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A.E.P. Veldman

Lecture Notes in Applied Mathematics

Academic year 2012–2013
Code: WICFD-03

MSc Applied Mathematics

MSc Applied Physics
MSc Mathematics
MSc Physics

Lecturer: A.E.P. Veldman

University of Groningen
Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science
P.O. Box 407
9700 AK Groningen
The Netherlands
The cover picture is a snapshot from a three-dimensional simulation of turbulent flow past
a rectangular cylinder at a Reynolds number of 22,000. The simulation has been carried
out by Roel Verstappen (RUG) using a symmetry-preserving discretization method. The
visualization of the (instantaneous) streamlines has been carried out by Wim de Leeuw (CWI)
using a spot-noise technique. For more details we refer to Section 3.4.1.


There is fluid flow everywhere around us: air is flowing past airplanes, cars and buildings;
water is flowing past ships, through rivers and harbours; oil is flowing through pipelines and
in underground reservoirs; blood is flowing through our arteries. And the most important
flow around us has not even been mentioned: the air flow in the atmosphere that determines
our weather.

It will be clear that for weather prediction and for the design of airplanes, cars, ships, etc.
knowledge of flow phenomena is essential. Such knowledge can be obtained along three ways:
experiment, theory and computer simulation.

Experiment: The oldest way of acquiring flow knowledge is by experiment. The Wright broth-
ers already had built a small windtunnel to design their first airplane. Currently windtunnels
are usually impressive buildings; the experiment time required for a new design is typically
10,000 to 20,000 hours. Even with two shifts a day (i.e. 16 working hours per day) such an
experiment program takes three to five years. And the time for making the scale model, and
for analysing the measurement data has not even been accounted for. Today, such a long
time for development is not acceptable anymore, and a faster way has to be found.

Theory: Flow research can also be carried out along a theoretical way. More than one and a
half century ago already (Navier 1823, Stokes 1845) the equations describing the flow of air
and water were derived: the Navier–Stokes equations. With pencil and paper these equations
cannot be solved. Only if the equations are simplified strongly, this theoretical approach can
produce adequate information.

Computer simulation: In the modern computer era, another approach has become feasible:
computer simulation. Here, the Navier–Stokes equations are solved with methods developed
in the realm of numerical mathematics. There is still a role for experiments, but different
from before: experiments will mainly serve as validation of the computational results.

Groningen, November 2012.


1 The convection-diffusion equation 1

1.1 Analytical formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Central versus upwind discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Analytical problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.3 Solution with central discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.4 Solution with upwind discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Artificial diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.1 Second-order diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.2 Higher-order additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Preliminary trade-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 Non-uniform grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5.1 Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5.2 Numerical benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5.3 Discussion: steady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5.4 Discussion: unsteady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.6 Finite-volume discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.6.1 One space dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.6.2 More space dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.7 Higher-order space discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.8 Time integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.8.1 Stability analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.8.2 Practical example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.9 Burgers’ equation – discontinuous solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.10 ‘Convective’ conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.11 Appendix: Dirichlet–Neumann stability analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.12 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2 Incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 39

2.1 The equations for fluid flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2 Choice of the computational grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.3 Discretization - explicit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.4 The Poisson equation for the pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4.1 Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4.2 Treatment of div u(n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.4.3 Pressure iteration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


2.5 The steady Navier–Stokes equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

2.5.1 Discrete formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5.2 Artificial compressibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.5.3 SIMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.6 Discretization - implicit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.6.1 Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.6.2 Pressure correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.7 In- and outflow conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

3 Direct numerical simulation of turbulence 61

3.1 Computational effort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2 Navier–Stokes: higher-order space discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.3 Refined time integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.4 Examples of turbulent-flow simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.4.1 Flow past a square cylinder at Re = 22,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.4.2 Surface mounted cubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.4.3 Channel flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

A Discretization, integration and iteration 79

A.1 Discretization in space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
A.1.1 Finite-difference methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
A.1.2 Finite-volume methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
A.1.3 Properties of difference operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
A.1.4 Discretization error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
A.2 Elementary iterative solution methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
A.2.1 Jacobi and JOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
A.2.2 Gauss-Seidel and SOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
A.2.3 Some definitions and theorems on eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
A.3 Integration in time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
A.3.1 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
A.3.2 Matrix analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
A.3.3 Positive time-integration schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
A.3.4 Fourier analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
A.3.5 The modified equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
A.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

B Computer exercises 101

B.1 Exercise 1 – Artificial diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
B.2 Exercise 2 – Various discretization methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
B.3 Exercise 3 – The JOR and SOR method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
B.4 Exercise 4 – Time integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
B.5 Exercise 5 – Navier–Stokes solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Chapter 1

The convection-diffusion equation

1.1 Analytical formulation

The discussion of numerical solution methods for the equations of fluid flow starts with a
‘simple’ situation: the transport of a solute in a flowing medium. Two transport mechanisms
can be distinguished: convection and diffusion.
convection = transport due to the motion of the medium;
diffusion = transport due to differences in concentration.

The concentration of solute is denoted by φ(x, t), where x represents space and t time. The
flowing medium is assumed to be incompressible, with a velocity u(x, t).

The equation describing the concentration as a function of space and time can be derived
from a conservation law. Hereto, consider an arbitrary volume Ω with boundary Γ and
outward pointing normal n. A decrease of the amount of solute inside the volume Ω is due
to outward transport of solute through the boundary Γ. The convective transport per unit
of time is given by Z
φ u · n dΓ;
the diffusive transport by Z
−k grad φ · n dΓ,
where the diffusion has been taken proportional to the gradient of the concentration (diffusion
coefficient k ≥ 0).

Conservation of mass in Ω yields

dΩ = − (φ u − k grad φ) · n dΓ = (Gauss)
Ω ∂t ZΓ
= − div (φ u − k grad φ) dΩ.

As this holds for any arbitrary volume Ω, it follows that

+ div (φ u − k grad φ) = 0. (1.1)


This is called the divergence form of the equation. When div u = 0 (incompressibility condi-
tion) the convection-diffusion equation can be rewritten in its more common form
+ u · grad φ = div (k grad φ).

Remark 1 Equation (1.1) also describes heat transport in a flowing medium with φ the
temperature. The diffusion corresponds with heat conduction.

Remark 2 The above mass balance can also be considered in discrete form; the finite-volume
method results. More on this method in Section 1.6 and Appendix A.1.2.

1.2 Central versus upwind discretization

1.2.1 Analytical problem
We start with the steady convection-diffusion equation in one space dimension, with a velocity
field u and a diffusion coefficient k that are taken constant
dφ d2 φ
Lφ ≡ u −k 2 =0 (0 < x < L) φ(0) = T0 , φ(L) = TL . (1.2)
dx dx
The solution to this equation is given by

1 − eux/k 1 − eP e(x/L)
φ(x) = T0 + (TL − T0 ) ≡ T0 + (TL − T0 ) , (1.3)
1 − euL/k 1 − eP e
in which
Pe ≡ is the Péclet number.
For moderate values of P e the solution φ(x) varies smoothly over the whole domain. When
P e is large, the solution possesses a boundary-layer character in which φ(x) ≈ T0 , except in
a thin layer of thickness k/u(= L/P e) near the outflow boundary x = L where the solution
adapts itself to the outflow condition φ(L) = TL .

Exact solution of convection-

Pe = 1 diffusion equation for various
values of the Péclet number
P e = 10
P e = 50
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Remark The fastest way to ‘prove’ that the boundary layer thickness is proportional to
k/u uses dimensional analysis. First recognise that u has dimension m/sec, whereas k has
dimension m2 /sec. Then conclude that k/u is the only combination that can be made with
the physical parameters that has a dimension of length.

1.2.2 Discretization
The convection-diffusion equation (1.2) will be discretized on a grid with grid points xi =
ih, h = L/I, i = 0, · · · , I. Various ways exist of discretizing partial differential equations;
in these lecture notes we will follow either a finite-difference or a finite-volume approach
(see Appendix A.1). Let us start simple with a finite-difference approximation of the partial
derivatives occurring in (1.2).

With second-order central discretization we have

dφ φi+1 − φi−1 d2 φ φi+1 − 2φi + φi−1
= + O(h2 ); 2 = 2 + O(h2 ). (1.4)
dx 2h dx h
For the discretized operator Lch this means
c u k 2k u k
(Lh φh )i ≡ − φi+1 + 2 φi + − − φi−1 = 0. (1.5)
2h h2 h 2h h2
Let us first demonstrate the centrally dis- 1
cretized solution for a situation where P e = P e = 500
500. The grid in this example consists of 10 φ
grid points. One observes that the discrete
solution shows enthusiastic wiggles. To under- 0
stand this we need the notion of a monotone
operator, as discussed in Appendix A.1.

Remark In this example, the wiggles are trig- -1

gered by the Dirichlet condition at x = 1 with
a value that does not ‘match’ the value of φ
in the interior. Here, we do this on purpose to -2
show their occurrence, their origin and some 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1
strategies to prevent them. In Section 2.7 we
will show how these wiggles can be suppressed by choosing a more appropriate boundary
condition. However, it is good to realize that wiggles can also be induced by other reasons,
e.g. near shock waves.

If the requirements for being a monotone operator are compared with the properties of
the discrete scheme given by (1.5), the following can be concluded:

Theorem 1.2.1 The operator Lch is positive if and only if the mesh-Péclet number P satisfies
P ≡ ≤ 2. (1.6)
It is monotone, i.e. a maximum principle holds, if P < 2.

Proof For a definition of a positive operator we first refer to Appendix A.1. Further it is assumed
that u > 0. In that case the coefficient of φi−1 , given in (1.5), clearly is always negative, and only
the coefficient of φi+1 might give troubles. The latter coefficient is given by u/2h − k/h2 , which is
non-positive precisely under the condition (1.6). For a maximum principle to hold, the coefficients
have to be strictly negative (Th. A.1.2). 2

The above condition stresses that when using central discretization the mesh width h has
to be sufficiently small in order to obtain a positive operator. In the latter case the solution
will be wiggle-free. A physicists reaction would be: “If you want to compute the boundary
layer, then the least thing to do is to fit your grid size to the boundary-layer thickness, i.e.
choose h = k/u.” This insight is helpful, as for this choice of the grid size the mesh Péclet
number becomes equal to 1 (which is smaller than 2!).

A small grid size leads to a large number of grid points and hence an expensive calcu-
lation. And maybe you are not really interested in the details within the boundary layer,
i.e. convection is considered to be much more important than diffusion. In that case our
physicist friend has an advice concerning the discretization of the convective term: “If the
wind is blowing from a particular direction, then you only have to look in that direction to
see what is coming towards you.” With this physical insight, in fact he suggests to consider
an alternative, one-sided discretization of the first order derivative

 φi − φi−1 + O(h) (u ≥ 0),

dφ  h
= (1.7)
dx  φi+1 − φi

+ O(h) (u < 0).

(1.7) is called an ‘upwind’ discretization, be- 1

cause it is taken against the direction of the P e = 500 upwind
flow velocity u. This discretization is first-
order accurate – in contrast with the second- 0.5
order accuracy of (1.4) – but it always leads
to a (monotone) positive operator irrespec-
tive of the mesh width h, as can be easily 0
deduced (see Exercise 1.2.1). The discrete
results in the same case as above indeed do
not possess wiggles! But are they accurate?
We will come back to this question later. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1

Exercise 1.2.1 Prove that, for k > 0, upwind discretization always leads to a positive and monotone

1.2.3 Solution with central discretization

The central discretization (1.5) can be rewritten as

(φi+1 − φi−1 ) − (φi+1 − 2φi + φi−1 ) = 0 (i = 1, . . . , I − 1), (1.8)

in which the mesh-Péclet number P = uh/k dominantly features. In fact, when P becomes
large and φ remains bounded, this equation simplifies to

φi+1 − φi−1 ≈ 0. (1.9)

In other words, grid points two meshes apart are closely connected to each other, but they
are independent of their direct neighbours. This phenomenon is called odd-even decoupling.

The difference equation (1.8) can be solved analytically by means of the next lemma.

Lemma 1.2.2 When a 6= b, the solution of the difference equation a φi+1 −(a+b) φi +b φi−1 =
0 (i = 1, . . . , I − 1), with boundary conditions φ0 = T0 and φI = TL , is given by

1 − ri b
φi = T0 + (TL − T0 ) I
where r = . (1.10)
1−r a
Note that the solution will oscillate when r < 0, i.e. when a and b have a different sign.
Compare this with the wiggles that can appear for non-positive operators (see Appendix A.1).

Proof Find fundamental solutions of the form ri . These satisfy the characteristic equation ar2 − (a +
b)r + b = 0, which leads to r1 = 1 and r2 = b/a. Now, the general solution is given by φi = c1 r1i + c2 r2i .
The boundary conditions at i = 0 and i = I fix the coefficients c1 and c2 , after which (1.10) follows.

Application of the above lemma gives the exact solution of (1.8)

1− 1−P/2
φi = T0 + (TL − T0 )  I , (i = 0, . . . , I).
1− 1−P/2

We will consider this solution for large values of P . Introduce  ≡ 2/P  1 and apply series
expansion in 
1 − (−1)i (1 + 2i)
φi = T0 + (TL − T0 ) + O(2 ). (1.11)
1 − (−1)I (1 + 2I)
Distinguish the cases I is even/odd and i is even/odd.

• I odd:
When I is odd (1.11) becomes

1 − (−1)i − 2(−1)i i
φi ≈ T0 + (TL − T0 ) ,
2(1 + I)


i even: φi ≈ T0 − (TL − T0 ) i; i odd: φi ≈ TL − (TL − T0 )(I − i).

The solution in even grid points fits to the left-hand-side boundary condition, whereas
the odd points fit to the right-hand-side condition. This is a concrete example of the
odd/even decoupling announced above.

• I even:
When I is even we have

1 − (−1)i (1 + 2i)
φi ≈ T0 + (TL − T0 ) ,

i −1 i
i even: φi ≈ T0 + (TL − T0 ) ; i odd: φi ≈ T0 + (TL − T0 ) − .

The solution in the even grid points fits to both boundary conditions. Odd grid points
look awful: the solution there approaches infinity when  → 0. Note that φi is no longer
bounded, hence (1.9) does not describe the behaviour.

1 1
P e = 500 P e = 500
φ φ

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1
Central discretization for P e = 500: I odd (left) and I even (right).

1.2.4 Solution with upwind discretization

When an upwind discretization (1.7) is applied, the discrete equation becomes (assuming
u > 0)
P (φi − φi−1 ) − (φi+1 − 2φi + φi−1 ) = 0, φ0 = T0 , φI = TL .

The solution again follows from (1.10)

1 − (1 + P )i
φi = T0 + (TL − T0 ) .
1 − (1 + P )I

For P large we have

φi ≈ T0 + (TL − T0 )P i−I ,

which for i < I is approximately equal to T0 , whereas φI = TL . The solution does not possess
wiggles and looks more friendly than the central solution. But the boundary layer is too
thick! The two figures below show the upwind solution and the exact solution for a situation

with I = 10, k = 0.002, T0 = 0 and TL = 1.

1 1
P e = 500 upwind P e = 500 exact
φ φ

0.5 0.5

0 0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1

Upwind discretization Exact solution

1.3 Artificial diffusion

1.3.1 Second-order diffusion
If we compare the (second-order) central discretization with the (first-order) upwind dis-
cretization through
φi − φi−1 φi+1 − φi−1 uh φi+1 − 2φi + φi−1
u ≡u − ,
h 2h 2 h2
it is observed that upwind discretization of (1.2) yields the same discrete equation as central
discretization of
uh d2 φ

u − k+ = 0. (1.12)
dx 2 dx2
When comparing the centrally discretized solution of (1.2) with the upwind discretized solu-
tion of (1.2), the formulation (1.12) can be used as an intermediate step.

upwind central central

discretization ≡ discretization ←→ discretization
of (1.2) of (1.12) of (1.2)

It is observed that (1.12) in comparison with (1.2) contains an additional term in which
the diffusion coefficient is increased with ka = uh/2. This increase is called artificial diffu-
sion. When the artificial diffusion dominates the real diffusion, and when one is interested in
the effects of diffusion, then the usefulness of the upwind discretized solution decreases. But
be aware! We have silently assumed that the other discretization errors are small and that
they do not play a role in the above. If this is not the case then the judgement on upwind
discretization can be more positive. Also when diffusion is not relevant for the physics there
is little harm in increasing the diffusion, making upwind discretization an acceptable choice.

The advantage of upwind discretization is that a (monotone) positive operator is created,

which is easily treated iteratively (see Appendix A.2). Also other choices for the artificial
viscosity ka lead to a positive operator. To investigate this, let us discretize the equation

dφ d2 φ
u − (k + ka ) 2 = 0 (1.13)
dx dx
for arbitrary ka using central discretization. We obtain
(Lah φh )i ≡ (φi+1 − φi−1 ) − (k + ka ) (φi+1 − 2φi + φi−1 ) = 0.
With reference to Theorem 1.2.1, the operator Lah is a positive operator if and only if

|u|h |u|h
k + ka ≥ ⇔ ka ≥ − k.
2 2
The upwind discretization with ka = |u|h/2 satisfies this criterion. In the literature also other
choices can be found. The figure below shows the quantity ka /k, for a number of methods,
as a function of P = |u|h/k.

3 6 

UD = upwind discretization
ka /k UD  

 Sp = Spalding (1972):

 ka = max (0, |u|h
2 − k)
AS = Allen & Southwell (1955)
 AS Sp
0   -
0 2 4 6 P

A special choice for ka has been described for the first time by Allen & Southwell (1955),
and reinvented many times. Gresho & Lee (1981) call it the ‘smart upwind’ method. Other
names are the ‘locally exact’ method, and the ‘exponential scheme’. This special choice of ka
can be found by comparing (1.3) and (1.10). One notes that for r = eP e/I = eP the discrete
solution (1.10) and the analytic solution (1.3) in the grid points are equal. This situation
arises when (1.13) is centrally discretized with an artificial diffusion coefficient (assume u > 0)
uh P P P
ka = coth −k =k coth −1 . (1.14)
2 2 2 2
Proof After central discretization of (1.13), an equation as in Lemma 1.2.2 is obtained with
u k + ka u k + ka
a≡ − and b ≡ − − .
2h h2 2h h2
Requiring that z ≡ b/a = eP , we can work backward to ‘reconstruct’ ka :

uh eP + 1 uh eP/2 + e−P/2
u k + ka P u k + ka
− − =e − ⇒ k +ka = = .
2h h2 2h h2 2 eP − 1 2 eP/2 − e−P/2

For small P the expression between parentheses in (1.14) approaches zero, hence in this
case no artificial diffusion is added. The discrete solution will now approach the solution of the
centrally discretized problem. For large P , ka behaves like ka ≈ 12 uh − k. The solution then
resembles the upwind discretized solution. Yet, for the above one-dimensional convection-
diffusion equation with constant coefficients the exact solution is obtained. In more than one
dimension, nothing similar has been found yet.

Artificial diffusion is often applied in situations with P > 2, i.e. 21 h > k/u = the boundary-
layer thickness, to obtain a system of discrete equations which is easier tractable numerically.
When the solution is smooth - the amount of diffusion is not important then - this does not
matter very much. However, when the solution should possess a boundary-layer character
the mesh width simply is too large to resolve details in the boundary layer. No choice of ka
can repair this situation, not even (1.14) which gives the exact solution! A smooth solution is
created, however its boundary layer is too thick1 . This can be seen only by comparing with
the exact solution. The left-hand-side figure on page 7 looks nice, but comparison with the
exact solution shows that the boundary layer is not computed correctly. In such a situation
the centrally discretized solution gives a warning by showing violent wiggles (see the figures on
page 6); compare Gresho & Lee (1981). When the details in the boundary layer are relevant,
the only remedy is to refine the mesh width such that at least a few grid points are located
inside the boundary layer. Then automatically P ≤ 2 inside the boundary layer (check this!).
Outside the boundary layer P > 2, but that need not be critical (see Section 1.5).

1.3.2 Higher-order additives

The wiggle-dependence of central discretization of a first-order derivative also can be dimin-
ished by adding a term of the form h2 d3 φ/dx3 (for u > 0)2

dφ φi+1 − φi−1 φi+1 − 3φi + 3φi−1 − φi−2

= −λ + τh , (1.15)
dx 2h h
2 1
τh = h λ − φxxx + O(h3 ).
Here we have a family of upwind-biased λ-schemes3 , which all are second-order accurate; for
λ = 1/6 we even have a third-order discretization. Special cases are further λ = 0 (central
discretization), λ = 1/2 (second-order upwind: the B3-scheme in which φi+1 drops out) and
λ = 1/8 (the QUICK method).

Why λ = 1/8 is a special value, can be seen as follows. Consider in the figure below the
points R and L which lie halfway [i, i + 1], and [i − 1, i], respectively. We approximate the
With upwind diffusion ka ≡ uh/2, the thickness of the (artificial) boundary layer becomes ka /u = h/2,
i.e. it can be resolved by the grid.
An upwind-biased second-order discretization of a third-order derivative is given by

d3 φ φi+1 − 3φi + 3φi−1 − φi−2

= .
dx3 h3

Above upwind-biased schemes are also used, in disguised form, in compressible flow, where they are called
κ-schemes; see e.g. Hirsch (1990) or Wesseling (2001). They are equivalent when κ = 1 − 4λ.

derivative in i in a finite-volume fashion through

dφ φR − φL
= .
dx h
The values φR and φL are determined via quadratic
interpolation on the intervals [i − 1, i + 1], and [i − 2, i]
respectively (assuming u > 0). In this way

φi+1 + φi φi+1 − 2φi + φi−1

i−2 i−1 i i+1 φR = − ,
L R 2 8

with a similar formula for φL . QUICK stands for Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Con-
vective Kinematics (Leonard 1979).

After having added a second-order derivative and a third-order derivative to ‘smooth’

central discretization, it sounds logical that a fourth-order derivative (multiplied by h3 ) also
might be useful. Indeed this is the case. Jameson et al. (1981) have introduced this approach
for solving the inviscid Euler equations, but we will not go into further detail here. Another
way of getting rid of the wiggles is to apply monotone discretization methods, where keywords
like ‘limiters’ and ‘TVD (total variation diminishing)’ are issues; see e.g. Chapters 20 and 21
of Hirsch (1990) or Chapter 9 of Wesseling (2001).

Exercise 1.3.1 Prove that λ ≥ max( 12 − |u|h

, 0) is a sufficient condition for the upwind-biased methods
from (1.15) to be wiggle-free. Show that the QUICK method is wiggle-free for P ≤ 8/3. Hint: Try
fundamental solutions of the form ri , and monitor the sign of r.

1.4 Preliminary trade-off

The trade-off between the methods presented above (and the methods still to be presented)
is a delicate matter. An important role is played by the ratio between the mesh size and the
length scales of the solution.

To give a first impression we have compared a number of methods:

i) the first-order upwind method (1.7); c s
ii) the second-order upwind method (1.15) with λ = 1/2; c c s
iii) the QUICK method (1.15) with λ = 1/8; c c s c
iv) the second-order central method (1.4); c s c
v) the fourth-order central method (see Section 1.7). c c s c c

The difference stencils of methods ii), iii) and v) are too large near the boundaries. There-
fore, where necessary in the first and last grid points a central discretization has been applied.
Except for the fourth-order method, the diffusive term has been discretized with the second-
order discretization as used in (1.4). Thus, it makes not much sense to include the third-order
λ-scheme with λ = 1/6 in this comparison, as the second-order error from diffusion will dom-
inate for small grid sizes; anyway its results do not differ dramatically from those for λ = 1/8.

The convection-diffusion equation (2.3) has been solved with k = 10−3 . Its boundary
layer has thickness δ995 (defined as the location where the solution reaches 99.5% of the outer
solution) of about 0.0053. The computations have been performed on uniform grids for a
large range of mesh sizes, varying from h = 10−1 (with which the boundary layer cannot be
resolved at all) to h = 10−5 (with over 500 points inside the boundary layer). In the figure
the difference (as a discrete L2 -norm) between the analytic solution and the discrete solution
( N
1X 2
kyexact − yh kh = (yexact (xi ) − yh (xi ))

has been plotted. This quantity is a measure for the error of the discrete solution in the grid
points. Where the grid is too coarse to resolve the analytic solution, this quantity gives a
flattered image: what happens (or should happen) between the grid points remains invisible.

Accuracy for given grid size We start with some conclusions concerning the discretiza-
tion error of the methods investigated.
• There is no method that performs well for all mesh sizes.
• For coarse grids, only the first- and second-order upwind methods are useful. The error
of the first-order upwind method is a bit flattered because outside the boundary layer
the solution is constant. In a less trivial situation it performs worse.
• When the grid is refined until the boundary layer can be resolved, the other three
methods become more attractive. Both central methods behave very regular. The
QUICK method is irregular, with a favourable discretization error just in the accuracy
range around 10−3 –10−4 which is relevant for practical calculations. Whether this is a
structural property of QUICK is unknown4 .
• For very fine grids the fourth-order method is the most accurate.
In October 1996, I have discussed this matter with Brian Leonard, the ‘inventor’ of QUICK (Leonard
1979), but he does not know either whether this behaviour is systematic.

Computational effort Next, the effort to solve the discrete system of equations should be
considered. It will be clear that a larger difference stencil will lead to a less sparse matrix,
making direct solution more expensive. Yet, for small (2D) problems direct methods will be
the fastest. When the system is solved iteratively, the upwind method is very easy to handle.
The other methods require a more sophisticated iterative treatment, which usually will be
more expensive. However, when this iteration process can be combined with other iterative
processes, e.g. treating non-linearity, the computational pain will be relieved. Over the years,
many useful methods have been presented in the literature (for the developments at RUG see
e.g. Wubs and Thies 2011).

Maintainability A final aspect to be taken into account is the simplicity of the method and
herewith the simplicity of the computer code. Methods with a larger stencil require special
measures near the boundaries, introducing many exceptional cases, and increasing the chance
for errors: the code becomes less readable and less maintainable.

• For engineering accuracy (say 10−3 ) I would prefer a second-order central discretization:
a small stencil, and easy to implement. Of course, the grid size has to be adapted to the
behaviour of the solution: too coarse meshes can lead to large oscillations, as explained
above. The QUICK method, with its larger stencil, is still a mystery to me.

• For coarse-grid calculations only the upwind methods qualify. First-order upwind is
easily handled, but its results are accordingly. Second-order upwind is remarkably
better, but it has the disadvantage of a larger stencil. It is the only method with
reasonable performance for a large range of mesh sizes.

• Only when one is interested in four or more figures accuracy the fourth-order methods
are of interest. One should take into account that the equations to be solved often
will be an approximation of reality containing modelling errors. There is no sense in
reducing the discretization error too far below this modelling error.

In the next sections we will discuss more advanced discretization methods with which their
price/performance ratio can be improved.

1.5 Non-uniform grids

Thus far grids have been used in which, per coordinate direction, the mesh size is constant.
In practice often grids with varying mesh size are used. Their purpose is to describe the
solution, at prescribed accuracy, with as little grid points as possible. In this way the discrete
systems to be solved become smaller, and in general – but not always (cf. Exercise 1.5.1)! –
can be solved cheaper.

1.5.1 Discretization
We start with a study of the local discretization error on a non-equidistant grid. Hereto we use
a one-dimensional example in which a first-order and a second-order derivative are discretized.

Consider the following triple of grid points, with function values φ− , φ0 and φ+ , and at
mutual distances h− and h+
φ− φ0 φ+
h− h+
u u u
x− x0 x+
In the middle grid point the derivatives φx and φxx are approximated with finite-difference
formulas in which only φ− , φ0 and φ+ appear. We start with the Taylor series for φ+ and
φ− :

φ+ = φ0 + h+ φx + 21 h2+ φxx + 61 h3+ φxxx + · · · , (1.16)

φ− = φ0 − h− φx + 21 h2− φxx − 61 h3− φxxx + · · · . (1.17)

When we simply subtract (1.16) and (1.17) we obtain (Method A)

φ+ − φ− 1 h3 + h3−
φx = − 2 (h+ − h− ) φxx − 16 + φ + ···
h+ + h− h+ + h− xxx
h+ φ+ − φ0 h− φ 0 − φ −
= + + ··· .
h+ + h− h+ h+ + h− h−
On uniform grids the term (h+ − h− )φxx vanishes; this term is related to the stretching of
the grid (see below). Geometrically this estimate for the derivative in the i-th grid point
is generated by means of a linear interpolation of φ between the adjacent grid points (for a
finite-volume interpretation see Section 1.6).
hhhh Method B
hhhht hh
φ0 hhhh
(( ((((
t (((
Method A
 h− - h+ -
x− x0 x+

By combining (1.16) and (1.17) in a different way, the term with φxx can be eliminated
beforehand. Take h2− × (1.16) − h2+ × (1.17), then one obtains (Method B)

h2− φ+ + h2+ − h2− φ0 − h2+ φ− 1

φx = − 6 h+ h− φxxx + · · ·
h+ h− (h+ + h− )
h− φ + − φ 0 h+ φ 0 − φ −
= + + ··· .
h+ + h− h+ h+ + h− h−
First observe that the weights of the forward and backward derivatives have been interchanged
in comparison with (1.18). Further, the local discretization error in (1.19) looks better than
the one in (1.18). Not only a term with φxx is missing, but also the coefficient of φxxx is
less or equal the corresponding coefficient in (1.18). Again a geometric interpretation can be
given. Draw a parabola through the three points φ− , φ0 and φ+ (Lagrange interpolation),
then the tangent to this parabola in φ0 gives the estimate (1.19). Note that, because of these
Taylor-series considerations, (1.19) is the ‘standard’ central discretization for a first-order
derivative. However, in the next section we will see that it does possess serious drawbacks.

