Risk Management and Financial Institutions: by John C. Hull
Risk Management and Financial Institutions: by John C. Hull
Risk Management and Financial Institutions: by John C. Hull
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
1. Linear products: a product whose value is linearly dependent on the value of the
underlying asset price. Forward, futures, and swaps are linear products; options
are not.
E.g. Goldman Sachs have entered into a forward with a gold mining firm. Goldman
Sachs borrows gold from a central bank and sell it at the current market price. At the
end of the life of the forward, Goldman Sachs buys gold from the gold mining firm
and uses it to repay the central bank.
2. Delta neutrality is more feasible for a large portfolio of derivatives dependent on
a single asset. Only one trade in the underlying asset is necessary to zero out delta
for the whole portfolio.
3. Gamma: if it is small, delta changes slowly and adjustments to keep a portfolio
delta neutral only need to be made relatively infrequently.
∂ 2Π
Gamma =
∂S 2
- Gamma is positive for a long position in an option (call or put).
- A linear product has zero Gamma and cannot be used to change the gamma of a
4. Vega
- Spot positions, forwards, and swaps do not depend on the volatility of the
underlying market variable, but options and most exotics do.
- ν=
- Vega is positive for long call and put;
- The volatilities of short-dated options tend to be more variable than the volatilities
of long-dated options.
5. Theta: time decay of the portfolio.
- Theta is usually negative for an option. An exception could be an in-the-money
European put option on a non-dividend-paying stock or an in-the-money European
call option on a currency with a very high interest rate.
- It makes sense to hedge against changes in the price of the underlying asset, but it
does not make sense to hedge against the effect of the passage of time on an
option portfolio. In spite of this, many traders regard theta as a useful statistic. In a
delta neutral portfolio, when theta is large and positive, gamma tends to be large
and negative, and vice versa.
6. Rho: the rate of change of a portfolio with respect to the level of interest rates.
Currency options have two rhos, one for the domestic interest rate and one for
the foreign interest rate.
7. Taylor expansions:
- if ignoring terms of higher order dt and assuming delta neutral and volatility and
interest rates are constant, then
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
ΔΠ = ΘΔt + ΓΔS 2
- Options traders make themselves delta neutral – or close to delta neutral at
the end of each day. Gamma and vega are monitored, but are not usually
managed on a daily basis.
- There is one aspect of an options portfolio that mitigates problems of managing
gamma and vega somewhat. Options are often close to the money when they are
first sold so that they have relatively high gammas and vegas. However, as time
elapses, the underlying asset price has often changed sufficiently for them to
become deep out of the money or deep in the money. Their gammas and vegas are
then very small and of little consequence. The nightmare scenario for a trader is
where written options remain very close to the money as the maturity date is
1. LIBID, the London Interbank Bid Rate. This is the rate at which a bank is
prepared to accept deposits from another bank. The LIBOR quote is slightly
higher than the LIBID quote.
- Large banks quote 1, 3, 6 and 12 month LIBOR in all major currencies. A bank
must have an AA rating to qualify for receiving LIBOR deposits.
- How LIBOR yield curve be extended beyond one year? Usually, create a yield
curve to represent the future short-term borrowing rates for AA-rated companies.
- The LIBOR yield curve is also called the swap yield curve or the LIBOR/swap
yield curve.
- Practitioners usually assume that the LIBOR/swap yield curve provides the
risk-free rate. T-rates are regarded as too low to be used as risk-free rates
a. T-bills and T-bonds must be purchased by financial institutions to fulfill a variety
of regulatory requirements. This increase demand for these Ts driving their prices
up and yields down.
b. The amount of capital a bank is required to hold to support an investment in Ts is
substantially smaller than the capital required to support a similar investment in
other very low-risk instruments.
c. In USA, Ts are given a favorable tax treatment because they are not taxed at the
state level.
2. Duration
1 dB n ci e − yti
- Continuous compounding. D=− = ∑ ti ( ), ΔB = − BDΔy .
B dy i =1 B
This is the weighted average of the times when payments are made, with the
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
weight applied to time t being equal to the proportion of the bond’s total present
value provided by the cash flow at time t.
Compounding m times per year, then modified duration. D =
1+ y / m
3. Convexity.
1d B 2 ∑c t e i i
2 − yti
- C= = i =1
. This is the weighted average of the square of the time
B dy 2 B
to the receipt of cash flows.
ΔB = − BDΔy + BC (Δy ) 2
- The duration (convexity) of a portfolio is the weighted average of the durations
(convexity) of the individual assets comprising the portfolio with the weight
assigned to an asset being proportional to the value of the asset.
- The convexity of a bond portfolio tends to be greatest when the portfolio
provides payments evenly over a long period of time. It is least when the
payments are concentrated around one particular point in time.
- Duration zero Æ protect small parallel shit in the yield curve.
- Both duration and convexity zero Æ protect large parallel shifts in the yield
- Duration and convexity are analogous to the delta and gamma.
