19A05704a Fundamentals of Game Development
19A05704b Cyber Security
19A27704a Corporate Governance in Food Industries
19A27704b Process Technology for Convenience &
RTE Foods
19A54704a Numerical Methods for Engineers (ECE ,
Humanities Elective-II HSMC 3-0-0 3
5. 19A52701a Organizational Behavior
19A52701b Management Science
19A52701c Business Environment
19A52701d Strategic Management
19A52701e E-Business
6. 19A02705 Power Systems & Simulation Lab PCC 0-0-3 1.5
7. 19A02706 Measurements Lab PCC 0-0-3 1.5
8. 19A02707 Project PR ------ 2
9. 19A02708 Industrial Training/Skill PR ------ 1.5
Development/Research Project*
Total 21.5

4 Page
Semester – 8 (Theory - 2, Project – 1)
S.No Course No Course Name Category L-T-P Credits
Professional Elective-IV PE 3-0-0 3
1. 19A02801a Power Quality
19A02801b FPGA based controller design
19A02801c Intelligent Control Techniques
19A04604b Principles of Communication
19A02801d Energy Storage Systems
Open Elective-IV OE 3-0-0 3
2. 19A01802a Disaster Management.
19A01802b Global Warming and climate changes
19A02802a IoT Applications in Electrical
19A02802b Smart Electric Grid
19A03802a Energy conservation and management
19A03802b Non destructive testing
19A04802a Introduction to Image Processing
19A04802b Principles of Cellular and Mobile
19A04802c Industrial Electronics
19A04802d Electronic Instrumentation
19A05802a Block Chain Technology and
19A05802b MEAN Stack Technology
19A27802a Food Plants Utilities & Services
19A27802b Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods
19A54802a Mathematical Modeling & Simulation
3. 19A02803 Project PR ------ 7
Total 13

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Socially Relevant Projects

1. Energy Auditing
2. Solar Water Pumping Systems
3. Automatic Traffic Light Control Systems
4. Building Electrical Safety Measures
5. Electrical Protection Systems in Agricultural Fields

Minor Degree in Electrical Engineering

S.No. Course No. Course Name Category L-T-P Credits

1. Basic Electric Circuit Concepts PCC 2-1-0 3
2. Fundamentals of Electrical PCC 2-1-0 3
3. Basic Components of Power PCC 2-1-0 3
4. Basic Power Electronic Devices PCC 2-1-0 3
5. Basic Electrical Measurements PCC 2-1-0 3
and Control Systems
6. Circuits & Machine Lab PCC 0-0-3 1.5
7. Electrical Measurements and PCC 0-0-3 1.5
Controls Lab
8. Project PR ------ 2
Total 20

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B.Tech (EEE)–III-I Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3

Course Objectives:

The students will be able to:

x Understand the fundamentals of AC machines, know equivalent circuit performance
x Understand the methods of starting of Induction motors.
x Understand the methods of starting of Synchronous motors.
x Understand the parallel operation of Alternators.


Fundamentals of AC machine windings

Physical arrangement of windings in stator and cylindrical rotor; slots for windings; single-
turn coil - active portion and overhang; full-pitch coils, concentrated winding, distributed
winding, winding axis, Air-gap MMF distribution with fixed current through winding -
concentrated and distributed, Sinusoidally distributed winding, winding distribution factors.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the unit, student will be able to:

x Understand the fundamentals of various parts used, different types of windings,
distribution factor, air gap mmf distribution, constant and pulsating magnetic fields,
addition of pulsating magnetic fields and revolving magnetic field.
x Analyze Magnetic and pulsating fields produced by spatially displaced windings and
when the windings are spatially shifted by an angle.
x Apply above concepts to solve numerical problems.


Induction Machines
Operating principle, Construction, Types (squirrel cage and slip-ring), Starting and Maximum
Torque, Equivalent circuit, Phasor Diagram, Torque-Slip Characteristics, power flow in
induction machines, Losses and Efficiency, No load and blocked rotor test, Circle diagram-
performance characteristics, Numerical problems. Methods of starting, braking and speed
control for induction motors, Doubly-Fed Induction Machines, crawling and cogging.

7 Page
Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the unit, student will be able to:

x Understand the construction, types, equivalent circuit, torque slip characteristics and
various losses present in an induction machine.
x Analyze the phasor diagram, efficiency, starting and maximum torque, effect of
parameter variation on torque speed characteristics
x Apply above concepts to solve numerical problems.


Single-phase induction motors

Constructional features, double revolving field theory, equivalent circuit, determination of

parameters. Split-phase starting methods and its applications, capacitor start and run single
phase motors, reluctance single phase motors, stepper motors, BLDC motors.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the unit, student will be able to:

x Understand induction generator operation, self-excitation, doubly fed induction
machines, various methods of starting, braking and speed control of induction motors.
x Understand the constructional features, principle involved, equivalent circuit of single-
phase induction motor and various starting methods and its applications.
x Apply above concepts to solve numerical problems.


Synchronous generators

Constructional features, cylindrical rotor synchronous machine - generated EMF, equivalent

circuit and phasor diagram, armature reaction, synchronous impedance, voltage regulation-
EMF, MMF, ZPF and ASA methods. Operating characteristics of synchronous machines,
Salient pole machine - two reaction theory, analysis of phasor diagram, power angle
characteristics. Parallel operation of alternators - synchronization and load division.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit, student will be able to:
x Understand the constructional features, emf generated, equivalent circuit, armature
reaction, voltage regulation, characteristics, two reaction theory of synchronous machine.
x Analyze the phasor diagrams, parallel operation of alternators, synchronization and load
division of synchronous generators.

8 Page
x Apply above concepts to solve numerical problems.

Synchronous motors
Principle of operation, methods of starting, Phasor diagram of synchronous motor, variation of
current and power factor with excitation, Predetermination of V and inverted V curves,
Hunting and use of damper bars, Synchronous condenser and power factor correction,
Excitation and power circles.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the unit, student will be able to:

x Understand the principle of operation, methods of starting, concept of hunting,
synchronous condenser and power factor correction of synchronous motors.
x Analyze the phasor diagram, determination of V and inverted V curves and power circles
of synchronous motor.
x Apply above concepts to solve numerical problems.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

x Understand the basics of ac machine windings, construction, principle of working,
equivalent circuit of induction and synchronous machines.
x Analyze the phasor diagrams of induction and synchronous machine, parallel operation
of alternators, synchronization and load division of synchronous generators.
x Apply the concepts to determine V and inverted V curves and power circles of
synchronous motor.
x Analyze the various methods of starting in both induction and synchronous machines.

Text Books:

1. A. E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley, "Electric Machinery”, McGraw Hill Education,

2. P. S. Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.


1. M. G. Say, “Performance and design of AC machines”, CBS Publishers, 2002.

2. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, “Electric Machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
3. A. S. Langsdorf, “Alternating current machines”, McGraw Hill Education, 1984.
4. P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, John Wiley & Sons,

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B.Tech (EEE)–III-I Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course Objectives:

To make the students learn about:

x x Merits and demerits of open loop and closed loop systems; the effect of feedback
x x The use of block diagram algebra and Mason’s gain formula to find the overall
transfer function
x x Transient and steady state response, time domain specifications and the concept of
Root loci
x x Frequency domain specifications, Bode diagrams and Nyquist plots
x x State space modelling of Control system



Open loop and closed loop control systems and their differences- Examples of control systems-
Classification of control systems, Feedback characteristics, Effects of positive and negative
feedback, Mathematical models – Differential equations of translational and rotational
mechanical systems and electrical systems, Analogous Systems, Block diagram reduction
methods – Signal flow graphs - Reduction using Mason’s gain formula. Principle of operation of
DC and AC Servo motor, Transfer function of DC servo motor - AC servo motor, Synchros.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Write the differential equations for mechanical and electrical systems
x Obtain the transfer function from block diagrams, servo motors and signal flow graphs



Step Response - Impulse Response - Time response of first order systems – Characteristic
Equation of Feedback control systems, Transient response of second order systems - Time
domain specifications – Steady state response - Steady state errors and error constants, P, PI, PID

10 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Analyze the time domain specifications
x Calculate the steady state errors
x Understand about Proportional, Integral and Derivative controllers along with



The concept of stability – Routh’s stability criterion – Stability and conditional stability –
limitations of Routh’s stability. The Root locus concept - construction of root loci-effects of
adding poles and zeros to G(s)H(s) on the root loci.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Analyze the concept of stability in time domain
x Apply the concept of Routh’s stability and Root locus in time domain



Introduction, Frequency domain specifications-Bode diagrams-Determination of Frequency

domain specifications and transfer function from the Bode Diagram-Stability Analysis from
Bode Plots. Polar Plots-Nyquist Plots- Phase margin and Gain margin-Stability Analysis.
Compensation techniques – Lag, Lead, Lag-Lead Compensator design in frequency Domain.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Evaluate the frequency domain specifications from Bode, Polar and Nyquist plots
x Design Compensators for various systems
x Deducing transfer functions from Bode Plots
x Understand difference between Phase and Gain margins

11 Page


Concepts of state, state variables and state model, state models - differential equations &
Transfer function models - Block diagrams. Diagonalization, Transfer function from state model,
Solving the Time invariant state Equations- State Transition Matrix and it’s Properties. System
response through State Space models. The concepts of controllability and observability, Duality
between controllability and observability.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Understand the concept of state space, controllability and observability
x Obtain the transfer function from sate space and vice versa
x Understand the state transition method of solving time invariant state equations

Course Outcomes:

After completing the course, the student should be able to:

x Understand the concepts of control systems classification, feedback effect,
mathematical modelling, time response and frequency response characteristics, state
space analysis
x Apply the concepts of Block diagram reduction, Signal flow graph method and state
space formulation for obtaining mathematical and Root locus, Bode, Nyquist, Polar
plots for stability calculations, controllability and observability and demonstrate the use
of these techniques.
x Analyse time response analysis, error constants, and stability characteristics of a given
mathematical model using different methods.
x Design and develop different compensators, controllers and their performance
evaluation for various conditions. Implement them in solving various engineering

12 Page

1. Katsuhiko Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, 5th edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd., 2010.
2. I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering” 5th edition, New Age
International (P) Limited Publishers, 2007.


1. M. Gopal, “Control Systems Principles & Design” 4th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education,
2. B. C. Kuo and Farid Golnaraghi, “Automatic Control Systems” 8th edition, John wiley
and sons, 2003.
3. Joseph J Distefano III, “Feedback and Control Systems”, Allen R Stubberud & Ivan J
Williams, 2nd Edition, Schaum's outlines, Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013.
4. Graham C. Goodwin, “Control System Design” Stefan F. Graebe and Mario E. Salgado,
Pearson, 2000.
5. Gene F. Franklin, “Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems”, J.D. Powell and Abbas
Emami- Naeini, 6th Edition, Pearson, 2010.

13 Page
B.Tech (ECE)– III-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3



The course is designed to train students in receptive (listening and reading) as well as productive
and interactive (speaking and writing) skills by incorporating a comprehensive, coherent and
integrated approach that improves the learners’ ability to effectively use English language skills
in academic/ workplace contexts. The shift is from learning about the language to using the
language. They should be able to express themselves clearly in speech and competently handle
the writing tasks and verbal ability component of campus placement tests. Activity based
teaching-learning methods would be adopted to ensure that learners would engage in actual use
of language both in the classroom and laboratory sessions.

Course Objectives

x Facilitate active listening to enable inferential learning through expert lectures and talks
x Impart critical reading strategies for comprehension of complex texts
x Provide training and opportunities to develop fluency in English through participation in
formal group discussions and presentations using audio-visual aids
x Demonstrate good writing skills for effective paraphrasing, argumentative essays and
formal correspondence
x Encourage use of a wide range of grammatical structures and vocabulary in speech and



1. Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey - William Wordsworth

2. The Lotos-Eaters - Alfred Tennyson

Listening: Listening to famous speeches for structure and style

Speaking: Oral presentations on general topics of interest.

Reading: Reading for meaning and pleasure – reading between the lines.

Writing: Appreciating and analyzing a poem –Paraphrasing, note-taking.

Grammar and Vocabulary: Tenses (Advanced Level) Correcting errors in punctuation -Word
roots and affixes.

14 Page
Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand the purpose of rhythm and rhyme and the use of figures of speech in making
the presentation lively and attractive
x Apply the knowledge of structure and style in a presentation, identify the audience and
make note of key points
x Make formal structured presentations on general topics using grammatical understanding
x Prioritize information from reading texts after selecting relevant and useful points
x Paraphrase short academic texts using suitable strategies and conventions


Text: The Model Millionaire – Oscar Wilde

Listening: Following the development of theme; answering questions on key concepts after
listening to stories online.
Speaking: Narrating personal experiences and opinions.
Reading: Reading for summarizing and paraphrasing; recognizing the difference between facts
and opinions.
Writing: Summarizing, précis writing, letter and note-making
Grammar and Vocabulary: Subject-verb agreement, noun-pronoun agreement, collocations.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Comprehend academic lectures, take notes and answer questions
x Make formal structured presentations on academic topics
x Distinguish facts from opinions while reading
x Summarize and make a précis of reports
x Use correct english avoiding common errors in formal speech and writing

15 Page

Text: Speech at IIM Calcutta – AzimPremji

Listening: Identifying views and opinions expressed by different speakers while listening to
Speaking: Small talks on general topics; agreeing and disagreeing, using claims and examples/
evidences for presenting views, opinions and position.
Reading: Identifying claims, evidences, views, opinions and stance/position.
Writing: Writing structured persuasive/argumentative essays on topics of general interest using
suitable claims, examples and evidences.
Grammar and Vocabulary: The use of Active and passive Voice, vocabulary for academic

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Critically follow and participate in a discussion
x participate in group discussions using appropriate conventions and language strategies
x comprehend complex texts and identify the author’s purpose
x produce logically coherent argumentative essays
x use appropriate vocabulary to express ideas and opinions


Text: A Biography of Steve Jobs

Listening: Listening to identify important moments - Understanding inferences; processing of
information using specific context clues from the audio.
Speaking: Group discussion; reaching consensus in group work (academic context).
Reading: Reading for inferential comprehension.
Writing: Applying for internship/ job - Writing one’s CV/Resume and cover letter.
Grammar and Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs, phrasal prepositions and technical vocabulary.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Draw inferences and conclusions using prior knowledge and verbal cues
x Express thoughts and ideas with acceptable accuracy and fluency
x Develop advanced reading skills for deeper understanding of texts
x Prepare a cv and write a cover letter to seek internship/ job
x Understand the use of technical vocabulary in academic writing

Unit –V
Text: How I Became a Public Speaker - George Bernard Shaw

16 Page
Listening: Understanding inferences - processing of explicit information presented in the text
and implicit information inferable from the text or from previous/background knowledge.
Speaking: Formal team presentations on academic/ general topics.
Reading: Intensive and extensive reading.
Writing: Structure and contents of a Report – Abstract – Project report features.
Grammar and Vocabulary: Correcting common errors, improving vocabulary and avoiding
clichés and jargons.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Develop advanced listening skills for in-depth understanding of academic texts
x Collaborate with a partner to make effective presentations
x Understand and apply the structure of project reports
x Demonstrate ability to use grammatically correct structures and a wide range of

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the learners will be able to

x Understand the context, topic, and pieces of specific information from social or
transactional dialogues spoken by native speakers of English
x Apply grammatical structures to formulate sentences and correct word forms
x Analyze discourse markers to speak clearly on a specific topic in informal discussions
x Evaluate reading/listening texts and to write summaries based on global comprehension
of these texts.
x Create a coherent paragraph interpreting a figure/graph/chart/table

Text Book

x “Forging Ahead”: A Course Book for B.Tech Students. Orient BlackSwan, 2020.

Reference Books

1) Bailey, Stephen. “Academic writing: A handbook for international students”. Routledge,

2) Chase, Becky Tarver. Pathways: Listening, “Speaking and Critical Thinking”. Heinley
ELT; 2nd Edition, 2018.
3) Skillful Level 2 Reading & Writing Student's Book Pack (B1) Macmillan Educational.
4) Hewings, Martin. “Cambridge Academic English” (B2). CUP, 2012. (Student Book,
Teacher Resource Book, CD & DVD)

17 Page
B.Tech (EEE) –III-I Sem L T P C
1 1 0 2


Course Objectives:

The student will be able to:

x Know about various principles of design factors, ratings based on heating and cooling of
electrical machines
x Know about designing of DC machines along with windings
x Understand about overall designing of 1-ϕ transformer
x Be able to know about designing of Induction machine along with winding configurations
x Able to know about designing of Synchronous machines



Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about fundamental aspects of design parameters and limitations in designing
x To know about heating and cooling phenomenon in selection of machine rating and types
of ratings
x To know the design aspects of continuous and short time ratings of machines
x To know the design aspects of machine for variable loads



Output equation and main dimensions, choice of flux density, choice of ampere-conductors,
Selection of number of poles, Length of air gap, Design of field winding, Simplex Lap and Wave
windings-Numerical examples.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about designing aspects of DC machines with respect to performance equations
and characteristics
x To understand necessity of air gap and its length requirement between armature and field

18 Page
x To know about classification of field windings and design of them
x To understand about complete design aspects of DC machines
x To be able to design DC machine based on the specified ratings



Output of transformer, Design of core, Selection of type of winding, Design of insulation,

Overall design, No-load current estimation, Design of tank with tubes-Numerical examples.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about the design aspects of 1-ϕ transformer based on performance equations
x To understand about the design aspects based on core, type of winding
x To know about design of tanks in 1-ϕ transformers
x To know about design aspects of insulations in transformers
x To understand complete design aspects of 1-ϕ transformers and to be able to design for
specified rating



Three phase Induction machine output equation and main dimensions, Selection of stator and
rotor slots, Length of air gap, and Reduction of harmonic torques, Hemitropic, whole coil and
Mush windings-Numerical examples.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about the design aspects of three phase induction machines based on
performance equations
x To know about selection of stator and rotor slots, air gap
x To know about necessity mitigating harmonic torque
x To know about various winding designs of induction machines and to distinguish
between squirrel cage & slip ring machines
x To understand complete aspects of 3-ϕ induction machine and to be able to design for a
specified rating

19 Page


Output equation, Main dimensions for cylindrical and salient pole machines, Choice of specific
magnetic and electric loadings, Effect of SCR on machine performance, Length of air gap,
Selection of stator slots, and mitigation of harmonics-Numerical examples.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about the design aspects of synchronous machines based on performance
x To distinguish between cylindrical and salient pole machines
x To design synchronous machine based on shunt circuit ratio calculations
x To know about the specific electric and magnetic loads and their choice
x To understand complete design aspects of 3-ϕ synchronous machine and to be able to
design for a specified rating

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to:

x Understand various design factors, types of windings, choice of machine, selection and
x Able to design DC machine based on specified rating
x Able to design 1-ϕ transformer based on specified rating
x Able to design 3-ϕ Induction machine based on specified rating
x Able to design 3-ϕ Synchronous machine based on specified rating

Text books:
1. A.K. Sawhney and Chakrabarti, “A course on Electrical Machine Design”, 6th edition,
Dhanpat Rai & Co Pvt. Ltd., 2014.
2. K. G. Upadhyay, “Design of Electrical Machines”, 1st Edition, New Age International
Pvt. Ltd., 2018.

Reference books:

1. M G Say, “The performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines”, 3rd edition,
CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2002.
2. A. E. Clayton and N N Hancock, “Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines”,
3rd edition, CBS Publication, 2004.

20 Page
3. V. N. Mittle and Aravind Mittal, “Design of Electrical Machines”, Standard Publishers
Distributions, 2009.
4. R. K. Agarwal, “Principles of Electrical Machine Design”, S.K. Kataria & Sons, 2010.

21 Page
B.Tech (EEE)–III-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

(19A02503a) HVDC AND FACTS

Course Objectives:

To get the student exposed to:

x High voltage DC transmission systems
x Flexible AC transmission systems
x Various configurations of the above, Principle of operation, Characteristics of various
FACTS devices



Electrical Transmission Networks, Conventional Control Mechanisms-Automatic Generation

Control, Excitation Control, Transformer Tap-Changer Control, Phase-Shifting Transformers;
Advances in Power-Electronic Switching Devices, Principles and Applications of Semiconductor
Switches; Limitations of Conventional Transmission Systems, Emerging Transmission
Networks, HVDC and FACTS.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Know about difference between HVDC and FACTS
x Know about limitations of conventional transmission systems
x Know about recent developments in Power Electronic switching devices



Types of HVDC links - Monopolar, Homopolar, Bipolar and Back-to-Back, Advantages and
disadvantages of HVDC Transmission, Analysis of Greatz circuit, Analysis of bridge circuit
without overlap, Analysis of bridge with overlap less than 60 0, Rectifier and inverter
characteristics, complete characteristics of rectifier and inverter, Equivalent circuit of HVDC

Learning Outcomes

22 Page
At the end of the module, the learners will be able to
x To learn about various HVDC link configurations
x To develop equivalent circuit of HVDC link



Desired features and means of control, control of the direct current transmission link, Constant
current control, Constant ignition angle control, Constant extinction angle control, Converter
firing-angle control-IPC and EPC, frequency control and Tap changer control, Starting, Stopping
and Reversal of power flow in HVDC links.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To learn about various DC link control techniques
x To learn about starting, stopping and reversal of power flow in DC links



Types of FACTS Controllers, brief description about various types of FACTS controllers,
Operation of 6-pulse converter, Transformer Connections for 12-pulse, 24-pulse and 48-pulse
operation, principle of operation of various types of Controllable shunt Var Generation, Principle
of switching converter type shunt compensator, principles of operation of various types of
Controllable Series Var Generation, Principle of Switching Converter type series compensator.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To understand principle of working and differences between various pulse configurations
of various converters
x To understand the necessity of compensators
x To analyze the configurations of shunt, VAR, series configurations, etc.



Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) – Principle of operation, Transmission Control
Capabilities, Independent Real and Reactive Power Flow Control; Interline Power Flow

23 Page
Controller (IPFC) – Principle of operation and Characteristics, UPFC and IPFC control
structures (only block diagram description), objectives and approaches of voltage and phase
angle regulators

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know more about advanced Power flow controllers
x To analyze the transmission control strategies
x To know about voltage and phase regulators

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to understand:

x The necessity of HVDC systems as emerging transmission networks
x Power Electronic devices to understand the necessity of reactive power compensation
x To obtain equivalent circuits of various HVDC system configurations

Text Books:

1. Narain G. Hingorani and Laszlo Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and

Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems”, IEEE Press, Wiley-Interscience,
New Jersey, 2000.
2. E.W. Kimbark, “Direct current transmission, Vol. I”, Wiley Inter science, New York,

Reference Books:

1. K R Padiyar, “FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution”, New Age

International Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Anrique Acha, Claudio R. Fuerte-Esquivel, Hugo Ambriz-Pérez and César Angeles-
Camacho, “FACTS: Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks”, John Wiley & Sons,
West Sussex, 2004.
3. R Mohan Mathur and Rajiv K Varma, Thyristor-“Based FACTS Controllers for
Electrical Transmission Systems”, IEEE Press, Wiley-Interscience, New Jersey, 2002.

