Red Army - White Guards v3.3
Red Army - White Guards v3.3
Red Army - White Guards v3.3
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Red Army - White Guards v3.3
Artillery Brigades
You will require the following equipment: Two or three 30mm x 40mm bases of 1
gun and crew, each representing an
· A pack of small “patience” style playing artillery battery.
cards, including jokers.
· Plastic rings to use as casualty markers. Armoured Vehicles
· Several D6’s and at least one D12 & D24. One or two bases of suitable size
depending on the vehicle, typically 30mm
wide for an armoured car or light tank, or
· The game is played on a table marked 40mm or wider for a heavy tank. These
with 6” squares set up in an off-set grid represent a Detachment.
to allow multi-directional hex type
movement. Motor Vehicles
· Each square represents about 500 yards. One - four 30mm x 40mm bases each with
· The playing area should be at least 6 one lorry or truck representing a
squares by 10. detachment.
· Any terrain pieces should be clearly in a
square. Squares are either affected by a Armoured Trains
terrain piece or they are not (however Normally only one side will have an
see rules governing hill crests in the armoured train. It is represented by a
section). armoured train model which must have a
locomotive and a gun carriage.
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Infantry and cavalry formations are shown 1) Occupy a square with or adjacent to
in the diagram below. There are no specific another friendly unit & move at same
formations for other unit types. The speed.
deployment of bases in formations is
shown in the diagrams below. 2) When firing count as 2 per base.
2) i.e. sight defiladed behind 4) May not move and fire, but can change
a hedge or on crest of a hill: face at will and still fire.
· have 1 square dead zone in front of
them into which they cannot fire.
· hostile troops must observe them be- 1) Occupy a square with or adjacent to
fore returning fire. another friendly cavalry unit.
· may roll activation 2+ to wheel guns up
to obstacle to fire directly on closing 2) Treat as a vehicle for firing.
3) Activate as accompanying unit. May not
3) / (Howitzers only) move and fire to front, but can move on
i.e. on reverse slope or behind a one activation and fire on second in turn.
Firing Line Waves
Masses Defence
Typically attacking infantry enter the table in masses, and deploy into waves when
appropriate. Defenders deploy as firing lines, with reserves in masses.
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eligible target.
1) Infantry and Artillery targets in open
squares are concealed until they move 2) Units that have not yet been activated
or fire. Targets in squares containing may fire at any unit that threatens it. This
buildings, woods and hedges are con- means that it may shoot at any unit that
cealed even if moving or firing. Hostile has moved within Effective range and is
units must test to observe them before facing it. Units lacking a target when
opening fire, except that 1 Artillery and activated may Turn
1 MG unit may fire at reduced effect on their card face down, and await an
a well defined area such as a village or opportunity to fire on an approaching
wood to support an ongoing attack, enemy unit later in the turn. This allows
without observing the target first. units to engage targets that move across
their line of fire from one piece of cover
2) An observer must have Line of Site to to another. Units that have an observed
the target, which must lie within their target when activated must always fire
own arc of fire. on them if possible.
5) Before dawn test to observe any target. 5) MGs may always squares
Ignore bonuses for uphill or unlimbered containing friendly units. Other units
artillery. only do so when they or the target is on
higher ground than intervening units.
MGs must leave at least 1 square clear
1) Each activated unit scoring 0 or more, either side of intervening friendly troops.
with targets in front, inside a 45 degree
arc (MGs 90 degrees) may fire at any 6) Each Infantry Battalion/ Cavalry Regi-
ment / MG base/Vehicle firing rolls a
Rifles/MGs 8mm/.303 1 3 4
Tank Guns 37mm /6pdr 2 4 6
Light guns 65mm /10-15pdr 3 5 8
QF guns / howitzers 75mm / 18pdr 5 8 12
Heavy Artillery 105mm / 60pdr 5 12 20
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number of dice, based on the Effect equal to the remaining markers on a D6.