4. Nonparallel yield curve shifts
1 dPi
- Definition: D p = − , where dyi is the size of the small change made to the
P dyi
ith point on the yield curve and dpi is the resultant change in the portfolio value.
- The sum of all the partial duration measures equals the usual duration measure.
5. Interest rate deltas
- DV01: define the delta of a portfolio as the change in value for a one-basis-point
parallel shift in the zero curve. It is the same as the duration of the portfolio
multiplied by the value of the portfolio multiplied by 0.01%.
- In practice, traders like to calculate several deltas to reflect their exposures to all
the different ways in which the yield curve can move. One approach corresponds
to the partial duration approach. Æ the sum of the deltas for all the points in the
yield curve equals the DV01.
6. Principal components analysis
- The interest rate move for a particular factor is factor loading. The sum of the
squares of factor loadings is 1.
- Factors are chosen so that the factor scores are uncorrelated.
- 10 rates and 10 factors Æ solve the simultaneous equations: the quantity of a
particular factor in the interest rate changes on a particular day is known as the
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
Chapter 5 Volatility
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
the variable has the property that, when x is large, Pr ob(v > x ) = Kx , where K
and alpha are constants.
6. Monitoring volatility
- The exponentially weighted moving average model (EWMA).
σ n2 = λσ n2−1 + (1 − λ )un−
1 , RiskMetrics use λ =0.94.
- The GARCH(1,1) MODEL
σ n2 = γ VL + α un2−1 + βσ n2−1 , Where γ +α + β =1, if γ =0, then GARCH
model is EWMA
- ML method to estimate GARCH (1,1)
7. How good is the model:
- The assumption underlying a GARCH model is that volatility changes with the
passage of time. If a GARCH model is working well, it should remove the
is greater than 25, zero autocorrelation can be rejected with 95% confidence.
8. Using GARCH to forecast future volatility.
σ n2+t − VL = α (un2+t −1 − VL ) + β (σ n2+t −1 − VL ) , since the expected value of un2+t −1
is σ n2+t −1 , hence:
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
1 − e − at σ (0)
When σ (0) change by d σ (0) , σ (T ) changes by Δσ (0)
aT σ (T )
- Many banks use analyses such as this when determining the exposure of their
books to volatility changes.
1. Correlation measures linear dependence. There are many other ways in which
two variables can be related. E.g. for normal values, two variables may be
unrelated. However, their extreme values may be related. “During a crisis the
correlations all go to one.”
2. Monitoring correlation
- Using EWMA:
cov n = λ cov n −1 + (1 − λ ) xn −1 yn −1
- Using GARCH
cov n = ω + α cov n −1 + β xn −1 yn −1
3. Consistency condition for covariances
factors have uncorrelated standard normal distributions and the Zi are uncorrelated
both with each other and with the factors. In this case the correlation between Ui and
Uj is ∑a
m =1
im a jm
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
6. Copulas
- The marginal distribution of X (unconditional distribution) is its distribution
assuming we know nothing about Y. But often there is no natural way of defining
a correlation structure between two marginal distributions.
- Gaussian copula approach. Suppose that F1 and F2 are the cumulative marginal
probability distributions of V1 and V2. We map V1 = v1 to U1 = u1 and V2 = v2
to U2 = u2, where
F1 (v1 ) = N (u1 ) and F2 (v2 ) = N (u2 ) , and N is the cumulative normal
distribution function.
- The key property of a copula model is that it preserves the marginal distributions
of V1 and V2 while defining correlation structure between them.
- Student t-copula Æ U1 and U2 are assumed to have a bivariate Student
t-distribution. Tail correlation is higher in a bivariate t-distribution than in a
bivariate normal distribution.
- A factor copula model: analysts often assume a factor model for the correlation
structure between the Ui.
7. Application to loan portfolios
- Define Ti (1<= i <= N) as the time when company i default and cumulative
probability distribution of Ti by Qi. To define the correlation structure between the
Ti using the one-factor Gaussian copula model, we map, for each i, Ti to a
variable Ui that has a standard normal on a percentile-to-percentile basis.
U − ai F
We assume: U i = ai F + 1 − ai Z i Æ Pr ob(U i < U | F ) = N [
- ]
1− a 2
correlation between any two names is the same and equals rho Æ ai = ρ for
all i. Æ
N −1[Q(T )] − ρ F
- Pr ob(Ti < T | F ) = N [ ] . For a large portfolio of loans, this
1− ρ
equation provides a good estimate of the proportion of loans in the portfolio that
default by time T. Æ We refer to this as the default rate.
