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Senior Section
Department of Commerce and Humanities

Class : XII Worksheet-No 9 Reference:

Date of issue : ACCOUNTANCY (055) Date of
2020 ---------2020
Time Allowed 25 minutes
Q.1 True/False:
According to the below given information the final call per share is ` 22.
The subscribed capital of a company is ` 80,00,000 and the nominal value
of the share is ` 100 each. There were no calls in arrear till the final call was
made . The final call made was paid on 77,500 shares only . The balance in
the calls in arrear amounted to ` 55,000.
Q.2 True/ False :
Securities premium received on issue of shares cannot be used for the
purpose of buy back of shares.
Q.3 True/False-Share application amount is in the nature of Real account
Q.4. Arrange the following in proper sequence as types of “Share Capital”
i) Paid up capital
(ii.) Issued capital
(iii) Subscribed capital
(iv.) Called up capital
Q.5 Maximum limit of premium on shares is :
(A.) 32%
(B.) 20%
(C.) No limit
(D.) 100%

Q.6 Amount of money not received out of called up capital is :

(A.) Added to share capital
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(B.) Subtracted from share capital
(C.) Shown as current liabilities
(D.) Shown as current asset
Q.7 Following amounts were payable on issue of shares by a company : ` 3
on application , ` 3 on allotment , ` 2 on first call and ` 2 on final call . X
holding 500 shares paid only application and allotment money whereas Y
holding 400 shares did not pay final call . Amount of calls in arrear will be:
(A.) 3,800
(B.) 2,800
(C.) 1,800
(D.) 6,200
A) Sweat equity shares
B) Redeemable Preference shares
C) Equity shares
D) Bonus shares
Q.9 E Ltd. had allotted 10,000 shares to the applicants of 14,000 shares on
pro-rata basis, application money on another 6000 shares was
refunded .The amount payable on the application was ` 2. Sitaraman
applied for 420 shares . The number of shares allotted to him will be:
(A.) 60 shares
(B.) 340 shares
(C.) 320 shares
(D.) 300 shares
Q.10 A company issued 4,000 equity shares of rupees 10 each at par
payable as under:
On application `3 , on allotment ` 2; on first call ` 4 and on final call rupee 1
per share. Applicants were received for 16,000 share. Application for 6,000
shares were rejected and pro-rata allotment was made to the applicants
for 10,000 shares . How much amount will be received in cash on first
call,when excess application money is adjusted towards amount due on
allotments and calls :
(A.) ` 6.000
(B.) nil
(C.) `16,000
(D.) `10,000
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Q.11 A company issued 4000 equity shares of rupees 50 each at par
payable as under:
On application rupees 20%, on allotment 40% ; on first call 10% ; on final
call –balance. Applications were received for 10,000 shares . Allotment was
made pro-rata . How much amount will be received in cash on allotment?
A) ` 6.000
(B.) Nil
(C.) ` 16,000
(D.) ` 20,000
Q.12. Which one of the following is not a part of subscribed capital:
A) Equity shares issued to vendor
B) Preference shares of convertible type
C) Forfeited shares
D) Bonus shares
Q.13. When nominal (face) value of a share is called up by the company but
as some shareholders did not pay the money, the shares are forfeited . The
share capital is shown in the balance sheet (notes) of a company under the
following heading:
A) Subscribed and fully paid up
B) Subscribed but not fully paid up
C) Subscribed and called up
D) Subscribed but not called up
Ques.14.Zee Ltd issued 15,000 equity shares of ` 20 each at a premium of
` 5 payable ` 5 on application,` 10 on allotment (including premium) and
the balance on first and final call. The company received applications for
22,500 shares and allotment was made pro rata. Bittoo to whom 1,200
shares were allotted, failed to pay the amount due on allotment. All his
shares were forfeited after the call was made. The forfeited shares were
reissued to Dheeraj at par. Assuming that no other bank transactions took
place, the bank balance of the company after the above transactions is :
A) ` 6,85,000
B) ` 3,60,500
C)` 3,78,000
D)` 6,34,000
Q.15. Zen Ltd purchased the sundry assets of M/s Surat Industries for `
28,60,000 payable in fully paid shares of ` 100 each. State the number of
shares issued to vendor when issued at premium of 10%.
A) 28,000