For the approximation of φxx , only one feasible option is available: combine h− × (1.16) +
h+ × (1.17)

h− φ+ − (h+ + h− ) φ0 + h+ φ− 1
φxx = 1 − 3 (h+ − h− ) φxxx + · · · . (1.20)
2 h+ h− (h+ + h− )

Again the difference h+ − h− appears. In the literature it is often called a first-order term,
but it can equally well be called a second-order term: this depends on the way in which the
mesh width approaches zero. When h+ and h− approach zero with h+ /h− = constant 6= 1,
it is a first-order term. It is a second-order term when the grid is obtained through a trans-
formation, x = f (ξ), in which the ξ-interval is divided uniform with mesh width ∆. From a
Taylor series around ξ0 (corresponding with the central point) we get

h+ ≡ x+ − x0 = ∆f 0 (ξ0 ) + 12 ∆2 f 00 (ξ0 ) + · · · ,
h− ≡ x0 − x− = ∆f 0 (ξ0 ) − 21 ∆2 f 00 (ξ0 ) + · · · ,
h+ f 00
h+ − h− = ∆2 f 00 (ξ0 ) + · · · and = 1 + ∆ 0 (ξ0 ) + · · · .
h− f

It will be clear that f 00 (ξ) controls the amount of stretching of the grid.

1.5.2 Numerical benchmark

1 1
Method B Method A
φ φ

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1
Discretization by Method A (1.18), which
Discretization according to Method B looks less promising then (1.19) when
(1.19) yields the above result. measuring the local truncation error, pro-
duces much better results.

The difference between both discretization methods A and B will be demonstrated with
a few examples. Consider the model problem (1.2) on the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, with u = 1 and
k = 0.002 and boundary conditions φ(0) = 0 and φ(1) = 1. The exact solution is shown on
page 7. In the examples we use a grid given by

xi = {0, 0.2 − k, 0.4 − 2k, 0.6 − 3k, 0.8 − 4k, 1 − 5k, 1 − 4k, 1 − 3k, 1 − 2k, 1 − k, 1}, (1.21)

hence for k = 0.002 we have five grid cells of size about 0.2 and five grid cells of size 0.002.

For comparison we show the discrete φ
solution from upwind discretization.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x 0.8 1

1.5.3 Discussion: steady

The above example gives an impression of the systematic behaviour of both methods; more
examples can be found in Veldman et al. (1991, 1993) and Verstappen and Veldman (1997,
1998, 2003). We will now give a fundamental explanation of the observed behaviour.

To get a feeling of the relation between the local discretization (= truncation) error (as in
(1.18) and (1.19)) and the global discretization error we have to consider (see Appendix A.1)

φexact − φh = L−1
h τ h. (1.22)

This relation shows that the global error is determined by multiplying the local error with
the inverse of the coefficient matrix. When the diagonal of Lh is weakened, roughly spoken,
some eigenvalues may move towards zero herewith ‘increasing’ L−1 h . In the examples shown,
for Method B this increase of Lh apparently overrules the decrease of τ h . Let us analyse
this in more detail.

Consider first the coefficient matrix LA of Method A, defined from (1.18) and (1.20),
which will be scaled by a diagonal matrix H incorporating the local grid size
h− + h+
M A = HLA where H = diag . (1.23)

A simple calculation reveals that

.. .. ..
 
. . .
 
2k 2k(h−− +h− ) 2k
−u − u−
 
h−− h−− h− h−
 
 
 
2k(h− +h+ )
 
2M A = 2k 2k , (1.24)
 −u − h− h− h+ u− h+ 
 
 
2k 2k(h+ +h++ ) 2k
−u − u−
 
h+ h+ h++ h++
 
 
.. .. ..
. . .

where h−− , h− , h+ and h++ are adjacent mesh sizes.

In the matrix M A the diffusive term gives a purely symmetric contribution and the con-
vective term gives a purely skew-symmetric contribution, in line with the analytical property

of diffusion and convection5 , respectively. Therefore a method with such a property is called
symmetry preserving. This property allows to prove that the coefficient matrix M A can never
become singular, no matter how the grid is chosen. We formulate this in the next theorem.

Theorem 1.5.1 For Method A, the eigenvalues of the scaled coefficient matrix M A lie in
the right half plane (i.e. the matrix is positive-stable); hence this matrix is nonsingular.

Proof Bendixson’s theorem A.2.5 states that all eigenvalues of a matrix lie in the rectangle formed
by the eigenvalues of the symmetric part and the eigenvalues of the skew-symmetric part. As just re-
marked, the symmetric part of M A is generated by the diffusive term. This part is weakly diagonally
dominant, and hence positive definite. Thus the rectangle just mentioned lies fully in the right half
plane, and all eigenvalues of M A have a positive real part. In particular M A is nonsingular. 2

Also several related matrices are nonsingular, as formulated in the following theorem:
Theorem 1.5.2 For Method A, also the eigenvalues of the non-scaled coefficient matrix LA
and of the shifted Jacobi matrix (diag LA )−1 LA = (diag M A )−1 M A are lying in the positive
half plane. Thus these matrices are positive-stable and hence nonsingular.
Proof First observe that, trivially, the diagonal matrix H is positive definite. Further, the sym-
metric part of M A is positive definite. Then Lemma A.2.8 makes the non-scaled coefficient matrix
LA = H −1 M A positive-stable. Also, D A ≡ diag M A is positive definite. This, similarly, makes
D −1
A M A positive-stable. 2

In particular, the coefficient matrix LA of Method A is never singular and its global error
(1.22) can never become infinite, irrespective of the chosen computational grid. In the RUG
lecture notes “Computational Methods of Science” it is explained how this is related to the
stability of the discrete operator LA .

Method B does not possess such pleasant properties. On the contrary! The diagonal
entries of this method (before scaling) are given by
u (h+ − h− ) + 2k
, (1.25)
h− h+
from which we see that the convective term contributes to the diagonal. The diagonal can
easily become negative; note that in our example h+ < h− , which is a natural situation for
u > 0 in view of the outflow boundary layer that may appear. Hereafter D −1 B M B is found
to be no longer positive-stable (see figure). When the lowering of the diagonal is stronger,
some eigenvalues may move to the left half plane and the (scaled) coefficient matrices LB and
M B = HLB can even become singular (and the global error (1.22) becomes infinite)!

To illustrate this we show one of the eigenvalues of M B and of D −1 B M B as a function of

k, using the grid (1.21). Already for k = 1/20, where the stretching ‘h+ /h− ’ in the irregular
grid point equals 1/3, the shifted Jacobi matrix is singular (a diagonal element becomes zero).
For k = kM ≈ 0.0084, where the stretching is approximately 0.04, the coefficient matrix itself
becomes singular.
In one dimension, and omittingRboundary effects,
R the skew-symmetry of convection basically follows from
R 00integration-by-parts
the R 0 0 formula:
R 00 u0 v dx = − uv 0 dx, whereas the symmetry of diffusion follows from
u v dx = − u v dx = uv dx.

MB Im λ
Re λ

0 0.02 k 0.04 0.06
Figure 1.1: One of the eigenvalues of the shifted Jacobi matrix D −1
B M B becomes infinite for
k = 0.05. The matrix M B itself becomes singular for k ≈ 0.0084.

Remark Manteuffel and White (1986) have proven theoretically that on grids where the
ratio between the smallest and the largest mesh size is bounded during grid refinement, both
Method A and Method B are second-order accurate. In view of the above observations, this
again is an acknowledgement of the power of Method A, where the local discretization error
at first sight would suggest only first-order accuracy.

Consequences for iterative solution methods

Another consequence of the favourable properties proven in Theorem 1.5.2, in particular for
the shifted Jacobi matrix, is that many iterative methods can be used to solve the discrete
system for Method A, for example SOR (see Appendix A.2). And also on this issue Method
B gets into trouble. Already when its diagonal becomes singular, SOR and similar iterative
solution methods can no longer be used to solve the equations from Method B. In the computer
exercise in Appendix B.3 we will see how ‘tricky’ this can be. Many other iterative solution
methods require the eigenvalues of either M or (diag M )−1 M to lie in the stable right-half
plane. For Method B this cannot be guaranteed, but Theorem 1.5.2 shows that Method A
always satisfies this requirement.

1.5.4 Discussion: unsteady

In an unsteady setting
+ Lh φ h = 0 (1.26)
it is possible to talk about conservation of certain solution properties with time. Let us define
the ‘energy’ ||φh ||2h of the solution in such a way that it incorporates the local grid size: in
matrix-vector notation
||φh ||2h ≡ φ∗h Hφh . (1.27)

When H is positive definite, this is a genuine vector norm.

Theorem 1.5.3 The solution of (1.26) conserves energy (1.27) if and only if the scaled co-
efficient matrix HLh is skew-symmetric. Furthermore the energy is decreasing if and only if
HLh is positive real.

Proof The evolution of the energy (1.27) in time reads (note that H is symmetric)
d dφ∗h dφ
||φh ||2h = Hφh + φ∗h H h = −(Lh φh )∗ Hφh − φ∗h HLh φh = −φ∗h (HLh + (HLh )∗ )φh .
dt dt dt
The right-hand side vanishes if and only if HLh is skew-symmetric. It is negative for all φ 6= 0 if and
only if the symmetric part of HLh is positive definite, i.e. HLh is positive real. 2

The scaled coefficient matrix M A (= HLA ) of Method A satisfies the latter condition in
the theorem, once again explaining the favourable properties of this discretization method.
On the other hand, the scaled coefficient matrix of Method B does not satisfy the conditions
in the theorem. A fortiori, as soon as one of the eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix becomes
negative (or has negative real part), the semi-discretized time-dependent formulation (1.26)
is unstable.

Remark In the above approach, the analytic skew-symmetry of the convective operator has
been preserved in its discrete counterpart. This is an example of a general strategy to preserve
(i.e. to mimic) properties of the analytic equations. In the literature, this general approach
is known as mimetic (also called compatible or structure-preserving) discretization.
Exercise 1.5.1 Write down the discretization of the unsteady convection-diffusion equation using
forward-Euler in time and Method B in space. Use a grid with only one interior grid point. Show that
the time integration is unstable when 2k < u(h− − h+ ). Note that here we have an example where
reduction of the number of grid points in(!)creases the computational effort. Next apply Method A
and choose the single interior grid point as 1 − 2k. What do you think of the discrete steady solution
in this case?

1.6 Finite-volume discretization

In a finite-volume discretization each grid point is surrounded by a cell, or control volume, in
which the weak form of the conservation law is applied. When applied to a control volume
Ωh with boundary Γh a general conservation law can be written as
dΩh + F (φ) · n dΓh = 0, (1.28)
Ωh ∂t Γh

which forms the basis for theR finite-volume method. As an immediate consequence we have
conservation of ‘momentum’ Ω φ dΩ as soon as along the outer boundary of the domain the
flux function F vanishes, since all contributions of the fluxes along the interior cell faces cancel.

To investigate conservation of energy it is convenient first to discretize (1.28) further as

H + M F φh = 0, (1.29)
where H again is a diagonal matrix, now representing the size of the individual control
volumes. The evolution of energy, defined by (1.27), then obeys
d d
||φ ||2 = (φ∗ Hφh ) = −φ∗h (M F + M ∗F )φh .
dt h h dt h
Again it is observed that a positive real matrix M F implies a decrease of energy (Theo-
rem 1.5.3).

1.6.1 One space dimension

The convection-diffusion equation in one dimension fits in the general framework (1.28) with
a flux function given by
F (φ) = u φ − k φx ,
where for the moment u and k will be kept constant.

The choice of the control volumes is not straightforward. On uniform grids the control
faces usually lie halfway the grid points, whereas at the same time the grid points lie in the
centre of the control volumes. On non-uniform grids only one of these properties can hold.
Below both variants will be treated, to show that their behaviour is completely different.

Faces halfway between grid points

We will start with a situation where the control faces lie halfway between the grid points; it
is sometimes called a vertex-centered method (because in a rectangular setting the vertices
of the control volumes lie central between the grid points).
F (φ)|i+1/2

h− -
i−1 i i+1
2 (h− + h+ )

In this situation the convective and diffusive fluxes are found immediately with second-
order accuracy as (see notation in above figure)
φi+1 + φi φi+1 − φi
F (φ)|i+1/2 = u −k .
2 h+
The discrete convection diffusion equation then becomes
1 dφi 1 φi+1 − φi φi−1 − φi
2 − + h + ) + 2 u(φ i+1 − φ i−1 ) − k − = 0.
dt h+ h−
It is observed that this method equals Method A, and it might give the impression as if the
finite-volume approach automatically results in a good discretization method. But this is not
true in general, as we will see in the next variant.

Grid points halfway between faces

Next the cell-centered method in which the grid points lie halfway between the cell faces
will be discussed. In this case the faces are not halfway the grid points, and a second-order
approximation of the convective flux at a cell face becomes more complicated than in the
previous approach.

Referring to the notation in the figure below, a linear interpolation results in a convective
H0 H0
F |i+1/2 = φi+1 + (1 − )φi .
2h+ 2h+

F (φ)|i+1/2

h− -
+ -u

i−1 i i+1
 H0 -

For the diffusive flux one can do no better than in the previous approach, after which one
ends up with
dφi H0 H0 H0 H0
H0 +u φi+1 + − φi − φi−1 + diffusive terms = 0.
dt 2h+ 2h− 2h+ 2h−
We observe that the convective term contributes to the diagonal. Rewriting the terms between
braces as an approximation for the derivative gives

1 φi+1 − φi 1 φi − φi−1
φx ≈ 2 + 2 .
h+ h−
By comparison with the bottom lines in (1.18) and (1.19) if follows that, with respect to
the convective term, this method is the ‘average’ of Methods A and B discussed earlier. On
non-uniform grids it behaves just as bad as Method B, although for this ‘averaged’ method
again Manteuffel and White (1986) have proven second-order convergence.

Because of this behaviour, Jameson et al. (1981) in their version of the cell-centered
method have changed the computation of the convective flux into
F |i+1/2 = 12 (φi+1 + φi ).
This is a formula we have seen earlier, but as the cell faces are not halfway the grid points,
its local truncation error is not second-order accurate. The resulting discretization of the
convective derivative reads
φi+1 − φi−1
φx = + τh ,
where τh is the discretization error given by
h+ + h− h2 − h2−
τh = ( − 1)φx + + φxx + · · · .
2H0 2H0
Note that 2H0 is not the distance between the neighbouring grid points, therefore this method
is not even consistent on arbitrary grids! In fact, also the discretization of the second-order
derivative is inconsistent. On exponential grids with severe stretching this behaviour will show
up (Veldman and Botta 1993). Then, why is Jameson’s cell-centered method so popular? It
is because its coefficient matrix can never become singular, just like that of Method A. Once
more the favourable properties of the coefficient matrix make up for the unfavourable local
truncation error.

Another message to be learned from this section is that, although finite-volume discretiza-
tion ensures conservation of a linear quantity like momentum, conservation of a quadratic
quantity like energy is not automatic. In the previous section we have seen that the latter is
a very crucial property.

1.6.2 More space dimensions

Next the vertex-centered method will be demonstrated in two dimensions. The steady
convection-diffusion equation in conservation form reads
(u φ − k grad φ) · n dΓ = 0, (1.30)

in which u and k are allowed to vary over the domain of interest. It is assumed however that
the velocity field u = (u, v) is divergence free, i.e. div u = 0.

 δxn = δxs -
δyn n 6

? W w C e δye = δyw E
δys s ?

 δxw - δxe -

In order not to complicate the presentation, we will restrict ourselves to a rectangular grid,
but it is allowed to be non-uniform (for notation see the accompanying figure). Discretization
of (1.30) yields in first instance
∂φ ∂φ
δye ue φe − ke + δxn vn φn − kn +
∂x e ∂y n
∂φ ∂φ
δyw −uw φw + kw + δxs −vs φs + ks = 0.
∂x w ∂y s

As the points o, n, w and z lie halfway the grid points the fluxes are found with second-order
accuracy leading to
φE + φC φE − φC φN + φC φN − φC
δye ue − ke + δxn vn − kn +
2 δxe 2 δyn
φW + φC φW − φC φS + φC φS − φC
δyw −uw − kw + δxs −vs − ks = 0.(1.31)
2 δxw 2 δys

If we assume that the continuity equation div u = 0 has been discretized with the same control
volume, then
δye ue + δxn vn − δyw uw − δxs vs = 0. (1.32)
Combining this with (1.31) it is observed that the contribution of φC from the convective term
vanishes. We know already that this a favourable property. The following discrete equation

ue ke vn kn
δye − φE + δxn − φN +
2 δxe 2 δyn
uw kw vs ks
δyw − − φW + δxs − − φS +
2 δxw 2 δys
δye δxn δyw δxs
ke + kn + kw + ks φC = 0.
δxe δyn δxw δys
We note that the coefficient of φE depends only on quantities defined in e. When the
equation in the neighbouring control volume is constructed, φC in the neighbouring equa-
tion obtains the same coefficient, apart from a minus sign in the convective contribution.
This makes the contribution of the convective terms skew symmetric, whereas the diffusive
contribution is symmetric. And this is just what one wants!

Remark Generalization of the vertex-centered concept to general grids suggests choosing the
control volumes according to a Voronoi tesselation.

1.7 Higher-order space discretization

Inspired by the success of the above second-order symmetry-preserving discretization, in
Groningen we have concentrated on their extension to higher-order accuracy. As before, our
choice of the discretization on non-uniform grids will be explained by studying the convection-
diffusion equation. It will be discretized in a finite-volume fashion, as discussed already in
Section 1.6, where the control faces are chosen halfway between the grid points (for notation
see Figure 1.2).

i−2 i−1 i i+1 i+2

Figure 1.2: Fine (hf ) and coarse (hc ) control volumes. The volume faces are located halfway
the grid points (i, i ± 1) and (i, i ± 2), respectively.

As in Section 1.6, with a second-order flux in xi+1/2 given by

φi+1 + φi φi+1 − φi
u −k ,
2 xi+1 − xi
the semi-discrete convection-diffusion equation becomes
dφi 1 φi+1 − φi φi−1 − φi
hf + 2 u(φi+1 − φi−1 ) − k − = 0. (1.33)
dt xi+1 − xi xi−1 − xi
To turn this method into a fourth-order method, a similar equation on a two-times-larger
control volume (see Figure 1.2) is written down
dφi 1
hc + 2 u(φi+2 − φi−2 ) − diffusive terms = 0. (1.34)

The leading term in the discretization error can be removed through a Richardson extrapo-
lation from (1.33) and (1.34). Since the errors in (1.33) and (1.34) are of third order (note
that these discrete equations are multiplied by h as compared to their usual formulation),
on a uniform grid this would mean to make a combination 8*Eq. (1.33)−Eq. (1.34). On a
non-uniform grid one would be tempted to tune the weights to the actual mesh sizes, but
we think it important that the skew symmetry of the convective contribution is maintained.
This can only be achieved when the weights are taken independent of the grid location, and
hence equal to the uniform weights. In this way the discretization of the convective derivative
Hi ≈ 21 (−φi+2 + 8φi+1 − 8φi−1 + φi−2 ), (1.35)
Hi = 8hf − hc = 12 (−xi+2 + 8xi+1 − 8xi−1 + xi−2 ).

On a uniform grid, of course, the usual fourth-order method is obtained, but on non-uniform
grids the method differs considerably! In particular, the local truncation error given implicitly

2Hi = −φi+2 + 8φi+1 − 8φi−1 + φi−2
+ (h2++ − 8h2+ + 8h2− − h2−− )φxx + · · ·

(where h++ = xi+2 − xi , h+ = xi+1 − xi , etc.) does not look very promising at first sight. On
irregular grids it might even behave first-order (instead of fourth-order)!

The diffusive term undergoes a similar treatment leading to

φi+1 − φi φi−1 − φi φi+2 − φi φi−2 − φi
Hi 2 ≈ 8 − − − . (1.36)
∂x xi+1 − xi xi−1 − xi xi+2 − xi xi−2 − xi

Remark The expressions (1.35) and (1.36) can also be derived through a coordinate trans-
formation x = x(ξ) by writing

d2 φ
dφ dφ dx d dφ dx dx
= / and = / / .
dx dξ dξ dx2 dξ dξ dξ dξ

Choose a uniform grid in ξ with mesh size ∆, then

dφ −φi+2 + 8φi+1 − 8φi−1 + φi−2

= + O(∆4 ),
dξ 12∆
dx −xi+2 + 8xi+1 − 8xi−1 + xi−2
= + O(∆4 )
dξ 12∆

dφ −φi+2 + 8φi+1 − 8φi−1 + φi−2

⇒ = + O(∆4 ).
dx −xi+2 + 8xi+1 − 8xi−1 + xi−2

Now, fourth-order behaviour looks obvious...


Testcase convection-diffusion
The performance of the above 2nd- and 4th-order methods will be demonstrated by comparing
them with the traditional discretization methods based on Lagrange interpolation (minimising
local truncation error). Since on uniform grids the methods are equal, an example with
a boundary-layer character is chosen, requiring grid refinement near the outflow boundary
x = 1. Thus, the steady convection-diffusion equation

dφ d2 φ
− k 2 = 0 (0 < x < 1) φ(0) = 0, φ(1) = 1 (1.37)
dx dx
is solved, with a diffusion coefficient equal to k = 0.001.

Two types of grid have been examined. Firstly, we will present results for piecewise-
uniform grids where the interval [0, 1] is split into two parts, in each of which the grid is taken
uniform. The interface point, denoted by 1 − d, is chosen near the edge of the boundary layer
which has thickness d = O(k). In both parts half of the grid points are positioned. Note
that near the interface point the grid size abruptly changes, and only here the discretization
differs from the Lagrangian one. Secondly, we have investigated more smoothly stretched
grids. Results will be presented for a grid with a constant stretching (obtained through an
exponential transformation function), again chosen such that half of the grid points lie in the
boundary layer. Four discretization methods have been investigated:

– 2L: The traditional Lagrangian second-order method.

– 2S: The second-order symmetry-preserving method defined by (1.33).

– 4L: The traditional fourth-order Lagrangian method where we have implemented exact
boundary conditions to circumvent the problem of a difference molecule that is too
large near the boundary. In this way the boundary treatment does not interfere with
the internal discretization.

– 4S: In the method defined by (1.35) and (1.36), the problems due to the ‘missing’
boundary conditions have been solved by using the second-order discretization (1.33)
in the end points.

As the analytical solution to (1.37) is known, we can monitor the global discretization error
defined by ||φh − φexact ||h , where the norm is the kinetic energy norm defined in (1.27).

In Fig. 1.3 the global error is presented as a function of the mean mesh size (= 1/N , where
N is the number of grid points). Two abrupt grids have been chosen, one in which d = 5k,
which is too narrow to catch the boundary layer accurately, and one with d = 15k. Further,
one exponential grid is shown with d = 10k (on a smoothly stretched grid the location of the
interface point is less critical).

A number of observations can be made. Firstly, often the fourth-order Lagrangian method
is not more accurate than its second-order counterpart, especially when the number of grid
points is not abundant. This explains why thus far fourth-order discretization has not been
very popular.

Figure 1.3: The global error as a function of the mean mesh size. Half of the grid points
is located in the boundary layer of thickness d. Four methods are shown: 2L (second-order
Lagrangian), 2S (second-order symmetry-preserving), 4L (fourth-order Lagrangian with exact
boundary conditions) and 4S (fourth-order symmetry-preserving with second-order boundary

Secondly, when the number of grid points is low, Lagrangian discretization is much less ac-
curate than symmetry-preserving discretization. Also, on the narrow abrupt grid Lagrangian
discretization suffers most. In contrast, the symmetry-preserving discretization method be-
haves smoothly on all grids; even on the coarsest grids the error does not exceed 10−2 .
Turbulent-flow simulations will always create the situation where one has to cope with limi-
tations on the affordable number of grid points; hence methods that are less sensitive in this
respect are preferable.

Thirdly, on the exponential grid the fourth-order Lagrangian method nearly breaks down
for N = 28 where the stretching factor is 1.4 (which is large but not extreme). For this class
of methods some eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix may be located in the left halfplane.

Figure 1.4: The number of eigenvalues located in the (unstable) left halfplane for the La-
grangian methods as a function of mean mesh size (2L second-order; 4L fourth-order with
exact boundary conditions).

Upon refinement these eigenvalues will cross the imaginary axis, and, for this particular value
of N , one of these eigenvalues almost vanishes, making the system almost singular. Note that
the symmetry-preserving fourth-order method for this value of N is already very accurate,
with an error around 10−5 .

When one or more eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix are located in the left halfplane,
the semi-discrete system (1.26) is unstable, and cannot be integrated in the time domain;
in the above examples the discrete solution has been obtained by a direct matrix solver. To
illustrate how serious this problem is, in Fig. 1.4 the number of eigenvalues that are located in
the unstable left halfplane are presented. Only the Lagrangian methods are shown, since the
symmetry-preserving discretization always keeps the eigenvalues in the stable right halfplane.
Note that upon grid refinement also all ‘Lagrangian’ eigenvalues will end up in the right
halfplane, since eventually the mesh Péclet numbers will become smaller than 2.

1.8 Time integration

1.8.1 Stability analysis
Before proceeding towards more advanced space discretization methods for the convection-
diffusion equation its time integration will be discussed, i.e. we start with the unsteady equa-
∂φ ∂φ ∂2φ
+u − k 2 = 0, 0 < x < 1. (1.38)
∂t ∂x ∂x
This equation will be discretized explicitly in time and central in space, to obtain
(n+1) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n)
φj − φj φj+1 − φj−1 φj+1 − 2φj + φj−1
+u −k = 0.
δt 2h h2
After introduction of the following abbreviations

u δt 2k δt
η≡ (CF L-number) and d≡ (1.39)
h h2
the discrete equation can be rewritten as

(n+1) (n) η  (n) (n)

(n) (n) (n)

φj − φj + φj+1 − φj−1 − φj+1 − 2φj + φj−1 = 0. (1.40)
2 2

In case of periodic boundary conditions

φ(0, t) = φ(1, t),

Fourier analysis yields the correct amplification behaviour of the time-integration method (see
(n) (n)
Appendix A.3). Thereto φj = cθ eijθ is substituted, to find (after division by eijθ )
(n+1) (n) d  iθ  η
cθ = cθ 1+ e − 2 + e−iθ − eiθ − e−iθ
2 2
= cθ [1 + d (cos θ − 1) − iη sin θ] .

The expression between the brackets is the Fourier 1 locus of the

amplification factor g(θ)
amplification factor

g(θ) = 1 − d (1 − cos θ) − i η sin θ. (1.41) η

In the complex plane it represents an ellipse with
center (1 − d, 0) and half main axes equal to d and
η, respectively.

The requirement |g(θ)| ≤ 1 leads to

[1 + d (cos θ − 1)]2 + η 2 sin2 θ ≤ 1
⇔ d2 (cos θ − 1)2 + 2d (cos θ − 1) + η 2 (1 − cos2 θ) ≤ 0
⇔ d2 (1 − cos θ) − 2d + η 2 (1 + cos θ) ≤ 0
⇔ d2 + η 2 − 2d + (η 2 − d2 ) cos θ ≤ 0. (1.42)
This has to hold for all θ. A simple observation shows that the left-hand side in (1.42) attains
its maximum in either θ = 0 or θ = π. These two values lead to the necessary and sufficient
conditions for Fourier stability
η 2 ≤ d and 0 ≤ d ≤ 1. (1.43)
The first condition in (1.43) can be rewritten as
2η 2
η2 ≤ d ⇔ u2 δt ≤ 2k ⇔ P ≡ ≤√ . (1.44)
d d
We investigate zero-stability (see Appendix A.3) for δt → 0 and h → 0 with d constant.
Taking the modulus of (1.41) yields
u2 δt2
|g|2 = {1 − d (1 − cos θ)}2 + η 2 sin2 θ = {1 − d (1 − cos θ)}2 + sin2 θ. (1.45)
The first term (between braces) in the right-hand side is less or equal unity as soon as
0 ≤ d ≤ 1. The second term looks small enough anyway, it is even O(δt2 ), but the factor 1/h2
is misleading. It can become arbitrary large when h → 0. Therefore it has to be ‘tamed’ by
one of the factors δt; i.e. δt/h2 should remain bounded. The latter is obviously satisfied when
d is bounded, and the desired O(δt) is achieved. Thus, ultimately we find that the scheme is
zero-stable when
0 ≤ d ≤ 1, (1.46)
which is a weaker requirement than that for Fourier stability in (1.43). However, the coef-
ficient of the δt-term in (1.45) can be large, and herewith |g|. This is a situation which is
not acceptable in practice (as is shown below), and where one uses preferably the stronger
concept of practical Fourier stability (see Appendix A.3).

It is interesting to analyse which of the conditions in (1.43) puts the strongest restriction
on the time step. The diffusive condition d ≤ 1 results in
δt ≤ ≡ δtdiff ,

whereas rewriting (1.44) gives

2k h2 4k 2 4
δt ≤ δtFour ≡ 2
= 2 2
= δtdiff 2 .
u 2k u h P
It follows that for P < 2 the diffusive condition d ≤ 1 is most restrictive, whereas for P > 2
the condition η 2 ≤ d is most restrictive. A similar comparison holds with the convective
condition η ≤ 1 which we would have encountered when upwind discretization would have
been applied (see the example in Appendix A.3.4):

h h2 2k 2
η≤1 ⇔ δt ≤ δtconv ≡ = = δtdiff .
u 2k hu P
A final aspect to investigate is the positivity of the discrete operator. Hereto the coef-
ficients of all neighbouring points (in space as well as in time) have to be considered. It
easily follows that the discrete operator in our problem is a positive operator if and only if
d ≤ 1 ∧ P ≤ 2: a requirement which is stronger than (1.43).