- As F decreases, the default rate increases. Since F is standard normal, the
probability that F will be less than N-1(Y) is Y. There is therefore a probability of
N −1[Q(T )] − ρ N −1 (Y )
Y that the default rate will be greater than N [ ]
1− ρ
- Define V(T,X) as the default rate that will not be exceeded with probability X, so
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
that we are X% certain that the default rate will not exceed V(T,X). The value of
V(T,X) is determined by substituting Y = 1 – X into the above expression:
N −1[Q(T )] + ρ N −1 ( X )
V(T, X) = N [ ]
1− ρ
is ∑ max(V , 0) (N
i =1
i contracts with the defaulted party). With netting, it is
max(∑ Vi , 0)
i =1
6. Market risk (1996 amendment to Basel I, continue to be used under Basel II):
- It requires financial institutions to hold capital to cover their exposures to market
Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
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8. Operational risk: Banks have to keep capital for operational risk. Three
- Basic indicator approach: operational risk capital = the bank’s average annual
gross income (=net interest income + noninterest income) over the last three years
multiplied by 0.15.
- Standardized approach: similar to basic approach, except that a different factor is
applied to the gross income from different business lines.
- Advanced measurement approach: the bank uses its own internal models to
calculate the operational risk loss that it is 99.9% certain will not be exceeded in
one year.
portfolio value is zero, where X is the confidence level, sigma is the standard
deviation (in dollars) of the portfolio change over the time horizon.
- The time horizon: N-day VaR = 1-day VaR * square root N.
- autocorrelation Æ the above formula a rough one.
- The confidence level: if the daily portfolio changes are assumed to be normally
distributed with zero mean Æ convert a VaR to another VaR with different confidence
N −1 ( X *)
VaR( X *) = VaR( X ) −1
N (X )
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∂ (VaR)
2. Marginal VaR: , where xi is the ith component of a portfolio. For an
If the probability of the VaR limit being exceeded on m or more days is less than 5%,
we reject the first hypothesis that the probability of an exception is p.
The above test is one-tailed test. Kupiec has proposed a two-tailed test
(Frequency-of-tail-losses or Kupiec test). If the probability of an exception under the
VaR model is p and m exceptions are observed in n trials, then
−2 ln[(1 − p) n − m p m ] + 2 ln[(1 − m / n)n − m (m / n) m ] should have a chi-square
distribution with one degree of freedom.
z The Kupiec test is a large sample test
z Kupiec test focuses solely on the frequency of tail losses. It throws away
potentially valuable information about the sizes of tail losses. This suggests that
the Kupiec test should be relatively inefficient, compared to a suitable test that
took account of the sizes as well as the frequency of tail losses.
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1. Methodology
Suppose that we calculate VaR for a portfolio using a one-day time horizon, a 99%
confidence level, and 500 days of data.
- Identify the market variables affecting the portfolio. They typically are exchange
rates, equity prices, interest rates, and so on.
- Collect data on the movements in these variables over the most recent 500 days.
- The value of the market variable tomorrow under ith scenario is vn (n –
vi −1
today, say n=500, i = 0, 1, … 499)
- Get change in portfolio value under each scenario according to the calculated
market variables.
- VaR = 5th worst number of the change in portfolio value.
2. The confidence interval:
- Kendall and Stuart calculate a confidence interval for the quantile of a distribution
when it is estimated from sample data.
1 q (1 − q )
- The standard errors of the estimate is: , where f(x) is the
f ( x) n
probability density function of the loss evaluated at x.
3. Weighting of observations: the basic historical simulation approach assumes that
each day in the past is given equal weight. Boudoukh et alpha. Suggest that more
recent observations should be given more weight – the weight given to the change
λ i −1 (1 − λ )
between day n-i and n-i+1 is . VaR is calculated by ranking the
1− λ n
observations from the worst outcome to the best. Starting at the worst outcome,
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weights are summed until the required quantile of the distribution is reached.
4. Incorporating volatility updating (Hull and White (1998)).
- Get daily volatility for each market variable.
- Suppose σ n +1 (current estimate of the volatility of the market variable between
today and tomorrow) is twice σ i . Æ we expect to see changes between today and
tomorrow that are twice as big as changes between day i-1 and day i. Æ the value
vi −1 + (vi − vi −1 )σ n +1 / σ i
of a market variable under the ith scenario becomes: vn
vi −1
5. Extreme value theory is a way of smoothing the tails of the probability
distribution of portfolio daily changes calculated using historical simulation. It
leads to estimates of VaR that reflect the whole shape of the tail of the distribution,
not just the positions of a few losses in the tails. It can also be used to estimate
VaR when the VaR confidence level is very high. E.g., even if we have only 500
days of data, it could be used to come up an estimate of VaR for a VaR confidence
level of 99.9%:
- F(x) is CDF, Fu(y) as the probability that x lies between u and u+y conditional on
F (u + y ) − F (u )
x>u. Æ Fu ( y ) =
1 − F (u )
- Gnedenko states that for a wide class of distributions F(x), the distribution of Fu(y)
converges to a generalized Pareto distribution as the threshold u is increased.
