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CE 412 Lecture 2 Material Behaviour

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CE – 412 Design of Concrete Structures

Lecture 2:


October - 2020

Fawad A. Najam Naveed Anwar

Department of Structural Engineering Vice President, Executive Director, AIT Consulting
NUST Institute of Civil Engineering (NICE) Director, ACECOMS
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Affiliate Faculty, Structural Engineering,
H-12 Islamabad, Pakistan Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
Cell: 92-334-5192533, Email:
CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 1
Basics of Material Behaviour

Stresses and Strains – General Notation

• Each material has its own material local coordinate

system, which is used to define the elastic and thermal

• Significant only for orthotropic and anisotropic materials.

• The axes of the material local coordinate system are

denoted as 1, 2, and 3.

• The material coordinate system is aligned with the local

coordinate system for each element.

Definition of Stress Components in the Material Local Coordinate System

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Stress and Strain – One Dimensional Case

• The Hook's law states that within the elastic limits, the stress is proportional to the strain


• This is valid for only very limited cases

• In reality, the Modulus of Elasticity, E is NOT a constant

• There are many stress and strain components, and many properties.

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A Bigger Picture of Stress-Strain Components

For a general 3D Isotropic Material

Generalized Form of Hook’s Law
y  yy
x 1  v v v 0 0 0 
v 1  v v 0 0 0  
 yz  yx  x    x 
z   v v 1  v 0 0 0   y 
 zy  xy   y
  
 z  E 0 0 0 1  2v 0 0   z 
 xx    
 xz  
 zz
 zx  xy  1  v 1  2v  
 2
  xy 
  1  2v
  0 0 0 0 0   yz 
  yz
 2  
 zx   
At any point in a continuum, or solid,  1  2v   zx 
the stress state can be completely 0 0 0 0 0 
defined in terms of six stress
 2 
components and six corresponding

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 5

Stress and Strains Components

y  yy
 yz  yx

 zy  xy The Hook's law is a simplified form of Stress-Strain

 xx
 zx  xz
 zz
• Ultimately, the six stress and strain components can be

At any point in a continuum, or solid, represented by 3 principal summations.

the stress state can be completely
defined in terms of six stress
components and six corresponding

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 6

Reinforced Concrete

The concrete which contains steel bars to enhance its tensile strength

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 7

Advantages and Disadvantages of RC

• Considerable compressive strength • Low tensile strength

• Greater resistance to fire and weathering effects • Forms (shuttering) are required to hold in place

• Higher stiffness • Low weight per unit volume causes heavier structural
• Low maintenance material
• Variation in properties through a member.
• Increase in strength with passage of time
• Is very sensitive to hydration – related to strength
• Cost effective

• A lower grade of skilled labor

• Can be casted into different variety of shapes

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The Compatibility of Concrete and Steel

• Both materials are managing the pros and cons of each other like:

• Low tensile strength of concrete – higher tensile strength of steel

• Weaker resistance to corrosion for steel – higher weathering resistance of


• Poor fire resistance to steel – higher insulation properties of concrete

• Lighter in weight (steel) – heavier unit weight (concrete)

• Ribs in reinforcing bars lead to better bond properties

• Both materials have almost same co-efficient of thermal expansion

• 0.0000065 per unit length per degree Fahrenheit for steel

• 0.0000040 to 0.0000070 with average of 0.0000055 for concrete

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Compressive, Tensile & Shear Strength of RC

• Compressive strength

• Determined by 28 days test specimen

• The strength may vary from 3000 to 6000 psi as normal concrete and beyond 6000 psi as high strength

• Tensile strength

• Related to opening of micro cracks in concrete

• Is usually determined from modulus of ruptures or split cylinder test

• Usually around 1/10th of the compressive strength

• Shear Strength

• Controlled by diagonal tension effect

• Usually vary from one-third to four-fifth of ultimate compressive strength

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Steel Reinforcement

• Reinforcing steel may be hot-rolled or cold-twisted

• May be plain or deformed

• Sizes start from #3 to #11 and for special cases we may refer
to #14 and #18 also

• Welded wire mesh can also be used

• Grades of steel may vary from 40 to 70 with 60 as most


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Basic Properties of Concrete and Steel

• For analysis Initial Modulus

Tangent Modulus
• Modulus of elasticity, 𝐸
Secant Modulus
• Poisons ratio, 𝜈 Long term Modulus

• Shear modulus, 𝐺
• Thermal expansion coefficient, 𝛼

• For design
• Yield stress, 𝐹𝑦

• Failure stress, 𝐹𝑢 , 𝐹𝑐 , 𝐹𝑡 etc.

