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FSSC Version 6 Requirements (Foodkida)

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Version 6 Upgrade Process


DATE 01 April 2023



This document provides the requirements for the upgrade process from FSSC 22000 V5.1 to FSSC
22000 V6 for Certification Bodies, Accreditation Bodies and Certified Organizations.

2. FSSC 22000 VERSION 6

The Foundation FSSC published the new Scheme, FSSC 22000 V6 in April 2023 with the following
requirements for application:
1) Audits against the FSSC 22000 Scheme V5.1 are only allowed to be delivered up to 31 March
2) Upgrade audits against FSSC 22000 Scheme V6 shall be conducted from 1 April 2024 until 31
March 2025.


1) The CB shall include in its management system the requirements of FSSC 22000 V6 including
these transition process requirements.
2) The CB shall inform their certified organizations within 3 months from the date of publication
of the new Scheme documents and upgrade requirements for V6.
3) The CB shall train its personnel involved in the certification process for the new FSSC 22000
Scheme V6 requirements.
4) All existing V5.1 qualified auditors shall meet the following requirements and the CB shall
have evidence to demonstrate compliance with the following Scheme requirements:
a. Training and exam on all V6 Scheme requirements including relevant parts of ISO 22003-
1:2022. Auditor training records shall be uploaded to the Auditor database as part of the
annual maintenance of competency (refer Scheme Part 4, (1)).
b. Auditors shall meet the competence requirements relating to the following
(sub)categories. A requalification is needed in accordance with the requirements of the
Scheme, Part 4, Section 3.5.3, where (sub)categories are added, removed, or moved due
to the new requirements in ISO 22003-1. The auditor register on the Assurance Platform
shall be updated and be aligned with the requalification by the 1st of April 2024, including
uploading of the requalification record. Auditors qualified against V5.1 for
i. CI, shall be qualified for sub-category C0 in order to undertake V6 audits
against subcategory C0 (Animal primary conversion e.g. slaughterhouse).
ii. CII, shall be qualified for sub-category BIII in order to undertake V6 audits
against subcategory BIII.

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iii. DIIa and DIIb, shall be requalified for the relevant C sub-categories, as pet
food has been incorporated into category C.
iv. E, shall be requalified for sub-category CIII in order to undertake V6 audits
for off-site catering kitchens, and industrial kitchens that produce products
not offered for immediate consumption, as these are now included under
subcategory CIII.
v. DI automatically qualifies for category D, as there are no longer any sub-
categories for category D.
vi. GI and GII automatically qualify for category G, as there are no longer any
sub-categories for category G.
5) For new auditors the CB shall follow the requirements described in the FSSC 22000 V6
Scheme for initial auditor qualification, included under Part 4, Section 3.5.


1) Initial certification audits: both the Stage 1 and Stage 2 audit shall be conducted to Version
6 when the audit takes place from 1 April 2024 onwards OR conduct the Stage 1 to Version
5.1 (when conducted before 1 April 2024) and Stage 2 to Version 6 when conducted on or
after 1 April 2024.
2) An upgrade audit is a full audit against the new FSSC 22000 V6 requirements and may be
conducted announced, or unannounced if required to meet the 3-yearly unannounced audit
3) Audits against the FSSC 22000 Scheme requirements V5.1 are only allowed at the latest 31
March 2024.
4) For upgrade audits utilizing the ICT Audit Approach method, both the remote component
and the onsite component shall be completed against V6 commencing from 1 April 2024
onwards. It is not possible to conduct part of the audit to a different Scheme version. AUDIT DURATION CALCULATION

1) The audit duration calculation in the Scheme has been updated in line with the requirements
of ISO 22003-1:2022, and the minimum duration has taken into account the additional
Scheme requirements.
2) The audit duration calculations for all certified organizations shall be reviewed in line with
the new audit duration calculation. The CB shall notify the certified organization of the
change in audit duration for audits to be conducted to V6.
3) The audit duration for an upgrade audit shall therefore apply to the next planned regular
audit, whether it is a surveillance or recertification audit. Audit duration shall be calculated
according to the Scheme requirements included in Part 3, Section 4.3, 5.2 and 5.3, as
applicable. CERTIFICATES

1) CBs are required to update the FSSC 22000 certificate of the certified organization following
the successful completion of the Version 6 upgrade audit process. The Scheme Version 6
shall be referenced on the certificate, in the audit report, audit plan, audit program, and in
the FSSC Assurance Platform.
2) In the case of an Upgrade surveillance audit, the expiry date from the V5.1 certificate shall
be maintained.
3) All upgrade audit packs and V6 certificates are required to be uploaded on the FSSC
Assurance Platform within 2 months of the last day of the V6 upgrade audit. The CB shall

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therefore have completed the V6 upgrade in the Assurance Platform no later than 31 May
4) All remaining V5.1 certificates will automatically be set to withdrawn in the Assurance
Platform after 31 May 2025, and will then no longer be visible on the FSSC 22000 public
register of certified organizations on the FSSC website.


