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Third Time’s the Charm 

For parties of 1 player and 1 DM from the writers of D&D


Credits and Acknowledgements

Thank you to DMs Guild and Wizards of the Coast for the art. Additional art licensed under Creative Commons by
L’Avocat on 
Thank you so much to the wonderful people who gave their time looking over this adventure; we love you all!
Thank you to Michael Taylor of for the stat block formatting and generally being awesome.
Thank you to Adam who did the art for our logo. You can find more of his work on IInstagram
nstagram @bardandlute.

An adventure for one third-level character and their


ampersand, Player’s Handbook,
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster
Monster Manual, Dungeon
Dungeon Master’s
Master’s Guide, D&D
  D&D Adventurers League, all other
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their dist inctive likenesses are property of Wizards
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  hirdTime’s the harm 

Beware arrogant disdain for those who came before,
born of the gods and the land, and the bearers of their
ways. They stand in the sunset
sunset and tell themselves it’s Spellplague, a cataclysmic event that shook magic to
noonday. Be on guard against those with starry-eyed its core and left the land forever altered. The PC and
devotion for traditions most respected for being Garren are told about a wizard in the neighboring
ancient. A new day dawns, and another after that, region that may be able to help end the curse.
leaving them in darkness.
- Meditations on the Arcane, by Krizal Note- If you and your party have not played Second
Hubersnatch Glance, you may use an alternative hook to travel to
the Veiled Wood. The writing of this adventure
assumes that the party has completed both First
Introduction Blush and Second Glance, but the adventure can still
be played with slight modification in any campaign
 Appendices  or setting. In adaptation, the PC’s treasured amulet
A – maps of region and locations  
can be switched out for any item of great emotional
B – stats for creatures, characters, and items
significance to the character.
C – Garren’s backstory 

Setting Note  A sense of urgency should drive the pacing of the

The adventure opens only a few days after the close adventure and the PC and Garren’s
G arren’s interactions. That
of Second Glance with the resolution of the conflict is not to say that play needs to be rushed or that RP
between the people of Duskhollow and the druids of should be skipped over, but ideally the possibility of
the Sacred Grove. At the close of that adventure, it Garren returning to a statue and not being able to
was revealed that the player’s companion,  Garren, is recover should keep the emotional stakes of the
afflicted with an ancient curse from the time of the encounters, both social and combat, high.

Crystalline Curse Format Note 

An individual afflicted with this curse is immediately In this adventure, the text appearing in boxes like
turned into crystal, and their soul is ejected from this is optional and intended to be read aloud to
their body to wander the Astral Plane. The soul may your player.
return to the body under certain conditions (such as
through connection with the Amulet
the Amulet of Binding)
Binding)  Additionally, in some sections
sections text is italicized.
but can only continue doing so for a finite period  Italicized text can be read aloud
aloud or paraphrased but
after which the soul is once more expelled from theth e represents things the players immediately sense in an
body. As time goes on, an awakened individual with area. (Following such text there is usually more in
the Crystalline Curse slowly becomes more rigid  parentheses describing things the party does not see yet
until they are again turned into crystal. Only Greater or may need to discover.)
Restoration or
Restoration  or the blessing of a powerful good-
aligned being can break this curse, returning the
afflicted individual to their natural form.
The Player and Garren are leaving the Duskhollow
region in search of a wizard who may know more
The affliction progresses through 4 stages.
about Garren’s affliction.
Stage 1:
1: The individual can move and act normally,
no rmally,
though they appear to be made of crystal.
They travel through the wilderness for three days.
Stage 2:
2: The individual suffers a -2 penalty to any
There is a chance for wilderness encounters and
skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws that
roleplaying before they reac h the wizard’s tower in
involve Strength or Dexterity as the curse begins
the middle of the Veiled Wood.
prohibiting natural movement.
Stage 3: The individual’s speed is halved and they
The wizard has his hands full with the Keepers of the
have disadvantage on all ability checks and attack
Veil. They are more naturally-oriented than the
wizard’s arcane learning. These regional protectors
Stage 4:
4: The individual becomes a statuesque pillar
will keep popping up throughout the adventure.
of crystal as their soul is ejected to wander the Astral
The party needs to navigate the situation as they
believe that the wizard has the best chance of telling
NPCs Note  them what they need to know to cure Garren’s
Garren, the paladin, figured prominently in the condition.
climax of the story arc of First Blush. Feeling that he
owes the PC a debt for freeing him, he intends to The wizard is willing to help and will act like he
help and protect them. His backstory can be found in knows just what to do. In reality, he is
i s grasping for
Appendix C. straws and stalling for time. He says that he needs
certain items for the magical ritual to cure Garren.
Some parties have also added Remmy from First He requires troll blood, an amber mirror, and, he will
Blush, the PC’s best friend from their time growing leave out till the end, jellied newt.
up in the castle. If Remmy came along,
a long, he can help
the PC as a rogue. By the end of the adventure, the party realizes that
the wizard won’t be able to help them and are left
Garren and Remmy’s stat blocks are located in with no other choice than to try meeting
me eting Seraphina,
Appendix B. the Nymph. Local legends tell of a sacred spring
where one can be made whole again and wishes can
be granted.

The Nymph asks Garren why he should be restored.

She explains that in order to heal Garren, the PC will
need to give up the amulet that’s been so important
to them over the course of their life. It must be
destroyed so that Garren may live.