24 Page
B.Tech (EEE) –III-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

(19A02503b) DC Drives
Course Objectives:

x To understand the basic concepts of DC Motor fundamentals and mechanical systems.

x To understand the concept of converter control
x To design various chopper control techniques.
x To understand the concept of closed loop control of DC Drives
x To design digital control of DC Drives.



speed drives and modern drives. Characteristics of mechanical system – dynamic equations,
components of torque, types of load;

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To understand the basic concepts of high speed drives
x To understand the basic concepts of modern drives
x To understand the basic concepts of mechanical systems
x To understand the basic concepts of types of loads and characteristics


CONVERTER CONTROL: Principle of phase control – Fundamental relations; Analysis of

series and separately excited DC motor with single-phase and three-phase converters –
waveforms performance parameters, performance characteristics. Continuous and discontinuous
armature current operations; Current ripple and its effect on performance; Operation with
freewheeling diode; Implementation of braking schemes; Drive employing dual converter.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand the concept of phase control of separately excited DC motor.
x Understand the concept of breaking mechanisms of DC motor.
x Understand the performance characteristics of 1-phase and 3-phase converters
x To distinguish between various modes of operation

25 Page

CHOPPER CONTROL: Introduction to time ratio control and frequency modulation; Class
A,B, C, D and E chopper controlled DC motor – performance analysis, multi-quadrant control –
Chopper based implementation of braking schemes; Multi-phase chopper; Related problems.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand the concept of Chopper Control
x Design of Chopper.


CLOSED LOOP CONTROL: Modelling of drive elements – Equivalent circuit, transfer

function of self, separately excited DC motors; Linear Transfer function model of power
converters; Sensing and feedback elements - Closed loop speed control – current and speed
loops, P, PI and PID controllers – response comparison. Simulation of converter and chopper fed
DC drive.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand Equivalent circuit, transfer function of self, separately excited DC motor.
x Designing of current and speed loops, P, PI and PID controllers.


DIGITAL CONTROL OF D.C DRIVE: Phase Locked Loop and micro-computer control of
DC drives – Program flow chart for constant horse power and load disturbed operations; Speed
detection and gate firing.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand the concept of PLL and micro controlled DC drives.
x Design of Speed detection and gate firing.

26 Page
Course Outcomes:

x Understand the basics of high speed DC Motor Drives.

x Understand the various characteristics of mechanical systems
x To analyze different modes of operation of converters and control strategies
x To understand basics of Chopper control and analysis
x To know about closed loop and digital control strategies of DC drives

1. Gopal K Dubey, “Power Semiconductor controlled Drives”, Prentice Hall Inc., New
Jersey, 1989.
2. R. Krishnan, “Electric Motor Drives – Modeling, Analysis and Control”, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.

1. Gobal K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives”, Narosal Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2001.
2. Bimal K. Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives”, Pearson Education Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.
3. Vedam Subramanyam, “Electric Drives – Concepts and Applications”, Tata McGraw-
Hill publishing company Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
4. P.C Sen, “Thyristor DC Drives”, John wiely and sons, New York, 1981
5. By M. D. Singh and K.B. Khanchandani, “Power Electronics” 2nd Edition, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, 2008.

27 Page
B.Tech (EEE)–III-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

The student will be able to:

x Understand the basic functions and types of PLCs
x Get exposure of Easy Veep software, its applications
x Classification of PLCs and applications
x Programming using PLCs
x Troubleshooting aspects using PLCs


Basic functions of PLCs, Mechanical relays versus PLC, Different types of PLC’s – Allen-
Bradley – Micrologix: ML1000, ML1100, SLC500, Compact Logix, Mitsubishi FX series,
HMI’s, Processor and I/O cards

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To understand about basic functions of PLCs
x To know about classification of PLCs
x To distinguish between PLCs and Mechanical relays
x To know about Processor and I/O cards


Introduction to Easy Veep software, Link between mechanical, electrical and programming
documentation, Logic diagrams, Flip-Flop Logic, M8000, M8001 internal bits interpretation,
Binary code, data table, manipulation and search engine in Mitsubishi
environment Communication between PC and PLC, Communication between PC and HMI,
PLC and HMI Serial Local network, Introduction to SLC500

28 Page
Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about Easy Veep software
x To know about Logic diagrams
x To understand about Search engine
x To know about interfacing of PC and PLCs


PLC software and applications, Boolean algebra – understanding binary code, ADD and SUB
functions, UP and Down Counters, Introduction to k1Y0, MOV function, CPR and ZCP
functions, SHWT and SHRD instructions, Introduction to Absolutely Drum Instruction.

Allen Bradley PLC: Introduction to Rockwell Software, Hardware focus, Hardware

considerations (Field wiring, Master Control Relay, VFD), Basic programming and applications,
Cascade control – subroutine, Different programs.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about basic features of PLCs
x To know about various instructions of PLC
x To know about various PLC versions
x To understand about Cascade control and subroutines


Programming instructions: Instructions and binary interpretation, Bit Instruction, Timers and
counters, Comparison instructions, Programming Instructions - Math instructions, Move and
Logical Instructions, Discussions of programming, communications for PLC-Robotic arm,
Exercise of setup and monitoring

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about various Programming instructions
x To understand Math instructions in PLCs
x To know about Logical instructions
x To understand about Communications with PLC using set up and monitoring

29 Page

Analog and Digital parameters by using SLC5/03-VFD-Panel Mate series 1700, Practical
Troubleshooting, troubleshooting technique, Control system stability and tuning basics.
Applications: Process to rewind, test, and integrate with extrusion process for wiring and fibre
optic industries, Food industry – yeast, flour distribution and control. Process Medical equipment
Industry – Gas analyzer, Leak tester (using CO2), plastic wrapping machines etc.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To know about analog and digital parameters in certain PLCs
x To apply PLCs for control system stability aspects
x To know about troubleshooting techniques
x To identify few applications of PLCs in Science and Technology fields

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

x Understand different types of PLCs
x Understand the usage of Easy Veep software
x Understand the hardware details of Allen Bradley PLC
x Programming of PLCs
x Know about few applications of PLCs in different fields of Science and Technology

Text Books:

1. Hugh Jack, “Automating manufacturing systems” with PLCs 2010.

2. PLC Hand Book (Automationdirect Siemens)


1. R. Bliesener, “Programmable Logic Controllers”, F Ebel, Festo. Didactic publishers, 2002.

2. W. Bolton, “Programmable Logic Controllers”, 4th Edition, Newnes, 2006.
3. by Jay F. Hooper, “Introduction to PLCs”, 2nd Edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2006.

30 Page
B.Tech (EEE)–III-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:
x To understand about solar cells and solar radiation energy
x To understand classification of modules and arrays of solar cells for different ratings
x To understand about charge controllers and Maximum Power Point Tracking
x To understand design and integration aspects of solar power systems
x To know about off grid, grid connections and their components in solar power systems



Advantages and challenges for solar PV energy conversion, parameters of Solar Cells, factors
effecting generation through solar cells, solar thermal energy, solar radiation energy

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To understand the advantages of solar cells as compared to conventional batteries
x To know about parameters of solar cells
x To know about factors effecting electricity generation
x To know about solar thermal energy
x To know about solar radiation energy



PV modules - ratings, standard parameters, factors effecting electricity generated by PV module,

measuring module parameters
PV module arrays – series connection, estimating number of cells, mismatch in voltage and
current, parallel connection, power generated, ratings, estimating number of modules, series and
parallel connections, power generated, estimating number of modules

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To be able to distinguish between modules and arrays of solar cells
x To know about various advantages of series connections of modules and arrays
x To know about various advantages of parallel connections of modules and arrays
31 Page
x To know about ratings of solar cells for various configurations
x To know about estimating of number of cells for various configurations and different



Charge Controllers - Basic function, working principle, types, features, specifications, Maximum
Power Point Tracking – need for MPPT, MPPT charge controller, specifications, methods of

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To understand the concept of charge controller, their features and specifications
x To understand basic types of charge controllers
x To understand about MPPT which is a key feature of solar power extraction
x To know about MPPT charge controller and methods
x Specifications of MPPT charge controller



Grid connections to small and large power applications, configurations with and without battery
backup, captive power system, grid support components, array combiner box, DC and AC
cabling, DC and AC distribution boxes

Unit Outcomes:

x To distinguish between grid connections for small and large power applications
x To distinguish between various configurations with and without battery backup
x To distinguish between captive and grid support power system
x To know about various components of grid connected solar power system
x To distinguish between DC and AC cabling requirements in solar power systems



Types – standalone, grid connected and hybrid SPV systems, design methodologies, standalone
system, design chart, look up tables, examples

32 Page
Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x To understand about design aspects of solar PV system
x To distinguish between design chart and look up tables
x To understand about standalone systems
x To distinguish between standalone systems and hybrid configurations
x To be able to design a solar PV system to specified rating

Course Outcomes:

x To distinguish between solar cells, modules, arrays and the factors effecting in designing
x To be able to estimate the number of solar cells, modules and array required for specified
x To understand about charge controllers
x To understand about MPPT
x To be able to design overall solar power system
x To know about necessity integration of solar power systems with other such sources

Text Books:

1. Chetan Singh Solanki, “Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Systems”: A Manual for
Technicians, Trainers and Engineers PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2013
2. Chetan Singh Solanki, “Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technologies and
Applications “ 2nd Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2011


1. H.P. Garg, J. Prakash, “Solar Energy Fundamentals and Applications”, Tata Mc Graw
Hill, 1997
2. S. Rao and B.B. Parulekar, “Energy Technology”, 4th Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2005

33 Page
B.Tech (EEE)–III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objective:

To bring awareness on experimental method of finding the response of the structure to different
types of load.

x Demonstrates principles of experimental approach.

x Teaches regarding the working principles of various strain gauges.
x Throws knowledge on strain rosettes and principles of non destructive testing of concrete.
x Gives an insight into the principles of photo elasticity.

PRINCIPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: - Merits of Experimental Analysis
Introduction, uses of experimental stress analysis advantages of experimental stress analysis,
Different methods –Simplification of problems.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Demonstrate the merits and principles of experimental approach
x Give an insight into the uses and advantages of experimental stress analysis

STRAIN MEASUREMENT USING STRAIN GAUGES: - Definition of strain and its relation of
experimental Determinations Properties of Strain Gauge Systems-Types of Strain Gauges –
Mechanical, Acoustic and Optical Strain Gauges. Introduction to Electrical strain gauges -
Inductance strain gauges – LVDT – Resistance strain gauges – various types –Gauge factor –
Materials of adhesion base.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Introduce various strain gauge systems and their properties
x Give information regarding the gauge factor and materials of adhesion bases

34 Page
Introduction – the three elements Rectangular Rosette – The Delta Rosette Corrections for
Transverse Strain Gauge. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity method –Application to Concrete. Hammer
Test – Application to Concrete.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Introduces various strain rosettes and corrections for strain gauges
x Gives an insight into the destructive and non destructive testing of concrete

THEORY OF PHOTOELASTICITY: - Introduction –Temporary Double refraction – The stress
Optic Law –Effects of stressed model in a polariscope for various arrangements – Fringe
Sharpening. Brewster‟s Stress Optic law.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Introduces stress optic laws.
x Gives the arrangements and working principles of polariscope.

TWO DIMENSIONAL PHOTOELASTICITY: - Introduction – Iso-chromatic Fringe patterns-
Isoclinic Fringe patterns passage of light through plane Polariscope and Circular polariscope
Isoclinic Fringe patterns – Compensation techniques – Calibration methods – Separation
methods – Scaling Model to prototype Stresses – Materials for photo – Elasticity Properties of
Photoelastic Materials.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Introduces the understanding of different fringe patterns.
x Introduces model analysis and properties of photo elastic materials.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course

x The student will be able to understand different methods of experimental stress analysis
x The student will be able to understand the use of strain gauges for measurement of strain
x The student will be exposed to different Non destructive methods of concrete
x The student will be able to understand the theory of photo elasticity and its applications
in analysis of structures

35 Page

1. J.W.Dally and W.F.Riley, “Experimental stress analysis College House Enterprises”

2. Dr.Sadhu Singh, “Experimental stress analysis”, khanna Publishers


1. U.C.Jindal, “Experimental Stress analysis”, Pearson Publications.

2. L.S.Srinath, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, MC.Graw Hill Company Publishers.

36 Page
B.Tech (EEE) –III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives:

x To impart to know different types of buildings, principles and planning of the buildings.
x To identify the termite control measure in buildings, and importance of grouping
circulation, lighting and ventilation aspects in buildings.
x To know the different modes of vertical transportation in buildings.
x To know the utilization of prefabricated structural elements in buildings.
x To know the importance of acoustics in planning and designing of buildings.


Overview of the course, basic definitions, buildings-types-components- economy and design-

principles of planning of buildings and their importance. Definitions and importance of grouping
and circulation-lighting and ventilation-consideration of the above aspects during planning of

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x To be able to plan the building with economy and according to functional requirement.


Termite proofing: Inspection-control measures and precautions- lighting protection of buildings-

general principles of design of openings-various types of fire protection measures to be
considered while panning a building.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Able to know the termite proofing technique to the building and protection form
lightening effects.
x To be able to know the fire protection measure that are to be adopted while planning a

37 Page

Vertical transportation in a building: Types of vertical transportation-stairs-different forms of

stairs- planning of stairs- other modes of vertical transportation – lifts-ramps-escalators.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x To be able to know the different modes of vertical transportation and their suitability


Prefabrication systems in residential buildings- walls-openings-cupboards-shelves etc., planning

and modules and sizes of components in prefabrication. Planning and designing of residential
buildings against the earthquake forces, principles, seismic forces and their effect on buildings.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Identify the adoption of prefabricated elements in the building.
x Know the effect of seismic forces on buildings


Acoustics – effect of noise – properties of noise and its measurements, principles of acoustics of
building. Sound insulation- importance and measures.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x To know the effect of noise, its measurement and its insulation in planning the buildings

Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course the student will be able to
x Understand the principles in planning and design the buildings.
x Know the different methods of termite proofing in buildings.
x Know the different methods of vertical transportation in buildings.
x Know the implementation of prefabricated units in buildings and effect of earthquake on
x Know the importance of acoustics in planning and designing of buildings.

38 Page

1. Varghese, “Building construction”, PHI Learning Private Limited.

2. Punmia.B.C, “Building construction”, Jain.A.K and Jain.A.K Laxmi Publications.
3. S.P.Arora and S.P.Brndra “Building construction”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons Publications,
New Delhi
4. “Building construction-Technical teachers training institute”, Madras, Tata McGraw Hill.


1. National Building Code of India, Bureau of Indian Standards

39 Page
B.Tech (EEE) –III-I L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course Objectives:

To make the students learn about

x Classification of materials.
x Properties of materials and its applications.
x Domestic wiring and earthing

UNIT-I Conducting Materials

Introduction – classification of materials – Metals and Non metals, physical, thermal, mechanical
and electrical properties of materials – classification of electrical materials – concept of atom –
electron configuration of atom, conductors, general properties of conductors, factors effecting
resistivity of electrical materials –electrical/mechanical/thermal properties of copper, aluminum,
iron, steel, lead, tin and their alloys – applications.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Uunderstand the classification of conducting materials.
x Analyze the properties of different conducting materials
x Apply the materials where it is applicable
x Know about electron configuration of atom

UNIT-II Dielectric and High Resistivity Materials

Introduction – solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics, leakage current, permittivity, dielectric
constant, dielectric loss – loss angle – loss constant, Breakdown voltage and dielectric strength of
– solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics, effect of break down– electrical and thermal effects,
Polarization – electric, ionic and dipolar polarization. Effect of temperature and Frequency on
dielectric constant of polar dielectrics. High Resistivity materials – electrical / thermal /
mechanical properties of Manganin, Constantan, Nichrome, Tungsten, Carbon and Graphite and
their applications in electrical equipment.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Understand the classification of dielectric and high resistivity materials.
x Analyze the properties of dielectric and high resistivity materials
x Understand about concept of polarization and dipolar polarization
x Apply the materials where it is applicable

40 Page
UNIT-III Solid Insulating Materials

Introduction – characteristics of a good electrical insulating materials – classification of

insulating materials – electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical properties of solid insulating
materials - Asbestos, Bakelite, rubber, plastics, thermo plastics. Resins, polystyrene, PVC,
porcelain, glass, cotton and paper.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Understand about various characteristics of solid insulating materials
x Understand the classification of solid insulating materials.
x Analyze the properties of solid insulating materials
x Apply the materials where it is applicable

UNIT-IV Liquid & Gas Insulating Materials

Liquid insulating materials – Mineral oils, synthetic liquids, fluorinated liquids – Electrical,
thermal and chemical properties – transformer oil – properties – effect of moisture on insulation
properties Gaseous insulators – classification based on dielectric strength – dielectric loss,
chemical stability properties and their applications.

Unit Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Understand the classification of liquid insulating materials.
x Analyze the properties of liquid insulating materials
x Apply the materials where it is applicable
x Understand about properties and classification of gaseous insulators

UNIT-V Domestic Wiring

Wiring materials and accessories – Types of wiring – Types of Switches - Specification of

Wiring – Stair case wiring - Fluorescent lamp wiring- Godown wiring – Basics of Earthing –
single phase wiring layout for a residential building.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the unit, the student will be able to
x Understand about wiring materials and accessories
x Understand about earthing and wiring layout of domestic buildings
x Design and develop Residential wiring
x Know about godown wiring

Course Outcomes:

41 Page
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
x Understand the classification of materials, domestic wiring materials and
x Analyze the properties of different electrical materials
x Apply where the materials are applicable based on properties of materials
x Design and develop Residential wiring, godown wiring and earthing.

Text Books:

1. G.K. Mithal, “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Khanna publishers, 2nd edition, 1991.
2. R.K. Rajput, A course in “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Laxmi publications, 2009.

Reference Books:

1. C.S. Indulkar and S. Thiruvengadam, “An Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Materials” S Chand & Company, 2008.
2. Technical Teachers Training Institute, “Electrical engineering Materials”, 1st Edition, Madras,
McGraw Hill Education, 2004.
3. by S.P. Seth, “A course in Electrical Engineering Materials Physics Properties &
Applications”, Dhanapat Rai & Sons Publications, 2018.

42 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

x Provide good foundation on hybrid and electrical vehicles.

x To address the underlying concepts and methods behind power transmission in hybrid
and electrical vehicles.
x Familiarize energy storage systems for electrical and hybrid transportation.
x To design and develop basic schemes of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.

UNIT I: Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Energy Sources

Introduction to electric vehicles, vehicle mechanics - kinetics and dynamics, roadway

fundamentals propulsion system design - force velocity characteristics, calculation of tractive
power and energy required, electric vehicle power source - battery capacity, state of charge and
discharge, specific energy, specific power, Ragone plot. battery modeling - run time battery
model, first principle model, battery management system- soc measurement, battery cell
balancing. Traction batteries - nickel metal hydride battery, Li-Ion, Lipolymer battery.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

x Summaries the concepts of electrical vehicle propulsion and energy sources. (l2)
x Identify the types of power sources for electrical vehicles.(l3)
x Demonstrate the design considerations for propulsion system. (l2)
x Solve the problems on tractive power and energy required. (l3)

UNIT II: Electric Vehicle Power Plant And Drives

Introduction electric vehicle power plants. Induction machines, permanent magnet machines,
switch reluctance machines. Power electronic converters-DC/DC converters - buck boost
converter, isolated DC/DC converter. Two quadrant chopper and switching modes. AC drives-
PWM, current control method. Switch reluctance machine drives - voltage control, current

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

43 Page
x Choose a suitable drive scheme for developing an electric vehicles depending on
x List the various power electronic converters. (l1)
x Describe the working principle dc/dc converters and buck boost convertor. (l2)
x Explain about ac drives. (l2)

UNIT III: Hybrid And Electric Drive Trains

Introduction hybrid electric vehicles, history and social importance, impact of modern drive
trains in energy supplies. Hybrid traction and electric traction. Hybrid and electric drive train
topologies. Power flow control and energy efficiency analysis, configuration and control of DC
motor drives and induction motor drives, permanent magnet motor drives, switch reluctance
motor drives, drive system efficiency.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

x Identify the social importance of hybrid vehicles. (l3)
x Discus impact of modern drive trains in energy supplies. (l6)
x Compare hybrid and electric drive trains.(l2)
x Analyze the power flow control and energy efficiency. (l6)

UNIT IV: Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Case Studies

Parallel hybrid, series hybrid -charge sustaining, charge depleting. Hybrid vehicle case study –
Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, Chevrolet Volt. 42 V system for traction applications. Lightly
hybridized vehicles and low voltage systems. Electric vehicle case study - GM EV1, Nissan
Leaf, Mitsubishi Miev. Hybrid electric heavy duty vehicles, fuel cell heavy duty vehicles.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

x List the various electric and hybrid vehicles in the present market. (l1)
x Discus lightly hybridized vehicle and low voltage systems.(l6)
x Explain about hybrid electric heavy duty vehicles and fuel cell heavy duty vehicles. (l2)

44 Page
UNIT V: Electric And Hybrid Vehicle Design :

Introduction to hybrid vehicle design. Matching the electric machine and the internal combustion
engine. Sizing of propulsion motor, power electronics, drive system. Selection of energy storage
technology, communications, supporting subsystem. Energy management strategies in hybrid
and electric vehicles - energy management strategies- classification, comparison,

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

x Illustrate matching the electric machine and the internal combustion engine. (l2)
x Select the energy storage technology. (l3)
x Select the size of propulsion motor. (l3)
x Design and develop basic schemes of electric and hybrid electric vehicles. (l3)

Course outcomes:

After learning the course the students will be able to:

x Explain the working of hybrid and electric vehicles. (l2)
x Choose a suitable drive scheme for developing an hybrid and electric vehicles depending
on resources. (l3)
x Develop the electric propulsion unit and its control for application of electric vehicles.(l3)
x Choose proper energy storage systems for vehicle applications. (l3)
x Design and develop basic schemes of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.(l3)

Text Books :

1. Iqbal Hussein, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals”, 2nd edition, CRC
Press, 2003.
2. Amir Khajepour, M. Saber Fallah, Avesta Goodarzi, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles:
Technologies, Modeling and Control - A Mechatronic Approach”, illustrated edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
3. Mehrdad Ehsani, YimiGao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid
Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design”, CRC Press, 2004.
1. James Larminie, John Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology”, Explained, Wiley, 2003.
2. John G. Hayes, G. Abas Goodarzi, “Electric Powertrain: Energy Systems, Power
Electronics and Drives for Hybrid, Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles”, 1st edition, Wiley-
Blackwell, 2018.

45 Page
B.Tech (EEE) – III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
ɫ Familiarize techniques for processing of CAD models for rapid prototyping.
ɫ Explain fundamentals of rapid prototyping techniques.
ɫ Demonstrate appropriate tooling for rapid prototyping process.
ɫ Focus Rapid prototyping techniques for reverse engineering.
ɫ Train Various Pre – Processing, Processing and Post Processing errors in RP Processes.

UNIT – I 10 Hours

Introduction: Introduction to Prototyping, Traditional Prototyping Vs. Rapid Prototyping (RP),

Need for time compression in product development, Usage of RP parts, Generic RP process,
Distinction between RP and CNC, other related technologies, Classification of RP.
RP Software: Need for RP software, MIMICS, Magics, SurgiGuide, 3-matic, 3D-Doctor,
Simplant, Velocity2, VoXim, SolidView, 3DView, etc., software, Preparation of CAD models,
Problems with STL files, STL file manipulation, RP data formats: SLC, CLI, RPI, LEAF, IGES,

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Explain prototyping process. (l2)
ɫ Classify different rapid prototyping processes. (l2)
ɫ Summarize rp software’s and represent a 3d model in stl format, other rp data formats.

UNIT – II 8 Hours

Solid and Liquid Based RP Systems: Stereolithography (SLA): Principle, Process, Materials,
Advantages, Limitations and Applications. Solid Ground Curing (SGC): Principle, Process,
Materials, Advantages, Limitations, Applications.

Fusion Deposition Modeling (FDM): Principle, Process, Materials, Advantages, Limitations,

Applications. Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): Principle, Process, Materials,
Advantages, Limitations, Applications.

