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Contemporary Solutions For Managing Class III Malocclusion: Special Article: IOS 50 Year Commemorative Issue

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Special Article: IOS 50th Year Commemorative Issue

Contemporary solutions for managing Class III malocclusion

Nathamuni Rengarajan Krishnaswamy

About the Author

Dr. N. R. Krishnaswamy currently holds the position of vice principal, Professor and Head, Dept of
Orthodontics,Ragas Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai. He obtained his bachelor degree at the Govt.
Dental College, Chennai and earned his masters degree from KMC Manipal. He acquired his fellowship in
orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons (M Orth), Edinburgh and is a Diplomate of the Indian board of
Orthodontics (DIBO) and The National Board of Medical Sciences (Dip NB).He was awarded the scholarship
of the International Scientific Exchange Fund of the Japan Dental Association which led to clinical training at
Tsurumi University Yokohama, Japan.
He has several awards winning presentations to his credit and has won the Presidential Trophy for the Best Clinical
Paper Award of the Indian Orthodontic Society thrice and the Best Research Award twice. He is recipient of
the best teacher award of Tamil Nadu, Dr. M.G.R Medical University. He has been a headline speaker
at the IOS National Conferences for almost two decades and has also been an invited speaker at several international orthodontic forums
including the AAO. He also has several publications to his credit.
He has served as Director and Chairman of the Indian Board of Orthodontics and as President of the Indian Orthodontic Society. He
is the recipient of the Helen & B. F. Dewel award for the best clinical research paper published in the AJO-DO in the year 2012.

Although patients with Class III malocclusions constitute a small percentage of the average orthodontic practice, providing them with
optimal treatment is a daunting task. The treatment approach is dependent upon the growth status of the individual and the severity of the
skeletal dysplasia. For growing individuals, facemask therapy to protract the maxilla is ineffective because of its dependence on dental
anchorage to bring forth skeletal correction. Orthodontic camouflage in nongrowing mild skeletal Class III individuals is met with limited
success because of the anatomical boundaries and the conventional biomechanics. Orthognathic surgery to correct the maxillomandibular
relations is time‑consuming, and the facial esthetics is compromised during the orthodontic decompensation period. Contemporary solutions
to overcome these limitations are now viable with the use of temporary anchorage devices and by performing surgery prior to orthodontic
decompensation. The rationale for employing these contemporary approaches will be discussed in this study with illustrative cases.

Key words: Camouflage, maxillary protraction, surgery first, temporary anchorage devices

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Website: Patients with Class III malocclusion compromise a relatively small percentage of the average orthodontic practice, but
these are among the most challenging to treat effectively
DOI: and efficiently. In the past, most Class  III malocclusions

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Professor and Head Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and
Department of Orthodontics, Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations
Tamil Nadu, India are licensed under the identical terms.

Address for correspondence: Dr. Nathamuni Rengarajan Krishnaswamy, For reprints contact:
Ragas Dental College and Hospital, 2/102, East Coast Road, Uthandi,
Chennai ‑ 600 119, Tamil Nadu, India.
How to cite this article: Krishnaswamy NR. Contemporary solutions for
Received: 18‑11‑2015, Accepted with Revisions: 19‑11‑2015 managing Class III malocclusion. J Indian Orthod Soc 2015;49:19-26.

© 2015 Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow S19
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Krishnaswamy: Class III correction