1.8.2 Practical example

When mixed Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions
φ(0, t) = given; (1, t) = given, (1.47)
are applied, in Section 1.11 the matrix method predicts absolute stability under the conditions
[η 2 ≤ d2 ∧ d + d2 − η 2 ≤ 2] ∨ [d2 ≤ η 2 ≤ 2d]. (1.48)
..... .
In the adjacent figure the various stability regions P ∼h .....
have been indicated. In the ‘white’ area in the bottom-
left corner the operator is positive; the discrete solu- @
s ss
tion does not show any wiggles. The requirement of 4 @@
@A B C
absolute stability for periodic boundary conditions al- @@ @
lows the doubly shaded area top left. Here the time- @@
integration method is practical (Fourier) stable. Zero- 2 @@@s s s
stability increases the allowable region to the strip D E F
d ≤ 1. Also the Dirichlet–Neumann conditions in- s s
crease the region of absolute stability; this time with G H
the singly-shaded region given by (1.48). 0
0 1 d ∼ δt 2

Next we will show what the discrete solution looks like for various choices of δt and h.
The equation (1.38) is solved for u = 2 and k = 0.05, with homogeneous Dirichlet–Neumann
boundary conditions (1.47). As initial condition φ(x, 0) = x is chosen. Three choices for the
grid size have been made: h = 1/10, 1/20 and 1/40. At each of these grid sizes the discrete
solution has been determined for a number of choices for the time step δt. The various cases
have been indicated in the figure with the letters A through H.

The behaviour of the discrete solution as a function of time is shown by plotting φ(1, t),
i.e. the value at the Neumann boundary, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 4.
1 1 1
φ A φ B φ C
0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0

0 1 2 3 t 4 0 1 2 3 t 4 0 1 2 3 t 4
A : h = 1/10; δt = 0.02 B : h = 1/10; δt = 0.04 C : h = 1/10; δt = 0.055
(A + N + P +) (A + N + P −) (A − N + P −)
1 10 1e+09
φ D φ E φ F
0 0

-10 -1e+09
0 1 2 3 t 4 0 1 2 3 t 4 0 1 2 3 t 4
D : h = 1/20; δt = 0.02 E : h = 1/20; δt = 0.03 F : h = 1/20; δt = 0.04
(A + N + P +) (A + N − P −) (A + N − P −)
1 1
φ φ
0 1 2 3 t 4 0 1 2 3 t 4
G : h = 1/40; δt = 0.005 H : h = 1/40; δt = 0.00655
(A + N + P +) (A + N − P −)

Between parentheses + and − indicate whether for this choice of δt and h the time-integration
method possesses absolute stability (A), zero-stability (N ) and/or practical stability (P ).

• Cases A, B and C possess a grid size h = 1/10. For A the time step has been selected
such that the scheme is absolutely and practically stable for periodic boundary condi-
tions. In B there is only absolute stability with D–N conditions, and in C there is no
absolute stability. For each of these cases the scheme is zero-stable. All three solutions
show oscillations (we are outside the area where the solution should be wiggle-free).
Case A with δt = 0.02 looks quite nice, case C is unacceptable.

• In the cases D, E and F the grid size equals h = 1/20. In D a positive operator is
created, which is absolutely, practically and zero-stable; the solution is monotone. E
and F are only absolutely stable with D–N conditions. An instability develops, which
after some time (when the Dirichlet condition becomes manifest) is being damped. But
in the mean time the solution has been growing quite a bit (in F : 109 ). In linear-algebra
terms, this (almost ‘fatal’) instability is due to (large) Jordan blocks which cause an
algebraic growth; see the growth-estimate (A.16).

• In G and H the grid size equals h = 1/40. Case G satisfies all stability conditions
and produces a nice solution. Case H is just outside the region of absolute stability

for periodic boundary conditions; the stability boundary is at δt = 0.00625. Just as in

cases E and F an instability develops which eventually gets damped.
The time step in case H is δt = 0.00655; this is a factor of three smaller than in cases A
and D. With respect to accuracy the latter cases are quite good and the larger time step
apparently is small enough. The fact that in cases H and G a much smaller time step has to
be chosen is dictated by the stability of the method, rather than by its accuracy.

In conclusion it is remarked that the three best-looking solutions A, D and G precisely

correspond with the cases where the time-integration method satisfies the criteria for practical
stability, herewith illustrating the usefulness of this notion.

1.9 Burgers’ equation – discontinuous solutions

In this section a first step is made towards solving the compressible Navier–Stokes equations.
The main difference between the compressible and the incompressible equations is the possi-
bility for discontinuities – shock waves – to develop in the solution. Using the one-dimensional
equation of Burgers as a model, either in non-conservation form
∂u ∂u
+u = 0, (1.49)
∂t ∂x
or in conservation form
∂u ∂ 1 2
+ ( u ) = 0, (1.50)
∂t ∂x 2
the performance of the thus far treated discrete approximation methods on non-smooth so-
lutions will be demonstrated.

Finite-volume discretization
In Section 1.6 we have already encountered the finite-volume method (FVM) for the dis-
cretization of a conservation law like
dΩ + F (u) · n dΓ = 0. (1.51)
Ω ∂t Γ

Consider this approach in a one-dimensional situation on a uniform grid as shown here:

F (u)|i+1/2

u u 
+ p
i−1 i i+1
 h -

The flux through the right-hand face of the control ‘volume’ around the point i is computed
F (u)|i+1/2 := F (ui+1/2 ) = F ( 21 (ui + ui+1 )), (1.52)
in which the value of u on this face is found through averaging the neighbouring cell values
of u. For the discretization of the term ∂F/∂x in the differential equation corresponding to
+ div F (u) = 0, (1.53)

this implies
∂F F (ui+1/2 ) − F (ui−1/2 )
≈ . (1.54)
∂x h
As an alternative to (1.52), we could have averaged F (u)|i+1/2 from neighbouring values
of F (u):
F (u)|i+1/2 := 12 {F (ui ) + F (ui+1 )}. (1.55)
This results in the discretization
∂F F (ui+1 ) − F (ui−1 )
≈ , (1.56)
∂x 2h
where a central finite-difference (FDM) discretization is recognised. In Section 2.3 it is demon-
strated that the choice (1.52) is to be preferred, as in the Navier–Stokes equations it corre-
sponds with (2.190 ) which leads to a skew-symmetric discretization of convection.

An upwind-biased choice of the flux is given by F (u)|i+1/2 := F (ui ) (for u > 0), leading
to the upwind discretization
∂F F (ui ) − F (ui−1 )
≈ . (1.57)
∂x h

Burgers’ equation
We will study Burgers’ equation (named after Johannes Marinus Burgers, a Delft professor
of fluid dynamics) in a situation with shock waves. In order to obtain the correct analytical
shock solution it is necessary to employ the conservation form (1.50). It is known that the
propagation speed S of a discontinuity in its solution is given by

−S[u] + [ 12 u2 ] = 0, (1.58)

where [·] is the jump of the argument across the discontinuity. For Burgers’ equation this
results in
S = 21 (uLeft + uRight ). (1.59)
As initial condition we choose

x ≤ 0 : u = 1; 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 : u = 1 − x; 1 ≤ x : u = 0.

The characteristics of Burgers’ equation, along which u = Constant, have a slope dx/dt = u.
As uLeft > uRight the waves from the left overtake the other ones and a shock wave is created,
with a shock speed S = 21 as follows from (1.59). The analytic solution is shown below.

We will now solve Burgers’ equation by several discretization methods, globally distinguished
as i) upwind or ii) central (with or without explicitly added diffusion). Moreover, both the
conservative form (1.50) and the non-conservative form (1.49) will be considered. Forward
Euler is used as time integrator. For all computations the mesh size in x-direction has been
chosen as h = 1/10 with a time step δt = 1/40; the CF L-number becomes η ≡ u δt/h ≤ 1/4.
Since there is no diffusion, the mesh-Péclet number P ≡ u h/k is infinite.

( (
( (
( (

t ((((((


( (


( ( (      -
In the table below the various discretizations for the convective terms are summarised
non-conservation form conservation form
1 2 1 2
u − 2 ui−1
upwind FDM/FVM ui ui −u
i−1 2 i
1 2
−ui−1 u − 1 u2
central FDM ui ui+12h 2 i+1 2 i−1
1 2
u − 1 u2
2 i+1/2 2 i−1/2
central FVM not applicable h

Below it will be shown that the difference between both columns is essential. The difference
between both central methods in the right-hand column is less important; both are a discrete
conservation law, only the flux computation is slightly different – compare (1.52) with (1.55).

In Section 1.8 the stability of centrally-discretized convection-diffusion equations has been

studied. Next to the CF L-number η, the quantity d ≡ 2k δt/h2 has been introduced. It was
demonstrated that forward Euler is zero-stable if and only if d ≤ 1. Practical stability is
achieved for (see (1.43)) η 2 ≤ d ≤ 1, whereas for Dirichlet/Neumann conditions the region
with absolute stability is larger than that of practical stability. Without diffusion d = 0,
hence central discretization is always zero-stable. At the same time, for no choice of δt > 0
the criterion η 2 ≤ d can be satisfied (unless u = 0), hence there is no practical stability.

Discrete solution
Let us first observe the difference between upwind discretization and central discretization.
The upwind solution is smooth, as was to be expected from the theory of positive operators.
The practical stability limit is CF L = 1 which is clearly satisfied.

Remark As u is not constant we cannot perform the ‘accuracy trick for upwind’ CF L ≡ 1
(see the example in Section A.3.4).

Clearly visible in the central solution are the strongly growing oscillations induced by the
steep gradient. If we want to suppress these, numerical diffusion has to be added explicitly.
Its influence is investigated with ka = 1/20, chosen such that for u ≤ 1 the mesh-Péclet
number satisfies P ≤ 2. Further it follows that d = 1/4, hence the time integration is stable
under all definitions (we are in the blank bottom-left area in the figure on page 28). As ex-
pected theoretically, all oscillations have disappeared, but the discontinuity has been smeared
out excessively. Note that in regions with low values of u, this amount of viscosity is much

larger than the upwind viscosity (which scales with u). In this respect, upwind isn’t that bad...

Next, observe the propagation speed of the shock. In both solutions of the non-conservation
form (1.49) the shock does not move; the solutions of the conservation form do have a proper
shock speed. This holds for both upwind and central solutions. It is concluded that analytic
jump conditions, like (1.58), only correctly carry over to the discrete form if we start from the
conservation form of the equations; in fact we should start from the conservation law (1.51).

Since in the finite-volume discretization one is obliged to start from the conservation

law, the propagation of discontinuities ‘automatically’ proceeds in the correct way. With a
finite-difference or finite-element discretization you have to remind yourself to start with the
conservative form, and than it still can go wrong. As an example, the convection-diffusion
equation earlier in this chapter is formulated in conservation form (simply because it is linear
with constant coefficients). However, its non-uniform discretization (1.19) is not a discrete
conservation law, whereas the variant (1.18) is! Hence, with regard to discontinuous solutions,
the finite-volume discretization is essentially different from the other discretization methods.

The above figures clearly show the influence of using the conservation form or not (left:
no, right: yes). The figure below shows the central FVM (by definition in conservation form)
with and without adding numerical diffusion. It will be clear that the discrete solutions
for discontinuous solutions are not yet really convincing. Therefore special methods have
been developed, e.g. based on the concept of (nonlinear) limiters, to reduce the amount of
oscillations in the solution. The monograph by Hirsch (1990) gives a nice introduction into
this subject.

1.10 ‘Convective’ conclusions

It has been demonstrated that the discretization of convection, just a ‘simple’ first-order
derivative, is very subtle. The major problem with the discretization is that, through its
discretization error, it interferes with diffusion: sometimes this poses no serious harm, but
sometimes it can also be devastating to the quality of the numerical solution. It is impossible
to give general guidelines, yet I would like to do so.

The question to ask is:

“Is diffusion critical to the flow problem?”
Depending upon the answer, two situations arise:
Yes, diffusion is critical In this case it is necessary to resolve all boundary layers through
grid refinement. Further, convection is preferably discretized with skew-symmetric

No, diffusion is not critical In this case diffusion could be neglected (to obtain the Euler
equations), but also there is no problem with (limited) increasing diffusion. Boundary
layers do not have to be resolved, and upwind-biased discretization of convection (im-
plicitly adding numerical diffusion) is applicable; explicit addition of diffusion is suitable
as well. If necessary, to retain sharp discontinuities or to further suppress oscillations,
limiters may be applied.

1.11 Appendix: Dirichlet–Neumann stability analysis

We will here6 give the details of the stability analysis of (1.40) under mixed Dirichlet–Neumann conditions
φ(0, t) = given and (1, t) = given.
This section is taken from P. Wesseling and P. Wilders (1984) Numerieke Stromingsleer A, Lecture Notes
a110A (in Dutch), TU Delft.

(1.40) combined with these boundary conditions can be written in following matrix notation

2I φ(n+1) = (2I − A) φ(n) (1.60)

 ←− here the Dirichlet condition
2d η−d

 −η − d 2d η−d  has been substituted
 
 
 
 .. 
 . 

 
 
 −η − d 2d η−d 
−2d 2d ←− the Neumann condition
We need two lemmas. The first lemma introduces a similarity transformation with which A can be trans-
formed into either a symmetric matrix or the sum of a constant diagonal matrix and a skew-symmetric matrix.
The second lemma gives an estimate for the eigenvalues of this type of matrices. We remark that Lemma 1
implies that A is non-defect.

Lemma 1 Let A be a tridiagonal matrix with

aii = αi (i = 1, . . . , k);
ai+1,i = γi+1 , ai,i+1 = βi+1 , γi 6= 0, βi 6= 0 (i = 1, . . . , k − 1).

Let D be a diagonal matrix with

d11 = 1, dii = di−1,i−1 (i = 2, . . . , k).

Let B = D−1 AD. Then B is tridiagonal with

bii = αi
(i = 1, . . . , k);
p )
bi+1,i = sgn (γi+1 ) |βi+1 γi+1 |
p (i = 1, . . . , k − 1).
bi,i+1 = sgn (βi+1 ) |βi+1 γi+1 |

Proof Is left to the reader. 2

Lemma 2 Let B be a tridiagonal k × k matrix with

bii = d (i = 1, . . . , k);
|bi+1,i | = |bi,i+1 | = b (i = 1, . . . , k − 2);

|bk,k−1 | = |bk−1,k | = γ where γ ≤ b 2.

Then each eigenvalue µ of B satisfies |µ − d| ≤ 2b.

Proof Let D be a diagonal matrix with dii = 1 (i = 1, . . . , k − 1), and dkk = b/γ. Let C = D−1 BD.
We have cij = bij , (i, j) 6= (k, k − 1), (k − 1, k) and ck,k−1 = γb bk,k−1 en ck−1,k = γb bk−1,k . On C Gerschgorin’s
theorem can be applied from which the lemma follows immediately. 2

We can now proceed to estimating the eigenvalues of the matrix A from (1.61). When η 2 6= d2 the
transformation from Lemma 1 is applicable. The resulting matrix B becomes

bii = 2d (i = 1, . . . , k);
bi,i+1 = sgn (η − d) |d2 − η 2 | , (i = 1, . . . , k − 2);
bi+1,i = sgn (−η − d) |d2 − η 2 | , (i = 1, . . . , k − 2);
bk−1,k = sgn (η − d) 2d |d − η| ;
bk,k−1 = sgn (−2d) 2d |d − η|.

Since η ≥ 0 we have p p √ p
2d |d − η| ≤ 2(d + η) |d − η| = 2 |d2 − η 2 |,
with which the matrix B satisfies the conditions from Lemma 2. We remark that the matrices A and B from
Lemma 1 possess the same eigenvalues
µ = µR + i µI .
– For d2 > η 2 the matrix B is symmetrical. The eigenvalues µ of B (and of A) are real and, according to
Lemma 2, satisfy p p
2d − 2 d2 − η 2 ≤ µR ≤ 2d + 2 d2 − η 2 , µI = 0.
– For d2 < η 2 we have B = 2dI + B̄, where B̄ is skew symmetric. The eigenvalues of B̄ are purely imaginary.
Lemma 2 is applicable to B̄, which yields
µR = 2d, 0 ≤ µI ≤ 2 η 2 − d2 . (1.62)

Absolute stability requires all eigenvalues λ of the iteration matrix (I − 21 A) from (1.60) to satisfy |λ| ≤ 1.
I.e. the eigenvalues of A (and B) have to satisfy

|1 − 21 µ| ≤ 1 ⇔ µ2R + µ2I − 4µR ≤ 0. (1.63)

– For d2 > η 2 we have µI = 0, after which we only have to show that 0 ≤ µR ≤ 4. From (1.62) it follows
simply that p
d + d2 − η 2 ≤ 2
is a sufficient condition to satisfy (1.63).
– For d2 < η 2 we have µR = 2d. The estimate (1.62) now yields that

η 2 ≤ 2d

is a sufficient condition for (1.63) to hold.

Herewith the statement in (1.48) has been proven. Moreover it is clear, from a comparison with (1.43), that
the Dirichlet-Neumann conditions yield additional stability in comparison with periodic boundary conditions.

1.12 References
D.N. de G. Allen and R.V. Southwell (1955) Relaxation methods applied to determine the motion in
two dimensions of a viscous fluid past a fixed cylinder. Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 8, 129
P.M. Gresho and R.L. Lee (1981) Don’t suppress the wiggles - they are telling you something. Comput.
Fluids 9, 223–253.
A.C. Hindmarsch, P.M. Gresho and D.F. Griffiths (1984) The stability of explicit Euler time-integration
for certain finite difference approximations of the multi-dimensional advection-diffusion equa-
tion. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 4, 853–897.
C. Hirsch (1990) Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 2. John Wiley.
A. Jameson, W. Schmidt and E. Turkel (1981) Numerical solutions of the Euler equations by finite-
volume methods using Runge–Kutta time-stepping schemes. AIAA paper 81-1259.
B.P. Leonard (1979) A stable and accurate convective modelling procedure based on quadratic
upstream interpolation. Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. 19, 59–98.
B.P. Leonard and J.E. Drummond (1995) Why you should not use ’hybrid’, ’power-law’ or related
exponential schemes for convective modelling - there are much better alternatives. Int. J. Num.
Meth. Fluids 20, 421–442.
T.A. Manteuffel and A.B. White Jr. (1986) The numerical solution of second-order boundary value
problems on nonuniform meshes. Math. Comput. 47, 511–535.
R.D. Richtmyer and K.W. Morton (1967) Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems. John Wiley.

D. Spalding (1972) A novel finite-difference formulation for differential expressions involving both
first and second derivatives. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. 4, 551–559.
A.E.P. Veldman and E.F.F. Botta (1993) Grid quality - an interplay of grid and solver. In: M.J.
Baines and K.W Morton (eds.) Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics 4. Oxford University
Press, 329–335.
A.E.P. Veldman and K. Rinzema (1991) Playing with nonuniform grids, J. Eng. Math. 26, 119–130.
R.W.C.P. Verstappen and A.E.P. Veldman (1997) Direct numerical simulation of turbulence at lower
costs. J. Eng. Math. 32, 143–159.
R.W.C.P. Verstappen and A.E.P. Veldman (1998) Spectro-consistent discretization: a challenge to
RANS and LES. J. Eng. Math. 34, 163–179.
R.W.C.P. Verstappen and A.E.P. Veldman (2003) Symmetry-preserving discretization for turbulent
flow. J. Comput. Phys. 187, 343–368.
P. Wesseling (2001) Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Springer Verlag.
F.W. Wubs and J. Thies (2011) A robust two-level incomplete factorization for (Navier–)Stokes
saddle point matrices. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 32, 1475–1499.
Chapter 2

Incompressible Navier–Stokes

2.1 The equations for fluid flow

The equations of fluid flow are governed by conservation laws for mass, momentum and
energy, completed by a number of thermodynamic relations. The conservation law of mass in
a volume Ω reads Z Z
dΩ + ρ u · n dΓ = 0, (2.1)
Ω ∂t Γ
where ρ denotes the density of the fluid. Conservation of momentum can be written as
dΩ + ρu u · n dΓ = σ · n dΓ, (2.2)
Ω ∂t Γ Γ

where σ = −pI +τ is the internal stress tensor, with p the pressure. The viscous stress tensor
τ is defined through
τ = µ[∇u + (∇u)∗ − 32 (∇ · u) I],
with µ the dynamic viscosity of the fluid. The conservation law of energy E = e + 12 u · u
reads Z Z Z Z
∂ρE ∂T
dΩ + ρE u · n dΓ = (σ · u) · n dΓ + k dΓ,
Ω ∂t Γ Γ Γ ∂n
where heat transport due to temperature (T ) differences has been modelled by Fourier’s law,
with k being the thermal conductivity coefficient. Finally, two thermodynamic relations are
p = ρRT and e = cv T,
where R = cp −cv is the universal gas constant, and cp and cv are the specific heat coefficients.

Several dimensionless parameters are associated with fluid flow. For viscous flow the most
important one is the Reynolds number, named after Osborne Reynolds (1842-1912). It is
defined by Re = ρU L/µ, where U is a characteristic velocity of the flow and L a characteristic
length scale. Roughly, this number indicates the relevance of viscous effects in the flow: the
larger Re, the less influence viscosity has on the flow. In this vain, the Reynolds number
forms a useful indicator for the onset of turbulence (see Chapter 3).


Differential form By applying Gauss’ theorem, the above conservation laws can be trans-
formed into differential equations. In particular, conservation of mass (2.1) and momentum
(2.2) can be reformulated as
+ ∇ · (ρu) = 0 (2.3)
+ ∇ · (ρu u) = −∇ p + ∇ · τ . (2.4)
By combining both equations, conservation of momentum can also be written in the non-
conservative form
ρ + ρu · ∇ u = −∇ p + ∇ · τ . (2.40 )

Incompressible flow
In these lecture notes we will focus on incompressible flow. In this case, effectively the energy
equation is replaced by the condition of incompressibility
Dρ ∂ρ
≡ + u · ∇ ρ = 0,
Dt ∂t
i.e. the density of a given particle remains constant during its motion (note that in principle
the density does not have to be the same everywhere in the flow). This condition can be
combined with the conservation of mass in differential form (2.3) to conclude that the velocity
field is divergence free1
div u = 0. (2.5)
The stress tensor τ now can be simplified, and when moreover ρ and µ are assumed constant,
the momentum equation (2.40 ) becomes

∂u 1
+ (u · grad) u = − grad p + ν div grad u, (2.6)
∂t ρ

where ν = µ/ρ is the kinematic viscosity. It is remarked that under the incompressibility
constraint (2.5), the convective term can be written as (u · grad) u = div(u u). Now the
momentum equation can again be denoted in conservation form
∂u 1
+ div(uu) = − grad p + ν div grad u. (2.60 )
∂t ρ

When an internal flow is simulated in a domain Ω with a solid boundary Γ only a boundary
condition for the velocity u can be formulated. Usually this will be

u = 0 on Γ. (2.7)

This boundary condition describes two physical effects. Firstly, the impenetrability of the
wall requires the normal velocity to vanish. Secondly, the (viscous) shear stress requires the
tangential velocity component to vanish (no-slip condition).
From now on we will use the notation ‘div’ and ‘grad’ instead of the ‘∇’-notation.

Acoustical degeneration
Heuristically there does not seem to be an equation for the pressure, unlike in the compress-
ible case. It is natural to consider the momentum equation as an equation for the velocity.
In the compressible case the continuity equation is an equation for the density, whereas the
pressure then follows through an equation of state. In the incompressible case the density
does not appear in the continuity equation (2.5), and neither does the pressure. But of course
(2.5)+(2.6) together determine velocity and pressure.

To get a feeling for what is going on, we will first consider the one-dimensional isentropic
Euler equations 
∂ρ ∂

 + (ρu) = 0,
∂t ∂x

∂u ∂u 1 ∂p
+ u + = 0,

∂t ∂x ρ ∂x
where pressure and density are related through
p = p(ρ) with = c2 > 0, (2.9)

in which c is the velocity of sound. Substitution of the p-ρ relation (2.9) in (2.8) yields
∂ρ ∂u ∂ρ

 ∂t + ρ ∂x + u ∂x = 0,

 ∂u ∂u c2 ∂ρ

 + u + = 0.
∂t ∂x ρ ∂x
This system of equations possesses the characteristic directions (found by diagonalizing the
coefficient matrix; see any book on partial differential equations)
= u + c and u − c.
Both directions are real, hence the system is hyperbolic. In the incompressible limit we have
c → ∞, therefore the two characteristic directions dx/dt approach ±∞, and hence coincide
in the limit with the x-axis and with each other.

The theory on partial differential equations now tells us that the system is degenerating.
The acoustical part of the equations, the combination of div u and grad p, is responsible for
this behaviour. Disturbances in the pressure are instantaneously noted everywhere in the
domain. This infinite propagation speed will force us to treat the acoustical part of the
Navier–Stokes equations in an implicit manner, as we will see in the sequel.

2.2 Choice of the computational grid

We will start the numerical treatment with a discussion of the spatial discretization. For
convenience only rectangular domains Ω will be considered, covered by a uniform grid Ω.
The grid cells are positioned such that the cell faces coincide with the boundary Γ of Ω. It
seems obvious to define the unknown variables u = (u, v) and p in the corners of the grid cells.
However, there are some snakes in the grass. This is not only the case in finite-difference or
finite-volume discretizations, but also in a finite-element approach.

A: u, v and p in corner points

When u, v and p are defined in the corner points of the grid cells, it is obvious to apply
the momentum equations in these corner points too. For second-order accuracy, the discrete
version of grad p, which we shall denote by Gp, should be computed with central differences.
For the grid point indicated with 2 this implies that values of p are used from grid points
indicated by ◦ (for ∂p/∂x) and × (for ∂p/∂y). In this discretization it is possible to con-
struct a p̃ 6= Constant for which Gp̃ = 0. To each solution p this p̃ can be added without
any consequences for the equations of motion. Moreover there is the danger that during the
computations one encounters (4-fold) singular matrices (i.e. dim Ker(G) = 4), which reflect
this non-uniqueness of the solution.

2 d 2 d 2

x x 4 x 4 x
d 2 d 2 d 2 d 2

x x 4 x 4 x
2 d 2 d 2

In the above figures, the grid points have been divided into 4 groups: 2, ◦, × and 4.
Choose p̃ such that in each of the groups p̃ is constant, but the 4 constants are allowed to be
arbitrary. Then in a discrete sense Gp̃ = 0, while p̃ shows oscillating behaviour.

Again we encounter an example of odd/even decoupling, caused by discretizing a first-

order derivative over two grid cells. When p itself, and not just its gradient, is relevant to
the problem (e.g. one would like to know forces exerted on the solid walls), then some kind
of averaging has to be applied to remove the non-physical oscillations. This is not very elegant.

In spite of the above drawback, this spatial positioning is often used, especially for com-
pressible flow. Its advantage is that all flow variables (velocity components, pressure, density,
temperature, etc.) are defined at the same location. Thus relations between these variables,
for instance the thermodynamic relations, are easily implemented without complicated aver-
aging procedures. However, to overcome the above decoupling of the pressure a price has to
be paid, for instance some form of artificial ‘pressure diffusion’ (e.g. Rhie and Chow 1983).
An alternative is to filter out the pressure component that lies in Ker(G).

B: u and v in corner points, p in cell centres

An alternative is to define p in the centres of the grid cells. In the momentum equation
applied in the point •, second-order discretization of grad p leads to
∂p 1 pN E − pN W pSE − pSW 1
≈ + = {pN E − pSW + pSE − pN W } ,
∂x 2 hx hx 2hx
∂p 1 pN E − pSE pN W − pSW 1
≈ + = {pN E − pSW − pSE + pN W } . (2.11)
∂y 2 hy hy 2hy

(2.11) implies that a discrete pressure p̃, of which the values in the points indicated with ×
are equal and likewise in the points indicated with ◦, will lead to Gp̃ = 0, i.e. dim Ker(G) = 2.
The same problems as described above are present, this time with a decoupling according to
a checkerboard mode (red-black decoupling).
x ◦ u p u
p p 6 - x - x
• hy C E
◦ x ? 6
p p
 - S
Alternative positionings B (left) and C (right) for the unknowns of Navier–Stokes.

C: u and v in middle of cell faces, p in cell centres

Yet another alternative is to define the pressure in the centre of a cell, u in the middle of the
vertical cell faces, and v in the middle of the horizontal faces. This arrangement of velocities
and pressure is called a staggered grid. The x-momentum equation is applied in the point
where u is defined; similar for the y-momentum equation. For alternatives A and B a p 6=
Constant can be found for which Gp = 0. Here this is no longer possible, since ∂p/∂x = 0
applied in the middle of the right-hand cell face (where the x-momentum equation is applied)
yields pE = pC , whereas ∂p/∂y = 0 in the middle of the lower cell face yields pS = pC . In
this way all pressure points are coupled to each other, and the only mode in the kernel of the
discrete gradient is the constant function. Note that the continuous gradient operator has
the same kernel (for incompressible flow the pressure is determined up to a constant), hence
we cannot improve the situation further.

A minor disadvantage of alternative C is that boundary conditions for the velocity do not
directly correspond with the velocities in ‘their’ grid points. On a vertical wall, for example,
the point where the horizontal velocity is defined is on the boundary (hence no problem here),
but the point where the vertical velocity is defined is half a mesh size away from the boundary.

v v A second-order discretization of the boundary condi-

tion for the vertical velocity requires the use of a mir-
6 6
ror point. The discrete boundary condition (u, v) =
j -u
(0, 0) in the indicated situation becomes

(u)i+ 1 ,j = 0,

i i+1 (v)i,j+ 1 = −(v)i+1,j+ 1 .

2 2

Alternative C is used very often, for example in the methods derived from the Marker-And-
Cell (MAC) method developed in the mid-sixties (Harlow and Welsh 1965). This method was
developed to describe free-surface flow. It contained two new ideas: one is the staggering of
the discrete locations as just described, the other is the way in which markers are used to

keep track of the liquid. The latter idea gave the method its name. Another early application
is in meteorology (e.g. Arakawa 1966), where the three above schemes are known as Arakawa
A, B and C, respectively.

