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Physics OF Impossible

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Allen Lane £20

Title, author
and publisher
(and price) Physics of the Impossible, By Michio Kaku
Precognition may not be possible, but a speculative physicist can
predict a future of teleportation and starships

Reviewed by Doug Johnstone

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Michio Kaku doesn't know the meaning of the word "impossible". Or rather,
to be slightly more accurate, he has redefined the term to enable him
One-sentence realistically to examine and predict the future of science and technologies,
summary of from teleportation and time travel to robots and starships.
topic of book
If this sounds like wild speculation, well, that's half right – it's certainly
speculative, but it's far from wild. Kaku is well placed to try to imagine what
developments might possibly occur in the fields of science and technology
over the coming years, centuries, millennia and aeons.

He is an esteemed theoretical physicist and one of the world's leading

Author’s authorities on string theory (essentially an attempt to discover a "theory of
credentials and everything" combining all of the known physical forces), and he also
prior work specialises in future science, having presented several television programmes
on the topic, most recently the BBC4 documentary Visions of the Future.

Handily, for those of us not au fait with the process of speculating on the
Description of future of physics, he's split his impossibilities into three categories. Class I
contents of impossibilities are technologies which are impossible today, but don't violate
book – first, a the known laws of physics. Kaku reckons that these impossibilities –
summary of including things such as teleportation and psychokinesis – might be possible
what’s in some reduced form sometime within the next couple of hundred years.
Class II impossibilities such as time machines and hyperspace travel are at
the very edge of our scientific understanding, and may take millions of years
to become possible. And the trickiest of all, Class III impossibilities, are
technologies which break the laws of physics as we know them.
Surprisingly, there are very few of these, and Kaku only examines two,
perpetual motion machines and precognition (seeing into the future).

If this all sounds like pie in the sky, think again. After all, how would
Reviewer’s physicists 200 years ago have reacted if you'd told them about the internet,
commentary the atomic bomb or the moon landings? What would they have made of
on contents of Einstein's theory of relativity?
What this book amounts to, in effect, is a serious look at the science behind
all the crazy futuristic ideas that have been cropping up in science fiction
over the years. Indeed, there are so many references to Star Trek and Star
Wars scattered throughout this entertaining journey, that you sometimes
wonder if physicists just spend all their time watching old sci-fi re-runs and
trying to work out how to recreate the technologies included in them.
That's not to say that Physics of the Impossible is far-fetched. Kaku is very
Reviewer’s careful to present his cases in terms of recent scientific and technological
judgment: developments where possible, and for the most part he is a clear and
mostly engaging writer, able to tackle some mind-boggling physics concepts in
positive, but terms which are fairly easy to grasp.
note that
there are
In this respect, he fares better in the earlier chapters, when dealing with his
some critical
Class I impossibilities. As the book progresses into more and more
speculative territory, he is forced to rely less on extrapolating current
research and development, and more on purely theoretical physics.

He indulges himself a little when talking about possible time travel and
parallel universes, including perhaps a little too much high-end theory for
the average reader, but that is a minor fault in what is otherwise a truly
fascinating read.

So, what are the chances of force fields, telepathy, sentient robots and
Some teleportation occurring in our lifetimes? Pretty good, but not in the way that
examples of Captain Kirk or Han Solo experienced them, that's for sure. Teleportation,
issues for example, is already possible at a quantum level, scientists having
tackled in successfully transported the information about an atom across a lab
the book – instantaneously. It's hugely complex, fraught with problems, and we're still a
gives reader very, very long way from "Beam me up, Scotty". But the physics does back
a better idea
it up.
of what it
would be like
Similarly, researchers working on helping paralysed people have had some
to read.
success in using brain waves to actually manipulate physical objects. Using
microchips inserted in the brain, special software and hardware and a
process called a biofeedback loop, patients can train their brains to signal for
tasks to be performed. Again, this is a million miles from Carrie burning
down the school dance in the Stephen King horror film, but it's remarkable

And what about starships? Kaku examines no less than 10 different methods
of travelling to the stars, from plasma engines to solar sails, space elevators
to nanoships. For many of these ideas, the physics is well known, but there
are still colossal problems to overcome in terms of creating suitable
technology at a cost which wouldn't cripple the world's economy.

In one sense, this is an intriguing vision of our possible development over

Snappy the forthcoming millennia, but at the same time it's also frustrating. After
conclusion. reading Kaku's boundless enthusiasm for the future, what you wouldn't give
for a real-life time machine to travel forwards and see just how accurate his
predictions are.