Gξ , β ( y ) = 1 − (1 + ξ )−1/ ξ , where ξ is the shape parameter and determines
the heaviness of the tail of the distribution. Beta is a scale parameter.
- Estimating ξ and beta – MLE. The PDF of G(y) is
1 y
gξ , β ( y ) = (1 + ξ ) −1/ ξ −1
β β
- First, choose a value of u, say the 95 percentile. Then focus attention on those
observations for which x > u. Suppose there are nu such observations and they are
xi (i<=nu). Æ
1 xi − u
lng(x) = ∑ ln[ β (1 + ξ
i =1 β
)−1/ ξ −1 ]
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u = β /ξ .
- Calculation of VaR with a confidence level of q Æ F(VaR) = q Æ
β ⎡⎛ n ⎞ ⎤
VaR = u + ⎢⎜ (1 − q) ⎟ − 1⎥
ξ ⎢⎣⎝ nu ⎠ ⎥⎦
1. Basic methodology – two-asset case Æ diversification. Note: VaR does not always
reflect the benefits of diversification.
- The linear model: ΔP = ∑ α i Δxi , where dx is the return on asset i in one day.
i =1
Alphai is the dollar value being invested in asset i. Æ get mean and standard deviation
of dp then we are done under multivariate normal distribution.
2. Handling interest rates- cash flow mapping. The cash flows from instruments in
the portfolio are mapped into cash flows occurring on the standard maturity dates.
Since it is easy to calculate zero T-bills or T-bonds’ volatilities and correlations,
after mapping, it is easy to calculate the portfolio’s VaR in terms of cash flows of
zero T-bills.
3. Principal components analysis: A PCA can be used (in conjunction with cash flow
mapping) to handle interest rates when VaR is calculated using the model-building
4. Applications of Linear model:
- A portfolio with no derivatives.
- Forward contracts on foreign exchange (to be treated as a long position in the
foreign bond combined with a short position in the domestic bond).
- Interest rate swaps
5. The linear model and options:
n n
ΔP = δΔS = SδΔx = ∑ Siδ i Δxi = ∑ α i Δxi , where dx = ds/s is the return on a
i =1 i =1
stock in one day. Ds is the dollar change in the stock price in one day.
- The weakness of the model: when gamma is positive (negative), the pdf of the value
of the portfolio tends to be positively (negatively) skewed Æ have a less heavy
(heavier) left tail than the normal distribution. Æ if we assume the distribution is
normal, we will tend to calculate a VaR that is too high (low).
6. The Quadratic model:
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Study Notes: Risk Management and Financial Institutions By Zhipeng Yan
1 1
- ΔP = δΔS + γ (ΔS ) 2 = SδΔx + S 2γ (Δx) 2 (ignoring theta term).
2 2
- For a portfolio with n underlying market variables, with each instrument in the
portfolio being dependent on only one of the market variables, Æ
1 n 2
ΔP = ∑ Siδ i Δxi + ∑ Si γ i (Δxi ) 2 , where Si is the value of the ith market
i =1 2 i =1
- When some of the individual instruments are dependent on more than one market
variable, this equation takes the more general form:
1 n n
ΔP = ∑ Siδ i Δxi + ∑∑ Si S j γ ij Δxi Δx j , where gammaij is a ‘cross gamma’.
i =1 2 i =1 j =1
- Cornish – Fisher expansion:Æ estimate percentiles of a probability distribution
from its moments that can take account of the skewness of the probability
Using the first three moments of dP, the Cornish-Fisher expansion estimates the
ωq = zq + ( zq2 − 1)ξ P and Z is q-percentile of the standard normal distribution
and ξ P is the skewness of dp.
1. Credit-risk arises from the possibility that borrowers, bond issuers, and
counter-parties in derivatives transactions may default. In theory, a credit rating is
an attribute of a bond issue, not a company. However, in most cases all bonds
issued by a company have the same rating. A rating is therefore often referred to
as an attribute of a company.
- Ratings changes relatively infrequently. One of rating agencies’ objectives is
ratings stability. They want to avoid ratings reversals where a firm is downgraded
and then upgraded a few weeks later. Ratings therefore change only when there is
reason to believe that a long-term change in the firm’s creditworthiness has taken
place. The reason for this is that bond traders are major users of ratings. Often
they are subject to rules governing what the credit ratings of the bonds they hold
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must be. If these ratings changed frequently they might have to do a large amount
of trading just to satisfy the rules.
- Rating agencies try to ‘rate through the cycle’. Suppose that an economic
downturn increases the probability of a firm defaulting in the next 6 months, but
makes very little difference to the firm’s cumulative probability of defaulting over
the next three to five years. A rating agency would not change the firm’s rating.
2. Internal credit ratings: most banks have procedures for rating the creditworthiness
of their corporate and retail clients. The internal ratings based (IRB) approach in
Basel II allows bank to use their internal ratings in determining the probability of
default, PD. Under the advanced IRB approach, they are also allowed to estimate
the loss given default, LGD, the exposure at default, EAD, and the maturity, M.