Learning Outcomes:

46 Page
At the end of the unit, the student will be able to
x Explain the principles, advantages, limitations and applications of Solid and Liquid
based AM systems. (L2)
ɫ Identify the materials for Solid and Liquid based AM systems. (L2)

UNIT – III 8 Hours

Powder Based RP Systems: Principle and Process of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS),
Advantages, Limitations and Applications of SLS, Principle and Process of Laser Engineered
Net Shaping (LENS), Advantages, Limitations and Applications of LENS, Principle and Process
of Electron Beam Melting (EBM), Advantages, Limitations and Applications of EBM.
Other RP Systems: Three Dimensional Printing (3DP): Principle, Process, Advantages,
Limitations and Applications. Ballastic Particle Manufacturing (BPM): Principle, Process,
Advantages, Limitations, Applications. Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM): Principle,
Process, Advantages, Limitations, Applications.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Explain the principles, advantages, limitations and applications of powder based AM
systems. (L2)
ɫ Understand the principles, advantages, limitations and applications of other Additive
Manufacturing Systems such as 3D Printing, Ballistic Particle Manufacturing and Shape
Deposition Modeling. (L2)

UNIT – IV 8 Hours

Rapid Tooling: Conventional Tooling Vs. Rapid Tooling, Classification of Rapid Tooling,
Direct and Indirect Tooling Methods, Soft and Hard Tooling methods.
Reverse Engineering (RE): Meaning, Use, RE – The Generic Process, Phases of RE Scanning,
Contact Scanners and Noncontact Scanners, Point Processing, Application Geometric Model,

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Classify Rapid Tooling methods. (L2)
x Explain the concepts of reverse engineering and scanning tools. (L2)

47 Page
UNIT – V 8 Hours

Errors in RP Processes: Pre-processing, processing, post-processing errors, Part building errors

in SLA, SLS, etc.
RP Applications: Design, Engineering Analysis and planning applications, Rapid Tooling,
Reverse Engineering, Medical Applications of RP.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Identify various Pre – Processing, Processing and Post – Processing errors in RP
processes. (L2)
ɫ Apply of RP in engineering design analysis and medical applications. (L3)

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

ɫ Use techniques for processing of CAD models for rapid prototyping. (L3)
ɫ Understand and apply fundamentals of rapid prototyping techniques. ((L3)
ɫ Use appropriate tooling for rapid prototyping process. (L3)
ɫ Use rapid prototyping techniques for reverse engineering. (L3)
ɫ Identify Various Pre – Processing, Processing and Post Processing errors in RP processes.
Text Books:

1. Chua C.K., Leong K.F. and Lim C.S., “Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications”,
2nd edition, World Scientific Publishers, 2003.
2. Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker, “Additive Manufacturing Technologies:
Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital Manufacturing”, 1st Edition, Springer, 2010.
3. Rafiq Noorani, “Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing”, John
Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Reference Books:

1. Liou W. Liou, Frank W., Liou, “Rapid Prototyping and Engineering Applications: A
Tool Box for Prototype Development”, CRC Press, 2007.
2. Pham D.T. and Dimov S.S., “Rapid Manufacturing; The Technologies and Application of
RPT and Rapid tooling”, Springer, London 2001.
3. Gebhardt A., “Rapid prototyping”, Hanser Gardener Publications, 2003.
4. Hilton P.D. and Jacobs P.F., “Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications”,
CRC Press, 2005.

48 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

x To understand the characteristics of various types of electronic devices and circuits (L1).
x To apply various principles of electronic devices and circuits to solve complex
Engineering problems (L2).
x To analyze the functions of various types of electronic devices and circuits (L3).
x To evaluate the functions of various types of electronic devices and circuits in real time
applications (L3).
x To design various types of electronic circuits for use in real time applications (L4).


Diodesand Applications

Properties of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor materials. Characteristics of PN junction

diode and Zener diode. Applications of PNdiode as a switch, rectifier and Zener diode as
regulator. Special purpose diodes: Schottky diode, Tunnel diode, Varactor diode, photodiode and

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the characteristics of various types of diodes (L1).
x Apply the principles of diodes to solve complex Engineering problems (L2).
x Analyze the functions of diodes in forward and reverse bias conditions (L3).
x Evaluate the functions of diodes in real time applications (L3).
x Design rectifiers and switches using diodes (L4).


BJT and its Applications

Construction, Operation, and Characteristics in CE, CB and CC configurations. Fixed-Bias and

Voltage Divider-Bias. Applications as switch and amplifier.

49 Page
50 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the characteristics and biasing of BJT (L1).
x Apply the principles of BJT to solve complex Engineering problems (L2).
x Analyse the functions of BJT in various configurations (L3).
x Evaluate the functions of BJT in real time applications (L3).
x Design amplifiers and switches using BJT (L4).


FETs and Applications

JFETs:Construction, Operation, and Characteristics in CS configurations. Fixed-Bias and

Voltage Divider -Bias. Applications as switch and amplifier.
MOSFETs:Construction, Operation, and Characteristics of Enhancement and Depletion modes
in CS configurations. Biasing in Enhancement and Depletion modes. Applications as switch.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the characteristics and biasing of FETs (L1).
x Apply the principles of FETsto solve complex Engineering problems (L2).
x Analyze the functions of FETs in CSconfiguration (L3).
x Evaluate the functions of FETs in real time applications (L3).
x Design amplifiers and switches using FETs (L4).

Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators
Feedback Amplifiers: Concept of feedback, General characteristics of negative feedback
amplifiers, Voltage-series, Current-series, Voltage-shunt, and Current-shunt feedback amplifiers.
Oscillators:Conditions for oscillations, Hartley and Colpitts oscillators, RC phase-shift and
Wien-bridge oscillators.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the concept of negative & positive feedback and characteristics feedback
amplifiers (L1).
x Apply the principles of feedback amplifiers and oscillators to solve complex
Engineering problems (L2).
x Analyze the functions of feedback amplifiers and oscillators (L3).

51 Page
x Evaluate the functions of feedback amplifiers and oscillators in real time applications
x Design feedback amplifiers and oscillators for specific applications (L4).

Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated Circuits

Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits: Introduction, Waveform Shaping Circuits –RC and
RL Circuits. Clippers, Comparator and Clampers. Bistable, Schmitt Trigger, Monostable and
Astable Multivibrators.

Linear Integrated Circuits: Operational Amplifier: Introduction, Block diagram, Basic

applications – Inverting, Non-inverting, Summing amplifier, Subtractor, Voltage Follower. IC
555 Timer and IC 7805 Regulator.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the operation of Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear
Integrated Circuits (L1).
x Apply the principles of Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated
Circuits to complex Engineering solve problems (L2).
x Analyse the functions of Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated
Circuits (L3).
x Evaluate the functions of Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated
Circuits in real time applications (L3).
x Design Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated Circuits for
specific applications (L4).

Note: In all the units, only qualitative treatment is required.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to

x Understand the characteristics of various types of electronic devices and circuits
x Apply various principles of electronic devices and circuits to solve complex
x Engineering problems
x Analyse the functions of various types of electronic devices and circuits, Evaluate the
functions of various types of electronic devices and circuits in real time applications
x Design various types of electronic circuits for use in real time applications.

52 Page

1. S. Salivahanan and N. Suresh Kumar, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, 4 th Edition,

McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd., 2017.

1. J. Milliman, Christos C Halkias, and Satyabrata Jit, “Electronics Devices and Circuits”,
4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd., 2015.
2. David A. Bell “Electronics Devices and Circuits”, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press,

Blooms’ learning levels:

L1: Remembering and Understanding
L2: Applying
L3: Analyzing/Derive
L4: Evaluating/Design
L5: Creating

53 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

x To introduce different methods for simplifying Boolean expressions

x To analyze logic processes and implement logical operations using combinational logic
x To understand characteristics of memory and their classification.
x To understand concepts of sequential circuits and to analyze sequential systems in terms
of state machines
x To understand concept of Programmable Devices


Minimization Techniques and Logic Gates Minimization Techniques: Boolean postulates and
laws – De-Morgan’s Theorem - Principle of Duality - Boolean expression - Minimization of
Boolean expressions –– Minterm – Maxterm - Sum of Products (SOP) – Product of Sums (POS)
– Karnaugh map Minimization – Don’t care conditions – Quine - McCluskey method of
minimization. Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive–OR and Exclusive–NOR
Implementations of Logic Functions using gates, NAND– NOR implementations – Multi level
gate implementations- Multi output gate implementations. TTL and CMOS Logic and their
characteristics – Tristate gates.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Learn Boolean algebra and logical operations in Boolean algebra. (L1)
x Apply different logic gates to functions and simplify them. (L2)
x Analyze the redundant terms and minimize the expression using Kmaps and tabulation
methods (L3)


Combinational Circuits -Design procedure – Half adder – Full Adder – Half subtractor – Full
subtractor – Parallel binary adder, parallel binary Subtractor – Fast Adder - Carry Look Ahead
adder – Serial Adder/Subtractor - BCD adder – Binary Multiplier – Binary Divider - Multiplexer/
Demultiplexer – decoder - encoder – parity checker – parity generators – code converters -
Magnitude Comparator.

54 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Apply the logic gates and design of combinational circuits(L2)
x Design of different combinational logic circuits(L4)


Sequential Circuits-Latches, Flip-flops - SR, JK, D, T, and Master-Slave – Characteristic table

and equation –Application table – Edge triggering – Level Triggering – Realization of one flip
flop using other flip flops – serial adder/subtractor- Asynchronous Ripple or serial counter –
Asynchronous Up/Down counter - Synchronous counters – Synchronous Up/Down counters –
Programmable counters – Design of Synchronous counters: state diagram- State table –State
minimization –State assignment - Excitation table and maps-Circuit implementation - Modulo–n
counter, Registers – shift registers - Universal shift registers – Shift register counters – Ring
counter – Shift counters - Sequence generators.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Understand the clock dependent circuits (L1)
x Identify the differences between clocked and clock less circuits, apply clock dependent
x Design clock dependent circuits(L4)

Memory Devices Classification of memories – ROM - ROM organization - PROM – EPROM –
EEPROM –EAPROM, RAM – RAM organization – Write operation – Read operation –
Memory cycle - Timing wave forms – Memory decoding – memory expansion – Static RAM
Cell- Bipolar RAM cell – MOSFET RAM cell – Dynamic RAM cell –Programmable Logic
Devices – Programmable Logic Array (PLA) - Programmable Array Logic (PAL) – Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) - Implementation of combinational logic circuits using

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Understand the principle of operation of basic memory devices, and programmable logic
devices. (L1)
x Implement combinational logic circuits using memory and programmable logic devices
55 Page
Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits Synchronous Sequential Circuits: General
Model – Classification – Design – Use of Algorithmic State Machine – Analysis of Synchronous
Sequential Circuits Asynchronous Sequential Circuits: Design of fundamental mode and pulse
mode circuits – Incompletely specified State Machines – Problems in Asynchronous Circuits –
Design of Hazard Free Switching circuits.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Understand how synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuit works (L1)
x Understand the FSM and its design principles. (L1)
x Analyze the procedure to reduce the internal states in sequential circuits (L3)
x Illustrate minimization of complete and incomplete state machines and to write a minimal
cover table(L2)

Course Outcomes:

x Explain switching algebra theorems and apply them for logic functions, discuss about
digital logic gates and their properties, Identify the importance of SOP and POS
canonical forms in the minimization of digital circuits.
x Evaluate functions using various types of minimizing algorithms like Boolean algebra,
Karnaugh map or tabulation method.
x Analyze the design procedures of Combinational & sequential logic circuits.
x Design of different combinational logic circuits, and compare different semiconductor

Text Books:

1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 /
Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.
2. Zvi Kohavi, “Switching and Finite Automata Theory”, 3 rd Edition, South Asian Edition,


1. John F.Wakerly, “Digital Design”, Fourth Edition, Pearson/PHI, 2008

2. John.M Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson Learning, 2006.
3. Charles H.Roth. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2013.
4. Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, “Digital Principles and Applications”, 6th
Edition, TMH, 2006.

56 Page
5. Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, 10th Edition, Pearson Education Inc, 2011
6. Donald D.Givone, “Digital Principles and Design”, TMH, 2003.

57 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
(Open Elective –I)
(Common to CSE & IT)

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to:

x Understand the context and operation of free and open source software (FOSS)
communities and associated software projects.
x Motivate the students to contribute in FOSS projects
x Familiarize with programming languages like Python, Perl, Ruby
x Elucidate the important FOSS tools and techniques

Notion of Community--Guidelines for effectively working with FOSS community--, Benefits of
Community based Software Development --Requirements for being open, free software, open
source software –Four degrees of freedom - FOSS Licensing Models - FOSS Licenses – GPL-
AGPL-LGPL - FDL - Implications – FOSS examples.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Analyze the benefits of Community based Software Development. (L4)
x Explain the degrees of Freedom. (L2)

Linux Installation and Hardware Configuration – Boot Process-The Linux Loader (LILO) - The
Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) - Dual-Booting Linux and other Operating System - Boot-
Time Kernel Options- X Windows System Configuration-System Administration – Backup and
Restore Procedures- Strategies for keeping a Secure Server.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Demonstrate Linux Installation and hardware configuration. (L2)
x Compare Linux and Windows System Configurations. (L4)


Programming using languages like Python, Perl, Ruby

58 Page
Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Explain the syntax of programming Languages Python, Perl and Ruby. (L2)
x Develop applications in the Open source programming Languages. (L6)


Usage of design Tools like Argo UML or equivalent, Version Control Systems like Git or
equivalent, – Bug Tracking Systems- Package Management Systems

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x List various programming tools and explain their uses (L1)
x Make use of the various tools while building applications (L3)


Open Source Software Development - Case Study – Libre office -Samba

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Elaborate the open Source Software Development(L6)
x Compare Libre office with its proprietary equivalent (L5)

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

x Demonstrate Installation and running of open-source operating systems.(L2)

x Justify the importance of Free and Open Source Software projects. (L5)
x Build and adapt one or more Free and Open Source Software packages. (L6)
x Utilize a version control system. (L3)
x Develop software to and interact with Free and Open Source Software development

Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins, “Linux in a Nutshell”, Sixth
Edition, OReilly Media, 2009.

59 Page
1. Philosophy of GNU URL:
2. Linux Administration URL:
3. The Python Tutorial available at
4. Perl Programming book at
5. Ruby programming book at
6. Version control system URL:
7. Samba: URL :
8. Libre office:

60 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3


(Open Elective –I)
(Common to CSE & IT)
Course Objectives:

This course is designed to:

x Introduce the use of the components of a graphics system and become familiar with the
building approach of graphics system components and related algorithms.
x Understand the basic principles of 3- 3-dimensional computer graphics.
x Provide insites on how to scan, convert the basic geometrical primitives, how to
transform the shapes to fit them as per the picture definition.
x Provide an understanding of mapping from world coordinates to device coordinates,
clipping, and projections.
x Discuss the application of computer graphics concepts in the development of computer
games, information visualization, and business applications.


OverView of Computer Graphics System – Video display devices – Raster Scan and random
scan system – Input devices – Hard copy devices.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Explain the overview of computer graphics with visualization. (L2)
x Classify the Input devices. (L2)
x Distinguish raster scan and random scan systems. (L4)


Drawing line, circle and ellipse generating algorithms – Scan line algorithm – Character
Generation – attributes of lines, curves and characters – Antialiasing.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Analyse output primitives and attributes. (L4)
x Design algorithms based on output. (L6)

61 Page

Two-dimensional Geometric Transformations – Windowing and Clipping – Clipping of lines and

clipping of polygons.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Create two-dimensional graphics. (L6)
x Examine the clipping of polygon. (L4)
x Compare different forms of variations. (L2)


Three-dimensional concepts – Object representations- Polygon table, Quadric surfaces,

Splines, Bezier curves and surfaces – Geometric and Modelling transformations – Viewing -
Parallel and perspective projections.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Create three-dimensional graphics. (L6)
x Explain the Quadric surfaces and polygon table. (L2)
x Define modelling transformations. (L1)


Visible Surface Detection Methods – Computer Animation.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x List the different types of detection methods. (L1)
x Compare various computer animations. (L2)

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

x Explain the basic concepts used in computer graphics. (L2)

x Inspect various algorithms to scan, convert the basic geometrical primitives,
transformations, Area filling, clipping. (L4)
x Assess the importance of viewing and projections. (L5)
x Define the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality and its related technologies. (L3)
x Analyze the typical graphics pipeline (L4)

62 Page

1. Hearn, D. and Pauline Baker,M., Computer Graphics (C-Version), 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2002.


1. Neuman, W.M., and Sproull, R.F., Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Mc

Graw Hill Book Co., 1979.
2. Roger, D.F., Procedural elements for Computer Graphics, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 1985.
3. Asthana, R.G.S and Sinha, N.K., Computer Graphics, New Age Int. Pub. (P) Ltd.,
4. Floey, J.D., Van Dam, A, Feiner, S.K. and Hughes, J.F, Computer Graphics, Pearson
Education, 2001.

63 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3


This course covers the origin of brewing and ingredients used, methods and equipment used and
innovations in this field.

Coues Objectives

x To understand the Beer manufacturing, ingredients and their roles.

x To understand overall view of a brewing industry


Introduction of brewing, history of brewing; Raw materials: barley, hops, water, yeast; Adjuncts
for beer production: Maize, rice, millet, wheat, sugar etc. Malt production, role of enzymes for
malting; Barley storage, steeping, germination, kilning, cooling, storage;

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Introduction of brewing, history of brewing
x Raw materials like barley, hops, water, yeast
x Adjuncts for beer production: Maize, rice, millet, wheat, sugar etc
x Malt production, role of enzymes for malting
x Barley storage, steeping, germination, kilning, cooling, storage


Malt from other cereals, caramel malt, roasted malt, smoked malt, malt extract; Malt quality
evaluation, Wort production, malt milling, Mashing, Mashing vessels; Wort boiling,
clarification, cooling and aeration Enzyme properties, starch degradation, b-glucan degradation;
Conversion of fatty matter, Biological acidification

Learning Outcomes:

64 Page
At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:
x Malt from other cereals, caramel malt, roasted malt, smoked malt, malt extract
x Malt quality evaluation, Wort production, malt milling, Mashing, Mashing vessels
x Wort boiling, clarification, cooling and aeration Enzyme properties, starch
degradation, b-glucan degradation
x Conversion of fatty matter, Biological acidification


Beer production methods, fermentation technology, changes during fermentation; Filtration

procedure and equipment, beer stabilization conditions and durations, beer carbonation process;
Packaging equipment and packaging materials, storage conditions and distribution process

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Beer production methods, fermentation technology, changes during fermentation
x Filtration procedure and equipment, beer stabilization conditions and durations, beer
carbonation process
x Packaging equipment and packaging materials, storage conditions and distribution


Brewing Equipment. Grain mill, kettles, siphons, carboys, fermentation equipment, wort chillers,
pumps beer bottles, cans, labels, bottle caps, sanitation equipments Preventive Production of beer
against technology, ling phenomenon of beer, possible measures against staling reactions,

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Brewing Equipments like Grain mill, kettles, siphons, carboys, fermentation
equipment, wort chillers
x pumps beer bottles, cans, labels, bottle caps, sanitation equipments
x Preventive Production of beer against technology, ling phenomenon of beer, possible
measures against staling reactions, oxidation

65 Page

Recent advances: Immobilized Cell Technology in Beer Production, immobilized yeast cell
technology Energy management in the brewery and maltings; waste water treatment Automation
and plant planning

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

x Immobilized Cell Technology in Beer Production, immobilized yeast cell technology
x Energy management in the brewery and maltings
x waste water treatment Automation and plant planning

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students will attain the:

x Knowledge of beer making, chemistry of ingredients used for brewing,
x Knowledge on brewing industry, Unit operations and equipments involved.


1. Brewing: “Science and Practice, Brookes and Roger Stevens”, Dennis E. Briggs,
Chris A. Boulton, Peter A. 2004, Woodhead publishing limited.
2. Die Deutsche “Bibliothek Technology: “Brewing and Malting”, Wolfgang Kunze.
2010, Bibliographic information published


1. “Handbook of Brewing”: Process, Technology, Markets, Hans Michael Eblinger.

2009, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
2. Brewing: “New Technologies”, Charles W. Bamforth. 2006, Woodhead Pub.

66 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3



This course covers all facets of computerization and various software’s used and their usage.

Course Objectives

x Able to know about “The necessity of Software & their applications in Food Industries”
x Able to Implement the Programs in ‘C’ to perform various operations that are related to
Food Industries.


Computerization, Importance of Computerization in food industry and IT applications in food

industries. Computer operating environments and information system for various types of food
industries. Introduction to Bar charts and Pie charts & the procedure to develop bar charts and
pie charts on given Data.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Computerization, Importance of Computerization in food industry and IT applications
in food industries.
x Computer operating environments and information system for various types of food
x Introduction to Barcharts and Piecharts & the procedure to develop barcharts and
piecharts on given Data.


Introduction to Software & Programming Languages, Properties, Differences of an Algorithm

and Flowcharts, Advantages and disadvantages of Flowcharts & Algorithms. Introduction,
Fundamentals & advantages of ‘C’. Steps in learning ‘C’ (Character set, Identifiers, Keywords)
Steps in learning ‘C’ (Data types, Constants, Variables, Escape sequences).

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

67 Page
x Introduction to Software & Programming Languages, Properties, Differences of an
Algorithm and Flowcharts
x Advantages and disadvantages of Flowcharts & Algorithms. Introduction,
Fundamentals & advantages of ‘C’.
x Steps in learning ‘C’ (Character set, Identifiers, Keywords)
x Steps in learning ‘C’ (Data types, Constants, Variables, Escape sequences).


Steps in learning ’C’ (Operators, Statements) Steps in learning ‘C’ (Header Files, Input & Output
functions: Formatted I/O functions, Unformatted I/O functions). Basic Structure of a simple ‘C’
program. Decision Making/Control Statements. Branching, Concept of Looping & Looping

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Steps in learning ’C’ (Operators, Statements)
x Steps in learning ‘C’ (Header Files, Input & Output functions: Formatted I/O
functions, Unformatted I/O functions).
x Basic Structure of a simple ‘C’ program. Decision Making/Control Statements.
x Branching, Concept of Looping & Looping statements.


Concept of Functions (Defining a function & Function Prototypes, Types of functions: Library
functions & User defined functions. Concept of various types of User Defined Functions (i.e.,
About 4 types). Concept of Arrays & Types of Arrays (Single, Double and Multi-Dimensional
Arrays). Concept of a String Library Functions.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Concept of Functions (Defining a function & Function Prototypes, Types of functions:
Library functions & User defined functions.
x Concept of various types of User Defined Functions (i.e., About 4 types).
x Concept of Arrays & Types of Arrays (Single, Double and Multi-Dimensional Arrays).
x Concept of a String Library Functions.

