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(lew 3 Gres “ore Rac Saws ul " mMe MowoGe an 0845/1 7 0845From: argu st Fet{Coma)FesiNarquszBConEdcom abject: fa ETERNAL Carlo “Po: lens cian ness Mike have @ path forward here, It will fake a litle ime as I need to maneuver a few people to create ‘an open position for her Fidel Marquez Comed SVP, Governmental & Community Re M: 312.513,7634 From: Michael McClain
Sont: Wecnesday, Ap 3, 2019 15:22 To: Marquez st, Fidel (ComEd) Subject: [EXTERNAL] Our Friend, Fidel, | get asked about her every Monday. Can we get our people to move?” ‘Do you recommend | communicate with Joe D, on this, would that be better? Best, Mike ‘This Emall message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally privileged, confidential andlor subject to copyright belonging to Exelon Corporation or its affiates ("Exelor’). This Emails intended solely forthe use of the person(s) to which itis ‘addressed. If you are nat an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery of this Email to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distibution or copying of this Emails strictly prohibited. If you have received this ‘message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this Email and any copies. Exelon polices expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory or offensive Statements and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by Email communication. Exelon will not accept any ibility in respect of such communications, -EXCIP ‘SW_032-000036 0845/2 0845-0020845/3. subject Ro Ou era, ‘Bet: ooh 16 stb ate aM ©: Me et od ontcm Fide! | think this resume is much better Can our HR people do anything with her soon? Best, Mike Michael F. McClain 1300 Tuscany Drive, Quincy, IL 62305 (On Feb 25, 2019, at 8:57 AM, Michael McClain
wrote: ‘SW_032-000037 0845-0030845/4. VANESSA BERRIOS SKILLS + executive tnadership + Strategie Planning and Leadership + Producti and fleey Improvement + Reorgartation of Management + Performance Managment + Trahing and Ledership Development {problem Shing elon Making + implementingand Erecting Foy Process Redesign Total Quality Management 1 Marketing Sates EDUCATION 2018 Appraisal Institute + asi Appraisal Principles + Trance appre Course 1997-2004 Northeastern Illinois University ‘achlor of Are Degree + Har spanish + Spanish Advanced + Mrosoft ors + ros ee + ror Outlook References + Avaableupon request. PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Accomplished Director in high-peroforming operations- ‘mangement executive with expertise in building and ‘optomizing organizational processes, measurment ‘systems, and infrastructure to maxamize business results in a Government Agency. ‘Skilled strategist who transforms strategic plans into ‘workable solutions and benchmarks performance against key operational targets/goals. WORK HISTORY 20162018 Cook County Assessors Office, Chicago, lina Director of ndustial and Commercial Valuation + Responsible for stratefung and executing vari ‘malnaln uniform assessments ofindestrial and commercial “Teames wth the Caok County technclogy group toad bath nthe sessment developments and the objectives eluding Ofte industrial anc commercial department of va Strearining tne ap + Directed the assessment schedules and + Parcpated shearing for unique complex indus ane + Respensibe forthe supervision, review and completion, of analyst * Teamed wits the Board of Review's Property Tax Appeal Soard Department to create ad implement paperiess werk and dataflow ne oar of Review andthe Assessors Ofc tion deadnes 20162016 Cook County Asestors Office, chicago, nas ‘Manager of industrial and Commercial Valuation "+ Ensure the indutrll and commercial department performed {ualty reviews on properties within Cook County + Assisted in scheduling inal assessments ‘Arranged and implemented employee taining; ensured ofice policies and procedures were respected by staff and manage employee -equests forme of. ‘COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT + Board Chlrpersn of Fundraising for St. Staislaus Kostka School “Meet with Boor t clearly define funcralsing goals and objectives, ‘Network with community leaders in support of St, Stan's end of yar Fest. * Spearhead fundralsing and coordinate the following events Spring ing, Friends Night Out, Breakiast with Sota + Porent Ambassador for St, Stanislas Kostha School, + Coordinate and ciate schoo utreaches such “= DoDivision Fashion Show, West Fes, St. Stan's Open Houses, ‘SW_032-000038, 0845-0040845/5 VANESSA BERRIOS SKILLS + exeutve leadership + State Planning and Leadership oduct and iieney Improvement Reorgannation of Management Performance Managment “raining and sadeship Development Probiomsohing, Dechlon Maing + implementing nd Executing Policy Process Redesign + Total Qualty Management + Marketing Sategies EDUCATION 2018 Appraisal Institute 1 atonal Us 1 ralnee Appraler Course 1997-2004 Northeastern linois University 1 iio: ate Sudles Additional Skills, + Spanise Advanced + Mlerosoft wore 1 ilerosof Exe References + avalable upon request PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY ‘Accomplished Director in high-peroforming operations ‘mangement executive with expertise in building and ‘optomizing organizational processes, measurment systems, and infrastructure to maxamize business results ina Government Agency. Skilled strategist who transforms strategic plans into Workable solutions and benchmarks performance against key operational targets/goals. WORK HISTORY 20162018 Cook County Assessor's Offic, Chleage, itlnes Director of Industrial and Commercial aluaton hniquesto maintain uniform assessments of industlal and commercial + Teamed with the Cock County technology graup to ald ath nthe ignment ofthe new aseesament developments andthe objectives Of the industrial and commeresa department of valuation, Including Streamlising the sppeal proces ated i hearings for unique complex indus commercial properties. ‘+ Responsible