3. Altman’s Z-score
Using discriminant analysis, Altman attempted to predict defaults from five
accounting ratios.
Z = 1.2*working capital + 1.4*Retained earnings + 3.3* EBIT + 0.6*Market value of
equity + 0.999*sales, all variables are scaled by assets, except for market equity,
which is scaled by book value of total liabilities.
If Z-score > 3, the firm is unlikely to default. If it is between 2.7 and 3.0, we should
be ‘on alert’. If it is between 1.8 and 2.7, there is a good chance of default. If it is less
than 1.8, the probability of a financial embarrassment is very high.
4. Historical default probabilities
- For investment-grade bonds, the probability of default in a year tends to be an
increasing function of time.
- For bonds with a poor credit rating, the probability of default is often a decreasing
function of time. The reason is that, for a bond like this, the next year or two may
be critical. If the issuer survives this period, its financial health is likely to have
- Default intensities (hazard rate): λ(t) at t is defined so thatλ(t)Δt is the
probability of default between time t and t +Δt conditional on no default between
time 0 and time t.
Let V(t) is the cumulative probability of the firm surviving to time t (no default by
time t), then V(t +Δt) – V(t) = -λ(t) V(t)Δt Æ
dV (t )
= −λ (t )V (t ) → V(t)=e ∫0
- λ (τ ) dτ
= e − λt , where λ is the
average default intensity between time zero and t.
Define Q(t) as the probability of default by time t Æ
e ∫0
- λ (τ ) dτ 1
Q(t) = 1 – V(t) = 1 - = 1- e − λt Æ λ (t ) = − ln[1 − Q (t )] , where Q(t)
comes from historical data.
5. Recovery rates: the bond’s market value immediately after a default as a percent
of its face value = 1 – LGD.
- Recovery rates are significantly negatively correlated with default rates.
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- Average recovery rate = 0.52 – 6.9*average default rate. Æ a bad year for the
default rate is usually doubly bad because it is accompanied by a low recovery
6. Estimating default probabilities from bond prices
− RfT
- An approximate calculation: [1 − PD ]100e + PD100 Re − RfT = 100e − yT
1 − e −[ y − Rf ]T
Æ PD(T) = ~ spread/(1-R)
1− R
- Risk-free rate: Traders usually use LIBOR/swap rates as proxies for risk-free
rates when calculating default probabilities.
- Credit default swaps can be used to imply the risk-free rate assumed by
traders. The rate used appears to be approximately equal to the LIBOR/swap rate
minus 10 basis points on average. (Credit risk in a swap rate is the credit risk from
making a series of 6-month loans to AA-rated counterparties and 10 basis points is
a reasonable default risk premium for an AA-rated 6-month instrument.
7. Asset swap: traders often use asset swap spreads as a way of extracting default
probabilities from bond prices. This is because asset swap spreads provide a direct
estimate of the spread of bond yields over the LIBOR/swap curve. Æ The present
value of the asset swap spread is the amount by which the price of the corporate
bond is exceeded by the price of a similar risk-free bond.
8. Real-world vs. Risk-neutral probabilities
- The default probabilities implied from bond yields are risk-neutral default
- The default probabilities implied from historical data are real-world default
probabilities. If there was no expected excess return, the real-world and
risk-neutral default probabilities would be the same, and vice versa.
- Reasons for the difference
a. Corporate bonds are relatively illiquid and bond traders demand an extra
return to compensate for this.
b. The subjective default probabilities of traders may be much higher than those
given in table 11.1. Traders may be allowing for depression scenarios much
worse than anything seen during the 1970 to 2003 period.
c. Bonds do not default independently of each other. This gives rise to
systematic risk and traders should require an expected excess return for
bearing the risk. The variation in default rates from year to year may be
because of overall economic conditions or because a default by one company
has a ripple effect resulting in defaults by other companies (the latter is
referred as credit contagion).
d. Bond returns are highly skewed with limited upside. As a result it is much
more difficult to diversify risks in a bond portfolio than in an equity portfolio.
- When valuing credit derivatives or estimating the impact of default risk on the
pricing of instruments, we should use risk-neutral default probabilities.
- When carrying out scenario analyses to calculate potential future losses from
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- E0 = V0 N ( d1 ) − De − rT N ( d 2 ) , where
ln(V0 / D) + ( r + σ V2 / 2)T
- d1 = and d 2 = d1 − σ V T
σV T
- The risk-neutral probability that a firm will default on the debt is N(-d2). We need
V0 and
σ V , which are not directly observable.
- From Ito’s lemma Æ σ E E0 = σ V V0 = N (d1 )σ V V0
10. The default probability can be estimated from historical data (real-world
probabilities), bond prices (risk-neutral probabilities), or equity prices (in
theory risk-neutral probabilities. But, the output from the model can be calibrated
so that either risk-neutral or real-world default probabilities are produced).
pays off the exposure on the derivative under consideration at time ti.
