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The Tech Recruiter's 2022 Handbook PDF

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The Tech Recruiter’s 2022 Handbook:

How to Build a Remote

Hiring System

A step-by-step guide to interviewing and onboarding the best

remote software engineers.


Hiring Developers Remotely 03

in 2022

Step 01
Leadership Conversations 04
& Getting Buy-In

Step 02
Selecting Software Platforms 07
& Service Partners

Step 03
Rewiring the Interview Process 11
for Remote Hiring

Step 04
The Selection & Onboarding 15

Hiring Developers
Remotely in 2022

The verdict is in: businesses that Four Steps to Success

want to enter 2022 with a
competitive edge in the technical In this ebook, we offer actionable guidance around how
to build and optimize your modernized, remote hiring
hiring market must make remote process - from interviews to onboarding - that will result
hiring a core part of their strategy. in a great candidate experience, improve your
acceptance rates, and keep your engineering team
happy and productive.
In 2020, nearly 70% of businesses said that they were
making long-term changes to management practices We’re sharing our decade of experience hiring remote

to adapt to remote work. We’re seeing that this year, software engineers from around the world to explain:

with 75% of software developer jobs classified as remote

and 86% of engineers preferring to work remotely.

How to align with C-suite

Remote work means global talent is 01 objectives, justify remote hiring,
and rectify concerns
up for grabs - by you and everyone
else scrambling for engineering talent.

In what has become one of the most intense hiring What to look for during the tools,
environments for technical talent, businesses that come 02 services, and platform selection
into the new year knee-deep in manual processes and process
in-office requirements will lose the best candidates to
employers who give talent what they want.

Replicating the traditional process digitally won’t work

How to restructure the interview
from both experience and logistics standpoints, so 03 process for remote hiring
where do you start? And if you’ve already begun hiring
remotely, how can you improve the process?
Formalizing an effective, scalable remote hiring process
takes iteration, and most of all, know-how.
Tips for crafting a great remote
Luckily, we’ve got the know-how!
04 onboarding process for candidates


Leadership Conversations
& Getting Buy-In
Leadership Conversations & Getting Buy-in 05

There are two parties with Q&A: Common

which TA teams must align Concerns
before structuring a formal
Clarifying benefits and resolving concerns are essential
remote hiring system for to getting everyone on board. Codility works closely with
software engineers: company key stakeholders and engineering teams to identify their
technical hiring needs so that the systems they set up
leadership and engineering will help them achieve their goals.
management. Here are the most common concerns we hear (and
answers you can provide):

Making sure the leaders at your company are on

board with hiring engineers remotely will inform the
foundation of your recruitment process to align with
Can we guarantee an ROI on what
business objectives. Ask the leadership team to share
broader, long-term company goals that will touch we’ll invest in platforms and
your hiring strategy (like diversity benchmarks, and a services to hire remotely?
shared definition of diversity).

Work closely with engineering management to Selecting the best tools and platforms will improve
understand personnel goals and the finer details (like the accuracy of our assessments, and therefore
the number and seniority of engineering hires, increase the chances that we are making the right
timelines, and needed vs. desired technical skills and hires - reducing turnover and improving the
soft skills). quality of output. We’ll also see ROI in the reduced
amount of time it takes to vet and hire candidates.
Next, you’ll need to demonstrate how a remote hiring
strategy will provide the company with more value.
Unity, for example, ran 750
software engineering candidate
tests over a 3 month period, saving
2,200 hours of interview time.

What if our virtual engineers

struggle with working remotely?

76% of software developers said

working remotely makes them
happier (The State of Remote
Work for Engineers).
Leadership Conversations & Getting Buy-in 06

and 42% of managers said they How can the TA team assess
42% saw an increase in developer technical aptitude remotely if they
productivity during remote work
don’t know code?
in 2020.

There are virtual engineering skills testing

Almost 60% of managers said platforms that automate much of the assessment
60% remote work had a positive process and for a long list of coding languages. TA
impact on developer teams won’t need to have the technical expertise
productivity (Statista). to conduct these tests.

While our engineering teams will still review

Part of our modernized hiring strategy will be assessment performance to help us determine the
prioritizing assessment of the soft skills that signal best fit, smart technology will save them (and us)
whether a developer will be successful working time, reducing the time gap between
remotely. engagement and offer.

We’ll ensure that we provide our virtual hires with

the right tools so they can be productive - and that
will involve early coordination with departments
like IT.

There are a ton of remote

hiring tools out there. How will
you determine which ones are

Validity measurements, which are based on science

and research, are a great way to assure a platform’s
effectiveness in assessing engineering skills.