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To Garren she will give a Heward’s Handy

In the Sacred Grove Haversack (DMG pg. 174) and
174) and admonish him to
continue to care for the player.

mportant Note: All of the NPCs have been
designed with flexibility in mind. Feel free to
alter the names, gender, or personality of any
NPCs described here to best suit you and your
On the Road
player’s needs or preferences.  They travel to the North for 3 days to reach the
Veiled Wood from Duskhollow.
One morning, after spending a few days recovering
from your adventure, Janvair pulls you aside and with only 2… 
Watch limitations with
says, “The time has come for the two of you to move In 5e, with the rules as written, it will not be possible
on. He tries not to show it, but
b ut Garren is becoming
for the player and Garren to get a full rest while
less mobile as time passes. The curse is taking
keeping a watch. At the DM’s discretion, Garren can
greater hold.” 
enter a restive trance, remaining alert to danger, but
still reaping the benefits of a long rest.  
Janvair the Elder 
Human Male Druid, Werebear, Chaotic Good ENCOUNTER: The second night on the road, the full
100 years old, huge and lumbering, kind green eyes moon gleams brilliantly and the baleful call of
wolves pierce the dark. A pair of Harpies (MM pg.
Ideal: It is my sacred
sa cred duty to shepherd my people and
181) attempt
181)  attempt to lure a character keeping watch
the forest.
away from camp and into a foggy bog.
Flaw: I fixate on intriguing puzzles & can be slow to act.
Loot: 1 potion of healing and 2d8x10 SP  
One of the largest humanoids that the PC has ever
seen, even taller than Garren, Janvair is the elder of Camping and Wilderness Travel 
the druid colony outside Duskhollow, where the
The trail to the wizard’s tower is a wonderful
adventure begins.
opportunity for the player to engage in some
•  I am hoping that my associate Stellarin to the roleplaying with Garren. At the DM’s discretion,
North can help Garren. Stellarin and I have Garren could parse out more and more of his
maintained friendly communication from when backstory (included in Appendix C) as his memories
we were young, banding together and trying to slowly return. This is also a good time to consider
avoid the scolding of the scholars. He went on to what, if any, role you see Garren
Ga rren playing moving
specialize in ancient knowledge, and well, I found forward. 
my way to this place.
•  He can be… difficult at times but could be of help. Depending on their backstory, the player may be
•  Stellarin resides in the Veiled Wood, a valley in the thinking about contacting someone from back in
foothills of the Cloud Peak mountains north of Amn. Garren can query the player about their past,

here. allowing
more.  the PC to flesh out their character’s history
Eliastra, the druid that took care of the player in
Second Glance, will be tearful and want to give some The Veiled Wood- 
traveling advice. The player has her Cloak of The region that this adventure takes place in is
Protection (DMG pg. 159),159), but she will also press a called the Veiled Wood, a storied little pocket of
small silver carving of a raven into the player’s hand. (mostly) forest that happens to press rather close to
This is a Silver Raven (DMG pg. 170).170) . The player the Feywild. The barrier between the Planes is thin
can use it to communicate over distances. here. In most places around the valley, colors seem
If the player found the Ring of Protection (DMG p. extra vibrant, birdsong sounds especially complex
191) in
191)  in First Blush, Eliastra can give them a Cloak of and musical, and the air is slightly sweet. The unique
Elvenkind (DMG pg. 158) instead.
158) instead. quality of this special place does hold some danger
and was one of the primary
p rimary reasons for Stellarin
setting his tower here.  

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On the third day, the trail leads over a small hill and Mandelius Griffon Turlock Stellarin
the party finds themselves looking down into the
Veiled Wood. From this vantage point, they can
make a Perception (Wisdom) check, possibly Lawful Neutral Human Male Wizard  
revealing the following details-  Long, skinny neck. Narrow, pointy face. Swallowed up
in his robes.  
(11+) Tall mountains surround the bowl of this Ideals: The pursuit of knowledge, not its acquisition, is
verdant valley... the route to power.
(13+) ...and a crooked tower standing in a green Flaws: I oftentimes use people to get what I want,
want ,
opening lies to the North…   without remorse. 
(15+) … and there is a gap to the Northwest,  the
trees obscuring what may be an opening in the Use the Mage (MM pg. 347) for Stellarin’s stats.
forest floor… 
(17+) … and perhaps some ruins to the Northeast…   Goals: Stellarin is not actually as powerful of a mage
(19+) … and a cave mouth at the foot of the as he projects and indeed teleported his tower into
mountains to the North... the middle of the Veil quite by accident. While he
(21+) … and a thin line of smoke from beyond the finds Garren extremely interesting and wants to
mountains to the distant Northwest, perhaps a small understand his condition, he is mostly happy to have
town on the other side of the mountains? adventurers that are not afraid of running around
doing errands for him. 
The party is free to head wherever they wish, though
the ticking clock of Garren’s Crystalline Curse will Two Keepers of the Veil members, Vielesha and
motivate him to recommend seeing the wizard first.  Tidan, are angrily confronting the wizard while
Paylyc, a third, watches cautiously from afar. The
Keepers dare not enter the tower, just as the wizard
Meeting the Wizard of the dares not leave it. The pair of Elves will avoid
conflict with the wizard, preferring to see what the
Crooked Tower introduction of these new adventurers may do to the
balance of power in the region, though they are wary
As you approach the wizard’s tower, you note the when they discover that the adventurers are there
dissipation of the more intense fey elements of the for a meeting with the wizard. 
forest. The bright colors and intense vegetation give
way to a more muted palette and order, as if the
trees and grass in the area have been directed to Keepers of the Veil
stand at attention in neat rows. At the threshold This trio is native to the region and have been
between the wilder fey forest and the ordered tending to this stretch of forest for decades. They do
environment surrounding the tower, you see the their best to keep the wilder parts of the Feywild
edges of the groomed earth reaching out and from wreaking havoc on the area. The sudden
subduing the chaotic plant life around its borders. appearance of Stellarin’s tower and the unnatural
effect his presence has in the region are unwelcome. 
When the party is near the tower, they hear raised
voices. A DC 13+ Perception (Wisdom) roll reveals The Keepers regard the party with suspicion but,
snatches of Elvish. If the player speaks Elvish they depending on how your social encounter with
hear, “...not leaving without him, and we together are Stellarin goes, the party may prefer to deal with this
more than you can handle, ball gazer!” At the base of group as opposed to working with the wizard. If that
the tower there are two Elven figures standing with is the case, you may choose to have the
th e Keepers
their hands on their hips staring up at a window asking for the tasks to be completed as a way of
opening. A bald head pivoting on a vulture-like neck establishing trust before they will reveal the location
shoots out of the opening and calls down, “All this of the nymph’s grove. Eliminating a troll, recovering
fuss for some plant matter? Really?”  a lost artifact, and checking in on Fee-Ree are all
tasks that the Keepers would like to see completed
before leading the party to the Nymph.  