• Yield strain 𝜀𝑦

• Failure strain 𝜀𝑢

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Material Modelling for Steel and Concrete

• Modulus of elasticity based on nominal strengths

• Unit weight of materials
• Unit mass of materials
• Poisson’s ratios
• Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (Concrete = 0.0000055 1/F, Steel = 0.0000065 1/F)

Modulus of elasticity of concrete,

Weight per unit volume
𝐸𝑐 = 57000 𝑓𝑐 ′ for 𝑓𝑐′ ≤ 6000 psi • Reinforced concrete = 23.56 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3 (150 𝑙𝑏/𝑓𝑡 3 )
𝐸𝑐 = 4700 𝑓𝑐 ′ for 𝑓𝑐′ ≤ 40 MPa • Steel = 76.97 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3 (490 𝑙𝑏/𝑓𝑡 3 )

𝐸𝑐 = 40000 𝑓𝑐 ′ + 1 × 106 for 𝑓𝑐 ′ > 6000 psi Poisson’s ratio

• Reinforced concrete = 0.2
Modulus of elasticity of steel,
• Steel = 0.3
𝐸𝑠 = 199,947 MPa = 29,000 ksi

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Other Specific properties

• Relaxation

• Fatigue

• Creep

• Shrinkage

• Confinement based properties

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The Concept of Specific Length

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 15

The Concept of Specific Strength

• First to realize this: Galileo Galilei (1654AD – 1642 AD)

• All structures have to support their own weight

• Can the size of a structure be increased indefinitely for it to be able to

carry its own weight?

• Problem: how long a bar of uniform cross-section can be before it breaks Cross-sectional
due to its own weight? area A L
• Equate the weight of the bar to its tensile strength:
• Weight = Tensile resistance

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The Concept of Specific Strength

• Weight = Volume × specific weight

• W=A×L×ρ×g

• Tensile resistance = Area × Ultimate tensile strength

• R = A × Tu

• Equate weight to resistance:

• W = R A × L × ρ × g = A × Tu
• L = Tu / (r × g) = S = specific strength

• There is an absolute limit (= S) to the length that the bar can attain without breaking area A
• Larger a structure is, larger is the proportion of its own weight to the total load that can be
carried by itself

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 17

The Concept of Specific Strength

• For structures subjected to tension/compression, as the size of an object increases, its strength increases with the
square of the ruling dimensions, while the weight increases with its cube.

• For each type of structure there is a maximum possible size beyond which it cannot carry even its own weight

• Consequences:
• it is impossible to construct structures of enormous size
• there is a limit to natural structures (trees, animals, etc.)
• larger a structure becomes, stockier and more bulky it gets
• large bridges are heavier in proportions than smaller ones
• bones of elephants are stockier and thicker than the ones of mice
• proportions of aquatic animals are almost unaffected by their size (weight is almost entirely supported by buoyancy).

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Ultimate and Specific Strengths

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 19

Specific Strength

• Stone, brick and concrete: used in compression

• Steel: used in tension

• Timber: excellent performance in terms of specific strength, especially in tension

• Aluminum: high specific strength

• Aircrafts must carry loads and must be capable of being raised into the air under their own power materials with high
specific strength
• wood was extensively used in early planes
• modern material: aluminum

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 20

Structural materials: Stiffness and Ductility

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 21

Directional Behaviors of Materials

Isotropic Materials

• The behavior of an isotropic material is independent of the direction of loading or the orientation of the material.

• Shearing behavior is uncoupled from ex-tensional behavior and is not affected by temperature change.

Orthotropic Materials

• The behavior of an orthotropic material can be different in each of the three local coordinate directions.

• Shearing behavior is un-coupled from extensional behavior and is not affected by temperature change.

Anisotropic Materials

• The behavior of an anisotropic material can be different in each of the three local coordinate directions

• Shearing behavior can be fully coupled with extensional behavior and can be affected by temperature change.