Table. If score to be rolled is greater than Double loss if advancing in open. (ie
6, roll again for the excess. eg A unit of 2 TWO bases per SIX hits) Halve loss if
MG bases must roll 4 or less on a D6. If neither moving nor firing, or in cover.
enfilading it gets an automatic hit as 4 Roll D12 or D24 as appropriate. (ie a non
doubled is 8, and rolls again to get 2 or moving, non firing unit in cover rolls less
less for the remainder. than number of hits on a D24). EXCEP-
TION: Artillery and vehicles take 3 hits to
7) Vehicles that fire may modify the remove a base. Place a permanent casu-
number of dice rolled by surrendering alty marker (BLACK ring)on the base to
playing cards instead of using them to show this.
move (see table above). Vehicles fire
individually & do not add their hit 10)Accompanying COs/Commissars /
scores if in more than one in a square CHEKA rolling an activation die and
firing MGs draw a card each per base
8) lost. card - PINNED for ONE
, when they simultaneously re- turn (face to rear to show pinning).
solve all hits taken since last activation, card, - remove from play. If MG
in both current and previous turns. is unaccompanied, then draw a card per
Targets acquiring so many hits their hit as well.
next activation test must score less then
immediately take casualties and 11)Scouting cavalry suffer no casualties if
retreat/hide, losing any card held. they retreat as soon as taken under fire.
9) Lose ONE base as a per SIX 12)Supporting battalions may replace cas-
hits. For remaining hit markers roll a ualties in adjacent battalions of the same
D6 and remove a base if roll less than or regiment instead of moving.
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MG H, D H, D H H, D, C
Tank Guns H, D, C H, D H H, D, C, S
Light guns H, D, C H, D, C H H, D, C, S
QF guns / howitzers H, D, C, S H, D, C H, D H, D, C, S
Heavy Artillery H, D, C, S H, D, C, S H, D, C H, D, C, S
* NB Draw two cards per hit for firing at Trucks. Includes Tchankas.
A, J, Q, K - vehicle takes hit marker, and suffers penalties below as well.
2 -10 - Vehicle damaged- lose card. Trucks are destroyed, Armoured Cars/Light tanks
must retreat next move, Heavy Tanks are pinned for one turn & may not move or fire.
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Infantry to move through at normal 1) During the game when they reach an
speed. Cavalry and wheeled vehicles area they wish to defend:
may now move through the square, tak- a)Units with activation scores of 2 or
ing a whole turn. This improvement to more and not Moving or Firing may
movement only applies if moving in the place one digging marker (DM) across
same direction as the tank that entered their front per turn, to a maximum of
the square. three.
b)If subsequently brought under fire roll
4) Hills are divided into two classes: D6 per DM; score 4,5,6 to place tempo-
a) Three or more squares deep repre- rary trenches
senting: c)Remove temporary trenches and DMs
Forward Slopes: no cover from fire; when digging unit moves off.
allow overhead fire.
Crests: no cover from fire; allow over- 2) Before the game when defending a pre-
head fire. pared position: place trenches and
Reverse Slopes: cover from fire; fire barbed wire on the table as a permanent
only into crest square(s) in front. terrain feature. These may be captured
b) Two squares deep representing ridg- and occupied by the enemy.
es with Forward and Reverse Slopes
only, where troops may exchange fire 3) Infantry units deployed in are
between adjacent Reverse and For- in a dug in position, consisting of
ward slopes. trenches, and probably barbed wire. The
position implies a degree of preparation.
5) Woods and built up areas occupy com- The position could include an MG com-
plete squares. Movement penalties ap- pany, but no other units. A unit so de-
ply whether moving into, through, or ployed may not move. The bases in the
out of woods and villages, unless transit- unit should be placed facing all four
ing along a road. sides of the square they are in. It fires
with 2 bases to all sides if attacked. Any
accompanying MG company fires with
Depending on scenario, units may dig-in. 1 base to all sides. NB This does not
imply that units in a may
not occupy trenches.
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Red Army - White Guards v3.3
Legal moves Units must move in accordance with their facing on the grid.
The diagrams show infantry masses and mounted cavalry
Illegal moves units and the legal directions of moves given their current
facing with solid arrows.
Moves that are illegal without changing facing are shown with
dotted arrows.
b b x a
c d c d
Unit x is enfiladed by unit b, and fired Unit x is now enfiladed by unit d, and
at obliquely by c. Units a & d are fired at obliquely by c. Units a & b are
firing normally. firing normally.
Unit x is facing units c & d. It cannot Unit x is facing units c & b. It cannot
fire at units b & a,. It fires normally at fire at units d & a,. It fires normally at
unit d, and obliquely at unit c. unit b, and obliquely at unit c.
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