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Vielesha—a spring eladrin, the speaker for the The elves will be wary of the party and anyone with
group. She has emerald green skin and dark green connections to the wizard, parting with a warning,
hair with seafoam-colored markings in intricate “We’ll be watching.”  
patterns on her face, neck, and hands. Use the Druid
(MM pg. 346).
346). The Wizard of the Crooked Spire is named
Mandelius Griffon Turlock Stellarin III. He does not
Tidan—of all the Keepers, Tidan suspects the have any hair on top of his head or on his face, but
adventurers the most. She’s unwilling to go into plenty of long gray hairs sprout from vacuous
detail, but her recent inclusion into the group of nostrils that flare as he speaks. He regards the
rangers is partly due to a great tragedy that befell adventurers with a wary squint before croaking out,
the community where she grew up. On a few f ew “You pair have my thanks. Those elves have been
occasions, the PC and Garren may feel a dark gaze, harassing me non-stop. Seems they don’t care for
turning around to see a pale form clad in green how things are changing in this valley.”
staring them down for her position among the
foliage. Use the Veteran (MM pg. 350).
350) . If pressed about the conflict, Stellarin can posit that
perhaps it’s because he’s human, or a practitioner of
Paylyc—the voice of reason for the party, Paylyc the arcane arts. Neither of these are the cause of the
gives the PC and Garren the benefit of the doubt and Watcher’s ire. Stellarin is a bad neighbor, and his
recognizes that their connection to the wizard is taming of the valley’s wild fey nature is spreading. 
only circumstantial and doesn’t pose any actual
threat. Instead, the parties might even be able to As the player reveals the reason for their visit, the
work together! Paylyc’s elven features are tinged self-assured Stellarin will exclaim and declare that of
ever so slightly red, and his ears are quite oversized. course, as a powerful wizard, he can certainly cure
Over time observing him, it becomes clear that he is Garren of anything that is ailing him, but he will
part-Eladrin, raised among the elves by his father need some components to aid in his diagnosis. If the
after his mother returned to her home in the party would like to roll a DC18 Insight (Wisdom)
Feywild. Use the Veteran (MM pg. 350).
350) . check, they will perceive that Stellarin is
exaggerating his abilities. If challenged, he will
If the player approaches and offers to mediate the bashfully confess his fears of leaving the tower for
situation, Vielesha will reveal that the wizard has his own safety in an effort to change the subject. If
absconded with an Awakened Shrub. The wizard the party continues to press this subterfuge, he will
wants to study this shrub to better understand become angry and start to threaten to not help them
consciousness, but it is not his to steal. From at all, though his interest in Garren’s condition will
Vielesha’s perspective, it is its own plant. make this disavowal unlikely.

The wizard does not recognize shrub autonomy, but

(unknown to the player) he is more interested in
making a deal now that there are interesting, new
subjects to study. He will back down from holding
the shrub with the offer of something, pretty much
anything in return, which he hints at a few times to
better understand Garren and the PC. If the player
does not offer anything to trade, Vielesha can pay the
shrub ransom, giving up a small Sapphire. 

With a successful exchange, the wizard’s head

disappears for a time and a quivering bush appears
at the edge of the window. The bush looks
frightened, but only more so after the wizard gives it
a shove from behind. As Vielesha cries out in dismay,
the wizard flicks his wrist and the nervous bush
floats safely to the ground, shaken but unharmed.  

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The spell to cure Garren calls for a vial of Troll’s at an abandoned ruin. The mirror is set into a moss-
blood. Stellarin is reasonably sure that there is one covered plinth. It has been said that an ancient order
of those vile beasts lurking in a cave to the Northeast
N ortheast of elves used pillars such as this to ride on
from the tower. Note, the troll blood needs to be as sunbeams, but that’s *probably* pure nonsense. 
fresh as possible, so the party should try to bring a
part of it back intact. A limb or a head o r something…   After the party completes the first of these two
Crystalline Curse to
tasks, advance Garren’s Crystalline
Additionally, to cast the spell, he will need a mirror Stage 2.
made of amber to reflect and focus the arcane
energies. There is one relatively nearby to the South

A Small Favor… or Two 

Those who organically regenerate, afflict metal and the lungs, and are reborn from death are mighty yet small. Others
 flit about, felt but unseen. Greater mysteries
mysteries than these lie within the Veil,
Veil, near to the land of Faerie, clin
ging to the
magic of forgotten times. True travelers know that stories are best believed when lived, and those who best believe, live.
 Rai’tyl, twenty 
-second Head Keeper of the Veil

The following table can be used at any point in the adventure but is intended for the way to and from the wizard’s
quests. The DM is free to roll or to choose the ones that best fit.

Reaching the destinations in the valley requires a DC 13 Survival check. On a failed check the party becomes
b ecomes lost for
1d6 hours and may be in danger of having a Medium difficulty random encounter. See DMG pg. 111 for
111  for more on
becoming lost. 