2.3 Discretization - explicit

In the sequel the computational grid from the MAC method (alternative C) will be used.
However, this does not imply that both other alternatives do not have reason for existence
(for example on non-orthogonal grids). The grids remain uniform for ease of presentation.

First the equations of motion (2.5)+(2.6) will be written in a more schematic form
div u = 0, (2.12)
+ grad p = R, (2.13)
where p/ρ is replaced by p (i.e. ρ is normalized at 1). Further
R = −(u · grad) u + ν div grad u (2.14)
contains all convective and diffusive forces; if desired, also a body force can be included.

In this section, again for simplicity, an explicit time-integration method with two time
levels is applied:
div u(n+1) = 0, (2.15)
u(n+1) − u(n)
+ grad p(n+1) = R(n) . (2.16)
Equation (2.15) and grad p in (2.16) have N
received an index n + 1 to indicate that the
u(n+1) that follows from (2.16) is divergence NW 6 n NE
. . . . .• . . . . . 6
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
free. In fact, the constraint (2.15) determines . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
the pressure p(n+1) : p is the Lagrange multiplier . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
w• •e
- . . . . . . . . .
- -
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
corresponding with this constraint. W C
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
For the discretization in space the following 6 •s 6
schemes are applied (for notation see accompa-
nying figure): -S

Continuity equation
The continuity equation (2.15) is applied in cell centres. In a natural way it can be discretized
centrally. The eastern cell with centre e gives a discrete finite-volume conservation law
(n+1) (n+1) (n+1) (n+1)
uE hy + v N E hx − uC hy − vSE hx = 0. (2.17)
In finite-difference notation it reads
(n+1) (n+1) (n+1) (n+1)
uE − uC vN E − vSE
+ = 0. (2.170 )
hx hy

Observe that the number of continuity equations equals the number of grid cells. Also the
number of pressure unknowns equals the number of cells. Hence, there are as many discrete
continuity equations as unknown pressure values! Note that this equality does not hold for
positioning methods A and B.

Momentum equation: convection

The x-momentum equation is applied in the midpoints of the vertical cell faces. In the point
C we obtain (in finite-difference notation)
(n+1) (n)
(n+1) (n+1)
uC − uC pe − pw (n)
+ = RC , (2.18)
δt hx
where the pressure gradient has been discretized centrally. The term RC contains derivatives
for the convective and diffusive terms; the latter are also discretized centrally. For the dis-
cretization of the convective terms several options exist, which will be shortly discussed next.

Written out, the convective term in the x-momentum equation (2.6) reads
∂u ∂u
u +v , (2.19)
∂x ∂y
which, since the velocity is divergence free, is identical to the conservation form
∂ 2 ∂
(u ) + (uv); (2.190 )
∂x ∂y
compare (2.60 ). Both upwind and central discretization can be used. Their pro’s and con’s
have been treated in Section 1.4.

In the discretization of (2.19) and (2.190 ) some averages have to be computed, since u and
v are not defined in the same point. For example the v appearing in v ∂u/∂x in (2.19) is
computed as
vC = 41 (vN E + vN W + vSW + vSE ).
Some more remarks on the discretization in conservation form (2.190 ) are in order. The
control volume is chosen as indicated in the figure above. The total convective flux through
the faces is given by
ue ue hy + vn un hx − uw uw hy − vs us hx . (2.20)
Note that we have written ue ue instead of u2e , since one of the factors is regarded as the
transport velocity, while the other is the convected quantity, i.e. x-momentum. For the latter
we choose
ue = 12 (uE + uC ), un = 12 (uN + uC ), etc. (2.21)
Substitution in (2.20) yields a convective flux
2 [ue (uE + uC ) − uw (uW + uC )]hy + 21 [vn (uN + uC ) − vs (uS + uC )]hx . (2.22)
The coefficient of uC is given by 21 [(ue − uw )hy + (vn − vs )hx ]. By once more substituting
(2.21), and using the discrete continuity equations (2.17) in the eastern and western cells,
this coefficient is found to vanish. Herewith the discrete version of the convective terms in
finite-volume formulation becomes
2 hy (ue uE − uw uW ) + 12 hx (vn uN − vs uS ). (2.23)

Pressure gradient
Analytically, there exists a relation between the gradient operator and the divergence opera-
tor. Hereto, consider one-times differentiable functions defined on a domain Ω, for which at
the boundary Γ of the domain the values of function and derivative vanish (in abstract math-
ematical terms, consider the function space H01 (Ω) of differentiable functions with compact
support). Then Gauss’ theorem gives
0= φ u · n dΓ = div (φ u) dΩ = (φ div u + grad φ · u) dΩ.

It follows that for functions which vanish near the boundary

grad φ · u dΩ = − φ div u dΩ. (2.24)

Recognizing that the integrals represent inner products, this relation can also be denoted as
grad∗ = −div. In words, relation (2.24) implies that, apart from a minus sign, the gradient
operator and the divergence operator are each others adjoint2 . With the current choice of
discretization, this analytical relation also holds in the discrete approximation, as shown next.
We will see below that this has favourable consequences.

In the discrete version, the inner-product integrals in (2.24) have to be considered in

a discrete sense. Hence, firstly the products of the functions appearing in the respective
integrands should make sense3 . And, indeed with φ = p, the discrete gradient Gp and the
discrete velocity vector u are defined at the same locations in the grid (cell edges). For p and
the discrete divergence Du the same applies (cell centers), hence their respective products
are formed in a natural way. Further, it is not difficult to verify that the discrete matrices G
and −D, where apart from mesh-size scaling each row consists of a ‘1’ and a ‘-1’, are each
others transpose, i.e. G∗ = −D.

Symmetry-preserving discretization
When the variables with lower case subscripts in (2.23) are considered to be part of the coef-
ficient matrix, whereas the upper case subscripts belong to the unknowns, a skew-symmetric
contribution to the coefficients is recognized. With this definition, the discrete Navier–Stokes
equation can be written as
Ω + C(u) u + V u + Gp = 0, Du = 0, (2.25)
Let V and W be two function spaces and let the operator A : V → W. Then the adjoint operator
A : W → V is defined by (Av, w)W = (v, A∗ w)V for all v ∈ V and w ∈ W, where h·, ·i. denotes the inner

product in the respective function spaces.

In a more mathematical notation, define two discrete function spaces:
i) Vdiv : the space of scalar-valued functions defined in cell centers;
ii) Vgrad : the space of vector-valued functions defined at cell faces.
As an example, we have p ∈ Vdiv and u ∈ Vgrad . Next note that G : Vdiv → Vgrad , hence Gp ∈ Vgrad ; similarly
D : Vgrad → Vdiv . With φ ≡ p, the discrete version of (2.24) can be written as hGp, uiVgrad = −hp, DuiVdiv .
In matrix-vector inner product terminology, the notation of this relation can be further simplified to (Gp)∗ u =
−p∗ Du.

where Ω is a diagonal matrix representing the sizes of the control volumes, C (u) is built
from the convective flux contributions, and V contains the viscous, diffusive fluxes.

Similar to the discussion in Section 1.5, under the functional analytic constraints men-
tioned above, the evolution of the discrete energy u∗ Ωu is governed by4
d ∗
(u Ωu) = − (Cu + V u + Gp)∗ u − u∗ (Cu + V u + Gp)
= −u∗ (C + C ∗ ) u − p∗ G∗ u − (G∗ u)∗ p − u∗ (V + V ∗ ) u
= p∗ Du + (Du)∗ p − u∗ (V + V ∗ ) u
= −u∗ (V + V ∗ ) u ≤ 0. (2.26)

In the derivation we have used that the convective part of the coefficient matrix is skew sym-
metric, and – equally important – that the discrete gradient is the adjoint of the discrete
divergence (apart from a minus sign), i.e. G∗ = −D, combined with Du = 0. It follows
that, for non-zero u, the right-hand side of (2.26) is zero if and only if V + V ∗ = 0, i.e. the
(discrete) energy is conserved if and only if the diffusion is turned off. With diffusion (i.e.
for V + V ∗ 6= 0) the right-hand side is negative for all u 6= 0. As a consequence, the energy
of the discrete system (2.25) decreases in time when the symmetry-preserving discretization
(2.23) is used: the semi-discrete system is stable, and a solution of (2.25) can be obtained on
any grid (see e.g. Verstappen and Veldman 2003). Hence, there is no need to add artificial
(numerical) damping in order to stabilize the spatial discretization. It also simplifies the task
to keep time-integration methods for the solution of (2.25) stable (they preferably should also
be energy preserving).

Apart from the above discrete energy-preserving property, the differences between the
discretizations of (2.19) and (2.190 ) are small, but in certain conditions they can have con-
sequences. In particular this holds when the solution possesses large gradients; use the con-
servation form (2.190 ) in those cases, and always discretize in a symmetry-preserving way! A
further theoretical fundament of the differences is hardly possible because of the non-linearity.
In their book, Richtmyer and Morton (1967) pay relatively much attention to the complica-
tions that can arise from non-linearity.

2.4 The Poisson equation for the pressure

2.4.1 Boundary conditions
As already remarked, the pressure in (2.16) has to be determined such that (2.15) is satisfied.
This can be realized by combining these two equations. We can write (2.16) as

u(n+1) = u(n) + δt R(n) − δt grad p(n+1) , (2.27)

and substitute this in (2.15), after which we obtain

div grad p(n+1) = div ( + R(n) ). (2.28)
Physically, this derivation holds when the velocity along the boundary vanishes (e.g. solid walls). Periodic
boundary conditions are also allowed, as long as the boundary terms cancel; no nett excitation (i.e. energy
supply) from outside is allowed.

This is the Poisson equation for the pressure. There are no boundary conditions directly
available, since these only contain the velocity u. This is no problem, however. We can
first discretize (2.15) before we substitute the discrete version of (2.27)5 . Note that after
discretization of (2.15) the number of velocity unknowns equals the number of discrete mo-
mentum equations; and also the number of pressure unknowns is equal to the number of
discrete continuity equations, since both are equal to the number of grid cells. Hence suffi-
cient equations for all of the unknowns are available!

Thus the apparent lack of a boundary condition for the pressure is an artefact of the ap-
proach, which can easily be prevented. For a cell adjacent to a boundary of the computational
domain this proceeds as follows.

vN Discrete conservation of mass (2.170 ) gives

(n+1) (n+1) (n+1) (n+1)
uE − uW vN − vS
+ = 0,
- • - hx hy
uW (i, j) uE
in which uE = 0 according to the boundary condition (2.7).
vS This is substituted first. Thereafter the other three velocities
are transformed with the discretized (2.27).
(n+1) (n+1) (n+1) (n+1)
In this way a discretization of (2.28) is created in which pi,j , pi,j+1 , pi,j−1 and pi−1,j
appear, but not pi+1,j corresponding with a cell centre outside the computational domain.
The result is a discretization of (2.28) in which no (visible) boundary conditions are required
anymore. In fact they have been used the moment when uE = 0 was substituted.

Let us introduce some notation to describe the above formally. In the discrete grid Ω two
parts are distinguished: the grid points in the interior Ω0 and those on the boundary ΩΓ .
The grid function for the velocity u is split similarly: u0 is defined in the grid points in Ω0 ,
while uΓ is defined on the boundary ΩΓ .

The discrete divergence operator as defined in (2.170 ) is denoted by D; the discrete gradient
operator by G. D acts on velocity components defined in grid points from Ω0 ∪ ΩΓ , i.e. on
u0 and uΓ (since div u = 0 is only discretized in interior points). We split the divergence
operator in two parts
D = D0 + DΓ , (2.29)
where D 0 acts on values of u in the interior of Ω (i.e. on u0 ), and D Γ corresponds with uΓ .
The above method can now be written as follows.

First write the discretized version of (2.15) as

D 0 u(n+1) = −D Γ u(n+1) , (2.30)

in which the right-hand side can be determined from the boundary condition for u. Discretize
This is a general strategy: discretize first, substitute the boundary conditions next, and only afterwards
perform other operations on the equations (Veldman 1990). As soon as the discrete system of equations is
OK, nothing ‘dangerous’ can happen anymore (what remains is ‘just’ a linear algebra problem).

(2.27) in the interior points from Ω0

u(n+1) = u(n) + δt R(n) − δt G p(n+1) , (2.31)

where R(n) is the discrete version of R(n) . Now substitute (2.31) in the left-hand side of
(2.30) and note that only interior points occur for u. The result can be written as

u(n) u(n+1)
D 0 Gp(n+1) = D 0 ( + R(n) ) + D Γ . (2.32)
δt δt
In the left-hand side we have one equation for each cell, corresponding with one unknown p
per cell. There are no values of p belonging to cell centres outside Ω.

The operator in the left-hand side of (2.32) is singular, as a pressure p̃ that is constant
satisfies Gp̃ = 0, with which also D 0 Gp̃ = 0. In turn p = Constant is the only solution of
D 0 Gp = 0. This is a consequence of the choice of the computational grid; in Section 2.2 we
have discussed this extensively. The fact that the operator in the left-hand side of (2.32) is
singular, does imply that there need not be a solution for each right-hand side. The latter
has to satisfy a compatibility relation: it has to be perpendicular to the kernel of (D 0 G)∗ .
This leads to a condition for the boundary condition of u on Γ: the discrete nett mass flow
through the boundary Γ has to be zero (i.e. we must have discrete conservation of mass over
the whole domain Ω). This restriction can usually be satisfied in a discrete sense, since it is
satisfied in the continuous case. This compatibility relation corresponds with the relation that
has to be satisfied by the boundary condition in a Neumann problem for the Poisson equation.

Remark In the literature, the combination u(n) + δt R(n) in (2.27) is often referred to as an
auxiliary velocity. Some people even try to derive boundary conditions for it, as these seem to
be necessary in the right-hand side of (2.28). The correction with δt grad p(n+1) is called the
projection onto the space of divergence-free functions, whence the approach is often called a
projection method. This is a nice geometric interpretation, but there is no necessity to use
such fancy words. It is just a straightforward (linear algebra) combination of the original
discrete equations (2.15) and (2.16).

Equivalent alternative
In the literature the problem of the missing boundary condition for p is often solved in a
different way: sometimes this is equivalent to the above approach, sometimes it is not. An
equivalent way is to consider the x-component of (2.16) on the right-hand boundary. After
substitution of the boundary condition for u we have

∂ (n+1) u(n+1) − u(n)

p = n · [R(n) − ], (2.33)
∂n δt
in which the normal on the wall is indicated with n. This equation can be discretized as in
u(n+1) − u(n)
n · G p(n+1) = n · [R(n) − ]. (2.330 )
The discretization of R(n) poses problems, because more information from outside the com-
putational domain is required (the ‘normal’-velocity one mesh outside the wall). The Poisson

equation that is solved is

DGp(n+1) = D( + R(n) ). (2.34)
Here R(n) features as well. We will show that when the R(n) in (2.330 ) and (2.34) are treated
in the same way, this does not have consequences for the solution of p(n+1) in the interior of
Ω. It does for values of p(n+1) outside Ω, therefore one has to be careful when the pressure p
on the boundary of Ω is obtained through interpolation. Consider both sides of (2.34)

u(n+1) − u(n)
DGp(n+1) = D 0 Gp(n+1) + D Γ Gp(n+1) = D 0 Gp(n+1) + D Γ [R(n) − ],
u(n) u(n) u(n)
D( + R(n) ) = D 0 ( + R(n) ) + D Γ + D Γ R(n) ,
δt δt δt
respectively. Finally, observe that substitution of these relations in (2.34) leads to (2.32).

Despite the correct approach is known for more than forty years, there has been a lot
of unclarity in the literature; see e.g. Roache (1988). For a comprehensive discussion of this
subject we refer to Gresho and Sani (1987).

2.4.2 Treatment of div u(n)

When the Poisson equation (2.28) is solved exactly then div u(n+1) = 0. We could substitute
this in the right-hand side of (2.28) on the next time level (i.e. set div u(n) = 0). However,
in reality (2.28) is not solved exactly (at most machine accuracy can be reached; we would
prefer to stop an iterative method earlier), hence an error is made. When div u(n) = 0 is sub-
stituted the danger exists that these errors accumulate. Error accumulation can be prevented
by leaving the term div u(n) in the equation. The functioning of this correcting term can be
seen as follows (Hirt and Harlow 1967):

Start taking the divergence of (2.16)

(div u(n+1) − div u(n) ) + div grad p(n+1) = div R(n) . (2.35)
If we were to solve (2.28) with div u(n) = 0 substituted, i.e.

div grad p(n+1) = div R(n) , (2.36)

then after substitution in (2.35) this leads to

(div u(n+1) − div u(n) ) = 0. (2.37)

This is a discrete version of ∂t div u = 0, which analytically is equivalent is with div u = 0 (at
t = 0 we start with div u = 0). However, numerical error accumulation is possible, because
an error made in computing div u(n) is fully visible in div u(n+1) , through (2.37). Such errors
are made when (2.36) is not solved exactly, but with an error ε(n+1) :

div grad p(n+1) = div R(n) + ε(n+1) . (2.38)


Substitution in (2.35) yields

div u(n+1) = div u(n) − δt ε(n+1) .

When, for example, systematically the same error  is made in solving (2.36), then at a fixed
moment in time t = n δt we have

div u(n) = div u(0) − n δt ε = div u(0) − t ε.

Letting δt → 0 gives no improvement. A fortiori, when we let t → ∞, e.g. when we are

interested in the steady limit, then even div u(n) → ∞. Moreover, when the initial velocity
field is not divergence free, this is not corrected!

If, on the other hand, (2.28) is solved instead of (2.36), then from (2.35) it follows that
div u(n+1) = 0 (the discrete version of div u = 0). A numerical error like in (2.38) now leads
div u(n+1) = −δt ε(n+1) ,
such that no accumulating effect of these errors is present. Moreover, δt → 0 leads to
div u(n) → 0.

The above reasoning6 is also valid for the spatially discretized version (2.30)-(2.32). When
the approach without error accumulation is used, less stringent requirements have to be
imposed on solving the Poisson equation. Its solution process thus becomes cheaper.

2.4.3 Pressure iteration

Above we have seen how we can solve the problem of the missing boundary condition for p
in a safe manner. The formulas become somewhat more complicated in their presentation,
which will be neutralized from now on by restricting ourselves to the homogeneous condition
u = 0 on Γ. The equations to be solved become in this case

D 0 u(n+1) = 0, (2.39)

u(n+1) + δt Gp(n+1) = u(n) + δt R(n) . (2.40)

Instead of this system we can also solve (2.40) combined with the Poisson equation

D 0 Gp(n+1) = D 0 ( + R(n) ). (2.41)
The Poisson equation can be solved in many ways, for example with a direct method. In
recent years many ‘Fast Poisson Solvers’ have been developed. One has to be aware that the
equation is singular - the pressure level is not fixed. Also, often iterative techniques are being
used. Because we will encounter these again, in disguise, in the next sections, we will spend
some attention to them here.

This approach also fits in the strategy from the footnote on page 48: once (2.15)+(2.16) have been
discretized, don’t try to be smart but stick to linear algebra.

We start with the Jacobi method with relaxation (JOR; see Appendix A.2.1) for solving
(2.41). The operator symbols are to be interpreted as matrices now; let Λ be the diagonal of
D 0 G. Following (A.18c), the JOR method for solving (2.41) becomes
( )
(p(n+1) )(k+1) = (p(n+1) )(k) − ωΛ−1 D 0 G(p(n+1) )(k) − D 0 ( + R(n) ) , (2.42)

where ω is the relaxation factor and k the iteration index.

An at first sight different technique results when (2.39) and (2.40) are being used. Suppose
an estimate (p(n+1) )(k) for the pressure is available, then (2.40) yields an estimate for the
(u(n+1) )(k+1) = (u(n) + δt R(n) ) − δt G(p(n+1) )(k) . (2.43)
In general this will not satisfy (2.39) and therefore a new pressure estimate is determined
(p(n+1) )(k+1) = (p(n+1) )(k) + β D 0 (u(n+1) )(k+1) , (2.44)
where β is a relaxation parameter. This iteration process does not contain a Poisson equation,
but . . . combine (2.43) with (2.44). Then we have

(p(n+1) )(k+1) = (p(n+1) )(k) − β δt D 0 G(p(n+1) )(k) + βD 0 (u(n) + δt R(n) ). (2.45)

And this is the same as (2.42), when the relaxation parameters ω and β are being chosen such
ω = λi β δt,
where λi is the diagonal element of the Poisson matrix in the ith grid point. Therefore both
methods discussed are in fact identical when grid-point dependent values for ω and β are
allowed. This is a non-traditional idea, but nevertheless can work extremely well (Botta and
Veldman 1982).

2.5 The steady Navier–Stokes equations

2.5.1 Discrete formulation
In the preceding pages an explicit method has been presented to solve the unsteady Navier–
Stokes equations (2.12)+(2.13). This method can also be used to determine the steady solu-
tion. But, of course, there are other options. In this section we will discuss two methods to

div u = 0, (2.46)
grad p = R(u), (2.47)

where R(u) is an abbreviation, given in (2.14), for the convective and diffusive terms.

After discretization and linearization of (2.46) a system of equations is created with the
following matrix-vector structure
−M G u (R − M )(u)
= , (2.48)
D0 0 p 0

where M is a linearized version of R (e.g. obtained via Newton linearization). The matrix
in the left-hand side is singular (because the pressure is determined up to a constant). More
problematic is the zero submatrix in the right-bottom corner which is present because the
pressure does not appear in the continuity equation. Such a matrix is called a saddle-point

Direct inversion of the left-hand-side matrix in (2.48) is not always possible, as the sys-
tem is very large and memory requirements can become prohibitive. Yet, for smaller-sized
problems direct methods provide the fastest way of solving the system. Further, standard
iterative methods are not applicable because of the zero submatrix. Thus there is a need
for more efficient solvers, often a blend between direct and iterative methods. For instance,
at RUG research is going on to solve the full system (2.48) with preconditioned conjugate
gradient methods (Botta and Wubs 1999; Wubs and Thies 2011).

2.5.2 Artificial compressibility

Because solving the compressible equations does have its advantages, it may make sense to
approximate the incompressible equations with the compressible ones. Inspired by (2.9),
Chorin (1967) introduced an artificial gas model p = c2 ρ, and substituted it in the continuity
equation (after normalizing ρ at 1). In this way one obtains

+ c2 div u = 0. (2.49)
This equation does not have a physical meaning as far as it concerns the time-dependent
behaviour. But when a limit-solution exists for t → ∞, then ∂p/∂t = 0 after which (2.49)
implies the first equation in (2.46). To the second equation in (2.46) we add the ‘normal’
time derivative (other choices are possible). After discretization in space and time (explicit)
the following algorithm is obtained

p(k+1) = p(k) − c2 δt D 0 u(k) , (2.50)

u(k+1) = u(k) + δt R(k) − δt Gp(k) . (2.51)

By comparing with (2.43)+(2.44), it is observed that the above method is just an unsteady
version hereof in which β = −c2 δt.

2.5.3 SIMPLE
Spalding & Patankar (see e.g. Patankar 1980) have developed software packages for flow sim-
ulation (TEACH, CHAMPION, PHOENICS) in which use is made of the SIMPLE algorithm
(or variants hereof) to solve the incompressible equations of motion. SIMPLE stands for
Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations. It is one of the most-used algorithms
to solve the steady Navier–Stokes equations, therefore we describe it below.

Start with the discrete version of (2.46) and (2.47) and assume that an estimate for the
pressure p(k) is available. Then solve

R(u(k) ) = Gp(k) . (2.52)


In general u(k) will not be divergence free. Therefore introduce a pressure correction δp, with
a corresponding velocity correction δu, in other words

R (u(k) + δu) = G (p(k) + δp).

From this relation δu is solved approximately: δu = Gδp, and require next that D 0 (u(k) +
δu) = 0, hence
D 0 G δp = −D 0 u(k) . (2.53)
Solving this equation provides a new estimate for the pressure

p(k+1) = p(k) + δp; (2.54)

often here relaxation is applied. Finally we can return to (2.52).

In (2.52) as well as (2.53) a system of equations has to be solved. This can be done with
a direct method, but also iteratively. This iteration process can then be combined with the
iteration process in (2.52)–(2.54). As an example (2.52) and (2.53) are solved with JOR, and
apply one JOR iteration per k-iteration. Instead of (2.52) we obtain

u(k+1) = u(k) + ωu {R(u(k) ) − Gp(k) }. (2.55)

Next, (2.53) is solved approximately with one JOR iteration, while the initial guess δp = 0 is
δp = −ωp D 0 u(k) . (2.56)
The iterative process (2.55)+(2.56) is related to (2.50)+(2.51). The choice ωu = δt and
ωp = c2 δt makes both processes identical. From the optimal δt following from a stability
study of (2.50)+(2.51) a good choice for both ω’s can be deduced.

Simply spoken one can say that in SIMPLE the time integration of the unsteady approach
(e.g. MAC) and the iterations of the Poisson equation have been merged together. Therefore
it is somewhat peculiar to apply a SIMPLE-like approach per time step in unsteady problems,
as is often done.

In the preceding pages some frequently used iterative methods have been discussed. Closer
inspection has revealed that they are intimately related.

2.6 Discretization - implicit

When fully implicit (backward Euler) discretized in time, the incompressible Navier–Stokes
equations read
div u(n+1) = 0, (2.57)
1 (n+1)
(u − u(n) ) + grad p(n+1) − R(n+1) = 0. (2.58)
Combination of these two equations gives the Poisson equation

div grad p(n+1) − div R(n+1) = div . (2.59)

After discretization in spatial direction, where the boundary condition u = 0 on Γ has

already been substituted as in Section 2.4.1, we obtain

D 0 u(n+1) = 0, (2.60)

u(n+1) − δt R(u(n+1) ) + δt Gp(n+1) = u(n) . (2.61)

The discrete Poisson equation reads

D 0 Gp(n+1) − D 0 R(u(n+1) ) = D 0 . (2.62)

Remark 1 For the following presentation it is not relevant which time-integration method
for R is applied. Despite the time index has been written as n + 1, R(n+1) may also contain
contributions from earlier time levels, such that e.g. the method of Crank-Nicolson is also

Remark 2 In (2.33) and further an alternative way to treat the boundary condition for the
Poisson equation has been described. For explicit time-integration it could be proved that
this is equivalent; for implicit time-integration this can no longer be proved, as the equations
at the new time level are not solved exactly.

Remark 3 Due to the time derivative, solving the momentum equation for the velocity is
usually cheap compared to solving the Poisson equation for the pressure. Therefore, the
price for calculating an implicit time step is not much higher than that for an explicit time
step, where the pressure is calculated implicitly anyway. Hence, at almost the same cost
larger time steps can be taken (but watch out for the accuracy). In algorithms for computing
compressible flow (not discussed in these lecture notes) this balance is different.

2.6.1 Linearization
The term R(n+1) contains the discrete convective and diffusive terms; the former are non-
linear. We will next present some methods for treating this non-linearity. As an example we
will treat a generic term uφx , which we write after discretization as

u(n+1) φx(n+1) . (2.63)

We leave open whether a central or an upwind discretization has been used. This term will
be linearized: either with respect to the old time level n, or with respect to the new level
n + 1.

a) Linearization around the old time level:

(2.63) is approximated by
u(n) φ(n+1)
x (2.64)

where we make an error O(δt). When the remainder of the method possesses a similar
discretization error everything nicely fits together.

b) Newton-linearization around the old time level:

u(n+1) = u(n) + δu and φ(n+1)
x = φ(n)
x + δφx ,

then δu and δφx are of the order O(δt). Substitution in (2.63) yields

u(n+1) φ(n+1)
x = u(n) φx(n) + u(n) δφx + δu φ(n) 2
x + O(δt )

= u(n) φ(n+1)
x + u(n+1) φ(n)
x −u
(n) (n)
φx + O(δt2 ). (2.65)

The expression in the right-hand side of (2.65) is linear in the variables at the new time
level and possesses a discretization error O(δt2 ). Thus second-order time accuracy can
be achieved at the cost of only one linear solve of the system (2.57)+(2.58).

c) Linearization around the new time level:

At the cost of introducing an additional iteration process the linearization around the
new time level can be performed. This proceeds similar to a) or b), but now no additional
discretization error is being made. E.g., the version analogous to a) reads

(u(n+1) )(k) (φ(n+1)

x )(k+1) , (2.66)

where k is the counter of the additional iteration process. Often such an additional
process has been introduced already because of other reasons, and the iteration (2.66)
can be included ‘on the fly’.

2.6.2 Pressure correction

An orderly way to solve the implicit system is the pressure-correction method. A good
explanation of this method, including reflections on accuracy and stability, has been given by
Van Kan (1986). In this method first a ‘predictor’ velocity field u∗ is determined by solving
the following implicit equation

u∗ − u(n)
+ grad p(n) − R∗ = 0. (2.67)
Next the pressure-correction is determined from the Poisson equation

div grad (p(n+1) − p(n) ) = div ( ), (2.68)
which is equivalent with (compare (2.28) and (2.59))

div grad p(n+1) = div ( + R∗ ).
Finally, with this newly calculated pressure field, the new velocity field is computed from a
‘simple’ substitution
u(n+1) = u∗ − δt grad (p(n+1) − p(n) ), (2.69)
where (2.68) guarantees that u(n+1) is divergence-free.

By combining (2.67) with (2.69) it follows that effectively

u(n+1) − u(n)
+ grad p(n+1) = R∗
has been solved. This is not quite the desired equation (2.58), but the difference between
R∗ and R(n+1) is small. When e.g. the Crank-Nicolson method is used (instead of backward
Euler), the final u(n+1) is O(δt2 ) accurate, as shown by Van Kan (1986).