68 Page

Concept of Pointers, Structures & Unions. Introduction to Data Structures, Types of Data
Structures (Primary & Secondary Data Structures) Concept of Linked Lists, Types of Linked
Lists & Basic operations on linked Lists. Concept of Stacks & Operations on Stacks (PUSH &
POP Operations) Concept of Queues and types of Queues Operations on a Queue (ENQUEUE &
DEQUEUE Operations)

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Concept of Pointers, Structures & Unions. Introduction to Data Structures, Types of Data
Structures (Primary & Secondary Data Structures)
x Concept of Linked Lists, Types of Linked Lists & Basic operations on linked Lists.
x Concept of Stacks & Operations on Stacks (PUSH & POP Operations)
x Concept of Queues and types of Queues Operations on a Queue (ENQUEUE & Dequeue

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course, the students will be able to

x know about the various steps which are related to computer and Software and their
application in Food Industries
x know about the various steps which are necessary to implement the programs in ‘C’

1. Yeswanth Kanethkar, Let us ‘C’
2. Balaguruswamy E., “Computer Programming in ‘C’”
3. Mark Allen Waise , “Data Structures”

1. M. S Excel 2000, Microsoft Corporation
2. M. S. Office – Microsoft Corporation
3. Verton M.V. “Computer concepts for Agri Business”, AVI Pub. Corp., West Port,

69 Page
B.Tech (EEE) –III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives:

The student will be able to learn:

x The basic concepts of Optimization
x The emphasis of this course is on different classical Optimization techniques linear
programming and simplex algorithms.
x About optimality of balanced transportation Problems
x About Constrained and unconstrained nonlinear programming.
x About principle of optimality and dynamic programming

UNIT – I Introduction and Classical Optimization Techniques:

Statement of an Optimization problem – design vector – design constraints – constraint surface –

objective function – objective function surfaces – classification of Optimization problems.
Classical Optimization Techniques: Single variable Optimization – multi variable Optimization
without constraints – necessary and sufficient conditions for minimum/maximum – multivariable
Optimization with equality constraints. Solution by method of Lagrange multipliers –
multivariable Optimization with inequality constraints – Kuhn – Tucker conditions – Numerical

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x To know how to formulate statement of optimization problem with or without constraints
x To know about classification of single and multivariable optimization problems
x To know about necessary and sufficient conditions in defining the optimization problems
x To understand how to formulate Kuhn-Tucker conditions and to solve numerical

UNIT – II Linear Programming

Standard form of a linear programming problem – geometry of linear programming problems –

definitions and theorems – solution of a system of linear simultaneous equations – pivotal
reduction of a general system of equations – motivation to the simplex method – simplex
algorithm – Numerical examples.

70 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x To know about formulation of LPP
x To know about formulations of GPP
x To understand various theorems in solving simultaneous equations
x To understand about necessity of Simplex method and to solve numerical problems

UNIT – III Nonlinear Programming – One Dimensional Minimization methods

Introduction, Unimodal function, Elimination methods- Unrestricted Search, Exhaustive Search,

Dichotomous Search, Fibonacci Method, Golden Section Method and their comparison;
Interpolation methods - Quadratic Interpolation Method, Cubic Interpolation Method and Direct
Root Methods – Numerical examples.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x To know about NLP in one dimensional optimization problems
x To understand about various search methods
x To learn about various interpolation methods
x To distinguish and compare the various elimination methods with numerical examples

UNIT – IV Unconstrained & Constrained Nonlinear Programming

Unconstrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction- Classification of Unconstrained

Minimization Methods, General Approach, Rate of Convergence, Scaling of Design Variables;
Direct Search methods- Random Search Methods, Grid Search Method, Pattern Directions,
Powell’s Method and Simplex Method

Constrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Characteristics of a Constrained

Problem, Direct Search Methods - Random Search Methods, Basic Approach in the Methods of
Feasible Directions, Rosen’s Gradient Projection Method, Generalized Reduced Gradient
Method and Sequential Quadratic Programming.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x To distinguish between unconstrained and constrained optimization problems
x To learn about direct search methods in unconstrained NLP problems and comparison
x To understand about direct search methods in constrained NLP problems and comparison
x To do exercises for solving numerical examples of various methods

71 Page
UNIT – V Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming multistage decision processes – types – concept of sub optimization and
the principle of optimality – computational procedure in dynamic programming – examples
illustrating the calculus method of solution - examples illustrating the tabular method of solution
– Numerical examples.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x To know what is DP problem?
x To know about computational procedure in solving DPP
x To know Calculus and Tabular methods of solving with numerical examples of various

Course Outcomes:
The student gets thorough knowledge on:
x Basic methods, principles in optimization
x Formulation of optimization models, solution methods in optimization
x Finding initial basic feasible solutions.
x Methods of linear and non-linear (constrained and unconstrained) programming.
x Applications to engineering problems.


1. S. S. Rao, “Engineering optimization”: Theory and practice 3rd edition, New Age
International (P) Limited, 1998.
2. H.S. Kasana & K.D. Kumar, “Introductory Operations Research Springer (India)”, 2004.


1. R Fletcher, “Practical Methods of Optimization” , 2nd Edition, Wiley Publishers, 2000.

2. Jorge Nocedal and Wright S, “Numerical Optimization Springer”, 1st Edition, 1999.
3. by K.V. Mital and C. Mohan, “Optimization Methods in Operations Research and systems
Analysis” 3rd Edition, New Age International (P) Limited, 1996.
4. by S.D. Sharma, “Operations Research”, Kedar Nath, 2012.
5. by H.A. Taha, “Operations Research”, 9th Edition, An Introduction Pearson, 2010.
6. G. Hadley, “Linear Programming”, Narosa, 2002.

72 Page
B.Tech (EEE) – III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

x To develop awareness in students of the relevance and importance of technical

communication and presentation skills.
x To prepare the students for placements
x To sensitize the students to the appropriate use of non-verbal communication
x To train students to use language appropriately for presentations and interviews
x To enhance the documentation skills of the students with emphasis on formal and
informal writing


UNIT -1:

Basics of Technical Communication – Introduction – Objectives & Characteristics of

Technical Communication – Importance and need for Technical communication - LSRW Skills
– Barriers to effective communication

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand the importance of LSRW skills
x Identify and overcome the barriers to effective communication
x Realize the need and importance of technical communication


Informal and Formal Conversation - Verbal and Non-verbal communication –Kinesics,

Proxemics, Chronemics, Haptics, Paralanguage

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x State the difference between formal and informal conversation.
x Apply the knowledge of the difference between the verbal and non-verbal
x Evaluate the different aspects of non-verbal communication.

73 Page

Written communication – Differences between spoken and written communication – Features

of effective writing –Advantages and disadvantages of spoken and written communication- Art
of condensation- summarizing and paraphrasing

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Know the difference between written and spoken communication
x Apply the awareness of features of effective writing.
x Implement the understanding of summarizing and paraphrasing.


Presentation Skills – Nature and importance of oral presentation – Defining the purpose –
Analyzing the audience - Planning and preparing the presentation, organizing and rehearsing the
presentation –Individual and group presentations - Handling stage fright

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x State the importance of presentation skills in corporate climate.
x Analyze the demography of the audience.
x Plan, prepare and present individual and group presentations.


Interview Skills – The Interview process –Characteristics of the job interview – Pre-interview
preparation techniques – Projecting the positive image – Answering Strategies

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Identify the characteristics of the job interview.
x Understand the process of Interviews.
x Develop a positive image using strategies in answering FAQs in interviews

74 Page
Course Outcomes
x Understand the importance of effective technical communication
x Apply the knowledge of basic skills to become good orators
x Analyze non-verbal language suitable to different situations in professional life
x Evaluate different kinds of methods used for effective presentations
x Create trust among people and develop employability skills


1. Ashrif Rizvi, “Effective Technical Communication”, TataMcGrahill, 2011

2. Meenakshi Raman &Sangeeta Sharma, “Technical Communication”, 3rd Edition, O U
Press 2015


1. Pushpalatha & Sanjay Kumar, “Communication Skills”, Oxford Univsesity Press

2. Barron’s/Books on TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/CAT/IELTS DELTA/Cambridge University
3. Butterfield Jeff, “Soft Skills for Everyone”, Cengage Publications, 2011.
4. Universities Press (India) Pvt Ltd., “Management Shapers Series”, Himayatnagar,
Hyderabad 2008.
5. John Hughes & Andrew Mallett, “Successful Presentations” Oxford.
6. Edgar Thorpe and Showick Thorpe, “Winning at Interviews” Pearson
7. Munish Bhargava, “Winning Resumes and Successful Interviews”, McGraw Hill

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B.Tech (EEE)–III-I Sem L T P C
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Course outcomes:

By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

x Analyze and apply load test, no-load and blocked-rotor tests for construction of circle
diagram and equivalent circuit determination in a single phase induction motor.
x Predetermine regulation of a three-phase alternator by synchronous impedance & m.m.f
x Predetermine the regulation of Alternator by Zero Power Factor method
Xd and Xq determination of salient pole synchronous machine.
x Evaluate and analyze V and inverted V curves of 3 phase synchronous motor

From the following list all the ten experiments are required to be conducted as compulsory

1. No-load & Blocked-rotor tests on Squirrel cage Induction motor.

2. Load test on three phase slip ring Induction motor.
3. Speed control of three phase induction motor
4. Rotor resistance starter for slip ring induction motor
5. Load test on single phase induction motor.
6. Determination of Equivalent circuit of a single phase induction motor.
7. Predetermination of Regulation of a three phase alternator by synchronous impedance &
m.m.f methods.
8. Predetermination of Regulation of three-phase alternator by Z.P.F. method.
9. Determination of Xd and Xq of a salient pole synchronous machine.
10. V and inverted V curves of a 3-phase synchronous motor.

Reference Book:

1. D. P.Kothari and B. S. Umre, “Laboratory Manual for Electrical Machines” I.K

International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2017.
2. D.R. Kohli and S.K. Jain, “A Laboratory Course in Electrical Machines” NEM Chand &

76 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-I Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5


Course Objectives

x students will be exposed to a variety of self instructional, learner friendly modes of

language learning
x students will cultivate the habit of reading passages from the computer monitor. Thus
providing them with the required facility to face computer based competitive exams like
GRE, TOEFL, and GMAT etc.
x students will learn better pronunciation through stress, intonation and rhythm
x students will be trained to use language effectively to face interviews, group discussions,
public speaking
x students will be initiated into greater use of the computer in resume preparation, report
writing, format making etc


1. Phonetics for listening comprehension of various accents - 2

2. Formal Presentations using PPT slides without Graphic Elements
3. Paraphrasing

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand different accents spoken by native speakers of English
x Make formal structured presentations on general topics using PPT slides without
graphical elements
x Paraphrase short academic texts using suitable strategies and conventions


1. Debate – 2 (Following Argument)

2. Listening to short speeches/ short stories for note-making and summarizing
3. E-mail Writing

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

77 Page
x Participate in formal discussions and speak clearly on a specific topic using suitable
discourse markers
x Make formal structured presentations on academic topics using ppt slides with relevant
graphical elements
x Write formal emails in the standard format


1. Listening for Discussions

2. Group Discussions
3. Writing Persuasive/argumentative essays on general topics

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Follow a discussion to identify the salient points
x Participate in group discussions using appropriate conventions and language strategies
x Produce logically coherent persuasive/argumentative essays


1. Reviewing film/ book

2. Group Discussions – reaching consensus in Group Work
3. Resume Writing – Cover Letter – Applying for Internship

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Judge a film or book
x Express thoughts and ideas with acceptable accuracy and fluency with a view to reach
consensus in group discussions
x Prepare a CV and write a cover letter to seek internship/ job


1. Writing Project Reports

2. Editing Short Texts
3. Answering FAQs in Interviews

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Collaborate with a partner to make effective presentations
x Understand the structure and produce an effective project report.
x Edit short texts according to different needs of the work place.
78 Page
Course Outcomes

x Remember and understand the different aspects of the English language proficiency with
emphasis on LSRW skills
x Apply communication skills through various language learning activities
x Analyze the English speech sounds, stress, rhythm, intonation and syllable division for
better listening and speaking comprehension.
x Evaluate and exhibit acceptable etiquette essential in social and professional settings
x Create awareness on mother tongue influence and neutralize it in order to improve
fluency in spoken English.


1. Walden Infotech English Language Communication Skills.

2. iTell- Orell Digital Language Lab
3. Digital Teacher
4. LES(Learn English Select) by British council
6. DELTA’s key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skills Practice.
7. Lingua TOEFL CBT Insider, by Dreamtech
8. English Pronunciation in Use (Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced) CUP
9. Cambridge Advanced Learners’ English Dictionary with CD.


The software consisting of the prescribed topics elaborated above should be procured and used.

1. Meenakshi Raman &Sangeeta Sharma, “Technical Communication” O U Press 2009.

2. Barron’s Books on TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/CAT/IELTS /DELTA/Cambridge University
3. Butterfield Jeff, “Soft Skills for Everyone”, Cengage Publications, 2011.
4. “Practice Psychometric Tests”: How to familiarize yourself with genuine recruitment tests,
5. David A McMurrey& Joanne Buckely “Handbook for Technical Writing” CENGAGE
Learning 2008.
6. “A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students”, 2nd Edition, T.Balasubramanyam.
(Macmillan), 2012.
7. “A Handbook for English Laboratories”, E. Suresh Kumar, P. Sreehari, Foundation Books,
Note: Links provided by APSHE on LSRW, grammar and vocabulary

79 Page
B.Tech (EEE)–III-I Sem L T P C
0 0 2 1


Course Objectives:

By the end of the course the student will be able to:

x Understand and analyze various characteristics of power electronic devices with gate
firing circuits and forced commutation techniques.
x Analyze the operation of single-phase half & fully-controlled converters and inverters
with different types of loads.
x Analyze the operation of DC-DC converters, single-phase AC Voltage controllers, cyclo
converters with different loads.
x Create and analyze various power electronic converters using PSPICE software.

Any Eight of the Experiments in Power Electronics Lab

1. Study of Characteristics of SCR, MOSFET & IGBT

2. Gate firing circuits for SCR’s: (a) R triggering (b) R-C triggering
3. Single Phase AC Voltage Controller with R and RL Loads
4. Single Phase fully controlled bridge converter with R and RL loads
5. Forced Commutation circuits (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D & Class E)
6. DC Jones chopper with R and RL Loads
7. Single Phase Parallel, inverter with R and RL loads
8. Single Phase Cycloconverter with R and RL loads
9. Single Phase Half controlled converter with R load
10. Three Phase half controlled bridge converter with R-load
11. Single Phase series inverter with R and RL loads
12. Single Phase Bridge converter with R and RL loads
13. Single Phase dual converter with RL loads

Any two simulation experiments with PSPICE/PSIM

14. PSPICE simulation of single-phase full converter using RLE loads and single-phase AC
voltage controller using RLE loads.
15. PSPICE simulation of resonant pulse commutation circuit and Buck converters and chopper.
16. PSPICE simulation of single phase Inverter with PWM control.

80 Page

1. O.P. Arora, “Power Electronics Laboratory: Theory, Practice and Organization (Narosa
series in Power and Energy Systems)”, Alpha Science International Ltd., 2007.
2. M.H.Rashid, “Simulation of Electric and Electronic circuits using PSPICE”, M/s
PHI Publications.
3. PSPICE A/D user’s manual – Microsim, USA.
4. PSPICE reference guide – Microsim, USA.
5. MATLAB and its Tool Books user’s manual and – Math works, USA.

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B.Tech (EEE)– III-I Sem L T P C
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Socially Relevant Projects

6. Energy Auditing
7. Solar Water Pumping Systems
8. Automatic Traffic Light Control Systems
9. Building Electrical Safety Measures
10. Electrical Protection Systems in Agricultural Fields

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B.Tech (EEE)– III-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 0


Course Objectives :

The objective of this course is

x To understand the basic concepts of research and research problem
x To make the students learn about various types of data collection and sampling
x To enable them to know the method of statistical evaluation
x To make the students understand various testing tools in research
x To make the student learn how to write a research report
x To create awareness on ethical issues n research


Meaning of Research – Objectives of Research – Types of Research – Research Approaches –

Guidelines for Selecting and Defining a Research Problem – Research Design – Concepts related
to Research Design – Basic Principles of Experimental Design.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of research and its process
x Explain various types of research
x Know the steps involved in research design
x Understand the different research approaches


Sampling Design – steps in Sampling Design –Characteristics of a Good Sample Design –

Random Sampling Design. Measurement and Scaling Techniques-Errors in Measurement – Tests
of Sound Measurement – Scaling and Scale Construction Techniques – Time Series Analysis –
Interpolation and Extrapolation. Data Collection Methods – Primary Data – Secondary data –
Questionnaire Survey and Interviews.

83 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of sampling and sampling design
x Explain various techniques in measurement and scaling
x Learn various methods of data collection
x Design survey questionnaires for different kinds of research
x Analyze the questionnaires


Correlation and Regression Analysis – Method of Least Squares – Regression vs Correlation –

Correlation vs Determination – Types of Correlations and Their Applications

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Know the association of two variables
x Understand the importance of correlation and regression
x Compare and contrast correlation and regression
x Learn various types of correlation
x Apply the knowledge of C&R Analysis to get the results


Statistical Inference: Tests of Hypothesis – Parametric vs Non-parametric Tests – Hypothesis

Testing Procedure – Sampling Theory – Sampling Distribution – Chi-square Test – Analysis of
variance and Co-variance – Multivariate Analysis

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Know the statistical inference

x Understand the hypothesis testing procedure
x Compare and contrast Parametric and Non-parametric Tests
x Understand the use of chi-square test in investigating the distribution of categorical
x Analyze the significance of variance and covariance

84 Page
Report Writing and Professional Ethics: Interpretation of Data – Report Writing – Layout of a
Research Paper – Techniques of Interpretation- Making Scientific Presentations in Conferences
and Seminars – Professional Ethics in Research.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Learn about report writing
x Understand how to write research paper
x Explain various techniques of interpretation
x Understand the importance of professional ethics in research
x Design a scientific paper to present in the conferences/seminars

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

x Understand basic concepts and its methodologies
x Demonstrate the knowledge of research processes

x Read. comprehend and explain research articles in their academic discipline

x Analyze various types of testing tools used in research

x Design a research paper without any ethical issues

Text books:
1. C.R.Kothari, “Research Methodology:Methods and Techniques”,2nd edition, New Age
International Publishers.
2. A Step by Step Guide for Beginners, “Research Methodology”: Ranjit Kumar, Sage


1. P.Narayana Reddy and G.V.R.K.Acharyulu, “Research Methodology and Statistical

Tools”, 1st Edition, Excel Books,New Delhi.
2. Donald R. “Business Research Methods”, Cooper & Pamela S Schindler, 9th edition.
3. S C Gupta, “Fundamentals of Statistics”, 7th edition Himalaya Publications

85 Page
B.Tech (EEE) – III-II Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course Objectives:

x To introduce students to the basic idea of signal and system analysis and its
characterization in time and frequency domains.
x To present Fourier tools through the analogy between vectors and signals.
x To teach concept of sampling and reconstruction of signals.
x To analyze characteristics of linear systems in time and frequency domains.
x To understand Laplace and z-transforms as mathematical tool to analyze continuous and
discrete-time signals and systems.


Signals & Systems: Basic definitions and classification of Signals and Systems (Continuous
time and discrete time), operations on signals, Concepts of Convolution and Correlation of
signals, Analogy between vectors and signals-Orthogonality, mean square error, Fourier series:
Trigonometric & Exponential, Properties of Fourier series, concept of discrete spectrum,
Illustrative Problems.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand different types of signals and systems. (L1)
x State principles of vector spaces and concept of Orthogonality. (L2)
x Describe continuous time signal and discrete time signal. (L2)
x Analyze the periodic signals by applying Fourier series. (L3)

Continuous Time Fourier Transform: Definition, Computation and properties of Fourier
transform for different types of signals and systems, Inverse Fourier transform. Statement and
proof of sampling theorem of low pass signals, Illustrative Problems.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Identify system properties based on impulse response and Fourier analysis. (L1)
x Analyze the spectral characteristics of signals. (L3)

86 Page
x Illustrate signal sampling and its reconstruction. (L2)
x Apply Fourier transform to solve problems. (L2)


DISCRETE TIME FOURIER TRANSFORM: Definition, Computation and properties of

Discrete Time Fourier transform for different types of signals and systems, Illustrative Problems.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the properties of the discrete-time Fourier transform. (L1)
x Analyse the spectral characteristics of signals using Fourier transform. (L3)
x Evaluate the Fourier transform of Discrete-time signals. (L2)


Signal Transmission Through Linear Systems: Linear system, impulse response, Response of
a linear system for different input signals, linear time-invariant (LTI) system, linear time variant
(LTV) system, Transfer function of a LTI system. Filter characteristics of linear systems.
Distortion less transmission through a system, Signal bandwidth, System bandwidth, Ideal LPF,
HPF and BPF characteristics, Causality and Paley-Wiener criterion for physical realization,
Relationship between bandwidth and rise time, Energy and Power spectral densities, Illustrative

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the impulse response, transfer characteristics of LTI system and various
filters. (L1)
x Analyse filter characteristics and physical realisation of LTI system. (L3)
x Apply the relation between bandwidth and rise time & energy and power spectral
densities in various applications. (L2)


Laplace Transform: Definition, ROC, Properties, Inverse Laplace transforms, the S-plane and
BIBO stability, Transfer functions, System Response to standard signals, Solution of differential
equations with initial conditions.
Z–TRANSFORM: Definition, ROC, Properties, Poles and Zeros in Z-plane, The inverse Z-
Transform, System analysis, Transfer function, BIBO stability, System Response to standard
signals, Solution of difference equations with initial conditions, Illustrative Problems.

87 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the limitations of Fourier transform and need for Laplace transform and
develop. (L1)
x Apply transform techniques to analyse discrete-time signals and systems. (L2)
x Evaluate response of linear systems to known inputs by using Laplace transforms. (L2)
x Analyze the continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems using Laplace and Z-

Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course, student will be able to

x Understand the mathematical description and representation of continuous-time and

discrete-time signals and systems. Also understand the concepts of various transform
techniques. (L1)
x Apply sampling theorem to convert continuous-time signals to discrete-time signals and
reconstruct back, different transform techniques to solve signals and system related
problems. (L2)
x Analyze the frequency spectra of various continuous-time and discrete-time signals using
different transform methods. (L3)
x Classify the systems based on their properties and determine the response of them. (L4)

Text Books:

1. A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and S.H. Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, PHI, 2 nd
Edition, 2009.
2. Simon Haykin and Van Veen, “Signals & Systems”, Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2005.


1. BP Lathi, “Principles of Linear Systems and Signals”, Oxford University Press, 2 nd

Edition, 2015.
2. Matthew N.O. Sadiku and Warsame H. Ali, “Signals and Systems A primer with
MATLAB”, CRC Press, 2016.
3. Hwei Hsu, “Schaum's Outline of Signals and Systems”, Fourth Edition, TMH, 2019.

88 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course Objectives:

x Architecture and designing of 8086 Microprocessor with Assembling language

programming and interfacing with various modules
x Understand the Interfacing of 8086 with various advanced communication devices
x Designing of 8051 Microcontroller with Assembling language programming and
interfacing with various modules
x To know about Assembly Language Programs for the Digital Signal Processors and
usage of Interrupts
x To understand Xilinx programming and understanding of Spartan FPGA board



Historical background- Evolution of microprocessors up to 64-bit. Architecture of 8086

microprocessor, special function of general purpose registers. 8086 flag registers and functions
of 8086 flags – Addressing modes of 8086 – Instruction set of 8086 – Assembler directives - Pin
diagram 8086 – Minimum mode and maximum mode of operation - Timing diagrams - CISC
and ARM Processors.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To know about 8086 as one of digital compute platforms
x To know about Architecture and functions of 8086
x To understand about instruction set
x To know about pin and timing diagrams
x To know about processors CISC and ARM



Assembler directives – macros – simple programs involving logical – branch instructions –

sorting – evaluating arithmetic expressions - string manipulations – 8255 PPI - various modes of
operation - A/D - D/A converter interfacing, Memory interfacing to 8086 – interrupt structure of

89 Page
8086 – vector interrupt table – interrupt service routine – interfacing interrupt controller 8259 -
Need of DMA – serial communication standards – serial data transfer schemes.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To understand the programming features of assembly language as one of digital compute
x To know about evaluation of expressions, strings
x To understand about interfacing with A/D-D/A converters
x To understand about interrupt structures and various service routines in 8086
x To know about data transfer scheme



Introduction to micro controllers, Functional block diagram, Instruction sets and addressing
modes, interrupt structure – Timer – I/O ports – serial communication. Data transfer,
manipulation, Control and I/O instructions – simple programming exercises key board and
display interface – Closed loop control of servo motor – stepper motor control.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To understand about 8051 Microcontroller as one of the digital compute platforms
x To know about instruction sets of 8051
x To know about data transfer manipulations
x To understand and write programming using 8051
x To know about a few applications of 8051 like servo motor, stepper motor


Introduction to the TMS320LF2407 DSP Controller

Basic architectural features - Physical Memory - Software Tools. Introduction to Interrupts -

Interrupt Hierarchy - Interrupt Control Registers. C2xx DSP CPU and Instruction Set:
Introduction & code Generation - Components of the C2xx DSP core - Mapping External
Devices to the C2xx core - peripheral interface - system configuration registers - Memory -
Memory Addressing Modes - Assembly Programming Using the C2xx DSP Instruction set.