Customer references are another valuable vetting

tactic for our software and services selection
process. (We’ll discuss this further in Step 2).


Selecting Software
Platforms & Service
Selecting Software Platforms & Service Partners 08

When you find the right The Must-Haves

engineers, the challenge will lie in Checklist for a Skills
creating a truly engaging
Testing Platform
interview process that will get
them to say “yes!” to your job offer. Skills testing is the heart of your selection process.
Since remote engineers can’t come into the office
to complete a coding test, you’ll need an
This is particularly true for remote hires because
assessment platform that checks some seriously
there’s less face time involved.
important boxes:

And while you want to drive a high

acceptance rate, you also want to be Globally compliant
sure you’re offering jobs to the best Choose a platform that meets regulatory
standards, like GDPR, across the continents
candidates who will remain with the
in which you plan to recruit - or face
company for a long time. roadblocks and heavy fines.

These core needs are why replicating the manual,

in-office recruiting operations will prove ineffective.
Think outside of the box and consider partnerships
that make financial and logistical sense in terms of Does the platform integrate multiple

recruitment and application tracking, skills testing, security measures into the testing process?

payroll processing, and ongoing engagement. Look for a sophisticated, real-time candidate
ID verification process, anti-plagiarism
safeguards, and the ability to track IP

You can rest easy knowing the person taking

the assessment is who they say they are, and
is generating their own work.

Automated Analytics
How is the platform helping you streamline
the assessment process with data-driven

AI-driven and automated analysis features will

help TA teams do more of the heavy lifting,
and also reduce the presence of inherent bias
at the testing stage.
Selecting Software Platforms & Service Partners 09

Validity Accessibility & UX

There are testing platforms, and then there Diversity means many things, so make sure
are testing platforms that use a proven your testing platform is accessible to
scientific basis for their evaluation criteria. everyone. Beyond that, a user-friendly
Validity is a look at accuracy and precision. interface will eliminate potential test-taker
Ask for product-based validity research from
the vendor, and see if they have a Chief
Organizational Psychologist on staff who
works to scientifically prove that the
assessments are legitimate. True to the job
Not only will this improve the accuracy of your There are many testing platforms out there
skills assessment at a distance, but it will also that measure developers on obscure
protect you from discrimination lawsuits. computer science concepts they’ll never
actually use.

Make sure your skills testing provider offers

assessments that reflect the context of the
Flexibility developer’s day-to-day work.
Will you need to test for ten different coding
Also, a platform that analyzes how a
languages across engineering teams? Do you
candidate thinks and solves problems
expect to hire a data scientist? Do you want to
provides some insights into how they’ll
include a whiteboarding session in your
operate in a remote environment.

Look for a platform that has a sufficient

variety of assessments for as many languages,
roles, and engineering skills as possible.

Super-niche testing platforms will prevent you

from evolving your hiring process in tune with
company changes.

Customer referrals
Customers don’t make money from reviewing
a vendor, so it’s a good way to get an honest

If a vendor can’t connect you with several

customers who will vouch for them, that’s a
red flag. Be sure to also look at reviews on
respected review sites like G2 and Capterra.
Selecting Software Platforms & Service Partners 10

Helpers We Love!
Codility only works with the best, so let us save you some search time. Below is a list of service providers and platforms that
we recommend to clients who are building out their global remote hiring strategy for technical talent.

Gem is an all-in-one recruiting platform that Deel works with customers on the cutting edge
offers holistic visibility into the hiring funnel, of technology, like Coinbase, Dropbox, and
including analytics to measure your ROI. Shopify.

The platform integrates with LinkedIn, email, and Deel provides HR departments with payroll and
other applicant tracking systems (ATS). compliance tools for employees in more than
150 countries - which means you’ll avoid hefty
With customers like Slack, Twilio, and Lyft, Gem
compliance fines and save time on navigating
has earned its ever-bigger following in the tech
complex regulations across geographies.
recruitment funnel and analytics sphere.

Africa is THE fastest growing continent for Engagement doesn’t end once a candidate
developers, making it a hotspot for recruiters accepts employment - 83% of developers want
seeking diversity. But hiring across 54 markets “new challenges and continuous learning
you’re unfamiliar with is no small task - that’s opportunities” at their job.
where Andela comes in.
CultureAmp knows culture comes first, which is
The company uses data to match companies why they’ve refined their products around
with the best fit, vet candidates, and support employee development, engagement, and
onboarding to connect you with Africa’s best performance management.
CultureAmp helps managers recognize good
In addition to providing peace of mind, Andela work - even if it’s done thousands of miles away -
greatly reduced the overhead of doing this and create cultures in which top performers want
in-house. to stay.