But why do it neatly when you can also make a mess of it? The equations (2.60)–(2.62)
resemble (2.39)–(2.41) where an explicit time integration has been applied. The difference
lies in the treatment of R, which now has to be evaluated at the new time level. This can
be done, for example, by letting R evolve with the k-iteration in the iterative methods from
Section 2.4.3. In the formulas (2.42), (2.43) and (2.45) R(n) is replaced by R(u(n+1) )(k) . As
an example (2.43)+(2.45) becomes

(u(n+1) )(k+1) = u(n) + δt [R(u(n+1) )(k) − G(p(n+1) )(k) ], (2.70)

(p(n+1) )(k+1) = (p(n+1) )(k) − β δt D 0 G(p(n+1) )(k) + β D 0 [u(n) + δt R(u(n+1) )(k+1) ]. (2.71)
The treatment in (2.70) is related to the predictor-corrector method. The factor δt outside
the square brackets allows that 2 to 3 iterations suffice (each iteration a factor O(δt) is gained).

When we want to keep the Poisson equation visible, we can e.g. combine (2.70) with

D 0 G(p(n+1) )(k+1) = D 0 R(u(n+1) )(k+1) + D 0 .
It is tempting to solve this equation iteratively. In this way a three-fold nested iterative
process is created. Those who know whether the whole will converge may speak up . . .

When the R-part in (2.70) is moved to the left-hand side and only treat the G-part in a
predictor-corrector way, then we obtain an unsteady variation of (2.52):

(u(n+1) )(k+1) − δt R(u(n+1) )(k+1) = u(n) − δt G(p(n+1) )(k) .

Together with (2.71) this gives the PISO method (Issa 1986).

It is also possible to place an alternating part of R in the left-hand side, as in the alter-
nating direction implicit (ADI) methods. In short, with some phantasy many methods can
be invented to determine the solution at the new time level. An advice: keep the method
simple and orderly. This also reduces the chance on programming errors, and increases the
readability and maintainability of the programme. Remind that a more complicated method
(and computer code) might solve the system of equations faster, but this activity is only a
limited portion of the complete simulation (including pre- and postprocessing), such that a
gain in CPU time for the solver does not have much impact on the time required for the whole

2.7 In- and outflow conditions

The choice of boundary conditions at in- and outflow openings is an art in itself. Recently
two minisymposia have been held that were devoted exclusively to this problem. A report
of the findings has been given by Sani and Gresho (1994), and is summarized by them as:
“. . . perhaps nowhere else do theory and practice seem to clash so much.”

The treatment of in- and outflow conditions will be illustrated by a two-dimensional

channel flow as shown in the figure.

y B D
- A



Inflow conditions
The inflow boundary usually does not lead to too many problems. Often both velocity
components, u and v, are prescribed. Thus, as for a solid wall, no boundary condition for
the pressure is required. It is preferable to let the values of u and v be consistent with the
boundary conditions next to the inlet. E.g. in the shown configuration one has u = v = 0 in
the points A and B. Further, the continuity equation fixes ∂v/∂y because
∂u ∂v
+ = 0.
∂x ∂y
At the wall in the points A and B the no-slip condition u = 0 induces ∂u/∂x = 0, hence in
these points ∂v/∂y = 0. When the inflow profile is inconsistent, the discrete solution near A
and B becomes irregular (but usually the ‘damage’ is not that big and only local).

An alternative is to prescribe a pressure difference across the channel, in combination with

e.g. v = 0 and ∂u/∂x = 0 at inflow and outflow (but see the discussion below).

Outflow conditions
The outflow boundary is much more problematic. A central role is being played by the normal
stress and the shear stress along the outflow boundary. As a reminder (see Section 2.1), for
incompressible flow the normal stress is given by
σn ≡ σ · n = −p + 2µ ,
and the tangential stress by
∂un ∂ut
σt ≡ σ · t = µ ( + ).
∂t ∂n
Here un = u · n is the velocity in the direction of the normal and ut = u · t the velocity in
tangential direction.

When at an outflow boundary the normal velocity un is prescribed then a boundary layer
may be created (or even worse: large wiggles), as we have seen in the discussion of the
convection-diffusion equation. It is therefore better to replace this Dirichlet condition by
a homogeneous Neumann condition: ∂un /∂n = 0. Physically this means that there is no
viscous normal stress contribution. The continuity equation now yields ∂ut /∂t = 0, hence
ut = 0, with which two boundary conditions are available. Sani and Gresho (1994) com-
ment this method as: “∂un /∂n = 0 is illegal (‘hopelessly ill-posed’) because of insufficient
information; the system is underdetermined, resulting (in general) in an infinite number of
solutions. In addition, in 2D it is overly restrictive on ut , causing ut = 0 regardless of the
actual boundary condition applied to ut .” When additionally a condition on the pressure is
prescribed, e.g. p = 0, then this is “illegal (ill-posed) because of too much information; the
system is overdetermined and no solution exists in general.” However, in practice the latter
choice is not that bad!

Another way is to set ∂ 2 un /∂n2 = 0 at the outflow boundary, and to discretize ∂un /∂n
in an upwind way (central discretization will yield the same result, though). In this case
no values of un outside the domain are required. A consistent condition for the tangential
velocity is ∂ut /∂n = 0. Again a pressure condition ‘should’ be added.

A mathematically better way is to prescribe the normal stress σn = 0. Sani and Gresho
write: “[This condition] is well-posed but may not always be useful.” This boundary con-
dition is a natural condition and is often being used in finite-element formulations. In the
finite-element world it is logical to prescribe additionally the tangential stress σt = 0.

Sani and Gresho (1994) have studied much more candidate outflow conditions. There is
no clear winner. A safe strategy is to set the outflow position as downstream as possible:
“Nothing interesting should be happening at such a boundary; otherwise the boundary is in
the wrong place.”

2.8 References
A. Arakawa (1966) Computational design for long-term numerical integration of the equations of
fluid motion: two-dimensional incompressible flow. J. Comput. Phys. 1, 119–143.
E.F.F. Botta and A.E.P. Veldman (1982) On local relaxation methods and their application to
convection-diffusion equations. J. Comput. Phys. 48, 127–149.
E.F.F. Botta and F.W. Wubs (1999) Matrix Renumbering ILU: an effective algebraic multilevel ILU
preconditioner for sparse matrices. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 20, 1007–1026.
A.J. Chorin (1967) A numerical method for solving incompressible viscous flow problems. J. Comput.
Phys. 2, 12–26.
P.M. Gresho and R.L. Sani (1987) On pressure boundary conditions for the incompressible Navier–
Stokes equations. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 7, 1111–1145.
F.H. Harlow and J.E. Welsh (1965) Numerical calculation of time-dependent viscous incompressible
flow of fluid with free surface. Phys. Fluids 8, 2182–2189.
C.W. Hirt and F.H. Harlow (1967) A general corrective procedure for the numerical solution of
initial-value problems. J. Comput. Phys. 2, 114–119.

R.I. Issa, A.D. Gosman and A.P. Watkins (1986) The computation of compressible and incompressible
recirculating flows by a non-iterative implicit scheme. J. Comput. Phys. 62, 66–82.
J. van Kan (1986) A second-order accurate pressure-correction scheme for viscous incompressible
flow. SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 7, 870–891.
S.V. Patankar (1980) Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. Hemisphere–McGraw Hill.
C.M. Rhie and W.L. Chow (1983) Numerical study of the turbulent flow past an airfoil with trailing
edge separation. AIAA J. 21, 1525–1532.
R.D. Richtmyer and K.W. Morton (1967) Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems. John Wiley.
P. Roache (1988) A comment on the paper “Finite difference methods for the Stokes and Navier–
Stokes equations” by J.C. Strikwerda. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 8, 1459–1463.
R.L. Sani and P.M. Gresho (1994) Résumé and remarks on the open boundary condition minisym-
posium. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 18, 983–1008.
A.E.P. Veldman (1990) Missing boundary conditions? Discretize first, substitute next, combine later.
SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 11, 82–91.
R.W.C.P. Verstappen and A.E.P. Veldman (2003) Symmetry-preserving discretization for turbulent
flow. J. Comput. Phys. 187, 343–368.
F.W. Wubs and J. Thies (2011) A robust two-level incomplete factorization for (Navier–)Stokes
saddle point matrices. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 32, 1475–1499.
Chapter 3

Direct numerical simulation of


3.1 Computational effort

Solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations (RaNS) is a tremendous task, even
for modern-day computers. A 1987 workshop on simulating viscous transonic flow around
airfoils (2-D) shows that in practice between 106 and more than 107 floating point operations
per grid point are required to obtain a steady solution (Holst 1987: see accompanying figure).
For 3-D problems 107 flops/point are typical. A 3-D grid for an airplane e.g. contains 106 −107
grid points, with which a computation costs around 1014 floating point operations. It may
be expected that in the future these numbers will decrease because of algorithmic improve-
ments, such as the symmetry-preserving discretization described in Chapter 1. The figure

Navier- ? ?? 107
Stokes ? ? ?×
1011 ?? × ?×
× ××
× × 106
• 105

109 potential
+ boundary ◦ •◦◦ 104
layer • (flops/pt)
108 •
◦ ◦

103 104 105
grid points

further shows that simulations based on boundary-layer methods are two orders cheaper than
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes. At present they do not provide less useful results than the
Navier–Stokes methods, and therefore they are popular in the industrial design process.


The Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations model all turbulent phenomena. For cer-
tain applications this may not be accurate enough. The alternative is to resolve the large-scale
turbulent phenomena (eddies) with sufficiently fine meshes and sufficiently small time steps.
This is called large-eddy simulation (LES); see e.g. Reynolds (1990. Only the smallest struc-
tures are modelled; it is expected (or better: hoped) that they can be described in a more
universal way. The required mesh widths are typically one order smaller than those for RaNS.
Adding a corresponding smaller time step, a LES computation will be roughly four orders
more expensive than a RaNS computation.

Most LES models make use of so-called eddy diffusion to dissipate the energy of the small-
est flow structures that cannot be resolved by the grid. Experience over the years has shown
that this not only removes energy from the small scales (as it should) but also from the larger
scales in the flow. Herewith it influences too much the global flow pattern. In recent years,
another approach, called regularization modelling, has been proposed in which the production
of small scales through the convective terms is restricted1 . This appears to be another step
forward; see e.g. Trias et al. (2010, 2011).

If one wants to be relieved from finding an accurate turbulence model, than the grid should
be sufficiently fine to resolve all flow scales in space and time, even the smallest ones. This
is called direct numerical simulation (DNS) and comes with a corresponding computational

Estimates for the smallest scales in the flow have been made by Kolmogorov in 1941
for 3D homogeneous isotropic turbulence. He suggested that on the smallest flow scales an
equilibrium exists between the production of these small scales and their destruction through
viscous dissipation. Relevant quantities are the energy dissipation  ≡ dk/dt (m2 /s3 ), with k
the turbulent kinetic energy per unit of mass, and the kinematic viscosity ν (m2 /s). Combin-
ing these quantities yields a unique length scale `K ∼ (ν 3 /)1/4 and time scale τK ∼ (ν/)1/2 .
Thus the Kolmogorov length scale is proportional to Reed `ed , with a corresponding time
scale proportional to Reed `ed /ued , in which `ed is the size of the large eddies and ued their
velocity. Further, Reed is the Reynolds number based on the large eddies Reed = ued `ed /ν.
This number is roughly one order smaller than the ‘usual’ Reynolds number (based on the
global length scale), which for aerodynamic applications lies around 107 , and for hydrody-
namic applications around 109 . For a 3-D calculation the grid would require O(Reed ) points,
1/2 11/4
with O(Reed ) time steps. Hence, the complexity of a simulation scales with Reed ! Thus a
Reynolds number 10 times larger, requires almost a factor 1000 more computing effort.

Table 3.1 gives a (rough) indication of the computational power that is required to com-
pute a DNS of flow past various objects. These estimates are based on the algorithms that
have been developed in the last decade. It is humbling to compare these requirements with
the performance of current (super)computers2 .

In this way, the turbulence model does not interfere with the energy balance in the flow; as such these
models fit in the energy-preserving philosophy already used in the discretization.
Note that the flow of water is more expensive to compute than that of air: effectively air is more viscous
than water!

The Dutch national supercomputer that was installed in 2000 aimed at an effective per-
formance around 100 Gigaflop/s (peak 1 Teraflop/s)3 . Starting from here, about five orders
of magnitude have to be bridged to perform a DNS of a turbulent flow at Re = 107 . Assuming
that both computer hardware and computational algorithms will continue to progress at the
rate that they have developed during the past three decades – both have become one and a
half order of magnitude faster per decade – within two decades the lacking five orders of mag-
nitude could be bridged. For this estimate to come true, computers need to become about a
thousand times faster and must be supplied with one thousand times as much memory within
the next two decades. Within that span of time the numerical algorithms for DNS need to
become three orders of magnitude faster, need to run efficiently at the fastest available ma-
chines, and need to use three orders of magnitude less memory than today’s algorithms do

medium speed Reynolds grid performance

points (2 week run)
cyclist (tourist) air 20 km/h 1 · 105
golf ball (pro) air 250 km/h 2 · 105 109 1011.5 flop/s
speed skater (pro) air 45 km/h 5 · 105
swimmer (pro) water 5 km/h 3 · 106 1011 1014 flop/s
car air 80 km/h 5 · 106
shark water 20 km/h 2 · 107 1013 1016.5 flop/s
airplane air 900 km/h 3 · 107
ship water 20 km/h up to 109 1017 1021 flop/s

Table 3.1: Overview of (estimated) required computational resources (CPU performance) for
DNS at Reynolds numbers in the range 105 − 109 (2010 algorithms).

In fact, the ASCI project in the USA, initiated in the mid 1990-ies, strived for this type of
performance improvement. In 1999 already three computers existed where the 1 Teraflop/s
limit has been achieved. The Supercomputer TOP500 of November 1999 was led by the prod-
ucts of the ASCI project: on top of the list Intel’s ASCI Red with 2.4 Teraflop/s, followed
by IBM’s Blue Pacific with 2.1 Teraflop/s and SGI’s Blue Mountain with 1.6 Teraflop/s.
However, the type of application for which these processor speeds are achieved, the so-called
Linpack benchmark, is not fully representative for CFD. Linpack is very cache-friendly, i.e.
once data have arrived in cache the algorithm makes frequent of use of them before they are
replaced by fresh data. In CFD algorithms the communication with main memory is much
more frequent, and a factor of three (or more) is easily lost compared to Linpack performance.
Thus, for CFD simulations computers with high access rates of memory (high bandwidth/low
latency), such as vector computers where up 30-50% of peak performance can be achieved
in practice, are very much in favour over commodity processors like Intel’s Xeon or AMD’s
Opteron. On the latter machines only around 5% of peak performance can be achieved for
CFD algorithms.

The TOP500 list has been dominated by (North-American) massively parallel cache-based
(scalar) computers, under a constant challenge of (Japanese) computers based on vector ar-
Giga= 109 , Tera= 1012 , Peta= 1015 , Exa= 1018 , Zeta= 1021 .

Figure 3.1: Development of computer performance as illustrated by the Top500 list: top entry,
#500 and the sum of all entries (Meuer and Gietl 2012).

chitecture; Figure 3.1 shows the developments between 1993 and 2012. E.g. for about three
years, 2002-2004, the fastest computer was the Japanese NEC Earth Simulator, based on vec-
tor processors, where 12 Teraflop/s sustained(!) performance could be achieved on codes for
climate modelling (36 Teraflop/s on Linpack). In June 2009, when the TOP500 was headed
by several Intel, IBM and AMD based clusters, the two toppositions broke the Petaflop/s (=
1000 Teraflop/s) barrier. Since then, the progress in cluster performance has continued. In
June 2012 the topposition, an IBM Blue Gene/Q, reached over 16 Petaflop/s on a cluster
with 1.6 million(!) cores. Plans are being made to attack the Exaflop/s barrier (1018 flop/s),
hopefully to be reached in 2019 (Meuer and Gietl 2012).

Thus, the progress in computer hardware remains impressive. Together with the equally
impressive progress in numerical algorithms, DNS computations at full-scale Reynolds num-
bers glimmer at the horizon.

3.2 Navier–Stokes: higher-order space discretization

It will be clear that DNS requires the utmost of computers and algorithms. Therefore much
research is going on in improving the efficiency of algorithms. At RUG we have concen-
trated on higher-order discretization methods along the lines presented in Section 1.5. We
will apply the above ideas now to construct a higher-order discretization of the Navier–Stokes
equations on the staggered grid as discussed above. In the described second-order method
the x-momentum equation is applied to a control volume as shown in Figure 3.2 (left). We
note that the vertical velocity is defined in the corner points of this volume.

The control volume now is combined with a larger one: for the convection-diffusion equa-
tion above we chose a two-times larger volume, but here we will use a three-times larger
volume as indicated in Figure 3.2 (right). The latter choice is the smallest volume for which
the corners coincide with positions of the vertical velocity. The coinciding of corners with ver-

Figure 3.2: The left picture shows a control volume for the conservation of the horizontal
component of the momentum field (in two spatial dimensions). The right picture shows a
three-times larger control volume that is applied to eliminate the leading term of the truncation
error. The arrows denote the components of the discrete velocity that are used to discretize
the application of the conservation law to the control volume.

tical velocities implies that one discretization method can be used for the spatial integration of
the momentum equation over both the original control volumes and the larger volumes. Two
times larger control volumes, for instance, have corners that do not coincide with positions
of the vertical velocity, and thus do require additional high-order interpolations (e.g. for the
cross terms in the convective flux). This interpolation unavoidably introduces some diffusion
in the discretization, which does interfere with the real diffusion as we have experienced in
test calculations. For DNS this is an unacceptable situation.

As in the convection-diffusion example above, near the boundaries we simply follow the
second-order approach to avoid problems with control volumes that do not fit in the domain.

We update the velocity by integrating the momentum equations over one time step and by
correcting the result by adding the pressure gradient in such a way that the mass is conserved
in control volumes centred on the pressures. Obviously, we can also apply the balance of
mass to three times larger control volumes and use these control volumes to eliminate the
leading term in the truncation error. Thus, a fourth-order-accurate spatial discretization can
be derived for the continuity equation. Since the ‘div’ and ‘grad’ operator analytically are
each other’s transpose (apart from a minus-sign; see Section 2.3), the discretization of the
divergence immediately implies the discretization of the gradient. Subsequently, the discrete
Laplacian (= div grad) appearing in the pressure Poisson equation is implied. More elabo-
rated details can be found in Verstappen and Veldman (2003).

The discrete Poisson equation for the pressure is solved by means of the conjugate gradient
method with modified incomplete Choleski preconditioning according to Gustafson (1978).
The MICCG code is fully vectorized by an explicit reordering of the unknowns along diagonals
of grid planes parallel to the symmetry plane of the cavity. The implementation of the
preconditioned iterative method is optimized as proposed by Eisenstat (1981). The initial
guess for the iteration is obtained by extrapolation of the pressure from previous time levels.

2nd- vs. 4th-order discretization

As an example of the progress made, we present a comparison between a second-order ap-
proach and our fourth-order approach for flow in a 3D driven cavity at Re = 10, 000. Exper-
imental results are available for comparison (Prasad and Koseff 1989). We show the vertical
velocity along the central axis of the cavity as obtained from a second-order calculation on a
100 × 100 × 100 grid, a fourth-order calculation on a 50 × 50 × 50 grid and the experimental
results. The overall error in an instantaneously measured velocity is about ± 0.6% of the
maximum velocity. The stretching in the latter grid is moderate: the grid spacing is expo-
nentially stretched away from the wall, and the largest mesh width is approximately seven
times wider than the smallest.

Figure 3.3: Lower-order and higher-

order computation vs. experiment of tur-
bulent flow in a 3D driven cavity at
Re = 10, 000. Shown is the normal ve-
locity along the central axes of the sym-
metry plane.

In this example the fourth-order results are clearly superior to the second-order results,
whereas the computational effort is about twenty times less. Indeed, the CPU-time per grid
point and time step of both methods is comparable, a 503 grid has 8 times less grid points than
a 1003 grid, it allows for a twice as large a time step (note that the time step is restricted by
the CFL-condition), and the number of iterations needed to solve the pressure correction from
the Poisson equation is somewhat less for a 503 grid than for a 1003 grid: 8 × 2 × 1.25 = 20.
Essential to this success is the way in which the discretization of the convective terms copes
with the stretching of the computational grid.

3.3 Refined time integration

In these lecture notes, mostly the explicit Forward-Euler time-integration method has been
used; not because it is the most efficient method, but it suits didactical purposes best. Runge–
Kutta methods and multi-step methods (like Adams–Bashforth) – to stay within the explicit
methods – provide more efficiency. In this section we will discuss a refinement of the latter,
which is better suited for (turbulent) flow simulations at large Reynolds numbers (Verstappen
and Veldman 1998, 2003).

In Section 1.8 it was concluded that the diffusive stability limit is most restrictive when
the cell-Péclet number P ≡ uh/ν < 2, but for P > 2 the convective limit dominates. Close to
a solid wall the flow is laminar, with low velocities due to the (no-slip) boundary condition.
Here, in wall-normal direction we have locally P < 2 and the diffusive limit is the most re-
strictive. Further away from the wall the flow is turbulent and Kolmogorov’s estimates apply.

For a grid size proportional to the Kolmogorov length scale `K ∝ ν 3/4 , the cell-Péclet number
scales with ν −1/4 and is likely to be > 2 (which should not be too bad as the resolution is
OK). The (mathematical) convective stability limit becomes δtconv ∝ ν 3/4 , much less than
the (physical) Kolmogorov time scale τK ∝ ν 1/2 . Thus, in the bulk of the flow domain the
convective stability limit is our main concern. Therefore, below we will present a simple
adaptation of the Adams–Bashforth method which is tuned to this situation and enhances its
efficiency by a factor of two.

Hereto we consider a family of explicit second-order one-leg methods, which will be dis-
cussed with aid of the test problem u0 = f (u). For this problem the one-leg family reads
(α + 21 )u(n+1) − 2αu(n) + (α − 21 )u(n−1) = δtf (1 + α)u(n) − αu(n−1) . (3.1)

This discretization is second-order accurate for all α 6= − 13 , and third-order accurate when
α = − 13 . Its error constant is given by C3 = 16 (1 + 3α). The ‘one’ in one-leg refers to the
fact that these methods evaluate the right-hand side f at one point only. For more details on
one-leg methods the reader is referred, for instance, to Hairer (1991).

Taking α = 12 , a one-leg method is created which is the twin of Adams–Bashforth. Accord-

ing to Adams–Bashforth we ought to take 32 f (u(n) )− 12 f (u(n−1) ) instead of f ( 32 u(n) − 12 u(n−1) ).
One- and two-leg methods are identical when f is linear with time-independent coefficients,
and then they have the same region of linear stability. They differ when the right-hand side
f is non-linear or explicitly time-dependent. For instance, in the ‘simple’ situation where
f (u) = λ(t) with λ(t) < 0 (i.e. u does not enter the right-hand side), the solution u(n+1) of
(3.1), i.e.
u(n+1) = u(n) + δt λ( 32 tn − 12 tn−1 ),
is smaller than u(n) (for any time step) as it should be. On the other hand, the solution
obtained with the associated multi-step method given by

u(n+1) = u(n) + δt { 23 λ(tn ) − 12 λ(tn−1 )}

does not satisfy the inequality u(n+1) < u(n) unconditionally (it depends on the variation of λ
with time). In addition, it is emphasized in Nevanlinna (1978) that (some) one-leg methods
are more reliable than their corresponding multi-step methods when used with variable time

For α = 0 the leapfrog method is obtained. This method cannot be used to integrate a
diffusive flux in time, since it is not stable: the linear stability region of leapfrog consists of
all purely imaginary numbers with modulus smaller than or equal to one.

Our aim is to determine α such that the corresponding method allows for the largest
time step, or stated otherwise, possesses the largest region of convective stability. Figure 3.4
(left) shows the stability domain of the one-leg method for α = 0.05 and α = 0.5 (Adams–
Bashforth). The stability domain is pressed against the imaginary axis when α goes to zero.
In the limit α = 0 the stability domain is equal to the interval [−i, i]. Above we concluded
that convective stability puts the most severe restriction on the time step. Thus, we look for
stability domains which include eigenvalues λ = x + iy, where the real part x is negative and

Figure 3.4: The left picture shows the stability domain of the one-leg method (3.1) for α = 0.05
and α = 0.5. The right picture shows a blow up of the stability domains near the positive
imaginary axis.

the absolute value of the imaginary part y is much larger than the absolute value of the real
part. Here, ‘much’ can range from one to two orders of magnitude. For a DNS of a flow in a
driven cavity at Re = 104 with a grid size δx = 10−2 , and a maximum velocity Umax = 1, for
example, |x| : |y| is of the order of 1 : 100.

Under these conditions, the one-leg method with α = 0.05 outperforms Adams–Bashforth.
Figure 3.4 (right) shows a blow up of the stability domains of both methods near the positive
imaginary axis. The points denoted by A and B lie on the line |x| : |y| = 1 : 20. The point
A lies close to the boundary of the stability domain for α = 0.05; B lies near the boundary
of the stability domain for α = 0.5. A lies approximately two times as far from the origin
as B. Thus, the time step of the one-leg method with α = 0.05 can be enlarged by a factor
of two compared to Adams–Bashforth. For |x| : |y| = 1 : 10 this factor is about 1.5; for
|x| : |y| = 1 : 100 it is approximately 2.5. We have carried out a number of numerical test
calculations of the (2D) flow in a driven cavity at Re = 103 − 105 . The results demonstrate
that the one-leg method with α = 0.05 requires indeed about two times less computational
effort than the Adams–Bashforth method, whereas the accuracy is just as good.

3.4 Examples of turbulent-flow simulation

Both the algorithmic improvements and the improvements in computer performance have
opened the door to solve the Navier-Stokes equations numerically for Reynolds numbers in
the range 104 − 105 without using any turbulence model. Results in this range will first be
shown in comparison with LES concerning the flow past a long, square cylinder at Re =
22,000 (Section 3.4.1). Thereafter, in Section 3.4.2 a comparison is made between DNS and
RaNS for a flow past an array of cubes. Finally (Section 3.4.3), results for a channel flow
are presented for which experimental results and early DNS computations are available. For
more details see Verstappen and Veldman (1996, 1997, 1998).

3.4.1 Flow past a square cylinder at Re = 22,000

The comparison with LES concerns the flow past a long, square cylinder at Re = 22,000 (at
zero angle of attack). We assume that the flow is periodical in the spanwise direction. The

spanwise boundaries are taken four diameters apart. We prescribe laminar inflow at six and a
half diameters upstream of the cylinder. Experiments by Lyn et al. (1995) indicate a turbu-
lence level (i.e. the ratio between the fluctuating and the mean velocity) of about 2% at four
and a half diameters upstream from the cylinder. The lateral boundaries are taken 14 diame-
ters apart. The outflow boundary is positioned at 20 diameters past the cylinder. In addition,
in a buffer zone (of five diameters length) the Reynolds number is decreased from 22,000 to
1,000 to suppress (non-physical) waves which are reflected by the artificial outflow boundary.
The (artificial) outflow conditions read vnn = wnn = 0 and pn = constant, where the con-
stant is determined such that the mass inflow equals the mass outflow (at each time-step); this
constant is approximately zero. No-slip boundaries are imposed at the surface of the cylinder.

We have used a 280×210×64 staggered grid to cover the computational domain. The first
grid point is spaced 0·005 from the cylinder surface. The grid is stretched out away from the
cylinder surface by means of a sinh function; the ratio of the largest to smallest grid size in
the streamwise direction is approximately 200. About 5% of the grid points are located in the
buffer zone. The discrete Poisson equation for the pressure is solved with a combination of a
Fast Fourier Transform method in the spanwise direction and a modified incomplete Choleski
Conjugate-Gradient method in the resulting spectral space.

Figure 3.5: Snapshot of the flow

past a rectangular cylinder at
Re=22,000. The visualisation
has been done with the spot-noise
method (De Leeuw 1997).

The start-up of the flow plus three shedding cycles have been computed on 16 nodes of a
CRAY J932. We compute averages over three shedding cycles by sampling the flow at each
time step. Velocities are also averaged over the top and bottom halves. All quantities are
normalized by the cylinder width and the inflow velocity.

Simulation Experiments
Lyn et al. (1995) Lee (1975) Vickery (1966)
Mean Strouhal number 0·133 0·133 ± 0·003 − −
Mean drag coefficient Cd 2·09 2·1 2·05 2·05
Mean lift coefficient Cl 0·005 − − −
Rms fluctuation of Cd 0·178 − 0·16 − 0·23 −
Rms fluctuation of Cl 1·45 − − 0·68 − 1·32

Table 3.2: Comparison with experiment: bulk quantities


Table 3.2 shows the mean Strouhal number, the mean drag coefficient Cd , the mean lift
coefficient Cl and the root-mean-square fluctuations of Cd and Cl . Here, it may be noted that
the mean lift coefficient has not been measured; it should be zero by symmetry. All computed
bulk quantities fall within the range set by the experiments, except for the root-mean-square
of the fluctuations of the lift coefficient Cl which is slightly overestimated. Figure 3.6 shows
a comparison of mean streamwise velocities with experimental data at four locations past the
cylinder. The agreement between the experimental data and the numerical data is good.

Figure 3.6: Flow past a square cylinder at Re=22000: a comparison of mean velocities of
the fourth-order simulation with experimental results. The experimental data is taken from
ERCOFTAC Database Case 43; see also Lyn et al. (1995). Shown is the mean streamwise
velocity. The continuous lines correspond to the simulation; the experimental data is depicted
by the dots.

The flow past a square cylinder at Re = 22,000 (at zero angle of attack) has served as
a test case at two LES workshops. The results submitted to the workshops can be found
in Rodi (1997) and Voke (1997). The results show a great variation in the predictions, and
it was concluded that this flow forms a major challenge to current LES techniques; no one
has found the definite solution, yet. There is no doubt that the definite solution has to be
computed by means of an accurate, cost-effective numerical method. In Figure 3.7, we have
plotted the drag coefficients of almost all the submissions versus the numerical method that
has been applied. Here, we have left out a few, namely those that had serious failings (a too
large lift coefficient, or a shedding frequency that differed significantly from the experiments).

