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Realizing The 5G FWA Growth Opportunity

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The key takeaways are that FWA has great potential to deliver broadband to unserved and underserved areas, it is currently the largest 5G use case after mobile broadband, and growing volumes are helping reduce costs.

The opportunities for FWA include connecting unconnected homes and businesses, providing service to secondary homes, and replacing cable, fiber, DSL and serving SMEs.

The choices of indoor vs outdoor CPE impact premises costs, coverage/capacity through cell size, and factors like installation time and average contract duration that influence profitability.



Realizing the 5G FWA

growth opportunity
Extract from the Ericsson Mobility Report
Business Review edition
February 2023
2 Consumer Ericsson Mobility Report | Business Review edition | February 2023

Realizing the 5G FWA

growth opportunity

There is a very large unserved market in broadband

for both households and enterprises worldwide, with
more than a billion addressable connections.

Key findings are as follows: The underserved:

Key insights • The uptake in North America is FWA is in many cases an
particularly strong, with accelerating alternative to wired broadband.
• With 5G efficiencies, FWA has an connection growth over 2022. • Cable: FWA is an alternative for cable
expanding addressable market • Many service providers are launching subscribers when there is no other choice
worldwide, with great potential to 5G FWA in Europe, with strong of fixed broadband provider, with lower
deliver broadband in unserved and market uptake in Italy, Austria and cost and/or higher speeds.
underserved areas. the Nordic countries. • Fiber: FWA can be viable where there is
• FWA is currently the largest 5G use • There is strong momentum in the only one fiber provider and consumers
case after mobile broadband in Middle East, particularly in Kuwait, want choice.
terms of uptake. Oman and Saudi Arabia. • DSL replacement for service providers
• The growing volumes of FWA • In Australia and Japan, strong delivering broadband over copper-based
connections worldwide are helping connection growth is being local loops to provide higher speeds and
to reduce the cost of CPE, which in captured by all service providers. reduced network operation costs.
turn further drives uptake. • Emerging market launches have begun • The SME opportunity is typically
following spectrum awards, including for connectivity solutions, primarily
several populous markets such as addressing premises with fewer than
As one of the largest 5G use cases, Mexico, Nigeria and South Africa. 100 employees. Some service providers
monetization of FWA has already begun, include value-added services on top
and attention has shifted to momentum, FWA opportunities of connectivity solutions, including
opportunities, positioning and profitability. The potential revenue growth from FWA security, SD-WAN and IT services
is from a combination of six typical market (such as Microsoft 365). For larger
FWA global momentum opportunities, broadly divided into the enterprises, Wireless WAN solutions offer
Estimated service provider revenues from unserved and the underserved. even more complementary opportunities.1
Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) worldwide
of USD 27 billion in 2022 are projected to The unserved:
reach USD 67 billion by 2028, a CAGR • Connecting unconnected homes
of 16 percent. The growth potential (~1 billion households without fixed
from FWA is especially attractive as it broadband globally) and businesses in
leverages mobile broadband assets emerging markets as well as rural areas
to a large degree. of more developed markets.
High-speed mobile broadband • Secondary homes, as many people want
coverage of 4G and 5G has opened up broadband connectivity for leisure
opportunities for service providers to and/or work. As an example, Norway has
deliver broadband services to homes some 400,000 cottages and Sweden just
and small and medium-sized enterprises over 600,000 secondary homes (around
(SMEs) via FWA. Research data from 12 percent of permanent homes).
139 countries show that more than
three-quarters of service providers are
now offering FWA services. Nearly
one-third are offering it over 5G,
compared to one-fifth a year ago. 5G FWA
has been launched on all continents.

Please see page 30 to find out more about Wireless WAN.
3 Consumer Ericsson Mobility Report | Business Review edition | February 2023