forte supervision, revew and completion, of analysts and support staff work produc amed with the 2rd of Reviews Property Tax Appeal Board Department 0 ereate an implemen paperess vor and da and ow 201:20%6 Cook County Assessor's Office, Chicago, lino ‘Manager of Industrial and Commercial Valuation + Ensured the industria ane commercial department performed ‘quality reviews on properties within Cok County + Assisted in scheduling Tnennial Reaesessments + Aranged and implemented employee training; ensured office policies and procedures were respecte by sta and managed ‘employee request forme off COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT + Board Chairperson of Fundraising fort. Stanislaus Kosta Schoo, * Meet with Board to deary define fundrasing goss and objectives. + Network th community leaders in support of St. Stan's end of yar fst + Spearhead fundraising and coordinate the following event: Sprng ling, Friends Night Out, Breakfast with Sana, + Parent Ambassador fort, Starsinus Kosta Schoo, * Coordinate and acitate school outreach sch 3 = DoDivsion Fashion show, West Fest, St. Stan's Open Houses ‘SW_032-000039 (0845-005Thanks. Mike Michael F. McClain 1300 Tuscany Drive, Quiney, IL 62305 ‘SW_032-000040 0845/6 0845-006Subject: Cr ya gt ou people gv you tpt on th olen Dal Oe ochre pe Thanks. Mike Michael F. McClain 1300 Tuscany Drive, Quiney, IL 62305 ‘SW_032-000041 0845/7. (0845-0070845/8. ‘Seeking a challenging position to cultivate the skills I have developed through my work experiences and academic studies to enhance my professional growth, ALL Media-Political - Field Operations Director (contrasted positon 2017-2018) Community outreach Get Out the Vote Etort Workshops with faith-based organizations Supervision of Day of Action events Onganized teams to target specific voter areas Organizes teams for Election Day poll coverage Coordination of community events Community Parades Community Rallies Towa Hall meetings Beloved Community Chistian Church - Maintenance Custodian (2010-2015) Organized weekly community food pantry atthe church Pick up and distribute to community members Generel upkoep of facility to include inside and ouside All repirs/painting inside as needed [Landscape and snow removal Special Events Coondinator Holiday activites Memorial services ‘State of Hlinois Deparment of Corrections - Publi Service Administrator (2003 Supervision of security staff within a comestions environment Direct supervision of multiple IDOC Parole Agents within the community Implementation of policies and directives to ensue safety public safety dentified, recruited and supervised highly qualified Parole Agents for core wpprehension team Partnership with local law enforcement to apprehend fugitives within their community Education; University of tinois Master's Degree Criminal Iustise 1996 Chicago,IL Bachelor's Degree Political Science 1990 References: Available upon request ‘SW_032-000042 0845-0080845/9 Jefe ML Rush ‘Seeking a challenging position to cultivate the skills Thave developed through my work experiences and academic studies to enhance my professional growth, AL Medis-Poltca - Field Operations Director (contracted position 2017-2018) Community outreach ‘Get Out the Vote Effort Workshops with faith based organizations ‘Supervision of Day of Action events ‘Organized teams to target specie voter areas ‘Organizes teams for Election Day poll coverage Coordination of community events ‘Community Parades ‘Community Ralios Town Hall meetings Beloved Community Christian Chur h - Maintenance Custodian (2010-2015) Organized weekly community food pantry atthe church Pick up and distribute to community members General upkeep of facility to include inside and outside All repairs/painting inside as needed Landscape and snow removal Special Bvents Coordinator Holiday activities “Memorial srvicos State of Hlinois Department of Comoctions - Publi Service Administrator (2003-2007) ‘Supervision of security staf within a comrections environment Direct supervision of multiple DOC Parole Agents within the community Implementation of policies and dire tives to ensure safety public saety [dentifed, recruited and supervised highly qualified Parolo Agonts for core apprehension tan Partnership with local law enforcement to apprehend fugitives within their community adcation University of Ilinois Master's Degree Criminal Justice 1996 Chicago, I. Bachelor's Degree Political Science 1990 Refezenoes:Avalble upon request ‘SW_032-000043, 0845-009yy Kurson From: Vitor Reyes Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 222 PM To! O'Brien, Anastasia M(Exelon Uiitis) ce: ‘Amy Kurson Subject: Re: Legal Representation stacy, ‘Thank you forthe email. This memarialiation of our agreements great. We value our relationship with you, you’ team and the company. We look forward to working with you Vietor Reyes (on108622)/2016) at 2:00 PM, O'Brien, Anastasia M{Exelon Utilities)
wrote: Hivietor, lam happy to provide this memorialization of our agreement: Reyes Kurson, Led. wil receive no less than an average of 47.5 hours per month of hourly legal work, a total of an average of S7OOURSTOF2O17/and 2O1B/to be billed at rates as agreed between the parties, provided that (1) the administrative hearings work shall be billed at a flat fee of $7500 per month and be ‘deemed to count fr 15 ofthe 47'S hours per month; and (2) upto an average of 15 hours per month an, atthe cents option, be replevin work handled by junior associates at rates as agreed between the parties. This agreement does not change any other arrangements relating to other legal work that is billed an a fla fee or contingent fe basis Please confirm that you are in agreement. ‘hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and we look forward ta working together towards 2 prosperous 20171, stacy ‘This Email message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally privileged, confidential and/or subject to copyright belonging to Exelon Corporation