90 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To know about features of DSP controller C2xx as one of the DCPs
x To know about various instruction sets, control registers of C2xx DSP core
x To know about mapping of external devices to the DSP core
x To know about assembly programming using the instruction sets of TMS320LF2407
DSP controller



Introduction to Field Programmable Gate Arrays – CPLD Vs FPGA – Types of FPGA – Xilinx,
XC3000 series - Configurable logic Blocks (CLB) – Input / Output Block (IOB) – Programmable
Interconnect Point (PIP) – Xilinx 4000 series – HDL programming –overview of Spartan 3E and
Virtex II pro FPGA boards- case study.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To know about FPGA as one of the digital compute platforms
x To know about various types of FPGA
x To know about programmable inter connect points
x To understand about Xilinx-HDL programming
x To know about applications of FPGA with a case study

Course Outcomes:

1. Understand the basic architecture & pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor.

2. Assembly language programming to perform a given task, Interrupt service routines for
all interrupt types
3. Microprocessor and Microcontroller designing for various applications.
4. Write Assembly Language Programs for the Digital Signal Processors and use Interrupts
for real-time control applications
5. Write Xilinx programming and understanding of Spartan FPGA board

91 Page

1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications with

8085”, Penram Intl. Publishing, 6th Edition, 2013
2. Ray A. K., Bhurchandi K. M., “Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals”, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publications, 3rd Edition, 2013.


1. Douglas V Hall, “Microprocessor and Interfacing”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw hill, 1992
2. Nilesh B Bahadure, “Microprocessor”, PHI, 2010.
3. Kenneth J Ayala, “The 8051 Micro Controller Architecture, Programming and
Applications Pearson International publishing (India).
4. Hamid A. Tolyat, “DSP Based Electro Mechanical Motion Control”, CRC press, 2004.
5. Application Notes from the webpage of Texas Instruments.
6. XC 3000 series datasheets (version 3.1). Xilinx Inc., USA, 1998
7. XC 4000 series datasheets (version 1.6). Xilinx Inc., USA, 1999
8. Wayne Wolf, FPGA based system design, Prentice hall, 2004.

92 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3
Course Objectives:

To make the students learn about:

x The use of per unit values and graph theory concepts, solving a problem using computer.
x Formation of Ybus and Zbus of a Power System network, power flow studies by various
x Different types of faults and power system analysis for symmetrical and also
unsymmetrical faults.
x Analysis of power system for steady state and transient stability and also methods to
improve stability.


p. u. system and Ybus formation

Per-Unit representation of Power system elements - Per-Unit equivalent reactance network of a

three phase Power System - Graph Theory: Definitions, Bus Incidence Matrix, YBus formation by
Direct and Singular Transformation Methods, Numerical Problems.

Learning Outcomes:-

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Understand the concepts of Per-Unit equivalent system
x To know about basic graph theory concepts as applied to power systems
x To compute the Bus Incidence matrix
x To formulate YBus matrix using different methods.


Formation of Zbus

Formation of ZBus: Partial network, Algorithm for the Modification of Z Bus Matrix for addition
element for the following cases: Addition of element from a new bus to reference, Addition of
element from a new bus to an old bus, Addition of element between an old bus to reference and
Addition of element between two old busses - Modification of ZBus for the changes in network (
Problems )

93 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Analyze the concept of formation of ZBus
x To develop algorithm for modification of ZBus.
x Determine the ZBus matrix
x To compute modified ZBus for the changes in network.


Power flow Analysis

Static load flow equations – Load flow solutions using Gauss Seidel Method: Algorithm and
Flowchart. Acceleration Factor, Load flow Solution for Simple Power Systems (Max. 3-Buses):
Newton Raphson Method in Polar Co-Ordinates Form: Load Flow Solution- Jacobian Elements,
Algorithm and Flowchart. Decoupled and Fast Decoupled Methods.- Comparison of Different

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Understand about Load flow Solution for Simple Power Systems.
x To determine the Load flow Solution using Gauss Seidel iterative method
x To determine the Load flow Solution using NR method in polar form
x To determine solution of DLF and FDLF
x To know about comparison of various Load flow solutions


Short Circuit Analysis

Symmetrical fault Analysis: Short Circuit Current and MVA Calculations, Fault levels,
Application of Series Reactors. Symmetrical Component Theory:, Positive, Negative and Zero
sequence components: Positive, Negative and Zero sequence Networks. Unsymmetrical Fault
Analysis: LG, LL, LLG and LLLG faults with and without fault impedance, Numerical

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Analyze the Calculations of MVA Calculations, Fault levels

94 Page
x To understand about Sequence Components.
x Calculate the fault current using sequence impedances for unsymmetrical faults
x To determine the fault current for symmetrical faults


Stability Analysis
Elementary concepts of Steady State, Dynamic and Transient Stabilities. Derivation of Swing
Equation, Power Angle Curve and Determination of Steady State Stability. Determination of
Transient Stability by Equal Area Criterion, Application of Equal Area Criterion, Critical
Clearing Angle Calculation. Numerical methods for solution of swing equation - Methods to
improve Stability - Application of Auto Reclosing and Fast Operating Circuit Breakers.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Learn the stability and types of stability
x Analyze the stability using equal area criterion
x To understand methods to improve stability
x Understand and evaluation of fault clearing angle and time

Course Outcomes:

After completing the course, the student should be able to do the following:
x Remember and understand the concepts of per unit values, Y Bus and Z bus formation,
load flow studies, symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault calculations.
x Apply the concepts of good algorithm for the given power system network and obtain the
converged load flow solution and experiment some of these methods using modern tools
and examine the results.
x Analyse the symmetrical faults and unsymmetrical faults and done the fault calculations,
analyse the stability of the system and improve the stability. Demonstrate the use of these
techniques through good communication skills.
x Develop accurate algorithms for different networks and determine load flow studies and
zero, positive and negative sequence impedances to find fault calculations.
x Design and select efficient Circuit Breakers to improve system stability. Implement them
in resolving various day-to-day issues ina Power System.

95 Page
1. G.W.Stagg and A.H.El “Computer Methods in Power System Analysis”, Abiad, Mc Graw-
Hill, 2006.
2. I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari, “Modern Power system Analysis”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company, 2011.

1. Grainger and Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill, 1994.
2. Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill, 1998.
3. B.R.Gupta, “Power System Analysis and Design”, S. Chand & Company, 2005.

96 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives:

x To know about fundamental aspects of distribution system

x To understand principle of distribution substations
x To know about classification of various loads
x To understand difference between conventional load flow studies of power system and
distribution system load flow
x To know about evaluation of voltage droop and power loss calculations
x To know about distribution automation and management system, SCADA



Brief description about electrical power transmission and distribution systems, Different types of
distribution sub-transmission systems, Substation bus schemes, Factors effecting the substation
location, Factors effecting the primary feeder rating, types of primary feeders, Factors affecting
the primary feeder voltage level, Factors effecting the primary feeder loading.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To understand various distribution system classifications
x To know more about primary feeders rating, types
x To know about substation location, bus schemes, etc.
x To know about factors effecting the primary feeder loading



Substations: Rating of a distribution substation for square and hexagonal shaped distribution
substation service area, K constant, Radial feeder with uniformly and non-uniformly distributed
loading. Loads: Various types of loads, Definitions of various terms related to system loading,
detailed description of distribution transformer loading, feeder loading, Modelling of star and
delta connected loads, two-phase and single-phase loads, shunt capacitors.

97 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To know about uniformly distributed loading in distribution substations
x To know about non-uniform distributed loading in distribution substations
x To know about classification of various types of loading
x To understand about modelling of various types of loads and shunt capacitor



Exact line segment model, Modified line model, approximate line segment model, Step-Voltage
Regulators, Line drop compensator, Forward/Backward sweep distribution load flow algorithm –
Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To know about various distribution line models
x To know about step voltage regulator
x To know about line drop compensator
x To evaluate distribution load flow pattern using sweeping algorithms



Analysis of non-three phase primary lines, concepts of four-wire multi-grounded common-

neutral distribution system, Percent power loss calculation, Distribution feeder cost calculation
methods, Capacitor installation types, types of three-phase capacitor-bank connections,
Economic justification for capacitors – Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To know about analysis of various distribution system configurations
x To know how to calculate percent power loss calculations
x To know about methods of calculating distribution feeder cost
x To understand about economic justification of capacitors
x To understand about installation of capacitors at various locations

98 Page


Distribution automation, distribution management systems, distribution automation system

functions, Basic SCADA system, outage management, decision support applications, substation
automation, control feeder automation, database structures and interfaces.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To know about basic concept of automation of distribution systems
x To know about various distribution management /automation systems and functions
x To know about Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition System
x To know about automation of feeders, substations, etc.
x To understand about database structures and interfacing

Course Outcomes:

x To understand basics of distribution systems and substations

x To understand about modelling of various loads
x To perform distribution load flow solutions
x To evaluate power loss and feeder cost
x To know the principles of SCADA, Automation distribution system and management

Text Books:

1. William H. Kersting, “Distribution System Modelling and Analysis”, CRC Press,

Newyork, 2002.
2. Turan Gonen, “Electric Power Distribution System Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Inc.,
New Delhi, 1986.

Reference Books:

1. James Northcote-Green and Robert Wilson, “Control and automation of electrical power
distribution systems”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), New York, 2007.

99 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
(19A02603b) AC DRIVES


Course Objectives:

x To understand the basic concepts of phase Controlled Induction Motor Drive

x To understand the concept of Voltage Source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive
x To design various Rotor Side Control of Slip-Ring Induction Motor
x To understand the concept of Control of Synchronous Motor Drives
x To understand the concept of PMSM and BLDC Drives.


Phase Controlled Induction Motor Drive

Stator Voltage Control of Induction Motor, Phase-Controlled Converter Fed Induction Motor,
Power Circuit and Gating, Reversible Phase-Controlled Induction Motor Drive, Torque-Speed

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of Selection of control of AC motor drive
x To know about various characteristics of phase controlled drives
x To know about power circuit and gating configurations of converter
x To understand about reversible drive


Voltage Source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive

Stator Voltage and Frequency Control of Induction Motor, Torque-Speed Characteristic Static
Frequency Changers, PWM Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive, Variable-Voltage Variable-
Frequency Operation of Induction Motor, Constant E/f And V/f Control Schemes, Slip

100 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of Variable-Frequency operation of Induction Motor
x To understand about variable-voltage, variable-frequency operation of Induction motor
x Understand the concept of Stator Voltage and Frequency Control of Induction Motor
x To understand about PWM fed IM drive


Rotor Side Control of Slip-Ring Induction Motor

Slip-Power Recovery Schemes, Steady-State Analysis- Range of Slip, Equivalent Circuit,

Performance Characteristics; Rating of Converters.
Vector Control of Induction Motor:
Principles of Vector Control, Direct Vector Control, Indirect Vector Control, Implementation –
Block Diagram, Estimation of Flux, Flux Weakening Operation.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of rotor side control Slip-Ring Induction Motor
x To know about performance characteristics
x To know about direct vector control of IM drive
x To know about indirect vector control of IM drive


Control of Synchronous Motor Drives

Synchronous Motor - Control Strategies-Constant Torque Angle Control-Power Factor Control,

Constant Flux Control, Flux Weakening Operation, Load Commutated Inverter Fed Synchronous
Motor Drive, Motoring and Regeneration, Phasor Diagrams.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand Synchronous Motor Control Strategies
x Designing of Commutated Inverter Fed Synchronous Motor Drive
x To know about Motoring and Regeneration
x To understand phasor diagrams of Synchronous Motor Drive
101 Page
PMSM and BLDC Drives
Characteristics of Permanent Magnet, Synchronous Machines With Permanent Magnet, Vector
Control of PMSM- Motor Model and Control Scheme, Constant Torque Angle Control, Constant
Mutual Flux Linkages, Unity PF Control. Modelling of PM Brushless DC Motor, Drive Scheme,
Commutation Torque Ripple, Phase Advancing.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of PMSM and BLDC Drives
x Design of motor model and control schemes of BLDC motors.
x To understand characteristics of PMSM
x To understand BLDC motor modelling aspects

Course Outcomes:

x Understand the basic concepts of AC Motor Drives.

x Modelling and analysis Stator Voltage and Frequency Control of Induction Motor,
Torque-Speed Characteristic Static Frequency Changers, PWM Inverter Fed Induction
Motor Drive.
x Design of speed control of induction motor from rotor end.
x Design and analysis of synchronous motor drives.
x Understand Design the concept of BLDC motor PMSM Motor

1. R. Krishnan, “Electric Motor Drives Modelling, Analysis & control”, Pearson
Education, 2001.
2. B. K. Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives”, Pearson Publications, 2001.


1. MD Murphy & FG Turn Bull, “Power Electronics control of AC motors”, 1st Edition,
Pergaman press, 1998.
2. G.K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives”, Narosa Publications, 1995.
3. S. K. Pillai, “A First Course on Electrical Drives”, New Age International, 1989.
4. Vedam Subrahmanyam, “Electric Drives: Concepts and Applications”, 2nd Edition, Mc
Graw Hill Education, 2017

102 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

This course introduces

x To give an overview of system analysis and design based on state space.
x Design of state feedback control and observer.
x The properties of Nonlinearities.
x Stability analysis for linear and nonlinear systems.
x Design of optimal control problem.



State space representation of systems – State diagrams for continuous time state models –
Solution of state equations – State transmission matrix. controllability and observability for
continuous time systems, Principle of Duality, Controllability and observability of state models
in Jordan canonical form and other canonical forms – Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

x Obtain the State Space Modelling for linear time-invariant systems.
x Know about controllability of a system
x Know about observability of a system
x To understand tests for controllability and observability of a given system.



Fundamental theorem of feedback control - Pole assignment by state feedback using

Ackermann’s formula – Eigen structure assignment problem-Design of full order observer using

103 Page
Ackermann’s formula. - Full order Observer based controller design. Reduced order observer
design - Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

x To know about design of pole assignment
x To know about state observer using state feedback
x To know about full order based controller design aspects
x To know about reduced order design aspects



Introduction to nonlinear systems, Types of nonlinearities, Concepts of describing functions,

describing functions for Dead zone, Saturation, backlash, relay with dead zone and Hysteresis -
Jump Resonance.
Introduction to phase-plane analysis, Method of Isoclines for Constructing Trajectories, Singular
points, Phase-plane analysis of nonlinear control systems – Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

x Develop the describing function for the nonlinearity present to assess the stability of the
x To understand about classification of describing functions
x To understand about construction of trajectories
x To know about Phase plane analysis of non-linear control systems



Stability in the sense of Lyapunov. Lyapunov’s stability and Lypanov’s instability theorems.
Direct method of Lypanov for the Linear and Nonlinear continuous time autonomous systems –
Numerical problems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

104 Page
x To understand about Lyapunov stability
x Develop Lyapunov function for the stability analysis of nonlinear systems
x To understand Lyapunov instability theorems
x To understand and solve direct method of Lyapunov with numerical examples



Discrete time linear state regulator – Algorithm for the solution, Use of observer in
implementing the control law. Continuous time linear state regulator – Matrix Riccati equation.
Time invariant linear state regulator – the reduced matrix Riccati equation - An iterative method
to solve the reduced matrix Riccati equation – Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit the student will be able to get exposed to:
x Introduction to optimal control
x To know about discrete and continuous time linear state regulators
x To understand about Matrix Riccati equation
x To solve numerical problems using the above methods

Course Outcomes:

x To develop state variable models and its solution for various systems
x To understand and develop models for full order and reduced order based observers
x To know about describing function and analyse systems
x To understand about phase plane analysis of non-linear control systems
x To understand and develop models for Lyapunov’s stability criterion
x To understand basic principles of optimal control and solving discrete and continuous
linear state regulator systems

105 Page
1. M. Gopal, “Modern Control System Theory” 2nd edition, New Age International
Publishers, 1996
2. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering” 3rd edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1998


1. M. Gopal, “Digital Control and State Variable Methods” Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 1997.
2. Gene F. Franklin, “Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems”, 6th Edition, J.D. Powell,
Pearson, 2010.
3. Stainslaw H. Zak , “Systems and Control”, Oxford Press, 2003
4. N. K. Sinha, “Control Systems”, 3rd Edition, New Age International, 2005.
5. by Graham C. Goodwin, “Control System Design”, Stefan F. Graebe and Mario E.
Salgado, Pearson, 2000

106 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
(Professional Elective III)

Course Objectives:
x To introduce major components of an embedded system
x To expose role of firmware, operating systems in correlation with hardware systems.
x To explain interfacing of various communication and I/O devices to an embedded system
x To demonstrate implementation of embedded systems for different applications


Introduction to Embedded Systems: Definition of embedded system, embedded systems vs

general computing systems, history of embedded systems, classification of embedded systems,
major application areas of embedded systems, purpose of embedded systems, Processor and OS
trends in embedded system.
Embedded hardware units and devices in a system, embedded software in a system and an
overview of programming languages, skills required for an embedded system designer, examples
of the embedded systems.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Differentiate embedded system and general computing system (L2)
x Classify embedded systems based on performance, complexity and era in which they are
evolved (L4)
x Discuss basic hardware and software units used in embedded systems (L3)


Core of the embedded system, memory, sensors and actuators, communication interface,
embedded firmware, other system components, Characteristics of an embedded system, Quality
attributes of embedded systems.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Summarize different factors to be considered in the selection of memory for an embedded
system (L2)
x Describe role of sensors, actuators and their interfacing with I/O subsystems(L2)

107 Page
x Explain role of embedded firmware in embedded system (L2)
x Understand characteristics describing an embedded system (L2)
x Discuss important quality attributes of the embedded system for online and offline modes


I/O, Communication devices and Interrupt Service Mechanism: I/O types and examples, serial
communication devices, parallel device ports, wireless devices, timer and counting devices,
Interrupt-driven input and output, interrupt service routine concept, interrupt sources, hardware
interrupts, software interrupts, interrupt-servicing mechanism, multiple interrupts, interrupt
service threads as second-level interrupt handlers, context and the periods for context switching,
interrupt latency, interrupt-service deadline, interrupt service mechanism form context-saving
angle, direct memory access driven I/O, Device driver programming.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Summarize pros and cons of interrupt driven data transfer (L2)
x Discuss hardware and software interrupts with examples (L3)
x Know how interrupts can be used to minimize latency (L3)
x Differentiate ISRs & device driver functions (L2)
x Describe uses of hardware and software assigned priorities in an interrupt service
mechanism (L2)


Inter-process Communication (IPC): Multiple processes in an application, multiple threads in an

application, tasks, task and thread states, tasks and data, distinction between function, ISR, IST
and task by their characteristics, inter-process communication and synchronization, signals,
concept of semaphores, disabling and enabling functions, shared data problem, queues and
mailboxes, pipe and socket functions, remote procedure call functions.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Describe mechanism to create multiple tasks (processes & threads),control task states and
allocate system resources to the tasks (L2)
x Explain IPC functions to enable communication of signals, semaphores and messages
from ISRs and tasks (L2)
x Discuss IPC functions for pipes, sockets and RPCs (L3)

108 Page

REAL-TIMEOPERATING SYSTEMS - Operating System Overview, Operating System -

Functions, Types and Services of Operating Systems, Real-Time Operating System, RTOS
overview, RTOS Task Scheduling, Keil RTX RTOS, RTOS on Mbed platform,
MbedRTOSAPI, Using Mbed RTOS API for your Project, Thread, Mutex and Semaphore.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Explain about operating system and RTOS (L2)
x Summarize different features of RTOS (L2)
x Build RTOS based embedded system using Keil RTX mbed platform (L6)

Course Outcomes:

x Identify hardware and software components of an embedded system.

x Choose appropriate embedded system architecture for the given application.
x Discuss quality attributes and characteristics of an embedded system.
x Illustrate different Inter Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms used by
tasks/process/tasks to communicate in multitasking environment.
x Design an RTOS based embedded system.

Text Books:

1. Shibu K V, “Introduction to Embedded Systems”, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill

2. Raj Kamal, “Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design”, 3rd edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2017.

1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice GillispieMazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay, “The 8051
Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C”, 2nd edition, Pearson
Education India, 2007
2. Jonathan W.Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer Systems Real Time Interfacing”,
3rdEdition Cengage Learning, 2012.
3. David. E. Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer” 1st Edition, Fifth Impression,
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2007.

109 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives:

x To know about basics of alternate source as wind energy and its types
x To know about operations of FSIG
x To know about configuration of DFIG and its performance
x To know about configuration of FRC and its performance
x To know about integration of various other sources with wind farms


Fundamentals of Wind Energy Systems

Wind farms, Wind energy generating system, wind power, efficiency of wind energy,
conversion, types, WEC devices, characteristics - Power Vs Speed and Torque Vs Speed,
Control strategies – pitch angle control, stall control and yaw control
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To understand about fundamental concepts of wind farms
x To know about various types of WES
x To know about calculation of wind power and efficiency
x To know about various characteristics of WES
x To understand about various basic control strategies of WES


Fixed Speed Induction Generator based Wind Turbines

Configuration, Two speed operation, variable slip operation, Modelling of FSIG, Dynamic
performance, Small disturbances, Performance during network faults
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To understand about FSIG as WTG and its configuration

110 Page
x To know about basic operations of FSIG
x To understand about modelling of FSIG
x To know about performance of FSIG for small perturbations
x To understand about performance of FSIG for faults


DFIG based Wind Turbines

Configuration, Steady state characteristics, control strategies – control for optimum wind power
extraction, current mode control, Rotor flux magnitude and angle control, dynamic performance,
small disturbances, performance during network faults – Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To understand about DFIG as WTG
x To know about various characteristics of DFIG
x To know about various control strategies of DFIG
x To know about performance of DFIG for small disturbances
x To understand about performance of DFIG during faults


Variable Speed and FRC Wind Generators

Classification of schemes – operating area, Induction Generators – Cage rotor Induction

Generator, Doubly fed Induction Generator, Wound-field Synchronous Generator, Permanent
Magnet Generator.
FRC based Synchronous Generator - Direct driven FRC Synchronous Generator, Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Generator, dynamic performance. FRC Induction Generator – Steady state
performance, control, performance characteristics - Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To understand about variable speed IGs as WTG
x To know about classification of DFIG for variable speed operation
x To understand about FRC based SG as WTG
x To know about permanent magnet SG
x To know about performance characteristics of various DFIGs

111 Page

Integration of Wind Farms

Offshore wind farms, Onshore grid connection, Technical analysis, Hybrid Energy Systems –
Wind-Diesel hybrid system with no storage and with battery backup, Wind-Photovoltaic systems
– Numerical problems

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x To understand about the necessity of integration of wind farms with other sources
x To distinguish between offshore and onshore wind farms
x To know about integration of WES with diesel
x To integrate the system with and without storage backup
x To understand about integration of grid with PV systems

Course Outcomes:

1. To be able to distinguish between FSIG, VSIG, FRC as WES

2. To be able to understand which IG is to be selected based on the requirement
3. To be able to understand differences between various control strategies of different IGs
4. To be able to understand differences between various performance characteristics of
different IGs
5. To know about integration of WES with other sources such as diesel, PV and their


1. S.N. Bhadra, D, Kastha and S. Banerjee, “Wind Electrical Systems”, 12th Impression,
OXFORD University Press, 2013.
2. Olimpo Anaya-Lara, Nick Jenkins, Janaka Ekanayake, “Wind Energy Generation:
Modelling and Control Phill Cartwright and Mike Hughes”, WILEY, 2009.