Rewiring the
Interview Process
for Remote Hiring
Rewiring the Interview Process for Remote Hiring 12

What’s the difference Speed + Simplicity

between an in-person
= Your Winning Combo
interview and a Zoom
interview? Candidate experience is now king, with much of that
experience relying on how much time you ask for and how
well you use it.
A lot. For one, technical problems like
frozen video or a mic that’s not working Pre-pandemic, it was not uncommon for software
can throw a wrench in an already development candidates to spend a month (or more, for
stressful situation for the candidate senior engineers) going through various rounds of in-person
(particularly for the introverted engineer). interviews and completing coding tests on-site. But in today’s
aggressive remote hiring market, moving faster than your
When it comes to skills testing, the steps
competitors is a crucial part of getting the best candidates to
that TA teams took before remote work
accept an offer.
(verifying identity, being able to see the
candidate coding in real-time) are now You can reduce the steps and complexity of the remote
gone. interview process and improve the accuracy of your
assessment in three ways:

This means you’ll need the

right tools in place to ensure Standardize interview formats

the security, precision, and

Swap manual processes for automation
breadth of your former
where it makes sense
testing processes carries
Assess the soft skills needed for a remote
over remotely.
work setting

Let your candidate know what to expect going into
each phase of the interview process. What format will
the interview be in? How long will it take? How will the
candidate be expected to work with the person they
are speaking with?

Overcommunicating this information will show the

candidate you care, provide a better experience for
them, and keep interviews on track.
Rewiring the Interview Process for Remote Hiring 13

Why Standardized Where Automation

Interviews are Optimal Makes Sense
for Remote Hiring
Also known as a structured interview, a standardized Speed and simplicity should materialize in condensing
interview follows a formula of consistent question and reducing the number of steps a candidate must
formats to keep interviewers on track and provide a take to complete the interview process.
template for note-taking.
Automation makes sense in three areas: the resume
By preventing interviewers from going off-topic and screening process; the skills testing phase; and
requiring a written accounting, it makes the most of follow-up correspondence for candidates that were
the time allotted. not selected.

It’s also a great way to prepare thoughtful, quality

questions that are rooted in competencies to better
assess a candidate’s fit. (One structured interview has
Automating CV reviews
shown to be as productive as three or more makes high volumes of
unstructured interviews.)
applications manageable and
As you settle into your remote hiring process,
structured interviews are more important than ever
removes inherent bias from
because they promote equitable evaluation by another touchpoint in the
reducing the role that unconscious bias plays in the
process (via gatekeeping
human-to-human process.
based solely on qualifications).

Less unconscious bias in the

interview process means you’ll Automated skills testing like Codility helps TA teams
without technical knowledge gather assessment data
have an easier time moving that will help engineering teams' better gauge skill

diverse candidates through and fit. Otherwise, TA teams must sift through a long
list of tests without knowing if they are the best fit, and
your recruitment pipeline. engage in a high-touch process of scheduling,
administering, and reviewing the assessment.
With more access to talent across the globe (and Automating rejections to applicants is a
cultures), off-the-cuff interview questions can really time-consuming task but a necessary one - ghosting
complicate the ability to get a holistic view of a applicants will harm a company’s reputation. Consider
candidate. automating customizable rejection letters, as well as
generating and collecting feedback on the interview
process for future improvement.
Rewiring the Interview Process for Remote Hiring 14

For the human-centered touchpoints, What Soft Skills

review your pre-remote hiring process.
Assessment Affect
Who is essentially duplicating interviews? Who won’t Staying Power
be working directly with the candidate that may not be
adding value to the interview process?
In a remote work environment, measuring soft
skills is as important as “hard” technical skills.
Consider whether group or “panel” interviews make
Why? Because a talented coder won’t last if he or
sense (with no more than three interviewers at a time).
she can’t communicate and work well with team
Panel interviews also help you see how dynamics play members. In fact, a lack of soft skills is behind
out with the potential new hire. most firings.