or its affiliates ("Exelon"). This Email is intended solely forthe use ofthe person(s) t0 which itis addressed. Ifyou are not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery of this Email to te intended recipients), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying ofthis Email is strictly prohibited. Ifyou have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this Email and any copies Exelon policies expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory or offensive statements and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by Email communication. Excion will not accept any liability in respect of such communications. -EXCIP = Shour dime se Doe hoves iv 20177 ‘SW_032-000095 0845/10 0845-010Sperkea. Vo Avarsae 7/7 Claus) Vo Tevece ove oe Ltkiveis scheane te when 7 VY Fetwen Cheeage Schesne when? Diutens Cr shoveo buy De Asicnipety — OFESEr— “news” free Conpensariou) 4 Meering ~— Cheapo C12? bepuo noe fon Lhw Fre.) ~ Spetuyriee C Caprte [ er) A Corserig Madlage = Thy Dohex V Prick Otivo C°YK @ mouth) EV By iw C 5K # took) — Shaw DeCenen V Ed Moody C7450 & woot) — Conf sonmen foes C Eu hans — 4o- Musr he fu Coscez<) ~ Crd Ren Fite raves Vv Mongar Morphy 377 ‘SW_032-000129 0845-011 0845/140845/12 Spectan — bssigumencs — Rave Pramegy iver — bo Wiscow - Rich Shiv — Ween Posins — ofters... Diveasion [String Sperber wo Mapes Miavres — Mensers /Lonayisrs Seeking Aovice [ tupriug yrsrk with msn / Mapes Revewve Gusitlee — Frspat, vax Lawyens - Choe — Beossun, cv Chicage Liaison — Heer — (Ha — Scltorarck/Kiwka. — Peeples Gas Neve Losayse Lisr / Assiqenevre Brn Hack — Resk ‘SW_032-000130 0845-0124 PveReisens = G.kd J Exevon Vreron. Reyes — Lieve Resrovawe Mscocitrios Teme [ima ' Yo Mick Miscee ~ Shove Fu Vacrwey. ‘SW_032-000131 0845/13 0845-013TAL ort 2 | ae Fesaw | cong “thom son Beesuthey Shaw Beira Kaseee Tee Eten | OE Nimen Sang vee tS “| yew 4 pete Ande 1re | Aco, 2 Gus i Coney Patera Tope] Deecete Five Ta Ek @ ‘SW_032-000135 0845/14 0845-014Tope] Derceto Friveges Ms Oar cronies ley @ ‘SW_032-000136 0845/15 0845-015ethene yt + Rew ane caer gee at Ta si 4 Reon at v et Cum (f op Menphue (/ 4 Ui Rye eat ee G, +h v v TPE cane Aamszerey13, 450-044 Tina Oe jeuans-SO AIA elena Nee + mie 7 ae Borrios SC 3.910394 Finale 7 Wisi aque A 2 * ep Je my Paulo ew ox2. 00137 0845/16 0845-0160845/17 Meh elan masa soars a Mike, here is the list of people we had working for Com Ed last summer (2017) Lesette Valdez Jessica Jaroch Giselle Morales Delilah Vasquez Joshua Vasquez Liana Gonzalez ‘Samantha Schmidt Dan Rybksi thank you, Kevin From: Kevin Quinn
‘Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2017 4:30:39 PM To: Michael McClain Subject: Re: Thinking about ComEd surnmer interns... Hi Mike, | hope you enjoyed your Christmas. | will get the names from last year and start thinking about and get you a list of 2018 ‘summer interns for Com Ed, Thank you, Kevin From: Michael McClain
: Thursday, December 28, 2017 6:10:15 AM ‘Would you send me the list of summer interns from the summer of 2017? | have a lot of paperwork but not necessarily the finals, ‘SW_032-000138, 0845-017‘Secondly, in the next 45-60 days could you start thinking about summer interns for next summer? As you know it takes a ite time for ComEd to vet these individuals and | would like to get infront of it this year. hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. May 2018, be your best year yet and for everyone you love. My best, Mike Michael McClain ‘SW_032-000139 0845/18 0845-018Hi Mike, ‘These are the names that were hired Giselle Morales Marisol Trejo Marina Vasquez Diana Guardiola Katie Czopkiewicz VanessaHernandez Joshua Vasquez From: Michael McClain
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 4:26 PM To: Amanda Gaspar Subject: Hi. Can you give me the "end result” of summer interns this year, please? ‘Thanks. Mike Michael F. McClain 1300 Tuscany Drive, Quincy, IL 62305 ‘SW_032-000140 0845/19 0845-0190845/20 om: Marque de Fee (Comta Fs subjec: fe! ETERNAL Comes appear, nae May 2, 20101837 PI ‘The 4 yr college degree is a requirement Im checking on Katie Fidel From Michael MoClain
Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 7:01 PM Subject: [EXTERNAL] ComEd applicant “To: Marquez Jr, Fidel (ComEd)
Co: MeClain Mike
(Okay....Fidel, ! need your intervention again, please!!!) Best, Mike Michael F. McClain 1300 Tuscany Drive, Quincy, IL 62305 Bogin forwarded message: From: Amanda Gaspar
‘Subject: ComEd applicant 1PM CDT> ‘Thank you for speaking with me today. Magnolia Banda-Rojas 3830 W 68th St Wil be attending Harold Washington in the fall. | was told she called to review dates she would need off for graduation/family vacation. In the conversation she was notified that she will not be offered a position because she is not attending a 4 year university. Can you clarify this for me please? Also, please see the attached resume for Kattie Czopkiewicz. Thank you! ‘SW_032-000141 0845-020Amanda This Email message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally onfidental and/or subject to copyright belonging to Exelon Corporation or its :xelon"), This Emails intended solely forthe use ofthe person(s) to which itis addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery ofthis Email to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying ofthis Emails strictly prohibited. f you have received this ‘message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this Email and any copies. Exelon policies expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory or offensive statements and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by Email communication. Exelon will nt accept any iabilty in respect of such communications. -EXCIP ‘SW_032-000142 0845/21 0845-0210845 / 22 _suject A [EXTERNAL ewe more Cn ares nee yur appeal et: Agta 201 a 68 Pt “To: Margune Pas Fs Maruce@ComEtcom MichaetF Mclain ‘madain@adams net ‘200 Tuscany Drive ‘Quiney, 62308 Condor. 208 st 29 PM, Mocs it Com)