D8 Encounter
1 You hear the frantic calls of a panicked bird nearby. A large
large Axe
 Axe Beak (MM pg. 317) has
317) has become ensnared
in a forgotten hunter’s trap. The beast is upset and will attack anyone unl ess they succeed on a DC 16
Animal Handling check. Offering food or speaking with it via Speak with Animals results in advantage.
2 You hear a sudden and very loud sneeze from a bush about 50ft ahead of you. The entire bush shakes
violently with the force. This Awakened
This Awakened Shrub (MM pg. 317) is
317) is suffering from allergies. It will explain so if
asked and can give general insights about the area. After a positive interaction with this shrub, the party
makes any survival checks in the region with advantage.
3 A DC 10 Perception check reveals a pair of Goblins (MM pg. 166) loudly
166)  loudly bickering between themselves and

fromtheir ambush
a larger points
hoard at either
and will side
attempt toof theiftrail.
flee The goblins
attacked are from
by a stronger a very
force. Thissmall band thatofwthe
is a fragment
f ragment as
tribe from Second Glance.
4 A crazed-looking older human male shambles down the path, his various trinkets and junk clanging with
every step. He wants to sell something, anything really, to the travelers. He mostly has junk, but he can also
offer any Adventuring
any Adventuring Gear (PHB pg. 150) priced
150) priced under 5 GP at regular price. He will eagerly buy up any
random junk the party wishes to sell. After the characters complete an exchange, he can offer
off er some
information about the region ahead.
5 Walking down the road, you hear raised voices speaking in Common. About 100ft deeper into the woods,
you encounter two rough men (Bandits, MM pg. 343) standing
343)  standing over another who is digging. They are
arguing about the location of a treasure but are digging in the wrong place. A DC 15 Intelligence check with
the map that they are holding will reveal the location nearby of a small chest containing 250 CP, 50 SP, and
10 GP. The ruffians are waiting for an opportunity to betray
b etray one another to keep the chest for themselves
but will unite against a common threat.

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6 You notice a Raven (MM pg. 335) watching you with intensity belying intelligence. As you move around,
the Raven matches pace with you but does not get close enough t o hit. This Raven is Stellarin’s familiar,
keeping tabs on the party. If the Raven is attacked,
at tacked, it disappears. It refuses to speak to anyone under any
circumstances. If the party is traveling with the Keepers, they will shoo the raven away with a hawk under
their power and may explain that the Raven belongs
belo ngs to Stellarin.
7 You run across a ring of flowers perfectly surrounding a pillar of light. Approaching the ring, there is the
sound of tinkling chimes and laughter. A character stepping into the center feels elated and hopeful for the
rest of the day. This character’s optimism gives them the ability to re-roll one failed attack or ability check
that day. They also see the best in others, granting advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and (Insight) checks
for the same day.
8 You hear the bubbling of a small
s mall stream and… snoring. Next to a stream, a sleeping Satyr (MM pg. 267) is
surrounded by several empty wine skins. If the players want to sneakily investigate, Dexterity (Stealth)
checks are made with advantage. The Satyr is gripping magical panpipes and has about 5 GP worth of
jewelry in plain sight. If awakened, he will attempt to charm the
th e party and convince them to partake in a
Bacchanal. He aims to leave the party passed out and rob them of any good food or wine.

Cave 1- 
Troll Cave  The entrance to this cave opens to a small
n the troll’s cave the party will find lots of bones , antechamber (this is the only area in the troll’s cave
rot, some treasure, and a troll that has mutated that has natural light except the opening in Cave 5).

after exposure to Russet Mold. This troll has Inside this room, you see that the cave continues to the
fungal spores growing out of its body. This is a north, though darkness obscures the area beyond the
weaker troll with the Loathsome Limbs variant, but opening (leading deeper into the cave). There are
it will make use of its Spores Ability (below).
( below). two other openings: a large one to the east (leading to
Cave 2) and
2) and a crawl space to the west (leading to
Russet Mold: This
Mold: This mold is reddish brown and looks Cave 3).
3). A thick layer of an unknown organic
like rust. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) or substance coats the eastern passage but seems
Wisdom (Survival) check can identify it.   Mold) . 
especially thick to the west (the layer is Russet Mold).
Any creature that comes within 5 feet of russet mold
must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw as the A successful DC13 Wisdom (Perception) or
mold emits a puff of spores.
s pores. On a failed save, the Intelligence (Investigation) check of the area will
creature becomes poisoned. While poisoned in this reveal that the mold is clearly absent from any space
way, the creature takes 7 (2d6) poison damage at that receives sunlight.
the start of each of its turns, ending the effect
eff ect on
itself on a success. Any magic that neutralizes poison Cave 2- 
or cures disease kills the infestation. (Garren’s Lay The room smells of decay, likely from the partly
on Hands ability cures poison and/or disease.)  
decomposed bodies scattered about the space. There is
A creature reduced to 0 hit points by the mold’s
also a large cluster of mushrooms against the back
poison damage dies. If the dead creature is a beast, a
wall  (this
 (this is actually a newly transformed Thorny
giant, or a humanoid, one or more newborn
(Appendix B; VGtM pg. 197). 197) . It will attack
vegepygmies emerge from its body 24 hours later.
characters looting the room. Noises from extended
Russet Mold can be hard to kill, since weapons and
fighting or spell casting in this area will cause the
most types of damage do it no n o harm. Effects that deal
Troll in Cave 4 to investigate.
acid, necrotic, or radiant damage kill 1 square foot of
(A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that
russet mold per 1 damage dealt. A pound of salt, a
there are a couple of rusty swords and some ruined
gallon of alcohol, or a magical effect that cures
armor in here, remnants of previous incursions to
disease kills russet mold in a square area that is 10
kill the troll. Characters succeeding on a DC 16
feet on a side. Sunlight kills any Russet Mold in the
Intelligence (Investigation) find a small satchel
light’s area. 
containing 40 SP, an Emerald worth 200 GP, and a

Ring of Mage Hand.) 

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Cave 3-  When the troll falls to ⅓ HP, it will attempt to flee
Pushing through this tight space, barely 3 feet wide either out the front or through Cave 5.  
and descending down, you see a number of
mushrooms and a faint purplish glow as you round Cave 5- 
the corner to an open chamber. (The light is coming Sunlight pours down into this opening in the cave and
from a Driftglobe (DMG pg. 166) that
166)  that the tiny a knot of vegetation has taken root, choking this
Vegepygmy tribe
Vegepygmy  tribe worships and will not want to part outlet. (Players
outlet. (Players attempting to squeeze through this
with..) This space is made even more crowded by the
with opening must make a DC10 Dexterity check or
 four small mold people holding simple spears up at become stuck. A stuck character must make a DC 15
 you. (The
 you. (The Vegepygmies in this area certainly do not Strength check to escape.)
want a fight but will defend their home. Appendix
home.  Appendix
197 ) 
B; VGtM pg. 197) Developments- 
If the troll renders the player unconscious, the troll
Vegepygmies only speak their own language but will will capture them for a time, suspending them by
communicate with gestures, signs, and tonal hisses. their feet in the lair until it can get around to eating
They are happy to convey anything they know about abou t them. The troll is lazy and a terrible guard and will
the cave and the troll but can only do so in this leave the players unattended for small stretches of
limited manner. They like the troll in so far as it time while sleeping or hunting. If the players
brings in fresh meat scraps but don’t like that it managed to befriend the Vegepygmies, they may
occasionally preys on them.  assist in any escape. 