were attributed solely to the large or prognathic mandible. Treatment Timing

Currently, we know that it can be caused due to maxillary
A critical factor in determining the success of RPE and
retrognathism, mandibular prognathism, or a combination of
protraction facemask treatment is appropriate timing. Since,
both. It can also be due to a centric relation‑centric occlusion
the main objective of treatment with facemask and RPE is to
shift leading to a mesial shift of the lower arch in the absence
enhance downward and forward displacement of the maxilla
of maxillomandibular skeletal discrepancy (pseudo‑Class III).
by influencing the sutural growth. The protraction facemask
The treatment approach depends on the growth status and
RPE combination should be initiated in the primary or early
severity of the skeletal dysplasia.
mixed dentition. The optimal time to intervene in Class  III
malocclusion seems to at the time of eruption of the maxillary
Early Management incisors.[11]
Growth modification to redirect the vector of growth with Kim et al. conducted a meta‑analysis to analyze the
functional appliances or by orthopedic devices to restrict treatment effects of protraction facemask in children with
mandibular growth and/or enhance maxillary growth is an Class III malocclusion and found the correction to be due to
accepted protocol for providing a more favorable environment a combination of skeletal and dental changes of maxilla and
for normal growth and to improve the psychological mandible.[12] The maxilla was found to move downward
development of the child.[1] and forward with a slight upward movement in the anterior
The Frankel functional regulator III has been advocated and downward movement in the posterior palatal plane as a
in children with developing Class III growth pattern to result of the protraction forces. The mandible was found to
stimulate maxillary growth and restrain mandibular growth by rotate downward and backward to complement the correction
influencing the functional matrix.[2] Although few studies have of the concave facial profile. The upper incisors inclined
documented favorable skeletal and dental response, long‑term labially and the lower incisor inclination decreased. It was
results seem questionable. The limitation of the fixed rate postulated that the proclination of the upper incisors was due to
intravenous insulin infusion is that the outcome is dependent mesial movement of the dentition and uprighting of the lower
on excellent patient compliance and long treatment time.[3] incisor was due to the pressure from the chin cup.

Individuals in whom mandibular prognathism is the cause for Based on reports of the clinical trial,[13] it is evident that
the Class III skeletal relationship, the use of chin cup to exert protraction facemask treatment started in the mixed dentition
orthopedic force to restrict and redirect mandibular growth was seems to be stable 2 years after treatment. When the patients
a prevalent growth modification strategy.[4] To be effective, chin were followed 8  years after treatment only, about 67%
cup therapy must be started early in childhood and continued maintained positive overjet. Based on this observation, it
until growth is complete. However, it is almost impossible to is reasonable to conclude that one out of three patients will
obtain such cooperation from patients.[5] Yet, another limitation relapse into reverse overjet. The reason for this relapse can
of chin cup is that the response is determined by the original be attributed to the facemask being ineffective to elicit true
facial pattern. Since part of the facial concavity is corrected skeletal displacement of the maxilla owing to the inability to
by the mandible being displaced inferiorly. Stability following transmit appropriate forces for orthopedic correction of the
active treatment with chin cup is not guaranteed because of the maxilla.
sustained mandibular growth that occurs during and following The dependence on the dental units to transmit orthopedic
pubertal growth spurt.[6] Late horizontal mandibular growth is forces to the maxillary skeletal base causes concurrent dental
now considered to be an inherited genetic trait and hence not movements and can limit the extent to which the maxillary
amenable to therapeutic modification.[7] skeletal base can be protracted.[14] A method of minimizing
Ellis et al. reported that 40–60% of skeletal Class  III dental movement is to anchor the intraoral device to multiple
patients have a maxillary deficiency or retrusion.[8] They also teeth and to loosen the circum‑maxillary sutures with either
emphasized that maxillary protraction should be employed in banded or bonded palatal expansion. Because of the pressure of
growing patients with Class III skeletal dysplasia. In the last the periodontal ligament, unwanted dentoalveolar movements
few decades, protraction facemask therapy in conjunction with still occur. In some instances, dependence on dental anchorage
palatal expansion has been the mainstay in redirecting growth may be contraindicated because of the underlying severity
in growing Class III patients.[9] of the skeletal dysplasia, multiple missing teeth, vertically
compromised growth, or highly compensated pretreatment
A banded or bonded rapid palatal expansion (RPE) appliance occlusion.[15]
can be fabricated as an anchorage for maxillary protraction.
Until recently, accepting compromised results or opting for
The RPE also helps in disarticulating the maxilla and allows
surgical correction after cessation of growth were the only
more favorable forward movement of the maxilla by the
protraction facemask. A  well‑disarticulated maxilla seems
to be critical when using tooth borne device for orthopedic With the advent of miniscrews and miniplates for orthodontic
traction.[10] anchorage, a contemporary solution has become viable. The