ce: {signed offen Josh and Delish Fidel From: Michael Wetiain 4 Sent Thursday, Apr 28, 2018 6:59 PM Subject [EXTERNAL] Re: vo more McCiain candidates that need your approval, To: Marauez J, Fdet:(Com<) “cel marqusz@comed com> "now. | know. But you Knew ofcourse that they would want oil those two slot, right tis too good of @ rogram for thom nat. tis @ eat program. Best Mike McClain Sent tom my iPhone (On Apr 26,2018, at 6:42 PM, Marquez J Fide (ComEd)
wrote Ush. Fel ‘From: Vincent, Wary Mi(ComEd)
Sere Thureday Api 28, 2018 838 PM. Subject two more McClain candiates thal need your approval Te Marquee Ir Fide (COMES) Fidel-- womere Mean candae or your approval - ba hese hav ited wh us no pes ‘Neo FY1- Hf inlomed me st gett aquest forint much be subi Cheha bots competed th cesta ha 4 wea ay order on background 25 mae Shr rah Sig Saori ots Stare ee From: non My Con ‘SW_032-000143, 0845-0220845/23 Son Tuc Apt 25, 208-440 Pu Teiaeunr ot Cont Mauer Com com- ‘ojct RE vce up: mans 3 homtail ooo (Grrecton shun Hes wil bo plat ith Mark Fors xganieaton (hes you dag dor a ioe ‘Subject: RE:Nouds up-Itame 3 From Mike M500 beow | ayo to Agel oday tae har eomment nr she races we remove ely Chis Jamon, Christian Jarmon | FMEVAP | Angev | Chis suing tbe a ee nrc tears Sep checrg on Fendback Ginzar
X. SENT ave ana sit 12 ‘SW_032-000147 0845-0260845 / 27 sujocs Comes a apa Asus igage” ag sesame Sm ose 7 Som sre Woo tec Scone sane e238 Nernterzs 734 cae Meat Se TON eH 7S ctae eee Skane es an ea veo 623 omer) cage woes sz Srameesonss 7ST ccee mc sez Strasse 78H tgs 2 Prem Cheatin, Setone ‘Rate Outage adie tigen ‘oat Catege {eit ay ar ‘em vousnoe pesos mest ENT 420 Somat mal cn Henao ewer wh rans cag Svowewaat-haort canes acaee z ‘SW_032-000148 0845-027From: Yineont, Mary COME) ms vaca 8GonE con subject Sommer oe: A 3k sa 112 AM “e: Amands Guar range Gampsi2@tincewg.y, Mal Men woan@adne rt HR is wrapping up their initial phone interviews with the candidates your provided They still need to reach two. Wegan Capparel aisol Treo Also Kenan Abudayeh — did not pass the interview ‘There are a few that we will need to get special approval as they did not make our grade requirements, Pls call me if you have any questions Cell 31246-6249 ‘This Email message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally privileged, confidential and/or subject to copyright belonging to Exelon Corporation or its affates ("Exelon"), This Email is intended solely for the use ofthe person(s) to which itis addressed. Ifyou are not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery ofthis Email to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying ofthis Emil is strictly prohibited. If you have recelved this ‘message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this Email and ‘any copies. Exelon policies expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory or offensive statements and infinging any copyright or any other legal right by Email communication. Exelon will not accept any liability in respect of such communications. -EXCIP ‘SW_032-000149 0845 / 28 0845-0280845/29 From: Mahe Mein enn adem ot subject: fe: Summer na, ‘ate: Ag 201 38 AM “or Amanda ape ae Caspar2Syscheag og ‘SW_032-000150 0845-029| Sinatra eater ‘nicebreusbsmtenanewrausesbetrasnmm ears ‘Wise monn nays ay crs nan Bai op, yd Eats ued sont team ston persons eurcntseasven yer sano ‘Setaubyeuiedheloy onsen antec cya ahs Enal te eke es ‘erste na nooge ever pee mes tty Sueno pany ase iasy epee Suen paces eperey nt argos tana ety ore ‘Si tear ay Spy oe ty Eno carmen tn ne Soy iy mapa Sn conmuratane DAC ‘SW_032-000151 0845/30 0845-030vtec Ree a: Apa 20109 AM “To: Amanda Gaper nia Canpa2cpoktieagn rg ‘So, havens a na en to splston se pena toh? moss 2 tometer phn nee ite as ve ent the flowing names with resumes. ve also sent Marina Vasquez's resume but i dont believe ve gotten the green ight to formally invite her back. She wae noton Kevin ist ast year, yet she was ‘an inter for ComEd multiple times. Sol want to ensure she is ok for he program and Vean give her 3 ‘allan honay Giselle Morales 7 Kanan Abudayen y/ dessica Molina y Marisol Trejo Joshua Vasquez Vv Rogelio (Roger) Becerra ¥/ Magnolia Rojas-Banda Megan Capparell 7 Thankyou anda we Get Outlook tors Seiject ne Wout yu conser savra me fw nus by landing © me est appease ou Hope ou naw ha wonder aster This e-mail and any attachments thereto, is intended only fr use by the addressee(s) named herein and may canta egal privleged andor confidential information. I yeu are not the intended recplent of tis email ("the person responsible for delivering this document othe intended vecpien), you are hereby ‘ollie that any dissemination, stbution, pining or copying ofthis e-mail. and ary aischment {hereto is strictly prohibited, I you have received ths e-mail in errr, please respond to te invidual sending the message, and permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mail and printout thereat ‘SW_032-000152 0845 131 0845-031subject: a mee Gotz March 2618 at 30 Pu Hi Mike, lve sent the folowing names with resumes. Ive also sent Marina Vasquez's resume but i don't believe I've gotten the green light to formally invite her back. She was not on Kevin's lst last year, yet she was an inter for ComEd multiple times. So I want to ensure she is ok for the program and I can give her a call on Monday. Giselle Morales Kanan Abudayeh +7 Jessica Molina «/~ Marisol Trejo“ Joshua Vasquez Rogelio (Roger) Becerra Magnolia Rojes-Banda. «~ Megan Cappareli «7 ‘Thank you! ‘Amanda Get Outlook for iOS From: Michael McClain