There are of course many factors that (can) affect the prediction of the drag coefficient:
the subgrid scale model, the value of parameters in the model, the grid resolution, the nu-
merical approach, the treatment of the walls, etc. Unfortunately, these factors varied during
the workshops, and consequently it is difficult to trace the source of the errors in the results
of the simulations.

As can be seen in Figure 3.7, large-eddy simulations with a QUICK or a third-order up-
wind (U3) discretization predict a drag force which is too large. The U3-approach that comes
closest to the experimental data uses approximately five times the number of grid points of
each of the other QUICK/U3-methods. Although we cannot draw firm conclusions, for the

Figure 3.7: Flow past a square cylinder at Re=22,000: the mean drag coefficient versus the
discretization of the convective terms of the Navier–Stokes equations. Here, U stands for
upwind, and C for a central discretization. The number denotes the order of the method: C2,
for example, represents a second-order central discretization. The experimental results of Lyn
et al. (1995), Lee (1975) and Vickery (1966) fall within the shaded area. The results of the
large-eddy simulations are taken from Rodi (1997) and Voke (1997).

reason mentioned above, it is most likely that the artificial diffusion added by QUICK/U3
contaminates the results.

The performance of subgrid models is difficult to judge since modelling errors and nu-
merical errors interact; see also Vreman et al. (1994). To separate these errors, a number
of subgrid models need to be considered within the same numerical approach. We feel that
symmetry-preserving methods provide a good basis for evaluating turbulence models, since
they are accurate on non-uniform grids and the character of the numerical error is well-defined:
the error in the convective term is convective; the error in the diffusive term is diffusive.

3.4.2 Surface mounted cubes

Next we show an example of a turbulent flow that has served as a test case for turbulence
modelling at the 6th ERCOFTAC/IAHR/COST Workshop on Refined Flow Modelling which
was held at Delft University of Technology in June 1997 (Hanjalić and Obi 1997). The prob-
lem considered is the fully developed flow in a channel where an array of 25 × 10 cubes is
placed regularly at the bottom. The Reynolds number based on the height of the channel
and the bulk velocity is 13,000. The channel is 3.4 times wider than a cube. The pitch of the
cubes is four cube lengths in both the streamwise and the spanwise direction.

Meinders et al. (1998) have measured this complex turbulent flow. Their flow measure-
ments around the 18th row from the inlet showed that the influence of the in- and outlet
can be neglected there. Hence, the computational domain for a numerical simulation can be
confined to a sub-channel unit of dimension 4h × 3.4h × 4h (where h denotes the height of a
cube) with periodic boundary conditions in both the streamwise and the spanwise directions.
Figure 3.8 displays the sub-channel unit.

We have applied the fourth-order, symmetry-preserving method that is outlined in Sec-

tion 3.2 to compute mean velocity profiles and Reynolds stresses at various locations in the

Figure 3.8: Top- and side-view of a sub-channel unit. An instantaneous flow field at two planes
through the centre of the cubes is shown, as obtained from the 1003 DNS. In both pictures the
flow is directed from left to right. It may be noted that large structures of recirculating flow
behind the obstacles are not present in any of the snapshots of this flow. These regions can
only be observed if the flow is averaged over a long period in time.

sub-channel (Verstappen and Van de Velde, 2006). To this end, the sub-channel is covered by
a 1003 grid. The first mesh point is spaced 0·006 to a wall. A cube is represented by 40 grid
points in each direction. The grid is slightly stretched: the largest grid size is approximately
three times the smallest. No-slip boundaries are imposed at the surfaces of the cubical ob-
stacles and also on the walls of the channel.

The entire computation (including start-up and sampling time) took about 100 hours on
one vector-processor of a CRAY C90. Mean velocity profiles as well as Reynolds stresses at
various locations in the channel have been computed. The sampling of data for the computa-
tion of the first- and second-order statistics of the flow started after a transitional period of
100 (non-dimensional) time units. The time-averages were computed over 200 time units and
over the two symmetrical halves of the sub-channel unit. Samples were taken at each time

Figure 3.9 shows a comparison of the first- and second-order statistics4 of the 1003 simu-
lation with the experimental data of Meinders et al. (1997) in the symmetry plane parallel to
the streamwise direction that bisects a cube. The agreement between the experimental data
and the numerical data is excellent.

In order to challenge RaNS computations, we have also performed a simulation at a 603

grid. On this grid, a cube is represented by 30 grid points in each direction. The first grid
point of the 603 grid lies approximately twice as far from the wall than the first grid point
of the 1003 grid. The coarse grid simulation takes about one tenth of the CPU-time of the
Because of the seemingly chaotic behaviour of turbulent flow, it makes little sense to compare snapshots
in time as in Figure 3.8 directly. Instead, one compares time averages and fluctuations around the mean as in
Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9: Comparison of numerical results (continuous lines) with experiment (dots) for
flow past an array of cubes. The left picture shows the mean streamwise velocity ū, whereas
the right picture shows the fluctuating streamwise velocity u0 u0 .

fine grid simulation, among other things because the time step can be increased by a factor
of about two.

There were four groups who presented results of their RaNS computations of the flow in
the channel with surface-mounted cubes at the workshop (Hanjalić and Obi 1997). Here, we
restrict ourselves to the RaNS computation (of Dr. S. Jansson from the Department of Fluid
Mechanics of Vattenfall Entvecklung AB in Sweden) that agreed the best with the available
experimental data. It may be noted that there were no results of large-eddy simulations
submitted to this workshop, nor have there been any reported elsewhere.

The best RaNS result was based on a second-order, cell-centered, finite-volume method.
The QUICK scheme was used for the velocities and the turbulent quantities were integrated
by means of a second-order accurate scheme with a Van Leer limiter. Periodic boundary
conditions were applied in the streamwise direction; the period was taken equal to four cube
lengths. Symmetry conditions were applied in the spanwise directions. The spanwise bound-
aries were taken two cube lengths apart. Dirichlet conditions were applied at the solid walls,
except for the dissipation rate : the normal derivative of  was put to zero at solid walls.
The turbulence model consisted of a two-layer eddy-viscosity combined with a standard k − 
model. The transport equation for the dissipation rate  was not solved in near-wall regions,
but instead it was computed explicitly from a predicted length scale. This RaNS computation
was performed on a stretched, orthogonal grid of 67 × 72 × 57 points in the streamwise, the
normal and the spanwise direction, respectively. Except for the spanwise direction, the grid
spacing of this RaNS computation is slightly finer than that of our 603 simulation. In the
spanwise direction, the average resolution of the RANS computation is about two times finer
than the average resolution of the 603 grid, due to the fact that the RaNS computation uses
symmetry conditions and therefore can restrict its spanwise computational domain to two
cube lengths, while in our simulation periodic boundary conditions have been applied in the
spanwise direction with a period of four cube lengths.

Mean streamwise velocities are compared in Figure 3.10. On a corresponding grid, the
mean velocities computed from the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equations agree less

Figure 3.10: Comparison of the mean streamwise velocity at half cube height. The flow comes
from below; the horizontal corresponds to the spanwise direction. The dashed vertical lines
are lines of symmetry; their distance is two cube lengths. The lowermost profiles are located
at 0.3 cube lengths before the front of the cube, the middlemost profiles at 0.3 cube lengths
after the front an the uppermost profiles at one cube length after the middlemost. The velocity
scale is shown for the uppermost profiles only. The experimental data is taken from Meinders
(1997); the RaNS data is taken from Hanjalić and Obi (1997).

with the experimental data than the results of the symmetry-preserving simulation. The
velocity profiles of the RaNS computation are much too smooth. In addition, the maxima
of the velocities are located in the symmetry-plane between two cubes, which is in distinct
disagreement with the experimental data.

Finally, it may be observed that the convergence of the symmetry-preserving simulation

upon grid refinement is plain: the results on the 1003 grid are closer to the measurements
than those of the 603 grid.

3.4.3 Channel flow

To further illustrate the accuracy of the symmetry-preserving discretization, consider a turbu-
lent channel flow at a Reynolds number of Re=5,600. A large number of numerical results as
well as experimental data is available for comparison. Figure 3.11 (left) shows a comparison
of the mean velocity profile as obtained from the 4th-order symmetry-preserving simulation
with those of other direct numerical simulations. The grids used by the DNS’s that we com-
pare with have typically about 1283 grid points, that is 16 times more grid points than our
grid has. Nevertheless, the agreement is excellent.

Figure 3.11: Comparison of the mean streamwise velocity u+ (left) and its root-mean-square
(right) as function of the wall normal coordinate y + .

The root-mean-square of the fluctuating streamwise velocity urms near the wall (0 < y + <
40) is presented in Figure 3.11 (right). The results show that the urms predicted by the 4th-
order simulation fits the experiment data of Kreplin and Eckelmann (1979) nicely. This holds
for very coarse grids too, as can be inferred from the results computed with the 4th-order
symmetry-preserving scheme with only 32 grid points in the wall-normal direction. It is in-
teresting to compare the ratio between ‘our’ 32 or 64 grid points in wall-normal direction and
the 128 grid points used in the reference computations (Kim et al. 1987, Kuroda el al. 1995,
Gilbert and Kleiser 1991). This ratio (a factor two to four) compares quite well with the
‘predicted’ possible increase in grid size (a factor of three) as found in the one-dimensional
test case described in Section 1.7.

Figure 3.12: Convergence of the skin-friction coefficient upon grid refinement, displayed as a
function of the fourth power of the cell size next to the wall.

This flow case has also been used to carry out a grid refinement study to show indeed
4th-order convergence behaviour. The skin-friction coefficient Cf has been monitored as ob-
tained from simulations on five different grids, denoted A – E. Their spacings differ only in
the direction normal to the wall, with 128 (A), 96 (B), 64 (C), 56 (D) and 48 (E) points,

respectively. The first (counted from the wall) grid line varies between y1+ = 0.72 (grid A) and
y1+ = 1.9 (grid E). The refinement study, as indicated in Figure 3.12, clearly shows a 4th-order
behaviour on the non-uniform grid. The straight line in Figure 3.12 is approximately given by
Cf = 0.008364 − 0.000004(y1+ )4 . The extrapolated value at the crossing with the vertical axis
y1+ = 0 lies in between the Cf = 0.00818 reported by Kim et al. (1987) and Dean’s correlation
Cf = 0.073Re−1/4 = 0.00844. Note that the extrapolation eliminates the (leading term of
the) discretization error in the wall-normal direction, but not the other discretization errors
in space and time.

Figure 3.13: The root-mean-square velocity fluctuations normalized by the wall shear velocity
as a function of the wall coordinate y + on various grids for y + ≤ 20 (left) and y + ≤ 200

The convergence of the fluctuating streamwise velocity near the wall (0 < y + < 20) is
presented in Figure 3.13 (left). Here, we have added results obtained on three still coarser
grids (with 32, 24 and 16 points in the wall-normal direction, respectively), since the results on
the grids A–E fall almost on top of each other. The coarsest grid, with only 16 points to cover
the channel width is coarser than most of the grids used to perform a large-eddy simulation
(LES) of this turbulent flow. Nevertheless, in the near wall region, the 64 × 16 × 32 solution
is not that far off the solution on finer grids. Further away from the wall, the turbulent
fluctuations predicted on the coarse grids (32 points or less in vertical direction) become too
high compared to the fine grid solutions, as is shown in Figure 3.13 (right).

3.5 References
S.C. Eisenstat (1981) Efficient implementation of a class of preconditioned Conjugate Gradient meth-
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N. Gilbert and L. Kleiser (1991) Turbulence model testing with the aid of direct numerical simulation
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E. Hairer and G. Wanner (1991) Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
K. Hanjalić and S. Obi (eds.) (1997) Proc. 6th ERCOFTAC/IAHR/COST Workshop on Refined
Flow Modeling, Vol. 3, Section Heat Transfer, Delft University of Technology, 38 pages.

T.L. Holst (1987) Viscous transonic airfoil workshop compendium of results. AIAA paper 87–1460.
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L. Kleiser and T.A. Zang (1991) Numerical simulation of transition in wall-bounded shear flows.
Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 23, 495–537.
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B.E. Lee (1975) The effect of turbulence on the surface pressure field of square prisms. J. Fluid Mech.
69, 263–282.
W. de Leeuw (1997) Presentation and Exploration of Flow Data. Ph.D. Thesis, Delft University of
Technology, Delft, 107 pages.
D.A. Lyn, S. Einav, W. Rodi and J.H. Park (1995) A laser-Doppler-velocimetry study of emsemble-
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E.R. Meinders, T.H. van der Meer and K. Hanjalic (1998) Local convective heat transfer from an
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H.W. Meuer and H. Gietl (2012) Supercomputers Prestige Objects or Crucial Tools for Science and
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O. Nevanlinna and W. Liniger (1978) Contractive methods for stiff differential equations; Part I. BIT
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A.K. Prasad and J.R. Koseff (1989) Reynolds number and end-wall effects on a lid-driven cavity flow.
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W.C. Reynolds (1990) The potential and limitations of direct and large eddy simulations. In: J.L.
Lumley (ed.) Whither Turbulence: Turbulence at the Crossroads. Springer Verlag, pp. 313–342.
W. Rodi, J.H. Ferziger, M. Breuer and M. Pourquié (1997) Status of Large Eddy Simulation: Results
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F.X. Trias and R.W.C.P. Verstappen (2011) On the construction of discrete filters for symmetry-
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R.W.C.P. Verstappen and R.M. van de Velde (2006) Symmetry-preserving discretisation of heat
transfer in a complex turbulent flow. J. Eng. Math. 54, 299–318.
R.W.C.P. Verstappen and A.E.P. Veldman (1996) A fourth-order finite volume method for direct
numerical simulation of turbulence at higher Reynolds numbers. In: J.-A. Desideri et al. (eds.)
Computational Fluid Dynamics ’96 . John Wiley, pp. 1073–1079.
R.W.C.P. Verstappen and A.E.P. Veldman (1997) Direct numerical simulation of turbulence at lower
costs. J. Eng. Math. 32, 143–159.
R.W.C.P. Verstappen and A.E.P. Veldman (1998) Spectro-consistent discretization: a challenge to
RANS and LES. J. Eng. Math. 34, 163–179.

R.W.C.P. Verstappen and A.E.P. Veldman (2003) Symmetry-preserving discretization for turbulent
flow. J. Comput. Phys. 187, 343–368.
B.J. Vickery (1966) Fluctuating lift and drag on a long square cylinder of square cross-section in a
smooth and in a turbulent stream. J. Fluid Mech. 25, 481–494.
P.R. Voke (1997) Flow past a square cylinder: test case LES2. In: J.P. Chollet et al. (eds.), Direct
and Large Eddy Simulation II, pp. 355–373.
B. Vreman, B. Geurts and H. Kuerten (1994) Discretization error dominance over subgrid-terms
in large eddy simulation of compressible shear layers in 2D. Comm. Num. Meth. Eng. 10,
Appendix A

Discretization, integration and


In the appendix we will give a short review of numerical fundamentals concerning space
discretization, time integration and iterative solution of (sparse) systems of equations.

A.1 Discretization in space

Space discretization methods are often divided in four approaches:
– finite-difference methods;
– finite-volume methods;
– finite-element methods; and
– spectral methods.
This subdivision is not strict in the sense that combinations of the above approaches also
appear, such as ‘control-volume finite elements’ or ‘spectral elements’. Also, a number of
discretization formulas can be derived along several of these approaches. Here, we will only
make some remarks on the first two approaches. They make use of a computational grid,
typically denoted by

Ωh = {(ih1 , jh2 )|i = 0, 1, · · · , I; j = 0, 1, · · · , J},

where h1 and h2 are the respective mesh widths.

e e e e e

Ωh Γ
e u u u e h

(i, j)
e u u u e
e e e e e?
 h1 -


Some notation: The discrete approximation of an unknown function φ is denoted by φh .

The value of the grid function φh in the grid point (ih1 , jh2 ) - or short (i, j) - is denoted
by φij . The boundary of Ωh is denoted by Γh . Internal grid points are collected in Ω0h , the
boundary points with a Dirichlet (or Robin) condition are denoted by ΓD N
h , and Γh is the set
of boundary points with a Neumann condition.

A.1.1 Finite-difference methods

In a finite-difference method derivatives are approximated by combining local Taylor series
such that the local truncation error becomes satisfactory in some sense, e.g. minimized
between all other combinations using the same neighbouring grid points. As an example,
consider the i-th grid point with its two nearest neighbours, corresponding to Taylor series

h2 d2 φ

φ(xi + h) = φi + h + + O(h3 ). (A.1)
dx xi 2 dx2 xi

h2 d2 φ

φ(xi − h) = φi − h + − O(h3 ). (A.2)
dx xi 2 dx2 xi
Subtracting (A.1) and (A.2) we obtain an estimate for the first-order derivative

dφ φi+1 − φi−1
= + O(h2 ). (A.3)
dx xi

which possesses a second-order accurate truncation error (cf. the term O(h2 )). This formula
uses two points positioned symmetrically with respect to the central point. As an alternative
one of these neighbours can be combined with the central point, yielding a formula that is
only first-order accurate
dφ φi − φi−1
= + O(h).
dx xi
As we will demonstrate in Chapter 1, minimization of the local truncation error may
not be the optimum criterion for selecting discretization formulas (see also the discussion in
Section A.1.4).

A.1.2 Finite-volume methods

A finite-volume method starts with a physical conservation law expressing conservation of
some quantity φ over a domain Ω with boundary Γ

φ dΩ = − F (φ) · n dΓ + f dΩ. (A.4)
∂t Ω Γ Ω

The integral over Γ describes the nett outflow of the considered quantity (given by the flux-
function F (φ)), whereas f represents a source term. When the flux-function is differentiable,
Gauss’ divergence theorem can be applied
dΩ + div F (φ) dΩ = f dΩ.
Ω ∂t Ω Ω

Since this holds for arbitrary small volumes Ω the conservation law can be written as a PDE
in divergence form
+ div F (φ) = f. (A.5)
Note that the physical conservation law (A.4) requires less smoothness of the solution; more-
over it induces the correct jump relations.
In the finite-volume method the relation (A.4) is rn
applied to individual control volumes, surrounding the
grid points. We give a typical example of a finite- W t w r Ω tP re tE
volume grid in the adjacent figure. The control vol-
umes are indicated by dashed lines, which lie halfway r
between the grid point P = (xi , yj ) and its neighbours s
N , E, S and W . t
The integrals appearing in (A.4) can be approximated by e.g. the midpoint rule as

h1 h2 φP = −h2 [F1 (φ)|e − F1 (φ)|w ] − h1 [F2 (φ)|n − F2 (φ)|s ] + h1 h2 fP ,

in which F1 and F2 are the components of the flux-function. After division by h1 h2 this
formula can be reshaped as follows

φh = −Lh φh + f, (A.6)

but as we will see in Section 1.5 this scaling is not always desirable. The ‘curly’ ∂/∂t has been
replaced by a ‘straight’ d/dt, since in the right-hand side no spatial derivatives appear any-
more. In time direction no discretization has taken place yet; we call this semi-discretization.

A.1.3 Properties of difference operators

Irrespective of the followed discretization approach, ultimately a spatial differential operator
is approximated by a difference operator which acts on functions defined on the computational
grid. Such a difference operator will be of the form
(Lh φ)ij = ckl
ij φkl . (A.7)

Definition A.1.1 The operator Lh defined in (A.7) is called positive1 when

ij = 0, (i, j) ∈ Ω0h ∪ ΓN
h ; (A.8)

ij ≤ 0, (i, j) ∈ Ω0h ∪ ΓN
h , (k, l) 6= (i, j). (A.9)
Condition (A.8) implies that a positive operator can also be written in the form (Lh φ)ij = kl6=ij ij (φkl −
φij ), with all relevant ckl
ij ≤ 0 according to (A.9).

The above requirements need only hold in the interior Ω0 and on Neumann boundaries ΓN ;
on a Dirichtlet boundary ΓD they are not applicable since only a central coefficient cij
ij is
present there.

A positive operator satisfies a maximum principle, which gives smoothness to the solution:
the above definition implies that the solution in a grid point is a convex combination of its
X ckl
φij = − ij φkl ,

with all coefficients in the right-hand side non-negative and adding up to 1. A fortiori , when
there is a direct link between adjacent grid points, the solution of Lh ψh = 0 is non-oscillatory
(‘no wiggles’).

Theorem A.1.2 (Maximum principle) Let Lh , as defined in Def. A.1.1, be a positive oper-
ator and suppose Lh φh ≤ 0 in Ω0h ∪ ΓN h . Suppose also that Lh satisfies a direct-neighbour
ckl 0 N
ij 6= 0, (k, l) ∈ {(i ± 1, j), (i, j ± 1)}, (i, j) ∈ Ω ∪ Γ , (A.10)
then φh can only take its maxima on ΓD
h (unless φh is constant).

Proof Suppose φh takes its maximum M in the grid point (i, j) ∈ Ω0h ∪ ΓN
h . Suppose Lh is given by
(A.7). Then from X
ij φkl = (Lh φh )ij ≤ 0

we have X
ij φij ≤ − ckl
ij φkl .

As the coefficients in the right-hand side are all non-positive we obtain

ij φij ≤ − ckl ij ij
ij max φkl = cij max φkl = cij M.
k,l k,l

Because φij = M , everywhere the equality sign has to hold, from which we conclude that all neigh-
bours φkl for which cklij 6= 0 have to be equal to M too. Because of the direct-neighbour condition
(A.10), the stencils with centre in Ω0h ∪ ΓN
h share some overlap, with which the theorem follows. 2

Corollary Let Lh be a positive operator satisfying the direct-neighbour condition (A.10),

and let Lh φ1 = f1 and Lh φ2 = f2 with f1 ≤ f2 . Then φ1 ≤ φ2 .

Proof Apply Th. A.1.2 to Lh (φ1 − φ2 ) = f1 − f2 . 2

Because of this property, positive operators are also called monotone. There exists a
link with the so-called M -matrices (see Def. A.2.9), which form an important subclass of the
monotone matrices (for which A−1 ≥ 0).

Theorem A.1.3 When the Dirichlet part of the boundary is non-empty, then a positive
operator gives rise to an M -matrix. When Lh also satisfies a direct-neighbour condition
(A.10) then the matrix is irreducible.

Proof The sign requirement for an M -matrix follows immediately from the definition (A.9) of a
positive operator. Further, because of (A.8) the matrix is (weakly) diagonally dominant. In Dirichlet
boundary points the diagonal dominance is strict. Now a Gershgorin-type argument yields that all
eigenvalues lie in the right half plane. 2

Next to their monotonicity property, leading to smooth solutions as discussed above, M -

matrices also possess pleasant iterative properties, e.g. Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iteration con-
verge (see Section A.2). Unfortunately, one has to pay a price for such favourable properties,
as formulated in the following theorem.

Theorem A.1.4 (Order barrier ) Positive (hence monotone) discretizations of a first-order

derivative can maximally be first-order accurate.

Proof For a uniform one-dimensional grid with grid size h.) Suppose in grid point i we have

dφ X
≡ ck φi+k .
dx i

A Taylor expansion of the occurring φ-values results in

X  2 
dφ dφ 1 2 d φ 3
≡ c k φ i + kh + 2 (kh) + O(h ) . (A.11)
dx i dx i dx2 i

As this expression is meant to be a discrete approximation for the first-order derivative, consistency
requires that the zero-th order term vanishes and that the first-order term is equal to dφ/dx. These
conditions can be satisfied. But, to achieve second-order accuracy, the second-order term in (A.11)
should also vanish (note that ck ∝ 1/h), i.e.
1 2
2 (hk) ck = 0.

Alas, this is impossible when all neighbouring coefficients ck ≤ 0, as required for a positive operator. 2

For more information on monotone discretization methods we refer to e.g. Chapter 21 of

Hirsch (1990).

A.1.4 Discretization error

The above differential operators are being used for approximating (partial) differential oper-
ators. Suppose the differential equation is given by

Lφ = f,

and the difference approximation by

Lh φh = fh .

In general, the exact solution of the PDE will not satisfy the difference approximation. The
τh ≡ Lh φ − fh = Lh (φ − φh ) (A.12)

is called the local truncation error. When h → 0 implies that τh → 0, then the difference
approximation is called consistent.

The difference φ − φh , between the exact solution and the discrete solution, is called the
global discretization error. Both errors are related by

φ − φh = L−1
h τh . (A.13)

We have convergence when the global discretization error vanishes upon grid refinement (i.e.
when h → 0). Note that the right-hand side in (A.13) consists of a product of the inverse
difference operator and the local truncation error, hence smallness of the latter does not
necessarily lead to an accurate discrete solution (cf. the discussion in Section 1.5).

A.2 Elementary iterative solution methods

After discretization and linearization of a partial differential equation often a linear system
Ax = b has to be solved. In this section we will summarize a number of iterative stationary
one-step methods. These have the generic form

Qx(n+1) = (Q − A)x(n) + b, n = 0, 1, · · · , (A.14)

where Q is a non-singular matrix. By rewriting (A.14) we obtain

x(n+1) = Cx(n) + Q−1 b, n = 0, 1, · · · , where C = (I − Q−1 A). (A.15)

The matrix C is called the iteration matrix.

Since the iteration error, i.e. the difference with the exact solution x, satisfies

x − x(n+1) = C(x − x(n) ),

the iteration method (A.15) will converge if and only if C n → 0. The growth of C n is given
kC n k ∼ cnp−1 |λ|n−(p−1) , n → ∞, (A.16)
where λ is the modulus of the largest eigenvalue of C, and p the order of the largest Jordan
block corresponding with eigenvalues of modulus λ. It easily follows that an iterative method
is convergent if and only if its spectral radius ρ(C) < 1. The behaviour of C n can be very
irregular when defect eigenvalues are present.

A.2.1 Jacobi and JOR

Write the matrix A as A = D − L − U , in which D = diag(A), L a strict lower-triangular
matrix and U a strict upper-triangular matrix. A simple splitting of the matrix is obtained
by only leaving its diagonal in the left-hand side

Dx(n+1) = (D − A)x(n) + b,

which upon division by D becomes

x(n+1) = (I − D−1 A)x(n) + D−1 b. (A.17)


The iteration matrix of this process I − D−1 A = D−1 (L + U ) is called the Jacobi matrix.

When the iteration process behaves very regularly, it may pay off to extrapolate the step
x(n+1) − x(n) as
x(n+1) = x(n) + ω(x∗ − x(n) ) = ωx∗ + (1 − ω)x(n) ,
where x∗ is the value from (A.17). This idea is called relaxation, and ω is the relaxation
factor. Adding relaxation to the Jacobi method (A.17) gives
x(n+1) = [ ω(I − D−1 A) + (1 − ω)I ] x(n) + ωD−1 b (A.18a)
−1 (n) −1
= (I − ωD A)x + ωD b (A.18b)
(n) −1 (n)
= x − ωD (Ax − b). (A.18c)
From (A.18b) we conclude
1 1
Dx(n+1) = ( D − A)x(n) + b,
ω ω
which shows a splitting where D/ω is left on the diagonal in the left-hand side. This method
is called JOR: Jacobi with OverRelaxation (although often ω < 1, i.e. underrelaxation, gives
better results). The components of x(n+1) can be computed independent of each other; the
method is perfectly vectorizable and parallelizable.

In formulation (A.18c) we recognize the residual Ax(n) − b. This shows that in simple
words the JOR method can be expressed as: “the new guess equals the old guess plus a factor
times the residual”. We will use this interpretation several times in these lecture notes.

Next let us investigate the convergence behaviour of JOR. We will restrict ourselves first
to the class of weakly diagonally dominant matrices, which include the M -matrices.
Theorem A.2.1 When the matrix A is irreducible and weakly diagonally dominant, i.e.
|aii | ≥ |aij | for all i, with strict inequality for at least one i,

then the Jacobi method converges.

Proof Young (1971), Th. 4-2.1. 2

Theorem A.2.2 When Jacobi converges, then also JOR with 0 < ω ≤ 1 converges.
Proof From (A.18a), the iteration matrix of JOR is given by ω(I − D−1 A) + (1 − ω)I. Its eigenvalues
µJOR are related the eigenvalues µJ of the Jacobi matrix by
µJOR = ω µJ + 1 − ω = 1 + ω (µJ − 1).
Observe that this corresponds with inter(extra)polation between the points 1 and µJ in the complex
plane. The figure reveals that as soon as Jacobi converges, i.e. all Jacobi eigenvalues lie within the
unit circle, all eigenvalues for JOR with 0 < ω ≤ 1 also lie within the unit circle. This establishes the
proof. 2

The above proof reveals that the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix I − D−1 A have to lie
on the left side of the line <e µ = 1. Thus, for complex eigenvalues we have in general
µI r
r L
µJaaa ω|µJ − 1|
aar  L
CO aar
1 L
Lr 1
"L  √1+µ2
"" 6 Lr
" I

ρopt 1

Theorem A.2.3 The JOR method converges for sufficiently small ω(> 0) if and only if the
matrix D−1 A is positive-stable (i.e. all eigenvalues of D−1 A are located in the right halfplane).