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Krishnaswamy: Class III correction

orthopedic forces are directly employed to the maxillary and devices (TADs) strategically located in the maxilla is a gaining
mandibular skeletal bases by bypassing the dentoalveolar popularity; although long‑term results are still awaited,
structures. It is then reasonable to expect that the skeletal short‑term effects are encouraging.[16]
effects of protracting the maxilla and restricting or altering
the vector of growth of the mandible would be more The skeletal anchorage for maxillary protraction can be used
successful. Applying orthopedic force to temporary anchorage either in tandem with the facemask or by using intraoral elastics.

e f

Figure 1: A 13-year-old girl treated with skeletally anchored maxillary protraction. (a) Class III skeletal profile with retrusive maxilla and protrusive
lower lip. (b) Class III dentoalveolar relationship with asymmetric and constricted maxillary arch, reverse overjet, blocked out maxillary canines and
lingually inclined lower anterior. (c) A modified surgical plate anchored to the maxillary zygomatic buttress and lower anterior region and connected
by elastics in a Class III vector. The full coverage bite plate aids in disarticulation. (d) Seven months after treatment, a positive overjet and a Class I
molar relationship was established. (e) Pre- and post-treatment cone-beam computed tomography. (f) Pre- and post-treatment cephalometric tracings.
(g) Facial profile is less concave, and there is greater prominence of upper lip

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Krishnaswamy: Class III correction

In either instance, the goal is to bypass the dentition and apply With the widespread use of TADs, the extent of tooth
orthopedic forces to the skeletal bases through the skeletal movement can be enhanced and it is now possible to distalize
anchorage devices. Some clinicians prefer a miniplate[17] for the mandibular dentition in nongrowing patients with
skeletal anchorage while others prefer a palatal onplant.[18] moderate to severe skeletal malocclusion without the risk of
Miniplate can be located either at the zygomatic buttress or the compromising the gingival health or the lower labial alveolar
piriform aperture. The combination of facemask for extraoral plate.  The simplest application of TAD for the treatment
traction anchored to the intraoral skeletal anchorage seems to of Class III malocclusions is the direct retraction of the
be the most common protocol.[19‑26] mandibular arch with the TAD being placed in the posterior
area of the mandible. When TADs are used as absolute
De Clerck et al. introduced the use of unique skeletally
anchorage, the mandibular dentition can be retracted en masse
anchored maxillary protraction protocol that employs intraoral
by using nickel‑titanium (Ni‑Ti) springs or elastic chain.
elastics in a Class III vector connecting the skeletal anchorage
devices in the maxilla and mandible.[27] The advantage of the From a biomechanical standpoint, placing a TAD in the
method includes greater patient compliance, shortened duration retromolar area is the most effective way for en masse
of treatment, and lighter forces. distalization of the mandibular dentition.[30] However, placing
a TAD in the retromolar area is contraindicated if there is lack
A meta‑analysis conducted by Major et al. [28] seems to of attached gingiva and reduced accessibility to the retromolar
indicate that skeletally anchored maxillary protraction area. Alternative solution is the placement of a miniscrew in the
results in substantial maxillary protraction without dental interradicular area between the first and second molar or first
compensation when compared with conventional facemask molar and second premolar.[31] The limitation of this location is the
protraction therapy that were anchored to bonded or banded proximity of the roots of teeth which may be injured either during
palatal expansion device. Further, the method suggested by the insertion of the TAD or the possibility of the roots contacting
De Clerck employing intraoral elastics to skeletal anchorage the TAD when the mandibular dentition is distalized.[32]
devices in the maxilla and mandible seem to elicit greater and
more favorable skeletal changes when compared to skeletal Miniplates can be placed instead of miniscrews in the
anchorage and facemask combinations. The following case mandibular posterior area to serve as absolute anchorage for
which was treated by running intraoral Class III elastics en masse distalization of the mandibular dentition.[33] However,
between the skeletal anchorage devices in the maxilla and miniplates require flap surgery for both their placement and
mandible shows substantial anteroposterior correction with removal with a longer healing period and more pain and
minimal changes in the dentition  [Figure  1]. Further, this discomfort than with miniscrews.
method can be employed even in slightly older individuals Since the success rate of TADs placed in the mandible is
who are in their early permanent dentition. significantly lower than the TADs placed in the maxilla, some
clinicians prefer to place a TAD in the maxilla between the
Treatment of Nongrowing Class III Malocclusion roots of the second premolar and the first molar and engage
Orthodontic treatment to camouflage the skeletal Class  III Class  III elastics from the TAD to the anterior mandibular
malocclusion in nongrowing patients with mild skeletal dentition.[34] This approach is a compromise because the results
discrepancy has been the standard approach when the depend completely on patient cooperation.
patient declines surgery. Treatment can be carried out with A novel approach that overcomes the limitation of TADs in the
conventional fixed appliance with or without extraction of above‑mentioned locations and can still bring about predictable
teeth. If extraction is indicated, then the preferred pattern of en masse distalization of mandibular dentition recommended by
extraction would be to extract the upper second and lower Chang and Roberts.[35] This involves the use of an extra‑alveolar
first bicuspids or one lower incisor alone.[29] The limited miniscrew placed in the buccal shelf of the mandible. Ni‑Ti
success of camouflaging Class III treatment can be attributed retraction springs from the extra‑alveolar miniscrew to the
to the existing compensation, excessive arch length tooth size hooks in the anterior segment of the lower archwire seems
discrepancy, and the inability to compensate the dentition very promising as outlined in the case [Figure 2]. The failure
further due to anatomical boundaries. rate of this approach is reported to be as less as 7% and does
not require predrilling and can withstand a load up to 14 oz.
Specifically, proclining the upper incisors to eliminate the
reverse overjet has to be judiciously executed as otherwise the
facial esthetics could be compromised since the patient will Orthognathic Surgery
usually have a retrusive maxilla. Similarly, retroclining the The only definitive approach to eliminate the skeletal
mandibular incisors to eliminate the reverse overjet may be imbalance and obtain optimal esthetics, function, and stability
hampered due to the presence of thin symphyseal morphology in patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion is orthognathic
and the risk of inducing gingival recession and/or fenestrating surgery combined with orthodontics. Orthognathic surgery has
the labial bone in patients who already have a wash board been successfully carried out for more than three decades and
appearance. in a well orthodontically decompensated dentition the jaws