‘Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 7:52:25 PM To: Amanda Gaspar Subject: Interns. Would you consider saving me a few minutes by tendering to me the list of applicants. 1 thank you, Hope you have had a wonderful Easter. Mike ‘This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged andior confidential information. Ifyou are not the intended recipient ofthis e-mail (or the person responsible for delivering this document to the Intended recipient), you are hereby noted that any dissemination, distribution, printing or ‘copying ofthis e-mail, and any attachment thereto, is strictly prohibited. I you have received this e-mail in eror, please respond tothe individual sending the message, and permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mail and printout thereot. ‘SW_032-000153, 0845/32 0845-0320845/33, Gisselle Morales BV 0s. cic0, 1.0609 ee Professional Summary Accomplished and energetic sles associate with a solid history of achievement in office work Motivated worker with strong organizational and prioritization abilities, Areas o include leadership, customer servie and teamwork. Skills © Leadership ‘© Print Advertisements les and Marketing Creative Photoshop software * Bilingual Screenprinting # Problem Solving ‘+ Excellent people skills ‘© Strong communications ‘Exceptional custome service © Flexbiity/Adaptbiity Team Working © Microsof PowerPoint Print averisemens 1 Photoshop software ‘SW_032-000154 0845-0330845 134 Sereen printing Excellent people skills Exceptional customer service Work History Sales Advisor, 1012017 to Current HAM Chicago Ridge, IL ‘Worked night and weekend shifts during holiday season Greefed customers ia timely fashion, while quickly determining their needs Responded to all customer inquires thoroughly and profesionaly Processed cash and eredit payments rapidly and accurately Set and recommended mark-up rates, mark-down rates and selling prices for merchandise. ‘Created visual marketing and styled window displays, ‘Completed stock orders aud managed inventory levels. Maintained records related to sales Helped customers wit questions, problems and complains in person and vi telephone Organized racks and shelves to maintain the visual appeal of the store Developed postive customer relationships through friendly greetings and excellent ‘Summer Intern, 05/2017 to 08/2017 ComEd ~ Oakbrook Terrace, IL Collaborated successfully wth cross-functional development teams to design and ‘manufacture new products. Performed data analysis and provided recommendations o achieve AED maintenance Played a role in website maintenance tat resulted in, Volunteer at a special needs summer camp fr children, Sales Associate, 09/2015 to 01/2017 Carson's = Chicago Ridge, IL ‘SW_032-000155 0845-0340845/35 Greet customers and ascertain what each customer wans or needs ‘Describe merchandise and explain use, operation, and care of merchandise to customers, Recommend, select, and iaelp locate or obtain merchandise based on customer needs and desires, © Answer questions regarding the store and its merchandise # Compute sales prices, otal purchases and reecive and process cash or ret payment © Help customers try on or fit merchandise. ‘+ Help customers decide on making specific purchases Place special orders or ell other stores to find © desired items '* Open and close cash repsters, performing tasks suchas counting money, separ charge slips, ‘© coupons, and vouchers, balancing cash drawers, and making deposits. ‘© Inventory stock and requisition new stock ‘Ticket, arrange and display merchandise to promote sales ‘© Exchange merchandise for customers and aseept returns ‘+ Bag or package purchases Open up store credit cards Clean shelves, counters, and tables © Mark down prices Train new employees, Education High Schoo! Diploma: May 2015 Mother McAuley Liberal Ans High School - Chicago Business Administration: Current Morsine Valley Community College - Palos Hills ‘SW_032-000186 0845-035From: Mehwel Mian osinDasemsnel see Sumner erate ‘ei: Moh 20108-17 A "ot Vir iy ay Vicon Coco 2c: Moone nesinSesamanat ryan soe ‘oar epi. ty. yee ae get og Becora sts wean st Mognota Feiae- Banda ‘0 6am St Mogan Cappar (2508 Mayeld ‘rom: Micon Min meal > ‘Sen Pncay Waren 18 Sure sar ‘SUaject Re [EXTERNAL Pe: [EXTERNAL Re: Sumer orshins tay. dst ord me posse Thar Rika many as you can as coon as Matty aperoves You o not have el them unl you have tn ‘on Mar 18,2018, =t 901 PM, Amanda Grepar
Graduated: 62017 ‘© Studying atDaley Cotege Skills ‘© Fluent Arable and English ‘© Microsoft Offes: Word, PoworPonnt ‘= Basic gaptic design kdl ‘© Can work long hous and overtime ‘SW_032-000161 0845-0400845 / 41 JESSICA MOLINA EDUCATION Sradiey University, Peet, tL Sieneor of sence Health Sclence Noy 2018, ex. Minor in Orgavzational Communiations WORK EXPERIENCE “Te Brady HEAT (Help, Empower, & Tench), Director Peer Eau + Eaucate campus on topes suchas substance use, abuse, sexual heath and assault 1 ated with tpecil events an seices sponsored by the Welles Ofie, sch 5 Depressan Screening Day, Ncoha Screning Day, and National Eatieg Disorders Awareness progans + Faeitatea worsheps for asses, Greek chapters, rescence hal, thetic teams, and others by request + Cheated and approved presentations that aclde heathy declions, bullying, appropriate Scual relationships, Dy mage, stress and ments heal allabarates with Pine Paesihood, Cte for Prevestion of Ase, and Pend of Porta Sradiey Fund Phone Progam, Peon, I. Team Leader Stent Fondroting Representative 2s Present Communicated with lume to update perianal information, mstaln dct contact and go financial suppercfor a ofthe tocens, Toc, stand programs Brae Universi) + Organized matinal an tacalfundrtsing event fr Bradley Untversty {Mentored andleag students to improve the professional ses ua contr for Heath Living, Peoria, 2017 Preset ‘Asses Needs, Resources and Capacity fer Heath Education Plan Health Edveation/ Promotion Implement Health Eveaion/Prametion ‘Asst Collecting Evaluation Research Related to Health Eucation/ Promotion ‘Administer and Manage Health Education Promotion Serve a a Heslh Edoeaton/Premotion Resource Person Communicate, Promote, and Advocate for Health, Health Education Promotion, and the Protesion RELATED EXPERIENCE 12017 BACCHUS inaives of NASPA General Assembly Presenter, Denver, CO_ November 2017 17 '"The Power of Perception” presentation