In many cases the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix lie outside the unit circle, hence the
Jacobi method will no longer converge. Often the eigenvalues lie far up on the imaginary
axis. Let the largest eigenvalue be given by µJ = iµI , with µI real. In the above figure we
observe that the JOR method converges for 0 < ω < ωJOR,max where ωJOR,max = 1+µ 2 . The
optimum relaxation factor is given by
1 µI
ωJOR,opt = 2 , with spectral radius ρJOR,opt = q . (A.19)
1 + µI 1 + µ2I

Consider a one-dimensional convection-diffusion equation discretized with central differences
(see Section 1.2)
(− − 1) φi−1 + 2φi + ( − 1) φi+1 = 0,
2 2
with Dirichlet boundary conditions (P is the mesh-Péclet number). The Jacobi matrix “I −
D−1 A” reads  
P 1 P 1
diag + , 0, − + .
4 2 4 2
The eigenvalues of this Jacobi matrix are given by (see Lemma A.2.10)
1p iπ
µJ = 4 − P 2 cos( ); i = 1, 2, . . . , I − 1.
2 I
These eigenvalues are real if and only if P ≤ 2, which corresponds precisely with the ‘wiggle-
limit’. For P > 2 they are purely imaginary, with an imaginary part that is proportional
to P . This implies that for JOR the optimum relaxation factor decreases quadratically with
P: ωJOR,opt ∼ P42 . The spectral radius is correspondingly close to 1, ρJOR,opt ∼ 1 − P22 , hence
convergence is not really fast.

This example shows that a central discretization of a large convective term causes di-
vergence of Jacobi. Severe underrelaxation is required to obtain convergence; professional
skill is required to determine a suitable relaxation factor. On the other hand, the upwind
method does not pose any iterative problem whatsoever (since the matrix remains diagonally
dominant). For many researchers this iterative convenience is the reason to choose upwind

A.2.2 Gauss-Seidel and SOR

In the Gauss-Seidel method also the lower-triangular part of the matrix is kept in the left-hand
side, hence
(D − L)x(n+1) = U x(n) + b.
Its relaxation version SOR (Successive OverRelaxation) reads
1 (n+1) 1
( D − L)x = ( − 1)D − U x(n) + b,
ω ω

with iteration matrix

Cω = (D − ωL)−1 [(1 − ω)D + ωU ]. (A.20)
For consistently ordered matrices (see Young, 1971) a relation exists between the eigen-
values λ of Cω and the eigenvalues µJ of the Jacobi matrix. This relation reads

(λ + ω − 1)2 = ω 2 µ2J λ.

A special case is ω = 1, when this relation reduces to λ = µ2J . This implies that for consis-
tently ordered matrices Gauss-Seidel converges if and only if Jacobi converges. More precise,
for such matrices Gauss-Seidel converges/diverges twice as fast as Jacobi. As a corollary,
Gauss-Seidel converges for consistently ordered M -matrices.

For a large class of matrices SOR can be made convergent, as shown in the next theorem.

Theorem A.2.4 Let A be a consistently ordered matrix. Then SOR converges for sufficiently
small ω(> 0) if and only if D−1 A is positive-stable.

Proof Young (1971), Th. 6-4.2. 2

Figure A.1: Relation between spectral radius, relaxation factor and Jacobi eigenvalue µ =
µR + iµI .

In Figure A.1 we show the spectral radius of the SOR matrix (A.20) for various choices of
the determining Jacobi eigenvalues. We note that for a symmetric matrix A (for which the
Jacobi spectrum is real), SOR converges if and only if A is positive definite and 0 < ω < 2.
The optimum relaxation factor is given by (see Young (1971) Th. 4-3.3 and 4-3.6)

ωSOR,opt = , with ρSOR,opt = ωSOR,opt − 1.
1 + (1 − µ2R )1/2

When the Jacobi eigenvalues are complex, than the ω-interval for which convergence occurs
becomes smaller. For purely imaginary Jacobi spectra, with extremal eigenvalues µJ = iµI ,
it can be shown (Botta and Veldman 1982) that SOR converges if and only if

0 < ω < ωSOR,max with ωSOR,max = .
1 + µI

Hence, when µI > 1 Gauss-Seidel no longer converges (in fact, Jacobi does neither). The
optimum relaxation factor is given by

ωSOR,opt = , with ρSOR,opt = 1 − ωSOR,opt . (A.21)
1 + (1 + µ2I )1/2

It follows that ωSOR,opt < 1, i.e. under relaxation is desired (and for µI > 1 even necessary).

By comparing (A.19) and (A.21) we see that in the example above SOR converges signif-
icantly faster than JOR. This difference is much larger than the factor two between Gauss-
Seidel and Jacobi. A little arithmetic yields that for large mesh-Péclet numbers P we have
ωSOR,opt ∼ P4 with ρSOR,opt ∼ 1 − P4 .

A.2.3 Some definitions and theorems on eigenvalues

In this section we present some definitions and theorems on the location of matrix eigenvalues.

Lemma A.2.5 (Bendixson) Let A = R + i S be a general (complex) matrix, where 2R =

A + A∗ is its symmetric part, and 2iS = A − A∗ its skew-symmetric part (hence R and S
are Hermitian2 ). Let ρm and ρM be the smallest and largest eigenvalues of R, respectively;
similarly σm and σM w.r.t. S. Then the eigenvalues of A are located in a rectangle defined
by the lower-left and upper-right corners (ρm , σm ) and (ρM , σM ).

Proof (from Householder 1964, p. 79) Let x be a normed eigenvector (i.e. x∗ x = 1) corresponding
to an eigenvalue λ = a + i b of A. Then

a + i b = λ = λx∗ x = x∗ Ax = x∗ Rx + i x∗ Sx,

hence a = x∗ Rx and b = x∗ Sx. Since both R and S are Hermitian matrices their eigenvalues are real
and one has
ρm ≤ x∗ Rx ≤ ρM for any x;

a similar relation holds for S. Now the theorem follows. 2

A complex matrix M is called Hermitian (or self-adjoint) if it is equal to its conjugate transpose M ∗ .

Hermitian matrices can be understood as the complex extension of real symmetric matrices.

Definition A.2.6 A matrix A is called positive stable if all of its eigenvalues are located in
the right (i.e. positive) halfplane, i.e. <e λ(A) > 0.

Definition A.2.7 A matrix A is called positive real if its symmetric part A + A∗ is positive

The property ‘positive stable’ is somewhat weaker than the property ‘positive real’, as
follows from the next lemma.

Lemma A.2.8 Let A be a positive-real matrix. Then for each positive-definite matrix Q the
product QA is positive stable; in particular, the matrix A itself is positive stable.

Proof We first prove that P ≡ Q1/2 AQ1/2 is positive real. This follows from

((x, (P + P T )x)) = ((x, (Q1/2 AQ1/2 + Q1/2 AT Q1/2 )x))

= ((x, Q1/2 (A + AT )Q1/2 x)) = ((Q1/2 x, (A + AT )Q1/2 x)) > 0

for all x 6= 0. Subsequently we prove that P is positive stable. Hereto let λ be an eigenvalue of P with
corresponding eigenvector y. Then we have

2 <e λ kyk2 = (λ + λ)kyk2 = ((λy, y)) + ((y, λy))

= ((P y, y)) + ((y, P y)) = ((y, (P + P T )y)) > 0,

from which we conclude <e λ > 0. The theorem now follows since QA = Q1/2 P Q−1/2 possesses the
same eigenvalues as P . 2

Remark That a positive-real matrix is positive stable also follows directly from Lemma A.2.5.

An important example of positive-stable matrices is formed by the so-called M -matrices.

Definition A.2.9 A matrix A ≡ (aij ) is called an M -matrix when

1. its diagonal elements are positive aii > 0, and its non-diagonal elements are non-positive
aij ≤ 0, i 6= j;
2. the matrix is positive stable, i.e. all eigenvalues of A lie in the right halfplane <e λ(A) > 0.

Many properties of M -matrices have been collected in Chapter 2.5 of Horn and Johnson
(1991); see also the RUG lecture notes “Computational Methods of Science”.

Another useful lemma to compute the eigenvalues of a tri-diagonal matrix is

Lemma A.2.10 The eigenvalues of a tri-diagonal n×n matrix with entries {a, b, c} are given


λ = b + 2 ac cos , i = 1, · · · , n.

In fact, the above lemma describes one of the rare occasions where eigenvalues can be com-
puted analytically.

A.3 Integration in time

Let us now proceed from (A.6) where the spatial derivatives have been discretized with one
of the methods from the preceding section

+ Lh φ = 0. (A.22)
To integrate this equation in time, discrete time levels tn = n δt are introduced. Hereafter
a recipe is used to compute the newest time level. As an example, explicit time integration
(also known as the forward Euler method) is given by
φ(n+1) − φ(n)
= −Lh φ(n) , (A.23)
where the spatial-derivative term Lh is evaluated at the ‘old’ time level. In the Crank–Nicolson
method this term is evenly divided between the old and the new time level
φ(n+1) − φ(n)  
= − 12 Lh φ(n+1) + Lh φ(n) , (A.24)
whereas the backward Euler method evaluates it at the new time level only.

Many more methods are feasible; we refer to textbooks on solving differential equations
(e.g. Lambert 1973) for an overview of the large amount of time-integration methods that
have been designed. Anyway, a generic time step (using only one previous time level) will
look like
φ(n+1) = A(δt) φ(n) . (A.25)
Such a time step will have a certain formal asymptotic accuracy, e.g. forward and backward
Euler are first-order accurate in time, whereas Crank–Nicolson is second-order accurate.

A.3.1 Stability
Next to accuracy, the stability of the process (A.25) when n grows is of concern. Stability
may put restrictions on the time step that are more stringent than those put by accuracy
(especially for stiff equations there can be a large discrepancy). The notion of stability is
closely related to the well-posedness of the discrete problem, i.e. a solution should depend
continuously on the parameters defining the problem.

As an example, well-posedness with respect to initial con-

ditions requires that two solutions φ1 (t) and φ2 (t), start-
ing ‘close’ to each other at t = 0 remain ‘close’ to each
other: the situation in the adjacent figure is not what one
would like to see. In mathematical terms, for any time
interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T there should exist a constant KT such

kφ1 (t) − φ2 (t)k ≤ KT kφ1 (0) − φ2 (0)k for all t ≤ T.

When the underlying equation is linear, the above

relation also holds for the solution itself (not just for the
difference between two solutions).

Stability is often a confusing notion, therefore we will pay some attention to it here. At
first we have to further specify the type of process we want to investigate. There are two
ways in which n can grow, corresponding with two types of stability:
• absolute stability, also known as stepwise stability,

• zero-stability or pointwise stability.

Absolute stability is concerned with keeping the time step δt fixed while n → ∞ (i.e.
T = ∞ in the above well-posedness definition). This notion of stability is relevant when the
solution of the steady problem in the limit t → ∞ is pursued. The time-integration method
has become an iteration process for finding the solution of Lh φh = 0, where the time step
plays a role as relaxation parameter. Absolute stability demands that the subsequent time
levels remain bounded, i.e.
kAn (δt)k ≤ K for all n. (A.26)
For the process to converge when time proceeds a stronger condition has to hold, viz.
kAn (δt)k → 0 for n → ∞. We will see later (cf. Section 1.8) that absolute stability can-
not guarantee that during the process (i.e. for finite t) no ‘strange things’ can happen.

Zero-stability is concerned with finding the solution on a fixed and finite time interval
[0, T ]. In this case we let the time step δt go to zero (hence its name), which makes it natural
also to let the mesh size h go to zero. During this process, when time step and mesh size
simultaneously approach zero, the discrete solution should converge to the continuous one.
The number of time steps grows since the time steps decreases, but the total number of
time steps remains bounded for non-zero time step, namely it is bounded by T /δt. During
this limit process the discrete formulation should remain well-posed uniformly in δt (with
0 < δt ≤ δtmax ). I.e. there has to exist a constant KT , independent of n, δt and h, such that

kAn (δt)k ≤ KT for 0 < n ≤ T /δt. (A.27)

The Equivalence Theorem of Lax applies to this situation: for a consistent discretization,
zero-stability is equivalent with convergence. For a proof see Richtmyer and Morton (1967).

Thus zero-stability guarantees that for sufficiently small δt the discrete solution becomes
a good approximation of the continuous solution. However it gives no clue about how small
the time step has to be chosen to attain a certain accuracy. A guide line for selecting an
accurate δt can be obtained through the notion of practical stability introduced by Richtmyer
and Morton. This notion is sort of an intermediate between well-posedness and accuracy.

Practical stability demands that the growth of the discrete solution, characterized by
kA(δt)k, is similar to the growth of the continuous solution. Since kA(δt)k often is difficult
to determine, Richtmyer and Morton (1967) formulate their guide line in terms of Fourier
no discrete Fourier component may grow (significantly) faster than the maximum
growth of the exact solution.
We have to realize that Fourier analysis does not take into account the influence of boundary
conditions, non-equidistant grids, non-constant coefficients and non-linearity of the equations.

Nevertheless, as we will see in Section 1.8, for practical situations a useful guide line is provided
for selecting δt and h. For equations of which the solution does not grow, practical stability
leads to the (absolute) requirement |g(θ)| ≤ 1, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, where g(θ) is the amplification
factor of the Fourier component with frequency θ (see below). Historic remark: Fourier
analysis of difference equations has been introduced by John von Neumann; especially he
considered the zero-stability-like variant (see page 95).

Remark On the one hand (because of the condition ‘for all n’) absolute stability is a stronger
requirement than zero-stability. On the other hand (because K is allowed to depend on h
and δt) it is a weaker requirement. We will see in Section 1.8 that neither notion follows from
the other.

A.3.2 Matrix analysis

The requirements put by the various types of stability can be expressed in terms of the
spectrum of the operator A(δt) describing the time evolution. In Section A.2 we mention
kAn k ∼ cnp−1 [ρ(A)]n−(p−1) , n → ∞, (A.28)
where ρ(A) is the spectral radius, and p the order of the largest Jordan block belonging to
the eigenvalues with |λ| = ρ(A). When A is non-defect, i.e. A is diagonalizable, then p = 1.
This induces

Theorem A.3.1 The process (A.25) is absolutely stable if and only if

ρ(A) < 1 ∨ [ρ(A) = 1 ∧ |λ| = 1 non defect ]. (A.29)

When ρ(A) < 1 then kAn k → 0 for n → ∞, but during the transient kAn k can become large
(see Section 1.8).

The investigation of zero-stability is more complicated as the boundedness of kAn k does

not have to hold for all n (n always remains finite and the asymptotic behaviour (A.28)
does not contain sufficient information). To keep control over the situation we will restrict
ourselves to non-defect matrices.

Theorem A.3.2 When A is non-defect, the following three properties are equivalent:

1. the process (A.25) is zero-stable, i.e. (A.27) holds;

2. the spectral radius of A satisfies the Von Neumann condition

ρ ≤ 1 + O(δt), (A.30)

where the order constant is independent of δt and h;

3. at each time t > 0 we have

kφ(n) k ≤ kect kφ(0) k, (A.31)
where k and c are independent of δt and h.

Proof 1 ⇒ 2 : Suppose (A.27) holds. Then ρn (A) = ρ(An ) ≤ kAn k ≤ KT , 0 < n ≤ T /δt.
Now we can employ that fact that this only has to hold for a limited number of time steps. The
most ’challenging’ situation is for the largest value of n, i.e. n = T /δt, leading to the requirement
ρT /δt ≤ KT . This can be rewritten as
ρ ≤ KT ≤ 1 + KT δt/T = 1 + O(δt),

since for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 we have K x ≤ 1 + Kx.

2 ⇒ 3 : Next let ρ ≤ 1 + cδt, and assume c ≥ 0. Then from 1 + x ≤ ex we have for n = t/δt

ρn ≤ (1 + cδt)n ≤ ecδtn = ect .

Because of kφ(n) k ≤ kAn kkφ(0) k and the non-defect variant of (A.28) the estimate (A.31) follows.
3 ⇒ 1 : By choosing KT equal to max(1, kecT ) we obtain (A.27). 2

Remark The estimate (A.31) shows that zero-stability is the discrete equivalent of the notion
well-posedness for continuous problems (cf. RUG lecture notes Partial Differential Equations,
or any other mature book on PDE).

A.3.3 Positive time-integration schemes

Similar to the definition of positive (monotone) operators for steady problems (cf. Def. A.1.1),
for unsteady problems the notion of positivity can be introduced. In this case the ‘central’
unknown is φi ; its coefficient has to be positive, whereas all other coefficients should
be non-positive. In a somewhat different notation than used in Def. A.1.1, the following
definition emerges for linear time-integration methods.
Definition A.3.3 Under the consistency condition k cki = 1, the (explicit) time-integration
(n+1) (n)
φi = cki φk ≡ Aφ(n)

is called positive when all coefficients cki ≥ 0.

Harten, Hyman and Lax (1976) give a generalization of this definition to non-linear schemes.
Further, for implicit schemes the definition is similar.

Because the values at the new time level are a convex combination of those at the old
time level, an immediate consequence of positivity is that global extrema cannot grow
(n) (n+1) (n)
min φk ≤ φi ≤ max φk .
k k

In more abstract terms, this is equivalent to saying that a positive time-integration scheme is
(absolutely and zero-)stable in the maximum norm (kAk∞ = maxi k |cki | = 1).

When the steady operator is positive it is not difficult to construct a positive time-
integration scheme.

Theorem A.3.4 When the steady operator Lh defined in (A.7) is positive, then forward
Euler time integration of (A.22) gives rise to a positive scheme if and only if the time step
satisfies δt ≤ 1/cij
ij .

Proof The consistency condition is an immediate consequence of (A.8). Further, by rearranging

terms we have
(n+1) (n) (n)
φij = (1 − cij
ij δt)φij − δt ckl
ij φkl .

Because of (A.9), only the coefficient of φij requires some attention, leading to the indicated require-
ment on the time step. 2

A.3.4 Fourier analysis

As it is difficult to determine the norm or the eigenvalues of A, a stability analysis is often
carried out in terms of Fourier analysis. Here the solution φh is decomposed into Fourier
components eiωx . The interval [0, L] is discretized with mesh width h = L/K and grid
points xk = kh = kL/K (k = 0, . . . , K). On this interval, the Fourier components with
ω = 2πα/L (α = 0, 1, . . .) are orthogonal. Rewriting the exponent via
2πα kL 2πα
ωx = ωkh = = k ≡ θk,
some analysis reveals that on a uniform grid the Fourier modes
eiθα k with θα = , α = 0, 1, . . . , K − 1. (A.32)
are orthogonal, and sufficient in number to describe any periodic grid function defined in the
‘only’ K independent discrete points, i.e. they form an orthogonal basis.

The figure below shows the real part of some discrete basis functions, where one has to
recall that information between the grid points is not visible. In this example with K = 8
the function with α = 4 (i.e. θα = π) corresponds with the highest frequency. Larger values
of α appear to possess in the grid points a lower frequency. In particular we have

fα+K (k) = fα (k).

This phenomenon where on the discrete grid higher frequencies cannot be distinguished form
lower frequencies is known as aliasing. Already in the pioneering film age this phenomenon
was known: carriage wheels that seem to be standing still or turn backward. The finite num-
ber of frames is responsible for this.

Amplification factor
Substitution of the Fourier decomposition
φh (xk ) = cα(n) eikθα ,

into the discretized differential equation will ultimately result in a relation expressing the
amplitude at the new time level c(n+1) in terms of the previous amplitude c(n) . Their quotient

g(θα ) ≡ c(n+1)
α /c(n)
α (A.33)
s s s s s s s s s
α = 0;

s s
s s
s s α = 1;
s s
s s s s s
α = 4 = K/2, θα = π: as a grid function
this one has the highest frequency;
s s s s
s s
s s α = 7 = K − 1: the real part equals that
s s of α = 1, the imaginary part is different
s s however;
s s s s s s s s s α = 8 = K, θα = 2π: the same grid
function as the one at α = 0, and hence
not to be included as a basis function.

is called the amplification factor.

As before, both step wise (absolute) and point wise (zero) stability variants can be dis-
tinguished. It can be shown that (Fourier) absolute stability corresponds with

max |g(θα )| ≤ 1, (A.34)


whereas the integration method is (Fourier) zero-stable if and only if the Von Neumann
max |g(θ)| ≤ 1 + O(δt) (A.35)

holds, where the order constant should be independent of h.

It is remarked, that the above analysis is exact when four properties are satisfied: i) the
equation is linear; ii) the equation has constant coefficients; iii) the boundary conditions are
periodic; iv) the grid is uniform. In other situations, the analysis is only approximate.

For practical stability a stronger requirement is set for the order constant, namely it should
be related to the analytic growth of the Fourier components in the continuous problem. For
diffusive problems, not allowing any growth, this leads to the requirement

max |g(θ)| ≤ 1. (A.36)


Compared with (A.34) we must stress that we are dealing with a different situation: δt → 0
versus δt fixed. The optical similarity between (A.34) and (A.36) gives rise to much confusion
about stability in the existing literature.

The Fourier symbol

The amplification factor is built from the amplification of the individual derivatives in the
PDE. For example, a first-order derivative dφ/dx discretized as
φk+1 − φk−1
when applied to φ = eiθk gives a contribution (after division by eiθk )
eiθ − e−iθ i
= sin θ;
2h h
a second-order derivative d2 φ/dx2 discretized centrally gives a contribution
eiθ − 2 + e−iθ 2
= 2 (cos θ − 1).
h h
The expressions in the right-hand sides are called the discrete Fourier symbol of the
difference quotients. They should form approximations of the corresponding Fourier symbols
P (iω) of the differential operators P (∂/∂x). These symbols describe the evolution of a discrete
Fourier component eiθk and a continuous Fourier component eiωx , respectively
Ph (∂/∂x)eiθk = Pf eiθk versus P (∂/∂x)eiωx = P (iω)eiωx .
Referring to one of the above examples, the operator ∂/∂x possesses the Fourier symbol
iω. Its centrally discretized counterpart possesses the discrete Fourier symbol
i i
sin θ = sin ωh ∼ iω + O(ω 3 h2 ).
h h
When ωh = θ is small, the discrete Fourier symbol approaches its continuous counterpart.
The same holds for the discrete Fourier symbol of the second-order derivative
2 2
(cos θ − 1) = 2 (cos ωh − 1) ∼ −ω 2 + O(ω 4 h2 ).
h h
The criterion ‘ωh is small’ implies that the mesh width h has to be small with respect
to to the wave length 2π/ω of the Fourier component. For these relatively long waves the
continuous and discrete evolution are more or less the same. For short waves, with (θ ≈ π),
the discrete evolution differs considerably from the continuous evolution, thus jeopardizing

Below we will give the relation between Fourier analysis for the continuous problem and
the corresponding (semi-)discrete versions. In all three cases the solution is decomposed in
Fourier components eiωx and eiθk , respectively, where ωh = θ.

continuous semi-discrete discrete - forward Euler

∂φ/∂t = P (∂/∂x)φ dφh /dt = Ph (∂/∂x)φh (n+1)
−φh (n)
δt = Ph (∂/∂x)φh
φ(t) = a(t)eiωx φh (t) = ah (t)eiωx
(n) (n)
da/dt = P (iω)a dah /dt = Pf a φh (xk ) = cθ eiθk
a(t) = a(0)eP (iω)t ah (t) = ah (0)ePf t (n+1)

−cθ (n)
δt = cθ Pf
a(t + δt)/a(t) = eP (iω)δt a(t + δt)/a(t) = ePf δt
(n+1) (n)
≈ 1 + P (iω)δt ≈ 1 + Pf δt g(θ) ≡ cθ /cθ = 1 + δtPf

Another time integration method leads to another amplification factor. For example back-
ward Euler leads to g(θ) = (1 − δtPf )−1 , whereas for Crank-Nicolson g(θ) = (1 + 12 δtPf )/(1 −
2 δtPf ). These expressions are approximately equal for small δt, but quite different for large δt.

For the semi-discrete version to be a good approximation of the continuous problem, the
discrete Fourier symbol Pf has to be a good approximation of the continuous Fourier symbol
P (iω). Subsequently, for the discrete time integration to be a good approximation of the
exact time integration, the amplification factor g(θ) in turn has to be a good approximation
of the analytical growth ePf δt . Combined this leads to a desire to have

g(θ) ≈ ePf δt ≈ eP (iω)δt . (A.37)

By comparing modulus and argument, respectively, of the left-hand side and right-hand
side, statements can be made on the diffusive and dispersive character of the discrete approx-
imation. Hereto, we repeat the analytical solution for a Fourier component

eP (iω)t+iωx = eRe P (iω)t ei(Im P (iω)t+ωx) .

It is observed that analytically diffusion is governed by Re P (iω), whereas the propagation

speed (phase velocity) is given by −ω −1 Im P (iω). Hence, from (A.37) one may compare

1 1
|g(θ)| ←→ eRe P (iω)δt and ch ≡ − arg g(θ) ←→ − Im P (iω). (A.38)
ω δt ω


The simple-wave equation

φt + c φx = 0 (A.39)

discretized using forward Euler in time and upwind in space gives

(n+1) (n) (n) (n)

φk − φk φ − φk−1
+c k = 0. (A.40)
δt h

Its discrete Fourier symbol reads −c(1 − e−iθ )/h and the amplification factor becomes

c δt
g(θ) = 1 − (1 − e−iθ ). (A.41)

c δt c δt
The locus of the amplification factor is a circle with centre 1 − h and radius h . Hence
(A.40) is Fourier-stable if and only if

c δt
CF L ≡ ≤ 1.

H " c δt
h u
" θ charact. n
slope c
1 HH
arg g(θ)
u u n−1
i−1 i

The expression in the left-hand side is called the CF L-number, after Courant, Friedrichs and
Lewy, who in 1928 for the first time brought up the notion of (numerical) stability. This
requirement means that a numerical method can never be smarter than the physics, in the
sense that one can never take larger time steps than allowed by the region of determinacy.

In this example the analytic solution is given by waves of the form eiω(x−ct) . These waves
have no diffusion, hence the analytical Fourier symbol is purely imaginary, and the right-hand
side of (A.37) has modulus 1. The left-hand side g(θ) possesses a modulus less or equal to
1 (at least in the stable range), with a minimum for θ = π, i.e. the discrete approximation
possesses diffusion: the shortest wave on the grid is damped most. Only when CF L = 1 no
damping occurs; see the left-hand figure below, where |g| is plotted as a function of θ.

Further, the waves have a propagation speed (phase velocity) equal to c. From (A.38),
their discrete propagation speed is given by
ch = −(ω δt)−1 arg g(θ),
with g(θ) given by (A.41). The right-hand figure shows the ratio ch /c as a function of θ. It
is observed that the discrete propagation speed differs from the analytic propagation speed,
dependent on the wave number ω = θ/h. Herewith the discrete approximation introduces
dispersion. When CF L < 0.5 the discrete waves move too slow, when CF L > 0.5 they move
too fast. Only in the cases CF L = 0.5 and CF L = 1 we have ch = c.

We saw already that for CF L = 1 the scheme is also free of dissipation. Note that for
this special value of the CF L-number the discretized formula (A.40) reduces to
(n+1) (n)
φi = φi−1 .

This is exact since in this case the characteristic passes through both points involved (see the
right-hand figure on top of page 98).

A.3.5 The modified equation

Finally we present in this section an alternative way to determine the dissipative and disper-
sive properties of a discrete equation. Hereto we take the reverse way. Starting form a discrete
equation we trace back which differential equation does correspond; we call this the modified
equation. This equation can be interpreted through physical insight or analytic-mathematical

As an example we again treat the simple-wave equation (A.39), discretized with forward
Euler in time and upwind in space (A.40). We express all appearing grid values through
Taylor series around φi , hence
(n+1) (n)
φi = φi + δt φt + 12 (δt)2 φtt + · · · ,
(n) (n)
φi−1 = φi − h φx + 21 h2 φxx + · · · .

Substitution in (A.40) yields

φt + c φx = 12 (c h φxx − δt φtt ) + · · · . (A.42)

All time derivatives are transformed into spatial derivatives by using the differential equation
(A.39), such as in

φtt = (φt )t = (−cφx )t = −c(φt )x = −c(−cφx )x = c2 φxx .

Now (A.42) transforms to the modified equation

φt + c φx = 21 c (1 − CF L) h φxx + · · · . (A.43)

The right-hand side contains the difference with the equation that we wanted to solve. We
recognize a diffusive term. From PDE theory it is known that this equation is stable/unstable
for positive/negative diffusion, which (for c > 0) physically suggests the stability requirement
0 ≤ 1 − CF L. And this is indeed the correct numerical criterion.

A.4 References
E.F.F. Botta and A.E.P. Veldman (1982) On local relaxation methods and their application to
convection-diffusion equations. J. Comput. Phys. 48, 127–149.
A. Harten, J.M. Hyman and P.D. Lax (1976) On finite difference approximations and entropy con-
ditions for shocks. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 29, 297–322.
C. Hirsch (1990) Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 2. John Wiley.

R.A. Horn and C.R. Johnson (1991) Topics in Matrix Analysis. Cambridge University Press.
A.S. Householder (1964) The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis. Blaisdell Publishing Com-
pany (reprinted in 2006, Dover).
J.D. Lambert (1973) Computational Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations. John Wiley.
R.D. Richtmyer and K.W. Morton (1967) Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems. John Wiley.
A.E.P. Veldman (1996) Partiele Differentiaalvergelijkingen. Lecture notes (in Dutch), University of
D.M. Young (1971) Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems. Academic Press.
Appendix B

Computer exercises

During the course several computer exercises have to be made. These exercises are to be
solved in ‘pairs’ of one or two students. A (short) written report of the findings has to be
handed in the following week; discussion of the homework with other ‘pairs’ of CFD students
is not allowed during that period.

All software required for the exercises is available by downloading the files from the Nestor
pages for this course:

Computational Fluid Dynamics > Course Information

An alternative is to download them through∼veldman/Colleges/CFD/CFD-Exercises.html

B.1 Exercise 1 – Artificial diffusion

Files and commands Required files: cfd 1.m, cfd upw.m, ns exact.m
The program is started in Matlab with the command cfd 1.

Consider the inhomogeneous convection-diffusion equation

dφ d2 φ
−k 2 =S on 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, with φ(0) = 0, φ(1) = 1.
dx dx
The right-hand side is given by
2 − 5x , 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4,
S(x) =
0 , 0.4 < x ≤ 1.