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B) 31,778
C) 28,600
D) 26,000
Q.16.The subscribed share capital of Mukand Ltd is ` 1,00,00,000 of ` 100
each. There were no calls in arrear till the final call was made. The final call
made was paid on 97,500 shares. The calls in arrear amounted to `
87,500.The final call on share :
A) ` 20
B) ` 35
C) ` 25
D) ` 45
Q.17. These shares which in addition to the fixed preference dividend,
carry a right to participate in the surplus profits, if any, after dividend at a
stipulated rate has been paid to the equity share holders are called:
A) Participating preference shares
B) Convertible preference shares
C) Redeemable preference shares
D) Cumulative preference shares
Q.18. T Ltd had allotted 20,000 shares to the applicants of 24,000 shares
on pro rata basis. The amount payable on application is ` 2. Manoranjan
applied for 450 shares. The number of shares allotted and the amount
carried forward for adjustment against allotment money due from him is:
A) 150 shares,` 375
B) 375 shares,` 150
C) 400 shares,` 100
D) 300 shares,` 300
Q.19.A company forfeited 3,000 shares of ` 10 each(which were issued at
par) held by Kishore for nonpayment of allotment money of` 5 per share.
The called up value per share was ` 8.On forfeiture, the amount debited to
share capital:
A)` 30,000
B)` 24,000
C)` 15,000
D)` 6,000
Q.20. Z limited issued shares of ` 100 each at a premium of 10%. Mr. Q
purchased 500 shares and paid ` 20 on application but did not pay the
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allotment money of ` 30. If the company forfeited his 30% shares, the
forfeiture account will be credited by :
A) ` 4500
B) `3500
C) `1650
D) `3000
Q.21. Daisy Limited forfeited 200 shares ` 10 each who had applied for 500
shares, issued at a premium of 10% for nonpayment of final call of ` 3 per
share. Out of these 100 shares were issued as fully paid up for ` 15. The
profit on reissue is :
A ) ` 700
B) ` 6400
C) ` 300
D) ` 400
Q.22. Mithas Limited was formed with share capital of ` 50,00,000 divided
into 50,000 shares of ` 100 each. 9,000 shares were issued to the vendor
as fully paid for purchase consideration of a furniture acquired. 30,000
shares were allotted in payment of cash on which ` 70 per share was called
and paid . State the amount of subscribed capital :
A) ` 50,00,000
B) ` 30,50,000
C) ` 30,00,000
D) ` 20,00,000
Q.23. Faltu Limited invited application for 2,00,000 shares of ` 10 each.
These shares were issued at premium of ` 11 each which was allowed at
the time of allotment. All money was called and duly received except on
10,000 shares on which only application money of ` 3 per share was
The company forfeited all the shares. 7000 of forfeited share where re-
issued at ` 13per share. State the amount of securities premium to be
shown under the head -Reserve and surplus.
A) ` 20,00,000
B) ` 11,11,000
C) ` 8,11,000
D) ` 21,11,000
Q.24. Mahima limited has an authorised capital of ` 1,00,00,000 divided
into 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs .100 each . If offered 90,000 equity shares
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` 10 each at a premium of ` 8 .The public applied for 81,000 equity shares.
Till 31st March 2018, ` 17 (including premium) was called . An applicant
holding 5000 shares did not pay first call of ` 2per share.
As per the above given information:
………. is the amount of Share capital to be shown in the balance sheet of
the company.
Q.25. Out of total face value, liability of a shareholder is limited
to …………… value of the share allotted to him.
Q.26. Match the following :
a) Cumulative Pref. Share i) Repaid after some time
b) Participating Pref. Share ii) converts into equity shares
c) Redeemable Pref. shares iii) Dividend accumulates if not paid
d) Convertible Pref. shares iv) Gets share in surplus profit
The correct match is:
A) a-ii ,b-i, c-iii, d-iv
B) a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii
C) a-iii, b-iv, c-ii ,d-i
D) a-ii, b-iv, c-iii, d-i



Q No Answer Q No Answer Q No Answer
1 True 13 A 25 Called up
2 False 14 C 26. B
3 False 15 D
4 Issued, 16 B
Called –up,
5 C 17 A
6 B 18 B
7 B 19 B

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8 A 20 D
9 D 21 A
10 A 22 C
11 D 23 D
12 C 24 ` 7,19,000

Marks Scored :----------------------------/ 26

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