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- The impact of default risk on interest rate swaps is considerably less than that on
currency swaps, largely because principals are exchanged at the end of the life of a
currency swap and there is uncertainty about the exchange rate at that time.
- Two sided default risk (when contracts can become either assets or liabilities).
Human nature being what it is, most firms consider that there is no chance that
they themselves will default but want to make an adjustment to contract terms for
a possible default by their counterparty. This can make it very difficult for the two
firms to agree on terms and explains why it is difficult for financial institutions
that are not highly creditworthy to be active in the derivatives market.
3. Credit risk mitigation
- Netting. Because of netting, the incremental effect of a new contract on expected
default losses can be negative. This tends to happen when the value of the new
contract is highly negatively correlated with the value of existing contracts. A firm
may get different quotes in a well-functioning capital market. The company is
likely to get the most favorable quote from a financial institution it has done
business with in the past – particularly if that business gives rise to exposures for
the financial institution that are opposite to the exposure generated by the new
- Collateralization
- Downgrade triggers. This is a clause stating that if the credit rating of the
counterparty falls below a certain level, say Baa, then the financial institution has
the option to close out a derivatives contract at its market value.
4. Credit VaR. Whereas the time horizon for market risk is usually between one day
and one month that for credit risk is usually much longer – often one year.
5. Vasicek’s modela:
- We are X% certain that the default rate will not exceed V(T,X).
N −1[Q(T )] + ρ N −1 ( X )
V(T, X) = N [ ] , where Q(T) is the cumulative
1− ρ
probability of each loan defaulting by time T.
6. Credit risk plus: the probability of n defaults follows the Poisson distribution and
this is combined with a probability distribution for the losses experienced on a
single counterparty default to obtain a probability distribution for the total default
losses from the counterparties.
7. CreditMetrics. It is based on an analysis of credit migration. This is the
probability of a firm moving from one rating category to another during a certain
period of time. Calculating a one-year VaR for the portfolio using CreditMetrics
involves carrying out Monte Carlo simulation of ratings transitions for bonds in
the portfolio over a one-year period. On each simulation trial the final credit rating
of all bonds is calculated and the bonds are revalued to determine total credit
losses for the year. The 99% worst result is the one-year 99% VaR for the
- The credit rating changes for different counterparties should not be assumed to be
independent. Æ use Gaussian copula model Æ The copula correlation between the
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rating transitions for two companies is typically set equal to the correlation
between their equity returns using a factor model.
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N −1[Q(T )] − ρ F
Q(T | F ) = N [ ]
1− ρ
- The trick here is to calculate expected cash flows conditional on F and then
integrate over F. The advantage of this is that, conditional on F, defaults are
independent. The probability of exactly k defaults by time T, conditional on F, is
Q(T | F ) k (1 − Q(T | F )) n − k
k !( n − k )!
- Derivates dealers calculate the implied copula correlation rho from the spreads
quoted in the market for tranches of CDOs and tend to quote these rather than
the spreads themselves. This is similar to the practice in options markets of
quoting B-S implied volatilities rather than dollar prices.
- Correlation smiles: the compound correlation is the correlation that prices a
particular tranche correctly. The base correlation is the correlation that prices all
tranches up to a certain level of seniority correctly. In practice, we find that
compound correlations exhibit a ‘smile’ with the correlations for the most junior
(equity) and senior tranches higher than those for intermediate tranches. The base
correlations exhibit a ‘skew’ where the correlation increases with the level of
seniority considered.
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1. Operational risk: the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal
processes, people and systems or from external events.
- It includes legal risk, but does not include reputation risk or the risk resulting from
strategic decisions.
2. 7 Categories of operational risk
- Internal fraud (Barings),
- External fraud (Republic NY corp. Lost $611 million because of fraud committed
by a custodial client,
- Employment practices and workplace safety (Merrill Lynch lost $250 million in a
gender discrimination lawsuit),
- Clients, products, & business practices (Household International lost $484 million
from improper lending practices),
- Damage to physical assets (911 attacks),
- Business disruption and system failures (Solomon Brothers lost $303 million from
a change in computing technology).
- Execution, delivery, and process management: failed transaction processing or
process management, and relations with trade counter-parties and vendors. E.g.,
Bank of America and Wells Fargo Bank lost $225 and $150 million, respectively,
from systems integration failures and transactions processing failures.
3. Loss severity and loss frequency
- Loss frequency distribution – the distribution of the number of losses observed
during the time horizon (a Poisson distribution is usually used).
- Loss severity distribution – the distribution of the size of a loss, given that a loss
occurs. (usually assume the two are independent). (a lognormal probability
distribution is often used)
- The two distributions must be used for each loss type and business line to
determine a total loss distribution. Monte Carlo simulation can be used here:
a. Sample from the frequency distribution to determine the number of loss
events (=n).
b. Sample n times from the loss severity distribution to determine the loss
experienced for each loss event (L1, L2, … Ln)
c. Determine the total loss experienced ( = L1 + L2 +…+ Ln).
d. Repeat this many times.