On the way back, they can encounter a Keeper of the

Veil who will be pleased that the troll has been dealt
with but will object to pieces of it being
b eing carried back
for the wizard.

Pixie Mirror 

hat the wizard described as ancient
abandoned ruins are actually the home of
a pixie community. When the party
attempts to take the mirror, they will face the anger
a nger
of this small collective who would prefer the mirror
not go anywhere as they like looking at themselves
in its reflection.

Your path through the forest suddenly gives way to a

clearing ahead where you perceive an odd stone
shrine surrounded by six worn columns.

Cave 4-   A sudden break through the trees

trees reveals six worn
This large opening is faintly lit by bioluminescent stone pillars surrounding a low stone sphere draped in
 fungus. (A DC 15 Perception check will locate the  flowering vines and ivy. (The
ivy. (The sphere is an ancient
troll crouched against the eastern wall. The quarry Elven shrine. The Amber Mirror lies on top of the
has the same stats as the Troll in the MM pg. sphere, at the center of the ivy.) The stone pillars are
291 with the following alterations: This creature has about 30 feet from the sphere (Atop and behind
been weakened significantly by the Russet Mold in these pillars are 1d4+1 Pixies that are Invisible. They
the caves and has 54HP. It also has the Loathsome are lead by Twinklelolly.
Limbs Variant. Finally, each time the troll takes more
than 10 points of damage, Russet Mold poofs out of The vines will animate and try to Grapple any
the wound. The troll is munching something gross in creature bearing a weapon within 5 feet of the
here unless brought out from fighting in Cave 2. sphere. The creature must make a DC14 Dexterity

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saving throw or be Grappled and suffer 1d4 Developments-

bludgeoning damage each round until the condition If the players harm any of the
th e Pixies or resort to
ends. Any Pixie can control this feature.) taking the Amber Mirror by force, the Keepers will
be very cross. They may even send a few members to
Twinklelolly rough up the party and steal back the mirror.
Tiny Chaotic Good Pixie
Short, light purple hair. Mischievous grey eyes. Smirk. If, however, they make a deal,
d eal, the Keepers will make
Twinklelolly tries to figure out the player’s a positive contact. They will suggest that the mirror
intentions by using detect thoughts before revealing would make a wonderful gift for the Nymph and
themself. The pixie leader wants to keep the mirror
m irror might sway her to help Garren.
but can be convinced to part with it for the right
price. With the successful return of the two items,
 Stellarin says he will be ready to cast his spell the
•  I am bored and demand that you each entertain us  following morning. That evening, if the player
with a story each before we get down tot o business. wants to check it out, it is clear that Stellarin is
The more humiliating or silly, the better. out of his depth. By that time, Garren will also be
•  Listen, if you took our mirror, what would we  suffering from the more advanced stages of the
admire ourselves in? Crystalline Curse, finding movement difficult.  
•  I might consider parting with the Amber Mirror on
the condition that you do me a favor. I need you to
go play a prank on someone for me. (Likely targets Third Time’s the Charm 
include the Satyr from Travel Encounter 8, tellarin will perform a fake ritual on Garren.
Stellarin, Fee-Ree, the Keepers of the Veil…)  Afterwards, there will be no obvious difference.

If the pixies are greeted with hostility, they will  Advance Garren’s Crystalline Curse to StageStage
remain hidden using their invisibility as much as 3. As Garren is no longer able to conceal his growing
possible. They will appear only long enough to cast distress and worsening condition, Stellarin will say
mind-altering spells and send hostile players away that he was hoping it wouldn’t come to this, but
from their home. perhaps there is one more thing he could try.  

He says that the new spell calls for

f or some jellied
newts. Jellying newts takes a long time, but
fortunately there is a crazy old witch, possibly a hag,
that lives to the West in a hut at the bottom of a
sinkhole who will certainly have jellied newt.
Stellarin explains that she is incredibly dangerous
and everyone in the region is terrified of her because
she has been known to vaporize people, but the

rumorsseems stalwart,
or hearsay, and they
would they?wouldn’t be afraid
And, while they’reof
there, perhaps they could also retrieve a ceremonial
dagger that the witch’s familiar stole from Stellarin
one evening a few weeks ago? 

In actuality, the “witch” is a middle-aged Wild Magic

Sorcerer named Fee-Ree that is in self-exile after
accidentally harming her partner during a Surge.
Stellarin lost the blade to her, but senses a chance to
get it back and perhaps use it to keep the player
under his control.

There is a gap in the tree cover ahead. Exiting the

dense forest, you observe that a massive sinkhole

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has opened in the middle of the woods. The forest Fee-Ree