Due to the changes in the categories and subcategories as per ISO 22003-1:2022, Annex A, the
following licensing requirements relating to specific (sub)categories apply for the upgrade to V6 of
the Scheme. CBs who have an existing valid license with the Foundation for (sub)category(ies):
• CI, shall submit an application for license extension to the Foundation for sub-category C0,
and be granted a provisional license prior to undertaking V6 audits against subcategory
C0 (Animal primary conversion e.g., slaughterhouse).
• CII, shall submit an application for license extension to the Foundation for sub-category
BIII, and be granted a provisional license prior to undertaking V6 audits against
subcategory BIII.
• DIIa and DIIb: CBs who do not hold the corresponding sub-category C license(s), shall
submit an application for license extension specifying the food chain sub-categories for
which it requests an extension of the existing license. As of 1 April 2024, all existing CB
licenses shall be updated to remove sub-categories DIIa and DIIb where applicable.
• E, who does not have the related sub-category CIII license, shall submit an application for
license extension for sub-category CIII and be granted a provisional license prior to
undertaking V6 audits for off-site catering kitchens, and industrial kitchens that produce
products not offered for immediate consumption, as these are now included under
subcategory CIII.
• As of 1 April 2024, the licenses for CBs who have an existing valid license with the
Foundation for sub-category DI shall automatically have the sub-category changed from
DI to category D, as there are no longer sub-categories for category D.
• As of 1 April 2024, the licenses for CBs who have an existing valid license with the
Foundation for sub-category GI and GII shall automatically have the sub-categories
changed from GI &/or GII to category G, as there are no longer sub-categories for category
These license applications shall be submitted within the upgrade timeframe, taking into
consideration the time needed for processing of the license and gaining accreditation within the
timeline. The requirements for a license extension as per Scheme V6, Part 4, Section 2.1.4 apply.

No V6 audits may be undertaken prior to being granted a provisional license for new sub-
categories or categories where no sub-categories exist. The application form will be available to
CBs on MyFSSC for download.


The CB is required to extend its current ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 accreditation scope to include ISO
22003-1:2022 and FSSC 22000 V6 before 1 April 2024 and provide the new certificate of
accreditation to the Foundation within this timeline. The CB shall also request for the accreditation
scope to be re-aligned with the categories & sub-categories as per ISO 22003-1:2022, in
accordance with the changes in specific (sub)categories as detailed under above.

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The issuance of non-accredited FSSC 22000 Scheme V6 certificates by a CB holding an existing

accreditation to FSSC 22000 is not allowed by the Foundation.

The CB shall submit the following to their AB in order for the AB to undertake a document review:

• The CBs GAP analysis that shall as a minimum cover the change from ISO/TS 22003: 2013
to ISO 22003-1: 2022 as well as the Scheme changes in V6;
• The CBs transition or implementation plan;
• Relevant documentation for the changes, including evidence of implementation and
• Any other relevant information deemed necessary by their AB.

A CB office assessment by the AB is not mandatory for obtaining accreditation to FSSC 22000 V6,
however, conducting an office assessment is at the discretion of the AB, based on the outcome of
the ABs document review. An AB witness audit against V6 is not required by The Foundation.

In principle, the CB shall follow the requirements outlined in this paper, and in case this conflicts
with AB requirements, the most stringent requirements shall apply. The CB shall seek approval
from the Foundation to resolve any unclear issues.

New CBs requiring accreditation.

In the case where a new CB undertakes the accreditation process in 2023, the accreditation and
witness audit shall be against V5.1 of the FSSC 22000 Scheme and shall be in accordance with
ISO/TS 22003:2013.