- Data: the frequency distribution should be estimated from the bank’s own data as
far as possible. For the loss severity distribution, regulators encourage banks to
use their own data in conjunction with external data (through sharing
arrangements between banks or from data vendors. Both internal and external data
must be adjusted for inflation. A scale adjustment should be made to external
4. Operational risk capital should be allocated to business units in a way that
encourages them to improve their operational risk management. The overall
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1. Model risk is the risk related to the models a financial institution uses to value
derivatives. Liquidity risk is the risk that there may not be enough buyers/sellers
in the market for a financial institution to execute the trades it desires. The two
risks are related. Sophisticated models are only necessary to price products that
are relatively illiquid. When there is an active market for a product, prices can be
observed in the market and models play a less important role.
2. Exploiting the weakness of a competitor’s model: a LIBOR-in-arrears swap is an
interest rate swap where the floating interest rate is paid on the day it is observed,
not one accrual period later. Whereas a plain vanilla swap is correctly valued by
assuming that future rates will be today’s forward rates, a LIBOR-in-arrears swap
should be valued on the assumption that the future rate is today’s forward interest
rate plus a ‘convexity adjustment’.
3. Models for actively traded products.
- Traders frequently quote implied volatilities rather than the dollar prices of
options, because implied volatility is more stable than the price.
- Volatility smiles: the volatility implied by B-S as a function of the strike price for
a particular option maturity is known as a volatility smile. The relationship
between strike price and implied volatility should be exactly the same for calls
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and puts in the case of European options and approximately the same in the case
of American options.
- Volatility smile for foreign currency options. The reason for the volatility smile is
that B-S assumes: a. the volatility of the asset is constant; b. the price of the asset
changes smoothly with no jumps. Neither of these conditions is satisfied for an
exchange rate.
- Volatility skew – equity options. The volatility decreases as the strike price
increases. The volatility used to price a low-strike-price option (i.e., a
deep-out-of-the-money put or a deep in the money call) is significantly higher
than that used to price a high strike-price option (i.e., a deep in the money put or a
deep out of the money call). One explanation for the skew in equity options
concerns leverage. As a firm’s equity declines in value, Æ leverage increase Æ
equity becomes more risky and its volatility increases.
Crashophobia: the volatility smile for equities has existed only since the stock
market crash of Oct 1987. Prior to Oct 1987 implied volatilities were much less
dependent on strike price. Æ Mark Rubinstein suggested that one reason for the
equity volatility smile may be ‘crashophobia’. Traders are concerned about the
possibility of another crash similar to Oct 1987 and assign relatively high prices (and
therefore relatively high implied volatilities) for deep out of the money puts.
- Volatility surfaces Æ implied volatility as a function of both strike price and time
to maturity Æ volatility smile becomes less pronounced as the time to maturity
increases. To value a new option, traders look up the appropriate volatility in the
volatility surface table using interpolation.
- Models play a relatively minor role in the pricing of actively traded products.
Models are used in a more significant way when it comes to hedging.
a. Within-model hedging is designed to deal with the risk of changes in variables
that are assumed to be uncertain by the model.
b. Outside-model hedging deals with the risk of changes in variables that are
assumed to be constant/deterministic by the model. When B-S is used, hedging
against movements in the underlying stock price (delta and gamma hedging) is
with-model hedging because the model assumes that stock price changes are
uncertain. However, hedging against volatility (vega hedging) is outside-model
4. Models for structured products: exotic options and other nonstandard products that
are tailored to the needs of clients are referred to as structured products. Usually
they do not traded actively and a financial institution must rely on a model to
determine the price it charges the client. A financial institution should, whenever
possible, use several different models. Æ get a price range and a better
understanding of the model risks being taken.
5. Detecting model problems:
- The risk management function should keep track of the following:
a. The type of trading the financial institution is doing with other financial
b. How competitive it is in bidding for different types of structured transactions.
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invested in the ith position. As the number of position, n, grows, VaR benefits from
diversification but the liquidity adjustment does not. Consequently, the percentage difference
between VaR and liquidity-adjusted VaR grows as n grows.
7. Liquidity black holes is created when a price decline causes more market
participants to want to sell, driving prices well below where they will eventually
settle. During the sell-off, liquidity dries up and the asset can be sold only at a
fire-sale price. Reasons for herd behavior and the creation of liquidity black holes
- The computer models used by different traders are similar.
