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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI

Prepared by Princess Grate


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define the Ecosystem
b. identify the biotic and abiotic factors
c. appreciate the importance of Ecosystem
d. draw an Ecosystem

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Ecosystem
b. Materials: Pictures, Manila paper
c. Value focus: Respect and conservation of ecosystem

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
a. Elicit
Good morning class! Good morning maam.

Who will lead the prayer? ( the assign student will lead the prayer)

Before we proceed, kindly pick those ( the students will follow)

paper under your chair and arrange your
chair properly.
none ma’am.
You may now sit.
So. let’s check your attendance. Who is
absent today?

Very good that all of you are present. it’s all about matter.

Let’s have a quick recap in our previous

lesson. What topic we discussed
yesterday? Matter is anything that has weight and
takes up space.
Correct! How can you define matter?

Very good. Your pets, television and

table everything is made up of matter.
b. Engage
Everybody look at this picture, What can it has water, plants and animals
you see in the picture?
okay, what about else? It has water and trees
Very good. This picture shows the
importance of nature which is it consist a
lot of sources of foods and it helps
people to lived.
c. Explore

Before we start our lesson, let’s have an

activity. Answer this following lettters to
form a words.
1. air
1. rai- 2. sunlight
2. thlusngi- 3. cow
3. wco- 4. human
4. nhmau- 5. temperature
5. eruttemarpe-
(students will clap their hands)
Very good you got all the right answer.
Let’s have a clap!
d. Explain

As you can see on the board, there is a

word posted here, everybody please “ECOSYSTEM”
read on the board “ECOSYSTEM”

What comes in to your mind when you (the pupils will answer)
heard the word ECOSYSTEM? plants, animals, biotic, abiotic)

Now let’s put it altogether what is an (students will read in the manila paper)
ecosystem? Ecosystem is a specific place where living
things interact with non living things.

Very good! Fish, tress, grasses, snakes, fish ponds,

Try to recall of what do you see in a river, cats, dogs
sea, forest or any ecosystem existing in
the community?

Well done!
There are two components of an
1. Biotic Factors
2. Abiotic Factors

Biotic factors are all organisms that live

in an ecosystem or living things in a Plants, animals, fish, whale shark, dog,
short. human, birds
Give me an example of biotic factors.

Very good!
Temperatue, Sunlight, Air, Water,
Abiotic Factors are all the non living Minerals
components of an ecosystem.

Can you give me an example of abiotic


Very good!

There are 2 kinds of an ecosystem,

Terrestrial ecosystem and Aquatic
ecosystem. Terrestrial is exclusively land-
based ecocsystem.The Aquatic is present
in a body of water

Example of small ecosystem is a rotten

log. Another is a tree, a plotted plant.
While big ecosystem are ocean, forest

That is why It is important to protect our Yes teacher.

ecosystem since it give us sources to
lived, they provide foods,
nutrients,medicines and other purposes.
To take care our ecosystem we need to
plant more trees and preserved our

Do you understand?
e. Elaborate
Let’s sum up what we have discussed,
what is an ECOSYTEM? Ecosystem is made up of living and non
living things that interacting with each

What are the two components of an biotic and abiotic factors


What is the example of biotic? flowers, animals

What about abiotic? Air, sunlight

What are the importance of an It gives us food and other resources to
ecocsystem? live.

Very good class!

f. Extend

I will group you into two groups. Each

group should draw an Ecosystem. List the
biotic and abiotic of your own
Each group should have a repoter to
present your drawing. I will give you 10
minutes to finish your activity Yes ma’am.
Do you understand class?

Okay, your time starts now.

g. Evaluate

A. Identify if what kind of ecosystem is

given below. Choose the answer below.

A. Terrestrial ecosystem
B. Aquatic ecosystem

_______1. Sea 1. B
_______2. Grassland 2. A
_______3. Pond 3. B
_______4. River 4. B
_______5. Forest 5. A

B. Determine the following if its biotic or

abiotic. Write B if its biotic and A if its
1. A
1. Water-
2. B
2. Animals-
3. A
3. Sunlight-
4. A
4. oil-
5. B
5. Plants-

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