focusing on the batande fect, sea aut, and + Received "Oustandig Per Eucaion Group” award Sexual Assault Anareness Moth Committe Chair, Peoria, dont207 et Yoursetf Tested Sexual screening, Peoria gh Shoat, I. Sont2017 Peoria Teen Summit, Mult Center for fealty Living, Peoria, I January 2017 Student Ale for Braley University, Peat som 007 oe es 4 ‘SW_032-000162 0845-041Souther Mink University Corton, Becht of Science Marketing cease Expected Graduation: May 2021 City Cateye of Cheng Chico. ‘Associ Aa eratieo May 2017 Work Experience Souter ints Univer Agus 2017 Present Work Sty Saden—tuan Renurss Anse phones and sist people with qin and det then the comet pron + Fie scendng w oe yer ‘Modigun-Quan Service Ofice Sur 2016, 2017 ‘mem + Advanced song conatunission hls by asiing over SD conta dy over the phone nin person nega cnsmuniy soins Horold Wesbiagon College January 2017 - May 2017 ‘Work Sty Sudo Financial Aid Depertent ‘+ Eaenced olgins perionlity by ints wih tks personel ‘Ong sl sharpened by generating ovr 00nd Wark stay ness hwecly ay sae peri I ‘September 2017 August 2015 ' Developed profsional beanie by conferencing wih pesonnel stoic popes + Faundedssion wo dtl il by working wi conden paperwork Volunteer Esperience Au Gren a Mivay Village Seether 2013 June 20°5 Grew conversational sls by spesing elt ident ding attics and vena * toproved asekeping shil by suing in esi aya Ltshon monly St Pu V. Church Sep 2012 June + Asis with lthing dive Worked inthe bitches serving and waking fod Lite Vilage Commanity Cllge Septomber 201) June 2012 Helped with fd dation + Decorated fie for haidays Activities, Membersips & Sue ‘Guna Ph Oregs at Soar Is Februry 2018 Present © Fundraise for American Db Astciton and Child Abuse Prevention {© Promote Lain ult evatens hough ves © Communi series entance presen around campus und coteuity + Yeutbook ‘August 2013 Jane 2015 1 Designed page in he yearbook Bll Yeutook writing + Stadet Cun © Organize, planed, snd advert schol evens © Grenedandastenbld decoione ‘+ Phi Thot Kappa lar Society Febery 2017 1 Fluent in Spat 2 Prafenttn Mero Ofcn Agus 2013— une 2015 ‘SW_032-000163, 0845 42 0845-0420845 / 43, ec: fe RITES. EXTERNAL Qesons “To Mad Maget (Come) arse Wade Come cem 2: nny maryuncent@Coneacon | guess another question unless you have already answered and | am just getting old, does, ‘Marina qualfy for our current internship? She isa fulltime student albeit a law student. Thanks. Mike (On Mar 28, 2018, at 10:19 AM, Wade, Margaret E:(ComEd)
wrote: Hi Mike, | heard back from my contactin Legal and the structure is outside ofthe intern programming ‘as we use it at ComEd. While the Legal department has an inter program, itis in conjunction with the Legal Council on Leadership Diversity (LCLD) and operated through Exelon's preferred law firms. Those lew fms wil hire the Intems and then second them to the Legal epariment as contractors for a few weeks over the summer. There is no paid internship, with the exception ofthe Delvacca interns in Pennsylvania end Baltimore | hope this is helpful Warmty, Maggs Original Message From: Michael McClain {] Sent Friday, March 23, 2018 10:07 PM To: Wade, Margaret E:(ComEd)
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [EXTERNAL] Questions Maggs. ‘As you are checking the possibilty ofthe legal intern would you ask Fidel to check on Marina, please? Thanks. Mike (On Mar 23, 2018, at 10:13 AM, Wade, Margaret E:(ComEd)
wrote: Hi Mike, would ths intern be looking for a spot the Legal department? Ifso, | know who Coordinates their interns that and could reach out for an answer on that. Generally frst year law students are not eligible, but it never hurts to ask As to Marina, | couldn't answer on performance - above my pay grade, Best, ‘SW_032-000164 0845-0430845/44 oye ~--Original Message— From: Michael McClain (] Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 1:43 PM To: Vincent, Mary M:(Coméd)
Co: Wade, Margaret E:(ComEd)
Subject [EXTERNAL] Questions Mary, My recollection is that we do not have any intemships for first year law students. That occasionally we get them for second. Am | correct? So, a previous intern is now inlaw school, but fist year. So, if she does not qualify for an intemship in our legal department does she stil qualify for a summer intern? Lastly, am inquiring for Marina Vasquez. She was a previous inter but she did not intern last year. My recollection is that she received unfavorable remarks when she worked for us previously. Is my memory good or bad? | do not want to tel the 13th Ward to submit only to be rejected, of course. Thanks, Best, Mike ‘This Email message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally privileged, confidential andlor subject to copyright belonging to Exelon Corporation or its afiates ("Exelon’). This Email is intended solely for the use ofthe person(s) to which itis addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery ofthis Email o the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying ofthis Email is strictly prohibited, If ou have received ‘this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this Email and any copies. Exelon policies expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory ‘or offensive statements and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by Email ‘communication. Exelon will not accept any lablty in respect of such communications, - EXCIP ‘SW_032-000165 0845-044From: Mle Metin retin ates et subject: fe: Sommaire lo: Macht 208 at 131 PA HiMary, | hope you do not see this item until Easter monday. ‘Mary, | am getting old. | do not remember if you told me what HR said about Liana Gonzalez? Would you remind me? Thanks. Best, Mike On May 4, 2017, at 3:32 PM, Michael McClain