- All financial institutions are regulated in the same way and respond in the same
way to changes in volatilities and correlations. E.g., when volatilities and
correlations increase, market VaR and the capital required for market risks
increase Æ banks tend to reduce their exposures. Since banks often have similar
positions to each other, they try to do similar trades. Æ liquidity black hole. E.g.,
consider credit risk. During economic recessions, default probabilities are
relatively high and capital requirements for loans under Basel II internal ratings
based models tend to be high Æ banks may be less willing to make loans, creating
a liquidity black hole for small and medium-sized businesses. Æ to solve this,
Basel Committee requires that the probability of default should be an average of
the probability of default through the economic or credit cycle, rather than an
estimate applicable to one particular point in time.
- There is a natural tendency to feel that if other people are doing a certain type of
trade then they must know something that you do not.
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HDD = max (0, 65 –A), where A is the average of the highest and lowest
temperature during the day at a specified weather station, measured in degrees
- CDD: cooling degree days – a measure of the volume of energy required for
cooling during the day.
CDD = max (0, A – 65)
- A typical over-the-counter product is a forward or option contract providing a
payoff dependent on the cumulative HDD or CDD during a month.
2. Energy Derivatives
- Oil: virtually any derivative that is available on common stocks is now available
with oil as the underlying asset.
- Natural gas and electricity.
- An energy producer faces two risks: price risk and volume risk. Although prices
do adjust to reflect volumes, there is a less-than-perfect relationship between the
two. The price risk can be hedged using the energy derivative contracts. The
volume risks can be hedged using the weather derivatives.
3. Insurance Derivatives – are beginning to become an alternative to traditional
reinsurance as a way for insurance companies to manage the risks of
catastrophic events: CAT (catastrophic) bond: a bond issued by a subsidiary of
an insurance firm that pays a higher-than-normal interest rate. In exchange for
the extra interest, the holder of the bond agrees to provide an excess-of-cost
reinsurance contract. Depending on the terms of the CAT bond, the interest or
principal (or both) can be used to meet claims. There is no statistically
significant correlation between CAT risks and market returns. CAT bonds are
therefore an attractive addition to an investor’s portfolio.
1. Risk Limits: it is essential that all companies define in a clear and unambiguous
way limits to the financial risks that can be taken. Ideally, overall risk limits
should be set at board level. These should then be converted to limits applicable to
the individuals responsible for managing particular risks.
- It is tempting to ignore violations of risk limits when profits result. The penalties
for exceeding risk limits should be just as great when profits result as when losses
result. Otherwise, traders that make losses are liable to keep increasing their bets
in the hope that eventually a profit will result and all will be forgiven.
- Do not underestimate the benefits of diversification
- Carry out scenario analyses and stress tests: The calculation of risk measures such
as VaR should always be accompanied by scenario analyses and stress testing to
obtain an understanding of what can go wrong.
2. Managing the trading room
- There is a tendency to regard high-performing traders as ‘untouchable’ and to not
subject their activities to the same scrutiny as other traders. It is important that all
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T1 Bootstrap
1. The procedure:
- We start with a sample of n.
- Draw a new sample of the same size from the original sample.
- Obtain a new parameter estimate from the new sample.
- Repeat the process B times and obtain a bootstrapped sample of B parameter
- We use this sample to estimate a confidence interval.
2. Dealing with data dependency: the main limitation of the bootstrap is that standard
boostrap procedures presuppose that observations are independent, and they can
be unreliable if this assumption does not hold.
- If we are prepared to make parametric assumptions, we can model the dependence
parametrically (e.g., using a GARCH procedure). We can then bootstrap from the
residuals. However, the drawback of this solution is that is requires us to make
parametric assumptions and of course presupposes that those assumptions are
- An alternative is to use a block approach: we divide sample data into
non-overlapping blocks of equal length, and select a block at random. However,
this approach can be tricky to implement and can lead to problems because it
tends to ‘whiten’ the data.
- A third solution is to modify the probabilities with which individual observations
are chosen. Instead of assuming that each observation is chosen with the same
probability, we can make the probabilities of selection dependent on the time
indices of recently selected observations.
1. The theory:
- Assume x is an mx1 random vector, with covariance matrix Σ, and let Λ be a
diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are eigenvalues of Σ, let A is the
VC ( p ) = VC ( Ax) = AΣAT = Λ
- since Λ is a diagonal matrix. Æ the different principal components are
uncorrelated with each other. And the variances of principal components are given
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1. The steps
- Select a model for the stochastic variables of interest.
- Estimate its parameters –volatilities, correlations, and so on – on the basis of
whatever historical or market data are available.
- Construct simulated paths for the stochastic variables using ‘random’ numbers.
Each set of ‘random’ numbers then produces a set of hypothetical terminal price(s)
for the instrument(s) in our portfolio.
- Repeat these simulations enough times.
2. Monte Carlo Simulation with single risk factors
- if stick price S follows a geometric Brownian motion process then, lnS:
d ln S = ( μ − σ 2 / 2)dt + σ dz Æ
interested in the terminal stock value, this approach is both more accurate and less
time-consuming than the Euler method (get stock price for each incremental dt).
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