Speed-based tariff plans offer subscription is valid, it will continue to work. enabling remote configuration and fault
enhanced FWA monetization The subscription normally reuses mobile management from a customer service
FWA is typically offered with either a broadband paradigms, possibly with center over standard protocols.
volume-based or a speed-based higher data allowances to cater for The price plan is in line with fixed
tariff structure. a household’s needs. broadband offerings. In terms of
In a volume-based case, the household For a speed-based offering, the positioning, speed-based offerings can
customer premises equipment (CPE) is household CPE is ideally a 4G/5G device have higher prices than volume-based
usually an indoor wireless device with 4G mounted on the exterior of the home. offerings, with price levels in line with
or 5G connectivity, and a Wi-Fi router Typically, it includes an advanced antenna fixed broadband offerings available
(or LAN cabling) within the home. The arrangement to improve performance, in the market.
device and subscription may be nomadic, connected to a Wi-Fi router within the Moreover, speed-based FWA
meaning the subscriber can move the device home. It is normally managed according connections are usually marketed to
to a different location, and as long as the to the fixed broadband paradigm, verified locations, where the network
capacity and performance are
dimensioned to deliver on the agreed
service levels. Finally, subscription
agreements are generally only valid
in the subscribed location.

5G FWA is being
launched across all
continents and is
the most popular
5G use case after
mobile broadband.
4 Consumer Ericsson Mobility Report | Business Review edition | February 2023

Monetization strategies Figure 11: FWA solutions addressing a variety of speed and price tiers
As with fixed broadband, segmentation of
the FWA market is critical to target a broad
variety of market opportunities. As a result, Relative ARPU
service providers use a mix of offerings broadband)
with different price and speed tiers to
target different segments. Such speed-based
5G outdoor CPE
tiers are achieved primarily by using a 5x
combination of technologies (including 4G
and 5G) and CPE alternatives (including
indoor and outdoor). 4x
Figure 11 depicts offerings from service
providers in four different countries, 4G outdoor CPE
categorized by relative ARPU and speed. 3x
Relative ARPU is based on the ratio of FWA 4G indoor CPE

tariffs to the equivalent mobile broadband

ARPU to adjust for local market conditions 2x
and exchange rates. Entry-level offers 5G indoor CPE
are based on 4G using indoor CPE, where
speeds in these examples are between 1x
5 and 20 Mbps and prices range from 1 10 100 1,000
1 to 2.3 times mobile broadband ARPU Speed (Mbps)
levels. High-end offerings are based on
5G using outdoor CPE, with speed tiers Service providers’ market positioning discounts (such as tariff reductions) and
from 100 to 500 Mbps and tariffs ranging also influences home broadband pricing. incentives (such as free installation or a
from 3 to 5 times the mobile broadband Service providers that are market leaders or period of free service).
ARPU levels. hold a strong incumbent position typically Figure 12 illustrates these competitive
command a price premium over new dynamics in a European market,
Price positioning entrants and challengers – driven by brand comparing 4G FWA, 5G FWA and fiber
Price positioning is driven primarily by the perception and market performance. As tariff plans across various speed levels.
local broadband market dynamics and the a result, challengers’ pricing tends to be Both the incumbent and the challenger
home broadband pricing itself is mainly pitched at a lower level (for example, with a are converged service providers, and
related to advertised download speeds. lower tariff or more data for the same price), the incumbent holds the price premium
Higher speeds command higher prices and this applies across technologies position. Figure 12 clearly shows that
across all available technologies, whether and speed tiers. the challenger’s services are priced
fiber, cable, xDSL or FWA. The variety of Home broadband pricing is also lower than those of the incumbent. It
speed-based tariff plans enables service affected by competition at local level, in also shows how 4G FWA and 5G FWA
providers to address different customer contrast to mobile broadband, where prices complement each other to address
needs and segments, at a variety of price are set at a regional or national level. multiple segments. 5G FWA pricing
points. Service providers generally use Home broadband competition is set at the follows fiber pricing between 100 and
xDSL and 4G FWA to target download address level, which defines the availability 200 Mbps, with 5G FWA priced above
speeds below 100 Mbps, while fiber and of speed tiers and alternatives. As a result, fiber in higher-speed tiers to monetize
5G FWA are used to target speed tiers of national list prices can be adjusted to the high-speed tariff plans in locations that
100 Mbps and above. local competitive environment through do not have fiber available.