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Krishnaswamy: Class III correction

f g h
Figure 2: A 22-year-old female treated with orthodontic camouflage. (a) Skeletal Class III profile with prognathic mandible, retrusive upper lip and mild
increase in the lower facial height. (b) Class III dentoalveolar malocclusion with reverse overjet and blocked out maxillary canines and lingually inclined
lower anterior exhibiting prominent roots. (c) Lower third molar extracted and 12 mm extra-alveolar miniscrew inserted in the mandibular buccal shelf.
(d) Nickel-titanium coil springs from the lower archwires to the miniscrews for en masse distalization of the mandibular dentition. (e) After 18 months
of treatment. (f) Pre- and post-treatment cephalograms. (g) Pre- and post-treatment tracing and superimposition. (h) Posttreatment facial appearance

can be precisely repositioned in all three planes of space to and social well‑being that is characteristic of skeletal Class III
yield predictable outcomes.[36] The acceptance for undergoing malocclusion.
orthognathic surgery is highest in individuals with Class III The conventional approach to orthognathic surgery requires a
skeletal malocclusion when compared with patients with other variable length of preoperative orthodontic preparation before
skeletal malocclusions that may warrant surgery and this can the surgery and a relatively stable period of postoperative
be attributed to the greater negative effect on the psychological orthodontics. The importance of preoperative orthodontics
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Krishnaswamy: Class III correction