wrote: Mary, Would you check with HR again on Liana Gonzelez? First ofall Liana tells the 22nd Legislative District that she is going to school again inthe Fall of 2017. Secondly, she told them that she talked with Dawn Berggren on Friday about the intamship and that Oawn seld ‘she would be calling her back this week on the placement. | tank you. My best, Mike Michae! McClain wrote Mike — Ifyou have one candidate with Earth Science Or environmental Major- | have a specific request for an internwe can immediately place him or her. Also engineering candidates with very strong / advanced excel , power point and sharepoint skis are Prefered. (On May 3, 2017, at 7:22 PM, Vincent, Mary Mi(ComEd)
Thx. From: Michoe! McCli malsmeclan adams.) ‘SW_032-000166 0845 / 45 0845-0450845 / 46 ‘Sent: tuesday, May Uz, 2U1/ 12:24 PM To: Vincent, Mary M:(ComEd) (Cet MeClin ike Subject: Re: Summer interns Tam on it. Michael MeClain (On May 1, 2017, at 4:31 PM, Vincent, Mary M:(ComEd) mmary.vincent@ComEd,com> wrote: Mike and Fidel - Checking in on the candidate summer intern resumes, It takes about 4 weeks to complete the initial screen, background check and other physical screenings. In order for interns to start on June 5" we will need the final resumes by Friday May 5", HR screened Liana and she does not currently qualify for ComEd's ‘summer internship program. Let me know if you have any questions. Mary Vincent This Email message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally privileged, confidential and/or subject to copyright belonging to Exelon Corporation or its affiliates ("Exelon"). This Email is intended solely for the use of the person(s) to which it is addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery of this Email to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this Email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this Email and any copies. Exelon policies expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory or Affancive etatamante and infrinnina any ennvrinht ar anu athar ‘SW_032-000167 0845-046om: Wad Margaret {ComEd sre tase sCon subject Soman Se oi: Ach 27 01007 AM Ge: care, May ton) my csr'@Car om Hi Mike, We will be sending Samantha's resume along to our social media team. ‘They currently have an full ime position open and will review her resume to see if she meets the criteria for the position. Will keep you posted on the stalus as it develops, -Maggs Margaret E. Wade | ComEd, an Exelon Compary|Extemal & LegiaveAfas | P- 312994 256 C: 7738164240 ‘This Email message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally privileged, confidential andlor subject to copyright belonging to Exelon Corporation or its affiates (Exelon’). This Emails intended solely forthe use of the person(s) to which it is ‘addressed. Ifyou are not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery ofthis Email tothe intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying ofthis Email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this ‘message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this Email and “any copies, Exelon policies expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory or offensive ‘statements and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by Email communication. Exelon will nt accept any liability in respect of such communications, -EXCIP ‘SW_032-000168, 0845 / 47 0845-047shee: Samara Somme Fidel, | hope this note finds you well Fidel, this is one of the 13th Ward intems. She has now graduated. She loved working with us. (My notes are sketchy but think it looks like she worked in e-commerce (social media) Is she someone our people may want to interview and take a look at for employment? | thank you, My best, Mike Samantha Schmi.-pat ‘SW_032-000169 0845 / 48 0845-0480845/49 Subject: fe: EXTERNAL Wooing Dies To: Facono tlre mark ons Com cn Ge: Marquee Fis Pal Marr Comes on Mark, | hope you are well Mark, did this ever work out | hope? My best, Mike Michael F. McClain 1300 Tuscany Drive, Quincy, IL 62305 (On Aug 6, 2018, at 8:36 AM, Michael McClain
wrote: ‘Thanks, Mark. | will have him send you a nate. | hope all is well with you. My best, Mike Michael F. McClain ‘ 1300 Tuscany Drive, Quincy, IL 62305 (On Aug 6, 2018, at 8:28 AM, Falcone, Mark A:(ComEd)
wrote Mike, | hope this note finds you welll 1d be happy to meet Torn | can reach out to him if you think that's the best approach — or have him send me a Note and we'll make arrangements ‘Thanks ‘SW_032-000203 0845-0490845 / 50 Mark From: Marquez Jr, Fidel(ComEd) Sent: Monday, August 08, 2018 7:46 AM ‘To: Michael McClain
; Falcone, Mark A:(ComEd) mark> Cc: McClain Mike
‘Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Meeting Dates, Yes Copying Mark here Fidel From: Michae! McCiain. Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 7:34 AM To: Marquez Jr, Fidel(ComEd) Co: McClain Mike ‘Subject: [EXTERNAL] Meeting Dates Fidel, Would you and Mark be comfortable if Tom Volini called Mark and set up a “get acquainted” meeting. The purpose would be to introduce himself to Mark. Please advise. My best, Mike Michael F, McClain 1300 Tuscany Drive, Quiney, 1L 62305 Begin forwarded message: From: Andrew Madigan
‘Subject: Meeting Dates Date: August 5, 2018 at 8:54:14 PM CDT To: "Michael F. McClain”
‘SW_032-000204 0845-0500845/51 Nike, Per our discussion, potential meeting dates with Mark Falcone: Moming of August 15, morning of August 16, and anytime on the 17th. If there is a certain week that is better let me know and | will coordinate dates for that week. ‘Thank you again Andrew This Email message and any attachment may contain information that is proprietary, legally privileged, confidential and/or subject to copyright belonging to Exelon Corporation or its affiliates ("Exelon"). This Email is intended solely for the use of the person(s) to which it is addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivery of this Email to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this Email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this Email and any copies. Exelon policies expressly prohibit employees from making defamatory or offensive staternents and infringing any copyright or any other legal right by Email