In the case where a new CB starts the accreditation process in 2024 and the AB witness audit is
conducted before 31 March 2024, the witness audit shall be conducted against Version 5.1. In
these cases, the CB shall also be able to demonstrate compliance to the AB on the V6 requirements
(through document review), but an additional witness audit to V6 is not required. Where the
witness audit is conducted from 1 April 2024 onwards, the witness audit shall be against V6.


A decision has been taken to discontinue the Farming scope (category A) that is currently included
in FSSC 22000 V5.1. As a result, the following actions apply during the transition:
• No FSSC 22000 audits to V6 will be allowed for organizations holding category A scopes.
This will apply to audits as of 1 April 2024.
• FSSC 22000 Certificates with the Farming scope will be withdrawn, or the scope reduced
where multiple categories apply, as of 31 December 2024.
• From 1 April 2023 no further licenses will be issued by the Foundation for category A.
• Existing CB licenses will be updated to remove category A as of 31 December 2024.


A decision has been taken to discontinue the FSSC 22000-Quality program. As a result, the
following actions apply during the transition:
1) From 1 April 2023 no further licenses against FSSC 22000-Quality will be issued by the
2) From 1 April 2024 no further FSSC 22000-Quality audits shall be delivered.
3) Following the 2024 regular audit, the FSSC 22000-Quality certificate shall be replaced with an
FSSC 22000 certificate with the same cycle and expiry date as the previous FSSC-Quality

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certificate. The CB may issue a separate ISO 9001 certificate, at their discretion and in
accordance with their CB requirements.
4) The transition to FSSC 22000 from FSSC 22000-Quality may also be undertaken earlier if
agreed with the certified organization.
5) The CB shall inform the affected organizations within 3 months of the publication of FSSC
22000 V6.


For FSSC 22000 Scheme version 6, the AB shall assess the CBs following the below:

1) Conduct a document review of the CBs management system, where the following
parameters shall be evaluated:
a. Inclusion of all FSSC 22000 Scheme V6 requirements in the CB management system with
particular attention to:
i. FSSC 22000 Scheme V6 and transition process requirements;
ii. Information to certified organizations about FSSC 22000 V6;
iii. Training of all CB personnel, as detailed under 2.2.1 above;
iv. Re-qualification of auditors for specific (sub)categories, as detailed under
2.2.1 above;
v. Licensing of CBs for specific (sub)categories, as detailed under
2) The AB shall assess the following during the document review: the CBs GAP analysis (at least
covering the change from ISO/TS 22003: 2013 to ISO 22003-1: 2022 as well as the Scheme
changes), transition/implementation plan, relevant documentation for the changes including
evidence of implementation, and any other relevant information deemed necessary by the

If the document review conducted by the AB is successful, and the AB is able to review the required
changes and implementation by the CB as a result of the document review, then a head office
assessment is not required. If the AB is not able to conduct a successful document review, then an
office assessment is required.

An AB witness audit against V6 is not required for CBs with existing accreditation to FSSC 22000

In addition, the AB shall re-align the categories & sub-categories within the accreditation scope as
per ISO 22003-1:2022, in accordance with the changes in specific (sub)categories as detailed under above. A witness audit is not required by the Foundation for the re-alignment of categories
and sub-categories as part of the V6 upgrade process.

Based on a successful document review and/or office assessment, ABs shall issue a new CB
accreditation certificate for Scheme Version 6, in accordance with the minimum content as
referenced in Annex 4.

During the next scheduled CB surveillance assessment, the AB shall verify the implementation of
the FSSC 22000 Scheme V6 requirements in the CB management system as part of the regular
assessment process.

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New CBs requiring accreditation.

Where a new CB undertakes the initial accreditation process for FSSC 22000 in 2023, the
accreditation and witness audit shall be against V5.1 of the Scheme and shall be in accordance
with ISO/TS 22003:2013. Subsequently, the AB shall provide accreditation to V6 of the FSSC 22000
Scheme, and the corresponding ISO 22003-1:2022. Both versions of the Scheme shall be reflected
in the Accreditation Schedule.

In the case where a new CB starts the accreditation process in 2024, the accreditation shall be to
ISO 22003-1: 2022 and where the AB witness audit is conducted before 31 March 2024, the witness
audit shall be conducted against Version 5.1. In these cases, the CB shall also be able to
demonstrate compliance to the AB on the V6 requirements (through document review), but an
additional witness audit to V6 is not required. Where the witness audit is conducted from 1 April
2024 onwards, the witness audit shall be against V6.

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