1. Mukund R. Patel, “Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design, Analysis and Operation” 2nd
Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2006.
2. N.K. Bansal, “Renewable Energy Sources & Conversion Technology Manfred Kleemann
and Michael Meliss”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1990.

112 Page
B.Tech (EEE) – III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

x To teach Health and Environment Concerns in waste water management

x To teach material balance and design aspects of the reactors used in waste water
x To impart knowledge on selection of treatment methods for industrial waste water
x To teach common methods of treatment in different industries
x To provide knowledge on operational problems of common effluent treatment plant


Industrial water Quantity and Quality requirements:

Boiler and cooling waters–Process water for Textiles, Food processing, Brewery Industries,
power plants, fertilizers, sugar mills Selection of source based on quality, quantity and
economics. Use of Municipal wastewater in Industries – Adsorption, Reverse Osmosis, Ion
Exchange, Ultra filtration, Freezing, Elutriation, Removal of Colour, Odour and Taste.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
x Learn the procedures for assessment of quality of Industrial water
x Suggest different processes of handling waste water


Basic theories of Industrial Wastewater Management: Industrial waste survey - Measurement

of industrial wastewater Flow-generation rates – Industrial wastewater sampling and preservation
of samples for analysis -Wastewater characterization-Toxicity of industrial effluents-Treatment
of wastewater-unit operations and processes-Volume and Strength reduction – Neutralization and
Equalization, Segregation and proportioning- recycling, reuse and resources recovery

113 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Measure industrial waste water flow
x Characterize waste water
x Suggest techniques for treatment of waste water.


Industrial wastewater disposal management: Discharges into Streams, Lakes and oceans and
associated problems, Land treatment - Common Effluent Treatment Plants: advantages and
suitability, Limitations and challenges- Recirculation of Industrial Wastes- Effluent Disposal

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understand options for waste water disposal.
x Explain functioning of common effluent treatment plants

Process and Treatment of specific Industries-1: Manufacturing Process and origin,
characteristics, effects and treatment methods of liquid waste from Steel plants, Fertilizers,
Textiles, Paper and Pulp industries, Oil Refineries, Coal and Gas based Power Plants

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understand the character of waste water from Steel plants and refineries
x Suggest suitable waste water treatment techniques


Process and Treatment of specific Industries-2: Manufacturing Process and origin,

characteristics, effects and treatment methods of liquid waste from Tanneries, Sugar Mills,
Distillers, Dairy and Food Processing industries, Pharmaceutical Plants

114 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understand the character of waste water from tanneries and distilleries

x Suggest suitable waste water treatment techniques

Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
ɫ Design treatment methods for any industrial wastewater.
ɫ Examine the manufacturing process of various industries.
ɫ Assess need for common effluent treatment plant for an industry
ɫ Test and analyze BOD, COD, TSS and MPN in waste water.

1. M. N. Rao and A. K. Dutta, “Wastewater Treatment”, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi.
2. K.V. S. G. Murali Krishna, “Industrial Water and Wastewater Management”.

1. A. D. Patwardhan, “Industrial Wastewater treatment”, PHI Learning, Delhi
2.Metcalf and Eddy Inc., “Wastewater Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill co., New Delhi.
3.G. L. Karia & R.A. “Christian Wastewater Treatment- Concepts and Design Approach”,
Prentice Hall of India.

115 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

x To impart knowledge in concepts of building maintenance

x To insists the student to observe various practices of good building maintenance
x To teach the importance safety in buildings
x To demonstrate the use of ventilation in buildings.
x To give the list of different types of machineries in buildings

PLUMBING SERVICES: Water supply system- fixing of pipes in buildings –
maintenance of buildings- water meters-sanitary fittings-design of building drainage- gas
supply systems

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understand water supply system
x Understand the building drainage system.


VENTILATION: Necessity of ventilation – functional requirements – systems of

ventilation-natural ventilation-artificial ventilation-air conditioning-systems of air
conditioning-essentials of air conditioning-protection against fire caused by air
conditioning systems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understand concepts of ventilation
x Understand concepts of air conditioning

116 Page
THERMAL INSULATION: Heat transfer system-thermal insulating materials-methods
of thermal insulation-economics of thermal insulation-thermal insulation of exposed
walls, doors,windows and roofs.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understand methods of insulation
x Understand materials of insulation


FIRE SAFETY: Causes of fire in buildings-fire safety regulations-charecteristics of fire

resisting materials- fire resistant construction-heat and smoke detecters-fire alarms-fire
fighting pump and water storage.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understand safety regulations of fire system
x Know about the implementation and usage of various fire resistant materials in
building construction


MACHINERIES IN BUILDINGS: Lifts-essential requirements-design considerations-

escalators-essential requirements-electrical installations in buildings-lighting in
buildings-methods of electrical wiring-earthing

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understanding of different machineries of buildings
x Understanding of electrical installation of buildings

117 Page
Course Outcomes:

Student will be able to understand

x Concepts of plumbing, drainage system and gas supply system
x Concepts of ventilation and air conditioning
x Concepts of thermal insulation and economics of thermal insulation
x Concepts of fire safety in buildings and fire resistant construction
x Concepts of different machineries of buildings


1. B.C.Punmia, Er. Ashok K jain, Arun K Jain “Building construction”, Laxmi

publications New Delhi.
2. Janardhan Jah, S.K Sinha, “Building construction”, Khanna publishers
3. Rangwala, “Building construction”, Charothar publishing house.


1. David V Chaddrton, “Building services engineering”, Outledge

2. P.C Varghees “Building construction”, Printice hall india

118 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

x To understand the basic concepts of Automation

x To understand the concepts of automation cycle and hardware components
x To gain knowledge about pneumatic and hydraulic devices
x To understand the concepts of sensors and actuators
x To know the use of Robotics used in industries automation


Introduction to Automation

Definition and fundamentals of automation, reasons for Automating, basic elements of an

automated system: Power, Program and control system, safety, maintenance & repair diagnosis,
error detection and recovery, Automation principles and strategies: USA principle, strategies of
automation and production system, automation migration strategy
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x To understand the fundamental concepts of automation and its basic elements
x To understand system safety requirements
x To understand about maintenance and repair strategies
x To know about production system automation


Mechanization and Automation

Basic principles of Mechanization and automation, product cycle, hard Vs flexible automation,
Capital- intensive Vs low cost automation. Types of systems-mechanical, electrical, hydraulic,
pneumatic and hybrid systems, Automation using CAMS, Geneva mechanisms, gears etc.
Assembly line Automation: automated assembly systems, transfer systems, vibratory bowl
feeders, non-vibratory feeders, part orienting, feed track, part placing & part escapement
systems. Introduction to Material storage/ handling and transport systems, and its automation
using AS/RS, AGVS and conveyors etc.

119 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x To know about how to analyse the various automation methods
x To know about assembling and placing of various parts
x To distinguish between mechanization and automation of systems
x To know about material storage, handling and automation using various approaches


Pneumatics and hydraulics

Hydraulic and pneumatic devices-Different types of valves, Actuators and auxiliary elements in
Pneumatics & hydraulics , their applications and use of their ISO symbols. Synthesis and design
of circuits (up to 3 cylinders)–pneumatic, electro pneumatics and hydraulics. Design of Electro-
Pneumatic Circuits using single solenoid and double solenoid valves; with and without grouping.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x To know design of various pneumatic and hydraulic components
x To understand about synthesis and design of Pneumatic circuits
x To understand about electro pneumatic circuits
x To design using various solenoid valves with and without grouping


Sensors & Actuators Sensors

Selection of sensors (Displacement, temperature, acceleration, force /pressure) based on static

and dynamic characteristics. Interfacing: Concept of interfacing, bit accuracy and sampling
speed, amplifying electronics, and microcontroller. Actuators: Principle and selection of electro
mechanical actuators (1) DC motors (2) Stepper Motors (3) Solenoid Actuators (4) Servo Motors
(5) BLDC
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x To know about selection of sensors and actuators based on dynamic characteristics
x To understand about necessity of interfacing sensors with Microcontroller
x To understand principle and selection of actuators
x To apply various electro mechanical actuators to certain machines

120 Page

Robots and their applications

Introduction to robots, Types, Classifications, Selection of robots, Robot Degrees of freedom,

Robot configuration, Accuracy and repeatability, Specification of a robot, Robot feedback
controls: Point to point control and Continuous path control, Control system for robot joint,
Adaptive control, Drives and transmission systems, End effectors, Industrial robot applications
of robots

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x To know about Robots, classification, selection and specifications
x To understand the use of robotics in industrial applications
x To know about various feedback controls of Robot
x To understand how adaptive control strategies can be used in Robots

Course Outcomes:

6. Understand the basic concepts of Industrial automation

7. Design and analysis of automation methods, placing and assembling of various parts
8. Design of various processing and control circuits using pneumatic and hydraulic elements
9. Selection of sensors based on the industrial application
10. Role of robotics in industrial applications


3. Stamatios Manesis and George Nikolakopoulos, “Introduction to Industrial Automation”,

CRC Press, 2018.
4. Frank Lamb, “Industrial Automation”, Hands on, Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013.


3. Richerd L. Shell and Ernest L. Hall, “Hand Book of Industrial Automation”, CRC Press,

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B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

To make the students learn about:

x The Basic concepts, rules for combining probabilities of events, failure density and
distribution functions.
x Evaluation of network Reliability / Unreliability and types of redundancies.
x Evaluation of network Reliability / Unreliability using conditional probability method.
x Expected value and standard deviation of Exponential distribution and Measures of
x Evaluation of Limiting State Probabilities of one, two component repairable models.


Basic Probability Theory

Basic concepts – Rules for combining Probabilities of events – Failure Density and Distribution
functions – Bernoulli’s trials – Binomial distribution – Expected value and standard deviation for
binomial distribution – Examples

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x To know about basic rules for probabilities of events
x To distinguish between pdf and cdf
x Get detailed information about Probability of failure density and distribution functions
x Obtain the expected value and standard deviation for binomial distribution.


Network Modeling and Reliability Evaluation

Basic concepts – Evaluation of network Reliability / Unreliability – Series systems, Parallel

systems, Series - Parallel systems, partially redundant systems – Types of redundancies -
Evaluation of network Reliability / Unreliability using conditional probability method – Paths
based and Cutset based approach – complete event tree and reduced event tree methods -

122 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x How to find the Probability of success and failures of network using different approaches
for series-parallel configurations.
x Classification of redundancies.
x To find reliability / unreliability of complex systems using different methods
x Comparison of approaches to solve probability index of SISO system


Time Dependent Probability

Basic concepts – Reliability functions f(t), Q(t), R(t), h(t) – Relationship between these functions
– Bath tub curve – Exponential failure density and distribution functions - Expected value and
standard deviation of Exponential distribution – Measures of reliability – MTTF, MTTR, MTBF
– Evaluation of network reliability / Unreliability of simple Series, Parallel, Series-Parallel
systems - Partially redundant systems - Evaluation of reliability measure – MTTF for series and
parallel systems – Examples.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Understand the concepts of time domain functions and relationship between them.
x Obtain the expected value and standard deviation for exponential distribution.
x Obtain the values of probabilistic measures for series and parallel configurations.
x To obtain probabilistic measures for fully redundant and partially redundant


Discrete Markov Chains & Continuous Markov Processes

Markov Chains:Basic concepts – Stochastic transitional Probability matrix – time dependent

probability evaluation – Limiting State Probability evaluation – Absorbing states.
Markov Processes: Modeling concepts – State space diagrams – time dependent reliability
evaluation of single component repairable model – Evaluation of Limiting State Probabilities of
one, two component repairable models – Frequency and duration concepts – Frequency balance
approach - Examples.

Learning Outcomes:

123 Page
At the end of the unit, the student will be able to
x Understand the concepts of Stochastic Transitional Probability Matrix, Limiting State
x To know about evaluation for one and two component repairable models.
x Understand the concept of Frequency balance approach.
x To distinguish between Markov chains and Markov processes


Multi Component & Approximate System Reliability Evaluation

Recursive relation for evaluation of equivalent transitional rates– cumulative probability and
cumulative frequency and ‘n’ component repairable model – Series systems, Parallel systems,
Basic probability indices – Series, Parallel systems – Complex Systems– Cutset approach –

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Understand the concepts of recursive relation for evaluation of equivalent transitional
x Obtain the cumulative probability and cumulative frequency for different systems
x To know about computation of basic probability indices for series, parallel configurations
x To know how to evaluate basic probability indices using cut set approach

Course Outcomes:

After completing the course, the student should be able to do the following:
x Understand the concepts for combining Probabilities of events, Bernoulli’s trial, and
Binomial distribution.
x Network Reliability/Unreliability using conditional probability, path and cutset based
approach, complete event tree and reduced event tree methods.
x Understanding Reliability functions and to develop relationship between these functions,
expected value and standard deviation of Exponential distribution and measures of
x Analyze the time dependent reliability evaluation of single component repairable model,
frequency and duration concepts, Frequency balance approach.
x Recursive relation for evaluation of equivalent transitional rates, cumulative probability
and cumulative frequency and ‘n’ component repairable model.

124 Page
Text Books:

1. Roy Billinton and Ronald N. Allan, “Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems”,

Reprinted in India B. S. Publications, 2007.
2. E. Balagurusamy, “Reliability Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.

Reference Books:

1. E. E. Lewis , “Introduction to Reliability Engineering” Wiley Publications.

2. Charles E. Ebeling, “Reliability and Maintainability Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. by Ajit Kumar Verma, Srividya Ajit and Durga Rao Karanki, Springer, “Reliability and
Safety Engineering” 2nd edition, 2016.
4. Rausand and Arnljot Hoyland, “System Reliability Theory Marvin”, Wiley Publictions.

125 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

x Familiarize the technologies behind modern mechatronic systems.

x Explain fundamentals for the development of fully automated system.
x Develop a robotic or automated systems focusing on the hardware and software
x Demonstrate the development and design of mechatronic system and MEMS.


Introduction: Definition of Mechatronics, Need for Mechatronics in Industry, Objectives of

mechatronics, mechatronics design process, Mechatronics key elements, mechatronics
applications – Computer numerical control (CNC) machines, Tool monitoring systems, Flexible
manufacturing system (FMS), Industrial Robots, Automatic packaging systems, Automatic
inspection systems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Explain the role of mechatronics in industry.(l2)
x Identify the application of mechatronics in automation industry.(l3)


Sensors: Static characteristics of sensors, Displacement, Position and Proximity sensors, Force
and torque sensors, Pressure sensors, Flow sensors, Temperature sensors, Acceleration sensors,
Level sensors, Light sensors, Smart material sensors, Micro and Nano sensors, Selection criteria
for sensors.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Classify various types of sensors. (l2)
x Choose sensors for particular application. (l3)
x Measure different quantity’s using sensors. (l4)

126 Page

Actuators: Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Actuation systems, Characteristics

and their limitations, Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic circuits, Piezoelectric actuators, Shape
memory alloys, Selection criteria for actuators.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Classify various actuation systems. (l2)
x Choose the criterion for different actuators. (l1)


Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic Controllers: Architecture of

of Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Programmable Logic Controller, PLC Programming
using ladder diagrams, logics, latching, sequencing, timers relays and counters, data handling,
Analog input/output, selection of controllers.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Understand the architecture of microprocessors, microcontrollers and PLC. (L2)
x Formulate various programs using PLC. (L6)


Design of mechotronics systems, Mechotronics design elements, Traditional mechatronics

systems, Embedded systems, Procedure for designing a mechotronic systems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

x Understanding design of mechotronics . (L2)
x Various Mechotronics systems. (L4)
x Design Aspects of Mechotronic systems. (L2)

127 Page
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
x Explain mechatronics systems in industry. (l2)
x Identify mechatronic systems encountered in practice. (l3)
x Examine the components of a typical mechatronic system. (l4)
x Compare the various techniques used for development of mems. (l4)
x Develop programs using plc. (l6)

Text books:

1. Er R. Rajput, “ A Text book of Mechatronics”, S.Chand,2nd edition-2016.

2. James J Allen, “Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Design”, CRC Press Taylor &
Francis group, 2005.

Reference Text books:

1. WBolton, “Mechatronics Electronics Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical

Engineering”, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Press, 2005.
2. Devadas Shetty and Richard A Kolk, “Mechatronic System Design”, 2nd edition, Cengage
learning, 2010.
3. Clarence W. de Silva, “Mechatronics an Integrated Approach”, CRC Press, 2004.
4. Ganesh S Hedge, “Mechatronics”, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010.

128 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives

ɫ Introduce basics of MATLAB

ɫ Familiarize the fundamentals of optimization
ɫ Explain single variable optimization using various methods
ɫ Implement multi variable optimization using various methods
ɫ Train various evolutionary algorithms.


Introduction to MAT LAB: Overview, MATLAB Preliminaries, Basics of MATLAB, Beyond

the Basics of MATLAB, Popular Functions and Commands, Plotting using MATLAB,
Optimization with MATLAB.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Write simple codes in MATLAB. (L3)
ɫ Plot the data using MATLAB. (L3)
ɫ Implement optimization models in MATLAB. (L3)


Introduction to Optimization: Statement of an optimization problem, Classifications of

optimization Problems: Single variable optimization, Multi variable optimization with no
constraints, Multi variable optimization with equality constraints, Multi variable optimization
with inequality constraints, Convex and Concave programming.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Build optimization problem. (l1)
ɫ Solve various optimization problems(l3)
ɫ Compare convex and concave programming (l4)

Single Variable Optimization: Finite difference method, Central difference method, Runge-
Kutta method, interval halving method, golden section method with MATLAB code.

129 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Understand various methods involving single variable optimization. (l2)
ɫ Develop codes in matlab for different methods. (l3)
ɫ Identify methods for solving a single variable optimization problem. (l3)


Multi Variable Optimization: Conjugate gradient method, Newton's method, Powell's method,
Flectcher- Reeves method, Hook and Jeeves method, interior penalty function with MATLAB

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Apply various methods involving multi variable optimization. (l2)
ɫ Develop codes in matlab for solving various multi variable optimization problems. (l3)
ɫ Choose methods for solving a multi variable optimization problem. (l3)


Evolutionary Algorithms: Overview, Genetic Algorithms: Basics of Genetic Algorithms,

Options in MATLAB, Multi Objective Optimization using Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony
Optimization, Simulated Annealing, Particle Swarm Optimization.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Apply different types of genetic algorithms. (l3)
ɫ Model optimization problems using genetic algorithms in matlab. (l3)
ɫ Compare different genetic algorithms for performance. (l5)

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course the student can be able to

x Use optimization terminology and concepts, and understand how to classify an
optimization problem.(l4)
ɫ Apply optimization methods to engineering problems.(l3)
ɫ Implement optimization algorithms.(l3)
ɫ Compare different genetic algorithms. (l5)
x Solve multivariable optimization problems. (l4)

130 Page

1. Rao V.Dukkipati, MATLAB: “An Introduction with Applications”, Anshan, 2010.

2. Achille Messac, “Optimization in practice with MATLAB”, Cambridge University Press,
3. Jasbir S Arora, “Introduction to optimum design”, 2nd edition. Elsevier, 2004.


1. Cesar Perez Lopez, “MATLAB Optimization Techniques”, Academic press, Springer

publications, 2014.
2. Steven C.Chapra, “Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and
scientists”: 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.

131 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
(19A04604a) BASICS OF VLSI

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course are to

x Learn and Understand IC Fabrication process steps required for various MOS circuits
x Understand and Experience VLSI Design Flow
x Learn Transistor-Level CMOS Logic Design
x Understand VLSI Fabrication and Experience CMOS Physical Design
x Learn to Analyze Gate Function and Timing Characteristics

Introduction:Introduction to MOS Technology – MOS, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS and

BiCMOStechnologies, fabrication fundamentals: Oxidation, Lithography, Diffusion,
Ionimplantation, Metallization and Encapsulation.

Basic Electrical Properties:Basic Electrical Properties of MOS,CMOS and BiCMOS Circuits,

IDS-VDSrelationships, MOS transistor threshold Voltage, gm, gds, figure of merit ωo,
Passtransistor, NMOS inverter, Various pull - ups, Determination of pull-up to pulldown ratio
( Zpu / Zpd ) , CMOS Inverter analysis and design, BiCMOS inverters,Latch-up in CMOS circuits.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Demonstrate a clear understanding of CMOS fabrication flow and technology scaling
x Analyze the electrical properties of MOS and BiCMOS circuits (L3)
x Design MOSFET based logic circuit (L4)

VLSI Circuit Design Processes:VLSI Design Flow, MOS Layers, Stick Diagrams, Design
Rules and Layouts,Lambda based design rules, Contact cuts , CMOS Lambda based design
rules,Layout Diagrams for logic gates, Transistor structures, wires and vias, Scaling ofMOS
circuits- Scaling models, scaling factors, scaling factors for device parameters, Limitations of

132 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Understand the design rules and layout diagram for logic gates, limitations of scaling
x Draw the Layout of simple MOS circuit using Lambda based design rules (L2)

Gate Level Design and Layout:Architectural issues, Switch logic networks: Gate logic,
Alternate gate circuit:Pseudo-NMOS Dynamic CMOS logic. Basic circuit concepts, Sheet
ResistanceRS and its concept to MOS, Area Capacitance Units, Calculations, The delay unitT,
Inverter Delays, Driving large Capacitive Loads, Wiring Capacitances, Fan-inand fan-out,
Choice of layers

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Apply basic circuit concepts to MOS circuits. (L2)
x Estimate the propagation delays in CMOS circuits (L3).


Subsystem Design:Subsystem Design, Shifters, Adders, ALUs, Multipliers: Array multiplier,

SerialParallel multiplier, Parity generator, Comparators, Zero/One Detectors, Up/DownCounter,
Memory elements: SRAM, DRAM, ROM, Serial Access Memories.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Apply the Lambda based design rules for subsystem design (L2)
x Design of Adders, Multipliers and memories etc(L4)
x Design digital systems using MOS circuits(L4)


Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Design:PLDs, FPGAs, CPLDs, Standard Cells,

Programmable Array Logic,Programmable Logic Array Design Approach.

133 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

x Analyze various architectures and device technologies of PLDs(L3)
x Design simple logic circuit using PLA, PAL, FPGA and CPLD.(L4)
Course Outcomes:

x Learn the basic fabrication process of MOS transistors, study CMOS inverter circuits,
basic circuit concepts such as Sheet Resistance, Area Capacitance and Delay calculation,
Field programmable gate arrays and realization techniques, CPLDs and FPGAs for
implementing the various logic functions.

x Apply CMOS technology-specific layout rules in the placement and routing of transistors
and interconnect, and to verify the functionality.

x Analyze the performance of CMOS Inverter circuits

x Compare various Scaling models and understand the effect of scaling on device


1. Kamran Eshraghian, “Essentials of VLSI circuits and systems”, EshraghianDouglesand

A. Pucknell, PHI, 2005 Edition
2. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 1997.


1. John .P. Uyemura, “CMOS logic circuit Design”, Springer, 2007.

2. Neil H. E Weste, “CMOS VLSI Design – A Circuits and Systems Perspective”, 3rd
edition, DavidHarris, Ayan Banerjee, Pearson, 2009.