Figure 12: Price positioning in the fixed broadband market – example

4G FWA 5G FWA Fiber Incumbent Challenger



(relative to price 150%
for incumbent fiber
connection 100
Mbps DL) 125%


0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Advertised DL speed (Mbps)
5 Consumer Ericsson Mobility Report | Business Review edition | February 2023

Optimizing profitability associated with larger cells reaching FWA – a future-proof technology
through choice of CPE more households, providing faster and FWA has emerged as the most popular
FWA profitability is affected by CPE choices more predictable broadband speeds than 5G use case after mobile broadband,
determining premises and network costs as indoor CPE and therefore commanding with leading service providers scaling
well as revenue drivers. higher prices. and monetizing the 5G connectivity
Premises costs relate to the direct costs opportunity. Its competitiveness is based
of connecting a home or other type of Finding the right mix of on three scale advantages:
premises. They include the cost for the CPE, indoor and outdoor CPE 1. FWA leverages 5G’s multi-use case
where indoor CPE tends to cost less than Outdoor CPE allows better spectral efficiency network scale, enabling service providers
outdoor CPE as it includes less expensive compared to indoor CPE. While it may be to make shared investments to monetize
antenna components. Installation cost is an absolute necessity to have outdoor CPE multiple use cases, spreading risks and
another parameter, with indoor CPE having for homes in some locations, there are other lowering initial upfront investments to
an advantage as there are no associated places, such as those close to a base station, new use cases.
costs, or only minor ones such as eventual where indoor CPE can be quite sufficient. 2. FWA leverages the scale of the global
call center support for self-installation. In cost-sensitive cases (like low-ARPU 5G device ecosystem, reaching 1 billion
While outdoor CPE often comes with a areas) or where TTM is crucial, it makes connections in 2022 (2 years faster
self-installation app, users might prefer sense to deploy indoor units, which are than 4G measured from its launch),
professional installation. typically cheaper and faster to deploy. For enabling affordable devices and a
Network cost includes all costs related example, if the available spectrum is large, broad device ecosystem.
to FWA for a RAN site (and proportion a first approach could be to provide indoor 3. 5G FWA leverages the scale of the
of other elements such as packet core). CPE to most homes, with an option to 3GPP innovation ecosystem, bringing
Outdoor CPE, with its higher spectral replace them later with outdoor units billions of dollars of R&D investment and
efficiency compared to indoor CPE, as required. new spectrum to higher capacity and
enables two to three times more FWA On the other hand, if the number of performance of devices and networks.
connections per site. As a result, unitary potential customers in an area is large
network cost per CPE can be two to three relative to the available spectrum, it might To highlight the third point, one of the
times lower for outdoor CPE than indoor be worth identifying customers who would latest 3GPP innovations has been
CPE. Some service providers mitigate benefit the most from outdoor CPE during the millimeter wave extended range
the drawbacks of indoor CPE by adding the sales process. The improved spectral functionality, enabling FWA connectivity
external antennas, including upgrades efficiency of outdoor CPE typically boosts at gigabit speeds over 11 km.
to external antennas at a later stage for range, which in turn increases coverage and In summary, 5G service providers are
high-end and cell edge users. the potential customer base, and well positioned to serve the more than
Time to market (TTM) is the first drives up the proportion of outdoor CPE. 1 billion premises that currently lack
revenue driver, as it impacts uptake of In one case study, when the fast and reliable broadband, closing
customers. Speed of deployment is a key 20 percent worst-located connections the digital divide and empowering
differentiator for FWA, with CPE choices from a radio signal strength perspective consumers and enterprises.
also affecting that parameter. Indoor CPE were assigned outdoor CPE, the average
would generally enable a faster TTM as number of connections per cell could be
there is no need for onsite installation. increased by around 60 percent, while
Another parameter is related to customer the capacity doubled when only outdoor
lifetime value, where outdoor CPE is CPE was used. Even though results are
generally correlated with longer customer dependent on individual case parameters,
contracts and lower churn compared this example indicates the effects of mixing
to indoor CPE. Finally, outdoor CPE is indoor and outdoor units.

Figure 13: CPE choices impacting profitability in three areas

Optimal Manageable Pain point (mitigation)

Premises cost Network cost Revenue drivers

(= CPE cost + CPE installation) (= Network capex / homes connected) TTM, ARPU, lifetime value and coverage

CPE cost CPE installation Incremental capex per site TTM ARPU Lifetime value Coverage
Chipset, Call center Radio, baseband, transmission Installation Dependent Average Larger cells
antenna support, site visit and deployment services divided lead time on volume- or contract reaching more
and router and transportation by connections multiplied speed-based duration households
by revenues tariff structures and SMEs with
outdoor CPE

CPE (external antenna) (multiple offerings)

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