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Directional Behavior of Materials

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CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 24

Linearity and Elasticity

• Material behavior depends on level of strain

• Linear

• Non-linear

• Material behavior depends on loading history

• Elastic

• Plastic

• Inelastic

• Hysteretic

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Linear Elastic Material Linear Inelastic Material

• A linear elastic material is one in which the • A linear inelastic material is one in which
strain is proportional to stress the strain is proportional to stress
• Both “loading” and “unloading” curves are • “Loading” and “unloading” curves are not
same (straight lines). same (although straight lines).

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Nonlinear Elastic material Nonlinear Inelastic Material

• For a nonlinear elastic material, strain is not • For a nonlinear inelastic material, strain is
proportional to stress as shown in figure. not proportional to stress as shown in figure.
• Both “loading” and “unloading” curves are same • “Loading” and “unloading” curves are not
but are not straight lines. same in this case.

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Elastic–Perfectly Plastic (Non-strain Hardening) Elastic – Plastic Material

• The behavior of an elastic-perfectly • The elastic plastic material exhibits a

plastic (non-strain hardening) material stress – strain behavior as depicted in
the figure

Strain Strain

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Dependence of Behavior

• Relationship between Stress and Strain depends on

• Basic material composition • Time since initial strain

• Initial conditions • Temperature

• State of strain • Cyclic strain

• Direction of strain • Rate of strain change, velocity and acceleration

• History of strain

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Stress-strain Curves of Concrete and the Concept of Ductility

Typical Stress-strain Curves

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Typical Stress-strain Curves

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Typical Stress-strain Curves

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Some Examples of Stress-strain
Models for Reinforced Concrete

Various stress-strain Models for Unconfined Concrete

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An Example: Hognestad’s Parabola

Idealized Stress-Strain Behavior of Unconfined Concrete

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Concrete Behavior

Unconfined Concrete Stress-Strain Behavior

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Ductile and Brittle Materials

• Ductile materials:
• able to deform significantly into the inelastic range

• Brittle materials:
• fail suddenly by cracking or splintering
• much weaker in tension than in compression



CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 38

Structural materials: Ductility

• Ductility is important for the "ultimate" behavior of structures.

• Most structures are designed to respond in the elastic range under service loads, but, given the
uncertainties in real strength of material, behavior of the structure, magnitude of loading, and accidental
actions, a structure can be subjected to inelastic deformations.

• A ductile material will sustain large deformations before collapsing, "warning" the people inside.

• A ductile material allows for redistribution of stresses in statically indeterminate structures, which are
able to support larger loads than in the case of a structure realized of brittle material.

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Ductile and Brittle Materials

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Ductility Ratio

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What is Global (Structural) Ductility “made” of ???

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Confinement and Ductility

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Concrete Behavior and Confinement

Confined Concrete Stress-Strain Behavior

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Concrete Behavior and Confinement

Idealized Stress-Strain Behavior of Confined Concrete

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Comparison of Confine and Un-Confined Concrete

Unconfined Concrete Stress-Strain Behavior Confined Concrete Stress-Strain Behavior

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Example 1: Simple Concrete Parametric Stress-Strain Curve

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Example 1: Simple Concrete Parametric Stress-Strain Curve

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Example 2: Stress-Strain Model for Unconfined Concrete
[Thorenfeldt, Tomaszewicz, and Jensen (1987)]

   cf  
 n '   𝑓𝑐 = stress in concrete at any level
'  c  
fc  fc  
 n  1    cf
  𝑓𝑐 ’ = unconfined compressive strength of concrete

  '  
  c   ’𝑐 = strain at f’c

 f c'  n  𝑐𝑓 = strain in concrete at any level

 '
 

 Ec   n 1  𝑛 = Curve fitting factor (>1) (MPa)
𝐸𝑐 = initial tangent stiffness of the concrete (MPa)
Ec  3320 f c'  6900
𝑘 = post-peak decay factor (value must not be
' '
f f less than unity) (MPa)
n  0 .8  c
k  0.67  c

17 62

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Example 3: Mander’s Stress-Strain Model for Unconfined Concrete

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Example 3: Mander’s Stress-Strain Model for Unconfined Concrete

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Mander’s Stress-Strain Model (1988) for Confined Concrete

Reading Assignment 1

Theoretical stress-strain model for

confined concrete by J. B. Mander, M. J. N.
Priestley, and R. Park

Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 114,

No. 8, August, 1988

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 53

Sheikh and Uzumeri Stress-Strain Model (1982) for Confined Concrete in Tied

Reading Assignment 2

Analytical Model for Concrete Confinement in Tied Columns

Journal of the Structural Division, December 1982.