134 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

x To understand the concept of various modulation schemes and multiplexing.

x To apply the concept of various modulation schemes to solve engineering problems.
x To analyse various modulation schemes.
x To evaluate various modulation scheme in real time applications.


Amplitude Modulation

Introduction to Noise and Fourier Transform. An overview of Electronic Communication

Systems. Need for Frequency Translation, Amplitude Modulation: DSB-FC, DSB-SC, SSB-SC
and VSB. Frequency Division Multiplexing. Radio Transmitter and Receiver.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the concept of noise, Fourier transform, career modulation and frequency
division multiplexing (L1).
x Apply the concept of amplitude modulationto solve engineering problems (L2).
x Analyse various amplitude modulation schemes (L3).
x Evaluate various amplitude modulation schemes in real time applications (L3).


Angle Modulation

Angle Modulation, Tone modulated FM Signal, Arbitrary Modulated FM Signal, FM

Modulation and Demodulation. Stereophonic FM Broadcasting.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the concept of angle modulation and its components (L1).

135 Page
x Apply the concept of frequency modulation to solve engineering problems (L2).
x Analyse angle modulation schemes (L3).
x Evaluate frequency modulation scheme in real time applications (L3).


Pulse Modulation

Sampling Theorem: Low pass and Band pass Signals. Pulse Amplitude Modulation and Concept
of Time Division Multiplexing. Pulse Width Modulation. Digital Representation of Analog

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the concept of various pulse modulation schemes and time division
multiplexing (L1).
x Analyse various pulse modulation schemes (L3).


Digital Modulation

Binary Amplitude Shift Keying, Binary Phase Shift Keying and QuadraturePhase Shift Keying,
Binary Frequency Shift Keying. Regenerative Repeater.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the concept of various digital modulation schemes (L1).
x Analyze various digital modulation schemes (L3).


Communication Systems
Satellite, RADAR, Optical, Mobile and Computer Communication (Block diagram approach

136 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

x Understand the concept of various communication systems (L1).

Note: The main emphasis is on qualitative treatment. Complex mathematical treatment may
be avoided.

Course Outcomes:

x Understand the concept of various modulation schemes and multiplexing (L1).

x Apply the concept of various modulation schemes to solve engineering problems
x Analyse various modulation schemes, and evaluate various modulation scheme in real
time applications (L3).


1. Herbert Taub, Donald L Schilling and Goutam Saha, “Principles of Communication

Systems”, 3rdEdition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2008.

1. B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding and Hari M. Gupta, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication
Systems”, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2017.
2. K. Sam Shanmugam “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, Wiley India Edition,

Blooms’ Learning levels:

L1: Remembering and Understanding
L2: Applying
L3: Analyzing, Evaluating

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B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


Open Elective-II
(Common to CSE & IT)
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
x Explore the history of spatial computing and design interactions
x Understand the foundational principles describing how hardware, computer vision
algorithms function
x Learn Virtual reality animation and 3D Art optimization
x Demonstrate Virtual reality
x Introduce to the design of visualization tools

How Humans interact with Computers: Common term definition, introduction, modalities
through the ages (pre- 20th century, through world war-II, post world war-II, the rise of personal
computing, computer miniaturization), why did we just go over all of this?, types of common
HCI modalities, new modalities, the current state of modalities for spatial computing devices,
current controllers for immersive computing systems, a note on hand tracking and hand pose
Designing for our Senses, Not our Devices: Envisioning a future, sensory technology
explained, who are we building this future for?, sensory design, five sensory principles, Adobe’s
AR story.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Explain common modalities and their pros and cons.(L2)
x Demonstrate Mapping modalities to current industry inputs(L2)
x Explore the importance of design with spatial computing(L5)

Virtual Reality for Art: A more natural way of making 3D art, VR for animation.
3D art optimization: Introduction, draw calls, using VR tools for creating 3D art, acquiring 3D
models vs making them from scratch.
How the computer vision that makes augmented reality possible works: Who are we?, a
brief history of AR, how and why to select an AR platform, mapping, platforms, other
development considerations, the AR cloud.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Utilize VR tools for creating 3D Animations(L3)

138 Page
x Analyze how and why to Select an AR Platform(L4)

Virtual reality and augmented reality: cross platform theory: Why cross platform? The role of
game engines, understanding 3D graphics, portabiltity lessons from video game design,
simplifying the controller input.
Virtual reality toolkit: open source framework for the community: What is VRTK and why
people use it?, the history of VRTK, welcome to the steam VR unity toolkit, VRTK v4, the
future of VRTK, success of VRTK.
Three virtual reality and augmented reality development practices: Developing for virtual
reality and augmented reality, handling locomotion, effective use of audio, common interaction

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Explain why the design approach should be considered at a holistic high level based on
the goal of the experience(L2)
x Build VR solutions using Virtual reality toolkit(L6)
x Interpret the development practices in three Virtual reality and Augmented reality

Data and machine learning visualization design and development in spatial computing:
Introduction, understanding data visualization, principles for data and machine learning
visualization design and development in spatial computing, why data and machine learning
visualization works in spatial computing, 2D data visualization vs 3D data visualization in spatial
computing, interactivity in data visualizations and in spatial computing, animation, failures in
data visualization, good data visualization design optimize 3D spaces, data representations, info
graphics, and interactions, defining distinctions in data visualization and big data for machine,
how to create data visualization: data visualization creation pipeline, webXR, data visualization
challenges in XR, data visualization industry use case examples of data visualization, 3D
reconstruction and direct manipulation of real world data, data visualization is for everyone,
hands on tutorials, how to create data visualization, resources.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Understand, define, and set data and machine visualization design and development
principles in embodied reality(L1)
x Demonstrate best practices, and practical tools to create beautiful and functional data

Character AI and Behaviors: Introduction, behaviors, current practice: Reactive AI, more
intelligence in the system, Deliberative AI, machine learning.

139 Page
The virtual and augmented reality health technology ecosystem: VR/AR health technology
application design, standard UX isn’t intuitive, tutorial: insight Parkinson’s experiment,
companies, case studies from leading Academic institutions.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Design a behavioral AI system for a video game(L6)
x Identify issues related to design of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)
experiences deployed in a health-care context(L3)
x Explain the use of motion data from controllers to reduce the visible tremor of a
Parkinson’s patient in a virtual environment(L2)

Course outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

x Explain how the humans interact with computers (L2)

x Apply technical and creative approaches to make successful applications and
experiences. (L3)
x Design audio and video interaction paradigms (L6)
x Design Data visualization tools (L6)
x Apply VR/MR/AR in various fields in industry (L3)

Text book
1. Erin Pangilinan, Steve lukas, and Vasanth Mohan, “Creating Augmented & Virtual
Realities”, 1st edition, O’REILLY, 2019.

1. Steve Aukstakalnis, “Practical Augmented Reality”, Pearson Education, 2017.

140 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

(19A05604b) DATA SCIENCE

Open Elective-II
(Common to CSE & IT)
Course Objectives

This course is designed to:

x Understand the approaches for handling data related problems
x Explore the mathematical concepts required for Data science
x Explain the basic concepts of data science.
x Elucidate various Machine Learning algorithms.
x Introduce Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems


Introduction to Data Science, A Crash Course in Python, Visualising Data.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Describe the importance of data analysis (L1).
x Identify the key connectors of Data Science (L4).
x Interpret and Visualize the data using bar charts, line charts and scatter plots (L3).


Linear Algebra, Statistics, Probability, Hypothesis and Inference, Gradient Descent.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Identify the Correlation between two vectors (L4).
x Test a given hypothesis (L3).
x Compute mean, median and mode for the given data (L3).


Getting Data, Working with Data, Machine Leaning, k-Nearest Neighbors, Naïve Bayes.

141 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Compute dimensionality reduction using PCA (L3).
x Differentiate supervised and unsupervised learning methods (L4).
x Describe overfitting, under fitting, bias, variance and goodness of learning (L1).
x Solve classification problem using k-nearest neighbour classifier (L3).
x Apply Naïve Bayes classifier to solve decision making problem (L3).

Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Neural

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Describe gradient descent approach, maximum likelihood estimation and method of least
squares (L1).
x Apply SVM to determine a hyperplane with maximum margin (L3).
x Determine decision tree for given data (L5).
x Describe Perceptron and Back Propagation (L3).


Clustering, Natural Language Processing, Network Analysis, Recommender Systems.

Database and SQL, MapReduce

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

x Determine Clusters in data using k-means and Hierarchical Clustering methods (L5).
x Apply basic SQL Operations using NotQuiteABase (L3).
x Compare User-Based and Item-Based Collaborative Filtering (L2).
x Describe Grammer and MapReduce (L1).

142 Page
Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course the student would be able to

x Visualize the data using bar charts, line charts and scatter plots (L4).
x Analyse Correlation between two data objects (L4).
x Demonstrate feature selection and dimensionality reduction.(L2)
x Solve decision making problems using k-NN, Naïve Bayes, SVM and Decision.
Trees (L3).
x Determine Clusters in data using k-means and Hierarchical Clustering methods (L3).
x Design basic SQL Operations using NotQuiteABase (L6)
x Demonstrate the way to use machine learning algorithms using python. (L2)

Text Books:

1. Data Science from Scratch, First Principles with Python - Joel Grus, O’Reilly, First
Reference Books:

1. The Data Science Handbook, Field Cady, WILEY.

2. An Introduction to Data Science, Jeffrey M. Stanton, Jeffrey Stanton, 2012

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B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
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This text covers about toxins and their relation in food. Examination, identification and
prevention of toxins.

Course Objectives

x To know the various toxins and their evaluation.

x To understand their tolerance and control measures.


Principles of Toxicology: classification of toxic agents; characteristics of exposure;

spectrum of undesirable effects; interaction and tolerance; biotransformation and
mechanisms of toxicity. Evaluation of toxicity: risk vs. benefit: experimental design and
evaluation: prospective and retrospective studies: Controls :Statistics (descriptive,
inferential): animal models as predictors of human toxicity: Legal requirements and
specific screening methods: LD50 and TD50: in vitro and in vitvo studies; clinical trials.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Classification of toxic agents; characteristics of exposure;
x Spectrum of undesirable effects; interaction and tolerance; biotransformation and
mechanisms of toxicity.
x Evaluation of toxicity: risk vs. benefit: experimental design and evaluation:
x Prospective and retrospective studies: Controls: Statistics (descriptive, inferential):
animal models as predictors of human toxicity:
x Legal requirements and specific screening methods: LD50 and TD50: in vitro and in
vitvo studies; clinical trials.


Natural toxins in food: natural toxins of importance in food- toxins of plant and animal origin;
microbial toxins (e.g., bacterial toxins, fungal toxins and Algal toxins), natural occurrence,
toxicity and significance, determination of toxicants in foods and their management.

144 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Natural toxins in food: natural toxins of importance in food- toxins of plant and
animal origin
x Microbial toxins (e.g., bacterial toxins, fungal toxins and algal toxins), natural
occurrence, toxicity and significance
x Determination of toxicants in foods and their management


Food allergies and sensitivities: natural sources and chemistry of food allergens;
true/untrue food allergies; handling of food allergies; food sensitivities (anaphylactoid
reactions, metabolic food disorders and idiosyncratic reactions); Safety of genetically
modified food: potential toxicity and allergenisity of GM foods. Safety of children

Learning outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Natural sources and chemistry of food allergens; true/untrue food allergies;
handling of food allergies
x Food sensitivities (anaphylactoid reactions, metabolic food disorders and
idiosyncratic reactions)
x Potential toxicity and allergenisity of gm foods. Safety of children consumables.


Environmental contaminants and drug residues in food: fungicide and pesticide residues in
foods; heavy metal and their health impacts; use of veterinary drugs (e.g. Malachite green
in fish and β- agonists in pork); other contaminants in food, radioactive contamination of food,
Food adulteration and potential toxicity of food adulterants.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Fungicide and pesticide residues in foods; heavy metal and their health impacts
x Use of veterinary drugs (e.g. Malachite green in fish and β- agonists in pork); other
contaminants in food, radioactive contamination of food
x Food adulteration and potential toxicity of food adulterants.

145 Page

Food additives and toxicants added or formed during food processing: safety of food
additives; toxicological evaluation of food additives; food processing generated toxicants:
nitroso-compounds, heterocyclic amines, dietary Supplements and toxicity related to dose:
common dietary supplements; relevance of the dose; possible toxic effects.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Safety of food additives; toxicological evaluation of food additives;
x Nitroso-compounds, heterocyclic amines, dietary supplements and toxicity
related to dose
x Common dietary supplements; relevance of the dose; possible toxic effects.

Course Outcomes

By the end of course

x Student will gain knowledge on principles of toxicity and characteristics of toxins
and their classification. Examination and prevention of toxins in foods and etc.


1. Helferich, W., and Winter, C.K “Food Toxicology”,. CRC Press, LLC. Boca Raton,
FL. 2007.
2. Shibamoto, T., and Bjeldanes, L. “Introduction to Food Toxicology”, 2009, 2nd
Edition. Elsevier Inc., Burlington, MA.
3. Watson, D.H. “Natural Toxicants in Food”, CRC Press, LLC. Boca Raton, FL1998.

1. Duffus, J.H., and Worth, H.G. J. “Fundamental Toxicology”, The Royal Society of
Chemistry. 2006.
2. Stine, K.E., and Brown, T.M. “Principles of Toxicology”, 2nd Edition. CRC Press.
3. Tönu, P. “Principles of Food Toxicology”. CRC Press, LLC. Boca Raton, FL. 2007.

146 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3




This text focuses on materials used for food plant equipment and factors considered for design of
various equipment.

Course Objectives:

x To understand the material properties and codes used.

x To know the design considerations.
x To study the design of evaporators, dryers, crystallizers and etc.


Materials and properties: Materials for fabrication, mechanical properties, ductility, hardness,
corrosion, protective coatings, corrosion prevention linings equipment, choice of materials,
material codes. Design considerations: Stresses created due to static and dynamic loads,
combined stresses, design stresses and theories of failure, safety factor, temperature effects,
radiation effects, effects of fabrication method, economic considerations

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Materials for fabrication, mechanical properties, ductility, hardness, corrosion, protective
x Corrosion prevention linings equipment, choice of materials, material codes
x Stresses created due to static and dynamic loads, combined stresses, design stresses and
theories of failure, safety factor
x Temperature effects, radiation effects, effects of fabrication method, economic

Design of pressure and storage vessels: Operating conditions, design conditions and stress;
Design of shell and its component, stresses from local load and thermal gradient, mountings and
accessories. Design of heat exchangers: Design of shell and tube heat exchanger, plate heat
exchanger, scraped surface heat exchanger, sterilizer and retort

147 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Design of pressure and storage vessels includes operating conditions, design conditions
and stress
x Design of shell and its component, stresses from local load and thermal gradient,
mountings and accessories
x Design of heat exchangers like shell and tube heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger,
scraped surface heat exchanger, sterilizer and retort


Design of evaporators and crystallizers: Design of single effect and multiple effect evaporators
and its components; Design of rising film and falling film evaporators and feeding arrangements
for evaporators; Design of crystallizer and entrainment separator

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Design of evaporators like single effect and multiple effect evaporators and its
components; rising film and falling film evaporators and feeding arrangements for
x Design of crystallizer and entrainment separator


Design of agitators and separators: Design of agitators and baffles; Design of agitation system
components and drive for agitation. Design of centrifuge separator; Design of equipment
components, design of shafts, pulleys, bearings, belts, springs, drives, speed reduction systems.
Design of freezing equipment: Design of iceǦream freezers and refrigerated display system

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

x Design of agitators and baffles like Design of agitation system components and drive for
x Design of centrifuge separator like equipment components, design of shafts, pulleys,
bearings, belts, springs, drives, speed reduction systems.
x Design of freezing equipment like ice-ream freezers and refrigerated display system

148 Page

Design of dryers: Design of tray dryer, tunnel dryer, fluidized dryer, spray dryer, vacuum dryer,
freeze dryer and microwave dryer. Design of extruders: Cold and hot extruder design, design of
screw and barrel, design of twin screw extruder. Design of fermenters: Design of fermenter
vessel, design problems

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following
x Design of dryers like tray dryer, tunnel dryer, fluidized dryer, spray dryer, vacuum
dryer, freeze dryer and microwave dryer
x Design of extruders like Cold and hot extruder design, design of screw and barrel,
design of twin screw extruder.
x Design of fermenter vessel, design problems

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course, the students will

x acquires knowledge on theoretical aspects to be design considerations for a food plant
equipment and designing of evaporators, separators, storage vessels and etc.


1. Antonio Lopez-Gomez, Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas, “Food plant design”, CRC press

2. George D. Saravacos and Zacharias B. Maroulis, “Food Plant Economics”, CRC Press

1. Peters M., Timmerhaus K. & Ronald W., “Plant Design & Economics for Chemical
Engineers”, McGraw Hill.
2. James R Couper, “Process Engg. Economics (Chemical Industries) CRC Press 3. Aries &
Newton, Chemical Engg. Cost Estimation”, McGraw Hill.

149 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
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Course Objective:

This course provides the students to understand Wavelet transforms and its applications.



Wavelets and Wavelet Expansion Systems - Wavelet Expansion- Wavelet Transform- Wavelet
System- More Specific Characteristics of Wavelet Systems -Haar Scaling Functions and
Wavelets -effectiveness of Wavelet Analysis -The Discrete Wavelet Transform The Discrete-
Time and Continuous Wavelet Transforms.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

x Understand wavelets and wavelet expansion systems.
x Find wavelet transforms in continuous as well as discrete domains.


A Multiresolution Formulation of Wavelet Systems

Signal Spaces -The Scaling Function -Multiresolution Analysis - The Wavelet Functions - The
Discrete Wavelet Transform- A Parseval's Theorem - Display of the Discrete Wavelet Transform
and the Wavelet Expansion.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

x Illustrate the multi resolution analysis, scaling function.
x Implement parseval theorem.


Filter Banks and the Discrete Wavelet Transform : Analysis - From Fine Scale to Coarse
Scale- Filtering and Down-Sampling or Decimating -Synthesis - From Coarse Scale to Fine
Scale -Filtering and Up-Sampling or Stretching - Input Coefficients - Lattices and Lifting - -
Different Points of View.

150 Page
Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

x Form fine scale to coarse scale analysis.
x Perform decimating synthesis.
x Find the lattices and lifting.


Multiresolution versus Time-Frequency Analysis- Periodic versus Nonperiodic Discrete Wavelet

Transforms -The Discrete Wavelet Transform versus the Discrete-Time Wavelet Transform-
Numerical Complexity of the Discrete Wavelet Transform.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

x Perform multi resolution versus time frequency analysis.
x Perform numerical complexity of discrete wavelet transforms.


Bases, Orthogonal Bases, and Biorthogonal Bases -Matrix Examples - Fourier Series Example -
Sine Expansion Example - Frames and Tight Frames - Matrix Examples -Sine Expansion as a
Tight Frame Example.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

x Understand the orthogonal bases and Biorthogonal Bases.
x Find the Frames and Tight Frames using Fourier series.

Course Outcomes:

After the completion of course, students will be able to

x Understand wavelets and wavelet expansion systems.

x Illustrate the multi resolution analysis ad scaling functions.
x Form fine scale to coarse scale analysis.
x Find the lattices and lifting.
x Perform numerical complexity of discrete wavelet transforms.
x Find the frames and tight frames using fourier series.

151 Page

1. C. Sidney Burrus, Ramesh A. Gopinath, “Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelets

Transforms”,Prentice Hall, (1997).
2. James S. Walker, “A Primer on Wavelets and their Scientific Applications”, CRC Press,


1. Raghuveer Rao, “Wavelet Transforms”, Pearson Education, Asia.

152 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

(19A52604a) SOFT SKILLS


Course Objectives

x To develop awareness in students of the relevance and importance of soft skills

x To provide students with interactive practice sessions to make them internalize soft
x To develop Time management, Positive thinking & Decision making skills
x To enable to manage stress effectively
x To enable them to develop employability skills




Definition – Scope – Importance- – Methods of improving soft skills – Limits- Analysis –

Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills - Verbal and Non-verbal skills.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand the importance of soft skills
x Identify the methods of improving soft skills
x Analyze various soft skills in different situations
x Distinguish various soft skills
x Apply various soft skills in day to day life and in workplace


Knowing self/temperaments/traits - Johari windows – quotient skills(IQ, EQ, SQ), creativity,

decision-making-Attitude – Confidence Building - Positive Thinking –Time Management – Goal

153 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand self and its temperament.
x Apply various techniques to know the self.
x Develop positive thinking
x Develop creative thinking and decision-making skills
x Apply self-knowing tools in day to day and professional life.



Leadership Skills – Negotiation skills –- Team-building – Crisis Management – Event

Management –Ethics and Etiquettes.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand the importance of interpersonal skills
x Analyze various tactics in negotiation skills.
x Develop team building spirit.
x Develop crisis management
x Apply interpersonal skills through etiquettes.



Importance of verbal skills in corporate climate, Listening skills –Mother Tongue Influence
(MTI) - Speaking skills – Public speaking - Oral presentations - Writing skills –E-mail etiquettes
– Memos - Indianism

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Understand the importance of verbal skills in corporate climate.
x Explain the need of listening skills.
x Explore MTI and suggest remedies to avoid it.
x Interpret various contexts of speaking.
x Apply verbal skills in personal and professional life.

154 Page

Importance of body language in corporate culture – body language-Facial expressions – eye

contact – posture – gestures – Proxemics – Haptics – Dress Code – Paralanguage –Tone, pitch,
pause& selection of words

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

x Comprehend the importance of non-verbal communication.
x Expound the need of facial expressions, postures and gestures.
x Analyze proxemics,haptics etc.
x Understand the importance of dress code.
x Apply various techniques to use para language

Course Outcomes
x Recognize the importance of verbal and non verbal skills
x Develop the interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
x Apply the knowledge in setting the SMART goals and achieve the set goals
x Analyze difficult situations and solve the problems in stress-free environment
x Create trust among people and develop employability skills

Text Books

1. Meenakshi Raman &ShaliniUpadhyay “ Soft Skills”,Cengage Learning, 2018.

2. S. Balasubramaniam, “Soft Skills for Interpersonal Communication”, Orient Black Swan,


1. Barun K. Mitra, “Personality Development and Soft Skills”, –OXFORD Higher

Education 2018.
2. AlkaWadkar, “Life Skills for Success “, Sage Publications 2016.
3. Robert M Sheffield, “Developing Soft Skills”, Pearson, 2010.
4. DianaBooher, “Communicate With Confidence”,Tata McGrawhill, 2012.