pushes up to the edges of the opening. At the bottom
Chaotic Good Female Dragonborn  
of the sinkhole sits a quaint little cottage in a state of
Somewhat fragile, dry silvery scales, piercing white
She will defend her home from invaders, but if the
Fee-Ree’s shack resides at the bottom of a sinkhole.
party begins a conversation with her, she will reveal
The sinkhole is 150 ft in diameter and descends 40
that about a year ago Stellarin tried to control her
ft. Characters moving quietly can make a Dexterity
powers/enslave her in the guise of helping her
(Stealth) check against Fee- Ree’s Passive Perception control her magic.
(11). A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
low humming and movement from inside the little •  Stellarin is a monster. I went to him for
fo r help
hut. Fee-Ree is going about her day. She is a Priest controlling my magic because I’d heard he was
(MM 348) with the following changes. She has 32 powerful, but he just wanted to use me.
HP. Anytime she casts, she must roll on the Wild •  When I rejected him, he became angry and
Surge table.  threatened me. A struggle ensued, and I gained
control of his ceremonial knife and fled.
As the players approach the building (20 ft. from the •  I keep myself hidden down here because I don’t
walls) they encounter 1d4+1 Boggles (Appendix B; want to hurt people with my Wild Magic. It’s
VGtM pg. 128) here.
128) here. An Intelligence (Nature) check unpredictable and has resulted in death and pain.
DC 13 will allow a character to recall that these
creatures show up when an intelligent being feels
Fee-Ree will sell the player jellied newt for 1 GP per
lonely. They are incredibly mischievous. The Boggles
jar. If asked about the ceremonial knife, she will
will engage the party and try to steal an item, making
full use of their slippery and sticky abilities before show
silver it to the
blade player.
and a redThis knife
leather has ainscribed
handle curved, dark
retreating and escaping through an opening using
a few arcane runes. It is called the Bent Knee.
Knee. It is a
their Dimensional Rift. 
+1 dagger, and once per day, its bearer can cast an
alternate Charm Person spell against a DC16
This encounter will likely leave the party exposed as Wisdom saving throw. When charmed by the blade’s 
Fee-Ree comes out to investigate the noise and spell, instead of regarding the caster as a close
encounters them. friend, the target regards them as a trusted superior
and will defer to them as much as possible and
reasonable. A caster issuing an order that would
result in the target harming itself ends the effect.

Fee-Ree will be hesitant to part with the knife if she

believes the players will return it to Stellarin. A
sufficient Persuasion or Intimidation (Charisma)
check will influence her to part with the blade.

Inside the hut, the player can find 3 jars of Jellied

Newt, a gold locket with the image of a smiling male
Dragonborn inside worth 2 GP, sundry household
items, and a journal recounting Fee-Ree’s ‘affliction’
of Wild Magic, her growing solitude, her run-in with
Stellarin, and the encounter’s aftermath.  

The Keepers have been observing the first two mini
adventures and avoiding direct intervention, but
they will certainly make themselves known if the
players recover the Bent Knee. They will demand
that the characters turn over the evil item. They do

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not want to see such an item fall back into the interesting all crystalline. You ’re sure you want
possession of the unscrupulous wizard.   him changed? Serephina demands that you tell her
The party may wish to use the blade against the •  (Looking at Garren) You don’t want it to kill you?
wizard, but the Keepers will advise against this, We all die eventually! (Well, your kind at least).
knowing another way for them to find what they’re You’ll have to do better. What do you want to do
searching for. with this new lease on life?
•  (Indicating the player) Why should I help this
In return for the blade, they will offer
of fer to help Garren Garren?
with his condition. His Crystalline Curse is getting •  There is a price, of course, for such a favor. (The
worse and Stellarin doesn’t seem as capable of nymph pauses, studying the PC and Garren
helping as he claims, adding urgency to the carefully.) Why, what a pretty amulet you have
negotiations. If they agree to give up the knife, the about your neck! Give it to Serephina.
Keepers will offer to escort the party to the Nymph’s Attempting to fight this Nymph is likely suicide. One
Grove. such hostile action will be met with her Stunning
Beauty ability and a warning. A second will likely
result in player death. 
Rare Beauty, A Decision
The party can confront Stellarin, but he is rather Developments- 
unremorseful. He likely teleports away if the party Should the player refuse to sacrifice the amulet,
comes with the threat of violence. Garren will look sad and take the nym ph’s
outstretched hand, moving towards her into the pool
The Keepers pool.
the nymph’s can direct a nearly
Her grotto immobile
is just inside Garren to
the Cloud with increasing difficulty, his fate uncertain. Perhaps
to be healed and begin life a third time in the
Peaks on the edge of the Veiled Wood at a t the base of a Feywild? Perhaps to become a beautiful statue
small waterfall.  decorating the bottom of the nymph’s pool?  

As the sound of falling water greets your ears, your Should the player sacrifice the amulet, the nymph
party emerges from the dense forest and are greeted gestures Garren forward. He looks back at the player
by the breath-taking spectacle of a pristine pool of with a sad smile, touched by their generosity
water. The vibrancy of the colors here is almost towards him, and descends into the pool with her. A
uncomfortable.  long silence hangs in the air, when suddenly a dark-
skinned human male surfaces, gasping for air and
The Nymph, Serephina, can indeed help Garren with pulling himself onto the shore. He is clutching the
his curse, but being a powerful fey, must have her player’s amulet. Garren can explain that it was the
way first. This provides an excellent chance for high- idea of the sacrifice, the player’s willingness to part
stakes roleplaying.  with their prized possession, that was sufficient
payment for the nymph. 
Chaotic good fey, medium  The end of this adventure marks the beginning of
Impossibly long blonde hair, light blue skin that grows many new ones for your duet. If you decide to
darker at her extremities, and doe-like piercing
p iercing dark continue this arc, there are several threads the
blue eyes  player may be keen to investigate.  
Serephina will greet those that respectfully What is the nature of this amulet?
approach an audience, though she does love to tease How and why was the player misteleported?
and obscure her intent. Serephina has a few What is going on in Amn in my absence?
questions for the party, and sometimes she likes to Who laid the Crystalline Curse on Garren? Are there
talk in the third person for added mystery and others like him?
•  (To the PC and Garren) Yes, Serephina can help
with this affliction, though he is so handsome and

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Appendix A

Unless otherwise noted, each square equals 5 ft.

