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Modules in G9 Health Week 1 2

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Modules in G9 Health 3rd Quarter Week 1-2

Name:_____________________________________ Section:________________ Teacher: _______________

Basic First Aid Procedure

In administering first aid, the following procedure must be followed. Suppose
you see an injured person lying on the floor. Remember the
A-I-D F-I-R-S-T.
Step 1 – Ask for Help.
Immediately call the attention of other people to the scene. Ask if there is anyone in the area who knows how to perform first aid. If there is
one, let him or her take over. While the first aider rescues, call professional help. Dial 911 and report. If
there is no one around, follow the next steps.
Step 2 and 3 – Inspect the scene. Determine the possible threats and hazards. The scene where the injury occurred may not be safe to
undertake first aid. If there are threats and hazards that may harm you or the victim, move to a safer place
only if it will not cause further injury.
Step 4 – Face the victim and introduce yourself. If the scene is clear and safe, approach the victim. Introduce yourself to the
victim. Even if the victim is unconscious, state your name and tell the victim that you will perform first aid procedures to help him or her.
Step 5 – Intervene and conduct assessment. If the victim is conscious, ask him or her about the situation. Locate and assess
the injury. Take note of the details that the victim will tell you. If you know the first aid procedures for the specific injury, perform them. If
you do not know the proper emergency care, do not intervene stay with the victim until professional medical care
If the victim is unconscious, perform the following steps.
1. Tap the shoulders gently and check if conscious may return.
2. If the victim does not respond, perform primary assessment. Check for CAB:
• Circulation – Feel if the pulse is present. Check by touching areas where large veins are present: neck or wrist.
• Airway – Check if there is any blockage in airways passages (mouth and nose). Remove any material that blocks the airway.
• Breathing – Check if the victim is breathing by observing the up and down movement of the chest. You may also put your palm above
the nose and mouth to feel if the victim is inhaling and exhaling.
3. If circulation is absent, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). If the victim is not breathing, perform rescue breathing.
4. If circulation and breathing are present, conduct secondary assessment. Secondary assessment is composed of three major
4.1. History
The first aider must ask about the victim’s medical information by thinking of the acronym SAMPLE:
S – signs and symptoms felt by the victim
A – allergies that the victim has
M – medication that the victim is currently taking
P – previous medical conditions that the victim had
L – last oral intake of the victim
E – events that led to the emergency situation
4.2. Vital Signs
The first aider must check for the following
a. Abnormal pulse rate or breathing
b. Dilation of pupils
c. Change in skin color or body temperature
d. Changing level if consciousness (being half-awake)
4.3. Head-to-toe examinations
The first aider must think of the acronym DOTS to inspect the whole
body of the victim for:
D – deformity of fractures
O – open wounds
T – tender parts
S – swollen parts
Step 6 – Remember and record the procedures done.
Step 7 and 8 – Stay with the victim until professional care arrives. Tell the medical
professionals about the situation and the first aid procedures performed.

A wound is a break in the continuity of a tissue in the body. It may be closed in which there is no break or damage in the skin. It is also
called hematoma or contusions. A wound may also be an open wound in which there is a break in the skin.
How to Manage Wounds:
A. For management of hematoma, we use the mnemonic RICE:
1. Resting the injured part
2. Ice application
3. Compression
4. Elevation
B. First Aid for Open Wounds with Severe Bleeding
1. Wear gloves and remove or cut clothing as necessary to expose wound.
2. Control bleeding by applying direct pressure.
3. Elevate the injured part above the heart except for eye injury and woundswith embedded object
4. Cover wound with sterile dressing and bandage.
5. Care for shock.
6. Consult a physician immediately

Learning Task 1: “Emergency! Emergency! What will I do?”

Directions: Write the immediate action to be taken for each situation.
1. Your younger sister cuts her finger with a knife.
2. A man in the street is bumped by a car.
3. Your baby brother accidentally falls in the crib.
4. Your grandfather slips in the comfort room and cannot move his right arm anymore.
5. Your cousin who does not know how to swim falls into a deep river.
Learning Task 2: Don’t Forget!
Directions: Study the words below. These are shortcuts used to remember the steps in emergency actions and first aid. Identify the
meaning of each acronym.
1. In primary assessment, check for CAB
C ____________________________________________________________________
A _____________________________________________________________________
B ____________________________________________________________________
2. In gathering information about the victim’s history, ask for SAMPLE:
S ______________________________________________________________________
A _____________________________________________________________________
M _____________________________________________________________________
P _____________________________________________________________________
L _____________________________________________________________________
E _____________________________________________________________________
3. In performing head-to-toe examination, what do the letters in the acronym DOTS mean:

D _____________________________________________________________________
O _____________________________________________________________________
T ______________________________________________________________________
S _____________________________________________________________________
Learning Task 3: Wound and Bandage.
Directions: Choose the picture showing the correct type of bandaging for the specified injuries below. Write the letter of your answer on the
space before the number.

__1. An incision on a chest

__2. An abrasion on a cheek
__3. A puncture on a foot
__4. A laceration on the arms
__5. An avulsion on the head

Learning Task 4: Share Your Heroism

Directions: Write an essay about the real experience where you were able to help other people in an emergency situation.

Learning Task 5: True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not correct. Write your answer on the space before the number.

____1. First Aid is an immediate and permanent care given to a person who
suddenly gets ill or injured.
____2. First aid prolongs the life of the injured person.
____3. The first aider is the person or rescuers who administer first aid.
____4. It is important to panic in responding to emergency situations.
____5. If you are not skilled in giving emergency care, do not attempt to do so. ____6. It is being important to monitor temperature in the
case of stroke and high
____7. Use your thumb; it has its own pulse.
____8. Locate pulse using your middle and ring finger. Pulse indicates blood
circulation, which is essential for the heart and brain to function.
____9. Secondary survey of the victim is used when the victim is unconscious and to find out and immediately treat life-threatening
____10. Secondary survey is used when the victim is conscious or has revived. It
aims to detect everything about the patient’s condition.

Learning Task 6: The First Aid

Directions: Pick three injuries and write the first aid procedure for each. Use the table below.


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