communication. Exelon will not accept any liability in respect of such communications, -EXCIP - ‘SW_032-000205 0845-0510845/52 subject: fe EXTENAL| Epon ins ‘te August 20848 "fo: Marve Pea! Fe Maruex@Comcom Michal Meciain 1300 Tacay Ove Shiny th aza08 Sea Vic pet corsutant and end of Comes. The program desebed Below may ovis us wih sare Sat fie "ae ale mst to bag shes wth cur corperata rool responity prs, Conia there an contrbueen Gay tate dont he nthe Det Fiat Scat pyeneine™ ae scarae am on staid board ented “reeves” is irplamertng a regia that tied or upto fe years. ts now Utara et year fa ey tot, Conroy tis cal thence Scholrhp Tax Cnc ated to medumincome an lower core tudes 0 ‘eonvesclartigs to atena pte sets wich Reuce Cabo, Cvstn and Jesh ene Obvisay Cadel ich orn pope can donte mano and desanate a shoal to be th ec. That rid ten receives 475% of ‘heat sour fhe donetan ana ax codon tae ncome tat int Nt oer) So, why am wth yeu in your capi # Coma ha nino x urn cold be beefalo than nd the op a Emaoner ins was ike to comet Comes ana mate apse, ou va So,how dost wore for a corporation? The copeatin too would cee 75% th donation a tx crit on thei ‘etun Theory ilerence bewnen eecarporata menor, youll ann nti tht a corporation cant spety ‘are he chlrenp goes the ety, ke Emporia, woud deagrate, The importance hipaa or ‘Shatin sugges ne hou hat bby tree ot tof weather so nd cals et plang ‘cheantips nitousragbonood bt wh fe asian ete corporat ana thse sealants wold be halbed. Deraton are eapped oS, per oar so Renu bea esate consmuere the company 5a, have ota turn arf you snd te company wou the to have the preston | woul hope you wl tn rd i canbopr the proces of sett Ru. hank you, ‘reais 3-medg” program. ay best Mie ‘SW_032-000206 (0845-052‘Michael McClain From: ‘Amy Kurson
Sent: Monday, November 1 2016 3:46 PM To: rmeclain@adems:net ce Vietor Reyes Subject: RE: Reyes Kurson & Exelon/Coméd ("Coma") Mike — “This took me a bit longer to prepare than | had expected — but | needed to connect with my bling clerk and with our lead litigation attorney to make sure | was reciting accurate facts. ‘Thanks for taking our clljust now — here's the information we discussed, Best amy Citing ficult economictimes and changes in its corporate structure, in 2015 Coméd/Exelon (“ComEd reduced by 40% ‘the value of work that It committed to send to Reyes Kurson (fram 70 hours per month at higher biling rates to 47.5 hours per month at reduced billing rates). Ofcourse, the firm would like to have the higher commitment reinstated, but assuming that ComEd is unable to send 70 hours per month tothe fim, our preferred agreement would be a follows: 41. ComEd would continue to send 47:5 hours per month, such work delineated per below: 415.0 hours willbe asa “creit” for administrative hearing work that the fm bilson a fat-fe basi (this carve-out was agreed upon in 2015}; 150 hours will be made up of replevn work, tigation to be handled by junior associates at low hourly rates (ComEd recently agreed to send these kinds of cases tothe fim); and 1175 hours will be made up of tigation or transactional work tobe handled by partner-level attorneys at agreed-upon bling rates. 2._ Since we have already accepted the 40% reduction in value ofthe work, the most beneficial thing thet ComEd could do would be to make a multi-year extension commitment tothe firm. 3, ComEd would continue to send property damage (contingency bling) work, but in accordance with prior year Aiscussions,not include such workin its minimum commitment. Background From 2012-14 Reyes Kurson and ComEd/Exelon (“ComEd”) were parties to a written retainer agreement, wherein the ‘company committed to send the fr 70 hours per month of legal work. The company fullled its obligations under this agreement and allowed the fm to charge $400 per hour forthe work, In 2014-15, the firm asked ComEd to renew the agreement, bu the company refused, citing economic dificulties. Our firm reached out fr help, and after months of negotiations, in June 2036, ComEd finaly agreed to send 47.5 hours per ‘SW_032-000207 0845 53 (0845-053month tobe billed at “rates as agreed between the partis." As a result, the firm's annual bilings to Coméd for non contingent work decreased by approximately 40%, In 2016, Comed has nearly fulfil its obligation to send the frm 47.5 hours per month. The frm continues to handle administrative hearing work ona ft fee basis, and the parties have agreed that this work counts as 15 hours per month toward the goa. In addition, the firm has wrapped up lingering commercial litigation cases, whieh have averaged ‘approximately 30 hours per month In October 2016, Comed committed to send the frm 1-2 cases per week of repevi, very simple tigation cases. By ‘agreement, this work's tobe performed by junior associates at ow rates. ComEd gid not indicate whether this work wil be counted towards 47.5 hour commitment. ‘Since 2012, the frm has handled ComEd's property damage claims on a contingent biling basis. This high-volume, low ‘margin work has allowed ComEd to cleim credit for working with a minority certified law firm, but it has nat been particularly profitable forthe frm. Within the lst 60 days, ComEd has increased the value of cares referred to the firm, and we are hopeful thatthe profitability will continue to improve over time. Because the property damage cases are handled on an at-risk bass by the frm, Comd and Reyes Kurson have net included the property damage cases as part ‘of negotiations about minimum levels of hourly legal work. you have any questions, please do not hesitate to cll me. Amy Kurson cell 847/722-3744 Reyes Kurson, Ltd 328 South Jefferson —909 Chicago, ilinots 60681, Office 312/332-0055, From: Amy Kurson Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 9:16 AM To: Ce: Victor Reyes
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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Little Women
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