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Garren Bronson (Level 3 Paladin)

Medium male human, Lawful Good 
18 (Chain mail & shield)  
Armor Class 
28 (3d10 + 4)
Hit Points 
Speed  30


16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)

Skills:  Athletics +5, Insight +3, Intimidation

Intimidation +4, Medicine
Medicine +3
Saving Throws: Wisdom +3, Charisma, +4 
Senses: Passive Perception 11
Languages:  Common, Dwarvish
Challenge:  1/2

Spellcasting. Garren is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with
spell attacks). He has the following paladin spells prepared:
1st level (2 slots): bane*, command, wounds, heroism, hunter’s mark*  
command, cure wounds,

*Oath of Vengeance Spells

Lay on Hands . As an action, Garren can draw power fromf rom his pool of divine energy and restor
e up to 15 hit
h it points to a
creature of his choice. Alternatively, he expends 5 of those points to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one
poison affecting it. The pool replenishes when he takes a long rest.
Divine Smite. When Garren hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, he can expend one spell slot to deal radiant
damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is worth 2d8 for a 1 st-level spell slot.
The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend.  

•  Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.  
Flametongue Longsword. Melee
Hit: 13
 13 (1d8 + 3) slashing + 2d6 fire damage.
•   Ab ju re En emy . As an action, Garren presents his holy symbol and speak a prayer of denunciation, using his
Channel Divinity. Garren chooses one creature within 60 feet of him that he can see. That creature must make
a Wisdom saving throw, unless it is immune to being frightened. Fiends and undead have disadvantage on this
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While
frightened, the creature’s speed is 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed. On a successful save, the
creature’s speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.
•  Vow of Enmity. As
Enmity. As a bonus action, Garren can utter a vow of enmity against a creature he can see within 10
feet of him, using his Channel Divinity. Garren gains advantage on attack rules against the creature for 1 minute
or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious.  

•  Protect. When a creature Garren can see attacks an ally within 5 feet of him, he can use his reaction to impose
Protect. When
disadvantage on the attack roll.  

Character Description: Garren
Description: Garren Bronson is a devoted paladin
pala din of Torm, god of duty, loya
lty, and righteousness. He is naturally
protective, and his years of military service make him instinctively guard the PC from the dangers they face in the outside
world. He is compassionate and insightful, and desires to inspire courage and confidence in those around him. If the PC is
nervous or frightened, he will try to comfort them and assure them of their safety, even in the face of danger. Garren will not
hesitate to risk his life to protect the PC. He must remain near the PC’s Amulet of Binding or be returned to a crystalline state.

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Remmy Sullivan (Rogue) 

Medium male human, Chaotic Good  

Armor Class  13  (Cloth tunic + Dex) 

20  (3d8 + Con) 
Hit Points 
Speed  30 


9 (-1)  16 (+3)  11 (+0)  14 (+2)  13 (+1)  15 (+2) 

Skills:  Acrobatics +7, Deception +4,

+4, Insight +3, Investigation
Investigation +4,
+4, Sleight
of Hand +7, Stealth +5
Senses: Passive Perception 15
Languages:  Common
Challenge:  1/8 (25 XP) 

Sneak Attack . Once per turn, Remmy can deal an extra

2d6 damage to one creature he hits with an attack if he
has advantage on the attack roll. He doesn’t need
advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target
is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and
Remmy doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.  

Cunning Action . Once per turn, Remmy can take a bonus

action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.

•  Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
Dagger. Melee
ft., one target 
Hit: 5
Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. 

•  Disguise Kit. Remmy
Kit. Remmy adds 2 to checks he makes
with a disguise kit. 

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Variant —Spellcasting . The nymph is a 7 th-level spellcaster. Its

spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
spell attacks). The nymph has the following spells prepared from
the druid spell list: 

Cantrips (at will): poison spray, resistance, shillelagh  

1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, faerie fire  
2nd level (3 slots): heat metal, lesser restoration, moonbeam  
3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, plant growth, sleet storm  
4th lev
el 1 slo
slott : con
trol water
water halluc
tor terrain 

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 Amulet of Bi
Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)
While attuned to this amulet, you can use an action to summon forth Garren Bronson. If Garren drops to zero hit
points, instead of falling unconscious, he returns into the Amulet of Binding. You may also dismiss Garren back into
the amulet using your action. However, if dismissed in this fashion, Garren cannot be called forth again until after a
long rest.

Ring of Mage Hand 

Wondrous Item, uncommon
While wearing this ring, you can cast the mage hand  spell
 spell by using an action to expend one of its charges. The ring
has a total of five charges and regains 1d4 at dawn.

The Bent Knee 

Dagger, rare (requires attunement)
A +1 dagger. Once per day, its bearer can cast an alternate Charm Person spell
Person spell against a DC16 Wisdom saving throw.
When charmed by the blade’s spell, instead of regarding the caster as a close friend, the target regards them as a
trusted superior and will defer to them as much as possible and reasonable. A caster issuing an order that would
result in the target harming itself ends the effect.

Staff of the Grotto 

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid or a fey)
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and da mage rolls made with it.
While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.
The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you
expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its magical properties and becomes a nonmagical
 Spells. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff’s charges to cast one of the following spells from it,
using spell save DC 16: awaken
awaken (5 (5 charges), conjure woodland beings (6 charges), pass
charges), pass without trace (2 charges), sleet
storm (3 charges), suggestion
charges), suggestion (4
 (4 charges)

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history of the young boy who was brought to their

Appendix C- door one chilly night; he seemed as though he had
experienced some sort of trauma, and all he could

Garren’s Backstory  communicate was his name, Garren.