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Cyclic Stress Strain Relationship for Concrete

Reference: James G. Macgregor

Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 3rd Edition

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Stress-strain Curves of Steel

Steel Reinforcement Behavior

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Steel Stress Strain Curve – BS 8110

𝒇𝒚 /𝜸𝒎 Tension


Compression 𝒇𝒚 /𝜸𝒎

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Various Steel Models


Linear - Elastic Elasto-Plastic

Strain Hardening - Simple Strain Hardening Park

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 59

Bilinear (Elastoplastic) Steel Stress Strain Relationship

• The reinforcing steel is assumed to be elastic until the yield strain 𝜀𝑦 , and perfectly plastic for
strains between 𝜀𝑦 and the hardening strain or until the limit strain 𝜀𝑠𝑢 , represented by three
linear relationship. However, two linear stress-strain relationship is still being used, and simply
expressed as

f s  E s  s , for  s   y

fs  f y , if s   y

• 𝑓𝑠 = stress in reinforcing steel at any level y due to s

• 𝐸𝑠 = 200,000 MPa, modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel

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Steel Stress Strain Relationship

Steel: Stress-strain diagrams for different steels (Hibbeler, 1997)

Reference: James G. Macgregor
Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 3rd Edition

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Steel Stress Strain Relationship

Reference: James G. Macgregor

Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 3rd Edition

CE – 412: Design of Concrete Structures – Semester: Fall 2020 62

Standard Reinforcing Bars (US Designation)

Nominal Dimensions*

Bar Size Designation Weight Diameter Cross-Sectional Area

No. (lb/ft) (in.) (in2.)

3 40, 60 0.376 0.375 0.11

4 40, 60 0.668 0.500 0.20
5 40, 60 1.043 0.625 0.31
6 40, 60 1.502 0.750 0.44
7 60 2.044 0.875 0.60
8 60 2.670 1.000 0.79
9 60 3.40 1.128 1.00
10 60 4.30 1.270 1.27
11 60 5.31 1.410 1.56
14 60 7.65 1.693 2.25
18 60 13.60 2.257 4.00

* The nominal dimensions of a deformed bars are equivalent to those of a plan round bar having the same weight per foot
as the deformed bar.

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Steel strain due to thermal changes

• At low temperatures, steel becomes harder and more brittle while it becomes softer and
more ductile when the temperature rises. Although the thermal expansion for steel is
actually 6.5x10-6/0F, it is conventional to use a value of 6x10-6/0F for both concrete and
reinforcement (Collins and Mitchell, 1991)

 s   sb T
 sb = 6 x106 / 0 F , coefficient of thermal expansion

T = changes in temperature in 0F

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Temperature Dependent Properties

• These properties are given at a series of specified material temperatures, t.

• Properties at other temperatures are obtained by linear interpolation between the two nearest
specified temperatures.

• Properties at temperatures outside the specified range use the properties at the nearest specified

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Special Properties of Concrete

Temperature Dependent Properties

Determination of Property Ematt at Temperature Tmatt from Function E(T)

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Temperature Dependent Properties

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Temperature Dependent Properties

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Material Damping

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Nonlinear Material Properties

Used in the nonlinear modeling of

elements using the

• Fiber Hinges
• Layered Shell Element

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The Role of Material Properties in Calculating Internal Stresses

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The Role of Material Properties in Cross-sectional Analysis

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Conversion of Original Stress Block into an Equivalent Rectangular Stress Block

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The Consideration of Complete Stress-strain Curve of Concrete

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Assignment 1

1) Summarize 5 Models for unconfined concrete, with equations and compare their stress-strain curve.
Develop a computer program for the parametric analysis and graphical comparison of these models.

2) Summarize 5 Models for confined concrete, with equations and compare their stress-strain curve for a
column with following details.

[500 x 500 mm, 𝑓𝑐′ = 40 MPa, 16 vertical bars of dia. 25 mm (𝑓𝑦 = 420 MPa), and confined by hoops of dia. 12 @
200 mm (𝑓𝑦 = 420 MPA)]

Develop a computer program for the parametric analysis and graphical comparison of these models.

• Time 2 weeks

CE – 805: Advanced Concrete Design – Semester: Fall 2018 (Fawad A. Najam) 76

Thank You


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