Doug Johnston's new novel is 'The Ossians' (Viking £12.99)

This is a very positive review, and consequently has a rather high ratio of description to discussion: the book obviously
engaged the reviewer’s enthusiasm, so he spends a lot of time telling the reader about things he’s learned from the book. A
less positive review would probably devote more space to critical discussion, with examples of what went wrong (see the next
review for an example).
Note that, even though the style of the review is not particularly formal, it is not personal: the reviewer does not say “I
thought that the earlier chapters were the best”, he says “[Kaku] fares better in the earlier chapters”, and then goes on to
explain why he thinks so. You, the reader, do not know the reviewer personally, and don’t want subjective opinions: you want
considered judgments backed up by evidence.
Lab fab guide to life
Natalie Angier's The Canon attempts to explain science to the layman
but is defeated by its subject's denseness, says Ian Beetlestone

Ian Beetlestone
The Observer,
Sunday January 13 2008

The Canon - The Beautiful Basics of Science

by Natalie Angier
Faber & Faber £17.99, pp293

The premise of The Canon, illustrated by the author's sister cancelling her
Again, we start children's science museum membership as they reach adolescence, is that
with an intro- there is an imbalance to be redressed. Why is it that worldly Manhattan
duction setting sophisticates feel a working knowledge of the arts is a prerequisite for a
the context, and fulfilled existence, but that the sciences are irrelevant, something for nerdy
a brief summary adults with no social skills to obsess about?
of the topic of This book sets out an alternative pantheon. Instead of Shakespeare,
the book. Chaucer, Bach, Beethoven, Rembrandt and Picasso, here's the Big Bang, cell
structure, evolution and DNA. It's alluring, exciting even, to be shown 'the
fairy tales of sciences that happen to be true'. Sciences are 'hard the way This reviewer
diamonds and rubies are hard,' Angier tells us. 'They're built to last and they makes extensive
sure look swell in the light.' use of quotes to
Starting with the idea that 'the best way to teach science to non-scientists give a feel for
is to go for depth over breadth', Angier's research takes her to numerous the book’s style
leaders in their field to find out what they wish people better understood. and the author’s
This is then set out in chapters covering physics, chemistry, evolutionary and viewpoint.
molecular biology, geology and astronomy, with a couple of ice-breaking
chapters discussing probability, measurement and scientific thinking.
Reviewer’s It's all very promising, but The Canon is a narrative of promise
judgment: likes unfulfilled. Angier's chapters are long, dense and absolutely packed with
the idea, theory. This needn't be a bad thing, but the writer's presentation is
unconvinced by meandering and counterproductive. '[Science is] fun the way rich ideas are
the execution. fun. Understanding how things work feels good. Look no further - there's
your should.' This is Angier's argument for our participation in her re-
education project, but the writing gives a different impression.
Jokes are built into almost every paragraph and their structure, usually a
series of serious scenarios followed by a comical one, is tiresome. On the
Examples to phenomena of physics, she asks: 'What distinguishes a fundamental force of
justify the nature from the more familiar, frightening forces of nature, like hurricanes,
judgment (again, earthquakes, Donald Trump's hairpiece?' Here, the
note that this is Angier argues that science is for sophisticates and then spends an entire quotes are used
not presented as book dressing it up in silly clothes to make it more palatable. Not only is this to illustrate a
a personal annoying, it is self-defeating. 'I like science,' she writes, 'I trust it.' Yet her criticism of the
opinion). text tells a different story. The folksy humour and the optimistic, upbeat book’s style.
delivery are perhaps just a manifestation of native style in what is a very
American book; in fact The Canon is at its most successful when this is in
the foreground. The chapter on evolution is an impassioned plea for reason
that holds an extra anthropological significance for the British reader. 'Only
Balancing the 35 per cent of American adults agreed with the statement that "evolution is a
criticism by scientific theory well supported by the evidence",' we're told. From over
pointing out here, that is pretty startling.
some of the There are further successes elsewhere. The chapter on geology begins at
book’s good the Earth's iron core and progresses, layer by layer, to the furthest reaches of
features. the atmosphere. It's a logical sequence and a narrative the lay reader can
easily follow. It ends by segueing with great skill into the final chapter on
astronomy, with a discussion of that unimaginably profound experience
known only to a handful of fortunate space pioneers, 'the transformative
moment when they first looked down on the oneness of bright-blue marble
Earth, their only home, and Earth looked back and said, "I know."' It is
gorgeously put, but there are too few similarly moving moments in a book
that promised many.
Conclusion: the But then, enticing though the premise was, it was flawed. Science cannot
author has set be accessed in this way. The layman wants a demonstration. Science
herself an maintains its outsider status not by means of a conspiracy against its
impossible task. nerdiness, but because, as its advocate readily enthuses, it is big, unwieldy,
impossible to pin down. Still, The Canon makes a valiant attempt.

This is a more critical review, and written in a somewhat different style: the English is more formal, and there is far
more use of direct quotes to illustrate points (this is a legitimate use of direct quotes, and is not plagiarism since the
quotes are clearly marked). However, note that the basic structure is very similar: an introduction giving the context and
a brief summary of the topic of the book, followed by a more detailed description of the book’s content and approach
combined with critical judgment about how successful it is, and finally a snappy conclusion summarising the overall verdict.
Although the language is more formal, also note the similarity in overall style: again, the critical comments are not
presented as personal opinion, but as considered judgments backed up by evidence.

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