In his later years as a hero, when given the chance to

address cheering populaces, he would return to that
initial kindness he had been shown by the two men
OathHistory of Garren
of Vengeance Bronson,
Paladin of Torm
and encourage others to follow their example. Their
lack of selfishness saved his life, allowing him to save
many others; this was the foundation of his
Note to DM: Garren himself is unaware of this history, understanding of law and justice.
but we thought it would be helpful
h elpful to have something
to work from as your campaign and storyline move In Garren’s early adolescence, the struggles between
 forward. Though he doesn’t remember
remember many of these the gods and among mortals intensified. Erdin and
events, he has still been shaped by them, and they are Bratis, in service to their city, turned their barn into
 part of his character. Ideally,
Ideally, Garren will slowly a hospital for wounded soldiers. Garren was
regain his memories and be able to share them with enchanted by the battle-hardened men he met,
the PC. though later he would look back and realize they had
only been a few years
y ears older than he was at the time.
One of the advantages of Garren not having very many As the battlefields grew ever larger, the recruitment
memories is that it creates lots of opportunities for the ages decreased, leading to Garren being drafted into
 player, through the PC, to fill
fill in details about the a regiment when he was fifteen. He assured his
shared world. All of it is new to Garren, and so the adopted parents that he would be careful, and they
 player can speak customs and personal
personal or national watched him striding off to his training camp, unable
histories into being during their conversations with to shake the feeling that he would never return.
the paladin.
Being naturally tall and strong and hardier still from
 As his memories return, Garren may choose different
different the labor on the farm, Garren quickly made an
 paths for himself, especially because
because he feels a impression on his commanders. There was a
responsibility to protect the PC. Though in some ways knowing depth behind the boy’s eyes; he had seen
his division between good and evil or conception of and understood much more of the world than his
 justice is rather black and while,
while, he is also wise, sheltered peers. One promotion followed another,
thoughtful, and intelligent,
intelligent, and will make a great and after a few short years, Garren was made the
companion for helping the PC adapt to a life of captain of his own unit. Even better, his first mission
adventuring. would be to return to the city of his birth to protect
it from ever-looming threats from the outside.
Back in the years preceding the Spellplague, when
the deities sensed a shift among themselves and in But the leaders and strategists had once again
the balance of power, select warriors joined the misunderstood Cyric and his trickery, believing that
gods’ Chosen to further the causes of goodness and the city would face its greatest challenge from afar
justice, the highest callings of their loyalty. These rather than within. Politicians turned against one
positions of honor exempted the soldiers from a another, priests betrayed their congregations,
responsibility to a city or nation-state, calling them neighbors falsely accused one another of crime and
far from home to engage in epic deeds, risking their absconded with all the family’s valuables in the
lives for the fate of the world. night.

One such soldier grew up on a farm located in the In Garren’s home, among Erdin, Bratis, and all the
distant outskirts of a prosperous city. The owners, children he had regarded as friends and siblings,
Erdin and Bratis, took in orphan children who would who looked up to him as their mentor, the
th e deceit
otherwise fall victim to the more unsavory parts of took a particularly unfortunate turn. Whether the
the city and taught them to till the land and
a nd provide warriors were bewitched, secret agents, or
for themselves and their neighbors. No one knew the traumatized beyond discernment, Garren’s parents

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had been right about him not being able to return success was enough for the raging spirit within the
home; they had just misguessed the reason. warrior. No amount of good could absolve him of the
debts he laid against himself.
One night, as tempers flared throughout the city,
several of the wounded soldiers turned on their At the height of his own ability, when he was a
fellowes, creating in-fighting and panic that spread legendary fighter almost on par with the gods
across the farm. The braziers burning in the barn to themselves, a clever series of traps were laid before
provide comfort to the weary and wounded in the Garren, one of several victims of such schemes. To
hours of darkness overturned in the fray, igniting the the dark deities and their allies, Cyric and Shar in
hay and wood and quickly engulfing the structure. particular, the greatest weakness of their foes lay in
The flames spread across the late summer grasses, their dependence on and affection for mortal
dried by the sunny days leading into harvest, and lit creatures. But this would prove the moment of their
the main house and outbuildings as well. Bratis was great triumph. They would not kill the warriors
killed ushering children out of one of the structures outright —no, that would only serve to make them
when a beam fell and crushed him from f rom above. martyrs or invite a show of mercy through
Erdin, in his dismay searching for his partner, failed resurrection. Instead, Cyric proposed, they would
to discern that the soldier running at him was not separate the heroes from their souls, making it
fleeing in terror but sprinting in anger. He turned to impossible for them to be resurrected, especially
show the panicked man the way to safetysaf ety but was following the sundering of much of Faerun itself.
cut down instead. Judging by the footprints, many of
the children survived, but the trails to them were Garren was led through a series of dangers, all the
lost in the unrest and riots of the city. while believing he was growing closer to one of the
head lieutenants of his enemies. The men and
Garren returned a few days after the worst of the women serving beside him died off one by one to the
turmoil subsided. He had pushed his regiment to forces surrounding them until only Garren himself
travel ever faster the last few days on the
th e road, was left. His might weakened and energy spent over
ov er
concerned, like his soldiers, that their messages the days tracking his prey through the mountains, he
were going unanswered. Even if they had known, fought powerfully and bravely, but it was not
they would have been too far away to make it back enough. However many he struck down, more would
in time, but such facts proved little comfort. take their place. In the final moments of the battle,
they taunted him to call down his god, to cry out for
In his anguish at the destruction of his home and all aid that he might be avenged or saved. His oath
those he held dear, those he had sworn to protect,
p rotect, called him to protect and defend the greatest good,
Garren threw his helmet to the side, crying out as he and his faith placed Torm above himself. And so
fell to his knees in frustration. That day, his sword Garren stopped, giving himself over to his enemies
clutched between his hands, his only remaining that his deity might continue on and not be
b e caught
support, he swore to the gods that if they would up in the Spellplague’s destruction.
allow him, he would enact vengeance on his foes.
But all magic comes at a cost. When Cyric and Shar
The men surrounding him saw a beam of light engulf murdered the goddess of magic herself, their own
their leader, so bright they had to shield their eyes actions spiraled out to Garren and those like him.
and could only just make out his silhouette. Garren, The bonds holding the souls of the heroes weakened,
however, witnessed his sword burst into flames and and the fracturing magic entered a few ancient
felt himself swell with power. The symbol of a white items. The fleeing gods had heard their heroes’ silent
gauntlet for the right hand emblazoned itself on his cries; they would live on to fight again, one day when
shield, covering over the flag of his region—Torm the world most needed them.
had accepted the warrior’s oath and would aid him
on his quest.

The young paladin grew in power, so much so that

he surpassed his mentors in record time. His
intuition was keen for discerning the greatest
threats to the forces of the light, but no amount
a mount of

document for personal use only .  Third Time’s the Charm

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