155 Page
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The objective of this course is

x To make the student understand about Entrepreneurship

x To enable the student in knowing various sources of generating new ideas in setting up
of New enterprise
x To facilitate the student in knowing various sources of finance in starting up of a
x To impart knowledge about various government sources which provide financial
assistance to entrepreneurs/ women entrepreneurs
x To encourage the student in creating and designing business plans



Entrepreneurship - Concept, knowledge and skills requirement - Characteristics of successful

entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurship process - Factors impacting emergence of entrepreneurship -
Differences between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur - Understanding individual entrepreneurial
mindset and personality - Recent trends in Entrepreneurship.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end if the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Understand the concept of Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship in India
x Know Entrepreneurship process and emergence of Entrepreneurship
x Analyze the differences between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur
x Develop a creative mind set and personality
x Understand recent trends in Entrepreneurship across the globe

156 Page

Starting the New Venture - Generating business idea – Sources of new ideas & methods of
generating ideas - Opportunity recognition - Feasibility study - Market feasibility,
technical/operational feasibility - Financial feasibility - Drawing business plan - Preparing
project report - Presenting business plan to investors.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end if the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Know the process of starting a new venture
x Analyze the sources of new methods in generating business idea
x Evaluate market feasibility, financial feasibility and technical feasibility
x Design and draw business plans in project preparation and prepare project reports


Sources of finance - Various sources of Finance available - Long term sources - Short term
sources - Institutional Finance – Commercial Banks, SFC's in India - NBFC's in India - their way
of financing in India for small and medium business - Entrepreneurship development programs
in India - The entrepreneurial journey- Institutions in aid of entrepreneurship development

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Know the various sources of finance to start a new venture
x Contrast & compare between Long term & Short term finance sources
x Analyze the role of banks and other financial institutions in promoting entrepreneurship
in India
x Evaluate the need and importance of MSMEs in the growth of country


Women Entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurship Development and Government - Role of Central

Government and State Government in promoting women Entrepreneurship - Introduction to
various incentives, subsidies and grants – Export- oriented Units - Fiscal and Tax concessions
available - Women entrepreneurship - Role and importance - Growth of women entrepreneurship
in India - Issues & Challenges - Entrepreneurial motivations.

157 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Understand the role of government in promoting women entrepreneurship
x Know various incentives, subsidies and grants available to women entrepreneurs
x Analyze the role of export-oriented units
x Know about the tax concessions available for Women entrepreneurs
x Prepare to face the issues and challenges.


Fundamentals of Business Incubation - Principles and good practices of business incubation-

Process of business incubation and the business incubator and how they operate and influence
the Type/benefits of incubators - Corporate/educational / institutional incubators - Broader
business incubation environment - Pre-Incubation and Post - Incubation process - Idea lab,
Business plan structure - Value proposition

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to:

x Understand the importance of business incubation
x Apply brilliant ideas in the process of business incubation
x Analyze the process of business incubation/incubators.
x Contrast & Compare between business incubation and business incubators.
x Design their own business incubation/incubators as viable-business unit.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
x Understand the concept of Entrepreneurship and challenges in the world of
x Apply the Knowledge in generating ideas for New Ventures.
x Analyze various sources of finance and subsidies to entrepreneur/women
x Evaluate the role of central government and state government in promoting
x Create and design business plan structure through incubations.

158 Page

1. D F Kuratko and T V Rao, “Entrepreneurship” - A South-Asian Perspective –

Cengage Learning, 2012. (For PPT, Case Solutions Faculty may visit :
2 . Nandan H, “ Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, PHI, 2013


1. Vasant Desai, “Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship”, Himalaya

Publishing 2012.
2. Rajeev Roy “Entrepreneurship”, 2nd Edition, Oxford, 2012.
3. B.Janakiramand M.Rizwanaǁ “Entrepreneurship Development: Text &
Cases”, Excel Books, 2011.
4. Stuart Read, Effectual “Entrepreneurship”, Routledge, 2013.


1. Entrepreneurship-Through-the-Lens-of-enture Capital




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Course Objectives :

The objective of this course is

x To inculcate the basic knowledge of micro economics and financial accounting

x To make the students learn how demand is estimated for different products, input-
output relationship for optimizing production and cost
x To know the various types of Market Structures & pricing methods and its strategies
x To give an overview on investment appraisal methods to promote the students to learn
how to plan long-term investment decisions.
x To provide fundamental skills on Accounting and to explain the process of preparing
Financial statements



Managerial Economics – Definition – Nature & Scope - Contemporary importance of

Managerial Economics - Demand Analysis - Concept of Demand - Demand Function - Law of
Demand - Elasticity of Demand - Significance - Types of Elasticity - Measurement of Elasticity
of Demand - Demand Forecasting - Factors governing Demand Forecasting - Methods of
Demand Forecasting - Relationship of Managerial Economics with Financial Accounting and

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Know the nature and scope of Managerial Economics and its importance
x Understand the concept of demand and its determinants
x Analyze the Elasticity and degree of elasticity
x Evaluate Demand forecasting methods
x Design the process of demand estimation for different types of demand

160 Page


Production Function – Least-cost combination - Short-run and Long-run Production Function -

Isoquants and Isocosts, MRTS - Cobb-Douglas Production Function - Laws of Returns - Internal
and External Economies of scale – Cost & Break Even Analysis - Cost concepts and Cost
behavior - Break-Even Analysis (BEA) - Determination of Break-Even Point (Simple Problems)
- Managerial significance and limitations of Break-Even Analysis.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Know the production function, Input-Output relationship and different cost concepts
x Apply the least-cost combination of inputs
x Analyze the behavior of various cost concepts
x Evaluate BEA for real time business decisions
x Develop profit appropriation for different levels of business activity



Market structures - Forms of Business Organizations - Sole Proprietorship - Partnership - Joint

Stock Companies - Public Sector Enterprises-Types of Markets - Perfect and Imperfect
Competition - Features of Perfect Competition – Monopoly - Monopolistic Competition –
Oligopoly - Price-Output Determination - Pricing Methods and Strategies.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Know the structure of markets, features of different markets and forms of business
x Apply the price output relationship in different markets
x Analyze the optimum output levels to maximize profit in different markets
x Evaluate price-output relationship to optimize cost, revenue and profit
x Interpret Pricing Methods and Strategies


CAPITAL AND CAPITAL BUDGETING Concept of Capital - Significance - Types of

Capital - Components of Working Capital - Sources of Short-term and Long-term Capital -
Estimating Working capital requirements – Cash Budget - Capital Budgeting – Features of

161 Page
Capital Budgeting Proposals – Methods and Evaluation of Capital Budgeting Projects – Pay
Back Method – Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) – Net Present Value (NPV) – Internal Rate
Return (IRR) Method (simple problems)

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Know the concept of capital budgeting and its importance in business
x Contrast and compare different investment appraisal methods
x Analyze the process of selection of investment alternatives using different appraisal
x Evaluate methods of capital budgeting for investment decision making and for
maximizing returns
x Design different investment appraisals and make wise investments



Accounting Concepts and Conventions - Introduction Double-Entry Book Keeping, Journal,

Ledger, Trial Balance - Final Accounts (Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance
Sheet with simple adjustments).Financial Analysis - Analysis and Interpretation of Liquidity
Ratios, Activity Ratios, and Capital structure Ratios and Profitability.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

x Know the concept, convention and significance of accounting
x Apply the fundamental knowledge of accounting while posting the journal entries
x Analyze the process and preparation of final accounts and financial ratios
x Evaluate the financial performance of an enterprise by using financial statements

Data Books Required:

Present Value Factors table

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
x Understand the fundamentals of Economics viz., Demand, Production, cost,
revenue and markets
x Apply concepts of production , cost and revenues for effective business decisions
x Students can analyze how to invest their capital and maximize returns
x Evaluate the capital budgeting techniques
x Prepare the accounting statements and evaluate the financial performance of
business entity.

162 Page

1. Varshney & Maheswari: “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand, 2013.

2. Aryasri: “Business Economics and Financial Analysis”, 4th edition, MGH, 2019


1. Ahuja Hl “Managerial economics” 3rd edition, Schand, ,2013

2. S.A. Siddiqui and A.S. Siddiqui: “Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis”, New
Age International,. 2013.
3. Joseph G. Nellis and David Parker: “Principles of Business Economics”, 2nd edition,
Pearson, New Delhi.
4. Domnick Salvatore: “Managerial Economics in a Global Economy”, Cengage,

163 Page
B.Tech (EEE)– III-II L T P C
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Course Objectives :

The objectives of this course are

x To make the student understand the principles of business ethics

x To enable them in knowing the ethics in management
x To facilitate the student role in corporate culture
x Impart knowledge about the fair trade practices
x Encourage the student in knowing them about the corporate governance




Introduction – Meaning - Nature and Scope – Loyalty and Ethical Behaviour, Values across
Cultures; Business Ethics – Ethical Practices inManagement. Types of Ethics –
Characteristics – Factors influencing , Business Ethics – Importance of Business Ethics -
Arguments for and against business ethicsBasics of business ethics Corporate Social Responsibi
lity – Issues of Management – Crisis Management

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the meaning of loyalty and ethical Behavior
x Explain various types of Ethics
x Know about the factors influencing business ethics
x Understand the corporate social responsibility of management


Introduction – Ethics in HRM – Marketing Ethics – Ethical aspects of Financial Management-

Technology Ethics and Professional ethics. The Ethical Value System – Universalism,
Utilitarianism, Distributive Justice, Social Contracts, Individual Freedom of Choice, Professional
Codes; Culture and Ethics – Ethical Values in different Cultures, Culture and Individual Ethics.

164 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the meaning of Marketing Ethics
x Analyze Differentiate between Technical ethics and professional ethics
x Know about the ethical value system
x Understand the Code and culture



Meaning – Functions – Impact of corporate culture – cross cultural issues in ethics,Emotional Honesty –
Virtue of humility – Promote happiness – karma yoga – proactive – flexibility and purity of mind. The
Ethical Value System – Universalism, Utilitarianism, Distributive Justice, Social Contracts, Individual Freedom
of Choice, Professional Codes; Culture and Ethics – Ethical Values in different Cultures, Culture and Individua

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the corporate culture in business
x Analyze Ethical Value System Know about the ethical value system
x Know Universalism, Utilitarianism, Distributive Justice
x Differentiate Ethical Values in different Cultures

Law and Ethics – Relationship between Law and Ethics, Other Bodies in enforcing Ethical Business Behavior,
Social Responsibilities of Business – Environmental Protection, Fair Trade Practices, Fulfilling all Nation
Safeguarding Health and wellbeing of Customers.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand Law and Ethics
x Analyze Social Responsibilities of Business
x Know Environmental Protection and Fair Trade Practices
x Implementing National Safeguarding Health and wellbeing of Customers

165 Page

Meaning – scope - Issues, need, corporate governance code, transparency & disclosure, role of
auditors, board of directors and shareholders; Global issues of governance, accounting and
regulatory frame work, corporate scams, committees in India and abroad, corporate social
responsibility composition of BODs - Cadbury Committee - various committees -
reports on corporate governance - Benefits and Limitations
of Corporate Governance with living examples.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand corporate governance code
x Analyze role of auditors, board of directors and shareholders
x Know accounting and regulatory frame work
x Implementing corporate social responsibility

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

x Understand business ethics and ethical practices in management.
x Understand the role of ethics in management
x Apply the knowledge in cross cultural ethics
x Analyze law and ethics
x Evaluate corporate governance


1. Murthy CSV: “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance”, HPH

2. Bholananth Dutta, S.K. Podder – “Corporation Governance”, VBH.


1. Dr. K. Nirmala, KarunakaraReaddy : “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance”, HPH

2. H.R.Machiraju: “Corporate Governance”
3. K. Venkataramana, “Corporate Governance”, SHBP.
4. N.M.Khandelwal : “Indian Ethos and Values for Managers”

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Course Objectives :

The objectives of this course are

x To provide a contemporary and forward-looking on the theory and practice of
x Enterprise Resource Planning
x To enable the students in knowing the Advantages of ERP
x To train the students to develop the basic understanding of how ERP enriches the
x Business organizations in achieving a multidimensional growth.
x Impart knowledge about the historical background of BPR
x To aim at preparing the students, technologically competitive and make them ready
to self-upgrade with the higher technical skills.



Introduction to ERP: Enterprise – An Overview Integrated Management Information, Business

Modeling, Integrated Data Model Business Processing Reengineering(BPR), Data Warehousing,
Data Mining, On-line Analytical Processing(OLAP), Supply Chain Management (SCM),
Customer Relationship Management(CRM),

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of ERP
x Explain various Business modeling
x Know the contemporary technology like SCM, CRM
x Understand the OLAP


Benefits of ERP: Reduction of Lead-Time, On-time Shipment, Reduction in Cycle Time,

Improved Resource Utilization, Better Customer Satisfaction, Improved Supplier Performance,
Increased Flexibility, Reduced Quality Costs, Improved Information Accuracy and Design-
making Capability

167 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the Advantages of ERP
x Explain the challenges associated with ERP System
x Analyze better customer satisfaction
x Differentiate Improved Information Accuracy and Design-making Capability

ERP Implementation Lifecycle: Pre-evaluation Screening, Package Evaluation, Project
Planning Phase, Gap Analysis, Reengineering, Configuration, Implementation Team Training,
Testing, Going Live, End-user Training, Post-implementation (Maintenance mode)

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the implementation of ERP life cycle
x Explain the challenges associated with implementing ERP system
x Analyze the need of re-engineering
x Know the recent trends in team training testing and go-live

BPR: Historical background: Nature, significance and rationale of business process
reengineering (BPR), Fundamentals of BPR. Major issues in process redesign: Business vision
and process objectives, Processes to be redesigned, Measuring existing processes,

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the business process reengineering
x Explain the challenges associated with BPR
x Analyze the need of process redesign
x Differentiate between process to be redesign and measuring existing process


IT in ERP: Role of information technology (IT) and identifying IT levers. Designing and
building a prototype of the new process: BPR phases, Relationship between BPR phases. MIS -
Management Information System, DSS - Decision Support System, EIS - Executive Information

168 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the role of IT
x Explain the challenges in Designing and building a prototype of the new process
x Analyze the need of MIS
x Differentiate between DSS and EIS

Course outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

x Understand the basic use of ERP Package and its role in integrating business
x Explain the challenges of ERP system in the organization
x Apply the knowledge in implementing ERP system for business
x Evaluate the role of IT in taking decisions with MIS
x Create reengineered business processes with process redesign

1. Pankaj Sharma. “Enterprise Resource Planning”. Aph Publishing Corporation, New
Delhi, 2004.
2. Alexis Leon, “Enterprise Resource Planning”, IV Edition, Mc.Graw Hill, 2019


1. Marianne Bradford “Modern ERP”, 3rd edition.

2. “ERP making it happen Thomas f. Wallace and Michael
3. Directing the ERP Implementation Michael w pelphrey

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Course Objectives :

The objectives of this course are

x To provide Knowledge on logistics and supply chain management
x To enable them in designing the distribution network
x To train the students in knowing the supply chain Analysis
x Impart knowledge on Dimensions of logistic
x To know the recent trends in supply chain management



Introduction to Supply Chain Management

Supply chain - objectives - importance - decision phases - process view -competitive and supply
chain strategies - achieving strategic fit – supply chain drivers - obstacles – framework - facilities

Learing Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the meaning and objectives of supply chain management
x Explain supply chain drivers
x Know the steps involved in SCM frame work
x Understand transportation information and pricing


Designing the distribution network

Role of distribution - factors influencing distribution - design options - e-business and its impact
– distribution networks in practice –network design in the supply chain - role of network -factors
affecting the network design decisions modeling for supply chain. Role of transportation - modes
and their performance – transportation infrastructure and policies - design options and their
trade-offs tailored transportation.

170 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the different distribution network
x Explain the factors influencing network design in the supply chain
x Know the Role of transportation
x Analyze design options and their trade-offs


Supply Chain Analysis.

Sourcing - In-house or Outsource - 3rd and 4th PLs - supplier scoring and assessment, selection -
design collaboration - Procurement process - Sourcing planning and analysis. Pricing and
revenue management for multiple customers, perishable products, seasonal demand, bulk and
spot contracts.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of supply chain Analysis
x Explain design collaboration
x Know procurement process -sourcing planning and analysis
x Understand seasonal demand, bulk and spot contracts


Dimensions of Logistics
A macro and micro dimension - logistics interfaces with other areas - approach to analyzing
logistics systems - logistics and systems analysis - techniques of logistics system analysis -
factors affecting the cost and importance of logistics. Demand Management and Customer
Service Outbound to customer logistics systems - Demand Management –Traditional Forecasting
- CPFRP - customer service - expected cost of stock outs - channels of distribution.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand dimensions of logistics
x Explain logistics interfaces with other areas
x Know techniques of logistics system analysis
x Understand Demand Management

171 Page
Recent Trends in Supply Chain Management-Introduction, New Developments in Supply
Chain Management, Outsourcing Supply Chain Operations, Co-Maker ship, The Role of E-
Commerce in Supply Chain Management, Green Supply Chain Management, Distribution
Resource Planning, World Class Supply Chain Management

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the recent trend in supply chain management
x Explain The Role of E-Commerce in Supply Management
x Know Green Supply Chain Management
x Understand Distribution Resource Planning

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

x Understand the strategic role of logistic and supply chain management in the cost
reduction and offering best service to the customer
x Understand Advantages of SCM in business
x Apply the knowledge of supply chain Analysis
x Analyze reengineered business processes for successful SCM implementation
x Evaluate Recent trend in supply chain management


1. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management – “Strategy, Planning and
Operation”, 3rd Edition, Pearson/PHI, 2007.
2. Supply Chain Management by Janat Shah Pearson Publication 2008.


1. A Logistic approach to Supply Chain Management – Coyle, Bardi, Longley, Cengage

Learning, 1/e
2. Donald J Bowersox, Dand J Closs, M Bixby Coluper, “Supply Chain Logistics
Management”, 2nd edition, TMH, 2008.
3. Wisner, Keong Leong and Keah-Choon Tan, “Principles of Supply Chain Management A
Balanced Approach”, Cengage Learning, 1/e
4. David Simchi-Levi et al, “Designing and Managing the Supply Chain” – Concepts

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Objectives: This course introduces

x Determination of transfer functions of various systems and control of it by different
x To provide knowledge in the analysis and design of controllers and compensators.
x The characteristics of servo mechanisms which are helpful in automatic control
x To know the stability analysis using MATLAB.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

x Get the knowledge of feedback control and transfer function of DC servo motor.
x Model the systems and able to design the controllers and compensators.
x Get the knowledge about the effect of poles and zeros location on transient and steady
state behaviour of second order systems and can implement them to practical systems
x Determine the performance and time domain specifications of first and second order

Any Eight of the following experiments are to be conducted:

1. Time response of Second order system

2. Characteristics of Synchros
3. Programmable logic controller – Study and verification of truth tables of logic gates,
simple Boolean expressions and application of speed control of motor.
4. Effect of feedback on DC servo motor
5. Transfer function of DC Machine
6. Effect of P, PD, PI, PID Controller on a second order system
7. Lag and lead compensation – Magnitude and phase plot
8. Temperature controller using PID
9. Characteristics of magnetic amplifiers
10. Characteristics of AC servo motor

Any two simulation experiments are to be conducted:-

173 Page
1. PSPICE simulation of Op-Amp based Integrator and Differentiator circuits.
2. Linear system analysis (Time domain analysis, Error analysis) using MATLAB.
3. Stability analysis (Bode, Root Locus, Nyquist) of Linear Time Invariant system using
4. State space model for classical transfer function using MATLAB – Verification.


1. M.H.Rashid, “Simulation of Electrical and electronics Circuits”, using PSPICE ,M/s PHI
2. PSPICE A/D user’s manual – Microsim, USA.
3. PSPICE reference guide – Microsim, USA.
4. MATLAB and its Tool Books user’s manual and – Mathworks, USA.

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The student will understand about

x Assembly language programming on 8086 Microprocessors
x Interfacing of various devices with 8086
x MASAM Programming
x Interfacing 8051 Microcontroller with its peripheral devices.

Course Outcomes:

The student able to perform:

x Assembly language programming on 8086 Microprocessors.
x Interfacing of various devices with 8086.
x MASAM Programming.
x Interfacing 8051 Microcontroller with its peripheral devices

PART-A: List of Programs using MASAM/ALP:

1. Programs for 16 bit arithmetic operations for 8086 (using various addressing modes) .
2. Program for sorting an array for 8086
3. Program for searching for a number or character in a string for 8086
4. Program for String manipulations for 8086

PART-B: List of experiments using 8086 and 8051 modules:

1. Interfacing ADC and DAC to 8086.

2. Parallel communication between two microprocessors using 8255.
3. Serial communication between two microprocessor kits using 8251.
4. Interfacing to 8086 and programming to control stepper motor.
5. Programming using arithmetic, logical and bit manipulation instructions of 8051
6. Program and verify Timer/Counter in 8051.
7. Program and verify interrupt handling in 8051.
8. UART operation in 8051.
9. Communication between 8051 kit and PC.
10. Interfacing LCD to 8051.
11. Interfacing matrix or keyboard to 8051.

Note: List of programs in PART-A are mandatory and in PART-B at least Eight experiments
must be performed

175 Page
Reference Books:

1. Ray A. K., Bhurchandi K. M., “Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals”, 3rd Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, 2013.
2. Douglas V Hall, “Microprocessor and Interfacing “, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw hill, 1992
3. Srinivasa Murthy, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab Manual”: 8086 & 8051
Kindle Edition.

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COURSE OBJECTIVES : The objective of this course is

x To Enable the student to understand the importance of constitution

x To understand the structure of executive, legislature and judiciary
x To understand philosophy of fundamental rights and duties
x To understand the autonomous nature of constitutional bodies like Supreme Court and
high court controller and auditor general of India and Election Commission of India.
x To understand the central-state relation in financial and administrative control



Introduction to Indian Constitution – Constitution -Meaning of the term - Indian Constitution-

Sources and constitutional history - Features– Citizenship – Preamble - Fundamental Rights and
Duties - Directive Principles of State Policy.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the concept of Indian constitution
x Apply the knowledge on directive principle of state policy
x Analyze the History and features of Indian constitution
x Learn about Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties


Union Government and its Administration Structure of the Indian Union - Federalism - Centre-
State relationship – President’s Role, power and position - PM and Council of ministers -
Cabinet and Central Secretariat –Lok Sabha - Rajya Sabha - The Supreme Court and High Court
- Powers and Functions

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

177 Page
x Understand the structure of Indian government
x Differentiate between the state and central government
x Explain the role of President and Prime Minister
x Know the Structure of supreme court and High court


State Government and its Administration - Governor - Role and Position -CM and Council of
ministers - State Secretariat-Organization Structure and Functions

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the structure of state government
x Analyze the role of Governor and Chief Minister
x Explain the role of State Secretariat
x Differentiate between structure and functions of state secretariat


Local Administration - District’s Administration Head - Role and Importance - Municipalities -

Mayor and role of Elected Representatives -CEO of Municipal Corporation Pachayati Raj -
Functions– PRI –Zilla Parishath - Elected officials and their roles – CEO,Zilla Parishath - Block
level Organizational Hierarchy - (Different departments) - Village level - Role of Elected and
Appointed officials - Importance of grass root democracy

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Understand the local Administration
x Compare and contrast district administration’s role and importance
x Analyze the role of Mayor and elected representatives of Municipalities
x Learn about the role ofZillaParishath block level organization


Election Commission - Election Commission- Role of Chief Election Commissioner and

Election Commissionerate - State Election Commission -Functions of Commissions for the
welfare of SC/ST/OBC and Women

178 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

x Know the role of Election Commission
x Contrast and compare the role of Chief Election commissioner and Commissionerate
x Analyze the role of state election commission
x Evaluate various commissions viz SC/ST/OBC and women

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

x Understand historical background of the constitution making and its importance for
building a democratic India.
x Understand the functioning of three wings of the government ie., executive,
legislative and judiciary.

x Understand the value of the fundamental rights and duties for becoming good
citizen of India.

x Analyze the decentralization of power between central, state and local self-
x Apply the knowledge in strengthening of the constitutional institutions like CAG,
Election Commission and UPSC for sustaining democracy.


1. Durga Das Basu, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice – Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.. New Delhi

2. Subash Kashyap, “Indian Constitution”, National Book Trust


1. J.A. Siwach, “Dynamics of Indian Government & Politics”.

2. H.M.Sreevai, “Constitutional Law of India”, 4th edition in 3 volumes (Universal Law
3. J.C. Johari, “Indian Government and Politics”, Hans India
4. M.V. Pylee, “Indian Constitution”, Durga Das Basu, Human Rights in Constitutional
Law, Prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.. New Delhi

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