In this exercise an upwind discretization of the above equation is applied. The discrete
solution for three values of the diffusion coefficient k is plotted in one picture. Also the exact
solution for one value of k can be included in this picture.


1. Firstly, study the discrete solution for a grid with N = 20 grid points, at the following
values of k: k = 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001. These values correspond with mesh-Péclet numbers
P = 0.5, 5 and 50, respectively. One would expect (or at least hope) that these solutions
tend to the (analytical) solution for k = 0. Hence, compare the discrete solutions to
the exact solution at k = 0 (ignore the Matlab warnings concerning division by zero).
What do you observe; is there any such relation?

2. Next, compare the same three discrete solutions at k = 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 (again for
N = 20) to the exact solution at k = 0.025. Now, there seems to be some relation
between the upwind limit for k → 0 and the exact solution at k = 0.025. Explain this

3. Finally, study once more the upwind solutions at k = 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001, but now on a
grid with N = 40 grid points. Which exact solution, i.e. at which value of k, corresponds
with the upwind limit for k → 0?

B.2 Exercise 2 – Various discretization methods

As in Exercise 1, we consider the inhomogeneous convection-diffusion equation

dφ d2 φ
−k 2 =S on 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, with φ(0) = 0, φ(1) = 1.
dx dx
The right-hand side is given by
2 − 5x , 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4,
S(x) =
0 , 0.4 < x ≤ 1.

The Matlab file cfd 2 solves this equation with a number of finite-difference (-volume)
methods. Several types of discretization are employed; the solutions obtained with these
discretizations are shown in one combination figure – the exact solution is also indicated.
Each figure shows eight smaller pictures, arranged as indicated below:

uniform grid upwind smart upwind

lambda schemes B3 (λ = 1/2) QUICK (λ = 1/8) central (λ = 0)
nonuniform grid upwind central A central B

Two types of grid are used: uniform grids and non-uniform (stretched) grids. The
stretched grid possesses N/2 equal grid cells between 0 and 1 − 5k, and N/2 equal grid
cells between 1 − 5k and 1.

The Matlab script also gives the eigenvalues of Method B; they are displayed in Matlab’s
main window.

Required files

This exercise requires the files cfd 2.m, cfd upw.m, cfd lam.m, cfd cen.m, ns exact.m.

Questions to be solved on the computer

Compute the solutions for k = 0.05, k = 0.01 and k = 0.001 (i.e. P = 1, 5 and 50). Use a
grid with N = 20 grid cells

1. Compare the upwind results with those of the ‘smart upwind’ method for the same
values of k; give a personal opinion of the usefulness of the latter method in comparison
with the ‘standard’ upwind.

2. Compare the results of the lambda-schemes (cf. Section 1.3.2) with those of the up-
wind method; watch features like wiggle-dependency and artificial diffusion. Determine
empirically for which value of k the QUICK method starts to wiggle, and explain this
‘wiggle boundary’ theoretically (see Question 5 below).

3. Finally, consider the results on the stretched grid. Compare the upwind method and
both generalizations (A and B) of the central method (cf. Section 1.6). Describe the
difference between the discrete solutions; why has the upwind solution not improved?

4. On the stretched grid, determine empirically the value of k for which one of the eigen-
values of the coefficient matrix of Method B crosses the imaginary axis. Furthermore,
try to find a value of k for which the coefficient matrix is approximately singular. Watch
how the solution of Method B behaves at this singularity.

Questions to be solved by pencil-and-paper

5. Prove that λ ≥ max( 12 − uhk

, 0) is a sufficient condition for the upwind-biased lambda
schemes from Eq. (1.15) on page 12 to be wiggle-free. In particular show that the
QUICK method is wiggle-free for P ≤ 8/3. Hint: Try fundamental solutions of the
form ri , and monitor the sign of r.

6. Discretize the convection-diffusion equation

dφ d2 φ
−k 2 =0 on 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,
dx dx

with Dirichlet boundary conditions

φ(0) = 0, φ(1) = 1.

Use a nonuniform grid with only one interior grid point at x = 1 − 2k; k remains an
unspecified variable here. Use the discretization methods A and B. In both cases, A and
B, solve the discrete system (which in fact is only one equation). Sketch both solutions
using linear interpolation between the grid points. Compute the exact solution of the
convection-diffusion equation (at x = 1 − 2k) as well. Which discrete solution is better?

B.3 Exercise 3 – The JOR and SOR method

After discretization of a (system of) partial differential equation(s) one obtains a large system
of algebraic equations, Ax = b. Solving such a large system with a direct method is expensive
with respect to both memory and CPU time. Therefore, such systems are often solved with
an iterative method.

As in Exercise 1 and 2, we consider the inhomogeneous convection-diffusion equation

dφ d2 φ
−k 2 =S on 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, with φ(0) = 0, φ(1) = 1.
dx dx
The right-hand side is given by
2 − 5x , 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4,
S(x) =
0 , 0.4 < x ≤ 1.

The Matlab file cfd 3.m discretizes this equation with a number of finite-difference (-
volume) methods, and solves the resulting linear systems iteratively.

Two types of grid are used: uniform grids and non-uniform (stretched) grids. The
stretched grid possesses N/2 equal grid cells between 0 and 1 − 5k, and N/2 equal grid
cells between 1 − 5k and 1. Several types of discretization are employed; on the uniform grid
both an upwind and a central discretization, and on the stretched grid an upwind, a central
A and a central B discretization are used.

The resulting linear systems are solved iteratively with the JOR and SOR methods. As
stopping criterion in these methods

k φn+1 − φn k∞ ≤ 10−5

is used, in which n is the counter of the iterative steps; the maximum norm of the difference
between the solutions of two consecutive iteration steps must be sufficiently small.

Required files
This exercise requires the files cfd 3.m, plotev.m, plotsol.m, ns iterative.m, ns jor.m,
ns sor.m, ns exact.m.

Typing the command cfd 3 in Matlab starts a menu in which the choice of the grid,
the discretization method, the iterative method and the value of the relaxation factor ω
can be given. Then, with the menu a program can be started which solves the convection-
diffusion equation in the prescribed way. The results produced by the program consist of the
eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix, a plot of the iteration error (this error is written to the
screen as well), the total number of iterations and a plot showing the continuous solution, the
discrete solution computed with a direct solver and the discrete solution computed with the
iterative method (provided the iterative method did converge).

Questions to be solved on the computer

Compute the solution for k = 0.01. As a default, the program uses N = 10 grid cells.

1. Select the uniform grid; use first the upwind and then the central method. Determine
numerically whether the Jacobi method (i.e. the JOR method with ω = 1) converges
or not. Do the same for the Gauss-Seidel method (i.e. the SOR method with ω = 1).
Put the results in the table below.

uniform Jacobi method Gauss-Seidel method

grid convergent? # iterations convergent? # iterations

Use the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix, computed by cfd 3, to explain the results.
When both methods converge, compare the convergence rate of the Jacobi and Gauss-
Seidel method.

2. Select the uniform grid; use first the upwind and then the central method. Use various
(suitably chosen) values of ω and determine numerically for each value of ω the number
of iterations needed by the JOR method. Determine in this way the optimal and max-
imal relaxation factor, ωopt and ωmax , for the JOR method. Do the same for the SOR
method. Put the results in the table below.

uniform JOR method SOR method

grid ωopt # it. ωmax # it. ωopt # it. ωmax # it.

Which systems are solved better by the JOR and SOR method, those resulting from
the upwind discretization or those resulting from the central discretization?

3. Select the stretched grid; use first the upwind, then the central A and finally the central
B method. Determine numerically whether the Jacobi method (ω = 1) converges or
not. Do the same for the Gauss-Seidel method (ω = 1). Put the results in the table

stretched Jacobi method Gauss-Seidel method

grid convergent? # iterations convergent? # iterations
central A
central B

Use the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix, computed by cfd 3, to explain the results.
When both methods converge, compare the convergence rate of the Jacobi and Gauss-
Seidel method.
4. Select the stretched grid: use first the upwind, then the central A and finally the central
B method. Use various (suitably chosen) values of ω and determine numerically for each
value of ω the number of iterations needed by the JOR method. Determine in this way
the optimal and maximal relaxation factor, ωopt and ωmax for the JOR method. Do the
same for the SOR method. Put the results in the table below.

stretched JOR method SOR method

grid ωopt # it. ωmax # it. ωopt # it. ωmax # it.
central A
central B

In case of the central B discretization compare the discrete solution obtained with the
JOR or SOR method with the discrete solution obtained with the exact solver. Do
the JOR and SOR method really converge? Use the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix,
computed by cfd 3, to explain this result. Which systems are solved better by the JOR
and SOR method, those resulting from the upwind discretization, those resulting from
the central A discretization or those resulting from the central B discretization?

Questions to be solved by pencil-and-paper

5. In Section A.3.1 for a central discretization on the uniform grid the Jacobi matrix and
its eigenvalues are derived. The Jacobi matrix reads
P 1 P 1
diag[ + , 0, − + ],
4 2 4 2
(P is the mesh-Péclet number) and its eigenvalues µJ are given by
1p iπ
µJ = 4 − P 2 cos( ), i = 1, . . . , N − 1,
2 N
where N is the number of grid cells.
Derive in a similar way for the upwind discretization on the uniform grid the eigenvalues
µJ of the Jacobi matrix. Show that these eigenvalues are real and between -1 and 1 for
every value of P .
Hint: the eigenvalues of the tri-diagonal matrix diag(a, 0, c) are given by

µ = 2 ac cos(iπ/N ), i = 1, . . . , N − 1.
6. For a central discretization on the uniform grid the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix
are pure imaginary when P > 2. Let the largest pure imaginary eigenvalue be given
by µJ = iµI , with µI real. The optimal and maximal relaxation factor for the JOR
method are given by (cf. Section A.3.1)
1 2
ωJOR,opt = , ωJOR,max = .
1 + µ2I 1 + µ2I

For an upwind discretization on the uniform grid the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix
are real (see Question 5). Let the largest real eigenvalues be given by µJ = µR and
µJ = −µR , with µR real. Derive, as a function of µR , the optimal and maximal
relaxation factor for the JOR method.
Hint: the eigenvalues µJOR of the iteration matrix of the JOR method are related to
the eigenvalues µJ of the Jacobi matrix by µJOR = 1 + ω(µJ − 1), and the JOR
method converges when the eigenvalues µJOR lie within the unit circle.
Furthermore, for the SOR method give the optimal and maximal relaxation factor (as a
function of µI and µR respectively) when using the central and the upwind discretization.

7. Use Questions 5 and 6 (remember that k = 0.01 and N = 10) to determine for the
JOR method the values of the optimal and maximal relaxation factor when solving
the systems resulting from the discretization on the uniform grid with respectively
the upwind and central method. Do the same for the SOR method. Compare these
theoretical results with the numerical results from Question 2.

8. Consider the upwind discretization on the stretched grid. Use Question 6 (remember
that k = 0.01 and N = 10) and the numerical values of the eigenvalues µJ of the Jacobi
matrix, computed as a byproduct by cfd 3 in Question 4, to determine for the JOR
method the theoretical values of the optimal and maximal relaxation factor. Do the
same for the SOR method. Compare these theoretical results with the numerical results
for the upwind discretization on the stretched grid from Question 4.
Why is it difficult to compute the theoretical optimal and maximal relaxation factor
when solving the systems resulting from a discretization on the stretched grid with a
central A or central B method?

B.4 Exercise 4 – Time integration

Consider the heat equation

∂T ∂2T
= , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ 4,
∂t ∂x2
with boundary conditions
T (0, t) = 0 and (1, t) = 0,
and initial condition
T (x, 0) = x.
This equation is solved with a finite-difference method on a grid with N grid points (N = 10
or 20). The Neumann condition is discretized with a mirror point. The quantity T (1, t) is
monitored. As time-integration method the generalized Crank-Nicolson method is used. The
discretized heat equation reads

Tjn+1 − Tjn n − 2T n + T n
Tj+1 j j−1
Tj+1 − 2Tjn+1 + Tj−1
= (1 − ω) + ω .
δt h2 h2
The simulation program is available as Matlab file cfd 4.m.

Required files
This exercise requires the file cfd 4.m.

Typing the command cfd 4 in Matlab asks for the input of the required parameters for
this exercise: N , ω (omega) and δt.

Questions to be solved on the computer

1) First consider the fully explicit method (ω = 0). Vary the number of grid points as
N = 10 and N = 20. Solve the heat equation for various time steps, as indicated in
the table below. Monitor whether the time integration is stable. In Question 4 you are
asked to explain the stability limit on the time step.

time step 0.001 0.00125 0.00126 0.0025 0.005 0.0051 0.01

stable? stable? stable? stable? stable? stable? stable?

2) Next, use the Crank-Nicolson method (ω = 0.5) and the generalized Crank-Nicolson
method with ω = 0.6. Use N = 10. Set the time step δt at 0.05 and 0.5; see the table
below. For the larger time step the solution shows clear oscillations. Make a rough
estimate for the damping factor (defined as the quotient of two successive amplitudes)
of the oscillations.

time step δt = 0.05 δt = 0.5

stable? stable? damping
ω = 0.5
ω = 0.6

3) Finally, again for N = 10, investigate the fully implicit method (ω = 1). Use the same
time steps as in Question 2. Observe whether or not the solution shows oscillations.

time step δt = 0.05 δt = 0.5

stable? oscillations? stable? oscillations?
ω = 1.0

Questions to be solved by pencil-and-paper

4) First consider the fully explicit method (ω = 0). Carry out a Fourier analysis of this
method. Determine the maximum allowable time step for N = 10 and N = 20. Compare
these stability limits with the empirical observations in Question 1.

5) Carry out a Fourier stability analysis of the generalized Crank-Nicolson method, and
determine the amplification factor. Show that the generalized Crank-Nicolson method
is unconditionally stable for ω ≥ 0.5. Investigate how the amplification factor behaves

when δt → ∞. Now explain the oscillations visible in Question 2. How are these
oscillations influenced when ω is increased from 0.5 to 0.6? Give a possible explanation
why the observed amplification factors in Question 2 are somewhat different from the
theoretical amplification factors computed in this Question.

6) Derive theoretically for which values of the Crank-Nicolson parameter ω the solution is
wiggle-free. As a special case, explain why the fully implicit method (ω = 1) does not
show oscillations (see Question 3). Hint: Use the concept of a positive operator.

B.5 Exercise 5 – Navier–Stokes solver

General description
After semi-discretization with an explicit time-discretization method with two time levels, the
Navier–Stokes equations can be written as

div un+1 = 0,
un+1 − un
+ grad pn+1 = Rn ,
in which R = −(u.grad)u + ν div grad u consists of the convection and diffusion terms.
Rewriting and combining these two equations gives
div grad pn+1 = div ( + Rn ), (1a)
un+1 = un + δt Rn − δt grad pn+1 . (1b)

The fortran program cfd 5.f solves the Navier–Stokes equations.

Files and commands

This exercise requires the files cfd 5.f,, liqdmenu.m, liqdplot.m, liqprint.m,

The program cfd 5.f has to be compiled with the command gfortran -o cfd 5 -O
cfd 5.f (any other Fortran compiler, e.g. ifort, will also do). Then, the program can be
run with the command ./cfd 5. This program needs the input file, this file has to be
adjusted to perform the different computations. The input file, with the parameter setting of
Question 0, is included at the end of this exercise. At the end of the input file an explanation
of the different parameters is given.

The program writes output both to the screen and to files. The output to the screen first
gives the values of the parameters describing the problem, and then gives each (user specified)
time interval the time, div u, the number of Poisson iterations and the horizontal velocities
at three positions at the vertical center line of the domain (at the bottom, halfway, and at the
top). Furthermore, output is written to the files uvpf#.dat and config.dat. The output
file config.dat contains a description of the grid. The output file uvpf#.dat contains the
horizontal and vertical velocity and pressure in each grid cell at a certain time. In the input
file the user can specify whether the file uvpf#.dat is made each (user specified) time interval

or only at the end of the computation.

The output files uvpf#.dat and config.dat are needed for the post-processing in Matlab.
Typing the command liqdmenu in Matlab starts a menu with which the post-processing can
be controlled. With the upper part of the menu surface or contour plots of the (different)
velocities, pressure, vorticity or streamfunction can be made and with the lower part of the
menu a movie of these plots at consecutive time steps can be made. With the middle part of
the menu plots of the (different) velocities or the pressure along horizontal or vertical sections
of the domain can be made.

Part I: Treatment of div un

The term div un = 0 in the semi-discretized Navier–Stokes equations can be treated in two
ways. The first way is to maintain this term in the equations. In this case equations (1a) and
(1b) have to be solved. However, when the Poisson equation is solved exactly, div un+1 = 0.
Therefore, the second way is to substitute this in the right-hand side of equation (1a) in the
next time step (i.e. substitute div un = 0). In this case the following equations have to be

div grad pn+1 = div Rn , (2a)

n+1 n n n+1
u = u + δt R − δt grad p . (2b)

Consider the lid-driven cavity problem; the flow in a square cavity with constantly moving
lid. This problem is a well known test case for numerical methods for solving the Navier–
Stokes equations. The domain and boundary conditions of this problem are shown in the
figure below. We will solve the lid-driven cavity problem with ν = 0.01.

u=v=0 u=v=0

0 u=v=0 1

Parameter setting in the input file

Since we solve the lid-driven cavity problem with ν = 0.01, set Nu=0.01 in the input file. Use
a stretched grid with 16 cells in each direction, i.e. set iMaxUs=jMaxUs=18. Take smaller cells
at the boundaries of the cavity, set xpos=ypos=0.5 and stretching parameters cx=cy=-0.5.
Discretize the convection terms with a central method, i.e. set Alpha=0.0.

Since the velocity at the top is prescribed, set top=8, Uin=1.0 and Vin=0.0 in the in-
put file. Furthermore, since at the other boundaries we have no-slip conditions, set left=2,

right=2 and bottom=2.

Since the program was originally developed to compute non-stationary flows, it does not
contain a stopping criterion which checks whether a stationary solution is reached or not.
Instead, the program stops when the simulation time is equal to a user prescribed time (TFin),
take TFin=25. Set the time step at DelT=0.025 and the maximal allowed CFL number at
CFLMax=0.5. The program automatically adjusts the time step such that the CFL number is
between 0.4*CFLMax and CFLMax. In each time step the Poisson equation is solved with
MILU. Use in the input file PrtDt=1 and uvp=0, i.e. every second output is written to the
screen and the velocity field is written to the file uvpf0001.dat at the end of the simulation.

Question 0: ‘exact’ solution

First the ‘exact’ solution is computed, i.e. the discrete steady solution on the given grid.
Hereto set in the input file Divuv=1 (i.e. retain the term div un in the Poisson equation),
StrtP=1 (i.e. use the previously found pressure as initial guess for the iterations in the new
time step) and ε = 10−3 . Note that the solution has converged in time, and write the results
at t = 25 in the table below. Note that this table directly matches the output of the program.

time div u # it. u bottom u mid u top


Questions without div un

First, substitute div un = 0 in the Poisson equation (i.e. set Divuv=0 in the input file).
Hence, solve the Navier–Stokes equations in the form (2a) and (2b). In each of the following
questions, put the output of the program at t = 20, 21, . . . , 25 in a table of the format given

time div u # it. u bottom u mid u top


1) Use for the Poisson solver an accuracy ε = 10−1 and use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver p = 0, i.e. start the Poisson solver from scratch.
a) Look what happens with the term div u in time. Furthermore, make a plot of
the solution; e.g. use the post-processing menu in Matlab to view the flow, use the
upper part of the menu to make a surface plot of the streamfunction. Also have
a look at the absolute velocity (crange [0, 0.1]) and the vertical velocity. Repeat
the simulation with TFin=100. Does the velocity field converge?

b) Now we will consider what happens with the divergence when δt → 0: will this
improve the solution? Set (temporarily) DelT=0.0025 and CFLMax=0.05 in the
input file. Repeat the simulation (with TFin=25). Look what happens with the
term div u in time. Compare this with the behaviour of div u in Question 1a.
Explain the results.

2) Use for the Poisson solver an accuracy ε = 10−3 , and use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver p = 0, i.e. start the Poisson solver from scratch. Look what happens
with the term div u in time. Furthermore, make various plots of the solution as in the
previous question. The solution has improved, but is it really accurate?

3) Use for the Poisson solver an accuracy ε = 10−3 , and use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver the solution from the previous time step. Look once more what happens
with the term div u in time. Are you satisfied now?

4) Use for the Poisson solver an accuracy ε = 10−1 , and use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver the solution from the previous time step. Once again, describe the
behaviour of div u in time.

Questions with div un

Next, retain the term div un in the Poisson equation (i.e. set Divuv=1 in the input file).
Hence, solve the Navier–Stokes equations in the form (1a) and (1b).

5) Use for the Poisson solver an accuracy ε = 10−1 and use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver p = 0, i.e. start the Poisson solver from scratch.

a) Look what happens with the term div u in time. How do you like the solution?
b) Now we will consider what happens with the divergence when we let δt → 0.
Set (temporarily) DelT=0.0025 and CFLMax=0.05 in the input file. Repeat the
simulation. Look what happens with the term div u in time. Compare the results
with those from Question 5a, and explain the differences.

6) Use for the Poisson solver an accuracy ε = 10−3 , and use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver p = 0, i.e. start the Poisson solver from scratch (set StrtP=0 in the input
file). Look what happens with the term div u in time. Compare the results with those
from Question 5a, and explain the differences.

7) Use for the Poisson solver an accuracy ε = 10−3 , and use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver the solution from the previous time step (i.e. set StrtP=1 in the input
file). Monitor div u in time, and make plots of the solution. Explain the results.

8) Use for the Poisson solver an accuracy ε = 10−1 , and use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver the solution from the previous time step. Monitor div u and plot the
solution. How do you like the results?

Summary We have seen that the various approaches give quite different results. In the last
question of this part you will have to decide which approaches give acceptable results.

9) In practical applications one is often satisfied when the final solution has an accuracy
of two digits. Keeping this in mind, compare the results from the Questions 1 to 8 and
give your opinion about which approaches give acceptable results?

Part II: Influence of boundary conditions

We will now consider the choice of boundary conditions at in- and outflow openings. The
inflow boundary usually does not lead to too many problems. However, the outflow boundary
is much more problematic. When at an outflow boundary the normal velocity is prescribed
then a boundary layer may be created.

Consider the flow in a channel of length 10 and height 1. At the left (inflow) boundary
the fluid flows into the channel with a horizontal velocity u = 1. At the upper and lower
boundary of the channel we impose no-slip conditions. The geometry and (part of) the
boundary conditions are given in the figure below.

u=1 →

v=0 →

We will use two types of boundary conditions at the right (outflow) boundary of the
channel. Firstly, we will prescribe a horizontal velocity u = 1 at the right (outflow) boundary
of the channel as well. Secondly, we will allow a free outflow, obtained by setting the pressure
at 0, at the right (outflow) boundary. We will consider the influence of these boundary
conditions on the solution.

Parameter setting in the input file

Use a grid without stretching with 32 cells in x-direction and 17 cells in y-direction, i.e. use
iMaxUs=34 and jMaxUs=19 and cx=cy=0.0 in the input file. Note that the length of the
channel is 10, i.e. Xmax=10. Discretize the convection terms with a central method, i.e. set

At the left (inflow) boundary the velocity is prescribed, hence set left=8, Uin=1, and
Vin=0. Furthermore, at the upper and lower boundary no-slip conditions are imposed, i.e.
set top=2 and bottom=2.

Maintain the term div un in the Poisson equation (i.e. solve the Navier–Stokes equations
in the form (1a) and (1b), set Divuv=1 in the input file). Solve the Poisson equation with an
accuracy ε = 10−4 . The Poisson equation is solved with MILU. Use as initial solution for the
Poisson solver the solution from the previous time step (i.e. set StrtP=1).

Simulate the flow in the channel for 15 seconds, that is set TFin=15 in the input file. Set
the time step at DelT=0.025 and the maximal allowed CFL number at CFLMax=0.1. Use in

the input file PrtDt=1 and uvp=1, i.e. every second of the simulation output is written to the
screen and every second of the simulation the velocity field is written to a file uvpf#.dat (be
aware: this takes a lot of memory).
In every question below, plot the flow at the first five seconds of the simulation and
at the end of the simulation, i.e. at t = 1, 2, . . . , 5 and t = 15. Use the post-processing
menu in Matlab to plot the flow. Use the upper part of the menu to make a surface plot
of the absolute velocity. Furthermore, use the middle part of the menu to make a plot of
the horizontal velocity along the horizontal center line (i.e. j-plane=10). By using the ’hold’
button in the menu the plots of the horizontal velocity along the horizontal center line at
t = 1, 2, . . . , 5 and t = 15 can be put in one figure. A boundary layer and irregularities of the
flow can easily be seen in the second plot.

Questions with prescribed outflow

Firstly, prescribe a horizontal velocity at the right (outflow) boundary of the channel as well:
u = 1 and v = 0 (i.e. set right=8 in the input file).

10) Simulate the flow for ν = 0.01. Make plots of the flow as described above. Describe and
explain the development in time of the horizontal velocity along the horizontal center

11) Simulate the flow for ν = 0.005. Make plots of the flow as described above. Compare
the flow with the one computed in Question 10, and explain the differences.

12) Simulate the flow for ν = 0.001. Make plots of the flow as described above. Com-
pare the flow with those computed in Question 10 and 11, and explain the differences.
Furthermore, make a surface plot of the absolute velocity in which the vector plot is
included (select in the menu ’arrows automatic’ instead of ’no velocity vectors’),
and zoom first in on the x-interval [0,1] and then on the x-interval [9,10] (i.e. take
’manual x-axis’ instead of ’automatic zoom’ and select the interval). Furthermore,
make a plot of the horizontal velocity at the vertical section at the i-plane 32. What
happens with the velocity at the upper and lower boundary?

Questions with free outflow

Secondly, allow at the right boundary of the channel a free outflow condition (i.e. set right=7
in the input file).

13) Simulate the flow for ν = 0.01. Make plots of the flow as described above. Compare
the flow with the one computed in Question 10, and explain the differences. What is
the limit value of the horizontal velocity at the center line y = 0.5.
When the flow is fully developed the (horizontal) velocity profile is a parabola. Compute
this parabola theoretically. What is the theoretical value of the horizontal velocity of the
fully developed flow at the center line y = 0.5. Compare this result with the numerical
value. Also make a cross sectional plot of the horizontal velocity near the end of the
channel to check the parabolic profile.

14) Simulate the flow for ν = 0.005. Make plots of the flow as described above. Compare
the flow with those computed in Question 11 and 13, and explain the differences. What

is the limit value of the horizontal velocity at the center line y = 0.5. Compare this
numerical value with the theoretical value computed in Question 13.

15) Simulate the flow for ν = 0.001. Make plots of the flow as described above. Compare
the flow with those computed in Question 12, 13 and 14 and explain the differences.
What is the value of the horizontal velocity at the center line y = 0.5 at the end of the
channel. Explain why this numerical value of the horizontal velocity at the center line
y = 0.5 differs from the theoretical value computed in Question 13. Also make a cross
sectional plot of the horizontal velocity near the end of the channel to see the shape of
the velocity profile: is it a parabola?
Repeat the simulation with a channel of respectively length 20 and length 50 (set first
Xmax=20 and then Xmax=50), use TFin=50 in order to reach a steady-state solution; also
increase Imax (although it has little influence). Set uvp=0 in order to save memory. Make
only at the end of the simulation (i.e. at t = 50) a plot of the horizontal velocity along
the horizontal center line (i.e. j-plane=10). What is the limit value of the horizontal
velocity at the center line y = 0.5. Again make a cross sectional plot of the horizontal
velocity near the end of the channel to see the shape of the velocity profile: is it a
parabola now? Find a physical explanation of the results.

Example input file

***** tank geometry *************************************************

Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax
0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0

***** grid definition ***********************************************

iMaxUs jMaxUs cx cy xpos ypos
18 18 -0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5

***** liquid properties *********************************************


***** boundary conditions and inflow characteristics ****************

left right top bottom UIn VIn
2 2 8 2 1.0 0.0

***** discretization ************************************************

Alpha Divuv
0.0 1

***** poisson iteration parameters **********************************

Epsi ItMax StrtP
1.0e-4 100 1

***** time step ****************************************************

TFin DelT CFLMax
25 0.025 0.5

***** print/plot control ********************************************


PrtDt uvp
1.0 0

***** E X P L A N A T I O N ************* E X P L A N A T I O N *****

Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax : position of boundaries of computational domain

iMaxUs (<=130), jMaxUs (<=130) : number of cells including mirror cells,
the number of ’real’ cells is iMaxUs-2, jMaxus-2
cx, cy : stretchparameters - 0=no stretch;
>0=smaller cells near position
indicated by xpos,ypos;
<0=smaller cells away from xpos,ypos

Nu : kinematic viscosity


left,right,top,bottom : type of boundary condition
7=free outflow : as boundary condition the pressure
is set at 0
8=inflow : the velocities are prescribed
UIn,VIn : in case of inflow conditions, prescribed velocities
the sign of UIn/VIn corresponds to the x/y-direction (hence it
does not necessarily correspond to the inward pointing direction)

Alpha : upwind parameter, discretization of convection term
0 = central
1 = upwind
Divuv : treatment of divergence
0 = substitute div u^n=0 in Poisson equation
1 = maintain div u^n in Poisson equation


Epsi : convergence criterion of Poisson solver
ItMax : maximal allowed number of iterations of Poisson solver
Strtp : initial field of Poisson solver
0 = zero field p=0
1 = solution from previous time step, p=poud;

TFin : endtime of simulation
DelT : timestep (is adjusted during the simulation in order to
keep the CFL number smaller than CFLMax)
CFLMax : maximum allowed CFL number

PrtDt : time between 2 small printouts (to the screen and a file)
uvp : velocity and pressure in Matlab format
0=only at end of computation (preferable)
1=at every small printout (takes a lot of memory)

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