Empower the candidate to determine who they speak

with beyond the core interview team - after all, they are Certain soft skills have become
interviewing you as much as you’re interviewing them.
even more important in a
Offer them the chance to speak with other employees
virtual work environment since
they might be working with (or for) so they can
determine how many more steps they take. remote employees need to
have self-discipline, be flexible
communicators, and be able to
integrate feedback, among
The Importance of Emphasizing
Professional Development others.
Measuring values is another great predictor of
Your interview questions should include professional turnover because if the candidate is used to
development topics that demonstrate the job’s working differently than the team they’re on,
opportunity for growth potential. their proficiency becomes less important. For
example, a new developer that emails around the
Remote workers want to know their performance will
clock will disrupt an engineering team that
be seen and rewarded in a virtual environment,
prioritizes work/life balance.
especially if they are part of a hybrid team where others
are getting face time. Looking to leverage a framework around
gauging soft skills? We love Arctic Shores, which
Asking about what their long-term professional goals
uses a neuroscience-based approach to help TA
are, how they’d like to grow within the company, and
teams measure candidates’ personal strengths
what skills they’d like to learn can demonstrate that the
(like creativity and resilience) and get behavioral
company values employee development. If your
insights beyond their CVs.
company offers perks around professional development
and training opportunities, put that in the job posting.
The Selection & Onboarding Process 15


The Selection
& Onboarding
The Selection & Onboarding Process 16

In 2022’s competitive job market Remote Onboarding:

where lucrative offers abound
The Final Frontier
for engineers, candidates now
have the power. Since candidates aren’t walking into the office on day one
and getting their laptop directly from IT down the hall, TA
Carry over that fast-moving mindset from the teams need to re-think the onboarding process so that
interview process by presenting the candidate candidates feel both welcomed and oriented. Start with
with the best offer possible. The shift to remote answering two questions:
work has made benchmarking compensation
more complicated because candidate salary can What does onboarding mean for your
vary by region, function, and fluctuating supply organization?
vs. demand.

When you lose an offer, understand why - if an What is the goal of onboarding?

underwhelming salary and benefits package is a

recurring reason, it’s time to readjust budget
Answer these questions by:
Candidate experience has become
so important that companies are Establishing cross-department
now awarded for it! coordination.

HR sends benefits and payroll paperwork,

The Talent Board’s CandE Award feeds into
engineering management wants the new hire
ongoing research efforts to identify candidate
onboarded quickly for pressing projects, and IT
experience gaps.
is deploying software and hardware.
The Talent Board also offers candidate experience
audits to help TA teams improve. Think you
qualify? Consider applying! Aside from checking to-dos off
everyone’s list, how will each
department ensure the
candidate has a great experience

Set goals with each department (like, “in 10

days we want to be here, in 30 days we want to
be here”). Once you’ve refined this, it will be
easy to do at scale.
The Selection & Onboarding Process 17

An Important Note on Scaling

Once the candidate has accepted your offer, We’ll be honest: you will run into issues
work with IT as early as possible to make sure as you scale your remote hiring process,
they have the hardware they need and that all
access is secure.
more so toward the end of the funnel.

The pandemic’s ensuing supply shortage is

That’s why it’s good to start small and iron out the kinks as
affecting every corner of every industry, and
you expand your remote hiring process company-wide.
you don’t want to find out there’s no laptop or
app access for your engineer’s first day!
For example, data protection laws in various countries are
getting stricter and continue to evolve, which is why we
suggest partnering with platforms and providers who take
that seriously and already understand the landscape.

Collecting data Security will be another issue you’ll encounter. Not all
companies have VPNs yet, and when employees are
Data is more important than ever before if
working from anywhere, consistent network access is
you want to truly understand your pipeline
important. Work with providers who prioritize security via
metrics, conversion rates, diversity ratios,
certifications. IT should audit every partner before
and of course, the ROI your executive team
was concerned about from the beginning
- so do what you can to measure your
Earlier in this ebook, we put “validity” on the checklist -
onboarding effectiveness.
opting for a skills testing platform that hasn’t proven
How (and when) will you collect core scientific validity in how it assesses candidates will come
feedback metrics about the onboarding back to haunt you at scale. A lack of ROI, increased
process from new hires? turnover, and incompatible candidates will force you to
re-tool your testing platforms at a much more difficult
Iterating around data will help you foster a
phase of growth.
strong relationship with your engineering

Is your virtual recruitment process

TIP up and running? Congrats!
Examine which steps in the onboarding
Now it’s time to read our Guide to Remote-First Hiring,
process are taking up time and think about
which outlines the cultural practices that have a
where you can automate them.
data-based link to high retention rates for remote workers.
There are great automated onboarding flows
and systems out there (we recommend

Ready to start
building your
remote recruiting
If you’ve reached the end of this ebook,
then consider yourself a newly minted,
remote-savvy tech recruiter.

Take the next step and book

a demo with us.

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