rests on the fact that optimal positioning during surgery and expensive. They proposed the “surgery first” approach
may be limited by inappropriate dental alignment. However, and created broader interest in the complete elimination
orthodontic preparation typically lasts 15–24  months [37] of presurgical orthodontic treatment.[39] In the surgery‑first
involving progressive deterioration of facial esthetics and approach proposed by Sugawara et al., the surgery is carried
dental function and causes significant patient discomfort.[38] out without any presurgical orthodontic preparation and
In the recent years, many surgeons have perceived orthognathic is followed by regular postoperative dental alignment.[40]
surgery as too complicated, too invasive, time‑consuming, Although minor orthodontic movements are occasionally

f g
Figure 3: A 20-year-old male treated with surgery-first approach. (a) A skeletal Class III profile with retrognathic maxilla, prognathic mandible, facial
asymmetry, and excess lower facial height. (b) Class III malocclusion with Class III buccal segment, anterior open bite, bilateral posterior crossbite, and
a noncoincident midline. (c) Surgical archwires adapted according to the malocclusion and placed 1 week prior to surgery. (d) Two weeks after LeFort
I maxillary advancement and mandibular setback surgery. (e) Seven months after surgery – postsurgical orthodontics in progress. (f) Pretreatment,
immediate postsurgical, and 7 months postsurgical cephalometric radiographs. (g) Seven months after surgery revealing a more balanced facial
profile and symmetry

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Krishnaswamy: Class III correction

performed before surgery, the concept implies that most of the protraction using intraoral Class III elastics has the
orthodontic treatment is performed postoperatively. Several advantage of reduced treatment duration and the
advantages have been reported for the surgery‑first approach possibility of treating slightly older children
including improvements in patient’s facial esthetics and dental • Camouflage in Class III malocclusion is more effective
occlusion early in the treatment.[41]   Improvement in patient’s when TADs are used to provide absolute anchorage
swallowing and speech function after surgery, postoperative compared to conventional extraction treatment and
accelerated orthodontic tooth movement both due to the Class III biomechanics. Miniscrews used in the buccal
regional acceleratory phenomenon and early restoration of shelf are more conducive for en masse distalization
normal function and anatomic relationship of the bony skeleton of the mandibular dentition to provide adequate
and surrounding soft tissues.[42] The stability of results is equal camouflage
to or in some cases superior to those achieved using the more
• Orthognathic surgery followed by orthodontics seems to
traditional orthodontics first approach.[43]
be a better approach in patients who warrant surgery. The
Nagasaka et  al. published a series of case reports using duration, cost of treatment, and patient’s outlook seem to
surgery‑first approach to correct skeletal Class III malocclusion; be better when surgery is carried out first.
the results demonstrated acceptable facial esthetics and dental
occlusion with total treatment time of <12 months.[44] In their Declaration of patient consent
initial case reports, orthognathic surgery was performed on The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate
the mandible only. A Class III malocclusion became a Class II patient consent forms. In the form, the patient(s) has/have
immediately after mandibular setback, and then skeletal given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and other
anchorage was advocated to correct the intentionally created clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patients
Class  II to a Class  I dentoalveolar relationship. Baek et  al. understand that their names and initials will not be published,
emphasized that the surgery‑first approach requires accurate and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but
prediction of the postoperative orthodontic treatment for anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
dental alignment, incisor decompensation, arch correction, and
occlusal settling at the very beginning of preoperative treatment Acknowledgments
plan.[45] Their case report documented Class III corrections by I wish to thank my colleagues Dr.  M. K. Anand,
employing LeFort I osteotomy and mandibular setback. Dr.  Rekha Bharadwaj, and Dr.  Shobbana Thalur at the
Department of Orthodontics, Ragas Dental College and
Liou et  al. suggested a modification to the surgery‑first Hospital, for providing the cases published in this article.
approach.[46] However, his technique required more surgical
segments and less reliance on TAD’s or skeletal anchorage Financial support and sponsorship
systems (SAS’s) for postoperative alignment. His approach is Nil.
referred to as “surgery driven” surgery‑first approach compared Conflicts of interest
to the one popularized by Sugawara wherein the surgical There are no conflicts of interest.
segments are kept to a minimum, but TAD’s and SAS’s are
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S26 Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society | Vol 49 | Special Issue | December, 2015

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